#they're married. in My opinion
linneastarron · 1 year
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i made this over a year ago wtf do you mean i never posted this picture of my fave team rocket leaders
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seleneprince · 2 months
Regardless if Eris marries Nesta out of ambition or love, one thing remains the same: He doesn't push her to have sex with him or get pregnant. He's not a saint, but he's decent enough to prefer when a woman actually WANTS him before sleeping with her.
Nesta was raised to see children as another duty to fulfill once she married, and after Nyx's birth, she has some heavy feelings about pregnancy, and she tells Eris that much. He respects it and agrees to wait until she's ready, until she genuinely wants to be a mother. When they sleep together, they both take precautions and make sure to not take risks.
Eris has no problem arguing with Beron if the man tries to pressure Nesta into giving them an heir, making it one of the few times he actually fights his father back. And that's the first time Nesta imagines herself having kids with him because seeing him standing up like that for her sake made her feel things
If they get married out of love, this process is even smoother because they just enjoy their time together by going into a long romantic honeymoon, away from everything. Eris has brothers after him, so it's not like he needs to conceive a child urgently, and Nesta always wanted to see the world first. It's only years after their marriage that they finally take that step, because Nesta begins to imagine her own family with Eris really often and the man is downright having a baby fever because of Elucien's kids.
The moment they start trying, they barely take breaks from it. They take this matter very seriously. Nesta falls pregnant within the month and gives birth to twin daughters.
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raelyn-dreams · 11 months
Pretty 5 is so beloved bc we have:
Arashi "I dream of being a beautiful woman and also had explicit attraction to girls and my male teacher" Narukami.
Tori "I'm in love with my unit leader but he's in an arranged marriage to my sister and I feel selfish for wishing it was me" Himemiya.
Mika "I'm going to live with my beloved partner in Paris as a direct parallel to the life his queer grandfather never got to have" Kagehira.
Hiyori "I'm a princess in the units with the most fanservice imaginable and almost kissed my partner in an mv 3 times" Tomoe.
And Aira "I blush over idol fanservice and am a tsundere towards my unit leader and enamored with my former online friend" Shiratori
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
“cody only has under an hour of screen time in all of star wars” maybe to you he does. to me he's the main character
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bitegore · 2 months
ok this isnt meant to be a dig or anything but it's always really funny to me when people like just cracking 30 are like "omg you're in your early twenties, you're a babyyyyyy"
babe you're like barely 30, you're a baby too. You're a blink and a half older than me. I spend too much time around people over 50, the difference between 23 and 33 is a few years at a job and a little more distance from living in your parents' house but it's like, nothing. the gap closes every time you breathe and every time i move. the difference between you and me is like one-fifteenth the difference between you and my dad's friend Joe or whatever. don't worry you'll get to live more life too, but don't kid yourself.
and this is doubled when it's coming from a 25-year-old currently experiencing a crisis of age because they're soooo old, they're 25, the horror! You are twenty-five. We have an age difference of three years. Your concern over this is embarrassing for you and highly entertaining for me. But like don't kid yourself here. You are 25. You are a like a fucking baby to me.
#red rambles#when i was 18 all my friends were grad students#i think my youngest close "peer'' friend was 27#when i was 19 it was covid and almost all my friends were distant people i knew online and then the age gap between me and my oldest friend#got even wider!#when i was 20 i stayed with my grandma for several months and i'm still friends with a bunch of her friends! i got a standing invitation to#a neighbor's house to shoot the shit with her and she's like 55 and she's the youngest of the people in my grandma's social circle i'm all#buddy-buddy with!#i was learning new knitting tecniques from someone in her late 80s!#You are like a little baby to me watch this [hits on a man around three times my age] [hits on a woman almost three times my age] i'd say#im hitting on enbies 3x my age here but i actually haven't met any out enbies that old yet. i think the youngest nonbinary person i know is#their forties and that's just 2x#wait no. i do know someone. but i haven't hit on them. not gonna steal valor LOL#if ur a cool recently-retired californian i cannot recommend coming to [city removed] to come get hit on by a 23 year old nonbinary tboy#but i wouldn't say it's off the table LOLLL#anyway.#point made i believe.#i'm sure i'll hit the Age Crisis one of these days and start being like omg... you're so *young* because you are so Small Number...#but the one i run into is just Omg... You are so Fucking Immature why do you think this problem Matters... and that one i get from everyone#ill be sitting there chatting with like 70yo retired married couples and be stricken with waves of utter disgust bc they're too concerned#with their neighbors' opinions and think it constitutes a legitimate issue if someone does things too differently when there are like.#real problems in this world LOL
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Let's talk about episode 11
I have SO many feelings about this episode for so many different reasons. So much happens, and it's hard to encompass everything into words, but I'll be damned if I don't try.
Starting off strong, let's talk about Yuuri's short program and the score he received on it.
I may have been the only one to notice this, but Yuuri's short program at the GPF in Barcelona was not given the usual amount of attention that it was at previous competitions. In regards to both animation and the commentary we usually get during the performances. A lot of it seemed rushed, almost like there was not as much time spent on it. Most of the focus was on Yuuri's second attempted quad flip, which he touched down for.
Yuuri received a score of 97.83 on this performance.
Now, I'm not a genius at figure skating. I only know what I know from Yuri on Ice, but doesn't the inclusion of a quad flip, especially in the second half of the program, boost the score?
Not to mention that Yuuri, as far as we know, skated a very clean program with very few to no mistakes other than when he touched down on the quad flip (which, as mentioned before, already boosts his score for even being included at all). When there are mistakes in a performance, they're typically addressed, and they're mentioned by the commentators or the performers inner monologue.
But there was no indication of anything actually being wrong with Yuuri's short program.
If anything, Oda and Morooka were all but singing Yuuri's praise during his performance, and seemed almost surprised to see that Yuuri hadn't scored higher.
So let's back track for a moment.
Yuuri skated a clean program.
There were no mistakes mentioned in any of the commentary made throughout his performance.
He added a freaking quad flip into the second half of the program, despite touching down.
When taking all of this into consideration, Yuuri's score makes absolutely no sense.
Previously, at other competitions, Yuuri's short program had received a personal best of 106, and that was without the quad flip. He had been consistently beating his PB every time he skated On Love: Eros. So for his score to jump so far backwards after skating a nearly perfect performance makes absolutely no sense.
They completely underscored him.
And I understand why they did it, but that doesn't mean I can't be pissed about it. Especially because of the way they underscored him.
They underscored Yuuri's short program to give Yurio the chance to break Victor's world record. And then they tried to make up for it by having Yuuri break Victor's world record during his free skate, only for him to lose because of how high Yurio's SP score was.
If Yuuri had scored just half a point higher on his SP, he would've won.
Now, I am very aware of why Yurio was the one who won. And I'm glad he did.
(well...sort of. Maybe I'd feel better about it if we had actually gotten a season 2...)
But if they were going to have Yuuri lose, they could've at least made it make sense as to why he lost. They could've easily had Yuuri make a few more mistakes because of his nerves, or even addressed the fact that he got screwed over, and it would've made much more sense. But leaving it completely unacknowledged makes it seem like he was underscored without any good reason.
I really hope I'm making sense here, because if I'm not, I'll cry.
Anyway, I digress. Moving on!
Now, let's address the events that followed Yuuri's SP score. More specifically, Victor's behavior for the rest of the night.
This has been a detail about the show that has bothered me since my first watch through. Let me explain.
After Yuuri's short program, when they receive his score at the kiss and cry, Victor asks himself what Yuuri needs from him, and wonders what he can do for him right then and there. It's a sweet moment of Victor being the concerned fiance we all know and love. It's obvious here that hes grown from his mistakes at the Cup of China, and has learned to be more mindful of Yuuri's emotions.
However, given this context, Victor's behavior throughout the rest of the performances completely backtracks all of that progress.
We all know that Victor isn't the most emotionally intelligent. He can be pretty tone deaf when it comes to emotions, and he tends to be a bit insensitive. But when he and Yuuri have their moment together in the parking garage at the Cup of China, he quickly learns that in order to truly be there for Yuuri, he has to learn how to support him through his anxiety, even if it means dealing with the discomfort that may come with seeing his lover so distraught.
Since then, Victor had done everything in his power to make sure he was supporting Yuuri as much as possible. An example of this is in episode 10, when it's shown to us that Victor has truly started understanding what Yuuri needs from him when he's dealing with anxiety by inner monologuing about watching over him.
And as mentioned before, he has a similar moment to this at the kiss and cry after Yuuri's gpf sp performance. This, again, being a major show of progress when it comes to Victor's character development.
But as mentioned before (again...), as soon as that progress is made, it's immediately reversed again just minutes later.
When Yurio kicks them out of the kiss and cry and takes the ice, there's a brief moment of tension between Victor and Yuuri when they find each other again after being separated for a brief period of time between performances.
Victor is shown intensely watching Yurio skate from a balcony (?) up in the stands. When Yuuri walks up the stairs and calls out to him, he freezes upon seeing Victor's expression.
This is a tense moment for a reason, and it holds a lot more weight to it than a lot of the fandom acknowledges.
This brief, but almost intimidating interaction between the two is over within seconds, but it sends Yuuri into a silent spiral of anxiety.
After Yuuri makes his presence known to Victor, and Victor urges them to find some seats to watch the rest of the programs, it's now Chris's time to take the ice.
The commentators mention Victor and Chris's friendly rivalry, and question how Victor must be feeling to watch Chris from the stands as a coach rather than a competitor. This sparks Yuuri's concern once more.
He begins to connect Victor's behavior from before, when he caught him watching Yurio skate, and right then, as he watches Chris skate. Whatever connection he silently drew between the two moments only seemed to cause him more stress.
So as Yuuri is silently spiraling next to him due to being outscored by both Chris and Otabek, Victor is completely ignoring him in favor of rubbing salt into the wound further by encouraging the other skaters more than his own.
It is obvious that Victor's complete lack of awareness of Yuuri's growing anxiety in these moments is having a significant negative impact on Yuuri's self confidence.
There is a clear conclusion we can draw here based on these interactions.
Seeing Victor react the way he did to Yurio's, Chris's, and Otabek's performances, led him to believe that Victor was disappointed in him and his score.
And while we know this isn't true, what other conclusion could Yuuri have come up with?
And it is probably because of this that Yuuri decided to bring up his retirement to Victor that night. He probably assumed that because of Victor's supposed disappointment, and his obvious longing to be back out on the ice himself, that he'd want to quit anyway.
At least, that's how I personally interpreted these moments. But regardless of how they're interpreted, there's a much bigger message behind them that's much less ambiguous.
And that message is that Victor still has a lot of work to do with his emotional and self awareness issues.
I love Victor to death, but he's not flawless. And episode 11 is a perfect example of that. He loves Yuuri so much, and he would never do anything to intentionally hurt him or tear him down. But he lacks self awareness, and it often leads to his true intentions being misinterpreted.
There's a lot more to say about what Victor's obviously unfinished character development says about what the plans for the show were, and how they connect and contrast the plans for Yuuri's character, but I'll save that for a different post.
All in all, this episode was incredibly frustrating to watch
Between Yuuri being underscored on his short program, and Victor being Victor, it was hard for me to not talk about it.
And let me know if you agree or disagree with any of this. I'm genuinely curious to know what other's thoughts and feelings on this episode were. Because I know that there's still much more about this episode that I could ramble about.
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ubejamjar · 4 months
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♬ If you like it then you should've put a ring on it ♬
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lesbiankordian · 1 year
(if u want u can specify which teen skk. like before stormbringer / dark era / etc. same with the rest)
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izvmimi · 5 months
baji is the groundskeeper???? where does he stay? does he ever get main house privileges?
he hasn't been relevant to me since i fell in love with deku but now he's just around when i need to think about a silly man (i just love nonsense headcanons with him every so often since he's unserious and my other faves are too like upstanding to apply certain kind of nonsense scenarios too)
he has zero main house privileges. i don't respect him but no one has the heart to truly throw him out. i have no idea where he stays.
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Okay. Let's talk about Kay in The Forgotten Turnabout.
I've mentioned in a post before how I think Kay doesn't have a purpose in AAI2 (as in, AAI was all about the Yatagarasu which is her story, but AAI2 generally has nothing to do with her, and you can see this change just by looking at how she's positioned in the promotional material for the two games:
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[left AAI; right AAI2.] In the left poster, while she's at Edgeworth's back, it's clear that they're both the main focus. In the right, though, she's on par with Gumshoe).
And I think the result of her slight lack of direction in the game culminates in what happens to her and her character in Forgotten.
From the beginning of AAI2, you can kind of tell that Kay was written to a bit different from how she was in AAI. She's still fairly consistent with how she was there, but the game kind of bounces between her original characterisation and her newer one, where she's slightly denser (see her calling the laser pointer a mole in Target, when she should definitely have known what it was; and them explaining to her what a prison is in Imprisoned like she wouldn't know??) and less concerned with maintaining formality around Edgeworth, although they haven't interacted since the end of AAI (see her partner opening line changing from "Yes?" to "Yeah, what's up?"). She also seems more eager for his approval (there are a few times when she questions/asserts her effectiveness as an assistant when I don't remember her ever doing that in AAI), and, overall just a little more like Maya.
In Imprisoned, when she freaks out, Kay hits Ray, which is notable because we've only seen her resort to violence before on purpose and as a child (whereas Mia/Maya have both hit people out of emotion). I'm not going to go through the whole game, but I bring it up because there's an argument to be made that they're trying to replicate the Phoenix-Maya dynamic and push the Dadworth interpretation in AAI2 -- probably because they realised it'd be popular with the fans -- and this comes to the forefront in Forgotten.
First, just a note about AA's amnesia cases. The thing about these cases is that they're usually done to explore some formerly unseen aspect of a character (as is with Phoenix and the one in DGS), BUT they're always true to the nature of the character (as is most clearly observed with Thalassa). This is... not so in Forgotten.
The parts about Kay that appear to remain in Forgotten are her politeness and sense of honour, both of which get dialed up to 11 and both of which we already know she possess. Everything else about her personality, though, is altered and has always reminded me of Iris (if you made a parody of Iris's soft and seemingly delicate nature). That's mostly because (1) they have similar sprites
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and (2) because they're rehashing Edgeworth's mini arc in T&T (which I don't mind because T&T did leave room for that concept to be explored further) where he acts as the defence for, you guessed it, Iris. Looking at it more closely, though, I can definitely see bits of Maya mixed in, too.
The most obvious parallel to Maya, and by extension Phoenix, here is that you act as a... not-prosecutor who defends their assistant from murder charges that even they think they might be guilty of (Reunion, and Turnabout, anyone?). Just like Reunion Maya, Forgotten Kay has poor self-esteem (albeit to a greater, comedic degree), thinks of herself as weak and useless, and becomes reliant on Edgeworth for both her emotional and situational needs (this is not a dig at Maya; she was in jail after having her first big channeling session result in death. Her reaction was natural).
Another less serious but obvious alteration made to make Kay seem more like Maya here is her relationship with food -- which I know sounds ridiculous but!! It's really what tipped me off to her Maya-fication to begin with!!!
You see, in Forgotten, there's a point where Kay talks about hamburgers:
Kay: Umm... OK. I remember a faint scent... It was a wonderful smell coming from the counter of a food stall... I followed the fragrance, only to find a perfectly sculpted burger, resting on two golden buns... The tender and juicy patty made my taste buds sing with joy... Yes, I can remember what I thought at that moment! ...I want seconds!
The thing about this that stands out to me is that you never get a line about food like this from Kay in AAI; and I know this, because not only is the only time Kay ever brings up food in AAI with regards to Swiss rolls (which are notably her favourite treats), you have the option of presenting food to her, which gives you this dialogue:
Kay: It's a box of Samurai Dogs, right? Ah, but see, I'm a Jammin' Ninja fan! So, while I would love to have one... I'm going to be strong and resist the urge!
She would have one but she'll refrain. It blatantly goes against how she acts in Forgotten, and it's so obvious that they only did that to make her more like Maya!!! They even use burgers!!!!
So why am I even getting all uppity about this? There's nothing wrong with being like Maya is there? She's a great character. And, yeah, she is, but the point of Kay is that she's meant to be a foil to Maya... and Edgeworth.
Both Maya and Edgeworth lost their parents at a very young age. So did Kay. But, unlike Maya and Edgeworth, Kay was specifically written to have had the emotional support and strength she needed to move on from her father's death. Her character was created in a way that shows how you can still love and respect a dead family member (and choose to continue their legacy) without being held back by grief and trauma the way Edgeworth largely is. By making amnesiac Kay behave in a way that is so self-deprecating and reliant on other people for her emotional needs, you are implying that this has been who she is deep inside all along and diluting that message of being able to move forwards while still holding onto your love for the people you've lost. It undermines the resilience that has been a part of Kay's core as a character from her conception, and basically flattens everything that makes her... Kay.
Now, this is obviously not great, but what really gets to me about this is that they didn't need to do this for the case to still work. They could have given Kay a milder form of amnesia, where she has a gap in her memory regarding why she was up on that roof and what happened, and the story would have largely functioned the same way. The only reason I can think of for why they do a complete 180 on her personality is because they wanted to use her to develop Edgeworth's character.
Because think about it: we've seen Kay put in a position where she's been accused of murder before, and that didn't affect our or Edgeworth's desire to save her. That drama and the feelings invoked by placing Kay at such risk would still exist; the only thing that would change is Kay's reaction to it. We know from Ablaze that she wouldn't just fold and rely on Edgeworth's help; she would fight back. Her behaviour in Forgotten just doesn't quite align with her usual character (aside from being extremely honourable and polite), which makes me wonder why they did it. And the only answer I can find is that it gives Edgeworth someone to 'save' in the greatest sense of that word (because, remember, she's also extremely emotionally vulnerable and dependent on him here) and furthers his development as a character.
You remember at the beginning when I said Kay didn't have a purpose in this game? I think the developers felt that, too, and they decided that her purpose would be to make Edgeworth a better person and strengthen his arc by giving him someone to protect, without really considering what this would do to her character. This case was never about Kay; it was always about Edgeworth. And, honestly, that should have been obvious from the very moment you realise that Kay is being granted an amnesia plotline, because that whole thing about amnesia in AA being used to reveal parts of a character previously unseen? Yeah, that was never going to work with Kay. Because Kay doesn't wear a mask. She is who she is... until she isn't.
Honestly, I've said pretty much everything I wanted to say about Forgotten and Kay, so thank you if you've read this far. I really appreciate it 💝💖💕 The rest of this is me basically talking about how this change affects my feelings on the game and this interpretation of the Kay-Edgeworth dynamic, so you can stop reading now if that doesn't interest you and still get the basic point of this post.
I suppose I'll start by reiterating that I do like AAI2 despite what it may seem. The characters it introduces are some of my favourites in the franchise, and, in fact, the actual plot of Forgotten with the PIC is my favourite part of the entire game. I thought it was brilliant, but I just needed to get this out because... I don't know, it was bothering me for some reason hskdhdj Like, AA has some amazing female characters, but I know better than to go into it expecting some kind of boundary-pushing piece of new feminist media, believe me; it doesn't surprise me that they used Kay to push Edgeworth's character forwards. It is his game, after all. But I guess it's just a little frustrating to see after they genuinely achieved something great with her characterisation in AAI only to... there's no less inflammatory way to put it, infantilise her? a little? for the sake of developing a male character?
(Especially when I don't think Edgeworth even needed it?? Like, I'm pretty sure he would have been just as adamant about saving her if she had been her normal self so mmm???? It was likely just done to make him seem liked he'd be a good father and up his popularity a bit more, honestly. As if he needed it).
Again, I have no issues with anyone who enjoys the father-daughter (or brother-sister) dynamics pushed by this case; it's literally in the text, I can't say you're wrong for it and like. My opinion shouldn't matter to you anyway! It's fandom, do what makes you happy. But I personally can't get past what is actually being suggested when the game, or fanworks, echo the traits grafted onto Kay in this case within them. Like what it means when she's essentially made to take a few steps back so she's less as at peace with her father's death than she was when we first met her, or less independent and self-assured than she usually is -- especially when this is done only for an older male character (most likely Edgeworth but it could be anyone) to come in and either see themselves in her, thus coming to a conclusion that helps them better themselves in some way, or take on a "fatherly" position that lets them comfort her back to a level of confidence she would usually be at anyway, while simultaneously coming across as being such a good person (which is usually the focus/point of these kinds of things).
And, like, if you don't see a problem with Kay's characterisation in this version of their relationship, that's perfectly fine! If you think I'm reaching and do enjoy the Dadworth dynamic for what it is, then please don't let me rain on your parade. My main thing is that I want better for Kay, and this case just didn't satisfy my need for that.
Anyway, yeah! That's pretty much it. Thank you so much for everyone who read all of this, and I hope you got some amusement out of it if nothing else. Feel free to tell me your thoughts, too!
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
#remind me to never ask my mother for opinions on absolutely anything ever again#i only wanted to see which illustration should go on my portfolio for kidlit art#and her wonderful opinion was to take out an illustration of two dudes EATING TOGETHER because and i quote#"gay relationships are not suitable for children books. it simply isn't their target audience''#does she need the list of the thousand of books that are literally about gay couples or about gay kids?!#they're not even like overtly gay they are literally eating together!!! (sure it is actually gay cause it's fanart of a bl but whatever lol#it's literally two guys sitting at the same table eating...#how is that not appropriate for children?!#also even if they were gettin married or whatever... how's that inappropiate?!#ALSO also i'm sick of reading in every illustration agency how they're looking for artists and writers and whatever who tackle queer storie#like sure i'm not gonna say gay people don't experience discrimination but it's not the fucking 50s... there are opportunities out there#idk i'm just so fuckin upset right now because she's saying I'M the one that's taking it bad#like the whole ''i'm not homophobic but.... blah blah''#and it drives me up the fucking walls to have to deal with this when the only thing i wanted was to have a char about which drawing looks#the best for a professional portfolio lol#anyways now out of fucking spite i'm gonna send all the gay ones i have lol#dkfjhkdfg#angel talks#personal#wish me luck on this email btw i need work!#dfkjghdfg
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feralsteddie · 2 years
So i need to hear about you Steve & Argyle friendship thoughts because I keep seeing them in your tags and I think they’re such an underrated duo that would probably get along so well together?????
ohmygod THANK YOU I’ve been waiting for an excuse to go off about them. Fics always leave out Argyle or have Steve just think he’s Jonathan’s weird friend and like, I get it, but we could do so much better guys
Like okay I have a couple of different ideas for them. One is nearly canon compliant (aka Hawkins still splits open so we still gotta wait on a boss fight, but Eddie lives, bc I said so) and the other is au where Vecna bites it, Eddie just got a lil nibbled, the charges got dropped, and everything is in the realm of fine. Gunna talk about the first one. This is definitely a bit of a mess of rambles. Enjoy.
It takes a while for them to actually have their first conversation, given everything.
Argyle is with Jon most of the time, who’s with his siblings in the cabin they’re fixing up, all hyperfocused on the impending return of Vecna and the town cracking open. Steve is running around the hospital between Max and Eddie’s room and threatening doctors if they even look at Eddie sideways or if he thinks Max isn't getting proper treatment.
So they just… don’t really cross paths. Argyle’s heard some of the stories about Steve from Jon, so he’s not too quick to go seek him out and Steve just could not care less about the other new guy along for the ride, he's too busy. Doesn’t even learn his name until about two weeks after they get to town and Robin dragged him by his ear to the cabin bc it was the only other place he'd relent to being at the moment.
Their first full conversation is actually about Argyle's daily foraging. He sees Argyle walking around, avoiding the traps and occassionally stopping to pick something and drop it in his bag. So, he's curious, and Steve's been friends with genius children and Robin long enough to be a good listener for things he doesn't quite get, but unlike the fifteen year old assholes Argyle seems cool with answering his questions.
With the ground kind of rotting out from the cracks in Hawkins, and the increasing likelihood the gov is gunna put up a quarantine any day now, they talk about how to best dry and keep things. Medicinal vs Food, how they can sub out ingredients in recipes for what they can find because it turned out they were both pretty damn good cooks.
From then on it just kind of turns into a Thing.
They both see how the other isn't really taken seriously by anyone in the group. Like, their respective best friends love them and don't look down on them, but there's always this kind of air that whenever they open their mouths they're gunna get some eyerolls. Argyle is the guy who can drive, Steve is the guy that gets hit a lot. They're not really necessary for planning.
So they help as much as they can in other places, together.
They make sure the group is fed, and sleeps, and doesn't do anything that raises their potential of being killed any more than necessary. (Joyce and Hop try, they really do, but they're busy harrassing government officials)
Jon hates how they get along, like, don’t get him wrong he knows Steve’s changed, is a good guy and all that, but come on Argyle is his best friend thanks and with how weird everything had been with Nancy he’d really like custody of Argyle back thanks.
Robin thinks it’s nice Steve has another friend their age, and knows how much easier having him around made getting used to the whole Monsters Are Real thing. (That being said, they require a certain amount of Robin-Steve one on one time or they WILL die. Or at the very least be insufferable to everyone around them)
Argyle got Steve into pineapple on pizza.
Steve braids Argyle’s hair whenever he needs to get it out of the way.
They talk to each other about their parental situations, about feeling like they’d never be what their parents wanted them to be. Argyle’s parents worked hard, wanted him to go to university and find a well-paying career; didn’t like that he was perfectly content with community college and kind of just wanted to open up his own restaurant one day. Steve's pretty sure his parents were disappointed the day he was born, and completely gave up by the time he only got back rejection letters. Argyle misses his, they were so worried when he’d gone missing for a few days, and their worry didn’t get any less when he finally called and told them where he was, but they’re not going to force him back. Steve’s parents still haven’t called, and he wonders if they remember that he’s still in Hawkins at all.
They don't hang out all the time. They've each got their respective best friends, and Argyle and Jon are usually the only two who manage to wrangle Mike, Will, and El. Who are constantly trying to sneak away to enact some half-baked plan they're sure will end it this time. Steve's got Dustin and Erica by the scruffs of their necks half the time, and his hands still full at the hospital the other.
They find out the two of them make a really good monster hunting pair though. Rob, Steve and Argyle end up on the same Team during scraps with the Upside Down Monsters. They've both got the most insane observation skills. Each quick on their feet and are really good with improvised weaponry. (Robin's able to fill in the pieces based on things they point out, is kind of the only one who really takes what they say seriously enough to utilise it.)
Argyle becomes the second person to come out to him on a bathroom floor while bloody. Argyle doesn't even really think anything of it, didn't even realise Steve hadn't known about his gigantic crush on Jonathan, just made an offhand joke about hoping his best friend thought the new gash on the side of his arm was as cool as the matching one he had with Nancy. They apent about an hour just talking about how he'd liked Jon from the moment he met him. Thought the awkward loner was cute and sweet and even after he found out he had a girlfriend back home he'd still wanted to be around him. Was content to be his best friend as long as he was happy, and did his best to move on with other people he could see himself caring for.
About a month after Eddie's back, Steve makes the third coming out to happen while bleeding on a bathroom floor. He'd kind of already known that he liked guys, but hadn't ever really thought too hard about it before. But he was having a bit of a freak out and Argyle and Rob both just squeezed into the dry bathtub with him. Let him have a full panic about liking a guy he'd kind of hated before spring break, a most likely straight guy who'd bodied a demodog that'd tried to sneak up on him and- hey did he mention just how hot that had been after they'd both calmed down from a mutual panic attack?
After that Rob, Argyle, and Steve will occassionally just get together to scream about their crushes. Robin still not sure what's happening with Vickie but they held hands guys, girls hold their friend's hands alll the time though right???
They smoke about it, a lot.py
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icannotgetoverbirds · 26 days
y'know i hate elon musk fans as much as the average leftist but you gotta admit they say some funny fucking shit.
today my teacher called him a "visionary" and said he was "no dummy". GURL?????
lol even his fans don't like his dumpster-looking sorry excuse for a car.
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lottieurl · 2 years
Did Jackie really love Shaunna or was her relationship with her based more on control/ownership, superiority?
right so outside of my inbox you're free to have whatever interpretation you want of this show and i'll just scroll and ignore it but you really came to My Inbox to bait me with that boring ass shit huh. for what reason. but anyways yeah let's talk about why that is blatantly untrue not only because it's contrary to the intention of literally every creator who spoke about it but also because of what we see on screen
so. you focused on jackie specifically. i somehow never see people (on here at least i don't ever leave this website it's scary out there) doubt shauna's love for jackie and that's been bothering me since like mid season 1 sooooo is it cause. let's face it. majority of tumblrinas were never a Popular Girl (no offense. i was not the popular girl either and very much more of a shauna - in terms of being in my bestie's shadow - in my own toxic best friendship)? like i have seen people vilifying jackie since i stepped my foot in this fandom over a year ago even when objectively she's one of the only characters who doesn't really do anything bad. even when the characters themselves confirm she wasn't a goddamn bitch like my god episode ONE of season one is them talking about wanting to freeze out a member and how jackie would be against it. but because people relate more to shauna and how she's in jackie's shadow there seems to be an urge to not give the same space to be messy and toxic (and still love!) to jackie that people give to shauna.
now am i saying that the way jackie loved shauna was Definitely Healthy or whatever? no. i think shauna was correct in a lot of what she said to jackie before jackie's death except that's it isn't it? shauna was never honest with jackie. the LOOK on jackie's face when shauna says some of those things? that girl didn't even have any idea that shauna doesn't like fucking soccer cause shauna never told her. and jackie is so visibly actually INSECURE. is it possible that feeling like the popular one next to shauna made her feel good? even if only on a subconscious level? duh. but what are you even trying to say here? that every scene where we see how much she cares for shauna (teasing her in ep one but then making sure shauna knows how much she means to her, bringing her valium for the flight because she Knows shauna and wanted to make this experience easier for her, giving her a good luck necklace to calm her nerves, sharing that food ration, immediately hugging shauna and wanting to support her when she first found out shauna was pregnant, fucking saving her from the plane at the expense of van etc) is all some act? cause that girl can't even fake being into sex with her boyfriend so we're still saying she puts a hell of a lot more effort into pretending to care for shauna. sure
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mr-payjay · 10 months
i kind of subconsciously expect everyone likes payjay just as much as i do but then i remember i've only encountered two other payjay fans who shipped them as hard as me and they still also shipped them with other characters
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baconpncakes · 2 years
*20-year-old House moment*
Crandall: Hey, G-Man, you okay? You're being like,, tense and spacey?
House: I feel like I want to stick my head underwater and scream as loud as I can for as long as I can.
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