#they're naturally good at getting under each other's skin but they annoy each other the most in like non mob settings. just everyday life.
queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: in which kirsty smith and her chelsea player girlfriend have to go through several interviews before the London Derby
kirsty smith x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: cutenesssssssss, talks about previous injuries for the reader!
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Kirsty hummed lightly as she walked through the corridor leading to the interview room, she opened the door, smiling at her girlfriend who sat happily in her Chelsea shirt.
"There she is." y/n cooed, standing up as she ran at her girlfriend excitedly.
Kirsty chuckled catching the bouncing striker as she launched herself at her, pressing excited pecks to her cheek multiple times. The crew around laughed, finding the sweet nature of the two humorous.
"Hi Baby." Kirsty chuckled. "Can I put you down?" She then asked and y/n squeaked, as if realising she was still wrapped around her lover.
"Oh yeah, course." y/n grinned, unwrapping her legs from Kirsty and being set back on her feet. "Sorry." y/n apologised as Kirsty followed her to their seats.
The two competed in their London Derby tomorrow, Kirsty being a West Ham defender and y/n being a Chelsea striker. The two were a known couple in the WSL and an enjoyed one at that.
"Right, so y/n, of course we have to talk about it. You scored your 161st goal for Chelsea over the weekend. How did that feel?" The interviewer asked and y/n grinned.
"Oh fantastic! I mean Chelsea has been such a big part of my life, with me growing up in the academy and then coming into this team, but there is something so special about getting that number in the net." y/n smiles softly.
"And Kirsty, we saw you at the game of course, having played the day before, how did you feel?" The interviewer continued.
"Just so proud, I mean she isn't called the best striker in England for nothing. But I am still so proud because she's done so well and even though I hate the colour she does look good in Chelsea blue." Kirsty smiles.
y/n lets out a laugh at that, smiling at her lover kindly as she traces her face with her eyes, Kirsty's hand slips into y/n's under the table and her hand squeezes tightly, loving the way y/n squeezes back.
"And of course, your relationship is big among the fans how do you find that?" He asks.
"I mean, I love that they love us and have done for so long, but it can get a little intrusive at times, if they don't see us together the rumours can be so vicious and hurtful." Kirsty admits and y/n nods.
"People love to talk to, when it came out we were together, all they could talk about was the four year age gap and it was so annoying and upsetting." y/n agrees and the interviewer nods.
"And obviously this weekend you are playing against each other, how does that feel? How does it effect the relationship?" The interviewer asks.
"I don't think it does really." y/n hums, looking at her girlfriend who shakes her head in agreement.
"Yeah, like we are loyal to our teams but we would never put us on the line because of football." Kirsty nods.
"Do you think some fans may find that un-loyal?" He continues asking and y/n shrugs.
"They're welcome to. But at the end of the day, football is not forever in our lives, this relationship will be." y/n states and Kirsty's head moves so she can admire her lover.
A soft smile on the blondes face as she watches y/n answer the nest question her eyes filmed with warmth as she makes sure to also pay attention to the questions being asked.
"And Kirsty, do you find it hard to defend against her?" He asks and Kirsty looks back to the camera.
"Yeah, of course I do, she's fantastic." Kirsty says and y/n smiles softly, running her thumb over the skin of Kirsty's hand which is still intertwined with her own.
y/n lets Kirsty let go of her hand, the older blonde now placing it on y/n's thigh, squeezing at it as she continues to talk about how talented her lover is at the game.
"But then again, I know her, I know the way she thinks, the way she sees the game, and I know I can use that to try and help my team stop the little rascal." Kirsty says and y/n laughs.
"And y/n obviously you had tough time of it in 2020, with your ACL then a broken ankle, how good did it feel to get back on the pitch just before the Euros?" The interviewer asks.
"I can't quite describe it honestly." y/n admits, the pain and heartbreak flashing through her quickly as she remembers the months it took.
"Take your time." The interviewer nods kindly.
"Well, to get back after an ACL was fantastic, I knew I had time as I was only 23 when it happened. But then first game back to instantly get a broken ankle, goodness, it was just horrid." y/n admits.
The game had been rough, it was against Arsenal and in the 70th minute while they were 2-1 up, Leah Williamson, her captain of her international team, made a bad tackle and broker her ankle.
"It was worse seeing Leah as well, because I knew she felt so awful and I just wanted to hold her and promise her it was okay, but I was in so much pain." y/n continues.
Leah had almost been in tears, she knew how much y/n meant to the Lionesses and the fact the two had such a close relationship didn't help either.
"Kirsty was fantastic however, I mean, I don't think I would have stepped foot back on the pitch without the support system I had. Chelsea, the girls, and Kirsty." y/n says softly.
Kirsty smiles, squeezing y/n's thigh once more as she leans her other hand down and drags y/n's chair to connect to hers, kissing her forehead lovingly as the interviewer smiles.
"I was lucky really, because I had such history at Chelsea and lucky to have such a good fanbase because I had been in the senior team so long already. But it is something I would never wish or hope for anyone because it is very hard." y/n nods.
"Okay, thank you." The Interviewer nods kindly before sighing. "One last question, what's going to be the score?" He asks.
y/n lets out a light laugh, Kirsty following suit as y/n finds herself grateful for the interviewer's way of lightening up the mood which had become slightly sadder.
"Well, I guess they will have to watch Sunday to find out." y/n grins and the interviewer chuckles.
"I agree with that." He nods before the cameras stop rolling. "Thank you so much for that ladies, I really appreciate it." He tells them as they shake hands.
"Thank you, it was lovely to work with you." Kirsty smiles.
"Yeah, you're lovely, thank you." y/n adds and the man smiles before Kirsty and y/n head over to their bags.
"You okay baby?" Kirsty asks quietly as they put their coats on.
"Yeah, I just forget sometimes that it hurt so bad, you know?" y/n asks and Kirsty smiles kindly.
"I know baby." She promises, pressing a light peck to y/n's lips. "Come on, lets get you home pipsqueak." Kirsty adds as she offers her hand and y/n happily takes it.
y/n sighed in relief as the whistle blew, her body flopping on the ground as the Chelsea fans cheered for their win around them. The 2-0 win was hard, y/n getting the first goal just before half time and Sam getting the second barley five minutes before the end of the match.
However, West Ham had put up such a good fight, they had kept close and tight to the Chelsea girls and even had some counter attacks which were nearly a problem.
y/n was kept almost silent by her lover during the match, and while she was coming away with a goal and an assist, she felt absolutely knackered from the game her lover had done.
"You okay down there Pip?" Sam asks, standing over her team-mate and friend.
"Yeah, good cheers." y/n nods.
The nickname pip had originated from Sophie Ingle nicknaming her 'pipsqueak', years ago when y/n first joined Chelsea senior, she was only 16 and eventually Sophie started to call her pipsqueak.
The team found the name hilarious and it seemed to stick once they realised the striker wasn't going to grow above her miraculous height of 5ft 1.
Eventually, pipsqueak was shortened to pip to make it easier and quicker to say, and it was usually said more by her team than her actual name.
"Come on up you get." Sam says offering her hand and pulling y/n to her feet. y/n sighs as she nods in thanks to Sam and goes to grab her water bottle, gulping it down and listening to Emma's talk.
Once they are dismissed, two familiar arms wrap around her middle, the familiar claret and blue colour meeting y/n's eyes as she turns around to face her lover.
"Hi baby." y/n hums, the crowds cheering getting louder at the sight of the couple.
"Hi my little superstar." Kirsty smiles pressing a kiss to her forehead which y/n accepts with a happy hum.
"Pip! Pip's girlfriend! You're up for interviews!" Emma's call rings and y/n groans.
"Emma, why can't you use my name?" y/n whines as she walks past her boss.
"I did!" Emma denies and Kirsty laughs as they get to the pitch-side interview and are handed their microphones and separate to their own interviewers.
"y/n congrats on the performance today, a good win or things to work on?" She is asked.
"Thank you. Look every win is a good win really, but definitely things to work on. We were late to all the second balls, we didn't close down quick enough and we missed some really good chances." y/n nods.
"Always looking for ways to improve right?" The interviewer asks.
"Completely. We always do look for ways to get better, because that is how you stay the best and today proves that we have got a lot to work on." y/n nods.
"Even so, a great goal from you. Did you think it was going to go in?" The interviewer asks.
y/n's first goal had been from about 40 yards out, she had recieved it from Sam and while being closed down by Hawa Cissoko decided to just have a go, hammering it into the top left hand side to everyone's shock and awe.
"Not at all." y/n says honestly which causes the interviewer to laugh.
"Well, I appreciate your honesty thank you." The interviewer nods.
"Of course, any other questions?" y/n asks her.
"I think one more." The interviewer nods, eyeline behind her and y/n turns around, microphone dropping on the floor as she looks at her girlfriend on one knee.
Sam is stood next to the interviewer, clearly having tossed Kirsty the ring when y/n wasn't looking and now the teams had crowded around as Kirsty tried to not cry.
"Marry me baby?" Kirsty asks, y/n wiping a few stray tears away.
"Of course Kirsty, it will always be a yes." y/n nods, Kirsty grinning as she jumps up and presses her lips to y/n's tightly, before sliding the ring on her finger as they pull away.
Suddenly both teams jump at them cheering and screaming as the video being recorded becomes a soon viral one at the show of love one simple question caused.
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kirstysmith.11 can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together ! xx
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a cute one for a cute woman ! xx
Queenie xo
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deathsbestgirl · 1 month
syzygy (rewatch)
i really love this episode. mulder and scully are so frustrated with each other, and "out of character" but not really. the most out of character part is the way they're not on the same page about how they investigate, that mulder isn't turning to scully for her thoughts, and scully isn't listening to his theories seriously. but the jealousy, the misunderstanding, their quips really are in character. it's just that they are so frustrated, their actions don't match the way they usually behave. like scully can be mean & petty, but she usually saves that just for mulder. their ribbing is usually friendly & affectionate, but it's like they're trying to piss each other off.
(maybe spoilers for s5) i used to say bad blood seemed more fitting for season three or four, but i think this is the season three version of bad blood. bad blood is so much more good natured, two best friends trying to poke & prod each other and get under the other's skin. syzygy has a similar vibe but not nearly as good natured. they're too frustrated, not listening, not understanding (and not concerned about the trouble they're in like bad blood lol)
anyway. before i get into specific scenes, i feel like i see a lot of people talk about margi & terri like they aren't out of character. i'm sure they have a little bit of mean girl streak in them, like the two best friends giggling in the back of class. i imagine it to be similar to mulder & scully. they save those things for each other and their friendship is something very different than their other relationships. detective white says they're good, smart kids. the last guy they kill, the one that is an accident on their part, he asks what happened to them. they're dressing differently, acting differently. they're mean and aggressive. by the end there's no facade about being nice or scared like there was earlier. they're criticized for being the stereotypical mean teenage girls (or rather, chris carter for writing them like this) but i kind of thought that was the point. obviously we don't see what they're like usually, but there are lines to suggest they're not behaving like themselves. and at the end, they are two scared girls, sobbing & leaning on each other. it looks to me like two girls who don't understand what's been happening. once the syzygy ended, moved out of it's powerful alignment, they crack and fall apart. they're going to be dealing with the fallout from this for a long time.
now into the mulder & scully scenes.
the first driving scene, they're already so annoyed with each other and we have no context about why. it's like they've put us right into that uncomfortable situation where a couple is obviously fighting but won't talk about it in front of other people, and you're stuck navigating a tension you don't understand and isn't your business...and it's affecting you anyway. (it's what detective white walks into and she doesn't understand, at the beginning she really is just trying to do her job. she wants the deaths to stop, she wants their help. she's trying to work with them.)
and i feel like i can't talk about this scene now without thinking of this post. mulder's telling scully detective white said a right at the stoplight, scully's arguing well this is a stop sign go left! and she's wrong. the way they keep the camera on the stop sign and then we see mulder driving back in the direction he said to go, chef's kiss.
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in my tags on @casuallycryingoverbooks post i say how their headcanon makes this funnier. like. scully confusing her right & left, making her incredibly bad with directions is SO funny. her being to frustrated to listen to mulder (as he listens to another professional, another woman) and consider maybe she was telling him the wrong thing. like i fully believe scully (and others) would confuse their right & left when they have to reverse it constantly. and i think it's something she would generally remember to consider, so she would often catch it before making the mistake.
next scene, they actually meet "the detective" and scully is so unimpressed, it kills me. all of her usual decorum during cases is completely gone. there is no mask, no professionalism, no kindness. AT A FUNERAL. like that really kills me. this is what's out of character lol however, i do think she actually manages to ask her questions about evidence in a relatively typical scully manner. BUT YOU GUYS. @lesbianmarrow made a post about the framing of different shots, and this is the scene where you can see the shift happen.
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you can see scully tracking mulder's movement with her eyes, until they switch to this pov. detective white now between them, caught in the middle of something she doesn't understand. in more than one way. (but also, what is he doing with his face!!)
but oh my god it's just so good?! she is so mad at mulder for his interjection about her skepticism, saying "don't ask me" -- something he will repeat at least one more time in this episode. (personally, i think this should have caught on like "sure. fine. whatever." they are both SO classically annoying in this episode. it's no wonder they're driving each other crazy.)
and when white walks away:
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normally...they would enjoy this from each other. best friends and all that.
one of the things mulder & scully established in the pilot is the way they listen to each other and take each other seriously. scully doesn't mock mulder the way others do, instead she offers rational reasons for what's happening. she uses science. mulder is inclined to dismiss science because of what he's seen, but he doesn't (usually) outright dismiss it, especially once her science starts to give them some proof or explains the unexplainable or a solid place to start (when given the chance anyway).
and here, they're not really listening to each other, or maybe just not showing that they are. because later, mulder will tell white that scully is "rigid in a wonderful way" and they're still calling each other when terri & margi find them. they're not working together with their different theories as they usually do. both of their perspectives aren't being used to lead them in the right direction. they both follow different trails, and eventually they meet up later at the conclusion, to yell at the townspeople in sync (detective white with the townspeople this time).
anyway. the scene where they're interviewing margi & terri is interesting. these girls are telling mulder & scully separately about themselves. their grades, cheering, their best friend, future plans with their best friend. mulder & scully are so interesting here. scully is usually a little more forceful in interrogations, but i'm not sure this should be treated like an interrogation yet lol we don't see mulder say or ask anything, but we see scully say "yeah" to terri's introduction and ask questions, while mulder is, i don't even know. staring at the ceiling. (would love someone else's insight here. like i love it but i have no thoughts, no reasoning?)
THEN the new trio is back together listening to the recordings. mulder and scully six feet apart. and white another six feet away. none of them facing each other. none of them are actually on the same page and scully gets forceful again. and mulder does the thing AGAIN, only this time about scully's "impatience" and you can see scully's hand go to her hip as he speaks & circles around to white. oh. oh.
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white looking up at mulder. idk why this struck me exactly. (and no scully in frame...)
and she asks him to explain the burning coffin -- "don't ask me." cut to scully offering an explanation, merely looking at the body claiming "i see nothing here to suggest otherwise." i just think that's funny because she's not doing any kind of examination, and yeah i'm sure there would be some visible signs that could suggest something. but she states it so definitively, i just think it's funny. (she always has her scientific theories, but i don't usually feel she's stating it's the Truth until she confirms it. like late on in quagmire she says "regardless of what i believe, there's no hard evidence to what you believe.")
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we get "sure. fine. whatever." as she snaps on the latex. after telling them they were crazy lol
and this is when he "ditches" her. and like. detective white asks him what he's doing at her house and he literally freaking says "i was hooping you could help me solve the mystery of the horny beast?" like why did he change it from horned to horny. but anyway, is scully not examining the body to try to explain the fire? it's pretty normal for mulder to do something else until she has any information. SO what she's really mad about when they meet up again is that he went off investigating with detective white. which...also makes sense. LMAO scully is just so mad there's another woman he's working with, and seems to be listening to more than her. she HATES it.
but on a more serious note, here it looks to me like she's actually hurt. she really feels like he ditched her after they had a disagreement. and it kind of feels like a callback to conduit. mulder says to her. "okay scully, so we disagree. it's not the first time and it won't be the last." i don't think mulder thought he was ditching her. he was following a lead while she worked on finding something on boom's body. but he also didn't tell her what he was doing, while they were working a case. not necessarily out of the norm, they do often go in different directions, but they've usually had a lot more back & forth and an understanding. which is severely lacking in this episode. and mulder doesn't respond the way he usually would when scully's upset.
and what she doesn't know is that mulder does kind of defend her. "rigid in a wonderful way" suggesting that he does value her input (not in general, but even in this case. he's just frustrated with her behavior too), but right now, she isn't really acting like herself.
the next part kind of KILLS me. scully tries to explain why it isn't satanic cultists and what's really happening, the psychology of it?? (feel like mulder should be more knowledgeable about this and kind of agree lol) but what i really want to talk about is when they find the bones. mulder & scully both walk over, getting their gloves out. they realize the other is getting ready to put them on and take a look.
i couldn't find good shots on the archive but this gifset shows it. to me, it looks like they both thought for a moment they would have a small truce. until mulder kept talking. scully's reactions keeps registering to me more as hurt than anything else. where i think mulder isn't understanding what the problem is at all (which reminds me of never again). there's something about that way he doesn't see these reactions. they're either not facing each other, sometimes scully does this on purpose. but sometimes she's looking at him, and he isn't looking at her. something about that feels intentional too. because mulder can read her. it's why she often avoids his eyes (not that it usually matters). and she can't hide it when she looks in his eyes, that's why he cups her face & lifts her chin (beyond the sea & irresistible). it's something really sweet about them. the way they can't hide. but here, they don't want to share it.
the next scene is really why everything about scully strikes me as jealousy. before this one, it could be written off as professional jealousy. we've seen that in scully since season one. but we got a little taste of other jealousy in wotc.
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i love this for so many reasons. scully is actually yelling at him for his behavior, and he may have made the comment about "this may not be the time" but he acts like he has no idea what's wrong here 🤣 and scully's yelling about his "comportment" but she specifically says "i am not going to be humiliated by you, in front of you..." and like. that's Insane! to me, humiliation is a Big feeling. not just embarrassed, humiliated.
mulder leaning on the wall & the script make me think he does actually understand. season three is a real turning point in their relationship. feelings are coming to the surface despite the ways they try to suppress or deny them. there's a growing awareness, and after then hell of season two, how deep their trust goes, how important their partnership & work is...well it's a struggle. i'm always saying it's a journey. and i think of season three as peak best friends, which yes! but it's just never so simple with these two. there have been layers from the beginning.
on top of all that, they're standing so close. mulder leans in to smell her (to see if she's the one wearing "his favorite perfume," they're invading each other's space again. the eye contact happens!!! and when she storms off, mulder falls against the wall "feeling somehow like he's betrayed a lover." which he hasn't, not yet.
and then my personal favorite part, that also makes me a little queasy...
scully is in her motel room, smoking and angrily muttering about detective white. mulder's in his room mixing a drink in the bottle in the craziest way i've ever seen (but i do remember seeing people talk about this before. cannot for the life of me remember what it was, but apparently it isn't unheard of. except for mulder lol)
and when scully gets the call, she just barges into mulder's room. seeing detective white on top of mulder. what she didn't see was mulder trying to get white out of his room and both of them talking about feeling "weird." i think i've said this somewhere but if scully was in her right mind, if she wasn't so mad at mulder & thought they were sticking around for white...she would have clocked what was happening. and this was the betrayal mulder felt, this is why she's been jealous. but they're partners, friends. they aren't dating. but everything has been palpably shifting for them. they're losing their denial.
(and i just have to say that white was assaulting mulder. this was not consensual. if he really had much to drink, unclear. and white isn't in her right mind either. but.....we don't excuse murder & sa because someone feels weird.)
all of it leading to THIS. just incredible. scully's anger (and hurt) kicking up. feeling justified in how she's been feeling & acting (which is also objectively unprofessional. she's usually the one trying not to step on toes & keep a good relationship with the local pd and here she is just. not doing any of that. she is obnoxious & pushy & condescending. her usual empathy & understanding is almost non-existent.) describing mulder as a "big macho man" is so funny. that's never the impression given to the audience, or scully. they were equals from the beginning, respect a core foundation of their relationship. mulder making fun of her height, hilarious, but also i don't think he's ever made fun of her for that before or after this.
in these two scenes they're both muttering about each other, the things the other said that pissed them off. what's going on between them is personal. they don't get like this about disagreeing on a case. scully always follows him, she questions him, she tries to understand but she doesn't get angry — confused & frustrated, absolutely.
mulder asking white to go with scully is also Insane. and i think it was an important decision. he's the driver (i think it helps him) and he doesn't want to drive with white. but it's absolutely insane because white is just. in the middle of whatever they have going on and she has no idea what she stepped into. but she does as asked and scully & white have such a tense car ride and have to team up when they find the townspeople marching down the road with guns. (AND WHO KILLED ALL THESE BIRDS?! just one of my favorite lines. and also top tier comedy when one hits the car windshield. and scully facing an angry mob of people terrified for their kids & towns, just saying like "it's illegal, there are no satanists" is sooooo funny to me. no fear.)
mulder went back to zrinka and then he finds margi in the garage where scott's body still is, as terri found scully. the girls both blame each other and immediately mulder is calling scully. "i've got your suspect and you've got mine. why does that make sense to me at this point?" i love this because this is the closest to a truce they've had this entire episode. they both did their thing and in the end it comes together. they trap margi & terri in a room together until the clocks strike midnight and everything goes quiet. they yell at everyone in sync. white opens the door to two terrified girls sobbing in each other's arms. it ends as the planets move out alignment, and they haven't solved a thing. are these girls even charged? they have absolutely no evidence, so doubtful.
and it ends as it began, mulder & scully in the car only this time they're leaving & scully's driving, speeding out of town. "shut up, mulder." "sure. fine. whatever."
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crispyflowerblaze · 9 months
i don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or anything, but does anyone agree with me on this: i like enj and grantaire to be horribly awkward around each other more often than they're arguing and getting into fights. maybe it's cus i've read so many enjoltaire fics at this point but like, to no fault of the authors, if it starts out with arguing that feels like something i've seen before (not because they're being copycats or whatever, just because it's understandably a very common enjoltaire trope, and just because i've read so many enjoltaire fics), i'll usually click out just cus, again, i've read so many enjoltaire fics. gotta just use my own version of them for examples lol, hmm what are good examples for this hmm. so basically i don't mean awkward as in awkwardness from liking someone and trying to hide it, even though there's that too and that's great, but more like awkwardness cus they clash and get under each other's skin and they can't ignore each other. the kind of awkwardness where you misunderstand someone and they misunderstand you so it's just awkward and annoying, i guess. and obviously this is only one part of their dynamic of course. basically, it's the causes of how you'd see them arguing all the time, but just to me it feels more natural that more often the effect of that would be them just bringing out the weirdest things about each other, if that makes sense. also banter and bickering and stuff like that of course. basically, i just get bored of actual serious arguing all the time (or really just much at all, i dunno if they argue i want it to be about silly things lol), and plus it makes me like them less as characters lol and not think they're as cute together. oh man gotta think of examples cus i feel like this doesn't make very much sense. yknow what oh well who cares lol. but yeah let grantaire and enjolras just be really weird and awkward around each other, it's very funny
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Soooooo got any angst ideas about the destroyer is your rewrite ? Like him having nightmares or just being trapped in the nether wondering what happen to Irene ? Or his hatred towards the divine warriors even though he actually rightfully mad ?
I greatly appreciate the erasure of Shad's name when talking to me, its a dumbass name
TW, mentions of violence, using a slightly gory/graphic description to describe physical sensation, typical Shad-convo stuff
What is he if not my angsty boy? My angsty wife, that's what.
Anyways, so my baby, right, he's not got himself a physical form in the nether/the Shadow Abyss (it's just 'the abyss' in LR for aesthetic reasons, the girlies that get it, get it), due to him being like violently murdered to the point his physical body was no longer suitable for life. However, regardless of this, he experiences near-constant phantom pains from every injury he ever sustained, healed or otherwise. Also, being only his own shadow is a very... vulnerable-feeling experience. It would be equivalent to walking around without your skin on, all of your nerves and muscles exposed. Pain. Which provides one very good motivation for someone to, idk, try and gain a physical form to try and stop the agony of your existence. which could lead him to redemption in a very 'i did what i had to in order to survive, just like everyone else' way, but.... idk, i dont know if i want to redeem him. I like how not-a-good-person he is.
Judgement (suprisingly a canon name for him, his actual name in my rewrite, because he's the OG edgelord) is plagued near-constantly with visions. Every Divine has visions of some sort, whether they're clairvoyant, or prophecies, or something. Judge's specifically are of... like... destruction. End of days, mass murders, wars, etc. it's his domain but it doesn't make it any easier to see them. It also means he dreams of his own death on a frequent basis. not fun for him.
Also, he's pretty sure he knows what happened to Irene, he was married to her for a very long time, he knew the kind of person she was. She banished him under the guise of ending all evil, and left to keep up that ruse instead of doing her duty to stay and protect people. He does think about it often, very very annoyed about it. It's another thing that leads him to do what he does. He's wondering just how many people have to die before she's willing to set aside her pride and face him. He never self-reflects on how many people have to die before he's willing to set aside his hatred.
He's spiteful towards the other divine, but he doesn't hate them, not like he hates Irene. I mean he does hate them... just kind of not as much as Irene. The others he expected to turn against him eventually, because his nature was always unfavourable, but she was meant to be his equal, they were both equally as destructive as each other (ironically).
A lot of his existence is more physically painful, he's able to cope with the visions and the bad memories, and the thoughts of 'what if' in his mind by channelling it all into anger, but things start slowly derailing upon him and Aphmau/Avra's first contact, and he doesn't understand why until he realises who she is. From there, he is the mayor of Angst town, population however-many-mcd-characters-exist.
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chowaya · 11 months
Monoma headcannons :
— as much as most people think it would be toxic with dating Monoma, they would be wrong. I can see complications but that's all settled if the chance to communicate and set boundaries was given and taken.
— forces you to watch the Lord of the rings franchise and the hobbit but still talks over the movie. ( probably to explain some heavy detailing and differences between the books )
— had a weird style phase, he finds it embarrassing but shoves it off by saying it was a needed canon event to develop such expertise and taste as him. So he finds ways to match your outfits even when your styling and aesthetic is different from each other.
— is more likely to have piercing than tattoos.
— has sticky notes all over his room that contain context from all sorts of quirks and the techniques to use them, mathematics formulas, history notes, lyrics or poems, favourite lines from books he's read or some incoherent affirmation that he's the hottest and the best.
— hated conflict as a child now, now he stirs all the pot that is available to him. And does he give a sht? Not really.
— popular among the girls because of his eyelashes. They're somewhat in love and jealous at the same thing.
— not a dog or cat person but a bugs and snake person. Had hyper fixations on moths and reptilians— he will talk to you about them if he trusts you enough to not make fun of him. But will elaborate with heavy detail if you find either of them disgusting or scary— just to annoy you.
— doesn't like gift giving that much. Prefers forms of affections from physical touch ( secretly ) , acts of service ( high on this) and lowkey quality time. He prefers giving words of affirmation rather than receiving only because he doesn't know how to react.
— but if gift giving is someone's love language who is he to give that person an opinion of his. He's not hellbent on hating it. Truly adores it if the gift is well thought through or handmade— he values the time and soul of others that put into it.
— finds waist beads, belly cabins and belly piercings hot.
— has this concept that pale skinned people and dark skinned people look best under moonlight while tan and brown skins look best under the sun.
— a Swiftie that relates to 🧺🩹🗝🧸🪞🌿 but prefers 🍾💫🫧🎟🥂📸 music
— also listens to chase Atlantic. A blonde arrogant mean cocky guy that we all would know would totally be a flirt? It fits.
— if he would get a tattoo of his significant other, he would get a tattoo of their eyes.
— wants love, affection and attention and receiving it without having the feeling that he asked for it.
— sucks at mobile games, he's not interested in them that much.
— he prefers to not be around children, he thinks he isn't so experienced or good with them but he's literally a toddler magnet. Especially the real ones who spout whatever they think and the ones who're extremely quiet and shy.
— has divorced parents and is thankful for that everyday.
— will let 1-B girls or his significant other do his makeup, much more prefers if it's natural and enhances his features but he doesn't mind douyin or k-beauty makeup. He likes the glitters but hates heavy matte looks.
— amazing time management and is always early to things. That's canon at this point.
— and last but not least, he's the most amazing, spectacular, outstanding, gorgeous, pretty, ethereal, intelligent, showstopping boy. And I'm sad I don't have him 🫠
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minquiec · 11 months
regurgitation of my jipunk headcanons here heeheehaahaa
Might update these as I go but these are all I have so far
- post getting together jia listens to london boy religiously whenever she misses him
- jia is kind of communicatively constipated in terms of dating ie if she wants to hug she doesn't know how to ask so she kinda just stares him down but I have this hc where hobie is stupidly good at reading ppl so he gets it anyways (with some difficulty bc he doesn't understand right away but knows she wants smth) but he gets used to it over time HHHAHSNRRGKKKGJ
- he definitely does that thing when they hold hands and he puts it into his jacket pocket AARRGGGGHHHH
- she listens to mostly everything music wise but her genre is like leaning towards pop so sometimes he makes fun of her for it
--> probably goes on rants abt punk music but she just listens like yep yep :]
- hb brings over british chinese takeaway just to piss her off for fun
- good singer but can't do it in command gf x can't sing bf
- they're both good w kids (babysitter hours open 24/7)
- "You're so fucking annoying." "I know 😁"
(out grocery shopping)
- someone: why tf is everything so expensive
- at the same time:
"capitalism" "inflation"
- has an actual driving license gf x does not but illegally drives bf
- sometimes jia just goes and takes out the kids for a ride to visit places or shopping (for a taste of that normality y'know AUEGH)
- cat likers unite
- jia wants to hear the kids call her jie jie so badly (dead babysat kids things LELLL)
- they're both flexible but jia is significantly more flexible
- jia has BBBAAADDDD mood swings during period but hb is pretty well versed in what to do (don't ask how he just knows) so he's pretty accommodating when her emotions are out of wack
- hb loves simple intimacy like skin to skin contact like not even in a sexual way but it's where it could just be like a hand on her neck or when she's in looser clothes he'd just hold her waist under her shirt to feel the warm skin there. there's smth about the feeling of warmness under his hand that grounds him (tears are pouring out my eyes rn)
--> I saw this hc where he has this chronic pain bc of getting flung around and stuffs so imagine sometimes he just wordlessly heads over to her place unannounced cause the dull ache in his bones makes it hard to even think 🥲 he does it cause One: her world is a lot less chaotic and her apartment is pretty quiet (despite the awful traffic and noise pollution [it's cause she lives somewhere rlly high up in the building so it's kinda far away y'know])
And Two: bringing it back to the skin thing, while it doesn't make the pain go away it makes it a little more bearable 🕳️🤸
And Three: she's there to help and he knows it AAARRGRFHHEJKJRNNNENSJJW
The way they look at each other (when the other isn't looking back):
She looks at him as if he's the sunrise or the stars. (Sees him as something so breathtaking, compared to natural beauty in the world ie sunset and stars.) Eyes bright and in wonder. Wide to take everything in as if she's scared to lose him when she closes her eyes again.
Looks at her as if she's the ocean or afternoon sun in a house. (Sees her as something comforting, compared to mundane intimacy.) Eyes soft and relaxed. Often half lidded as he skims over her face to commit it to memory. (SIMILARITIES TO HOW CATS SQUINT THEIR EYES TO SHOW AFFECTION = WIDE EYES: ALERT, CLOSED EYES: TRUST.)
- hb isn't exactly like, protective cause he knows she can handle herself (esp when she goes around carrying that expanding metal staff of hers to smack anything and anyOne) but if he rlly wanted to, a good bonk over the head with his guitar never hurts anyone (except the idiot getting bonked)
- JIA ON THE OTHER HAND HAHSHAS she doesn't get jealous and isn't confrontational but she will side eye someone real hard if they start talking smack abt him HAHA and when they turn around she'll like pull this face and start shit talking them either in chn or to him
Starts looking like this BASLKWNSHAHAHAH
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- doberman x orange cat (she's such an orange cat I'm sorry she's so dumb /affectionate)
- she has this obsession w his tummy for some bizarre reason cause she just thinks it's so cute❓‼️❓ like she would poke and prod at it and squish it and agagshshsb SHE JUST THINKS ITS SOSO CUTE CAUSE ITS SO SOFT AND SO WARM AND SHE JUST WANNA PET IT
- hb doesn't really get nervous or flustered a lot and so 98% of the time it's jia going asfdjkhj but he does get rlly nervy when she gets close to his chest cause his heart goes rlly fast around her 📈📈 and he thinks it's embarrassing and doesn't want her to hear ANNSSSKKFJJJEJKSJJDBBFKLLBE
- he does this thing where he like leaves guitar picks in strategic yet not strategic places around her apartment like he'd either put it in plain sight or hide it and he does it bc One. To tick her off when she finds it or smth and Two. He comes over alot anyways so he might as well cause you KNOW he's bringing his guitar everywhere so it'd probably be them sitting on her couch and he'll just pull a pick out from under her lamp??? And then start playing and she's just like ????? Where???
- he likes her hands a lot like he likes to hold it in his palm and just turn it over in his hands ☹️ cause her hands are obviously smaller and it's so cute to him but he just really like the way hands look ‼️‼️ cause he thinks hands are important in both literal and metaphorical sense so he appreciates them lots ALSO likes to kiss her hands a lot DIES AND EXPLODES like finger tips, palms, the back of her hands anywhere is free real estate 🔥 bites them too cause he's annoying like that /loving
- jia does this thing where she sometimes furrow her eyebrows tm and hb likes to
Press his thumb against that middle space between the eyebrows ❓ to rub it flat ❓ (maybe kith it HAAUGEGGRGGR) and keeps reminding her to stop cause she's gon get a headache with all that muscle tension
- hb likes to do this DUMBASS thing where he'd just walk in to the bathroom even if she's using it
But the thing is he's not even like paying attention to her half the time he just
Doesn't care and likes to tick her off
And so he just barges in and jia would look up from her phone with a expression like this
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- hb is currently rivalling and competing with the cat belonging to jia's neighbour for the first place spot of her affections LMAO he's rlly beefing w that cat cause jia babies it to the end of the earth
- smth I find cute is jia wears her watch like hb and idk why it makes me ehehgkrjdghfg cause in the movie he wears the interface on the inside of his wrist and so does jia bc LEARNING LITTLE HABITS FROM UR PARTNER IS SOOOO ‼️‼️
CORNY IDIOTS I HATE THEM (they consume my every waking thought)
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musewrangler · 10 months
OC Mundane Tag Game
Tagged by @kraytwriter
Rules: Pick an oc you'd like to talk about and answer the questions for them! Then tag ten people, or as many as you can. 'Underdeveloped character I adopted' is fine, too! Absolutely no pressure to play, though.
Also, if some of it can't apply to your ocs, just answer what would be the answer - like if they're in a historical setting, they likely can't watch movies, but what is a movie they'd like?
(Also, most people have many ocs, so feel free to retag people and answer as many times as you get tagged! Or get really wild and just answer for as many ocs as you'd like! :D)
What is their favorite movie?
What is their favorite season?
What do they find annoying?
How would they like to spend their Christmas or equivalent holiday?
Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it?
What's their favorite meal to eat?
Do they have a favorite video game or board game?
Do they celebrate their birthday?
What's their bedtime routine?
What's an oc (or canon character) that they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together?
Well obviously, I'm going to do Matthew Scraps because Henley REFUSES to answer most if not all of these questions unless he's toasted. xD
Scraps is not a holo film person so much. He fully leans into his nerdom with adoring nature documentaries and it is a special thing for him and the Admiral when they need to unwind. Because of this, Scraps also loves documentaries or recreations about tall ships. 
Matt is a summer child. His disposition is suited to this, though in a milder form than Madeline Hatley who could be nothing BUT a summer child. He loves the ocean but has to be cautious that he doesn’t burn with his fair skin and red hair. He loves the lake best, preferably in the mountains where the shade of tall trees abounds and one can float lazily without fear of dangerous tides. 
Matt finds MANY things annoying. For the sake of brevity, he’s asked me to just pick some off the top of his list.
He is annoyed when people do not respect the protocols surrounding the Admiral’s security which he takes VERY SERIOUSLY
He is annoyed by anyone other than Piett calling him ‘Matthew’ unless it’s teasing and even then it can get old. [Hatley]
He is annoyed when people tap a stylus while he is trying to work. 
He is annoyed when people try to ask the Admiral ‘one more thing’ when he ought to be off duty and getting the much too little rest he allows himself. Matt feels he is getting very good at a forbidding face for that one, and practices VERY aggressive body language at whichever unfortunate individual tries to delay Piett.
While he is a summer child, Matt does love the week long Gifter’s Celebration his planet observes in the winter. He inflicts it on everyone under his command each year and quietly places a neatly wrapped box on Piett’s desk as well. 
Scraps plays the equivalent of the piano and is quite good. He loves classical music around the galaxy, particularly the stuff composed about two hundred years ago. He has no idea that the piano in the small officer’s lounge on deck 45 was bought and placed their specially by his Admiral for his use. 
Matt loves food in general. He isn’t too picky either, unlike Yang who is a foodie for all categories. But one of the best things Matt ever had was the sushi on Mon Cala and he’s never forgotten it.
Matt is not big on the holo games other people favor. Hatley and Yang have regular competitions and he doesn’t mind watching for a while, but he prefers the outdoors. On a starship this is difficult, so he swims and climbs regularly as a way to stay fit. 
Matt isn’t sure when Piett looked up his life day, but now without fail, the Admiral finds numerous small ways to make the day a special one and Matt loves him so hard he is sometimes afraid his chest might implode. From his favorite caramel on his desk in the morning to a new nature holo on the table in his small quarters to a dinner invite with Piett, it’s a good day. No matter how busy the Admiral is, he clears his schedule for that dinner. 
Matt would initially say he doesn’t have a bedtime routine—he’s not five. But as he thinks about it, he really does. Clean the blaster and make certain it’s in good order before sliding it into his nightstand. Double check that the Admiral’s security is where they ought to be on the data pad. Brush teeth. Check data pad one more time in case Piett messaged him as occasionally happened. 
We all know that Matt’s favorite person is Piett and they spend a great deal of time together, on and off duty. But he has also developed an amusing and unlikely friendship with Derek ‘Hobbie’ Klivian and they are remarkably good for each other. 
Hobbie is willing to push all sorts of boundaries and lives life to its fullest extent which is not how more cautious Matt usually operates. Hobbie is fiercely loyal however, and both of them enjoy outdoor activities as well as eating ridiculous amounts of popcorn while watching the army-navy Krayt ball games in the Lady’s biggest gym. 
This was fun to think about! Tagging with no pressure: @afaroffsong @hollers-and-holmes @winterinhimring @kanerallels @accidental-spice @klarionthewizard @saxifrage-wreath @lady-merian @oh-great-authoress @edie-deedie
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imthepunchlord · 8 months
If Spook and Huuxi are the embodiment of Yin and Yang, then why they are fighting against each other instead of working together? Yin and Yang are two forces who are complementary opposites that need to collaborate and contribute to the world in a coequal way. The Yin-Yang symbol is intended to represent how the two forces constantly flow around each other, always coexisting harmoniously. In fact, when one overpowers the other, the imbalance always causes problems. They have to coexist in harmony, because they actually dependent on one another for each other's distinguishable existence. Within one lies another and vice versa because these two opposites are not independent from one another, but rather two sides of the same unifying force throughout all world. Yin and Yang are two sides of the same coin and both need to exist side by side. It is when they are at equilibrium, that the world is stable and balanced. If they are the embodiment of Yin and Yang, this mean that they were supposed to work together insted of fight against each other.
What you talk about is just one example of yin-yang. From what I've researched, there are different examples of it, though at the core, they all represent balance that is found in two opposites that are equal to each other.
It's actually why for the most iconic yin-yang pairs, there are two. Though both agree that Dragon is going to be apart of the pairs either way, often always representing yang.
Dragon and Fenghaung represent that ideal yin-yang that you describe, where they're opposites that exist in harmony to each other, covering the other's weakness/what they lack, and working together. They are the ideal union.
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What I am working off is more the rivalry of opposites yet cannot live without the other, which is seen in Dragon and Tiger.
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These two represent opposing forces that cannot exist without the other, but can't help but clash which leads to a never ending cycle of trying to overpower the other, but they cannot as they're equal in power (base for these two is often order and chaos). The Tiger wants to bring about change, while the Dragon wants things to stay as they are, which does echo what everyone does need, you do need changes in your life, but you also need that stability. And too much of one is bad (too much order becomes stagnant and constricting, but too much chaos leads to a loss of foundation and getting overwhelmed).
This is what Huuxi and Spook are tied to, though I will say they aren't fighting/enemies. They're more neutral rivals, they easily get under each other's skin, as they embody and echo their nature.
Huuxi likes stability, likes to have things go as expected, he likes things to be orderly, to have rules, to have a sense of control and knowing what's going to happen, to plan for what's to come. He wants absolute harmony. He dislikes unpredictability and is wary of anything new/unexpected.
Spook in turn is a free spirit, she likes to live by whims, likes to explore, live in the moment, and when things are stale, she likes to shake things up. Change is a challenge but change can be good for growth. She dislikes rules and restrictions, rolls her eyes at elaborate plans and rather just play things by ears.
And that at the core is what leads to them butting heads/getting annoyed with each other/disagreeing. They're opposites in how they function, and those themes of Order and Chaos are big ones to work off of, and can be great in harmony but are still a clashing pair. When it comes to it, Huuxi and Spook will work together, they secure the ideal harmony, and they cover what the other lacks.
To add to it, Dragon and Tiger represent the more diverse yin-yang pair off, where they can be each other's greatest enemy to greatest ally to even the most ideal soulmate pair (specifically within the Zodiac).
So that's the yin-yang I'm working off of, and between the two large examples, it's the pair I like more for the Miraculous. And Huuxi and Spook aren't enemies at each other's throat, but they do squabble and butt heads as they represent those clashes forces that balance each other out.
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gkt-tummyaches · 9 months
id like to hear some of ur boomer hcs if u don't mind 🤭 or how he acts in relationships w/ others? (either platonic/romantic is good)
boomer's a character that moves to the beat of his own drum. he doesn't like following orders, but he's not exactly a leader-type either. he's a loner by choice.
growing up with brick trying to boss him around throughout childhood was an experience he's surprised he got through without one of them ending up maimed or worse.
despite that, he's very sociable, very likeable. he's witty and sarcastic, funny with a dry sense of humor, etc. a comic relief act. this act tends to be a defense against any kind of negative comments or overly harsh criticism he receives - granted, not much - as well as a way to separate himself from whatever heavier emotions he isn't quite ready to confront.
so, he's well-liked, he's got a lot of acquaintances. he can breeze from one friend group to another without a problem. boomer tends to win people over because of his authenticity; while the light-heartedness is surface-level, it's still genuine, real, which makes a world of difference when it comes to making friends.
it's like this: everybody knows boomer. he's kind of dead on social media and he never stops talking about bugs and he wears t-shirts with weird meme text on them - all of it only really adds to his charm.
the reality goes a little differently. boomer doesn't have many genuine, real friends. it's on purpose that he keeps people at arm's length. not because of any tragic backstory (okay, maybe a little,) or because of feeling like an outcast (okay, maybe that too.)
it's just because he doesn't really want any. boomer's solitary by nature, he likes the freedom that comes with flying solo - nobody to answer to, nobody to accommodate.
he's quite high energy, but there's a part of boomer that just enjoys existing. going out for a walk by himself. having a starbucks on a beach overlooking the seafront, alone. flying at night when everything is quiet. boomer gets called air-headed a lot, because he's constantly daydreaming. his best company is himself.
that's not to say he doesn't have any friends. as aforementioned, he has one or two.
the first is butch. it's kind of a no-brainer. older brothers are supposed to look out for younger brothers, right ? not to mention, during their time with mojo & Him, brick was singled out as the brother with the most potential. it left boomer and butch to their own devices a lot. they've always been very close as a result.
contrary to popular belief, butch knows when to be quiet. he's like an introvert's dream; his company isn't draining, he talks when the quiet needs to be filled but knows when it doesn't. a lot of their time together growing up was just spent together in the same room, while each of them happily did their own activities.
he's probably boomer's most treasured confidante. many nights between them have been shared through 3am philosophical talks, or emotional unravelling. not that boomer tells anybody that part. he guards those secrets with his life.
the other side of it is that boomer actually values butch's opinion a lot. butch is very attuned to people, peacekeeping; when brick lost his head and boomer was at a loss of what to do, butch stood to the plate. it's a leadership quality that boomer really admires, even if neither of them are really into the whole leading thing.
not to mention, butch is a fine ass cook. he always knows just what boomer's in the mood for.
the second is berserk. it's a little unconventional. one of the first people other than bubbles that has really gotten under boomer's skin with how annoying they are - but berserk doesn't do it on purpose, and maybe that's what softened him up to her.
she's just kind of… lonely. she talks even more than he does, invades his personal space, doesn't understand boundaries, mooches off him constantly. they're all things that, if it were anybody else, would piss him off to no end.
the thing is, berserk - embarrassingly - reminds him of his younger self. when he hadn't learned how to appreciate solitude, and so was miserable every second that he wasn't being paid attention to. berserk's definitely kind of fucked up in her own way; his goal isn't to 'fix' her, though, and he'd resent anybody who took that task upon themselves.
there is an urge to look out for her. maybe it's the big brother in him, to give something back rather than to take. he doesn't have a lot to offer, but berserk doesn't seem to mind. it's a little sad.
besides, as they get closer, the more he enjoys spending time with her. boomer's always a little tired by the time they part ways - in a good way, like how muscles ache after a fulfilling workout.
there's not a lot of people boomer finds expending energy on worth doing. berserk might even be the first.
this sentiment does not translate to romance, unfortunately. i have no idea what boomer's deal is, nor do i want to label him, but there is no way you can squeeze him into a relationship with anybody.
the amount of people he's turned down is appalling. every valentines' day (when he still attended school) had all kinds of paper hearts and chocolate crammed into his locker. he had several different promposals he had to awkwardly reject - and not even just because he wasn't attending.
rumors used to go around about who he was dating, the worst being that he was dating bubbles. talk about insulting 😤
ambiguous as to whether he simply isn't looking for romance at this point in his life, or if it's to do with some unannounced sexual orientation. he just likes being alone too much to really commit to anything, i suppose.
it could even be to do with his ingredient. above all, he has a desire to protect himself: it's a little hard to do that if you gain yourself vulnerability after vulnerability in the form of lovers or loved ones.
a lot of his defense mechanisms are evasive rather than offensive: he lets people down gently, he boosts people up with camaraderie, etc. a lot of his playfulness reveals that there's not a lot special about him, nothing worth crushing over or finding attractive (that's the intention, at least.) faux vulnerability to maintain a friendship, but encourage them to move on.
all of it to hide that underneath, he is so angry. there's a lot that's happened for him to feel injusticed and righteous over, a lot that's happened to him that makes him scared of what would happen if he lost his temper.
being constantly at odds with one brother and most of your parental figures growing up makes for a very bitter, resentful boy. it's a part of himself that boomer doesn't like all that much. he'd rather keep it under wraps.
it's easier to do that when you're not in a relationship that requires honesty, communication, and exposing yourself for somebody else to judge. god forbid he ever be somebody that rages at their significant other.
that, and nothing can beat the absolute conversationalists his pet beetles are. what a riot.
some other honorable relationship mentions:
brick, obviously. boomer and brick aren't close at all, but there are a few things they're willing to unite over. they break out into an argument if they're in a room together longer than 10 seconds, but only they're allowed to fight with each other. the kind of 'only i'm allowed to bully my brother' you expect from siblings.
,,, most of the time, brick deserves it. boomer might be prone to letting brick get a tongue-lashing before stepping in.
buttercup ! she's butch's best friend, but she's super active. good, upbeat company to have around. since she's over a lot, it's a given that she and boomer would become friends in that time. they're mostly surface-level; goofing around, play-fighting, friendly challenges.
they're kind of united over their love for butch. buttercup is somebody that boomer admires for her tenacity and her devotion.
princess. you wouldn't think it. or maybe you would. they have an on-going snark war going on, regularly meet up for starbies (mostly for princess to gossip, and boomer to sit there pretending he isn't thoroughly engrossed.) frenemies, but a little friendlier than that.
,,, he kind of has a thing for lonely red-headed girls who act bratty to hide just how badly they need a friend. princess is just a little sharper on the edges than most. it keeps boomer on his toes.
just a few hcs about how he conveys affection too:
boomer is actually pretty direct most of the time. broad questions like "how are you doing?", "how are things?", make it easy for people to dismiss it if they'd like. though if it's really obvious that something is amiss, he will ask about it.
he is terrible at gift-giving, but he sure does it ! feeling sad ? here's a wad of bubble wrap.
sharing food and drink. he's usually pretty food-aggressive and unwilling to share anything, especially because he's hungry 24/7. it's a big deal if he shares even a crumb.
makes playlists for people. they don't have any particular mood or connection, but just songs that remind them of a person or that he'd think they'd like. he'll tell somebody he made a playlist for them if he cares. he'll actually share the playlist if he thinks it'll make them feel better.
"do you wanna see my ant colony?"
and of course, his most-used tactic of displaying affection: bullying people
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fairytail-whathesays · 7 months
could i get some headcanons for gajeel x gray?
Interesting pairing! I like it!
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These two already have very similar aesthetics. Gray's into motorcycles and goth/punk wear, and Gajeel is that metalhead x to his y. Gray's straight man presentation lasting until he gets riled up vs. Gajeel's excitable nature running at a low level at all times. They're both even the type to get real quiet when they're pissed. They're able to go on dates and enjoy each other's company in a straightforward manner.
They hate losing or being shown up at anything. They bubble in resentment and hold grudges, and they stew in their emotions when they're in a bad mood. They do this together--it doesn't help them actually get over anything, but it eases the burden a bit
Ice, much like fire, can stress metal, but can't easily crack it. Even in Gray's worse moods, he can't make Gajeel stay gone. Gajeel will always come back and try to work shit out, even though Gray was the one to think about apologizing first after a fight.
When they kiss, something goes off. Gajeel's lips aren't supposed to feel that nice, Gray thinks, and Gajeel thinks that icicle boy's breath against his cheek shouldn't make him shiver like that. When they make out it's like an art form. All subtlety from Gray and surprising caution from Gajeel. They kind of get lost in each other.
Gray's always wanted tattoos, but it's Gajeel who takes him to get his first one. There's not much else to be done when your boyfriend would look super hot with ink on his forearm. Or shoulder. Or chest. Or lower back. Or v-lines.
The thing about Grayjeel is that they're both artists. Gray's not the type to view himself super artistically, but show him someone else's molding magic, or better yet molding of their body, and suddenly he's very appraising. He finds Gajeel's iron dragonslayer focus on molding his body into different shapes genuinely beautiful and sometimes a little sexy. Likewise, Gajeel digs Gray's creative bent with his magic, especially when he's backed into a corner.
Juvia, naturally, doesn't take this relationship well and continues her spying and stalking. However, somewhere along the way, she goes from writing down Gajeel's habits to trying to pick up tips and tricks to just outright writing the two's memoirs. Having a shipper on the side can be annoying, but they both like it better than when she was constantly up Gray's ass.
Gray is as pale as they come, while Gajeel is naturally darker-skinned. Gajeel will routinely make fun of Gray for being the kind of white that's visible from space, but it's all in good cheer.
NS/FW and also a bonus headcanon that was too sappy for public viewing:
Gray loves how solid Gajeel is underneath him. It's like having his own jungle gym to play on, with an iron frame. Smooth and strong with a nice grip.
Remember Gray's affinity for oral sex? Oh yeah, Gajeel is very appreciative and reciprocates frequently.
Gray still likes his sex easygoing and not high-energy, but he'll make some adjustments to accommodate Gajeel, who simply can't be asked to be 'gentle' on the regular or else he gets bored. Gajeel gets a grip on him and a look in his eye, and Gray gets pliable. And it's not so bad, throwing his head back and feeling his body shake under that fierce rhythm Gajeel likes to move to.
Likewise, Gajeel makes adjustments for Gray, too. He's a top most of the time, but Gray can have him any way he wants him if they have the time. Gajeel's hesitance towards bottoming is easily soothed by Gray's gentle and curious approach, never going at a pace that risks pain or embarrassment from Gajeel, just simple pleasure the likes that Gajeel can constrain his moaning to.
The 69 is these two's bread and butter. Gajeel treats Gray like his favorite popsicle and Gray treats Gajeel like his favorite...well, huge d/ck.
Gajeel literally does not care if Gray is naked in public. Not in the 'used to it' way everyone else at Fairy Tail sees it--he just likes his boyfriend's body and sees no issue with looking at it, even if other people are looking at it to. What's he gonna do, worry? Gray's his.
And now for that sappy headcanon I mentioned:
Gajeel and Gray, in an extreme twist and unlike almost every Gajeel ship ever, actually do get married. Gajeel wears black and Gray wears white, and Gray gets Gajeel a ring made of ice that'll never melt while Gajeel gets Gray a ring made of metal that'll never bend or break. It's the wedding of the century, easily becoming the biggest hit among any Fairy Tail wedding since Bisca and Alzack tied the knot. Gray looks forward to becoming 'Gray Redfox' quite a bit, and was able to push Gajeel into an engagement because Gajeel had to admit he liked the sound of it.
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hychlorions · 2 years
Ik your biggest pet peeve is people getting the bracelet wrong, but what is a Popular Apollo and or Klavier HC that you look at and just think 'no. Wrong.' (alternatively just.. bad takes on the characters, any of the AA cast really)
actually yeah let's get into this before i overthink it. this got really long so i'll put it under a read more
personally i get that it's funny that pre-relationship apollo would turn klavier away and be annoyed of his. klavierness. and it makes SENSE because like. it's how we see them act in the games. i especially love their banter when they're in a relationship, even if this "ew klavier" facade is put on from time to time as a clear joke between them. sometimes, though, the way people portray how apollo reacts to and treats klavier in the context of a developing/established romantic relationship reminds me of a certain ship from another fandom i will rather not mention… particularly the fact that a lot of the comments made towards the content for it was like "you do know people in relationships are supposed to LIKE each other… right?" so yeah. you don't HAVE to portray apollo as 100% lovey dovey and mushy brained (though it's funny and kind of sweet. my guilty pleasure 🥴) but at a certain point, him being constantly annoyed makes me feel like. why is he even dating klavier yk?
as for klavier… we all love a man that dresses provocatively. but ig sometimes it goes too far, to the point where it's kind of ridiculous? i understand he's a rockstar AND a prosecutor, but i feel like he does in fact keep those two professions separate. we all agree he looks good in fishnets and platform stilettos and whatever, but for crime scenes and at the office, i feel like he'd stick to clothes that are more fit for court (albeit with the cleavage still lol). aside from professional settings even, i just think he KNOWS how to dress for the situation! no one in their right mind would wear heels to the gym or when they go hiking. you can look slutty AND be comfortable at the same time! anyone who knows how to dress up knows how to show skin (or not 🥴 black turtlenecks anyone?) in other ways. same as how no one would wear their court suit to headline a concert (ik we can attribute it to sprite limit but it's ok capcom. i know you just don't like klavier)
then there's trucy my love who is always the wingwoman. don't get me wrong i like the idea. but sometimes the content of her acting as a wingman makes her kind of disrespectful of apollo's boundaries. i mean she tends to push him outside of his comfort zone in the games, some of the things i've seen her do in fan content is just. holy fuck! you would never do that to a friend! let alone a sibling! though at this point that's just one of those fandom tropes already—going behind someone's back, setting them up to get into situations they've already stated they don't wanna be in, because it's definitely perfectly fine if it's all for love 🙄 you can argue she does the same when she makes them assistants for her magic show, but at least apollo somewhat knew what kind of stuff he's getting into beforehand. whatever wingman thing trucy does is always just thrown at him with no warning at all. but again, this is also just a trope common in a lot of fandoms when it comes to women who are in any sort of close proximity to mlm ships. i just wanna see more of apollo and trucy's relationship as siblings/friends beyond the context of her helping him get together with klavier, too! she's got a life outside of being a support character! it wouldn't hurt to have a conversation or two that isn't about the love interest or a murder, you know
this got long i'm sorry i just have so many Feelings and i've gone through so many fics and comics and ourgh. i’m a natural hater. speedrun of some other things:
narumitsu (whether one or both of them) having bitter feelings toward klavier post-7yg when other kids' parents manipulating said kid in ways that hurt either of nrmt have been shown in aa and they're on very much good terms with those kids too.
apollo personally being the head of rebuilding the justice system in khura'in. he'd help nahyuta yes, he stayed to be a defense attorney there bc there were no defense attorneys and it helps to have at least one, but being in charge of the entire thing? no. just no. soj itself has too many colonialist themes already
follow up to that last one: klavier moving to khura'in to help apollo??? and be his co-counsel? sorry but there are many lines from him that established he loves being a prosecutor too much to give that up just for a man
apollo or athena calling phoenix dad (in a canon setting). no. just no. esp if he adopts them???? gorl i love found family too but damn this is a workplace, not an orphanage...
to end with something silly: anyone being an aquarius/scorpio (sorry lmao this one is definitely personal. other people will hate these signs for general reasons but mine can very much be narrowed down to four people. i'm a special little boy)
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siri-ike · 5 months
Green with envy
ROTTMNT / DC crossover
Chapter 2
The first thing gar noticed as he opened his eyes were the lights, or rather the lack of florescent lights. Instead, the light here was soft and almost seemed natural, as though it were just the sun peeking through a slightly gray tinted window. It's a nice way to wake up. Secondly, he noted the sounds. It was quiet but not a dead silence. He could hear water running and gentle raindrops hitting the window with a light tap each. A rhythmic thumping in a different room could barely be heard through the walls. From this, he deduced that he is not in a hospital. The plant smells and the warm fresh air against his skin serving as further evidence, but the biggest clue of all would be his hands. He's not tied to the bed. As far as Gar knows, he should be suspicious and get up, but this is so comfortable and relaxing it's like his bones are weighed down by the pure lack of threats nearby. But that's stupid. He can't be sure that there are no threats. He could be in danger right now. Gar tries to sit up, and as soon as he does, a click goes off. Is there a pressure sensor? Did he seriously not take into account that he'd be under surveillance of some sort? Idiot. Arg, stop it, that's just Steven talking. Thumping getting closer and faster. Is someone running towards him? Gotta get out of here. Gar barely manages to stand before the thumping turns into a crash right outside the door, which immediately swings open to reveal the turtle from before. Oh, right. He got kidnapped, funny the sort of things you forget.
Mikey has been pacing back and forth for about 15 minutes now. They couldn't do today's magic training because there's no way he'd be able to focus. Draxum knows exactly why. He'd created them after all, he knew the reasons for all their little habits. You don't just commit several warcrimes to make bioweapons of mass destruction, and then not study their abilities. That would be highly irresponsible. Plus he's the one who gave them some of those little habits. Mikeys emotional outbursts may be a pain most of the time but they come with high empathy, creativity, energy, enthusiasm, all of which feed into a person's magical ability. Draxum didn't create them like this on accident, Mikey was always supposed to be good at emotions and magic, Donnie was always supposed to be technically intelligent and inventive, Leo was always supposed to be cunning and fast, Raph was always supposed to be an impenetrable barrier. He gave them other attributes to of course but those were the main ones. That's why he made sure to have plenty of things to do when Mikey comes over for magic lessons. Paints and markers (turns out you don't learn not to paint on the walls when you live in the sewer), a fully stocked kitchen, all sorts of puzzles and coloring books (to help rebuild dexterity in his hands) but he already did all those things so now all that nervous energy is being focused into anoyingness. 'I am the adult, I am the mature one, I know he's not trying to annoy me, I will not take this personally, I will not yell.' Draxum thinks to himself as he tries to stay calm like all those parenting books said to do.
He finally says. on. the. verge.
Mikey responds.
Give him a task. Don't yell, don't yell, don't yell.
"...could you go to the study and get my alchemy book for me?"
Draxum says in a totally normal not at all raised voice. He just needs something to do.
"The big grayish purple one."
Mikey stops in his tracks looking somewhat relived to be getting a distraction when a light and a small beep come from one of the monitors.
"They're awake!"
Mikey exclaimed excitedly, he said something else too but he was too far down the hallway. Kind of sounded like that thing they say sometimes. What was it again?
He yelled as he crashes into a pile of mystic something or other. He swings open the door to their guests room with a loud bang.
"Not so loud!"
Barry commanded from down the hallway. He must be tired, usually he pretends to hurry.
"Hi. Sorry i kidnapped you, it was an accident. You can go when you want. The test said you had some sort of, thing, you know, the, sleepy drugs."
The yokai/mutants face gives no indication as to what they might be thinking. Just the same aggressively neautral expression. Even Donny makes facial expressions.
"Did you get posoned? Is someone after you? Is it big mama? She's usualy after us. Or maybe the foot clan? The hidden city police?"
Mikey is used to not getting his questions answered. Partly due to the speed at which he asks them. But something about this yokai says that they're choosing to be silent. This ofcorse does not stop Mikey from talking.
"The spell was supposed to reach my brother, Leo... could you tell me where you were when the gate opened?... might help us figure out why, um. How did things happen on your end? Did it appear as a portal? A summoning circle? Something else?"
You'd think a turtle would understand the value of slowing down.
"How about we start with something simpler? My name is Michelangelo. Can you tell me yours?"
He's back. His orange bandana now holds his curly hair in place rather than covering his eyes. At least he's not crying this time. But he is loud. What's the point in screaming when you reach the door? All you're doing is announcing your presence. You risk getting ambushed by your own prisoner. Unless, did they drug him? Is that why he can barely move?
"Not so loud!"
Sounds like a man's voice, coming closer. Probably the same one from earlier.
"Hi. Sorry i kidnapped you, it was an accident."
Nice try, but Gars been a Doom Patroler long enough to know never to underestimate an enemy.
"You can go when you want."
As long as I do what you want, is that it. A task force X type of deal? Waiting for me to walk to the door so you can be all, 'oh, by the way, we put a bomb in you neck'. "The test said you had some sort of, thing."
A metagene? I know you want something. Just spit it out.
"You know, the, sleepy drugs."
The opioids?
"Did you get posoned?"
Poisoned myself.
"Is someone after you?"
"Is it big mama? She's usualy after us. Or maybe the foot clan? The hidden city police?"
Knew it, they are criminals. Wait, no, police sometimes shoot at metas just for existing in public. And these guys clearly aren't usual humans. And it's not like being kidnapped by non-criminals is better.
"The spell was supposed to reach my brother, Leo... could you tell me where you were when the gate opened?"
Not sure, somwhere in New York outside a small public library, think it was near a middle school.
"might help us figure out why, um. How did things happen on your end? Did it appear as a portal? A summoning circle? Something else?"
Just get to the blackmail already. What kind of tripple reverse 5d chess psychology is this?
"How about we start with something simpler? My name is Michelangelo. Can you tell me yours?"
Wanna know my name, huh. Look me up? Find out my weaknesses? Who would pay the highest ransom? Your tricks won't fool me.
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cascadiiiaa · 1 month
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Stella Sawyer.
She's our main character. She was born on January 26th, 1982. her parents both died in a car crash when she was 6 years old, so she and her sister live with her aunt in a nice big house in the nicest neighbourhood in Cherry River, 177 Maple Tree Way, right next to the Blue Wood Forest and Carver Lake. She was a ballet dancer for most of her childhood, and had a very traumatic experience, which changed her life and put her through a lot of emotional turmoil even years down the line. The biggest part of who she is is that she can communicate with dead people, see them, talk to them, dead people cling to her. This is a very difficult thing that she deals with, and is a big reason why she struggles with a lot of different addictions, she wants to keep the voices as quiet as possible, since having dead people constantly reaching out to her is a very stressful and overwhelming experience for her. Talking to dead people isn't the only extent if her power, she also has other abilities that she doesn't know what to do with. I'll expand on that more in another post. She's also a cheerleader!
she's very ambitious and driven, which can come across as stubborn, but she knows exactly what she wants to do and she never lets anybody convince her to do otherwise (except for a few people but i'll get to that later also). She's fiery and witty, known to be annoying and almost rude by people at her highschool that don't know her, but that's mostly because she's very sure of herself, and also isn't very aware of social cues. She would do anything for the people she loves, and she's wickedly funny. Kindness and love is at the heart of everything she does, even if what she does isn't morally correct, she's always doing it out of kindness or for the greater good of something. She's very misunderstood by a lot of people in her life, categorised as the pinnacle of an angsty teen girl, when she's a lot more than that under the surface and is really struggling with a lot of trauma and mental health issues. She's also very smart, not in a an academic way, but she's a great problem solver and very street smart. Creativity also goes into this, her creativity is one of the most integral parts of her personality. A few words i would use to describe her would be ambitious, fiery, witty, intelligent, aloof, creative, kind, and misunderstood.
Her best friend is Genny, who she's lived next to since she was sent to live with her aunt, and they've been best friends since then. She had a second best friend for a while, Jamie, but miscommunication and misunderstanding ruined their relationship for a while, before Jamie gets brought into Stella's life once again during the events of the novel. During this time where Jamie is brought back into Stella's life, their relationship is awkward and tense, a lot of things were left unsaid when they dramatically stopped being friends. Truthfully, they were both in love with each other and always had been, and once they start communicating properly their relationship develops romantically and intimately instead of platonically. They're also, Lesbians!!!! Their "trope" (ew), is friends to enemies to lovers.
Lastly, i'll describe her appearence! First of all, she's 16 years old.She is 165 centimetres tall, with long dyed red hair. she has big, round bright blue ice coloured eyes, and pale skin that's almost pale in a stark white way. she has an athletic body type, but she also naturally has a decent amount of weight on her. She dresses in a girly but dark and grungy way, also dressing very whimsigoth-y. Very 90s.
0 notes
sonufabitchhhhh · 2 years
Metal Family - Dee x Reader:
She Fuckin’ Hates Me
Summary: y/n and Dee never got along. Both were highly intelligent and competitive students. They always seemed to butt heads, but what neither knew was that they both secretly admired the other's traits, that they simply didn't have. It takes time for them to realise they're more similar than they thought. Dee x Reader
Masterlist | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Y/n and Dee were at each other's throats, as per usual. Y/n got riled up easily, while Dee kept his witty, sarcastic remarks cool and collected. That's not to say he wasn't thoroughly annoyed - one more word and y/n knew he'd have a mini outburst, as aggravated people tend to do.
They both knew just how to push each other's buttons, and what the sure signs of victory were, knowing what got under the other's skin.
Anyone would tell you that the two were polar opposites. They would tell you that, past their common academic goals, the two had nothing in common. This wasn't true. They actually had many common interests, but neither ever paid enough attention to notice this, and everyone else only cared about the verbal battles rather than a possible make-up.
Y/n was high-strung and constantly stressed, Dee was calm, stoic, and collected. While Dee had a deep appreciation for art and music, he couldn't make them himself for shit, but to y/n, the arts came naturally as they often sketched and wrote music, playing in their band.
Y/n wanted Dee's ability to keep his cool, to not give a fuck about what people are saying, but not take shit all the same.
Dee wanted y/n's artistic skill, wanted to play instruments and read and write music, wanted to sketch and draw whatever came to mind.
In short, they were jealous of each other, and every time one of them bested each other in their common skill - knowledge, and academics - they took it hard, and personally, only fuelling their war.
All lesson, y/n and Dee had been fighting for the top spot in class, trying to answer more questions than the other, and trying to finish their work the quickest.
Their teacher was not dumb, and although he encouraged friendly competition, their rivalry had gotten out of hand.
That's right. It was partner project time!
When the teacher had announced a partner project, both were annoyed before they even knew the worst of it. Partner projects were annoying because it meant that they had to rely on someone else to help them get the grade they deserve, or end up doing twice the usual work alone.
It was then that the pre-chosen partners started to be announced... they listened and waited patiently for their names to be called.
It didn't take long for the outrage to settle in once their names were called together.
"Sir! You can't pair me with them!" Dee all but screamed across the room.
"The first and last time I'll ever say this, but I agree! We cannot work together!" Y/n hurriedly chimed in.
They teacher stopped reading off his list, anticipating this sort of reaction. "And why not?"
Dee sputtered for a minute with no good reason other than he didn't like them. It was times like this that y/n's stubborn and argumentative nature came in really handy.
"If you pair us together then our attitudes will clash and we won't be able to get anything done! If you pair with someone we're more compatible with, we're more likely to get better grades." Y/n shot back, fully expecting their argument to win.
They were, however, wrong. "Yes, but my prime goal is to prepare you for the real world. Sometimes you'll get paired with someone you don't like, and you'll have to make the best of it." Their teacher spoke carefully, words already prepared for their backlash. "Besides, you're both very bright students, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Now no more on the subject."
Y/n and Dee glared at their teacher one more time before finally giving up and stewing with rage in their seats.
When the lesson ended, Dee reluctantly went over to y/n. "Do you want study at your place or mine?"
Y/n eyed him cautiously. "Who says we have to study at either? We can always study in the library."
"No, because the library closes sooner, giving us less time. Not to mention, we'd probably get kicked out for screaming at each other after five minutes of work."
He had a point.
"Fine. We'll go to my place after school, meet me outside."
A/N: ok, I wasn't planning to, but I'm going to make this a two-parter, because it's already longer than I expected. Let me know what you think, and feel free to request!
Hope you have a great day/night,
~ SonofaBeach
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i just discovered ur blog and i love it so much! so i wanna send in a request that i thought of but if u don’t do wanna do it it’s fine but i feel like timmy would be a good older brother low key? like if he had younger siblings he would be a good role model lol so maybe some headcanons of him x sister!reader (platonic ofc) like maybe he would be rlly protective too??
sorry but—
i'm so lame, sorry ;-;
but here it is, enjoy <33
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𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐱 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏.𝟐𝟗𝟖
𝐧𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐭!
since timmy and you are siblings, and he's older, i consider that he and your sister pauline —but mainly him, being extremely overprotective. like, it didn't begin in the recentpast, but mainly in the moment when timmy first went into the hospital room to his mother at 4-5-6 years old, to see you, the little bundle of gentleness in his mother's arms. he smiled down at you, waiting for you to open your eyes, trying to reach for you tiny, chubby fingers.
"do you like her, timmy?" his mother asked, catching up the biggest, warmest smile when timmy hold your small hand, and you opened your eyes. sure, this was a little bit strange for him, since he never had seen a newborn before, but when you clumsily grabbed on one of his finger, your squishy cheeks, your rosy skin, tender eyes —your innocent entirety suddenly brought out a strange nature from him.
"i love her", he answered, leaning on one of his arms to keep his finger in your grasp as long as possible. his parents looked at each other, and they didn't even know yet that how amazing a big brother timothée can be.... because trust me, he is !!
he places you not just in front of him, but in front of everyone in his eyes. i mean, if you're cold, he's always ready to give his hoodie to you —and one time he even gave to you his hoodie, even if you were with him and his actual girlfriend (like some third wheel, or you just joined them after school or something) —after that, his girlfriend got annoyed and broke up with him, but the internet thought otherwise when she posted things like timothée bends to you, and you're using him —instead of further hate, timothée's fans defended and stated that it wasn't your fault, and that family is always comes before friends —or especially when the bond is as strong as between you and timothée.
and that was the time when his fans got to know you —you account was private for a time, you don't wanted to get mean comments or hate that you didn't deserve, but when more positive feedback came back to you, and you were relieved that you aren't a hinder for timyy's career, you changed you instagram account to public.
timmy helps you to deal with the sudden tons of followers, and the mostly kind, but sometimes annyoing or disturbing dm's and comments —he strokes your hair while the two of you scroll thorugh the comments that gained under your fresh post. "don't pay attention to people who drags you down, they're not worth the timre. oh, look, that people says that you're just as adorable as me. but, i think that you are more adorable." you smile and hug him while watching together your favourite cartoon.
since we're at cartoons, series, movies or anything else you like —timothée is a master-mind and has the best gifts or memes in the fandom you're currently in. for example, when you told him that you liked marel or avengers, he got you a v.i.p ticket for the premiere, a whole bunch of little avengers plushies. you like anime or video games like genshin impact? (sorry, i play with this currently and ut's addicting as hel jkdsjhfk) he got the best matching profile-picture icons for your fanpage, but sometimes he shares on his mystory the given pair of the aesthetic pics, tagging you under the linked post. one thing that he never gonna change —his own movies merch gonna be never, NEVER EVER be allowed in the house. you have a tiktok video about him, when you go down to the living room, wearing a 'call me by your name' t-shirt with him and armie —recording his reaction as he looks at you, and when he realizes what you wear, timmy moves his hand for a straight deadpan, like 'y/n, are you serious? what was the deal, huh?' when you went closer to him, he took down his hand from his face, only to stare at your t-shirt like "if you take off that and go to sleep, i'm gonna sneak in your room, take that t-shirt and burn it on the biggest bonfire you've ever seen" jvldfjv
if you meet his co-actors and co-workers, it's always a stressful occassion —you try not to be awkward, and since they all know how good and how perfect timothée is, you think that it's natural from you to act juts as perfect as him... that leads in the beginning to many moments when you excuse yourself for the toilet, breathing heavily, only because you didn't know how to react on one of they joke or how they complimented you. you wanted to be the best of the bests, not bringing your brother into anything awkward. timmy felt this from the first time on you, while you scracthed on your fingers and hands to soothe your nerves, and when the two of you drove off to home or the hotel he stayed at, he tells you that he's nervous everytime, and he understands that you feel like you're an anxious bundle —"i'm gonna beside you everytime when you meet them, even if you mess something up. i'm never gonna be angry at you for something you can't do nothing about, don't ever think that, okay?"
he always invites you to the actual country or town where he films, telling you that if you have a free weekend or some break in the school, you can fly and spend a couple of days with him, walking around the town or taking pictures with him off the set, buying him and his co-workers coffee, befriending with the staff or the cameraman while sitting on one of the filming machines.
when timmy was away filming the dune, he wanted you to be here so much, knowing that you would just love the setting, and you would have fun with his co-worker, zendaya —at the time you had two math tests that you had to accomplish due to your grades and such, so you had to study in his hotel room while he was on set, only to be ready when he was done that day to go somehwere out with him and his co-workers. when you neared the filming location with your notes to look at them from time to time, you saw that timmy and the others are nowhere done, and he's still in his costume. you needed a little help from anybody who understood math better than you, so at first timmy, but then zendaya too tried to solve your exercises with a pen in her hands, her makeup and costume still on —the fans found it adorable and hoped that zendaya and you would be good friends <3
mentioning you in his interviwes everytime he can, like "i love my sister y/n. she's my biggest supporter, like making banters or decorations when i'm away and waiting for me to come home to those silly deocrations... i mean, no, not silly, y/n, if you see this, they're not silly, i swear! it's just... really cute. yeah. she made cupcakes that spelled out 'call be by your name', and printed me and armie on those little wafers. that was the most confusing and sweetest surprises at once in my life."
"if y/n wants to be an actress, an artist or a model, or anything, i'm gonna support her in everything just like she did to me. but i'm gonna protect her from the bad people, that's the only reason i don't want her to be famous, you know, i don't want her to break down just because others don't relate to her or don't understand her."
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨? 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐲'𝐬 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲/𝐧? 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 <𝟑
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐨!! 𝐮𝐰𝐮
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afflictedblue · 3 years
Andreil & I love you's
I totally respect Nora and everyone that agrees that these two don't say I love you. While I totally agree that they only say it on rare occasions I just personally can't imagine they woul never say it. So here are a few of my hc's no one asked for of Andreil saying I love you :
The first time it happens they've been dating for a few years already, it's the middle of the night, they're cuddled up together under the blankets after Neil had a particularly rough nightmare, they didn't happen that often anymore but when they did they were quite hard to shake off so the two young men would spend sometimes hours just wrapped around each other in silence, Andrew softly soothing soft imaginary figures on Neil's skin, on that one spot on his lower belly where he knew he didn't risk to brush a scar by accident. Eventually Neil would stop shaking and his breathing would slowly go back to normal and when he would feel okay enough again he would turn around to face Andrew with a tired smile. They would usually just stare at each other like that in silence until they'd fall back asleep. But this time was different. He didn't know why nor what it was but there was something tight holding Andrew's heart, there this weight in his stomach and a lump on his throats. He was aching to say it. But it was stupid. They didn't have to say it, Neil knew and Andrew knew and they proved and showed it to each other on the daily. But it was getting so hard to just ignore this feeling bubbling inside him. And Neil was just there, laying pressed to Andrew's body, that small smile still stuck on his lips and he looked so at peace, so safe here in Andrew's arm and it was all just too much for a single man to bare without a word. So there, as time was slowly entering its morning phase, Andrew let down the very last piece of his guard as he pressed his forehead onto Neil's and whispered those three stupid little words. For a moment Andrew worries his whisper didn't reach Neil, but he had felt his shift in his arms, he wasn't crazy, Neil had heard. But he wasn't saying anything, he wasn't moving. Panic settled in, what if it wasn't the right time? What if Neil didn't want to hear those words? What if Andrew had fucked up the one good thing that had ever happened to him? No. No, they'd been through too much, three stupid little words couldn't possibly break them up. No. Andrew wanted to say something, anything, he wanted to make this moment desappear. Mouth opened, desperately trying to find something to say, that's when he heard it. He thought it was his imagination at first, that his brain had just imagined Neil saying those three stupid words back because he was so desperate. But when he looked down, Neil was watching him, eyes wide opened and the brightest smile on his face. His whole body burst into relief as he leaned over to press a soft kiss onto Neil's lips. Both smiling like the idiots in love they were, the went back to cuddling and kissing, and maybe more but that was to be shared between them only.
After that it became natural for them to say it once in a while, usually in the most random moments like Andrew will be brushing his teeth in the bathroom and Neil would pass by and stop at the door to tell him he loves him and then go back to what he was doing like nothing happened. Or Neil reading a book laying on the sofa and Andrew would throw something at him like a ball or whatever to get his attention, and to annoy him obviously, and as soon as Neil would glare at him he would say he loves him and then leave the room with a smile. Neil's glare would obviously disappear right away, replaced by the sweetest smile. They never say it in front of other people though, it's something they keep to themselves. Those three stupid little words are theirs only.
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