#they're so important to me so precious
0yorixu · 3 months
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i will never feel lonely ever again
happy birthday rui kamishiro from the hit game project sekai colorful stage featuring hatsune miku, you are my number 1 fav and kin and I will treasure you for a long time. Your ending will be a happy one.
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snarky-magpie · 7 months
A new chapter of PS. is up and only 2 more to go (+an epilogue)! I'm lowkey (okay maybe not so lowkey) looking forward to be finished with this fic. I'm not cut out for these long-term projects. All of you out there writing those 300+K word fics - mad respect. I could never do that.
Remus: After I got over my hang-ups, your friendship became one of the things I value most in my life. So I assumed Sirius would have more sense in his stupid head than risk losing you over a temper tantrum. 
James: Aw, Remus. 
James: You’re gonna make me cry. 
Remus: Somebody needs to appreciate you, Jamie. You do so much for everyone all the time. It actually works against you. Your goodness is so ever-present that it’s easy to take it for granted.
Remus: That’s what I value about Reg. I don’t think he does. Every time you smile at him, he gets this dopey expression.
Remus: The ‘I can’t believe James Potter likes me’ expression.
James: Does he, really?
Remus: Yup. Don’t tell him I gave away his little secret. He’d probably murder me in my sleep.
James: That’s likely.
James: I love him so much.
Remus: You two are a strangely unhinged couple, but like I said. It fits. Just curb his more bloodthirsty tendencies.
James: Don’t worry. He’s a softie on the inside. He only likes to act tough.
Remus: Won’t bet my life on it, thank you.
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daphnebowen · 8 months
okay just rewatched the last episode of season four of hsmtmts and noticed something I hadn't noticed before that's making me scream and kick my feet in the air...
so you know at the end of the musical when they're taking their bows and singing "high school musical" iconic yes? and Ricky and Gina take their bow and they look at each other as they are holding hands as they're singing "memories that last forever." you can particularly hear Ricky's voice over everyone else's as well as Gina's. now whether this was on purpose I don't know, but remember at this point Ricky and Gina never really got to talk about Gina going to New Zealand. The bomb was sort of dropped on Ricky and then he dropped the bomb on Gina that he knew and they didn't have time to talk about it or resolve anything. because yes, while Ricky wanted his beautiful amazing Uber talented girlfriend to follow her dreams and be the big star he knows she is, he also wants her for himself. he doesn't want to let her go yet. It's not selfish, it's high school. but anyways, I just think it's so special that even though, at this point, rina is going to have to go their separate ways and leave so many people heartbroken forever, they're thinking about forever. Ricky and Gina are singing to the memories that they made this past year and a half, basically, with each other (as well as with everyone else, but for the sake of this post I'm sticking with Gina and Ricky) and also, in my mind, to the memories that they'll make in the future. at this point they don't know when, they have no idea when they will reunite, but I can imagine they feel like one day they will. they're certain. because the stars won't keep them separated for long. and so I just think that's so special and so meaningful and deep and amazing. that little detail about forever - when the song Ricky's about to go sing to her is basically about forever - melts my heart. The details put into this series - whether on purpose or on accident, I don't really know - are incredible. so yeah, just thought I would point that out.
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 739: The training camp's fourth day!!
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Pag 1
1: Training camp of Sohoku High School's racing team...
2: fourth and last day, 10:18 in the morning
3: Here it comes, Rokudai!!
4: Yeah!! Teh, Kinaka-kun
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Pag 2
1: The training camp fourth and last day!!
The total distance we've ran so far is....
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Pag 3
2: Here we go!!
5: 800km!!
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Pag 4
1: We still have 200km to go until we reach 1000km!!
2: Teeh.....!! We've ran so much, teh
3: That's right, we already went beyond what I said at first, the distance from “Aomori”
4: “Aomori”!
It's still 10:30 in the morning, so if we keep going like this we can run the remaining 200km that are required!!
We can!!
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Pag 5
1: My legs are all sore
2: I'm trembling all over, teh
3: The Aomori thing, when we first came here
4: 700km!!
I thought it would be impossible
5: When on the first day, the senpai created such a gap between us, I resigned myself and thought that it really was impossible
6: But then, on that day's evening, you had that idea, Kinaka-kun
8: We worked so hard starting from the morning, we closed the gap, and ran until here
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Pag 6
1: Being “buddies” really was our “breakthorugh”, teh!!
2: Breakthrough...!!
3: ??
4: Right!!
5: Somehow, when I think about seeing the “goal”
6: I feel a surge of power, teh!!
7: Yeah, nice Rokudai, that's good!!
8: We've survived so far, so let's run through the end!!
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Pag 7
2: Pfui
Let's do... our best and.... run....
5: Huh, where's my bottle?
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Pag 8
3: Rokudaiii!!
6: Oooooogh
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Pag 9
3: Ah....
Kinaka....kun? Huh.... I... fell.... and my bo.... ttle?
4: Rokudaii!!
5: So-sorry
You- you saved me, because you're my “buddy”!!
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Pag 10
1: Because I'm your friend
3: Because you're my precious and reliable friend!!
4: Don't fall
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Pag 11
1: Don't fall yet!!
2: There's still a chance
3: A small one
4: We can't know until the end of this last day of this training camp
5: target
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Pag 12
1: is to go together to the Inter High!!
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Pag 13
2: Ohh, they got back up, those first years
They ran 800km, so I thought their pace would drop for 2 or 3 laps
3: and that they would lose momentum like that
5: There are two ways of winning a road race
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Pag 14
1: The first way is enduring determinedly, following without giving up in any situation
2: So that you survive and become the last man standing
4: And the other way is attacking yourself, actively passing and leaving behind your opponents
5: showing your strength and taking the victory....!!
6: They're both “victories”, that doesn't change
But the one who brings you more praises and admiration
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Pag 15
1: It's the latter, Issa!!
2: That's right, Danchiku!!
3: First year Omihata, my jersey
4: The heat resistance training ends here!!
5: Kaburagi-san.... he took off his long-sleeved jersey....!!
That means he's gotten serious!!
6: Let's go with with Full Spec, Danchiku!!
Now that our bodies are ready, we'll definitely do our “human sacrifice”....
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Pag 16
1: We'll defeat Sugimoto-san and go to the Inter High!!
Of course, Issa!!
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Pag 17
3: Let's catch him, Danchiku!!
4: So you're here
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Pag 18
1: You two!!
2: We've come to give back to you that “you allowed us to train with you”!! Sugimoto-san!!
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Pag 19
2: Danchiku has already mastered the new bike he's riding, and he doesn't stagger anymore
Thanks to you, he's now in perfect condition!! Perfect!!
3: Yeah
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Pag 20
1: I'm just next to you and yet I can feel your pressure enough!!
3: Sugimoto-san, sorry but I'm gonna defeat you in one blow
4: I won't let you beat me in one blow
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Pag 21
1: Is that your “expectations”? Or your “hope”?
2: Yeah.... for now
3: I'll also take off my arms warmer!!
4: Sugimoto took off his arms warmer!!
5: If you come at me seriously....
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Pag 22
1: It's only polite of me to get serious too!!
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Pag 23
3: Sugimoto himself hit their handles!!
Even though usually his play-style is to avoid rough play and contact!!
4: You're in high spirits....!!
5: Not as much as you!! Danchiku!!
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Pag 24
1: Honestly, I'm surprised that you're going all out like this.... you're worth defeating!!
2: I'll let you train with me one more time, Danchiku!!
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Pag 25
2: Ah crap, they've started already!!
The last battle
3: of the fourth and last day of this training camp!!
4: Danchiku-kun!! Sugimoto-kun!!
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Pag 26
1: I'll pull now, teh, Kinaka-kun
Yeah, thank you, Rokudai!!
2: Please....
3: No....
4: I'm beaten....
Even though I've finally... cut the 200km left point...
5: That moment.... I overdid it a little....
6: My legs hurt.....
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I have a hc that Sanji (kind of) sees his mother in Robin- like, they're different but also similar and Robin has a motherly energy to him and she fells just like Sora to him and- Robin knows but don't say anything and even likes to know Sanji fells this safe with her
(Idk why I'm saying this now- I'm sorry. I am sick. And I am in my period too. And I also can't go to work today bc I'm sick so-)
I imagine Sanji having nightmares. Not every day but, like, it happens a lot. Sanji can't fall back asleep then, so he always ends up in the kitchen cooking or just smoking until somebody wakes up. He's shaking and really, really trying to distract himself because otherwise, he'll have a panic attack. This thing usually happens around 3 am, for example, depending on the day, and since Robin wakes up pretty early (5 am) it's just normal that they find each other in the kitchen. I just love the thought of Sanji trying to act like everything's fine but it's obvious he hasn't slept and he doesn't even want breakfast when Robin asks if he wants to make something for himself too (while he's cooking for her). They just sit in silence for a while but she knows something's wrong. She says something about not having to deal with the burden of her past alone anymore, now that she's with them, and that Sanji should do the same. But it's out of nowhere and what is he supposed to do with that? So he just nods and tries to avoid it, but at least Robin is happy he eats when she tells him to grab something from her plate.
When he fights with Zoro, sometimes it's too much. It's stupid, really. Their whole relationship is just constant bickering and arguments without end. But sometimes he gets too stressed and too overwhelmed and it's just too much, so he ends up leaving to a quiet place instead of saying something he might end up regretting. They argue, but he doesn't actually hate the damn swordsman, goddammit. Somehow, Robin is always there. She always lets him rant and rant about these things, and even if she just makes a sweet comment in the end that Sanji has a hard time deciphering, it's more than enough to calm him down.
Things get... A lot worse sometimes. Somedays, Sanji just won't eat. Or act like himself. Or shower. Or, well, anything. Sometimes he's more irritable and it's quite obvious that something is wrong, but he never lets people around him help. And Robin notices, because she has been there. She isn't a mind reader, but she notices when somebody is thinking about death when she sees one. This only happens in private and not a lot of times, but Sanji lets himself cry when Robin is there. And she hugs him and it's warm and she smells so much like his mom it just makes him cry harder. She's so sweet and soothing and she keeps kissing his forehead and saying that he'll be fine. That it's just a rough time, but he'll be okay with them.
Sanji can't handle alcohol, by the way. He sucks at drinking. Horrible drinker. He has a bit of Rum or Vodka or whatever, even a fucking beer and he's already feeling a bit dizzy. He says not to worry because he handles it perfectly, but uhhh, nope. He's a lightweight and he's an honest drunk who won't stop having breakdowns and the minimum sign of affection. So he always ends up crying in Robin's lap while she caresses his hair and lets him rant drunkenly for hours. She's there to calm him down when he throws up too. Poor boy.
When he has his gender crisis or his sexuality crisis or he has a crush or whatever, somehow he always ends up talking to Robin. It's a habit now, talking to her whenever he needs advice, and she always manages to give him the perfect support every time. Even if he's stubborn and panics every time he thinks about his true feelings, she's always there to catch him when he falls and when he doesn't know what to do.
Robin is also very protective of him, especially since Wano happened. If she sees a girl going to fight Sanji she stands in the way and helps him out. She knows he doesn't have the heart to harm them, and she's proud of him for asking for help whenever he needs it.
Not to mention that she loves it. She loves being his support. She loves taking care of him and helping him out. I mean, to her, Sanji is so young (they only have a 9-year age gap but you know what I mean. Also different lives and positions of power in their lives. She's just way more mature) and inexperienced and she's so glad he trusts her enough to let her help. I think about their Wano scene every day of my life, I swear.
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mytragedyperson · 10 months
Wait no cause the idea of Yachi and Karasuno going to Karaoke and them encouraging Yachi to sing and her being really shy only to belt out nightmare by Halsey and then going back to being shy and "was that good? Was that okay? Gah I'm so embarrassed". That's the type of thing we love, especially with supportive Karasuno first years and hypement Tanaka and Nishinoya and Suga being so proud but also they're all so shocked and surprised. God I'm in love
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one of these days i'll write up a post about the parallels and foils between vivi and hermes and why it fucking kills me. for now all i can say is in hindsight the 'latched onto vivi Hard as a kid' to 'latched onto hermes Hard as an adult' pipeline is Real
#ffix#ffxiv#vivi ornitier#ffxiv hermes#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy ix#the absolute fuckor#hermes really is just such an interesting and visceral deconstruction of/foil to vivi's themes#ranging from *vivi* being the one in the same role as the familiars here#in comparison to hermes meaning the best in the world and trying So Hard; but ultimately coming from a place of immense privilege#and the fact that he was fumbling around in the dark in a society that very aggressively tried to insulate him from any meaningful#perspective on the shitty things he had internalized about familiars without realizing it; much less knowledge to unpack it#and how in the end he still was shitty to and about familiars; including and especially his daughters; who he abused#and some of that stemmed at least partly from his own selfishness and the things he was in denial about#to the fact that vivi had *support* when it came to things like grief and fear and life being precious#and the importance of finding your own meaning in it; while at the same time treating unavoidable death with weight and respect#and people in his life being like 'yeah it's pretty fucking understandable to be fucked up about all this'#instead of at most condescendingly treating him like a freak and an outlier for like. fucking being sad or angry about things. lol#bc *vivi gets angry.* he doesn't just feel sad he gets fucking furious; he feels real ass hate; he wants people to die for what they've done#and when he *does* question that in himself it's not ~uwu if i hate people i'm just as bad as them~; it's 'i've repressed so hard that i#literally have forgotten how to identify what sadness feels like; and it bothers me that my grief response skips straight to hatred now'#i just. god i love vivi so much i could go on. anyway when someone tries to pull a 'familiar-equivalents are soulless puppets#with a single purpose and it's fine to kill them if they're defective or obsolete' vivi tries to explode him with his mind#and his friends go i'll help! and that's why i love ffix#ffixtag#ffxivtag#FF tag
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vellichorius · 1 year
i just finished reading all the young dudes and.
none of you are allowed to slander this story.
i feel like i've lived the life of a 33 year old gay werewolf man. it was funny, it was uplifting, it was absolutely devastating and the whole time it felt like this silly, lanky wizard dude was real and he was me, and this is why i will listen to very few arguments about this story. it was fantastic. i remain deeply moved.
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gorkaya-trava · 2 months
anyone else feeling really guilty when seeing something related to their work while being in a writeblock or it's just me
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youngster-monster · 10 months
Im in finals hell currently but stranger things and steddie have their claws in me once again so have this. fic idea thing for a role reversal au between steve and eddie
Season 1, Will Byers disappears and Eddie may be a freak, but shit, missing kid, so he goes on a few of the search parties with his uncle. And he keeps going, even when Wayne's hours mean he can't go anymore: just grabs the lamp torch and walks through the woods for a few hours when he can’t sleep, often on his own. It’s creepy as hell out there, he keeps feeling like something is watching him, but whenever he tries to sleep he ends up spending hours staring at his ceiling instead so whatever. It’s something to do. He keeps doing it even after they fish out Will’s body from the quarry: Hawkins’ nicer when it’s quiet.
He tried to like, talk to Jonathan a few times at school, freaks should stick together etc, but it didn’t exactly. Work. Still, he finds himself wandering past the Byers’ house and when he sees the lights blinking like crazy and hears the noises coming from inside he decides to investigate.
Steve, meanwhile, saw Nancy’s gun and decided shit was already weird enough, running out of the narrative none the wiser. For now. Eddie bursts into the house just in time to see the Demorgogon: his turn at being a protagonist!
The following seasons would go in the same vein. Eddie gets reverse adopted by Dustin on virtue of being a cool older male figure who’s into DnD and probably spends a lot of time grabbing the kids and running instead of getting his ass beat by the villain of the week: THIS protagonist is a runner, and he gets way fewer concussions about it
(Steve, meanwhile, gets dumped without even knowing what made Nancy change so much. No friends, because his previous ones were assholes, and no girlfriend, because he’s bullshit: he’s a pretty lonely guy.)
Nancy won’t let Eddie hang around the kids while dealing, so he picks up a job as Scoops Ahoy instead. Please picture this in your mind. It takes a minute for his, huh. Loud. personality to grow on Robin, but they have that kind of wlw/mlm acerbic friendship, you know the one. When there’s two gays on shift NOTHING gets done. 
Decoding russian cyphers is great fodder for future DnD puzzles and he has a grand ol’ time up until they get kidnapped; he gets a few traumas about it and also a mutual coming out, which is nice because he really thought he’d die the only gay person in Hawkins.
Steve gets a job at some sorts of sports goods store in Starcourt; his parents were NOT happy that he didn’t get into any college. That’s where he meets Chrissy: she needs new shoes for cheer practice, he flirts with her, they actually go on a date, and he’s done enough introspection to realize boy, she is NOT having fun here. He apologizes, SHE apologizes, they’re both cute about it, he drives her home, and somehow they become friends instead. He deserves that.
So in ‘86, when Chrissy needs something to silence the nightmares, she goes to her good pal Steve Harrington at Family Video instead: maybe a movie would help. They chat a bit, he proposes they watch “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” after his shift, and then she starts floating, which isn’t a great moment for anyone involved
In his scramble to climb over the counter to drag her down, Steve walks on the tv remote that controls the display TV, turning the volume up. He had put Grease on when Chrissy walked in: it’s one of her favorite. “Summer Nights” starts blaring, and it’s not her favorite but shit, i’m in charge of the plot here, it works enough that she collapses to the ground, in a bad, bad shape, but alive.
Lucas is pretty much the only one of the kids who’s close-ish to Steve; I figure he reached out to the last best ball boy of hawkins high for tips when he tried out for the basketball team. Don’t ask me how they became actual friends, just know that they are, so the next day he goes looking for Steve to talk about recent My Friends Don’t Like Me Balling teenage angst and finds a crime scene instead. Steve isn’t at the hospital either: he’s at the police station, being questioned because the cops think he’s the one who broke a few of Chrissy’s limbs and put her in a coma (the main theory is that he asked her out, she said no, and he, what, flew in a rage? It’s not like he can tell them the TRUTH. The cameras don’t even work inside the family video.)
Cue the rest of the season. With one long freakout on Steve’s part because his parents are rich enough for him to post bail but jesus christ there isn’t enough money in the world to forget the fact that magic is real and hates you specifically
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secret-citrus · 2 years
Just throwing some of the screenshots I took from Owl House S3EP1 here for my own reference
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dragonairice · 1 year
Making this post specifically to spite my mom but friendly reminder to ASK QUESTIONS.
Look up how to do something, even if it’s considered a skill ‘everyone should know’, there’s no shame in looking up a tutorial.
Ask someone to clarify what they meant if you didn’t understand, you’re not bothering anyone, so long as they have the time and they’re a decent person they’ll likely explain it to you.
If you’ve got a question, ask it. To yourself, to your friends, to your parents, your teachers, your boss, your co-workers, whoever.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
ffxiv really influenced my writing huh
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#every time i read the tales in lodestone this thought always surfaces. reading 'a question of life' n. feels bittersweetly personal bcs#reading about hermes with a writing style that. feels similar to my own as well 😭😭 'but this time—this time i am surely beyond acceptance'#hdfkasjdlf thinking abt other stuff in the story too n. how could i not. think of him so much when. we're so similar in a way#you see i love alphinaud yes he's very precious too me. i find him very adorable and endearing#his youth and boyishness along with his certain sense of authority and maturity is something i love so much#as an older twin too myself he's. incredibly special to me & his development means the world to me#emet-selch is so bittersweet for me. remembrance.. love. especially with azem there's a reason why they're my favorite ship#the romance about it all. the poetry. he's a slave to sentiment; so am i. other than being so very important to me in regards to#story-telling he's also just. dramatic. silly. lonely. tragic really. oh and he smiles so stupidly it's just so lovely#aymeric is charming. when it comes to the wol.. he has all this authority but then with the wol he's just so sweet#a good person. he's rather quite obviously enamored with the wol in a way and it's really just so endearing. & he's uh. very pretty#hauchefant is so. oh he's really very knightly. he's very noble and selfless. romantic. his uh.. suggestive comments in jpn#are very funny ngl he's just a silly lil guy. and very supportive. beautiful smile too but that's a bit funny to say with msq stuff#I ENDED UP RAMBLING ABOUT THEM.. hdkfjasdl ok finally when it comes to hermes though#you see all my favorites in ffxiv are incredibly special to me in these unique ways#hermes is too. it's hard to describe but we're so similar in a way different from alphinaud and emet-selch#now that i've actually gone to writing this part i'm not sure what to say. it's nearly 6 am. he is. uh#he's sad. he opens up to the wol. he's. really kind and gentle and good at heart. i think when it comes to personality we're the most alike#& that certain sense of familiarity and similarity which goes along with understanding means the most to me. out of all these characters#if they were real then definitely i think i'd get along with hermes the most. he's emotional; different compared to his peers n#very intelligent & curious & accepting. he loves life. compassionate. oh my god flowers n birds n star related stuff he genuinely reminds#me so much of. like my own oc YEAH artem >< part of his name used to be caelum (heaven i think in latin) n corvus (latin for crow iirc)#oh man i genuinely think he contributed a lot in making me like blue a lot more. & then he's rlly just so mellow melancholic n then#stuff w hope despair. i like these characters so much bcs wtf i really want to help them in some way idk bcs i relate????#it makes me so sad how in the end he didn't get the answers he was seeking. for reasons that are uh spoilers#ohh i realize a lot of characters i like. they're not quite misunderstood in the way apollo oft ends up being drawn to but#hmm. i could write about that but maybe leaving that to interpretation based on how it relates to me is much more interesting to do#oh my god it is 6 am i'm not proofreading all this or wtvr goodnight
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robinsnest2111 · 11 months
I know(!!!) the constructive criticism was for my own good and I know I gotta get a better work routine going to get everything done on time without help but damn does it make me wanna kms So Bad rn!!!!!!!!!
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neverendingford · 1 year
#thinking a lot about morality and utility versus absolute and picking fights with my father and christian friends about the nature of people#morality sometimes does have to be learned. I was a significantly more shitty individual back in 2015 when I got on tumblr#but I learned that community is important. they violence in defense of others is justified required and admirable#I learned that emotions that are commonly considered negative can always be channeled into something constructive#that tumblr post about a selfish warlord protecting her kingdom because THEY'RE MY PEOPLE AND YOU CANNOT HARM THEM#it sticks with me because the transformation of “negative” emotion into a force that creates and grows and thrives and protects#sure. tumblr is mental illness dot com. but the ones who have lived this long? they turn it into recovery and thrive dot com#tumblr is the hellsite and this volcanic soil is fertile. we grow life out of these ashes.#the ones who haven't killed themselves or been killed are the ones who know what it means to survive.#the ones who found the way out. the ones who are willing to fight to wake up happy. to defend what they know it's precious#I learned that loving people can be a selfish thing#if friendship makes me happy then should I not make friends? if being kind makes me happy should I not then be kind?#I hug a crying person because I care about them but also because it makes me feel better to care.#I feel happy when I am protecting other people. when I am caring for someone.#I feel fulfilled when I drive to a friend's house and get them away from their abusive family for even just one night.#I care about others but I also care about myself. christianity told me to sacrifice myself. to burn myself on a pyre of divinity#tumblr dot edu told me “love yourself or die trying”#I wish I had periods so I could paint with my own blood without having to cut myself open.#I genuinely wanna learn how to draw blood so I can paint with my own blood without resorting to knives#poetry feels so much more meaningful when it's crafted from my own flesh#a thousand words written in meat and bone can never say what my actions will.#I try to describe in a chorus of screams and cries what I can express with a single squeeze of my fingers against your palm#I reach out to hold your hands as you cry and a new wing appears in the Library of Babylon.#you laugh and kiss me gently and bookshelves spring into being to describe the electricity that passes from your heart to mine#I want to love as relentlessly as the ocean. others can be soft like a river. I can only beat like a storm against your windows#how can I discover this ache in my heart? how can I pluck it out and tie it to these pages that I might not feel it throb in my chest
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finally watched season 2 of shadow and bone and like the issue with that show (outside of the bad acting lmao) is that the plot happens in one story line but the fun happens in the other 
like alina babes i don’t care about your search for the hot bird im sorry
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