#they're supposed to tell you if anything comes from outside the area
alex51324 · 4 months
This week's farm box has a theme, and it's "what on earth am I going to do with all these greens?"
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I have spinach, kale, asparagus, zucchini, mint, radishes (with their greens), something called mizuna, and lettuce. (I still have lettuce left from last week.)
I'm planning to make creamed spinach, so that's one down.
My next idea is Some Kind of Pasta Thing with the zucchini, asparagus, and as much of the other greens as I can reasonably cram in, but I haven't quite figured out the details on that one.
And I'm still going to have kale, mizuna, and radish greens left after that. I'm thinking saute them, but I need some way to make it interesting.
And, of course, salad. Lettuce and radish salad, with one carrot I have left from last week, and IDK what else.
The mint, if I don't have any better ideas, I can just hang up it up to dry and then put it in teabags.
I have some very exciting cheeses this week, though!
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Cheddar, colby, and the Red Cat is apparently the specialty of a local dairy.
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
hi, can you be part two of yandere concubine harem
Yandere! Concubine Harem pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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God fucking damnit it happened again. Currently, you were standing in front of your father as he was lecturing you. The reason for this scolding? Well, it was due to the fact that yet another one of your concubines had passed away. You wanted nothing more than to just go to bed and take a fat nap right now. Like how was this even remotely your fault? Everyone knows that once someone joins your harem there’s like a seventy percent chance of them dying. Yet they still do it! Why were you being blamed for their stupidity?
“I can’t fucking believe you!!! How could you let another one of your concubines die!?!? How on Earth are we supposed to explain this to the family!?!?”
“I honestly don’t understand why you're putting so much of the blame on me. Everyone literally knows the dangers of entering this place. This is the twelfth concubine to die. Can anyone really be surprised? Most people already know the fatalities, yet they still send their children here in hopes of being married to me. If they're shocked, that's on them.”
“What– I honestly can’t deal with you right now. Just go away. I can already feel my blood pressure rise…”
Man what a drag. You’re gonna have to start planning another funeral again. What did she even die from anyways? Probably just by some poison, that seems to be what’s popular nowadays. You started to make your way towards your bedroom so that you could finally relax. When you were by your window outside you noticed that a figure was already in your room. Any normal person would see this and start freaking out but you had a suspicion that you knew who this was. Taking a closer look, your suspicions were deemed correct when you got a clear view of one of your male concubines there. Not only that but they were digging through your dirty laundry. Man this is seriously gross and did they just smell your underwear!!! Man he really needed to touch some grass. Yeah… maybe it wasn’t the best idea to bedroom anyways. Whatever, to the hot springs it is!
With that you started to call a maid over and order her to bring all your bath supplies. The hot springs were in a secluded part of the palace so hopefully no one was around there. With a quick walk you finally reached the area and you patiently waited for the maid to come over and hand you your things.
“Sorry for making you wait, your highness here are all your things. I’ll make sure to tell everyone not to come here so as to not bother you. Enjoy yourself and let me know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, I will.”
Stepping into the waters, you start to feel your body relax as that hot water begins to hit your body. You began to just sink yourself into it. You love how calming and peaceful this place was. This was soon interrupted when you saw the waters begin to ripple with movement. Rolling your eyes a bit you then look up at a figure. Low and behold it was another concubine. This time however, you remembered his name. You think his name was Atlas… probably but you were certain that he was the prince of a southern boarding nation.
“Your highness, what a coincidence running into you like this. Mind if I have the honors of joining you?” he said with a large smile.
Coincidence my ass but nevertheless you gave him a small nod. His face immediately began to light up as he made his way towards your side. He had the eagerness of a puppy and the speed of a cheetah.
“Your highness, let me rub your back for you!”
He began to rub his hands all over your body eager to not leave one spot untouched. You were honestly so dumbfounded by him but just let him do his thing. Something else that you noticed while he was doing all of this was the fact that he was packing! It took you all your willpower to not look down and just stare at it. You couldn’t help but think and ask yourself in your mind, “was it heavy?” Man you really need to get out of here before your mind turns into the gutter. You were seriously turning into one of your perverted concubines. Before you could say anything and make an excuse to leave he beat you to it.
“When we’re finished, let's go to my side of the palace where we can relax with each other.”
Feeling that you could use a change in scenery you agreed and began to get dressed. As the two of you made your way towards his courtyard you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful it was. The place was filled with flowers and many butterflies roamed the area. The both of you sat near a nearby bench and started to make conversation.
“I’m sorry for the lack of entertainment. If I had known that I would be meeting you I would have set something up. I do have some tea that I made this morning and it would be lovely if you could try it!”
With your hum of his approval he quickly made his way inside to go and fetch it. Something that you’ll never understand about your concubines is their constant need for approval from you. You could not imagine why one would be so desperate for praise from someone else. The thought of yourself being like that almost made you laugh. Your thoughts were quickly broken when you heard the sound of someone's footsteps.
“I’m back I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for long! Let me pour the tea for you!”
He swiftly grabbed the teapot and poured it into a teacup for you. Then presented you with some biscuits.
“I made this all for you! They probably don’t taste as good as they did this morning but they're still delicious!”
Taking the sip of the tea you noticed that it had a pleasant sugary taste to it. The cookies were also quite delicious. When you finished your snack the two of you continued to make small talk until you started to feel your vision begin to get blurry. You noticed that your body became hard to move and sluggish. God dammit you knew better than to accept food from anybody. Now look at where it got you!
“My love, it seems like the tea is starting to kick in but don’t worry I’ll make sure to take care of you.” he said with a lovesick expression.
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
Watch It! - KNY Headcanons
Somebody just shove you aggressively in a club. They spare you a glance, laugh, and walk away. Of course, your partner will not let it go just like that... In other words, what KNY characters say and/or do to defend you from intoxicated, insufferable people in a club.
Featuring: Aged up Kamaboko Squad (-Kanao), Sanemi, Kyojuro, Tengen, Giyuu
Warning: Mention of alcohol
Word count: 533
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Somebody shoves you aggressively when you and Tanjiro are hanging out by the bar. I don't think he will initiate any fight or whatever, he'll just yell "What's your problem, dude?" before turning to you and asking whether you're okay. He will definitely have a handkerchief ready in case somebody spill their drink on you.
We all know Zenitsu is not an aggressive person. If someone bumps into you a tad too aggressive he will pull you to his side. "Oi, back off! Stay away from my partner!" Might not sound too scary, but he will give them an unwavering stare, ready to knock him down even because he's kinda drunk himself.
Inosuke, on the other hand, will definitely provoke the other person to fight. "What the fuck? Oi, come over here! Who do you think you are, shoving my mate like that? Over my dead body, fucker!" It gets rowdy real fast, mate. Sober or drunk, he will fight.
Similar to Inosuke, Genya will not hesitate to fight back the other person. He'll shove them back, "Watch it!" What happens next depends on how the other person reacts. If they back away, Genya will only tell them to get lost. If they taunt him, they better run. Genya will drag them outside, god knows what will happen next.
Sanemi is definitely Genya's role model in this whole "how to defend your partner in a club" thing. Sanemi will pull the person's collar back, forcing them to look him in the eye, "You're messing with the wrong people, you pathetic shit." Of course, his scars will most likely intimidate the other person. If they're trying to fight him, though... You better not let him fight, honestly. He might break the other person's bone(s).
Tengen despises drunk assholes. He thinks everyone should drink flamboyantly. Being drunk is fine, as long as they don't pick a fight with other people. Which is why he can't tolerate the person who shoves you or any of his wives. "That's soooo tacky of you. Are you sure you're supposed to be here? Should I kick your ass flying to the nearest landfill? Yknow, since you're acting so trashy like that..." Again, not that intimidating but don't forget this man is almost 2 meters tall.
I believe Kyojuro will make sure you're alright before he turns to the person. "Hey, you! Yeah, you! We need to talk!" It doesn't always work, of course, considering the other person was hella drunk or just rude. Not the most aggressive man, but he's there to have fun with you and he will make sure you do have fun. So, he'll just take you to a less crowded area and buy you another drink.
At first you might think Giyuu won't do anything since he just froze in his place as the person walks away. However his eyes widens and trails the person's move. Before you can say or do anything, he already follows them and delivers a hard slap against the back of their head. When the person turn around to find the culprit, Giyuu already walks away like nothing happened. He gets back to you and pull you closer to him.
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Author Note
This is not beta-read. I'm just having a pre-party anxiety cus my friends are about to drag me to a nightclub but honestly I'm not a party person Idk what to do, what to wear UGH
Hope you enjoy tho <3
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Child!Yuu in Twisted Wonderland!
Here is a little link if you want to know a little more about this Yuu. https://www.tumblr.com/Little Yuu ideas! \^o^/ This is just how I think it would go when my Child!Yuu enters Twisted Wonderland!
A familiar voice snapped Yuu out of their thoughts. "Yeah?" Yuu says, lifting their head to make eye contact with the owner of the voice, Yuu's close friend, Ava, "Ya gonna eat that?" Ava is pointing at the roll on Yuu's lunch tray, "Cause if you're not, I want it."
"Oh....I'm not. Here you go." Yuu says passing the roll to Ava, only for her to turn back to they're other friends at the lunch table, ignoring Yuu once again...This was the routine that happened every day since Yuu and her friends started middle school. They wouldn't talk to Yuu unless they wanted something then once they got it, they would completely ignore Yuu like they were a ghost. No matter how many times Yuu would try to speak they would just get ignored over and over again...I can't really blame them it's not like we're in the same classes anyway, so it's probably just a bit awkward trying to talk to me. Is what Yuu would tell themselves after the cycle repeated itself.
Maybe I need a breather...? Yeah, I should go wash my face or something like that. And with that thought, Yuu excused themselves from the lunch table to use the restroom. "I'll be right back guys." As Yuu got up from the table not a single one of their so-called friends responded, they didn't even give Yuu a glance or a nod, just silence. Almost like Yuu didn't even exist in their world.
Yuu took one of the bathroom passes off an empty table and retreated to the restroom. Much to Yuu's relief, no one was in there. It was just them, all alone. They stood in front of a mirror and a sink, looking at their reflection before they splash their face with some icy cold water. Even with the freezing water against their face it still felt uncomfortably hot...Geez, Yuu. Ava just asked for some bread that you knew you weren't going to eat, so why are you so upset? Yuu couldn't quite understand why they were feeling so...yucky. The nasty warm face that they only got when they were having anxiety, not to mention the empty pit they felt in their stomach. Maybe it was from the fact that they haven't really eaten anything today or maybe it was also from this uncalled-for unease.
Well, whatever it was, Yuu knows they can't stay in the bathroom for too long or the teachers will come to check on them, and they can't have that, now can they? I guess it's time to head back. Once Yuu dries their face off with the top of their shirt, they turn to head out of the restroom.... Why is my vision so blurry? Everything Yuu sees starts to contort and blur into each other. Yuu also starts to sway from side to side slightly in a zombie like mannerism.... Ouch my head! What's happening..? Before Yuu had the chance to balance themselves everything went black........
Once Yuu opened their eyes all they could see is black...? Huh?! Did I go blind!? No, no, don't be overdramatic, Yuu. I'm sure you'll be fine. Once Yuu attempts to calm down at this weird situation, they slowly move their hands in front of them to get a feel of their surroundings. Their hands press against a wood like wall that feels cold to the touch causing Yuu to wince back. Seriously, where am I? Before Yuu could think another thought-
The sudden banging quickly made Yuu back up into the corner of this cramped place. What the hell was that?! As Yuu thought, there was another voice that was coming from outside the box Yuu is trapped in. "I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me... Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton! Try this on for a size! Mya-ha!" As soon as the voice finished speaking, blue flames engulfed the area around Yuu!
"AHHHH!!!" Yuu quickly shut their eyes tight and covered their face with their arms, "What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!" The voice says in a surprised voice. Since Yuu didn't feel any fire burn them, they slowly pecked their eyes open, still keeping their arms over their face. Yuu could now see the surrounding area outside the box. There were floating coffins running along the sides of the room with a large black mirror hovering over the floor in the middle of the room. Although, the thing that immediately caught Yuu's attention was a small grey cat standing on its hind legs in front of Yuu. The cat also had blue flames just like the ones before coming out of its ears with a pitchfork tail! Why does this seem so familiar...? Yuu glances around the bizarre room once more before it finally settles in.
"Am I in Twisted Wonderland..?"
Hope you enjoyed this little fanfic or whatever I just made is called. I don't know if I'm the best at writing, but I at least tried, right? Oh, and I'm going to start working on those requests I asked you guys for now. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hii! How are you? How have you been? Sorry for bothering you, I'm new to your account and I saw you have really nice and good writings! I also saw your requests are open, so is it alright if I request Main four(Killua,Kurapika Leorio, Gon) + Pariston Hill reacting to their girlfriend be attacked by their enemies?fluff of course!!
Thank you so much, have a nice day/night <3
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This took long than I wanted, but I'm getting to my requests!
Gon Freeces
-He trusts your able to defend yourself, or if you are not physically capable of defending yourself, he'll fight for you.
-He's usually with you so much to the point it's unusual to see you both separated.
-But that's exactly what his enemies are looking for. That small little opening to attack.
-He tries asking you a question, but you remain silent. He turns to ask you again, but you're not there.
-"Y/N? Y/N!? Where are you right now?"
-You would tell him if you're leaving, but not a word was spoken to him.
-"Y/N, you can come out now!" There was a slight tremble in his voice that would have made you feel guilty for hiding and making him upset.
-Once you didn't respond he started looking for you, in which he found a note.
-The note said, "If you're looking for Y/N, she's been taken. We ask for a ransom of 3 billion Jenny. Once this is payed, you can find her at ____________"
-Not really a smart idea to put the address down.
-He immediately started to look for you.
-He found tou in that location, by yourself, tied up in a chair with a gag in your mouth and a blindfold.
-He took of your bindings and started hugging you as soon as you realized he saved you.
-"I promise I'll never let this happen again, ok?"
Killua Zoldyck
-He's... Even more protective of you than Gon is.
-You and Alluka are his main concerns and will do anything to defend you two.
-You all were out shopping, Alluka insisted to see something inside a shop. Killua told you to wait outside and that they'll be back in minute.
-However, when they let you were nowhere to be found.
-He tried calling you on your phone, but it just went to voice mail.
-He and Alluka tried searching around the area but you seemed to just disappear.
-He thought you might have been trying to ditch him. Did you just want to break up without confrontation?
-He goes home with Alluka either sad or mad, maybe a bit in between.
-He finds a note...from his brother?
-The letter tells Killua to either return home or he'll never see his girlfriend again.
-He's now furious, it was his brother this whole time? Why hadn't he thought of that sooner? It really didn't matter now, all he had to do was track his brother down and find you.
-It was surprisingly easy to find you, he just followed Illumi's pins and Nen.
-The second he freed you, he had his arms wrapped around your body, pecking on a few kisses her and there.
-"I missed you, I missed you... So, so much. Now, let's go home to Alluka OK? I want to see if your hurt or not."
-He is most definitely the most distant to you compared to the others.
-He disappears with no signs of where he went. Or he might leave a note or tell you he's leaving, promising to come back at a certain time, than ends up coming home 3 days past when he was supposed to.
-Honestly the only way you can tell he's still alive is Melody saying they're both ok and wish you well.
-So, it's not really a shock to come home and you're not there. Maybe you're out shopping, but it is really late. Perhaps you went out with your friends or staying at their house?
-He tries calling you just to check up on your well being. But... The call gets ignored and unanswered. That's odd, you's usually pick up. Were you trying to make him have a taste of his own medicine for ignoring most of your calls?
-He calls again, nothing. Now he starts to get worried. You might have lost your phone and that's why you weren't answering. Was your phone on silent?
-He decides he's just over thinking things and shouldn't loose sleep over it, that's what you would say, right? You'll show up when he's awake.
-However, he had difficulties going to sleep, and kept feeling as if something was wrong.
-When he finds you're still not there, he's now panicking. He starts asking neighbors if they had seen you. Almost all of them said they didn't, a few did mention a few people walking with you outside.
-He follows the direction where they said the group went. He started to feel more uneasy about the situation once he starts realizing this is leading more and more to where he thought the troupe currently was.
-He luckily found you unharmed and away from any of the spiders.
-"I'm so gald I found you before anything happened to you." He tells you as he squeezes you in a loving embrace. "I'm so, so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, but lets get out of here before the kidnappers come back, ok?"
-His thoughts of the troupe being the ones to take you were confirmed once you explain to him that's exactly what happened.
-He apologized again since he still feels guilty, but sadly does nothing about his random disapperences.
Leorio Paladiknight
-He's usually at school for docter work, at home studying, or sleeping. So spending time with him is rare, but you at least get to see him.
-He usually passes out at his desk, and if you're able to, you pick him up and drag him to bed.
-Even if you can't pick him up, you can just wake him up and tell him to get in bed with you. He often just says he's going to stay at his desk, and occasionally will follow you.
-So he found it odd how the next morning he woke up and he wasn't in bed. And even if he wasn't he would have remembered you waking him up to ask him to.
-He calls for you and gets no response. He then starts looking around the house for you, only to find a hastily scribbled note which reads the similar lines of a ransom note.
-His first thought is, "These people have a lot of nerve asking ME for money."
-Of course you're concern, it's just the audacity of these people.
-Anyways, he starts searching for you even texting his friends to be on the lookout for you or anything that could be hinting to your capture.
-The search only lasted a few days before he got a call from the police saying they caught the kiddnappers and you, along with a few other people were found.
-The criminals were apparently taking people who were related to Hunters to try and get paid in good money.
-He runs up to you crying and hugging you like he never has before. He's Also glad your unharmed and not on the verge of death from dehydration and starvation.
-He promises to take a few days off of school to spend with you.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
If the bros worked in a nightclub, what roles would they have, along with their stage names? Oh, and today is my birthday! I just wanted to share it with you🥳💕
Happy birthday, anon!!
Um, so I might not be the best person to ask about nightclub related things... I haven't been to many of them. I am an introverted homebody lol.
I'm not sure what you mean by roles? Like what kinda jobs they'd have if they worked at a nightclub?
Because if that's what you mean, then I can tell you what I think they'd all do! And I'm gonna say that Asmo just came up with stage names for all of them because he felt like it, no matter what they end up doing.
Asmo is absolutely on stage. No question about it. Whether he's singing or pole dancing or doing drag or whatever, that guy's the center of attention! Stage name: I kinda think he'd go for the single name. It's just straight up ASMODEUS. Probably stylized all in caps like that, too.
Beel is the bouncer. Not working the door, but watching things on the inside. Big and quiet and can easily pick up rowdy demons and toss them outside without a second look. Stage name: I kinda think Asmo could talk him into doing pole dancing. Because you know, it's super athletic and requires a lot of strength. I kinda feel like it'd end up being something about his muscles. Mr. Buffington perhaps. LOL. I dunno how serious these stage names are. Beel would probably be like uhhhh I'm just Beel.
Mammon is the finance guy. Most of the time, he's just crunching numbers, but when the club is in action, he's out on the dance floor, just kinda bringing some ambiance with his enthusiastic personality. Yeah, he might be trying to get people to buy the most expensive drinks, but he's also having the time of his life so nobody minds. Stage name: I like the idea that Mammon regularly gets into his dame outfit. Either straight up calls himself Goldie or something like... Lady Grimm. LOL!
Satan is bar tending. I don't know why, but I just think he'd be good at it. And he's probably the most competent one to be handling all that booze anyway. Lucifer would probably do a good job, but he can't be trusted around the Demonus. Stage name: because Asmo makes him wear cat ears all the time, he's obviously going to be something like Kitty Meow Meow. Anyone who actually calls him this gets decked.
Levi is handling all the tech. Stage lights? Fog machine? Audio equipment? This guy is on it! Hides most of the time and plays video games when he's not needed. Hates being out in the main area so hides in vip lounges all the time. Stage name: Lord of Shadows! Asmo can come up with whatever cutesy thing he wants, but Levi won't go by anything else. It doesn't matter because he would never actually be on stage so Asmo lets it be.
Belphie helps out with bar tending. He's too sleepy to partake of too much alcohol, it'd just make him sleepier. But he's smart and he's good at keeping an eye out for creepers trying to roofie drinks. He looks like he's not paying attention, but he notices everything. Subtly lets Beel know when there's a creeper that needs to be escorted out. Stage name: because I like the idea that Belphie will also sometimes do the dame thing and then he just goes by Belle - simple, elegant, and Asmo approved.
Lucifer oversees everything. He's the manager, of course. Makes sure everybody else is doing what they're supposed to. Hires extra muscles for Beel when needed. Only has the best demons working the door. Books musical gigs when Asmo's not performing. Keeps himself away from the alcohol and the Anti Lucifer League lol. Stage name: only on rare occasions does Lucifer do anything that would require a stage name and then he goes by Morningstar. Asmo's so awestruck he wouldn't even dream of protesting.
OKAY well I did my best lol. I'm sorry if this isn't really what you were looking for! You can always send me another ask with more detail on what exactly you're thinking of. But yeah, my knowledge of this stuff is lacking in general.
Either way, I hope you had a fabulous birthday, anon!
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Foaming at the mouth for the young Dream who's Death's little brother
What if, when Hob first learnt that Death had a younger brother she was sort of raising, he assumed Dream wouldn't be THAT young? Like, sure, maybe a couple of years, but he takes it more as "young professional living with his older sister" rather than "older sister being the legal guardian because he's still a minor"-young
It doesn't help that when Hob meets him for the first time it's in passing because Dream is on his way out to meet some friends and all Hob sees is a goth twink in heels too high to walk in and a lot of sultry makeup, sticking his head through the doorway to say by to Death
So he thinks, sure, he's a bit young but damn if Hob doesn't like pretty goth twinks...
And then he meets him properly for the first time and nearly dies because jfc Dream's a kid. Literally! Sure, he's already at uni (which Hob knew) but that's because he skipped a couple of grades because he's insanely smart. Still, time to stop fantasizing about him then
but Dream makes it soooo hard (pun intended) for poor Hob. When he starts somewhat following Hob around, Death initially jokes that he's imprinted like a duckling. He grew up without a healthy relationship with a male role model, you know how it goes.
But of course, it's totally different. Hob knows it. Dream knows it. Hob just can't bring himself to tell Death because that's her little brother. Hob's sure she doesn't want to know what Dream's done now. And what he's done...
Sure, he brings Hob coffee to his office on campus and claims it's because he was in the area and he wanted to say hi and maybe have a chat, but then why doesn't he sit in the chair across Hob's desk? Why does he sit ON TOP of Hob's desk, impossibly long legs crossed so that they fit right between Hob's legs?
(No, he can't wheel his chair back. There's a window. Though throwing himself out the window might be the only way to make these images stop where he just grabs Dream's thighs and spreads them. The images are especially horrible on the day Dream showed up wearing a goddamn skirt that rode up along his thighs so far, that Hob's sure, Dream's not wearing anything underneath.)
And he asks all these questions... They're in between innocent questions about Hob and uni and "were the last essays better than the ones you complained about at the beginning of term?" but they are there. And maybe he does ask because he's lacked a male role model so far, so Hob answers, but it's truly not helping when Dream asks if he's weird for liking if his partner chokes him during sex.
The moment either of them has class (or the occasional student drops by, whom Hob intends to award a couple extra points just for the break they're giving him) should be a blessing, but it's so much worse than the questions and the innocent looks from under very long eyelashes. Hob's a physical kinda guy, but the way Dream clings to him-
He's basically dry-humping him while a student's waiting right outside Hob's door, or while Death is in the kitchen when Hob comes round for dinner! Dream's pressing his entire body against Hobs, basically grinding against him, shuddering and sighing with pleasure when he buries his nose in the crook of Hob's neck and it's just a lot. It's too much. How's Hob supposed to survive this?
And it's going on and on and on. The years pass and Dream doesn't let up. The outfits get more and more revealing (once, which was thankfully at Death's place and not in public, he opened the door in a satin kimono that was basically see-through), the innuendoes less ambiguous, the looks Dream throws Hob more and more pointed. Dream talks about the guys he hooks up with on the weekends and how he wished they would just throw him around a little- Hob has to cut office hours short and rush home so he can have a wank in the shower before he suffers permanent damage from being blue balled all the time.
Fuck, but he gets a semi every time he hears Dream's heels click on the cheep floor of the hallway his office is situated in.
The smartest solution would be to just tell Dream they can't meet anymore, but Hob can't bring himself to do it. Dream's just so lovely and their interests align so perfectly and, really, they seem to make each other better people. And he's halfway in love with him, which feels like the ultimate betrayal of Death but Hob can't stop himself.
Anyway, that turns out to be a non-issue, so when Dream visits him at the office the next time (not even pretending it's for coffee) Hob get's to lock the door and dive beneath Dream's skirt like he's imagined for a good while now.
This is sooo good honestly I can't find a single way to improve it!!!! I'm obsessed with Hob going through mental torment as he looks at Dream and tries to remind himself that that is a 16 year old. He's such a perv for wanting a teenager, he's a terrible person... He tries to stay away, but Dream keeps popping up in his life... and suddenly he's 18 and wagging his arse in Hob’s face. He practically taunts Hob for missing out on being the one to take his virginity.
But also, they get on well?? They’re practically best friends by the time Dream is 20. Hob feels weird again for it but tells himself it's fine, he's never been inappropriate with Dream. They can be friends, even if Hob is 20 years older than him. It's nice, they argue about literature and music and Hob goes thrifting with Dream to find fun new outfits for him to show off in.
He's mad at the universe because it they'd been the same age, they could have been dating for years and be getting married by now. Instead Hob can't date anyone else because he's in love with his friend's little brother. And all he can think about is Dream in a slutty goth wedding dress, lifting up his skirts for Hob to go down on him...
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cozyenigma · 2 years
Hope this one was what you envisioned!
Word Count- 921
Request?- Yes!
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Summary- If you asked him Illinois never had trouble putting the charms on people. Shame that that seems to be part of his problem in this particular case...
Warnings- None
Illinois knew you were capable. You had to be to stay in one piece for this long. Maybe you weren't as good of an adventurer as him but still. Capable.
Apparently you were also oblivious.
It may or may not have been his own fault that he flirted so much you never took him seriously when he meant it. Maybe. At this point though you had no excuse.
"Dunno what sparkles more," he said, throwing an arm around your shoulder, "the gem or those eyes of yours…"
And you just scoffed! Ducked out from under his arm and took the treasure, scoffed! You didn't even deign him with a response.
This had been going on for weeks and Illinois was about ready to tear his hair out.
If the regular flirting didn't do the trick, maybe gifts would? He didn't joke around with gifts. As much.
It took a good long while of scouting around for the perfect treasure. No rusty doubloons for you.
You had come into the hotel room with a bag of food from a place he didn't know, eyebrow raised.
"What's all this…?"
On the floor he had laid out a map. It was folded and creased and stained and took up a huge chunk of the room. He had written in the margins and put sticky notes on interesting areas.
Illinois grinned, getting to his feet and dusting his hands off. "You get to pick the next adventure."
"What?" He couldn't tell if the disbelieving laugh was good or bad.
"C'mon, now," Illinois ushered you closer, careful not to step on the map, "you're always asking why I drag you to death traps and all. So this time- you pick!"
You turned to him with a bemused little smile. "So I pick another death trap to go to?"
Illinois paused. "Well, death trap isn't what I'd call it-"
"I don't even know what we'd be looking for?"
"That's what the notes are for," he guided you around to the other side, clapped his hands on your shoulders, leaned in real close and said, "you're the captain of this ship."
You shot him an odd look but obliged, stooping down so you could read the map. Illinois counted it as a success. It seemed like you didn't take it as a joke anyway.
The high lasted all of one night, where it was business as usual.
Refusing to let it get him down, he resolved to turn up the heat on the trip you picked.
Though he had to admit, it wasn't… quite what he expected. The actual adventure part turned out to be a bust. Whatever artifact was rumored to be there was embellished heavily to help with tourism. Even the site it was supposed to be at gave tours and had convenient handrails installed. There was even a damn gift shop.
"There's nothing wrong with gift shops, y'know," you said on the drive back.
"They're overpriced for one," Illinois grumbled. He had a whole plan in mind. Make it a trip to remember, maybe take you out to dinner after.
"It keeps the lights on in those places."
"It's a rip off is what it is."
He was never going to set foot in another place with a gift shop if he could help it. Especially not after this.
You didn't seem too bothered. Smile on your face, arm resting half outside the window as he drove. The wind was enough to ruffle your hair around. Illinois had to remind himself to keep his eyes on the road.
"C'mon, you never went on a field trip anywhere and rampaged through the gift shop at the end?" The gleam in your eyes had him huffing and fidgeting in his seat.
"No. And what kinda kid do you think I was?"
"One who couldn't be kept out of anything that wasn't padlocked."
Illinois scoffed. "Wrong. Totally wrong. I was a model child, total angel."
You rolled your eyes and Illinois let the silence hang just a bit.
"And padlocks really aren't that hard to pick."
"Oh my god, Illinois!"
He snickered as the two of you reached the start of civilization again. A ways down the road, he spotted the glowing neon sign of a restaurant. Hadn't you mentioned you liked that kind of food?
It took him all of a second to think it over before he was making the turn. You looked away from the window as he did, clearly confused. Throwing the car in park, Illinois turned to you.
"Look, the adventure is a wash but-" he reached over and poked you in the cheek, ignoring how you swatted his hand, "I refuse to let your trip go to waste. So how bout I take ya out to dinner, darlin. My treat."
You were already going to answer, more out of habit than anything, and then you paused. To his amazement, there was a faint blush there on your cheeks! What did he do different?
"Ah… darling?" You repeated, voice pitched just a touch higher.
Oh, this he could work with.
"Yes?" He answered, knowing that wasn't what you meant. You sputtered and he resisted the urge to laugh. "It's a pretty easy question, I just wanna get ya your favorite is all. I can be a gentleman when I wanna be."
Your mouth opened, closed, and with a rough swallow you finally nodded, getting out of the car. Illinois couldn't help the shit-eating grin. He was gonna have so much fun with this.
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samandcolbypost · 11 months
Sam stop being stubborn and listen to Colby for once. DONT GO ALONE. 3 years ago taught you nothing? 😭
I don’t really think it’s accurate but at least the first part meats the first part is what I’m talking about.
“It's not that they are stubborn per se; it's that they won't listen to anyone who tells them what to do. Sagittarians are adventurous and open-minded, so they're willing to consider new ideas and learn from people. It's just these free-spirited individuals cannot be controlled or manipulated.”
Sam really needs to listen. It wasn’t fair for Colby because it was supposed to be both of yours big moment, but I don’t think it’s right to judge Sam especially because it was something he needed to find out too. He could’ve just woke up Colby and at least let him know, especially for safety since no one else was awake during that time and something could’ve happened. Colby was mad and he had every right to be, also because Sam casually mentioned it while they went to the basement. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But they communicated in a healthy way so that’s something at least. (I’m actually glad to see that because now we know what they do when they fight and it’s even more of a reason to love them) yea show us how it’s done! Some thing we all need to learn from.
Colby threw the tick down only to go back in and grab water. 💀
Okay everything I just wrote didn’t even save soo I’m going to have to try again. 🙃
I love this down to earth moment after what they were told about “were okay” moment.
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I hope Colby is okay going into the woods especially since they’ve been warned. We see him running at the end so I’m hoping that means he goes back to the house.. also hoping they have walkie talkies just in case.
We all know Colby is some kind connection because he feels energy sometimes, but can we talk about how twice Sam has done the Estes method he started shaking. I don’t know if it’s a connection per say, but it’s definitely weird. He felt like something was pushing him down, and the last time he felt he couldn’t even move. (I felt like Colby was still mad from the prior conversation because when he said “what were you doing” I was like 👀 I’m glad he realized to take him out of it at least, because I couldn’t even see him shaking on camera) I might be over analyzing why I think Colby said that too but anyways.
I don’t mind Larray and Bella. I don’t think it added anything to the video like some have said, but overall it wasn’t horrible.
I still am sticking to my box theory with Cody and Satori. I don’t think they’re horrible people but I also think they are lying up a storm. I feel somehow sound can be manipulated to sound closer and further away, and a lot of the sounds comes from Cody’s area..
Sam and Colby tried the method and it didn’t work except for what they heard at the very last moment. I kinda wished it worked for them but I figured. 😕
The camera equipment not working was kinda freaky I won’t lie. The fact it does this a lot even with their batteries being full. Also who or what was coming up the stairs?? I feel it could be the 4th tour guide or Zach, but how Colby responded on Twitter says otherwise. I guess the spirit just wanted to make an appearance in the video.
I’m rewatching clips as I do this to remember (which is how this got deleted to begin with 🤦🏻‍♀️). Anyways, someone just posted a clip and you can see something outside the window when Colby is standing by the window, either about to go into the well or when they finished the Estes method idk.
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Props for them staying in the rooms by themselves I could never. Especially when it’s a haunted house and knowing anything could happen.
I could never go to the graveyard like they both did, and Colby going in the next video. Hell no. I don’t do bugs, ghost, the dark, and especially when I am warned.
Dave being a Dave 🤪😡 I’m kinda scared of Dave but I hope it’s just messing with them.
I don’t know how spirits can travel through the water? I thought they can’t leave the house unless they died outside or something. So I’m not sure how the aquifer could let them travel.
Somewhat of an Ep 2 review because I didn’t do it
Believe: Josh getting touched because he wasn’t even moving, the scrapping noise, the door opening.
Not believe: Satori and Cody, the one small door opening on its own. Do the owners/caregivers just stay there or something? I can’t say anything about this house if they are just chilling in a random room while S&C investigate. I think they stay in a different house but I also don’t know for sure.
I’m on the fence about the noises again I wish I could know the truth.
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lilac-hecox · 1 year
hey 😊 so I really love the “operation step dad AU” it is so fun I’d love to hear more about it!!! what kind of stuff do you think the team would go for? Office high jinks are could be fun or perhaps what kind of video pitches could be used?? So many opportunities in this AU
I'm glad you're interested in the AU!
I think this AU would definitely have like classic tropey misunderstandings~
Picture Shayne, Courtney, and Damien writing notes for Ian and Anthony, the notes telling them to meet in the conference room at noon for a special surprise. Ian finds his note in the office on his desk, but because Anthony doesn't really have his own office yet they kind of tape it outside of the conference room area intent on hinting to Anthony that he should go and check it out.
Shayne, Damien, and Courtney peeking around corners trying to see if Ian got his note. What they don't see is their note intended for Anthony falls off of the door and on to the floor and they definitely don't see one of the crew members pick it up and take it to the kitchen area.
So, come noon they are sulking around the entrance to the conference room waiting for Ian to show up, he does and Courtney is silently smacking Shayne's arm in excitement. They had worked together with Tommy and Jackie to set up this cute af picnic basket lunch thing for Ian and Anthony to share in the conference room.
"This is going to be so cute," Courtney says, smacking at Shayne.
He bats her hand away, "I mean, they're going to eat lunch together, but I still don't see how it is romantic."
Damien rolls his eyes, "They are each going to think that the other person made the basket!"
"You don't think they're going to question it?"
"It's free food. They aren't going to question it."
Then they hear footsteps and Courtney is like "Shh, I think Anthony is coming!" and they crouch behind a corner to watch for Anthony. Except, the person approaching the conference room isn't Anthony.
"What is Spencer doing here?" Shayne whispers.
"And why does it look like he has the note?" Damien adds.
"Oh my God," Courtney groans into her hands.
They can't exactly pop out and ambush Spencer so before they can stop him he is going into the conference room with Ian.
"Crap! What happened?" Courtney says.
"Well, it sure looks like Spencer intercepted the note...kind of our bad for not, you know, saying who it was for," Damien says, giving Shayne a look.
"It was supposed to be like a secret admirer thing! I couldn't tell Anthony it was for him."
"Yes, you could have and we could have just not told him who it was from. Dude, not going to real high school messed you up," Courtney says with a sigh.
Shayne ignores the attack, "We can still save this!" they follow Shayne's lead and creep to the conference door to be able to hear better.
Inside the conference room Ian is on his phone when he hears Spencer come in and he looks up in surprise.
"Hey, Spence."
"Hey," Spencer says, he holds up the note for Ian to see.
Ian raises an eyebrow, "Oh, did you make this?" he gestures to the basket on the conference room table.
Spencer, for lack of anything better to say, and because he isn't sure what is happening but he wants to see where it goes says, "Yes?"
Ian smiles, "That was nice." he sits down in one of the conference room chairs and peeks into the basket, "You going to join?"
"Yes?" Spencer says, and he's sitting with Ian as Ian starts going through the basket.
"I didn't know you were into vegan food," Ian says.
"What is Spencer doing?" Shayne hisses. "He's taking credit for our lunch idea!"
"And he's, you know, ruining the romantic vibes."
"We gotta find Anthony," Courtney says.
Cue the three of them running around the office to find Selina so she can help them track down Anthony.
Courtney slapping her hands down on Selina's desk.
"Where's Anthony?"
Selina looking extremely unimpressed, "I think he just got here actually."
Cue the three of them running towards the entrance to the office and spotting Anthony texting on his phone. He glances up at them.
"Hey, guys. What's-"
"Hey! Um, Ian needs to see you in the conference room?"
Anthony looks serious, "He does? He didn't text me."
"Oh! We just ran into him and now we ran into you so we figured we'd tell you," Shayne explains, a little too quickly to be natural.
Anthony looks at them strangely before he shrugs, "Okay."
Then they sort of hustle him to the hallway where the conference room is, not tagging along all the way.
"We actually have to go do some, um, Tik Tok stuff," Courtney says, Damien and Shayne nodding behind her.
They hide behind the nearest corner and watch Anthony go into the conference room.
Ian looks up when Anthony enters the room and smiles, "Hey!"
Anthony looks at Ian and Spencer in surprise, taking in the fact that they are eating lunch together from a picnic basket in the conference room.
"Hey, your weird kids said you were looking for me?"
"They are our weird kids now," Ian corrects him, "And I don't remember telling them that, but I'm glad you're here. Spencer made this picnic lunch and it actually has a bunch of your favorite vegan stuff in it."
Spencer looks at Anthony with a mouthful of food and gives a thumbs up.
"Okay?" Anthony says, very confused.
"So, you should join us. Is that okay with you, Spencer?"
Another thumbs up from Spencer.
Anthony shrugs and moves to sit on Ian's other side, just kind of accepting that weird shit happens in the office like an employee making a picnic lunch for Ian.
"It kind of worked?" Shayne says as they peek into the conference room.
"Sort of, but not exactly."
"Looks like we're back to the drawing board," Damien says.
"And we obviously got to get Spencer in on this plan," Courtney says, her face in her hands.
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abyss-of-mine · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland- Courting The Dragon
Inspired by this fanfic
Warning: Handjob, fingering, unprotected soft sex, biting
"What it means for dragons to court each other-"
Alice sat on the lap of a dragon who was in the form of a naked human. They met him outside their village, just wanting to go explore for anything interesting in the woods when they crossed paths. Never they imagined they would meet a dragon, let alone being courted by one.
"Sharing their food with their mate, protecting them from any possible danger, offering their most cherished treasure to them." He paused with a smirk, reaching up to their neck. "Biting each other. Most common to bite here-" his finger traced the side of their neck and dragged down to where their heart is- "or here."
They bit their lip from nervousness and a bit of fear. "Why do that? Isn't that dangerous considering you're biting sensitive areas?"
He chuckled, purposely fanning their neck with his breath. "It's a sign of trust, respect to be allowed to harm your mate. It's also a promise to protect them for dragons can bite hard enough to leave the scales unable to heal."
They felt his fangs faintly on their skin, growing more worried for what he plans to do to them. "It's quite romantic and poetic, don't you think?"
"It's interesting," they found their voice to answer.
He pouted and gripped their chin, forcing them to look to him. "Then what do you find romantic, my dear?"
His eyes stared into them, sharp and intimidating. They answered, saying spending time together, laughing together, sharing interests, etc. He called it boring and said they do that every day and not once it felt romantic to him.
They frowned, slapping his hand away and facing forward with arms cross like a pouting wife. He chuckled and leaned them against him, arms wrapping around their waist and his head resting on their shoulder again.
"... I would love to mark you as mine." Their heart sank at those words as his finger moved along their neck. "Maybe... Right here. It would be the perfect spot for everyone to see and know you're mine. Though, my fangs pretty sharp, you may not feel it."
He turned his head to their ear, grinning as he whispered, "but I want you to feel it."
"Then what's stopping you? I'll in the right position for you bite me."
He nuzzled his face against their neck, happy with the response. "Biting is done during a... intimate moment between mates."
"Is that why you're naked? Are you tempting me?"
He darkly chuckled, sliding his hand down between their thighs. "Maybe it's just because it's more comfortable this way. I don't normally wear clothes, being all neutral is more relaxing."
How did they end up here again? And why did they accept being his partner? Yes, he is good looking and makes their heart race and sends butterflies to fight in their stomach. But this is dangerous for their physical and mental health. Ugh, what do they do?
It's clear he wants to "mate," but can they do that? They're just a seamstress, aren't bards suppose to be seducing dragons and maybe laying them? Ace and Deuce telling them to sing at the theater doesn't count.
Why must they be sitting on the lap of temptation?
His other hand moved between their chest and hook a finger with their collar as his lips brushed against their neck. "What will it be, love? May I partake in a more intimate moment with you and maybe mark you as my mate?"
"Get fucked and find out." Ace's voice cut through their mind, remembering him jokingly saying that to a villager he was friends with. Oh, how those words come in at the right worst time.
His hand slid under their skirt and felt up their legs. Ugh, why did the ginger's words popped in their mind? Fuck it, I guess.
They turned around to take his face in their hands and kiss him, quickly twisting their body to properly straddle him. His body fell backwards onto his blanket nest and gently rested his hands on their back.
Their hands travelled along his body, feeling the softness of his skin, the tone muscles and the warmth his body radiates. They moved their lips to his neck and kneaded the skin between their mouth. Their hand touched his hip bone and followed the outline to a more sensitive area.
They blushed from nervousness and embarrassment as they sat up to look down at him, down at his naked body. They always looked away or snapped their neck from not wanting to see his family's gems, but today they're daring themself to look.
He smirked mischievously and slid a hand down his form. "Heh. Like what you see, love? Do you find my body attractive?"
"You already know the answer." They dared to touch it and heard him gasp in surprise.
They smirked to themself as their fingers danced on his member, hearing him groan and growl everytime their fingers moved along the base. It was slow and gentle, looking at him grow restless from their teasing.
"Do you know how distracting it is to see you walking around with this-" they quickly stroked them and received a surprised reaction- "on full display. Shameful if you ask me."
He growled and flipped them on top of the pile of blankets, surprising them and causing them to freeze up as he hovered over them. "Shameful? No, you misunderstood. I gladly walk around like this, I gladly have you partake in intimate activities with me."
He grinned and leaned down to "kiss" their neck, it more like bitting, while their fingers got entwine in his hair. Their other hand carefully moved down his hip and wrapped around his member. Breathy moans escaped his throat as their hand sped up, making him grip the blankets and focus on panting in their ear.
His hips bucked in their hand, feeling the aches coming from him. He bit their jaw a little harder as his breathing got heavy and whispered their name so tempting. His hand slid under their dress and rubbed against their underwear before ripping it off. They gasped in surprise as he tossed the useless fabric away.
His fingers rubbed in between their folds, feeling how wet they were getting. He wetted his fingers and shoved them in, hearing them yelp before silencing them with his lips. His member throbbed in their hand, wanting to reach its high. They tried to readjust their hand around him to stroke him faster.
He moaned against their lips, sticking his fingers in more roughly and faster. They gripped his hair, digging their nails into their palm as he finally hit his end. Their dress was strained when he pulled away to look at the mess.
He smiled smugly, his fingers still pumping into them. They quietly panted, feeling embarrassed from the sounds coming from their throat. He took his fingers out and placed his hand on the blankets under them, seeing them silently complaining.
"I'll return the pleasure soon, but I must ask how do you want to be pleasured? I can continue using my fingers, or-" he held up two fingers symbolizing a V and stuck out his tongue between them.
Maybe on a later date. Their face got red at the gesture and averted their eyes somewhere else.
"Of course there's always me ripping off your dress and making love to you until you're moaning my name. Your choose."
"Umm." Why did he make that gesture?!?! Their mind is gone and empty after seeing that.
His hand traced their waist, slow and gentle. Hm, feeling him against them and being gentle to them sounds pretty good. His hand slid under their bra and massaged their breast, rubbing the nipple as his other hand stroke their hip.
They pressed their lips together, knowing how dangerous this could get. "Make love to me."
He grinned evilly as their dress was pulled over their head and tossed without a care, then had his lips on theirs and their thighs in his hands. They grabbed his head, feeling his member carefully pushing inside them. Their nails dug into his scalp as he continued to push.
They hissed under their breath and had their thighs against their chest, feeling him take their hands to place them on the back of their thighs. He sat up and slid his arms under their legs to grab their hips and start moving. He stared where his member was, watching it disappear and reappear effortlessly from them, enjoying the sight.
They tilted their head back, clearly flustered from what's going on. He noticed and teased them, saying how well they take him. Their lips pressed tightly together, their face burning as a moan snuck out from their throat. He smirked at hearing it, ripping their bra off, and leaned down to kiss their body.
His lips kneaded and caressed their toned muscles, being soft and careful with his fangs. His tongue moved across their nipple, then sucked on the breast. His hips rocked slightly faster, listening to more noticeable moans escape them.
He took their hands off of their thighs and let them on his hips, then slipped his arms under their back as their arms wrapped around his neck. His lips reached their neck and nibbled and massaged the skin, whispering sweet nothingness to them.
He thrusted faster, receiving more pleased moans, attacking their jaw with small bites. Their hand ran through his hair and called out his name. Every fiber of his being he used to not go out of control after hearing it.
"Careful, love. Don't play with fire," he panted out the warning.
They cupped his face and looked at him. "Malleus~" then kissed him.
He kissed them back, his hips moving more needy that they had to hold on. He pulled out an arm and squeezed their breast in his palm, feeling their nails digging and scratching his back. He grabbed the back of their thigh in his other hand, hitting a right spot and hearing them break away to moan loudly.
He bit their jaw and moved down to their neck while they shouted and clung onto him. He panted out their name, hitting another sweet spot and moaning along with them. They reached their limit, crawling at his back and panting out heavily.
He finally bit down, marking them as his. They bit down on his shoulder as hard as they could to make it even between them. He thrusted in and sent them both into sweet ecstasy, then let go of their neck and licked up the blood. He leaned up, dropping their leg, and stared down at them as they collected themself.
He smirked and kissed their chest to the other side of their neck. "I appreciate you trying to mark me, though you need sharper teeth to break my skin." He sat up and touched the bruise on his shoulder, a wholeheartedly smile on his face.
He moved back down to kiss them more lovingly. He took them into his arms and rolled over with them on top.
"This was quite romantic." He pressed his lips on the front of their neck. "Satisfying each other, marking each other, what could more romantic than that?"
His face was in front of theirs and took the opportunity to kiss him. "Trusting the person with your heart, your soul, your everything and having them accept you."
His hand traced their body, humming in thought. "You're right, that is very romantic."
Another sweet kiss before they ask. "... Could we go again? Maybe try the position we're already in."
He chuckled, sitting up and grabbing their hips. "Anything you want, love."
He slipped them slowly on his member, hearing them gasp as his length disappeared within them. They gripped his shoulders and carefully lifted themself up and slowly back down.
"That's it, nice and steady." He watched their body rose and fall on him, pushing his hips suddenly up to hear them yelp. "Heh. Sorry, love, had to take the opportunity."
He wrapped his arms around their body and kissed them tenderly as they continued their movements, not taking long to hear him moan their name.
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seldaryne · 7 months
overall i think i enjoy the multiple protag au stuff even if it's making me go back and forth on some of my preferred worldstate choices.
however, it also kind of makes that decision for me in some areas i think?
in general, the characters i've ran so far & have been the loudest in my head, don't neglect that part lmfao have tended to stray more to the side of letting shadowheart's parents die in her personal quest. she's ended up leaving shar each time, yeah, but that's been consistent. with haelryne, she felt so weird about overstepping like that. her personal relationship with her parents is... pretty fine? but as a general rule i think she's someone who leans towards a more hands-off approach with everyone's choices. yes, she's got opinions & will voice them if appropriate, but she's acutely aware that it's Not her or her life & she doesn't entirely trust that she can have some of those opinions with her context as an outsider. she's not part of that family, how is she supposed to form a rebuttal when they ask shadowheart to let them die?
velrith is kind of the same, except oh my God the choice paralysis in this moment. absolutely insane. because up until then she's been relying heavily on her oath & if not that, pure pragmatism. usually a combination of the two. but this feels like a no-win situation to her & it's not one that's covered by either of her typical decision-making mechanisms. she's also personally just got a lot of baggage surrounding family, despite not remembering it actively or being aware of it (something about cell memory or stains on the soul, take your pick). she also feels deeply out of her element here & can't even begin wrapping her head around a choice like this. because letting the die for the sake of freeing her friend from shar makes sense to her! they're telling shadowheart to do it & it seems to come from a place of love, she can see that her mother is actively deteriorating, and it also takes care of that wound on her hand. but she doubts herself, because she can also see how emotionally taxing this is even if she lacks that frame of personal reference & that feels bad. maybe the logical choice on paper isn't actually What she should allow here, even if it seems to be better on an individual level...? she killed her parents, even if it was compelled out of her. she doesn't think this should be up to her & ultimately finds that she's unable to say anything at all.
and then tertiary to all that, you have ashlanna, who is Fully acting on a selfish impulse when she's like '??? are you serious? get them Down we can solve your hand later, i refuse to believe there isn't a loophole & it's not worth letting them go after everything in your life you've suffered.' like. she loves shadowheart & yes she is notably vain & selfish and doesn't apologize for this, but she's also surprisingly family-oriented. she loves her own father so damn much & wouldn't hesitate or feel the need to ask the audience if she were in shadowheart's position. it seems like a no-brainer & i honestly can't see her being able to keep quiet while this conversation was happening. unlike the others, she's not hung up on making choices for other people; she runs theatrical productions on a regular basis. if she's not in charge, she's probably incapacitated because other people simply Cannot get anything right, not without heavy guidance from her anyway. which absolutely Can get annoying at times & i think there's probably also a part of shadowheart that's even miffed in the moment but also like. thank god for Someone at least feeling an appropriate amount of 'what the Fuck?' towards the whole thing & sure yeah maybe she's smug about what she did but it's coming from a loving place.
so i think yeah this is definitely something that changes wildly depending on who's there. sometimes you need your unhinged theatre girlfriend to cut you off mid-sentence to shake you out of your emotional ruminating, consequences of your actions be damned.
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bitchfitch · 1 year
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idk I'm just trying to figure out the Vibes of this settings fashion. I'm trying to avoid anything that is like, obviously from any real culture, but if you can't tell from the kimono and dhoti knockoffs, that's hard. Mostly because the rules I've decided on have to do with the sorts of looms that would be being used, what fibers are available+in what qualities, and general climate. Once you narrow down that shit you're left with only a handful of options that have all already been done. Humans been wearing clothes for a real long time. Anyways, fuck you, demon fiber craft lore time
I don't have specific earth place picked out but the gen climate for this part of the setting is very mild. Heatstroke is a concern at the height of summer, frostbite at the height of winter. jorts and a thin hoody would be appropriate clothing for the weather 60% of the year. Just gradient out in those directions from there. Very dry summers, fuck ton of snow in the winter.
Sheep are around but mostly as meat animals with fiber being a secondary product, there's just not enough good grazing land for them since most of the area is forested. There are man made clearings, but full on farms and fields aren't as common as food forests. Plus the dryness of the summer makes a lot of field centric agriculture not an option, it's too dry and there's not enough folk cooperating in the area to manage massive irrigation projects being built up.
What is an option is flax. Grown along rivers most clothing is linen with wool being used for thicker garments and silk for finer garments.
all the work that goes into fabric creation in a pre spinning wheel society means fabric is Pricey. Demonic magic helps, but not a lot. Most garments are not cut or sewn. They're made with whole pieces of cloth wrapped or folded to conserve as much material as possible and then pinned, tied, or otherwise secured.
There's also two very different sorta parts of society to consider for Esti and his outfits.
One is that of his birth. Prim and Proper Nobles who control vast resources largely through negotiation bribery and backstabbing. the Coraxes, their outfits tend to be Expensive, and very much made with a life spent indoors and away from any kind of physical anything in mind. The head family of demons are colorblind, and because of that their fashion, and thus the fashion of those who want to fit in with them, has a very limited pallette, shades of grey and natural fiber colors are the primary elements with red and gold fabric being used as an accent to keep people from thinking too long about their 'fault'. They are totally reliant on their servants to be telling the truth about what color anything is. Esti is from that noble family so his outfits were largely picked out for him when he was to be seen outside their home. big heavy layered skirts that he needs help with when he gets dressed are not his typical vibe but he does appreciate the number of places to hide knives.
Next up are the Cristatuses, Their prevalence and current top dog spot have come from ruthless conquest of nearby territories and a very militaristic vibe. For the common person this mostly just means theyre the big city folk. This is where the money is. Bright colorful fabrics and lots of thin short layers to go with a much more physically active lifestyle of sports and work done outdoors even if it's not work completely suited to being done outside. Breezy. Their wider trade network and attractiveness to merchants also means more options for basically everything to do with clothing accessories and other bits of self ornamentation.
Esti apprenticed with a war lord. His experience with the fashion had a lot more to do with what was practical while on horse back or after the third night sleeping in the dirt. Bright colors stayed but thicker, more minimal, and legged garments were the norm. Armor is a thing, he is an apprentice to a man who should be a prince, he was never supposed to see battle, and was instead kinda meant to become the sort of general who has never actually fought but who knows a lot of tactical theory.
When he finally got to start picking his own outfits he kept with the more neutral and dull colors of his heritage, but the much lighter and easier to move in outfits he was used to wearing throughout his training. Minimal and dull by Cristatus standards, unrefined and brutish by those of the Corax. Very comfortable for him.
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icybreaths · 9 months
|| @fallesto || from here ||
Jewel had taken part in a number of fights of her own. Each one proved to be more difficult than the last. The Arrancar -- regardless of rank -- were a considerable challenge. She would've gone so far as to say they were more powerful than most Shinigami. Upper ranks had to put their backs into it as it was.
Just what did Aizen have that kept this faction together?
She had been in the middle of a reprieve when she saw another fight stir the sands. The bursts of reiatsu was enough to tell her that the combatants were powerful.
Her eyes struggled to follow them.
Speedy strikes, parried jabs. Words she couldn't make out from her position. Massive arcs of energy clawing through the air. Echoed blasts that jolted her heart.
It was intense. It grabbed her attention. As tired as she was, a sweet touch of adrenaline pulsed through her being. Had she another opponent around, she might have been motivated to get back up and chew the throat out of another hollow.
All she did was sit there and shake.
She loved to watch others fight almost as much as she loved to take part in them. There were countless ways one spoke through their weapon, and if one was observant they could pick up the silent conversation that happened. The song...
Rage. The urge to kill. The need to live. Familiarity. It's personal, isn't it.
The final strike. She saw the hollow be lowered to the ground by the other. Odd to have not slain him then and there. Maybe there was a reason he was supposed to live.
After a few minutes of calm, she trekked her way closer to the scene, figuring the heat of battle had passed.
Her eyes widened as she halted -- another hollow had appeared to strike the fallen one... for what reason?
Looked like this tall figure was here for a challenge too. She could sense an immense spiritual pressure from him, and not only that, but a familiar one she knew all to well.
Fuck, there was a lot happening here. It was about to get bad. Worse than before.
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Despite the alarm, she approached the scene in haste.
She observed the fallen man in silence. Cuts, gashes, and in a pool of blood. Her gaze lingered on the fresh crescent wound etched deep into his nape.
What a cheap shot, hitting one when they're clearly down for the count. It annoyed her to think about it. Had she been in this position, she'd be pissed off.
Another pulse of her captain's reiatsu. She had to go -- they had to go, otherwise there would be no survivors.
Without further thought, she hoisted the arrancar up to lean against her. All of his complaints were ignored.
By the time she had found a cave to take shelter in, she was exhausted. Luckily she had plenty of medicated bandaging to go around.
Quick work was made of the both of them. He hadn't stirred all the while, so she flinched when he jolted awake after she touched his arm.
Her efforts had been torn up like tissue paper, but at least the bandages had done enough to coagulate his open wounds and keep them from worsening.
"I..." she didn't answer right away. Instead, the distant echo of her captain's fight shuttered the sands. Even from here, it was evident that the output of raw power was immeasurable.
Her shoulders shrugged with her light snort. "... S'pose I find issue with fuckers that find it convenient ta strike another who's already been downed. Had nothin' ta do with me but it annoyed the fuck outta me ta see it. It was such a pathetic attempt on his part. He deserves a beheading." She fanned her hand.
Glancing outside, she added, "I knew the whole area was gonna be destroyed soon with who was coming, so I moved, an'.. moved you too."
Talk about being put on the spot here. Her gaze hardened at the ground. She hadn't put a lot of thought into what she'd done. "It was impulse. I've no interest in killin' you. Hell, if anything you deserve ta live so you can kill that spoon headed string bean that tried ta slay ya last second."
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j3zelle · 2 years
Summary: An almost perfect night turned into that of gunfire and bloodshed as you hoped to survive this supposed ambush. Who were these people and what did they want?
Warnings: cursing, gore description, blood, gun fire and gun mention.
Benevolence: Part 4
The gunfire pierced your ears as Ellie clutched onto your hand. A beautiful moment was snatched from you, and you wished you could simply ignore the outside world for a moment and kiss her again. It hasn't even been a minute and you craved it.
Another pop sound filled your ears. You were so busy thinking, you didn't even notice Ellie let go of your hand and ran to her bag. Pulling out as many guns as she could, she quickly placed a handgun and a rifle on the couch. You didn't hesitate, quickly picking up the rifle as you checked to make sure it had ammo in it, ready to go. She also placed some ammunition in your hand, which you put into your pocket.
More popping. You looked towards the door of the break room, wondering why they were shooting. It wasn't towards the two of you, that is for sure. Infected, most likely. You couldn't know if it was the people you have been tracking or some random survivors. All you knew was that the gunfire you heard also scared Ellie.
"Okay, you know what to do." Ellie tells you, nodding. You raise an eyebrow.
"I'd rather not shoot until I absolutely have to." You answer. She looks up to you, her gun reloaded, and she smiles.
"You always had a kind heart. That's why I like you," She tells you. She stands up, walking towards you.. "I don't want you to let it get in the way of your survival, (Y/N)."
You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. You knew she cared, and you knew she wanted the best for you. You simply nodded in response.
She grabs her book bag, and you grab your own as well. The smell of the hot chocolate you both had to let go of filled your nostrils. It hurts you to leave it. You didn't want that moment to end. Why did it have to end?
Your thought was cut abruptly as you watched Ellie walk out of the room. You followed close behind her, holding your rifle close to your chest.
As you two walked out into the radio station, you could hear more gunfire. It wasn't as frequent as before, but it still sounded like the same gun. Ellie was holding onto a small, but powerful shotgun, and you noticed how white her knuckles were as she gripped onto it. You wanted to comfort her, tell her everything was okay, but you didn't want to scare her. Even if you were right behind her. You could tell she was on edge.
You watched her stop before a large glass wall, it curved away from you and peered into the reception area. She looked out into the room, but didn't say anything to you. She must not have seen anything. As she looked around, you did the same, looking over the opposite way.
There was a small window that was open slightly, and you noticed flurries of snow falling onto the floor below. It was snowing outside, and the warmth from inside caused the glass to frost. You wish you weren't in this situation. You wish you were out there, with Ellie on your horses. You wish these people, whoever they were, were not here, so you could be back in the room with her in her lap again.
"Hey," You snap back, looking towards her, "They're up front." She whispers.
"Where?" You look over her shoulder as she points. It was a relatively large group from what you could see, but there could've been more. You counted ten.
"So now what?"
"We hear what they have to say from a safe distance." She tells you, looking back to you. "If they don't have any important information we need to help find Jesse, then we get to the horses and get out of here."
"Okay. Sounds good to me." You answer.
"Yeah, because you don't have to shoot anyone."
"You know I don't want to hurt anyone if they don't deserve it, Ellie." You whisper. "What if they are just survivors like us? And they spot us and out of a moment of fear they shoot? What if they have families?"
"Everyone has a family, (Y/N). That doesn't make them any less dangerous to us."
"But-" Ellie cuts you off, placing her hand over your mouth. You begin to hear voices.
"So what did Isaac say when you told him about this little excursion?" The voice of a man says, footsteps following closer. You try to move away, but Ellie holds you still.
"Nothing, because I didn't ask." A female voice responds.
"What? You mean to tell me we brought this many people with us and you didn't even ask permission?" The male voice erupts. Ellie looks back to you, pointing behind you as she removes her hand. You begin to move, following the twisting hallway that wrapped around the reception area.
As you moved, you noted another window like the one you were already at, directly across from it. You didn't want to risk running into it and getting caught, but you didn't have any other choice. You were practically being pushed to your demise by these people.
As you walked closer to the window, you turned back to Ellie. "What do we do?" You murmured, crouching down near the edge.
Ellie doesn't answer you, seeming to be more interested in something else.
"I needed everyone's help. We need to find this girl and make a cure. My father couldn't do it, because that bastard, Joel Miller, killed him before he got the chance. I want to finish what he started."
Your eyebrows raised and you looked at Ellie again. Her eyes were confused, hurt. What do these people want with Joel?
Before you could ask her, Ellie's eyes go wide. She grabs your bookbag and pulls you down to the ground. You hear glass shattering, falling onto your body.
"Over here! Found someone!" A voice shouts. You roll over onto your back, aiming towards the people ahead of you and firing. The bullet hits a fire extinguisher, and the whole room goes white. As if the snow from outside found itself into the building. You hear coughing and more gunfire.
"(Y/N)! Jump!" Ellie cries. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, you didn't think anything of what she said. You watched her jump out of the window, and you followed.
Landing down on the ground, you feel a sharp pain in your right arm. You look down, your vision blurred, noticing a small pool of blood begin to create itself on the floor. Your head goes fuzzy and you begin to feel nauseous.
"E-Ellie... Ellie!"
"(Y/N)! Oh, shit!" Her voice vibrates in your head, as if a hammer was hitting you over and over again. You look up to her, your vision still blurry. She grabbed onto you, pulling you up to your feet. She puts your left arm around her, beginning to walk you out of the room. To the best of your ability, you tried to keep up with her, one step at a time.
"Ellie, it hurts."
"I know, I know. Stay with me. Don't pass out, okay? Stay with me!"
"They can't see us, I'm taking you to the horses. We need to get out of here. Keep listening to my voice. You're gonna be okay... (Y/N) ... (Y/N)!"
It must've been a few hours afterwards, but you definitely were not in the same place as before. It was a lot warmer, and there was a comfortable silence, besides the sound of a fire crackling and the rustling of trees above. You didn't want to open your eyes, you were too comfortable where you sat. You didn't want to face the world again just yet, it fucked you up bad enough already.
"I know you're awake." Ellie whispers.
You groan softly, sitting up on your arm, which you immediately regretted. Gritting your teeth against the searing pain through your arm, you look up to see Ellie. She kneeled down to you, pressing a hand on your shoulder.
"Lay down. I just stitched that arm, wouldn't want you to fuck it up." She tells you, holding your arm gently as you lay back down. Looking down at it, you notice the large stitched up cut on your arm.
"There is no way I passed out over a cut."
"It was actually a pretty deep gash. Took forever for me to get the glass out of it and stitch it up." You watch Ellie take a rag, one already covered mostly in blood, and dabbing it around the gash. "It looks a bit like a bite wound."
You wince, pulling your arm back. "Sorry..."
"It's fine." You answer, shaking your head. "It hurts a lot."
"I know, but please, lay down for me."
You do as she asks, closing your eyes.
As you lay back and allow Ellie to work on your arm, you think of what just happened. Those people… There were a lot of them. They had a lot of firepower. Those two arguing and talking about their group and how they must've broken some kind of rule. What rule was it? What were they really after? A cure? For the infection? Then, it hit you.
They mentioned Joel.
You sit up again, making Ellie gasp.
“Stop, you're going to mess up the stitching!”
“They said Joel’s name! Didn’t you hear?” You ask her, raising an eyebrow. Ellie shoves you down onto the ground again, seemingly irritated.
“Yes. I heard.”
You lay there, staring up into the tree and its branches. You watch a squirrel jump from one branch to the other. You notice the snow stopped, and there was just a thin coat layered on the branches. Some bits fell onto you and Ellie.
“Shouldn’t we go back?” You ask, not knowing what to think of the situation. You hear Ellie sigh, and she looks down at you.
“Why did we come out here in the first place?”
“To find Jesse…”
“And if they know Joel, who do you think they heard it from?”
“Exactly. They are holding him. We need to find where these people are living for now. It can’t be too far.” She looks back down to your wound, dabbing it once more to clean up the blood. “I can’t remember all of what they were saying, do you remember anything?”
“They also mentioned they had a large group. I don’t know if we can handle that, Ellie. We barely got out alive just then!”
“We weren’t ready for them. Next time, we will be.”
“Ellie, I don’t think-”
“Jesse is your best friend, right?” Ellie blurts out, looking down into your eyes, her eyebrows furrowed. The horses begin to stomp and snort at her sudden outburst.
“Of course he is!” You answer, sitting up as you look back. “I just…”
“It's bad enough you almost got us killed, now you’re rethinking this?”
Your heart breaks gently at her words. You couldn’t deny you felt like an idiot passing out and putting her at risk the way you did, but its not like you could’ve helped it, and she was insinuating that you did it on purpose. She was likely exhausted and hungry, so you tried your best to ignore it. “No! Ellie that- that’s not what is happening at all!” You lay a hand on her arm, directly over her scar and tattoo. Ellie breaths out from her nose, looking to your hand, then looking away towards the fire to the left of her. 
“I love Jesse. He is my best friend, and he is yours too. I’m just… scared. We almost died twice now, and I can’t imagine you getting hurt because of me… I can’t imagine us getting hurt… I can't…” Speaking at the moment was difficult for you. You began to squeeze her wrist gently, trying to find the right words as your head hung low. 
As you sat in thought, you heard Ellie swallow. You were grateful for the fire, now that a sudden and uncomfortable silence took over the one that was sitting pleasantly over you just a few minutes ago. A breeze came from behind the two of you, making you shudder. Looking back at Ellie, you notice her facial features a lot better in the light of the fire. Her adorable nose and perfect jawline. Her hair was covering some of it, and you wished the breeze would do you a kindness in this moment so you could see the rest of her.
You begin to move your hand away from her arm, but she stops you suddenly. She presses her other hand on top of yours, keeping your hand locked on her chemical burn. You feel the gentle bumps from it on the palm of your hand. Looking into her eyes, they were determined, but also filled with pain. 
“I know you’re scared. But I’m here for you. I promise, I won’t let anything happen to you…”
“You’ll get me home in one piece?”
“And alive.”
“That’s good to hear.” You whisper, glancing down at her lips.
“You should probably get some rest.” Ellie tells you, noticing your small glance. She lets go of your hand, but you don’t move yours. You keep it in place, and instead squeeze gently. You didn't want to let go of her.
“You’re going to cut off my blood supply.” She giggles gently. You knew you were squeezing a bit hard, but you couldn’t help yourself. 
“Am I supposed to feel a certain way? Are you sending me a signal?” She asks you.
“Not exactly. I just enjoy holding you.” You reply.
“This is like the second time you’ve held me like this, (Y/N).” She smiles warmly at you, shaking her head. You couldn't help but smile back, she was just too freaking cute.
“So? Is it a crime to hold a girl I like?”
“Only if you don’t plan on doing anything else.” She tells you, smirking.
“Oh, there are requirements now?” You begin to lean in closer, glancing down at her lips one more time.
“Yes, actually. You wanna hear them?” She asks you, moving her left hand up your arm. You flinch a bit at first, but eventually accept her touch. 
“Not really.” You close the distance between the two of you, kissing her on the lips deeply. You feel Ellie’s hand weave between your waist and your bad arm, landing on the small of your back. She pulls you closer to her, and you obliged, falling against her. 
Before you get a chance to take it any further, you feel Ellie pull away from you. She looks down, her eyes closed. You wondered if you did anything wrong, so you cup her face gently. 
“You really have to rest, (Y/N).” She tells you, placing a hand on yours as you hold her. 
“I don’t want to.” You reply, shaking your head.
“For me? Please, rest.” Her eyes were filled with anguish, but also determination. You wondered what was swirling around in that beautiful head of hers, wondered what she had planned for the future.
"It is really a good idea to sleep here tonight?"
"No." Ellie stands and walks over to her bag, digging inside of it. "I'll just let you sleep for an hour or so, then we are on our way. Don't want to stay in one place too long."
"Then why make a fire?" You ask her. She pulls out a roll of bandages, walking back over to you. She then places the bandages around your wound.
"Because it is cold as fuck. You want to sleep in the cold?"
'It won't be that cold if you sleep beside me.' You thought, but you didn't want to be too bold with her yet.
"I'll take that as a no."
You look up to her as she wraps the bandages around you. "Did you hear what they said about a cure? And a girl? I wonder what that's about."
Ellie freezes in place, like a deer in headlights. She didn't answer you or even move. All she did was chuckle softly.
"It's bullshit, I think."
"Yeah? What makes you say that?"
"The Fireflies have been gone for years now, disbanded a long time ago. They were the only people that cared about finding a cure. After a few years, they finally wanna show up again? I don't think so."
"But maybe its a different group? Maybe its people that actually know what they are doing this time? Doesn't seem like the Fireflies knew what they were doing-"
"You don't know what you are talking about." She snaps. You didn't know how to respond to Ellie's sudden change in emotions. One moment she was loving and caring, the next she was angry and wanted to end the conversation right there. It alarmed you, the way she snapped at you. As if you personally offended her.
"I'm sorry."
She bites the inside of her cheek, tying your bandages together gently before she stands.
"Just get some rest." She whispers, smiling down at you weakly before she walks off. You wait until she sits down on a log just a few feet away from you before you close your eyes, just in case you needed to get to her.
As Ellie watches you fall asleep, she pulls out that same book you two found a while ago in that old house, the same one you two almost died over. She flips through the pages and begins to read, seeing what she could find about these people, seeing if she could find anything to confirm her suspicions.
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offrozenmemoirs · 11 months
[ 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ] ― sender puts perfume / aftershave on receiver’s ( wrist / neck / cheek ) / sino -> seraph. idea being that sino spritz perfume on seraph's collar bone because SSS is getting ready for a party or smth. :) ? ?
The Five Senses || Accepting! @allthatisleftinthedark
Seraph feels his nerves rising as he thinks about this party they're supposed to be going to. He remembers the last time they went to a party and it almost spelled the end of his journey with the rest of them. Though he can admit, part of his feelings back then were because of far too many revelations that were hitting him all at once. He feels one of the many scars adorning his body ache at remembering the Winter Ball. It feels almost odd to relax, even if only for a little while.
[I thought I'd be used to large crowds now. I'm certainly used to the cacophony of voices from the deathwatchers along with Pharasma.]
The elf grimaces as he looks at himself in the mirror. He's never used to not wearing some sort of armor when he's out in public, or the weight that it brings with it. There's a firmness to the familiar presence of his armor, compared to the suit he wears now.
"I know you don't like the bigger crowds, but you look quite dashing! It's nice to see you outside of your armor."
Seraph gives a wry smile at the sound of his lover's voice, turning around.
"I think you're only saying that because you enjoy seeing how tight this dress shirt is around my chest...I knew that dress shirts were going to be a bit of a problem but..."
[This is ridiculous...I can't even get the damn thing buttoned up all the way over my chest. I can't wear a tie or anything with this. I know it's not an entirely overly formal party, but I hate the idea of being stared at.]
Soup has the gall to look offended at Seraph's insinuation, and gives a mock gasp of surprise.
"Please, me objectify you? Perish the thought, love! I simply speak the truth."
Seraph rolls his eyes, but the smile is still there as he turns back around. He supposes that Soup does have a point. He's at least smart enough to have scoped out the area where this party was. Call him paranoid, but he had Freya carry his gear to the rooftop. He could ascend easily enough, given that he could leap about forty feet into the air nowadays. Just in case he told himself.
[One of these days, someone's going to tell me I'm going to drive myself mad by expecting to be attacked all the time. Well, Seira at least wouldn't be one of those people. Sino too, probably.]
Seraph sighs, he thinks that there's something missing from the whole thing.
"Ah, Seraph, there you are!"
Sino's voice enters the room and he turns to look at her. She held a bottle of...perfume? The gnomish woman comes up to him.
"Why don't you try this? I think it'll compliment you quite well."
Seraph nods, trusting Sino's intuition. If anything, she's probably a hell of a lot better at identifying scents that would fit him well. He's noticed that about her, she tends to know the things that fit him and Soup well. She sprays his wrists and chest with the perfume, and he's immediately hit with a minty scent. It reminds him of his ice magic, and...is that a hint of cinnamon he smells coming from her? It reminds her of the warmth that Soup holds and he smiles.
"You know, I don't know what I'd do without you here to help me figure these things out."
"Oh I'm sure you'd carry on just fine. But you know I'm always here to help when you need it. Now, I think we're all ready. Let us try to enjoy a nice night for once, hm?"
Seraph nods, and offers his arm to Sino.
"You make a good point, sia daron. Now, let's go and grab Soup. Perhaps we can be the ones to be envied at this party, no?"
Seraph always thinks about how she taught him how to dance, that night in Ingora, at the Rowdy, he remembers the heat from the alcohol they drank, and the way the two of them moved together, how his cheeks heated up with embarrassment, or how he was awed at how she seemed to flow when she showed him the dances. He remembers thinking on how she was the most beautiful person in the Rowdy that night. He remembers her at the Winter Ball, and he felt as if he should count himself as one of the luckiest people there to simply bask in her presence. She's always had a beauty about her, and he kicks himself at how long it took him to see that, or at least admit it to himself.
"You've never told me what that meant, you know."
"I'll tell you what it means someday. I promise."
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