#theyre both running a little blind X]
jevilowo · 2 months
Im not really a fan of Speeding Bullet. But Running Blind is still my favourite tf2 fic. And I think it is objectively the best Scout ship. And I reblog most fanart I see of it. Truly a conundrum.
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alongwalkhomecomic · 8 months
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Caine and kinger x reader with ADHD
Caine and Kinger x reader w/ ADHD
yahoo!! gonna knock out some requests today !! this is gonna be based off of my own experiences btw !! not much else i can think to put in this authors note so! ill just get on with it note from the future, little longer than i intended but thats mostly because admin started relating TOO much wuh-oh
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caine is honestly really good about keeping you on track when theres a task at hand. i dont know about you, but i tend to wander about when im working on something; to check on something else repeatedly then coming back to what needs to be done and just go back and forth.(shit im even doing it now, the getting up and checking on things thing even though i know the thing is fine/complete) i like to think that caine would be pretty okay at making sure you get the thing you need/want to do done! i dont think theres meds in the digital world, i mean yeah sure you can ask for them but since theyre digital theyre not going to actually. do anything. but lets say in a hypothetical au where this all takes place in the real world and caine is a real person, he would make sure you take them consistently and on time. honestly this hc isnt really part of the ask but; i generally like to think that caine likes to follow routines and schedules as closely as he can... maybe its the ringmaster thing since hes tasked with keeping everything running but... shrugs
very supportive when you make a small mistake in something (like this is just a general thing, though) and isnt too obnoxious with trying to hold or regain your attention is something happens to the side and steals it away. very patient and polite with it, i think
last minute addition because it hit me like a sack of bricks. time blindness. fucking time blindness. you know how i mentioned that caine is good at keeping you on track? i think he would be good with helping you out with that, at least some of it. mostly logging your activities and him keeping an eye on the time (which he already does so its not like an extra habit he needs to pick up.. though if it werent he would pick it up in a heartbeat. literally anything for you, he loves you a lot)
honestly he might start to mimic your stims and fidgets! he doesnt mean to mock you, no i just think he would start to reflect your actions after spending most of his time around you to make sure you're okay! while caine keeps you on track, kinger is likely to go with you when you wander off to check/do something else. really unless its something time sensitive or really important is when hes going to start outwardly reassuring you that the other thing is fine. honestly, in an au with the real world i was originally going to say he would have a chance of forgetting to help remind you/ask if you took your meds (if you take them) but i think he would take stuff like that way too seriously to even DARE forget. like yeah sure you're not going to d1e if you forget to take them for a single day but still. he'd probably be like this with any meds tbh, so if you're prone to forgetting youll be fine as long as you have kinger around! gibes you pillows for fidget stuff, if you are feeling restless. or perhaps even goes on a walk with you around the circus grounds. like idk about yall, or if this is something completely unrelated, but my legs HURT when i sit too still. like down to the bone, if i dont get up every now and then its agony; sleeping is hell and on days its worse than others (like im talking sometimes i need to be in near constant movement) (also jerky arms and legs) (anyways)
also very polite with returning your attention to where it needs to be but honestly given that kinger himself is shown to space out at least twice in the pilot i think sometimes you guys both get side tracked and struggle to remember and/or get back into the flow of what you were originally doing
tldr; caine keeps you more on track with schedules whereas kinger embraces your flow a little more but both are respectful of things and dont really make you feel less than + remind you to take care of yourself
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angel-eyes05 · 1 year
bite the hand (chapter 8)
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pairing: spider-woman!oc x miguel o’hara 
summary: lorena's whole world was taken away from her in the blink of an eye, after she accidentally broke a canon event. lucky for her though, she was able to find a portal watch in her dimension and used it to get out before she glitched out of existence. unfortunately though, running from dimension to dimension, she's been named as an anomaly by the spider society. now, she's constantly on the run from them, their leader in particular. when she eventually gets caught though, she's recruited onto a mission to catch another anomaly who might be from her past. to her dismay though, her partner on this mission is her very captor. will she be able to stop arguing with him for long enough to get the job done?
info: enemies to lovers, maybe a slow burn depending on chapter count, oc is 24 and miguel is 27, both oc and miguel are super sad lmao, they're also both super violent so, they also hate each other what a slay, in regards to my oc you can read her character sheet right here
warnings: there might be spoilers for atsv in this so watch the movie before reading this, i made up some weird rules for miguel's suit and idk if theyre entirely accurate to canon so just go with it, tension lol, cursing, drinking
word count: 3.4k
notes: i gotta start repeating the banners at the top cause i ran out LMAO. also, expect less frequent uploads cause 1) i kinda have low motivation rn and 2) im pretty busy rn (going out, vacations, and doing job applications). writing also gets a little draining for me after a while and i gotta put me first😔✊ ill keep uploading though dw i just gotta do it at my own speed to make sure i dont drop the series cause if i try to push stuff out too fast, im gonna end up dropping it so just bear with me lol. also i didn't proofread this before posting cause its 3:30 when im dropping this, and im so tired lmao
It was the sun that slithered into the room through the cracks in the blinds that woke her up. Lorena preferred that to the normal wakeup call from a nightmare, or the sounds of honking cars next to her on the street. The way the bed had molded itself to her shape made it impossible for her to move. Almost like it was trapping her in its comfort. Even if the mattress was old, the fact that this had been her first time sleeping in an actual bed, and not a bench, sidewalk, or cot, in months was enough to provide her ease. 
She turned to face the other side of the bed, surprised when no one was in sight. Miguel was probably in the bathroom or something. She was more focused on a different fact: this had been the first sleep in weeks without a nightmare.
Huh. Weird.
She sat up in bed, noticing she was still in her robe from the bathroom. She rubbed the drowsiness off her face as the click of the door lock called her attention. Letting in a stream of early sunlight with him, Miguel walked through the door, pitch black sunglasses covering his eyes, a box in one hand, and a cup tray in the other. “Figured you’d be hungry when you woke up,” he said once he noticed she was awake. He softly kicked the door closed behind him, setting the tray on the desk near the door and the box on the bed. 
Pulled by curiosity, she moved her hands towards the box and opened it to see what was inside. Her mouth immediately started watering when she opened it to see assorted treats such as conchas, bigotes, and mantecadas. “I was in the mood,” Miguel said, pulling the drinks out of the tray. “I didn’t know how much cream or sugar you liked so I just got you black cause that's what I get,” he said, handing the hot cup of coffee to her. 
The smell of the pastries mixed with the coffee was enough to make her want to cry. It reminded of the smells of her aunt’s kitchen in the morning. The bitterness of the coffee stung at her throat, but it was overshadowed by the comfort it brought her. She picked up one of the bigotes, and had to hold back her tears of joy when she took a bite. “Gracias por todo,” she said, mouth full of food and covered in sugar. Miguel smiled at the sight of her. “De nada, cariño,” he said sweetly, taking one of the conchas for himself. 
As he walked away with his food, towards the bathroom, Lorena noticed something about him. “Where’d you get the clothes?” she asked, mouth still filled with food. He was now wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. “It’s part of my suit,” he responded, fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror. “¿Cómo?” He sighed. “Remember what I said about the whole nanotech thing last night?” “Yeah, what about it?” Suddenly, the shirt and sweatpants shifted into his blue and red suit just before her eyes. “Woah…” she exclaimed in awe. “I can change its appearance as long as the outfit is downloaded to my suit’s database.” “Oh,” Lorena expressed, even if she still didn’t fully understand what he was talking about. 
“Why’d you get to be born in the crazy, futuristic dimension with all the fancy tech,” she complained to herself, just loud enough for Miguel to hear. “Why, do you want one?” he asked, in between a small chuckle. “I mean it would be nice to wear something other than a tight spandex suit for once,” Lorena joked, getting an actual laugh out of Miguel for once. Lorena blushed and smiled at his reaction. “Well lucky for you, you’re gonna need one for tonight,” he responded. “What do you mean?” she asked, after taking a sip from her coffee. 
He tossed her a small, golden chain. “The outfit should form around that chain. I had Lyla upload different outfits for the day, since she probably knows better than I do. When you’re ready, put it on.” Lorena admired the golden material. She was lucky she wasn’t a silver jewelry girl. “So what’s on the to-do list for today,” she said, still looking at the chain. “Stay undercover for the majority of the day, then head over to the Moonlit River club at night. Lyla should have that outfit uploaded by now,” he responded, brushing his teeth with the provided amenities in the motel. 
“Why, are you finally deciding to take me out dancing to pay me for my troubles,” she joked, taking a sip of coffee after. Miguel spit out his toothpaste and sighed. “Brock meets up there on Thursday nights to trade weapons.”
Silence filled the space between them.
She knew this day had to come. She just wasn’t expecting it to be so soon. 
“I see,” was all she could manage to say, before taking another sip of her coffee.
Miguel could feel the turmoil radiating off of her from the bathroom. He washed out his mouth, and splashed a bit of water on his face before walking over to her. He pushed the box of pastries to the side, and took a seat in front of her on the sheets.
“Mirarme,” he softly spoke, using his pointer finger to guide her eyes to his. She looked up at him, trying her best not to get lost in the crimson shade of his eyes. “I-” He cut himself off before he could continue. He melded her hand into his before speaking again. “I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I want you to know that if this becomes too much for you…you can back out.” His inflection was weird. As if he didn’t want her to, but still wanted to keep her comfortable. A wrestling match between what he wanted and what was best for her. 
“And I’ve said it before too. I’m not running away from this,” Lorena said back, voice strong. “Ok. Just know if things get bad for you in there, I’ve got your back,” he said, concern in his voice. He had also found his eyes roaming her face, not realizing they had both subconsciously moved closer to each other. “And I’ve got yours too,” she said back. Once he had realized Lorena’s robe was loose enough to see inside to her chest, Miguel cleared his throat and got up from the bed quickly. 
“I’m gonna go into town, see if I can pick up any information on the street. You can do whatever you want until its time, but make sure to-” “Yeah, yeah, lay low. Relax big guy, I’ve got this,” she cut him off, reassuringly. He exited the room quickly, like he was in a rush to get away from her. He was gone for almost the rest of the day. 
About 8pm that night. 
Miguel was outside in the main room of the motel while Lorena was getting herself ready in the bathroom. Miguel had gone out earlier and bought her some cheap makeup and perfume from a local drugstore, a sweet gesture. 
Once she finished with her makeup and straightening up her hair, she tapped on the middle part of her gold chain, causing a menu to pop up. She scrolled through the options until she came across the last one, labeled by Lyla as “night time😉”. She clicked on the option, as she watched in awe as her casual t-shirt and sweatpants shifted into her outfit for the night. A tight black dress, cut asymmetrically to show one of her thighs, and a turtle neck part detached from the rest of the dress, with glove-like sleeves. This feature allowed for the perfect peephole towards her chest. Lorena had a feeling Lyla would try to do some matchmaking with her outfit.
With a quick spritz of perfume, a double check of her face in the mirror, and quickly putting on a black headband for her hair, Lorena quickly exited the bathroom. Miguel was standing there, waiting by the door and checking his portal watch. He was sporting a black, silk, button up shirt, tucked into black dress pants. The fact that the shirt was way too tight for him was accentuated by his muscles sculpted by the fabric and the fact that the first two buttons were open. His eye was caught by Lorena when she stepped out of the bathroom, his mouth slightly agape in awe and his eyes almost stuck to her.
“It’s flashy, I know. But it’s better that I fit in,” she said, trying to divide the tension in the room as she walked closer to him. “I-...um,” he stammered. “At a loss for words for once O’Hara?” she teased. Noticing a stray hair on the top of his head, she reached up to him to push it back. “Quédate quieto,” she commanded softly, while she stuck the piece back into the gel, trying to ignore how he was admiring her. 
“There you go. Ahora te ves guapo,” she teased, patting his chest with her hand. Miguel still had that stupid smile on his face. “Y te ves hermosa,” he said softly, and with utter sincerity. 
She couldn’t tell if she was caught more off guard with his words of affirmation, or the fact that the blush quickly forming on her cheeks was confirming her secret love of it. 
Clearing her throat, she unlocked the door, opened it, and gestured her hand to outside. “Lead the way big guy.” He smirked at her as he walked outside. He even got the courage to offer her his hand. This confidence was quickly deflated when she smacked away his hand, giggling to herself as she took the lead down the stairs. 
The night life of the city was bustling on the streets. Couples together, arm in arm, surely walking to a fancy restaurant for a night out. Lines forming outside of nightclubs, patrons with an urgency to get in. Everyone walking down the street with their own story to tell, just like Lorena. 
After walking for a couple of miles, the bright, neon blue sign shone in front of the entrance. The door was a mahogany red, with three stairs leading down to the entrance. But opposite to Miguel’s eagerness to get inside by opening the door, Lorena slightly froze, eyes blank. 
This was it. It was going to happen. Whether she was ready or not.
“Hey.” Miguel’s calm voice pulled her back to reality. “Stay with me. Okay?” He held out his large hand for her. This time, she decided to take it. “And remember to try and fit in,” he added. Her smile quickly turned sour and annoyed.
The atmosphere was loud, a mixture of people talking and the bass of the music filling the room. The fact that the lights were out didn’t seem to matter much with the amount of strobe and neon lights flashing within the bar. Lorena noticed Miguel quickly putting on a pair of sunglasses hidden in his jacket pocket. “I thought you said we needed to fit in,” Lorena stated as the two walked towards a high top near the bar. “I did. And?” “You really think you’re blending in with a pair of sunglasses on indoors? At night? In a club?” Lorena joked. “The lights hurt my eyes,” Miguel said, puppy dog hurt. Lorena had to fight to contain the laughter rising in her chest.
Once they sat down, and the reality of events settled down on Lorena, she began to look around the club. People sprayed out on couches, drunkenly conversing or making out. People out on the dance floor. Men walking into booths in the back, shielded by curtains. Eddie was probably in one of those. “I’m heading to the bar. You want anything?” Miguel asked, snapping her out of her daze. “Uhhhh, just get me something strong,” she brushed off, still not entirely paying attention. He shrugged and walked off to the bar. 
Lorena continued to inspect the area, her thoughts bouncing all over the place. What did this Eddie look like? Did he have black hair instead? Was his voice higher? Her Eddie always had a particularly deep tone. Smooth like silk as well. She would spend days on end focusing on the way he would say a single sentence back when she was first crushing on him. Would he act like her Eddie? She realized quickly she probably wouldn’t get the opportunity to find out. She didn’t necessarily want to find out anyways.
Would she have to kill him again? Would Miguel make her?
The smack of the glass on the table brought her back to reality. “You weren’t really specific, so I just got you a negroni,” Miguel said, open bottle of beer in his hand. Without a second thought, Lorena downed half the glass just then, proven to be a mistake with how strong the drink actually was. Her mouth curled inwards as her eyes shut closed, letting out a few coughs quickly after. 
Miguel laughed slightly, and slammed his hand against her back to help her cough. “What the fuck was that?” “Hey, you told me to get you something strong!” Miguel defended. “I thought you were gonna get me a margarita or something,” Lorena said, rubbing her chest with her hand. “Haven’t had alcohol in more than a year and you hit me with that straight away,” she said to herself. Subconsciously, he handed her his bottle. “Take a sip of that then.” She smiled to herself as she put her lips to the bottle and took a good sip of the beer. “Better?” he asked, like she was a child. “Yes, thank you for your charity sir, you’re so kind,” she responded sarcastically. 
“Find anything interesting yet?” Miguel asked, taking back the bottle. Lorena’s eyes went back to the curtains. “Those booths back there look promising. Are we sure he’s here yet though?” Lorena asked. “I have a hunch.” Lorena looked up at Miguel, annoyance on her face. “We’re going…off of a hunch?” “Just trust me on this okay.” Lorena sighed and took another sip of her own drink, wincing again when she put it back down. 
Her eyes were drawn away from the drapes and over to the lit up dance floor. She had always been the first one to bring her friends to dance with her when she was younger. Seeing it again brought feelings flooding back to her heart. Spontaneously, she jumped up from her chair and held out her hand to Miguel. “...What are you doing?” he asked, incredibly confused. 
“You said we had to blend in, right? We’ll do that better if we’re out there dancing,” she said. “Oh, no way. I don’t dance, chiquita,” he said, almost embarrassed. “Oh come on, for someone with your build? You’ve definitely danced before. Don’t be a debby downer Miggy,” she encouraged, both of them caught slightly off guard by the nickname slip. He rolled his head back, wiped his hands over his face, and let out a deep, annoyed groan. Once he stood up though and took her hand, it was impossible for Lorena to lose the smile growing on her face. “You’re taking the lead though, Loré,” he said, having come up with a nickname for her as well. She hoped the sunglasses he had on would keep him from seeing the blush on her face.
They didn’t.
Hand in hand, Lorena led Miguel over to the brightly lit floor, music blasting in the speakers next to them. Miguel stook out like a sore thumb, his huge build making him extremely identifiable among the other strangers on the floor. Lorena fit right in though, immediately beginning to dance to the blasting music. Miguel tried his best to copy her moves, but ended up looking like a fool. “You were right, you really aren’t that good at this,” Lorena teased. “Ha ha, very funny,” Miguel said monotonically. As the music changed slowly to a slower pace, they noticed the people around them grouping to dance into a pairs. She looked up to Miguel. He raised his eyebrow at her, asking her without words. Her smile was confirmation, as they inched towards each other. 
Almost as if they were pre-programmed to do so, Lorena wrapped her arms around Miguel’s neck, and his wrapped around her hips. They swayed together slowly to the music, melting into each others touch. He rested his head on her shoulder, his hot breath leaving goosebumps on her skin.
“This isn’t my wheelhouse,” he quietly whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Why, better when other music is playing?” she whispered back sarcastically. “Everyone here’s lucky they aren’t playing salsa right now, or I’d be stealing the show.” Lorena let out a laugh. “Is that so?” He nodded, a huge smirk on his face. “I’m more of mambo person myself,” she responded. He smiled at her remark. “You’ll have to teach me some day.”
She struggled to keep the smile on her face as those words entered her head. You’ll have to teach me some day. She hadn’t even begun to think about it. What she would do after this mission was over. The whole point of doing this was so she could be granted her freedom. She wanted it so badly a couple of days ago. But now. She hadn’t even thought of staying as a possibility. Because to her, it wasn’t. She couldn’t invade Miguel’s life like that. She wasn’t even 100% sure how she felt about him, much less on how he felt about her. Besides, no matter how much she just wanted to settle down with someone. To live an actual life. She didn’t deserve it. 
Pulling away from him was like separating herself from her source of life, but she did it anyways. “You okay?” Miguel asked concerned. “Yeah, I just gotta freshen up for a second,” she said, wiping her nose. She turned around quickly to get away. Too quickly though, bumping into someone’s back on her way to the bathroom. 
Knocked off her balance, and her headband knocked out of her hair, she fell to the floor on her ass. “Sorry about that,” she said, slightly dissociated, reaching out for her headband. The stranger also reached down to help with her headband. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it gorgeous.”
Her heart dropped to her stomach.
That voice.
“Don’t lose your heart.”
She desperately wanted to keep her eyes glued to the floor. She didn’t want to look at him. But she had to keep her cover up. So she did, as slowly as she could though. And it was the worst possibly outcome.
He looked just like him. Strawberry blonde hair. Deep blue eyes. Small scar just above right eyebrow. His bottom two teeth fighting for room on the bottom row of his mouth. There was only one difference though. One of her favorite parts about him. This Eddie was missing his freckles. His beautiful light brown freckles.
She gave the stranger with her dead boyfriend’s face a strained smile while she grabbed her headband and rushed behind to the door. Her own brain pounding in her head was too loud for her to hear Miguel as she nearly ran passed him. She slammed the door to the outside open as she took in the air like it was her first breath ever. Even if she was outside now, she kept running. She sprinted down the streets, not taking any of her surroundings into account. She saw him in everyone’s face. His ghost had always been haunting her, but she wasn’t ready for him to move from behind her back to in front of her face. She ran so far and so fast until her legs ached, and even after that. She didn’t even know where she was going. She didn’t care. She just needed to get away from him as quickly as possible. Even if that meant leaving Miguel behind too. 
Her sprint was interrupted when her foot was caught in a change in the elevation on the sidewalk. Her face slammed into the concrete sidewalk, scraping her cheek and her knees. She used the rest of her strength, all drained out from her bolting, to crawl into a nearby alley. She made her way to the back and slunk down into the corner, hoping to meld into the brick behind her. Especially if it meant she never had to see him again.
a/n: THIS TOOK ME SO LONG OH MY GOD. sorry if i messed some stuff up with the drinks, i dont drink so i really have no idea (im just a stoner instead lmao). UGH BUT I THINK THIS WAS MY FAVORITE CHAPTER TO WRITE I LOVED IT AND I HOPE YOU GUYS DID TOO
taglist: @the-ikran-man @jenniferdixon05207 @yuuuumii @elwyn7 @waniesss @lust-for-pan @natthernandez @pix-stuff @ang3lf4c3 @artfulthoughtswp @notwildlyfamous
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masterofengene · 1 year
COULD i also request an idol!K oneshot/longshot (perefered fem reader but also wtv you are comfortable w) inspired by you are in love by taylor swift and its like suuper fluffy and he is so sweet and kdramary and like theyre wondering around the city or smth(can you tell I just finished binge watching i-land and immediately need compensation for the pain it caused me 😭😭😭) omg maybe like a friends to lovers trope and he realises how much she means to him and its like a she fell first but he fell ten times harder like IM SO SORRY FOR RAMBLING I NEEDED TO GET THIS OUT OF MEJFDHSKDFGJ like im just imagining confessions in the rain after a miscommunication which left them both rlly sad and then she runs after him in the middle of a city street at midnight. honestly PLS TAKE complete creative freedom because as you can probably tell my thoughts rn r super messy and delulu ajshgfhkfhkgdjhsdfhgfdjkg i literally just have been thinking abt a long fic to get immersed in w K bc i have seen ltrly none😔 THANK U SMSMSMSMSMMS ASDKJFH.
Here i am!! So i finally got back to my writing and this one got those creative writing juices flowing and it gave me so many ideas so enjoy!!
Coffee at Midnight.
K! X fem reader based off the song “ you are in love “ by Taylor Swift.
You and K had been friends for what feels like forever. You guys had gone to the same school and were close in age so you two naturally grew closer. Before you even realized, you two were best friends. But as time went by you couldn’t help but look at K differently, Over the years he had filled out and his features grew more defined. Anyone who knew K would notice this, unless they were blind.
But you hadn’t even registered your own feelings changing, not until you were head over heels for him. You two shared a love of the performing arts so when he debuted, he managed to get you an audition and then he stepped back and let you handle it. He knew you’d land the rest yourself, he always had a blind faith in you. He trusted you more than you trusted yourself. It was a little bit after that, that you realized you’re own feelings towards K.
It was one look, and a dark room, a light hearted joke.
It had been a few months since you had begun your training, and to say that you were exhausted was a major understatement. It was well past 10 at night your monthly evaluations were right around the corner and you couldn’t quite nail the choreography that you would be tested on. Your body was tired and you were drained but you couldn’t just give up. Your eyes were aching so you had dimmed the lighting just enough to relieve the dull ache.
You were so into your practice that you hadn’t heard your phone going off, you didn’t hear the messages that k was sending to check on you. And lets just say when he got no response, he went to check on you himself. Because how dare his best friend not answer him.
What you did hear was the door to the practice room opening. You had thought for a second that it would be an instructor coming to kick you out of the room, luckily it was not. It was just K.
“You weren’t answering me…i was worried about you.” K said, being the one to always speak his mind. But he could read you like a book. So why bother hiding your exhaustion. Without saying anything, you let out a sigh and not-so-gracefully sat down on the ground. You laid back and simply said. “I have been at it for hours and i cannot get it right no matter how hard i try. Im not that much of a dancer.”
And then he gave you that look, the look that would make you feel so loved and cared for that it unlocked all of those hidden feelings.
“Please don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re doing so well. Even if you do not realize it. You know….i think i saw some janitors, trainees… even a few pigeons watching you dance through the windows. An amazing performance.” He said jokingly, although he truly meant that you did an excellent job. He had just wanted to see you smile instead of looking like you would cry any second.
And after that, your feelings for him kept growing but you were certain he would never see you as anything more than a friend. Still you always had hope that he /could/.
That was until you had gone to the mall one day and were window shopping by yourself, you had invited K along but he had said that he was at a practice. You didn’t think anything of it, they had a comeback coming up anyway. You really didn’t give it a second thought. Well…until you did.
You had walked into your favorite store, the place where you got all of your clothes from. It was locally owned and they only had this one location. Everything about it made you smile, from the dresses to the shoes, to their jewelry. You were happily browsing but that soft peaceful smile that you had faded in an instant.
Right in front of you was K and a girl you had never seen before standing in front of a bracelet rack. They were clearly close, leaning closer to each other as they talked.
In that second, it felt like your whole world had came crashing down. Why had he lied to you about practice? Why was he here with /her/? And why was she standing so close to him? A thousand questions raced through your head as K looked up and made eye contact with you. There was panic in his eyes in that second, and without a word you turned around and left. If only you knew the real reason that he was so panicked….
Unknown to you, the reason he was there in the first place was because he had wanted to buy you a bracelet and confess his own feelings that had grown. He wanted it to be romantic and special. A sweet confession. He had asked his cousin to come along and help him pick out something that you would like. He only wanted to surprise you and not hurt you.
He thought situations like this only happened in the dramas that he watched on the television. But K had seen that devastated look in your eyes and he felt the pain that washed over you in that second. You might have fallen for him first but he fell harder that’s for sure.
it was midnight when you decided to go to the convenience store and get some coffee, your head was still swirling with emotions, and the weather outside represented how you were feeling, windy and stormy. Then you felt your phone go off and found that K had texted you, saying that he was on his way to your apartment. All you said in return was that you were getting coffee, to come a different time.
As you rang up your coffee and a little sweet treat, you pulled your hoodie up to cover your hair before going back out in the rain. You wee still hurting but you couldn’t see K until you felt calmer. You didn’t want to lose him entirely.
The bell sounded from the door and before you knew it you heard your name bing called. You’d recognize that voice anywhere.
“she is my cousin.” That was all k said as he walked up to you. And you were still in shock because how had he known that you were at this convenience store.
“This is the only place open that has coffee near your place..” He seemed to hear your silent question, then you noticed that his hair was soaking wet from walking in the rain.
“still. I thought you had practice.” The hurt in your voice had said enough as you walked around him heading back inside. It was all a fresh feeling for you and you still had so many questions left unanswered.
“stop and listen please.” K said following you outside into the pouring rain. That’s when he let the truth slipped past his lips as he let like he was losing his best friend. He grabbed your hand and you felt a smooth, cool metal press against your hand. “I didn’t know that you felt this way about me until i saw that look in your eye today. (Y/n) i was planning to do this in a better setting but ill just tell you now. She was helping me buy you a bracelet, I couldn’t tell you because it was going to be a surprise. But i really like you, actually no. You’re my best friend and you mean the entire world to me, i love you. Im sorry you had to find out this way.” The look in his eyes was a desperate one.
You felt shocked, you had never once considered any of the things that just fell past his lips, and as if he saw your shock he let go of your hand and left the bracelet there. He rocked back on his heels to give you time to process his words as the rain fell around you two.
“i… you like me? Really? But how did you…. Did you know I’ve felt the same?”
“not until today…i saw that look you had. Like you wee heart broken…I can’t risk losing our burnt toast sundays…” His comment made you crack a smile as all the pieces slowly fit into place.
and the rest…. Well that’s history.
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bts-bay-bee · 2 years
coffee shop
Pairing: park jimin x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Word Count: 1872
Warnings: *unedited work*, they’re baristas, they do things that they probably shouldn’t do at a coffee shop, unprotected sex, theyre both going through dry spells, rough sex, cum swallowing, choking, biting, hickies, vaginal fingering, panties do get ripped and stolen, spit play (a tiny bit),
Prompts: 5 (“Deeper? Harder? Think your little pussy can take it?”), 8 (“Stop trying to run from my dick”), and 12 (“Choke me, bite me, use me”)
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A/N: hi anonie! I answered this so late that we already hit 2k and so i apologise! Also, I did prompt 11 in my yoongi drabble, so I won’t include it here. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy it!!!
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“It’s not my fault finals kicked my ass!” Was the first thing you heard when you entered the on-campus coffee shop, cringing at the volume, which was so loud that your entrance was barely noticeable, allowing your shift partner to continue speaking to a ‘customer’. “I made the executive decision to choose passing over pussy, excuse me if I’m going through a bit of a dry spell –”
 “Hi, Jimin,” You interrupted, amused at his panic-stricken face. “Hey, Taehyung.”
 Giggling over his steaming hot chocolate, Taehyung greeted you, ignoring his best friend’s red cheeks as he waved goodbye and exited the coffee shop.
 “Y/N, I, er, sorry you had to hear that –”
 “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one going through issues.” You cut him off, saving him from embarrassing himself with his rambling. Pausing, he cocked his head to the side.
 “You’re going through a dry spell? What about that guy who always comes in and gets that God awful Frappuccino shit –”
 “He wants me, I never said I wanted him.” You retorted, dryly. Jimin suppressed a laugh, levelling you with a gaze and a raised eyebrow.
 “Well then who do you want?”
 “A bit forward, don’t you think?” You teased, eyeing his biceps as he crossed his arms over his chest.
 “Not as forward as you eye-fucking me, I can tell you that.” He muttered, probably not meant for your ears.
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  “So, Jimin,” You began, watching him turn the sign to show that you had officially closed, your chin laying on your open palm. It had been weeks since you had walked in on him complaining to Taehyung about his dry spell, weeks since you had started dropping subtle hints about him fucking you, yet nothing was done about it.
 “So, Y/N,” He mimicked, a small smirk on his face as he dropped the blinds for the front windows, blocking out any moonlight from entering.
 “How much more obvious do you want me to be?”
 Pausing his walk back to the counter, he looked lost. “Obvious? About what?”
 “Fucking me.”
 Jimin rolled his eyes, scoffing at you. “Y/N, I’m not in the mood for your games.”
 “I’m being serious!” You insisted, in disbelief at his blatant disregard for your seduction skills. Well, maybe they were a little lacklustre, but you could not have been more obvious. “I’ve been flirting with you for weeks.”
 “We’ve always flirted.” He sighed, tugging on his blond hair in irritation. “It’s nothing new. You never want to take it further than flirting. It’s always just been a joke between us.”
 “Well, this time, I mean it.” You snapped. “What more do you want me to do? Get on my knees and beg?”
 With the clench in his jaw, you knew you either succeeded in getting what you want, or in pissing him off. Truthfully, you don’t know which one held more appeal in the moment.
 “That does sound appealing,” He laughed, the smile on his face not reaching his eyes. “It would sound better if you weren’t messing with me.”
 “Oh, for fuck sake, Jimin. Choke me, bite me, use me. I don’t care, just do something –”
 He cut you off by wrapping a hand around your neck, squeezing the sides firmly. He was so close to you that all your senses screamed Jimin, everything about him enticing you to the point you felt your knees weaken.
 “You don’t know what you’re asking for, do you?” He murmured, backing you up the counter, crowding you in so that you felt trapped. There should be shame in the way your panties dampened, your thighs clenching to alleviate some of the ache, but he shoved his knee in between your legs, preventing that.
 “I do,” You mumbled, already blissed out by having his hands on you that you felt kind of already felt satiated. “I’m asking for you to fuck me.”
 “Here?” He breathed, grip loosening on your neck so that he could kiss your jaw. “Where we work?”
 “I don’t think I can stand the wait to make it back to either of our apartments.” You admitted, trying to breathe evenly as he sucked on your sensitive skin, the skin already tender from his ministrations. You rocked your hips against his and held in a gasp when you felt how hard he was. “By the looks of it, neither can you.”
 “I’ve been fucking my fist every other day because of you, what do you expect?” He complained, sucking your skin harder, ending with a bite, making you yelp. “You’ve been wearing the prettiest little things, makes my imagination run wild.”
 You chose to ignore him, pulling him away so you could unbutton your jeans, shimmying the fabric down your thighs as quickly as you could before you froze in horror at the loud rip that made Jimin wince.
 “… I’m sorry?” He tried, the remains of one of your cutest pairs of panties in his hand. “I didn’t realise it would be so easy to tear!”
 “You’re buying me new ones.” You sighed, rolling your eyes when he immediately kissed you in apology, his reddened, swollen lips already giving way to his tongue. Kissing him was better than you thought it would be; he controlled the pace easily, not faltering or hesitating for a moment, while you focused on unbuttoning his jeans, palming his painfully hard bulge through his boxers.
 Jimin pulled away from you reluctantly, spitting on his fingers before easing them into your core. Feeling you open up on his fingers made him grin, teasing words about to leave his mouth until you pulled his cock free, using his precum to ease the glide of your fist.
 “Opening up so well for me, angel.” He sighed, forehead knocking against yours, curling his fingers so that you were stretched out. Biting your lip so that you didn’t let out an embarrassingly loud moan, you swallowed hard.
 “I can’t wait anymore,” You admitted, breathing uneven. “Please fuck me. I’ve been waiting for you.”
 “Have you, now?” He laughed, spinning you around so that you were squashed against him and the countertop (which you realised that you would have to clean again… You can’t really be serving coffee on a surface which probably had precum and pussy dust on it.)
 “Yes, and you’re always teasing.” You complained, trying not to pout while he cooed at you.
 His chest was hard against your back, only moving away when he lined himself up to your entrance, tip prodding against your pulsing muscles. Bringing a hand to cup your cheek, he guided your lips to his, barely resulting in a kiss. Every time you tried kissing him properly, he would move away slightly, making it impossible to actually feel his lips on yours. At the same time, he pushed his cock in a tiny bit, before pulling out completely, never giving you the entire tip, never stretching you out on his cock.
 “Don’t be a tease!” You whined, desperate for any form which you could get him. “I thought you wanted to fuck – oh, fuck, Jimin.”
 Thrusting into you shallowly, he finally kissed you properly, but still didn’t let his entire length fill you up. Even without the entirety of his cock pumping into you, waves of pleasure pulsed up and down your being, being touched everywhere by Jimin leaving you feeling unbelievable. But one thing about you, is that you were greedy for everything and anything when it came to Park Jimin.
 “Jiminie?” You breathed out, eyes half open. He hummed in response, hands tangling in your own. “Want more, please. I know you want to go deeper. You can go harder. Want you to use me, remember?”
 “Deeper? Harder? Think your little pussy can take it?” Jimin asked, grip on your hands almost unbearably tight.
 He barely let a second pass after he saw you nod before he began fucking into you harder, his skin slapping yours hard enough to echo throughout the entire shop. Now utterly blissed out, you struggled staying upright, your knees weak, basically useless in supporting you.
 “Fuck, you’re so much better than my fist, Jesus, Y/N.” He groaned, eyes furrowed, as you cried out and clenched around him, staving off your orgasm, not wanting it to be over so soon. “Going to – damn, fuck – going to fuck you every shift. Your pussy is so addictive, I could don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.”
 His words made you feel like you were overheating, quickly feeling your orgasm rear its head, desperation to stave it off making you move away from his thrusts.
 “Stop trying to run from my dick, you wanted it to be deep and hard, so you’re going to be a good girl and take it.” He hissed, holding both your wrists in one hand as he used the other to push your face down into the corner, forcing you to arch your back, making his cock hit even deeper.
 Obscene, wet sounds made you want to burrow your head in shame, sobs and moans being drawn out of you at an alarming pace if it was anyone other than Jimin. Speaking of, it's not like he was faring any better; he kept groaning into your ear, curses way too creative for someone as polite as him sneaking their way out.
 "Jimin, so close, I'm so close." You whined, thighs trembling.
 Somehow thrusting faster, sweat dripped down his temples, his efforts not needed much longer to have you coming around his dick hard, your walls engulfing him in the most addictive ways.
 Throughout your entire orgasm, he never stopped thrusting, the suddenly impossible tightness only resulting in him having to pull out of your dripping hole, tugging your neck so that you could swallow down his cum happily.
 A few moments passed, not really enough time to actually catch your breath, but he tugged you to him, swollen lips suckling on your tongue, almost as if he was trying to taste himself there, to make sure the encounter had been real.
 "Jiminie?" You mumbled, head resting against his chest. You pretended you didn't hear how fast his heart was beating as he hummed in response to his name. "We're going to have to wipe down the counter again."
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 Clicking the image, expecting a stupid meme or maybe even your work schedules, you froze when you saw it.
 Sitting down cross-legged after getting railed like that was probably a mistake, but you didn't realize it until you were halfway there. Ignoring the dull ache in your pelvis and hips, you unlocked your phone after seeing a text from Jimin with an image attached.
Your ruined pair of panties (that you suddenly realized definitely didn't come home with you) were somehow even more ruined by the globs of cum on them.
*image attached*
okay so my hand definitely isn't as good as your pussy but your panties helped a lot :)
btw, if I just keep ripping your panties, will you eventually stop wearing any?
keep ripping my panties and you'll never get to fuck me again
now send me a video of you using them to cum, I know you have one
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p0is0nvalz · 2 years
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i squealed n kicked my feet while reading this request
“watch it, freak” jasons shoulder bumped on eddies “are you blind? You bumped into eddie” “i wouldnt have if he wasnt in the way!” Jason and your bickering flew past eddies mind as he was just spacing out. Nobody had ever stood up for him and he got a fuzzy, giddy feeling when you fought jason carver, the average jock, for him, and he loved it. He loved you.
“eddie??? Eddieeee!!” He held up his pointer finger to your face, shushing you, and walked out of the cafeteria “what is this idiot doing..” you mumbled, both you and jason confused as hell “seriously i dont get what you see in him, you should be with me instead” “in your wet dreams, perra” you walked away. Thank god he was failing spanish. eddie, on the other hand was running laps. Litterally. He was trying to calm the feeling in his heart “there you are! why are you so sweaty-mph!” He kissed you, cutting off your speech about how he souldnt leave so randomly “i love you.” His eyes were wide, a big dopy grin, and a scarlet blush on his face.
“I love you!” He repeated louder, as if he were trying to tell the entire school “everybodyyyy!” He tried to get everyones attention by clinking a fork on his metal lunchbox, but of course everybody either rolled their eyes or groaned, fed up with him.
“this is y/n and im in love with them!” “Look at how cute they are!” Then he proceeded to go on a 10 minute rant about how much he loved you (chrissy clapped and cried a little), as you just stood there trying to get his attention “and they are aaaall mine! Only for m-“
it was your turn to cut his sentence off with a kiss as he wrapped his hands around your hips, squeezing your ass “hey!” The teacher yelled. As you guys pulled away, you grabbed his hand and dragged him into a janitors closet (not without catching a bimbo and a cheerleader making out and you calling it hot).
When you entered family video, you were welcomed with steve and robins wiggling eyebrows “shut up.”
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wormstar · 3 years
i was going thru ur blog and u have good posts about ableist aus and i was wondering - what if in the aus the requirements for warriors were different? Like instead of having to fight jay only hunts? Would the muddling of roles still be ableist? In a Tree-like situation?If its not presented in a "work super hard to get what you want" and more in a "yeah they can decide what he wants to do". This is mostly for jay (and cinder) specifically because they had desires to be warriors yet were forced to be medicine cats because of ableism (ig this can apply to briar but i just truly cant remember oots that well and i havent read her death). I am asking because i am still trying to unlearn the ableist mindset that i grew up with. Feel free to ignore this ask and thnx!
hey yeah thank you for asking! took the opportunity to write up more general thoughts on rewrites as a whole and i went over why exactly theyre ableist hopefully that provides a better perspective
i think the major thing to keep in mind is that the structure of the clans is very abled centric and overly ignorant of inner community work (for example dens are only solidified or altered when either the area takes damage/the clans grows wrt population) theres a fixation on marking territory and starting fights and whatever with other clans which is whats expected of most warriors to partake in. to fix those implications in any fanwork youve really gotta knead into them and understand the nature of their ableism....its not just a problem with cats being barred from being warriors its the whole occupation and the standard its held to, so to speak (+ that fits into general clan society being flawed but eh thats another thing and also its easy to branch out into thought about)
going to stress other disabled people might have other solutions to how disabled cats are received this is just how i like to think of things
first i think its kind of interesting to examine discrepancies between disabled cats in canon as somewhat of an indicator of clan attitudes and leaders and whatnot. like i think you could get something interesting by regarding lets say deadfoot in windclan and cinderpelt in thunderclan who both have bad legs yet had different experiences with them in clan life. if you wanna go a step further comparing generations like lilywhisker and deadfoot or cinderpelt and jayfeather (+ the consideration of how congenital disabilities are regarded) can also make things interesting and just give you an idea of what to do. having the clan systems stray from a clear-cut common attitude both gives you more freedom for different approaches + adds to worldbuilding anyway. imo boiling down clan society to perfect utopia just gets boring but you can have imperfections in the system that depict the disabled experience just fine. just be careful with them and the way they come across yeah?
(real quick as an in between. god just dont refer to cats/their injuries as crippled. it still happens somehow)
im a little ambivalent on the idea of creating a ‘special role’ for disabled cats to be thrown into. cause then thats a repeat of canon medicine den really. its like ‘oh youre disabled youre instantly discarded into the x role pit’ i think just adding substantial in-universe changes to the warrior rank itself (vagueness is fun actually) or expanding on ‘warrior types’ rectifies the othering angle. ‘othering’ as a whole is just as bad as the ‘exception’ archetype people run for most warrior aus i want to state that clearly. effectively if youre gonna introduce roles that dont depend on fighting or hunting or both make sure theres abled cats who have them too. like say you want a camp-based role where a cats job is to fix dens or one where they help in the nursery, its far easier for a cat who cant run to manage those but also have some cats who are physically capable of doing other ‘tasks’ do the same thing for personal reasons
the tree comparison is interesting honestly cause i guess you could just give a cat a particular thing to do as a nonfixed position. and roles accordingly being made for a cat to fill until they cant and the positions done away with afterward. but youve gotta do it carefully so you dont fall into othering as ive said. id avoid something like that personally i just dont like the quality of ‘well theyre not a warrior (the most noble/useful concept in cat society) theyre actually some other thing’
in general giving disabled cats agency and choice is the best thing you can do. whether this means them deciding on tasks they can do themselves or picking a certain kind of warrior to be or asking for an assistant to help them out when they do stuff. the way you wanna pull it off again depends on my first question of “how does the relevant part of your warrior cat world treat disabled cats already”
very important point, the majority of the ableism also comes in the form of character narratives and not just the structure of the world itself. like think for a bit why the writers decided jayfeather shouldve been forced to be a medic or why briarlight got killed off early etc etc. characters ‘wanting’ to be like the abled ideal and still being bitter about not fulfilling that years down the line are just part of the ableist storylines. if youre abled id literally say just do away with those sadstuck ‘i wanted to be a warrior!’ moments. if you really want to id say pull a cinderpelt or a shadowsight where a cats time in the medicine den started their fascination with medicine and they switched to that path due to personal intrigue. id say a more interesting and realistic angle to it is having a disabled cat who found fulfilment in doing something else besides being a warrior becoming bitter about their entire clan ‘mourning’ how theyll never fight again or giving them the pretence of being a warrior being the best thing you can do.... it depends on the character really
this is just a very basic disability thing but stray from the whole ‘useless/dead weight’ way of regarding disabled characters. like dont place their worth on how well they service a clan or not theyre still deserving of shelter and whatnot. you dont need to justify a cats existence or usefulness by going ‘well they may be blind but their sense of smell is excellent so we keep them around’ or whatever its just no good
last thing i can think of is like. dont disregard how a cats disability affects them. like its fine that briarlight cant fight (or even hunt major types of prey) she doesnt need some convoluted method that lets her do that. there are like a dozen other warriors hunting and fighting and theres present value and enjoyment in the stuff she does around camp. she doesnt have to be brightheart 2 its ok
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
heh, hehe pinga x reader :) bonus points if hes spoiling the reader and theyre spoiling him back, just being wholesome dorks. do whatever you want with it, just wanted to request something with the "love of your life" it in
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main masterlist •• •• •• bna masterlist
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Pairing - Pinga x gn!Reader
Warnings - none!
Note - you are an absolute doll. i had so much fun writing this, especially with the ‘love of my life’ hbdcshb. and yet, i do love him, so thank you for requesting!
Word Count - 0.6k
prompt - check the ask!
content below the cut!
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pinga loves to show his affection through giving gifts
whether it’s something small, like accessories
or something meaningful, like something you had talked about wanting for the longest time
or simply something random!
he’s always getting you little gifts
With gentle hands, Pinga clips the necklace together carefully around your neck. Letting go, the gold jewelry falls against your skin. The simple chain golden chain looks majestic, the way the rays of light reflect off of it making you feel like that of royalty. Looking at it through the mirror, you lift a careful hand to run against it. You’re almost scared that if you touch it, it’ll shatter.
Pinga’s warm hands find their way to your sides, looping around your upper stomach to bring you against him. He lays his head in the crook of your neck, his eyes falling shut as a happy purr erupts from him. You lean your head against him, relishing in the contact. You cherish moments like these. Moments where it’s just you and him.
“Love, you don’t need to keep buying me such fancy things. It must be awfully expensive, no?” Your question isn’t meant to be taken as ungrateful, but you’ve never been able to wrap your head around why he’d keep buying you such expensive things.
He lets out a low chuckle It’s one that makes your heartbeat quicken. The same one that made you fall for him just that bit more. “My dear, these gifts will never equate to how much you mean to me. You’re worth them and so much more, can’t you see?” His eyes are lidded when he looks at you through the mirror, nothing but adoration in them. “You deserve to be spoiled.”
aside from gifts, he’s huge on physical affection and telling you how much he loves you
he’d never expect anything in return, of course
but if you do? well…
Nerves flow through your veins like a flash flood. You really hadn’t planned on buying something when you were out in the city today, but a particular burgundy jacket had reminded you so much of your lover, you just had to get it. The patches on the elbows, the soft and warm material, everything about it said him.
With the jacket placed carefully over your arm, you unlock the door, entering you and your lover’s shared home. Calling out his name while you place your keys on a table, you listen as his heavy footsteps come from down the hall. His head peeks around the corner, a genuine smile on his lips as he sees you.
“Welcome back, dove. How’d your little outing go?” You give him your own little smile, gripping the jacket with both hands as you hand it out towards him. As he eyes the jacket, his giddy grin drops as his face falls. Anxiety wells up in your chest as his hands reach out to touch the jacket.
All the anxiety melts right off of you when he looks back up at you. His eyes tell a completely different story than what you had been thinking. They’re full of awe, full of love. His pink eyes shine bright like a child opening up presents as he exhales a breathy laugh. He opens his mouth to speak, closing it as he tries to find better words.
“For… me?” His words are so full of confusion and love. A blush coats your cheeks as you nod at him, looking at the article of clothing and then back up at him. “It reminded me of you.” He breaks out into a wide grin, one that’s almost blinding. Looking back down at the jacket, he picks it up and holds it close to him. It’s adorable, and yet the thing that caught your attention is the almost inaudible ‘i love you’ that he lets out.
You love him too.
it’s become almost a little war between the two of you, seeing who can get the other the best present
something meaningful, something expensive; it doesn’t matter
you wouldn’t have it any other way, and nor would he
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Recently saw a tiktok that was like "if you ship [toph and zuko] than you have issues or you see something galaxy brained that i havent" and stumbled upon the concept of aroace Zuko and i concocted this idea ages ago so im posting it now: the epic Toph x Zuko Marriage of Convenience 
Okay what you are all thinking of is book 3 Toph and Zuko, which totally dont have romantic chemistry and with the added age difference is prob why no one ever considers this ship. Four years when you're a teenager is a big difference. Four years when you're in your twenties and beyond isnt that big a deal. So they're adults and they've been friends for years at this point.
You also gotta sit back and look at what they are. Toph is the only child to a very rich and very well known Earth Kingdom family. Her family name in general is huge and carries a lot of weight but you also got her own accomplishments: Master Earthbender, the Creator of Metalbending, the Avatar's Earthbending teacher, and shes a war hero. Thats big. And then you got Zuko, who at this point is the Fire Lord. Zuko himself comes from a prominent Fire Nation family, seeing as he's royalty. He's also descended from a Avatar, but i dont think thats all that well known. Zuko is a Master Firebender, the Avatar's Firebending Teacher, and a war hero. On top of being famous both these people have credibility to fall back on.
So what im leaning into here is not exactly a marriage alliance seeing as the Earth Kingdom has its own royalty but its definitely a political move
Anyways Zuko has a lot on his plate, dismantling his dad's empire and all that. When he's nearing 30 the council is all like "you need to find a bride". Zuko writes up his ex-girlfriends and finds out they're either married or he just cant bring himself to trap someone into a marriage with him after knowing how it destroyed his mom. So he's stuck with no one of his own choosing so the council and high up nobles are trying to fix him up and not-so-subtly set him up with their daughters. Half of Team Avatar comes and visits (lets say Toph, Aang, and Sokka) and witness the behind the scenes of all this. They're having tea with Zuko and two people come in at different times and try to casually talk about the marriage thing. Toph can hear things that happen in the hallways too. Zuko is all "noooooooo guys why is this happening to me" and Sokka probably finds it funny but also a little sucky, and Aang probably hates it because "Zuko should marry for love!". And Toph is all "I know right" because she can totally relate. Her parents were looking for matches for her since she was born, and now that shes visiting again they've started back up again. Her and Zuko start swapping match-making stories ("so i come home and this boy and his father are there and my mom is all like 'Toph have you met __'" "I'm in the throne room for a meeting on road construction and this guy derails the whole thing so he can introduce his niece to me"). Later on after Toph has been listening in on the palace for a few days now and shes starting to really feel sorry for Zuko. Sokka just keeps making jokes until Toph snaps at him. Aang is pretty oblivious and probably spends all day at the market looking for souvenirs to bring home for Katara. And one night while Zuko is up late doing paperwork by candle light Toph stops by because her body cant sleep at night sometimes and they get to talking and Toph jokingly throws out "what if we just married each other? Then everyone will get off both our backs!" and they're laughing and after they've calmed down Zuko has a light bulb moment and he's like "wait, that might not be a bad idea". They spend all night working out the details to their hypothetical wedding and a day later decide to actually go through with it. Theres uproar from the council of course because Zuko didnt choose their pick Toph isnt Fire Nation nobility. And then Zuko starts listing all her family's importance and stuff and the council is forced to admit to themselves its not actually a bad idea. Plus marrying Earth Kingdom would make the Fire Lord more relatable to the colonies where theyre having a lot of problems with people of mixed heritage right now. Sokka and Aang hear rumblings of this because palace servants gossip and they're debating wether or not to believe these rumors when they run into Toph and just ask her and shes all like "yeah we're talking about it" and they boys flip out. Aang still maintains that everyone should marry for love but Toph and Zuko won't budge.
Over in the Earth Kingdom Toph's parents are ecstatic because the only better option Toph could marry was Earth Kingdom royalty. They completely endorse it and only argue to not seem like pushovers and when topics revolving money come up (ex. dowery). The Earth King gets in on this because its too good a opportunity to not capitalize on it. The Earth Kingdom is abuzz because a foreign King is marrying one of their own. Everyone is hyped and Team Avatar are the only ones who find the whole situation weird because to them its not a fairytale its their actual friends.
All-in-all they get married in the Fire Nation and the guest list was awful to make but people from all over the world are there. Toph's mother freaks out the whole time because "what if Toph falls down all those steps!" The wedding is mostly all Fire Nation tradition but Toph wears a Earth Kingdom wedding dress because everything is political now. Toph and Zuko have a relatively fun night and Sokka has the time of his life. And their marriage actually really works out for them because they're friends. They make fun of fancy people and rant to each other in the evenings. Toph is still running metal bending schools but either now they have to come to her or she gets stuck with a Fire Nation security team for like 3 months of the year she spends in the Earth Kingdom and she gets flashbacks to her childhood. And Zuko is sometimes all "i miss my wife" and the servants are all "awwww they're so in love" but the truth is he wants to talk sh*t with her and because shes blind he always has to write letters with the interpreter's opinion/gossip in mind. Toph still sneaks out all the time because shes not giving up her independence willy-nilly and is not above pulling the blind card to get out of things, which irritates Zuko sometimes because that means he has to deal with boring meetings by himself. They gaang visits all the time and by the time Republic City rolls around Toph manages to get herself sent as a "ambassador" (her and Sokka have some fun their shared meetings) and then to stay on to help set up the police force, which is a little dicy since shes representing the Fire Nation but also shes teaching only metalbending so its a controversial thing. This also gives Zuko a excuse to visit Republic City more often so he can see everyone since they settled down there.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
saving graces marcus moreno x reader
Prompt: “You dont strike me as a professional criminal.” “thats what makes me so good at it.”
song: knife under my pillow by maggie lindemann
tag list: @cynic-spirit
"im starting to get worried about her. she just sits in her room all day, shutting everyone out. and before you ask, yes i have invited her to all of our outings but she always tells me no... i dont know what to do at this point. shes gonna have to leave for work eventually; im not paying rent by myself."
i heard my roommate say from her room. i stood with my back against my bedroom door and sighed. i didnt need to read her mind to know what she thought of me, it was pretty apparent. not that i could control it anyway. it kind of came and went.
"Bradly its a problem!"
she said loudly and i closed my eyes, shoving my hands deep in my hoodie pockets. 'maybe shes depressed again.' i heard him say and i snapped my eyes back open. nope i definitely didnt want to be in his head right now. i just shook it off, pulling my bedroom door open and crossing the hall. i knocked on her doorframe lightly and she paused, staring at me with wide eyes.
"im going out, i probably wont be back for a while."
i said in a soft voice and she nodded, mouth hung slightly open. i didnt wait for her to say anything back, i just made my way through the apartment and to the front door. when i swung it open the cool breeze hit me in the face immediately. it was late autumn but it was only just beginning to feel like it; we did live in a pretty warm city after all. i hummed at the thought as i pressed my way down the stairs and onto the sidewalk. town was only a ten minute walk and usually i could make it without running into anyone.
i guess that wasnt going to happen today though. as i saw a woman about my age walk towards me i ducked my head down, lifting the hood of my jacket over my head. 'oh thats cute, i should get one, wonder where she got it.' i heard and i shook my head. 'maybe i could google the motif, what was it again? oh well.' she thought and i rolled my eyes, quickening my pace to get away from her.
as i came to the stop light at the end of the street i was met with a few other people waiting to cross like me. 'did i put my grocery list back in my bag?' came from the old woman. 'i wonder what would happen if i crossed the street before the light turned green.' came from the the teen in the blue hoodie, standing away from his mom. i just looked to him and drew my brows. 'i really need to stop wearing my good heels to work, theyre starting to scuff and i dont have money to get them fixed.' came from his mom. i just rolled my eyes at her and looked back to the stop light.
as soon as it turned white i walked across the street with the group, nodding to a man walking his dog in the opposite direction. he nodded back but didnt think anything, or not that i could hear. that was a relief. i bit my tongue as i got closer to the corner store. usually i could get away with stealing a few things here and there, tucking them into my hoodie. it was usually small but pricey stuff i knew i could sell online. lord knows i need the money, i haven't told my roommate that i got laid off about a month ago and this was my only source of income currently. the only good thing about it was that i could sometimes read the minds of the people around me to know if they suspected anything. but i always made sure to buy something just in case.
i stepped inside of the store and smiled at the clerk as she waved at me. i had been coming in long enough that they all kind of knew me by now, something to keep me on their positive side and not think anything bad about me. they knew i liked to walk around for a little bit before checking out, a new energy drink flavor and snack chip bag in hand.
i made my way down a few aisles, picking a few things up and looking over them before putting them back. i knew the store like the back of my hand and knew just where the security camera blind spots where. i looked up to one and stepped around the shelf to be in front of the endcap. in front of me was a new shipment set of headphones, each twenty five dollars a piece. jackpot. i picked two off the shelf, closing my eyes to see if anyone was around. nothing. i looked too before slipping them into my pocket.
when i rounded the corner again to the next aisle i froze. there was a man standing there but he didnt look away from the product he was reading the back of. i just stepped slowly down the aisle, looking at a few items, pushing them around the shelf. when i felt his eyes on me i tensed. 'interesting choice of attire.' i heard and i rolled my eyes. i turned and faced him to walk further down the aisle but he looked away quickly. 'oh shes cute though.' i heard and i could feel my heartbeat quicken. then a few others thoughts made their way into my brain.
"shut up."
i whispered to myself, rubbing the side of my head and closing my eyes tightly.
'thats a lot of shit.' 'maybe i could get this with my next paycheck.' 'damn i needed that but theyre all gone.' All the patrons thoughts flooded into my brain at once and i couldn't focus anymore. i moved my other hand up and held my head in place, swaying back and forth. 'damn, is she alright? maybe i should help.' i heard him again, singled out as the others moved around. it was like i could pluck them out of the air with my bare hands. i just shook my head, falling into the shelf to my right and knocking a few things off of it.
"excuse me, are you alright?"
he asked and i snapped my eyes open. he was stood in front of me with a concerned look on his face but leaned back when i looked at him. 'she did not have purple eyes a minute ago.' he thought and i drew my brows, shaking my head and sliding to the ground. then i felt his hand on my shoulder.
"do you need some help? can i call someone?"
he asked but it was hard to hear. everyone was so loud all of a sudden. i just dug my nails into my hood.
"make it stop."
i cried out.
"make what stop?"
"the voices."
i said, looking back to him. he tried to study my face for a moment and i couldn't pick his voice out of the crowd anymore.
"do you have powers?"
he asked quietly as a tear slipped down my cheek. i swallowed hard, looking over his face.
"i dont know."
i said, my lip trembling. he sent me a soft smile.
"im marcus, im the leader of the heroics. and ive seen enough new powers to know when someone has them. you said you heard voices... are you a telepath?"
he asked and i shrugged.
"i think so but i cant control it. i hear them sometimes but not always, and i can never tell when im just gonna invade someone's brain."
i confessed and the voices stopped.
"let me help you."
he said, taking my arm and helping me to my feet. i wiped the tears away and tucked my hands into my pocket. my eyes got wide when i felt it was empty.
i mumbled under my breath, looking to the floor and seeing both sets of headphones on the floor amongst a few of the items that had fallen when i did.
"oh, was some of that yours?"
he asked innocently and i shook my head no, squatting down and picking up my wallet.
"nope, just missing this."
i said, stuffing it back in my pocket and placing the stuff back on the shelf, holding the headphones up for him to see.
"i dont think these go here, ill go put them back."
he nodded and i turned my back to him, rounding the corner and shoving them back in my pocket. i grumbled to myself as i stepped forward towards the food part of the store.
"going so soon?"
i heard him say behind me and i slowly turned to face him.
"uh i came for something, i might as well get it."
i said and he nodded, walking to me.
"mind if i join? i really did mean i wanted to help. i know someone you could talk to."
i scoffed at him as he followed me down the chip aisle.
"yeah and by help you mean people who will experiment on me to figure out how my powers work."
"thats not it at all."
he said a little hurt, holding the basket he had loosely in his hand as i plucked some hot chips off the shelf.
"yeah, sure."
i said and he sighed, following me to the other end of the aisle and raising his brow at me as i plucked an energy drink off the shelf too.
"if you come with me we can figure out how they work, together, and we can train you-"
"to be a heroic? i dont think so."
i said with a short laugh, walking quickly to the register.
"why not?"
he asked and i snorted, paying for my goods and taking the bag from the woman with a small thank you. he just placed the basket he was holding on the counter and followed me out of the store, abandoning it.
"look, i dont want to be a superhero. i can barely handle life as it is and know i wouldnt be able to save anyone, now will you please just leave me alone."
i said and i heard him stop following me.
“when i first saw you You didnt strike me as a professional criminal.”
he said and i froze in my tracks. i was almost on the other side of the parking lot already. i should just keep going. but damnit i cant. i looked down and shook my head before turning around. i pulled the headphones out of my pocket and waved them in the air.
“thats what makes me so good at it.”
i said snarkily before moving to walk away from him, tucking them back in my pocket and keeping on my way. i continued back on the path i had taken to get to the store, stopping at the light as it turned red. when a car pulled up beside me on the wrong side of the road i looked to him like he was crazy.
"what the hell are you doing?!"
i asked and he nodded towards the passenger side.
"please, at least let me drive you home, we can talk."
he said and i shook my head in disbelief.
"why would i get in a car with you? you drive on the wrong side of the road."
i acknowledged, walking when the light turned white. he just pulled his car in front of me and parked it, getting out and standing tall over me.
he said and i rolled my eyes.
"look, marcus, i think youre cute too but this is not how to get a date."
i said, side stepping him but he caught my arm.
"why did you steal that stuff?"
he asked and i looked from his arm to his face.
"i dont owe you my life story."
"and i dont need to be a telepath to know you need this."
he said, letting me go. i just looked over his face before he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a business card.
"please, just think about it. i do want to help you. just think about it."
i took the card and scanned it, shoving it into my pocket after.
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legolasgoldy · 5 years
Tagged By: @blind-mutant ty!! :D
Tagging:  @mikhailvalhidris, @driftinglightofthewoods, @admirable-mairon, @bouncingbeleg, and anyone else who wants to do it!! :D
// This will be for Finrod’s x-men au //
1. what does your muse smell like?
In modern x-men aus Finrod prefers lighter scents than harsh colognes, and his scent often resembles fresh wildflowers mixed with a less offensive musky amber-like scent, perhaps an underlying richness reminiscent of honey. Almost like a deep musky honeysuckle flower. This is achieved with his favorite cologne, soap, and shampoo/conditioner combined with his body chemistry. He often smells quite clean due to part of his mutation being a healing factor, bacteria cant fester in his pores to create an excess of body odor, but it can sit on his skin. That being said hes a human being so he does sweat and his skin will take on smells from other places. So if hes exerted himself enough to sweat a lot his normal scent will smell warmer and saltier. Or for example, after working in a garden or greenhouse, his skin may take in the smell of soil, etc. So it really depends on what hes done in a day like anyone.
2. what does your muse’s hands feel like?
Soft and warm. Finrod’s skin doesn’t callus easy or become dry unless hes in extremely poor health to the point his mutation cant work properly. Though, despite their softness they can feel very differently according to implications behind a touch. To most people, especially those he loves, his hands give off a very stable, safe, and warm feeling. To those threatening him or others, they can equally be just as threatening. Very much like Finrod in general. Hes a handsome and gorgeous man with a very sweet smile, but he can be terrifying when he needs to be. The same goes for his hands, they can convey exactly how strong he can be with a squeeze of your hand, and you know he could break yours with little effort, so back off and leave who ever youre threatening alone.
3. what does your muse usually eat in a day?
Some sort of breakfast in the mornings. It could be anything from eggs fixed in any way you can think of, fruit, toast, anything really. What ever hes craving. However he doesnt usually eat anything greasy, or eat meats for breakfast unless its linked sausages which are his favorite, or occasional bacon. He loves both tea and coffee so it depends on what hes in the mood for. At lunch he almost always has tea. He often eats vegetables of some kind as a side to a small meal with his tea. Maybe just a salad. In between lunch and dinner he may also snack on veggies or fruits if hungry. Dinner is probably his heaviest meal of the day in terms of it not being a lot of raw foods and moreso a prepared cooked meal. This would also be when he usually has dessert, but this is only an example, all this varies day to day depending bc no one is perfect. He may very well have sweets in the middle of the day. 
Sidenote, he doesnt eat a lot of candy or soda unless its something specific he likes bc his heightened sense of taste and smell makes a lot of artificial flavoring taste awful. It just depends if its a good fake taste or bad.
4. does your muse have a good singing voice?
Yes! Music is his passion, and that includes a lot of singing. He was a good singer before he gained his mutation, and afterwards when his vocal chords changed as part of his mutation it allowed him to reach any musical note and range without a problem. Which means he doesnt have a set range, but generally when singing he’ll stay a mix of baritone and tenor unless hes doing a dramatic note.
5. does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
Finrod has the tendency to make noises without realizing it? Its not exactly a /bad/ habit but can be embarrassing for example if disrupting a class because he was whining thinking of his partner. He can be overly polite sometimes, and at times expect the best of people until given a reason to think otherwise. Which may not sound bad either but * coughs and motions to werewolf thread*. It just highly depends on situation. He doesnt want to judge anyone unless given a reason but to be fair he usually can tell when something is up. He may also gnaw on his lip or tongue with a fang when nervous. He can accidentally break things when excited or distraught as well. Essentially when experiencing extreme emotion or feelings he forgets to keep his strength in check. Like running up stairs and breaking them, or crushing something hes holding. He sometimes perks up when hearing random noises much like a dog, or make little quick sniffs trying to smell something which isnt always welcome when someone thinks hes being rude haha. I guess those arent bad habits either, just funny/misunderstood ones. Theres a lot of little things specific to different situations but i’ve already written a ton so i’ll leave it there!
6. what does your muse usually look like/wear?
Finrod normally looks well put together. He’ll take the time to tame his curls into smoother larger curls, and likes dressing in his own style. He enjoys button up shirts, but does wear pull on shirts too. He also really likes shirts with collars, and leaves one button undone when able. As far as pants go, he’ll wear most kinds as long as they are a more fitted pant, not loose. Seeing as his body regulates his temperature more than a normal persons would, he can wear pants in the summertime without much problem if he wants to, but he will wear shorts when its hot out, ranging from short to mid and lower thigh lengths depending on activity. He enjoys wearing all shades of green, as green is his favorite colors but he wears a lot of different colors. The the only thing you will never catch him wearing are vibrant primary-blue jeans, he wears jeans in more muted colors, and he would never wear khaki colors. Jewelry is something hes always wearing, including emerald green studs or dangly earrings, and one ring on a ring finger unless hes married then more than one. As for shoes it really depends on occasion, it could be boots, dress shoes, or tennis shoes.
7. is your muse affectionate? how much? how so?
He is very affectionate both verbally and physically. When listening to someone talk he’ll make little noises occasionally in response to what theyre saying, sometimes without even realizing. These could be human hums or canine like whines and whimpers. Finrod is definitely a hugger, and loves hugging his family and friends, as well cuddling them, and letting them cuddle him when ever the notion strikes to.
With a romantic partner, he is very verbal with whines and whimpers just from  looking at them. Whether hes thinking how happy he is, or how beautiful they are. Hes very affectionate, loving, and sensual in a relationship, so he gives a lot of affectionate touches and kisses. For example, he would often hold their hand and play with their fingers affectionately. He nuzzles his partner a lot too. Basically, a lot of touches, cuddles, nuzzles, and whines.
8. what position does your muse sleep in?
Generally, he’ll either sleep on his side or stomach, and have his face partly covered in some way. Its a wolfy habit of his to have at least his nose covered, it makes him most comfortable. When cuddling with someone, he’ll hide his face on them in some way, depending. He doesnt mind not hiding his face if someone is sleeping on his chest or something. 
9. could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Probably. He doesnt go out of his way to be extremely quiet, but also doesnt go out of his way to be noisy. He just in general would walk normally unless hes actively trying to be quiet. In which case, he’d make sure not to make any verbal noise and walk very lightly. Then he probably could walk down a hall unheard, but he doesnt normally try to.
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bubbly-stripe · 5 years
Short Fic (4dow + Stary-Sonic)
Quick little thing..its 10pm and i forgot to do my homework :D
Also..lets say this takes place in Sonic X..? S3 tho👌
That's all the small little fox felt as she quietly scrolled through her Tumblr feed.
Why was everything suddenly so dull and uneventful ? Waking up in the morning was already a chore ! And it didnt help that Shadow wasnt around anymore.
He wanted to 'make the world a better place' so he flew back up into space with the blue blur Sonic to finish off what was left of Eggman and the Meterex.
Why couldnt he make HER world a better place !? What happened to always being there for eachother through thick and thin !?
Maybe these thoughts of hers were selfish..but she couldnt help it..
She missed her cute little hedgie.
And would do anything to see him again.
A soft knock could be heard from the front door. Since the house was already dead silent, Helena heard it and got up to answer it.
She opens the door and is greeted by a soft rabbit. Her old time friend,Me'Re.
"Oh hey...you ok ?" Helena steps aside to let her in.
"Yea..I'm ok...I just..felt lonely.." She says, forcing a smile. She sits on a sofa and looks at her shoes.
"I understand..but..I'm sure they'll be back soon !" She says as she closes the door, walking back to her respected spot on the other sofa, just across the room.
To be honest, she didnt think they would come back.
They have been gone for almost a year. She was certain that they both forgotten about the ones that loved them most.
The men didnt even bother giving them a call or sending them any letters...
Sure, Sonic has been imprisoned twice and Shadow thrown through space and falling down towards Earth on multiple occasions. But they always managed to find their way back to the ones they love.
Helena was so lost in her thoughts, she didnt hear the rabbit hiccup gently across the room.
"I-I thought they loved us Helena..."
Helena snaps out of her thoughts at looks at the little rabbit. She sighs and walks across the room and sits next to her, pulling her into a hug.
"No need to cry...its ok...maybe one day they will come back."
Stop lying.
They wont come back.
They never will...
Helena teared up alittle gripping the small girls shirt gently.
"O-Of course they w-will come back Me-Me ! D-Don't be foolish !"
They were both foolish if they think they'd come back after a year.
Face it...they...were gone.
She broke down. And it seemed like she wasn't gonna calm down for hours on end.
All they had was eachother for the time being.
No friends.
Just eachother.
Hours went by and the two had cried eachother to sleep on the couch. They didn't bother locking the front door for safety...
Not like anyone would come in..
The time read 1:55am.
The front door gently opened to reveal, yes, two extremely tired and beaten up hedgehogs.
To clarify, fighting in space was very hard for the two amateurs. Sonics speed abilities were limited due to the lack of gravity and so were Shadows chaos abilities, due to the fact that the Meterex had all 7 of them. The first plan of theirs was to beat the emeralds out of the Meterex and find them all before they could. Classic yet dumb Sonic move.
Just that alone took them months.
The galaxy was so big...and....endless...
The REAL fight probably only took them an hour or two.
They obviously win the fight. The Meterex was destroyed for good..and well...so was Eggman.
The fight took a toll on their physical forms though.
Sonics eye was scratched up, leaving him somewhat blind and his legs were damn near broken due to all of the kicking he's done. Shadow on the other hand was slightly worse. His body was weak, fur discolored. Bloodshot eyes and broken fingers. Not only that, but scars littered both of their small bodies. Lets just say...these men aren't very..pretty while angry.
Anyway, the present.
The two hedgehogs walk into the small house and sit on the couch.
"Damnit...I can't feel my arms.." Shadow growls out as he lays down.
"Haha..my legs...theyre so numb !" Sonic awkwardly laughs as he lays next to him.
They silently stare up at the dark ceiling for awhile..
"Do you think they remember us Shads..?"
"....Dont be stupid Sonic...of course they remember us.."
Sonic shivers a bit and turns to face him
"What if they're mad...? What if they dont love us anymore !? What if--"
Snoring cuts him off.
He stares at Shadows peaceful sleeping form and sighs.
"Guess we'll see tomorrow" he tries his best to shift into a comfortable position and rests easy.
Finally free.
Finally home.
Morning time ✨
It was 11am.
Shadow yawns and jolts up. He frantically looks around the room.
So comfortable...so..soothing..
He examines the room...
And his heart instantly melts.
The first thing he notices is his beautiful lover and her bestest friend cuddled on the couch fast asleep.
His emo heart throbbed at the pure and gentle scene. He tapped Sonic on the shoulder to wake him. Sonic, being a gentle sleeper after a year of constant battle, woke up instantly. He looked at Shadow and then directly in front if him.
Gah two mushy hedgehog hearts..
Sonic blushes at the sight of his baby craddled in Helenas arms. Hes quick to notice dry tears staining both of the ladies pretty faces.
And well..
Tears start to stain both of their faces as well.
"Damn..we really have been gone for a long time havent we...?" Shadow huffs out looking over at the azure hedgehog
"Y-Yea...I...I guess so" He wipes his tears away and sniffs softly.
"God I missed her" they sung in unison.
This of all things woke Helena up.
She yawns and looks down at Me'Re. She squeaks and eventually wakes up too.
"Good morning Me'Re..".she smiles at her
"Good morning.." She smiles, still tired.
"....good morning.." The hedgehogs once again sang in unison. More quietly this time however
The pair are quick to snap their heads towards the sound and they freeze.
They quietly stare at eachother.
Mind racing.
Heart racing.
Were they really here...? Alive ? Well ?
Still theirs ?
Helena is the first to stand up. She awkwardly and slowly walks towards Shadow.
She cups his cheeks and stares into his shiny ruby eyes.
God how she missed those eyes...
"...hi...Blue Stripe..."
She cries instantly and passionately kisses his slightly chapped lips.
So much love and care went into that one kiss.
One kiss. That she hoped would never end..
As the two slowly start to kiss even more passionately, Me'Re is still staring at Sonic And sonic still staring at her.
Its almost as if their brains havent fully comprehended what was happening.
This wasnt a dream.
It was a reality.
So..to make sure his mind wasnt playing games on him again, Sonic attempted to get up but fell back down due to the numbess in his legs.
He hisses and rubs his legs, attempting to wake them from their never ending slumber but, of course, failed.
Me'Re quickly gets up and runs over to him, helping him on his feet
"..a-are you ok 'nikku ?"
He stares into her eyes and analyzes them more closely.
"I dont think I'm dreaming.." He says as he gives her a gentle hug.
She's quick to start crying and hugs him back.
Shadow breaks the kiss and hugs Helena tightly, tight enough to remind himself that she was there. Finally in his arms again. Where she belonged.
"I missed you..way too much..." He whispered in her ear, a tear seeping its way out of his eye. Helena, on the other hand was a crying mess.
"Shhh..its ok..save your voice.."
They stay locked in that position. And they didnt dare move.
They needed this
They needed eachother.
Sonic is quick to pull away and stare at her again.
"My god..its the eyes I fell inlove with."
Me'Re blushed and looked away, though Sonic is quick to put a finger under her chin and make her look at him.
They kiss.
Not as long as edgelord and the artlord in the corner though.
But still sweet, nonetheless.
They break it and sit on the other couch aross the room. Sonic lays on his back and Me'Re lays ontop of him.
"Promise me Sonic..."
"Hm ?"
She cries again and looks into his dreamy eyes.
"P-Promise you wont leave me alone like that again..."
Helena is quick to look at Me'Re then back at Shadow, who simply nods his head and pecks her forehead.
Sonic looks over and Shadow who smiles warmly at him.
He looks back down at her
"I....no....WE promise."
Donee !
Hope you likey sissss ily <333
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thebeethathums · 6 years
Observers - 33
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warning: Yelling?
Tumblr media
Hot. That was the only thought on your mind as you stirred, shoving all the blankets off of your body and rolling to a seated position. Sherlock was elsewhere so you took the opportunity to slip out of his flat and down to your own, stumbling into your bathroom to take a cold shower in an attempt to bring down your fever. You could have just slept there with the water running over you, it was so nice, but you forced yourself out, pulling on some new pajamas before going to the kitchen. Being sick was the worst, you decided, rubbing gently at your sore throat as you put a pot on the stove for a honey drink your mother had taught you to make years ago. You had just finished emptying almost an entire bottle of honey into the pot when your ears were met with the sound of your door being flung open, “(F/n)?” 
Rolling your eyes at that fact that a genius had just called out to a temporarily mute person and naively expected an answer, you went to the kitchen doorway to level him with a glare for treating your door roughly again. He looked relieved to see you, though it was only for a split second so you could have imagined it, and you returned to the stove. 
“I need to take your temperature again,” he demanded, coming into the kitchen.
You sighed with a wince as the action hurt your throat and opened your mouth, letting him stick the thermometer in before returning to stirring your pot. You were more than surprised when he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled you away from the stove, his lips near your ear as he explained, “If you stand over that the heat will make the reading inaccurate.” 
You looked at your pot a little forlornly and then leaned back into him, might as well enjoy the contact while he was willing to give it, not to mention you were starting to feel exhausted again. That was the reaction he expected, it was safe to assume that your energy was waning and in your sick state you were less likely to question things or fall back on learned behavior that might cause you to push him away. It was an interesting little test of how you felt about him when you inhibitions were down and, in addition, he got to hold you for a short while just to see how it felt. Sherlock leaned against the wall across from the counter, resting his chin on top of your head as you both waited for the thermometer to beep. His hands were clasped over your stomach and you fiddled with his sleeve until there came a beep, one of his hands coming up to take the device from your mouth before moving it up to his eye level, “38. Good. Better than this morning.” You pulled away from him and returned to your task now that that was over, stirring your concoction a bit before opening your fridge to get milk. You let your head hit the freezer door when you realized you didn’t have any, of all the times you could be out of milk… of course this would be it. Sherlock quirked an eyebrow as you stood with the fridge door open and lightly banged your head against the freezer a couple of times, noting that it was pretty much empty, “There’s milk upstairs.” You turned to look at him pleadingly and he rolled his eyes, “Would I have mentioned it if you couldn’t have some?” You didn’t bother to glare at him, grabbing your pot with one hand and his sleeve with the other, tugging him upstairs before releasing him and setting the pot on the stove. You gave a small smile as you pulled open their fridge, exchanging it for a full grin at the eyeballs you found inside as you reached forward to poke them. Sherlock got to you before you could, steering you away as he grabbed the milk and pushed the door shut, “No touching. Remember?” You puffed out your lip in a pout but nodded, taking the milk from him to pour a mug and then handed it back to him so he could put it away. You took your pot and carefully poured its contents into the milk and then grabbed a spoon and went out to the couch. You sipped at your drink happily, feeling it soothe your throat, and then you reached to pull your sketchbook into your lap only to have it snatched out of your hand. You glared up at Sherlock as he moved past you, setting your sketchbook out of your reach, “Rest.” You went limp and flailed slightly in a little tantrum, mouthing, “But I’m not tired.” He ignored you, pulling out some old case files to look over while you ‘rested.’ You set your drink down to pout with your arms cross over your chest and then flopped dramatically across the couch, comically rolling and just being plain childish. It would have been more effective with sound you finally decided, sitting up with huff so you could continue to sip your drink. When you were finished, you eyed him for a moment to be sure he wasn’t paying close attention and then darted out and down the stairs to your flat, locking the door behind you. Upstairs, Sherlock just rolled his eyes, going to his room to find his lock picking kit before heading down the stairs after you. When he got the door open, he found you sprawled out on the floor with a hand pressed to your forehead. You looked up at him dejectedly when he came to loom over you, mouthing, “You may have been right.” “Of course I was,” he stated matter-of-factly, extending a hand to pull you up before ushering you back up the stairs. You immediately curled up on the couch in a ball and he tossed a blanket over you before going to sit in his chair. He was glad John was coming back soon since he was beginning to worry that what he was doing wasn’t working, not to mention his own throat was beginning to hurt a little. He dismissed the idea that maybe you’d given him your sickness, it wasn’t that bad- he probably just needed to drink more water or something trivial like that. John came home the next morning to find you curled up asleep on the couch, mumbling something in French, and Sherlock in his chair, hands folded signifying that he was thinking. He set his things down as he asked, “What’s (F/n) doing on the couch?” Sherlock flatly responded, “Sleeping.” John groaned, “I meant why is she sleeping on our couch.” “That’s not what you asked.” He sighed, “Do you have to do that?” “If you’d ask what you really meant I wouldn’t have to.” John clenched his jaw and made a move towards the kitchen only to stop in his tracks when Sherlock ordered, “Go to the pharmacy and get some antibiotics.” “What? Why?” Sherlock finally moved from his position to look at John, “Well, as I am not a doctor, I obviously can’t. So go make yourself useful.” “I meant why do you need antibiotics, you arsehole,” John yelled and Sherlock gave him a deathly glare as you stirred at the noise. John looked back to you just as you blinked awake and sat up to tilt your head at him, your voice raspy as you asked, “Johnny? When did you get home?” “Just now, Squeak.” You hummed softly as you rolled to face the back of the couch, fully intending to go back to sleep, “Welcome home, Johnny.” John shot a glare at Sherlock, “What did you do to her? I knew I should have come home after that bloody phone call. You promised to take care of her!” Rolling unhappily back up to sitting, you held your head in your hands, “Quit it would you, John? It’s not his fault.” John took one look at you and knew you were sick, coming to press a hand to your forehead, “How long have you been like this?” Ignoring John and taking advantage of the fact you were awake now, Sherlock plopped down the couch next to you, holding out the thermometer, “Open.” You sighed and let him stick it in your mouth as John raised a curious eyebrow at the interaction before frowning at you, “Why didn’t you call me?” Wanting to give John an answer, you opened your mouth but Sherlock cut you off, “Antibiotics, John. Go.” “How do you even know she needs antibiotics? I’m the doctor, remember?” John growled, moving to take the thermometer when it beeped, “38 degrees. That’s not too bad.” “She has strep.” You groaned as they started to argue, slipping quietly past John and going down the stairs to knock on Mrs. Hudson’s door. She pulled it open and from your exasperated look knew exactly what you needed, “Come in dear. I’ll make you a cuppa.” “Thank you so much, Martha. They’re going at it again.” You sighed, the two of you had become fast friends and you knew you could come to her for company when things went pear-shaped upstairs. “What about this time?” she asked as you slid into a chair at her table. “Whether or not I need antibiotics… and how Sherlock was supposed to take care of me while Johnny was gone.” “Oh dear… I can see why you came down. Sherlock did say you were ill but he assured me he could handle it.” “He did... as best as he could be expected to,” you nodded accepting the cup of tea from her as she slid in across from you. Mrs. Hudson wasn’t blind, she had seen the slightest hint of worry in that boy’s eyes when he’d said you were sick and the looks you gave him when he wasn’t looking. To her, it was obvious he cared for you and you for him but with Sherlock the way he was and your past it was a delicate situation. She was about to gently broach the subject when there was another knock on her door and she got up to answer it, revealing a distraught looking John on the other side.
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ashleygren · 5 years
Bnha ships
I recently updated my fandom list and my hero academia was on the list, I also said I might make a list of ships from some of those fandoms. I'm starting with bnha because theres a lot I love/like and its really easy to ship people in it. ATTENTION: if you don't like a pairing on the list thats fine, not everyone will agree with eachother wjen it comes to shipping. I'm a person who believes that as long as you know the difference between fiction and reality (so don't do fictional stuff like murder, torture, etc in real life) you aren't a bad person. So please be kind when interacting with people whos ships differ from yours. I'll write the ship name and which characters it entails.
Dekubowl- deku is just a character I can see ending up with anyone. I do have some deku ships I love more than others tho.
Queer pairings:
Bakudeku- bakugou and deku are my top two favorite characters from the series and a lot of my favorite moments are interactions/development between the two. Bakugou and Midoriya.
Shindeku- I live for grumpy/sunshine ships theyre so cute. These two just seem made for eachother. Shinsou and Midoriya.
Kirideku- grump/sunshine is great but sunshine/sunshine is blinding with how sweet it is, though for specifially these two they're more like an eclipse (maybe not the best word) but they give off so much happiness and motivation I forget they both have a lot of issues with themselves and thier pasts.
Momo x Jiro (earlobe girl)- these two are really cute. Thats it thats the whole reason I like it they look cute.
Ochako x tsuyu- something about these two in the anime made me think they would be a great team (as hero's and girlfriends).
Erasermic- listen i fell in love with eraserheads character as soon as I saw him and then this loud guy cockatiel burst through the door and I was hooked. I like to think theyre secretly married with 5 cats. Eraserhead and Present mic.
Erasermight- its cute and theyre really good dads. Eraserhead and all might
Kamikiri- ketchup and mustard. Theyre bros theyre cute and they can kick your ass.
Het pairings:
Allmight x Inko- i love seeing them interact and Inko deserves the best.
AFO x Inko - theories man those dang theories.
Lida x Ochako- best friends and in love (I know people always talk about red xblue ships but theres quite a few canon and fan blue x pink ships. I think these two count)
Kaminari x jiro- I really like this ship as well don't be surprised if you see these names again in the ot3 part of the list.
Ochako x deku- ok so this one is a bit wierd. I like this ship but I hate how its portrayed in the anime. The way uraka acts around deku and how she thinks about him comes off as out of character for her (just my opinion). Any moment where she is watching or thinking about deku (especially in the last two seasons) takes me out of the immersion and feels really jarring watching it. When its not like the anime I adore this ship.
Ot3 pairings:
Deku x lida x Ochako- what more can I say. They just fit.
Todobakudeku- I don't generally ship todoroki with people cause he feels like that fifth wheel on a date, but this ship is an exception. You got two reckless bois running into danger while boi 3 tries his hardest to be the responsible one (I'll let you decide who is who).
Kiribakudeku- kiribaku is a ship I dont really feel anything for, I see cute art sometimes or they show up in the background of a fic and its nice but I dont go looking for it. Add deku in tho and I'm a sucker for it.
Jiro x Kaminari x momo- just let them be happy together.
Family dynamics:
Erasermic + adopted kids Eri and Shinsou
Eraserhead + adopted Eri and shinsou
All might x Inko + stepson deku
Eraserhead + adopted/protege deku
Eraserhead + adopting any kid who needs a good parent (like todoroki)
AFO + adopted shigaraki (and being a responsible parent to him)
Kurogiri + adopted league of villains
League of villains + adopted deku
Stain + protege/little brother deku
AFO + real son deku (afo is hishashi theory)
All might + protege/son deku
Oh this okay got rather long. I hope someone enjoyed reading it. I'll either make a post of some of my bnha fanfic ideas/wips or update my bbs ship list who knows.
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quackspot · 5 years
ok i want to talk about my cookie run ocs so i will but below the cut because thats just how it be sdkljklsjklea (im going to TRY not blab out everything i think so then if you want you can send asks)
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ok so hes a liddol baby . he likes to hang out with sand ! theyre best friends and sometimes go to beaches and other places together. he’s very sweet and a little quiet. just a baby.
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speaking of sand here they are!!! they dont talk much but when they do it sometimes freaks cookies out due to it being a drippy sand hole like
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frog doesnt care about it too much . sometimes he tries to put sticks or something in their mouth just to see what’d happen. sand just eats the stick
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rabbit’s foot is ! very lucky to say the least. hes also pretty gullible and easily fall for tricks but due to his luck they never seem to work out. very rarely does something harmful happen to him, though things like disappointing or saddening other cookies can happen. 
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SPEAKING of disappointing or saddening cookies... fun dip! he’s often disappointed due to his tricks not working on rabbit’s foot but that only motivates him more. someone once said he looks like he’d be gumballs brother and honestly that’d be a chaotic pair of siblings (while im hesitant about canon relations with ocs..... who cares????). so yeah fun dip and gumball are brothers. 
rabbit’s foot is very much like a young child (though he is aware of a lot of things, he just has a personality alike to a young child. not a brain alike to a young child) and fun dip is a goofball prankster.
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almond is very grumpy and they want to be a powerful wizard . honestly if they knew how to contact de or find her they would. also they are very emotional but tend to bottle it up (becuase in their tags on their ref its like “bad boy or crybaby” and i was like ‘’ok both’’). 
they dont hang around cookies often
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and now for your local gamer boy. basically mlg jokes all the way around. mtn dew cookie references all that old stuff! theyre likely aware of other things too but theyre like “ah, nah, no thanks bro lolololol” and somehow they have that one robotic male voice? you know  the one in all of cowbelly’s videos that reads the memes? yeah that one. idk how to describe it
they also live off of doritos! besides their pet because it’s kind of obvious that’s a different dorito (plus g4m3r br0 has been existing for a while so it’d taste bad)
(mtn dew cookie is pangender)
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garlic cooky! hes a dad and he’s married but that was on ponytown . i made him when me, kiley, and jamie decided to make a lil oc family . kiley made bread cookie his husband and jamie made butter, their daughter. garlic cookie had a very chaotic family when we all actualy messed around on there !
he also adopted some one’s herb pony on ponytown who acted very feral . we joked about dog with a blog because garlic called him the family dog . garlic cookie thinks toe toe (what he named the feral herb) is a dog unironically. like legit. also he’s a vampire ! he’s allergic to himself but isn’t dead yet somehow.
i could talk more about his family but yeah ! 
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ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli (this oc was made on ponytown as well ! she acts like plankton) 
she is a gremlin. pretty small. why is there so much evil in you, little cookie? also i was playing with styles in that doodle so like  ? if you want me to draw in that style a bit more then just mention it
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ngl i dont like how i doodled corn dog in that one but! corn dog is a baseball player and she’s very much ur classic jock. but nicer. she will want to play with you no matter what you want to play she loves ball games ! considering shipping her with orange cookie for some reason idk why but. if you want corn dog x orange then ig just ask for it sdkljdsljskl ;) i might doodle it too. corn dog x orange x lime? maybe but probably not since it seems like lime would get too jealous too easily
ASIDE from ships i really like how i first drew corn dog
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what i struggled with with my doodle was her hair and i need to practice that a bit so i might look up things to practice with that ;-O
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birthday cake ! he is chaotic party. very energetic. i completely imagine him whacking his face right into cake at a birthday party like if u gave him the 2nd anniversary cake his message would just be like. “*SPLAT* feels good on my face!” just to make it obvious he threw his face into the cake. also he has eyes he just likes to cover them up. maybe he’s blind but i based the blind fold thing off of terezifjseakljklw jklfjkldjkl jfkljwlkjioKLSJKLFJEKLRwer
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gasoline cookie! i only made this character just recently on ponytown. he is very tired and lacking energy and is overall soggy in a sense. party pooper and very serious. i made this guy because i was joking like “if there were a gasoline they’d have a tension with fire spirit thats like ‘’DONT DRINK MY HAIR’’ or something” and then i made him
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JAM!!!! they are my baby child and i love them a lot! i even made a blog for them but idk if its still up uhhh @cookiestuckinspace ! send asks there if you’d like i guess? the blog is very dead.  mtn dew is also there! there’s also unicorn cookie but i didn’t draw her.
they are a very sweet cookie who wishes to befriend many aliens! they’ve learned many languages and often mixes things up (as in, like, you know, accidentally saying an alien idiom in english or an english idiom in alien, forgetting words from either language then trying to describe it then BAM remembering. probably said an alien idiom in ANOTHER alien language while speaking in an english conversation). they know plenty of written languages and honestly? they try so hard to make sure every one is heard. theyre not very professional and theyre kinda bad at driving a ship 
whcih is why they let their space buddy drive the ship! yeah their dog, buddy, drives a spaceship. its funky but their dog is literally a spaceship itself.
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phoenix!!! i only made him because.... on ponytown there was a mythical beast cult. he likes bugs and orange juice i think? capri suns? i dont know but i think he’s had a drink from a juice box before. theres not much about him but! yeah
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RYE COOKIE! hes not really exactly a cookie. more like bread than gingerbread, if you catch what i’m throwing. jam tries really hard to be his friend but he doesnt speak any of hte languages jam knows and jam is trying really hard to figure out what he speaks so they can be friends.
thats all i guess ! please send asks about them or say “would ___ and ___ be friends?” i like to think about the relationships my ocs would have with each other ! 
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heres the image i posted earlier with all my ocs with their names! if you read through this then i love you and have a good day <3
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