#things get better eventually
depoesiaypoetas · 6 months
Qué bueno que la gente cambia, que las heridas se hacen pequeñitas y los dolores caminan lejos. Qué bien mirar el cielo y no pensar en nada. Y llenarte los pulmones del aire de hace dos años, donde la calamidad no existía y podía mirarte de frente. Qué deja vü tan fuerte me ha traído ese abrazo, sentir que la tragedia puede arreglarse, y ver tu sonrisa, intentar la mía, y esperar que ésto de a poquito sea como antes, pero mejor.
Clara Ajc
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I've been too far gone for far too long, I didn't realize that came back, back to this brand new place cuz you can never go back to get back what was
Was she feeling poetic and philosophical, wise and knowledgeable, or perhaps and must likely it's just cuz she's just high.
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sheerakk · 7 months
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vln-vibes · 2 months
Heroes Hunted
(I need to finish my other fics before thinking of others Q^Q)
Basically we've seen quite a few Danny getting hunted down by the GIW and ending up in Gotham resulting in him warning certain Bats (mainly just Jason) that hes in danger as well--- but what if the GIW decided to target 'smaller fish' in order to train themselves against Phantom; their main target.
Unfortunately Team Phantom is too busy trying to keep the calm around Amity Park and don't realize it until they're too late.
The JL never see them coming.
The Bats are frantically looking for what should be their literal assassin trained Robin, Red Hood and Black Bat.
Supers are flying around the area looking for any trace of Supergirl and Superboy (I). Not even Tim's trackers on Conner show anything (just like the ones he had on his fellow Bats).
Arrows had sent Green Arrow and Arsenal to help with the search of the Bats, Roy leaving Lian behind with Dinah, only to drop off the face of the Earth.
The Flash, Blue Beetle and Hawkwoman are all reported as MIA.
An Emergency Meeting is announced and trying to get into contact with all the other fellow heroes. Some were known to be off planet but there were a few who'd failed to respond at all...
Batman is the first to realize a common factor to all those who've disappeared as most had concluded something or someone was targeting heroes.
They'd all died.
Diana was the one to bring forward worst news; the hunt wasn't done.
Impulse, Red Robin, Cyborg, Hawkman, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman herself were possible targets as well.
Cyborg was able to recover and corrupted and dropped emergency call from Barry "Those weirdos in white from earlier are attacking downtown, could use some backup asap. Something about Anti-Ecto Acts or whate-- Hey! Ugh"
A shiver went down their spines as they collectively told stories about spotting men in white suits walk around their cities. Some had brushed them off whilst others had kept tabs but the guys seemed to have lost interest and left.
It was a terrible oversight.
"Looks like some assholes are digging their noses into my turf, gonna stake them out tonight" Jason had told Bruce the last night they'd seen each other, "My guys they were wearing white suits, terrible choice for Crime Alley or Gotham"
Red Hood had said he didn't need backup as he would just gather intel, still that was also the night Black Bat and Robin were paired for patrol and she'd indicated she'd check in on him before the end of the night. The three never got to call in for the night.
Oracle had informed him that Red Hood's helmet had detonated, fortunately without him in it, its location the last place his children had pinged in the scanners.
The only audio they managed to recover from the device was "---Control Act, Article 1, Subse---Under Arrest---Questioning... And experimenting lots---"
Oracle had finally found the 'Anti-Ecto Acts', formally known as the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act hidden along laws against the privatization of new green energy sources; Anything that was made off of or produced this so called 'ectoplasm' was to be handed over to the federal government's Ghost Investigation Ward for imprisonment, experimentation and finally termination.
"What the hell even is ectoplasm?"
"Its the source of all ghosts" Zatanna spoke up, repulsion clear as she read and reread the acts words, "Their body and souls are made up of the energy much like atoms make up all things in the physical world. The energy of the dead"
"According to these documents" Red Robin pulled up a research paper around two decades old from some students of the University of Wisconsin, "Ectoentities or ghosts are unfeeling, nonsentient echoes of their formerly living selves. They'd even theorized a means to access their home dimension they call the Ghost Zone"
"Ghost are made of bloody emotions" Constantine rolled his eyes "What kind of idiot would think otherwise? And don't get me started on a 'home dimension'--unless?"
"John, you don't think?"
"I sure as bloody hell hope not"
"The Infinite Realms!?"
Which only proved the situation more dire; a potential for a dimension that glued the multiverse and their afterlives, whose beings all had potential of rivaling the strength of a Super when provoked, their noted territorial nature making that a given if a portal happened upon them.
They were on a ticking time bomb to rescue their fellow heroes but they didn't even know where to start. Luckily they weren't the Justice League for nothing---
Potential locations scouted, teams made and buddy systems enacted for those potentially targeted.
Batman and his team headed to Amity Park to check on the three researchers of those papers-- Madeline Walker, Jack Fenton and Vladimir Masters. Background search revealed that Madeline and Jack had gotten married and had two children Jasmine and Daniel.
It wasn't until they crossed the town border in the dead of the night that their systems pinged the Fenton children were reported as runaways-- and not just them. The local high school had shut down as children were reported missing or also runaways from their parents. Even the faculty and some parents had begun to disappear.
Those that remained were kept under strict curfew by marshal law-- the GIW had the town under their control.
Just what exactly had they stumbled upon? Could their comrades be hidden somewhere in this small midwestern town?
Their theories were proven right the following night when tapping into their communication line about the 'aggressive subject G-02' and how 'it' had managed to break some arms when it had been relocated to the Fenton's personal lab. The 'unfortunate' Agent H who'd tried to yank it by its black and white contaminated hair had gotten his nose broken for it. It was scheduled for biopsy tonight.
Batman couldn't help but taste the bile make his way up fearing/knowing who G-02 was.
His Team was right behind him in the change of plans as they made their way across town as covertly as they could; it seemed as though after finding out about G-02 (it couldn't be him, he couldn't put a name to him lest he let his fear override everything) Batman pinged on more and more of their ghost detectors.
Disabling was taking too long, loathe he admit, as they devolved to destroying as discreetly as they could.
Finally they could see the garish neon of the FentonWorks logo, the steps and door to the house were covered in ectoplasm and another familiar substance-- handmarks, clawmarks, clear signs of resistance could be made out.
And then Fentonworks went up in a flame and red and green.
Batman couldn't keep in his desperate cry. Not again! Please not again...
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leverage-ot3 · 5 months
I’ve talked about this before but imagine what it’s like for someone in a country/place where eliot is Top Most Wanted and then your tech guy finds a breakout star baseball player on their visual scanner that looks EXACTLY like spencer. but…there’s no way that’s him, right???
and then the next year it happens again but this time it’s some one hit wonder country singer kenneth crane that has like 78 tween-run fangirl blogs dedicated to him. you see a grainy video of him being chased by a horde of screaming teenage girls and ??? no way Eliot Last Thing You’ll Ever See Spencer is a country singer star just. signing pictures of his face right…?
a few months later your intern shows you footage of an eliot lookalike who is in san lorenzo talking about how there is dog fighting in the presidential palace and you just. sigh. because of course. a scant few days later the political geography of the country changes drastically and damien moreau is imprisoned. …interesting
and then a year of silence goes by. he still shows up as blips on the radar but he must have a good hacker working for him because his tracks on the internet are expertly erased.
every time you ask through interagency channels some random interpol guy talks in (condescending?) riddles at you and it also somehow feels like he’s threatening you
and then your friend who recently got into foreign hockey teams sends you a dropyourgloves video of someone called jacques the bear. you immediately get a headache (and watch some more videos because even you can admit this guy is a good hockey player)
and you know he’s a Bad Guy but it’s been admittedly a bit entertaining seeing what claim to fame he will come upon next. and his most recent actions over the few years make you wonder.
a few months later your phone pings because multiple heads of state evacuated from DC. the reason? eliot spencer was in town. you hear two days later a bioterrorist was taken down by… the report was redacted. your hacker tells you spencer and two teammates were behind the successful operation. which, huh.
not even a full year later it is released that spencer is dead and… you don’t know how to feel.
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kaladinkholins · 4 months
We all already know Mizu and Akemi are narrative foils. But you know what? Lemme just say it, here's what I think:
Taigen and Mikio are foils.
Not necessarily to each other as individuals in the way that Mizu and Akemi juxtapose each other, but mostly in the contrast between their relationships with Mizu.
I've covered specific parallels between Taigen and Mikio in other posts I wrote; but as the number of parallels I'm noticing between them keeps piling up, I'm compelled to just compile them all in one post. So! This is, thus, the post in question.
First of all, let's look at their similarities.
1. Their status in society is the same. They are both samurai who lost their honour and have dreams of reclaiming it.
2. They are also both diligent as they strive to achieve this goal, they both care deeply about their work, but here as they begin to contrast, as the work in question and way they go about their goals is different:
For Mikio, his work is in taming and rearing horses; in order to prove himself, he must tame Kai—a willful and strong horse—and present it to his lord. For Taigen, his work is in sword fighting and martial arts; in order to prove himself, he must kill Mizu—a willful and strong swordsman—and present her dead body to his lord.
In the parallel above, not only are Taigen and Mikio contrasting each other, but Mizu and Kai are placed in comparison as well. And of course, Kai is Mizu's horse, and represents her. Which is why, when later, Mikio sells Kai off, it represents the way he is tossing Mizu (and their relationship) aside.
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From there, the rest of the details of their character begin to contrast and juxtapose each other more clearly. So let's look at those differences, shall we?
Their backstory:
Mikio was a great samurai who was banished. A somebody to a nobody. Taigen was a fisherman’s son who rose to the top. A nobody to a somebody.
2. The first time we meet them on-screen:
Mikio is an adult. An older man. Mizu's superior in age. He is Mizu's to-be husband. A love interest. Taigen is a child. A young boy. Mizu's peer in age. He is Mizu's bully. An antagonist.
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3. Their maturity and growth:
Mikio is mature, but stuck in his ways. Taigen is immature, but capable of changing and learning.
4. Their overall attitude:
Mikio is generally relaxed, easy-going and unfussy. Taigen is uptight, irritable and severe.
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5. How they talk to and conduct themselves around Mizu:
Mikio is aloof, soft-spoken, and serious. Taigen is obnoxious, brash, and sarcastic. Mikio is quiet, speaking only when spoken to, even when Mizu turns to smile at him and shows openness to be near him. Taigen is loud, talking while others are silent, even when Mizu turns from him and shows no interest in conversing with him.
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Mikio doesn't show much of who he is to Mizu throughout their marriage, despite their growing affection. Taigen openly shares his traumas and life story to Mizu during their brief alliance, despite their mutual antagonism.
6. Their external vs internal selves:
Mikio is calm, gentle, and considerate on the outside. Taigen is hot-headed, rude, and selfish on the outside. Mikio is cowardly and deceitful on the inside. Taigen is brave and loyal to a fault on the inside. Mikio tells Mizu that he wants to know and see all of her. But he scorns and betrays her, the woman he loves. Taigen tells Mizu that he wants to duel and kill him. But he endures torture to not betray him, the man he hates.
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9. Their hair, a symbol of their honour:
Mikio's topknot is untied by Mizu during their spar. This humiliation occurs in private, the two of them alone in a rural location where no one can see them. Taigen's topknot is cut off by Mizu during their duel. This humiliation occurs in public, the two of them being watched by many others in the Shindo Dojo.
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10. Their power dynamic with Mizu:
Mikio believes he is Mizu's mentor. He teaches her to throw knives, how to ride and care for horses, and about the tactical benefits of using a naginata. Taigen believes he is Mizu's equal. He views Mizu as a samurai like himself who received all the same teachings he did, and who possesses the same values.
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11. Their perceptions of Mizu:
Mikio sees Mizu's feminine side first. He sees her as sweet and gentle, but also clumsy and incompetent. Taigen sees Mizu's masculine side first. He sees her as terrifying and deadly, but also strong and skilled.
12. The way they approach sparring with Mizu:
Mikio only spars with Mizu once. As the fight progresses and she is beating him, he tries to put a stop to it. When she teases/provokes him, he starts taking the fight personally and seriously, finding no enjoyment in it. Taigen spars and brawls with Mizu all the time. No matter how many times Mizu beats him, he doesn't back down. When Mizu challenges him with a chopstick, he is eager to compete with her and gladly rises up to the challenge.
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Mikio and Mizu's one and only spar is a friendly match; Mizu is smiling and having fun while he grows increasingly frustrated. Taigen and Mizu's last-seen spar is a playful wrestling match; both him and Mizu are having fun and laughing.
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Mikio cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, so he scorns her and walks off, avoiding her thereafter. When Taigen cannot deal with Mizu being better than him, he follows her to observe her moves and continues training in hopes to eventually beat her. After being bested by Mizu once, Mikio leaves her and sells the horse he'd previously gifted to her. After many times losing to Mizu and fighting alongside her, Taigen commends her and admits she is better than him.
13. When Mizu pins them down in a friendly spar:
Mikio sees Mizu's whole face objectively. Taigen stares at Mizu's mouth and eyes.
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Mikio gets angry when she kisses him, throwing her off of him and snapping at her, calling her a monster. Taigen gets aroused, apologising, so she pulls herself off of him.
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14. Mizu's blue meteorite sword is a reflection of her soul. She believes most are undeserving to face it, let alone hold it. And on that note:
Mikio is the first person (chronologically) that Mizu fights against using her sword. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) that Mizu fights against with her sword. Mikio is the first person (chronologically) to ever hold her sword, as she passes it to him, letting him wield it. Taigen is the first person (we see on-screen) to ever hold her sword, as she passes out, and he picks it up and carries it for her.
15. Then, last but not least, in Fowler's fortress, when she is drugged and in pain, she hears Ringo's voice in the dungeon. She then follows it to an open cell:
Mizu first sees Mikio as a hallucination, the sight of him haunting her and causing her to lose her grip on reality. Her eyes glow a surreal blue to represent this. Her Mama appears then and says Mizu's name accusingly.
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Mizu then sees Taigen, but he is real, the sight of him a relief and grounding her back to reality. Her eyes return to their normal blue colour to represent this. Taigen looks at Mizu weakly and says her name softly.
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Then, later, when facing Fowler, her revenge awaiting her, she instead chooses to follow her conscience (represented by Ringo's voice in her mind), putting aside her vengeance for a time, in order to save Taigen.
So that's basically all the ones I've noticed so far, but even then, I feel there's already so much that forms a contrast between these two.
What makes it especially incredible about these juxtapositions is that Mikio was Mizu's husband, the man she had fallen in love with, the one person she had ever been intimate with, the man who made her begin to accept herself, to put down her desire for vengeance and instead live a life of peace and happiness.
So for Taigen to have so many parallels with him... Do you see what I'm saying here!
Not to mention that Mizu clearly already has some burgeoning attraction to him, as indicated by how she thinks of him when asked about her desires. And Taigen clearly has shown interest as well (see: him getting a boner after their spar, him holding her hand and telling her, "We're not done yet.").
And on the topic of speculating future possibilities of this relationship, this post by @stromblessed has pointed out yet another parallel between Taigen and Mikio:
Mizu promises Taigen to meet him for their duel in autumn. Mizu fell in love with Mikio and duelled him during autumn.
With all that said, I do believe Mizu and Taigen's relationship is definitely hurtling towards something. But whether they will actually end up together in a sustainable relationship and have a happily ever after? Well, that is a whole other story; we'll just have to wait and see.
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fromdarzaitoleeza · 2 months
Spring is here , the true beginning of the year , the season where my soul reborns and blooms .
I have made some progress in terms of the person I am becoming, truly in all my honesty all that i have done is to stop caring for everything that once used to matter , the less I care about anything in particular the less I am bothered and the happier i stay. And i really hope everyone here is doing well and I appreciate all the love that was sent.
The problem is I care a lot about everything and i don't even get the bare minimum in return and when i do get it it's too late, so much time has passed by then ,when it comes by then i do not want or need it because it's the not care that came out of love it came out of their guilts. And the longer i wait for it to come by -the more I learn why I don't need it anymore .
I am slowly learning to value myself ,trying to put myself in a position where I can agree that i too deserve all the good things and love even on the days when i have nothing to offer .
Idk guys I am just here to rant and to be stupid
Better late than never they say , I guess it's not too late for me either, I will start my life and live up to what I want & how I feel ,i don't have to care about anything else as long as I feel alive in my bones things will eventually flow, I will fall in love with myself little by little day after day.
I will choose myself instead of choosing others and I will fall in love with my solitude instead of bearing it with me , i don't care if I end up alone if I do end up all by myself I will be with someone who i know has a tendency not to give up .
Life is really short i just don't want to sit and watch it pass by , if I am lucky enough I will have 40 more springs to experience , I have clear boundaries and thoughts in my head now, eventually i will find peace through it I hope so.
Ramdan kareem to people who celebrate it here please remember gaza in your prayers and fastings
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pokimoko · 7 months
The fact that Main-verse Ooo is as good and as kind as it is (relative to the other universes shown so far, at least, it's obviously not perfect) all because of the same character that starts off as the OG series' antagonist, the person we were made to see as the bad guy (albeit an often ineffectual one) for several seasons, is making me lose my mind.
Imagine finding out the guy you spent your childhood beating up and saving princesses from is in fact a driving catalyst behind you being able to exist, and not only exist but also live in a world that knows what kindness is. All because that man, the same man who you've witnessed do terrible things, once met a little girl and taught her how to be good.
Simon's story really shows us that even if you lose your way and forget how it is to be good yourself, the world keeps the memory for you. That act of love Simon showed Marcy by protecting her and seeing her as more than the monster she thought herself to be created ripples upon ripples, small at first but eventually enough to help give their wreckage of a world—a world that easily could have been forsaken, its goodness overlooked because of its inhospitable remains—a chance to grow into something beautiful. Because of those very same ripples Simon created, the people of Ooo grew up in a world where they know enough about kindness that they were able and willing to spare the 'bad guy' some, to see beyond the wreckage and allow him to grow too.
In saving Marceline, Simon helped to not only to save the world, but also himself.
#fionna and cake#fionna and cake spoilers#adventure time#simon petrikov#ice king#marceline abadeer#simon and marcy#meta#this was just a phone note to get thoughts out of my system but then it came out semi-coherent#so welp guess i'm writing meta now. i'm really in the deep end now. but yeah...Ice King and Simon's story being about the power of kindness#A cruel world requires constant cruelty to be maintained. But kindness? That reaches across time. one act of kindness sparks another#'I need to save you but whose going to save me?' That act of love and compassion is gonna save you ya dingus....eventually#In a less kind world finn and Jake could have watched those tapes about Simon and still decided IK was a hopeless cause.#That he was too far gone to be saved. But they didn't. They chose to treat him nicer and actually be friends with him.#One thing i always loved about IK's story is that he didn't have to completely change himself for people around him to treat him better#They changed their perspective and were kind to him and it was THAT that helped him change. to grow beyond the 'antagonist' role#to quote my go to and all time favourite good place quote:#'the point is people improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold that against them when they don't?'#Arrgh sorry I just always loved Ice King's arc in the show. From pesky antagonist to the person Finn dived into a chaos god to save#(the world's new beginning and its near ending being all because of simon. he has such main character energy and boy does he not want it)#And now we're getting Simon stuff and I'm so normal I'm so normal I'm so normal (<- has never been normal about this character)#(i...i have many MANY drawings of ice king and simon from 2015 and the years after. i was doomed from the start. F&C was the final straw)#(as was reading marcy's secret scrapbook recently...and here i thought i'd truly reached the capacity of hurt i can feel about these two)#Going insane over these last two episodes. 'she didn't have a me'. Fionna and Simon bonding. Gumlee kiss. PETRIGROF BACKSTORY#and the implication that Simon isn't remembering it accurately? Their sweet sounding love song actually foreshadowing their issues?#I am clawing at the walls. thank you AT crew you are enriching the enclosure that is my brain
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elcucurucho · 2 months
I really do think everything is going to work out, so much care has been put into this project, both by creators and admins, a restructure is disruptive short term but so incredibly necessary for the long term continuation of the server. It’s clear everyone working on the project believes in what they’re doing, and it’s unambiguously a good thing that going forward everyone will be fairly compensated for their efforts.
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[<==PREV PAGES] [NEXT PAGE==>(not out yet.wait a year.or maybe more.imagine.]
saw alot of comments on prev pages; saying 'i HATE that mean teacher! im gonna FIGHT HIM!!' & i LOVE the energy!! it WOULD be nice. to have that catharsis. but the story of young tidestrider is Not one of catharsis. it is a story of being so small and so special and sucking so bad.
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#GONNA START FORMATTING MY COMICS BETTER. W THE PROPER 'PREV' 'NEXT' LINKS#REALLY DIDNT EXPECT TO CONTINUE THIS SERIES BUT AAAUUUHH MY BRRAAAIN MY BRAIN IS SO IDEASSS. I HAVE 3 OTHER PAGES SKETCHED OUT#NO PROMISES ILL FINISH EM ANY TIME SOON OR EVER. MY WHIMS ARE THEIR OWN BEAST AND I ONLY DRAW ON MY WHIMS#THAT BEING SAID IF U COMMISSIONED ME ILL GEEETT TO YOUUU IM SORRYYYY. ART IS AN EMOTIONAL RELEASE FOR ME N BABY I HAVE EMOTIONS.#ESPECIALLY ABOUT GILLION TIDESTRIDER CHAMPION OF THE UNDERSEA HERO OF THE DEEP.for the desc here i put smth that i typed up in the tags of#another thing i made. i gotta make a proper Baby Gillion tag or smth. eventually.. eventually...I LOVE DRAWIN THIS LIL BABY GUY..#i also LOVE depicting the teachers as just being so fuckin mean. ofc theres variation in that. just like in all things.like the teacher her#idk if itll be mentioned but the octo lady is named Ms Octburn.an octopus pun based off the name of an actual councilor i had#when i was in elementary school i got bullied alot but teachers never did anything. i hated adults and didnt trust them.#but this councilor o mine was so genuinely sweet. i remember spending alot of time w her. she doesnt work there anymore.#but that one school adult that actually earns ur trust and is there for you when they can be.its SO important for a child i think#i hope she knows how much she helped me.youll see in the next page that ms octburn isnt perfect either.but she tries. they all try.somehow.#ALL these comics are gonna be inspired by somesorta experience o mine in the school system. school is so fucked up u ever thing abt that#AND GILLIOOOOONNN IN THE MOST FUCKED UP LITTLE SCHOOL OF ALL. MAINTAINED BY A CULT. CENTERED AROUND HIM. OUR CHOSEN ONE#I IMAGINE ALOT BANKS ON HIS SUCCESS. THIS IS THE WORLD. THE WHOLE WORLD. THE PROPHECY IS GOING TO COME TRUE N UR TELLIN ME#THAT ITS THIS LITTLE IDIOT THATS GONNA BE SAVING US? WHAT IF HE FAILS. IF HE CANT GET THIS RIGHT THEN HE WILL FAIL AND WE WILL DIE#WE NEED TO TRAIN HIM. WE NEED HIM TO LEARN. AND TO SUCCEED. OR ELSE WE'RE DEAD. WE'RE ALL FUCKING DEAD. I IMAGINE THAT MUST BE STRESSFUL#in other news i hope ppl actually giggle when they read these. they ARE intended to be comical. dark humor or whatever. like its also sad#this is intended to be a sad comic series. but a funny one too. does that make sense? god i hope so.saw some1 say they had flashbacks-#-reading this. like YES!! THE INTENDED EFFECT!! YOU GET ME!! i love seeing ppl get upset on this lil baby boys behalf. i LOVE seeing ppl-#-wail n weep n cry in the comments. i LOOOVE seeing ppl RELATE to baby gillion. and i love letting u all know that this wont be a happycomi#gillion gets his happiness arc in the actual show. this series is one of unfortunate events. teehehehe. do u guys remember that show#i keep listening to the lil songs from A Series of Unfortunate Events for inspiration. GOOD STUFF!!#anyway uuhh uhh thats all i got in my brain. for now. feed me ur comments give me ur input i NNEEEEEDD THHEEEMMMM
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delphinidin4 · 4 months
I am allergic to the word "success". I have been ever since middle school, when it was plastered all over the planners the school gave us.
Screw success. Try for contentment.
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millenianthemums · 1 month
parents of disabled kids will be like “we know our kid is disabled but we just won’t tell them about it. we don’t want them to think they’re less valuable than other kids. we don’t want them to feel limited by their disability, we want them to know they’re capable of anything.”
meanwhile those kids are growing up thinking “why is everything so much harder for me than it is for everyone else? there’s no reason i shouldn’t be able to just do this. i guess i’m just a failed, broken person.”
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napping-sapphic · 1 month
Crazy how i’m not being kissed hard enough to forget everyone who has ever hurt me rn
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artiststarme · 1 year
Steve's Parents Are Dead
The angsty parent fic suggested by @newtstabber! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve never had a great relationship with his parents. Both his mother and his father were raging workaholics that didn’t want to put their careers on hold to raise a child at home. Not when they could be socializing with new clientele, expanding their businesses, and enjoying their lives. He was raised as a child by a revolving door of nannies with infrequent visits from his parents. 
Steve knew they loved him though. Whenever they were in Hawkins for more than a few days at a time, his dad would take him to play basketball at the park or to practice swimming laps in the pool. His mother would cook him her famous spaghetti with the sauce no one else’s ever compared to. He could tell they cared, they just had a hard time showing it. Their jobs would always take priority over Steve, their pride and joy rested with their work instead of their son. 
But that was alright. Their love language was gift giving and he could feel the love whenever he found an envelope of cash on the table or a new polo shirt gifted upon their return. It became apparent before he even truly realized that even though they loved him, they didn’t love him enough to discover his own love language. The concepts of quality time or words of affirmation were as cold as distant as they were. 
They could be assholes sometimes, especially with regard to his minor teenage delinquencies. But he knew they cared. When his dad screamed at him for drinking underage, he thought he was an asshole. Even more so when he got grounded after letting Barb disappear from his own backyard. Afterwards though when his dad pulled him in for a tight hug and murmured that he loved him and needed him to be careful, Steve felt bad for calling him names to his friends. 
When his mom rushed to take a red-eye flight back to Hawkins when she heard about Steve’s ‘fight’ with Billy and cuddled up next to him in the hospital bed, Steve had never felt more loved. She called off work for weeks just to make sure he was okay and fully recovered from his concussion before she went on her next business trip. His parents weren’t the best and they weren’t winning any parenting awards but they continuously proved how much they loved him. They were all Steve had and he loved them dearly despite their faults and his occasional teenage angst.
It all changed in one day. All it took was a drunk driver veering onto the wrong side of the road and Steve was an orphan. 
He always knew there was distance between them but in death it became insurmountable. The weekly calls with his mother were gone. The sports discussions and talks about girls with his dad were nevermore. Steve was well and truly alone. His parents were dead, his old friends hated him, and his ex-girlfriend that he still loved had left him for another guy. All he had was himself in a too-big house with a too-empty heart. 
He couldn’t sleep and he certainly couldn’t focus on college applications. So, he bought some weed from Munson and started filling out work applications after graduation. 
From the day he found out about his parents’ deaths, he didn’t speak of them at all. He didn’t need the pity of his teachers, his ex-girlfriend and the guy she cheated on him with, and he certainly didn’t need comfort from the kids. He zipped his lips and carried on as if nothing had happened. No one needed to know that he cried himself to sleep or that he had to take down all of the family photos to function. Who would care enough to ask anyways?
The Party noticed eventually. Everyone had noticed that Steve’s parents didn’t come up in conversation but no one ever had the guts to ask why. He’d say comments every now and again but they all lead to more questions. None of them had ever met his parents and really, none of them could even remember seeing them around Hawkins either. They all had their own theories but they were too scared of the truth to speculate on them.
Nancy had heard about the senior Harringtons exactly once. When she’d first gone to the police about Barb’s disappearance, Steve had begged her not to mention the alcohol that had been at the party. He’d seemed really worried about his dad finding out he was drinking and at the time, she couldn’t focus past the fact that he seemed to care more about getting in trouble with his dad than he did about finding Barb. Whenever she thought about the fear on his face back then or the closed off expression he developed now when the topic of family came up, she felt a deep dread in her stomach. Something wasn’t right here but she never wanted him to feel neglected or let down so she never brought them up to him. 
Robin had only heard a single comment from Steve about his parents and she wasn’t 100% sure if she actually heard it or if it was her imagination. When she and Steve were tied back to back in the underground Russian lair, he mentioned something about ‘maybe seeing his parents again’ when she asked if he was dying over there. She took it to mean that Steve really wanted to see them when they busted out of there. But then when everyone else involved in the mall fire had their families surrounding them, she saw Steve sitting alone on the curb pressing an ice pack to his head. When she saw him next and asked about his parents, he had a grimace on his face and changed the subject. She never brought it up again. It wasn’t her place to speculate and talking about it obviously hurt her best friend so she made sure to avoid talking about familial topics much in general. She had some thoughts but refused to voice them in fear of discovering something they couldn’t come back from. 
Dustin was perhaps the only person Steve had spoken to about his parents at any length. On one occasion, he was lectured on the importance of family by Steve when he told his mom he hated her in an argument in front of him. It had been a long day and he wanted nothing more than to eat his dinner in peace and quiet before going to bed. Steve was over that day for their monthly dinner because Claudia thought he was getting too skinny. Dustin’s mom was being a little more overbearing than usual, more suffocating and he snapped. 
“Jesus Christ, mom! Leave me alone! I hate you!”
There was a moment of silence before his mom stood from her seat and bustled out of the room. When Dustin turned to apologize to Steve, he was already glaring at him. 
“You don’t talk to your mom like that, Henderson. She loves you so much and after all you’ve put her through, I’m surprised. You don’t even realize how lucky you are! I wish that I had parents that loved me even half as much as your mom loves you. She does everything for you and you treat her like shit! Go apologize to Claudia right now or I’m not driving you anywhere ever again. Go.” Then, Steve walked out the door and didn’t come back until Claudia called him herself. 
After that, not only did Dustin have a new appreciation for his mom but he also had a new hatred for Steve’s parents. They were off gallivanting around Europe or wherever else and Steve was being neglected back in Hawkins! Him and his mom made a point to invite him over a lot more after that.
Eddie only heard about Steve’s parents because he got Steve high enough that he lost his filter. When he asked what Steve always wanted to do, he didn’t know. “Man, I was always just going to work for my dad’s company, you know? Just-just take the easy way out and work for my old man. Now, I couldn’t even do it if I wanted to. He’s gone and he left disappointed in me.”
Eddie had no idea what the fuck he was talking about but he assumed that Steve’s dad had left him and his mom while he went off and screwed his secretaries or whatever else rich white guys did. He felt a renewed anger towards the man. Jesus, Steve’s parents sucked and he deserved so much better. 
The way the entire Party found out was of sheer coincidence. Hopper was walking through the cemetery one night on patrol after some recent vandalism reports when he saw some newer headstones he’d never seen before. When he got a glimpse of the names, he nearly knocked himself over with the force of his double-take. 
Richard Harrington 
January 22, 1937 - May 17, 1985
Martha Harrington
August 23, 1939 - May 17, 1985
What the fuck? That would’ve been before his ‘death’ at Starcourt. Hell, it would’ve been before Steve’s graduation from high school. Hopper needed answers right that second, screw the vandalism reports. 
He didn’t expect to barge into a DnD session in the Harrington living room when he got there but that wasn’t going to stop him from getting his answers. Steve was standing in the doorway of the living room with a bowl of cheese puffs in hand but he turned to look at Hopper in confusion when he slammed the door open. “Hey Hop, what’re you-”
“Why didn’t you tell me your parents died, kid? You’ve been living here alone? What the hell, Steve.”
Apparently his friends didn’t know either because every head whipped to face him in shock simultaneously. 
“What the fuck?!”
“How long?!”
“Jesus H. Christ, Harrington! Open book, my ass.”
“Well that’s a little heavy for a Thursday.”
Steve put the bowls down on a side table before giving Hopper the most unimpressed look he could muster. “I didn’t see the relevance. I’m obviously fine on my own.”
“Wh-you-hnh… Fucking hell, Steve! That’s not the point! You lost your parents and didn’t tell anyone!” Hopper yelled in frustration.
“Oh my god,” Robin gasped suddenly. “When you said you might see your parents again when we were getting tortured, you meant you’d see them when you died! Oh my god, you thought we were going to die?!��
Steve looked taken aback, “We were getting tortured in an underground Russian bunker. Of course I thought we were going to die! Luckily for us, I’m always wrong so we didn’t!”
Gareth, Grant, and Jeff were looking between the two of them in shock. Russian torture? They were not supposed to be hearing that. Meanwhile the rest of the Party was focused on berating Steve. 
“Steve, why didn’t you tell me?” Nancy asked him quietly. 
He chuckled sardonically, “oh you mean track down my ex-girlfriend, the one that said I was bullshit and cheated on me, to cry about my parents dying? Yeah, I wasn't really interested in doing that.”
“You could’ve told me! You could’ve told Mrs. Byers or Hopper. You don’t keep secrets from the Party!” Dustin yelled at him. 
“Why are you all yelling at me? Half of us weren’t even friends when they died and the rest of you weren’t around. So why are you mad at me?’’ Steve backed into the hallway wall, as far as he could get from the rest of them and hugged his arms around himself. 
“Stevie, we’re just surprised. No one here is mad at you, we’re just concerned. Why didn’t you tell anyone they died?” Eddie comforted, walking towards Steve with his hands up placatingly. 
“I told you my parents weren’t around anymore when you sold weed that summer.”
“Uhhhhh,” Eddie glanced nervously at Hopper who was glaring at him already. “Okay, let’s maybe leave that out of the story in front of the cops. Why didn’t you ask anyone for help?”
“I didn’t have anyone to ask. Look, I’m done talking about it. You guys can keep playing but I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
“Hopper, unless you’re arresting me right now, I’m leaving,” he waited a moment and when Hopper didn’t move, he nodded. “Great, night guys.”
They had to talk more about it later and they’d have to apologize for their anger but for now, the Party would ignore how Steve went to bed and Eddie followed. 
Permanent tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1
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Hi, I hope you don't mind this message, and idk if anyone else has told you, but there's this troll going around on Tumblr named @/freethepuppet. They claim to be “fighting for justice in the puppet industry”, but really they're just sending hateful and threatening messages to Welcome Home and My Friendly Neighborhood artists/fans.
I myself have receive multiple death threats from this person, and they have sent threats to many of my friends over the matter, some of which are minors.
Because of this issue, I have decided to keep myself and my friends anonymous, especially considering the fact that @/freethepuppet intends to send threats to PartyCoffin himself, along with the creator behind My Friendly Neighborhood.
I just wanted to warn you about this person, so that you can block and report them, as well has tell others in the community about the troll. If you decide to ignore this, then that's fair and I respect your decision.
In any case, I hope you and your friends stay safe. Best of luck!!
blocked! thanks for letting me know! to add on to this, a little advice for everyone:
Don't Engage With This Person At All!
Don't Look At Their Stuff, Don't Respond To Messages, Don't @ Them Or Give Them The Time Of Day. Just Go Block Them And Let Them Exhaust Their Own Hate
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randomminty · 8 months
Tumblr media
I heard its her birthday and had a sudden urge to draw kirararararararrara
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