#things like being “too honest” or taking things literally or having intense interest in things you like
please please PLEASE stop treating autism like it's some "life enhancer" that only makes you take things literally and means you are "honest to a fault 🥺" like i get those can be symptoms. but im tired of seeing a disorder that has made my life and so many other's lives so much more difficult now being turned into "i like using the :3 emoticon a lot and i say silly all the time! omg autistics how do you feel about this spoon?"
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loveemagicpeace · 5 months
🦋Astrology Notes 🎨🫧
✨Capricorn placements are very calm in many situations. A lot of times they give you a very relaxed vibe. They can calm you down quickly and remain calm even in stressful situations.
✨Cancer placements can make a situation stressful very quickly, especially if they have a Leo in their chart. They get dramatic.
🩵Neptune in 1st house-they can quickly float off into their own world and pretend that nothing else exists but only them and the world they have created for themselves. They can quickly remove themselves from bad energy and things personally.
🍬Taurus moon will show their possessiveness, intensity and emotions only when they feel comfortable showing them. They can feel that this person receives their energy. That's why they work best with water moons (especially the cancer moon because it gives them the energy to express their emotions in a comfortable way), these moons are in a way the most similar.
🌶️About mars signs -mars energy shows our energy, anger, reactions, drive. You will get along best with Mars, with whom you have similar energy, for example: mars in sag & mars in leo - both are fiery, both can be impulsive and react faster without hesitation, but at the same time both want to solve things immediately (both are mars that show energy through actions). Meanwhile libra mars and sag mars will not work so well together. Because libra will be too passive aggressive and will avoid conflicts.
🛼Sagittarius placements know how to enjoy life and just be in the moment. Nothing else is really as important as the moment they are in. Sagittarians can often be too much for some people (especially when they fall in love), then they will do everything for the person and many times they can feel too much for the people around them.
🏹People who has water moon are very emotional and will always perceive things around them emotionally. Their feelings will always be hurt first. Even if you don't want to feel it, you will - cuz this is water moon. They have very good intuition, especially the Cancer Moon (they know how things will unfold, how a person feels), that is, their personalities and them. And they always know how to distinguish when something manifests or when something is meant to be so. Pisces moon- feel very well the subconscious energy of people, their thoughts. Scorpio moon- they feel very well when someone is lying or not being honest. They also feel who they can trust and who they can't.
💋When it comes to revenge, many times capricorn risings can be much more cruel than scorpio risings. When you do something bad to them, they have no mercy. They have their respect and will not take you back into their life. Once they're done with you, they're done forever. You can not just come back into Capricorn life like nothing has happened. When they cut you off. They will cut you off forever. There is no anything between. Because they have self-respect that is so high that it's hard for them to forgive you.
🪐Saturn shows karma and how people get it. The sign in which you have Saturn shows what kind of karma others will get from you if they hurt you. For ex.: Saturn in Aries- people will become uglier, when you see them you won't have to believe it's them. Their willpower will begin to decline, they will no longer have energy, they may lose the interests they had before. They will lose self-confidence and will never find someone as supportive as you. Saturn in Gemini- they will lose communicativeness, thinking, commitment. They will never find their best friend again. Their karma will be that they will never be able to talk to you again.
🌸People who usually seek an escape by smoking weed or any substance are people who have planets in 12th house in fire sign. Why? because fiery signs have to literally put their energy somewhere. And with that, they feel that they have wandered away from the world. They are often more prone to impulsive actions.
⚡️The chart ruler is the planet that rules your Ascendant sign, so it gives further information about what it feels like to be you. For instance, if you have Aries rising, you might identify yourself as a warrior- Mars in your chart will then show what kind of warrior you are and what provokes you to fight. For ex.: mars in 12th house it means that you will fight for people who are poor, unseen, injured or in need of help. Capricorn rising you might indentify yourself as a strong, mature and responsible person- Saturn in your chart will show in which area are you like that. For ex.: saturn in your 3rd house- you will always stand behind the words you say, thoughts, opinions. You will have mature thinking.
🍒The house with Leo on the cusp will be ruled by the Sun and will therefore be key to your identity and self-development.
🥂Certain signs respond to change more favourably than others. In particular, the signs of Taurus, Cancer, and Scorpio are conscious of security in one form or another, and will tend to hold on rather than let things flow.
🪴Lots of fixity in a chart suggests a tendency to stay with what you know. They have a hard time letting go of something.
🎸Jupiter is our place of vison, growth, inspiration and our style of keeping the faith. Jupiter in Aries faith is boldly expressed, which probably makes you a confident decision maker. Jupiter in Scorpio your faith is usually hidden many times you only believe in things that are proven. Jupiter in Cancer your faith often depends on your family or people close to you. Jupiter in Aquarius you tend to be quite rebellious when it comes to faith.
🛁🎡The difference between Sagittarius and Virgo is that sagittarius don't mind if people are talking about them if they do something wrong. They actually don't like to stick the rules. They like to be free in the things they do and they're pretty much optimistic and careless about things that other people say to them or about them. For example, if you have I don't know your own shop and you have working hours from 9 a.m to 5p.m. But you won't care if you are late 5 minutes or 2 hours. Virgos are different. They like to stick to the rules. Especially when it comes to work, they always want to be ready for work do things that are acceptable. And they don't want that people talk bad about them. Virgos actually care a lot what people say about them. So if they have working hours from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. They won't want to be a minute late.
So the difference between Sagittarius and Virgo is that Sagittarius takes life carelessly ,optimistic freely, they just live in the moment and they don't care about other people -what they say and think about them. Because they are confident in their own. They take criticism very well. While virgo have anxiety, even if they just have a thought that people would judge them or say something bad about them. They just don't like to be criticized or being judged by people and they take things in life so seriously, that sometimes is overwhelmed them. But that's also why they could fit perfectly together because Sagittarius could help Virgos to be more free and to have less anxiety and to be more positive in life.
🧺When you look at your daily life, you have to look in your sixth house. If you have air sign in 6th house this mean that you're a daily life will always include mentality ,multitasking. All the things at once especially if you have Gemini in your six house, you cannot do the job that is the same everyday. If you have water sign than this mean there will always be something in your every day that is emotionally connected to you or others. If u have earth sign than this mean you will seriously work on your things everyday and your everyday will include work but also u can you can enjoy nature or going to the nature or doing something that includes flowers, gardening especially if you have taurus in 6th house. If you have fire sign this means that your every day will be exciting, fiery and always spontaneous.
🫧Hope u find something interesting in this post🫧
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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lucabyte · 1 month
i am looking at nohats au 👀 please share more
So! NoHats! I'm going to grab you and use this to ramble. A Lot.
The NoHats AU is @samhainian's it's just that I'm the strange little freak who takes the words said unto me and executes on them. But I can still do a little explainer on what our overall thoughts and vibes are. (And, that we are in fact propping up a little box with some cheese under it here. 🪤 Please (PLEASE) feel free to pick up what we're putting down.)
We're far from the only ones exploring a "what if siffrin fucking died" AU, though the main difference with NoHats is the placement of the death in the timeline. Instead of being 'Mal Du Pays Wins' or 'Act 6 encounter goes horribly wrong', the death is… Just after the (literal) falling action.
(This placement is because Sam is a comic book fan who thus has become used to characters being ripped away at the cruelest times by shitty writers. THANK FUCKING GOD adrienne is not that and isat is delightful yippieee, but, back on topic.)
Giving the party the full understanding of What Happened that you get by putting the death after black hole siffrin, but before the A6 encounter leaves an interesting gap to be filled. See, making Siffrin's death very much not Loop's fault means that… this once again reads (when not read as simply a tragedy...) as the universe doing what it sees fit to fulfull Loop's wish… Thus making Siffrin's death Loop's fault again, but only in their eyes. And only in a way they could express if they were honest about who they were…
And this is where having had excuse to waffle about my general Postcanon Loop thoughts the other day comes in handy, because Sam and I have that as our canon-compliant reading to begin with, NoHats plays off of a lot of the same readings of Loop's character. Namely: Uh Oh Somebody's Lying By Fucking Omission Again. (BECAUSE TO BE FAIR THIS TIME… HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU HANDLE THAT?)
Now, neither Sam nor I are fanfic writers, so this has been a little bit trapped in our heads and DMs (and my unfinished art but,)
But our thoughts on how NoHats like… Goes.
Siffrin's death is peaceful, but that does not mean the aftermath of it is. I can't imagine the party takes it well, especially after understanding the circumstances of the Loops. (And, of note, in A5 where nobody had the discussion on what to do with each other's bodies should something happen…) But I'd imagine it traumabonds them somewhat (understatement of the century) and now knowing how the rest of the party feels, they resolve to travel together for the forseeable future.
The party track down Loop to deliver the terrible news, since they were clearly Siffrin's friend too, and invite Loop along to travel at least long enough to (let them grieve) get the burial over with. Loop, here, can be helpful in knowing what Siffrin would've wanted where the party would be at a loss. Loop, I think, takes a bit of a lead on the funerary aspects of it all, because, um. (Performing rites on your own body, huh?)
Then, as things are after a death, life just… Kind of has to continue on as normal. The party travel, pick up Nille, and get to know Loop as this mysterious new person. Maybe in this situation they might stay in Bambouche for a while to give Bonnie more stability since. They are probably taking it the worst. It would've come out of absolutely nowhere for everyone in the party obviously but god, for a kid? For A Kid?
It should be stated NoHats is not intended to be grimdark, just y'know. An exploration of grief. This is also why it's got a bit of a lopsided focus on Bonnie vs the rest of the party because hhrrhghghhghghhhghhghhh <- incoherent
Now, a crossroads.
How does the party discover Loop to be Siffrin? How long does it take. How much have the party embraced them as part of the family (especially with something as intense to bond over as this)?
There's the Odile option. Have her put it together and have to bring it up somehow. This could also be done by Isabeau, perhaps. He's smart. (which. God. If anything's the real Isabeau Torment Nexus it's this)
Then there's the other option batted around by Sam and I. The: The Universe Dislikes Duplicates option.
The items in the house that fzzt away when inspected. The Universe doesn't like there to be two of something, at least not when they're acknowledged. But one of something is just fine…?
Which is to say. I'm not a personal proponent of 'Loop getting their body back'. EXCEPT …… except this one time.
There's only one Siffrin now, so they don't need to be obfuscated to exist.
Consider, if you will. Loop swallowing their guilt for long enough to be comfortable. Falling back into old habits. Without another Siffrin around to compete for the niche of, they actually begin to act like Siffrin again. Not intentionally, it's just… The party is as welcoming as they've always been. And the party swears they keep catching glimpses of a face under all the light.
Then, one day, while still not fully human again, the resemblence becomes undeniable. Loop having not even noticed until everyone looks at them like they've seen a ghost.
Has it been months? How long have they kept up this lie? Is it even a lie, to them? They're Loop. But they were, once, Siffrin.
Even after explaining it, does that make it better or worse?
Bonnie cuts through the betrayed, struck-nerve reactions with a sobering "I missed you."
… Anyway !
Yeah so that's the vibe for NoHats. As for LoopLoops? That's more nebulous. I think it can go anywhere really in the NoHats timeline. I err personally toward the "Loop continuously replays the last 10 minutes before Siffrin's death almost immediately after they find out and have to parkour their ass up the House in the most distressing situation possible to try and get them to hold on, just please hold on." (Remember! Siffrin can remember the contents of Loop's loop backs in the A6 fight!)
But there is the possibility that this happens months, or worse years down the road. One last Loop back. Throw it all away for the chance to just get that one thing you didn't know you even wanted but now know you NEED.
Okay miscellaneous time.
This is where I admit that I have a bunch of unfinished NoHats art that I haven't gotten around to yet because I feel like a right tool being so obviously Loop-Centric with my fancontent (I AM . . I REALISE I AM NOT DOING MUCH TO BEAT THE ALLEGATIONS.) So like if people want to see that please say because euaghghghhfh <- the nervous.
this is like the most fucked up place to do isaloop fr. anyway.
one of Sam's mid-game observations that I'm just going to share for no particular reason is that Bonnie's hair shares a bunch of shapes with Siffrin's. The flick up at the top, the 3 pronged shape of the fringe… just something to think about.
Without 2 Siffrins around to compare each other to it'd likely be a lot harder to notice Loop's similarities. Doesn't mean that those similarities don't sting more in this context though.
If you do NoHats without LoopLoops. The concept of this all fading into memory years down the line while they just have slightly-glowy but otherwise regular Siffrin hanging out is fucked up to think about. Just like real grief. Augh
6. a peek into the original dms as a treat from us
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lover-of-mine · 5 days
i'm fine with the bt scene being what it was because it showed what is. a shallow superficial relationship that is not being written as endgame so I'm fine with them not having a more emotional connection make it more obvious its BONES in s8.
Okay, I'm gonna say this and I need everyone to know I genuinely mean it, I'm not fine with it. I am tired of the show giving Buck and Eddie love interests that exist to have no agency besides girlfriend/boyfriend or plot device for an exposition dump. I desperately wanted to care about bt. Buck being bi is such incredible representation and I spent the whole season waiting to be convinced I should like T and bt together for anything beyond the fact that they are a queer relationship but I keep coming up empty-handed. I like being a hater right now because no criticism of him is allowed without someone screaming that you're homophobic or hate gay people and that everyone in the show is problematic why doesn't he get a pass too so I am grabbing on to every wrong thing about him the same way people are blowing the good things to justify my aversion to him. But the thing is, T is a character who's being written in a way that is so hard to sympathize with when it comes to Buck. He has this shell that makes him rigid and he has this dry sense of humor and he could be interesting if he was willing to bend a little bit for Buck. That relationship was not something I could get behind when T left Buck on the curb, because while I do believe T was incredibly justified in not liking the situation Buck put them in, he could've communicated that better before he was literally in the car leaving Buck behind, so there Buck was once again in a relationship with someone who left him because they can't handle who he is. That was the impression I got from that first date and I keep waiting for them to be cute for me to move past it and the show is giving me nothing. Why did they make the choice to not let T dress up for the bachelor party and indulge Buck when the job by definition requires for him to change into a uniform so he could've put in some effort? Why did he let Buck walk around with his face covered in soot when they could've shown us a shot of him cleaning Buck's face before they walked into the room holding hands and give the impression that there's more going on there than a few makeout sessions? Why weren't they affectionate at the ceremony? Why wasn't that conversation in the hospital, where it would've shown a level of care and that joke could've been seen as an attempt to make Buck feel better about what was going on? Why are they always two steps to the left of being cute or having any fighting chance? And that's ignoring how intertwined Eddie is with the beginning of their relationship because that's just disturbing. The triangle thing is annoying as fuck if Eddie was not gonna get confirmed as queer and the sides wouldn't actually connect.
I think narratively Buck and Eddie getting together is the thing that makes the most sense for both of their characters, but if that's not gonna happen, I wanna care about the people they're with. I love Buck as a character, I want him to have a nice love story if for whatever reason we are not getting buddie because love is the thing he's been searching for, and whatever bt has going is not it. And the thing that's killing me is that it could be. It's the same thing they did with Taylor because if Taylor was as intense about Buck as she is about the job, they could work, but the show made a choice to use the development of her character to stir away from Buck. And T, he's just there. And it's frustrating. I don't even wanna get into the comparisons between buddie and bt because imma be honest I'm still processing the way the show had T refusing to dress on theme and then had Eddie suggest matching outfits in the next scene, what even was that?? But the way the show constantly takes the chances they have to give depth to their relationship, looks it in the eye, and runs the other direction it's just........... yk? This is Buck's fifth relationship and I can't for the life of me look at it and see where it's going because they are making it seem like it's going nowhere. T parallels Taylor all the time visually, when it comes to screentime he's just a step above Ali, he's nowhere near as developed as Taylor was at this point. I had hopes for that scene when they started to talk about parents, for 20 seconds, I believed they were gonna give emotional depth to them, but they didn't. And I was literally sitting here begging them to give me something to care about when it comes to them if they are gonna keep them together but I have nothing to show for it and I hate it. There's no emotional connection, they will probably breakup at some point during s8 and I'm just gonna be there "oh wow another failed romance what a surprise" while they keep playing up Buck and Eddie's partnership and not letting them go all the way, and it's just tiring.
And this is ignoring the way we keep getting yelled at for not resonating with them. I sincerely don't want to hate them but I can't find a reason to care about them.
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razorblade180 · 7 months
Charlotte:Miss Furina!!! I have a very important question to ask, off the record of course.
Furina:A question? I don’t see why not.
Charlotte:Are you being courted by world renowned traveler, Aether!?
Furina:*red* C-Courted!? I wouldn’t exactly say-
The journalist whips out a polaroid photo of Furina with a warm smile on her face as she sits across from Aether during a late candle lit dinner.
Furina:Oh my god this came out so well. You can even see the- how did you have this!? Where were you!?
Charlotte:I was posed as a waitress!
Charlotte:…For a job! Not for you. Heavens no. By the way, I wouldn’t eat there again. Back to the topic at hand, good for you.! It’s a cute look. Your smile is brighter.
Furina:You just have good lighting.
Charlotte:Ha! Oh Furina…candle light is agonizing for photography.
Furina:Sounds like a hit a sore spot. Anyways, if you’re asking I assume you’re more or less aware of everything I am when it comes to Aether and romance.
Charlotte:Of course! I actually brought it up to him around our first time meeting. Had proof and everything so I can ask him “why an open relationship”
Furina:…You’re kinda scary at times.
Charlotte:If you’re not intense in my field then people try to circle around the truth. Like you were about to do until I showed the photo. You can keep that by the way. *fiddles with camera*
Furina:If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask you a question as well.
Charlotte:Ooo okay! I’m all ears!
Furina:You’ve known him longer, engaged with him more often, and seem interested from where I stand; yet I’m the one dat- is involved with him.
Charlotte:Do you have commitment issues?
Furina:Let me finish! What I’m getting at is why aren’t you two item. I’ve the comedically sized document about the dynamic. As it stands now…if I was close minded or acted selfishly…
Charlotte:Ah, I see. It’s interesting to see your mind at work, but unfortunately you’re overthinking things waaaay too much. This isn’t chess game or battle of wits. It would pretty low to treat others feelings like that without thought. Neither him or I would be able to stand ourselves to put a person filled with in a position where they either find new love or be forced to deal with the fact there’s someone else. Kinda defeats the point of an open relationship.
Furina:That’s…I see your point.
Charlotte:If you want Aether romantically all to yourself when it comes to Fontainian’s then by all means exercise that right. He’s still going to be one of my closest friends and partner in journalism! Though to be clear, this isn’t me conceding in any way. I do hope you enjoy my company as much as I love yours! Also… *pulls out photo*
It’s nothing particularly special. Just a really good picture of Aether in the middle of fishing without a care in the world.
Charlotte: Let’s be honest, he has a very nice face. Just ask Lyney! He thinks so too.
Furina:*red* I mean I guess it has its appeal.
Charlotte:You can keep that one too. Anyways, I gotta go before no more Aquabuses run. My latest story has gotten popular so you know…I’ll be back in the city in like three weeks? Hopefully? Eh, we’ll see.
Furina:What did you expose!?
Charlotte:It’ll be front page tomorrow! Read all about it! Bye! *runs off*
Furina thought she was pretty good at reading people, especially her audience. Right now she had no clue if the conversation just now was casual chatter, a weird bargain, or even pleasant congratulations with a side of flirting? She only knew what she’s known from the beginning. Charlotte is a really interesting, kind person who takes phenomenal photos.
Furina:…(I wonder if he knows that this photo was taken?)
Aether:I was fishing alone.
Furina:For the love of- how strong is that lens!? By the way…would you consider us…courting or something? *red*
Aether: You literally made out with me a few days ago. Grabbed my scarf, and smooched my face. We spend time together consistently.
Furina:*nods slowly* You bring up a valid point.
Aether:A valid point!? *shows hickey*
Furina:Okay, several points! Wrap your scarf back up before someone sees!
Aether:Breaking news, crystal pure celebrity actually filters her murky mind.
Furina:I want my kisses back!
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai - Morino Megumi (9.5/10)
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Yes, this does have an English release. Yes, you should buy it. This series is pure catharsis. It's about growing up. It's about immature, possessive emotions. It's about how that kind of attitude can stunt you socially, and leave you lonely. There's also an excellent message about bullying, and forgiveness.
Hananoi and Hotaru are two very different people. Hananoi is handsome and popular. Hotaru has zero interest in dating and she's not very popular, because she's very petite and quiet. She doesn't secretly desire love. It's not on her radar.
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Hananoi is not a playboy. He has dated alot of women. He lavishes lots of attention on the woman he chooses, and he's very devoted. The problem is his girlfriends keep breaking up with him. He's too intense. He wants to wear couple rings. He wants to meet the parents. He doesn't want to kiss until things get serious. He wants lots of love. Pure love, not an immature teenage relationship. The issue is that...um...Hananoi is a teenager. His girlfriends are creeped out for a reason. They want to fool around and have fun. Hananoi expects his girlfriend to be available all the time. He expects her to keep her distance from her male friends. He also uses GPS to track his girlfriend.
He's...not a fun guy to date.
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Hotaru gives him an umbrella after a public break up. Hananoi tells her he likes her the next day. They don't start dating. Hananoi says he'll wait until she's ready, which is sweet. It takes a while for Hotaru to trust him.
Usually, girls confess to him.
This is the first time he has pursued a girl, and he's very awkward about it. He gives Hotaru space, and time, and she decides to give him a chance.
Hananoi is very popular because he's handsome. Other girls get jealous of Hotaru, so Hananoi protects her. He wants to protect her from everything.
Hotaru is creeped out by scenes like this. She starts loving Hananoi because of who he is around her. When he's around others he puts up a wall. He's icy, cold, unsociable and distant. Hotaru knows that isn't the real him, because he is so sincere to her. He also doesn't pressure her too much, and he cooks for her to express his love.
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Hananoi keeps getting worse though. When Hotaru gets a job at a bookstore Hananoi follows her. Literally. He starts shopping there every day to see her...until she politely tells him it's weird. Then, a boy who knows Hotaru from elementary school becomes friends with her. Then, Hananoi becomes an employee...so he can protect Hotaru.
The issue is that guy isn't an enemy.
Yao is a lovely guy. A true friend that would never go for a girl that loves somebody else. Even when he develops a crush he doesn't act on it, because Hotaru and Hananoi are in a serious relationship.
Hananoi is being paranoid for no reason.
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He's just plain bad at love, even though he's kind under that junk. His parents work overseas. He's a stressed, under-socialized, lonely, smart kid. That's a recipe for disaster. Hananoi tries to be honest about his past deeds, but they are so bad Hotaru says he has to stop. She's not ready to know everything about his awful past relationships. He's trying to change, for her, but his possessive habits are extreme.
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Hananoi improves slowly. Hotaru has a sister that doesn't approve of him, because it's unfair to expect your partner to be your everything. Hotaru needs her friends, and Hananoi does too. Hananoi tries to open up, and he makes guy friends. This immediately makes him a better, less clingy boyfriend. Hotaru is no longer his only emotional outlet, so their dates become more fun...and it's great.
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Here's the big problem. The big mistake. Hotaru was attacked by her best friend in grade school. It traumatized her. Non is a jealous girl who is obsessed with her appearance. She's not completely evil. She's just an unpleasant girl who cares way too much about romance. She loved Yao before. Yao had a crush on Hotaru that he didn’t act on. Non blamed Hotaru for that, and she trapped Hotaru in a classroom. Then, she hacked off Hotaru's long hair while she yelled and screamed about how everything was her fault.
That's crazy.
Non transfered schools soon after, so the incident stayed quiet.
Non returns to apologize, but it's for selfish reasons. She just wants to forget the horrible thing she did to her only real friend.
Hananoi corners her, and he threatens to hack her hair off, to teach her a lesson. He doesn’t actually do it. He just wants Non to feel the panic Hotaru went through.
Hotaru temporarily breaks up with him due to this incident.
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Non is not a good friend. She hasn't really matured. Hotaru should not forgive her. As soon as Non finds out that Yao is Hotaru's friend...immediate sexism. It's crazy. She instantly starts babbling about how Hotaru has always been popular with boys and its not fair. Non has an average face under her makeup. I know being average can suck, but Non is extra shitty and clearly not...friendship material.
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Hotaru vents with Hananoi. She says she threatened to break up with him over the incident...because she's afraid. She says the right thing. She will never forgive Non for her abusive attack. She doesn't want to be friends again. Non and Hotaru cry about the past, but that's all. Then the truth comes out. If Hananoi is really willing to attack someone like that...she thinks she'll be a victim too someday.
Hananoi tells the entire truth to save his relationship.
He tells her he secretly met Non, and pretended to be friendly, because he knew what she was doing. He's met tons of toxic girls. He tried to manipulate her into leaving, because he didn't want Hotaru to meet her. He never, ever intended to cut her hair or hurt her. It was all elaborate manipulation...for his own sake. He was angry.
He didn't do it for her sake.
He did it because he was there that day.
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That's right! Hananoi was her gloomy classmate back in elementary school. He loved her back then too. He wanted to be her friend, but when he ran to her he heard screaming. He hid in a corner, and listened to Non rant while she chopped off Hotaru's hair. It traumatized him too, in a different way. It's where his obsession with protection comes from. He felt weak. Useless. He didn't help her. Then, he stopped trying to be her friend and she forgot him.
When she gave him that umbrella he decided to take a chance. He stopped waiting for love to come with him. He chased after her and decided to change. He decided to do whatever it takes to be a good boyfriend and husband material. He messes up along the way, but Hotaru admits that she's not pure too. She hates Non. Fear is in there too, but despite her sweetness she can't forgive blatant abuse. She's glad that Non has to live with regret for what she did, and the true friendship she lost.
Hananoi becomes her boyfriend again, and they become a fairly normal couple. Hananoi will always be possessive. Hotaru was his first love, and he's obsessed with soul mates, but he learns how to express himself. He makes friends so he doesn't crush Hotaru and their relationship, and they get a happy ending.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Nyo!floydriddle headcanons?
Anon, why would you do this to me, you know I can’t form a sentence when I try to think about girls. I mean, maybe you didn’t know, but now you do 😭
The majority of their interactions wouldn’t change at all to be honest (I always prefer keeping them as close to the original versions as possible), so since the main difference comes with certain ~body parts~, the headcanons ended up being mostly kind of horny. I don’t think it’s going to upset anyone but—
Let’s roll!
In addition to their regular disagreements, they also have this thing about Riddle hating Floyd for not being a proper lady. Everything about Floyd is exactly what Riddle’s mother taught her to avoid: bad posture, unkempt clothes, vulgar attitude, loud cackle of a laugh, also the fact that Floyd likes to wear “boyish” things and men’s shoes. Of course it doesn’t mean that Floyd is untidy (she always smells good) or can’t be elegant and even “womanly” if she wants to (she just doesn’t), but for some reason it only pisses Riddle off even more. Being a sporty gal isn’t an excuse!! Riddle is sporty too! Kind of!
Floyd is playful and flirty with a lot of girls she finds interesting at any given moment, and while people are generally terrified of her, she also has this charismatic fleur that makes a lot of girls swoon over her. And Riddle takes pride in not being so easily smitten by her, even though suuuper deep inside she’s kind into the fact that Floyd keeps pestering her all the time.
Riddle is both terrified and fascinated by Floyd’s boobs. She is used to being around Trey, who is also busty, but Floyd is even bigger than that + wears her clothes in a way that it’s noticeable. Riddle hates the fact that her eyes just keep sliding down there every time they talk, because Floyd notices it and makes fun of her because of that.
Riddle thinks that Floyd is very lewd for not wearing a bra sometimes and not hiding her boobs from the world in general, but Floyd thinks that it’s Riddle who is just overly focused on her boobs. Floyd doesn’t even care about this; to her it’s just a body part that causes funny reactions from others sometimes, but Riddle blushes deeply every time Floyd leans on her or hugs her. Goldfishie, that’s a nasty reaction~ stop thinking about boobs all the time, geez.
Floyd doesn’t have a preference when it comes to girlies’ boobies, but she really likes Riddle’s tiny ones. Mostly because she likes Riddle’s reaction to them being touched; she knows she is insecure, but also very touch-starved. In general, Riddle is more sensitive in this area than Floyd. Not only emotionally, but literally: she is very loud when Floyd plays with her nipples.
Sometimes Floyd not only doesn’t wear a bra, but also doesn’t have any panties on. She gets scolded for that, but of course it’s not like people usually notice. Riddle did notice once. And yelled at Floyd for 15 minutes until Floyd tripped her, stole her own panties and ran away.
Floyd’s hand is massive and it covers Riddle’s sensitive spots completely, and she pets her quite intensely when they end up making out for some reason (they were arguing just a moment ago, what happened?), so it overwhelms Riddle a lot. But Floyd notices that the harder she does that, the hornier and needier sounds Riddle makes and the more her legs twitch and kick in the air, which is always a good sign for her. It’s amusing how bad she is at holding it together.
Floyd’s massive hands (and long fingers) are not the only things that Floyd likes to use to play with Riddle. Her meaty and muscular thighs and her long hot tongue are also quite nice options. Of course, if you asked Riddle, she would object and get gradually more and more pissed off with every second of this conversation…
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bug-the-chicken-nug · 10 months
honestly i think jaune would be way more interesting if they intentionally leaned harder into the implication that to be desperate enough to take on the risks of lying to get into a prestigious school, he should actually be a rather ruthless sort of person. Heroes usually only get to be "determined". Ruthlessness, the quality of truly being the type to do *whatever* it takes, is much more uncommon in them. Like that would also make the whole plan to steal an airship track better too, if we were just shown all along that Jaune is kind of a selfish loose cannon, someone with a neutral alignment that incidentally seems good or lawful a lot only because he happens to care for the other important characters. Especially if we also then got to see that he doesn't actually *like* being this way, and it makes his hints of impostor syndrome more intense than canon, but even though he *is* trying to be an "honest" hero, he keeps getting into situations where it's all he can fall back on. He can't be as strong, as fast, as smart, as experienced... All he can do is cheat, manipulate, pretend. Sort of like a twisted mirror of actual Joan of Arc legends, wanting to be a heroic, inspiring figure but ending up being seen as the villain. And in the interest of avoiding an underlying implication of "men are special and Jaune gets away with this because of some unspoken privilege/ narrative 'freedom' to be more problematic", I feel like Blake would also suit being this type of person. Nora too, really, just that in her case I think she'd have had more time and impetus than either of those two to develop the Biggest deep-rooted secret guilt complex around it, and mask it by overcompensating, having this underlying subconscious hangup on how this and her background make her fundamentally "dirty" and "unworthy". And in turn having this somewhat unhealthy view of being a Huntress as something that will make her "worthy", and "cleanse" her of her "past sins". (aka, the things she either literally had to do to survive, or did because of an almost total lack of support and guidance) (also because the worthy and unworthy motif is so fun to give to a Thor allusion)
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best-underrated-anime · 5 months
Best Underrated Anime Group G Round 2: #G6 vs #G4
#G6: Emperor and Empress bodyswap in ancient China
#G4: Three girls decide to open an animation club
Details and poll under the cut!
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#G6: No Doubt in Us (Liang Bu Yi)
Within the Chinese imperial court, stern-faced Emperor Xiao Jinyun and spirited Empress Xu Yu are at constant odds with one another. But the universe has an interesting way to solve their issues: an accident causes the two to switch bodies, forcing them to put themselves in the other’s shoes—literally. Now responsible for unfamiliar duties and court dynamics, the Emperor and the Empress must navigate the maintenance of their identities, unruly concubines, and the nation itself. In doing so, Xiao Jinyun and Xu Yu’s personal qualities and unconventional skills find new purpose, and a sense of understanding and compassion grows between the two.
However, great threats loom within and outside the court. If the imperial astrologer cannot discover the key to switching them back in time, then internal strife and suspicion may lead to the duo's untimely demise.
Liang Bu Yi/No Doubt in Us is one of the most interesting donghua I’ve ever watched. The characters have varying personalities and, because it’s set in ancient China, are rather unique. Considering that Emperors had to keep harems and the fact that this is a straight couple rom-com makes the drama rather spicy. Plus, the Empress is far more qualified in the things a woman in those times wouldn’t be interested in, like sword fighting, archery etc.
To be honest, the contrast between Xu Yu (the Empress) and Xiao Jinyun (the Emperor) results in the show being far more interesting than other ones with the same trope.
Trigger Warnings: None.
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#G4: Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! (Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!)
Midori Asakusa draws detailed landscapes and backgrounds of both the world around her and the one within her boundless imagination. Even the simple act of doodling on a wall evolves into an emergency repair on the outer hull of her spaceship. She is only brought back to reality by her best friend Sayaka Kanamori. The two are stark opposites, with Asakusa’s childlike wonder contrasted by Kanamori’s calculated approach to life.
After a chance encounter where the two “save” the young model Tsubame Misuzaki from her overprotective bodyguard, a connection instantly sparks between Asakusa and Misuzaki, as both share an intense passion for art and animation. Whereas Asakusa is interested in backgrounds and settings, Misuzaki loves drawing the human form. Sensing a money-making opportunity, Kanamori suggests that they start an animation club. Thus begins the trio’s journey of producing animation that will awe the world.
It’s playing with animation in a really cool way, AND it is just gorgeous. The backgrounds are done in a beautiful painterly style, and each environment is detailed and evokes wonder.
Each of the three girls is a unique and fleshed-out character, and their interactions and blossoming friendship are super fun and wholesome to watch. The dialogue is also very realistic—it really feels like what three high school nerdy girl friends would talk about. Each has her own strengths, in animation, organization and craft, such that they really come together as a team and manage to make something beautiful.
The show is fun, heartwarming and doesn’t take itself too seriously, but at the same time it is so so sincere. Quiet and serious moments can be quiet and serious without needless bathos, and fun sequences (like a chase through the school) are given extra effort to be zany and funny, and fully animated in both senses of the word. Above all, you feel a strong love for animation and deep wonder of the world permeating the series.
Trigger Warnings: Flashing lights in the opening theme
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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donnerpartyofone · 8 months
I have been thinking a lot about the concept of Experience lately. I've been working on this big piece of analysis of a movie (possibly my Favorite Movie actually) that's kind of a magic-realist fantasy about a guy who lives in what is almost like a little terrarium where every day is the same and not even something as radical as death can alter the cycle. Problems come up when he develops desires outside the bounds of his routine, but because he has no point of reference for the dynamism of real life, he just projects his usual narcissistic fantasies onto everything and everyone, and it's a big disaster. I have an almost frame-by-frame knowledge of the movie, but talking about it intelligently requires a sharp eye for all kinds of esoteric cultural references and influences, it's really meaningfully connected with art history and philosophy and films that went before it--so if you're a guy who lives the same kind of dogmatically cloistered life as the hero, you're really not going to get it. And maybe it's telling that a lot of people Do Not Get this movie.
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And it made me start worrying about the mass fandom cult again, like I worry about people who are actively defensive about their right to only consume children's media and avoid any critical reflection of any kind, and I think this must tie into how intensely anti-sex a lot of people have become too. Like being celibate or asexual is a real legitimate thing of course, but I strongly suspect there are a lot of people who just want to be infantilized, almost literally, they want trigger warnings for stuff they just don't like in addition to the reasonable ones for traumatic content, they want media that's stripped of allegorical meaning or whose only meaning is dictated by the rest of the franchise, or by the fandom urge to remove practically all narrative and symbolic considerations besides who's gonna kiss. And I'm not saying that everybody needs to devote their lives to intellectual challenges or big adventures or whatever, but I think that you should at-least-sometimes read something that refers to something more than just the last thing in the same series, I think that even if you legitimately cannot go outside and expand your world, you should at-least-sometimes watch or read or observe something that presents concepts and ideas outside of your pre-established list of favorite things. "Touch grass" (a phrase I find a little annoying but oh well) isn't just meant to differentiate indoor and outdoor activities, it means like, go do something you haven't tried before, or pursue a new line of thought. Just like, find out what kind of person you can really be. If you don't, it's going to make you increasingly brittle and vulnerable as life goes on around you and you're eventually forced to face certain things.
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And I mean I'm speaking as a person who had a pretty hard time growing the fuck up even though I was considered "smart". Everyone gave me all this shit about how people like me (hopeless dweebs) really blossom in college, and then it took me [redacted] years to get through it and I still think they passed me just to get rid of me finally. And even though I was interested in sex and relationships, I was so phobic and unsure of myself that I almost only had bad experiences up to the time that I lost my virginity (another annoying phrase but oh well) at [a ripe old age] [and mostly bad experiences after that too let's be honest, but it eventually got better], because I just didn't understand who I was or what was out there. And even if it was essentially right for me to take my time with different things, it was also bad for me to actively avoid life for such a long time--if I hadn't, I would have seen certain people coming miles away and a lot sooner. I have no desire to discuss all the details with the general public but the awful, manipulative, and as it turned out universally abusive person that I "lost my virginity to" (ugh) impressed me because he had this extreme academic intelligence and of course I bought into how Dark and Tormented he was. The thing that eventually made me stand up for myself was when I started noticing that actually, secretly, he was really dumb. That's what a lot of Drama is; sometimes it's deep and dark and rooted in Circumstances, but oftentimes it's just adults who should know better willfully doing stupid, boring, dreary shit, and assigning it WAY too much importance. The specific stupid shit in this story began with a girl who was at the center of a love quadrangle involving my Dark and Tormented person. What inevitably happened didn't even hurt my feelings in the end because I just could not be jealous; the situation was moronic and the girl was not cute, and not stylish, and not smart or clever, and not talented. I met her once outside of a screening of TEXAS CHAINSAW, which she had never seen before even though she was trying out this pathetic horror chick flex, and it did not occur to me for a minute that she might be a threat because she was just so lame. The awful guy asked her if she liked the movie, and she giggled, "Oh yes, um, it was so...MASTERFUL...because everything was so........WELL-HANDLED." I was standing there thinking oh my god, did you just use a word and then define the word in the same sentence? Ever since that day "masterful" has been my least favorite word, it's so embarrassing. My best friend and I use it as a kind of slur for pretentious bullshit, we're like "Oh yeah, was that movie MASTERFUL? Because it was so WELL-HANDLED?"
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It turned out her deal was that she was basically just auditioning various men to see if one of them would sign a lease on a new place for her so she could move out on her boyfriend who she was cheating on with all these potential new roommates. I mean it was like, really deeply unsexy. But certain kinds of Dark and Tormented men are extremely attracted to just ugly, crass messiness, they mistake garden variety idiots for like Laura Palmer or something. And if you add in the excitement of competition, like which one of these guys is going to win the privilege of paying her rent while she cheats on him with all his frenemies, that's like heaven for some people. And there is no better way to find out who is smart and who is fucking stupid, than by observing a situation like this in action. Anyway that motherfucker is dead now and I got to enjoy many years of him trying to get my attention back in really stupid ways before he suddenly croaked, but I'm here to say this today: Challenge yourself to get some life experience in whenever you can. You don't have to do every crazy thing you can think of, but it just does not pay to be ignorant and naive, especially if you don't even know how ignorant and naive you are until it's too late.
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velvetvexations · 12 days
actually if you want to talk about it I’d be curious about your petscop opinions (in a friendly discussion way) but if not that’s totally cool!
One of the things I was telling people Petscop was of too high-quality for something to be what was happening was the incredibly dumb "playing the game in a car" thing, which I thought was a completely ridiculous theory and I really was out there like, no, guys, that's stupid, that's so stupid, and this is PETSCOP, the single greatest web series in existence, my Roman Empire, it's not stupid so obviously that can't be it.
But what I really disliked and put me down a lot was the lack of hard answers. I unironically feel like people nowadays fetishize narrative ambiguity. Death of the Author or even the idea that a work might have literally no intended meaning except to be a viewer's personal Rorschach test has gotten so big that to even suggest something mysterious might have an answer can be seen as sacrilege.
Sometimes that can be a difficult wire to walk. David Lynch refuses to ever give away the intended meaning of his work because he does want his audience to reach their own conclusions and find their own meaning in it...but, also, he did still have an intended meaning behind everything and it's not weird to try and work that out. Yes, the demand for answers killed Twin Peaks - but I would argue it was more like impatience because what fans wanted to know was specifically who killed Laura Palmer, and Lynch always intended to get to that eventually, just at the very end.
Fans during the airing of Twin Peaks took it 100% literally and weren't generally looking for symbolic meaning, they were looking for hard facts about what was occurring in-universe. While my belief of the "correct" interpretation of Twin Peaks is that the narrative blends in-universe reality with out-of-universe meta anyway, I think we would have gotten basically satisfying answers to the in-universe reality if the network had been willing to let it cook. I think subtext can be really cool, and despite my sidebar text being a Garth Marenghi reference the things I write have subtext in them as well, but usually I'm far more interested in the text when it comes to mysteries like this.
So like, I'm going to take a gamble with allowing myself to be vulnerable and admit something: when it turned out the website in Petscop had been made, but the creator just decided not to put it out? I was without hyperbole livid.
I struggle, like really struggle with anger issues, to the point where earlier this morning I was thinking about making a post about how much I've been feeling the "check your bathroom" message from Rainer, but decided against it because that's implied to be a suicide note and I didn't want to give the impression I was referring to suicidal ideation. I mean, I am also extremely depressed, but that's not what I had in mind.
Just like...the bitterness of what Rainer says in that message, the exhausted rage? Yeah, that's me. I'm an angry person. It's one of the reasons I related so hard to Kipperlilly Copperkettle in Dimension 20. Because like, my fandom for her started out being really annoyed with the protagonists and the ways they have their cocks sucked by the fandom and narrative no matter what, and how KLCK in particular was getting insane hate for insane reasons, but when it was revealed she had been in therapy for years for anger management I wanted to cry because I suddenly felt this intense empathy with her.
No matter how irrational, the revelation about the website existing but not being shown gutted me. So I was really, really angry about it and to be honest I still kinna am. I don't hold any real ill will towards the creator and, again, I know it's irrational, but that hurt me a little.
There's this scene in The Expanse where a spaceship hits a field that makes anything in motion come to an instantaneous and complete stop, and you can imagine what that does to the occupants of spacecraft traveling a bazillion miles an hour (it should really obliterate the ship, too, but whatever). It kinna felt like that. Like the series just came to a sudden and arbitrary stop with nothing explained and my investment turned into several gallons of red paint splattering the camera.
I was also very dissatisfied with it turning out that either it was all about being trans or the very least had a significant amount of it's plot be about that. I don't mean to be a Sad Puppies kinna geek who thinks their entertainment should never touch on social themes and just stick to cool laser guns, but like...I am trans. Nearly all my friends are. I talk about it constantly on this blog, I'm thinking about it constantly, it is one of the single most important, defining aspects of nearly every facet of my life. I enjoy some media that's outwardly about being trans and my writing is heavily heavily HEAVILY centered around diversity and inclusion and talking about it all, but when it's the answer to a mystery?
I can't help but find that tremendously boring. And that's another thing that, like not getting answers and it all being over so abruptly, Expanses the shit out of my investment.
And my investment in Petscop ran...deep. Very, very deep. I loved the series with every fiber of my being. Like I said, the drop-off in how I felt about it was like Satan falling from Heaven like lightning, and I felt every bit of that falling damage.
So Petscop and the way it ended was a lot for me.
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idealspawn · 11 months
i felt weird being intimate w him too tbh. kissing him is nice and biting him LOL and holding his hand. but like more than that felt weird to me too you know. but idk if that is bc im just weird w certain types of intimacy or bc i didnt feel it w him. i anyway just looked past it. i tend to do that. not sure if its good or not. like i felt awk too and disconnect but for some rsn it didnt tell me to move on but to see whats more in store in him. like he said he didnt say anything right away bc he wanted to see diff sides to me BUT LITERALLY. when i feel sth is off, i cant show my diff sides. its not that i dont fucking have diff sides to me that are interesting too. just when the other person is disconnected i cant show shit like it freezes me up. fuck. like its fine. it literally is. im not pressed. its just like a weird situation bc i dont think i agree w his vision of what relationships should be or how ppl should be. and i guess that is already a clue we shouldnt continue. though his reason is based on our sexual compatibility :d. its good we could be transparent though. i told him that if he keeps getting into those same situations when he ends things early that maybe the issue isnt in the girl and the connection but him. like that the spark maybe isnt supposed to last all the time but that doesnt mean it isnt real or is less than, that is just how real fucking relationships are. you cant keep comparing every new love to your first bc your first love inevitably felt fucking like.. a lot. felt like a lot of things bc its the first time for a lot. but i dont think its a bad thing shit shifts and love takes on different forms as you grow up. i dont think i even want that intense of a love anymore as was my first bc it was a literal mess in reality. felt good to be honest w him. i told him that im not telling him these things to like convince him to like me or anything just like as food for thought for the future, coming from a friend. i just wish he told me all of this sooner.
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Pairing: Crowley X Reader (he/him)
Requested by: anon
Warnings: body image issues, Crowley using insults as love language
Word Count: 1,190
Summary: insecurities, Crowley's friendly insults because he is Like That and a confession
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"Objectively speaking, am I really that ugly?" The words were tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. The thought had been gnawing at his brain for the better part of the day and apparently wanted to get out and in the open now. Took him by surprise too, that fucker.
Crowley's head shot up from the contract he was working on, brows furrowed. "Pardon?"
Yeah, no he wasn't gonna repeat that. Y/N pulled his shoulders up and raised the lore book back up to his face. "Uh nothin'."
A beat of silence followed that made Y/N hopeful that he was off the hook. The words on the paper were actually making sense after a breath or two and he buried himself in the source material to escape the embarrassment of his words.
Since Crowley was more or less allied with the Winchesters - and Y/N by proximity -, this had strangely enough become a part of their normal schedule. At first, the demon had showed up sporadically, whenever they were about to be really really fucked and helped them. Allegedly to have something to hold over their heads.
Only that he never took them up on it. Sure, they ganked a few demons here and there in Crowley's interest but that was it. Still, it had become a regular occurrence to see Y/N and the king of hell working in peace together. Dean wasn't too happy about it but he wasn't covering everything with devil's traps anymore so he had to be secretly okay with it.
And Y/N had made the mistake of striking up conversations here and there. And because he was talking to supernatural beings on a daily basis, it didn't faze him the least to notice that they were getting along. Oh, how naive.
Of course, Y/N's life was never that easy. Soon, more than friendly feelings had followed. Naturally, it had to be the king of hell and not, y'know, someone that he would have a pinch of a chance with.
The book disappearing right beneath his hands shook Y/N out of his thoughts.
Confused, he looked up and was faced with a pissed off Crowley.
He was leaning against the table, not two feet away from Y/N, arms crossed and eyes burning holes (fortunately not literal ones) into his skull. "Are we gonna ignore that Winchester level low amount of self esteem or is there a possibility that I can punch some sense into you?"
"...What?" Y/N leaned back in his chair, taken aback by the intensity in Crowley's voice. And his glare. That glare was terrifying.
The demon huffed. "Let's take this from a different angle, mouse. Who exactly told you, you were ugly?"
"Uhm," yeah, well that was not the reaction he had expected so excuse him for being confused, "no one?"
"So now you're lying as well?" Crowley honest to God tutted, "I can't believe that I'm wasting my time with this."
And there it was. Y/N pushed himself up a little straighter and glared. "Just ignore that I said anything okay? It's dumb anyway."
"The only thing that's 'dumb' here-" if Crowley wasn't freaking him out right now, Y/N would be laughing at the air quotations, "- is that you're being aggravatingly stupid! You are not and will never be ugly, Y/N. Quite the opposite in my humble opinion."
Now, Y/N was truly speechless.
Which did not go unnoticed by Crowley. "Oh come on!"
He threw his arms in the air in annoyance. Only then, Y/N felt how close Crowley had actually gotten. He was standing right in front of him; if Y/N so decided, he could pull the demon down into his lap.
A thought he banned from his mind immediately.
Meanwhile, Crowley was talking again.
"You didn't think that I would spend time with you out of the kindness of my heart, would you?" He said condescendingly and took the last step between Y/N's legs, "no, mouse. One, you're ridiculously hot - just like every of you godforsaken hunters apparently - and two, I enjoy your company. Would in the biblical sense too if you'd just get your head out of your ass."
Y/N just barely swallowed another undignified 'what' and stared instead. Maybe not the wisest choice in the face of this confession but he couldn't help it.
This was a lot to work through, okay?
Only when Crowley made to move away - maybe not quite hurt in his slumped shoulders but something close to it - Y/N unfroze. Employing his handy hunter reflexes, he snatched Crowley's arm before he could snap away (or walk to the door of the bunker and snap away from outside of wardings).
"What." Now, it was Crowley's turn to utter the question.
"Just to be clear-" now that he was standing, the size difference had turned to his advantage and he could look straight at Crowley; clutching his arm tightly, "-you won't punch me in the face if I kiss you now?"
"I will punch you in the face if you don't," he retaliated and yanked Y/N closer unexpectedly.
Which made the kiss more of a headbutting than anything else. At least initially.
Crowley's lips were surprisingly soft on his (and conjured an image of the demon lecturing Dean on toxic masculinity - and if that wasn't a sign for Y/N's brain being dangerously close to melting than he didn't know what else would be) though the hand at the back of his head was possessive enough to make up for it.
And then, Crowley licked his lips and Y/N wasn't thinking at all anymore.
"Now that we established that -" Crowley was lying half on top of him and still maintained an air of superiority. Like a cat, Y/N thought idly. "-am I getting an explanation for that little breakdown of yours?"
Y/N looked at his fingers that were fumbling with the hem of his shirt. "Does it matter?"
"Hardly. But I still want to know." Crowley managed to sound both annoyed and concerned.
Yeah, Y/N really could have chosen someone easier. But the words and the exact way in which they were spoken made him ridiculously giddy and wanting to share all his secrets. So yeah. No changing those feelings.
He sighed and tipped his head on Crowley's shoulder. "Just the wonderful mix of standing next to underwear model one and underwear model two on a daily basis and on top of that being plagued by the being you're hunting with dreams that are telling you all kinds of nasty things while - by definition of the lore - being unable to lie."
"The creature responsible is dead I assume?" The steel in his voice made Y/N remember that he was talking to a demon.
So he nodded quickly and brushed his lips over the exposed skin under Crowley's shirt.
It had the desired effect. Crowley merely scoffed and relaxed back into the cushions. "They got off easy then."
"Do we have to keep talking?" Y/N complained and tugged on Crowley's collar.
Crowley grinned devilishly. "Not if I can help it."
Y/N had absolutely no objections to that.
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crying-fantasies · 1 year
Walk with me: Flowers and fire
You know that kind of feeling?
That one, the one that is so intense, that makes you almost cry, almost puke.
The one that makes you punch the person in front of you in the face, not once, but multiple times, just to show your anger, your disgust to their mere existence.
"I'm telling you, right here, right now, if you go there, I'm cutting ties with you forever"
Did you really share an ounce of blood with this person? Really? It made you feel ashamed even when you weren't responsible for their stupid words.
You were about to pop a vein every minute now, where was your father? He was supposed to be here and take you next to your husband-
No, nop, you really had problems at the moment of thinking about Dio with that new title, it was so new.
So strange.
Just as expected, your blood relative, that was her name now, almost ran away when your father arrived, giving you a hand to take before even facing what was ahead of you.
Being honest, how do you feel when you are about to get married? Many can say or express their happiness, maybe giddiness, nerves creeping their way to all your body and make you ask yourself: are you making the right choice?
Well, for that you needed to have a word in all of this, and you just now realized that, no, you never had a say at all, but how could you change that when everything was there for you, waiting, expecting for you to take that path, one that someone else already choose for you.
How can you think about that now? How can you think about it when you are only a step away from the place that is going to knock you to the same that is now holding your hand.
Wait a second, he is indeed holding your hand, giving a little squeeze to it, and if you didn't know him any better, you would say that he is even trying to comfort you, but he was able of doing that? He? Dio? The very same guy that was a direct idiot when it concerned any other human being that wasn't him or his goals in general?
The very same man that you were getting married in that very same moment?
"Yes" oh well, nevermind, you already said the words when you were asked for, not even thinking about it too much, wasn't there supposed to be a dramatic pause from your part? Well, you just forgot about it, now hearing the people that was here, guests to your wedding, your friends bawling their eyes out, the hateful glances from the people with your same blood and the good natured father that was just smiling to the new couple that he had created.
Such an interesting thing, to be really married, to have a ring in your hand, to have to throw the bouquet, to try and do this like it's supposed to do, give them fun in the reception like it's supposed to be, just like that, following what others told you, just like always, even when you denied it in the past saying that you didn't want to follow the rules of others.
But, at the end, you hear and follow what others tell you to do.
Is this how your life is going to be from now on?
Apparently it is really how is going to be, you realize so when you are finally left in the bedchamber, this isn't the Joestar manor, this is a separate home, just like how Dio said, just like it was expected.
"You look dead inside" oh, talking about Dio, he is above you, quite literally, you don't remember the moment when you just collapsed on the bed, maybe it was at the moment you put your eyes on it, so exhausted, your body had enough of this bull shit, he still has his attire but his hair was more messier, maybe the moment that the doors closed his hand was already on his hair, like he sometimes do when he is stressed.
Dang it, since when have you been so detailed about him?
Wait, now that you think about it, maybe you did indeed look at Dio more often than not, especially since the whole fiasco started, searching for information in your memory of you two together, not exactly being friends but trying to appear civil in front of the adults.
Maybe you two did indeed know about one another, you figured that out the moments in which he heard all your opinions on how the people looked and handled you, when he tried to soothe you, when he learned new things to understand you, or like right now when he lets your hair free out of all the ornaments on it, his hand splaying it in the bed's surface, lifting a weight that you didn't even notice after all the problems.
Maybe, you were irritated when the idea settled, everything was being reduced to a "maybe", the very same one that you just said to answer his opinion of you looking dead, like you almost had nothing to give.
Oh, maybe you still had something to give, or to earn, that's what you think when he finally approaches, because there is a final thing to finally end this exhausting day, and you welcome him with open arms, so exhausted.
Just for one day, saying that inside, trying to believe it, letting your prejudiced mind rest for a moment, it can't be this bad, you could make it right, you can.
Just for once, you will put aside every problem or discrepancies that you and Dio had.
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entamewitchlulu · 2 years
i went to see a special showing of dracula (1992) at my local theater for the halloween vibes and since i’ve also being enjoying dracula daily as my first official foray into the original dracula, i have some Thoughts
- there was no reason for this movie to be rated R. the gore was minimal at best and hokey at worst. there were a few sexually charged scenes and like, a handful of naked boobs, but not nearly as many naked boobs as I had expected from some of the content warnings i had been reading before i went to go see it
- they absolutely Wasted keanu reeves in this movie. they cast him as jonathan harker and idk if he was just not as good of an actor back then or if the script for him just sucked or if he was directed poorly but he was so stilted and boring and i was like man. he deserves better than this. my friend jonathan deserves better than this.
- winona ryder was really good though
- the movie made lucy a lot more...mean? like she is very much portrayed as leading on all three of her suitors, and being kind of flirtatious and seductive and even a little mean in the way she kinda pulls the three men around. in the book i got more of a sense that she was like...sweet and maybe a little bit silly, but she genuinely liked all three guys and cared about them a lot and wouldn’t have played with their feelings like that just because. it made it kind of cheapen her eventual turning and death
- van helsing was made to be Too Competent. they very much went with the tack that he already knew that vampires existed and was an expert on defeating them. They also made him weirdly like. rude. in the book he’s the sweetest old man who’s like, 30% sure vampires are involved but he’s never actually had cause to believe vampires are real yet so he’s trying to move cautiously so he doesn’t jump into a hysteria or jump anyone else into a hysteria. and i liked that more
- making it a romance between mina and dracula was suuuuuchhhh a mistake. I am not immune to Dark Lovers plots but i found myself just sitting there rolling my eyes any time the two of them had a scene together. the fact is just like...dracula isn’t actually sexy. there are plenty of sexy vampires in the world, but dracula isn’t. to me. he’s just a predator, and i don’t meant that in the sense that he’s abusive etc i mean that in the literal sense of the term, he’s a hunter at the top of the food chain like a wolf or a lion and adding romance to that just has no interest to me. he was a creature that simply had the appearance of a person.
- also, to be completely honest with you, dracula is an incompetent idiot and that’s what makes him so entertaining to me. he’s like, super powerful, seductive, has all sorts of intense powers, but he’s running around like a dumbass trying to make them all work. he SEEMS more dangerous because the rest of the cast is so overpowered by his sheer abilities, but like van helsing says, he’s very much like a child when it comes to what exactly he knows he’s capable of doing. Making him more of a master criminal makes him like every other sexy villain which just makes him more boring me.
- (again. i like sexy villains. I am not immune to a good sexy villain. but for me the fun of dracula is that he is just putting on the face of a sexy villain but is actually essentially just a very hungry carnivore figuring out how to get the tasty meal hidden behind all the newfangled mortal contraptions. this is probably a personal thing that most people will not resonate with and that’s fine.)
- but on the other hand of making dracula into a tragic figure who just wants his reincarnted love back, i truly think making mina into his reincarnated love just...takes away a lot of what i liked about mina’s character. it doesn’t really serve to give her any more agency than the book already had for her, in fact it almost makes her feel like she has less. sure, she seems like she’s more direct about what she wants in the movie, but the fact that she’s a reincarnation makes it seem as though she’s just this lady getting pulled around helplessly by fate. rather, in the book, mina is just an ordinary woman who gets caught up in everything, and Decides to do whatever she can in order to bring this monster that’s killed her best friend and tortured her lover and tried to turn her into a monster as well down. She uses his own powers against him when he forms a mind link with her. In the movie, van helsing insists that he hypnotize her to find dracula, but in the book, it’s mina who puts together that they have this potential advantage and seeks out van helsing to demand that he do this.
- idk i just. mina is my favorite character. and i just feel like the movie does a huge disservice to her by making her just a reincarnated suicidal love interest.
- anyway i’m complaining a lot but the the movie was still not bad at all if you consider it its own thing apart from the book. I think it was really entertaining in that sort of campy, silly special effects from the 90s sort of way. I almost choked trying not to laugh in the theater when we got to see dracula climbing down the wall like a gecko with his stupid long cape trailing after him.
- on a totally different note, i feel like the plot of this movie was super similar to the plot of Curse of Strahd? From just the briefest search i can’t find out anything specifically, but i almost feel like Strahd was D&D’s take on this version of Dracula, but casting Strahd’s “eternal love” as a much more dangerous and harmful force than Dracula’s.
- i am also open to suggestions for other dracula adaptations or retellings in any format (books, movies, video games, anime, manga) that you think are worth looking into. i’m kinda in the zone to look more into stuff about dracula atm, especially with the halloween season
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey lovely, i just got around to reading the chapter rn and let me just say i am in so much awe. the way that you portrayed what dorcas and marlene are dealing with rn and love tangled into all of that made me absolutely crazy. it’s so so so soooo interesting and honestly so real and raw.
i’m going particularly crazy about the situation dorcas is in bc essentially by trying to keep marlene safe she’s pushing her away and in multiple ways too. there’s the fact that she just isn’t telling her all that’s going on with voldemort, which obviously we saw doesn’t feel good on marlene’s end and just breeds more mistrust, but there’s also the fact that she sort of took matters into her own hand and did that deal with dumbledore about keeping marlene out of danger, which listen i get but it doesn’t end well for either dorcas OR marlene and they both just end up more hurt and honestly knowing how this all ends is just very fucking heartbreaking bc we as readers know that it doesn’t matter in the end. there were multiple lines that literally had me like absolutely stunned just bc of how well they portrayed the situation and the emotion and just in general the toll that it’s having on both of them.
“She thinks it is killing the part of her that knew how to love, maybe. Her kisses all feel like wounds these days.” this mf line. i had to put my phone down for a bit i swear. fuck i love love looooove characters with depth and dorcas in this fic>>> she loves marlene so much that she’s doing all these things to protect her that are chipping away little parts of her that know how to give that love.
“You’re acting fucking insane,” she hisses, because she knows it will hurt Marlene—and that’s love, isn’t it? Dorcas wants to crack open her ribcage and crawl inside, she wants to chew the meat of her heart like a bloody steak, tender and soft and melting off the bone. Isn’t that love.” this is another fucking one. u deserve jail for this one. no no. it plays with my emotions and it makes me FEEL things. ur not understanding the brainrot i’m having rn. i finished and chapter and immediately reread bc that’s how much i loved it. idk but genuinely i think this has been my favorite chapter so far. i usually get so frustrated seeing situations like these, esp bc of the whole miscommunication aspect of it bc like we know the whole picture so it’s easier for us to understand where the characters and coming from and why they do certain things, so it’s frustrating that the characters in the story can’t but like no u just did it in a whole other way.
all the metaphors that u used to express love in this chapter. all the fighting and like anger and emotions and LOVE.
i’m obsessed with ur portrayal of it.
another quote:
“It is impossible to imagine what she feels for Dorcas could ever be anything but destructive; loving her is like trying to keep warm with a forest fire, like trying to quench thirst by swallowing an ocean.” no bc this quote. i FUCKING LOOOOVE the way you described love here especially considering marlene’s circumstances and didkwkdkd fuck i j wanna ramble and ramble but it’s lowkey super late here and i need sleep and idek if this made ANY sense and i SO MUCH MORE to say but first i’m horrible at articulating my thoughts i hate it and second like i said i need sleep so like sry sry if this was a waste of time ajd made no sense but yk. yeah just know i love ur brain and ur writing and u. just in lcoe ekth this fic. 10000/10 goshhh u are amazing. i’ll shut up now. maybe in the morning i’ll try to coherently word my thoughts but who knows.
ahhhh jumping up and down and clapping my hands thank u for taking the time to send such a long message!! i'm so glad you liked the chapter it was definitely more of an intense one lol
and YES the situation with dorcas exactly like it is just. i talked about why exactly she's not being honest with marlene in this post but yeah essentially it's just one of those situations where everything is coming from a place of love and a desire to protect marlene and keep her safe but that's not what marlene wants but dorcas doesn't care because she'd rather love marlene wrong than risk losing her and i just!!!!!! look i know i wrote it but i wrote it bc that dynamic specifically makes me go insane so i'm right there with u lol
ahhh the kisses feel like wounds YES i'm so glad u liked that line the whole question of like how far do we go for love what horrible things are we willing to do for love what pieces of ourselves are we willing to carve up for love....yes yes yes
and the love paragraph ahh that's another one of my favorites i am literally thrilled to hear that it gave u brainrot i am planting mold spores in ur brain and watching them grow >:) and yes the frustration of knowing why characters can't communicate and seeing those walls between them and wishing they could see them too...again i know i wrote it but it gets me every time!!! like they don't want to hurt each other they each just want to leave a mark on the other that no one can take away and they're living in an environment where the only marks left on anyone that can't be erased are from violence and just....yeah. yeah <3
and love as destruction!!! love as a forest fire!!! love as an ocean!!! i am simply obsessed with portrayals of love that contradict the idea that love is a happy ending or something that fixes everything like i love examining love as something dark and violent and dangerous THANK U for rambling to me abt the ch i loved the rambling!!! please feel free to ramble in my inbox anytime i know i'm responding to this a little late so i hope u got some good sleep lol <3
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