#things to do in durban
wideworldtrips · 2 years
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eggroll-sama · 4 months
This is purely self-indulgent and just based on stuff that makes me go, “it’s them!” when it’s unrelated to them. But here you go and hope you like it. To make it sound more accurate, I replaced the nouns to fit Touchstarved cast.
Tyler Durban and Edward Norton from the FIGHT CLUB— “How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?” “Maybe self-improvement isn’t the answer, maybe self-destruction is the answer,” “Only after you’ve lost everything you’re free to do anything.” “We are the same person.”
The song, ‘I Remember You’ from ADVENTURE TIME— “I can feel myself slipping away, I can’t remember what it made me say, but I remember that I saw you frown, I swear it wasn’t me…And I need to save you, but who's going to save me? Please forgive me for whatever I do, when I don’t remember you.”
The punk from FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF. I can just see Ais at a police station, giving advice to a pretty stranger, and end up making out with them.
This scene (warning: graphic violence and gore) from ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD. It’s just so Ais and Princess-coded
VENOM, enough said.
The murder-mystery film, THE DA VINCI CODE. I feel like Kuras would love the movie if it existed in his world since it’s canon that he likes trashy murder mysteries.
The song, ‘No Good Deed Goes Unpunished’ from WICKED— “[MC] where are you? Already dead, or bleeding? One more disaster I can add to my Generous supply…No good deed goes unpunished. No act of charity goes unresented. No good deed goes unpunished. That’s my new creed.”
GONE WITH THE WIND— “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” This line was controversial when released in 1939 because swear words weren’t normalized. I feel like Kuras, like this movie, rarely swears but when he does, the whole room goes silent and you know shit’s about to go down. Also according to the RSS radial chart, Kuras has low empathy plus maxed out strength high wisdom, damn at some point that man might legit not give a damn-
MAQUIA: WHEN THE PROMISED FLOWER BLOOMS— “you smell weird, you smell like the sun;” “If you fall in love, you will truly become alone.” Contextually the line is about how an immortal should never get too close with mortals because they'll one day they’ll die, and it fits Kuras a lot.
HUNTER X HUNTER 2011—“[MC] you are light. Sometimes, you shine so brightly, I must look away. But even so, is it still ok to stay by your side?” I love the idea of an angel heavily associated with the sun (Prometheus, likes sunny days, radiates heat), finds someone that is the light of their life.
ONE PIECE— “I have seen the future of this country. And it is destruction. As long as [the Senobium] remains here, this country can never be cured, because even if medical technology progresses, even if [alchemical] research continues… there is no cure for stupidity.”
OPPENHEIMER. After I watched the movie all I could think about was Kuras doing the blank eye stare at the end of the movie.
Goob from MEET THE ROBINSONS (he’s literally just child Leander in the modern world ;o;)
Michael Scott from THE OFFICE— “I wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends and no one can say no to being my friend,” “it’s not about the horniness, it’s about the loneliness”
The painting, Death of Sardanapalus, by Eugene Delacroix. King Sardanapalus palace is besieged by enemies and he decides to commit suicide after he learns of the army’s defeat, but not before ordering his men to destroy all his favorite possessions- wives, horses, pages, and dogs. He’d rather his valuables all be destroyed than his enemies own them. King Sardanapulus selfishness is humane, but the extremity’s he would go to keep what is his is monstrous.
GASTON from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST— Gaston and Leander both have similar vibes. They’re both trusted and well-liked by most people, viewed as heroes, are human but are monsters on the inside, overconfident, attractive, has a possessive streak, hangs out in bars, nice singing voice. The main difference is that Gaston doesn’t try to act like a nice guy like Leander Fake ahhh
The song ‘Burn’ from HAMILTON— “Do you know what [Vere] said when we saw your first letter arrive? [He] said, be careful with that one, love, he will do what it takes to survive…Do you know what [Kuras] said when [he] read what you’d done? [He] said, you’ve married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun.”
Michael Corleone from the GODFATHER.
Sampo from HONKAI STAR RAIL— I barely know anything about Honkai Starrail, but I was going to an anime goods store with my friend and one look at him made me think of Leander. My friend gave me a run down that he betrays you for money and runs away and unironically I could see Leander throwing us under the bus.
This scene from the movie, MALENA. Vere is heavily desired by men and women alike, but his flirty and fickle personality is just a front to protect himself. And he hates how people see him as a pretty face or someone who needs saving from the Senobium. Tbh Malena herself just reminds me of Vere’s problem of how being pretty is a double edged sword. People see you’re pretty, so they feel threatened or idealize you. You feel extremely lonely bc people are distracted by your beauty and won’t try to understand you intimately. So you either own it and be alone OR assimilate and have friends. Vere is the former.
Madonna-Whore Complex. This article explains it pretty well, “The Madonna Whore Complex (MWC) is a psychological complex often perpetuated by heterosexual, cisgender males which places women into two categories the “Madonna, a woman who is pure, virtuous, and nurturing, or a “Whore,” a woman who is deemed as overly sexual, manipulating, and promiscuous. The dichotomy of MWC creates a rigidity that limits women’s sexual expression, agency, and freedom by defining their sexuality into one of two categories.” Vere is the latter.
Ymir from ATTACK ON TITAN. Both of them were self-proclaimed deity, was caught lying (presumably), and paid for it. Their personalities are similar too except Vere masks himself through innuendos.
The song, ‘The Red Means I Love You’ by Madds Buckley— “The red on my face is matching you. And goodness, you're bleeding, what a wonderful feeling. You're down and you're pleading, my head is just reeling. The red means I love you. Tasting your blood means I love you.” (I can’t see Vere becoming a yandere because he’s already deranged)
Another line from ONE PIECE —“Someday I will become too much of a burden. Someday you’ll betray me and cast me aside.”
SHUTTER ISLAND— “What would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good [person]?” Mhin hates monsters ironically since they are one, and I could see them nearing the time limit where their curse becomes permanent and decides that maybe it’s better to die with their humanity than live forever as a monster.
The Beast from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. I already said this in another post but like IMAGINE THE AU. AHHHHHH
Felix from LAST LEGACY but more depressed.
Disclaimer: we don’t know much about Sen or Elyon yet so I don’t have much.
THE GREAT GATSBY— “…can't you see who this guy is, with his house and his parties and his fancy clothes? He is just a front, a gangster, to get his claws into respectable folk…(to Elyon) We're all different from you. You see, we were born different. It's in our blood. And nothing that you do or say or steal... or dream up can ever change that.”
Unfortunately I don’t have any for Sen. Her design reminds me of Frankenstein’s creature tho.
This scene from SHAPE OF WATER. MC falls in love with a monster and trying to save them from danger. MC knows that they are also an outsider, a monster. Being with the LI’s feels like they were finally accepted for who they are, regardless of their curse, so they can’t abandon them— “When they looks at me…the way they looks at me, they don’t know what I lack. How I am incomplete...and now I can either save them or let them die.” I think this quote can also be interpreted as the players choosing a route, essentially dooming the other players if we don’t choose them.
Famous line from 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU— “but mostly I hate how I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” The fact that us as players will keep coming back to them, replaying their routes even though they killed us, and obsessing over them. Yes they suck but we still love them.
This quote from Green Mile— “ I’m tired…I'm tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with.” I think this quote really emphasizes how touch-starved MC is, and how alone they feel from being betrayed by people they cared about in the past (also sparrow name drop ^-^)
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ko-existing · 8 months
Hi KODA , how are you?
Anons , most of you believe but do not know. Belief causes confusion , but knowing sets you free. This ''knowing'' is not complicated at all , it's so easy. Let us say , that you anon live in Sydney , Australia. If someone on the street walks up to you and says that you are actually in Durban , South Africa , will you take them seriously? or will you laugh and go about your day?
The thing to remember is both these statements are EQUALLY UNREAL , yet through your ''knowing'' one appears real , while the other appears ''fictional''.
Hi 🧠-Anon (smart-anon), I'm doing well and you?
Thank you for your insight, great example!👁️
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therealvinelle · 7 months
Do you think Heidi and the Volturi would look at the Titanic sinking and go "Hrm, a cruise ship disaster, that's a good way to get a lot of humans and make them disappear"?
Like maybe not regularly but if they had an emergency "we need 1500 people as fast as possible because I guess we're throwing a big feast idk"?
Oh god no.
The first rule to making 1500 people disappear is you don't make 1500 people disappear. You physically can't, at no point in history have 1500 people been able to disappear without people noticing. The reason we know so many painstaking details about the RMS Titanic, who was where when and exactly how the ship was built, is that a massive investigation was launched into how the ship sank. You'll remember the Malaysian Airline disaster a few years back, and you remember it because of the amount of attention and resources that were poured into uncovering what had happened.
In times past you might have been able to make away with a ship more easily and have it be noticed later, because the absence of wireless communication systems meant a ship not making it to port could simply mean they were delayed. Even then, though, people would notice and it would attract a lot of attention. The SS Waratah, which departed for Cape Town from Durban in July of 1909 and was expected to reach her destination on the 29th of July, had people looking for her on August 1st even if she wasn't reported officially missing until much later. An inquiry was launched the next year, with an emphasis on "Why haven't we found anything?". This was a 211 passenger casualty: imagine the inquiry, the search effort, for a 1500 passenger ship.
Even with the RMS Titanic many of the dead had worn life vests, several hundred people were recovered in the months after the disaster. There were bodies sighted around the place the SS Waratah had last been seen, though none were recovered. Point being, what's lost at sea is not always lost at sea. Heidi would have to create a record of her 1500 people having been aboard the ship she intends to sink, without them actually being on board or else she has to somehow ensure none of them will float to the surface after the fact.
You'll notice the ships on this wiki site generally have a few things in common: they had a lot of passengers and they were not expected to be lost. A fishing boat might be lost without attracting much surprise, this was something people knew to expect. During wartime, doubly so.
A ship containing any number of passengers, though, that wasn't expected to be lost, that will have people talking about it, investigating, trying to find out what happened even if we go back a few centuries. In the modern age, the search would be on every headline.
The Volturi would not be able to keep the secret for any amount of time if they attempted anything like this.
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intersexbookclub · 10 months
January Pick: Envisioning African Intersex
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Continuing our trend of alternating between fiction and non-fiction, our pick for January is Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial and Racist Legacies in South African Medicine, by Amanda Lock Swarr.
This is an academic text, so we won't be reading the whole thing! To make it manageable, we will be reading the first three chapters:
The Introduction: Pathologizing Gender Binaries
Chapter 1: Colonial Observations and Fallacies
Chapter 2: Intersex in Four South African Racial Groups in Durban
To ensure everybody has access to the book, a pdf copy is available through the discord.
Content notice: this book will be talking about the history of intersexism, colonialism, and racism.
When we're meeting We will be meeting to discuss the four chapters on Fri Jan 26, at: - 12:30-14:00 Pacific (Vancouver, San Francisco, etc) - 15:30-17:00 Eastern (Toronto, New York, etc) - 21:30-23:00 Central European (Berlin, Paris, etc) for more time zones see here
To join the discord: https://discord.gg/U8ZucKwGPK Also see: our code of conduct
How much of the book do you need to read? You don’t need to finish it participate! You are welcome to skim and/or skip chapters as desired. Current & future book picks If this isn’t in the cards for you, we’re reading YA portal fantasy Across the Green Grass Fields this month (December), and in February we will be reading the sci-fi short story collection Power To Yield.
We'll be reading another non-fiction selection in March, but it is not yet decided, so let us know in the Discord what would interest you!
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-10-16
Another year older. Stealing the Untitled Wednesday Library Series format from Morrak for an open Reading section and then we'll get to the normal post.
Untitled Monday Wednesday Library Entry No. 0
Do you like a recipe book? Do you like an unbearably comprehensive and frequently incorrect recipe book? Well boy do I have an item for you:
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It's Indian Delights, the de facto standard book of South African Indian cooking. Assembled in the 60's by the Durban Women's Cultural Group and in print ever since then.
The How
A birthday gift from my parents, who sent it from South Africa.
There are apparently places that carry this book outside of South Africa but I do not know what those are.
The Text
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Dubious, but useful despite this. It was written in the 60's by a bunch of people who had never and would never again write a recipe book. You may note from the frontmatter that while it has had sixteen impressions since its first publication in 1961, there has only ever been a single revision of the book. There are numerous errors, omissions, and flaws. Recipes may list ingredients that are not used, call for ingredients in the method not given before, begin preparing components and never use them, or outright lie about the quantities of ingredients you need. A challenging exercise.
Any given individual's copy of this book is full of little pen notes, slips of paper, and scratched out experiments. I have a blank canvas.
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It is absolutely stuffed to the brim with recipes from the then-almost-century of South African development on South Asian cuisine. It is intended as a one-stop-shop for cooking from a diaspora of extremely wide origins.
South African Indians arrived in South Africa as indentured labour for British sugar farms and could just as easily be from the relatively cold and mountainous North Indian regions or the low, rainy, hot coastal areas of South India. As a result you've had almost a hundred years of adapting to the locally available ingredients, intermarriages across wide geographic origins, and failing memories. There are frequently many duplicates of any given recipe, each with some unique variation of note.
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It is also extremely dated. It still lives in an era where "adding an elachi (cardamom) pod to your rice" is a luxurious choice that requires financial considerations, and where meat was still expensive. It also has a delightful section on mass cooking, such as the above "Biryani for 100 people" which has an additional note on the ingredients for a "Biryani for 800 people" on the opposite leaf. These things come up sometimes, although the largest biryani I've ever been involved in was for about 60 people.
It is not really for beginners but it does have a lot of introductory matter, in part because it has to contend with the mishmash of languages and loanwords that exist. You don't know if the reader uses the hindi word for cumin, or the tamil word for cumin, or makes a formal distinction between roti and chapati. As a result, there are extensive opening tables of translations.
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The Object
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Big, blocky hardcover recipe book. Cheap but hardwearing coated pages. I have seen these in every imaginable state of disrepair, unfortunately I do not have a photo on hand of my mother's which is completely beat to hell.
I mentioned that there have not been many updates, and this continues to the outside. Not a single impression has, for example, corrected the misalignment of the spine and the cover that means it stands out on any book storage system.
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Some damage to the cover from the rigours of air travel. It'll recover, or rather, it'll get beat up in ways that make that negligible.
The photography is antiquated, having been taken by a photographer who was certainly good but was operating a) with 1961 camera technology, b) 1961 photographic sensibilities, and c) no real experience in food photography. As a result the images can look somewhat alien if you're familiar with more modern food photograpy. Colours are not accurate, framing is flat, and composition is often packed.
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In addition to the colour glamour plates, there are black and white instructional photos, which are much more timeless.
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The Why, Though?
Indian Delights is a very important cultural reference for the South African Indian population, and it's a pretty standard leaving home/getting married/leaving home and getting married gift. I've bought a copy for many friends and now this one is mine.
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Will I actually use this much? Certainly not that often. My mother and her sisters learned to cook from this book, so it is the root of my personal culinary tradition. That means I already know a lot of what can be distilled from this for day-to-day recipes. Where it is handy is for more technical dishes, which require some guidance, or as an ingredient reference for something new you want to try.
In particular Diwali is coming up and while both my mother and I are staunch atheists, we will also take any excuse to make a ton of sweets for friends. If you are in Prague in the week of the 12th of November you can probably hit me up for something.
Listening: Acheney is a shockingly talented synth designer for the niche softsynth tracker sunvox, available now on windows, mac, linux, windows CE, android, and iOS. I was tooling around with their Guitar synths and decided to check out their music, which is a couple albums of very high concept EDM inspired ambient and/or noise stuff. Here's Euler Characteristic Zero
Watching: @humansbgone is an animated sci-fi series about intelligent giant arthropods and their attempts to deal with invasions of pesky little humans
Big spec-bio focus with a lot of end notes on the arthropods in question.
Playing: Played the Trans Siberian Railway Simulator demo, which I recorded and put up here, with crap audio because it's authentic to what I had lying around after I forgot my headphones at work.
Also: the digital version of the D&D themed agent placement game Lord of Waterdeep with my family, which works quite well. It's weird to have the game handling the admin of moving points around and automatically deducting resources, but it does make the game go very quickly, even if your parents are still figuring out the interface.
Making: Big cooking experiment with a slow roast lamb shank. Came out very well. Lamb shank definitely one of the more animal parts of an animal you can cook. Smells intensely of lanolin and other hair smells. Real greasy. Big honkin' bone. Smooth and fine but sturdy musculature. This thing used to be a very specific part of something alive and that thing lived the kind of life that develops the very particular smells of the insides of a sheep that are very close to the outside of a sheep. You will find some wool fibers in your pan from where the follicles reach down close to the bone and sinew.
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Tools and Equipment: Easyeffects is the successor to PulseEffects and is a very complete set of audio tuning and manipulation tools for Linux. You can use it to process incoming and outgoing audio with basically any plugin you care to imagine.
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naartjie-hijabi · 7 months
As an Indian from Durban I *totally* get you with that anon ask, and ugh, I’m sorry that you’re getting that sort of thing even online. Like… sure, whilst BEE and such aren’t perfect (most black people in our country still live in the country, people on top profit), they’re not white discrimination. I went to private school and I can tell anon that while on paper things like BEE seem like they’re ’against whites’ or smth, white people here in general still have an INSANE amount of money, connections, and assets from the Apartheid era, often built on the human rights abuses of that time, and most don’t care about helping disadvantaged people in the country now. My parents saved for decades for our house, which is fairly large and built on part of the LAWN of our neighbour’s house (a several story house owned by an older white guy). His kid went to my private school, and so I found out that this wasn’t even the only house he owned. My family only paid off our house last year, since my dad had to drop out of uni as he couldn’t afford it and opted to get a job to support his family instead. He broke his leg at that job and it still hurts him because he couldn’t afford time off to get it fixed. All that inequality from Aparthied, a lot of it and a lot of its echoes are still here. To say that it’s not is… you know?
honestly, I'm just hoping that the previous anon was asking out of good faith and nothing more.
BEE and BBEEE in practice aren't great but these systems that were implemented to ensure that POC have an equal footing with white people are being abused by white people. My dad worked in a company where he was the ONLY person of colour in a management position and getting paid a basic salary whereas his white colleagues got paid more for the same job or even less but he was there for "points" - not that he was unqualified but he wasn't being treated equally.
One of my friends is white and while she is by no means rich, she's fairly middle class altho in SA that's barely anything, but she's slightly more well-off than I am. Even still, her skin colour grants her privilege in walking in places where I as a coloured person would feel so uncomfortable. In 2024, people still stare when your skin colour is different and it's so disgustingly backwards.
But I totally understand how you feel anon. my dad couldn't finish uni cause he dropped out to fight against Apartheid, my mom was friends with Ashley Kriel, a coloured freedom fighter who was killed by the Apartheid regime, my uncle and aunt had to flee the country, meanwhile my aunt back home played white because she has pale skin and my dad who's incredibly dark for a coloured man was called derogatory names growing up because of his skin colour.
I'm also so incredibly sorry for your dad and pray that things will only get better for you and your family and you're totally right, denying the realities of Apartheid and the consequences thereof is a slap in the face to everyone who suffered. The people who complain are the people who benefitted and are more worried about losing what they gained through others' losses than helping or caring about anyone that's not part of their community.
The denial of white privilege and the idea that white people are being discriminated against is ludicrous. I live in CAPE TOWN, opposite every affluent white neighborhood is informal settlements. Hell, the neighborhood I currently live in is a white area and people own FERRARIS whereas my family's car breaks down every 5 minutes.
But anyways, I truly do believe that South Africa will gey better. I love this country wholeheartedly and I just want everyone to experience the same level of privilege and have access to all that is needed to succeed in life.
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ruohteloiv · 1 year
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Gay Gibson (16 June 1926 – 18 October 1947)
TW: True Crime, Death, Disturbing details.
"a beastly thing to do"
Re-coloured photo rendering of actress 'Gay Gibson' (Eileen Isabella Ronnie Gibson) - who went missing from the Durban Castle during a voyage between Cape Town, South Africa and Southampton, England in 1947.
The criminal case that followed was known as the Porthole Murder. Deck steward James Camb would later be convicted, after admitting to pushing Gay's body through her cabin porthole, discarding of the corpse 25 feet into the "shark infested" depths below.
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Camb denied killing Gibson, claiming she had died of a "sudden illness" during consensual intercourse. He disposed of her body in a panic, fearing for his job, later describing this as "a beastly thing to do". Camb was sentenced to death, but a suspension of the death penalty meant he served just 11 years for the murder, though was later convicted of unrelated crimes - an additional 10 years.
It seems apparent through subsequent interviews with fellow shipmates and previous coworkers of Gay Gibson, that she did infact suffer with ongoing health issues, including an undisclosed heart problem and fainting spells. Evidence examined at the trial saw significant injuries to Camb's wrist, Gay's urine on her cabin bed and blood on her pillow. Gay was possibly pregnant at the time of her death.
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Death of an Actress - Antony M Brown
Death Cruise - cruiselinehistory.com
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stereogeekspodcast · 11 months
[Transcript] Season 3, Episode 2. The Marvels Review
The Stereo Geeks review The Marvels, and they really enjoyed it!
Listen to the episode on Spotify.
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We are The Stereo Geeks Podcast, and we're back.
Well, hopefully for a longer time than last time.
It was a sort of impromptu goodbye last time, because life got in the way.
You know, we are doing this podcast for fun.
I'm Mon, I'm a pop culture writer.
I write for Women Write About Comics.
You can also find me on HuffPost and tor.com.
Hello, I'm Ron.
I'm a marketer by day, pop culture writer by night.
I am an editor and writer for Women Write About Comics.
We got to see The Marvels at a press screening, and I have to say, we enjoyed it.
We were looking forward to it, and we had a good time.
Exactly, exactly.
For all the people worrying about the Marvel phase five properties, well, this was a good one.
It hasn't really been a very good year for Marvel.
For Marvel, let's just say that.
But this last bit with Loki season two and with The Marvels, it's given me some hope.
So let's just get into it.
So The Marvels, it takes off from the end of Miss Marvel, the TV show that came out last year.
The main character is Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers.
We last saw her properly in action in Avengers Endgame.
She's been name dropped ever since as well, and we did see her in What If, but that's a different version.
We find out what she's been up to when we're back in this film.
We also have Kamala Khan, Miss Marvel, whose escapades were seen during her TV show.
Her story takes place in New Jersey.
And then rounding it up is Captain Monica Rambeau, who we saw as a little girl in the first Captain Marvel movie.
And then we saw her as an adult in WandaVision.
So she has lived a life, an interesting life, especially post blip.
She's been really coming to terms with what happened to her, what happened to her life and her family.
So we do get all those touch points as well.
If you haven't seen all of these movies and properties and TV shows, everything is explained in this movie.
It's like they kinda assumed that a lot of people wouldn't have watched these TV shows and films, which is really sad, but in a way at least you have the context so you don't have to go through, I don't know, 15 years of Marvel stuff and even more reading up and research.
So I really like that about this film.
So the story kind of has three different settings.
We've got Jersey City with Ms. Marvel in it.
We've got Intergalactic Space with Captain Marvel, and we've got the SABER space station where Nick Fury is basically running the show and Captain Monica Rambeau is the person who takes care of everything.
And then we meet our antagonist, Durban, who is basically the leader of the Kree now.
Lots of things have happened since Captain Marvel took their evil AI down.
Darben has a score to settle.
Darben is played by Zawe Ashton.
This is her debut in the MCU.
And while she's on her mission, she doesn't realize that Captain Marvel, Captain Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan all get sucked into her mission because of quantum entanglement.
I don't know what the actual term is.
I'm sure they mentioned it a few times, but quantum is the favorite word in the MCU.
So we're just going to use that anyway.
So suddenly these three find themselves in each other's lives.
Well, it's great for Ms.
Marvel, but for Monica and Carol, well, there's some history there.
So it's very interesting.
There's an emotional angle in there as well.
Not only do they have to deal with each other, they now have to deal with a new antagonist, the end of the world, the end of the galaxy, typical Marvel stuff.
Right, so what did we really like about this film?
It is really funny.
I did not expect to laugh that hard.
And like every scene, there is something really hilarious happening.
I love how whenever there is a comedic moment to take, this film just goes for it.
And they're like, you know what?
The actors have great chemistry.
They're really funny.
They're just riffing off each other.
Let's just let them do it.
I really quite enjoyed that.
I think Marvel has this habit of bringing in humor just to undercut really tense moments.
This film doesn't do that.
Yeah, I really like that because it just is funny.
For being funny's sake, it leans into that.
It leans into the weirder parts of it as well.
It's very sci-fi.
It's funny because like with Loki and The Marvels, I feel like they've really leaned into the sci-fi aspect of the storytelling and that's really worked for it.
We were just chatting one of the other day that almost all the properties this year for Marvel have really had very sci-fi heavy elements.
Marvel in general does have that aspect, but it's been more about action and adventure rather than sci-fi, but now it's really leaned into that, which is good.
But then with Ant-Man and The Wasp, Quantumania, as well as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, I feel like they leaned into the wrong aspects of sci-fi.
I agree.
Quantumania was not good and Guardians of the Galaxy, I think tonally, it was so off for Marvel, it did not work.
I also think it didn't do the characters justice.
Obviously, there's a lot of concern going into the Marvels.
We have a new director and writing team, and I thought, oh no, maybe they won't understand these characters either.
Thankfully, they didn't do that.
And one of the things is that, yes, these characters can be funny, but they're not jokes.
And I really liked that they went with that.
What I really appreciated about this film, and I think you get a feeling of that from the very first scene, is that it leans into the vibe of what these characters have already been.
When Ms. Marvel is on screen, we get the essence of her show, which was very comic book-y and light and fun.
When Captain Marvel is on screen, then you have the very sci-fi elements.
And for Monica Rambeau, you get the more grounded, this is a person from Earth who is now in space kind of thing.
So it gets a lot of those aspects right, because it knows that the characters are the most important part of this film.
Yes, the story is interesting and it's fun.
And there are a couple of very fascinating sci-fi things that they do, which I was like, oh, okay, that was unexpected and also hilarious.
But the characters are why we came here.
We've seen these three women across the franchise.
Now we get to see them together.
It's the ultimate Marvel team up that fans have been waiting for, especially, let's just put it out there, female fans.
We haven't had very many female characters who get to lead the franchise, especially in Marvel, which has, what, 20 plus properties now.
It's taken a really long time.
The whole brouhaha around Captain Marvel's movie coming out was like they were doing something so out there.
I'm like, really?
A lady is leading a superhero film and that is a huge thing.
Now we have The Marvels, which has basically built on everything that Captain Marvel and WandaVision and Ms. Marvel has done before.
And Wakanda Forever.
Would have been fun if there was a Wakanda connection, but sadly, no.
But this film doesn't have all the burdens that comes with being the first woman led superhero movie in the Marvel franchise.
Just not like that.
It's just a movie with superheroes having fun.
I really like that it's not trying to break the mold because in a way, having so many female characters at the center is breaking the mold, which is ridiculous to say, but unfortunately we still live in that world.
It's just trying to have fun.
And I think I really like that.
This is escapist cinema.
And I think oftentimes superhero cinema forgets that.
So I like that about this film.
It doesn't have to be perfect.
And I think that it's really quite close to being perfect as a very simple Marvel story.
I don't know what people will be expecting from it.
I think it's just have fun.
That's it.
That is a good goal to have for a film.
Even the emotional beats, they work within the setting of the film itself and they don't like drag them on.
It has to be there because otherwise, why would we be invested in these characters?
It also doesn't tank the vibes.
When it's funny, it's funny. When it's emotional, it's emotional.
Got that balance right, which made it a lot more fun to watch.
And I think the other thing that I have mentioned in my review for WWAC is the editing was really crisp.
The pandemic has impacted the way people edit films.
There have been so many movies I've seen over the last couple of years that just feel like the scene dragged on too long or the cut was just too abrupt.
And I was just like, oh, we had this moment and you moved away.
I don't feel like the Marvels made those mistakes at all.
Yeah, I mean, there were probably three points which I think could have been re-edited a little bit tighter or a little bit more emphasis on the right places.
But again, those are tiny nitpicks for a film that is really tight, really crisp, really a brisk 105 minutes.
I feel like it's exactly the amount of time you need for the story, especially in a time when every movie has to be two hours long.
I honestly feel they could have added a few more minutes.
There is a significant incident in the past, which I really feel like they needed to flesh out a little bit more.
It doesn't mean that you don't actually understand what's happening in the film.
It just gets it across really quick.
I feel like this movie knows what's come before and that there's an audience who knows this universe quite well and understands the formula.
So when they do give us something that we may know what the outcome will be, maybe slightly predictable, they're like, there's no point belaboring that point.
We know what's gonna happen, but we want you to live with the characters in this moment.
Let's just let it play out.
And if it takes a long time, fine.
If it takes a shorter time, fine.
I honestly could have done with certain scenes being dragged out a little bit more.
The three actors have so much chemistry, like they could have ripped off each other for maybe five, 10 minutes more.
But the director, Nia DeCosta, was very clear about wanting this film to be under two hours. And that's what she made.
So fine.
Even if I wanted the moments to drag on, she did it.
That's the way we've got it.
That's fine with me.
Yeah, I'll also mention that we have read that Nia DeCosta may not have got her final vision in the end product.
I don't know what her vision would have been.
That being said, despite studio interference, this is a good film.
It does what it says on the tin, which is that it brings these amazing superhero characters to the fore.
It gives us a lot of story, gives us a lot of plot, action scenes.
The effects are much better than in quantumania, if you're worrying about that.
That's a low bar.
I thought the space scenes were really captivating.
I love space anyway, and on a big screen, it's gorgeous to look at, but there were a couple of shots where I was like, hmm, that looks very different from what we've seen before.
And that's saying something, considering the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy and Infinity War and Endgame have a lot of scenes in space.
I feel like the Marvels really enjoyed the setting of space and putting these characters in space.
Of course, Captain Marvel is used to it.
Monica is an astronaut, but Ms.
Marvel's journeys in space are particularly fun to watch in this film.
Yeah, and let's not forget the supporting characters.
There's Nick Fury.
He's carrying the franchise at this moment.
Exactly, exactly.
That being said, I think he would be one of the aberrations with the characters.
Not to say Samuel L.
Jackson isn't brilliant.
He's so good.
I think this is one of his most fun, exciting performances in the MCU, simply because he seems to be enjoying himself.
He seems to be enjoying riffing off these different actors.
But where does this version of Nick Fury fit within the story of Nick Fury?
I have no idea.
We've just seen Secret Invasion.
The man we see in The Marvels is nothing like the man we see in Secret Invasion.
When did the story happen?
I have no idea.
It just doesn't make sense.
That was a very confusing part of the film for me.
So I felt when I was watching The Marvels that the Nick Fury we see in this film is supposed to be for audiences who haven't watched Secret Invasion.
I don't know if Marvel realized that Secret Invasion wasn't going to do as well as they hoped because people did not take to it at all.
There were a lot of things I really enjoyed about Secret Invasion.
I mean, Samuel L.
Jackson's acting is great, but Nick Fury, the character was all over the place.
There were so many dropped story beats.
There were things that were happening that just didn't make any sense.
It didn't flow from anything.
And what we kept hearing was, this is gonna lead directly into the Marvels, so you need to watch Secret Invasion.
But there is no connection at all.
This Nick Fury is super chill.
He has not gone through the events of Secret Invasion.
That's what I'm thinking.
Yeah, that's exactly how you feel.
And it's come to a point where maybe they've realized you don't have to watch and consume all of Marvel to enjoy any of the Marvels.
That being said, what's the point of having an expansive universe if they don't sort of tie into each other?
Well, that's the thing, because the Marvels does have a few cameos that directly link to other franchises within the MCU.
And that's great.
But at the same time, it does feel like it's aimed at audiences that don't want to watch the previous Marvel movies.
And I'm very confused about that particular aspect of it, because with Loki, with Ant-Man, with the Guardians of the Galaxy, there's a heavy emphasis on, you have to have seen everything that came before.
Is there a reason why the Marvels is not getting the same treatment?
It's an interesting point, and I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
In one way, that means a lot of people can go into the Marvels gold.
That means new audiences, audiences who've been kind of afraid of the vastness of the MCU, they can actually be introduced to these characters, enjoy these characters, which is especially important for a film that has, you know, a white female lead, a black female lead, a South Asian female lead.
You're getting those audiences, those communities in there.
That's great.
But very interestingly, The Marvels, which has these female leads, is the one film where Marvel goes in thinking, yeah, nobody's ever watched any of this other stuff before, so we might as well put in the context or just keep it completely separate, standalone from all the other properties.
I don't know the thinking behind that.
Is it good?
Is it bad?
We can only tell if this movie is a success, box office success, and also has a legacy.
That's the important part.
But we're already seeing people complain about some aspects of it, which again, you can enjoy this film, you can nitpick, you can have critiques about the story, the directing, the editing, et cetera.
So far, I haven't seen that much of the misogyny that came across with Captain Marvel, which is good.
Maybe they've learnt their lesson, but I do feel like there is still a kind of thinking for a lot of folks where it's like, if it's not perfect, it's bad, we should never do it again.
I agree.
I'm hoping that things get better.
Mostly I've seen very positive reviews.
I feel like Marvel and Disney are relying heavily on word of mouth from press screenings and things because there hasn't been as much marketing for The Marvels.
It's been the usual, oh, we've got trailer, we've got a new trailer, we've got a new trailer.
Okay, what about other stuff?
It doesn't help that the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes had to be on all this while.
They fortunately have finally been resolved, yay.
That's happened just as we were recording, but here's hoping it stays that way and the strikes are resolved.
Right, the Saga After deal is tentative still, so I'm hoping that everything will be finalized soon.
But yes, maybe it would have made a huge difference if the actors were there to promote the film, but I don't see why that should be a problem.
I don't think so either.
I'm really excited that this film came out.
I'm really excited that it came out good and fun and enjoyable.
I do think it's a family film that everyone can enjoy.
Yes, you can enjoy it if you've never seen a Marvel film before, which is great, which is really important.
One of the most fun parts of this film, and I think which will appeal to a wider audience, an audience that has been left out a lot in superhero and genre fare, are the Khan family.
So Kamala Khan, she has her mom, her dad and her brother.
And surprisingly, they have a much larger role in this film than I expected.
I really thought they'd be like in one scene in the beginning and we'd never see them again.
But no, they are recurring throughout the story.
I really appreciated this film, just wanting the Khan family to experience all this absolute insanity.
And you know what?
At the end of the day, yes, Kamala has powers and Ms. Marvel is Jersey City's new hero, but her family are just like regular people who are just trying to live their lives.
And I like the comedy that comes from being the family of a superhero who is very young, very impressionable and a huge fan of somebody that she's actually meeting.
And the film just riffs on that.
It just has so much fun with their scenes.
And I was just very delighted to see them appear again and again in the movie.
And there was some really fun, relatable South Asian moments that happened in this film and I was just like, yes, this is exactly how South Asian family would act.
It was very, very amusing.
There was a South Asian person at the screening with us and she was really feeling it.
There were a few moments that, honestly, that's like pointing at the screen, hooting with laughter, slapping your knee kind of funny, because we've seen it happen before.
It's relatable.
It resonates.
It's good.
But also it doesn't demonize the family, even when they're being like overbearing and overconcerned.
It's okay.
That's understandable.
Kamala's a teen, you know?
Obviously her family is gonna worry about her.
It doesn't demonize them.
It doesn't make them a joke.
They're not just comic relief.
The thing is everybody is comic relief in this film.
So that's the good thing.
Everyone's funny.
Everybody has these moments.
So I really appreciated that, that they're a normal family.
They just do things which, when you're not Kamala Khan having to deal with it, is very funny.
Exactly, and what I really liked about the Khan family's involvement in the Marvels was that it harkens back to the comics.
After a while, Kamala's family does get involved in her adventures and not always because they want to, but some of their adventures, even the ones out in space, they do get involved in those and they're always very supportive and they understand why she has to do what she has to do.
That doesn't change the fact that they're very worried about their daughter or sister and this one really enjoyed that aspect of it.
There was a comic book that I had read, which was not written by a South Asian person and in that comic, not gonna name who it was.
This doesn't sound good.
It wasn't because I was reading it and this person had just completely misunderstood the relationship that Kamala has with her parents.
And yes, there's teenage angst and everything. Everybody goes through that, that's fine.
But there was such a very obviously racist element to, oh, her Muslim parents are being like this because they are Muslim.
And this film does not do that.
It doesn't do that.
It's just like, this is a family who loves their child and they're worried about her, but they also know why she has to go fight the universe.
So yeah, I mean, it's a small thing, but it's actually kind of big considering what's happening in the world right now.
And we need that kind of positivity.
If it's not obvious yet, we highly recommend this film.
You have to go watch it, enjoy it.
I'm not gonna say, go watch it on the biggest screen.
Honestly, it's up to you, but I would highly recommend watching it.
We want more films like this.
We want more films with inclusive, diverse representative cast.
We want the Marvel Cinematic Universe to be fun and good quality.
Exactly, like it used to be.
Phase five has been not great.
And there is hope now.
I'm really excited for what The Marvels is saying about what's gonna happen in the future of the MCU, what's gonna happen with these characters.
And you know what?
If you just want an hour and 45 minutes of laughter and joy, this is it.
This is your movie for the fall.
Go ahead and see it.
Thanks, and that's all from us for this episode.
And hopefully you will hear from us again very soon, unless life gets in the way.
Don't quote me on it.
The Stereo Geeks logo was created using Canva.
The music for our podcast comes courtesy Audio-Nautix.
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gifappels-stuff · 1 year
People you'd like to get to know better
Thank you for the tag @greenplumbboblover !! I do appreciate getting tagged in these little games. Most of the times I forget to respond, and by the time I do, then it won't be considered fashionably late anymore. Let's get down to it...
Last song: Surface by Aerochord
Favorite colour: Definitely midnight blue!! But I tend to gravitate toward all jewel tones really... jade, plum, midnight blue, ochre, terracotta... such decadent colours.
Currently watching: Latest season of Sex Education
Last movie: I truly can't remember. I don't watch a lot of movies these days.
Currently reading: Eagerly awaiting the next installment of either the Immortal Guardians or Aldebarian Alliance series by Dianne Duvall... in the meantime keeping myself occupied with some smut.
Sweet/ Spicy/ Savory: Sweet and spicy!! My two most favorite proudly South African dishes is Koeksisters (very sweet) and Durban style Bunny Chow (very spicy). [Just on a sidenote, there is actually no bunny animals involved in bunny chow. Bunny refers to the breadloaf or bun from which you eat the stew]
Last thing I googled: laptop specs... bleh. Busy setting up my own architecture firm, and need a new laptop to replace my old dinosaur, so I can run them archi programs.... and sims 3 ofcourse.
Current obsession: Cottage core and dark academia vibes... it's styles that is completely opposite from my own aesthetic and preferences but I love challenging myself. I often have sims with styles different from my own and I love diving into the research and immersing myself in it.
Currently working on: Setting up my firm, and getting the branding in place. Sims-wise... just playing and enjoying the game when I get the chance.
If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading! I'd like to tag @danjaley @treason-and-plot @pitheinfinite @windermeresimblr @sweetdevil-sims @twinsimming @wannabecatwriter @simstuition and anybody else who wishes to partake.
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charlesandmartine · 5 months
Monday 22nd April 2024
Our early call this morning was preempted by a very violent storm. Lightening lit the room despite the blackout blinds, the thunder shook our lodge and the lights flickered off for more than a few seconds. Our ranger, Raymond, suggested we wait before making plans, but with the amount of water tipping out of the sky we were lacking optimism. However, magically the rain stopped, the skies cleared and the sun came out so Raymond loaded us into the Toyota and we took to the trail to see what we might find. The rains have severely improved the levels of water in the dams and the hippos were fully appreciative. They can stay submerged for up to six minutes and I'm sure they were enjoying the mud.
Shamwari is home to the UK based Born Free Foundation. There are two enclosures here on site for big cats brought here from around the world that have been abused perhaps by the circus, or private owners such that they could never cope in the wild and will therefore live the rest of their lives in captivity. The organisation was founded in 1984 by Bill Travers, Virginia McKenna and their son Will Travers having made the film of the same name. The centre's current inhabitants: King, Thea, Ciam, Cersei, Zeis (Leopard )Horus and Dadou are cared for and thriving after their previous lives. Here's an interesting fact, there's no such thing as a panther, a panther is simply a black leopard. Other centres around the world are caring for other species and in areas that are suitable environments.
After a hearty lunch we continued our quest for more animals. Many refer to the Big Five the definition of which comes from the game hunters of old and are the five most dangerous: lion, elephant, rhino, African buffalo and leopard. We have seen here all but the leopard. This afternoon we came upon 2 female lions resting after a kill. Since they 'rest' for 18 hours a day, I guess this is the most likely pose you would see them adopt. The worrying thing is that they were reposed in long grass and could easily have been missed, or worse tripped on should one have been out for a casual stroll. We stopped for coffee with amarula and nibbles in a clearing. Once all the drinks were set up, it was noticed away in the distance were a small group of elephants. As the refreshments were convivially consumed, the group having spotted us started to approach. Our ranger was keeping a close eye on them and started to pack things away. By the time the group were no more than 100 yards away we were back in the Toyota and ready to leave. We turned away from the group, drove 10 yards over the brow of the hill and met another group of elephants facing us! Like a well organised pincer movement. Luckily both groups must have decided we were no particular threat. Elephants do regularly kill apparently!
We have had a great day today with much to remember and digest. Its been just us with our ranger today and we feel privileged to have had exclusive access to his time and expertise.
ps The tourist season here is coming to an end by this weekend and our ranger will be travelling to his home near Durban for a few weeks. His route will take him through townships he considers far too dangerous to pass during daytime, so he will go at night.
pps Great meal tonight: deconstructed beef wellington! It was like an airfix kit with all the bits: fillet steak, pastry, onion, mushroom and open marrow bone spread out across the plate. Very tasty. Washed down with SB.
ppps We leave here tomorrow to travel to Port Elizabeth for the night and then on Wednesday to fly to Botswana. Just one more thing to do before we go late morning and that is to visit the Rehabilitation Centre.
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morgen92 · 2 years
My predictions (guesses, more like) for Eden, Mary Mag and Matthew in the finale
Seeing as we’ve got some time ‘till the last 2 episodes arrive. 
(WARNING: Contains major spoilers and references to potentially triggering subjects)
Liz Tabish said that this season Mary would learn how to use her past to help comfort others. At first I thought it would just be Tamar this season, but it’s looking like it’ll include Eden and Matthew as well.
First off, heart-wrenching as the last scene in ep 6 was, it was also a HUGE relief. Eden doesn’t have to suffer in silence, everything... hurt, anger, and frustrations as well as the miscarriage... has been aired out (perhaps not in the best way, but still), so the process of grieving and healing can begin in earnest. 
Another relief is Eden telling Salome and Mary in the trailer. There was a BTS clip released showing them along with Zebedee facing Eden like they’re holding an intervention of sorts. The women can probably comfort her in ways even a husband can’t. Salome might’ve experienced the same tragedy, and Mary’s had past trauma involving the same area of her body as well as the loss of a loved one. If Eden doesn’t already know these things, they’ll probably tell her now.
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This will also be a major bonding experience with the women in the ministry, one that’ll bring them all close enough to draw strength from each other as they witness Jesus’s crucifixion, and then visit His tomb (I’m not entirely sure Eden will be present at these things, since it feels like Peter’s wife would be mentioned in scripture if she was, but who knows).
I’m, like, 99% sure this will start by Matthew saying something to Mary. They made a point of showing him notice Jesus’s concern for Eden in ep 5, so I thought he’d be the one to clue Simon in that there’s way more going on with his wife than he thinks. This wasn’t the case, so it’ll probably come into play later.
Speaking of Matthew, that moment where Mary found the tzitzit in his house makes me think she’ll be the one who convinces him to wear them. Definitely in ep 7, because Durban and Jalein said Paras would be in the next aftershow.
 There’s a BTS image of them sitting beside each other with Matthew looking down into his lap, and the caption Dallas gave it implied it’s a very emotional scene. 
Like her, Matthew is probably having trouble completely letting go of shame. Despite feeling more at-home in the group and making amends with his parents, he still doesn’t feel worthy of calling himself a fellow Jew.
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Mary will probably repeat to him what Tamar’s said to her. Jesus forgave him, and that is enough. Wee do know he wears them during the feeding of the 5K, so she probably gives them to him just before the men leave for Decapolis. 
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anime-penis · 1 year
tagged by the incomparable @greedy-greedent to answer 15 questions. and awaaaaaay we go!
-Are you named after anyone?
nope but my names DO both mean something (they're isiZulu names). my first name Banele i was given by my mom & in context is supposed to mean "banele abafana" which means there are enough boys (i'm the second of two boys and my mom only ever wanted two boys so she shut the factory down after me). my second name Cebo i was given by my grandmother and in context it means "Cebolenkosi" which means God's plan. so those are nice.
-Do you have kids?
honey if you have a baby you can't BE the baby. and i'm baby so... 🤷🏾‍♂️
-Do you use sarcasm?
not once ever. idk her.
-When was your last cry?
probably earlier this year in Feb/March when i was going THROUGH it. it was good. big wet and juicy like my [redacted]
-What's the first thing you notice about people?
whether they have kindness in their eyes. i struggle with maintaining eye contact cause it's a level of intimacy i never grew comfortable with and as a result i've learnt to discern whether people have kind eyes or not. and lemme tell yah the people who don't always turn out to be dicks so it's helped me avoid some shit
-Eye color?
brown. but like, you really won't know unless the sun hits my eyes JUST right between 4 - 6 pm in the summertime.
-What sports do/did you play?
well i have long legs and i feared the bullying that came with dealing with straight boys so i ran cross country (context, i have asthma but i can run fast so i was JUST good enough to make the team but never in the lead). but i learnt i like to run cause it's exercise i actually enjoy so there's that
-Special talent?
when i'm about to receive bad news the bottom of my left eye twitches for a few days before and without fail whenever it happens someone tells me something awful has happened
-Where were you born?
durban south africa in a hospital i can't remember the name of but i know it's St [insert woman's name here]
-Scary movies or movies with happy endings?
HUGE scaredy cat with an over active imagination here but lord help me i love a horror flick that i need to hide from. happy endings are for when i need a comfort watch
-How many pets?
none but the goal is to have at least two dogs and maybe a cat
-How tall are you?
6'1? (184cm) at last measuring like...4/5 years ago?
-What hobbies do you have?
my main hobby used to be working with the community theatre i was on the committee for but hobbies i've come to learn are a luxury only those who can afford free time have. so currently just laying down and eating a snack
-Favorite school subject?
english. specifically when i took it in college and we went indepth on literature. i was in my ELEMENT bitch
-Dream Job?
honestly i would love to run a little performance space where i could provide a platform for people to explore their creativity and talent in an environment filled with like minded creatives. DREAM dream job? showrunner/producer/performer tbh
i have had wine so if we're moots and you're in the mood to share tag me so i can see them answers 👀
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cxhleel108 · 10 months
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Name: Omari Martin
Age: 25 (During the Season) 26 (Now)
Birthday: June 30, 1997 (Cancer)
Hometown: Born in Durban, South Africa. Raised in Truro, England. Moved to Edinburgh, Scotland for college.
Ethnicity: South African
Job: Photographer
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 163cm/5’4
Hobbies: Drawing, Photography, Painting, Crocheting, Driving
Personality: My girl loves hard ok. If you’re a part of her close circle, you’re guarded for life. The Cancer sign is a crab so everything important to her is staying protected in her shell. That includes her emotions/feelings. Omari is more on the emotional side, but at the same time, she only gets vulnerable with people that she trusts. If she doesn’t trust that you’ll value her feelings as much as she would value yours, she’s only giving away so much of herself. Also, if you screw her over she can forgive you eventually, but she will never forget. “I get in my feelings, I’m sensitive, and I can be hurt just like everybody else but I rarely feel hatred or bitterness towards people who do me dirty. In due time I can let the hurt go, but I know to let the person go as well and break the toxic cycle before it can even manifest.” Art has always been a big part of her life. She’s very imaginative and loves creating her ideas into visual forms. Getting to do photography is basically her dream job. Now when it comes to partying, if her friends are going then she’ll go. If it was up to her how she spent her night, then she’s staying her ass at home. She likes hanging out in a more intimate environment because she feels like you can connect more that way. “My idea of a dream date is so simple. I really do not require a lot when it comes to that. Just me and my partner at home eating sushi or maybe pizza, doing whatever. Bonus points if he likes art too cos then we can draw together or something like that.” Just remember this, she’s def not boring and can turn up when she’s in the mood.
Why She Came On Love Island: Omari was ready to find new love. She felt that she had taken enough time to be with herself after all that happened with her last relationship and the one thing she hates the most is being alone. So, what better way to get over your ex cheating on you than going on an island vacation with several hot men waiting to cuff you?
Who She’s With: We’re just gonna discuss what she got up to after the show because all of them boys from the season literally SUCKED so bad that she ended up getting with nobody <3. Ok, Finn was cool and they did have a lil thing for a bit after the show ended, but they both knew eventually that they wanted different things so they just stayed friends. Other than that life’s been pretty good for our girl. She took her prize money and used it to move back to Truro because there was really no point for her to stay in Edinburgh anymore thanks to Suresh’s cheating ass. She got a lot of good offers for photography work so safe to say she’s been getting a few pretty pounds. A lot of apologies were sent her way once the season was done. Alfie, Dana, Arlo, and Gabi hit Omari up to say sorry for her terrible experience on the show and the part they played in that. She appreciates all of them admitting their faults and is completely fine with having cordial relationships but none of them are gonna be her besties anytime soon. “It’s sad cos I really did view Dana as a good friend and obviously everyone saw how much I fancied Alfie but all of the weird behavior became way too much to ignore and I couldn’t deal with it anymore.” Suresh probably has tried numerous times to apologize again and again but Omari has that man blocked on everything possible because she really wants his chapter of her life CLOSED. Her favorite thing to have happened because of the show though has to be the support she’s gotten. A large portion of the fans were rallying behind her the whole time. #JusticeForOmari was even trending on Twitter at one point. All of the winner girlies from the previous seasons (you’ll meet them soon) sent her sweet messages. Dani from Season 2 and Simone from Season 4 specifically showed her the most love. Dani invited Omari all the way out to LA to come on her channel/podcast so she could say all the things that she couldn’t on the show. “She’s exactly how you’d expect her to be in real life after seeing her on the show. Just super cool and hilarious 24/7. We got to laugh, bond over similar experiences, get serious, talk shit, and then laugh some more hahaha. I’m really grateful to her for that. Also, Bobby makes the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had in my entire life.” Simone invited her out to lunch when she was in the area one day. They had a nice lil spill sesh and Simone even put Omari on to one of her friends who happens to be a certain tall, gentle, cat-owning tattoo artist from Falmouth that we all love. “I was talking about how I wanted to get a really nice and more noticeable tattoo cos I only have a small one on my wrist, so she recommended a close friend of hers who does really good ones and only lives about 25 minutes from me. I could tell by the fact that she started telling me stuff about him that wasn’t relevant to his job and then showed me a picture of a very attractive man that she was trying to set me up haha. But, that’s how Oliver and I met.” So yeah she’s with Oliver now and they’re just living life being like the cutest and most creative couple ever. (I really needed to give her a happy ending cuz…well you already know why)
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The Vital Overview to Plumbing: Every Little Thing You Required to Know
Intro: Plumbing is an important aspect of our everyday lives, yet it usually goes undetected until something fails. From guaranteeing tidy water system to keeping reliable drain systems, plumbing plays a vital role in preserving the capability and also convenience of our residences and services. Whether you are a house owner, an occupant, or an organization proprietor, having a basic understanding of plumbing can save you time, cash, and also anxiety. In this extensive guide, we will certainly explore the basics of pipes, usual concerns, as well as exactly how to resolve them, as well as pointers for preventative maintenance and also when it's time to employ the professionals.Paragraph 1: Comprehending the
fundamentals of plumbing is crucial for every homeowner. It enables you to recognize as well as resolve minor issues before they escalate right into expensive repairs. From recognizing exactly how to shut off the water in situation of emergencies to recognizing the different sorts of pipes as well as fittings, this guide will certainly provide you with the knowledge you require to browse your pipes system with confidence. We will delve right into common plumbing troubles such as dripping taps, clogged drains, as well as running toilets, reviewing possible causes and simple actions to repair and settle these concerns on your own. By learning the essentials, you can save money on unneeded service telephone calls and possibly also prevent major pipes disasters.Paragraph 2: Preventative maintenance is key to making certain the durability as well as effectiveness of your pipes system.
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We will certainly share important pointers on how to look after your pipes, fixtures, as well as appliances to stay clear of usual pipes issues. From routine drain cleaning to correctly preserving your water heating unit, these precautionary actions can significantly extend the life-span of your pipes system as well as assist you avoid expensive repair work down the line. In addition, we will talk about the signs that suggest when it's time to seek expert assistance. While do it yourself fixes can be efficient, some pipes problems need the experience of a licensed plumber. We will give assistance on when to employ the specialists as well as just how to pick a reputable pipes solution provider.Conclusion: Pipes is an essential part of our lives, as well as having a standard understanding of its operations can empower us as home owners or tenants. By acquainting ourselves with the basics of pipes, knowing how to attend to usual concerns, as well as carrying out preventative upkeep methods, we can ensure the smooth performance of our pipes systems as well as prevent unneeded costs. So, whether you are managing a leaking tap, a sluggish drain, or just wish to be prepared for any type of pipes emergency, this overview has
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mttstructures · 2 years
High 10 Out Of Doors Family Activities
Along with a restaurant and a espresso shop/cafe, there is a snack bar/deli on web site. Free breakfast is served day by day, and visitors can also take pleasure in a free nightly supervisor's reception. Tour/ticket help, barbecue grills, and gift shops/newsstands are also featured at Aladdin Camp. The campground can present concierge providers aladdin tent and wedding services. Smoking is allowed in designated areas at this Wadi Rum campground (fines may apply for smoking in non-smoking areas). Set in a major location of Wadi Rum, Rahayeb Desert Camp places every little thing the town has to supply just exterior your doorstep.
I purchased my home in 1996 for $132,000 and now it’s valued at $425,000. If I needed to do it over again, I couldn’t afford my own house. The median value residence in close by San Diego is $848,000 and, in Los Angeles, it’s $898,000. Fund Script- reward card initiative that sells reward cards on-line and the varsity gets a percentage of every purchase.
We deliver world-class customer service to all of our artwork buyers. Perfect for my grandson’s Monster Truck 3rd party. If you stayed at this property by way of Booking.com you probably can write a evaluate. These guidelines and requirements goal to maintain the content on Booking.com relevant and family-friendly without limiting expression of strong opinions. They are additionally aladdin tents relevant whatever the sentiment of the comment. When you see a quantity of reviews, the most recent ones will be on the high, subject to some different factors (what language a evaluate is in, whether it’s only a ranking or accommodates feedback as well, and so on.).
Bathrooms embrace showers with rainfall showerheads, and bidets. Sign as a lot as stay within the loop concerning the hottest deals, coolest new merchandise, and unique gross sales events. This seller consistently earned 5-star reviews, dispatched on time, and replied shortly to any messages they acquired. When visitors keep at the property they take a look at how quiet the room is, how pleasant the workers are and more. We have greater than 70 million property reviews, and so they're all from real, verified guests.
The four boys and Mr. Hardy sat down on a row of tree stumps proper behind Beatrice and Lina and their mother and father. Beatrice and Lina were speaking about their matching bright pink tents. A moment later a tall, lanky man in a gray-green ranger’s uniform got here into the center of the circle. Ferry passengers have been shocked and the community was alarmed after police had to gun down a person in broad daylight at the Departure Bay ferry terminal. In an announcement published Monday, Visconti said that Blackstar was Bowie's "parting present" to his fans.
Ontario Building Code requires tents constructed underneath the benefit of a constructing allow to be situated at least three m away from property strains and all other constructions, together with buildings on the same property. Calgary artist Karen Scarlett mentioned she needed to create a calming house that felt ‘magical’ for anyone who stepped inside. The bigger than life dandelions painted on the partitions give readers an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feeling, like they're in their very own private world. Oohing and aahing on the grand structure and manicured gardens of South Granville’s majestic estates is a favoured activity among guests.
Booking.com will make an effort to obscure e mail addresses, telephone numbers, website addresses, social media accounts, and different similar details. Lock in an excellent value for Aladdin Tente Bell – rated eight.2 by latest guests!
Plants required for varsity yard greening plan are very expensive. Kelly has an account that saves her 20 % at Meadow Acres nursery. If you're trying to finish your weekend with a Halloween celebration, I even have the right aladdin tents durban answer for you. October 31 will be Fanshawe's Halloween pub in Forwell Hall. At Fanshawe, we know how to rejoice nice occasions, so come verify this one out.
As per the Ontario Building Code, an allowance for the removing of the snow should not type part of the design. All material, textile or film is required to be certified to CAN/ULC-S109 “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films” or NFPA 701 “Fire Tests for Flame Propagation”. In the Reading Room, dandelions are painted on the partitions as a circular flower lamp radiates a heat glow overhead. There is a yellow chair for reading within the nook, and a comfy aladdin tent rentals bench decorated with stuffed animals on the facet. A lace tent stands as a perfect nook for younger folks to delve into a good story, with plenty of books lining the walls of the room. In 1939, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited Vancouver as a part of their royal tour, and the retailers of South Granville exuberantly welcomed the couple with street decorations, flags and a welcome banner.
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