#thinspiration thursdays
1-jen · 7 years
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Thursday Thinspo♡
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jo-xxxx · 4 years
tw: eating disorders , bulimia , thinspiration
if you or a friend are struggling with an eating disorder contact the neda helpline at +1-800-931-2237 monday-thursday 11am - 9pm EST , friday 11am - 5pm EST . Their website nationaleatingdisorders.org also has great resources for those who are looking for treatment, want to understand the statistics behind eating disorders, or who want to support someone who is struggling with an eating disorder
i’ve thought a lot about how tumblr shaped my eating disorder in my youth. on this site i found girls who encouraged my poor behaviors, taught me how to lie, ignore my bodies pain signals. my feed was filled with thinspiration that i saved to my phone in a locked photo app. the first time i recovered i deleted tumblr and didn’t look back. i relapsed many times, but this time the thinspiration i used was mostly mental. i also saved photos of bikini models on instagram to convince myself that i would look like them one day. after 6 years of this painful cycle of recovery and relapse i’ve decided to stop it and fully heal. i thought coming back to tumblr i could find a different community, that encouraged healing rather than suffering. what i found almost immediately, is that pro-ed blogs still exist and they are using recovery hashtags to trigger those recovering. i’ve decided that rather than look for support here, i wanna provide support and resources for those struggling. i want you all to know that the longer you refuse to address your problems the more of a grip they hold on to your life. i want you to know that those pro-ed blogs are not your friends. they will push you to your absolute lowest in life. there are ways to get better. to live a life where you love who you are.
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jaidenblue · 4 years
New Routine
( This incorporates meals, work outs, and other things, i’m hoping will keep me on track)
Wake up at 2 am or 5 am
- If you wake up at 2 do four hours of schoolwork, if you wake up at 5 do it after morning routine
Morning Routine ( Regardless of day)
15 Minutes of Thinspiration, then stretching
200 Sit Ups
- Coffee
- Anything under 200 calories
200 Lunges
Take Bath/Shower + Change
200 Jumping Jacks
- Diet Soda
- Anything under 150 Calories
200 Squats
1 Hour Self Defense Workout
- Diet Soda
- Anything under 500 calories
1 Hour Dance Workout
Midnight Snack ( If applicable)
30 min. pacing
- Anything under 100 calories
200 Pushups
Theme Days = I’ve decided to do like theme sorta days, so that I’m doing different activities everyday and won’t get super bored all the time.
Monday - Course Work Day
Tuesday - Cleaning Day
Wednesday - Work Out Day
Thursday - Relaxation Day
Friday - Creativity Day
Saturday - Free Day
Sunday - Process/Planning Day
Activities For These Days
Course Work Day - Extra school work, japanese course lessons, other online classes, etc. 
Cleaning Day - Do the dishes, do laundry, take a longer bath, tidy your room
Work Out Day - Spinning, ROTC workout, extra dance workout (3 hours), extra self defense workout ( 3 hours) = Also 500 cap limit on all meals, but snacks for the day. 
Relaxation Day - Binge anime/Netflix, nap a bit if possible, read, do tarot readings, meditate, lay outside, self care things, other relaxing things
Creativity Day - Writing, drawing, art projects, coloring, singing, dancing, filming, 
Free Day - Any combination of activities
Process/Planning Day - Any process/planning things that need to be done
Gonna make a seperate post on tips for this and inform you all of the process and what I end up doing!!
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jorcox · 3 years
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✨Thursday Thinspiration✨ I hated having this picture taken on the left, but it was the only picture I have with my Nana and my baby ❤️ But it was the motivation I needed to change the way I feel, which was very negative and all I wanted to do was hide. The person on the left would NEVER have even tried on the dress on the right. But that was part of my WHY… to be able to wear dresses like this and feel confident. If you’ve had enough and know that you cannot and will not accept feeling like utter pants anymore, then get in touch and I can help you feel how I feel on the right ❤️ Your future self will thank you 🙏❤️ ☎️Jo Cox 07976 897 696 👩🏼‍🦱 The 1:1 Diet with Jo Cox, by Cambridge Weight Plan 🚚 UK deliveries 👍🏻 Free Consultations 🙌🏻 1:1 Support, Advice and Guidance ⏰ Flexible appointment times 🌐 https://www.one2onediet.com/consultants/28982/1/Joanne https://www.instagram.com/p/CUcdkwdNFxc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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⭐️Thinspiration Thursday⭐️ Please always take a before picture and do some try ons. It really shows how far you’ve come. This is me 2 stone 7 pounds down ♥ Weight No Moore ♥ Helen - ✆ 07984 714872⁣ Supporting slimmers across the UK (at Weight No Moore - Helen Moore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUb5yuHNUU2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dietmumrepeat · 5 years
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🌟Thinspiration Thursday 🌟 The beautiful Ann has lost 2 stone 2lb in 1 MONTH! Ann followed Step 2 for her journey which is 3 products a day and a 200kcal meal in the evening, and with the support of her fabulous consultant Victoria from Weight Loss St Albans, she smashed the 1:1 Diet in only 4 weeks! Ann’s words “I managed to lose over 2 stone in that 4 week period, and a whopping 6 inches off my waist! The plan was super easy to follow - as long as you have the will power & motivation to stick to plan - and nutritionally balanced so that your metabolism didn’t dip despite the low calorie intake. What made it easier than other plans was having Victoria at the end of a WhatsApp or a phone call if I was struggling or had given in to temptation and gone off plan. She helped me overcome any lapses and get back onto plan, boosting my confidence and will power to keep me on the straight and narrow. I couldn’t recommend the plan enough. It’s an easy to follow plan, delivering fast and dramatic results. Well worth trying, particularly if you have an event coming up or even trying to kick start a longer term weight loss journey” Would you love to lose a couple of stone before Christmas? Let’s get you started today.. call me got a personalised 1:1 consultation and free BMI check What have you got to lose? 💙 #one2onediet (at The 1:1 Diet with Amy and Steve Sittingbourne & Surrounding Areas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4jaf-phKYJ/?igshid=q68cesujyl5z
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hamilkilo · 7 years
Young, Scrappy, and Hungry
Prompt: You wanted to lose weight, but your approach was unhealthy, and you developed an eating disorder. You try hiding it from the boys, but that goes as well as one would expect…
Pairing: Poly!Hamilsquad X Reader
TW: Eating disorders, self depreciating thoughts, depression, crying, concerned boyfriends, spicy implications, and relationship goals.
A/N please reach out if you ever need help!
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this! I wanted to tackle another topic like this because I know that it makes me feel better to read fanfics that cover things I’m going through. I did my best! I want to thank all of you pure cinnamon rolls who have been so supportive! I love you so much! Thank you for your kindness! If you want me to tag something, please let me know! I want you to feel safe when you read my work! Please enjoy!
Word Count: 2828
Young, Scrappy, and Hungry
In a recent survey conducted by Glamour, It was revealed that 97% of women hate their bodies at some point in their lives. As sad as it is, these statistics aren't shocking.
You were one of those women in the count. You'd never felt good about yourself. Your body was never enough. Some days, you'd feel that you were too fat, other days too thin. Your chest didn't look right, your curves didn't fall right, your hair never parted the way you wanted. You had bags under your eyes so big that they could be used to cover Connecticut when it rained. You considered yourself far from perfect.
However, not a day went by where one of your boys didn't compliment you. It'd be sweet nothings like "you look extra bright this morning!" from Hercules, an "I love the way the light catches your eyes today!" from John, or maybe even a "your ass is so fine all the time" from Lafayette followed by a slap. Alex, on the other hand, liked to write you cute notes about everything he found adorable about your body, mind, and soul. Your boys worshipped you, but you didn't consider yourself a goddess.
Maybe it all stemmed from those countless trips to the dressing rooms where cute clothes you loved were hung back up and discarded because your stomach was too big or your thighs were too thick. Perhaps it was the way people looked at you when you wore your bathing suit. It might be those offhanded remarks about your weight from the past that stuck with you. Whatever the reason, you didn't like yourself.
You were never the kind to toe dip. You always dove straight in, head first. That's what Alex really loved about you; you were always first on board and ready to commit. Instead of slowly restricting calories and working out like a healthy diet doctors might recommend, you stopped eating all together. You woke up one morning and skipped breakfast, claiming that you weren't hungry. The boys didn't bother you on the matter considering mornings tended to be hectic around the house. Then, you skipped lunch. The boys weren't there to scold you on that one either. Dinner was trickier. You complained of cramps and lady issues to get them off your tracks, but they still fussed over you. After all, Laf knew how much you loved his mashed cauliflower as a side. They tended to you that night with heating pads, chocolate, and sweet kisses, warming your heart.
The next day, John handed you a granola bar, and Hercules made sure to put a baggies of orange slices in your purse as you left. When you got to work, you threw them both away, feeling slightly guilty. You skipped lunch again that day. Once you got off work, you went home, changed, and went to the gym for the first time in a century or two. You went hard on the elliptical, trying to burn as many calories as possible. It wasn't that bad. Your stomach only gave the occasional twinge of hunger. You went home after two hours at the gym and showered. You were greeted with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, but you claimed that your workout made you feel sick. Herc wasn't home; he had to stay late at the shop that night, so it wasn't a huge deal or anything for you to skip dinner. It was a rare and happy occasion when all of you could sit down together and eat. When you didn't, you all kind of did your own thing.
You made it several days, lying, throwing food out, and exercising at the gym, trying to slim down. You'd even started following thinspiration blogs that you'd look at whenever you got hungry. On the third day that you hadn't eaten, you got cold more often. It wasn't a huge deal; you just wore sweaters more. You'd eat occasionally because you'd read that after three days of fasting, your body would start to burn muscle instead of fat. However, whenever you did eat, it was like a bird: small portions and low calories.
After about a week of this, Alex offered to take you for coffee one night when he needed a break from writing. You agreed because it was a treat for him to offer, and you went to the Mudhouse Cafe, the place you met the boys. Aaron wasn't working that night, luckily, and Alex insisted on buying you a muffin and a coffee. You sat together on the couch, and when he noticed you shivering, he put his arm around you. He smelled like the sea, and it made you smile. He occasionally kissed your cheek, hair, or neck, and chatted to you about how infuriating Jefferson was at work or about the article he was writing. He watched as you picked apart the muffin, not saying anything outright about it.
Eventually, he had finished his coffee, and it was fairly obvious that you hadn't consumed your snack.
"Y/N?" He asked from beside you, and you turned to look at him, "Aren't you going to eat the muffin?"
You couldn't say no. You felt bad since he had wasted his money on you. So you smiled, "Of course! Sorry, I guess I was too interested in your rantings about Jefferson." Then you ate the muffin, piece by piece, and laughed while Alex went off about Jefferson again. You also managed to drink your coffee, despite the way it churned your stomach to think of the amount of calories in it. Before you left, you excused yourself to the bathroom, where you forced the contents out of your body. You couldn't bare the idea of that food, sitting in your stomach, slowly being dissolved into your body.
Weeks passed awkwardly. You didn't eat, then you'd binge and purge, feeling sick. You didn't like what you were doing, but you felt like the end would justify the means. You could tell that your body was changing, but it wasn't enough. The boys were more interrogative of you, but they were easily avoided by you staying later at work and missing dinner. They'd leave plates of food for you in the fridge, which you'd end up throwing away or flushing when they weren't looking. You drank more coffee, too, to keep your energy. The downside was the jitters, and it was difficult for you to hide your shakes around them, so you kept your hands in your pockets most of the time.
One Thursday, John took you to lunch. You thought he was just being a good boyfriend, but he was really more concerned about you. They all were. He took you to a Ruby Tuesday's, and your first red flag he noticed was when you ordered water instead of your favorite strawberry tea. There was a time where you'd drink four glasses in one meal and order one to go. You swore by their tea. Then, you denied the salad bar, which you knew would add up calories quick. John tried to tempt you with the offer of sunflower seeds and fresh mushrooms, but you declined. You ordered a small piece of salmon with grilled zucchini for your side instead of getting the ravioli. Your boyfriend was no fool. He could tell that you weren't well.
"Y/N," he wiped his mouth with his napkin after eating a burger. You cringed at the amount of calories he'd consumed without a second thought. "You've barely touched your fish!"
You shrugged and pushed another piece around on your plate, "I'm sorry, John, I guess I'm just not that hungry today."
He bit his lip, and you blushed. Was he onto you? You couldn't tell.
"You haven't been very hungry lately. Are you sure you're well?" He grabbed your hand in his and squeezed it, trying to convey that he wanted you to talk to him, and you cleared your throat before you looked away.
"I'm fine, I promise!" Well, you know, aside from the fact that it was a toasty sixty five degrees outside, and you were wearing a sweater. You made a trip to the bathroom before you left.
The boys had shifted in their compliments. They now complimented your eyes, your smile, your laugh, and things about your personality. It was almost like they were trying to ignore your body. This pissed you off. You'd worked so hard to get thinner! Maybe you weren't thin enough. So you worked harder on the elliptical, jogged faster around the neighborhood, and came home from the gym later.
One night, you were about to go for a jog around the neighborhood when Herc caught your hand. "Sweetheart, why don't you join us in tonight? Since we're all home, we thought to order pizza and watch a movie!"
You felt your heart stutter. They were all looking at you, seeking an answer. Pizza? The amount of calories in one piece would destroy you. This was a nightmare!
"I..." What lie could you use? If you were going out running, then obviously you were fine. You'd said you weren't hungry too many times; they were picking up. If you declined, it'd only make them more suspicious. So you put on a smile and hid your trembling hands in your jacket pockets. "Yeah, sounds fun!"
Herc grinned and pulled you to the couch with him. You sat between him and John. Lafayette called the pizza place and repeated the order several times before he finally sat down in the armchair and pulled Alex into his lap. John flicked through Netflix while Alex typed away on his laptop, and Laf snuggled his neck. Herc pulled you close to him, which you were grateful for. The man was like a furnace. While Herc, John, and Alex had been physically affectionate towards you lately, Laf had been kind of aloof. He had avoided touching you, and it hurt your feelings. You didn't say anything though. It probably wasn't a big deal. You didn't want to make it a big deal.
When the pizza got there, you answered the door, looking for an excuse to get up and move around. You handed the guy a stack of cash and took the boxes from him. You politely chatted with the guy while you were at the door, being pleasant and smiling. You were stalling before you had to go back and fake eating pizza.
"So, pineapple on pizza, yes or no?" You asked with a smile as you shifted the pizza on your hip. The guy had finished sorting the bills into his change pouch, and he looked up at you with a grin.
"It's actually my guilty pleasure!"
"What? No! Chef Ramsey would be appalled!" You argued, horrified at his lack of tastebuds.
He laughed, and you laughed with him. Once the laughing quieted, he smiled timidly. "So, I should be getting back. It was nice meeting you... Maybe you could give me your number or...?"
"I..." crap. Look what you did. You made a mess.
"No, in fact, you really should be getting back, and it would be wonderful if you never returned 'ere again. Ever. S'il vous plaît. Tu comprends?" A thick accent growled from behind you, and you jumped in surprise. Two arms snaked around your waist, and you relaxed into them. You'd missed his touch.
"I'm sorry!" The boy's eyes were wide. "I didn't know she was... you were... okay, bye!" The boy quickly turned and retreated, quickly darting glances over his shoulder as if Laf would chase him down the street.
The Frenchman pressed a kiss to your neck before he waved to the boy and called out, "Au revoir!"
As soon as he was out of sight, Laf shut the door and locked it. He took the pizzas from you without a word and put them on the table. The boys stared at you, not speaking.
Then, John spoke first, barely a whisper, "What was that?"
You cringed and bit your lip, "I was just being friendly, I promise-"
"Well, he didn't take it that way!" John exclaimed, gripping the couch in anger.
"We were just talking! I can't help it if another guy comes onto me! Stop being so overprotective-"
"Overprotective?" Hercules finally spoke, standing up from his spot. You bit your lip again. He was mad. Herc hardly ever got mad. "We wouldn't be so overprotective if you took care of yourself!"
"What's that supposed to mean?" Were they implying that they knew? No. They couldn't.
Herc went to say something, but John placed his hand on his arm from the couch, and Herc turned to look at him. John shook his head. Herc sighed, pulling off his beanie and running his hand through his hair. Alex still hadn't spoken, which was uncharacteristically quiet of him.
"I do take care of myself," you insisted, defending yourself. You worked out, after all. That was healthy. You lost weight. Also healthy. You were actually starting to like your body now. Extra healthy.
It was so quiet that you heard the faucet in the kitchen drip. No one said anything. They all just stared at you, heartbroken.
"Mon ange," Lafayette finally spoke, his accent thick and scratchy. His voice sounded strangled, "Why won't you let us 'elp you?"
You felt tears fill your eyes, but you shook your head, "I don't know what you mean. I don't need any help. I'm fine!" Your voice cracked on "fine" because you knew it was a lie. You never liked what you had done; you knew it was bad. But you just wanted to be thin so bad. You just wanted to feel better about yourself. You just couldn't bring yourself to stop.
Laf came towards you and reached his hand out towards your face, letting it hover by your cheek, but you turned away, hiding your tears, and he let his hand drop. "Please, Y/N, you look so frail... I see the way you tremble... I am afraid for you. Please, s'il vous plaît, mon ange, let us 'elp you."
You sniffled, you hated how upset they looked. John held Herc's hand, his face pressed into the back of Herc's thigh. Hercules was clutching his beanie in his other hand, staring at the ground. And you'd never seen Alexander Hamilton be so quiet in his entire life.
"I'm sorry," you whispered as your voice wavered and failed you, "I just... I wanted to be better..." and you began to cry. You shut your eyes, trying to hold yourself together as your body shook. You never meant to upset them. Now, they probably thought you were disgusting. They probably hated you.
You felt arms wrap around you, fingertips gingerly skimming your belly, before you were pulled back against someone's chest.
"Shh, Y/N, don't cry. We're 'ere. We will 'elp you, d'accord?" Laf whispered into your ear, and you cried harder. Then, you felt another pair of arms around you. It was Alex. He didn't say anything, he just held you. Eventually, it was a group hug. They were all hugging you, and you started to laugh. They laughed too, for no reason really, just that you were laughing. You were sure you all looked ridiculous. You all separated, and Herc led you to the couch beside him and John again. Alex sat on John's lap and ruffled your hair. Lafayette went into the kitchen for a few minutes, came back with a small plate with the baked chicken breast from the night before, and he scooped you up and placed you on his lap. "Eat up, mon ange," he purred before he placed a piece of chicken in between his lips and wiggled his eyebrows at you. You giggled at him, and leaned in. You didn't want to, but they were so worried about you. They wanted to help you. You knew you should. So you did. You bit off a bite and chewed, causing the others to laugh. Herc rubbed your back affectionately, and you took another bite. You took the piece from Laf's mouth and continued to take small bites from it.
"What happens if I eat the rest of this?" You asked curiously, half teasing, trying to ignore the calorie calculator in your brain.
Laf looked up at you with a smile, "Then you get a kiss!"
You scoffed, mock upset, "That's it?"
He leaned closer to you and nibbled your ear, causing you to giggle, before he growled, "That," you could feel his hot breath on your ear, "and then it's my turn to eat," he paused and you gripped the collar of his shirt in anticipation, "you."
You felt yourself blush. That was definitely worth the hundred calories. You knew your problems wouldn't just go away; they all knew that. It couldn't be solved by a smoldering Frenchman with a piece of chicken in his mouth, but it was a start. It would take work, therapy, and help. You were making an effort. You were accepting help, their help.
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30 Days of Thinspiration
Day 8: Your workout routine.
OK THis is a complicated one! I go to the gym 5x a week unless I am out of town, but I still do cardio 3x a week, regardless of where I am. I only workout on weekdays.
Monday: Cardio (walk/run/sprint combo, 35mins at least) + Bodyweight legs and abs
Tuesday: 10 mins walk on treadmill, 5 mins escalating intensity on stairmaster. Free weight lift for arms and shoulders. 
Wednesday: Cardio (walk/run/sprint combo, 35mins at least) + Bodyweight legs and abs
Thursday:  10 mins walk on treadmill, 5 mins escalating intensity on stairmaster. Machine weights lift for chest and back + obliques
Friday:  Cardio (walk/run/sprint combo, 35mins at least) + Bodyweight legs and abs
Saturday/Sunday: Rest. 
I use the Running app for my cardio (it looks like tinder lmao), I do blogilates bodyweight stuff (it’s simple, easy, fast stuff), and my weight lifting plan is from a jacked guy friend of mine lol.I do this cardio/weights combo to hopefully tone and slim my bulkier legs, while building up my upper body. Gotta work towards that hourglass shape, and don’t want to be noodle arms forever lol!
Message me if you’re interested in any further details about my workouts <3
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skinnyaddictions · 7 years
Thursday Thoughts From My Couch: Ep 2 🛋
I keep seeing pics of cute bralettes on these amazingly skinny girls and it makes me feel so fucking miserable because I am so far away from looking like them and dressing like that. 100000% done being fat and disgusting 😷
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starlight-genesis · 5 years
❄ Mirror, Mirror
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Finish this sentence: “When I look in the mirror, I . . .”🗡️
     “Mirror, mirror on the wall ... who's the baddest bitch of them all? Oh. It's me. 💁" Haha, jk. "When I look in the mirror, I ... see a better me." When I was younger I was very self-conscious. I still am, but compared to high school, I'm doing much better. Much like everyone, school is a big part of your life growing up and it pretty much becomes your second home. I mean, you're there for how many hours of the day? For elementary, I went to school from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. For middle school (I barely remember it cuz I tried to wash it out of my mind) it was around 7 or 8 a.m. and we got out around 2 to 3 p.m. I really don't remember. For high school, school was either 7 or 7:30 a.m. and ended around 2 to 3 p.m. and 1:45 p.m. on Thursdays because that was considered a teacher day (it's when the teachers have a conference about ... Idk teacher shit).
     Since this is such a large part of your day, it's a big influence to you especially since you are growing and learning. In elementary school, I was carefree and I was a kid. I didn't care about cliques or my self-esteem wasn't low, but much like other people, middle school is when there was a huge change. I mean, we had lockers!
     In middle school, your social groups begin to expand since most of your classes are in other classrooms and you have to walk to them. There the students are different and a completely different environment. During this time, puberty starts and the idea of "difference" is prevalent. Particularly during this time I started to realize about my sexuality and the only thing that I had in my mind was confusion. I was confused with the feelings I had and why I was looking at other boys while other boys were looking at girls. Now I can say I'm a proud gay man and Idc what anyone has to say about it, but during these middle school years it was just a mess in my mind.
     As middle school ends and I enter high school, these same feelings of confusion continue to fester, but slowly as each year passes I begin to understand myself and learn I am a gay male and I'm okay with that. However, much like any specific community there are issues and in the gay community in particular, oh do they love a masculine top male. 😑😂
     I mean, I have no issue with that either! 😏 But it has gotten to a point (even now) where this is still prevalent and continues to harm the mentalities of our brothers and sisters. This concept of masculinity in the gay community had become more of a hinder: it has become toxic. Social media and gay apps like Grindr (though it can be used in a good way) has changed the minds of our community. Remember during the time of the supermodel in the late 90's/early 2000's? What was considered beautiful was the skinny/coked out look. (Also btw, in no means am I saying skinny is bad and if you are having a drug problem, please find help. You're health and mental well-being is important).
     That was the looked for look and it was a trend. Many people look at those covers as "thinspiration" and commit to rigorous tasks of starvation and purging to "commit" to the look. Referring back to social media and the gay apps, the ideal body type in the gay community has now been that skinny/coked out look except it's muscles and a beard. More men now are suffering with what they see in the mirror and what they see on their phones. Men are less likely to express their feelings than a woman because of the social stigma that may come from it. I can understand these similar feelings of not feeling "enough," going on those apps, and feeling worse than what I did because I don't get responses back. I decided (like many other times) to delete some of the apps that cause me to feel bad about myself and to also think of only myself in terms of my body. I'm alive, I'm healthy, and yeah I'm chubby, but there has to be someone out there who likes me for who I am and more importantly I should love myself for the way I am.
     If you don't love yourself, then how are you going to love someone else? CAN I GET AN AMEN?? Okurrrrrrr
QOTD: What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you still see yourself the same way you did a year ago? A month ago? How have you changed?
Let me know below queens! 💃👑
🗡️ [Question from 365 Days of Writing Prompts (Copyright © 2013 by The Daily Post)]
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Thursday thinspiration! The amazing Faye lost 3 stone in 8 weeks during the last lockdown. How fabulous does she look? ✨𝕎𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ℕ𝕠 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕣𝕖 ✨ Helen: ✆ 07984 714872 The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan⁣ ⓦ http://www.one2onediet.com/Helen_M ⓘ @one2onedietkent 🏅Part of an award winning team @one2onediet (at Weight No Moore - The 1:1 Diet with Helen by Cambridge Weight Plan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIC9EXCBai8/?igshid=1afjug232u2bs
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dietmumrepeat · 5 years
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🌟Thinspiration Thursday 🌟 The beautiful Ann has lost 2 stone 2lb in 1 MONTH! Ann followed Step 2 for her journey which is 3 products a day and a 200kcal meal in the evening, and with the support of her fabulous consultant Victoria from Weight Loss St Albans, she smashed the 1:1 Diet in only 4 weeks! Ann’s words “I managed to lose over 2 stone in that 4 week period, and a whopping 6 inches off my waist! The plan was super easy to follow - as long as you have the will power & motivation to stick to plan - and nutritionally balanced so that your metabolism didn’t dip despite the low calorie intake. What made it easier than other plans was having Victoria at the end of a WhatsApp or a phone call if I was struggling or had given in to temptation and gone off plan. She helped me overcome any lapses and get back onto plan, boosting my confidence and will power to keep me on the straight and narrow. I couldn’t recommend the plan enough. It’s an easy to follow plan, delivering fast and dramatic results. Well worth trying, particularly if you have an event coming up or even trying to kick start a longer term weight loss journey” Would you love to lose a couple of stone before Christmas? Let’s get you started today.. call me got a personalised 1:1 consultation and free BMI check What have you got to lose? 💙 #one2onediet (at The 1:1 Diet with Amy and Steve Sittingbourne & Surrounding Areas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4jaQnFBlaR/?igshid=7awgpqpfbwbr
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