#this also fits with goody btw
paul-newmans-sauce · 8 months
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totally real thing that happened in the movie
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phefics · 8 months
How do you think the stranger things boys would react to reader asking them to wear her purity ring on a chain / piece of jewelry after they take her virginity? (love ur fics btw!! <33)
hi!! ty for the request and sweet words <33 i only write for eddie, hopper, and steve, so i hope that's cool/what you meant, and i hope you enjoy!!
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𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 would be super into it, especially if you are more of a preppy girl, like a cheerleader or just an overall goody-two-shoes/girl-next-door kind. his corruption kink is pretty lowkey, but it is definitely there. he proudly wears your purity ring on a chain that sits right next to his guitar pick necklace, and he constantly fiddles with it, especially when you're around, like a subtle reminder/tease.
𝐣𝐢𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 isn't big into the possessive stuff, especially if you two have an age gap, it makes him feel a little weird. plus, he's so big, he doubts your ring would fit on any of his thick fingers. maybe he'd wear it on a necklace, tucked under his shirt, if you asked. or maybe he'd just keep it, in the drawer of his bedside table, like a little keepsake.
𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 would do it in a heartbeat. he also isn't huge on the whole "i took your virginity" thing, but he loves the fact that you're his girl. he doesn't normally wear jewelry, but he'd make it work, and when people ask him what it is, he'll smirk and say, "it's my girlfriend's." when he fucks you, the chain dangles in front of your face, the cool metal tickling your skin.
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sukunaology · 4 months
helloo, this is the first time i do a request on tumblr >< may i request yandere shenhe headcanons with fem reader? maybe reader approached her first because she understood her struggles to fit in and wanted to be friends. your blog looks pretty btw!
𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚑𝚎 — 𝚐𝚒
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a/n : hi! i feel so honored that you chose my blog for your first request! i would like to apologize for how long i have been gone! since starting college. i have been stressed out with coursework. so, tumblr had to sit at the back burner! but now i'm back and better than ever! thanks for being so patient nonnie :3 !! and this goes out to everyone else as well :D! but shenhe is a new character for me so i am super excited to write her for you! enjoy! (i am no longer doing fancy banners. too much work for lil ol' me ! also! i'm 19 now guys :D
synopsis : shenhe has a new friend and she wants to be more.
w/c : mrow
trigger warnings : yandere scariness , stalking , enabler cloud retainer , non-con kissing , MDNI , goodies under the cut !
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yandere! shenhe who has been lonely and isolated from humanity for many years until she meets you..a young woman who had ventured a little too far into the caves of the adepti. you had ended up awakening a monster in your curiosty, and thus, shenhe began her work.
yandere! shenhe who defeated the monster looks at you with a certain curiosity as you greet her with enthusiasm.. you did not treat her like a cursed being despite the tales told. you treated her like a friend..
yandere! shenhe who struggles with her growing new found feelings for you as you brought her strange trinkets from the mortal coil. she adored how your hair frames your face, whether long or short, she adores it. she would like to be the one to comb her fingers through your hair and delicately place the jade hairpin you ever so adore in your hair. she is fascinated by you. wholly.. truly.. yandere! shenhe who ended up consulting cloud retainer on her new found feelings.. how shall she deal with them? why does her heart seem to quicken when you draw near to her. cloud retainer had told her that it is love that she feels for you. love.. how strange. she thought that she could have never felt such a human emotion.. but here she is.. in love with you yandere! shenhe who grows jealous easily when she sees you interact with anyone, female or male otherwise. when you interact with the hairshop owner and she feels that the other woman is all too eager to brush your hair out, a task that is trusted to shenhe, she feels the all too eager urge to dig her blade into that mortal flesh to cease the painful feelings.
yandere! shenhe who is elated as cloud retainer brings you to her abode so that you may spend time to her. shenhe wants to make sure you stay with her.. for as long as you both shall live. she sees no need to ask you to be her lover, as the way she marks you is enough to lay her claim on your body. your neck and your collarbones are marred by her teeth, beautiful purple hues on your skin yandere! shenhe who kidnaps you on a dark night. after all.. you are hers.
" do not struggle innocent one... you shall be happy with me"
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izzyspussy · 1 day
hc that the "i like fucking gingers" scene was not the only time that mickey got drunk enough to get loose lips around kev and tommy(?)
like kev, due to having slightly more background info / just like knowing ian personally, kinda puts it together. maybe mostly just subconsciously or maybe he fully figures it out.
but tommy is also like damn this guy just had the world's worst breakup and he is Going Through It and also there's some kind of Reason why he's not doing the crying at the bar thing by actually talking about the breakup itself/ex, but he just doesn't have "gay" as an assumption he would make without more prompting and he doesn't know who mickey hangs out with nevermind which of them fits the description and unexpectedly left town recently like kev does
anyway. not infrequently during his spectacular depression stage, mickey gets blackout fall-down piss drunk while "working" at the bar and starts tunelessly singing the praises of/ranting about:
goodies-two-shoes who are secretly just as much trouble as any delinquent bad boy
perfect shots
and who cares about defining the relationship to the fucks who ain't even in it anyway? or if a guy cheats on his wife?
btw the army is just international cops. so there.
bossy types
and one more thing! brokeback mountain is a shitty fucking movie that no one even likes at all and it deserved to lose the oscar. casanova's good tho.
it was always temporary. just a fantasy, you know? but he would've given anything to make it real if he could...
tommy is part sympathetic part amused. it's just such a bar regular Thing, something that just kind of automatically endears a fellow guy who's always at the bar - and anyway tommy isn't a bad guy, and mickey's heartbreak is clear. and of course, mickey has a very entertaining way with words even or maybe especially when he's not trying. he's just fucking funny. so even though after a certain point he's kind of edging into sadsack territory, tommy still kinda likes hearing him go.
meanwhile. kev is like
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asordinaryppl · 3 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 8: Encounter
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Kumon: I’m looking forward to Sumi-san’s performance~
Izumi: The final day is soon, so I’m glad you get a chance to see it.
[Car hitting the brakes]
Kumon: A taxi…?
Tenma: Sorry, I got held up.
Kumon: Good work! There’s still some time until the show starts, so you’re fine.
Izumi: Is your job that busy, Tenma-kun?
Tenma: Nah, it wasn’t work…
Izumi: ?
Kumon: He bought triangle goodies! A store was having a Kyoto fair, so he bought lots of yatsuhashi~
Kumon: There’s red bean paste flavor, and cinnamon, and matcha, chocolate, strawberries, banana, curry–
Tenma: It’s too much! I didn’t even know curry flavor existed…
Izumi: What now? It’s a little early, but should we head to the theater?
Tenma: Since the final performance is soon, should we get him some flowers?
Kumon: I wonder if there’s triangle flowers?
Tenma: Of course not.
Izumi: Ah, there’s a good flower shop nearby.
Izumi: Hello.
Towa: Yeees– Woah, the Summer Troupe!?!?
Towa: Eh– Wh- Why are Tenma-kun and Kumon-kun from the Summer Troupe in our shop!?
Izumi: This shop is run by Towa-kun’s aunt. Towa-kun is the Spring Troupe fan we were talking about before.
Tenma: I see, so this is the infamous…
Kumon: Hello~!
Towa: H-HHHHello!
Kumon: So, we’re going to watch Sumi-san’s performance, and we wanted to buy him some flowers–
Towa: Ah! Misumi-san’s the triangle oshi, right!
Tenma: This conversation’s too fast to keep up with…
Towa: My aunt is out right now, so all that’s available is the ready-made bouquets, but if you’re fine with that…
Towa: With Misumi-san’s image in mind, I think this bouquet with lots of yellow dahlias might be good.
Kumon: Yuppers, this is good! It’s SO Sumi-san!
Tenma: Good eye.
Izumi: Let’s go with that, then.
Towa: Aaaand, tah-dah! A triangle paper bag!
Kumon: Wooow…!
Towa: It’s made like this so the bouquet doesn’t come undone, but I think it’s perfect for Misumi-san…!
Izumi: Thank you for the perfectly fitting choice, Towa-kun.
Towa: No, thank you very much! I’ll prepare it immediately!
Izumi: By the way, how’s your theater troupe coming? Have you gathered the members?
Towa: Well… I did ask my friends, but their responses were kinda…
Towa: Some turned me down because they’re not interested, and others have already joined another troupe…
Kumon: Since there are more troupes now, many people must’ve been recruited~
Towa: I feel like I totally missed the beat here.
Izumi: I see…
Izumi: (I’d like to help, but I don’t have anyone in mind…)
Ibuki: Heyaaa. I’m from Dozono Stoooore.
Izumi: Eh?
Kumon: Huh!? Ibukichi!?
Ibuki: We sure see each other a lot. Does MANKAI Company often appear around these parts?
Towa: That’s not it at all!!! It’s rare!!! You shouldn’t think you can meet them so easily!
Towa: I’m trying not to get used to this, too. I try not to forget how in middle school I was satisfied with just watching them through a screen.
Towa: I’ve been so lucky ever since I got here that it’s gotten easy to forget. But I need to not take it for granted because otherwise karma will hit me hard.
Izumi: You’re the same as always, Towa-kun.
Kumon: I get it! You’re a hardcore fan, right?
Ibuki: You’re sorta familiar. How’s your name written?
Towa: With the “To” from peach and the “wa” from peace…
Ibuki: Oh–
Towa: ?
Tenma: Also, what’s the Dozono Store?
Ibuki: Oh, we’re a grocery store. I’m here for a delivery. BTW, my IRL name is Ibuki Dozono.
Ibuki: Daddy’s been extra hard on Ibuki ‘cause he strained his back~
Kumon: Ibukichi’s family runs a grocery store...!?
Tenma: That’s a surprise…
Towa: U-Um, you’re Ibuki-kun? You know MANKAI Company, right?
Towa: D-Does that mean… You might be interested in theater…?
Ibuki: Eh? Not at all.
Towa: Bummer…
Izumi: Were you going to recruit them for your troupe?
Towa: Yes…
Tenma: This easygoing recruitment style reminds me of a certain someone.
Ibuki: Towa, if you could sign here~
Towa: Okay…
Ibuki: Well, I’ve still got deliveries to make, so see ya.
[Ibuki runs off]
Towa: *sigh*...
Izumi: (That reminds me, Ibuki-kun has no interest whatsoever in theater, yet they somehow knew about MANKAI Company…)
Ibuki: …
Iv has entered the chat Iv: found him shiki: who? Kar: must be a 10 yen coin Iv: you’ll be wrong no matter how many times you say that. I’ve just had some coincidence happen shiki: what happened? Iv: it’s p interesting, so i’ll keep it under wraps
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Hi Dan! Can I ask for some fluffy, non-explicit Snarry recs, if you happen to know some? I am going through a heartbreak atm and I could use the warm fuzzies from some cute enemies to lovers 😥 Love your writing btw, you're a blessing to this world ❤️❤️
Hello my dear! I'm so sorry to hear of your sweet heart so broken! I will do my best to rec you some goodies!
I must warn you, I often tell people my angst-meter is broken and for similar reasons I think my fluff-meter is broken. 😂 But I will share with you some lighthearted reads I turn to when I most need them, and hope they bring you as much comfort as they bring me. 💛
First and foremost I'll start with some sneaky, shameless self-recs. I find family fics often have feel-good vibes, so I have rec lists for Snarry Raises Teddy and Family Fics you can check out. I also have some fluffy (for me!) fics of my own: Domestic Bliss (Snarry Style) series, The Gift of Love, and The Christmas Prince.
And with that...let's carry on with the proper recs, shall we? I do hope at least some of these fit your needs! (And lmk if you want the M & E rated version at some point!)
Sending you all of my love and hugs!!!! 🤗💛
Just Desserts
by accioslash. Rated G. 5k. AU.
Non-magic Coffee shop AU
The Beauty of Childbirth
by AnyaElizabeth. Rated G. 700. Mpreg.
The birth of Harry and Severus's first child. In which Severus remains cynical to the end.
a scratch for every itch
by bleedcolor. Rated T. 11k. Magical maladies.
Severus Snape is an itch that Harry just can't scratch.
Over Tea
by Dementordelta. Rated G. 5k. Severus & Minerva friendship.
Snape and McGonagall form a friendship based on tea, teaching, and Harry Potter. Inspired by a drabble called "Evening Tea", by Serenity, used with permission.
Lemons and Strawberries
by emeraldlove (@givereadersahug.) Rated T. 800.
Severus bakes a cake for Harry's forty-second birthday.
by emeraldlove. Rated G. 1k. Humor.
"You're cursed," declared Hermione. She dropped several books onto the table, scattering the flowers lying about, and took a seat. There were petals on the table and on the floor — especially on, above, under, and surrounding Harry.
The Perfect Love Story
by emynn. Rated G. Mpreg.
They didn't have the traditional love story, but it worked for them.
by florahart. Rated G. 5k. Muggle AU. Podfic available.
Harry's a computer science student, but he needs a writing credit to qualify for an internship. All the writing classes are full, so he ends up in Snape's lit class as a substitute. Snape has a reputation as a hardass, but it can be said that no one passes his class without learning to write, so that meets the requirement, and then, once Harry starts working on that, it turns out they have something else in common.
by khaleesisophie (@hereiamwithmyninjaclan.) Rated T. 6k. Gift giving.
Was it a tiny decision, made so many years ago? If he retraced his steps, would he always find his way back here?
Five times Severus almost kissed Harry (and the one time he did)
by Likelightinglass (@likelightinglass.) Rated G. 4k. 8th year. Pining. 5+1.
Severus wants to kiss Harry but doesn't. Eventually, he does.
So Quite a New Thing
by Likelightinglass. Rated G. 2k. 5+1.
Five times Harry gets thrown out of Severus' shop, and the one time he comes back.
Five Times Severus Saved Harry and the One Time He Didn't Have To
by Lunarlooroo. Rated G. 8k. 5+1. Postwar.
The world knows Harry has a saving people thing, but only Harry knows that Severus has always had a saving Harry thing. (Even if there are some things that Harry doesn't need saving from.)
(Not quite) For Your Eyes Only
by PinaNaponi (@vulnerasanenturmyprince). Rated T. 2k. 5+1. Alternating POVs.
Five times Harry and Severus don’t realise someone is watching, and one time they do.
Ronald Weasley, Stay at Home Dad
by PinaNaponi. Rated T. 6k. Matchmaking. Ron POV.
Prompt #62: Harry is the only one of them without a spouse. In Witch Weekly, Ron finds a ‘Find Your Ideal Partner’ quiz and fills it in on Harry’s behalf. The likely candidate – in fact, the ideal candidate – turns out to be someone just like Snape. He decides that it is up to him to bring the two together.
The Art of Coffee
by Snarry5evr. Rated T. 10. Muggle AU.
Taking over the overnight shift at the campus coffee shop, Harry meets an interesting stranger.
Birthdays Present
by Somn (@somnwritessometimes.) Rated T. 4k (so far.) Series.
various birthday fics for Harry and Severus
The Prince's Bride
by suitesamba (@suitesamba.) Rated T. 5k. Humor.
Hugo Weasley is sick and can’t go with his family to Diagon Alley to get Rose’s wand. Fortunately, Grandpa Arthur agrees to come and stay with him, and has a special book to read aloud. The book is The Princess Bride, and even though it’s not about Uncle Harry and Uncle Severus at all, Hugo would be a fool if he didn’t see the oh-so-obvious parallels. Fortunately, in the end, Uncle Harry arrives just in time to set the record straight and tell the real story.
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peniswizard69 · 4 months
A sequence of events
Jacksfilms tries to guess movies by their Letterboxd reviews Youtube video
References Zootopia shrew Godfather scene
Remember that Judy met the shrew in a neighborhood marked "little rodentia" despite shrews not being rodents
Search what order shrews are actually in
It's Eulipotyphla. What else is in it? Moles, hedgehogs, solenodons (already knew solenodons). Moonrats?
One genus of moonrats is Hylomys, that's from Greek for tree top mouse, which is neat. What are some of the specific names?
Macarong from Vietnamase for vampire. Now I need to know about Vietnamese vampires.
The English Wikipedia page for vampire has Ma cà rồng listed as its Vietnamese counterpart
Etymology of Ma cà rồng deeply unclear; ma is demon, but cà rồng is confidently listed as different things in different Wiki sources: Vietnamese Wikipedia connects it to Indonesian for mountain, English Wiktionary connects it to a Tai Dam word not translated directly but showing its cognates all mean cage or prison, and Vietnamese Wiktionary connects it to Khasi for rib. None of those things connect and I've learned of two ethnicities.
Afflict Google Translate upon the Vietnamese page on vampires, dreading any possible inaccuracies
A quote from some book says: vampires act like humans during the day, being a servant and doing normal things, but at night they stick their two big toes into their nostrils and fly off to be a demon and drink women's blood as they give birth. Then they come home, put their feet in a bucket of water, take their feet out of their nose, and turn human again. The human doesn't remember what they were doing that night
What was that about the toes?
That's the phrase Google Translate spat out, "two big toes into their nostrils", which is to me both insane and visceral. This cannot be right
By a repetitive process of deleting parts of the sentence and seeing how it affects the meaning, identify the role of each word and run through Wiktionary to verify translation; it checks the fuck out.
Xo hai ngón chân cái vào lô mui would be "insert two finger leg big in hole nose" if xo had a little sideways semi circle on the o, lô had a tilde on the ô, and mui has a tilde on the u. My phone's keyboard has limitations
Fuck it keep reading. Boring stuff about European vampires that I already knew, oh goody more Vietnamese specifics! This guy says vampires have red foreheads and a lot of white in their eyes!
Wrestle Google Translate and Wiktionary in order to attempt to decipger what "a lot of white in their eyes" means. The literal translation appears to be eye much core white. The word for core can also be heart? What is it doing there? Dead end
Says it goes to its grandmother's house? More wrestling. Mistranslation of "midwife", back to women giving birth
South East Asian folklore is deeply concerned with pregnancy. I've learned this. I've learned this in my research
Says their nostrils are extra big to fit the toes. Also says they grab their ears in their hands when they fly off?
Wrestling ole Goog Transl and Wicker Shenary again. Tay xách tai - hand pull ear. Xách tai is actually an example sentence for xách, in the meaning of pull up (derogatory)! So yeah
It is roughly 1:30 AM.
Start writing this post
It is 1:52 AM.
None of this has anything to do with mountains prisons or ribs btw. Or shrews or Jacksfilms for that matter
I woke up at 8 today
I'm so hungry
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theblacksheepcz · 1 year
More Rebecha headcanons but this time it’s her relationships with basically everyone
Here is part one btw
oh my god i forgor this in my draft section
um uh let’s start chronologically I think cuz it feels right for meh
So Rebecha and Super Weasel Kid never met, but Rebecha knows about him because of Walk, and SWK doesn’t even know she exists. HOWEVER. If they did meet, they would have this ‘wine aunt and prankster nephew’ dynamic like “yo can I borrow this dangerous thing for a prank?” “take it and leave me alone. (finally something interesting will happen)”
She met Mr. Squarell once in Secrets of Legendaria and they very much relate to each other.
Rebecha hates Irving with every pixel of her being. He hates her too. They can’t be in a single room together without beating the shit out of each other. Anyways that’s why she’s so rebellious and wants to get the fuck out of Gameworks/Gamefuna. Because the workplace is shit.
She gets along very well with Bryce, she listens to his stories from the Cooking Granny series and he taught her a few things about cooking/baking!
Wizarro is her best friend. Bestest friend she ever had. She tells him everything from gossips to personal stuff and he’s always there for her if she needs comfort. He’s too pure for this world T-T oh and also they paint each other’s nails
also she didn’t really talk to the other fighters in Combat Arena X but she had this rivalry with Shinobee and Alley Gator-
Now about Sado…*inhale* so if you’ve known me long enough (or follow my other medias) you probably noticed that I basically invented Sabecha- you see- ITS COMPLICATED THEY HAVE POTENTIAL OK- THEYRE FRENEMIES AND LOVERS- AND- CALM X RECKLESS, REBEL X GOODY-TWO-SHOES, FORBIDDEN LOVE/STARCROSSED LOVEEERS, ON AND OFF RELATIONSHIP?? grumpy x silly. *slaps roof of car* This baby can fit so much angst. And fluff. Ofc. you can read my fics and know what I mean-
And while we’re talking about ships. Chandrelle. basically i headcanon that she was in a polycule with them 👉👈 but she broke up with them, mostly on good terms tho.
There’s Lazarus…she tolerates him. Lazarus doesn’t really know if she dislikes him or not because she always has that deadpan expression and mostly monotone voice so he chooses his words carefully around her. But she’s really chill.
Rebecha somehow befriended Jack, the Sphinx’s servant. They understand each other. And he teases her by calling her Rebecca on purpose. That’s pretty much it. Also Wizarro always shushes him whenever he’s about to say a curse word. Everyone actually. Just because.
Rebecha tried to flirt with the village girl once and only got a death stare in return.
talked to Jay once or twice and dipped.
she was the one that told baby Junior that his dad won’t come back and then he had to be hugged for an hour.
Rust is like a father figure to her. More or less. He gives her headpats. But Rocky is more like a nephew.
She pretends that Dustbowl Danny and The Vurm don’t exist. Take that as you will.
Rebecha views FPP as just acquaintances, but they view her as a friend. Rebecha tells stories or vents to them and FPP gets to do the same (in sign language). Both of them are glad that someone actually listens to them.
She’d find Catarina and she would tell Rebecha to “break up with that clown freak” and Rebecha wouldn’t give a shit
o yea she saw Jeremiah sneaking into the boat, she didn’t think much of it.
ok now Lionel Snill…her feelings about him are complicated. Like she knows that he probably has no idea that his characters are sentient and that Irving basically abuses them but at the same time she resents him. And then in Walk she just facepalms at hearing his story.
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tomtepixiedust · 6 months
Been going through my (chaos) notes and would you look
A Harry Potter fic cookie
Potions class. The same as usual. A bunch of 13 year olds, the interesting and unlucky mix of Slytherins and Gryffindors, trying to survive the lesson.
However, two bloody masterminds (please note the dry sand-dripping sarcasm), two Slytherins (this time not the trying hard and shy Neville), both very much not conscious enough to be brewing over a cauldron (the acquired bag of baked goodies was worth it!) end up with a very odd mix of Amortencia, instead of the required draught meant for 3rd years.
Of course the content spills over the nearby desks and people. Especially the people.
In the end it ends up halfway on Hermione, who gets a whiff and
in a fit of inhaling the odor of the classroom, trying to identify the supposed target her instincts are trying to locate, taking in the situation, her analytical mind honing in on the specific substances, and a certain haze washing over, this weird sensation of belonging and knowledge, she settles and... This is it.
Oh the glory of Potions, these intricate brews and complex ingredient-interacting
"I'm going to be a Potionmistress," she declares.
Which in turn eggs on Draco, the supposed rival in Potions class, but also the whiffs are potent and as the desks neighbour on the other side it triggers something inside, that might have or not been there. And essentially terrifies in his botched Amortentia-haze mind.
"Hey! Can't you be more careful, watch it---!"
(it turns out the weird brew cross just amplifies feeling from within their own soul/mind/personality and focuses them on one specific randomly found aspect and adds to it. Thus:
Hermione - thirst for knowledge - potions
Draco - a sense for another's feelings - empathy)
A potionmistress-in-the-making Hermione
A sentimental and sensitive Draco
Later on, in another class Luna gets a chunk of it with other Ravenclaws (the bullies turn odder than expected) courtesy of the twins who get hyped to try out this method for pranks (as it turns out, as per usual eavesdropping, making that mix ain't that hard not as dangerous hence good door pranking), so Luna declares Snape her personal mentor and friend, which ain't that odd as it's the odd yet friendly Luna, but more the bravery for going up and saying it ( una - bravery - target of her new found: Snape)
Also usual Hogwarts shenanigans while the chaos continues
2 students, a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw first years try to make it into the Ravenclaw tower cause 1) friends gotta help each other in this freaky situation 2) if anything happens you can sleep with me in the dungeon, maybe they won't notice it, Professor Snape has been absent lately, some accident or smth, hey my friend is also there, she will help us.
They end up in Hufflepuff. Well, fuck. That didn't work, at least the carpets are nice and fluffy.
Btw these two are 16 as they both are from a different country and didn't get the memo, they are witches
Btw there are also 2 time Travelers who just kinda hang around and don't give a fuck
Both happen in the background
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plutoruins · 2 months
HALA . the package came in :3c
I know I've said it so many times now and that my gratitude has probably lost its novelty but I don't know what else to say but thank you ... well besides I love u very very much. I didn't expect to get a blanket AND goodies AND a note WITH A MUSHROOM ON IT ITS SOOO CUTE ITS THE FIRST THING I SAW AND IT ABSOLUTELY MELTED MY HEART GIRL. and then I saw the mango nectar and almost cried (again) I didn't even know mango nectar was like. a thing you could buy. it's in my fridge rn chilling for later after dinner. it was so sweet of you to add some extra for vro btw he didn't believe it until I showed him ur letter he also says thank you and that he would sacrifice a newborn for u. BUT. I do have a question actually because I've never had something like this I wanted to ask is there any specific way i should take care of the blanket. obviously I'm going to be very careful with it but I wanted to know do I have to like. hand wash it or like. hang dry it or what. I can't stress this enough if this thing comes unraveled by my hand I'm going to become a hermit .
side note your handwriting is very cute :) I could read it just fine and it didn't smudge at all in the mail! I'm going to keep it and the envelope on my mantle for safe keeping <3 and also as I've told ima before (she didn't believe me, actually) I don't keep a personal number so I'm quite sorry 😞 perhaps someday soon I'll get one exclusively for u two ... I digress however I won't overwhelm u with an extremely long ask. thank you again (and expect me to repay you someday!)
actually it’s so fitting that you don’t have a personal phone number 😭 but i’m happy you and vro loved the gifts! i hope the mango nectar was good too 💥 they’re like 58 cents here so i always try to get a bunch when my stepmom goes out shopping. i gotta find some once i move tho 😔.
also you can hand wash or machine wash it if you want! if you hand wash it, fill a container with lukewarm water and add gentle soap to it. let it soak and gently swish it around for about 15 minutes. afterwards, gently squeeze it to remove excess water once you remove it, dump out the lukewarm soapy water, then refill it with more lukewarm water (😭), and put it back in and swish it around for another 15 minutes this time to remove on the soap.
if you wanna machine wash it, use a delicate/gentle cycle with a low spin speed and cool water. also! make sure to use a mild or gentle detergent! when you go to dry it, the best way is it to lay it flat on a towel and then gently press out the excess water by rolling it up in a towel, then lay it on a plastic bag or a different towel. if you wanna machine dry it, go for low heat 💥
ALSO!! i listened to the song you sent and it fits seiko and kiyoshi so well! i’m adding it to their playlist rn [heart hands]
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roeza · 11 months
T.V.B.W.C 6.6 R.I.P Evangeline
okay so I asked Saya to move in with us but I moved her husband in instead
this will not end well for him
in the meantime I whet in and edited all of Saya and her children's outfits
first off Saya
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then is her daughter Kalyn this is the one Avis has met and has a good relationship with
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next is Her Daughter Jalisa
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then her daughter Rochelle who is My favorite or the bunch
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then her son Goody
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then her son Harold
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her son Jody pulling up with the Freddy Fazbear fit
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and Finally her Daughter Zuri
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also, I know now this technically mean's we have over 8 sims in the household but oh well.
I don't think that was a rule of the challenge and if it was, I'm not following it.
ill still try to and keep the household at 8 for the most part but if it goose over for a little while oh well.
and I moved all in btw.
SO Saya Became Avis's girlfriend
and Avis convinced her to leave her husband.
OMG Her Ex-husband just slapd her
and then her and Avis started making out
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Avis and Says's ex-husband who's name is Dusty
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Avis won Obviously
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so i stuck him in a pool to die
and he died fast
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OZzie aged up
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Okay that's it Avis is cursed
Eveangeline just died.
Avis just killed a guy and now Eveie is dead.
So he has to be Cursed no one had died in a while and he had killed anyone in a while now he Kills Dusty and Eveie is dead.
so that means all of Wren's kids are dead.
oh god now we have to have a funeral
okay I'm haveing the Funeral
Awwww Willows so pregnant
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Avis and Saya got engaged
I missed it.
and Saya is pregnant
Marcell Aged up
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he is single handedly the coolest child sim i ever made.
and Marceline aged up
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went to Holly's house to edit some kids
and he just had an ipad
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why does he have an iPad
I edited Holly's daughter Sheena
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Holly is getting the mail.
i just realised that the kids have lives outside of the time Avis raised them.
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and I gave a makover to Holly's son Nestor
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YAY !!!
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0 notes
eluminium · 2 years
Useless Facts about ImpulseSV: the post
Welcome to “Useless Facts about Impulse”. The title says it all. I am Eluminium, that one fuck who decided to watch every single Impulse hermitcraft season and actually fucking did it, and I have a bunch of completely useless knowledge from it now. AND I SHALL SHARE IT WITH YOU SO YOU TOO MAY ALSO BE ENLIGHTENED! Also cuz i’m bored as shit (Btw i’ll probably keep adding onto this post as I remember or gain more useless knowledge) People who’ve blessed this post with more facts: @bucket-of-amethyst  @tsukinouta  LET THE FACTS BEGIN! First addition of facts: August 7th 2022
-Out of every single base Impulse has constructed on Hermitcraft, 3 and a half of them have featured water as a major design element. These would be the City of Atlantis (S5), iBay (S6), The Pyramid (S7), and the half is his “starter base” temple (S3).  (I count it as a half because he spent a considerable amount of time designing it but it isn’t his main base so to say.) -Impulse has two seasons of Hermitcraft that are the exact same lenght in terms of episodes, these being S3 and S4, both having 57 episodes. -Impulse’s longest season is S6 with 113 episodes, and his shortest is S8 with 35 episodes -Out of every base Impulse has built, only 2 of them do not feature his logo on the inside or outside in it’s final design. These are iBay (S6) and The Pyramid (S7)
-Impulse is shorter then Bdubs IRL. Bdubs claims to be 5′10 while Impulse claims to be 5′8. This makes fanon extremely hilarious
-In S4, the safe rooms Impulse and Tango constructed in the Wither Skeleton farm were called “The Sissy Room”, but only for one episode. After that it’s never mentioned again.
-Impulse’s wife (Ms. Impulse) has never touched Minecraft because she’s an interior designer and would most likely disappear off the face of the Earth if she ever let herself play the game. It hasn’t stopped Impulse from trying a few times though.
-Impulse has a habit of biting off more than he can chew. In 4 out of 7 seasons he’s been in there have been obvious projects that were never finished. These are in order: The roof of his and Tango’s shared Mega Base (S3), A fair amount of The City of Atlantis (S5), The missing farms on the Phinias Board (S7) and the interior of The Candy Factory (S8)
-Impulse’s current keyboard (At the time of writing) was custom made by his son
-In both S3 and S7, Impulse used the exact same floor desgin and armor stand gimmick for his Patreon Monument.
-One of the reasons Impulse and Skizzleman remain such close friends today was because he found a book on networking on Skizz’s bedroom floor when they were both looking to go to a new collage. They both went to the same Networking class after Impulse suggested it and have been glued together ever since. -They absolutely hated that networking class though
-Impulse has had 4 piercings in total. One in the tongue, one eyebrow one, one nipple, and one in the ear. Both the eyebrow one and the nipple one were taken out after they got caught on various zippers, and the ear one was something he did together with his drumline. None of them survived to the present day though.
-Impulse has sold enchanting related things in 4 out of 7 seasons (S4 S5 S6 S9)
-Impulse used to be completely bald and beardless until he grew out his hair and a beard for a No Shave November challange and people said it fit him. He hasn’t returned to baldness since that (At the time of writing) -Every since their introduction, Impulse always carries a totem on him. Although he has a resource pack that makes the totem invisible in first person so it won’t block up the screen as much.
-His Guardian Goodies shop building in S7 is an exact replica of a Guardian “shop” (everything was free) xB designed in S3
-Impulse has won every single “How to Kill” compitition, and with the exact same concept to boot. In “How to Kill a Doc” he made a bunch of traps that looked like the final blow but weren’t, instead having the killing strike be deliver by Impulse himself. In “How to Kill a Tango” he did the exact same thing, although the final blow should have been delt by a Magma Cube instead. Both of these killing machines also share similar surprises. Both involve fire charges (One from dispensers, one from a live Ghast), anvil launchers and TNT. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it i suppose?
-Impulse actually bought the “copyright rights” to the “i” brand from Iskall in S6 so he could keep iTrade open without confusion. Never got something similar from iJevin thought.
-When S6 updated to the villager update, Impulse managed to obtain a glitched Farmer Villager who never locked up his trades no matter how much you traded with him. Although he did lose a fair amount of villagers in iTrade too, so it was more a soul for a soul.
-The only season Impulse was part of that never had Elytras was ironically S3, the one with amplified terrain.
-The first time Impulse properly tested out the Elytra, it lagged so bad he died from fall damage by falling into Xisumas Guardian Farm. The elytra refused to open.
-Impulse and Tango has had an agreement since Impulse joined in S3 that they can take certain resources from each other’s storages and farms without asking before hand. They call this “Mi casa, Ti casa” or “My house, your house”.
-In 4 out of 7 seasons, Impulse has had at least one entire video that centers around either a request from xB, or featuring xB himself. (S3 S4 S5 S7)
-The “SV” in impulseSV could be read as “impulsive” but it actually stands for Impulse’s IRL initials
-Impulse was introduced to Minecraft via his son, who wanted to get into gaming. Impulse mostly played shooters but he didn’t want his kid to play those types of games at his age, so a coworker suggested Minecraft. Although his kid didn’t know anything about the game, so he had to hop on and learn too.
-Impulse plays Minecraft with an inverted mouse. This is because he got so used to flying helicopters in various shooters it made more sense to his brain that dragging the mouse down means up, and pushing it up means down.
-Impulse started out as a fan of Tango’s until he learned that he and Tango are pretty similar in age and in video style. So he e-mailed Tango about a collab and he accepted. Later they learned they lived incredibly close to each other and went out for some “sodas” (aka BEERS). The rest is history.
-The name Impulse along with the black and yellow colour scheme is something Impulse stole from his drumcore’s name and colour scheme. His favourite colour is actually purple.
-Impulse and Skizz live in the same neighbourhood (at the time of writing)
Second addition of facts 9th of August 2022
-Impulse has a dog (specifically a Border Collie) named Prim and a cat named Luna. Luna was a gift for his older daughter. Impulse wasn’t the biggest fan of cats until his wife got one, and he fell in love as well.
-He and Skizz have been best friends for over 25 years (at the time of writing)
-Impulse has a collage degree in computer information systems, because he was too spooked by a full on computer science degree.
-Despite being born in Iowa. Impulse has lived in Arizona since he was 5 years old.
-Impulse was born in 1981. Skizz is 2 years older. You do the math.
-Impulse ain’t no single child, he has a sister who once saved him from drowning. This was after he had colided with a boat on a Jetski as a kid.
-Impulse is a father of 3, his oldest is heading to collage (at the time of writing) and his youngest is 10.
-If any government or HOA people asks what Impulse’s new studio is (at the time of writing), it’s totally just a guest house. nothing else. nothing to see here.
-He met his wife in collage.
-His channel was originally made to be a sort of memory box of him and his son playing games together.
-His wife has a Etsy store where she sells custom made jewlery. It’s called Desert Medows Design (it’s actually pretty sick ngl)
-Impusle is a pretty big “sportsball” (aka Sports) fan and usually brings it up in streams. Not for long though considering he recognises that most people who watch him aren’t that into sportsball (his words not mine. honestly though it is pretty cool to listen to, could be just a me thing.)
Third addition of facts 12th of August 2022
-Impulse has a back injury that appearenly reappears to cause problems sometimes. He got it from playing Volleyball one time and messed up a muscle in his back when jumping. According to the man himself, when that pain flares back up it can leave him stranded on the couch with ice packs and heatpads for a fair while.
-According to Skizzleman, Impulse doesn’t handle blood very well. He got hit in the face with a pizza box once and the bleed he got from that made him serverly nauseous.
-Impulse has a slight gluten intolerance Fourth addition of facts 18th of August 2022
-Impulse has back teeth retainers.
-Impulse hates olives. Like “Will throw up” levels of hate. He shares this hatred with Tango.
(thats enough for now but i’ll probably add more as i think them up)
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springfieldblues · 3 years
So how did you come up with how the Springfield Kids would dress in your comic? What were your thought process and inspirations?
i could’ve answered this more simply but i got a little carried away. oops. sorry this is long. and please don’t laugh at my fashion sense
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Bart's style is supposed to be similar to what he wears in episodes set in the future, but tweaked to evoke more of a chill skater vibe. I want him to look colorful while trying to stick to his original color scheme: blue+faded red+orange. I like to give him Hawaiian shirts and hoodies. I'd originally given him Converse, but decided to switch to Vans because they fit the look (and his original shoe design) a lot better. Tyler the Creator is a big influence vibes-wise, I can't really explain it but if you get it you get it. Not shown: vintage faded Krusty t-shirt.
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Lisa's look is also inspired by what she's seen wearing in the show. Tried to go for "smart goody two-shoes bookworm but also a bit artsy," hopefully that comes across. Sweaters and turtlenecks seem to be her thing. Her color scheme is red+orange+black or brown. I considered using more pink because she wears it a lot in the show but it clashes too much with the red and orange, so I replaced it with occasional floral patterns that match the "artsy bookworm" aesthetic. also I recently learned that this type of style and aesthetic is called 'academia' which is very fitting for her, I think. (btw she does wear pants too, these are just the designs I use the most) (yes I am aware that she looks like Sabrina Spellman but it was not intentional and it's fitting so I can live with that)
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Milhouse....look I gotta be honest. I got nothin interesting for him. Perhaps that's fitting. The show gave him a green polo shirt in Barthood, so I went with that. He also wears the occasional v-neck. I don't know why but striped polos always gave me sort of a nerd vibe? It's like he picked up a GQ magazine and tried to emulate the style of a successful entrepreneur, almost to appear as someone he's not, but he can't get rid of who he really is. The very same thing shows in his physique, like you can tell he worked out like crazy but even though he's ripped, he still looks tragically Milhouse. He's a pretty insecure kid. His color scheme is green+light purple+red. Terrible color scheme if you ask me LMAO maybe I should work on that...but for now, this works. I could give him a fanny pack too or something. would that be too much?
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Finally Nelson..........this is where I took the most liberties because I couldn't figure out his fashion sense (or lack thereof) in the future episodes (his design is also super inconsistent in those). So I scrapped those references and worked off of his original child design only. He still wears the vest and the faded pink shirt in my teen designs (obviously not the same ones he wore as a kid come on), but now he has more of a grungy...metalhead-ish...biker-ish vibe, mainly because that's what the bullies reminded me of ever since I was a kid (and why I always loved their designs in the first place)....something about the ripped and torn edges got me like "wow that looks cool as fuck" and then drew a punk version of pikachu in a torn vest in their honor. ANYWAY. It's a shame I can't make his vest too detailed like a real battle vest, but perhaps he likes to keep it simple. I know I do because I'm the one who's gonna be drawing it over and over again. I originally gave him a red plaid shirt to wear under the vest as a reference to John Bender from The Breakfast Club, but changed it to green like his father's. Could even be the same shirt he wore. My reference to John Bender stayed as a red cloth tied around one of his dirty combat boots. His color scheme is muted blues+faded/dirty pink+black +the occasional green. I feel like adding black to any design just makes it better tbh.
that’s all i got!!! whew. they do have more outfits than just these but these are the ones i draw the most. hopefully this is thorough enough....not sure what else i can say. enjoy :^D ?
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team-heavenly · 2 years
Chapter 10
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ayo the pizza here
I guess Dusknoir is a pizza now 😜
I definitely could not keep this to one part unfortunately because there’s a lot going on plot-wise. Click here for Part 2!
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It sure is! We’re back from the expedition, rested up, and now we’re as fresh as spring chickens, with no Team Water Meanies in sight. Boy, I sure hope that’s the end of Things Happening for a while-
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Clefable is stumped, Andrea argues with Mewtwo over the sentry’s expertise, and then:
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Oh you have GOT to be kidding me.
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(I’m never gonna get over the character’s saying the wrong name at first btw.)
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Okay no wait a second, I’m legitimately upset about this 😭
A Tragedy in Two Parts:
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*Sighs* It was etched into the stars the moment I clicked “Generate.” No use crying over it now.
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It’s one thing to lie. It’s another to lie convincingly.
“Didn’t learn a thing about anything” well we learned there’s a forest. And it’s foggy. And that sucks.
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He’s going to stay where?
Also I’m sure this will have absolutely no bad consequences at all :)
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Well. At least the duplicate Gulpin makes shots like this hilarious. He’s right there!! 🤣
Oh but speaking of Nautical Cottage! The rest of our shops are finally open!
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A prehistoric trilobite will take care of any eggs we’re awarded. I haven’t received any yet, but I will post about it if and when I get my first!
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Gastly will open our treasure boxes! Kind of fitting for it to be a Ghost, actually.
I actually had a growing pile of treasure boxes, so this was very welcome. Just for funsies, here’s the before and after:
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Not a bad haul at all! Also laughing because I have like three Icy Flutes at this point.
I brought my exclusive items to Dodrio, curious to see if there was anything worth bartering for, and-
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I’ve never made a trade so fast in my life! Also idk why Togepi is replaced with Geodude here sdhfgdfdfsjd
Then I went to the cafe real quick to consume my Gummis and-
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The abrasive Sneasel is replaced with a freaking Pichu.
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On to the jobs. I’m not sure how exactly, but this description finally made the oddities of the Kecleon shop click into place for me. Why could I get a Wonder Gummi for free? Why could I pilfer some Rare Fossils and not get aggro’d for it? Why am I able to just pick up this Golden Mask and walk away?
Because these items aren’t normally offered in shops. I just assumed the “Thief!” script applied to every item taken from a shop without paying. And it does, normally. But it doesn’t cover items not meant for sale! Because why bother?
Hehe, that just means more goodies for me 😈
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(This was a few days later but LOL... Buddy, I got some News for you.)
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Andrea wanted to learn Helping Hand and I went “Eh, why not? Could be useful sometime.” So I exchanged it for Iron Defense, which hasn’t been super useful so far.
Later that day:
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Smh, y’all need to get a life. Just take the L and go.
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Sure *hands a shovel* start digging.
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Aw, hey little guys! Haven’t seen you in a while.
Just a reminder: these fellas were looking for an item they lost when Drowzee Sandshrew took advantage of them.
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...Not yay.
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I was browsing through my TM’s and noticed I had Octazooka. Line-of-sight range, water-type STAB, decent PP. Quick Attack seemed like a fair trade.
Pro tip: Don’t do this. I ended up regretting it (you’ll see why later). What I should have done was get rid of Helping Hand. Honestly, I’m probably going to the move reminder the moment the opportunity presents itself.
In other news, we’ve been killing it in the rare items department:
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I guess these items are worthless since everything is randomized but... hey, it’s a cool keepsake!
Later that night, Tropius delivers the harrowing blow:
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Agh. Heart attack narrowly avoided.
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o7 Yessir
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Oh, I can.
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(I also love that the transition here is “I wonder how Bonsly is doing?” / “They told! They told, dammit! F*ck those guys.”)
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Actually, if you think about it, he’s known about the Time Gear for negative time. Since the future he comes from hasn’t happened yet? Wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff.
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Team Heavenly has visitors! But they’re not here for a social call...
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Hysterical Hospice. Amp Plains... is known as Hysterical Hospice.
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Uh, yeah, I’d say so! Like the “Chaw-haw-haw!” at the end wasn’t a dead giveaway.
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Kakuna goes on about how the dungeon is filled with electric types and he’s no match for them. First, if that’s the case, then a water/flying duo is screwed lol. Second, I think that’s the least of your problems, buddy. Believe me, I’ve had cocoon Pokémon teammates before, and they don’t even move! It’s a real mood killer.
With that in mind, we naturally answer the call. 
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Before we left, a Gummi drink gave me a new IQ Skill: Brick-Tough! This is a very welcome addition. As you can see, now Teresa’s and Andrea’s HP is nearly the same!
Alright, the image limit is fast approaching, so read on in part 2!
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artichow · 2 years
hey it's me again :D first thank you for your reply to my Gingka and Nile friend/ship headcannons. I wanted to reply-reblog but when I about done tumblr glitched on me and I lost all that I've written ;w; (that's the second time it happened, makes me lose motivation every time)
But this time I would like to read your take on your ideas and headcannons for Sora. We all know the show done this boy more than just dirty. I personally headcannon he forms a group with Kakeru and Ryuto but I would love to read your takes :D
Thanks for your time ❤💓💗
yep yep yep! just a disclaimer that I didn't watch shogun steel and i don't plan on watching it, still haven't read the manga either. So I don't really know much about Kakeru at all except that he's Kyoya's little brother. I saw some screenshots of shogun steel and the one with Sora and Ryuto on it!!
I really like the idea of them being friends
But okay, so Sora, I really really want him to be a close friend of Kenta. They kept in touch and they go out of their way to meet for tournaments, even if it means travelling pretty far.
I'm thinking, as soon as right after the events of fusion or masters, goodies and knock-offs of Gingka's image start to be sold. Not approved by gingka btw, and kinda ugly lmao. And among the merch there's a replica of Gingka's scarf, and I'm thinking Sora would need every bit of self control he has in his fanboy body to not buy it :')
He has pretty busy parents but the fact that he's a child and has to go to school and all that (yes I insist on at least some of those kids to have a normal life pls) he can't travel as much as he would want to. I'm thinking he could quit school at 15 and go on his travels then, for that he studied very hard to learn english and every skill he would need in his adventures. It was a requirement from his parents, and I think it helped him a lot. He was not really fit to learn in school, it was very hard for him to conform to school's way of teaching, but having this goal to travel and get better at beyblade motivated him a lot. It also showed him that it's not learning that he didn't like, it was the way he was taught.
So he learned english while watching foreign beyblade matches over and over again, analysing the fights the best he could on video and meanwhile practicing beyblade too.
He plays soccer and also some volleyball!! And that's another thing beside beyblade that helps him bond with the locals in a lot of places
Sora meets Ryuto during his travels, he gets involved in an adventure with him. And I think it’d be funny if he was acting super weird around him for the first day they are around each other (they haven’t even introduced themselves cause they’re so focused and excited about a treasure or a cool hidden beyblade place). And then he just blurts out “ARE YOU RYUGA??” and Ryuto’s really confused. “You mean that guy who tried to control the world with a beyblade tournament 4 years ago?”.
I think Ryuto wouldn’t often have access to a TV and he would have heard the stories about battle bladers so he doesn’t know what Ryuga looks like and he just doesn’t know the guy! Also Sora being the only member of the cast to point out the obvious resemblance?? Much needed, anyway, they become very close and decide to travel together from now on. Sora notices the parallel between them and Gingka and tries his hardest to keep it to himself because he knows it would annoy Ryuto a lot. His fanboy heart is pounding at the idea of being “basically like Gingka”
Sora loves dinosaurs, Ryuto does too and they share a lot of cool facts about them and in their travels they like to stop by cool museums (yes, Sora willingly in a museum)
Ryuto also loves insects and Sora is very squeamish about them
What I like about Sora and the very few moments we saw him, is how seeing and sharing time wih Kenta helped him grow. At first he only wants to do everything like Gingka without accepting his unique traits and identity. Kenta shows him (and us) how much knowing Gingka helped him become a better blader and be more confident in who he is, while still having his individuality. And I think that’s why I imagine Sora transformed after that, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have setbacks sometimes, but he matured a lot in my mind.
Ryuto likes to wear cool jewellry and Sora is his hype man
Sometimes they enter tournaments together, often times battling each other in the final, sometimes only one joins and the other cheers him on very loudly. Either way, at the end of the day they go buy themselves a treat and explore the city. Sora always has a lot of energy and has the best time travelling, Ryuto needs more rest I think and is a little less extraverted and comfortable in big cities but they both love this lifestyle. I imagine them living like this for many years
Ryuto’s kindof hard to approach at first, the adventure he was headed for the day he met Sora required someone else for the trip and it’s by chance that he met Sora. Maybe he was about to get in trouble with other bladers and Ryuto helps him out of it, but notices Sora’s skills. They go on this exciting adventure together and talk a lot about beyblade but Ryuto doesn’t really want to make a friend so he keeps the conversation very on the surface. But Sora’s not really happy with this attitude, it’s not that obvious but he notices it and finds it a bit rude. So they fight a little (even when they’re friends I like to think they have no problem fighting and telling point blank what’s bothering them) and Ryuto’s like “FINE” and begins opening up lmao. I know it’s weird but I think it’s funny. They don’t really become friends overnight, but Sora’s determined to get to know Ryuto better and they talk a lot so by the end of the adventure they don’t want to leave each other
Soon they get a reputation as talented bladers and maybe Kenta would talk to Sora about Kakeru who is rougly the same age as them, and they meet the next time they’re in Japan. Once again I don’t know much about Kakeru sorry I can’t think of ideas for him
but yeah, my hcs for these two!! I had to come up with a lot of stuff cause I never really think about them. But it was really cool to do!!! I love these “oh so very underdevelopped” boys. The writers’ rejects
Also thanks to everyone who sent me asks of characters to make hc about, I’ll definitely do them, they just take a long time to write. Also I’m sure I’m making spelling or grammar mistakes, english’s not my 1st language and I’m writing these without a draft and as they come to me so sorry :’) But if you spot mistakes and want to help me correct them you can tell me in my dms, I’d appreciate it :D
edit: you know what, he did buy the scarf, why not. He’s like 15 he’s not made of stone! He doesn’t wear it but keeps it and is attached to it!! yeah!!! I need to let these characters be weird and maybe a little cringe  it’s important
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
So glad to see you back! 😊 Ngl, I got a bit worried when you barely posted on here but I didn't want to pry. 😅 I'm happy to see you're well, though. x3
Tbh I sent that ask very soon after finishing the episode and as I've thought about it more since, some of my initial thoughts have changed. For example, I forgot that in the previous preview we saw Sean in what looked like the "Are you ok?" scene saying to White "You have a sibling," and that wasn't in the episode, so now I think we'll see that in ep 10 as a flashback (meaning White may have actually confessed the truth there after all, we just didn't see it yet).
Also, I saw your answer about Gram and just wanted to say that I'm still on the gramblack train (yes, I'm THAT delulu). I know literally everything in these past few episodes screams "gram is in love with eugene" but I keep convincing myself it's just a deliberate misdirect in order to make the gramblack reveal more "shocking" for the audience. If I'm a 🤡 then so be it. I can keep dreaming until Gram explicitly states who he likes. 🙃
Btw, what do you think of the theory that Dan will turn out to be a mole and betray the gang? (My opinion on that is that it makes zero sense and I can elaborate on the why, but I want to hear your answer first.)
One person that's very sus to me, though, is Black and White's mom. I wouldn't be surprised if she's revealed as another "villain" (because lbr, no one was surprised about Todd lol).
awwww it's very sweet of you to worry!! i will be fine eventually, and i am back now, so that's good!
white confessing but us not knowing yet is such an interesting move omg!! maybe!
and listen, you are not a clown for believing that gramblack is still happening. grameugene is just my current take and gods know i have been wrong before. i might make a big post analyzing everything and explaining my pov but all i can say rn is gramblack wouldn't be much of a reveal because white pushed the idea of gram liking black episodes ago when he found the note from the figurines, so i'd say we have been directed into gramblack this entire time more than anywhere else, and grameugene is the shocker here. so 🤷‍♂️
as for the theory about dan being a mole, it's unlikely. dan seems to have been drawing his art for a while, unar is basically an anonymous icon now, and namo said lots of people have tried to find him and failed. so the whole unar thing really doesn't fit into the narrative of dan being a traitor. not to mention all the vulnerability and confessions - if he was a plant meant to integrate the group, he would act as the most goody two shoes cop ever that has never even hurt a fly, certainly not a cop that literally murdered a person on duty.
the mom is super sus to me as well. as much as i am not the biggest fan of black, there is definitely a good reason why he cut ties with her. and as someone whose father is a fascist, i can absolutely see fundamental ideological and ethical differences driving a wedge between them and black deciding to cut her off because of it.
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