#this also makes me wanna play with an au where they actually become friends in high school.....
flowerakatsuka · 1 month
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here's a messy ass doodle of 2nd year kurokara even tho i should've gone to bed already.
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hyunfilms · 5 months
blue side of the sky (lmh) | nineteen.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 3.3k
—chapter content/warnings: just the very much needed talk for oc x minho, crying, cute lil random flashback at the end
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The phone sits on your bed for a good awhile before you contemplate on actually picking it up and texting him. Your talk with Jisung was about a week and a half ago, but you figured you could at least talk to Minho and get things straight without anyone getting in the middle of it.
Even though you missed Minho, you knew you weren't ready and that you still needed time to properly say your peace to all of this.
You would let the universe handle it, allowing you to have Minho in your life however it'd like you to have him— even if that meant at a distance, even if things never returned to normal. You would be sad, but you trust in the universe to take care of you this time around. 
Whatever is meant to be, will be. 
It all still feels terrible.
You grab your phone when you finally gain the strength to call him, nervously letting out a breath when the other line starts to ring. By the third ring, you almost regret calling him. You start to slowly pull the phone away from your ear when you hear Minho hastily pick up the call— music playing in the background.
"Y/N?" He calls for you as he steps around the corner of the studio, hoping the music is a bit softer outside of the room.
"Hi. Sorry, are you in class? I didn't mean to interrupt." 
"No, no." He clears his throat, also experiencing nervousness as he continues to talk to you over the phone. "I was just hanging out with Hyunjin. We were working on a random piece and just messing around with choreo."
"Still. I'm sorry to interrupt."
"You're not. Don't worry. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, it will be." You chew on your bottom lip for a moment before speaking up again. "I was just wondering if we could talk."
"Are you sure? I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything, I'll wait until you feel completely ready."
"To be honest, Minho. I don't know if I will ever be completely ready. But, we should talk. Alone. I need to let you know what's been going on my mind, too."
"Okay. I'll be leaving in about 15 minutes. I'll shower and head to your place? Unless you wanna meet somewhere else, but uh—" He clears his throat. "It's kinda cold. I just, I don't know. Whatever makes you comfortable."
"My place is fine."
"Okay." Minho lets out an inaudible sigh, a bit nervous about how the rest of the evening will go. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Sounds good." You respond softly before ending the call. Minho stills in his position for a bit before returning to the studio, his heart beating in his chest— because he is scared, he is nervous. But, nonetheless, he knows whatever is meant to happen, will need to happen. 
This is just another chapter in the book, another learning lesson; another step in becoming better for each other, your friends. Unlearning bad habits, leaving the past where it belongs.
"You good?" Hyunjin furrows his brows at Minho, watching him slowly walk back into the studio. Hyunjin has his hands on his hips, using his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face. It takes a minute before Minho reaches his gaze and responds with a shrug.
"I don't really know. I will be." 
"Who was that?"
"Y/N. She wants to talk."
"Oh." Hyunjin purses his lips into an 'o' shape before nodding. "Is she okay?"
"I don't know either." Minho lets out a pathetic chuckle. "She said she's not sure when she'll ever be ready to talk more about this but she has stuff she wants to tell me."
"I see."
"I really messed up." Is all Minho says as he walks over to his duffle bag on the ground.
"You did." Hyunjin sighs. "But, you are acknowledging it and trying to learn."
"I just, I don't really know. I had her back and I tried to take the chance to fix it without really... fixing it. If that makes sense."
"It does, and I get it. I honestly might have done the same if I was in your position. Plus, I know Jisung just wanted things to be okay for a bit." Hyunjin comes to stand next to Minho as he grabs his water bottle. "Promise me you'll give her the time she needs this time around."
"I will. At this point, I don't wanna lose her as my bestfriend. Even if that means I need to give her space for awhile—" He shrugs and throws the duffle bag strap over his shoulder. "However long it takes." 
"Mm, yeah." Hyunjin nods. "It'll be okay. Are you gonna go straight to her house?"
"No, I'm gonna head home first. Are you just gonna stay here?" 
"Yeah, I'll probably stay posted here for a bit longer. Still wanna get this choreo down." Minho gives him a tiny, toothless smile before waving goodbye.
"Alright, I'm out." He throws up the peace sign just as he heads out the door and to his car. He tosses his bag into the passenger seat, letting out another breath as he gets situated in the driver's seat. He's dreading this talk even though this has already torn you two apart— but he is determined to fix this the right way;
The right way as in putting it in time's hands.
When Minho gets home, his roommates are all tucked away in their rooms. He slips out of his shoes and tosses his duffle bag to the side of his room, adding to his laundry pile. He grabs a hoodie and some jeans, stepping into the bathroom for a quick shower. He quickly runs the towel through his hair before stepping out and grabbing his keys— heart still racing in his chest as he returns to his car. It's one of those drives where Minho has the music incredibly low because he needs to hear himself think; can't really focus with all these what if's and imaginary scenarios about how the evening will turn out.
Pulling up to your place, he sees Uncle Adrian home, but tucked away in the house somewhere. He can see a the dim light in the kitchen on, with another one of the room lights also on. He parks his car and pulls the hood over his head while walking to your small detached suite, taking a moment before knocking on the door a few times. You're sitting on the couch indulging in a new series when the knocks come— instantly throwing the blanket off of your legs to greet Minho at the door.
"Hey." You quickly eye Minho standing there in his hoodie and jeans, stepping aside to let him in.
"Feels nice and warm in here." He shakes off the cold a bit, plopping onto your couch.
"I'm glad." You chuckle, returning to your position on the couch. "How was the studio?"
"It was okay. Nothing too bad."
"Did you eat?" He shakes his head.
"I'm not really hungry."
"You sure? I have some leftover pasta." You point at your kitchen counter, making Minho smile.
"Promise, I'm good. Thank you." He switches his attention back to the TV. "Watching a new show?"
"Mhm. Finally finished the other one."
"That's new."
"I'm trying here." You respond before subtly biting onto your bottom lip. Great, the silence is settling in and it's awkward.
But luckily for you, Minho is quick to break the silence.
"So, how've you been feeling?" You sigh and turn your body towards him, giving him your full and undivided attention.
"I've been alright. I think I've seen brighter days. What about you?"
"Mm, not sure. But, it's alright. I'm making it through my days." You nod. Silence. More silence filling the room feels a lot louder than it actually is— probably due to all your thoughts and the neverending spiral of overthinking.
"Minho." You call his name and he feels his heart constrict for various reasons. "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" 
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I should've, but I was too caught up in us. I brushed things over without thinking about you or Jisung. I-I thought—" He sighs. "I really thought I could fix the past by doing better now, but I know it doesn't work well that way." He looks at you. "I planned to tell you, I just let it slip away from me. Selfishly." You look at him and you aren't sure what your heart is trying to tell you. You're angry, you're upset. You're sad, you're missing a piece of yourself because of all this.
"Do you know where we went wrong?"
"It was nothing you did." He responds lowly. Somehow, this statement triggers the tears that are suddenly streaming down your cheeks, and you can't help but quickly wipe them away. Minho has the hardest time preventing himself from reaching over to console you; but, he stills. He knows he can't, he shouldn't.
"How was it nothing when you upped and left? Clearly, something was wrong. Especially for you, somebody who was my bestfriend and knew me better than myself, to leave when things got rough between us." You tell him softly, though the words sting and they carry weight you are not strong enough to carry.
"It wasn't you. I was stupid. I ran when things got tough, I mistook a small ounce of infatuation and excitement as a way out of it. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how stupid I was being right away."
"Minho, I don't really know what to say. After everything that's happened, I was starting to feel safe with you again. Like there was nothing you could do to hurt me. And I think what hurts the most is knowing that I was terribly wrong. That I, at one point, was an after-thought for you. Because of this small ounce of infatuation and excitement. If it was nothing on me, then you wouldn't have left." You continue to cry and Minho swallows the lump in his throat— his own tears threatening to spill. "If it was nothing on me, then you wouldn't have kept seeing her while I was in the hospital. I know I had no control over that, but you definitely did." You dig your head into your hands and cry.
"Y/N. Please tell me what you need so I can make this better." Minho's voice wavers, his need to pry you away from your hands almost becomes unbearable. The more he watches you, the more he realizes that this must be how things turn out. This is how it all ends, this is what you two have become;
And there was no fixing this, no seal strong enough that could keep the cracks together. Because eventually, the seal wears off, it takes another blow, and everything comes apart— breaking to pieces all over again.
When Minho thinks about this, the urge to console you slowly subsides within him. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he realizes he is the cause of all the cracks he can see on you; all the cracks that are threatening to break apart because the seal isn't strong enough, no glue good enough to keep it together. All he does is add onto it, and maybe, he should just keep his distance like he originally did.
He loves you, and maybe this time, love meant he needed to let you go.
"I need time away from you." You finally look up at him again, and the silence that settles between you two is heartbreaking. "I just need to keep my distance because I don't think it's fair I didn't get my own time to process this, to properly get over it. I am grateful you told me and were honest about everything. Eventually, I'd like to move forward and say my peace to it. But for now, that's not the time. I'm not ready to."
He loves you, and maybe this time, love means he will let you go.
"Okay." Is all Minho responds with. But, you continue to cry and Minho isn't sure what he should do. Clearly, you can't let him in again. Clearly, the distance is what you need. 
"I hate this." You manage to mumble as you look at him. "I look at you and I don't want you to leave, I don't want you to just give me an 'okay.' I wish you could hold me and tell me things will get better. But then, I look at you and I also can't believe that you're the same person who managed to do the most damage to me. The one person I wasn't good enough for, the one who I wish never gave up. It makes me confused, angry. Part of me really wishing I didn't have to talk to you or see you."
"I'll do anything to make you comfortable and to keep you happy. I wanna show you that you are my biggest priority and that you are first before anything. Anyone. So, I'll give you time. I'll give you space. No matter how long it takes. Even if time eventually tells me that things are different between us, I'll take it. Because I'd rather have part of you than have none of you." Tears are slowly staining his cheeks at this point, but he continues to look at you; never once breaking contact. "I love you, and I'm gonna be here no matter what. But, I'll give you just that and let you be."
"I hope time can be good for us." 
"I hope so too." He stands, asking for your hand so that he can pull you up and hug you. You follow his actions, tightly wrapping your arms around his waist while letting your cheek rest against his chest. His one arm is wrapped around your back, while the other comes behind your head; his lips kissing the top of your head. He whispers an 'I'm sorry' against the surface before he says: "You don't need to forgive me. You know that. I deserve it. Whatever happens though, I'll always be here. Okay? I'll always be here. I'm not going anywhere." He repeats before placing another kiss on your head. You stay in the position for a few more seconds before pulling away to look up at him.
Looking at Minho makes your heart clench so, so badly. He can't help but return your look with soft eyes, nose slightly reddened from the crying he did earlier— hand coming to brush the hair away from your face before he steps back and starts heading towards the door. You wiggle your fingers and ball them into a fist, preventing yourself from reaching out, stop him from leaving. All you do is slowly and silently follow after him, now surrendering the rest of this chapter with Minho to the universe.
"Call me if you need me. I'll come no matter what." You nod, closing your eyes when he plants a soft kiss against your forehead. He gives you one last, tiny smile before turning on his heels to walk back to his car. You watch as he throws his hood back over his head, shutting the side gate closed behind him.
You nibble on your bottom lip as you find yourself walking into the house, hoping to find Uncle Adrian and be in his company for a bit. When you walk in, the kitchen light is still on and you find your uncle pouring himself a glass of water. 
"Oh, hey." He sees you pop around the corner as the back door shuts. His smile instantly fades when he sees the expression on your face, and the way you hug your arms close to your chest. "What's wrong, Y/N?" You start crying into your hands again and your uncle panics, throwing a blanket over your shoulder before walking you over to the couch. He pulls you into a hug, doing his best to ease the pain you're feeling. "Talk to me." He says.
"I wish things were easier." You mumble through your crying, finally looking up at your uncle again. "I wish things didn't have to be like this between me and Minho." Your uncle's heart breaks because he wishes he could do more for you. And he knows this isn't solely because of the breakup; your heart isn't aching because of your relationship, no.
Your heart is aching because you no longer see the same bestfriend, have the same bestfriend, that you had. You've come to re-learn Minho, how you two used to be even before the relationship— and before you could even have that back, you've already lost it. Your uncle knows that the relationship only makes up one [complicated] part of it.
Your uncle will let you because you need to. He's glad you two were able to talk it out properly, but he's certain it wasn't easy for you to put up those boundaries towards your own bestfriend. It makes him torn because despite the ups and downs of your relationship, Minho was always good to you as your bestfriend. He helped take care of you, he never wanted you to be unhappy, was always making sure that you never felt a lack of support, love or care from him.
He gets it. It's not easy, but hopefully these times, will bring you to better days. To happier times. To more trust, less worries. To brighter, blue skies.
Right now, he will let you be.
Right now, you are mourning everything about Minho. 
You drag yourself up the hill after your walk to the convenience store, suddenly craving for a specific brand of ramen and spicy tuna onigiri amongst other snacks you've grabbed as you pranced around in the aisles. You swing the bag gently back and forth, head hung low as thoughts continue to swirl around in your head at 100mph.
You miss Minho.
You haven't heard from him today since he had been busy with family on the other side of town, and you were starting to wonder if you should text him first instead of waiting. You were torn about it. Should you text him now? Would he think you're too clingy?
Is he thinking of you the same way you are?
Maybe you shouldn't, and maybe you should just let him be until he's free.
You let out a sigh, finally coming up the block to your house with the bag twirling around your fingers. You check your phone still seeing zero texts or calls from him, making your heart drop just a tiny bit. But, before you could let your feelings completely take over, you catch sight of a shadow up ahead. You look up and find Minho standing near the streetlight; making you pause in your tracks to take in how the light perfectly sits on him right now.
You missed him.
"Hey. I was just about to call—" Minho's head whips in your direction, a small smile creeping at the corner of his lips. You jog towards him, immediately throwing your arms around his neck while hugging him and keeping him close. "Woah." He chuckles, reciprocating the hug and wrapping his arms around your waist. "You okay?" He looks down at you, hand gently coming up to brush your hair back, to caress your cheek.
"You sure?"
"I just really missed you." You mumble as you press your forehead against his chest. "I didn't hear from you all day and I wanted to text you, but I didn't because—"
"Y/N." He chuckles a bit, his breath visible in the air. "Slow down."
"I wanted to text you but I didn't wanna bother you."
"I'm sorry. I was busy, but I also wanted to surprise you." You look up at him. "I missed you, too." You let out a content sigh and pull away from him, hand still loosely holding onto his
"Did you?"
"I did." He kisses your knuckles. "And I'm here now, right? I'm not going anywhere."
☁︎ END
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⇢ 19.5 [cloudy days]: here
♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @asjkdk @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintificreads @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr @dprkbyn @xxibreinaxx @mxnsxngie @reiheis @mellowmentalitydragon @vixensss
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annymation · 3 months
Okay, now I wanna know how the calming from nightmares would play out between Aster and Asha…which means I’m giving you full permission to write this type of angst.😅 Maybe the two of the have a nightmare about those AU endings you gave each of them (Asha is cursed and Aster is a black hole). If it means I see a wholesome interaction of either of them calming each other from a nightmare, it’ll be worth the angst.
Oh Emptyblog7 my poor, naive, little friend! You have no idea of what you just unleashed!
Thanks to you, I can now explore the deep machinations of my characters psyche, their deepest and untold fears are revealed in poetic ways, and best of all, I get to make my favorite blorbo suffer YIPPIEEEEEEE!!!
So anyway, Asha got a nightmare in chapter 8 of Kingdom Of Wishes (In the updated version) so I guess it's Aster's turn.
"All you'll have to do is give her a true love's kiss" Explained Acrux, the south star of the southern cross constellation. The elder star spoke calmly with a wise and serene smile "If your feelings are indeed true love, then... You shall become a human"
He finished that sentence with his voice sounding slightly quavery, almost as if he was trying to hide from Aster a sense of dread he was feeling.
Aster, however, didn't notice the uneasiness in his voice at all. The young star was beaming with the news that the stars would actually grant his wish. He couldn't stop smiling, frantically moving his arms up and down with an unbound energy.
Aster celebrated in front of all the stars that surrounded them "WOOOAAAAH!!! LETS GOOO-" But he stopped himself, realizing it was best to show maturity in front of the ancient star "I mean- ahem- Thank you, for giving me this chance" The little star bowed down his head to Acrux, to which the brighter star just smiles amusedly.
Another star that was among the many others gathered around them spoke up "We couldn't, in good conscience, let you go without asking one thing first" The star that walked forward was Meissa, more specifically, she's the head of Orion "Do you truly understand what your wish entails?"
"Ummm sure I do, it means I get to spend the rest of my life with the one I love" Aster replied with his eyes sparkling brighter than the sun.
And speaking of which "Indeed, the rest of your life..." The sun from the earth's solar system herself spoke "A life that, for us, will be nothing but a passing moment... We'll view your life the same way humans view the life of a butterfly. Freeing and beautiful, sure, but also short and fragile." She explained with a smile that carried some worry behind him
Aster understood what the other stars were worried about, that he'd regret this choice, that something bad would happen to him, he smiled and tried to reassure them "I know, and I've already accepted that. As long as I have Asha by my side I have nothing to fear"
A voice echoed from the crowd of stars "Well then, I guess we're asking the wrong question. Aren't we?" Just from their tone, it was noticeable how they were smiling while speaking.
Aster was caught off guard by the voice. Deep down, they knew that this whole thing felt quite "Deja Vu"... Almost like a memory he was re-living... But that felt different, he didn't remember this part.
Aster turns towards where the voice came from, he doesn't know which of the stars spoke "And uh- what would the "right question" be? Heh heh" Aster asked, feeling anxious all of the sudden, not sure why.
The stars that were gathered around moved to the side, almost like a door sliding open to reveal who had spoken... Aster's breath hitched.
All he saw was two eyes. Two tiny, shiny, yellow eyes. On a dark silhouette.
Aster couldn't quite make out who or what the silhouette looked like. But he knew one thing... That's NOT how stars present themselves when taking a physical form... This is something else.
Aster floats backwards slightly, his eyes darting around to the other stars, he looks at them distressed as if to ask "Are you all seeing that?"
But they seem unnerved by the newcomer... They actually have no reaction at all.
The shadowy figure then says "The question isn't if you're prepared to die eventually, of coooourse you are." There's nothing to be seen on their face besides their eyes, however, Aster can practically HEAR their huge smile as they speak. The silhouette takes a few steps forward as they ask their first question "What you really should ask yourself is...
Are you ready to lose her?"
Aster felt a chill run down his spine... Which was odd, stars can't feel cold. He tried to open his mouth to speak but-
"Are you ready to be even MORE helpless than you already were?"
His voice didn't come out, it was as if something was holding his lungs. Aster turned to Acrux but-
"Are you ready to be useless for her, again?..."
Acrux wasn't there, he vanished. Aster quickly looks around, and to his horror... The stars are gone.
Aster is shaking, all he sees around him is darkness. There's nothing, there's no one. Just him, and this thing getting closer and closer.
The figure suddenly get's close really fast, floating right above him "Tell me, do you really think you can protect her?" He sneered, it felt more like a mockery than a question "Even though you can't even protect yourself?"
Aster was frozen in place, staring at those bright eyes looming above him.
Suddenly, he feels himself getting smaller, but not because he was shrinking. Looking down, Aster sees he's being sucked into a hole that opened beneath his feet.
They try to scream, but no sound came out.
And even if it did, no one would hear.
It's just the two of them, in the dark emptiness of space.
Aster feels as if they're being swallowed by quicksand, as his feet sink down slowly, down and down into the hole of emptiness.
"Heh heh it's like they said, you're just as fragile as a bug now" the shadow couldn't hold in a lowly chuckle as floated in circles above Aster, watching the other sinking down slowly in amusement "Ah but then again, that's nothing new to you, is it?" those glowing yellow eyes pierced through Aster's soul "Even when you had magic, you were weak. Now? Now you're NOTHING!" The shadow's hand SLAMS with all force on Aster's face, now pushing him down, making him sink faster and faster. "So, when something WORSE than Magnifico shows up, what will you do? Hmmm?" Aster tried to pull and punch the hand out of his face, but it wouldn't budge, it was like the arm was made of concrete. He was powerless to stop this "That's right, NOTHING!" The hand pushed Aster down harshly, he could feel his whole lower half was being pressured from all sides, like he was being buried alive.
From between the dark fingers, Aster could open his eyes to look at the silhouette face to face...
He wasn't a silhouette anymore.
Aster could see their face... It was his own face.
It was like looking in a mirror, albeit, a mirror with a very sinister smile.
"But hey! That's what you wished for, right?" they kept pushing Aster down, his chest was completely swallowed by the hole. The shadow grinned as he rambled almost playfully "To live unsure of what the future has in store, not knowing what other threats you'll be hopeless to stop next, wow, exciting stuff, huh?! Everyday a brand new failure!" Aster once again tried to scream, but his voice wasn't coming out no matter how hard he tried. They were buried now up to the neck. His shadow stopped smiling, now with a cold expression, he said one last thing before pushing Aster into the abyss "So don't cry about it when things get tough, you asked for it."
With one last push... Aster fell in.
And he kept falling. Down.
Down and down.
Free falling.
"AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!" Aster woke up in cold sweat.
The boy was breathing as if his heart was trying to jump out of his chest, his eyes darting around the room, blinking rapidly, trying to adjust to the darkness. The room was barely lit thanks to the light of the full moon coming from the window, but slowly, things started coming into focus.
Aster tried to calm himself, hugging his pillow as he looked around to ground himself back into reality. None of that was real, he was fine, he was in his room, with just a closet, a few books scattered on the floor, and a face staring at him.
"GAAH-" Aster let out another yell, realizing that the face staring at him was his own... Because there was a mirror on the other side of the room.
He let out a sigh, of both relief and frustration, he literally just got scared of his reflection, how pathetic is that?
They stared back into the mirror for a few moments. Seeing his now curly brown hair and freckled cheeks... He could also see how much he was shaking, even though it wasn't cold.
They breathed deeply a few more time, as everything from that dream started to sink in, and not only that, but everything else that has been happening since Aster became human.
All the times he got hurt by accidentally forgetting he couldn't fly anymore and Asha got really worried about him.
All the times they passed by the royals statues and Aster had in the back of his mind the lingering fear that maybe the spell wasn't permanent.
All the times he wanted to express how this is all so new and overwhelming, to the point he sometimes didn't want to hang out with Asha and the others, sometimes, he just wanted to be left alone.
But he can't say that, right? Their time together is short, he has to enjoy every day like it's his last, that's what being human is all about... Right? And... That's what he wished for...
Aster didn't even notice he was crying til he felt a knot stuck in his throat. Tears were running down his freckled cheeks as he still kept staring in the mirror.
*knock knock*
"AAH!" Aster screams for the third time in a row once he hears someone knocking on the door.
"Aster, are you okay? I heard you yelling" Asha's voice came worriedly from the other side of the door "May I come in?"
Aster quickly dried his own tears with his pillow "Oh he-hey Asha! Ye-yeah sure, I'm fine, just uh- I fell from the bed" he lied, trying to disguise how hoarse his voice sounded
Asha opened the door, wearing a simple orange night gown and holding a candle "Did you hurt yourself? That was a pretty loud scream"
She wasn't actually buying this "Fell from the bed" talk, she knew by now Aster sometimes had the bad habit of keeping any negative feelings to himself. They still had to work through that.
Aster chuckled awkwardly "Heheh oops, I should probably apologize to Dahlia, her parents and the neighbors tomorrow, shouldn't I?" he tried to lighten the situation, but the shakiness in his voice gave it away that he wasn't feeling well
Asha set next to him on the bed and placed the candle on the night stand "Aster, you know you can tell me anything... I want to help." She held his hand, soothingly caressing it with her thumb. With his other hand Aster dried another tear that threatened to fall from the corner of his eye. Asha gently held his other hand as she said "You can cry if you need to"
And that was enough to make Aster break into tears.
The two of them hugged, as Asha caressed his back gently and whispered words of reassurance, his sobbing slowly subsided into small hiccups, and later to just some spaced out shaky breaths.
Soon, Aster was able to take deep breaths and calm himself, although he had calmed down, the two remained in the embrace, like neither of them wanted to let go.
"... I'm afraid of the unknown." Aster admitted in a sigh "Of not knowing what'll happen with us in the future... What if something worse than the royals comes and I- I can't keep you safe..." Aster's voice started shaking again.
Asha held him closer "I'm afraid too... Everyone's afraid of not knowing what'll happen next, that's part of life" she explained, feeling her own heart ache, as she indeed understood what Aster meant, or at least part of it "But we promised we'd protect each other, remember? That means I'm here for you too" She let go of the hug to look at him in the eyes with a smile "So don't put so much pressure on yourself, okay? We're in this together"
Aster's tears still glistened with the moonlight coming from the window, but he had a bittersweet smile.
"Thank you..." Aster pondered for a moment, and then asked "Is it okay if we cancel those plans we had for tomorrow and just... Stay home? Maybe just talking?... I think I want take the day to relax" He wasn't sure if it was selfish of him to ask that
"Of course we can." Asha replied warmly "That's actually a great idea, to be honest, we've been showing you so much human things everyday it probably got you kinda stressed, huh?"
Aster hugged her once again, she didn't know how much that meant to him.
"Thank you for understanding... I love you, Asha."
Asha hugged him back with a smile "I love you too, Aster"
Dang that was a lot. I had to do some research about dream symbolism, look up the meanings of "Not being able to scream in a dream" and "Sinking in quick sand in a dream" and also "Free falling in a dream" for more insight.
Basically what I wanted to explore was both Aster's fear of not being strong enough to protect Asha, a fear that carried over since their star boy days to his human days, and also the guilt that comes from not feeling 100% happy after getting something you wanted all your life. Aster wished to be human for so long, so he feel like he doesn't have the right to feel sad, otherwise they're being ungrateful, when of course there's nothing wrong with not being happy all the time, that's something Aster still gotta work through.
In conclusion, Aster needs some therapy, luckily Asha is the next closest thing.
Tagging yall cause I've been teasing this angst for days now lol @gracebeth3604 @uva124 @emillyverse @oh-shtars @signed-sapphire @kstarsarts
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hybeboyenthusisast · 10 months
Better Than You / psh
post dividers by @cafekitsune
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"Why do you act like you're better than me?" "Because I am better than you."
pairing: park sunghoon x afab!reader
genre: ice skater au, rivals to lovers, car sex
rating: 18+
warnings: oral (m and f receiving, m and f giving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, sunghoon is kinda an ass but it gets sorted, also hoon is pervy, marking, biting, public in private sex, car sex, their coach is the driver, both yn and Hoon are pervs, nicknames, innocence and corruption kink, degradation,cum eating, probably more that i cant think of (let me know if i need to add anything!)
permanent taglist (open): @junnmizz @ashxxgyu​ @igotkpoops​ @xiaoderrrr​ @alyssajavenss @mintxts @fanfangying1304 <3
wc: 4.7k (the longest I've written!)
if you like what you read, please consider leaving a comment and/or reblogging! it helps so much!
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You stood up from your crouched position, your choreography for your next competition slowly being perfected the more you practiced it. Your coach cheered you on as the speakers cut out, the upbeat song coming to its end. You skated over to the exit to the ice rink, grinning at your coach as she applauded you wholeheartedly.
"You get better each time! It already looks so good," Coach Lee grinned at you, patting your back gently as you stepped off of the ice and back on the rink's normal flooring. You smiled, your chest puffing out a bit with pride after hearing your coach's compliments.
You could basically hear the eye roll Park Sunghoon did, or maybe it was just because of his very audible scoff. Your self-proclaimed rival on the ice, and the biggest pain in your ass. Despite having been training under the same coach for years, the two of you never could seem to get along.
You blamed it on him, though. He was stuck-up and snooty, and always made these little comments to undermine your progress and accomplishments. He must have thought he was perfect; maybe because you didn't point out his mistakes like he did to you. It was true that he had more experience, having trained for two years before you, but you had enough natural talent (as your coach said) that you were on the same skill level as Sunghoon within a single year.
"Hi, Hoonie." you cooed, knowing no matter what you said, it would piss the tall man off. Might as well have fun with it.
"Yn," he greeted you curtly, ushering you out of the way so he could have his turn on the ice. Your coach was used to your bickering, and had long given up on trying to make the two of you friends. "Move, damn it, you're so slow."
"I'm not slow! I just don't wanna move for you," you rolled your eyes at Sunghoon, leaning on the railing of the entrance in such a manner that kept your body blocking it entirely.
Sunghoon made a grumbling sound, perhaps he had even said something, but you weren't paying attention, and frankly, you didn't really care. "Yn sweetie, Sunghoon needs to practice today, too," Coach Lee gently coaxed you to ease up and move out of the way. She gave you a small smile and said her goodbyes before scurrying off to the bleachers, where she could get a proper view of Sunghoon while he practiced.
You slowly made your way to the bench where your stuff sat, grateful that today the ice rink was closed to the public. Nobody would be there to touch your stuff or steal anything, unless Sunghoon decided one day to become even more of an ass.
You sat down with a heavy sigh, your mind finally resting after being so caught up in the thoughts of your choreography. 'Okay, arms must be gentle, core must be tight- don't spin too fast.' 'You're a bird, flying, act like it.' You hadn't been able to just figure skate for fun in so long, but you had a serious training schedule and couldn't afford to play around and injure yourself.
No matter how much you disliked Sunghoon, you had to admit he had a good taste in music. His chosen song for his choreography for the next competition was actually one of your favorite songs, and you always found yourself humming along while he was practicing and you were getting ready to leave for the day. You hated to admit it, too, but he was very talented and moved so smoothly on the ice. You deeply admired his dedication and how good he has become over the years, but you would never tell him this.
Perhaps if he didn't spend nearly every moment making your life just a little bit more miserable, you would, but, alas. With the next competition rapidly approaching, you were dreading having to spend the 3 hour drive stuck in your coach's van with him. Most competitions the two of you participated in were more local, but as you were getting better and better, you began to compete in more popular events; which meant traveling.
Your coach always drove the pair of you to these farther away competitions, but it was never more than an hour, until now. Sunghoon always made those hour drives feel like hell, and you knew it would just be even worse with these longer drives. As if you weren't nervous enough before competitions, Sunghoon always managed to say something that made you doubt yourself; with an increased time frame to do this in, you were honestly very worried how he would affect your confidence and ability to perform.
You just had to ignore him.
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Time flew by way too fast, and before you knew it, the day of the competition had arrived, and your coach was helping you load your gear into the back of the van. Sunghoon was already in the van, not bothering to help, of course. You would have refused his help, anyway. He'd probably find a way to break your skates or rip your costume.
"Are you nervous?" Your coach asked you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You shrugged, not wanting to be too obvious, but yes, you were very nervous. You didn't feel like you had practiced enough, and you could already hear Sunghoon telling you that and telling you that you'll do terribly.
"I can do this," you responded, trying to convince not only her, but yourself. Your lips quirked up in a smile, moving to the side of the van and opening the door. Sunghoon sat, leaning back and already comfortable. He didn't even spare you a glance as you sat down next to him.
"Good morning, Sunghoon," you cheerily grinned, hoping a faux happy mood would turn into a real one. Sunghoon merely grunted in response, too engrossed in playing a game on his phone.
With any luck, this car ride would be quiet, and his stupid game would keep him entertained.
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He was entertained, but not by a game on his phone like he pretended. You were wearing a skirt that showed off your thighs, and his eyes kept drifting over to them. You were too busy staring out the window, listening to music, to even notice his constant glances. Your skin looked so soft, so plush, and he just wanted to spread your legs and bite into your sensitive flesh.
It wasn't always like this; he genuinely disliked you for three years, until one day.... he didn't. He didn't even know when it had happened, but one day he was wishing you would quit ice skating, and the next, he was captivated by you as you skated around on the ice. Your choreographies were never sexy or sensual by any means...but he found himself so turned on when he watched you.
You looked so innocent, so pure, skating around and using your body to tell a story of hope and longing. Your face was always so soft when you were skating, contrasting the hard expressions you always wore when you were around him. He wanted to see you smile at him for once, but he couldn't bring himself to be nice to you. Even though you were his junior, you were so talented and expressive, always doing an excellent job of getting the story behind your choreography across. He refused to believe you were just as good as him, if not better, and so he continued acting like he always had.
He was just waiting for the day you realized you wanted him too- and hoped you would make the first move. He had always been so mean to you, there was no way you'd take him seriously if he asked you on a date or made a move. So he watched you from afar, mostly. It was always exciting being in close proximity to you, even when you had a scowl on your face because of him, but he loved watching you skate. He had secretly recorded videos of you practicing, watching them late at night when he jerked himself off and called out your name.
Sunghoon had done that last night, actually, and this morning before his coach had picked him up. This was a very, very bad mistake. The goal was to get all his horniness and desire for you out of his system, so he wouldn't lose his mind or go feral upon spending so many hours sitting next to you in a moving vehicle where you couldn't escape.
But he kept thinking about how the van had one of those panels separating the driver and the passengers, which your coach always used to give you both your space to mentally prepare for the competitions (really, it was so she wouldn't hear the arguing). If he started touching himself right there in the van, his coach wouldn't know, and you might not even notice.
Oh god, he was such a pervert.
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You were minding your own business, letting your mind wander as you zoned out, staring out the window as the van drove along. You nodded along to the beat of the music you were listening to, not giving any attention or care as to what Sunghoon was doing.
Until there was a lull between a song ending and a song starting, and you heard him moan. At first you had no idea what to make of it; maybe you were just hearing things? Maybe he was watching a movie and the characters were having sex, and it was so loud you could hear it through both your headphones and his? You unlocked your phone, pausing your music.
You still weren't sure what was happening, but you could definitely hear heavy panting and quiet groaning. What if he was sick, and you did nothing to help him? Maybe you shouldn't have cared, given how he treated you, but you did. You turned to face Sunghoon and your jaw dropped.
His eyes were closed, thankfully, so he couldn't see you as you stared at him. His pants were pushed down his thighs, his boxers with them, and his hard cock was in his hand. He was jerking off, right next to you.
Your thighs unconsciously rubbed together, searching for some friction as you found yourself getting wet, watching your rival masturbate. Any normal person would freak out, call the cops maybe, do something other than what you did. But of course, you being you, instead undid your seatbelt and sank to your knees in front of Sunghoon.
Your movements must have scared the crap out of Sunghoon, as his eyes flew open and he immediately went to pull his pants back on, his cheeks blushing a deep red. You placed your hands on top of his, stopping him from redressing. Your face was crimson, too, as you stared up at him from the floor of the van.
Sunghoon froze as he stared at you, watching; waiting to see what you were up to. His eyes fluttered shut and a groan left his plush lips as you took his cock in your hands and playfully licked his red mushroom tip. The salty taste of precum made you moan, setting Sunghoon off again with another groan. He threw his head back as you slowly began to suckle on his dick, your mouth opening to take more and more of him.
Your tongue ran along his veins, enjoying how he tried to keep from fucking up into your mouth. His hands wound through your hair, pulling you down on his cock, as far as you could go. You breathed through your nose, squeezing your thumb into your palm to calm your gag reflex. You gazed up at Sunghoon as your nose brushed against his pelvis, your hands on his thighs, his cock poking at the back of your throat.
He was going wild the second you started bobbing your head and sucking on him. Your eyes sparkled in the sunlight that came through the windows, staring up at him with the most innocent expression while you were doing something so dirty. He thought you looked so sexy, sinful and pure all at once.
You just thought he looked hot as hell, strands of his black hair falling over his eyes, but you could still clearly see how much he was enjoying this. His hands massaged your scalp, helping you as you bobbed up and down along his aching cock. He was resisting the urge to just let go and fuck your throat, but he was so scared to take control; he thought it was a miracle you were even sucking him off in the first place.
As your eyes connected with his as saliva escaped your lips, creating a wet mess, you gave him a slight nod; you knew what he wanted. He was still hesitant at first, eyes widening as he realized you had stopped you movements and were pushing on his hands in your hand, trying to get him to take over. Your mouth full of his cock, saliva getting everywhere, he wouldn't even mind if he had died and this was his heaven.
He gently thrusted up into your mouth, eyes watching you carefully as you gagged around his length. You showed no signs of wanting him to stop though, so he began thrusting more, and more. You were moaning around his cock, gagging every so often, tears streaming down your cheeks as he began fucking your throat roughly.
His hands were pulling on your hair; not pulling you off, but pulling to keep you under his control. He loved seeing you like this; totally at his mercy as he ruthlessly fucked up into your mouth. The messier you got with every thrust, the better you looked, and the closer he was to cumming. You were sure you were literally dripping onto your thighs, your panties soaked as you let your rival fuck your mouth.
"Shit-" Sunghoon panted, his voice deep. "You take my cock so well, hm? Fuck princess, I'm gonna cum. You gonna be a good girl and swallow it all?" He gently pinched your cheek, cooing at you as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
With sloppier thrusts, he did exactly what he had promised; soon he was cumming, holding your head still, your nose pressed against his pelvis as he came in ropey spurts down your throat and in your mouth. He was muttering praises to you, pushing your hair out of your face and wiping away your tears as he pulled his now-soft dick from your mouth.
Your jaw was aching so much, but you found even the pain was enjoyable; as long as he kept looking at you like this. You wanted to hear more praises from him, swallowing his load, using your fingers to wipe up any cum that had escaped. Opening your mouth, you sat up on your knees and poked your tongue out so he could see you really did swallow it all.
His hands were gently as he pulled you up, so you were sitting on his lap, his lips connecting with yours. You moaned at how soft his lips were, pressing yourself into him, trying to taste as much of him as you could. He moaned into your mouth as your tongues fought against each other for dominance, tasting the remnants of his salty release in your mouth. You didn't want to pull away from his addictive kiss, but you did need to breathe.
And thank god you did. It was when you pulled away for air, that you noticed the van was driving off the highway to pull into a rest stop.
Scrambling off of Sunghoon, you helped him pull up his pants. You would just die from embarrassment if your coach discovered what the two of you had just done in her van while she was driving it. You situated yourself back in your chair, wiping at your face to try to remove any remaining evidence of your sinning. Sunghoon was fixing himself as well, sending you a smirk as the two of you locked eyes.
"I'm not done with you."
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"You are such an asshole, Sunghoon!" You yelled at him from across the room.
Hours later, you were at the competition location, trying to hype yourself up before your performance. Just like you predicted he would do, here he was, ruining it for you.
It had just been a 'casual comment' that 'didn't mean anything', but you were just so tired of hearing him say such negative things to you, especially after you let him fuck your throat earlier.
The two of you stood in one of the hallways leading to the changing rooms, arguing over how he spoke to you. You really thought that after your steamy interaction earlier in the van, he would treat you differently; but, no. He was the same asshole he always was.
He wasn't even responding to you anymore as you were yelling at him, just staring at you with a blank expression.
"Why do you act like you're better than me?" You asked him, crossing your arms across your chest, trying to look tougher than you really felt.
He smirked at you (this bitch...) and merely responded, "Because I am better than you."
You knew he though this, but actually hearing him say it felt like a knife to the heart. Turning away from him quickly, hoping he didn't see as tears began to well up in your eyes, you hurried down the hallway, desperate to get away from him. His smirk dropped as he watched you run away, his heart dropping along with it.
He had never seen you cry, never seen you run away. You always took his comments in stride, seemingly never letting his words affect you. He didn't even think before he ran after you, following you outside the building to the parking lot. His heart dropped even more as he spotted you sitting on the pavement, leaning against your coach's van. Your arms were wrapped around your knees, your face pressed into your legs. Your body was shaking; you were crying.
You were crying because of him. Despite all his pride, everything he felt that propelled him to act so nasty towards you, he never wanted to be the reason you were crying.
"Yn," he said your name softly, crouching down next to you. He frowned at the sound of your sniffles and heavy breathing, moving to sit next to you and wrap his arms around you. "I'm sorry. It's not true, I'm not better than you. I'm so sorry," he whispered to you, resting his head against yours.
At his words you lifted your head, swollen red eyes locking with his. "Why are so you mean to me, Sunghoon?"
What a damn good question. He hesitated before he answered, knowing he could no longer hide behind his pretend ego to hide his own insecurities.
Sunghoon sighed, giving your body a gentle squeeze. "I'm so jealous of you. You're so naturally talented, and so expressive on the ice. You started training after I did, and you caught up with me so fast. I guess it just made me feel insecure about my abilities."
"I never intentionally did anything to make you feel that way, but you have gone out of your way to make me feel like I'm a failure, that I can't succeed no matter how hard I try," you whispered, fresh tears falling down your red cheeks. Sunghoon moved to wipe them away, and you let him, your eyes holding his captive. "I have wanted to quit so many times, just because of you."
Sunghoon's eyes widened at your revelation, one hand cupping your cheek, pulling you into him. He rested his forehead against yours, whispering his apologies. "My behavior has been awful, and there is no excuse for it. You do not deserve to be treated the way I have treated you. I'm so sorry, yn, for not treating you with respect and with love."
"L-love?" You stuttered, pulling back in surprise.
Instead of responding, Sunghoon leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours so gently that you weren't sure he was kissing you at first. Maybe you should have pulled away and slapped him, but you couldn't bare to break apart from him. Your lips danced against his hungrily, wanting to be as close to him as possible.
Sunghoon's lips never left your own as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you up so you were standing with him. He pressed you against the door of the van, one hand cupping the back of your neck to pull you into him, the other searching for the door handle. He held onto you to keep you from falling as he pulled the door open, sliding it along before nudging you inside.
As soon as the door was closed behind you, Sunghoon had you pinned on the backseat of the van, his weight pressing into you as you laid down. You tugged at his shirt, helping him take it off as he pulled from the kiss. He shivered as you ran your hands over his toned chest, pulling him in for another searing kiss.
Screw air, you just needed more of him. In between kisses, more and more clothing was removed, until the both of you were bare. Sunghoon's heated kisses traveled down your neck as he pinned your wrists above your head. His lips found one of your pebbled nipples, suckling on it and running his tongue over it, doing his best to pay attention to what made you moan the loudest.
Your hands wound in his hair, pressing him into your chest as he switched to suck at your other nipple, his other hand going to massage your breast. "Fuck, Sunghoon, I need more, please," you whined, rutting your hips upwards, trying to find any source of friction.
"I never imagined you would be this dirty," Sunghoon chuckled, pressing a kiss to your stomach and making his way down, leaving a trail of wet kisses and marks as he found his way between your thighs. "You always look so innocent when you're skating, so pure. I've thought about what it would be like to ruin you, but you're already a pretty dirty girl, hm?"
You moaned as Sunghoon held your thighs apart, leaning in to nudge his nose against your clit, inhaling your scent. He peppered kisses along the insides of your thighs, always getting so close to where you needed him the most, but always skipping right over it.
"Answer me, pretty. You're a dirty girl, aren't you?" Sunghoon's hot breath fanned against your dripping pussy, so close yet so far.
You nodded, your hands holding onto the seat underneath you for dear life. "Y-yes, Hoon! I'm a dirty girl!"
He smirked against your skin, "You're my dirty little angel."
Your hands flew to his hair as he pressed a kiss against your clit, two of his fingers swiping at your wet folds. You moaned out as they entered you, falling into a fast pace instantly. His tongue swirled around your clit, sucking every now and then, doing his best to coax an orgasm out of you. As your moans got louder and louder, he was groaning against you, rutting into the seat underneath him.
You tasted so sweet, he could just eat you forever. He would, actually, if you let him. The sounds he coaxed out of you were just as sweet, something he hoped he would get to hear over and over again for many years to come. Now that he had a taste of you, he wasn't letting you go.
"Hoon, baby, I'm gonna cum," you whimpered, grinding your hips into his face. Hearing your words, he doubled down on his efforts, quickly bringing you to your peak. He groaned against you as you came, his tongue dipping down to your folds to lap up every drop of your essence that you blessed him with. You were shaking, coming down from your high, just barely registering the sound of Sunghoon slurping your cum off of his fingers. "P-please, Hoon, fuck me," you whimpered.
He didn't need to be told twice. The two of you let out loud moans as he thrusted into you, your tight walls squeezing his thick cock so well. He was definitely the biggest person you had been with, and you were loving how well he stretched you out. His lips found yours, gentle as his thrusts turned to a brutal pace.
He was already so on edge from eating you out, he was worried he wouldn't be able to last long with how tight you were squeezing him. He was determined to get you to cum on his cock before he came, thrusts beginning to alternate between a fast and rough pace to a slow and gentle one.
You scrapped your nails down his back, so lost in the pleasure that he was giving you. You were still so sensitive from your first orgasm, and you found yourself getting much closer to your climax with how well Sunghoon was fucking you.
"Baby I'm not gonna last long if you keep squeezing me like this," Sunghoon grunted, hips snapping up into you, reveling in the way your body was starting to shake. His hands roamed the expanse of your body; fingers gliding along your soft skin, twirling your nipples in his fingers, holding you with a bruising grip.
You moaned as he bit down on your shoulder, easing the pain by licking it over and kissing it. He repeated this action up and down your shoulder, leaving a trail of marks everywhere his lips touched. With one bite on your collar bone and his fingers toying with your clit, you screamed as you came around Sunghoon so fast that you couldn't even warn him.
Your orgasm triggered his own, your walls clenching so tight around him that you were basically milking him. His seed painted your insides white, his hips thrusting into yours as he rode out both your high and his. He collapsed on top of you, careful not to put his full weight on you. The only sounds in the van were yours and his heavy breathing.
Your skin was sticky with sweat, making the two of you rub against each other in an almost uncomfortable manner, so Sunghoon pulled out and rolled off of you. He sat on the floor, gazing up at you as you whined at the loss of him inside of you. You were so tired, your body felt heavy, yet you also felt more energized than ever before.
You giggled as Sunghoon kissed your nose, moving to grab your discarded panties and using them to wipe up the cum that was dripping out of your spent pussy. He grinned cheekily at you as he found his jeans and stuffed your dirty panties in his pocket. "These are mine now."
You didn't even realize what you were saying before you said it; you didn't even think these words before they left your mouth. "I think I love you."
Sunghoon froze, hand stopped on its way to gather your clothes for you. He looked back at you, seeing the look of horror on your face as you realized what you said. "I think I love you too."
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"Good luck, princess," Sunghoon grinned at you, his arms wrapped around your waist. It was almost your turn in the competition, and you weren't nervous at all.
You giggled as Sunghoon kissed your nose before placing a sweet kiss against your lips, squeezing your waist. "Thank you, Hoon."
"I don't know why you love me, but I am so glad that you do. I promise I will spend every day treating you the way you deserve," Sunghoon told you, his expression serious. He was determined to treat you like a princess from now on; after all, you had agreed to be his girlfriend.
You kissed your boyfriend sweetly as you broke from his grasp, stepping onto the ice. You locked eyes with your former rival, a smile gracing your lips as you got into position.

No matter the outcome of the competition, you were a winner.
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melishade · 6 months
does a line of Dark Energon
AoP AU where it's not just Optimus who gets sent to Paradis, it's all his siblings. (yes, Solus & Megatronus are here too, no, the Allspark is still functional) Primus did a big oopsie. Cue sibling drama (Prima dealing with a guilty conscience over his List, but unable to articulate it, Megatronus being sad over stabbing Solus, Maximo being ostracized by his siblings over causing the above & him hiding how he feels with his own dickery) while Eren & Co have 12 new dads & a new mom.
Optimus: "How do 12 Primes not have one emotional braincell among them?' Prima: "I-" Megatronus: "That was your job, little brother. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some Marleyan military units to deal with in the Middle East."
This is some of the wackiest shit I've heard...gimme that dark energon.
I actually have brought up with @justawannabearchaeologist and @echoblaze5 lol
But I'm gonna tweek this crack idea for fun.
So Optimus and Megatron still end up in the AOT world like in AOP. However, Primus and Vector monitoring the situation and realizes that not much is changing and see the Rumbling still coming into play.
Primus to his disciples: ...Soooooo.....
Half of them: NO!
(They are not happy with Primus' decision to not let Optimus rest for once!)
The Primes, excluding Vector because he has to watch time unfold, get dropped off in the AOT world. It's a bit awkward to see 11 new titans with crazy appearances and abilities. No one knows what to say, but then:
Nexus: Wanna see what I can do?! Half of the Primes as Nexus falls backwards: No! NO! NO!
Nexus falls apart and splits into his five parts: Hello!
Connie faints in response.
The Primes then immediately spot a flabbergasted Optimus and half of them tackle him into a hug. Happy to see him. Optimus has to explain that they are the original Primes, getting visible reactions out of everyone there. I, of course, won't go into a whole story. This is crack, but I have a few notes:
-Pixis passes out at the sight of Solus.
-Quintus and Hanji immediately become friends, only to have them be separated from each other because of unethical experimentation they've been conducting. Hanji gave Quintus too many notes on Titans.
-Everyone, and I mean everyone, has issues with Alpha Trion and how he completely fucked over both Optimus and Megatron. Megatron is surprised that some of the Survey Corps are actually defending him against him.
-All the Primes are eyeing Eren with extreme caution because Vector has described him as a coin-toss in regards to future events. He either destroys or saves the world and it terrifies them.
-Megatronus does his best to not be involved. (RID2015 is non-canon and I liked the Aligned Megatronus better). He doesn't want to fight and does his best to refuse to help because he's afraid of making the same mistakes. He's also not happy with Megatron for tarnishing his name once again! He's already sabotaged himself once! C'mon! (That doesn't stop the Survey Corps from trying to talk to him)
-All the Primes want Megatron dead, especially Liege, because apparently Megatron was the one who graverobbed him and stole his arm.
Liege pulling out his dagger: An arm for an arm, fragger!
Megatron: You weren't even using it!
Megatron gets stabbed a lot.
-Amalgamous scares everyone with how much he shapeshifts.
-The Survey Corps see how often the Primes argue and feel bad for Optimus. He's just the youngest sibling in a sea full of idiots that share only one braincell.
-Sasha enjoys Onyx Prime greatly.
Long story short, Marley is screwed. They can't counter divine intervention.
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monstrouslyobsessed · 5 months
at this rate ima beat this jack frost all black and blue with how much trouble it is to write something im happy with. sighs. anyway, i got some asks to answer! some of them got a tad too long so its all under the cut!
tw / tags: heavy heavy beastfolk lore/worldbuilding talk, momster talks too fucking much, breeding mentions, implied noncon, multiple pregnancy mentions, long post, beastfolk / beastfolks characters mentioned: revius, zedrik, cerelos (brief), sea witch, adoxi, and velarius
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Beast folk idea I have! How about a male kangaroo that is of course some type of famous professional athlete (aside from boxing, he could be a martial artist, sprinter, etc.) that has been a play boy all his life (based off of how male kangaroos flex their muscles in real life to females). He never I guess had any “moment” in his life with any females, where he felt right actually wanting to be with them and love them whole heartedly (whether beastfolk of his own species or those not). So then one day someone he knows (close friend or maybe a work professional) takes him to an exclusive private party where the beastfolk have “rented” some humans to do it with. (I don’t know lore wise how legal this is, if at all, but it happened some how). I guess it’s so private because some of the guests there are secret human efers, those in denial, or just haven’t found the “right human” yet and would like some hands on sampling before purchasing them. And so, that’s how the kangaroo meets us his adorable darling. And I’d really like this to be very sweet and fluffy (before becoming mouth watering smutty of course), with kangaroo just having a “zing!” moment with us. We were the female he needed to feel complete in regards to love, and he plans to take GREAT care of us. (It’d also be funny to show how overprotective he is of reader from the start, by him unhesitatingly outbidding some of the other party guests who’ve also taken interest in reader). Of course it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, as reader has trust/abandonment/attachment issues. So finding out that her new kangaroo owner is (was) a MASSIVE play boy isn’t helping her fears. Now it’s up to kangaroo to do damage control, learn how to be a much better beast man, and show his sole love/devotion to reader. Making sure she’ll never question his love/loyalty to her ever again! He wants to make her the envy of his past flings, other beastmen, and just everybody really, since she’s the center of his universe. (Kangaroo also wants to really make her his permanently by getting her knocked up/wifey too). I don’t know if you’d like this idea/concept, but I thought it’d be very cute. I just love the trope of a Casanova finding their soul mate, and having to fix all the damage they’ve caused themselves by their own consequences. Cause it really is a self conflict, and great for character growth arcs. (I also just wanna be spoiled/doted on endlessly by a man who’s capable to throw hands literally and figuratively 24/7 to protect me). Thanks 🪭 —anonymous
hmmm, a bit -too- overdetailed for me to write this one since i like some breathing room to apply my own spins. tbf, it sounds like you already got it started! all you needed to do is to write it~if you write this one, link me! i wouldn't mind reading it and supporting fellow writers <3
while it is -my- au, i especially love seeing what it inspired in others and see their interpretations of it! while the worldbuilding remains mine (STILL chewing on starting a book/series on it someday, but the thought of publishing anything is scary af), it's literally just (semi-realistic) furries mingling with humans with extra history/political dramas included.
so, as long as you keep your worldbuilding somewhat different and source the inspiration to me, have at it. write your own beastfolk world!
anyway, on the finer details (for my AU anyway), as long as those humans are 'beastfolk-owned' and not green card/independent humans, they're essentially viewed as property to do whatever with albeit with responsibilities to ensure their well-being. as long as they're fed and have open access to water, have sufficient shelters, are clean, and their health is regularly checked, their owners can do whatever they want, really. the court won't interfere as long as the humans are safe and healthy—and mind you, the beastfolks are very slow on the uptake about the mental health, less so with their humans'.
that said, this can also depend greatly on what region they're in. some areas have far more human rights than others, being more liberal, while others may be more conservative and views humans as, well, livestock, essentially. humans in these places sometimes have the same rights as actual animals (if they're lucky). that said, the more rural it is, the fewer rights the human pets have.
of course, money DOES talk too.
so, you can just easily say that your characters are either in one of those conservative regions—or have shady connections and/or have an insane amount of money where the laws would just look the other way. just don't make it public and you're good to go, pretty much.
auctions would probably be a common sight in certain black markets, depending on where you are and when you are on the timeline. the zoo breakout to the early post zoo eras sees many of those events. on the most parts in the later era, those auctions are then transformed into whole new events entirely (aka, sports), which is the logical next step since they used to be the aftermath for when the bidding was ending in an outright war between several bidders and was used to solve the issue. instead of bidding, you'd complete for the human you wanted (i'm not clear at how the human would end up there yet since i don't feel any reputable shelter would align with those events for the 'adoption war' or that the adoption is the only way. still debating on this--in any case, the darling ends up there when there are more than two beastfolks fighting over them) and prove your worth while treating the unfortunate human like a rat bait (see: the maze headcanon i wrote a while ago—and am planning to write a whole piece of it to properly thank a very kind supporter when i'm able. some details had been changed since then, but it mostly still hold up).
in a lot of ways, the auctions were rather kinder to the humans as they wouldn't be put in outright danger right then. :/ the (new) spectator sports, such as the maze race, exploits multiple legal loopholes, since they involve no money (not outright anyway) as the auctions were (publicly) banned for "unregulated monetary transactions and the unpredictability of bid outcomes".
if anything, a good amount of these sports are...purely for "adult entertainment", if you get what i'm implying. ahem. the laws are actually pretty behind regarding the 'adult content/sports', especially with the open access of internet around then on that timeline. the large part of that had to do with encouraging the beastfolks to procreate with the humans though, so any form of sex between both races are simply not regulated outside the acceptable age range and limitations on physical violence/abuse and this includes the "entertainment" aspect.
it's fucked, but that's how they gets away with such things.. i'm rambling, but this can be a good alternative for you to think about too, to add on that extra drama flare and to further traumatize the human.
this is a super cute idea though and i sincerely hope you'll expand it yourself if you can! this is a very nice starting point too, if you're not used to writing. as for me, i'm not sure i can write all of this for you unfortunately, since i tend to go TOO long on just one scene and i have multiple ideas i wanna work on as well, aha. but you did give me room to talk the worldbuilding to help expand similar events like your idea so thank you for that. i can most definitely tell you that your poor fella is definitely not an isolated example.
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Apparently penguins kidnap other penguins’ children to try and raise as their own. Was watching nature utube vids on this and it’s so sad! The desire to be a parent is so intense for some couples that they’ll take away another couple’s baby! How’d this play into your beast verse? What measures would government and organizations take to help combat this extreme phenomenon? And think about being a human parent and having your Penguin spouse come back with a random baby 💀💀💀 Even worse is if you’re in a Penguin community and have to fight off other penguins casually when you have your baby. On the streets, home break ins, etc. —anonymous
ngl featheredfolk (penguins are flightless but they're still birds and have feathers still so they count as one) is a bunch of odd birds with cultures other beastfolks often struggle to understand, especially with the dramas that often follow. children theft in general with the featheredfolks is complicated and tends to only involves the similar peers to sort it out, because outsiders (humans included, if not one of 'theirs' via being the spouse or the child/ren) would just get frustrated with their fucked logic to the point of being angry about it.
so, no, penguins wouldn't be the only birds that deal with this mannerism, but is the most common one to do so.
that said, they tend to have big enough noggins not to involve anyone who isn't a featheredfolk (and to an extent, wingedfolk), because they're still mostly prey in nature. skittishness towards the predator kind is basically ingrained in their dna.
but that's not to say such incidents never happened though! usually, it only happens when the community is actually quite small, that they have to 'outsource' to another beastfolk. it's a very dangerous thing to do though, since beastfolks are naturally very overprotective of their youngs. in cases where they do succeed with the kidnapping and escapes unscathed, it normally doesn't take long before the one they took the child from to track them down due to using their superior senses.
it's 50/50 on how it may end though and the laws would still side with the victims regardless of the outcome. hopefully, someone else would call the laws first to deal with such matters though and to calm the angry parent/guardian.
that said, i do imagine that the government would get around this annoying instinct by advertising adoptions as another option from the featheredfolk's early age in their school. they'd push it so much that the featheredfolk tends to feel like they were being singled out for it too.
...honestly, i'm not even sure how to answer this one fully. i should treat this as a serious question with a serious answer, but i can't.
the featheredfolks are legit viewed as the clowns of the beastfolk world already because of how...simpleminded most of them can be (not a bad thing!) 😭and now this. the birdbrains....still, i hope this somewhat answers your question(s)...?
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Maybe I’m just blind and stupid, but did you touch up on beastfolk courtship rituals for some species? Ex- Birds may decorate, dance, or sing to court another. Hooved/fanged folk may literally fight each other to get rights to begin courtship with x. I’m just so curious to see what animal behaviors transfer to your universe! :) —anonymous
uhhhh, i don't think i really expand on those yet, no! the 'traditional' courtship rituals are more commonplace in the past than the 'modern' era, tbf, if between beastfolk and humans.
if it's just between two (or more) beastfolks, then yeah, 'traditional' courtship rituals are common.
in the present, it's a common understanding that the humans may not always understand their actions, so the beastfolk tends to adapt the best they could for 'the best of both worlds' kind of ritual—sometimes to the extreme mean though (lol).
for example, with the featheredfolks, for being a species with brittle bones, they're rather sturdy so they're often happy just living in a large treehouse and staying steady no matter the weather and season. it's more like an old cabin, with a lot of drafts. but, the thing is, neither (or more, i don't judge those in the poly relationships lol) would care, because the one doing the courting built it just for their love interest—and later built it better together for their upcoming new family members.
but for a featheredfolk genuinely interested in a human, would have to outright learn how to build a modern house—and that is far more complicated than just putting together a log cabin in the tree. they're very adaptive folks though and if they're sincere about the human, they'd go that far to at least attempt to build the foundation single-handedly. thankfully, the bird community is often tight-knit, so others would step in once the basic foundation is done and rally in.
(unlike our irl, everyone in that AU can at least afford some ways to build their own home and not be buried in the debts for the rest of their life. this is mainly because some specific beastfolks having an instinctive needs to build, that the common government would offer to offset some of the costs to abate those instincts from turning destructive.)
in their cases, even if the courting failed, the featheredfolk learned and can actually apply it to their lifeskill/career path/etc. for birdbrains, you'll see a lot of them in the engineering and architecture fields. (funny how that works!)
as you pointed out, yes, hoovedfolk and fangedfolk are more violent with their courting, but that's generally only in the cases where the love interest have more than one (alike) suitor vying for their affection. i'm not really sure how common that is in the more liberal areas tbf, but i do imagine it's a daily thing in the conservative/rural regions since those usually have a lot of, hm, predominant 'single-species' community? sorry, i'm not really sure how to word it.
since strength is what they consider their worth and humans rarely understand the point of physical violence, they'd probably show off what they're capable of instead—from lifting a car to carrying all the groceries at once for the human they're interested in. endurance too, so if the human is into, say, a sport or likes to run, they'd compete to show off just how good they are with either (though, i do like to think they'd carry their human on their back while running five more miles when the human gets tired--just to say, 'look at me! i'm not even tired yet and i'm carrying you!'). unlike the featheredfolks, fangedfolk and hoovedfolks are much milder about their courting.
whiskeredfolks are much more sly, but they like to show off how much they can provide (which is also something fangedfolk likes to do, but the former is often more subtle). usually involving money (and management) and ordering things their human hadn't realized they needed yet. things like that. they really likes to bring home food too, lol. since they can't exactly show off their hunting skills and bring home a bloodied deer carcass, providing is the next best thing with their human love interest.
there's more, but i'll stop here, but their courting rituals for their humans are basically 'modernized', with some species (obviously and hilariously so) trying harder than others.
tbf, parts of the birds' rituals were inspired by that tumblr meme on 'if men were like birds'. can't find that now though.
hope this answered you some?
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Question:Revius and Zedrik- What’s family life with them now if you were to have 2 children (1 from each)? Just wondering how dynamics would change, what the children’s personalities would be like, etc. Sea Witch (octo man)- Can we have babies with him? And if we did would it be a multiple pregnancy since female octopuses (I know we are a modified human) technically lay hundreds of eggs. And how would family life be from there out? —anonymous
hm, i can't comment on the childrens personalities (and any other details, really) since that's kinda something i leave to the readers to decide.
honestly, both revius and zedrik would fall deeper in 'love' with their darling for enduring both of those difficult pregnancies, that they're rather clingy to them more so than to each other. though, granted, both knew how capable each other would be so it's more on how 'frail' their darling really is in comparison. zedrik is more openly emotional than revius is though, but revius is certainly more of the nagging type like a strict, doting mom might be. personally, i feel they'd butt heads more often after their children are born, (but never to the point of separating [imo anyway, they'd been together for some times before they decided to...'pursue' the darling]), because of how different their parenting styles were.
let's just say that cerelos' darling has an easier time wrangling with the emperor than their darling did with those two.
otherwise, they're both pretty devoted as fathers. i do imagine their kids would've been confused by their upbringings a bit though due to, again, differing parenting styles. the darling does their best though! but it's kinda hard to raise children double, triple your size lol
as for the sea witch, that's implied! i wanted to let the reader to decide on their own if they're going to have kids with him or not, rather than outright branding 'breeding kink' on the piece. but, yes, there'd be oviposition going on, had you wanted to imagine that storyline.
not sure if i understood you about the multiple pregnancies though, so i'll refrain from answering that one. instead, yes, the darling would probably carry multiple eggs and, well, egg laying. i do imagine the sea witch would've found a way to make that not at all a painful process (probably quite the opposite, tbf).
as for the family life, i'm...not at all sure. i'll leave that for you and other readers to decide. i honestly see the sea witch just enjoying the pregnancy, because to him, his darling is now ruined and marked with his seed (or, eggs). afterward? not sure if he'd enjoy the fatherhood too much, especially with multiple 8-legged kids running about.
he might be an excellent father
or he might genuinely be a shitty one.
his personality is kind of confusing in that regard, so i'll just let yall to make that call and we'll go from there.
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I've really gotten into your beastfolk universe but I want to ask: Does adoxi exist within that universe or is he in a separate universe? —anonymous
nope! he's too human-looking to be a beastfolk--and is too healthy, pretty, and (mostly) sane to be a hybrid. thats why hes not in the beastfolk masterlist.
initially, he's from his own universe, where humans are living in ignorance of the existence of inhuman beings like adoxi, but i've been chewing on the possibly of him being a descendant of my other character, the cursed god. it'd explain why he's looking fairly human yet not (the 6 arms isn't genetically inheritable fyi, since the priest ripped them off from unfortunate souls to replace the ones he lost).
but that's only me chewing on it and isn't 'official' yet, since there are couple details that wouldn't make sense (but is workable). still thinking about it.
hope this answered!
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God I love how you write snakemen like Adoxi and Valerius. They act like bastards but good lord I would get on my knees for them so fast! —anonymous
hee~snakes are so fun to write, ngl. imagining being wrapped around in his coil is a guilty pleasure. glad you're enjoying my depictions! <3
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there's a few more, but they're requests i'm hoarding in my inbox for now lol but man who let me talk??? anyway, sorry that i took a minute to answer your asks hhhh life just keeps on happeningggg. sighs. anyway, hope yall are doing well and as always, my inbox is open for (mostly) anything. <3 love ya~and take care of yourself!
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frownyalfred · 8 months
Apologies for the extremely long ask.
Omegaverse as a concept is so complicated and interesting as to me as a trans person.
On the one hand, the writer in me is intrigued by the world building implications and the opportunity to explore gender roles/dynamics. The concept of having a secondary dynamic alongside your actual gender is also fascinating to me and it's something I typically would have expected to be in something like sci-fi before I actually got into fanfiction.
I especially love deep diving into pack dynamics. Admittedly, that's where most of my interest and attention is focused on when reading and writing Omegaverse. I just find the concept so fascinating and any opportunity to write characters with heightened instincts, alien or otherwise, is just so much fun.
But on the other hand, I'm also very aware of how Omegaverse came about because some Supernatural fans wanted to play around with the idea of pack roles/relationships based on a messy study of wolf hierarchies. I'm also aware that intentional or not, a lot of early Omegaverse fics and tropes leaned really heavy into more homophobic and transphobic stereotypes, especially between M/M pairings.
I do feel like this has changed a bit over the years, though. From what I recall, a lot of early Omegaverse fics just really over relied on the stereotypical "which guy is really the girl?" trope that you saw a lot in the early to mid 2000s when discussions of queer (but mostly gay) relationships were brought up. I feel like the discussion has become a lot more nuanced since then and I know there are other trans fic writers like me who enjoy writing Omegaverse simply because it provides an opportunity to explore concepts of gender, sexuality and identity in a relatively fun way.
Not all Omegaverse fics/tropes are created equal, though. And every trans person has a different reaction/feeling towards this AU. I definitely feel like the odd one out, though, sometimes since I mostly come to Omegaverse for pack dynamics, less so for the smut (although I have written some in the past for fun or for friends). But I also believe there's validity in writing smut just for the purpose of enjoying smut.
Overall, I think this AU has a lot of potential, but I also see why it could make people very comfortable. I do wanna say that your fics haven't made uncomfortable and I do enjoy your takes on this trope. And I especially appreciate your willingness to listen to other trans people and their thoughts on Omegaverse. It goes a long way.
Side tangent: I will always be amused by how this whole trope came about btw, but also because the original author of that study followed it up by saying his first paper was absolute bullshit actually and shouldn't be viewed as a factual study of wolf pack hierarchy. Man messed up his original study, but he's a dedicated scientist and I love him for debunking his own work. But also the fact that he had an unintended impact on fandom is such fucking gold to me. I love this man so much.
Thank you for putting my thoughts to words, anon! There's definitely a long history there, and I agree with you that the genre itself has changed a lot in recent years, I think for the better.
I don't begrudge anyone for not liking or wanting to read a/b/o fics at all. I think it's intriguing but has the potential to be deeply uncomfortable or even like you said, transphobic for some people. I try to tag everything very well here that mentions it, etc.
I think what I like most about recent changes is that the genre has shifted to be less about "how can we get these two characters to breed?" and more to discussing pack dynamics, the implications of designations and gender roles, and building interesting biological rules and intricacies in an author-unique universe.
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djsherriff-responses · 5 months
Bullfrog headcanon rambles under cut
This is mostly me rambling to figure out how I want to approach Bullfrog and his past in road trip au as well as maybe get second opinions on my ideas?
Admittedly worried about canon eventually destroying whatever I do come up with for Bullfrog but that's the beauty of aus I guess
I really am positive Bullfrog has some connection to Polokus, but I think for narrative sakes I won't explore that outside of "uh weird Bullfrog is so similar to that guy" as I can't really figure out how to do that without making Bullfrog a demi god of sorts and that seems kinda overkill
Unless I went full on nightmare fuel and Polokus is a rotting corpse within Eden's secret science storage, like Lilith from evangelion.... That might be fun actually
Between the hybrids existing for a specific purpose and the art book talking about Dolph's genetics being ideal for augmentation, we can conclude Eden is definitely playing God with DNA and technology
I seen some people headcanon Bullfrog being a science experiment before the assassin brotherhood took him in, an idea I like
BUUUUT I actually wanna make it so Bullfrog had a normal ish childhood before his life as an assassin, and also had younger siblings because I diagnosed that frog with eldest daughter syndrome
So I may have it where one of his parents were a failed experiment instead. They were made and experimented on to get the ability to see the future but it only manifested as a passive gene that went by unnoticed by the labs, so the frog was let go (or escaped) , met another froggy and they had Bullfrog and his siblings, Bullfrog inherited the gene and got the future seeing bubbles
Debating if he grew up in France or Canada
At some point something happens where only Bullfrog survives, he gets taken in by the Creed and then ends up the sole survivor of whatever took out the brotherhood
I definitely think as well that Bullfrog has a fear of committing to relationships and a general paranoia of people around him hurting him after becoming the only assassin within Eden (and the world at large). Like I definitely think Bullfrog wants friends and other meaningful relationships, he probably knows he has to try or else he won't find anyone willing to join him rebuilding the Creed, but being surrounded by a society that's been brainwashed by the Templar order since their birth prob has him more on edge than he lets on
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arabriddler · 9 days
I love seeing you post snippets of your writing as I go. I took a break from writing while I'm on holiday but now I'm getting back into it but it's slow going. You write so fast, it's incredible! Is there anything you've been really thinking about with your writing?
I started deciding I wanted stronger thesis statements for the writing so if I ever get lost I can refer to those if I wanna find a new direction. Are there any strong themes/ideas you connect to Penguin and the Peacock?
💖💖💖thanks :3
oh i hope the holiday was nice! Also oh I don’t think I write fast I’ve been writing it for a while while unemployed then finished up the last few chapters on those first months of employment where I just sat doing nothing lol and needed to pass the time. So now all I do is edit it on the weekends. heck wait. I think I started writing it somewhere around April last year but maybe longer than that since it’s based on my Batman AU which I’ve been building for longer. Didn’t even consider writing it down actually thought it’ll be too much to write it down but did want to write stories based on it now look where we are.
with the penguin and the peacock I kind of wanted to write riddlebird but also figure out how to get them from well, my versions of riddler and penguin, to the relationship I draw in my drawings? How to get them there? So tried to tackle some points, but well, that’s the main thing but I also wanted to tackle some themes I felt strongly about,
like hey this is what depression is like. Yeah it’s a mess. Yes it doesn’t make sense most of the time. moreover hmm, relationships with, insanely depressed people. Like Oswald’s with his mother. Oswald and Edward’s etc etc. and that’s just on Oswald’s side.
from Edward’s it was, ironically more about love. What does love mean? How do you go about wanting love and attention? When does love become devotion? And when does it become comfort? And when does it become poison?
there’s also the aspect of, taking and giving in relationships. You give and take. But that giving and taking comes from. Parts of your own self. It’s like cutting up your own flesh, no? How do you go about that?
a lot of the times I think I have questions I don’t know the answer to so, as if you’re playing the sims, I put them there and I give them the question and I see how they try to answer them. had a friend ask me how I do it and this was my answer:
IIdk . Partway being silly and enjoying and part ways it spills from a real place. Conflicts and questions I couldn’t figure out the answer to so I put it there
Ed and Oswald are fascinating together because well, Ed wants to be loved so badly he could die for it. Oswald wants something to care for or he’d go insane. It should be easy, right? It should click in place automatically, but it doesn’t because they’re not normal about these needs.
more-so, birds as a central theme is important because Oswald is a bird guy no? But an accidental theme I guess is a more religious one, idk how that came to be, actually I do, I thought well, connecting the Falcone’s with a strong religious upbringing can be interesting, wanted to write the scene where Falcone quoted the Bible to Oswald, and it clicked well, but then Oswald is the kind of guy who mimics people especially when he wants to hurt them, so he takes on for a bit, but it’s not a central theme I don’t think it’s just recurring.
Hope this helped?
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midnightshard06 · 4 months
It's Bound by Fate ramble time again. Love that the au smackdown is making me focus real hard on this au lol.
First I have... some plans for other characters besides those that have been mentioned so far. I would love to go into detail about those plans but uuuuuuh spoilers? Cause it would be very hard to talk about it without revealing stuff about Sonic that will be revealed later in the fic lol. Just know that there's currently some plans for Shadow, Blaze, and Silver for sure. Still playing around with some others. I would also very much like to fit Amy in somewhere I just need to figure out where.
I want to so very much talk about Sonic and Knuckles' eventual relationship (for those of you that haven't checked out the fic on ao3 Sonknux is gonna happen eventually, but not for a while) buuuuut I sorta wanna let it play out? Ah the downside of still having the main fic ongoing. I must tread the line of what is safe for me to talk about.
Instead I shall talk about Sonic and Tails, since the two met before the start of the fic that is safe from spoilers. Woo! Warning this might get kinda long and slightly disjointed. I have many thoughts.
They are pretty damn close as you might expect. Tails really looks up to Sonic and still feels like he owes Sonic since the hedgehog helped him. Sonic has told Tails so many times that they're even since Tails saved Sonic's life first anyway. As the two hang out more Tails starts to really come out of his shell and Sonic is so happy to see his best friend living his best life.
Tails after a while of getting to know Sonic does become pretty worried about him. You know with all the never wanting to stay in one place, the being slightly on edge around people, and particularly his pretty much constant lack of sleep. Whenever Tails voices those concerns though Sonic easily brushes them off and Tails isn't quite confident enough to push it.
The two rub off on each other a lot. Tails has managed to make Sonic a bit more responsible and do less of jumping into unknown situations headfirst with no plan. Sonic has in turn helped Tails learn how to have fun and well perhaps been a bit of a bad influence. Even though Tails is smart he's still a kid, and the allure of Sonic dragging him off to do some cool thing that may or may not be dangerous is gonna be hard to ignore. The two have landed themselves in a bit of trouble over the years but it wasn't anything too serious. They both typically speak fondly of these experiences.
Tails has offered to pack up and travel with Sonic a lot but Sonic refuses it every time. He'd love to have some sort of traveling companion, something he'll get later in the form of Knuckles, but he doesn't want to risk dragging his best friend into any real danger. He mostly just wants to keep Tails safe from the people that don't take too kindly to his werehog form.
Sonic visits as often as he can, Tails' house/workshop is the closest thing he has to a home. He does wish a lot of the time he could stay in one place for longer because he really does love spending time with Tails. It's just after too long he just gets restless and sort of becomes hard to be around. He's never really known why that is but he chalks it up to something related to his speed.
Tails is endlessly fascinated by both Sonic's speed and his werehog form. With permission he's run some tests to see if he can figure out what's going on but those usually result in exploded equipment. Sonic apologizes profusely every time even if it isn't actually his fault. Tails of course never blames him for it either.
The two are also rather protective of each other, and they show it in different ways. For Sonic he has no issues stepping in if someone is mean to Tails or tries to hurt him. He's gotten into a few short fights on Tails' behalf. Tails himself finds it sort of nice that Sonic is willing to literally fight for him, but he tries to discourage it as much as possible. Tails is a bit more subtle about his protectiveness. His go to thing is to plot some revenge scheme for after the fact. These have certainly terrified some people enough that they've never tried to mess with Sonic again. Sonic is oblivious to the fact that Tails does this sometimes; he does think it's weird that stuff will sometimes happen to people that mess with him though.
Sonic really values their friendship and does privately consider Tails his little brother but he's never called the fox that out loud. He has no idea if Tails feels the same and Sonic isn't exactly the best person at picking up social ques. Tails 100% feels the same but he's still too timid to say anything in fear of Sonic reacting badly.
These two take every opportunity to cuddle or be close to each other. Both really got no physical affection growing up and are severely touch starved. Luckily the two are on the same page here and are happy to show physical affection to each other. Besides cuddling there's a lot of hugs and head pats. Tails especially likes to cuddle with Sonic in werehog form since his fur is thicker.
@au-sonic-smackdown I suppose these rambles could count for propaganda huh?
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jokerx-art · 2 months
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what year is it…
*looks for my last ews post* 2019?!
so... lately i've been thinking about this AU again, but for very personal reasons (death of someone important to me) and i've been thinking about the past a lot these days for the past 2 years. i've been thinking about the AU cause a version of my younger self was there and that's the past and i've been thinking of this AU in a way to kinda help me process things.
so while the AU has been on indefinite hiatus for years now, i have been thinking of writing for it again (and i have written a little), at least just for me right now.
i have not drawn these four in years, except for Tord where i did draw him very recently (to make fun of him, but i make fun of all my faves so that's just the norm, but i have also been drawing one of my OCs with Tord again cause god damn it, their friendship is nice and i drew them for years and that OC makes me happy even tho i'm separating her from fandom stuff now. it's like having 2 versions of her). and Edd i did draw a few months ago for a little sketch in redrawing something i found in my old notebooks (which a friend has seen, and i may post it but i would wanna add other sketches first).
i have been sharing some ews stuff with a friend but just sharing it. i have not said why i've been doing ews stuff again until this post.
i ended up drawing their hair closer to how it actually looks in canon than whatever my past self used to draw them as (while staring at screenshots and references cause i haven't drawn them in years).
i think this AU has become a comfort thing to me again. altho not as much as Ion (Game of Dice) brings me comfort cause of how much i just relate to him, including IonNea since their relationship is just so healing. then again, i don't think anything will top how much comfort i get from anything Ion related, he's #1.
also a little note, Persona 3 Reload is also why i've been thinking about EWS again (what listening to Full Moon Full Life on repeat will do to a mfer). plus its theme of life and death. everyone say thank you P3RE. go play/watch it right now, it's peak. i cried. i cried hard. like sure i played P3P already and it hurt, but P3RE hit HARDER.
(i am normally a very private and closed person, i typically don't like talking about myself so typing/saying all this was quite a lot for me to admit.)
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fizzigigsimmer · 5 months
i wanna hear about all your fics!! so bachelor au, blinding baby like city lights, news paper au and love aint fair at all!!
Ahh bless you nonny. Some of these are still just outlines but a few have chapters posted.
Starting with OUTLINES
The Bachelor Au: This is still one of my favorite ideas lol, born of my love of the insanity that is the bachelor franchise and the poorly concealed producer plants who are clearly just there for the drama. You can't tell me Billy wouldn't make a perfect Chad. The gist is Steve is the first Bisexual bachelor contestant. An icon, An American sweetheart looking for love. Robin and The Party are crew members and all the stranger things teens are contestants (Nancy, Chrissy, Eddie, Jason, Argyle, Heather) vying for his hand and represent various types of typical bachelor contestants. The funny ones, the good guys, the people there for clout, the people who somehow think they can get away with going on a dating show while still involved in a situationship back home, and the people who decide to do a reality show instead of go to therapy for their bag of issues. Billy is an instagram model hired by producers to be the seasons 'villian' and be hated by the audience. It's just supposed to be a free vacation where he gets to make some extra cash to be his most extra before he's finally sent home. But oops, they fall in love. Leaving them to figure out how they build a life together after the show when there are NDA's involved and they are the most hated ship in America.
Newspaper Club Au: This is a no upside down college fic featuring Billy/Nancy friendship, nerd!billy and jock!Steve. I haven't decided yet whether it's modern, 80s, or an ambiguous setting but the basic gist is the boys meet in college. Steve is there on a sports scholarship and chose California to follow Nancy, now his ex-girlfriend. Billy's an English major who works on the school paper with Nancy (one of his electives). He's pissed when she puts him on the sports column as it means he actually has to attend the games. He starts using the column to flirt with/aka harass swimmer Steve through increasingly ridiculous and suggestive commentary. The campus thinks it's a riot. Steve thinks Billy's an asshole and making him the butt of a joke just because he's a "dumb jock". Nancy plays matchmaker and also saves the integrity of her paper by finagling Billy into helping Steve write an essay for his English literature elective. Billy takes the opportunity to show him he was 1000 percent serious about wanting to know if his dick is even bigger out of the speedo.
Onto the POSTED fics
Blinding Baby Like City Lights: Is a dom/sub au where everyone is either a dominant, submissive, or switch. Basically some people need to dominate to stay balanced and others need to submit, or some mix of the two. And everyone responds differently to different things, creating many different 'types.' Naturally not all types are good for each other. Billy is a masochistic sub, has known it for a long time but wasn't safe to explore it growing up with an abusive sadist for a father. He's managed to claw his way out of his abusive home and become a successful business man who is often mistaken for a dom. He found family in Heather & Chrissy, but never a dominant he can trust enough to handle him and give him exactly what he needs. Steve's a recovering sadist. Too much privilege and neglectful parents lead him to some pretty unhealthy and toxic tendencies in his relationship with his first love Nancy. Losing his sub nearly broke him, but he broke good and has been rebuilding his life with his best friend Robin for the last few years. He just wants to take care of people by making good food, and find someone he can take care of always, without having to be afraid of his own desires. Steve might just be perfect for Billy, and Billy might just be what Steve needs to finally embrace who he is.
*** EDIT
When you have so many WIPs you confuse two of them.
Love Aint Fair At All: Werewolf au + a/b/o dynamics. This is a retelling of Snow White that takes place in an alternate version of Hawkins where magic exists. Some peoples magic makes them Wolf Shifters (people who are born with the ability to turn into wolves) and others use their magic to bend the external elements, these people are called Hags. Steve lives in the Cold Zone, a portion of the country that is suffering under a powerful Hags curse. Billy is a Wolf Shifter, exiled from their former pack in California, he and Neil make their way as huntsmen for hire. But everything goes to shit wen Neil brings the family to Hawkins to serve Steve's cousin Elsie, a powerful and mysterious Hag whose obsession with beauty and power threatens to cover the world in ice. The only thing holding her at bay is an old curse that limits her powers and a prophecy that promised one day an omega child would be born who was fairer than her. Good thing Steve is a perfectly normal bland beta boy - until he isn't.
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willowisapillow · 7 months
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❤️ The Animated Misadventures Of Chucky And Andy (CONCEPT) ❤️
🎉 Friends till the end! 🎉
I have been way too obsessed with this AU y’all. While I was drunk on water, I was thinking about that, “If there was a movie or TV show where Chucky and Andy were friends, I would definitely watch it” comment I made in my Child’s Play AU post, and being me, I felt like making that a reality… sorta.
I’ve been making tons of sketches of a hypothetical TV show based on my whole AU, and yesterday, I decided to draw this goofy ahh little mock-up of what it would look like if it actually became a cartoon. And oh boy, do I have so many ideas for this that I so desperately wanna share :]
So since Chucky ain’t a murderer in this, it’s a (slightly) more wholesome take on the series, but that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna water it down, make it more saccharine or kiddify it. There would be some crude humor, dark jokes/black comedy, and lots of strong language, mostly coming from ol’ Charles himself, since he is also iconic for his very “colorful” language. Basically, it would be an adult cartoon in the same vein as other shows like South Park or Rick and Morty, but a bit more toned down.
So while there’s no extreme violence, I’d still think the series would probably be rated TV-14, along with a DL warning for suggestive dialogue and coarse and/or crude language. As for which channel the series would possibly air on, I’m thinking that it would most likely be on SYFY, or maybe Adult Swim.
Now for the plot! The whole plot is basically the whole, “lonely and eccentric young kid finds a magical/supernatural creature or thing and becomes friends with it” type plot. Think Lilo and Stitch, or Ponyo, but instead of an alien or a goldfish, it’s a talking doll. And as I’ve mentioned in my Child’s Play AU post, the events that would happen in the show would be similar to that of a slice-of-life anime like Azumanga Daioh, or literally any sitcom you can think of.
Chucky tries doing something unhinged and outlandish, often dragging and coercing Andy into his shenanigans, but the both of them would get caught in 4k by Karen.
Here’s a little summary of what the premise would be; 
“Young Andy Barclay’s life changes forever once he gets a Good Guy doll as a present from his mother. Little did the both of them know that this doll is a little more special than the others. Join him and his foul-mouthed sentient Good Guy doll, Chucky in wacky hijinks in this fun and irreverent slice-of-life comedy!”
In the show, the only people who would know about Chucky’s coming-to-life gimmick would be Andy and Karen (of course), and a few of Andy’s classmates, since there would be some episodes where he would sneak him into school to show his classmates, and um… you can imagine how it would go down lol
Actually, at the time of writing this, I thought up this super cursed scenario where Andy brings Chucky for show and tell, and some other girl brings a Barbie doll, and Chucky starts flirting with it. Jesus H. Christ, I can’t unsee it 💀
Since this does take place in the late 80s (specifically 1988), there would, of course, there would be things like MTV, big poofy hair, neon clothing, aerobic videos, etc. I absolutely adore anything 80s-related, so you know I’m definitely gonna go hard with the retro aesthetic for this show. There would be episodes where Andy and Chucky are hanging out at the local arcade, and just them playing NES games at home.
And last but certainly not least, there’s the voice actors. Obviously, I’m gonna keep Brad Doriff as Chucky, because mans is absolutely iconic. Though I’m not really sure who the hell would voice Andy or Karen. I do kind of imagine Karen being voiced by Dorothy Elias-Fahn or Tara Platt, but what would be your suggestions?
❤️ 🎉 ❤️
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
Okay, but hear me out. You're trying to compliment Reiner seriously, but he ends up saying, "Flattery will get you nowhere." in a scolding tone, thinking you're just saying things and being insincere in order to get on his good side. So you furrow your brows and begin to literally lecture him about what a great guy he is despite what he believes. And him not being able to take all those compliments, because no one has ever really been so observant or attentive to him in that way; so he does whatever he can, uses whatever means to shut you up because he can't take it. Feels like his chest would explode, thinking what he did to deserve this; deserve you.
I'm taking this as a personal fuckin attack Nonnie 😤 How dare you get me tearing up this damn early over by babiest of baby boys! 🥺
My determination and devotion to a cause has never been higher than my desire for the opportunity to help Reiner see how truly amazing and wonderful he is.
As much as I love Porco, I hate his comment about how all of the way Reiner acted on Paradis was him copying and manifesting Marcel. Like, he was inspired by Marcel yes, and maybe it started out with even Reiner just acting, but even outside of the implications of him developing DID it was Reiner reacting to people he came to care for. I think the being an extroverted leader is the big thing he took from Marcel. But all the things that made him a good leader, trusted companion and reliable friend were traits that Reiner already had.
Ugh, I just want to wrap him up in a bubble and tell the world to fuckoff and leave my mans alone! Hasn't he given enough! Let him have some vestiges of self esteem and self love damn it! 😭
But for real though, being Reiner's partner would involve patience and lots of energy and care to reassure him often of your --not just love, but even just liking him as a person.
And depending on the point in his life where you two become partners -canonverse or modern au- I think Reiner can objectively see and acknowledge that he's attractive by general societal standards, but his whole self-loathing and lack of self-esteem comes from him thinking he's a shitty person on the inside. Hella imposter syndrome (same baby boy). Probably thinks that he's some how manipulated you into thinking he's a decent person or something. Because how could he be when his dad wants nothing to do with him/reiner thinks himself being born is why his dad left his mom but really his dad is a deadbeat asshole 😒/ and also he thinks that his mom is never really proud of him cause she's never said as much, and has been a single mom dealing with her own heartache and self issues. Not an excuse but it is what it is. And he's constantly trying to "win/earn" her affection--of which he desires words and actions that prove that. But barely gets the later. And yes he has his friends. Mainly Bertholdt and Pieck--I'd say poooossibly Marcel but maybe moreso acquaintances? Like Marcel is valedictorian and captain of all the sports teams they both play on, and Reiner is always falling short behind him? Maybe even a few places behind? I dunno.
But anywho, obviously he's somehow manipulated you into thinking he's worth your time. And he's definitely a self sabotager in that regard. :/ Now I'm really curious about exploring how you'd actually finally get to be dating my interpretation of Reiner. I think it'd definitely have to be a good friends first situation. And you asking him out. So if you want this sad lovable Teddy Graham you're gonna have to make the moves first.
I think maybe he might end up in some random hookup situations outside this relationship. So maybe it's a repeat booty call catching feelings type deal? Like if he's at a party and someone comes onto him and they're flirting and they wanna hook up, he's not gonna turn it down. Especially with how much this man craves physical connection. Like the sex is great for sure, but he really is just wanting someone to hold on to and they hold him back. If that's while he's pounding them into the mattress or wall, then woop!
Wow this got rambly. I have so many feelings about this man 😩😩😩
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idk if anyone’s said this yet but “midnight rain” by taylor swift is lowkey a colinjamie song. “he was sunshine” (colin) “i was midnight rain” (jamie)
first, i wanna apologize, i took way longer answering this than i expected, real life caught up with me, but!! midnight rain and colinjamie!! you are SO correct anon.
(unrelated, you're on your own kid is a jamie song)
but back to midnight rain, i mean, im really interested in your thoughts anon! how are you interpreting it?
one way of looking at it i think could be a canon compliant au of sorts.
I was making my own name Chasing that fame He stayed the same All of me changed like midnight
like just this part? football is an escape for jamie, its a career for jamie, but its the same for colin!
but we can go deeper for both. jamie and football is complicated. for one, he loves it, he's amazing at it, he dominates, when he plays, he's jamie fucking tartt. but what is it really? he didn't grow up privileged, he didn't grow up in a stable environment. he grew up with a mom who wanted him to be happy and a father who did everything he could to make sure jamie wasn't. and its complicated because jamie playing football was what made him happy, and he wanted his mom to be proud of him. and then his dad comes back in the picture, and he wants jamie to play and jamie wants him to be proud but its a different want--its a want that one)every child has for their parent to be proud and 2)the hope that if james tartt sr is proud maybe he'll lay off.
football is something similar to colin. he loves it, but it also has brought him grief--after the team in Cardiff got relegated, he did face backlash from his family--like his grandmother for example. it also has the potential to bring more grief, as sports (and football) do tend to have a homophobic fanbase irl, and its been implied that colin is into men, and while a sexuality isnt confirmed, the implication that he is at least attracted to men is there (unless the grindr comment was incorporated as a joke, which, im hoping the writers didnt do it just for that) leading room for more pain.
there is also the third point--Jamie has the makings of being great, while Nate tells Colin that he does not. (chasing that fame/he stayed the same)
I think an au where fwb colinjamie happens pre-ted lasso's arrival is interesting, as one, it would be a secret, as both colinjamie have reasons for it to be, and two, you said midnight rain and now im thinking of the conversation of wanting to become official (albeit still secret) sort of contributing to the (he was sunshine/i was midnight rain) where they end things instead.
timeline-wise, it could be like:
jamie comes to richmond--jamiecolin fwb but end it after a month--jamie+keeley meet--rupert/rebecca divorce--ted lasso arrival.
except see, i dont want to go that route bc i dont want it to come off as keeley being the rebound. she is not. its so clear that keeley means something to jamie, and that she did when they were dating too, although jamie himself admits that while the feelinsg were real and there, he probably was not at the best mindset to act on/say the words/take accountability. that actually is true for jamie's season 1 arc--he has many moments in season 1 where you see the potential, to change, the want to change, and the way he actually does make attempts to be better. you see the softness his father tried to get rid of come out--but those moments are quickly overshadowed by jamie doubling down on "dominating" immediately after (or being sent back to man city right when he was trying and making progress and trusting--believing) because his father is very much still a heavily involved force in his life, and no one cares or knows.
so instead like. maybe theyre not fwb yet. maybe its an almost, but neither are ready to take things forward, so they stay friends-ish. maybe canon events happen as they do, but during s2, is when things get tricky.
timeline wise:
jamie comes back and is gradually accepted------jamiecolin fwb---james tartt sr----no weddings and a funeral--jamiecolin lets make it official convo but jamie asks for some time bc he wants to sift through his emotions, talk with his therapist, and give a proper response (he told keeley he loves her, and he did, he does, but that doesnt mean he's pursuing her, or wants to pursue her, he just wants her to know she meant something real, and now he wants to be able to give colin a real answer too, because he wants colin to be something real, colin is something real, he needs to know how to say it)---he loves colin omg he loves colin---tells colin----Richmond is promoted.
so all that^ but with jamie's internal monologue during his talks with his therapist its basically "he's sunshine and i'm midnight rain"
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skysxng · 3 months
hello friends, this blog is going to become my new indie so please feel free to unfollow. eventually, I might do an update to include more characters but for now, I will just be writing as this one. I removed chatri's rise elements and now, he's just a regular great house noble.
in this new world that he's in, people are dealing with a tyrant (like, truly awful joffrey but older style). I am going to start writing at a nice family dinner where everything was great until his father fell over his soup bowl from poison. now, he has to figure out who murdered his dad (is it the tyrant? or is it one of the other houses? what are they trying to accomplish?) & what role he wants to play in the future of his kingdom.
since it's indie, I am also going to write a modern au where he's a famous fortune teller. he actually can't see the future at all but can see the past sometimes so he's been just making up stuff for people based on what he sees from their childhood etc. he's doing this to make money so he can have nice shoes but also to reconcile people with what they had done. a lot of the times, people fear the future because of the decisions they made in the past, ya know.
I might also do another au where he's a vamp who just pays people for their blood because he's hopelessly struggling with hunting the normal way and asks them to tell him stories. that's it, we just rp about listening to stories.
oh, since it's indie, I will no longer tag blood, violence, alcohol and mention of death unless it's more graphic. for example, I won't tag if he's having a casual beer with a friend or got a paper cut from folding cranes. however, if fights get intense, I will make sure to tag and readmore appropriately.
if you have a character that could have fun writing with him, please hit me up. for this nobility thing, I could see interactions with friends, family, household people, other houses or even the tyrant if you wanna write one. for other aus, friends, family, clients. people who want to call out his bs fortune telling. fellow vamps who are like wtf are you doing?
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