#this art is old i really want to re-do these designs
wyrmsfornerves · 1 year
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Avatar Spirit Fashion
Koh - Hei Bai - Yue - The Painted Lady
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
Hello! I was wondering if you’d be willing to take commissions someday 👀. No pressure tho! I just love your art so much
The short answer: "not at the moment, but it is very possible in the future'!
The slightly longer answer: I would have to figure out a good pricing and payment system! PD-MDZS is also where most of my free time goes, so until my life settles down a bit, I would be on the slow side to complete them.
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leporellian · 26 days
actually i could write a whole essay on why referring to opera productions as '''traditional'' is not only a nonsense term but an actively revisionist one when concerning the history of opera.
when people SAY 'traditional', what they actually MEAN are productions that employ late 19th century standards of realism. while realism had existed as an art movement starting in 1848 (the year everything happened), the conceptualization of it applying to theatre really started around the 1870s. the realism movement, in opera, became what we now call verismo. (there's some kind of lesson here in how even the verismo operas have batshit premises like murder clowns and flowers that kill you, but that topic of conversation is for another day.)
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anyway, so if you're staging something like tosca which was part of that verismo movement, then yes, you could reasonably stake the claim that going about it from the angle of 'everything is meant to happen as if it were happening in real life with real people' is the traditional one. but that leaves 272 years of opera history in which 'realism' didn't exist, and therefore... there were 272 years in which 'traditional' productions as we know them didn't really exist.
let's whip around to an opera that 'traditional' staging is particularly egregious to apply to: our good old, fairy-tale-potential-allegory friend, the magic flute!
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'what the fuck is happening in that image? is it racist?' no, IN THIS CASE the magic flute is not being racist. those dubious dark shapes are meant to be animal costumes. this is part of a set of early engravings by the schaffer brothers of the first magic flute production, which are invaluable both in researching this opera and opera production history as a whole. this is the scene in which tamino charms the animals with the titular flute, in the year of our lord 1791, and they decided to have it look like this!
anyway, once romanticism kicks into gear in a couple decades magic flute productions start taking a turn with it. remember at this time 'the magic flute is meant to happen in egypt' was still something everyone was sticking to, so we end up with these interpretations of magic flute set designs:
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you've probably seen at least a couple of these before because that one on the top left is one of the most famous opera set designs ever. anyway, the design philosophy here between these productions, because there's at least two included here, is weird. there's like 3 things going on: you've got the aptitude for spectacle, this vague orientalist approach towards ancient egypt that was influenced by then-recent discoveries but still very obviously rooted in exoticism, and the cosmic abstraction you can see both in the famous hall of stars and sarastro's temple.
all very interesting! but still not 'traditional'! these, at the time, were a radical re-interpretation of mozart's work- compare them to the above engraving. but because these illustrations have a gorilla grip on the public consciousness they superseded the original 'a bunch of skintight suits constitutes animal costumes' production, and now when an opera company wants to go 'traditional' with their magic flute they do this:
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hello my good friend august everding! anyway this is seen as the 'traditional' production out of the two magic flutes in repertory at the berlin staatsoper and yet this isn't what the opera originally even looked like- this is a negotiation with the later early romantic illustrations of the work. sure, it's 'traditional' in the sense that you look at that and immediately know what opera that is meant to be. but at the same time was it ever mozart's intention to stage the magic flute on this grand a scale? is this 'traditional' production really in the spirit of the mozart opera designed for a much smaller stage and with a much smaller set? famously mozart is dead so we will never know.
but then that brings us to the question of What would an actually 'traditional' magic flute look like? well we have multiple options here. first, we have ingmar bergman's film version of the opera, which is sort of the equivalent direction-wise of an opera nature cam. modeled after the drottningholm theatre, this recording tries as hard as it can to emulate the magic flute as it might have been seen in the 18th century:
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i mean that does look very 18th century, and wouldn't be out of place with the above engraving. but there's still a fatal flaw here: the magic flute was written as an opera for everybody, and was performed not in the drottningholm (which belonged to the swedish royal family and which resides in their palace) but in the theatre auf der weiden, which was, while certainly impressive (trap doors! fly systems!) also a commoner theatre where everyone could just go hang out and watch fairy tale operas. this is a great snapshot in time of what a 18th century magic flute should have looked like. but what would a 21st century magic flute that still adheres to the original 'vision'- no grand sets, no massive theatres, performed by a cast that isn't even entirely opera singers, done with a bunch of jokes meant to appeal to an everyday audience- look like?
well the good news is we might have an idea with the matchbox magic flute, which is on tour right now and which i hope continues to run on said tour.
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the matchbox magic flute is the magic flute. it's also not really the magic flute. this is technically an adaptation. it's also not really though. this is the closest i have ever gotten to being in a theatre, watching this opera (which i have seen many times at this rate) and thinking 'shit, yeah, this is what the theatre auf der weiden must have been like all those years ago'. the matchbox magic flute scales down the whole thing into a very small orchestra and ten singers, who alternate roles like crazy. it is designed for very tiny theatres. most of the cast do not sing opera! they have a few classically-trained singers in there but it's actually sung, in modern english, mostly by musical theatre performers. the jokes are regularly updated; since i saw it in chicago, there were jokes about the evening commute on lake shore drive. parts of the plot are entirely updated or worked around.
and yet, it reflects the original design vision of the original magic flute and what mozart and schikaneder set out to accomplish so perfectly, i almost WANT to say that in some way this too is traditional.
(also, they should put tamino in a dress forever and ever. he gets to twirl it even. really good.)
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So, what have we learned here. well for one thing 'traditional' productions, as a catch-all category, don't exist. is a traditional magic flute the one based on the early 19th century designs, or the one based on what 18th century theatre would have been like exactly, or the one that tries to reflect its original spiritual vision?
It's all of them because traditionalism as a term is an inherently reactionary term that upholds a time in operatic history that never really existed and which rapidly changes meaning based on the personal values of who is ascribing it, often forgetting that every opera production represents a negotiation and not a reproduction and that the notion of how it ought to be is one of the most dangerous ideas someone in the arts can have. Go watch who's afraid of modern art by jacob geller on youtube and come back to me.
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
28 asks! :DD Thank you as always!! 💖💖
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My FNAF AU has been sorted out. In the sense that the timeline has been re-written enough that I can go back to drawing it..
Now the next comic in the AU is a re-write/re-draw of my old FNAF comic, Moon Malfunction. A few months ago though there were several time sensitive projects that came up and I needed to shelf Moon Malfunction 2.0 until they were done. Well now they're all done.. but Moon Malfunction is gonna take me some time to get around to..
For the past few months I've been in a really bad spot mentally and physically. And taking on my FNAF Recap/Repair project is just not something I feel I have the mental energy to do at the moment.. All it feels like is a one big pile of work. And all I wanna do I just draw what ever comes easily to me and focus on recovering..
Soooo for the time being,, my main FNAF AU might not see any updates for a bit.. Though I haven't forgotten about it and I do want to get back to it at some point soon. But for now I want to cut any work out of my relaxing/drawing time and just draw what ever I want. Which atm is pirate cookies-- <XDD
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They're also great for grabbing something across the room while I stay in bed 😎😎
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Why haven't I drawn anything like that yet- what--
I might just have to at some point! :00
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I never thought of it like that! Anyone who gets into the game through my characters is like a lactose intolerant person recommending an ice-cream joint- and they're very persuasive! XDD
But fr, thank you! And hey, even if my characters aren't in the game, they'll always be here on Tumblr waiting for you XDD
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Actually, I wasn't! :00 I haven't seen that episode of the Cuphead show. But I'm assuming its about Cala Maria and Captain Brineybeard, yes? If so I can easily see the relation XD
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(Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU!! The comic was different than what I'm used to. But it was a nice change of pace. I'm glad you liked it! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
FRRRRRR THO He's been holding that glow back for a while. Trying not to send the wrong messages to Blue and potentially damage their friendship 💔💔
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I have! In this post you can see 3 of them floating behind Melvin! (The anthro donkey)
And in this post, you can see Melvin holding one while it passes away... :((((( Sad day for sure.
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Well? What did she taste like? XDD
Oh wait you're dead my bad-
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Unfortunately I cant think of any songs that would match each crew members theme.. Rn all my brain can think about is this 👇
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@nunyabusiness459 (Comic in question)
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What is primordial dough? :0
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Thank you! :DD Though unfortunately my fwernnd, I am known for being very bad at explaining how I do art things. :(
If I tried to explain my thought/design process it would just be a lot of word spaghetti that boils down to "uhhh... I just drew it.,. aandd if it dont look good.. draw it differently.. until it looks good-"
My advice would be to look on YouTube for character design tutorials or ask some other artists that have artwork similar to mine and see if they can help. :( Again, so sorry! I wish I could articulate my thoughts better 💔💔
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This actually makes me think- Google says that if you add too much sugar to a cookie they become brittle.
Huh,, makes me think. If one of the cookies was baked with too much sugar.. they'd break real easy.. hmm.. 👀👀
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Thank you so much!! :DD I wish the same for you!! ✨💖✨
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I've thought about drawing them! :0 And I thiiink I drew Franny one time..? The Blue one. Although I don't think I'll be able to find the sketch unfortunately-
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tbh though I think they'd see him as just a normal guy! :0 Right..?
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I'm not sure.. considering what I know about the games.. I thiiink they'd be horrified?? <XDD If they understand that they're made of dough, it'd be the equivalent of a human walking into a giant meat factory where they chop up meat and make weird false humans..
Okay yeah, they'd be horrified for sure XDDD
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@neo-metalscottic (Cookie run post in question)
AAAAA thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it!! :DD As for the power, I think you're right about it being a rare occasion. And the idea of her gaining better control over it over time? While her love grows as well?? Perfection. But man I'm also tempted to make it so she can change when ever she wants. :( I really like drawing her and Seafoam together like that.. 🥺
As for the Colossal squid episode,, I'd have to go back and re-watch it to decide if I'll keep it for my AU or not..
But thinking about all the stuff you described about a violent altercation and nightmares?? 👀👀 Its giving me ideas! XDD
Now if the crew did face a violent altercation like that, I imagine their #1 goal would to protect the Octopod. That's their home man! They would probably do what ever they could to get the octopod away from the situation. Like the Captain manually piloting it and some of the crew being sent out in gups to distract the squid. Stuff like that :0
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It was on the 10th actually- and hey thanks! Seam could probably use the calories <XD
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@unpopularartist14 (referencing this ask post)
<XD oh boy, what a stark contrast between the sides--
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I didn't have them in mind while designing them,, though maybe I took some subconscious inspiration? I see the similarities! :0
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dood1e-bug · 24 days
Hi!! A while ago you drew your versions of the Grampuses from BugSnax.. I'm a starting artist and I really like how you draw them and the poses you do.. would it be okay to reference /use their bodies and poses as a base for my own OC that I'm making? You'd be completely credited, and I'm not trying to to trace them in the sense of stealing your art!! I just really like the dynamic shapes and bodies you did for them all it makes me happy and I see a lot of it in my own sona!! Course, I wanted to get your permission first since you're the original artist^^
Hello, OH gosh those are old if I ever get back into bugsnax I need to re do the cast's designs xD
and I don't mind ya'll using my art as a reference, but please do not trace my art and post it. Edit: Yippe Doodles bad at saying no :')
whipped up a quick lil thing on how I draw grumpuses for you and really anyone. This is a good step in learning.
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Really hope this helps you and any budding artist reading this. Wish you guys the best. ^v^ <333
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squipedmew · 1 year
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well, since the Dream SMP has officially come to a close, I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to for the past 2 years - making character designs for every single one of the characters!
 I really wanted every character to look distinct, with really distinct color pallets, unique weapons for each and every character - basically like each one of them could be the protagonist of a wildly different story from one another. Feel free to steal them (with credit) if you want!
I kinda dropped off working on it in late 2022, so I think I missed a few characters, as well as going back and re-doing some of the oldest ones (that’s why some of them are more detailed - those are the 2023 versions)
As strange as it is for me to say this, DSMP had such a big impact on me, especially over COVID. I haven’t had a piece of media fill me with such a passion to create art and improve probably since Undertale all the way back in 2015, if you can believe it. I owe a lot of my art improvement to this silly little Minecraft series, and though I may have lost touch with it near the end, it will always hold a special place in my heart. 
o7 you crazy, wacky, depressing, stupid, unsatisfying, joyful, hilarious, and amazing series. I wish everyone involved in it the best!
(A few extra designs under the cut!)
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This is a 2020 Pogtopia Wilbur I made, and if I were to draw it now, I probably wouldn’t change a thing. This design fucking slaps imo, I’m still super proud of it. 
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Exile Era Tommy. Wilbur’s old Pogtopia coat has been passed around so many times between so many different interpretations of characters, so I thought it made more sense for Tommy to take the L’Manberg era coat from Wilbur, since that was the version of him he idolized (This is an old version of Wilbur’s coat btw)
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Post Dream-Getting-Sent-To-Prison Tommy! I wanted to emphasize how Tommy was trying to move past his trauma, so he shaved off the grey streak he got from the Withers in the L’Manberg explosions (I gave him the grey streaks before Revival canonized it - don’t ask me why)
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Las Nevadas Quackity. It’s basically a 1 to 1 for his skin, save for the really ugly blue patches and hoodie I gave him. If I were to do it again, I would def change that. 
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Snowchester Tubbo. Also still holds up, though I’m not 100% on the pants. This was kinda before goat Tubbo got super canonized, so I just decided to have the eyes. The scars are from the execution. 
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Revivbur. He looks pretty good for a dead bitch - though I messed up the L’Manberg flag colors on the bandanna on his ankle. Guess he’s french now. 
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Team Rocket era Niki! She took custody of Wilbur’s Pogtopia coat, albiet cutting off the parts that were covered in blood and soot (which was most of it) I also made her a fire-born like Sapnap, though you can’t see from his design - her hair is on fire when she feels strong emotions, and she’s basically going through it 24/7 during this part. 
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Syndicate Niki! She’s calmed down and is no longer on fire, but her hair is still pink from all those weeks of constant rage and sadness. Also dressed more appropriately for the snow. 
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Dream Post Prison. Mask no longer has invisibility enchantments, so he doesn’t bother hiding his face. Gotta wonder how it’s staying on though. Get this man some moisturizer. 
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playertale-au · 2 months
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[NOTICE] Thank you for the 300+ followers. To celebrate, bits of PLAYER!Tale AU concept( regarding Player) is shared
Reposting because Tumblr decided to post instead of saving it in drafts when I'm not even finished. Love you tumblr!  (╯ᐛ)╯︵ ┻━┻
Oh, wow! We actually reach 300+ (as of now 310) followers!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ 
Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, I’m glad all of you enjoyed the story despite my art not being that good. I actually wanted to draw for 250 followers but I didn’t realised we passed that milestone. 
Anyways! To celebrate, I wanted to share some concepts regarding the Player based on my memories, though sorry if there is like a black blotched in the drawing as that is considered as spoilers.
To start off, I began creating this AU maybe 5/6 years ago, on and off, (re-writing or removing some stuff along the way) I had loads of concept art and drawings back in 2019 but sadly those old arts were, ummm, forcedly deleted after a disagreement with someone I trusted, haha. The pain for a FT user in ibis paint. 。゚(TヮT)゚
Then 2023, I wanted to move forward. So I decided to give it a shot and start drawing again. I wanted to share my AU (better late than ever),\\\(۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶//// and also I thought it will help overcome my fear of drawing and start liking to draw again.
Anyway, here we have Player’s design concept (+ explanation):
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Version 1:
Player actually does not inhibit Frisk’s body, as they are not trap in the game, instead, they have their own “Avatar” basing on the data and sprites of Frisk and Chara. (The situation is more towards VR? AR? I’m not sure what to call it) The Player has their memories intact.
The story is just Player goofing around in Undertale, until plot happens, but I didn’t really like the idea as I have no clue how to progress the story forward, so the whole story was re-written.
Player mostly hack codes, while Frisk has the Reset/Reload button.
Initially, their eyes didn’t change colour when using abilities. But I wanted to distinguish what and when the abilities are used.
Version 2:
This is where, I decided that the Player actually inhibits Frisk body, though they are not amnesiac. Frisk is like a ghost (narrator?) here. The image above is post-skip version to maybe 1 year trapped in Undertale. This idea was scrap and rewritten due “Chara” ‘s story and I wanted to involved Gaster in the story. (Also, because I didn’t want to draw this version hairstyle anymore, hahaha (  ≧ᗜ≦))
Player has both the hacking and reset/reload abilities.
This version of Player is more uptight and serious.
Version 3:
I think this is like 2nd or 3rd version of the finalise concept. 
Our current Player. I made the hairstyle simpler.
This Player inhibits Frisk body and is amnesiac. The personality shifted so it’s easier for the player to act consistent. This version is more carefree than ver 2, they are similar to ver 1.
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First design of the Player (ver 3).
Despite being ver 3, I wanted to keep a bit of the ver 1 and 2 hairstyle but decided not to. Again, I wanted a simpler hairstyle.
This personality is just them being stress and filled with anxiety. A nervous wreck and a crybaby. Cries a lot at the first arc until they pull themselves together. But I didn’t wanna make them cry all throughout the story, if I continued to write them like that, I might ended up smacking Player myself hahaha. I ended up toning down the personality. 
Gaster would have replace Frisk as the ghost (narrator?). But I decided not doing it, because it conflict with the plot. That, and the story would be over much quicker with him around.
Side note: I had to change the relationship between Sans and the Player(hate, confuse, no interaction, chill, idk? etc), a lot of times, but in the end I decided to make him not trust the Player. 
Previously in most iteration, he just hates Player.  I planned to have him to kill the Player the first time they exited the ruins, but decided to go against it as it doesn’t really fit his style. Also, the story would go very differently if he did commit to it. Maybe one day I can make him kill them. In an alternate timeline maybe. ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
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Extras: Player in different outfits (loosely)based on the other fallen humans in this AU. (+ ruin outfit)
There is a reason, why the Player had worn some of these outfits in chapter 3 and 4. 
Don’t worry, it’s not originally the clothes worn by the other children, Toriel made them. She has spares. (Sorry, to the one that find it creepy, when it was first shown, hahahaha)
And, that’s all for now I am able to share, I wanted to show more, but I’m afraid, that’s already in the spoiler territory. 
Anyways-! Thank you again for the follow, each and every one of you are the best! And I hope you enjoyed the upcoming story! 
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sweatinghoneybee · 24 days
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Drew out what Glowburst would look like in the fic! Since there hasn’t been any concept art on what Glowburst looks like i’d like to take a crack on what she would probably look like by the little description that we do get of her!
I drew out her past, present and future looks cause since it’s confirmed that Glowburst looks differently from what she looks at present time at the fic and a future look cause i feel like it’s all set and done when she has her family whole again after reuniting with sire again, she’ll have a healing arc where she’s taking herself and gets to spend some quality family time. Even tho there’s a hint that she’s gonna die, but for now i’m gonna be an optimist and just hope that MC will not be tortured by the plot traumas of the future (i know this is in vain but a girl can only wish ok!!)
But disclaimer tho, some of the things i put on Glowburst’s design is sort of headcanons from me with the ideas i come up with the things that are hinted about Glowburst and hasn’t been said yet in the fic, so no one better tell me that i’m off track when future chapters are added cause this design is just what i THINK she’d look like not what she DOES look like at the moment! And I’m honestly just having fun with her design kay? Plus i sort of kind of re-using a failed draft of my version of MC when she got older.
I mostly start with the present one since we got a description from ms.seacucumber that Glowburst looks old and that her paint is faded and since it’s said by MC that she looks like her carrier i got a pretty good draft on what she’d probably look like. I tried to base her off of MC but with slight differences since the sire’s genetic also got inherited so i didn’t want MC and GB to look too similar, and also i sorta made her look like she’s covered up cause i feel like the modification that got hinted in the new chapter 23 would be put over her past armor somewhat like trying to contain the fire in Glowburst to prevent it from well, bursting. And sorta like a symbolism that she’s being constrained and forced to being something she’s not. Also little funny reason on her color picking, i got the idea from A.B.A’s new design in guilty gear where there’s like a theory of sort that her hair is made of copper and that’s why her red hair is now greenish blue because of time and the other theory that it’s because A.B.A tried to dye her hair but ended up coloring it wrong, and since it’s confirmed by Spring that Glowburst has ember color scheme in her past and ember has reds in them i just roled with that color idea. Tho i wonder if i put enough greenishnest in the fading blue paint tho. . . . ? Maybe i’ll meke it more greenish in the future with the blue. . .
And with the present done it’s easy to think of past and future since i just need to branch it out. The reason why I thought of 80s type of inspiration for the past look cause of the description of Glowburst being old and since transformers has already existed since the 80s, I thought that it’ll be a good fit! Tho also fun fact, to get some some ideas on 80s look i looked up 80s cartoons and one of the cartoons that i found on that 80s cartoon list is Jem and the holograms, and i was like “hey MC likes to sing, that could be a good inspiration fit for her mama!”. Also i just really want an 80s based look for Glowburst cause i wanted to give her the poofiest big bursting flames ponytail like those poofy hairs back in the 80s that were popular at that time! And come on her name is Glowburst! Her flames gotta be “bursting” from those “glowing” hues of flames of her’s!!
And the future look i just sort of mismatched both the past and present look since i feel like Glowburst would definitely want to look like back when she was in her past look but with how she’s grown she’s now matured better then her past, and hey blue ain’t a bad color for her just that she never took care of herself that she pretty much neglected her paint till it’s faded so i thought a more vibrant color of the blue symbolizes that she’s now healing since she’ll maybe reunited with her conjunx and now has met Nebula plus having grandkids so she’s a happy elderly now! Also i thought of Glowburst getting accesories that MC made since i thought that Glowburst would love to experiment with her looks plus 80s have some over the top exaggerated accesories so why not? Plus the transformation that i saw with the femmes in G1, their vehicle modes usually only have their chest and thigh parts showing on the outside so i believe that the accesories could work! Plus i mean there’s no way they haven’t figured out how to make accesories right? They already figured out spacebridge portals to teleport them threw galaxies and even multiverses but they couldn’t figure out how to make accesories for fun?
I’ll probably update on her design in the future cause i feel like Glowburst looks will be described more and who knows maybe i can add alittle more things in her design or just feels like that something could suit her more! This was a fun challenge tho, can’t wait to see what sire would look like so that i can make a draft blueprint for him too!
X - X - X - X - X
If anyone is curious and wants to read the fanfic that i’ve been rambling above on the fanart i made, here’s the link to the fic made by a lovely friend of mine!
Spring (the author) works hard to make this lovely work of theirs so please give them some love kay! They’ve been really sweet to answer my questions on what Glowburst looks like and oh darn are they just so sweetly patient with me cause i wanted to not miss a detail of Glowburst’s design since this is an old oc she made that she hasn’t even drawn yet so i wanted to give her design the justice it deserves!! Man can’t wait when Glowburst’s mystery gets revealed along with her conjunx!! I’m so excited!!
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Vivi-Design EAH Fancast 2.0 (Pt.3)
I'm back from the dead. Sorry for being MIA for a while but I'm back now. I'm doing Pt.3 of my @vivi-designs EAH Recast.
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/735536666910015488/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt-1
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/735638317217021952/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt2
Part 4: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739542620483747840/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt4
Part 5: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739611898471923712/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt5
Anyways let's get to it.
Adara Lael as Holly O'Hair
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I know her from this Christmas movie I was forced to watch. (I forgot the name) I think that she'd make an amazing Holly O'Hair but idk. I just really like this fancast even if the actress is a little underrated.
Loren Janae Poppy O'Hair
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I'm glad I found actresses that were actually twins. I think she and her sister really match with Vivi's idea with them.
Siena Agudong as Cerise Hood
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I was debating changing Cerise's FC but I feel like Siena Agudong is honestly the perfect fit. Idk if she's tall like Cerise is described to me but I don't think her height is the most pivotal role of her character.
Queenie Mae Villaluz as Ramona Badwolf
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If you guys don't listen to Boys World (and you like Pop) you totally should, they're so good. I think Olivia Rodrigo matched vivi's Pinterest aesthetic of Ramona but I feel like overall Queenie fits as Rosabella Badwolf. Although she's not an actress I feel like she fits as Ramona.
Jack Pililaau as Tucker
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I'm keeping the same fc for Tucker cuz why not.
Adrian Lyles as Sparrow Hood
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I wanted to cast someone a little younger for Vivi-design's EAH because even though Bryant Barnes is a good FC I think he's a little too old to be playing a teenager even if it is just a fancast. If this were to actually be a live-action show I think Adrian Lyles would fit as Sparrow.
Hanni Pham as Duchess Swan
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There needs to be more Vietnamese representation in Hollywood because it was not easy finding one. Hanni Pham is also a dancer like Duchess and even though she's not an actress I think look-wise she can portray Duchess.
Sean Kaufman as Hopper Croakington II
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I think he looks a lot like the Hopper in vivi's art, although he doesn't have red hair which really doesn't matter.
Brianna Reed as C.A. Cupid
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While scrolling through Cupid's pinterest I saw this picture and was like "automatically yes." Look at this picture and tell me this isn't a perfect Cupid.
Marsai Martin as Blondie Lockes
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I saw on fancast on Tiktok and I haven't been able to get it out of mind. I just love the idea of Marsai as Blondie Lockes. And this picture with the blonde braids is stunning. She'd be a great Blondie.
Shahadi Wright Joseph as Cedar Wood
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No changes. Shahadi Wright Joseph forever.
Maripaz Romero as Rosabella Beauty
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Like vivi's Rosabella she has a prosthetic leg. Speaking of I just want to take a moment to appreciate all the rep Vivi-design's EAH has. I do love EAH but come to think of it -- it was really white so all this rep makes me happy.
Anyways that's part 3, again sorry for the long hiatus. For my Re-Cast I'm planning to do more parts, including one with the EAH character's parents.
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bubblegum-gf · 2 months
Do you have an intro guide to rtumblr I want to be there but I feel like I don’t know something everyone else knows . If that makes sense
@my-name-is-daniel-yes has a very helpful link in his pinned post that I will re-link to you here, a quite expansive post about the history of rtumblr until 2022
(I think daniel's part of that post is much more relevant and useful than mine)
since you are here I will try to give you some succinct explanations on 4 key pillars of rtumblr. (It accidentally became another essay-)
If I got something wrong or anyone wants to add something feel free.
Explanation: In the summer of 2020 this post was made comparing RTGame to the onceler- the infamous tumblr sexyman. Primarily because he wears a suit and acts as a capitalist in games. And has "onceler energy" This is, I'd say, the beginning of rtumblr and our reputation for cursed posts. Then a blog for rtcler, @/ask-the-rt-cler was made similar to the old onceler ask blogs and we all started roleplaying. The roleplays have been dead for a while. See rtcler's blog for more information or more confusion. Additionally a lot of fanart and stuff was made so I think rtcler became pretty well-known.
Explanation: This post is very long and most of it won't make sense. But it is extremely important to rtumblr. I will tell you why this post exists. In November 2021, RTGame tweeted that he looked at tumblr and was surprised by the amount of fanart here. Followed by "Who is the onceler, like really." Everyone freaked out wondering if he knows about rtcler, how much he's seen, and if he has a secret tumblr blog. Soon people started making blogs like notrtgame or not-not-rtgame or I-am-rtgame as if they were rt's secret tumblr blog. Then Fluffy posted The Board, trying to describe the relationship between RT, people associated with him, AU versions of him, and these fake rt blogs. It got out of hand fast. This led to more roleplays as c!Fluffy becomes crazy? mad with power? putting more and more rts on The Board. Those roleplays are also kinda dead right now but by god there's a lot of lore there over the past few years. There's more posts explaining all that somewhere.
This google doc is also in @my-name-is-daniel-yes's pinned post as mentioned above. It contains links to over 600 RTGame AUs, ranging in complexity from a full on AU with lore, to art of a cute design, to a singular post just suggesting it as an AU. There's not gonna be a pop quiz on this you don't have to know all this. I just put it here because I feel like we reference it a lot when talking about how many rts there are (or at least I do, I'm obsessed with the concept). Have a little scroll through if you want, people make a lot of cool stuff and perhaps you'll see something you like.
He is also a tumblr sexyman he's on the wiki. If you haven't seen rt's miitopia series he's a character in that. Rtumblr fell in love with him and likes to ship him with Chat. I thought it was important to include him because he's still quite popular even after like 2 years. Someone else talk about him more I can't write any more. The dandelion theory
That's all I got
If you do have a question don't be shy you can always go "hey what the FUCK is this! #rtumblr" and we will run to you with many many links.
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m0r1bund · 5 months
"Lore, where have you been?"
In hell, probably. I remade M0R1BUND.com.
“For the love of god, why?”
Short answer: to save time and money.
Long answer: Sharing art was getting burdensome. Neocities hosts static websites built with html, css, and javascript—which is awesome for its mission, to encourage people to create future-proof websites. But this also means that every page is created and maintained by hand. I handle every little link and file and bit of code, and if I want to do site-wide changes, I have to push those by hand, too. This takes time, and so does writing image descriptions and cross-posting art to other websites. It became normal for sharing art to eat up an entire day.
I later created Basedt.net in WordPress, so that I didn’t have to worry about managing link hierarchies, which was a big timewaster on my old webcomic. I liked working in WordPress well enough, and I knew I would benefit from being able to use PHP to manage the sheer amount of stuff that’s on M0R1BUND.com. I was also paying double for webhosting through two different services, when I really didn’t need to…. So… I knew it was inevitable that I would consolidate the two at some point. It was time.
I do really love Neocities and I’m sorry to let it go. I encourage anyone who wants to learn web design and create their own website to start there.
Anyway, that’s how I ended up in hell for 6 months.
“What’s changed?”
Most things. I’m most excited about the quality-of-life stuff, like being able to sort art by character/location/world, or being able to move between individual pieces instead of having to return to the gallery landing page. There are lots of things I want to add, but my soft deadline for this was the new year, so I focused on recreating M0R1BUND.com as it existed before… well… this.
I’ve also edited most of my writing. This site is old, and the art is even older, it felt good to give it some TLC.
There are still a few things missing from the new site:
The Woods and RANSOM. They aren’t really representative of Basedt or Mercasor anymore, and I was not a competent writer in 2018. If I re-share them, it will be in the distant future.  
Some of my Those Who Went Missing stuff. I haven’t been playing TWWM publicly, so this is lower priority right now. It will happen when it happens.  
Some twines. They haven’t adjusted to the new filepath format yet. Killswitch is here, though :)
If you need them urgently for some reason, I can share them with you? but that seems doubtful haha.
Links to pages on the old M0R1BUND.com are broken and will remain broken until I set up redirections to the new M0R1BUND.com. I have no idea how long that will take! … Hopefully not long, given the new semester is here.
And of course... If you see anything weird, tell me! I test as much as I can, but I only have access to so many devices. Break this website within an inch of its miserable life so that I can fix it.
“How’s Basedt going?”
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It’s going. Recreating my website took precedence for the above reasons, but I’ve been working concurrently on it in my spare time. We move like a glacier into the new year. ETA: ???
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benzjr · 5 months
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The 2024 reboot no one was expecting...
Those of you who have been around for a while might just remember back when I did fanfiction, and if you do, you might remember the story of my Supernoobs OC Josh Carter, the aspiring social butterfly, future superstar and reluctant superhero whose life was getting way more complicated these days...
Back towards the end of 2019, I was really starting to lose steam with him; the inspiration I had for him was really starting to wane, especially given the fandom seemed to peter out and my previous partner-in-angst-crime Pumpkin (@whynotzoidbergdotorg) moved on to other creations. I've definitely missed creating fandom work over the past few years, but between not really finding anything to grab my attention in the same way and a series of setbacks in my life (not to mention the grind of growing my YouTube channel), things just happened to fall by the wayside.
But it seems I wasn't posting into the void after all! Josh and his story left a huge impact on the small but surprisingly resilient Supernoobs fandom, and over the past few months I've been pulled back in, thanks especially to @ghostlyapivorous' @superastral-official and @jaspydunks' @noobs-rewritten. So much so, that I've been re-motivated to return and at least continue (I don't think I should be presumptuous and suggest "finish") Josh's story. In addition to a few unreleased chapters from the original run, I've been working on continuing the story, and I've almost gotten to the end of Dancefest, where we originally left off.
We'll be picking up from there soon, but it didn't seem fully right to go back to using the old 2016 designs of our main cast — my artistic workflow has completely changed since then. So, it was time to give them all a glow-up. The primary goal was mainly to get them looking closer to the show's style, though I've also taken the opportunity to resolve a few longstanding annoyances with some of the characters and change some things up. Despite not being part of the main cast, I also decided to do an image for Zoey, given she's a pretty recurrent character in the series. Just like the first time around, expect to see new art of these kids in the future (though I don't think I'll spin up @joshcartersblog again).
Look out for the continuation of Josh's story very soon, but in the meantime, catch up on how Josh got here:
A Future Super-Something, the first story: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Perfect Disasters, the second story: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Over and Out, the third story: 1 & 2 3 4 5
Diamonds on the Rebound, the fourth story
Reminiscence, the fifth story
A Hero’s Prelude, the sixth story: 1 2 3
Dancefest, the seventh story (so far)
Text versions of everyone's descriptions under the cut.
Josh Carter
Josh Carter has only one goal in mind: becoming one of the popular kids. Enamored with fame and starry-eyed about celebrity, he's chasing the top of the Cornbury Middle School food chain with the help of his friends. Clever, ambitious, and seemingly carefree, he'll stop at nothing in his quest to rise to the top without losing himself, while making plenty of buzz along the way.
…But will something bigger and more destructive than the current popular clique or a mortifying social mishap stop him in his tracks?
Dreams of a social media-perfect lifestyle
Friends with Jock Jockerson despite not being a jock
His "walk-in closet" is practically a department store for one
The Yellow Superdude
As elusive as he is mysterious, the Yellow Superdude is the newest addition to Cornbury's local team of intergalactic virus warriors. But he doesn't seem too happy about having the opportunity of a lifetime; honestly, it seems like he doesn't get along with the other four at all. With the heroes already building local recognition and facing even bigger battles, can he ever become the hero the Earth needs — and does he even want to?
Alias: ???
Powers: Energy blasts, stretchy body, shapeshifting, possibly more if he ever actually went to training
Always has messy hair for some reason
Simon Parker
Josh's best friend since forever, Simon is the realist of the group. As much an inventive strategist as an easygoing wingman, Simon's a true ride-or-die in Josh's popularity adventures, turbocharging their social game while keeping his starstruck bro down-to-earth. They've been there for each other even in their lowest moments, including Simon's brutally public one last year. It's a trust that makes Simon unafraid to be honest with Josh. But despite all this, is Josh keeping a super-sized secret from him?
Enjoys the outdoors with his parents
Still recovering from a 7th-grade incident where he was dubbed "The Whale"
Maintains countless inside jokes and references with Josh
Rebecca Hewitt
Rebecca is a punchy wildcard who's garnered her own notoriety. Since stumbling into Josh's high-flying life in sixth grade, she's been looking to find herself somewhere in the many aesthetics Josh's influencer adventures bring into her world. Rough around the edges but fun at heart, she's not one to mess with, but worth having in your corner.
Recovering horse girl
Still throwing out Mini-Horse Friendship Force merchandise
Best dodgeball player in the class
Zoey Miller
Zoey is the intrepid reporter behind The Cornbury Hound Dog, Cornbury Middle School's unofficial school news blog. Zoey can be eager and persistent to a fault, the perfect attitude for hunting the next big story. She keeps up on all the gossip around the halls — especially Josh's ambitious search for teenage stardom. Totally not because she has a crush on him or anything…
An ace at alliteration
Has a venerable collection of visor hats
Elaborately daydreams of meet-cutes with Josh
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reimenaashelyee · 1 year
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The World in Deeper Inspection UPDATE Read: (Chapter 1: Pages 1 to 4)
About the comic
TWIDI IS BACK! To celebrate its 10th anniversary since launch, I'm remaking the first chapter and posting pages every Friday, accompanied by my thoughts on the original pages and a breakdown of what I've changed or improved.
Analysis under the cut.
PAGE 1 and 2
It’s March 31st, 2023… exactly 10 years since I posted the very first page of TWIDI!! I haven’t done much to celebrate TWIDI’s anniversaries the past few years (due to general Busyness – yes, yes, check out the forever “TWIDI isn’t dead” sign up on the front page), but the official 10th anniversary is a special unignorable event.
Initially I wanted to make a simple remaster of Chapter 1 – better copyediting, fixing egregious lettering and art errors, alongside a retrospective author’s note… then long-time reader Caracan suggested, why not do a full remake? That’d be fun to see. And I agree – it would be fun to see! I’ve grown my craft and sensibility as comics artist since TWIDI’s debut, and I was so curious to see how 28 Year Old Me would interpret the material that 18 Year Old me produced.
So yep!
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This first page used to be so cool-looking to my 18 Year Old eyes… I can definitely see what I was trying to go for, but wasn’t quite able to reach then.
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A thumbnail from 2013, with notes to myself regarding the composition. In my mind I wanted the wolves to have a James Jeanesque rendering – I was really into his Fables covers back then (still am tbh).
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For the remake, I leaned further into the graphic-designiness of the composition: every element had to sweep the reader’s gaze down onto our protagonist. The wolves are expanded to actually take up half the spread and simplified down to only white lines. The trees and sky are shaped like teeth pointing down to Grimsley. The intent was to evoke a sense of claustrophobia, of the wolves catching up to Grims and driving him into a corner.
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Small improvements: the energy and line of action are clearer with the new running pose. Definitely a better silhouette. And a lot more angularity with the limbs which adds to the sense of movement.
PAGE 3 and 4
This spread is one of the most drastic rehauls in the remake. Here’s the original for comparison
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It’s not very good! (Sorry @ 18 Year Old Me) I remember struggling real hard with the dynamicism required out of this sequence…
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Fortunately after 1000s of double-page compositions and 10 years of practice, I’ve finally cracked this once-difficult composition.
This new page does away with the concept of grids or caring about whether anything is read linearly. The sequence is supposed to evoke chaos and panic as everything is happening everywhere all at once, so it doesn’t really matter if everything can be read or arranged in a neat grid. That was the problem with the original spread: it was too beholden to the grid.
(You can see how in the original, each page was (top row: left to right; bottom row: left to right))
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The new page is like this:
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The page is horizontally railroaded. The main action sweeps from top left to bottom right.
The AWOOO sfx is the anchor which leads the eye from left to right. As the eye travels it may glance up or down at the panels – there’s no real need to pay attention to them; hopefully the improved clarity of Grimsley’s emotional and body acting + me actually depicting the wolf biting his neck + the spiky graphic design elements instantly conveys that he’s in trouble without much or any processing.
The newest panel – the pink grass and canine paws – is a call back for later when we catch up to this in media res.
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lablim64 · 1 month
Guess I'm bored and wanted to make some little lores
So I make that old incer mental hospital owner an oc
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I tried to make her look like the one I drew-
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I were have no idea how she can look like so I just drew this shet, but now her re design is was gorgeous and even have a lore lol
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Cassie Berino were an grown lady who owns the incer mental hospital, she were always loved to be an hospital owner due to her trauma about losing her father cause of his mental breakdown (he su!c!de after cause of it), she always wanted to help the once who's mental broken and heal them, that's why she study doctor, she were a sunshine person, always try her best to make everyone happy, and Dr Albert were her last victim of it, ever since they met, Cassie always try to make him laugh, no matter what he says she never leave him, and soon they become closer and one day Cassie didn't showed up, Cassie were having horrible lung pain and barely able to breathe, her mother take her to a hospital and she found out she has lung cancer, that broke her badly, when her friends find out, they start to get away from her, everyone expect Albert, Albert were also find Cassie's actions annoying but also felt bad that a sunshine like her got cancer, he and her start to hangout more and Albert try his best to help Cassie about her healthcare and beat her cancer, months pass and they both open their hospitals, they celebrate it with a picnic, it was nice, they were took out a radio and dance together, then Cassie thinks, and she got an doubt, she told Albert that what if she didn't survive till too long because that was killing her, Albert told her to not say those words and told her that everything will be fine and she will beat her cancer, then Cassie asks Albert "if something happens..can you take care of my hospital for me? And if something happens to you..ill take care of yours" that make Albert chuckle, he were fully believed that Cassie will beat the cancer but he kept the promise, after some days, it was the 2th anniversary of Cassie's hospital open so Albert wanted to surprise her with a rose, he when to her house and her mother greets him, she were not so healthy but seem alright, Albert realize that Cassie didn't woke up yet so he decided to surprise her in the bed, he go to her room and see her laying on her bed, he lean closer and whisper to her to wake up, Cassie didn't answer, so he thought "hm..you really like to make me embarrass myself, aren't you?" Get lean close and kiss her in the check, maybe she'll shock and woke up, but she didn't move at all, Albert start to get worried and shake her gently, calling her name, bit when his hand get to her chest, he didn't felt a heartbeat at all..Cassie were not breathing, Albert panic and carry her to the hospital, some hours later the doctors told him that she were died during her sleep, that hit Albert badly, he promised her that she will beat the cancer, but lung cancer had other ideas, after that day, Cassie Berino passed away, and like Albert promised, he took care of her hospital, no one know what happened to the body, Albert didn't tell anything about that, to be honest that so..weird, But he probably had some ideas for her, since he's like a scientist, you know what that mfs do.
I also draw them, look!
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Their last dance ✨
I want what they had-
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Damn, that series gave me insane lore ideas, I'm glad I created that series
Dr Albert Morgan belongs to @weirdsillycreature btw-
Hope you like the lore and the arts brah :3💖💖💖💖
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deathofacupid · 6 months
successor | p.p.
summary: you realize that you don't want to be like your father; follow in his footsteps. you have a different want, a different need from him. but you find the perfect person to take your spot.
lemme know ur thoughts
okay this one was okay kinda did it while i was supposed to be doing review packets for the midterms
word count: 1.4+ words-ish
it was never anything i'd ever though about. 
fashion was a hobby and that was that. i'd take over my dad's place as ceo, straight out of high school, right after two years of shadowing, end of story. 
no questions, no discussion. and that was fine, right? no biggie. it wasn't like i'd cared.
but, oh, that was then. 
this is now.
midtown is a school for science and engineering, but this year our theme was "openmindedness". every senior year, which was mine this time, different schools from across the world came in to share about their school and provide information. 
now, since this year was all about having an open-mind, they didn't just have stem-ly, ivy league, big brain/smart science schools come.
but they had other things, too. like fine arts. 
including the fashion institute of technology, one of the best. and you know, just for fun, i applied as early action. 
i didn't think i'd get in. but the fact that a staring at bold text that reads "congrats!", i stand corrected. 
like, okay, wow, way to chuck that in my face and send me flying. plot twist in my life that is already enough of a dumpster fire; now i have to re-think my entire future because my heart is doing happy/uneasy flips in my stomach and i can't figure out if this is good or not?
god, i used to be so indecisive. now i don't know. 
i may have contridicted myself here. 
why don't i ever know anything? this is a re-occuring problem. 
over the last year or so, i've been getting more serious about my future. y'know? like, this is happening. i'm adulting. 
i don't want to be adulting. 
because, damn, it's not hot. at all.
fashion, for so long, has been the thing that makes me happy. it's been the one constant in my life. i mean, 90% percent of the clothes in my closet were designed by yours truly. 
and a career in that? that sounds like heaven, it's too good to be true. 
but now i have a chance. this is my one-way ticket into this whole thing. 
on the other hand... what would i tell my dad? i'm his only kid. who else would take of the stark thing? i'm supposed to be his successor. 
but on the other, other hand, i don't want to be his successor. i want to be a designer. i can't do that from a fancy desk in a fancy tall buliding with fancy people who carry around fancy briefcases and make words longer by turning things like "because" into "the particular reason for the circumstance". 
oh my word, i'm having a mid-life crisis at 17 years old. 
no, no, no panicking. peter would know what to do. he always knows. 
he's like yoda, but 17 and a spider.
y/n: help 
y/n: i'm gonna die if you don't get here
arachnikid: what's wrong?
arachnikid: babe are you okay??
arachnikid: the dots went away
arachnikid: why did the dots go away???
arachnikid: don't move
arachnikid: oh my god oh my god oh my god
arachnikid: i'm coming i'll be right there
maybe it was sadistic slightly to watch peter panic like that, but part of it was amusing. in less then a minute, my window was pulled up and a huffing spider crawled into the room.
"hi, baby!" i chirped, letting him grab my face and examine me.
"i- you- what's wrong?" he panted.
"i need some of your old man wisdom."
peter was quiet for a moment, "huh?"
"i'm going through a mid-life crisis."
"wait, but- you're 17."
"jeez, you really scared me."
i shrugged, "yep. sorry 'bout that. that's on me."
"uh-huh," he glared at you, flopping down onto my beanbag and tossing his mask aside. 
i paused, trying to figure out how to word this. finally, i settled on; "i don't want to be the ceo."
he was absolutely dumbfounded. and i didn't blame him. what sane person would want to pass this up?
so i tried again, walking over to my laptop. "uh, okay. you know how, like, all those colleges came to our school?"
"... yes?" peter said, not sure where this was going.
"and there was this really awesome fashion one, yeah, babe?"
"...yes? oh- oh my gosh. you wanna...? go there?"
i pulled up the acceptance letter. he gaped, "wow! you- you're in! why didn't you tell me? this is awesome!"
"you aren't mad?"
he furrowed his brows, "no. why?"
"because i'm wasting my life?"
"no, you're doing something you love. and that's worth everything. also, i kinda had a feeling this would happen." he strided over to my closet, pulling it open and gesturing to what was inside of it. 
"do you even realize how good you are? because, angel, lemme tell you, you are amazing at this. it's freaking crazy. and the fact that you tailor most of you dad's suits? that says it all."
i blushed, but my short-lived happiness was quickly replaced by fear. "what about my dad? there's no way-"
"he wants you to be happy. this is your happy. he'd never take that away from you."
"of course."
"but... who else would do it, then? i'm his only kid."
peter came over and briefly kissed my lips, "i'm sure he'll find someone."
i grinned; i'd already found one. 
i inhaled rather dramatically as i stood in front of the big door. what was i even going to say? 
oh, well, i'll cross that bridge when i get there. 
okay, i'm kind of already at that bridge but it doesn't matter. 
i only knocked once before entering, catching my dad tinkering out of the corner of my eye. 
"heyyyy... dad, i- uh, whatcha working on?"
"hmm? oh, just upgrading this. i was gonna add some-"
"that's really cool. i have to tell you something."
he looked up, squinting at me, "i swear, if peter got you preg-"
"no! no, of course not! god, dad. we use protection, and i'm on the pill."
"wait, you've been having sex?"
"okay, i think we're getting off topic."
"from what?"
"the stark industries. i-"
"oh, yeah, i'm so glad you'll be working with me. like father, like daughter. too good."
"no- what? that's- that's not where i was going with this."
"then what?"
i sucked in a whole lot of air; 
"um, slower maybe?"
i drew in a breath, "i don't want to work for the industries. i want to do fashion. and i got into this-"
"what? you don't want to be ceo?"
"yeah," looking down at my shoes, i felt shame creep up my neck. had i said the wrong thing? i should've kept my mouth shut. i just fucked this up.
i glanced up to see him press his lips together, and then lean against the table, folding his arms. my dad sighed, "well, i know that once you've set your mind to something, you're pretty stubborn about it, and i guess that may be on me," he added with a chuckle. "but is this something you're sure you want to do?"
"well, yeah. it's my iron man."
"okay, what?"
"sorry, bad comparison. i just meant that, well, this is what i love to do. it's my everything. you know that, right?"
"i had a feeling." 
"you aren't mad?"
dad came over beside me, pecking my hairline. "'course not. i'm happy. happy that you told me, because now you won't be stuck doing something you don't like your whole life." he then ran a hand through his hair. "so what now? i gotta find someone else then. young, like you, i guess."
"can i help?"
"sure, i mean."
"cool. i picked one."
"uh, background search? like all of that?"
"oh, i already know their background."
"yeah? who?"
"you know him. rather well, really."
"i do? jeez, just tell me, peanut."
"peter parker."
it was my 5th anniversary of my line, which, by the way, totally took everyone by storm. as far as i knew, everything was going great, and the bright dimond ring on my left hand told me just that. 
stark industries was written off offically to peter, just last year. currently, they were working kind of side-by-side, and that would be until my dad retired. 
i tied the bow on a small-ish white box, smiling to myself. 
in it were two things, yet to be presented to my husband. a positive pregnacy test and a strip of paper that had multiple sonograms on it. 
yeah, i was my dad's favorite girl.
but pete was his successor.
and y'know what?
i couldn't be happier about it.
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upn-the-sky · 8 months
Give me God of War!! (Ares OOAK, Part 1)
okay, you know, how craft works.
One day you've just become attached to GOW with ropes and tears. Another day you've decided in your head that you can't breath without any figure from this game.
You probably buy Kratos action figure (as I did) and probably feel yourself satisfied because your money are safe now (as I thought too! I can't have armored Kratos on his olympic throne, cause I don't have a third kidney, sadly, so I was very pleased with a little god Kratos figure (Neca). After fixing up paint on his face, I look at him and think ohw, you are gorgeous :зззззз).
So, you are moving forward, replay or rewatch god of war games, especially the first games... you are fine.
UNTIL you decide that you are an adept, who stans GOW Ares. You fire up this dump and can't live your life without Ares doll. Idol. I-doll.
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If you are me, then you can understand. As Ares said, flesh burns, bones breaks, but putting man into making a custom doll is what truly destroys him. So I hugged my family to increase my level of rage and started. Now you can go under the cut
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Actually, I wouldn't do it, but there is no GOW Ares figures in this cruel world at all. Sadly! He is beautiful red-haired war baby, isn't he?
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And I like his original design more than the one we have in Ascension. (Althought I like his non-armored outfit (red chiton) from Ascension concept arts, which wasn't used). Anyway, if we want to have our own god of war, we have one way to figure it out.
Personally I've seen only one Ares OOAK in the internet. It was at Neca Kratos base and it was kinda fine. There was completely re-sculpted head, but the body was without any changes. Kratos in his slut era (thank you tumblr, you are the best) was really scraggy, so Ares with his thin waist looked funny 😅.
Well, anyway, Ares wasn't a thin reed and loved to hunch over, so we need to be canon.
I would say, I am not an OOAKer at all, I've just customized my own ball-joined dolls a couple of times, and I say it straightly, making Ares bjd would be nice, but it probably turns out to an endless torture for me and my finances. So for the base I decided to chose 1/6 scale action figure. I needed to harvest a head and a body. It is going to be a re-sculpted hybrid anyway, so we can ignore color difference and stuff. Yes, I devoted my heart and aliexpress account to Ares 🥲
Whoever recognized the head donor actor, well done x) A bit of alcohol and nail cutter for the eyes (it's varnish was undestructible, holy shit..) will manually wipe out his personality forever, bye
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Beautiful face. But totally needs to be reworked. Ares has unique face features like a round forehead, wide mouth, full upper lip and a bit potato, but still hellenic nose (isn't it precious? 💕). Honestly I think Santa Monica made him really pleasing and beautiful man in his mature ages. He is not old, but you feel that he is not young too already.
So I took out my Ares iconostasis, which allows me to absorb his beauty from all angles, and started a portrait sculpting.
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It was a little hell, but after letting all changes dry, I sanded it and tinted head using airbrush so it will be able to match a body color. Quick matching test:
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As you can see, both body and head has a good tan skintone. And I know, Ares in GOW1 is as pale as Kratos.
Why am I not tinted him in ashy grey color? 1) It is night in a game, colors are faded because of it, 2) I tried and it looked messy, really... 3) I headcanon that both Ares and Kratos have the same reason for that: Ares is covered in ashes too. But Ares is not cursed, he is like.. always in contact with fire.
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So I think that under this grey dust Ares has classic olive skin, same as Kratos. That's why I leave my Ares as if he was washed in a bath and get tidy like he is going to visit Aphrodite's chamber 💫. Anyway if I want to, I just can use photo filters to change it.
Okay, things become serious now.
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We've finally reached to the face up.. And my working table lies in ruins and not usable anymore because of the fucking mess after previous steps.
God dammit on me and every single hair I drew in his eyebrows, but I have to say, it was really exciting to paint him. Finally give him his own gaze, brighten up his lips and cheeks. I didn't want to make him an angry bitch. Because he is not this person for me, neither in myths, nor in the game. He is a god, who lived through a lot of mortal lives and has seen a different kinds of.. chaos you know. OG Kratos is an infant compared to him I mean if you think of amount of past experience Ares has. Imho, he wasn't even truly angry at Kratos in GOW1. So I painted his expression how I feel and interpret his main emotional tone. Ares can be purely wrathful, but wrath is not cynical. That's what i think of him.
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Okay, when the god became able to truly look after me, I couldn't hesistate and started to made the most iconic feature of him. His flaming hair and beard.
And I'll say it if you don't. I absolutely ❤ adore ❤ his red tousled mane ❤ .
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(Just imagine Aphrodite tugging it or brushing, or just bury her face in his hair, because she knows that he will never burn her with his flames. I want to draw this now...)
I wanted his hair to be soft, easily combed and glowing without any electric lights. Gladly I've worked with a doll hair for a long time already.
Earlier I didn't cut off all of plastic hair from the head, only changed hairline by moving it a bit upper from his forehead. It was a part of the plan from the beginning. For the dolls I usually use very thin wool, and plastic mold will provide needed volume for his front combed strands. Screenshots before the eyes, two days of straggling (I wanted all hair to be removable without damaging varnish on his face) and we finally done.
And honestly I don't even want to shorten his hair. He is a perfection.
(Sorry for the empty juice bottle, I will set him on a body later)
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Thank you for watching.
Skeletor will return soon with Part 2, where we will create his iconic armor. Well, I hope it will be soon. As soon as I have donors for a dog heads 🥲 He really loved Cerberus.
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