#this blog is more freedom :)
remindertoclick · 4 months
Here's your reminder to Click for Palestine today! 🕊
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heartorbit · 6 months
I love your art.
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WAAAAH THANK YOU T_T T_T i hand you silly art as thanks
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bicheetopuff · 2 months
Yes, Katsuki Bakugou may have died today but, I encourage you all to get more excited about the fact that the International Court of Justice has officially declared Israel an apartheid state as of yesterday and has ordered them to remove all existing settlements from the West Bank🥳
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wineassassin · 2 days
i am having SO much fun 1) prioritizing @satellitewar as my main blog but also 2) logging into this blog only when i feel like it. like not putting pressure on myself to "manage" two blogs simultaneously. instead, it's a casual energy. just logging in when seb appears. i'm always writing seb on dis.cord with kim (💚) but sometimes he's not in the mood to do stuff on the dash... and i'm learning to be okay with that and find a nice balance. i'm just very happy with this arrangement and thought you should know ❤️
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memoirs-of-a-sapphic · 2 months
Such a wonderful life it could be, If I was ever truly free From the confines of this place Where life is somehow a race.
I just want a small place to be Myself, a cat, maybe you with me. A place that I could  call my own; A place to go when I say 'home'.
An entry where I'd hang my coat, And leave my shoes by the door As I step across the floor, and Perhaps I'd greet you, when I walk in through the door Of the place I'd call home.
Or perhaps it's the other way, Maybe I'd be in the kitchen that day, And you'd walk in, and I'd Light up and say 'hi' And I'd walk over and greet you, Smile, hug you and kiss you.
And we'd both be much better than We were five minutes ago, or ten. And maybe we'd sit on the sofa, Watch a show until it's over, And eat dinner together, and Leave the dishes 'til morning.
And, too tired to want to get up, We'd fall asleep on the sofa. Tv in the background, quietly Playing as we fall asleep
And in the morning, as we lay In the early sunshine of the day Perhaps I'd whisper into your ear: 'Good morning- how are you, my dear?'
And then we'd start our day again. It doesn't matter where and when- We'd be alright, I'm sure; We've been alright before.
And there's so much I want to do; A simple life, perhaps with you. But all that seems so far away As I look at it today.
But I'm sure that future me Will be looking back to see This lonely evening reverie; Me, wishing I could be more free.
What a wonderful life it could be.
ok I haven't posted original poetry in a while, and I know I said I'd post the follow-up that references 11-17-23 and 12-21-23, but I've been thinking of moving out of my homophobic house lately and we're getting married, so here's the poem I wrote about us moving in together. For reference, we officially started dating on 11-13-23, so this poem was,,,,, 5 days into our relationship :D Can you tell I already knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her?
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caramel-ribbons · 9 months
It kinda hit me that North America, my country, tried to recreate the narrative they perpetuated throughout the Iraq War: that Middle Eastern people are meant to suffer. We don’t want it to happen, but it’s kinda inevitable isn’t it? They don’t have the resources. They don’t have the education. We need to save them from the wars we start and the devastation we profit from. They need us.
It worked during the Iraq War because, even though many Americans were against it, Bush successfully managed to insinuate that they were exceptions. He ensured your discomfort with the war wasn’t as simple as you disagreeing with the killing of innocent people, but instead a disapproval of your country. You didn’t respect America. You didn’t care about it. Suddenly, you also disrespected America’s principles. You hated justice. You hated freedom. You didn’t want to help the people of Iraq because if you really wanted to, you’d oppose terrorism, and you’d support this war.
I wasn’t alive in 2003, but from the way it’s been described, and from the music I’ve listened to and the recollections I’ve heard, the Iraq war didn’t represent the people of America. It wasn’t supposed to. Instead, it represented the values of America. It represented the things American politicians, corporations, and their supporters are willing to sacrifice and excuse for the sake of money, reputation, and power.
But it falls apart when you have to witness the tolls war has on people. When you have to hear their stories. When you have to learn their names. When you have to see emaciated bodies. When you have to see families screaming and crying; mourning on camera. When you have to see corpses belonging to the same people you’d seen smiling and laughing and dancing not even days ago.
And the narrative completely shatters after you experience the dissonance between Gaza and Israel. When you see Zionists dancing near the homes they destroyed. When you see them partying a few miles away from the remains of churches, universities, and homes. When you see them in uniforms, hear about their white phosphorus and their bombs, and read about all of the human rights they get to violate whilst still getting a seat at the table where they can decide how many more homes they can destroy and people they can kill.
They then try to tell you that disagreement with this war makes you a bigot. Makes you prejudiced. If you’re against Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and if you’ve been against the ongoing apartheid, then you’re anti-Semitic. Think about the Holocaust. Think about the influx of hate crimes happening to Jewish people in your country. And you do think about them. You’ve been thinking about them. That’s why it doesn’t work.
Because you know what anti-Semitism looks like. You also know what Islamophobia looks like. You also know what genocide looks like. It doesn’t have to be defined for you anymore. You’re seeing examples of it every day. You can never forget what it means. And so the narrative fails because you understand that no one should experience this. Even if they’re “supposed to” but were they? You thought you were crazy or naive, but no. It doesn’t have to be this way. It never should’ve been, and they were wrong for trying to convince you that it should. They were cruel. They were callous. They were evil.
So now, it doesn’t matter how many celebrities stay silent. It doesn’t matter how many politicians try to demonize you, and it doesn’t matter how many labels they try to assign you for opposing this war. Because you know it isn’t a war. It never has been. It’s a genocide, and contrary to their attempts to say otherwise, you should be against it. Because before you’re an American or a Palestinian or Jewish, you’re human, and if you still have any shred of humanity left, you can’t support this.
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justanechoflower · 1 month
Oh, having sensitive hearing hurts a lot. My buddy, Dolores, deals with it daily. Have some ear mufflers. These aren't modified compared to the ones I gave her but it should help muffle it to tolerable volume levels. (persona lore :DD)
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1/4 - Magic of choice
4/5 - Hypersensitive hearing
4/5 - infinity chocolate
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tired-momfriend · 2 years
I've seen some people making posts about bullying Ryan Reynolds off the app because they don't want other celebs to migrate here from Twitter.
Come on y'all.
Don't act like degenerates.
That is a very Twitter/"toxic Tumblr era" thing to do.
Don't act like animals. Just let him experience us in our natural habitat and if he's cool, then he'll integrate perfectly.
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monst · 2 months
So I was thinking of a Greek myth I read a long time ago:
"The lover of beauty." And the story is about a man named Pygmalion who is devoted to his art. He spends hours working on sculptures that are absolutely gorgeous and one day he begins to work on a sculpture of his ideal type. And he's besotted, he's dropping his chisel for hours on end to just stare at his work, lost in his own fantasy. She's appearing in his dreams and he is slow to finish the construction just imagining the joy he'd feel if she were living. When he finally finishes the statue he can only look at her and sigh. However, just around the time that he's finished the festival of Aphrodite begins and as a devotee he goes to pay his respects.
Afterwards he comes home and sees the statue move and he takes Galatea in his arms as she breathes for the first time. The next day they go to pray to Aphrodite, one grateful for being given life and the other grateful that the goddess answers his dreams.
(This is heavily paraphrased but I just wanted to share it cause it's interesting)
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liesmyth · 9 months
that one post I rb'd earlier about France and laicité and Macron celebrating Chanukah is still making me made just thinking about it. That came in the same week as Masha Gessen being almost stripped of the Hannah Arendt prize because they wrote an essay about Gaza (incidentally, Gessen is Jewish). I'm just really, massively tired of the current climate in Western Europe where political and civil authorities pay lip service to diversity and pluralism but actually actively suppress diverse voices. Case in point, lots of framing Judaism = Israel while actively making life harder for their Jewish communities.
I'm not eloquent enough to word this properly, but it's infuriating to witness. It's not a new attitude by any means, but it's rooted in racism and xenophobia and I hate that it's getting so much fresh mileage lately. I wish more people (& local press) called it out for what it is.
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dementedspeedster · 6 months
Alright here's my thoughts on a way Thad could have essentially a 'redemption arc' Post-FMA and post death. (Actually in retrospect Post-Rogues Revenge to be specific. I just lump that with FMA. Though I don't accept what happened with Josh Mardon).
This post started as a response/add-on to @radioactive-earthshine's post here, so a bit of its phrasing is in conversation with that post. Though i have done some editing since my first draft of this post.
Please excuse my rambling as I love thinking of Thad from a perspective of post-FMA and post-death and having come back to life for a second chance.
General Note (before or after you read this post): I guess my big caveat with this idea is that at least some people have to be willing to give Thad a BIG chance and let him try to prove himself in order for it to really work. People gotta be cool with
*1 - Why post Thad's death? - I see Thad's death as a catalyst for him to change or be open to some change because death is such a huge consequence of his actions, but also because 1. Since he's a speedster he's not dead in the traditional way thanks to the Speed Force essentially housing speedsters. And 2. It also gives hm time away from other people and the influence of the Thawnes in order for him to think. He can look at his life and reexamine his own thoughts, feelings, decisions, and essentially his entire life and for once reflect on his own without having to confront someone else, prove himself, or defend his choices in that moment. He can just reflect. Though that won't fix everything. Instead, it is an impetus for Thad to change. (Also just from a comic/visual medium perspective I think it would be cool to delve more into the speedsters who are 'stuck' in the Speed Force. But that's a conversation for another day.)
By looking at Thad’s actions post Mercury Falling as being due solely to him and his feelings and desires such as a sense of bitterness, a desire to prove himself, and as a way validate his own existence such as through killing Bart, I can see Thad (preferably post his death)*1 realizing that his previous actions were never going to lead to his own validation. Thad killing Bart while it might have felt good in the moment, ultimately meant nothing and was a bittersweet endeavor because after that moment he loses all purpose and drive with his victory over Bart. He realizes that he was just falling to his own bitterness and the teachings of violence and hatred from the only life he knew.
With the realization that his past actions weren't right, that they didn't truly bring him happiness or validation, he can progress from where he was before. He would no longer be reliant on his hatred toward Bart to propel his life, but instead he would live for himself and live his own life for the first time. He would be free.
Now, just this concept where Thad no longer shackled to his hatred toward Bart in itself could lead to so many different scenarios and paths for Thad as he builds a life for himself (and I could go into that), but specifically in relation to a 'redemption arc' it would lead more specifically toward the tribulations that come with self-discovery and building a life for himself now that he is alive again. Now, I say this specifically with a social perspective in mind with regard to this bit. Because Thad post death would be trying to build a life for himself while people/heroes/most of the Flash Family consider him a villain and still hold his past actions, like killing Bart, against him. It's gonna be hard for him to go through this 'redemption arc' and there are gonna be consequences for Thad's past through how people treat him, but despite that he's still going to try. It's a scenario of self-betterment, but also I think unconsciously he's also trying to make up for what he's done by being a better person than he was.
Setting-wise this arc would be set in the Twin Cities are. Either Keystone City or Central City, so he can't help, but run into members of the Flash Family. But these potential/chance meetings with other Flash Members allows him to make connections; good, bad, and just neutral depending on who it is in the Flash Family he meets and if they're familiar with him.
Regarding the topic of redemption when applied to Thad/how he would personally handle the process of redemption/changing:
I think redemption for Thad would be half him fighting his own 'inertia,' his resistance to change. Part of Thad would still be so ingrained in the idea that he is "bad," a villain, and a Thawne (even though he's abandoned the family in every way except name) because that is what he has known for so long and because that is what people are telling him definitively when they see that he's alive again. Thad believes these sorts of things about himself and is also unwilling to let go of his past because it is all he has ever know, so he is fighting the fact that he actually is changing as a person. And this would be further reflected in his actions. He would be consciously putting distance between himself and the Flash family, he would be punishing himself for his previous actions, and SAYING that he has not changed despite how actions would show that he has. Thad's stubborn, but I also think that he would be scared of change as well, and at this part of his life would very much be his own namesake, Inertia.
Briefly regarding what his actions would look like at this time as he finds himself and his own life:
I say in this scenario he would overall straddle a sort of anti-hero line though his actions skew toward more heroic, though not to the same degree as heroes. It's not out of a desire to do right for others, but it would be selective in a way and drawing from what he cares about. Like, sure, if he's in the area he will save someone who is in danger, but more specifically I think he would be real conscious of how younger metas are treated, so no one ends up being used like he was in his youth, that they can have a childhood he didn't have, so he would speak up in those kinds of scenarios. Regarding labels: Thad still would probably still stubbornly label himself a villain because of his unwillingness to consciously/overtly change himself as I previously mentioned, but also because of the perspective directed toward him by heroes. Though people can call him whatever they like, but he's still going to do what he think is best.
I agree that forgiveness would be very difficult, but I also think that it would be possible for him to interact with the Flash Family albeit selectively. I think that people like Max and Barry would be the most willing to give Thad a chance and willing to understand that he was used, manipulated, and essentially a child soldier, but also willing to give him a chance and see that he is not the same person he was before if they ran into him again.
Max and Barry are my top contenders for giving Thad a chance because respectively Max understands Thad to a degree. He's experienced who he was a child and the thought he gave to being a hero and potential he had. I don't think he would try to force Thad to become a hero again, but would meet him with some understanding though it might need to be earned somewhat after knowing about Bart's death. I think Max would have to see a bit of a change in Thad for him to fully try to connect with Thad again. It would take a bit of work.
As for Barry, I think he would in general be more open to giving Thad a chance simply if Thad expressed it. I think, in part, it is due to how disconnect Barry sort is from a lot of major events that have happened to his family and in particular Bart. He would be taking Thad more at a face value because he doesn't know Thad or his past. He probably wouldn't know how Thad kidnapped Iris in his youth, and he might not know that Thad is the one who killed Bart (that would probably depend on what he's been informed of by the rest of the family).
Overall, this scenario regardless of who would be willing to give Thad a chance would mostly cause some discord internally for the Flash Family, as they all would have different perspectives of Thad, but also probably regarding perspectives of 'redemption,' whether people can change, and specifically whether Thad can change or if he even deserves a chance.
Ultimately, though what this all would culminate to is either Thad very very VERY slowly becoming sort of a part of the Flash-family or sorta absorbed within the Flash-family circle in the sense that some of the members are willing to give him a chance. (I think there's a touch of hilarity and awkwardness just at the thought of someone like Barry inviting Thad to a holiday dinner. I also think it's also a good way exploring family and the complexities of family and family dynamics when you add someone like Thad to the mix. Kinda like a relative you're not fond of or the black sheep of the family who has history. There's just so many themes that open up when you add Thad to the mix.) It's very much a black sheep scenario. Or that his 'redemption' allows for him to slowly make up for his past. People can feel however they want to feel toward him, they can distrust him still or think it's an act, but the fact he's make strides for himself and as a person slowly becomes undeniable in this scenario as time goes on.
I also think both "outcomes" would allow him to have future appearances and interact with members of the Flash Family as he goes through the process of trying to prove himself/make up for his past.
And that is basically how I would write Thad in a 'redemption' arc. It's not a traditional redemption, but instead it's more focused upon consequences, actively working toward being a better person that you were before, and focused more upon the development than the outcome.
If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try my best to answer.
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remindertoclick · 4 months
Reminder to Click for Palestine today!
Thank you for helping how you can!
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cheerfullycatholic · 6 months
I keep seeing rancid poto opinions on Pinterest and they make me gag. Someone had the AUDACITY to say that they hated Raoul because he took away Erik's last chance at happiness. uM?! Just say you hate Christine and want her to suffer, it'd take less time
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hazbintales · 6 months
Rule Updated!
when writing with me, I please ask for you not to use dark colored text in posts. I am legally blind and some colors will strain my eyes because I use dark mode tumblr. if your colored text is any darker than the default orange or default pink, I likely cannot read it. if you're unsure whether or not your text is too dark, you are more than welcome to ask me!
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charmac · 6 months
ack sorry I was rude about the bathroom problem script I misunderstood what you meant </3 thank you for being a great resource for the sunny stans
No worries lmfao I was being crypto maybe unnecessarily but more for fun… trying to lure people to my blog… lol
But I promise my main goal here is to make sure fans have access to as much Sunny content and resources as possible!
That’s my whole motivation for this blog, after years of searching the depths of the internet for old stuff and running into dozens of dead links (why!! @alwayssunnyfxx !? why did you privatise/delete so many videos!?) and watching almost every social media site fall apart to bad AI search and bots, I want a place where that’s not going to happen (as long as Blogger stays in existence, I guess)
It’s definitely a work in progress, and there’s still a lot to come, to be added and collected, scripts included, but hopefully we will soon have a great resource and fun and interesting site for the community, and a place for great future content and, of course, Season 17+ updates :)
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nerice · 1 year
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this plot thread, more than anything....... :^)
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