#this came out longer than I intended 😅
epickiya722 · 3 months
Okay, in my Star's Rebirth AU, Kenjaku is technically still alive, but Yuji keeps their brain in a jar (just like the Death Paintings) and for whatever reason, the thought that popped in my head is Yuji telling Shoko about it but it goes like this.
Yuji: I have my mom's brain.
Shoko: What?
Yuji: Kenjaku. Have their brain. *shows a jar he's keep said brain in*
Shoko: ... can I ask why?
Yuji: They kept my brothers in jars, right? As long as they have no body, they can't do anything.
Shoko: Okay. I see your point. Where are you keeping that thing?
Yuji: In my chambers. (Note: just read the AU)
Shoko: Ah. Anyways, why are you telling me this?
Yuji: Wanna study it?
Shoko: ...
Yuji: ...
Shoko: You are a weird kid, but you speak my language.
I can see Yuji slowly getting into that area of science, more so because... well, for one... someone had to be like Kenjaku (they would be proud... probably)!
And two, I think that Yuji is "dumb" (by what he believes) because he doesn't learn due to the people who teaches him and how he is being taught. Think about how quickly he learns to use cursed energy. It's a hands on experience for him and the methods use do hold his attention (example, the movie watching and that stuck with him).
Shoko, I think she could hold Yuji's attention because she comes off as someone who uses visuals to teach. I mean, someone had to teach Yuji RCT and honestly? I say it's Shoko.
I think of how Satoru tried to teach Yuji how to use cursed energy the first time. Satoru just went straight into saying "This is cursed energy, this is a cursed technique". And Yuji didn't get it until he used the example of electricity, creating that visual.
It reminds me of how Shoko tried to teach Satoru and Suguru the opposite way about RCT. Moving her hands and making sound effects to recreate a visual for them to understand how RCT works.
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dashuisofanubis · 1 year
My Sibuna Secret Santa gift for @house-of-secrets! Sorry it took so long Evie, I hope you like it!!
(Pre-series) After weeks of begging (and actually completing their chores for once), Alfie, Jerome, Joy and Patricia are allowed to go camping in the woods by the house. But of course, they're them and this is Anubis, so nothing's going to run smoothly.
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artemish · 1 month
Sous chef: part 2 | opla!Sanji x fem!Reader
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word count: 3.8k
genre/tags: Sanji x reader; first-person pov; fluff; pining (but is it mutual??); angst; hurt/comfort; friends to lovers
warnings: brief anxiety mention
summary: following their late night kitchen heart to heart, things become more complicated when the other Strawhats take notice…
a/n: thankful for the support for the last part! ♥️
Continuing my low key self indulgent series hehe.. 🤭 It took me longer than I wanted to write this next part but I was determined and here we are lol 😅
taglist 💕 @vespidphoenix @dark-academia-slut
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰!
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“Nami, we are just friends.”
I stated this as matter-of-factly as I could.
“Right, and Zoro likes tea with his lunch instead of beer. Cut the shit, y/n.”
Our sweet navigator hadn’t budged from the spot she was judging me from.
Her eyes were determined to pierce through my shield, but I held fast. I flapped my arms up, exasperated by the fact that she kept pushing.
“Look, I couldn’t sleep so I came to the kitchen, I fell really hard and Sanji helped me feel better, that’s all.”
She smirked, “Oh, I’m sure he did.”
“No,” I scoffed in disgust, “not like that. He was also awake, taking note of our supplies, before I came in, got knocked by the swell, and he patched me up. Then we were talking for some time, and I guess we were both more tired than I thought. Just fell asleep, right then and there.”
“Look,” she said, standing up, placing her hands on her hips, “as much as I love him, I would love him even more if I didn’t have him flirting my way. So if he’s into you now, well that makes me a very happy woman who can finally navigate this boat in peace. That being said, I would still like to know what’s going on between you-“
“There’s nothing going on,” I snapped, “and there never will be.”
I didn’t intend to come off so aggressively and I saw her step back when she heard the anger in my voice.
“Sorry,” I breathed, “didn’t mean to get worked up like that.”
But she took no notice of my apology and pointed at me saying, “Does this have to do with the thing you still won’t tell me about? Is that what’s been holding you back?”
I rubbed my forehead with my hand, “yeah, it is.”
She shook her head and crossed her arms, as her frustration reached its peak.
“You know,” she said, this time with a knowing smirk, “secrets come out. They always do. With time and through fate, they always come out. I mean just look at me. I thought I had it all worked out, thought I could keep my secrets to myself.
“But what Luffy taught me, what this whole crew taught me, is that you shouldn’t have to carry your burdens alone. Secrets are better shared with those who can share the load.”
“I know, Nami,” I sighed, “but I can’t tell you, nor the crew, least of all Sanji. You know how he gets.”
“You know you can trust us, but you still don’t want to tell us? Why?”
“I can’t answer that.”
She looked up at the ceiling, as if asking the gods for help, but of course she got no reply.
“I’m not going to get anywhere with you on this, am I?” she sighed. I shook my head.
She paced about the room as I sat back down on my futon, bringing my knees up to my face. She sat down next to me, letting out a big sigh as she did.
“I’m sorry, Nami, but I promise when the time is right I’ll tell you.”
She glared back at me and looked like she was about to say something, but was cut off from a voice outside our door.
“Nami, have you seen y/n around? I’m trying to- oh. You’re here”
Sanji stood in our doorway, looking a bit flustered but still managing to flash us a wide grin.
“Morning ladies, you’re both looking as lovely as a golden sunrise on a calm sea.”
Nami and I rolled our eyes in unison.
“Morning Sanji, had a good sleep did we?” Nami poked, and I felt my cheeks flush red.
“It was good,” he sighed, “until the chill set in and I realised I was alone in the kitchen.”
“Oh,” she said, “were you with someone last night?”
I could have strangled her right then.
“What, oh no, I was ugh, counting beans and I must’ve dozed off. Didn’t realise I wasn’t in my cabin, you know with the others, yeah.”
“Counting… beans?” I could see her fighting every urge to cackle at his pathetic explanation.
“Ugh, yeah,” he stumbled through his words again, “the beans in the barrel. Coffee beans, green beans, soy beans-“
“Well, you should borrow a blanket or a shawl next time to stay warm, in case you fall asleep again. Y/n has a spare one, you should ask her next time.”
I shoved her shoulder and saw her biting down hard on her lip.
“I might,” he said, looking at me then, “as long as I know she’s keeping warm too.”
I couldn’t take this back and forth any longer, and I couldn’t stand the sight of him in the doorway, looking like a lovesick puppy dog waiting for a bone.
“Sanji,” I said finally, “hi, hello, good morning. Why are you here?”
“Oh well, madam, I was actually looking for you.”
“Me? Why were you looking for me?”
“Well, I’m taking you up on that offer, since breakfast is a big one today.”
“Offer? What offer?”
“You being my sous chef, remember?”
Shit, I thought, I’d forgot, I’m screwed!
“Oh of course, yes, just let me ugh change into something more chef-like. Yeah.”
“Alright, my swan, I’ll start prepping while you get ready.”
He flashed us both a grin and walked back to the kitchen, completely missing Nami’s face of pure joy.
It was as if what she had just witnessed between us was better than any treasure she could ever imagine to find in all the four seas and no amount of berry could be used to describe how much she enjoyed that.
Nami stretched out on my futon, exhaling loudly. She rested her head on my lap, and stared wistfully up at the ceiling. I was numb to her and everything around me.
I felt like I was losing my mind.
Ever since we met him at the Baratie, she noticed how he would go that little bit further with me, how his hugs lingered longer, and how his words were kinder.
And she had constantly reminded me of this fact.
“Even if I never get to know all your secrets,” she said quietly, “at least I can hold this one against you. You know, he only cuts your carrots into heart shapes, when he makes us soup.”
“Really?”, I lied, “I hadn’t noticed.”
“Can you even cook?” she asked after another silent moment had passed between us.
I looked down at her. She knew what I was going to say.
I changed into some black slacks and a t-shirt, and headed over to the kitchen.
The room was alive with the sounds of rashers of bacon sizzling intensely on the pan, the crackling of flames within the stone oven and the soft, rhythmic thumping of metal on wood. Smoke rose from the stove and the oven, hanging in the air and carrying the sweet scent of bread, the earthy aroma of mushrooms, butter and thyme, and salted meat to every corner of the room.
Sanji had his back to me as he sliced through potatoes in halves then quarters and then smaller still, probably for hash browns.
He moved the knife intently, with a ferocity that seemed barely human, and yet the potato pieces did not come out mangled or broken as one would expect from such intensity, but instead in perfect little cubes, each evenly portioned to form the hash shapes. To say I was intimidated was an understatement.
“Doesn’t really look like you need my help here.” I had moved back towards the doorway unconsciously, perhaps hoping I could get out unscathed.
“On the contrary, y/n,” he said over his shoulder, “I’m swamped this morning and your help would be invaluable.”
I couldn’t let him see how deeply underprepared I was, or how concerning it was that I had gotten this far in life without ever making a real meal or that I lacked any and every culinary skill there was. But it was too late now.
“Oh, ugh, are you sure? I mean you look like-“
“Grab that apron over there and come over.” He pointed to an apron hanging near the doorframe, without looking back at me, and continued to make his way slicing through various other vegetables he was adding to the meal. I begrudgingly put it on.
“Can you please crack those eggs over there into that bowl?”
He pointed to a large silver bowl that was on the counter, right of where he was dealing with the vegetables and meats.
“We’re going to make omelettes and everything else will go with them. We have to get as much as we can from this batter since we also have to eat, not just Luffy, so don’t worry about adding an egg or two extra.”
He smiled, and I melted like the butter in a pan at the sight of him.
I stood beside him and stared down at the eggs in the carton, and at the others stacked against the wall.
I felt my palms tingle and swell with moisture as I tried to move my hand to pick up an egg. In an instant, I felt my throat dry up, and I felt a rising surge of heat from within me flush over my cheeks and a ripple of panic pulse through my chest.
Thump, thump, thump, THUMP.
The sound of my own heartbeat flooded my ears and nothing else.
My breath quickened and I became acutely aware of it, and tried to take in air in small, pulsating breaths. I didn’t even notice that he had stopped cooking and had in fact turned me to face him, holding my shoulders and calling my name.
“Y/n, are you alright? Can you hear me? Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay, y/n.”
But I couldn’t hear him. My vision blurred over, as my eyelids flickered sporadically. It was then that he stopped calling out to me, perhaps realising that it was no use in this state, and just held me steady, rubbing my arms as he did.
My mouth still gaped wide, trying to take in breath but my breathing slowly evened out as he held me.
Gods, I thought, this is what I panic about?
“Sanji,” I felt my mind returning, “Sanji. Oh, my gods, Sanji, I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” he said, “don’t apologise. Are you okay?”
He stepped back, keeping one arm on me still, and reached for a glass of water. I faced the floor, too quickly perhaps, as my head felt so light.
“I should’ve told you upfront,” I began, “that I don’t know how to cook, that I’ve never learnt or tried to, or rather had the patience to, and I’ve just survived on the cooking of others. I shouldn’t have offered to be your sous chef last night, I don’t know what came over me.”
“Woah, hey, it’s alright, y/n.”
“I’m sorry, oh my gods. The truth is… I’m terrified.”
I could see a slight smirk appear on his face as he listened to me.
“Of me or of cooking?,’ he chuckled, “and please, don’t say me.”
“What if I said both?” I said, sheepishly.
“Well, then I’d say you have nothing to be afraid of and I can teach you how to handle both.”
I felt my breath catch again as butterflies began to flutter and whirl violently around inside me, and I thought about how he could probably heat the pan with my face from the heat that radiated off my red cheeks.
“Sanji, stop that, I-I really know nothing about cooking. I don’t even know what to do with these eggs.” That seemed to get a genuinely worried reaction out of him, as he furrowed his brow in confusion.
“You don’t know how to crack an egg?”
“Oh, I didn’t even know that's what you wanted me to do with them.”
“How else would you make an omelette? How else… would they get in the bowl?”
I was silent. He inhaled deeply as he studied me with those sparkling blue eyes. A moment of realisation seemed to seize him then, as he guided me to the bench and sat me down.
He handed me the glass of water, made a motion with his hand for me to drink, and as I tipped the cooling swell down my throat he said, “I’m sorry if I made you anxious. I didn’t know you couldn’t cook, m’lady.
“Please, if you’re not comfortable, don’t feel like you have to stay here or like I’m forcing you to be here, it’s alright really, but just know that… well I do like your company all the same.”
Before I could speak, he put his hand up to gesture to wait, stepped away quickly to grab the bacon and mushroom mix in the pan off the stove, and put out the flames from the oven before coming back to squat down on his haunches in front of me, holding the bench to keep him steady.
He must’ve noticed how big my eyes looked staring at him.
He reached out his free hand hesitantly but I took it in both my hands, perhaps a little too eagerly, as he wobbled from being surprised by my grip.
“Sorry,” I said, helping him balance, “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you because, well, I was embarrassed. You’re such an incredible cook and everything you make is so brilliant and delicious, I just couldn’t say no to you last night. But I feel like an idiot now, I should’ve just told you.”
I could’ve sworn I saw his cheeks turn pink as I spoke. I fidgeted nervously with the fingers of his hand, feeling the coarseness of his fingertips and how soft his palms were in comparison.
“You know,” he began, “if you wanted to learn, all you had to do was ask, madam. But tell me, how’d you survive without cooking then?”
“I mostly ate whole foods,” I said, “things like bread, all sorts of bread, fruits, wheels of cheese and dried meats, things I knew would keep or could be eaten quickly. And if I had a pot, anything I could just chuck in with a bit of salt and pepper. Better to survive on that then nothing at all.”
He smiled a soft smile and brought his other hand to where our hands were and pulled me up to stand as he did. I had to look up as he said, “Well today I’m going to teach you how to crack an egg, and maybe make an omelette.”
I sat on a stool to face him, opposite to where he was cooking on the benchtop.
“Now watch carefully,” he said, “you hold the egg like this.”
He took the egg in his right hand, the bowl in his left.
“Crack it against the rim of the bowl, so that the break is clean.” With a deft hand, he tapped it firmly against the bowl, and split the shell with his fingers so the yoke fell out perfectly into the silver crater belowl. He made it look so easy.
“Now you,” he said, beckoning me to come to him. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.”
I stood in front of the bowl and eggs and he stood behind me. Taking my hands, he guided my left to hold the bowl and my right to hold the egg.
“Hold the bowl firm now,” he said and I nodded in reply. “Keep the egg sideways in your hand, so it’ll make a clean break in the shell.”
His mouth was so close to my ear as he leaned in and whispered his instructions, I felt the heat of his breath against my neck.
Goosebumps rose and trickled all across my body as I felt the strength of his hands against mine. Holding the top of my hand, he moved my arm to make the action.I suppose it made sense for a chef to have as firm a grip as he did, but I hadn’t thought about it before. And I also hadn’t thought about how that grip was making me feel.
“And now we just tap it firmly but still with power on that edge.”
As he brought my hand with the egg down to crack against the bowl, I was more aware of how good it felt to be touched by him, and that his face was only inches away from mine, and the goosebumps, and how if I just turned to the right, just a little…
The egg split and I jolted a little, as he guided my hand over the bowl and let the yoke fall out to mix in with the previous yoke.
“You’ve done it, madam, you’ve officially cracked an egg.”
I nudged him with my elbow as he laughed, and I hoped he didn’t see me blush.
He showed me how to whisk then, when we had cracked the amount he needed, and when to add the rest of the ingredients. He showed me how to butter the pan, told me oil was good too, showed me how to pour, and wait and flip, and how to watch the colour, how to make sure it didn’t burn.
He broke off a small bit, let me taste it, and I remembered tasting his finger a little too.
At the very end he showed me how to serve the dish and make it look beautiful.
Almost as beautiful as you he said, which forced me to bury the urges I felt even deeper down or I would’ve abandoned my oath there.
I took it all in as best as I could but I found that I had made the most effort to memorise his touch, his breath, his smile, his sparkling eyes as they looked at me, and how it felt to be guided by those hands knowing I couldn’t guide them the way I wanted to. Or where I wanted.
By that time, everyone else had made their way to the kitchen and we seated ourselves around the bench. Usopp told tales of his daring adventures while Luffy reacted with wows and shouts of awe, and Zorro sat silently eating as much as Luffy it seemed. Nami gave me a wry smile as she sat between Sanji and me.
“Well done, sous chef,” she whispered, and I glanced up at Sanji to see if he heard her. He met my eyes with a grin.
“I hope you all enjoyed your omelettes this morning,” he said cheerfully, “you have the lovely y/n to thank for them today, I was merely her assistant.”
Luffy gaped, “you made this y/n?”
“Yes but-” I began, but he raised his goblet and said, “A toast to the best omelettes I have ever eaten in my life and the best cooks in the East Blue!”
Everyone raised the mugs in agreement and cheered and drank and laughed, and I could only blush and think how lucky I was to find this crew, even if it may only be for a short while longer.
* * *
I found Zorro on the lower deck, napping against the mast, as I made my way down to mop the deck. With one hand placed on his hilt and the other behind his neck, he slouched lazily, unbothered, as I began on the floor in front of him.
“So you like the waiter huh?” He said after I had been at it for some time.
He didn’t open his eyes.
I stopped and leaned on the mop. “I just asked him to teach me how to cook, that's all.”
“I don’t know what you see in him.”
“There’s nothing there, I just-”
He let out a loud “ha” sound and opened his eyes.
“Here I thought you were gonna stay low, keep your guard up and stay on until you needed to, like you told me in Shellstown, but now you're drooling in your soup over the waiter who’s so eager to serve. So much for that plan of yours.”
I gripped the mop handle so hard I thought it would splinter into my hand.
“You know nothing.” I moved close to him so that my words came across as a whispered growl.
“I know that I risked my ass to bring you with us,” he growled back, “and that keeping you with us is an even greater risk. I know that if the others knew you were a swordsman, a hunted one, they’d ask more questions than was good for them or you. And I know I’m the only one you can trust out here and the only one who can help you track that Baroque works shithead before he gets you too. So please, don’t try to bullshit me.”
He was still slumped lazily against the mast but his eyes betrayed no sign of weakness. I crouched down so that I was eye to eye with him, holding the mop to steady me.
“You don’t think I can keep my own feelings in check?”
“I’m not trying to piss you off, y/n,” he said, his demeanour unchanged, “but I can’t be quiet either. You said to call you out if I saw you get distracted.”
“He’s not a distraction.”
“But he won’t be safe either way.”
“Why are you so concerned all of a sudden,” I scowled, “it’s not like you give a shit about him. You two are such best friends, aren’t you?”
Zorro made a groan of frustration as he got up, his swords clinking against each other like bells. I rose to meet his eyes, still clinging to my mop.
“You swore to me that nothing would get in the way of you avenging what you lost and that you would lose nothing and no one else on your path. I swore that I would help you see it through to the end.” He clinked his swords as he rested his hand on top again. “So I’m warning you now,” he continued solemnly, “if you’re not more careful, you may keep that oath but lose something after anyway.”
He held my gaze for a moment, his eyes a fiery dark amber in the sunlight, before walking away slowly and down into the bowels of the ship.
My heart pounded in my ears.
My hands ached from where I had strangled the wooden mop handle.
As Zorro walked out of my view, I looked up to the balcony on the mid deck above and saw Sanji standing there, brooding it seemed.
No… watching me.
Swirling grey tendrils of smoke coiled in the air as he pulled and puffed on his glowing cigarette.
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I have a funny idea in the Monster au, baby teeth. Mini! Yuu either injured themselves causing one or two teeth to fall, or through eating. Like baby teeth fell, and then goes, "look look my teeth fell out!! :D". While their mouth is bleeding a bit. Plus, I'd imagine MC would have the myth of the tooth fairy, and then goes "I'm gonna put my teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy!! :D"
Twisted Wonderland Monster AU: A Visit from the Tooth Fairy
Warning: Slight blood mention! Won’t go too into details on it, but please let me know if I should tag it another way!
TA-DA!!!!! I finally finished the mini!Yuu tooth fairy fic~!!!
Ah, the age old tradition of the tooth fairy visiting to leave a quarter or a dollar under a child’s pillow in exchange for their fallen teeth (or in one funny post, $100 from the “drunk tooth fairy” 😂). I vaguely remember I once had a heart shaped pillow my mom gave me that had a little pouch on the front to put the tooth, and I’d have it set to the side and wake up to a $1-$5 bill in the pouch instead. Each tradition is different for each family, but still, innocent fun in the end!
Monsters in this AU are no stranger to losing baby teeth. It’s all part of growing up and getting their adult teeth or fangs! But while they do have fairies in Twisted Wonderland, it’s hard to say lore wise if they do have tooth fairies or have that story for kids too. For the purposes of this ask though (and cuteness), let’s say that they don’t have a tooth fairy and now these boys have to figure out how to keep the “magic” alive.
By the way…this turned out much longer than I intended, so now it’s a fic. 😅 Enjoy the older brother shenanigans!
Under a read more due to length!
“Hey, Yuu! Guess what I just picked up from the Mystery Shop? Iiiiit’s…candy~!”
“Candy! Candy, candy, candy!!”
“Hold on, Yuu. Don’t go eating too many pieces this time, or you’ll spoil your appetite for lunch again!”
“Aww, come on, Deuce, let the kid have a lil’ fun,” Ace said, plopping the small bag of treats into the toddler’s waiting palms as they grinned happily, skipping away to enjoy their spoils. “Besides, they know the rule: if their tummy is full, they don’t get any of Trey’s desserts!”
Jack frowned as he said, “You did that on purpose so you could get their slice of cake or pie, didn’t you?”
“What? Psh, no! I’m just being a good big brother to the lil’ tyke,” Ace said with a scoff. “Where’d you get an idea like that? Besides, Grim swiped their tart last time, not me!”
“Hey! It’s not my fault they weren’t allowed to eat it before their nap time!” Grim protested. “And you swiped one of their cookies when they weren’t lookin’ last week, pal!”
“Why you little-!”
“Here we go again,” Epel said with a sigh.
“Disgraceful,” Sebek said. He glanced down when Yuu came back over with their stuffed rabbit Mr. Flopsy, the basilisk sitting still as the toddler climbed up to sit on his lap. “Absconding with the food of a weak and defenseless human child…have you two no shame?”
Before the two could react, Yuu looked up at Sebek and asked, “What does ab…abd…scion…ab…”
“Abscond?” Epel supplied.
Pointing at Epel, Yuu nodded and asked, “What does that word mean, Sebby?”
“It’s what happens when Ace swipes a cherry pie from Trey’s kitchen without permission and runs away,” Jack answered instead with a slight smirk.
“The point is, little human, that you should never steal what doesn’t belong to you,” Sebek said with a huff.
“Oh. Okay, big brother!” Yuu said, turning back around and starting to dig into their treats. While the first years continued to talk (or rather bicker) around them, the toddler was quietly humming a tune as they played with Mr. Flopsy’s rabbit paws, occasionally reaching into the bag to pull out a new piece of candy or two. Some were soft like marshmallows or gummies, others were hard with a crunch. As they were chewing, they noticed the strange sensation in one of their front teeth. They’d felt it before when they visited the nice dentist man with the pretty assistant lady that looked like Sebek, but they forgot what he’d said about that tooth. Another quiet crunch distracted them from the thought, a new flavor bursting in their mouth that made them smile and giggle.
Reaching into the bag for another, their hand grabbed what felt like a bumpy gumball, their hand barely able to wrap around it as they pulled it out of the bag. It was white with rainbow flecks sprinkled across the surface, Yuu contemplating only for a split second how they were going to eat it before bringing it up to their mouth and—
“Owww!” Yuu yelped, dropping the candy and wailing in pain as their hands reached up to cover their mouth.
“Yuu! What’s wrong?!” Deuce asked.
“Ah! Don’t cry, human, you’re safe!” Sebek said, trying to figure out how to console the crying child as tears began to form in their eyes.
“What happened?!” Jack asked, immediately kneeling in front of them. “Shh…it’s okay, Yuu. Are you hurt?” Somehow, Yuu managed to give him a nod, still muffling their whimpers behind their hands. “Did you bite your tongue? Are your teeth hurting?”
Epel caught sight of the candy that had fallen and picked it up. “Hol’ on…izzat a jawbreaker?!” he gasped.
“Say what?! How did that get in there!?” Ace said, swiping the bag and beginning to dig through the contents. “I’m not seeing any others…I swear I checked the bag before I bought it! Grim, did you slip that in when I wasn’t looking?!”
“I thought it was a big gumball!” Grim yelped, looking distressed now. “It looked just like one—I didn’t know it was a jawbreaker thing!” Now near tears, he whimpered, “Now I’ve gone and hurt the human…Professor Crewel’s gonna kill me!”
“Fergit Professor Crewel—the researchers ‘re gonna tan our hides if we don’t git Yuu t’ the nurse’s office!” Epel said, his accent slipping in thicker than normal in his panic.
“Let’s go!!”
“Don’t worry, they’re fine.”
It had been a confusing and panic-inducing five-minute sprint to the nurse’s office from the dorms, students getting bowled over or jumping out of the way of the charging first years. Even Riddle could barely yell at them to not run in the halls before Ace and Deuce shouted “Yuu’s hurt! Nurse’s office!!” in unison. Their panic was only increased tenfold when the nurse wasn’t in the infirmary, instead rushing over to the closest researcher and begging for help after explaining the situation.
So, to hear them say that the human was okay, the first years were relieved yet bewildered as they all but collapsed to the floor in exhaustion.
“What even happened? I thought we broke Yuu’s jaw on accident with that jawbreaker!” Grim asked.
The researcher gave a gentle smile as she turned off the little flashlight and said, “Well, while it was unwise to give something that hard or large to a toddler to begin with, I understand it was an accident and that you meant no harm. Besides…you may have helped loosen one of their baby teeth.”
“B…baby teeth?” Deuce repeated.
“Yes, though they’re also known as primary teeth or milk teeth. From the records we’ve gathered, Yuu has already lost at least one small tooth before they arrived and has already gotten one of their adult teeth in.” Turning to the toddler, whose hands were now in their lap, the researcher said, “Sweetie, would you open your mouth and show us your pretty teeth, please?”
Looking at the first years for a moment, Yuu cooperated and opened their mouth wide.
“See this front tooth here, next to the canine?” the researcher said, using a gloved hand to reach out and gently nudge one. What should have been solid now gave way, the tooth wiggling with each nudge. “During Dr. Zigvolt’s dental exam, it was noted that the adult tooth buried in the gums beneath this tooth was beginning to push down. It likely was already starting to become loose, the candy simply sped up the process…if a little painfully, but it happens.”
“So…Yuu’s just going to lose a tooth naturally and get a new one?” Ace asked.
“That’s right. Children in monster species start losing teeth in the same order that they came in, so by our calculations, since this is the second tooth to fall out, Yuu’s front teeth came in first. It’s not so different from some of the more common monster species in Twisted Wonderland. We just need to keep an eye on it, and make sure the process goes smoothly within the next few days or so.”
“Phew…that’s a relief,” Grim said. “Ya hear that, Yuu? You’re gonna grow up big and strong like us when you get all your big human teeth!”
Yuu’s expression grew bright and cheerful as they said, “Yay! I want pretty teeth like JackJack and Sebby!”
“If you get those kind of chompers, don’t start teething on us!”
/Several Days Later/
Word spread quickly what transpired, and while most of the students had relaxed knowing that nothing was wrong, it was hard to ignore the exciting news. Sure, it was always exciting knowing that a monster child was one step closer to getting their full adult teeth, but knowing that Yuu—the only known human child in existence—was getting their own adult teeth? It was a “#riteofpassage #baby’sgrowingup #don’tknowhowtodeal” as Cater had posted on his Magicam channel.
So when the tooth finally fell out after Yuu accidentally got hit in the face by a swinging door (and lots of reassurances and boo-boo kisses were given)…
“It came out! It came out!”
“It sure did, Yuu,” Trey said, patting the small human on the head as they triumphantly held up the tooth. “That’s a pretty big one you got there!” He gave them a look and asked, “Have you been flossing your teeth like I showed you?”
“Mm…yes!” Yuu said, giving a decisive nod and grinning widely.
“Well that’s good, otherwise I’d have to cut back on the goodies I give you!” Nudging them towards the others, he said, “Why don’t you go show everyone else?”
With an excited squeak, Yuu ran over and all but launched themselves into Cater’s lap as the hippogryph laughed. “Look, look! I lost my tooth!”
“Hooray! Baby’s second tooth is gone~!” Cater said with a cheer, giving Yuu a boop on the nose before snapping a pic. “Aww…soon you’ll be too big to sit in our laps. #wheredidthetimego?”
“What are you gonna do with the tooth, Yuu?” Deuce asked.
That was when Yuu’s expression grew even more excited than before, revealing the gap in their teeth as they loudly proclaimed, “I’mma leave it for the tooth fairy!”
“Tooth…fairy?” Riddle asked in confusion.
“Tooth fairy!” Yuu repeated, oblivious to the baffled and confused looks around them as they looked at their baby tooth. “When you lose a tooth, you’re s’posed to put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy, and when you wake up—she leaves you a quarter!”
Exchanging a look, Ace asked, “And this…tooth fairy…just comes in at night and steals human teeth…for money?”
“She doesn’t steal! She trades for them,” Yuu told him. “I’mma leave mine under my pillow, and when the tooth fairy comes, you’ll see!”
“Uh…is there even such a thing as a tooth fairy?” Deuce uttered, looking thoroughly confused. He didn’t remember his mother telling him anything about a tooth fairy before…
“She’s real! She’s really real!” Yuu insisted. “She’ll come tonight!”
“Okay, okay, we believe you,” Trey said. “In the meantime, though, it’s time for breakfast. Do you want waffles or pancakes?”
“Pancakes!!” Yuu cheered.
“Alright then, let’s go. You can help me mix the batter."
As the two disappeared into the kitchen, Ace couldn’t help but look at the others and ask, “So…who’s going to tell them there’s no such thing as a tooth fairy?”
“Well, maybe not here in Twisted Wonderland, anyway,” Cater said with a shrug. “But who knows? Maybe she does exist wherever the humans are now. Besides, what’s wrong with letting little kids believe in something innocent like this tooth fairy or those tooth stealing clowns?”
“Please don’t remind me of those,” Deuce uttered with a shudder.
/The Next Morning/
The gentle sunlight was streaming in through the window, landing on the slumbering toddler tucked in tight. Slowly blinking in the bright light, Yuu mumbled as they rubbed at their eyes…before sitting up with a gasp. “Tooth fairy!!” they said, giggling happily as they lifted the pillow up-
Only to find the tooth still there.
“Huh…?” they uttered in confusion, shaking the pillow to see if the coin was inside to no avail.
“Good morning, pup,” came Crewel’s voice as he entered the room. “I thought I heard you up earlier than usual. It’s time to get dressed…what are you doing?”
Yuu turned to look at him with confused eyes as they pointed at the small tooth, saying, “The tooth fairy didn’t come for my tooth!”
“Ah, I see.” He’d heard about this ‘tooth fairy’ from one of his students when they dropped the toddler off with the staff, but he didn’t quite understand the logic behind it. “You didn’t stay awake all night trying to catch this ‘tooth fairy’ now, did you?”
With that, Yuu’s head sheepishly ducked close to their shoulders. “Yes…but I had to get proof for my big brothers!” they said, reaching over to pull the Ghost Camera into their lap. “I’ll prove she’s real!”
“I’m sure you will, pup,” he told them reassuringly, giving them a pat on the head before lifting them into his arms. “Now come along. It’s time to get ready for school.”
Despite this turn of events, Yuu still held hope that the tooth fairy would come. They chattered with each of their adoptive big brothers, telling anyone who would listen about the pretty tooth fairy who traded teeth for money (a concept that Azul couldn’t quite see the merit of). Even the researchers were not immune to the child’s enthusiastic ramblings during one of their tests. By the end of the day, when they settled down for bed, they swore that tonight would be the night that she would arrive!
Yet once again, the tooth was still there when they awoke.
“She’ll come,” they said, though there was a slight hint of doubt in their voice. “She has to come…”
And still the next day, they were greeted by the same sight, the tooth seeming to mock them as they sat there staring at it. Why was it still here? Why hadn’t she come? They didn’t care about the money anymore…they just wanted to know that she was real.
It came as quite the shock when Yuu was brought to school that day, the students and staff alike worried at the unusually quiet behavior from the toddler. They hardly even played “potion-master” as enthusiastically as they usually did. So, when it came time for lunch, Yuu sat there looking glum, pushing their food around on their plate with their fork while their big brothers watched in concern.
“Hey, cheer up, chickadee!” Cater said with a smile. “The cafeteria made your favorite today. You don’t want it to get cold, do ya?”
Yuu gave a slight shrug, but otherwise didn’t seem to react much as they continued staring at their uneaten food.
“Do you want me to do the magic carpet thing again?” Kalim asked, picking up a spoon and scooping up one of the sides. “Ready? Nyeeeooom~! Brrrrr, here it comes~!”
The spoon came close to their mouth, yet Yuu didn’t accept the bite. Instead, they heaved a heavy sigh.
“Aww…that usually works,” Kalim uttered, large ears lowering sadly. “Are you not hungry? Did you have too much to eat at breakfast?”
“No. They didn’t even take the cookie I swiped from the kitchen for them this morning,” Ace said. “They always take the cookie even when they’re full.”
“Come now, little one. What’s wrong?” Lilia asked, leaning in close to try and see their face. “We can’t help if you don’t tell us.”
For a moment, Yuu glanced up at him before lowering their gaze again. Then, in a quiet voice, they uttered, “She didn’t come…”
“Who didn’t come?”
“…the tooth fairy…” Eyes growing shiny with unshed tears, Yuu mumbled, “She was supposed to come…she always comes when you lose a tooth, but…but she didn’t.” Tears began to fall now as they sniffled, their voice cracking as they said, “She’s…she’s not real…”
In that moment, the toddler began to cry, Lilia immediately scooping them into his arms and wrapping his wings around them for comfort. Yet even this didn’t seem to help as it normally did, Yuu’s heartbreaking wails causing other students to turn in concern. No one knew what to do. But before anyone could ask what they could do to soothe the child—
“Well of course she’s real, Yuu!”
“Ace? What are you doing?” Deuce hissed at him under his breath. “Now’s not the time!”
Pretending that he didn’t hear him, Ace slid over to look Yuu in the eye and said, “You said yourself that she’s real, right? So, it must be true!”
“B…but…she never came,” Yuu whimpered. “She…she doesn’t exist…”
“Well…when the sun and moon are covered by the clouds and you can’t see them, does that mean they don’t exist?” Ace asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
Sniffling, Yuu shook their head and said, “No…”
“Then why wouldn’t the tooth fairy exist too?” he continued, holding his arms out as though to indicate the whole school. “Just look at us! Did you ever think that we could exist?”
“And yet: here we are. We also never believed we’d ever see a human like you, and yet, here you are. To us, you are like the tooth fairy: you exist, which means so does she.” They still didn’t look too convinced, and so he asked, “Do you remember that package you were really excited to get two weeks ago? The one that Idia ordered for you online?”
“Yeah…it got lost,” Yuu replied.
“Yup. And yet it arrived a few days later than it should have, and you still got your present in the end. So, you know what? Maybe that’s what happened with the tooth fairy!”
“Think about it: you’re not where you were last time when you lost your first baby tooth, right?” At Yuu’s nod, he smiled and said, “So that means she knows you lost a tooth: she just hasn’t figured out how to get to you yet. And if she’s as amazing and great as you say she is, then I’m sure she’ll be here any day now. And you know what? I’ll bet she’ll have a big stash of coins or goodies waiting for you as an apology for making you wait so long. And when she does…I want you to show me your treasure. That will prove to me that she’s real. What do you say? Will you give her more time to pull through for you?”
By now, the tears had stopped, a small, hesitant smile on their face as Yuu nodded. “Okay,” they said. “I’ll wait.”
“Great. Now…are you going to eat your lunch, or are you going to let Grim eat it all before you?” he asked, pointing at the chimera sneaking the roll off their plate.
“Nooo!” Yuu called out with a giggle, their hands reaching out to try and snatch the roll back. “Grim, that’s mine!"
“Hey, you weren’t eating it!” Grim replied, though he had a smile on his muzzle.
While the two play-fought over the food, Cater leaned in and said, “Nice one, Ace. But…what are we going to do if she doesn’t show up?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure she does,” Ace said with a sly smile.
/Later that night at Heartslabyul/
“Here you are, Yuu,” Trey said as he tucked the toddler in, fluffing their pillow before sitting next to the small bed. “Nice and comfy?”
“Uh-huh,” Yuu said with a nod, though they looked nervous. “Thank you for letting me spend the night.”
“You’re welcome, Yuu,” Riddle said with a small smile. “I was surprised that Professor Crewel agreed to let you stay in our dorm for tonight.” He held up a smaller star shaped pillow, the stitching on the fabric spelling Yuu’s name and having what looked like a small pouch on the front. “Here. Vil wanted me to give you this for your tooth.”
“He thought that it would be easier to present the tooth to the tooth fairy if it were in a pillow of its own. He even placed a good luck charm on it as well, just for you,” came the response as Riddle placed it close to their head. “I’ve taken the liberty of placing the tooth safely inside the little pouch here, so it should stay safe and secure until her arrival.”
“Hold up! Can’t forget Mr. Flopsy,” Ace said as he held up the stuffed yellow rabbit, tucking the toy in next to Yuu as he patted the sheets. “There we go.”
“Thank you!” Yuu said, hugging their plush friend close as Grim curled up next to them. Their smile faltered a little, and they looked nervous once more. Then, in a quiet voice, they asked, “Do…do you really think she’ll come tonight, Ace?”
“I think she will,” came the cheeky response as Ace gave them a warm smile. “After all, she is magic, and you do believe in magic, right?” When they nodded, he said, “Good. Then so long as you keep believing in her, she’ll come through for you. Okay?”
“Okay. Good night!” Yuu said, nestling in tighter under the covers with a renewed smile on their face.
“Good night, Yuu!”
When the lights shut off and Trey had settled down in his own bed, Yuu lay there staring up at the ceiling. Then, in a quiet whisper, they said, “Please be real…”
As they finally drifted off to sleep, they were unaware of the faint glow of silver-blue light beneath the doorframe…
/The Next Morning/
“Yuu! Yuu, wake up! She came! She came!”
The toddler was woken from their sleep by Grim’s excited calls, blinking blearily at the chimera before their eyes landed on the star-shaped pillow. A sharp gasp escaped at the sight before them before they called out, “Trey!! She came, she came, she came!!” The two scrambled up onto Trey’s bed and began jumping up and down, chanting, “She came! She came! She came!!!”
Grunting, Trey sat up in bed and patted around the side table for his glasses before putting them on. “Huh? Wha-? What’s going…on?” His eyes grew wide as he stared, uttering a quiet, “What…the…?”
The star shaped pillow was sitting atop a large pile stacked neatly next to their bed, filled with a myriad of plushies and sweets and treats. There were even several satchels of coins and madol scattered about the piles, including several large softball-sized crystals of various hues and colors.
“Whoa,” he uttered in disbelief. “Where did all this come from?”
“The tooth fairy! She came, just like Ace said she would!” Yuu said excitedly, hopping from his bed to theirs as they reached over to dig into their new treasure stash. They pulled out what looked like a large black and purple dragon plushie, hugging it tightly to their chest before happily saying, “She’s real! She’s really real!”
“Nyahaha~! Lookit all this loot!” Grim cheered, cackling as he started digging into the pile too. “This tooth fairy lady is awesome!”
At that, Trey couldn’t help but smile and laugh. “So she did. Why don’t you go get Ace and show him your new treasures?”
Yuu’s smile was so bright even with the gap, and they hopped off and bolted out of his room, shouting, “Ace! Deuce! Cay-Cay! Riddle! She came! She came! The tooth fairy came! Come look!”
Shaking his head, Trey uttered, “I can’t believe he managed to pull it off. Was this all from the other dorms?”
“Yeah! The Ramshackle ghosts were happy to help out. Who knew that being a ghost would be perfect for sneaking in like this?” Grim commented, tiny wings fluttering as he happily swayed with the cash in front of him. “I wonder if I can convince Yuu to buy me some tuna cans with this loot…hm?” He noticed something and reached out to pull down the star pillow. “What’s this?”
“Hm…?” There was a small piece of paper sticking out of the pouch, and when Trey pulled it out…a small silver disk fell out onto the bed. It looked like a coin, but not one that he’d ever seen before. Unfolding the small note, he blinked as the glowing letters faded, arranging themselves into a message as he read, “Thank you for your patience, little one. I am sorry I could not arrive as soon as I could. Please accept my gifts as an apology for making you wait so long.”
Both chimera and satyr exchanged a look before Yuu came bursting in again, closely followed by the others as the toddler began showing them all their new treasures. Ace—though he was smiling—had an odd look in his eyes, and Trey could see a small piece of paper hidden in his fist. When asked about it later when Yuu wasn’t around, he showed the paper that he said he’d found hiding under his pillow…along with a stack of similar looking silver coins like Yuu had gotten.
“To the ones who helped the little one believe: thank you.”
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evan4ever · 1 year
Girlll don’t make us wait any longer and write episode 3 of Unlikely Lovers plsssss!!!
(And a smutty one would be the cherry on top ❤️‍🔥)
Unlikely Lovers
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Part 3 — part 2 here
Warnings - smutty smut 🤪 unprotected sex, fingering, blowjob, penetration
a/n: honestly can’t believe the popularity this series has 😅 I never intended to make a part 2, yet here I am with part 3 😂. Love it and all of you peeps!! 🫶🏻 also sorry for the length, I always say I’ll keep it shorter but it never happens LOL
Others requesting part 3 minus one or two I already answered
Where’s Unlikely Lovers part 3 girllll??? 🥺🥺
Omg!! Unlikely Lovers pt 3? Do we see this in our future? 🥹🥹
It was your turn to visit Evan, though instead of going to LA where he lived, he insisted on a trip to New York City. Of course you were more than happy to take a trip with him. No, you weren’t “official” yet, but there was no doubt in either of your minds that that’s exactly what you both wanted — to be together. To be in a relationship.
You spent the last two months FaceTiming, calling, and nonstop texting. Since the day he left from visiting you in Montana until the day you arrived together at the airport in New York. It was a long two months, but it was more than worth it. Evan never had you questioning if you were wasting your time, since you were giving your all to him. In fact, he made it perfectly clear that his intentions were the same and he, too, was giving his all. He reminded you often, not even to your own asking, that he wanted you. And you wanted him more than anything in the world.
“You booked a hotel already?” You raised your eyebrows as if it was a big surprise, even though it shouldn’t be considering hotels booked fast in NYC. Evan chuckled and nodded, turning his phone screen to you to show you the hotel he had chosen for the two of you to stay at. Your jaw nearly hit the taxi floor seeing the luxurious building, quickly recollecting yourself and letting out a breath. “Evan, you didn’t have to book such an expensive hotel? We could’ve stayed at like.. a Holiday Inn or Best Western?” You urged, feeling guilty at the pricing of the hotel and that you hadn’t pitched in, only because Evan wouldn’t let you. He didn’t even want you paying for your own flight tickets but you insisted and you weren’t going to lose, him finally giving in.
“I didn’t have to do anything, I wanted to. I want your first experience in New York to be amazing and nothing less.” He grinned at you, meeting your eyes that were already on him. You dropped your eyebrows slightly and returned a soft smile.
“My first experience will be amazing because I’m here with you.” You assured, laying your head to rest on his shoulder as you both now looked out the taxi window and watched all the tall buildings go by with every pedestrian walking along the streets and sidewalks. You were in complete and utter awe in being in such a place. You had dreamed of visiting NYC one day, you knew it would be magical, but it was nothing compared to how you felt now being here with Evan by your side.
Soon, the taxi came to a stop at the front of the building that Evan had shown you and it looked even more mesmerizing in person. Evan got out and took your hand helping you out next, your eyes wandering to the people taking your bags for you from the trunk. You had never seen a valet in person, only in movies, so that was quite the experience as well. You felt Evan’s hand on the small of your back as he began leading you into the front doors of the hotel, the lobby alone looking like a place only dreams were made of. It was full of people filing in and out, some standing at the Starbucks, others talking in groups. Many dressed professional, like they were on a business trip. You were flooded with an overwhelming sense of insecurity, like you were definitely not meant to be in the presence of some of these people, but feeling Evan move his hand from your back to taking your hand in his and giving it a reassuring squeeze, you finally tore your eyes from those around you and glanced up at him. He looked down at you and gave you a reassuring smile before continuing to the front desk.
You stood patiently and quietly while he gave the clerk your guys’ info, watching as he handed Evan the room keys and directed him in the correct direction of your room. Evan retook your hand in his and once again led you down the hallway, the valet following behind with a cart, your bags placed carefully on it. Up the elevator and down another hallway. Once at your hotel room door, Evan gave you the key and turned to grab your bags while you opened the door, revealing the most beautiful hotel room you’ve ever seen. You walked in with Evan following behind, your mouth agape as you take it all in in complete awe. Evan watched you from behind, grinning ear to ear at your admiration. He wanted nothing more than to give you the best of the best.
“This place is just… wow” you sigh out, walking over to the window and looking out. You were on the 18th floor and everything looked like ants from below you. “This is incredible Evan.” You words came out in a whisper of disbelief.
Evan walked up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing gentle kisses up your neck to your ear before resting his chin on your shoulder and looking out the window with you. Goosebumps raised on your skin from Evans gentle kisses, your arms placed around his that were around you.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Almost as beautiful as you.” He spoke against your cheek now, a smile creeping on your lips as you leaned your head into his, turning your face and meeting his lips in a soft kiss, one of Evans hands making its way up and holding your face carefully to him.
When you pulled back just enough to see his face, your smile grew just looking at the beautiful man beside you. “Thank you for bringing me here.” You spoke quietly, Evan only placing a kiss on your cheek and then on your shoulder before stepping away from you and back to your bags.
“There’s so much to do here, so you have any specific places you’d like to go first?” He asks, you walking over to where he was.
You shook your head and shrugged. “I only know of Central Park, from movies.” You chuckle. “Anywhere you want to take me, I’m happy to go.”
He glanced up at you and shot a smile your way before digging through his bag again. You watched curiously until he pulled out a small but long, navy blue box. Your eyebrows furrowed still confused, meeting his eyes when he looked at you.
“I got you something” he stated, walking so he now stood before you. You glanced back down at the box then at him again.
“Evan..” you shook your head, already overwhelmed with what he’s done for you.
“Shh” he grinned, “I wanted to.”
You let out a breath then finally gave him a small smile, looking down as he opened the box and revealed a beautiful diamond heart necklace.
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Your eyebrows shot up as you gazed down at the simple yet beautiful necklace, your hand placing itself over your heart. Your teeth bit down hard onto your bottom as your heart pounded like crazy in your chest.
“God, Evan..” you looked back up to him, seeing his famous goofy smile you loved so much. “It’s so beautiful, thank you.” Your hands reached and placed themselves on either side of his face bringing him to your lips again, kissing him much more deeply than the last one. His free hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you into him, your heads tilting opposite allowing you to kiss with more passion.
You honestly couldn’t understand how you got so lucky. One day you were paying for this famous actors coffee thinking he’d never even know it was you who did, and now, you were in New York City with this man, kissing him passionately. The months seemed to be flying by even though the time apart feels like it’s drawn out. You couldn’t ask for anything more than what you have right now.
You pulled back and quickly turned around, pulling your hair from your neck so Evan could latch the necklace around it. His hands felt so soft against the bare skin on your neck as he connected the ends, carefully setting it down against your skin and letting his fingers trace gently down your neck to your back, your backless shirt giving him the access he needed to do so.
Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling, chills being sent throughout your body. You sucked in a sharp breath when you felt his lips against your shoulder, kissing your bare skin before placing another one below it.
Your breathing deepened as he continued kissing your skin all over, his hands having placed themselves on your hips holding them tightly. You dropped your head to the side so he was able to kiss back up your neck and behind your ear, wanting him now more than ever.
You hadn’t had sex yet, obviously deciding to wait until you had gotten to know each other better. But after the last two months of learning everything possible about the other, you were ready.
“Evan..” you breathed his name out softly, slowly, feeling him hum against your skin as his kisses began placing themselves from your ear up your jaw. “Please” you whisper, your voice shaky from nerves and neediness.
Evan’s grip on your hips tighten hearing your desperation, slight worry that you may not actually be ready like you feel, but also wanting nothing more than to give into your plea.
You feel him pull your hips to turn you around, doing so and looking up at him. His eyes flicker down to the necklace around your neck, loving how it looks on you and turning him on more before flickering back to your eyes below him.
“Are you sure you’re ready?” He says lowly but completely serious. Your gaze shifts from his eyes to his lips, to his clenched jaw then back up to his eyes. Your hands slowly find their way to his cheeks, holding them gently still maintaining eye contact.
“I am.” You confirm, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss it his lips. You hear him suck a sharp breath from his nose as his lips move perfectly against yours, his hands carefully finding their way around you and caressing up and down your waist slowly, as if allowing you to be sure before he moved any faster.
When you didn’t back out, completely ready to give yourself to him, you feel his hands then move down your legs and to the back of your thighs, gripping them and hiking you up in one easy motion. You immediately wrap your legs around his waist, your hands still holding his face to yours while you both deepened the kiss into another passion filled one. Your tongue slips from your mouth and glides across his bottom lip slowly asking for access, his mouth opening to grant it and your tongues colliding against the other for dominance. Though you were eager, you were no match to him, his tongue sliding into your mouth now and tasting every inch of you.
Evan carry’s you carefully over to the bed, lowering you onto and resting above you with on hand holding him up while his other explored your clothed body. Your hands slide down his chest to his torso, lifting his shirt for him to take off, Evan pulling back from your lips and sitting up enough to pull it over his head, tossing it somewhere in the room as he quickly leans down and finds your lips again. Your hands find their way back to his now shirtless body, feeling his warm skin under your touch.
“Sit up” he mumbles against your lips, helping you sit up on the bed, his hands finding the bottom of your shirt while his eyes meet yours silently asking if he could remove it. You lift your arms to grant him his request, feeling his slide your shirt up and over your head. He gazes over your almost bare torso with a smile, your eyes watching him admire your body already.
Your arms reach behind you, unclasping your lace black bra while Evans gaze intensifies, eager to see you bare. You slide the straps of the bra slowly down your shoulders before removing it completely, tossing it aside and looking back up to him. Your body quickly tenses with insecurity, scared that he might not be attracted to what he sees, but he quickly leans back into you and presses a kiss on your lips.
“Beautiful” he breathes out, his hands sliding down your waist gently, reassuringly. Your eyes look up at him through your long lashes, nothing but complete lust filled within them. Your body was trembling ever so slightly from all the nerves you felt, and Evan could feel it under him.
“Is this okay?” He asks quietly, looking sternly into your eyes wanting your complete honesty, ready to make a full stop if you weren’t. But, you only nod, looking between his eyes and leaning your head up to reconnect your lips, carefully pushing you back down against the bed.
You feel his hands make their way down to your legs that were still clothed as his own were, gently massaging into your thighs with his thumbs. You softly buck your hips into him, feeling his bludgeoned against your core and letting out a quiet moan against his lips, causing him to let out his own moan that drives you insane.
His hands quickly unbutton your pants, you lifting your hips for him to slide them down your legs painfully slow. You watch as he pulls them off and begins placing open mouthed kisses back up your legs, the ache between your thighs growing with every touch. You let your head fall back against the bed, your eyes fluttering shut feeling him slide your panties down next, his hands taking ahold of your knees and carefully spreading them. Once again feeling slightly insecure being completely bare and vulnerable to him, you control your heavy breathing and allow his hands to slide up your thighs gently, so close to where you need him the most.
Finally, his thumb presses against your clit making you suck in a sharp breath at his touch, holding it in as he begins rubbing slow circles over it.
“F..fuck” you stutter out, your hands flying to your head and holding your face in them, completely withering in his every move. Evan glanced up at you, the way you hold yourself and the sounds you make for him making his dick throb through his jeans. He bites onto his lip and looks back down at your pretty, wet pussy in front of him, groaning at the beautiful sight. Continuing his thumb movements, he uses his middle finger from the same hand and slides it into you, smiling at your long moan. As he begins pumping it in and out of you, his other hand moves up placing itself on your abdomen and pressing your body down against the bed denying your body from the bucking it had began doing and adding more pressure onto your heat helping your climax build.
“God.. Evan” you moan, lifting your head to watch the picture in front of you, seeing Evan working on your pussy so effortlessly and beautifully. The sight alone could’ve made you cum, but you held it in, wanting to reach your orgasm with him inside of you. Sucking in and letting out a few more shaky breaths, you reach for Evan, grabbing his arm and pulling him back up and onto you. You quickly reach down and fumble with his jeans, eager for them to be off. He helps undo his buttons and wiggles them down his legs, his boxers following. Your eyes immediately land on his boner, clenching your pussy at the sight. Your eyes look up to Evan’s as you reach out and wrap your small hand around him, watching his eyes flutter shut as you begging stroking gently. Seeing him melt in your touch gives you a new sense of confidence, leaning yourself up and licking a strip from the bottom to the tip.
“Fuck… yes” Evan groans, his hand resting against the side of your head for support as you take all of him into your mouth. You bob slow at first, looking up so you could watch his face, his eyes already on you, and allowing yourself to begging bobbing faster. Your hand rests on his stomach, sucking his dick so perfectly that his legs began shaking from under him, his hold on your head tightening and strings of long, deep moans escaping from his beautiful mouth. You pull back and suck on his tip, paying extra attention to the sensitive spot and feeling him tensing up.
You were determined to make him cum right there, but he pulled your mouth from him and let out a breath, light chuckles leaving his mouth as you looked up at him with a pout.
“I wanna cum from that perfect pussy of yours” he said, his voice deep and eager as he lifted you further onto the bed and placed himself between your legs. He took ahold of his dick and slid it through your folds a few times, both of your eyes fluttering shut from the sensation.
“Fuck me” you breathe out, and Evan doesn’t hesitate to line himself up and allow his dick to slide inside of you slowly, looking up to your face for assurance that you give with quick nods, wanting him to continue. He pulls out before reentering, groaning at how perfectly wet you are for him, making it so easy to fuck you.
As he pulls out and slides back in, his head falls onto your chest, one of his hands gripping tightly onto your hip. Your mouth falls open with each deeper thrust, head falling back in pure ecstasy at the perfect tempo.
“So fucking good” he groans against your skin, opening his eyes to find one of your tits and taking your already hardened nipple into his mouth, a moan-muffled yelp from you at the surprise and new feeling and feeling your hand against the back of his head encouraging more. His other hand reaches up and plays with your other nipple, pinching and rubbing his thumb over it and listening to the sounds you make in response.
After a few more thrusts, he removes his mouth from your nipple and leans back, grabbing your legs and resting them over his shoulders so he could fuck you deeper, thrusting hard into you and hitting that perfect sweet spot.
“Yes, oh god.. don’t stop” you encourage him, his thrusts speeding up at your words. You could feel your climax building again, your hands finding your face again as it grew closer. “Fuck Evan I’m gonna cum” you nearly shrieked out, only making Evan slam into you hard repeatedly wanting to make you cum all over his dick.
“That’s okay baby, let it go… cum for me” he encourages, his words sending you over the edge and your thighs attempting to squeeze together but to no avail with Evan between them. You arch your back as your orgasm floods through your body, releasing on his dick while he continued thrusting into you closing in on his own orgasm.
He watches your body react to the way he keeps fucking into you, your trembling legs and heavy rising and falling chest finally sending him over the edge. He thrusts once more before pulling out and pumping his dick while he cums onto your stomach, his head falling back and your eyes on his dick watching as he cums all over you.
You suck your lip into your mouth, biting down onto it while he strokes his dick coming down from his own orgasm, your eyes flickering up to him and watching his face scrunch up before relaxing, his eyes opening to meet yours. You press your lips into a smile, his copying yours as he leans down and connects your lips again, much more gentle this time.
“That was so..”
“Perfect” he finishes for you, grinning down at you before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Perfect.” You nod, agreeing with him. You wrap your arms around him into a hug, his arms sliding under your body and wrapping you up against him.
You both lay there embracing the other for some time, listening to his breaths slow and feeling his pulse calm down. You nuzzle your face into his neck, kissing the skin softly.
“Do you want to go out?” You hear him ask, smiling against him.
“Mhmm” you hum, breathing in his scent before loosening your hold on him. He presses another kiss to the side of your head before he stands to his feet, walking over and grabbing a towel before returning to you and wiping his cum from your stomach, cleaning you first before he cleans himself. You smile at his choice of aftercare, your stomach bursting butterflies at how gentle and caring he was.
“I think I know the perfect place to go” he grins to you before turning and finding his clothes, pulling his boxers up before his jeans. You sigh, so happy and fucked out, sitting up in the bed and admiring Evan as he dressed.
“Where might that be?” You question. He looks back at you and shrugs playfully, walking over to you.
“You’ll just have to wait and see” he says quietly, leaning down to kiss your lips again, your lips smiling through it against his.
“Okay..” you sigh again, breathing in a deep breath before standing from the bed, finding your clothes and going to the bathroom to wash up first.
Tags: @evanpetersmood @witchsbitchestime @demxnicprxncess @yes-divine-ruler @shjjpm @evanpsrealwife @iruzias @jangsuzchap @quicksilversg1rl l @submissiveforahsmen @angelmenace @lovelizzie-blog1 @justa19 @daylas-life @simp4petermaximoff @totta69
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
Orochimaru x Reader
- I had this idea and typed it in a rush, its pretty vague but 😅 hope ya'll like it-
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Losing you was agony.
Watching you die was torment
The way you bled out before him, you gentle eyes never once leaving his face. You were smiling at him, you werent happy, though. It wasn't a smile of joy but one of pity. Pity because you knew what was going to happen once you left him.
Orochimaru stared down at you with baited breaths and a searing pain in his chest. "What can I do!" He yelled for the first time since he was a child feeling true panic, true fear. "Y/N what do I do!" He screamed. You tenderly reached your hand to him, collecting what little strength you had left for the gesture. He turned his head and slammed his fist on the wall. "You were always weak, it disgusting how fucking weak you are!" He screamed involuntary tears flooding out of his eyes, he felt intoxicated, things around him becoming less and less real with each slow breath you took. He flipped around to look at you, to continue beraitment, but your hand was dropped and your eyes empty, inanimate.
He sighed, the breath shakey and unsure like the reality he now inhabited now that the frame of his life had gone. He collapsed down onto his kness and brought his hands to his head, twisting his fingers into his long black hair, gripping the strands tightly to somehow elevate the overwhelming pain washing over him.
He stared at your dead face and sobbed. He didn't want to love you. Never intended to lean on you so heavily, but he did. The two of you had met as children. At a spring festival, you were prancing around admiring all of the flowers. He came across you and was revolted by your happiness, disgusted by the pure smile you flashed him. He fell for it though, and you snaked your way closer to him, sinking your fangs into his neck. He loved you. He wanted to protect you. You were the fiber that made up the last string of his humanity.
Now you lie dead before him, your beautiful hair spilled out around you, and that gracious smile gone, replaced by the ugly stench of death. He started dragging himself towards you. "I'll fix you," he sniffled. "I'll fix you." Collecting your limp body into his arms he walked off deeper into the dark forest.
That was ten years ago. He was a grown adult now. A different person. Orochimaru walked calmly down the stone hallway to the room at the end of it, closing the door gently behind him.
This room, in comparison to the rest, was dauntingly beautiful. There were flowers and plants everywhere, the smell of life in the air. It was more vegetation than structure, and at the center of it all was you, floating gracefully in a preservation capsule.
He approached the tank and painfully smiled. "My love," he seethed. "It will work this time, i know it." There was hesitation in his voice, and he lowered his eyebrows in pain. "Will you still look at me as you did once you realize what I am?" he said, wondering for a second if he was making the right decision.
A knock sounded at the door, and he no longer held that thought. Kabuto opened the door carrying a girl into the room. "Where would you like her, my lord?" He asked, and Orochimaru gestured to the table at the far side of the room, and he complied, laying her gently down.
"I am going to merge them in the tank, a gusion of such." Orochimaru and Kabuto turned his head curious at his masters sudden willingness to share. "Oh?" Kabuto replied "This girl is still living, wont the fusion bring about a hybrid of the two?"
Orochimaru flashed his eyes at him, shaking his head. "No, to simplify, I'll remove the parts of that girls brain that involves emotions of personality, so it does not interact with hers." He said, looking again back to you. Kabuto nodded. "I suppose we should get started then, if I may, my lord." Kabuto slid open the drawers attached to the operating table, admiring the blade of the scalpel he removed. Orochimaru did not stop him, noticing an anxiousness blossoming in his chest.
After the operation, Orochimaru turned off the lights to your room and closed the door. Locking it behind him. He would not know how the fusion worked for a year. Your body needed time to regulate and get used to its own amenities. The months that proceeded left like a slow march through the desert. He busied himself with a side quest, finding news things and people to occupy his mind, but when the day came, he found himself running down the hallway and throwing open the door.
He flicked the lights on and rushed to your tank. He placed his hands on the glass and looked anxiously to you. Your eyes were open, and you were looking around, your eyes finally meeting his after moments of searching.
A gentle smile came to your face, and you reached out to him. He found himself returning the expression. "Welcome back, my love," he hissed, typing the coordinates in to unlock you from your cage.
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those70scomics · 9 months
Today, six months have passed since I've come home from the hospital!
I've made a lot of progress during this time. I have muscles again 💪 😁. Instead of needing a Walker to walk, I'm climbing stairs and getting in half-hour walks with 3.5 lb weights on each ankle. Working on stamina is my current focus in physical therapy. But I'm also continuing with strength-training and balance.
I came home with a frozen right shoulder (staying in the hospital a month, while life-saving, also deconditions the body big-time). My shoulder unfroze with stretching a month ago, and now I'm rebuilding the muscles around it.
I also came home with a feeding tube in my stomach. That came out two months ago, and I'm eating a variety of foods, working with a specialist nutritionist.
I had a liver drain, too (that suuuucked), but that was removed a few weeks after I got home.
My surgical wound was the Grand Canyon. It's healed a lot but still has months to go. It prevents me from doing certain things, including working on my laptop. Can't finish the batch of comics that just need dialogue boxes. 😅
But I'm using my tablet to write, continuing to work on *Those Who Play with Demons*. This T7S fic is going to break my chapter record. I'm such a sweet summer child when I let my imagination run free, thinking all these story and character elements can fit into 1/5 of the chapters they actually need. This one's breaking the hundred-chapter barrier easily. (But it's organized is such a way that I haven't done previously.)
The characters of Point Place have never experienced what my story is doing to them. 😈😇
Although I have a ways to go to regain all the things I can regain without a colon, my health is very good! And I'm going to keep moving forward.
Another surgery is on the menu, but that probably won't be for a year. I'm seeing my surgeon next month to talk about it. This one won't be done in a life-saving emergency situation like my first one. All the work I'm doing is, in part, to be in the best shape possible for the next (and last, let's hope) surgery that will put my small intestine back where biology intended. 😂
When the time comes, I'll make a post here. No disappearing without a word (barring unforeseen events). I shouldn't be in the hospital longer than three to five days. But, again, I'm talking a year from now.
Thank you to everyone who's given me kind words and friendship during this journey. It all helps with my healing, and I appreciate all of you. 🤗❤️
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ohyespotatous · 21 days
Fri, May 31, 2024
🌲 End-of-month reflections 🌲
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"Easy wins" vs "Eat your frog" ⚡🐸
I see this pattern of me falling into a prolonged slump (3-4 months) after maintaining pretty consistent and productive days for a month, and then I need quite a long time to get back on track again. I realized this some time ago, and I thought I shouldn’t push myself too much or beat myself up if I couldn’t achieve my ideal day. I acknowledge that my productivity could ebb and flow.
But the thing is, once I loosened my grip, even a little, I fell into this dark hole again. 
Sometimes, I’d wake up in the morning and do not feel like doing too much, so I let myself rest. However, I got carried away, which continued for days or longer. Sometimes, I’d start my day with good energy, but I spent too much time on smaller tasks, so I didn’t have enough time to do the crucial tasks. 
So, to keep my days going in any situation, I think I need to switch between the “easy win” and “eat your frog” strategies based on how I feel in the morning and how important the tasks that I have to complete that day are.
If I feel energized and motivated and have a “big task” to finish as soon as possible, I’ll eat my frog first, when my brain is still fresh and I have a lot of energy. But if I don��t feel it when I wake up (or if I wake up late), I need to accomplish my easy wins first, so I feel motivated to tackle bigger tasks.
For the best results, I need to make nightly planning (or listing whatever I need to do the next day) a habit so that I have an idea of how the day should go. 
On learning languages 🧠
I didn’t identify myself as a language learner, but I think I need to dedicate some time to studying my own language and English. 
I feel like I’m losing my ability to use my mother tongue because I’m exposed to English media too much and rarely interact with real people in person. I used to live in a boarding house full of workers who came home late (and I work remotely), so I only talked to them when we met in the kitchen or the living room. I have moved back in with my dad, who also comes home late, so we only have the chance to talk around dinnertime. It feels awkward when I try to write in my language because I barely use it these days, but when I write in English, I still can’t express myself freely the way I intend to 😅
I’m literally relying on my language and communication skills for a living when in reality, I suck at it!!! I must survive :(
I want to work on my spiritual wellness, finding peace and meaning in life 🤍
I think one of the reasons I struggle these days is that I don’t have a good sense of purpose. I don’t know exactly what I’m chasing or what I'm working for. I think I need to connect with my inner self to figure out that purpose so I can navigate through challenges with greater resilience. I want to have a balanced and fulfilling life. I want to experience a deeper sense of satisfaction and contentment mentally, emotionally, and physically.
How was May? 🌼
May wasn’t the most productive month, but it was way better than April. In April, I was almost like a living corpse, never leaving my room—or bed, even—to the point that my body was stiff, and I had thigh pains. In May, I started to feel alive again. I started finding my routine again and caught up on some responsibilities. Everyone has their own challenges, and this is the tiny win of the challenge for me. But that doesn’t mean I can ease up. I need to put in more effort to be better.
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mycobrakai1972 · 1 year
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This is longer then i planed it to be. 😅 Mistakes can be kept. 😝
Bucky: You know where Y/N is? I can’t find her and she is not picking up my calls.
Natasha: No. And if I were you, I wouldn’t try to find her.
Bucky: What? Why is that?
Natasha: Every year on this day she just disappears. There is nothing to contact her. Two years earlier Steve tried to follow her but he got back with a black eye, split lip and a dislocated shoulder. So no one tried again or asked her what’s going on. And I would recommend you to do the same.
Bucky couldn’t believe what Natasha told him. It didn’t sound like you at all. Sure you were fighting on missions but that was your job. But hurting Steve?
Bucky: Oke. Thanks for letting me know.
It was past midnight when he heard your footsteps and he immediately got up and out of his room. He had to see you, make sure you were oke. The second you heard his door open, you froze on the spot and looked him in his blue eyes. You weren’t ready to talk to him, you wanted to get in your bed and just sleep until the morning came so you could get back to your normal life.
Bucky: You‘re back.
You: Yeah. And I’m pretty exhausted. So I’m going to bed. Good night Buck.
Bucky: You okey?
You: I’m fine. See you later.
Bucky: You sure? We could talk if…
You: I said I’m FINE!
Bucky: Doll. I want to be there for you. We are friends after all.
You said louder than you intended. Bucky was shocked from your outburst. After almost a year knowing each other he was sure that you were friends.
Bucky: Why would you say that?
You: Why would… You for real Barnes?!
You never once called him by his last name and if your tone could go any more angry it would surprise Bucky. You were so pissed at this moment he never saw you like this. And all you wanted to do was smacking his pretty face for getting on your nerves on this day.
You: Since day one I did anything but flirt with you. Did you not get that?
Bucky: I did.
You: Then why would you think that I intend to be your friend, when all I did was falling in love with you. Idiot!
You started to cry, the hole day was so exhausting that you had no more strength left to hold back those tears. He felt bad for pushing her and for a moment he thought about letting her go but then he realised what she just told him. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into a hug. She was hesitant at first but returned the hug and even clutched at his shirt as she hugged him tighter.
Bucky: I love you too, love.
He wispert and pressed a kiss to her forehead. A sob escaped her mouth and she buried her face into his chest, staining his shirt with her tear’s. He looked down to her and all he wanted to do, was kiss her. But with those tears and emotions going on in her it felt wrong.
Bucky: Can i… I really want to be there for you. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to.
She nodded and with her in his arms he turned around and closed the door behind him. They walked to his bed, where he set her down and helped her take off her shoes. He offered her one of his shirts and sweatpants to trade for her clothes.
You: I’m sorry that I screamed at you.
Bucky: It’s okey. I deserved it for stepping over your boundary’s.
You: But what i said. It isn’t true.
Bucky’s heart stopped for a second.
Bucky: What do you mean?
You: We are friends. But I just wish we could be … more.
A smile formed on Bucky’s lips and he kneeled in front of her. His right hand cradling her cheek and again he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Bucky: I want that too.
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Hi Phie! Congratulations on 200 followers, you deserve all the love! 🥰 I’d like to request prompts 12 and 39 (if I can do two; if not, you can pick which one! No worries!) for Commander Cody (shocker lol) x fem!reader :)
Thank you so much, and congrats again!!
MOLLY!!! This took me so long, I'm so sorry!! (I have another request to complete that I haven't even started yet, but ANYWAY)
Um,,,, this is not a drabble lol. it's a lot longer. It's also more angsty than I intended but I had fun with it tbh 😅
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Love & War. Cody x f!reader
prompts: 12. "By the gods, you love her, don't you?" (altered to *Maker,...) & 39. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"
warnings: alcohol, slight angst, not beta'd
words: ~2k
summery: Cody gets a talking to from his brothers and has a realisation.
I'm gonna tag @softsunburstlove since I know Nova's currently keenly interested in anything Cody.
Taking another sip from his drink, Cody sighed as he looked across the bar. His brothers were dancing, talking, drinking. Having a good time. Meanwhile, he stuck to his far corner, drinking in silence. It had been... a long week. With the relentless death of war and the mounts of paperwork and planning and strategy meetings...
But that wasn't the thing stealing Cody's sleep. His mind had been on you. It was always on you. Ever since the day the two of you met.
But he was the Marshall Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic and they were in the middle of a war. He couldn't allow himself any distractions. Thinking of the work he accomplished this week though, and the quality of it, he had to consider the fact that that ship might've sailed.
So he sighed, and he took another sip, and suddenly Wolffe, Gree, Fox and Rex were taking a seat across from him. So much for a quiet evening.
"Been looking for you, brother," Gree started, taking a sip from his own drink. "You been hiding from us?"
"Not at all," Cody replied lamely. One look at Rex told him that he'd seen right through him. Truthfully, he didn't expect to be able to lie to Rex. The man himself couldn't lie his way out of a paperbag, but he was quite discerning when it came to his brothers. Though seeing as he ran the 501st, he likely had to be.
"Really? So you're just hanging out in the far corner of the bar, all by yourself, because you wanted us to find you?" Rex fired back.
"Rex," Cody said slowly, in a tone his brother knew all to well.
Rex relented right away, knowing better than to push him. He knew Cody was a smart man. But he also knew he tended to overthink things. That did mean he was always prepared for any possible outcome. It just... took him a while to get there. And Rex certainly understood the importance of thinking this through well enough.
Wolffe, however, was much more blunt than Rex. And much more curious. And he didn't necessarily care about pushing a bit too hard.
"Codes," he began, and was immediately interrupted.
"Don't call me Codes," Cody said, far too quickly. His statement was met with complete disregard.
"If you have a problem, I'd suggest you talk to your vode. Pushing us away and hiding in some corner isn't gonna get you anywhere, vod."
Cody tapped the side of his cup. Wolffe made an excellent point. Talking to his brothers was usually the way he solved the toughest problems. And when they couldn't be solved? His brothers would buy the rounds until they were. He could always count on them.
But thinking of you now? Of your deep eyes, and your beautiful smile and your loving hands touching his body, caressing away the horrors of the war?
Sharing that felt like giving a piece of it up. Telling anyone at all would feel like it wasn't his, and his alone anymore.
Cody realised it was childish, seeing as Rex had already put two and two together. Not exactly a difficult equation either, seeing as he disappeared for conspicuous amounts of time every few days. And that one time you were at 79's with your friends and you caught his eye across the room and he felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. Rex had been right beside him to witness it all. He was grateful that his brother clearly hadn't spoken a word about it, but it did also mean that now that he was having doubts the choice of telling them was his alone too.
Cody sighed deeply, still studying the liquid inside the glass. "It's complicated..."
"Ah," Fox began, nodding knowingly, "it's a girl."
Cody scoffed, looking off to the side. His brothers knew him a tad bit too well.
Wolffe chuckled deeply, leaning over to smack Cody's arm. "And what girl wields enough power to have the Marshall Commander this out of sorts?"
He looked up from his glass briefly to address his brother. "We...," he cleared his throat. "We met shortly after the second Battle of Geonosis."
Wolffe scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Piece of advice, maybe don't try to make a living as a story-teller after the war."
After the war. He'd heard that phrase a lot lately. From you of course. How you'd buy them a house on some back water planet after the war. How you two would start a family after the war. How after the war all would be well. How he could rest after the war.
"Geonosis? That's almost a year ago now, isn't it?" Rex asked, realising that he didn't know as much of the full picture as he once thought.
"Yeah," Cody confirmed. He'd been counting the days since he met you. Wanting to savour every last one of them, knowing that every tally mark on the side of his bunk could be the last.
"So you've been with this girl for...?" Rex trailed off.
"Does it matter?" Cody shot back. Then he threw back the last of his drink and looked out into the crowd again. Gree had brought a bottle of whiskey with him. He quickly filled Cody's cup again, receiving a grateful nod, however, unaccompanied with his usually warm smile.
The others exchanged worried looks, silently communicating what they were all thinking; Cody wasn't himself right now. Something must've happened.
"So a girl," Fox began, always the political one, "A girl you've been with for a while. Isn't that a good thing?"
"Yeah, no," he cleard his throat again. "Yeah, it's great," he said, unconvincingly.
"Okay, how'd you screw it up?" Wolffe asked.
"I didn't!" Cody shot back. Too quickly to keep up his detachment. He deflated then, admitting to the fact that he'd lost. "I didn't screw anything up. Neither did she. Everything's been great for a long time."
"Then what's the problem?" Gree asked.
"It's... she takes it as a promise. Something I can keep. Like my surviving the war this long means that we have a future where I don't need to sneak around, lie to all my superiors and brothers and...," he trailed off, emotion swelling in his chest. Damn, how much had he had today? "I know I can't give her what she wants. I can barely keep it up now."
"If it's more trouble than its worth why not just break it off?" Wolffe offered, always the pragmatic one.
Rex shot him an angry look, but Cody understood their brother. He and Wolffe had always been a bit more... detached than the others. Rex didn't date a lot but when he met someone he liked he was head over heels before the first date was over. He couldn't help it, he just felt that deeply.
Cody certainly felt deeply for you but... something permanent? He'd never had that. War would never provide him with consistency. He had accepted that but he wasn't sure you understood that. How could you? You were a civilian. The sweetest, loveliest, most beautiful civilian he has ever met. But this part of him, you would never fully grasp. He accepted that too. At least he thought he did. But lately, more and more, it was like there was a war going on inside of him. His emotions going haywire all the time and he didn't even know why. And more and more, the center of his thoughts, his feelings, his plans... was you. But that wasn't realistic. That wasn't how this was going to end. Right?
When Cody still didn't speak, didn't even look at them Wolffe's eyes widened and he spoke the words Rex was silently begging him to swallow. "Maker, you love her, don't you?"
He might've choked on his drink. "I... what do you... I'm not... I can't," he sputtered in-between coughing.
When he managed to crack his eyes open again, the entire table was looking at him with identical grins. Even Rex, the little shit.
But damn, if it wasn't the truth. The truth he had been too stubborn to admit. The truth that, at it's core, might not have been as scary as it sounded in his mind. Still scary but... there were worse things, right? Right.
The one thing Cody did know for sure is that the rest of this conversation wasn't going to be conducted with his brothers. He quickly jumped up and mumbled "Excuse me."
It was late when he knocked on your door. Usually he comm.s first. Just as a curtesy. He's like that. A little uptight, but always with a warm and kind heart behind it.
So you're quite surprised when he shows up out of nowhere smelling of whiskey and smoke and 79's. But you've had worse surprises.
You smile, a bit of concern glimmering in your eyes.
"Cody? Hey, sweetie, is everything okay?"
You remember the last time he showed up like this. It was after a tough mission. The Citadel, you vaguely remember.
Next thing you know he's grabbing your hips and pressing his lips against yours. You're taken aback now, this is totally new. He'd never been that assertive. Always kind, gentle, caring, loving. This wasn't him. There was a new... hunger in him.
You pull away quickly, not because you don't want him to kiss you but because you're worried. When you search his eyes, you see tears in them.
"Hey, hey," you coo gently, cupping his face. "What happened? Who did we lose?"
"No one," he chokes out, shaking his head. He then pulls you close again, burying his face in your hair.
You're still standing in the door, for all your neighbours to see. You couldn't care less.
"Tell me what's going on, love," you whisper into his ear. "What happened?"
He takes a shaky breath to steady himself and walks the two of you inside more, shutting the door behind him.
"I never told you," he says, his voice still impossibly strained.
You grow nervous now. Was he keeping secrets from you? Was there...?
"What do you mean? Is there-?"
He cuts you off. "There's no one else. I just... I never told you... I love you."
A few moments of silence pass and suddenly you're taking a deep breath and a teary smile appears on your face. "That's okay. I always knew. You didn't have to tell me. I could see it. It's okay."
He frowns, his grip on you tightening as he shakes his head, tears threatening to spill. "No, it's not! It's not. I... I should have..."
You cut him off this time. "I have no idea what it's like to be a soldier. But I know that, saying it to you? Knowing that you might not come back next time? It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I didn't mind that you couldn't do it till now. I knew. I always knew."
He heaves a deep sigh, as if a weight fell off his shoulders and leans his forehead on yours, eyes fluttering close. "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I love you so much. I'm sorry I wasn't stronger. I'm sorry I wasn't even trying to search my feelings. I'm sorry I wasn't ready to commit."
You smile a little the softest of laughs escaping you, making him feel like his heart was about to burst. "What you couldn't see in yourself, I always knew was there. I never doubted you. You might not have said it, may not have known it was there. But I knew. That was enough for me."
He shakes his head, a few tears falling from his eyes as his nose brushes against yours. "Cyare. How are you so perfect? So patient with me?"
You press a chaste kiss to his lips. "Because I love you."
He spent the night then, whispering silent promises to you. About love, and the future, of all the two of you would do after the war. But the phrase he said most -- over and over again in fact -- was the one he never thought he'd say to anyone.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 7 months
so for that ask game
mcshep (obviously 😅) 26 and 48 🙏🙏
kiss prompts
26- as an apology and 48- out of habit
ahh sorry this took so long!! one of these ended up way longer than i intended and one is. kinda ridiculous 😅 but i hope you enjoy!!
As an apology-
John knew he messed up.
He knew Rodney was going to be furious- all he needed was a few more minutes and he could have gotten the weapon online. But they didn't have a few more minutes- and if John didn't go when he did, his entire team would've been dead.
As it is, John is laying in an infirmary bed with 28 stitches in his side and a leg that will take weeks of physical therapy to work normally again.
It takes 4 hours for Rodney to finally come see him, and John can tell from the second he sees Rodney enter the infirmary that he is beyond pissed.
"I shouldn't have even bothered coming to check on you, you know that?" Rodney hissed into the quiet infirmary. This late at night, no one was around except the night nurses, who were exceptionally good at being discreet. "You're such an idiot! I needed less than two minutes, I could have-"
"I couldn't take that risk, Rodney. You all would have died if I didn't do something. I'll be fine, it's not like this is the worst I've gotten on the job," John shrugs casually, as if it's not causing a burning pain to shoot through his entire left side. Like his leg isn't screaming in agony despite the morphine they have him on.
But it's still better than losing Rodney.
"You don't know that! I could have- we could've figured something out! You don't always have to be the stupid self sacrificing hero! You don't always have to try to kill yourself to keep us safe John!" Rodney isn't so much yelling as he is aggressively whispering, and John isn't sure what it was that Rodney said- but suddenly everything made sense.
John sat up slightly, grabbing Rodney's wrist from mid air where it was flailing around, and pulled him in. Rodney stared at him wide eyed, his mouth dropping open.
"You're right," John whispered softly, before leaning in and pressing his lips delicately on Rodney's, who immediately sighed into the kiss. It was soft, and delicate, and it was so much more than John ever thought he would get. He could've had cried.
"I'm sorry," John whispered when they pulled away. "I'm sorry."
Rodney's hand came up to caress his check, and his thumb was wiping away a tear John didn't even notice had fallen.
"I know," Rodney whispered back, before leaning in once more.
Out of Habit-
It had never been an issue before.
Elizabeth had been vocally open about allowing it, and she promised that anyone who did have an issue with it would not have a place in the city. It was a rule that new personnel learned very quickly after they reconnected with Earth, and there was always an unspoken understanding.
So John didn't even think twice about running down the stairs and grabbing Rodney and pulling him for a deep kiss, his hands roaming every just to make sure, to make absolute certain, that Rodney was okay.
He forgot who was currently in the city.
"Colonel Sheppard, what the hell are you doing?" Caldwell's voice boomed out, and John froze. He couldn't even turn around, could only stare terrified at Rodney, who was looking equal parts horrified and guilty as he stared back at John. Before John could even think of something to say, Elizabeth responded.
"Steven, you're going to look the other way on this one," she said, her voice clear and demanding. John finally turned to look up at them, the two staring each other down in the control room.
"I'm sorry Doctor Weir, but rules are rules and-"
"Do you remember the other night, when you beamed me up to the bridge of the Deadalus and had Major Marks leave to go check on some maintenance?" Elizabeth shot back, and John had to bite back a laugh at the way Caldwell's face paled. "You certainly didn't have any problems with ignoring rules then."
Caldwell kept eye contact with Elizabeth for another moment before ducking his head. "I didn't see anything, no one saw anything, nothing happened. I'm going back to my ship."
John smiled up at Elizabeth before turning back to Rodney. "Let's get you to Carson, huh?"
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su-angelvicioso · 5 months
~Here guys! Have another old creation I never posted (✿◕‿◕)ノ 💟✨~
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I created this moodboard a long time ago based on an old headcanon that came to my mind, but I never posted. I still don’t know why haha. 😅 I gave it a purple theme because I simply love purple.
Headcanon: María’s mate had intended to marry her before his demise.
María discovered an unfamiliar ring interwoven within the underside of the serape that belonged to the love of her life. Placed onto her with a certain gentle admiration that only one who loved her deeply could have done. She’d spent the whole day wondering when she’d give it back to him. It was his after all… she’d woven it herself specifically for him to wear.
She no longer had to wonder.
She wouldn’t give it back to him now even if he physically came back to life and asked for it.
She questioned how she hadn’t paid attention to the weird sensation she felt rubbing against her skin while underneath the fabric the entire time, not until it was the only thing left to notice…
Not until it was practically the only thing she had left of him.
She was never bright when it came to romance, so it took her longer than one should to figure out what it meant, why it had been on his person,
and why she had no idea about it’s existence
Not up until that point anyway….
It’s almost like he knew, almost like life is funny that way. At least, that’s what she tells herself because she couldn’t dare think about what could’ve been, what WOULD’VE been had they not…
She couldn’t spend a second to think about how she would have responded. Would she sob? Would she flick his forehead and say “¡Levántate, tonto!”, would she jump on him and kiss him like some fairytale? She didn’t know.
She would never know now…
There’s a reason she wears white every time she visits his gravestone specifically.
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nightghoul381 · 11 months
Harvest~ Keith x Reader
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Day 3 of the challenge (sorry in advance for the tag bombing @aquagirl1978 and @violettduchess... I have 11 more to go 😅.)
Prompt: 3. Strawberries Pairing: Keith/Alt!Keith x Reader Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1052 (It ended up much longer than I had intended)
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Golden sunlight danced across the fields, the dew on the leaves glistening like diamonds. A gentle breeze ruffles your skirt as you make your way out among the fruit-laden plants.
A quick glance over your shoulder affords you the most adorable sight. Keith was rushing to catch up with you after he had stopped to help a small tortoise get over a rock that it had been trying to climb. The soft pink flush on his face brought a smile to your lips and he looked over at you with soft golden eyes.
“I…uh, sorry about that.” He apologized, offering you a bashful smile.
“Don’t apologize. You were just being yourself, and I happen to love you.”
His eyes widened and his blush deepened as he ran his hand over the back of his neck. Letting out a quiet cough, he handed you one of the wicker baskets that you had brought along and the two of you crouched down and began to rifle through the plants.
“I’m very excited to try that new recipe you found.” Keith states, his composure regained. “I don’t think I’ve ever tried a strawberry candy like that before.”
You beam a smile at him and he returns with a gentle grin of his own. Feelings of affection wash over you and you lean over and wrap him in a hug.
“I’m excited to get to make them for you!” You reply happily, giving him a small peck on the cheek. “But you’d better be nice if they don’t turn out.” You add jokingly.
“What? Of course I’d be nice! I would never want to discourage you from your hobbies.” Keith starts, giving you a surprised look.
You can’t help but let out a giggle at how oblivious your lover could be.
“What now?” He asks, his surprise morphing into confusion. His hands had stilled and he turned on his knees to face you more directly.
“I know you would never be mean to me. It’s one of the things I love about you. You’re endlessly kind and I know I can always look to you for support.”
His cheeks once again flushed at your praise and you know that he would likely be retreating into himself to think for a while, so you continue your harvest.
Luscious red strawberries quickly filled your baskets as the two of you worked in comfortable silence. Your mind began to wander, thoughts of your lover running through your imagination. The sweet, gentle side, his calm, soothing voice whispering sweet nothings in your ear. The teasing hushed voice of his dark self, making intimate promises in tandem. You imagine what it might be like to have them both at the same time, showering you with attention and affection. The idea is almost overwhelming, and you can feel your face growing warm as you desperately try to shoo the thought away.
As if in response, a warm, gloved hand suddenly came to rest on your shoulder.
You jump in shock, turning quickly to find that his face is much closer than you had expected. A sly grin danced across his lips as he takes in the redness of your cheeks.
“I was calling for you…What were you thinking about?” He asks, taking your chin in his other hand to prevent you from hiding your embarrassment.
“I… uh… Good morning. I haven’t spoken with you yet today.” You scramble, trying desperately to change the subject.
“Ah, nice try. It would have probably worked on him, but I’m a little harder to shake. Your face is so red… why?” Keith’s breath ghosted over your jaw as he leaned in to hush in your ear. You swallow back a gasp, closing your eyes tightly.
“I don’t think I should say.” You finally admit, moving his hand away from your face, and fixing him with a pleading gaze.
“Don’t give me that look. You know how much I love that face.” He groans, pulling you against his chest. Thinking quickly, you pluck a strawberry from a nearby bush and squish it against his face.
Glancing up at him, you can see the look of utter shock on his face. You stare at each other for a few seconds before you explain.
“Now your face is red too…”
His head drops to your shoulder and his shoulders begin to shake violently as his loud laughter fills the air around you.
It’s contagious and you find yourself starting to relax, letting out your own laugh.
“How is it, you never cease to surprise me?” Keith asks, his eyes glinting with a vibrancy you felt you haven’t seen in ages.
You open your mouth to respond and the glint in his eyes quickly reveals itself to be nothing more than mischief as he shoves a large berry between your lips.
Your eyes widen, teeth clamping down on the fruit as his laughter fades into a deep snicker. Juice from the strawberry splatters onto his white gloves and you nearly choke on the portion in your mouth.
“Ack! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen!” You sputter, grabbing onto his hand to inspect the damage.
“Don’t be,” Keith says, abruptly cutting you off. “It’ll be a good way to let him know we both got to enjoy the day with you.”
He leans in and presses a kiss to your lips before sitting back and closing his eyes.
When he once again opens them, the warmth of his kind self has returned to them and he glances at you in confusion.
“Sorry, I must have zoned out for a bit.” He chuckles when he notices you staring at him.
He moves to reach out to you and notices the red drops on his glove, understanding flashing over his features.
“He just couldn’t stay away could he?” Keith sighed. However, the disappointment that used to accompany this realization was thankfully absent.
The two sides of him had come to accept each other’s presence in your life, knowing that your love for them both had no bounds.
Helping you to your feet, Keith scoops up the fruit-heavy baskets with one hand and takes your hand with the other. A peaceful joy filled you as you returned to the castle, heart warmed from the little adventure you were gifted today.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
red card - b.pavard
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requested: y
pairing: Benjamin pavard x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw + not intended for minors + mentions of oral + mentions of nudity
a/n: I was only given that the reader is comforting him but nobody said how ;) + calling him Ben because Benjamin is a lot to write each time 😅
《 the following content is not intended for minors. 》
you didn’t need to know much about football to know a red card meant ejection, and it also meant he had to miss the next game.
you’re not sure how it all started out, but Ben was going ballistic over a stupid call and got himself a yellow card early on in the game. you could practically hear him swearing at the refs from the pitch. his teammates telling him to just let it go, but knowing ben he couldn’t. it was going to upset him the whole game.
Bayern münchen was down by one goal in the second half, and were in desperate need to even the game, but that’s when ben tripped another player on accident, and the player was down for more than two minutes causing the EMT to bring out the stretcher, and ultimately that was what got ben his ejection.
you watched him plop down on the bench next to his teammates still screaming about the call and how it was “unfair” and you’d have to hear about it all rest of the evening. not to mention, you’d have to watch the next game at home with him for his punishment, which was sometimes even worse than receiving the red card.
you got up from the stands deciding you couldn’t stay any longer and watch his tantrum. it was almost embarrassing, to sit around the other wives and girlfriends knowing your boyfriend couldn’t handle or control his emotions. not a single one of them bided you a farewell because their eyes were glued to the disaster, your boyfriend, in front of them.
you rushed home to catch the rest of the match on your television knowing the commentators were having a field day with Ben, and rightfully so, he was feeding into the energy. your eyes could hardly move from the screen that you had no idea when the game was over. the camera moved in on Ben, as you watched his eyes search for you in the crowd. you knew going home early was another thing he’d complain to you about.
sighing, you decided to get ready for Ben’s arrival home. if you knew anything about him, there was only a couple of things that could get him to shut up about his frustration and let you take over. so with that in mind, you grabbed the lacy set you saved for an occasion like this throwing it on underneath your clothes, and getting into bed to try to occupy the time before he came home.
it wasn’t long until he was home. the door slammed shut behind him and you could hear him drop his bags at the front door. he moved throughout every room to try and find you. he really needed someone to help calm him down, and there was no better than you. you were always able to help clear his mind and let go of the things that were not making him happy, so when he finally found you in bed with nothing on it took him for a surprise.
“what did I do to deserve this?” the tension in his shoulders released as he dropped them, finally feeling able to relax at the sight of you. he crawled onto the bed and right into your chest where you happily wrapped your arms around him.
“I just want to make you feel better, baby, that’s all.” you pressed a kiss to his temple running your hands up and down his chest, pulling the material of his shirt until it was over his head and tossed to the side.
“well I’m all yours.” he sat up, allowing you position yourself on top of him, before he laid back down against the mattress watching you take off his sweatpants. your finger tips ran up and down his bulge earning a sweet moan from him.
your fingers pulled the band of his underwear down revealing his big cock to you. smirking to yourself, you took the tip in your mouth earning a gasp to escape his lips. the act caught him by surprise. of all the times you’ve ever had sex, you never wanted to try oral, and with this being your first time you were a natural to him.
you swirled your tongue over his cock feeling him stiffen underneath you, his breath hitched at every flick he could barely take it. he naturally felt his hands begin to dig into your skull at each movement your tongue made.
“I’m right there.” you heard him breath out, and just as his sentence hit the air, your mouth was met with his cum, you heard him let out a sigh of pleasure while his body began to relax.
“feel better?” you asked sitting on one of his thighs, his hands gripping pink lacy material at your hips. he was taking mental pictures of you on his thigh sitting there all pretty, batting your eyelash and flipping your hair from side to side.
he pulled you into his bare chest pressing a kiss to your hair, “much better, amour.”
“no more getting red cards please.”
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
I'm am by no means a practiced writer 😅 but ever since I finished The Sandman I've had this story in my head. So, I figured I'd jot a bit down and attempt to post it and see how its reviewed 🤷‍♀️ So enjoy and let me know if anyone thinks I should continue it. 😁
"You see, she's here just as I promised." Alex sighed, his face twisted with desperation. "Speak to me, please."
I rolled my eyes. Looks like the years haven't changed anything. I thought to myself, eyes still glued to the floor. Silence filled the room, as Alex waited and stayed waiting. After nearly twenty minutes he finally spoke again, voice shaking with frustration, "Why won't you speak to me? I've not asked for gifts or anything, just one word."
Paul set a hand on his shoulder. "Alex..."
"Can you speak to him?" Alex turned to me now. "Convince him to just talk with me?"
I couldn't help the bitter laugh that rose from my chest. "What makes you think he'll listen to me?"
"That mark on your arm!" He shouted. "He gifted you with it and you expect me to believe he did so without a single word to you, with nothing?"
"The years have truly made you just as paranoid as your father, Alex." He sneered down at me. "I've told you this already. He hasn't said a single word to me, not when I got the mark and not a minute after."
"Then why?" He asked, voice reaching a dangerous tone. "Why give you anything in the first place?"
With a scoff I settled back into the stone pillar. "I've answered that question before too."
"It can't have been an accident!" He insisted. "It just couldn't be."
"Look, this conversation has been just riveting, truly, but I think it's over. So, now what?"
Alex looked off, like he hadn't truly thought of this outcome. "Now you go back to the institution."
Anger, fear, and betrayal filled my chest. "Back to my own glass cage? After all those empty promises of freedom?" Guilt painted his face, but I had no need of guilt. "Just as well I suppose, I was starting to feel left out."
"Don't." He warned. "I fully intend to let you go, I just..."
"Just what Alex?" I demanded. "Just intend to dangle freedom in front of me for another 10 years? 20 perhaps? Longer?"
He didn't answer. He couldn't, not without lying to me or himself. With a sigh he turned and left the room. Paul, who sent me an apologetic look, followed with the guards not far behind likely arranging the drive back, but there would be no going back. Not this time.
The silence of the room had shifted now that it was just he and I. It was calmer, not by any means comfortable but more so than before. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as I steeled myself. "If you do get out," I turned to meet the darkened gaze of the man in the glass. "Make them pay for it. Every second."
As expected he said nothing, but his head tilted in a nod so stiff and minimal I'd almost missed it. A silent understanding passed between us, a promise bound in something I didn't fully grasp, something stronger than the chains that enslaved us both.
When the guards came to retrieve me I looked at him one last time, committing him to memory. "Guess this is goodbye, Sandman."
In his eyes a sorrowful glint flashed, like he somehow knew what I had planned. Like he knew that this goodbye was one I said intending for it to be the last. I smiled at him, to reassure him or maybe myself, and then I followed the guards out of the dark basement and to the car. I took one last look at the mansion. Good luck.
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Hiiii, so random, but do you have any possible thoughts about another crackship from SVE or vanilla? I do have one, but I don't think I'll be talking about it here, but I wonder if you... have other thoughts about another possible crackship 👁 May I also ask what you feel about crackships?
Heyyy! 👋
I love crackships! It's pretty funny to imagine two completely different characters with the thought, "what will happen if..." and let your imagination run wild as to what a comical situation that would be.
Although, in some cases, some crackship have shown a lot of potential that I seriously now considered them quite the potential ship. Lance/Isaac from SVE is direct proof of that, because now instead of silly stories with those two dumbasses, I now think of them as a serious ship while trying to decide whether to make their next headcanon sad or cute. Or something spicy, hee hee... 🌚
So, on to the crackships....
In vanilla SDV it would definitely be Pierre/Wizard, or even Shane/Wizard. Just the thought that an ordinary Valley dweller, who somehow became Rasmodius' partner, would be shocked by the spells and magic of a wizard (especially Shane, who in canon denies the existence of magic as such at all) makes me amused. For example, "wizard's failed attempt at a love potion". Pure chaos everywhere 😁
Pierre/Morris also have great chemistry when it comes to crackchip (*looking at the wonderful artists and writers who have provided a bunch of Pierre/Morris content*). Again, though, people saw potential in this particular crackship as a serious one too (*looking at those same great artists and writers*). In general, our Mr. Joja Manager by nature fits in perfectly with a few residents as a crackship. Morris/Wizard, Morris/Gunther, Morris/Robin... Something like that.
Of the vanilla bachelors/ettes I can think of only a couple: Alex/Sebastian (the athlete in the game talked for a long time about how weird Sebby is, that he always wears black, and I was like "oh my god, are you in love with him or something?"), Shane/Haley (a battle of two of the most mean marriage candidates ever, oh yeah!), and Harvey/Mr Qi (let's break our doctor's mind with a definitive lack of logic and disregard for wound care, because Mr Qi has 'snake milk'! Which sounds more like poison...).
As for SVE... Besides my favourite Lance/Isaac, the second crackship will be Isaac/Victor. If anyone remembers The Adoring Fan from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, the relationship of these two will be the same. For those who haven't played Scrolls: imagine an annoying person praising your every move and following you everywhere you go, even if you end up in Hell. Given Victor's enthusiasm for adventurers, he'll be like that fan (not too in character for him, but hey, it's a crackship), and Isaac was just unlucky. Or maybe lucky? 👀
Well, where can we go about crackship without Jadu, a character who only said a couple of quotes in the game, but even that was enough to realise that he's just fed up with life and his job as an errand boy? So - Jadu/Camilla! Because who else could make his life more chaotic and crazy than Camilla, the all-powerful witch who doesn't give a shit about manners, conjures up anything and anywhere, and does pranks just for fun? If I start writing headcanons about them, every post I'll tag "#Jadu isn't getting paid enough for this shit".
If I'm going to feel sorry for Jadu, then Isaac/Camilla. Because I don't feel sorry for Isaac, lol (just kidding, but he'll have more patience than Jadu).
Oh oh oh! A good idea for crackship would also be Camilla/Isaac/Lance, and guess three times who's going to be dom- *bonk*
Well, that's about all the crackships I wanted to mention 😅 (the answer came out longer than I intended, heh). Thanks for the question, dear anon! 💕
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