#this creature has filled me with such joy
lordofthescrolls · 2 days
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Sweven (Adar x Elf reader)
Rating: Angst | Fluff
Summary: You did Sauron’s bidding because of a promise he made and when he was killed by Adar you were left with nothing… Or so you thought.
You didn’t know how long you had been kept in this prison, but you grew used to the dark, the lack of flames from torches you grew so accustomed to while living in the mountain. Now you were casted to the cold stones beneath Sauron’s chambers all because you had given him what you had promised… Power.
And you waited like any good servant would for his promise in return… One he did not give… Yet. You would constantly remind yourself. He will keep his promise, he will.
“My children told me there was one prisoner who refused to die.” A voice you have heard countless of times since you were taken, “Iston i nîf gîn.” He said. I know your face.
You knew his as well. You would admire him from a far as you both served Sauron in your own ways, never speaking to one another, but always there. You grew curious of the once elf now forged by darkness itself and created into a creature of the shadows.
It was his voice that intrigued you the most as it was the only thing you could truly hold onto here. A gruff and sad voice that you would hear in your dreams sometimes when the nights got too cold or the loneliness settled deep in your bones… Not that you would ever share that secret with anyone.
“I am an elf. Malnourishment does not kill me… You should be aware of that yourself… Elf.” You muttered quietly, your voice scratchy from the lack of use.
“Uruk.” He corrected you.
“Has… Sauron forgiven me?” You whispered brokenly as you blinked up at him, “I—” You coughed, “I did not mean to fail him. I swear. I didn’t have enough… I can try again. I can do better. Please tell him I can do better.” Your pleas were only met by silence and you watched him cautiously as he passed you a mug filled with water.
“Sauron is gone.” He replied, stepping back as he watched you gulf down the water in barely a second.
Your heart fell at his words, “He will come back for me then.” You murmured, shackled to the stone wall, “We have a deal.”
“Will he?” There was amusement in his voice, “It has been months since he had you chained down here.”
Months? Your throat felt dry again and you looked down at the now empty cup in your hands. Had it really been that long? “He could be continuing his plan.” You pressed wanting to believe that your wish will be fulfilled, “Him being gone doesn’t mean anything. He will return.”
“He could be...” He retorted, his gaze trailing over the tattered dress that you had been left in, “Or he could be dead.”
“He is not.” You seethed, your gaze snapping back to his.
“He is.” His grin was barely reckognizable but it was there.
“Your lies do not sway me.” You looked away from him, “Sauron isn’t dead. He can’t be, he is—”
“I killed him myself.” He proclaimed and he watched you lunge at him, the only thing stopping you was your chain.
“You…” Your breath caught in your throat as the first feeling that filled your chest was pure happiness. The joy that your master was finally gone and that you were free to do whatever you wished… To leave even, but then the loss settled in as you realized your wish would never be fulfilled. You would be left yearning for an eternity all because of a stupid elf.
“How could you.” You growled out as you slammed your fist into the ground, “Traitor!” You screamed at him, yelling profanities as he stood by and waited for you to calm down. You fell to your knees and began to weep not for your master, but for yourself. For the loss of a gift you so desperately wanted.
Adar crouched in front of you, looking down at you as if you were some wounded animal, “I have seen you in passing, always at his side. Never spoke a word, never showed emotion, always there… What did you do for him?”
“I healed him… Made him stronger…” You muttered broken as you recalled all those countless nights, brewing herbs in teas, using the magic you possessed to grow his power.
“And what did he offer you?” He asked gently as if trying to coax a wounded doe. That is what he deemed you were, a fragile doe left in a raging storm.
Your lips curled back as a grim expression took your face. Your tears falling freely as you cried in frustration and grief. You worked so very hard to please him and now here you were back to where you started… With nothing.
“I couldn’t…” Your throat tightened as you tried to speak through you cries, “I couldn’t have any… He promised he would fix me if I helped him… He promised and you took that from me!” Your anger grew as you lunged at him again, but he was quick and precise, always was with everything you have seen him do. He grabbed your wrist before you could fully swing at him and you felt yourself break in defeat as you sobbed.
“What did I take from you?” He asked again. His voice was low and gentle, his curiosity now growing.
“A family.” You replied barely above a whisper cursing the vacant womb you were blessed with since you were created, “All I wanted was a family.” Your voice broke.
He allowed you to pull your wrist free from his grasp and watched as you curled yourself into a ball, burying your face in your knees to hide your shame. Adar’s words seem to fail him in that moment as he looked at the broken elf maiden. He expected many answers to slip from your soft lips, but not that… Not when it was so close to the wish that he sought out for. The one that was granted when he was given his children. It was an answer that made him reach for your shackles and setting you free.
Your cries turned into sniffles as you felt the weight of the metal leave your ankles and you peaked up at him with hesitant curiosity.
“Are you hungry?” He asked in a gentle voice that was as rough as the stone you were used to sleeping against.
You didn’t answer with words, but a gentle nod of your head was all the confirmation he needed.
That was how you found yourself sitting at the stone table where Sauron used to dine. It was only on rare occasions that he would allow you to sit with him when he wanted to learn more about the slicers you created. You remember most nights however, you were left hungry because he was uninterested in your health. You were an elf, you only needed little to survive no matter how painful it was. Now the table was filled with orcs as they ate without fear of Sauron’s wrath.
“Why are you doing this?” You whispered sitting on Adar’s right as he sat at the head of the table. You had yet to touch your food and waited on his answer.
“He did not care for your wish as you thought he did. That is why he shackled you in such darkness after you provided no more use for him.” He explained as he took a sip of his wine.
“And you? Do you have use for me? Is that why I am up here?” You asked, accusing him of the same thing that Sauron had done.
“I am not him.” His reply was sharp as he stared at you, “I want nothing of you. You are free to leave now if you wish.”
You took in his words as you looked back to your plate. You could hear your stomach growl once the scent finally registered. You reached for the meat first and took a large bite as you contemplated on Adar’s words.
You were finally able to leave freely and that left excitement billowing in your chest, but it slowly fizzled away when you realized where would you even go? Who would want to take in a follower of Sauron? You thought and now your stomach filled with dread. They would kill you where you stood especially with the mark seared onto the back of your neck.
“Guren *glassui.”
It caught you off guard as you heard your mother language be spoken by the uruk sat across the table from you. It was clear he was speaking to you and everyone else continued with their conversation, everyone except for Adar who watched the interaction silently.
“You speak elvish? How?” You accused as your thoughts were scattered. It had been a long time since you were able to speak to anyone beside Sauron and even then it was only to agree to whatever he said. Your manners seem to evade you now as you pressed, “Thank you for what?” Was I being mocked? You weren’t sure.
This time the feast grew quiet as everyone listened in on your conversation. If uruk’s could blush you would see the poor uruk’s face turn bright red, “I asked Lord Adar to teach me your elvish words of thank you.”
Oh… Your gaze softened as you looked at him, “Why would you want to know my language?” You asked, but this time your tone was gentler.
“I was hurt badly… I would have died if not for your healing magic. That is why I thank you.” He explained, a shy expression overtaking his face.
“Ah…” Your voice trailed off in surprise.
You came to realize over the years you’ve been captive under Sauron’s hand that Uruk’s weren’t evil beings… Just forced to do bad things. This particular uruk, you vaguely remember helping one night while passing by the less then salvageable infirmary…
“You’re welcome.” You nodded towards the uruk, “I am glad that you survived. You did well. You all did well, truly.”
Your words seemed to brighten his and his siblings moods as the celebration continued in full. The dinning room and the rest of the mountain was filled with cheers as they celebrated their victory. Soon enough it was just you and Adar who were left at the table.
Your plate was wiped cleaned as you subtly looked for more food.
He noticed this and pushed his plate towards you, “Here.”
Your face heated up, “I couldn’t, that’s yours.”
“I’m not that hungry. Go ahead and eat before one of my children steal it from you.”
That was all you needed to hear before you were eating the rest of his meal, your stomach finally happy from being filled.
Adar watched you with mild humor and his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned back in his seat, “Have you decided what you will do?”
You wiped your mouth with your sleeve after you drank your wine. You looked towards him a small frown on your lips, “I don’t think I can go anywhere… Not with who I am… What I’ve done… I have nothing left.” You looked at the table, “He took my old life from me.”
“But not your new one.” Adar responded and you waited for him to continue as you leaned back to stare up at the stone ceiling, “You have everything to look forward to and experience.”
“But where? Who would possibly take me in when I have a mark of evil on my neck.” You spoke in frustration.
“I would.”
It was barely a whisper, but it had you sitting up to face him fully, “What?”
“I would take you. As you are. Right now.” He repeated, clear and sure this time.
“Even if I offer nothing to you?” You muttered quietly.
Adar nodded and stood from his seat, “You wouldn’t need to do anything you don’t want to.” He looked down at you with a softness in his gaze, “You could stay with my children and I.” He looked away for a moment.
It was then that he held his hand out for you to take if you wanted too as he continued, “We are not welcome in that world, but when we find our home it can be your home too… If you wish.”
You stared at his outstretched hand for a moment with entirety of emotions swirling in your chest. Fear, gratitude, anxiety… Care… This was the most you felt in a very long time and it was him… The silent brooding elf… Uruk making you feel.
His hand felt warm as you took it, a redness brushing against your cheeks as he pulled you up to stand.
“Thank you.” You whispered quietly as you looked up at him, “For offering me a home.”
It was a year later when you were curled up under Adar’s arm and covered by furs that kept you both warm. You breathed in his scent and listened to his slowed heartbeat as you tried to fall asleep with him, but something felt different tonight. It was only when listening to the laughter of his children that you have grown attached to just outside of your shared tent that you realized in some twisted way Sauron had given you the dream you desired… You finally had a family.
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jaxthedragon · 1 year
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A hawk landed in this tree at my bus stop and I haven’t stopped smiling about it. Look at this guy! He’s so cool!
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wandurlvst · 3 months
ken sato x gn!reader one shot
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notes: ALMOST 700 NOTES (as of editing this) ON MY FIRST KEN SATO ONE SHOT WHAT TY!!??!
warnings: none! just emi and your daughter being the cutest siblings ever
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“how do you think emi would handle it?” you and ken were heading back from the hospital, with your newborn daughter sleeping soundly in your hands, “it’ll be fine. don’t worry. she’ll probably be happy she has someone other than us or mina to play with her.” ken chuckled, “or she’ll freak out and be jealous daddy has his attention elsewhere where.” you joked—adjusting the blanket the baby way wrapped in, to better protect her from the cold japanese weather hitting the island
“she won’t. you saw what happened when she met you.” “she shot a laser at me, ken.” he froze, “okay, yes, but after that- you two got along really quick!” “shh!” “sorry…” he brought his voice down again for the baby
you pulled into the driveway and ken got out of the car, coming around to your side of the vehicle and opening the door for you. when you stepped out completely he closed the door and grabbed the baby carrier and any other items you two brought to the hospital. you ascended the stairs and tried opening the door but ken insisted on doing it for you. “you’re already carrying so much hon.” you pointed out, “you have the baby which is way more important than a few bags.”
he plucked the house keys from his pockets and pushed the door open for you. when you stepped inside mina was there to greet you two. “welcome home. how is the baby?” she floated in front of the newborn. “she is healthy.” you smiled, “that is very good to hear.” mina said
“how has emi been, mina?” ken placed everything down next to the door, he took your daughter from your hands to relive you. “she has been fine. though, she misses both of you. the photos and videos can only last so long.” mina floated to the elevator and the two of you joined her. descending to the basement, emi was sitting in the middle watching said videos and photos of you and ken, but also playing with her giant toys ken had for some reason
“there’s our girl.” ken smiled and emi turned around to the familiar voice. she chirped loudly and got up to run to you two which almost woke your daughter. “shh shh emi.” ken held his finger in front of his mouth and emi. she was confused at what ken was doing and became quiet once more—tilting her head in curiosity. “we have someone we want you to meet emi.” you told her
ken turned your daughter to face emi, while she was still sound asleep. the infant chirped again and leaned. she tapped the baby with her beak and she started crying. you placed your hands on her leg and she lunged back at the sudden cry of the other baby.
ken handed your daughter to you while he comforted emi, you moved your body around to try and calm her. which worked, but now she was wide awake. “seems like she isn’t sleeping anytime soon.” ken commented once he got emi to calm down
you two tried introducing the baby again, this time she was smiling at emi. reaching out to the kaiju—opening and closing her hands. your daughter babbled at the sight of the cute creature and emi leaned in. she laughed and was entertained by the smaller human.
you two stood there together in silence, watching the newborns interact with each other. their laughter and joy filled the echoing basement.
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this was so RUSHED AND SHORT i apologize 😭 but it’s been two days and i wanted to get something out fast but sweet at the same time
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indecisivemuch · 6 months
The Pact
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Reader
Summary: Seeing you yearn for a relationship and dejected over the lack of one, Luke Castellan proposes a dating pact. Little did you know, he was going to do more than just wait until the day the pact could happen (friends-to-lovers, fluff, pining, a lot of longing, lowkey jealous luke).
Note: Sort of inspired by Monica and Chandler's pact thing from Friends.
Word count: 3.4k
You were spending some time alone near the lake, trying to enjoy mid summer sunlight as well as the silence from the lack of campers and couples around. For some strange reason, the number of people dating at least tripled in the last three weeks. If you were honest, the sight of happy couples was starting to irritate you.
Your eyes glided through the lines in the novel you were reading, though you could barely get past a few pages before a degree of bitterness seeped through. You set the book down and sighed. Your head leaned against the tree behind you while shutting your eyes and furrowing your eyebrows. 
Oh, if only someone could love you the same way love was portrayed in books.
Before the scowl could grow permanent on your face, you felt light finger tips setting on the crease between your eyebrows. Instead of getting scared, you remained calm. You knew immediately who it was because there was only one person who would do that. The person sat down next to you and you turned to see them already smiling at you. 
To most, Luke Castellan was just the Hermes cabin counselor and best swordsman. But to you, he was a close friend and confidante. He has made it a habit to press softly against your scrunched eyebrows to prevent you from scowling further. It was somewhat sweet to you.
“What’s got you so bothered?” Luke asked, peering at you while tilting his head in a boyish manner. The look alone somehow made you blush. There was no denying that Luke was cute. You knew at least a handful of people at camp who would agree. It honestly surprised you that he was still single. Though you were somewhat relieved at that. For about a year now, you have had a little crush on the Hermes cabin counselor. It was not hard falling for his kind words and sweet actions.
“This is going to sound so stupid…” You let out a deep sigh.
“Oh, come on, since when have I judged you for being stupid?”
“Oh, so you do admit I’m stupid sometimes?”
“Yes, but is that really a problem, considering I find it endearing?” You hope he did not see the way your face heated up at his words. 
Little did you know, Luke did notice it, just like he has always noticed little details about you. Knowing he was the reason behind your pink-tinted cheeks filled his heart with joy. In fact, throughout the last year, it got to the point where he would grow very bold with his flirty jokes, disguising his feelings in between them. Honestly, he was surprised you had not caught up to the truth yet. 
“Okay, well, so many people have gotten together lately, and it’s got me a little bit annoyed.”
“Why?” Luke questioned.
“Because, I want that experience, you know? The teenage love thing. We already have a strange life, fighting creatures and going on quests that could kill us. I just want to at least experience an aspect of a normal teenage life,” you watched him nod and digest your words. “I didn’t want it, want it. But seeing everybody else experiencing it makes me wonder when it will be my turn, you know?” You sighed before adding, “To make matters worse, it seems like nobody is interested in me that way, so…”
Luke almost let out a chuckle of disbelief at your last remark. Oh, many Demigods found you cute. But if only you knew to look right under your nose. He has always been here. If only you could see him how he wanted you to and give him a chance.
Ever since the day Luke Castellan met you, he became a dreamer. During the night, every dream would be of you, while in the morning, he’d daydream of you until he would see you next. You filled in every thought, walking in his mind like it was your home. But even if it wasn’t your place, he’d still give you the keys without hesitation.
“So…you just want to experience teenage love?”
“Well, that, and ideally, to be loved too. I don’t just want some casual teenage love, but at the same time, I’m tired of waiting around.”
A lightbulb practically lit up inside Luke’s head as an idea popped up. The logical part of his mind was yelling that this was a bad idea, though the more chaotic side was pushing him to just give it a shot. Though, he spent little time contemplating.
“What if we make a pact? By the end of summer - so maybe in about a month - if you haven’t started dating anybody…let’s date each other,” Luke blurted out before his mind could talk him into backing out. It was stupid, and he knew it. But if that was one way to potentially date you, then so be it. 
Luke’s heart squeezed when he saw you completely frozen. He started panicking. Maybe he made it too obvious, and perhaps you didn’t like him in that way and were trying to find a way to back out. 
“I mean—just so the both of us could experience teenage love, you know? I think it will be great. We already get along well. We’re good friends. What could go wrong?” Luke tried in a more casual voice.
A lot could go wrong — you thought. A possible thing that could go wrong is that you would fall harder for Luke, and that feeling would absolutely destroy you when you two break up because he finally becomes genuinely interested in another girl. Or, it has you so hung up that you would confess to him, only for him to say that whatever you two had was just a pact. But Gods, your heart must actually be a fool to whisper to your brain, ‘I mean…at least you would no longer have to imagine how it would feel like to be his.’
“Sure,” you said before you could think twice about it. “Deal,” you grabbed his hand and shook it.
Now…Luke just needed to do a couple more things in the meantime.
During the first week, you asked Clarisse to set you up with somebody. She introduced you to one of her friends, Dean. However, when you mentioned Dean to Luke, he clicked his tongue before warning you.
“I just think you deserve better, Y/N. I’ve known him for five years and have never seen him bring one person on a date twice. Last week alone, he went on a date with five people.” Since then, you haven’t spoken to Dean again, deciding that you don’t want to try and date a playboy.
Two weeks later, you asked this guy on a date. He came to the picnic you had set up with a bouquet of flowers. However, your smile faltered slightly when you realized they were the type of flowers you disliked. You shook the negative thoughts away. After all, it’s the effort that counts.
Things quickly went downhill as the guy started sneezing…a lot. His eyes were watering, and it seemed like he was borderline getting sick. You noticed him trying to stop sneezing. You could feel the guy trying—you really did. But the last straw broke when he turned away to sneeze mid-sentence but didn’t do it fast enough. 
Three days before the day that marked the day the pact would be able to begin, you attended a party hosted by the Hermes cabin. You were honestly done with trying to find someone to date. Perhaps, this pact thing was not such a bad idea after all, even if Luke might not like you as much as you like him. But at least you knew he would treat you well.
However, your numbers must have turned because somebody had walked up to you and struck up a conversation. With similar humor, your jokes bounced off each other’s, and you almost started crying from laughing at one point.
The sound of your laughter caught the attention of the Hermes cabin counselor. Luke could feel his lips slowly curling up into a smile at the sound of your giggles and laughter. He has always found the sound so endearing.
However, when he turned his gaze over at you, his eyebrows scrunched at the sight of you conversing with another Hermes boy — Oscar, who was also one of his friends. Luke was no longer paying attention to the conversation in his circle right now. His ears were busy trying to make out what that boy was saying to make you laugh like that. However, he almost left his friends when you touched Oscar’s arm while giggling at another one of his jokes.
You always tend to physically react to Luke’s jokes, from small touches while laughing to you playfully slapping his arm at his cheekier jokes. They never fail to make the tip of his ears grow red while his cheeks match the same color. Though Luke swore he had never seen you this way with anybody else. Hence, he was less than enthusiastic at the sight of you doing the same with another guy right now. 
You continued talking to Oscar, but your conversation stopped when somebody bumped into Oscar and spilled their drink onto him. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to trip…” the guy who bumped into Oscar apologized.
“Chris, it’s okay, don’t worry about it,” Oscar said, though a sigh quickly followed his words. “I’ll just go and wash the drink off, but I’ll talk to you in a bit, though?” Oscar looked at you. He smiled when you gave him a sweet nod.
“Sorry again, man,” Chris said before watching Oscar exit the cabin. He turned to you now. “So, how are you? Are you enjoying the party?” You answered Chris and started catching up with him. You and Chris met through Luke, though as the years went on you two became friends as well.
With your focus now on Chris, you did not notice the figure of the Hermes cabin counselor zooming past you two and outside, following a certain someone. However, your conversation with Chris didn’t last long because Clarisse swooped in and borrowed you from Chris. 
“So, I saw you talking to Oscar. Give me the details,” she said, dragging you down to sit beside her.
“He’s great! It’s so easy to talk to him and be around him.”
“Easier than with Luke?” you gave her a warning glare. You might have told her about your little crush on Luke, though you confessed that to her out of the belief that nothing would ever happen and that it would pass soon. Fast-forward to a year later, your feelings have not changed. 
“...No, but—”
“I’m telling you, Luke’s the best one for you.”
“He doesn’t like me like that.”
“If he doesn’t like you like that, he would have never made that pact with you." When you didn’t reply to her, Clarisse decided to bring something else up. “Alright, let’s move on and talk about something else then…another candidate. Dean told me you didn’t show up.”
“Show up to what?”
“He wrote you a note asking you to meet him?” the look on your face must have told Clarisse you had no idea what she was talking about. “He wanted to ask you out on a date in person after that talk you two had three weeks ago.”
“Where did he leave the note?”
“Apparently, he was planning to get me to give it to you, but he passed Luke on his way to me, who offered to give it to you.”
“Well, I never got the note. I guess it doesn’t matter anyway. Luke told me he’s quite a player.” Clarisse pondered on the information you just provided her. Dean was in no way a player. She knew he has only been on one date with another person at camp. However, the puzzle pieces quickly clicked for Clarisse and she leaned back with a smirk. 
Before you could question the look on Clarisse's face, Oscar came back to the party. 
“Well, if you don't mind, Oscar is back and I have a good feeling about him. So I'm going to go and talk to him,” you left Clarisse, walking in the direction Oscar did. Meanwhile, Clarisse only silently chuckled. She knew exactly what Luke was up to and it made her shook her head in amusement.
“Hey,” you touched Oscar’s arm, though the cheery grin on your face fell when he slightly flinched and shrugged your hand off. “Uhm, it’s good you got that stain off your shirt,” your eyebrows furrowed when you realized Oscar was not even making eye contact with you.
“So, tell me more about that quest you went on last year?” you asked, hoping to start a conversation again. However, Oscar quickly broke out the truth.
“Listen, you seem very lovely, but I don’t want to put myself in the middle of anything. I don’t want to cause any drama.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not the type of guy to steal girls my friends are talking to or having a thing with,” you scrunch your eyebrow in confusion. Just as you were going to question what Oscar was referring to, his eyes betrayed him and looked at someone. You followed his eyesight only to see Luke already looking at you while glancing between you and Oscar. Though realizing he had been caught, Luke looked away and back to his friends.
That was when everything made sense.
“Uh oh…” Chris’s voice snapped Luke from whatever his friends were saying. He followed his gaze to where Chris was looking, only to see you storming over.
“We need to talk,” Luke tried not to think too much about the way your hand felt on his wrist as you pulled him through the crowd and outside. As always, he blindly followed you to wherever you were taking him. 
You released Luke from your grip and stood with hands on your hips. You took a deep breath. 
“Are you kidding me? Have you been sabotaging me? You told me Dean plays around, but apparently he doesn’t. He also gave you a note to give to me, but you never did it. Then, Oscar, who I was getting along with, came back acting weird, wouldn’t even look me in the eye, and then told me we have a thing going on?”
Oh, Gods, you found out about what he has been doing.
“Listen…” Luke started off while rubbing his neck, though he was unsure what to say next because he was indeed guilty of every accusation you were throwing towards him. But how was he meant to trust fate that you would still be single by the time the pact would be able to come true?
So, he intervened in his own way. That included throwing away Dean’s note, having Chris spill a drink on Oscar to get the boy away from you so Luke could have a talk with him. He might have also suggested your date two weeks ago to get you flowers, despite knowing that the boy was allergic to flowers.
All he wanted to do was to make sure the pact could happen.
“Luke…why? You know I wanted this. I wanted to experience things and date someone.” You weren’t mad, but you were slightly disappointed and confused. You didn’t understand Luke’s intentions behind his actions.
However, Luke misinterpreted the look on your face. He thought you were genuinely upset, and that alone pinched Luke’s heart. He gulped at the idea that he might have disappointed you or made you sad. Screw waiting until the pact happens before confessing. What use would that be when you might somehow start hating him?
“...Maybe I wanted it to be me,” Luke confessed, watching your eyes widen. “You told me you wanted to experience teenage love and feel loved, and you’re tired of waiting until it’s your turn. But I have never told you what I want.” Luke took a step closer to you before starting.
“I want to be the one to take you on dates and give you your favorite flowers every single time. I want to be your personal hype man and be your shoulder to cry on if you ever need one. I want to sit with you by the lake while you read. I also want to read the books you read and those little annotations you make. I want to learn about the things you love and the things you don’t. I want to do things you love. I want to show and tell you just how amazing you are every single day. I want to let the feelings I have right now grow cause I really like the idea of loving you, and I want to get there someday.”
You stood there shell-shocked. This felt almost surreal, like something you read from one of your novels. You have always wished to have someone who practically walked out of a romance novel.
“I want you.”
And here he was, standing in front of you, begging for a chance to be yours.
“And I know you just want teenage love, and I could offer you that. But just know I’m also offering so much more, even if you don’t treat the pact the same way as I do and will only view it as a casual relationship. But I suggested that pact and chased all those guys away because I like you a lot, Y/N. And in hindsight, it was stupid and selfish. But I did it because I felt like it was the only way I could have you.”
“I like you too, Luke,” the words slipped out so easily like they were always meant to be said. “I want you to be my teenage love. I want you too.” You’ve been walking around asking when it would be your turn. If only you had paid attention and looked closer instead, you might have noticed he felt the same way. You wanted everything he has spoken of and be just the same for him — to be there for him and learn to love the things he does.
“And I look forward to every single one of the things you’ve told me, and be the same for you. I really can’t wait for it. However, there is one thing I really want right now,” you said as you walked closer to him, one hand taking his own into yours.
“What?” Luke rasped out, looking so tentatively at you. Gods, whatever wish that spills from your lips this second will have him scour the world for it—whatever guarantees your happiness.
“I want you to kiss me.”
Oh, you could ask him for a thousand kisses, and he would give you a million.
Luke’s cheeks grew rosy at your request. He stepped closer, tucking your hair behind your ear without breaking eye contact. 
“Can I?” He whispered in a honey-like tone, and you knew right then that if he kept talking to you in that voice, you’d do absolutely anything he asked.
“Mhm,” your quiet hum granted Luke permission to his next addiction. Without hesitation, Luke attached your lips together with both hands caressing your face tenderly. In return, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled you both closer until your bodies were flushed against one another. Slowly but surely, you also tangled your fingers in his curls. Luke almost immediately melted against your touch, sighing in contentment against the kiss.
Luke was convinced this was now his new favorite thing to do. He wondered if you could taste it through the kiss—his feelings and borderline infatuation for you. Either way, he intended on making every kiss like this: wholeheartedly and as if it would be your last. 
Now, if you were to ask Luke Castellan how to get the person of your dreams, here’s what he’d advise you:
Step 1. Be stupid and propose a dating pact (tick).
Step 2. Chase away every other potential candidate (tick).
Step 3. Confess (tick).
Step 4. Fulfill all those promises you have made about loving the person (To be continued...But, he’s intending to do this for as long as you’ll let him).
join my Luke Castellan taglist
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ardensregias · 6 months
I mean since he have such a tragic past, it would be very interesting to see someone who can look into his memories as a Sigonian
I'm so happy you like him too (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) hope I'm not troubling you
not at all :3 this will contains some leaks and fanarts i've seen about his past! may not be 100% accurate. also memokeepers can choose who they want to be visible to, but i'm not sure about the fortune telling part. this still looks bad despite being in my draft for days goddamn.
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the first time he met you was when you're passing by ipc's pier point, only to spot an exhausted aventurine splayed on his million-credit couch.
since memokeepers are able to become invisible, you curiously approach his room, intrigued by his wealth. and out of kindness, you carefully moved him into his bed, before finding his 'aventurine' stone—which indicates his importance to the corporation.
your growing curiosity led you to pry into his past, watching all the hardships and suffering he had to go through during his childhood, which was supposed to be filled with joy and laughter. instead, you watch as they place thick and heavy chains around his neck and wrists, left him with little to no food, marked his neck with the word 'slave', and force the poor boy to work tirelessly. scene after scene plays out like a film, as a proof of just how cruel the ipc can be.
you stopped looking into his memories, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. you would never guess that this easygoing and arrogant man hides such a past.
eventually, you start following him around—watching him gamble, standing in the corner when he sleeps, even sneaking into the ipc's annual meeting just to make sure he's safe. you find him fascinating, the way he can acts so haughty while having experienced so many things he should never have gone through.
until one day, aventurine's guts tell him to catch this strange, mysterious creature that has been stalking him. but you're so hard to catch, so hard that he has to pretend to sleep to make you lower your guard and make yourself visible.
"snooping around again, little memokeeper?" he chuckles the moment you turn around in surprise. you do want to show yourself to him, but not this early! and when you tried to escape, he caught your hand just before you could teleport, pulling you closer, "since you already know so much about me, i can't possibly let you roam freely anymore,"
so now you live with a rich senior manager of the largest corporation in the cosmos, always stuck to his side—aventurine wouldn't like it if you were to use the knowledge about his past for something that'll ruin his business!
he spoils you, of course—while ignoring the weird look he gets from his subordinates and acquaintances when they saw him talking to the air. so you take care of him in return! comforting him when he has a bad day and making sure he did not forget his meals.
this is a memokeeper's love language me thinks: you also create light cones of the moments when he's the happiest—which are usually when you're around, and you bring them to the garden of recollection to make sure you have something to remember him when the fated day comes. aventurine also keeps some of these rectangle objects in his room, and he probably gaze at the pictures when you're away collecting memories.
bonus: imagine aventurine asking you to reveal his luck for today before he went to gamble, to which you refuse, since memokeepers cannot use their powers for self-indulgent reasons—congrats, now you have earned yourself a pouty aven!
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irndad · 7 months
if you’re still doing flower prompts i’d love either Rainflower or Purple Lilac with spencer <3
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a/n: heyyyy im alive! writing from my trip, love you guys, don't know the wc! flower prompts
Rainflower - realizing that you/they love them/you back
It comes on all at once. 
Spencer- he’s never been particularly good at knowing when he’s feeling romantic. There wasn’t any experience with it. He knows that he’s hardly anyone’s dream guy- all awkward gangly limbs, too tall and too full of information that no one wanted to hear.
He’s carved out a little corner of the world that he can be seen in, that he can be loved in- but he’s never really been under the notion that someone could want him. Spencer knows that he’s lucky to have even this- to have people that ignite the prickly and irritating parts of himself and love him despite about this. And while he might fantasize, daydream about a life where he can lace his long fingers with those of someone who sees him only in a loving gaze of joy, Spencer knows that he’s not the kind of person that gets that. He’s being rational about it- most days, he’s able to relegate this desire to be filled with fantasy. 
Except- something has been up lately.
His best friend is probably the best person that he’s ever met in his life. She’s a consultant with the BAU, and it’s been nice to know her, in so many ways. She’s funny and kind in a way that never seems to have a victim. Spencer is not the kind of person that particularly values physical beauty, but she possesses it in such a large margin that it is difficult to ignore. He’s actually distracted by it sometimes, having to take extra mental attention to her words when all he is drawn to is the lovely curve of her Cupid’s bow, and the both light and heavy weight of her gaze in him. I like when you look at me, he thinks. She never makes him feel small. 
When they’d met, he was reluctant to her presence in most regards. Spencer knows that when he is focused, he can be a solitary creature, and that he’s an acquired taste. But she never seemed to need time to acclimate to him. From her first day, she listened to him when he spoke, and god, she squeezed his shoulder when she walked past him. 
She never had to try to like him. He was never a concession to her. 
This morning, she is late to work. He tries not to time it, but he enjoys the ritual of his mornings far more when he’s with her. He makes her tea and greets her first thing, and she asks about his evening the day prior. He tells her about whatever foreign film or Russian book he read the night before, a little too earnestly. She listens with her lovely doe eyes, sipping slowly as she transitions into her day. It doesn’t feel like patience with her- it feels like she actually cares what he has to say. Their routine is a warm radio crackle of familiarity, his favorite part of his day.
But she’s late today.
When she walks in, she’s a little frazzled and  so, so, adorable. She’s in a T-shirt that looks so familiar to him, and a pair of jeans that look lovely on her pretty legs. It’s a pleasure, looking at her. He wish he had more time to do it, wants to leisurely drink in the sight of her like he has all the time in the world, it never feels long enough to look.
Her hair’s frazzled and she’s just about 5 minutes late- Hotch hasn’t even come out of his office yet, but she’s clearly nervous.
“You’re okay,” he hears himself say, as she plunks down her bag on the desk, “I have your tea.” 
He doesn’t expect her to look up, but she does. She looks up at him and beams, and Spencer- his heart swells. She grabs the cup, dainty pretty fingers wrapped around the curve of it, and she beams her so-sweet smile at him, and god, his knees might buckle. Has it always been this way? 
He drinks in the sight of her, as she runs a hand through her hair in a worried, incredibly endearing gesture. She’s beautiful, he thinks to himself. He wonders aimlessly, that she might have been meeting with a man this morning. It might be the explanation for the dishevelment. 
The burning bit in his chest this causes is one that lacks explanation. It hurts in a way that he cannot explain- she is not a realistic dream for him to have. It’s not like he’s never thought about the idea of the two of them together. It’s a fleeting thought, like the consideration if your life if you could fly. It’s not a dream that warrants real consideration. 
But when their fingers brush, her light touch on his hand, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like if she wanted him.
“Thank you, Spence,” she says, warm voice dripping with gratitude and something in his heart warms at the nickname, “You’re my hero.”
She takes a sip of it, and closes her eyes in a contemplative, restful moment. It’s unfairly adorable.
He’s never actually thought about it, until this moment. But her beauty transcends just being pure fact, a thing to note about his reality. It would be nice, Spencer thinks. It hits him like a tidal wave, images of her gorgeous laugh washing over him on a Sunday morning, the curve of her cheek, a world where he can hold her by the dip of her waist, where her ever-present kindness meant that she might, could, maybe, love him.
Love him back.
She has whipped cream on her finger. She took the lid of the drink off to have the whipped cream. 
He is so, so fucked. 
“Have I told you that I love you today, boy-genius?” 
Even though she’s kidding, and he stammers out a reply of acknowledgment, it is in this moment he knows, with the certainty of every empirical journal he has ever read. 
Spence Reid is hopelessly in love with his best friend, and there is absolutely nothing he can do about that. 
It’s still nice to want, though. 
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mechaknight-98 · 2 months
Stupid Cheese Cat (NSFW) FT Karina
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Author's note: This is going to be my legacy and I know it. I already hate it but we live despite it. Dedicated to @somicutie08 and literally everyone else who has been asking for this. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go find a will to keep writing.
You had known Karina for a while, so you knew something was up when she started acting strange.
She began avoiding you, becoming more distant, and overall, she wasn't the clingy best friend you knew her as. At first, the breathing room from her was great, but eventually, it grew to be lonesome.
“I don't know, DJ. Karina has just been acting so weird lately,” you tell me. I nod as we move through our game, the clatter of dice and the shuffle of cards filling the room. I sigh, considering both my next move and what to say to you.
“Honestly, Ivan, my take is you should just tell her how you feel. You guys have been friends for so long that it should work… and that's lethal to Vanguard,” I respond, pointing to the game board. You are taken out of your haze and look at the board to see I have overrun you with creatures.
“Spike brothers,” you lament, your voice tinged with frustration.
“Spike brothers,” I agree, smirking.
You sigh, then say, “But we’ve been friends forever, and it feels weird because she just broke up with that guy, and you know the timing's just not right. But my heart races around her. She’s sweet, kind, a total dork who loves all the stuff I do, and not to mention that killer body of hers,” you declare, your eyes widening with each word. I chuckle and say,
“You should honestly tell her instead of fanboying over her to me. Just saying.”
“But then I have to confront the very real possibility she may not like me,” you prattle, your voice faltering.
I reply with a simple, “This life, my dude,” and you sit there, stunned.
Before you can say much of anything else, you get a call. The ringtone lets you know it's Karina calling. I walk out, giving you some time to talk.
“Hey, lover boy,” Karina says smoothly to you. You shudder at her tone.
“Yo, Yu, what's up?” you inquire, your voice shaky.
“It's our movie night, and you're nowhere to be found,” Karina bemoans. You furrow your brow as you respond, a knot forming in your stomach.
“Yu, you’ve canceled the last two and didn't text me this morning when I asked about it earlier,” you remind her. Karina sighs and says, “Get your butt over here now before I show up at your place. Also, tell DJ hi and that he should come by sometime—Giselle and Winter miss him.” You nod and tell Karina you're headed over. On the way out, you tell me,
“Hey, this weekend we are hanging out with the girls. They miss you.” I look up from editing my most recent children’s book and reply,
“But Joy and I…” you shake your head and say, “Karina's orders.” I sigh and relent. I tell you to stay safe and not to let Karina wear you out too much.
The drive to her home is super relaxed, though. When you open the door to her apartment, you see her patiently waiting on the couch. The dim light casts a warm glow on her, highlighting the soft contours of her face. She turns, and her face perks up into the most adorable smile when she sees you. Her hands also do her little golf clap, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
“You made it!” she says, so excited it's almost a yell as she rushes to hug you. You smile as you are tackled by her. When you hit the ground, you can't help but smile at her goofy, eager self. Karina smiles and then kisses your cheek, her lips soft and warm against your skin.
Both of you get up when Giselle walks into the living room and chuckles as she gets some water. As Karina and you get up, Karina bumps her head on the table, causing you and Giselle to burst into laughing fits. The sound of your laughter fills the room, lightening the atmosphere.
Karina lightly hits you to stop laughing and drags you to her room. She locks the door, and you point to her couch at the edge of her bed, where several snacks and DVDs are intricately placed. The room smells faintly of vanilla and lavender, adding to the cozy ambiance.
“So what will it be, lover boy?” Karina defers to you with her heavily assured smile. Your heart melts, and the words can’t run out of your mouth fast enough.
“Karina, I think I’m in love with you. I mean, I have been in love with you for a long time. It just was never the right time, and…” Before you can ramble on any further, Karina pulls you into a kiss. Your mind shatters as you can’t believe it. You’ve been kissing your crush since middle school. Her lips taste sweet, like strawberries, as she holds onto you for a moment. When she finally breaks the kiss, you are left panting with your head spinning.
“How was it, lover boy? Was it everything you imagined?” Karina says with her trademark smirk, her eyes twinkling with mischief. You need to taste her again so you pull her in for another kiss. In your fervency, you didn’t notice how Karina became hungrier in her kiss. Until you felt her bite your tongue.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” She says smirking before licking her lips. Your eyes are glazed over as she smiles before taking off her shirt revealing her tits. You instinctually go to her right one and she moans as you take it into your mouth. Karina moans as you begin to suck on her nipple and areola.
“Oh lover boy right there” she screams before she starts to grind on you. You moan as her hand finds your cock. Karina begins to stroke as the two of you keep pleasuring the other until Karina pushes you off. You look at her confused until she demands, “Your clothes off now!” You quickly strip to get equally nude with her and she pounces on you.
With no patience, she begins to ride you. Her tempo is as unrelenting as her walls are. The tightness makes you delirious as your eyes roll into the back of your head. Karina smiles before massaging her tits and clit on top of you from your peripheral vision you can see her rolling her hips into you and those giant tits bouncing. “I need them,” you think as you move your mouth to the opposite breast you sucked earlier and Karina losses it. She screams as her walls become almost unbearably tight as she milks you for all your worth. You don’t last much longer either as your cock explodes into her. She smiles as the two of you cum so abruptly together.
After laying there for a while Karina looks into your eyes “You hungry?” she asks. You laugh before you nod and she gets up. As the two of you clean up Karina reassures you that she’s safe and can go all night once the two of you get back from your first date as a couple.
The two of you arrive at a nearby ramen shop that Karina swears by. You thought it was just okay, but anything for your new girlfriend, right? While you're enjoying dinner, you see a young lady in white approaching.
“Yu Jimin and Ivan Kujo?” she asks. The two of you nod, and the young lady smiles.
“You both have been chosen for the Desire Grand Prix (DGP),” she says as she brings out two cases with intricate designs on them. One has a navy and gold cat. The other has a red and pink tanuki on it.
“Here are your Desire Drivers and instructions. The meeting and rules explanation will be in the boxes.” Karina squints in confusion, but before she can say anything else, the lady in white leaves the two boxes next to you. You look back at Yu in confusion before continuing your date. When you get back to our shared apartment, you bring the package with you. I am still finishing my children’s book when you come in.
“Didn’t spend the night?” I question. You look at me and show me the package, and I tilt my head in confusion before pointing next to me where a similar box rests, although mine has a different icon. You look at me worriedly as Karina walks in behind you with a similar box. Joy also comes in with hers. We line them up, and Joy asks,
“So what now?” You ask , Karina, and I shrug. Unilaterally, we all decide to crack open our boxes, which hold devices with these little "button cores" on them. The buttons correspond to the outer logos. A cat for Karina, a tiger for Sooyoung, a tanuki for you, and a frog, I think, for me. I watch as you and Karina grab yours before popping out of existence. I sigh and carefully avoid touching the button core and read the letter.
“Congratulations! You have been chosen to compete in the newest Desire Grand Prix, or DGP for short. You were chosen for your previous performances in the DGP, and we’d love for you to make a return. When you’re ready, grab your ID core, and you will be transported to the loading and briefing area."
Sooyoung’s and my eyes widen as we realized y’all were taken and both decide to grab the cores on the count of three. On three, we are transported to what looks like a lobby where a bunch of our friends are waiting. We are all wearing uniforms along with empty black buckles that have our ID cores in the center. Except for one big black guy at the edge of the room listening to music on his earphones and vibing in the distance. He had the jack let part of the uniform tied around his waist as a Atlanta Braves Jersey was draped over a light blue “Zenkaiger” T-Shirt whatever that meant
Before I can do anything or say anything, a bunch of shattered memories sear themselves into my brain along with a massive feeling of sadness and dread. The feelings are so intense I fall to the floor. Luckily, Sooyoung, you, and Karina are there to catch and steady me. When I stand up, I know where we are, and an indescribable feeling of rage and regret fills my heart. I hear the familiar clack of heels and know who is coming.
A woman with long silver hair and piercing blue eyes enters the room, her presence commanding immediate attention. She wears a pristine white suit, exuding an air of authority and grace.
"Welcome, competitors, to the Desire Grand Prix," she announces, her voice clear and confident. "I am Tsukihime, the game master of this event. For those unfamiliar, the DGP is a high-stakes competition where selected participants battle to fulfill their deepest desires. Each of you has proven your worth in past performances, and now you have the chance to reclaim your place in this prestigious contest."
She pauses, letting her words sink in. "Your ID cores, the devices you hold, are the keys to your transformation and the source of your power. They also hold the memories and powers connected to your previous lives as competitors. Well except for DJ. We couldn’t restore your core due to the. Volatility of its current state after your DGP. Each core is unique to its owner, reflecting your individual strengths and traits. When activated, these cores will transport you to the arena where your skills and resolve will be tested. The rules for this DGP are different. Player vs Player is banned for the entirety of the competition. You will get no points for defeating other players or game masters except in specially sanctioned combat scenarios. Other than that rules are the same. Defeat Jyamatos Score points, spend points to get better gear and forms, and go for the highest “style score or votes” to win the game and your wish."
After her introduction, she steps forward, handing out information packets to everyone. "Inside these packets, you will find detailed rules and guidelines. Study them carefully. The DGP is not just a physical battle; it's a test of your will and your ability to navigate complex challenges. Only the strongest, both in body and mind, will emerge victorious."
She turns her attention to you, Seungyeon, and Karina. "I see familiar faces among the new participants. Ivan Kujo, Danzo, Eunbi, Seungyeon and Sooyoung, your past performances have left an indelible mark. This time, however, the stakes are even higher. Remember, the DGP is not just about winning. It's about discovering who you truly are and what you are willing to sacrifice to achieve your desires."
After the meeting, Tsukihime asks if I can stay. I do reluctantly. She hands me my cracked previous ID core and says, “We couldn’t repair it, but we were able to make modifications to it. It’s safe to use now, but we assumed you’d want it because of its unique trait you made so much use of.” I stare into Tsukihime’s eyes and pocket the old ID core.
“It’s much stronger than it was before and stronger than the others, but that strength comes with some limitations. Please try to use it sparingly, or don’t use it at all, but Everyone loved your DGP, so maybe you should just give in to the monster inside.” She teases. I sigh, and she waves me off. The familiar warmth radiating from my pocket is the only warmth I feel.
I walk into the lobby where the other players are.
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dramioneasks · 9 months
Top 10 Most “Kudos-ed” (Completed) Fics on AO3 of 2023:
Damaged Goods by slytherin_after_dark - E, 50 chapters, Words: 150,499 - Hermione, now in her mid-20s, is back at Hogwarts to pursue higher education. Trying to forget the trauma carved into her by the war, she spends one lust-filled night with a certain pureblood. But that night will have consequences. While her personal life unravels, a string of mysterious murders forces her to work together with Draco Malfoy, who himself seems to carry many secrets. "He scared her. Not because he wielded killing curses like they were nothing, but because he seemed to understand her in a way that even she didn’t. The more she let him in, the more power he had to destroy her." Come for the smut, stay for the plot. Read if you like: - Murder mystery - Dark Arts - Hurt/ Comfort - Hermione and Draco both deal with PTSD - Angst, so much angst
In These Silent Days by HeyJude19 - E, 14 chapters, Words: 67,209 -Hermione is familiar with fighting: for respect, for attention, for justice. She’s even made a career of it; working on behalf of creatures and beings. But her battle against the Ministry’s marriage law is one she loses. Badly. And now, she has to contend with not only public derision and patriarchal politics, but her growing feelings for her government-mandated spouse.
The Silver Envelope by sinflower81 - E, 70 chapters, Words: 192,647 - “Tell me again to release you, Granger. Tell me again that you just want to be friends.” It’s been five years since Draco last spoke to Granger. Things are different now, and though earning her trust will be a challenge, he can’t seem to keep himself away. Hermione has been busy advocating for elves around the world, but when her breakup with Ron turns her life upside-down, she knows there’s only one person who can help her. Alternating POVs between Hermione and Draco. Slow burn, eventual smut, light dom/sub. Diverges from canon after Voldemort's defeat.
In Silence & Submission by gillianeliza - E, 29 chapters, Words: 69,694 - 10 years after the war everything has changed. Enemies turned into friends and lovers. Fear turned into hope. Pain into joy. Everyone has moved on except for Hermione Granger. Nestled within her friend group, now made up of not just Harry and Ginny, but also Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and of course Draco Malfoy, she was content to allow the trauma of her past to haunt her. More than just content - it was what she felt she deserved - until one evening Draco Malfoy decided enough was enough. This is a low stakes, split POV fic that deals heavily with life AFTER the Battle of Hogwarts. You will find the POV of either Hermione or Draco stated in bold italics, in the middle whenever it shifts. Please read all tags as this work deals with BDSM, kink, trauma recovery, & suicidal ideation.
A Game of High Stakes by In_Dreams - E, 51 chapters, Words: 263,110 - In theory, the task is simple: kill Draco Malfoy. In practice, putting a curse through the Dark Lord's favoured lieutenant will take everything Hermione has―especially since he's trying to kill her, too. Even more so when the lines between them start to blur. Sometimes, the only way out is through.
Hogwarts: A History (Hermione's Version) by Lizzie_carlile - M, 38 chapters, Words: 141,828 - Lord Voldemort has been defeated, and the children of the Wizarding War are thriving. When the heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black is adopted and takes her place in the family with her loving fathers, a new trio is formed. With her best friend and her brother by her side, Hermione Black is thrust into a world that she never knew existed. Will whispers from the past threaten to destroy the world she knows? Or will love once again conquer all? Another take of the Nice Things AU. What would happen if Draco asked Hermione to the Yule Ball before Ron Weasley had a chance to?
Teach Me How to Forget by scullymurphy - E, 20 chapters, Words: 109,646 - Hermione Granger is 27 years old when her life falls apart. Cheated-on, flatless, fed up with her job, she decides to change one thing she can--take a class and try for some career advancement. But change is never easy, especially when an old enemy is the catalyst. And the class instructor. "Just as the minute hand clicked over to the hour, the doorknob twisted and a figure slipped into the room. He was tall, a bit windblown. Hermione had a general impression of crisp cuffs and polished leather, and then a more specific one of the most beautiful grey coat—highlighting his shoulders and eyes, skimming to just the right place on his knife creased trousers. His movements were precise and confident. He was wearing the softest-looking gloves. He was not Professor Belinda Rowle. He was Draco bloody Malfoy."
The Order of Serpents by bl_crtz - E, 44 chapters, Words: 193,506 - During the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter walked into the forbidden forest, died, and walked out with crimson eyes as the new vessel of the Dark Lord. Since then, Hermione Granger served as an elite member of the True Order, isolating herself from other Order members and going on missions alone, not only haunted by the loss of her best friend, Harry, but Ron who had run away after the battle. Three and a half years later, Draco Malfoy shows up with his two year old son on the Order’s doorstep seeking to switch sides. Together, Draco and Hermione are forced to deal with not only each other, but their own past and confront who they’ve become because of the war.
The Contender by rubykrishna - E, 9 chapters, Words: 58,875 - Hermione stopped walking. Her eyes scanned back up the roster until they found the name that she initially mistook for a typo. Draco Malfoy….Beater. She could comprehend the words, the name and the meaning. She understood that his name being on the roster meant he was the starting Beater for England’s national team, but for whatever reason, when her eyes ran over the black ink, her brain could not articulate any emotions or reaction. 
Sincerely Yours by LovesBitca8 - E, 10 chapters, Words: 40,759 - A smile tickled the corners of Hermione’s mouth as she clicked Send. She listened to the whoosh of the message and then turned off her computer. When the ping! had come in, she’d had one foot half-out the door of her flat. She’d dropped her coat and darted for her computer desk, a wide grin blossoming at her inbox. You’ve Got Mail.
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hunnylagoon · 9 months
Right Where You Left Me
Pt1: Coming Down With Me
Ellie Williams x reader
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I once met a girl with skin like kiwi. Even the butterflies were drawn to her, landing on the top of her nose, the dip in her palm. But the kiwi stung my tongue, scarred my lips and made me bleed. I do not care. Cover me in your kiwi kisses, burn my mouth and scar my flesh. Bleach my eyes and dip my heart in lemon juice. Sing your sickly sweet words until my ears bleed.
Premise: You and Ellie were childhood best friends until you grew up. Funny thing about soulmates is that they tend to find their way back to each other.
Warnings: Angst / reader has religious issues / people are mean lol / best friends to enemies to lovers / roommate! Ellie
Part two here!
Part three here!
Part four here!
I know everything about you,
You know everything about me.
I had always been bound to the earth while Ellie danced with the stars in the night sky among delusion and dreams. Though, more so than anything, we were bound to one another.
Our parents were friends, even before we were born. They met at summer camp when they were teenagers, the same camp that Ellie and I were eventually shipped off to every summer. Of course, I have no recollection of when I was an infant, only stories that my parents shared with me; My dad told me that I learned to crawl backwards before I learned to crawl forwards. Joel kept a photo album of his girl.
I can't remember days of crawling around and babbling incoherently, but I can tell you what I remember.
Five years old- Kindergarten
Despite the air being unbearable hot, it was infused with excitement as Ellie and me set foot in the petting zoo. I had never seen so many animals in one place, my little brain was going nuts. Accompanied by the gentle hum of content animals, the aroma of straw, and the distant melody of joyful chatter, the petting zoo rang true to its rustic charm.
Ellie, with her auburn curls bouncing in the breeze, led the way, her eyes widened at the sight of a fluffy alpaca lazily grazing in the sunshine. I giggled as we approached a pen filled with adorable piglets, their tiny snouts sniffing the pure air far away from the dirty stench of the city.
Our parents, watching with affectionate smiles, guided us to the lamb enclosure where soft, woolly creatures nuzzled against tiny palms. Ellie's fingers gently traced the contours of a lamb's ear, and she couldn't resist a delighted squeal as she felt the velvety nose of a goat.
As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the scene, the families strolled through the meandering paths, passing by a pond where ducks quacked merrily. Ellie and I, hand in loveable hand, marvelled at the wonders of the animal kingdom, our hearts brimming with the pure joy of discovery and a blooming friendship.
Seven years old- Grade Two
On this particular day, Ellie and I had been messing around in her backyard; that's all we did on the weekends at that age, you couldn't get us to go inside. We spent the morning entwined in daffodils and hyacinth that Joel has so tenderly nurtured, careful not to crush the dainty flowers beneath our wild flailing bodies. 
We had the brilliant idea to paint rocks so we had been searching her yard for the perfect flat stones we had in mind. Ellie picked up a rock and immediately threw it back down, jumping away with a shriek.
This had piqued my curiosity (As well as Joels who sat on the back porch, watching us), I went over to where she stood petrified and found nothing more than a little snake staring up at her. I dropped the stones I had been carrying and bent over to get a better look at it, it was brown and had a few white vertical stripes cascading up its thin body. 
I slowly moved my hand outwards to touch but was swiftly interrupted by Joel scooping me up "That's enough of that kiddo." 
Nine years old- Grade Four
Joel's house garnered an expansive backyard and just past the old fence that Ellie and I had thrown one too many softballs at was a lush forest. I would always clamour up the wood fence and poke my little head over it to try and gather a glimpse of wildlife, Ellie usually had to give me a little boost. "Hold still!" She hissed with her arms wrapped around my torso to help lift me, my scrawny arms shook as I tried to pull myself up even further.
The wood rot of the ancient fence finally set in and with the both of us pressing our mighty weight against it collapsed with the fence. We heard the splitting of wood, I got the worst end of the stick, toppling over and putting my hands out to protect myself. I could've sworn that I heard my wrist break like a crunch.
While I did what felt like a three-sixty frontflip over the fence just for my small head to come down on the end of it with a solid smack, Ellie had just flopped on top of it, green eyes widening in shock when she saw my once straight arm now had an abnormal bump coming out from my wrist. "What's wrong with your hand?"
"I don't know I'm probably dying!" I screamed as loud as my voice could carry, that was the first time I had felt adrenaline run through my veins. "You killed me!"
"No, I didn't!" She retorted, scrambling off the fence and back up to her feet. She was clad in a Jurassic Park T-shirt that she practically was swimming in and those pink and orange plaid Bermuda shorts that any kid in the 2000s owned. "Dad!" Ellie yelled, calling for Joel.
I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and finally, I released the sob that had been building up in my throat. She was almost dumbstruck and just ended up kneeling and wrapping her arms around me in a hug.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She muttered.
10 years old- Grade Five
Ellie had been practicing guitar the entire time I was at her house, Joel had gifted her his old guitar and she was so set on perfecting every cord, every half-hour she would ask for a song recommendation and then flip through the songbook she got to find it.
I was curled up in her bed reading The Hunger Games over again "Els, are you team Peeta or Gale?" I was always at Ellie's house, mine was too busy all the time; I had three siblings, Naomi and Aaron who were twins and two years younger than me and my brother Elijah who was three years older than me. I loved going to her house on Saturdays so I could sleep in and wriggle my way out of going to church. Even though her house was right across the street from mine and my parents would bang on Joel's door, he always covered for me.
"Uh," She was distracted by something in her songbook "Team Katniss?"
I nod in approval to myself as she isn't paying attention "You know who Gale reminds me of?" I ask and without Ellie giving me a response I answer anyway "Luke, I think I kind of like him."
Those are the words that get her to look at me "Ew, he's so weird."
"He's nice to me."
She wrinkles her nose in distaste then shrugs, returning to her guitar which sits awardly in her scrawny frame.
12 years old- Grade Seven
"Fuck!" I yell, kicking the grimy green dumpster in the graffiti-covered ally out of anger, though I kicked it a little too hard now my foot hurts I refuse to admit it "Fuck I hate them!"
Ellie leans against the brick wall on the opposite side of the alley, our bikes discarded on the ground while I hopelessly rant to my friend about my parents. She doesn't say much, just little nods of agreement. My parents had caught me skipping church and they laid into me, saying that I had no respect for them or god and whether that was true or not didn't matter, I was full of pre-teen angst and needed to call my friend to go for a bike ride around town.
"She fucking tore my room apart, I never see them get mad at Aaron or Naomi!" I drag my hands down my face before I look back at the dumpster and kick it again "Ow, cunt!" I'm now hopping on one foot while my knee bends my other leg and I hold my beaten red Converse, covered in doodles, to soothe the pain of my poor toes. It's moments like this that remind me why I love Ellie, because as stupid as I look hobbling around and cussing, she doesn't laugh at me even though I know she wants to.
After a little bit of me aimlessly yelling I finally wind down. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to remember those breathing exercises that we were taught at school assemblies. "Thanks for listening to me talk shit, I'm sorry."
"Don't be," She shrugs "I've seen you do worse."
This cracks a smile on my face, I turn my head and am met with the Jackson skyline, a beautiful pink sunset on the horizon "Sun's setting," I say.
"Sleepover?" Ellie asks.
"Sleepover," I confirm.
13 years old- Grade Eight
We were thirteen when our parents shoved cash into our hands and dropped us at the mall to go back to school shopping by ourselves for the first time. Every parent's nightmare was a busy mall so when they figured us old enough to venture into the dreaded foodcourt on our own, believed they were taking that opportunity. 
Ellie had bought a couple of T-shirts and hoodies here and there, not too particular about what she was buying, though I was very nit-picky over what I wore so I forced Ellie to judge every single outfit that I wore and rate it, she gave the same answer every single time "It looks fine."
"Cool but I don't wanna look fine, I wanna look pretty," I say in frustration, walking back into the dressing room to try on another outfit. Ellie is sitting in the fitting room on a pink velvet couch, arms crossed and waiting for me to finish. "How's this?" I ask, walking out of the changing stall and giving her a little twirl.
"It looks fine- I mean good, everything looks good on you." She sounds almost exasperated. Ellie's hair was still that vibrant auburn colour that my mother was obsessed with, it had yet to fade out into a duller brown with age.
"Really?" I perk up just the slightest.
"Yeah, you look really pretty." She gives me a little nod of confirmation. I know that she's only saying that because she wants to go to the food court and get a cinnamon bun but I believe her anyway.
14 years old- Grade Nine
We were just nearing the end of the second half of our soccer game. It was the tournament and we were only a point away from placing first in the league, the thought of it had kept me up all week I was running off of Subway sandwiches and Gatorade. 
Riley (the midfielder) swiftly passed the ball to me before she was surrounded by the other team's defence, I looked up to the clock and there were only seconds left in the match. I let my instincts take over, my parents forcing me into soccer since elementary school was not going to wind up useless. My footwork took me up the right wing just before the penalty box. 
I wasn't paying enough attention to notice the tall blonde girl in a slick back ponytail closing in on me. I hear Ellie shout my name and that's all I need to make this last pass, I barely even looked up before power-driving the ball to Ellie who was merely six metres away from me. I slipped onto the muddied field with that kick, watching Ellie waste no time to score our final goal the second her cleat touched the ball. 
The clock deadlocks and I drag myself off the ground running towards my best friend, I jump on her almost taking her down with me though she manages to steady herself. "I fucking love you!" I scream hugging her with all of the force I can muster. She hugs me in return, unable to get any words out between her laughs. The team is quick to swarm us, everyone is shouting about our well-deserved victory but not one person is louder than Joel in the stands.
15 years old- Grade Ten
Snow was falling as I stood in the foyer of the high school, still waiting for my date for the winter formal to arrive. Conner had asked me out weeks ago, we hadn't talked much since though I just figured that was because he was shy. I even left school early to get ready and spent hours meticulously pinning every hair into place and adjusting my navy blue satin dress so it would drape across my body in just the right way.
My sister, Naomi was an aspiring makeup artist so I let her dust my eyelids in silver glitter, I forced Warren to drive me. All of that was just for me to get stood up. Conner hadn't texted me all day, I knew he wasn't coming that didn't stop me from forcing denial on myself. "Hey," I heard a soft voice sound behind me, I wasn't surprised to see Ellie. Even though our parents were no longer friends, we were close as ever.
"Hi," My voice was hushed and feeble.
"The dance started an hour ago," She said, that night she had been wearing a white button-up with a pair of jeans and her hair half up. It was clear the dance wasn't as big a deal to her as it was to me. All she had done was ask Riley to go with her and call it a day. Despite her lack of effort, she looks beautiful as ever "I don't think he's coming," She said bluntly.
That's the exact moment I felt myself crack, tears welled up in my eyes and I lurched forward to hug her, flailing my arms helplessly to search for comfort "Then why did he ask me to go with him?" My sobs were drowned out by the sound of Kesha blasting in the overcrowded gym.
"I don't know, but he's an idiot for standing you up," Ellie holds me close and I never want her to let go "I wouldn't have ever done that to you."
16 years old- Grade Eleven
This is where things begin to fall apart. I found Ellie on the back porch of some random guy's house at a party. "I figured I would find you out here," I say, taking a seat next to her on the wooden steps, I hug my knees close to my chest.
"What's up?" Beside me, Ellie is unnervingly calm, she nurses a joint, taking a long hit and letting the smoke turn to clouds. 
"Conner kissed me," I say cutting to the chase
I can tell she doesn't like the thought, she hated Conner, ever since he stood me up at the winter formal but she bites her tongue "You guys gonna date?"
"I think so."
"Good for you."
"I don't know if I liked it," My eyebrows are furrowed, and I pull my knees in even further, inhaling the crisp autumn air and the smell of Ellie, she smells like cannabis, firewood and bar soap. 
"What do you mean?" Ellie puts out the end of her joint and tucks what remains of it into an empty Altoids container.
"Nothing," I dismiss it, "It doesn't matter, I just wanted to talk to you," Ellie had softened every burden for me since we were girls. "Um, so, my parents are sending me to boarding school next year."
"No, they're not-
"They are."
Ellie doesn't seem so calm anymore, she adjusts her body to face mine and she's so close I swear to god I could've counted every freckle on her face. "Why, what did you do?" The way she looks at me makes me wish that she was a boy.
"Nothing!" I retort "They think I'm straying from god, it's a Christian school." That was my code for 'they think I have a crush on you and I rather not get disowned by my super religious parents!'
"come stay with me and Joel-
"Ellie, please," I place a hand on her thigh "I don't think I can get away from this one."
That was at the end of September, it only got worse from there. I partially wished that I didn't tell Ellie that I had to leave, every time we hung out it just felt like words were hanging between us like birds on a wire and neither of us could say what we wanted. I forced myself to distance myself from her, I didn't know how else to handle my feelings. 
She would blow up my phone and come by my house even visit my work but I just told her that I was busy. I could tell that she didn't believe my excuses for a second, she had English with my new boyfriend, Conner and would get him to relay messages and notes to me.
It didn't get easier to ignore her, my family prying about where she had been. I never told my parents that Ellie was gay, though I know they had always had a suspicion and that's why they could never love her all the way completely, the way Joel loved me and looked out for me. My mom and dad liked that I swapped out Ellie for Conner, by February, my dad even started to call him son. 
In March Ellie and I had stopped talking completely, she gave up on texting me and coming by my house just for my siblings to lie about my whereabouts. It hurt to see the resentment gleam in her eye every time she passed me in the hallway. 
She didn't speak a word to me until the start of the summer bonfire which was custom in our town. If I had known she would be there I never even would have thought about going. I rather not rehash this awful night, not right now just know that it ended with some alcohol, a bit of blood in the sand and me telling Ellie 'I would pick him over you every single time.' Yikes, that's not a good look for me. I spent the rest of my summer burying her in the back of my mind until boarding school finally came upon me and I graduated with friends I didn't like in a place that didn't feel like home. 
I was sixteen then now I'm nineteen, no longer a girl but not yet a woman. Those were some key moments of our friendship. I'm not so sure why I felt so mature at the age of sixteen. I had taken a gap year and loved every minute of it, I backpacked in Australia, worked as a camp counsellor in the summer then left to work at a turtle conservatory in Bali, I was making pennies but the experience was worth it. 
I arrived at my new home sunkissed with Ellie far in the back of my mind. I didn't know much about who I would be rooming with, I had only spoken to Dina over a Zoom call who was a friendly girl with warm eyes and ink-black hair spilling over her shoulders. I just prayed that none of them were Craigslist killers.
It took me entirely too long to find parking, when I finally did, I grabbed two of my suitcases, unable to hold anything else, the rest of the boxes jammed into my car would have to wait. I read over the text that Dina sent me what seemed to be a million times to make sure I had the right address. It was a small-ish one-story flat with brown walls that had white accents along corners and the doorway with a wood-panelled gable roof. As far as college housing went, I was happy. It looked like something I would've made in the Sims when I was a teenager. 
I walk to the front door, the entrance is framed by intricately carved moulding, its details telling a story of craftsmanship and tradition. The wood, polished to a warm, inviting glow, exudes a sense of richness and history. I knocked on the door and heard a voice shouting that she would get it.
The door swings open and I'm met face to face with Dina "Hey!" She smiled "It's nice to meet you, I think you'll like it here," She held the door wide open, motioning for me to go in, and I obliged. "Let me give you a tour." Dina is clad in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt and her hair has been pulled back into a messy ponytail.
The layout of the house seemed somewhat odd to me, there was a corridor straight ahead when you walked in, the first room was the laundry room and contained the washer and dryer with some hampers and shelves of detergent and laundry freshener. "This is the laundry room, we have a wash schedule along with a chore schedule so we will put you on that tonight," Dina told me, I just nodded politely in response feeling a little too awkward and out of place to say anything. 
"Alright so this is the kitchen, there's a half bathroom beside it," She says, swinging her arms wide open for exaggeration I can see the chore chart hanging on the walls, it's written in chalk, and it is the laundry schedule. There are little laminated tags with each person's name on them, though I can't quite make out the names from where I am standing. The fridge is covered in postcards, magazine cutouts, polaroids, and bright magnets of papayas and flowers, I automatically assumed this was Dina despite not knowing the other roommates. The kitchen is open with no walls to hide it, the oven and dishwasher are built into counters against the walls as well as the sink which i spotless at the moment, there isn't a dining table but a kitchen island with stools. Past the island you can see the living room, there are two grey couches with decorative pillows and fuzzy throw blankets, a coffee table that looked handcrafted with care and of course a TV. 
Have I mentioned there are plants everywhere? Like everywhere. "Okay, so," Dina keeps on moving and I trail behind with my suitcases, over there is my room and Cat's and Abby's," She points to the left of the living room where there is a short hallway with three doors, one on each wall of it. "There's Cat now," She waves at her roommate.
Cat is relatively tall, she has black hair that's tied into a bun, and she's wearing plaid pyjama pants and a black tank top, I can see her abundance of tattoos. She has one sleeve of laurel cascading up her arm and the other is patchwork done right, each separate piece blends almost seamlessly into the next. "I like your tattoos," I say, not wanting to sit in any more silence.
She grins at me "Thanks, love," I nod in response to her, Cat looks down at the suitcases that I'm lugging around "Dina, take this poor girl to her room already."
"I was just getting there," Dina teases and motions for me to follow her "So over here is the bathroom and of course your room, I left your copy of the house key on your mattress," She opens it up. The bedroom is completely blank aside from the boxed bedframe, shelf, vanity and mattress that I had to send over prior. There's a built-in closet in the wall. 
I put my suitcases on the ground "I'm gonna grab the rest of my stuff from my car," I offer up a tight-lipped smile.
"Wait a second," She takes my hand and then knocks on the bedroom door parallel to mine. "I'm coming in!" Dina announces pushing the door open, there's a brunette girl hunched over her desk. My breath hitches in my throat when she turns around "This is Ellie."
I can see the panic that momentarily takes over Ellie when she spots me before it's replaced by a false coolness, "Hey," She says before turning back to her laptop and putting her headphones back on. It felt like my heart had shut down, why the fuck did I sign the lease?
"Sorry," Dina shuts Ellie's door "She's not the friendliest of the bunch but she'll warm up to you eventually," Dina walks to the front door with you Abby should be around here somewhere."
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I had gotten so frustrated trying to set up my bed frame that I sheepishly left my room and asked for help, god bless Abby. She was putting everything together so easily, I watched her in awe as she finished adding the final screw to my bedframe. "Want help setting up the mattress?"
"Yes, please," I say, I grab one end of the mattress while Abby gets the other, she tells me to lift on three and I listen, she carries the majority of the weight but it still feels like an accomplishment on my part. "So does everyone here go to Northridge?"
"Yeah, except for Cat, she's a tattoo apprentice."
"Cool, cool," I search for words, "What are you majoring in?"
"Kinesiology," It makes sense, I could've called that by looking at the fit gym rat who was now sitting on my bed. "You?"
"Wildlife biology,"
"So you like animals and conservation and stuff?"
"Mhm," I nod "It's honestly kind of hard to not have any animals in my life." I was missing all my pets back home, when I wasn't with them I was working at a conservatory or at a summer camp where I took care of all of the horses, and Ellie's dog, Achilles.
"You'll get used to it, living with Dina is the same thing as living with an animal," She smiles and for the first time, I feel comfortable. Abby watching me with her blue eyes as I begin to unpack my abundance of boxes, I kind of just dump everything onto the ground because I can't remember which box has what, the first thing I search for are my coat hangers. I dump out a box with a bible, wall cross, and rosery and golden cross necklace from a box of random knickknacks. "You religious?"
"Kind of?" I question it myself "Not really, it's just my family, I packed that stuff to make my mom happy."
Abby nods "I get it."
"You do?"
She backtracks "No, but I can try to."
I shake my head, "I wouldn't try if I were you, I spent nineteen years trying to get away from it." I was sure other Christian homes were healthy but mine wasn't one of them, the way my parents obsessed over Jesus was honestly frightening.
"Hey, do you wanna come watch a movie when your done unpacking?" Abby asked, "Get to know your new roommates a little better."
I don't entirely want to, I wasn't ready to talk to Ellie. I still hadn't wrapped my head around the fact that I was living with her and that she was pretending she didn't know me, despite this, my words betrayed me "For sure."
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I sat on one of the couches beside Abby, I made myself as small as I could, thinking that maybe I could make myself disappear. Cat and Ellie crammed themselves on the other while Dina took the plush armchair. I felt so out of place everyone here had relationships, I had one with Ellie before I severed it 'Grown Ups' was playing on the flatscreen though it seemed I was the only one paying attention.
The four girls all laughed and talked their way through the movie, Abby, Cat, and Dina would ask me a question here and there but I didn't know them well enough to pitch in. I kept telling myself that I needed to push through, if Spiderman could do it, so could I.
I didn't even finish the movie, halfway through I excused myself saying I was tired which wasn't necessarily a lie. It was difficult to fathom how well Ellie was playing it off, acting like she never met me. I walk into the bathroom, clean towel in hand, ready to scrub off the stress of today. Beside the mirror, I see a cardstock poster decorated with bright markers and doodles.
#1 No underwear left in the bathroom
#2 Wash your dishes
#3 Break it? Tell Abby
#4 No smoking inside
#5 Privates are private!
#6 Pls don't drink and drive (We have a couch)
#7 Give your beloved roommates a heads up before having someone over
#8 This is a residence of women so the seat goes down!!!
#9 Respect the bedrooms
#10 Having sex? Keep it quiet
#11 NO DRAMA!!!!!!!!
#12 Follow chore and wash chart
#13 Don't eat what's not yours! (Without asking)
I finish reading the last bit and mutter to myself  "Wasn't planning on it." I run the water so hot that it feels cold and I'm quick to not use all of the hot water and have my roommates hate me on my first night here. Everyone has their little drawers in the bathroom, mine is empty aside from some floss and cotton pads that the girl before me left behind. I make a mental note to make use of my bathroom drawer tomorrow and fill it with makeup remover or conditioner, or something like that.
Brushing my teeth and wrapping myself in a strawberry towel that I had purchased at a craft fair, I open the bathroom door, I can see the light of the TV and the sound of chatter from the living room. However, I ignore it and make a B-line to my bedroom. Even though I had spent hours unpacking and pinning up posters it still didn't seem homey.
I slip into shorts and a t-shirt, leaving my hair as is and throw myself onto my bed. My towel is discarded onto my bathroom floor. When I turn on my phone I am bombarded my messages from my parents, my mother has probably sent me twelve Google pins to the closest churches, I answer her with a thumb-up emoji and settle into my bed to scroll through social media and see how much fun all of my friends are having. 
Fucking Ellie. She's plaguing my thoughts, I think of what I said to her and it makes me cringe, I want to smother myself with my satin pillow. I don't even have food to eat, grocery shopping wasn't something that I put on my priority list and right about now I was but Ellie, god, why was I such a dick? Because I didn't know what else to do- whatever, I was a scared teenager. What would you have done? Probably kiss her you lesbo.
Lord, it makes me sick to think about what could've been.
15 years old- Grade Ten
Ellie and I were sitting at a fire pit at her uncle Tommy's lake house. It was a Fourth of July party except we were the only teenagers there; everyone else was friends of Tommy and Maria or some distant relatives of Ellie's or children of said people.
After five years of practicing day and night, Ellie had just about mastered the acoustic guitar, she played and I sang, wrapped up in her flannel, I was tucked close next to her. 
She struck every cord perfectly and I began to sing absentmindedly, the song that had been carved into my brain. Ellie looked so insanely beautiful illuminated only by fire and the stars that hung in the sky, if it hadn't been a sin I would've kissed her.
Talking to her felt as holy as praying to god but I knew it was as sinful as worshipping the devil. 
If it was so wrong why was I born in God's image?
Her gentle hand strummed on the chords of the guitar, the same calloused hand that had once turned water into wine. Her laughter was the sound of a church choir 
I wish I told her how much I liked her but what would've happened if I did? What would my parents think, they would kill me. 
Part of me didn't care how my parents would react, if I spoke up, I could say goodbye to my inheritance and having college paid for. Maybe that was an unfair assumption to make on my part. Ugh. FUCK, I don't know, let's get to the next part of the story.
I couldn't sleep that night, I thought maybe a glass of water would soothe me, well I didn't really think that but I was hungry and thirsty and water was the only thing in that house I had the right to ingest. I figured that I could fill myself with water and zip to Denny's in the morning then grab some groceries.
Poking my head out of my door, I checked to see if anyone was still awake before gingerly taking hushed steps towards the kitchen, I was trying to be as light as Thumbelina. I hadn't noticed Ellie bumming on the couch, scrolling through her phone. 
"You cooking all of that non-existent food you brought?" She jeered. Oh, now she wanted to talk to me.
"I was gonna have some warm water soup for dinner and chew on pistachio shells from the cup holder in my car for dessert," I answer "I'm treating myself tonight." She didn't think it was funny at all, a few years ago she would've been cackling at my subpar joke, but now she just seemed unamused. "Sheesh, tough crowd."
She stays silent.
"You used to think I was funny," I say.
"I also used to think the tooth fairy was real."
"Harsh," I mutter. Turning the tap on and sticking a finger underneath it to test the temperature. I put my hummingbird mug underneath it and let it fill. "Hey, Ellie," She doesn't answer "Have you told them any bad things about me?"
She nearly scoffs "No, believe it or not, I don't talk about you, I don't even think about you," There's venom in her voice "You haven't crossed my mind since you walked through that door."
"Why are you pretending you don't know me-
"Because I don't fucking like you," She says it like it's so obvious and it honestly is in this moment "Just because you're pretty and you act like a sweet little Christain girl, that doesn't mean shit."
"I'm not trying to act like anything-
"Yeah, well it seems pretty insincere to me," Ellie seethed and I could feel a sting in my heart, I would do some pretty horrendous things for a time machine right about now.  I can tell that there won't be any salvaging for this, she hates me to death and rightfully so. 
This is where I give up "Okay, sorry," I grab my hummingbird mug and retreat to my room.
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I endured four months of that.
Ellie was pushed to the back of my mind while I ran through classes and got a job as a waitress at a stake house. I did everything in my power to keep myself busy, to keep her out of my head but she was always there, she hung around like a song I can't shake, like I'm haunted by the melody. 
Some nights when the city decides to quiet down I can hear her play guitar, and I'll quietly hum along to it. Songs she used to sing for me, she now sings for another woman, another soul. I knew that she had girls over, but I never got to meet them as Ellie did everything in her power to pretend I didn't exist.
The only communication I got with her was in the roommate's group chat, and it was always brief.
Ellie: Having a friend over tomorrow night
D-manz: Friend? With benefits??????????
Kit-Cat: Nah they're hardly even friends, just benefits
Abs: Don't get her pregnant
Me: 👍
As long as I was with the girls, Ellie was not. She avoided me like the plague, it was like she despised my existence. If we go clubbing, she takes a separate taxi, petty if you ask me. The girls knew something happened between us but they couldn't pinpoint what it was. It was Dina's conspiracy that Ellie used to date one of my friends and broke her heart. While I bonded with Cat, Dina, and Abby, Ellie would pretend to like me. She would occasionally laugh at my jokes or ask how my shift was when Dina was in the room. 
Trust me when I say I would rather forget than dwell on it but it was impossible. I know that I'm nothing more than an obstacle to her, a stain on her bedsheets, a sore in her mouth, but she was still my diamond in the rough. I will willingly ignore all of her cutthroat words and her jagged edges. 
Because I know everything about us.
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sea-lanterns · 10 months
I’m imagining all the super tall and stoic ladies (Arlecchino, Sara, Shenhe, etc.) just absolutely melting when they see their newborn child for the first time. Even Arlecchino, who already has several children, still fails to hold any resistance to the sense of awe that comes over her when she meets her newest child.
This is not helping my baby fever, anon ( • ᴖ • 。 )
Just imagining these tall, intimidating women holding their tiny newborn child for the first time has me writhing around on the floor. I need to take a moment to compose my thoughts, hold on…
sfw under the cut
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Arlecchino is no stranger to newborn infants, however; this time it’s different as it’s her newborn infant. Her baby. The baby she had with her gorgeous wife, (you) and was currently squirming around in her arms like the little bundle of joy it was. Usually Arlecchino is able to keep her calm considering she’s held countless of babies before, yet this time it felt different.
How could this tiny, small, creature possibly come from Arlecchino? It was so small and…innocent. It has Arlecchino stunned silent as she cannot believe this beautiful child came from the love of you and her. Her child.
Like instinct, Arlecchino already knows how to properly hold it, feed it, and cradle it in her arms as she looks up at you with the most admiring of eyes. She looks beyond pleased as you lay there in your bed, exhausted from the fruits of your labor as she presses a kiss to your temple, wiping the sweat off your brow and cooing.
“Thank you for being them into the world, my love. They’re absolutely precious.”
The sight of Arlecchino’s black, clawed arms gently rocking your newborn infant has you smiling despite your exhaustion. The father already having fallen in love with the tiny creature in her hands and welcoming the small child into your family.
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When Sara’s first newborn was born, she was beyond nervous. She was unsure how her tengu blood would mix in well with yours, and was worried her first child might end up getting teased simply for looking a bit different.
But the moment you handed her a small bundle of heat, Sara practically froze. It was comedically adorable how your newborn had two little chicken wings (without feathers) protruding from the back as a result of Sara’s tengu blood. Sara couldn’t help but admire the adorable little wings, giving them a little poke to watch them twitch and flutter.
Sara is in love. She’s so in love. Tengu babies were so rare, and yet; here she had one in her arms, one of her own flesh and blood. She’s so grateful to you for bringing this baby tengu into the world with her, and she immediately cuddles up to you, shielding your small family in her massive wings, as she smiles and rubs a damp cloth across your face.
“You did so well, dear. Take a rest, you made the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen and deserve it…”
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Shenhe was probably the most nervous out of these three. Despite being so calm and collected on the surface, inside the woman was freaking out because her wife had just gone into labor and Shenhe was terrified she would accidentally crush her baby if she held it in her arms.
Poor Cloud Retainer and Ganyu have to help her keep calm or she’d accidentally destroy the hospital. She was just a shaking mess and it took her a while before she could enter the delivery room and help you manage through the labor process. Once her nerves have been steeled however, Shenhe is rewarded with a tiny bundle of joy swaddled up in a cocoon of blankets. Her child had finally come.
She will be hesitant at first to even be near it, afraid her bloodlust energy would scare her baby and make it cry. But after some soothing words of encouragement from you, Shenhe hesitantly holds the frail infant in her arms, literally holding her breath as she was afraid of even breathing on it.
“…It’s so small.” Shenhe whispers under her breath, looking up at you with eyes filled with wonder “…It’s…mine?”
When you nod to confirm that the baby was indeed hers, Shenhe immediately snuggles the infant close. Not another word to be said for several, long, minutes.
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mug-of-beans · 11 months
Detective Hercule Poirot is holding Kirby who is wearing a bowler hat and has a curly mustache.
Poirot: This small creature is perfectly round and symmetrical, and fills me with such joy.
Kirby: Poyo!
Poirot: Indeed, mon petit ami.
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wrmhles · 1 month
keep rotating the idea of an au where john and gale both served but were ships in the night at basic/assigned to different divisions maybe so gale gets out and marries marge and gets to go on pretending he’s living the dream because there’s no john shaped creature scratching at the closed door of his articulately maintained glass closet. john meanwhile is still acting all the ways like a dog pacing in a too small cage, no war to occupy him and no gale to give him a reason to stay tethered to the ground. sure there’s girls and booze and singing but it’s not real now if it ever was if he can’t feel it can’t feel any of it!!! if a sad sopping wet beast woofs in the woods and no comically beautiful equally sad blonde freak is around to hear it did it ever bark at all. anyway john moves in to help his sister around the house after her husband passes and wouldn’t you know it now he and gale— what kind of name is gale, no, don’t worry, i’ll think of something else— are neighbors. gale has no idea why he goes along with half the shit john drags him to but marge is just sooooo happy gale seems like himself again, filling out since the war because john keeps peeling oranges from his sister’s tree for him, smiling because john is always lending him records and yapping about baseball and new york and big big dreams like they’re both not already well-rooted in this-here-now their lives, gale with his childhood sweetheart and john with this this not-quite shaded in life he has with his sister, like they could just take off and start over. but hey that’s just talk. that’s just the drink. gale’s never been happier than he is with john’s arm slung over his shoulder, crowding in too close to tell him things about himself- things that seem obvious, maybe, in retrospect- that he’s never even thought of. what a joy and a danger to be known so quickly, so easily. he doesn’t ask himself why it’s scary, always too self aware not to know where he shouldn’t dig too deep inside himself. john drags gale down a dirt road to a lake one night where they can see the stars and he seems more sober than he should be when he skips a stone across the water. do you think we’d be friends, if we met before all this? they’re only going to know this me, he’d said once. gale thinks about breaking the toothpick in his mouth. reckon we already are
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
Ok 🤭 I have another and the last one was incredible so I have to request another! I was wondering if I could request one with az again! Maybe they’ve been together for awhile but the reader is a virgin. However you want to build up to it is fine but one where her and az have sex for the first time and he’s just so sweet and gentle and she’s all giggly and smiling because she’s just so in love with him and he thinks it’s adorable. Just something sweet. I love you and your stories!!! Thank you!!
ah thank you so much!! I'm so happy you loved it, love you and this request!🤗💜
Diving In
Azriel x Reader
Warnings: fluffy smut below the cut, oral f!receiving, p in v sex, minors dni
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The sun was setting as you walked hand-in-hand with Azriel along the bank of the Sidra on a warm summer evening. The pink and orange hues in the sky reflected off the rippling waters, giving the illusion that you were walking through a watercolor painting. You’d been dating Azriel for awhile now, and it was entirely different from any male you had dated before him. Azriel had a surprising gentleness about him, as if he had quietly watched the world long enough to gain a deeper understanding of its creatures. You felt a comfort around him that you had never felt with others, a freedom that you could be yourself without judgment.
You gave Azriel a playful grin as you kicked off your shoes, standing barefoot in the grass. Arching an amused eyebrow, Azriel’s hand slid along your waist as he asked, “what are you doing, love?” You winked at him, suddenly feeling a rush of bravery as you pulled your dress over your head, leaving you in a short silk slip as you slowly walked backwards, out of his hands and towards the water. Azriel was so utterly entranced by your attire that he missed what you were about to do until you curled a finger, gesturing for him to come closer. You whispered, “come join me, Az,” before jumping in the river. 
You were under for only a second before you surfaced, reveling in Azriel’s shocked expression as he watched you from the grass. His concern quickly faded to laughter as he realized you were unharmed. With a smirk of his own that made your stomach flip, Azriel pulled off his own clothes, only in his underwear as he jumped into the river with you. He swam to where you were standing on your tiptoes, your head just above the water while he stood a good height above the surface. “You never fail to surprise me, angel,” he murmured, picking you up as he kissed you deeply. The feeling of his toned body against yours, hardly anything veiling your bodies from each other as you wrapped your legs around his waist, led you to your realization. 
You pulled away from the kiss, leaning back to look into Azriel’s eyes as you whispered, “Azriel, I want to have sex with you tonight.” You stopped to clarify, “If that’s what you want.” Azriel gently brushed a wet strand of hair from your face as he studied you, eyes filled with wonder as he answered, “nothing would bring me more joy than to be your first.” He kissed you deeply as he walked to the grassy bank, hoisting you up on the ground, your legs still dangling over the edge. His hands massaged your thighs as he looked up at you. “Has anyone ever put their mouth on you?” Azriel questioned, his fingers inching closer to your heat, indicating where he meant to put his mouth. 
Your heart fluttered as you shook your head, your mind swimming with desire. Azriel smiled, leaning down to kiss along your inner thigh as he murmured against it, “may I be the first?” You tried to catch your breath as you nodded, “yes, Az. Please.” He hummed in response, “such good manners. Lean back, angel.” You did as he said and laid back on the ground, your hips arching as he bit and licked your thigh so close to where you wanted him. Azriel took the opportunity to bunch up the bottom half of your slip, exposing you to him. Spreading your legs, Azriel rubbed encouraging circles over them as he hovered over your center. “Don’t be shy with those noises, sweetheart. Let me know what feels good,” he directed before diving in, licking a broad stripe up your core. 
You mewled at the feeling, foreign and incredible. Hands naturally weaving themselves in Azriel’s hair, you managed to breath out, “that. That feels good.” He chuckled, swiping his tongue once more before settling on your clit, alternating between licking and sucking, watching your reactions all the meanwhile. He brought up one finger, sliding it into you as you moaned softly as the intrusion. Continuing to suck your clit, Azriel curled his finger against your walls in a spot that had your eyes rolling back and toes curling. You felt him smirk against you as he knew he’d found his mark. 
Azriel didn’t tease you as he normally might, wanting your first time to be true love-making. He added another finger, curling them both against you as he licked your clit in the spot he’d learned gained the loudest moan, and you quickly crashed into a powerful orgasm, legs shaking in the waters beside him. When you came to, you looked to see Azriel giving you a feral smirk as he licked his fingers clean. He crawled up over your body, letting you taste yourself on his lips as he kissed you.
You looked down at his underwear, now offensive to you as you longed to have him inside you. As you leaned down to undress him, Azriel caught your wrist, pressing a kiss to it before asking, “are you sure you want this?” You nodded eagerly, “yes, Azriel. I want this. I want you, please.” He smirked at that, “again, such good manners.” You helped him undress completely, eyes bulging as you took in the sight of his cock. He sensed your nerves, hand cupping your cheek as he kissed you. “It’ll be okay, angel. I’ll be gentle.” You nodded and smiled at him as you lifted your slip over your head, the both of you now completely naked in the grass. 
Azriel’s cheeks flushed as he took in your body. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured, in a daze as he trailed a hand down your chest. Spreading your legs wide for him, you lifted your arms to urge him towards you. Azriel lined himself up with your center, pausing to look at your face. “Let me know if you are uncomfortable at any point.” You bit your lip, nodding again as you wriggled your hips in an attempt to get him inside of you. Az laughed softly, never taking his eyes off of your face as he slowly pushed into you. 
He memorized your expression as he entered you, the way your head tilted back as your lips parted, gasping for air. He settled himself fully inside of you, waiting there for awhile, pressing kisses to your neck and chest as he gave you time to adjust. You brought one hand to tilt Azriel’s face up towards yours, smiling softly as you whispered, “you can move now, Az.” He drew his hips back, thrusting into you softly as he continued to watch your reactions. He picked up speed, moving at a pace that was not uncomfortable at all, but had you a writhing, moaning mess beneath him. 
You felt that coil tightening in your belly again as Azriel’s cock twitched inside of you, fluttering around him as he brought a hand down to your clit. You hit your orgasm again, moaning Azriel’s name over and over as he worked you through it. As you came down from your high, you heard Azriel whisper, “I love you,” before you felt him release inside of you. His cheeks flushed as he realized what he had admitted, but you leaned up to hold his face in your hands as you answered, “I love you too, Azriel.”
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agentrouka-blog · 26 days
"There was hunger in his(Tyrion) green eye, it seemed to her, and fury in the black. Sansa did not know which scared her more."- Sansa(ASOS).
"He wanted something from her, but Sansa did not know what it was. He looks like a starving child, but I have no food to give him."- Sansa(ASOS).
Sansa compared Tyrion lust for her with him hungry for food.
"The Vale of Arryn was famously fertile and had gone untouched during the fighting. Jon wondered how Lady Catelyn's sister would feel about feeding Ned Stark's bastard." - Jon(ADWD)
"He have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger . . . he could feel it."- Jon(ASOS).
In first quote Jon was thinking about food supply from Vale and in later he was thinking about he wanted to become lord of WF and have a family but feels guilty.
Do you think it's about Jonsa?
Great obervation, please-dot! <3
There's another language parallel involving Tyrion and Sansa and Winterfell that mirrors Jon's thoughts in Winterfell.
I want her, he realized. I want Winterfell, yes, but I want her as well, child or woman or whatever she is. I want to comfort her. I want to hear her laugh. I want her to come to me willingly, to bring me her joys and her sorrows and her lust. His mouth twisted in a bitter smile. Yes, and I want to be tall as Jaime and as strong as Ser Gregor the Mountain too, for all the bloody good it does. (ASOS, Tyrion IV)
It compares well with the quote you used above.
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger . . . he could feel it. It was food he needed, prey, a red deer that stank of fear or a great elk proud and defiant. He needed to kill and fill his belly with fresh meat and hot dark blood. His mouth began to water with the thought. (ASOS, Jon XII)
When Tyrion and Sansa do eat together, the food is distasteful, or their appetites incompatible.
Another thematic link would be Sansa refusing the offer of a pomegranate from Littlefinger, where the Hades-Persephone symbolism underlines her rejection of him. The closest he gets to her appetite is the giant lemon cake model of the Eyrie served up at the feast for the upcoming tourney, and yet her thoughts revolve around Harry and she is never seen eating of it.
Jon's relationship with food also turns impersonal. What meals he has aren't joyful, they even congeal uneaten. Long forgotten are the days of sweet summerwine and honeyed chicken, or the celebratory meals taken with his new black brothers. Everything revolves around food but Jon becomes divorced from the joy of eating.
Catelyn voices that connection very well.
I am become a sour woman, Catelyn thought. I take no joy in mead nor meat, and song and laughter have become suspicious strangers to me. I am a creature of grief and dust and bitter longings. There is an empty place within me where my heart was once. (ACOK, Catelyn VII)
The connection to the food stores of the Eyrie becomes doubly interesting in that context. GRRM specifically phrased it as feeding Jon himself.
I strongly suspect that when Jon and Sansa meet again, food will take on as symbolic a role as gifts of clothing or mutual offers of protection. There's a very unnecessary, almost random paragraph during Joffrey's wedding that has never left my mind:
And there was one woman, sitting almost at the foot of the third table on the left . . . the wife of one of the Fossoways, he thought, and heavy with his child. Her delicate beauty was in no way diminished by her belly, nor was her pleasure in the food and frolics. Tyrion watched as her husband fed her morsels off his plate. They drank from the same cup, and would kiss often and unpredictably. Whenever they did, his hand would gently rest upon her stomach, a tender and protective gesture. (ASOS, Tyrion VIII)
It's one of the sweetest interactions of any couple depicted in the series, and it revolves around the simple worldly pleasures of food and drink, affection and new life. They eat together, joyfully. The contrast to Tyrion's empty hunger, and to the stilted tension surrounding food that has crept into so many abusive relationships is evident.
So, yes, I think that repeated imagery is very intentional and will return when it is time to feast, metaphorically.
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sparrow-bear · 1 year
Okay so here’s the thing that gets me about Good Omens (s2 in particular):
Earth and humanity are (as far as we know) meant to exist so that heaven and hell have a playing field to best one another, initially by seeing who can exert their influence on humans most and ultimately as a battleground for their war. Humans themselves are kinda inconsequential.
But! Anyone from either side who comes to earth with even a *skerrick* of curiosity immediately starts to fall for the emergent properties of humanity- the music, the food, the art, the shades of grey that simply do not exist in heaven or hell. We see this in Aziraphale and Crowley who have found ways to keep their positions on earth for 6000 years yes, but we see it even more in Beelzebub and Gabriel, who have been to earth many times but only started to *see* it for the first time together, and in Muriel who we are told has never been to Earth before and is overcome with excitement seemingly within seconds of arriving.
There is something so deliciously pure and healing about this story that centres not just love between individuals being the most powerful thing in the universe, but also the simple love of *being alive*. It’s so potent that celestial/demonic powers succumb to the joy of living the *moment* they open themselves up to it. To see these timeless entities stumbling together through human history interacting with and delighting at, not humans themselves so much but the things that they have created. To know that the joy they find in these human constructs is literally changing the very fabric of who they are in ways that they clearly find freeing and deeply fulfilling. That they would literally rather live their quaint little lives on earth, drinking and eating their fill and experiencing human creations, than fulfil their purpose in some cosmic destiny. That they’ll fight to protect it so fiercely even though they’ve been told it’s destruction is preordained.
It’s wild that a story that doesn’t have human characters at it’s centre (in the show anyway), so expertly conveys the joy of being human. Whether you believe humanity exists for a purpose or not, we are simply silly little creatures with an overactive pleasure drive making things that are infinitely more complex than the sum of their parts.
Idk man, it’s the absolute reverence for simple contentment this story holds above all else that gives me life (especially in contrast to its irreverence of Christian morality). I liked season 1 a lot but season 2 soothed some deep hurt in my heart and I’m just so grateful it exists.
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charlesslut16 · 1 year
summary : you and charles walk on the sidewalk until you see a animal shelter and fell in love with a puppy...
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
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Your boyfriend, charles, and you were walking on the sidewalk holding hands. We were on vacation in Spain. You passed by an animal shelter and you immediately stopped and looked at the animals in the window.
"What's wrong, mon coeur? Why did you- Oh not again, my love." Charles whined when he felt you stop and walk a few meters away from him, trying to pull you back to him.
"Aren't they so cute?" You exclaimed, looking at the dogs and cats in the window. He watched in awe, as you looked at all the puppies and cats, through the window, kneeling to get a better look at them. 
You watched as a dog walk up to the window in front of you both. Your hand touched the glass, as the dog touched the window with his paw where your hand was. Your heart instantly melted.
"Pouvons-nous l’avoir? Ou lui ? I don't know what gender it is, but it's just so cute! I mean, it copied me and put its paw where my hand was. C’est comme le destin, non? Can-" You said, switching between french and englisch. Can we get her? Or him?   That's like fate, right?
Charles cuts your rambling off. "Ma puce, calm down" He caught your hands in his, kissing your wrist, while staring at your happy, exited, enthusiastic face with amusement.
"Can we please get it." You asked, while smiling at him.
"Nous n’avons pas le chien stupide." he grunted, looking at your face with distaste. We are not getting the dumb dog.
"Why not" you asked pouting and turned away from him to look at the cute puppy.
"It will steal your attention. I don't want to share you. Ever." he first mumbled, but said it again, this time firmly.
You felt him glaring at the puppy because you were no longer looking at him but at the puppy. You smiled a bit because of the statement he said.
"See, it had already stolen you from him. " He huffed, gently tugging at your hand, trying to pull you closer to him. Charles has always been possessive over you and your attention.
"Fine, let's go back home." you sigh and start walking again. Charles strutting after you, pouting because you didn't hold his hand. 
You were sitting on the couch of your rented home, watching some movie, waiting for Charles to come back. He went out an hour ago.
After some time, you heard the door opening, revealing Charles holding a crate. You looked at him confused, looking at his face, seeing his dimples with a smile.
"Qu’est-ce que c est?" You asked him, tilting your head, as he walked towards you and sat next to you. SO you could look him in the face. What is that?
"ici, pour vous" he gently shoved the crate towards you. You toke it and gasp when you see what's inside it. You opened the door and picked up the little puppy from the shelter. Here, for you.
"You got me the dog?" you asked him, your eyes filling with tears of joy.
"Oui. I got you the damn dog." Charles grumbled, wiping the tears that have fell onto your cheeks away. 
"Aren't you the cutest and fluffiest puppy ever." you cooed to the puppy, petting it, and you heard Charles grunted. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your forehead. You turned your head to give him a kiss, to which the dog barked. 
"Fucker." Charles said, glaring at the dog as if it was the cruelest creature on the whole earth and universe.
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