#this ended up being so much longer than i intended but i don't really care
magn-animously · 8 months
TMAPG comments! Yay!
Background: I finished listening to TMA last summer. After a few months of dealing with whatever it was the episode 200 did to me, I decided to start a relistening run. That's when I heard they were doing a sequel (ish?). I didn't get to finish my first relistening but I couldn't wait for TMAPG any longer, so I went and listened to the first two episodes.
My very first reaction was... idk? It sounds very different from TMA but it's also very similar to it. I really missed the old cast's voices and it was so confusing to hear all these people talk when I had no idea who they were or what the context was really. Honestly, I thought it was kinda boring, but that's more because I'm impatient and want to get to The Good Stuff and less about the writing being bad (it's not). I know you can't just jump into things, you need introductions first... I thought the same about TMA lol. Couldn't wait to hear the ~plot~ and not just the statements!
And oh boy it looks like we're getting statements even now! How great!! :D I learnt to love them with TMA so I'm very glad that hasn't changed even though they couldn't (didn't want to, shouldn't) copy TMA format, so I was genuinely happy to hear we'll get to get more of that!
Sam sounds like he has a Past with the Institute or perhaps with the Eye, and I'm really really curious to hear what it is. I hope it's something good. Something nasty. I trust Johnny here.
The woman who started to mold herself to have the perfect body was a funny little reminder of Jared's gym. I kinda felt nostalgic? I liked it. It was proper well that's fucked up kind of statement. Story? Can I still call them statements? I think I will.
The others were more boring. Too vague. I know I'm gonna regret saying that because I'm easily spooked but yeah. I'm currently at the episode 145 in my relistening so compared to that, some woman who saw someone who was only partially made of someone she knew and then just ran away was not that interesting.
Anyway, I think I saw or heard somewhere long ago that the new Protocol will not be exactly the same as TMA, and that relying too much on the knowledge we have from it could throw you off. I wonder if that means the 14 (or 15) Fears are not going to be the same anymore. Maybe they got all mixed up and rearranged during the trip to the new universe? It's clear these guys at least are using a very different system to catalogue the stories (Sam would love it if there were only 14 categories to memorise!) so perhaps we can expect there to be more not-clearly-14 Fears. Maybe they'll (or he'll) start to name them like Smirke did but end up with different divisions than he. I mean, we've all known there are fears that don't really fall neatly into any of the 14, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to redo it differently.
Also, I find it really funny that both podcasts started with a dude getting a new job and instantly starting to complain about the way others have done archiving.
I also found it funny how much they stressed that you CAN quit this job. Nobody is holding them there. They can leave. They can. They do. One of them already did. Kinda. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up coming back.
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melrosing · 2 months
so stuff I’ve not liked about the finale and S2 more generally…. unfortunately it’s a lot and i'm thinking i might need to say this in several parts but first and foremost: the pacing really was shit and i don't just mean there weren't enough action scenes i mean the whole season they've had almost nothing to say about these characters and have just been making us think they do by having them repeat the same ham-fisted monologues about power and peace and the cost of war and whatever whilst moving at a glacial pace from one minor plot point to another and by the end of it most of these characters STILL haven't changed, and where they have it feels undeserved, and yes they really are at roughly the place they started so what have they even got to show for these eight hours of TV?? like damn
and I do get that the writer's strike has really effected them here and HBO hacking two eps off their season affected them too and that really can't be helped. but the pacing has been pretty poor from kick off and I can't just put it down to this being a more 'internal' season. i do not care about big battles. it's fine to have a season of a show that’s more about the characters’ interiority rather than plot action. that’s the exact reason why I like AFFC so much.
but these characters barely have interiority like idk what to say. some like Rhaenyra, Jace and Alicent have been spouting the same monologues every episode about wanting peace/wanting agency/wanting peace again etc etc, and the more interesting moments like Alicent's apparent suicide attempts, Rhaenyra's butchering of the dragonseeds etc... I mean where IS the interiority here?? unless they are spelling out a character's thoughts in the most literal way they can (as per Jace's diatribes about the dragonseeds), they leave their audience to do absolutely all the work by showing us nothing, and just leaving us to figure that the characters must be having some kind of thoughts but y'all can decide what they are.
and even Daemon, whose entire ARC was about his interiority.... like look I was so so ready to love this arc. i love fucked up little dream sequences. i love harrenhal. i was really enjoying the angle they took with alys. i was here for it. but now we've seen the whole of his S2 arc, im going to say yes, it was intended as a redemption adjacent kind of arc, and it isn't a very good one. Daemon has a handful of weird dreams, gets shouted at by some Riverlands folk, and he's a changed man.
consider the character everyone compares Daemon to (and who I'm always more than happy to talk about) and that's Jaime. and look at the sheer ground covered in ASOS: Jaime breaks out of a dungeon, Jaime meets a younger version of himself, Jaime gets his hand hacked off, Jaime reveals his anime villain backstory in the bath, Jaime deals with Roose Bolton, Jaime has a weird weirwood dream, Jaime fights a fucking bear - and at this point we're still only about halfway through.
now in contrast, what have they actually managed to do with Daemon this season. where has that finale moment with Rhaenyra been earned. this is not slow pacing for the sake of powerful character development, it's slow because they don't have anything else to say.
and also look at the state of characters like Aemond who seemed really promising in S1, yet in this season he barely reflects on the fact that he hadn't meant to kill Luke, and this war is an accident that he started, etc etc - he's just a killing machine lol. there were some nice touches in there, like i say i enjoyed Helaena telling Aemond how he'll die in the finale. but I no longer trust these writers to do anything with their more inspired ideas because they just consistently fail to do so.
look at Baela!!! like my god, has Baela had the opportunity to do anything except A) what she's told and B) counsel men on their feelings. she has like one moment looking at Daemon and you feel like the series is going to explore how complex it is to be Daemon Targaryen's daughter.... but my god they never do!! so where IS this interiority we've spent eight episodes on! what have they got to show for it!!
and i talked more weeks back about how frustrating i've found the writing of women more generally in this series and as of the finale I am finding it so egregious and so condescending. women want peace. women want to protect their children. women are tired of men. women are tired of war. women are trying to end this war peacefully. women are pacifists. women hate violence. and so on and so on and so on like jesus christ who am i even talking about here. even i don't know. it's so boring. it's so dry. and it requires female characters to always be the paragons of virtue, never do anything truly condemnable, never be unlikeable, never fucking anything except stand around saying how much they hate this. im bored of it and it makes me angry that they would do this in a series that specifically seeks to make everyone grey and everyone complex - they keep suggesting that might extend to the women before abruptly shutting it down again. see Alicent and Rhaenyra even STILL, after EVERYTHING, trying to peacefully shut down the war for the sake of love and friendship in the goddamn finale. I don't believe it anymore!! it's not cute! it's just dull!!!
and finally that just kind of brings me to how shortsighted a lot of the plot developments seem, when you see how the characters fail to reckon with their pasts or shit that just happened. Rhaenyra and Mysaria make out, and then that's never mentioned again and the tone never changes between them. Rhaenyra is done thinking about Luke. Helaena is done thinking about Jaehaerys. Aegon actually didn't mention Jaehaerys in the list of things he's 'lost' in that finale. Alicent's relationship w Viserys was just now condensed to 'we were fond of each other but he always liked your mum better'
like idk it's just. if this season's pacing is all about giving characters the chance to change and grow into the people they'll be when this war REALLY kicks off.... do it. write it. do not just write the same monologue a dozen times and hope it'll hit harder with each. doesn't work like that. sorry.
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babyangelsky · 3 months
Peat's acting is stupendous and it's hurting my feelings
I need to talk about the bedroom scene and the fight that preceded it because it felt like I was having a mirror held up to me and looking at my younger self and in doing, so I've come to love Tongrak as a character even more than I did before.
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I talked about the expressions already but I just cannot get past this one. Rak's eyes are so dead and he looks so tired in a way that I understand so deeply. He knows what's about to happen. He screened Prin's call earlier precisely in hopes of avoiding it but she showed up anyway.
I do have to acknowledge that a lot of my interpretation and feelings about him and these scenes are very much a product of my own experiences, but believe me when I tell you that having a family as fucked as his and having to deal with relatives like this drains you. You fight back because you have to, not because you want to. You don't go seeking the bullshit but somehow it always seems to arrive at your door.
I know exactly how he must be feeling because I've felt it. Because I've fought back and made sure my mask was firmly in place for as long as I needed it to only to break the second I could turn my face away.
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I'm impressed that Rak didn't run from Mut and that he didn't start crying on the way to his bedroom. That powerwalk he did instead though? I know it all too well.
To Rak's mind, Mut has already witnessed far more than Rak ever intended for him to. That fight was nasty. It poked at so many wounds, touched on so many painful, intimate things about Rak's family and about him. Prin wanted to hurt and humiliate him and she succeeded.
I can confidently say that if someone I cared about witnessed that happening to me, the last thing I would want is to break down in front of them on top of it, so I completely understand why Rak's first instinct was to put distance between him and Mut. You know the breakdown is coming and the only thing you want is to have it in private.
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I know people feel some kind of way about Rak's refusal to let Mut into his bedroom and essentially shutting him out but Mook tells us in episode 4 that no one is allowed in Rak's bedroom. This isn't just about Mut. Everything we have learned and seen of Rak so far tells us that he's a person who needs a safe place to hide. A place where he can close the door and know he won't be intruded upon.
Sure, it's his house and ideally he would have the freedom to break down wherever he wants to inside of it but given that Mook comes and goes pretty freely, he doesn't really have that luxury by his standards. There's always a chance she'll walk in. And he certainly doesn't have it now that he's no longer living alone.
So he goes to hide in his bedroom so he can process and feel what he needs to.
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And when Mut comes after him, this happens. Mut pushed at that boundary out of genuine care and concern and he's not wrong for that. I've been on his side of this equation too and the impulse to help in whatever way you can is impossible to resist, even if all you can offer is a meal.
But I also understand Rak. God do I understand him. That need to be alone, demanding to be left in peace, lashing out when someone won't despite it being with good intentions. When you've been pushed to your limit and you know a breakdown is coming and that there will be shrapnel when it does, the very last thing you want is for the people you care about to get hit with it.
Like @bird-inacage said in their post, Tongrak is a caged animal at this point. He's feeling vulnerable and defensive and he lashes out. He doesn't want to, he tries to stop it, but it ends up happening anyway.
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And he regrets it. He does. The way I see it, he couldn't bring himself to knock on Mut's door both because he'd exhausted all his nerve in the fight with Prin and because a part of him was probably worried that he'd be rejected if he did. When you lash out, especially when you don't mean to, there's always a worry that you've done irreparable damage to your relationship with whoever was on the receiving end and that you won't ever be forgiven.
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Sometimes it really is something as simple as a sticky note that brings you to tears and has you sobbing into your dinner in the middle of the night.
The note and the meal are proof that Tongrak hasn't been rejected, that he's still cared for despite the way he reacted after the fight and the things that he said. We know that Mut wasn't going to reject him but Rak needed to know that as well.
And now that they had their moment in the dressing room and the issue of the money has been talked about, we're paving a way forward for Rak to be able to express what he feels without using it as a defense mechanism. He still will, and he will hurt me many more times before we're done, but we're making progress.
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quinngefail · 1 month
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Comic and short story below the cut !! It ended up being longer than anticipated so. Under the cut it goes 😤
First time posting a piece of writing for these two as well..., I hope you enjoy :)
"May I take your coat, sir?"
It was a question asked through a goofy smile, and a 'fancy' tone that carried more than just a little bit of exaggeration; both very deliberate on Adam's part. It's not that he didn't like performing these sorts of 'cheesy' romantic gestures, but he couldn't exactly ignore the way a particular sort of embarrassment would take hold of him during said gestures... Embarrassment that sat within him, screaming about how 'damn corny' he was acting right now. So, this was his working method of combating those less than pleasant feelings: play up the theatrics, put on a silly voice, make it into a whole bit. Things like that.
It really only worked so well. But, it was better than nothing.
However, and far more importantly, these were romantic gestures for Lawrence. And Adam was more than willing to put up with his bouts of trivial embarrassment for Lawrence... A fact that was further solidified as an appreciative smile spread across the older man's face, and he began to remove his coat. Adam moved closer to help, of course, proper gentleman he was, and all that- and in no time at all, the coat was hanging in his grip.
"So courteous," Lawrence lightly teased, still wearing that heart-melting smile of his, as he turned to face Adam.
"Yeah, well, maybe I'm just doing so you feel compelled to make me something extra good for dinner tonight." Adam shot back, holding his eyes shut as a cocky grin spread across his face.
Lawrence gave a scoff, and a playful roll of his eyes. "And here I am, the fool who falls for it every single time." He holds his feigned look of utter defeat for a few moments longer, before returning to a genuine smile. He then leans in, placing a small kiss on his partner's forehead. "I'll go see what I can do for us." He murmurs, breaking away and turning to the direction of the kitchen.
Adam watches him disappear around the corner, unable to keep anything but adoration in his face. After Lawrence is out of sight, he turns his attention back to the coat in his hands. Without really even consciously deciding to do so, he gives it a few shakes as he moves to face the nearby hangers.
But then, there's a dull thud as something hits the ground. Adam’s gaze turns to the source, easily locating Lawrence’s fallen wallet.
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Mild frustration brewing, Adam folds the coat over his left arm before bending over to snatch up the wallet. Returning to his full height, he absentmindedly flips the wallet over, intending to close and put it back in the coat's inner pocket.
And that was indeed the plan, but...
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He really doesn't know how long he stands there, just staring at what was before him. He doesn't even notice Lawrence reappearing, poking out from behind the wall.
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Heart racing, Lawrence approaches as fast as he can, putting his free hand on Adam's shoulder, trying to figure out what was going on, what was causing such a distressing reaction from the man he cared so deeply for-
But it doesn't take much detective work at all to put two and two together, as his eyes fall to what was in Adam's hand.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Lawrence leans back a bit. "Shit, I'm sorry, I kept meaning to show that to you-" he mutters before leaning forward, eyes open once more. He holds out a concerned hand, unsure now if he should or shouldn't offer his touch in this moment. "Look, um- I should have asked you about it first, and if it makes you uncomfortable, or if it feels like I'm moving things along too quickly, I can take it out-"
"N-no, no- it's not that," Adam interrupts him, giving a quick wipe to his eyes. "It's fine, really- it's just... I don't know, I guess I just never thought I'd ever be in anyone's wallet, is all," he ends with a small shrug and a diminished voice, his gaze falling away from Lawrence's... A silence hanging in the air.
"Well," Lawrence speaks, "I didn't just put it in there for no reason," he smiles gently, moving to stand behind Adam, leaving little distance between their bodies as he fondly looks down at the picture. "It's a photo that I really, truly love, just like I really, truly love you. And I'm happy to have it with me, just like I'm happy to have you with me."
As has often been the case lately, Adam doesn't know what to say. He stares at the photo for a little while longer, before finally giving a small, genuine "thank you,"
Lawrence hums in response. "Of course,"
They remain like this, just existing together... Letting their words sink in, and letting this moment linger.
"...I don't know if this picture really shows my good side, though." Adam remarks, being the first to break the silence, as was fully expected- a wry little smile cracking.
"And there he is," Lawrence gives another playful roll of his eyes, shaking his head a bit.
"No, seriously- this is what you want to carry around with you? This picture of you, sitting next to this ugly ass gremlin, who could look so much better if you just captured his good side?"
"I'm going back to the kitchen now," Lawrence pulls away, continuing to shake his head as he walks off.
"Good- because we do not want to see what happens if we feed my ass after midnight," Adam replies with a grin, sliding the wallet back into the coat pocket, finally hanging it up. "Really, Lawrence- I can go get my camera right now and we can fix this horrific situation- you can even wear that tie of yours, and I won't complain... Much,"
With that, he follows after Lawrence... Fully prepared to keep this going for a few hours longer at least.
And really, neither of them would have wanted it any other way.
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scififettuccine · 3 months
A Wild Fix: Part 1.5?
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Pairing: Platonic!Butcher x Supe!Reader
Summary: 3 weeks into your alliance with The Boys, you and Butcher go through the Vought Database. Butcher being curious about a Supe he's never heard of leads him to put together a plan that's less than safe. But does he listen to your warnings? Of course not.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Exposition, mentions of casinos, mention of suicide
Notes: Hey ya'll! Long time no see! You're probably wondering what the fuck this is. As you may have noticed I haven't posted anything in a few days. This is because when I got into writing Part 2, it became A LOT more complex and involved than I intended, including new characters and a sharp left turn in the story line that I didn't plan. Considering the results from the pole, I figured no one would really be mad if I did this. Part 1.5 is A LOT of exposition, setting up the actual second installment of the series. I could have made Part 2 longer, but it was way past how many words I wanted to have in each installment. I didn't want to call this an actual part two, because this alone isn't long enough to qualify as its own part, so...✨1.5✨ As you can most likely tell, I'm not following the canon plot exactly, I find that to be EXTREMELY boring. I know it's something that some people don't love, but at the end of the day it's creative writing and I enjoy doing it. Here is a link to Part 1 if you missed it! The official part 2 of A Wild Fix will be out very soon, but for now, enjoy this expositional interlude from our good lad, William Butcher.
It was safe to say that, since your first meeting? You and Frenchie didn’t get along very well. You had been running with The Boys for almost a month now, yet the two of you couldn’t agree on a single thing. But honestly? That didn't really matter to you. He didn't seem like the kind of person you wanted to be close with, anyway.
You had adjusted pretty well to this double standard of life, working for Vought, and working with The Boys. You were very careful, and there hadn’t been any close calls…yet. As for adjusting to the basement hideout? That didn't necessarily get any easier. You had carved out a little spot for yourself in one of the less occupied corners, just big enough to set your computer down, and maybe put a cup of coffee off to the side. And at the moment, that's where you sat. Working out time to help out wasn’t very hard. You were a member of The Seven, yes, but due to your powers, you were more of an alternate. You still went to meetings, and you still lived in the tower, you just weren't sent out as much. Butcher had requested that you dig into a few things for him in the Vought database. The Vought database had become available to you since you signed the contract with the company. It didn’t contain anything majorly world shattering, just some more detailed info on every Supe that had ever been involved with the company, including deceased, and currently active Supes. The info pages almost reminded you of trading cards, you laughed to yourself at the thought. It almost made you wonder why Vought hadn’t cashed in on some sort of trading card game.
“Something funny, love?” Butcher asked. You could see him approaching from behind in the reflection of your laptop screen.
“Yeah, actually…” You said, beckoning him over. Butcher crouched down next to your chair, looking at the computer screen. “Don’t those stats kinda look like trading cards? I mean, even the way it’s set up. Surprised Vought hasn’t cashed in on that yet.” Butcher raised a brow and leaned a bit closer to the screen, letting out a small ‘hmph’ sound. 
“You’re not wrong.” He examined the screen for a moment. “So you can see every Supe that's ever been involved with the company?” You nodded.
“For the most part, yes. But usually if there's anything they need to hide, the Supe goes to whoever runs the database and asks for that piece of information to be taken off of it. It’s actually in the contract somewhere, in the fine print, if I remember.” Butcher gave a small hum of acknowledgement.
“So if I had to guess, Homelander doesn't even have a file?” He asked. You narrowed your eyes towards the screen as you clicked out of the file you were on, and searched Homelander’s name in the top bar. When the file came up, you clicked it. Low and behold…? Not much. Just his in-company stats, The Seven logo, showing his affiliation with the group, and the year he had been signed onto the company. 
“Yeah…nothing much. Most of The Seven are like this, actually. If I remember correctly…” You clicked out of Homelander’s file, and clicked on the search bar again. You went to type in ‘Maeve,’ but Butcher stopped you, placing his finger over one of the file cards on the screen.
“Who’s that bloke?” He asked. You raised a brow and moved his finger out of the way. He had been pointing to a file card for the Supe named Mixer, who belonged to a new Vought owned Supe team that had been gaining steam recently…Residency. Vought had always sort of branded it as the new age Payback, but it was more of a marketing thing. The Supes on the team were legit, powerful, and some of them popular…But it definitely wasn't anything close to Payback. Mixer, admittedly, was one of the more known Supe’s on the team. He had been a musician first, gaining popularity from his young start in the industry. And as soon as Vought could get its bloodstained hands on the poor guy? He was signed on. Now? He had a residency at Planet Vought Casino & Resort in Las Vegas, and a spot in Residency.
“That's Mixer. He’s around my age, I think…Super popular in the music industry.” You explained, clicking on his file card.
“You know’im?” He asked. You shook your head as you scrolled through his file. 
“I met him at a convention a few years back, around this time of year actually…He seemed kinda full of himself. He has a residency now, though, kinda ironic, at Vought’s casino in Las Vegas.” You explained. Butcher nodded, clearly thinking.
“How is it ironic?” He asked.
“Mixer is part of a Supe team too, but the team is called Residency. So I thought it was kinda funny that he had an actual residency-” Butcher cut you off.
“Another Supe team? Owned by Vought?” You nodded.
“Yeah. It's him, Klepto, Bloodshot, Laugh Track, Void-” Butcher cut you off again, before you could even finish naming the members.
“The convention you met him at…Was it a Supe convention?” 
“Yeah. But not like the crazy fan ones. It's by invite only. All of Voughts Supes go, it’s a huge event. They invite new, upcoming Supes, and Vought investors. It’s a 3 day affair. They usually hold it at the Casino location that's here in the city, though, not the one in Vegas.” You turned your head to look at him, narrowing your eyes. What was he thinking?
“You said it was around this time of year?” He asked, turning the laptop towards himself so he could scroll.
“Yeah, usually towards the middle of fall…Why do you ask?” You raised a brow.
“I’m assuming you're invited?” He asked, the smirk on his face growing.
“Yeah, like I said, most contracted Supes are there. Annie is going too, we kinda have to…You’re not thinking what I think you are…right?” You asked, narrowing your eyes once again.
“That's exactly what I’m thinking, love.” He chuckled and stood up. “A whole casino full of Supes and Vought officials? That's practically an information gold mine. And with your connections? We’re bound to uncover something. Do you get a plus one or anythin like’at?”
“I’m pretty sure contracted Supes get two guest passes, but this is out of the question, Butcher. Digging at a Vought run Supe convention? It’s suicide for anyone involved.” You said, closing your computer. This wasn't a good idea, not even in the slightest.
“So if both you and Hughie’s girl go, that's four guest passes between the two of you?” He asked.
“Yes but-” Butcher cut you off before you could protest.
“Just enough passes for Hughie, MM, Frenchie, and meself. It’s settled, then, love.” Butcher gave a smug smile and patted your shoulder. You cringed internally. Butcher wouldn’t take no for an answer…and you didn’t favor the idea of being on his bad side.
 If you were caught, no, if any of you were caught snooping around at this convention? You’d be dead before you could leave the building…or worse.
And that's the end of my exposition bomb. Again, Part 2 is coming very soon, and I'm sorry that I had to break it up like this. This series became more involved than intended, as you can probably see. More information regarding Residency and its significance is to come👀 Stay tuned to get back to your regularly scheduled Frenchie x Reader content <3 Adieu!
teeny tiny taglist: @llynx7 @stinkysam
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br-disaster · 7 months
Nie Mingjue's Fatal Journey crying scenes appreciation post
There's no way I wouldn't make this post, but it ended up way longer than I intended.
Fighting with Huaisang
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When is this man not tearing up?
This fight is so important for Huaisang's character development and the movie's themes, with Huaisang being ready to challenge and question the Nie ways and Mingjue doing his best to uphold those traditions and keep the peace through the only way he knows how.
But it's still hard to be challenged like this and to face the possibility that everything you've ever known might not be right, actually.
And this gif specifically is from the moment Huaisang questions if Mingjue even knows what they're there to fight and what this supposed great evil that will come to Qinghe if they fail to balance their blades even is. Mingjue has no answer, of course, I suppose he was only taught this and never had reason to question it.
But Huaisang is also talking about the disciples they already 'lost' at this point of the movie, and he says something along the lines of " You don't know anything, you only know how to bring them here to die" and that does it. Because it's both "you can't follow these rules blindly when they rely on sacrificing people" and "you've changed and I don't trust your judgement on these matters anymore".
And as he says it, Mingjue looks at their disciples and he sees the puppets for a moment. And Huaisang just questioned if the other disciples were really attacked by puppets.
So that's a big moment and Huaisang is right, of course, but he doesn't have a confirmation that this is the result of Mingjue's health deterioration yet, so he keeps pushing. And Mingjue doesn't really have a counter argument because he knows what's going on with him, but it must be very scary to hear it from the person you care about the most and realize just how much you're being affected.
(Actually, Mingjue has one counter argument and that is "Well, I am at least trying to do something while you're painting and living a carefree life", and he's not wrong either. Huaisang is right and rightfully harsh, but this is the first time he's being confronted with these difficult choices and all their family history. He can reflect on and question it, but his brother has been meking those hard decisions since he was 14, when did he ever had a break to question and change things?)
Which leads us to
The Talk
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After seeing his brother sacrifice himself for him at the bridge, and then seeing Mingjue be so vulnerable and lost, that anger from their fight is gone. They can meet in the middle with "You are right, I wasn't thinking straight, this is not a long term solution and I've failed at changing our ways" and "It's not your fault, you did everything you could but you're not responsible for this situation" and it's very beautiful and heartbreaking.
Mingjue is so remorseful, both because he has condemned Huaisang to die with him and because he feels like he failed everyone and everything (even if he doesn't seem to know what he could have done differently to avoid all this).
And Huaisang's reaction in this scene is so calm it made me think this Huaisang is somewhat used to his brother displaying vulnerability around him. This isn't book NMJ with all his victories, this isn't a man who never let the Unclean Realm be conquered and who could afford to keep Huaisang far away from the war. This is a man who was attacked and subdued in his own home, who had to send Huaisang to the hands of the people who killed their father.
This Huaisang doesn't have reasons to see Mingjue as this unmovable force, he has seen Mingjue hurt and threatened and fearful; and he's now seeing him remorseful and defeated.
(I'm sure Mingjue telling Huaisang about the fact that he's dying and admiting his mistakes and insecurities is something new, especially considering their previous fight, but this Huaisang doesn't take it as a shock, because he knows his brother is only human and there's only so much he can handle. He even, like, explicitly says this)
And so he assumes this calm, reassuring and empathetic posture, because that's what his brother is asking for. And it's the most beautiful thing, Huaisang has so much love for him, so much empathy. And this is Mingjue's reaction to his brother's reassurance that it's okay if they have to die there:
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I'm sure Huaisang is still processing Mingjue's "I only forced you to practice because I'll die soon", but he's so good at reassuring his brother.
Because Mingjue just told him "I am dying and I'll go as a failure" and Huaisang insisted "None of this is your fault and you did everything you could and more, and if I have to die here with you today, I don't regret a thing, and you shouldn't either".
There's no despair or anger that his brother is only telling him this now, there's only understanding and acceptance and so much love and they really knew what they were doing with this movie.
His people love him
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Mingjue is so moved. He just admitted to Huaisang that he's not in peace with his accomplishments, or lack thereof; that he feels ashamed to face his ancestors, having done so little.
So I truly believe Mingjue doesn't consider himself worthy of this much trust and support. (And I can't ignore how this is tied to the Nightless City situation, where he led the men who trusted him with their lives to a dangerous situation and couldn't save any of them).
As we see in the confrontation at Jinlintai, that technically happens after this movie, that is still a very sensitive topic.
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And here he has his loyal disciples saying they will follow him yet again, despite his previous 'failures'; just like Huaisang was ready to die with him. They have so much trust in him, and the way he's nodding a little here, just like he was nodding when Huaisang reminded him of everything he's done for their sect since their father died, is like he's convincing himself of it. That he can do this and he can do this right this time.
And yet
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He fails again. And I don't even think he knows it was him who killed those disciples, like some people say. He doesn't need to because it doesn't matter. His men, who followed him till the end of the world, are dead again. And so is the hope he had of doing this one right thing before he dies.
Yes, he supressed the saber spirit like he had to, but they're still dead, all of them.
He falls apart, how could he not?
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At some point I'm sure Huaisang his holding all his weight because he just gives up. There's only so much loss one can handle and that's way too much.
And look at the way Huaisang is watching him as he realizes something inside Mingjue shattered forever.
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There's so much pain in this scene, it looks physically taxing and I hope people gave Wang Yizhou a break after he shot this. I know it's his job and he's phenomenal at it, but this has to mess with your head a little.
And hey, it's a Huaisang crying scene as well. CQL Huaisang only really cries twice. First he watches his brother have a mental breakdown in his arms after unknowingly killing his own disciples; and then as he watches his brother qi deviate and die, while unable to do anything to either stop or comfort him.
(And a lot of people said there's no hesitation on Huaisang's part when he rushes to his brother's aid when Mingjue is hurt on this post's notes, and that's true for book Huaisang too, because he runs towards Mingjue as he is qi deviating, gets hurt in the process, and still keeps calling for him, which makes CQL's decision to have JGY holding him back kind of cruel, tbh, there's not a Huaisang who would run from a hurting Mingjue regardless of the risks
But at least we have this scene.)
And that's it, I guess. There's nothing uplifting to say about this, really. He just went through a lot and kept shouldering everything until he couldn't anymore. I just wish book NMJ had gotten to receive the same love and comfort and acceptance from NHS before he died, I wish he had been able to tell his brother what was actually happening, but thats kind of the purpose of this movie, so I'm just very grateful that it exists.
It's like that post says, it didn't change anything but the love was there, you know? That's how this movie feels for me.
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uriwoos2 · 3 months
gentle with me ☼ ִֶָ · (lsh)
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pairing: bf!riwoo x gn!reader. genre: fluff, hurt/comfort. overview: soft, gentle bf riwoo <3 who comforts you, when ur feeling down. word count: 1.8k warnings: the reader is dealing with some unpleasant thoughts. they both have unusual nicknames for each other. idk it's cute, ok? ♡ note: got the urge to write this boyfie riwoo fic, cuz he's quite literally my biggest source of comfort. he's just so lovely <3 this ended up longer than I intended, but.. anyway. hope you enjoy. likes & reblogs are very appreciated! — with love, cream <3
♪₊˚song: touch tank — quinnie.
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you're sat at the kitchen counter, cheek resting heavily on your palm as you pick at the remainder of the pancakes on your plate, having lost your appetite.
i don't feel so good.
before this you were doing just fine, what could have triggered such an unpleasant surge of feelings, that you can't even give a name to?..
you and riwoo had an early breakfast this morning, both of you waking up at an ungodly hour. it was uncharacteristic even for him, who tends to get up before you on most days. he tells you he doesn't mind it, even if he has to be alone for a bit, because he gets to wake up next to you every morning.
sometimes, he remains next to you in bed, admiring your sunlit features in secret with a smile on his face. but more often than not, he opts for an early start to his day. you have no idea where he gets all the energy from but thanks to that, he can get some chores done. his reasoning for this being, that if everything's already taken care of by the time you've opened your eyes, you can focus solely on him.
he's so sweet.. so so sweet, just for me.
today you actually arose from your slumber first, after a restless night. something just wasn't right, you could feel it since the evening before, but you couldn't really put a finger on what was bothering you. your rustling made riwoo shift in his sleep too, as you gently removed his arm from where it was resting on your belly. always such a light sleeper, his eyelids fluttered open at your slightest movements and this time was no different.
"baby?" he croaked out, sitting up while rubbing his eyes, "what's going on? are you okay?" his hand instinctively finding it's way back to yours, "did you have a bad dream, sunbeam?" he put your intertwined hands in his lap, his thumb stroking the back of your hand, soothing.
you couldn't think of a way to relay what you felt to him, because you yourself had no idea, and no matter how accepting his gaze was at the moment, you chose to not worry him for no good reason.
"it's nothing, don't worry. I just couldn't sleep much, but I'm good." he squinted at you, not taking your word for it. "riuriu, I swear I'm alright." you go to pinch his cheek lightly, your heart swelling at his thoughtfulness. "but I don't think I can go back to sleep, you wanna go make some breakfast? I'll help this time." you offered with a smile.
he chuckled adorably, nodding his head, eager to spend more time with you. "okay, okay, but tell me if there's something wrong, okay?" you just nodded at that, wanting desperately to change the subject.
yeah! I just need to keep myself occupied, that's it. no need to make a big deal out of this.
you got up to follow your boyfriend into the kitchen, determined to distract yourself by helping him make some food, hoping it would clear your head.
cooking with riwoo is always so much fun, and the food comes out super delicious, too. and another bonus, is that both of you tend to become especially affectionate when you're in the kitchen together, something about the atmosphere there being so intimate and homely. as if you won't be able to breathe if you're not latched onto his arm while he's at the stove, or if he hasn't got his head on your shoulder hugging you from behind while you stand in front of the fridge, picking out the ingredients. doing such simple every day things together means everything to you, these moments being your favorite, because you can relish in the uncomplicated warmth they carry.
the breakfast came out perfect, and you told riwoo as such, at which he just blushed, and said it was your stirring and pouring that made all the difference. he gets really shy and smiley at your compliments, which you find to be the most endearing sight ever.
everything was seemingly going well, until you ended up on your own at the table. riwoo had finished his food, and got up to clean the mess you made while cooking, and even if he was still in the room, that uneasy feeling returned once again. it came in waves woven with anxiety and discomfort, slowly increasing in size and submerging your mind deeper and deeper, with each rise and fall of the tide.
what's wrong with me today?
you couldn't tell what was causing this flood of unpleasant emotions, as there was nothing out of the ordinary. if the environment is unchanged, that means it must be coming from within.
is something bothering me? but I don't know what it is! how can something bother me without me knowing what it is?..
"hey, baby.. I don't think I can finish this." you decide to inform your boyfriend, who was right across the kitchen, now washing the dishes. but you didn't expect your voice to come out so small, making it impossible for him to decipher your words over the loud stream of water.
he looks at you over his shoulder, "what was that, love?" then turns off the tap, to face you completely, "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" he says, with the small encouraging smile of his that he always sends your way, no matter the situation.
"I..." you trail off, unable to form your thoughts into an intelligible sentence, eyes lowering. riwoo seems to sense your distress somehow, which cements his suspicions about your mood ever since you got up this morning.
he picks up a towel to dry his hands with, as he's walking over to you, and then sits back down in his chair opposite of you. "hey, what is it?" he reaches over to touch your fingers with his own. "are you not feeling well, love?" his words are laced with such intense concern, that you feel guilty for letting your feelings show.
"i.. i- don't know. I'm just.. ugh. I'm sorry bug, I don't even know how to say it. my brain just shut down on me." you sigh, a lump forming in your throat, making it hard to keep your voice level, "I actually have no idea what's wrong with me either, or if I'm like.. I don't know, making it up."
riwoo's brows furrow in displeasure, instantly rushing to validate your feelings, "don't say that, of course you're not making it up!" his features settle into that gentle smile of his once again, "if you're not okay, then you're not okay, it's simple."
you nod at his words, "I know that, i do. but I don't even know what I'm sad about, I just think I couldn't get enough rest last night, and it's messing with my head." you shake your head absentmindedly, rubbing at your eyes.
riwoo is silent for a bit, and then, taking your entire hand in his, he says, "alright, maybe. but you know you don't have to give everything a reason, right? you can just feel sad sometimes, with seemingly no reason at all. that's completely alright, love." the corner of his mouth upturned slightly, in hopes of comforting you.
and he is, comforting, that is. everything about him is. just being quiet in his presence is a comfort of its own. he is so considerate and so so sensitive. you're eternally grateful for him, and his love, his attention, his affection. but right now it just seems like you've blanked completely. suddenly feeling strangely tired, you find it impossible to relay all this to your sweet lover, who's waiting. being just so patient with you. your heart tightens. my beautiful love.
when he doesn't receive a verbal response from you, he simply reaches out to brush strands of hair from your forehead, a smile never leaving his features, "wanna go lay back down, sunbeam?" it's apparent to him that you're in no shape to tend to yourself, and you don't need to worry, because he will take care of you. he seems to know when you need it, he always just knows. "we don't need to dwell on this. let's just rest for a bit, mhm?"
you want nothing more than to be in his arms now, these weird feelings weighing too heavy on your heart. "yeah, okay." you look down at your unfinished breakfast, as he's picking up the plate to put it away, feeling bad. "love?.. sorry about the pancakes, I just can't stomach anything right now."
"don't worry about that silly, you can eat as much as you want." reassuring you with a smile, "I'll make it for you again, once your appetite has come back." he takes you by the hand, leading the way, "c'mon, love." you follow him sluggishly.
he helps you lie down comfortably, and after getting in right beside you, he glues his body to your side. just how i love it.
you turn, almost instinctively, sinking into his arms, your head finding it's way onto his chest. you're thankful he isn't trying to figure out the root of the problem, because you can barely take even thinking about it right now. you're glad he knows exactly what you need. sighing, content, and grateful to your boyfriend, you feel overwhelmed, a surge of various emotions overcoming you. he's just so perfect. he is so kind to me. my love.
you didn't even notice you were crying, until riwoo placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head, hands rubbing soothing circles on your back, whispering a soft "it's okay." pulling you even closer, hugging you even tighter. "I'm here, sunbeam." another kiss, "it's okay." he buries his head into your hair, arms secured and unmoving. he wants you to feel safe, he wants to protect you, but feels really helpless in moments like these. so the only thing he can do is give you warmth and comfort of his body.
you don't stop crying for a while, but once it subsides and turns into occasional sobs, you're so exhausted, that you think you can pass out. your head is pounding and your eyes are swollen, and.. it's so warm, my baby's so warm. it feels very nice, so so nice. I think I can just fall asleep like this. yeah...
so you do. your boyfriend, upon noticing your evened out breaths, sighs in relief and shuts his own eyes, laying his lips on your hair in a tender kiss, one more time. riwoo isn't planning on letting go of you anytime soon, for as long as you need, he'll let you borrow his chest as a pillow, and his arms for warmth.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
To live without- 141 + Alejandro
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Based on a request:
Hii can I make a request for some angst?? Maybe the reader having an argument with the TF 141 + Alejandro, inside the car or anywhere resulting to a break up?? Cause I'm a sucker for angst, thankss 🫶
F!Reader, angst, established!relationship, break-ups, cheating (not all)
A/N: This will be in 5 parts
Part 2, (Soap), Part 3 (Gaz), Part 4 (Alejandro), Part 5 (Ghost)
It has been a stressful few months for him, between his job, you, his own safety and yours, let alone the current argument over her. It's why you and he are now in the car, having this argument.
He decided that since Laswell invited him to dinner with a few other soldiers and agents, why not take you? Besides you and him haven't gone out much since his last deployment, so this is the perfect opportunity. While having dinner at some restaurant, Price and a woman, much closer to his age than you, stroked conversation. He was telling her stories that not once he had told you and of course, his natural flirty state was in the mix. You were talking with Kate and her wife when you saw how close the woman was getting with your boyfriend. So, as one does, you took his hand and he immediately let go of it, not once making eye contact with you.
Kate and her wife saw this and knew it would not end well if the woman was not taken elsewhere. After dinner, you were the first one to leave the establishment. All others inside were either saying their goodbyes or getting acquainted. "yeah, this is my-" he turns to introduce you to some agent only to find your seat empty. Immediately he left too, only to find you in the car, probably telling your friend what was going on. He gets in, " alright, so will you tell me what the hell that was about?" he asks you. You look at him, for a while now he has been distant, so of course you had even more motives to suspect him. "You let go of my hand," your voice soft yet hinting at some hurt his past action left behind.
That was it, the final straw that threw him over the edge, "you fucking walked away from dinner because I didn't hold your hand any longer?!"
"Yes, do you even care how that even looks? I hold your hand all the time at dinners and this was the first time you let go of it because of that woman!"
"Don't you dare bring her into this." by this point some of the wine he had drunk was making its way into his system. "Why not, hm? why did you let go of my hand, John!" your eyes teary, trying to blink them away. "You really think this is all about you? That I intend to hurt you by some little thing like letting go of your hand?!" Your argument is being heard by some people. He knows better, that at dinners or in public when you hold his hand it's because you are trying to calm yourself down, your social anxiety gets the best of you and his hold brings comfort. "...she's just a friend.." he murmurs. And just when you were going to say something, he gets a text, "Will you come over after you drop her off?" he knows damn well you saw it and now he is prepared for the storm. "you are cheating on me?" oh the way your voice cracked and how tears spilt from your eyes. "...sorry," was all he could say. "you let go of my hand because you and this fucking whore have a thing!" back to yelling. "R/n, you are just a fucking pain in the ass! So of course I am cheating on you!" the instant regret once those words left his mouth.
The look on your face as he said them, never to forget the last time he saw that face of yours. And now you are far from him, he alone in his empty house, never to be called home again. Never to be greeted by you and your happy personality, truth be told, he still looks for you in every place he goes.
A/N: Hi, so since I don't want to make this post too long I separated it into parts, who do you want for part 2?
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ash5monster01 · 8 months
Learning to Love Part 10
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: 18+, langauge, angst, fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, fake relationship, eventual smut, minor enemies to lovers trope.
Summary: It's not uncommon for you to be shamed for your size, it is however uncommon to be told that no one would ever date you because of it. Rafe on the other hand is used to being called a jerk, that is until he is accused of seeing people for only what's on the surface. It's purely coicidental you two meet right after these accusations are thrown your way. So even though you two don't know each other, and probably never would've looked the others way before this, now you're both going to prove a point. It's simple really, prove others wrong and don't fall in love. Easier said than done.
word count: 2.1k
Part 9 ←→ Epilogue
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When Rafe had received that text and the realization settled he instantly called you. The tragic thing about that was the phone didn’t even ring before informing him he could no longer contact this number. You had blocked him and he had absolutely no idea as to why. He had just slept with you, had the best night of his life, and was determined to make this thing real. After that night it had to be real. Yet something happened between then and now and he wasn’t entirely sure what. He woke up with you missing and a dead phone. He decided to get some work done and now you no longer wanted to be with him.
Had he taken things too far? Were you drunk and felt like he had taken advantage of you? Maybe you were drunk and hadn’t intended to ever sleep with him and regretted it. Rafe was drunk too, but there was no way in hell he could forget that night after yearning for it for so long. The sounds you made and the way you tasted was burned in his mind and now you just expected him to forget about you? Move on and find the girl of his dreams when he already had her? Yeah right.
So Rafe was now on a mission. Determined to change your mind which is why he drives to the bar and stumbles his way inside. It’s towards the end of the lunch rush but when he spots Mila behind the bar, he instantly perks up and rushes towards her. When she spots him the glare she gives could burn him entirely. So Rafe slows his pace but still moves towards her in search of answers he’s so desperate for.
“She’s not here!” Mila says over the touch too loud music filling the bar. She wiped the counter, not daring to look him in the eye.
“Then where is she Mila?” Rafe fires back and the brunette girl rolls her eyes before dropping the rag and looking up. Her arms cross over her chest in defensive and Rafe feels guilty even though he is still unsure of what he has done.
“I’m not telling you, she wants to be alone” Mila tells him, starting to work on a drink for a customer who has flagged her for another.
“Why Mila? We were fine, I was going to come see her after work. We, we had a good night. Everything was going so well. I don’t know what went wrong!” Rafe argued and as Mila passed the drink to a customer she finally saw the distraught look on his face. All she knew is he had done something wrong. All you had said was you’d explain everything to her later but she knew that look in his eyes. He loved you and was panicking because you cut him off with no explanation. A famous move of yours to avoid confrontation.
“Look Rafe, I know as much as you don’t want to hear it but when Y/N decides something like this it comes with reason. When I get home tonight I’m gonna figure out exactly what you did even if you don’t know it. Until then, give her space. Take the rest of your Sunday and just relax” Rafe could tell she was being sincere. Her eyes held care for the both of them in this moment and as much as Rafe would lose his mind spending the rest of the day wondering what he did wrong, he was going to respect Mila’s wishes.
“Just, promise to text me. Please, she blocked me and I need to know what I did” he pleaded and Mila sighed before grabbing her phone and unlocking it.
“I’ll take your phone number but I can’t promise a text. If she doesn’t want me to contact you I’m going to respect that. She’s my friend first” Mila says with a stern tone and Rafe nods as he grabs her phone and anxiously types his number in. He fights everything in him to not text himself so he’d have her number as well and hands it back across the bar. He wanted to respect you as much as he could.
“I really care for her you know, it was always real” and he knows Mila doesn’t understand what he’s saying but she nods as Rafe turns to leave the bar and somehow survive the rest of the day without you.
It’s late when Mila finally walks through the door to your shared home. Randy was kind enough to drop her off even after he was kind enough to cover your shift. Mila couldn’t thank him enough. She’s forgotten all about it though the minute she finds you curled up on the couch with tears streaming down your cheeks. She knew you were upset, with the way you had cried on the phone, and told her you were going home. So she doesn’t ask any questions while she sits beside you and pulls you into her arms.
“It was fake you know?” you whisper out after a moment, voice raspy with tears.
“What was?” she asks, a hand running through your hair and providing a sense of comfort.
“Me and Rafe, we were fake dating. We made an agreement so it was never real” you whisper to her, your hands coming to brush some tears away which was useless since more came.
“I don’t understand, why would you need to fake date?” she questions and you sigh as you turn and look at her with glossy eyes.
“I just wanted to show the people around me that I was good enough to be someone’s girlfriend and he wanted to prove he dated girls for more than just their looks” the way your voice cracks tells Mila you had carried that burden with you to whole time. Knowing Rafe didn’t find you attractive and was using you to prove a point. Yet maybe that wasn’t entirely true, not after the hundreds of times she’s seen the way he looks at you. Even today when panicking about losing you.
“But, you guys had sex. Why would you sleep with him if you weren’t really together?” and you don’t have to answer with the way your eyes search her own. It’s written all over your face. You fell in love. You can’t say it out loud.
“What happened when you went back there?” she asks after pulling you into a hug and the harsh words you had overheard return to your mind.
“He wasn’t home so I went to his work. A coworker of his was with him, a girl he had previously dated. She was questioning him about me, saying it didn’t make sense. Then she mentioned their sex life in present tense. He had been sleeping with another girl the whole time. The last thing I heard him say was he was never attracted to big girls-“ you take a few heavy breaths, wiping the tears from your eyes before continuing. “We slept together, I thought it was real. That there was a chance we could actually be together and instead I was just another notch on the bedpost. Some one to get him off all while I trusted him”
“Oh my God, Y/N you should have told me it wasn’t real from the start! I could’ve helped you, gotten you out of this before all of this happened” she tells you with sincerity and you shake your head. Sleeping with someone was the test of ultimate trust for you and Rafe had broken that. The sad part was, it didn’t change how you felt. You still loved him even when you knew you shouldn’t.
“It’s okay Mila, I don’t regret it. Not entirely. I got to feel exactly what it was like to be loved for who I am even if it was fake. At least it felt real” and Rafe’s words ring through Mila’s head. Quickly the realization dawns on her. It was always real. You had to of misunderstood, missed some context to the conversation. Rafe said himself that it was real for him too.
“You know you deserve to be loved just the way you are? It doesn’t have to be fake” Mila tells you and as much as you want the words to be true they’re not. Yet you do what you’ve always become accustomed to when someone says this.
“Thanks Mila” and you hug her because the sentiment is cherished but after a long time of never being accepted for who you are, even the words from the people closest to you can become meaningless. After all how can you believe her when what she just said had never become true?
“Want me to stay up, we can watch a movie and make ice cream sundaes!” she offers and even though you know she’ll do it you can see the exhaustion on her face. You knew better than anyone exactly what it was like to work in that bar. So you give her a soft shake of your head.
“Don’t worry about it, I kind of want to be alone. Get some sleep” you tell her and she pouts before nodding, standing, and stretching her arms.
“If you need me, you know where to find me” she says before leaning and kissing your head. “I love you Y/N”
“I love you too Mila” you returns and she smiles before shuffling down the hallway where she more than likely would fall asleep before she could even change out of her work clothes.
Now left alone in the dark you click on the TV, surfing channels in hopes to find a romcom with a happy ending or even a sad one. You weren’t entirely sure what you wanted at the moment. That is until your phone vibrates to life, the screen illuminating your face. You can’t help but be hopeful it’s Rafe but how could it be when you had spent an afternoon blocking him on everything you had, tears blurring your vision, and making it hard to see the screen. Instead it’s an unknown number, one you had forgotten about.
unknown number
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You debate even texting back, knowing you’ve been sad all day but isn’t this was you and Rafe had agreed upon. Seeing others and finding the one. You and him were officially done and never real so why should it matter if you pursue Tanner right away. You deserved to be happy after all, even if it would take a while to stop loving Rafe. So you respond to the text anyway.
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It’s flirty, sure, but what did you have to lose?
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And you find yourself giggling at your phone, feeling giddy for the first time since Rafe and the first time for real in a while. Your heart may be broken but at least you were confident that you could move on. Not all hope was lost and wasn’t that comfort enough? You had been strong this whole time, lived a whole life yearning for the kind of love you deserved, and at least there was still time. It would just have to do for now.
Mila hadn’t gone right to bed though, she knew what she had to do. Yes she was upset with Rafe but she was fully confident most of this was misunderstanding. Maybe it was all fake but Mila had watched you two, seen the way you looked at each other and heard the way you laughed. You trusted him and he trusted you, it was fake but how much could you truly pretend in a relationship like that? So even though she hadn’t promised anything she pulled her phone out anyway.
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She didn’t need to say who she was. She knew Rafe would know when he received that text into the late hours of the night. What she hadn’t expected was his immediate response back.
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And maybe Mila didn’t know Rafe as well as you but reading this text she knew it to be true. It’s possible Rafe had broken many promises in a lifetime but this is one she knew he’d keep.
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Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @fishingirl12 @houseofperfecttaste @abbybarnesstuff @carma-fanficaddict @jjmaybankisbae @exhaustedbutelated @diagnosedpsychosis @daivny @drewstarkeygf @vinniehackersbaee @emsgoodthinkin @apollo3475 @https-urwife @willowalexissss @kisstaya @hcneyedsstuff @lexiereblogs @drewsuncrustables @mveggieburger @marvel4life3000 @bibliophilewednesday @humungouspatrolwolf @ijustwanttoreadlols @jaijustreads @sleepjam @dilvcv @aaronhotchswife @sunshine1218 @lavenderhazeq @theultimatefrenchfangirl @kravitzwhore @chalahyung01 @jenniferpendragon @kitty-marie725 @dlwritings @writevanna @alenerz @h34rtsformilli
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
Hello! I hope you’re doing well :D
Could I please request headcanons for Fugo and Narancia with a hardworking s/o that’s shy and book smart and their love language (giving) is acts of service?
Thank you so much! Have an amazing day ૮𐙚꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶ 𐙚ა
Pannacotta Fugo, Narancia Ghirga x hardworking, book smart, shy reader headcanons
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Author's Note: Thank you so much for this lovely request and for being so sweet. I hope you'll enjoy it!
Pannacotta Fugo
- At first, when observing how hardworking, book smart, and shy you are, it pains him a bit. It reminds Fugo of himself from years ago when he got more than hurt by others who took advantage of his way of being.
- He still finds it lovely but at the same time, it gets him concerned and always on guard if any danger gets close to you. He's protective but subtle about it. He sniffs ill intentions from afar so when someone maliciously wants to approach you, that individual stops abruptly with wide eyes and leaves. You might be asking yourself why, without knowing that Fugo was behind you, with a death glare and clenched fists scaring that idiot. With you, he's sweeter than honey, with others that try to profit off your nature, he's deadly.
- There's a chance that sometimes after something like this happens, he gets furious. Whenever Fugo has his fits of anger, he hides away from you, not wanting to scare you away. He cares for you so much that it sometimes scares him.
- Admires how hardworking you are but doesn't want you to overdo it, so he will always offer to help. It's also a good way to spend more time with you.
- Fugo will always come to you if he has a problem or inconvenience in his daily life, not for solutions but to be heard and understood. Plus, he trusts you enough to let himself open up.
- Please don't assist him while he tries to teach Narancia something because Fugo's attention will naturally be drawn to you. You're a big distraction, he'll end up staring at you for longer than intended instead of teaching, and that earns him some teasing from Narancia.
- When he catches himself daydreaming, there's a scenario that keeps repeating. He wonders how it would feel to lay his head on your lap as you're reading and just rest there and feel a calmness wash over his tense body. You always have that effect on him. As he starts to fall for you more and more, the others notice how he gets angry less often.
- As for your love language, Fugo catches on to it right away and understands the meaning of your acts of service because that's his love language as well.
Narancia Ghirga
- When it comes to being hardworking and booksmart, he thinks you're similar to Fugo and he admires Fugo so much so you being like that shouldn't be a problem, right? Right? Not really. Narancia gradually starts getting worried for you. Again, he admires you, your nature motivates him to try and be like that too but seeing you go past your limits, and overworking yourself leaves him concerned.
- He immediately comes up with a plan, taking the goal of making you relax very personally and seriously. His method is simple. Once he thinks that a break is needed, Narancia will distract you and somehow trick you into doing a pleasant activity that he knows you enjoy.
- The fact that you're book smart makes him feel a bit self-conscious. Narancia is your number one fan, he loves you so much, but sometimes he's afraid that you'll avoid him because he is not really academically bright. You notice this new insecurity of his because he starts to ask Fugo for more help, much more often. He doesn't realize that you like that he's more street smart than book smart.
- With a warm smile on his face and clinging to you, Narancia will always tell you how you shouldn't be shy, at least not around him.
- He also comes to you when he has a dilemma because he finds you not just wise but patient enough to listen to him.
- Eventually, he'll ditch getting academic help from Fugo. He likes the way you're teaching him much more. Plus, he's so infatuated with you that of course he wants to spend more time with you, even in this context.
- Unfortunately, exactly because of how badly he has fallen for you, he won't be able to pay attention to the lessons and it will be a lost cause. But he tried.
- Totally oblivious of you showing your love through acts of service because you're always sweet, in general. He can't be that special to you, can't he? Better prove him wrong.
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raticalshoez · 11 months
Man, there is just something so fascinating to me about the Boat Boys because I think their relationship has always been akin to like...the rockiest of waters (pun intended). I've just been thinking so much about it...
In 3rd Life, funnily enough, one of their first interactions was just them riding a boat together. In Last Life, Joel ended Etho's series. Even before being soulbonded they've had that sort of "me and the bestie/can't stand his fakeass" dynamic.
If anything was evident in Double Life, it's that they had fun together. It's safe to say they probably weren't the most loyal to one another, mainly due to Etho and his Bdubs withdrawal, but it would be wrong to say that they didn't enjoy each other's company. They both have the urge to cause chaos, but one's more upfront about it and the other is more subtle. They complimented each other and balanced out the other, and when the time came around, they died together poetically.
Limited Life was definitely...a season for Joel and Etho interactions. This season was filled with animosity, and constant jabs, and bitter callbacks to a past life. Boat Boys this season were just killing or insulting each other left and right, not finding a moment of comfort or piece around each other.
Then there's Secret Life. This one in particular makes me kind of insane because there's both the animosity and bite to their words when they're interacting with one another, but there was also sincerity. For a brief moment, these two were able to express genuine care that they still had for one another, and that's just crazy to me. Both Joel and Etho's characters don't know sincerity and always deal more mushy, heartfelt things awkwardly, so this was CRAZY for me. And it always hits harder for me because I've always just imagined Joel and Etho's relationship to just be a very strong, platonic bond. They have people who they are definitely closer to; Joel has people like Lizzie, Grian and Jimmy, and Etho has people like Bdubs, Cleo, and Tango. Those are people that they tend to naturally gravitate towards, but the two of them will always end up crossing paths. And well, that's what being soulmates is really about, right? It's not really about romance; it's about being bound to find this particular person in every universe, no matter what.
Out of all the people on the server, I never expected it to be them. Etho and Joel, the two guys who never seemed to be able to let go of their soul bond when everyone else had moved on to some capacity.
It's like how Martyn never left winter. It's like how Jimmy and Tango will always be each others' ranchers even though they no longer reside at the ranch. It's like how Scar and Grian know monopolies better than anyone. Cleo will always be caught up on BigB's betrayal and Lizzie will remain bitter about Cleo's destructive tendencies towards her home. Impulse will never let go of Bdubs' betrayal. It's the way Scott seems somewhat attached to literally ALL of his exes. The lifers just cannot be normal about each other and every new season adds to their insanity regarding one another.
If you've reached the end of this, I commend you. I'm not adding anything new to this conversation, I'm just yapping and blabbling about the Minecraft series that changed my life and altered my brain chemistry. These worms eat at my neurons everyday and I just HAVE to tell somebody, ANYBODY about my insanity.
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damaged goods {e.m}
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plot: you and eddie have been seeing each other for a while but just as things are getting good, he self destructs and pulls away.
character: eddie munson x reader
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As soon as you see his black van parked at the school, you're determined to hunt him down. He's clearly been avoiding you for the last two weeks and you want to know why. Was he not interested in you anymore? Did he want things to end? Was he going through something? You didn't know but you needed to; you couldn't just have nothing from him so you were going to do whatever it took, whether it meant missing classes or even skipping school completely, you'd do whatever it took to get to the bottom of this.
Things between you and Eddie had just been getting good, you were getting to the stage where you were hoping that he'd ask you to be his girlfriend and then he just... left. Whatever the reason, you needed to know. You liked Eddie, god you really liked him and that's why you were pissed. You wanted this so bad, you wanted him so bad and maybe he didn't want you and honestly, it hurt a lot more than you'd care to admit.
You didn't know where he'd be so you found someone who would. It didn't take long to find the rest of the Hellfire Club, they were tucked away inside their dedicated room ranting about the new campaign that they were starting. When you barged in, they immediately shut up.
"Where is he?"
They glanced around at each other, stammering and red in the face.
Rolling your eyes, you put your hand on Dustin's shoulder, "Dustin," your voice turned from hard to sticky sweet, "Can you tell me where he is?" Poor Henderson. He was clearly under instruction to not let you know his location but as soon as you fluttered your lashes he spluttered out that Eddie was in Mr Muchnik's class prepping for a test that he'd previously failed. You patted Dustin on the shoulder, "Thanks, kid," as Mike Wheeler hissed 'dude he's gonna kill you'.
On the walk to Muchnik's all you could think was that you hoped he didn't have a class first thing because you wanted this all sorted with Eddie, you didn't want to have a bunch of kids walk in on your - what you presumed would be - heated discussion.
When you walked in, Eddie was hunched over the table, scribbling things down, "Henderson, I told you not to bother me-"
"Munson!" The roar of your voice startles Eddie, making him jump and cower like a dog who's being scolded for chewing on the couch cushions.
Quickly, he jumps up, "I-I gotta go, sorry, really gotta run!" He excuses himself and tries to scuttle away.
"And you're just abandoning all your work, huh?" You ask, arms crossed over your chest. Eddie looks back to the mess he's left on the desk, the important mess on the desk, "You won't mind if I just tear it all up, would you?" Eddie's eyes narrow as he weighs up the situation in his mind. Would he really let you destroy his hard work just for the purpose of avoiding talking to you for even longer? Seriously?! "I just had to flirt with a goddamn twelve year old so you're going to fucking speak to me, Eds!" You hiss, annoyed and still slightly mortified with flirting with Dustin.
Eddie almost laughed, he would've had the tension not been too much, "Fuckin' Henderson man..." He mutters under his breath before realising that right now is not the time for jokes. He relents with a heavy sigh, "Okay, let's talk."
You're standing, arms crossing frowning at him. He's looking at you as though you're the one who needs to do some explaining and your patience wears thin, "Well?" It's harsher than you really intend it to be but Eddie doesn't flinch, instead he shrugs one shoulder, scratching the back of his head.
"I don't really know what to tell you."
You're fucking pissed and he knows it. It takes every ounce of self control to not rip him to shreds, "Start with why you've been avoiding me." Your voice is sticky sweet but with an edge; a knife dipped in honey.
His composure changes from that of being skittish to being... indifferent? "I'm damaged goods, sweetheart," he says, hands spread out in a 'what you gonna do about it' gesture, "what more can I say?"
"The fuck are you talking about?" You're angry, he sees it burning in your eyes and he doesn't blame you. He'd be angry too if you'd avoided him for two weeks with no sort of rhyme or reason. It's like he doesn't care, like it's fun to mess you about but the real reason is that he does care; so much, maybe even too much, "What does that mean?"
"Damaged goods," he repeats, voice more serious this time, "I'm broken, fucked in the head, a mess... Any of them work better for you?" He sounds bitter, annoyed at himself almost.
You roll your eyes, "I know what it means, Munson, I just want to know why that's reason enough for you to avoid me for two weeks when things were just getting good."
It's Eddie's turn to be confused, "Because I'm a mess. Why would you care about me? I'm not worth it so I decided for you."
You roll your eyes, "How about you let me decide what I can and can't handle? Eds..." At the sound of your nickname for him, his face softens and he suddenly can't look directly at you anymore. Shame burns in his stomach. Could you really care about him? Has his insecurities caused him to push you away? Your demeanour changes and all of your anger vanishes. You're not angry. Your heart aches for him in this moment. You reach out for him, he doesn't react, "I thought things were going really well, I stupidly thought that you were..." You trail off, shaking your head with a bitter laugh.
"That I was what?" Eddie presses quietly.
"That you were gonna make it official soon," you say with a shrug, "I don't care if you're broken or if you're a mess - have you met anyone who's not a bit of a mess or a little fucked?! I have issues too, Eds, I struggle as well. You just have to trust that I care about you because..." he finally raises his head to look at you, "I do. I do care about you."
He laughs humourlessly, "Why? Why do you even care about me? I'm a freak, no money, no friends, nothing."
"Because you're you, Eddie. You're funny, always making me laugh even when I'm mad or upset. You're so sweet. When we started this thing I didn't really see you as a sweet or caring guy but my god you are. You came and picked me up at 3am from Olivia's party, drunk as a skunk and then I puked in your van and you didn't care. You still called me pretty and helped me get home safe, didn't complain about the state of your van or anything. Spending time with you is so fun. Before we started hanging out, I don't remember when I'd had this much fun. Eds, you mean so much to me and I don't get why you don't see how fast and hard I'm falling for you!" The last part was a secret that you'd meant to kept locked up and as soon as you say it, you take a sharp intake of breath, "I-I- fuck."
Eddie smiles, a real smile that reaches his eyes and crinkles the corners, "You mean all of that?" He steps towards you.
Your cheeks burn hot, "Yeah, I do."
"All of it? You accept me for my flaws and all?"
Again, you agree.
"You promise?" He asks, "I'm giving you an out right now. If you're not sure, if you don't think this is a long term thing... get out while you still can because I want you and once I have you," he's standing right in front of you, chests centimetres from touching, "I'm never gonna let you go." His breath fans over your face and you find yourself closing the gap between the two of you.
"I'm all in," you whisper, eyes boring into his.
He grins but you barely get a chance to see it before his lips are on yours, warm and fast. It's not a long kiss, no those tend to happen in the back of his van, but it's enough for now.
He pulls back, pressing your foreheads together, murmuring an apology to you, "I'm sorry," he starts, "I- I got kinda in my head. Couldn't understand why someone like you would date someone like me." Instead of replying, you kiss him again. He tastes familiar - cigarettes and coffee.
"Oh," he says, pulling back, "we're totally in a relationship now by the way if you didn't know." He speaks quick before kissing you again. Your hands tangle in his hair as he backs you against the wall. You missed him; you missed this. You just hoped that you'd be able to prove to him that no matter what he was - damaged goods or not - then you'd be here to help repair the pieces.
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millerscoffee · 1 year
Hi brilliant Bee 🐝 can we please get the “do you want my fingers?” prompt from either Frankie or Joel 🤭
hi, sweetheart! i went with joel for this, i hope that's okay! it's a little longer than i intended, so i just want to say – please don't take this personally, everyone else! i'm a sucker for joel and got carried away. sue me! i could've gone longer, and i'm showing great restraint! tehehe. i hope y'all enjoy ♡
take me on
1710 words | joel miller x inexperienced f!reader
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rating: 18+ MDNI
warning: age gap (joel: late 50s, reader 28), reader is a virgin/late bloomer (right on time bloomer if you ask me), fingering (f receiving), pet names, praise kink
A/N: this is part of my 500 followers celebration running until 9/9 ♡
To put it simply: you were embarrassed.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to be with anyone in your years of life, you just hadn’t found the right time or person.  Living in Jackson was more comfortable than most places, but it wasn’t like it was easy meeting people – not necessarily a lot of new people to meet.
And that’s when Joel Miller showed up.
He was moody, his time was spent scowling at others while keeping close to his family… for the most part.  Sometimes he was scowling alone when the waters were rocky.  But when he saw you, the subtlety of his features softened: his shoulders, his eyebrows.  It was something you didn’t pick up straight away, but iteration made it obvious.
Like the one night Joel was in the middle of an argument just outside The Tipsy Bison, when he saw you show up.  He was presenting to be a different person around you – his words fell off to the side, and he opened the door for you without a word.
Of course, he continued the fight the very second the door closed behind you.
A grin splayed over your face.
A few days passed, built up until Joel found the courage to speak to you.  And that burn was just as slow.
A small crowd of people left until the two of you were on either side of a bench.  His eyes met yours, wide and curious.  His larynx buoyed upon swallowing, a grunt slipped through his nose.
Man of a few words.
But it didn’t take long for the two of you to strike up a conversation, and even shorter for you to learn the pathways that it took for him to unravel for you.
That was a month ago.
Now, you find yourself in Joel’s house, nestled up in his room.
There had been a couple of times leading up to this point.  You’ve kissed, you’ve spent hours heavy petting.  Joel calling you darlin’, wanting more of you.  He understands that you’re nervous, but he is but a carnal being at the end of the day.
So are you, you’re finding.
And you know it now underneath the dark duvet, the desire you cannot contain.  The slick rising between your legs.
“Joel,” you whisper: lips chaste, thighs quivering as he settles between them. “I- I want you.”
These are the words he’s been dying to hear, but still you watch his gaze shift – fire and flame, eagerness and concern.
“What can y’take?”
You swallow a whimper at his attentiveness.  His desire to take care of you.
“I don’t really know,” you bite your cheek, and god, it’s silly.  You should know what you want by now.  You’ve built up so much momentum for this moment, even before Joel was in the picture, and now that it’s here, you freeze.
“Hey,” Joel’s palm soothes over the side of your neck and your pupils blow wide at the sensation, the observation, the unmentioned praise. “You don’t gotta know.  We’ll go slow, alright?”
You nod feverishly, your hands exploring – timid and clumsy – over his sides through his flannel, and fuck, he loves that.  Loves the sensation of your delicate grazes exclaiming their inclinations for him.
“Okay,” you muster it, and Joel helps you undress.  Clothing is off of you until you’re in your underwear and top on his bed.
It’s slow, this process.  He takes his time.  Admires you with kind eyes, with soft words, with grunts and muttered damn’s.  A good half hour of this build up, of his lips on your skin.  Of him taking his time with you, to work you up, to make you feel safe.
And you are rattling for him.
“Joel, I–” you don’t mean for it to sound like a moan, but his ears perk up when it happens.
“Talk t’me, baby,” you shudder at his big palms crossing the landscape of your thighs.
“Y-yknow I’ve never, I’ve never.”
You can’t get it out.  Twenty-eight.  A virgin.  Never been naked for someone like this, much less touched.
“I know, darlin’.  And you’ll let me take care a’you?  ‘Cuz we can stop, y’just gotta say the word.”
“N-no!” you feel blood pooling at your cheeks, and that tugs a grin from him.
“No?” He's amused now, but still tender.  His head tilts to gaze between your legs, and lets out a weak whistle. “I know you’re nervous, but do you know how damn irresistible you are?”
And fuck, you’re ruined by that.
“I’m not nervous,” you grin weakly, hips shifting under his gaze.
“Yeah, I know.  So brave for me, aren’tcha?”
“I’m brave,” you breathe the repeated phrase, “I want this.” Hearing just how brave you’re being makes you feel braver than you may actually be.  Sneaky man, it’s working.
“Do you want my fingers?”
Says the man whose fingers were curled under the collar of some man earlier in the day for cutting him off in line for lunch.  How could they be delicate now?
Regardless, it pulls you.  You feel your core pulse at this, your clit tingles at the prospect of being touched and all you can do is nod, “Y-yes.”
That’s all Joel needs.
He shifts on the bed, noises of age escaping from him as one knee is bent on his bed, other foot planted deep into the floor.  Hovering over you, but not in a way that makes you nervous.  It makes you feel cared for.  Your eyes look up, wet and round up to his deep brown eyes that stake their claim over you.
“I’m gonna pull these off now.  That alright?”  he nods in the direction between your legs and you tell him yes before you even realise it.
The cool air against the dampness of your cunt draws a gasp from you and your hand instinctively wraps around his wrist.  “Joel,” you whimper, biting the plush of your bottom lip.
“Good girl,” he coos, nodding in acknowledgement of how intense it is.  “Doin’ so good f’me.  You know that too, don’t you?”
You swallow down, nodding back.  Legs split innately, spreading your mess down your thighs.  “Lord,” he breathes, “You are somethin’ special, you know that?”  you’re speechless, but the peak of your nipples through the fabric speak a lot for you – the breathy sighs, the needy hips.  And he allows it.  Because you’re fresh, you’re new, you don’t need to be demanded.  He wants this right for you.
“Gonna touch you, okay?”  “Okay,” you mewl.  At first it’s your legs, right at the crease; at your hips.  And then, he’s cursing under his breath when the pads of his fingers finally – patiently – run up and down over your folds.  It’s lazy, it’s unhurried, his skin is so hot it throbs you.  The ache is all-consuming, and you could come apart just from this.
“This for me?”  the sounds of your wetness rebound in your ears, causing your brows to knit and whimpers to fill in beside the slick as you bob your head.
“Please, please.  I want to feel you.  Need to feel this.”
You find the words as he finds the green light.
One finger dips down in this tentative headspace.  His eyes flit from your face to your core, and you feel so gorgeous under the gaze.  You swallow then, knowing his fingers are far larger than yours, but you are brave – remember?  And he knows it.  He’s slow, intentional when he grooves over your entrance: the source of your wetness.
He watches you carefully, tempting the digit inside at the very tip and you hiss reactionarily.  It stings.  No matter how turned on you are, this is new and your blood is pumping around his finger.  But you let him know it’s okay, how you can take it.  His other hand pushes your hair back in awe of you, in praise, and gently nudges the finger up.
“So full,” you gasp, almost giggling from the stir.  That sharpness melts into pleasure and you nudge your cheek into his palm as he sits more now.  In front of you, palm traveling down your side to land at your hip, the middle finger tempting to press deeper until he’s at the knuckle.  It’s delicious – cosmic and veracious.
“Tight, fuckin’ gorgeous,” he can’t help but utter and it’s within him rolling his thumb over your clit do you feel the pressure inside you build.
It’s strange, too.
You don’t expect the feeling to pull pleasure out of you, but the repetitious movements make your eyes roll back – his skill, and his intent.
“I ca… I c-can’t last, p–”
“C’mon, pretty girl.  You can let go for me.”  He’s so soft like this, albeit in complete control of you.  And that unfamiliar permission sends fireworks from your core, down your legs – your hips rocking up and you inhale sharply at the feeling of him moving in deeper from that.  “Joel!”
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, but makes light work in keeping the focus on you, on fucking you through it.
And it’s not that you haven’t orgasmed, but you didn’t expect to – not within your first experience with someone else.
But you’re quickly understanding Joel isn’t just anyone else.
His eyes are hungry, grunts spilling from him as he absorbs this.  Just nodding – at least you think he is in between your eyes screwing shut, and the ringing in your ears.  You’re flashed with white hot pleasure, and you don’t want it to end.
“That’s it, sweet girl.  That’s right.  Look so pretty cummin’ around my finger like this.  Sound so pretty for me, too.”  And just before you become too sensitive, he slows down.  Takes his thumb off of your clit, the vice grip you have on his thick finger makes it difficult for him to pull out – but he manages just fine.  A pleased grin plucking him.
“Wait.  Are you okay?  Do you need anything?”  You shift, realising that he hasn’t been addressed, but he’s quick to shake his head and clean you up.  Those rough hands that have done mean things are so gentle as they place the clothes back on your body.  His lips flutter over your forehead.
“All in good time, babygirl.  All in good time.”
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lvlyghost · 1 year
Half My Soul: II
PAIRINGS: John Price x F!Reader
SUMMARY: The morning after John takes you home.
TW: smut, suggestive themes. john is the man we all deserve! descriptions of injuries. reader gets a tiny bit of background. mentions of abuse. comfort, fluff. think that's it. lmk if i missed any. mind the english!
A/N: i'm so very sorry for how long i made you wait! here's the final part. maybe i wasn't dealing with lack of inspiration it would've been longer, i even had planned another situation for this fic but oh well. i may turn it into a separate drabble. enjoy💕💫
Masterlist✨Part 1
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John looks up from his phone when you walk in, he was about to take a sip from his tea mug. You're wearing one of his shirts that's nearly too big for your body. He likes it when you wear his clothes, not that he'd say it out loud. Not that it was the first time he had seen you wearing his shirts; the black hoodie he had insisted you could keep now ruined because of the blood and the lower part of the fabric that had been torn apart.
He clears his throat. Setting both the mug and mobile down.
"Sleep well?" He asks.
You hum in response.
"Too early to be awake if you ask me." John chuckles when you roll your eyes feigning annoyance.
He was far too good to you. Too good for your own sake. You didn't want to think of how inappropriate it was that you were at his apartment, wearing his clothes. Sleeping on his bed. It also didn't help that he was wearing just a pair of black sweatpants. This thing between the two of you whatever it was... made your stomach flutter and your heart warm when he looked at you the way he was right about now.
"There's coffee for you." He declares. "Know you don't fancy tea. A terrible mistake, may I add." There's a playful grin on his lips when you laugh. "How's your body?" His voice drops a few degrees. You know he's trying to be nonchalant about it but you know him. You know he's worried. Know that he hates the man who hurt you with all his being.
What you don't know is what he did as soon as he woke up. It took one more glance to your face and body. One glance to the bruises and scratches and he was climbing on his pickup truck. John knew the address. He had intended to have a civilized conversation with your father; after all you didn't want him to get hurt, despite him making your life a living hell. One thing led to another. A heated argument. Shouting and swearing. He couldn't let that monster speak about you the way he did. A staring contest. Hands pushing the other. And then there where punches being thrown. He didn't care if he was a former ranger back in the states. There was no real pride in what he did. Fuck him. He was glad he got discharged from the military. He gave soldiers a bad name. He was a blemish in everything they stood for.
"My eye's not swollen anymore. That steak really came in handy." You joke remembering the night before, when you both got to his home. And John wants to laugh, he's aware you're trying to joke about it. To brush it off like it meant nothing. Why were you such a beautiful person? No one deserved you. "Really John? The mug's on the top shelf!" You sigh, standing on your tiptoes stretching as much as you can but only had managed to graze the cabinet door to open it.
John snorts at the sight of you trying to reach it, so he stands from the stool and gently pats your shoulder, giving you a soft squeeze as he reaches out for it without effort and placing it in your hand.
"You made it look like it was hard, love. Was starting to think if I could do it myself."
You hit his arm in a playful manner making him chuckle.
"Thank you John." You murmur. He staring down at you intently. Like there was nothing else in the world to him.
"It's just a..."
"I mean for everything." You interrupt him. At first you hesitate but end up grazing his fingers until you take his hand in yours. It's warm and bigger than yours, it swallows your own entirely. Both of you stop breathing when the silence settles. Outside the sky is cloudy, rain threatening to pour down anytime soon.
"Lovely." He mutters.
"You, love. Just you."
Something shifts in the air after those words. John and you... had been holding back each other's feelings. You more than him. He wasn't fighting them anymore and neither were you. Who were you lying to?
Just yourself. The man cared for you like no one else did. He pours some coffee in your cup with his eyes set on you all the time, even when you take a sip and place it back on the kitchen counter. "Want me to check your wounds?" He asks, but you're not listening anymore. You're lost in the deep sea that his eyes are. In the way he cleaned up your wounds yesterday. Something you had done to him many, many times before. Lost in the moment when he saw your deteriorating state last night, the anger that sparked in his blue eyes. You inhale deeply, the smell of his cologne and cigars.
John shifts his weight from one foot to another. You were staring in silence. He wonders if you're regretting accepting his invitation to his home. God knows that if you decided to leave that would be the end of him.
Why were you so silent all of the sudden? Had he made a mistake?
Bloody hell.
"No need for that John. I just need you."
And you grab him by the back of his neck pulling him down for a gentle kiss. His strong arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer until your bodies are pressed together. His lips are soft and mouth warm, you wish you could do more... maybe you can.
"Y'know how long I've waited for this?" He asks, voice raspy. A small kiss on your nose. His eyes are bright and adoringly watching you. "If I could stay like this forever..."
He kisses you again and lifts you up so your legs immediately wrap around his waist. John handles your body with so much care it makes your heart flutter, he avoids touching where the bruises are more prominent on your abdomen as he walks barefooted to the living room.
John lays both of you slowly onto the couch so that you're straddling his lap and he gives you the most gentle squeeze on your hip while his other hand tuck back a strand of hair behind your ear. It's a silent ask. A silent plea.
Do I have you permission? Can I make you mine?
And you nod. You kiss him again. Hard and hungrily. Biting down his lips. You too have waited for this. All the pent up desire that's been building over months. The longing stares, the casual touches. It's all led to this very moment where your—his— shirt get tossed to the floor, his pants don't make it all the way down and your underwear is merely pushed aside. The embarrassing amount of slick that coats your folds when John slides his fingers up and down your cunt making you gasp. His hands already making wonders that your own could never. Or the sight of his sheer size; he's big, you wonder if he'll even fit all the way, so he prepares you. Fingers slip in and out, limbs trembling as he works you through your climax and orgasm. Makes you forget about everything, about not being cared for before about all the pain that was your life before he showed up with his acts of service and unyielding protection. No one ever truly cared for you the way John did. No man could ever come close to him.
"John..." you moan his name, lips parted. "Please."
He wastes no time and he's finally sliding inside you. Blue eyes never leaving yours. And he's fucked. He has been for a long time, the moment he saw you. The first time you smiled at him.
His body shudders at the sensation of you swallowing him whole, not being able to think of anything else than being consumed by the woman on top of him. He wants you not just for today but for eternity. Another heated kiss when you're both nearing the end. A muttered promise to love you, a lone tear and soft graze of his hands as you come undone.
Falling apart together, deep breaths and mumbles of soft nothings into each other's arms. You trace his lips as he tries to even his ragged breathing. The faintest sheen of sweat that pearls his body.
"This isn't so bad."
John smirks.
"Not at all, love. Not at all."
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yarrystyleeza · 1 year
Congratulations on the milestone, friend!!! 🎉🎉 I’m so excited for you! 💖
So for your sleepover event I’d like to send in a request for someone that is probably NOT expected from me. Can I please get some fluff for one of my other absolute loves Daryl Dixon? Maybe something fluffy about being unable to fall asleep? Possibly something with a love confession? Whatever feels right for you I'd be excited to read! I miss my crossbow wielding love 😭❤
Thank you so much, Bella! This was definitely a milestone, and it wouldn't have been possible without you, thank you again! 🥰💞
And as for the request, I had such a fun time writing it, I missed Daryl so much and your request brought back so many memories 🥺💞💞💞
Night Birds (D.D)
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Requested by @bellaxgiornata
Pairing and dynamic: Daryl Dixon x female!reader — friends to lovers
Prompt: fluff, one bed trope, unable to fall asleep, love confession
Word count: 2.2k!
Writer's note: this took me a while to write, not just because I haven't written anything for Daryl in more than 3 years, but the story building wasn't easy, and I just hope it's enjoyable and fun. Also, this lil fic is heavily inspired by Panic! At The Disco's out of the Vault "night birds", unfortunately it was taken down from YouTube due to copyright issues but here's a snippet of it on twt
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"shit." you muttered under your breath, looking at the one bed at the end of the cabin, you squeezed your eyes shut and pinched the bridge of your nose. You and Daryl left Alexandria and went scavenging this morning, but your journey took way longer than expected and it was dangerous for you to take the road back home in this wintery night.
You twisted your lips in a thoughtful pout, Daryl soon notices that after he had locked the cabin door. "what?" he narrows his blue eyes as he asks, "it's a..." you gesture in the direction of the bed, "oh." he commented..
The two of you stood in place—silently for a full minute before Daryl makes a suggestion. "I can sleep on the floor--" immediately, you shook your head in disapproval, "no, Daryl, it's too cold and you might get sick," you fired back, "but I don' think that thin' can hold us up together, y'know," Daryl objected, "a bed is still a bed, even though it looks old, and rusty, and small... and a little crooked..." you gesture at the odd position the bed was in, tilting your head to try to find any correct angle in this bed.
Daryl stood silent for a moment to recollect his thoughts and you eyed him patiently, he eyed you a little before speaking, you cross your arms, pout your lips and knit your brows, waiting for him to drop the bomb of a thought because you knew what he's about to say now.
"there's another cabin down the road, 15 minute walk from here..." you rolled your eyes with a very loud objective groan, uncrossing your arms, "of course no, Daryl," he mirrored your eye roll, "don't even ask why, you know why, we need to always stick together, like— how am I supposed to make sure you're okay?" you interrupted before he could defend his suggestion, "we have our walkie-talkies--" he shrugged, "we don't," you whispered and he grimaced immediately, "what d'ya mean?" his brows got knitted, you smiled your teeth out.
"I thought it was a quick trip so I thought we didn't really need them..." you twisted your fingers as you answered with a low voice.
You lied about that, you actually brought the devices and you hid them in your backpack, you just wanted him to stay with you.
You've known Daryl for a really long time, you met back at Hershel's farm. You were a lone survivor and you happen to stumble upon Daryl in the woods. You needed a shelter and Hershel's family home provided this for you and in exchange, you helped them on their search for Sophia. Unfortunately it didn't go as intended, and everyone had to face the ugly truth about her death.
But during the search—Daryl accidentally got shot by Andrea and you offered to stay and take care of him—since everyone else was busy; and you found peace in his presence. That was the day you became true friends, inseparable friends.
Wherever Daryl was, you were with him. You were always together on missions, and whenever Rick talked about a scavenging mission you were the first one signing up the moment you know Daryl was on it too. You couldn't truly connect with other members in the group, you were shy and had troubles bonding with a big group of people, but you were always nice to them.
But, Daryl holds a special place in your heart, and you could never deny that. You were two lone wolves who found a little peace of mind together.
Now, you can see how frustrated he is, the look of both anger and worry are soaking his gentle features. "I'm sorry, Daryl," you muttered softly between your teeth, he shrugged, "forget 'bout it, pet."
You took your backpack off your shoulder and placed it by the end of the bed, you kicked your shoes off and slipped out of your heavy winter jacket. You fluff your hair and gently you lie down the mattress and your body sinks in. You were exhausted.
You watch Daryl as he makes his way to the bed, his expression is a little unsure of his actions and it was confusing, you rarely saw that face of him, he's nervous, silent and red. Daryl slowly sits on the edge of the bed, he lies down on your left side and you feel how timid he is.
"goodnight, Daryl," you lie on your back and you fix your eyes on the ceiling, he shifts a little, mirroring your pose but his hands are behind his head, his leather covered elbow brushes your cheek softly. "goodnight, pet," Daryl gently replies.
And you stay like that for hours, both facing the ceiling, you start counting the cracks in the wooden surfaces and they're twenty one, you want to pull your eyes out of their sockets to force yourself to sleep but you can't, the clock hanging on the wall had long died, you feel like a nocturnal animal who's unable to close its eyes but feeling drunk and paralyzed, you're too aware of how loud your heart is pumping tonight, you can feel every particle of dust falling onto your skin, and your breathing is so audible that you feel it ringing in your ears, it's uncomfortable and overwhelming.
Your eyes glance to the side and you notice how silent Daryl is, but he wasn't asleep either. "you can't sleep, right?" you mumble, your eyes are back on the ceiling, recounting the clefts, did their number increase?
"nah, and I guess you aren'..." he replies with the same calm tone, still looking up. "do you remember that night—back at Hershel's farm when neither of us was able to fall asleep?" you try to remind him.
The night Daryl got shot, you drank a huge amount of coffee in order to stay awake and take care of him, it was a terrible decision, because you spent the night and the next morning—shaking in weakness. And Daryl was in so much pain he couldn't close his eyes either but kept lying to you—telling you it feels more like a scratch. You kept hearing him groaning quietly and you kept petting his head to try and make his focus shift to the movement of your fingers in his hair. It was a very exhausting night but you woke up collapsed over Daryl as you had sat beside him on the edge of the bed.
"I get the same vibes here," your heart beats faster, you have no idea why you're nervous but you are. "us getting stuck together and having to deal with each other," you chuckle a little as you recall the events, "you were so pissed about me following you everywhere but then you got shot and I had to stay the night and take care of you," you keep on talking, almost feeling like you're talking to yourself. Daryl was silent, it was a little heartbreaking that he had no reaction to it.
"jeez, sorry for giving you a headache--" you sigh, tears almost stray out of your heavy eyelids, "at all, pet, I love listening to ya talkin' bout anythin'," he cuts you off, you feel his weight shifting next to you, you glance to the side and you see his blue eyes shining back at you in the dim light.
"I thought you were annoying at first but, I can't lie to ya, turns out you never were, pet," you giggle at his affirmation, "maybe because I'm a little too loud to you," you admit, your energies might have never matched but you still found harmony within it.
You remember the day you got kidnapped by Merle back at Woodbury, Daryl came over with the group to rescue you, Maggie, and Glenn. You were never able to remember anything about that event, never recalled how many hours or days you were gone but there was only one thing you remember for sure, Daryl ran up to you the moment he saw you and hugged you tight—almost crushing you in his arms. Something in you changed and you felt attracted and more attached to him. The worry in his blue orbs, and his tight hug still burns your skin.
Then the day everything fell apart and you had to flee the prison. You were introduced to the overprotective side of Daryl, he never left your side since then, and you always found yourself safe in his presence.
You never wanted to be away from him, and you hated the fact that you got separated when you first arrived to Alexandria, you were so mad that you picked up a fight with him intentionally so he could spend more time talking to you. You felt torn apart whenever he had to leave for a scavenging mission without you, and you couldn't stand any lady trying to hit on him.
The realization hits you hard... You've been in love with Daryl for longer than you can imagine.
"you look tired, pet, you need t' sleep," you almost chuckle at his words, "wish I could but I can't," you mumble. He half sits on the bed, "c'mere, pet," you look up at him, his arms are open wide for you, your heart twists in your chest as you try to make up your mind. You give up and place your head over his chest, his heart pumping next to your ear, his fingers delicately slip through your hair and he gently moves his tips on your scalp in circular motions, your eyes flutter shut and you snuggle your face into him.
His movement misses around with your heartbeat, poor little thing is thundering in your chest. You truly can't live without him.
"I care so much 'bout you, pet," your heart dropped, could this mean that you weren't the only one feeling it? You weren't so sure about it yet, but you decided you should let him finish his words.
But then his hand travels down, leaving your hair, his palm cups your cheek and his thumb fondles your blushed skin. "I care— so much 'boucha that I never think of anythin' else except for ya," you shift your head to look up at him and you find him staring back down at you.
You couldn't help but lift your head off his chest to sit straight and look directly at him in disbelief, he's astonished by your reaction and you see him lowering his eyes to his now tangled fingers. "I shouldn't 've talked about it, 'm sorry," he mumbles and you shift closer to him.
You don't quite know how you did it, but you aimed a kiss to his lips and he is taken by surprise. The very first time you've ever put your lips on him feels so unique, but you're to scared to indulge in the feeling. You part away from him, his face is unreadable, he turned pale white. Realizing what you just did. Did he actually feel anything for you? Does he even like you back? Was this the right thing to do? Or did you misunderstood the whole situation? You had no answers for those questions.
You're overthinking it a lot that you don't notice him moving closer to you, cupping your cheeks and drawing you into a kiss. Your shoulders fall and your hands envelope the back of his neck, gently tugging onto his long locks. His hands round your waist and you could feel the smile on his lips, he draws you over to his lap and he hugs you tight as the kiss continues.
He kisses you sweetly, and you only melt more into him, fumbling his face with the tips of your fingers, feeling the soft stubble on his cheeks. His hands go back over your cheeks and he's softly caressing them, tucking your hair behind your ears and you feel his lips stretching once again.
Daryl slowly pulls away from you, he's shy, he's nervous, he's flustered, and surely he's shaking but his smile is so big that you could barely see his ocean blue eyes. "so sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I was just—" you say and he giggles at you, "gosh, I love you, Daryl," you chuckle, the small of your hands are still enveloping his cheeks, "I love you too, pet, always did," Daryl slowly pulls you back into another kiss, you both smile as you sip on the uniquely sweet flavor you two created.
"think you can get some sleep now, angel?" Daryl murmured while your lips are still locked upon each other, you nodded with a slight chuckle, "alright, lemme tuck you in, lil' one," you slip from over his lap and he shuffles back to his place, taking you in his arms and resting your head onto his chest, playfully messing with your hair, you round his waist with your leg and snuggle into his chest, he keeps peppering your temple with little pecks until you both fell asleep.
Daryl wakes up early and he gently pulls himself from under you—in fear of disturbing your deep sleep, he gets up and makes his way to the little dining table where he had placed his bag, he scavenges through it for food but he finds nothing.
Daryl tries his luck with your backpack and searches through it, and that's where he finds the walkie-talkies you hid all day long... And you had witnessed his finding yourself.
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Likes and reblogs are appreciated, thank you for coming to my sleepover celebration! 💞💞💞
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cheolsfae · 7 months
Hii would you be able to do a reading on how skz members will meet their fs? Thank you
They all pretty much start off the same, from current to future, to distant future, didn't intend for that but here we are lmao. Except for I.N.'s!
Minho's...I really love his! fgkndfiodsno
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
��� Chris
*9s could be very significant for him
Past: 9 of pentacles, 9 of swords
I'm assuming this actually isn't the past but this is what's currently going on because this doesn't feel like he's met them yet. He's currently just focused on himself and those around him. He's very anxious about what's going on in his life. Like the responsibilities of his job could be keeping him up at night. This feels like he's just carrying around a whole lot of weight but he's refusing to ask for any help or even to just reach out and vent to someone else. Right now, it's like a crushing weight on him, he could be making it a bigger deal than need be, but that's not my place to say that lmao. He's valid in how he feels about this situation.
Present: ace of swords, the sun
At some point in the future, he's going to end up coming to the conclusion that he needs to tell someone. This ends up being his future spouse. I think they might start out at friends, like they met at a bar and just kind of took things from there. He could end up just venting everything out to this person and that's kind of how they meet. He might end up going to this bar/club with a friend or they could meet through a friend. Just some type of social atmosphere.
Future: the hanged man (reversed), 9 of cups
This person is definitely going to challenge him. He's going to be stubborn about wanting to expand on his thoughts about marriage, relationships, etc. He doesn't want to change how he feels about it. He has his own ideas on it and this person is brining forth new thoughts about it and it's very frustrating for him. He seems like the type to want to stick to what he knows in terms of certain topics like romance, etc. Very rigid in those values.
Bottom of the deck: the fool
He needs to take a leap of faith and just trust the process with this person. He needs to know that this person isn't going to intentionally harm him. It is safe to trust this person. They really mean well and they only want what is best for him, nothing more!
𓆦 Minho
Past: king of wands, 8 of cups (reversed)
Okay, he's recently healed a little bit from a past connection. He was finally in a place where he found the courage to leave that person. He did it in a way where it wasn't toxic, so this might have ended amicably (or this person signed an NDA). He's happy that the situation is over. He no longer has to deal with this person's shit anymore. He could have been warned that this person wasn't going to be doing him any favors. He should still be worried a little bit about this person. They could do something, who knows what but he should be careful.
Present: page of swords, the lovers
He's presently creeping on his future spouse. He's a very observant person. He's paying attention to what they have to say rather closely. He's just friends with this person right now, I don't think he's made any sort of romantic move towards them yet. He's trying to be strategic about how he goes about moving closer to this person, like the weirdo he is. He's just trying to feel the vibe out first, I think (I hope, lmaoo).
Future: 3 of swords (reversed), 8 of pentacles (reversed)
His future spouse has some healing to do but I don't think they are really wanting to. They are refusing to work on themselves. They kind of just want to stay as they are for right now. They could still be holding onto past hurt and not willing to trust Minho with his intentions. They could be thinking he's coming across rather snake-y. Them holding back from healing is going to stall the connection and do more harm than good.
Bottom of the deck: 2 of cups
Again, he's probably friends with his future spouse right now. He could be trying to figure out a plan as to how to further progress this connection. He could be planning to do it as a surprise and just hoping to sweep this person off their feet. A true romantic!
𓆦 Changbin
Past: 4 of pentacles, wheel of fortune, 9 of cups
Before meeting his future spouse, he's busy off completing things on his bucket list career wise. He's making his dreams a reality. He's trying to make sure he is in a good place before even thinking of dating anyone. He's kind of sticking to himself and not really focused on his romance life. Changbin needs to work on loving all the parts about himself before he even thinks about bringing in a romantic interest into his life, mainly, accepting the more unlikeable parts he feels about himself.
Present: knight of swords, 7 of pentacles
It feels like they meet through work. Like he's working his ass off for his future and then all of a sudden someone comes in to kind of sweep him off his feet. Yes, Changbin (like the little princess he is) is getting swept off his feet. He's not making the move, this co-worker is. But because he is so focused on what he's trying to accomplish, he's being a little bit oblivious to what this person is actually doing with him. He's so cute, I can't! This is a fated connection, obviously, but he won't know that, I feel that the other person will definitely have some type of clue. They will feel it in their gut, their intuition.
Future: the tower (reversed), 2 of pentacles
When it finally clicks with him what this person is doing, he's going to be kind of stuck between wanting to seriously pursue this person or keep working towards his career goals. He's going to have to strike a balance between the two. He can't be giving more energy to the other, it's not going to work that way. Again, this whole thing is going to feel like a bigger issue than it is. He just needs to find the correct way to fix it and figure out a balance that works for everyone involved
Bottom of the deck: the lovers
Overall, at some point, it will all align for him and it will all balance out but he needs to find a way to manage it as best as he possibly can when the time comes for him to meet this person. It's really gonna throw him for a loop when they come into his life and I'm so excited for them!
𓆦 Hyunjin
Past: the emperor, 4 of wands
So, he wants to be in a place where he's stable enough to support another person. He wants to be that kind of person. I get the impression he isn't exactly all that expressive with his emotions all that much. At least, not in big groups of people. Maybe with like his members one on one. And when I say expressive with his emotions I mean verbally. Physically and every other way 100% but to verbally say it? Nah-uh. He wants a future, he wants harmony in his "marriage" (future spouse in my mind doesn't necessarily mean marriage, it means for your forever partner).
Present: death, 10 of cups, 6 of swords
He wants to be someone one's wish fulfillment in a partner. He's making changes to himself to become an ideal partner so he can attract his ideal partner. He could meet this person during this change, maybe at a coffee shop or something. It feels like it's a meet-cute thing. I feel like he shoots his shot pretty much right away, unlike the previous members who take their time
Future: the hierophant, 3 of wands
He ends up getting to that place of being that ideal person, now it's a matter of "popping the question". I feel like when he does this it's going to be very romantic. Very much corny. This is the most expressive I think he's been outwardly to anyone and it's so cute!
Bottom of the deck: king of cups
Again, he's currently trying to expand himself emotionally so he can be that type of person for his future partner. It's very cute and he's really trying his damn'd-est. It's a really sweet energy over all and I love it! I'm eatin it up!
𓆦 Jisung
Past: 3 of swords, 8 of swords
Starting out, currently, he's going through some type of heart break. Some type of romantic connection might have just recently ended. I get the feeling this was a situation-ship. This person could have left him, I don't think he left them. He's in his own head thinking about all of the what ifs. What if he's done things differently? What if he did x instead of y? That type of thing. He's keeping himself in this unhealthy repetitive thought process.
Present: 10 of swords, the moon
When he meets his future spouse, he's going to still be in his feelings. He could meet them at like some kind of outing. Some type of party, maybe with friends could be a company party but more than likely a friend's party. But anyway, he's still going to be holding onto all of this stuck energy. The thing is, there isn't anything he could have done differently to keep this person. Nothing, this person just wasn't meant to. When he meets his future spouse, he isn't going to be in the best place mentally still. He's also tied up with work, so initial communication between the two could be sparse.
Future: death, the hanged man
He needs to change his thought process before he starts to seriously pursue his future spouse. Otherwise, he's setting the whole thing up for failure. He needs to move on past what has happened with this person old person. He knows what he has to do in order for things to progress, it's just that he's kind of refusing to. He wants to continue to love in this type of negative mentality. It's mostly out of fear but he still needs to change it this future spouse is for him, it feels like they were made for one another, completely
Bottom of the deck: page of wands
There is potential here for him to really learn his lesson with this passed person but I don't feel that he really even wants to at the moment. He just wants to be stuck here in this bad train of thought for a while. Yes, mourn the loss of this relationship but do not dwell on it for too long, better things are coming for you!
𓆦 Felix
Past: the moon, king of pentacles
So, he does already know future spouse. He's trying to be the man they need him to be but I don't think he's feeling very emotionally fulfilled at this time. They may not be giving him the kind of affection he needs. His emotional needs are not being met by this person. He's really trying with his whole heart to be the kind of person they need him to be but he feels kind of crappy being with this person because they are not doing the same for him. Everything is very one sided and he hates it!
Present: 2 of pentacles, justice
He's going to be debating if he should leave them or not. He wants it to be equal give and take with this person but things are not balancing out the way he wants them to. He just wants them to be doing the same for him. What he's putting out he isn't getting in return and I feel like he's just like okay, this isn't what I want but I do care about this person a lot, should I leave? Should I tough it out? If you are not receiving what you know you deserve, leave! If it's meant to be it will be! He's kind of holding out hope that this person will change but I don't think that they are willing to just yet.
Future: strength, temperance
He's going to end up leaving this person for a while. He's going to find the strength to leave this person and work on himself. He's being told to stay patient with this person when he does leave. He might want to lose his cool on them but he has to remain calm. He's also being guided to kind of wait for this person, meaning keeping the door cracked for them, just a little. This person will eventually come around and be who he needs them to be once they realize that they screwed up with him.
Bottom of the deck: 4 of cups
He regrets putting himself in this situation. He just wants to be happy with this person but they aren't ready for anything real. He sees a real future with this person. But it's like this person isn't willing to really give him a second glance.
𓆦 Seungmin
Past: page of pentacles, the moon
So, he already knows his future spouse. Seems like they have been friends for a quite a bit of time already. Maybe a few months. He already has developed some feelings for them already. He's debating making a romantic offer toward them. He's nervous about doing it though. He wants to but at the same time what if he gets rejected? If he keeps thinking the worst, he's only going to get what he's "asking for". He needs to be more positive if he wants this to work out!
Present: 3 of swords, 4 of cups
Well, his fears are correct because I do see that he ended up making this offer towards them and they shut him down. They might end up taking some time away from one another until he can get his feelings together or they can figure out what they want. But he does regret even coming forward and saying anything about his feelings. He really shouldn't. There is no shame in being honest in how you feel! He felt like this person was his soulmate! They were his other half (and they might be)!
Future: page of cups, the lovers, 7 of cups
He doesn't take long to get over it because he gets right back on the horse and tries again with this person! This time things are a little different. This person is trying to come to terms with trying something serious with him. And it looks this works out because this person ends up getting "delusional" (Not really delusional because it happens) about a future with him! This feels like a breath of fresh air for them both!
Bottom of the deck: 2 of cups
Again, it does feel like he's already acquainted with his future spouse. Feels like this was guided entirely by his ancestors, which I think is kind of funny. They want the man to see him so happy! His spirit team is truly rooting for them both! It's really cute!
𓆦 Jeongin
Past: 7 of swords (reversed), 9 of cups
He, too, might already know this person. He might have recently decided to take his mask off and be vulnerable with this person because he sees them as his wish fulfillment. Someone who he's been asking for. He could have been misleading this person about how he felt towards them because he could have felt like they weren't into him as much as he was into them. They may not have been giving that many hints to one another about how they felt towards each other.
Present: the star, judgement
He feels like this person is his person. Like 110%! He has complete hope that this is going to work out the way he wants it to. He might have already made an offer towards this person. The ball could be in their court, right now and he's just hoping that they agree. He feels really good about this person. He's currently feeling really anxious about it but he knows whatever happens, he'll be fine. He'll be good but he's really hoping it works out!
Future: 10 of cups, 8 of pentacles
It looks like he's going to get what he wants from them. They are both going to be so happy about how this goes. They both are willing to put in their whole hearts into this. They are both fully invested in this! There is just a whole bunch of love-y dove-y raw happy energy around these two and I absolutely love it!!
Bottom of the deck: knight of swords
He's just charging into this whole thing and doing what he can to get this person. He really wants this to work out and he's extremely happy about it. He feels like this person will accept him, there isn't a doubt in his mind for a second!
*Oracle deck was also used!
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