#this episode was quite confusing and I will probably have to rewatch to understand
bisexual-panic · 11 months
it hurt so much that after episode 2 where we see Loki and Sylvie combing their powers to become more powerful together to them using their powers against each other in episode 3
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psychronia · 6 months
I've been rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender because why not and I'm losing my mind at Zuko's proper introduction. I don't know if it's hindsight, shifting characterizations, or just me not watching this in a long time, but this was amazing.
We start off showing he's an impatient and very angry kid. Reasonable, and the sort of flaw we might expect to see in a villain. Kinda funny that he expects to go up against an adult and fully 4-Element realized Avatar, but the kid is desperate and Iroh clearly expects his nephew to get the banishment-denial kicked out of him.
What's important here, though, is Zuko's introduction to the Southern Water Tribe.
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Here, we have a very intimidating entrance where his entire ship just sails through the ice right up to the village's front door. It's quite ominous and this is our first proper introduction to how the Fire Nation interacts with a foreign people.
Sokka charges, I'm assuming fully prepared to die, and Zuko casually knocks him out of the way. Okay, so clearly the Water Tribe are entirely outgunned.
He asks "Where are you hiding him?" and the people of the Water Tribe go silent. I assume they're either just too scared to talk or actually protecting Aang.
Whatever the case, it's important to note that the Southern Water Tribe know the terror the Fire Nation can inflict. We have a whole episode dedicated to tracking down a division of raiders. Sokka was able to not only identify the ash-mixed snow as signs of an incoming attack, but estimate how many ships the amount of ash measures to. These are a people who have experience being terrorized and are probably expecting something terrible to happen.
And then, after they don't answer, Zuko grabs Gran-Gran. There was a horror sting to it, and everything the tribe knows about the Fire Nation suggests that Zuko is about to threaten or straight up hurt her to get answers. Classic "terrorize the elderly" bad guy stuff.
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And then...
He goes "He's (the Avatar) be about this age and is a master of all four elements!?" and lets her go.
And all of a sudden, the tension that was built up is shattered as Zuko went "I know, I'll give them a reference for the person I'm looking for because clearly they're confused and I wasn't specific enough."
This went from a show of villainy to a show of Zuko being totally socially awkward and misreading the situation entirely. Not helping is that when he does try to menace them a moment later, his fire is slow and angled quite safely.
It still worked on the Water Tribe because they're understandably scared, but all I could think of is that this was the equivalent of a playground bully trying to make someone flinch with that fake-out lunge thing.
Because the fact-and something we'll come to learn-is that Zuko is TERRIBLE at being a Fire Nation oppressor. He's capable of doing morally dubious things and is a competent fighter. But he's lousy at terrorizing people and cruelty-that's kind of the point of his banishment.
And while we can see the story paint this picture of Zuko's true character as the story goes on with hints of good and conflicting loyalties, here we get to see just how bad he is at being "the bad guys". He's still unambiguously being the villain of this scene, and it makes no real difference to the oppressed themselves, but there is a comical gap between where Zuko thinks he is, where he actually is, and somehow it still puts him on the same page as his victims just because of how terrible the Fire Nation's influence is on everyone involved.
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hi there! Long time fan, first time requester! I’m autistic and my current hyper fixation is the HELLAVerse so I got super excited when I saw you’re writing for Helluva now! I was hoping for fem/gn reader with Stolas, Millie, Blitz, and your choice where they go to lulu land for a birthday or an anniversary? I love theme park date ideas and wanna see your take on it if you’d like!
Also, could I be 🍎 anon? I’d love to interact more now that I’ve gotten this far!
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𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳ø, 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
a/n: heyo!! ofc you can be 🍎anon!! when i read this i was kinda confused cause i didn’t know if you meant lu-lu WORLD by lucifer or loo loo LAND — the knock off of lucifer’s, which i think is owned by mammon? idk i’m still rewatching the episodes haha. but i think you meant the one via and stolas went to in season 1 so i hope i’m right ^^” and yes ofc!! don’t be scared to interact haha, i won’t bite. even if it’s not request related i can stir up quite the convo XD anyway, on with the show :)
warnings: profanity, mentions of possible age-gaps in stolas’s part, implied violence in millie’s part
proofread: yep
tags: helluva boss, x reader, fic, stolas, blitzø, millie
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blitzø quite honestly doesn’t understand all that hype about loo loo land, but if it makes you happy, than hey, fuck it, am i right?
the only thing he genuinely doesn’t like is the possibility of running into fizz, they may have sorta made up, but it’s still a bit awkward — at least for now
he’ll go do all the rides with you, even the ones he thinks are dumb, or straight-up creepy, whether he says it or not he likes seeing you get all excited about it
although, he genuinely does get into the rides that go upside-down and backwards and that go crazy fast, he’s screaming out of excitement the whole damn way, and you both probably end up going on those like 100 times
and yes, he did spend the fifty dollars on that novelty cup that you can only use once, all for you
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while at loo loo land, he may baby you just a tad, especially if you’re an age-gap couple where he’s significantly older
like blitzø, he’ll go on all the rides with you, but not the big, scary rides like blitzø would do, nah, stolas would do the kiddy ones and sit there clap his hands like a small child…
as we can see in S1E2, he will spend a shit ton of money on any kind of merchandise like shirts, hats, cups, toys, etc — will probably bring something from for via as well
speaking of via, her father will constantly be sending her pictures of the two of you while on your outing, while octavia is stuck at home with stella…
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once millie finds out your going to loo loo land for her birthday, she’s over the moon!! she gets packed and dressed up and everything!!
she gets all excited like a little kid, she’ll be the first one rushing you both to any sort of ride, kiddy or not, or any of the game booths
honestly, it’s very heart-warming and sweet to see this grown ass woman get excited about a theme park, and i’m not even kidding
though she won’t hesitate to tear anyone apart who even thinks about ruining her birthday date for either of you…
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to signedmio. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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drabble #15 - attention to detail
kai parker x reader
summary: kai admires the way you watch tv
tags: tv watching, fangirl behavior, neurodivergent behavior (?)
word count: 1k
a/n: neurodivergent and/or fangirl reader; idk, this is something i do, idk if i'm crazy for it, or if people relate to it. lmk if i'm crazy. i just want my weird habits validated by kai, mmkay! 😅
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Your finger hovers over the exit button on your screen as someone enters the room. Anxiety grows in your chest, but you try to not let it show. They circle around you, likely to join you on the couch, but hopefully not.
“Hey,” the person greets. You relax at the voice of Kai. Despite his reputation, you quite like the guy. He has his own demons, and is learning his way about the world, and while you have nothing in common otherwise, you kind of relate to him in that way. 
You don’t see it, but he smiles at your response. Just the acknowledgement of his presence is nice to hear. Especially in the gentle, non-accusatory tone you use with him. “Whatcha watching?” He saw a glimpse when he passed behind the couch, but didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by lingering. 
“Oh, just this show I’ve been into for the last couple weeks,” you say, not wanting to reveal the title and give him an opportunity to poke fun. 
“Ah, the one you were watching yesterday? With the- with that actor you like?”
A small blush rises to your cheeks as you squeak out a “yes”, and Kai finds it absolutely adorable. 
“What season are you on?” He asks, no judgment about the show, nor the actor you like. A wave of confidence splashes over you. 
“Six, technically, but I’m rewatching season four before I watch anymore of six, because I’m not ready to process new information.” You chide yourself immediately. What a strange thing to say. And you were doing so well until then. 
Kai narrows his eyes, but then shrugs. “Okay.”
“Like, something big just happened in season six. They’ve already introduced the Big Bad, but the Big Bad in season five was so detrimental to the team - it killed a bunch of folks, and mentally scarred a whole bunch of others - that I’m not really ready to deal with another, so I’m rewatching a season where I know what happens, so that I already know who gets hurt, so it’s less painful to watch. Plus, rewatching episodes always helps me see things I miss the first time, which gives me a better understanding of the plot and the characters.”
Kai tries to not study you like a bug, but he’s fascinated by your explanation. The empathy you have for fictional characters is something he can’t help but admire, as is your desire to soak up every detail like a sponge. He wonders what it would be like to care so much that watching any further would genuinely hurt him. For the first time, he wishes he could love, so he could love like you do.
“Sorry,” you say after a moment of silence, “I just… infodumped on you. That was probably really confusing and weird.”
“No, not weird. It’s nice.” Kai tries to reassure you, but can’t find the words he needs you to hear. 
“I should probably just watch the season and have one big cry at the end like a normal person.”
“No, I think your way is better.”
“Wait, really? Most people tell me it’s just a tv show and to get over it.”
“Well, yeah, it’s a show, but it’s something you love, so who gives a fuck how you like to watch it? They’re not watching it with you; they’re not even in the room. I like the way you say you take the time to learn the characters and understand the plot. Y’know, someone put a lot of effort into that show you’re watching, and you’re enjoying it the way they’d want it to be enjoyed. Like it’s a piece of art in a museum, and you’re pointing out all the brush strokes and reading the plaque to understand the medium.” When you give him a confused glance, he smiles sheepishly. “I know a little about a lot of things. Went to a couple museums when I was stuck in 1994.” 
“But my point is, coming from a sociopath, the empathy you have for the characters in your show is really cool. And I can understand the rewatching bit, too. I haven’t rewatched anything with the intensity that you have, but obviously, I could only watch anything made pre-1994, and to hell if I’m watching anything black and white, so I’ve seen some of the same movies once or twice, or more. Sometimes I get tired of rewatching the same stuff, but sometimes, I’ll also pick out a funny line I missed the first time, or a hand gesture that reveals a character knew something all along.”
You smile at him, grateful for his words and engagement in the conversation. You feel a little less childish about your own habits, especially knowing Kai’s not one to lie or hold back his true feelings about anything. For him to go as far to say he recognizes your empathy is a lot, and nothing you’d expect from the newly-reformed serial killer. 
“Thank you,” you blurt out, not wanting to leave him hanging.
“For what?”
“For not making me feel stupid about my interests.”
His eyes narrow. “Who makes you feel stupid?”
“A lot of people. Family… Damon.”
“Well Damon tries to make everyone feel stupid, and family sucks.”
You snort. “True.”
“If he says anything again, he can go through me.” Kai sends you a wink. 
“Okay,” you giggle in response. 
The man watches you for a minute longer. You press your spacebar to make the show play, and he takes note of the smile that spreads across your face as the characters fill the screen once more. He wants to ask to watch it with you, but doesn’t want to push just yet, so he doesn’t. He’s making progress, though, and gaining your trust. Hopefully soon, you’ll be less shy around him. 
And you think the same, feeling his eyes on you. Your trust isn’t something that’s easily given, but this isn’t the first time Kai’s made you feel comfortable, and you have a feeling it won’t be the last. He stays on the other end of the couch, but sticks to himself, and within a couple minutes, laughs quietly at something on his phone. The air between you is pleasant. His words run through your head once more, as the same scene plays for maybe the tenth time, but this time, you aren’t as worried about the people in the room as you watch.
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alice1505 · 4 months
I made the mistake of rewatching Sherlock because I never did finish it back in the day (I was -clenches fist- seething over the queerbaiting and rage quit after not fully watching episode 1 of s4) and I'm here to make my side hyperfixation (what year is this??? Who am I???) Tumblr's problem. The more I sit with s4, the less I like it 😂 There were pieces and elements I liked, but overall, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Forgive me if any or all if these points have been talked to death, I missed all the discourse and I'm hella late, but I need to flail and send my thoughts into the void because what even WAS that season? I can't believe I avoided it for years, got drawn in by a couple of tiktoks making fun (affectionately) of superwholock Era and That Scene about the fucking phone charger port, binged all of it, only to be left with..... that. Not nearly as disappointing or rage inducing as spn's ending but by God, did it leave a hole in me. So please ignore my rambling thoughts as I slap them down here for my own sanity.
• First and foremost, what - and I can't stress this enough - the fuck was UP with the assassination of John's entire character???? What was that??? Why????
• Related to that point - I can appreciate the angst point and potential it provides, as I'm reading many, many fics, but AYO WHY didn't anyone rip John an entire new one for that beat down he did on Sherlock????? Hello???? 911?????
• Tell me why everything felt so stilted and borderline icy. Like I get the high emotions and shit, but after a certain point... 😭 was there a falling out between Benedict and Martin that I'm not aware of? Did they just try to ungay everything so hard and were so pissed at the audience picking up everything THAT THEY PUT???? into this show and their interactions that they just hit the brakes hard enough to make everything feel weird???
• A lot of it felt weird. Off kilter a little. Forced in some places, toned down in others (and toned down where it shouldn't have been), a nod to ships but weirdly/hatefully??? Idk if that makes sense. Like the whole Sherlock and Molly phone call (I do not mean any hate to this ship, I really hope it doesn't come off this way. Not my cup of tea but you are valid). Why was Molly so upset BEFORE the call? Did I miss something? Also I don't personally think or feel she'd still have those feelings for him??? I??? I am bamboozled.
• to that whole point, Eurus was.... Hmm. Mmmm. She was. Something. (Confused derogatory)
• I like Mary as a character. I also hated her. (Definitely biased by my shipper trash ass self for johnlock, I'm sorry). Wtf were those messages, please. Edit: AND ANOTHER THING. John's reaction to Sherlock's death - awful, gut wrenching, beautiful, my heart breaks with and for him, utterly devasting. John's reaction to Mary's death - had me sitting there like🧍‍♀️(it was weird. so weird. awkward. w h y. (we know why, but also the acting choices were Something TM, in both cases! for different reasons!) i'm sorry i just can't get past my anger and put off-ness with mary, fun as she could be)
• why did mycroft and John switch roles 😭 pls. The last episode was just. So Much. The lackluster responses from John, to John, to Sherlock, between them, like.... hello???? Who are these people?? Help me. Moriarty saved me for a brief shining moment tho, God bless.
There's more I could spew, but that's what's sitting right at the top of my head. I guess all this just to say, if a show runner/writer really just fucking hates the audience they got (instead of the one they wanted), they probably shouldn't have fucking become a show runner/writer in the first place. Either hand it to someone who can actually handle it and listens, or fuck off. I will never understand when shows and plots and characters gets kamikaze'd because of a show runner being pissy and egotistical. Like ????? Grow up. Learn from Bryan Fuller and Hannibal or something.
Sorry for all the rambling, bless anyone who reads this and makes sense of it 😂
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lensman-arms-race · 8 months
Episode 70 part 2 spoilers and speculation
I definitely had to rewatch this a few times to catch everything that happened - several bits happen so fast that I missed them on first viewing! Also, it doesn't help that there are 2 cams who look very similar (both black coats, one with plain black tie and one with lozenge-y patterned tie).
Let's follow along with @gamie99's bingo card!
The toilet bursting into the lift uses a dead cam as bait (so we think a friendly cameraman was the one who opened the lift ceiling at first). The bait-cameraman has a black coat and black tie, looking very similar to one of the living cameramen in the lift - and that cameraman dies first to the toilet (by being impaled). Only they're not quite dead - they pull the toilet down the hole with them (the hole blasted by the bomb strapped to the dead bait-cameraman). That confused me until I worked out the sequence of events!
We can tick off heroic sacrifice because of Black Tie's actions. Also, holy crap, how strong are cameramen?! They pulled that big-ass toilet down with them!
I think we can cross off jumpscare too, because we thought 'yay, a friendly' then OH NO.
Something else that happens so quickly I didn't clock it at first: Assassin Speakerman then ferries Salmon Shirt and Lozenge Tie out of the lift (through the hole blasted in the ceiling) one at a time using their jetpack.
That means they could have saved one of the Mint Twins!! D: Waaaa! All this time I thought that that wasn't possible because the jetpacks can't carry passengers. They can!
Plunk uses their spikes again - I'm still baffled by how these work - to climb the walls of the lift, rather than accept Assassin's help. (I think Plunk gets the spikes from a toilet in the previous episode, but it happens so quickly, and Plunk appears to be able to retract and deploy them at will like Wolverine claws? I don't quite get it.) I think Plunk might have just had the same realisation I did - Assassin could have saved at least one Minty! Plunk is angry at Assassin all over again.
Assassin makes a metallic 'honk' sound when Plunk slaps their hand away. It sounds a bit like 'what?', haha.
Walking through the corridors in the dark feels rather videogames, haha. It's interesting that Assassin turns off the red light on their driver - what's that light for? Is it just so other units can see them, or does it grant them some optical sensing ability?
Mildly interesting that the night vision is green. Human-made night-vision apparatus is green because human eyes are attuned to green more than to red or blue - we can see more shades of green than any other colour. It wouldn't necessarily be the same for cameras. Presumably DFB just did it that way so that we the audience would understand it was night vision; maybe that's all there is to it. Maybe it hints that the cameraman were human-made or they modelled themselves after human-made tech on purpose?
Animation error! Salmon Shirt's trouser arse clips through their coat! Bwoo ha ha ha haaaa!
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It's not that there's a big hole in their coat; the arse disappears in the next few frames.
Then we get to that room.
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Is that Titan Camera's arm?! Looks like one of Titan Speaker's knives and the body of a camera strider too.
I think this is further proof that DFB adjusts the size of the models depending on what looks good, and the Titans have no fixed size other than 'big'. Compare the hand above with Plunk and TCam in episode 51:
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There's just no way the hand in episode 70 is that big!
Then we see that piece of paper. (Skibidi Toilets are Greek?) Well then. What is the connection between the Scientist and McMagnets??
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Maybe we can tick off insane fucken lore drop? No lore has actually been dropped, though - just Implications. In which case we can probably tick off "WTF??"
And some plain English! Is this anything from Half-Life? I barely played those games. The two in the middle would appear to be the same models as Freaky-hands McMagnets and the Secret Agent. Which of them is the 'new administrator'? I'm not sure if the other figures are significant. Or the date - it might be just to establish a timescale, or the specific date might have relevance later.
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Possible background: the two dudes above created the Astro Toilets and the Alliance hardwares respectively and are waging a proxy war against each other with their creations. (That doesn't explain where the Skibidis came from though - maybe a failed creation of the Astros.)
Book! Why didn't they open it to look inside?? The book has the TV symbol on it, which I couldn't see when I viewed the episode on my phone. Here's a screencap with a brightness-boosted inset in case you can't see it on your screen either.
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Salmon Shirt shrugs and puts the book back on the table! Why don't they look inside??
Then... RIP Salmon Shirt. That's kinda gutting - not just because another friendly unit died but because it feels unsatisfying. It's not a poignant death, it's just a bummer! Now we'll never find out their connection to the Secret Agent! (Well, we probably will, but it doesn't feel like it at this stage.)
We get to see a POV shot of the Red Screen of Death!
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I'm disappointed that it just says 'end yourself' instead of something more brutal. Feels like pissbaby TikTok-level self-censorship.
I've always been intrigued by why DFB has the TVs speak backwards. It sent me down a rabbit-hole of looking up how CRT screens work, to find whether there was anything in a CRT that can be said to run 'backwards' before it reaches the viewer, but I couldn't find anything. I concluded that DFB did it for Rule of Cool and to give viewers an Easter egg if they chose to reverse the sound. Could it be that the RSOD text is backwards because it looks the right way around to the TV displaying it (imagine wearing goggles with some text on them) and they're such proud idiots that it doesn't occur to them that it's the wrong way around to everyone else? Ahahaha.
Assassin Speaker saves the day! Along with the lens protector given to Plunk by the dying large cam. (I want to see Plunk wearing it - I bet that looks silly!) RIP Lozenge Tie though. It seems Assassin did try to save them too but the toilet simply impaled them. Plunk immediately returns the favour to Assassin by rescuing them right back! (Something else I didn't see on first viewing because everything happens so fast.) Hopefully they will become pals again eventually.
Assassin goes squeak and it sounds kind of like 'wow'. Heheh.
Plunk has Salmon Shirt's mysterious doohicky now, and we get a proper look at it. Looks kind of like Winamp, haha.
Wiju Bi Gojze!! :D
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So, where did that toilet come from? The red and black mechanical arm was in plain sight, but where was the rest of it??
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innitmarvellous · 3 months
I finally finished Inside No. 9 after not watching an episode for ages. I had stopped in the middle of S7... Anyway, I took some notes about the episodes which are possibly interesting for a rewatch. They're pretty vague, but I'll hide them under the read more link just in case. ^^
Kid/Nap: Not my fave episode, but the double twist was kind of intriguing. Although I guess it would've been possible to expect it.
Wise Owl: Wow, I didn't expect this to get so dark towards the end. I mean, it wasn't a happy episode to begin with, but that 'come upstairs with me' bit... But I liked that he freed himself from the influence of 'Wise Owl' at the end.
Bones of St Nicholas: Didn't like this one too much tbh. It was a nice spooky story I guess, but not really what I'd expect from IN9 idk
Mother's Ruin: I'm glad I didn't watch this while I was eating something, lol. Idk, but I did quite like it. Lots of surprises (although I knew that it wasn't their mothers ghost talking lol)
Friday 13 (no, I can't remember that title and I'm not sorry xD): The first part was pretty funny, although really anxiety-inducing. That stuff about various annoying things happening when you just quickly need to do something happens in my dreams all the time and I hate it, lol. Well, the reveal of what it really was about was alright too. But I KNEW that something would happen in the end after all. I knew it.
Love is a Stranger: looking back it was so obvious what was going on, but it was a great misdirection, so I was nevertheless shocked when I realises the truth. Probably tells a story about prejudice and how it makes you perceive things and people
3 by 3: idk why, but this one made me really uncomfortable, even though I knew it was an ep of IN9 and not a quizshow. But I thought the twist was a bit too late, too small and if you knew what it was it was easy to pick up on the hints beforehand. I assume the effect would've been greater if watching it blind, but then I would've turned off long before the end of the episode because that was one lame quizshow :D
Last Weekend: HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT ENDING, I think this is the first episode I definitely won't ever rewatch, lol.
Boo to a goose: this one made a big impression on me when I watched it and the social criticism is really important, but I think it loses a bit of its effect the more I think about it. It really is an interesting watch though and I kind of want to rewatch it to pick up on more hints like the ads on the windows etc.
Trolley Problem: I didn't expect the story to take this turn and I found it thrilling to watch (the mind game episodes are always the best ones tbh), but I can't really say much about it. Of course there's the moral thing that 'just doing nothing' doesn't mean you're free of any guilt.
Mulberry Close: I found this one oddly funny? The twist wasn't even that big, but the ending was just great black humour, I'd say.
CTRL ALT ESC: I actually really liked the metaphor, even though I didn't understand it at first. And I didn't expect that he'd actually made his 'escape', so the last minutes were pretty tense. Oh, and the title…I initially confused it with the command used to open the task manager, but that's Ctrl+Shift+Esc. The combination in the title is used to force a switch between the active and a background programmes (iirc), so in a sense…someone needed to use that key combination on him to get his programme aka consciousness to the surface again. Kinda clever, and yet you don't realise it immediately :O
Curse of the Ninth: Oh, I loved the classical music theme! The ending with that use of music (and the way he tricked her lol)! And Reece's character constantly getting Devonshire's name wrong was kinda hilarious to me…maybe because it didn't seem to fit the tone of the episode at all, haha.
Plodding On: They might as well have called this episode 'Steve and Reece say: RPF is fine' lol. It was an unusual episode, but idk, I kinda liked it. That fucking 'Time to say goodbye' clip collage tho…that song always almost makes me cry for some reason, haha.
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nocaffeineforlevi · 10 months
right. So I've seen the episode now. (Also not to keep talking about this and at the risk of sounding obsessive but I was sitting behind Katie and we talked and she fist bumped me during the episode so)
Anyway, SPOILERS FOR THE DOCTOR WHO 60TH ANNIVERSERY SPECIAL: THE STAR BEAST UNDER THE CUT (I am as excited about this new era as anyone, but I will be saying what I didn't like about the episode as well, be warned)
Okay so I loved being able to watch this episode in a room full of whovians. We were all cheering and laughing and making confused noises and everything. It was truly an amazing experience.
I got very excited when I realized Rose was trans (it was somehow quite a few minutes after the deadnaming part, I only realized when Sylvia messed up and used he)
Also relating to Rose her inheriting the metacrisis indirectly gave me some Canon support for the concept behind one doctor who oc I have but that's for another time.
We all know that the Boss is probably, definitely, the toymaker.
Buut now we have to get into the part I didn't like about the episode, and it's probably exactly what you expect:
That final part.
Many other people have already gone to tumblr before me to type on their keyboards and talk about how the emphasis on the gender-switching and the "binary binary non-binary" part, but I also have to throw my hat into the proverbial ring.
Really, before I started thinking about how strange the emphasis was and how that bothered me as a trans person, I was already annoyed by the fact that NOBODY TALKS LIKE THAT.
That scene is just full of "oooh you switched genders oooooh you would understand this if you were female-presenting but your male-presenting" and while, yes, those are terms and phrases that might be used in a conversation, the way its set up is just... strange.
And while I'm at it, this might be just my view on thirteen, I haven't rewatched as many of her episodes as I have other doctors so I might be misremembering some things, but Donna saying that if the Doctor hadn't changed he would understand, because only a female-presenting time Lord could understand the concept of letting go... is just so funny to me?
Like... I'm unsure if Donna got thirteen's memories when the metacrisis was reawakened, or if she just somehow picked up that the previous incarnation had been a woman, but thirteen was NOT about letting go. She was running around for all of her seasons with lifelong grudges and was quite unique for the new seasons in the fact that she was COMPLETELY done with the Master's bullshit. She did not forget and forgive, she held onto that, and I love that about her.
Anyway, this post is stupidly long, I really did enjoy the episode, and I'm excited to see what comes next.
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happilylovingchaos · 17 days
Last @lonestar-s5countdown Beginnings and Endings Week Post
I have a new work schedule now! And Lone Star is ending with season 5 real soon! That’s been fun getting used to… (/s) so I’ll post my fanfic/ music recs as one post tomorrow. Let’s see how much I can post w/o this becoming a complete image-less wall of stream-of-consciousness… but it will still be inevitable to everyone in the LS fandom who follows my handle and welcomed me. And if I haven’t said it yet, or enough, or sincerely in the last almost-year, thank you. Just thank you for your niceness, all your everything you’ve expressed, letting me be part of the fan group! I really really hope the end of the show doesn’t mean the end of this community, but whatever happens, it’s been a hella exhilarating, emotional, and lively experience.
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(1) Which 911 Lone Star season premier is your favorite?
It’s a draw between seasons 2 and 4– I like the season premieres of 1 and 3 as much as everyone but holy hell I was not ready for the emotional twists in them to hit me the way they did. I am still in emotional recovery in both the good and bad ways. Both 2 and 4, until their respective cliffhangers, were quite light-hearted and self-contained with hints at the storylines to come, and those were easier for me to enjoy. Plus, Tommy, Gwyn and Iris (re-debut, in Iris’ case) had some colorful debuts! (I will always wish that Owen and Gwyn’s characters had a little more time together outside of the wit/ playfulness/ vitriol, and a couple more scenes with TK without their son always needing to be middle-man. But Rob, Lisa and Ronen played off of each other so well!) Gina’s portrayal of Tommy was just magnetically charismatic even without Michelle there— ‘Nuff said. And while I had issues with Iris’ bluntness (especially since it sorta re-opened some of TK’s emotional wounds), I could relate to being on both sides of a conversation in a similar situation to her— seeming hard to read/ confusing to most everyone around her (sometimes even with trusted family/ friends), and being confused/ offended by the delivery of what we convey.
(2) Which character do you think had the best introduction or first scene in the show?
I’m gonna say… it’s a toss-up between Judd and Grace for their natural first integration into the story and the first successful show>tell moment about them (specially Judd) in the series, Marjan (social media firefighter Muslim badass, in a description), and Mateo (for his own intro as unassuming but more than capable— Julian nails the portrayal of this character archetype in LS and The Long Game). Confusingly honorable mention goes to Michelle in hindsight, though? To me, she’s okay as a character, but I do understand where some fans were put off by her personality/ Liv’s portrayal.
(3) What is your favorite moment of 1x01?
Judd officially starting his end of the friendship with Owen by strong-arming him into accepting a chocolate chip cookie— you try saying no to a big Texan guy played by Jim Parrack and a mom and daughter holding a platter of chocolate chip cookies. Really, it’s tricky and you will probably get on their respective neutral if not shit lists. And Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” was quite a bop to end on! (Though, how did people find that wild? Just a little confused.)
(4) How did you first start watching Lone Star and how did you find out about it?
My aunt showed my mom and me the first parts of season 3– I saw… looking back on it, I’m a bit fuzzy on details but sometime in 2022 (def not consecutive days tho), I think I saw part of 3x04, then 3x07, and all of 3x08. And that last episode made me sob, I’m not ashamed to admit it now or in my grief week post. (My mom, grandma, uncle and aunt were watching it with me at dinner and were very confused about why I was crying.) Then I saw the last 3 eps, and it got me curious/hooked, so I went into season 4 kinda blind. Then I downloaded Hulu to catch up on the series proper, and the rest is rewatch history.
(5) What is one wish you have for the season 5 premiere?
Mostly that the overall narratives don’t feel too rushed or forced should there be a timeskip? I hate that Fox couldn’t get the show renewed… but on a lighter note? I’d like a solid explanation/ in-character reason for Grace’s absence that IS NOT a character death, a breakup, or anything relating to misblaming Wyatt.
Open tag to everyone as well!
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Warning, you reblogged an ask game, and I’m about to go ham.
1, 4, 8, 13, 21, 22, 24, 26, 31, 32, 35, 48, 50, and 71
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multichapter fics?
That's a hard one, because I've written quite a lot of both. One-shots do make up the majority of my fic library though, so I'll go with one-shots.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Anywhere and everywhere. @ashleybenlove is also super great for inspiration! Prompts are good, rewatching episodes, listening to music, pulling from a personal experience... It's like I never run out!
8. Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Hm, usually I want to say the beginning. I'm very good at beginnings and first lines. Middles are fun, but can drag sometimes in the process, and endings are difficult to get just right.
13. What's a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Change your font when editing. It makes your brain look at the story differently and pick up on mistakes you probably wouldn't have seen with the original font you wrote in.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
I think so. I've done sort-of-collabs with @mdoodlerfandomart and those were always incredibly fun! But those were the kind where one person writes one half of the story and the other writes the second half. I wonder if I'd be able to collaborate with another writer where we could write on the same document at the same time. Maybe I can do one with you, @lifblogs? Like on a Good Omens one?
22. Are there certain types of writing you won't do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc.)
Mm, there is a lot I will write. It's probably longer than the list of things I won't write. I'll write from virtually anyone's perspective. I don't really write poetry, though I could see how it could be fun in fanfic form! I explore all sorts of genres in fanfic and write things I probably wouldn't write in original fic. Like, when it comes to realistic fiction in original work? Ew, no! Realistic fiction like modern AUs and such in fanfic? That works just fine for me.
24. Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
"Cut out sex scenes and filler. They're not necessary to the story or character development."
Okay, sure. Fuck off.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Infernal Fascination for sure. 3 years, lots of harassment, but also lots of praise and fun. Yeah, that was wild for sure.
31. Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Hm, I think plot maybe? I develop a plot based around the characters though, so maybe both.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
@howtowhumpyourhiccup @fictionalnormalcy @lilliths-httyd-blog @ashleybenlove @thedragon-and-hisboy (No, I could not keep it to just 3).
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain?
That villains are human too. You can portray them as a monster, but the monstrous is human. Villains will be much easier to write and more fun and fleshed out when you treat them like human beings. (Unless of course, your villain is an eldritch horror of some kind.)
48. What do you look for in a beta?
I don't use a beta, but I think I would look for someone who is understanding of my writing style and sensitive about my RSD.
50. How long is your longest fic?
Infernal Fascination: 470k words.
71. When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, etc.?
I make an outline with notes at the top of the page about times, dates, characters, etc. My outlines are usually just bulleted list of the events that will happen within the story. I try to keep my outlines and notes in one document so that I don't have too many documents and confuse myself.
Get to Know Your Fic Writer
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content-d3leted · 2 months
Here are 5 reasons why I believe that Robert is autistic as fuck. Enjoy!!@!!!! (yes I know noone will ever read this but I don't care :D )
1. Does not understand metaphores/phrases, and that sort of thing. Pretty common symptom for my fellow 'tism havers. Here's a few examples I can give for this without rewatching the episodes again.
• Firstly, when Justin says 'back in a blink!', Robert takes it literally and blinks, and gets confused as to why J's not back. He then says 'Oh, Justin can be so confusing sometimes.' showing that this is a reocurring thing that happens.
•Second example is a bit more of a silly one, when Justin says 'Ah, it's a piece of cake!' (meaning it's easy). And of course, Robert turns around, believing there is literally some cake lying around, probably since cake is his favourite food of all time aswell.
•When he's having a sleepover but doesn't understand what the word sleepover means so decides to literally sleep OVER Justin by leaning over his face
2. Stimming. JESUS CHRIST THIS ROBOT STIMS ALOT. Every series, every episode, pretty much constantly! I'm gonna list them all since there's quite alot of them..
• Subtlety tugging his blazer downwards with his hands ALOT. At first I thought he did it because it was positioned wrong on his body or something like that, but his blazer wasn't ever positioned wrong, and also the actor himself does the same thing in other roles he plays throughout cbeebies, sooo I'm pretty sure it's a stim of some sort
•Moving his thumbs down the sides of his RMP-1 Player. He did it in s1 more than the other ones, but there is no apparent reason for doing it other than it being a stim. Also Chris did it aswell when acting as Robert?? Maybe he saw Steve doing it so copied it to be more in-character lol
•Chewing. Common stim, and obvs he's not actually chewing anything other than the inside of his mouth. Does it alot, only in s6.
•And of course, the signature hand clapping whilst jumping up and down whenever he's excited one!
3. His humongous collection of feather dusters. Let's be real, no neurotypical person is going to collect those things! Collecting things (especially if the items are considered 'odd') is pretty common in autistic people (I personally have a collection of 14 straight sticks, 207 can tabs, and I used to have over 40 rubbers.. I have no idea why lol), so yes. Also in an episode he said he had over 5000(?) spanners and put them all into size order, and it was the best day of his life.... now that is an achievement.
4. His 'over-the-top' reactions to certain things, especially himself or the house getting messy. Common for NTs to (falsely) think autistic people overreact
•eg in s6ep4, when Robert gets a light splattering of goo on his outfit and face, he reacts quite strongly by pretty much shouting and then storming out of the room. When he returns he whispers to himself 'Right, you'll be fine', showing that he was clearly quite upset previously
•also in s5 'in the dog house'(? can't remember name), when theres a bunch of muddy pawprints all over the kitchen floor, Robert seems to start crying because of it, and again, leaves the room. (Also I hate Cats reaction to it, haven't watched it in a while but I swear she does this weird smile to Justin implying that she thinks R is being silly)
5. Special Interests. I guess Robert's main one is cleaning, since that's his entire personality basically! Also it correlates with why he loves collecting dusters. His other special interest is space for sure. In the stargazing episodes that are available to watch, especially in the most recent series, Robert is absolutely ecstatic about learning about it, for example when he learned that Uranus has rings, he was literally shouting it down the microphone whilst bouncing up and down!
And that, my dear non-existent viewers, is why the one and only Robert the Robert from Justin's House is autistic. He is such an icon frrr
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wearethewitches · 4 months
please do rewatch Dot and Bubble! the story is quite overtly about white supremacy. Lindy refused to interact with the Doctor because he is Black. she was shocked he and Ruby were in the same room due to segregation. she blocked the Doctor immediately but let Ruby stick around. all of her friends were white. the comments about contamination and voodoo and it being his duty to save her are all racist 💖 also, i would recommend not using the term raceblind- it's not a good thing to be wilfully ignorant. this is a great chance to educate yourself! good luck 🔥
i really agree, i should definitely rewatch, and learn more!!!
a lot of these things sometimes slip past me because i just wasn't surrounded by racism in my home, or where i live (except in media, obv) - and saying i'm raceblind isn't a willingly ignorant thing for me, i just genuinely don't understand racist vitriol when i see it, which is why i said unfortunately in the tag. my whole confusion over dot and bubble is a perfect example because what to a lot of viewers looked like overt racism, to me was just confusing, because i didn't understand what was being said and lacked context.
quite literally, it had to be spelled out to me - and i'm glad it was, because reading this ask with all your examples just made me enjoy the episode more.
and all your examples are actually SO INTERESTING! gahhhhh i love media analysis!!! the "voodoo" comment pinged weird to me, and i knew from there onwards that i would have to listen closely/rewatch it (which clearly i do!), but i ended the episode with a thinking face on, to which the doctor who feed and yourself helpfully explained. when i do rewatch it, seeing it through that lens will make it a lot more fun/devastating.
i'll keep in mind that this stuff might (most probably will) pop up more with ncuti's doctor; i've got that constant evolution of self idea in my brain at all times, especially concerning internalised racism and xenophobia, so i am totally welcome to learning, and unlearning, stuff like this as it pops up!
thanks for coming into my inbox, it really was appreciated!!!
edit: i remembered at last second that i found it briefly weird that there weren't many other non-white folk in the bubbles, but i put it down to the bbc itself being racist, not it being part of the narrative of the episode 😭😭😭 and that's definitely a bit of my white privilege poking through.
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Hiya! I've been following your blog for a while and can't help but notice that we share at least two fandoms. As a fellow suffering soul at the mercy of GO's season 2 finale, how are you doing?
First of all, know this ask made me smile and thank you so much for asking that. It's not every day in fandom life that we get a finale as heartbreaking and devastating as that and I love the people who have asked me how I'm doing about it. I love that this is a fandom where we're all supporting each other through all the heavy emotions.
I'm... I'm okay. Mostly. Probably. I think?
If you don't mind, I'm just genuinely gonna tell you how I feel about it. (Edit from the future, this got long, I'm so sorry lol) I went into this season expecting quiet, gentle, and romantic, and therefore, on that first watch-through, I was looking for quiet, gentle, and romantic. I didn't know what the season was going to be about other than that. I thought I was looking for the ways in which Crowley and Aziraphale were growing closer, and they did! But in that, I didn't know I was also supposed to be looking at the ways that they weren't communicating. I didn't know I was supposed to be looking at all the ways they clearly haven't healed from their traumas.
And so, when we got to that scene in the end, I was incredibly confused by Aziraphale. Crowley has always been my favorite character in this story, I relate to him most and I feel I always understand him. So I pretty quickly got his side of things. But Aziraphale... it just felt out of nowhere (and a little bit, it was. The Metatron really did just kinda show up and offer Az all of that) and it felt like I'd been betrayed a bit.
I thought Aziraphale had learned better about all of this at the end of season 1. That Crowley doesn't need to be an angel, he doesn't need to change. That Heaven is just as bad as Hell. That Heaven isn't exactly a system one person can just... fix. And for the first 5 episodes of this new season, I didn't recognize him struggling with any of this in the present day. He was happy and in love and he was okay with moving on.
And I was so confused why he was considering this, especially after seeing Crowley's reaction. And then after the kiss, Aziraphale still didn't really want to go to Heaven, he was gonna turn back. And he didn't because the Metatron rushed him. He went too fast. And I was so pained by it. Michael Sheen just ripped me apart with how he portrayed all the emotions Aziraphale was feeling. The microexpressions moved so fast it felt like I couldn't hold on to any one emotion any better than he could.
And so my heart was broken for Crowley, and I was confused and betrayed by Aziraphale. But I binged the entire season in one night, it was early morning when I finished it. I was tired, and I watched the season not actually knowing what I should have been looking for. And so I knew that it wasn't that Aziraphale was suddenly a bad character or something. I'm quite shocked by the people hating on Aziraphale's character. My first thought after I finished the season was literally, "I missed something. It's not Aziraphale's fault that I don't understand where that came from. I'm gonna have to rewatch this entire season when I'm more rested and watch it much slower. I'm gonna have to read all the meta written by people who still love and understand Aziraphale after this."
And that's what I did. I haven't rewatched the season yet, but I have been reading a lot of meta about Aziraphale's character written by people who genuinely seem to understand him. It highlighted a lot of things I'd missed the first time. The parallel between Lindsay and Nina and Heaven and Aziraphale. The fear that Aziraphale has been living in ever since Job, where he thinks he's crossed the line and deserves to fall. How his greatest temptation, in the eyes of Heaven, wasn't the food or giving away his sword, or lying. It was his relationship with Crowley.
I didn't realize how the purpose of the creation of the universe scene was that Aziraphale saw how happy Crowley was. And that he's willing to risk everything, his freedom and his beautiful life in the bookshop so that Crowley can be happy like that again. Because Aziraphale spent 6,000 years watching Crowley reject his own kind nature, his own impulse to do good, for the fear of Hell's punishment. It's not exactly that Aziraphale wants to change Crowley. It's that if Crowley was an angel, he could go back to freely being nice, and doing good. They could be together because there wouldn't be the threat of the Other Side coming for them and ripping them apart.
Aziraphale doesn't want to change Crowley. He loves Crowley. But he is still scared of what Heaven thinks of it. Heaven still thinks that angels and demons can't be together because they're on opposite sides. And the powers greater than them who believe this will always try to rip them apart.
He just wants a better world for Crowley. He wants Crowley happy and safe. Is this the way to do it, no. I think Crowley is right that Aziraphale can't change Heaven. I think Crowley is probably scared out of his mind right now that Aziraphale is going back into the lion's den. Because Crowley watched for 6,000 years as Aziraphale was manipulated by Heaven, he saw how scared his angel was. And now he's going back under some misguided understanding that it'll be different this time.
I think that's what Crowley was thinking about in the car in the end credits. I think it was part "I can't believe he chose Heaven over me, because he wants to fix Heaven FOR me, the idiot." and part "He's gonna be manipulated again. And when he realizes it, he's gonna be so scared."
All Crowley wants in this world is for Aziraphale to be okay. Wants him to be free and safe. Free to eat whatever he wants without guilt. Free to do good because he wants to, not because he's had his orders. Free to dance with a demon. Free to be an us. Because he watched Aziraphle be scared of these things for millennia. He watched his angel think he deserved to be a demon for it. And he doesn't. And now Aziraphale's gone back to a place where there is no food, he won't have the opportunity to do clever good deeds in human's lives (he'll be running heaven), and Crowley simply can't follow him back there.
But then, I also believe the metas that have noticed that both plans are unsustainable. Aziraphale won't be able to change the system. And Crowley couldn't keep them running forever. They'll have to find the secret third option to be free to be together safely for eternity, and that's what season 3 is gonna be about.
So, to circle back to your question, I'm not okay lol. But I will be. I believe that this is one of the best stories ever told, and the more I understand Aziraphale and Crowley's characters, the more the ending makes sense, and the more intrigued I am about what else I might have missed that I'll need to rewatch to figure out. The kiss still breaks my heart, but I wouldn't change a thing about it because it makes sense and it played out perfectly for their situations and who they are. It's beautiful in a heartbreaking way.
And I do have a sense of peace about all of it. Even when I had just finished the episode, I knew it was all going to be okay because that divorce was literally about how much they love each other. Crowley loves Aziraphale unconditionally. Neither of them have much experience with that. So Aziraphale struggles to accept it, and he's scared to show it back because what if it costs them everything. But Crowley doesn't struggle like that. He's been left behind on earth, for now. But I have no doubt that as soon as his angel needs him, he'll be there.
Aziraphale will probably say he's sorry. And Crowley's just gonna give him a hug, tell him he loves him, that he's not gonna say I forgive you because neither of them need forgiveness. Not anymore.
It actually feels really good having written all this out like this, I've not talked about good omens much, even though I've been reblogging a lot. I'd love to talk to you more about all of it, if you want. And of course, I want to ask you how are YOU doing? What are your thoughts on all of this? How are you holding up? My ask box and my messages are always open!
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paranoidpoltergeist · 2 years
Transformers: Cyberverse Review(1/2)
So I finally watched Cyberverse and figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and do my review while I was at it instead of having to rewatch it later. This ended up being so much longer than I expected and I tried to look back over it to the best of my ability but I wrote these directly after finishing each season so at some very odd hours of the day if anything is worded weirdly sorry about that. Please keep in mind this is my opinion and you might not agree:) 
Season 1: It’s a really good concept but the pacing is kind of weird and a lot of the background character's voice actors sounded like they would rather be anywhere else lmao. I know that they went with shorter episodes so they have to pace it differently than the more common 25-minute format but it ended up making things seem a little rushed. As a big fan of the seeker, characters like Novastorm just had me trying to figure out why Hasbro never uses new characters. At first, I thought she was a new character and then they FINALLY said her name 3 FOURTHS of the way into the SEASON and I couldn’t figure out if they were even talking about her, The original is highlighter yellow. However I can say I have a soft spot for a lot of these designs, Bumblebee was a fun mix of his original design and the newer one which I liked. Starscream’s design was kind of killer, although giving him a different design from the rest of the seekers was definitely a choice but one I didn’t mind. Them killing off Blurr physically hurt me but the way they did the world-building was one I actually liked. It was interesting and they mostly used it to move the plot forward so it didn’t feel boring or like nothing was happening.  All in all, really not bad. 6/10 Season 2: Episode one was the most confusing thing I’ve ever watched in my whole life. I was so busy trying to piece together what I missed from the gap between seasons 1 and 2 I missed 99% of what was going on. Then they just started rapid-fire introducing characters without actually introducing them and I just wanted to know if Bumblebee had his memories back. That and they introduced Starscream's little traitor shabang in one of the weirdest ways I’ve ever seen, we see him, he doesn’t get a voice line until he’s leaving Megatron for dead, and that immediately gets him demoted. I mean that all happened in the span of literally a minute. They introduce one of the most important parts of his character in a single minute. I understand it’s harder with smaller episodes but to me it made the pacing feel weird and I know it’s not just something that comes with shows styled this way because even Paw Patrol's pacing feels better. Have you ever gone to write a story but the idea came from an event right in the middle and so you had to scramble for something to stick at the beginning to you wouldn’t lose the idea? That’s exactly what this felt like. Which leads to the absolute whiplash of episode 2. I’d touch on this episode anyways but especially because of how the season started. This episode was so much better. Despite everything still happening quite quickly, it flowed a lot better. I have a feeling they originally started brainstorming the Decepticon section of this episode and then had to figure out a good way to lead into Megatron getting injured and then chose the route they did. Either way, this episode was a bit of a heavy hitter, Starscream's flashback at the beginning started a path to some sympathy and allowed for what was seemingly his death to hit harder. If you're not a fan of Starscream it probably wasn’t a super hard hit but you can still see it was a fairly brutal episode. They made the 10-minute timeframe work pretty well so bravo on this one. Despite Thundercracker not being the TC we all know and love I quite liked him. I’m not gonna lie I was apprehensive at first but I figured with each new series the characters tend to change a bit so they’re not all a carbon copy of one another and ended up really liking him. Starscream’s first upgrade was the goofiest thing I’ve ever seen, but the second was neat. I also liked the way they showed Megatron and Starscream’s relationship, I feel like in the end Stsracsream just wants people to respect him. He wants Megs specifically to see what he’s capable of, he wanted Megatron to acknowledge he finally got the win. So when Megatron proceeded to belittle him, having complete confidence his plan would fail simply because he’s Starscream, he got angry and a little careless, and just like that he fails. I mean the plan was kind of a bad one anyways and he’d probably have been fine if he had immediately thrown their sparks back in the Allspark but he's Starscream so he had to have his dramatic moment lol. On a lighter note this Shockwave is absolutely great he's not the super intimidating one we get from prime and not the total goofball from g1 he’s somewhere in the middle and it’s perfect. You can definitely tell which season I liked better but it was just so easy to go in-depth on this one because it had surprisingly a good story. They knew when to add fillers that still moved the plot along. They knew when we needed a laugh and when to hit us with the harder stuff. Loved Starscream going to Therapy only to immediately break out and Cheetor. He’s just great. They made him naive where it’s common to just make them straight-up stupid, I think that’s partially the reason I like TC so much (WHOSE DEAD?!) he was too honest not really stupid. Most surprisingly I even liked Arcee, she manages to be a strong female character without being too much or annoying. However, I DIDN’T like Jetfire, Maybe if he had a better character arc but he was just annoying with a singular redeeming moment lol. That and I'm sad he's not his usual giant self. Despite the rough start, I liked it. 7/10
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petrichoraline · 1 year
I'd like to report that I survived TMS2! Barely cried!! (A barefaced lie, obviously)
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So Viki did have 10 episodes and that was quite the ride. You were RIGHT, the first one could never have prepared me for that omg. So much angst and intensity and tears?? Man.
Somehow tho, I loved it at least as much as the first season. I loved how it built all the drama on their flaws we've been introduced to in season 1, and who were only veerry partially resolved back then.And I love them so, the man who can't bring himself to hold on and the man who is incapable of letting go.
I won't clog you box with too much babbling but it was sssooo good and yeah i understand why they make you feral because!!!! I finished the series thursday night and i can't stop thinking about it (the kiss under the bridge! The fight in the restaurant and "i was lonelier withyiu than when i was single"! Also omg "if you keep pushing me away i can't come to you as you did to me. To where you are. / ... Is that a threat?/ ... ... No. It's a request. Please, hug me." and the little cardigan grab and the crying????)
Anyway, of you ever have a sudden urge to, like, talk about that one, I'm all ears lol - ☆
pleasee, reading this kinda makes me want to rewatch it but the thing is, i watched it with the strong conviction the issue would be something outside of the relationship and jiwoo would have done it all to protect seojun..which he sort of did but not in the way i thought lol
what i mean is i was reading comments and posts and thinking "oh, you're all gonna be so sorry when they reveal why jiwoo did it!" and then it turned out i was misinterpreting the whole thing lmao
so now if i rewatch it i'll have the big picture in mind and it'll be a totally different experience so what if i feel differently about them? i don't want to! i don't want to be angry at them again either haha so as i would love to discuss it (or anything, really) with you, i can't say i'll rewatch it soon 🌸 i will go through the tag to refresh my memory and reblog a bunch of stuff though, that's for sure 😗
i probably have some false memory about it being 8 episodes long, sorry for the confusion! i don't remember details but every single one you mentioned i do :') maybe because they're all over tumblr but also because they're so raw and memorable. "i was lonelier with you than when i was single" hits you right in the gut, even if you haven't experienced it yourself you can at least imagine how painful that would be. and it is a problem that, just like all of their issues, is very likely to occur even in the most loving of relationships - there's no evil parent, there's no malicious ex, no great fantastical obstacle to them being together. it's just two young men trying to love each other while their insecurities seep into the fabric of their relationship, it's devastating (and veery frustrating to watch lol) but also so beautiful in a way.
i find it funny that i was right - there is no way to prepare for this rollercoaster but that's a part of the charm 💓 hope the tissues were enough 🤭
thank you so much for coming back to update me, it's a delight 🥰
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jumpscaregoose · 2 years
I finished the Shaman King again
loserbrain thoughts under cut because it's me and shaman king and I am very Normal about it (also spoilers duh but you probably already know them all)
so ya boi rewatched shaman king this past month or so.
realized I'd never actually done that (I'd rewatched it with friends or went through my favourite episodes but I'd never went through it again start to finish). I told myself no skipsies but I broke that rule almost immediately and I did skip some parts (sorry episode eight you're just boring to me).
anyways my general thoughts
I appreciate this silly little ghost show more every time I watch it it's just really good. my enjoyment has not decreased in the slightest. found myself understanding some parts I thought were lackluster before because for like a year I was a dumbass and didn't get that It's a Metaphor, You Idiot. the text literally spells out "this is a metaphor for a person's mindset and strength of will" like every 3 seconds and I just. ignored it I guess??? turns out a lot of stuff makes more sense if you look at it less like smashing two action figures together and more as mushy brain stuff. who could have ever possibly guessed that (not past me). thought it was overall very very good and its lackluster parts (random aliens a la midichlorians I'm looking at you) were made up for by its great parts (basically everything else).
went into the last episode to try and iron out my thoughts on the ending (went from hating it on my first watch to tolerating it on subsequent watches) and I think it is consistently decent. could have used some more episodes and is just really confusing if you're not a pathetic loser nerd who can Well Actually it. I like it a lil bit. thought I'd reconciled my feelings about renmei to "my god that could have been so good we were ROBBED if they'd explained how this HAPPENED it would have been SO GOOD" but now it's "the same thing as before except I'm angry and yelling now" because it's true renmei could have been great and I mourn the loss of that every day. episode 51 remains the best episode (despite the midichlorian aliens) purely for the hao awakening scene. episode 50 is fun because major character revelation 2 episodes before the end and I think that's Neat (affectionate).
telling you all that one time a while back I watched the Bear Episode and wanted to fact check if there would actually be bears there and I asked my friends who live in Colorado and they thought I didn't think bears lived in Colorado.
FINALLY figured out all the symbolism behind the training in hell arc. have had a theory that the scenery represented Funky Brain Stuff™ but just. couldn't. understand. joco's part. sat down and thought about it for a bit and realized I forgot that the themes of Dante's Divine Comedy (Rodin's Gates of Hell is there and all) where the same as those happening for that part of the story and focused on the floating islands for eight months like an idiot. should probably make another post with my interpretations of hell stuff because I'm fairly confident I get it and also it's cool.
appreciate hao even more after this rewatch he's an excellent antagonist and also my precious meow meow. will not elaborate go read this.
ost does funky stuff with leitmotif sometimes but also I like it
generally forgot that I actually like quite a bit of early shaman king. my brain defaulted to episode six is fantastic and forgot about the rest. it's very nostalgic to me which is weird because I first watched it last year but it's true don't fight me I'll win.
top ten episodes for me are 51, 40, 6, 15, 45, 9, 50, 47, 27, 2 (most favourite first, with no bias towards anyone at ALL).
shaman king really good me really likey
might actually watch the 2001 version if pleaded with (it is my archnemesis)
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