#this game has been so fun im so glad i bought it
domiforpresident · 1 year
Shuriri fair/amusement park hcs
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A/N: shuriri has been on my mind heavy lately They are just too cute I'm literally crying. I hope y'all enjoy this while I work on a fic for them
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They love going to the fair at night, it's more peaceful and so much more vibrant at that time in their opinion.
Shuri is terrified of roller coasters and gets motion sickness bad. But she sucks it up for Riri who is the complete opposite and loves roller coasters (Riri repays Shuri in kisses for going out of her comfort zone for her)
"Ri I think im going to throw up, you better be glad i love you "
"I am"
She pecked shuri on the cheek as she attempted to run off a bit.
"but if your gon throw up, ima move over here I don't want you to get it on my shoes"
Shuri cuts her eyes at Riri in annoyance.
Riri gets a little too serious when it comes to fair games, she swears She's only playing over and over again so she can win shuri a stuffed animal (she liyin). She will not give up unless shuri pulls her away from it, or wins the game for her.
"Ima win this one for you bae just watch"
"Yeah no, you've lost one too many times let's go"
*Shuri yanks Riri away from the game by her hand*
Shuri Loves all the sweet treats at the fair, the first time she had a candy apple she went crazy and ate one too many. Riri had to deal with the after math which was sugar rush.
"Riri I love you. did you know I love you?? ouu look at those lights the color is so pretty"
"Yes I love you too baby, and thoes lights are pretty"
Riri couldn’t help but laugh, seeing her lover sugar high was so cute.
The first time they said they loved each other was on the ferris wheel, Shuri was all neverous, but Riri finished her sentence for her.
"Riri I lov- I love-"
*Riri pulls shuri in for a kiss*
"I love you so much shuri"
"I love you too Riri"
They both chuckled.
Riri has to take a million pictures on her polaroid camera that she bought specifically to take pictures and videos of their dates together.
"Ri did you not already take a picture of us on that ride?"
"It's for memories. And you can never have too many" Riri notioned.
She also thought the faces Shuri made while holding onto her hand for dear life on the rides we're hilarious.
Shuri is ruthless when playing bumper cars, she doesn't hold back at all. She acts like there's a winner and a loser when the object is just to have fun. Riri usually hits shuri on her arm for being so rough while they were in the ring, Shuri apologizes even though she knows she's gonna do it again.
One time it was closer to Halloween and workers were dressed up trying to scare people, one of them ran up on Riri and she hit them in the nose, she felt bad afterwards and Shuri kept laughing at her while she iced Riri's knuckles.
"Riri you do know it's their job to scare people"
"Yes I do, but that nigga got too close way too fast, could've gave me a warning or something"
"That would defeat the whole poi-"
"Stop trynna be smart and ice my knuckles."
Whenever Riri is too exhausted to walk Shuri being the caring girlfriend that she is, picks Riri up and carries her on her back. There's been many times where Riri fell asleep on Shuris back unknowingly.
"Riri what ride do you want to get on next?"
*Riri completely knocked out*
"Of course she fell asleep......again"
Shuri won't admit it but she thinks it's quite cute that Riri falls asleep on her back, that's why she never bothers to wake her up unless she has to.
They got someone to draw them and the person drew Shuris head really big. Riri found it so funny Shuri on the other hand didn't.
"My head is big but it's not that damn big"
"It's just a drawing Shuri, and the whole point of these is to emphasize your features"
She laughed a little too hard while saying the last part for Shuris liking.
"In that case they should've drew you a few inches shorter" shuri smirked.
"Ok jokes over."
Whenever Riri gets something like powder sugar from a funnel cake there sharing, or just anything that's she's eating on her face, Shuri insist on wiping it off so she can sneak in a kiss while she's at it.
They love to walk around the park for hours just holding hands while talking and cracking jokes. They don't get to do that regularly with them being iron heart and the black panther. But when they can They enjoy every second of it, just basking in one another's presence.
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
hiii!!!! im back girliee :) sorry i fell of the face of the earth for a little bit. no pressure to answer this fast its not super important lol
the last few chapters have been so delectable!!! love getting kyle action but also ghoap/gazsoap/ghostgaz was YUM!!!! 🤤🤤 I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get back to the camera/Simon's bond conflicts too tho lol 😅
haven't been able to play much COD recently due to being busy :( (+ I've been playing The Last Of Us and I may be a bit obsessed with Joel Miller.....I really need to stop playing multiple video games at once lol) (also actively playing Genshin Impact)
idk where this idea came from but I have a headcannon that the TV in the rec room is just lowkey the worst. Old, slow, and the base is out in the middle of nowhere so it limits a lot of their TV options.
Don't have streaming because it requires a payment/subscription and something about not being able to hook it up to an account/being on a military base/not safe to have clues to their money or personal lives (I know nothing about the military forgive me). They do have cable but because their base is in the middle of buttfuck nowhere they get only the strangest, most low-production channels out there.
I saw a youtube video a while ago about a British reality TV show where a female contestant is shown a bunch of dicks, nothing else, and she has to decide who she'd want to go out with based on that alone 😂😂 it was completely uncensored, so dicks would just be fully hanging out there. that's the type of shit that they get on the cable in the rec room LMFAO
feel like the only option for personalized TV/movies is the old DVD player hooked up to the TV (that was there when they moved into the place 😭) so the boys constantly have a collection of DVDs they're always rewatching, or they buy new ones/ship them in when there's something new they want to watch
I'm the type of person who will watch bad movies or reality TV shows just so I can giggle at them, so I FULLY believe that the pack would find some shitty knock-off reality TV show and lock in to watch the new episode every week together
if the boys and/or 'mega ever want to watch something popular/that would usually be on streaming they just have to get it off some backstreet website or something like that (they have burner laptops specifically for this purpose)
hope you're having a good day/night/afternoon and that you have a good week as well :) stay safe, slept, and hydrated!!!<3
— 🌘 !
Aww no need to apologize!! Things happen, people get busy. I'll always be here, hanging out (well, not quite as often right now but i'll see stuff eventually!!)
Aww thank you, thank you I'm glad you enjoyed them!!! They have been rather delicious, but don't worry, we will be getting back into the fluff and ANGST very quickly. I've been dragging the plot out more than I wanted to so now I'm rectifying that lmao.
I own The Last Of Us (it came with my PS4 when I bought it four years ago) but I still haven't played it because I suck at playing games lol. I either play all the way through at once or I play for an hour and then turn it off and don't touch it for months lol. Same even with the Sims. I go through cycles of playing for hours everyday and then not touching it for weeks and weeks.
No but like that idea would be so true lmaoo. Just an old fuzzy TV that has no streaming capabilities. They have a very vast collection of DVDs (organized by Simon of course) which is how they keep themselves sane lmao. They get like ten channels and flip between sports and daytime TV and game shows 😂 it's a routine now, sitting and watching some random game show at night.
Hey, they break a lot of laws already, what's the shame in playing pirates? 😉
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torialefay · 2 months
._. Anon from before, im so glad im on anon. My sleep deprived delulu self can't handle the potential of him lurking on my account. I dont post skz or kpop at all, but in the case that there's a coincidence where they reference something I've been posting a lot about, my logical side knows its pure coincidence by my brain LOVES to go "but what iffff."
Like Hyunjin's "Hey you" has a tune repeating in it that sounds like the start of the FFXIV:ARR login screen tune, the piano(? Im not good at detecting music) reminds me of Xion's theme in kingdom hearts, and the lyrics sounded like KH references, so it was stuck in my head for days on end. It drove me crazy simply thinking it'd be cool if they were into those games, and it came out when i wasn't following them at all. Imagine how insane i would be if it came out now. But thank you boys for reminding me to take it easy and play games, i guess lol.
Should i just sign off as ._.? Ive actually sent in a few asks, i just never put a name to a circle with a pair of shades lol. Who knows, i might do an account reveal some day🤪
no for real though. i literally am so delusional that when the new song teasers came out, they talked ab "mountains" (i live near a lot of mountains) and "trucks" (i live near a lot of trucks) and then they started randomly throwing "finna" and "aint" in there and i was like omg you're stalking me so bad 🤭😭😭😭 delusion can be fun, but someeeee people *christopher* just take it too far 😭😭
i do not be knowing ab games, but i'm glad they are encouraging you 🥹 i need a lil gamer in my life bc i bought a harry potter game for switch sinply bc i wanna run around the castle, but then i found out you have to BATTLE people to get to the point you can do that and omgggg i cannot do it. i need you 😭
ofc you can sign off as ._. if you want to!!!! you can be whoever you'd like hehe 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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neomel · 1 year
at last heres a pic of the haul from Sundays game market visit!! it was a lot of fun if very overcrowded lol.
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wouldve probably bought more of the expensive stuff if i had more money atm but im very happy with the deals i got. stuff like Samba de Amigo, SEGA Superstars Tennis, Guitar Hero and M&S Olympics were all VERY cheap (like $5 or less). also not pictured is dead rising chop til you drop on wii which was also very cheap. I'm super super excited to finally own OutRun 2 on Xbox as well, its one of the few games I actually got to play for the first time in an arcade and I've dreamt of having an about-as-pretty version of it at home ever since. Coast2Coast wasnt doing it for me!!!
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Mario&Sonic at the Olympic Games in particular was extremely funny bc it has signs of Four different pricetags. the red one by Mario started at $45, and then it went to $10 before the $4 i bought it for. (idk where the 4th pricetag fits into this)
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ANYWAY the big catch here for me was
♡☆Magical Starsign☆♡
I've been looking for this game for a whiiile and I'm so glad I found it both in very good condition and for just a little over $20!!!! This is a beautiful pixelart JRPG by the devs who codeveloped Mother 3 along with artists from the Mana series on SNES/PS1. VERY excited to play this one hehe >:3
oh also the GBA game is a bootleg replica of Sims 2 Bustin Out. it was 3 dolar.
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bombshelllblonde · 7 months
hiiihihii!! im backkkk to tell u abt my rdr playthough bc im bored asf haha
¡love this game omg!! the graphics, the story, the details UGH!!!!
hunting is actually so fun for no reason- i bought so many fancy ass guns too 😭
also my play type whenever i play ANY story game thats open world is to do every possible thing every except the actual story so i get a bunch of stuff and then its so muvh easier
in short i have 6000+ dollars 😋
bonus of exploring everything is i got thw white arabian and i love her sm ‼️‼️ i named her pearl and she is my baby
dress up is my seconf favorite hobby
my fav outfit rn is the red vest w the floral pattern on the front (i forget what its called) n the black french dress shirt underneath + the bison necklace talisman
(also arthur w medium-long length hair n short facial hair>>>)
this game is so detail oriented, its kind of insane- im doing a high honor run atm, and i came across the blind beggar for the third (?) time and the blind guy said and i quote
"that is which killing you will finally help you, friend- to hear and see."
is this foreshadowing this feels like foreshadowing
also ik arthurs dies (bc of tiktok edits and fics, they artists in this fandom is amazing!!!) and im not prepared at all 😭 im going to procrastinate so bad 
yk the hole lil speech he has at the campfire yk "most human beings seem to know why they were born but, for me- its seems i was just mean ton hurt and suffer myself" that one
im bawling istg if he doesnt get a good ending im going to be writing a formal complaint to rockstar games
tw opinions (ik bro its crazy to have opinions in 2024 whattt no wayy)
ive gotten to the point in playing where im in ch 3, and the only way i can progress the actual story is to help micah rob a stagecoach or whatever
micah is a bastard and i dont like him
him as a character is rlly well written and awesome but,,,,,hes,,,slimy,,and i hate him,,,,so he can wait for a little longer ☺️
my favorite characters rn in no particular order is
arthur (obviously) , charles , sean , javier , tilly , marybeth , and kieran
my pookies ‼️‼️
moving on im so sorry this is so so long 😭 idk anyone who likes rdr irl lmao
anyway hope u have a nice day and no wolves attack you and spoke ur horse who bucks you off a cliff
(in rdr btw)
((true story also))
yo, having 6k in chapter 3 is amazing. good for you!
my first playthrough i got the white arabian and i named her Lemoyne Tree as a tribute to the state of Lemoyne and my favorite post malone song Lemon Tree. But she always got super dirty so i then went to the lake next to Strawberry and tamed the red chestnut arabian. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that one, she's gorgeous and arthur always gets that one when i play it. my beautiful baby girl Diablo <3
also yes. heckin FUCK MICAH BELL. even from the beginning he's been a slime ball. hate that man <3
i won't go too far, but just keep yourself high honor towards the end of the game. you need that to be your first ending. :')
Charles deserves the absolute world. just listening to him speak and hanging out with him at camp, and the missions you continue on to do with him throughout the game are so much fun. charles is someone i wish i could have in my real life because he seems like he would be the best person to speak to and hang out with. he is so lovely and down to earth. even arthur says it a couple times throughout the game. charles gets a good ending i promise.
my top blorbos are Arthur, Dutch, Charles, Hosea, and Josiah Trelawny my absolute beloved <33333 just wait until you go on the mission with Charles to find trelawny. one of my favorite missions ever ever ever ever!!
a lot of people dislike dutch, but i love him so much. he is my actual father. i love him.
i also hate john. let me know how you feel about that little greasy weasel of a man. :)))
i'm so so so glad you're having fun and i am very invested, so please continue to keep me updated on what ur doing because i need to live vicariously through you. if i could erase my entire mind and replay the game over and over again for the first time, i totally would
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lake-archive · 3 months
Rank 6
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Characters (main): Protagonist / Joker, Morgana, Luka (OC), Anja (OC)
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The protagonist receives a text on IM
Anja – Heey! You’re [Name]–San, right? 
– Luka?
– Who are you?
Anja – Haha, sorry for the sudden text! I borrowed my brother’s phone. I’m Anja by the way! 
Anja – Anyways, I wanna go and do watch a movie today but Luka’s been acting all worried. So I wanted to ask one of my male friends but he has no time. Guess that comes with working on cases and stuff.
– What kind of friends do you have?
– What are you talking about?
– Aha…
Anja – That’s beside the point. I heard that you two are close and we met before. So I think I can trust you! Can you meet me in front of the movie theater in Shibuya? 
Morgana – So, what’s it going to be? Will you hang out with Anja?
I’ll go
Decide later
The protagonist meets up with Anja in front of the movie theater 
Anja – Ah, over here! (She waves one of her hands for the protagonist to come over) I’ve been waiting for you [Name]–San!
– Is this a date? (+1)
Anja – I mean, you can be my practice date if you like. Don’t want to get your hopes up now~
– Couldn’t you have asked someone else to watch a movie with you? (+0)
Anja – I tried but everyone is busy. Guess because of the short notice. But I’m glad that you made some time [Name]–San! It’ll be worth your time, I promise!
Anja – Don’t worry about the tickets, I already bought them. Let’s go inside!
The screen fades to black before transitioning to the theater
( Anja and I watched a movie together. It seems to be one based on a mobile game but I don’t know much about its source material. It’s something involving male idols )
The screen transitions to after the movie, back in front of the movie theater
Anja – Man, that was fun! Then again, I suppose they stuck close to the source material so I expected as much~
– You seem to be really into it. (+0)
— You enjoyed that, didn’t you? (+0)
Anja – Yeah, I did. Seeing the story visualized has a different feel to it after all. The writing of the original game was already pretty vivid but seeing the expressions on screen does give it a bit of a different feel to it! I felt even more with the characters than I did when just reading the story!
Morgana – This is way more than ‘getting into it’... 
Anja – Oh, and hearing every line voice acted? I was almost shaking! The voice actors filled the story with so much life! Aaah, maybe I'll go back and drag someone else to watch it with me again!
— You’re very enthusiastic. (+0)
Anja – Eh? I am? I didn’t notice, sorry! I didn’t mean to bore you!
— Did you have fun? (+1)
Anja – Yeah, I did! Thanks!
— Do I have to come along next time too? (+0)
Anja – N… No. Not if you don’t want to!
Anja – Sorry for having you dragged out here. I’ll make it up to you. Anyways, gotta go. I still need to do some work. See you!
( I feel like my bond with Anja is growing deeper… )
In front of Leblanc the protagonist’s phone rings and he picks up
Luka – Hey, heard you accompanied Anja today. Good job! She wasn’t being a handful, was she?
– Not more than usual. (+0)
– She sure is lively. (+0)
Luka – You sound as if you barely survived her. Did she let out an overly passionate speech again?
— Maybe a bit but it was fun listening to her rambling. (+2)
Luka – Woha, really? That’s good at least!
Luka – I’ll owe you one big time! Thanks for taking care of her! Anyways, see you!
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polyamorouspunk · 4 months
Mountain Boy got me Baldurs Gate 3 on Wednesday night and it has been *consuming* my life
Have a campaign going with him and tbh looking back I definitely missed a LOT of stuff
But now Im playing by myself and I have a half elf drow warlock from a noble background named Nakir and I *love* him. Like if I ever play in an irl dnd campaign again, I want to play him
Makes total sense.
I’m SO glad you’re having fun.
Can’t wait to meet him! Hope he likes chatty bubbly lesbians.
When I was at my best friend’s house we were trying to find something to do and I said game! And they were like okay board game or video game and I was like idk a game, so my friend booted up their Xbox and was scrolling and it pointed to a game and I’m like hey what’s that and they were like idk and clicked on it and when it loaded handed me the controller and I was like mwah?? And they were like yup you and I was like okay? So I started playing it and I had SO much fun I bought it when I got home and I have been playing it non-fucking-stop (you’ll never guess what I’m doing right now).
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arvensimp · 2 years
What are your thoughts on the up coming dlc? I personally am kinda bummed out they only announced the Scar/Vio one, i was hoping for one for pla too ://
On the bright side im excited to see kalos again
I hope this doesn't sound too streak of conscious-y lol
Not to be too Old Woman yells at cloud but I've literally been playing Pokemon for 23-ish years now? I'm still not entirely sold on a Pokemon game needing DLC, much less DLC that costs $35 when the base game cost $60 and tax. THAT SAID I already bought it anyway lol and I'm still super excited to spend more time with my character. I have her decked out in her new clothes already.
I think there's been some confusion on what the DLC is too, so let me recap my understanding of it really quickly.
This fall, pt 1 The Teal Mask will be released. This has like old school Japanese festival vibes.
This winter, pt 2 The Indigo Disc will be released. This takes place at Blueberry Academy.
Both will be playable on scarlet and violet (I saw some folks saying they were game locked?)
I'm super excited to have my baby espurr back, since espurr has been one of my favorites for years.
I'm a little disappointed that we're not obviously going to Kalos, but at the same time I'm glad that we're not PAYING to go to back to a place that they already showed us years ago.
I also saw folks who were disappointed that the wait for the dlc is so long? But idk I'm happy to wait for a good product (so long as it's good!!!). I really don't mind waiting for good content, especially when so much stuff lately has been rushed and not as good, yknow? Especially when rushed content comes at the cost of the well being of employees too
AS FOR CONTENT AND STORY AND STUFF. idk all I really care about is more arven, outfits, and an explanation for paradox Pokemon being in area zero before the time machine's existence.
Like 1. Don't let arven stay trapped in his room all day. Let him come outside with me and have adventures again.
2. I hate the school uniform so much. Let me wear something else please I beg you.
3. I don't generally put much faith in the pokemon company to tell a good story but they KNOW they've left us hanging with the paradox Pokemon mystery. I mean Arven literally says it for himself how strange it is that the scarlet/violet book talks about paradox Pokemon in area zero in a time before the time machine could have ever existed. What does that mean???
Personally I'm interested in the theory that the disc Pokemon or hexagon Pokemon or whatever alters reality based on the desires of those near to it and that terastalization is just a manifestation of a Pokemon to be another type/stronger. The paradox Pokemon are the desires of the professors and the original research team. The time machine and the AI are the same thing as well. With the AI in particular I feel that way because the professor's journal literally says something to the effect of "that man/woman walked out not long after the boy was born. There's so much to do, and I need more help, but how long would it take to train someone else? Would they even understand? If only there were two of me."
Then the next entry is them talking about what is presumably the AI.
Like I don't think the professor who just became a parent and is drowning in research and work and stuff would put EVERYTHING DOWN to work on all new technology that hadn't been invented yet.
So with ALL THAT I'm really hoping that we get more information on what the FUCK is going on with area zero and that Arven can be a part of it.
I also saw a theory that maybe the other professor is involved with blueberry academy??? That'd be nice.
Also some of the folks at blueberry seem to have that cooking motif going on so I don't want my man being left out on the fun
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heliswife · 1 year
Helloo! :) anon is back after what feels like a while but probably isn’t :’) Can I make a request for and arcade date with Toya whose S/O who loves going to arcades but kinda sucks at all the games so Toya has to teach them how to play them better? After practicing for a while, Toya and S/O manage to beat the high score on one of S/O’s  favourite games and with the tickets they got from all the games they’d played that day S/O gets Toya a little green puyo plush knowing that he’s played Puyo games with Nene before ( they find it sitting on the end of his bed the next time they go over his house lol ) :) I thought this was a cute idea :)) Thank you for doing my last request and thank you for this one! :))
( By the way “Your requests are really fun to write :) anon!” Might have made me squeal a lil bit lol :’) I’m glad you like writing my requests!! It’s makes me really happy when I see that you guys have posted, especially when I see you’ve written one of my requests :)) Thank you so much for taking the time to write my requests, I always love them!! :)) ) 
-:) anon! 
YIPPEE IM SO HAPPY YOU FEEL THAT WAY :) ANON (/≧▼≦)/ ill try my very best on this one for you!
Arcade date with Toya!
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It's been a week since you went to the arcade with Toya. You were awestruck when he excelled at all the video games he played, even your favorites. Too bad you sucked at them, but luckily, he was there to teach you.
"Ah, y/n. I think you should put that there, it would really benefit," his soft voice informed you, gray eyes fixated on the screen.
Now you were returning to that same arcade a week later with more skill from practicing. You smiled to yourself as you walked in the building and waved to Toya. He waved back and you run up to go meet him.
"Toya! Why don't we go play [favorite game]?" You suggested. He smiled and you two ran over to the game.
After fifteen minutes, your eyes glimmered as you saw the words high score on the screen.
"Toya, we did it!" You exclaimed and hugged him. He smiled, hugging you back. The tickets came out of the machine, and you two went over to buy something from the ticket shop. Your eyes scanned the prize wall, looking for something to buy until you laid your eyes on something: a green puyo plush. You looked at the tickets in your hand, just enough to buy the plush. And you did.
"This is for me?" Toya asked you. You nodded, "Thank you," he brought you close and kissed your forehead.
The next time you came over, you laid down on his bed, and the first thing you noticed was a plush. The green puyo one you bought for him. You grabbed it and hugged it as you smiled to yourself.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
you made me want to play dai and now its another game! im really glad you are having fun
awww omg 😁😁😁 dai is such a fun game, dragon age is a fantastic series! baldurs gate 3 has been sooooooo fun too!! if you can afford it and your pc can run it i totally recommend! it is a very massive game though, ive seen many ppl say they bought the game only to realize their pcs cant run it 😭 but otherwise i recommend!! thank u so much for the kind words ❤️❤️❤️
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water-mellie-seeds · 2 years
Lake I’ve become so rejection sensitive dysphoria-ly upset by something so trivial tell me about your fos
I TRULY understand this one RSD is a cruel mistress for Real
OH BOY at risk of talking about serizawa AGAIN and at risk of talking about upwards of 50 f/os lets talk about our f/o fight finalists!
Approaching this as if the people reading Do Not Know all of these characters,just in case some people in fact do not know anything about them
Luigi! He's definitely the f/o I've known and loved the longest! The year of luigi was catered to me specifically/j I just think his evolution as a character is SO interesting,especially in the M&L series. He is just such a genuinely good guy,he's sweet and even competitive (moreso in the party/kart/sports games) and I would legitimately do anything for him. I feel this way about a lot of my f/os but i genuinely wish i could just tell him how important he is BECAUSE EVERYONE IS SO MEAN TO HIM SO MUCH(i know its for the bit but cmon!) oh yeah mario and that other guy type thing YOU LNOW HIS NAME >:(
Kumatora. I could literally talk at length about her but ultimately id just go in circles. Her recklessness when she was younger reminds me of mine. She's a badass,and she's sassy and headstrong and super powerful and yet so chill. She's also just. A good person. I know that if shit got real she would protect me,and even though i am absolutely all talk when it comes to my ability to kick ass,id do my best to protect her too. Also she has PSI so i mean. Kind of a pattern with me,huh?
Dr. Jan. I've always loved people who work in museums or amusement parks and the like. I love to see people who actually...like their jobs. Who make it their own and have fun with it! So..it's only natural id end up liking her. She's an enthusiast of all things ancient and an avid cryptid nerd. I LOVE her enthusiasm. I LOVE her vibe she is also very pretty.
Shuichi. I'm gonna be so honest i do not much like Danganronpa V3 as a game. I love the characters in it,though. but he's a really good protagonist and he just feels...very organic. His struggles with self worth and confidence really resonate with me and i love how he slowly starts to open up and really get into it during cases/trials! I'm also a voice guy and. I really like his voice very much i sometimes listen to like. Shuichi saihara voice files compilations on YouTube it scratches my brain.
Monika. Look. Again I'm a voice guy. Also,i stayed with her for every. Single. Topic she could bring up. Multiple times over. I am down fucking bad. I tried to start a literature club because of her in my own school. I started writing poems again because of her. She told me to put her file on a usb and carry it with me always and i did. I bought a lil white ribbon and tied it on there and then i put the usb on a neckace made of frayed computer wire and i BROUGHT HER EVERYWHERE I WENT. I am in love with her. She is. The true concept of an f/o. And she loves us back,that's the part that gets me.
Queen. Yeah i like silly women i like robots. No one is surprised. She is so cool i want to drink battery acid with her. Ill become a peon i dont even carw
CAPT. SPACEBOY. I haven't ever really been able to pinpoint why EXACTLY im so into him,but i am. I could treat him so so well. I couldn't fit him absolutely not but we could be worse together <3 he sings,he travels through space he's a pirate and also super nice and hospitable. We both got funky mental illnesses going on also hes just hot. Like objectively.
Jessie and James. Package deal. Im glad tumblr seems to appreciate them as much as i do. Theyre both SUCH well written characters. I have known them forever. When i saw them crossdressing as a kid it blew my mind. PEOPLE CAN DO THAT???? Indigo league in general is so so good,but jessie and james really steal the show. They have such interesting and compelling backstories and they are poor just like me fr.(well ok team rocket is. James' family doesnt count i would have also left) we could go on a date to the clearance section in the supermarket./hj i just love them very much ALSO THEY SHOULDNT HAVE TAKEN AWAY JAMES' FAKE BOOBIES! NOT FAIR! I would never do that to him.
Thank you for listening if you guys ever wanna pick an f/o on the list for me to go off about i will do it. For you all
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trahns · 2 years
The year is slowly ending, feel free to use this ask to tag ( and write a positive message if you wish ) the people you are happy to have met this year and as always thank you for being part of the RPC, you are very much adored and appreciated. 🐱
Awww thank you! I will say I've met a lot of amazing people in the RPC this year. Maybe not met, but reconnected with.
@plasticsouled , ive been friends with sal for a bit but we lost touch due to me leaving tumblr. Before i left tumblr we didnt interact too much sadly, and i wish i interacted with her more because shes such a sweetheart. I swear, Sal is one of the nicest and talented people you'll meet. When I revamped she was my first follower and im thankful for her
@carpemusa I met beth this year but I'm glad I did! They're really talented and plotting with them is such fun, they have amazing ideas and characters. Watching them play a game on twitch was one of the best experiences i think I'll have. Boy.. We must go to coral island, boy. I silently admired them from afar to only find out they did the same thing which was so surprising
@mkoshi I met spectre shortly after revamping, and im so glad i did. We hit it off almost right away! His ocs are so great, honestly if you dont love them you have bad taste. He has a lot of compassion for his ocs and you can see that, and its honestly really admirable. He is so admirable. He bought me watchdogs just so I could play it for myself!! Im so thankful still
@bondedtrauma I met Ellie too, a bit after I revamped. She is such a sweetheart!! Her ocs are amazing and likable too, I could squish Ellie. I love the threads we have and the fact she picked up my less popular muses im so thankful for that. Shes someone who you can rely on
@bolides I havent talked to Aaron for long, but i can tell that hes a great person. I cant wait to start interacting with you more!! Such a sweetheart. Their Elizabeth is an amazing potrayal like ever other muse
but really, im thankful for everyone this year. You guys are all amazing. thanks for sticking with me and my craziness. I love you all and happy holidays
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zoyalannister · 1 year
hello there! Im the anon from the game, another week back here
Before the game itself : I saw that gif ask and that boy is super gabriel coded, very hot too
Now onto the game, today I bring one I already sent but different statements.
Seeing as you are writing two pwp, and one currently from the last posts, this time all dirty, next week I can send pg ones. I think it could be fitting
-Hid a hickey with clothing
-Bought lingerie to their partner
-Thought of their partner while touching themselves before actually having been intimate with each other
-Had fun in a bathtub
Byeee, see you both next week
General Kenobi!
Let alone my habit to quote Star Wars anytime, I'm glad to spread the Maxi Iglesias as Adult!Gabriel agenda.
Onto the game:
1. Gabriel in geneeal and Kit in H(n)teaf.
2. Totally Gabriel, he would spend hours choosing lingerie for Cecily.
3. Everyone. Gabriel and Cecily would do it thinking about each other, same for Grace and Kit. (Also, in Geranium the fact that he did is basically a plot point).
4. Gabrily in general, but I can spoil you that there’s a scene in the bathtub in the next Gracetopher PWP.
My friend's answers:
Okay so:
- Nesta, but only because hickeys are harder to spot on Cassian's skin (Cassian has way more hickeys than Nesta)
- Nesta to Cassian, and it was lace
- See also: In the shadow of a dream
- See also: upcoming chapter five of Constellations
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fettiowi · 1 year
I'm the anon from awhile back you helped get into sonic and I've come to inform you on the current state of my life:
1. I've watched playthroughs of most of the games and all of Sonic X and Prime and am planning on starting the Boom series.
2. I've caught up with the IDW comics and have so many thoughts... so many...
3. I bought a bunch of fan merch and now have a Silver sticker in the back of my clear phone case so everyone knows Who I Am Now. Silver and Shadow are my guys. I am holding them in my hands. Shaking them.
4. I am forever frustrated that despite my degree in illustration i am unable to draw any of the characters because my art is mostly based around drawing people and environment design, whats even the POINT if I cant draw some creatures.
My life has been up ended. Thank you.
Hell yeah friend!!
Im glad youre liking what youre seeing! It is pretty fun! Also same i am shaking them in my hands i love these rats
Also yeah these creatures are WEIRD it can be strange starting to draw them. You can try and find some tutorials online or do some studies of artstyles in sonic yoh particularly like. It can be super fun to draw them once you get the hang of it!
Honestly I do really like hearing your updates, im seeing you fall deeper into a rabbit hole and its like seeing a friend having fun with something new
Even as overwhelming as it can be, its like finding a treasure chest full of trinckets to explore
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
omg ryen i was truly fighting for my LIFE for tickets lmao my brother let me use his gaming computer and Good Wifi but i was simply so Frazzled i felt like i was losing my mind!!! i snagged tickets for the Chicago shows ((even tho i accidentally ??? somehow ??? closed one of the tabs ??? while the payment was processing ??? it went through though i have been checking every 2 seconds for hours))
i went back to get my friend a ticket for one of the LA dates bc we met in seoul studying abroad LMAO and she bought 2 of my 3 speak yourself final tickets aND two of my ptd LA tickets sooooo i couldn't let her NOT go ofc 🙄
i'm ready to scream and cry and buffer !!!!! >:) i even bought a new little daechwita hat for my army bomb <3 <3 <3
ily i'm glad u got tickets MWAH
-loona anon ✨️✨️✨️✨️
Hoooooooly hell, loona??? That’s the most amazing luck if you closed the tab but the payment still went through👀 Now I wanna know what setup your brother has🤣 does he have a razer? and YAAAY I’m glad you were able to get one for your friend, too🥳 they sound like an incredible person so I hope the both of you have all the fun in the world😭💕
A DAECHWITA HAT IM GONNA SOB🥹 thank you, babe. I hope you have an amazing time !!
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thegeminisage · 2 years
hello Jackson the cat i hope you get a nice sunny spot!!
Celeste is very fun so far but thank fuck for the assist feature >:( i got to the hotel when i stopped playing last. the chase sequences are my enemy. only times I'm turning on invincibility. EXTREMELY delighted by the slow game speed feature and dash assist like WOW. i love games with assist features. there needs to be more. Control and Celeste are the only two coming to mind, but I've heard Hades has it as well so
my pc is fine, mildly frustrating bc i couldn't get my new mic to work with discord for a friend call 😡 i just had surgery tho so I'm trying to be gentle on myself. my sister said the nurses said as i was being wheeled out of the room i was saying "I WANT TO TALK ABOUT BLOODBORNE" so. glad to hear i was staying on brand lol
Celeste is very funny so far though. like girl. why the fuck are you climbing a mountain with no gear. GIRL WHY. WITH NO CELL PHONE EITHER??? actually I'm going to play some today i think. or maybe slime rancher.
i want to try beating bloodborne soon tho, its been a while since i played and i miss the characters. even if i want to shake some of them until their lore falls out, specifically an npc hunter named Antal who iS AN ENIGMA. WHAT IS YOUR LORE SIR. GIVE IT TO ME.
ahem. anyways. ive been wanting to get a ps5 anyways for Ratchet & Clank (hello childhood...) and for when the ps4 inevitably dies so perchance i will look into it sooner rather than later.
anywyas off to coffee and some Celeste!!
- dl anon
THE HOTEL LEVEL MY BEHATED. that's actually the level that made me put the game down initially! i had to turn assists on to beat it but i don't like how the game went "yeah but it's SUPPOSED" to be hard so i quit out of shame. i had to come back later w/o assists and i finally did it by...ignoring all the strawberries from that point onward. (weirdly, now it's one of my favorite levels - definitely some of my fav music in a soundtrack that already fucks.) even then, i just barely made it to the end of the game, and i'm still stuck on the dlc levels 😭 maybe i'll turn on assists for those...celeste is absolutely batshit but i love her. i wish i could climb a magic mountain with no cellphone and live to tell the tale!!!!!
also wait i have slime rancher on my wishlist is it good. what do you Do. is it online multiplayer bc idk if im ready for all of that. also i BOUGHT HADES i bought it for 2 reasons. 1. my brother recced 2. my favorite dragon age fanfic writer moved to writing hades fic and i wanna get in on that. i haven't started it yet though my backlog of games is sooo long rn. i finished superliminal yesterday and tried to do the lake but our power blinked and corrupted my saves and idw start over so maybe i'll just get a refund :(
i hope your surgery went well and that you are recovering and i am sooo glad you are staying on brand even while drugged. the last time i had dental surgery i apparently talked about castiel for half of the ride home. embarrassing :/
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