#this got a bit angrier than i thought it would sorry but i am SO SICK of mario being mischaracterised for the sake of drama or funnie joaks
zosonils · 2 years
congratulations to bowuigi fans for the colossal w but if i see even one more post where mario is distrusting or upset over luigi having a relationship with bowser i'm blowing this fucking website to smithereens mario is NOT homophobic!!!!! he knows perfectly well that bowser has a civil and even friendly side they go kart racing and meet up for board games all the time he would be THRILLED that luigi has someone as passionate as bowser supporting him and showering him with affection. luigi is smart enough to make his own decisions and strong enough to defend himself if bowser's world domination instinct overrides his homosexuality and mario knows this! they've known each other since they were born they both know that if luigi really does need mario to protect him all he has to do is ask. stop letting pratt's voice and decade-old game theory videos cloud your judgement. mario is a gay ally [and bisexual icon] who would never be anything less than overjoyed to hear that luigi has a loving boyfriend and from now on anyone who insinuates he would be antagonistic or disappointed 'for luigi's sake' owes me one million dollars per mediocre out of character post
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eternalmarvel · 10 months
MK1 BI-HAN X READER ~ belong ~
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an: hello everyone ❄️ decided to write some more small fluff / filler content ! i swear there's not enough bi-han love man LETS KEEP THOSE FANFICS AND HEADCANONS ROLLING 😈also i came up with this idea while i was h!gh as hell so please excuse me if the idea itself seems a bit weird this is why i need requests from people because i am TOO lazy to think of any good ideas on my own
if u guys want something different to spice things up like headcanons or smthn just ask :-) honestly i don't know how good i'd be at writing smut so it's not of priority right now but if people request it i can certainly try
anyways i hope u guys enjoy some fluffiness to kick off the winter szn !!
note; bi-han and reader are married in this story + a little bit of toxicness but it's not from bi-han
++ this isn't proofread so sorry for any mistakes
you had been married to bi-han for about a year now. your duties separate from the lin kuei often required you to travel far and abroad where you couldn't see your husband for weeks at the time. you didn't complain too much at first, but it got a bit frustrating after some time -- nothing that you couldn't overcome though. on the other hand, bi-han was IRRITABLE. it felt like the whole stronghold was walking on eggshells around its grandmaster, careful not to say or do the one thing that would set him off. he was sexually frustrated and grumpy on incomprehensible levels. everyone around the clan noticed how much angrier he had become. he'd bark orders at an unprecedented rate and mean mugged everyone who came across his path. even having the kitchen staff make all his favourite meals from when he was younger did nothing to wipe the horrible scowl painted on his face. when you were at the lin kuei stronghold, you and bi-han collectively sat down with the rest of the ninjas for dinners -- something that bi-han often avoided before meeting you. however, with a bit of nudging from you, he started to participate in group dinners more, even enjoying them (though he would never admit to this). there would still be a grimace on his face, but having you beside him made everything more palatable anyway. when asked why he seemed a little more irritable than usual, he stormed off and dismissed the question.
"i am the grandmaster, i will NOT answer to you."
smoke had realized that soon enough the only way to get him over his mood fluctuations and have some semblance of peace would be to get you back at the dojo. your phone's ringtone blared alarmingly, and you picked up the call in annoyance.
"tomas? what are you calling me about? can it wait? i'm really busy right now."
smoke lets out a sigh of relief now that he's gotten ahold of you.
"(name)! we really need you back at the lin kuei. bi-han's really ...cranky without you there," he whispers the last part, almost like he's scared bi-han will snatch him up out of nowhere. you pay no heed to tomas' concerning remarks, continuing to write down on the ledger on your desk.
"i'm sure my husband is just a little overwhelmed with his duties right now, this has nothing to do with me. give him some slack. he's fine."
smoke spoke with more urgency now.
"(name), he really is frustrated because of you. today, frost said '(name)’s hair' but he thought she meant '(name)’s here' and i swear i thought i saw his eyes gloss over like a dog seeing its owner for the first time in forever. ever since he found out frost was talking about your hair and not about you actually being here, he's been giving frost dirty looks. i think she's starting to get pissed off now that i think about it..."
you put down your pen and look up at the curtains of the hotel room in front of you, sighing. it was more serious than you previously expected. your face twisted in cruel humour, and you knew it'd be funny to use this opportunity to prank your husband and see what his reaction is.
"you know what tomas. i'm sure i can get out of these meetings and make it back to the stronghold by tomorrow dawn. i'll come back."
tomas sighs, finally unanxious.
"thank you, (name)! i knew you'd pu-"
"but i wanna play a prank on him. and you're gonna help me observe and set the environment."
tomas sighs once again, but out of exasperation.
"i don't wanna participate if it's too extreme. i've already caught the brunt of bi-han's verbal torment this week." you chuckle at his expense. "don't worry tomas, i'll make sure he doesn't hurl an ice pick at you. this prank is harmless, i promise. it's just for me to see his reaction." "fine. what are you planning on doing?" "sit tight and don't stress. i'll tell you when i'm on my way back."
you had informed tomas of the most perfect plan. you'd get back to your husband -- not long enough that he'd go back to his normal, serene state when he was with you but enough that he'd manage to calm his heartrate a bit. you were planning on inviting the daughter of a family friend of bi-han's family when he was younger. she had eyes for him all these years, still pointing to hints that she would pursue him despite the fact that he was now married to you. you would invite her over and have her bug bi-han (dare you say, flirt) and follow him all around the stronghold. you wanted to see if that so-called sexual frustration that tomas was referring to earlier really mattered in the case of every woman or if it was exclusive to only you. was it toxic? perhaps. could it be considered manipulative to use his father's family friend's daughter who had probably loved him for the last 10 years to get him closer to you? most likely. would you love every second of it nonetheless? absolutely.
you didn't inform bi-han of your arrival. as far as he knew, you were still going to be a few weeks out from coming back. you walked in through a secret back entrance bi-han had only told you about just in case the stronghold was ever attacked and he needed to get you out safely. you walked through the corridors and heard your husband's hoarse voice coming from the large drawing room across from you. you walked in quietly and sneakily, but obviously not subtly enough considering bi-han had his eyes immediately on you.
"(name)....," he almost whispered, his eyes widening.
you give everyone in the room a wave, including the senior ninjas, which they kindly return with a nod of their own.
"clear the room," bi-han asserts hastily. his tone isn't as harsh as it was before. the ninjas comply almost immediately when they've noticed his demeanor soften up a bit, realizing that you've worked your magic. as soon as the last ninja is out the door, bi-han is by your side in a half of an instant, taking your face into his broad hands.
"hey," you say softly. you were tired from your trip, but being in his presence and ironically his warmth doubled the exhaustion and fatigue your body had attempted to so valiantly fight off.
"you didn't inform me of your early arrival."
you smile into his palm, your head tilting a bit as you rest your own palm on his hand.
"wanted to surprise you, my love."
he looks at you intensely for a few seconds before snapping back to reality.
"i will excuse myself from my duties today. perhaps i can get kuai liang to take over for me."
"why, bi-han? we can catch up late. i don't want you neglecting your duties because of me."
a small scoff escapes his lips.
"it's been much of the other way around. we have not seen each other in weeks. the lin kuei can do without its grandmaster for a few hours."
you look at him mischievously for a brief second before you hear the faint sounds of footsteps outside the drawing room. your plan was coming to fruition before your eyes. rina had come along just on time.
"actually, bi-han, i think we might have a change of plans. rina is coming over today!"
bi-han shifted his gaze from you to rina, who was standing out in the hallway. it was safe to say he was unamused.
"rina. i wasn't aware you were going to be here. it seems as though i've been misinformed on MANY fronts," he says, side-eyeing you. you pay him no mind, bringing rina closer.
"i have to deal with a bit more business-"
bi-han looked at you in disbelief. who the hell did you think you were, the president? a grandmaster yourself?
"--BUT i promise it won't take too long. rina wanted to catch up with you too, so i thought why not kill two birds with one stone?," you say, trying to resist the impending smirk on your face. bi-han was clearly displeased but you gave his arm a squeeze and whispered, "just a few hours," and he knew he'd have your company again in no time. he sighed quietly, before slightly nodding again.
"if i must."
you disappeared to find smoke and left bi-han with rina to do god knows what. you found tomas sparring with some of the newer initiates out in the courtyard and ran up to him, dragging him away from kombat.
"h-hey!," smoke exclaimed.
"c'mon! i finally got bi-han to agree to meeting with rina. now we gotta go hide around the place and see how he reacts with her around."
"this is ... not nice.." smoke remarks uneasily.
you roll your eyes. yeah it isn't nice, but it's funny and it's not like you actually meant any harm by this prank. you and tomas make your way to the blindspots around the lin kuei and spot bi-han walking as rina edges closer to him. you guys get in close enough to try and make sense of their conversation.
bi-han walks into his room and changes into a new hanfu, the same shade of dark blue he often wears. the collar part of the attire is folded, and rina brings her hand closer to fix it but just as she’s about to mend it, bi-han grabs her hand.
“what do you think you’re doing,” he lowly seethes, his eyebrows furrowing in anger.
rina shakes him off, annoyed. “i was just trying to help you, calm down!”
“unless i ask for your assistance, it is not required.” he says stoically before making his way down the corridor again. you and tomas both exchange a strange look. you didn’t want rina dead by the end of this prank. silence is shared between bi-han and rina for the next minute before the latter pipes up again.
"you haven't seen your wife in a while, huh?" rina asks coyly. bi-han turns to look at her for a second before turning back around and keeping that stern look on his face.
"no. her business keeps her away from m-the stronghold quite often,” bi-han remarks quietly.
“you know most wives stick with their husbands and don’t just leave them on their own for weeks on end. perhaps there may be something that you aren’t aware of…,” rina whispers before her statement trails off.
bi-han stops in his tracks and turns around yo face her.
“do not think to insinuate such horrible things about my wife again so shamelessly. you forget your place when you spew these things -- do not forget, SHE invited you here as a token of her hospitality. i did not."
rina chuckles. at first glance, it would seem that she does this sarcastically at first, but it seems like those words really stung rina.
"i'm leaving."
"you know your way out."
tomas sucks a deep breath in while you look down in defeat.
"ooh, boy. alright, i think you were right." "you needed a prank to prove that?!"
you wave tomas away.
"i will make sure there are no further casualties," you say to tomas, as you give him a small hit on his arm and make your way to your marital bedroom. on your way there, you see rina coming your way. you have to pretend like you didn't just witness your husband eat up this poor woman. you smile and put your hands together, bowing to her.
"hey rina! how's it going? i wa-" she puts her palm towards your face and continues walking away.
"i don't wanna hear from you." you watch her as she leaves, staring off into the distance momentarily and sighing. thank god she was an asshole or else it'd be really hard not to sympathize with her.
you walk into your bedroom and see bi-han on the bed. it seems he's getting ready for a bath -- he has a robe-like hanfu loosely draped around his body with his chest visible and and legs exposed. his hair is down and he is reaching for his back like it's aching.
"done with all my duties." you say innocently, your arms behind your back.
bi-han only looks at you momentarily and not even fully before going back to closing his eyes and mending his backache. you walk up to him carefully before sitting down beside him, using your hand to gently knead his back. he lets out a small groan of relief at your gesture.
"you've probably missed my massages all week," you say coyly.
"they were not the thing i missed."
you feel a blush creeping up on your cheek. being away from you for so long made him starved, like a dog meekly asking his owner for more rations. you felt horrible for being away for so long.
"i won't leave again for a while. i promise. we have lost-time to make up for," you say quietly. you prod at his hand and he envelops your hand in his, grazing the outside with his thumb.
"i'd rather not have lies spoken to me for the sake of momentary comfort."
you get up and gently move his right leg further to the right so you can sit on his thigh.
"now you know i can give you more than momentary comfort," you say smirking (but still VERY nervous).
in the blink of an eye, bi-han flips your body over and pins you to the bed, planting a long and voracious kiss at your lips. you bite at his lower lip and he responds by wrestling your tongue with his own. after what seems like an eternity of your mouths fighting for dominance with each other, you break the kiss as a string of saliva follows your mouths.
"you know, i saw everything that unfolded with rina. i think it really is safe to say we belong to one another."
bi-han looks at you with a hint of amusement. "i should have known you didn't have pure intentions with inviting her over." he slips his hand down your frame, erecting shivers from you. he plants small kisses trailing down your midsize.
"perhaps the rest of the lin kuei should know the grandmaster's wife isn't really as much of an angel as she lets everyone think she is."
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
ngl i would genuinely get off to making haley jealous and angry because of how fucking easy it is. my personal hc here but i think she was controlling and thought she had hotch wrapped around her finger and it infuriated her that his job was the only thing he refused to listen to her about. i also think she tried to baby trap him with jack in the assumption that would "fix" their marriage and when it only made it worse she blamed aaron for never being home when she easily couldve hired a nanny or regular babysitter so she could work or do whatever. i believe she cheated bc of that one phone call to their house when hotch answered and it was a random man asking for haley before hanging up and the look hotch gave her like yeah he knew she was fucking around too. i think it made her even angrier that when she filed for divorce hotch didnt even fight her onit! didnt ask to work things out or for counseling or anything. just "okay ill sign the papers when i get back from this case"
now assuming reader is mid twenties i think your very existence would have her enraged. aaron seems happier and even healthier. hes got more color in his face, hes put on some healthy weight, he smiles and laughs now, he takes more time off work, his life has clearly significantly improve since she left him and she cant fucking stand it. she thought she was the best thing that ever happened to him and now shes seeing in real time she's actually the worst thing ♥️♥️
and you thinks its funny as hell to watch a 40 year old woman with a whole ass kid be that bent out of fucking shape because the man SHE LEFT is fine without her. like yes maam i am younger than you, hotter than you, nicer than you AND i can ride the dick just right. stay pressed bitch 💕. and when she tries interfering in your relationship hotch asks you to put up with it just for a bit because he knows hack is still adjusting to coparenting and he wants the best for his son so you let him handle his exwife until she crosses a line and tries to accuse you of some shit and aaron finally puts his foot down and haley cant believe that shes really lost complete control over aaron (haha fuck you haley)
like i fantasize about a situation where haley is trying SOOOO hard to break yall up and drive a wedge between you two and it isnt until jacks birthday or some big family function aaron brought you too and haley cant help it but lowkey stalk yall all night and so youre like "aaron watch this" and you drag him off to some secluded corner and hes like ??? but you tell him "hold on baby give it a minute. bet you anything haley pops up" and then once you hear footsteps you give aaron a big fat smooch and surprise surprise!! whos coming around the corner? why its haleys stalker ass following you two like a creep!
i literally just want to cuck haleys pathetic ass because fuck her and her scraggly blonde hair and that nappy ass wig she had on in witness protection with her no-style-no-personality-all-about-me havin ass 😒😒😒😒
sorry this is such a convoluted mess i just hate that lady 😭😭
The SECOND she says smth nasty abt you Aaron is soooooo fucking pissed. She insults you saying you're just a whore sleeping with Aaron for his money (and cuz us babes are plus-size queens she HATES THAT) and that Aaron is not attracted to you.
And Aaron OOF he takes her to one side and tells her she is fucking nothing but the mother of his child now. That YOU are his everything. YOU make him the man he is now. He's fucking happy with you as the love of his life and that Haley made him chronically stressed and depressed and almost completely ruined his self esteem. He warns her to back the fuck off from him and reader. He does not want any communication with her unless it's to do with Jack. End of.
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I I if maybe you could give me a bit of angry König 🥺.
Just I just wanna leak some important Intel and get abducted by that mountain of a man and have my little pussy ruined in an confined space. I would love mutual pining co-workers to enemies having some hate sex. I need him to call me an ossi, a filthy piefke verräterin. He's maybe still bitter about his hochkönig origins.
It is so soothing to read all these fics, finally dirty talk that makes sense in my head. Even if at times it's a little bad. Thank you thank you.
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König x f!reader
Warnings: kinda rough sex, angry könig, kissing, cunnilingus, fingering
You shouldn't enjoy the way he glares at you--those gorgeous eyes of his boring into your very soul. You should be afraid, and though your heart does beat a little faster, it has nothing to do with fear.
You had been told that König got along with everyone, but you soon found that once you lose his trust, there is no coming back.
It was one lousy mistake. The one time you didn't listen to his orders and everything went to shit. He blamed you for it and now you were dealing with the consequences.
No matter how hard you tried, he drifted further away.
The truth is, he has a broken heart, one that he shouldn't have in the first place.
But you don't know that. How were you supposed to know?
You hate the tension that has grown between you two. You hate how he looks through you now instead of at you how he used to. You wanted your König back, but he was making it nearly impossible.
You have to corner him, you thought. Good idea, but how the hell will you corner a man who can shove you aside with one swipe of his arm?
You'd think of something.
The opportunity presents itself when walking past the gym at an ungodly hour. You both didn't sleep well, so you aren't surprised to see him in there. You walk in quietly and watch him for a moment, worrying your lip between your teeth as he grunts with each rep.
"Hi," you say quietly.
He stops and turns to you. "Hello." He hesitates but only shakes his head and turns away again.
"What are you doing up?" you ask.
"You know the answer to that," he says without turning around. You walk into his line of vision.
"I couldn't sleep either," you tell him. "Can we talk?"
"About what?" he asks, but you know that he knows.
"About the fact that one little mistake I made has you treating me like shit," you say a little angrier than you wanted.
"It was not a little mistake," he say, breathing heavily. He stands and walks away from you.
"Talk to me." You jog to catch up to him and block his path.
You look around for something, anything to stop him. "Spar?" That gets his attention. You walk over to the mat and wait for him.
"I don't want to hurt you," he says even as he makes his way over.
"I'll be fine." You take off your hoodie.
"Remember to..."
"Go low," you say, "I know."
"Why are you doing this?" he asks.
"Because I want to. If you're this angry at me, then...let it out."
He freezes in place and glares at you. "Are you asking me to hurt you?"
You shrug. "I don't know what else I need to do to make you---"
He storms up to you. "You have lost your fucking mind," he snaps. "To think I would intentionally hurt you..." Suddenly, he grabs your face, smushing your cheeks. You only look at him.
"I'm sorry," you mumble.
He lets your face go, only to grab your wrist and drag you out of the gym and down the hall. He opens the first door he sees, and it looks to be some sort of storage closet.
"What the hell?" You eye him angrily.
He takes a few deep breaths, his big hand on the closed door.
"You want to know why I am so angry with you?" he asks, still not looking at you.
"That would be nice," you say in a snappy tone.
"You compromised so much," he says, "All because you don't fucking listen."
"I know what I did, König! How long will you punish me for it?!" you shout. He claps a hand over your mouth and just stares at you. You look into his eyes, showing no fear. He drops his hand slowly and then pulls up his sniper hood before crushing his lips to yours in a desperate kiss.
"Mm!" you whimper, tucking your hands under his hood into his hair. You both begin stumbling around until your back finally hits a shelf. The things on it shift precariously, and you both pause. After a few breaths, he kisses you again, pushing his knee between your legs.
"You...are a bad girl," he says, his voice rougher than usual. "Aren't you?"
"Yes," you breathe.
"I think that is why I like you so much." His eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips. "I want you."
"You can have me, König..."
"Any way I want?" he asks, pushing himself against you.
"What do you mean?"
"I...I want to be so deep inside you that you never forget. I want to leave you pleasantly sore so that every time you move, you think of me."
"König," you moan.
"Not here," he says before opening the door slowly and looking out. Suddenly, he's pulling you along again, but this time it's to somewhere familiar—his room.
His room was always so inviting to you. It always smelled nice and was tidy. You usually had time to look around a sit for a while, but this time there was none of that.
As soon as the door is closed, he is on you, pressing so close it's like he's attached to you.
He pulls his sniper hood off in a hurry and swallows your gasp with a desperate, angry kiss. "Are you ready?" he asks, but your brain is so muddled that you're not sure how to answer. Suddenly, his hand is down the front of your pants.
"Ah!" you squeal as he walks you toward the bed, hand staying firmly in your pants. He only takes it out to get you on the bed and practically tears your pants and panties off. His fingers are on and in you in no time as he presses his forehead to yours.
"I'm going to take you," he whispers, "...but I don't want to hurt you."
"Just...do what you want, König..."
He hums happily, sliding himself between your legs to taste you. You can't remember the last time he did this to you, but it is happening now, and it is perfect. He still takes his time getting you ready despite being rushed and frantic.
He doesn't bother taking the rest of his clothes off, but just him having his face revealed to you is enough to make this intimate.
You help him get his belt and buttons undone before he pushes you back down and lifts one leg to his shoulder. You can feel the cool metal of his belt buckle against your too-hot skin.
"When was I inside you last?" he asks. He pushes into you slowly, and you both cry out. "Fuck...I want to stay inside you forever." With one deep thrust, he's entirely inside of you. Your toes curl and he chuckles.
"More! Harder!" you beg
"The Königin gets what she wants," he growls before grabbing your other leg. He grips your hips tightly before thrusting into you fast and hard.
"Oh god! Oh fuck!" you cry. "Fuck me, König." You say it with the perfect accent, pushing him closer to the edge.
"How does it feel?" he asks.
"Amazing," you whimper.
He spreads your legs so he can lie between them now. You wrap them around his waist, and he continues fucking you into his mattress.
"On top," he grunts. "You...on top..." He grabs you and turns you with him, so you are riding him now. You try to keep the same pace. You can for a time, but when he sees you getting tired, he plants his feet flat on the mattress and begins thrusting up into you. Your eyes roll back and you throw your back.
"You look like a goddess," he murmurs. His thumb finds your clit, and he sits up to be closer to you. "Come for me." His calloused thumb rubs you firmly, and you cry out to him. "Yes, my love. Yes," he hisses.
Your fingers claw at his back and shoulders as he pumps into you. After a few more, he grunts loudly and groans your name. He rests his head on your breasts.
"Did I hurt you?" he asks, moving his head just enough to look up into your eyes.
You shake your head. "No, König." You try to move off him, but he grabs you tighter.
"Nein...no...stay a little longer. Please?"
"Of course." You run your fingers through his hair, and he sighs.
A little longer turns into the rest of the night and when you wake up beside him, he's already smiling at you.
"Good morning," he says. "How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Look beautiful even as you sleep. Most people are...not so graceful when they sleep," he says, and you laugh.
"Do you want me to go so you can...shower and everything?" you ask. You both look down at your half-dressed bodies and laugh again.
"You don't have to leave. I was hoping we could do that together." He takes your hand in his and laces his fingers with yours.
"A shower sounds nice," you say, squeezing his hand.
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AITA for calling a nineteen-year-old character a kid?
(For context, I (19FtM) am autistic and they refused to elaborate on anything and never asked anything clearly.)
I have an RP character with his own blog, and on that blog I wrote a post from his POV, where he called himself a kid and implored an institution in the fandom (SCP Foundation) to treat him like a person. I had just turned 19 at the time and still considered myself a kid and the adults in my life considered people my age (18-20) to be children who could vote. I know a bit about brain development and had been taught that mental maturation is a physical process. The character is immortal (born 1349) but, because his brain can't age, he's still got the physical brain structure of an eighteen-year-old guy. He's still mentally eighteen and will always be mentally eighteen.
For the next three hours, I was bombarded by anons telling me how creepy that was and that I shouldn't have done this. I didn't understand and defended my choice. I talked about brain development (they instantly turned this into "the character is brain-damaged" and when I said he wasn't but mentioned that I am, they started being pretty ableist about that.) I also mentioned that both the character and I don't do anything with minors and find even the thought to be disgusting (they were calling my use of the word kid to somehow be paedophilic,) and they said that sounded like something a paedo would say. To my knowledge, I did nothing other than call this character a kid and defended it by pointing out the ways 18 is an adolescent and that neither of us were doing anything harmful with it.
There were a few minor issues the anons never directly mentioned (he makes his own medication because he doesn't trust other people not to drug him and because his metabolism is significantly enhanced, they didn't like this. They didn't like him being a level 6 mutant but I think I should be allowed to write a level 6 mutant. Two of his children are white, but all of his children are adopted. He has a husband who is immortal and 19. He uses a name not from his culture, meaning not Aztec, because he survived the Aztec genocide and chose a new one to fly under the radar, which I guess is a fair point but they never addressed that directly.) But almost all asks were about the age thing. They got progressively angrier and started calling me a paedo for calling him a kid, and they told me to end my own life.
When I asked one of the people involved in the discourse (part of the RP community I had reached out to immediately before this all went down,) she was weird. She insisted I should know why calling him a kid was creepy and refused to elaborate. She claimed they had been far more direct about the other issues, but I had a maximum of one ask per issue and none of them even directly called it an issue. I made an apology post even though I still didn't understand what I'd done and she said it just made the issues worse.
At this point, I made a "screw an apology I'm not sorry for anything" post criticizing the hours of hatred and told them to block me, then disabled anon.
Clearly I'm missing something, but they refused to tell me what I was missing and they told me to end my life. Is it really so wrong for a fictional 18-year-old to call himself a kid? If so, can one of you please explain why?
What are these acronyms?
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 20
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: You go on a shopping trip
Warnings: panic attack, negative self-talk
Word count: 1.8k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 19 <- -> Part 21
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“WHY do I only own trackies?!” you demanded, marching into the room where Sam and Dean were eating breakfast. Your hair was wet and you were clutching two pairs of tracksuit pants in your hand. Both heads snapped to look at you.
“What do you mean?” Sam asked.
“I mean that the only pants I have in this whole godforsaken bunker are tracksuit pants! There is not a single pair of jeans, or leggings, or literally any other type of pant! And I would like to know why that is!”
The brothers shared a look. That made you even angrier. “Don’t look at him!” You yelled at Sam. “You’re the one who went to the shops, I remember!”
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said cautiously.
“Goddamn it Sam, that’s not what I asked!” You were getting even angrier now.
“Ok, ok,” he tried to placate you. “I only bought you tracksuit pants because you were spending your whole time kneeling on the floor, and I thought it would be more comfortable. If you want different clothes now, I’m happy to go get you some.”
You swallowed. You hadn’t really considered that. You’d just been angry, thinking that they hadn’t considered you a real person with real preferences while you’d had the collar on. But it turned out they’d actually been considering you more than you’d thought. Your anger didn’t really dissipate though, it just found a new target.
“Oh, what, am I still incapable of selecting my own clothes?! Does your charity only extend to me if you’re in control?”
Sam’s hands were up in surrender, as they frequently were since the collar had come off. “No, no, I just thought it might be easier if I got things for you.” He looked at Dean again, hesitant, then back to you. “If you want to come, I’m sure we can arrange that, but it might be best to wait a few days.”
“Why?” you demanded, hands on your hips. “Am I still your prisoner?”
“You’ve never been our prisoner, Y/N.”
“Then let’s go to the bloody shops and buy some fucking clothes that actually fit!” Your rage about this knew no bounds.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Dean interjected, speaking for the first time.
“And who asked your opinion?!”
“DON’T YOU DARE,” you growled at him.
“Ok, ok, sorry,” he backed off.
Sam seemed to feel he had to pick back up, in response. “Y/N,” he said gently, “Are you sure you’re ready for the crowds and the experience of the shops?”
“Yes, Sam,” you said, voice dripping with sarcasm, “I think I can handle the most mundane thing in the world of buying some fucking pants! Jesus Christ, did you two go to mountain-out-of-a-molehill school?! Are you so used to seeing monsters at every turn that you think they’re lurking in every rack of jeans?”
Sam yielded, “Ok, I’ll take you shopping.”
“I’m driving,” Dean interjected again.
“Who invited you?” you sassed at him.
“It’s my goddamn car, princess.” Apparently, you’d pushed some of his buttons. Good.
“Fine, you can stay in it.” You walked out, still frustrated but glad you’d be able to get some more clothes.
This was a bad idea, Dean knew it. He didn’t know how it was going to go wrong, but it was going to go wrong. He ran his hand down his face, waiting for you and Sam to come to the garage.
You came out, glared at him and got in the backseat of the car, slamming the door behind you. He took a deep breath to avoid reacting. Sam followed shortly thereafter so Dean climbed into the driver’s seat.
“Any preference on shop?” he asked you mildly.
“I don’t even know where I am, genius. You tell me.” He bit back his retort and started to drive to the closest superstore.
He pulled up in the car park, turning off the car and then repositioning the gun in the back of his jeans.
“Are you seriously one of those assholes who takes a gun with them everywhere?” you spat at him.
He looked at you incredulously, “I hunt monsters. For a living. Often, they try and hunt me.”
“Let’s just go,” Sam said, trying to break up the fight before it escalated.
“Only I’m going anywhere,” you said, crossing your arms across your chest. “You two can wait here.”
“Yeah, that ain’t happening,” Dean said, opening his door and starting to get out.
“And why not?”
He turned back to look at you, frustration leaking into his response before he could stop it. “Because this ill-timed shopping trip is occurring before Sam and I could finish determining whether there are demons or witches, or whatever else, who still want to come recapture you and make us pay for killing the bitch.”
You paused, fear showing briefly on your face. “Oh.”
“Dean,” Sam hissed at him.
You schooled your face back into what was apparently today’s expression, a hardened scorn. “Fine, you can come, but stay out of the way.”
The Winchesters did their speaking-through-looks trick again and Sam came and walked next to you, while Dean trailed a few metres behind. You were happy they’d at least decided to keep him away from you, he made your blood boil today.
Well, everything did.
You walked into the shop and headed to the women’s clothes section. Oh look, no monsters.
You turned to the clothes. Everything was different, all of the fashions were totally different to the last time you'd been shopping. It was a bit overwhelming.
It was another reminder of what you'd lost.
You swallowed again. Focus on the task at hand.
“Are you ok?” Sam asked gently.
“Leave me alone,” you spat at him.
“Ok, ok, I'll just be over by the pillar,” he said, pointing and then leaving to stand where he'd said. Dean had already made himself scarce, watching you from afar.
You turned back to the clothes. The confidence you'd shown when responding to Sam evaporated when faced with the task again.
You can do this, you told yourself.
You shuffled the hangers around. You didn't know what would suit your body anymore – years of torture and malnutrition had left you with a body shape entirely unlike the one you'd had before. What even was your size now?
You grabbed at a couple of pairs randomly. You clutched them to your chest and headed for the change rooms.
Inside, you tried on the pants. They didn't fit, they looked absurd. Your hips were wrong, your waist was wrong, your legs were wrong. It was all wrong! You hadn't even particularly liked your body before, but at least it was yours. This felt ... foreign. Despair settled over you.
You jumped when you heard a mother scold a child for playing with the latch on a change room door. The kid started to yell and the sound felt like it was invading your brain, filling all of your senses. You had to get out of there.
You gathered the clothes up in a fluster and opened the door. You almost ran out of there, distracted and unable to focus. You heard another noise and looked over your shoulder, and then collided with a hard object at hip height. You turned back and saw it was a trolley, which you had now sent careening into the clothes racks nearby.
The woman who owned the trolley turned to you, “What the hell are you doing?”
A man got jolted by the clothes rack starting to fall on him and he turned to you too, yelling, “Watch where you're going, lady!”
You cowered from him, expecting pain. You were starting to hyperventilate, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. Everything was happening too fast, it was too loud, there were too many people.
You tried to look for an escape but it felt like everything around you had closed in, like you were in a maze with no way out. You put your hands over your ears, screwed your eyes shut and went to fall to your knees.
Hands caught your waist, preventing you from falling. All you could hear was your own blood pumping in your ears and you started to panic more. The hands pulled you to be against something firm and warm. You opened your eyes again and realised someone had pulled you to their chest. You looked around and noticed things were moving around you, which was terribly disconcerting until you realised it was because the person holding you was walking.
You realised it was Dean who held you, half floppy and boneless, completely confused and still panicking. He was half carrying, half dragging you out.
You took your hands from your ears and clutched the front of his shirt instead. He looked down at you, worry in his face. You saw his lips moving but you were still too confused, too overwhelmed to make out what the words were. It was all just noise. You swayed, feeling like your head was heavy and unwieldy.
He rearranged your arms, wrapping them around his neck, then he lifted you from your thighs to wrap your legs around his waist. You heard him make noise again but it still didn't register. He cradled one hand on the back of your head and the other arm under your thighs.
Suddenly, it was cooler. You looked around, realising that you were now outside. You saw Sam had been holding the door open for Dean and was now walking along behind him, worriedly looking at you.
It was quieter outside. You started to feel less bewildered, less adrift. You heard Dean talking again.
Your name, he was saying your name.
“Huh?” you said.
Sam ran around Dean and then you felt Dean dipping down. Something was under your bum. Dean stepped back and you realised he had just sat you down inside his car, your legs facing out the open door.
“Ok, can you try and slow down your breathing?” You understood Dean this time. You nodded. He looked relieved.
Sam crouched down in front of you and took your hand. Dean took a step back. “How are you going?” Sam asked gently.
“Umm. Better.”
“Good, that's good,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze.
Your breathing was getting under control now. You started to feel embarrassed, looking at the ground.
“I'm fine,” you said, without much conviction. “I'll be fine,” you tried again, stronger this time.
“Do you want to go home?” Sam asked.
You nodded. Sam got you to turn around in the car and shut your door. Then both brothers got in the front.
You went and hid in your room when you got back, not making eye contact.
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forbidding-souda · 11 months
Mod monomi~ how about a headcanon with Mahiru where she has a boyfriend that likes it when she gets stern. Like he'll get giggly and blushy when she gets stern with them
Mahiru Koizumi x Giggly!Male!Reader
Mahiru reminds me of this girl I knew in middle school who would tell me I wasn’t playing the saxophone right (I wasn’t) When she had literally never picked up a saxophone or any other brass instrument lmfaoooo. I was so annoyed at this girl but we were in art club together so we kinda became frienemies and I lent her my sword art online manga and she returned it six months later with the spine halfway ripped. But I mean I can’t get too mad at her because she unknowingly rescued me from the SAO fandom.
-Mod Monomi
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♡ Mahiru has high expectations for her boyfriend… Or at least she thinks she does.
♡ She’s the type who always crows at you to keep your dorm clean, get your work done, and take good care of yourself.
♡ Regardless of this, she doesn’t mind dropping everything to help you do them (Or do them for you), giving you a “Jeez, you’re so hopeless.” or a “What would you boys do without us girls?” Even if you were fully willing and capable to do it on your own.
♡ Mahiru would never admit it but she loved taking care of you. Usually, she treats you nicer than most, scolding you in a more teasing way, but she could still crack down on you like you like an annoyed mother. 
♡ She noticed that you seemed to find it funny when she spoke like this. At first, she found it a bit annoying. After a while though she was genuinely upset about it. 
♡ Were you not taking her feelings seriously? Did you not appreciate all she did for you? Did you even care about her? These were all things Mahiru wondered about during this period. She just didn’t know how to communicate that to you. 
♡ Until one day she just kind of… Blew up…
♡ “Hey Y/N! How did you do on your test today?” 
♡ “Oh um… Honestly not too well… I have to make it up…”
♡ “Ugh, what am I gonna do with you?”
♡ “Heheheh! Sorry, Mahiru!” You chuckled, your bad mood disappearing suddenly. Mahiru scoffed. 
♡ “God, you men… You’ll just laugh at anything won’t you!?” You laughed and blushed, pulling her closer to your side. Mahiru grunted again and pushed you away. She shouted at you “Do you even appreciate anything I do at all?! I try so hard for you and you think it’s funny?!” She looked angrier than you had ever seen, unlike all of the other times she ever scolded you. 
♡ After that, you finally had the dreaded conversation. You explained that it wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate everything she did, you just thought she was so cute when she got all strict with you. At first, she was stunned and even happy on the inside. And then her reaction was, well, certainly in character.
♡ “You mean… You like it when I talk to you like that…?” Mahiru didn’t know what to say… Just what to think. “Is that like… Some perverted boy thing?” She asked, scrunching her nose.
♡ After this is explained to her, she doesn’t mind you doing it anymore, since deep down, she’d do anything to see your smile! <3
♡ Love you darlings!!
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hail-ey-m · 1 year
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кαтѕυкι вαкυgσυ—ιη¢σяяє¢т qυσтєѕ
Relationship: up to reader
!!TW: A good bit of cursing (it’s Bakugou what’d you expect) mentions alcohol, mentions murder for satirical purposes!!
Y/n: What is your biggest weakness?
Bakugou: I can be uncooperative.
Y/n: Okay, can you give me an example?
Bakugou: No.
Y/n: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Bakugou: You would eat yourself?
Y/n: I wouldn’t even question it.
Y/n: Hey Bakugou can I get a sip of your water?
Bakugou: It's not water.
Y/n: Vodka, I like your style!
Bakugou: It's vinegar.
Y/n: Wh-Wha-
Bakugou: It's vinegar, COWARD.
Y/n: Top 30 reasons why Bakugou is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you!
Bakugou: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
Bakugou: Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Y/n: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Bakugou: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Bakugou: No! Four to five seconds!
Y/n: Too late!!!
Y/n: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Bakugou: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Y/n: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming
Bakugou: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
*Y/n and Bakugou skipping stones on lake*
Y/n: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Bakugou, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
Bakugou: You're right.
Y/n: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Bakugou: What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm fucking pissed.
Bakugou: I prevented a murder today.
Y/n: Really? How’d you do that?
Bakugou: self control.
Bakugou: So what’s for dinner?
Y/n, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Bakugou: You love me, right, Y/n?
Y/n: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Y/n: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY]
Bakugou: What's that?
Y/n: Remorse code.
Bakugou: I'm even angrier now.
Bakugou: I'm 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Y/n: It means you were second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Bakugou: but what’s the first worst thing?
*Awkward pause*
Y/n: Bakugou, they...they weren’t always orphans.
Y/n: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Bakugou: Stop romanticizing the past.
Y/n: Am I in trouble?
Bakugou: Take a guess.
Y/n: No?
Bakugou: Take another guess.
Y/n, in a beach shirt: So sue me, it's October and I'd like to be on Island Time for a day!
Bakugou: I have Spotify open right now on my computer, do you want me to blast you? Do you want me to put you on blast? Cuz I've got your history right here on the sidebar,
Bakugou: Take it Back by Jimmy Buffet, Nautical Wheelers by Jimmy Buffet, Jolly Mon Sing by Jimmy Buffet, Steamer by Jimmy Buffet, trEAT HER LIKE A LADY BY JIMMY BUFFET, MAÑANA BY JIMMY BUFFET, WHEN SALOME PLAYS THE DRUMS BY JAMES BUFFET, HAVANA DAYDREAMIN BY JIMMY BUFFET- What the FUCK happened to you?!
Y/n, cry-laughing: ᴵ ᴴᴬᴰ ᴬ ᶜᴬˢᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴹᴼᴺᴰᴬʸˢ
© 2023 Shiggy | All Rights Reserved | No portion of this work may be used or adapted in any way without the author's explicit consent.
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hetaliaminidoodles · 4 months
A fanfic based off the hetagame : house of winter fanfiction by @kyokyo866 and dignified (don't know if he has a tumblr)
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Fanfic under read more
The door had slammed behind the two boys. Molossia , who had previously grabbed a hold of Stomaria's arm , threw the blonde inside their shared hotel room.
The micronations were invited to a hotel in Florida. America had invited them. Actually he invited Molossia and basically convinced Molossia to invite his friends. Molossia had invited his micronation group and thought it was a good idea to invite Stomaria as well. 
He was wrong.
“I'm sorry but what the fuck was that” molossia yelled as he turned to face Stomaria. 
Stomaria in return dusted his shirt and pants off and only gave Molossia a disinterested look in return.
“What.” he said
Molossia just stood there, light headed and baffled and a bit peeved at Stomaria's lack of awareness. All he could do was sputter his words as he tried to find the right ones to say.
“You know what ?!?!. That stuff you said to A.E” he shouted, his patience was growing thinner than it already was “ you don't have to like the guy but the least you could do is respect him as a nation”
The blonde simply smirked
 “Someone who truly believes that they have land on another planet , doesn't deserve to be called a nation. It's just laughable really.” He sneered
The brunette clenched his teeth and suddenly Stomaria was on the ground. Molossia had punched him
 “Oh fuck you , Stomaria !!” He snapped. “ what the fuck is actually wrong with you !!!”
Stomaria just stayed on the ground, simply dumbfounded. Mostly from having just been punched really. His mouth stood agape , barely finding where Molossia had the audacity to do what he just did.
“ I beg your pardon ?!?” His tone a mix of actual disbelief and genuine anger
“Do you really believe that behaving like  such a dick is gonna make people like you? You're really up your ass this time.“ 
Molossia paused for a second,  pinching the bridge of his nose in exhaustion. 
“ you're a real piece a work you know that, acting like your better than everyone,  acting like someone you're not but news flash, Buddy 
Being an ass isn't gonna make you cool , yknow”
That got Stomaria to laugh. It was more of a hysterical type of laugh really. One that made molossia's skin crawl.
“ you're one to talk.” He scoffed , picking himself up from the ground , he walked over to molossia.
“ Like we all don't know what happened with that kugelmugel kid a few years back.”
The brunette's body stiffened , a hint a shame crawled upon his face causing the brit to smirk.
“You act like you're some good person , but really you're just some fake, pretending like you're friends with that weirdo , pretending like all is good with your little “micron” buddies , no amount of sorry's is gonna make you a good person. Face it molossia , you're just one…big..hypocrite.” stomaria proclaimed “ you're no better than what you claim I am”
Molosia just stood there.That statement really threw him deep in thought. How he acted that year still haunted him. That night felt so fresh, it was impossible really to say that it didn't happen. I mean , everyone knew , not all the details but they knew of some kids who thought they were tough shit getting scared of something that wasn't actually there. Worse of all , it was all Molossia's fault. 
At least that's what the brunette came to the conclusion of.
Molossia sighed , and began to pace around the hotel room. His chest arose and fell as he steadied his breathing. Ever since that day , he's been working on trying to regulate his emotions better. He still failed at that plenty of times. Everytime he did , it just made him angrier. His relationship with Kugelmugel had gotten a bit better…… he didn't know that for sure really. He had been giving the kid gifts , gifts he knew the kid would've liked. Art supplies , cat plushies , sphere shaped objects…. But would that actually make up for what he said to them that day. Deep down he knew it wouldn't and honestly he hated that. The many times he was told my kugelmugel that “ it was fine” but now that he's gotten to see the kid more personally,  it wasn't fine , the kid just didn't want to be seen as a bother. He would laugh if it wasn't so….. sad. 
“Yeah I fucked up. What I said to that kid was horrible and if anything , I would do anything to take back what I said. But I said that ,and I can never take it back. The least I can do is own up to it and try to make that kids day. He couldn't help that , and I made him feel like shit for it. “ he mind was going frantic , so was his voice. It was like he was struggling to breathe. Guilt was truly a painful feeling to have.
 Molossia turned to face the wall , he didn't want to look at the blonde. He was right ??. Did Molossia really have a say in the way Stomaria treated……. his friends? Just a few years ago, wasn't he just acting the same? It made him want to throw up. He could just chalk it up to insecurities but was that really an excuse. It wasn't even an excuse that molossia was proud of. Like hey he made this kid feel like shit cause he was sick and tired of being treated like a kid…. Yeah right. Molossia was spiraling
It all came pouring out really, stomaria doesn't even think that molossia really knew what all he was saying. It was really weird. The blonde felt awkward. He felt uncomfortable 
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“But they’re so cool! Come on, you never talk to them.” Chris was practically begging.
“And I’m not going to. Stop asking!” Alex’s voice came across angrier than they’d expected it to, but it got Chris to back off a bit, realizing there was something more to their reluctance. 
“Oh, I see.” His voice was quiet. A stark difference from the joking tone he had started with. “Why? I don’t get it, you get to talk to yourself, you have proof that you live that long. Aren’t you the least bit curious about what happens?”
“No.” Alex had already thought about this, a lot. Any moment alone, anytime they saw their future self. “You look at them and their scars and see stories, a badass dude, with a badass backstory, and they’re fine, they went through everything and came out the other side. I look at their scars and can’t help but think about who they faced and how they got them. How much it must have hurt. What happened? When am I going to go through that? I-” They’re voice faltered. “I am so scared. And honestly, it was bad enough just seeing their arms, but the other day, seeing them at the pool.” Another pause as memories flashed through Alex’s mind. “I thought their chest was bad, then they turned around-” This time they couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in their eyes, and their voice came out wispy and wavering. “I’m scared. I can’t go through that Chris.”
Chris pulled their friend into a tight hug. He should have realized sooner, it was the only thing that made sense really. “I’m sorry.” Alex was a year younger and a head shorter, which made it difficult for Chris to see Alex as anything other than a younger sibling, and he felt as if had been severely neglecting his older brother duties. “I should’ve known.” Between the two of them Chris was definitely the crybaby, every PIxar movie ending had him bawling his eyes out, while Alex barely teared up. And that meant the Alex openly sobbing into his shirt had thought about this a lot, and with no way to really get those thoughts out. It’s not like Chris had had been receptive to it, obliviously talking about how cool it was to have another Alex wandering around. They stood in Alex’s room like that for a while, eventually they stopped crying and Chris realized they had fallen asleep in his arms, this must have kept them up at night too. 
He finally had to jostle them awake. Waiting for them to opening their eyes before talking “Hey.” Chris started, in a soft voice.
“Oh god.” Alex realized what had happened “I’m sorry. Guess I didn’t realize how tired I was.” “No, it's really okay, I would have been fine standing here longer. I just… really have to go. It kinda felt like a cat situation yaknow? Anyway, I swear I’ll be right back.” Chris all but ran to the bathroom leaving Alex with a chuckle, and the slowly fading grogginess of sleep.
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Candy’s Gift Boxes
Spinel got up and stretched, sighing and savoring the refreshing feeling in its likely last moments. He was tempted to make tea or mix some crystal wine first, and even glanced at the shelf he kept it a moment before giving a heavy groan and pulling the ear piece from the suit he'd removed earlier. He held it out to Randy, then levitated the box over, the same one that was connected to the dogs as well. He flicked the switch, and to his horror it seemed they were already in range because Candy's voice came through loud and clear as he was rambling quickly.
"--so yeah basically really excited over this, big big big, but I mean it's really big, bigger than I thought so if you could pretty pretty please? The sooner the better, and with you helping it'll be done in no time and we can spend the rest of the day having fun!"
Sugar's voice came next, more timid, "Well yeah, that makes sense, that really is a lot you have there, wow... So just this area...?"
"Yeeeep, I messed up a bit, silly me, and wound up having things cleeeear on the other side of Canterlot and there's just no way I can deliver it all at once. Sorry...! Hehe..."
“S- Sounds like they’re talking about an- another delivery. A- And a pretty b- big one at that.” Randy frowned as he heard Candy’s voice. Poor Sugar… even though he had told them Candy didn’t talk about business when they were together, there that bastard was asking him for a favor. He looked over at Spinel and swallowed nervously. What could be so big that it would take multiple trips to deliver?
Spinel's eyes were locked forward, and he was breathing a little heavier with a slight hiss in his breaths, ears alert.
Sugar's voice again, the shifting of what sounded like different types of packages with different objects, "Okay sooo... Well it's not so bad for this area... Yeah, yeah I should have it done in no time! The boxes are really cute this time, special occasion?"
"Presents!" Candy exclaimed cheerfully, "Mementos mostly, for old time's sake. Ah ah, right, since it's pretty different this time, just leave them on the doorsteps. Should be fine, wont they be surprised!" he squealed, hooves clacking. "Okay so no more time wasting, I better bounce, theeeen meet back here in an hour? Hour sounds good."
"I can do an hour, sure." Sugar anxiously replied.
"An hour it is! See you then, Sugs! Smile!" Hooves clacking away and fading out, and then a long sigh from Sugar, packages shifting.
"Okay let's see... mmm this one's just a block away, I'll start there then..."
Spinel's ears were flat by now, and he was definitely grinding his teeth.
Randy cocked his head to one side. “I- If Sugar’s close.. m- maybe we can tail him and find out wh- where he’s going?” he got up and went over to Spinel’s suite window. Obviously he wouldn’t be able to see anything super well from this high up. But, he found himself staring down at the streets below anyways. “Pr- Presents.. f- for who I w- wonder."
"Hopefully for the ones that are gonna rat him out when I punch their teeth in." Spinel spat angrily, following Randy.
He may not have been able to see things too well, but the two specks of pink in the distance just a few blocks down were hard to miss. One was bounding away quickly, and the other seemed to be walking the other direction, coming their way with a cart full of wrapped gift boxes.
Spinel backed up and cursed loudly.
Randy had also spied the pink dots in the distance, narrowing his eyes to get a better look. These new glasses were amazing. He could just barely make out the tiny curls in Sugar’s mane. When he saw the direction he was walking, he looked over at Spinel, panic slowly building up inside him. “Y- You don’t th- think… Sugar’s not coming-” He looked back out and at the cart. “O- Oh Celestia on high…”
Spinel was pacing, looking angrier and angrier as he did. "That fucking BASTARD knows where I am, what the HELL is he trying to pull now?!" He wasn't just angry, he was scared, and there was sweat starting to form on his forehead. And if he wasn't already on edge enough, when a knock came on the door he jumped a few feet in the air and shrieked, then stood still as a deer in the headlights as he hyperventilated at stared at the door pensively. There was no way Sugar could get up there that fast, in fact he was still walking from what could be seen out the window.
He was about to go over to Spinel and try to get him to calm down when he heart the knock at the door. He froze as still as a statue and stared at the door in panic. There was no way in hell that Sugar had gotten here that fast.. he was afraid to find out who that was behind the door. But, inside him a small boost of courage came, and he looked over at Spinel. “I- I’ll get it,” he said as calmly as he could, and went over to the door cautiously. He reached for the door handle, hesitated a moment, then unlocked it and opened it up slowly.
Spinel whined softly. Actually whined. And tried to reach a hoof after Randy a moment before retreating, waiting, and then cautiously slinking behind him so he could get a view.
When the door opened just a little, it was suddenly pushed open harder. "CHIEF!" came a winded, panicked voice, Whistle's face squeezing through the door frantically as his wings flapped and flopped around. "Lemme in, lemme in...!"
Spinel jumped again when the door was suddenly pushed like that, but seeing Whistle his frightened demeanor dropped to something more serious and alert. "Whistle...?"
Randy closed the door behind Whistle and he locked it quickly. He leaned his back against the door, as if he was trying to keep the fear out, and stared at Whistle. “Wh- What are you d- doing here b- bud?” He looked through the door’s peephole, still listening to the young pegasus.
It was just Jade out there, along with the usual guard. The guard however looked a little more alert and cautious now, keeping a close eye on the elevator.
Whistle paced a bit, "I was- I was comin- I w--" he breathed heavily, picking up his whistle and blowing a few times, then dropped it and tugged Spinel's leg, "I-I--I-I saw him- I saw-- I ran here as fast as I could- I--I don't think he saw bb-b-b-u--"
One of Spinel's hooves lifted up to pop Whistle's mouth shut under the chin, and then he shoved the whistle back in his mouth. "Yeah. I saw too."
Whistle stared in fear, but nodded, seeming at least comforted that he wasn't going out of his mind. He blew the whistle softly a few times in a row.
Randy sighed with relief and came over to the two of them, nervously tapping his hind hoof. “O- Okay, w- we’re in the cl- clear for now…” He looked at Spinel in confusion. “D- Do.. do you think my ex broke a- and told Candy where w- we are?”
Spinel was about to talk, looking angry and alarmed at this notion, but Whistle spat out the whistle and quickly piped in.
"No, because he already knows, how else would he have sent that filly here to set up that slipping scandal? You- you didn't think of that--?"
Spinel's lip curled, and he looked more anxious, brows furrowing."..Slipped my mind for a bit..."
“S- Same here…” Randy pinched the bridge of his nose. “R- Right so… th- then our r- real concern is… wh- what’s the present?” He looked at Whistle and Spinel. “Y- You two kn- know him m- more than I do.. an- any ideas? Sh- Should we expect l- like a bomb or something?” His hoof tapped a bit faster and he rubbed the back of his head.
Whistle blinked, "Present...?" He looked at Spinel in confusion.
Spinel scowled and nodded, "He has a brother. A fucking idiot, but he's heading here right now with a cart-load of 'presents' that Candy's having delivered all over Canterlot. Saying it's 'big' and to 'leave them as a surprise'."
At first, Whistle was horrified to hear about Candy having a brother, but his ears went alert as more information was given. He quickly processed it, eyes darting around as he did so. "Can't be a bomb, wouldn't put his brother with a bomb, even if he doesn't care about him it would be too risky especially if he's known to be absent minded. And the relation too, much too suspicious right? But it can't be drugs either because nopony just leaves drugs on a doorstep. That would be stupid."
“Th- This ‘present…’ it m- might be something th- that has the p- purpose of sending some k- kind of message.” He rubbed his templed and began to pace. “B- But, wh- why now? Wh- Why send us s- something now? I- Is it because w- we’re getting too cl- close? No no, w- we still don’t r- really know too much.. Why i- is he doing this?”
"For fun." Whistle said plainly, staring off with a vacant expression. "'Cuz he wants to see how much he can get away with. Nuthin' else matters. Guess he got bored hiding out." Whistle paused, then slowly his eyes widened, "But if he's bringing one here, then... Who's getting the rest of 'em...?"
Spinel narrowed his eyes, at first thinking that was a dumb question. "More of his 'friends' probabl---" he stopped talking. No. That didn't make sense at all. Spinel wasn't a 'friend' and yet it looked like he was heading this direction. His expression became confused.
“N- No no.. i- if he’s sending you a present th- then maybe his en- enemies? Th- The ponies he…” He shook his head. “N- No, he pr- probably doesn’t have v- very many e- enemies. S- Sugar did s- say ponies l- liked him. So then wh- what’s the conec-..” His voice trailed off and his eyes grew wide open. “… Sp- Spinel? D- Do any of the other O- Osiris foals l- live here in C- Canterlot?”
Whistle held his hoof up, looking scared, "Well I do..."
The color in Spinel's face drained a bit. "...Canterlot was the first section of Osiris to be taken out... There were three other locations but Canterlot was the biggest..."
Whistle hesitantly spoke, "There are at least 10 foals if not more still here living with Canterlot families, and some of 'em never really... recovered... so they're in special care homes..."
“Shit,” Randy said as he paced over towards the window and stared out at the street, panicking as soon as he didn’t see the pink dot in the distance any more. “Th- That fucking b- bastard…” He looked back at Whistle and Spinel. “I- It looks like we’re first on th- the list of deliveries. S- So once we g- get your ‘presents,’ we should g- go check in on the other Osiris f- foals and see what they r- received.”
".. I'm scared..." Whistle admitted, shaking with his ears flat. He moved closer to Spinel, pressed close to his side.
Spinel didn't move much at fist, but steadied himself with a deep breath. "We're in this together. Like last time."
Whistle bit his lip, then closed his eyes and nodded anxiously.
There was some silence, other than the distant humming of Sugar coming from the box. The cart wheels stopped. Hoof steps. The creek of the mail slot. "Theeere's one!" he praised, and the humming continued as the cart joined.
The sweetness of his voice gave Randy a stomach cramp. As he heard the mail slot creak, his hoof stopped tapping, and he stared over at it for a moment, his breath held. After Sugar had delivered the present, he looked over at the two of them and took a deep breath. “… I- I’ll get it,” he said grimly. He made his way towards the door, anxiety feeling him to the brim. As he opened the door and made his way down the hall, he nodded at Jade and the security guard.
Jade stood up a moment in concern, "Is everything alright?" She started to follow him, giving the guard a nod as well before keeping to Randy's side now. "This is seeming pretty serious."
“I- It’s… It’s Candy. He’s got his br- brother delivering s- some kind of present t- to all the Osiris k- kids.” He called the elevator and waited for the doors to open. “C- Can you sh- show me wh- where the m- mail room is? I n- need to pick up th- their presents…” he stepped in when the doors opened, stared at the carpeted floor of the elevator, staring in concentration.
Jade's expression looked more serious, and she nodded, pushing the button to go to the first floor. "If it gets any worse, we could be looking at relocating... Oh but he'd never want to do that." She chewed her lip, "... I have numbers... But only if Mr. Spinel approves. Please consider it and think about it." She stepped from the elevator after that, not waiting for a response as she began to walk to the back of the store.
Randy followed her and stayed by her side. “.. O- Once we figure o- out what’s in these th- things, w- we should contact the other kids right a- away. Th- This could be bad…” He looked around the back of the store, not having really explored it at all. Come to think of it, he had never really looked around the store… ever. It was strange some of the things that came to mind before something horrible was about to happen.
The crystal pony lead him past the stock shelves and janitorial area, stopping at a big bin that was placed in front of a large mail slot. In the bin were a few typical delivery packages, but on the top was a present that was about the size of a cereal box. It was wrapped up in purple with a gold ribbon and a blue to and from tag, but there were no names, just a doodle of Spinel's cutie mark with a glittery gel pen and a few hearts.
“… how can s- something so i- innocent looking strike s- so much fear into y- your heart…” he said bleakly. He almost didn’t want to touch it, and it showed when his hooves retracted when he reached for it. It took him a couple more tries before picking it up and holding out in front of him like it was made of a disgusting wet ball of garbage. He made his way back to the elevator, grimacing at how beautifully wrapped the package was.
Jade examined it carefully as he was picking it up, and she followed in concern. "Looking like a birthday present makes it creepier. What would a pony like that be sending...?" She shook her head and brought him back up to the 4th floor.
The box was light, and definitely seemed to have tiny bits of... Something in it moving around easily whenever it was moved. Something that felt familiar in fact.
“I d- don’t know.. b- but that s- sick bastard s- sent Spinel a l- lot of l- little somethings…” he shook it softly, than shivered as he stepped back into the apartment with Whistle and Spinel. He placed the present down on a nearby coffee table and sat in a nearby arm chair. “… Wh- Whistle’s is p- probably being d- delivered t- to his parent’s house…” Oh his poor parents. The fact that this horrible, shitty thing from the past was coming back to haunt their son… He rubbed his temple and stared at the box.
Jade gave a small "Good luck." of concern before shutting the door and sitting back down in the office to think.
Whistle's ears went flat as he stared at the box, gulping and then giving an awkward little winning smile, "I'm sure they'll be fine, and if it's somethin' bad I can get back to 'em asap. So. Let's get it over with."
Spinel was sickened by this box that bore his colors and reminded him that he never had a name in the past, and he pulled the two of them away from the box as he backed up. His horn lit up, and slowly, the ribbon came undone, followed by the wrapping paper. It was a box of maple and brown sugar oatmeal with a cute card attatched to it with an illistration of an adorable puppy and words in big bold black, "I'm so proud of you."
Both ponies couldn't move, just staring in horror. Spinel couldn't read bigger words, but he could read those alright, and he was in too much shock to react.
Silence. Uncomfortable, unnerving, unrelenting silence. Randy stared in disbelief at the box, and furrowed his brow. After a few more moments of the long silence, Randy got up and came over to Spinel and Whistle, and stared at the box, whispering, “…. I g- guess I kn- know now wh- why you don’t l- like oatm- meal…” He looked at the words on the card, and he felt his jaw slack open slightly. What the fuck did he mean by that? He didn’t look at Spinel or Whistle… he continued to stare at the box.
It was Whistle who finally stepped forward, snatching the card and shoving the box over in disgust before he opened it. It made a loud 'POP' noise. He yelped and jumped back, dropping it with his wings puffed up, and Spinel was about to rush forward to get him away from the letter, but stopped in place to see what it was.
There was glitter, confetti, and party strings strewn about, apparently a small party popper was placed inside and with that same glittery gel pen was loopy, fancy hoofwriting.
'Keep up the good work!
Kisses and hugs!
Next to 'Uncle' was a a piece of candy taped down.
Spinel couldn't stand to look at it any more. His breathing grew heavier until it became grunting growls, and then an angry shout as he started stomping and scraping the letter to pieces.
Whistle slowly retreated away, a solemn and lost expression on his face, wings limp and ears low.
Randy jumped at the burst, and nervously watched as Spinel tore the letter to bits. He looked over at Whistle and whispered softly, “Y- You might want to h- head on home… b- be with your folks. I’ll t- take it from h- here sport….” his eyes darted towards the door and then back to him. “.. I- I’ll call you l- later. G- Go on now.” He gave Whistle a strange look, not sure if he would leave or not, then very slowly approached Spinel from the front, his eyes trying to meet his. When he got within reaching distance, he waited for him to calm down so they could talk about what to do next.
Whistle gulped and nodded, slowly backing out of the suite and turning only when his butt hit the door. He left quietly, but once he was out, he was running as fast as his legs could carry him.
Spinel just kept tearing and tearing until the paper was nothing but tiny little bits, and then he stamped the candy over and over. He grabbed the oatmeal box, giving Randy a glare for one moment when their eyes did meet. He didn't stamp it or throw it, instead storming out to the patio where he placed it on the ground, backed up, and lit it on fire with a small pack of matches. He stared at the flames coldly in silence.
Randy watched him leave, and stared at him through the glass. He was tempted to follow him outside, but he knew that Spinel probably wanted to be alone. Quietly, Randy went to the kitchen and picked up the land line, where he called a Chinese place and asked for delivery. He didn’t know why he was doing this… but he felt like he should be doing something instead of just sitting around. He felt weird about ordering it, he honestly did. But, the circumstances were already bizarre. Once the order had been placed, he got himself a glass of water and sat at kitchen counter, sipping it nervously.
As the fire was finally dying down, Spinel rubbed his eyes and his face. He let out a long, deep sigh, and tiredly walked back inside, looking at Randy with an expression that honestly looked dead and broken.
Randy set the water down on the counter, and got off his stool. He came over to Spinel, and stood in front of him, staring back with concern. He reached out and touched his shoulder. “… y- you gonna b- be okay?” he asked softly, not breaking his gaze.
Spinel looked sickened by the touch, not by Randy but by himself, and he tensed himself away just slightly. "I never hated myself more before in my life."
Randy’s hoof followed him none-the-less, and he stepped a step closer. “.. Wh- Why’s that?” he asked, his brow furrowed slightly. “I- Is it b- because… h- he’s trying to m- make you feel like y- you’re becoming m- more and more like him?"
"I--I don't know! I don't know how to take it I just--" he choked up, losing that cold apathy and moving on to lost desperation as he stumbled to sit down. "All at once I just-- I felt-- Ashamed, and then a moment I felt my heart stop and I felt fucking excited and h-happy and then even more disgusted with myself and I don't know what it means!!!"
Randy rushed to his side and helped him sit down on a nearby couch, sitting beside him, his hooves together in his lap. He stared in silent confusion, and listened intently. He didn’t want to interrupt his chain of thought, so he let Spinel talk. And as he did, he kept feeling more and more angry towards Candy; wanting nothing more than to rip each bone from that sick bastard’s body out through his skin one by one.
He clung to Randy, speaking in panic and pain and sounding so much more vulnerable than he usually let on. "M-my whole life I just didn't want to disappoint him and then I got out and I - I made something of myself and it's like I've been waiting to hear that just o-one more time j--just-- but it feels DISGUSTING!!" He started scratching and rubbing himself where he could, then buried himself more to Randy's body as he shook. "I don't want him to be proud of me!!!"
Randy held him and rocked him, his eyes wide open in horror. He stared ahead, that anger now fuming and boiling, and it took every ounce of his strength to keep it manageable. He gently stroked Spinel’s mane, and nodded. “I kn- know…” he whispered, unable to think of anything else to say. This was heart breaking… but there was nothing he could do except hold him and comfort him. And it made him upset because he wished there was something- well no… actually there was something he could do. And that was catch this filthy, disgusting, bastard. He pressed his lips to the top of Spinel’s head, and stared into his mane.
The unicorn kept himself close, shaking, quiet, letting thoughts settle and sort themselves out since they ere a conflicting whirlwind at the moment. And when he didn't know what else to do, when he felt too ashamed to cry and too hurt to scream, he did the only thing he knew how to do when confronted with an unfamiliar and frightening situation. He started laughing. Clinging tighter, laughing harder but with a strain in his throat. "All this time... hahah, imagining him angry, ahahahaha! For sure, for sure he'd be mad...!"
Confused by the laughter, Randy furrowed his brow but didn’t say anything. He only rocked him softly, and gently rubbed his back. And suddenly, the gravity of just how terrifying this whole situation was hit him like a falling safe. This guy wasn’t.. malicious. He wasn’t cruel, or abusive. He gave gifts, taught the kids songs, encouraged them to be positive. A stallion capable of so much damage… and so much confusion; and yet he was these kids only comfort. Their protector and their role-model. And that just made Randy feel that much more sick and angry.
Spinel's laughter took some time to die down, and by the time he was done he looked just about as exhausted as someone who spent the whole night wailing and sobbing. After some silence, his head nuzzling where it could on Randy, he broke that silence with a deep sigh and then spoke. "If this gets any bigger... I'm going to have to get The Queen Bee involved again…"
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I appreciate that yandere!reader content isn't for everyone (which is partly why I did the poll in the first place, to check that there was interest) but Shin's personality simply doesn't mesh well with what I have in mind. While all yandere characters have some things in common (namely an obsession with their love interest), I always try to maintain the core parts of their personality otherwise it would feel like I was writing generic yandere-kun, which I'm sure some people would still enjoy but it's just not my style.
Apologies for this next bit as I got... kind of carried away doing a bit of character analysis on Shin and yandere themes (it’s late and I’m very tired and that’s my excuse). So yeah, please read it if you want, but if not, then I am sorry the result wasn’t quite what you’d hoped for but hopefully if/when I post the resulting drabble, it will still be something you can enjoy.
Shin isn't actually a character who lends himself to yandereifing particularly easily in my opinion, as while he does have his unhinged moments, if you actually go through them, they’re very rarely to do with the herione (be that the player self-inserting or Yui). And even in Ruki’s DF route where he loses his shit after the herione escapes and runs off with Ruki after promising to be his, that’s definitely not because he loves her, rather it unfortunately digs right into his complex about being made a fool of and that sets him off (also it had to happen because the plot requires Carla kill Shin in front of the Mukami brothers in order for them to face the reality of being required to chase down Ruki so that the endings can happen).
I think the closest we see to Shin losing his mind over the heroine is actually in his Para-Selene CD, but even then, he comes down from it relatively quickly all things considered. I guess the best way I can describe the reasoning for this is that Shin is actually less reactionary than you would think from a surface reading. This might sound odd because a whole part of the Shin-Carla dynamic is impulsive versus carefully thought out, and I’m by no means trying to say Shin is a good planner (he can be but often isn’t). However, Shin does this thing where he will act angrier/more irritated than he actually is because he’s learned it’s a good way to intimidate people or to get them to do what he wants. And you can see this because he acts differently in these moments versus the ones where he’s actually snapped.
Shin has some specific landmines with regards to properly setting off his temper, the biggest being when he thinks someone is trying to make a fool out of him (again as we see in Ruki’s DF route, meta aside), although it’s worth mentioning someone insulting the founders is also likely to set him off and in a relationship, an act of betrayal would do the trick (which Para-Selene isn’t quite although it’s semi in the same vein but I’d argue what Shin’s feeling in CD isn’t simply anger). Outside of that, he’s often more in control of his own actions than he acts, and, in my opinion, is better with his own internal emotional intelligence (think Fi if you’re into MBTI functions) than a chunk of the other characters.
Personally when it comes to writing yandere characters, I always tend to think of characters who, while potentially better at reading a room and manipulating people, have a harder time dealing with their own emotions (I would say someone like Laito falls into this category) as being more likely to go off the deep end due to emotions they either don’t want or don’t know how to deal with causing them to snap. This could well just be a personal preference thing, but it’s why I actually headcanon Carla as being more likely to go yandere than Shin due to his emotional repression issues. The issue here is I just find him less fun to write because my version of yandere!Carla is never going to be very expressive as when Carla snaps he usually reverts to the cold individual we meet at the start of DF.
In my mind there are two situations where it makes sense to write Shin going yandere, the first being something to do with suspecting something’s up with his S/O and Carla (which I sort of explored in a yandere!Shin fic I wrote that tumblr isn’t letting me link for some reason, although I think if his S/O actually initiated something with Carla of their own accord, Shin would probably just attempt to murder the pair of them in a fit of rage). The second is a scenario I talked about in this post (https://at.tumblr.com/carlatsukinamistolemyhamsandwich/as-fond-as-i-am-of-possessive-yandere-shin-and-his/ffjlg3fjqerr), my reasoning behind this being that as we see with Carla, Shin definitely has the capacity to put people on a pedestal and the scenario I described in that post plays with the idea of him projecting the obsession he has with strength onto the object of his desires which definitely fits with the yandere theme for me.
Personally I’m a big fan of the second option (not just because that was me projecting onto the reader a bit) but because it plays into an obsession Shin already has and just twists it and makes it worse rather than better as we see in the “good” endings in the games.
Anyway I think that might be enough ranting about Shin for one night. I hope this at least makes some semblance of sense. Good night all!
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
Mother Knows Best
Princess Lena goes to tell her mother off for hurting her precious baby boy
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Ao3 Link
To say Lena was furious at her mother would be a massive understatement.
Her heart nearly broke in two when she saw Wakko with a giant bruise on his cheek, and grew angrier when she saw the marking that her mother’s ring had left. Angelina was petty like that– she always wanted to make sure it hurt and lasted too.
At least Wakko was still seemingly okay– he was smiling after all. Still, she had hoped they wouldn’t have to go through what she did– and at three years old??? Her mother lacked any and all decency it seemed.
“Lena, darling, you need to breathe,” William pleaded with her as they stormed through the castle towards Angelina’s study.
“I am breathing, I’m just furious,” She said, before stopping and actually taking a deep breath.
“Sorry it’s just- you know– and I know you know because I know you’re angry too, but–”
“–But you know we can’t risk her hurting you, especially right now,” William held her hand.
Lena scoffed and looked at the ground. “Stupid pregnancy,” she muttered. William laughed a little and kissed her head.
“I’m going to kill her, you know?” She sighed.
“Because that’s what you and the baby need– to be executed for treason,” The ex-knight joked.
“Bah,” Lena rolled her eyes with a smile before remembering she was angry at her mother, and got moving to the study once more.
Her mother was in the study, looking over a pile of old books so Lena had to cough to get her attention.
“Yes Angelina?” The queen didn’t even look up.
“How dare you hit my son. You had absolutely no right,” Lena glared. Angelina sighed, shut her book, and set down her reading glasses.
“The amount of disrespect that poor excuse of a prince and blood relative has is pathetic. And here I thought you two might not be complete disasters of parents, and yet here I am,” She glared, showing the bandages on her arm underneath her glove. Lena growled.
“Whether or not you like him, he's our son, and you can’t lay a finger on him,” Lena slammed her hands on the table.
“I’m queen, I can do whatever I want with those disgusting bastards,” Angelina scoffed.
“Why you no good-” Lena just about pounced, but William grabbed her arm before she could.
“You’re more emotional than usual,” Angelina remarked, getting a good look at her up and down, which made Lena back down and away.
“How many months?” She asked with that annoying smile.
“That’s none of your business,” Lena gnashed her teeth, and William was forced to restrain her differently, but he was giving his mother-in-law glares of his own.
“Do you forget I’m still the queen of this castle, Angie?” Angelina gestured vaguely. “Everything that happens here is my business.”
“Oh don’t you dare,” Lena glared at the sound of her mother’s ‘nickname’ for her.
“Then answer me,” The queen demanded, but Lena went silent.
“Always such a chatterbox, until I actually want something from you,” Angelina rolled her eyes.
“Oh well, I suppose it doesn’t matter. It’s good to have backups in case Yakko’s training backfires,” She shrugged.
“Backfires? What do you mean by that?” William asked.
“He bit me, Angelina. You can do basic math,” She rolled her eyes and sat back down on her throne.
“Then perhaps it’s best we make sure you never have to see either of them ever again,” William suggested. “We’ll have tutors take over the rest of their education and-”
“No.” She interrupted. “I very much will still be teaching Yakko.”
“Why? You said it yourself– he bit you. Wouldn’t it be in your best interest to stay far, far away from them?” Lena clenched her fist.
“Yes, but he still needs those lessons… and I just found the perfect motivation,” the queen said, a glimmer in her eye that made William and Lena freeze.
“Well, we won’t let you be alone with him. Or either- or any of them. Someone will always be with them,” Lena declared.
“You keep forgetting I’m the one in charge here,” Angelina argued. “I control all of the servants here, not you.”
“Then Lena and I will be there. You can’t control us,” William fought back.
“With another child on the way? Please,” The queen laughed.
They didn’t want to admit it, but she had a point– a frustrating, and anger inducing point, but a point nonetheless.
Angelina smiled at their recognition of this.
“It’s good that you two have something in those thick skulls of yours. Now run along to those ‘children’ of yours. We’re finished here,” She waved her hand. However, Lena stayed there, glaring at her mother, trying to think of something to say to her, but coming up completely blank.
“C’mon Lena, let’s go,” William whispered to her eventually, still glaring at the queen. Slowly, he put his hand on her shoulder, and they started to go, but Lena spun around.
“What do I have to do to get you to leave them alone?” Lena pleaded, her eyes filling with tears.
“Lena-” William said, but the queen interrupted.
“Nothing can be done, Lena. You agreed to this the day you married that… filth-” She glared at William, “-whether you were aware or not.”
“Please mother, I-i’ll do anything,” She begged. The queen shook her head.
“You dug this grave all by yourself, Angelina. It’s not my fault you didn’t realize it.”
With that, she waved them off once more, and William understood that they definitely had to leave now. Slowly, he grabbed her shoulders once more, and together they walked out of the study.
“William- i-i-” Lena was choking on her tears.
“I know Lena, I know,” He closed his eyes, tears of his own escaping. Quickly, the two of them made it to their bedroom, and once they closed the door, Angelina quickly broke down sobbing on their bed. William sat next to his wife and held her.
“I hate her William, I-i do! I really, really, really do,” She sobbed.
“I hate her too,” He agreed. “She’s a horrible, horrible person.”
“I-i just want them to be s-safe and happy… is that too much to ask?” She looked into his eyes.
“It isn’t Lena,” He cried and wiped away the tears from her eyes, but she went back to hugging him.
Lena would’ve said more, but emotions overwhelmed her and so she just chose to cry in William’s arms instead. As he rubbed her back, Lena could feel just how much William understood and hated her bitch of a mother too, which made her feel a smidge better.
They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, though neither could really say how long. Time seems to slip when one feels like the world is falling apart.
However, tears ceased eventually and the boys needed dinner and so the couple dusted themselves off, took a deep breath, and headed to the nursery where their kids were still playing together.
“Boys, it’s time for dinner,” Angelina said softly.
“Yay! I’m starving,” Wakko bounced up, setting his toys down.
“Me too,” Yakko laughed and set his toy down as well.
“Neither of you gets to eat until you clean this up, remember?” William reminded them, and the boys quickly got to putting things away.
“They’ll be okay… right?” Lena whispered to William.
“Of course, the boys are resilient, as are you” He smiled tiredly at her. She set his head on his shoulder.
“I’m tired of being resilient– Can’t I just give up? Even just for a short while?” She asked.
“You can’t and you won’t, my dear; for you are not a quitter,” He wrapped an arm around her waist.
“It’s okay to feel hopeless, and to cry for hours, but you can’t quit, Lena. The boys and I love and need you far too much,” He kissed her head.
Lena sighed, “I hate that you’re always right.”
“I love you, Lena,” William smiled.
“I love you too, William,” She smiled back, kissing him on the cheek.
She then turned to the boys who were playing some kind of handshake game now. “You boys all cleaned up?” She asked. Yakko and Wakko nodded.
“Good. Let’s go eat then,” She smiled, and together they walked to the dining hall, glad to move on from the mess that had been just a few hours ago and to just enjoy each other’s company.
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heartsicken-queen · 2 years
wtf!! why did he block you?!? do you still love him?
First of all, sorry for the late reply. The notification of the tumblr app is terrible so I didn't know I got a message.
To answer your question, it was an extremely sudden event that happened and I am still fuming over it. Please note, this story is long, so read past this if you want to know what occurred.
Originally he reached out to me after almost a year of no contact. This was normal for us not to talk for a really long time because, you know, life gets in the way and we go back to normal as if those months haven't passed by.
It was a very plaotinc conversation to what happened during those months and what is new. He congratulated me on graduating college and I him for surviving his first semester. There was literally no flirting between us whatsoever.
I was really happy he contacted me and was glad we can still remain friends after all of this.
A day after we talked, I received this bizarre text from him. It was along the lines of "just want to let you know, I did not contact you in hopes to be more than friends or to have sex with you." I literally looked at the text with so much confusion that I thought someone had this phone. When I questioned him on it he just replied to answer the question. I replied I didn't think so when he texted me and why was he asking me this.
So apparently, someone he is currently seeing went through our text messages and accused him of trying to cheat with his ex (me). Over the text, it seemed like he was panicking because this person must have been really pissed.
But the thoughts that run through me are one, why are they reading your texts and two how the hell do they me as your ex?
Just to calm the situation and half harldling joke that we don't have to talk for a bit so they can talk this over, and he stated that we might never talk again.
I was like are you serious?
You are actually going to stop talking to me over this person that has no trust in you and whom you met less than a year?
Then he starts to request me to make an audio of me stating I have no plans to be with him. I was like, no, I am not doing this and I am really upset being dragged into this situation.
The fucking reply was, "sorry you gotta" and I am like no I am not doing this.
Then his messages stopped...
panicked, I kept writing to him I am sorry but I am really not comfortable with this and I did not want to lose my friendship with him and so on.
still no reply.
2 days later without any reply, he messaged me with the exact words "I am really sorry but I don't think we should stay friends anymore and it's best we stopped talking"
I read this during work and it really hurt reading that. I tried to message him again but he stopped replying. He blocked me on Instagram and I think his phone at some point. I haven't tried to message him again after that because I feared he will really block me this time.
It's been four months and I haven't heard a word since. I honestly thought he might rethink his choice but as months go by, I slowly lost hope. I would continually check on my messenger to see a red dot but stopped after 2 months.
This event was extremely difficult for me to go through because I lost someone I knew for 8 years in such a short amount of time.
While I am upset, I'm angrier with him than anything for being so spineless.
Like in some ways I can understand from the other's pov for not being comfortable with your bf to talk to his ex but our convos were platonic, there was nothing that indicated we were gonna fuck in somewhere.
So here I am still upset but to answer your other question, no, I do not love him but I really did cherish our friendship and times together as a couple.
So yeah, thank you for the message. I'll just move on and if he wants to come back he can but it's gonna take a lot of convincing before he can be considered my friend again.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Blow You With a Bang
Pairing: Ari Levinson x fence!fem reader (Poison Paradise AU, Mustang and Cherry)
Words: ~1.3k
Summary: Ari doesn’t like you very much
Warnings: explicit language, light misogyny, teensy bit of emasculation, gun violence, injury to a major character, total disaster of a meet cute, kinda enemies to lovers set up, no minors due to the AU
A/N: I’ve been tossing this one around in my brain for a bit and finally got the muse for it, so here we go with another couple in the crime-verse. It’s gonna get nice and smutty after this one, they do not like each other, but they’re both so hot. It’s gonna be goooooood.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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“It’s… I’m sorry, what do you mean it’s a fake?” Ari fumed as he rose out of his chair and stormed towards you, huffing out a frustrated breath when you just scowled at him. “That old bitch wouldn’t shut up about it, it can’t be fake.”
“But it is, the brushstrokes are all wrong.” You placed your glasses on the top of your head and ignored the way he was trying to intimidate you, you didn’t care how big the man was. “It’s a good fake, though, can still get you something for it, just not as much as you were hoping.”
“Fine, how much?” He grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest as he kept glaring at you. At least he was going to get something out of this cluster…
“Five thousand.” You ignored his rage filled hiss as you stood up and wiped off your hands, moving back to the front of your shop with a small shake of your head while he stormed after you. “After my cut.”
“What the fuck is your cut?” He grabbed your arm and whipped you around so you had to face him again.
“Thirty percent, standard.” You stared meaningfully at his hand on your arm, batting it off when he didn’t remove it on his own and shoving him away when he just gave you a surprised grunt. “What is your fucking problem?”
“You’re my problem, Jameson only took ten percent.” Your derisive snort made him want to reach out and strangle you.
“And you would have been lucky to get twenty-five hundred.” This dude did not want to get out of your personal space, it was making you annoyed. “That dumbass didn’t have my contacts.”
“Fuck, fine.” He hated how you looked at him like he was just a pain in the ass, like you wanted to shove him out your door rather than deal with him for a second longer, made him want to teach you a lesson. “Just call me once you have my money.”
“Will do.” You scoffed when he just spat to the side before stomping out of your shop, admiring the way his muscles moved under that almost too tight shirt even though he bugged the shit out of you. Thinking he could act all gruff and scary and you’d just bend to his will, handsome bastard. Just because he had a great ass and a cherry car he wasn’t gonna get under your skin. Fucking men.
Ari lit a cigarette when he climbed into his Mustang, frowning when he watched you through the large window in the front of your shop. He’d worked that dumb old broad for six months before he finally managed to lift that painting, and now all he was going to have to show for it was a measly five grand. Unless you were lying to him, which he wouldn’t put past you, you seemed like just the type of frigid bitch who thought she could pull one over on him. Every second he sat watching you he just got angrier, drumming his finger on the steering wheel as he pulled out and muttering to himself.
Heading to a bar probably hadn’t been the best idea, chatting with all the men about what a pain in the ass bitches were as he emptied half a bottle of scotch all on his own. All he could think about was that you had to be ripping him off, how you had to be laughing at what a sap he was, that sweet little laugh where you scrunched up your adorable nose that made him want to smack your perfect face. God, he hated you. Such a stuck up cunt.
Which was how he found himself staggering towards your shop at one in the morning, grumbling into his mostly empty bottle of bourbon and scowling once he got a look at the fancy lettering on your front window. Should’ve known that some prissy bitch who ran a damn antique store would try to fuck him over, probably thought he was an uneducated idiot who didn’t know any better. Laughing at him, stealing from him, making a fool out of him.
Made the decision to bust the glass out of your door a lot easier.
Well, he had to make his loss up somehow, might as well get it from you. Ari stepped over the glass and growled to himself when he almost tripped over the frame, rolling his shoulders as he stared around the shop and tried to decide how exactly you were going to pay him back.
“What the fuck are you doing, Levinson?”
Shit, how did you get there so fast? And holding a fucking hand cannon while wearing a practically see through nightie, a vision that was making him feel some kind of way, not that he’d ever admit it.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” He bounced back fast, grabbing another necklace and shoving it into his pocket. “Wasn’t gonna let you rip me off, sweetheart. How the fuck did you get here?”
“My apartment is upstairs.” You pulled the hammer on the .357 and pointed it at him when he kept rifling through your shit. “Even if it wasn’t, this is a pretty fucking stupid idea, I would have figured out it was you. Put it down.”
“Please, you’re not gonna…” His whole body whipped back when you pulled the trigger, pain shooting through him from his shoulder as he cried out and stared at you in shock. “You fucking crazy bitch, you shot me!”
“I winged you, don’t be a pussy.” You cocked it again and tilted your head as you started walking towards him, giving him a wicked grin that made him snarl even while his eyes were raking over you. “Next is going in your leg, and then your gorgeous face, which I would hate to ruin, so put my shit back and get the fuck out of my shop.”
“But… ah, shit!” He caught himself on the wall when your next shot grazed his thigh, holding himself upright with one hand and pulling his loot out of his pocket with the other while he kept glaring at you. “Fine, you cunt, I catch you without that fucking cannon and I’m gonna make you pay for it.”
“Aww, you gonna fuck the bitch out of me? I’d love to see you try.” You followed him as he hobbled back out to his car, kicking some glass out of the way and leaning on the ruined door frame while you kept smiling at him demeaningly. “I’m taking the cost of repairs out of your cut.”
“The… what?” Ari froze while he was tying a tourniquet around his leg and gave you a shocked look. “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re still gonna pay me?”
“Yeah, we had a deal, I’m not that big of a bitch.” You finally relaxed your hold on the gun and let it fall to your side. “Plus, want you to come back if you ever manage to lift something that’s actually valuable. See ya! Get out of here, I gotta call the cops so I can file an insurance claim.”
Ari could only stare at you for a few seconds before starting the Mustang and driving off so his brother’s wife could stitch him up. He didn’t know what he was going to do about you, but at least he was going to get paid, though he couldn’t stop thinking about you saying you’d like to see him try to fuck the bitch out of you.
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
So my brain is a lost cause at this point there's just neurons and random sparks but nothing is computing
Like that ever shuts me up though
You were going to pray and you got smutty thoughts because of me !! I shouldn't but I'm totally cackling like a deranged hyena rn im sorry xD
FUC- THAT WAS TO DIE FOR you made it so much better than it was in my head !!
He’s standing there looking fine - See it ain't even your fault who can resist that man?!?
“Don’t know if my uniform is up to code Admiral…” THAT IS SO CORNY I WOULD TOTALLY SAY THAT THO CACKLING AGAIN
(you’re saved under ‘Brat’ because that’s what you are) OF COURSE IM A BRAT DUHH
Maverick is going over everything he’s done this week just to check whether he’s going to get screamed at, Warlock is shooting daggers at Maverick, the entire team (you pretend because you’re a little shit) is mentally sending their family goodbye letters and exchanging worried glances. I CAN ACTUALLY PICTURE THIS ENTIRE SCENE AND ALL THEIR EXPRESSIONS AND I AM DEAD THIS IS PEAK COMEDY I WANT THIS SO BAD XDDDDD
Hondo, poor, sweet, sweet angel Hondo, who has just accidentally had a very good look at what the Admiral received via text is honestly reconsidering his career because Admiral Simpson is a possessive man. If he finds out Hondo knows, he will kill him. OH FUCK BERNIE YOU'RE DEAD MAN. RUN. V V V V FAR AWAY. (THE ADMIRAL'S GONNA BE A BIT BUSY ANYWAY WINKWINK) poor Bernie tho??? He's probably traumatised for life?? He didn't wanna know that about you?? And definitely not the Admiral hell he won't be looking him in the eye for a month xD Also the image of possessive Beau is just *so good*.
I mean you give him the best performance of your life, especially since he tells you he’s not going to touch you for a week as punishment. NO SHIT DONT DO THAT I'M SORRRYYYY
In conclusion:
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Glad you got some amusement from my predicament this morning XD
Okay so Cyclone's glare? It almost makes you regret the entire operation. I mean you think the man is going to reach across the conference room and make you pay for it right then and there.
Imean you're ready to beg for forgiveness as soon as he cocks his head sighly to the side and shoots you the look, but at the same time, you also think that Beau is one of those rare people who get hotter the angrier they are. Or maybe that's just because you know what happens when he does get mad?
I mean, let's not kid ourselves, you're pissing him off on purpose, because when he gets past a point, Beau just snaps. And last time he snapped he railed you against his desk until you could no longer speak. You're absolutely trying to recreate that.
But you regret dragging the team into it (not Rooster though, he deserves the twenty minutes of fear he's going to live through for trapping you in a conversation about Star Wars with resident expert Fanboy last Tuesday) because they look like they're absolutely shitting themselves. Especially Hondo.
Because you know he's seen the picture. When Beau opens his phone and sees the picture, Bernie happens to be looking down and he stutters. No one else notices, and you're almost certain it's a coincidence when Hondo briefly glances at you with such a shocked expression. You know what he's thinking. He's already planning the purchase of a foreign passport on the black market, becaude he absolutely can never set foot in San Diego again!! He will never be able to speak to the Admiral without having that stupid picture flash before his eyes!!
And of course Beau's lying through his teeth when he tells you he won't touch you, but he has to make you believe that so you get desperate. He's absolutely going to be balls deep inside you by Wednesday because he needs to relieve the stress Maverick causes him on the daily. And maybe he needs to punish you one more time, you know, just so he knows you got the message.
EDIT: needed to fix so many typos because this prompt just made me dumb, I love it. I may have missed some but you know...
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