#this has been finished for a while i just keep forgetting to post or queue it lol
dirty-bosmer · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
It's that time of the week. I'm going out later tonight, so I'll queue this up, but thank you to my very kind and lovely friends who tagged me earlier in the day @skyrim-forever @ladytanithia @kookaburra1701 you're all so motivating <3
Tagging: @thequeenofthewinter @tamrielesque @gilgamish @thana-topsy @elavoria @tallmatcha @nuwanders @paraparadigm @throughtrialbyfire @sylvienerevarine @rainpebble3 @mareenavee @expended-sleeper @lucien-lachance @miraakulous-cloud-district
Looking forward to reading whatever you decide to post :)
Meanwhile, I blew some dust off my long neglected chapter of The Illusionist.
The door croaked open to reveal the main hall, fortunately vacant. Familiar stale air rushed to greet her, only the dull thwacks from the distant training room to give it weight while she stared down its gullet past the broken teeth of so many memories. Nim could still see them in glimpses, quick ghostly wisps darting through her periphery like silverfish. Now in the sanctuary’s jaws, the only way forward was through, but each breath only served to pull her a little deeper into her grief, and with each step she felt a little more of her spirit flee her, a little more of herself letting go. 
“Elianna is right this way.” Arquen surged forward, dress swishing at her heels. Her words came clipped. She kept her eyes fixed forward, eager to get this over with, and Nim didn’t know if she should be too when the sudden grasp of her sorrow felt more welcoming than sleep. It was true what One-Ear had told her sprawled out on the plush cushions lining his den, eyes closed or maybe open, merely clouded in the smoke, Careful, friend. Misery’s grip is even stronger than the moon-sugar's—
At the stern sound of Arquen’s voice, Nim stepped back into her body and quickened her pace to keep up.  When she realized they were heading down to Vicente’s old quarters, that Arquen was pulling a key from the pouch belted at her waist, her heart skipped a strange clumsy rhythm. “You keep her locked up?”
“On the Listener's orders.”
“He would, wouldn't he? Well, you’ve made it clear you don’t do everything he says.”
Arquen glanced at her over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “I’m not barbaric, Nimileth. Don’t look so dour. She has plenty of enrichment, and let’s not forget that when we found her, she’d been left in the gutters alone. I still wonder exactly how she wound up there. Whose orders were those now, hmm?”
Nim shut her mouth. When she swallowed, the guilt tasted sour, metallic. Of blood.
Arquen continued on, leading her to Vicente’s room or the room that had once been Vicente’s. Nim couldn’t imagine it containing anything but him, and did his presence still fill those empty spaces, a whisper of him calling from whatever liminal length away? Or was it merely her own memory willing his shadow back into existence that made long silhouettes dance in the corner of her eye? Whatever it was, she hoped he was there, that with every step closer those memories might crystallize, that his ghost might leap out from the walls, come back to haunt her, and even if it was only a gelid, spectral touch, it would be better than feeling nothing of him ever again.
Man wouldn't I just love to finish this chapter sometime 😅
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drdtfuitgumies · 3 months
season 2 summary: june 2024
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this summary is mainly for my personal documentation (i like documenting stuff), but i thought i'd post this in the blog too just in case anyone else was interested!
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i absolutely did not expect xander and j tying for first place, both appearing five times for june 2024. i should've seen this coming since i tried to even out the character distribution whenever possible; hence second and third places also being ties. very, very large ties.
arei was in jail for most of the month, but she still manages to appear twice regardless. good for her!
PERSONAL FAVORITES (in chronological order)
1) J and Nico at autism heaven (real-life Pokemon Center)
what else do you expect out of Me, who learnt literacy from replaying Pokemon Soul Silver and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky over and over? i assure, for the ten other people that read this, that i will put everyone to autism heaven eventually. (also, "autism heaven" is referencing a tiktok. it's a good phrase)
2) Charles in comical amounts of swimwear
i just think he looks very silly. it is warranted, but still very silly. i wonder if the drdt cast could get out of a beach episode without any casualties... also, when this first came in the inbox, i was so tempted to break schedule and do it immediately. there will be some more prompts that scratch the itch in my braincell
3) Ace is finally tall (with the assistance of Levi)
he's finally tall! the one time he looks actually happy...!! i also mention this one here because i'd like to acknowledge a funny little thing i've been doing; making nico's slippers emote. you'll be seeing it more often when nico themselves pop up more often!
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sometimes i think of adding punchlines in the situations, or fix errors after i've put them in the queue, but forget to actually. do them.
i probably could've blended whit into strawberry milkshake and proudly shouldered the blame, but i just didn't consider the possibility then
ace was missing his front hairstrands while he was eating mint (see other ace posts to compare). i actually never realized this until i finally got around to making this post
when i started this blog, i really, reallyyyyy wanted the 39th post (featuring world-class icon Hatsune Miku) to be a vocaloid mv redraw / reference, but i realized pretty quickly i wouldn't be able to take it seriously. at least i drew miku gumy!
mai's debut was supposed to be something like... her watching despair time prologue episode 1 (possibly on monotv's screen or sitting next to monotv). haunting the narrative or something.
i didn't mention levi being relatively difficult to draw so i will for this month's summary. i keep thinking that "it's kinda like xander but also not really", which continues to become my downfall. xander is still one of the easier ones to draw too... ack
me putting arei in jail actually made me forget how to draw her for a hot second
the singular miro canvas i use for every single fuit gumy in this blog has gotten large enough that it occasionally lags when my internet isn't being stellar. i'll show it in the next summary since it'll become even larger by then!
when do you guys think arei will finish stealing at least one thing from everyone else. your answers may or may not influence me
once again, thank you so much for your support! every comment you make amuses me. :>
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poupeesdecirque · 6 months
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Posting by Queue, or: why I need some distance from my crafts
It has been some time since my last hobby meta blog entry, it had different reasons and one is that I need distance. Like, yes I of course enjoy crafting and sometimes I am like a little child that runs everywhere to show off things.
But it got ... less intense. And I learned I do better when I keep projects or at least details to myself to sit on them for longer. That the first euphoria is purely mine and not to be shared.
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Like for my photos I have a buffer of several weeks now. Yes, I know past-me would have kind of hated that. But I learned I do better when I have a time buffer. I do take photos weekly but sometimes they don't feel special enough to get the weekly photo feature?
Friday & yesterday I went out for photos and while I like the ones from yesterday way more than the ones from friday I am not sure if the set from yesterday will get the feature or not as it's only a hand full of photos giving me that certain spark.
Other than that I am a very emotional artist, I sometimes really fuck up my art and hate it at the moment I worked on it, but then, sometimes, after a few days or weeks I can look at it and just wonder about what was my problem the day I made it.
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Another thing is that I, myself, enjoy my art. The process of it. And I like to see my blog updating, sometimes I forget what post will go online and then I check the blog and think "ah yes, this was that thing!", and it reminds me why I made the blog overall, to show myself I had progress and that every tiny step counts.
Which leads to another reason why I hold back in regards of posting. Yes, I do share some snippets in my stories over on insta but not always and not all. I sit on over 300 drawings from the last two years alone nobody ever will see, I enjoyed drawing but it's nothing for the public eye. I will maybe go back and redraw some and share the redraws then, who knows?
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But wait, there is actually more reasons.
The biggest or main reason is ... i sometimes go really wild on projects. In January I finished so many dolls it was insane, I worked on Cosplays and other crafts in an incredible speed, I have literally no idea where I found the time but I somehow did and doll parts arriving every week did the rest.
I keep the blog running with partially 2 month old stuff but .... to be honest I don't have doll stuff aside photos to do anymore. All I can do is wait for bodies to be shipped (or dolls even) and arrive. There has been no movement since January. Aside Iza getting the shipping notice for our Split, might take a while until its at her place and I can't really start on the Akuma until I got the body (which I at least have finally ordered this month) as colors need to be matched and mods to be made.
I am truly itchy to do something else than sewing all the time, I do enjoy cosplay but you know how much I like sewing (hint: not at all). So to remind myself of the fun I had in the past weeks I have mixed my blog to bless me with some progress I had which was maybe not sewing all the time. And well, the Cosplays have deadlines and I do get some ideas aside purely sewing while doing them, so that keeps me going for now.
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Yes, I could start redoing dolls like Alastor or Erwin. But you know what? IT'S ALMOST ALL SEWING. Urgh.
Aside that real life is pretty good at eating me up and I just want to enjoy crafting. Right now drawing feels like stress relief but I hate the results and just scan the pieces and put them away to never look at them again, I have a bunch of posts queued up without any captions, a wip entry of a current project only has two photos but I lack the spoons to actually get them done. But since those posts are so far back it's fine (yes I know drafts are a thing).
In general I enjoy having my art to myself to get used to it before I put it out into the wild as I just recently got reminded I do bad with direct comparisons still and it hits some triggerpoints from the past and makes everything harder, I don't need that.
I literally have no idea if this blog makes sense even, lol. I just am tired of sewing and stopped working on my current project around lunch time and have drawn so much today and I walked way too much the whole week my friends urged me to stay the ef home and at least try to relax. But I'm restless as my body is too stressed (I know it all I'm a certified relaxation trainer so eh), so, have an over the place blog entry.
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manonamora-if · 4 months
June Check-In
My time as a benevolent tropical dictator has ended... time for some resource management retirement.
Bouncing for the summer. ✌️ I may or may not be online during that time. I'm not going in too much details, because it is IRL stuff that doesn't involve just me. I should still have some free time, but not as much as now. You may (probably will) catch random drops on itch.
Onto the usual index:
Recap of last month’s progress
Plan for the next month
The mega to-do-list tm that hasn't really changed.
Still long post under the break. If you want a mini version, head on over to itch.io as usual!
May Progress
Pulling out THE LIST from last month and checking the progress:
Play more games ✅
It's always a check because... there's always a jam we're doing with the @neointeractives, so there's always something to play. Anyways... this month fed be real good. Between the SpringThing (still not done reviewing), the Text Adventure Literacy Jam (have to queue my reviews - I placed third!!), the Dialogue Jam (you can read my thoughts here), the Locus Jam (lookie here), and the REALLY BAD IF jam (it's going to take me a while still)... there was a lot! But also a lot of fun!it also, unfortunately, gave me way too many new ideas...
Oh. It's also been one full year since I started writing reviews! And I've reached the 2nd spot on the IFDB ranking! Over 500 reviews to get there...
Code Chapter 6/Endings❌
MelS is still working on those, chipping away at the pages bit by bit, trying make that last chapter the best final chapter possible. But there are a lot of pages to go through... he's doing his best!
Fixing an older games. ❌
I mean, I bug-fixed my TALP entry, but I don't think that count (and there's some more stuff I could edit too). I've been too busy/all over the place to sit down and go back at it.
Write the next Chapter/Scene of a WIP✅❌
Well, yes and no. I've been revisiting Exquisite Cadaver in the hope of finishing it for real (but I got distracted...), and re-reading it... I've CRINGED SO HARD AT THE WRITING. Like :/ it's so not great.
So before we can make substantial progress in the missing rounds, I will:
re-write the already coded rounds (and fix the insane amount of typos
re-code them (duh)
edit the Interface (the template is a bit all over the place)
fix some other code
other stuff I'm forgetting for sure.
The prologue is completely done, and I've started on the rounds. I think I'll update the game when the re-writes are done. Then do an Interface/code uphaul. Then add more rounds (or switch 1 and 2).
I'm trying to keep this for this summer. That would be good. I think I could even finish it (knock on wood and what not).
What else happened this month????
Well, the organisation of the Locus Jam and the REALLY BAD IF, and setting up Neo-Twiny once again (@neo-twiny-jam). That's... a lot more work than just pressing some buttons 😅
On the writing side, I've written a novel as a Post-Mortem for Jeangille. You can find it here.
More writing... Well, I've mentioned being distracted a few times already this month? That's because... I've gone a bit overboard with tiny stuff. Here's what you may have missed:
the 500 rooms game (RBIF - Inform)
Tomato Tomato (RBVN/bitsy jam - binksi - will be made better)
Cloak of Darkness (porting to multiple IF programs -> source code included to see how an engine works)
So hum... yeah. Not super great on the plan. The more I push it, the less I manage... But also I made fun stuff so...
Maybe on really cool thing coming out of this month is... GETTING THIRD PLACE FOR Lysidice and the Minotaur! With a strong average of 4!!! Which is SO MUCH BETTER THAN LAST YEAR!!!
The PLANtm for June
I won't have Tropico or most of my Steam Library to distract me in the next month. I actually will have a lot of IRL stuff to deal with. Aside from dealing with the Neo-Twiny Jam and Anti-Romance Jam organisation, you will probably not hear much from me.
Still, during down time, I would try to:
Play more games: I need to finish my RBIF thread, and start the Neo-Twiny one (if it's like last year, better start early!). And finish the reviews to the previous comps too.
Code Chapter 6/Endings: Still on MelS. Though I still could do some stuff... I've been putting it off since he's not made as much progress as we'd hoped.
Fixing an older games. Well, I'm re-writing Exquisite Cadaver, if I manage that and the Interface, that goal will be filled. Or the Tomato Tomato one.
Write the next Chapter/Scene of a WIP. And if I could manage to write one more game round for EC, we'll be golden!
Let's have a boring month! For realsies.
I'm also planning on just... logging off from the internet for long periods of time (the IRL stuff).
The 2024 To-Do List:
And now we're back at the start... SIGH
The hopefully maybe easy to handle To-Do:
fix the bugs in EDOC + overall the French version to match (waiting for Adventuron to get the French language)
fix the bugs of TRNT + find a way to add the missing pieces (giving up on the translation)
fixing the interface of LPM and the popups + check animal interactions
figure out the One-Button JavaScrip/jQuery issue...
edit the loading screens of the completed tiny games to include the program/format logo at least.
The 'Need a Bunch of Content to update but it's planned!' To-Do:
Update my website (bunch new title - also I don't think the logo clicky thing work...) + redo my itch page (un-stricking cause I need to update it)
Finish TTATEH (MelS dependent)
Finish Exquisite Cadaver (half-way mark by this summer - manif)
Finish P-Rix - Space Trucker (main path at least)
Update CRWL (it's been almost two years... I'm ashamed)
The Unlikely But it Would be Dope To-Do
Finish The Dinner as it was planned (and translate)
Finish In the Blink of an Eye as it was planned (and retranslate)
Finish The Rye in the Dark City
Fixing TTTT (at least fixing, maybe try adding some storylets)
And finally The 'It's impossible, but one can wish' TO-DO:
Remaster SPS IH (if I managed to start this after completing the rest... I'm going to eat a whole sheet cake).
Start the IFComp project (2025? Might end up being a ST?)
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fereldanwench · 2 years
I'm going to be obnoxious and presumptuous and tell everyone how to live their lives because I feel like the Cyberpunk 2077 fandom* has an endemic problem with this self-imposed expectation to post new ~*content*~ on a regular basis that is just not sustainable for like 95% of us. And as someone who has also, unfortunately, grappled with that anxiety even though I know it's silly, I feel compelled to tell everyone (myself included) to stop doing that to themselves and slow the fuck down.
(*Probably other fandoms, too--I have many, many Thoughts™ on how ~*content creator*~ culture has had detrimental effects on fandom on the whole, but that's a broader topic for another time.)
Participating in fandom is a hobby, not a grind. No one is going to be upset with you for letting your queue run out or missing a themed day. Nobody expects anyone to have multiple original posts on a daily basis. Your friends aren't going to forget you if you need to take a break. There is absolutely no reason to feel guilty or stressed because a real-life obligation has to take priority over a hobby.
Recognize the ebb and flow of your creativity so you don't burn yourself out. Give yourself the time and space to work on long projects and learn new skills, even if that can't come with regular updates. Let yourself be in the moment while you create. Savor your art--Stop asking yourself "What do I post next?" immediately after you finish a project. Take pride and joy in the work you've already made without wondering how you can make your next post even better.
Understand your limitations and accept that others might not have the same limitations you have. Someone who is single and unemployed is going to have more time to dedicate to learning virtual photography than someone with a family and a full-time job. Someone with chronic fatigue is going to have a harder time churning out fic than someone without that condition. Don't compare your output to someone else's. We all have different creative processes, different backgrounds and skills, and different demands on our time and energy.
What works for me to break out of this mindset might not work for everyone, but these are the 3 main things I find helpful to keep me from succumbing to the darkness:
Intentionally break a streak Have you been posting every single Thirsty Thursday for the past 6 months but are having a hard time keeping up currently and feeling stressed about breaking the streak? BREAK IT. Skip one. Even if you have a post, schedule it for the following week. It'll feel wrong at first, but on Friday you'll realize it didn't matter, your friends are still here, and you will no longer be beholden to this inconsequential posting requirement that exists only in your head.
Revisit old posts/drafts/WIPs/outtakes Go through your old stuff! Let yourself enjoy what you made in the past. Reblog it so new friends and followers can see it. Remember what it was like to work on it and the sense of accomplishment when you finished it and what you learned from it. You might even get a bonus and find yourself inspired to revisit an idea or create a new take on it.
It's an obnoxious cliche at this point, but yes: touch grass Online fandom spaces have been a cornerstone of my social and creative circles for over two decades, so I am not by any means suggesting that there is no value in spending a lot of time here. But you absolutely need to take breaks from your devices and reconnect with the physical world or you will go nuts. Go for a walk, spend a day outside with friends or your pets, pick up a tangible craft like coloring books or journaling--Just find something to get you away from your computer and phone.
tl;dr - Creating in fandom should be fun and enjoyable and a reprieve from all of this shit, not an extension of it. There's absolutely no reason to put this burden on yourself to be some superfan posting new work 37 times a week. If you're in the zone and you've got that flow, roll with it, of course, but don't feel like it always has to be like that because it won't be. And that is completely fine.
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thefearandnow · 2 years
Happy New Year! 🥂
I've had this post saved for a while because since coming back to tumblr I've found it to be a really great space for setting myself accountable creatively. I've had a lot of ideas for goals I want to set for myself in 2023 so I'm gonna pin this post and keep coming back to it with progress/check ins. I'm also gonna queue this post for every month so I don't forget to revisit my list. Some stuff has to do with creating and some stuff are just personal things ✨
💀🎙 Write and produce monthly episodes of The Fear and Now
For my graduate degree I produced an analysis podcast about horror in fiction podcasts and part of changing my tumblr to The Fear and Now was partially to motivate me to make new episodes for the first time in more than 2 years. I'm basically going to reboot it entirely because I've become a much different producer since I started it but I'm excited to start working on it again. First step will be to relisten to the old episodes which is honestly what I'm most avoiding but I'm excited to do more analytical writing, research and use my improved editing skills to give it a facelift.
🎧 Write and post at least 25 Audio Drama Sunday posts
I've really been enjoying using tumblr as a way to recap my listening and get through my backlog of podcasts I want to listen to. On top of that it's been a great way to find new podcasts and support creators so I'm hoping to stay on a semi-weekly schedule but I'm also trying to set the expectation a little low 😅
🦉🌶 Finish writing the fiction podcast I started (8 episodes)
In 2022 I started writing my first ever fiction podcast, something I'd been wanting to do for years. It's been on hiatus for a few months but I want to come back around to it and at least get all the episodes in rough draft from.
✏️ Try NaNoWriMo for the first time
I discovered National Novel Writing Month (through a discord I'm a part of) this year and was a little too late to the party to try it myself but I'm really drawn to the idea of trying it November 2023. Of course, I think I'm gonna need to practice a lot to get myself prepared so I'm going to start setting daily word count goals every month.
Jan: 500 words | 75%
Feb: 500 words
📖 Read at least one novel a month
In 2022 some friends started a book club and it's really helped me get back into the habit of having structured reading time. Looking forward to reading more and keeping track of the new books I'll read in the new year!
💻 Give more feedback to writers/creators on tumblr
I've started following a few different writers on tumblr whose short stories I really enjoy and I want to get more into the habit of reaching out and telling them what I love about their work. It's one of those things that I've only recently spent much time thinking about but I think often I'm a passive enjoyer of content and want to actively be more involved as an audience member in 2023.
🎶 Self publish a mixtape of instrumentals
In 2022 I got into a routine of posting quick little sample-based sketches and beats. In the new year I want to take the best of those sketches and make them into a proper mixtape/EP that I'll publish via Bandcamp. I'm not really sure how to track the progress on something like this but I know I just want to have what I consider a finished project by this time next year.
✏️ Try NaNoWriMo for the first time.
I discovered National Novel Writing Month (through a discord I'm a part of) this year and was a little too late to the party to try it myself but I'm really drawn to the idea of trying it November 2023. Of course, I think I'm gonna need to practice a lot to get myself prepared so I'm going to start setting daily word count goals every month.
Jan: 500 words
✨ Explore my hair/gender expression
This one is literally impossible to quantify but it's something I want to reflect on and be more actively engaged with this year. So much of my life I feel like I've tried to ignore thinking about and exploring my own style and gender and its only recently that I've felt some regret about it. I want to buy new clothes and try new hairstyles and feel more comfortable in my own skin and I think I've found that for me I need to write it somewhere if I actually want to do the damn thing 😅 so this is me doing that lol
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half-doomed · 4 years
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Make me choose ↳ Anon asked: Save Rock and Roll or Paramore self-titled?
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byulsgrease · 3 years
as you wish
some good ol’ party fun.
(moonbyul x fem reader, ~1.2k words, original req here)
a/n: been a while since I last wrote/posted an nsfw (just checked and it’s been almost a month exactly), I feel very rusty 💀 fun to write after that break tho!
cw: smut (fingering, choking mention, exhibitionism), dubcon (alcohol) - consent is key, you can’t really consent under the influence, etc. you get my drift. minors dni as always
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This may as well be college all over again. But maybe with better beer. The room lights are out, save for a couple color-cycling LED strips on the walls. Soju bottles of every flavor imaginable cover nearly every open table surface at varying degrees of fullness, interspersed with empty Yakult bottles and discarded red foil wrappers. The blasting music oscillates between American top 40 and latest comeback releases, you have no clue who's managing the Spotify queue.
You're chilling out with Byulyi, sitting with your back up against the arm of the sofa as she sits facing forward with beer can in hand, her thighs covered by your knees. Both of you are relatively laid back drinkers, choosing to sit out from the random play dance that ensues every time a song comes on. You laugh together, thankful both of you have high tolerance while watching Yongsun stumble over herself on one side of the room (with Chorong at her side to steady her), Wheein and Hyejin breaking it down on the make-shift carpeted dance floor. There are others here you recognize too, although names and faces have begun muddling together in your mind, trying to think through your tipsy haze.
Byul intermittently sips her beer while lazily tracing circles over your kneecaps with her free hand, fingers trailing through the fallen condensation droplets atop them. It’s a bit of relief from the heat of the room and deep warmth from the alcohol. You’re probably a little farther gone than her, but not by much.
You lean onto her, cheek squishing into her shoulder. Her lips bump the top of your head for a kiss and she watches you instinctively turn your chin up to her, eyes pleading for a real one. Byul happily obliges, smirking against your lips when you recoil at the shock at the temperature differential created by the can. Normally you'd be the one reeling in her pda, but you’re just feeling a bit more forward tonight than usual.
Everyone at this party knows the both of you to some degree, and at minimum knows you’re together. The coolness of her lips on yours have you chasing after them, sitting up for real to press your body in closer. Normally you’d be the last person to want to kiss in public, and even less so in front of her friends, but something tonight makes you absolutely not care, whether for the alcohol or just the atmosphere. Or maybe just her?
Your fingertips approach the collar of her shirt and press in, earning you all but a groan as tingles shoot up Byul’s back, wishing your hands were just a little higher to press in a little harder. Too bad public choking's considered indecent. Setting her beer can on the arm of the couch behind you, her hands find your thighs, fingers slowly but surely working their way up. You've got a long cardigan on that drapes over your sides, thankfully long enough to more or less block out the fact that she's well on her way to passing beneath the hem of your pleated skirt.
"What are you doing?" you murmur with a smile against her lips, encircling one of her wrists with the fingers of your free hand. There's a cautionary urgency in your voice, but not enough to actually make her stop— you don't want her to.
She moves her head to the side, pressing cold-lipped kisses up your jawline. The air she blows across your ear when she gets to it sends a shiver throughout your entire body as she replies to your question—“Just having my own fun.” Good enough for you, so you bend a knee to slide your leg behind her back, now basically straddling her body from the side. You go back to kissing her again and truly, you could probably just do this all night.
Her hands continue their original task, teasingly working their way up your thighs. It’s already hot amidst the dancing people and poor apartment ventilation, but the room suddenly feels 10 degrees warmer at the prospect of being caught, but at minimum her members probably already knew what was going on if they’d taken the chance to look over.
Byul hooks her pointer finger into where your panties meet the crease of your leg, tugging the now-wet fabric away from your body and brushing the skin underneath with her knuckle.
“If you’re really doing this here, don’t you wanna go a little faster?” you hiss. There’s already sweat beading on the back of your neck in anticipation.
“Be careful what you wish for,” she warns cunningly before surprisingly obliging your request, pushing your underwear aside with her ring and pinky fingers to press her thumb to your clit. You press your lips together to avoid the audible moan that’s about to escape you, instead letting a forced breath out of your nose. “Oh c’mon, you can open your mouth for me, can’t you?” she coos.
It’s almost easier to forget there are other people around and just lose yourself in her hands, but even your tipsy mind knows better than to make a total fool of yourself. You just press your lips into her ear and whimper quietly under her touch, the sound deafening to her. It affects her more than she’d ever willingly admit, but hey, this is about you.
When she finally sinks a couple fingers into you with absolute ease, your teeth dig into her lower lip. She chuckles gloatingly through her nose at how obviously worked up you are, taunting you sweetly with a whisper. As much as you want to, you resist throwing your head back in pleasure to mitigate the risk of someone catching onto what’s happening. Instead you just focus on keeping your lips connected and bodies close, your sounds drowned out by the music but just loud enough for her. She presses a thumb to your clit, stroking down while simultaneously curling the fingers she already has inside of you.
She continues like this for a while, knowing full well what makes you absolutely fall apart at her touch. Your pants pitching higher and more ragged in her ear signal how close you are, and just before you’re about to cum she pulls her hand out from under you completely, drying her finger on the underside of your skirt’s folds.
“Ww–what? Why?” you stammer at the sudden loss of contact.
“You just asked me to go faster. Who said that meant you had to finish?” she responds with that sarcastic questioning look. “Good luck with the mess you’ve got going on down there,” waving her hand in the general vicinity of your skirt with a smirk on her face, prepping to get up off the couch.
She’s not leaving you in this state. Or rather, you’re not going to let her. You aggressively clutch her hand in yours and drag her by the arm, leading her toward the nearest empty bedroom to finish what she started.
“Get a room!” Hyejin shouts slurred as you march by. Wheein nods aggressively in agreement beside her and you can’t help but laugh in the face of your nervousness and play along, wondering if they’re just poking their usual fun or if they know what you were actually up to that entire time.
“Your wish is our command!” you holler back in her direction with a wink, whisking Byul into the open bedroom and swinging the door shut to make her finish what she started.
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yoichichi · 4 years
Modern!au Hange Zoë Relationship Headcannons
Hange Zoë x reader
a/n: hi!!! This is my first post for aot on this blog! Plspls tell me your thoughts and if you guys like this :) requests aren’t open quite yet but will he soon, I just need to finish some things up in my drafts first :) you can look at WIP page on my pinned post on my blog to see some other aot works I’m working on atm before I open requests :) pls enjoy !!! I luv them on god
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Please tell them to go to bed, they have no self regard for their sleeping habits and WILL stay up for 2 days straight
It does not matter if they’re in bed with you either, they will lay with their back against the headboard and you cuddling into their side while they stroke your face until you fall asleep and then IMMEDIATELY start reading
The amount of times you’ve woken up to them still awake in the middle of the night looking at you like 👁👄👁😃 good morning sunshine~~ just go back to bed ~~ maybe you’re dreaming ~~ , cause they KNOW you’ll scold them and they’d like to avoid that at all costs
PLS they definitely wear one of those stupid little head light things so they can read while you sleep
* 💡
* 👁👄👁
“good morning sleepy head”
I truly feel like they’re a pro at getting you to fall asleep though, not even so they can stay up they just are so good at soothing you
That one spot in between your shoulders thats always sore? They’re hands find it without you even having to mention
The way you have to cuddle laying on your right side and your left? They’re already adjusting themselves on the couch so that can happen
The way you like kisses on the top of your head but not your temple? Check ✅ they’re fingers are resting at your temple to remind them it’s always the top of your head -as if they’d forget-
Expanding on this, they’re just so good at remembering details about you in general???
And of course some of it is the basics like your favorite snack, your favorite candle, the current show your binging, the laundry detergent you always buy, etc.
But some of it you wouldn’t have even asked them to remember?? Like it gets more and more obscure the longer you’re together
Like how you wouldn’t like the leather seats in their car, which you mention once cause the skin on your legs were sticking to them in the summer
And then they’re in the market looking for a new car and this one doesn’t have leather seats, which to yourself you’re like oh cool :)
But then they just bring it up while you’re driving with them one day like
“Isn’t it nice that now when you wear shorts your legs don’t stick? I tried keeping that in mind for you, babe.”
And it’s just??? You’re almost questioning how they even KNOW that until they tell you about the one ☝🏼 time you mentioned it and it was at least a couple years ago and it’s just??? Thank you?!?
But yes, anything you do Hange WILL remember it for better or for worse cause they just see it as a part of getting to know you and love the person you are!
Okok emperor fidgety over here ‼️
WILL talk with their hands so intensely that they’ve knocked over countless drinks, vases, has even flung their fork once
Queue wide eyes and awkward laughing while they blush a little before they rush for a towel to clean up their mess
But will still continue to ramble while they clean, nothing stops their talking
Carpet cleaner is your best friend
Let’s just say when the two of you decided to move into a new place together, hunting for hardwood floors was a must
But BECAUSE this fools always making a mess and needs to just ~lower the chaos a teensy bit ~ they WILL grab onto your hands while they talk
They’d be getting particularly animated and loud and you’d just let out a giggle and nod your head, letting them know you’re listening and they don’t have to be so loud
And they’d just giggle and shush themselves and be like sorry sorry I know with some big stupid smile on their face
They’d reach their hands out and grab yours and clear their throat and raise their eyebrows a little,
“Ok, so, here’s the best part though. Get. This.”
And they’d just go back to ranting but this time they have so much more energy being focused into you rather than combusting out of them
Their eyes are locked onto yours so hard, no longer darting all over the room while they speak
Their hands moving yours only a little, swinging them up and down, squeezing them when they get particularly excited
Their voice is more hushed and deep, their words shooting sharply at you with an intensity vibrating off them making your cheeks burn
Now, when something would normally result in a flying fork, instead it’s a tug on your hands to bring you closer while their voice gets heavier and quiet - almost a whisper - sharing this moment with you and ending it with raised eyebrows and a squeal - sometimes even shaking your arms about if it’s especially exciting news
Speaking of ranting, when you rant you better expect Hange to get JUST as involved as you
You’re frustrated? Yeah Hange is getting heated too, riling you up in the process, it’s their problem now too
You’re happy? Hange is squealing and jumping up and down with you as if they got the promotion ajakskajaja
I feel like the only exception to this would be if you were stressed, upset, or sad
They’re immediately quiet and looking all over your face for any sign of distress with the most sincere eyes
Nodding and responding with little hums of understanding, ready to scoop you into their arms the moment you need them too
The RULER of taking care of their s/o when they’re down or sick
Not only cause they know everything there is to know about your existence lmao
But cause I think they’re smart enough to be able to not be over bearing when they’re taking care of you
They’ll check in a lot for sure, but never smothering you more than you’d like lmao
Their love language is definitely quality time in my opinion
Do you remember how excited they were when Eren agreed to listen to them talk and they talked literally ALL night?? -I miss them like this pls-
Please just spend time with them while they’re doing research at home or reading, they’ll never feel more loved and appreciated
Ok but like :
It’s late, it’s been dark outside for hours now. Your eyes became heavy hours ago but, you don’t have work tomorrow, and you’d hate leaving Hange in here by themselves, so you decided on cuddling up in the living chair in their office - that they definitely put in there for you - on your phone. You were scrolling mindlessly through apps trying to keep your mind stimulated enough when you heard their chair move from the spot they were in for the first time since you’ve been in their. You looked up to see them crack their neck and stretch their arms above their head, they’re shirt riding up just above their belly button.
They sighed deeply and slowly walked over to you, running their hands down the side of your face and cupping your cheeks to turn your head up to face them.
They leaned down at an agonizingly slow pace and pressed a deep kiss on your lips
“Let’s go to bed now, yeah?”
And while you were laying together drifting off to sleep, they’d just kiss your head one more time and tell you how much they love you
Pls you’d mean the world to them
Like,,, WHEWWW
This isn’t even a relationship HC LMAO
I mean a little -
They’d LOVE to go on roadtrips with you, you can’t tell me otherwise
A fun stupid adventure to buy shitty souvenirs along the way? Meeting strange people and getting all these new stories together? Hange is at peace like this lmao
But more on them driving 👁👅👁
Definitely drives stick, and they’re a FAST driver
Always a little above the speed limit
So good at changing lanes, especially on the freeway
The way they check over their shoulder?? Lawd almighty
Sometimes they’ll check over their shoulder that’s facing you and flick their eyes to your’s for a moment, cause they can feel you staring at them in that brief moment, and they’ll just raise their eyebrows and shoot you a cocky little side smile
And then after they change lanes they reach a hand over and squeeze your thigh before they keep driving
Ok does have bad road rage though LMAO
Not in a dangerous way they just,, swear very loudly in the car and then roll their eyes and apologize that there’s idiots on the road LMAO
All in all, Hange is a very attentive and loud partner, so I hope you’re ok with chaos and intensity
a/n: thanks for reading yall!!! Feel free to check out my blog, more aot content coming soon! And I always love to hear from you guys :)
taglist: @plutowrites
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shirbertshitposts · 4 years
10 Shirbert Moments from Anne of Green Gables series I think about a lot
In honor of Valentines Day I thought I would post a list of some of my favorite Anne and Gilbert moments. It was hard to narrow it to just ten as I have been going through all nine books and trying to queue posts about all their iconic moments through the series; However I decided to pick the ones that I remember even when I haven’t read the books in a while. I didn’t have the heart to rank them properly so they’re just listed in chronological order.
1. His future must be worthy of its goddess
In the twilight Anne sauntered down to the Dryad’s Bubble and saw Gilbert Blythe coming down through the dusky Haunted Wood. She had a sudden realization that Gilbert was a schoolboy no longer. And how manly he looked—the tall, frank-faced fellow, with the clear, straightforward eyes and the broad shoulders. Anne thought Gilbert was a very handsome lad, even though he didn’t look at all like her ideal man. She and Diana had long ago decided what kind of a man they admired and their tastes seemed exactly similar. He must be very tall and distinguished looking, with melancholy, inscrutable eyes, and a melting, sympathetic voice. There was nothing either melancholy or inscrutable in Gilbert’s physiognomy, but of course that didn’t matter in friendship!
Gilbert stretched himself out on the ferns beside the Bubble and looked approvingly at Anne. If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman the description would have answered point for point to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles whose obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul. Gilbert was as yet little more than a boy; but a boy has his dreams as have others, and in Gilbert’s future there was always a girl with big, limpid gray eyes, and a face as fine and delicate as a flower. He had made up his mind, also, that his future must be worthy of its goddess. Even in quiet Avonlea there were temptations to be met and faced. White Sands youth were a rather “fast” set, and Gilbert was popular wherever he went. But he meant to keep himself worthy of Anne’s friendship and perhaps some distant day her love; and he watched over word and thought and deed as jealously as if her clear eyes were to pass in judgment on it. She held over him the unconscious influence that every girl, whose ideals are high and pure, wields over her friends; an influence which would endure as long as she was faithful to those ideals and which she would as certainly lose if she were ever false to them. In Gilbert’s eyes Anne’s greatest charm was the fact that she never stooped to the petty practices of so many of the Avonlea girls—the small jealousies, the little deceits and rivalries, the palpable bids for favor. Anne held herself apart from all this, not consciously or of design, but simply because anything of the sort was utterly foreign to her transparent, impulsive nature, crystal clear in its motives and aspirations.
-- Chapter XIX, Anne of Avonlea
2. For the first time her eyes faltered under Gilbert’s gaze
“What are you thinking of, Anne?” asked Gilbert, coming down the walk. He had left his horse and buggy out at the road.
“Of Miss Lavendar and Mr. Irving,” answered Anne dreamily. “Isn’t it beautiful to think how everything has turned out . . . how they have come together again after all the years of separation and misunderstanding?”
“Yes, it’s beautiful,” said Gilbert, looking steadily down into Anne’s uplifted face, “but wouldn’t it have been more beautiful still, Anne, if there had been NO separation or misunderstanding . . . if they had come hand in hand all the way through life, with no memories behind them but those which belonged to each other?”
For a moment Anne’s heart fluttered queerly and for the first time her eyes faltered under Gilbert’s gaze and a rosy flush stained the paleness of her face. It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted, giving to her view a revelation of unsuspected feelings and realities. Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one’s life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one’s side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music, perhaps . . . perhaps . . . love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath.
Then the veil dropped again; but the Anne who walked up the dark lane was not quite the same Anne who had driven gaily down it the evening before. The page of girlhood had been turned, as by an unseen finger, and the page of womanhood was before her with all its charm and mystery, its pain and gladness.
Gilbert wisely said nothing more; but in his silence he read the history of the next four years in the light of Anne’s remembered blush. Four years of earnest, happy work . . . and then the guerdon of a useful knowledge gained and a sweet heart won.
-- Chapter XXX, Anne of Avonlea
3. I just want YOU
“I have a dream,” he said slowly. “I persist in dreaming it, although it has often seemed to me that it could never come true. I dream of a home with a hearth-fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends—and YOU!”
Anne wanted to speak but she could find no words. Happiness was breaking over her like a wave. It almost frightened her.
“I asked you a question over two years ago, Anne. If I ask it again today will you give me a different answer?”
Still Anne could not speak. But she lifted her eyes, shining with all the love-rapture of countless generations, and looked into his for a moment. He wanted no other answer.
They lingered in the old garden until twilight, sweet as dusk in Eden must have been, crept over it. There was so much to talk over and recall—things said and done and heard and thought and felt and misunderstood.
“I thought you loved Christine Stuart,” Anne told him, as reproachfully as if she had not given him every reason to suppose that she loved Roy Gardner.
Gilbert laughed boyishly.
“Christine was engaged to somebody in her home town. I knew it and she knew I knew it. When her brother graduated he told me his sister was coming to Kingsport the next winter to take music, and asked me if I would look after her a bit, as she knew no one and would be very lonely. So I did. And then I liked Christine for her own sake. She is one of the nicest girls I’ve ever known. I knew college gossip credited us with being in love with each other. I didn’t care. Nothing mattered much to me for a time there, after you told me you could never love me, Anne. There was nobody else—there never could be anybody else for me but you. I’ve loved you ever since that day you broke your slate over my head in school.”
“I don’t see how you could keep on loving me when I was such a little fool,” said Anne.
“Well, I tried to stop,” said Gilbert frankly, “not because I thought you what you call yourself, but because I felt sure there was no chance for me after Gardner came on the scene. But I couldn’t—and I can’t tell you, either, what it’s meant to me these two years to believe you were going to marry him, and be told every week by some busybody that your engagement was on the point of being announced. I believed it until one blessed day when I was sitting up after the fever. I got a letter from Phil Gordon—Phil Blake, rather—in which she told me there was really nothing between you and Roy, and advised me to ‘try again.’ Well, the doctor was amazed at my rapid recovery after that.”
Anne laughed—then shivered.
“I can never forget the night I thought you were dying, Gilbert. Oh, I knew—I KNEW then—and I thought it was too late.”
“But it wasn’t, sweetheart. Oh, Anne, this makes up for everything, doesn’t it? Let’s resolve to keep this day sacred to perfect beauty all our lives for the gift it has given us.”
“It’s the birthday of our happiness,” said Anne softly. “I’ve always loved this old garden of Hester Gray’s, and now it will be dearer than ever.”
“But I’ll have to ask you to wait a long time, Anne,” said Gilbert sadly. “It will be three years before I’ll finish my medical course. And even then there will be no diamond sunbursts and marble halls.”
Anne laughed.
“I don’t want sunbursts and marble halls. I just want YOU. You see I’m quite as shameless as Phil about it. Sunbursts and marble halls may be all very well, but there is more ‘scope for imagination’ without them. And as for the waiting, that doesn’t matter. We’ll just be happy, waiting and working for each other—and dreaming. Oh, dreams will be very sweet now.”
Gilbert drew her close to him and kissed her. Then they walked home together in the dusk, crowned king and queen in the bridal realm of love, along winding paths fringed with the sweetest flowers that ever bloomed, and over haunted meadows where winds of hope and memory blew.
-- Chapter XLI, Anne of the Island
4. Gilbert, I'm afraid I'm scandalously in love with you.
"Gilbert darling, don't let's ever be afraid of things. It's such dreadful slavery. Let's be daring and adventurous and expectant. Let's dance to meet life and all it can bring to us, even if it brings scads of trouble and typhoid and twins!"
Today has been a day dropped out of June into April. The snow is all gone and the fawn meadows and golden hills just sing of spring. I know I heard Pan piping in the little green hollow in my maple bush and my Storm King was bannered with the airiest of purple hazes. We've had a great deal of rain lately and I've loved sitting in my tower in the still, wet hours of the spring twilights. But tonight is a gusty, hurrying night . . . even the clouds racing over the sky are in a hurry and the moonlight that gushes out between them is in a hurry to flood the world.
"Suppose, Gilbert, we were walking hand in hand down one of the long roads in Avonlea tonight!"
Gilbert, I'm afraid I'm scandalously in love with you. You don't think it's irreverent, do you? But then, you're not a minister."
-- Chapter 9, Anne of Windy Poplars
5. Suitable Places
"(Are you sure you kiss me in suitable places, Gilbert? I'm afraid Mrs. Gibson would think the nape of the neck, for instance, most unsuitable.)”
-- Chapter 12, Anne of Windy Poplars
6. He narrowly escaped bursting with pride
"Anne, this is Captain Boyd. Captain Boyd, my wife."
It was the first time Gilbert had said "my wife" to anybody but Anne, and he narrowly escaped bursting with the pride of it. The old captain held out a sinewy hand to Anne; they smiled at each other and were friends from that moment. Kindred spirit flashed recognition to kindred spirit.
-- Chapter 6, Anne’s House of Dreams
7. Queen of my heart and life and home
"Gilbert, would you like my hair better if it were like Leslie's?" she asked wistfully.
"I wouldn't have your hair any color but just what it is for the world," said Gilbert, with one or two convincing accompaniments.
You wouldn't be ANNE if you had golden hair—or hair of any color but"—
"Red," said Anne, with gloomy satisfaction.
"Yes, red—to give warmth to that milk-white skin and those shining gray-green eyes of yours. Golden hair wouldn't suit you at all Queen Anne—MY Queen Anne—queen of my heart and life and home."
"Then you may admire Leslie's all you like," said Anne magnanimously.”
-Chapter 12, Anne’s House of Dreams
8.  Annest of Annes
But the best of all was when Gilbert came to her, as she stood at her window, watching a fog creeping in from the sea, over the moonlit dunes and the harbour, right into the long narrow valley upon which Ingleside looked down and in which nestled the village of Glen St. Mary.
"To come back at the end of a hard day and find you! Are you happy, Annest of Annes?"
"Happy!" Anne bent to sniff a vaseful of apple blossoms Jem had set on her dressing-table. She felt surrounded and encompassed by love. "Gilbert dear, it's been lovely to be Anne of Green Gables again for a week, but it's a hundred times lovelier to come back and be Anne of Ingleside."
-- Chapter 3, Anne of Ingleside
9. I couldn’t live without you
Anne felt like a released bird . . . she was flying again. Gilbert's arms were around her . . . his eyes were looking into hers in the moonlight.
"You do love me, Gilbert? I'm not just a habit with you? You haven't said you loved me for so long."
"My dear, dear love! I didn't think you needed words to know that. I couldn't live without you. Always you give me strength. There's a verse somewhere in the Bible that is meant for you . . . 'She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.'"
Life which had seemed so grey and foolish a few moments before was golden and rose and splendidly rainbowed again. The diamond pendant slipped to the floor, unheeded for the moment. It was beautiful . . . but there were so many things lovelier . . . confidence and peace and delightful work . . . laughter and kindness . . . that old safe feeling of a sure love.
"Oh, if we could keep this moment for ever, Gilbert!"
"We're going to have some moments. It's time we had a second honeymoon. Anne, there's going to be a big medical congress in London next February. We're going to it . . . and after it we'll see a bit of the Old World. There's a holiday coming to us. We'll be nothing but lovers again . . . it will be just like being married over again. You haven't been like yourself for a long time. ("So he had noticed.") You're tired and overworked . . . you need a change. ("You too, dearest. I've been so horribly blind.") I'm not going to have it cast up to me that doctors' wives never get a pill. We'll come back rested and fresh, with our sense of humour completely restored. Well, try your pendant on and let's get to bed. I'm half dead for sleep . . . haven't had a decent night's sleep for weeks, what with twins and worry over Mrs. Garrow."
--Chapter 41, Anne of Ingleside
10. Old love light
DR. BLYTHE:- “The old, old love light that was kindled so many years ago in Avonlea ... and burns yet, Anne ... at least for me.” 
ANNE:- “And for me, too. And will burn forever, Gilbert.” 
-- Page 189, The Blythes Are Quoted
Feel free to respond to this post with any of your favorite shirbert moments that I missed!
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
Domestic Life Series: Izanami Hifumi
(here’s one of those things I said I finished and just never posted... ones are also done for Jakurai, Rei, Rosho, and Rio but I’ll scatter them through the queue so you don’t only have these to deal with if they’re not your thing!)
Izanami Hifumi
Who kisses the other on the nose and the one receiving the kiss blushes?
Hifumi loves little acts of affection and is quick to press a kiss to your nose when you least expect it, pulling away with a pleased (somewhat mischievous) smile as he sees your reaction. He loved when your cheeks grew hot at his actions even as you insisted you weren’t embarrassed, peppering them in even more kisses to make them heat up even more. If you were to do the same to him in turn you’d get much the same reaction as he’s used to being the one to give all the love but he’s always grateful when he gets to receive it, pulling you back and asking if you could give him a few more to get him through the day.
Who sits on their partners lap as they wrap their arms around their partners neck?
You don’t even have to make his lap your seat voluntarily as he’ll happily pull you right down onto him, arms like a vice refusing to let you leave him too early. He liked to do this whenever you walked past him with no care of what you had been previously doing, he had once even done it while you had a cold drink in hand which quickly spilled over both of you from the surprise; Hifumi had laughed it off, nuzzling into your shoulder as he apologized for getting ahead of himself. When you go to visit him at the host club, specifically wanting to have his attention on you for the night, he’s the one who seats himself on your lap, winking and asking if there’s anything special you’d like to request since you were a VIP customer to him.
Who kisses the inside of their partner’s palm before reassuring them everything is going to be okay?
Hifumi is surprisingly in tune with your emotions, always watching you carefully while a stressful situation is occurring and knowing when he has to step in to protect you best; when you’re feeling down and need someone to talk to he wants you to be able to confide in him, considering it to be one of the most important things to establish in a relationship. When he takes your hand in his you know what he’s about to do and you never stop him, feeling some of the tension leaving your body as Hifumi’s lips grace your palm, his kisses so light it almost feels like he’s simply brushing a feather there. He looked up at you with glowing eyes as he gives even more reassurance that everything will be okay as long as he’s by your side, refusing to allow anything terrible to happen while he was around.
Who initiates the forehead touch?
You and Hifumi take turns, the forehead touch being a nice way to show the other you were craving their attention. Hifumi especially knows what it means when you enter the house after having a hard day, holding his face in your hands as you pressed your forehead against his, saying nothing as words weren’t needed. Hifumi does it when he’s feeling needy, when you’ve been focused on other things all day and he wanted just a moment of your time, leaning down to capture your lips first before pulling away to take a breath and having his forehead pressed against yours. He loves to be close to you like that, squeezing your hands and keeping you pressed up against him until he’s satisfied (or Doppo comes along and gives him a look).
Where do they first say “I love you”?
Hifumi had just gotten home from his celebration fishing trip with Doppo and Jakurai, in a great mood and happy to finally be back home with you; he tells you over and over how much he had missed cuddling up to you at night. Doppo confirmed that Hifumi had said your name so much in his sleep that it had woken him up constantly all night and after apologizing to the poor sleep-deprived man who only had a boot and no prize money left to show from the trip that weekend you and Hifumi disappeared into your room. He wasn’t the type to seem to ever run out of energy but he wanted nothing more than to just be in your arms, telling you he’d be perfectly content to spend the rest of the day in bed with you. His ‘I love you’ is so quiet you thought he said it in his sleep at first but he was gazing up at you with the fondest look you’d ever seen on his face and you knew he meant it.
Who wraps their arms around their partner who’s cooking?
You generally do this to Hifumi as he always insisted on picking up cooking duty, telling you he enjoyed being the one to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for everyone in the apartment so you didn’t have to worry about it. When you come to check in on him he always gives you a little taste of what he’s making, letting out a pleased hum when you hug him from behind as he’s working hard, warning you that you might get a little dirty as his apron did it’s job properly (flour just seemed as attracted to his clothes as he was to you). He doesn’t ever consider you a bother and in fact prefers when you keep him company when he’s in the kitchen.
Who breaks out the first aid kid when the other gets a paper cut?
Hifumi is always the one who takes care of you and tries to handle situations like this himself, even when his wounds are bad enough that he should seek out the help of others. You always scold him for trying to take the independent route when you’re right here and more than willing to coddle him, holding his cut hand in yours as you run it under the sink. The entire time that you’re cleaning and gently tending to his wound he’s insisting that he’s just fine while little hearts are floating around his head, thinking you looked cute when you doted over him. He still doesn’t think the cut is a big deal nor does he like the thought of you worrying yourself sick over him but he appreciates having someone to care for him.
Who cuddles up to the other?
If there’s anything that Hifumi is it’s cuddly, naturally finding his way snuggled into your side when you sleep next to each other at night. Even if you start off on opposite ends of the couch he drifts closer, Hifumi being on your lap an inevitability if you’re on the couch long enough. Stroke your fingers through his hair and listen to his sleepy ramblings about how much he loves you and you’ll have his entire heart, only able to drift off peacefully due to feeling safe with you by his side. Hifumi likes to be little spoon but he’ll be big spoon just as often if you want, curling up with you from behind and resting his head on your back as he listened to the sound of you breathing.
Who falls asleep on who? What is their reaction when the other falls asleep on them?
Hifumi is more likely to fall asleep on you before you do, nodding off constantly during movies or shows if he had worked the previous night. He goes to bed then wakes up early still to make breakfast, doing chores around the house until he finally takes a moment for himself at your insistence. You can never fault him for needing a little nap and quickly wrap a blanket around him, turning the TV down low and resting a hand on his head as he snoozes away. He’s always apologetic when he wakes up and seems to feel genuinely bad that he fell asleep on you but you reassure him it’s just fine as his sleeping face is rather cute to look at.
Who likes to be held and who likes to hold?
Please hold Hifumi. He needs the reassurance, the comfort, the feeling of safety that comes with being held in the arms of the person he loves the most. He’s always the one to initiate, to act first, to do all that he can to make sure you’re comfortable and happy that he sometimes forgets himself. Being a good partner means bringing balance, making him realize he deserves all the love you want to give him and more, gently reminding him of how worthy of love he is. He’s not foolish enough to get into a relationship where he’s not shown the basic levels of respect and kindness but having a person who goes above and beyond for him is what truly makes him realize the two of you are soulmates.
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In these apparently trying times of "lack of content" I was wondering if we could get a glimpse behind the tablet and see how you write! Could you talk about your process and how you keep track of things and parse out your story? Do you storyboard or write rigorous notes? Is it all in your head? I am super curious about your system.
Oh yikes I’m about to disappoint a lot of people. 
Okay, here’s the thing - I cannot physically keep notes because I get distracted and forget to write things down. I’ve tried keeping notebooks for WD!Steven stuff and I have come to accept that it’s only for show. I barely use it. I cannot use my memory on the effort of writing notes - I’d much rather use that energy to remember things in my head.
I brute-force everything through my mind palace. My mind... house... mindshack. 
My process is simple: 
Step 1) THINK
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I constantly get asks that I feel might be good for the comics. I’ve made posts on this before but the main way I decide if I’ll use an ask is:
Is the ask addressed explicitly to Steven (or another character?)
Is the ask not giving away any fourth-wall-breaking information?
Is the ask actually ASKING Steven an open-ended question or TELLING Steven to do something?
If the ask is too vague (”so what do u like”) or gives away too much (“Steven don’t u think ur actually half-human? If Rose had a baby it would be half gem half human. Wouldn’t that be the same as u? You should ask Rose about a gem named Spinel I bet she would freak out!!!!!”) or if the ask is just pushing for Steven to do something instead of asking (”go to the moon base!”) then I almost always ignore it. 
Step 2) Storyboard!
After choosing a question, I’ll sit and… stare at my desk/the wall/twitter without seeing it and instead storyboard the entire comic in my head. Sometimes this happens in a matter of minutes. Sometimes I’ll work it over in my mind’s eye for days before I like it. This includes the dialogue.
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Yes, I do this while driving. I have an hour drive to work. No, I have never been in an accident. My autopilot works really well. I guess. Probably. I often have no memory of the actual drive itself but the comic gets written. 
Step 3) Sketch!
Afterwards I go into my drawing program (MediBang Paint) and sketch out each individual panel on a layer. Sometimes the sketches are detailed. Sometimes they are just sloppy action lines to remind me what I’m going for.
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I script in my head WHILE I’m drawing the sketches. I try out different lines as I go through each panel and see what fits the most. This sketching process takes about 3-5 minutes per panel. 
Step 4) Lineart!
After I’ve sketched at least 50% of the comic, I go back in and start doing lineart. I will do this mindlessly - it is only at this point that I allow myself to listen to a podcast, or music, or have a YouTube video running while I draw. (I cannot sketch/storyboard/script with any sort of noise on. Has to be dead silent.)
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The initial lineart process takes about 10 minutes per panel if the panel is simple like the one above. If I go through the process of adding necessary details, patterns, or have to create phone background detail, or draw a background in general, then it will obviously take longer.
If I do color comics, it takes 3 times as long which is why I hate coloring.
For the Lapis arc I also added tones. It was not as annoying as coloring, but it still took me twice as long as an average panel because there was so much layering to be done between the water/lapis’ wings/backgrounds. It was not fun. 
Step 5) Dialogue 
After I finish the lines for ALL the panels, or at least 50%, I start going back in and finally adding dialogue and details. I do the dialogue all at once because it allows me to view the flow more naturally. I end up reading and re-reading the panels several times to make sure there are no repeating words and that it flows more or less like a normal conversation would.
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This takes about… eh… an hour or so for an average 20-panel comic? 
The bulk of my editing is done at this stage. I will go back through and re-read the finished comic several times and try to weed out weird details or typos. 
If I find none, I post it to Patreon, because it’s a guarantee that I will find 3 more immediately afterwards. That’s how posting art to social media works. Also, many of my Patreon patrons are usually kind enough to point out any typos I’ve missed. (MediBang doesn’t have a spellcheck so don’t judge me too harshly…)
And that’s….. it. I post to Patreon, make any last-minute fixes if I have to, and then queue everything to tapas and tumblr. 
And then I immediately begin to worry about the next comic. Because… that���s how it works. 
I understand it’s not exactly a professional process. That’s because I’m not a professional! I’m self-taught, and this comic is meant to be for fun, not for profit. If I make a Season-finale comic or a season-start comic, I typically go through the same steps, except I add thumbnailing to the mix (drawing tiny copies of the pages on post-it notes to see how many pages I can fix it to.)
Hope that was… educational? I don’t know. Either way…
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heyitsani · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
I didn’t forget this week!  It’s a minor accomplishment, but still makes me happy.  Anyway, I’m queueing up a couple posts because next Wednesday I’ll be on vacation and can promise I won’t remember while scrambling to pack for myself and the gremlins. 
This week (and next week’s) are snippets from the fic I mentioned Saturday that is based on the song “Mr. Perfectly Fine”.  There is soooooo much angst and pain in this fic, I apologize in advance.  It will have a happy ending, but it is a painful ride.
@mlim8 requested some good dad!Bruce for this snippet so here we are.  This picks up right after Dick finds out that Barbara, his finacee, has been cheating on him while at a birthday party for Wally.  This fic also includes Clark as Dick’s agent, second father figure, and best friend to Bruce.
Completely unedited as always.
“Did you tell B?”
“No,” Clark said, shaking his head as he pulled into the parking lot of his building.  “But I have no doubt that he had to have seen it by now. All the major gossip papers have the pictures.  If he hasn’t been called by WE public relations than one of your brothers have probably brought it to his attention.”  Cringing at the thought of Tim or Damian knowing, Dick shrunk a little into the seat. He wasn’t sure he wanted to deal with his family right then either.  Clark seeing him like this was enough.  He was an adult, a full grown man of almost 35, he could deal with this.  He could handle this.  “Speak of the devil,” Clark muttered as his phone began to ring as he pulled into his space.  “Bruce,” he greeted the caller.
“Where is he? He’s not answering his phone.” Clark looked over at Dick but Dick kept his eyes on the phone connected to Clark’s dash on speaker.  “Clark…where is my son?”
“I’m here, B,” Dick said, saving Clark from lying or coming up with an excuse.  
There was a whoosh of Bruce releasing a heavy breath.  “Are you okay?”  Dick closed his eyes and leaned his head back, ignoring the sound of Clark’s door opening and shutting, knowing the man was giving him some privacy.  “Dick?”
“No,” he admitted, swiping at the wetness starting to coat his cheeks.  “I was at Wally’s party when Clark called hoping to catch me before all the alerts went out.”  Bruce swore and Dick silently agreed.  “I got out as fast as I could and Clark came to get me.”
There was a beat of silence and Dick knew Bruce was trying to think of a way to say what Dick knew would be coming.  Since before he had confirmation if Bruce even knew, he knew his dad would insist he come home.
“I can’t come home, B.  I can’t. I have to finish the press tour for the new film.  I don’t think finding out that my fiancée was cheating on me is a good enough reason to cancel the last three legs,” he said before Bruce could ask.  
“You can’t blame me for wanting you to come home.  I remember what happened after Catalina.  I didn’t notice in time…”  Dick’s eyes closed again and he bit his lip to keep from sobbing.  Instead he covered his face with his hands and tried to take steady breaths.  “Please Dick, just ask Clark if it’s possible.”
“I can’t, B. You taught me to keep my commitments. You taught me to be dependable.  I can’t just turn that off after all these years.”
“A dad could hope.”
Dick let out a snort.
“Your brothers are going to bombard you soon.  I can hear them outside my office whispering.”  That was not something Dick was prepared to deal with.  “I’ll hold them off as long as I can.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
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nolanscheeks · 4 years
“Happy Birthday” BB
Hey guys! So I know Brock’s birthday was yesterday but I had a midterm this morning so I couldn’t write till today. As always, this is completely made up! I didn’t proof read, so be patient with me.**
Warnings: light mention of smut
** “Good morning, birthday boy” you more or less screech at Brock the moment you see his eyes blink open just after 9am. **
“Good morning” he yawned, rubbing his eyes. You sat down next to where he nestled under the covers and leaned down to give him a kiss.  You love birthdays, any reason to bake a cake, buy things, have a party and celebrate is right up your alley. Unfortunately, this year there would be no crazy night out in downtown Vancouver, but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to do everything you could to make your boyfriend’s day special. His team has a game tonight so you guys had made a plan to celebrate the next day, an off day, but you couldn’t resist celebrating on the actual day as well. You’d set an early alarm for morning, as a couple you guys were usually up on the early side, but you wanted to make sure you got up even earlier so you could bake Brock’s favourite chocolate chip banana bread and make him a coffee to surprise him with when he woke up. 
“I made you banana bread for your birthday breakfast” you whispered in his ear, gesturing towards the bedside table where you had placed a few slices of banana bread and two hot cups of coffee.
“I thought we were gonna do my birthday tomorrow.”
“Who said we can’t celebrate today, too?” You playfully tapped the tip of his nose. Brock shrugged and pushed up into a seated position, back resting on the headboard, so you could hand him a cup.
“Thank you, y/n” he said, taking a sip. You grabbed your coffee as well and adjusted yourself so you were sitting next to Brock, leaning back against the headboard as well.
“Ok so,” you inhaled, getting a breath so you could recite your birthday plans for him, “we’re going to eat, then let’s take the dogs out and get more coffee, then we can watch a movie or something before your nap and then I have something for you tonight” you winked at him. The something was a bodysuit you’d picked up at Victoria’s Secret while Brock was at practice yesterday. Brock wasn’t a guy that cared if you got dressed up for him or not, constantly insisting you were just as, if not more, beautiful naked or in PJs but you wanted to spice it up for him, especially on his birthday.
“What’s the surprise?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll see when you get home.”
“Is it a puppy?”
You laughed, “yes, Brock. I got you a puppy.” He grinned at you and rested his head on your shoulder. 
“We really don’t need another puppy” he gestured to Coolie and Milo, who were spread out on their huge beds that took up half the floor. 
“Milo is enough of a puppy.” Milo is a handful, always wanting to play, chewing the furniture, biting at Coolie, and whining at the door even after being outside multiple times. At his name, Milo jumped up and rested his face on the edge of the bed, tail wagging. 
“I guess that’s our queue” Brock chuckled, throwing his legs over the side of the best to get up. You hummed in agreement and got up as well, time for a dog walk. 
After a relaxing walk, well, as relaxing as Milo would allow, you and Brock settled on the couch with acai bowls for lunch and Gossip Girl, as per his request, on the TV.
“What time do you think you’ll be home tonight?” you ask around a bite of granola. Brock’s game day routine had been pretty standard the whole time you’d known him but with the protocols and new way of doing media he was getting home anywhere between 10 and 11:30pm after games. 
“Depends on how it goes and if I’m doing post-games” he shrugs, “got something you have to do?”
“No” you replied, smirking at him. 
“I’ll text you.”
“Perfect.” After finishing up lunch and a few too many episodes of Gossip Girl, Brock got up.
“Nap time” he held his hand out, “you should nap with me.” 
“Fine, but only because it’s your birthday” you conceded, taking the hand he offered and following him into the bedroom. You weren’t much for naps, sleeping in the middle of the day felt wrong and often let you groggy, but if he wanted to nap together today, you would do it.
You dozed a little, but not really. It felt like days had passed when Brock’s phone went off and he untangled himself from you. You watched him get ready and then kissed him goodbye as he went off to the rink. After closing the door you got to work. You melted chocolate to dip strawberries into, baked a cake, had dinner, walked and fed the dogs, showered, and got into your new lingerie all while the Canucks game played on your TV. You lit candles in the bedroom, so they would be dripping when it was time and set up the chocolate fondue. By the time you had everything ready the game-ending buzzer sounded and you began to watch your phone for Brock’s promised post-game text. The game had been a bit of a bust, a three-nothing shutout in favour of the Oilers, but whatever, that would slip Brock’s mind the moment he got home.
You idly watched your phone, waiting for his text, but by 10:15 it still hadn’t come. Brock had probably forgotten he was supposed to text you which wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, he was often guilty of forgetting small things. You’d been wearing nothing but lingerie, so you threw on a hoodie to keep you warm. Another five minutes passed by and then the front door opened and Brock entered. He shucked off his shoes and coat with a huff, greeting the dogs with a pat on the head instead of the usually enthusiastic hugs they were used to.
“Hey” you greeted, a little wary. He seemed pissed, probably an overflow from the game.
“Hey” he walked over to the fridge, grabbing a protein shake and popping it open.
“You forgot to text me” you teased. You had meant it as a joke, but at your words he tensed up. 
“Sorry” he snapped, “I was a little busy getting my ass hung up by the fucking Oilers.”
“I thought you played well” you tried to reassure him. You hadn’t watched the whole game, but what you had watched looked good.
“It doesn’t matter what you thought, we still got shutout.” He drained the last of his protein shake and the plastic bottle into the sink. Brock’s words stung a little bit. Of course your opinion doesn’t turn the loss into a win, but it wasn’t very nice of him to say your opinion didn’t matter. It also hurt that he had forgotten that you had promised a surprise. There was no point arguing though, he would cool-down and you’d get to have birthday sex, just maybe not tonight. You returned to where you’d been sitting on the couch and patted the seat beside you, beckoning one of the dogs to jump up. Sure enough, Coolie hopped up and cuddled into your side. 
“Your dad is in a mood” you informed Coolie, speaking as if he could understand you. You heard Brock scoff from the kitchen. You ignored him in favour of scratching Coolie behind the ears. 
“Baby” you were completely preoccupied with loving the dog when you heard Brock call out. “You did this?” He was obviously referring to your bedroom, set up like a scene from a romcom. You got up and joined him in the bedroom.
“Yeah” you admitted, “I thought we could have a little fun.”
“Fuck, I love it” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you, “and I love you.”
“Reach under my sweater” you instructed, wanting to guide him towards his surprise. He complied and you felt his arm snake up under the hoodie and grab hold of one of the straps connecting your bra and panties.
“Oh my god” he breathed.
“Happy birthday” you whispered, placing your lips on his.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it:)
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sckyie · 4 years
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word count: 2.5k
genre + warnings: enemies to lovers; coworkers, office love, alcohol mentioned, swearing
pronouns used: she/her
a/n: hi hi here’s my exchange gift for @coophi! happy holidays and stay safe, i hope you like what i wrote for you! [ this was apart of @/haikyuucreations secret santa ]
You put your forehead on the table groaning at the recent news. "You'll get'em next time, Y/n," your coworker rubbed your back. You sighed louder as you heard something being placed on your desk. You shift your face towards the corner of the surface to see a coffee cup with your name scribbled on the side.
You rolled your eyes and looked up to see the new lead, Kuroo, being congratulated by everyone. "That was supposed to be my promotion," You grumbled. You stared at the coffee up and walked over to Kuroo's desk. Leaving the filled cup, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Kuroo watched as you rejected his peace offering before leaving the office. He understood how you felt once you heard that you didn't get the promotion. Your papers were perfect, clients loved you both, but the one thing keeping you from getting the promotion was simple. Kuroo's numbers were much higher than yours and it crushed yours.
The thought of endless nights staying late to catch up became pointless. The effort in surpassing him wasn't necessary anymore. All your work, all your stressful nights, everything didn't matter to the manager and execs.
"Hmph," Kuroo seated himself and stared at your drink on his desk.
"Something wrong, Kuroo?" Your coworker peeked beside him.
"Oh nothing," He responds.
You return to your desk, side-eyeing your now superior. You took a deep breath before returning to your paperwork.
Numbers, numbers, numbers. You spent your shift calculating, writing, and fixing errors. The jumble of text on your screen began to hurt your brain for working so hard.
The day dreaded on as the anger in you fumed. It wasn't that you were mad for not getting the promotion. You were furious that out of all people it'd be Kuroo who got it. You despised his snarky, overly confident facade and his petty ways of trying to show you how great he was.
Finally, your shift comes to an end but so does Kuroo's. You two walk together to the elevators though you tried your hardest avoiding him. "Did I get your order wrong?" Kuroo smirked as he pressed the lobby button.
"I don't want your pity coffee," You muttered.
"It's not a pity coffee," He rebutted. "It was a hot chai latte."
"Haha," You mocked. "I don't even like chai."
"Then what do you like?" Kuroo smiled.
"Not you," You immediately walked out of the elevator, making your way to the parking lot.
"Tsk," He was the tiniest bit irritated by your tone but decided to try again tomorrow.
Papers, papers, papers. Endless papers for you to edit and write at home. It was torture but how else could you succeed in your career. Things were already shit with Kuroo trying to be friends with you. Nevertheless, you finished at least ten pages of reports for tomorrow's agenda.
Early morning, you arrived at the office before everyone like normal. Kuroo arrives with two coffees and a small brown bag. He walked over, placing the snack and cup on your desk without a word. He walks to his desk and begins his work without interacting.
You turn the cup to check what it was. "Café latte," You mouthed. You peeked in the small bag to see a blueberry muffin. Before you could return the drink, people began to file into the room. You rolled your eyes and sipped on the drink.
"Success," Kuroo thought to himself as he watched you snack and sip the offerings.
It became a daily thing for Kuroo to bring you drinks. Never the same one twice, but always a blueberry muffin. You gave in to his gesture and thanked him silently whenever he passed by.
Your favorite interaction however was his failed attempt in talking to you. "You come here often?" He asked as he placed your coffee on your desk.
"Considering I work here, yes," You say sarcastically.
"Wow I'm literally so stupid," Kuroo thought. Kuroo saw many opportunities to talk to you more but fell nervous every time. It was always hard for him to get close to someone new. His past relationships had left him hopeless for his own future. The toxicity from the past girls left him thinking he'd never be happy with someone. These past few years, he'd been focusing on himself.
Then you walked into his life. After being transferred to a new branch, you seemed different than any other girl he's met. Kuroo saw hope in you and believed that you could be the light of his love life. He admired your attention to detail, your determination, and well, your beauty. Kuroo saw all your greatest features yet he could never bring himself to tell you his admiration.
One day, you had already a shitty morning and didn't want to deal with anything at work. From annoying traffic to angry clients to the blisters from your heels, you wanted more than anything for the day to end.
A few upset clients later, your head began to pound and you excused yourself for an early break. Kuroo turned to see you sulk away, causing him to furrow his eyebrows.
"What's with Y/n?" He asks his desk neighbor.
"Oh, two of her clients weren't co-operating and it's getting her frustrated," She responded. "She's been having a bad day."
Kuroo looks at your desk curiously and noticed how you had removed your heels under your desk. "Be right back," Kuroo gets up from his desk and walked over to the shared kitchen area to grab some things.
You returned from your short break to be greeted with a small pile of things. Bandages for your blisters, medicine for your headache, water, and a cut-up apple. "Take it easy," You found a post-it on the water bottle. You looked at your screen to see your client queue cleared with everyone on the list as approved. Confused as ever, you make use of the mystery goods to tend to your needs.
"Attention everyone, tonight Ryu here is throwing a little work party at his apartment," Your manager announced. "It is a small goodbye party for him and congratulations to our new lead, Kuroo." You rolled your eyes at Kuroo's name and continued to snack on the apples.
Later that night, you arrived at Ryu's house, catching Kuroo's attention. "Woah," Your male coworker gasped at the sight of you. "Damn, how is she single."
"Hey calm down, Kuroo-san has a crush on her," Other teased.
"Fuck off and keep my love life out your mouth," Kuroo nudges his shoulder. Though they weren't wrong, you were stunning. Dressed to impress and you even put your hair down from your usual updo. Kuroo was left speechless, thus leaving him too anxious to tell you anything.
After one cheesy speech and a big congratulations, the drinking began. Kuroo began to get too into the moment, having one too many drinks. You, however, stayed sober the whole party. You snickered at the sight of your drunk colleagues.
Kuroo's cheeks were bright red and he walked funny. He made his way towards you and you couldn't help but laugh. This was his chance to confess. "I- I- want-" He hiccuped between words. Kuroo began to get lost in thought, forgetting he was drunk confessing. "I- want my- keys- I- need- need  to go- home."
"I don't think so," You snatch his keys from the key holder before he could. "Do you want me to take you home?" He nodded excessively as you rolled your eyes. You chat with Ryu shortly before taking Kuroo to your car.
"Kamikita Apartments," You say. You had asked Ryu as you saw no hope in getting anything out of Kuroo. He slowly fell asleep in your car as you drove through the lit city. "I hope you know, I'm only doing this because you're drunk. I still don't like you."
"Mhm," Kuroo says in his sleep. You giggled at his expression all the way to his apartment.
Kuroo rests his arm around your shoulder as you two made your way to the apartment. You unlock the door and Kuroo immediately walks to the bedroom. Once he realized you weren't behind him, he turns back. "Where'd you go?" He pouted.
"Nowhere," You followed into his room. "Where are your pajamas- Oh, here. Change while I get you water."
Kuroo obeys your order and seats himself as he waited for his water. To him, he had already confidently talked to you about how he felt. Yet in reality, he was too drunk to even comprehend the front of his shirt.
"Here," You notice the tag in the front of his shirt as he chugged the water. "Your shirt is backward."
"Help me?" He begged. You facepalm at his tone but agreed. It felt like you were taking care of a baby. Your cheeks flushed pink once you helped him take off his shirt. You stopped to admire his face as you adjusted the middle of his sleep shirt. His hands move to rest on your hips. "It's so cold. Thank you for helping me change. Oh, and Y/n?"
"Y-yes?" You stuttered at his large hands.
"I have something to tell you," His voice started to sound sleepy. "I love you." Your eyes widen and you couldn't show him your shy expression.
"Tell me that again when you're sober," You move his hands away from you. Making your way to the light switch, you looked at the sad Kuroo. "I'll sleep in the living room. Just- go to bed."
Thankfully you had a change of clothes in your trunk that you used to sleep in. You got ready for bed, chuckling at the sounds of Kuroo snoring next door to the bathroom.
You laid silently on the couch staring at the ceiling. Those three words, you never thought you'd hear them from him of all people. It'd been years since your last break up, so you'd always been so closed off when it came to men. After getting heartbroken, you didn't think another man could love you. Kuroo was no exception. Sure he was handsome but you were adamant about staying single for the longest.
The thought of Kuroo in your life lingered up until the morning. He had woken up before you and found himself with a pounding headache. He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. As he drank his water, he spit-sprayed the water out of his mouth when he spots you sleeping. He began to cough aggressively before collecting himself. "Wha- what is she doing here?!" He whispered.
You woke up to the sound of your dying colleague, rubbing your eyes to the bright room. Kuroo walked over to you as you sat up, pulling the blanket to your lap. "Good morning," You yawned. "How's the hangover?"
"What are you doing here?" Kuroo panicked.
"You were shit-faced. This was the one thing I could do for repaying you for the coffees," You say.
"Did I do- did I say anything stupid?" He hides his face in his hands.
"You told me something," You began to fiddle with your thumbs. "I don't know if you meant it or not, but you told me you loved me."
"I...did?" Kuroo slowly moves his hands to look at you. Your face was red and you were playing with your sleeves now.
"Well, did you mean it?" You ask. "If you didn't..."
Kuroo reached over and pulled your chin up with his index knuckle and thumb. "I meant it," He says. "I really did."
Your face grew warmer at his words. "Why?" You sighed. "I'm so mean to you."
"Because," Kuroo moves his hand away to stare at his lap. "I love your smile. I love the way you work. I love how determined you are. The way you sign your papers with a tiny heart. The way you laugh at the smallest things. And...I know you might hate my guts but ever since I saw you, I admired you. You make so many people smile and bring happiness to the room. I thought I'd been on your shit list but I'm glad you took care of me- See that's another thing, you put yourself after everyone else. That's why I gave you bandaids, buy you coffee, finished your quotas for you. I just think you deserve better than what you have right now. And I'm so impressed by you-"
You got annoyed by his rambling and decided to grab his cheeks. You interrupted his words by crashing your lips into his. "You literally talk so much," You pulled away. "Can I talk now?"
Kuroo was stunned at the fact that you just kissed him to shut him up. "You just- kissed-" You pressed your lips on his again to keep him quiet. He deepened the kiss before you could pull away. "You can talk." He smiled as he pulled away.
"Okay," You move from his face. "I wanted to say, you weren't on my shit list or whatever. I was upset I didn't get the promotion and I didn't like your attitude. But, getting to know you I learnt how different you really are. Especially when you’re drunk, it's funny. Besides that, I didn't know how you felt, I didn't notice all the things you've done for me."
Kuroo placed his palm on yours, carefully comparing the size of it to yours. "I didn't think I could fall in love with someone who didn't give me the time of day," He says. You moved your fingers to trace his.
"How are you so sure that you love me?" You laced your fingers with Kuroo's.
"That's the thing, I'm not sure," Kuroo looked down at his lap. "I did all those things just to make your days easier. I thought all the small gestures I did, wouldn't matter to you. That they were just tedious things that bothered you. To be honest, I'm afraid of letting someone into my heart. I was drunk when I told you and I meant it but I want to know for sure that I'm in love with you before anything."
"Do you want to find out?" You say softly.
"Only if you'd let me," Kuroo looked up to see you smiling at him. You nodded and leaned in for another kiss. "Man if only your kisses made this hangover go away."
You rolled your eyes and pressed your lips against his once more. The feeling of his hands move to your waist caused the heat in your face to return. Kuroo pulls you to straddle his lap as he deepened the kiss. Your hands rest on his shoulders while he rubbed your sides.
"I promise to make you the happiest woman in the world," He whispered as he pulled away.
"Do I still get morning coffee?" You giggled.
"And your blueberry muffin," Kuroo chuckled. You smiled before pecking his lips. You rest your head on the crook of his neck as he rubbed your back. "I won't disappoint you."
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @just-a-siiimp @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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bakugous-bakahoe · 4 years
A Wonderful Birthday  (Bakugou x reader x Momo)
Hello, Sorry that I haven't been posting my fic has much I started Uni, it’s getting a bit difficult. But never the less I will keep writing, and a friend of mine gave me the idea to write this. So, thank you very much.
Bakugou x Reader x Momo Smut
Warning: Threesome, oral (male receiving), The devils tango.
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April 20th
That was the date that was looming over my head like a guillotine. I didn't know what to do... I wanted to do something special, but nothing too flashy.
So, now I'm here. Sitting on the the sofa of our shared apartment with my best friend, Momo, drinking some wine.
"Momo, what am I going to do!" I questioned.
"Well, what exactly do you want to do?" She said has she took a sip of her wine.
"I wanna do something sexy, but something that he will never forget." I said with a smile. She looked at me with a small smile.
"If you want something sexy you could try some of those crotchless lingerie, then try something you haven't done." Momo said, taking another sip and started talking again. "What have you done?"
"No way. How much have you guys done?!" Momo said shocked, nearly spilling a bit of her wine.
"Well, we knew that we couldn't do anything at the dorm. So, when we graduated instead of going to the after activities we decided to go on vacation to Greece. That was where our first time happened." The last sentence coming out of my mouth like a whisper.
"That's so cute!" She squealed.
"After that it was like a can of pent-up frustration was open inside of both of us. So, we kinda had sex on a couple of locations in Greece." I said scratching my cheek while I took of sip of my cup.
"OH my God, (Y/N). I knew you were dirty but damn." She said with a bit of smirk. "Have you done anal?" She asked.
"No. I want to try it when we get married."
"Nice. Then maybe you could try a threesome." Momo said innocently.
"I never thought about that." She does have a point, I never thought of doing it with Katsuki and another person.
"Well if you have a good sex life you don't have to."
"Maybe you could surprise him with that."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today was the day.
Today is Katsuki’s birthday. I woke up early so that I could prepare him some breakfast before he went on patrol. On queue he came out of our bedroom, wearing some grey sweatpants. Only grey sweatpants.
I stop what I was doing and gave him a hug.
"Happy 24th birthday, Katsuki."
"Thank you." He said has he kissed the top of my head. "Also don't just leave the stove on when there’s stuff cooking, idiot."
"I know! But it's on low." I moved back to the stove and he leaned onto the counter. I started to make some scrambled eggs with some bacon and toast. I turned around to put to toast the piece of bread.
"Babe, at what hour do you leave work tonight?" I said has a i turned to look at him.
"I don't know. My shift starts around 12:00. So, probably around 6 or 7, It depends on what’s gonna happen. Why?"
"Just wondering." I said with a smile while I flip the strains of bacon.
"You better not make plans for a party. All I wanna do is spend some time relaxing. This month has been fucking awful." He said, irritation bleeding out of his voice.
"Well, I have a surprise but it's not a party." That last bit caught his attention.
"Oh, really? Can you give me a hint?"
"Nope." I answered putting emphasis on P. "You are going to have to wait." I plated his food and we sat down on the table. When we finished our breakfast he started to pick up my plate but I stopped him by placing my hand on his own.
"Babe, today is your day. You're not doing anything. Go watch TV."
"I wanna help." He tsked.
"Fine." i started to clean, while he was distracted I took out my phone and started to text, Momo.
To: Yayu-chan
'Mo, is everything in order?'
'Yeah, lingerie acquired. Your end?'
'We‘re done with breakfast. When he’s gone I'll go buy the last thing we need. Meet at my apartment around 5?'
'Okay, does he know?'
'R u sure u wanna do dis?'
'Yes. I'm kinda excited!'
I was going to text back but Katsuki started yelling at me to spend some time with him before he went off to work. We spent the morning together. I love this time when he’s just vulnerable with me. Due to him tending to his hero work all the time we haven't been spending enough time together, but these are the moments we cherish.
When the clock stroke 12, he left for work. I got dressed and went out to buy the last couple of things we needed. Today's gonna be really fun, I need everything to be ready. I went out, bought some roses and some candles. I bought caramel scented candles just to add more familiar smells at home.
When I got home it was already 3:30 p.m., needed to work fast. I started to take the petals of the rose off of the stem, then scattered them all over the bed and a bit on the side of the bed. I picked up my phone, picked Momos contact and waited for her to pick up.
"Hey, (Y/N) what's up?" She said.
"I finished setting up my things. Do you want to come over? I'll buy some food so we can eat and get ready." I asked.
"Sure, I'll be there in 30."
Okay, see ya." I hung up, then picked up my car keys and went to by some food. I bought some salads and some nuggets , then went back home. 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and opened it to greet Momo.
She had a pink luxurious looking bag that had tissue paper coming out of the top. I gave her a hug and we started to walk to the counter. Momo could see that I was curious of what was in the bag, before we started eating she started to open up the bag.
"I bought them yesterday and they are so pretty."
"How much did the cost, Momo!?"
"They weren't that expensive" she said calmly.
"Momo, you're doing it again."
"Okay, fine they were pretty expensive." She pulled them out. One is made out of a satin material the color was baby pink, with some ruffles at the edge of the panties. The bra is very see through and had a cute little bow in the middle.
While the other one was way more sexy, the panty, if you can call it that, is sheer at the front and just a string in the back. The bra was almost exactly the same has the bottom. The material on cover your nipple and it was tied some string, this was turning out better than I was expecting.
They both came with some cute, small, velvet robes. This was turning me on and it wasn’t even 6 yet. We decided to put them back so we could eat.After we finished eating, we spent out time talking. When we noticed that 5 was near I told Momo to take a bath so that she can be prepared first while I cleaned up.
I finished cleaning and went to the bedroom. I saw that she had finished her bath and was applying a bit of makeup. She decided to wear the pink undergarments. God, she looked more innocent than she really is. I needed for the clock to strike 6, like, right then.
I decided to go take a bath, when I got out it was already 5:50. Yes, it was almost time. I went back to the bedroom and put on the lingerie. Momo was laying on the bed checking her phone.
"By the way, Your phone was ringing when you were in the bathroom." She mentioned while I applied a bit of foundation.
"Who was it?"
"It was Bakugou, but I didn't pick it up."
"I'll call him in a bit, I need to put this on." I said while I stood up and went to the bathroom again to apply some red matte lipstick. Then I heard the door open.
"What the hell!" I heard a familiar voice.
"YAYUROZU, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE AND LIKE THAT. THIS IS MY BEDROOM." Bakugou is early, damn. I got out of the bathroom and saw that he was caught of guard by Momo in the bed. He just kept yelling, then yelled at him.
"Babe, shut up!" I yelled, that caught his attention and when he saw me he became a total dumb ass. He was speechless, he didn't know what to say or what to do. I started to walk over to him.
"What the hell are you doing? What the heck is going on?" He said.
"Well... I thought that since it's your birthday, I might as well surprise with something special." I said with a smile on my ruby lips.
"When you said surprise I thought... I don't know, like a home cooked meal, and then spending some time in the bath." He said backing away a bit.
"C'mon, Katsuki it's your birthday. I wanted to do something that you will remember." In all my years with him I've never had the experience to see him this dumbfounded. I moved closer and held one of his hands.
"I want you fuck us, Momo and I." I looked up at him. He was shocked at the words that came out of my mouth.
"Let me be more specific, I want you to rearrange our guts, fuck us until all that we could think is about cock, okay?" I said as I moved closer to his ear and placed my hand down to his crotch and started to massage it.
For the last 3 years, this was something new to us both. One of two things might be going through his head right now. First, this a one time opportunity he could take and go with it. But the second, I what the hell, isn't this like bad?
He looked at me with a half worried expression.
"Is she alright with this?"
"Momo, are you okay with having a threesome with Katsuki and I?" I asked as I turned around and face her. She had her head resting on the headboard and her legs were open but you couldn't see her pussy.
"Sure." she said.
I took Katsukis hand and sat him on a ottoman we have. When I sat him down, I told Momo to come over to where I was. Now, she was next to me, I moved a bit back and I started to put my hand on her breast.
I pull her bra down and her huge boob made it’s way out of that tiny bra. I took both of my hand and started massage her breast. I could notice that she was liking this by how she was breathing. I started to suck on the nape of her neck, taking one of my fingers and pinching her nipple.
"Ahh~" she moaned. I looked back At Katsuki, noticing that he had a hard on. This even exited me more.
"C'mon baby, you are going to miss out all the fun. Look at how great her breasts are.” I said as I kept fondling Momo’s boob.
She was starting to become a moaning mess, she took one of her hands and covered her mouth. Then I decided took one of my hand and drag it down to Momos hip. I pulled the side of her underwear and exposed some her wet pussy.
"Look at her, baby. She's already this wet." I moved my hand down to her clit and started to massage it gently.
"Don't you want some of this fun?" I said while I moved my finger in a circle motion.
"Ngh~~" Momo moaned.
"Do you want more?" I asked her.
"Y-Yes~" when she said that I moved to her front and placed her on her knees. I told her to stay there, while I moved back to the birthday boy. He was still sitting but this time he was pumping his cock on his hand. I moved his hand and pulled him up to his feet and walked over to Momo.
"Baby, do you want us to suck your dick?" I whisper to his ear. He just put his signature smirk on.
"Fuck yes." I got down to my knees to were Momo is and pull down his pants. Right in front us was his big dick. I grabbed his deck and started to pump it, Momo on the other hand was a bit shy.
"Are you sure I can?" She said to me. I just looked at her with a small smile.
"Yes, go for it." She started to suck the tip of his dick, slowly while I pumped the rest of him. I could sence that he was starting to get a bit irritated by how slow she was going so I decided to take a bit of an initiative.
"Momo, if you don't mind. Can I show you something." She stopped sucking his dick and looked at me. I took his dick and started to put it in my moth. A bit further, and a bit more, a bit more until I had swallow him. My nose was hitting his base, thank God he always shaves. Then after a few seconds, I take it out. I has huffing for air at this point.
She was surprised to say the least.
"I don't think I can do that." She said shyly 
"Do you wanna try it?" I asked her. She nodded slowly with a blush on her face. She grabbed his dick, in which he flinched a little and said.
"Can you two hurry the hell up?! So much for being my birthday."
"Let her get into the groove, baby." With that Momo started to move her to take his cock. But Bakugou, being the inpatient asshole that he his, took the back of her neck and pushed her to take him whole.
"Katsuki!" I yelled. He stayed like that for a few seconds and then pulled her away. When she was pulled away she cough a little. I asked her if she was okay and she just nodded. She looked at me and said.
"I want to do it again." She said, I just looked at Katsuki and smirked.
"Then let's get a bit rougher." With that I took the back of her neck and pushed her forward. Katsuki grabbed her her head and started to move her head backwards and forward.
"Who would have thought that a rich bitch like you would have such a good throat." He said, I looked up at him.
"Is she better than me, Sir?" I said while massaging Momo’s boobs. "Look at her boobs, their so big and giggly. She would give such a great tit job, isn't that right, Momo?" She was a gagging and moaning mess. She pulled away and moaned.
"Nhg, yeah~" Momo moaned.
"Nah, you have a way better throat." With that he took my had and shove his dick down my throat. He moves way rougher with me, he knew that I trusted him. He started to move quicker. I'm loving this. Then I started to feel a hand down at my clothe womanhood. She moved my panties to the side and started to rub circles on my clit.
His dick was hitting the back of my throat, my eyes started to water a bit. Then I felt a finger inside of me, this was way better than I was expecting. I could feel his dick twitch on the back of my throat. I started to go faster and when he was about to cum I pull away. I started to pump his dick and he came on our face. This took Momo by surprise, we both have cum all over her face. Momo was about to stand up, but I grabbed her hand and asked her. 
“Where are you going.” I asked her, with cum also on my face.
 I took my hand wand wiped the cum of her face and licked it of my finger. She just looked at me in awe, then I wiped my face and offered to her. She looked at me and them leaned forward and took my finger in her mouth. I could feel Bakugou hand on the back of my head. After that I took her hand and move her to the bed. She lays down and I lay down on top her.  
“Well, this is new.” Momo said with a blush on her face.
“Good or bad?” I asked.
“Definitely a good one.” She said has she grabbed my breast. I moaned, i look back and say. “Well, with who would you like to begin, babe?” He came closer and grabbed my hair and pulled me up so his chest was pressed against him.
“You tell me. Should I stretch your friend first or should i fuck you first so we can see if she can handle it.” He said with a smirk, I smiled and look down at her. “Let mess her up.” I said that and he let my hair go and grabbed onto Momos hips and pulled her to him. 
“Momo, are you ready?” I asked has I place one of my hands on her cheeks, she had a blush on her face.
“Yes!” With that he started to enter her slowly and stopped so that she could get adjusted to his size. She was biting her lip, I moved a pit lower and now i was faced with her breast. I took her breast in to my mouth and started sucking it, at the same time Bakugou started to moan. 
“Ahh~” Momo moaned. I took my other hand and started to play with my clit, then I felt a finger enter me and started to move. I moaned in surprise, I look back and I just see a smile on his face. This is fucking amazing, i could feel Bakugou go faster and Momo couldn’t contain her moans in anymore. 
“Mmng, fuck~~~” I moaned.
“You two are just some whore. No wonder you guys are friends.” Bakugou said.
“(Y/N)~~~ You-u we-re right~~~” Momo moaned, I looked up at her and the she said.
“He-e has a really has a good dick~~” she finished, I had a smile on my face when she said that. I went up to her and kissed her. She was surprise but she got comfortable with the kiss. I put my tongue close to her lips mentioning her to open her mouth. She was a squirming mess, I could feel that she was nearing her climax. Bakugou was fucking faster and harder and then Momo same on her dick.
“AAhhhh~~~~~” She moaned into my mouth. Bakugou pulled out of her and rammed into me.
“Well look at you babe. Lets show Momo how much of a cum whore you are.” He said has he smacked my ass and I moaned louder. 
“Harder~~~~” He took my leg and raised me up, now he was carrying me. He started to move, I was bouncing on his dick. I started to bite one of my fingers, then I felt a mouth on my clit I looked down and i could see Momo sucking on my clit.
“Look at her Momo. Isn’t she a whore.” Bakugou said and Momo smiled and noded. He filled me up into my core I was clenching around him and with every thrust i could feel my self getting closer to my climax.
“Fuck harder~~ sir. Faster.” she started to go faster. Fuck this is way better than i expected. I want more, the he pulled out and i squirted all over Momo face. 
“So-orry, Momo” My voice trembled, I had a bit of mascara going down my face. He wasn’t done there he stuffed me again and then came inside of me. I could feel all of his cum inside on me. My eyes were rolling to the top of my head. This is so fucking good. He pulled out and some cum was leaking out of my pussy. 
“That was great, babe” He whispered in to my hear. He then placed me onto the bed and then he laid next to me. 
“Happy birthday and thank you Momo.” I said with my tired voice. I felt strong arm around me and then
 “Thank you for the Birthday present” He said and then kissed me
“No problem, (Y/N). I was fun” After that i fell asleep with cum still inside of me out of me.
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