#this has to be announced as it’s an emergency discover for me anyway
hagenwo43 · 10 months
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Emergency!!! ☎️
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aicosu · 1 year
Guys, I hate to do this.
Any of you who know me in any circle know that I'm a very professional, very private lady who hates any sort of disc horse breeds that might give me a headache. But this one is important, and my goal here is the integrity and reputation of artists.
For my credentials: I have been a part of five zines in the past. Two I moderated, and one I ran, created, laid out, printed, and shipped in its entirety.
So anyway:
I joined Hellcheer and the Kindred Freaks Zine very late. Well, after sign ups, check-ins, etc. I saw it was happening in april-ish and shot a DM to the twitter to join. I did both a full art page and a cosplay page.
At the time, the server was quiet but kind. We got updates on the number of orders and books being made.
@Lawless is the runner of the Zine. They created and organized it. They are in charge of the main emails, the selling website, the orders, the shipping, and the funds. (To be clear, this level of sole responsibility is not ABNORMAL in a zine. And is not always an issue.)
@Valerie is the 'social media' mod. They are in charge of managing announcements and answering questions on Twitter and Tumblr. Please keep in mind: No one wants anything but a fast and easy recovery for both Lawless and their mother. Medical emergencies, heck—LIFE happens. It's always okay to put a hiatus on anything, even product with money, in order to take care of yourself and family. Every single contributor only wants them to be clear in what they need and how we can help.
So lets break down what's happening.
Back in May, Lawless went radio silent on the status of books and merch coming in. Another contributor and I, @Toguchin, start dming Lawless to make sure everything is on track. They come back after a week and apologize for being MIA, explaining that their mom got sick. We thank them for all their hard work and wish them and their mom well.
On July 15th, after contributors and customers inquire on delays to meeting the announced shipping deadline, Lawless makes a twitter post saying shipping has started and contributor copies will be happening. They proceeded to go MIA from the server discord and have been since.
The following week, contributors and customers discover that shipping HAS NOT started. Labels have been created and printed, but nothing appears to be in transit at all.
Toguchin and I started getting reached out to by customers worrying their packages are lost. We report this to the zine server to NO RESPONSE. Except @Ashlee, the discord mod who also has heard nothing.
July 20th to 22nd with customers complaining and theorizing a scam in mind; Toguchin and I propose that PDFs be given out to assure and apologize for delays.
We as a server discover a few things: 1. We cannot access the list of buyers at all in order to email apology zines because Lawless did not share the account information with anyone. 2. We cannot access the main email for the same reason. 3. Valerie, the social media mod, deleted discord and distanced themselves from the Hellcheer fandom and has not been checking the Twitter or tumblr, or discord notifications since May.
Ashlee and Ichikun contact Valerie to sign on.
I made a new email and said fuck it, we need to do something to assuage fears, let them send receipts to honor their zines. Valerie didn't know what to post or say or how to answer everyone, so I gave them a copy paste.
Still no words from Lawless but hoping for the best knowing the have a medical emergency, Ashlee and I begin answering the new email for PDFs, but cant help people change addresses or give them any update!!!
Throughout the weeks mods and contributors ping Lawless constantly asking if they need any help! Any help at all, answering emails, changing order addresses, heck a few of us ask if we can pick up the books and packages and ship stuff for them so they can hands off the project and take care of their mom. No response.
We send message after message saying if Lawless can share picture proof, that would be great cause scam theories and chargebacks are starting. BUT ALSO, we let Lawless know we and customers will ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTAND delays if they just communicate it. That if they post in server and on Twitter that shipping needs to wait a month or two, no one will mind. No responses.
July 31, Lawless makes a Twitter update with comments disabled that they are shipping ALL packages that monday with a picture of packages. They also call Valerie privately and tell the issue that USPS refuses to pick up shipments from Lawless has, and they can't leave their mothers side from the post office. They also claim they can only deliver ten packages at a time at the post when they go. *USPS has no such rules. Me and other mutuals who run shops have never had such a problem.
A week later, we realize that customers and our packages are still not in transit. Labels printed only. Most of us assume all packages are just label printed and sitting at Lawless' house.
We beg for updates from Valerie or Lawless. Valerie doubles down on Lawless old reasonings and also officially goes MIA until present day.
Throughout August, USA packages get delivered. A few more updates are made straight to Twitter and Tumblr with comments off. Radio silence in server.
As packages arrive, we all become aware from people's posts and pictures that random Stranger Things Art Stickers are included. No credit to any artist is given? No contributor is responsible for this art. These are suspected to be BOUGHT from Amazon. STOLEN arts amazon sellers resell in packs. NO contributor is okay with this!!! Valerie responds with no response at all.
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As of now:
No response to missing digital copies. Ashlee and I cannot give out any without receipts because we have no access to buyers list. Nor can we answer missing packages inquiries cause we have no info. International packages unaccounted for. SCRUNCHIES FREE OR OTHERWISE UNACCOUNTED FOR. Zero word on contributor copies. Zero word on donation status. Zero word on generated profit or book and shipping cost. No way to verify funds at all. No word from Lawless to contributors since July 15. From Valerie since the 31st.
Some notes:
Turning off twitter comments was NEVER what any one of us wanted. A ZINE LAYOUT was never shared. So until people had them in hand or in PDF none of us realized that the credits DO NOT POINT TO ANY SOCIAL MEDIA. All of our usernames are handle-less? This was extremely disappointing. This one matters to me: Our FanEdit artist was not aware their work was not getting a full page. Again no pre-layout was shared. So their work is tiny and in the margins of the front and back. That's not okay. All of us wanted to help in any way we could. NONE of us doubt Lawless intentions or emergencies. But lying, misleading, non-communicating and turning off comments are all things we did not consent to. All of us only wanted a cordial, honest response. None of us actually cared about delays as much as we did communications. There has been many noticeable times Lawless has been online, posting privately or otherwise, even active on Discord and has not reached out.
Why make a post:
Customers should know contributors fought for them. That we did everything we could and our reputation as artists in the fandom shouldn't be tarnished cause two creators decided to disappear. Contributors should get their copies. Many of us BOUGHT bundles. I've been in five zines and every single one gave out free contributor copies WITH merch!!
I'm also attaching all server screenshots for integrity. I'm in half a mind to release the zine PDF publicly, for free, for everyone at this point. I personally think it's only fair since many are still missing just that. But I do not want to insult anyone who paid for just the PDF regardless of the potential contribution to charity. But it's really up to customers, not me.
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powderblueblood · 5 months
In light of the buzzcut, how would lacy react to eddie turning up with the same cut? Personally, I'd take a nice long seat on that face even if there's not much left to grab on to. I think he really pulls it off
this is fun to think about because the original munson buzzcut actually has an place in their story. i wrote about in chapter seven but the tl;dr of it is that lacy and eddie ended up in the wheeler's linen closet together after eddie drew lacy for a game of seven minutes in heaven. this was right after he'd accidentally lit all his hair on fire after seeing johnny storm and thinking (boosted off whippets) i could do that...
(author's note hello, i wrote this before the f4 announcement came out just call me the oracle of delphi lmfao marvel execs i'm in your walls)
so anyway he's got this buzzcut and this bandage on his head. and they almost kiss. but then they don't.
but then eddie shows up like, ten years later, same buzzcut. his whole skull and ears and everything out, for god and everybody to see. lacy doesn't recognize him at first-- and wonders whether she should acknowledge him, yelling up from the street. they are in brooklyn, at ronnie ecker's apartment, and he expects ronnie to throw down the keys.
lacy's not meant to be here, really, but ronnie's gone and ronnie always gives her the spare key and forgets. and lacy forgot something the last time she was here, a book or a coat or an excuse to be anywhere but where she's supposed to be and--
"ecker, i'm trying really hard not to get arrested down here!"
eddie munson is twenty three years old and bald and in for the shock of his life when lacy appears at the window, tossing the keys and praying he doesn't let them fall in the gutter.
"shit," she can hear him murmur, but he catches them anyway.
power forward. cheerleader.
it's been a really, really, really long time since they've seen each other. the space between them is tangible and full of junk, and he can barely ease around it to get in the apartment door.
"i didn't know y-- i'm just gonna--" he drops his bag on the floor and moves to head back out again.
but lacy can't stop herself.
"so what is it?" eddie pivots, fidgeting with the keys in his hand. "witness protection?" she watches his eyes shift, the most prominent feature about him now. "you lose a bet?" eddie's mouth attempts to steel a smile away. "oh, i know. it was lice."
"why don't we do all of the above for two hundred, alex?"
"jesus. indy's a rough town."
slowly, eddie slides the keys into his pocket. his eyes narrow, and his palm rubs across the top of his skull. she gets a sense he's been doing that a lot lately, to remind himself that it's really all gone. no twist of curly tendrils to hide himself behind. her chest pangs. "you don't like it?"
"you look different."
"you don't like it."
"it looks like an emergency."
"you look like an emergency."
"at least i'm not bald."
the real emergency is how either of them are going to look themselves in the eye after eddie ends up with his face between lacy's legs, lacy's fingers finding no purchase against the stubble on his skull as she keens her cunt against his mouth. ronnie's couch. houselights out. to be discovered any second.
but eddie feels just like she remembers, eager and hungry, only this time with an edge of clarity. something to prove. the spikes of his buzzcut give a mean sting as her thighs close around his head and he can barely struggle out, "you sure you don't like it?"
his hips rut against the cushions, squeaking the ancient sofa against the hardwood. she resists the temptation to grab at them, pull him further into her and believes with utmost sincerity that she should be canonized for it.
it'd be easier to pretend he was anyone else was it not for the fact that eddie feels just like she remembers. and she remembers him frequently. it'd be so much easier if he, and his glittering supernova'd pupils and his wet, rosy mouth didn't turn up to her and breathlessly beg, "tell me, lace."
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miashyperfixations · 1 year
23.06.2023 • Pop/Rock • 12 songs • 36 minutes• 2023 Thriller Records 
FAV SINGLE: Distracted
TOP 3 : Sensitive • Seeing Negative (Disappointment) • Worst Apology
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I don't even need to listen to it to know it, Honey Revenge's debut album is easily one of my most anticipated albums of 2023. Their gorgeous pop melodies paired with funky guitar riffs, clear heavy drums & powerful basslines pave their sound as a prominent band with a bright future ahead of them. Devin & Donny have outdone themselves with this masterpiece. It’s easy to see why they’re described as a new-age Paramore - I genuinely thought that ‘Distracted’ was a riot!-era demo leak when I first listened to it. 
The band emerged in 2021 with their debut single 'Miss Me' and have grown exponentially from that point onwards. I only discovered them this year, and it's safe to say that they'll be one of my top artists at the end of the year. Shortly after that, they signed to Thriller Records and released their single ‘Ride’ to announce it. Thriller is an independent record label created by Bob Becker, in partnership with Nick Moore. They’re a team of passionate industry innovators focusing on discovering, developing, and breaking a diverse new generation of rock and alternative talent, based in California. 
I love that their songs don’t just focus on heartbreak & romantic relationships but also how friendships can go sour - which are equally important. They also focus on mental health in songs such as ‘Are You Impressed?'’ which is about trying too hard or coming off as eager/cringey but not caring anyway or 'Seeing Negative (Disappointment)' which focuses on self-doubt & never feeling good enough, both of which  I love & relate to. Additionally, they aren’t just in the pop/rock genre. They dabble into dance-type beats and synthesiser riffs to add depth to their songs.
Something I didn't realise until listening to the album in full, is the fact that Devin’s vocal range is so wide & she pulls it off amazingly, it's clear to see in songs such as ‘rerun’ & ‘worst apology’ where she stays in higher regions for most of the song with little breath breaks. I absolutely love the key change in ‘Worst Apology’, when everything is pulled back for a few bars to focus on Devin’s vocals and then everything comes back in with no build up - just all of a sudden - it’s beautifully executed. My personal favourite song off of the record is ‘Sensitive’. Written by Devin, Donny & KJ Strock, the song’s lyrical genius takes over its heavy-rock style drums & guitar. It isn’t just the instrumentation & lyrics but the production too. I also love the way this bridge/refrain in this song has been produced, especially how (similarly to ‘Worst Apology’), it’s stripped back to just the guitar & vocals & there's echoes before the drums kick in but i’s still stripped back until a line of vocals with added distortion & a cut-off of high-end EQ right before the beat drop into the final chorus where all instruments return to their normal heaviness. It really adds to the my interpretation of the song - that things can happen all of a sudden & hit hard, but there’s still build up you can’t see. To top it all off, the echoes return & end the song perfectly.
The duo worked with one of my favourite songwriters on this album - Kanner has worked with the likes of Maggie Lindeman, Scene Queen & Mckenna Grace alongside recently launching her career as a solo artist. She’s an amazing musician involved in writing 7/12 songs on this album, all of which are bangers. The band have also collaborated with producers such as Josh Strock (LiL Lotus, Thousand Below), Zach Jones (AS IT IS, Nova Twins), and Kris Crummett (Dance Gavin Dance, Issues.) 
This band just has a good vibe in general & the duo have a great relationship with their touring band. It seems like it’s just fun to be with them & doesn’t even feel like a job which, inevitably, is what everyone wants. They currently have plans to be on tour as a support act for bands such as Broadside & Arrows In Action for all of 2023 as well as recently announcing a one off show at Camden Assembly, London in December. I truly believe this band has the potential to be the next big act in the scene and can't wait to see them headline a tour here in the UK one day when they take over the world. 
They deserve all the popularity they'll undoubtedly gain in the coming years off the back of this absolute masterpiece of an album.
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fancoloredglasses · 11 months
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Making it fun to yell at the movie since 1975), Part 3
[All images are owned by 20th Century Fox Disney....wait, really?! Anyway, please don't sue, kill, eat, or...whatever they did to everyone at the end...me]
WARNING: This review is NSFW, as it deals with sexual themes. You’ve been warned.
Are you OK with this? Good, then let’s continue.
This review is going to be done slightly different than most, even the one that was essentially a musical in that I will be going over the songs after the clips (as most of the plot is driven through them) and will be including audience partici…
…pation lines (at least the ones I do) on occasion. These will be done in chat font (as shown above).
(Word of warning, despite whatever I may say at the movie, it’s not intended to be mean-spirited. I’m just going along with the show)
Brad Majors...
...and his fiancee Janet Weiss, ...
...following their car breaking down, find themselves in the castle of Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Frank, along with his servants Riff Raff and Magenta and his groupie Columbia, have created life! (to wit, Frank's newest plaything Rocky)
During the course of the celebration, a biker named Eddie emerged from cold storage and terrorized the party-goers before being murdered by Frank with a pickaxe.
Now, on with the show!
Following the party, Brad and Janet were brought to their rooms to stay the night as Riff and Magenta looked on.
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Same room, different filter. What a cheap fucking movie!
Later in the evening, Frank pays a…personal visit to Janet
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What about the football team? That was just practice!
Meanwhile, Riff and Magenta decide to torment Frank’s new plaything…
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…until he runs away. Then they celebrate.
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(Remember what I said earlier about them being siblings? Apparently, incest is best in Transylvania)
Later in the evening, Frank pays a…personal visit to Brad.
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She’s not down there!
Unfortunately for them, Riff interrupts announcing Rocky’s escape.
Meanwhile, Janet has left her room in search of Brad. However, she finds Rocky and starts tending his wounds…
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…which inspires yet another song as Magenta and Columbia watch via the cameras.
(NOTE: Due to content, you'll have to click on the video to watch it on YouTube)
(Thanks to RockyHorror274306)
So…I guess Janet just had a fantasy gangbang?
Unfortunately for Riff, Frank is NOT happy that Rocky escaped (imagine what his mood will be when he realizes one of his other new playthings is playing with Rocky!)
Thank him for the beating, Riff! Say it in French!
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Riff checks the cameras to locate Rocky, but instead finds Dr. Scott (remember him? Brad and Janet’s old professor) outside. Brad of course recognizes him.
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I…don’t think you meant to let that slip, Riff!
Frank has also heard of Dr. Scott, who is now working with the SETI research with the government, and suspects that Brad and Janet are government spies working with Dr. Scott (if that was the case, the Brad is the dumbest spy ever) Riff announces that Dr. Scott has entered the castle.
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Zen go get him!
Frank then turns on a powerful electromagnet that drags Dr. Scott’s wheelchair all over the castle until…
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After Frank gives his paranoid theory to Dr. Scott, Dr. Scott throws that accusation away, saying he’s looking for his nephew Eddie.
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Frank was picking on him
Then Frank hears a gasp from Rocky’s birthing tank and discovers…
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After this awkward reunion, Magenta announces that it’s time for dinner. Rather than throw everyone out on their collective asses (or worse), he invites everyone to dine with him.
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Any way you slice it, it’s still Meat Loaf!
As Riff and Magenta serve dinner, Frank sings a half-hearted birthday song for Rocky, then Dr. Scott again asks about Eddie.
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Yep, as the audience hinted at earlier, they’re likely eating Eddie! Columbia then leaves the table in hysterics
What’s the matter? She’s eaten Eddie before!
For some reason, this prompts Dr. Scott to start singing.
(Thanks to Lewis Hewitt)
Upon seeing Rocky comforting Janet, Frank immediately starts in on another song.
(Thanks again to Lewis Hewitt)
Unfortunately, the clip ended before the song did, so here’s the rest...
(Thanks again to THIRDPROJECT)
Shut up bitch. It wouldn’t have rhymed anyway!
Then Columbia has had enough and demands that Frank choose between herself and Rocky.
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I don’t think that went how she saw it in her head. Then for good measure…
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…Rocky gets turned to stone as well.
So with just the Transylvanians left, Magenta wants to go home to Transylvania. However, Frank wants a floor show. So now we go to the Big Production Number.
What? You think those other ones were Big Production Numbers? You ain’t seen nothing yet! Tune in for the epic conclusion!
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Years ago, I was at folk festival with my dad. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence; he and I have tried to hit at least a couple per year, sometimes more, since I was very young. Since I was too young to have a say in where we were going, but as soon as I got old enough to be interested, I wanted to visit as many as possible. My mother will go along to some and my brother stopped going as soon as he got old enough to opt out, but my dad and I have shared folk festivals for my whole life.
Anyway. Years ago, I was at a folk festival with my dad. I don’t hesitate to say where it was, because we’d traveled quite a long way to get there. It was the Stan Rogers Folk Festival in Canso, Nova Scotia. One of the biggest folk festivals in Canada, in this tiny town by the Atlantic Ocean. My dad and I planned that trip for months, packed up tents and drove fifteen hours to spend several days there. It drew the best folk musicians from across Canada and North America and even the UK, it was an absolutely lovely time, and it was worth all the logistics. I saw my favourite singers multiple times each, and discovered many new ones.
One of my favourite singers at the time was J.P. Cormier. He’s a Canadian master of folk and bluegrass music. He can play an absolutely ridiculous number of instruments as though he were born with them. He does East Coast-style and Celtic-style music, despite technically having been born in Ontario. He played Stanfest every year, but he wasn’t on the schedule that year, because he’d agreed to perform elsewhere. This was a pity, but I’d seen him at other festivals, and there was lots of other good stuff to enjoy.
On the Saturday noon show at the mainstage, where most of the festival attendees had gathered because there was big stuff going on there at noon, they announced that they had a special performance. They asked us to put our hands together... and then a door opened from this tiny little shed at the back of the field where the audience was gathered, and out walked J.P. Cormier. He has quite a distinctive appearance, so everyone recognized him instantly, even just from his outline. The entire field erupted in cheers. I will never forget how it felt to stand in that crowd and see him emerge, take a moment to realize what was happening, and then just get caught up in the euphoria. I was nineteen years old. My father, in his early fifties, standing next to me and also erupting into applause, had to be close to the second-youngest person in that field. And still, I felt surrounded by my people. My dad pointed out to me later that they’d never said J.P. Cormier’s name when they announced him; the entire crowd just knew who he was and cheered.
The crowd noise did not die down once he got to the stage; he had to pick up the microphone and then wait a while. Once he was finally able to talk, he informed the crowd that he was on a plane to some other place (the Sudbury Folk Festival, I think, where he’d agreed to perform on the weekend of StanFest), when he’d realized he belonged at StanFest and couldn’t miss it. So as soon as the plane landed, he purchased a ticket and flew straight to Nova Scotia, and got himself the folk festival. Renewed cheers occurred. I only thought later of how the people at the Sudbury Festival must have felt about that. I still don’t know how much notice they got, or if Sudbury found a suitable replacement. But StanFest fucking benefitted that day.
J.P. Cormier than played an absolutely beautiful set, to an audience that did not settle down. One song he played was a new one that my father and I did not know, called Molly May. It’s a classic East Coast folk song, about a ship that is beloved by its captain but ends up going down in a storm. The incompetent replacement captain who leads it into its downfall was described, in the lyrics, as: “A young boy from Canso.” Canso is the small town where StanFest takes place. After the set ended, and after we’d finished marveling at how fucking cool it was that we’d just seen all that happen, my dad and I speculated about what the real song was. What was the real lyric that he’d replaced with “Canso” to appeal to the Canso crowd? As folk festival veterans, we were of course used to hearing singers modify their songs to put the location’s name into the lyrics. But we did agree that it was... an interesting choice to put the local town name into a song to make it say a boy from that town had sunk a ship.
We bought the album, of course, and when the festival ended and we got in the car for the long drive home, we put it in the CD player. When Molly May came on, we listened excitedly to see what the real lyrics were, and the CD said: “They put a young boy from Canso/At the wheel of the Molly May”. We discussed how cool it was that he hadn’t changed the lyrics, we’d just happened to hear a song about Canso for the first time while we were in Canso.
I’m telling this story because of something that happened yesterday, while I was listening to my music at work. The song McRory came on, sung by the Newfoundland band Celtic Connection. It’s a song of theirs that I’ve always liked, but I’d never looked up before. I know Celtic Connection mainly does covers, and McRory references the Canadian province of Saskatchewan in its lyrics, so I’d always assumed it was written by some older Canadian composer. But after hearing it yesterday, I decided to look it up. I was quite surprised to learn it was written by Pete St. John, an Irish folk singer/songwriter. An Irish songwriter wrote an Irish folk song referenced Canada. That is not how that normally happens. Normally, Canadian folk bands/singers, particularly our East Coast bands/singers, write their own Celtic-style songs that reference Canada and Ireland or Scotland (depending on the background of the writer - basically our East coast is full of people who came over here from Celtic countries and write songs about/in the tradition of said countries), and they cover folk songs that are written by actual Irish and Scottish people that reference Ireland and Scotland. Meanwhile, Irish and Scottish folk bands/singers write songs about Ireland and Scotland and cover other songs about Ireland and Scotland and do not write about Canada, because we are not part of the great historic tradition of Celtic music. We’ve just sort of latched onto it from over here. So it’s cool that McRory is an exception, being written by a guy in Ireland.
It’s like that time, when I was in my early twenties and got really into the Steve Earle for the first time, that I learned he has a song called Justice in Ontario. I excitedly played it for my dad, showing him that this American country singer has a song about the Canadian province of Ontario. My dad knew Steve Earle a bit, but hadn’t known that song  before, and after it, he told me there must be a city called Ontario somewhere in the States, and Steve Earle was singing about that. I told him it is actually about the Canadian Ontario, and he didn’t believe me until I actually Googled the song.
That feels like a very Canadian thing. I realize the international joke is that we’re very polite, and there’s some level of truth to that in some ways, though day-to-day, lots of people here are dicks. And we have a lot of national problems, most prominently the fact that we’re built on a genocide of native peoples that was committed historically but has effects, ranging from garden variety discrimination to in-built systemic racism to intergenerational trauma and poverty to straight-up continued cultural genocide, that persist today. And when we get reduced to “the country of polite people”, that get swept under the rug pretty easily. So I do hesitate to say Canadian identity is based on anything non-horrifying, because first and foremost, it is based on some horrifying shit.
But as far as non-genocide-based summations of Canadian cultural identity go, this feels like one. The idea that someone from some other place can’t possibly mean you. You’re not important enough for them to know about. They must be talking about the States. I guess the J.P. Cormier example doesn’t really apply because he was Canadian, but it’s the general idea that Canso’s a tiny town and we were surprised to learn it actually was the subject of a song by this giant of the folk music scene. Being surprised when people notice us is a culturally Canadian thing, maybe on par with what the British mean when I watch panel shows and hear them joke about queueing.
Anyway, J.P. Cormier is a genuine musical genius, Steve Earle is a global treasure, and McRory is just a really good song. Here are the songs in question, they’re all lovely and worth hearing:
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dailykoreanpop · 11 months
Fans discover that EXO is missing from SM's 2024 Seasons Greetings lineup
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The K-pop fandom was recently taken by surprise when they observed an unexpected absence in the much-anticipated 2024 SMSeason's Greetings lineup. EXO, one of SM Entertainment's most celebrated groups, was not included in the lineup, leading to widespread speculation and concern. This notable absence comes amidst recent contract disputes between the group and their record label.
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Earlier in the year, in June, income-related disagreements led three band members of EXO — Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Chen — to issue contract termination notices to SM Entertainment. This generated significant attention as the trio engaged in tense negotiations with the label over the following months. However, fans breathed a sigh of relief when it was announced that the trio decided to remain with SM after reportedly resolving their disagreements with the entertainment company.
Adding to the band’s previous issues, reports emerged on October 17 that two more EXO members, Sehun and Chanyeol, were apparently planning to venture into solo careers, aligning with a different agency for their solo careers. Additionally, SM Entertainment also confirmed that EXO's D.O. will continue his solo activities with a newly established label while he will continue EXO activities with SM Entertainment, just as the other members.
While all SM artists, including TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls' Generation, SHINee, Red Velvet, NCT, WayV, aespa, and even the rookie boy group RIIZE, were included in the Season's Greetings line up, EXO was not in the list.
Korean netizens commented, "If they had a contract with SM, they would have released a seasons greeting, I guess the don't have a contract with them," "I guess they didn't want to take part of the Seasons Greeting," "This proves that their group activities is going to be hard in the future," "I guess we won't be seeing EXO for a long time," "I'm a fan but it's been so long that I haven't bought their Seasons Greeting so it doesn't matter that they're not releasing one this year. Anyway the quality has sucked before," "Oh man," "They are unofficially disbanded at this point," "SM always made EXO's season's greeting bad," and "I think it's better that EXO didn't release because I was always disappointed with the quality of the Seasons Greeting. Only EXO's was made poorly, which pissed me off."
Credit: Allkpop
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Dream SMP Recap (August 4/2021) - Unhealthy Competition
Ranboo and Wilbur visit Las Nevadas to talk with Quackity about their new business. They discover that Quackity’s hired a new employee for the competing restaurant.
Wilbur Soot
Captain Puffy
- Wilbur and Ranboo are in the Ranvan making burgers. They try them, and Wilbur says it’s the best burger he’s ever had, but they have to do even better
Wilbur: “We’re taking down an entire nation just out of this burger van, you know -- sorry, competing! Peacefully, with an entire nation, just out of this burger van.”
- Wilbur notices that Ranboo’s taken a side. Ranboo looked back after Wilbur’s talks about L’manburg, and he realized that he’s been involved in things, but he hasn’t really done anything
- Wilbur tells Ranboo he doesn’t have to build something to matter. It’s cool that he’s taking this direction, but he shouldn’t have to blow up walls just to make something
- Wilbur notices that Quackity is online and wants to see the fruits of their labor
- The two go into Las Nevadas with Quackity’s horse and Wilbur tries to get Quackity’s attention, spamming so much he gets kicked from the server. Quackity is nowhere to be seen
- Wilbur asks Ranboo a bit about the cookie outpost
- Quackity finally comes walking down the road to see them. Quackity tells them that’s not his horse
- Wilbur announces he’s been building a burger van. Quackity is amused that this is what he’s been doing all this time
- They give Quackity a burger to try. He’s not hungry
- Wilbur brings up Quackity’s restaurant and Quackity leads them over to show them. Wilbur and Ranboo left Quackity a bit of a gift. Quackity thanks them for the destruction, because he realized the non-tinted glass wasn’t as good. He even installed a fishtank full of salmon!
- Quackity even hired some new help!
- This is his new job. Quackity and Tubbo had a little talk, and he found that Tubbo has aspirations in life and wanted to offer him a good job in Las Nevadas. He’s not just an employee -- he’s managing the restaurant, also making NFT Tubburgers!
- Tubbo sees it as healthy competition, good for the consumer. This is like L’manburg all over again, with Tubbo and Quackity leading together
May the best burgers win.
- Wilbur is allowed in Las Nevadas to try the burgers anytime he likes. After all, what kind of person would Quackity be if he didn’t allow someone into his country?
- Wilbur and Ranboo return to the van to talk with each other
Wilbur: “I feel alive, Ranboo! I feel alive! Someone’s looking at me and -- and talking to me! I’m alive, I’m alive! This is great!”
- Ranboo is still getting used to the competition. Wilbur doesn’t get why Ranboo would mind going up against Quackity and Tubbo
- Ranboo shows him over to the strip club with his secret hole in the floor. Wilbur suggests they build a tunnel underground, do some espionage
Wilbur: “We’re the good guys here, you know, we’re--”
Ranboo: “You sure?”
Wilbur: “Yeah, I mean, we haven’t done anything wrong, you know. We’re the good guys, and Quackity’s done a few things wrong.”
- They go back outside. In case of an emergency, when they’re head-to-head with Tubbo and Quackity, Wilbur needs to know they can save the innocent people in the city like Tubbo and Fundy
- Wilbur discusses a plan with Ranboo to rig the underground of the city with TNT connected up to a button. In most cases, it would never see the light of day
- Wilbur leaves Ranboo to the TNT
- Tubbo and Quackity talk in the restaurant. Quackity thinks Tubbo is the best choice of employee for the place, and Tubbo needed a new purpose
- Quackity doesn’t want to ruin the moment, but they have to discuss their brief conflict. They go over to the outpost
- Quackity asks what it was really for. Tubbo just wanted to see what everyone was up to. Quackity feels a little uneasy about it still
- Quackity suggests they integrate this land as a part of Las Nevadas. Tubbo is onboard with the idea, and Quackity wants to make it official with a document
- They go up to the top of the Needle to review the contract: 
Signed: - Tubbo_
- Tubbo’s been missing L’manburg now that it’s the time of its anniversary, and he admires what Quackity’s done here
- Tubbo wants to scope out Wilbur and Ranboo’s burger shop alone. He leaves Quackity at the Needle
- Tubbo arrives at the Ranvan and Ranboo is there. Tubbo asks him why he trusts Wilbur. Ranboo doesn’t trust trust him yet
- Ranboo thinks that in thirteen years, Wilbur must have changed, and if he can redeem himself, Ranboo can be there to see it
- Tubbo understands, but he doesn’t want to put his life in Wilbur’s hands again. Ranboo asks if he’s okay with all this, and he says he is
- Foolish logs on
- Tubbo noticed that Ranboo hasn’t told Wilbur about the marriage. Ranboo heard enough about Wilbur of thirteen years ago using things against people, and so he doesn’t trust him enough yet to tell him. Ranboo avoids eye contact while they talk
- Ranboo asks how Tubbo managed to bury the hatchet with Quackity over the Festival. Tubbo thinks he was going to die that day no matter what happened anyway
- They talked a lot about L’manburg. L’manburg was amazing, and Ranboo’s only heard about the bad bits. They came to an agreement about the cookie outpost
- Ranboo learns that Tubbo gave up the cookie outpost to become property of Las Nevadas. Tubbo insists it’s not like that and he still owns it
- Ranboo changes the subject and goes to throw stale bread into the river. He tells Tubbo he’ll talk to him later and says goodbye
- Tubbo walks away on his own. Now he’ll come up with some good burger recipes
- He runs right into Quackity. Tubbo is late for work at the burger shop
- Quackity starts ranting
Quackity: “When Wilbur sees this, because I know he’s gonna be fuckin’ like, spying around, when Wilbur sees this shit? He’s gonna freak out, he’s gonna finally realize--”
Tubbo: “--Why do you care so much about what Wilbur's doing?”
Quackity: “--He’s an idiot, he’s an idiot for doing whatever it is he decided to do!”
- Quackity builds a Tubburger sign out front for the restaurant
- They go inside and Quackity wants Tubbo to try Wilbur’s burgers
- They do need competition at the end of the day. Tubbo meets Quackity in the kitchen to discuss his three-step program. They can use smokers to make smoked burgers. They need better grain supplies
- Quackity shows Tubbo the farms. They also need to clean the kitchen of gunk. Quackity had a friend living there for a while
- They return to the kitchen to come up with more burger names
- One of the salmon dies. They go silent for a moment, then Quackity eats it raw
- Tubbo shows Quackity the book on the lectern. Quackity is annoyed by it, assuming that it was written by Wilbur
- They mention the explosion. They’re going to be bigger and better, and they won’t resort to sabotage
- Quackity’s going to go up to his office for his lunch break, count his money, and then he’ll come back down and tell everyone to help with the farms
- Quackity leaves with stomach issues from the fish as Sam logs on
- Tubbo goes back to the kitchen to come up with recipes, happy to have a job
- Puffy goes back to the main area to work on the Pokemon center and discovers Foolish’s bamboo prank, cleaning it up
- She then works on building the Pokemon center
- Michael logs on for a birthday stream! 
- Foolish logs on as well, aiming to expand the Las Nevadas highways some more
- Foolish meets up with Michael and drops him some Netherite ingots as a birthday present
- Foolish returns to Las Nevadas. He’s been thinking about how Quackity told him not to break Dream out, but he’s pondering coming up with something prepared as a backup anyways, as it’s always good to have other plans
- He keeps working on the highways
Upcoming Events:
- Wilbur’s 9 planned streams
- Egg Finale Stream [maybe soon...maybe...]
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Ponk’s prequel stream
- Ponk’s current-day lore with Sam
- Puffy’s Lore Cast
- Sapnap’s lore
- Dream’s lore video
- Quackity’s casino opening
- Captain Puffy’s lore stream
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anders-hawke · 3 years
Episode: “Je Souhaite” | Rated M | @today-in-fic | Warning: if any of the symptoms of pregnancy are squicky for you, it would be best to avoid this fic. Also, a reminder that we use Fahrenheit in the U.S., so don’t freak out at the wonky temperature stuff, my Celsius loaves.
Scully feels a little guilty for sending Mulder home last night after teasing him all day about what she was going to do to him in bed, but she blames her upset stomach on being “forced” to skip lunch that day. Scully had waved him off after three hours of on and off vomiting, feeling like she sent the entirety of her pizza and soda into the toilet.
She’d sent him back to his apartment so he’d stop hovering, his incessant chatter only magnifying the headache beginning to build at the base of her skull.
Mulder had called as soon as he got home, leaving a voicemail for her to please not come in tomorrow if she’s still sick. Well, Scully had fortunately felt right as rain when she woke up, aside from the minimal gnawing feeling in her stomach.
She regrets eating two bagels with lox and her real cream cheese now. This must be her punishment for breaking the rule of saving it for the fair amount of bad mornings she encounters. Her stomach’s mutinying again at the smell of Mulder’s black coffee and she can feel another toilet session coming on.
“Oh, God,” Scully whispers, all intent to apologize and press a soft kiss to his lips going out the proverbial door as she sprints out the real one and hauls ass to the bathroom.
She must have a stomach bug, Scully reasons, trying to even out her breathing as she folds some paper towels and wets them before pressing them against her face and neck. She’s suddenly feeling strangely hot, evidence of her sick flushed away.
Mulder knocks three times on the bathroom door. “Scully?”
“Yeah?” she sends back, splashing her face with water. She groans as she feels another gag coming on.
“I brought you some ginger ale and—and some Pepto Bismol. And Tums. I know you don’t like the Pepto but, you know, I figured this called for all the stops.”
She can imagine the look on his face as he hears her vomiting again. Scully checks her watch when it’s over. It’s still only 8:27 in the fucking morning!? How the hell is she supposed to make it through the rest of the workday like this?
The door hinges creak and she looks over at Mulder. “I told you not to come in if you’re still sick, Scully.”
“I wasn’t! I felt fine this morning, and then I walked in the office and smelled your coffee and...”
He leans against the counter and crosses his arms, puckering his lips as part of his exaggerated thinking face. Scully stands up straight and shoots him a look. Mulder shakes his head and puts his hands up. “Look, all I’m saying is that it looks like the same thing happened last night. As soon as we got out the ice cream, you bolted to the bathroom.”
She sighs and shakes her head. “What are you getting at, Mulder?”
“Just that you should go home and at least take a nap or something. If you stay off your feet for a few hours and relax, I’ll be happy. Nibble on some crackers, catch a soap opera...” Mulder shrugs. “You’re clearly sick, Scully. If not for yourself, do it on the chance that it’s contagious.”
Scully places the wet paper towel on the back of her neck, holding it there. “Fine. But only because it might be contagious.”
“I mean—that doesn’t make it better, but thank you nonetheless. Do you want me to drive you? What if there’s a random smell that sets you off on the ride there?”
She rolls her eyes but tells him, “Fine.”
Mulder’s assertion that certain smells have been setting off whatever’s going on with her stomach seem to be proven true when she comes back to the office after a few hours of rest and relaxation to the harsh sight of a man whose... whose mouth suddenly disappeared and had to be surgically recreated. Not a twinge from her stomach aside from shock butterflies.
Scully’s relieved that she’s been able to keep down her lunch. To be fair, it was crackers with a little cheese and a full two cups of water to make sure she was hydrated, but any food is good food. She proudly announces to Mulder during their ensuing flight the next day that it seems whatever illness hit is gone.
It’s not cold in Creve Coeur, Missouri—certainly not in Spring—but Scully’s feeling every degree of the breeze through the open windows like it’s in the thirties. She’s shivering the entire car ride to the Mark Twain Trailer Park, and noticeably enough for Mulder to glance at her with concern before putting up the windows and turning the heat up.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little cold.”
He frowns at that but lets it go until they hit a red light, when he leans over and presses his hand to her forehead.
Scully quirks her lips in a smile. “What are you doing?”
“Checking your temperature,” he replies. “You don’t seem to have a fever...”
“I’m fine, Mulder,” she insists, leaning into his hand for the few seconds she gets the light turns green.
“Alright, but if you’re still sick, Scully, then you have to promise me that you’ll go back to the motel, okay? I brought the meds just in case, if you need them.”
She smiles softly and places her hand on his arm. “Thank you.”
“It’s what a good boyfriend does.”
Her stomach bug really does seem to be gone, which is a relief. However, she’s now insatiably hungry for two things: Mulder, and the bagels from the bagel place two streets over from her apartment. Well, she consoles, one is attainable, at least. And, boy, does she attain it. They’re both breathing heavily by the time Scully’s through with him, and even though they’re sticky with sweat, she curls her body around Mulder’s anyway.
Her breasts are tingly, which has never happened after sex before, but she chalks it up to Mulder’s harsh treatment of her only a minute ago as she nuzzles his chest. She inhales and sighs happily. “I love the way you smell,” she murmurs.
He laughs and she feels it against her cheek. “Coming from the woman who made me start using a different deodorant,” he jokes, squeezing his arm around her shoulders. “Your nipples are darker.”
“What?” Scully props herself up with her forearm to make proper eye contact as her brows furrow.
“Yeah. I don’t know. They’re darker. Feel a little heavier, too. You didn’t notice?”
She shakes her head and laughs. “Unlike you, Mulder, I don’t spend hours studying my boobs.”
He shrugs and rolls them over so he’s hovering over her on his forearms. “Your loss.”
“Fuck,” she swears, digging around in her suitcase, fresh from her shower. She’s only got one hand because the other’s holding her towel wrap together.
“What?” Mulder asks around his toothbrush, exiting the bathroom. His tie is slung behind his neck and his suit jacket is waiting for him on the bed.
“I don’t have any panty liners.”
“Do you want me to go out and get some?” he asks, heading back to the bathroom to spit.
“Yeah, that would be great.” Scully walks past him into the still-warm bathroom and lets the towel drop as she uses the one wrapped around her hair to dry the wet strands.
“Alright. I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She drops the hair towel when he takes the singular step needed in the tiny motel bathroom to invade her space in favor of pulling him down for a kiss by the ends of his tie. “Mmm, settle down or the plan’ll be botched.”
“I was just thanking you,” Scully says, affecting innocence as she does his tie for him.
“For buying you panty liners? What would happen if I surprised you with some ice cream?”
“I would eat the ice cream.”
“Damn.” Mulder presses a kiss to the top of her head before heading out to put on his suit jacket. “Do you mind me asking why you need panty liners? Also! What brand?”
“Any with wings. And I need them because there’s been an unusual amount of vaginal discharge in my underwear and I don’t want to ruin any more of them.”
“Right.” He steps back in view of the bathroom and takes in her naked body.
Scully raises an eyebrow at him. “What?”
(Their books on pregnancy are buried inside their storage closets from a time best forgotten.)
“Nothing. I just like looking at you.”
She smiles at him, drying her hair again. “Get going, hotshot.”
Halfway through the flight home, Scully discovers something that makes her a bit worried. She’s not supposed to get her period until next week, so the blood on the liner she quickly tosses away with shaky hands can’t be because of that. She tries to forget about it as she walks back to her seat next to Mulder, but he must see something on her face that prompts him to ask if she’s okay.
“I’m fine,” she lies, managing to give him a smile. “Just tired.”
He seems to accept that and leaves her be. It’s not even a lie; she feels exhausted after everything that happened over the past few days. Scully makes a mental note to book an emergency appointment with her Ob-Gyn when they land, and closes her eyes.
“Dana,” Dr. Namin starts, disrupting her patient’s thumb twiddling.
Scully abruptly stands up as her doctor moves to stand in front of the exam table, computer and several documents in hand. “You don’t look concerned,” she says, following Namin to the exam table.
“Because there’s nothing to be concerned about at this stage except plenty of rest, hydration, and eating at least three good meals a day,” Scully’s doctor replies, opening up her computer and spreading out the documents. “We’ve done all the tests you asked for, but nothing came up. However, based on the symptoms you listed, I performed one more, and that’s where we found the culprit.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re pregnant, Dana. Plain and simple. Congratulations.” Dr. Namin slides one of the documents towards Scully, who takes it. “You’re about three and a half weeks along. You can take all the papers. There’s suggestions for all the prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take and how much water to drink in a day. Resources for managing symptoms, too.”
Scully nods dumbly, tears gathering in her eyes as she stares at the diagnosis. “Um, when should I come back?”
“Don’t worry about that right now, I’ll have someone give you a call with that information. Just relax and enjoy the news. I remember how much you wanted this, Dana. I...I don’t know how this happened, but the baby’s doing well. Minor bleeding is completely normal and you don’t need to worry. If it gets worse or doesn’t stop soon, then come back.”
“Okay,” Scully chokes out, smiling widely as she wipes away her tears and collects the documents on the exam table.
She spends a few hours at her apartment trying to figure out how to tell Mulder the good news but gets nowhere. In the middle of pacing around her couch, one arm unconsciously wrapped around her abdomen, her phone starts ringing.
“Scully speaking.”
“Agent Scully,” Skinner starts, and she immediately knows that Mulder’s done something stupid again, “could you check on Agent Mulder? He snuck into my meeting and was yelling at my chair.”
“Yes, of course, sir.”
“Thank you.”
Scully hangs up the phone and sighs heavily. Looks like God’s giving her a sign to just get it over with. When she enters the office, however, the woman Mulder keeps insisting is a genie is there, too. She licks her lips nervously and tries to ignore her.
“Skinner called me, Mulder. Is everything alright?”
Sitting at the desk, computer on, she has to wonder what he’s doing. “You don’t remember disappearing off the face of the Earth for an hour this morning?”
She gives her head a small shake as she tells him, “No,” truly starting to get concerned.
Mulder just shrugs with a little smile and gets back to typing with a nonchalant, “Well, I guess everything’s okay.”
Get it out, just say it, she thinks, trying to psych herself up. She sighs. “Mul—” But the woman’s still there in the office. “Could you give us a minute, please?”
“Sure,” the woman—Jenn, Mulder told her on the plane—says with a nod.
Scully steps closer to the desk, butterflies in her stomach. Jenn isn’t moving, and it’s making her annoyed, quite frankly. “Like, today?” she says, turning around, but the black-haired woman is nowhere to be found, not even in the annex. Scully turns back to her partner, extremely confused. “Where the hell’d she go?”
Mulder childishly imitates a genie disappearing and she feels the sudden urge to laugh at the thought that this man is the father of her child. “No...” she says, softening the guffaw trying to escape to a scoff-laugh. “It’s gotta—” She scoffs for real this time. “It’s gotta be hypnotism, or—or mesmerism, or something.”
And thus begins the verbal sparring. As he lists all the things he wants for the world, Scully thinks, again, of how this is the father of her child. Something suspiciously soft is trying to emerge from her heart as she responds, and she’s a coward to boot, so she leaves without telling him. Driving back to her apartment, Scully feels guilty at how little effort she put into trying to break the news to Mulder. She just—she doesn’t know what to make of the news herself, let alone how to explain it to him.
An hour into The Exorcist, hugging a pillow as she wishes Mulder was watching it with her, the phone rings. “Scully, do you wanna come over and watch a movie? I’ve got your favorite popcorn...”
She grins. “Of course. I’ll bring the drinks.”
They’ve both changed their clothes for the movie night, and when Mulder opens the door, they’re sporting matching grins. “Oh, zero alcohol content?” he faux complains, taking the case of six drinks into the kitchen. “Is this your punishment for me, Scully?”
She elects not to respond as she follows him and takes out the package of popcorn and a pot. “Can you grab the olive oil, Mulder?”
“Yeah, of course.” He puts four of the drinks in the fridge before reaching into one of the cabinets to grab the oil and put it on the counter next to the stove, which Scully’s turning it on.
“I’ll never understand why you won’t just microwave them. It’s faster.”
“Yeah, but if you do it in the pot, it tastes better,” she shoots back, opening the package and pouring the kernels into the pot.
“That’s just because of the oil.”
“Well, you can continue to eat shitty popcorn for the rest of your life if you want, but I’m going to eat my good popcorn.”
They turn to face each other as the kernels pop and hit the lid, a staring contest beginning. Scully wins when she licks her lips and distracts Mulder enough to get him to blink.
“Ha! I got you! I win!”
“That’s cheating!”
“I won!” she says in a sing-song voice, emptying the finished popcorn into the bowl.
Mulder shakes his head with a smile. “Why don’t you take the drinks and get comfortable. I’ll finish the popcorn.”
Scully nods and does as he suggests, but as she’s crossing into the living room, she pauses and turns around. “No butter, please,” she says, and he turns around with a scoop of butter in a bowl in his right hand, the handle of the microwave in the other.
“No... butter...?” She nods. “We always put butter on the popcorn, Scully.”
“Well, I don’t want butter this time,” she says, and makes her way to the couch, sitting down and placing the drinks on the coffee table. She hears Mulder sigh heavily and put the bowl of butter in the fridge before making his way to the living room, bowl of popcorn in hand.
He shakes his head as he grabs the movie case from the table and inserts it into the player. “Can’t believe you don’t want butter on your popcorn. Eugh. It’s un-American.” He steps around the table and sits down next to Scully.
She takes the case from where he left it and makes a face. “Caddyshack, Mulder?” she questions.
“It’s a classic American movie,” he insists, grabbing his drink and propping his feet up.
“That’s what every guy says.” Scully grabs her own and untwists the cap, tossing it onto the table. Mulder does the same, but his bounces off onto the floor, and she laughs into the bottle. “So, uh... What’s the occasion?” she asks, as if they still take the justifying movie nights thing seriously.
Last week’s was I thought you might need some help feeding your fish.
“I don’t know. Just felt like the thing to do. Cheers.”
Maybe it is time to turn over a new leaf, especially considering the baby growing inside her, cell by cell. They clink their bottles—“Cheers,” she says—and drink. Tell him, tell him, tell hi—
“I don’t know if you noticed, but I, um, never made the world a happier place.”
They nod together and Scully knows that this is the moment to tell him. She takes a deep breath. “Well, I’m fairly happy. That’s something.” A smile slides onto her face and she looks at him, a lot more than fairly happy now. “Actually, I’m ecstatic.” She gives a little laugh and reaches into her pocket for the piece of paper she’d stared at for hours earlier.
“Really? Is there a specific reason, or...?”
Scully pulls the paper out and looks at the blue highlighted text on the portion of the paper that’s not folded back for a moment before handing it to Mulder. “That’s why,” she says, voice trembling a little out of happiness.
She watches his face as the words sink in. He reads it again, murmuring, “Diagnosis: pregnancy (3.5 weeks),” as he does so, a grin spreading across his lips. “Scully...”
“I know,” she says, setting her bottle on the table, and before Mulder can say anything else, she cups his cheeks and kisses him, unwilling to fight the urge.
“Scully, this is wonderful!” He laughs joyously and kisses her again, setting the paper and his drink on the table. “I’m so happy.” He brings her into his embrace and buries his face in her shoulder for a long moment, both of them starting to cry. He suddenly pulls away and puts his hand on her abdomen under her shirt, his other arm still wrapped around Scully.
“I love you,” she tells him.
“I love you, too,” he replies.
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ierotits · 2 years
anyway, youse remember how pissed I was about a lack of dental grant inanahi? govt announced nōnāianei the grant for emergency dental work for low income tāngata is gonna be $1k instead of $300! which would bring my surgery down from $2500 to $1150 (if we add on the $350 from the govt)
now I've discovered if you've earned any more than $800 in 1 week in the past year you cant get it. aka me who earns like $300 a week but has 2 weeks a year i do 5x the amount of mahi cant get it. despite being well below the threshold the rest of the year. fuckin hate this. so its still gonna be $2150 out of pocket aka im just gonna suffer and hope my teeth don't fall out yay
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thegreaterlink · 3 years
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S2E6 “The Schizoid Man”
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The Enterprise is en route to provide medical care to the reclusive but brilliant scientist Dr Ira Graves, who lives on a remote planet with his assistant, Kareen Brianon. The crew suddenly receives an emergency distress call from a nearby transport ship, and Picard sends an away team consisting of Data, Troi, Worf and the Vulcan Dr. Selar to attend to Dr Graves while the Enterprise helps the transport.
The away team beams down and finds that the request for assistance was made by Kareen without Graves' knowledge. Though resentful, Graves allows Dr Selar to examine him, revealing that he has a terminal case of Darnay's disease, with only three weeks to live. The team begins to collect Graves' research and records to preserve them after his death. After discovering that Graves mentored his creator, Data starts to spend a lot of time with Graves (don't worry, this isn't going the way you think) as his condition worsens. Grave reveals to Data that he has developed a way to transfer his consciousness into a computer, allowing him to cheat death. Data later reports to the away team that Graves has passed away, but the crew quickly pick up on his strange behaviour...
This episode was a lot of fun.
I thought something was off from the moment that Data walked in and announced that Graves was dead. Sure, we see his body later, but for a major guest character to die offscreen struck me as a bizarre writing choice. Then Data meets with Kareen in Ten Forward, telling her how much Graves loved her, which understandably makes her uncomfortable. That's when it clicked into place: with or without the android's consent, Graves had transferred his consciousness into Data.
My suspicion was all but confirmed at Graves' funeral, where Data steps forward to say a few words and ends up giving a massive eulogy singing Graves' praises, ending (or rather, Picard cuts him off) with a line that I now want written on my tombstone:
"Those who knew him, loved him. And those who didn't know him, loved him from afar."
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An understandably suspicious Picard questions Data after the funeral, and the latter claims that he got carried away because of his connection to Graves. Picard tells Data that he shouldn't try so hard to emulate humans, and dismisses him. Data leaves Picard's office, ogles a passing female crew member, and saunters off down the hallway.
Picard knows that something is wrong with Data. At this point, it's just a matter of waiting for him to work out why.
Speaking of Data, Brent Spiner is once again the standout performer in this episode, with his altered demeanour and body language cluing us in early on that something is wrong and perfectly convincing us that he's now an entirely different person.
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Data reports to his usual post on the bridge, casually belittling Wesley on his age and lack of experience. Though at the start of this series I would've been all for it, Wesley has actually been surprisingly tolerable for a while now. But Wesley seems more amused than offended when Data insults him. For someone who's supposed to be so intelligent, he's showing a surprising lack of situational awareness here. Anyway, Picard brings Kareen onto the bridge and starts showing her around. Data isn't too happy about this, and makes some decidedly uncharacteristic snarky comments under his breath, even lashing out at Picard and accusing him of trying to get with Kareen.
Counsellor Troi senses jealousy coming from Data, and despite a physical examination showing nothing wrong, they remain unconvinced. Troi performs a psychotronic stability examination on Data and discovers two separate personalities in conflict within him. The plot thickens: Graves is threatening to completely erase Data's natural personality, but refuses to leave his new body.
Despite having been ordered to stay in his quarters, Picard discovers that Data has gone to Ten Forward.
By the way, Picard knows that one of his senior crewmen is possessed by a rogue consciousness, and he just leaves him in his quarters with zero supervision? No security detail? I know they wouldn't do any good against a super-strong android, but come on Picard, really?
Anyway, "Data" finds Kareen (it's like the writers just couldn't let anyone have a normal name) in Ten Forward and reveals that he's actually Dr Graves. He offers to build her an android body so they can spend eternity together. Graves' attraction to someone decades younger than him is pretty yikes, so she obviously turns him down. Graves... doesn't take this well, to say the least, but while trying to stop her from leaving, his new strength causes him to accidentally fracture her hand in two places. By the time Picard confronts Graves on the engineering deck, he's already accidentally injured Geordi and several others. When Picard pleads with him to leave Data's body, Graves accidentally knocks him out.
The ending is where I think this otherwise solid episode falls short a little. Obviously they couldn't let Graves stay in Data's body, but Graves had a good reason for not wanting to leave and the goody two-shoes Picard obviously wasn't the type to force him out. So the solution is for Graves to realise the harm he's causing and voluntarily uploads himself out of Data and into the ship's computer, but only his vast knowledge - any human consciousness has been lost. I don't know, something about it just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe Graves could've realised the limits of living in an android body (no taste buds, digestion system, inability to feel most forms of regular pleasure) and refuse to live essentially a hollow life in immortality? Just an idea.
Also, I couldn't find a natural way to fit this into the review, but there's a scene early on where Data gives himself a beard in an attempt to look more convincingly human. It looks pretty good on him, I think.
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7.5/10 - Surprisingly good.
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remnantoforario · 4 years
Remnant’s Top Ten Anime of 2020
2020 Was certainly a ride wasn’t it? To those that managed to make to make it through in one piece, or any piece, good job. Hopefully 2021 is better to us all. 
Despite the world mostly being on fire, I’d hazard to say that a lot of good shows came out in 2020 (despite a number of them being delayed to either later in the year or this year altogether). I meant to release this list much earlier, but I kept changing it around. 
Anyway, here are the ones I thought were the best. 
Honorable Mentions:
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Synopsis: The plot centers on a man named Caiman and his search for his real identity after a transformation by a sorcerer left him with a reptile's head and no memory of his former life. 
Along with his friend Nikaido, he violently assaults sorcerers in the Hole, with the aim of taking their heads into his mouth, where a strange face will appear and confirm whether the sorcerer he has bitten onto was the one responsible for his transformation or not.
As the residents of the Hole, the En family and the Cross-Eyes gang, along with many others, collide with one another, the mystery of Caiman's identity begins to unravel, reigniting ancient grudges and threatening to forever change both the Hole and the sorcerers' world.
Thoughts: This is the only Netflix anime I watched this year (I missed out on Great Pretender before the year ended), and I can honestly say I had fun with this one. It’s animation was good, the story was engaging enough, and the characters were all unique (Noi best girl). The one problem I would say with the show is that it can come off as unfocused at times, meandering from one plaot point to another with no real connective tissue. 
Still a fun series though. 
ID: Invaded
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Synopsis: The anime follows the investigations of Narihisago, a renowned detective now in prison, who is tasked with diving into the id wells of various serial killers. 
Two years prior to the current events, Narihisago's daughter Muku was brutally murdered by a serial killer, leading Narihisago's wife to commit suicide. These deaths prompted him to hunt down and murder the killer, earning him his prison sentence. He is still depressed and haunted by his wife and daughter's deaths, but also uses this as motivation to take his work seriously and help stop serial killers. 
Thoughts: One of a handful of original series that came out this year. This show gave me heavy Inception/Minority Report vibes from both its premise and presentation. It wobbles under the weight of its own concepts towards the end, but it still a fun ride nonetheless. 
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Synopsis: The story centers on Shuichi Kagaya, a high school student with an unusual secret. He has the ability to transform into a monster resembling a giant dog mascot costume with a zipper down his back and a large cartoonish smile. After rescuing a strange girl, Claire Aoki, from a warehouse fire, they join each other to search for Claire's older sister, who is assumed to be responsible for the death of their parents.
Thoughts: When the initial rollout for this show began I admit I wasn’t really a fan. I thought it was just going to be a hyper violent, fanservice show. Now in some ways it is that, but if you really look Gleipnir tells a very interesting tale of identity and what it truly means to have a wish granted. The music was pretty good as well, and that’s really something from me as a person who doesn’t pay attention to soundtracks. 
Hope this show gets a season 2, but if not I’ll more than likely start the manga. 
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina
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Synopsis:  Fascinated by the stories of Niké, a witch who traveled around the world, Elaina aspires to take the same course. Her determination of studying books and magic leads to her becoming the youngest apprentice witch to pass the sorcery exam. 
However, when Elaina attempts to receive training in order to become a full-fledged witch, she is rejected due to her extraordinary talents until she finds Fran, the "Stardust Witch," whom accepts her. After earning her title, the "Ashen Witch," Elaina begins her exploration around the world, visiting and facing all kinds of people and places.
Thoughts: As a fan of the Light Novels, I was pretty excited when it was announced it was getting an anime. For the most part it didn’t disappoint. Though it skipped most of the stories in the novels, the show still told a few good stories that made for some amazingly animated tv. 
Talentless Nana
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Synposis: In the near future, mysterious monsters known as the "Enemies of Humanity" begin to appear, and with it so do children with supernatural powers called the "Talented". To prepare them for the upcoming battle against these Enemies, all the Talented are sent to a school located on a deserted island, where they have all their daily needs provided for until they graduate and communication with the outside world is forbidden. 
One day, a new student named Nana Hiiragi arrives at the school. Her friendly and cheerful personality lets her quickly make friends with the class. However, with Nana comes a whole litany of mysterious occurrences on the island. 
Thoughts: I can’t say too much about Nana without spoiling it’s first episode twist, but I will say that its a pretty interesting show with a fairly compelling game of cat and mouse being played. 
Now on the the actual list:
10. The Misfit of Demon King Academy 
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Synopsis: After 2,000 years of countless wars and strife, the demon king Anos Voldigoad made a deal with the human hero, Kanon, to sacrifice his own life to ensure peace could flourish. Reincarnating 2,000 years later, Anos finds that royal demons now harshly rule over lower class hybrid demons in a society that values Anos's pureblood descendants over the demons who interbred with other species, such as humans and spirits. 
Finding that magic as a whole has begun to decline and his descendants weaker as a result of the peace he created, Anos, now technically a hybrid himself, decides to reclaim his former title of Demon King, but first, he must graduate from the Demon King Academy where he is labeled a total misfit.
Thoughts: Originally I was going to put Nana in this spot, but its lack of a real ending pushed it out of the list. If only slightly. Misft at Demon Academy is just a fun ride from start to finish. There’s always something about shows with ridiculous OP protagonists (Overlord, One Punch Man, etc.) that gets the blood pumping. 
It’s like junk food. Great for the right moment, but not needed all the time. 
9. Ikebukuro West Gate Park
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Synopsis:  A charismatic troubleshooter tries to keep the peace between warring factions while protecting his loved ones in Ikebukuro West Gate Park.
Thoughts: I honestly had no idea what to make of this show when I first saw the synopsis, but I gave it a try on a whim. I’m glad I did because this was easily the dark horse of the Fall season. I really liked the mostly self contained story format the series had, and there were a few very good episodes here. Check it out. 
8.  My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
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Synopsis: Catarina Claes, the young daughter of a noble family, one day bumps her head and regains memories of her past life as an otaku. It is then that she realizes she has been reborn into the world of the otome game Fortune Lover, reincarnated as the game's villainess who, regardless of what route the player took in the original game, is doomed to be either killed or exiled. 
In order to avoid these routes that lead to doom, Catarina begins taking countermeasures to try and avoid things going the same way as the game. This, however, ends up having unexpected consequences on her relations with the other characters of the game's world.
Thoughts: Normally I’m not a fan of Reverse/Otome harem series, but somehow Bakarina managed to pull me in, to a good result. This show was easily one of the best comedies I watched this year with a good cast and a likable protagonist. 
7.  Deca-Dence 
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Synopsis: In the fortress city of Deca-dence, the lowly Tanker girl, Natsume, dreams of becoming a Gear warrior following her father's death during a Gadoll attack. She is assigned to a maintenance team led by Kaburagi whom she discovers is more than he appears. Kaburagi has a secret role in eliminating "bugs", humans who threaten Solid Quake's operations. 
When Kaburagi discovers that Natsume is listed as dead in the company database, he decides to keep her under observation and offers to train her to fight.
Thoughts: Giant monsters and giant robots. What more do you need? Watch it. 
6. A Certain Scientific Railgun T
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Synposis: The Daihasei Festival has begun, and that of course means that Tokiwadai Middle School—a prestigious all-girls' middle school—is competing too. Despite the participation of the "Ace of Tokiwadai," Mikoto Misaka, the other students who are participating are still putting their utmost effort into winning, no matter how impossible the feat may seem against her might. However, not all is fun and games. Due to the the festival, Academy City opens to the outside world, and various factions have begun plotting ways to infiltrate the city. Misaka appears to be on their radar, and as the festival proceeds, people lurking from the shadows begin to emerge...
Thoughts: Not really much to say here. It’s the third season of Railgun, but good thing here is that each season of Railgun is better than the last. Truly the best of the To Aru universe. 
5. BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.
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Synposis: Urged on by her friend, Kaede Honjō begins playing the VRMMORPG NewWorld Online under the name Maple. Not wanting to get hurt, Maple opts to be a shield user with maxed out defense stats, and continues putting every status point she earns in the game into increasing only her defense level. 
As a result, she is left with slow foot speed and no magic, but her high defense allows her to endure most hits without taking any damage. This, along with her basic-level creative thinking, allows for her to make unexpected accomplishments in the game, its quests and events. By doing this, she ends up earning all kinds of equally unexpected skills and becomes one of the strongest players in the game. Thoughts: Bofuri is another OP power fantasy like Demon King Academy, but with the twist of being fused with CGDCT. The cast is extremely likable (especially Maple) and when Silver Link wants to they can make the battles REALLY dynamic. A nice comfortable watch, which was sorely needed in 2020. 
4. Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
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Synposis: The story follows Princess Syalis, a young princess who was kidnapped by the demon king, and her quest to sleep well while imprisoned.
Thoughts: A simple premise for a not so simple story. Sleepy Princess for me was easily the best comedy of the year, with plenty of heart and action thrown in as well. I was wary of the series at first, thinking that the premise wouldnt be entertaining for more than a few episodes, but boy was I wrong. Each episode was funnier than the last and Doga Kobo pulled out all the stops to make it look as gorgeous as possible.  
3. Jujutsu Kaisen
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Synopsis: Idly indulging in baseless paranormal activities with the Occult Club, high schooler Yuuji Itadori spends his days at either the clubroom or the hospital, where he visits his bedridden grandfather. However, this leisurely lifestyle soon takes a turn for the strange when he unknowingly encounters a cursed item. Triggering a chain of supernatural occurrences, Yuuji finds himself suddenly thrust into the world of Curses—dreadful beings formed from human malice and negativity—after swallowing the said item, revealed to be a finger belonging to the demon Sukuna Ryoumen, the "King of Curses." Yuuji experiences first-hand the threat these Curses pose to society as he discovers his own newfound powers. Introduced to the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School, he begins to walk down a path from which he cannot return—the path of a Jujutsu sorcerer.
Thoughts: Originally I wasn’t going to put this on the list, because the season doesnt conclude this year, but I decided to make an exception since the show started so strong. Many people were hyping this up as the next big shonen, and they were right. Mappa really went balls to the wall with this show and I’m pretty hype for what happens this cour. 
2. Akudama Drive
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Synopsis: The bustling metropolis of Kansai, where cybernetic screens litter the neon landscape, may seem like a technological utopia at first glance. But in the dark alleys around the brightly-lit buildings, an unforgiving criminal underbelly still exists in the form of fugitives known as "Akudama." No stranger to these individuals, Kansai police begin the countdown to the public execution of an infamous Akudama "Cutthroat," guilty of killing 999 people. However, a mysterious message is sent to several elite Akudama, enlisting them to free Cutthroat for a substantial amount of money. An invisible hand seeks to gather these dangerous personas in one place, ensuring that the execution is well underway to becoming a full-blown bloodbath.  
Thoughts: Want to know what it would be like if Quentin Tarantino made an anime? Well here you go. An adrenaline filled rollercoaster ride from start to finish with a crazy cast of characters and even crazier visuals. There’s even a bit of social commentary in there if you squint. 
1. Oregairu Climax
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Synopsis: Resolved to become a more independent person, Yukino Yukinoshita decides to smoothen things out with her parents, and the first step toward achieving that goal is to prove herself. As graduation draws closer for the third-year students, Iroha Isshiki—the president of the student council—requests a graduation prom in collaboration with the Volunteer Service Club. Yukino accepts this request of her own volition, hoping to use it as a chance to demonstrate her self-reliance, but what lies ahead of her may prove to be a hard hurdle to cross.
At the same time, a chance for the Volunteer Service Club members to better understand each other presents itself. And thus, Hachiman Hikigaya's hectic and bittersweet high school life begins to draw to a close.
Thoughts: The gif says it all really. I could just leave that there and end this list on a somewhat high note, but I’ll explain it. 
Now objectively, there were better shows than this one (off the top of my head JJK comes to mind) but when you combine all three seasons there is no contest in my mind that Oregairu had one of the most perfect endings to a series I have ever seen. 
It was an ending 7 years in the making. The first season in 2013 was good, the second season two years later was even better, but Climax was Oregairu at is absolute best and that goes beyond the story and characters. A lot of praise also has to go to Studio feel., who took over animation duties from Brain’s Base in season 2. While BB’s animation was much more accurate to the LN, feel’s more realistic designs fit the more mature direction the story was starting to go, giving the anime some of its best moments. 
Watching Hachiman, Yukino, and Yui grow and change from naive teenagers to somewhat understood young adults was amazing and sometimes heartbreaking to watch. Hachiman’s search to find something “genuine”, Yukino’s desire to be independent, and Yui struggling with her feelings of love and friendship all clash and compliment in very interesting ways that makes these three characters even more relatable than they were before. 
Lots of long running series don’t stick to landing, but in my eyes Oregairu stuck it perfectly. That’s why its my favorite anime of 2020.
Here’s to 2021. 
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wickedpact · 3 years
so netflix just announced the schedule for that fan event on saturdays and now its official: there wont be a tog panel. charlize will make an appearance though, alongside other 5 actress in a panel about action movies. there's a moderator so its most likely gonna be a general discussion about the genre with an emphasis on female protagonists - she's certainly going to talk about andy and nile's characters as well as her experience as a producer - and maybe there will be a comment or two about the sequel, but i feel like nothing too specific or revealing and more like a brief statement. i hope i'm wrong tho! i mean they did kinda hint that there would be new content at the panel? (or maybe it was never gonna to happen and we're just clowns being baited yet again).
anyway, i keep wondering if its a case of netflix not giving a shit about promoting the movie, or if it there's another perfectly reasonable explanation for it and i'm being super extra about it.
because really, netflix has a lot of fucking money and they dont usually spare it on their marketing campaigns. and still we get nothing. not before the film came out (if i didnt have access to the gays from tumblr/twitter i would have never even discover the film - it had me at the joenicky gifs, obvs - and still, i had to introduce it to so many people from inside the community who had never heard of it.) and not even after people started engaging with it, basically begging for some crumbles. not a single photo or video of cast together, not any deletes scenes; we're all starving here!!! in fact, netflix just released the raw footage of an audition/chemestry test featuring the actresses from fear street vs the actual scenes from the film - including some dialogue that was cut from it which reveal some background info about the characters - so clearly they understand the appeal. SO WHY CANT WE HAVE THAT
[nonetheless i'm a fool who still hopes that someday we're gonna get more content of them together (i want behind the scenes footage! i wanna know more about their experiences training and shooting the film! i wanna hear funny stories from the set! i wanna see them teasing each other in several languages! also would sell a lung to watch luca and marwan taking part in back to back chef!). ]
anyhow, i honestly find that even when we take into account the global pandemic and its effects, the publicity was kinda wack; we can basically count on one hand how many interviews were made while they were promoting the film.
and i truly dont get it!!!!!!! im not even speaking as fan here. the old guard has the potential to be a hit among several demographics; now that disney took away what used to be netflix's flagship content the competition has never been more fierce in the superhero/ish genre!!! and its not like we're talking about some low-budget film cmon its a significal production with both experienced and emerging actors. its chiwetel ejofior ITS CHARLIZE FUCKING THERON. anyway my point is that in a time when movie theathers were closed and streaming reached its peak tog could - SHOULD - have been much more popular.
SO LIKE. WHY?????? does it have anything to do with skydance and copyrights? re: interviews, can it be that the cast just didnt sign up for this (is that even a thing? i dont know anything about the film industry, clearly)? unlikely for a movie that big i would guess but who knows??? i mean contrary to some hollywood folks most of the cast is extremely private and discrete people (GOOD FOR THEM) so perhaps they have some reservations about it? or we're really just the poor bastards that end up being obssessed with a media no one gives a fuck about it and thats it? WHYYY
p.s.: sorry for the word vomit! this was not supposed to be an essay i just had to get this off my chest and you're the most welcoming blog around these woods. thank you for the tea (or is it coffee? heh) and the biscuits and for always indulging our passionate rants. HAVE A NICE DAY I LOVE YOU
re: TUDUM, geeked week mentioned there will be a little interview thing for greg & leandro so i have a feeling if anything of tog importance will be discussed itll happen then
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but yeah i get what youre saying; sometimes i wonder if the reason that theres like no bts content is bc it just.. .doesnt exist? just people didnt film things like chemistry readings or the like while creating tog and thats why theres been basically no crumbs? (but then again, it was gina who took it upon herself to post the hair & makeup test footage AND theres at least one deleted scene that we know of thats never been posted so maybe not)
and yeah it does seem so bizarre since tog got such a big response from audiences (it was one of netflix's most watched original movies!) and critics did actually like it, unlike some of netflix's most watched originals. PLUS it has that ✨ Franchise Potential ✨that everyone has been searching for as of late and it also gives netflix their sought after Woke Points. idk it just seems like they should be leaning into tog as hard as they can but it feels like theyve been largely ignoring it. i mean i get the holdups in regard to finding a new director but other than that the response from netflix has been so underwhelming
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delimeful · 4 years
the shapes in the silence (11)
new chapter at the behest of one of my patrons! hope you enjoy! >:)
warnings: terrible coping mechanisms, antagonistic but not "evil" deceit, semi-vivid panic attack, suicidal implications/thoughts, arguing, an antagonistic and also genuinely evil cliffhanger, take care for realsies
After a few days of solitude, Logan emerged from his room with a triumphant gleam in his eyes.
He dropped a comically large stack of paper onto the lounge table, interrupting their bi-monthly binge of Parks and Rec. Patton obligingly paused the television, smiling at the sight of the other Side.
Roman probably would have complained, except Virgil-- as Puff-- had been dozing on top of his head for the past twenty minutes, and one of his wings was draped over Roman’s face like a makeshift blindfold. So, he hadn’t really been watching anyways.  
“I’ve figured it out,” Logan said, gesturing to the meticulous lines of not-so-meticulous handwriting. “The shrinking.”
Everyone seemed to perk up in interest, and Virgil dropped onto Roman’s shoulder, kneading his claws lightly into the sash.
“You know why?” Patton prompted after another moment of Logan preening.
“Yeah, Specs, don’t leave us in suspense!” Roman demanded, valiantly restraining his gesturing for the sake of not accidentally unbalancing Virgil. The two of them had only had to learn that lesson once.
Logan nodded, adjusting his glasses briefly. “My current hypothesis is that our reduced states are the result of a sort of… mental lock. We shrink when the locking mechanism is triggered, and it takes a figurative key to restore our previous, normal stature.”
“A key?” Patton asked. “You figured out how to undo it?”
“Not for everyone. Think of it as customized locks. There’s a different key for each of us, and I’ve only discovered my own.”
Virgil tilted his head curiously at Logan’s words. The first bit was about what he’d figured, but a ‘key’ to change back? He used to think he only changed back in his room, but there had been a couple of occasions where he’d shifted forms unexpectedly. None of the others had had to be in their rooms to change back, either.
Roman was frowning in thought. “Wait, how in the name of Disney did you figure out your key?”
Logan looked delighted at the question. He moved to sit in his usual armchair, and then closed his eyes for a moment, his brow furrowing slightly and his mouth dropping into a frown.
In the next moment, he was doll-sized. “Extensive and rigorous experimentation,” he said, carefully getting to his feet on the plush chair fabric.
Roman and Patton immediately burst into excited chattering, each theorizing or commenting on Logan’s tiny stature, and Virgil quickly abandoned ship before Roman really did gesture him right into the air. He trotted along the back of the couch and kicked off of it, landing on the arm of Logan’s chair.
Logan looked up at him for a moment, before referring to a pile of tinier-than-normal flashcards pulled from his pocket. “Puff. I hope there’s no ‘hard feelings’ about my former hypothesis. It was nothing personal, I can assure you.”
It wasn’t like the theory had been too far fetched. Virgil hopped down to the seat of the chair and brushed against Logan’s side like a large, scaly cat. It seemed to do the job of convincing Logan that they were cool.
Logan looked back over at the other two. “Time to continue the lecture, I believe.”
With that, he clapped his hands together in a familiar pattern, one that had been used in countless classrooms in Thomas’s life. Two normal claps, and then three rapid ones.
Almost immediately, Patton and Roman clapped the returning pattern, paused as though registering what they’d done, and then turned to face Logan.
“Was… Did you just teacher-clap at us?” Roman asked, astounded.
Logan looked incredibly smug at his gambit working so perfectly, and Virgil barely had time to claw his way back up onto the armrest before the logical Side was back to normal.
“My key,” he said, “is being listened to.”
Then, as though he couldn’t resist, he added, “Who’s falling behind now, Roman?”  
Roman spluttered with exaggerated indignance, and Virgil was absolutely certain that Princey was going to spend the next several days rising to the challenge. He shook his wings out, the dragon equivalent of rolling his eyes.
Patton, on the other hand, clapped enthusiastically as though Logan had performed a magic trick. “Wow, way to grow!”
Logan sighed deeply. Patton grinned, and then paused.
“See, the only thing I’m wondering now is, why is this happening to us all of the sudden? It’s certainly not something we’ve had to deal with before.”
There was a terse silence.  
“I’m still working on theories in that regard,” Logan finally responded, mouth pinched slightly. “There have been many periods in the past where certain upheavals in Thomas’s life have led to our surroundings or our very selves changing. It’s entirely possible that this… ‘shrinking’ effect is a similar case. That brings me to my next point: we need to speak with Thomas.”
Virgil noticed Roman grimace for a moment. “Does he really need to know about all… this?”
“We certainly can’t keep it from him!” Patton replied as he walked closer to the rest of them and held out his arm. Virgil scaled it with ease, clambering up to perch on Pat’s shoulder like a parrot. For once, he agreed with Roman. He wasn’t sure this would end well, but... it wasn’t his job to bring up doubts right now. “He’s going to have to learn about it eventually, whether now or whenever he calls us up to talk about whatever is bothering him.”
“Precisely,” Logan agreed. “The more information we gather on this matter, the better.”
“I guess…,” Roman crossed his arms, but conceded. Patton gave him an encouraging hug.
“Plus,” he added as he pulled away, “if we go now, we can have Thomathy meet Puff!”
A beat late, Virgil realized just what that meant, and a flood of panic washed out the peaceful haze in his mind. They couldn’t take him to see Thomas! What if his host recognized him?
… What if he didn’t?
“It’s fine with me,” Logan added. “He does seem to be a rather permanent fixture in the Mindscape, though I’m not sure what that says about Thomas.”
“It says that he’s simply the coolest,” Roman shot back, his spirits seemingly lifted by the idea. He reached over and lifted Virgil off Patton’s shoulders, holding him in the air and spinning in a dizzying circle. “You’ll love Thomas, Puff, just you wait.”  
“Why wait?” Patton chimed in with an excited smile. “I’ll go let the kiddo know we’re coming!”
He sank out, and Logan spent a short moment making sure his tie was properly aligned before following. Roman tilted his head slightly as though listening to an invisible sound before smiling widely. “There’s our cue!”
Before Virgil could do more than feel a sense of impending doom, the world was blurring and shifting around them, and he was dragged up along with Roman.
The dizziness as he entered the real world was so heady that he nearly blacked out, his head spinning. When his vision cleared, he realized he was being held up like an infant Simba.
Right in front of his host’s face. He froze like a deer in the headlights, mind screaming wordlessly.
“Ta-da!” Roman announced. “The newest, cutest denizen of your mind! Aside from me, of course.”  
Thomas leaned in slightly, no trace of disgust or fear on his face. It made him look younger. “Woah. Hey there, little guy. Puff, right?”
He held his hand out carefully, and almost magnetically, Virgil placed a tiny, clawed hand on it. An encouraging smile was all it took, and then he was abandoning all caution and climbing right into the arms of the one who was supposed to fear him the most.
Thomas just shifted obligingly to create a better platform, and ran a thumb over his spine scales. Virgil craned his head up to look, and saw only quiet astonishment and awe on his host’s face.
There was no question. He didn’t recognize him.
Virgil had no idea what the emotion in the pit of his stomach was-- an amalgam of relief, disappointment, terror, sadness, so dense it was physically painful-- but after a moment, he let himself go lax. He could deal with it later. He could deal with everything later.
For now, his host was holding him close like he was something treasured, something precious. It was more than he’d ever hoped for and all he could ever need.
Whenever Thomas spoke, he could feel the words vibrating in his host’s chest. It was almost like a hug. He stayed there, content to listen only vaguely as the others explained what was going on and tried to work out the reason why.
After a while of circular discussion, Thomas went a little tense, catching Virgil’s attention. He hesitated for a moment before speaking.
“We’re trying to figure out what’s going wrong to cause this… inner turmoil, right? Why don’t we get Anxiety in on this? If there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s coming up with worst-case scenarios.”
Virgil went still and frozen, and Roman’s gaze darted down to him for a moment before his expression firmed into a frown. “Absolutely not. That villain won’t have anything helpful to contribute.”
“On the contrary, I believe Thomas has a point. Anxiety could have a side to this story that we haven’t heard yet, but if we were just to ask him,” Logan countered, “he may share.”
“Kind of strange that he hasn’t popped up already,” Patton added with a concerned frown. “The kiddo doesn’t generally like it when people talk about him without him there.”
“Let’s at least give it a shot,” Thomas decided, lifting a hand. “Anxiety!”
No, no no no. This wasn’t how he wanted it to go. Virgil braced for the irresistible tug on his core, the breaking apart of his fragile peace--
It didn’t come.
There was no pull. Why wasn’t he feeling the pull? He couldn’t detect even the slightest call, which was impossible, unless--
Perfectly on cue, a dark figure appeared from thin air on the staircase, jumpscaring Thomas and offering a mocking smirk.
“You called?”
It… was him. It was Anxiety, dark hoodie and darker eyeliner, sneer and all. Virgil felt the strangest disconnect from his own identity for a moment before things snapped back into place. No summons, his own desire for secrecy, a perfect doppelganger.
A low, rumbling growl started up in his chest, and his hackles rose instantly at the sight of that liar daring to wear his face.
Thomas’s hands jerked away in surprise, and Patton reached over to soothe him. “Easy, Puff. He won’t do anything to you, promise.”
“That’s right,” Roman agreed in a completely different tone, stepping forwards to put himself between the fake Anxiety and the others, as though Virgil was pathetic enough to be worried about himself and not whatever bullshit Deceit-As-Anxiety was about to feed the others. His growl lowered in volume, but refused to taper off.
“Like I care about your newest pet project,” Fake-Anxiety said, rolling his eyes in disdain. “I’m just here to do what I do best: tell you how you messed up.”
Logan frowned at him. “You believe our current situation is the result of Thomas erring in some way?”
“Not just some way. All the ways. It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Fake-Anxiety said, gesturing widely to Thomas with one hand. “Something’s wrong with you. You’re broken.”
“That’s not true,” Patton said firmly, frowning in disapproval. “Anxiety, I expected better from you.”
Virgil felt his throat close up, even though he wasn’t really the one Patton was speaking to. It wasn’t like Patton knew that. How was he ever going to look anyone in the eye after this?
“Wait, what? How am I broken?” Thomas asked, not as indignantly as Virgil would have preferred. He gently butted his head against Thomas’s arm for morale-boosting purposes.
“I mean, think about it,” Fake-Anxiety said, spreading his palms open in a faux innocent gesture. “How many times have you screwed up in the past couple of weeks? Speaking with family, hanging out with friends, even just basic customer service interactions. Those were all your fault, and you know it.”
Thomas’s hands shook slightly. “I…”
“Falsehood,” Logan cut in sharply, his expression severe. “A person cannot be ‘broken’, particularly not for simple mistakes. In any case, there is no meaningful connection to be drawn between your baseless accusation and our current conundrum.”
Before Fake-Anxiety could respond, Patton’s hands flew to his mouth. “Wait. Kiddo, you don’t really think that about yourself, do you?”
All eyes turned to Thomas, who hesitated just a beat too long. “No… I mean, not entirely. Not all the time.”
“Thomas…” Roman looked stricken. “There’s no reason to feel bad about yourself!”
“Emotions… are often without reason,” Logan said, sharing a look with Patton. “This is important information, though. It’s entirely possible that a negative sense of self could affect us, as aspects of yourself. This could be the cause.”
“Then… How do I fix it?” Thomas asked, voice strained.
“You can’t,” Fake-Anxiety said, inspecting his nail polish as though bored. “You’re going to be stuck like this forever.”
“The first step,” Logan said, with a complicated glance towards the figure on the stairs, “is not letting negative thoughts control you. I was hoping Anxiety would be able to shed a light on our discussion, but it’s become clear that he’s… not in a helping mood.”
Fake-Anxiety clicked his tongue. “I’m helping. Helping you not make an even bigger embarrassment out of yourself.”
“Don’t listen to that villain,” Roman told Thomas, glancing down at ‘Puff’. “You have the power to send him away, Thomas.”
“Don’t bother. I’ve said my piece, and you know I’m right.” Fake-Anxiety gave a mocking salute before sinking out, making brief eye contact with Virgil as he did.
“He’s not right… right?” Thomas asked, his face a little pale. “I mean, it’s Anxiety.”
In his arms, Virgil tucked his limbs in tighter against himself.
“You are not broken,” Logan reiterated calmly. “Take a few deep breaths.”
“You do feel bad, though,” Patton said, a hand pressed over his heart in sympathy. “Kiddo... why don’t you take today for yourself?”
“That’s right!” Roman gripped Thomas’s shoulder comfortingly. “Do something that you’ll enjoy, and you can worry about everything else tomorrow, okay? We’ll sort things out on our end.”  
They spoke for a little longer, making new plans and cancelling old ones, and Virgil felt as though his mind was full of static. Eventually, finally, he was back on Roman’s shoulder, ready to sink out.
“Nice meeting you, Puff,” Thomas waved, and something in Virgil’s chest twisted painfully at it all. He chirp-crooned back, and it felt like a goodbye.
Luckily for him, the others were all preoccupied with their own thoughts and plans. It took almost no effort to slip away, and before he knew it he was back in his own room, in the form that everyone hated.
His summon was nonverbal and insistent, and before long, Deceit appeared before him, this time in his own skin. Virgil wanted to yell, to rage and vent the emotions inside of him.
“How could you?” Instead, his voice came out quiet. Cold. Betrayed.
Deceit shifted, a flash of discomfort crossing his face before he composed himself. “They needed a villain. Last I checked, it was you who cast yourself in that role.”
A villain. He felt himself shaking, distantly. “You used me. Like an object.”
“To help Thomas--”
“To frighten him into doing what you wanted!” Virgil said, voice finally rising. “To guide the others like puppets on strings and to make me take the fall for your plan!”
“This is for you, too!” Deceit finally snapped back, before taking a deep breath. “This isn’t a framing, Virgil. It’s an opportunity. They won’t look for you, and that gives me enough time to fix things. Come home.”
Virgil laughed, once, harsh like broken glass. “No.”
Deceit held up a hand, sweeping it downwards and shifting himself into Fake-Anxiety again. It was like looking in a mirror, but the reflection was… different, this time. It wasn’t the one that had sat on the stairs before.
“Look at yourself, Virgil. Look at what you’ve been doing to yourself.”
The bags under his eyes were dark and sallow. He was shaking and sweating, his breath coming in stuttering gasps. His body looked like it’d been having consecutive panic attacks for days on end, and there were plenty more coming.
“You don’t have to do this anymore. We both know that you’d have an easier time if Thomas wasn’t always fighting against you.”
He tore his eyes away from the reflection. If he thought about it for too long, he’d spiral, and then all of it-- every comment, every look, everything he’d been tucking away for the past weeks-- would come rushing up to meet him. Like hitting water from a hundred feet up and finding it felt like concrete. Like drowning.
He was tired of this. “Get out.”
Deceit said something else, but it was his room, and it followed his will. The other Side was evicted, shoved out, gone. He took a breath, but it felt too shallow and caught in his lungs.
He wasn’t going to get anything done in this form. He wasn’t of any damn use in this form. Nobody wanted him like this. Why not ease his grip, let go?
He wouldn’t have to be Anxiety and everything that came with it. It would be selfish, but-- but Puff was better for everyone, not just him. It made sense.
He sighed in relief as the transformation washed away the vice grip around his lungs and the dizzying pounding of his head. The feelings were muffled, as though he’d put on thick, good quality headphones. It was nice.
It was also harder to focus in this form, unfortunately, but the idea-- the solution remained helpfully stuck in his head. He easily found his way into Roman’s room to collect what he needed, but Roman himself was absent.
He padded down to the commons, and found all three of them were there. Their discussion came to a halt as he carefully jumped up on the couch, dropping his prize into Roman’s lap.
“Oh, Puff…” Roman seemed sad, so he kneaded the creative Side’s leg with the dull edge of his claws.
“What is that?” Patton asked curiously.
Roman shifted, as though anticipating a scolding. “It’s a charmed bracelet. I designed it to keep Anxiety away from Puff. And you know what? I was right to make it! You saw how he acted today!”
Patton bit his lip but remained quiet. Something about the silence hurt, but that was okay. It wouldn’t hurt for long. He nudged the bracelet slightly, impatient.
“Why hasn’t he been wearing it, then?” Logan asked, a curious bend to his eyebrows.
“He… Well, he didn’t want it at first. Put it on yours truly instead,” Roman replied, carefully brushing a hand over Virgil’s head. “I suppose he changed his mind.”
“Did Anxiety really scare him that badly?” Patton asked, voice heartbroken.
Roman frowned determinedly and finally started undoing the clasp. “Whatever that scoundrel did, he won’t be able to bother Puff anymore. This will make sure of it.”
He carefully wound the bracelet around Virgil’s neck, gently adjusted it until it fit right, and reconnected the ends. The last thing Virgil saw before the world went hazy was the three of them, the best parts of Thomas, looking back at him without any fear or hatred.
Then, there was only Puff.
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The Lovelorn Monster
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Welcome to my first Modern AU, which I wrote for @lovelyrita1967  It’s a Geraskier Romcom with extra suffering and gore! Also, it’s a Christmas fic as @booichiboo requested. 16k, M.
You can read it on AO3.
Summary: It's been many months since the mountain incident. Jaskier is alone on Christmas day. His lovely, old house has somehow become a monster-infested hellhole. Now it seems there might be a way to kill two birds with one stone. Only deciding what actually needs killing is much more complicated than that.
cw: blood, so much blood, also a lot of angst (although there’s a happy ending), suicide references, some Geraskier disagreements and heartbreak. No sex, but there’s a fair bit of angsty cuddling and some much less angsty kissing.
When I am laid, am laid in earth, May my wrongs create
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast;
Remember me, remember me, but ah! forget my fate.
Remember me, but ah! forget my fate.
Dido’s Lament, Henry Purcell, adapted from The Aeneid
Jaskier stared at his beautiful, tall, richly dressed Christmas tree with pride and a wistful smile. Each ornament was a souvenir or a gift. This tradition gave his decorations deep meaning, but also made him reluctant to come anywhere near the tree this year.
Memories. He had a cardboard box full of them. There was a delicately carved wooden heart covered in rich, red paint he received from Countess de Stael. Then his favourite - a perfect, tiny copy of his lute he had ordered to celebrate his first successful performance for the royals. He even had a little doll that a sibele, a demon who steals children, was using to lure a baby when Geralt cut off her head.
Geralt never approved of Jaskier keeping the toy, let alone using it as an ornament. ‘I don’t need keepsakes to remind me of the last time I killed something,’ his gruff voice would say.
Well, this year it’s going up. Jaskier picked a spot for the doll with a rebellious toss of his hair. It was quite a nasty, clumsily knitted thing. Seeing it on the tree succeeded mostly in creating an uncomfortable lump in his throat as he imagined Geralt sitting on his living room sofa, relaxed, with a snide smile, some acerbic remark already forming in his head.
Perhaps Geralt would ignore the doll. ‘You just love making yourself sentimental,’ he’d say instead, seemingly no connection, just a short, judgmental glance at the tree.
And Jaskier did, actually. No shame in that. It had its benefits. In his mind, Geralt could easily become just the memory of a perfect, lost friend, regardless of how he would feel about the prospect. He was the hero Jaskier once traveled with, no more, no less. They parted ways for perfectly rational reasons.
‘Just give me a couple of years,’ he said to the imaginary Geralt in his mind and smiled with pride. Being the storyteller meant being in control.
Then he noticed a little ornament shaped like a golden dragon lying at the bottom of the box. The sight made him freeze for a moment. He shook off the memory and ignored the draw towards his phone which has been intensifying over the last couple of days.
Everything was going fine. The phone was just playing music, lying perfectly innocently on the windowsill as it should. It was set on shuffle, and Annie Lennox’s “Dido's Lament” was on, a little bit ominous, but also somehow appropriate.
He hummed with the music while hanging up a few golden baubles. As he started to sing, another voice joined in, a distant echo of his hum, a gentle, female timbre following along quietly. It made him smile, eyes suddenly attracted to the window. It was already getting dark, and the Christmas lights he put up outside were reflecting in the glass. A weird glow by the evergreen shrubs made the snow underneath them shine delicately.
The decorations were nearly complete. There was a comforting smell of cinnamon and apples coming from the kitchen. Also, he still had some surprisingly successful homemade ginger biscuits left.
The golden dragon was the last thing he hung on the tree. He flinched a little as he did, but it was where it belonged. Then he moved away to admire his finished work. ‘Better late than never,’ he whispered to himself.
At that exact moment, the next song started to play. Jaskier instantly recognised it and stared at his phone as if it personally insulted him.
‘It's been a blue holiday since you've been gone,’ Aretha Franklin started to sing.
‘Oh, no you don’t,’ Jaskier whispered while walking calmly towards his phone.
‘Oh darling, won't you hurry, hurry home,’ she continued undisturbed.
He actually liked the song and was starting to wonder if he was overreacting.
‘It's been a blue… a blue holiday. And I'm all alone.’
No, he wasn’t.
‘My dear I need your love to keep… to keep me warm.’
Yeah, sure, like that was ever an option, he thought to himself.
‘I cry when I hear the chapel bells ring… And sometimes I cry all through the night.’
Fuck. Jaskier’s fingerprint lock was a little wonky.
‘Won't you please come home and make my… make my holiday bright.’
Finally, he managed to skip a couple of songs, and quickly discovered he actually preferred some silence this time. He took a deep breath and decided it was time to focus on cooking. That should be comforting enough.
As soon as he turned towards the kitchen he heard a weird, buzzing sound, and then a high, disembodied laugh. Lights flickered. There was a loud crash, a cavalcade of many little objects falling all at once, baubles suddenly bouncing off his furniture. A glass ball he bought at a little Christmas market in Vizima rolled in between his feet.
He swore under his breath and turned back. All the ornaments were lying on his wooden floor, and only the Christmas lights remained. A small dark shape with sharp horns moved along the wall and then disappeared behind the sofa, still giggling to itself.
Jaskier stared at the naked tree, feeling a bit hopeless. Then he climbed up the sofa pillows and looked into the tight space between the wall and the backrest.
Two small, red eyes stared back.
‘Proud of yourself?’ he asked with irritation and heard only a quiet hiss in response. ‘You know what? Fuck you. Sincerely, fuck you.’ He pointed at the thing, his eyes narrowing. ‘No more biscuits for you. You’re going down,’ he threatened, a surprising and, by all accounts, disproportionate amount of uncurbed fury in his voice, hand shaking slightly.
For a moment Jaskier seemed overwhelmed. He took a couple of very deep breaths, then coughed a little and his eyes watered. ‘Right,’ he said to himself, his attempts to calm down obviously failing. He stretched his neck, then rolled his shoulders, releasing the tension with a sigh. ‘Right,’ he repeated as his expression switched to resolve.
He squeezed his phone with newly found determination, and then fiddled with it nervously for much longer than he originally planned.
Finally, he clicked on his least favourite icon of all - the phone app.
The signal was ringing loud in his ears. Time slowed down. He was just about to hang up when he heard a deep voice on the other side. ‘Yes?’
‘Vesemir,’ Jaskier announced, jovially. ‘Merry Christmas!’ He listened to Vesemir return the greeting and massaged his temples nervously. ‘Yes, thank you. Erm… I was just wondering… No, no, I am not going to hang up. Whatever gives you that idea?’ He laughed nervously. ‘I do need help. It’s a dreadful emergency. No… Of course, I would have called otherwise. Yes, it’s quiet because I’m at home. No, I have not been drinking. I am most definitely sober. Yes, yes, yes… No, I do realise… I actually do have a monster that needs to be… witchered? No, it’s not just one, actually… It’s- it’s a couple of things, really. I know it’s Christmas. Yes, I see your point. But… isn’t Geralt working anyway?’
He waited as the line went quiet for a while. ‘Yes, I did just ask for Geralt,’ he confirmed.
No response. Vesemir must have moved away from the phone, and there was a sound of distant chatter. When he returned his voice was hesitant. ‘You’re sure about this?’ he asked.
‘Yes, I definitely want Geralt here. As soon as possible would be grand,’ Jaskier confirmed again, surprised at how confident he sounded.
‘Fine,’ Vesemir said finally, before hanging up right away, voice a bit more irritated than the situation justified.
Jaskier put the phone away and tried to force himself to breathe again.
You can read the rest on AO3.
Extra thanks to @ohmybgosh @variousnoises
@thelastsock​ @jaskierswolf​ @rawrkinjd​ @katesierra​ @gilbert-von-kneecap​ @stinastar​ @carmillacarmine​ @ro-the-bard-writer​ @ikeptupwiththejoneses​ @purpleonionofsex​ @marvagon​ @fontegagrilledcheese​ @sarah-midnight​ @geraskierficrecs​ @renfribrooks​ @darknessyuu​ @comfortabletextiles​ @gosh-diddley-darnit​ @ohjules​ @short-potato​ @anie6142​ 
@valdomarx​ I know you don’t read Modern AUs but this one has a wyvern, a rusalka and Geralt is still a witcher. Also, I love you. That’s my argument.
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chocoluckchipz · 4 years
A Soulmate for Christmas - 1
No one but you see your soulmate mark. Not unless your soulmate touches it, and even then, it only glows for a moment. Most consider that a blessing, but Marinette would say it’s a blessed curse. Because how was she supposed to find the boy who left a black cat mark on her hand fifteen years ago in the city that wasn't even located in France? So when she finds a model flaunting the mark she put on him all those years back in a magazine, she has hope for a moment. That is until she notices the article discuss his imminent engagement to someone else.
"So, what’s the emergency?"
Marinette’s hand emerged from under the covers, pointing in the direction of her desk. "The new Paris Fashion. Page thirty."
Alya whistled upon reaching the said page. "Looking good, M Agreste. Good enough to turn my best friend into a hot mess with a single picture."
"This isn’t funny, Al. Look at his chest!"
"Pure lean muscle. Perfectly toned. He's growing up nicely. Though, I fail to see why this is a big enough emergency for you to make me bail on lunch with Nino."
"Look. At. His. Chest." Marinette crawled out from under the comforter and stomped toward Alya, pointing at the particular spot on the picture. "This. Look at this."
"A ladybug tattoo? So—Wait!" Alya looked up at Marinette, her finger pointing to the ladybug mark painted on his chest. "Are you telling me that’s his—" 
"Right where I put it!" Marinette cried, ducking back under her covers. "See? He exists! I told you. I can’t believe you were doubting me all this time!"
"Well, excuse me, but you were five, and he sounded too good to be true. Little boys don’t usually go out of their way to help crying girls they don’t know find their flirting grandmas at a fashion show in Milan. Little boys don’t kiss said little girl’s hand as a farewell while they are at it. And they certainly don’t ask for the girl to kiss their soulmate mark into existence as close to their heart as she possibly could. ‘So, they won’t forget her,’ right?"
"So, he could always keep me close to his heart," Marinette corrected. "But that doesn’t matter now. You were right. That boy doesn’t exist anymore, and this one isn’t as good as I thought he was, so whatever. I’ll get over him and move on. There are plenty of guys out there. One of them is bound to like me more than money, fame, and prestige."
"What do you mean? Shouldn’t you be happy your crush is your soulmate?"
With a pitiful groan slipping her lips, Marinette buried her face into her pillow. "Ugh! I can’t believe I ever felt guilty for crushing on him. I thought I was a horrible person betraying my soulmate for some handsome, sexy supermodel. Foolish me. He doesn’t deserve any of my attention."
"Marinette, seriously. What do you mean?"
"Read the article."
Alya fell silent as soon as she noticed the title. "‘Paris’ most eligible bachelor reveals… a long-time secret relationship with his childhood friend Kagami Tsurugi. Doesn’t deny Christmas Eve engagement rumour.’ Oh."
"And you know what the worst part is?"
"What can be worse than discovering that your long-time crush is your long-lost soulmate and then finding out he’s been not only dating someone else but very likely will propose… tonight?"
"How about being at the same party at the same time. As a waitress."
Alya swore under her breath and put the magazine down. "Mayor Bourgeois’ Christmas Gala?"
Marinette nodded. "The article said they both confirmed they will be attending. I'll get a front-row seat to my soulmate's proposal to someone else. Lucky me."
"Then don’t go," she said, sitting down beside Marinette. "I’ll go in your place."
Marinette couldn’t let her do that. Nino was going to propose tonight, so Alya couldn’t be anywhere but with him. "You’re spending your first Christmas with Nino’s family. I’m not standing in the way of that."
"I can spend New Year Day with them."
"You’re going to the French Alps with your family that weekend. Don’t try to weasel out of it. Your mom has been planning that trip for months. Nora’s flying in specifically for it."
"I’m not trying to weasel out. I’m trying to help you, M."
"And I appreciate it, but I’m not making you go instead of me."
"What about your father?"
"The doctor said he shouldn’t be getting up for at least another week or his leg might not heal properly and he’ll end up with a prospect of a surgery which we’re trying to avoid."
"Then, I’m sure Rose or Juleka wouldn’t mind stepping in."
"No." Marinette sat up on her bed. "They have plans, and I’m not going to ruin them. I’ll just have to grow a pair and face him like the strong, independent woman I am. Or rather go help Maman and avoid him at all cost. He’s not even going to recognize me anyway. I didn’t. Not until I saw that photo."
"That’s true. I doubt he remembers much about you. You were babies when you met, so just stay away from him and keep your hands covered. That way even if you accidentally touch he won’t see it. A pair of gloves perhaps?"
"Mayor has uniforms for all the servers, even those coming in with the caterers, so no gloves for me. But as long as I do my job and pretend like I’m not in the same room with my soulmate who clearly didn't think me worthy enough to search for and instead decided to date this very famous, very influential, extremely rich girl from his own circle, I should be fine."
"I’m so sorry, M." Alya wrapped her arms around Marinette, bringing her into her chest for a cuddle. "Men are stupid. Some more than the others. Especially the rich and spoiled ones."
Marinette scoffed bitterly. "Don’t I know it. I got plenty of examples from being in the same class as Chloe Bourgeois for years." 
"Isn’t Adrien Chloe’s friend?"
"I think so. I was hoping Adrien wasn't like her. Clearly, that isn't the case."
"You'll get over him soon, and we'll find you a nice, handsome, smart man who will cherish and love you for who you are."
"Soulmates are so last century anyway, right?" Marinette swallowed back the knot in her throat. No matter how much she tried to convince herself, this hurt. "I’m sure he doesn’t even remember meeting me. We were five. Who would be holding on to a memory of a random girl in Milan? And even if he did remember me, he probably thinks I live there. I thought my soulmate lived in Milan until he decided to show off his stupid soulmate mark to the whole world. Who does that, anyway? Those are supposed to be one of the most intimate of details of one’s life. You don’t just show it to everyone, and certainly not to the whole world while announcing your engagement to someone else." 
Her eyes fell to her hand where, invisible to everyone but her, an image of a black cat lay, a mark Adrien Agreste left there more than a decade ago with his first kiss to her skin. Just like a mark of a ladybug appeared on his chest when her lips touched it upon his request. He said he wanted to keep her close to his heart, so it would be easier for him to find her.
What a load of BS.
"Have you ever thought that, perhaps, that could’ve been a message to you?" Alya asked. "He went through the trouble of painting over his soulmate mark for the photoshoot so others could see it. It has to mean something. No one is dumb enough to think that if Adrien Agreste releases topless photos while announcing something as big as a possible engagement, there would be at least one person in France, or even Europe for that matter, who wouldn't see it. He knew his soulmate would see it."
Marinette laughed. Bitterly. "Yeah, a great message. ‘Here is my soulmate mark, my dear soulmate. In all the years I knew you existed, I didn’t bother to find you. But I did make sure that this picture, in which I showcase to the whole world the mark you left me, came along with an article where I discuss how much I love my girlfriend you'll never compare to in status, money or looks. Not that I even care about your feelings, announcing that an engagement is in the near future for me and my darling childhood friend.’ Yeah. This is definitely a message, Alya. He says ‘Screw you, Marinette. I’m better off with Kagami Tsurugi, and I thought you should know that.’"
Alya wrapped her arms around her tighter. "First of all, only brainless idiots would take status and money over love. Second, you’re the prettiest, smartest, and the most successful woman I've ever known, and third, you're an amazing and wonderful person who's on her way to becoming one of the best designers in Paris, so don’t you bring yourself down because of a stupid man who doesn't realize what he lost."
"It's my fault anyway. That's what I get for letting that stupid, cute boy kiss my stupid hand at a stupid fashion show in stupid Milan."
"You were five, M. And he was a dashing gentleman, helping you find your grandmother in a strange city you got lost in. You couldn't have known he's your soulmate. No one could have."
"Right. And he won’t recognize me, so I’ll be fine. He won’t even look a waitress’ way. Nothing to worry about. I’m very much certain the only person he’ll be looking at will be his future bride-to-be, so I have absolutely nothing to be scared of. Not that I’m scared, because I’m not. I just don’t want to be humiliated. Not that I’m already humiliated, but at least no one knows about it. That'll be awful if anyone else finds out—"
Alya grabbed her face and turned to look at her. "Marinette, breathe. Calm down."
She took a few deep breaths and tried to relax. Alya was right. This was fine. She’d be fine. Everything would be just peachy.
"As long as he doesn’t touch your right hand, no one will know. I still insist I go instead of you. Nino will understand—" 
"No. I’ll go. I can do it."
"Yes, you can, and you’ll be fine, but if anything happens, you have my number. I’ll be there in five minutes. You got me?"
Marinette nodded, pulling Alya into a hug. She was an amazing friend, and Nino and she were going to be insanely happy together. One day perhaps, Marinette would meet someone too. Someone who, just like her, was betrayed by their soulmate. Or someone who had lost theirs. Someone who would be kind and gentle and, like her, would just want to be happy. 
Someone who was not Adrien Agreste. 
Next >
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