#this hurts for a number of reasons
stargabs · 1 year
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Per Audacia Ad Astra
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odysseys-blood · 26 days
ive been wondering forever about when exactly levi was kidnapped and taken to the heaven lab and this bit from his new unit's board here doesnt help much but i wonder if those are just the first words he remembers learning and not the first words hes learned overall.
mainly this is all just speculation based on 2 things:
1) he ofc had some sort of childhood before the heaven lab from how old he looked at the time, plus his selfie comic art looking younger than his sprite art from ch5 (look at his little horns plus his hair's grown out)
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2) he does also just say straight up that he doesn't remember his life from before the lab
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i wonder if that means he had to get reacquainted with the kings all over again too. like he wouldnt recognize them at all even with how it looks like they often played together. (tho i do suspect a little that some comics might have been done before there was a more coherent story put together but thats whatever)
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haunted-xander · 1 month
There is something so foul about Terranort taking out Ven first at the keyblade graveyard
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corpsentry · 3 months
at the asian american studies sponsored movie screening i run out of my seat to press a button for the presenter and you look away, not in shame, but in anger
go make your own movie.
One where you’re the star
and everything’s my fault
the way you want it to be. I know, it’s easy
to let someone else hold this grief
and sit in the bathtub,
all dressed up to go to the party.
Maybe in this movie it’s your party
and I the party crasher,
holding cymbals and a baseball bat, et cetera.
But we don’t stop getting older when we’re angry
and you’re only twenty,
can’t listen to lullabies at night,
can’t sleep without a blanket
over your head like you’re scared
of your own shadow. God, go
write your own movie.
You could do it,
you’re still
pretty. Angry? Me too.
The bathtub’s overflowing,
the bathroom’s flooding
with whatever you couldn’t say
to the poet with their palms glued shut
in a cheap simulacrum of prayer.
Didn’t you say you were tired? Angry? Me too.
Upset? Unhappy? Me too. Hungry? Lonely? Me too. Me too.
Standing barefoot in the grass
I remembered the month of bad weather.
How I parted the fog with broken hands each night,
looking for your voice.
Oh, I will not forgive you.
Not like this.
With your fingers splayed
against the brute February sky,
lips cracked open like windows,
waiting, like you always are, for me to say the first word.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
I just love Roxy being the final node and the only animatronic one at that.
She's the Mimic's guard dog. She's the sole warden of it's prison cell. She's the Cerberus at the gates of the hell it creates. This is her job now, this is the role she must fulfil as a node of the MXES and she's damn good at it...
Until her number 1 twice shows up. She doesn't resist. She lets her in of her own volition. There's no obstacles when deactivating her. Roxy trusts her not to hurt her and ends up deactivated.
Yet she still dives headfirst into hell in order to save her...
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formulatrash · 3 months
Alex will win a gp before lando too
gdfjhkgdfjhkdghjfkgdfjhk AMAZING hater ask to send a lifelong Williams fan
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martyrbat · 6 months
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detective comics #509
[ID: Bruce Wayne sleeping in his penthouse, his eyes squeezed shut as the narration reads, ‘Gordon's strained laugh sounds hollow, but it echos in the Batman's mind... and haunts his dreams...” Bruce awakens to a hand on his shoulder and before he can think, he's twisting it and holding it down. The panel expands, revealing the hand belongs to Alfred as he's almost toppling over! He cries out, “M-master Bruce—my arm!” as Bruce groggily realizes who it is. He lets go at once as Alfred moves to the end of the bed and holds his arm while stammering an apology, “S-sorry, s-sir... Sorry if I startled you.” Bruce looks at him with aghast as he cries out, “My god, Alfred—I almost broke your arm!” Alfred reasons, “You must have been having a nightmare, sir.” as Bruce sits up and puts his face in his hands. He weepily dismisses, “A nightmare—what kind of an excuse is that? Old friend... forgive me...” Alfred reassures, “Nothing to forgive, sir. Just bad nerves, sir.” END ID]
#THIS ONE !!!!#bruce and his neverending guilt complex#just immediately regretful and so apologetic as alfred is quick to reassure and dismiss it#holding his arm because of fucking course it still hurts but when bruce lifts his head he stops ....#always thinking of how he was a caretaker for bruce since he was a small child/infant and how many little things bruce does now will remind#alfred of those days#he likes his grilled cheese q certain way. he cries if he thinks he hurt someone. he blames himself for a lot. he gets bad nightmares#like so much has stayed the same as so much continues to change but the love and care thry have for each other is always there#(<- guy who is always number one in bruce is disabled and needs a caretaker but also in how the people around him know bruce loves and cares#about them. its not about not being loved its about how heavy his love is and how bruce will subconsciously use his love to harm himself#(from blaming himself to his parents murders and jason's future death to something as simple as this and how he'll beat himself up#for hurting alfred and not able to protect him as well from himself)#(like his mental illness is forever using his stupid bleeding heart against himself as a reason for why hes awful)#this is all fully sidetracked im just fucking wired today sorry lol#but while im talking and something more related to the panel itself::#after this line bruce looks up and says ‘the batman suffering from bad nerves? lets hope not. gordon can worry about the election but i#cannot afford to. still its not just the campaign. lately so many other things are pressuring me—mostly as bruce wayne’#and like !!!!#it wasn't about batman! it wasnt about his burdens and responsibilities!! alfred was telling HIM. BRUCE. that its okay#and bruce automatically ‘its not because batman cant behave like this’ like !!!!#batman is the priority in the sense of he thinks he needs it to protect people. even his family even alfred and every single stranger#he won't ever allow himself any grace even while sleeping because batman cannot afford those ‘slips’#just GOD 70s/80s batman makes me insane for forever and ever amen#c: detective comics | i: 509#crypt's panels#bruce wayne#alfred pennyworth#alfred & bruce#‘awake or asleep—it scarcely matters anymore. the nightmare never seems to end.’#<- nightmare bruce tag <333
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eccentricmoonlight · 3 months
I know everyone likes to joke about Shu’s restricted access to social media and how he would be a menace about Valkyrie’s online presence but I also like to imagine him having an alt just to be incredibly defensive of Ra*bits. And specifically ibara finding out about it due to a suspicious number of French death threats sent to Ra*bits haters. Like the whole account is painfully obviously his but the only posts are replies to people saying mean things about Ra*bits. The conspiracy scene for fans in the Enstars universe must be insane.
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 3 months
I just rewatched a bunch of Supercorp fanvids and now my brain is rotting so hard from dormant feelings rising. I forgot how much they owned my heart. How did they inadvertently create the most heart-shattering, beautiful, romantic storyline featuring actors with the most palpable on screen chemistry I- 😭
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tswwwit · 1 year
(a bit nsfw) has dipper ever used a safe word or the equivalent of doing so with bill? if so how does bill react to that?
Not 'on-screen' as it were, but I imagine he's used one by now. Bill reacts as one should react for a safeword - cutting things out immediately and checking in. He didn't spend literal years building up enough trust to play those types of games to go and ruin it now.
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dimension20stuff · 2 months
Bitching and moaning under the cut
I really loved a lot of what happened in that episode. Putting aside my complaints about some beloved headcanons becoming canon contradictory (I know that's not really a big deal), Baron now canonically using he/they is just. So disappointing to me.
When Cassandra was she/her in ep one I was bummed, but then they switched to she/they and i was like oh, ok, maybe it's a plot point about reflecting Kristen and Kristen's arc with herself, ok yeah that's cool.
But now Baron, another canonically they/them character is now he/they. And I would LOVE if new characters were introed with multiple pronoun sets, or if established NPCs like Zayn or Tracker or whatever started using he/they or she/they. I would love if we were ADDING rep for neutral & gendered pronoun users, but this just feels like TAKING rep from characters that previously only used gender neutral pronouns....
And I KNOW they aren't major characters and only appeared for a bit but it just feels shitty to me. Like if Garthy's card suddenly had he/they I feel like people would be upset?
And people have mentioned that Baron was called by a number of pronouns in SY but i think that was a product of not stating the pronouns to the players in game. When the players in The Seven he/him'ed Baron Brennan corrected them. Garthy had a similar problem where players slipped up often but no one ever questions their pronouns or says "Garthy uses he and they".
And maybe I just missed it, but has ANYONE used gender neutral language for Cassandra since like the beginning of ep 1? It feels like the gendered pronouns were added just to make things easier, rather than because of actual change in the character.
I'm a multi pronoun user myself, like normally I would like the rep. But the fact that we are taking away characters that use they/them and not adding ANY new ones as far as I can tell (barring like the Thistlesprings but I don't think that's a very good faith argument) just stings. I'd rather the players accidentally use the wrong pronouns every once and a while than try to make it so if they do slip up it's ok because that's an acceptable pronoun for the character now.
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gaylactic-fire · 3 months
I feel like a lot of art I put genuine effort into nowadays just gets shoved away
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guess who's getting her wisdom teeth removed next week~
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pivsketch · 11 months
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on tuesday i went to the dentist for the first time in like six years. turns out my teeth aren't infected with every disease. hurray for lucky dental health. i still need to figure out what the heck is going on with my dental insurance but as long as i dont need to immediately put it to use... its not a priority... i guess...
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yuukei-yikes · 8 months
nail girlie momo forcing everyone in the dan to let her practice on their hands and kido is always letting her bc Whoa momo holding my hand for over an hour. crazy. but ALSO kido is one of those ppl incredibly fidgety abt nail filling and all that so they sit through it with the power of gay love. they stare at momo the whole time bc she sticks her tongue out in concentration and kido thinks its cute. whatever
and when it's done they see their hands and it feels so foreign kinda like when rin dressed them in those fancy clothes. then gets emo abt rin bc she always had such perfectly manicured hands. erm anyways then they get distracted when momo's like THEY LOOK SO PRETTY DANCHOU THEY SUIT U:3
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maitaitiu · 2 months
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hi im not putting him in any tags but heres my hf oc lollll hes so very normal and hasnt killed anyone ever. he also works like 4 different jobs
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