#this is @ all the shc posts about her
girlfromthecrypt · 2 months
Note: This is merely a pitch introduction post. My main project remains Such Happy Campers. I have no title in mind for this IF (suggestions are welcome), although I am very passionate about the idea and will work on it on the side while I write SHC.
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You are... or were one of the most famous yet mysterious characters in the 21st century pop-rock scene. 
It all started when you discovered your love for singing during an extended stay at a psychiatric hospital as a teen. Music became your motivator, and from then on, you knew the stage was where you belonged. Your friends agreed… and that is how your band came to be. After years of practice in your friend’s mother’s garage and cheap gigs at dingy bars, your journey to the top begins abruptly when you team up with a skilled manager.
It's a meteoric rise— until it isn’t. 
And now, a decade after your band has withdrawn from the public eye, you’ve accepted an interview by the acclaimed Groove Magazine. You and your former band members have agreed to give them the truth, the whole truth; as ugly as that might be. 
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Follow the story of your band’s rise to fame (and eventual fall from grace)
Play as a pop-rock vocalist
Name your band and customize your music, lyrics and image
Handle the media, interactions with pushy fans and your own repressed thoughts and fears 
Romance your coolgirl-bassist, the childhood friend you cut out of your life, your absolutely insane guitarist, or your biggest fan/stalker
Give one hell of an interview
Inspiration: Daisy Jones and The Six, Fleetwood Mac
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TW: themes of mental illness, substance abuse, death, mentions of suicide, suicidal ideation and self-harm, unhealthy relationship dynamics
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Stevie McLaughlin, bassist (f) — “I suppose I was the sanest one in that bunch.”
She’s one of your oldest friends, and if you follow the clanking chain of cause and effect all the way back to the beginning, it is her you have to thank for your entire career. The band was her idea, after all. She’s level-headed, composed, and always there to talk you down when you need her. Sometimes, she acts more as your retainer than anything else…
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Paul/Paulette Zima, lead singer & saxophonist (f/m selectable, trans) — “Trying to figure out where you know me from?”
Your band’s brand-new, second lead singer. Your manager says they’re going to give your music the kick it needs, that they’re the one missing ingredient to your success. You’re not entirely sure if you agree. Worse yet, you happen to know this person, and your time together didn’t end on a favorable note. They’re part of a past you would much rather forget. 
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Angel Monsanto, guitarist (m) — “I was always going to make it big, with or without those guys. Only, I… I really wanted it to be with them.”
Your crazy but good-hearted guitarist. His passion for music borders on obsession, and he will stop at nothing to make a name for your band. Sadly, he’s very much of the conviction that all publicity is good publicity, which has encouraged him to pull some very questionable stunts in the past. 
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Lincoln Saunders, groupie?? (f/m selectable) — “What can I say, I loved them. When they first walked out onto that stage, it felt like my heart was going to explode.”
Calling Lincoln a fan would be an understatement. Fanatic is more like it. You remember seeing them at your very first show, and you’ve continued to spot them at every venue you’ve played at since. You don’t know anything about them, and perhaps changing that would be a very bad idea. But maybe you still want to.
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Fatima Shah (f), drummer — “I’m pretty sure they tried to make me disappear with their fog machine.”
After things didn’t work out with your original drummer, Fatima saved the day. She’s a sweetheart to you, but from what you’ve heard, she can be kind of a terrible person. Maybe it’s best to stay a little wary of her.
Kalena Graham (f), manager — “The first time I saw them… well, they kind of sucked. But I knew, I just knew, that they had what it takes to suck on an international level.”
Your band’s manager. You can’t believe how lucky you were to have caught her attention. She’s experienced, driven, well-regarded in the industry and… kind of mean.
Simon Young (m), reporter — “Start at the beginning. And then, don’t stop.”
The guy conducting the interview for Groove Magazine. He’s nice enough, if a little starstruck. It seems he has been waiting a long time for this.
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[dividers by @thecutestgrotto]
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Let's talk about Conflict Names.
If you've scrolled the Warriors Wiki, you've probably seen this message at least once.
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And in a universe FULL of name combinations and new prefixes and suffixes being added all the time, it's... Odd. How do names like Robinwing and Seedpelt get used so many times? Why are there 2 Nightstar's now? WHY ARE THERE 3 BIRCHSTARS AND 3 DARKSTARS?
Well, I think it would be nice to change that. In-Universe, all apprentices still go to the Moonstone/Moonpool to foster a connection with Starclan. Starclan will show the leader who goes with them all the name "slots" of the cats who have come before.
Sometimes, in an extremely rare circumstance, there have been multiple cats with the same name (this is more... easter egg for wcr/comedic effect; but lore-wise, Starclan will often not provide the names of Dark Forest cats in an attempt to "erase" them), but it can never be a leader. There cannot be 2 Firestar's, ever. A Star cannot lead if it is being outshone by another.
Where the fun lies, is that sometimes, a leader will give up their leader name in Starclan, freeing up that slot. Heatherstar gave up hers to go back to being Heatherstep, as she did not enjoy being leader. Heatherstar would now be a valid name again. Also, the ancient 2 word names (Sky Petal, Cloud Spots, Blue Whisker, Briar Bloom) do not take up slots. Post-mortem names, such as Swiftpaw being named Swiftclaw, or Mapleshade's kits, also do not take up slots.
During Tigerheart's Light, Starclan ran into a bit of a pickle. Tigerheart was going to become Leader, but there has been a Tigerstar in history who did not give up his name when he went to the Dark Forest. But... His spirit had faded away! But... The memory of him hasn't...
When they asked Tigerheart "Do you wish to be Tigerstar?" What Tigerheart WANTED to say was:
"Sure. It sounds like a good name. Though I have some bad memories with it too, and my relationship with my mother is really strained now because of it, I'm also not sure of the Clans will like having another Tigerstar around. Maybe it's not such a good idea."
All he managed to get out was "Sure. It sounds like a good name-" before Starclan slapped the title onto him without a second thought.
With that MAJOR issue out of the way, let's get to the renaming of cats! Note: Renames are not done on basis of who came first, but which one I like better for the cat. I think Frecklewish fits the Thunderclan cat more than the Skyclan one.
Note: This post is not complete and was only posted due to the Tumblr app being trash. I will repeatedly reblog this with more names added. Thank you.
Rabbitleap (TC) is now named Rabbitsong
Beechfur (TC) is now named Beechtuft.
Seedpelt (Mapleshade's Vengeance) has now been somewhat fused with Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice). Now a molly whose fur is streaked gray with age, and her name is Seedwhisker.
Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice) has been partially fused, as seen above, but the leftover cat (ew) has been named Dragonflypelt.
Seedpelt (FQ) is THE Seedpelt. Seedpaw is almost named Seedpelt as well (that's that little joke I mentioned, but also a sign that Bramblestar's got NO idea what he's doing)
Owlstar (SoTC) and Owlstar (CoTC) have been fused, the way they should have been.
Cloudberry (TC) is now Splashberry.
Applefur (TF) is now named Applefang.
Ashfur (ShC) is now given the very simple Honor Title Ashclaw by Nightstar, and comes out of retirement.
Marshscar now becomes Marshstar to avoid a future Conflict Name with Marshkit, who will become Marshscar.
Mudclaw (ShC) is now named Mudstep.
Buster, who used to be Rippletail, is now named... Well he still becomes Buster, but BEFORE that he's named Droptail. Pun.
Hollystar has been renamed Birdstar, Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower's daughter.
Shadepelt (AVoS) is now named Shadenose, and is the sister of Foxnose and an OC, Bumblenose.
Mintfur (RC) is now Mintwhisker, named after Mintclaw (Silverpaw TPB) a Rebel who was killed fighting against Tigerclan alongside his mothers Waterfern and Tangleburr.
Silverpaw (BOTC) is now in Windclan, as they need more padding, and OOTS Riverclan has enough apprentices. Their name is now Streampaw, and they become Streamsong. They are the offspring of Rustlewish, who adopted them from Riverclan, hence the name.
Applefrost and Appleshine actually had their names swapped. Appleshine is now the daughter of Appledusk and Reedshine. Applefrost is now Breezpelt and Heathertail's daughter.
Nightstar (RC) now never becomes leader, as Riverstar outlives her during Riverstar's Life towards the end. She and Nightheart (Ro) are now the same cat. She was inspired by a strange cat named Nightheart and made her name Night Heart.
Milkfur (YS) is now named Milkpatch, both after her mother and the slowly growing white patches in her fur. Her brother is named Troutfin (the name she was mistakenly given in the preview for Yellowfang's Secret) and he gave Hailstar a life!
Thrushpelt (WC) is now not only a girl, but this lady WAS named Thrushpelt and earned the title Thrushleaf for her handling of the epidemic caused by sick rabbits.
Gorsetail (TNP) is now named Eveningtail.
Wrenflight (WC) does start out as Wrenflight, but after her actions supporting The Rebels against Tigerstar, helping Tangleburr and Waterfern free prisoners at risk of her own life, Tallstar renamed her Wrensky, freeing up the Wrenflight slot for the Skyclan one.
Birchstar (WC) is now Warblerstar, she is an ancestor to Onestar through his grandfather, Woollytail.
Frecklewish (SkC) is now named Freckleshine.
Birchstar (SkC) is still Birchstar, but stepped down at his death, going back to being just Birch, the same one in DOTC. The second leader of Skyclan. Birchstar (RC) is now the definitive Birchstar.
Rainfur (SkC) is now Rainyfur, his old name having been Rainy, because "oh it's just a coincidence his name was exactly the same as a Clan name" is a pathetic cop-out.
Unknown Clan
Robinwing (SkC) is now Robintail, after her short, fluffy tail.
Emberdawn (TBC) is still Emberdawn... Because no one remembers her, and Starclan doesn't care much about names that aren't attached to it, meaning that TECHNICALLY, there could be another Houndleap, Emberdawn is not in the Dark Forest, but she is also not in Starclan. Her horror story will be revealed eventually, still working on the finer details.
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emmalovesfitzloved · 10 months
Welcome! These are a few of my favourite things...♡
Bare min starter-pack to get to know a bit about me :)
she/her. 26 y/o lives in the UK.
My favourite hobbies are reading, dreaming, drinking coffee and obsessing over pets.
My favourite movies tv shows: Blue Eye Samurai, LOTR, Arcane, Haunting of Bly Manor/Hill House and the Office.
I work in the legal profession.
My guilty pleasure is reality shows...
I read fanficton of my fav novels every night to sleep and to wake and have for the past decade.
If you like:
Fitzloved (Realm of the Elderlings; Of Cats and Closed Doors)
Shadowhunter Chronicles;
18th 19th century classical literature;
Mauraders & Drarry Era (specifically, jegulus & wolfstar, rosekiller etc.);
All Souls series.
Relevant Posts/Essays ͙͡★
My Love Letter to OCACD and Fitzloved
Magnus Bane is the best Downworlder
Wessa is the Best!!!!!
Tessa Tessa Tessa
Ranking of SHC Novels
My response to Booktok turning the book community into fast fashion
Top 5 in the Shadowhunter Characters, Ships
I also love to make moodboards for the All Souls universe by Deborah Harkness which you can find: here !
Please let's be moots and friends :D Have a lovely day scrolling 😊
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Gorgeous art by pandyals_art on instagram
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thelongestway · 6 months
Not to comment on something you posted over a year ago, but based on my impressions of the SHC system I think Rezo would, like Zel, also be a Lion/Bird (albeit I am basing this partly on his Revo/Evo-R characterization as well as his Slayers Prime characterization.)
Ha! Long-term engagement is fantastic, so thank you for asking! Let me do A Take on this - but I don't remember Revo/Evo nearly as well, so if you've got something to add from that point, please do!
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Rezo the Red Priest, one of the primary antagonists in Slayers, is an interesting case - the Lion Primary is certainly there! That single-minded devotion to curing his own eyesight has A LOT in common with how Zelgadis wants to cure his body. Actually, I think it's fairly safe to say that Zel probably copies his way of dealing from the one adult in his life. However, as far as Secondaries go... There are indeed points to be made for Bird. The sheer breadth of his knowledge - this is a man who goes on to master all the known types of magic to cure his ailment. But there's something to it that's more than tools. Rezo's... I want to say, expansive and systematic in a way few Bird secondaries ever reach, and he is also more nose-to-the-grindstone about it. Where Zelgadis picks up relevant tricks of the trade, Rezo just goes "well, if anything can fix this, it's magic." And he learns everything about magic. Not just what he thinks he needs to. He learns everything.
And the social side of how he works! Even though he doesn't really care for other people's blindness - at least at the point we see him in the first season of the anime - he acquires a reputation as one of the kindest mages, who goes on to heal other people in droves. It's this interesting combination - Rezo doesn't care about other people; but he also... Doesn't lie about his capabilities. He doesn't make up a Persona, the way Zel perhaps would have ("heartless swordsman!") Instead, he lets people project onto him and becomes what they need; he uses them for his own purposes but in a way that they are glad to be used.
He also doesn't keep people around for specific purposes. Bird secondaries have contacts; Rezo has minions and likely more than a few people who owe him their life and health. Even though he, too, has a lonely, ultimately selfish cause, he is enmeshed into Community to an extent Zelgadis would be terrified by.
And the way Zel gets through to him, when fighting Shabranigdo! "Do you really wish to destroy the world you wanted to see so much?" While I wrote earlier that Zel appeals to an Idealist morality here - and I think he does, Lion to Lion - I do think that this appeal also stirred the Badger, which is by its nature very global.
When Zel succeeds, Rezo doesn't bring down Shabranigdo from the inside. He holds him off. Endures. Just enough for Lina to do her thing.
This could be a Bird Secondary... But I think that's a Badger Secondary. In her description of the SHC archetypes, @wisteria-lodge calls the Lion/Badger "The Lynchpin", and notes how they are often the center of a wheel, and the center of events. Rezo would be an unusually non-group oriented Lynchpin - perhaps because we see him at a very desperate point - but the sheer amount of Things revolving around him certainly fits the bill. Also, the Lynchpin is a very common "Sleeper Villain" sorting, and what is Rezo if not that.
Tl;dr: the original Rezo, I think, is a Lion/Badger. Kopii-kun, on the other hand...
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reading-sometimes · 1 year
This post contains spoilers for all three seasons of Amphibia. I used the SHC system to sort Anne, Marcy, and Sasha. A basic overview of the SHC system by @wisteria-lodge is here.
Anne: Badger Lion
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"Look, if a friend likes a pencil case, you get it for them. If your friend likes your new shoes, you give them to her. And if a friend wants you to steal a crazy music box from a thrift store, even if you don't really want to, you do it, okay? Because if you don't, they might not want to be your friend anymore."
I debated whether Anne was a Double Badger or a Badger Lion. I think the issue is that Anne's Badger Primary was strangling her Burned Lion Secondary in season one. Anne, essentially, wants to keep the group (her two best friends) happy at all costs. She doesn't have any goals of her own, hence her being an Exploded Badger in season one (and maybe an Immature Badger, too).
As soon as Anne's away from her group (and can't get back to them because plot), she kind of shuts down for a bit. She becomes a Burned Badger Primary, not trusting anyone and thinking that the few friends that she does make are automatically going to leave her (which could be due to the toxic codependent nature of Anne's friendships with Sasha and Marcy, or the stress of living on her own in the woods for a month).
She mimics Sasha a lot in season one, even following her mannerisms, like adopting an Immature Snake Primary model. She becomes hedonistic and irresponsible, and that's how she was in the flashbacks that take place before the show started anyway, but before she was ditching school to hang out with her friends (i.e., doing what Sasha wanted her to do), while in season one she's lying about being sick because she doesn't want to work. The difference is that she's being self-serving, because without her friends, she doesn't really feel like she has a purpose beyond her own pleasure.
Anne slowly recovers throughout season one as she builds a new community out of the townspeople, slowly learning that they do have her best interests at heart (because Sasha...kind of didn't). She loses her Snake Primary model as she becomes more comfortable with her Badger Primary, and starts tentatively testing her Lion Secondary with things like standing up to tax collectors before she finally confronts Sasha at the end of season one, showing her Lion Secondary at full power.
Sasha: Snake Lion
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"No! I can do this! I am not gonna fail! Not while Anne and Marcy are getting by without me!"
Sasha acts like a Double Lion most of the time, with a Glory Hound Lion Primary model that's probably Exploded. She climbed to the top of the social ladder in middle school, and she wants power and control at all costs. Sasha does selfish things for selfless reasons, and she genuinely believes that she's doing what's best for Anne and Marcy the majority of the time, because she's so laser-focused on her goal. Getting the things that she wants makes her happy, so she thinks that it would make her friends happy too.
Sasha has a strong Snake secondary model that she relies on to manipulate people. It makes her feel safe when she's in control, because her parents' divorce made her feel powerless. That's why she protects Anne and Marcy from bullies or anything that could potentially be a threat - she needs people relying on her to feel worthy. I mean, Sasha attempts suicide to save Anne from dying.
Sasha's Lion Secondary was always strong, unlike Anne's. She tried to fight bullies even when she was five, and controlled people with brute force if her manipulation didn't work. She loses her Snake secondary model and her Glory Hound Lion primary model throughout the series as she gets redeemed. She gains a Badger Primary model that she probably got from Anne, using it to the fullest to become a therapist at the end of season three.
Marcy: Double Bird
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"It sent us to a place where we'd never have to grow apart, where the three of us could be friends forever together! I gave you this, I gave you everything! I just didn't want to be alone."
Marcy was the hardest to sort for me, and I went back and forth on whether she was a Double Bird or a Snake Bird or a Bird Snake. Marcy's a Bird Primary, because she's easily gaslighted by people who are manipulating her. Her Bird Primary might be slightly burned because of Sasha, and she never really questions her like Anne does.
Anne and Sasha are important to Marcy, but that's mostly because she idealizes friendship in general, rather than Anne and Sasha themselves. In contrast to Sasha, Marcy does selfless things for selfish reasons. Sure, she'll help the townspeople out, but only so that she'll feel important. Marcy has a Badger Primary model that's probably Exploded and/or Immature (they're kind of muddled in this show, maybe because everyone's so codependent with each other), given how much of a people-pleaser she is and how much of her personality fades away whenever Sasha's around. Marcy's goal is to be the peacekeeper, to keep Anne and Sasha from tearing the group apart with their fighting in season two, but she's doing that more for herself than for the group as a whole.
Unlike Anne, Marcy's fine with following Sasha around most of the time. It hurts her that they don't really pay attention to her or her interests, but she has fun with them anyway. Ultimately, Marcy wants everything to stay the same, where they're all friends and no one's fighting. But while Marcy says that she'd do anything for Anne and Sasha, her plan and her desires are definitely more important than how Anne and Sasha feel about it. Even her confession is True Colors is inherently selfish (I gave you everything, I just didn't want to be alone).
While Marcy is manipulative and a great liar, indicative of a Snake secondary model, her baseline is not spontaneous; she prefers to have a plan, even though she can excel in spur-of-the-moment decisions, which is why I picked a Bird Secondary over a Snake secondary. Also, she collects a lot of random facts, which is primarily a Bird Secondary thing (and her autism). Throughout season two, she has an Actor Bird mask that she pulls out most of the time: her lovable, innocent nerd persona.
Marcy loses her Exploded Badger Primary model and her Snake Secondary model throughout the series.
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Skyclan’s Revival ////Firestar’s Quest AU
Set Up - Au Information
{This is the background information post for this au. The actual au posted after and linked}
Skyclan’s revival is a idea I thought of when thinking about my rewrite I’ve since kinda abandoned. It happens after the end of TPB. The final battle was between Tigerclan, a mix of Shadowclan and Riverclan warriors who followed Tigerstar’s way, and Lionclan made of the cats who followed Firestar to get back the clans along with a few new allies. One of them being Scourge who was the leader of a different group called the Alley Cats, his numbers used to tip the battle to Lionclan’s favor. The battle ends with Scourge and Firestar killing Tigerstar. Scourge gets the last blow with a sharp cut down the large warriors belly ending it once and for all.
As Scourge lets out a loud yell to announce their victory the battle stops. All Tiger Supporters staring in shock at the little black cat over their leaders convulsing body. Everyone watches as the last of Tigerstar’s lives are ripped from him with Scourge just licking his bloodied paw, looking through half closed eyelids as he stares at the cats who are just flabbergasted.
The remaining Tigerstar supporters are either brought back to their own clans or run away unable to follow the new way. A few Alley Cats have found bonds within the clan cats or want a new life so they join, most notably Scourge themself joining TC, Bone joining SHC and named Bonebite, Gremlin joins WC and is named Tawnysnap (Prev Tawnypelt), Brick joins SHC and is named Russetfur, Boulder joins SHC and keeps his name, Minty joins RC and is named Mintbelly.
(A few of these shift the timeline a bit especially Brick as Russetfur but idc. All of Russetfur’s scenes before are replaced by Brightflower the snappy warrior with a heart unable to leave cats out in the cold, especially those with kittens. RussetBrick also brings in her nephew Raspberry who is renamed Rowan and later becomes Rowanclaw/star. Minty becoming Mintbelly is just a full new character along with Bonebite tho Gremlin takes the place of Tawnypelt now named Tawnysnap)
Scourge settles into their new life as a story teller to many of the clans youth and a rather excellent warrior frightening most away when their on patrol. Their reputation as the cat to kill Tigerstar always following them. (Also they use they/them and is nb)
When Firestar goes to the moonstone after the great battle he is told of a clan lost to time, driven away so long ago by the clans and covered up out of shame by Tallstar. He is told that it has been told that if the struggling stragglers are not brought back the whole clan will crumble forever lost. Knowing he has to try and find them Firestar goes back to his clan and says he has to go on a journey, he planned to go alone but Sandstorm and surprisingly Scourge refuse to let him just leave so they tag along, the clan left to the care of Longtail (taking the place of Sand as deputy), Cinderpelt, and Mousefur as extra help ordering the clan.
Bramblepaw is made a warrior slightly earlier because of Fire having to leave, named Bramblestep for his journey of overcoming struggles and steady mind. Sorrelpaw is temporarily given to Mousefur to train.
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wisteria-lodge · 2 years
burnt lion primary (bird model) + bird secondary
Hi! I love your Tumblr and your posts about shc but for some reason, I still can't figure out what my sorting is (probably because of how much I'm overthinking it...) so hearing what you have to say would mean a lot and really help me out.
First, I'll start with primaries. For Badger Primary I do somewhat care for others but I feel like it always has something to do with the rules I made for myself from my experiences. For example, I had some kind of rule in my head which was like "You have to befriend new kids at school because you always used to think that people should come up to others who are alone because you didn't have any friends before."
"Make rules in my head, and then act accordingly" usually means Bird...
I also used to think I was a Snake Primary because of how much I think I'd be loyal to my people but now I think I might be one of the Idealist houses because I've found it pretty easy for me to let go of the friends I had in school because of how I was treated by them but also because of not agreeing with them on particular things that are part of my morality and ideals.
Yeah, I'm thinking Idealist too.
I think I could be a Lion Primary because of how stubborn I can be
Stubbornness can honestly come from a lot of places, both primary and secondary. More data is needed.
with the ideals I have especially with the rules I made for myself when I was younger. However, I'm also leaning towards Bird Primary because of the rules I made for myself to go on with life and also because of how much I research things then doubt it then check again then feel bad about going on with life without making sure if it was right or not. I do become guilty when I'm not 100% sure if something I'm doing is wrong or right morally if I read it was not okay somewhere.
Okay, your system building is sounding a little frantic here. Research → Double Check → (feel bad if you don't) Triple Check → try to get unanimous consensus. We're either looking at a slightly exploded Chidi-style Bird primary, or something else. Possibly a Bird primary model.
But actually, I feel like in the end if I don't go with how I feel about something I'd be pretty upset
Like, you think you hypothetically would be pretty upset, or you ARE pretty upset if you don't go with gut feeling?
(except for now cause I keep doubting how I feel about things but I also don't know if how I feel is reliable enough if that makes sense.)
It's actually very possibly you're a kinda Burnt Lion primary. Burnt Lions often look like really stressed out Birds.
As a kid, doing things I didn't feel I wanted to do enraged me so much more than bothering somebody. For instance, once someone got me to wake my mom up for something which wasn't a big deal. But I felt like I shouldn't so I didn't want to do it and when I did I felt worse that I was right and I still let them make me do it - rather than being upset about getting my mom mad from waking her up from her sleep.
I think you're e a Lion primary. This example - of being pissed at listening to other people instead of yourself when you knew you were right, and then being angry at yourself afterwards, instead of at the people who gave you the bad data, or sad about hurting someone you loved... that feels VERY relatable, and VERY Lion.
Ok, I think that's all I have for Primaries so now I'll start with the secondaries. I honestly think I might be a burnt secondary because I just can't figure out for the life of me which one of these I value and comes naturally.
Like I think I might not be a Badger secondary because I think I care about the end result more than the work. If I worked hard on something and didn't achieve the result I'd feel pretty bummed out but I also do see why it's necessary to work hard so you can achieve your goals I'd just rather not work too hard because I'm worried if I do then I fail that'll mean I wasted my life for nothing.
You have a perfectionist streak. It's showing up in the way you write about your primaries too, and I don't have to tell you that perfection is not an attainable goal. You've got a "If I do not try then I cannot fail" thing going on, and *yeah* that's evidence of a Burnt secondary. The Badger secondary wisdom is that it's not a binary - some work is better than no work at all, and it all adds up.
(I do agree that you're probably not a Badger secondary though.)
Now for Bird secondary, I think I might have it as a secondary because I tend to plan every scenario in my head that could happen when I'm anxious/scared of doing something or when I know I have to think it through etc.
This could be Bird secondary. It could also be a Bird secondary model used as a coping mechanism (very common) or just like... catastrophizing.
I'm also not sure if this is a Bird secondary thing or something else but I remember a time when I did tell myself to make sure of one thing I should do when I was about to confront someone about not sending her part in the group project which was that I just had to make sure I don't sound rude just in case I'd have to complain to my teacher about it and show her the messages that were sent
That slightly calculated move... probably isn't Lion, but could be any of the others
but I improvised the rest when I realized she'd lied to me about working on it and I got mad (so I don't know if that's improvisation or prep work secondary).
You could be an improvisational, in-the-moment secondary. Getting mad that someone lied to you is just a human thing though.
For Snake secondary, I hate being vulnerable in front of others including my loved ones. I tend to get scared of letting people know every side of me, especially a side of me that would make me feel less safe.
Huh. There's a part of you that feels unsafe? That's not Snake specifically. I'm not sure what that is. I'll put a pin in that, hopefully it makes more sense later.
I also do like the idea of finding creative solutions to things for example when I was a kid I used to find it dumb when like someone tells someone the truth about something when it's obviously going to get them or others hurt. I also did create a mask when I was younger that I still kind of use when I go to school which is the nice and shy student because it has helped me out a lot and I honestly haven't been able to get out of it because of how long I've been in the school I'm in
Hmm. This sounds like either a Snake secondary, or a fluid Actor Bird. And I'm... sort of leaning more Actor Bird. Nice!Shy!You is your constructed mask, your tool for specific situations (not something you tend to fall into around a specific person.)
but I'm also thinking about moving out because my school has lowered my confidence in using my social skills because of how I present myself there so I think it'd be better to go someplace else as a more confident person or something like that, I don't really know.
That kind of conscious social calibration is very much a Bird secondary thing. The idea that you think 'go someplace else, construct a more confident persona' would even work says Bird to me.
Also when I was younger some teacher did end up telling people that I was a "bad kid" at home because my mom probably told her how much louder I am at home which made me terrified so that might also be a snake thing I'm not really sure. I just have a problem with letting people know more about me cause I feel they could use it to their advantage at any moment.
It sure seems like you've got a lot of anxiety. Not to armchair diagnose. Just... I hope you have someone you can talk too. No one's out to get you. The scary (but also wonderful) truth is that no one cares what you're doing that much. It's hard being vulnerable, but it's worth it.
Enough about that, now for Lion secondary I think I might be one because I have sometimes wished that I'd do what I felt was right rather than what was best for the external situation
I think you're a Lion *primary.*
but I also do tend to get upset at others when they do that because then it creates disagreements and arguments that I don't want to be involved in. I don't know if I'm okay with being "misrepresented" or not because I still don't really know who I am but I definitely wouldn't like people to say that I'm something that's against my principles. However, I do have trouble with deciding if I should sacrifice my outward integrity or not (which I read was a Lion primary thing) because I do value sticking to your outward integrity and not caring what other people will think about it. Thank you so much for reading this and sorry if nothing I wrote helped because I feel like I rambled about everything that's been stuck in my head here.
There's a lot of fear in this ask. A lot of it is directed inward - you must do all the research (you can never do all the research.) You must be perfect (you can never be perfect.) You can't be vulnerable (if you are you'll frighten people.) It seems like a stressful way to live, and no wonder you don't trust your Lion primary. You don't trust yourself.
If there's any burning in this ask, it's coming from your primary, not your secondary. You've got a pretty robust Actor Bird secondary - which is a little constricting maybe, but you've got it under control. Get better at trusting yourself, little baby steps, and I think that will make it much easier to trust other people. All this is so heartbreakingly relatable, and there is nothing I see in you that is frightening or broken.
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Any other A Starless Clan predictions?
I’m not sure how many I’ve said here or how many you’ve seen out of the ones I have posted so I’m just going to list all the ones I have currently
Evil Splashstar/ leader Splashtail pretending to have nine lives
Ultimately we get Froststar by the end of the arc
Berryheart uses the RiverClan situation to call a vote against Tigerstar and gets him kicked out (whether she uses RiverClan cats as part of the vote or not)
By the end of the arc we also have Sunstar of ShadowClan
Harestar dies, whether it be getting torn up by dogs so he loses multiple lives, or if him losing a life while StarClan was gone didn’t reset his life counter properly so he’s only on one
Leafstar dies
Bramblestar gets worse mentally, someone tries to call a vote against him for his own sake (Nightheart perhaps?) but it fails because of the 3/4 margin needed. Ultimately things get worse and worse for everyone involved, with particular emphasis on how unfair this is for Bramblestar as he gets less and less capable and another vote is called and succeeds, this makes the clans realise that a 3/4 majority is probably too high.
At least one cat in the TC elders den dies
During Tigerstar’s reign of RiverClan something bad happens to a RiverClan cat because of him to make tensions even higher and potentially incite violence against ShadowClan, or even there could be an assassination attempt on Tigerstar lead by Splashtail
I think this one is a bit more unlikely but still on the cards- we find out that Jayclaw was deliberately killed by the group/individual that killed Curlfeather and Reedwhisker after Frostkit had that dream of him leaving to make her dreams seem more legitimate.
Lightleap knows a crucial piece of evidence about Reedwhisker’s death, but may not even know just how important that information is.
Also this one could be a stretch, but during Bramblestar’s decline he removes Squirrelflight as deputy and perhaps even neglects to name a new deputy.
Nightheart and Sunbeam don’t work out as a couple
Also Nightheart goes back to ThunderClan, when exactly depends on the next book title. He returns in time for the book “Thunder” regardless and gets to see how things have begun to fall apart and just how ill Bramblestar has gotten in the time he’s gone.
“Thunder” is book 4 and focuses on Nightheart’s return to ThunderClan. “Wind” is book 5 and focuses on the whole “dogs running loose on the moor” and “who was responsible for Curlfeather’s and Reedwhisker’s deaths” situation. “Star” is book 6 and sees either all 5 clans get new leaders, or just TC, ShC, and RC get new leaders. I personally hope it’s all 5 clans since that would be a really good way to set up a new arc, with completely fresh leaders for each clan.
Maybe if Star is going to be about leadership, maybe Harestar could die in Wind but maybe the dogs take up residence at the Moonpool so it becomes impossible for Crowfeather, or anyone, to get lives or commune properly with StarClan for a while.
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I think it’s very telling how much fanboys loved Harley Quinn when she was a ‘fun, quirky psycho’ and thought of her as one of the sexiest female comic characters while she was stuck in a toxic relationship where she was abused constantly but still loved and defended her abuser, but now that she’s away from the Joker and no longer loves him, and is making important relationships with other women, she’s been ‘ruined’.
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Harry Potter and Sorting hat houses?
Speaking of Hogwarts house and characters. What do you think is the primary and secondary of characters from Harry Potter? Like: Bellatrix, Percy, Voldemort, Harry, Dumbledore and Grindelwald?
I have a feeling that most characters associated with Slytherin are actually Lion primary. Bellatrix being that fanatical pure-blood supremacist who can sacrifice her family for the cause. Voldemort might be Lion Primary? Given how all he cares about is his cause - immortality, pure-blood supremacy and world dominance. Even Draco feels Badger-ish. Grindelwald and Dumbledore also both feel like Lion-Snake. 
And I think Harry is actually Bird-Lion and not Lion primary. I don't know, he doesn't have that Dionysian reasoning like a more obvious Lion like Hermione (her cause and moral conscience comes from direct experience and gut feeling, not mental rumination). And as a Lion primary myself, the way he thinks, always mentioning the teachings from his mentors (Dumbledore, Sirius, Arthur and Lupin) is definitely not Lion Primary thing. And how he must know the truth to move on with life (that Dumbledore dilemma, seeing his father in Snape's memory).
A Lion would be more surefooted in their belief, sometimes even stubborn. In his shoes, I'd still go on, because the cause is just, even if Dumbledore was wrong, or James used to be an absolute a-hole, that doesn't matter. What matters is what they and we do now. I don't need to know the truth to function. It's a luxury, not necessity. And I think Percy is a Lion-Bird, like Hermione, Lions are in fact very susceptible to propaganda, since we rely too much on gut feelings. Though it's a hit or miss. 
That's my opinion. But what do you think?
I haven't given it a lot of thought, to be honest. I know SHC had a post about the HP characters that addressed this specifically and how they sorted some characters into different Houses than Rowling does -- and now I can't find it, since their accidental blog delete-age got rid of most of their archived arguments. :/
I would say offhand you are right, Harry isn't a Gryffindor Primary. If you look at Hermione as a really good example of one -- he is never that black and white. He's a bit horrified at some of the things she does (like hexing traitors to have their face break out). But I don't know that Ravenclaw Primary fits -- I'd assume Hufflepuff or Slytherin, since he's clearly people-and-morals driven. Harry isn't detached the way Ravenclaws are -- it's all about doing the right thing and being the Chosen One. It's more people / feelings than rationalization or living up to a constructed code.
Ron is a Slytherin-Gryffindor. He abandons Hermione and Harry to go be with his family, and then feels eaten up with guilt about it afterward. He's extremely loyal, but only to his friends. He thinks Percy is a "git" for betraying his family / Dumbledore. (Percy actually standing by his Cause, even if it's wrong and stupid, shows an actual Gryffindor fierce "I will do this with or without you" that Ron lacks.)
Hermione is a Gryffindor-Ravenclaw, yes. Ginny I would say is straight up double Gryffindor.
Dumbledore... ah, yes. I have had many conversations about Dumbledore with my friends. He does seem Slytherin-ish as a Secondary, but I would argue that Voldemort is a Ravenclaw Secondary and a Slytherin Primary. He really only cares about himself, and uses a "cause" (pure blood supremacy, despite being a "half-blood") to conceal his actual aim, which is his own survival. I think he's one of those Slytherins who only cares about "me." As for the Claw Secondary -- he is a meticulous planner in advance, who gets very angry whenever Harry and his friends ruin his plans. He carefully checks on all of his plans, and doesn't seem to adapt well -- more like a "I need a plan" Ravenclaw than a "I'll wing it" Slytherin Secondary.
Grindelwald... haven't seen a lot of him yet in Fantastic Beasts, but Gryffindor-Slytherin is probably accurate.
And for a record, as an LGBTQ person, I'm not fond of JK Rowling as a person. Her novels are fine for me, but her personality, nope.
That's a wise and mature attitude to hold. Separating the art from the artist allows you to keep what you love without approving of opinions you dislike.
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girlfromthecrypt · 5 months
So someone asked whether the MC will be forced to like the kids to get with the ROs, and another person a while back wanted to know whether MC could be a "bitchy" camp counselor. This is generally kind of important so I figured I'd write a post about it, for anyone who's wondering.
If you can't stand kids and can't stand reading about them, that's valid, and I promise I don't judge. Lord knows kids are difficult. But if you cannot stand them, this probably isn't the game for you.
You don't have to adore the kids. But you have to be kind to them. Not just to get with the ROs... But also, to keep your job!! Fun!
The SHC MC is not a listless teenager who got ordered by their parents to be a counselor at a summer camp. They're a full-fledged adult, likely in their late twenties or thirties. They're also likely to have either studied some educational subject or have training and experience in education. They do the kid-stuff for a living. THEY GET PAID FOR IT.
I've decided for the MC to be able to reject the children in some ways. You can tell Javier to leave you alone in the kitchen, later in chapter 4 you can reject a flower Gabriel wants to give you... Stuff like that. Nothing extreme, but little things to show MC might not actually care very much about the campers.
This will leave an impression.
A) The kids will lose all possible respect and trust towards you. Might not be a great loss, depending on your stance on them.
B) The ROs will be wondering what the hell you're doing. Let me go into why that's the case:
Basil volunteered. He has a hundred siblings which he adores. He loves kids!
Reem is a literal teacher. She's around kids all the time. She gets if MC is exhausted by them, but if they act straight up hostile towards the kids, she will be very open about her disapproval.
Flo--- same thing. Just because he's sometimes very deadpan doesn't mean he doesn't care. Apart from teaching children for a living, he has had a very troubled childhood and relates to the campers. He wants them to be happy.
Anita is a psychology student. Sure, that doesn't exempt her from hating kids technically, but even though they stress her out, she actually rather likes them, too. Enough to want to do her internship at Cloverleaf.
And C) if George sees you being openly hostile to the kids, he might just reconsider your status of employment.
To reiterate: If you can't stand kids and can't stand reading about them, that's valid, but this probably isn't the game for you.
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autumnslance · 3 years
About Plagiarism
I left a long, planned essay on Twitter tonight. I will copy the meat of it here for y’all, as recently a friend was copied (a rarer ship in the fandom, so very noticeable by the writer and their regular beta reader) and it seems we need a Talk, kids. Links and screenshots and my rambling underway.
Apparently we need to discuss what is and isn’t plagiarism. Especially in FanFic where we're interacting with the same characters, settings, ideas. Let’s start with the dictionary and continue the thread from there (I like the word origin/history personally):
Definition of plagiarize
transitive verb  : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
intransitive verb : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
The Kidnapping Roots of Plagiarize
If schools wish to impress upon their students how serious an offense plagiarism is, they might start with an explanation of the word’s history. Plagiarize (and plagiarism) comes from the Latin plagiarius “kidnapper.” This word, derived from the Latin plaga (“a net used by hunters to catch game”), extended its meaning in Latin to include a person who stole the words, rather than the children, of another. When plagiarius first entered English in the form plagiary, it kept its original reference to kidnapping, a sense that is now quite obsolete.
“Ideas” is fuzzy in the Merriam-Webster definition. There are story archetypes that exist in many forms. Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth/Hero's Journey outlines many famous stories. And it's popular to say that “Avatar” is “Dances with Wolves” is “Pocahontas” is “The Last Samurai” etc.
But note how while those films have similar plotlines--”Military Guy falls for Native woman, learns to appreciate her Culture, stands up to Evil Bosses”--none of them execute those ideas in the same way. Sully’s story is different from Dunbar’s not just cuz one’s a Science Fiction epic and the other a Western. Disney's “Pocahontas” Very Loosely takes history and uses the same story beats. The Last Samurai uses the Meiji era Westernization. Same ideas, different executions, even beyond settings.
None of these are plagiarizing each other though the ideas are similar. They’re told in their own ways, own language; both in the genres they belong to (Western, Pseudo-History, SciFi, Animated) and how characters interact with each other and settings. Original dialogues (variable quality).
We also see this in books as similar novel plots get published in waves so we end up with bunches of post-apocalypse teen revolutionaries or various vampires or lots of young wizard stories all at once. Sometimes ideas just happen like this; multiple discovery, simultaneous invention, concurrent inspiration, cognitive emergence are all phrases I’ve seen for it. So it happens in original content as well, and legality gets fuzzy (Also why you don't send authors your fanfic ideas).
In existing properties, this gets trickier but even “Elementary”’s Holmes and Watson are nothing like the BBC’s “Sherlock” characters. Who are nothing like other versions of the Detective and his Doctor pal over the decades in various media properties.
FanFic's in a similar position where like Sherlock Holmes we play with the same characters, setting, and storyarcs but give our own spin to them. People can and will have similar ideas about plots. Trick is to use your own words. Take the characters and make the story your own.
I have a good example courtesy of @raelly-writing​. We both ship Wolcred. We both wrote soft post-Paglth’an scenes with Thancred and our WoLs. Both features the couples helping each other undress, examining injuries, bathing, bantering. My fic was written soon after 5.5 part 1 came out. Dara’s is much more recent. Yet at no point reading hers did I feel she was copying my words. The PoVs differ. Our characters focus on different things. Mine has a mini-arc concerning the Nutkin.
The links for comparison’s sake (and maybe leave kudos/comments if so inclined please and thanks). Note while the scenes are very similar no phrases are written in the same way. Mine: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25417882/chapters/76059467 Dara’s: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26067565/chapters/81832915
Dara and I both hang out in certain Discords and I know conversations about Thancred and WoL caring for each other post-battle has come up in those channels and we've both participated. It’s a stock FanFic scene to boot. Cuz it's soft and feels warm and snuggly.
I HAVE been copied before, back in WoW. My case is pretty clear cut so here are the images of my old RP Haven profile (1st, old RP website) and the plagiarist’s RSP (2nd, an in game mod to share descriptions and basic info). 
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This was a decade ago on Shadow Council and I think the character deleted so any Availa’s in WoW now aren’t the same person. I left the names to point out what changed. Just the names and a word or 2 to make sense for the class changes as well. Otherwise lifted directly from my RP profile.
The funny part is how the person got caught. Literally walked into our weekly RP Guild meeting that I was running and asked to join. Folks noticed right away the similar backstory; after all there may have been more Outland-born Azerothians. My initial excitement at a character I could weave into our story turned to gut-twisting rage and grief as I recognized my own exact words though. Words I’d carefully crafted and constantly iterated on to improve over time (before and after this incident, until the site died).
When caught they tried to claim their significant other had leveled the character for them and made up the backstory based on Skyrim. If you know WoW’s Outland story and Skyrim’s plot you know how ridiculous that is. Also tried to lie about other drama I knew about thanks to roommate's characters but hey. I had to be blunt that I’d shared the info with Haven mods and other guild officers Alliance and Horde. That we would not “laugh about this” one day though lucky this was “just” RP not original or academic work. Cuz if it'd been monetized or academic I would've raked them through the coals.
I felt violated. Hurt. Had anxiety attacks. They took MY WORDS and tried to claim them as theirs. Have another character born in Outland trained by Draenei; Awesome! Our characters have an instant connect in similarities and differences of that experience. Don’t steal my characters wholesale!
Then the audacity of trying to come into my guild as if no one would notice. ShC wasn’t a large server by then, still active but not nearly Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard big. My character was well known due to my writing and RP. Speaking of how easy it is to get caught in specific spaces...A case of a self-published novelist getting noticed for plagiarizing fanfic was discovered recently (explicit erotica examples through the thread).
One way they got noticed was how much content they put out in only a year, lifted from fandom. The examples in Kokom’s threads show how the material was altered but still recognizable. In some cases, just the names are changed as in my experience. In other passages more has changed but you can still see the bones of the original fic poking through in the descriptions and character interactions, even with adjustments made.
Similar ideas happen. Similar plots exist. Same 'ships with friends are fun! In FanFic we’re working with the same material. It’s possible to write a similar scene differently. To make that scene and characters your own. All we’re asking is not to copy others' words. Others' characters. Others' specific phrases and descriptions used to bring those words, those characters, to life. Use your own. In the end you’ll be happier.
I get wanting to have what the perceived “popular people” have. I get seeing concepts others succeed with and wanting some of that too. We all get a bit jealous now and then for various reasons. Sometimes we don't even realize it, consciously. But do it in your own way. Maybe check to see if you’re getting a bit too close to the “inspiration” you admired, maybe reread often. Don’t hurt your fellow creatives. If you do and get caught don’t try to double down. Have the grace to be abashed at least and work to do better. Eventually you WILL get caught. All it takes is once to throw all else you've done into question. Ao3 doesn’t take kindly to plagiarists. Nor do a lot of fan communities focused on writing and RP. Getting back that trust is hard. The internet doesn’t forget easily, for good or ill.
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herlaqueen · 3 years
Let’s see if I can blend two of the main things my brainspace is occupied with lately: sortings with the Sorting Hat Chats model, and Tanz der Vampire.
For those unfamiliar, Sorting Hat Chats is a  deeper, more nuanced sorting system using Harry Potter’s one as a basis. Over time it evolved into a handy basic tool for fictional characters’ analysis, since it makes you reason about WHY a character does something (the primary house), and HOW do they do it (the secondary house).
If you’re interested or have trouble understanding the terms I’ll use, here you can find the basics on SHC’s tumblr, and here is a slightly different explanation by wisteria-lodge (I personally find this one easier to understand, but that’s a matter of personal taste).
Now, let’s get to the sorting!
Please note that, since this is a live musical, the same character can change a bit depending on the actor, the direction, even from one performance to the other.
This is meant to be as much as possible a generic analysis, if your favorite performer gives them a different twist that’s cool and valid and the same is true if you interpret the characters and their actions differently than I do! Either way, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
This turned out way longer than I thought, so l have to split it across multiple posts. You can find the second one, sorting Sarah, her parents, and Magda, here, and the third and final one featuring Herbert and Graf von Krolock is here.
Here are our fearless vampire killers, Professor Abronsious and Alfred!
Professor Abronsius
At first sight he might look like a very stereotypical Bird: interested in creating a framework for how the world works, active pursuer of knowledge... But I think that’s just a very strong and unhealthy model. [Note: a model is when you more or less consciously imitate traits of another house. It can be something healthy and helpful, but that’s not what I’m seeing here]
I think the Professor is a slightly burnt Badger. His main motivation is being esteemed and respected by those he deems his peers, but I don’t get the feel of someone seeking glory form themselves, rather someone that just wants to feel part of a community but currently isn’t getting that, feeling excluded and lonely instead.
He’s also very good at the de-humanizing thing that some Badgers do (he clearly doesn’t see vampires as people, and I’d argue sometimes he has some of this with regular humans too), and that’s not surprising since I get some very authoritarian Badger vibes from him.
On top of that I think he has the aforementioned unhealthy Bird model, which shows itself in his belief that logic is to be prioritized above all else and it’s the key to understanding everything.
He probably got it from his colleagues/academic community, but it’s not a very well-developed one and it results in an immature Bird that, paired with his Badger, ends up believing he just knows how things are and makes him blind to the truth (or to what is really important) several times over the course of the musical.
His secondary, now that’s a proper Bird: he’s not a vampire hunter, he’s a researcher, but since he’s going to research vampires of course he has garlic and stakes and so on and he studied the exact best way to pierce a heart, being prepared is just sensible! Also the way he sings about knowledge and books is extremely secondary Bird: you can be prepared to face everything in life, you just need to have read the right book!
He does the thing where he has a very specific subset of tools and knowledge but is quite lost outside of his area of expertise, and we see this go hilariously wrong in the second part of the musical when he’s out of his comfort zone and has to improvise/act in a more physical way. I also think that Alfred has been brought along specifically because the Professor believes he can help him when it comes to physical stuff, an area in which he’s clearly lacking. The Professor clearly sees some real potential in Alfred, but he also sees nothing wrong in valuing him as one of the tools at his disposal.
Albert is a poor baby Lion who never found his calling, or had it burnt out of him. Either way, it’s clear from early on that the boy is all feelings, he just has to find the way and strength to trust them and express them (in the “Draussen ist Freiheit” reprise, as he and Sarah are singing about what they want to do in the future one of his lines is literally “Showing what I feel”).
I think at the beginning he, too has a Bird model (unsurprisingly since he is a student working with a double Bird-ish professor), but I think in this case it does serve him well: he clearly has an inquisitive mind and is willing to change his opinion, but rather than changing his mind because of facts he does it because the way he feels towards something or someone changes.
It is really heartwarming to see him slowly gain confidence and learn to listen to his emotions, even when they’re egregiously wrong and they blind him to the logical, rational thing to do.
One of the clearest examples is in the crypt scene: the easiest way to save Sarah would be staking Krolock and Herbert while they’re asleep, but no matter how much he tries, no matter how much he thinks about Sarah, he can’t do it because to him it would not be right to do so. And what I find most interesting is that he doesn’t try to explain why he can’t do it, because any reasoning he could put behind it is less important than the fact that it just isn’t right.
I also really like how his unburning leaves him with an immature primary: he clearly has issues taking other people’s feelings into account and he’s still relying a bit on others to understand what is right like, for example, centering his morality around how he imagines the fictional version he built in his mind of the girl he fell in love would want him to behave. I like it because he’s young and naive and a bit sheltered and so he doesn’t go from zero to perfect paragon but he stumbles and is messy.
A side note: notice how his big unburning moment/song (Für Sarah) can only happen because the conversation with Krolock at the end of “Vor dem Schloss” and the subsequent dream force him to become aware of his own feelings and fears. Even if he doesn’t like them, once he’s aware that they exist he can’t just ignore them or shove them back, and this forces him to recognize and face them. 
Alfred is also a Lion secondary. While we see a more “academic” side (taking note of Herbert lacking a reflection, being sensible in order to assist the professor and trying to keep him alive), when he’s cornered at the end of the musical he literally takes a piece of furniture and charges the centuries old vampire lord.
A less blatant example is when, wanting to see Sarah again, he doesn’t try to gain her father’s favor or find a different way to get to her room, but he just goes under her window and calls her name which is the direct, straightforward thing to do (even if he risks being heard by Chagall).
I think that a lot of his indecisiveness in the beginning of the musical is due to his burnt primary: without a moral compass, he does not know in which direction to move. So he just follows the lead of someone else, delegating to them the job of deciding what’s the right thing for him to do.
Professor Abronsious is an Authoritarian Badger with an immature Bird model/Bird
Alfred is a Lion/Lion who unburns over the course of the musical
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
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I posted 1.758 times in 2021
542 posts created (31%)
1216 posts reblogged (69%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.2 posts.
I added 2.336 tags in 2021
#queue - 596 posts
#my thoughts - 470 posts
#answer - 384 posts
#sortinghatchats - 303 posts
#anonymous - 130 posts
#ty!! - 121 posts
#supernatural - 98 posts
#nonfandom - 87 posts
#bela talbot - 74 posts
#ask meme - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#it would be interesting to see how all these strong and probably volatie personalities that have very different sortings interact
My Top Posts in 2021
list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @laufire. Since this is such a large are to choose from, I decided to indulge into my Sortinghatchats obsession and try to find characters who are not Snake primaries.
1. Veronica Mars - Veronica Mars (Badger primary)
2. Paige Matthews - Charmed (1998) (Badger primary)
3. Mel Vera - Charmed (2018) (Lion primary)
4. Andy - The Old Guard (Lion primary)
5. Daisy Johnson - Agents of SHIELD (Badger primary)
6. Daenerys Targaryen - A song of ice and fire (Bird primary)
7. Lyra Silvertongue - His Dark Materials (Lion primary)
8. Padme Amidala - Star Wars (Lion primary)
9. Toph Bei Fong - Avatar the last airbender (Lion primaryl
10. Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Badger primary)
I am tagging @nectargrapes @mydaylightruyi @awinterrain @xxlionheartedgirlxx @the-phoenix-heart @sienarosso @lordeasriel @eyes-painted-with-kohl @buckybarsn @hizziemikaelson No pressure, of course. Also please ignore my SHC nonsense. I was bored and wanted to do something different than my usual faves xDD
42 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 17:35:19 GMT
I'm stuck between Snake Lion and Double Snake. Is telling the truth but twisting it to your benefit a Snake or Lion thing? I don't like to outright lie because my Bird model tells me that's bad. And getting caught in a lie would end horribly. It's easier to just frame the truth in a certain way. Whenever there's friend group drama, I make sure to get in early and establish the narrative in a way that favors me without actually lying. I also hate talking about my feelings if that matters.
Snake Lion, definitely. I am sorry to say but I don't see any Snake secondary here. If anything I feel the Bird model that is probably Snake flavoured.
Ngl, I relate a bit to what you described in your ask, which makes me wonder if your secondary might be a bit burned? Not very badly, but enough to make you a bit uncomfortable in your own skin, maybe? Would explain the whole "hate talking about my feelings" thing, LOL.
51 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 20:00:24 GMT
New ask game that came to me while talking to @starry-sky-stuff
Send me a name (eg Jane, John) and I'll rate it from 1 to 10. Bonus I'll tell you if there are any characters that influenced my opinion of the name.
55 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 13:56:24 GMT
Has anyone tried to sort the characters from The Winx or the Barbie Movies ?
I assume you mean the original Winx Club and I am afraid I don't remember that enough to try and sort it. Buut I did a rewatch of (the more interesting) Barbie movies and with the help of @the-phoenix-heart @starry-sky-stuff @laufire here are the Babries we’ve sorted:
1. Clara (Barbie in the Nutcracker)- Lion Snake. The movie focuses a lot on Clara's dreams and goals. Her Snake is a bit more hidden, but she has the same quiet Snake secondary energy kids that grew up in controlling/abusive households tend to develop. Plus remember when she had to save Eric she straight up lied to the guards?
2. Rapunzel (Barbie as Rapunzel)- Double Bird; the brush is such a Bird sec tool and she has that Bird primary vibe. Not to mention this shows that you can have The (Mad) Scientist sorting with artists too 
3. Odette (Barbie in Swan Lake)-Badger Lion. Her secondary is a bit burned in the begining but she gets better. Badger because of how much she cares about literally everyone, from people to mythical animals.
4. Annelisse (Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper)- Snake Bird. Her People are her mom -for whom she might have developed a bit of a Lion model- and Julian and what other secondary would collect and classify rocks for fun?
5. Erika (Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper)- Snake Lion. She ~bonds with Annelisse which is the only reason why she goes along with Julian’s plan -her only other Person is her cat xD- and I will say Lion secondary because she is clearly Improvisional and so snippy to her employer
6. Elina (Barbie: Fairytopia series) - Double Badger. "For the friends you haven’t met” is such a Badger primary say and the only thing to get Elina out of her trance in the first movie. I hesitated between Lion and Courtier Badger but the last two movies made me choose the latter.
7. Teenage Barbie (Barbie Diaries) - Lion Badger. To quote Phoenix: “ People pleaser with dreams of being popular and a news anchor is a total Lion Badger ”
8. Genevieve (Barbie in the 12 dancing princesses) -Badger Bird. She is the one that is always willing to lend a hand and who keeps her mom's traditions alive. And she always go for logical solutions (dad is sick, call the doctor), makes the plan to defeat Rowena in the end AND when Rowena attacks her she defends herself using the fan skills she learned from the duchess herself :DD. Not to mention that she seems the most capable to rule out of all the sisters so The King sorting fits her well
9. Ro (Barbie as The Island Princess)- Bird Badger. We see her caretake in the very first minutes of the movie with Tika or how she chases away the crocodiles. I chose her primary mostly by elimination, but I think it’s fitting for a girl who has an entire song with lyrics that start with “why” and wears a peacock dress. Symbolism much xDD. Not to mentionBird Badger is The Survivor and Ro sure is one.
10. Mariposa (Barbie: Mariposa) - Lion Bird She's clearly an Intuitive primary abd the way she's carving adventure and visiting far-away places made me settle on Lion. Also it might be me, but the sentence "I don't know what's worse, failing or admiting it to people who believed in me?" sounds veeery Lion primary. She loves reading books, and uses the knowledge she gathers from them to accomplish her goal which is a very Bird secondary MO.
11. Liana (Barbie and the Diamond Castle) - Double Snake. Her Snake secondary is easy to spot: she tricks Slyder with switching the mirrors, she gets her and Alex to play music at the restaurant for a meal. It's obvious Liana is a Loyalist and for the longest time I thought she was a Badger, but a Badger would not have been happy living alone just with Alexa in their small cottage. Also, her very betrayed speech to Melody after Alexa leaves her is so Snake to me xD
12. Eden Starling (Barbie in A Christmas Carol). Snake Lion. Her primary is burned at the start of the movie and yet we can still see how she is loyal to both her dead aunt and her cat. The entire movie is about her unburning and it is cathartic to watch. Lion secondary because she is abrasive at the best of times and at the end she relies on grand gestures to make ammends.
13. Thumbelina (Barbie presents: Thumbelina)- Lion Bird. She's an inventor so the Bird is obvious. Her dedication to save her home, her adventurous spirit, and her confrontational attitude with Mackena all scream Lion primary to me.
14. Corrine (Barbie in The Three Musketeers) - Double Lion. Could the girl who lifted the ban on female Musketeers be anything else but The Revolutionary? Corrine is a dauntless improviser and very stubborn. She starts as a bit of an immature Lion who wants to fight for glory and has to learn to fight for what's right.
15. Merliah (Barbie on a Mermaid Tale)- Lion Snake. Another immaure Glory Hound Lion who learns to embrace her role as princess. I considered Lion secondary, but I am pretty sure her rival/co-protagonist in the second movie-Kylie- is one. And while they are similar, Kylie is much more direct and abrasive which makes me think Merliah is a Snake who loves to live in neutral. She's certanly charming enough to be one.
16. Actress!Barbie (Barbie in a Fashion Fairytale+Fairy Secret)- Badger Snake. She's an Exterior primary that's very affected by what the world thinks. Also note that when she wants to get away she does not go to a completely unknown place like her friends suggest, but to her aunt's fashion house because that's where she feels safe. Her determination to save both the fashion house and then Ken felt almost Lion secondary at times, but I think she's a Snake: she is an actress, the interaction with the crazy director in Fashion Fairytale points to Fluid secondary and The Advisor seems to pretty much sum up her role in the first movie.
17. Blair (Barbie in Princess Charm School)- Snake Badger. Probably the Snakiest Snake primary Barbie as everything she does is for her mom and sister. She's a hard worker as proven by both her job as a waitress than by the way she has to practice to do well in the charm school.
18. Kristyn (Barbie in the Pink Shoes)- Bird Snake. The Artist probably fits this ballerina best. She's an Improviser as the whole movie proves, yet has no Lion bone in her body. Also her glee at getting to play -not just dance the part, actually be- Giselle and Odette points to Snake secondary. Bird primary becauss when she's stuck in the plays her system automatically shifts to integrate the rules of the world she is in, no matter how crazy they are.
19. Lumina (Barbie: Pearl Princess) - Bird Badger. She craves adventure and it's most likely an External primary but has no sense of community the way Badgers do. Badger secondary because of how enthusiastic she was to have a job just because she got to work.
20. Alexa (Babrie and The Secret Door)- Bird Lion. All her daydreaming and escapist fantasies made me think Bird primary. I chose burned Lion secondary because in a lot of ways, Alexa reminded me of well, me.
21. Starlight!Barbie (Barbie: Starlight Adventure)- Badger Lion. She cares about people and animals a lot and well, she is an hoverboarder and a daredevil.
ETA: 22. Annika (Barbie and The Magic of Pegasus) - Lion Snake. Her sneaking out plus her Oedypuss style deception points to Snake secondary. Her rebllious and passionate nature as well as her determination point to Lion primary.
Wow, this was not easy. But also fun :D
59 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 19:35:58 GMT
I finished Wandavision. I admit, I was a bit sleepy during the last two episodes so I didn't catch everything, but I 100% agree it's a writing masterpiece and deserves all the Emmy nominations. If we are talking about Wanda as a character and person....How can anyone watch this show and still consider her a hero?! And the fact that she was allowed to fly off into the sunset at the end of the show, eith no consequences for her actions, makes me ill.
64 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 06:49:06 GMT
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magpie-of-a-birb · 3 years
On Burning Bird Secondary
@paint-the-ravenclaw did a post not too long ago on how she felt when her bird secondary was burned, and I wanted to do my own take. Yes, my feathers are a lil scorched right now, though I'm not completely burned. Without further ado, let's go.
The cause
To start, I'll give a little perspective. I burned from burning out (in the non-shc sense), so some of my experiences will be filtered through that lense. With that being said, I'll do my best to distinguish between burned-bird-because-burnout and just plain burnout.
The affects
Lack of confidence
I don't feel as capable of collecting, planning, and using what I've collected as I used to. This makes my confidence in the use of my secondary very results-dependant. If I do something right, then it shows that maybe I'm okay at using bird (or that I am actually smart, because my mind likes to conflate the knowledge that I've collected with my intelligence). If I do something wrong, then it shows that I'm not as good at using bird as I thought.
I'm taking a step back to say that isn't healthy. If you're feeling this way (with your secondary, skills, or how smart you are), I want to say right now that you are good at using your secondary and you are capable and you are smart. Just because whatever you're facing is challenging doesn't mean you're not any of those things.
Difficulty with concrete planning...
Due to having less energy, I can't plan as concretely as I would like. I feel like can't take the time to sit down and plan out what I'm going to do for a project, outline what I'm going to do that day, or set out what I need to do in a month and plan out my approach.
... And leaning heavily on rapid-fire bird because of it
To me, rapid-fire bird feels like controlling a holographic, motion-controlled computer. I'll able to tap and swipe at things to call them up and move them and slot them into place to build something in the heat of the moment. When this is done healthily, it feels powerful. It feels like I can manage any issue that comes my way immediately because I've already done the prep-work and I don't need to even think about it.
When it's unhealthy, it starts to explode.
Rapid-fire bird works best when you have the prep-work done (what that prep-work is depends on the situation). When you don't have that prep-work done, you're flying blind. Here are two instances of what this looks like for me:
When using rapid-fire with planning, I have all of the things I have to do in my head, and I slot them together into a makeshift plan of when I'll do what task. This if very dynamic and allows me to change my schedule on the fly. However, that's a cursed blessing. It allows room for me to move time-sensitive things around for stuff that is unimportant, and there is a high risk that other tasks will blindside me due to me forgetting them.
I've had to use this for assignments and tests that I hadn't studied enough for. It leads to me panicking and using adjacent information (such as what you know about Spanish and applying it to Italian because they're both romance languages and have many similar linguistic rules) even if it doesn't correctly apply. It also leads to using the context of previous parts to make educated guesses as to how the next part works (such as finding an established rule asserted in a previous question and use a similar thought process/rule on questions that look similar enough. It usually has the same as using find-and-replace for "and" and replacing it with "but." All the instances of "and" will be replaced, but that means replacing the word "and" as well as "and" in the middle of other words, so "grand" would become "grbut" and not be a word).
Being unable to collect...
With being burned and all it entails, I don't feel like I have the time/energy to collect things as I'd like to. I don't have the time to make new tools, the energy to put into it, or the energy to tank demoralizing feelings like the tool not being good enough yet, so I kinda... stop collecting for a little while.
... And constantly absorbing because of it
That being said, collecting is fun for me. It's entertaining and it gets me excited. Even when I don't collect, I still need to get enjoyment somehow, so I turn to absorbing.
Absorbing is different from collecting. Collecting is having specific tools/information in mind that I'm actively trying to get. Absorbing is passive. While collecting is going down a research rabbit hole, absorbing is scrolling on social media and passively taking whatever information is being thrown at me with little consideration for what it is. It doesn't mean that I take everything I absorb as true, rather, everything I get from absorption gets tossed into a catch-all "questionable validity" box.
In conclusion
I can't really say that this is longer than expected, but I can say that it took longer to write than expected. Since I don't want to leave this on a downer, I'm gonna throw in some suggestions for unburning/preventing worse burning when in this sort of state. These things don't work for everyone, but they worked for me.
Firstly, take a break if you can. Do your best to disconnect and recharge, cuz if you're burning due to burnout, then you absolutely need the rest. But that may not be an option for you, so here are some others.
Optimize prioritization. Take stock of your responsibilities and free time. Try to see what you can put on the back burner. This does NOT mean completely prioritizing work. You need rest and as a human being you deserve to take the time you need to recharge. Do your best to not take any more responsibilities, see what responsibilities you can afford to do poorly (or even say you can't do) and allow yourself to do them poorly in order to divert more energy to the big responsibilities and recovery.
Get weight off that rapid-fire bird. Relying too much on one tool for too many things (and making a wrench work like a hammer) only puts stress on the tool before it gets damaged. Do your best to shift things onto prep-focused bird or even secondary models, if you have any. With easy prep-bird tools, I'd recommend stuff to help with planing and organization, like writing everything you have to do on post-it notes and sticking them on the wall of your work space. Multiple colors makes it fun and easier to see what classes/types of tasks you have to do because they're color-coded.
Finally, ask for help. There is no shame in asking for help. You are not alone. There is nothing but wisdom in knowing who to ask for help on certain things (or in asking people who to ask). All that asking for help does is take weight off your shoulders and give you another resource for when you need it later (call on that "I know a guy" bird!)
Above all, be kind to yourself. You are struggling and that is okay. You've survived this long, and you will get through this, too. You do not need to keep suffering for the sake of your survival. You can do this, and you will be stronger for it, you'll have more tools for the next big challenge. I believe in you.
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painted-crow · 3 years
I just had a revelation while reading your post about Bird mimics. You mentioned bothering Lions by poking at stuff. I've been so frustrated by my primary. I model Bird really hard over *something* and now I think it might be badly Burned Lion? I haaaate it when people poke at my system because it's all that's holding me together and I have literally no idea what to do without it because I don't trust myself. Plus my Bird model explodes really easily :/
Yes, this sounds like burned Lion modeling Bird--@wisteria-lodge has written about this in her SHC crash course post:
A Lion Burns when (for whatever reason) they become unable to trust their ability to feel. BURNT LIONS are extremely sad, because they really are missing part of themselves and looking for a prosthetic. They are looking for something to replace their inner voice. Sometimes they adopt an external system, or appoint someone to be their conscience. They are forced to find a Reason using their conscious mind, and so they tend to look like very miserable Birds. 
I also wonder if... hmm.
(obscure nerd metaphor brain activated!)
I think... that the systems built as part of an emergency Bird model (i.e., in response to Burning) probably have a different structure than those built by Birds themselves, or by people who build Bird primary models during less pressured points in their life.
But--I'll write that as a separate post because it is a tangent and I don't want to sound like I'm being prescriptive towards you and your situation.
Best of luck with your recovery, anon ^^
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