#this is 2 months old but damn it doesn't look bad at all so why not post it on the tumblr place
catocappuccino · 4 months
Dey had ran out
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(og image under cut)
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alchemistc · 4 months
Donato spots it first - Tommy's been fidgeting with the just-too-short sleeves of his shirt for the past ten minutes, fingers curling into the ends of the arms, thumb sliding along the hem like maybe he could make them long enough to fully cover his wrists just by thinking really hard about it. It's stretched tight across his shoulders, the neck hole feels too high, biting into his skin, and Tommy is absolutely certain it's been hemmed in at the fucking waist, because he can barely keep the damn thing tucked into his pants.
(The cost of having those fucking magnificent gazelle legs is apparently torso space.)
"You shrink your shirt in the wash again, Kinard?"
Tommy's been begging their vendor to switch to a jersey blend for years because 100% cotton undershirts are a goddamn bitch and a half to maintain.
Tommy thinks about ignoring the question entirely. They've been razzing him for weeks about the way every single smile line in his face has been putting in overtime lately.
And then she gets a closer look at it. The merch is usually the same cross-department, but every once in a while some probie will get stuck with the task of ordering a few extras to have as backups around the station and they'll go a little too hard on customization. Like, for example, the one he'd picked off the top of his clean laundry basket without looking in his rush out the door this morning.
Lucy's eyes narrow. She reaches forward, pinches the 118 emblem blazing across the breadth of his shoulder, takes in the color and sturdiness of a shirt he definitely can't play off as being old enough to have been from his own time at the One Eighteen.
Donato grimaces so mockingly Tommy nearly warns her that her face'll get stuck like that. "Christ, Kinard, how fucking domestic are you two?"
(Three days off together after a week of getting by with random texts, their schedules nearly opposite, and when Evan had stared at his overnight bag on day two and realized he didn't have any spare undershirts he'd pouted up a storm about the fact that if he had to go back to his place it didn't make a lick of sense to turn right back around to Tommy's, so Tommy had just thrown Evan's dirty undershirt in with the rest of his own laundry. And then prompted Evan to throw all his other stuff in the wash too. Halfway across the city, Evan is definitely rolling too-long sleeves over his palm with the tips of his fingers and Tommy does not have time to think about how much he likes the idea of that )
"He doesn't even know my how I take my coffee," Tommy snipes, like that avoids the question, and across the locker room Johnson slams his locker shut with a snort.
"Because you've been using his increasingly more desperate attempts to figure it out as some weird intricate mating ritual for three months now."
"It's about --."
"--the journey, not the destination," they both interrupt, eyes rolling, and Tommy doesn't bother to try to hide the grin in his face.
"He just wants to get it right so bad."
Donato's face is unimpressed. "Ugh. Can you please stop being so smitten right in front of me? I'm gonna throw up."
Tommy leans in for the kill. "Your wife ever buy you flowers, Johnson? Because I've been trying to decide how much thought went into the arrangement he brought me on Saturday, and I figure -." He dodges the palm Johnson extends towards his face with a bark of bright laughter.
Evan 2:15 PM
Boyfriend privileges are a SCAM
Evan 2:15 PM
Why is YOUR NAME on the back of this shirt? There's no way that's standard
Evan 2:16 PM
Chimney's being homophobic
Evan 2:19 PM
Nvm Gerrard saw it and now I'm just sad he didn't actually have a heart attack about it
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002yb · 10 months
While Roy would argue that the leaky faucet in their apartment adds to its ramshackle, rustic charm, Jason doesn't share the sentiment. The persistent dripping is white noise to Roy, but for Jason it's an irritant. It's a reminder of home and a childhood Jason would rather forget - a too small apartment that was rundown and falling apart, all stained surfaces and broken fixtures because no one cared to take care of anything. Jason doesn't want to live like that again. It's why Jason does so much to keep the place up despite Roy's absence because it's not just a safe house - it's their home.
Which is why when Roy comes home and is greeted with that steady drip, he grimaces. The leaky faucet is something Roy promised to fix months ago and promptly forgets about between so many other responsibilities, but he resolves himself in that moment: today is the day.
Guilt and shame are strong motivators and Roy feels an ample amount of both if only because the place looks as good as it does. Everything is clean and smells fresh in a way that makes Roy feel at ease and yet here he's left Jason to suffer with a faulty sink.
The old saying of, 'happy wife, happy life,' crosses Roy's mind and while they're not married, Roy resolves that he needs to do better by his partner. If not out of love, then certainly because Roy isn't sure he could withstand being at the forefront of Jason's provoked ire.
It's not a hard task. Challenged as Roy likes to be, he finds enjoyment in the straightforward nature of the problem and the clear steps needed to resolve it. Compared to the other work he does, it's mindless and it's something of a relief.
That he's going to get brownie points with Jason is an added bonus.
Jason, who walks into their apartment that's been empty for months while Roy has been tied up with Justice League missions and bureaucracy to find his partner on his back, crowded into the cabinet beneath their sink finally making right on his promise to fix the damn plumbing. Jason, who sees Roy following through and preens about it because the poor kid is all crossed wires and fucked up associations about the men in his life taking care of shit like this. Jason, who comes home and straddles Roy's hips like he's done so often in the past, casual and alluring - the menace.
It takes all of Roy's willpower not to react. For as often as Jason tries to seduce Roy, Roy has been painstakingly mindful to not take advantage. Making Jason happy and flirting around is one thing; letting him believe he has to pay Roy back for fulfilling a promise Roy made months ago and forgot about is another.
"You gonna help?" Roy asks instead.
"Depends on the plumbing." Jason quips, grinding his ass back against Roy to tease him and-
It feels good until it doesn't. Roy sees stars for too many reasons and all he can think is that this was karma coming to bite his ass for 1) not fixing the sink sooner and 2) being tempted by the vixen that is Jason Todd.
The weight on his pelvis is gone in an instant and Roy groans in disappointment. Just because he won't come on to Jason doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy when Jason tries to seduce him. It's his guilty pleasure, fuck!
"Shit, are you okay?" Jason asks through an incredulous laugh, dragging Roy out from beneath the sink by his calves. Roy goes easy, one hand to the bump on his head from hitting the pipes beneath the sink. Jason looks both embarrassed and sheepish and Roy can't say the kid has ever looked more gorgeous than in that moment, hovering over Roy with cool fingers pressed to the swelling bump just beneath the edge of Roy's hat. "My bad," Jason snickers, knocking his knuckles just shy of the hurt.
Roy makes a face at him and, just to tease, torments him with a lighthearted taunt: "Kiss it better?"
The mood has come and gone though, so all Jason gives Roy is a smirk and a pointed kiss to his own hand before he smacks it over Roy's head.
"Maybe after you finish with the sink." Jason says, gesturing to the broken pipe, courtesy of Roy's forehead. Roy turns his attention to it, lips pursed because wow, fuck. That's another trip to the store.
"Since it's your fault-" Roy says and Jason scoffs. Still, when Roy holds out his hand, Jason hoists him up. Roy smiles at him, easy as anything, "-come get the parts with me."
Roy loves the work he does. He's happy to do it, but he's missed this; he's glad to be home.
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
TUA Rewatch Drawings: S1E4
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[ID: A close up of Luther's horrified face, hands held up towards his face as he looks at something offscreen, he's scruffy with overgrown hair and beard. Behind his shoulder is the image of a child's jack-in-the-box monkey popping up, it's holding an umbrella. Written at the top of the image is "Monkey on the Moon". End ID.]
Favourite Moment: Cha Cha and Hazel having their hang over donuts, its so classic.
Favourite Line: "You're the one with the damn orthepedic bracelet." "I told you already, it's just for support!" - Chachh & Hazel / "I barely remember what we had for breakfast at this point." - Hazel (and me, on a daily basis)
Most likely to skip moment: Klaus' gurgling waterboarding torture - I hate the sound so much!
Most likely to rewind moment: The Meritech fire dance and surrounding scenes. Hands down.
I chose this because it's such an iconic opening to me, the horror on Luther's face, the coldness of the surgical room he's been left to sleep in. The fucking monkey. It's all so horribly good. And the way this came out like a bad old horror film poster pleases me greatly.
I know Luther makes some Questionable Choices in S1, but each time I rewatch it I remember just how fucked up he must be - whilst it doesn't excuse his actions, it does fuel them, in the same way Viktor slashing Allison's throat can't be excused, but the fuel behind the action is no less present.
I mean this boy:
Was at least emotionally manipulated as a child, but likely straight up abused.
Was thrust into a leadership role he had no business being in.
Lost 2 siblings.
Was isolated in a mansion, oscillating between boredom and life threatening situations.
Then he dies
Gets some truly horrifying and unconsensual body modification
Shipped off to the moon for 4 years of complete physical and near total social isolation.
His father dies who he has complex feelings for, then Grace, then Pogo betrays his trust and its one whole lot.
One of his siblings nearly kills the one he's closest to.
I never hated Luther in S1, and on this rewatch he showed so many more moments of sibling consideration than I remembered, in between being a mess of course.
Also: Eudora. I'm debating what purpose her death serves for the narrative. I think 90% of the emotions her death inspires in Diego could have easily been done by:
Diego thinking Klaus had died when he escapes, or just rage for someone torturing his brother?
Eudora could have been wounded and that would still make Diego think about pushing his agendas on people - except even with her death he doesn't think that.
I know he goes on a mini killing-people-won't-bring-you-peace arc, but, and maybe that brings him closer to Five? But another convo could have done the same? It's not like Eudora is particularly in the way of the plot so I don't know why she had to die - maybe Diego's growing up moment could be realising he doesn't have to keep pushing his agenda and affections on her?
I like her as a character and her presence because she gives Diego depth and a life outside the academy, which we rarely see in the others. Potentially she dies to show the danger of Hazel and Cha Cha, I don't know. Either way I'm conflicted about her, mainly because after 3 months in the 60's Diego seems to forget she exists, though I might have forgotten moments.
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
Baby Daddy chapter 5
Note: last chapter! tied in request by @synindoodles, I hope you'll like it as you gave me a lot of freedom really. chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4.
Warnings: fluff/suggestive/angst.
pairing: modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You and Sihtric needed some counselling to work things out.
wordcount: 5k
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The Counselling.
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To no one's surprise, you and Sihtric remarried several months after you had divorced the other Dane, Sigtryggr. You certainly felt bad for your second ex-husband, as he had treated you with nothing but love and respect, but your heart simply belonged to your first ex-husband, who was now your husband again.
To everyone's surprise, things seemed to work out rather well between you and Sihtric this time, as years had passed and you were still together. Of course, you still had misunderstandings, disagreements and you argued occasionally, but it was way better than it used to be as you had both learned a lot. Sihtric still struggled to communicate at times, and you still made quite the mess of the house, mainly the kitchen. But you were both determined to make it work, just like you had promised each other. Not just for yourselves, but for Odin too, your now sixteen year old son.
'I don't know, pookie,' Sihtric sighed as he looked at the webpage you showed him, 'are we doing that bad?'
'No, Siht, not at all,' you said and sat down across from him in the kitchen, 'but I don't want us to ever get that bad, so I think it's not a bad idea.'
'I thought marriage counselling was like a last resort?' Sihtric remarked and sipped his coffee, then he leaned back and raked his tattooed fingers through his long, loose, messy hair.
You loved the contrast between his rather rough looking face and haircut, and his expensive, black v-neck sweater with some designer jeans underneath. Financially, things were going great, but romantically things definitely needed to improve.
'Well, for many people it is a last resort,' you agreed and closed the laptop, 'but why not give it a chance? I mean… don't you also feel that there is a distance between us lately?'
Sihtric looked down at his cup and shrugged lightly.
'I guess,' he said softly, 'maybe. Sometimes I just feel… nevermind.'
'No, tell me,' you encouraged him and reached for his hand across the wooden dinner table, 'talk to me.'
'No, it's… it doesn't matter,' he smiled weakly, not knowing how to express his fear of losing you again, 'maybe you're right, maybe it's not a bad idea.'
And with Sihtric's approval, you booked the counselling appointment. What Sihtric didn't know was that it wasn't just a one time appointment, but a whole retreat. A whole week. And you sort of forgot to mention that until one day before you had to leave, at least, that is what Sihtric claimed. You had told him, but he hadn't listened. Everything was arranged already; the trip, your stay, and Odin staying over at Finan for the time being. But the news came as a shock to Sihtric.
'A week?!' Sihtric stared at you with wild eyes, 'what do you mean a whole week? I don't want to be stuck in some… some…' he waved his hands around, 'prison for couples for a week!'
'You think marriage counselling is like prison?' you asked bitterly.
'No! But- but, gods, you could've told me this before!'
'I told you!'
'You didn't!'
'I did!'
'You did not!'
'For fuck sakes!' you yelled, 'this is exactly why we need a whole damn week there!'
'Yeah, well, make it a month,' Sihtric huffed as he stormed off to the bedroom.
And not much later you also stomped your way up the stairs and found Sihtric sitting on the bed, and it didn't take long before you sat on top of him, naked, making it up to each other… again.
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'And this is where you will be staying,' a friendly lady named Eadith said as she showed you your luxurious room.
You and Sihtric looked around the large room, which had a king size bed, a big tv with a cosy looking couch in front of it, as well as a spacious bathroom with a heart shaped jacuzzi. You thanked Eadith kindly for the tour and short introduction, and you had about an hour to get ready for the first real counselling session of the week. 
Each day you would have a different sort of session, which should eventually bring you and Sihtric closer again, as well as hopefully sort out the issues you two always had ever since you got together. And today, you would be meeting with Doctor Beocca for your first session..
'Hi, welcome,' Beocca said, 'please, take a seat.'
You and Sihtric sat next to each other, and you both shifted a little nervously on the couch as Beocca took his time to open his laptop and started typing.
'So,' the doctor said after a moment, 'this is the first session each couple here takes part in. I am here to paint a picture of where exactly your relationship is at, its problems and what kind of sessions you will need to improve the marriage. So my first question to you both is; why are you here?'
'Well,' you began, as Sihtric looked at you, 'I wanted to do this retreat because there is a distance between us. It's not too serious yet, I think at least, but I want to prevent us splitting up… again.'
'Again?' Beocca asked.
'Yes, eh,' you chuckled awkwardly, 'we divorced once, then we both married someone else who we also divorced, and then we married each other again.'
'Oh,' Beocca said, and he started to type on his laptop, 'I see. How long was your first marriage?'
'Eh, we split up about two years after we got married, but we didn't finalise the divorce until…,' you looked at Sihtric, 'how much later?' 
'I'm not sure anymore,' Sihtric confessed.
'O…kay,' Beocca sensed you both weren't able to fully recall it anymore, 'we'll just focus on the two years then. So you split up after two years, then what happened?'
'Well, we still tried to do family things with our son,' you said, 'so we saw each other often. But we'd always end up arguing and after that we'd make up again, you know, with… sex,' you cleared your throat, 'and at one point we got back together again.'
'For less than a day,' Sihtric added.
'A day?' Beocca frowned.
'Yeah, then we had a big falling out-' Sihtric continued.
'There was an incident,' you interrupted your husband.
'An incident?' the doctor asked, 'what-'
'It was an accident,' you said.
'She fell off the stairs,' Sihtric said, 'which was kind of my fault, but-'
'She,' Beocca looked at you, 'you fell off the-'
'It really was an accident, I wasn't injured badly or anything,' you quickly said.
'No, but you did call Sigtryggr for help,' Sihtric scoffed and crossed his arms.
'Sigtryggr?' Beocca looked confused.
'I was hurt, Sihtric,' you rolled your eyes, 'and I needed comfort.'
'Wait, who is Sig-' Beocca tried, but you both didn't hear him anymore.
'Was his cock comforting enough?' Sihtric gave you a bitter look.
'Oh, please!' you hissed, 'nothing happened between us that day. He only take us for ice cream-'
'Oh, yeah, that's right!' Sihtric looked at Beocca, 'some strange man took my wife and my then five year old son for ice cream, after I was kicked out of the house.'
'Odin was four,' you corrected him, 'and Sigtryggr wasn't a strange man-'
'Who is-' Beocca tried again, to no avail.
'Oh, he wasn't a stranger because you met him in a bar the same night we met, which was years ago by then?' Sihtric asked, heated.
'Sihtric, please,' you rubbed your eyes, 'I had met up with Sig befo-'
'Sig,' Sihtric mocked the name.
'I met up with him before, and you know that because you read my texts!'
'You- you read your wife's texts?' Beocca asked.
'We were split up,' you said, 'I wasn't really his wife anym-'
'Yeah, I read my wife's texts,' Sihtric talked over you, 'because she left her phone in the kitchen and I just happened to see the message come in.'
'And you decided to freak out over it,' you sighed.
'I did not freak out-'
'You squished a juice pack-'
'It was a kid's juice pack, doctor,' Sihtric informed the wide-eyed man.
'That doesn't matter!' you yelled.
'Okay, okay!' Beocca's voice suddenly rolled through the, previously, zen room like thunder, 'I need you both to please stop talking.'
You and Sihtric both looked at Beocca and clenched your jaw at the same time. Then Beocca got up from his chair and grabbed a stuffed Hello Kitty plushie from a shelf, which he handed to Sihtric, who looked confused at the doctor while you snorted.
'Usually,' Beocca grumbled, 'this technique is used for children,' he sneered, 'whoever holds the stuffed animal gets to talk!'
You and Sihtric nodded in agreement, and you both felt like toddlers again.
'Okay,' Beocca sighed, 'Sihtric, please tell me what happened. How did you get back together before the incident, or accident, whatever, and what happened after that?'
Sihtric cleared his throat and took a deep breath.
'So,' he began, 'it was our son's birthday party that day. I was there too, naturally, and when I went to get a juice pack for my son, I saw her phone screen light up. Of course I looked at it, like everyone would,' he glanced at you for a split second, 'and saw the text was from someone I didn't know, this guy called Sigtryggr, and it said how he was planning on meeting up with my wife again.'
'And how did that make you feel?' Beocca asked, and you chuckled and rolled your eyes.
Sihtric looked at you again, but averted his eyes when you looked up at him.
'I was hurt,' he said quietly, 'and angry. I still loved her,' he swallowed hard, 'I always loved her.'
'And yet you were in your whore era,' you spat.
'No!' Beocca snarled, 'do not speak!'
'Sorry,' you mumbled.
Beocca nodded at Sihtric to continue.
'I was hurt. And I know we were not really together anymore, but I couldn't stand the thought of my wife with someone else,' Sihtric said, 'yes, she's right, I was seeing other people too. Hurting myself in the process, but I only did it because I tried to forget her. I know it wasn't fair of me to get angry that she was seeing someone too.'
'And what happened then?' Beocca asked.
'I confronted her, and we… we,' Sihtric cleared his throat, 'we had sex. Good sex,' he suddenly grinned, 'and by the end of the day we were together again. Then the next morning we got into an argument, again, I walked away and we argued on the stairs. When I tried to walk away again she wanted to take my hand,' Sihtric said and paused.
'Go no,' Beocca encouraged him.
You saw Sihtric's fingers tightened around the Hello Kitty plushie and, to your surprise, when you looked up at him you saw his eyes were teared up.
'I- I flinched,' Sihtric said, quietly, and his voice trembled, 'because I pulled away, s-she lost her balance and she f-fell down the stairs. I- I tried to grab her but-' he choked up and stopped talking.
'I see,' Beocca said softly as he started typing, 'and clearly you are still upset about that.'
'I never wanted to hurt her,' Sihtric sniffled and wiped his tears before they could fall down, 'but of course she was spooked after it happened, as was I, and she… she kicked me out. She wanted the key to the house back, which I gave her, and then I… I left.'
You fought your own tears and reached for Sihtric's hand, giving him a comforting squeeze before the Hello Kitty plushie landed in your hands.
'After Sihtric left,' you told Beocca, 'I called the guy I had gone for a drink with before that birthday party happened. His name is Sigtryggr, and he helped me out that day, after I fell. Nothing happened between us then. But he did accidentally meet our son.'
You explained the rule you and Sihtric had about introducing new people to your son, and then you told the doctor about how you and Sihtric ended up together again for a night, only to fight again and finally get divorced. You told him that Sihtric got married again at some point, only to divorce two months later, and your husband had nothing to add to that.
'Then I got married to Sigtryggr and ended up having sex with Sihtric on my wedding day,' you said, deadpan, 'I divorced Sigtryggr a few days later, married Sihtric again a few months later, and then things went up and down but we stayed together and, I think we just got stuck in a rut, you know? And now we're here, to finally sort things out and to not create more distance between us.'
Beocca stared at his word document, apparently the old man was speechless. He didn't directly say this was one of the wildest stories he had ever heard, but you knew that's what he meant anyway. Despite the story being so wild it would make for a good work of fiction, Beocca promised he'd have a plan ready by tomorrow morning.
And you went to have dinner at the resort's restaurant, before you went back to your room, where you both felt so drained by the conversation with Beocca that you fell asleep together before it was even ten in the evening.
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'Bonding?' Sihtric frowned as he looked at the scheduled session the next morning.
You had only just woken up when you saw that Beocca had emailed you the week's planning. Sihtric rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and yawned after he handed you your phone back, and he sat up in bed next to you.
'I also don't know what we'll be doing,' you said, 'I just hope we don't have to talk the whole time like yesterday.'
'Me neither,' Sihtric sighed, 'I mean, it was good to get that all out to someone I suppose, but yeah,' he chuckled, 'I still feel drained.'
'Me too,' you chuckled.
You looked at your husband as he was trying to wake up, and you felt a smile tug at your lips at the sight of his bare, muscular torso and his messy hair. You both had aged a bit, but he still looked so damn good, even when he didn't try. 
'Come here,' you smiled and pulled Sihtric close, then pecked his cheek, 'I love you, sweetheart.'
'I love you too, pookie,' he said and squeezed you in his strong arms, before he kissed your cheek and leaned back, holding your face in his hands, 'we're going to work this out, I promise.'
'I know,' you placed your hands on his, 'I know we will.'
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'Welcome,' a soft-spoken lady smiled, 'my name is Thyra, and I will guide your bonding session.'
You and Sihtric both smiled a little nervously again, and Thyra quickly explained what today's session was going to be like.
'So you will sit together in the lotus position-'
'What?' Sihtric snorted, 'eh…'
'Oh, no, no,' Thyra laughed, 'yes, like the sex position, but you will not have intercourse.'
You both chuckled with relief, and slight disappointment, and got in the position as Thyra explained how this should bring you closer together.
'Okay, wrap your arms around each other and hold each other close, then close your eyes,' Thyra said as she sat down, a few comfortable paces away from you.
You did as you were told and easily melted into each other's arms, as you buried your face in Sihtric's neck, and he moved one hand up into your hair, gently resting on the back of your head, holding you close.
'I will ask questions, and you will answer to your partner, so not to me,' Thyra said, 'I will be able to hear your answers, but I will not interfere unless it's needed.'
You both hummed in agreement as you were still wrapped around each other, and Thyra began her session.
'First I want you to focus on each other's breathing, until you both breathe in sync. Become one,' her soothing voice sounded.
You focused on Sihtric's breathing, your chest pressed against his, and you gradually started to find a comfortable breathing pace to keep up with.
'Now, open your eyes and look at each other,' Thyra said, 'and keep your eyes locked when you answer the questions, even if it's strange or uncomfortable. What made you fall in love with each other?'
Sihtric gave you a soft nod, allowing you to go first while you stared into his mismatched eyes.
'I fell in love with your appearance first,' you said softly, 'and I liked your energy and the way you made me instantly feel safe when we met.'
'Naturally I fell for looks first too,' Sihtric smiled faintly, 'when you looked at me, I just felt some sort of… as if I had found something that was missing.'
You felt yourself blush and pouted at Sihtric's sweet answer.
'I never invited anyone to go home with me after I just met them,' you said, 'you were the first guy I took home, without really knowing you. It just felt like we belonged together, and I couldn't let you go.'
'I felt the same, pookie,' Sihtric smiled and cupped your cheeks, 'there was no denying that we felt like we should be together.'
'Very good,' Thyra said, 'now, what four personality traits of your partner are your favourite?'
'I love how passionate you are, and fun-hearted,' you said, 'and how you're protective and actually quite romantic at times.'
'And I love how caring and considerate you are,' Sihtric whispered, 'and how honest you are, and passionate too.'
'Thanks,' you whispered with rosy cheeks, and Sihtric bit down on his lip with a smile.
'I really want to kiss you, pookie,' he whispered, thinking Thyra wouldn't hear it.
'You can,' Thyra said from across the room, 'pretend I'm not here, please, unless you'll take it too far. I'm not watching you two,' she chuckled, 'I'm making notes. The whole purpose of this session is to feel close, so if you want to kiss, hug, nuzzle, go right ahead.'
Sihtric was fast to pull your lips to his, and he captured you in a sweet, gentle kiss.
'I love you,' he smiled against your lips, 'so fucking much.'
'And I love you too,' you breathed, 'so much.'
After Thyra had given you a moment, she continued.
'What physical features are your favourite?'
'Boobs,' Sihtric couldn't resist his first answer, and you couldn't help but laugh at this boyish response.
'Nah, seriously,' Sihtric composed himself, 'your body is fantastic, love, you know I think you look perfect. But, I love your smile,' he said, 'it always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you smile at me. But, again, I love everything about your appearance, your face, your hair, your hands… gods, your hands, it's like you can heal anything with a simple touch sometimes.'
'Your eyes,' you blurted out immediately, 'I love your eyes.'
Sihtric smiled and struggled to keep his eyes locked with yours, as he felt his cheeks heat up again, and he mumbled a shy 'thanks'.
'And I love how you look ridiculously good with every haircut,' you chuckled and pushed a strand of his loose hair behind his ear, 'I love your face, I know that sounds stupid probably, but… the sharp features, your eyes, your lips, the facial hair, and your scars,' you sighed, 'everything about your appearance is just… perfect to me. There is nothing I'd change, Siht, nothing.'
'Good,' Sihtric smiled, 'I'm… I'm glad to hear that.'
'You thought I'd want to change something?'
Sihtric shrugged lightly, 'Maybe… maybe my scars.'
'No,' you cupped his cheeks, 'I wouldn't change anything,' you said, and pulled him in for a kiss, 'you're perfect.'
'You're perfect too.'
'Good, good,' Thyra continued, 'what is something you need from your partner, this can be physical or emotional.'
'I need you to communicate more,' you said, 'you're already doing so much better than years ago, but it's still not enough often. I know it's hard for you, but you need to tell me when things aren't going the way you like it, or when things are difficult or when you're hurting. I don't want you to be ashamed to open up and tell me what you need or want. All you have to do is talk, communicate your feelings and needs. That's really what I need from you.'
Sihtric nodded and swallowed hard.
'I know, sweetheart,' he said, 'I know. But I just,' he teared up, 'I just need you to understand… that when I grew up, there was no… no space for me. No one cared about my needs. And,' he took a deep breath to compose himself, 'I'm really trying…'
'I know you are,' you reassured him, 'and you're doing really well, but this is just me wanting to encourage you to try and be even more vocal and clear. I know your past is different from most people, but I also hope that you truly understand and feel that things are different now too in our own family. You have people around you now who do want to hear you and help you.'
'I guess… maybe sometimes I don't feel that,' Sihtric confessed, 'sometimes when things don't go your way, you get angry. And I'm the same,' he chuckled, 'but then I shut down and run, because I don't know how to solve it or how to say things.'
'We can solve things by talking and listening,' you caressed his cheeks with your thumbs, 'and you're right too. Sometimes I struggle to understand your behaviour and I agree that I should do better. I know I can do better, and I'll work on that.'
'I'd like that,' Sihtric smiled, 'and I'll try to open up more.'
'I'd like that too.'
'Very good,' Thyra said, 'you two are doing really great.'
You and Sihtric smiled at each other, and he couldn't resist stealing another kiss from your lips.
'My next question is usually if you are still attracted to each other, but I think we can skip that,' she chuckled, 'the next question is if you are satisfied with your intimacy.'
'Ehh, for the most part,' you said hesitantly.
'For the most part?' Sihtric raised an eyebrow.
'Well, I'd just like it if, you know, we could have a bit more slow and sensual moments, instead of just going at each other like savages,' you laughed, 'which is great too, don't get me wrong.'
'No, I get it,' Sihtric chuckled, 'you're right. We often go for quickies lately, it's been a while since we really took our time… or weren't angry.'
'Exactly,' you agreed, 'I'd like it if we could make time again. I know things changed too as Odin grew up. But he's often not home these days when we are, so I'm sure we could figure this out.'
Sihtric agreed, and in truth, he wanted nothing more than to pick you up and carry you back to the room you stayed at, to have that slow and sensual sex you both needed and agreed on. But the session wasn't over yet. And everything went well, until Thyra asked if you ever felt cheated on by your partner.
'No,' you answered.
'Yes,' Sihtric said.
'What? Why?' you asked, 'everything I did with someone else was when we were split up. Sigtryggr and I weren't exclusive when I still saw you, before you and I divorced, and never agreed on being exclusive either then. I really only cheated on him, actually, with you.'
'I know,' Sihtric sighed, 'but… I always felt married to you. I- I always felt horrible when I was with someone else, even though we agreed to split up, in my heart I was still married. I always felt like I was cheating on you. And, I know it's not fair, but therefore it also felt like you cheated on me.'
'I'm sorry you felt that way,' you said, 'but I thought we both were clear about the fact we were not together anymore back then.'
'We were, pookie, but y-you're not listening to me now,' Sihtric struggled, 'I'm not saying that you cheated on me, because you didn't. We never cheated on each other,' he stared into your eyes, 'but to me it always felt like we did.'
'Sihtric,' you said with sadness in your voice, 'and that all leads back to communication again. You should've said something back then.'
'I know. I just didn't know how,' he said, 'maybe because I knew no one did anything wrong, but still…'
'It happened, we can't change that anymore. But I'm sorry if I made you feel cheated on. Do you trust me now?' you asked.
'I do,' Sihtric smiled softly, 'I trust you, I do.'
'Okay, good,' you pecked his lips, 'because I trust you too.'
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After the intense bonding session, which actually brought you and Sihtric closer together right away, you finally had that slow and sensual sex, just before you went for dinner. You and Sihtric felt more at ease and more connected than ever before, as you both finally seemed to have a better understanding of each other. 
The next day you had a meditation session, which would make you tap into your previous lives. And you had both been sceptical going in, but you were both shocked by the end of the day, when you discussed your results and discoveries during dinner.
Apparently Sihtric was a medieval warrior and a Dane, who fell in love with a Christian "witch". The woman wasn't really a witch, she was just a healer. But the townspeople didn't trust her because of her "healing powers" and ended up burning her alive in her home when she was asleep, while Sihtric wasn't home, as he was preparing for battle. And when he returned home, to a burned down hut and a dead wife, the townsfolk captured him and tortured him, by cutting out his tongue, as they feared he might be able to curse them, and then they killed him. They had only been together for a year, and died young.
'There is no way,' Sihtric said when he looked at your papers, which had your previous life written on it, 'you were a healer and you died in a fire?'
'I guess we really are connected,' you said, after you had read Sihtric's story.
You had to admit you felt just as spooked as Sihtric upon this reveal, but it did make sense as to why you felt you belonged together. And maybe it was also why you got back together again each time you had split up. Something primal inside you kept pulling you back towards each other.
'Maybe we struggle because now that we're actually together for a long time, longer than in our previous lives, we just don't know where to go?' you thought out loud, 'and you struggle to communicate because your tongue was taken.'
'Gods,' Sihtric scoffed, and he ordered another glass of whiskey when a waiter walked by.
'You know,' he then said, 'our home in that life was so messy too,' he chuckled, 'herbs and flowers and spices everywhere…'
'Just like our kitchen now,' you smiled and shook your head lightly, 'I can't believe this.'
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'Me neither,' Sihtric said, 'but… it does make sense. And I guess it gives some clarity too, as to why I am possessive and protective at times, maybe more than I should sometimes.'
'And why I keep believing we can work this out, because I just know we can heal.'
With the newfound knowledge and mutual understanding, the last few days of the retreat went by fast. You had one day on which there was no session planned, and you ended up spending all day together in bed, only getting dressed to go out and get some food. And the fire between you and your husband was as bright as it was when you just got together, the first time. 
The day after that, you had a session which consisted of doing an escape room together. It seemed like a pointless game, but it was a test to see if you had already learned to listen and communicate better. And to both your surprise, you solved the escape room without ever raising your voice at each other or getting irritated by your partner, so the retreat proved to be successful once again.
On the last day you had another conversation with Beocca, to see if there had been any progress, and he had been pleasantly surprised by the positive changes he saw. There was no need to pull out the Hello Kitty plush this time, and he said you both seemed more in love and calm, to which you agreed.
'But don't forget that you will still be challenged once you're back home again, back in your daily routine,' Beocca said, 'it is okay to argue and disagree, as long as it's a healthy amount.'
'I know,' you said, and Sihtric agreed, but you were both confident everything would be okay.
And you were right. 
Back home again, things definitely went better. Sihtric opened up more and you paid more attention to his needs, when he finally communicated them with you, and you became closer as a family again, which is all Sihtric ever wanted. 
And as your wedding anniversary was approaching, you and Sihtric decided to renew your vows. The last time you got married to Sihtric you had kept it small, with just your son present and a handful of friends, as everyone was sick and tired of going to weddings by then, but now that everything was finally going as it should, you agreed to throw a big party. 
And at the night of your anniversary party, you ended up in the venue's restroom with Sihtric again. Except this time, before you pulled each other's clothes off, you made sure that all the toilet stalls were empty.
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cosmicanemoia · 8 months
Nobody Like You
Larissa Weems x Reader
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Chapter 2 (What's Settled?)
The first few months of your relationship were going well until something shifted.
The first few months of your relationship were going well until something shifted. She shifted... into another woman, and flirts with you. When she shifted back to her true self she would ask you all sorts of questions, almost as if she's interrogating you- trying to catch you in a lie, but to her dismay, or pleasure, or whatever, you had always told her everything truthfully.
Your relationship with Larissa had become complicated. You have an off again on again thing with her. You don't know what scarred her so bad that she would break your heart as if it were so easily healed.
Larissa and Morticia had a thing back when they were still students at nevermore.
Whatever that thing is, it broke Larissa in the most painful and invisible way, and the scars will come to bite her in the ass in the most heart shattering way.
They had the best of times together, but Morticia slowly lost time for Larissa.
When Morticia announced that she and gomez were in a relationship... Larissa's heart shattered into tiny pieces coursing through her body like shards of broken glass digging and cutting at her insides.
She had to put up a wall so as to never let it happen again.
Whatever that thing Larissa and Morticia had had ended.
And it only became clear to Larissa that it was one sided-- whatever it was she thought they both felt was actually unrequited.
Whatever it is she's doing now is just her trying to protect her even more fragile heart, also to make sure you keep your promise.
You know how badly she was scarred, that's why you  understand why she does what she's doing. Little did you know it will cost you your heart as well...
Larissa had scarred you in the most pleasant and unpleasant way.
She doesn't know why she's doing this and what she would get out of all this. Her insecurities and doubts took hold of her.
"Why do you have to be so young?" Larissa would often ask you, and you would reply with "I'm not too young. You're not too old. We are just right, baby... We're perfect for each other."
She would believe those words for some time, but when some nosy people brought up your age gap- she would need reassurances, and you would always be there for that.
But when phrases and sentences are continuously used, endlessly repeated-- it would eventually lose its meaning, no? Her doubts would grow, and she could only think that you would somehow grow tired of her too.
"How can someone so fucking beautiful and wonderful care about what other people think? You are a goddess amongst us mere mortals. I don't understand why you give a damn about them." You argued.
She answered, "Well, my partner is also a goddess herself. How can I not? When she could change her mind any minute of every hour?"
You were on the verge of tears. You can't fathom how someone as mesmerizing as she is would be insecure about something so trivial as your age gap.
You want to cry, but instead chuckled at her declaration. You saunter to close the distance between the two of you, and pull her into your arms to give her that much needed embrace along with more words of reassurances. "My love. Please see yourself as I see you. You're the only one I need, and the only one I will ever truly need. You're the most precious person to me, and I could not even bear the thought of losing you, let alone abandon you."
Larissa hummed at the nook of your neck as you hugged her tighter.
And if words aren't enough... well, then you just have to show her.
"We're actually in an exclusive and closed relationship." You told the other woman, and she breaks out in a boisterous laugh. She saw how you tensed up and how Larissa's grip on your waists tightened; her laugh turned into an awkward chuckle, and she scoffed, "seriously?" She questioned, and you just nodded as a response while you looked lovingly at Larissa. "The 'succubus' in a monogamous and closed relationship. Wow!" She exclaimed.
'The nerve of this woman.' You thought to yourself.
She grinned from ear to ear and gave an unwanted comment to Larissa, "I don't know what you got that every woman she'd ever been with doesn't... Must be good enough to sate and satisfy the sex hungry that she is."
You rolled your eyes, "Okay, we're done here... let's go babe."
As you walk away the woman shouted, "I meant that as a compliment."
You told Larissa that you jump from girlfriend to girlfriend and that you never entertain the idea of dating exclusively until you met her.
"Alright then-- that's settled." Larissa leaned back on the couch as she sighed.
"What's settled?" You leaned forward to her direction as your hand found home on her thighs.
She replied, "Nothing." She looked away, and you squeezed her thigh softly to make her look at you and that she did.
As your gaze held each other, you told her, "Come on, gorgeous. I'm not a mind reader... tell me what's bothering you."
Larissa sighed and spoke, "have you been sleeping with other women while you were dating me?" She released a breath she didn't know she were holding.
You inhaled deeply and moved closer to her. "No. Never. Of course I haven't." Your hands moved to cup her cheeks, and you caress them with your thumb.
Larissa looked into your eyes and saw no lies in them.
"I get why you would think that given my track record, but I assure you- I have not slept with other women nor think of doing so ever since we got together." You remarked, and you give her a kiss to which she desperately accepted.
After a passionate kiss. "I apologise for that my darling, it was silly of me to think that you were--" Larissa remarked, but before she can finish her thought you cut her off.
"It wasn't silly at all. I understand why you would think that. I know just the thing to help erase all the worries in your head." You declared and signalled her to straddle your lap. "You, Larissa Weems, is the only one for me. And you're more than enough. I am so grateful, and I feel so lucky I get to have you." You added and give her a quick peck on her plump lips. "Larissa Weems. You are everything I never thought I needed and more." You exclaimed, which made her grin widely.
If those words weren't enough to ease her mind; you'll have to just show her again.
Someone had asked you infront of Larissa once again...One would find this funny, yet they wouldn't be able to laugh because of how cruel it is-- that someone had mentioned your age gap one more time.
"That's it. I can't do this anymore." Larissa said as she stood.
You look at her with confusion written in your face, "can't do what, babe?"
Larissa's voice is laced with anger and sadness as she replies, "This..." She points her pointer finger to you then to herself back and front, and she continues to argue, "people asking you out infront of me. Maybe they were right!? Maybe you are indeed too young for me..."
"What!? Baby, please... not this again. I told you--" you try to reassure her, but she cuts you off.
"No. No more. This is not going to happen again and again. This is the last time." Larissa sighed.
You scoff and stand up to take her hand. You were in a flustered state. Your brows furrowed in understanding. You think you know where this is going, but still you asked, "what do you mean?"
Larissa took her hand from your grip, and she looked away... she took a deep breath and said, "I'm done. We're done."
"Okay. Let's go home." You remarked as you thought this can't be it; still trying to deny what's happening. 'This can't be it.' You thought to yourself.
Larissa replied, "no. There's no us-- not anymore. We're over." She starts to walk out the door...
Your jaw clenched, and you thought, "no freaking way." You got infront of her to try and stop her, "you can't be serious... are you serious?"
"I am." Larissa answered in a monotone voice.
Your eyes filled with tears, and it broke Larissa seeing you like this, and she knows she's the reason why. 'Maybe I didn't think this through.' She thought to herself.
"Darling love, please... don't go." You begged her.
Larissa shoved you gently out of the way, "please, don't make this harder than it already is." With that, she's out the door and out of your life as well.
You can't believe what just happened. You want to follow her, but your feet are glued to the ground. You gaze around the café and realised that everyone is watching you, and you growled to no one and everyone at the same time, "Fucking hell! Am I right?" Then you start to break down on the floor.
After a few minutes, the tears have dried, and you definitely need to get out of here.
You let a day pass until you decided to get your girl back.
Your knock echoes loudly within Larissa's space, and when she opens the door and sees you, she says as if she were expecting you, "are you here to get your things back?"
You didn't answer her question, but instead question her in turn. "May I come in?"
She moved aside signaling you to come in.
After a moment of comfortable yet tense silence, you start to speak as you stare into her eyes, "the only thing I came to get back here... is you."
"Darling, I--" Larissa tried to speak.
But you quickly cut her off, "Larissa dear, just listen to me, and if you want me to go after, I will."
"Sure." She replied.
You follow her on the sofa, and as you lovingly look at her, you can tell that she had been crying too.
You took her hands into yours, and as you hold it, you declared, "correct me if I'm wrong, but I know you didn't mean what you said back then. I understand that you were hurting. This can't be over... we can't be over. I can't go another day without you, and is it cruel that I hope you do too? Please, honey... Larissa Weems, take me back."
You let Larissa think for a moment, but after a while of staring into anything but you... you get her point. You nod yourself in understanding.
As you stand, Larissa uttered the words you've been aching to hear. "Yes." She said softly.
The tears that have been threatening to fall make good on that threat. You break down in tears, and as you come to hug her, you see that she is crying as well. You both missed each other so much.
You both hugged each other tightly and sighed simultaneously in relief.
You stayed cuddled, and you both fell asleep at the warmth of each other's embrace.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" You muttered at the scene unfolding before you.
Larissa is as shocked as you are. You aren't supposed to find out, at least not this way. Plus, your wounds are still fresh.
Fate is such a cruel thing sometimes, isn't it?
You look at her with wide eyes; too stunned to speak. You try to form words, but you just can't.
Larissa heaves, and your eyes decided to follow her figure striding closer to you.
"Oh my god..." you were able to breathe out when she held your hands.
"I can explain." Larissa said frantically.
You huffed, "there's  no need to explain-- it's pretty obvious."
You can see Larissa moving her lips, but you can't hear a word she's saying. "Larissa, I can't hear a word you're saying. Give me a moment to let this sink in."
You didn't know how you got to the couch, and your hand just took the wine that was set infront of you. "I can't believe you would do something like that... to me---"
"Darling, please." Larissa pleads.
"Trying to catch me in a lie? When you're the one who has been lying. Shifting into another woman??? Then relentlessly flirts with me... and afterwards ask me all sorts of questions-- as Larissa. Why the hell would you do that?" You thought aloud.
"I don't know. I-- uh, I was just---" Larissa trailed off.
There was silence for far too long, and she couldn't take it anymore. "Say something, Darling." Larissa found you still in silence after her request.
"Well, I guess this is really it. I screwed everything up. I guess you would only want to be free of me, of my possessiveness... and my doubtfulness." Larissa whined.
From that, you finally look at her, "what? Don't put words in my mouth."
Larissa stands up, "if you want to break up with me, I-"
"Hell no! You are indeed doubtful and possessive, no doubt. I'm not going to break up with you. Never. I only feel free when I'm with you." You stood your ground and breath a sigh of relief, which Larissa returned.
After a while, you chuckled, and Larissa's eyebrows furrowed. 'This is no laughing matter,' she thought to herself. You both plopped down on the couch.
When you see her face and see her worries, you say, "I accept everything that you are. I hope to erase any doubts lingering in that magnificent brain of yours."
"I only did that because I love you too much." Larissa confessed.
"Larissa Weems, I assure you I'm all yours. All yours." You said and gave her forehead a kiss.
The day Larissa had been dreading the most had finally come.
Just as she's about to fully trust you...
How cannot you do this to her? And in her own fucking home, in her own fucking bed. How could you? After letting you in... After everything she had confided in you. She was right to doubt you she thought, 'how fucking dare you?!?'
Larissa could not believe what was in front of her. Her ears are ringing, and even though she wanted so badly to scream- she just stood there frozen and only able to mutter a "Y/N?"
Even if it's barely above a whisper, she knew you heard her and see you shuffle in bed.
"Larissa?" She saw stand up quickly, and she saw that it made your head spin.
Larissa slowly walks away...
"Wait... Larissa--" she heard you call for her, but before you could say much-
"Oh great! The crazy old lady is here." The woman you're naked in bed with chuckled.
"The fuck did you just call her?" Larissa heard you said as she whipped her head to the other woman. Then she turns to face you, and scoffed, "as if you don't believe what she just said."
"Leave her already." The other woman butted once again.
After that-- Larissa's alarm broke her out of her nightmare.
She heaves as she lies, then she feels you pressed against her back, hugging her softly, and it helps calm her a little. She inhaled sharply.
You felt her move away, so you tightened your hold on her, "Don't go yet, sweetie."
She scoffed and whined "FUCK YOU!"
"Later... I'm still sleepy." You replied, oblivious of her actual meaning.
She stands up and walks back and forth just before the edge of the bed.
You slowly open your eyes to see where she went, and when you see the state that she was in; you decided to sit up as worry washes over you. "Honey, what's wrong?"
Larissa stops pacing, and just stares at you... After a moment, she growled and accused, "You're sleeping with someone else."
"What? Of course I'm not." You denied, "where is this coming from?"
"I saw you in that very bed naked with another woman..."
You stand up and move closer to Larissa, but when you see her back off, you halted. "That's absurb! It's completely impossible because I'm not really sleeping with anyone else. Where did you-"
"You need to go." Larissa commanded.
"No." You said sternly as you softly look at her, and this time, when you move closer, she didn't move away, and you were finally able to hold her hand.
Larissa just looks at you with an unreadable expression, but her eyes say everything that you need to know.
She's hurt, and the problem is she won't tell you.
"Just go Y/N." Larissa said as she looked away.
You let go of her hand, and scratch your furrowed brows. "I never even want or even try to sleep with other women ever since I saw you. Even if we're on a break or have broken up or whatever. You're all I needed."
"I don't know what else to say." Larissa sighed.
"You really trust other people more than me." You cried.
"it's not that..." She denied.
"Yeah! Yeah-- whatever you say." You move closer to her, and you cup her cheeks with the palm of your hands... while your forehead touches, "is this really it?" A tear fell from your eye.
"It is." Larissa confirmed.
Larissa moves to kiss you passionately, cause it is really the last time she will do so, you both thought.
The sobs you've been suppressing have been set free into the kiss. And when she pulled away, you couldn't help but sob harder. "Please don't make me leave. I need you, and I know you need me as much. Please- Larissa, my love, whatever the problem is, let's work and solve it out together. Please, Larissa, I don't want to be apart from you."
Larissa slowly turned and started to walk away without even looking back.
She left you sobbing alone. It's as if you died in that moment. If your heart is an actual glass, it would have shattered into a million pieces, and those tiny pieces would pierce you from the inside as it flows through your veins, making it hard to breathe... and live. This might be what death by a thousand cuts means. Only in your case, you're still breathing, even after a million cuts.
You may not see it, but Larissa feels the same, and if she turns her back and sees you in that state, she knows she'll run to embrace you. You don't know that she's as broken as you by her actions. All you know is that there's something inherently wrong with you that she doesn't want you anymore.
'This is your house... why the hell did you walk away.'
You waited for a week, but never once did she come back, not even for a set of clothes. 'I really need to go.'
With all the strength you have left you left, without bothering to get your things.
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linesonscreens · 7 months
Let's Read Peanuts (Yup, still at it) – May 1954
There are lots of great strips I just don't have room to comment on. I strongly encourage everybody to read the full month at the official GoComics page. Today's month starts HERE.
May 3, 1954
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~tugs collar~
Yeah... About that.
May 9, 1954
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Aw yeah, here we go! I was wondering when this would pop up.
May 15, 1954
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1) That's not a joke
2) Yes, Violet. I got that from him kicking the radio.
Also I hope you enjoyed this strip because “Charlie Brown doesn't like coconut” is now a running gag.
May 16, 1954
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This definitively proves that adults exist in the Peanuts Cinematic Universe, they just happen to be 20 feet tall for some reason. Or maybe the kids are like 2 feet tall? It depends on how you look at it I guess.
May 23, 1954
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Oh man! What's going to happen!? I'm freaking out!
May 24, 1954
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Lucy is so unbelievably awful to Linus in these early years. Granted, she's literally four(?) years old so I can cut her a bit of slack but god damn do these kind of interactions not endear you to her.
Weirdly enough though, I actually like that the strip doesn't punish her for doing stuff like this. Others have made this observation long before I came along but the fact that Schulz is willing to just sort of... let bad things happen without immediately having the universe make an example of the perpetrator or teach them a lesson is one of the things that sets Peanuts apart from the competition. Life just kind of be like that sometimes and it's OK to show it.
May 30, 1954
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(No, really. That's the last one)
The golf tournament arc is kind of notorious and nobody really knows what the hell is up with it. You have continuity in the Sunday strips (very unusual due to how they are made), weird off-model art, the cast acting out of character, and of course, on-screen adults. Then it all just kind of... stops. It's very odd.
I've heard people speculate that this might actually have been ghost drawn (is that a term?) by another artist but I'm not sure if I buy that. The art is a bit different but it still very much feels like Schulz to me, particularly in how he draws his backgrounds. I ~do~ think there might be something to the idea that this is a repurposed experiment from another project though.
What this feels like to me is Schulz experimenting with “bigger” stories, perhaps something intended to be sold as a proper comic book rather than just a collection of strips. The art looks different because he's trying to set it apart from the strips by adding more detail and action (kind of like when an animated TV sitcom gets a theatrical movie).
As for why it just ends like that? Well that's a sort of punchline Schulz does in a lot in his daily strips so it's not actually that weird if you think about it. I think he just didn't realize that this kind of anticlimax punchline works with a 4-panel strip but not a 4-page event comic.
There's no official word on the matter though so your guess is as good as mine.
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billybabyy · 6 months
i'll keep playing that goddamn song (if it keeps you alive.)
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mentions of: blood, upside down flashbacks.
author note: this is the first time i’m posting something that i’ve written so please be nice 😅 i’m nervous.
word count: 823.
read on ao3.
goes with this moodboard
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June, 1989
Dustin shouldn't be here.
He should be celebrating. With his friends. In Mike Wheelers stupid basement like he and the party have been planning since they were twelve. He should be there, not trudging through the headstones of Roane Hill Cemetery.
His suit looks good, tailored to fit him perfectly and even though it's longer now, Steve still helped him with his hair, just like he did for the Snow Ball of '84, he doesn't care about any of it now though, just counts the rows. 1...2...3...4... Until he finds what he's looking for.
Edward Munson.
Dustin smirks, he'd hate it, can hear Eddie telling him to scrap it off and write something cooler every time he comes here. He runs his fingers over the engraving, it's not even that old but it's mostly eroded away from all the profanities him and Wayne took turns scrubbing off that first summer after. It's clean now though as he leans back against it, fiddling with one of the rings on his fingers.
The intro to Master of Puppets plays for what feels like the 100th time in an hour—which is about the amount of time it took him to work up the nerve to actually walk here. It isn't as loud as it was that night, coming muffled through the shitty black headphones hanging around his neck—they're Eddie's... or they were Eddie's, they broke last month, sound only coming out of one side, Dustin has new ones now, orange ones hanging on a hook in his room, but he needed these ones tonight. The music is almost loud enough to drown out the sound of gurgling blood he still hears in his head... almost.
He turns the volume up a little higher.
"End of passion play, crumbling away, I'm your source of self-destruction."
It startles him, James Hetfield screaming in his ears, he usually restarts the song before he even has a chance too, forgets that there's still another seven minutes and thirty seconds of the song he’s never heard. Eddie never played him the part that comes after, just the intro over and over while he was learning it. Dustin can still hear him talking about how he'd sweettalked the girl behind the counter at the RadioShack to get him a copy early. If the after sounds anything like how he feels right now he doesn't care for it, as far as he's concerned, the after sucks... 
He hits rewind and then play, sparking up the joint he had tucked behind his ear over the first strum of Kirk Hammett's guitar—it's the last of what he could save from Eddie's locker before Principal Higgins had it cleared out, kept it safe all these years, hidden away, special for tonight, doesn't care if it's still good or not. He doesn't cough anymore either, not like the first time, not now that he's used to it, just lets the smoke fill up his lungs and let's the too sharp edges of his mind turn fuzzy.
"Bad—ba..." His voice strains, squeaks and crackles like he's back stumbling through the upside down, ankle broken and throbbing, screaming for Eddie, the sound of bats screeching overhead. He turns the music up a little louder, wipes the clammy sweat from his hands on his fancy slacks and tries again, "Bad news first, right?" The silence of the cemetery tugs at him but he takes it as response enough, "Well, bad news... you weren't there." He blows out a shaky breath, blinks away the tears starting to burn behind his eyes and takes a piece of paper out of his suit jacket—folded, even though his mom told him not too. "Good news," He says, unfolding it, tossing it in front of the tombstone, "Good news, I finally graduated."
Rewind. Play.
Everyone had been there, his mom, Steve, Robin, hell, even Wayne was in the front row, the seat beside him left empty... He stares at it. His diploma, doesn't know why Eddie worked his whole damn life for it, it's just a stupid piece of paper, he thinks.
He leans his head back against the grave, tears rolling steady down his cheeks now, "You should've just ran."
The air in the cemetery seems to change, like something's on the other side of it, listening, feels like it's patting him on the shoulder rather than rustling his hair with the breeze. Or maybe it’s just the weed… making his bones feel like jelly and his eyelids heavy, he's too tired to hit rewind again so he decides to just let the song play, see if there's anything in the after worth listening too. And maybe Eddie's three year old weed still has some kick to it because he thinks that he hears it, something to still keep him playing the song over and over, something to keep him from floating away, something to make the after more bearable, he hears it, between the verses, between the strums of the guitar.
"I love you, man." 
tags: @destroya2005
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lustfangs · 4 months
Time to send another horny, horny anon ask story!
First things first: part 2 of the 'at work' story has already been written and sent in (unless by some awful connectivity issue it didn't make it to your inbox, which would be disheartening at least). In respect of that, this new tale will be a fun look at why sometimes, having a study partner can lead to unexpected places (dear heavens above I hope you get some rest from all that work you're having to do, vamp).
All in this month's smut fiction: It's Not Plagiarism If Your Brain Switches Off Around Me
So: another month, another thrice-damned assignment. Something or other about some guy who died 300 years ago and how this affects the modern application of whatever. In other words: potentially interesting in theory, horrendously boring and time-consuming in practice. 12,000 words, to be submitted by the 11th. Wonderful.
Now, this would be fine - easy, even - if not for the fact that the friends you normally do this sort of studying with are all off on a study trip (one they are very eager to share via social media). Huh, wonder who that tall guy in all the photos is? Nevermind.
Anyways. All you need to know is, you don't have a study partner to help you focus, and you're feeling unusually responsible enough to start the damn thing three weeks in advance.
Thank you, adderall.
Ah! But there is one person you could call on! A guy you haven't talked to in a while - you are majoring different things, afterall, but this seems like the sort of stuff he'd know about anyway. A few text messages and an extremely corny joke later, you've arranged to meet up at the library for a couple hours, seeing as he's not up to much anyway and is willing to help.
You meet up in the library for the first time in over a year and... boy, he must have been hitting the gym quite a lot since then. That is, if the strangely clinging shirt he's wearing is anything to go by. Sly dog, walking around with a too-small shirt just to show off... mmmm...
Of course, he says it's because he doesn't have any clean shirts right now (ha! as if) and had to pull out an old one from a year ago, but whatever the case you're soon settled down in a secluded corner of the library building, poring over a 100-and-something year old biography of Deadguy Whateverhisnameis, as your old/new/hot friend launches into an explanation of what's up with that dude and why anyone still cares.
It's long and meandering and you're pretty interested, actually, the way he says it - deep voice, slow and steady and yet still enthused enough to keep you awake. Well, it's that or the fact your eyes keep sliding off his face and down to his bulging cock. It's not even hard, and yet you can see the thick bump under his pants, set against his leg. A glance up reveals he's noticed-- and a blush flashes hot across your cheeks, before awkwardly stuttering that he should continue.
With a knowing smile, he obliges, keeping the words as short and interesting as he can, to maintain your attention on what he's saying.
Oh my god he's hard now. It's pulsing, throbbing through his pants. It must be... what? As thick as your wrist? Oh my god...
He says something, and you wrench your eyes up again, hoping ever so hard you're not red as a beet. He just smiles, and asks if you're feeling hot or something. What? Oh, you took off your sweater; just a tank top now, and nothing else. His eyes remain firmly fixed on yours, that so-sweet look on his face as if he can't see your nipples begging to be taken out in the open, stiff points feeling so sensitive against the suddenly-rough cotton.
"Go on, sugar. Take your time."
Oh god. He's just looking at you, and you've gotten so horny you're humping the desk, pussy soaked enough to sound wet even through two layers of clothes, seeping into the chair's pillow. Why are you this bad? Is it because you didn't have any sex lately? Or because you're pretty sure you know why your friends are hanging around that tall guy in their pictures? So many thoughts, so much that's making you so horny, and him all big and aloof and seemingly ignorant of how fucking horny he's making you--
The hand on your neck is almost a relief. Tightening grip, your head starts getting hazy, and your tongue lolls out on its own.
"God, you really are a slut, huh~"
Your eyes slowly drift to his face - or they try to, at least, before you're pulled from your chair and half carried, half dragged, by the neck, to a dark little room in the corner, just behind the bookshelves. A light click announces the lock, but all you can focus on is getting your breath back.
Not like it matters, since the moment you finally take a good gasp of air again, he's there to stuff something in your gaping maw. The taste jolts you awake, and you try to get away - say something, scream, just make sure you can escape- but you can't. You're mouth's full, and he's bucking his hips, fucking into your sloppy mouth.
Wait a second.
He's not moving his hips anymore.
Why are you still gagging on his cock? You can get away - you could run, push past him and-- And what? He's locked the door. Maybe you could pretend to run instead, then present your pussy and... the thought's made you so horny, so sopping wet, that the moment you feel hot cum shoot against the roof of your mouth, you just start swallowing.
Tongue working round and around, you clean off his fat meat, and give it a kiss as he slowly pulls out. You... can't believe you just did that.
A sudden rush, and you're against the door, desperately scrabbling for a way out. It's locked. You knew that already.
Your jeans hit the floor with a thump, and you bend over further to look at the lock, hoping it's just a latch or something easy... like you.
His tip punches your womb. Your eyes widen. Everything slows down, as the pleasure... and the beautiful pain hit your brain at once. Ragged gasps. Why does everything feel so sensitive?
What's that inside you? Oh! It's deeper! That slapping noi-- He's gripping your throat again, firm hands clenching around your windpipe, as he pummels your weeping pussy, stretching you out so much you're crying. Blubbering, sobbing, you taste his seed on your tongue, and feel him so deep, inside. You're his toy now, his to ruin and fuck into total submission.
Your knees knock together, dropping you a little further down onto his huge shaft with a gasp - and the hot spurt of virile, ruinous cum, right up into your begging womb, breaks something inside you.
You're still on the floor, in that dark little room. He's cum in you so many times you've lost count. He's started talking about that assignment you've got again.
"So every time you think of studying, you'll call me over to help."
Then he fucks you so hard you scream, and pass out.
He comes to your place the next day, stack of books in hand.
You get about two sentences done before he's dragged you, begging and weeping, into the bathroom, so he can fuck you loud enough for all the neighbours to hear. You don't care what they can hear. You just worship and fall apart as he uses your body, again and again.
He leads you out of the bathroom, coated in cum, and sits you down to study again.
You're sucking his cock again before you know it, hot tears welling up as you realise what's happening
By the next week, all he has to do is come by your house, and you're stripped naked for him, fingerfucking yourself on the kitchen counter so he can watch you mewl his name as you cum.
He's brought some friends over, is that okay? They're here to make sure you're studying just right as well. You don't even make it up the stairs before they start breaking you in. The house reeks of sex, and you've fallen in love with him.
You finish the assignment on time, and rush to him to show off, like a good little pet. He gives you a present - a camera.
He sends a video of what you do for him, to your friends.
You get a video just like it back, from that tall handsome guy you saw before.
When your friends get back, you introduce them to your new boyfriend. You wake up on your cum-soaked bed, and share a sloppy kiss with your boyfriend's dick, then another with all your other broken-bitch friends.
Suffice it to say, you suddenly just love studying.
Heyyy vamp! Hope you like this new installment of "slutty shit I send you because I feel like writing a story we'll both cum to"
Well do I know the drudgery of academic endeavours, so I wish you every amount of rest you can manage to get in the coming months. Also, if you'd be interested, I could write you a significantly longer piece (for a small fee)
Haven’t logged on here in nearly a month because my finals are right around the corner and when I tell you this made my eyes roll back with how good it was …. Definitely one of my favorites you’ve written so far anon
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it-was-funeral-grey · 2 years
Somebody else (Ghost x F!Reader)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: Simon didn't think he'd ever see her again, but here she was. With somebody else.
Warnings: Breakup, alcohol, mentions of kissing, hugging, allusions to sex, mentions of playfighting, public marriage proposal
Word count: <1k
Inspired by: Somebody else - The 1975
"I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone, and then leaving with somebody else."
Author's note: First time posting on tumblr and writing!
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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After things ended with her, Simon left the city she stayed in. Well, 'left' is an understatement. He had evacuated the place in record time, leaving her on the cold sidewalk that winter evening.
(He left you there. He didn't even look back. It was the coldest day of the year, yet it felt like nothing compared to the coldness he had shown.)
He had abandoned all the things he left in her apartment. It took her months to find the willpower to finally throw them out.
(But you kept the ring he made you. Deep down, you know that you will always be waiting for him to come back. You will never stop hoping.)
The bar is quiet tonight, and Simon counts it as a small mercy. Being forced on break was bad enough. What made it worse was that he was taking a break in this damn city.
("No, Simon!" yelled Price. "It's been a whole two years since you've gotten rest! Go home!"
Simon doesn't want to. When he's on a mission, he doesn't think of her. But alas, he can't go against a direct order from Price.)
Simon was horrified when he found out that Price had arranged for his accommodation in this city. He doesn't blame the man - Price doesn't know about her, only knowing that Simon had nowhere to stay for the time being.
("It's a nice city. Quiet for the most part," Price describes. "You should buy a house there. Speaking of which, why did you sell your old place?"
Ah, right. Simon had told Price that he sold his house. Lies. He had lived with her, and that's where his heart still is, still in her apartment, still in her hands, still hers. Forever hers.)
Simon sits in the dark corner of the bar, half a glass of bourbon in, fighting the urge to call her. He knows he shouldn't. She probably wouldn't give him the time of day, and he thinks that's perfectly understandable. He doesn't deserve the opportunity to talk to her again, not after he had left her like that. But even if it's to cuss him out, he wants to hear her voice.
His eyes are staring holes into his phone as if staring at the picture on her contact profile would magically conjure her in front of him.
("NO! Don't use that photo! I look weird!", she had protested, trying to pry the phone out of her boyfriend's hands.
"All the more reason to use it.", Simon replies, lifting his hands up, smirking at her attempts to jump and snatch it away.
"Si! No!"
The sounds of laughter fill the small apartment, as the two of you playfight in the living room.
Simon would give up anything to be able to relive that day again.)
He doesn't hear the bar door open. But he does hear the sound of her laughter.
Simon's head snaps up so fast he almost gets whiplash. His eyes scan the bar, looking for the source of the most beautiful sound he's ever heard.
She was here.
She looked beautiful.
She was laughing so hard that she nearly rolled onto the floor, her smile so wide and her eyes pressed shut. Pure, undiluted joy was radiating from her, and it was contagious.
For a second, Simon is happy again. He allows his imagination to draw a pretty fantasy for him. In his imagination, she's here to meet him, to welcome him back after a long and dangerous mission. She'd have tears of joy in her eyes as she wraps her arms around him, and he'll bend down to kiss her. They'll have a nice dinner here at the bar before going home and trying to give each other two years' worth of pleasure in one night.
"Will you marry me?"
Four words and Simon awakes from his daydream and is reminded by the new sight before him how painfully different things are in reality.
Behind her, down on one knee is a man holding a ring box. She snaps around and would have noticed Simon if she weren't so entranced by the man kneeling for her.
"Oh my god! Yes!"
Applause erupts from the few patrons of the bar, and one of them starts a cheer:
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
And the newly engaged couple obliges, leaning into each other and finally -
Simon rushes out of the bar before he could witness it. Here, on a quiet sidewalk in the winter evening, Simon's heart shatters.
If only Simon had watched just a little bit longer. Just long enough to see her lover slip the beautiful engagement ring onto her left ring finger.
From where he sat, he probably would have seen a familiar ring on her index finger.
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sunsetcorvid · 2 years
So your grizzco ocs. Give us the deets on one of them.
i'm actually going to tell you about ALL of them
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Rusty "Mr. Yeehaw"
man's got those He/Him pronouns
Short king, he's 5'0" !!
Gay ass homo
Been working at GrizzCo since he was 19, he is now 24.
Has a "Roommate" named Ace. He is currently learning Octarian and Sign with him so they can communicate better!
Keys is teaching him Octarian.
Eggsecutive VP
He is your work dad.
Yellow ink in his hair hmmm
Wore the Howdy Hat to work one day and he just became known for it. Started his signature crew like this, they all have nicknames.
Group leader, also has management abilities due to being a long working employee and a general responsible guy. (Which means he puts weapons he knows Stinger doesn't like in the rotation for shits and giggles.)
Worked at a convenience store when at the location in Inkopolis, which just so happens to be near Agent 3's house.
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Milo "Stinger"
Demiboy He/They, that's so cool!
Woah he's bisexual I didn't know that! /ref
Got his nickname from always being targeted by Stingers when on shift. (Which is the main reason why he has so many scars.)
Started working at GrizzCo when he was 17. He is now 22.
Second member of the crew. Got their nickname second. Been best friends with Yeehaw since their first day there. They are bros for real!
Profreshional +3 (Had a few bad shifts, working his way back up to VP)
The eye scar is a mystery
They keep getting asked out by this one guy at work, but then the guy leaves the moment Yeehaw arrives.
He's like your super cool uncle.
Likes to start drama in the break room for fun. (And to mess with Yeehaw.)
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Sylvie "Egg"
So you're non biney? like you dont have any binery? thats so poggers
They/Them pronouns too?!?! amazing!!
They are the youngest of the crew at 16 years old!
They are also very tall! 5'9" man what the hell!
They have a rule for themself to never attack salmonid. They feel bad. However, they make up for this by bringing back a shit ton of eggs and making sure each crew they're on clear the shift! (Any time they've failed a shift has been few. Very few. The others become concerned when this happens.)
Called "Egg" because they're always collecting the eggs!
Third member of Yeehaw's crew.
Really looks up to Yeehaw and Keys. They're sort of like their parents, to them at least.
Eggsecutive VP for how many shifts they clear!
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Mochi "Keys"
She/Her and trans lesbian she's so cool!!
Oldest of the crew at 33 years old. Though she is the most recent member, having only joined about six months ago.
Girl is TALL at 6'2"
As mentioned before, she is teaching Yeehaw Octarian for his roommate.
Mochi was the first thing she ate when she got to the surface and was still trying to figure out her name. That is why she is named "Mochi."
Has that gay/lesbian friendship with Yeehaw.
Due to only joining within the year, she doesn't have many salmonid scars and she might not get many more. She is quite skilled.
Profreshional +2 but girl can handle VP if the crew get together for a shift.
She's like your work mom.
Egg is like a kid to her, so don't fuck with Egg or Keys will find you.
Got the nickname "Keys" from breaking into Ammo Knights that one time and also she's the person you go to when your locker is stuck.
Seek her for her wisdom.
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Rusty's "Roommate"
Legit started as a roommate situation though
Gay ass trans man with those He/Him pronouns!!
Same age as Rusty, 24!
He doesn't actually work at GrizzCo. He's well known there anyway.
Known as "Yeehaw's definitely totally roommate and not his boyfriend."
Sometimes he'll walk into GrizzCo if he's bored and wait for Rusty to finish whatever shift he's on.
Rusty found him half dead while on a shift a couple years back and just said "Damn i don't want this guy to die" and took him home.
Ace has a good bit of scars from that.
Rusty didn't actually know his name at first because Ace doesn't speak and one day admitted to not liking his original name (his deadname.) so Rusty comes home one day trying to find him eating a deck of cards and he had the Ace of Hearts in his mouth, so in that moment Rusty called him "Ace" and he ended up really liking that.
He can understand Inklish, he just can't read it very well. This is why he is learning Inklish Sign with Rusty and Rusty is learning Octarian!
General Info on All!:
If they all get together for a shift, there is chaos. They still get shift done, absolutely, crazy shit just happens. Glowflies on high tide, there's like eight Flyfish in one wave. There's almost always a Cohozuna. But they bring back a shit ton of eggs and always clear the shift, they are gods.
Yeehaw will sometimes bring an extra lunch for Egg because he knows they like his sandwiches.
And then Ace will show up some days if Yeehaw forgot his lunch. Making sure the guy who saved your life is fed!
Stinger constantly teases Yeehaw about Ace, which is why he hasn't full out said they're in a relationship.
Sometimes there's a group game night. Milo is banned from Mario Kart.
Rusty and Ace totally don't have date nights in their apartment, totally don't cuddle at night, totally don't fall asleep in each other's arms when watching a movie.
The guy who keeps asking Milo out is called Jackpot. We don't know if that's his real name or nickname. He's convinced Rusty is Mr. Grizz (Despite the fact that Grizz has a sorta boston accent and Rusty's is Very Much Southern.) and he dislikes Grizz. This is why he always leaves when he tries asking Milo out.
Okay I think that's it! These are my GrizzCo sillies!
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The True Meaning of Family - Chapter 4
Summary: A found family Supernatural AU. Ophelia Humphries is an English 19-year-old who is just trying to finish her online history degree when she receives a letter from two brothers she never knew she had.
A/N: Omg we're at chapter 4! Thank you for reading the fic, I hope you're enjoying it. If you didn't see the first three chapters, you can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here and chapter 3 here. Let me know what you think <3
T/W - Mentions of death and emotionally abusive relationships
"Okay, everything is okay. Everything is okay right? Please someone in this car tell me that this is okay!"
"Ophelia, don't worry, everything will be fine. You have Sam, Cas and I and we're not going to let anything happen to you. I promise." Dean reassured Ophelia.
"You promise do you? Is that why Cas had to resurrect you in 2008? Because if you ask me that doesn't sound like a small risk." Ophelia said to the man that sat on her left.
"Damn it Cas you told her?" Dean said with anger in his voice. He turned to face the angel in the back seat.
"She asked how I knew you both, I didn't see a reason to lie to her. She is your sister after all. The chances are that I'll end up bringing her back at some point too." He replied.
"Hey, how about we don't say things like that while I'm driving. Do you guys know not to distract the driver or does that not exist in the States?" Ophelia raised her voice above the argument that had erupted between Cas and Dean.
"Do they always bicker like an old married couple?" Ophelia asked Sam.
"Yeah, they do." He replied in a voice that seemed to say he was tired of it.
The men settled down again. "To be honest, I'd rather die trying to help people than from old age." Ophelia continued in a softer voice. "If I do help you guys, then I know that that'll be a risk."
The car ride was quiet for the rest of the journey.
"Right, now, I've not had a chance to warn my mum that we are coming. Cas, would you mind not coming in? I think it might overwhelm her." Ophelia asked looking into the rearview mirror to make eye contact with the angel.
"Yes, I understand. Would you like me to wait in the car or would you like me to go home?"
"Oh well, that's completely up to you. Is there anything you need to do?"
"Not really, Ophelia. I will go back to the bunker and wait for one of you to call me."
"Wait… Can I do that?" Ophelia asked
"Of course you can. I will listen out for your calls now Ophelia. If you had needed an angel beforehand though, I would have been there." Cas replied.
A smile creeped across her face. It was nice to know that someone was watching over her even if she didn't know it.
"Can you tell us a bit more about the situation with your mom and her boyfriend?" Sam asked cautiously.
"Hmm… Yeah well now seems like as good a time as any. It's kind of silly really. Brad, her boyfriend, is a really shit person. While my grandad was alive it wasn't too bad but since he died six months ago it got worse." Ophelia took a deep breath and glanced at the photo of her grandad William.
"Brad was emotionally abusive to me. I think he has been physically abusive to my mum and if he hasn't yet I think he will. It got really bad once Grandad wasn't there to protect us."
Dean reached out and patted Ophelia on the knee in reassurance. She continued. "About five months ago we got into an argument, I can't even remember what it was about, and he threatened to kick me out. Mum wasn't strong enough to stand up to him. So, I left."
"You said you were mending things with you mom though right?" Sam asked, hoping he was remembering right.
"Yeah, the day I replied to your letter I stayed at her place that night. We talked, I don't know if she really took in what I said but it's a start." Ophelia's smile came back to her face. It occurred to both Sam and Dean that Ophelia was putting on a brave face for them.
Ophelia pulled into the same spot she filled the last time she was outside her mum's house.
"Well, this is it guys." She announced turning the car's engine off.
"It's a nice looking place. Bigger than I thought it was going to be. I thought all English homes were small and joined up." Dean remarked.
"This house would have been for someone very wealthy back in the day." Ophelia said laughing. "Probably an old slave trader as we're so close to the sea. Grandad picked it up really cheap when him and my grandma were first married. It was in such a state, practically falling apart. He fixed it up."
She locked the car behind her and they all said goodbye to Cas before he took off. Ophelia hadn't realised that he made a whooshing sound when he took off.
The three Winchester siblings walked towards the front door. Ophelia had that familiar sick feeling in her stomach again. She hadn't been home since her mum gave her the letter. It was enough to make her feel light headed.
Dean was the one who knocked on the door. He stood slightly in front of Ophelia while Sam stood behind her.
They all waited for the door to open. Dean looked back at Ophelia and smiled, she looked nervous. This was the first time Dean had felt slightly protective over Ophelia, despite only knowing her in person for half a day.
When he first found out about Ophelia, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know her, at the end of the day it would be someone else to look after. He considered not telling Sam about the pages about her in a diary he had never seen before. At the end of the day though, he couldn't keep that secret from Sam.
They talked about it for weeks, going back and forth on if they should send the letter or not. Sam was all for it from day one and once Castiel had said the angels had been keeping an eye on her Dean realised that she could possibly do with knowing about them on their terms and not on some monsters who wanted information.
Ophelia smiled back at Dean and went back to chipping at her deep red nail polish.
A man opened the door, Dean assumed that this was Brad. He was shorter than Dean was and had dirty blonde hair that looked greasy as he had slicked it back.
"Hi Brad." Ophelia piped up from behind Dean. It was as if she was hiding behind him. "Is my mum there?"
"Ophelia, yes she is. Who are these men?" Brad replied with a strong tone of detest in his voice.
"Oh, we're her brothers." Dean said in a commanding voice. He extended a hand towards Brad and continued. "My name is Dean and that's Sam. I believe what Ophelia is too afraid to ask is can we come in to see her mom?"
Brad cautiously shook Dean's hand. He winced as Dean gripped his hand tightly.
"Yes, well, um. I believe she is in the garden. I can take you there if you want." Brad said, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Oh no. That's okay. I think Ophelia knows the way to the garden in the house she grew up in." Sam replied in an equally stern voice.
Brad just nodded and stepped aside for the three of them.
Ophelia walked into the house first, followed by Dean and then Sam. She kept her eyes to the ground, not making eye contact with Brad. Dean and Sam didn't take their eyes off him as they followed Ophelia down the hallway.
When they were alone Sam spoke in a hushed tone. "Are you okay Ophelia? That seemed difficult for you."
"Yeah, it was Sam. I just don't need the greef from him today. If you guys weren't here I know for sure he'd find something to have a problem with."
"It's okay. We're here for you. We've got your back." Dean added.
They continued through the kitchen and out into the garden. As it was about three in the afternoon the winter sun was getting low in the sky.
"Hi mum, what are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold." Ophelia said to get her mum's attention.
Sandra was sitting on a woven outdoor chair, wrapped in a bright yellow blanket. In the low light she looked quite ill and worn down.
The boys stood by the back door while the daughter greeted her mum. It was nice to see a genuine parent and child relationship. Dean didn't remember when that last happened. He came to the conclusion that it was probably when Bobby was still alive.
"'Phelia, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you." Sandra said with a surprised tone.
"Yeah, about that mum, I'd like to introduce you to two people." Ophelia beckoned Sam and Dean over to her. "These are my brothers mum, this is Sam and that is Dean and we all need somewhere to stay for a few nights."
Dean reached his hand out. "It's lovely to finally put a face to the name Ms Humphries." Dean said. His voice had more of a southern twang now then Ophelia had heard previously.
Sandra shook Dean's hand. She looked shocked and as if she had seen a ghost.
Sam also extended a hand. "Hi Ms Humphries, Ophelia is a lovely girl. We're so happy to have her be a part of the family."
"You both look so much like John…" Sandra said in a soft voice. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I loved him very much and he gave me the most precious thing in this world." Sandra glanced at Ophelia. "You say that you need somewhere to stay for a few days. I think I can manage that."
"Are you sure Brad won't mind?" Ophelia asked sheepishly.
"I won't give him a choice. Sam and Dean are as good as family and I won't have him drive away any more of my family." Sandra had a firmness to her voice that Ophelia had not heard in a few years. "Now, lets get back inside. I'm making a lasagna tonight so you guys came on the right day. 'Phelia, darling, could you go put the oven on? I'm making homemade garlic bread too."
The girl gave her mum a deep hug before walking into the house again.
"You boys will look after her won't you?" Sandra asked.
"Of course we will but I don't think she needs it Ms Humphries, she seems like an incredibly strong young woman." Sam replied.
"She is, but I don't want to lose her. I lost your dad and I cannot lose her too. My dad told me what John had told him, I didn't believe it but when I talked to John it all made sense." Sandra admitted to the two men in front of her.
"And you didn't tell Ophelia?" Dean questioned. "Why?"
"It was for the best, I didn't want her to go into the industry. I expect that you've told her and that's why you're here? For protection?"
"Yes ma'am, we had a little scare at the hotel we were staying at. Thought it would be best to come here to regroup." replied Dean.
Sandra nodded her head, it made sense. Ophelia wouldn't just turn up out of nowhere unless she had to. She wouldn't risk it.
The conversation was interrupted by Ophelia calling from the back door. "Hey guys, you might want to come back in as Brad is getting bitchy about how cold it is with the door open." Her face gave the impression that she didn't care that much.
Sandra wrapped the blanket around her tighter and headed back inside followed by Sam and Dean.
The afternoon turned into the evening. It was filled with laughter, cooking and childhood memories from all three Winchester children.
"I remember dad teaching both Sammy and I how to drive and oh man, it was bad to begin with. Sandra I don't know if dad drove you anywhere but that man did not drive well in his old age." Dean said through laughter.
"Well at least you didn't have grandad teaching you. Imagine it, I'm 16 years-old and I get into the front seat of his car for the first time and I get this lecture."
Ophelia composed herself and mimicked her grandad. "Now, Ophelia, this car is my one pride and joy other than your mother and you, but if you scratch her not only will I never talk to you again but I'll leave her to a local car buff." She burst into laughter as soon as she finished the impression. "Obviously he was joking, but it was enough to make me do fifteen in a twenty mile an hour zone."
"He gave me that same speech when I learned to drive!" Sandra added. Ophelia could see genuine joy and happiness on her mum's face, this wasn't something she was used to seeing.
A timer pinged and Ophelia stepped away from the large oak table that stood in the kitchen. She picked up a tea towel and pulled out the fresh baked bread. She carried it over to her family and placed it on a board in the center of the table.
"That smells amazing Sandra." Sam said.
"Oh, you're too kind, it's a simple recipe really. Have I taught you how to do it 'Phelia?"
"Yeah, mum, it's in the recipe book you made me last year."
"Can you keep it down. Please. Some of us still have work to do." Brad interrupted the jovial mood. He works from home occasionally.
"Sorry, Brad. We'll keep it down." Sandra's face dropped at the request.
"I expect you to. Unlike some, I have an actual job that isn't just a glorified hobby." He replied. He gave a stern look at Sandra and headed back to his office.
"What was that about?" Dean asked cautiously. He knew something was not quite right about this whole situation and could understand why Ophelia was so uneasy about leaving her mum alone with Brad.
"Mum is an artist. In recent years her business has taken off, she makes prints and paintings as well as jewelry and soft furnishings like bedspreads and stuff." Ophelia remarked with great pride.
Sandra looked at her daughter's face and smiled. "I've even been talking about branching off into interior design. Everyone compliments me on how I've designed this home so why not do it in other people's homes too."
"Well I think that deserves a toast!" Dean said. "What drinks do you guys have in?"
"Well, we have real British ale, Scottish whiskey and Irish whisky as well as some other spirits. Oh and there is a cider in here, no idea how long that has been here." Ophelia said while ratcheting around in the cupboards and fridge.
"I'll have some Scottish whiskey please Ophelia." Sam said. She filled a glass with a large measure and passed it to him.
"I'll have one of the ales kiddo." Dean said. Sam looked shocked at this. "What? You were the one who said when in Rome right?" Sam just shrugged his shoulders at his brother.
Ophelia poured a glass of white wine for herself and Sandra. "Hold on there kiddo, wine? At your age?" Dean said slightly shocked.
"Dean, the drinking age here is eighteen. I've been having alcohol from probably the age of sixteen. It's okay man, I'm almost 20." Ophelia replied.
Dean looked embarrassed and raised his glass. "To newly found family and new business ventures." They all clinked glasses in celebration.
The night continued on. Brad said he was too busy to join them for dinner so he took a plate of food to his office. Ophelia was annoyed by this. Her mum had put so much work into making everyone feel welcome in their home. Secretly, she did like it that he wasn't there. She could relax.
It was getting late and Ophelia felt herself getting more tired. It was probably the wine that she had, it always made her sleepy.
"I can show you guys to the spare rooms if you want?" Ophelia said, hoping the boys will pick up on the hint she was dropping.
Sam did pick up on it. "Yeah, sure that would be great. Lets go get our bags."
The three of them headed towards the front door. "Oh are you guys leaving so soon? We didn't spend any time together." Brad said pretending to care.
"Actually, we're just going to get our bags from the car. We're staying a few nights." Sam replied.
"That's odd. Sandra didn't run this by me."
"Does she have to? I mean, it is her house and we are family." Dean added to the conversation.
"No you're not family, Ophelia is family and she doesn't even stay here do you Ophelia?" Brad stared at the girl.
"Anyway, that's beside the point. Sandra has said we're staying for a few nights and as this was her fathers house and not yours." Dean continued. His voice was harsh and protective against Brad's confidence.
Accepting defeat this time, Brad turned and walked into his office which was just off the main hallway.
Sam opened the door as they headed towards the car. Once outside Ophelia thanked her brothers. "It means a lot to me for you guys to stick up for me like that. He really knocked my confidence when I left and I know my mum isn't as strong as she used to be. Every time I go to open my mouth I stop because I know I can't win."
"Don't worry about it Kiddo, like we said, we're always going to be there for you." Dean ruffled her hair, disturbing the curls which now found themselves in Ophelia's eyes.
She reshaped her hair and playfully slapped her brothers hand away from her hair. She had known these two men for all of nine hours and yet it felt like they had known eachother since birth.
After collecting their stuff from the car, Ophelia showed the boys to their rooms. "If you want clean towels there are some in the bottom draw in Sam's room. Oh and if you get cold there are blankets in the airing cupboard in the bathroom."
"Hey, Ophelia, sit with us. We should start talking about what we're going to do." Sam said in a soft, caring voice.
Ophelia nodded slightly and sat cross legged on the end of the bed next to Sam. Dean perched himself against the draws on the wall opposite the door. The tree looked at eachother, unsure who should talk first.
Sam took the first step into a new conversation. "We don't feel comfortable leaving you sleeping in your car or in random hotels."
"It's not that bad, it gets a little cold at times but it's not too bad." Ophelia said, she was fiddling with her hands, picking at her nail vanish again.
"We know exactly how bad it can be. Don't pretend with us kid." Dean said "We had eachother so it wasn't too bad. You don't have anyone when you're out there."
Ophelia shrugged "What do you suggest I do?" Her voice was wobbly.
"Well, there are two options. You either promise us to move back in with you mom." As Sam said this he saw Ophelia tense up slightly. Brad really frightens her more than she outwardly lets on. "Or" Sam continued. "Or, you come to America with us."
She looked up at Sam and then at Dean. "You guys can't be serious… I can't just up and move. What about school? And mum, what's going to happen to her? I can't leave her here on her own."
"Well then, looks like you're moving back home then." Dean said with some humour in his voice.
"Dean this is serious. You both hardly know me and you'd take me in?" She ran her fingers through her black curls, unsure what to say next.
"You said school is online right? So you can do it from anywhere with an internet connection. The bunker has that. As far as your mom goes, she'll be fine as long as she doesn't move house. We can get Cas to drop in on occasion too if that makes you feel better." Sam made the argument for the move.
"Can I sleep on it? This is a lot to take in… It's been a long day." Ophelia finally replied.
"Look, take a few days if you need. We will stay with you until you have made up your mind." Sam said.
Dean nodded in agreement. Ophelia got the impression that they really wanted her to go with them.
"Won't it be dangerous?" She asked.
"Most likely, but don't think you're coming out with us on hunts until we both think you're prepared. I'd personally be more than happy for you to never come on a hunt with us." Dean emphasized the point of being prepared.
Ophelia would love to go out with them at some point but she understood that she is both mentally and physically not capable of doing that at this moment.
"Look, it's getting late, go get some rest kiddo, and we will talk more in the morning." Dean said.
Ophelia stood from the bed and wrapped her arms around Dean. This didn't take Dean by surprise but what did was how small she was. She was much smaller than he thought she was, he had met women her size before but none that looked as delicate and helpless. He leaned into the hug and placed his chin on the top of her head.
She let go of Dean and hugged Sam who had also stood up from the bed. Sam put his right hand on the back of her head to hold his baby sister close. He had always wanted a little sister and was secretly loving every moment of being in Ophelia's life.
Sam squeezed Ophelia just for a little longer before letting her go. She headed towards the door but before she left she turned back towards the brothers.
"Thank you both. I'll see you in the morning, sleep well." The two men nodded in response.
Ophelia headed back towards her room but before she could get to the door a noise distracted her.
"You let them stay? Two strange men that Ophelia brings over and you let them stay?"
"Brad don't be ridiculous, they're her brothers. I'm not going to say no to them."
An argument had erupted between her mother and Brad. Ophelia sat half way down the stairs so she could hear what was going on.
"You didn't have the decency to run it past me. How am I meant to trust you if you're just letting any Tom, Dick or Harry stay."
"Again, they're her brothers and she trusts them and if they're anything like their father they're good natured men." Sandra fired back. Ophelia hadn't heard her mum talk back to Brad like this ever. She was proud of her mum.
"Oh, like their father huh? You mean the man who left you with a newborn baby to go back to his family in America?"
"We both agreed he should go back. That was a mutual thing that took a lot of talking about. Do not speak on things you don't understand."
Ophelia was peering through the bars on the banister to try and get a better look at the argument.
"Well, Sandra it seems like you're getting everything your way, like usual. You have no thought for anyone but yourself. You're a selfish woman."
That was the last straw for Ophelia. She ran down the rest of the stairs to be by her mum's side. "You need to leave Brad. Get out of this house." She said with a confidence that seemed to come out of nowhere.
"Oh is that right Ophelia? I need to leave do I? We already kicked you out once and we will do it again."
"No, there was no 'we' in that situation Brad. You kicked her out and I was too scared to stand up to you. It was my biggest mistake." Sandra used the confidence her little girl had shown to stand her own ground.
"Oh come on Sandra, you're a grown woman, you can stand up for yourself." Brad said with a cocky smirk on his face.
"No, not if she's scared of the abuse you'd give her." Ophelia grabbed her mum's hand and squeezed it. "Mum, go up and see Sam or Dean. Brad is going to need help taking things to his car."
"Are you going to let this child talk to me like this Sandra? In our house? There is no way I'm leaving, you're a spoiled brat who thinks she can always get what she wants." Brad said with ease.
"My house." Sandra simply replied.
"I'm sorry?"
"This is my house Brad. My family home. Ophelia is right, you need to go and you need to go tonight. Go pack some clothes and some of your things. We can sort the bigger items once you've got a more permanent place to stay."
Sam slowly walked down the stairs to see what the commotion was about.
"Is everything okay here Sandra? Ophelia, are you alright?" Sam joined his sister next to Sandra.
"Oh this is just what we need. An American butting in where they don't belong." Brad gestured at Sam in disgust. "Listen, Sandra, you're blowing everything out of proportion. We can work things out."
"No, you're leaving today. I'm done with all the abuse. Go pack." Sandra squeezed Ophelia's hand for support.
"Right, well, I'll give you some space for a few days but once you've come to your senses and realise that you're over reacting maybe give me a call and I'll think about moving back in." Brad replied.
By this point Dean had joined the group "Do you need help?" he said feigning sympathy.
"I think I can manage thank you. I don't expect I'll need much as I won't be gone for long." Brad said as he walked passed the group and up the stairs.
Ophelia hugged her mum tightly. "I'm so proud of you." She whispered into Sandra's hair. "I know that was hard for you but it's for the best."
"I never thought I would be able to stand up to him like that." Sandra whispered back.
"I think we should move into the kitchen so we're not just standing next to the door." Sam said. Ophelia let go of her mum and took her by the hand. All four of them moved from the hallway to the kitchen.
A short time later Brad came down the stairs, dragging a large suitcase behind him.
Dean gets up from the kitchen table and heads towards the front door.
"Now, I don't want to be hearing that you've wormed your way back into Sandra's life." Dean said while leaning up against the wall.
"I'll be back, Sandra won't cope without me."
"You seem to not know her very well. I've known her for all of an evening and she seems to have a plan for herself and her future. I mean, have you even talked to her about her plans?"
"Oh her silly art business? Please, that's a glorified hobby." Brad snorted. "Don't humour her."
"I think that it's time for you to go. If you can't support her passion and business then you don't deserve to be with her." Dean replied. He pushed passed Brad and opened the front door. He gestured to the darkness outside.
Brad took his suitcase and walked towards his small silver car.
"Oh before you go. I'll take your house keys too." Dean said.
Brad chucked the keys at Dean before getting into his car.
Dean slammed the door and walked back into the kitchen. He placed the keys in front of Sandra before sitting back down. Ophelia hugged her mum one last time.
"Everything is going to be okay mum, I promise."
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marzs-space · 1 year
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara x Male!reader
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of arson, implied kidnapping, stealing, ooc, fluff, let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: more father figure Miguel for y'all. Enjoy :)
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The news played the same thing that's been happening over the past few months. More robberies, kids going missing and break-ins. Strange thing is that the things that have been taken from the break ins are food, clothes and shoes. No money at all. The things stolen from the stores are more food but more recently more and more baby food has been stolen. Now, Miguel is all for stealing baby food to take care of your kids but break-ins too? He watched as the culprit walked into their apartment. He snuck into the window.
You saw him and immediately led your new little siblings into your room. You heard as the window opened "ok.. stay in here ok? If the babies start crying try rocking them if that doesn't work use the walkie talkie ok?" They all nodded "ok, I love you guys" you said walking out of the room closing the door behind you. "Need something?" You said clutching your gun tightly in your hand. "Yeah, for you to stop robbing, stealing, and kidnapping" he says "kidnapping? I'm saving those kids."
You say defensively "Those kids are abused, neglected, and even sold off sometimes and I'm the bad guy?" You said "how do you know what those kids are going through?" "They have the bruises to prove it! I have video footage! Take me to jail if you want but keep those kids out of this and keep them away from their damned families" you say and he seems caught off guard by how much you care about some random kids. When suddenly a baby crying could be heard. You press a button on the walkie talkie on your shirt.
"try rocking the babies crib" you say into it. You received an 'ok' from the other end "how are you affording this and taking care of over 5 kids?" He says "...I'm not.. i-.." you sigh "shouldn't even be telling you this... I made a deal with HYDRA I let them use me and they keep my apartment paid for and send me food" you say hesitantly. "So why do you steal?" "They don't send enough and I'll be damned if I tell them I have a literal infant in my house" you say "papa the baby won't stop crying, what do we do?".
You sigh and leave the room going to get the baby and walk back out of the room with all of the kids you have following you. "Bubba who's that?" Axel one of the 5 year olds asked "...I don't know yet..." You say the baby in your arms babbling. "Is he gonna send us back papa?" Sage one of the 10 year olds asked "no. I'll make sure of it hun" you say placing a hand on her head. ".. look how about I help you guys out?" "Oh please! You just-" Forrest the 15 year old snapped "Forrest please.." Forrest is the worst case you've seen.
They were treated terribly from birth so their scepticism is understandable. "I can give you guys a place to live, food, water, clothes and all you need. All I need for you to do is to stop stealing and to trust me." You glanced at the baby that fell asleep in your arms "what do you guys think?.." they all nod but Forrest stay quiet "you hurt my dad and your dead" Forrest says you smile "sure..."
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Idk... Might do a part 2...
I didn't know what to do for the ending... Uh... Take this :) oh and thank you guys for all the love you've shown me!
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chubbybubby · 11 months
Idea 🔞(kink with plot) 18+🔞
Sad Jack, bitchy Rhys, a little spoonful of fat shaming, then fat adoring, then Zane being the comic relief.
Rhys and Jack break up after being together for almost a year. It all comes crumbling down because Rhys wants more and Jack's still keeping a guard up, not opening up enough for Rhys to feel like he's committed to their relationship. Jack's never even said "I love you" unprompted. Rhys will say it and Jack will tease him playfully, or throw him a "well how could I not love a dumb-dumb like you", but he hasn't straight up said "I love you".
Jack acts like he doesn't care but he really does. He really really does. He can't stop thinking about Rhys, constantly wanting to rope him back in, sending him gifts or dumb notes, but Rhys is stubborn. If Jack won't take him seriously, then he won't give him the time if day.
Rhys stops even speaking to Jack for a few months outside of work. He doesn't reply to messages, doesn't respond to anything he says if it's not work, he straight up blanks him if their paths cross. It drives Jack insane, he misses Rhys like crazy, actually feeling sick that he's not in his life anymore, that he might be moving on and Jack will officially lose him forever...
The only thing that comforts him after that is junk food and carbonated drinks. Yeah, he eats his feelings, and of course, he gains weight. It's not egregious - he was already kind of chubby, classic beginner "dad bod" - but his bad habits become diabolical and the weight piles on more than he even realises (his best friend, Zayn, makes comments about it, teasing him, but Jack's in major denial).
Then there's a big fancy Hyperion party. Jack's squeezed into a new suit (because yeah all his old suits "shrunk"), and he's schmoozing with other boring high level executives, before seeing Rhys across the room, looking absolutely gorgeous with his slim fit suit and long legs and fresh face and-
It hurts Jack's heart, and having a hurt heart makes him angry.
So he excuses himself. He rounds the table of free food and grabs a plate of cupcakes and brownies and whatever else, and storms off out the party to some private room tucked away (like a board meeting room or something - somewhere unoccupied, you know). He pulls a chair out and collapsed and starts stuffing his face, wanting to replace his hurt feelings with yummy food...
"Seems weird for the CEO not to attend his own party."
Jack looks round to see Rhys standing at the door, arms crossed, face neutral. Jack jumps out of his chair and clears his throat, stunned that Rhys is talking to him; even if his tone is cold.
"Needed a break from all the ass kissing, you know how it is, pumpkin," he laughs, trying to come of suave and nonchalant, but Rhys just scowls, rolling his eyes, which (upsets) annoys Jack. "Why you even here if just being around me disgusts you so much?"
"God you're still so dense. Maybe I was hoping you'd finally changed after more than 6 months apart and realised what matters more than you're stupid ego, but I was wrong."
"Oh how would you even know if I've changed, huh?! You haven't freakin' spoken to me in God knows how long!"
"I can tell just from the last 2 minutes that the only thing that's changed about you is your damn waistline."
Rhys has always been catty, bitchy, and it was one of the things Jack loved about him...even when he was on the recieving end of it.
Jack scoffs and turns away. "Whatever. Least I'm not a stuck up pencil pushing twink-"
Jack suddenly cuts himself off when Rhys throws himself at him, slipping his hands under his suit jacket and grabbing his love handles. He pins Jack against the long table in the centre of the room. Jack gasps, his own hands landing on Rhys' shoulders instinctively, and a fast fiery blush bleeds across his face, thankfully hidden by his mask. Rhys leans in close, lips so temptingly close Jack can almost taste him.
"You got real fat." Rhys practically growls, squeezing hard at the fat deposits spilling over his hips. Jack can't help but curl his toes in his shoes; was this really turning him on right now, being fat shamed, or did he just miss Rhys that much?! "Did you miss me that much you had to comfort yourself with food?"
Abso-fucking-lutely. "No! Fuck you-"
"Awe, c'mon Jackie, be honest with me," Rhys smirks as his hand slides over to his midsection, rubbing wide circles into his belly before grabbing a roll of his fat, making Jack involuntarily buck his hips. "Without me around, you couldn't help but succumb to your own gluttony. Just admit you missed me."
Jack can't tell if the humiliation is a good or a bad thing. His dick knows, sure, but those walls that he hides behind, that he needs to keep his vulnerability safe and sound, it makes him want to run. He's frozen, staring at Rhys, letting him manhandle the fat belly he's been denying exists.
God, he's missed Rhys...he's missed those hands touching him, he's missed that face up close and beautiful, he's missed the smell of his cologne, the gentle brush of his breath, his everything. He's been trying to deny that too, that he's missed him, that he needs him, and having him here, being in his arms, being so fucking close to his lips...
He starts to tear up.
And Rhys' face drops. The smug, pissed off expression vanishes into concern, and that's Jack's Rhys, the sweet, kind, perfect man who loves being bitchy but wants those he cares about to be happy and wears his heart on his sleeve. Jack's missed him so fucking much, he can't handle it anymore, he can't stand being without him, and Jesus Christ the water works just start flooding his face.
"J-Jack? Oh, I-I'm sorry, I, uh...I should go-" but as he stars to pull away, Jack grabs him by the collar of his shirt and forces him into a deep kiss, and Rhys barely even needs a second to comprehend before he's kissing back, hands roaming Jack's body greedily.
They start undressing each other feverishly, before they're both left in just their boxers and open shirts. Jack's panting, staring at Rhys, eyes still watery, his expression so tender, like nothing Rhys has ever seen before. With his shirt open, Rhys can admire his body properly, and he really likes what he sees...yeah, Jack was chubby, and Rhys liked it, but now, his belly is so round and doughy and begging to be squeezed, accessorised by fiery raw red stretch marks, and it folds over from the way he leans, and Rhys wants nothing more than to cover it in deep love bites. Everything is bigger, his chest is fuller, his thighs are wider- God he wants to turn him over just to get a good look at how fat his ass must have gotten. Rhys is rediculously turned on, it's almost painful how hard he is.
Jack swallows down. "Rhys, I..." He chokes on his voice and clears his throat. Rhys steps in closer, cupping Jack's face, and Jack finally managed to muster up the courage. "I love you. I always have. I love you so much."
Rhys' face breaks out into a wide goofy smile. He laughs under his breath and shakes his head, tears pricking behind his eyes. "You do?" And Jack nods frantically, grabbing Rhys' arms, nuzzling into his palm.
"I've never loved anyone like I love you. I can't get you outta my mind, I think about you every freakin' day, missing you, wishing I was with you. I was so stupid, I was scared - scared of losing you, and even when I did, I still couldn't get over my own shit, but...but I don't care anymore, I can't live without you, Rhys, I can't a life without you. I love you. I love you, I love you, I love-"
He's cut off when Rhys kisses him, squeezing his face between his hands. "I love you too, Jack, you big dumb-dumb."
They laugh together, still crying, faces hurting from smiling so much. Jack lifts his hands to brush through Rhys' hair.
"It's getting long. You growing it out?"
"A little." Rhys looks down. He playfully pokes Jack's belly. "You gonna keep this?"
Jack rolls his eyes. "Yeah alright, I got fat. I'll start going to the gym ASAP-" Rhys slaps his hand over Jack's mouth, grinning mischievously as he shakes his head.
"Uh, I don't think so. I'll only agree to getting back together if you promise this doesn't go anywhere."
Jack's eyes bulge out. He moves Rhys' hand away. "You actually like the belly?"
"God, you really are an idiot sometimes, Jack. I always liked the belly. Now?" He moves his hands to slide over Jack's midsection, tenderly rubbing and squeezing at the soft flesh, making Jack inhale suddenly. "Now I love the belly. I bet it would jiggle real nice if I fucked you."
Jack can't help the pathetic whine that escapes him, squeezing his thighs together as his dick twitches. Rhys notices, biting his lip, which just makes Jack even more needy.
"I'm gonna cum my pants like a horny teenager if you keep talking like that, cupcake." But the admission doesn't stop Rhys from groping him more so, leaning in against his throat to kiss softly. Rhys glances over Jack's shoulder to notice the plate of goodies he'd snuck away with.
"You barely even touched your plate, big guy. I bet this belly of yours is so hungry." Rhys pulls a hand back to slap Jack's belly and chuckles when the older man actually moans through clenched teeth. He returns to squeezing his fat fondly, hard enough he'll leave nail bites. "I've got a proposal for you...why don't I fuck you hard over this desk while you eat? Make this cute tummy of yours happy and fatter?"
Jack's eyes involuntarily cross into the middle for a split second before he's nodding. "Please, Rhysie. Please."
And so Rhys throws Jack over the desk and gets him prepped before fucking him nice and slow, cradling his belly and whispering words of encouragement as Jack shoves the cupcakes into his mouth. By the time they're done, Jack's collapsed lazily on the table, face covered in frosting, while Rhys is kneading his plush fat ass cheeks, watching as his cum dribbles out between his cheeks. He helps get Jack's pants back on, then hikes him up with great effort to get the rest of his suit on. Jack's limbs are loose and lazy, and his face the epitome of dopey, and as watches Rhys' hands fiddle with the buttons of Jack's shirt.
When they're both dressed, Rhys gives Jack a quick kiss. "So you and me?"
Jack hums happily. "You and me, kiddo, forever." He wraps his arms around Rhys' neck. "I ain't ever letting you out my sight again."
Rhys rolls his eyes. "C'mon, let's get you to bed and into some pajamas."
As Rhys pulls Jack to his feet, the room's door is suddenly opened. The pair freeze as they're met with a new pair of eyes.
"Ah, I fucking knew you two were shagging somewhere," Zane laughs smugly, crossing his arms. "About time, too." Then he notices the icing smeared over Jack's face. "Jack, buddy, your sweet tooth is getting outta hand if you're scoffing down while Rhys plows you."
Jack sighs, much to Rhys' amusement. "Always appreciate the support, Zane."
Zane salutes theatrically. "You need a hand escorting fatty over here, boy-o?"
Despite Jack's offence, Rhys nods. "If you could. He is kinda heavy-"
"Oh so much for liking me getting fat!"
Rhys places a kiss to Jack's cheek. "I love you getting fat."
Jack raises a brow but can't help smiling. "Yeah...I love you too, kiddo."
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incarnateirony · 2 years
BRO YOU THINK THAT CHICK WAS MINE??? SDFJSDKFJSDFJSKDFJSDKFJ NO STUPID. Last I heard the hellers in that greet didn't seem confident and posed If questions. You know. Heard, from your drunk friend. There's no If from me, dude. I wouldn't send in a heller to ask an If. It'd be "Have you discussed what it looks like?" because 1) I know the answer is yes for a fact and 2) even if magically everything else i had was suddenly fake after being accurate and true and real this long, their reactions would give away a No, but it avoids an offramp distraction. 3) seriously this fandom sucks at questions.
Yes dude. It's a heaven outfit. If you thought I said he's in purgatory, you're hallucinating. He's on the axis mundi. I've said it a thousand times. I even made it my banner before the show aired by collecting all the axis mundi shots. Are you fucking stupid or psychopathic? Do you even understand the chart I've been reblogging or does your brain end at "DUR HUR HEAVEN IN THE SKY"
would be super funny if charts were even mentioned. and were publicly traded with an author months before that right after draft submissions. And then when they started shooting Robbie drew jensen a chart for a new idea. But we'll nevermind that. Motherfucker, do you even UNDERSTAND the subject you're trying to talk about?
Do you even understand why your hysterical shrill shrieking about the reshoots was so genuinely clench-my-ass-so-i-don't-piss-laughing hilarious?
It took me a minute because I literally had to go through my notes to figure out what this dumbfuck was on about like 1) who he thinks is mine 2) what counted as "arguing" with Jensen 3) what this moron thinks I said or didn't say or think or whatever--- and I went "holy fuck this motherfucker got his own brain bent on the purgatory outfit and doesn't understand jensen's heaven comment either and doesn't get that we all exploded with joy when he told you dumbfucks where it is."
But apparently there's so much dumb in your fuck that you somehow imagined that made you win somehow, because you hallucinate what other people say or believe to tell yourself you won something. Holy fuck. It's like a toddler that can spell efficiently. But not read.
Apparently 2po thinks I sent in some uncertain "is jensen gonna do destiel?" person into a M&G that thought it was purgatory, even though my blog is all about axis mundi, heaven, debranding your view of heaven from chuck's heaven, the functions of the mundi--like damn, you thick ass bastard I've even been reblogging my old meta about this, how are you fucking this up you loser. LEARN TO READ, JESUS FUCK.
Remember that meta of mine you got shrill about and called cult and trying to convert people? (x) (x) (x) Remember how I wrote an entire fanfic series about this? You know, Dean in heaven on a foggy road looking at different memories or worlds, depending which chapter you're in? (x) Or those teakettle noises you made about my Castiel's Uterus meme? (x) Which we've pointed out the relation to the Akrida? Because it's fucking heaven? And it's literally a joke about Castiel's Uterus as the new garden? (x) Like dude how can you fuck up this bad on things that even the most cursory glance at my blog, OR THE THINGS YOU HAVE HISTORICALLY MADE SHRILL NOISES ABOUT ON MY BLOG, and then expect ANYONE to believe your shit.
Here's a hint, chucklefuck: The Da'as shit I've been posting is basically a shadow version of Keth- wait lemme use small words so you don't melt to witch powers: DEAN IN HEAVEN BASEMENT FOR SAD PEOPLE. HEAVEN CLOSET, YOU MAY EVEN SAY. PLACE THAT LETS YOU THINK LOTS AND ACCESS KNOWLEDGE. ...word too big? LETS YOU THINK BIG THOUGHTS.
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creepykuroneko · 2 years
It always strikes me as odd when I'm having a conversation with another ADULT about sex and pregnancy comes up. To be specific the odd part in the conversation is when people complain they don't want kids, another kid, or act like conception is a 100% guaranteed outcome.
When I try to playfully remind people that contraceptives, abortion, and adoption are all valid options the conversation falls flat. In the USA newborn parents have the option to drop a baby who's less than a month old off at a fire department, hospital, or police stations, with no questions asked. They can straight up abandon a baby at these locations. To my knowledge fire departments even have a baby drop off box, and yet many Americans don't take advantage of these services.
Example 1: was talking with a co-worker who I'm very close to, she and I are the same age, and I was jokingly venting my sexual frustration because my husband and I ran out of condoms so we couldn't have a quickie before work. She give me a stern look and asked in all seriousness, why are you guys using condoms? Mind you she knows damn well that I do not ever want to have children. We've discussed that topic at great lengths. So I told her, because I like to have sex and I do not want to get pregnant. That ended the conversation right there.
Example 2: Friend was complaining about his teenage sons, how they keep talking back to him, and acting like they know everything. I told him it'll be okay there's less than 10 years till they're 18 and out of the house. His response was, "not unless I have more kids". I playfully reminded him there are different options to make sure that doesn't happen. He continued to complain about how much worse his life would be financially if he had more kids. I guess he was complaining just for the sake of complaining but at the same time I hope he would have enough sense to practice safe sex?
Example 3: Former coworker was telling me about how she was having an affair with a guy in her apartment. Please note I do not condone affairs. She was said that with the way things are going, he's going to end up getting both her and his wife pregnant. I reminded her that condoms and the morning after pill are always an option. She rolled her eyes at me and said, "I guess". I get it I can't tell other people what to do with their life. Yet the thought of people not taking the simplest measures to prevent something bad from happening really rubs me the wrong way.
Example 4: Another one of my friends who I love but does not always make good decisions in life has several children who she struggles to take care off. Don't get me wrong they are fed, well clothed, and go to school, but financially she is struggling, and she has a lot of Mental Health problems. She has this weird habit where when she is single she'll be on the pill or some other form of birth control but as soon as she starts dating a new man she immediately gets rid of all her contraceptives. Her excuse is, " they were making me sick". She was single for 3 years and was on the pill non-stop that entire time, but the moment she got a new boyfriend she immediately went off the pill a week later. 🤔 when I have asked her about making sure she doesn't get pregnant she says she uses the pull-out method which is not a good way to avoid pregnancy. She acts like getting pregnant when you're having sex in general is a inevitable side effect. Despite the fact that I know that she knows damn well how to avoid getting pregnant. Should talk about how she can't afford another baby but then when I try to talk to her about better contraceptives she shrugs it off like her fate is to continue to have babies.
These are just a few examples I have. There is no real point to this post I just felt like venting about something that bothers me. Please note, I am a polyamorous, bisexual, who has multiple sex partners. We always use condoms, we pay attention to menstrual cycles, and we take other measures to ensure safety first. So the thought of so many people not taking the most basic action to avoid and unwanted pregnancy just plain pisses me off. You live in a major city in the usa and you have a job! You have fucken options. Hell even many clinics will hand out free condoms these days Plus community colleges and universities.
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