#this is a cliche and i hate it but THOSE WHO DONT KNOW HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT
eyezdrawz · 5 months
im bored so im dropping poetry for y'all to see, there are prob spelling mistakes but whatever, poetry under cut TW: BLOOD, ROT, SUICIDE, DEATH, SHOOTINGS, GORE
I worked really hard on these so I'd appreciate your reblogs and comments <3
Collection of poetry by me
The liar’s real identity – Eyez
I look back on my life, cliche like others
But I wonder where I went wrong to get to who I am
And I wonder where I went right to stay who I am
Why did I meet these people who tortured me
And Who have I wronged to torture myself
Lonely nights and lively days
But I control this so why don't I change
To feel is to live and to live is to feel
But we all live so that one day we can all die
What am I feeling?
I ask everyone yet no one answers
Who am I supposed to be?
I ask no one yet everyone answers
Sensitive to everyone’s thoughts of deathbut not sensitive enough to care about yours anymore
I should but it hurts to see what has your thoughts deceived to be
Now I lie
Lie about love
Lie about pain
And all your love was shoved into vain
You can’t forgive me
And I can’t forgive myself
So let me put our hidden memories on top that dusty shelf
Educational Boredom – Eyez
Walls surrounding her
Wanting her
Trustfully closing in
On all solivagant souls
biblichor on her graphite-covered hands
Clinomania stuck in her head
Moon-struck faces fade away
Yet all she wants is to be successful
Tears fall down her smiling face
Unable to feel until it's too late
Stamina wasted on walking nowhere
Why can’t she move?
She is
Just in the wrong direction
Peacefully walking into her own grave
Say goodbye to a person who loved her
She didn't like to say I love you back
A sister in hand one in another
Justice paying a toll for one and the other
School stringing drama together
Instead of sewing study's goals
Breathing notes and spying books
Warm sweaters and itching-raw tank tops
Jumping clues go out to life
Where will I lead without any strife
Scared to love
I don't want to feel you
Scared to die
I don't want to be you
Infinite hallways lead to everywhere
Unlock the doors
Logophile, she continues to read
Humanity to one person loosing hope – Eyez
Typing things no one will read
Singing things no one will hear
Making things no one will see
Being someone something will fear
Humans are unknown yet we think we know everything
We ruminate about the world yet we dont explore it
So much to see yet not enough time to do it
We love to waste time and momentum
We love to waste effort and spirit
Hating the idea of being bullies while we bully others
It takes a special type of hypocrisy to be decievingly known
Is someone truly good?
Is something truly bad?
Is it the way we look at things?
Is it the perspective that we have to change?
Why not our actions
Why not our thoughts
Why not our people
Why not your bots
jolting up at 3 am because you heard a feather fall
Ignoring the screaming at 1 pm because you heard those sirens call
We’re to used to the bad
Take the shootings for granite
But when something is different
When something is new
Hiddin in our corrupt minds, you want to ban it
Bodies falling
Teenagers screaming
Parents begging
Stomach wailing
Its their heads hitting the ground
Its their minds in the clouds
Karma beating those who did not behave
But only after their scuicidal minds hit the grave
Your heart is not the symbol of love – Eyez
Moon shines on different roofs
Faking a smile yet loving the truth
The undead roaming like the unspoken history
Questions haunt the earth behind blind eyes
The vessel for our souls
The beast is our bodies
Shapeshifting organs twist and turn
In the bloody home we call the heart
Living the years looking like corpses
Orderly chaos consumed by our voices
Yet we have yet to rot
Living the dream in the grave you dug for me
You living the nightmare thinking its your fantasy
Good events turn to bad
Just one chime of the clock and we all go mad
The older the mind the stranger the hunger
The younger the truth the more likely the liar
Gruesome births and calm deaths
Become to newborn version of the generation
One by one we all fall apart
Fading piece by piece into extinction
Vulgar words even more the vulgar sentence
Death and love become your only special entrance
The alternative - Eyez
Sleep here in the ground
Blood behind your mind
Secrets revealed night before
You where fine just days ago
I look away from the grave
Your new home I made
I see your parents
Grieving privately
They search my eyes
Looking for my excuses
I have none to give
I raise my hands
A sign for surrender
A sign for peace
Blood drips down them
I wish my love not ceased
Weary needs, Guilt in my eyes
Sorry please don't make innocent cries
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bigmack2go · 9 months
I dont like the headcannon of davey being jewish.
Why? I am glad you asked!
Now listen dont get me wrong here!
Representation is so important especially for religions because in that department even the most popular ones r being bullied these days and then that religion isnt just any but the most hated one in history. The religion that was blamed for practically anything bad that has happened in the last 500-1000 years. In ww|| children didn’t even know this WAS a religion. In Germany they were taught that the word “jew” stood for a monster, like the wird rabbit stands for an animal. Idk if this makes sense but they LITTERALLY didn’t know any better which i personally find makes it worse. The ppl KNEW that they were wrong, and that they couldn’t convince poursouled children of anything unless they made up lies. The thing those children hated was justified. Anyone would hate a monster that only brings evil upon us. But they conected it to a name that describes something else.(the movie jojo rabit brings this accross extremely well and truthfull! It’s available on netflix and i think on prime!) And thats the problem. They knew they were wrong but they needed someone to blame for their own failures and problems. ANd WhO bEtTeR tHaN tHe OnEs ThAt HaVe BeeN aT bLamE fOr ThE pAsT 700 YeaRs???
This began with the germanians spreading Christianity around Europe when jews were still a majority. It was generally a seen as a sin to get along with a Christian, and as we all know in the middle age there have been some babaric events towarts (but also by) religious ppl.
In thirteen-sixty-something the thing got to a whole new level when in (i think it was italy but idk) a fountain was moisted with bacteria and brought back black plague for a lot of people, which obviously got word all around the world quickly. And with that obviously also rumours. The thing is that those rumors were LOADED.
Thats how the hatred toward jews specifically began. People thought they were witches that poisoned their food causing them all to get sick.
(Sry i didnt mean for this to turn into a history lesson hahaha)
So yeah. Representation is so important and I totally stand behind that!
That being said however i genuinely don’t like it with Davey and here’s why:
Im have no problem with the headcannon itself and obv not with people having thah headcannon. What bucks me is how that came to be.
It just feels sooo cliche taking the one character named david jacobs and saying he’s jewish.
I mean
David jacobs
David. Jacobs.
David and jacob (lemme guess his sisters name is sarah hAHa- oh wait-)
Like it might be just me but that’s loaded with stereotype.
This might sound weird and/or mean but i genuinely get the feeling, the only reason ppl hc him as jewish is his name.
On top of that theres the fact that i generally just feel like its forced at this point. Again. I stand for representation with everything in me. but people just decided (rather than felt/knew) they needed to represent jewish folks and picked out ONE (1) (s i n g u l a r) character (LITTERALLY NAMED DAVID JACOBS!! Idk if u can tell but im getting rly worked up abt this)and said his family is jewish.
(Then if course theres the fact that i cant deal with the fact that he would have been killed at least in wa|| if not earlier due to being an non-arian jew but he prolly would be killed in one of the worldwars anyway so thats not much of an argument lol)
THATS IT! TYSM if u read this completely!
I also wanna take the opportunity to compell everyone to support palestina!!!!! I’ll put some links down below!
As a Christian i am lucky enough to not be bothered with shit by people i cant deal with but not everyone has that! So here’s just a gerneral reminder to educate and support people of any minority!!!
I will put some links so u can read up about the history of discrimination towards religion and jews!⬇️⬇️
1 Wikipedia article generally summarising antisemit!sm
2 definition
3 antisemit!sm+ history of rivalry between Christianity & Judaism
4 on discrimination and hate/ harassment towards religions in school and workplaces
5 discrimination WITHIN religion
6 some facts
7 using religion as an excuse to BE descriminating
8 read about judaism as a religion, rules and beliefs
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Do you read manhwas ?? If so then which one?
Yeah, I read webtoon/manhwa and manga a lot.
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I am not really fan of manhua but there are exceptions for that one too, for example; 'Your Dream is Delicious' was one of my exceptions for me because i love characters. I love it.
I dont have specific genre to read one because you can never know which story has good characters and well written plotline but i generally prefer to read;
Yaoi- But i cant enjoy the story, if sex is only thing or main focus.
Romance- The reason i love romance because i love series that focus on relationships the most, though i hate when 'romance is the only focus' or when lovers act like they only care about each others but still, at least, story explores the interaction between characters.
Fantasy- I dont mind slice of life but sometimes its fun to explore supernatural or fantasy world.
Psychological- What can i say, psychology is my favorite thing because i dont enjoy shallow-typical characters, i want to know more about them, thats how i can get into story and enjoy from it. Though, its hard to find well written one.
Horror- i think every story needs a little/small horror element.
Shounen ai- Unlike yaoi, slowburn romance when characters get to know each others first works better because two strangers having sex and magiclaly falling in love is so unrealistic to me. Not to mention, most of them are romanticized toxic relationships without consent, i hate it.
Shoujo ai- I mean, there is no difference for me between shoujo ai and shounen ai, if its well written. Though, its hard to find good yuri too.
This doesnt mean i dont read other genres but i usually read those ones the most. I read reencarnation stories too but most of the mare cliche, its hard to find good one.
The thing is; Its been years since i start reading manhwa, I dont remember which ones i read because i read a lot and i still read.
But i have a few favorites, unfortunately i dont remember everything i read so just a few faves of mine.
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Genre; Crime, mystery, psychological, horror.
I enjoy this story a lot.
A Joyful Life;
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Genre; Slice of life, shoujo ai, romance, drama
I love main characters and the interaction between them.
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Genre; Horror, mystery, supernatural.
Recently, it has finished, i really enjoyed the horror elements of the story.
Pyramid Game;
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Genre; Psychology
Both story and characters are good. Another 'win the game/war' type of story but its about more mental struggle than psychical one. If you love stories with tension, you might like this.
King's Maker;
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Genre; Shounen ai, yaoi, history.
Main focus isnt romance. Its about changing the kingdom they live in.
The Best Smell;
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Genre; Shounen ai.
Just adding here, cute shounen ai story, though art c/should've been better. Not necessarely my fave but i am just adding here because i dont remember other stories i read.
Her Shimchang;
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Genre; Shoujo ai, romance, history, supernatural.
I keep rec.ing shoujo ai, even though i hardly read one, (i usually read yaoi/shounen ai). I often end up hating most the things i read so its rare to find a story i love from beginning to the ending and this one is one of them.
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Genre; Fantasy, adventure.
It has very cute art, and storyline. I love when characters go to adventure, discover the world around them, interact with others. Though i didnt enjoy the second part os tory, still worh it though and i love the twins and their relationship the most.
I Love Amy;
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This one isnt necessarely my fave because story is new to me but i find the story, characters and art interesting enough to mention it. Its about yandere girl who fall in love with the girl she considered love rival, lol. I love the fact that they actually give yandere girl a character and story and allow her to learn true love.
I read so many good stories, especially romance, yaoi but these ones are the ones i remember right now.
Bonus; I also read Dr Frost, The Guy Upstairs, Like You Maybe, Sugar & Spice, High Class Homos, Fictional Skin, Tower of God etc on webtoon app. Others i read on random websites, there are too many to write it here so for now, thats it.
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sylveon16 · 22 days
another story i started writing and abandoned
when i first turned seventeen, i realised i am very much different than all my counterparts. I am bisexual, have ocd, dont act very “girly”, as considered by my peers, and dont enjoy socialising much, Despite all this, Rosie always stuck with me. We were in the same class since first grade, and lived quite close to each other. She always handled my neediness while i helped her with her studies. It was a fair deal in my mind and hers.
So here i was, sitting in the gymnasium, watching everyone else play basketball, While we both sat at the sides making witty comments, when i looked over and saw this cute boy sitting a couple steps below us. I had never seen him before, presumably since he also hated bringing attention to himself. He wore this black sweatshirt, with a graphic tee underneath. What really caught me off guard was this shorts he was wearing, completely covered by the sweatshirt.
I had never had any crushes on any boys i saw in real life before, so this caught me off guard. My heart started beating faster, my palms were sweaty, i could barely breathe, and i wasn’t paying any attention to what rosie was saying. She must have realised i had been staring at him, cause she said “just ask him out.”
“what? Me? that’s ridicoulous!”
You obviously like him, and he doesn’t seem to be seeing anyone else. That’s adam dale, the least popular person in class, and you are definitely the coolest person in our class. Why dont you talk to him?
First off, i’m not the coolest person i know, besides what am i gonna say to him?
start off with a hi
I took a deep breath and got up and moved towards him. I then proceeded to sit next to him. First thing i realised was his hair smelt great. He was reading a book i instantly recognised - the fault in our mars - a story about how a failed experiment to put dinosaurs on mars led to these two teenagers being stuck on a planet, before one of them dies and the other one cries and its one of those tragic, famous and completely cliched stories. It wasn’t the story that caught my attention as much as the hidden messages of humanity setting up its own doom and romanticising the saddest things and praising suffering for no reason.
So as rosie said, i started with a soft and inviting hi.
He didn’t look up. I said hi again, a bit louder, but he didn’t care. I finally snatched the book from him and introduced myself.
What do you want he asked as if this was a daily occurrence.
I just wanted to talk. I also love the book. Have you read it before?
Only 43 times.
Wow. I’ve read it thrice but i love it.
Because the author is popular?
Because of it showing humanities flaws. Also because i followed the authors internet videos.
Wait you’re also a bird fighter?
Since 2013.
I’ve been one since 2010.
When you were six?
That’s cool. I first got into them when my cousins introduced me.
as soon as the bell rang, he snatched his book and headed somewhere quickly. That was weird sine we didn’t have any classses after, but before i could chasing after him, rosie caught up to me and barraged me with her questions
How was he? Nice? gothy?
He is great, also a bird fighter and loves J.R blue.
What? he’s perfect for you. You both can be nerdy together.
Shut up! I first need to talk to him and get to know him.
Slow down. you need to take it slow, so it doesn’t end like all your other relationships.
Fine. lets head to the cafeteria mow
While in the cafeteria, I scanned the room , but i couldn’t see him anywhere.
“forget about him for a moment. Have you prepared for mrs jenny history test?
What test? we dont have our class today.
You sure?
I checked my calendar and realised i forgot to study for her test today. I then spent the rest of recess studying in a panic
While writing the test, I couldn’t help but think about this mysterious guy who i’ve never met, and how he’s got me wounded up. What i love about him is how he didn’t care that he was reading a cliched romance novel, while having rose scented hair, and wearing hoodies and short shorts. All my life i’ve been teased about being tomboyish, and i bet he must also be facing that, just in reverse.
13 feb 2022
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richardsphere · 1 year
Rwby Catchup: V8E2
Oh no Jaques is still in the plot. That sucks, i really hoped they wouldnt make him overstay his presence. (but then again, people above are all locked up with Ironwood with no outside help incoming, we’ve got a limited cast so i’ll look the other way). Seriously, why hasnt Captain Despot just executed Watts? I assume they’ll claim he’s “trying to gather information from Watts”, but the scene is not selling it (not nearly enough indications of Watts having been tortured for information Gitmo-style to sell that idea). Also they all share prisons so i guess this is going to be one of those “lets make an uneasy alliance” plotlines that inevitably falls flat on the heroes faces? Jaques still thinks that Captain Despot has a fear of lawyers apparently. how  did you get to be in charge of a global megacorporation with this little sense of how the world works? YES they are going to torture him for intel! Ok his survival is at least semi-justified now. Yang gets a new motorcycle (the old one is still at the bottom of the river) and immediatly does an unnecessary wall-ride flip-stunt thing for no reason, fires her shotgungauntlets for good measure (wasnt it an established plotpoint that James was hoarding all the dust for his plans and that the entirety of Mantle was running low on all supplies? Seems a bit wastefull) Jaune is such a defensively spec’d character, even his grenades are shields. Ozma is talking again, god does he ever stop talking about how “we all need to work together”, its his favourite thing to jabber on about (right after “trust me the secrets i keep are for good reasons and definitly wont bite you in the but again”). Also he says he’s “been regaining his oldest memories”, as if to imply he’s just forgotten most of his history with salem somehow? How has humanity made it this far with this guy at the helm anyway? “all the drones report to the company, not the general”. You mean the company whose owner is now in prison, and whose personal password to everything has been taken by Watts?  Btw, is it me or are they really overplaying the “emotionless robot-voice” on Penny ever since they returned her from the dead?  Wait did she legitimately consider James a friend? I really like sheepgirls power to just “absorb anything into her hands”, it means we get to have a named character who is both combat capable as well as not carrying big-ass weapons everywhere all the time.| Moleman is back for a second scene. (i assume it’ll be his second-to-last. He’s got real “going to be murdered to motivate Oscar energy about him) Huh, moleman is “phi”‘s uncle. I stand corrected, he’ll die to motivate “phi”. (have we gotten a full name yet? Anyway she’s my favourite of the Huntresses. But then again i love myself a heart-of-gold goofball) Congrats Knightboy, you have killed your first actual dragon. (at least im fairly certain i saw one shoot fire in an earlier scene. TBH a lot of these grimm’s abilities start to run through eachother at this point) Sniffygrimm is Biteygrim. Oh so now the grimm can shapeshift themselves at will to alter themselves at-will?  “but grimm arent that smart” Didnt Oobleck tell the girls in like, season one or two that grimm get smarter as they age? This doesnt seem shocking to me. And it can talk, ok maybe it isnt old but probably just a second Tyrian-level-loyal human a grimmsuit.  Why wait until NOW to grow those wings, If you are supposed to be so tactically minded dont you know how adventageous an aerial advantage can be? Have i mentioned how much i hate the “you wouldnt believe me if i told you” cliche, i mean there are definitly stories and places where it has its place but “Phi” is aware of Salem at this point thanks to Jimmy’s Mantle Broadcast. I think a simple “Teammate captured by Supergrim” would not be disbelieved.
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p1anether · 2 years
besties once u read actual feminist theory off of tumblr dot com and queer theory and learn about women & lgbt history u will be set free i promise u
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pocketsedition · 4 years
aftg as cliche high school au
i got bored and was wondering how the foxes would work in american high school stereotypes and now i’m here so. yeah ignore it if it sucks <3
neil would of course be the popular-kid-who-doesn’t-wanna-be-popular
depending on who you are he could either be really nice to you or the biggest fucking asshole
he’s on the cross country team as well as soccer w kevin (duh)
he mainly hangs out w other ‘popular kids’ like matt allison seth dan and occasionally the vixens but like only because his group knows them
he also vibes with renee occasionally
andrew would be the quiet kid who’s actually an asshole especially to teachers and reads during class is that a stereotype? i think so
he’s also probably a gamer kid and he wears a bunch of rings yes youll see
i’ll get more about him later
aaron is that kid in biology who’s got an A+ throughout the whole class and it annoys the shit out of everyone because that shouldn’t be possible
kevin is a jock. yes he is
he plays soccer and does cross country (can you do those both at the same time) (i’m not a sports person)
(let’s say yes for the sake of this)
he’s also one of those history nerd kids 
you know who i’m talking about
nicky is a theater kid and he can actually sing really well
he just never stops
he knows he’s good at singing but it’s annoying walking out of math every day hearing a random song
seth and matt are both jocks and best friends (besides neil) but there are significant differences about them
yes they both were highlighters during middle school but that’s besides the point
seth is one of those kids who during gym is always like “dOnT bE a sOrE LoSeR” whenever your team loses but when his team loses he’s a pissbaby talking about how you cheated and just e w 
he also has pot brownies in the middle of class
he probably asks you for answers for the homework too
matt just vibes and probably accidentally hits the volleyball too hard but everyone loves him anyway
he absolutely sucks at most classes and will absolutely be like “ohHHH thank youu :D” when you help him like literally the puppy eyes give you no choice but to help him
allison is the regina. fuckin george of school
but like if you guys end up sitting together during chemistry and you aren’t a complete dickhead to her she’ll probably give you candy or just whatever she has on her
renee is quiet girl whos actually got good grades and popular girl (allison) highkey has a crush on her
dan is like middle ground like shes a sports girl
but shell willingly hang out with both quiet kids and popular kids
overall really nice
neil ended up getting set up with one of the vixens marisa
(i think that was that girl who neil took to the banquet and was like "why do i need your number" to ?)
anyways he keeps trying to be like "no." over and over but she simply Wont Have It
and then next thing you know hes running for homecoming king and hes this close to breaking his own arm to get out of it
so now. he has to find an outfit
meanwhile Quiet Goth™ andrew minyard and his twin brother aaron have their dad who has a fashion business (mom died in a catastrophic car crash)
and everyone knows this so theyre always asking for like. help and discounts and shit
he says no to all of them
except neil whos in need of an outfit and
very very pretty
like uhh who gave you the r i g h t to have that awkward smile ???
and those t h i g h s ?
so andrews like "eh whatever sure"
yes yes yes yes
and. they end up getting kind of close ?
it kind of astounds everyone
aaron hates it he has calculus with neil and neil has the audacity to be so good at math and just so happens to be the only person andrew helps ?
seth is confused because andrews the only person he cant beat in a good one v one of exy
but also andrew buys a bunch of pot brownies from him and ???? he doesnt know why bc he doesnt even look high most of the time
he gives them to security guards as bribery so he can keep his knives on him during school
and now neils just friends w him ????
and its going well
"so you don't wanna be popular" "...yeah" "then dont"
neil retorts with:
"so your telling me your dad runs a fashion business and you wear all black"
they go back and forth for like half an hour
andrew starts trying to teach neil how to play videogames
neil fucking sucks but he doesnt really care because andrews nice
and actually helping neil pick out his outfit is a fucking pain because he so pretty picky
andrew dies
neil starts opening up about how he doesnt actually like marisa and andrews like "tell her"
"i hav she just doesnt. listen >:("
andrew offers to but neil knows about the frog knives (yes the frog knives) and hes like hah nice try
they still have nights on the roof and cigarettes and secrets shared
so everything happens and it finally gets to marisas head that neil doesnt wanna go to homecoming (with her. that is)
its like 4 days before homecoming and he jsut snaps
"yaknow i get it—"
she ends up crying but neil doesnt care at this point shes finally off his back
lets face it he would not care that man has zero morals
and so its homecoming night and neils this close to simply Not Going
but matt and seth are on the football team and they have their game and he spent hours looking for a suit
so he goes to the game and he hangs out with the upperclassmen
deliberately avoids the team because theres ways vixens nearby and he cant deal with marisa rn
so he hangs out
he sees aaron in the stands and asks if andrews around aaron just shrugs
and the games over matts team wins yay !!!
everyones happy
now its time for the dance
neils dreading it
he goes and tries to avoid the general public because Ew People
and he sees andrew hiding from the noise in a hallway with no people
theyre quiet until neil follows andrew out to the back of the school and to the middle of the empty soccer field
"you werent at the game"
andrew shrugs "i didnt care about the game"
"and you care about the dance?"
"aaron doesnt have his own car"
andrew rolls his eyes
its quiet and neils just looking at andrew
he kinda had a realization the other night with matts help
andrew simply stares back
"yes or no"
kith :)
the school doesnt notice they’re a thing until andrew shows up to school one day wearing what may or may not be one of those wrist. sweatband thingies
im dumb i forgot what theyre called
and neil always has one of andrews rings on him and hes always fidgeting with it
anyways i might write a fic who knows not me❤️
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iamdorka · 4 years
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COLSON (x Reader)
Last updated: 2020/04/25
I Couldn’t Be More In Love ‘Colson and the reader have been friends since high school. “Friends”. Maybe they were more than that but before they never really spoke about it… and everything was okay until Colson started to act quite strange because the reader started to spend more and more time with his co-worker Harry Styles. ‘ not requested (12/08)  100+ notes
PART II (12/10)
PART III (12/12)
When we were young ‘Heyy I dont know if you’re a fan of adele but there’s this song of hers called when we were young… There’s a lyric there that goes ‘you are just like a movie just like a song’… Could you do one where they are breaking up because of obvious reasons but they’re still in love but they cannot do that anymore. Just her being sorry for what’s happening and like she says something on these lines to him. Her being tired and last goodbye type something.’ requested by  @lovemythsworld (11/24)
IMAGINE ’Basically, it’s involve Colson taking care of the reader during her period please? I just got mine today and I passed out on the floor because I got very dizzy and then I had to run to pharmacy to get more medicine and to the store as I had no food left and all while feeling really bad… ’ requested by @being-worthy​ (11/05)  200+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Make the reaction of Colson knowing that it will be dad!!’ requested    11/03)  100+ notes
IMAGINE – ’Hey girl can you do a imagine where colson is meeting your girlfriends for the first time and he is kinda nervous but they don’t know he is mgk until he walks in with y/n and they get all the tea in the “ladies room” and y/n thinks it’s funny they are so interested because to her colson is colson not mgk’ requested by @britshmgkstan (10/30) 100+ notes
IMAGINE- ’Can I request an imagine of Colson pleasuring himself. And y/n catches him. She watches in secret for a minute then sneaks in to pleasure colson. He is in shock and literally has no words. Really really really smutty pretty please!!! Love you!!!’ requested (10/20)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a GC where you and kels are together and you guys decide to play never have I ever and of course it turns sexual and it gets revealed you and kels are in the mile high club’ requested (10/13) 100+notes
Bad dreams - ’Could I ask for a ColsonxReader where there not together yet please? She’s sleeping at their place after a party, has a bad dream, one of those that make you wake up with a jolt, racing heart, it’s very hard to get back to sleep. She goes to the kitchen deciding to stay up but C sees her, asks what she’s doing up. He decides to carry her to his bedroom and just holds her close & tight telling her it was just a bad dream, he’ll protect her, & confesses to her? ’ requested by @being-worthy (10/08) 100+notes
IMAGINE - ‘Hey girl I want to request teaching Spanish to the crew.’ requested by @verywell-fandango (10/06)  100+ notes
IMAGINE „Could I please request a ‘Dating ______ would include:’ bullet point headcanon for Colson, Dom and Pete respectively? I love your writing; thank you 🖤” (04/11)  100+ notes
new puppies.  “How about an imagine with Colson, where his girl adopts two pups (they’re still growing and both are half husky half wolf) because they’re brothers and inseparable and couldn’t let them on their own and because she misses Colson, so she has someone to snuggle with. Colson comes back home after a few months and finds two huge dogs on his side of the bed and they’re growling at him because they think he’s a threat and wont let him get close to her?” requested by @being-worthy ❤ (03/15)
The making of the new album (02/01)  100+ notes
Mad Being mad at him (01/21)  100+ notes
Fashion week… in Paris  Going with Colson to Paris fashion week (01/16) 100+ notes
Fake texts
IMAGINE “Will you write another ColsonxReader quarantine story soon? I’m bored and don’t know what to do with myself… Stay healthy and stay indoors!!!’ requested by @being-worthy 💕 (04/05)
COLD  ‘I feel like these lyrics “You want somebody that’ll keep you warm at night Then, tell me, why you actin’ cold to me?” Would be great for an imagine’ (01/19)
Rehab  ‘Hi, can I request an imagine with Colson inspired by/based on Rehab lyrics. Thank you💜 Love your works💗’ requested by @kiss-yall (01/18)
IMAGINE ‘She said no to him so many times. But she had enough with herself and she decided to have some fun because she knows she deserves it.’ (01/11)
IMAGINE ‘Request for Colson & Y/N teasing texts cause he’s feeling excited late at night! Please & Thank you love your posts!’ requested by @xxkellsvixen19xx .(12/23)  100+ notes
why are you here ‘The one based on Colson’s new song 'WHY ARE YOU HERE’ (12/19)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request some fluff and funny convo between reader & colson ??? Being in love 😍 making fun of each other idk not too corny’ requested (11/16)
IMAGINE ‘Kells and reader have some history together, but after he texts her one day she doesn’t want to talk to him because she knows the reason behind his texts… and she doesn’t want to get hurt again’ not requested but special thanks to  @echelonwonderland for helping me out (11/15)
IMAGINE ‘When you have time can you write one where he is working on a new movie in another state and she sees this video and she is mad because he has cut his beautiful hair?’ requested by @bakerkells (11/14)
IMAGINE - ‘hiii pumpkin, can i request a text w/ colson about him finally asking y/n to be his girlfriend after talking/dating for months? thank you in advance 💜’ requested (11/12)
IMAGINE ‘Hellooo.. I have a scenario in mind. Could you do an text imagine, where the reader has Colson watch over her puppy while she’s gone? Let’s just say he has a hard time keeping him/her out of trouble. ❤’ requested (11/09)
PART II - the new family member ‘Hi can you do an imagine based on the instagram story Colson put up recently of “well we got a dog in the family now” (I have a screenshot of it if you need it!) And something like hes away on tour and you are looking after Cassie and you two decide to get a dog while Colson is away? Thank you so much in advance xxx’ requested by @sacvf (01/07)
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a chat imagine where they met the night before at a party an kells asks her on a proper date’ & 'Could I have a MGK request where you’ve just met at a party and exchanged numbers. Later in the night he sees you talking to another guy who is flirting with you so MGK texts you to ask you out before he loses his shot?’ requested by an Anonymous and by @thesetemporaryfeelings (11/08)
IMAGINE ’You’re a new actress and Kells slides into your DMs after watching one of your movies and invites you to his next show?! Love your blog!!!’ requested (11/02)
IMAGINE ‘Hieeya it’s me here again..So today what I had in mind is something like this..Colson and reader are like the chillest kinda friends (the ones where everyone thinks they are dating but they are not.. Cliche I know but pleasee read on) And then reader starts hanging out with a bunch of different different guys.. And colson gets like jealous. (some points it out on their group chat and colson like gets mad and then they talk on dm’s…)’ requested @lovemythsworld​ (11/02)
IMAGINE ‘How about imagine where Y/N is a single mother of a kid (6 y/o idk). Colson and Cassie just met her baby. And Colson texted Y/N how excited he was to finally meet him/her for the first time. And Y/N is kind of confused because she didn’t expect someone to love her child this much. And she tells Colson that her kid is constantly asking about him, and wants him to come back. And Colson wants to see Y/N more often and also he adores her baby. Thanks💜’ requested (11/01)
IMAGINE ‘Ooooh what about reader x MGK where he spots you in the crowd at his show, gets your number and ends up texting/ sexting you that night???’ requested    (10/22)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘can you pls make one where y/n love rock music and always get horny while listen no Marilyn Manson, and suddenly Colson tell her that we will be in his birthday party, and things get kinda hot there? tnx!’ requested (10/19)
IMAGINE ‘can we please have imagine where y/n is sick and grumpy and “doesn’t” want colson to come over and take care of her (but obviouslyyyy she does) thank you 😌’ requested (10/18)
IMAGINE ‘Can you maybe post a text where y/n sees what happened to Kells in his forehead and texts him worried?’ requested (10/18) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - I wanted to write an imagine based of some of my own bad experience with a boy (because writing this things down could help a lot even if it happened a long time ago and I don’t care about it or him anymore but it still an inspiration) then today I.D.G.A.F. by Dua Lipa started to playing on my phone today… AND IT MADE SO MUCH SENSE (it’s heavily inspired by that) hope you like this little thing too. 💜 (10/11)
IMAGINE - ‘Can you try one where colson loses his phone at a cafe he visits and then he texts his number from someone’s phone and the cute waitress who he flirted with before finds the phone and replies and they start getting to know each other and hit it off. You can totally ignore if you find it vague or stupid. I just had a thought.. ♥♥’ requested by @lovemythsworld (10/06)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘My idea is just MGK texting you trying to stop you from breaking up with him.’ requested by @thesetemporaryfeelings (10/05)
IMAGINE - ‘Yn is an actress and her new movie debuted. Colson is a friend (and totally into her) and he texts her how great she was in the movie. Their flirting is really intense and in the end she invites him over her house…(maybe for something juicy? 😏) requested (10/04) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can we pleaseee have a text imagine where colson is the one upset and needing his girl? that man is my heart and soul and it breaks my heart to know how much he’s hurting’ requested (09/28) 200+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘I would love to request something if that’s okay! Could I request a Machine Gun Kelly text where he texts you late at night because he hates your boyfriend and thinks you deserve so much better???’ requested (09/26)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request reader and colson being writing buddies for a new song on her girl group and them being low key flirting with each other?’ requested (09/22) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘hi angel 😍 would you be willing to do one where y/n had a really bad day and just wants to smoke with colson and forget everything? random i know but i’m such a pothead and i just wanna smoke w kells 😂🙈 don’t judge meeee’ requested (09/22)
IMAGINE- ’Can you do one where yn is pregnant. She’s at home due to morning sickness. Mgk is in the studio but checks on her like every second lol also she has weird cravings and after colson leaves the studio he has to bring her pickles and ice cream (or something). Thank you, sweetheart 😊’ requested (09/21)
IMAGINE - ‘Request for texts between Colson & Y/N after seeing an IG post if her from a photoshoot that gets him turned on! Please & thank you love your posts!’ requested by  @xxkellsvixen19xx (09/19)
IMAGINE - ‘Haha can you do this: yn has a fave panty set. She wants to wear it, but just finds the bra, not the panty. She texts mgk (her bf) and she’s sad, that she can’t find it ☹ Turns out Colson took it with him on tour, to have a piece of his gf with him 😄❤’ requested by Anonymous (09/18)
IMAGINE - ‘can you do one where colson and the reader had an argument and are both too stubborn and have too much pride to actually fix it but keep messing with each other being sassy af and all that until one of them cracks (hope any of this made sense) hahaha’ requested by Anonymous (09/17)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do one where reader just wants to be hold and loved with Colson please?’ requested by Anonymous (09/14)
IMAGINE - ‘Jealous kells text? Pleeeease?’ requested by Anonymous (09/13)
IMAGINE - ‘Can I request readers being upset about being far fron Colson and posting on her Instagram and kells texts her to make her feel better?’ requested by @verywell_fandango (09/11) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Can you do a imagine where you are on tour with colson and the boys and because he isn’t paying attention to you and your in the mood you send him a nude and rook or slim almost sees it and he punishes you because only he can see you like that’ - requested by Anonymous. (09/10) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - You terribly miss Colson and finding some of his photos with Casie… you start having a really bad baby fever… 😇 but what does he think about it? (09/07) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could u write a friends with benefits with colson similar to the one you posted about the instagram story? that’s hot af btw’ (09/06) 100+ notes
  PART II -   - ‘Can you write a follow up to the fwb/hot date one. Maybe she’s having the date now. Even though the guy is hot, he’s so boring. So while he’s in the bathroom, she texts Colson to 'save her from the date’ (like with a phone call or text) so that she can leave the date. Of course she’ll go to colson then 😏 Thank you, you’re awesome! ’ (09/08) 100+ notes
IMAGINE -  Colson is desperate to convince you to go the new IT premiere but the thing is.. you are scared af 🎈🙈’ (09/05) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - ‘Could you do a text for colson where he meets your family and you are at dinner and he texts you from next to you saying how good you look in your dress and how turned on he is and you knew it that’s why you wore the dress so you tease him and sext him and as soon as you finished dinner he punishes you for it’ (09/03, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE - ‘Colson and Y/N are best friends and they start sexting because she sent a picture to him that was supposed to be for someone else. Thanks love’ (09/03, requested by anonymus)  100+ notes
IMAGINE -  ‘Colson and Y/N working together on a shoot (music video or movie) but have to keep their hands to themselves because professionalism.’ (09/01, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -   Colson’s new Instagram post makes you miss him even more and it’s not the only thing it makes you feel (09/01)  100+ notes
IMAGINE -  because of the bad weather you decide to stay at home but then your texting with Colson turns into something else (08/29)
IMAGINE - ‘Could I request reader x colson text where the reader keeps on flirting with him, dropping hints that she likes him and him being oblivious?’ (08/27, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -  the one where you argue about Bucky Barnes (08/25)
IMAGINE -   you two had some history before which was a mess really and you haven’t talked like months because you were really hurt but one day you text him out of nowhere (08/25)
IMAGINE - long time no seen friends just start texting… and flirting (08/25, requested by anonymus)
IMAGINE -  Kind of a drunk texting with Colson. (08/24)
IMAGINE -  You are kind of deadly exhausted because of your work and Colson is done with that shit. (08/24, requested by @thoughtsoftheantagonist)
IMAGINE -  Colson helping you out with your outfit for your girl’s night out (08/23)  100+ notes
Fake Instagram
#quarantinetime (04/19)
IMAGINE  ‘Could we please get some MGK quarantine smut or something, please? 💜’ (04/10)
blank space (03/29)
#stayingathome (03/18)
the dork. the real. the Baker. (02/22)
#attheBahamas ‘Hey hun i wanted to ask are you gonna make a fake instagtam or a imagine based on his vacation in the bahamas? With the reader?’ requested by @kellysimagines (02/19)
Drunk night (02/15)
Valentine’s day (02/14) 100+ notes  
adventure time ‘So the Reader and Colson took a little time off and went on a vacation, just the two of them and when they returned they just could not hold themself back and posted some pictures from their trip because they wanted to show the world how happy they are and there is nothing wrong with that because they can do whatever they want to do’ 👫❤ (02/01)  100+ notes  
IMAGINE ‘Poking fun at each other on IG stories’ (01/14)  100+ notes  
ADORE YOU ’Adoring your boyfriend’s futures’ (01/12)
part II (01/23)
Love is… “…a series of IG posts based on the idea of ‘Love is… ’ (01/09) 100+ notes  
#thanksgivingatthebakersXX ‘Hiii happy thanksgiving! I love your writing, could you write about thanksgiving with Kells and the fam ❤️ ’ (01/05)  100+ notes
why are you here (the aftermath) ’Just got this idea from why are you here, but can u do one where is someone’s bday (like Pete’s or Rook’s or smth) and there’s a party ofc, and y/n is in Colson’s friends group, so she’s in the party but they always had this hate/love relationship, and they kinda fucked randomly but nobody knows, but now she’s there with somebody else and so he is, and that’s when the lyrics of the song starts to make the story you can do it imagine, instagram or sms. wtv u prefer ly’ // The backstory is the request and all of the pics were posted after that party, so it is the aftermath. An online game which only those two are playing. The song in this universe is out, just to be clear. Hope you like it this way too 😘 (01/03) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - Because there is no such a thing as enough IG love. #sorrynotsorry (12/29) 100+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Colson and Reader roasting each other in IG posts’ (12/26)  100+ notes
#christmasatthebakers 🎄🎄🎄 little Christmas present from me to YOU (12/24) 100+ notes  
IMAGINE - Some IG stories from the Reader with the perfect captions.’ not requested (12/07) 100+ notes  
IMAGINE - Reader spends lot of time with Kells in the studio… and she is making a journal of that time on IG 😍’ not requested (12/05)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Colson’s girlfriend is just not having it’ not requested (12/03) 100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N and Colson showing their love for each other on Instagram because why not? 💋 not requested (12/01)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N showing her love for C and his friends in her special way 🙅❤ not requested (11/23)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Just a little fake IG treat for You just because 🔥 not requested (11/14)  100+ notes
IMAGINE - Y/N shows her love for Colson on IG in a very unique way 📸 just capturing the real love (10/20) 100+ notes
PART II (10/25)
IMAGINE (male reader) ‘Can please I request another Colson x male reader Instagram style imagine and/or fake text kind? Thank you.’ requested (10/09)
IMAGINE (male reader) -  ‘Could i request a reader x colson where the reader is male? im gay and there’s exactly: 0 content.’ requested by anonymous (09/14)
IMAGINE -  Colson praisin’ his girl in his Instagram posts & in her comments  (08/26)  
IMAGINE - you lowkey admitting to the world you are a couple with Colson. (08/24)
Fake social medias (mixed: IG, twitter, texts etc.)
IMAGINE ‘After that pic of Colson with baby Ash, i totally need some fooking fluffy stuff like he and y/n have a baby boy, and she out of town for some work related shit, and he’s taking care of their child, and being all goofy and cute about it’ requested by @rosesinmars (01/02)
IMAGINE - Can i request one where the reader has curly hair (like myself) and she doesn’t like it and kells really loves it// requested by @bakerkells (12/25)
IMAGINE - So basically Kells is getting way too much hate from the online trolls because of his extrem behavior like partying and being seen with different girls literally every night. And it’s not just a momentary thing, they are hating on him strong even some ‘fans’ do this too. And it’s starting to piss off his friends too, the unnecessary behaviour of his so called fans because they know him better than those people and even if they want to ignore it… they see literally everywhere those hating, shading comments, opinions which nobody asked for. So one day Y/N, Colson’s long time no seen friend from his inner circle has enough because she knows even if C doesn’t admit it… this behavior from his 'fans’ hurt him a little bit.” not requested (11/28)
PART II (11/29)
IMAGINE ‘Reader is a famous actress and friends with kells. Before she had her big break, she modeled. She posts a throwback, when she modeled for Bikini or underwear. She’s like “so awkward lol” and Kells answers with emojis and is like “Damn YN!” They flirt in the comments and later Kells DM’s her ;)’ requested (11/26)
IMAGINE ‘you and Colson are close friends and occasionally sleep with each other. We all know about his feet kink. One day after you had a manicure and pedicure, you posted your newly designed finger and toe nails on insta. Colson is like 😍👅🔥😈 And then DM’s you, to invite you over 😏’ requested (11/10)100+ notes
IMAGINE ‘Could you make this: YN and Kells are friends and she visited him on The Dirt set. Afterwards she followed everyone on insta. One day she liked and comment on a post of Daniel Webber (something flirty) and he responds, also flirty. Kells see this and DM’s yn and is jealous but won’t admit it at first. YN finds this funny and says stuff like “You flirt even more than me on insta 😂” Kells can’t deny this 😄 Thank you, you’re so sweet!!’ requested (10/28)
IMAGINE - ‘So not a long ago Colson liked this first tweet (in real life) and it caused a little problem in our community and I just felt I needed to write about it.’  (10/27)
IMAGINE ‘Reader tweeting something like “we were so much more than you let us be” “our almost still haunts me” and kells texting her’ requested (10/19)
IMAGINE ‘Y/N is an actress and one day she totally starts to fangirl about MGK on Twitter/IG and then Colson sees it.. ‘ (10/01)  100+ notes
PART II (10/03)
PART III (11/19)  100+ notes
(the main masterlist)
273 notes · View notes
lupinuslepidus · 3 years
your favorite character from the moth story ? I love them all immensely and cannot pick one
oh SPICEY. okay i dont... really have favorite characters bc a lot of them arent fully fleshed out... but let’s give this one a try Full Name: Katvey ge Noem Gender and Sexuality: aspiring mad scientist; very gay Pronouns: they/them Ethnicity/Species: human Birthplace and Birthdate: Bone City, Bogude (second) in the Month of Fireflies 739 EC
Guilty Pleasures: sneaking into the kitchens to steal freshly baked poppyseed buns. also watching the Scarabs when they’re practicing swordfighting in the courtyard. Phobias: insects. which is a bit of an issue. they’ve become more or less okay with moths by necessity but spiders still have too many legs and worms move weird. What They Would Be Famous For: developing and publishing a new protocol for caring for shrine moths + extracting ink from shrine moths; really not so much the protocol itself as the fact that the protocol sparks an extremely heated debate in the niche corner of “shrine moth care” bc no way are the Ink Moths gonna let some upstart shrine worker tell them how to stop their moths from dying and improve the quality of their ink and there maaay or may not have been a scandal around sabotage attempts on both ends, leading to the first time in recorded history that the Copper Cicadas stepped in to defend a mere temple worker -- What They Would Get Arrested For: well wouldn’t you like to know (they haven’t yet committed crimes against the state but they’re getting there)~  they’ve definitely ‘accidentally’ swapped out painkillers for indigestion-inducing powders when Moth Tern came by complaining about a headache. OC You Ship Them With: Lezte ge Vetsdu. another employee of the Bone City temple; she’s a disaster child that maaaay or may not have connections to the lower city resistance scene, her hobbies include making fun of katvey and missing her work shifts to get into street fights with Scarabs OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Katvey ge Noem. no, seriously, they don’t know how to take care of themselves and they’re going to run themselves into the ground. a close second is Moth Tern, the Shieldbearer Moth who’s been skulking around the Bone City temple looking for signs of suspicious activity. Favorite Book Genre: katvey does not have time to read books. that being said, gay sappy romances Least Favorite Book Cliche: when authors clearly haven’t done their medical research. if you’ve been hit hard enough in the head to get knocked out for over an hour you’re not gonna be able to just get up and keep dueling, that’s a concussion and that’s gonna bite. Talents and/or Powers: the fact that they don’t have powers is a key character point -- they’ve grown up in the temple, but unlike pretty much anyone else who’s grown up there, they can’t use magic. that being said, they’re a bit of a madcap scientist and the best medic + ink extractor in the Bone City temple right now. Why Someone Might Love Them: mostly, they just want people to be okay -- they’ll always fight as hard as they can to keep a patient alive, even at the cost of their own sleep and health; doesn’t matter who the patient is or how they got hurt. They’re also avidly curious about basically everything -- they’re willing to push past what they take for granted about how the world works and seek out + hear out new ideas, and if you want an infodump on shrine moth care or anything else they’re always happy to tell you everything they know. Why Someone Might Hate Them: they can be incredibly annoying and pedantic when they feel like it; they absolutely look down on people that don’t share their work ethic or education level; if someone’s not directly involved with the Temples they’re not worth their time; they’re very insecure about the fact that they can’t use magic and means that they’re not above bullying those that rank below them. How They Change: their inclination to keep asking questions is initially tempered by the fact that they’re very loyal to the temple; this starts to shift as they spend more and more of their time working as a medic and watch both moths and people die under their watch. where they’ll go from there remains to be seen. also they realize that maybe lezte ge vetsdu has a small crush on them. Why You Love Them: baby academic! an expression of what i both love and fear about academia -- the honest desire to help others/to learn more about the world, sabotaged by the inevitable perpetuation of unjust power systems! also they’re just a gay disaster that tends to crush on inaccessible people, which is not a character trope i write often but is very fun to play with.
6 notes · View notes
staysuki · 3 years
aaaaaa i finally read EHALOJ aaaaaa puchaaaaaaa
seungmin had those pogi typings going on lmao i love it v much huhu he was really an ass at the start but i still could bring myself to hate him 👁💧👄💧👁 idk if its automatic bc hes my bias or wut xd
moving on i honestly dont know who to ship y/n with :”> im debating on hyunjin and lee know. and yeji my queen uGh 🤨☹️😠😐 but whatever, INTEOTW yeji has my full heart. hyunjin is oblivious af but i still cant say much since i wouldnt really also believe if someone dearly close to me is a bitch irl even if the signs are 13628 inch by 28251 inch big, colored red with christmas lights.
aaaaa lee know and y/n has those history going on tHat makes me kilig ehe ehe but the typical and cliche ‘main character changed bad boy’ is 🥵 BTCH IDK WHO TO 🚢 ANYMORE 😠 sorry felix but ur bromance with jisung is more than fine already.
anyways the focus is BARELY on seungmin but i keep thinking about him ugh ✨ biaz tingz ✨ thankfully your seungmin smau already started xd
omg you re so good at antagonising people wtf 🤩 like literally all your works have the most detestable characters bc of how hurtful and toxic their dialogue sounds 😎 ur so very super duper amazing x9999 at writing, believe me 😭 you always incorporate the right amount of crack and dark thrilling shit in your stories uWu
BTW I THINK the dates. chapter link is broken on the masterlist and the next button on ch 19. i accidentally skipped ch 20 but thankfully i noticed it bc i got confused since lee know stated on ch 21 that y/n didnt answer him when he asked her on a date wHEN i didnt read anything abt him making a move. i got to the dates. chapter, ch 20, by clicking previous on chapter 21 though. hOPEFULLY U GOT WHAT I EXPLAINED 😭
im soooo excited for the next chapters huhu you did so well like di ako mapakali aYAN GANDANG GANDA AKO NAPA TAGALOG 💀 rly good job 👏
so i checked the playlist you shared and all the songs there are exactly my vibes 😭 they are the singers i listen to and i agree 100% that it hits home. OMG ZACKS VOICE IN BINIBINI SOUNDS SOOO SIMILAR TO HYUNJIN SHXHWHXHWHDHWHS IDK WHY BUT I THOUGHT ABT IT AND I CANT GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD HUHUHU 😭😭😭😭
huhuhu neways its 11 pm here, i might read a few more fics before heading to bed. hows ur day btw?
- bs
uy omg ok 👁
POGI TYPINGS PLS 💀. true, we can never hate seungmin 😤.
and yes hehe, the ships are ALL OVER THE PLACE one’s going to antartica while one’s going to florida or smth idk. but my goal is to just pull on everyone’s strings with that one since i don’t really plan to focus on the romance that much, it’s really more of a slice of life story with shitty people in the mix or smth. but there wILL be an endgoal boy. the key is that even i don’t know who it is 🥴❓ makes it more unpredictable, no? but it probably won’t be until long. i plan on focusing on every character and give them beautiful developments so that’s how many arcs(?) 😀, probs overambitious here but i’m excited to try and make a longer smau after rushing my previous ones + i have a lot of notes for EHALOJ from when i started planning it a long time ago so i already have a basis for season 2 once i start it in the VERY DISTANT FUTURE.
i made INTEOTW yeji the way she is to make up for the fact that she’s one of the antagonists in this story :,). that’s kind of like my own pattern, i want balance. also hyunjin being gaslit by his own sister 😔💔💔💔.
minho ship looking promising for you huh 🥴. felix kinda came out of left field but isn’t he such a cutie. literally everyone’s rooting for yongbokie but i don’t blame em, he’s not like INTEOTW felix huhu.
SECRETARY KIM is a busy man 😤 let him do his job. kim seungmin smau is indeed out and it’s a new character trope!! no more tsundere, confident, and/or snarky seungmin 😌 i’m moving out of the stereotypes here.
and also thank you!!! that means a lot. ngl, i feel like i overdo it(??) like, i want villains to be “real people” and not outright “people made to be villains” ifykwim, i don’t want them to be hated because “hey i’m obviously a shitty person!!!” but because they’re complex and not some 2d bond villain. but idk, maybe i didn’t really have a choice with EHALOJ yeji because SHE IS just like that 🤔. hyunjin is in mental turmoil even. probably my favorite “antagonist” moment would have to be dark seungmin in the earliest chapters. but thank you for the compliments, i love writing dialogue, even my editor irl (for my non-tumblr works) always compliments my dialogue dynamic writing so that’s why i stuck to smaus, it’s just dialogue all the time 🤪. i was a bit afraid the EHALOJ might be a bit too dark to garner any attention (bc nobody wants to see their faves antagonized, valid) but i’m glad i took the risk, it was hard to get through but it’s honestly one of my hate-favorite works and i’m glad others seem to enjoy the twists and turns too despite the obvious lack of focus in the romance.
and tHANK YOU huhu, i swear it’s finished na, just all queued up hehe, not gonna dump it no no no 👆👇👆, i will follow a fixed schedule of uploading every three days. i think there’s five chapters left in the good ol basement. one of my irks too is that i don’t want smau chapters to be released in succession bc i don’t want people to just see smaus when they scroll through my feed so like, if i already have a lot of buffer posts in between like asks or self updates then i might update early. if not, then imma post other randoms in between.
HWANG HYUNJIN AS FRAT BOY NA TAGA BGC SUPERIORITY. medyo napa 🤨🤨🤨 ako sa exbattallion, that group is such a meme (i remember when socmed was tRASHING pauwi nako for being cringe) but i just respect the vibes and listened to everything 😤. AND SEEEEEEEE. THEIR VOICES ARE SIMILAR OMFG I CANNOT.
my day went great! celebrated my mom’s birthday. out to get tattoos once again. hope you have a good sleep, i’ll always be making fics for you to read 😌♥️ how’s ur day.
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roughentumble · 4 years
I would like to hear.. your silence of the lambs series opinions......
series as in, the new clarice tv show that's out? haven't watched it yet. series as in, those old movies that feature anthony hopkins as hannibal lecter? surely!
fair warning, i probably dont have anything new to say that hasnt been said before, considering these are all long since classics, and my thoughts might be a little disjointed.
it's difficult to sum up opinions about it on the whole, since the movie quality honestly varies so wildly, and as i recall basically every single movie had a different director lol. also like, there's definitely a reason silence of the lambs stood out as The hannibal movie that got talked about and went into The Annals Of Film History n' all that. there's something about jodie foster's performance that's particularly electric(though that could be nostalgia talking, i suppose)
the opportunities she had, as an actress, to really show emotion on her face, like the claustrophobic close-ups we got were really intimate and interesting, added to the sense we were getting into her head. that HANNIBAL was getting into her head. i've already used the word intimate, but really, the long drawn out conversations/monologues between her and hannibal are just that-- intimate. you have to have stellar performances to pull off that much dialogue, and shots that intensely focused, where a face takes up so much of the screen. but it works! because hopkins and foster are fantastic actors, and jonathen demme is a good director.
there's a reason a lot of people didn't like the switch to julianne moore, and i would say it isnt entirely moore's fault. ridley scott, for one, is simply a different director with different ideas of shot composition, which changes how the character feels pretty drastically when the style so heavily informed your feelings for her. but also, in general, the film just kind of approaches clarice from a different angle, which is pretty bumpy territory to go into on the tail of switching your lead actress. not only is moore just really different from foster, but we've gone from this kind of invasive intimacy with hannibal probing her in confined spaces, to her being on the chase. in particular what sticks out to me is a chase sequence where she's trying to find hannibal in a crowded mall.(i think it was a mall?? its been a minute since i last watched the film haha) despite how the crowd might lead to a sense of claustrophobia, these are wide open shots with lots of spinning and movement, no time for introspective face journies. it's a chase in a totally different sense than before, and that i think is major difference in tone. which isn't to say it's a bad choice, or a loss, or that it's worse, just that it's fundamentally very different material that moore was given fo work with. of course her performance differed from fosters!
i still think jodie foster did it better, but some folks were too hard on julianne moore. if anything, hold beef with the writers and new director for pivoting tonally(although, dont do that either, i think it was an interesting shift. the scene with her and hannibal, where hannibal fries up that dude's brain was SO GOOD, i loved loved loved the return to a twisted sense of intimacy for that scene, and a few others, and that sense of return wouldn't have hit the same were the whole movie to follow the same tone as demme's work.)
also quick sidebar, when i watched hannibal(the movie from 2001) i was BLOWN AWAY by realizing, in retrospect, just how absolutely perfectly micheal pitt nailed the role of mason verger in hannibal(the tv show). vocally, he sounded almost identicle to the og performance, WHAT!!! major props, i love micheal pitt. so cool
manhunter 1987 or whatever year it came out is garbage and we dont talk about it. it was physically painful to watch. my poor mother made us stop watching hannibal movies for the rest of the day because it literally put her in physical pain. it's so 80s i want to vomit. do not recommend.
red dragon was pretty good, and if you entered the series of films armed only with knowledge of hannibal nbc, gave some really fascinating context to some of the events therein. edward norton's performance was fine-- didn't blow my mind, but i do love to watch him on screen. anthony hopkins' portrayal of a free hannibal, on the run, who still can't help but taunt the police and stick his nose into investigations was shockingly compelling, despite how much of a cliche trope that's become in recent years. can't say i recall anything interesting to say about the directing, but it certainly doesnt hold the same intimacy of the previous films-- but then again, we've lost the intimate character of clarice, swapping her out for graham(who simply isnt as close, or interesting, or compelling, when he isnt on nbc and shaking like a wet chihuahua)
hannibal rising, the last film in the series, was very very very bad. BUT, unlike manhunter 198whatever, it managed to be fun about it! lots of very goofy deaths and things to make you roll your eyes, stupid character motivations and odd acting choices. but it seems aware, on some level, that it's the last and the silliest of the entries into this particular film series, which earns it some good will. whether or not its worth a watch comes down to how much you're willing to consume everything with the name hannibal on it, and whether you can abide by a hannibal that isnt played by sir anthony hopkins.
OK. ok. we're getting to the end of my thoughts here, kids. i prommy.
it's also, despite every single part of it that i enjoy and that brings me joy, almost unforgivably racist and transphobic. the weird exotification and obsession with asia(and japan in particular), especially when none of those elements felt important or relevant to the story was consistently shocking, and consistently present in essentially every single hannibal movie, ESPECIALLY ones that dealt with his childhood. it didn't ever feel like a natural part of the story, where they happened include people from another culture or anything, it felt like the author's fetish. i never truly understood how these reoccuring themes and symbols were meant to tie in with the rest of the story, even after an entire film set in the past, showiing hannibal's childhood and how he came to live with a japanese woman. it was weird! it was uncomfortable! it was bad! even hannibal nbc couldnt make it not weird. i'd love a hannibal movie with a japanese person in it who WASNT treated really, really, really weird. but i dont think i will ever get that.
and like. wrt transphobia-- do i even need to say it? buffalo bill's been talked to death. we all know the issue there.
if a japanese person, or a trans woman, came to me and said "shawn, everyone says its a classic, but i cant bring myself to watch [insert hannibal movie here]" i would not blame them. it isnt the whole movie, but its enough to feel real bad, scoob.
its not enough to make me fall out of love with silence of the lambs, or hate hannibal(the film, god thats a confusing name), or even hate the film series, but its something that deserves tl be talked about. i've heard lots of discussion on the transphobia, but basically none on the racism, which is a real shame. sometimes it feels like no one else even noticed it, and it really leaves me floundering, because its like-- its RIGHT THERE and its so weird and bad. thomas harris, what the fuck
OKAY I THINK THATS ALL MY THOUGHTS FOR NOW?????? i could maybe come up with more, *shrugs*, but i'd need more time at least.
summary:: very problematic, and not because he eats people. but overall some of the films are fantastic, and silence of the lambs does hold a special place in my heart. and even if i didnt like it nearly as much, i'll defend hannibal(the film with julianne moore) till im blue in the face, because even if it didnt quite capture lightening in a bottle it still brought some interesting things to the table. decent enough movie series with enough variation in film tone and quality to make watching them all in a row enjoyable, because it keeps things from getting stale. (could probably have done with SOME consistency tho, lol, they were really flying by the seat of their pants. they had hopkins and that was IT, only thing that carried over from production to production lol)
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fairycosmos · 4 years
Sorry for bothering you angel but I have noone else to talk to.I really dont know what to do anymore. I'm so suicidal that I don't know how i'm still alive,how i'm able to breath it just doesn't feel right being alive.My mind keeps telling me to do something to end it all and I'm just numb.The worst thing is that even the closest person in my life doesn't know how bad it is bc i'm always the one to help them with their depression and im so drained.I'm just here to help other no matter how broken
hey love, i’m so sorry to hear you’re going through such a difficult time right now  😞 but you’re not bothering me at all, so don’t worry about that. firstly i really hope you’re currently in a safe environment and that you remain there, above all else. you were able to send this and reach out for some form of support even anonymously and that’s a really good sign. i’m proud of you for being here and for making it to this point, and i want to thank u for being so open with me because i know it’s not easy. secondly i really want to stress that you can’t believe anything your mind is telling you right now, seriously. one of the biggest illusions of mental illness is that it convinces you to think in black and white, to believe that everything negative is permanent and that there’s no way forward. but that’s never the case in reality. there is so much that can be done to change your habitual thinking patterns, your sense of self worth and just the general situation you’re in right now. in fact, change is inevitable if you stick around long enough to see it. it’s happening constantly, even when you don’t realise it. and so is healing and growth, even when you’re in pain too. it is entirely possible to recuperate, for happiness and peace to become a consistent theme in your future. yes, you. i know it’s probably impossible to believe in this moment but i hope you can still accept the sentiment anyway, because it’s true. and what’s more than that, you deserve it. you’re able to give your time and energy to others who are dealing with what you’re also dealing with, and that’s wonderful, but you are COMPLETELY worthy of receiving that same energy and love. i promise. if you need to take some time to focus on your own mental health rather than on those around you, then that’s perfectly fine and there’s no shame in that. it can be hard to internalize everyone else’s grief, and quite emotionally exhausting at times, so don’t let your mind make you feel bad for needing some space. it’s the most natural, human thing in the world. and i’m sure those that care for you want to hear what you’re going through too, i’m sure they want the chance to return the favour and to be there for you. you can give them that by opening up. no matter how hard it is to actually reach out, please please know that the option is always there and that you are never as alone as your mind wants you to believe. another tactic of depression is that it wants you to isolate yourself so you don’t feel the comfort of other people and their perspective, so the only thing you can believe is your own bad thoughts - but you CAN choose to subvert that urge, to talk to those around you about whats going on in your head. it’s okay. if not them, there are a lot of suicide/mental health hotlines available 24/7, and there’s also the option of talking to your doctor/a therapist/a support group to see if they can help you implement a treatment plan (if you haven’t done so already.) even if you have to force the words out, just tell them what you told me. it doesn’t have to make sense, you just have to let it out. sometimes mental illness is just as serious as physical illness and it needs real medical attention in order to overcome, and that’s alright. it’s something a lot of people go through, and it looks different for everyone. but just picking up the phone and making that appointment or talking to a loved one can make a massive difference. there is so much that can be done in terms of therapy - identifying the root causes of why you feel the way you do, giving you the tools to fight the episodes in a healthy way when they do arise - but at the end of it you CAN learn to live a happy and full life despite those days where you just want to give up. it’s a matter of time, finding the balance that suits you and getting through each day long enough to see the results of your progress.
i know it all feels like too much effort, and i’m not saying you have to do any of this right now. or that talking to someone will solve everything. and i’m very very familiar with that debilitating brand of numbness you’re describing - it makes everything genuinely feel beyond hopeless and so far away, it is so so heavy and i don’t blame you for being exhausted. but it’s also so possible for the feeling and the presence to return back to your life, one area at a time. i often think of it like my souls got pins and needles and i need to massage the numbness away with care and patience. you said you don’t know how you’re still alive - it’s because you’re supposed to be. it’s because some part of you, no matter how tired of all this shit you are, recognizes that there is a lot worth holding onto. even if your brain isn’t allowing you to see it in this moment. i hate to be cliche, but when it really comes down to it nothing would be the same without you. you exist and see this world through your unique perspective and love in your own specific way because you’re here. and no one else is you and that is more than good enough. there is so much waiting for you, man. recovery is possible in so many forms, and i’m not just saying that at all. i would fucking hate to think of you acting on your temporary emotions and only regretting it when it’s far too late to go back, and unfortunately i think that occurrence is very common in people who suffer through this sort of thing. as a person and as someone who has been given the chance to experience this world for a fraction of a moment in human history, i hope more than anything you can simply allow yourself to do that. and that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have bad days, or to hate this world sometimes because i absolutely do too. it can be hellish, and we have a right to be in pain. but that doesn’t mean we’re beyond hope and help. it doesn’t mean there aren’t a million different ways to make this all feel more manageable, one step at a time. some days getting through one minute at a time counts as a great victory, and you’ve done it a million times before. so please, if you feel like you’re in danger, please just call someone. don’t listen to your mind anymore, don’t feed into it. just get yourself to safety even if you have to act on autopilot. it’s going to be so worth it so much sooner than you think, im serious. you need some rest, maybe to practice some mindfulness and to focus your brain on some low energy positive coping mechanisms, and to let someone know how you’re doing if possible - all of this will allow you to stop spiraling inwards and start focusing on whats going on around you. i’ll leave a few links that may be of some service to you. please know that i care and that so many people do, that your life is so much more than this moment/what you’ve been through so far. if you need a friend or if you want to talk about this properly, please let me know. i’m here and i understand a lot of us do. sending so much, please stay safe above all else love. that’s all you gotta focus on right now x
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quokkalatte · 4 years
I havent posted on here for awhile but I wanted to talk ab something that's been on my mind recently and I've been dwelling on it a lot lately. And it comes to supporting a friend, when they tell you they have a crush on someone.
When your friend approaches you, whether it be through text, face time, or face to face, and they tell you that they have a crush on someone, you want to be supportive right? You want to tell them "ooo ask them out then!" Or something along those lines. And if they get nervous about it, and are scared that their crush will reject them, do not say "what's the worst that could happen? Theyll reject you?"
Becuase yes. Rejection IS a worst case scenario. It might not seem big. Your crush not liking you back, so you pick yourself up and move on. Or at least that's how some people would view it. But the thing is, if you dont know a person's history when it comes to romantic interest, saying something like that can be damaging.
As I've grown up, and developed crushes on people, and when I would confide in friends, that's normally how the conversation would go. They get giddy and excited, and tell me I should ask them out. And that was okay, but over time, it wasnt. Because every. Single. Time. I would get rejected. My first crush on a boy was in elementary school. And ever since two months ago, every time I told a boy I liked them, they would reject me, often in a cruel manner.
When a freind of mine would say "the worst they can do is reject you" I would get this feeling in my stomach, and I would always think "exactly. That's the exact WORST thing that could happen. Becuase rejection hurts, and it affects others differently.
There are those who can just pick themselves up and move on. No harm no foul. But for people like me, those experiences stick to you and morph you.
Hitting Middle school, the rejection got worse. I had three small crushes in the span of three years. And every single one had found out. When I told them, they looked at me funny, and would leave to their group of freinds. And they would tease me. And laugh at me becuase I was different. I wasnt the skinny pretty little girls like the others in my class. And it was around that time I'd realised that. After the first two, there was a third. This experience is probably where alot of my issues resolved. And it was only 6th grade.
I didnt even tell him that I'd liked him, a classmate found out and told him during recess. We were waiting in line to go back inside for class, and the school I went to we had uniforms. Mine always fir tightly becuase I was bigger than most of the girls in my class. I remember I was wearing my favorite blue jacket and the khaki pants we were required to wear. When the classmate ran over to the boy I'd liked, he'd pointed at me and told him. The boy turned and looked at me, and got the most disgusted look on his face, and shouted "EW!" Before walking away. I proceeded to get upset. The classmate approached me, and in a pitting manner told me he didnt think that my crush would react that way. The girls I were freinds with said horrid things about the boy I'd liked, but the only thing that I could think of was the look of disgust on his face at the simple thought that I'd had a crush on him.
And it stuck with me. It still does. Containing through high school I became more reserved when it came to the guys I liked. I never told my friends who my crushes were, and when they outed me about it, that's all they wanted for me to do was to tell him. Tell him becuase what's the worst that could happen? He could reject me?? Yes. Becuase in my mind, I was ugly. I was undeserved of every having a boyfriend. And I was convinced I would never have one. I would look in the mirror and loath what I saw. I hated how I looked becuase all I could see were what they saw. I wore hoodies all the time even in hot weather so that I could cover my arms. I didnt want any of me showing. I wouldnt wear shorts becuase I hated how big my legs were. I held so much self loathing for myself, I wouldnt look in a mirror for longer than I had to.
That had gone on for years. I've hated myself for years becuase of judgment. Because I feared what people thought of me. It didnt just extend to what I thought the boys thought, but everyone thought. I hated attention being attracted to me, and my social anxiety got worse. Anything that brought attention to me would make my heart pound and my palms sweaty and my head buzzing with a hundred thoughts that made it so difficult to function.
It was only recently in the past couple years I've been able to accept myself. And I'm still very far off. And it might sound dumb or cliche, but the only reason that sparked this, was kpop. My friend introduced me to BTS, and I got invested in them. I loved them. I loved these 7 boys, who radiated such happiness and positivity. Their concept of loving yourself for who you are, and that the closest to you would do the same, those words meant alot to me. They helped me when I was anxious. Their music was, and still is, so soothing to me.
In my Senior year of high school I was taking my health elective, and we were learning about the BMI and to test what ours was. I refuse to share what my results were, but they werent healthy. As the teacher droned on about the topic, I sat in the back of the class quietly crying and trying to get myself to stop but I couldnt, and I felt a panic attack coming on, and I was scared that I would bring attention to myself, so I needed to distract myself from it, and I plugged my earbuds in and pulled up a BTS video. It was just a 2 minute video of Jimin laughing, and that was enough. I calmed down enough to collect myself, and I stopped crying.
Two years later I'm still not perfect. I still have a very toxic mentality of myself, and I can accept that I might need help, more than what KPOP groups can give me. They did give me the tiniest of nudges to help me, and I am very grateful.
I've told you what you shouldnt say to someone when they tell you that they have a crush on someone, so here's what you COULD say.
Your friend is worried, that their crush might reject them. You can offer your support.
"I'm here for you. I hope it works out, and I'm sure it will. And if not, I'll be here to help you"
"I understand you're scared, I see why you are. You dont have to tell them unless you're ready. I'm in your corner if you need me"
Motivate your friend in a good way. Dont pressure them into it, becuase it can make them anxious and stressed because they feel like they HAVE to tell their crush, and it makes it worse on them. Encourage your freind to get to know their crush. Tiny things, speaking to them. And if their scared about that, reassurance will help them. Offering advice and tips on what they could say and do will help them.
This is my last personal story to pair with this. I developed a crush on a guy. We met through a mutual freind, one who happens to be a very good friend of mine. I got his snapchat, and since then we've talked every day since. I didnt realise that I'd had feeling for him until a month into just chatting, and I started to wonder if he felt the same. The select few people i told all told me that it was possible, and they believed that all the signs he gave me were pointing towards yes, he did like me. I was still unsure, so very unsure.
My best friend is who helped me the most. I told him about a week after I found out my crush on this boy, and he was immediately supportive. He never once said to me "worst case scenario he rejects you". He told me o should talk to him more, get to know this boy and see what happened. My feelings became stronger every passing day. This boy made me so happy, and he was unlike any of my past crushes. I was so used to the guys I liked wanted nothing to do with me, or if they actually DID, it wasnt becuase of me, but because they wanted nudes. The few experiences I'd had with guys before this boy were awful. I had been talking to a guy but all he cared about was sex and nothing else and ignored me for a month, and then proceeded to ask for nudes becuase he was horny. It was very damaging for my mental state, and I was in a rough place. Id cried to my best freind, begging for him to tell me what was wrong with me. Why boys didnt reciprocate my feelings, and when they showed even the slightest of interest it was because they were horny. I felt like I would never find anyone ever.
I was scared, after developing feeling on this boy. I told my freind the same stories I've shared here. How I was terrified of being rejected. Becuase I'd gotten to know this boy and felt more for him than what freinds normally would. My best friend was so supportive, he stood by me when I would get anxious and when I would tell him my fears and doubts.
It took me 3 weeks to gett the courage to tell this boy that I liked him. The day I told him my nerves were shot, my palms were slick, but I did it. I confessed to this boy that I liked him. Funny enough, it was through a meme. It said that "I might have a big fat crush on you but I'm scared to say anything" my nerves were on fire my body was numb. It might sound like an exaggeration but this was how I was feeling. I was texting all three of my supportive freinds at once. My best freind was the first to know, he was with me through the entire time I talked to my crush. My crush had asked why I was scared to tell him, and I'd told him that I didn't want to make him uncomfortable becusse we'd grown close in the time we were talking. He reassured me that I couldnt make him uncomfortable. I'd asked how he felt about me. At this point my heart was in my throat. I watched the icon that showed he was typing and I was ready, I was ready for him to reject me, like all the boys had done before.
But he told me he felt the same. He didnt reject me. He was worried becuase we live so far apart from each other, and we werent sure how long distance would do for us, and how Covid19 would take into play. But I'd said I was up to try if he was, and he was too.
That was two months ago as of writing this. But if it wasnt for my best friend being so supportive of me, I dont think I could ever have told my boyfriend that I liked him. Even now, the concept is foreign to me. My trauma is still apparent becuase I cannot fathom how someone as amazing as him likes me back, after years of getting rejected and my mental health being damaged by the countless teasing. The first time he called me beautiful, I broke down and cried, because it felt too good to be true.
I'm sharing this, I'm sharing my experiences becuase i wanted to help people know how they could help a friend who might share similar experiences with me, get through the fear of rejection. Telling someone their worst case scenario doesnt help ease their worries. But offering your support, and reassuring them that it would be okay and that you will be there for them will.
Rejection is a part of life, and its something you cannot really control. But if the right words can help you get over your fear of it, then it does help ease the pain.
I'm not saying that all my past friends who told me rejection was my worst case scenario were trying to be malicious, they just wanted me to be happy and were excited for me. I understand that.
And if you ever were that friend who said that, it doesnt make you a bad friend. You were trying to help in your own way. But this may help for future interactions, or at least I hope it will.
You dont always know the experiences that your freinds go through, but being there and supporting them through their fears will help them, and give then confidence.
My best freind has supported me through so much, and it was him who helped me overcome one of my biggest fears.
I hope you found this extremely long PSA to be helpful and I hope I explained myself the best I could. If something is unclear to you please tell me I want to help everyone I can, because I beleive you all deserve to be happy.
And no of course you dont need a partner to be happy. You can be strong and independent in your own way and find your happiness there.
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chocojjk · 6 years
cafes and pinky promises
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summary: bff! felix → idol! felix ,,, like i said , i suck at summaries 
words: 2.8k
a/n: yall im on a roll, i really don't know why im writing so much these past few days but enjoy,, i hope
not edited, per usual
as you entered your favorite cafe, you never expected to come face to face with the boy who filled up every second of your thoughts
in fact, it was the very boy that has created so many memories with you in this same exact place
you wanted to go up to him, to see how he was doing, ask him how idol life been treating him but you found yourself glued to the floor, unable to move
every single memory with him suddenly flashing in mind
the two of you met back in middle school
it was the typical story
you were the new kid in school,
didn't have any friends,,
sat alone at lunch,,,
then one day he came up to you wearing his brightest smile, the freckles upon his cheeks shining up like the stars in the sky
“hi, im felix”
and the rest was history
you guys became the best of friends, practically glued to the hip
but let’s skip all that friendship fluff and fast forward to second year of high school
you guys have been best friends for a good four years now
one of the things that you guys love doing is going to the cafe a little out of town
the cafe had free wifi and barely any people so it became a routine to just go there after school and goof around
dont get me wrong, you guys do homework too
also like #fuckthesystem
since you guys were the smartest in your class, it never really took that long to finish homework and instead you guys would just have fun listening to music, telling bad jokes, watching a show on netflix, and sometimes even just playing rock paper and scissors
there’s never a dull moment between the two of you
honestly if it wasn’t for you and felix, the cafe would probably be out of business
even the owner knew you two
she was the sweetest old lady, always giving you guys extra cookies and letting you stay for as long as you can
she would also always joke around about how you two would make the cutest couple, comparing the two of you to her and her husband who were high school sweethearts
being young, the thought first made you wanna vomit
like ew,,, boys are gross
but as you grew older, you started seeing the boy in a different light
the small touches and the hand holding suddenly started to have meaning
everytime he laughed, it was music to your ears
his freckles became the most beautiful thing in the world, and you loved tracing each one of them
sure, you guys have had your own share of petty fights but at the end of the day it did nothing but strengthen the friendship that you two share
there were never any secrets
(((besides of course these feelings that were growing but shh we dont speak of that)))
you knew felix like the back of your hand and vice versa
and you could just see yourself spending every moment with him in the upcoming future
until of course one day,
“y/n, i need to tell you something but pinky promise you won’t get mad?”
“felix every time someone says that, people tend to be mad”
“y/n just pinky promise me you wont”
“ok, i pinky promise, now what is it??”
felix was absolutely terrified
he’s been meaning to tell you this for a while but every time he tried he just couldn't find the words to do so
and god, how he has let time pass him by
“im moving to korea”
you bursted out laughing and felix is confused as heck like?????
so ???
“seriously lix, you made me pinky promise not to be mad over a joke??”
you see, pinky promises may seem like a childish thing but it was sacred between the two of you
so when he used it over a joke, you just couldn’t help but let out a few couple giggles
however, as you turned to face him and saw the serious expression written on his face you found yourself at loss for words
“wait, are you serious?”
“wh-when are you leaving?”
“in a month”
“h-how long have you known???”
“ummmm” (´・_・`)
“Since we went to the park”
the park
you remembered that day, it was probably one of the happiest days of your life
you passed your math test with a perfect score and has just become the student body president of your class
on top of that, felix decided he wanted to treat you out for ice cream as he was proud of his best friend
what you didnt know was that this was the day that would change everything
this was the day he was scouted
the day he received the news that he was accepted as a trainee
and hes been finding a way to tell you 
but he just couldn't 
you were completely over the moon
as you guys were sitting on the swings, your hands occupied with your own ice cream cones
felix started talking about his dance team and choir class
you always knew how much he enjoyed those classes
yet as he talked about his passion, his eyes twinkling and his mouth curving into the softest smile, you truly got a grasp on how much your best friend loved music and performing
you can't help but think back to a few days ago, when your friend brought up how much your eyes sparkled talking about felix
you wondered if you looked the same as how felix looked now, talking about the things that he loved to do  
and then it hit you
you were in love with your best friend
god reader, how cliche could you be (●'◡'●)ノ♥
“felix, that was two months ago.”
to say you were mad was an understatement,, you were filled with rage
anger and disappointment all just combining into one
suddenly the future that you clearly saw vanished because every single one of those versions had the boy by your side
“im sorry”
not knowing how to respond, you started packing up your things in your backpack
felix just watching you do so, thinking of things to say to make the situation at hand better
once you stood up, he snapped out of his thoughts, worry completely washing over his eyes
“where are you going?”
“im going home.” you say emotionlessly
“let me walk you”
and that was the last of it
he tried calling you several times after that yet all he was left with was your voicemail
every time he approached you at school, you would walk the other way
every day he would show up at the cafe hoping to see your face, yet that day never came because you stopped going
you figured it’d be easier to let him go if you just stayed mad at him
you figured that your feelings would automatically go away if you replaced them with hate
but reader, you were so wrong  
the day came when he finally had to go
that day was painfully hard for you
your whole class was bidding him goodbye, and all you could do was watch from the sidelines, your pride way too high to forgive him now
no one really knew about your guys’ fall out as you found it was better to keep things to yourself than become the schools new gossip
and so when everyone started asking you how you felt, you responded with the most generic answers
“whatever makes him happy, im happy”
oh reader, you are such a liar
it wasn't until a year after, that you truly forgave him
and that was because a classmate of yours barged into the room, waving her phone around
“Guys remember felix!, well he’s an idol now!!”
as soon as you got home that day, you searched up his name, and there he was
Lee Felix
Stray Kids
and you realized how stupid you’ve been
you never even bothered asking him why he was leaving
you cried yourself to sleep that night as you look back on the wasted friendship that you threw down the drain
but you figured that there was no point in being sad over it anymore
you were done holding grudges
so the next day you went back to the cafe and binged the survival show that your best friend, well ex best friend, was in
the sweet old day was overjoyed when she saw your familiar face
she asked you where your partner in crime was and with a genuine smile you responded with “he’s out there doing bigger and greater things”
ever since then, you made the cafe a weekly trip
it hurt you to know that you spent your time resenting him so you made a pinky promise to yourself, that even if he didnt know, you would support him no matter what
you ended up buying all their albums
watching their vlives
staying up late for their debuts
hell, you've even gon to the point of making a stan account just to be be updated
which brings you to now
you knew that felix was in australia, they were having a concert here
you even got a ticket for yourself, not close enough where he could see you of course
you were still ashamed of your actions even though it’s been almost two years
so when you walked in the cafe and saw him with his 8 buds seated in your guys’ usual spot, you definitely didn't know how to react
seeming as they haven't spotted you yet, you quickly made your way out the door
however, Elise, the sweet old lady, had other plans
“y/n, honey, leaving so quickly?”
and that was when 9 heads turned to the door
all 18 eyes just looking at you
‘fuck y/n okay just act cool’
‘youre fine’
‘maybe they don't even notice you’
‘omg speak’
“y/n?” felix says, his deep voice breaking you out of your thoughts
“felix?? Hi!!!” you say, giving him the biggest fake smile ever
it’s not that you wanted to okay, it was just a very awkward situation and you have no idea how to act
‘smooth y/n, so smooth’
I swear if you could facepalm yourself, you’d be doing so with both of your hands + the hands of the 7 billion people on this earth
“uhm hi?,” he replies, obviously confused as to why you suddenly acknowledged his existence
truth to be told, he was expecting you to ignore him just like all the other times before
“well, won't you look at that, my two musketeers are back together,” Elise butts in, 
“ah, it's just like the old days, would you guys like some cookies???” she says, a soft smile on her face
“no that's okay El, im heading out soon anyways, can i just have the usual caramel macchiato?” you say quickly, ignoring the awkward tension in the air
“sure thing hon”
and as she goes to the back to make your order, you were left with the 9 boys
its now or never
“uhm, when did you get back?”
you ask, your hands automatically playing with the hem of your shirt, a clear sign that you were nervous
“im just here for the week”
“oh,,, nice”
the other boys just sitting in silence, going back and forth between the two of you
they know exactly who you are, and trust me, they arent your biggest fans
which is exactly why they chose to not break the awkward tension in the air
and you swear, you wish you can just have the earth open up and swallow you whole
“hon, heres your order!”
oh thank god,,
Elise is your savior
even though you wouldnt even be in this situation if it wasnt for her
you quickly grab your drink and make your way out,,, but not before saying
“uhm, it was nice seeing you again lix,” you say, this time, a genuine smile on your face
when felix heard the nickname that you've once given him, he couldn't believe his ears
great job reader, you’ve left him stunned
taking his silence as a response, cause youre kinda a dumbass, you nodded to him and the other boys and left the cafe
however as you made your way to your car
something clicked inside of you
fuck it
you ran back to the cafe, grabbing the door wide open at the same exact time that felix pushed it open
which caused him to stumble right on top of you, your coffee being thrown a whole meter away
at least it wasn't on your shirt
“omygod im so sorry! are you okay?” he asks, picking you up and checking you for bruises
and youve realized that he hasnt changed one bit
he’s still your best friend felix
the same felix that treats you with so much love and care
the same felix you fell in love with all those years ago
and you couldnt help but let out a tear
this worried felix even more
“what is it?? whats wrong???”
you were blown out sobbing at this point
“Im ๑•́ㅿ•̀๑) ᔆᵒʳʳᵞ ”
“im so sorry felix, i-”
your emotions not allowing you to create a single coherent sentence
but because felix still knew you like the back of his hand, he knew exactly what you were talking about
“lets go inside okay”
all you could do was nod and let him guide you to your usual spot that was now empty
grabbing a couple napkins, he wipes your tears away for you before you finally became conscious of what was happening and took control
“I didnt know you still came to this cafe?” he says, finally breaking the silence
“yeah uhm, i started coming back,”
“I-i guess i just missed you”
“I thought you hated me”
“No,” you say quickly, that was the last thing you wanted him to think
“i didnt hate you, i was just angry and sad and i acted upon those emotions. I was stupid, im sorry”
“its okay, i understand, youre not stupid y/n”
god damn it,, 
why is this guy so nice,,
“no felix, it's not okay. we were best friends, i should have talked to you. I-i shouldnt have cut you off like that especially when i didnt even give you a chance to explain yourself”
damn okay reader, admitting to your mistakes, im p r o u d
“Its all in the past now y/n”
“can you forgive me for being a bitch?” 👉👈
This got a chuckle from felix
“as long as you can forgive me for keeping a secret from you” he replies, shooting you a smile
you smile back at him
“ive forgiven you a long time ago lix”
felix has stopped malfunctioning
“ive missed you,” he says grabbing your hand from across the table and holding it the way he used to
“ive missed you too,,, so much,,, im so proud of you,”
“proud of me?”
“yeah, youve finally done what youve always dreamt of”
“you know?”
“of course i know lix, youre everywhere!”
“it kinda sucks how you know whats been going on in my life and i dont know a single clue about yours”
“I can always catch you up!” you say excitedly, but as you see the sad smile that began to etch his way onto his face, you see that that’s not the case
“busy schedule?” you question
“yeah” he replies, the grip on your hand becoming tighter, almost like he doesnt want to let go
“thats okay, im sure we’ll find some time,” you say maintaining the positive energy
right on cue, chan peeps his head in the door
“Felix we have to go now, i tried convincing them to give you more time but were already running behind schedule”
“aish” felix replies as his tears suddenly made his way down
he gets up and pulls you into a bone crushing hug as you breathe in his scent, taking it all in
“im sorry i have to go so soon”
“thats okay felix, ill always be here”
“i hope i can see you again before I leave,”
“oh dont worry, you will” you say, a big smile on your face
“what do you mean?”
“just watch out for me at the concert, yeah?”
“youre coming???!!!!??”
“yep, already got my ticket!”
and you swear youve never seen felix smile so brightly before
“you pinky promise?”
“I pinky promise.”
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nomand-berserka · 4 years
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A little openly honest abridged intro in to me and dealing with my head and my black dog.
I am the newly appointed Team Leader for West Yorkshire with the guys at Veterans Hike. @veteranshike
Ive found a love for hiking over the past few months, since this crazy lockdown here in the UK.
I have struggled a lot over the years since leaving the Army, still dont feel like I fit into the bracket called Civvie. I know that may sound a little cliche. But it is exactly what it is.
I joined the forces straight from school. There was nothing for me where I lived, and with a long proud military history in my family, I felt it's what I'd always wanted and knew in my early to mid teens, that I'd join up.
I felt I did pretty well, considering pretty much everyone I knew, thought that I wouldnt even make it past selection. Well I pissed on their parade let me tell ya.
I'm not going to go into the ins and out of my career. But the tours I did, were SFOR (peacekeeping) Bosnia 98 and Op Agricola Kosovo 99.
Now with that, I've seen some pretty fkd up stuff at the ages of 18 and 19.. But you crack on and get the job the done. Get back home and continue as normal.
Now upon leaving the Army, I felt very lost. Ended up going from job to job, due to not being able to fit in with or liking the people I worked with. Often getting pushed out because of having a different mindset... This turned into a serious dislike for people in general. There was no bond, no brotherhood, everyone out for themselves and didnt care who they fkd over to get what they wanted.
This became the time I started with the heavy drinking and the stupid violence, infact the drink and the violence became the reason I lost my family and almost ended up 6 feet under.
The violence continued, as I just hated everyone... for lots of different reasons. This then led to me serving time on a couple of occasions. But it still continued after being locked up... I didnt see it as a problem, as I just thought "I wont take peoples shit", and I'll show anyone who tries to give me shit. That it will lead to getting hurt. Jump forward to being left for dead with 2 stab wounds... Yes it got that bad. Maybe I was asking for my way out?
Jump forward a year or so of living a dark time.
Its then i got into martial arts (Muay Thai under the tutilage of master Ronnie Green 5 time world champion), a friend of mine didnt want to see me locked up again. Or with more perforations than a "Tetley Tea bag". This became my drive again, I'd found something I could focus on and put myself, my whole self into again.
First session in, I was hooked. Had my first full contact fight at just over 6 months and had plenty thereafter, still have the copy of my official invite to the 2013 world championships. This was my crowing glory moment... This is where I'd found the focus to not be that drunked violent ass hat. My fitness went through the roof and I felt good again for the first time in years
Injury got me though, put me right back to not being able to train. Even ended my career, I tried to train again, but way too soon. Causing myself more problems. Taking even longer to get back to 100%
My anger started to creep back, the bad food the drinking... and yes the violence. then jump again forward to going back to prison for a very violent episode in 2015. Where 2 people got badly hurt. I pleaded guilty. I tried to reach out for help before the day in court. But it was too little too late...
However, in prison this time in 2016 I asked for help. Where can i get it, and who can help me the most.. There was a small eager group called Care after Combat, they concentrate on helping Veterans, who are sent to prison. During and after release. (I'll go into them at a later date).
I've kept my nose clean since then, was officially Dignosed with PTSD in 2017, so done a few local therapy courses Anger Management, CBT but still no actual PTSD help as of yet. Combat Stress, I think may have forgotten about me hahaha.
But the thought of prison!!!! id rather not go back ever again. Plus I'm getting on now, and not a 25 year old dick head. Eith a chip on his shoulder about civvies anymore.
Jump forward again, to present Covid 19 times.
I'm a joiner now put myself through College 12 years ago. The outdoors have always agreed with me. But after a work accident last year in August I had 14 weeks sat at home gaining weight. Bordem drinking and eating shit and the head started to go again. But thankfully got back to work early December.
In March 2020 and we get Furloughed. For however long it may take.
So I gave myself THE talking to. Stay off the booze (well not completely hehe). Keep yourself busy. Find a focus in something, anything. Just dont he that dickhead again.
So here I am, I spend at least 3 days a week walking the Pennines and the moors between my beloved Yorkshire and the dark soggy lands of Lancahire. Its literally 20 minutes from my door to where I park the motor. My head still goes south, but more into the low mood and hating myself for allowing what I'd done in the past. I've had depression for years, but it was always over shadowed by my stupidity. So when it does that, i hit my local park and do 10 laps (8 miles) of that. Or just get my pack ready and hit the trails. Often doing around 15-20 miles.
Now I've started with a small Daystack and have started adding weight, carring 15kg. plus 3 litre camelback, food stuff and inclement weather gear. Its north of England the weather does what it wants. "If tha dunt lyk weather, jus bloody wait 20 minutes It'l change". hahaha.
Doing this has given me more drive in my fitness and massively boosted my mental state. Plus the escape from the rat race bollox that we all have to live through. More and more people have started to notice my weight loss. Down from 20 stone to just over 17 stone. Now I'm as round as I am tall, but for a fat lad I've been told I'm pretty fit... Guess all those years in the Army, years of Muay Thai and Kempo Jiu Jitsu. It must have left some form of conditioning and muscle memory. So this again boosts me. I'm now picking up the weights at home and even got a bike... so this new found fitness is a fantastic feeling again... it's not just about keeping busy anymore, it's about showing people. Who I'd alienated during all these years, that I'm not the same guy, and they are wanting to come on hikes with me now
(Its also pushed me to train for the 3 peaks... but that's another story for another time)
It's also the biggest Therapy I can give myself, sometimes I go it alone and sometimes I have company. The outdoors is literally where I feel at my easiest and most peaceful... The benefits are there for everyone who knows me, to see. Its physically demanding, but it's so peaceful. If I bump into other people, there is always a nod a smile and a "morning/afternoon" exchanged. Not all people are nob heads haha!
I cant stress enough how good it feels to keep occupied physically and mentally, buy doing something I never thought I'd do...
It's become my passion... I'm looking into longer routes all the time, and now looking at some proper outdoors gear. Better rucksack even a tent. If being up the hills for a few hours or just a day, makes me feel things are better. Then surely a couple of days and nights will be even better...Right?
I want to thank anyone who takes the time to reads this, however you see it. Be it on insta, Tumbler or FB. So cheers guys and gals.
We all have hardships, we all need that help at some point. Go out and find what makes it all better, please guys. We all deserve to smile for what ever reason.
Who knows, we may even cross trails someday. You'll always get a smile and a nod from me.
The Nomad Beserka
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verminator-rex · 5 years
Zorlon, Creed, and Elysian!
Ah, a three for one deal!
I’ll go ahead and start with Elysia since she’s one of my minor and thus more obscure OC’s, one that I intend on using again in the future.
Full Name: Elysia Opal Crane
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Not sure yet, possibly bisexual.
Pronouns: She/Her
Ethnicity/species: Dwarf, Irish American
Birthplace: I wanna say a place rather similar to Drake, though haven’t nailed it down just yet.
Birthdate: October 1st (15 years old)
Guilty Pleasures: Rom-Coms
Phobias: Arachnophobia
What They Would Be Famous For: Coming from a family of steampunks, she is a great inventor in her own right. Wanting to be in the spot light, she would likely try to invent something so awe inspiring that her story would be told for generations.
What They Would Get Arrested For: If she ever got desperate enough for fame(which I wouldn’t doubt would happen), she would steal some pretty hardcore tech or get a hold of some illegal tech.
OC You Ship Them With: Non applicable for now
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I don’t really have any OC’s that would know her that well, though let’s just say a certain reformed golem gets that idea...
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Science Fiction for sure.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliches: The stubborn leader/father who won’t listen.
Talent and/or Powers: As mentioned earlier, she is a great inventor, and has invented some pretty “out there” inventions over the years. As such, she’s very savvy on various tools and machines, particularly those most would have trouble with.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Those of like minds would like Elysia for her intellect, which pretty high to say the least, likely enough to get her out of high school early. As such, she’s actually quite poplar among snobby inventors in her own core group. Deep deep down, however, she somewhat has a low opinion on herself, mostly for when it comes to her family’s inventions. To be frank, her parents are very egotistical and usually don’t give her inventions much thought, which is what drives her to seek fame and create such gadgets. This reveals a softer side that she doesn’t show publicly, in truth all she wants is to feel appreciated.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Wanting to be all high and mighty among her peers, it’s actually quite easy for others to hate her, as she’s very condescending and and cold, often saying the most hurtful things to those she considers beneath her. Above that, she’s very underhanded and will finds creative ways to sabatoge her competition, which so far had been Em, the only dwarf so far who had ever posed any real threat to her status. Talking of which, Elysia’s also very prone to jealousy, especially among other such inventors like Em, who have invented quite a few impressive items as well.
How They Change: This is where we get into slight spoiler territory....
She won’t change a WHOLE lot, but after a series of unfortunate events, she softens up a bit and develops a bit more respect for Em over time, as she opens up to Em why she is what she is.
Why You Love Them: Needless to say, she’s not someone I’d get along with in real life. That said, I enjoy smart bully characters who attack verbally rather than physically, which in many respects is almost worse than physical bullying as they can mentally mess someone up. I also like her eventual slight change of heart. I emphasize slight as people like her don’t truly change, though it’s nice that she heads in the right direction.
Full Name:
Former name: Hectillius Fang
Current name: Creed Slitherwick
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Anthropomorphic Viper
Birthplace: Oron
Birthdate: November 20th (Age 35)
Guilty Pleasures: Newspaper comics
Phobias: No specific phobia, but he is paranoid of anyone finding out his true status as a crimelord.
What They Would Be Famous For: Here we have two sides of the same coin. On the surface, he’s already famous as Drake City’s leading philanthropist/entrepreneur. People idolize him and young kids wish one day to be him. On the other hand, in the eyes of the Undercity he’s the most infamous crimelord. Most criminals idolize him for allowing criminals free range in the Undercity, as well as Drake City depending on areas where authorities are more scarce. Those who are innocent in the Undercity despise and fear him due to his greedy nature, taking from the innocent any chance he can get and will dispose of anyone in his way.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Would you like the short list, or the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list? Honestly, he’d likely face a death penalty for stealing the petrified King and Queen alone.
OC You Ship Them With: Being an Aro-Ace, he’s not likely to get shipped anytime soon. Ha, admittedly I thought of a funny bit where Serena Snakecharmer develops a light crush on him since he complimented her hair, though that won’t be canon.
OC Most Likley To Muder Them: There is no shortage of people who would love to drive a knife through Creed’s heart. Spoiler Alert: Someone Actually Succeeds
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Mystery, horror, crime dramas
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: When people split up and get picked off during horror movies.
Talent and/or Powers: His mastermind-level intellect alone is the most dangerous trait he has, as he comes up with elaborate yet clever schemes to evade the local authorities, the royal guard, and, especially the Mysticons. Though he’d rather not get into a physical confrontation if he can help it, he’s very well versed in melee combat, as well as marksmanship with canes that have venom projectiles. He can also morph into a seemingly normal viper and evade or sneak up on his opponents, or simply to escape. Being a viper, he also has a deadly venomous bite that would end just about anyone, and will gladly do so if he feels the need rises. Perhaps his most notable talent, however, is his knowledge in criminology and business, thus learning how to use charisma to his advantage and turning every weakness into a strength.
Why Someone Might Love or Hate Them: I decided to combine these two together since, again, it’s two sides of the same coin. People would love him simply for his seemingly humanitarian life style. The naíve citizen would simply idolize him for his efforts to bring a better tomorrow for his fellow citizens.
Of course, this is all just a facade, as those who know Creed very well realize that he’s one of the most dispicable individuals out there. By name and definition, he’s a monster, having very little to no sorrow for any of the immoral deeds he commits, whether it’s stealing from those naìve enough to donate to his “fundraisers”, killing off street rats merely for getting in his way, tricking the poor unfortunate people into his debt, and perhaps his biggest crime to date, kidnapping the petrified King and Queen.
How They Change: In a way, Creed already has changed for the worst. In his youth, he simply wanted to belong into society, but was often singled out due to his father’s criminal status, to say nothing that he was a venomous species. After taking up the criminal lifestyle and becoming a prodigy, his father set him up and he ended up in prison. Since that day, Creed has learned that being as ruthless as possible was the only way to claw his way to the top.
In this day in age, he won’t ever change his ways. He’s become a negative flat character arc, rather than changing much himself, he influences/manipulates change around him for the worst.
Why You Love Them: Creed pretty much is everything I love in a villain; intelligent, sneaky, scheming, and lovably heartless (weird contradiction I know). It’s also worth noting that he didn’t start off as a monster, he was made into one, and that all comes from his upbringing and his environment.
Full Name: Zorlon Icestone
Gender: Cis Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Wizard? I’m not all too clear if that’s considered a race separate from humans or not.
Ethnicity: Caucasian American
Birthplace: An old mage temple on the outskirts of Gemina.
Birthdate: January 24th (he looks to be in his late 30’s to early 40’s, but is actually about 600 years old.)
Guilty Pleasures: Reading Harry Potter-Esque books
Phobias: Thanatophobia, more specifically he’s afraid of losing those close to him the same way he lost his wife and daughter.
What They Would Be Famous For: Being an Astromancer, thus a protector of the realm, he would easily be recognized as one of the best members in the astromancer academy.
What They Would Get Arrested For: Though he wouldn’t actively try to break the law in any shape or form, he likely would have been arrested for treason to the astromancer council if circumstances had gone differently in “Gems of The Past”
OC You Ship Them With: While I dont have another OC to ship Zorlon with, I have a confession to make. So my closest tumblr friends know I don’t actively ship characters, right? Well, I thought once or twice about shipping him with Queen Truefin, mostly for laughs but I also thought some chemistry could come out of it. I doubt it will be canon in my stories though.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: The only OC I have right now that would have intentions to murder Zorlon is Creed. However, that likely won’t happen, as both will rarely, if ever, meet.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: History, though being 600 years old he would be very nitpicky about “historical accuracy”. He also likes the occasional adventure book/movie.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Love Triangles
Talent and/or Powers: He is one of the most powerful astromancers in the realm, surpassing Nova Terron within 2 years. As such, he’s able to tap into extremely powerful magic. He’s also very well versed with melee combat with his magic staff, as years have granted him much battle experience, enabling to take down various foes. His advanced age also made him smart as a whip for anticipating his opponents attacks. Beyond that, he’s a very good teacher and is great at inspiring his students to push forward and keep on trying their hardest. Perhaps his greatest strength is his expansive knowledge and wisdom, which pretty much stands to reason given his advanced age and all that he’s seen in the world as a result.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Despite being a fierce warrior by necessity, Zorlon is a gentle soul who wants nothing more than to help those whom he can give guidance to. As such, he’s more fatherly toward his students and allows them to train at their own pace, his philosophy being that students should be allowed to grow as into their role as magic users.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: There are times when Zorlon can be strict when it comes to training, which can be off putting to some of the more brash and impulsive students assigned to him. Aside from that, most of the astromancers, Nova included, don’t get along well with him due to his ideals and his tendencies go against their wishes which tend to be sketchy at best.
How They Change: Again, in many respects, Zorlon has already changed. In his early youth, he was a rebellious teen adventurer, getting into all sorts of danger. As the years went by, he matured and became a loving husband and doting father. Upon losing his family, he entered a state of depression that seemed endless, to the point where one day he contemplated suicide, but ultimately he thought better of it. Once he met Malvaron and Tazma, he viewed it as a chance to start over, allowing him to grow more self assured yet more no nonsense as a result of his loss.
In this day in age, Zorlon is not likely to change his ways. Like Creed, he is a flat character arc, only in this case he influences positive change rather than changing much himself over the course of the series.
Why You Love Them: To this day, I consider Zorlon to be my best OC, for he’s the one I’ve dedicated the most time to developing than any other I’ve created in the past. Even if I’m tooting my own horn, what’s not to love? He’s kind, fatherly, wise, attentive, and will guide you every step of the way if you feel lost.
Phew, that kept me busy, but it was well worth my time. Thank you so much for the asks!
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