#this is a lie I changed it woops
ohno-the-sun · 1 year
Read the tags of your mermaid boy's idea/AU post.
I'm all ears, I wanna know more!! 👀 ✨
Please, tell me more, you got my attention now! ><
(only if ya wanna ofc ^^;;)
I might write a proper thing someday
For now take these pics of the boys when they got hurt by some pollution in the ocean
Man their trust in humanity probably went down significantly after this
Let’s hope they didn’t make any drastic decisions afterwards
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justauthoring · 4 months
too early.
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you wanted him to live a long life, even if that meant without you
a/n: whos ready for some angstttt woop woop!
tw: minor spoilers for the manga(?), death
pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader
“I know.”
with barely concealed tears, you glance up at him through blurred vision. your shoulders feel heavy, and your heart hurts and Gojo knows that—of course he knows. Yet, there isn’t a single thing he can do. 
He can’t change what’s happened.
“I didn't want you here.”
And he just smiles. in that way that Gojo always has. It’s bright, despite the darkness that swallows you both, and it’s genuine as his eyes sparkle down at you. He smiles even as everything hurts, even as everything else is nothing but a cold, dark space that you’ll never leave and now, neither will he.
“But I'm here.”
Biting your lip, you step towards him.
“You’re insufferable.”
“I know.”
“And annoying.”
“And you never know when to shut up.”
“But…” and he pauses for effect, face in yours so you can’t look away as his bright (and unfortunately, beautiful) eyes stare back at you with a twinkle of mischief. He’s leaning to meet your height, and he’s grinning far and wide, lips stretched out as he barely contains his own enjoyment. “You love me.”
And, regrettably, you do.
Rolling your eyes, you press a hand to his cheek, pushing him away as you groan.
“As if.”
The words are a blatant lie and both of you know that.
But you’re not ready to admit yet that your feelings for your fellow classmate are anything other than platonic. You think, maybe, hopefully, he isn’t either. 
(He isn’t).
So, you’ll continue to deny it. Feign annoyance and disgust when really your heart beats madly within your chest, showing no sign of stopping anytime soon, and your cheeks burn, dusted rose across the apples of your cheeks. It’s all there, plain to see, but you plead obliviousness and Gojo does the same.
Obliging to you, he steps back, chuckling to himself.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, more to himself than anyone. “As if.”
“Do you remember the first time we met?”
Blinking, you turn to Gojo. “You mean when you laughed at me… to my face.”
Frowning, Gojo shakes his head; “that is not what happened.”
“That is in fact what happened,” you correct, shaking your head at him. He’s sitting in front of you, sitting the wrong way on a chair as he leans on the corner of one of the legs dangerously (and you swear he will end up falling soon). You’d been trying to catch up on some homework when Gojo had found you in the empty classroom and had promptly decided you were to occupy him for the time being. 
(Geto was out on a mission).
But, he’s brought with him some candy and even if he whined every time you did, you still proceeded to invite yourself to a couple gummies every once in a while.
So, his annoyance is forgivable.
(And really, you don’t mind, if you’re being honest.)
“I introduced myself to you, you took one look at me, called me ‘weak’ and laughed.” You explain, sending him a deadpanned look.
Gojo continues to stare back at you like you’re lying (the audacity), before he blinks, as if thinking back. The grin on his face falters somewhat as the memory resurfaces, and he blinks back at you, looking oddly apologetic.
Not a look Gojo wears very often.
“Well, I take it back.”
You’re halfway through stealing one of his gummies when you pause, hand left stretched out before you as you stare back at him.
“You’re not weak,” he shrugs, “and I shouldn’t have laughed at you. Obviously, I’m still stronger than you,” you roll your eyes, “but I take it back.”
Raising a brow, you squint at him. “Are you trying to apologize?”
“The answer is yes or no, Gojo.”
It’s more honest than you’re expecting. If you’re being truthful, this whole conversation is not what you’d expected at all. 
But still, he’s apologizing, in his own way, and he seems to mean it. It didn’t really bother you all that much all that more–it was a long time ago and Gojo was just like that, though you’ll admit he’s lessened his smugness a little bit through the time you’ve known him. At least when he’s with you, he does, and he doesn’t make you feel like a infuriable piece of trash next to him, so, you know, he’s making the right steps. 
(All the right steps).
“Well,” you settle on eventually, grabbing your gummies. “Apology accepted.”
And really, his grin is bright enough to forget that his apology was pretty lousy.
“It’s not my fault you got hurt.”
Pouting, you turn away from Gojo, not wanting to look at his face currently because if you have to see his smirk one more time you swear you’re going to strangle him—
“Lift your arm,” he’s calling, a hand wrapping around your wrist to guide the motion. Your lips part at the touch, hating the flutter of nerves that hits you, letting your head rest in your other hand as you listen to him, lifting your arm, and letting him move it until it’s resting on his shoulder.
You stare back at him then.
“You should’ve let me come with you.”
Huffing, you roll your eyes. “I thought you said I’m not weak.”
“You’re not,” he says plainly, pulling at your shirt to place the bandage at your side. Your cheeks warm when you realize he’s seeing skin he’s never seen before, swallowing thickly at the feeling of his fingers ghosting across sensitive skin. It’s enough to pull goosebumps, and you hope he doesn’t notice them.
(He does).
“I’m just the strongest.”
Shoulders falling, you decide to watch him. “It’s not that bad.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“That’s why I said I should find Shoko.”
“She’s not here.”
(She is–Gojo wants to take care of you).
“Still,” you say after a moment, “it doesn’t hurt.”
He glares at you. “You were hissing not a minute ago.”
“That’s cause you pressed on it!” You argue, shifting in your seat as you ignore his heavy gaze. “You’re very heavy-handed, I’ll have you know. And no skill in cleaning wounds either. I swear, it hurts more now then it did before so–”
You stop rambling when you realize he’s finished patching the wound and is simply staring at you.
“So… yeah,” you finish lamely.
(You can’t think all that well when he looks at you like that).
“Don’t push yourself too hard,” he says after a moment. His voice is oddly serious in a way it rarely is with Gojo. Though, it feels like recently, Gojo sounds more worried and serious with you than he had before. 
You don’t want to think about what that could mean.
(You don’t want to get your hopes up).
“You shouldn’t go on missions where you’ll get hurt.”
“It’s my job, Gojo.” You remind, “I don’t have much of a choice.”
“You do,” he says sharply. “I’ll make it so.”
Licking your lip, you stare at the worry in his eyes. Gojo was very rarely expressive in his emotions and you’ve come to learn that he often hid the way he really felt; but sometimes it felt like you were the only one who really saw how he felt. Because he’d look at you like this, with a furrow in his brow and concern in his gaze and it’d leave you stunned.
Stunned in the way you couldn’t speak.
“Okay,” you whisper, forcing the words out because that’s what you settle on. That’s all you can settle on. “I won’t.”
His back is turned to you, shoulders tensed, his hands clenched by his sides. Whatever you’d been about to say dies on the tip of your tongue because what do you say?
How could you ever say something that would be enough to fix what’s happened?
But still, you want to try. You can’t just leave it alone. Not after what had happened. You couldn’t even begin to think how he must be feeling, the confusion and hurt and rage that must be flooding through him.
And if you could in any way soothe that, you had to try.
(Little did you know, you’d done just that the second you’d called for him).
“I’m…” You hesitate, stepping towards him with a hand stretched out uselessly before him. Even if you wanted to touch him, you couldn’t–not with his infinity… “I’m so sorry.”
Gojo stays still. The slight rise and fall of his shoulders as he takes even shallow breaths is the only inclination that he’s alive and breathing and listening.
“I heard about… about Geto–I was called away on a mission so I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier,” you explain, your words rambling as you try to sort through the chaos of thoughts in your mind. You’d never had to comfort Gojo before–did he even want to be comforted? Did he want to be comforted by you?
You doubted it.
(He did).
“I’m so sorry.”
And you truly are even if the words mean nothing to him. Even if he doesn’t care that you’re sorry. 
You still are.
You blink, eyes falling to your feet, and you’re starting to think you should just leave. Gojo clearly didn’t want you there or to hear you ramble, and it was silly of you to think that you of all people would be able to help someone like him. 
Then, there are arms wrapping around your shoulders and you’re pressed flush against a strong chest.
He just shakes his head, holding you tighter and understanding, you close your mouth, letting the words you’d been about to say die out. 
Because Gojo didn’t want you to speak and he surely didn’t want to either. It was easier to be silent but better to be silent with you. You made it all a little more bearable and if he was honest with himself, you always had.
He just hadn’t known how much until now.
So, instead, you let yourself ease, moving to wrap your arms around him in return, and his head is moving to cradle into the crook of your neck, his nose pressed against the skin as he lets out the faintest, softest, shuddering breath.
You move to press a hand against the back of his head, and squeeze in the hopes it helps even just a little (—it does and more).
“Can I just–fuck it.”
Before you can even realize, his lips are pressed against your own.
Warm, soft lips against yours, his hands finding purchase on your waist as you tense at the contact, stunned, your brain lagging as you try to process what’s happening. A second ago Gojo had been chatting your ear off as normal, the two of you alone in your dorm as you often found yourselves now, because Shoko rarely had time now because of her role in Jujutsu High and Geto… well, Geto just wasn’t there.
Gojo was busy too. Really busy. And you were too. Maybe not as much, but in your own way. 
Gojo made sure any free time he did have was spent with you though. You return the sentiment with ease.
It felt natural, after all.
And yeah, maybe you’d admit the two of you had been dancing around these feelings for a long time. You can’t count on both hands the amount of times Shoko has begged you to just kiss the man already if you were going to make love eyes at him all the time (her words).
There were other instances too, but they were too painful to remember.
You’d known for a long time the way you felt about Gojo, but you didn’t want to mess up what the two of you had. And that had been at first, before it had developed into this comraderie you only could find in him—and you definitely didn’t wanna mess that up by letting your emotions get in the way. So, you just… didn’t. It was comfortable, this bond the two of you had developed and the idea of losing that was too heartbreaking.
Chances were scary when it could destroy everything.
So you didn’t take any.
(Gojo was tired of not taking any).
He’s pulling back before you can move, slightly breathless as he smiles faintly down at you. “The point is to kiss me back, you know.”
And you blink, once, twice, before his words register and you gape up at him.
“I-I–!” You can’t find the words, feeling like your mind is short-circuiting as you stare up at him. Because it was so like him to be so smug when he’d just kissed you without confirming how you felt in return. It was so like him to just know that you were completely and wholeheartedly in love with him. 
(Probably because he was too).
His hands are still on your waist and he’s close, more close than he’s ever been. You can feel his breath against your cheeks, and you’re sure you’re bright red, but you don’t want to pull away and you desperately want him to kiss you back.
Reaching forward, you decide Gojo’s words are all too fitting and to fuck it—you tug at his shirt, leaning to meet his lips.
He chuckles as you do, laugh warm and husky and it makes your knees feel weak as your lips meet his once more, eyes fluttering shut.
(It was, truly, everything you’d ever dreamed about).
And as you both pull away once more, breathless, he leans his forehead against your own and you run your fingers through the hairs on the back of his neck, laughing lightly. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” you confess, turning to glance up at him.
Gojo grins; “me too.”
“So we were waiting for nothing?”
He shrugs; “guess so. But it doesn’t matter now.”
Your brows furrow, shaking your head as he shuffles closer, squeezing your hips.
“Because now I can kiss you whenever I want.”
“I’m gonna go speak to that Megumi kid tomorrow.”
Pausing at Gojo’s words, you close the book you’d been reading, shifting on the bed next to him to face him better. He’s already looking at you, tired eyes focused on your own as you nod at him. “Okay.”
“Just okay?” He asks, as if almost hesitantly. “I could end up with a kid depending on what he says.”
You nod. “I know.”
Gojo seems puzzled, head tilting as he leans over to his side rather than his back. His hand falls on your arm, grip gentle. “You’re okay with that?”
“I am,” you answer. “I want you to do what you think is right.”
“Even if it means bringing a random kid home?”
Snorting, you nod again. “Yes, Satoru. Even if it means bringing a kid home.”
“We’d have to… raise him,” he explains, the words sharp and uncomfortable on his tongue. “Or, at least, pay for him to live. Something like that.”
You laugh, reaching forward to cup his cheek. “Whatever you decide, I’m okay with.”
Gojo still seems skeptical. He eyes you like he’s sure there’s some hidden meaning behind your words or worried you might change your mind suddenly. 
(You’d decided long ago you’d follow him to the ends of the earth if that’s what he decided). 
“...You’re sure?”
Smiling, you hum; “yes.” 
“Okay…” He says slowly, eyes flickering back to you once more just to make sure.
You just giggle, leaning into him and letting your head rest on his shoulder. 
“Remember I have that mission tomorrow, too,” you remind him. “Whatever you decide, I’m okay with it but I won’t be there to help you until I come back from the mission. So, you’d be on your own with him for a while.”
Gojo guffaws next to you; “you’re acting like I’ve already decided.”
You raise a brow, glancing up at him through your lashes; “haven’t you?”
Frowning, Gojo squints down at you. “Maybe…”
Shaking your head, you just laugh. “I look forward to meeting him.”
“...Me too.” Gojo agrees, “if he wants to come.”
“He will,” you shrug. “I’m sure.”
Gojo doubts your certainty, but he doesn’t argue against it either. Instead, he shifts to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer against his side. You’ve got an early mission tomorrow, after all, and he doesn’t want to waste every last second he has with you until he’s torn apart from you for a whole weekend.
(Truly, the worst hell those higher up can subject him to).
You feel the same, of course. So you lean into him with ease, relishing in the feeling of his warmth and familiarity.
Thinking to yourself that your whole world will be different when you return—you and Gojo and a… kid.
(It’s crazy, but you still love the idea of it).
You don’t come home after that mission, though.
You don’t come home ever again.
And you don’t see Gojo until ten years later.
Setting your hands against his cheeks, you frown. 
“I wanted you to live a long life.”
Gojo shakes his head. “Wasn’t worth living without you.”
You sniffle, swallowing back the tears that just continue to fall relentlessly. It was wonderful to have Gojo in your arms once more, but… but you’d wanted him to live forever… raising the new generation of Jujutsu Sorcerers and protecting them. Live a life, even if it meant without you.
You’d been content just watching.
But he was here now, regardless, and it would be silly to deny the fact that a part of you was happy to have him with you once more even if it broke your heart all the same.
“I missed you,” Gojo whispers against the top of your head, pulling you close into a hug. He holds tight and long, savoring the fact that he can have you in his arms once again after years of being forced to live without you. “I missed you so much.”
“Me too,” you agree, pressing your face into his chest and breathing in his familiar scent. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it home.”
Gojo just shakes his head, a hand pressing to the back of yours.
“It’s okay,” he assures, “because I have you now.”
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joelscruff · 1 year
feelings on fire (joel miller x f!reader) 18+ PART FIVE
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previous chapters | kofi | i'm honestly amazed that i actually completed this chapter today; as a lot of yall know i've been dealing with a lot of shitty life stuff lately and part of me expected this to not even get posted this month. and yet!! here we are. thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and amazing, this chapter is for you and i hope you like it 💖 chapter summary: you're starting to feel a bit insecure about your relationship with joel. perhaps a late night visit to his house is what you need 👀 rating: 18+ explicit warnings: age difference (reader is in her 20s, joel in his 50s), innocent/inexperienced reader, corruption, praise kink (joel calls reader babygirl, sweetheart, etc), dirty talk, mentions of religion (reader’s family are very catholic), fingering, handjobs, comeplay word count: 9k (woops) ao3
The rest of the week goes by gruelingly slow. Joel is busy every day and has barely any time to talk, so you mainly communicate through texts. The "conversations" are slow and broken, Joel only able to text when he has a free moment, which doesn't seem to be very often. You don't talk on the phone again, as much as you want to hear his voice, and you don't sext again either. It's a bit weird, a bit confusing, but you navigate it as best you can. It's not like he's ignoring you, he always responds, but it's just not the same as that first day.
you still wanna do this, right?
You type it around midnight on Thursday, hands trembling a bit as you hover over the send button. In one way you're afraid to ask him, afraid to seem clingy or young or inexperienced; but you're all of those things. When he's actually talking to you directly there's no fear, no question about what he wants, but going so long without hearing his voice makes you more and more insecure about what exactly he's thinking.
You erase the first message and start to type another one:
i know you're busy but
You shake your head and erase that one too. This is so stupid. Of course he still wants you, you idiot.
He'd said he was okay with the lie you'd told, had even said he would actually teach you guitar now too, but you're an overthinker, always have been. You can't help but feel dread whirling around in the pit of your stomach; he wants to end it, it's too complicated now. You've turned something sexy and fun into something ridiculous and unnecessary.
You lock your phone without sending anything and roll around in bed a bit, trying to sleep. Your thoughts make it impossible though, nagging at the front of your mind worse than your parents. You sit up and slide the tip of your thumb into your mouth, biting down in thought and staring at the blank screen of your phone.
What if you just...
are you home?
He hadn't sent you anything earlier to confirm he'd gotten back; you've discovered over the past few days that contractors really like to drink after their shift. Joel's been at the bar every night since that first day, often 'til late; you have to admit, it makes you a bit jealous to imagine Joel and his contracting crew out having a great time while you're laying in your childhood bed with a curfew. Bar hopping and partying has never appealed to you before, at least not when your college friends did it, but now the thought of it doesn't seem so bad. Not if you were doing it with him...
Your phone buzzes and you feel excitement burst through you at his reply:
Got in about 10 minutes ago, didn't think you'd be up. You okay?
You soften at his concern, cheeks warming. You don't hesitate, knowing if you think too much about it you'll end up changing your mind. You type your your response and hit send before you can talk yourself out of it.
can i come over?
You stare at the screen with bated breath, watching as his typing bubble appears. It takes barely any time at all for him to reply:
Of course you can. Door's unlocked.
Sneaking out of your house is much easier than you thought it'd be. You've never done it before, had almost expected the bottom half of your house to suddenly have some kind of security system with lasers and cameras, but nope. Nothing out of the ordinary.
You're wearing one of your old nightdresses, pink and frilly; you'd opted to start wearing them again the other day, liking the way they made you feel, accentuating your legs and breasts like your old Sunday school dress. You'd changed quickly every morning before going downstairs to save your parents from the heart attacks they'd have seeing you with so little skin coverage. But there's no need to change now, not with where you're going. You yank on a jacket and sneakers and carefully open and close the front door, scurrying out into the cool night air.
Joel's house isn't far, just a street over. You try not to run, as much as you want to; you know you'll end up all sweaty and messy haired - the opposite of how you'd like to portray yourself tonight, but your skin is practically glowing with anticipation. You hold the short hem of your nightdress down as you speed walk through the dark suburban streets of your neighborhood.
Your heart starts pounding when his house comes into view; the living room window is dimly lit. You jog up the front steps and take a deep breath before turning the handle, smiling to yourself when it opens easily; he'd really left the door unlocked for you.
"Mr. Miller?" you call in a hushed tone, shutting the door behind you and turning the lock.
He emerges from the living room and you feel your eyes widen. All he's wearing is a pair of loose fitting plaid pajama pants; nothing else. No shirt, no socks, and probably no underwear. You swallow, eyes trailing up and down the naked solidness of his chest, the greying hair smattered along the skin. He's got a softness to him, a bit of a pudgy belly that makes you want to smile, but his rugged sexiness is even more apparent. His strong pecs, freckled arms, the hair trailing down his stomach and into his pajama pants... it suddenly leaves you unable to breathe or form a coherent thought.
"There's my girl," he says, voice low and husky; he must have talked a lot today, called people's names, ordered them around, "C'mere."
Your brain is still muddled and awestruck as you feel yourself rush forward, arms immediately wrapping around his bare torso. His skin is softer than you'd thought it'd be, warm under your touch as you carefully press your cheek to his chest. You feel the scratch of hair against your skin, reminding you of his age; fifty six. The thought gives you an ache between your legs.
He holds you close and rubs your back, presses a kiss to the top of your head. Your eyes flutter closed at his touch, fingers splaying across the wide span of his back. You find yourself able to breathe again, but all you inhale is his scent, fresh and masculine. It's then that you realize his skin is slightly damp, peppered here and there with little droplets of water.
"I just got out of the shower," he says quietly, answering your unspoken question, "Was about to get in bed when you texted but I figured if you were comin' over I should clean myself up a bit."
You hum against his chest, still not sure exactly what to say. The ache between your legs is growing stronger the more you stand here in his embrace; somehow you hadn't expected to feel this way just from hugging him, although you probably should have guessed.
"I wanna get in your bed," you say softly, opening your eyes again and pulling back to look at him. His expression says it all, eyes going dark as they fall to your lips.
"Then let's get in my bed," he murmurs, just as quiet.
The last time you were in Joel's bedroom there'd been more of a sense of urgency, when he'd sat with you in his lap on the edge of his bed and held you open in front of the mirror. Now things are much slower, more quiet. You slip in behind him and unzip your jacket, taking it off and hanging it carefully on the hook behind his door.
"That's pretty," he says behind you, and you feel him reach out to gently touch the pink material, hand ghosting the bare skin of your chest. Your breath hitches and he smiles, "Tiny little thing, isn't it?"
"I've had it for a long time, I thought you might like it."
"I do," he pulls you toward him, then reaches his hands up to thumb the thin straps of the nightdress. You watch with hooded eyes as he slowly pushes them off your shoulders, "I'm gonna take it off though, that okay?"
Your brow furrows; he notices your reaction and his hands freeze, "Not okay?" he asks, confused slightly.
"N-no, it's okay," you say quickly, "I just... I'm still a little self conscious."
His eyes widen slightly and he shakes his head, "You have nothin' to be self conscious about, sweetheart," he reassures you, "I wanna see you..." he pushes the straps down your shoulders and you stand there trembling slightly as he pulls the dress down, exposing your breasts to him, "There you are."
You shiver a bit under his gaze, but not out of discomfort or fear. You feel safe with him; you know he'd never do anything you didn't consent to. You're just not exactly sure what you want, what exactly you've really come here for. Before you'd left the house you'd been so afraid that he was losing interest, already getting tired of you; now he stares at you like you're some kind of rare gem, making you feel bashful and beautiful under his gaze.
"I wanna touch you," you whisper, the shakiness of your voice betraying your nervousness - or anticipation.
His hands freeze for a few seconds but he regains composure quickly, tugging the dress down further until it's cascading down your legs, putting you completely on display. He swallows audibly, taking you in. You look at his face and feel yourself pulse under his gaze, the way he's staring directly at your bare pussy.
"Let's get in bed," he murmurs, "I think there's a few things we can touch."
His words send a buzzing warmth through your body and you cross your legs unconsciously, an action that makes him smirk. You turn away from him with heat flooding your cheeks as you climb into his bed; it's large and comfortable, but you already know neither of you will be taking advantage of the big space. You sit up against his headboard and pull the duvet up over yourself, hiding your breasts from view - as if he hasn't already seen them.
"I'll keep these on" he says softly, tugging at the band of his pajama pants, "Don't worry."
Your heart leaps to your throat and you nod quickly - probably too quickly. It's not that you're scared to see him naked; you've already seen both halves now and that's taken away a lot of the fear, but the concept of being in bed together, both naked... you're not sure you're ready yet. And you're glad he understands that without you having to say it out loud.
You watch as he climbs into bed and positions himself up against the headboard like you, scooches in next to you so your sides are touching. His skin against yours is unlike anything you've felt with him up until this point; he's so warm, a firm and large presence at your side that immediately has you feeling intimidated. Your nerves are already beginning to set alight just by having him so close. You open your mouth to speak but are unable to say anything when he inches even closer, his bare waist pressing firmly against yours.
"Hey, you're okay," he breathes, reaching up to gently thumb your cheek in a calming motion, brow furrowing slightly, "You don't gotta be nervous, sweetheart, it's only me."
"I'm not nervous," you whisper back, and while you're not exactly being honest there's certainly something else you're feeling, "I'm just..." you cross your legs again under the duvet, "I'm getting really wet."
He makes an odd sound in the back of his throat that makes you smile a little, cheeks burning under his gaze. He reaches over and slowly pushes the blankets down from your loose grip, exposing you to him once again. He moves his hand down, fingertips trailing along your bare chest until carefully bringing one of your breasts into his palm and squeezing gently.
"You don't gotta hide these from me, darlin'," he murmurs, thumb dragging across your nipple, sending tingles throughout your body, "They're too pretty to stay outta sight."
You shiver when he carefully tweaks your nipple between his fingers, his gaze firmly set on his movements. You watch together as he plays with it, toys with it, rolls it between thumb and forefinger. The warm and tight feeling sends an odd tingling sensation from your breast to your pussy, like they're connected somehow.
"I'm gonna put this in my mouth," he says softly, "Suck on it a little bit, that okay?"
You can't help but feel a bit unsure, biting your lip, "Is that... does it feel good to do that?"
He nods up at you, thumbing your nipple again slowly, "Feels really good, I promise. You got a lot of nerves here, just like your pussy. Really sensitive."
Your eyes are hazy as you nod to him slowly, "Th-that sounds nice."
At your words he leans his head down and brings your nipple into his mouth, dropping his fingers and replacing his thumb with the warm suction of his lips. You gasp out in surprise, hand coming up to immediately cup the back of his head.
You've never felt anything like this; the suction of his mouth is so new and strange, that tingling sensation returning as you cross your legs tighter and whimper aloud as he sucks your nipple. His tongue is wet and warm, tracing the shape of you in little circles, while his free hand comes up to squeeze your other breast, tweak it with his fingers. Your breath begins to come out raggedly, brow furrowing and legs tightening together as he suckles.
"Oh my god," you hear yourself whimper, hand tightening in his hair, "Why does that feel so good?"
He pulls off your nipple with a quiet laugh, peering up at you, "Yeah, you like the way that feels, babygirl?"
You nod quickly, swallowing and trying to get your breath back, "Yes," you whisper, "A lot."
He smiles at that, "Then how 'bout you lay back for me?"
It's an offer that's impossible to refuse. You quickly pull yourself down from the headboard and slip beneath the covers, head coming to rest on one of his pillows. He slips under as well, then very slowly positions himself on top of you, a leg on either side of your trembling form. You look up at him with wide eyes, unsure whether you're more nervous or excited.
"You're okay," he reassures you again, inching downward a bit and pressing a few gentle kisses to your neck, "Gotta be on top to do this right, so it feels good."
You nod slowly, "I c-can feel..."
"What?" he whispers, "What do you feel?"
Your arms are loose at your sides and Joel's are pinned above you, but there's an unmistakable feeling of something prodding into your thigh, large and thick.
"Your cock," you manage to whisper, voice trembling, "I think."
"That's right," he murmurs, "It's 'cause I'm gettin' hard from suckin' you like that, touchin' you," he trails his fingers down your sides gently, making you shiver, "You like feelin' it there?"
You feel yourself slowly nodding, eyes going even more hazy and hooded, "I wanna touch it."
"I know you do," he whispers, "I want you to touch it too, sweetheart. But I'm gonna play with you a little longer," he leans his face down and licks a small stripe against your other nipple, making your hips buck, "Then I'll teach you how to touch it, that alright?"
"Yes," you breathe, "Please."
"You like when I play with you, don't you?" he murmurs against your breast, then captures your other nipple in his mouth and starts to suck.
"Y-yes," you repeat, hand coming up again to tangle in his hair, already overwhelmed by the sensation, "I missed it."
He hums, sending another cascade of tingles throughout your body. To think that less than half an hour ago you were laying in bed wondering if he still wanted you; now you're naked and he's on top of you with his mouth on your breast. How is this your life?
"What did'ya miss?" he pulls off for barely a few seconds, scruff scratching perfectly against your sensitive skin, "Tell me, babygirl, wanna know what you've been thinkin' about."
You whimper when he goes back to suckling, your fingers threading through his greying curls. It's hard to get your thoughts straight when he's making you feel like this, every tight suck and wet lick going directly to your aching core.
"J-just missed you touching me," you breathe, voice rough and wanton with pleasure, "Missed your hands on me, your fingers..."
At your words he carefully brings one of his hands downward, caressing your body gently as he goes. Your breath hitches when he swipes his middle and index finger down your wet seam, urging you to open up for him. You uncross your trembling legs, looking down to watch as he continues to suck on your breast while his fingers dip down to your wetness.
"Inside," you whisper, finishing your thought but almost giving him a command at the same time; he doesn't hesitate, immediately pushing both fingers past your entrance and slipping them inside your throbbing hole, "Fuck," you whimper, closing your eyes and throwing your head back, "Like that."
You can feel the head of his cock through his pajama pants, pulsing against your thigh, leaving a sticky spot in the fabric. The fact that he's getting hard just by doing this to you, getting wet in his own way, it just turns you on even more.
He pulls off your breast with a wet pop and tilts his head up to look at you, pressing little kisses around your nipple and then pulling himself up a bit to hover over you. You feel his clothed cock prod your lower belly and you shiver again.
"Wanted to be full again, huh?" he murmurs, eyes dark, "Missed havin' these big fingers inside you?"
You nod and tug at his curls, urging him to lean his face down toward you. He takes the hint immediately, smirking a bit before reaching down to press his lips to yours and kiss you hungrily. You sigh into his mouth, contentment and arousal flooding through you as he slowly pushes his fingers in and out of you. Your hand moves from his hair to cup his jaw, loving the feeling of his beard beneath your fingers.
"Wanna know what I missed?" he asks against your lips, voice deep and breathy, "Missed this tiny little hole, so tight, all for me," at his words he curls the tips of his fingers inside of you, making you emit a loud whimper that makes him grin, "That's right, takin' my fingers so well, angel. Bet you could take three now," you feel another one of his fingers prod you alongside his others, "You want that, babygirl? Want three of those big fingers?"
You swallow nervously but slowly nod, tugging your bottom lip into your mouth, "Yes, Mr. Miller," you whimper, "Wanna be full."
"Good girl," he murmurs, brushing his nose lightly against yours, "You're such a good girl, aren't you?"
You hear the sounds you're making but you're not quite sure where they're coming from or how you're making them; you sound pathetic and breathless as he fucks you with his fingers, teases the third at your hole and leans down to kiss you again. His tongue slips past your lips and you feel the vibration of your own moans in his mouth when his thumb gently teases your clit.
"There you go, angel," he mutters against your lips as his third finger breaches your entrance, slowly pushes past the other two, "Thaaat's it, babygirl."
You tremble underneath him, feeling your body tense up at the new intrusion. You've had three of your own fingers inside yourself, but not three of his, long and thick and so much bigger than your own. You hear your whimpers turn into cries as his fingers fill you up, your own hands coming up to grip his back, nails digging into the skin.
"Shhh," he soothes, trailing more kisses along your face in an attempt to relax you, "You're okay, sweetheart, you're okay." And you are okay, being underneath him like this, being entirely at his mercy as he pushes your limits, helps you discover something new. It burns a bit, stretches and pulls and stings, but he talks you through it, whispers reassuring words in your ear, and you know you're safe.
He stills once all three fingers are deep inside, then pulls himself up a bit to look at you, pushing a stray hair behind your ear and peering down with a soft expression despite the depraved circumstances.
"How's that feel?" he whispers, voice gentle and soothing, "Tell me."
You're still making whimpering noises, shaky and quiet, but you're able to reply with the only word you can bring to the front of your mind: "Full."
He smiles down at you, brushes his nose against yours, "You did so good, angel," he murmurs, eyes not leaving yours, "I'm prouda you."
He knows what he's doing with that phrase; immediately you feel yourself loosen beneath him, hands going slightly limp against his back. He presses a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth and slowly begins to move his fingers again, pumping them in and out at an even pace.
It's amazing. It's so different than just two fingers, so much bigger and fuller - you've never felt anything like it; something so dirty but somehow passionate and warm. He kisses you as he fucks you with them, hovering over you with his hot skin emanating onto yours, wisps of hair from his chest and stomach tickling you everywhere. He thumbs your clit again and you moan loudly against his lips, your orgasm swelling in your belly as your hands tangle in his hair and pull him closer.
"You gonna come, angel?" he asks you softly, sweetly, pulling back a bit to stare deeply into your wide eyes, "Yeah, you're gonna come on those big fingers, huh? Can feel your pussy gettin' all tight around me, she wants it so bad doesn't she?"
You moan even louder as you frantically nod, "Yes, gonna come, gonna come," you cry out, overwhelmed by the thickness of his fingers and the way he's looking at you, the way he's talking to you; everything is just him.
"That's right, give it to me, sweet girl," he urges you, plunging into you faster and faster as his thumb rotates mercilessly against your clit, "Make a mess for me, soak those fingers, there you go."
You keen, high and borderline ridiculous as you stiffen beneath him and begin to shake, pitiful sounds escaping your mouth as you come. He fucks you through it, watching your face every step of the way and not stopping his movements until you've come down completely. You lay beneath him, chest heaving and eyes closing involuntarily as he strokes your thigh tenderly, reassuringly. He keeps his fingers lodged deep inside of you, not moving but simply keeping you full as you come down from your orgasm; you find yourself hoping he doesn't pull them out just yet.
"Can I show you somethin'?" he asks softly, and you open your eyes to find him still peering down at your face. You can't speak, can only nod as you bite down on your lip and try to catch your breath, your entire brain focused solely on the way his fingers feel inside you. As if he can read your mind, he's suddenly pulling them out and bringing them up to hover between the two of you.
Your brow furrows in confusion, suddenly feeling beyond empty as you pout up at him. He just chuckles to himself, still holding his three fingers - wet and glistening - in front of you while his other hand reaches down to the waistband of his pajama pants. Your eyes go wide, lips parting a bit as you look from his face to where his hand is and back again.
Without words from either of you, he slowly reaches inside and pulls out his cock, thick and dripping. You make a weird sound in the back of your throat, sitting up slightly as you peer at it with wonder. He's showed it to you before, it's nothing new, and yet...
"That's about the same width, wouldn't you say?" he asks you quietly, bringing his dripping fingers down to his hard cock and aligning them side by side; he's right - the thickness of all three of his fingers is relatively similar to the thickness of his cock. There's certainly different aspects - the length being the main difference - but the overall width is pretty spot on.
"Y-yeah," you say softly, eyes glued to it, "Pretty close."
You watch as he carefully drags his fingers along the thick length of his cock, still soaked with your release. He spreads your juices along it with his thumb and fingers, fists it gently and very slowly fucks his fist once. Your eyes are hooded and dark, saliva beginning to pool inside your mouth for reasons you can't even begin to understand.
"You just took three fingers," he continues, thumb tracing the base of his wide tip, "So wouldn't you say that answers a question you've been worryin' your pretty little head about?"
Your eyebrows scrunch together, trying to figure out what he means. It's hard to focus on absolutely anything else when his dick is right there in front of you, practically begging to be touched, the fat head pulsing and drooling under your gaze.
"Oh, this is gonna be a problem, isn't it?" he says, amused as he continues to slowly stroke himself, "Can't even think when there's a cock in front of you, huh?"
The words snap you back to reality, but only slightly. You smile sheepishly as you will yourself to look up at his face and away from his dick, "Wh-what question, Mr. Miller?"
He chuckles, "You were afraid it wouldn't fit inside you, babygirl," he reminds you gently, "But it will, we just proved that."
Your brain slowly makes sense of what he's saying and you can't help but feel a wave of relief wash over you; he's right. It had burned a bit, been uncomfortable for a moment or two, but ultimately you'd been able to take all three and enjoy it. You feel a smile spread across your face, and you notice his eyes soften slightly as he looks at you.
"You're right," you say breathlessly, smile still wide, "I did it, didn't I?"
His expression softens even more and he smiles back at you, laughing quietly to himself. He opens his mouth to say something but then seems to think better of it, pulling one of his legs back and moving to sit beside you on the bed instead of over you. Your brow furrows a bit in confusion.
"What is it?"
He just shakes his head, still smiling softly to himself, "Nothin', you're just... you're adorable."
Your cheeks warm at that, unable to help feeling a little self conscious. Now that you've come down from your orgasm you're suddenly hyperaware of your nakedness, of the fact that he can see every inch of your body. You draw the covers up around yourself quickly, hoping he won't mind.
"Such a shy little thing," he murmurs softly, but makes no move to pull the blankets down again like he had before, just watches you with a smile as your gaze slowly falls back to where he's hard and aching.
"Can I...?" you can't bring yourself to say the words, feeling flustered and nervous at the very thought. He just nods and reaches over to touch your hand, strokes your trembling fingers in his grip.
You watch as he carefully maneuvers your hand toward his crotch and slowly places your hand on his cock. Your fingers curl around his girth almost instinctively, imitating what you've seen him do before. Your lips part, breath hitching as your skin touches his most intimate area, a place on a man you never thought you'd ever be able to feel, at least not until you were married.
It's soft. Not in terms of arousal but just in texture, a silky and smooth feeling you hadn't been expecting. You stare down at your own hand in slight awe as your thumb gently strokes along his shaft, brow furrowing at how different it is than what you'd imagined. It's surprisingly just a body part, just an extension of Joel that usually remains hidden and secret; it's not as scary or intimidating when you can touch it like this, play with it like he plays with you.
"Wow," you say softly, barely aware of it as your fist ever so slowly moves along his length, pumps him just once in that hypnotic way he'd showed you; he's still covered in your own release, wet and slippery, but somehow you don't feel grossed out by it.
"You're a natural," he replies just as quietly, and your skin heats again when you look up to see his face, see the desire and pleasure in his expression, "Don't think there's much I need to teach you, to be honest. My parts are a lot simpler than yours."
You smile to yourself and pump him slowly again, this time brushing against the wet and throbbing tip. He makes a faint grunting sound that makes your eyebrows go up.
"This part..." you say quietly, thumbing the head ever so slightly and feeling your heart race when it pulses beneath you, "It feels different?"
"Yeah," he murmurs, biting down on his lip for a moment, "That part's sensitive, kinda like your clit."
You nod slowly, pushing your thumb up a bit and slowly rotating it along the sensitive area. He inhales sharply, grunts again when you prod the spongey head with both your thumb and index finger, teasing it like he'd done with your nipple.
"Fuck," he mutters softly, voice heavy and breathless, "That's it, angel, you got it."
His praise is like a warm blanket, shrouding you in safety and comfort as you slowly pump his cock again, teasing the head intermittently and trying not to smile too much every time he makes another one of those breathy grunting sounds. You feel pride swelling in your chest, the knowledge that you're actually making him feel good pushing you to continue on.
"What about these?" you ask softly, stilling your hand on his cock for a moment to gesture toward his balls, round and heavy beneath the base, "Does it....do they feel good when they get touched, too?"
"Yeah," he murmurs, voice dark and full of arousal, "They do."
"Can I touch them?"
The sound that emits from his throat sounds almost like a growl, low and husky, "Yes," he groans, "Go ahead and touch 'em, sweetheart."
The tone of his voice is slightly desperate, bordering on depraved. Your eyes travel back up to his face and his jaw is slack, eyes hooded as he watches you touch him. You've never seen him like this, almost completely wrecked by something you did.
"Gotta be real gentle," he continues, taking a breath through his nostrils and reaching down to pull his pajama pants down a bit more for easier access, "They're sensitive too."
You resume your slow pumping of his cock with one hand while your other reaches down to lightly trail the tips of your fingers along the shape of his balls, round and tender. You cup them gently, teasing them one by one in your palm. He hisses in pleasure, eyes shutting tightly as he leans back a bit against the headboard.
"Feel good?" you whisper, trying your best to fall into the role Joel usually takes on, the role of the person giving the pleasure.
"Yes, baby," he groans, pressing the backs of his hands against his shut eyes, "Yes, feels so good, sweetheart."
Your pumping gets a bit faster, a bit wetter as precum continues to drool from the tip and down his shaft. It's unbelievable that you're really sitting here in a man's bed, a man about thirty years older than you, pumping his cock and making him come apart like this. You can feel yourself throbbing beneath the blankets, getting wet all over again at the reality of the situation, and when your movements cause the blankets to fall from your chest and expose your breasts again, you don't bother trying to cover up.
Joel groans at the sight, reaching over to tweak one of your nipples between his fingers, making you whimper, "You know what happens when a man comes?" he asks you suddenly, brow furrowing in pleasure, "You learn about that in school?"
You nod quickly, feeling sweat trickle down your face as you continue to stroke him up and down, "Yes," you whisper, "I know what happens."
He groans again, swallowing thickly and taking a deep breath as he begins to palm your breasts, "I'm about to come, darlin'. There's gonna be a lot, need to know where to aim it."
You bite down on your lip, trying to keep all your focus on making him feel good and not on the hands now squeezing your breasts, teasing your nipples. "Wh-where do you want it to go?" But you already know the answer.
"Here," he grunts, thumbing your hard nipples, "These. Wanna come all over these pretty tits, sweetheart, will you let me?"
You nod, "Y-yes, Mr. Miller."
It's everything he needs to suddenly pull himself up from the bed and pull your hands off him, gesturing for you to lie back against his pillows. Your heart races in anticipation, eyes going wide and lips parting again as he leans over you and starts to jack his cock, fast and unrelenting. This is what he'd done the other night, when you'd talked on the phone; you'd tried to imagine what he'd looked like, making his own mess... now you're about to find out.
"Stay just like that, babygirl, just like that," he grunts out, pumping himself over and over as he aims the tip toward your bare breasts, swollen from all the attention he's given them tonight. His expression is tense and so is his body, soft stomach suddenly taut with pressure, chest heaving as he works his hand. He looks almost pained, brows scrunched together as he pulls himself over the edge.
"Come," you find yourself saying quietly, a shaky whimper playing at the edge of your voice, "Come for me."
Within seconds of your words your skin is hit with long ropes of a warm, white liquid, splattering across your breasts in uneven patterns. You watch with hooded eyes as Joel slows his strokes, groans louder than he has all night as his release spurts continuously from the head of his cock, painting you all over. His tense expression eases into one of pure bliss as he tosses his head back again, moaning up at the ceiling.
Without asking for permission, without even questioning whether it's proper sex etiquette to do so, you find your hand travelling quickly downward to your wet pussy. You frantically begin to rub your clit, still gazing up at Joel's pleasured form, feeling his come slipping down the sides of your breasts onto the sheets below. You throb and pulse beneath your fingers, whining softly to yourself as your body readies itself for your second orgasm.
Joel looks down at you then, cock still in hand, slowly beginning to soften. He sees what you're doing immediately, and the devilish smirk that crosses his face is enough to send you over the edge.
"Fuuuuck," you moan out as you come, trembling in the sheets and curling your toes in pleasure, "Mmmm," you squirm and writhe beneath his gaze until it's over, then lay still and loose on the bed with barely any thoughts floating through your mind.
The room is filled with the sounds of heavy breathing, both of you coming down from your orgasms and trying to collect yourselves. You can't help but look down at your chest, see the thick patches of come splattered all over your breasts, your nipples. How all of that could come from one person is wild to you; this certainly hadn't been taught in any of your health classes.
The memory of being so naïve, so innocent... it makes you grin. Because you couldn't be further from that person anymore, the one who did everything that was asked of her, never listened to her own heart, stayed on the sidelines and focused on math and extracurriculars and God while other people had these experiences. And now here you are - actually having them.
"I guess I'm not a good little Christian girl anymore," you find yourself saying with a shaky giggle; you suddenly feel reinvigorated, sexually liberated... free.
Joel laughs at that, breathless and genuine. He grins down at you, releases his cock and shuffles downward to lay beside you, "You're my good little Christian girl," he says softly, bringing a hand up to cradle your face, "You did so good."
"Did I?" you ask sincerely, "Be honest, I wanna know."
He just smiles and thumbs your cheek, eyes going crinkly, "You were perfect, babygirl, I swear." He leans forward and kisses you gently, sweetly, like you both didn't just do something completely filthy and depraved - but you're starting to realize that maybe it's normal to do things like this, not as taboo and sinful as you'd always thought.
When you part, you're suddenly painfully aware of the state of the bed, not to mention both of your bodies. You're both covered in a sheen of sweat, you've got come dripping down your skin, and both fluids are already beginning to stain the bedsheets. You make a face.
"Can we...can we change the sheets? And can I maybe take a shower?"
Joel chuckles at that, stroking your cheek one last time before pulling back to extricate himself from the bed, "I'll change 'em, sweetheart. You go get in the shower, it's right across the hall."
You slip out of bed on shaky legs, losing your balance a bit and having to grab on to Joel's bed side table for support. You both laugh, and you find comfort in the casual intimacy of it all - both of you standing there naked without any shame or embarrassment. It's strange and new but so refreshing, that familiar safe feeling warming your skin as you make your way to the bathroom. You pick up your discarded nightdress as you go.
You stare at yourself in Joel's bathroom mirror for a bit longer than necessary, eyes wide as they trail up and down your bare form. Splotches cover different parts of your skin, especially your breasts, nipples swollen and dark, not to mention covered in come. You feel an ache between your legs again at the sight and almost roll your eyes at yourself - when will you stop being this insatiable?
Unable to push down the urge to do so, you carefully drag one of your fingers through the layer of white splattered across your chest, fascinated by its sticky texture. He'd marked you, in more ways than one.
The shower is pleasant and relatively quick; you want to get back in Joel's arms as soon as possible. You try not to think too much about the implication of that desire, the safety you feel when you're with him versus the anxiety you feel when you're not and what exactly that means. You try to remind yourself of your roommates and their experiences, their ability to sleep around without catching feelings or getting attached. How do they do it? How do they do it when being close to another person like this is so intimate and special?
You change back into the nightdress after your shower and slip back into Joel's room, finding him laying in the freshly made bed beneath a new duvet. For a moment you think he might be sleeping, quietly shutting the door behind you and tiptoeing over to the bed. However when you get close enough he opens his eyes and looks at you, a sleepy smile spreading across his face.
"Hey there," he murmurs, reaching down to pull back the blankets on the other side - your side, "Get on in."
Your heart pounds harder than it probably should.
Climbing into bed beside Joel feels surprisingly normal, easy. You wriggle underneath the duvet and cuddle in beside him, immediately wrapping an arm around his solid form and nuzzling your head against his shoulder. He's wearing his pajama pants again but his torso is still bare, the hair on his chest tickling your skin. You feel him press a soft kiss to your hairline and you can't help but smile.
"I'm glad I came over," you whisper with a content sigh, "I was... I was starting to worry you didn't want me."
"Really?" he asks softly, brow furrowing, "Why's that?"
You shake your head and nuzzle in deeper, "Just me being self conscious and insecure, as usual."
His hand comes up to rub your back soothingly, circling it with his palm through your thin nightdress. He pulls you in a bit closer, kisses your forehead again with a bit more firmness.
"It's normal to feel that way," he murmurs against your skin, "But I do want you, babygirl. You're all I think about lately, I mean that." You shiver at his words, closing your eyes and willing yourself to believe that he really does mean them like he says. "Most beautiful little thing I've had in my bed for a long time."
You press a gentle kiss to his collarbone in response, nose trailing along the skin. He didn't shower but you're sort of glad he didn't; he still smells like sex, a deep masculine musk that you can only attribute to him now, a scent that makes you feel safe.
"I just feel bad...making us sneak around and all that," you admit, "I know it's childish and silly, but I'm so scared of disappointing my parents. I shouldn't be but I am."
"You're young," he says softly, tenderly, "That kinda stuff still matters, especially when you're livin' with them. I get it, honey. You don't have to defend yourself."
You grimace against his skin, "I just wish this could be more normal. That you could just be a guy I'm seeing instead of my guitar teacher," you shake your head, "It's not fair."
He pulls you in even closer with a soft chuckle, "Well, if it's any consolation, I'm lookin' forward to teachin' you how to play."
You make a face, "Hymns," you say with a roll of your eyes, "You're teaching me how to play hymns. I don't see anything exciting or sexy about that."
"We'll make it sexy," he murmurs, inching his face downward so it's more level with yours, eyes casting down to your lips, "Thought you were my good little Christian girl."
All thoughts suddenly seem arbitrary when he's looking at you like that, your gaze immediately going hazy as he leans in and kisses you deep, pushes his tongue inside your mouth softly and tastes you. You hum against his mouth as a response, thighs tightening together as if on instinct the second you feel yourself begin to throb again.
"Are you?" he asks huskily when he pulls away, eyes dark but tired, "Are you my good little Christian girl, baby?"
You nod, swallowing down your arousal, "Yes, Mr. Miller."
"You gonna let me touch you while I teach you guitar?"
You nod again, biting back a whimper, "Yes, Mr. Miller."
His eyes dart back down to your lips, hand on your back traveling downward to cup your bare ass beneath the nightdress, "You gonna let me fuck that soft little pussy while you play one of your hymns?"
"Yes, Mr. Miller," you repeat, leaning forward to bury your face in his warm skin and inhale him again, moan softly against the hair on his chest, "Yes."
He squeezes your ass for a moment and then brings his hand back up, pulls you to him and wraps his arms around you tightly, "See, babygirl?" he whispers, "Told you we'll make it sexy."
Joel's alarm wakes you around six, rousing you from one of the best sleeps of your life. You open your eyes groggily, feeling him lean over you in bed to turn it off, warm chest brushing your arm. You roll over in bed and cuddle into him again, humming sleepily to yourself when he pulls you in close.
"I gotta get ready for work," he murmurs gently into your hair, "Go back to sleep, I'll wake you when it's time to go."
You frown sleepily but don't have the energy to protest, eyes closing again as you melt back into his pillow. You feel him release you from his embrace and press a kiss to your forehead, a simple reminder that this isn't some dream you're having, it's somehow reality. You smile and fall asleep again within seconds.
He wakes you up again after about half an hour, seats himself on the edge of his bed and strokes your hair. You peer up at him with a sleepy and satisfied expression, unable to stop the words that fall immediately from your lips:
"Kiss me."
He doesn't need convincing, still thumbing your hair behind your ear as he leans down and kisses you softly, bumps your nose against his and lets your tongue lazily explore his mouth, tasting mouthwash. You sigh contentedly, pulling back to smile at him while he strokes your cheek.
"Sleep good?" he asks you softly.
You nod, remembering the closeness the two of you had shared all night, the soft hugs and tender cuddles, the quiet intimacy you've never experienced with anyone else. "Amazing," you whisper.
He kisses you again before you get out of bed, then takes your hand as he leads you downstairs. You grab your jacket on the way out of his bedroom, still hanging on the back of his door. You look down at yourself as you both reach the top of the stairs, realizing there's no way you'll be able to walk home in an outfit like this without certainly being accosted by a nosy neighbor.
You push down your worry when you reach the kitchen, unable to stop the grin from spreading across your face when you see that the kitchen table is set with breakfast; scrambled eggs and bacon.
"You made me breakfast?" you ask in awe, looking from the food to Joel and back again.
He laughs, walking over to the coffee pot and pouring himself a cup, "I did," he says with a smile, "And as much as I'd love for us to just sit and enjoy it," he looks down at his watch with a grimace as he takes a sip of coffee, "we have about ten minutes before I gotta drive you home and then get to work."
You sit down at the table, picking up your fork and immediately digging into the eggs, "You're gonna drive me home?"
He seats himself across from you, watching you enjoy what he'd cooked with a fond smile, "Can't have you walkin' home in that tiny little thing, can I?" he says teasingly, "Your parents would wring my neck."
You groan, "Oh god, please don't even joke about that. If they knew..."
He just chuckles and starts to eat, looking up every now and then to give you one of those crinkly-eyed crooked smiles that makes you weak. You smile through mouthfuls of food and feel your skin alight every time you feel his gaze on you.
"I don't usually eat this fast, I promise," you say through a mouthful of bacon, covering your mouth, "It's only 'cause we're on a time crunch."
He shakes his head, still smiling, "You're so damn cute."
You try your hardest not to reach across the table and pull him toward you for a kiss.
The drive from his house to yours is extremely short, no less than two minutes. Still, you enjoy the short time you spend in his truck, his big hand spread out on your bare thigh while he hums along to a tune on the radio and gives you soft little sideways glances that makes your heart flutter. You can't help but feel like someone else when you're with him, someone more carefree and outgoing, happier and more experienced. It's only when you slowly near your house that you realize maybe this person is who you really are.
"Stop here," you tell Joel with a grimace, still a few houses away, "My parents are still home."
"How're you gonna get in?" he asks with an edge of concern to his voice, eyeing your house, "Think you can climb the fence?"
You bite your lip, "Probably. I've never done it before but I don't have much choice," you lean your head against the backrest in irritation, "God, why did I choose now to rebel? I coulda learned how to do all this shit when I was a kid if I hadn't been so obsessed with being perfect."
He gives you a sympathetic look, thumb stroking your thigh reassuringly, "I'll stay right here 'til you're inside."
You yearn to lean over the small space between you and kiss him, but you know there's always a risk of a neighbor coming out of their house and seeing you. Instead, you place your hand atop the one on your thigh and squeeze his fingers gently, giving him a small smile.
"I had a really nice night," you say quietly, unsure how exactly this kind of thing is done, "And morning."
"So did I, sweetheart," he replies, voice tender, "We'll do it again, promise."
With one final squeeze of his hand you slip out of his truck, tying your jacket around your waist to cover up your legs a bit. It leaves your upper half more exposed than you'd like, your eyes going wide when you realize how much cleavage this nightdress really shows.
"Here," Joel says, understanding your reaction immediately, "Wear this on top." Without giving you any time to protest he's unbuckling himself to undo his plaid button down, shirking it off his shoulders and handing it to you. It leaves him in a t-shirt and jeans, your eyes trailing to his strong arms without meaning to, the arms that had held you close all night.
"Thank you," you murmur, brow furrowing a bit, "You're sure?"
He smiles crookedly and buckles up again, "I'm sure, angel. You keep that."
Your heart flutters as you wrap his shirt around you, slipping your arms into the much too long sleeves and inhaling the scent of him - your new favorite smell - surrounding you. You're never getting rid of this. Ever.
With a wave you hurry down the sidewalk, feeling slightly ridiculous in your layered and baggy outfit but relieved that you're covered up. You eye the tall white fence of your backyard, trying to formulate a plan in your head as you go. Hop the fence, get a ladder from the tool shed and climb up to your bedroom? But did you even leave your window open? You can't help but feel rage in your chest for your parents rules, the curfew, all the nonsense you've been living with for your entire life. Why the fuck don't you have a fucking key to your own fucking house?
You can feel Joel's eyes on you when you reach the fence, still sitting in his truck a few houses down.
Please, God, you think to yourself as you slip one of your sneakers in between the fence posts and yank yourself up, I know I've sinned. I know I'm a mess. And I'm not even sure I really believe in you anymore. But please, if you're there, don't let me make a fool of myself in front of Joel Miller.
Surprisingly, your prayer seems to work. Climbing up the fence is relatively easy; you keep an eye out for your neighbors as you quickly pull yourself over and flop down on the other side, extremely grateful that neither your jacket nor Joel's shirt gets caught on anything. You hurry to the tool shed, eyeing your bedroom window as you go and feeling beyond relieved when you see that it's wide open; God bless Texan summers.
You decide to wait inside the tool shed until your parents are gone, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself with the ladder. You close the door behind you and sink to the concrete floor, heart pounding in your chest as the reality of what you've just done overwhelms you.
You snuck out to see a man. You slept in his bed. He drove you home so you could sneak back in.
Quiet laughter fills the tool shed, all coming from your own mouth. You grin to yourself and shake your head in the darkness, leaning back against the door and closing your eyes. Who are you? Who is this new person you've become? You don't know, but you love her.
You find yourself pulling your phone out of your jacket pocket and typing out a new message, but this time it's not to Joel - it's to your friends from college:
i think i'm officially a bad girl.
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Nightmare? Dream? Fuck that I choose Error
Swap's smarter. Better. Stronger.
But they don't need to know.
Until he's fed up and bored at least.
Inspired by https://archiveofourown.org/works/49249111 By https://archiveofourown.org/users/ReikoNatsume/pseuds/ReikoNatsume
Swap wasn't like them.
Hell, even the Bad Sanses.
He was smarter.
That's why he walked the halls of both places without the other even batting an eye.
That's how he always does things.
He'll win no matter the cost.
Win what you may ask?
Attention, excitement, entertainment.
The multiverse is his playground, and he was gonna put it in its place.
Per usual, Swap was walking down the winding halls of Ink's forever changing house in the Doodle Sphere with no intent other than to ame the halls with boredom heavy in his eyes and soul. He walked for about a mile before ending up right where he began, just to see the path had changed again, he almost liked the ever changing nature of the Doodle Sphere, it calmed him in a strange sense.
"Oh! There you are Swap!" Ink giggles and runs over to him.
"Hi Ink! What's up?" Swap asks, mentally sighing at how strained he sounded. Ink didn't seem to notice of care though.
"Well, I was looking for you but you disappeared again! I don't understand how you know this place better than me, you walk around and just find the exact place you want to go!" Ink pouts, "It's absolutely no fair."
Swap laughs slightly, and then pats Ink's head a little. "I have just as much trouble, I just don't care where I'm going most of the time."
"UGHHH It's so annoying-" Ink seems to remember something and he ruffles through his scarf to find it. "Aha! I wanted to ask you how it went at Nightmare's?"
"I haven't gone yet Ink, he expects me there in..." Swap looks at the time and realizes he lost track when wandering. "Oh! Ten minutes from now, I guess it's a good thing you found me because I totally would've just kept wandering."
"Jeez, that could have been bad- Anyway are you sure you don't need help figuring out what to tell them? You always make it up on the spot and I imagine that can be scary..." Ink says, Swap had been spying for The Stars for a while now.
When Nightmare came up to ask him to spy for him in the Stars he told Ink and Dream, he quickly thought about how easy this would make everything for him.
So now he's 'spying' for both sides, Ink and Dream have no idea how he does it without getting caught and how quickly he gained Nightmare's trust is startling.
"Uhh, well I don't make it up on the spot, I have a very complicated system in my head that'll give them some information that is correct but a leave out parts of our plans that make it look like I had no idea about it and you or Dream are just acting impulsively." Swap sighs slightly, "It is a little stressful but it's really easy to lie to someone who thinks both of you are so incredibly stupid."
"Oh! Huh, I guess that makes sense. ... Actually! That's really smart! So they'll expect things to go one way while you still are trusted!"
"Yeah! Exactly, but I should get going now, Nightmare hates tardiness."
"Oh, alright! Be careful!"
Swap waved his goodbyes to Ink and climbed through a portal, Ink startles as he isn't used to Swap using portals to get around.
Sure was good that Nightmare taught him how though.
Swap enters the almost baren AU that the Bad Sanses reside in. It is covered in forest and at the center of it is a large castle where Nightmare's office is located, and it's where he's supposed to be three minutes from now.
He really needs to manage his time better.
Swap begins to sprint down the the trail that leads to gigantic and terrifying castle that the Bas Sanses call home, then he realizes he could just teleport.
I guess this is why Error calls him so many names.
catches his breath instead of spriting there and teleports outside of the office with a minute to spare, then decides it would be funny to bust in there at the very last moment, even if it costs him his life.
Right when the clock turns he shoves the door of Nightmare's office open, not realizing Cross trying not to laugh at him from around a corner.
Cross was pretty sure Nightmare was gonna kill Swap and Swap could have easily prevented it and just not stood in front of his door until the last second.
Luckily for Swap, he survived.
"... Hello Swap." Nightmare says, Killer was standing next to him with his usual pissy smile.
"You sure came in at the last moment." Killer says, his smile only growing more manic by the second.
"... I suppose." I say, as I have to be careful around someone as unpredictable as Killer.
Nightmare lets out a sigh, "Your report of what has happened with the Stars?" He says, going straight to the point.
"Something big is happening, I almost considered coming here sooner because of it." Swap says, weaving a lie so easily not even Nightmare would be able to tell. "I decided it would be okay to wait though... Nightmare, Dream plans to turn the tides of the war completely using this new AU, it was named a copy of Haventale and it's copy code is HGRJ3792. Haventale copies usually give large amounts of positivity anyway, but this copy seems to be different. It's inhabitants seem to have no emotion whatsoever, so when Dream went to scope it out his positivity gave them emotions that they have never felt before and they came to consider him a biblical God. Ink decided he wanted to milk this and turn things there way by using the inhabitants as missionaries, this will not only make the multiverse view Dream as all knowing but will completely drown out any other Gods of the multiverse, as if Dream was the main and most powerful. This would make it so much easier to spread positivity but also to make you look completely irrelevant."
Nightmare's face as Swap said this was absolutely priceless, even Killer seemed a little startled.
"... And how do you suggest we prevent this...?" Nightmare asks.
"Well, the plan has not yet been set into motion due to Dream's reluctance to use others for his own benefit, but Ink is utterly thrilled about this and I'm certain even if Dream refuses Ink will go behind his back and make it a reality. So simply you just need to eradicate the universe, these people are dangerous though, they've gotten a taste of freedom and would die for it." Swap says, Nightmare's shoulders untense slightly at the easy solution.
"Good, it seems you've thought a lot about this." Nightmare starts. "But won't Dream and especially Ink not only notice what we're doing and try to stop us, plus this will put you in a bad position?"
"Hm, well, quite simply I'll be fine, Dream and Ink suspect nothing of me. But it'll be hard to prevent them from attempting to stop you." Swap states then pauses. "I don't suppose I could make a distraction hm? It's quite easy to pull Ink's attention away from things... besides..." Swap smiles in a uncanny way that Nightmare blinks at, it slightly surprising him. "I have the perfect thing~"
"Well then," Nightmare smiles evilly, I suppose we'll need to set a date then."
Swap smiles as he leaves through his portal, it startles Nightmare slightly and it annoys him that Ink and Dream are just going all willy nilly and teaching everyone to use portals, it sure worked out for him in this case though.
Dream greets Swap as he gets back, and Swap realizes his still is doing the evil smile thing an laughs slightly.
"Hi Dream! I can't help but get into character when I'm over there." Swap says rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh it's fine! I'm just glad you're okay, I always get worried when you go there..." Dream says.
"Nope! Perfectly fine here! There is a BIG problem though!" Swap says, flinging his arms out to insinuate how bad it is.
"O- Oh? What is it?" Dream asks nervously.
"It's pretty bad, where's Ink?" Swap asks.
"He's over here." Dream says, grabbing Swap's arm and pulling him into the living room.
"Oh! Swap, you're back!" Ink says jumping to his feet.
"Yep! And Nightmare is planning something BIG!"
"Uh oh, what is it?" Ink asks, sitting back and down, he is quickly followed by Dream and Swap.
"Nightmare is planning a big attack on a Haventale AU copy, normally this would be mostly fine but this is a special Haventale. It's the communication hub for all Haventale's and Haventale has always been a big source of positivity right? So they plan to send a message to a bunch of Haventale copies that have contact with them and basically scare them ALL."
"What?!" Ink and Dream both say.
"I- I wasn't even aware that was a thing." Dream says.
"Me neither! But it's actually real I checked just to make sure." Swap says, he CAN'T let this plan fail, not after all his hard work.
"Well, do you know when?" Ink asks.
"Yes actually!"
Today was the day, Swap COULDN'T mess this up, he was counting on him.
He had gotten the message from Nightmare that they were leaving, Swap NEEDED Ink and Dream to be there NOW.
He rushed down the hall and into the living room where Ink and Dream were getting ready.
"We need to go NOW!" Swap says, and opens a portal to HGRJ3792.
Ink and Dream pile themselves into it, expecting nothing.
The Bad Sanses find themselves in an AU covered in forest.
"We just need to find where they're residing and destroy every last one, we should have a lot of time, Swap seemed very confident." Nightmare says, but Cross can't help but feel a lump him his throat, something was off.
They walked for a while until they heard feet pattering on the forest ground, someone was there.
"It smells like it's just two of them... I think we can take them..." Horror grumbles.
Nightmare was about to respond but the two forms leap out from the bushes with their weapons pointed at them.
"Nightmare! Stop this madness!" Dream yells.
Ink is standing with his Brush out next to him.
"What in the world?!" Nightmare hisses. "Is this some sort of set up?!"
"No? You were going to try to destroy this communication AU!" Ink yells.
"Communication AU?" Cross mumbles, startled.
"Yeah! You aren't going to spread negativity this way!" Ink says.
"You're trying to manipulate monsters into thinking you're their savior!" A pissed Dust yells.
"What... are you talking about...?" Dream asks lowering his weapon a little.
"What are you talking about?!" Killer yells.
"But... Swap said..." Ink mumbles.
"Boss.. do you think..?" Cross asks wide eyed.
"We've both been played..." Nightmare says in amazement, Swap had been tricking BOTH of their sides... but why?
"But- but-" Dream looks around. "Hey... where did Swap go?!"
"He tricked us both Dream, it's quite impressive.."
"NO! Swap would NEVER!" Ink says.
"Swap agreed to spy for me already behind your backs." Nightmare says.
"We knew about that! He didn't betray us, he spun the truth around to make it so he could lie to you while making it look like I was just changing plans!" Ink yells.
"Yet he's gone, and he lied, I don't feel any other lifeforms in this universe now that I've checked." Nightmare says. "You have to at least consider-" Nightmare was interrupted by a certain glitch.
"ThAt YoU'vE bEeN pLaYeD bItCh." Error laughs and everyone looks up in horror to see the God of Destruction with Swap holding on to his arm and giggling. "YoU sTuPiD fUcKs JuSt LiStEnEd ExAcTlY tO BeRrY wItHoUt EvEn BaTtInG aN EyE."
"Swap! I don't know what Error told you but it isn't true!" Ink attempts.
Swap giggles and hopped off the big branch he and Error were standing on to look cool.
"I've been working with Error this entire time silly! It's been fun messing with you though!" Swap says. "You made it SOOO easy, all I had to do is pull the innocent card and everyone just fell into my hands like putty!"
"No..." Dream whispered.
"Yep! I could control EXACTLY what you guys did and where you went! All had to do was make up some stories and have them so you guys collide while Error was busy at work!" Swap says.
"Doing what exactly...?" Cross slowly asks.
"Oh I an SO glad you asked, I distracted you so Error could easily keep the balance that you all keep destroying! It's a hard job for just one monster!" Swap can barely contain his excitement and Error's smile reflected just how much apricates Swap, even if it wasn't obvious to anyone there. "So, I guess you're wondering why we brought you here! Well, you guys have recently REALLY fucking up the balance, so you have two choices! This war ends right here and now by YOUR choice or by ours!"
"What are you talking about?!" Ink yells, his eyes darting back and forth from Error and Swap.
"Well, you dumbass's destroying things with your back and forth, so it's simple! No more trying to make more positivity and no more trying to make more negativity, also Ink, you need to stop making so many AUs and instead just let the multiverse take care of it." Swap says.
"So... you want us to have a... truce?" Cross asks.
"Exactly! I knew I liked you Cross." Swap says and Cross flushes in embarrassment, he isn't used to complement's at ALL.
"What are you going to do if we don't?" Dust asks.
"Kill you." Swap answered short and bittersweet.
Error snickers from up on his branch and jumps down.
"YoU fIlThY gLiTcHeS sHoUlD bE GlAd YoU HaVe BeRrY hErE pRoTeCtInG yOu, I wOuLd'Ve JuSt KiLlEd You." He says.
"It's your choice." Swap smiles in a controlling way, a way that you know that you better do what he says or he'll hurt you. badly.
Everyone looks around and then all come to an easy decision.
"I think we choose to live." Nightmare says, normally if it was just Swap saying this he'd laugh and laugh and laugh, but Error being in the mix meant that his words actually meant something, Error could easily kill all of them.
Dream and Ink nod.
"Good! I'm glad we could come to a decision as adults here." Swap smiles as Error wraps his arm around his waist and pulls him in for a kiss.
They loved each other and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
And that was exactly how they liked it.
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csvent-2 · 4 months
Frustrating seeing Succubun mods keep lying that the site take down was some "bad faith attack/grief attempt" when we have all the emails and proof it was their site domain taking them down for violating labor laws. They're so LUCKY that someone messaged the site domain for employment clarification in good faith because they could have EASILY been reported federally instead.
They could have feasibly told the truth too! Just said "oh woops, we changed the language of the work we promise, it doesnt technically fulfill all the requirements of employment" and simply explain it as an innocent misuse of language
Pure speculation, but the only reason I could imagine they would lie, is because the mods are still lying to their "employees" that they're "employed" to whatever way that benefits the mods.
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asterkiss · 6 months
ello, dear fellow!
you please mind doing fake dating prompt 3?? thank you lots!
Woops, forgot about this. Also had an anon askign for this prompt as well so here we go:
Sequel to Homecoming. Still a high school AU.
The homecoming party had gone off without a hitch - or actually, no, that was a lie. There had been at least six hitches, with the last one being Mabel spilling the punch bowl all over her dress and the floor.
But most people seemed to believe she and Bill were dating at least, and it had been worth it to see the look on Pacifica's face as she danced with her hot date.
And, as keen as Mabel was to get changed out of the stained and damp dress she couldn't pass up when they were invited to an after party by the popular kids.
But Pacifica seemed to still have it out for her, and had led the groups crusade in shoving the couple into a closet for Seven Minutes in Heaven. Was this to test if they were really dating? A tube of lipstick had been shoved into Mabel's hand last second before the door was slammed shut.
It was dark, with only a thin sliver of light filtering in through a gap in the doorway over one side of her face.
'So....' She began, glancing aside. She could just make out the silhouette of her fake boyfriend.
His eyes slid in her direction before he grabbed the lipstick out of her hand. She blinked, watching as he smeared it over his lips without a word and leaned towards her.
'Hey, whoah, wait, what are you doing?' Her back pressed against the wall of closet as Bill continued to advance, planting his hands either side of her head. The light shone over his face now instead and she saw the amusement dancing in his eyes.
'Cm'on kid, even you know how this game is played. Pucker up.'
'Sure I do, but can't you be more romantic?' She wasn't against kissing the guy but come on now.
Bill blinked, and almost seemed puzzled by her request. 'I can't exactly take ya to a candle-lit dinner right now.'
'I know, but...' She shrugged, playing with a piece of her hair whilst she glanced aside with a blush. 'You could say something sweet or flirt a bit.'
'You first.'
Oh. Uh. She floundered for a only moment at the sudden request before breaking out into a grin. She leaned closer, placing a hand on his chest where she could feel his steady heart beat beneath her fingers. Time to put those online flirting classes to work, girl.
'Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got "fine" written all over you.' Wink.
He arched an eyebrow but didn't seem particularly swooned off his feet. Hm. Mabel tried again.
'Kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?' She pushed herself up on tip-toes, leaning her face closer in anticipation as she pursed her lips towards the guy.
Bill merely blinked. 'If you're talkin' about that old fart Sixer who teaches physics, then yes.'
Mabel stared at him. He stared back.
'Just kiss me already,' she demanded, giving him a fierce look.
Without any hesitation he smashed his lips against her with a force that would surely take anyone else off their feet. But Mabel wasn't just anyone. In fact, it was her who took Bill off his feet as she shoved her body against his own frame, causing the taller boy to stumble back against the side of the enclosed space. She followed suit, hands finding the wall behind him to balance herself as their legs tangled together.
The blond ripped away from her, and although she couldn't see his expression in the dark she was sure he looked bewildered.
Eventually, he just said: 'Jesus, how strong are you?'
'Uh.... Well, I can still pick up Waddles and he weighs 190lbs! Is that a lot?'
'What the fuck?'
Again, she couldn't see his expression but she could only imagine how he was regarding her right now. Most of the guys she crushed on tended to get weirded out when she showed how easily she could pick them up like a bag of grapes.
Oh well. Their loss.
At that moment, the door to the closet was thrown open. Mabel turned her head aside to see Pacifica staring at them in surprise. In the light, their position did look rather comprimising with her pinning him against the wall and their clothing crumpled.
She glanced back at Bill, whose lower face was smudged in red make-up. He paid no attention to the blonde girl, with his blue eyes instead fixated on her.
'Oh my god, look at the lipstick all over their faces,' one of the girls whispered.
Mabel felt a hand around the back of her neck, and barely had time to register it was Bill's before he was pulling her back towards him. She heard Pacifica release a grunt of annoyance as she slammed the door shut again, enveloping the pair in darkness once more.
And yet Bill's mouth remained on hers for much longer, the sensation of his lips sending a tingling feeling down her neck and spine. Her legs felt like jelly as she leaned all her weight against him, but he didn't seem to mind as he pulled away to speak.
'I like a girl who can kick my ass.'
Her face flushed. Okay, now that was a good pick up line. She cleared her throat, trying to appear smooth. 'I think they bought it, we can leave now. I mean, if you want.' Or maybe they could stay in here and kiss more? No, she didn't say that bit out loud. Behave, Mabel. This was a fake dating situation after all. It was purely to get back at Pacifica (on her end) and Dipper (on his). She didn't want to ruin it just when it was getting good!
'Are you kidding? it's barely been five minutes. I have a reputation to uphold. Gimme that lipstick again.'
Reputation? Wasn't his only reputation being an asshole? What was he talking about?
But Mabel didn't bother arguing, instead passing the lipstick over as he proceeded to yank her close and leave marks across her face and throat.
It was worth the yelling she got from Dipper later.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
💛 if you're still doing the ask game?
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
Oh. HUM. So I'd like to preface this by saying a lot of style 'rules' about writing are not hard rules. There are things that are helpful to know and keep in mind but don't let someone else's 'rule', that is really just a stylistic thing, be a commandment to you.
(THAT SAID for the love of everything, please follow some formatting so that your writing is legible to your audience. Who really knows how commas work, but please use paragraphs with either an enter between them or an indent and such not.)
ALL THAT SAID I suppose I have two three answers, though one is art of writing, one is style, and one more about the process.
Deadlines are sanity saving. Having an update schedule is the way that I get long fics done. I love and appreciate people telling me to look after myself and my health, but also I've been ill for the last 20+ years. Having a deadline really helps give me something to move to! This is why I try to update LBFD at least bi-weekly.
Retyping everything in a new document allows you to ruthlessly edit. This is tedious, I won't lie. I've been called mad for it. But I know it's made me a better writer. It's easy to be too precious or lazy about changing something in editing. If I'm retyping it all anyways, there's no more effort to changing a sentence around to something stronger.
Sentences rarely have to be that long. This 100% a stylistic thing, and it's something that has changed for me as I've written more. It's really, really easy to want to make sentences conjunctions and with lots of parts, but that slows down the pacing of the story. Which sometimes you want. But for most of what you write, the sentences just don't need to be that long. Especially if you're writing action scenes or something getting caught up in their thoughts. Breaking the sentence up helps with rhythm and cadence. I had to train myself out of using as many compound sentences in my writing.
His arm dropped down to hang limply at his side, but he didn’t take his finger off the trigger because he shouldn’t trust this stranger.
Feels a little meandering and doesn't give the reader a chance to pause. I want to show the character is loosing his focus from an injury also.
His arm dropped down to hang limply at his side. He didn’t take his finger off the trigger. He shouldn’t trust this stranger.
That has beat. beat. beat. There's cadence to it that emphasizes each thought as the character struggles to get there. Esp the last sentence makes it a POINT that he shouldn't trust this stranger.
Anways, woops- that got rambling!
OG post here
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ohonama · 1 year
also idk how i even finished that last post because usually i’m not driven enough to. when i get in the mood to draw there’s no stopping me, it’s just… staying IN that mood if you get me
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as always have another sketch. i won’t be colouring or tagging this one. (me when i lie about not tagging)
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idk how to do perspective. see me changing my MoM design every 5 seconds. i made him in union x with that hairstyle and it kinda stuck.. woops.
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static-errorcode-13 · 4 months
just a thought but what if the ii villians sang you didn't know from hazbin hotel here's what it would be like
springy: but they were right talkie.... they showed us that he had improved, he changed alot talkie-, checked all the boxes that you said would, prove the point that he has changed his ways, now we turn our back no second glance.
Walkie-talkie: it's not as simple as you think, not everything is spelled in ink
Bot: it's not fair talkie-
Test tube: carful bot now keep your cool-
Bot: NO?! Don't you care talkie-. That just because he's done bad things it doesn't... mean he can't resolve to change his ways, turn the page to escape infernal blaze
Walkie-talkie: I'm sure you wish it could be so... but theirs alot that you don't know
Tyler: soon everyone lives once! I'll see you in one month! Gotta say u can't wait to...
Walkie-talkie: Tyler....
Tyler: Come back and exterminate you
Springy: WAIT
Tyler: Shoot
Springy: what are you saying?! Let me get this straight... you'll go down their and kill mephone4
Bot: you didn't know?!
Tyler: woops
Groscer: gets the cats out of the bag
Tyler: what's the big deal?
Springy: talkie tell me that you didn't know....
Walkie-talkie: I thought since I'm older, it's my role to shoulder...
Springy: no
Walkie-talkie: you have yo listen it's was such a hard decision?! I wanted yo save you, the anguish it takes to, do what was required...
Springy: and tk think I admired you... well... I DONT NEED YOUR CONDITION?! IM NOT A CHILD TO PROTECT?! WAS TALK OF VIRTUE JUST PRETENSION?! WAS I TO NIAEVE TO YOU, to hede the morals you pervading?
Bot: that's what the heck I've been saying?@
Walkie-talkie: Springy
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This song just fits an idea for ii that I needed to post it, plus I added ii pozas to it
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fireblcd · 5 months
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࣪𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         francois arnaud,  35,  cis male,  he / him.    announcing  the  arrival  of  HELIOS  of  HOUSE  GREYJOY,  the  LORD HEIR  of  PYKE.  whispers  among  the  court  name  them  to  be  both  LOYAL  and  MESSY  in  disposition,  and  those  closest  to  them  speak  to  their  interests  in  sailing.  if  we  bards  could  compose  a  song  for  them,  it  might  tell  stories  of   curls wrapped around another's fingers , laughing smiles as a drop of wine trickles down a chin , the rage of a stormy sea in his eyes , sea salt crusted on skin , disappointment weighing on shoulders but refusing to show it .  the  seven  whisper  to  their  most  devout  queen  as  she  sleeps,  making  her  question  where  their  loyalties  truly  lie.  are  they  right  to  whisper?  for  their  loyalties  truly  lie  with  HOUSE GREYJOY.
i ⸻ general
NICKNAMES  :  lio ( affectionately ) , hel ( derogatory )
ALLIANCE : house greyjoy & house targaryen
TITLES  :  lord heir of pyke
CHILDREN  :  probably has a bunch of bastards woops
PHYSICALITY  :  brown wavy hair that grows especially curly after being in the ocean , a thin scar from the time someone cut his throat but just didn't press deep enough to kill him , 6′2 , lean but muscular.
ii ⸻ personal
ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION  :  demiromantic
MORAL  ALIGNMENT  :  chaotic neutral
SINS  :  lust  / gluttony /  greed  / sloth /  wrath  /  pride  /  envy
VIRTUES  : chastity / temperance / charity /  diligence  / patience / kindness /   humility
iii ⸻ biography
there was joy in the iron islands the day that helios was born. lancion and julienna greyjoy had always taken their duty seriously , knowing that they must provide their lands with an heir to lead them into the future. when helios came into this world screaming , julienna pressed a kiss to his brow and decided that he would be a grand lord one day.
he was raised on the belief that the world was his oyster and the tide changed for him. his mother spoiled him , his father taught him all he knew and yet , the message did not quite sink in the way that they intended for it to.
oh , he was arrogant. told from birth that he was something special to have all that he pleased from life. he would be one of the greatest seafarer's of their generation according to them , and on that point they were at least partially correct. the sea was in his veins , and he travelled far and wide as often as he could. he raided anywhere he pleased , stealing riches and jewels from wherever he could. he often paid the iron price for the things he took , having little regard for the life of those he deemed irrelevant.
he became best friends with a prince of westeros , and it felt almost as though he was untouchable because of such a fact. for who would dare to invoke the wrath of a dragon ? though that is not the reason helios spends so much time in summerhall , instead he often thinks of aehrys as a brother to him.
he began travelling to essos when he was fifteen years old , seeking anything that would keep him entertained. he would always be proud to be ironboy , would always think his own people far superior to others , but he enjoyed getting to know other cities and people all the same. he's most certainly been banned from at least one essosi city probably for sleeping with someone's wife , but helios merely thinks of it as a great story.
his parents hoped that he would settle down and do his duty as the future heir , perhaps finally take an interest in politics , but he never did. instead, lio always figured that he would have advisors for that sort of thing. he had little interest in being stuck to the iron chair all day listening to the nobles bitching about each other. but by the same margin, he wouldn't dream of stepping aside for his sibling to do it. it was his by birth right to rule the islands as he pleased one day.
his parents tried to arrange several betrothals for him only for him to drive them all into ruin. he'd either insult the house or his potential bride, laughing as they left the islands in a huff. he refused to become shackled to someone who wanted him to settle down , spend his time playing at politics and conforming to society's view on him. several years into adulthood and he especially felt the pressure on him to have children , a responsibility that scared him most of all. every time his parents pushed him towards such things , it only made him feel more and more like it was all a trap.
when he'd first met his now wife , she'd just been another body to warm his bed. and then he got to know her better , was charmed by her humour and how she was the opposite of everything society pressed upon him. most importantly , she made his heart fill with love for the very first time. it made all his fears slip away when it came to commitment , and he married her within a year.
he thought that it would appease everyone that he had taken a wife at last , happy to have children to name heirs if it meant he'd have them with her. but they still insisted that he marry a rock wife as if there weren't past instances of the children of salt wives becoming heirs if there was no rock wife. it left a deep unhappiness to settle over him like a storm cloud , the realization that he would never be enough unless he conformed.
it is a difficult thing to now hold such resentment towards his lord father and lady mother. it's even more difficult to ponder the idea that perhaps his life would be far easier if they were not around , especially when his heart still begs him to forgive despite all of the damage they have done to it.
iv ⸻ tidbits
big fan of knives and he has at least five strapped to his body at all times. most of them are stolen , and his favourite has a hilt of silver with a large ruby encrusted at the end that he calls sir pointy.
he's been in four past betrothals and has absolutely ruined them all some way or another. usually through insulting either the person who was betrothed to or their house. has defs made a few enemies that way.
you know the slutty white period shirt ? he wears them constantly , often with so many buttons undone it creates a v neck. also loves being shirtless and will use any excuse to take his shirt off.
he's so unserious , hence why he plans on forming a council in the islands to guide him once he's ruling lord. truthfully man just wants to do all the parts of ruling that include bringing him pride and glory rather than the political crap.
he may have a very complicated relationship with his parents , but he loves his siblings very much. he's allowed to talk shit about them , but anyone else who does is gonna get their face smashed into a table.
v ⸻ wanted connections
all of them
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tallbluelady · 1 year
6. What was their "flirting stage" like?
Oh no. I went VERY in depth on this, woops.
Their "flirting" stage is like, Post-Stormblood all the way through base Shadowbringers. Anything before then is like, timidly approaching and then jumping back before the other responds. It's not until the first Heavensturn after Ala Mhigo is liberated that they finally feel comfortable with the concept of each other to even TRY anything. And even then, they're almost playing chicken with each other, trying to get the other to make the first move because they're too afraid to approach them themselves. Urianger had purchased a gift for Rowan - a gold and glass rowan branch from the Goldsmith's guild - and he was going to give it to her with a letter to open that conversation. Alas, G'raha called again and nabbed him and Y'shtola to the First.
AND THEN EVERYTHING GETS MORE COMPLICATED ON HIS END. G'raha gives this grand scheme to Urianger, trusting him to do whatever it takes to see the plan to fruition. And now Urianger has to lie to Rowan to keep the plan working, save the Star, and to get them all home. He knows that the whole thing is going to be mentally and physically hard on her, so... he figures that he could offer relief by flirting and being romantic. He then fully expects her to dump him once they all return to the Source for his deceit. So with that in mind, he spends three years with the fae and gets some gender stuff figured out, the plan eating at him as he creates White Auracite to mayhap render the whole thing obsolete. It doesn't but it does help in the end.
Rowan, back on the Source, is distraught at the loss of her comrades. She does stumble upon the branch and letter, and the whole thing swirls around her mind for the weeks they try to get her to the First. She is as shaky as a newborn deer at the idea of it. She couldn't quite get herself to open up to Aymeric and that has been haunting her for a while. She's afraid of losing Urianger entirely because he's been such a steady presence in her life and he's handsome and kind and... It's scary.
So when Urianger Careless Whispers his way down the stairs and asks what Rowan thinks of his appearance she's relieved. He hasn't had his feelings change in three years! He seems more confident in himself too, which just adds more to her attraction to him. He's steady and attentive and funny and it helps Rowan relax. She's still shaky as hell at the whole relationship, because she can feel some hesitation on his side for whatever reason. But she's going to let the flirtation happen for a while because it's genuinely nice to hear that you're pretty etc.
Then Mt. Gulg happens and... Urianger is more guilt than man at that point. He has his grovel point and he is ready to never have any romantic interaction with Rowan again. But then she forgives him! Because A) G'raha asked him to lie and B) she loves him! (Not that she's ready to say so!) So they have this weird give and take of they both know they like each other, but Urianger made it weird. He actually works with Moren and Grenolt to create weapons to help vent some of the Light within her. And it's VERY MUCH appreciated.
I haven't quite ironed out every detail when they're in Amaurot, but Rowan REALLY wants to kiss him right after they defeat Hades. The problem arises when G'raha has to be all sad boy about everything and then they have to make it to the surface and then go to the Crystarium and celebrate and then sleep. Only Rowan can't sleep, and Urianger is Urianger and usually doesn't sleep anyways. They talk and cry over tea and FINALLY KISS OMG. And also give each other an "I love you" and an "I love thee". Then they cuddle for the night and that is the end of their "flirting stage".
So uh... thanks for the excuse to ramble about this XD.
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firespirited · 2 years
it’s been over a year and i’m still thinking about how Wonder Egg Priority was going to be an anime cultural reset like we hadn’t seen in years and then promptly Game of Thrones’ed itself. 4 teen girls dealing with survivors guilt and the pains of girlhood written with great care and insight, who find eachother and messily heal while doing magical battle with the embodiment of traumas that caused other girls to feel like death was the only option. It didn’t matter if the magic deal was a trap because they were getting stronger and doing something with their grief, it was not going to be easy and there were going to be falling outs and setbacks but those four characters mattered.
Then hard genre u-turn! This psychological exploration of a misogynistic society is now a generic senseless horror story: you see, suicide happens because you get haunted by the cutesy demon of wanting death. Guess the girls are going to have to fight her or save her somehow! You want answers? Here have rogue AI, student teacher relationships, genetic experiments and evil twins instead. oh it’s cancelled. The end.
I don’t mind genre changes, I like the subversion: oh you thought this was a monster story but the real monsters are in the house with you? Oh you thought this was rambo but no, arhnold is going to be hunted like a final girl. You thought this was a bromance, woops they’re kissing! Love triangle? no he’s my brother. Why’s this evil child tormenting this poor guy? You go evil child!
I mean Battlestar Galactica switched it up regularly between sci-fi and political thriller, dystopia, personal identity and interpersonal drama. It was fine until they had characters going out of character and said this is how the human race started and also you’re going to enact this same thing... because gods are real and they said so.
So this is my plea to the void: End of Evangelion but it’s End of Egg, we retcon some stuff as a lie told by the guys with the eggs or an imagined past by an AI glitch and take it from there. Maybe it’s an unethical psych study but it’s helped them out of their inertia so they bring it to others without that final boss that tries to keep you trapped in game. Maybe the magic is real and each girl taps a new person when they’re done fighting and ready for the acceptance phase. Maybe frill is a sentient system bug or a manifestation of the illusion of agency and the flipside of self blame and it takes all four friends to cure her of her fantasy that she causes/wants death instead of it being a complex social problem. Just 30 minutes, doesn’t have to be seamlessly animated, doesn’t have to answer everything and give us a “ten years later they all were happy with careers and babies”, just that third act of forward movement that undoes the series original ending. WEP the OVA: it was a deception, there is a short explanation and minor resolution, the girls start suicide clubs across schools to destigmatise mental health. ta da.
Edit: I have since found out about the show writer and seen his ugly fingerprints all over the show's undertones. WEP would have to be written and heavily reconned by someone new, preferably a team of women. Maybe someday we'll get a decent show about girlhood trauma that isn't sentimental dreck or misery porn. The Leftovers is excellent: 3 seasons that gradually delve into magical realism and back, including teens and multiple complex women's perspectives.
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ravenpureforever · 2 years
So my Thai BL rabbit hole continues with me watching Cutie Pie! Had a brief break after the dumpster fire of My Engineer because my brain melted a little and also the Fall Semester started. Once again I came here because of Perth. I came here solely for Perth and the most I knew about it was apparently it advocates for gay marriage we continue with Cutie Pie! Because of Perth. I came here solely for Perth and all I knew was that it advocated for gay marriage so once again I was flying in blind
 Yet I was hooked within the first 10 minutes and had such an incredible time
Cutie Pie walked so KinnPorsche could run
First of all,
This was unexpectedly spicy. Not like KinnPorsche ghost pepper levels, but it had a nice kick to it, a lovely jalapeño, I had no clue it was going to do that and was such a pleasant surprise when the content warning showed up
I could be biased because My Engineer had such a chaotic start and this actually like has real build up to plot and explained the characters and their situations and it was actually compelling but the first episode is so good and such a solid start.
Maybe I’m kind of projecting here, but I absolutely adore Kuea, like him trying to be soften all of his edges and smooth his roughness in the hopes his fiance will keep loving him, so that his parents will be proud of him, it just breaks me a little watching him be torn between his true self and the one he thinks the people he loves want to be. I think Kuea should get to go feral, as a treat. He deserves to go feral after trying to be sweet and obedient for the sake of others. Also he rides a motorcycle and wears a leather jacket and I’m weak to that
-I liked the pleasant surprise that my initial predictions were wrong. Originally I thought it was going to be Kuea breaks the engagement and fully embraces his true self and goes feral and then Lian would get to know the real him and fall in love and they’d get back together. But instead Lian was in love with Kuea the whole time, knew who the real Kuea was and wanted Kuea to stop acting and be honest with him, was genuinely so shocked when he found out Kuea thought he wasn’t in love with him (because Lian is kind of a dumbass) and how they’ve always loved each other, it’s just grown and changed over the years and the real plot was them finding their way back to each other and understanding the honesty they need if this was ever going to work. Took me by such a surprise and it was so sweet and fun to watch
- I really do love how Kuea is like “you don’t love me even though I love you? Fine! Let’s call this while engagement off then!” Like no begging, no pleading, just getting straight to the point immediately
-“I want to marry a human. I don’t want to marry a doll.” SHOTS HAVE BEEN FUCKING FIRED
-“I’m not in love with him.” “Why don’t you break it off then???” “Well you see I told  to his family about still loving Kuea like I did when I was a kid and decided to fulfill the grandpas dying wish of always taking Kuea after seeing Kuea breakdown at his funeral after he even didn’t know he was sick and will take care of him forever” BRO WHAT THE FUCK
- Emotionally repressed men ruining their love lives let’s go
Once again seeing Perth is always very exciting and I was so happy when he showed up on screen but this time I am loving the main characters
-Any time Perth speaks English I’m like yeah the director knows what they’re doing here
-*Kuea drunkenly arguing with his fiancé* “Jay come help me!”                             Jay clearly not wanting to get involved: Hahaha I am suddenly deaf
-Jay lying through his teeth about how he betrayed his bestie to his fiancé, I love him
-Jay is a constant mood of woops I can’t read, whoops I can’t hear, whoops I don’t see anything
- Jay really being the only one here that’s gotten laid. He’s also the only one with the braincell. I see the correlation here
-He’s really like that’s nice disaster gays, anyway-
Everyone here is a lying liar who lies and there definitely are not going to be consequences to that, definitely not
- No one knows how to communicate in this show do they? Literally no one, you’re all so dumb
-Are you guys finally realizing communication is key?? Nope you take one step forward and three steps back!
Yi and Diao had such a fun dumpster fire of a relationship and watching them go all sweet and sappy and honest was such a treat because everything about them was a little bit of a trainwreck and I found it very fun
-Everything around them was shrouded in mystery of what the fuck is going on with you guys,,,is-is this like a sugar daddy relationship??? How do you know each other???
-”It doesn’t matter if I love Diao or not” Sir I guarantee you it does, I promise you it’s very important
-That’s not a band-aid for our communication issues, that’s a dog!
-The “please don’t eat my dog” was one of the funniest things
-Watching them finally communicate and get spicy was lovely thank you very much, love that they finally get domestic bliss, they better be next in line for marriage
Overall though:
- I love how both Kuea & Diao are like yes, we’re totally just good sweet boys: *actually a motorcycle loving automotive engineer majoring singer and black belt in like taekwondo respectively that could probably easily kick their secretly very sensitive, worry wart love interest asses if they really wanted to and tried*
-Honestly Kuea & Diao’s friendship was the absolute best and was one of my favorite parts of the whole show
-The attempted exorcism was so fun, I adored Syn and thought his little romantic subplot was adorable
-Honestly the friend group was a treat, and I like how the brought to attention some of the more uncomfy jokes that are used and were like “hey man, that’s not really cool, please don’t do that” and Ton was apologetic and stopped when he realized he was hurting people
-Nuchy should’ve been a lesbian. It’s what she deserved
-Foei better be making bank, I adored and loved him so much, he was the audience insert wingman and you know he was rooting for them the entire time, such a great character
-Ding dong the sound of falling in love
-Ooooo marriage speech marriage speech!!! *Shows up every couple episodes*
-Y’all really making out in front of other people when you drink huh???
-Genuine question: what was with the whole Annabelle thing??? Why was that a nickname specifically beyond just a doll?? Did we ever get an explanation for that I just missed it??? Is there some context I don’t know??? What was that whole nickname supposed to be doing???
-God I love watch people be in love and silly and sappy with it
-ooo angsty backstories
-God finally some good fucking communication and be truly honest with each other, only 12 episodes
-Final episode is making it all worth ngl
-I am here for the gay proposal shenanigans and I am here for Kuea living as his honest self and great fashion choices
-So many ups and downs and miscommunications and chaos and drama and we finally, finally getting them being fully open and honest with one another and they are finally on equal footing. No one is holding most of the cards anymore, there are no more secrets between them, their souls are finally fully bared and vulnerable, no more lying, they can truly be together and love each other as they are and live their truth
-Hahaha this ending is going to make me cry
In conclusion:
It was such a good series and I had such a genuinely fun time watch it. It had a lot of great tropes I adore: arranged marriage, childhood friend to lovers, mutually unrequited love because their dumb asses.
I really adored all of the couples and thought they were all fun and sweet and cute and I had so much fun with the friend groups and all the different character dynamics
I loved the overall message of love and acceptance and communication intertwined and the argument for marriage equality, I really, really enjoyed it!! 2022 is a great year for spicy Thai BL, huh?
Also between Kim and Kuea I’m really starting to wonder if I should invest in a silver chain necklace and a leather jacket because that’s like my ideal aesthetic
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yourmamakira · 2 years
Kira. I need a nsfw head cannon of Dream, sapnap and punz with THIS OUTIFT
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Oh and yeah dom reader.
Probably with mommy kink 👍
Fucking bet. I'm horrible at writing NSFW shit, but I'll give it my best go. Thanks Simpy <3
Dream losses a bet and for his punishment, him and Y/n take a little trip to Victoria's Secret 🤭
Pronouns: none used
Tw: None
Fucking Bet
DreamWasTaken × Reader
Short story
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"Do I have to do this?" Dream complains as we walk into the mall.
"Yes. Yes you do. You're dumbass lost a bet!"
"It's not fair though you cheated!"
"The game was Beer Pong, Dream. Play stupid games Win stupid prizes. I told you I would woop your ass and you still took a chance. Now your gonna walk your fat ass in here and call me Mommy"
That shut him up. I'm not usually Domminet. But when I am. Theres no denying that I enjoy how much of a slut Dream becomes
I walk into Victoria's Secret, Dream Trys to follow but I stop him.
"What? Why can't I come in"
"Because, it's a surprise. Stay here. I'll be out in a minute"
And I didn't lie. I went straightforward to the outfit I wanted, Sapnap knew about this bet and showed me one he thought would be funny for dream if he lost. Why he knew where to look. No idea
I picked up the outfit and went to check out. I was out as fast as I was in. I dragged Dream home without showing him what I had got.
When we got home the house was empty. Sapnap was streaming with Karl so we has the house to ourselves
I brought dream up to our shared bed room and threw the bag on the Bed. I kicked off my shoes as dream sat in the bed.
I took off my coat and sweater and went over to the bed.
I sat next to dream and Grabbed the bag.
"Take the bag, go into the bathroom and change" I smirked.
He gulped and did as told.
After a bit I could hear him what sounded like a mix of laughing and crying. And I knew exactly why
After a while Dream came waddling out of the bathroom, like a sad puppy.
His head was down and every moment looked like it hurt
He came and stood infront of me. And I was right at eye level to see where all his problems lie.
The outfit caused him to tuck his Gender And I couldn't imagine how that that felt.
I smirked and looked up at him. His face was twisted and red.
"Sit." I demanded. And he ahd no choice but to obey
He carefully sat down infront of me on his knees. Plams down infront of him.
He looked up at me and bit his lip.
I reached my hand over and grabbed his jaw. I used my other hand to brush strands of hair out of his face, he whimpered as soon as I grabbed him.
I Chuckled "look at you. Fucking pathetic. Already melting under my touch and I haven't even touched you yet."
He started to slur his words. "Come on puppy~ tell me what you want"
He looked up at me "T-touch me please"
"Please what? Baby?"
I smirked
"Good boy."
The rest was a blur.
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HAHAAH FUCKING LOSERS THOUGHT I WAS GONNA WRITE SMUT. get robbed whores. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted simpy you can shit on me all you want if you please. I deserve it.
Love you all! ^^
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queenofdragons12 · 1 year
Just Look at Me | one shot
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"Fake eyes open The pain that deceived me again While you are at it Play with me Fake eyes open The pain that deceived me again While you are at it Play with me to ruin me" you and your friend Rhino sings dancing along wiht the music. for you it is only you, your friends and music. you cannot see the crowd you cannot hear their cheers.
"It's like bad red roses Crazed by the scent, I feel shortness of breath Dark and thick thorns hidden by beauty Don't care about it, you know" all you know: music. But as soon as it turns to the dance break you start to notice someone. or rather someone (s).
Your eyes widen slightly as you see a man with braided hair and blue skin. Then beside him, a little more off into the shadows, a hooded figure, but you can see the red eyes glinting inside.
"Eyes hidden behind a veil If you are confused, at this moment Enjoy, babe, babe Don't test mе, oh no Baby, babe, don't get me wrong," you start to focus on them but still sing.
The others in the crowd are gone. Now it is only you, the music, and them. You see the hooded figure tilt its head at you and the blue one surveying your figure with intense yellow eyes. Both are definitely not human. Not that you were, either.
"I don't dare lie On this meaningful night The correct answer is you can get me Only you can get me" you let the words spill, deep voice getting to a falset tone.
This one you've practiced for months, and finally, you get it right. It is such a feeling to English something like this.
Meanwhile, Jake is having a hard time keeping his eyes off you. not that he was going to. He just heard from Neytiri that someone owns singing in the theater today.
"Whoo, whoo-ooh-ooh Whoo, whoo-ooh-ooh" excitement builds up your body as you feel the favorite part of your song coming. Which is your part, along with Sam's or, as you call him: Hyunjin.
"Yeah, make you feel my love, la-la-la Now you come and taste me now Yeah, you better watch out You're gonna, like, ah Yeah, I whisper, la-la-la-la" you and Hyunjin smile briefly at each other as you brush shoulders in teh dance.
And in the crowd, Death seems to notice this, too, his jaws clenching. He doesn't know why but he is already infuriated with you. that isn't like him. And he doesn't... hate this.. he growls under his hood and creeps further into the shadows but stops short when he sees your eyes on him.
Your (e/c) hues capture him more than he wants to admit, and he lets out a low hiss but stays in his place. But soon enough, the song comes to a stop finished, and you, along with your bandmates, bow and bid the fans goodbye and retreat to the changing room.
"whoo!" Lee Know woops, and you laugh, chest rattling with the sound. "we nailed it, I'm sure!" he beams and pats you and Hyunjin on the shoulders before wrapping his arms around your necks. "you did good, kiddos; Chan's gonna be so proud" he praise4d, and you didn't stop the blush rising on your cheeks at the praise.
You say you took praise to heart and treasured it for as long as you live.d and credit coming to form your second oldest Hyung... yeah, that means a lot.
"Thanks, Hyjng. You nailed it too, you know," Hyunjun chips and removes himself from the strange hug. Lee Knowchuckless with a smirk before letting you go and following his makeup artist. This was the day's last performance, so you and your friends could head home.
And man, you're beat.
As you're changing, a knock sounds on the door, and you let out a sigh but call back "who is it?" you ask "your make-up artist Felix-SSI. there is someone at the door for you. I will tell them that you are changing. do you want to meet them?" she says, and you hum the sound deep enough to that she can hear it through the door.
She beams even though you can't see it "alright! I'll come out when you finish," and you can hear her footsteps facing from the door, and you shake your head with black tendrils of hair falling in your head, clinging there due to the sweat.
But you soon change up, taking a shower in the meanwhile.
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I'm sorry, but please tell me if you want another one.
-Z. Dragonborn
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spidey-boyy · 2 years
woop woop guess who’s back with the liveblogsss anyways here’s titans s4 ep threee
-oh I forgot about what happened with rachel
-okay what is w/ the the short term memory going around
-nice lava lamp there
-“don’t take her on alone. we’re a team,” yeah says dick lmao
-eww she can ChAnGe Her VoIcE??
-wHat is with the music
-well that was quick, bye jinx,,, this whole thing is quick why are we we moving so fast lmao
-yooo gar’s faceee, he’s so sad man damn
-“it’s okay I’m past all that” I WOULDVE LOVED TO SEE IT ON SCREEN. look i know that’s a lie but damn, it really just highlights the fact that we haven’t seen anything on gar dealing with his past and it’s frustratinggg. they make it seem like he’s moving past it and has it under control to an extent at least in his eyes, but we’ve seen n o t h i n g in terms of how he’s dealing with anything. it really just feels like the writers have no idea what to do with him so they just made him the exposition for the plot with little development of his own to an extent
-wHat is this lighting Tim and Conner are in, oh okay
-damn Conner why you throwing Tim under the bus like that
-jinx is giving off lilia from tua vibes
-love you kory,, what wait why did she turn to stone
- “of corse the only sane one in the group gets taken away”, quote my sister
-okay is it me or is the pacing is hella weird in this ep? we’re jumping from scene to scene and all of the info we’re getting is only for the plot and mostly everyone just seems kind of bored?? idk I feel like the plot for this ep is hanging on one thin string and they keep on shaking it to get to another scene as fast as they can. i don’t think that makes much sense but in general, the pacing is not it lol
-Sebastian what’cha doing ,,, WAIT NO DUDE HE DIDNT CALL YOU. pls this poor man
-great is this man gonna throw up blood or something. waittttt- dude STOP
-ahhh what is with everyone getting arrested
-Gar you okay there buddy?
-wait so he’s like the bridge to their world to the red world?? interesting… why him though? okay random thought but can it have something to do with why he was able to resurrect himself in the beginning of s2? and no, i’ll never be over the fact that he was able to do that with no explanation
-jinx i barely know you, why we’re doing this “old flame” crappp. she seems fun I want to know more about her and not just through one liners made towards dick
-why is this party at a church lol
-korryyyyy what’s going on. oh wait she’s connected to the red world? Oh shit the diner
-which destiny has arrived??
-sebastiannnnnnn getting pulled into so much shit already
-“congratulations, detective.” pleaseee i forgot dick had a job before all this lmaooo
-conner, you good there too?
-yo conner what are you doing lmao
-ooo the corpse tree
-gar how do you know this??? like how and why is he specifically able to do this? Is it connected to koryyyyy? probs not. also why was Rachel able to see it earlier? wait it was probably bc of her gem but now that’s taken awayyyy. ummm okay we’ll see if anything is added to this next eppp
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