#this is a positivity post btw :) this is NOT any kind of attack on anyone who uses this term differently
i've been seeing a lot of falsettos posts recently deconstructing the fandoms beliefs and firstly
holy fuck thank you, i try to steer clear of fandom (and fandom-izing thereof) drama but this is getting a lot more visible recently so here's some little tidbits for you
whizzer brown is not an unflawed character!
okay so i haven't seen enough dissecting this but!!! in the chess game!
the whole point of marvin using that game to determine the ending of their relationship is because he suspects whizzer is constantly deceiving him and wants to prove it.
whizzer LITERALLY proves him right!
he asks marvin to help him along (yes i know he says he doesn't want help, hear me out, it's a little more complex than that) and takes advantage of the fact that marvin is- like- infatuated with him.
he draws him into a sense of false security then starts throwing accusations at him ("since you need a man!" "what?" "who's 'brainy'," "or witty, move.") until hes able to win, which he does with ease because he's been using marvin having this idea that he isn't smart against him.
of course, marvin's side of this isn't the best either but honestly, for once the fandom should focus on a different character when they think 'insane asshole'. typically we should also probably change our perspectives a little to be more unbiased cuz fr guys, this is getting really.. annoying.
i understand he's the most visibly flawed but that doesn't excuse constantly picking the worst parts of this musical (without other context, btw) to use against him.
and this post certainly isn't here to excuse anyone either i've just got a lot of opinions that i wanted to share while falsettos is.. trending? right?
2. marvin's (headcanoned but still somewhat researched) autism
this one isn't brought up as much but when i do see it around, it's kind of a skewed viewpoint.
while rewatching bits of the proshot i realized a lot of different neurodivergent traits that he shows-
he's helpless during I Never Wanted to Love You and is childish and regressive when he's upset (not every autistic person is like this either, i know this is a bit of a touchy subject so i just wanted to add that).
usually when people depict it i see it either toned down or joked about which is fine when all in good fun, and when its done respectfully.
not here to attack anyone, just here to point it out and say that yes :) he most likely is neurodivergent, but despite that his actions aren't condoned. he's still kinda a dick who needs to get his shit together
3. ..the lesbians also have shit going on?
just putting this out there- I DON'T SEE ENOUGH FOR THE LESBIANS! OR TRINA!
the girls in this musical are like thoroughly neglected and i think that's kind of shitty just assuming the fact that william finn put them in to demonstrate how gender roles put people in degrading positions (and he even makes it more prevalent by showing marvin as something like a misogynistic character who forces whizzer into more feminine roles to show the audience what woman have to/had to go through in society).
anyways, the lesbians aren't just there guys. they have a plotline too. in Something Bad is Happening, you derive a lot from charlotte singing about the outbreak of HIV/AIDS and realize how she operates on a daily basis (she's passionate about her work and takes every bad day as a hit to her life and career, explaining in a way that as a black, jewish, lesbian, FEMALE doctor in this time, everything that goes wrong is immediately brought down on her so much more than it would as any straight white male pharmacist-).
cordelia on the other hand has to handle the fact that her girlfriend is so adamant about her work ethic that she can't actually be super present in their relationship at times like that.
but either way she still sticks by her and is constantly trying to be supportive and endearing despite feeling like she's not amounting to her gf who's basically a hero in her eyes.
i kinda just wanted to bring that up because they mean a lot to me and they don't get enough love from the fanbase, thank you for listening to my TED talk <3
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wolsalwastaken · 1 month
Friendly reminder that reblogging my posts with hate for what I’m doing not only gives me free engagement but promotes me. Whatever irks you so much about me hosting a fun community event, I’m not sure, especially since I’m working within canon limitations! If you’re the type of person who feels the need to personally share my content to make fun of it or tell me to stop, thanks for the sentiment, but I’ll pass.
While I’m sorry your stellar sense of humor didn’t appreciate a funny joke, it wasn’t targeting your audience! Anyways, wanna be clear on the fact that I am not upset or angry or hurt or whatever by these replies. They just give me something to laugh at, and free engagement. Keep it up if you want, because I don’t care, but I really think you should take a moment to reflect on yourself on why you feel personally attacked at someone drawing the cat devil in short shorts. Here, accept my YouTube apology video!
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Regardless of whether you despise or love my work, any engagement helps me in the algorithm and spreads my art. So, I give my thanks to all of those supporting my art, intentional or not.
Ok ok, jokes aside, seriously thank you guys for all the support on the FHN event! Really didn’t actually think anyone would participate, but lo and behold, here we are! I’ve genuinely really enjoyed looking at all of your amazing art (you guys are so talented btw wtf???). Wanted to acknowledge all the talented participants, and I hope to see more! Thank you all for your artwork, I’ve gotten lots of giggles, because you guys are as funny as you are talented artists.
Now, wanna clarify, my above statement on haters isn’t vague posting any 1 person, I’ve had a few people do this, but wanted to mention it because it’s honestly hilarious. If you see anyone doing it don’t harass them obviously, but don’t harass or shame others for drawing this stuff either! Kindness goes both ways.
I also wanna say, just in general, wow you guys are so nice. Like genuinely. The amount of amazingly kind people I’ve had reblog + comment on my art who genuinely enjoyed it is like… crazy. I’m not used to getting much positive feedback on my art, and like I wanna sincerely say I really appreciate it. It makes my day, like really. You guys are so accepting and nice to newcomers and it’s just really nice to see! Ending the sappiness here, I hope you continue to enjoy my art!
Leaving on that note, here’s a compilation of the wonderful people who have submitted their art thus far (in order of submission time), be sure to give them some love because they deserve it! (Imo the posts aren’t getting even half the attention they deserve- really there are some incredibly artists)
More to come soon, as this challenge is never ending!
1. @tectonicatomic
2. @eckodrawsgoobers
3. @rataartista
4. @donutfloats
5. @abyssal-enby
6. @ciaosonounapersonalol
7. @/Shadow (certified gay)
8. @a-peachie
9. @multifandommadnessblog
10. @theskeleton117
11. @calamaricollie
12. @adairtrashart
13. @woodlandwildfolk
14. @itsartlee
15. @of-fallen-gods-cotl
16. @rainy-intel
Edit: just realized all the hate is literally slut shaming Narinder omg…
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atlantis-just-drowned · 5 months
hi!! i’m not sure what you’re okay with writing but if you’re comfortable with it could you do pluto x reader nsfw headcanons??
A/N : OMG you are my SAVIOUR Anon!! I've been desperate to share my NSFW headcanons of him but didn't really have an excuse lol- Anyway I hope you'll enjoy these!!
Pluto x gn!reader NSFW headcanons
Please reblog this post to show support! Reblogs are what keep me going!
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First things first I'm warning you
Pluto does fall in the 'desperate boys that will fuck if given the chance' category
I can't see it any other way
The Hormones™️ are deadly present but he's painfully a virgin
Like he spent most of his life surviving abuse and sex was definitely not a priority
(not to mention the crippling anxiety)
He barely ever interacted with anyone he found attractive
Let alone have any kind of relationship with them
So, virgin. Absolute virgin.
When you two will start getting more intimate he'll be so damn anxious about it because what if he messes up and you're disappointed?
He copes with it by telling himself he'll compensate the lack of experience by doing literally anything that'd please you
And he'll keep this promise, you can be sure of it
If you don't have any experience either you'll both figure things out together as you go
But if you do have experience he'd prefer you to take the lead
Like, very much prefer
(he a bottom we all know that)
Now on the topic of dos and don'ts
Do not. Put. Anything. Around his neck.
For obvious reasons I believe this would be one of his hard limits
So like no leather, collar, and certainly nO CHOKER
He will get a panic attack if you do
Or if you try to cHoKe hiM holy shit be gentle the traumas?????
More generally I believe he enjoys you being caring and gentle during sex??
He doesn't mind some slightly rough sessions here and there tho
It's a nice change from time to time
But you'll only learn about that after a while
Trust-building first you know?
If you don't believe him when he says he can handle it he's going to get disappointed
I mean he's not made of sugar, you know that right?
He survived way worst than some overstimulation seriously come on
And even if you do something that he doesn't like he can always tell you, he knows you'll respect his boundaries
Other than overstimulation I 100% believe Pluto likes being praised
When I say 100% I mean if he doesn't have a praise kink I'll explode
I mean look at this man please call him a good boy and I swear he'll faint and ascend to outer space
I also believe he likes whatever position where he can grab at you, like
Think about him holding you tight and scratching the skin of your back at a particularly hard move
Or grabbing at your arm or your head to keep himself from crumbling down?
Yes I absolutely believe in that
What can I say this man is touch starved after all
Speaking about that btw
He's incredibly touch-sensitive
Some areas more than others but basically he's just so easy to turn on with just a few light touches and teases
Those get him going more than anything
He's absolutely mortified about it tho
I mean come on why can't he just get a good grip on himself he's overly sensitive seriously???
(but he secretly loves it when you make him lose his mind this way)
He won't ever say it out loud but yeah
You know the truth
Man gets hard and despaired just from being held tight with your hand roaming on his skin under his clothes I'm not even kidding
He's not extremely loud but he definitely makes noises
So brace yourself for a lot of breathless whispers, gasps, groans, moans and whimpers
The moment you'll lay your hands on him he's a mess and his thoughts go straight up from his dick to his mouth without stopping by his brain lmao
I'm thinking, little 'please's, 'thank you's, 'I love you's, your name, etc.
I also think he tends to swear a lot given that he's pretty much the one who swears the most in the Misfits???
Also, based on his experience of the world and everything
I think we can all agree to say Pluto was raised in a society where the ideal of virility was pretty tough and he didn't fit the mold at all
And I think maybe (just maybe) it made him feel very shameful about himself at some point
So like you'll have to help him unlearning shame even (and especially) concerning his sex life
It's pretty much a fact that he's smaller than average
So I'm a firm believer he has a complex over his size down there because he never got to compare
(don't call it unrealistic I know cis males do weird things and probably have dick contests or something but our boy isn't like that okay)
He, in fact, has a pretty average size for a man his age
He's just damn insecure lmao
You'll have to reassure him that there's nothing wrong or 'not enough' with him quite a few time before he actually believes you
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elftwink · 4 months
re: "moralizing disliking bugs" I believe this is a strawman reference to people saying it's bad to say that specific pest bugs are a "worthless species," ignoring the key role they play in their ecosystem. not to drag you into any discourse, it's just that i have seen this whole conversation play out
see thats my feeling too, bc all the bug content i see is like "i love bugs theyre so cool 😎 🪲" "🐞 [photo of bug] here's what kind of bug this is!" and occasionally "i wish people would respect bugs more for their vital role in the ecosystem and stop reacting with automatic fear and disgust without knowing anything about the insect in question" or even "i wish people would stop saying cruel things about bugs when i mention my interest in them, and if you talked about any other animal this way it would be obvious why that isn't appropriate behaviour"
but the post in question specifically said it wasn't about those people, and that talking about their role in the ecosystem was NOT what they were complaining about. which implies a person who specifically is claiming that you are a bad person if you personally dislike bugs for any reason
i have NEVER seen this implied person and their position is inherently ridiculous to me. my impulse is to immediately agree with you and say this is a strawman of posts asking you to interrogate your own fear of bugs because so many people really do not know anything about insects and say things like "kill it with fire!!" when they see a perfectly harmless creature that moves in a way that makes them slightly uncomfortable. to me, defensiveness of this request is the biggest reason you would be compelled to make a post about how you're not a bad person if you dislike bugs and bugs can be dangerous and you have good reason to be scared (because to me this is so obvious it need not be stated. like if you brought up dog attacks in every discussion about dogs. just not relevant so it feels like a deflection)
but... if you showed me a post that literally said "you're actually a terrible person if you hate bugs btw yes even if you're allergic yes even if you're literally currently in the hospital getting treatment for an extremely serious insect bite if you don't love bugs you ARE going to hell and all the bugs will be in heaven and the live ones will dance over your grave when you die which is hopefully soon" id be like 'yeah of course you'd be on here'. like. typical opinion in the replies of a post with 25k notes. but also that's how i talk about people who dislike carly rae jepsen so. actually i think i made my hypothetical post too funny because i would reblog that if it was on my dash
what im trying to say is: because of the nature of this site i cannot rule out that there does exist people who will send you anon hate for your personal dislike of bugs—even if you express it on your own blog without bothering anyone who does like bugs and making several disclaimers about the importance of bugs to the environment and what have you—even if ive never seen them and cannot imagine anyone sincerely acting that way. because people on this website sincerely believe a great many opinions that would literally never naturally occur to me. what i will say is that i hope this person and i continue to travel onwards on our journeys, blissfully unaware of each other forevermore
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infodump-central · 2 years
have YOU ever wanted to share information about something so badly but had nobody/nowhere to share it to? now you do!!
this is infodump central where YOU can go on and on about whatever topic pleases u most (with some minor restrictions)! this means ANY topic, including but not limited to, tv, video games, movies, weird lore, headcanons, real life history, current events, architecture, music, random objects, vehicles, books, toys, people, psychology, astrology, literally anything and everything! all info regarding submissions and other questions will be under the readmore!
FIRST AND FOREMOST, do not submit if you're uncomfortable receiving feedback from strangers on the internet. i myself will always be positive about submissions/listen intently to them and i urge others to do the same (BIG on this being a supportive space), however i do not control other people!
anonymous asks are turned on, however if you want to go off anon at any time, feel free!
now for submission rules!
please make sure no hateful speech towards anyone is in your ask before submitting (for example, lgbt+phobia, racism, threats, etc) however if you wish to share information about these topics (history of a topic, educating about a topic, etc) feel free! appropriate tws will always be tagged on my end.
attacking anyone who does not share your opinion will not be tolerated and your ask will be deleted. do not start discourse in your ask.
anything nsfw won't be posted here, realistically i cannot control who looks at this blog and as such would like it to be safe for minors to browse + post on.
overall, just be kind and considerate!
topics that will not be allowed under any circumstance include (more can be added to this list at any point, so check back before submitting each time!):
-harry potter/jk rowling
-rpf/real person fiction (talking about real people is a-ok! just not in shippy/creepy fashions)
other info:
again, appropriate tws will always be added in post by me, and they will always be tagged as 'tw [thing]'
posts will also be tagged with all relevant tags, for instance, if your ask is about a specific tv show, or is centered around certain characters, it will be tagged as such. this is to help people who want to filter these things out even if they don't have a tw tag
i myself will always try to keep posts entirely blank other than the ask itself, though i will try to reply to them positively in the tags! (if you at any point dont want me to "respond" to an ask (no offense taken btw!) feel free to say so or add 'no reply' to the end of your ask!)
similarly if you don't want your ask to be rebloggable just let me know or put 'no reblog' at the end of your ask and i will turn them off!
posts that are NOT infodumps will be tagged 'regularask' and posts that ARE will be tagged as 'infodumpcentral' (no spaces on either of these because tumblr can get weird with blocked tags + tag searches)
multiple asks for a single submission is totally fine, but i will manually stitch them all together into one post instead of posting them separately. (it would also be a good idea to number them as you send them!)
thats about it! have fun!
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does anyone have the link to my post about needing more kinds of positivity posts that account for terminal and chronically ill folks if we're not gonna "get better" and it won't "pass" and all that shit? because I just saw another post, and op was nice enough to say "I'd rather you didn't" about people adding things like "well not me" and "I won't" to their post (which is a fine thing to be frustrated by, btw, just like I get frustrated when people go on my post about how it's shitty to make people feel like any imperfection is a tragedy and so forth, and add shit about how actually they make themselves feel like that so I guess shut up me, and it's like my dude this isn't about your/my self-esteem issues, it's about you not deserving to be hurt and mistreated, so yeah, I don't think derailing existing posts is the solution to our lack). but then comments went on to get a bit- I'm not gonna say attacking, but patronising, dismissive, etc. they were saying "it WILL get better", "it WILL pass", and thinking otherwise is just depression. and I was thinking about how many of those "not me" comments were actually people who genuinely aren't going to get better, y'know? and I wanted to re-reblog my post about that.
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Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) redo be like... (my unfiltered reaction to the movie)
I am only cca 10 min in and I am already crying
This is some post post Apocalypse shit and NOBODY gives a shit for a boy who kind of scaed ur asses before and slept for like a long time and is confused af. Liek literally nobody like pm they are under an attack bit it looks like everybody blames Shinji for previous event (at least new guys) like ok without Kaworu everyone would be dead but who was supposed to know Adam and Lilith would fuse like this???
"Don't do anything" BRO MISATO-SAN???? AS INFJ (who's kind of similar to INFP's Shinji) that cold stare and words hurt me deeply
I can't believe I am saying this but I kind of liked anime series abs The end of EVA better than this
They even call my boy by some number as if he was some object. Excuse me he's treated as a criminal even though he technically didn't want to be and wanted to save everyone I AM SO MAD
Fine so we are getting our info...
Ya as I thought... 14 years passed... hahahha ofc they'd be a little mad but this is overdoing it... basically he'd die if he got too emotional lol (I wanna die and we didn't even get to Kaworu at this point he HAS to give my boi happiness)
Most depressing NGE arc... is 3.0
And ofc Gendou is as same as ever lmao (this impact conversed him back to how he was in anime series Ig)
I wonder if NERV is still going to do Human instrumentality project Ig its kind of gives off these vibes (later I was right this didn't change ge anything for Gendou just made him even colder like he was written before)
OK so this Rei is different altogether from all pheromones versions. She's truly like a robot only following Gendou's orders
I feel so bad for Shinji.... rn he only has Kaworu who's obesssed with him obv but tbh at his position I'd take any friends I could get
My so long awaited gay moments I was waiting for are finally here - and the reason why I am still watching (ok that's a lie rn I do want to know how it ends)
"I was born to meet you= I love you" is making me swoon all over again
Well fuck Ig that answers what happened to everyone (the fact that freaking angel.had to show it to Mc is even more depressing)
Sometimes doing the right thing can cause massive destruction- a novel written by 3.0's Ikari Shinji
There is always hope - Big apause to the best character in this show I don't care what you think this is what we needed to hear
Fyutsuki trying to do right thing by talking to Shinji while giving us his lore lol (he should have done that sooner) but this will break him
OK so now that Shinji knows he didn't save this Rei he can't find excuse for tragedy he indirectly caused(and for which he shouldn't be blamed for remember SEELE is abs amwsyeb be the main villain of NGE. But I do understand bitterness of others)... so he's slowly losing his mind
HES TAKING HIS COLLAR ?it's scene I saw before when I spo8led myself) afabatvayzvahFga I can't be ever normal about Kawoshin
They're piloting together hahaha (Ig soon we'll see THE tragedy)
Bruh this looks bad (and yk it's bad when Kaworu is nervous)
Gadouh planned all this obv and now we're fucked (again) - but it's OK he'll be killed either way
Btw this is on side note: but I find Makinami kind of annoying in this movie - she's basically being little brat and too relaxed unlike Asuka who's in his war mode 24/7 and it irks me in bad way with that said
How did Kaworu not see this happening is beyond me
We're fighting new Adam Ig (I can't wait to watch theory on this so I'd understand all this better I feel like you're constantly confused how these angel awakening work)
Is there even anyone left to kill aside from WILLIE and what's left of NERV?? This is the second craziest shit I have seen after The end of NGE because ofc nobody can top that
RIP Kaworu - we seen it coming but his last words>>>> dw your resting place will be entirety of the old world (this quote from Genshin is fitting for him rn)
Fourth impact averted at great cost fuck this was amazing
And so...
Bravo Anno you created a masterpiece that you always wanted. Now I can rest in peace before I watch Thrice upon time
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cyrsed · 2 years
i think about how much i love this definition of transmasculine like all the time lol TTwTT
Any person who was assigned female at birth but feels that is an incomplete or incorrect description of their gender.
- What’s in a Word?: Crafting Transmasculine (2006)
i wish it were a more widely understood definition bc as far as i’ve ever heard, there’s no other word that describes both binary and nonbinary afab people (and vice versa for transfem obvs) without referencing their agab. that’s something i think we sorely need! and while i def think “transmasculine” as a term has issues: bc it has “masculine” in it, it’s often used to actually refer to how masc someone is, which is alright on a personal level ofc, but becomes problematic if you’re trying to describe an entire group of people with it.
like, i identify as transmasc, but i don’t identify with any definition of it that is something like “ transgender person [...] whose gender is masculine and/or who express themselves in a masculine way.” (from the nonbinary wiki) bc for me personally that feels reductive and limiting; i don’t like to define my gender by how masc or fem i am.
without a word like transmasc to mean “anyone afab who feels that is an incomplete/incorrect description of their gender”, we can’t talk about our collective experiences as afab trans/nonbinary people without prefacing it with what our assigned sex is, and that feels like a cis-centric (in the sense that people often frame transness around that “female-to-male”/”male-to-female”, genitalia-centric view of our identity), outdated framing that defines us by our agab rather than our actual identity.
i don’t feel that my transness is defined by my agab, & i personally think it’s really important to trans liberation to reject any framing that chains us to the birth assignment framework. being trans can be so much more than that! community, shared history, self-creation, liberation, love, solidarity, self-expression, etc., all of which are more important to me than what sex i was assigned.
(besides that, there are also trans people who feel dysphoria being reminded of their agab, and i’d rather not unnecessarily bring it up if i can help it)
it’s probably cheesy to say but i’m fine with being an embarrassing millennial on social media, so i’ll say that transmasc is genuinely such a powerful word when used this way! it could represent solidarity and agency where we’re so often denied it! i mean we gay/trans/neurodivergent/disabled/etc people know how powerful it is to find the language/tools to describe our positions and experiences. realizing i was autistic was literally so life changing, and then before that, realizing i was trans completely changed my life from feeling like i must be a terrible person, being an isolated kid who was sure i must be the only person on earth who felt like this because i’d never heard anyone talk about these experiences before, to realizing that there’s language to describe how i feel, and there’s a community of people who share those experiences!
that’s why i feel so strongly about this definition of transmasculine, bc right now i don’t think there’s any other word that describes the particular group of people with the experience of being an afab trans/nb person (and vice versa for amab trans/nb people!). i would love if there were another one, esp if it didn’t include the “masculine” part just bc i think it gives the wrong impression that it’s something to do with gender presentation or manhood,, but until there is i’ll keep using transmasc.
it’s so important to have the language to describe our experiences, and name the people affected by certain experiences rather than keeping them separate and isolated and less capable of bridging that gap to form solidarity with others, eg. on twitter i see a lot of references to how g*nder cr*tical people and other right wingers target trans men specifically, but they leave out nb afab people from that description even tho we share those experiences. instead of changing it to “trans men and afab nb people” or “afab trans and nb people” i personally think that saying “transmasculine people” gets the job done better and faster and is more inclusive when we’re using the above definition!
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unfriedough · 2 years
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‘Positive!’- Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: HIYA! Okay, I wasn’t planning on writing but idk. Wanted to. ALSO ANYONE WANNA RECOMMEND ZUKO FICS TO ME?? I’D BE SO HAPPY PLEASE <33 
Thank you for the requests btw!! This was super fun to write, and hopefully I'll write the rest soon!! <33
@heejin1sm said:
 “waterbender fire lady (maybe related to sokka and katara) finds out she's preggo and she kind of freaks out and is scared that if the baby is a waterbender then the people of the fn will not accept them and attack the child. zuko comforts and helps reader.”
P.s: I didn’t include yn being sokka/katara’s sister as that kinda limits how Yn could look.
Warnings: pregnancy, established relationship, panicking, crying, zuko being insecure (he’s just like that).
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Two lines. Your eyes skimmed over the maternity test for what felt like the 100th time, disbelief setting in as the clock made no effort to slow the ticking. Your mind ran laps, unable to process the newly-found information. It was as if every voice in your head abandoned their assigned post, running wildly across the expanse of your throbbing head. 2 Lines sat pretty on the cheap screen of a pregnancy test you picked up in secret. It’s not that you didn’t want Zuko to know, you didn’t want to give him false hope. However, things took a turn when you realised your baby could be a water bender, and you crossed your fingers - praying it would be a single line.
“One,” you pointed shakely, “two,” a choked sob escaping your closing throat.
As if testing your ability to count mentally, truly, you must’ve looked like a joke to any spirits watching. Actually, they were probably sharing popcorn and a good laugh by now. You slid down onto the floors, back against the sink cabinet. You flashed back to the cruelty of the first few months of being a royal. People would give you the dirtiest looks unbeknownst to your busy husband. You tried to ‘suck it up’, but that made it worse. Not having anyone to talk to made you feel homesick - you’d jump at the opportunity to go back to the water tribes if it weren’t for the excessive bullying that would occur when you got back. A whiny voice pulled you out of your wide-eyed state, you would have laughed if it weren’t for the circumstances.
“You almost done? I’m gonna pee myself!” Sokka screamed from outside, his bladder on the verge of exploding. He had been standing there for like 30 minutes.
Sighing shakily, you wiped your eyes with the intricate sleeve of your red silk dress, the ornate golden accents dulling with the liquid. You stood and leaned against the sink for support, your hand clutching your stomach tightly. Your eyes were puffy, cold water ought to do the trick. Leaning over the counter, you allowed yourself to enjoy the feeling of the crisp coolness. Three more frantic knocks on the door, followed by the low chuckle of no one other than your husband. Zuko laughed at Sokka’s whimpering and whining state, 
“There’s like a million other bathrooms you know,”
“Yeah I only trust this one!”
“You trust the bathroom?”
“You don’t?”
You decided to take your leave then, bursting the door open and swiftly walking away, the watertribe boy speeding into the restroom.
Zuko followed you, a stapled batch of papers in his large hands, and a handsome smile on his face. Suki called it the resting smile, no matter what he was doing or saying, if you were in the vicinity, a smile graced his features. It was truly a sight to behold. His hair was in a loose top knot, showcasing the amount of effort he puts into his job. The firelord was a hard working man, and a loving husband, you can only hope he’ll be a present father too. 
‘Why now?’ tears pricked your eyes at that last thought.
“Hey yn, I was wondering if-”
“Not now hon,”
The firelord furrowed his brows, pausing his walk, “It’s really important,”
He sped up to your pace, before gently taking a hold of your shoulder. You whipped your head around, his face mere inches away from yours. He studied your face, the wrinkle in between his brows growing more prominent. The confusion on Zuko’s face twisted into an expression of pure concern.
“What’s wrong, love?”
You tried to keep your composure, but he made it so difficult. Zuko stared expectantly, his mouth slightly agape. You breathed deeper than before, your throat feeling hoarse. Alternatively, Zuko began to lose his patience - worry quickening his breath.
“Did,” a pause followed, “Did I do something?”
The firelord pouted as he watched you intently, did he forget your birthday? No, that wasn’t today. An anniversary? Nope, still got a month. What did he forget? Was it really that important? You probably hate him now. You deserve someone a million times better. Atleast, that's what he thought.
Then the waterworks started, your husband frantically examining you. You pushed yourself away from him and speed-walked to the nearest room, attempting to shut the door, only for him to stop it with his foot.
“Yn.”  To anyone, he would seem angry, assertive, scary even. To you, he was just a teenager afraid of rejection. “Can we please talk?”
You sighed, pulling the door back to allow him in. Quietly, he shut the door behind him and walked to where you stood - near the window.
“I’m sorry.”
“I think I forgot something but I don’t know what and I-”
You pecked him on the lips gently, “You didn’t forget anything,”
Sniffling, you pushed your hand into your pocket, and pulled out the pregnancy test.
Zuko’s eyes locked with yours as he gently held it. His eyes traced back and forth. Two lines.
“You’re pregnant.” he said, disbelief vident in his tone.
Zuko swallowed thickly, staring at your sad face, “Isn’t this good news?”
“I’m scared, Zuko.”
Your husband brought his lips to your head, landing a reaffirming kiss. You scrunched your nose as you sniffled again, wiping your wet cheeks.
“Do you wanna keep them?” a hand ran through his messy hair, pin long abandoned on the carpeted floors.
You nodded, looking into his eyes. A great big grin adorned on his face, as he pulled you tighter to him, tears pricking his eyes. You giggled as he peppered kisses on your face, tears spilling from his eyes. 
“We’re gonna be parents,” he cheered, you couldn’t help but give him a peck on the cheek - god he was adorable.
He wiped your tears, smile fading ever so slightly “Why were you upset though?” it seemed as if he snapped back to reality.
You sighed, pulling his hand towards the bed, sitting him down. Zuko rubbed his thigh nervously.
“I’m scared they’re gonna be a waterbender.”
The firebender furrowed his brows, before smirking slightly.
“Why? They’d just be more like their mom.” he joked playfully, pinching your side, causing you to squirm.
“That’s not why,” you said through a giggle, taking a pause before continuing “I’m scared the people won’t accept them.”
Zuko’s face seemed upset, “They accepted you, no?”
“Yeah but after how long, darling?”
He clenched his jaw, pulling you closer to him.
“I don’t want to sabotage a kid’s life you know,” you laid your hand on your stomach.
“You- we won’t. The world knows how amazing of a ruler you are, and even if the baby was a waterbender - they’ll be respected and loved. I’m positive.” he tilted your chin to meet his eyes.
“I suppose you’re right,” a kiss landed on your lips.
“Tell me something I don’t know.” he said, smugly, earning a nudge on the shoulder.
“Shut up.”
You paused.
“But what if, what if they attacked our baby?”
The gears seemed to turn in the firebenders head, “Then we’ll get them bodyguards! I know a few kyoshi warriors that won’t mind.”
You grinned, safety finally beginning to welcome itself into your body.
“Okay. I guess we’re gonna be parents.”
The firelord’s eyes sparkled as he hugged you so tight you could barely breath, “I love you, so so much,”
“I love you more, stupid.”
Zuko chuckled, wiping his tear filled eyes. He leaned closer to your lap, and laid his head against your thigh. “I’m gonna be a dad!” a muffled voice claimed, earning a giggle from you.
You ran your fingers through his hair, he really was just a massive dork. 
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An: This feels rushed but whatever i guess. As always, hope you enjoyed reading, SEE YA! <3
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npdbubblygum · 2 years
Do you know if you could explain what narcissistic/ego injuries look like in NPD or in yourself? I’m wondering if they do exist and what they look like? Im asking you bc I know you post a lot of good content already and I’m trying to see what I relate to…
I can describe what they’re like for me personally! Other pwNPD feel free to add your experiences in the reblogs or replies
I’d say the feeling of the narc injury is a mix of disappointment, shame, anger, and anxiety. I have this picture of myself as someone who is Better than anything anyone could expect of a person and suddenly I am faced with the scenario that I’m not or that someone thinks I’m not and instead of being a normal little ouchie it kind of triggers my fight or flight response?
The way I experience them depends on how they happen
I’d say there are a few different stages: feeling stage; thought stage; verbal stage; action stage; post-verbal stage; and post-action stage. (They don’t necessarily happen in that order)
And a few different settings: alone; with people I don’t care what they think; with people I do care what they think; with people I care if they think negatively of me; with people I care if they think positively of me.
The narc injury happens for me when I in one of the stages realize that I didn’t reach my own standards or other people’s standards and how bad it gets depends a lot on which setting I’m in. I tend to instinctively get mad at other people for having standards in the first place as a way to avoid feelings of shame and anger towards myself
For example, if I get to the action stage and realize mid action that I did a cringe little dance in the privacy of my room I will feel a very mild narc injury and swear to take this secret to the grave so hard that I won’t even remember it myself.
Or I might feel excited about talking about a movie I like with someone and it hits me that they could disagree with me and before I have even started talking I feel unreasonably angry and defensive like I’m about to fight for my life my movie has to be interesting or I die and they’re just standing there not having any idea of the little war in my head but since I haven’t acted yet I can play it off like nothing is wrong and I am only mildly excited about this in an aloof “cool” way
Absolutely most mortifying is being in the post-action or post-verbal stage with company that I care about what they think (both positively and negatively at the same time) that is when someone has expressed not liking something you did or said and it has gone a little while and the moment has passed and you’re still sitting there absolutely screaming and dying inside because you were criticized and you can’t decide if you’re more mad at yourself for letting someone see you as a disappointment or at them for daring to look down at you like that (this is often perceived and not real btw) but you can’t bring it up again or you’d feel too vulnerable of course nothing could affect you emotionally ever..
If I get to use metaphors, it feels like a little bit of paint chips off your mask and suddenly it’s grotesque and ugly and all your flaws are on display and that is the absolute worst thing that could happen how could someone do that to you how could they how could they why would anyone do that to you??????!?!??!
It feels like an attack on your safety and sense of self and self worth
But often as I said it is often perceived not real and I am getting better at recognizing when I am way too deep in my own head and I have developed coping mechanisms to handle it and take things with nuance and be less paranoid
It is different from a crash in the sense that a narc injury is often smaller, specific, and can trigger a whole crash without being the crash itself
I often feel like I just want to poof everyone who has ever perceived me negatively out of existence because the stress of having them walk around capable of remembering cringe things about me haunts me
It’s a strange experience to be one who exaggerates my cringy weird parts to prove that they’re good and worthy and no one can bring me down, while at the same time hiding everything I can, I’m like shrödingers clown swinging violently back and forth between overcompensating with confidence and debilitating insecurity
That’s my experience!
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morrigan-sims · 3 years
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Okay, so Miranda ( @simgerale​ ) posted the AWESOME map she made of Volais and Eden, and that reminded me that I made one for the continent where RTQ takes place!  And then @huhney-butter​ told me to post it, so....  If you want some really rambling Lore, feel free to look under the cut!!
(btw, I did NOT make this myself.  I used Inkarnate to draw it and add the “stamps” and stuff.) (yes, I know Oraine is super-duper blank, I just don’t know much about their geography.)
- Okay, so starting in the west, we have Oryn.  Basically the whole country is surrounded by mountains, except for two places along the border with Anvia, and also the southern edge.   - Those little islands down there are called the Southern Isles, and they are loosely part of Oryn?? It’s kind of complicated.  But they are where Victor Pelle was banished/exiled to after he tried (and failed) to overthrown his older brother, Pierre, the current king. :) - Most of Oryn is covered in trees, except for the moutains where it’s too cold and/or rocky for trees to grow. Oryn also has the coldest climate of the three kingdoms.
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- The city with the red star is the capital, Westcliff.  That’s where the castle is, as well as being the largest and wealthiest city in Oryn. - The yellow star is the location of Ironkeep, the northern fortress that serves to protect the mines, and serve as a collection point for the materials extracted from the mines. - This is very important since the vast majority of Oryn’s income comes from exports of their natural resources, as well as metalworking including swords and armor, as well as (rarely) some jewelry.
- In the middle is Anvia, which is where RTQ takes place, and is Fallon’s home. - Anvia has very good climate and soil for farming and grazing animals, so they are mostly self-sufficient in terms of food.  However, that doesn’t leave much room for money-making, so they make more of their money via selling artisan goods such as furniture, textiles, etc.   - However, Anvia is still the least wealthy kingdom on the continent. - The river that runs through Anvia is the center of most of her activity, with most towns and villages being relatively close to the river or one of its tributaries (not pictured). - The river actually starts in the mountains of Oryn as runoff and snowmelt, before making its way down into Anvia.
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- The red star is Carisfell, the capital.  It’s home to Anvia’s largest and most central market, as well as many of the most skilled craftspeople. - In an unusual move for royals, the Royal Palace is actually situated a couple of miles outside of Carisfell.  This is not a very defensible position, but the people of Anvia have never been particularly worried about attacks on the capital, since the major target in any war (including the past one with Oryn) would be the farms, which provide both food and income for the whole country. - The yellow marker is where I imagine Duncan’s estate to be, since I headcanon that his little province is one of the very few that borders Oryn without mountains in the way.... 
- To the far East we have the final kingdom, which isn’t really a kingdom.  That is the Orainian Empire.   - I’m gonna be honest, and say that I don’t know much about their geography or anything, but there are some important points! - The city to the south is Villecourt, the capital.  It is the largest port on the continent, and a hub for trade.  It is also (luckily) closer to Oryn’s only sea access. - Oraine makes all of their money via trading.  They have expert shipbuilders and strategic merchants, who know just how much to overcharge someone.  (Capitalism, am I right?) - Since Anvia and Oryn aren’t exactly on speaking terms, Orain serves as a go-between, shipping goods that each country needs (food and textiles to Oryn and timber, weapons and jewelry to Anvia.), for a price. - In addition to an individual merchant’s fees, anyone who has their cargo transported on an Orainian vessel must also pay a steep tax set by the Empress.
(Not really important, but I gave the Orainian capital the name Villecourt as a little bit of a play off of “Vile Court”, because that’s really what it is. The Gilded Palace at the center of the city as well as the court mansions that surround it are lovely, but the further form the Palace you get, the worse and worse the city gets.  And the Empress doesn’t care about the people outside the innermost ring...)
WOW, sorry, that was a LOT!! But this is only a tiny fraction of my Lore, especially on Anvia and Oryn.  So, if anyone has any questions, please ask.  If you read this far, I love you, and I hope I didn’t bore you, ajdksaj.
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sokkastyles · 3 years
I just venture into the Anti Zutara verse and is incredible because is just people hating on Zutara fans, not the ship itself, with arguments like I see in the Anti Keteeng verse. Nope. They are just being extremely toxic against real people. Even saying that if we don't like Keteeng we should watch another show, because apparently they own the show now and dictate who can or cannot watch it and have opinions about it. 🙄
Btw, I saw a comment hating on you and I just wanna say that you're amazing and don't let this kind of shit get to you. Haters gonna hate. Be safe.
Thanks. Apparently some people consider me a "BNF" and I think that's part of it, but that's weird to me because I've only been here for a year and a half and barely follow any ATLA blogs. I just created this blog as a place to put my ATLA stuff because I didn't really want minors following me on my other blog.
And yeah, the thing about anti zutara stuff vs anti KA and MZ is that posts that are anti the canon ships are commenting on and analyzing what is in the show. Whereas with zutara, it's all fanon so any attempts to "debunk" is just commenting on people's headcanons, which is always gonna make you look like a jerk.
Something I've heard someone else say that has always stuck with me on fandom is that you should try to avoid having opinions about other people's opinions, because that's always what leads to fights. So when I try to make my posts commenting on the canon ships, I try to comment on what's already in the show instead of other people's interpretations of it. I know I don't always succeed, but that's always my goal.
When I first got into the fandom, I was immediately turned off by the zutara hate not just because I already shipped it, but because a lot of it is twisting the narrative in order to disprove something that is fanon to begin with so if you start reading this posts knowing nothing about the fandom, like I did, it looks a lot like these people are tilting at windmills. Like, not only is there no real point, but literally no fanon shipper needs or wants to hear why you think their headcanons are wrong.
If people do know me from my personal they probably know that I'm always pro-shipping. I use anti tags mostly to avoid arguments when I criticize the canon ships, but my point is never to criticize shippers. I could care less what people ship. Really. Which is why I was genuinely surprised when some people got angry when I said I wouldn't make or support callout posts for people not shipping zutara in the "correct" way. Or why I gently ignore it when people send me asks after I reblog from certain bloggers to "warn" me that so-and-so ships x, y, or z unacceptable ship (usually azulaang or zucest). I know. I do not care. Which is not to say that there aren't certain ships and certain dynamics that bother me immensely. But I don't go out of my way to attack those shippers because I can't actually make a judgement about why someone ships something, especially if the ship itself is fanon.
Which, before anyone jumps on me, isn't to say I think anything goes or that there aren't valid criticisms to be made, especially since ATLA does touch on so many sensitive issues. But I agree, saying people shouldn't watch the show if they have different interpretations or are critical of some aspects of it is gatekeeping and toxic positivity. James Baldwin said "it's because I love America that I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually," and of course he was talking about things much bigger than fandom, but the same lesson still applies, which is that you should immediately question anyone or anything, any system that puts itself forth as above reproach to the point where criticism is pathologized. I made a shitpost recently about canon shippers saying that "postmodernism was a mistake," but like, postmodernism didn't happen in a vacuum. It's directly linked to the civil rights movement, women's suffrage, gender theory, and a broader understanding of the global world. It's inherently about questioning and tearing down existing structures, and you can't have social justice at all without it. You also cannot even have shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender without postmodernism, because the show itself and its very inception was born from an interaction between anime and western animation, the writers and creators were very involved with the fandom, and the result is something so incredibly self-referential that Derrida is probably turning somersaults in his grave.
But anyway.
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atlantis-scribe · 3 years
idk the bit about Rodney being misogynistic bc he got taken advantage of by an older woman feels kinda uncomfy. like it veers too close to a justification for his misogyny. (ik in a real person this wouldn't like excuse his actions but since he's a fictional character it's like kinda trying to paint his worse actions in a more positive light, yk?) and like in real life people don't become misogynist/etc for like. a particular reason like that. seems kinda iffy idk
don't mean that as an attack on you or op or anything, sorry if I came off to harsh or anything! just kinda made me a lil uncomfortable (bc like I have seen similar things with other characters in the past and it always seems a lil sketchy to me)
first of all, you don't have to apologize. I get harsh anons sometimes, and they don't often feel the need to explain themselves lmao. also, I love getting asks like this; they make me all thinky :)
and you're absolutely entitled to your feelings of discomfort! while we're talking about fictional characters (which are vehicles for all the nasty or complicated thoughts & feelings that would get us shunned in polite society), discourse surrounding them still reflect a lot of things outside fandom (i.e. in the 'real' world). there is still that responsibility to be careful with the beliefs and ideas we promote.
having said all that, Rodney McKay is definitely the epitome of a 'problematic fave'. while he is a protagonist in the narrative sense, some of his more obvious flaws can make him a difficult character to like (or in my case, to justify liking heh).
as for the whole backstory headcanon, I can understand why it wouldn't sit well with many people. it does seem a bit shoe-horned and, having seen the same kind of justification for other Favorite White Male Characters' terrible behavior in other fandoms, I can definitely see where you're coming from.
(btw, I can't speak for OP but I'm glad you sent this ask, so at least I'm afforded the opportunity to reclaim my honor explain myself haha)
any kind of abuse should never justify horrible actions or behavior that one has been given a chance to change or rectify. in this case, if Rodney had been a victim of an older, female sexual predator in his youth, then that still doesn't excuse his misogynistic tendencies (and outright sexist comments & actions). it can certainly explain it, though, which is what I find so compelling about the idea.
the thing about Rodney ( & Stargate + all its characters) is that he's very much a product of his time. while today's media still exhibit a lot of backward tropes and tasteless stereotyping, we've started to find more and more artists & creators who are willing to apply nuance and care to their writing / art. though I'm sure pioneer Stargate fans have made their metas and criticism of Rodney already, his flaws as a character are even more easily brought into sharp relief now because he is not the kind of character that ages well.
if you've been following me for quite some time now, you probably have an idea why I like him. it's not the easiest thing to be, a Rodney fan, but I always make it a point to not excuse any of his bad traits. however, it's also no fun if all I do is bend over backwards to justify why I enjoy his character so much, which is why (since his writing is so inconsistent and there are so many gaps to his backstory) fans like OP and I, whenever we're given the opportunity, try to come up with bits of headcanon to tie a few loose ends together.
I certainly won't fight anyone about it, and I'm very much welcome to arguments that would debunk these ideas, but I'm acknowledging it to be a pretty neat concept. do I think real people (or even fictional characters) who are as terrible with women as Rodney is must have been abused by women when they were younger? hell no. does the headcanon make some kind of sense for why he is the way he is (which, again, is more a product of bad writing than any deliberate characterization)? I think it does.
so it's really more, 'if Rodney had been sexually abused by an older woman when he was younger, then that contributed to his misogyny,' and less, "if Rodney is misogynistic, then he must have been sexually abused by an older woman when he was younger'. there's an important difference that (I'm not even gonna euphemize this because it is rampant) so many fans defending their faves often miss.
I love Rodney for all the bits that I love about him, and I try to appropriately handle all the rest that I don't. what I wouldn't give for Rodney to have had better and consistent writing (one that, while not necessarily erased, at least properly addressed his flaws). that's why I like Trinity a lot even though he messed up so much in that episode. it had been an opportunity for growth.
[ tl;dr check second to the last paragraph lol ]
for reference: this is the post anon's talking about.
also tagging @frankthesnek in case she has something to say :)
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over-under-through1 · 3 years
Have any more headcanons for Robin, Mike, Robike(Them together), Miblo and Buttercup?
i’ll try to get a few of these down ><
Robin, Mike, and Robike gen headcannons:
Robin is deathly allergic to shell fish. she found this out okay her and mikes 2nd date, where he took her out for sushi, she got a tempura shrimp roll, and 10 minutes later had to be rolled out in an ambulance. never again. (don’t ask how she had never eaten it before)
in solidarity to her shell fish allergy, mike refuses to eat any kind of shell fish as well. call him a romantic.
mike is a HORRID singer. boy sounds like a car’s rev engine. it’s bad.
this fact does not stop him from tearing it up on karaoke night at the Utonium household
he is also a hopeless dancer. white boy dance moves for days. some of his favorites include: the lawmower, the sprinkler (basically any dance that’s named after backyard machinery), the running man, and worst of all, flossing
once again, this does not stop him from trying. “BABE!! BAE!! HUN!! LOVE!! LOOK AT ME GO!! COME OVER HERE LETS DANCE TOGETHER!!” *cue groaning and hiding behind Buttercup on Robins behalf as Buttercup laughs her ass off with Butch and records*
don’t get between Robin and her ice cream sandwiches. my girl turns into a banshee the second she spots one.
Mike cannot swallow pills. he has tried so, so hard, but year after year he ends up gagging and crushes them up to drink down with water. poor guy, don’t even bring advil liquigels into his line of vision
Mitch, Pablo, and Miblo gen headcannons:
when Mitch first saw Pablo walk into his 10th grade homeroom, he gay panicked, blue screened, mumbled at Buttercup “pretty… boy…” then zombie walked past her, the teacher, Pablo himself (who noticed and was immediately enamored with Mitch), out the room, past the vice principal, then trudged 4 miles home in a daze with Buttercup flying behind him shouting. he woke up an hour later with no recollection of any of this
Buttercup still makes fun of him to this day for the incident. she tells the story in her toast as best woman at the Miblo wedding
Pablo is a giant. he is a good 7 inches taller than Mitch (as stated in my height headcannons post). Mitch makes Pablo carry him around practically everywhere and Pablo ALWAYS hits his head when he walks into Mitch’s trailer. always. every single time. it doesn’t matter that he’s come over hundreds of times, or that he tells himself beforehand each time “Pablo, you will not, under any circumstances, hit your head on the door frame this time. Mitch will not make fun of you because it will not happen.” it still happens. it’s not preventable.
it doesn’t even matter that even people TALLER than Pablo (cough Boomer cough) can enter Mitch’s trailer without hitting their head. Pablo keeps a cool head most of the time, but he has broken and threatened the door many times in the past.
Mitch is a mini space heater and Pablo is the coldest man alive. many-a-cuddling sessions happen in winter (and though Pablo won’t admit it, fall too. and spring.)
Mitch is friends with basically everyone at their school, he’s very extroverted and good at making conversation with people, he tries making friends with at least one new person a day
so, so many people ask Pablo if he’s on the volleyball or basketball team. they are very, very wrong, my boy is the editor of the school paper and he could not be prouder of his position. FANTASTIC writer, and when you have an in with the schools very own superheroes, there’s nothing really stopping you from climbing your way to the top
Mitch was highkey terrified of Butch when Buttercup first introduced him, but now there is literally nothing that Butch could do to make Mitch feel intimidated. if Butch even tried, Mitch would be right on his ass making fun of him for it
gen Buttercup headcannons (tw: mentions of panic attacks):
still has a fear of spiders, but instead of screaming over them and flying away, she gets a very dark look in her eyes and will not hesitate to destroy the house in order to kill the vermin. her sisters and all of her friends have to constantly be aware of any 8 legged bugs around them so they can keep it out of BC’s sights, if only to preserve the land within a 5 mile radius around them
has been begging Prof.Utonium to let her get a lizard for the past 4 years. she had one for a week but her dad found it and immediately set it free
her ears are the most sensitive of the groups, they all have supersonic senses, but BC’s are especially heightened, possibly due to her lack of “special powers” (total fucking bullshit btw, fuck you ppg writers for treating BC like shit)
i think?? i’ve mentioned her ability to see in the future before here?? that’s because of the her senses. no one ask me about the science behind it, just go with it, okay? super eye sight= glimpses into the future
this ability has saved many of her teammates from colossal damage before, but (angst warning), because she’s had to see those images in her mind to be able to warn them about it, it’s left lasting trauma on her and has made her very protective of her friends and family. do not fuck with anyone that BC is close with, she will mess you up for it
one particular prediction she got showed Butch in a very… gruesome situation. i don’t want to go into detail, but it fucked her up for a bit, and there was about a week where Buttercup couldn’t/wouldn’t leave Butch’s side in fear of what could happen to him
she still sometimes gets flashes of that memory and it’s caused a couple panic attacks. when she found out, Blossom taught her some breathing exercises to help her through it if one comes on
okay one SWEET headcannon for the road. Buttercup really values quality time with her loved ones, and though she doesn’t admit it often, everytime the team + the norms have their little hang out sessions, she sees it as a time for her to chill, and it’s those times that she feels her happiest and like she can genuinely be herself without judgement from classmates or the press
thank you for the ask!! i got a random burst of inspiration that i haven’t felt in a bit when this was sent in, i appreciate you for that :))
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uneryx · 4 years
A story + some advice
Once upon a time, back in 2009, I was “cancelled”.
We didn’t call it that, back then, but basically, after making a shitty, sanctimonious post, nearly every online friend I had made told me to go fuck myself and stopped talking to me. [below the cut - the story, plus some advice to the TDP fandom about toxic fans, consequences, and bad fan behavior from someone who has both been both accuser and defendant. This isn’t a Pity Me post, btw, just me trying to neutrally describe a Bad Time and draw comparisons to an ongoing situation to express both sympathy and clearly state that sometimes consequences are deserved.]
Oh, I had my reasons for the post I made. I was living with my parents, and they had discovered my secret livejournal. After several hours of screaming matches I was given the ultimatum - quit livejournal and LJRP forever, or move out with nothing but my car, my clothes, and the $60 I had in the bank. I chose not being homeless.
As part of this, I was allowed to make one final LJ post - a goodbye, telling people where I was, a (heavily edited) version of what happened and a plea to all my LJ friends to consider that they too might be “addicted to the internet” and they should “save themselves”. It was self-righteous and unwelcome, and my mother had no compunctions showing me the comments telling me to kill myself, get fucked, etc. It was devastating, and I spent the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 completely socially isolated, with no one but my parents for friendship. Needless to say, it blew.  Some of those friendships came back, either because those friends had the patience and kindness to understand my situation/hadn’t taken it so personally, or because after years (and I do mean literal years, like... 5+ years), mutual forgiveness happened. But not all of them. There are people who I spoke with daily who i haven’t spoken to in 12 years and I wonder what they’re up to now. Good things, I hope. I wish them nothing but success and happiness. But I had been an asshole and made a post that hurt people, and promptly been shown the door. And I don’t expect anyone to forgive me for being an asshole, even if my own circumstances were pretty dire. I made the choices that I did, and live with the consequences of those choices. That’s... just being an adult. Now. Lets talk about TDP and a certain she who will not be named. Miss thing has said and done some things that are high on my bad-fan-behavior list. She’s tagged the official account in a plea to have them mediate her fandom drama. She posted a suicide threat in the main fandom hashtag, without any warnings or tw tags, just right there for any and everyone to see. She’s made some pretty harsh accusations of other fans of bullying, harassment and death threats, but has produced no receipts or proof, which - in this day and age - is pretty important when making such a serious allegation - meaning I have to assume she’s making it up. She’s defended JKR and said that calling ol’ Joanne a TERF is unwarranted, claimed that “biological gender” can’t be ignored, whined about “liberal privilege,” and claimed that white people experience racism too because there isn’t enough “Tuscan rep.” (girl, what? Tuscany? I guarandamntee you more white people know what Tuscan culture looks like than Fillipino or Indigenous culture, what the hell.) She asks her followers to brigade and harass other fans as well as the people she’s accused, and blows things out of proportion... and then has had repeated histrionic meltdowns in the main fandom  hashtag, the public square of fandom, over one of these big name fans allegedly getting other fans to block her (still, no receipts).  I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but the claims she’s making are not true. If you know the ppl in question and follow them for any length of time, that is not the people who they are and they would never. Furthermore, trying to get Wonderstorm involved like they’re the fan police is, as i have said in my most popular post this week, bad. It’s bad. It’s bad fan behavior and being called out for it is deserved. So why am I telling you my sob story and then whipping around to talk about a similar story? Because I deserved being cancelled. I said something shitty - even if my circumstances were understandable and sympathetic! But what I did with that is attacked and harmed other people.  Attacking and harming others and making your drama and mental health public is toxic. People have a right to call you out, block you, and stop interacting with you if your behavior is harmful to them and the people they care about. It’s not harassment, its not bullying. It’s fucking consequences for being someone people don’t want to be around. I get it, I really do. It SUCKS. But sometimes you have to grow up and realize that when you hurt people, they might hurt you back. Nobody in fandom wants to be around someone who is constantly making drama their problem. And nobody in fandom should have to deal with that. 
I want miss missy to take it out of the fandom. She keeps threatening to leave tumblr and honestly I wish she would? At least until she’s grown, matured and learned how to handle her mental health in a productive way that doesn’t drag everyone, of all ages, into the fray. As it is right now she’s just making herself and everyone else miserable. Redemption isn’t something magically granted because one has apologized - it must be earned by a good faith demonstration of change. Not a performative change, but TRUE change. Until then, well... Sometimes you gotta cut your losses and leave. If you’re young and riled and feeling like the big mean fandom BNFs are harassing this poor poor mentally ill queer woman? Consider, perhaps, that she isn’t the only mentally ill queer woman in the fandom (hi!), and that when people call her out for toxic behavior it’s not bullying, but consequences. (BTW, madam, if you’re reading this: I didn’t block you because anyone told me to - in fact, i was told by certain parties NOT to block you. I blocked you because I don’t want you looking at my posts and thinking you can use my platform to give your self-aggrandizing pity party legitimacy like you absolutely did whenever I blogged about forgiveness, fan culture or positivity. These posts are not for you. Nice to see you didn’t respect my boundaries and are looking at this logged out, too.)
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Out of all the snk shipping fandoms, which one do you think is the best/most wholesome? And which one is the worst/most toxic? Reminder that we’re talking about fandoms here and not ships (btw even tho I hate ereri I can’t help but love your art about it, it’s just amazing and hilarious, keep it up!)
Interesting question! As you might know, we don’t consider ourselves a part of any shipping fandom (or any fandom in general), so we can only talk about how we (and people we know) were treated by them. There won’t be much of an “inside” experience, because well we’re not “inside” any of these. And a lot of it is “people who ship X tend to shit on Ereri absolutely unprovoked at every chance they get, so we really don’t like them” lol
Obligatory and very obvious: loving a certain ship doesn’t make you a good/bad person, and there are a lot of wholesome people in any shipping fandom: we’ve met a lot of very kind, helpful and open-minded folks during these two years. So if any of you read this and think “oh, I ship X too, and this doesn’t sound like me or my friends at all”, chances are I’m not talking about you. But there’s always a possibility that peeps that you interact with in your shipping circle are pretty nice to you, but super mega shitty to others. Whether you ignore this type of behavior or not is up to you. I just want all the harassment to stop, because frankly we’re very tired.
As someone who ships Ereri, we’ve experienced and witnessed a lot lol especially on twitter. The most vocal ones would be Levihan, Eremin and Eruri fandoms I suppose.
With Eruri fandom, we’ve heard a lot of stories about some people bashing Zevi and attacking Zevi shippers + we’ve witnessed the great Eruri vs Ereri war, so of course we know how pretentious and rude they can get. There are people who felt like they were exiled from the Eruri shipping fandom for either shipping any other character with Levi or just seeing characters and their relationships differently (i.e. not seeing them as wholesome husbands or preferring Levi to bottom which is apparently a sin for Eruris too sometimes nowadays???). Although it’s important to mention that I feel like Eruri shippers know how shitty the anti stuff is better than a lot of other communities, so I don’t feel the same aggression from them at this moment.
If we’re talking twitter, based on what we and our friends have experienced, the most aggressive groups seem to be Levihan and Eremins. When I go through my blocking sprees and block everyone who hates on Ereri or Zevi or Eruri (well, mostly Ereri), ~88% of the accs happen to be either Eremin or Levihans. When someone writes a long-ass thread to attack a content creator, it always happen to be either of these two, and I have no idea why. A lot of them are also minors who act like the way they harass others is perfectly justified. I legit see stuff like “besties let’s spoil snk for ereris” and “let’s bully ereris and tell them to kys” every time I search ereri on twitter. And I’ve seen enough of Levihan folks saying shit like Eruris being criminals because Erwin is basically a nazi + spreading misinformation about popular artists just out of spite… extremely annoying stuff. Actually, I think you’re the first LH person who’s been kind to us lol
Also don’t get the idea that there are no toxic people in the Ereri community, because this simply isn’t true. Like I said, every fandom has its own clique and a certain level of toxicity, and it’s stupidly easy to be the “wrong one” here, at least it used to when we just started posting. People who’ve been following us for a while know that we used to get a lot of crap for making Levi a bottom on all of our drawings and not wanting characters to switch. It’s such a stupid reason to get harassed, who the fuck cares whether a character tops or bottoms in a drawing??? And yet we’ve been told that a lot of harassment has happened because of it + experienced it ourselves. I think the only reason we don’t get harassed for it very often nowadays is because of a luxury of being a kind of a big art account. It’s much easier to attack smaller ones who don’t have any power or connections, especially when they’re insecure and want to fit in with the fandom.
Now for some reason some people now think that we (me and Katsu) block people for loving top!Levi or bottom!Eren… this isn’t true. I admit that I can get petty when I block people, but it’s always about their attitude and never about their preferred ship or character’s position. Whether you like something or not is none of our business, and we never criticized what others like, so it’s kind of offensive that people think we’d act that way towards others when we ourselves experienced the same treatment for making Levi bottom every single time. It’s childish and disgusting, and I really don’t want people to think of us as someone who approves of this behavior.
Top!Levi stans act pretty toxic too sometimes, not only in Ereri (well Riren) community. The majority of comments about our Levi being ooc, looking like a child and being too horny and blushy we got from them, they get straight-up OFFENDED by our Levi. We’ve talked about how people are afraid to make Levi into anything but a serious and stoic manly man a lot in the past… And this is the only reason we get defensive when people ask us about top!Levi. But still, we never block anyone because of their preferences. This assumption is very... idk yikes, and more disgusting is the fact that people very easily jump to this conclusion, like... seriously? That’s what you think about us? So much for “uwu our supportive shipping fandom community”.
Shippers of het ships can get quite toxic too, especially after the finale. Some of Eremika peeps got wild, and you’ve probably seen our replies about it and that one Anon who got very upset with our reply about Eren. For some reason, when you post something het-related, there’s always going to be a person saying shit like “NAAAH HE LOVES X, NOT HER”, as if any of this matters. They are the type to whine about Eruri shippers ruining beautiful friendship between Erwin and Levi with their homo sexy stuff. They’re often disrespectful: shit in your comments, belittle other ships with comments like “well THIS is much better than X”, and overall make the experience very uncomfortable. For some reason they just can’t enjoy their darn ships without shitting on others.
Anyhow. I know this reply sounds like “everyone’s a shithead” lol, but once again: sadly, there are nasty people in almost every shipping circle, this is unavoidable. And it’s easier to mark them as “shippers of X”, because they often act like a clique or high school bullies or something. And even though there are a lot of very nice people, I tend not to associate them with any shipping community: it’s just a pleasant and cool person who we had fun communicating with, and who just happen to ship X, Y and Z.
Maybe… it’s fair to say that we dislike fandoms, but talking to people who are kind, polite and excited about the same things that we are, is always great.
Siiigh, hope I didn’t bore you to death with this reply. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to talk about this! And for enjoying my art and being open-minded :)
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