#this is about &team in case youre wondering xD
faintlyof · 2 years
uhh, all that being said, i do agree with international fans
like if you’re going to market a group as an international group, there needs to be content available internationally
the groups i was into got popular overseas, but they weren’t global groups, they weren’t promoted that way, it just kind of happened naturally and they kind of went with it when they could
but this is a global group
and most of the content is locked behind a paywall that you can’t pay for unless you have a japanese payment method.
like when they used that fujitv+ whatever for the hybe tv broadcast. im -in- japan and i couldn’t figure out how to access it xD it was essentially setting up a cable channel, so japan only.
or on hulu, where i think you can use a vpn to be able to watch that stuff? but not everyone has access to both a reliable vpn and a hulu subscription? or the smash. contents? the uk branch closed so its back to only japanese can pay the subscription fee i think?
and now Academy which will air on tv in japan and then also on a different channel in japan? and then also on hulu but again, people without a vpn probably cant watch it?
like if youre going to say theyre a global group but then not provide any global content, people will have a hard time latching on and staying there.
the youtube vlog series are nice, don’t get me wrong, but they’re like 2 minute videos of vlogging. better than nothing i suppose.
and don’t get me started on the state of subtitles. @_@
since everything is airing on live tv IN JAPAN, theres 100% 0 chance of those being subbed. its on tv in japan, the show is in japanese, there’s no reason to sub those in any language except japanese, which is still not always guaranteed anyways.
if the tv channels have rights to that footage, hybe can’t upload it to their own youtube and sub it...soooo...i just feel like this runs really deep and we may not see the outcome we want to see any time soon.
but at least they may be able to pave the way for future acts.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
Heya Factual! Been a bit! Hope you're having a good day! Really been enjoying your slime rancher Submas AU, and I'm. Glad to see the group's made it through the (presumably) hardest bit of their time on the ramge, and it's sweet to hear you intend to draw them some more in the future! Here's to hoping we get some more wholesome antics to recover from all the angst...
Also, since it's been such fun watching you craft this new universe these past weeks, I of course had to tailor my Asks to it- the first of which is: is this version of the far far range souly home to Pokemon inspired slimes, or does it still house a mix of the original slimes as well? And can the Pokemon slime become largos too? If so, is it perhaps part of their evolution? Are their slimes for every legendary? Is there an Arceus slime!?
And on that topic, do you think any other characters would translate over to this universe? Would there perhaps be slime versions of Grimace and the gang hopping about? maybe I'm overthinking it, but could team Rocket perhaps persist as a slime smuggling syndicate? With Jessie, James, and their loyal slime Meowth!?
Thank you!! I'm glad you've been liking my slime rancher AU stuff!! :DD Now as for your questions...
I'll be replacing all the in-game slimes with Pokémon. Its not exactly like "this Pokémon takes the role of the tabby slime, and this slime takes the role of the honey slime". Its just all random. Although I did want there to be a "pink" slime of sorts. (A common slime that could eat anything.) And so I made the Trubbish line take that "role" <XD
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And in case you're wondering which Pokémon will be added? I plan to just have the Unova region Pokémon present. With only a few exceptions here and there. Its makes sense considering all the humans in this AU are from that region <XD Here are some more examples of Unova region slimes! :)
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As for if the Pokémon can become largos? I haven't really figured that out yet.. I feel like it would be cool if the base slime to largo transformation mirrored Pokémon evolution.. buuut I'm having trouble figuring out how that would work as you can see here..
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This also begs the question of reginal variants. Maybe it would work like this..?
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Ahhh Idk, I'm still thinking everything over <XDD
Also, "Is there an Arceus slime?" Well he doesn't look like your typical slime.. but he's there!
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While we're on the subject of legendaries, the ones from the Unova region exist! And I know Giratina isn't in Black/White, but since I added Arceus.. I let him take the place of Tarrs...
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I haven't decided if any of the Pokémon slimes can even turn into Tarrs or not. I kind'a like the idea of Tarrs being these unknown beasts that are separate from slimes.. hmm.. who knows <XD
And lastly, Grimace and the gang? And team rocket? I don't think I'll be adding them in canon.. although I did draw a slime Grimace and Sylvester the other day! :DD
Aaaanywho, thank you for the ask! It really got my creative drive going for some reason XDD I've been pretty distracted these last few days working on my live Violet dex.. but I'd still like to come back and draw more for this AU sometime! Thanks again! :))
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daddy-deathslinger · 6 months
Hey, I'm a big sucker for DBD imagines and posts and you're one of the top three I like.
Is it ok if I can have some imagines of Caleb, Kazan, and Trickster reacting to an s/o who LOUDLY curses in their native tongue (Like Caleb = Irish S/O, Kazan = Japenese S/O) and they let it out during a trial with them, shocking even the crows.
I rage around failing gens and evading, and I always cause a scene when I do 😅. You don't have to find any accurate swear words or curses, I like to see the build up to their reactions for it XD!
Hi there! I hope ya like what I came up with, I wanted to try and google some swears in these languages so if something's incorrect, blame google! xD
The Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn reacting to his S/O cursing in Irish:
It’s a trial like any other for you. Repair generators, flee from the killer, yadda yadda.
The killer in this trial is Caleb, so you know he’s gonna go a bit easier on you, which is good because you feel distracted this trial.
It might be the map, you hate the creepy school of Silent Hill. Nothing ever seems to go right when you’re sent to this map.
To prove your point, you suddenly get very startled while sneaking up to a generator.
BANG! It’s a corpse, it just falls right out of a locker! Right in front of you, as you’re sneaking by!
You can’t help it, the words just come out.
“Nách mór an diabhal thú! Fucking manky piece of-”
The next second, you’re startled again, this time by none other than Caleb, sneaking up behind you.
“Caleb! What in the goddamn-”
Your curses are cut short when you see the confused look on Caleb’s face. 
He just stares at you, and you’re starting to wonder if he’s alright.
Then, he suddenly burst out into laughter.
He laughs and laughs, folding himself double where he stands, tears forming in his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up. This thing scared me, alright?” you hiss, but Caleb only continues laughing as he leaves the room.
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka reacting to his S/O cursing in Japanese:
You and Meg find each other in a trial. You decide to sneak up to a generator together, since you make a notoriously good engineer team.
The wet bamboo rustles beside you as you sit down at your silent generator, and as Meg keeps watch at first, you start working the cables.
This is easy. You know your way around generators, you’ve repaired hundreds of them by now.
Even though Kazan is the killer in this trial, you’re not nervous. He goes easy on you, and you’re not worried about Meg and her speedy legs.
Meg is still keeping watch just in case Kazan shows up, and you’re almost halfway on the generator. This is too easy, why-
A part of the generator explodes right in your face, and the next second all hell breaks loose.
“Kuso kurae! Motherfucker! This stupid piece of shit generator!”
You go on and on about where the generator can get lost and you don’t even notice Meg staring at you like she could kill you.
You do notice the heavy footsteps approaching, however. You go silent, just now noticing the echo from your angered voice.
Kazan looks at you, just staring from behind his mask.
Then, he grabs his sword and slowly saunters along, as if nothing had happened. You hear him mutter something to himself, then he’s gone.
The Trickster/Ji-Woon Hak reacting to his S/O cursing in Korean:
It’s just one of those days. Nothing goes right, and every possible thing fucks up.
You’re so tired of this trial, even if your Ji-Woon is the killer.
You wish this would just end already. You break every part in the generators, you can’t sneak or hide for shit apparently and on top of everything Quentin is just aimlessly staring at the wall whenever you come across him in the trial. He must be falling asleep again, stupid guy.
The cup finally spills over for you, when Ji-Woon finds you and decides to taunt you a bit.
He brandishes his knives, singing about how easy you are to catch and how useless your teammates are in this trial. It’s like a whole performance.
You sigh in anger and suddenly you shout: “Gae-sae-kki! Shut up, you idiot!”
Ji-Woon quiets down and stops in the middle of a tap dance, staring at you.
“Babe, I’m sorry, I love you”, you say. “Just, shut up! And you look stupid, dancing like that!”
A moment of silence, then Ji-Woon grins at you.
To your surprise, he leans over and kisses your cheek, then he giggles and starts walking towards Quentin, who’s now clearly asleep.
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applesandbannas747 · 3 months
i wanna hear your thoughts on the fence challengers: long shot preview pages if you want to share!
oh mAN I have so many and they are all over the place!!
The first one is a little thing, but I bet Seiji had a crush on Marcus Washington when he was a kid--Nick's horror, Harvard's teasing, and Seiji's indignant blush imply as much.
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And a fun fact, Jo posted a mini preview of baby Seiji to Patreon on February 14th...maybe I'm reading into it too much, but that's nothing new XD
Next couple of things are about the scene with the trophy case. It was really interesting and fun to see side-by-side redraws of Robert! It really illustrates the way the style has evolved, and also I gOTTA say it feels like Jo is more invested in Robert based on the level of detail she put in--like it's not just a style comparison, it's also just obvious a lot of attention was put into these shots when a) she could have just reused old shots (which she's done before, so I know it was an option), or kept it more simplified like she did when drawing the original shots.
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I also think it's sweet that the redraws have Robert looking much more like Jesse than the originals.
And I am sure I will get flack for this, but I have incredible second-hand embarrassment from Nick leaving his newspaper clipping + note in the trophy case jfhdasl like bestieee noooo anyone can see that shit now oh my god please stooop
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Onto some Nichoji thoughts! I love that Seiji's been confirmed as a before-bed reader! Him having a Kindle makes sense for the sheer efficiency of it too lmfao. Of course it's also adorable to see him in reading glasses <3 And then my favorite detail is Nick's stupid nightlight...notice where it is?
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Rather than illuminating Nick's side of the room, it's peeking around the curtain and lighting up Seiji's reading, which is beyond adorable and sweet. I wonder whether Seiji stole it or Nick put it there knowing Seiji likes to read before bed, and I love both scenarios.
Also, it's fucking adorable that as soon as Nick mentions their date appointment, Seiji takes off his glasses and lowers his Kindle because it's got his full attention and investment.
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And a quick pitstop to the locker rooms!
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I like the visual metaphor here with Aiden and Bobby both very casual about changing and both literally having their shirts open; meanwhile, Seiji's straightening the cuffs on his button-down, which is already neatly tucked in and complete with his tie. It just highlights how Seiji's a lot more closed off than the others, and I think this was a neat trick to remind us of that.
In regards to plot, I'm still...really disappointed in the pacing. I know most people feel like it's a slowburn/it's taken a long time to develop, but if you waited to read Fence at all until it was complete and then read it all in one sitting, I think you'd see how unbalanced it is. Williams says that their first match will be in three weeks back right after tryouts:
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which means everything between issue 12 and CHALLENGERS has happened in 3 weeks. Seiji and Nick's relationship is so sweet and cute, but it went from resentful rivalry to puppy love overnight with very little 'screen time' dedicated to the actual transition from resentment to friends (which I could write a whole essay on but this is not the post for that lmfao). Furthermore, the fact that it's the first match of State Championships rather than first match of the season is crazy to me. I'll admit, I didn't fence in high school--it wasn't even an option because we didn't have a team. And despite hours of research, the structure of high school team fencing is not entirely clear to me. However, I do know that typical high school sports go through the season, facing every other team in their division or whatever. Based on performance in those matches, they can qualify for state, and then their win ratio determines their seeding order for the state championships that happen in like 1-2 days. Seeding order is who you go up against in a bracket, so it's what this diagram is, basically:
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(side note, but it appears there are 24 schools competing at state). Again, fencing could be different, but it kinda seems to me like we skipped over the season and went right to State Championships, which just cuts out so much development and build-up. It's like we're speed-running the entire story to get to the end faster. We cut out showing the development in the romance, and now we're cutting out the development of the plot. There's still plenty that we can do at state, of course, but imagine how much more it would mean to see Nick fencing in front of Robert if we'd built that up more. I just don't understand how we spent 12 issues on try outs, 4 on a practice match, 8 on camp, and none on the fencing season. It feels so abrupt and unbalanced. Tryouts and camp were my favorites arcs because they felt pretty well-paced as self-contained pieces of the story. I just feel like we needed waaaaay more relationship development between those two arcs to be satisfying, and I feel like there should be waaaaay more build up during the fencing season between camp and State Championships.
and now, the moment you've all been waiting for: my devastation over Eugene's role (???) in the story. I honestly question why he's in the story at all--at this point, it would have made more sense to have him flat-out not make the team. Except that keeping him this long lowkey backs up the theory I've had on his role since Striking Distance/RIVALS: Eugene is here to make everyone else look better/cooler/more impressive. The very first thing that struck me when reading the first look was this:
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The dialogue here suggests that only one reserve actually gets to be on the team in the end, and the reserve is Nick. And, worse, everyone expected it to be Nick. Sure, it's sweet that Seiji thinks Nick's the better fencer, but all I can think about is how hard Eugene's worked for ten years trying to make the team as opposed to Nick's three months of fencing. Now, I love an underdog story. But it's interesting because Pacat stated in an interview (I'd have to go find where for the specific quote) that he always feels bad for the person who's been working to be #1 their whole lives only to be knocked out of the running by an upstart underdog--which I've always assumed would influence the path taken in Fence...and it seems like we may well let Seiji and Jesse remain above Nick in skill (or at least it seems like we won't be dethroning Seiji, even if we go for Jesse), but Nick's overcoming smaller obstacles. And those smaller obstacles hurt worse to see crushed because Eugene almost made the team in a way that mattered, only to have that taken away. It would have been less cruel to him and his fans to let Nick take the reserve slot back in issue 12, but instead we brought Eugene along to serve as a means to make Nick out 'secret weapon' and elevate his story.
I will say though, this page is one of my favorite Eugene moments because I see the character I selfishly want Eugene to be in it. From the context of the panels above, this page is likely Williams telling them that only one will be fencing in State Championships, and this is their reaction. Eugene's immediate concern for Nick and the comforting hand on his shoulder followed by a bright smile and a thumbs up--he just cares so much about other people and it so used to smiling through his own pain/disappointment and comforts Nick through being positive (and as seen back in issue 12, up playing his competitiveness) and acting like it's no big deal.
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Eugene deserved better, but if this is where he goes out, I think I can live with it. Better to see him go now than continue to be a means to uplift the rest of team by being less than. but, man, I was really hoping we were turning it around after his moment in REDEMPTION being the only KR boy not to lose his bout
anyway, thank you sm for listening to my rambles!!! <33
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shadowxamyweek · 5 months
Is Shadow being immortal canon? I thought it was just a generally accepted headcanon by the fandom
The pause and questionmark are not directed at you, they are directed at Sega.
I confess, I'm a bit of a stickler for what lore I consider canon. If it's in the games, it's canon to me. If it's anything outside of the games, including the game manuals themselves... then it's not.
I have such a narrow-bracket view of the story and these characters due to two things:
1: There seems to be a disconnect between the different 'branches' of the Sonic Franchise. There's the Shadow we see in games, there's the Shadow we see in marketing and social media (like Twitter Takeover), There's the Shadow we see in IDW, and then there is the Shadow we see Sega write about in character profiles like on Sonic Chanel and the official Sonic the Hedgehog website. This exists with all the characters to a degree, but I feel Shadow presents an egregious case of it. 2: Sega has a tendency to retcon things or change their language or act like stuff didn't happen and... I don't like it XD But they can't change games that have already been published and played. As such, to me, in-game dialog/play/story/etc is the crowning jewel of truth within the Sonic story.
But that these are *my* paramaters. They do not have to be *your* parameters.
So while there hasn't been any mention of immortality *in game*, there has been plenty *outside* of it. Lots of different official Sega sources say Shadow is 'immortal', but no examples or specifications have been provided in game. There's also plenty of times the whole 'immortality' portion is omitted. Most noticeably, it's not mentioned in the Sonic Channel character profile, nor the character profile provided on the official Sonic the Hedgehog website. At best, it is mentioned intermittently in game manuals and external sources.
(And I know we see Shadow in stasis in 06- I'm aware- but I'll also point out we don't know *when* he went into stasis. Furthermore, I cannot help but wonder if, much like Black Doom in SHtH, Mephiles took a portion of truth and twisted it to scare Shadow. (Also, like.... Shadow was under such heavy security when GUN put him down for an ice nap the first time. Why would they just leave him out and about like was shown in 06? I doubt the truth of what Mephiles shows Shadow.))
I actually reached out to @squid-in-a-party-hat, @fyeahsonicthehedgehog (x), and @forgottensonicfacts (x), as well as some friends of mine like @shadamyheadcanons for help collecting information to provide you with as well-rounded answer/opinion as I can. In fact, Squid has a video on this very subject XD They do a great job of weaving together all the different types of canon (comic, anime, social media, etc) so if that's how you prefer to operate, I really, really recommend them.
Anyway, Here are some game manual examples in chronological order.
SA2 (2001):
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Sonic Heros (2003):
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And...I want to take a moment to show something interesting between the original Japanese and the English translation. The japanese translation says 'unaging and undying' which gives us narrower guidelines, but the Heros profile is the only time I've seen that.
Shadow the Hedgehog (2005):
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Which OUT OF ALL OF THEM you'd think it would be mentioned in his title game but like... *gestures*
Sonic 06 (2006):
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Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games (2020):
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Then there are these online examples, stemming from both Sonic Chanel and the Sonic the Hedgehog Website. They are both officially owned and operated by Sega/Sonic Team. Note they don't mention his age or the immortality at all.
Sonic Chanel, 2007:
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Sonic Chanel, 2010:
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Sonic Chanel, 2022:
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This is the character profile put up on the Sonic the Hedgehog website 2024, separate from Sonic Channel but still official.
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(In talking to @forgottensonicfacts- I had asked about times Shadow had been called 'ageless' or '50.' Turns out the 'ageless' bit was written in a Scholastic's book and, so far as anyone has found.. there is no official mention of Shadow being listed as '50 years old.' I had been so sure it had been officially listed at one point in time. Really glad to be wrong on that one, frankly, because that would have been daft XD)
So this is what we have about Shadow's 'immortality' that has been put out by Sega themselves. Not the comics, not the media team, just Sega/Sonic Team.
Now... this is where I pick apart that word 'Immortal' and broaden the scope a bit.
Not to be 'that bastard,' but I popped on to the Oxford Dictionary just to get a concrete definition for you and they define the adjective use of the word as being, "living forever; never dying or decaying."
1- Shadow's already almost died. He *would* have died were it not for Eggman saving his sorry ass. We know this. It's a whole-ass plot point in his story because it's due to this he ends up with amnesia.
2- Even though Gerald was tinkering with immortality, that doesn't mean he succeeded. We also don't know how that immortality would look/work/act like.
3- In Sonic Battle (for Gameboy), several of the characters have a healing ability. Shadow is one of them. However, Shadow's healing ability is one of if not *the worst in the game.* Also, in the story itself, he get shot and is down for the count *for a while*.
4- We have not seen any of the characters physically change in game save for the big age up/design shift that happened when Sonic went 3d in Adventure. As such, we cannot personally test/see whether or not Shadow goes through any changes at all, be them aging or just changes to their body.
So... all in all... I feel this leaves a huge amount of room for interpretation.
Maybe Shadow isn't immortal after all. Nothing spectacular, it's just that portion of the Ultimate Life Form project didn't succeed.
Maybe the 'immortality' is his healing factor, and it needs to willfully be employed. As such, if Shadow WANTS to age, they need to intentionally and willfully allow themselves to do so by NOT employing the healing factor.
Maybe the 'immortality', being the healing factor, can wear down/slow down over time, especially due to overuse.
Maybe Shadow can live forever barring any really traumatic physical harm, but their body will physically change over time.
Maybe Shadow is immortal like how Oxford puts it, but there is a way to stop that perminantly if they so choose (like genetic therapy).
Maybe Shadow is immortal in the sense that they will never physically age, grow, or change. Ever.
Truthfully, that's pretty cool! Like, this gives people a lot of stuff to work with and play around with, compare notes, talk- that's the fun part of fandom! And no singular person is right! @shadamyheadcanons has this one that's fun. I personally like the idea that Shadow's 'immortality' wears down over time and gets weird, causing their Black Arms genetics to kick off (like a third eye ooooough gimmie gimmie gimmie.)
I don't know if this was the answer you were looking for. Perhaps I've just confused things further- I've been known to do that XD
Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is- it's whatever you want it to be, and nobody can stop you <3 So go have fun!
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marumafan · 11 months
Hello, I am an old fan of KKM and I am really glad that I found your blog. Especially, since I have seen your conclusion about some additional information: You are right. Indeed. Yuuri is gay or bi...and he did go on dates with guys before or he would have had no reason to feel bad at a certain point in time, when the one whom he had defended resigned the team.
Yuuri has basically no interest in going out with girls, but pretends that he is solely interested in them.
What I also considered interesting is that he basically was thrown out of the team because of defending a love interest...He punched the coach, when I remember correctly...and he did get himself into the engagement with Wolf, because he did not dare to really punch him with a fist, because he felt at least attracted to him physically at that time.
So thank you for your your analyses up until now.
Hello there! Yes, but it's not like he goes around acknowledging it. I think that Yuuri is deep in the closet.
He's a character of his time. No way a teen would admit to being gay in the 2000s (they don't even do it in the 2020s here in Japan).
Just go to wikipedia and look at the summary table at the end of the article here to see how many rights LGBTQ+ individuals lack. Every red cross is an inequality. The dates Yuuri went on with those guys were very hush-hush, and I don't think he could quite admit to himself or others that he's gay or bi. For me, the clearest acknowledgement that he's 'not straight' is when his mom asks him if he's into 'people who wear uniforms' and he starts crying in Change /(Convert) the same story where he goes on a 'Christmas date' with the other guy.
After that story, there was no doubt in my mind that he already knew he was non-straight before meeting Wolf; but also that he was keeping it quiet.
I think his extreme closetness is difficult to understand by younger people and/or people who do not live in Japan. Anyone who lived in the 2000s America and is or knows LGBTQ+ people knows very well how closeted people were, especially after Matthew Sheppard. All of my closeted friends went deeper into the closet... and the ones out of it, quietly went back. It was a time of horror and I can only imagine it was worse in the past. That's simply the case that I recall as the horror of my time in the West.
I have many personal stories about the cruelty in treatment of LGBTQ+ people in the 2000s by Westerners AND Japanese, but I don't wanna get into it.
I'm just saying, I get Yuuri. Anyone living as 'non straight' during those years 'gets' Yuuri. And his wishful thinking about how 'getting a girlfriend will magically make him straight ', I know well and have seen myself.
This is a very realistic character of the 2000s.
It gets annoying at times, cuz he is a fictional character and why can't he just get it on in this fictional world with the cute guy that he's very much into?!
Stories are fantasies that we go on to escape the cruelty of reality, and when this guy 1) goes to a place with no sexual discrimination, which is what has kept him closeted 2) is surrounded by cute dudes and 3) the cutest dude is also into him , also he's like the king, you wonder... why can't he just accept the blessings the rest of us don't have?XD
But I think he struggles, like a lot of people, with his sexuality, and so he doesn't know really what to do.
Having said that, idk.... I feel like once they 'start sleeping in the same bed and have a child', there's a very clear innuendo that they're banging , but idk. The author keeps everything in a state of 'deniability' .
Which again... understandable.
You didn't read this from me, but def she's writing herself in Yuuri.
I think it's clear though, as the years go by, that she turns Yuuri and Wolf into a very solid couple with stories like Do you want an Exorcism, Crossheart, Misepan 2. Misepan 2 was released with the ending of the anime on DVD (2010s when she stopped writing), and Yuuri showing his love for Wolf in that story with the 'I would give you anything, Wolf' phrase, really sealed the deal for me.
After that we've gotten quite a few stories, and she even married them in It happens to everyone 2 and Shibuyas , two of the last stories that present them in the 'future'.
Like I said many times, they've been end-game for a while... it's just that no one noticed, cuz they're two guys.
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sotwk · 5 months
Hi Naneth! Do you know and/or play D&D? So...I've recently started playing it and got addicted to the game (surprisingly for someone who's always been a bookworm than a gamer hehe), and now I can't help but be curious what would the Thranduillions (maybe bonus Thranduil and his wife?) be like as D&D characters (or what kind of characters would they create and play as during D&D sessions)? Ooooh, now I wonder what a Thranduillion D&D session would look like XD!
Omg it's amazing that you asked me this question, because literally just this morning I was chatting with my sister about her starting to play tabletop D&D with her old college buddies! I said to her, "Man I'm jealous and I wish I could join in, but I would just be so lost and confused and annoying because I'll need everything explained to me multiple times." XD My sister is also trying to get me to play BG3, and although it's really, really tempting, I'm afraid even venturing into that would take up what little free time I have left!
Anyway, going into your question that I LOVE so much, about what the Thranduilions would be like if they had a D&D session. Using my limited knowledge of the actual gameplay, it would go something like this:
The Royal House of Greenwood Plays Dungeons & Dragons
Characters Chosen
Everyone in the family prefers to play Elves but sometimes may choose a Half-Elf, Human, Dwarf, or Halfling. Legolas may dare to try controversial classes (i.e. dragonborn, half-orc), but only when their parents aren't playing.
Mirion: Barbarian. Values Strength.
Turhir: Paladin. Values Constitution.
Arvellas: Wizard. Values Wisdom.
Gelir: Ranger. Values Dexterity.
Legolas: Druid. Values Wisdom.
Thranduil: Rogue. Values Dexterity.
Maereth: Bard. Values Charisma.
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How They Would Play
The family likes to run the campaign as a group that quests together, rather than individuals, so they work together as a team.
Arvellas is the Dungeon Master mostly because he wrote the guide books and has by far the most organized brain among the brothers. He's also the calmest, most patient, and can keep his brothers in line in case things descend into chaos.
Legolas was the ringleader who initiated the idea to start/play this game in the first place. He begged and helped Arvellas to create the game books, with Arvellas wrangling Legolas's wild enthusiasm and all-over-the-place ideas into brilliant manuals. Legolas also crafted the dice, miniatures, and game boards himself, and he always has the most elaborately detailed character sheets.
Mirion is not much for this sort of game but is absolutely happy to humor Legolas and spend time with his family. Barely knows what is going on and essentially just follows what Legolas tells him he "has" to do. His character is often first to get injured or in trouble, but he laughs it off. Is eating an unholy amount of snacks the entire time.
Turhir is the tactical genius who thinks of creative ways to solve problems and defeat opponents. Mostly does his thing to keep the quest going and everyone alive, but also gives advice regarding combat tactics when asked. Is quietly the MVP of the campaign.
Gelir is just really annoyed by the concept of dice controlling his fate and blames lousy dice rolls a lot. Protests and argues against the "logic" of difficulty checks. Heckles any of his brothers who "mess up" (in his opinion). Chooses courses of action based on what's flashiest instead of what's wise. (He's much more strategic in real life, but this is a GAME. Plus he likes to mess with Legolas.)
Thranduil picks up on the game super quickly despite having the least experience. Frequently leaves the table to attend to crown business (or grab more wine). Assigns Turhir to play for him in his absence because they have the same mindset. Drinks a crazy amount of wine during the course of the game (it helps him relax) but still does not appear drunk, nor is his gameplay affected.
Maereth never gets into trouble (in the game) because literally everyone is half-focused on protecting her. Eventually she gently removes herself from the game so they can play for real without having to consider her. Helped Legolas make the dice, miniatures, and game boards.
I hope you (and all D&D/BG3 readers) enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you for this very fun Ask! <3
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Special Moots who are BG3 fans and might be interested tag: @ass-deep-in-demons @kylobith @tolkien-fantasy @creativity-of-death @missiemoosie (I probably missed some.)
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dapandapod · 7 months
Bring a friend home
Hello there! I honestly don't remember what the exact prompt was, but @firefly-party insisted on Jaskel something something Ikea, and thus, here we are! It was one of those eves I'm convinced I'm hilarious, lets see if you agree xD Please enjoy this silly madness!
On Ao3 here
See, there is thinking outside the box, and there is thinking outside the box. Then there is IKEA. Ikea is the kingdom of DIY and flat boxes. There is nothing you can’t do with a poor man’s budget and imagination, just ask youtube.
Which is why Jaskier finds himself getting lost by the couch section, and then again by the kitchen tables, and then there were the pretty lights and the cool shoe racks. HIs favorite was hot pink, in case anyone was wondering.
Oddly enough, Jaskier’s goal is the kid’s section.
He knows they are supposed to be at the end of the lap, and learned the hard way that short cuts really is just short for really-fucking-lost-where-was-that-blasted-map.
All he needs is the huge roll of drawing paper, and he means the HUGE one. It is heavy as shit, and well, maybe he should have brought something to carry it with, but that was future Jaskier’s problem, and now present Jaskier is cursing past Jaskier for getting distracted by the funky looking bed set.
It will be fine, probably, if he can make it to the downstairs area there should be those heavy duty baskets.
Jaskier is contemplating if he should buy the low budget pens as well, wondering if his niece and their Infinity Art Project will be worthy tools, when something catches his eye. There, by the exit, there are giant plushy baskets.
See, Jaskier is not a big fan of plushies, not really. They lack the warmth and the weight a person would have, but they are also much, much less dramatic than a person, probably.
And there, between the orangutan and the giant panda, there it is.
It is blue and white, and has just the one row of teeth, which his niece would have plenty of words about if she was with him.
It is soft and it’s silly and it’s silly and it's perfect, and Jaskier possibly said that out loud because there is one of those yellow striped shirts with the blue print turning around, and it takes him a moment to look up from that unfairly well shaped chest and into the face of a giant.
Which he also might have said out loud, if the twitch of the giant’s lips is anything to go by.
“Hej,” The man greets, of course he does, as if Jaskier speaks Ikea. “Anything I can do for you today?”
His name tag says Eskel, and it takes a WILD amount of willpower to not blurt out ‘How about me?’ and instead just stand there gaping for a moment, clutching his huge roll of paper.
“Your shark only has one set of teeth,” Jaskier says after one heartbeat too long, Eskel’s eyebrows lifting with the corner of his mouth.
“Well, I hear teeth make them harder to cuddle, and frankly, I myself find too many teeth a bit concerning. Tried to bring it up with the design team, but turns out I’m not very good at swedish,” the giant says, and Jaskier is feeling weak.
Actually yes, the paper roll is getting too heavy to hold the way he is, so he shifts, considering whether to either put it on the floor or between his knees, because that clearly is the right way to hold a giant huge fucking paper roll.
“Bitemarks are hot though,” Jaskier says before he can shove his entire fist in his mouth, which also would have been an unfortunate thing to do in front of this man. “I’ll just-” Jaskier says, turning on his heels to flee, only to walk almost straight into one of the display shelves.
He is saved by a big hand on his shoulder, and then not saved when Jaskier proceeds to drop the monster of a paper roll an inch from his toes.
The thud of the paper landing on the concrete floor makes Jaskier just close his eyes and accept his doom, because there is no way paper nor floor survived that.
“Ah, let me get that for you,” Eskel says, and when Jaskier opens his eyes again, the giant yellow striped man is kneeling in front of him, picking up the paper roll like it weighs nothing to him. It probably doesn’t.
Jaskier is wondering if Eskel would be able to pick him up as easily, and firmly shuts that down.
“Where to? Do you have a basket or a shopping cart?” he asks, and Jaskier is an embarrassed, shamed, blushing puddle on the floor.
“Ah, I was just… going to get that and get to the registers.”
Eskel nods sagely, and nods towards the shark plushies.
“Go give them a squeeze. You just might find a cuddly friend to bring home,” he says, and Jaskier…cannot.
Either this man is as dense as a brick and doesn’t realize what that sounds like, or he does.
Either way, Jaskier does walk over to the shark cage, the iron bars of the plushie basket holding an unholy amount of soft and silly and perfect bodies with staring eyes and too few teeth. BLÅHAJ, he reads, completely unable to pronounce it, but bewitched anyway.
He squeeze one, as instructed, and then the next. But the way the first one is looking at him, as if betrayed, Jaskier can’t help but to pick it up and hold it as he squeezes the others.
It is very nice to hold it actually, and Jaskier realizes he is indeed leaving here with a shark, and he is mentally preparing himself for the berating his niece will get him when they are introduced.
Finnigan. That is his name now. And he knows he will be berated even more when the niece finds the pun in there.
Turning around, Jaskier is surprised to see the employee is still watching him, and still holding that huge, now slightly dented paper roll for their Infinity Art Project.
“You are a good salesman, I’ll give you that,” Jaskier says, wagging his finger at Eskel.
“I’ll help you down the stairs with this, your hands look rather busy,” the giant says good naturedly. “If you don’t have more to pick up from here, that is,” He adds, stopping himself halfway to the stairs.
Lovely, simply lovely, and the way the scar stretches when he smiles, Jaskier squeezes poor Finnigan very hard to his chest. Good thing he isn’t a squeak toy, or this would have been very awkward.
“No, I’m done, thank you. But I can take it myself.”
“It’s alright,” Eskel waves him off with one hand, WITH ONE HAND, SIR!
It is simply unfair how some people just are like that, it is almost insulting how one person can be this kind and handsome and strong at the same time.
It is probably illegal somewhere, and Eskel will be put in handsome-jail if he ever goes there. Fuck, Jaskier needs a coffee and to shut his brain the fuck up.
They walk together down the stairs, but then Eskel just follows him and refuses to let the giant huge fucking paper roll down. Jaskier explains the Infinite Art Project and Eskel makes a contribution with a handful of those hand sized miniature pencils from one of the dispensers and winks as he tucks them into Jaskier’s bag. Well fuck.
Their time is up when Jaskier actually arrives by the registers and is forced to choose which line is the shortest and which one will offer him more time with this hunk of a human.
“When can we expect the art exhibition to begin? Any chance one can get an invite, considering how I am contributing?” Eskel asks, and oh boy, yeah, that man probably knows what he is doing.
Jaskier feels himself giving a crooked smile and pretends to consider it.
“For the meager price of One Cinnamon Bun, I might even let you in on the process itself,” Jaskier dares, heart racing and hands sweating. Poor Finnigan, they haven’t even left the store yet, and he is already on cuddle duty.
“A man should know his worth,” Eskel agrees with a nod. “You got yourself a bargain. Though I will add in a chosen beverage to go with it, in about fifteen minutes when my shift is over?”
Oh dear lord, Jaskier is going to combust on the spot.
They part ways, allowing Jaskier to dump his stuff in his shabby little car and to run into the bathrooms and check out his hair, only to meet up again by the Bistro outside the register area.
If Jaskier felt weak from seeing this man in yellow and blue stripes, it has nothing on him compared to Eskel in civilian clothes.
Eskel is enlightened about the arts of a 7 year old, and Jaskier brings home two cuddly friends from Ikea that day.
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dgiacomo · 9 months
Friday Munday question
how old do you headcanon the zero crew (Florian/Juliana, Arven, Nemona and Penny) to be? Since I saw your post about Team Star’s ages and it got me wondering about Penny’s other friends
[That's a tricky question. XD I definitely have rough ages in mind for them, but I've mostly thought about Team Star as it's... what this blog/comic is about, haha! I'll try and remember my thoughts!
As I've said before... Florian and Juliana... they are the characters who are the "main" player characters, the ones with the 'raidons who went to Area Zero etc. So they exist, but they're usually off doing their thing and don't have much to do with Giacomo as such at the moment... it's why I mostly haven't addressed them as I wasn't entirely sure if they existed here or not. XD But I guess they would. One of them at very least.
On ages, I'd set them the same as the rest of the Champion kids, 11 years old. That's the base expected age for a base Pokémon game (that isn't Black 2/White 2 or Legends Arceus, or a spin off like Colosseum).
They're probably the peak of bizarre Champion kid vibes because they're so OP. XD
Next, Nemona. She's fairly easy to place for me, I read her as 16 or 17 or so. She's got no baggage as such, she's not connected to Team Star OR the Professors, she's just doing her school education. She's in her final year to be Student Council President... and she's also been there and done that on the whole "becoming Champion" thing... there's no evidence she's been held back years or anything and whilst she doesn't look old, she doesn't look young either... so it feels pretty straightforward, I feel.
For Penny, I think she's older than she looks, even though she is your "underclassman" and "in your year". We know she was sent back to Galar for at least 1.5 years after what happened with Team Star and she's basically had to start again, so she's definitely older than the player character (as is the case, I feel, with ALL of Team Star). Before that, as I said with my explanation for Giacomo's age, there has to have been a bunch of years that passed for the whole bullying and Team Star thing to come to pass... she might not have been at the school as long as Giacomo, but she was definitely there long enough to decide that bullying was a problem she wanted to approach...
I figure, especially since she's a foreign student, she actually came to the Academy as a university or maybe college (6th form, end of high school(?)) level student for further studies in the STEM track. She was likely 16 to 18 when she first attended, but that was years ago at this point. I don't think she's as old as Giacomo, though... I feel he's the oldest of the bunch of Team Star. Surely she was attending when Giacomo was being Student Council President and knows all about that (as do the rest of Team Star's bosses), which was about 3 years prior to this blog/comic (by this comic's lore).
(On a side note, I don't think it was explicitly Nemona that replaced Giacomo as Student Council President... since that would mean she's been president for over 2 years XD They say "some other nerd" or something in the flashback cutscene, that could literally be anybody.)
Going from that, it would make Penny from around 19 to 22 on this blog at least! This might change though, I'll be going through Penny's content in more depth before she turns up for the movie night so... XD; We'll see!
And finally, Arven. This one's a tough one! He's another with history and baggage who hasn't been turning up to his classes and probably got held back multiple years through in-attendance. I think he is also older than you first might assume! He doesn't really have much to do with Team Star, so I haven't thought about him much, but my thoughts are this;
As I said, he's had a tough time with the academy and life in general what with stuff regarding his parents and everything... we know he's been skiving lessons, but I can't remember if they mention how long for... I'm pretty sure somebody like Clavell drops times or something he's known the Professors (but I could be misremembering)... I even went through and tried to rewatch a bunch of Arven cutscenes to better answer this, but I can't find anything like it since I think a lot of fine details like that are in dialogue when you talk to characters, not cutscenes themselves... particularly with people like Clavell ABOUT Arven, not including him... =( If anybody has any screenshots of that sort about how long Clavell's known the professors or any indication how long it's been Arven's been without his parents etc. it would really help! I foolishly didn't take screenshots thinking I wouldn't need them...
In any case, I can't imagine him living on his own before his teen years and doing very well... or it being legal XD; I'm pretty sure I saw a good analysis somewhere that said something about him being 11 or 12 at some point in the story and it's been about 10 years since then? But I can't remember the specifics... I feel like that would be reasonable thinking though, him being around 20/21, especially with him trying to find a cure for Mabosstiff. I wish I had that analysis to hand.
It's awkward, I can't find any time scales in the cutscenes I rewatched as to just how much time has passed since each of these events happened... how long's he been looking for a cure for Mabosstiff? When did he go to Area Zero and get Mabosstiff hurt? Any of that info as a date would help!
Going by his build (wide, has the flat chin like Giacomo), his experiences (skipping school, family life etc.) and his striking facial hair (sideburns, very impressive, Arven), I would also put him at around 21 years old, personally... but unless I can find any kind of indication WHEN these events happened? I can't be sure, which is frustrating! =(
This took all day to compile and I'm a bit iffy about posting it because of the same reasons I mentioned in the previous post about Giacomo... XD; Eh... it's just speculation that applies specifically to this blog. Again, it doesn't invalidate any thoughts you may personally have.
Long story short, don't really know, hahaha XD
Thanks for asking, I hope it was an interesting read!]
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piko-power · 2 years
Random Sonic Headcanons Because Why Not
Lots of funny fluffy angst stuff coming your way! It's a big list so it's all under the cut. (Also Frontiers spoilers)
Amy is better at video games than Sonic. It hurts his pride every time someone brings it up. (usually Tails)
Tails' mint obsession was actually Sonic's fault. A few weeks after they first met, Sonic stole bought some mint candies for Tails since he never had candy before. The moment the mint entered his mouth, it was all over. Now every twice a week Tails is only allowed to have a small amount of mints.
Sonic plays the guitar since he was younger, but it's been a while since he played it. His favorite memory with it though was when Amy caught him playing it and wanted him to teach her how to play. So Amy plays the acoustic guitar thanks to the blue hedgehog.
Since Frontiers had a day and night cycle, I believe the real time the event of the game took for Sonic was about a week. (This hedgehog needs a nap.)
Shadow's pet Dark Chao is named Midnight. (Same name of my Dark Chao plush that I got for Christmas XD)
Sonic technically lives in Tails' Workshop. There's another room upstairs where he keeps his stuff and there's a racecar bed that Tails made for him he was a kit.
The White Boost Wisp's name is Yacker, but we never heard the Jade Ghost Wisp's name, but Sonic and Tails calls her by Jade. I believe that her name would be Spirit.
Amy summons her hammer by snapping her fingers, and it will just poof right next to her. (Sounds dumb I know but I thought that would be cool)
Cream actually wants to own her own hammer so she can be like Amy some day.
Sonic having no chest fluff doesn't bother him that much (in this house we love and support Trans Sonic) but sometimes he wondered what he would look like with some. But at the end of the day, Sonic loves himself, chest fluff or no chest fluff.
Omega goes by He/They because they said so.
Oh, and so does Shadow.
I am extremely sorry for this but the IDW comics are not in the same timeline-
Sonic and Tangle met each other post Forces while town residences and Sonic's team helped cleaned up the town from broken Badniks.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy were just having a stroll after the events of Team Sonic Racing to catch a break when suddenly Amy was snatched into the bushes. Sonic tells Tails and Knuckles to stand by in case Eggman is nearby and Sonic goes into the forest to find Amy. Eventually, Sonic came across a burrow and figured Amy could be in there. But when he took another step, his foot triggered a trap and a net landed right on Sonic. Amy and an orange and brown badger came outside to see Sonic struggling to break free of the net. He was relieved to see Amy was alright but asked who that badger is next to her. She introduced herself as Sticks, and she was just having a nice interview with Amy when they heard commotion outside. Turns out she's pretty big fan of Sonic, especially Amy, and she wanted to be their friend. Amy thought she's adorable, but Sonic thought she was kind of suspicious, but they're cool. That's how they met Sticks since Amy also mentioned her in Frontiers. (Which shocked me btw)
Knuckles was pretty surprised when he found out that Rouge took over watching the Master Emerald instead of stealing it during his absence. When he asked why that is, she responded saying that stealing it was way too easy and not as fun without him. Plus, she missed him, which shocks Knuckles more. (At that point, he kinda caught some feelings for her XD)
Sonic still has his Soap shoes and wears this sometimes. They remind him of Shadow because the first few times he wore them was when he first met Shadow.
I am also extremely sorry for this but I think Prime took place before Forces. I will not elaborate further you will have to figure that out yourself.
Sonic is afraid of water because of a fuzzy/early memory of seeing robots for the first time at a really young age. Him and his mother were visiting the beaches of South Island for the first time when suddenly weird looking robotic figures ambushed them. They both fell off this cliff trying to escape and the last thing Sonic could hear was a strangely familiar maniacal laugh. Sonic fell into the water along with his mom. He tried to swim back up to the surface but he was beginning to black out. Soon he woke up on the surface completely unscathed. He realized that someone was missing and looked around for his mother. Then, he looked right at the ocean he somehow came out of. If he's the only one on the surface, that meant...
Meanwhile, a sparkling red aura was above the sky watching the scene unfold. "I'm sorry. I've done all I could..." The young voice whispered before it flies away.
Sonic cries when he stubs his toe. As the fastest thing alive, that will hurt like hell.
Tails is the only person who knows about Sonic's middle name, Maurice. (Thanks Sonic Prime description)
Sonic and Tails have weekly movie nights. On occasions they have guests with them, usually Amy, or Knuckles, or maybe Shadow if he felt like it.
Sonic decided to take care of the Workshop while Tails, Knuckles and Amy are away for a few days after Frontiers.
After everything that happened in Frontiers and whatever the hell he just been through while he was corrupted, Sonic would have some intense nightmares, causing him to not get any rest. He needed some comfort deep down, but his friends are away for a while so that won't be for a while. He tried so hard not to feel selfish or want to be in the way of their adventures, but he wished that his friends will come back.
When they do come back, Sonic gave them the biggest hug he has ever gave to anyone. It may be only days, but to Sonic, it felt like forever. He's just happy to see them again, and so was Tails, Knuckles and Amy.
On occasions when Sonic gets a cold, he has interesting dreams that were related to fairytale stories. He thought those were some wicked dreams and he thought Shadow as Lancelot was the best part.
Sonic loves to sing, but only when he's either by himself or with Tails and Knuckles, since they're the only people who knew about his singing voice.
Sometimes Amy tricks Sonic into going for a swim, just so she can teach him how to. It usually ends with Sonic running away.
Sonic is bi because come on, how is it not so obvious to you?
Rouge and Omega share the same apartment. How the building allows a giant robot in the apartment is beyond your imagination.
And that's all I got right now. Hopefully more ideas will pop up eventually since I can only think of so many headcanons, but there will be more soon.
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faintlyof · 2 years
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me @ international fans rn
i know people would be mad if i said it on twt, so ill just put this here to satisfy my need to tease a little. xD
ill be doing my part to help get their stuff available to international fans, cuz i know we have to work as a team here. when the going gets tough, the tough get going and all.
come on guys, where there’s a will, there’s a way!
0 notes
factual-fantasy · 4 months
Salutations Factual! I really wanted to say, I was completely blown away by your new pixel art collages! I've always really liked pixel art, both simple and complex (even though I'm no good at it) and it's sweet to see you're so skilled at it! As always, keep on drawing whatever it is that you want to draw, but it would be sweet to see some more pixel in the future!
Also, thank you so, so much for answering my last few questions regarding your Pokemon team! I just love those guys so much- and I'm glad to hear they are the very least understand that not all humans are bad- they just tend to attract trouble!
Speaking of which, thanks especially for answering my older ask regarding a potential Hydreigon encounter- I really liked your idea of Gloria, as always, recklessly taking one for the team! In fact, I liked it so much, it gave me a sweet story idea- which, if you don't mind, I would like to "pitch" to you, even if just for fun!
So- what if, during their time in the dark woods, the "worst case scenario" does happen- while still recovering from the Trevenant battle, the gang is ambushed by the forests apex predator- a savage Hydreigon! After Which, Gloria, much to the team's protests, attempts to distract their attacker and lead it away- in the process being near fatally wounded and cornered. However, her cries of pain do not go unheard- as nearby, perhaps in a cave or some other remote location- is none other than Baragara the Metagross- while in the midst of another frightful anxiety attack due to his conflicting brains, perhaps with Patty by his side- he distantly hears the sounds of a Pokemon in need- at which all his brains agree on one thing- they need to help! Then, swiftly as possible, he would jump into the forest below, and aid Gloria by facing down his fellow, rampaging pseudo legendary... Eventually, despite sustaining serious damage, he would triumph, and chase off the beast- just as the rest of Gloria's friends arrive!
And that's my pitch for how the team would meet Baragara and Patty! Sorry for the paragraph- I know you prefer to write your own stories, and probably already have a much better idea for how they meet- but I just wanted to give it a shot, and see what you think! ( Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, thank you a thousand for drawing low Polly Grimace- absolutely made my week! )
Hello! I'm glad to hear you've been liking my pixel art! :DD And that you got a kick out of low polly Grimace XDD
AND HOLY COW!! What an action packed way to be reunited with their old friend Patty! And of course, meet their new friend Baragara! Originally I just had a passing thought of Gloria sensing Patty's aura nearby and them reuniting that way. But I like your idea more! XD
Thinking about how Baragara would handle that situation though.. I wonder. He was supposed to be a normal functioning Metagross. But after having a traumatizing near death experience where he miiiight have suffered some kind of brain damage...? He just wasn't quite the same anymore. I wonder how he would handle a dangerous battle.. maybe his instinct would be to flee? :0 Who knows..
Either way, this ask got me thinking about my team again and has given me a few drawing ideas XDD So thank you!! :}}}
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mcltiples · 2 months
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send “OBSERVE”for a mini-drabble of how my muse sees and/or thinks about your muse while they do something completely ordinary. || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; “OBSERVE” [[ Rick V-79 for my Weird Rick xD ]]
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It's been a while now that Rick had submitted himself to this particular Rick. His Master. All because he found power in his alternate. A certain need for control and something about it made him want to bow down worshipfully. He was in the presence of a God. That much was clear now.
He now stood there on the side. Small distanced apart, only because he knew better than to get in the man's way. Especially when his Master was talking with someone. Conducting business propositions. For what? He wasn't sure. It wasn't his place to eavesdrop. He would ask about it when they got back into the ship.
For now, he would stare at the powerful Rick. He didn't even blink. Pale grey eyes unwavering at every single detail he could see.
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Certain quirks that he could tell that were there. As if the other were trying to hide any real thought or emotion. All replaced with something clever, witty, comebacks for everything. It was fascinating. No one could argue with that Rick, unless they wanted to be spun around in circles.
He would have to take note of that later. Not that he would do anything to upset his Master. Though, he could never be too careful.
And then there was that body language. Stiff, tense, yet also laid back in a way. As if his alternate was prepared for a fight at all times, while appearing to be oh-so friendly and suave. He found it to be sexy. Oh, how he could take away that tension, loosen the other up. In so many different ways than one.
He then flickered into those blue eyes. A tilt of his head where he found something so very mesmerizing. A storm, silent anger. Maybe it's something his Master always carried with him. Something that the other learned how to control. Whatever the case may be, he could stare into those eyes for eternity if he could.
Just to see how intense that storm could get.
It happened a bit too quickly for him to realize. That his Master stopped talking with the galactic being. Only now to be approached by him, closely standing in front of each other. That's when he let himself blink, eyes stinging but he was already used to that.
He looked down at the device that was being shown to him. Just for a brief moment before he glanced back up towards that face. His heart beat against his chest so loud and fast. It made him wonder if he was experiencing something unpleasant. He couldn't tell. So he would ignore it for now.
Instead, he would listen to the explanation that was being given to him. He would pay attention. It was his duty now. To act as a pet and also a part of the team. Whatever his Master needed him to do, he would do it. No questions asked.
"Y-Yes, Master," He agreed, fingers twitched at his side. Only if he could reach out to touch the side of that face. "I-I'll get right onto it."
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tangledbea · 10 months
Have you ever imagined you would come this far, having a very popular blog, knowing cast members, and even having some fans? I acknowledge (and admire) your dedication in achieving all this, but I wonder how it feels like XD
Honestly? No, not at all. XD I never sought any sort of popularity, and some days I don't even want it. Some days, it's kind of lonely. I made this blog primarily to be a resource archive, and to share my insights that seven years of being a Tangled fan had granted me (at the time that TBEA aired), but when crew members started showing up on Tumblr, I one day found myself in the headspace of, "The worst they could do is completely ignore me." So I reached out to everyone I could at first, and kept talking to those who answered.
I think the biggest shocker for me was finding out that crew who hadn't pinged my radar knew who I was. When I went to the Tangled the Series panel at D23 Expo in 2017, Ricky Roxburgh bound up to me, all excited to meet me, like I was some kind of celebrity, and I didn't know who he was (yet). It was surprising, to say the least. When I visited DTVA studios, people's faces lit up when we met for the first time, because they knew who I was. It was like meeting an old friend for the first time. Kay Hayes used to run livestreams of their drawing Tangled fanart, and I attended a few, and whenever I did, they'd say, "Oh hi, Bex!" and people in chat would lose their minds, because I was the Bex. I never thought I'd be the anything. XD And close to the series ending, or just after it, I was told by one of the animators that whenever they (the animation team) animated New Dream interacting, they thought of me and hoped I approved. Me, personally. I was literally told that I was influential in how New Dream turned out. I'm not ashamed to say I cried when I heard that.
The thing is, I'm just a person. I'm a middle-aged woman who works as a bookkeeper in a very small accounting office to pay my bills. There are people who would claim that I'm too old to still be a part of fandom space (especially things that originated when I was already an adult). But I think being in my 30s when the series began and in my 40s now gives me a unique insight into things, in that I'm an age-peer to a lot of the people who worked on the show. I don't come across as a silly kid, I come across as a mature adult. That made me trustworthy and on equal footing with the crew, so they were willing to talk to me in private about things (and even, in some cases, give me gifts that the public didn't get to see).
Fandom has always been led by adults, and fandom spaces were invented by women, of which I am both. But I never dreamed that the creation of my fandom blog would lead me to having days where I had so many asks in my inbox that I was too overwhelmed to even open it, or have to make hard and fast rules about what I didn't want to discuss, or create an FAQ for literally frequently asked questions. I didn't think people would look up to me, or find me too intimidating to talk to me off anon (hello to the handful of you who let me see who you are!). I'm just a person, just a fellow fan. If anything, this experience has taught me that everyone we idolize are just people, too. Sure, they might have a career or hobby that thrusts them into the spotlight, and fame and power might go to their heads, but they're really just people just like the rest of us. Just like you.
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dropthedemiurge · 2 years
The Eclipse: Things You Might Not Have Noticed
I just love to rewatch this series and I tend to lurk in the background to see if I can notice something new. In other ways, this post can be called 'Kudos to Production Team' as well xD
1. Ayan was not the one who saw his uncle jumping off the cliff
This is something revealed once you watch the whole series, however I told my friends that was definitely the case since the first scene, and 100% established this after they showed us the difference between Ayan remembering talking to his uncle and having nightmares.
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This is a nightmare, a fantasy. The jarring editing adds a bit of mystery but it also lets us know right from the beginning that it's all a glitch and is unreal. You never see Ayan reacting to his uncle Dika ending his life in the same frame, this is all just a compilation of one and another situation.
Considering his personality, I also doubt if it happened in real life, he'd just stand there and shout, not even rushing forward or collapsing or anything, which might tell us that he was never able to actually reach out to his uncle.
And compare Aye's look with this frame:
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When Dika was alive, Aye had a different haircut and a typical hoodie. Meanwhile, in the nightmares Ayan always has his hair up, eclipse hoodie and... he also has a necklace(!). Which he only obtained once his uncle killed himself and they gave the family his belongings.
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What solidified my suspicion is when Ayan was actively thinking about talking with his uncle, Dika had different clothes – but Aye was in his current beach attire, meaning the outfit definitely defines the timeline.
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In conclusion, Aye just used to come often to the edge of the cliff to grief, helplessly wonder what's happened to his dear uncle and endlessly imagine how he would've reacted if he ever witnessed Dika's last moments of life.
2. Akk's room is full of wonders xD (Yok, is that you?)
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Even though I know it's 99% work of the production crew and generic room decoration, I can't help but check out all the things in Akk's room xD (like what do you need this spork-weird-spoon-collection picture on the wall for, Mr.Prefect President?))
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First of all, look at this drawing mannequin and two pencils! While it could simply be for Suppalo's art assignments, I'd like to think it's a nice little detail for the fandom's headcanon that Akk could grow up into artistic Yok in university =)
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He's got math and physics reminders on his wall, which is expected because he studies in STEM major class, but there are other... interesting things in his room. Like, DROP THE PLAYLIST FOR THE BOTTLE? What does it listen to right now? I'm curious xD Such a funny spot to hang your earphones (is that a money bank? If so, could be a nice little hint for Akk's tight relationship with money)
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By the way, I really loved the prefect gang all hanging out in one room, and at first, I wondered if they all lived together (since Kan is even playing guitar and Wat is all up in Akk's bed in a cozy manner). But nope, it seems like it's solely Akk's room.
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Everybody just loves to hang out in his place (most likely, because best Suppalo boy has the biggest and nicest one?). Akk does keep guitar in his room though, even though only Kan plays it :3 Anyway, I love that it's a tradition for Akk and his friends (and then lover) to casually exist in the same room in evenings all the time.
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etinceelle · 1 year
I feel like I had to tell this to someone because in retrospect it’s so f-ing funny, but in the like two weeks span between Jaune showing up in V9 and us seeing his home in the paper town I was absolutely terrified that Penny(’s body) would have somehow gone back in time with him, ascended, and that it would be revealed that she had aged alongside Jaune while they were like living together or maybe even becoming MORE than friends lmao (this has kind-of happened in this other show I’ve watched)
I was like no chance that CRWBY would do that to us, right?? There’s no way right???? With all the nuts and dolts crumbs we’ve been fed they would not just do that would they?? Espescially with Jaune right (no offense to Jaune fans lol) I never saw anyone talking about anything along that line so I knew that it most likely was just my mind making up crazy stuff (i was completely. obsessed. with RWBY/nnd to the point i dreamt about nnd almost every single night) but that slim possibility had me so worried that it was almost relieving to see Jaune single and half-crazy lol
Oh aha I understand why you were scared, I actually thought that maybe at some point Penny's body could have been found too :') I mean the idea of making her go with Jaune kiiinda comes out of nowhere to me, it would have been weird if this was the case, but I understand your fear aha.
I personally thought that now that team RWBY fell and Penny's swords too, maybe Jaune was going to find her body after 20-30 years of trauma and pain trying to move on from that. Imagine being haunted by that moment your whole life and suddenly stumble on the body that only fell because time was finally fixed... Oh boy it would be really dark to go that way :')) Or maybe we could have had a scene with maybe Penny's grave made by Jaune too after he found her. And woah the pain.
But we haven't seen it at all so it makes me wonder if 1) dead people can actually reach the Ever After, 2) if she already ascended and went to the Tree and was already with the Blacksmith when we met her, because she already had one of her swords.
I can feel your obsession with Nuts and Dolts tho, I'm kinda in a wild brainrot rn xD
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