#this is about the mods in the Mother Mother discord
bitches be like "i'm a fan of [band] but anything besides their first 2/3 albums is just pop trash and really forgettable and i hate every song on the first few albums besides [tiny list] and honestly they've overstayed their welcome as artists and need to stop producing and if you like their first few albums/[specific album that is popular/unpopular] you're a tiktok fake fan who's only posing and pretending to like them"
like honey you're not a fan you're a toxic piece of shit
like yeah don't consume anything entirely uncritically but at the same time don't become an asshole who does nothing but criticize yknow
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if-chaos-was-a-boy · 2 months
intro to a slightly crazy dude:
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↳CALIX or…….calcium.cal.calcharo.bitch.funnydude.joker.boyfailure.hoe. whore.sillybilly.menace.givememorenicknamespls.
⟡age: 17
FUCKING CHAMPION OF ACHILLES @achilles-the-greatest
⟡Gender: Male
⟡Pronouns: He/him
⟡Birthday: April 1 [i was a joke from birth]
⟡Zodiac Sign: Aries
⟡Godly Parent: Eris/Discordia, Goddess of Discord & Strife
⟡Sexuality: Straight, bisexual as HELLLL
⟡Personality Type: ENTP [the CLOWN]
⟡Relationship Status: my fiancé and fiancée @itsyourboyezra and @of-course-im-the-winner
⟡Height: 6’1 (hormones go vroomvroom)
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⟡Weapon of choice: Small Celestial Bronze Blade [I usually just rely on Charmspeak & Manipulation which is…not great]
⟡Fatal Flaw: Probably Hubris [im an attention whore]
⟡Lore: I was brought to Camp Half Blood after a very weird incident where me, a party pony and a cyclops managed to sneak onto a cruise. I’m spoiled to the core and an absolute menace. Call me funny, call me annoying, I’ll still be the life of the party.
⟡Chaos Manipulation-I can aggravate hostile situations till point of conflict, or I can slowly reduce the amount of chaos present (but that’s not nearly as much fun)
⟡Negative Emotion Manipulation: Anger, envy,wrath, frustration can be ramped up for the maximum amount of chaos.
⟡Flight: Like my mother-Eris-I can manifest fully formed avian wings to aid me in battle [more likely in shenanigans]
⟡Minor Control Over Illusions: Able to manipulate the mist to produce sensory hallucinations or illusions
⟡Appearance: A PERMANENT SHIT-EATING GRIN, natural messy black hair that can never be gelled down, striking maroon eyes that kinda looks at your fucking soul. Super Lean, you can only see the muscle definition when I’m wearing that compression shirt.
⟡fun facts about meeeee:
-I peel chicken nuggets
-I’m ambidextrous
-I have a hyper fixation with collecting nomnoms
-I love blind bags, mystery boxes etc @syd-the-nerd is my lucky charm, I’ve gotten everything I’ve wanted from blind boxes ever since meeting him.
-I have a skincare routine [can’t look this great without it, babe] -My dad gives me his black card to go do heinous shit, he says it helps with tax deductions
-I’m obsessed with my girlie/plat
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@that-girl-cupid (my ride or die, my best friend)
@chaos-pers0nified (best sister in the fking world)
@unhinged-waterlilly (she wildin )
@demigod-jack-hearth (op ahh, superhero)
@arisdaughter (relatable)
@hispanic-child-of-hermes (she intimidates me)
@love-lightning-forethought (legit my top 5 besties)
@debacleofdaemons / @iceweavercatlover [OOC I LOVE THIS GUY]
@daonedaonlyskh (actually the person with the sickest blog aesthetics)
@penelope-sato (my baby daughter)
@stephen-the-spider (Britney spears 😍😍)
@braydons-world (law student?????)
@of-course-im-the-winner (MY BEAUTIFUL FIANCÉE )
@itsyourboyezra (my fucking FIANCÉ)
My adoptive parent: @steve-the-union-man
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Heyhey, mod is currently going by either she/her or he/him (honestly gender fluid questioning) and a pansexual
Also im a MINOR so no NSFW BITCH.
Fun fact I have eczema so im sleep deprived coz I had too much fun in bed…….SCRATCHING MY FLESH OFF.
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The Ultimate Compilation Callout
Hey Guys! AR OOC once again to say I am 100% done.
I'm done with this. I thought it was finally dying down and the drama was finally getting to be over with but then she came back and is now trying to say that we are the ones in the wrong. And she is STILL trying to blame Leona's mod when, as both @/castaway-achlys and I have stated numerous times at this point, they were asleep during the entire event. They did not ask for us to defend them. We were both just tired of hearing our friend be exhausted and stressed out by her.
And the fact that so many people have come out to give their own experiences of her being rude and cruel to them just proves this is not a singular event.
I'm putting all this under a cut because it's gonna get long guys. In fact, I’m probably going to end up needing to create a couple reblog chains to get it all out.
But I'm done playing nice. I have all the receipts. Like I went allllll the way back to when the discord was first created. I caught her in her first lie.
Which, coincidentally, her very first lie in the Discord server happened on the very first day it was formed. What a way to start.
I call her the Malleus mod as an identifier in these screenshots, because unlike her, I am not petty enough to reveal peoples’ personal information on the internet just because I don’t like them.
HOWEVER. I will remind everyone that she is not JUST the owner of the Malleus account. Even if you don’t want to look under the read more because there are a LOT of receipts, know that these are all her known blogs.
I do not condone harassment. Harassment is basically what started all this. Just block and go.
Malleus Draconia @/therealmalleusdraconia
Falena Kingscholar @/the-falena-kingscholar
Aijuka (A Leona gf OC) @/the-one-aijuka
Jack Howl @/frosh-jack-howl
Fellow Honest @/fellow-honest
Meleanor Draconia @/meleanor-draconia
Baul Zigvolt @/baul-zigvolt
Sebek’s Mother @/thethickestone
Marja Felmier @/marja-felmier
And her latest: Eric Venue @/ericvenue
(Bonus non-rp blog @/thetwistedminds)
Before we get too far into it I will say there is a slight color code! But only a tiny one!
Gross light green color - look at that lie! 👀
Gross darker green color - a lie is revealed! 🤭
Orange - note the date/time! 🗓️⏰
Let me show you what I mean in the lie I’ve already mentioned - her very first one. :)
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There we have the orange, telling you to note the date. That’s because I was wanting to make sure it was known that the pet posts were made on the same date that the discord was created.
And then we have the gross light green around Malleus mod claiming that this bunny is her bunny and that it was her bunny’s birthday recently.
Now here is the follow up with the gross darker green of a lie revealed. 😌
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And there we have it! The color coding system and her very first lie told the very first day the Discord channel was active and easily disproven with an image search.
Now let’s get into the FUN STUFF! /sarc
We’re going to be doing some rehashing here but I’m also going to probably be including some new things so stay with me folks! This’ll be a ride! Buckle up!
So, originally I was thinking I'd start with the current drama. But considering that a lot of that has already been covered and what hasn't been covered needs more context, I'm just going to keep going in chronological order, I guess.
I've been up for over 24 hours compiling receipts, editing them to protect IDs, and then getting them all sorted so let's finally do this so I can pass out!
First up is something that actually has been covered a bit but I'm going to expand on it slightly - her blatant lie to @/elysia-nsimp (I'm not tagging anyone because I'm not forcing anyone to get notifications on this lmao).
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Here's what everyone has already seen. But to expand on the event, we didn't call her out on her bad behavior, even though we probably should have as she had just lied straight to another mod's face about her blog ownership. I simply DM'd the mod in question privately to make sure they were okay and then tried to keep the peace in the main chat.
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Because, believe it or not with this major callout post, I don't generally like confrontation. But I stepped in there for Elysia and I stepped up during this for Leona's mod.
Now, later that night, she posts this as if nothing had happened and she hadn't just been told that she needed to work on her roleplaying skills:
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Uh huh. Sure. That's your last account. Because you have shown so much self-control when it comes to filling character voids within the twst rp community already. I'll be generous and give you a month before you break.
Now these next ones need a tiny bit of background information and a note: the Malleus mod is German and, as far as we know, lives in Germany. These next pictures are little indicators that she has not experienced the United States at all. These indicators may not seem important now, but they will be in just a little time. So keep them in mind for after the pause.
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You cannot tell me anyone who has spent any length of time in the United States has not at least heard of Walmart.
Quick pitstop to say wow! You didn't even make it a month! Congratulations!
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Also, note the question from the admin and the pretty obvious passive aggressiveness from me. We were sending plenty of hints that they needed to stop - sometimes coming outright and saying it, sometimes simply implying. Either way, we were all ignored.
She says she's not a mind reader. Well, apparently she's just not a reader period.
Now... a bit of an oddball here. And I want to say I do not necessarily think this is a lie. I am including it for a lie that is coming. The one that I included all those America comments for.
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I'm sure you will note that I said that I don't "necessarily think" it's a lie - indicating that I do think it could be a possibility. That would be correct.
She has been lying since day one and, after this doozy of a story I'm about to share with you, I honestly don't know what to believe when it comes to her.
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So.. to sum this up...
We went from a cringe ask from an OC account that she didn't want to answer -> the asker wasn't supposed to be on tumblr because they were underage (???) and was trying to date her irl and somehow had all of her information (oh but don't worry guys she deleted the ask!) -> he found her social media accounts and sent her NSFW pictures and started spam liking, demanding pictures of her kids, sent pictures of her at-the-time boyfriend, sent pictures of his family and his kids -> so she blocked him on everything and then started spam creating the rp accounts to see if he did it with other people or if it was just her (...mmmhmmm...) but nope he was only interested in Malleus -> she then apparently moved to America for a bit to crash with her boyfriend because this underage person went to Germany to find he.
Oh, by the way, why was this guy obsessed with her? Oh, he was obsessed with German women. He decided that all German women were pretty. And she's German-Russian! And Russians have intense standards for women you know! After this guy found out she was German AND Russian, I mean... it was only a matter of time before he upped his game to try to find her!
Guys, she's not saying she's too beautiful for her own good - the underage stalker speaks for itself!
Now, since this stalker found her through her Malleus account and was obviously very determined, you would think the first course of action would be to, ya know, delete the Malleus blog. Right?
No, no, no! Then she would have to start all over and, of course, if she switched accounts she would be forced to make a post on her current blog saying what her new blog is and he would just find her there. That's why she's trying to make her other accounts more active than her Malleus account (her Malleus account was still, by far, before all this happened, the most popular of all her rp blogs)!
Can I also mention that in that post announcing her pregnancy ON HER MALLEUS ACCOUNT WHERE SHE SUPPOSEDLY HAS A STALKER, she had tagged ALL OF HER BLOGS AT THE TIME?
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But yes, Malleus mod. I definitely believe your story. :)
Please. Please tell me you all can understand why I just cannot find it in me to trust a single word coming out of this woman's mouth.
Especially now that during this whole drama, she has been lying through her teeth and trying to pin the entire blame on Leona's mod.
Now this part is nearly over (thank whatever gods anyone believes in) but let's just post the last few of the "before drama happened" pictures, shall we?
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...I'm realizing I didn't underline the part where I called her out for having that many blogs in the gross dark green of a lie caught... oops. This is what happens when you have far too little sleep.
But either way, here is another time when she was called out on a lie of hers. And her little comment at the end means she read it and she acknowledged us.
She just didn't care because it didn't suit her.
Yeah. This is going to come out in PARTS. I can't cover it all in one post because there is a picture limit.
So, I'm going to end up making a reblog chain...
Real talk? I need to sleep. Desperately. It's nearly two in the afternoon where I am and I have not slept yet.
Do not underestimate the power of spite and my loyalty to my friends. Both are very strong motivators.
But my body's needs are finally winning.
When I wake up, I'll have the Ultimate Drama Arc to post and expand upon and then the Return of the Drama Arc.
Yay. (said in the most unenthused voice ever lmao)
Anyway. Enjoy all this. I'm gonna go die. /j
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A Quick Guide to AO3 Ratings
This is floating around on a few discord servers I am in but my friend requested a tumblr post version of it so ask and ye shall receive, ect.
G: Movie rating G/PG. You could read this out loud to your mother and she wouldn’t bat an eye. Everything that happens could comfortably take place in a primetime sitcom or a Pixar movie.
T: Movie rating PG-13. A CW show. Might deal with more adult themes, but deals with them in a way that wouldn’t seem out of place in something like Teen Wolf or The Flash. Something with a decently described fist fight would probably be T. Something which includes a heavier topic in a non-explicit way, such as a character talking about/experiencing depression, or off-screen abuse, could be safely rated Teen. Implied sex, or sexual humor, probably also makes something rated Teen— again, think CW show. You could also rate something Teen for really, really excessive swearing I guess.
M: Rated R/some NC-17. Deals explicitly and extensively with with heavier topics, or deals with sexual themes without portraying explicit sex. Might engage with commonly sensitive subject matter like suicide, murder, rape, or abuse in a major way. On the flip side, something which focuses a lot on sexual themes but fades to black before the Deed is Done would be rated M. Would this be on an HBO or Stars show instead of on primetime TV? It’s M. Note: many fic-sharing forums/discords will allow general sharing of fics rated M for violence but not those rated M for sexual content, but always double check with mods.
E: Rated X. Has explicit sexual content, or violence and gore on the level of an exploitation horror movie. Said violence and gore are dealt with in detail and often intentionally disturbing. You can also toss many Dead Dove tag fic here; a lot of people will rate more known-squick content (graphic cannibalism, for instance) as E so people can be prepared for it/avoid it as they wish.
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AITA for stalking a grifter even when everyone else let it go?
I’m a writer of fanfiction. I write a lot of short fics for different fandom zines and sometimes run zines myself. I have worked with a ton of different people, all with their own ways of running zines. I never had a problem with any of them until a few years ago when one zine organizer started getting called out for shady behavior. At this point, I had already worked with them on a dozen zines, and because I was always working on multiple at a time I never noticed that some of these Zines never went anywhere. I was busy and I just figured they were sorted.
So, when this started going down and call out posts got made I checked back in to the discord servers and blogs for the zines. Half of them collected money for the zines, and never delivered. Some just stopped production because she’d vanished and stopped replying to anyone. It’s at this point I found out that this person had hundreds of zine projects running at once, and most of them not completed or sent to the people who paid for them. All off of our FREE work.
There was a big blow up. People picked sides. A lot of us creators left and removed our work from the unfinished products. People demanded refunds. The scammer’s supposed mother made an appearance in one server saying she was just stressed and to be nice to her. It was insane. People were scammed out of thousands of dollars. It was really shitty for about ten minutes before everyone on the creator’s side shrugged and moved on. Meanwhile, there are still people out there genuinely upset that they lost pretty big chunks of money and no one could help them.
The thing is, I’ve had experience with this type of scammer before. They don’t want to stop, and they’re notorious for rebranding and starting all over again. So, I kept a causal eye out. I didn’t really spend a lot of time on it, because I’m still busy, but when certain styles of zines popped up on here I would do a quick look over at the mods and check a few profiles. Nothing in the past two years really caught my eye. Until a few days ago when I found a new zine that had her style of promotional stuff, typing/grammar, etc. I almost left it because it wasn’t really my business, but it pissed me off so much that she came right back and would probably scam thousands more out of people in different fandoms. So I triple checked a few things like profiles, etc. and was 85% sure one of the mods for this zine is her. When I mentioned this to a friend who also did work for her zines and got scammed, they acted like I was super weird. Not exactly for looking into it, but explicitly that I “still cared about all that.”
I guess everyone else just kind of moved on, and forgot about it. I thought it was pretty normal to be wary of scammers after being scammed, but the fact that they’re saying I’m weird for still caring that it happened is making me feel like maybe I did something wrong? I haven’t done anything about it yet because I wanted to run it by my friend who shared that experience with me, and now I feel like I’m the crazy one for doing something I thought was pretty normal if not a little wary.
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satineweek · 9 months
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Announcing Satine Week 2024
It's time once again to celebrate our favorite Star Wars pacifist!
Satine Week 2024 will be taking place March 10th to March 16th. You're invited to share fanfics, art, videos, edits, and other creations featuring Satine Kryze. The themes for each day are as follows:
Sunday, March 10th: Jewel Monday, March 11th: Mother Tuesday, March 12th: Tears Wednesday, March 13th: Cat Thursday, March 14th: Sisters Friday, March 15th: Mercy Saturday March 16th: [Free day!]
However, if you're not particularly inspired by those prompts, or if you want to challenge yourself further, feel free to make use of this set of alternate quote prompts. You can use them on any day and in any context!
"You mean more to me than anything in this galaxy."
“Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means."
"Deep down, you're really just a dork."
"In the end, it is often the young who pay the price for the decisions made by the old."
"Sometimes heroes fall, despite their strength."
"When your life is on display, you cherish the things that are yours alone."
"What do you see when you think about the future?"
Follow along! We'll be sharing lots of Satine-centric content in the lead up to this event!
Modded by @duchess-of-mandalore; artwork by @callmevexx; special thanks to the Obitine Discord!
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asketho · 4 months
Oh snappers! Go get your snacks!
BdoubleO100 told me about this whole blogging thing... he said that the Ethogirls were a bit scary but... it can't be that bad, right?
Asks always open!
Send as many asks as you'd like; plaintext (non-emoji) signoffs are preferred, but do what you like!
Send lore-heavy asks, as much or as few as you'd like
Send silly/non-lore asks
Please do not:
Be excessively NSFW. Mod is an adult, but this is not the place for it beyond innuendo/implied
Be genuinely rude or cruel to anyone, Ethomod, other mods, or other askers! Roleplay is fine, but if there are concerns I will step in.
Assume I speak for any other ask blogs, even those below in my links section. We all know each other, but we are not a hivemind. Respect their boundaries on their blogs as you respect mine on mine.
Important info & housekeeping links below the cut - posted jun 9, updated jun 27 - please read
i try my best to recreate his style but i am, at the end of the day, just a really autistic he/him. please be nice to me
This is also my interpretation of Etho, as a character [do NOT come for me I do NOT condone being weird to real life ccs - see below] and YMMV
Tags & Links
About this c!Etho
AskEtho Timeline (important events)
The Ask Hermitblr Discord
#blog-e-e's / #blog e e's: in character posts
#mod-e-e's / #mod e e's: out-of-character [ooc] posts
#nsfw & #nsfhc: self explanatory. minors dni. block only #nsfhc if you only want to avoid it on this particular blog
#art-e-e's / #art e e's: posts with sketches by me!
I tag names mentioned in asks (ex: "what do you think about doc doing xyz?" -> #docm77). If a creator goes by their real life name (ex: joel smallishbeans, lizzie ldshadowlady, etc) I will use that when writing responses but I only tag as their full player name [except etho]
Other Hermits
General Guidelines
Ariana Griande / @arianagriand3
Bad Boys / @ask-thebadboys
Bdubs / @askbdubsblog
BigB / @ask-bigbstatz
Cleo / @ask-zcleo
Cubfan / @ask-cubfan
Cuteguy / @ask-cuteguy
Cyan Snail / @askcyansnail
Doccy / @ask-doccy
Docm77 / @ask-docm77
Etho / @asketho <- YOU ARE HERE
Evil Xisuma / @ask-evil-x
False / @ask-falsesymmetry
Gem / @ask-gemgem
Grian / @ask-grian
Grumbot / @ask-grumbot
Hotguy / @ask-hotguy
Impulse / @ask-impulse
Jimmy / @ask-jimmy-solidarity
Jrumbot / @ask-jrumbot
Lizzie / @ask-fairy-lizzie
Logoslab / @asklogoslab
Martyn / @ask-martyn
Mother Spore / @ask-mother-spore
Mumbo / @ask-mumbojumbo
NPC Grian / @ask-npc-grian
Pearl / @askpearlescentmoon
Poultry Man / @iampoultryman
Ren / @askrendog
Scar / @ask-gtwscar
Scott / @ask-smajor
Skizz / @ask-skizzleman
Smallishbeans / @ask-smallishbeans
Stress / @ask-stressmonster
Tango / @ask-tangotek
Watchers / @ask-the-watchers
Wels / @ask-welsknight
Xisuma / @ask-xisuma
Zedaph / @ask-zedaph
Don't bring real life discourse here. Etho does not care about this or that or problematic whatevers. The mod does, but asks about it will be deleted unless specifically addressed to the mod.
I reserve the right to delete asks that are not relevant, make me uncomfortable, are triggering, or sexually explicit. While NSFW is allowed to a degree it will always be tagged both as #nsfw & #nsfhc [so you can avoid specifically this blog's nsfw without having to block the general tag]. Minors should not interact with nsfw posts and I will check.
If you use a cc's real name when they don't actively go by that online [ex: bdubs' real name is online but he does not use it for yt] I will delete your ask or answer privately telling you to resubmit. I respect their privacy and I expect you to do the same. I will not discuss events in the real life cc's personal life most of the time
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twinuchiha · 8 months
Okay. Those who know me know that I’m not the type of person that likes to make serious posts. But this situation has been on my radar since Wednesday, and has turned into borderline harassment.
This is a warning to be wary of the Naruto anon rpers.
This is not a call to attack anyone. This is not a call to harass anyone. This is a warning. Trigger Warning: Harrasment, Death threats, SA threats, Stalking and Abuse will be mentioned under the cut. If you can not handle these topics, feel free to not click read more. However, it would be appreciated if you relogged this post to spread awareness.
Some people may already be aware that I used to interact with this group, and be on friendly terms with Sasukeanon, but not anymore. I have blocked most of them, and they may have already blocked me as well by now. Honestly? I'm just disappointed. So around January 30th, someone sent a hate post to Hidan anon mentioning a few of their fellow blogs. Understandable, they mentioned Kisame anon to ask them what was going on, as they have also recently been getting hate.
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They're trying to figure out who this possibly could be, but then out of nowhere, Orochimaru's anon says this:
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To which??? Okay, some people just type similar to each other? I've seen it happen. Anyway, when Kisame tries to explain that they've had problems with people in the past and listing off who it could have been, Sasuke comes in with this:
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How they came to this conclusion, I don't know. But they then suddenly start going on a tirade and start making threats.
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This took me off guard. I knew Sasuke could be harsh in some of their posts, which made me uncomfortable, but this was the first time I've seen them jump to death threats. This is no way to talk to someone. Especially when you have no evidence against. And don't have any evidence, because all you have done is claim things, never show proof, and then harass Kisame further (along with your friends) when they were trying to prove their innocence to everyone. Even in posts that had nothing to do with any of you!
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(Note that Sasuke's mod was handling Hidan's blog at the time of this)
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You keep saying that Kisame has been sending death threats and SA threats yet show no proof to back up your claims when someone confronts you on it. Instead, insult them. And type in all caps to try and be intimidating.
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These were in response to cherrypiesakurokun's posts on the matter, as like me they have also been talking to Kisame about what has been happening. The top one was after the Naruto anon blog added them in a callout and basically implied they were a death threats/SA threat defender. All because what? They tried to be supportive and wanted everyone to make up? I agree that they probably shouldn't have jumped in, but that's not fair.
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The blog you claim that is Kisame's main isn't even her main. This is her main. She linked me her Reddit account to prove this.
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Do these blogs look remotely the same??? The threats you claim were sent by Kisame to herself hold critical information that held her real name and where she lives. Why would someone do to themselves, risk doxing themselves? It doesn't make any sense. She's sent me proof of that as well, but I will not be showing them here because that is private information. Kisame told me that she gave you her discord, you could have asked her what was going on. But you never did. You just jumped to conclusions.
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When I asked Kisame about the threats that were being, her conclusion was that it was from her stalker ex boyfriend, who's she's been gathering evidence of for doing the same behaviour. She's informed me that she's currently trying to get a restraining order. I've been given permission to show these screenshots.
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Congratulations on harassing a victim of stalking and abuse. But if that wasn't vile enough, the night Kisame's mother was taken to the hospital, and they explained they'd be offline because of it, Sasuke, still using Hidan's blog, said this:
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This was vile. Fucking vile, and was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I blocked as many of the blogs I could. Like I said, I'm disappointed. Sad, even. Sasuke was one of the first blogs who'd interacted with me, and i thought they were nice. It seemed like I was wrong though. As I mentioned before, this isn't an attack. This is simply to warn others about the kind of people they will be interacting with should they come across the anon group.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
I need to talk about this to someone because I can't be the only one who noticed it, but has fandom celebrity culture gone insane, since COVID happened?
And this is not in reference to the people who worked on the original movie, show, etc, but on the fandom personalities that developed within it, fic writers and fanartists.
Because I'm in a couple of fandoms and, by consequence, a couple of Discords, and it's just crazy.
People well into adulthood throwing very public tantrums about not receiving as many gifts for their birthday as the year before (the fucking Dudley Dursley of it all), guilting the other people in the server to write them more fics and come up with more art.
One of them posts a fic, and if you don't leave a comment within seven working days, they either DM you directly and use saccharine (and completely disingenuous) tones to find out why you haven't commented under their story (because everybody does, so if you don't, something must be wrong!), or send their friends to inquire for them. It just can't happen, that someone isn't interested in what they put out.
Contests are organized, and somehow they always win the top prizes even if they barely bother to participate.
Zines are launched, and they act like A-list celebrities, not submitting their work on time, fighting with their betas, and Lord be merciful if someone dares speak up about it! Be ready for long Tumblr posts about how they're humans too and how fandom builds expectations that are clearly too high onto them simply because Mother Nature gifted them with innate talent.
They bring minors into adult, NSFW servers because "they're friends too!" and the mods allow it because you just can't say no to them.
And the amount of people that are just okay with this kind of entitled, horrendous behavior is crazy too! They are not untouchable deities, for fuck's sake, they're normal people with normal everyday lives who post on a public-funded website!
Of course if I've got some shit to pick with them I'm gonna be loud about it! They're not the fucking pope! I shouldn't have to use formal tones and ask for requests to speak, before interacting with them!
People, seriously: get your shit and put it in a backpack so that it's all together. It's asylum worthy behavior, to treat writers and artists who are (sandbox) popular on the internet as actual fucking celebrities who can't be touched nor criticized because they occupy a higher level of being.
I promise you that there are stories like this from conventions in the 80s.
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just-antithings · 3 months
i'm friends with an author for a piece of original fiction that has a fandom of it's own. the fandom is small enough that author-reader interaction still happens, but large enough for a medium-sized discord server that i help moderate. the work itself is categorized as paranormal mystery and leans into horror, is rated 18+, and has a lot of potentially triggering elements. so much so that the chapters get individual warnings. everyone who enters the server has read at least a few chapters and enjoyed them, so while we don't call ourselves a proshipper fandom (the author themselves dislike the term even though they technically fit the meaning), we allow "problematic" pairings to be discussed and shipped, as long as it happens inside the channels specifically for that stuff or is at least tw'ed and marked as spoiler so people who are uncomfortable with that can choose not to see it.
there is one mother-son duo in particular that has gotten the attention of a few people, including incest shippers. the characters are both horrible people and everyone agrees that consensual incest isn't the worst thing they'd have done, even if compared to their canon crimes (that include murder and cult leading). the pairing even has a whole channel dedicated to it inside the dead dove category, it has some fic and even fanart, so the shippers are fed and happy.
someone recently joined the server, and toggled on the dead dove channels. now, in the role-picking channel there is a warning that the dead dove channels might discuss "problematic pairings" which include all the stuff that would be unethical or illegal irl, but apparently that newcomer didn't read that and thought it would be just about the canon horror stuff and the canon toxic relatonships. when they went into the dead dove channels and noticed specifically some nsfw sketches of that one mother/son pairing drawn by one of the mods, they went ballistic, and went to the author's dms to tell them that such thing is not acceptable and they (the author) should not allow such people in the servers, specially as moderators. the author argued that there is a warning about that in the role-picking channel and they knew what they were getting into, ad the person admitted they didn't read the warning and left the server. we were all pretty meh about that, but whatever. days later, the author got a callout post (not on tumblr, but the in a local fanfiction social media-ish site where the writer's native language version of the work is posted). there were a few people on the poster's side, but everyone who was in the server was like. bitch. you opened the bag with the dead dove. what'd you expect?? they tried to report the work to the site, but the work is totally inside the site's guidelines and anything that might break the rules (that being, the nsfw art) only happened inside the server, so there was nothing the site could (or wanted to) do about that. the person was striked for wasting the site moderaton's time, and everyone just went about their day. that was an interesting week.
some people have way too much free time
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pinkyjulien · 6 months
Just a heads up: you, a white creator, putting Native American/First Nations/indigenous inspired clothing on your white OC, and then calling it the "wilding" appearance, could be considered cultural appropriation and could also be considered offensive to people from those cultures.
And yeah, I am doing this from a throwaway account to protect myself because I know how Tumblr and the cyberpunk 2077 fandom works. Even if I do have a valid point or critique, I could still be attacked by "fans" on my main who refuse to use any critical thinking for themselves.
Safe travels 👋 I hold no animosity towards you personally.
(From a "cowardly" anon in an extremely hostile fandom which likely will pretend that this outfit and the name for it isn't tinged with implicit and internalized racism.)
(And, no, I'm not one of the so-called "housewives")
Hey Anon,
Not sure what to say, you claim to not hold any animosity towards me, yet this could've easily been a DM. I'm only assuming you're blocked and had to create a side blog to by-pass the said block.
If this was truly a well-spirited heads up, it would've been a DM.
But anyway, if you're here to accuse me in a sugarcoated way, I already know you're having the time of your life about it in some obscure discord server, so might as well.
The Aldecaldos (and Nomads in general of every clan and family) are multi cultured, there's people of every races, every ethnicities- we see it in game and it's mentioned time and time in the sourcebooks. They're communities, formed of many minorities; queers and pocs alike.
Valentin joins the Aldecaldos during the Star ending, just like the canon game event; he makes friends left and right, and friends makes gifts to one another. We also know that resources, clothes, cars, guns, are shared in nomad communities.
The name "wilding" is a direct reference to the Neo Tribe sourcebook, page 21. I used that same name for Mitch's appearance. They use those outfits to ride off near cities, just like the definition on the page below. They're both proudly showcasing their Aldecaldos colors in whichever place / cities they're visiting.
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In my own canon, Dakota is kind of a mother figure for Valentin; she helped him after fleeing the Wraiths, she gave him his first gig with Jackie, she made sure the 'caldos ripper kept the bullet he revoved from Valentin's skull, etc etc
That Jacket could've well been a gift from her before leaving to Arizona, but I haven't decided yet. I was just happy to share my modding project of those past two days.
I've always liked Nomads and what they stand for, their diversity, their lives, their outfits and aesthetics too.
None of the above information is presented as an excuse, they shouldn't be seen as excuses either; I'm simply sharing what inspired me (actively or subconsciously) for this outfit.
If Valentin's appearance, both models and name, did actual upset anyone, I apologize, as this obviously WASN'T the intention. If it does bother you, I invite you to block me.
With all of the "explaination" out of the way; why are you really here?
Because we both know you already knew that about the Aldecaldos. You played the game, you know Panam is half native, you know there's a bunch of native characters in the Aldecaldos and in the game in general.
This ask isn't fueled by kindness or by an attempt at educating someone who could've made a simple mistake.
Nope, you're simply part of this "hostile fandom" problem. Everything you said in brackets reeks of past drama.
Again, you claim to not hold any animosity, but I believe otherwise; that's totally fine, but refrain from contacting me with this fake benevolence, everyone can see it's bullshit.
Repeating myself, this could've been a DM, yet you choose to assume I have some "internalized racism" that You Need to point out, doing so via a side-blog supposedly out of fear (since I don't know who you are, I'll choose to believe you simply by-passed a block) while also dragging in the "Housewives" for no reasons.
You're part of this fandom problem. You're part of the reason why nobody feels safe about sharing anything; you and your friends are out there spying, monitoring what everyone does, assuming the worst at any given occasions and ready to write callouts, to throw witch hunts.
Please, do some critical thinking yourself, remove all the bias and all the "Pinky Bad so this is obviously Racist" bullshit fogging your brain, and ask yourself why you really sent that ask.
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ofmistandmire · 3 months
Character Spotlight: Magnolia
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Magnolia | 158 moons | Lacer | Molly (she/her) | Aroace | Played by Mod Rue
Spindly black shorthaired molly with sparse white hairs, hazel eyes, and a large scar on her lower back.
Magnolia was born among the Lacers, and has lived in the Lacewood for the entirety of her many moons. Over the years, she has risen to a respected social position, and is treated as the group’s matriarch and unofficial leader. Though the group still makes most decisions as a whole, her wisdom and experience is admired and valued quite strongly.  Equally as kind and caring as she is sharp-tongued and disciplined, Magnolia has no hesitations about sharing her honest opinions, especially when it pertains to what is best for the Web and her fellow Lacers. She can come across as ornery and standoffish, though it is truly only because she believes very strongly in her convictions.  Though she never took a mate or had biological kits, Magnolia is strongly maternal and has played a paw in raising many young Lacers. Most notably, when the group encountered a lone, orphaned kit named Thora, Magnolia took her in and raised her as her own daughter. Even to this day, she often treats many of her other fellow Lacers as if they were her own kits or other relatives. As a result, many of them have taken to calling her “Mother Magnolia,” a playful nickname that has grown into a sort of informal title.  Growing up in the Lacewood, Magnolia had always been aware of the danger posed by The Harvest and its coyotes. Many moons ago, however, she experienced its devastation firsthand, during an incident that left her with a large bite scar and claimed the life of her only sibling. As a result, she became even more highly mindful of The Harvest and attempting to keep her fellow Lacers safe from it. In the wake of the fire, Magnolia has been faced with the difficult decision of how best to ensure the safety and prosperity of her family. As it became increasingly clear that the Lacewood was no longer a viable home, she became convinced that leading the Lacers elsewhere was the only option. Unfortunately, having never left the Lacewood, she had no idea where that next home might lie. That was, until she received what she believed to be some sort of omen, in the form of a brilliant ray of light pointing to the northeast.  Now, Magnolia believes that their only hope lies in following that light, towards a new home. 
Of Mist and Mire is a warriors-inspired roleplay with themes of horror and mystery, hosted on discord with an 18+ age requirement for players. OMaM will be open for new member applications from July 19th to August 3.
Full SEVERED STRINGS Opening Lore Document
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808err0r · 4 months
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0̪̙̙0̦̫͜?̡͓͖.̫͎͓USER INFORMATION LOADING_I̡͚͎N̫͙̺T̘̪͙R̢͓͍O̢̟̼:
heyo! i'm bobbi, crash landing here with my work in progress muse eight ! ( who's yongpal? he doesn't know ). i'm still working out a bunch as you can tell, but i wanted to get up a quick intro to get plots going! i have discord if you'd prefer to plot there but im's work for me too! i'll be slowly updating his pages over the next couple days, but i'm happy to brainstorm and give any info you need ( including his most embarrassing secrets and that one story from the orbit christmas party back in - ) anywho -- please enjoy this ramble!
# - NAM YONGPAL ( prefers to go by his nickname EIGHT ). your current avatar is registered as PARK JIHOON. you have been logged in for 25 years since 08 AUGUST 2998. your highest ranking stats are ANALYTICAL and STANDOFFISH. please select your playlist from BLANK STARES or CRUSHED ENERGY DRINK CANS SCATTERED ACROSS THE BEDROOM FLOOR for today. last saved activity: working as a GAME DEVELOPER AT ORBIT GAMING. resume your ongoing game for GLITCHED OUT as VOID?
# - raised an only child by his meditation instructor mother and community garden leader father, and considers them both to have some seriously flawed programming. # - despite their best efforts, eight was never too interested in the family business of life-coaching/candle-making/yoga-retreating/whatever flavor of the month it was, and retreated more and more into himself. # - he found solace away from his parents and their various wellness endeavors in vr rooms, preferring to spend almost all of his time outside of studying playing games and watching the majors. # - though he never felt good enough to go pro, he found himself drawn to development side of things, and thus his dream of working at orbit gaming was born. # - he's worked his way up to a developer role once he'd finished uni but things have been relatively lukewarm since. his initial ideas were shot down, he's barely made any waves on his team, and for the past 6-ish months he's been dealing with a severe case of creative block. # - on the bright side, his team seems too preoccupied with whatever that broadcast was to really discuss his performance...
# - can be very hot-headed ( although outbursts are very rare ), can be seen taking a few cleansing deep breaths and counting to 10 on most days. # - very soft-spoken ( he's working on it ), there are a number of people around orbit who probably have no idea what eight's voice sounds like. # - fueled by caffeine and his tailored comfort playlists. you'll never catch him without his headphones or an energy drink in hand. # - prefers the late hours of night ( less opportunity for social interaction ), and would live nocturnally if he could. # - has a somewhat photographic memory and incredible recall. can remember even the smallest details from various locations he's seen, easily remembers license plate numbers, and never forgets his shopping list even if he's left the note at home. # - often plagued by nightmares of being in what he considers liminal spaces the likes of which he can't escape... but those are just random dreams that don't mean anything. right... right? # - though he keeps his opinions to himself, he feels very strongly that there is something very off about terra.
*I'm big on brainstorming to get my plots going, but here's a few ideas to kick us off that i'll probably add to later!
# - eight is rather reserved in his every day life, but finds his voice on various online forums. the two could be bonding over their music tastes, debating film rankings, or discussing conspiracy theories on the forum which shall not be named and eight has no idea what you're talking about. # - you live next door to eight and occasionally are disturbed by the BOOMING VOICE ( he's still getting used to that mod - ) yelling at the panel over some minor inconvenience in the middle of the night. # - vr room buddies that he meets up with regularly, or a vr room nemesis that never lets up on eight and shows no mercy in every game. # - someone that makes it their mission to get him back in the flow state when it comes to ideas for the next big game ( dude doesn't have a creative bone in his body it feels like so good luck with that - )
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britts-galaxy-brain · 6 months
The Lio convoy and hopeless peaches situation is getting worse and worse due to leaked audios. Not only is Lio convoy and hopeless peaches are the culprit of many horrendous things, but members of "The Senate" as well. The only problem is how many members of "The Senate" are the culprits and who are the members of "The Senate".
The first leaked audio was one where "The Senate" (a group comprised of over 20+ commentary members, led and moderated by Lio convoy and hopeless peaches as second in command) verbally harass a 30-year-old autistic woman who cannot live on her own due to her disability and needed her mom as her caregiver. Lio convoy withheld information that she is autistic but is 30 years and lived with her mother. The call was made due to the woman being a mod for a discord group chat that had a grooming incident, and she doesn't do anything about it. She would constantly ignore it due to stress. Even though she is a mod, there is no proof of how much power she can have as a mod. If she did, she would need permission from the creator of the discord group to remove groomers from the chat. Lio convoy and his senate group never contacted the creator of the discord group about the situation, which makes the call even more meaningless. The group call comprised of all members of the senate screaming at the woman; that's right all 20+ members screaming at a 30-year-old autistic woman for 3+ hours. Loveless peaches make threats of calling her mom, Lovelycoyote (before being kicked by the senate due to his association with Hypnosappo) was calling her the r slur 12 twelve times, members like Misanthro/Zaid Magenta (that's right the pink pony that was also kicked from the senate) making insults of how she is 30-year-old who can't live on her own and lives with her mom (caregiver) and about her bodyweight, and Lio convoy constantly asking questions without giving her time to answer them. The call ended with her crying and leaving the chat. This caused Ponder Sprocket to come to chat and berate the whole senate, telling them what they did was fucked up. Lovelycoyote was ok with repeatedly calling her the r slur because it was funny (the fact Lio convoy was ok with this and didn't kick him out until the Hypnosappo incident is very concerning). Many members tried to justify to Ponder Sprocket of what they did wasn't that bad. Lio Convoy complain how Sprocket isn't directly talking to him about the problems with the chat since he is the creator and the controller of the senate. He even added in that if any members had problems with how the senate operations you should just tell him. HarleyTBS, one of the quiet members who did not participate the verbal abuse call, voiced his concerns about the mob mentality the senate has and if someone were to make a complain, then everyone would jump on them and call them a pedo sympathizer. (This is true because literally 20+ members yelled at a heavily disabled woman and called her pedo sympathizer for 3+ hours) Hopeless peaches stay quiet the whole beratement despite being the most vocal in the verbal harassment and was directly criticized by Ponder about them making threats of calling her mom.
The second leaked audio was leaked by Hopeless Peaches without the groomed victim's permission. Hopeless peaches try to make a google docs accusing him of the many wrongs he did and include the audio as an example. Hopeless peaches created the docs in hopes to push all hate towards Lio Convoy and avoid the hate pushed onto them despite contributing the many wrongs done by both of them. They added the leaked audio to show they are an unwilling complicit and would "defend the victim". The groomed victim is question was groomed by a guy who wanted to groom another minor, the victim gave information of the minor. But later on, she regrets it and told the Lio Convoy and the senate what she had done. In the past, Lio Convoy and his senate helped this groomed victim. However, in this call, he proceeds to scream and berate her for going back to her groomer despite all the help they did. Even though she was a minor at the time and her insecurities led her back to groomer. The victim had a condition where they cannot be yelled at or else it triggers her conditions, which gives her cardiac arrest like symptoms. The senate did care and yelled at her as much as they can. Lio Convoy screamed the loudest about how busy he is helping groomed victims and what she did jeopardizes it as all the time is wasted on this call instead of helping groomed victims. While being screamed at, the victim hoped not to be disappointed by Queen Serafina, a commentator who is another member of "The Senate" and friends with Lio Convoy and Hopeless peaches. (This is scary because anyone is part of the senate are also culprits, which makes me not trust anyone at all. It's also like nearly the entire commentary community is part of it.) Because the victim is a lesbian and her groomer is a man, Lio Convoy proceed to call her straight and not actually a lesbian for going back to her male groomer. He even said how the victim should know better now she is 18 despite just turning 18 a half a year old and was groomed at the age of 17. This was when Hopeless Peaches interjects and told Lio Convoy not to associate what had happened to her as a minor with what is happening now.
.......Jesus fucking christ...
I'm a little surprised that people are just finding out about the beratement calls. I've watched some of the earlier streams from The Senate and they all pretty much do the same thing. They even call what they do "internet bloodsports" and tell people if they can't handle being yelled at and berated on the regular to not join. Hell I've had my own run-ins with Lio both over chat and in a private call.
I've always personally seen Lio as a stubborn fucking asshole, but some of this is shocking to see..
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swords-of-a-soilder · 7 months
Just Shapes
I'm just venting here, I'm not asking for advice if anything the most I'd want is a supportive word or two.
A random day in 2022 I was playing the Sims on my mother's laptop, I had a lot of mods of course, a few risky ones in including.
I had a queer couple, that I loved playing with, but suddenly whenever they got intinment, they had a moodlit in which they express not being intersed in each other.
It felt like my entire world had fell apart, I was in frantic tears trying to fix. I would constantly jump back and forth from create a sim trying to figure out what mod was breaking their relationship.
I eventually fixed it, but once I did, once I looked back at these sims again, they became shapes, pixels on a screen they weren't real they were never real.
I close that save, then never opened it again.
Perphas I'm parasocial in what I'm about to say, but the reality is we're all parasocial it's why certain careers exist. streamers depend on the viewer being parasocial, our enjoyment is what pay them.
Its just some people take things too far, and it gives parasocial behaviors a bad name, I knew the qsmp characters were different from their actors(streamers) that played them.
I'm not the type of person who thought Philza minecraft was my best friend but q!Philza was someone else entirely. Someone I felt close to, someone who's journey I felt apart of; Those eggs were just as much my kids as his own, I felt like a resident.
With Forever's removal and q!forever with him I became painful awear of what I was watching.
The series that keep me company when I quit my abusive job and was seeking new ones, The series that made me forget the pain of being hit by a car, the series that made me forget the Sexual abuse I expressed at my newer job that I shortly quit after.
The pain I felt over and over non stop, the continuous cycle of trauma I was able to process slowly without feeling alone. Living in that tiny space, with nothing to eat but determine not to go back to my abuser, at least with them I wasn't alone.
Perhaps I'm parasocial for feeling like a resident, perhaps I'm parasocial for loving Chayanne and Tallulah like my own children, perhaps I was parasocial for cheering for my team in Purgatory.
But it meant so much more to me than just a Minecraft roleplay server, it was my entire life. And now it's just shapes, pixels and shapes on a screen.
I think back to Qsmp 2023 and it's there, the joy, this overall sense of Happiness these people I know and care about, I made a Tumblr account just to see more art of them, I engaged in headcannons, joined discord servers with other residents we were all residents.
Whether you were a crow that sat top q!Philza's head, the voices in q!Fit's head; your art sat in the museum, your head canon's adopted into canon and your jokes acknowledged.
We were residents, without ever stepping foot on that island....
Now Tumblr still recommends me clip, There are some people I forgot to unfollow or choice not to. They show me the new Island and new creators, they tell me about the new mods and new characters.
They show my children, they show me my friend q!Philza, they show me all these things I love but..
It's Just Shapes...
Now in it's current existence it's just shapes, pixel on a screen actors In a play, I see nothing but the actors behind it, nothing but improvised roleplay, nothing but a video game.
Shapes.. and it drives me insane that some people don't understand that, and it comes with the neurodiversity I Know. no one ever talks about how painful hyperfixation death truly is.
Its made worst by seeing how the fandom, the other residents have started turning on one another. Residents bite and growl at me like I'm a villain came to kill them, I was one of you!
It wasn't my choice but it's one I'm glad for, seeing how cruel We've became. It isn't even the same island anymore, they left me behind on the old one.
And that's fine, the new one is just a pixilated mess to me.
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Wibta if I tell the owner of a discord server I'm in that I'm concerned their server isn't as safe for minors as they claim it is?
I'm in a discord server that the owner says is safe for minors because it's SFW, including a rule to keep public discussion clean. And the server does have both minors and adults in it.
Although sometimes I'm concerned the public discussions lean more towards NSFW, especially when other members make milf/dilf jokes ( occasionally outright saying "a mother I'd like to fuck" without the acronym ) or talking about a woman's tits while on VC with minors ( the adult saying "don't quote that, [owner] will be so mad at me" )
There has also been an occasion where said owner has had to remind members that the server of the SFW rule because a member made an NSFW joke.
One of the mods has even joked about how bad they and the mods are bad at their jobs, even referencing the rule, because they constantly make NSFW jokes.
I normally don't have an issue with NSFW jokes or references, but at this point I'm not sure if my concern and discomfort is a personal issue that I'm pushing on others or if it's genuinely something I should bring up with the owner.
What are these acronyms?
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