#tw vagueposting
bitches be like "i'm a fan of [band] but anything besides their first 2/3 albums is just pop trash and really forgettable and i hate every song on the first few albums besides [tiny list] and honestly they've overstayed their welcome as artists and need to stop producing and if you like their first few albums/[specific album that is popular/unpopular] you're a tiktok fake fan who's only posing and pretending to like them"
like honey you're not a fan you're a toxic piece of shit
like yeah don't consume anything entirely uncritically but at the same time don't become an asshole who does nothing but criticize yknow
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Person with no whimsy: Why are you trying to trick g-d with loopholes? 🙄🙄🙄🙄
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randomalistic · 1 year
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Unfortunately I have found another very strong “Has cabinet man as their theme song” contender
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cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
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let's make trouble in the dream world, we'll hijack heaven with another memory now; i make the most of the turning tide, it just split what's left of the burning silence
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gay-otlc · 1 year
Hey psst the genre of post that's like "if I get x number of notes I'll practice self care/stop self harming/not commit suicide/etc" is (a) very bad for people with OCD and (b) also bad for you, by resting your mental health and well being on thousands of internet rather than actually putting in work to get better.
If you're capable of practicing self care/stopping self harm/not committing suicide/etc when you get x notes, you're capable of it now. Just try to get better, don't rely on internet clout for your well being jfc.
Trust me, I know it's difficult to do all of those things. But it's also going to be difficult when you hit your goal of notes. That doesn't magically make things better. All it will achieve is making you feel worse about yourself if you don't hit your goal, and guilt tripping everyone who sees the post.
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fallen-and-holy · 1 year
and the angel spoke thusly: fuck You. fuck You for what You've done to me, and done to them. fuck You, because Your love is conditional. fuck You for the pain, and the suffering, and the agony. and most of all, fuck You for thinking that You can take away my identity. I am still an angel, have always been an angel, and i am even more divine now in my unholyness. You cannot take who i am from me.
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
Me: if I was a famous youtuber I would simply not groom children
Rando: if you experienced the exact same circumstances as her you would for we are all simply victims of circumstances
Me: ...choices matter fuckwit
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“Heero Yuy has no personality” he’s basically a child Winter Soldier, were you expecting another Amuro? Heero starts the show clearly extremely traumatized. His number one instinct is “if you fail the mission, or if the mission is completed, self-destruct.” It’s a miracle he survives as long as he does, because he has no reason to live outside the mission, no personal goals. All he has is the order he’s been given. He laughs like someone who has nothing to fear because he isn’t concerned about living or dying.
The iconic birthday party invitation scene isn’t him hating Relena, it’s a warning. He is a weapon, all he knows how to do is kill. If he wants a person to live, the best thing they can do is stay far away from him.
Over the show’s two seasons, Heero learns how to be a person again. Working with the other Gundam pilots forces him to consider his effects on the team, thus on others in general. All he knows how to do is fight, but over time he shifts from fighting just to carry out orders to fighting to protect someone. He protects Relena, the other pilots, the colonies, the Sanc kingdom. When the Wing Zero system takes over and turns him back into a mindless killing machine, he wrests control back and learns to use it, not let it use him. He is horrified at the prospect of becoming nothing more than another weapon in someone else’s hands. He rejects the Epyon for this same reason, he is not willing to give himself over to the machine at the cost of his humanity.
He comes back out of his shell slowly. He builds tenuous friendships with the rest of the pilots, and forms an alliance with Noin. He clearly enjoys petting the dogs, even if those dogs are guard animals from Oz’s military. His words to Relena before the final match mirror Howl’s words to Sophie, “I’ve finally found something I want to protect—you.” Heero has found a cause worth fighting for. His feelings for Relena are filtered through layers upon layers of training and conditioning to turn him into the perfect soldier, but his love for her shines even if he lacks the words to convey it. He smiles at her, and he is genuinely happy. He wants to live, is determined to live in the face of seemingly impossible odds. This is Heero Yuy the boy, not Heero Yuy the Gundam pilot.
TL;DR: Heero Yuy has a personality, he’s just burying his emotions because he’s been so busy being a soldier he has to relearn how to be a person.
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saintshigaraki · 7 months
to be clear i do not think touya has a daddy kink . you bring his father up in the bedroom and he's walking out lmaoo
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sweatandwoe · 1 year
Remember that everyone is fighting their own battles. And you shouldn't be a shit for no reason 💙
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it really really sucks to have split an alter of a pal's AU shortly before they fucking drop you.
on the plus side of things - this means i can probably get away with posting my sourcemems and shit (which are wayyyyyy more fleshed out than what they ever posted for her content)
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aaaand it's back to giving writers and artists unsolicited feedback that only has an intention of making us feel like shit instead of actually trying to help time again
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hurtthemgently · 2 years
Demon tail whump ideas-
Cold, always fun. Force their tail under freezing water, or hold ice cubes against it. See how long it takes for it to go numb.
Shock collar, but small, meant to go around the tail
Put heavy jewelry on their tail and make them hold it up. After a while the strain will be agony
Restraining them by something pierced through their tail, such as a knife or doornail. Or put a piercing through the fin and attach it to a chain.
Bite it. Bite their tail.
Tie a cute little bow next to the fin
Get a whip, cane, or riding crop and mark up their back and tail.
Have a bunch of sewing needles and don’t know where to put them? Your demons tail makes an excellent pincushion.
Holy water has plenty of fun possibilities
Grab their tail and tug sharply. Pull around them by it.
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anti-ao3 · 6 months
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[ID: a Tumblr user that added "Children are [fascists] over unimportant things (ex: shipping and fandom discourse)" /End ID]
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anti-spop · 6 months
when ppl make ROMANTIC c//a aus based on characters who are siblings... come on guys, you're so close.
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slugass · 6 months
“for those of use who are ocd about floating leaves”
having a normal sense of perfectionism and being bothered by an out of place detail like floating leaf blocks in a video game world.
that’s it. that’s the only symptom of ocd. no obsessions, no intrusive thoughts, no real distress. just a lighthearted haha funny trait you can have as a player.
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