#this is about the sylki tag
sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
very sad when you go to look at a tag for a topic you enjoy and most of the posts are things you posted yourself... we need more biodiversity in this ecosystem!!!
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lokiiied · 11 months
#i don't even wanna tag posts that talk about sylvie with the sylvie tag anymore #bc even when i'm talking about why i like her & her story w/o romance is important to me #and how she seems happier & i hc her as aro/ace #i alwaysss get someone who starts talking ab how she's cLeArLy in love w loki #like #i literally just said it's not about romance what part of this is an aro/ace friendly convo do you not get #not everything is about your ship #i like her as her own character #who does not need to revolve around potential romantic feelings for loki #if you can't talk about her without bringing up loki then...
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nostalgia-tblr · 4 months
Reminding myself that I resolved not to delete any fics that have a bookmark on them😭
#there's this one frostmaster fic that must be TERRIBLE cos it fails on any metric but for some reason people bookmarked it#though the visible ones seem to be mostly people who bookmark literally everything they read so...#it has one (1) comment and like a thousand hits :|#i think it's not a bad fic! but apparently i am wrong about that :'(#BUT if there's one person out there who silently loves it i don't want to take it from them#i have invented a silent yet adoring audience in my head for fics that “don't do numbers”. between this and the “reason other than quality”#that i preemptively invent for any fic to flop i am left perhaps overly confident in my skillz but also a bit less worried about stats.#btw 'fair alfrida' didn't go too well either but i had fun writing it so fuck it i don't care (...much)#more positively: the frigga gen did v well and the sylki-on-sakaar one i fretted about for months does not actually repel readers!#and this year i feel like i'm doing fairly well despite posting a few quite niche fics :D#tbh some of my own fics are things i probably wouldn't click on cos they wouldn't seem like my jam from the summary/tags#and i beat myself up less about only writing short oneshots now that i've posted a couple of longer works as well#the sylki arranged marriage fic is on-track to be my second-longest fic ever (the bar was low but shhhh)#...as you can see i still put too much importance on length of fic even though i prefer reading shorter works meself :|#ANYWAY STATS BACK OFF NOW I THINK
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Pro tip for antis: if their profile picture is the character you’re arguing against, just.. don’t even try lol.
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agir1ukn0w · 11 months
antis stay THE FUCK out of the sylki tags challenge
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itscomplicatedx · 11 months
So neither of the “ships” “won”, and I must say I’m glad, since I didn’t like either and thought Loki deserved better, and if one of them had “won”, the worst of the fans of that group would’ve been absolutely unbearable.
The behavior from the worst fans of the shipping fandoms has been appalling in the past couple of years-bigotry, threatening people, (threatening the director’s dog, really?) harassing each other, accusing each other of all kinds of stuff based only on shipping a different ship. Are we going to have that BS with some assholes harassing the staff of the show and those outside of their shipping fandom again, or are they going to remember people who don’t ship what they ship have a right to exist as well? And that as much as many of us don’t like some of what’s going on in canon, the creators of the show are human beings just like everyone else, and harassing them is crossing a line?
Let’s hope it’s the latter two. Best way to feel better-do what Loki fans (among others) have been doing for years-write lots of great fanfiction and get together and complain and speculate about canon with like-minded people. It does help.
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
Are you ready to either delete Twitter/tumblr or block the Loki tag after October 6th?? I know I am!
(Seriously though I don’t wanna deal with all the negative bullshit, I don’t even like Sylki but the haters made me a defender)
being a Loki series fan on lokiblr is so hard like I unfollow people for the pettiest shit if they don't like the Loki series or if they hate any of the characters or ships like haven't I blocked enough tags to be free of the negativity 😭
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charliewrites99 · 5 months
Not liking a ship and explaining why you don't like it isn't toxic for fuck's sake.
Hoping your ship "wins" also isn't toxic.
We call every disagreement in the fandom shipping war. And even if it is so FUCKING WHAT??!!
There are always going to be sides taken. Fighting about what is better. And I am so sick of the whole "multishipping exists!!"
But a lot of people can't do it.
I hate when fandoms go too far with threats and insults and putting eachother down too. I really do. I can't stand when people badger creators and actors about their prefered side.
But if someone hates the ship and explains why or is pissed that it went canon and then rants in their own tag or on twitter whatever, that is not inherently toxic!
Almost everyone gets caught in a shipping war from time to time.
I try to stay away from it, but sometimes I slip.
I was a BIG sylkie hater in season 1 of Loki. There were trenches dug.
Not Sylvie hater SYLKIE hater. You are allowed to hate a ship down to your very core. It does not make you toxic.
Toxic would be going out of your way to attack people. Toxic is saying everyone who ships something is a horrible person because xyz.
People think ship war they think zutara vs kataang.
Most "ship wars" are barely ship squabbles.
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gloriousburden · 18 days
A few types of MCU Loki fans I’ve encountered/noticed being in the fandom for over three years now:
DISCLAIMER: DON’T TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY PLEASEEEE IT’S LIGHTHEARTED!! Some of these things apply to me as well, and some don’t lol. Doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone it’s all just for giggles.
The Lokius shipper Series Fan:
- Usually younger Gen Z. Can be anywhere from 14 to 23 years old. They’re younger teenagers most of the time.
- Heavily on TikTok but also on Pinterest/Twitter.
- Got into the MCU/Loki more recently. Either from the Series, or from Ragnarok.
- For some reason, wholeheartedly believes that one Tumblr post from like ten years ago that states Loki is 16/17 in human years. Even though that’s not canon at all and it does not work like that.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be the Variant/Ragnarok. Sometimes Avengers.
- Almost ALWAYS a fan of Good Omens or OFMD.
- Obviously… Ships Lokius.
- Very anti Sylvie/Sylki, but LOVES Mobius.
- EXTREMELY anti Thorki, even though not a lot of people ship them anymore.
- Spreads a lot of misinformation. Such as taking the fact that Marvel confirmed that the Scepter influenced Loki, and mistaking that with them 100% confirming the theory of Loki being brainwashed by Thanos.
- Thinks Loki’s eyes are green???
- Newer to fandom in general.
- Doesn’t talk a whole lot about the series outside of the ships/fanon discourse.
- Making Loki tree/Yggdrasil jokes CONSTANTLY.
- Either thinks that Loki before the series was completely evil, or an angel. No in between.
- “For you, for all of us 🥺” / “Your savior is here!”
- Often forgets/doesn’t remember the fact that Loki/OG Loki are two different characters, and groups them together.
- Either a Swiftie who likes to constantly joke about when Taylor and Tom dated for 3 months like 8 years ago and also associates a lot of her Songs/Lyrics with Loki, or is someone who has a bit more of an Alternative taste in Music/Fashion.
- Doesn’t really talk about Thor that much, or really wants him and Loki to reunite.
- They’ve probably seen other movies including Tom like Crimson Peak, Skull Island, and High Rise. The more popular ones.
- Owns a lot of TVA related merch.
- “He’s not Odin’s son, or Laufey’s son… He’s Frigga’s son 🥺” or insists on calling Loki by “Laufeyson.”
- In Fanon, sort of treats Loki as a very normal, modern human, and not a god from an entirely different realm.
- Has either dropped the Series/their love of Loki a few months after the Series ended for the “next best thing”, or is currently still raving about all of it.
- Quite immature about other’s opinions/perspectives on Loki/or even people who ship the opposite ship from their own. This is mainly because they’re younger or because they really like their Fanon idea of Loki/Which ship should be Canon.
- Has some questionable headcanons/opinions of their own on Loki.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The OG Loki fan who’s been a fan of him since 2011/2012, but is a bit more casual about his characterization:
- Usually a Millennial/in their late twenties or mid thirties. May even be in their fourties.
- Has been here for a good while, and saw just about every movie featuring him as well as other MCU movies in the theater when they first came out. Was probably a younger adult/older teenager when Avengers came out.
- Fanfic writer!!
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be Ragnarok, TDW, or Avengers.
- Mainly reside on Tumblr/AO3 but also on Twitter from time to time.
- “The Sun will shine on us again.” / “Love is a Dagger.”
- Some depict Loki in their Fanfics in a Smutty/BookTok YA Fantasy Novel style. Some in other ways. They also have a lot of fun with their Fics! So many AUs.
- They are carrying the Loki x Reader tag, I won’t lie. 🫡
- Doesn’t necessarily love the Series, but also doesn’t necessarily hate it. Does prefer the OG Loki they know and love over the Series and had a few disappointments with the Series, though.
- MAJOR Hiddlestoner. Some may like Tom more than they like Loki. Have watched his entire filmography and then some.
- A lot of them have really cool Loki related tattoos.
- Collects a lot of merch. Both from the Series, as well as more OG Loki merch. Also owns about fourty Tom magazines.
- Probably has met Tom/owns an autograph or something signed by him.
- Usually ships Loki with Sigyn, Jane, Tony, or an OC they’ve had since 2013. Honestly, I don’t personally see them that often anymore, but may ship Thorki. Does not really ship Lokius/Sylki whatsoever, or uses Sylvie as a bit of a self insert in Fics.
- Sometimes also a huge fan of Bucky/The Winter Soldier or Sebastian Stan. Associates Bucky and Loki a lot especially in Fics.
- Some are also fans of Star Wars who love Kylo Ren.
- Actually they like a lot of other morally grey characters.
- Probably has a pet named after Loki.
- Feels deeply for Loki, and relates to him in certain ways. Really likes humanizing him in their fics. Loves the more vulnerable side of him.
- Loves Frigga.
- Hates Odin.
The Loki purist/“He’s literally me” Fan:
- Anywhere from 16 - 28 years old. May be a bit older than that. Usually Mid/Older Gen Z, or younger Millennial.
- Has either grown up loving Loki, or became a fan a bit more recently.
- Favorite depiction of Loki tends to be TDW, but obviously can be any of the three OG depictions of him.
- LIVES on Tumblr. A bit of an extinct species elsewhere, but some may also be on Twitter.
- #1 Loki defenders. Very protective of/sensitive about how he is depicted not only in Canon, but also in Fanon. Usually deemed as harsh by series fans/non series haters whenever they criticize the Series or Ragnarok, but in reality, deeply relates to Loki and takes it very personally when he is depicted inaccurately. They see themselves in him, and are so, so, SO tired of seeing him mischaracterized. But also can be genuinely harsh at times. I’ve been guilty of that.
- Either heavily believes the “Thanos Brainwashed Loki” theory, or completely rejects it.
- “I never wanted the Throne. I only ever wanted to be your Equal.” / “Trust my Rage.”
- Very creative. Creates Art of Loki, Fanfics, Edits, Cosplays him, etc…
- Sometimes weirdly resembles him in ways??? LOL. Taking “He’s literally me” literally
- Has a more Alternative taste in Music, Fashion, Aesthetics, etc..
- They either see Loki as their bff, their life partner, or as an enigma to observe. Or all of the above.
- Pretty into Norse Myth, and likes incorporating aspects of it creatively, or when talking about Loki.
- Has a good amount of Fandom experience, and does not tend to argue with other Loki purists/OG Loki fans over petty things. Because at the end of the day… it’s just Tumblr. And we usually all have a common middle ground. Or, is constantly arguing with others.
- They don’t really ship Loki with anyone, but if they do… it’s usually Sigyn or Thor. Or someone really random.
- Either really enjoys depicting Loki in a more Feminine/Neutral form, and wishes his fluidity was depicted in the MCU, or doesn’t talk about it all that much.
- Single handedly keeping the memory of Loki (prior to Ragnarok) alive. 🫡
- Loves the comics, or hasn’t touched a single one.
- Disliked Taika Waititi before it was cool.
- Lost complete trust in the MCU after the handling of Loki’s characterization in Ragnarok, and had no hope in the Series when it was first announced. Or… really hoped it would be our last hope.
- Either deems Thor as the origin of all evil, or actually likes him.
- Wishes it was still 2013 everyday of their lives.
- Either respects/likes Tom to a certain extent, or really does not like him.
- Has a few really cool merch items, or has a lot of everything and anything they can find that doesn’t include Ragnarok/The series. Usually, they DIY their merch.
- Needs to emulate him at any given moment and in any way possible.
- Likes Frigga, but acknowledges that she has messed up in ways. Or really does not like her, period.
- Hates Odin.
The… Male MCU casual/dudebro who strictly lives on TikTok/Instagram/Twitter and did not really like Loki that much until the Series finale came out and thinks Loki is a Sigma Male who dropped everything in order for his friends and his… “Girl” to live:
- ????? Wtf
- Okay I added this one more as a joke because obviously they’re not Loki fans, but…
- Anywhere from ages 15, to 24. No older than that.
- Definitely disregarded Loki’s character before the Series. Also due to him having a fanbase where Women/Girls are the majority. Now Loki is the best MCU character and has the best arc out of everyone else. 🤦🏻‍♀️
- Wholeheartedly believes that Loki was a narcissist/was overreacting about everything he’s been through, or believes that Loki is an angel now because he had a “Redemption Arc”.
- Has never picked up a single Loki comic.
- Jokes a lot about Loki “loving” himself (Sylki kiss).
- Calls the Series “Peak Fiction” just because the rest of the bullshit the MCU has been putting out was absolute garbage, and also because they haven’t really watched anything else.
- If you as an actual Loki fan correct them on any of their bullshit, they act like they know more than you because they loved the series. How could anyone hate it?
- Makes self insert memes/tries to project onto Loki in the absolute worst ways possible.
- Worships the ground that Michael Waldron walks on. Though, they all hated Multiverse of Magic..
- “Let time pass…” / “I know what kind of god I have to be. For you, for all of us.” (Once again.)
- Similarly to our Lokius shipper Series Fans… they do not realize that Loki/the Variant are literally two different people.
- Loves Mobius JUST because he is portrayed by Owen Wilson.
- Also very annoying about Loki being confirmed bisexual in the Series.
- Really wants not only Thor and Loki to reunite, but also Hela.
- Hated the earlier Thor movies, loved Ragnarok, hated Love and Thunder.
- Probably thinks the treatment of Thor in Infinity War was funny af.
- Who’s Frigga?
- Loves Odin probably. (Hehe)
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
would it be weird if i changed a character's eye colour based entirely on what pairing they were in at the time?
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If shippers are making you this pissed off, you need to stop interacting with them instead of being so fucking negative.
And if seeing negativity makes you pissed off enough to anonymously (lmao) send me a message about it, you need to adjust your filters accordingly to avoid posts that are specifically tagged as anti from blogs that have anti right in the name 🤷‍♀️
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griseldagimpel · 16 days
425 Works on AO3 Check In
I've now got 425 works up on AO3, so it's time for my scheduled check in on fandom behavior in regard to my works. As a reminder, you can find past entries in this series using the "griselda gimpel AO3 checkins" tag.
Not really anything to report for this check in, honestly. I haven't gotten any harassment since last check in. I did get a couple-few mildly irritating comments on "A Lap Dance for Mr. Bonzo", but nothing that rises to the level of harassment. Just the usual "people forget that when they leave a comment, an actual person will be reading it".
Anyway, last check in, I talked about fandom as a panopticon. This time, I'm thinking about the temporal nature of fandom misbehavior.
Okay, one of the fics I wrote recently was another Sylki fic. And I know there are Sylki Antis. They've never bothered me, personally, but I know they exist. And I wasn't in the Voltron fandom, but my friend Stitch was, and she's told horror stories about the fan misbehavior in that fandom. And I was in the Our Flag Means Death fandom, and I know how toxic the Izzy Antis there were.
Loki season two ended a bit ago. There's still a lovely Sylki community here on tumblr I belong to, but I imagine the fandom has died down a bit. I know Our Flag Means Death has, and I haven't heard of Izzy fans getting harassment recently. Voltron's also faded, it seems.
So...where did the toxic fans (or anti fans) in those fandoms go afterward? Did they mature and stop harassing people? Did they leave fandom all together? Or are the toxic fans of one fandom the same toxic fans of fandoms that were popular in years past? It's definitely worth study if someone has a good methodology.
(I am unable to be the one to conduct this study. I block toxic fans on their fist offense.)
Anyway, to recap, in total:
In the Our Flag Means Death fandom, I got a harassing anonymous Ask on tumblr for being an Izzy fan.
In the This Is How Your Lose the Time War fandom, I got an angry comment on a fan fic because it featured a pit bull. Yes, the dog. No, this one will never stop being hilarious to me.
In The Magnus Protocol fandom, my Dickonzo fic got mocked on tumblr.
I've had multiple instances of getting angry comments or my work reported because I talked about racism.
Coming up, I'll be posting an Ouizzy fic and a Dickonzo fic for two of my big bangs, so we will see what the response to them is.
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youlackconviction · 1 year
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[ original pro-sylki post here ]
in the spirit of not ruining people's fun 💀 i am making my own post about this i bet i still get a bunch of series fans on my post disallowing my disgust but idgaf
i really have no words for this...
and maybe it's just the gifmaker's edit but why are his eyes so red? like... all around? he looks like he got maced. and the red lipstick is... too much.
i'm sorry but i just see this: 😭💔 RIP OG LOKI
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some tags i saw on a reblog of the OP... i literally don't understand. i can't see what they see. THIS??? looks MORE LOKI???
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no. just no.
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
brb thinking about that time someone told me I was a shitty, ultra-problematic person for enjoying the Loki series and I responded once to tell them that I don't care and they spent over half an hour ranting in message after message about how I'm such a horrible person and how could I do this and I spent the entire time re-reblogging Loki series posts from my blog until they finally blocked me, about 20 messages later. my conflict resolution skills are unmatched 🙏
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lemonwisp · 10 months
Something about the Lokius tag that confuses me
Why are there people tagging anti Lokius pro sylki girl, don’t tag Lokius, you can have your beliefs but like let people like what they like. And I’m sure it’s the same the other way round, with people on the sylki tag being mean about sylki, like I’m not the biggest sylki fan but people can think what they like. Why are there so many arguments about this?
Like if you are tagging anti Lokius but still on the Lokius tag I’m blocking you
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