#this is about trans gwen
t4tails · 1 year
you know queer coding is obvious when even your parents pick up on it
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[ID: Tweets from Emily 'Soup Lesbian' Gwen (@theemilygwen) on twitter with the following text:
Well, just left a job interview crying because the hiring manager told me they liked my application but were disappointed that I didn't bother dressing appropriately. I tried to explain that I haven't been able to afford new clothes in years but I just couldn't handle it.
That comment and my reaction was one of the most mortifying moments of my life. I thought I put together a decent outfit for the job with what I had, and hearing her say that just destroyed me.
Anyway I'm still looking for work and struggling a lot. Even $5 would help pay for a meal. ko-fi.com/emilygwen
End ID]
Please help Emily Gwen, the creator of the lesbian flag. If you show me that you donated any amount I will draw you something. You can also support them by buying something from their Threadless store!
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I hate you mfs that don't like Gwen after across the spider verse it smells like misogyny
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beaulesbian · 9 months
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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prentissology · 1 year
gwen being trans and her dad accepting her for it, but not for spiderwoman is like, morbidly hilarious because it’s a copy paste of that one tiktok audio where it goes: “god may forgive you for being gay but NO ONE will forgive you for that haircut”
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
I know it's hypocritical of me since i've said i hate that Gwen and Margo scene but the idea of Hobie being jealous of Ganke is so fucking funny to me.Obviously he wouldn't be a dick to him because that's unpunk but i'm just imagining it like:
Miles and Ganke:*Happily talking in Btsv and casually showing how close they are*
Gwen,raising an eyebrow at Hobie:What's with you?
Hobie:*Eye twitching violently through his mask*I don't know.But i don't like him
Gwen:You mean Ganke?Why?
Pavitr,who knows damn hell Hobie has a crush on Miles and that he's being sincere that he dosen't know he's jealous:
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onefey · 11 months
gwen stacy could literally be wearing three seperate trans pins and a patch that says "trans and proud" in the next movie and ppl would still be like Um Actually She Could Just Be A Cis Ally 🙄🙄 You're Obviously Projecting You Trans People Just Want To Make Everything About Yourself
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boldlygoingtolidl · 6 months
everyone knows that representation matters until it's a minority they don't like, and then it's "shoving it down their throats".
i remember scrolling through youtube shorts when spiderverse 2 came out and watching the same indian youtuber celebrating the inclusion of pavitr prabhakar also make a short talking about the evil "trans agenda" trying to transify gwen stacy
it's really lonely out here. we're just kids having fun
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Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me this girl is not trans
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thepunkmuppet · 10 months
yeah I relate to these characters no reason no reason
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cartooncreep · 1 year
(It’s all allegories and metaphors I know I know but I can only say it that many times until it takes away from the point I’m making. She is trans tho shut up.)
Okay so we all know Gwen Stacy/Spiderwoman is a trans allegory (is trans) right? Right.
I rewatched ATSV today, and I’ll watch it even more no doubt about that. But I’m here to talk about the part of the movie that made me gasp and go “ohh.”
So we already know it’s GWEN who’s trans NOT Peter cause that takes away from her whole allegory AND I don’t care how much of an ally you are - you’re not hanging the trans flag in your room. However, the person I actually wanna focus on here is Peter.
Peter isn’t really introduced to us as someone we should care about, we care about Gwen and her pain of losing Peter but Peter himself? He wasn’t built enough as a character for us to care. He’s shown having dinner with Gwen’s family throughout the years, someone who is implied Gwen isn’t really ever without. Then one day he dies. As he dies in Gwen’s arms he reveals he knew who she was and tells her everything will be okay. Gwen flees the scene upon the arrival of her dad who finds Peters dead body.
Gwen’s father is fixated on the death of Peter, absolutely convinced Spiderwoman killed him. Gwen herself tells her dad that she doesn’t think it was her, a conversation they’ve likely had many times over the years considering. Despite Gwen’s efforts her dad remains almost obsessed over arresting Spiderwoman specifically for Peters death. This sort of thirst for revenge would be better placed if it was his own personal connection who was seemingly murdered, but it wasn’t, it was his daughters best friend. His daughter whom holds no ill will against Spiderwoman and actively encourages her Dad to not try and arrest her. He becomes angry and is convinced he’s correct. This is a lot of anger and DEVOTION (as it’s been years since Peter’s death) to catching someone who only you is convinced killed your…daughter’s…best….friend?
It then culminates with her dad facing her, Spiderwoman, with a gun. In a desperate attempt to save herself she reveals her identity. Her dad is horrified and wavers, but doesn’t fully lower the gun. And then she says the line that made me gasp, “I didn’t kill Peter.”
Peter isn’t her friend in this allegory he’s her dead name, the person she used to present as. Her dad is fighting for the son he thinks he’s lost to a daughter that’s killed him. Peter was there with her throughout her life because it was in fact her that was with Peter, Gwen was always there, Spiderwoman was always there, Gwen just finally came out of hiding.
It’s never explained as to why Peter knew Gwen’s name as he died. What it is is him knowing Gwen is there as the truth, as Spiderwoman - Him AS Gwen, her letting him go as he dies. Leaving Peter, Gwen staying. Him saying “Gwen, it’s all gonna be okay.” Because he knew, he IS Gwen, she IS Spiderwoman, and it IS gonna be all okay.
Idk I just have a lot of feelings
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catabolic-seeds · 2 months
I love David and Max as much as the next guy but can we get some more with David and the other campers as well. GWEN TOO!
Either acting as a parental figure, fun uncle/aunt, sibling in some way, or simply just their counselor!! Being an adult figure in their life to help them out with stuff. Silly platonic/familial shenanigans.
David trying to understand their various interests, Gwen having a soft side helping them through something but still being Gwen about it.
David and Preston, David and Nikki, David and Nerris, David and Harrison??? There’s so much potential. We know Gwen and the girls have fun dynamics too!!!
Can we explore . Shake things up a little maybe . No hate on Dadvid for max I love dadvid but let’s ponder more as well. There’s so many fun dynamics to work with when it comes to counselors
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waterdroid · 1 year
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EXTREMELY quick drawing of Gwen that I did after watching Spiderverse. I loved her so much <3
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vampyearn · 1 year
saw a post about how the animators deliberately added masculine undertones to gwen’s character design, and it got me thinking.
we know that after you’ve been bitten your body develops to suit the demands of the bite- usually becoming taller, muscular, senses heightened etc. it would be interesting to see how that transformation adheres to a trans person? would it be affirming, alleviate dysphoria or perhaps even cause distress? the relationship with a super human body in superhero films are usually glossed over (most of the time) and it made me wonder how this experience could impact trans people & their complex connection with their bodies ..esp because you could DEFINITELY read the spiderman plots as trans allegories. becoming spiderman is a concept, the whole message is always “anyone can be spiderman” esp in the spiderverse films.
anyways marvel nerds..help me flesh out this idea because i think it would be a really interesting concept to explore..!!
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cygnus-art · 1 year
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punkeropercyjackson · 10 days
Nonblack punks will watch Across The Spiderverse and forget they nonblack and who started punk too
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