#this is all HYPOTHETICAL mind
hollow-dweller · 4 months
HYPOTHETICALLY if you were to write a dad!peter fic what is the dark and troubling premise 😌
you can't do that that's illegal
okay SO there's basically two options for approaching this, in my head
option one: mayday pov, peter is dead. maybe he is killed as spidey when she is a child, or maybe this has just happened. either way, she has taken up/is taking up the mantle of spidey, and there's a lot of reflection on what her father was like, and what it even means to carry on his legacy. this conception of things to me is like: spider-man is like a bloodline curse. it doomed peter to die young and leave his daughter, and it will doom her to die young and leave her daughter, and so on and so forth. she knows it's true, but it won't stop her, just like it didn't stop him. this is also a scenario with potential to bring in an adult morgan stark, having taken up her father's mantle, and do a kind of CW remix except everyone knows they're in a tragedy this time. something something fathers and daughters, something something there is only one ending to this story.
option two: peter is alive, mayday is the one who died. she decided to be spider-girl, whether out of her desire to emulate her father or her desire to prove herself to him, or both, and she is killed in the process. you have peter dealing with the fundamental question: did he do this to her? to which the answer is, well, yes. how does he come back from that? can he? to which the answer is, most probably, no. this one almost certainly ends with him dying as well--out of grief, and guilt, and the inevitability of his fate as spider-man.
the other, and potentially controversial part of all this is: neither of these stories exist without MJ featuring heavily, and that means confronting her role and perspective on all this. yes, i think peter is flawed and selfish, vis a vis fatherhood and marriage, but with that comes the necessary corollary of what it means for MJ to stay with a man she must know on some level is going to leave her daughter fatherless. she gets to make that choice for herself, yes: the love isn't less real because you know one day your loved one will be gone. does she get to make that choice for their child? and what if it all leads to the death, not of her husband, but of their child?
idk. idk! it's complicated and imperfect and in many ways a story worth telling, but it would take a lot of careful balancing to make it work without being either a) unfairly harsh on peter and permissive of mj or b) simplistically reductive of both of them
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ozymandien · 4 months
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later, ouyang thought esen wouldn't even had noticed: the moment his stillness of anticipation flicked into the stillness of shame, as quickly as capping a candle. his blood ran cold; his body burned. it was the feeling of a blade slid gently into his heart.
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wolfythewitch · 9 months
Hmmm would Crowley and Aziraphale be on the Greek or Trojan side of the war
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clotpolesonly · 10 days
you ever think about how, even with how messy and traumatizing and dysfunctional the guardianship period of their lives was, the second Ronan realizes that Declan might actually be capable of settling down with one girl, he immediately imagines him as a father? i do
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puhpandas · 4 months
(the week would take place leading up to ggys 1st anniversary this year (February 29th to March 7th))
!!(PLEASE only vote if you would participate in the week. if you wouldnt create anything press the results button. this poll is purely for people who would 100% join the week and draw fanart/write fics for one or the other)!!
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dailycupoftrauma · 11 months
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It's wedding season y'all
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leafsfromthevine · 5 months
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need someone to actually draw zuko in this fit (picture from ian ousley's instagram highlights)
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thinking about her (narsty smites) (emily axford’s unplayed reaper paladin mentioned during eldermourne short rests)
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agi-ppangx · 6 months
what if i wrote an angsty fic but it would be a member who struggles and is the cause of all of the chaos and misunderstanding ??
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dropoutfailure · 1 month
heya boss, i know your whole bit is dadson, but what are your thoughts on a older brother who had to step up and raise their younger brothers?
aww well hey, that's almost dadhood anyway. except usually with a less drastic age gap, not having to experience the trauma of birth, a sense of competition, responsibility and resentment over the parentification and a lost childhood. and some sort of mutual guilt that comes with having useless parents and an unusual family structure.
lots of emotional tension and grief, but also a sense of understanding, like you just Get each other like no one else. like if no other relationship works out, if nobody else understands, you might end up experimenting with each other, because whatever, you were doomed from the start because your parents failed both of you... romantic!! incestuous comfort sex.
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eternal-reverie · 22 days
got the posting anxiety bad tonight
#click clack#ok a peak into my thought process and anxiety here we go#ok so the art is almost done and up to standard I would post onto my art blog#BUT for some reason the thought of posting art of my ocs there scares me#because even tho it’s my art blog in my mind it’s the equivalent to a art gallery that demands being detached????? from the art#like once I share it there it’s no longer ‘mine’ but to the public#and my ocs (plus the stories that go with them) are like the closest to my heart and relinquishing them feels like a lot#a part of my imagination that I spent so much time with developing over the years to be placed up for judgement…#so then the solution could be to put it here on my personal! the online space cozy enough and filled with other posts that could easily bury#the original posts I put here#but there goes my other dilemma. i don’t want them too associated with my personal for if one day i do muster up something for publication#my big fear is that ppl will find this space and go thru everything. the fear of being perceived and judged 😵‍💫#all the hypotheticals and anxiety for something that may not even happen#dumb mind problems my head made up 🙄#anyway writing it out helped lol I’m posting it to my art blog I decided 👍#I have to work on getting that blog to be comfortable space to post… i should lower that silly self imposed standard I set for myself#and be whatever about ppl being aware of my online presences#maybe… [grinding my teeth] I should post my messy sketches onto my art blog…#I should take my friends suggestion and make a website to feature my ocs…🤔#idk my only other solution that doesn’t feel viable to mitigate the anxiety is to slowly introduce my ocs in the background of setting art#just a slow drip until they are in the forefront#bleghhh whatever much ado about nothing it’s like I never posted my ocs ever when I have indeed posted them before on both places ( º_º )#I’m realizing it happens too when I post too much fanart in a row… I have curator disease??? 🫨#or something I used to be very particular about what order I reblog stuff like it used to be by color and content balanced out#I still do to a lesser degree… but it used to be pretty bad#post order compulsion????#the fear of being abrupt and incohesive in between posts…#if you read this far thanks you can now see how much this consumes me 🙃
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monitorkernelaccess · 28 days
I think it probably is more likely that Falin chimera was purposely trying to disarm Laios by crying for help, rather than that part actually being genuine. Cause it happens at a moment when she’s temporarily disarmed from being electrocuted and then she does make a smug face afterwards. But I’m sentimental and I Want To Believe
Uhh it could also maybe be both? Like both an intentional tactic (from the dragon side?) and also a sign that at least some part of Falin is in there and wants to be saved
The way they animate it, her eyes go from dragon-like slitted pupils to normal round pupils as she says it. And then a tear falls from one eye, while the other eye stays completely dry
Looking at all that again with a bit more context and possibly a clearer mind, that looks like it’s all to make the ruse look more realistic. If it were more of an outburst as I originally believed (or was trying to convince myself), then the pupils wouldn’t have changed probably? It seems like an intentional move
In addition to the pupil change, the single tear seems forced as well. Like she could only muster up one fake tear while the other eye remained completely dry.
On the other hand…it’s kinda hard to force tears at all, especially so quickly. And if we imagine for the moment that the tear was genuine, could the fact that it only fell from one eye mean that only half of her was crying? Like maybe the dragon is really mostly in control, but it let Falin out as an emotional manipulation tactic. Meaning that the cry was both genuine and just a combat strategy/self-defense measure.
And I’m still not sure what to make of the fact that she pushes Laios out of the way before crushing Kabru. Like was it just an accident then? Or is it more just a side effect of Laios being essentially the main character and no one in the main party gets killed in that scene? Or…could it still be that maybe, deep down, Falin doesn’t want to hurt her brother?
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astrumocs · 4 months
He would remember everything if I destroyed Reshaper's wings, btw,
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cerunilea · 7 months
Ok, so if we're under the assumption that Cellbit is the one killing the Federation workers and purposely leaving those messages for Cucurucho, I am (even more) so incredibly excited to see what the eventual "consequences" Cucurucho spoke of will end up being. Even before the murders he was going to face some sort of punishment, but adding on the steadily increasing list of things he is doing to destabilize and spread fear through the working class of the organization, I shudder to think how drastic and hard-hitting that punishment will actually end up being — I am very, VERY curious as to what they have in store for him (hopefully incredibly traumatic with lasting, emotionally painful damage... it's been so long since the feral wet cat has been properly put through the horrors and quite frankly I do kind of miss it).
Man knows he was going to take the fall, actively trying to put all of the blame onto himself to pull the brunt of the consequences of some of the recent major hijinks pulled by his fellow islanders, and now he's using this last bit of time to sow as much chaos and thin the workforce, in a way that would not bring negative fallout on the people he cares about (which Bagi is... kind of complicating as she is trying to do the exact same thing for him) as he goes out with a bang.
Obviously there's more nuances to the situation, with Cellbit definitely also using all this to... let go of his carefully crafted emotional limits (and sanity) for a bit(?), the ongoing actions of the other islanders contributing to the chaos (ex. Etoiles killing like 20 guards in his recent infiltration mission, Quackity kidnapping Fred, Foolish getting stuck in his office for several days making his coworkers think he was killed off too, and Bagi and Roier gearing up to support Cellbit in his killing spree, etc.), Cucuruchito's probable role in temporarily distracting the islanders while the Feds try to wrestle everything under control and deal with the black concrete/missing eggs situation, and more that I can't think of offhand. But, from what I can tell, the Federation is probably the most disarrayed that they've ever been since the players first arrived 7 months ago, and Cellbit is capitalizing off that moment of weakness to magnify the chaos severalfold while getting some revenge in the process before he is once again ensnared by their chains, potentially to a permanent detriment depending on what "consequences" the Federation decides to impose on him.
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So ummm a!au inspired madoka magica au??
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puhpandas · 17 days
I keep thinking about how on earth they would canonize ggy bc like. at this point if they have to sacrifice Gregory screentime of just him to make something we already know actually canon, I would rather just take the screentime, but on the other hand they have to canonize it if they want to do anything at all with that plotline, and that makes me wonder if theyll stick with it as canon in the games at all or just leave it as background knowledge if u read the book 😭
#like i love ggy just as much as the nezt person and go crazy at how canon it is but not yet#but also i like gregory a lot more and ggy isnt the only reason hes my favorite#gregory was my favorite for a whole year before ggy even came out#i want him as a person to be developed more than his ggy plot when we already know its real#but gregory himself desperately needs more time focused on his character to tell us more about him#maybe give some context to some of his decisions#best case scenario honestly is Gregory has a protagonist plotline where it showcases his character and relationships with others#as the game progresses naturally with dialogue and stuff (freddy and vanessa being his guides or something)#with the focus being saving cassie#but as the game reaches its climax gregory realises for some reason or another that apparently he was ggy and did all those things#and was the mimics fave#but its established he had amneisa before security breach so he didnt remember and still doesnt#he just knows he did it and has to deal#so it doesnt completely take over everything else about his character#and then whatever happens at the end of that game has cassie saved and joining 3 star#who GOT DEVELOPMENT in this hypothetical#like idk i want ggy to be canon but i dont want it to overtake gregory#yknow what i mean#it should be background to him not the other way around#vanessa and cassie already have that big main possession plotline#pandas.txt#tbh if they replace gregorys backstory with something equally interesting I'll be ok with no game ggy#we already have a whole book to mess around with i wouldn't mind it being a little au even tho i know it isnt#its VERY canon and ill 100% be alright and happy w game ggy#but im nervous for how they would establish it in a game if at all#with how much gregory needs screentime just as a character and if he'd need to wait even longer after a ggy reveal#thoughts#gregory
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