#this is also like 500 words
bardicbird · 8 days
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a little siffrin comic about touch, violence, and oranges
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adhd-languages · 9 months
When someone speaks a foreign language in public and I’m desperately trying not to stare like I’m sorry I’m not racist I just desperately want to hear the different vowel sounds you’re making. sorry.
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forsakenmissives · 11 months
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inspired by long, nightly talks on the fire escape from @mobycotton's fic, some things are better left behind
moby, i couldn't figure out a specific scene to draw so here's a post-fic scene, i hope u like it regardless T_T <3
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chimerahyperfix · 4 months
You are a scientist. You like testing theories, making hypothesis. Working with dangerous materials that get you scolded. You are a scientist, and you are also a writer! You’ve swung at a few things before: sappy poems, work papers, crab, you’ve even attempted a horror short at Mirabelle’s inquiry. You’re favorite thing to write, though, are just basic letters.
You like to write letters. It's easier, to you, to write your thoughts on a piece of paper and hide it somewhere the recipient can find than to tell them what you think face-first. You’ve done it for years, long before you even came to the House to learn about the Change religion. A childhood habit that’s rolled over through your life like a wave on the sea.
So, of course, when time begins to loop, you write. Many, many letters. They all get lost to time when it twists back, and now, many loops in, that leaves a hole in your heart and a spot in your brain you can’t itch, for the words of each letter are mostly forgotten before you fight the King. It’s… fine, you guess? You can word things as many ways as you need to. Anything described can be described some more, after all.
For the first handful of loops, you wrote the same letters. Rather sappy, lovey things, your specialty. The furthest depths of your heart smeared onto a page for eternity, for you love and love and love, and you want those around you to know it.
Though as time trudges on, the same twenty four hours over and over in a nice single circuit built for it to run through, built by wishes and stars and twisted leaf-baring branches, so do your thoughts; therefore your letters move so, too, to adapt. More theoretical things. Questions. Ifs, ands ors buts and whys. Sadder ones after the bad loops, wailing and endlessly upset and mourning those who froze and those who were killed for standing in the King's way.
They get angrier as time goes on. More enraged. Wrath melts into the corners, edges fold and tear and warp under the weight. You stop delivering them, because you're here in this time loop hell to protect the ones you love, and you'd just make it worse if you gave them a letter like that.
You write a scathing letter, once. You write it after an absolutely abysmal loop, ending with blood and tears and probably the loudest you've ever screamed. It flows onto the page easily, and you leave it out on your desk, because you were hungry and hadn't eaten that loop with how beside yourself stressed you were.
Mirabelle finds it. Asks you, quite worried, if you're okay. You must've said something, and it had to be bad, because she flinched away from you like you'd tried to light her ablaze.
You panicked. Time looped.
Never again.
You hide them, after that. Shoved in your pillowcases or in piles of books, stacks of other papers. In the barrels. When you write only one or two you shove them in a bottle and push them to the back of your potions.
You're a shedding snake, a leopard changing its spots. Time is your prisoner and you are it's, and that melts into you as a human being until you are flesh and blood and twenty four hours that shouldn't continue.
Words spill from you, your mind, onto the page. You don't read them anymore. Just write and write and write, and tuck them away and pray no one finds them. You long for the days you could sit and write sappy love letters-- and sometimes, you still do them, but they're tinged with something, regret or rage or the absolute despair you feel, they're wrong, so they're tucked away as well. Letters just wrong, noticeably so. You’d be asked what’s wrong. Cornered. You can hear it now, “What’s wrong? What does this mean?” And all you can think of is the horrors you’ve seen.
One of these loops, whenever you get out, you expect to have a pile of ramblings with time-burnt letters and tear-stained edges. Whenever you get out, if there are any, you'll burn them. As a rite of passage, or something. A Change. Because time changed you, and the less people have to know about it the better. You can't get rid of your rotten voice or the tiredness in your bones or the way your brain has twisted to think, but you CAN get rid of letters.
You like to write. The horrors you write, of twisted time and dying and what being frozen in time is like— it can go. No one needs to know. No one WILL know. It’ll all fall on you, like every other crabbing thing in the time loops. And that’s okay, it’s enough.
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sweetlikeyou · 1 month
made a playlist for all u hoes <3
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lighthouseshepard · 4 months
ahhh been too afraid to pm you but hi from a silent mutual!!
writing prompt: john and yorick chat while arthur sleeps :))
HI HELLO!! im also always too afraid to pm everyone! thank you so much for sending this in and so sorry it took me a while! been a very busy few days (:
"Is he fully asleep, my king?"
John groans in annoyance among the relative darkness he'd been sulking within. Ever since Arthur's eyes shut once he fell into an exhausted, heavy slumber nearly thirty minutes prior, he'd been reluctant to try and exercise what little muscle control he possessed to squint them open again. Manipulating those muscles usually woke him regardless of how careful he was, leaving him with a splitting headache neither of them could explain. And at the moment, John couldn't bring himself to disturb the hard won sleep, as fitful as it was.
Yes, he's asleep, he hisses impatiently. Yorick's voice came from somewhere to their left, still attached by the chain threaded around their waist. Arthur's right arm twitches, fingers scrabbling for some imaginary thing, before falling still.
"Excellent," says the skull. "Our master requires much rest after that entire ordeal."
Our master? John snorts. The subtle stirrings of a cool night's breeze brush against the skin of his left hand, welcome after the wet, stale air of the cave. He's your master, not mine. 
"He is master to both of us!" Yorick exclaims, far too loudly. "Just as you are a king to him and myself. An inseparable pair, the dies irae, intertwined inexorably, dominion over one another and all else."
Jesus fucking Christ, John mutters, wishing he could wince. What does that even mean?
“Exactly as I said. Would you like me to repeat it?”
No, no. Can you quiet down? You're going to wake him.
“Certainly, my king.” His reply drops to a tone only slightly less loud than before. 
 And stop calling me that, he adds irritably. I'm not a king.
"You were once a king," Yorick states matter of fact, jaw clacking solidly as he speaks, a peculiarly troubling imitation of human life. "I do not see the issue with proclaiming this."
Once, he emphasizes. I'm not... I'm not that being any longer. I don't claim to be any kind of ruler anymore.
"Fair enough! What shall I call you if not a ruler, then?" 
John, he grinds out, the last droplet of water among the barren desert of his patience threatening to dissolve. John is fine.
"Alright," Yorick says, sounding pleased. "King John, how may I serve you?"
John heaves a haggard sigh. Unbelievable, he groans, and attempts to turn his attention away for a brief, blissful second to collect what surely remained of his sanity.
The thing that called itself vanguard spoke incessantly. Within the caves, climbing out into rain-damp earth and sky, walking to find shelter for nightfall in the hopes of catching at least a few hours sleep - it had not stopped talking the entire way. John had half a mind to untangle Yorick from Arthur's belt when he wasn't paying attention and throw him as far as his eyes could see. He'd never liked the thought of the vanguard anyway, had never wanted Arthur to take the head, keep the tooth. Something about a creature which existed simultaneously in the Dreamlands, the Dark World and their own reality never sat well with him. 
A hypocritical perspective, possibly, considering. Yet that similarity alone made him nervous, straddling a razor's cautious edge. He knew what he was capable of. Yorick remained a mystery.
They'd found an oak tree, its canopy stretching out far enough to provide cover from the last stray rain clouds rolling by, so long as Arthur kept curled at its trunk. He had fallen under almost immediately. One or two words exchanged between him and that damned skull, and he was out, John's name half formed on his lips in what sounded like the start of a question. It would likely be forgotten upon waking. Already Yorick was taking time meant for him.
Regardless, John knew him to be valuable, an asset they couldn't afford to get rid of. Certainly not now, with nothing to their names except the clothes Arthur wore and the bag he carried, no money, no food. If Yorick could be a wealth of information like he claimed, they'd have to put up with him a while longer. 
And then John could toss him into a lake.
In the stretch of thankful silence, Yorick apparently finally listening to his demands, he reaches over and inspects what remained of the wound. Dried blood coated Arthur's wrinkled shirt close to his heart, stiffening the fabric. Laying his palm flat and hesitantly across his chest, John takes solace in the flighty pulse tangibly felt there. Not too long ago there was none at all.
Arthur murmurs something wordless under his touch. John retracts his hand quickly, mildly guilty at having potentially disturbed him.
“You dislike when he sleeps,” Yorick says. Despite his position by Arthur's hip, rolled sideways where he'd come to rest as they laid down on dry grass, his voice still seemed to come from somewhere else around them. 
John waits a second for more to follow. Nothing comes - it's a statement, not an inquiry.
I don't dislike him sleeping, he huffs. He has to rest, obviously.
“Yet it troubles you regardless? The absence of him.”
I don't, John sputters out, struggling to keep his voice level. I'm not… lonely if that's what you're suggesting. Will you just shut up already? We're both going to wake him up at this rate.
“Our master is blind to the world in multiple senses of the word,” says Yorick. “Deep within a dream. He will not wake for some time.”
How do you know he's dreaming? he asks, perplexed. You can't… see into his mind, or-
“I know a great many things.” Another beat of silence, decorated by the cricket song in the surrounding brush shielding them from view. Again John waits for an explanation, growling agitatedly when none is forthcoming.
Such as? he prompts. What is he dreaming about? 
“I do not know the specifics,” clacks Yorick. “Yet I'm aware of the turmoil of his thoughts. There is a string of piano keys tied like wire around his ankles, a bathtub overflowing, a yellow sun-”
Okay, I get the specifics! John mutters. So a nightmare, clearly.
“Precisely! Excellent conclusion, King John.”
He was starting to immediately regret accidentally adding John to that title. Is there a way we can help him, then?
As if on cue, subconsciously aware he was being discussed, Arthur lets out a low, pained breath of air. Instinctively John’s hand jolts to attention, fingers delicately skimming the wound like he would find answers or assistance there. His legs were twitching, again his arm reaching and then recoiling from something John couldn’t see or understand. 
Nightmares were the only times he felt useful, whenever Arthur slept. Lingering in the corners of his mind, stuck between drifting into his own thoughts and keeping an active listen for anything that might hurt them while he was out - it wore him down in ways be couldn't explain. Yorick was right, even though John would rather revisit the Dark World than admit it. He did hate when Arthur had to sleep for the emptiness it left him with. Being able to wake him from a bad dream as soon as he caught the signs left him aware of a strange, disjointed sense of selfish pleasure. Even if it came at the risk of Arthur’s unhappiness, helping him out of a nightmare was one thing he could do consistently right.
“He will not wake until the nightmare is complete,” Yorick says nonchalantly. “He is too deep.”
Which will take how long?
“I know a great many things,” he says for the second time. “Yet this, I do not.”
Another whimper, softer than the last. John taps the side of his head, tugs at his shirt collar, goes so far as to flick his nose multiple times in a row, as hard as he could manage. Nothing caused him to stir. He could slap him, sure, but in this state he might break apart altogether.
Great. John heaves a sigh. So we just have to listen to this, then? Until he’s, what, done dreaming?
“That is correct. We could always pass the time discussing, my King.”
Discussing what? He snorts. The maggots we just crawled through? No thanks.
“Or,” Yorick adds, “you could always return your hand to his chest.”
“Your hand,” he repeats, jaw clicking knowingly. “It is the one thing which calms the dreams. I’ve witnessed it many times before.”
You didn’t even have eyes, then, John says sardonically. What could you possibly have witnessed?
“I have no physical eyes now, but I can see you and the master. I was aware then, and in a way, I am aware now.”
In the shrouding blackness of Arthur’s slumber, John imagines the two points of white light where the prince’s eyes once rested staring sideways up at them, awash in tendrils of green smoke. Was this how Arthur felt all the time, kept in the dark, left to wonder how everyone was looking at him? 
Carefully, he puts his hand back in the center of Arthur’s chest. Fingers splay out, one wooden pinky, the rest a thin collection of bruises and scars and broken, chipped nails. That fidgety pulse returns, a bird’s caught wing under his palm. The rhythm remains so for nearly a minute, stuttering and jumping to some melody John couldn’t follow along, and he’s about ready to give it up for nonsensical, stupid advice before he hears Arthur sigh.
It’s not the same troubled exhale as before. This one comes calmer, more even-keeled. As he focuses on his heartbeat he notices it begins to slow, calming bit by bit into a steady, softer pattern. Arthur’s movements drift to a halt. He shifts among the roots, mumbling something too quiet to comprehend, and eventually falls silent.
“He sleeps much like the dead in appearance,” Yorick states thoughtfully. “I believe the dream has come to a close, for now.”
Good, remarks John, at a loss for anything else to say. He wasn’t going to tell Yorick thank you; but it was tempting. The gentle rise and fall of Arthur’s breathing is a placid current, subtler than the new rain beginning to break through the clouds overhead in the night. He could plainly picture him, sprawled out uncomfortably, breeze touseling sweat damp hair, a downward curve in a mouth which always seemed to be frowning lately. Protected just enough beneath the oak, protected enough beneath John’s palm.
Well, at least one of us is content.
“I am much content, King John.”
That makes a total of two. Can you please shut the hell up now? 
“If that is what you wish," the skull says amicably. "Then I will."
It is, John bites. Just thirty minutes of fucking silence. Please.
Yorick says nothing. Relief settles over him as the break distends. Minutes pass until he finally accepts his desire had been properly observed. Crickets sing around them once more.
Sleep well, he whispers, hand firmly over heart. Perhaps we can wait a little longer to get rid of him.
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thevioletcaptain · 4 months
Crouched down behind the bar at the back of the room, Dean pushes bottles around until he finds the little box of cactus-shaped cocktail sticks left over from Jack’s “Green Stuff” themed birthday party (Dean’s given up on questioning the kid’s requests) and holds them up triumphantly.
“Got ‘em!”
Sam peers around the back of his recliner and narrows his eyes as Dean makes his way back to the couch and plonks back into his seat, shaking a few out into his hand and sticking them into several cubes of cheese and deli meats on the platter he’d set up earlier.
“What are those, pickles?”
“They’re cactuses, man. They’re thematically relevant to the movie. Y’know, cowboys, deserts, cactuses.”
“Oh my god, I told you we are not watching it again,” Sam groans.
“Well, it’s what’s playing in the Deanplex tonight, and there’s only one screen, so—”
“The Deanplex? Really?”
“You kept whining about me calling it the Dean Cave,” Dean reminds him. “Reap what you sow.”
“Dean. I’m serious. No more Tombstone.”
“It’s a classic!”
“So is Citizen Kane, but we don’t need to watch it six times a year!”
Dean makes a face. Slaps Sam’s hand away when he tries to take one of the cubes of colby jack before he’s had a chance to stick a cactus in it.
“Okay, one? Citizen Kane is boring as fuck and you know it.”
“Not the point,” Sam huffs.
“And B? What are you talking about, six times? Who’s watched it six times?”
Sam stares, then raises his hand to count them off on his fingers.
“We watched it on your birthday,” he starts, raising his index finger.
Dean rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, ‘cause it’s one of my favorite movies. Choosing the movie is a time-honored birthday tradition.”
“So then why did we have to watch it on my birthday?”
“Hey, that’s on you, man. Not my fault you struck out on your date and came home when me and Cas had already hit play.”
“I didn’t strike out, Eileen had to—”
“And anyway, that’s only two times, so—”
Sam raises his second and third finger and cuts him off.
“We watched it again on Valentine’s Day.”
“Again, when you were supposed to be out! I don’t see why I have to suffer just because you can’t seem to manage to get a date with Eileen to continue past 7pm.”
Sam ignores the dig and lifts his fourth finger.
“We watched it on Jack’s birthday.”
“His choice, and as we’ve established: it’s birthday tradition,” Dean reminds him, and shrugs. “Kid inherited my good taste genes, I guess.”
“That’s not — that doesn’t make sense on literally any level.”
“Says you.”
“You’re not even his father!”
“How dare you say that about my son,” Dean says in exaggerated horror, and Sam grits his teeth, visibly making the decision not to push that particular argument, even as Dean can tell how infuriated he is.
He lifts his thumb.
“And then we watched it again two weeks ago, and— fine, yeah, that one I’ll give you, ‘cause it was like. The anniversary of that time we had the hunt in Tombstone when Cas just came back from the dead, so. Fine. But dude. Two weeks ago. It’s only July and we’ve already watched it five times this year. We are not watching it for a sixth.”
“It’s National Day of the Cowboy, Sam! How are we not gonna watch the best cowboy movie of all time on the Day of the Cowboy?”
“You’re still arguing about this?”
Cas’ voice floats over from the doorway, and Dean looks over to see him wearing the denim Western shirt Dean bought him for the occasion. The pearl snaps glint, silvery in the light from the TV screen where Tombstone is loaded and ready to play.
“Yeah, ‘cause Sam’s being unreasonable.”
“I’m not—”
“You realize I left to drop Jack off with his friends almost an hour ago,” Cas points out.
“Remind me again what he’s doing with his friends,” Dean says, and looks at Sam to see his reaction when Cas answers.
“They’re celebrating National Day of the Cowboy by watching the Dollars trilogy in Eliot’s backyard.”
“Sounds like Jack and his friends are getting into the sprit of the holiday,” Dean says pointedly.
“It’s not a holiday!”
“They’ve set up a projector to show the films on the side of the barn,” Cas goes on.
“Okay, so hey— a compromise,” Sam offers. “Why don’t we just watch the Dollars trilogy?”
“…oh, did you think we were only watching Tombstone tonight?” Dean asks, bemused. “Dude, that’s just the appetizer. We’ve got a whole damn buffet to get through.”
“I hate you so much,” Sam tells him, but he’s already given up. He snatches up several pieces of cheese and slouches back in his chair. “Start the damn movie.”
“Hey, man,” Dean says, and settles into the couch, spreading his arm for Cas to settle against before he kicks his cowboy-booted heels up onto the edge of the coffee table and hits play. “You’re the one who keeps crashing date night.”
[written for this prompt game] [find me on ao3 as imogenbynight 💚]
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kantraels · 1 month
fseer funniest behaviors
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#kind of embarrassed to admit how many times ive screenshot fseer lines so i can get the cadence down#fseer is so funny. ill say it.#they double down on repetition when they're unsure or concerned. they get very defensive very easily but only rarely get legitimately#angry and when they DO (see: shriek#friendly fire) it never lasts very long#for the MOST part people say mean shit to them and they're just like haha yeah!!#the one I wanted to include but apparently don't have is the one from commsplex in throneside where seer is like#i dreamed an entrance for us and here it is! aren't I nice. say it SAY IT#(sometimes teammates will use the 'thanks' bark. very funny)#but maybe bc i read too much into things it doesn't read as seer threatening their team but more of them fishing for reassurance#which tracks because fseer is so damn scared all the damn time.... as opposed to mseer who seems just the slightest bit more sanguine#and a lot more confident/MEANER?? to his teammates. specifically loose cannon veteran. their dynamic makes me chew glass they're so funny#fseer on the other hand does tease their teammates but it's a lot gentler#sometimes they appear to get stuck on words they're hearing and repeat them a couple of times#ex quibble quibble quibble but then uhhh the one mission with the servitor colony with buzz buzz/chitter chitter#augh.#text post#kenna#<- bc they donated the lines this is more meta about fseer as a whole.#darktide#psyker#fseers writer please ten minutes to talk i need to know everything#also please approximately 500 more lines with the zealots and ogryns#voice lines
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solradguy · 6 months
Do you think one could attain decent-ish ability to read Japanese just by studying kanji? Specifically asking because the kanji learnin' service "wanikani" is the single Japanese resource that works best with my brain, but then there are separate resources for grammar and vocab and and and.....
You will get REAAAALLLLLYYY far knowing only the kanji but you're going to have to know hiragana and katakana at some point too. Tofugu, the company that did Wanikani, has two mnemonics-based guides for the kana that are basically Wanikani Lite. They're how I learned the kana and I swear by them.
Here's hiragana: https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/learn-hiragana/
And katakana: https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/learn-katakana/
Hiragana are especially vital to learning kanji; you won't be able to use 99% of Japanese-English dictionaries without them. BUT they're pretty easy and the rules for using them are consistent. You won't have to remember any irregular exceptions for any of them.
I haven't tried it yet, but I've heard really good things about the Crystal Hunters manga series as a fun/low stress way to learning Japanese vocab and grammar. It eases the reader into new concepts and then repeats them throughout the chapter so you remember them. There are free vocab and study guides/lists for each chapter too. Might be worth checking out once you get some kanji and the kana under your belt? The first book is also free.
Official site: https://crystalhuntersmanga.com/
Good luck!!
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beatcroc · 2 months
Mecha-Sonic, Dr. Robotnik has created other robots based on Sonic and thrown them away before he created you. Do you have any thoughts on this?
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
It’s so funny to think about how James stans on tiktok act like it’s the end of the world when they see someone who likes Snape as if it wouldn’t be the most embarrassing thing ever to be asked by a random person who your favourite Harry Potter character is and you answer with “Harry Potter’s dad!” while Snape had a whole book named after him.
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xbraveheartx · 1 year
Just full of ✨ Thoughts ✨ over the development and progress from when you start the game to when you finish on how P/Carlo just evolves, and kinda just thinking on some internal stuff on how I would like to write him.
How you start and he's just P, he doesn't know his purpose, he just knows he's being called somewhere. Lost, alone, faced with peril and made to fight when he hasn't even stepped out of his "birth place". He wakes up and he's just handed a sword. And he fights. At the start he's very much this empty slate; A newborn stumbling through Krat, and despite the man who calls himself himself father saying stuff like "Krat isn't how you remember it--" He really doesn't 'remember' anything at all. What is there to 'remember', he wonders?
And then he starts to get the memories-- they're not his but also... they are? They feel so close and yet so far away; Foreign and yet familiar. And then he hears a name whispered: Carlo-- and his whole world shifts right from under him. He feels sick, the name makes his head spin. The voice to have said it makes his head spin all the more. And bit by bit. He remembers. Not all of it, but... he remembers enough.
And he's hurt by what he remembers.
But by the end of it, after he claims his own freedom, after everything is resolved, and he returns to the hotel, he doesn't feel fully like Carlo-- doesn't feel at all like "P", either. He woke up not too long ago, and suddenly his life is flipped in its entirety. He's neither, and yet he's both. He doesn't know who he is anymore, but the name sticks. It's all he has left, even if a part of him feels some strange form of imposter syndrome, somewhere deep down... But he doesn't like being referred to as Geppetto's Puppet, either. He's not a puppet, not anymore. He's human, albeit, a different kind of human.
So just Carlo, is fine with him, even if he's changed far beyond of who-- and what-- Carlo was.
'--an Ergo puppet can have a second life and become another kind of human--' He just needed now to decide just what that second life meant for him, now.
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pokimoko · 1 year
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I have had it with these motherfucking spam bots on this motherfucking site.
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suddencolds · 7 months
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almost done... 🙏
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northern-passage · 1 year
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i wrote a 500 word dynamic poem for neo-twiny jam :-)
i rewrote this in a few different ways with a handful of different drafts before settling on just doing a poem; this originally came from a full branching narrative i've had stewing for a while, and i might come back to it one day. but for now i enjoyed channeling that into this poem, which has also been very influenced by the fact that i've been writing hungry vampires for almost 2 months now.... it was also my first time messing with audio in twine, which ended up being way easier than i expected (i'm sure it helped that i only used one audio sample tho)
faith does contain sexual content, and while not super explicit, it is the main theme of the poem.
anyways hope you enjoy and check out the other entries here!
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dallonwrites · 10 months
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what if i went back to her......
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