#this is basically glimmer but extra but STILL
mistygold-fr · 1 year
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Marigold’s skin just got approved and I am rotating her in my head. Look at her.
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ajortga · 19 days
sweet pt.3
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: jenna's plans don't go as expected with you, the cute coffee girl, you spend the day with her in the park instead.
word count: 3.8k+
a/n: idk what to think about this, but really wanted to get this out there. aggtm series mentioned!
read the previous parts here!: part 1 part 2 part 3
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A day comes a little quicker than anticipated. You send her your address and she tells you she’ll come at 10:25.
Jenna spends the whole day after filming figuring out just what she’ll wear. 
‘It’s not even a date’ she’s trying to assure herself. A moment of weakness for her caused her to ask you out for anything but what she’d call a date.
Jasmin’s voice is already echoing in her head.
‘You know, Y/N, Jenna dressed extra fancy for this occasion. Spent all night trying to impress you. So feel proud, she doesn’t dress this well even on expensive dinner nights.’
The thought makes her groan, she wishes that it was filming day tomorrow. All they have to do is be there and listen to the picture of the director for their next shoot. 
She unhangs the top hidden in her closet and takes out a black off the shoulder long sleeve mini dress. Her eyes scan it for a moment, looking at the mirror while draping it over herself. Then she pairs it with a pair of gold hoops.
Sure it’s not simple, but she’d wear it to fancy dinners, so Jasmin wouldn’t tattle tale of her wearing something more extravagant because of you. She’ll just make up an excuse of some sort.
You told her to come at 10:25, you’re basically 10 minutes away from her. 
Jenna fucking wakes up at 7:25. The sight that she saw in the mirror was the closest thing to hideous she’d ever seen. Every morning the brunette looks like a messed up raccoon when she looks in the mirror. Her eyes staring dully at her, half-lidded and hair all scattered. 
The reflection stares back at her, a smile on her face. 
“This is actually so stupid,” Jenna says to herself, immediately dropping the giddy smile on her face. “Ridiculous.”
She tosses her clothes to the side, into the basket that held her unwashed clothes. Her fluffy cow slippers fly off as she feels the cold tile under her come in contact with her skin. 
She shivers.
The handle of the shower is turned to a warm setting. Leaned more to the hotter side, before she steps in and lets the warmth of the water tickle her bare skin. A sigh escapes from her lips, grabbing the best smelling shampoo her heart desires. It’s not even the day to wash her hair, but she does it anyway.
“Date, date, date” says the voice in Jenna’s head.
“Oh, so now you’re haunting my brain, Jasmin? Great.” She murmurs, shaking her head while letting her fingertips thread out her bubbly hair.
Jenna showers for 30 minutes, smelling as fragrant as possible. She hopes you like vanilla. Well, she doesn’t care if you like vanilla or not. She doesn’t even care about you. (Yeah no, that’s a lie)
Steam hisses out the shower when she steps out of the stall, body wrapped in a warm fluffy towel.
Her fingers brush through her hair as she blow dries and curls it, putting on her outfit she chose the day before, glimmering in the lifting sun. 
Then she puts on skin care and makeup, closing her eyes as she rinses her face off with her grapefruit wash, her eyeliner perfectly sweeping next to the tip of her eyes.
She sprays her favorite perfume. Which also coincidentally seems to be her most expensive one.
At 9:30 you send her a small text.
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: hi, goodmorning! i hope i didn’t wake u if u were sleeping. i’m still not sure if you’re still picking me up at 10:25, i was waiting for a text yesterday to confirm but i didn’t want to push, yk?
“Shoot,” she mutters, mentally smacking herself in the face, she forgot to text you to let you know that it was for sure she was going to come get you. She furiously smacks her thumbs against the keyboard.
jelly bean: omg hi! Sorry, lowkey was kinda distracted yesterday.
Jenna stops for a moment, realizing she was distracted planning out her whole day and making sure that you’re impressed with what she shows you, before looking back at her phone to type more.
jelly bean: with work i guess but yes! 10:25 is still on. I hope u don’t mind being tagged along with a few people, they usually pick me up. Sorry for not texting!
seen at 9:34
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: oohhh yeah don’t worry about it! I just didn’t want to bother u or anything
jelly bean: Text me anytime, you don’t bother me
jelly bean: I might just take a while to respond, but I do eventually. See u soon!
liked by y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl
Honks are heard from her driveway as Jenna uses her spare time wrapped in her headphones and the book she was currently invested in, As Good as Dead. She places her bookmark through the page she was on and closes it, before she listens closely. 
Yep, she knew that beeping pattern all too well to know that it was Jas. She grabs her keys, some gum, and her book before opening her front door.
“Hey girl! Oh shit, you look amazing!” Jasmin hollers, Mason screaming his head off in the passenger seat and Melissa poking her head out.
Jenna can feel her eyes rolling, a smile plastered on her face as she crawls into the back of the car, hugging Melissa.
She can hear the statement coming before Jasmin even says anything, “Oh, wait a minute. You’re all dressed up because of a certain someone, aren’t you?”
“No I’m not.”
Jasmin looks at her with a ‘really?’ look in her eyes from the rear-view mirror. “Hair styled and everything. Oh!” She gasps, turning her head slowly and teasing her.
“And your favorite perfume too.”
“Ay dios,” Melissa mumbles.
“Jasmin, I’m going to leave if you say anything when Y/N  goes through these car doors.” 
She gasps, offended, before giving up and letting Jenna off easy, “Okay, okay. No promises though.”
It’s silent for a moment, before Jasmin turns back from the wheel, “But I’m going to tell her if I catch you making out in the backseat of my car.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” She yells, turning a right and following the navigation to your house.
When they pull up to your drive, where your lawn is perfectly mowed and littered with the most precious flowers, Jenna texts you.
jelly bean: i’m here
She looks over to your window, her attention drawing away from her phone. Your house was white, nice windows and cute gnomes and exterior looks. Jenna only looked away for a few seconds, to look back at her phone and see Jasmin was literally nudging her nose through your messages.
“What the fuck!” Jenna screams.
“Y//n, the nice okay coffee shop girl,” she replies out loud, a bit too loud. “Oh wow, you even have her in your pinned messages.”
Melissa leers over, looking at the two as they smack each other's hands. 
She has to physically stop Jasmin and Jenna fighting playfully, “She’s coming out.”
They don’t hear her. Of course. 
And before Jenna knows it, she’s shaking her phone out of the other girl’s hand. She hears a tap on the window and looks up.
“Hi,” you greet, glancing at the people behind her. You wore a pearl necklace, hoops dangling from your ears. Jenna noticed that she’d never seen you without your apron at the cafe. Now you’re here, wearing something that you usually wouldn’t wear. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the dreamy thoughts.
The phone that was grasped is immediately let go and Jenna looks at you with eyes wide. It takes a moment to be able to register what was going on.
“Can I slip in?”
Jenna pops out of her thoughts, immediately opening the car door for you and scooting into the middle seat, “Oops, yeah, my bad, sorry.”
Jasmin rolls her eyes, “Amauteur,” she whispers under her breath, watching you buckle in your seat belt. She notices the way you tilt your legs to the side of the window, like you can give Jenna leg room.
“Hope you don’t mind a few friends tagging along?” She says, looking at you as you stare at the window.
“Oh no, it’s all okay.” You glance at her for a moment, trying to avoid the way everyone is basically staring at you.
“I’m Melissa,” the brunette next to Jenna says to you.“Melissa Barrera,” she adds, a small roll of her r’s present. She has eyes like one of a deer, wavy hair, and looks sweet. The smile she gives off eases your nerves a little as you give a small one back. 
“I’m Jas and this is Mason. Don’t get near him, he has a thing for throwing anything in his arms when someone scares him..” The curly short-hair driver says, like spilling a secret. It makes Jenna smile. You scoot just a teeny bit closer.
Mason gasps, smacking her arm as she drives to the set, “For your information, it’s called reflexes. Chad would definitely have survived, could’ve gotten away by accidentally hitting ghostface whack with a guitar.” They share a laugh. 
Jenna digs in her bag for something, earbuds. Damn it, you didn’t expect her to listen to music. You didn’t want to just curl up in the window while the other three were talking. You were hoping to get to know her better. 
“So, coffee girl,” Mason’s voice brings you back from your thoughts. He stays silent for a moment before whispering, “We’re trying to get to know your name!” As if he didn’t already know from the gazillion number of times Jenna told them. He’d just have to play stupid.
“Jenna named you cute coffee girl on her phone,” Jasmin teased, “No, I’m just kidding.”
You give an awkward laugh, feeling the way Jenna tenses against you. You don’t catch the dead glare she gives to her. You hope you’re not a bother to her, maybe she thinks of you too lowly to find you cute. You let it go, “It’s Y/N,” you softly say.
“That name is pretty,” Melissa says, Jenna agrees, getting the courage to nudge your shoulder like she usually does when the other 3 aren’t around. You nudge her back. 
“Thanks,” you murmur, giving a thankful smile.
“What the shit do you mean there's no filming today?” Jasmin hollers, slamming the gate with her palms. 
“Jas, I think you got the wrong date,” the tall brunette says next to you. Jenna skeptically looks at the girl, currently complaining, “I got my hair done and everything!” 
The shorter girl taps on her phone, you stay close by, “Wow, I thought you were just a little shorter than me. But man, you really are short.” 
She shoots you a look, her freckles apparent on her face. She flips you off. “How do you miss the day by 4 days?”
Mason jumps up and down, slamming his fists into his chest, “You know what that means… MOVIE MARATHON NUMBER TWENTY-” 
“Ok,” Mason mumbles, defeated. 
It’s a little chilly, you try to get familiar with your surroundings. It’s a filming studio, you’ve seen it before when you drove to work. You try to think where you five could go to that was nearby. 
“There's a garden nearby, if you guys are willing to go. We don’t have to go if you guys don’t want to. I’ve driven there before and it’s really nice, I just never had the time to actually go there.” You suggest.
Jenna looks up at you, scrunching her nose. You sniff, ruffling her hair as she speaks, “I thought you only knew about coffee.”
“Lucky for you I’m a lady too,” you reply, grabbing out plain crackers from your backpack. “You wanna feed the geese?”
She snatches the crackers and opens it, “Yes,” she says, already stuffing her mouth with the crackers. “This brand is fire.” 
You chuckle, before snatching the bag back and putting it into your backpack, “Miss, I can assure you you will be given more crackers if you help me feed the wild animals,” your voice is sarcastic.
“But Jenna is a wild animal,” Jasmin states.
“Oh, right,” you say, nodding up and down like it was a realization. “Here you go, jelly bean.” You throw the cracker in Jenna’s mouth while she munches it happily.
“Duck duckity duck goose.” Mason sing-songs, dancing with his hands everywhere, “I want me a goose so I can juice a moose.” 
Jasmin looks at him, weirded out, “Juice a moose?”
“Have you never heard of rhyming?”
“Mason is so silly like a Billy that wants a chili- Okay guys that’s enough.” Melissa interrupts, “I’d love to hear your rap battle but I want to come home with flowers so let’s GO.”
Mason and Jasmin cross their arms, rolling their eyes, “Aw man."
You five walk across the garden, the sweet smell filling the air. You look at Jenna, currently flipping through the starting pages of a book that looks oddly familiar.
"Is that a book from A Good Girl's Guide to Murder?"
The question makes her ears perk, immediately looking at you, "Yeah, actually it's the third book."
There is nothing more that makes her heart swell than to see your smile right here and now, "I love that series! I finished all of Holly Jackson's books in the span of 2 weeks."
"Really? I just remember reading the first one and really liking it. What did you think of it?"
Your eyes shine, "It was so good! Had me in a book frenzy. I like the third one the best, though I thought it was kind of slow at first. It definitely has the most action. You'll love it."
"I'm glad to hear that. Hey, maybe we should read the same books or watch the same movies and compare our tastes, music wise too!"
You look like a little girl on Christmas Eve, a silly smile on your face, "I'd love that!"
Jasmin, Melissa, and Mason whisper among each other, smirking at the two of you. "They're already flirting."
“So,” Jenna starts, walking with you across the meadow filled with flowers, it looks so pretty, just like you. She could say that, maybe you’ll find her strange and stare at her with a straight face, so she doesn’t. “Why did you decide to work at a coffee shop?”
You look down at her, playing with your necklace, “I don’t know. Honestly, I used to bake a lot when I was little. It was mostly because my brother was a fatass.” You say seriously, and Jenna turns to you, going, “Oh.”
It’s silent for a moment, before you start giggling, “No! I’m just kidding, sure my brother was hungry. But I started baking cause my grandma was always in the kitchen making random shit. It was just that I liked spending time with her. I guess it sort of rubbed off on me.” You look at her and she takes in your eyes. She didn’t know how to explain it. But Jenna would say something in them made you special. 
You tear your gaze, looking at the blossoming display of flowers in front of you.
“Do you think you’d like doing it for the rest of your life?”
The display of different flowers growing makes the setting like spring. “Maybe, I don’t know. Maybe not the rest of my life. I mean,” You don’t know how to explain yourself. “Well, as much as I love baking and carrying on the piece I can only connect to my grandma, I guess I’m not always going to be happy baking.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Baking is something I like to do for a hobby. I like to do it because I want to do it whenever I feel a certain way. But it’s not really fun when I have to do it no matter what I’m feeling, if you can understand that.”
Jenna nods, “Yeah, I do.” She murmurs as you guys find a place to sit down. The other three walk around.
“So, what do you want to be?” she asks, now a little more intrigued. 
“Something in film. I always wanted to do something like that. A director maybe, I guess I want to be in an atmosphere that’s based on what I see on set.” You pick at the daisies in front of you, tucking it in your ear and offering Jenna one, she takes it. “My parents never let me do anything with theater when I was in high school. I remember I wanted to do it for 3 years, when freshman year of high school started, I was going to apply. But my parents forced me to take something else when they looked over my decisions.”
The shorter girl looked at you, the way you twirled the flower in your hand. It seemed like the subject made you a little vulnerable, the lack of seeing your soulful gaze gave it away. 
“I was pretty upset,” you sigh, scratching your head, “I mean, sure I understood that they just wanted me to have a career that could make me a living, something that I wouldn’t regret. But even then, I wish I could’ve just done it for fun, take the experience. At least if I couldn’t do it as a career, I wanted freshman year to be the time to explore. I just kind of gave up, knowing that what my parents wanted was only trying to protect me.”
Jenna could understand you. She too was rejected when she wanted to first act. She could remember slamming her tiny hands into her pillow as she sobbed angry tears when her mother told her no. Maybe she should’ve been more thankful that she was given the opportunity. You never were told yes.
You wrap your arms around your knees, she does the same and feels you put your head on your shoulder. “What are your favorite flowers, jelly bean?”
“Roses. Light pink ones. Sunflowers and daisies are nice too.” She says, also tucking the daisy against her ear. “What about you?”
“Tulips. Pink, blue, yellow. I think they’re just so pretty. I love hydrangeas too. The light blue ones if I’m choosing a color.”
Jenna tries to keep that in mind. You look away from her, putting a strand of hair behind your ear as you look at the never ending garden in front of you two. She pulls out her phone, snaps a photo of you looking into the distance, away from her. You don’t notice.
“Tulips suit your favorite flower,” she murmurs. “I heard people match their favorite flower.” She puts her phone down as you turn to her. 
It takes you a moment to get what she’s saying. She thinks you’re pretty. It makes her smile when she sees you realize what she’s saying. The least you can do is give her a foolish grin, “Thanks. You suit your favorite flowers too.”
“Guys, geese!” Mason’s voice interrupts, all breathy and out of breath from running to you guys. “I want to feed them, come on!”
You and Jenna get swept off your feet as you run with her into the flower-filled meadow to the small pond filled with ducklings, geese, swans, and fish. 
They quack, waddling up to you as you pull out your crackers. It doesn’t take long for at least 30 animals to come to you. Half of them aren’t even geese. Squirrels, jack rabbits, heck, even a stray cat. 
You hand the crackers to Jenna, before bending down and petting the orange kitten. “Hello there,” you say in a baby voice, petting it as it meows and nudges its body to your legs. You giggle, sitting down and letting it rest on your lap. “You’re a small one, aren’t you?” The cat makes a small noise as you stroke its soft, orange fur.
Jenna hands the crackers to Mason and the other two. “I never seen a stray this cute before,” she squeaks, petting the small cat’s head gently. 
The kitty purrs, licking your hand that’s scratching its side. It’s a boy. “What should we call this adorable creature?”
“What about Tiny?” 
“Tiny it is. Tiny the tiny kitty.” You grab an apple slice and let Jenna feed him.
“Oh you’re so cute!” She exclaims, cradling Tiny. He seems pretty clean, you hold him. “I wonder what it’s doing out here.”
“I think it’s a sign for us to start a pet daycare.”
You giggle.
Mason, Melissa, and Jasmin run around, throwing crackers to ducks.
“SOMEONE FUCKING HELP ME!” Jasmin cries, accidentally hitting the cracker whack in the goose’s face, running around as it’s chasing her. “I’M BEING CHASED!” She screams, throwing her arms in the air as you and Jenna watch her, laughing and huddled up against a tree.
Mason and Melissa snort, shaking their heads and rolling their eyes. “This is what she gets for taking all the cute and chubby ducks.”
Jasmin shrieks, running into a patio for the park nearby and closing the gate.
30 minutes pass and everyone is calmed down, except Jasmin, who’s cautiously eyeing the goose who chased her. “If you can run faster than me, I’m going to apply to be a track runner bitch.”
You're napping on Jenna’s shoulder, Tiny cuddled up against you two. She snaps another picture of you, smiling widely. 
The day after, you open your phone to be greeted with a new post from Jenna on instagram.
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liked by melissabarreram and 6,810,532 others
jennaortega: Day in the park with my favorites. 3rd photo taken by melissa, te amo
melissabarram: Pretty girls 😍 
y/n_l/n: we are oh fish ally giving tiny a new daycare cutie
↳ jennaortega: oh yes, we first need to sign a contract of marriage and work
aliyah.ortega: yes queen
jasminsavoy: i'm never going there again, i almost got brutally murdered by that goose.
masonthegooding: 🔥need to plan a picnic there
You smile to yourself, letting yourself lean on your side as you grin. You send her another text on Insta.
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: i have to sign a contract of both marriage AND work? what if i have to choose just one?
jelly bean: 🤷‍♀️ i can only give you one contract if you tell me your schedules for your shifts. Do u know how many times I came in and am greeted with someone completely different?
y/n, the nice okay coffee shop girl: okay maam, you got it ! :p
sent 1 attachment
jelly bean: Thanks for ur service
jelly bean: let's make a playlist together
jelly bean: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/<3
reacted with 💗
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ethereal-engene · 24 days
just one kiss | jaemin
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pairing: bf!jaemin x gn!reader
genre: fluff, slice-of-life, and humor // warnings: usage of cuss words & not proof-read
summary: jaemin tries to kiss you while his face is basically covered in Vaseline. // word count: 658
note: this is the video for reference/context of this fic!
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Jaemin is such an oddball but you love him either way
But even there are sometimes where you can’t help but question who he is
For instance right now where he walks into the room with the happiest smile
You turn around and are greeted with said happiest smiley face
Actually you find him so cute that you almost miss the way his nostrils are shining when the light hits it
Because you’re sitting near a lamp, when he comes in close to give you a kiss
His face just glimmers and you stop him before he gets any closer
Upon closer inspection and also swiping a finger on his face, it’s Vaseline 😭
And he doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong with that so he continues trying to place a kiss on your face
“Na Jaemin. If you think, I’m letting you kiss me with your face full of Vaseline, you’re wrong.”
“But babeeeeeee! It’s just one kiss and I put it on so you wouldn’t complain about my chapped lips. I’ll never forget how you put me on a kiss ban when my lips were chapped. That was the worst week of my life.”
Your head tilts back in laughter as you remember how you couldn’t do anything but focus on his chapped ass lips while he was talking about something
You just zoned out and ended up looking for some Vaseline as he talked.
After finding it, you handed it to him and he thought you were asking him to put it on you but before doing so, he was gonna give you a quick kiss but when going forward, he was stopped by your hand pressing against his chest
“Oh my poor baby, the Vaseline is for your lips actually. They’re so chapped and no way in hell are you kissing me with those lips.”
His eyes widen as he runs to the mirror to check and 💀 true to your words, they were
“You’re not gonna even let me have one kiss?? Isn’t that a bit too cruel? Depriving me of my energy supply and all??”
“Yep! In fact, you’re on a kiss ban until your lips get better. I promise you that no kisses for a while won’t kill you nana! You’re acting like we haven’t kissed in months while you’re on tour or something” a roll of your eyes follow the reply
End of flashback
You wave your finger back and forth in a no motion at him like a child
But Jaemin won’t give up on trying to give you at least one kiss before considering wiping off extra Vaseline
Oh no, this is a challenge and he wants to get at least one kiss in
And this is interesting because his attitude towards games don’t ever seem that appealing to him
So here he is still finding some sneaky way to get some Vaseline on your face
Like caging you in with his hands, hugging/holding you from behind, using his hands to squish your face and bring his in, and many more
To no avail, you’ve dodged all of them
In the end, he ends up almost giving up… he’s got one more trick up his sleeve
Right before going to bed, thinking that he’s wiped it all off or at least from the parts that don’t necessarily need it, he kisses you
“Na. Jaemin. You can’t be serious right now” all said with a hint of annoyance & some ounce of pride in him for not giving up
You smile and kiss him back. It was funny seeing him try so hard to give you a kiss all day
“You’re so lucky I love you Nana but I swear next time, imma find a tissue and wipe it all off.”
“You’re right, I’m so lucky but I’m also very lucky that I’m in love with you. Because who else would put up with my antics like you do?”
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Thank you so much for reading this! I just remembered I had this clip of him slathering Vaseline/lip balm on himself and couldn’t stop laughing 💀 I swear I hate him sometimes (affectionate)
If you enjoyed this, please consider leaving a note or reblog with tags and your favorite part about it! You can also send me a dm or an ask <33 they’re all appreciated as much as your support
signing off with love,
- ash
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junnieverse · 10 months
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➙ little things txt do as your boyfriend
pairing: txt x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, implied short reader for soobin's drabble, mentions of food in taehyun's drabble
a/n: why was this so adorable?! Someone buy me bf!txt from amazon please!!
a/n (2): here's the zb1 and enha version if you'd like to check that one out too!
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🖇️ — 최수빈 ; SOOBIN !
↳ wrapping you in his jacket when it's cold
you had both decided to take a little night stroll together after a sleepless night
having mindlessly walked, you somehow ended up at a cute light park uphill that overlooked the entire city
feeling the breeze hit, you wrapped your arms around yourself to keep yourself warm but it was no help
you soon felt a large figure wrap himself around you from behind as he hugged you with his jacket to keep you both warm
"I told you to bring a hoodie to keep yourself warm, it's pretty chilly tonight." soobin playfully scolds you as his hands gently rubbing your arms brought extra heat
you had purposely left your hoodie because of moments like this
your boyfriend was a human heater, perfect to keep you warm whenever you needed
despite his argumentative statement, you knew he also enjoyed wrapping himself around you as he hugged you and rested his chin on your head
it was the small moments like this with soobin you treasured
you both enjoyed the comfortable silence between the two of you as he swayed you side to side watching the city lights in the distance
🖇️ — 최연준 ; YEONJUN !
↳ watching you with adoration
yeonjun has had this habit ever since he was crushing on you but in all honesty he does this with all his loved ones
he made sure to give them his full, undivided attention whenever they were talking and would just look at them with pure care and love
yeonjun not only made you feel like you were the most important person in his life but the way he looked at you was enough to say just that too
there's just something about that little glimmer in his eyes whenever you catch him staring at you with a soft smile adorning his face
"Yeonjun stop staring, I can't focus when you do that." you tell him looking down as your cheeks heat up
"What, I'm just admiring the love of my life." he says wrapping his arms around you still looking into his eyes as you shyly avoided his gaze
he also did this knowing how flustered you would get each time and he just thought you looked especially cuter when you were blushing
this was just one of the main reasons why you always lost staring contests with him
if anything he could stare into your eyes for the rest of his life because they were his favourite feature of yours
🖇️ — 최범규 ; BEOMGYU !
↳ playing his guitar for you
it was a normal occurance for beomgyu to randomly start playing his guitar and sing for you but each time he did you felt like you were falling in love all over again
he loved showing his love for you in various ways but serenading you was one of the small things he'd grown accustomed to doing over the course of your relationship
here you both were sitting on your living room mat as you held the guitar close to you whilst beomgyu tried to teach you the basic strings and tunes
your date plans outside had been ruined by the rain so you thought this was a great chance for your boyfriend to teach you how to play his guitar a little
"Okay, you're getting a hang of it, good job." beomgyu praises before kissing your cheek
he then takes over easily brushing his fingers against the strings as he plays a familiar tune before he starts singing to you
you can't help but admire your boyfriend as your heart skipped a beat
in this moment you felt yourself falling more in love with him as his deep voice filled the room
you could never get tired of this
🖇️ — 강태현 ; TAEHYUN !
↳ feeding you
ever since the day taehyun cooked for you for the first time and you obviously falling in love (with his food)
he made it his mission to always make sure you were well fed
even if that meant feeding you himself
he was also very experimental with the dishes he made and you were his go-to person if he needed someone to taste test the food.
"How does this taste?" he asks blowing on the hot spoon reaching over to feed you the soup
you had grown used to tae feeding you at this point and gladly let him do so too because all his dishes were your absolute favourites, "This is amazing baby."
you had ofcourse offered to help him prepare some of his dishes before but after an accident whilst making some dinner went wrong
the entire txt made the kitchen a "do not touch anything (y/n)" zone because they did not want a repeat of almost burning down the entire dorm
you may be a fire hazard in the kitchen but luckily your boyfriend knew how to keep you happy through feeding you
🖇️ — 휴닝카이 ; HUENINGKAI !
↳ buying you/each other plushies
"Omg Kai, this panda plushy is so adorable!"
if only you had realised that one statement would open up pandora's box
and now your boyfriend can't stop buying you plushies because, "they all remind me of you" he'd excuse
in the beginning you would sometimes go out of your way to buy kai a few little plushies to fill his cute collection but after the first valentine plushy he got you, he just couldn't stop buying them for you
it's become a love language at this point
although they made great cuddle partners, on days you were missing kai, you could simply cuddle this plushy which still had some of his lingering scent and fall right asleep
he too had his own favourite plushy that he would take with especially on tours to keep close to him whenever he was missing you and it was a matching one to yours
it was also the first plushy you had bought him
he had once accidently left it behind at the hotel they were staying at and he had realised it was missing when he had arrived at the airport
kai couldn't afford leaving it behind and risked missing his flight all to get back his plushy because it was a sentimental and important piece to your relationship
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artful-aries · 1 year
How They Flirt With You (Thoma, Ningguang, Xiao)
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He is sweetness personified, and is absolutely precious in how he flirts with you. Some of his flirtations could go unnoticed or be taken as basic kindness, but eventually it would be noticeable how he is always ready to bend over backwards for you, more so than most
He’s going to make you your favorite dishes at every opportunity, mend your favorite shirt if you complain about a new hole that’s appeared, and will constantly try to line up his schedule so that he is free when you’re free
It’s easy to just mistake these actions as Thoma just being kind though, which does frustrate him. Sure he normally goes the extra mile when helping people, but can’t you see that it’s so much different when he does it for you?
When his attempts don’t register with you, he begins to doubt himself a little. Perhaps this was your way of letting him down easy? After mulling over it some more, Thoma would decide to refine his efforts to be a little more direct before he gives up
He compliments you on your appearance frequently, and looks for excuses to ‘accidentally’ brush his hand against yours, or lay a gentle hand on your shoulder or hips. He’s just so touch starved at this point, he’s willing to do anything to satiate his deep crush on you just a little bit, so long as you don’t express discomfort
Any time you express a negative or even neutral opinion of yourself, this man is going to suddenly turn into your number one cheerleader, reminding you just how great you are (an opinion that may or may not be biased)
It’s his words of lovely affirmation and the gentle look in his eyes that would finally clue you in to the fact that he is trying to flirt with you, desperately so
With each kind word or action he does, you begin to notice the glimmer of hope behind his eyes, hoping that this time will be the time that you get it. This time you will realize that no, he is not just kind, he is absolutely smitten with you
Thoma would definitely combust if you were to ever flirt back with him, especially if you took a more teasing route with it. He would turn a deep red at your words, unable to stutter out any kind of coherent response
Though he would have been lamenting how dense you were to his flirtations this whole time, he would be pretty dense himself and not realize that your teasing flirtations were in fact genuine and not just making fun of him
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Flirting isn’t her MO, but not because she is awkward or clumsy. She genuinely just doesn’t see the point in flirting too much; if she sees something she wants, she’s going to be very direct about it
Time is money, and she certainly isn’t going to beat around the bush
Still, for the sake of not coming across too strong or seeming creepy, she will allot a set of time to made casual advances towards you
Grazing touches are her go to method; it’s an action that is light enough not to make you uncomfortable, but undeniably flirtatious so that there is absolutely no confusion or chance of misreading the situation. Ningguang is into you, and wants you to know it
She’s also going to be giving you borderline bedroom eyes, staring at you with a sly smirk any time you enter her line of sight
When this somehow doesn’t work, or doesn’t work quickly enough for her, she is definitely going to buy you very lavish gifts, somewhat flexing her position as the Tianquan in the process
She doesn’t want you to think she’s only about money, but it’s no secret that having the amount of money she has is a huge plus. She wants you to know that she would take care of you should you reciprocate her flirtations, you’ll never be left wanting anything for another day of your life
To add icing to the cake, Ningguang will not hold back her praise for you. She’s going to compliment every aspect of you, head to toe, as well as make remarks about how your intellect interests her, or how you have unique opinions
If after all of this you somehow still did not seem to catch on to her feelings, Ningguang will become impatient and just straight up confess that she likes you
However, if you do return her flirtations without her having to confess, it almost excites her. She’ll keep exchanging flirtations with you back and forth until one of you finally decides to give in and confess
Ordinarily she’s not one to ‘waste time’ like this, but the opportunity to see how you flirt and how far you’ll go is just too good for her to pass up
You will end up winning this competition though, because before long Ningguang will just be dying to get the confession out of the way to get to the good part
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He doesn’t really know what flirting is, and also doesn’t see the point of it
If he likes you, he likes you and will just come out and say it. Doesn’t understand why humans like to avoid telling the truth of their feelings. If you were to tell him that flirting can be fun for humans, the concept just goes over his head. It just seems like too much of a hassle to him
Despite this, there are telltale signs that he has feelings for you before he even confessed
Xiao has a staring problem, you’ll think he absolutely hates your guts by the way he glared at you all the time. In reality, he’s just trying to piece together why a human would be making him feel all of these strange emotions suddenly
The second sign is that his cheeks will flush ever so slightly when you get close to him. He will act like he doesn’t want you to get close because of his karmic debt, which is partially right, but mostly he just gets way too flustered when you get close to him
The third sign that he likes you is how grumpy he is whenever he rescues you from hilichurls, demons, or any other threat in Liyue. He scolds you almost like a parent would, criticizing your decisions that landed you in that situation in the first place
The truth is that he was very worried about you, but he just doesn’t know how to express that in a way that doesn’t come across as a little bit rude or condescending of your ability to protect yourself
The fourth and final sign that he cares about you; he will give you permission to call his name whenever you need him
Even when you put Xiao to the test and say his name randomly at odd hours, he is there immediately. He gets angry when you just do it for non emergency reasons, but he will never tell you to stop
If you were to use this opportunity to flirt with him, Xiao.exe stops working. He doesn’t even know how to handle your advances, and will likely just teleport back to Wangshu Inn once you confirm you aren’t in danger. He totally doesn’t spend the rest of his evening staring up at the starlit sky, blushing and thinking about how you flirted with him
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lazyneonrabbitt · 4 months
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Daryl Dixon x reader. Modern AU
Finding a simple apartment in this unknown town was simple, but now you needed a job..
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You found yourself at a bar late after spending the whole day running around town applying for jobs and just really needed to wind down for a bit.
"Hey, pretty." An unknown voice came from behind you as a man appeared and sat down across from you, sliding over a beer and quickly starting up a schtick, trying to impress you but you were having none of it.
You tried your best ignoring him, scrolling on your phone but he kept on going.
You were counting down in your head, telling yourself to either leave, or tell him to fuck off and risk getting hurt, seeing how he was clearly already affected by the alcohol in his system.
But before your mental count had reached zero a chair scooted to your table and a colorful drink in a round glass was slid over to you and the beer was taken by a tattoed hand adorned in big, chunky rings.
"Here ya go, baby. Barkeep whipped ya up a mocktail." You followed the hand, up muscled arm covered in more tattoos and ending up at this gorgeous man who was clearly rescuing you from the creep.
"Thanks. I thought this place didn't do mocktails?" You gave the man a confused look, unsure how to advance in the conversation and hoping your fake stories would sound convincing enough.
"Yeah well, he agreed it'd be better ta make a 'pussy drink' than have the pregnant woman throw a fit in his bar." A sneer was sent the creep's way as he took a swig of the beer he snatched away from you.
"Really? I'll have to thank him later." You gave the kindest smile to your fake partner, took a sip from the straw in your drink and looked over to the bald man behind the bar and sent him a thumbs up.
"Ya wanna move over? Folks just left, we can go say thanks." He held out his hand for you to take and you gladly accepted, taking his hand in one hand, and your drink in the other after hanging your purse over your shoulder.
The man made sure to keep up the role of loving partner as he scooted back the barstool for you and took your purse to place it on the bar so you could go sit down comfortably.
"Thanks, seriously." You slumped over the bar with a deep sigh to which the bartender offered to brew you a coffee. "Holy shit you have coffee? Yes!"
Your savior beside you laughed, still nursing the stolen beer and quietly introduced himself to you. "Heard Merle introduce himself to ya earlier. Yer new in town, yeah?" You nodded over your freshly brewed coffee, taking in the smell and taking careful sips. "Needed a rest after job hunting but my place is still barely livable so I stopped by here."
Your savior had introduced himself as Daryl Dixon. He had the same last name as the barman, Merle.
Before you had a chance to ask, Merle had moved back over to the two of you.
"A job, huh? Well, lemme tell ya I can always use an extra pair'a hands 'ere." On hearing Merle's excitement it was almost like he had hired you on the spot, and truthfully you'd say yes immediately as long as you knew you had someone around to keep the creeps off you.
"Daryl here's with'ya all night when I ain't here." Merle assured you quickly, and Daryl agreed as you and Merle exchanged contact info. While Merle went back to doing his job, Daryl talked you through the basics of a usual night at the bar but within the first two sentences you had zoned out and just stared.
Stared at how the wings covering his throat moved whenever he swallowed, how the piercing in his eyebrow glimmered in the low bar lights and how the messy half-bun fit his look so well. You went over the patches on his vest, recognizing some of them and moving on to take in all of his tattoos, wondering if they had meanings or were just pretty.
"Dun think she heard ya, baby bro."
"Dun think she heard any of wha' I said."
Daryl tried something else. He leaned closer, his arms crossed in front of him on the bar. "How 'bout ya stay 'ere an' help us clean up, then I'll ride ya home on my bike."
His movement and intense stare pulled you from your daydreams. "M'sorry, what?"
The two brothers burst out in laughter, Merle's loud and booming while Daryl's was more reserved with his hand covering his mouth as he cracked up at your oblivious behavior.
"Ya were starin' so loud ya didn't even hear me talk." God why was Daryl's voice so deliciously good. "Need me ta drive ya home? Ya look like ya could sleep fer a week." You had to agree with him. You were tired as hell, even with the coffee. A yawn escaped your lips as you agreed to be taken home and let Daryl lead you outside after saying goodbye to Merle. Now outside you were standing in front of a gorgeously sleek black bike and were helped onto it before being given clear instructions and driven home.
You had given him your adress to put in his phone so you didn't need to yell directions from behind him as he drove.
Once at your place you thanked him with a hug and wished him a safe trip back before heading inside to wind down from today's events.
Back outside, Daryl mentally cursed at himself as he grabbed his phone off its mount and texted his brother.
Daryl: 'Can ya text me her #? Chickened out an wanna tell her gnight.'
He pocketed his phone and started up his bike to drive back to the bar.
A/N: This Daryl has me weak in the knees, so who knows if there'll be more of him.
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buckyscombatboots · 2 years
Monstertober Day 6:
Below the lily pads🪷
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Pairing: Swamp monster/Siren!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Non con, death, Dead dove: do not eat, dark!bucky, beefy!bucky, forced breeding, p in v, anal fingering, sex in a forest, sex near a pond, drowning, marking/biting, mentions of blood, scratching, choking, praise, delusional!Bucky, victim!reader
Nicknames: Doll, sweetness, doll face
Word count: 2.1k
༻𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫༺
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You plopped down on the couch with a huff, that was the final box. You’d finally finished unpacking everything and now you could relax. You raised your head and glanced into your new garden, which was the woods connected to your property. The sky was dark, aside from the silvery glow of the moon and stars which hung in the velvet blanket of the cobalt night sky—it was going to get way darker. The thought of being unable to see into your backyard, which was now so much larger than before, made your stomach churn “Buy outdoor lights, noted.” You slowly rose from the couch staring suspiciously out into the thicket of dark fir trees, if you stared for long enough you could see movement, one day of being here and your eyes were playing tricks on you already making you paranoid “I’m going to go mental here, aren’t I?” You joked, turning away from the darkness outside your french doors and instead turning your attention to your beautifully lit kitchen. Your stomach rumbled lowly, it was way later than you thought and the day of unpacking had left you famished.
Looking at the contents of your fridge made you sigh, you had enough for a basic meal but nothing fancy. You grabbed the two cloves of garlic you had left, the random half of an. onion and the two tomatoes rolling around freely in the fridge draw and dumped them on the countertop “Pasta it is…Do I even have any pasta.” You stood on your tiptoes opening the cupboard and began to rummage, you had enough spices to open a spice market, stocked up on medications, hot chocolate mix, extra coffee and an assortment of herbal teas, but no pasta. You said a silent prayer as you opened the next cupboard and there it was, a half empty box of spaghetti “Thank all that is holy!” You exclaimed, placing it on the counter as you pulled out a pot and a pan and put it beside the spaghetti. You swayed along to the enchanting sound of man singing as you filled the pot with water and placed it on the stove, it was a song you’d never heard before. You began to hum along, turning to your record player curiously to see what record you’d put on. It wasn’t on. You hadn’t put any records on. There were no houses for miles, you were alone in the middle of the woods; so there was absolutely no way it was from a neighbour. You threw open one of the draws and pulled out the biggest knife you owned, the blade glimmering in the overhead lighting of the kitchen as you held it defensively up in the air. Standing as still as possible, you stopped breathing momentarily to listen, your heart thumping in your ears as you cautiously stepped towards the singing. The sound was coming from outside. Biting down on your lip you tiptoed towards the glass, squinting in an attempt to see outside. You pressed your face to the chilly glass, goosebumps rippling across your skin. You couldn’t see anything but the reflection of your house's Interior.
You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself, as your hand wrapped around the handle of the door, you begrudgingly opened it. Aware of every little sound; the swaying of the trees in the light wind, the metallic tick of the lock as you pushed on the handle, the crunch of leaves as small animals skittered through the woods. Every small noise made the anxiety rising within you worse. “Is anyone out here?” You called. Nothing. The smooth baritone singing continued.
Slipping on the pair of hiking boots you’d left outside to dry, you squeezed the knife; mentally preparing yourself to venture into woods.
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You were deep into the forest by now, the singing was getting louder. You were close. “Singing stranger! Your voice is lovely, but this is private property and it’s late. You’re really freaking me out here, so if you could…maybe leave, that would be great.” The singing stopped, leaving you to listen to the soft chirp of crickets. You pushed aside some brambles allowing you to see a clearing and a pond surrounded by overgrown aquatic plants; long, thick brown pond reeds towered tall and piles of bulrush outlined the small waterhole. A small section of the bank was not overtaken by plants, a flat slab of rock that was damp as you advanced towards it bending just enough to swipe your fingers through the moisture. It had no smell, you thought maybe one of the fishes had splashed the water on it. Thinking that brought you solace. Looking closer at the pond, you adored it. It needed work that was for certain but you could definitely clean it up, add some lights around it and place a bench close to it to make it a cute picnic spot. Your shoes sunk into the mud as you crouched down next to the pond, watching as the reflection of the pale moon was distorted in the ripples of the water. You reach towards one of the water lilies, trying not to fall into the pond as you lean forward. The tips of your fingers brush against the soft, yet firm, petals and you try to pinch it between your outstretched fingers to pull it closer. You miss it. You glance down at the bank of the pond before shuffling closer to the edge, you repeat your actions from before but this time you're able to reach. You pull the flower closer, the pink of the petals becoming clearer as the lily pad parts the water drawing closer to you. Something wet and slimy grazes your ankle, making you release the lily, you fall backwards into the mud as you squirm away from the water edge. You let out a scream as a viscid webbed hand seizes your ankle, you kick and squirm against the tight hold.
“There’s no need to be scared, doll. It’s me, the stranger who was singing. You said my voice was beautiful.” From the clear water emerged a man with murky green gils framing his clean shaven face. Despite being in the water his hair was completely dry, the moon casting a blue glow down on his pushed back brown locks. His blue eyes were warm, welcoming and crinkled at the corners from the wide toothy grin stretched across his face, all of his teeth were pointed and curved like a shark. Murky water glided down his defined chest, as if his skin was covered in wax. You laid paralysed in the mud as he used his free hand to prop himself up on the bend of his tail, his scales glinting in the moonlight. Peaking out of the slit below his waist were two erect dicks, tinged green like his scales and ribbed. A bead of precum leaked down from the tip onto the other one below it causing it to twitch in response. You woke from your paralysis, scrambling on to your knees, Bucky lurched forward pushing you back into the mire “Where do you think you’re going, Doll? We haven’t even started yet.” His claw-like nails cut through your shirt and shorts like butter exposing you to the chilly autumn air, his nails scratching your skin deep enough for it to bleed as he cut through your clothes.
“Get the fuck off of me!” You screamed kicking at his muscular tail, Bucky dug his nails into your sides making you yelp in pain—stopping your struggling as you felt the burning pain travel across your nerves.
“Stop struggling, Doll.” He hissed, spit flying into your face. You wiped it away with your arm and turned your head further to look at his face
“Make me.” You spat, grabbing a handful of dirt and throwing it at him. The warmth left his eyes and his smile fell, his cold stare remained locked on you as he slammed your head into the mud. You choked and spat as sludge entered your mouth.
“That wasn’t very nice, sweetness. I know what's best for you, so just lie still.” Bucky warned raking his claws across your back to pull you closer, he held both dicks in his hand lining them up to your hole. You tried to wiggle your hips away from him but he mercilessly slammed into you the tips of his dicks painfully bashing against your cervix as he stretched you open; a dull burn radiating through your waist. Your walls constricted around him trying to force him out of you, he thrusted against the resistance making an agony akin to period camps spread through your stomach. Bile rose in your throat as he continued his pounding, using you like a fleshlight. You felt the tip of his needle-like fingernail pressing against your rose bud, your screams of resistance were muffled by the mud as he forcefully shoved his thumb into your tight ring, a stabbing pain travelling across your back “So tight for me. All for me.” He moaned, draping himself over you and biting into your shoulder blade. White hot pain surged across your back corrupting your senses as white flashed across your vision. You began to struggle with new found vigour. But it was futile his body weight alone kept you pinned to the ground. Bucky’s snake-like tongue lapped at the blood flowing from the teeth shaped puncture wound hungrily. “Taste so sweet, doll. Never gonna let you go, you’re gonna have my babies.You want them don’t you? Want me to make you a Mommy.” Bucky whined, the thrusting of his hip causing more water to slosh out of the pond and splatter against you both.
“No!” You shrieked, hoping that for some reason anyone was in the vicinity to be able to hear you. You couldn’t give a shit if they were trespassing on your property, if they could help you then nothing would matter. He pushed your face deeper into the mixture of mire and swamp water, you dug your hands into the sludge below you endeavouring to not suffocate. You became frantic as you felt the oxygen left in your lungs running low, the taste of mud and swamp water entered your mouth through your nostrils making you gaged as you suffocated. Survival instincts took over your mind, dulling the stabbing pains throbbing throughout your entire body. You needed to get him off, or you were going to die.
“You don’t mean that, Doll, you’ll come to terms with it eventually. You’ll melt when you see how beautiful our children are going to be, I’m going to pump you so full of them. Your stomach is going to swell with our children.” As his thrust became more brutal he lent more of his body weight on your head. Your lungs burned, desperate for air. Your screams making bubbles in the ooze, you were swallowing dirt but all you could think of was survival. Your hands flailed behind you grabbing for the swamp monster, why you felt the firm skin of his torso you dragged your nails across it furiously. Trying to hurt him so he’d get off you. But your attack just fuelled his fire “I didn’t know you liked it rough, sweetness. You should have told me.” He purred, slamming into you with harsh, shallow thrusts. You felt warm puffs of breath against your throat before an intense, excruciating pain shot through your neck; his teeth tore through your skin as he bit down harder and harder tearing the muscles and skin from your throat. You couldn’t even scream, he’d torn out your vocal cords. The warmth of your blood against your freezing skin gave you a small moment of comfort as you felt your life fading away. Your body was so heavy, you couldn’t lift your hands. Your clawing and squirm slowed, the haze in your mind feeling as thick as the mud you were laying in. The pain stopped, everything stopped.
“Doing so good for me, Doll. I’m gonna cum. That’s it, relax for me. That's it. Gonna- ah-” Bucky gave a few more weak, shallow thrusts as his hot seed filled you. He pressed a soft kiss to your bare shoulder, stroking your dirty, wet hair. He let out a soft chuckle “Already asleep. That really took it out of you? Didn’t it, doll face. You did so well.” He whispered, picking up your limp body and turning you to press your face into his chest “I can wait to start a family with you, Doll. You’re gonna be such a good Mommy.”
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Tag list: @alina02 @winterslove1917 @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @petesey @getwellsoontana @feyfantome @alexxavicry @ashenc-blog @floral-recs @renster05 @redbloodedgurl @shrekwreck @sweetwrathoflilith @cjand10 @flamefoxxrecs @addie5587483 @little-bunny0523 @sojuxxi @adoreyouusugar @teambarnes72 @wintasssoldier @gryffindorqueensworld @aerangi @itwillgetbetter @taramaria @anniellacinamon
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finnicks-elbow · 1 year
Haymitch and Effie’s interaction’s whilst Katniss and Peeta are in the games would be so good to read. 
Like Effie not knowing how to go about the newly sober Haymitch actually trying to keep the tributes alive during the 74th Hunger Games and actually having an opportunity to talk up her tributes to sponsors for the first time. We already know that she was attempting to before the start of the games by her scientifically incorrect statement about pearls but she’d try so much harder knowing that they have a chance. She’d provide the emotional element that many in the capitol would need that Haymitch wouldn’t be able to provide.
Effie would make a point to talk about getting Katniss back to her sister, try playing the card of think about the poor 12 year old sister she’s trying so hard to protect. Claim that she’s extra motivated, just look at that training score, to get back home to her family. Effie creates the emotional side to Katniss that would move people into trying to get her home. She’d also use Peeta’s claim of love for Katniss to increase this desire to get Katniss. Especially when people are under the impression that he has turned his back on her for the sake of his life. 
Haymitch would be the perfect counter to this, aiming to win the support of the more logical sponsors who go by strength over emotion. He’d talk about the skills that she’d used to protect herself in vulnerable moments and the ability to hunt. From past games, sponsors know that underdogs who have basic survival skills are worth betting on to get them to the end. This only getting better when her shooting skills are displayed after killing Glimmer. 
Together they are a force to be reckoned with. Despite still bickering behind the scenes about Effie making them look too sensitive to win. Haymitch would try to point out the right people for her to talk up but she’d ignore him, too invested in her own joy about having a successful district. Effie would also be constantly telling him off for not giving them help when he should have, especially Peeta. Haymitch knows better than to trust Effie with his strategy of getting Katniss to act correctly. She would spill the plan to sponsors, ruining the illusion of love.
Overall, they’d be a good team that just bickers constantly behind the scenes.
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veliseraptor · 5 months
The first steps stumbling forward (mcu) sound intriguing. I'm apologising for the blast from the past!
hey I put stuff on there as an invitation for a blast from the past, so!!! this one is the post-ragnarok steve/loki fic, or at least that's ostensibly the premise of it but i'm five chapters and a hundred pages in and the steve/loki is but a glimmer in the eye. but i guess that's pretty par for the course.
the premise here was basically "thor and loki and company end up on earth as refugees, loki's presence a carefully kept secret, fugitive steve ends up hanging out with them also, developments occur" and i'd gotten as far as "developments occurring" before i got distracted and then fell off the mcu train near entirely. but I still like what I have here! it's 100 pages of pretty good writing, if I do say so myself! but I also (again) don't have an outline and only the vaguest impression of where it was going after the point I reached, so that's probably part of my issue. technically a lot of it is also just about loki figuring his shit out post-ragnarok, as he should've had the chance to do and I'm never not going to be bitter about that particular missed opportunity.
you might be noting a pattern here with my unfinished works and it is me going 'what's an outline, I don't know her' and then running into trouble with that.
“There’s a spy in the camp,” Loki informed Thor when he came back from yet another meeting. He was in a toweringly bad mood, and Loki’d considered waiting to tell him anything, but it seemed like the kind of thing that shouldn’t be deferred.  “A spy,” Thor said, eye narrowing. “Whose spy?”  “I don’t know,” Loki said. “We only spoke briefly.”  Thor stiffened. “You spoke to him? Loki-” “Not as myself, Thor, don’t panic,” he said. “And it’s her, actually. She’s posing as one of the relief workers. I pretended to be a mother who had lost her husband looking for extra blankets for a newborn. We struck up a conversation. I did not ascertain her employer. Admittedly, I am a bit behind the times on the various spy organizations of Midgard.”  Thor stared at him. “When weren’t you?” He asked. Loki raised his eyebrows.  “I asked Clint Barton a lot of questions,” he said neutrally. “He was a veritable fount of information. SHIELD likes - liked? - to keep track of their competitors.” Thor did not look pleased. Whether at the reminder of what Loki had done, the fact that he had done it, the fact that Thor was clearly tempted to ask for more information and thus profit from Loki’s misdeeds, or all of the above, was unclear. Loki waited.  “So,” Thor said. “We have a spy.”  “Probably more than one.”  “What do you suggest we do with her?”  “Public hanging,” Loki said. “Or there’s always something more dramatic. Give me a bit and I’ll come up with a few ideas.”  “Loki,” Thor said.
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n7punk · 10 months
She-ra (2018) Action Dolls: Design Details
In 2019, Mattel released a line of eight action dolls for the 2018 She-ra reboot. The line featured Adora, Glimmer, Bow, Catra, Shadow Weaver, and 3 versions of She-ra (there was also a Swift Wind model). There were more dolls planned that were canceled which I've covered in their own post.
For this post I've gathered official images and information about the dolls' design courtesy of the Instagrams of two of the designers: Darren Sander (known for work on Monster High, he designed this line's packaging and did work on She-ra and Swift Wind) and Annalise Lao (who worked on the BFS & Catra). It takes a lot of people to make even one doll for mass production (the SDCC exclusives were two years in the making, before the show even debuted!), but these are the only designers I've found talk about their personal involvement. I found a few more names to credit further in, though.
For data such as price and further stock/promotional shots (as well as the source of most of the ones in this post), see the line's page in the Dollect database.
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[Regular She-ra; Glimmer, Adora, Bow, & Catra; Battle Armor She-ra & Swift Wind. I'll cover the SDCC exclusives later in the post. Photos via Twitter.]
For the main four dolls (center image), the bodies are pre-existing sculpts, with the girls coming from the 2019 DC Super Hero Girls line and Bow coming from Monster High (generation 2). She-ra had a unique body sculpt. All of them had unique heads and clothing/accessories.
Glimmer's body is supposed to be a "curvier" sculpt compared to the other girls. Annalise says the foreshortening on the promotional pictures makes her look skinnier, but I will say that what counts as curvy when it comes to dolls is usually ridiculous. They tried with the options they had, at least.
Swift Wind was designed by Darren Sander and his wing artwork was done by Kristen Kress. His wings are supposed to flap when you move him up and down, and he has a plastic clip on his back to keep She-ra in place.
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[Regular She-ra; SDCC-exclusive She-ra; Battle of Bright Moon She-ra - officially named "Battle Armor She-ra & Swift Wind." All stock photos.]
Regular She-ra: Her outfit is made of plain fabric with plastic accessories for the boots, gauntlets, chest emblem/pauldrons, and tiara (basically, anything gold). Her peplum skirt is unhemmed (on all her outfits) and is made from a sparkly tulle. Her cape is a one-sided fabric, but both sides look pretty much the same. The cape has no hemming either and is sewed directly onto her shoulders. It matches the shorter (more practical) length in the show. The plastic chest piece has overlapping straps and pegs in the back to hook it on.
SDCC Exclusive: The plain fabric of her uniform has been swapped out for a thin, rubbery pleather and her skirt "upgraded" to an iridescent fabric (the fabric feels stiff and way cheaper than the tulle, but was probably chosen for displaying well. It's one-sided). Her cape was redone, now much longer and made from a double-sided foil, still unhemmed. Her boots also have extra paint on their backs (details on that all the way down in the boots section). Otherwise her outfit is the same.
Battle Armor: Her torso and legs are cast in white to give the illusion of clothes. A plastic chest piece clips over the front of her, leaving her back exposed underneath her hair. She has no gauntlets, her forearms instead cast in gold to give the illusion that she is wearing some. Her boots are their usual cast, but they're solid gold with no painting. She has a one-sided reflective skirt, but its curving cut means it's shortest right in front and it often lets her articulation joints peek out. The chest piece was sculpted by Kittaya Wongchinda.
SDCC Exclusive:
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[Display packaging in the upper left; both dolls in middle; compact storage box in upper right; closeups on bottom. All stock photos.]
These two dolls were the first part of the line revealed. She-ra's unique sculpt in the regular line originates here. She-ra is capable of standing on her own while Shadow Weaver requires a stand. Shadow Weaver has the same body as core line Adora and Catra, but this is the only set that includes a stand since it's supposed to be more deluxe.
Shadow Weaver: Her outfit is two layers, made from a long red dress with a turtle neck and an unhemmed, tendril-cut bottom edge. Over the top of it she wears a monastic scapular made from red foil and black fabric. She does not have any shoes. She has a black shadow accessory to hold with glitter suspended through it.
Her mask does not come off, but is cast as a separate piece and then glued tightly to her head to create the appropriate silhouette and depth. Her head is likely smooth underneath and she has small elf ears. Her hair is Polypropylene.
Packaging: The display packaging on the upper left folds in half (with velcro on the insides to keep it together while unfolded) to fit into the storage box in the upper right. The tops of the displays feature the same backdrop as the storage box with Shadow Weaver and She-ra's names written in the First Ones script to label each of them. The storage box has the show logo on two sides with Shadow Weaver and She-ra art opposite each other on the other two sides.
Models & Designers: We know Darren & Garrett Sander (fraternal twins, the latter also being the creator of Monster High) worked on the SDCC dolls, in addition to more unnamed creators, but we have some modeler names!
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[Shadow Weaver's model with her accessory; She-ra's plastic chest emblem model; She-ra's body model, via Instagram. There are three more photos showing She-ra's accessories and sword through the link but I've hit the image limit.]
The dolls and their accessories were sculpted by Arpine Keurjikian, Kittaya Wongchinda, Adam DeFelice, and Sean Olmos (this is gonna shock you but they all worked on Monster High).
Regular She-ra vs. SDCC:
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[SDCC exclusive on the left, regular on the right]
For the con exclusive, the Sword of Protection's blade has glitter suspended throughout it while the others are clear blue, but the cast is otherwise the same. I already compared outfits in the She-ra section, but the con version also has unique hair. Her hair is longer (10 inches vs. around 6 regularly) with some reflective strands (likely tinsel) threaded through it to make it shine. More side-by-side comparison photos of regular vs. con She-ra can be found on Darren Sander's Instagram.
Main Line:
Annalise and Garrett were both fans of the show (unknown for anyone else since I don't have their personal comments) and worked back and forth with Dreamworks on rounds of revisions for the dolls. The dolls had all major joints articulated (just missing ankles, and no torso/chest articulation). They have 11 joints, many of which can be moved in multiple directions. Some individual details:
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[Catra's screening; the rest are stock photos]
Catra's faceup is pretty much the first design Annalise tried, painting it directly onto the prototype early in the process. Her tail is rotatable, giving her an extra point for posing. She has all her stripes (and pant rips, Catra was Annalise's favorite) from the show. Her belt includes a tiny (and fully painted!) Force Captain badge. She came with a staff accessory. Catra uses Saran for her hair.
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[Glimmer's boots; the rest are stock photos]
Glimmer's hair is also saran, but it has been heavily gelled to achieve its shape, which explains why it's often a mess (or at least deflated) in any dolls that have been played with. Glimmer's white glove is painted on to make the layering with her gauntlets work, but otherwise she has her accessories from the show and her jumpsuit is two layers. She has a unique star sparkle in her eye screening and uses the same skintone as the original DC Super Hero Girls Wonder Woman doll. She came with a "sparkle burst" accessory to hold.
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[Bow's chest; the rest are stock photos]
Bow has real textured hair up top with his short sides painted (the more expensive Monster High dolls also have their short sides painted on). His top is a white fabric shirt with a single plastic accessory layered over the top of it to represent his armor pieces. Funnily, the strap for his quiver is included despite him not having one. He came with a (single piece) bow-and-arrow accessory.
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[Posed photo; the rest are stock photos]
I don't have many details on Adora's build, but here's her closeups. The white long-sleeves that are supposed to be from her shirt actually start at the hem of her jacket sleeves and are sewn directly to them. She has a white shirt front sewn on under the jacket collar to give the illusion of proper layering, but it's all one piece. She came with the same Sword of Protection that the two core She-ra dolls had.
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This was the only line they had at the time (and could still be) to have unique bootprints. I don't have a photo of it at the moment, but Adora's boots have four sparkles (the same shape as the emoji ✨) printed on the tread. She-ra's boots were fairly generic, but Glimmer's have a moon print on the bottom and Bow's featured hearts. Dreamworks shared the show designs with them ahead of time, since these dolls started production long before Bow's heart-soles were shown off in season two, and it was a detail they were excited to include for the fans.
It's mentioned up above, but the same cast was used for all of She-ra's boots. The pair pictured here is her con boots. Her regular boots didn't have the blue paint on the very top edge but were otherwise painted (they're up in the sword comparison photo in the SDCC section). The Battle Armor version was gold with no painting at all.
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[A lineup of stock photos with the core five box fronts]
And finally, because it's really well-designed IMO, here's the packaging design that was used for the core five dolls. Darren Sander designed the packaging layout and blister with the artwork coming via Dreamworks. The front has the outlines from the Sword of Protection's blade embossed into it. The sides each have a little sword embossed into them and the top has the She-ra logo. They're difficult to see (much less photograph) in transparent plastic, and of course these are head-on photos, but the details really make it.
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herofics · 2 years
Hello, how are you? i would like to ask if you could do a imagine if you don't mind with hawks please where he gave him one of his feathers and at some point he starts to feel an extra heartbeat and realizes that she's pregnant, but no one even knew the reader with fluff please
I’m good. This is such a cute idea. I think he wouldn’t exactly hear the heartbeat though, it's more like he can feel/sense it through the feather, but anyway doesn’t really matter. I loved writing this, thank you for requesting :D
You woke up to an empty bed, but that wasn’t really out of the norm. Keigo was a busy man, being one of the top heroes of the country certainly kept him occupied and while you wished he would have more time to spend with you, you understood the position he was in.
It took you a while before you managed to bring yourself to get out of bed. It was pretty cold outside, and according to the weather app on your phone, it had already hit freezing temperatures last night. You couldn’t help but hope Keigo had put on some warmer clothes than what he usually wore. He hated the cold after all, you knew that well.
When you walked to the kitchen you noticed a little present and a note on the table.
“I forgot to give you this yesterday. Happy second anniversary!” the note read.
You had indeed celebrated your second anniversary last night, but the night had mostly been spent in the bedroom, after which you’d fallen asleep in his arms. Knowing Keigo, he wouldn’t have wanted to wake you up, so leaving the present for you to find was a very Keigo-thing to do.
You opened the present to find a necklace with one of his feathers as the pendant. It was so beautiful, the golden chain was glimmering in the sunlight that was coming through the window, and you couldn’t help but smile.
About a month and a half had gone past since your anniversary, and you had only taken the necklace off when you went to sleep. You always wore it under your hero suit when working, it was like a good luck charm and you felt like it kept you safe.
Hawks had only had the chance to see you about once a week after your little anniversary celebration, but he felt like there was something different about you lately. He would soon find out why.
The feather Hawks had given you had started picking up something recently. He wasn’t really sure what it was though, it felt like something was making small thumping sounds, but he was yet to realize what it really was.
“Can you pick up some pickles for me when you come over?” the text read, as Hawks was flying to your place.
He set down on top of a building for a second to answer your text.
“Pickles?” Hawks muttered, you hated pickles so he was quite confused on what this was about.
He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling out with his mind for the feather he had given you. He could feel you walking around somewhere, presumably in your apartment since it was quite late already and your shift at the agency you worked at had ended hours ago already. The little thumping feeling or sound was still there though and he focused on it properly for the first time.
“A heartbeat?” Hawks muttered.
His eyes opened wide in realization and he almost fell off the building he was perched on. A second heartbeat.
“Holy shit” he gasped as he covered his mouth in shock. “I’m gonna be a dad?”
Hawks couldn’t help but smile. He’d never really thought about whether he wanted kids or not, but now that the situation was in front of him, he found himself getting incredibly excited about the prospect.
He was in such a hurry to get over to your place, he completely forgot the pickles.
You were sitting on the couch when Hawks basically busted down the door to get into the apartment.
“(Name)!?!?” he shouted excitedly as he slammed the door shut behind himself.
You jumped up, but you were almost tackled back down onto the couch when Keigo came at you a bit too fast.
“Is something wrong?!” you asked with panic in your voice.
“No, no! There’s nothing wrong!” he assured you, still seeming very excited about something.
“Okay, what is it then?” you asked, baffled by his demeanor.
“You should probably sit down for this” Keigo smiled widely.
“Okay?” you said as the both of you sat down on the couch.
Keigo felt like he was about to burst if he couldn’t tell you right away.
“I’m pretty sure you’re pregnant” he said, squeezing your hands.
“Huh?” you felt like your jaw must have hit the floor with the shock you just got.
“You know that feather necklace I gave you? I can feel stuff through it and while your heartbeat is really strong I can sense a smaller heartbeat within you too” he said excitedly.
“Are you sure?” you asked, not really believing what you were hearing.
“Pretty sure yeah, but you should probably go to a doctor to confirm it”
“Wow, well that explains the weird craving for pickles” you said.
“Are you okay? I know we haven’t really talked about something like this that much, but I didn’t think you would be upset about it?” Keigo said.
“Oh nonono, I’m not upset, I’m just in shock. I guess? I actually feel a bit light headed” you assured him.
“Should you lay down?” Keigo asked.
“Yeah, probably” you exhaled deeply.
Hawks made some space for you on the couch and you laid down, placing your head on his lap.
You just laid there quietly for a moment, while Keigo stroked your hair.
“Hey Keigo?” you asked, feeling less light headed now.
“Yes dove?” 
“Are we ready for this?” you said and put a hand on your stomach.
“Honestly?” he said.
“Yes please” you sighed, looking up at him.
“I don’t know, but we’re gonna try our best and be the best parents we can”
You were quiet for a while looking at your stomach and then back up at him, before saying with a smile: “You’re gonna be a great dad you know”
Keigo smiled widely, and you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes actually sparkle.
“Well be waiting for you baby bird” Keigo said, putting his hand on top of yours on your stomach and placing a kiss on your forehead.
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playingwithstarsabove · 3 months
I know that they're most likely gonna repeat the Answer's story, but there are several scenarios and wishes that I can't help but imagine for the Answer:
Add some multiversal shenanigans to make up for no Femc route. Have Rio and Saori suddenly appear since they're in the code. Have her appear alongside Makoto in the seal. Make SEES realize that, even if someone else was their leader, they would still lose them in the end.
Have the pictures in Reload be relevant in the plot, like how memories are important in grief and how they might unlock doors.
I imagine the Abyss of Time having this glass filled area depicting past and future events. There would be these square mirrors depicting all the protagonists. Persona 1 and 2 protagonists are fully visible and it is said that what they did in the past helped create today. The Persona 4 and 5 are murkier as they are "People you have yet to meet." The Persona 6 protagonist has their back completely turned, foreshadowing them.
Have SEES team learn about cognition and foreshadow something with Persona 5.
Have some sort of epilogue or one last tearjerking shot after the ending, or at least a glimmer of hope about Elizabeth's quest.
Have the Abyss of Time have Palace-like elements since the Abyss is basically SEES's own Palace.
Have the Chidori survival actually have meaning.
Maybe you can actually visit his grave for extra tears.
Have that Theurgy plot thread from the Takaya storyline become relevant.
I know that what I'm asking for is a pipe dream, but these points would probably help the Answer be more interesting and good for continuity.
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hookaroo · 1 year
Laden of the Torn (1 of 24?)
AO3 link Summary: After eight months spent separated from his daughter, trying every potential cure imaginable, Killian's heart is still poisoned and burdened with his every failure. An alleged cure leads him into an ambush and a grueling detour he did not plan on taking. Unlikely new allies offer a small glimmer of hope, but will it be worth all of the trouble in the end?
Chapter 1 notes: I've been working on this on and off (mostly off) for the past four years. Apparently pandemics turn me off of fiction for whatever reason? But I made a few breakthroughs earlier this year and finally believe I'll be able to finish this one! It's a little strange, but it is the wish realm after all ;) The first couple of scenes and cure idea are based on a dream I had, and later scenes were inspired by a segment of the TV show "What on Earth," where they featured a particular location and basically described it as a whumper's paradise XD I'll reveal the location in a note later on, once it becomes relevant. No sexual whump in this story, but plenty of emotional and physical pain for Killian, and healing methods appropriate to the time period, for the most part haha. Enjoy!
No reasonable person would classify this as bread anymore, or anything even resembling it. Killian Jones would have brushed the whole quest off as a lost cause, except for the fact that the ceremonial cloth was exactly as described: woven, dyed, embroidered with specific patterns and symbols, and folded neatly. Or had been, until he had dug it up and peeled it open. In the early morning light, the contents of the cloth resting on his open palm looked like nothing more than a handful of powdery, gray dirt, or perhaps a rare variety of fine-grained sand he had once encountered on his travels. Grateful that very little breeze disturbed the dawn air, Killian gave the powder a dubious look as he carefully nudged it with the tip of his hook. This?! 
He felt rather foolish for having expected anything else, but in his defense, the witch doctor had called it ‘bread.’ Multiple times. 'Bread,' not 'decomposed spores of mold mixed with decades-old dust and grit.' How in blazes could this swill contain any magical properties whatsoever?
Perhaps he should expend the effort to search for another of this particular architect's buildings, one that was slightly newer. Allegedly, the designer in question performed the same ritual upon completion of every dwelling with which he had been involved. A blessing prayed over traditional flatbread, later buried against the south-facing foundation, would, according to this man's system of beliefs, bestow health and happiness on its occupants. And if consumed, its remnants could supposedly cure any ailment... including a poisoned heart.
That was all assuming that the local witch doctor could be trusted. And Killian had felt doubt about that even before digging up the handful of dusty crumbs he now sat examining. But he would try anything, no matter how unlikely, and eating dirt was hardly the worst thing he'd done in pursuit of a cure.
Hardtack in any variety was a challenge to swallow on its own; this powder would likely be doubly so. Good thing he'd come prepared... or had he? Killian laid the cloth on the ground by his knee, moving with extra caution, as if it held a gram of the world's most valuable spice instead of worm dung. Then he dug his flask from its pocket and gave it a shake. The damn thing tended to run on the empty side these days, for some reason. But no, from the sound and heft of it, it contained plenty of cheap liquor to do the deed.
As he popped the cork with an easy, practiced motion, Killian thought briefly of the mirror tucked away in an inside pocket. It would be significantly more fun if Alice could watch and laugh at the disgusted faces he would surely be making in the near future. And of course, he would put on a show for her, exaggerating his expressions in hopes of drawing out that sparkling grin which was becoming more and more endangered a sight within the confines of the beechwood-framed oval of reflective glass. But at this hour of the day, she would be tucked away, safe and sound in the bed he’d planned on enlarging soon, under blankets that probably needed patching, dressed in a nightgown too short for her blossoming figure…
He hoped she was there, at any rate. Listening to her body's needs and the common sense he'd attempted to instill in her, not reading half the night by the fire, which seemed to be her preference in situations lacking supervision. Not pacing, unable to quell her nightmares on her own, dealing with the same doubts keeping him awake most nights, forced to face a horrific reality that no one deserved, much less an innocent of her young age.
No. Alice was happily asleep right now, enjoying wonderful dream-adventures with the characters in her books that she loved so much, and it would be irresponsible of him to wake her for such a frivolous thing, no matter how desperately he longed to see her with every pulse of blood through his veins. Besides, though the dwelling beside him appeared unoccupied, he was technically trespassing. Probably stealing as well, so silence was the preferred soundtrack to this far-fetched hope.
Killian gathered a pinch of powdery grit and shoved it into his mouth, licking his fingers clean as bitter dust stuck to the roof of his mouth. A flavor faintly reminiscent of rancid goat's milk flooded his sinuses, and if there was magic there, he couldn't feel it.
As a young sailor, Killian had not always been fortunate enough to have anything other than filthy water with which to attempt to wash down the taste of moldering rations. He reflected upon this as he took a swig from his flask, then drizzled a measure of alcohol out upon the waiting breadcrumbs. A nasty paste would be easier to manage than fingerfuls of powder, and he feared the risk of losing the reported curative benefits if he missed any of the residue.
As he continued to choke down the supposed cure, Killian allowed himself to imagine their reunion and a sampling of the scenes that would take place.
They had 1 birthday and 262 unbirthdays to celebrate. Hugs to catch up on--those were harder to calculate, but must be well over 3000 by now. In between, he would share the properly embellished tale of how he’d achieved a cure for his heart, and gladly listen to plentiful imaginary exploits Alice had concocted to pass the time. And neither of them would ever again complain about their life trapped in the tower, because now they both knew how much worse it could get.
As a swig of burning liquid chased another mouthful of grainy mold dust, the distant rumble of hoofbeats drifted in from the direction of the road. Killian hunched closer to the building’s foundation, checking to be sure that no light source glinted off his hook, attracting attention. The road lay on the opposite side of the building from where he crouched, so in all likelihood, the approaching riders would travel past before noticing any hint of his presence.
But then a shiver of foreboding climbed his spine: the horses were slowing. Killian hastily shoved the remainder of the paste into his mouth and crumpled the cloth into a pocket, gagging and rising to his feet just as heavy boots dropped to the ground at the dwelling's front entrance. In a desperate attempt to clear the clay now sticking to the roof of his mouth, he drained the flask of its remaining contents, all while sidling along the wall toward the back garden and cover.
“Fan out,” commanded a stern male voice from amidst the new arrivals, and more boots trod the unkempt property. Several pairs in his direction. Whoever these men were, whatever they sought, they would see a running man as a guilty party to be chased, captured by force, perhaps even fired upon should they have pistols in their possession. So Killian took a steadying breath, suppressed an urge to hack up the sandy liquor burning the back of his throat, and dropped to his knees on the hard ground. 
Gods, he had to stop doing things like that; he did not have the body of a 30-year-old anymore. Fortunately, unlike the now-aching joints in his legs and back, his mind had retained its ability to work quickly. Just as three armored soldiers rounded the corner, Killian dug hand and hook into the dirt, pulling great handfuls aside to support the cover story he’d just invented.
The soldiers spotted him immediately and advanced with swords drawn, one holding a lantern to counteract the misty gray of early morning. 
“Let's see those hands,” another called menacingly. Killian obeyed, sitting back on his haunches and rolling his head from side to side as if experiencing a stiff neck. He allowed them to see his empty hand and his hook as he flashed a disarming grin.
“Good morning, gentlemen. Bit of a nippy one, isn’t it? Suppose we're coming to the end of the fishing season once again.”
The soldiers continued forward through his rambling, none of them showing any sign of relaxing. As the hook became more visible in the lantern light, the men exchanged glances. Killian noticed but decided to ignore it and continue to play the hapless fool.
“Not one sign of a single bloody nightcrawler, either. Do you reckon it's too cold for them already?”
The trio had now formed a triangle around him, a cautious distance away with swords at the ready. The one holding the lantern turned his face in the direction from which they'd come and shouted,
“Commander! We have him.”
Killian let his puzzlement show; if he were not mistaken, it sounded as if they were looking specifically for him. But how could that be? No one knew where he was, except perhaps the witch doctor, but even she couldn't have known the exact dwelling he would select for the experiment.
Killian kept up the charade of innocence. “Is there something I can help you lads with?”
Lantern smirked as he watched his commander appear around the corner. "Just sit there and don't cause a fuss…. Captain Hook."
Killian snorted a polite laugh, hoping it disguised his worry. “Nice one. Not the first time I've heard it.” He kept a wary eye on the swaggering officer, adding, “Although would you believe it, not everyone is joking when they say it? Which is absurd, of course. Who in their right minds... I'd have to be, what, 300 years old or thereabouts?” He raised an incredulous eyebrow, grinning up at the men surrounding him as if expecting them to laugh along with him and agree that those people were idiots.
The commander stopped a few paces in front of the group, holding a second lantern, although it was becoming less necessary as sunrise approached. He did not bother to draw his sword.
“Surrender your weapons,” came the imperious command. Slowly, Killian reached down and withdrew the small, tarnished dagger that was his only method of self-defense these days, apart from his hook. He kept the non-threatening, slightly silly smile as he laid the weapon at the soldiers’ feet.
“Sorry to disappoint, mates, but I can assure you I'm not the man you're looking for. I lost my hand in a farming accident, not one crocodile scale to be seen.” He huffed a laugh and tried to look pitiable. 
The commander’s stony gaze remained unchanged. “Is the hook detachable?”
Killian unscrewed the steel from its locking mechanism but kept hold of it momentarily as he looked up at the officer.
“I do hope you’re planning to return it,” he grimaced. “It's quite useful for digging up earthworms.”
With an impatient eye roll, the commander snapped his fingers and pointed to where the dagger rested at his feet. Reluctantly, Killian tossed the hook to join the other weapon. The officer nodded at an underling, who bent to take possession of both items.
“You can drop the charade. It will get you nowhere. Regardless of your identity as the Captain Hook of legend or merely a successor to the title, you are wanted for questioning concerning an illegal duel that took place some months back.”
Killian felt a shudder of fear rattle his insides; he'd hoped the matter would have blown over by now. 
“Preposterous,” he scoffed. “Do I look like the sort of fellow who would take part in something so unsavory?”
“The other party has been apprehended and is more than willing to identify you in person.” The man sneered. Then he addressed the second lantern-bearer. “Get him to his feet and search him for concealed weapons.”
Killian was gripped by the armpits and hauled up, shoulders and back protesting the harsh treatment. He knew that further lies wouldn't help at this point; neither would attempts to plead his case. So he kept quiet as rough hands patted him down and searched his pockets. They found his flask--"Bit early for this, isn't it?" taunted one, to which he replied tightly, "What's the old saying? It isn't early if you've never stopped?"--his treasured black rook, and the mirror.
The soldier who had found the mirror, who couldn't have been much more than sixteen, held it up with a leer.
“What's this for? An old man like you can't have a great deal to be vain about.”
Killian didn't want to attach too much importance to the item, for that would increase the temptation to destroy it out of spite. So he shrugged and explained,
“Just an old heirloom. Sentimental value only.”
The boy stashed it with the rest of Killian's confiscated belongings, and though he wasn't particularly careful, the glass seemed to remain intact. Killian could feel his heart pounding and cursed the fact that his one remaining link with Alice had to be so fragile.
“That appears to be all, sir.”
“Very good, soldier.” Their commander stood impassive, adding, “Now, as we discussed…”
Behind Killian came a brief clanking of armor. But before he even had the chance to guess at its meaning, the noise was drowned out by a resounding crack that rattled his teeth in their sockets, an explosion of colorful starbursts behind his eyes, a single heartbeat of crushing pain, and then a dizzying drop into black silence.
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
I have a request since your doing the paragraph stories. So…Id really love a story where the reader has always wanted to waltz but never got the chance to with her last partner. So sinister being the elegant gentleman teaches her and waltz with her in his big sanctum. Bonus points if its extra fluffy.
I tried to throw in all the fluff I could fit into this. I went very Disney. Also I now have the song I mentioned stuck in my head. ❤️
You were sure you were never going to get this right. Each misstep made you progressively more dejected and angry. You wanted so badly to get this right. To be the person you saw in your mind. Gliding effortlessly across the floor, swirling around like a princess in the arms of her prince. Just like Cinderella, Belle, and Aurora. As long as you could remember you had wanted to learn to waltz. Being a Disney fan did help fuel the fire, but still. You figured it was the perfect time to try to learn. It's not like there was a ton else to do in this fractured universe. You may also already be harboring a little bit of a dark prince crush, on Stephen Strange. The only other being in the universe with you. 
He looked like a prince. Always clad in elaborate robes in dark indigo or black with leather accents. Even his slightly disheveled hair had a styled charm about it when tendrils fell across his sharp cheekbones. He moved like a prince. His hands often clasped behind his back and his broad chest puffed out slightly. He seemed to float through the halls of the Sanctum. Each step purposeful as he went about his business. Then there was the Sanctum itself. It was practically a castle in it's own right, even now as the building decayed like the world around it. Every prince needed his castle, and for your Sinister prince that was the once opulent but now decrepit Sanctum Sanctorum. So since you were trapped, in a castle, with a handsome dark prince your princess fantasies had taken full hold and that included the want to learn to waltz.
You had been trying to learn by yourself when he caught you stumbling around the large empty room in circles. You couldn't think of a valid reason to explain what you were doing other than you were having some sort of seizure, so you caved and confessed the task you had set yourself to. After nodding to himself and seeming to think for a second, you were surprised when the sorcerer walked over and held out his hand. Even more surprised when he pulled you into his arms and started trying to lead you around the Sanctum foyer. Counting the steps aloud to you as he gently held you close. 
That had been about a week ago. Now that you had figured out the basic steps with his help, you were at the challenging part of putting it together and staying in time with the song. Seemingly no matter how fast you tried to move you were either late or managed to step on your own toes. Stephen could tell you were starting to lose it with yourself. As he watched you close your eyes and shake out your imaginary skirt it occurred to him that he never asked why you wanted to learn this. He was suddenly very curious what you were picturing in your mind as you stood with your eyes closed counting out your box step for the thousandth time.
After a little bit of probing beneath the surface and a suggestion that you take a short break, he was ready for you to try again. This time as he pulled you into his arms the room around you began to glitter purple, the magic even dancing over your own body. You stood in shock as the cold gray interior of the Sanctum turned warm and lavish. Following the last shimmers as they moved down your figure you watched as your own clothes transformed into a copy of Belle's yellow gold ballgown from Beauty & The Beast. On cue the music picked up from nowhere, of course it had now changed from the classical piece Stephen had been using to the theme from the same movie. Your jaw was on the floor as you looked up at Stephen in wonder and saw the mischievous glimmer in his crystal blue eyes.
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"I thought after our conversation earlier, that perhaps the problem was simply a lack of authenticity at the moment. Now, just let go and be in the moment. Here with me."
So afterwards I realized Beauty & The Beast is not technically a waltz, but I don't want to change the story. If you must have a waltz timing song picked for this story may I recommend "Come Away With Me" by Norah Jones.
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fintan-pyren · 2 years
Stellarlune predictions
(It got a little long)
Sophie decides that her goals don't align with those of the Black Swan and makes her own rebel group
She wants to actually take action this time
"You swore an oath to help the world"
"That's exactly what I'm doing"
Glimmer, Tam, Marella, Dex, and Maruca are on her side
Her other friends don't think it's such a good idea
They ignore them
Basically go around committing arson and causing chaos
And trying to find Keefe
Unfortunately, Team Moonlark doesn't have many resources or much information
Since they're a bunch of kids
You know what we need? Someone powerful who used to be high-ranking in the elven world who would know a lot of elven secrets and who also wants to change the world but isn't part of the Black Swan (since the Swans don't approve of their actions)
Who could that possibly be?
Time to go rescue Fintan!
How do we get into his prison though? It's high security
Good news, Dex has access since he and Bronte were trying to open Fintan's cache
They just need to disguise Sophie as Bronte to get past the guards
They free Fintan
He's willing to help them
They become significantly better at arson and now have more information
More chaos and adventures
Black Swan really isn't happy now
The Mooonlarks find out a bunch of new information about Stellarlune and Gisela's plans
Team Moonlark ends up facing off against their friends from the Black Swan (Fitz, Biana, Linh, Wylie, Stina, etc), who are trying to stop them from committing arson
Team Moonlark has trained a lot
They're a lot more powerful than they used to be
But bad news
So are the Swans
They have fancy new uniforms and everything, courtesy of Tinker
They talk and then kinda fight a bit until one of them actually gets injured and there's a big uproar about them injuring their friends (How could you???) and they all leave
But the Moonlarks realize that Keefe could help them defend themselves without injuring anyone so they keep trying to find him
But the Swans are also trying to find him
So it's a race to find Keefe
Team Moonlark gets to him first (or so they think) and he joins them
But it turns out the Black Swan (specifically Fitz) actually got to him first and explained what Sophie's been doing (arson and freeing Fintan and all that) and convinced Keefe to be a double agent for them
And Keefe uses his power to capture them
Sophie and the rest of Team Moonlark get thrown into the Black Swan's prison
Keefe comes and visits Sophie in prison
It's very touching
Lot of shippiness and tragic heartbreak or whatever
"I trusted you, Keefe"
Still in the prison
But good news
We still have Fintan with us
The prison was meant to be able to hold a pyrokinetic, but now there's extra body heat. Enough for Fintan to make a fire so they can escape
Uh-oh! The prisoners are escaping
Fintan ditches them and leaves
Uh-oh! The Neverseen arrived at the Black Swan's base just as the prisoners were trying to escape
We need to defeat them with the power of friendship (and also some knives)
The friendship isn't enough
Good news, Fintan came back and decided to help them
At some point during their adventures, they uncovered some information about the Neverseen (they were lying about some of their goals to get him on their side) and he's kinda annoyed
He's realized that he doesn't think they're good people anymore
So it's the power of Friendship and Fintan and Also Some Knives
They drive away the Neverseen for now
[Sokeefe ship moment]
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agbpaints · 2 years
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2022, A year in minis
Well we're almost at the new year so I decided to drag everything I've painted out of its many boxes and lay it out to see what I've done. Overall I think this is the most productive year of painting I've had yet, with 123 figures finished in total. I crossed some big milestones with my admech, surpassing 1,000 and 1,500 pts of total painted models. I also started collecting necrons, started collecting battletech, and finished the last few stragglers from my cursed city box. My speed at painting increased this year considerably and I've definitely improved my confidence in my own skills- I've started using basic freehand and weathering techniques on my models and my airbrush is becoming a significantly more used tool even if my motor coordination isn't good enough for it to be a tool for anything more than monocolor base coats.
My favorite 2022 projects
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Scrap-mech. Equal parts infuriating and awesome. Cawdor bodies have some of the jankiest connection points I've ever seen but their aesthetic is top notch and slots right into admech. This was the first project I did using citadel contrast paints, and while I don't think they're the one stop replacement for normal techniques they were billed as they work fantastically as like an 'extra thicc' wash.
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Battletech. I really did not expect to have as much fun as I did with these big stompy murder bots. The models are appropriately chunky and gave me a lot of practice with panel lining. I also discovered how much fun flocking is!
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Vargskyr: One of my favorite monsters that I've painted and my absolute most favorite piece from cursed city. I had a lot of fun getting the hair to blend in with the skin on this big chunky boy.
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Tech-wraith Kitbash. This was an idea that came like a bolt from the blue while I was buying discount models that went from notion to build to done in less than 3 days. It's mostly bits and pieces from a kataphron kit welded into a cairn wraith but I'm super proud of it.
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Flayed One Kitbashes. Flayed Ones are one of my favorite necron things period and after my initial spooktober idea hit a roadblock I fell into my backup plan, a flayer killteam. The lord is probably my favorite model I built out of the mix- he's mostly a primaris intercessor mashed together with an old warrior sprue.
Goals for 2023
Pile of shame busting: holy shit do I still have a lot of bare plastic to get rid of. My biggest goals for next year are going to be finishing my warcry and infinity starters that I've left to molder in their boxes and building/painting the rest of my admech backlog. In total I believe this is about 60 models
Spooktober project: last year I recieved a Seraptek heavy construct second hand that's been hiding in a box in my attic ever since. After reading twice dead king I've decided to make it the Seraptek from That Scene (you know the one) but life and the overwhelming size of the project meant I wussed out for spooktober this year. With another year of experience and time to plan ahead, it's gonna happen this time.
Advanced techniques: I've been experimenting recently with non-metalic metal and its absolutely nerd sniped me. I suck at it, but I see a glimmer of something I could get better at that I'm gonna try to claw towards. I'd also like yo try messing around more with various blending techniques in general.
Model photography: so far all of my models have had their photos taken using a desk lamp, a piece of calligraphy paper, and the phone camera on my Samsung. They're OK but I want to devote some time and resources into upgrading my kit and skills here.
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