#this is from forever ago sorryyy
mitskijamie · 2 months
ok controversial take, but re: your last post, jamie + therapeutic age regression !
like he finally sees a C-PTSD specialist who recommends it, and it takes him ages to actually bite on the idea bc it totally weirds him out. he accidentally tells roy about it while he’s tipsy one night like “listen to this mad shit my therapist told me to do” and he’s having a laugh, but newly-therapized roy hits him with “well if you want to try it, i’ll fucking help. it might be good for you.”
and then it’s not a joke anymore, when he thinks about it, and he slowly starts to dip his toes into it— trying to figure out his inner child and cast his mind back to feel younger and all that— and roy comes over some evenings (happy to give into every smothering caregiving instinct he’s ever had) to help jamie regress safely. and then it’s jamie snuggled up to roy, holding a teddy bear, watching a film, and feeling sooooo protected and content.
i just think jamie deserves to heal his inner child and i think roy would be so good at caring for him :’) <3
Oh... this makes me want to cry .....
I love this :(( Jamie went through so much that no child should ever have to experience and it rly just breaks my heart to try to imagine his childhood, so it's nice to think of him getting to kind of reparent himself and get a second chance at that stability and safety he never had. Being able to give this inner piece of him that is baby Jamie a sense of security would probably have a huge impact on him
Honestly he seems to kind of do this without even realizing (he visibly regresses with his parents and with Ted), so I think he'd be like. Grateful that there's a word for this kind of thing and he's not just a Freak, but kind of reluctant to admit that it's something he would entertain, let alone enjoy, because it seems so unmanlike. So he'd definitely bring it up for the first time while drunk and try to frame it like "haha this is so fucking crazy right" bc he's terrified of how Roy will react to something like that. I could also see him getting sick or something and kind of regressing involuntarily
This might be insane given how he is with Jamie normally, but I actually think Roy would be a great cg. He's so good with Phoebe, I can see him being really sweet taking care of Jamie for therapeutic regression
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mybrainissquishy · 5 months
hey ik you kinda already did them but like can you maybe do more little scott hcs with caregiver wallace? 👉👈 it's totally okay if not^^ sjhdshgskbh
I'm totally down!
Wallace Wells Caregiver Headcanons
+ Age Regressor Scott Pilgrim
Wallace had never expected to be a cg, but he wound up being great at it because that's just Wallace for ya.
He struggles with a lot of various things, but he always does his best to stay sober and happy around his little guy.
When Scott regressed for the first time in front of him, Wallace tried to make a small joke about it, and Scott cried, so Wallace immediately felt bad.
He's big on physical and verbal affection when he's taking care of a little one.
When Scott feels little, Wallace usually likes to carry him to make him feel small. Scott is a little heavy, but Wallace is developing muscle just from carrying Scott around all the time. He makes it look easy.
When Ramona first tried to help care for Scott, Wallace had to tell her every little thing about little Scott. He pays a lot of attention to his sweet baby.
He gives Scott limited videogame time, because he's honestly really clingy with his kiddo, and he wants to spend more time with Scott.
Wallace. Spoils. Scott. Constantly. Trips to Chuck-E-Cheese, new stuffies, new pacis, new sippy cups, new snacks. All the time. Wallace loves to make Scott feel loved and appreciated.
I'm sorryyy!! I started this draft forever ago, but I'm running out of agere scollace headcanons!! I might try and write a mini fanfic for em so they can just.. Exist there?
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galos-writing · 8 months
hey, y'all, uh sorry for my absence but i was so damn busy with uni im sorry T_T i had completed a request i received a long time ago but i accidentally deleted the message, fortunately i copied n pasted the request above the ff itself, so for whoever asked it to me, im so sorryyy and i hope the ff arrives to you Q-Q enjoyyy
Request: Hi! May I ask for Arthur Fleck x gn (*gender neutral) reader where the reader has green eyes and how would he react? Thank you!
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You were standing right in front of a vast apartment block completely dumbfounded, you couldn’t believe such a majestic building could erect in a trashcan of a city like Gotham. Indeed, the poor lifestyle was mirrored by the appearance of what would become your new home: broken windows, a neglected shared yard full of trash bags, roaches and sewer rats, and the paint outside grayed or even consumed in some spots. 
You made a face at the view, but it was all you could afford at the moment: you would have surely moved as soon as you would have found a job with a good salary. However, the luggage you were holding reminded you that you weren’t living somewhere better than this. You could almost dare to say your new home would be a mansion if compared to your parents’ house; even the rudest flatmate would be nicer than the ones who were supposed to love and support you no matter what, but that instead kicked you out, not even letting you collect all of your stuff. ‘Just your clothes’, they said, ‘and then get the fuck out.’. 
Their words were carved in your memory and will probably be forever, you took a deep breath to hold back tears. 
You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t hear the taxi driver behind you, until he honked, startling you. You turned to him, he was visibly pissed, angrily smoking his cigarette butt and then throwing it at your feet, not even putting it out. 
“Ya deaf, pal?! I fuckin’ said it’s 50 bucks! Ya gon’ pay me or not?”, he shouted at you, sticking his hand full of rings out towards you, expecting his money on his callous palm. You turned pale at how angry he was and quickly pulled out your wallet to give him his money. 
Your anxiety turned into full panic when you saw your wallet was completely empty. Fuck. You were sure your brat of a little brother stole all your money, oh how you wish you were still at your home to strangle him. 
“So?”, the taxi driver insisted, pressing on the accelerator to increase the price according to the taximeter. His judgmental beady eyes were scanning you while you started emptying your backpack, in a desperate attempt of finding a single cent in the bottom of it. Nothing, just old stuff, some comic book and clothes. You let out a defeated sigh that made him visibly angrier, and your lips quivered as you opened your mouth to speak the only words he was hoping not to hear. 
“I’m sorry, sir, I don’t…”
You got cut by a bony and shaky hand extending next to you, handing some banknotes at the taxi driver, who smirked and snatched them from it.
“H…Here…”, a thin male voice shyly stuttered before the money had been literally ripped off his hand. The driver filled his thumb with his gross saliva to start counting the bills, and when he was over he just left in a hurry, not saying a word. 
You were at a loss for words due to everything that happened so quickly, but you managed to snap out of your trance and looked at the guy who just saved you from an unpleasant situation. 
You were stunned when you saw the appearance of your saviour: a short and slender man who was still standing next to you, his arm was still extended and his eyes were wide open, staring off into space. He seemed to be in his mid-forties but you weren’t sure.
He flinched when you touched his shoulder, and slowly turned his head towards you. His eyes looked so sweet, but they were now so wide, still in shock at what just happened. 
“Hey…”, you softly called him, trying to calm him down by awkwardly stroking his shoulder. “A-Are you okay? I’m so sorry you had to get through this, really… I’m willing to give you back your money, for sure, sir.”, you kept telling him, your tone was soft to sooth him, and you sketched an embarrassed smile when he looked at you. He first babbled some letters, as if he was starting the engine of his brain to reconnect and formulate a correct sentence, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. His gaze soon flustered you, making you look away. 
“Well, then… It's been a true pleasure to meet you. Thank you again, sir.”, you politely saluted, grabbing your bags and walking to the entrance of the condo where the landlord was waiting for you. 
As weeks passed by, some threatening letters from your father didn’t manage to break the new cocoon of comfort you built up all for yourself. You were so proud of your job of house decorating that you couldn’t resist but invite some friends over. What an idiot you felt by seeing your fridge was empty, how were you supposed to have guests over with no food in the house? 
You found yourself forced to go emergency grocery shopping the day before their arrival. As you were walking to the grocery store, you had the crippling feeling of being observed, but the thing didn’t scare you too much: lots of people in Gotham were weirdos, or just envious bored fellas who enjoyed watching others to judge them without a reason. When you arrived at the cashier to pay for your stuff, your eyes met a familiar face: the nice nervous man who paid for your taxi! You instinctively smiled and poked his shoulder to catch his attention. When he turned around towards you, his cheeks turned a deep red as you joyfully waved at him. 
“We haven’t talked much since you helped me that day, huh?”, you giggled, holding your bag of groceries as you were walking out of the store, followed by Arthur. He didn’t respond, he was too flustered to speak. You turned to him, tilting your head, your face showed concern. For a moment, you decided to ignore your worry and resumed smiling, extending your hand at him.
“I’m (Y/N), by the way. (Y/N) (L/N). We didn’t manage to introduce each other. It’s a pleasure to know you. We do live in the same condo, right?”, you happily asked, patiently waiting for the man to shake your hand. But he didn’t. 
“I-I’m Arthur, Arthur Fleck… nice to know you too…”, he shyly murmured after a few seconds, trying to avoid eye contact. You worriedly looked at him again.
“Hey… are you okay? Did… did I say something that offended you?”, you asked, trying to approach him, but he stepped back. 
“I have something to confess to you. I, uhm… I followed you… like, stalked you for a while. It’s better you immediately know, I don’t want you to find it out by yourself and get even more scared…”, he admitted, making your face turn pale; that explained your feeling of being observed all the time. 
“... why?”, you just asked, feeling numb. You were confused, that man seemed so kind, silent and polite during condo reunions, you couldn’t believe someone like him could do something like that. But you appreciated his honesty, despite the fact you were definitely creeped out by him. 
“I… just wanted to make sure you were real. And, y’know, not just some… some kind of delusion.”, he bluntly answered, as his face turned even redder. “It’s just that…”, he kept saying, “ … you quite… caught my attention, not gonna lie. You feel like a fresh breeze in this trash-stuffed pit.”. 
His words hit you like a hammer, those were the first kind words someone outside your friends group had told you in weeks. Your eyes filled in tears, but you firstly refused to let them out, giggling. 
“I… I don’t know what to say… Just… Thank you so much, Arthur. I’m glad you’re my neighbor. You’re the kindest man I’ve ever met in a long time.”, you told him, touching his shoulder. Your words made him blush even more, but this time a relaxed and genuinely joyful smile appeared on his thin and scarred lips. 
“Why did you come to live here, though…? You’re so pure and joyful, your kindness doesn’t belong here…”, he asked, blushing a bit. His question upset you more than you wanted to admit.
“... my parents kicked me out because I refused to work for their shitty business. I wanted to escape that narcissistic and toxic environment to start all over again. And for now living here is all I can afford.”, you gloomingly explained. 
He got silent, nodding a bit. His silence made your anxiety grow more than when you announced to your father you had no intention to work for his company. 
Arthur noticed you were observing him, and stopped nodding. “ …what?”, he asked.
“What?? Aren’t you gonna say nothing?!”, you asked back, in full panic.
“What do you expect me to say? (Y/N), if there’s something I learned by living in this world is that insecure people will insult everything outside their range of comprehension. But believe me, it’s not worth your tears until you’re happy. That’s life.”, he just said, taken by a moment of confidence, he felt oddly comfortable by speaking so openly to you, for once he didn’t feel unfitting or out of line, he felt heard and he knew his words could be helpful to someone he cared for that was struggling.
“And, in all honesty, I wouldn’t be taken by surprise by your family situation, yet… by, uh…”, he kept going, struggling a bit to say what he was thinking of, but just by looking at you, he suddenly found the courage. He was feeling good by spilling all that out right now, and wanted that wellness to keep going. 
“Yet by the fact yours are the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen.”, he suddenly blurted out, making you heavily blush. You looked at him, you could see his wave of confidence disappear to make him blush as well, so much he had to pull on the collar of his shirt. 
After some awkward second of silence, you smiled. “Do you mind if we… get back home together?”, you asked. Your proposition took him by surprise this time, making him slowly nod. The two of you walked back to the condo, in complete silence, drowning in fluster, but so happy you had met each other at that moment.
Tags: @darknessisafriend @werewolf-and-go-wild @indieblair @pursuit-of-comedy @ajokeformur-ray @fly-like-a-phoenix @five-miles-over @hebimoonlightwrites @jokerflecker @callmejokerr
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sias-swthrt · 4 months
im so desperate im going to wattpad.
damon albarn fanfiction community your never gonna guess what i just wrote. its being gatekept til further notice sorryyy
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septembersghost · 1 year
Omfg.....I am in shambles. AOTG is too good. It has that plot of invisible string with the reference in paper rings fleshed out("without all the exes.........here so tall"). Her vocals 🤯🥵🥵. How could she leave this. This makes me sure that joe also had his share of 'all too wells'. Something she hinted in willow (show me the places where the others gave you scars). And the treat me like a lady😫😫. I feel like the bathroom reference is jake(party bathroom,cry tears mascara in the bathroom,etc..) The ready for it...? reference (I forget their names now).The leaving without saying goodbye part made me think of HS(Mainly because of her AYHTDWS speeches and breakup makeup). It is also important to note that she is not jealous of his exes but she is thankful they made him who he is today. For some reason this song feels like false god sound to me. God!!!! I wanna teach you what forever feels like is such a 'I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever" .
Ps. I feel like I am going to come to your ask box again if I want to scream something . Sorryyy💕💕
i love just reading this and nodding along, and for every argument about why she left it off the record (too many love songs, she uses its themes in other songs, lover was already too long, etc), i have two counterarguments. the first is, she has never actually addressed the concept of being thankful that the other girls in his life existed, because they helped him become who he is, plus the mention of his mom!, and there is something very warm and gracious and newly grown in that concept (i've seen people say this makes it too much like thank u, next, but they're quite different to me?), and, second, IT'S A GREAT SONG!!! WHY CUT THAT GOOD OF A SONG?! AHHHHH
i still think she could've opened the album with it to set the whole scene. iftye is...fine...but the callback to rep isn't entirely necessary and it doesn't do as much for the album's whole concept. imagine starting with the gratitude and then telling the rest of the story, the bookend with daylight, with once believing love was burning red, but it's golden! envision this with me please, it makes me lose it!
there are so many parallels and references to her past experiences, as you pointed out (even to glitch and "dudes who give nothing"), and the idea of "forgetting" can tie into the experience with CH as well. definitely think crying in the bathroom and leaving without saying goodbye are allusions to those relationships you mentioned, and her processing the way they fell apart so sharply contrasted with what she feels with joe. the reason i half-joked that this song would've ended so many arguments years ago is because it gives us an even more whole picture of them, and her maturity and the love they share as partners, it gives us that peek into the fact that he's had his share of heartbreak too, AND it has killer production and amazing vocals. i've been in the TRENCHES for lover and aotg would've simply proven those points!!! that's interesting that it feels like false god to you, i wonder if it would've helped false god feel less out of place sonically to some fans? (i loooove false god btw!) her sincerity and that feeling of contentment in the song too, i just! it's very "all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing" coded too.
another thing the leaks of aotg and need did was remind me how very much i love lover and its heart and the revelations she gave us through it and its soundscape. taylor's description: "Lover is, like, completely just a barn wood floor and some ripped curtains flowing in the breeze, and fields of flowers and, you know, velvet." i feel that SO vividly in these two tracks where i might not in a couple of the songs that did make the album, and i'm curious HOW she made those decisions. (secret unpopular opinion shhh but they reminded me why i actually cherish and prefer the overall sound of lover to midnights. not at all discounting midnights' strengths as a whole, but in my heart, i'd always choose lover.)
she paints such a beautiful portrait of their love and i adore every crumb we get of it, i am a simple hopeless romantic girl! every dead-end street lead you straight to me! because things that feel like endings take you a new path! i love you more!!! 😭
i'm rambling on, but i agree with everything you said, and please don't be sorry, come and scream in excitement to me whenever you want!!! 💖💖💖
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stagekiller · 5 years
{ Not accepting :( }
“ Eddie ! ”
    Jovial grin would meet the taller man, restraints pinning the Mad Clown in place against his chair - as if the chicken wire between visitor and inmate weren’t enough. High security wing had developed a variety of human rights violating practices for Jerome’s sake only, which were usually met with amused cackles & witty remarks. In the jester’s opinion, Arkham’s board were idiots for thinking he would ever hurt Nygma in the middle of a visiting session.
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  “ Long time no see, friendo. ” Grin fades to a side smirk, stench of antiseptic filling the room, caused by Jerome’s presence alone. He reeks of hospital and the fresh stitches on his face aren’t doing him any favors appearance-wise. Though Jerome does believe he can pull of the straitjacket look very well. “ Gotta admit, it feels weird to see ‘ya on the other side of the wire. ” Pearly teeth graze the tip of his scarred bottom lip in time with his tongue flicking over his mouth slits. “ I guess you can’t stay at home all the time, tho’. ”
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daybreakx · 2 years
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✑ pairing: bodyguard! hwiyoung x fem! reader. 
✑ genre: enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, slow burn.
✑ warnings for this part: minor car accident, blood, mentions of murder, fighting, break ups, guns, politics(?). lmk if i missed any! hyphens (–) and asterisks (✳︎) are used to separate paragraphs since tumblr won’t let me add the proper space.
✑ word count: 5.6k (sorryyy I won’t make the next parts this long)
✑ a/n: i know this is a very long shot, but i hope you enjoy this fic as much as i am enjoying writing it. very special thanks  to @itsjeonghananon who puts up with me, my rambles, and my google docs shenanigans and read this before anyone else!♡ also please spare a reblog for this poor content creator. thanks!
membership holders: @milkybonya @pinutbutterjelly @kristyxoxo @naminalati @lolalee24​♡
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ALL IT TOOK to get Hwiyoung in your life was a dent in your car. Well, to be fair it was a little bit more than a dent in your car, but at least it hadn’t been totaled. 
And it hadn’t been your fault. 
Some ass ran the red light, crashed into the passenger side of your beautiful BMW, dragging you to the other side of the street and then, had the audacity to run away. It sounds worse than it was, really. Of course your dad obsessed about it though, thinking someone had done it on purpose because you were his daughter. 
Senator y/ln’s—and future Governor y/ln— daughter, had obviously become a target. Took long enough, a couple months of campaign and a few years being a Senator. It didn’t matter how many times you told him it had been an accident. It was raining and the stupid driver hadn’t seen the light changing to red, they’d gotten scared once they realized what type of car was now embedded in the opposite corner of the street and therefore, ran away so as to not to pay for the damage. 
You didn’t need a bodyguard, or more like a babysitter. You were old enough to take care of yourself and it had been one accident. 
But no, since a few days ago and probably until forever, you were stuck with Hwiyoung 24/7. 
“Please do not take that with you,” you requested, trying to input as much authority as you could muster into your voice while giving a pointed look to Hwiyoung’s gun holster, under his suit jacket.
“I have to.” Hwiyoung replied, in that it’s-so-obvious tone he gave you almost every time he talked to you. Which wasn’t very often. 
From the moment he met you, Hwiyoung seemed to have already made up his mind about you. So all he’d said was his name and how he would take ‘really good care’ of you, this being mostly directed at your dad, because he gave him the job and it was Hwiyoung’s duty to keep it now. 
“No, you don’t,” you insisted, pointing to the gun directly with your right hand. The one that wasn’t wrapped up in a black brace, still from the car thing. “Leave it.”
“No.” Hwiyoung’s upper lip twitched slightly in annoyance. You two held this discussion every single day before you left the house. “Are you ready to go–” he seemed to dig the word out of the depths of his throat before letting it out. “Miss?”
Hwiyoung had taken the job because he needed it, not because he wanted it. He needed to get out of Chanhee’s apartment, to stop sleeping on his couch and taking on the underground fighting challenges anyone threw his way just to be able to ‘help a little’ with the rent. 
He’d hit rock bottom six months before. Lost his job, his girlfriend and his pride. Former detective Kim Hwiyoung had fucked up, after the system let one of the animals he took so much pride in chasing, walk free after murdering his whole family. Hwiyoung had lost it although it wasn’t the first time it happened, that they let a man live without consequence. But he’d almost jumped the accused in court, it had taken three officials to hold him back and then he’d been suspended. 
Hwiyoung became angry, disobedient and to be honest, slightly violent. And after three reports for insubordination, a gunshot wound that kept him in the hospital for two weeks and his partner begging for another person��anyone really— to take Hwiyoung’s place, they gave him the boot.
Iseul left him when the underground fighting started. She couldn’t and didn’t have to put up with him. Yes, she loved him and she’d said so even as she left the promise ring he gifted her on their third anniversary on the kitchen table. No screaming, no fighting, nothing from either side. 
Hwiyoung sometimes thought he should have fought. Or better yet, begged. Begged her not to leave him, promised that he would change and stop coming home with bloody knuckles, slashed eyebrows and busted lips. But he didn’t, because he knew he wouldn't keep the promise longer than a week.
“Not until you leave that,” you pressed. “Now.”
“I’ve already said no,” he ran two fingers through his black hair, something he did every time he was starting to get pissed. Opening the SUV’s door, he signaled inside. “You don’t want to be late.”
You didn’t want to be late, no. But you didn’t want him carrying a gun around not ever. It made you anxious and frankly, he wouldn’t need it. What exactly was he keeping you safe from? Nothing suspicious had happened to you before the car accident, so Hwiyoung’s presence was useless. It would have sufficed with a chauffeur, not a bodyguard.
You cringed to yourself the moment the thought crossed your mind. 
Spoiled brat.
Not that you acted like that usually, but you knew it still would come across wrong. 
Hwiyoung looked at you through the rearview mirror, like he’d guessed what you thought and agreed with you. So you looked away, emphasizing the scowl on your lips as he left the house’s garage. 
“Oh, he’s so handsome!” your friend gushed, leaning over the mimosa on her side of the table one inch away from spilling it all over.
“Eh,” you replied, shrugging. You knew exactly what she was looking at, or who. Hwiyoung a few tables away, already on his fourth cup of coffee, looking around the restaurant and letting his gaze fall over the two of you exactly every two minutes. “I guess so.”
“You guess so?” Aya raised her eyebrows, grabbing the mimosa and sipping it. “Girl he’s literally—”
“Don’t, please.”
You’d heard it once, so you heard it a thousand times. Every place you went to, everyone spoke about how tall and handsome Hwiyoung had to watch your back, and that had to be some sort of lucky strike. Having to hang out with someone like that must be amazing.
Only it wasn’t. But it didn’t matter that you said Hwiyoung was bitter and lowkey rude, everyone in their right mind could overlook that, focusing only on the stray strand of black hair that fell in the middle of his forehead, his dark eyes and broad shoulders, his figure accentuated by the black suit he wore per your father’s orders. 
“Fine,” Aya made a scene of capturing her lower lip as she pronounced the ‘f’. “But he is.”
A glare from you and a laugh on her part and Hwiyoung was back at staring at the two of you.
“Whatever, really.” you sipped your own mimosa, glad that since the weekend was approaching Hwiyoung and you could take a break from each other. Or as much a break that living in the same property allowed. 
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
Hwiyoung was back on Chanhee’s couch on Friday night. At least this time it wasn’t out of need, he just wanted to hang out with his friend. Okay, honestly he needed to hang out with his best friend. 
“So,” Chanhee started, leaving a newly opened bottle of beer right next to the one Hwiyoung had just emptied. “Tough week at work?”
Hwiyoung groaned, his lips on the new brown bottle already.
“I’ll take that as a yes,”
“She’s a princess. It’s—” gross? exhausting? his only damned chance at getting back on his feet and that’s why he hated it?
But there was also the fact that he did think of you as a princess. All he’d done all week was follow you around brunch dates with noisy—and nosy— friends, shopping, public events where your main task was to smile and wave and pose for photographs next to your father. 
At least now he had a house, or something like it. A one-bedroom-and-kitchen-mini-thing on the oh so prestigious y/ln realm. At least he had a salary which he got paid by the week, meaning he paid off his debt to Chanhee the moment he showed up at the apartment that night. 
So yeah, after being a Homicides Detective he was taking care of a spoiled brat, Iseul wouldn’t talk to him and he still felt like he would go crazy from time to time. But at least he wasn’t sleeping on a couch anymore. 
And the fighting had stopped. Although he didn’t want it to, it was a release every time he was in that filthy, illegal ring. But he couldn’t afford to go to work looking like he’d taken (and given) a beating.
“They’re the new royalty, that family,” Chani said plopping down next to him on the couch. “But at least you’re getting paid.”
Hwiyoung rolled his eyes. It was true, his boss was the soon to be king of the city and of course the daughter would be the princess. Both of them already believed themselves in that role, what could be different once it was made official? Senator y/ln had everyone in his pocket already. 
“Not enough,” he said bitterly, gulping the beer down and suddenly really, really missing being in the ring, getting his hands dirty. 
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THE DINNER PARTY was going to take place at the Crown Hotel’s main ballroom. One of the last ones your dad offered as the campaign closing approached. Everything and anything to thank his team and supporters.  And of course you had to attend. Because voters loved seeing a happy family and a faithful daughter supporting her father on his way to (even greater) success. So there you were on a  warm Friday night, in a dress far more expensive than needed be, sitting next to your father while he spoke to whomever he deemed important to assure him a win in the election. 
Your father was a good person, and he loved you, of course. Otherwise he wouldn’t have forced you to keep Hwiyoung by your side for two months now. Hwiyoung, who looked bored out of his mind as he stood in the corners of the room, switching positions with the rest of the security team every few minutes so they all could have a look around and probably not fall asleep on the post.
But your father was also ambitious and sometimes appearances mattered to him more than they should. And he didn’t care that sometimes instead of his daughter, you were his tool. Because young people could feel related to you, and you looked delighted in every picture the press took of you and the way you looked didn’t hurt either. It was a running joke—one you abhorred—that you were the visual attraction of the campaign, and that your father got requests for your hand in marriage very often. 
You could only hope that his ambition didn’t cloud his judgment enough to actually sell his own daughter out.
“I think I should go home,” you whispered to your father, as the ballroom started to clear out. Only the very important people would remain behind and the politics discussions that would take place were not of your interest. Plus, you had to be up early the next day.
Your father squeezed your arm gently, thanking you for joining him before placing a kiss on your cheek. “Make sure Kim calls when you get home safely,”
You nodded. “Good luck.”
A signal from your father’s hand and Hwiyoung was on the move, ready to escort you back to the car. He didn’t say a word, but that wasn’t unusual. After two months on the job, you were used to him only speaking when necessary, his range going from ‘yes, miss’ ‘no, miss’ and ‘ok’. 
You walked behind Hwiyoung to the underground parking lot, holding the lower part of your dress so as not to trip while the voices of your father’s team became more distorted with the distance. Arriving at the lobby, you were met by a crowd of photographers, the hotel’s security struggling to make them leave and stop disturbing the rest of the guests. 
You smiled at them politely as Hwiyoung parted the crowd, lips curling when reporters got too close or too loud, shouting questions on what you were going to do if your father became the Governor, or how you were going to spend his (and the city’s) money. You made no reply, there had been worse things shouted at you and written about you in the papers. Including the exaggeration of the accident where they said you totaled the BMW, but didn’t care because daddy would buy you a new one in the blink of an eye.
Finally, you got rid of them as you took the elevator to the parking lot. Sighing you let yourself rest against the cool railing in the back of the cube, you were exhausted. Hwiyoung looked at you over his shoulder, his eyes becoming smaller as he took in your tiredness, he was judging you. 
“Did I do something to offend you?” you questioned as he opened the door of the SUV. Your BMW was good as new now, but on nights like these you still used the SUVs for security reasons. “Hwiyoung?”
His eyes, lost somewhere behind you as he held the door open, focused on you. “Why would you ask that, miss?”
“Well, you seem to dislike me more than usual tonight. Did I do something to offend you on this fine, and extremely busy workday?” you made sure your words dripped sarcasm, and remained with your feet on the greasy parking lot floor.
“Is this fun for you? Provoking your employees?” Hwiyoung scowled.
“Only when my employees hate their job yet for some reason won’t quit.” 
Hwiyoung was losing his patience, and it was very likely that, if he hadn't been interrupted by the car that was directing its headlights at the two of you, you would have kicked him out of the job. He bit the words threatening to spill back, squinting at the car to get a look at the driver, but it was impossible.
“Please get in,” he said then, not liking the way the lights were still focused on you. 
You’re both inside in ten seconds, Hwiyoung turned the car on, its own headlights making it impossible to distinguish the car that was watching you as it leaves the parking lot before you.
“I can tell that you hate me,” you were watching him through the rearview mirror, noticing his grip on the steering wheel tightening at your words. “Your mind was made up even before your first day in this job, and I guess mine is made up now. So just do your job and try not to look so fucking bitter to have me around.”
Hwiyoung didn’t talk back, biting the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood. The metallic taste was the only thing that kept him focused on the way to your house as he avoided meeting your penetrating gaze in the mirror. 
“You’re spoiled,” he said after you had descended from the van and he’d shut the door with enough force to make the windows rumble. “You act like your life is difficult when all you have to do is smile and wave while looking pretty.”
“You’re right, I look damn good doing it,” you retorted, a dismissive gesture from your hand accompanying your words as you walked to the exit of the garage. “It’s kind of disappointing you couldn’t find a more original reason to hate me, Hwiyoung. I guess you’re as bright as they come.”
The insult stung, but he didn’t want to dig his grave deeper, so Hwiyoung gritted his teeth and stalked on the opposite direction you did, towards his stupid guest house.
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IT WAS THE MONEY. It was obvious now, the reason Hwiyoung stayed under your father’s orders and in charge of your protection was the money. Once you realized that, it would be easier to deal with him, or so you thought. 
“We’re not going to have this discussion again,” Hwiyoung warned the moment he noticed the way you were eyeing the gun on his side. 
“Leave it,” you said all the same. 
You took a deep breath, looking at your watch. “I’ll double this week’s payment if you leave the gun today.”
Hwiyoung stopped to consider. Well, money was never enough. He could eventually use it to, what? Move away? Get a motorcycle? He wasn’t stupid enough to think money would bring Iseul back.
Iseul whom he missed most in the world and—
“Yes or no,” you stopped his train of thought in a second, making his attention return fully. “Simple question.”
“Fine,” Hwiyoung unfastened the holster tightened in the middle of his abdomen, before running back to his room to put it in the safe. All he would probably have to deal with were nosy reporters and your equally rich friends, he wouldn’t need the gun, and he was able to handle himself pretty well without it either way.
You were already inside the van when he came back, pressuring him to hurry up the moment he opened the driver’s door. 
Hwiyoung took a deep breath. Maybe if he had enough money he wouldn’t move away. He would just quit, like you’d suggested the night at the hotel, a couple weeks back.
“Please follow the GPS route I sent to your cell,” you indicated, your mood completely shifted due the lack of argument. See, things could go peacefully with Hwiyoung if he just listened.
“Sure, miss.” he replied, not even bothering to stare at you from the mirror this time. 
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
You stared at Hwiyoung for a long moment once you got out of the car. The BMW obviously stood out in the street, but you knew it was safe to leave it there, you’d come here a hundred times before.
“What?” he asked, opening his jacket to show you once again he wasn’t carrying a weapon. Which, to be honest was a lie, he had a pocket knife on the inside of the jacket. 
“Nothing. Let’s go,” you signaled the gray building down the street where you’d parked, making your way towards it without making sure Hwiyoung followed. 
Hwiyoung looked around, already expecting the reporters around. He had figured since he saw the address on his phone that this was another one of your incredibly important PR stunts where the princess of the city needed to be accessible and a saint at the same time. 
You glanced at him one last time before knocking on the door of the orphanage. Hwiyoung rolled his eyes behind you, if you asked him to take pictures of you himself… 
“Oh, hi y/n!” a woman in her late forties chirped as soon as she opened the door, “It’s great to see you.”
“Hi,” you smiled gently at her too, “I’m sorry for taking so long to come back, I had a couple issues and… well, nevermind.” 
“We still got everything you sent, thank you,” the woman squeezed your shoulder in a friendly gesture before fixing her eyes on your companion. “Hwang Narae,” she offered her hand.
Hwiyoung looked at you first but since you didn’t immediately say he was your employee, he took the woman’s hand. “Hwiyoung.”
A little girl popped her head from behind the woman’s legs, looking at Hwiyoung first since they were still shaking hands and then at you. “y/n!” her scream was piercing as she pushed both Narae and Hwiyoung out of the way to hug your legs.
“Hi Bora!”
Hwiyoung couldn’t help but frown as you lifted the small girl in your arms, her already speaking about everything you had missed in the month you hadn’t visited the place. Everyone seemed so familiar with you, it was strange. They all seemed to ignore your last name. He looked around again, expecting the reporters to come walking down the street already taking pictures before you disappeared inside. But they never came. 
You spent the morning reading to kids who stared at him suspiciously, before whispering in your ear and asking who he was. Your answer every time being ‘a friend who watches my back’. 
Hwiyoung stood back most of the time, only moving when a new volunteer arrived. He stared at them from afar and then returned his attention back to you as you let kids braid your hair and show you drawings. 
“Would it bother you to read for them with me?” you asked, showing him a book with a couple of bears on the cover. “They want a boy in the boy voice, I am offended, to be honest.”
Hwiyoung suppressed a smile as the kids looked at the both of you. “Why don’t you ask another volunteer? I have to keep my attention on–”
You frowned, there was only one other male volunteer and he honestly gave you the creeps a lot of the time. But Narae said he was good at fixing broken things, that's why he kept coming. “It will take ten minutes, Hwiyoung. And I really don’t want to ask someone else.”
“Fine,” he eyed the kids and nodded. “Let’s do it.”
Hwiyoung and you read some stories to the kids, taking turns at making the voices. Hwiyoung was trying his best not to burst out laughing every time you exaggerated your voice and kids asked him several times to read his with more enthusiasm, but in the end it turned out well. 
It was a brief moment as you closed the book and sent the kids to get ready for their lunch, that Hwiyoung thought you weren’t that bad. Everyone knew you and appreciated you, knowing you were there to help without looking for anything in return, not even publicity. You were still stuck-up, annoying and spoiled, but maybe not all of you was like that.
Narae approached quickly, a hand to her mouth while another volunteer led the kids to the dining room. 
“What’s wrong?” Hwiyoung asked, noticing the tension in her demeanor. 
“Um, something happened— the car—”
Hwiyoung told you to wait inside while he ran out to the street. He could hear the alarm as he ran to the car, and for a moment, he really wished he had a gun. Someone had tried and practically succeeded to destroy your precious BMW. All the windows were broken, the windshield caved towards the inside and the headlights completely shattered. But not even that was the worst part. 
The worst part was the word ‘WHORE’ keyed on the driver’s door. 
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IT WAS USELESS to try and convince your father that nothing was happening. Especially when Narae had called the police before you could advise her against it and Hwiyoung needed to call the rest of the security team to pick you up, and they had realized he didn’t have his gun. 
So all hell broke loose in 20 minutes and it continued on to the evening, when your father losing his mind again, yelled at everyone on sight, taking a great amount of time on Hwiyoung himself. 
“What if the freak had still been around huh?” your father’s hand came down on the table, hard enough to make you flinch, even as you listened from upstairs. But Hwiyoung didn’t even flinch, he had been on your father’s side of the table countless times before at his old job. He wasn’t easily intimidated. “You couldn’t have done anything to protect my daughter, because you thought it a good a idea to leave your fucking gun!”
You had explained it had been your idea the moment the rest of the security team realized Hwiyoung was unarmed. You didn’t want a gun around children, this wasn’t supposed to happen and Hwiyoung didn’t have to take the blame for anything. 
But everyone refused to listen to you. 
“I should fire you right now!” another hit on the table, “You can’t even do your job right!”
Hwiyoung remained silent. He had given his version too, saying you were absolutely right about not wanting a weapon in the orphanage and added that he had a pocket knife anyway, but it didn’t matter. According to everyone you could have gotten killed and he was useless. 
“Get out of my sight,” your father finally lowered his voice, “I don’t have time to deal with you right now. But don’t get too comfortable, you might still be out of here by tomorrow.”
Hwiyoung nodded calmly, yet as he kept his hands inside his pockets, they turned into fists. 
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
HWIYOUNG TOOK THE hit directly to the jaw, his bare back hitting the dirt with a thud. One side of the crowd cheered while the other half booed, a few voices louder than the rest encouraged him to get up. They had bet a lot of money on him, and he was letting them down. 
Spitting blood to the dirt, he got up. The guy, his nickname was ‘Brick’ or something like that, was already smiling in triumph. Hwiyoung inhaled sharply, shaking the remnants of his dizziness.
What did it matter if it looked like he’d taken a beating at this point? Mr. y/ln had said he could still be out of the house by the next morning. Which brought him back to the exact place he’d tried to escape in the past months: rock bottom. 
No job.
He took a hit to the ribs, not without sinking his own fist in Brick’s stomach’s tender flesh. 
No girlfriend.
He wasn’t an idiot, he knew money wouldn’t bring Iseul back. But the day he went to see her, when he needed to be reminded that Iseul was completely different from you, that he dealt with you to get back on his feet. To show Iseul he was coming back from whatever dark place he’d fallen and they could rebuild what was between them. 
Hwiyoung never thought that it wouldn’t be Iseul who opened the apartment that they used to share, but an incredibly tall guy who stood there awkwardly as he looked at Hwiyoung in his work suit before Iseul came to the door and told Hwiyoung they couldn’t talk, not right then and apparently, not ever again.
Sweat dripped from his temple and covered the rest of his body by then. What did anything matter anymore? He slid away from the guy’s grip, turning around in the same fluid movement ready to meet him when he came back, his leg meeting Brick’s middle once again. 
The crowd cheered for Hwiyoung again when he elbowed the guy in the back and booed when he got brought to the ground again as Brick hugged his legs, and he kicked and kicked, finally making contact with his knee onto this night’s enemy’s nose with a gruesome crack. 
“You’re done!” The poor excuse of a referee this place had helped Brick up, blood, snot and tears already staining the rest of his face and down his bare chest.
Hwiyoung spat again, cracking his neck once he was back on his feet. His left eye was already swelling and he was sure the thing running down his temple wasn’t just sweat. But he’d won, he could afford a new week on Chani’s couch. 
“I need my money,” he said, throwing his shirt on.
The guy, still attending to Brick’s broken nose, threw him a bunch of bills tied together by a rubber band. “You should go missing again if you’re going to play like this,” he spat. 
Hwiyoung snorted. He wasn’t even the dirtiest player in the ring. “Or he should learn not to celebrate beforehand,” and anyway, he’d brought Hwiyoung to the ground dirty. Not that there were many rules in this fighting ring anyway.
“Get out of here,” the referee growled. It wasn’t just Hwiyoung that made him furious, he had to pay all of those who’d bet on him too.
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YOU RAN OUT of the house as soon as you saw the lights on Hwiyoung’s guest house on. Although you were curious about where the hell he’d been all evening after the argument with your father, what was driving you to meet him was paying off your debt. And letting him know your father was not going to fire him, you had talked him down a few hours before, when he finally decided to listen to reason.
“I am telling you, dad,” you said, arms crossed above your chest. “It was not his fault. I did not want a gun around children, and I stand by it. When I go back to the orphanage he will be unarmed again.”
“You could have been seriously hurt,” your father didn’t raise his voice the way he’d done with Hwiyoung. Instead, he sounded exhausted. “And he wouldn’t have been able to do anything in case whoever did that to your car…”
“Dad, you didn’t hire him just because he could fire a gun, did you?”
To be honest, you had absolutely no idea what Hwiyoung used to do before he took this job. However, you knew your dad had seen something in him and whatever qualifications he had to hire him to take care of you, his precious daughter. 
“No but—”
“It would be unfair if you fired him, I’m just saying.”
“He cannot put you in danger again—”
“No one could have known what was going to happen, please dad. I believe I need him now, okay? I will stop complaining about having a bodyguard if Hwiyoung can keep his job.” you were surprised by your own words, but you felt guilty about getting him fired when a big part of the trouble had been caused by your coercing. 
Plus, what if the next bodyguard your father got you hated you more than Hwiyoung? You couldn’t go through the whole issue again. You had reached a certain level of understanding with Hwiyoung, you would rather keep it that way.
“Fine. But this is the last time.” your father agreed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
You knocked on Hwiyoung’s door twice. Tapping your door against the entryway as you heard shuffling inside. 
“What?” Hwiyoung opened the door, clearly expecting someone else.
“What the hell happened to you?” you gasped, pushing the door open before he could shut it on your face.
“Are you here to tell me I’m fired?” Hwiyoung asked, his gaze following you as you made your way to the small bathroom. Probably checking he hadn’t left bloodstains that wouldn’t come off.
“Shut up,” you said, opening the bathroom cabinet. “Who did that to you?”
“Myself,” Hwiyoung held the door open, “You know, firing someone doesn’t usually take long. You can get started now.”
“You’re not fired,” you scoffed, grabbing bandages and antiseptic, both packaged unopened. “Yet.”
Hwiyoung tried to smile with irony, but winced. “You know, I was about to go to bed so it would be great if—”
“Sit down Hwiyoung,” you said, getting out of the bathroom. “You’re going to get an infection or something. Where the hell were you?”
“I can do this myself,” he said, still standing by the doorway. “I do not need you to play nurse.”
“Were you going to do it?” you raised an eyebrow at him, “You would have started by now.”
“I can do it now.”
“You know what? I’d like to play nurse and fire you at the same time. Humor me.” you pointed at the kitchen chairs and Hwiyoung finally shut the door. It was clear you weren’t leaving.
“Who taught you to fight?” you kicked his leg softly, standing between them as he spread on the chair reluctantly. 
Hwiyoung snorted, regretting it immediately as you dabbed a cotton ball against the cut on his forehead. “Are you seeing me? What makes you think I can fight?”
Dropping the cotton ball, you grabbed his hand. There was dried blood on his knuckles, indication that he’d gotten at least a few punches in.
“Lucky strikes,” he muttered, in a slight mocking tone. “We all have them.”
“Oh, so we should tell the police you got assaulted then?”
Hwiyoung took his hand back, like you’d burnt him. “No.”
“I have a feeling the other guy ended up worse, didn’t he?” you pointed at the knee of his pants, where Brick’s blood had dried up. “So you know how to fight.”
Hwiyoung rolled his eyes. “And?”
“And you’re going to teach me,” you moved on to clean the trail of blood from the corner of his mouth to his jaw. 
This time, Hwiyoung laughed audibly, grabbing his ribs when pain shot through them. 
“I’m not joking,” you poked his swollen cheekbone and he winced. “After today it’s clear I’m in danger. You’re keeping your job and this proves even more useful,”
“Seriously?” he questioned, although he wasn’t sure if he meant that he was keeping his job or that you really wanted to learn how to throw punches. 
“You cannot go back to wherever you did this,” you warned, shaking your head. “Do you understand?”
“What makes you think I’ll accept to stay?” 
You had walked away, opening the small fridge to try and find something he could put on his closing eye. “Because you still need the money, don’t you?”
Hwiyoung bit his tongue as you returned with a frozen package of vegetables he’d never gotten around to cook.
“Yes or no, simple question,” you said like you’d done hours prior. 
“Then it’s settled. Put this on and tomorrow, when everyone notices you look like shit, say you broke up a bar fight.”
“Of course, boss,” the fact that you helped him didn’t mean he’d lose his sarcasm. 
You looked at the mess around the kitchen and shook your head. He could at least clean up after you had patched him. 
“And take a shower, you stink.” you conveyed, scowling.
Hwiyoung watched you leave, holding the vegetables against his face. He didn’t notice the money you left on the kitchen table until the next morning, inside a white envelope with his name on it in your handwriting.
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iluvcvnnie · 3 years
warnings: kissing, modern au, nsfw, suggestive, smut, degredation
dni if under 16
pairing: L lawliet x fem!reader
a/n: i need to get better at placing specific warnings
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just thinking about...
dilf!L finally coming home from a long day in the office due to a case he was working on all by himself.
dilf!L has jet black hair with a few gray streaks growing in due to stress and age.
dilf!L is fairly quiet once he enters the house not wanting to disturb you or the kids. he just wants to drink a warm cup of coffee and eat anything he can find in the fridge. it’s either you or watari who brings him his lunch. but he gave watari the day off and you were too busy tending to the kids.
dilf!L notices you cooking in the kitchen once he sets his laptop and brief case down on the table. you were wearing a light blue laced night gown that barely reached your knees. he watched as your ass swayed back and forth to music you had playing on the radio. the radio was a wedding gift given to the both of you by a dear friend.
dilf!L shook his head and grinned while he walked towards the kitchen. “ahem” you quickly turned around raising the spatula up in your hand to use as a weapon. “woah woah woah baby it’s me.” as soon as you realized it was L you deadpanned him for scaring you like that. “you know i get scared easily why would you do that?” you turn around pretending to ignore him while continue making dinner.
dilf!L comes out from behind you to wrap his arms around your waist while he places his face in the crook of your neck. “i’m sorryyy i was jus playing.” his voice was muffled as he spoke into your neck but you understood him. “yeah just don’t pull that shit again. “mhmm” he began placing soft delicate kisses on your neck while you turned the burners down on the oven. “L- in the ahh kitchen? L ignored your question and began moving his hands down to your plush ass and thighs. “fuck- baby you look so good right now.” your head fell backwards onto L’s neck with your mouth agape. his hands began to grope your ass while removing the thing strap of your gown. before he could go any further the timer for the food made a loud ringing noise. your kids came rushing out. you both quickly got off of each other and fixed each other up.
dilf!L gets trampled over by your five and three year old kids once they notice him standing in the kitchen. they hug him so tight he could looked like he could barely breath. he had a straight face the hold time making you chuckle. he loves his you and his kids more than anything in the world. at first it took him some time to adjust with the children. he thought his oldest one hated him when he was born. L rarely smiled and barely cracked jokes, but you being his helper taught him how to be great with kids. he was a natural at being a father. matsuda and watari were surprised when they found out that L was gonna be a dad but they were so happy for the both of you. they knew that you were the the one for him and that your kids made his kids made his life even better.
dilf!L who is forever grateful for you leading him out of that dark tunnel his job can create for him. you have always stuck by him bringing him comfort, making him happy, and you too always being there for each other.
dilf!L thanks you for the food you prepared for him then going to the dining room to eat. you send your kids back to bed since they ate dinner hours ago and it was way past their bed time. you watch L gobble down all his food which makes you grin big. you watch as he licks his lips seductively making them plump. “oh i just wish i  a had a little bit of dessert to go with this nice cup of coffee. you being as clueless as ever get up to go fetch him some cake you had made earlier.
dilf!L uses his strong hands to stop you by lightly grabbing your arm. he comes up close to your ear and whispers, “baby i was referring to you.” “oh.”
dilf!L leads you to the bedroom and then shuts the door. he crashes his lips into yours while fondling your ass. you moan into his mouth making his cock even harder than before. his tongue explores your mouth after you give him access to enter. you lightly tug on his bottom lip while he lifts you up and sets you down onto the bed. he breaks apart the kiss causing you to wimper. he slowly lifts your shirt up revealing your breasts. he latches his mouth onto your nipple while squeezing the other one. “oh fuck.” he loves hearing your pretty little moans. you can feel his hard clothed length on your entrance. “ryuzaki ahh jus fuck me already!” “oh...ryuzaki hmm.” L moves his hand up and down his cock to prepare himself for when he enters inside you. he then places his finger on your cloth area to see how wet you are. “fuck you’re always so soaked for me.” he hasn’t even fucked you yet and your already dumb not able to form a response. then he inserts his cock inside of you rocking back and forth. he watches as your pretty tits bounce up and down. “you feel s’ good.” his hand squeezing your ass as L pounds into roughly.” “i think m’ gonna cum.” L nods his head signaling that he is gonna cum too.” then a hot liquid releases from the booth of you. you are both so out of breath. hair all messed up and so exhausted. once L is out of you he helps you sit up on the bed.
dilf!L places kisses all over your face while walking you to the shower to clean off. you both use the bathroom first before getting into the shower. after cleaning up L helps you get into the bed due to you being extremely sore. “do you wanna massage, anything to drink? just lemme know what you need? “i’m fine baby let’s just head to sleep.
dilf!L who spoons you wrapping his arms around your body while you both peacefully go to sleep.
542 notes · View notes
seulgiology · 4 years
still with you ┃jeon jungkook
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pairings: idol!jungkook x non-idol!reader
words: 2.6k
genre: fluff :)
synopsis: you miss jungkook while he’s away on tour, but he reminds you that he is still with you no matter what. 
warnings: cute shit ahead, angst if you squint, might make you smile.
a/n: ahhh omg admin 2 is here to save the day. june has been a really shitty month for us when it comes to giving you guys some fics and we’re sorryyy. butttt here is some jk fluff inspired by his song still with you, bc omg it is so good and i listen to it like all the time lmao. when i listened to it, i got inspired to write a little oneshot ahaha. okay this is getting long lmao, love you all <3.
disclaimer: This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
The low music playing is what motivates you to get out of bed. You walk over to the vinyl player in your room to turn it off and when you do, you slump against the dresser with a tired sigh and rub your eyes. 
You can’t sleep.
That was the conclusion you came to after trying to fall asleep but failing, and here you are thirty minutes later. You had eaten dinner, took a hot shower, and even played a vinyl to help you sleep but even that rendered useless. You knew the cause of your restlessness was because your boyfriend wasn’t home and was overseas on tour still. 
It was a hard transition at first, getting used to your boyfriend being out of the country for tours. Some would think that after years of being together, you would’ve gotten used to it but they don’t understand how had it is. Since you’re already used to Jungkook being apart of your everyday life, it is hard when suddenly he’s gone for sometimes months. 
Even though at times you would fly out to wherever he was to attend a concert or see him. There are video calls whenever you two can and texting every day when he’s not busy. But, there was nothing like being in his presence. At times it was hard for you to fall asleep because he wasn’t there and you felt pathetic for needing him this much but you couldn’t help it.
You leave the room, the sound of your slippers being the only thing heard through the quiet house. You walk down the stairs and make your way to the kitchen, hoping some tea will help you relax some more. You fill the tea kettle with water before placing it on the stove and while you wait, you go back to your room to get your phone.
When unplugging it from the charger on your nightstand, you see two new messages from Jungkook from three minutes ago and you instinctively smile, unlocking your phone to see what he said. 
jk <3: hey baby, we just got done performing and im exhausted but happy.
jk <3: i know you’re probably sleeping but i love you and we will call when you wake up, sweet dreams baby.
A sad smile falls across your lips when reading the messages and you call him without thinking twice about it. You sit at the end of your bed and wait for him to answer the facetime call. He said he was exhausted and it was only five minutes ago so he shouldn’t be sleeping yet.
When he answers, your breath hitches at the beautiful sight of him. He’s smiling wide at the camera ad pushes some hair away from his eyes delicately. “Y/N, hey!” Jungkook is practically shouting and you hear the boys in the back yelling their greeting to you as well and you can’t help but smile.
“Hi,” you greet back in a small voice and Jungkook doesn’t seem to notice how off you sound. You watch as he bustles around and then finally sits down, where there isn’t as much noise being heard. “I didn’t know you were still at the stadium, do you want to call when you get back to the hotel?” You suggest and Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow a bit at the tone of your voice. It sounded a bit shaky and he just knew something was wrong.
“No, no it’s fine we’re not leaving for another twenty minutes. Plus, I’m riding with Jimin so I have to wait until he’s ready,” Jungkook assures with a wave of his hand and pushes some hair out of his face again, causing you to smile again. “I thought you were sleeping though. Why are you still up?” 
“I couldn’t sleep,” you admit sheepishly. You watch as Jungkook’s smile falls from his face and immediate worry crosses his features. “Ah, don’t worry Kook-ah, I just have trouble sleeping without you sometimes but I get over it.”
“Y/N…” Jungkook trails off sadly. Your eyes widen when you realize he started to worry anyways but before you could speak, he’s talking again. “We talked about this, yeah? Whenever you can’t sleep just call me, you know I’m not busy when you’re heading to sleep anyways. I always make time for you regardless,” he reminds you in a soft voice and the emotion that crashes into you makes you look down because your eyes started to tear up. 
“I know, I just don’t want you to worry about me. I should have been gotten used to this,” you whisper more to yourself, feeling even more upset. “I’m sorry,” You whisper, tears close to falling and emotion thick in your voice. 
“Y/N, hey, baby don’t cry,” Jungkook says in his soothing voice but you keep your head down, refusing to look at him. “I’m going to worry about you whenever I’m not by your side, that’s a given and that’s nothing you should be apologizing for. Don’t apologize for missing me, okay? Because I miss you too- so much,” Jungkook admits calmly and you can’t help but break down into tears. 
Jungkook is glad he has his headphones with him because he wouldn’t want the boys to hear you crying, it hurting him just not being there to hold you. He knew you took it hard whenever he had to leave and it made him feel bad sometimes but he knew you understood. 
“I don’t even know why I’m crying,” you say through your sobs, and Jungkook smiles sadly at you. You finally raise your face to wipe at some tears and Jungkook stays silent, waiting for you to speak. 
“I think it’s the time we been apart, you know? This is the longest we’ve been apart and it hasn’t even been two months yet,” you laugh is painful to hear because he knows it isn’t one of humor. Your chest felt like it was caving in the more you speak and as you look at Jungkook, your heart aches knowing you can’t touch him or hear him in person. “I just really miss you,” you whisper finally.
“I know and I miss you too,” Jungkook whispers back and feels himself tearing up as well, always having been a bit more open with his feelings when it came to you. “Just another week, okay? And if you’re still up when I get to the hotel, I’ll sing you to sleep.”
“Really?” you ask in a hopeful voice and Jungkook grins at your eyes brightening a bit. He nods with a hum and you smile the tiniest but it’s enough for him. 
“I love you,” he reminds you and your heart does that little skip it always does when he tells you he loves you. “I love you too, Jungkook,” you say back, the smile he gives in return enough to make you smile wider. 
You two hang up shortly after and you shuffle back down the stairs with a heavy heart. You felt a bit better but you were still missing Jungkook. You were going to have to get used to this so this wouldn’t be a problem for him for future reference.
You turn the stove off once downstairs and push the kettle to the back because you weren’t in the mood for tea anymore. When you get back upstairs, you just lay in bed and scroll through twitter, watching little moments and fancams from the concert earlier and pride swells through you at how good Jungkook is and has gotten throughout the years.
In fifteen minutes, your phone is ringing again and Jungkook is singing you to sleep. And that night you get the best sleep you’ve gotten since he has been gone.
It was two days later and you were coming home from dinner with some friends of yours. You had stopped by the store on the way home to grab some snacks because you were running low. You close the door behind you after and kick your shoes off by the door, trading them for your house slippers. 
You flip on the light and shuffle to the kitchen, turning that light on as well. It took you a few minutes to put the snacks away and after that, you got yourself a bottle of water from the fridge. As you walk upstairs, you text Jungkook letting him know you got home from dinner and you were going to watch a movie in a few.
When you get to the bedroom, you flip the light on and start to take off your clothes. You walk in you and Jungkook’s closet and turn to his side of the closet, picking out a pair of his sweats for yourself. Just as your finishing up, the doorbell is ringing.
You pull your hair out of Jungkook’s hoodie with a confused frown, wondering who could be at the door. You jog down the stairs while running a hand through your hair cause of how messy it looked after pulling on your boyfriend’s hoodie.
You open the door without thinking and who you see standing there knocks the breath out of you. You blink a few times to try to see if your vision is blurry but he is still standing there. Holding his camera bag and a suitcase by his feet, smiling shyly at you. 
“Surprise?” Jungkook says in more of a question and your mouth opens, then shuts. You can’t speak because you’re feeling so much right now. The feeling of relief and happiness is spreading through you so fast it is becoming overwhelming. You open your mouth to speak again but quickly shut it when realizing you don’t know what to say.
Instead of speaking, you do the first thing that comes to mind. You take two steps towards him and wrap your arms around his middle, gently laying your head down on his chest and closing your eyes. Jungkook smiles from above you before hugging you back, kissing your forehead softly and swaying you two gently back and forth.
The two of you stay like that for what feels like forever before Jungkook pulls away, grabbing gently at your shoulders so he can see your face. A smile finds its way onto your face as Jungkook is already smiling down at you, tucking strands of your hair behind your left ear. 
“Hi,” you finally greet and Jungkook can’t help but laugh in relief, swooping down and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. You’re caught off guard but kiss him back anyways, squeezing your eyes shut tightly. 
It’s a short but sweet kiss and you’re the one pulling away from it this time. You smack your lips together and smooth your hands up his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck. Jungkook is looking down at you so sweetly, your heart is starting to hurt. 
“Let’s get inside,” you suggest, and Jungkook nods, gathering his stuff and walking into the house after you. “Have you eaten?” you ask after locking the door, while Jungkook takes his shoes off. 
“No, I’m more tired than hungry,” Jungkook tells you while ruffling his fluffy hair. It makes you smile just knowing he is here with you again and a few days before he was supposed to be home anyways. Jungkook looks at you when noticing your silence and raises an eyebrow. This is when he really takes the time to realize what you’re wearing. “Are those my sweats?” he asks, amusement laced in his tone and you quickly heat up, arms wrapping around yourself.
“No!” you’re quick to say but Jungkook is already hugging you again, muttering about how cute you are. You shove him away slightly, grumbling under your breath and pulling the hood over your head. Jungkook kisses your forehead before grabbing his things and shuffling up the stairs.
“Come back down when you’re done!” you shout up after him and he makes a noise of agreement back. You walk to the kitchen and take out a bottle of water, sitting at the island and going to take your phone out of your pocket when realizing you left it upstairs. You stand up and make a move to go get it until your eyes catch sight of your backyard.
You walk towards the sliding doors and slide it open, stepping out into the clear night. There was a gentle breeze passing through the warm summer air and you pocket your hands in the pockets of the sweatpants that are way too big on you.
It was the stars that caught your attention from inside the kitchen. The way they were sparkling and glistening so brightly in the sky made you smile, and admire them. You weren’t sure how long you were standing there but when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind you, you blinked out of your trance. 
“What are you doing out here?” Jungkook whispers against your neck, pressing a light kiss there which sends shivers down your spine. 
“The stars are beautiful,” you respond in a soft voice, and Jungkook hums. His chin rests on your shoulder and your hands lay over his. It’s a beautiful night and the breeze knocks Jungkook’s heavenly smell into you. Leaning back into his chest, Jungkook kisses both of your cheeks.
He then grabs at your waist gently and turns you around in his hold so he can see your face. You notice his change of clothes and any makeup that was left on his face is now off. Jungkook sways the two of you again but you take it upon yourself to start moving. 
The two of you dance around your backyard with happy smiles on your faces and at one point Jungkook starts to sing. It’s soft and low but it’s enough, it’s enough for your eyes to tear up and for you to lean up and kiss him hard. The dancing slows but doesn’t stop as the kiss picks up, passionate, and filled with so many unspoken promises. You grip at his shoulders and he squeezes your hips, pulling you closer to him. 
When the rain starts to pour, neither of you move. You hold onto each other tightly and Jungkook moves his head back, breaking the kiss. It’s a happy laugh that sounds through the air and your tears spill over when noticing he’s crying, even though the rain. 
“I missed you,” Jungkook admits, his voice shaky and your heart fills. “And I love you, so much Y/N, I will never leave you, okay? It’s always me and you, forever. I’m still with you.”
His words echo in your head beautifully. His teary eyes look at you which such fondness and with so much love, you know he is being honest with you. You’re not sure where this is coming from but you don’t hesitate to kiss him again, but this time slower. You two move together perfectly and your trembling lips make you pull apart. 
“I love you, Jungkook,” you say to him and Jungkook bites his trembling lip to keep from crying. The rain is starting to pour harder but neither of you care. “Always,” you assure with a small smile. The volume of your voice was a bit loud due to the heaviness of the rain but Jungkook heard you loud and clear. 
After the heartfelt moment outside, you two scurry back inside and rid of your clothes immediately, dropping it at the laundry room and as you’re drying your hair, Jungkook speaks.
“You know we just kissed in the rain right?”
“And there goes the moment.”
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weworenana · 3 years
New Way
Pairing: best friend!Haechan x best friend!reader
General Idea: confession!au, best friends-to-lovers!au
Genre: fluff
Warnings: VERY light cursing, cringy at some point?
Wordcount: 1,003 words
Release Date: March 22, 2021
- Unbelievable. She's seriously taking so long to get here.. Geez. - Haechan sighed loudly, slightly concerned why his friend wasn't there yet.
She was never late for their sleepovers, so what now? Did she change her mind? He couldn't take his mind off it, so he quickly dialed her number.
To his surprise, no one picked up.
- What's with her? She's not even gonna pick up my call? - Haechan sat down on the couch as he grabbed a slice of Pepperoni pizza and took a bite, trying to calm himself down and find a reason to explain y/n's behaviour.
Suddenly, he heard a loud knock on the door. He got up from his seat as fast as possible and rushed to open the door. y/n was standing there, panting loudly with drops of sweat running down her forehead.
- Are you a dog? - Haechan complained as he examined her face clearly, acting annoyed but still worried about her. - Why are you so late?
- More like I was chased BY a dog. Can I come in? - y/n replied as she took a few deep breaths in and out.
- No, until you tell me why you are late. - Haechan said, crossing his arms on his chest as he stood, leaning on the door frame, and waited for y/n's response.
- Ehh.. Just let me in. - y/n answered as she ran past Haechan inside his house. He just rolled his eyes, giggling lightly. She was cute, he couldn't deny it, but nothing was going to change his annoyed state.
Or what should I call it? Disappointment? In the end, no one would expect the rbest friend to dump them at the last minute without any explanation.
- So... I'm still waiting.
- You know.. I'm sorry. I totally forgot but I had to help my mum with cleaning today. - Haechan just looked at her blankly. Nope, he was not having it. - I swear to God. I really forgot.
She kept repeating those words for the next 10 minutes, but Haechan didn't even bother to look at her. He's waited for a whole week for this sleepover.
It wasn't anything special you may think, but for him, it was the eagerly-awaited moment. They always spent their time like that - together - on his couch, in his house, watching films and talking.
He loved those sleepovers, more than he loved to play games, and that was saying something. Also, this time was meant to be different.
And he wanted to make sure everything was perfect, but y/n coming over so late kinda made him confused. Maybe it was a sign he shouldn't be doing that? No, it couldn't be. He didn't believe in that crap. He wanted to confess so he would, nothing and no one was going to stop him.
- Donghyuck-ah... C'mon. Don't be angry, I said I'm sorryyy. - y/n repeated again as she scooted closer to her friend and put her head on his shoulder. - I really had to help my mum. Will you forgive me? I promise I won't be late again.
Suddenly, Haechan laughed, turning around to her. He stopped being angry a long time ago. He wasn't a little kid after all, he should know when to be serious. Especially, at THAT moment, his moment of confession.
- You little-
- Okay, just shut up already. Come here. - Haechan said as he pulled y/n into his chest, wrapping one of his arms around her torso and turning on the TV.
She just smiled. He really was an annoying guy, but his warmth and affection always made her feel better. It made her feel safe and happy.
He was definitely named full sun for a reason.
"I've never been happier since I met you. You are like my light in the darkness, leading me right through it."
- Woah, it's so cringy. It's giving me shivers.. - y/n said with a disgusted face as Haechan chuckled at her cuteness. Actually, what he was about to say was going to be way more cringy.
"I can't seem to get away from you, even if I want to. I can't-"
- Seem to let you go because you're the most important thing that happened to me. I wish we could be something more than we are now. Something new, but also old. I promise nothing will change, but we'll just get on this new path together. So, y/n will you agree and be my girl? - Haechan finished as he stared deeply into her eyes.
She was speechless. When did he prepare this? How did he even think of that? Wasn't it supposed to be a normal sleepover? What does she say now?
- Haechan.. I.. I don't-
- y/n, I know you might feel confused and unsure of all of this, but I'm being serious. I have been in love with you since I can remember, and it's not going to pass just because. I love you and want you to be an even bigger part of my life.
Suddenly, she got up, making him gasp. He felt it. It was over. Their friendship, everything they had. Why was he so stupid to keep going along with his plan? He could-
- I love you too, Hyuck. And.. I'll gladly be yours. - y/n said, making his thoughts halt.
Nope, he definitely didn't expect that answer. He thought the worst, while she simply accepted his entire confession. Maybe, his worries weren't even worth it.
As soon as he heard her answer, he grabbed her hand, pulling her back onto the couch and wrapping his arms around her.
- So you're mine now. - Haechan said, bringing her back to lean against his chest. She just nodded, smiling widely.
His heart felt so warm now. She, in his arms, laying comfortably, watching another movie. Everything seemed old as if nothing changed.
But they both knew they created a new way in their lives; a way that connected both of their different paths into one ground-breaking thing, which was meant to last forever.
All Rights Reserved. Please DO NOT copy my work.
Disclaimer: It's a work of pure fiction. None of the events are real.
Requests for OT7 Dreamies are OPENED.
(DM me to request anything)
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babykatsu · 4 years
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PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
RATING: sfw ☁️
GENRE: angst, fluff if you squint
WARNINGS:honestly just kinda sad,no sexual acts, aged up, unrequited love.
⤷ SYNOPSIS: time heals but not in your case. of course it didn’t heal anything. As days passed, it turned to weeks and months and eventually years of you burying down your feelings for katsuki. but nothing could erase the compassion you held for him... maybe after years of bottling up everything, it was time to speak out.
I SPELT IT WRONG IN THE TITLE SORRYYY🥺i’m just going to say sorry in advance for this fic😅😅 i just felt angsts and wrote up something in an hour so here you goooo. pls don’t read if you want something fluffy🥺
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‘la douleur exquise
(n.) the heart wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable.’
your eyes scanned the magazine, eyes gently falling onto the ‘word of the day’ section. The irony in the chosen word bringing the all to familiar sting in your heart to burst. After years of distancing yourself and trying to move on, your stupid feelings for the boy never went away. Even when you tried to sit down and do one thing to distract your mind from the male who swirled never endlessly in your mind, of course something would bring the memory of him back.
It sucked. No matter where you looked, he was there. Not physically of course, but symbolically.
You want to go out and eat? suddenly you over hear someone ordering the spiciest dish on the menu. You want to listen to music? the song is about unrequited love. You want to go out for a hike? you get stupid mountain climbing leaflets bombarding your vision. HELL, you want to literally just breathe and his scent surrounds you.There’s no escape.
In frustration, you shut the magazine that rested atop your kitchen counter and ignored its existence. This must be some cruel joke. It’s not fair. Maybe it’s selfish to think that way but it’s hard to not wish things were different. Out of all the people in the world it had to be you, stuck with feelings that never faded no matter your countless attempts to rid yourself or them. Fate was really having a laugh, shoving stupid relations of bakugou your way. From his hobbies and interests to his heroic work to flood your social media timeline. It had to be a cruel joke. But unfortunately it wasn’t. This was your reality.
You deeply inhaled as you restated your head in your palms, your elbows on the counter as you dangled your feet from the chair you sat in. You usually refused to let your mind wonder like this, torturing itself with the thought of him, the man you desired most in the world. But today was different, you let the reminiscing come and go as it pleased, taking every smooth emotion blow that came with.
Your thought of your time at u.a, the simpler times. The memory of when you and bakugou had hung out alone for the first time, taking a stroll in some park you didn’t remember the name of. But you remembered one thing for certain, that day you fucked everything up for yourself and fell for the glistening look in his vermillion eyes. you saw a side of him you never even thought existed. Selflessly, he gave you his jacket to you as he watched shivers roll down your body as the evenings cold grew deeper, he cracked a couple jokes and gently wrapped his arm around your shoulder.
It may have just been in a friendly way looking back on it now, but you didn’t know any better at the time. That’s when another thought surfaced.
Graduation day. The way you watched the boy you grew to love slowly fade as time withered away. You smiled and laughed along with the other students but you couldn’t help the glances you shot bakugous way, glances he never returned instead keeping his focus else where. You hadn’t seen him since then. The bittersweet memory of the last hug you two shared that afternoon before going your separate ways. No exchange in mumbers, confessions or the cliche kiss. none of it.
You fell for him when he gestured kindness your way, tricking yourself that the feeling was mutual.
Tears glossed your eyes, blurring your vision, the dim yellow lights in your kitchen scattering across your vision. It’s so pathetic to cry over a boy but you couldn’t help it. Words couldn’t describe the feelings you harboured for him. He was unattainable and you knew it. The countless times he’d reject other girls, constant mention of him not wanting relationships and the blatant friendzoning you received. The signs were all there. Only if you actually noticed it at the time, you wouldn’t be in this predicament now.
You’d do anything to have another chance with him. You couldn’t do anything in peace without the memory of him invading your space. You couldn’t have him, and that only made you want him more. He’s too far out of reach now.
Your tears soon rushed out, trickling down your flushed cheeks, softly splattering on the counter. In frustration you bunched your fists, slamming them down. This isn’t fucking fair. Why can’t this feeling just leave with him? why are you haunted with this draining emotional baggage?
Life isn’t fair...
Years of hoping he’d finally come around only to be left in the dark. Not that you blamed him, he didn’t know how you felt, or at least he avoided it. Another whole year of trying to drown out the feeling, completely unsuccessful. Maybe if you just confessed you’d get closure, maybe even a chance with him? You’re probably just feeding yourself false hope again but you can’t keep these emotions inside you any longer, it hurts too much.
You blinked the tears out your eyes, hoping they’d stop pouring out soon as you grabbed your phone. Twitter. It didn’t take long to find his profile.
Your eyes scanned his profile for a minute, admiring the cocky smirk that sprawled across his lips as he posed for a photo taken by Kirishima, kaminari in the background grinning at the camera. You couldn’t help but smile at the photo as well. You’re glad Katsuki is happy, but the selfish side of you wishes you were the cause for the smile on his face. Before you find something you’d regret seeing on his profile, your finger darts to direct message him. A nervous pit boiled at the bottom of your somach, nervous to shoot him a message. this is far too awkward. Your mouth ran dry as you stared at the glass screen.
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It all happened so fast. He was on the way to your apartment after a few other exchanges in text. Fuck. Impulsive emotional decision making is never ideal.
For a moment, you wonder if this will finally be your happily ever after, the one where you so desperately craved to soothe the burning feeling that tormented you. Maybe fate would finally do you a favour and give you a helping hand. Maybe, just maybe.
A loud set of knocks hit your front door. Your heart sank as your nerves kicked in. That was fast.
You wanted to stall for time and not open the door so quickly, maybe even calm down before you were greeted by him for the first time in forever. But there was no time, you promised you wouldn’t waste it.
Speeding to the door, you unlocked it and peered your head through. Knees instantly week as you felt faint at the site of him. Not because of his good looks or anything, but his presence felt so foreign to you now you couldn’t help but feel like this moment wasn’t real. Nervously, you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“want to come in?” you gestured towards the male as you opened the door wider.
You watched him, analysing his expressions, his stance, his clothes. He wore some loose black joggers, paired with the same coloured tank top and sneakers. The familiar jacket warming his body, the jacket he generously offered you time ago.
“no. just get it over and done with” He was most likely grumped than usual due to his lack of sleep.
you were nervous to begin, but you had to let this all out. finally. One last deep breath before you started talking. Suddenly, excitement flooded your system at the prospect of him feeling the same.
“Listen, i’m glad you came all the way here. Honestly. I just wanted to say that, i know it’s strange but i really like you Katsuki”
He cringed at the first name basis as you began your talk.
“I’ve liked you for a long time but i never had the guts to confess. I’m sorry, i know it’s been so long and you’ve probably forgetting everything by now. you know, us being friends and all-“
you wanted to continue talking, the confession bringing a strange soothing feeling to you. But your words were cut short by bakugou.
“Is that all you wanted to say?” his facial expression was unreadable.
“i’m not interested. never was. never will be y/n”
The sudden rejection hit you hard. The little bit of hope you had soon vanished. This wasn’t some fairytale, he wasn’t just magically going to fall for you after all this time. Your dreams were shattered, heart sore and empty as you felt yourself at a loss for words.
“i’m sorry. you deserve better” he spoke once more, his significantly larger hand resting on top of your shoulder.
“but you wasted my time”
you wanted to yell at him, speak maybe. just say anything but your words choked up in your throat. You wasted his time? does he know how much of your time you had wasted on him and you couldn’t even do anything about it. Maybe the rejection will set you free.
You watched as he pulled away, saying his goodbye before shutting the front door behind him. You couldn’t even cry now. he’s gone for good.
He still is unattainable. I guess you could say that the ‘word of the day’ really applied to you right now.
la douleur exquise.
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chipsfics · 3 years
part 6 2/2
2/2 is finally here! sorry for the long wait!
rated: PG-13 for swearing and crying.
Down in the basement. It's dark, musty, and everything is still covered in cobwebs. Once Tissues flicks on the light, the only thing that changes is the "dark". His brain is buzzing with activity- What could go there, what could he put here? So much wasted space in the hotel- and he was 99% sure that nobody else had been down here in a long time. He had to try and avoid being suspicious- But he'd already pretty much failed when Trophy caught him tiptoeing down the stairs to the basement at 7pm on a Wednesday. He went over to the covered-up couches and the chair surrounding the television set and small table- He carefully lifted up the sheets as if they were going to fall apart like wet paper towels. Underneath, the couch was the same dull orange-ish color as the rest of the hotel's furniture- probably a spare put down here. The furniture was suprisingly in pretty good shape, although the covers were kicking up a lot of dust that made his nose itch. He stifled a sneeze. The TV was tiny and old, but still a flatscreen- Looked like from when Meeple HQ was just dipping into television production. The small, outdated meeple logo on the power button confirmed his suspicions.
He picked up the cord attached to the back of the TV and plugged it into the small, dusty, offwhite outlet. Surprisingly, the TV almost immediately turned on with a loud startup jingle that just about made Tissues jump out of his skin. He walked over and looked at the screen, which had the old Meeple logo spinning on it's screen as it tried to boot up. Once it finally finished the startup sequence, the screen was on an empty DVD selection menu. "Hm." Tissues scratched his head as he continued to explore the area. What else could he fit in there? And more importantly, how would he get it down the stairs? 
Tissues sat down on the couch and a puff of dust fluffed out of the cushion. He sniffed... sniff... achoo-! Tissues sneezed. Tissues pulled out his phone and started to browse online for something to buy to fill the room- He had a little extra cash, because despite being eliminated first, he was still compensated for participating in II. That, and the lawsuit against Mephone that OJ pulled a while ago got him enough money to last for a long time. A minifridge, a new game console, a recliner... too many options! He wanted to make this basement space absolutely perfect. 
The more he thought about how hard it'd be to order all of this stuff and not have OJ- or god forbid, Trophy- notice what he was up to was leaving him puzzled as well. Maybe he needed to call in some backup... Or just do all these activities at night (although that'd be even sketchier if he got caught.) In a moment of frenzied impulse, Tissues loaded everything he was pining after into his online shopping cart and purchased them all at once. He turned off his phone and rocked back into the couch, processing what he'd just done. It was a bad idea, he knew that, but something about it was so thrilling. His heart was pounding- It was like he was making the hotel into his home, cozy underneath the earth, exciting and secret and all his. He was giddy.
After that brief moment of happiness, Tissues paused as he realized something. Oops. How was he going to pull this off? He scratched his chin, and another lightbulb went off above his head. To find someone to help him... He went back up the stairs, clinging to the handrail as he tried not to look backwards- He /has/ to find a way to get up the stairs without having to scale them. Yinyang was, of course, busy that day (with some kind of... event? He didn't say), so his only option was... sigh.
Cheesy was in his usual spot- loudly unwrapping and eating fun sized candy bars on the couch, throwing the candy wrappers on the floor after he's done with them. Tissues waved to get his attention. 
"Hey Tissues, what's up?" Cheesy said, and looked around. "Where's your boyfriend?"
"He's not my-" Tissues sighed. "And he's doing something today. Listen, Cheesy, would you be willing to help me with something?"
Cheesy narrowed his eyes. "Like what?" 
"Something... against the house rules," Tissues said. "It involves snacks! And TV," 
"I'm interested," Cheesy said. "I'm always down to cause some trouble. What exactly are we talking about here?"
"So." Tissues looked around. "There's a place in the basement that's completely unused, and already has chairs and a couch and stuff, and i'm planning to fix it up into a kind of secret hangout spot?"
"Hmmm, interesting..." Cheesy nodded. "Sounds fun! But how're you gonna pull that off?"
"That's what I need you for," Tissues said. "I ordered a minifridge, some video games, and a couple other things that i absolutely can't carry down the stairs myself- That's where you come in." 
Cheesy looked deep in thought for a couple seconds. "I'm in. But you have to let me hang out down there too," 
"Of course! Just don't tell anyone, ok? Especially OJ." Tissues said.
"No problemo, Tissues." Cheesy said, winking. "Until then, do you wanna play Space Bubble with me? I need a player 2 to complete this level." 
"Seriously?" Tissues said. "You wanna play video games with me?"
"Sure, whynot. It's not a huge deal," Cheesy said. "You seem like a cool guy."
"Ah, really? sorry, ehehe, It's just that, people don't usually want to be around me... on purpose," Tissues said bashfully, smiling, and grabbed the second controller. In his head, he was wondering when Yinyang was getting back. This game would be really fun with 3 players...
The next morning, Yinyang was still nowhere to be found. It'd been like this a couple times before, and Tissues wasn't too worried- They were probably just sleeping in or taking an extra long shower or something. He figured he'd be able to catch up with him later. Although, the thought lingered in the back of his mind- something was wrong. Was it him? Did something bad happen to his friend? He pulled himself out of bed all at once, stumbling a bit and catching himself before he fell, sniffing and sighing. Down the elevator, no Yinyang. Into the kitchen, no Yinyang. Past the living room, Trophy was sitting in Yinyang's usual spot. Trophy sneered at him, but Tissues was too busy with too much on his mind to really care. 
Tissues took a deep breath. Into the basement. It'll clear his head. Stairs, step, step, stumble- whoops, back on his feet and step, step step again. Flick on the lightswitch. Vision blurs a little bit. Stress or vertigo? Doesn't matter.
Someone was sitting on the old couch, twiddling his thumbs, looking upset. 
"Yinyang?" Tissues said, and he jolted up and looked.
"Tissues," He said, his voice was shaky. 
"What- uhh, What're you doing down here?" Tissues said, sounding concerned, walking over and sitting next to his friend. "Are you... alright?"
"Umm.." Yinyang shifted in his seat, getting more choked up. "I... well."
"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Tissues put his hand on Yinyang's, and he immediately melted into the gesture. "D-do you need a hug?" Tissues smiled sheepishly.
Yinyang wordlessly nodded and pulled Tissues closer into a soft embrace. He was shaking really bad. Clenching and unclenching his fists, gritting his teeth. Tissues pat him on the back. "Is there anything I can do to help..?"
Yinyang didn't respond. He was crying. They stayed in that hug for a long time before Yinyang stopped shaking.
Tissues pulled away, his eyes sparkling with sympathy. He pulled a tissue out from his head and handed it to Yinyang. "Here you- sniff.. go, buddy. Please feel better... It hurts my heart to see you cry." 
Yinyang laughed. "You..." He sniffed, smiled, and wiped his face off. "Have to stop being so kind to me. I'll just end up disappointing you, or hurting you," 
"Wh.... no way..!" Tissues' eyes widened.. "I think- I... you're the only real friend I've ever had..! I love you and- and I really do care about you!" Tissues was getting choked up..
Yinyang laughed again, tears rolling down his face. "Dammit... this is what I'm talking about." Yinyang sniffed. "You're the only one who's ever cared about me, and it hurts- it hurts because I know that I won't ever be able to let you go." Something about Yinyang's voice was so sad. 
"Stopp it- sniff, you're gonna make me cry too..!" Tissues wiped his nose, and paused for a moment... "and... sniff... You're gonna have to try really hard to get rid of me. I'm already imprinted on you like a baby duck you know like in the cartoons where-"
"Tissues, what the hell are you even talking about-?" Yinyang laughed. "You nerd...!" He punched Tissues on the shoulder. 
"Aahhh, ahaha, oww.." Tissues smiled. There was a moment of silence. "Are you feeling any better... do you need to talk about anything else, i mean..?" 
"ah.... Tissues." Yinyang sighed. "I'm so scared of scaring you away. But... there's something I need to tell you... I. How do I say this..." Yinyang took a deep breath, and seemed to have regained some of his composure. 
"It's okay...! You can tell me anything..!" Tissues put a hand on Yinyang's shoulder, and he shivered. 
"Tissues. I've never said this to anyone so ... i apologize if we mess up. But... I think I'm in love with you." Yinyang looked away in shame and embarrassment. 
Tissues stared at him, wide-eyed, his face red. "W-wait. that's a funny coincidence, because.. Nobody has ever said that to me. Yinyang, I..."
"It's okay if you don't-" Yinyang sniffed, "Feel the same or, whatever. It's been forever since we were able to agree on anything, and it's kind of... terrifying. But i love you. We love you. And..."
"I love you too!!" Tissues stood up on the couch suddenly. "I was so worried you thought that I was hitting on you because I was and I was scared that you didn't like me like that and I just realized that i like liked you a couple days ago and-" Tissues rambled on and on...
"Shut up." Yang said. "Hey!" Yin scolded. "Now is not the time," 
Tissues laughed. "Sorryyy... I just got- really excited, and emotional, and I've never been in a situation like this and-..... just, wow. What does this mean? How does this work, are we like, boyfriends now?"
Yinyang blushed. "I dunno, probably. I'm too busy fighting with myself to learn how relationships work..." Yin laughed. "It's not... can we just... hang out down here for a little while...? I'm... still kind of processing. A lot of stuff."
"Of course..!" Tissues scooted up next to him and cuddled up to him. "I'm so scared, and happy, and worried, and sad, and just... emotional. Everything is changing."
"We're in it together," Yin grabbed Tissues' hand. "Thank you... for a lot. for everything," Yang added. 
"I love you," Tissues smiled. "I love you too." Yinyang said.
Hotel OJ was a vague silhouette on the horizon when the sun finally set- millions and millions of uncertain years stretching before them, as inperceivable as the distance between stars.
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hebescus · 3 years
For the “100 ways to say I love you” prompts if you could do 26 or 39 or combine them for Lawlight I would lose it *-*
send me a prompt please <3
26. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to", 39. "Don't cry"
(posted on ao3)
Hey anon!!! Sorry for the little delay bestie, I needed some push these past few days andd hurt/comfort isn't really my field so i'm sorryyy if this kinda feel weird lmao. but still, hope you like it!!
Arguments can last forever, they are made of two stubborn heads afterall. But fights are a different thing. Two minds can be separated, turning away from each other but both hands  are linked with things they can't break. No, not this way.
Not with a slamming door so hard L was sure it left a damage, not with a silence that, for once in his life, felt painful. There's an invisible weight in every click of fingers on the keyboard, he doesn't know what they're trying to say. They're saying too many things.
And maybe that's why he found himself standing up from his useless sulking. It had been a few hours – or had it been only a few minutes? He honestly couldn't tell – but all he knew is that midnight had passed and his throat still felt sore. With heavy steps he passed the messy empty desk next to his own, tucking the chair back into the table as he made his way to the door.
The door looked fine, but there was a small crack on the wall that he was sure didn't exist before. He sighed, he didn't even know why his feet dragged themselves through the hallway and stopped before a bedroom door. He didn't know what to expect, he wasn't even quite sure of how he felt when he turned the handle and found out it wasn't locked.
And there he was, with his back facing the door. The grey sheets were crumpled around his curled form, shaping edges around a half opened laptop and a leather bound journal L never dared to peek inside. He laid asleep, or that's what it seemed to be. L could just leave, his head screaming for him to. He could just go back to work and neglect the dull ache in his chest. 
Yet he found himself shutting off the laptop, putting it away along with the book he closed without a single word being seen. That was when he felt a shift on the mattress. Light had changed his position to face him, his body was squirming uncomfortably and his eyebrows furrowed.
He didn't sleep well under pressure. L had learned that long ago.
A tinge of spite burned when he saw his face, but then came guilt, too. L wasn't the one who felt guilty for what he did to others, but the twitch of his lover's eyelids and his heavy hands urging to sooth them were a different case, the one he just couldn't solve.
His fingers flexed above the strands-framed temple in uncertainty before they brushed the bangs away, lightly stroking the now exposed skin. Their skin melted against each other, it always was, and L was glad it didn't change. And by the time his lips hovered over where his fingers once were, his breath trembled. He kissed the warm forehead of Light gently while resting his head on the back of Light's. One of his hands ran through the messy strands of hair and the other was thrown over his shoulder, holding him close. The pressure of his touch startled Light awake with a slight jerk, he noticed, but he only held him tighter and shut his eyes hard. 
"L?" Light asked hoarsely, his voice was soft with confusion and hell, L missed that so badly after what happened a few hours earlier. "L, what are you doing?"
"Light," he whispered as their forehead touched. Eyes fixated on each other with so many things to say. "Light, can I kiss you?"
All he heard was a sharp inhale before he was pulled forward almost roughly, before a soft pair of lips crashed into his in a gentle manner, arms wrapped tightly around waist and shoulders desperately. The kiss was slow, quite the opposite of their racing thoughts and heavy hands.
"I'm sorry," L whispered as his lover buried his face on the crook of his neck, holding him tightly. "I'm sorry I-"
"No, no," Light chuckled bitterly, shaking his head harshly against L's cheeks. "I really didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I just…"
"Don't cry, please." He drew circles on Light's back, soothingly when he heard his voice trembled just little.
"I'm not crying!" Light complained, L loved when he yelled this way.
"Alright." They were wrapped around each other, fingers stroking and caressing in ease.
"But I think I-"
"Shh, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Just go back to sleep, I'm tired." Light nodded in agreement, leaving a chaste kiss on his partner's neck before laying on his chest. For once they forgot what happened, what things should be worked on. Now it's just calm breaths and steady heartbeats, slowly dozing off. "I love you, Light," L whispered on the top of Light's head, not sure if he was even awake enough to hear it. But it didn't matter as his eyes fell closed with a sigh of relief.
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limenysnocket · 3 years
In The Dirt... Pt. IV
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Summary: Why did you leave... where did you go? I miss you. Fuck, I miss you... f u c k.
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol abuse, drug abuse (no real smut in this one sorryyy)
A/N: F U C K I T. I need to finish this series because I don't like having open stories on my pallet that need to be finished. GAWD. Short one for the gals.
After many years of destroying the senses, you really stop noticing or awknowledging fear. It just dims out eventually, and no one likes that one Debby downer. So, you just stop. Just like that, with a snap of your fingers. It just... disappears.
You know, I thought I had lost that sense of fear forever. I thought it disappeared, like everyone else's. That all was until I woke up this morning to find the sheets cold except for the spots I had been laying.
Did my fear suddenly return from the dead to replace you? Where did you go?
Why the hell am I worrying?
You probably just went home.
But you're usually here when I wake up? You wait for me, don't you?
Maybe you were just outside of my bedroom door, hanging with the rest of the band.
That seemed more plausible to me.
I get myself together (somewhat fine). It's still not the same without having you politely knock on the door and ask for entry while I'm dressing.
Music is already seeping through the cracks of the walls, since the rest of the band probably had woken up by now (or just didn't sleep the night before). I can feel the bass beneath my feet, sending pleasant shivers down my spine, but the pleasure isn't enough to get you off of my mind.
I feel like I slowly melt into the living room as my door opens, slinking across the floor like some malformed blob until I'm at an angle where I can survey the entire room.
You're not here.
One of the heavy stoners of the group finally notices me after peering through the glossy haze of his high, just for a moment.
"Shit, man, what's got you all squirrelly this morning?" he muses, lifting a plain cigarette up to his mouth and taking a long drag.
I can feel every inch of my body tense up and I shove my hands into my pockets, lips pursed. I sigh and shake my head. "Nothing."
He goes back to whatever he was doing, rambling on to one of the (also stoned) groupies that joined us this morning, while I have another look around. My mates cast me odd looks, but I toss them aside. I must have really been looking awful if those looks started to worsen (which I know they did).
"I heard the hotel door slamming shut last night..." one of them mused, "anyone anger their chick or some shit?" The group that gathered along the kitchenette chuckled softly and shook their heads.
"What 'bout you, Waititi? You piss another one off?" Someone spoke up to me. They knew now. They knew I had done something.
Luckily, I had my back turned to the group in my desperate and frantic search, so they didn't see the pained look creep over my face. "I don't know," I say slowly, not bothering to turn around. They all seem to shrug my answer off. I can't, however.
What did I do last night to really get you gone? Was it something I said? Did I not please you enough? Did you finally decide that the rock 'n' roll life just wasn't your thing, decide not to tell me, and up and leave me dry with no hope left to survive?
I'm being dramatic.
I slip a pair of slippers on and shuffle down to the main floor after awkwardly standing next to a polite family on the elevator. It was obvious they could smell the cigarette smoke on me.
Fuck, it's way too early in the morning to be doing this.
I leap for the front desk before anyone else could take the undivided attention away from me. A young receptionist had just sat herself down with a steaming cup of coffee.
"Did you see a girl come through here last night?" I mumble to her. She looks up at me, nowhere near as excited as you are when I talk to you.
"Sir, I just clocked in. I'm afraid the person you need to be talking to is already on his way out to his car," she says, nose raised up in the air snootily. My looks and manner clearly didn't seem to charm her (or maybe it's the fact that I'm in a fucking stained Purple Rain shirt and sweatpants).
The fact that maybe my last hope may possibly be in the parking lot excites me, so I don't think I could care any less about the way people look at me. My perhaps wobbly legs float me out to the street and I'm searching frantically for any trace of you or this man I'm supposed to find.
There, where the sidewalk ends, there's a man, bellboy cap in hand, waving and shouting for a cab driver's attention.
I slow my speed down to a brisk walk to approach him and not alarm him, but the glimmer of a hovering, yellow taxi catches my eye as it slows down and pulls next to the curb. All of a sudden I'm running. I'm running for you. Fuck, when was the last time that I actually ran?
Sure, it was a bad move grabbing the dude's arm when I reached him. He moved to swat me, yelling in a high voice, "The fuck, dude! This cab is mine!" His hand was about to come down, when I made the first sensible decision in my life and let go of him.
"Wait!" I hollered before we made any more contact. "You worked the front desk last night, right? I'm looking for a girl."
He gives me the most startled look ever, gripping the door of the taxi for fear life. He then recognizes me. "Your Taika Waititi, right? You and your band infested the hotel a couple days ago?"
I nod slowly, gulping and hoping he had some sort of information.
He sighs, looking at the warm seat of the cab, then back at me. He mutters something under his breath. "I did see a girl," he lets out. "But I don't know if she's any person your looking for. There's a lot of women that come and go from y'alls rooms, I tell you." And he shakes his head.
"What did she look like?" I pry at him more, and he cab impatiently honks its horn. He draws another long sigh.
"She..." he trails off, "look, there was one girl that passed by. She was wearing a Hunt For The Wilderpeople shirt, and that's all I can tell you."
"But was she upset?" I shout, just trying to get down to the point.
I receive another glare.
"Look mister," he said, one foot in the cab, "she didn't pay me no mind and I certainly didn't care about her enough to ask her what was wrong. Now, if you'll excuse me." He huffed, and that was the last I saw of him as he disappeared into the cave of the cab.
My heart seemed to quiver as I watched the cab go. I was getting stares from girls and guys alike across the street. A crowd was soon building. I had been standing on the curb for minutes, watching and waiting. As if the cab would suddenly turn around, open its doors and I'd see you inside, but no. Not in the slightest.
I return to the hotel room, tail between my legs, and head down. I should call. I want to know if you're alright. What did I do, my little groupie? What did I...
No, that's not right. I said groupie. But... I also said my... meaning...
I return back to my room and sit on the frigid bed. I think of you with no trace of a smile left on my face. I want you here. I want to see you. I want to fuck this feeling out of me through you. An outlet. Is that all I see you as? But, what do you see me as?
I pick up my phone and search for your number. It's mixed up and I never miss it. I have a little nickname for you too, but I never use I when you're around. My thumb hovers over the call button for a moment. I don't know why I hesitate. After a big, deep breath, I press it. The vibration of it makes my ears ring. My heart is racing. Why do I het so riled up trying to talk to you? It's just you...
And yet you're you!
I don't know how to explain it. You're my groupie... my... groupie...
There's no response. There's not even the faintest sound of your voice. All I get is a computer.
I call again and again and again.
The dial tone makes my head spin. I call your home phone, hell, I was even two inches away from calling your parents. But then a text message. A single text message.
'Leave me alone.'
My heart seems to stop. I did something wrong. But I can't figure out what.
Why are you all of a sudden ignoring me? Why won't you tell me that you're safe? Is it something that I did? What's wrong?
I interpret my thoughts onto my phone in a text message and send it out without a momen'ts hesitation.
'What did I do wrong?'
You read it.
But you never respond...
17 calls and a single text message. You can't even deal with him. It's like he doesn't even remember how much being just his groupie shatters you.
You've asked for something more so many times. So many gut wrenching feelings as he tells you all over again, "I'm not looking for anything serious. You're just a groupie."
You've finally snapped. You're done. You can't keep getting your heart broken again. Not again.
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gashinabts · 5 years
Why we broke up (2) (m)
Words: 5k
Paring: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Summary: “ I know you’ll be a loving mother and a perfect wife, I can just see it in you,” you started sobbing loudly and he wrapped his arms around you for the very last time.
Warning: depression, mention of abortion, sex, slut calling in bed, and so much crying
a/n: Please read the warnings, it can be very triggering.  This is the final part!! I really enjoyed writing this fic, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it too. Please compliment me and tell me what you think, I’m low key a praise whore. :3
Part 1
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Jungkook feels like an idiot when he is waiting outside your front lawn waiting for his Uber driver, he feels even more of an idiot when he tries to hide his hard on. He really didn’t expect this, hugging you, kissing you, and touching you. Nevertheless, he enjoyed it since it’s been such a long time he has felt loved, and most importantly it was by you. His Uber arrives and he turns one last time to look at your house, hoping this isn’t the last time he’ll see it.
You rush upstairs to your son's bedroom, while he’s laying in his bed with The Bunny on the Moon in his hands. “Why aren’t you sleeping Eunwoo it’s really late,” you sit beside him, touching his soft hair. “ Mommy, I did fall asleep but then I woke up as soon as I remembered that you forgot to read to me!” You laugh at his response and grab the book, “You want me to read this to you baby?,” he eagerly nods and you start reading. He falls asleep before the book ends and you kiss him softly goodnight on his chubby cheek.
God, tonight was eventful, you decide to take a shower to wash all the tear stains on your face. The hot water hits your body just right and now you can’t stop thinking of Jungkook. When was the last time you had been intimate with a man? Is that why you desperately wanted him to take you on the table. But with Jungkook it was always like that, always wanting him in every way. You start thinking about his hands touching you and his lips kissing you everywhere. Okay, that’s enough you aren’t going to touch yourself thinking about him. 
Now your laying in bed contemplating of texting him, your phone in your hand typing his number effortlessly but then you stop. He probably doesn’t have the same number, and what if he ignores your text like he did many years ago. You should just wait till he text you, you don’t want your feelings getting hurt again. That night you go to sleep with Jungkook on your mind.
Jungkook lays in bed thinking of you, should he text you tonight or tomorrow morning. He remembers when you would always fall asleep early when you guys were together. The next morning Jungkook wakes up extra early shooting you a text.
[Jungkook] Hope you had a good night's sleep! I was wondering if you wanted to hangout today or whenever.
[Jungkook] it’s jungkook by the way
You woke up to the sound of your phone pinging, who the hell wakes up this early. You look at your phone it’s 5:15 am, you look at the bright screen to see Jungkook has message you, now you’re wide awake.
[Y/N] I can't do today or Monday but I’m free Tuesday since I don’t have work
[Y/N] and jungkook don’t text me so early
[Jungkook] yeah that sounds good, I can’t wait to see you.
[Jungkook] sorryyy, I’ll let you get your sleep :p
It’s Tuesday morning and you feel anxious, so anxious you accidentally spill orange juice on Eunwoo’s pants. “Oh baby, I’m sorry, Mommy is all over the place,” you quickly grab a napkin cleaning his pants. You drop Eunwoo off at school, giving him multiple kisses goodbyes.
Jungkook sent you an address to where to meet at, you get out of your car and enter the restaurant looking around for him.
“Y/N over here! You look nice, where’s Eunwoo?,” he stands up from his seat and he goes for hug but stops himself.
“ Thank you, and he’s at school,” you grabbed him by the arm and hug him. His arms are stiffly by his sides but then he relaxes and puts his arms around your waist. You pull apart and sit right across from him. The waitress comes and you both order kimchi jjigae.
“ Y/N, so what have you been up to? Sorry for asking this question so late,” he tilts his head to the side.
“ It’s fine, but I have just been working for the SAC, as head architect, it’s a lot of hard work, but then again I only work three days a week,” you reply while twirling your straw in your drink.
“ Ohh wow... that’s amazing, you always wanted to work for that company. How long have you been working there?”
“ Mmm...let me think, Eunwoo is six...so for like seven years,” the waitress arrives with the food and places them right in front you. “ Be careful it's hot, make sure to blow on it,” you immediately warn as if he was Eunwoo. Jungkook thinks its cute that you said this to him, he likes it when you act on your mother instincts. He starts to think about Eunwoo and how it must've been hard to raise him by yourself, now that he thinks about it, he doesn’t know anything about Eunwoo’s father. He gets angry at the idea of someone abandoning you and Eunwoo.
“ Mmm, it taste so good. Is it too spicy for you Jungkook, you aren’t eating much. I can ask the waiter to give you a new one,” he looks pensive the whole time, your about to call the waiter but then he stops you.
“ Y/N, who is Eunwoo’s father?” The question takes you by surprise, you never liked talking about this to people because by the end of the conversation people start to sympathize with you. You place your spoon to the side, and look outside the window, it’s pretty outside the flowers are blooming and it’s sunny. You don’t want to look into Jungkook's eyes because you know for a fact you’ll start crying.
“ I always wanted a child, to feel a baby grow inside my stomach, to give birth, to breastfeed a baby until it’s content. I just always wanted to be a mother. I love Eunwoo with all my heart, when I carried him in my arms for the very first time, I felt this eternal love. I wanted to protect him from this unfair world, I wanted him to feel love, and I wanted him to always be happy. I felt like a mother–,” you turn your face away from the window and look at Jungkook, “ I adopted Eunwoo.” He looks lost for words, it looks like he wants to ask why. “ I could never have children, I’m infertile.” You look away from him and call the waitress for more rice. “ This is one of the best kimchi jjigae I ever had. How’d you find about this restaurant, Jungkook?” You try to switch the conversation praying that he doesn't ask anymore questions.
Jungkook feels horribly sick, he can taste the bile on his taste buds, his hands feel clammy too. He knows the answer of the question he is about to ask you but he wants to hear you say it.
“ Y/N, when did you find out you were infertile.”
You don’t want to answer that question, you avoid his eyes, and start putting rice in the kimchi jjigae and eating it.
“ Y/N,” he warns.
You stop eating and start staring at the soup, “ It doesn’t matter, it’s in the past.”
“ Just answer the question.”
It physically painful saying it out loud but you say it anyways quietly, “ The day we broke up.”
Ten years ago
You both are laying in bed, Jungkook playing on his phone and you just looking at the ceiling.
“ Baby, would you still be with me if stained all of your favorite white shirts?” You turn to your side face him, he puts his phone down and does the same.
“ Hmm... yes. I could always buy new white shirts but you’ll have to compensate me,” he jokes teasingly.
“ Would you still be with me if I killed someone?”
“ Yes, I’ll even help you hide the body. But you wouldn’t kill somebody, you wouldn’t even let me kill that spider in the kitchen,” he tucks some of the hair that has fallen behind your ear.
“ So you’ll be with me no matter what?” You smile brightly at him, bringing him closer to you.
“ Mmm, no matter what baby,” he says it onto your lips and goes on top of you.
“Fuck—ahh please don’t stop,” you mercilessly plead. He keeps fucking into you while you scratch his back He groans against your ear, his cock stretching you so well.
“ You like when you can feel me this deep? You want to feel this cock forever slut,” while he goes even harder. You can’t think of anything else, you want to answer a million times yes, but all you can do is moan.
He pulls out his cock and you cry, begging him to take you back inside. “ Shhh, you’ll get it. Turn around baby.” You whimper and turn around onto your stomach, face in the sheets, and he spreads your legs. He teasingly rubs his cock against your pussy, “ Mmm your such a slut begging to be fucked and filled. Do you want that?,” he asked you and you nod yes. “ No, I won’t give it to you until you answer me,” he slaps his cock against your pussy.
“ Please fuck me, I need you to feel me up!”
Then you feel him roughly shove his cock in and you feel so good, the pain and pleasure have you moaning uncontrollably.
Your hands grab the sheets tightly and your eyes are rolling back as he fucks you more deeply.
“ Jungkook, can I please come. I’ve been so good for you!” You need to feel your release, your pussy is throbbing, and you want to be overwhelmed with ecstasy.
“ You have been so good for me, you did let me fuck your throat like a dirty slut and it felt really good.” You nod as an agreement, your toes curling a little bit. “ Come for me baby.”
Then you feel yourself spasm with delight, moaning his name over and over again. Your panting loudly and Jungkook keeps thrusting,” I’m gonna fill you up with my come until you can never forget what it feels like,” he whispers in your ears.
You moan as he comes deep inside you, calling your name out like a prayer. You feel him everywhere and you smile at the feeling , you could bask in this feeling forever with him.
He tells you praises in your ear and lightly massages your hips. He pulls out and turns you around, placing one last soft kiss on your lips. He lays beside you, you can’t stop thinking of the answers he gave you before he fucked you. No matter what happens he’ll stay by your side, you smile to yourself.
“ Jungkook, I’m pregnant.” You finally say the thing that’s been on your mind all day. You finally turn to your side to look at him but he gets up quickly. The afterglow he had looked gone and he was blankly staring at you.
“Why are you pregnant?” He finally breaks the silence looking seriously at you.
“ Jungkook, we have unprotected sex sometimes. Things like this happen when you do that.”
“ Y/N, I can’t do this.” You were getting more nervous each time he replies.
“ What do you mean? What have a child with me? You’d say you’ll stay with me no matter what.” Your eyes were tearing up but you hold it in, maybe he’ll come to realization that he wants to have a baby with you.
“ Are you serious, those were hypothetical questions Y/N. I can’t do this, I can’t have a child right now, I’m an idol constantly traveling, I have a future.” Does he’s future not involve you? You try to think of something to make him stay and you know your going to hurt yourself on what your about to say next.
“ Jungkook, I’ll go to the clinic and get an abortion. And then we can pretend this never happened, okay? Then maybe in the future, when it’s just right, we can have a family. Just please stay with me,” your pleading to him, you’ll take the one thing away that you have always wanted to make him stay.
“ Y/N, the pregnancy test is not always 100% accurate, right? Maybe your not pregnant. Go to the hospital tomorrow morning and check. I can’t be here right now.” You watch him from the bed as he starts dressing, he looks at you one last time and leaves. That was the first time in forever he didn’t give you a goodbye kiss. You still feel his come dripping down and you start to sob.
You enter the doctors office, staring at the anatomical posters of pregnant women. You tell Dr. Soo that you took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came out positive and you missed your period. She does a couple test,
“ Y/N, you are not pregnant.” You are confused, you were late on your period. Dr. Soo places her hand against your arm gently. “ The results of the test come out as infertility. You have an irregular menstrual cycle, it’s part of the sign.” You feel hopeless everything around you feels dark, you can’t do the one thing that every woman can do. “  This isn’t uncommon, there are therapist sessions here at the hospital. I know this can be hard on a woman. Also, there alternatives having children, a mother isn’t someone who gives birth to her child, it’s someone who’ll raise their child with unconditional love.
You enter Jungkook’s apartment after visiting the hospital, he’s standing by the table while your sitting down on the chair,
“ So what happened?” You swallow to ease your dry throat and play with your fingers.
“ You were right it wasn’t 100% accurate, I’m not pregnant. I actually can’t–,” then your interrupted with Jungkook’s excited voice. “That’s amazing, one of the best news I ever receive! I wasn’t ready to end my future. Me with a child, ha no way,” he shakes his in disbelief and it hurts you the way he said ‘that’s amazing’.
“ Jungkook, does this mean we’re still together, that your staying with me?” You feel depressed but you give him a hopeful smile.
“ I actually wanted to talk about that with you, I think we both want very different things–no we do want very different things. I don’t see myself in the future married and having kids, not with you or anyone. And I know you always wanted that, you told me that the fourth year we were dating. I know you’ll be a loving mother and a perfect wife, I can just see it in you,” you started sobbing loudly and he wrapped his arms around you for the very last time.
You bring your palm up and rest it under your chin, “ What are you thinking about Jungkook?” His eyes are red and watery, “ I’m thinking about you from ten years ago.” You hum and continue to eat, “ There’s nothing we can do about it now, it was ten years ago,” you finally say.
Jungkook wants to sell his soul off right now in return for making you feel no pain ever. He looks at you and wonders how are you still talking to him. How did you even let him touch you at Eunwoo’s party. “ I don’t care if it's in the past, I put you through so much pain. I was fucking ecstatic when you told me you weren’t pregnant. And then I broke up with you after you found out you were infertile, you went through this alone, I left you alone.” He looks at you and your just looking at him cry with sad eyes. “ I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry... you should’ve fucking kicked me out when I came to your house, spit at me, and curse at me,” he cries out.
“ You wanted me to do that at my son’s birthday party? That would’ve been a memorable birthday for him,” you joke trying to lighten the mood, but he doesn’t stop crying. You muttered a quick, ‘ I’ll be back,’ and pay for the bill at the counter.
“ Jungkook let’s get out of here, people are starting to wonder how I made a very pretty boy cry,” he hiccups a little laugh and you grab his hand taking him to the back seat of your car. He’s still crying and you know he’s trying to stop but it comes in little gasp, you’ve seen this with Eunwoo when he gets really hurt or when you scold him for doing something really bad. So you do the only thing that makes Eunwoo stop crying to Jungkook.
So you cradle his face in your hands, and wiping the tears streaming down with your thumbs. “Why is my baby crying, hmmm, who made my baby cry? You're too pretty to cry.” You kiss his forehead and bring one of your hands to caress his hair, “ Shhh, baby don’t cry, it makes me sad when I see you cry.” You kiss both of his cheeks this time, “Baby do you want me to be sad?,” and he shakes his head. “Then can you calm down for me baby, can you be good for me?,” he still crying a little so you lay him against your breast and he’s nuzzling into it, you can feel his wet face seep into your shirt. You wrap your arms around his back rocking him gently. He stops crying after ten minutes of coaxing but it is still in this position, you check the time on your phone.
“Hey Jungkook,” you whisper to him and he nuzzles more into your breast. “ I need to pick up Eunwoo,” he gets up from you and you take a good look of his puffy face, he looks like a small boy. You push some of the strands of his hair that were sticking up downwards, “Did you take your car here, Jungkook? If not I can take you home but it’s gonna be after we pick up Eunwoo.” He finally speaks but it comes out hoarse, “ Mmm please, I walked over here. I don’t want to be walking home looking like this.” You laugh a little and move to the front seats.
The radio is on but it’s low enough so you guys can talk. Jungkook keeps muttering how ugly he looks while staring at his phone camera. “ There’s wet wipes in my glove compartment, wipe your face. There’s stain tears on your face.” He follows your instructions, and is now looking at you drive.   “ Y/N, I want to say sorry.”
“ It’s fine, Eunwoo used to cry on me a lot so I’m used to having snot and tears on my shirt,” you smile thinking about how your baby boy was so needy.
“ No, that’s not what I mean, I’m sorry for what I did to you on the day we broke up,” he chews his lip while still looking at you.
You want to look at him but you are driving, “ I’ll admit it was painful that day, it hurts when the man you love doesn't want a future with you. Everything reminded me of you, and I didn't know if I loved it or hated it. I remember feeling so hopeless, everything around me felt so colorless, but it doesn’t feel like that anymore. Once, I heard you singing on the radio it made me move on, that you and I do want different things. Then I had Eunwoo, none of the past mattered to me, what mattered was the future with him,” you park your car right in front of Eunwoo’s school. You turn to look at Jungkook, who’s just staring at you, and you give him a kiss on the cheek, “ I’ll be back,” as you leave the car.
Jungkook watches you leave and enter the school building. He’s mind is filled with thoughts, he admires the way you effortlessly speak your mind and how they are filled with acceptance and comfort. But does he still want different things from you? When he first saw you that day at the park, he thought that fate gave him a second chance and when he saw Eunwoo smiling at the presents he gave him, Jungkook knew he wanted to see that smile everyday. He wants to be in yours and Eunwoo’s future, but he is not so sure if you’ll accept him, afterall he did say he didn’t want a future with you in the past. His thoughts are interrupted when he sees you carrying Eunwoo and peppering kisses all over his face as your walking towards the car. Eunwoo’s giggling uncontrollably, Jungkook feels happy looking at the scene, he laughs knowing that Eunwoo will be a Momma’s boy.
You open the car door for Eunwoo, he gets in and lets out a surprised gasp, “ Mr. Jungkook! What are you doing here, wheres Tree!” He looks around excitedly to see if the Shiba Inu will jump out and surprise him. You start the car and drive, “ I’m sorry its just me, Tree is at home. Your Mom and I went to eat lunch.” Jungkook gives Eunwoo a sheepish smile, “ Aww when can I see Tree again?,” as he starts pouting. “ Whenever you want, I know Tree misses you too.” You think its cute seeing them talk together,  “What did you and Mommy eat?”
“ Kimchi jjigae.”
“ No fair! That’s my favorite, why couldn’t you and Mommy wait for me?,” he’s whining and pouting. Jungkook laughs and promises he’ll take him next time, and that he’ll even bring Tree too.
You drop Jungkook at his apartment and tell him that you’ll see him soon. On the way back to your house Eunwoo won’t stop asking questions about Jungkook to you, like what’s his favorite color, or his favorite food. You know all the answers to his questions so you answer him honestly. You enter your house and tell Eunwoo to wash up as you make dinner.
Eunwoo is eating contently, humming while eating, and you clean around the kitchen.
“ Eunwoo, do you like Jungkook?,” you ask clearly.
Eunwoo happily nods, “ Yes Mommy he is very nice and he looks like a bunny.”
You laugh loudly, “ A bunny? What makes him look like a bunny?”.
“ It’s because he has long fluffy hair, and when he smiles he looks like one!”
You start seeing Jungkook more often, he takes you out for lunch on the days your off of work. It’s never awkward or silent when you guys hangout, your always making him laugh and vice versa. He asks if you and Eunwoo can have dinner with him, and he talks with Eunwoo the whole time while you fondly stare at him.
You don’t know what the label of the relationship is, sometimes he’ll hold your hands or rest his hand on your thigh, and sometimes you’ll kiss him on his cheeks or hug him from behind. Jungkook gets closer to your son too, on Saturday mornings he’ll take Tree and Eunwoo to the park, while you sleep in. It goes like this for eight months and you enjoy it.
One day you were cooking dinner for Eunwoo and Jungkook, Eunwoo was in the backyard playing with Tree, while Jungkook was helping you cook.
“ Y/N, I want a future with you, I want to be in Eunwoo’s future too,” he confesses to you. You stop cutting the vegetables and look at him, he’s giving you the most loving look, “ I want that too,” you confess before placing a kiss on his lips.
Jungkook spends the night in your house, just holding each other and placing soft kisses. The next morning you get out of Jungkook’s arms and make Eunwoo breakfast, and take him to school. You go to clean up the mess you made and wash the dishes. Then you feel him hug you from the back, burying his face in your neck. “ Why didn’t you wake me up to help you?” You shake your head no, “It’s okay, I’m finished,”  you turn of the faucet and leaned back against his chest. Time slows when your in his arms, you feel relaxed. You feel his hands go under your shirt, lightly touching your stomach, he starts kissing your neck, lightly sucking here and there. His hands go high up to your breast, touching lightly under the swell of it and then brings it back down to your stomach.
Your getting antsy, you want him to touch you more, so you grab both of his hands and place them on your breast. You hear him groan into your neck, he rubs your breast and then pinching your nipples. “ Jungkook—,” you moan while your hands go behind you and grab his nape. He gets the message and kisses you from the side messily, continues to touch your breast. “ Mmm, baby I’m so wet,” you breath the words into his mouth. “Fuck, your so beautiful,” he replies and turns you around to face him. “ Y/N can I take off your pants?,” fingers tapping the button of the jeans. “ Yes please.” He unbuttons it and pulls your jeans down. You step out of them and you take off your shirt, now your just only in your panties. Jungkook gets a good look at you and crashes his lips on you, the kiss is filthy but you love it. He lifts you up, still kissing you, and carries you to the bedroom.
He lays you gently on the bed, leaving open kisses on your breasts moving downwards to your stomach, he leaves one last kiss above your panties, and then pulls down you panties. “ You are so wet, and it’s all for me” he traces his finger against your pussy. “ Ahh—just fucking fuck me. I need you right now,” you sit up and pull his shirt off, and he takes off his sweatpants and boxers.
You lay back as he hovers you, you grab his hard cock pumping it up and down in your hands. He starts groaning in your ear, “ Jungkook, do you have a condom?” He springs up from your neck and looks surprised, “ No...I don’t have one on me but I’m clean I haven’t had sex with anyone since that day in the park.” You don’t want him to fuck you raw because that means he won’t pull out since he’ll get lost in the feeling. You shake your head, “ I don’t know…can you not come in me?” Jungkook smiles and nods eagerly, “ Trust me, I’ll pull out right before I come.” He puts his cock inside you, and moans your name loudly. You feel him stretching you and it feels painful, it's been many years since you had sex with a man. “ Tell me when to start moving baby,” he places soft kisses against your face to ease the pain. You tell him to start moving and it starts to feel more pleasurable for you. He’s hitting it just right, and your hands start holding tight around his arms, “ Fucking hell babe, your so tight. It feel so good.” He kisses you and you try your best to return the kiss but you can’t stop moaning with pleasure. “ Jungkook, I’ll always be tight for you, only for you,” and he fucking loses it when you say this to him, he starts thrusting faster and deeper.  One of his hands goes to your pussy rubbing your clit, and you can’t hold it any more. “ Come for me Y/N, be a good girl and come.” Everything goes white and you moan his name loudly, hands grabbing any part of him, pulling him closer to you. “God… your so fucking hot when you come. Did it feel good for you baby?” You feel delirious and nod your head, “ Baby, don’t forget to pull out.” He moans an okay, and keeps thrusting into you deeply, you can tell he is about to come, his abs are contracting and is pounding harder, you call his name multiple times, you try to warn him but it all sounds like moans to him. His eyes are closed and he looks lost at the feeling. “ Y/N, I love you. I love you so much,” he says as he comes right inside you.
He lays on top of your body breathing deeply into your neck, you can’t stop thinking of the come that’s inside you, your disgusted of the feeling of it. You don’t say anything, you push him off of you, you can feel the come drip out of you as you walk into the shower. You try to wash it out but you can still fill it, and then you start crying. You start to get that vivid memory, of Jungkook leaving you with come inside of you.
“ Fuck, I’m so stupid,” Jungkook shouldn’t have fucked you bare, he should’ve just ate you out when you were hesitant of having sex without a condom. He didn’t think you would push him off though, he remembered when you guys were younger, you would let him come inside you many times, saying how you love the feeling. He gets up from the bed and walks to the bathroom.
You hear Jungkook’s footsteps and you stop crying, hoping he didn’t hear you. He enters the bathroom standing behind the shower glass, he lightly taps it, “ Y/N, I’m sorry. I told you to trust me but I ended up doing the opposite. It hurts me to see you unhappy, and it hurts even more when I’m the cause of it,” You can’t see him clearly because of the steam and the water droplets from the shower, but you tap your finger lightly against the glass. “ Tap twice if you want me to stay here with you, Tap once if want me to leave you in peace,” you don’t want him to leave alone you need to hear his voice, so you tap twice. “ Can you tell me what’s going on in your pretty brain? You can yell at me, I deserve it,” he leans his forehead against the glass.
“ You left me forever the last time you came in me, I don't like- the semen, it makes me feel awful. My therapist told me the reason I breakdown and feel that way, is because of that traumatic experience. It’s not just with you, I hooked up with a guy a couple years ago and he came in me, I just started sobbing-,” you let out a small laugh, “...um and he freaked out and bought me so much ice cream to calm me down.” It’s quiet for a few seconds, except for the sound of the shower. “ Y/N can I come in the shower?” You slide open the shower glass for him, letting out a small yes. He enters the shower, “ Can I hold you?” You nod your head yes and he wraps his arms around you. It feels more intimate since you are both naked, “ Y/N, I’ll castrate myself for you, I don’t need to have sex, I can just hold you like this forever. Being with you is more than enough for me.” You laugh against him, “ Please don’t do that and I don’t want you to stop having sex with me.” He brushes your wet hair out of your face and stares into your eyes, “ Baby, I know how you like the phrase ‘the past is in the past’, but I want to know more about what you’ve been through while I was gone, I want to know how your feeling. I want to be better for us.”  You kiss him gently on the lips as a small okay, and he gets out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around you.
After watching a couple movies while cuddling, you guys had to pick up Eunwoo from school. You park your car, kiss Jungkook on the cheek and was about to leave but then he stops you. “ I’ll get Eunwoo,” he kisses your cheek and walks towards the school. This is the first time he’s ever done this, and it tugs your heart a little. You hear a bark from the backseat, “ Shhh, Tree your suppose to be quiet to surprise Eunwoo,” you pat his head a little. You look towards the front and see Jungkook carrying Eunwoo giving multiple kisses on his chubby cheeks. Your baby is happily giggling with each kiss and Jungkook is staring lovingly at him.
This is your future, Eunwoo and Jungkook. ( and Tree)
Do not repost, translate, or alternate my work in any way, onto any platform. I do not take plagiarism lightly.
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theraen · 5 years
How long have you been working on your WIP, how long is it going to be, and what is it about? Basic questions, of course, since I don't know anything about it yet.
@thescribesloft asked: What is your WIP about?
Hi! First of all thank you sooo much for taking a bit of your time to send me these, you are angels 💙💙
Second thing, I’m so so sorry! I haven’t presented my wip yet cause I’ve been working on a post to do so but it’s still a draft and it’s been ages, I’m sorry! I know I’m terrible, sorryyy
But let’s get into it!
So, I’ve been working on my wip on and off for about a year/a year and a half? I don’t remember exactly. What I know for sure is that I’m a slow writer and a perfectionist, you have no idea how many versions of the first chapters I’ve written and rewritten and re-rewritten… I can’t seem to be able to understand that my first draft can be terrible! It has to be perfect from the start, that’s how I am. I’ve been trying to change that but that too is a work in progress :)
My plan is to write 5 books for now - yes, it’s a lot and I haven’t finished the first one yet, but a girl can dream :D
What is it about… well, this is a more difficult question. To sum up, it’s an urban fantasy set on Earth during our age where there are two races of magical humans (let’s call it like that) hidden from the common human world: the Elementals, controllers of the natural elements, and the Necromancers, masters of death. They’ve been fighting each other since forever but the war is about to come to an end: the Chosen One that’s been profetised centuries ago will choose a side and fight in the final battle, ensuring the victory to one of the factions. 
My main characters are: Charlie, a young Necromancer who lives in the Elemental world and who’s been wrongly accused of murder through Necromancy (which is forbidden in the Elelmental world); she’s trying to clear herself from any accuse, but the government is against her so she has to fight a hard battle. Alice, the second main character, is the Chosen One! Her mother forced her to help Charlie clear her name while the Elemental government tries to make her join their side and the Necromancers want to a attract her towards theirs. It’s a mixture between an investigation and a power game with some hints of romance :D
It’s a bit complicated though so if you have any more questions I’ll be glad to answer them!
Thank you again for your asks!
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