#this is honestly SO satisfying
jewishbarbies · 2 years
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this is actually so funny
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Amatonormativity has destroyed so many people's understanding and acceptance of themselves, and it's heartbreaking.
Yes, it is normal to be in your 20s, 30s, or older and not have lost your virginity, had a first kiss, or a partner. It is normal to say that you aren't ready for those things, too! It is normal if your life doesn't follow the "college graduate -> engagement -> buying a home -> 2.5 kids and a dog" trajectory that so many people have idealized.
So many people associate maturity with losing your virginity, or having a first kiss, or a serious relationship, and I think that's a dangerous association. Maturity isn't gained through those things, and you don't have to have those experiences to be considered "mature" or "grown." It is not a bad thing to go at your pace. Nobody else can live your life but you. If you end up having those experiences, that's great! But it should be done because you want to experience them, not because you feel "broken" and "immature" without them.
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dykecadence · 2 months
the anime just cannot capture kabru without going into his internal monologues. my man is lying through his teeth constantly. smiling at laios while thinking "wow this place is a freak show i dont respect literally any of you people". hes playing 4d chess at an empty table
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pirategrime · 8 months
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madootles · 2 years
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no one is more shocked than me about the fact that I’m back into fma a decade later
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I think that is quite lovely how most of the campers didn't really like Kenji when he joined them at the beginning of Camp Cretaceous, and now he is incredibly close with all of them. Like he has a fully development friendship with all of them. He really grew as a person huh
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puppyeared · 10 months
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Unsurprisingly assigned fairy type so heres me as a pokemon/fakemon lol
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shahrwrites · 2 months
Call me delulu for this one, but the parallel occurred to me whilst studying for an upcoming test and now it’s all I can think about so of course I had to post it.
The two times Dick went berserk over what had been done to Jason and I’m all here for it.
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The panel on the left is when Joker kidnapped Tim and made the mistake of mentioning Jason’s name. That famous moment that Dick *killed* Joker.
The panel on the right is Gotham War when Dick finds out Bruce kidnapped Jason and psychologically manipulated him.
Funny thing is, both times Tim stopped him, and the one he was a little late for. Makes me wonder how far Dick would have gone if Tim hadn’t been there to stop him beating Bruce.
[Im gonna put a little headcanon in the following, so beware.]
The parallel kinda occurred to me because I was imagining a scenario actually. Post Gotham war where Dick’s taking Jason away from Gotham and all it’s crazyness. So they’re in the car and Dick’s driving, looking out at the roadside and the sun’s beating down on lush green grass and he’s reminiscing about a forgotten memory buried deep in the treasure trove of his most cherished memories of a time long bygone. A memory of himself and Jason picnicking out near the manor grounds one day with Alfred and Bruce. And they were playing some game of chase or another that ended up in a bit of rough housing and lighthearted bickering and hearty laughter and—It turned out to be such a good day. A rare memory.
And what if they stopped on the way to picnic on the roadside, for old time’s sake? Because they’ve got a blanket in the back and they’ve already packed food for the road and basically they’ve got everything they’d need, and wouldn’t it be such a shame if they let that opportunity to go to waste?
So here they were now, stomachs full and lying on their backs, staring at a partly cloudy sky, playing a childish game of pointing out the shapes of passing clouds to each other. It’s a little stupid, and because it’s stupid they start arguing over pointless stupid details. A harmless argument that—ironically enough—develops into a round of rough housing, again. And maybe for just a moment they’d both allowed themselves to forget what they’re running away from. But a frown flashes over Jason’s expression for the barest of seconds and Dick just—stops.
They’ve ended up with Jason on his back and Dick over and above him, and Dick can’t help but caress his hair, touch the side of his face, checking his expression and body responses to make sure that Jason’s alright.
And Jason’s fine—Dick stop fussing, it was just a moment!
So Dick’s hand just drops and he’s moving away, not looking at Jason, not able to meet his eyes.
He’s holding himself in that way he does when his thoughts are chipping away at his soul, a sight that’s become recognizable to Jason over the years. “What happened?”
Nothing but the usual, he wants to say. Once again something terrible happened to you and I wasn’t there to stop it. To protect you. But I made sure to take out the simmering rage running through my vains out on the man responsible with my fists. Because that’s what I can do. Twice you needed me, and twice I wasn’t there. But I made sure they paid for it, right? I made sure of it.
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The master of two worlds. No. The master of many worlds.
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koszmarnybudyn · 7 months
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Here is the slut.
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Ed + Stede Moments Per Episode: 2x8 Mermen (Part 2)
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lotuslate · 2 years
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hwashitape · 30 days
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…so I spoke no more …so I could see no more …so I could hear no more
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rendevok · 8 months
how do you feel about bratfeen??
I like them!
Though there aren’t any canon interactions (that i know of..?) to go off of, I imagine they’ve got a volatile dynamic, which i find fun and full of potential. Taking a moment to Recall Them As They Are:
Edgeworth is probably at the top of his cunt game. This man is fresh off 10+ years of Von Karma’s teachings and certain he’s hot shit. Also he’s fucking 20. So. Repressed, stuffed full of twisted dogmas, sporting a fucked up ego, and equipped with an unhealthy conviction and ability to send wrongdoers directly into the fires of hell. He is an Experience and most probably not a good one, but one you will never forget.
>Enter Player 2: Phoenix f*cking Wright, also a bitch, but WORSE- he is a bitch BABY. No, he’s not a child or a sweet little baby boy. His emotions are still on full display while also being just about the most stubborn fucker you could ever meet. If Dahlia- DAHLIA -couldn’t gasboss gatelight girlkeep a goddamn necklace off his neck, then there is no hope for the rest of us. He saw a picture of Edgeworth at his Peak Cuntliness and a headline accurately describing said cuntitude and more or less said “I can fix him anyway”.
So basically to me they have the delightful dynamic of immovable object vs unstoppable force. I want to see them clash and cause comical chemistry lab explosions that singe their eyebrows and come out of it furiously making out.
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bougiebutchbinch · 8 months
"I'm not surprised; I'm just disappointed"
- all of us @ the OFMD writers right now
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is-this-yuri · 3 months
homelessness can happen for a lot of different reasons. the lack of affordable housing is said to be the main one. no matter how hard people work, many are always at risk of being unable to afford rent.
for me, that's a huge part of it, but there's also the mental health aspect of it. i've had just about every entry level job available. i've had jobs that allowed me to pay rent, though just barely. ive worked really, really hard. and unfortunately, for me, no amount of transitional housing is going to help if i'm always miserable working. no amount of job coaching is going to make it bearable for me. and historically, the mental health treatments ive tried (which are so, so many) just haven't worked.
it seems like the goal has always been to 'get on your feet' i.e. get a job and an apartment. the fact that a shocking amount of homeless people are working (including myself at some points) and even working multiple jobs and still haven't 'gotten on their feet' should say a lot. the fact that even people who have never been homeless are closer to homelessness than to owning a house should say a lot. the fact that a percentage of homeless people actually choose to be homeless should say a LOT. it tells me that the goal has shifted. what i was raised to want is now an impossible task.
it sucks because i know half the jobs ive had would have been easy for me if it was actually worth it. if the hours were less, the pay actually let me afford things beyond the bare minimum, and the working conditions were better. therapy and medication would probably work wonders if my disatisfaction with life wasnt completely rational. but it's all fucked, and we all know it.
it's taboo to say it, especially as a homeless person, but i don't want to work. i don't want an apartment. i don't want to own a house. maybe my views will change if things ever get better, but at this point, i don't want to engage with this flawed system at all anymore. i hate that my value is contigent on how well i can slot into the capitalist machine. i know i have value much more important than that, and i'd prefer to earn my place on this earth through my actual strengths. i want life, my connections with other people, and the work i do to have meaning and significance. until the world makes space for that, i'm more than happy taking a government check and living in a van with a cat so i can make art and stream and watch the sunset every night. that's my goal now
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