#this is imo
toffeesbabbles · 2 months
incoming error sans ramble...
I've always thought, personally, that error sans knows he can't destroy every glitch in multiverse and what's hes doing is low-key evil. But, it gives him purpose and a purpose hes been devout to. If he doesn't have his PURPOSE then what is the point of his existence, his suffering, his grief? He'll come up with any excuse in the book to protect his ego. he prioritizes it over everything and everyone else.
Also, acknowledging your perspective is bad and you were wrong takes, y'know, self reflection. something error is not know to have. he's unwilling to face himself and really evaluate on a deep level WHY hes doing what hes doing.
I don't think he would like what he saw. Because he would have to acknowledge his way of thinking all spurred from a violent insanity due to be stuck in the anti-void. From a state I can't really blame him for either (i mean seriously i dont think ANYONE could be in the situation he was and not come out without permanent personality change). Not from any logical and or truthful basis.
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seldomsee · 3 months
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I can't stop thinking about this post
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corpish · 3 months
in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21
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k-mraz · 3 months
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shhh dont disturb them they're sharing mana after a tough day
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fairycosmos · 8 months
it's like i am literally never going to own a house or find authentic love or escape the clutches of late stage capitalism so really what am i living for
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ink-the-artist · 11 months
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an  adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol 
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corviiids · 6 months
my top bit of advice going into the new year: compliment people. especially strangers. literally everyone you interact with if you can. when you buy coffee in the morning compliment the barista's tattoos. when you're chatting with a coworker tell them that by the way you like their outfit. always find something they've chosen to do on purpose. nail polish, jewellery, tattoos, hair colour/style, statement accessory, outfit, etc are all good bets. things people hope will be noticed. things that aren't too personal so it doesn't make them uncomfortable (eg probably not their physical features). i've gotten into the habit of scanning everyone i talk to for something about them that i think is cool so i can tell them. it's a great habit because it makes me notice people and realise just how many neat little details there are in people's presentation of themselves that might pass me by if i wasn't paying attention. and it brings out so much joy. you'd be surprised how much it disarms people to receive an unexpected compliment from someone they don't know. it is the most sincere smile you will see all day long. it feels nice to make people happy but it also means you win the social interaction. establish dominance by complimenting a stranger's earrings and disappearing into the fog
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as-i-watch · 13 days
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Chilchuck you are towering well over 6 feet over the ground Chilchuck pls
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mostwantedpotato404 · 2 months
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Best character in fallout, period
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heedra · 11 months
talking to preschoolers is awesome bc they have not fully differentiated stories into 'true stories' and 'imaginary stories' yet so you will tell them about something that happened you once (coyote came out of a bush right in front of you and got startled) and they will tell you about how one time their house was full of coyotes in every room 'including five in the garage' and they're not even like, aware i think of the idea that they are technically 'lying'. they are simply telling stories about coyotes bc its time to tell stories about coyotes.
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Good Omens Season 3 Predictions:
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(it took all my self restraint not to just use Bildad the Shuhite pictures)
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•. A visit in a dream .•
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can't stop thinking about tamsyn muir's choice to present her deep, morally and politically complex science fantasy world with a central web of magic, secrets and lies reaching back ten thousand years through the eyes of three characters who:
1. tune out and start thinking about hot women whenever the magic system or worldbuilding are being explained
2. experience hallucinations on a daily basis, have brain damage and are being deceived and misled by their peers, authority figures, themselves and God
3. don't know who they are, have spent their entire life in one place and are, on all levels but physical, six months old
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featheredpheonix · 1 year
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Incredibly disappointing behavior made all the more cynical by it happening just after Pride Month
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mayskalih · 2 months
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artsyvii · 9 months
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