#this is insanely cool & well thought out i frickin love this so so much
sneeb-canons · 10 months
HMS monster designs. Make your own lore as to why. These are heavily inspired by The Heart Acoustic/Mind Electric/Soul Eclectic so probably around there. And finally, TW body horror
Heart becomes tall and gangly. His skin turns black and rots, fitting to the bones. He also has small wings on his back. He genuinely looks like some creature of the night, wasting away. If this happens while he is in control, He’ll have a small crown over his head.
While in Apathy, Heart’s design changes. He looks more like himself, but made of stone.
Mind becomes a robot in outward appearance, nothing too special, but inside the chassis is remarkably similar to the inside of a human body, but without notable organs. (heart, liver, and brain, all of which are replaced by robotic parts) While he is the ruler, a holographic crown is placed on his head, and his chassis is covered in king’s clothes.
Soul is a mannequin dressed in jester’s clothing. He’s held up by 7 colored strings, and has 5 strings on each hand, leading to Heart and Mind. While he is ruler, the strings holding Soul are absent, replaced with 7 colored hands, which play instruments for him.
Headcanon #268
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ordinaryschmuck · 9 months
Quick Thoughts on the first two episodes of the Percy Jackson TV Show
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the original book series, changed my life.
I know that I've said that with The Owl House, which rains true for the present day. But Percy Jackson is a book series that pretty much formed my love and style for story telling. Back when my fifth grade teacher read this to my class, she not only introduced me to a great book series but to a type of fiction that I didn't know I needed. Stories that managed to find that perfect balance of epic adventures, heart-tugging drama, and hilarious comedy. For years, I've been seeking out books that scratch the same itch Percy Jackson did, but never really found anything beyond Rick Riordan's other work. On top of that, the series formed my style of story telling. Did you pick up my level of snark in my fan fiction? The way I manage to form dialogue? You want to know what book series inspired all of that? Percy Jackson did, and I owe everything to it.
So when Disney+ announced that there was going to be a TV show, one that followed the books and had Riordan himself being closely involved with it, I was excited...but a little cautiously optimistic. It was great news that the series would follow the books, but as a Disney+ original? With other Disney+ original content ranging from mediocre to bad aside from a few exceptions? Yeah, I...didn't have faith in this, and the faith became weakened when I heard the show was going to be in live-action. Call me an animation shill, but I always felt like animation was the perfect medium for Percy Jackson, what with the insanity that the series goes through and the ideas that need to be conveyed in ways live-action couldn't. Just imagine something like The Owl House or even Avatar: The Last Airbender's style for Percy Jackson. It would have been GREAT.
Still, I didn't want to be all doom and gloom. I wanted to give this show a chance, even if it didn't follow the story EXACTLY or fit with the animated show I kept in my head for years. I would be open minded and see if it was still a good show regardless, and if these first two episodes are anything to go by, it might be...sort of.
In terms of the characters, everyone is on point. I buy that a lot of these actors are the characters they're portraying, and everyone nails the right amount of energy. Especially Walker Scobell, who IS Percy Jackson. There's SOME awkwardness because, you know...child actor. But when it comes to the sass, angst, and occasional stupidity of the character, the boy does great at the job and will hopefully improve as the years/seasons go by.
As for the action, it's pretty well-choreographed and epic. The Minotaur fight especially looked cool and surprisingly NOT hindered too badly by relying on CGI. It looks good enough where I can believe it, even if it's very obviously a CGI bull.
And then the comedy. THANK THE GODS for the comedy staying in tact. It was a big part of what drew me in with the books because while it can break my heart with drama or leave it pumping with action, it can be pretty funny a lot of the time. Just look at the chapter titles. They're full of sass and jokes, and it's important to keep that energy when adapting it. The show does a great job doing so while adding a few jokes of its own that feels like it would have fit in well with the books. I don't THINK Mr. D tried to make Percy think he was his father so Percy would get Mr. D some cheap booze was in the books...but dammit, it would fit PERFECTLY.
So, overall, I'd say this show definitely nails the energy of the books, being intense and comedic with the actors doing a great job at portraying the characters. However, while the show understands the energy, it kind of crumbles when it comes to telling the story.
Firstly, there ARE some changes. It's to be expected, because if I wanted every single bit from the book exactly as they were...I would have just read the frickin' book. I don't need all the exact details and I'm fine with writers taking liberties for the sake of making an adaptation standing out on its own. And no, I'm not tearing my hair out over the characters being a different race or Percy being blonde. As long as the actors still feel like the characters, which they do, there's nothing to worry about. But there are some narrative changes that I can't help but question. And, yeah, this is going to be SLIGHTLY spoilery, so be warned that if you haven't checked out the show yet, this is your last chance to skip ahead to the bottom.
Now, there are changes that I like. I like that they introduced Mythomagic early. It's a little detail, but it's a nice one to add and could maybe give Percy something to bond with Nico a bit when we finally get there. I also don't mind Sally giving Gabe that East Coast sass, making her more willing to stand up to his crappy behavior. It takes the punch out of the tragedy of her being stuck with him, but it's great to see Sally stand up for herself and it still works in showing that it's a situation she doesn't want to be in. But then there are...questionable changes. Like Chiron giving Percy Riptide when he broke his pencil. Like...No. The dumbass kid would have uncapped it immediately. NO.
Also, was that Grover's girlfriend? I mean, it's kind of cute on paper to introduce Grover's girlfriend this early, but the actress is VERY MUCH older than our baby-boy playing the goat kid, and it is uncomfortable seeing them give each other heart eyes with this VERY NOTICEABLE age difference.
And then there are changes that are made due to cutting time. Like cutting out the scene of Percy and Luke training with swords and choosing instead to have campers say "Luke's the best sword fighter in camp." You gotta SHOW instead of TELL for a TV show, Riordan. And then there's the fact that the Hellhound didn't show up, proving that the camp isn't safe for Percy and makes him believe that it's Hades who stole the bolt instead of...jumping to a conclusion. I don't need EXACT recreations of the book, but these are necessary beats for the story and even the future of the series. But we cut them out because this is a six-episode season and we need to skip as much as we can.
This brings me to why it's not a good thing that this show is a Disney+ original: Disney+ doesn't make TV shows, it makes MOVIES. Long, extended movies that are split into six or eight parts because they put too much money into an already short budget for anything lengthy. Sure, you get great stuff out of that like Loki and...I don't know, Andor? I only watch the Marvel stuff on that platform. But the problem is very much present with the Percy Jackson TV show. If this was a movie, I'd be more forgiving if we skip a lot of stuff so we can tell the story a lot faster. But because it's a TV show, something that SHOULD have all the time in the world to tell a story, it feels rough that it has to skip a lot for that six-episode limit. Because of it, we're breezing by so much that it feels like the story's on fast-forward yet also slow enough to have scenes like Grover being with his girlfriend--Seriously, am I the only one uncomfortable with that?
I WANT to say that Percy Jackson the TV series is GOOD, as it does understand the energy of the books. But the story and the pacing is questionable at times and it REALLY holds the series back. At least for now. Who knows, maybe things will get better as the season progresses or even if the show progresses. This IS only the first two episodes, after all. It can always get better...but it can also always get worse, but I'll wait until I've seen the whole show at least.
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licorishh · 11 months
I just finished Act V of the Fontaine archon quest (aka the last one).
I am. Frankly astounded.
WOW. I am. Wow. The writing. Just. Oh my. Oh my word.
Huge frickin' massive biiiig fat 4.2 spoilers under the cut~
FIRST OF ALL, HOW DARE THEY MAKE ME GO FROM DESPISING FURINA TO ACTUALLY LOVING HER??? I thought she was a bratty little punk up until now but oh my gosh she's actually one of the most fascinatingly deep and dynamic and selfless characters in the whole game what???? HOW DARE THEY??? I was not going to pull for her at all and was gonna save for Ayato but bRUH??? WHAT??? (I also think Neuvillette should go down in history as like one of the most well-written and compelling fictional characters to ever exist, but that's just me, pfft.)
ALSO. THAT LAST CUTSCENE. WITH NEUVILLETTE MAKING THE FINAL VERDICT. I CRIED. THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL, DUDE. JUST. AAUGUGHG. The whole time they did the shtick with the Traveler watching Furina's side and Neuvillette talking to Focalors. Just. Ohhhm y gosh. The feELS, SIR. ILLEGAL.
Kinda sad Wriothesley was barely there, but it was understandable considering he pretty much had the spotlight during the last few quest chains and since he was chilling out in the Fortress the whole time. It made sense. Nice to have Clorinde show up more, though :D
I am so insanely glad that I didn't get anything spoiled for this because blindly reacting to it all was just. So frickin insane. I am just astounded and so so impressed. Literally this game is only getting wildly better every second the story gets more added to it. Like I originally thought it couldn't get better than Liyue, and then frickin Sumeru happened, and then nOW FRICKIN FONTAINE HJAPPENED JUST. UGH. PLEASE. WHAT. HOW. DID THEY. DO THAT. SO WELL. SIR THE WRITING AND THE GENIUS AND THE AAAAGHH
I am amazed by how much character development there was in Fontaine. For the most part, the majority of the characters in Genshin Impact are somewhat one-dimensional (which is fine, because they're still cool), and they tend to lack significant depth. That combined with the fact that the other regions' quests have been pretty tame and really the most major moral dilemmas they've tackled were things like Nahida's predicament regarding how the people viewed her in comparison to Rukkhadevata means that a lot of the time, it's the worldbuilding that really stands out. While Fontaine's worldbuilding was also excellent, they really turned everything on its head by making the characters (specifically Furina, Neuvillette, and Navia) deeply compelling, with all kinds of internal struggles and issues that the game doesn't usually go into. I could give you a whole literary analysis on why Fontaine has arguably some of the best-written characters in the game, but I'll spare you, lol. I also love that they weren't afraid to really dig in and give Fontaine some serious issues and tragedies (Navia's father's death and how the guilt of being the one to issue the verdict weighed heavily on Neuvillette, the prospect of an entire nation being killed because of one mistake the archon made, characters actually dying for once, the issue with the Melusines being seen as outcast and being horribly mistreated, Neuvillette's feelings of being an outsider and unwelcome everywhere he goes, just, MAN).
Can you tell I enjoyed the Fontaine arc or
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arlecchno · 2 years
5 hours of sleep squad …. i honestly dont know how well i sleep but today i had a dream and alhaitham and kaveh were in it (i only got to chat w haitham tho) i was in this gigantic ass library type thing and it looked so cool , the entire thing was made out of dark brown wood and it was so pretty (i actually had another dream where i was in the same building before where i was running errands around the “school” HAHAH) but yeah since it was a library / school type place i was obviously there to learn shiz and — this is the weird part — the lesson was on dreams !!!!!!! and like bro ?? are my dreams becoming self aware ? 😨 i thought the lesson was interesting but alhaitham tried to gaslight me into not liking it (an exaggeration , he just thought i was lying when i said it was interesting) i think he was supposed to be like ,,, a helper to me in the dream idfk it was funky as hell - sorry for going off on a tangent about my dream LMFAO
WHSJSJ fischl is my baby shes one of the first 4*s i got and i kinda relate to her on some level , i too love playing pretend , but mostly when i was younger id pretty much spend all my recess roleplaying with my friends . trying to imitate my favorite characters is a pastime ive always enjoyed , and it honestly makes me insanely happy when people say i kinda act like my faves (ig its smth i do subconsciously LOL) because its like “WAIT . THEY THINK IM LIKE THIS INSANELY COOL CHARACTER I LOVE WITH A BURNING PASSION ???? [inaudible screaming]” recently ive found myself a new genshin rp friend and . dude . id never have thought that playing as alhaitham would be so goddamn fun . screenies for funnies:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(making cynos joke was so much fun too so i included it)
bro i lost my mf 50/50 to jeAN on haithams banner - not even a diluc , tall men hate me ig LMAO and it really doesnt help that ive been drained as hell from school lately so ive been slacking w my fricking primo farming ;_;
YESS the fungi event was lovely but tbh … the entire event i was just yelling about how i wanted to see cyno HAHAHAH - i suffer with chronic writers block (/hj) so . like . [dead alex sound]
GREAT NEWS my injury has healed hooray !!
absolutely , escaping school is great , id probably go on more field trips if it didnt mean id have to do makeup work tbh , i hate doing makeup work .
DINGDINGDING ! YOU ARE CORRECT ! the region i was going for was indeed mondstadt ! aster (my oc) lives in mond and is originally from khaenriah , im glad i didnt draw in their face yet because their eyes wouldve totally given away the fact they were khaenriahn LOL
my week was honestly pretty busy (atleast to my tiny brains standards , i feel like you could also tell by how long it took me to send another ask 😭😭) i had two tests today (that i frickin ACED HAHA im so proud of myself) one of my friends and some guy i share a bunch of classes with also gave me pieces of their cotton candy and the guy told me good job for actually doing my work LMFAO (i usually fall asleep in that class … haha ,,) and one of my other friends complained about also wanting food so i called him friendless (even though i thought the guy who gave me a piece of cotton candy didnt like me so i dont think he counts as a friend ??) my friend also recently introduced me to a series they liked and now im practically obsessed because DELICIOUS . i also recently did heizous hangout quest and GODDAMN he - he is so . im so gay for this detective motherfucker i was practically screaming at my ipad … haha …… heizou is honestly so my type he has such a way with words and i DO NOT know why a lot of npcs / characters in game talk about him negatively how do people not like him - yeah but i also almost went on a full genshin lore tangent to my ipad because of my uncontrollable urge to explain things SMH . oh my god the part where heizou said that he wanted us to be his partner all the time and i just straight up actually screamed , yes heizou ill be your partner forever if yk what i mean - HAHAHAH i also made a collection of goofy genshin triangles on one of my friends old schoolwork in math class hehe
aaaanyways id like to return your question ! how have your recent days been ? and if you dont deem anything of note or dont want to share , if you could choose anyone in genshin to share a house / be roommates with who would you choose ? (since these are again two questions , if you want , fire back two as well !) also , dude i have a terrible habit of rambling like crazy , so i totally dont mind if you ramble and stuff in replies (because i do that wayy too much as well LOL)
— jellyfish
HELLOO TO YOU!!!! your dream sounds so funny LOL in the 2 years i've played genshin i've never had any genshin characters appear in my dreams,,, it's always boring ones that revolve around my life. but nevertheless your dream made me imagine how alhaitham would act around you 😭 and the way he tried to gaslight you LMAO he's so cute and goofy
haha i love how enthusiastic you are about fischl!!! we all have that one character that we have an undying love for to the point that everyone you know in life knows them (for me that'd be kazuha,, every time someone sees him it'd just remind them of me hehe)
THE RPS LMAO “i just find you rather annoying.” THAT'S SUCH AN ALHAITHAM THING TO SAY!!! also i'm pretty oblivious so this just made me realize that the denial is a river in egypt tiktok meme is also pointing out the fact that the nile. is a river. in egypt???? i just found out it's a wordplay thing???? denial (the nile)???? damn i really thought it's like a random word being thrown to make it seem exaggerated or something 😭😭😭 i'm really dumb LMAO how did i not figure that out sooner 🙁🙁🙁 the fact that i know the nile is a river in egypt is embarrassing too like it never occurred to me to piece the puzzles together...
man that sucks 😭😭 i remember when you messaged me on genshin talking about it LOL please humbly accept my offer of my c2 diluc to you,,, he's been in my hands far too long and i cannot fathom the fact that he keeps appearing in my 50/50's (tighnari pls come home i beg). i was on a 50/50 for haitham too and the very loud sigh of relief i let out when he finally came home is insane. i've basically farmed everything in the new area (i have 99% exploration progress now due to it) and have milked my welkin for him so i'm glad he actually came home... the things i'd do if diluc appeared in screen instead should be left unsaid 🤗
aster is such a badass name and the fact that they're originally from khaenriah???? awesome as hell. hope they're besties with kaeya because that would be totally legen... wait for it, dary!!!! (cue my love for barney in himym i just had to quote him)
also very glad to see that your week has been going okay!!! would love some cotton candy rn tbh they're so good </3
and heizou's hangout quest.... honestly same. i haven't exactly finished all of the endings but i've done some and it made me squeal and giggle every time he flirted with us 😭 made me feel like a total loser with his charming words bro i can't believe the npcs in game have such negative views on him because me personally if i was in the game, i'd immediately fold for him the second he breathes in front of me HAHA i'm . not weird at all.
my week has been slow actually, i finished my finals a while ago so we have nothing to do now so i've been doing absolutely nothing at school LOL! senior year is coming up soon so i might be more busy and focusing more on my studies... it's sure gonna be hell for me.
and recently i've been packing up my stuff because i'm moving out!! (hence why i haven't posted a new asphodelus chapter lol i've been so busy). it's been rather slow for me tho since i have a lot of stuff and it's kinda hard to choose the ones i'd have to throw or give away because like,, i love all of my stuff 😭 my mom has helped me with some but i still got a shit ton of stuff to declutter. basically everything is a mess rn
other than that, i think everything's been a-okay! i'm just reaally busy with irl stuff now but i think i can survive through them :D (i hope i do because i am one inch away from going insane). also my mom's been trying to convince me to drive lately since i'm supposed to start now but i have been avoiding it,,, it's scary being on the road and i am far from ready to risk my life 😔
as for your question, i think out of everyone, i'd choose kazuha. before you say anything, i'm trying to not be as biased as i can since like kazuha is my favourite character ever— but yeah, i think i can accept the terms of living with the kaedehara kazuha. he's such a nice guy and although he's a very very lightweight and behind all that charming looks he's a pretty scary guy himself (cue that scene where he threatened that treasure hoarder in the archon quest that he'd brand his forehead with hot iron) i think i could actually survive living with him. he'd do his set of chores, i'd do mine, everyone gets their happy ending. if i were to live with my other favs like kuni and alhaitham i think i would just die. kuni would be rude as fuck and alhaitham would just bully his way out from doing our shared chores. i cannot deal with them. (i'm sorry my sweethearts i'll do you two justice one day)
time to give a question to you!!! how's your progress in genshin going? (it can be exploration wise, storyline, anything) and what's your current main genshin team rn :0
hope you're having a great day!!! it was fun talking with you hehe i've been dying to get an ask since the blog has been real quiet lately, and i'm glad it's you! have a wonderful day ahead :P
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I have some ideas for a radioactive tokoyami.
Radium is known for it's unique green glow, so maybe he's eyes could grow green.
I've heard myths about how near the elephants foot if you take pictures you'll see things similar to ghosts even though no casualties happen near it. (That I know of)
So Gamma rays and X-rays are both electromagnetic radiation Gamma rays are created by nuclear decay while X-rays take a picture of a bone. Gamma rays are hazardous to life they can cause damage to bone marrow and internal organs and they easily pass through the body and thus pose a formidable radiation protection challenge. They are also produced by the hottest and most energetic objects in the universe, such as neutron stars and pulsars, supernova explosions, and regions around black holes.
Do with this information as you wish :)
God I'm so in love with this! And the nuclear decay, damage to bone marrows and internal organs (as expected, also I've heard that radiation also causes teeth to fall out, tho I'm not too sure abt it), and the HOTTEST things in the UNIVERSE????? Holy hell
I don't know much abt nuclear and radiation stuff bc we haven't gotten to that part in our science stuff yet— so I'm very glad and grateful piece of information!! Many kudos to you!!
I've been so hyped abt this AU bc it started when I watched those Minecraft tnt mods on tiktok and thought: "Why not let Tokoyami have that power? It suits him."— and thus the birth of the "Nuclear Blood" AU. I basically wanted him to be Bakugo but, as it is, poses so much more threat and the consequences adding to those explosions. I've also pictured his feathers to have bright tips at the end, and as long as it may go, whilst floating like some sort of black dreadful gas, and the eyes! Of course they'd go green (or pink, I feel like, bc bright pink can be an intimidating color in the right light, and not so much in contrast with his red eyes). Also his "body" wouldn't really be called a Body, would it? All that radiation and nuclear energy and other deadly things wouldn't match with a biologically constructed one (let alone the potential great consequences of it, and it wouldn't do to have such a godly power if you do not have the right body for it— like putting metric tons of water into a cup); so his body could be just a really solid gas structure perhaps? It goes well with the ghost things you've mentioned.
Tokoyami in Nuclear Blood basically being a very very thick presence of gas (or otherwise, if you want Eldritch things, if this already isn't Eldritch in a way science can become), and a walking supernova. People feel like they're dying around him, or maybe nauseous if Tokoyami seals himself so tight he wouldn't be blamed. He'd probably wear anti-radiation suits, or clothing made of the same material, and has a reputation of avoiding touching things or being touched by people (especially the young).
There are so much stuff I wanna add, tho the unfortunate thing is that I don't know enough about nuclear science to actually, and accurately, make things easier. I would attempt to read/watch stuff about it tho! Bc I'm hyped and I'm not going to back to down! There's so many things (both good and bad) I want to give or have Tokoyami experience— as well as the changes in his personality and behavior (he'd probably be a bit insane, and hallucinate at certain times), so yeah!! Merry I go for this Au! There's lots I wanna do and draw and write!!!
Again, thanks for this information!! Now Tokoyami is less than a human and more of an ancient, horrible thing (which, is a good thing, if I may add, I'm a sucker for these) :))
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
I saw your bio about angel of death too!! May i request nagito X s/o who's like zack!!:D I hope i don't bothering you and have a nice day^^♡♡
Yes finally! Also your not bothering me, and thank you for wishing me a nice day! Your such a sweet heart adelia-Chan!
Nagito with a S/O like Zack!
Now it is modern time, you probably aren’t a murder but you can be, um…problematic.
You liked to beat people up when the looked to happy or mad. It made you feel good.
You obviously laughed like a mentally insane person when you did.
Now on the first day of school you saw a boy with white hair looking way to happy, he looked like a good target.
He noticed you right away and introduced himself with that smile, he sounded so joyful while doing it. That just made you want beat him up even more.
“Hello I’m Nagito Komeada!”
“Hey Komeada. I’m S/O. You got three seconds to run.”
The last part you said with a dark tone. He looked at you confused.
“Um…why would I need to run?”
“Cause you look way to frickin happy, makes me want to beat you up! I like to give people a fair chance to try to run away. As long you beg or scream for me not to hurt you to bad! I love seeing fear on my victims faces! Gets my blood bumping!”
He softly chuckled.
“Oh I’m not going to run away. I’ll let you do it. Come hit me! An ultimate like you hitting trash like me is an honor!”
You stumbled back and leaned by a nearby trash can and threw up.
“Man is something wrong with you. That’s the most messed up thing I’ve ever heard. You not running away or begging for your life. it makes it no fun. See ya later weirdo, I going to class I guess.”
Unfortunately (or fortunately) you both had the same class.
So you really couldn’t escape him, you had to listen to him insult himself and his thing on hope. Which kinda annoyed you.
You interested him and he wanted to get to know you. Like what your hobbies, your goals, or why do you like to beat up people who look happy.
“Is there a reason why your following me like a lost puppy?”
“Your interest me. Just pretend I’m not here.”
You saw a group of girls. They were laughing at another girl. They poured milk on her and laughed even louder. This brought back a memory from your childhood. A very bad memory.
You feel into a rage. You ran and proceeded to beat these girls to the point where they were knocked out. You turned to the girl who they were bullying you held out a hand for her to grab. You helped her getting up, patted her head then walked away.
Nagito followed close behind. You forgot he was following you. You went somewhere quite with a low chance of other students walking by. Then you grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall.
“You better not tell anyone about anything you saw! Or else your gonna end up worse then those girls!”
“Oh I was never going to tell anyone anyway!”
“You better not be lying! I hate liars more than anything!”
“I’m not lying.”
You looked at him in the eyes. He was completely honest. You let him go.
“I thought it was kinda cool to see you standing up for that girl.”
“I wasn’t doing it for her. I was doing it cause it reminded me of something. Something I’d rather forget.”
“Even though, your speed and strength was amazing to see in action. You also held such passion in your eyes.”
You started angry mumbling not because he was annoying you but your were honestly embarrassed, you weren’t used to hearing much praise.
One day your class decided to have a party, you don’t know how they convinced you. But they did, you didn’t listen to the details just the time and place.
The party was a bonfire party.
Once you arrived you were the last one to arrive, they started off the fire. To where you started internally freaking out. Also frozen in fear.
At some point you were escaped into the back of the woods, Nagito noticed and went to follow you. He heard you near by. You found you punching a tree while yelling. You hade to stop cause of your hands
You wore bandages all over hands, shoulder, arms, and up your back a little, from a incident from a long time ago. You heard a twig snap.
“Who’s there! Show yourself!”
“Oops looks like I’ve been spotted.”
“Ugh! What’s with you and following me!”
“Well I noticed you left the party. I just wanted to know why.
He said sitting on a tree stump. You lean against a tree.
“Don’t tell anyone this. But. I’m scared of fire.”
“Oh. Well, how about we go to a near by gas station. We can get some snacks!”
“I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry I’ll pay.”
You weren’t saying no to free food. You guys got a couple of snacks and went to a nearby park to sit on a bench.
You actually had a nice conversation with Nagito. You actually were laughing a lot. For the first time ever somebody smile didn’t want to make you beat them up. Nagito smile made you smile.
You developed a crush on Nagito.
You treated him different from then on.
No threats were thrown his way from you. You didn’t mind when he talked to you. Anytime somebody gave him a nasty look for saying something. You punch your hand against your palm as a sign. You often lean against him when he talks to somebody. Anytime he says an insult to himself, you put him in a headlock and start giving him noogies while saying “why do you keep saying that! Do you got some screws loose Huh?!” You could say it’s tough love. Everbody knew you had a crush on Nagito. But you were to dense to notice your own feelings and Nagito was to oblivious to notice your change in behavior. Surprisingly you and fuyuhiko had a kinda Frenemy thing going on. You two acted like you hate each other, which you do. but you two had a lot in common so sometimes you got along. He’s the one to point out your feelings
“When you going to tell Nagito you like him?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s so obvious you have a crush on him. Which is kinda weird.”
“What’s a crush?”
He gave you a shock looked. Then called you an idiot. He explained a crush and then it made sense to you.
“So…how do I tell him.”
“Just tell him. Unless your a chicken.”
“Shut up! I’m not a chicken! I’ll go tell him right now!”
You stomped away looking for Nagito to tell him. You found him being Ganged up by some guys. You beat all of them up. Some puked from your punches, some passed out, some ran away. You picked up Nagito and threw him over his shoulder and started walking away with him.
“Um s/o can you let me down? I can walk on my own.”
You went back to your place and threw him on your couch.
“Thanks for saving me back there. I didn’t think you would save me like that.”
You flicked him in the forehead.
“Of course I saved you. I love you dummy.”
He blushed at the sudden confession.
“I love you too.”
You blushed and pulled him to your chest. You cuddle him, so you guys are now a couple.
Here somethings you do now your a couple
You are always touching him in someway, simple hand hold, hugging, leaning against him, just anything works.
Your like his own personal bodyguard.
He helps you with your bandages when you need to change them.
He comforts you when there’s fire.
You give him random small kisses.
Everybody and anybody is too scared to flirt with Nagito.
When you two are anywhere like a booth at a restaurant. You have you arm wrapped around Nagito shoulder.
After a long time. You told him things about your childhood, which he understood and helped you deal with your trauma.
Bonus: for this to make sense. I ship fuyuhiko and Peko.
You noticed how fuyuhiko acted around peko. You and Nagito decided to play match maker.
Nagito invited fuyuhiko to a cafe to hangout. While you did the same with peko.
They arrived at the cafe both texting you asking where you were. Both of you texted something came up with your significant other so you couldn’t make it. They spotted each other and decided to hangout. Just according to plan. you and Nagito where wearing disguises to watch them. Nagito went up to their waiter after he took their order, saying he’ll pay for them.
When they learned that somebody payed for them and the waiter pointed who. They realized it was you two. You practically grab Nagito and made a mad dash for the exit.
Later that night you got to listen to a mad fuyuhiko, while receiving passive aggressive text from peko.
“Why you so mad? I’m just helping you out. I mean you helped me and Nagito get together. I’m just returning the favor.”
“What?! Are you implying I have a crush on peko! What gave off that idea?!”
“A lot of things gave off that idea. C’mon you like her. Don’t be a chicken.”
“I hate you!”
“The feelings mutual. Just go for it.”
“You don’t tell me what to do-“
You hung up. You put your phone on silent and went to sleep. Luckily it was Friday so you didn’t have school the next day. So they couldn’t bother you about it.
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elisela · 3 years
📓 - Marrish, naturally. ;)
okay--i briefly thought about doing this for marrish week but absolutely ran out of time to execute it properly, so--
the day before his second deployment, jordan is sitting alone in a cafe patio. he was supposed to be meeting up with his best friend for one last night out until said best friend's long-time crush apparently decided to confess his love seventeen hours before they were leaving the country (jordan's fine with it--derek's in his unit, it's not like he'll be missing him, he'll be missing relatively cool weather and fruity cocktail drinks and the ability to eat whatever the hell he wants)--so now he's just sitting alone and people watching. he watches the kid that tears his pizza crust into small bites and throw it into the street for the birds, the older couple who hold hands loosely across the table as they talk, and the redhead who is currently having some sort of harsh whispered fight into the phone three feet from him on the other side of the gate.
drama has always drawn him in; he can't help but eavesdrop when she sucks in an unforgiving breath and hisses "i knew you would do this. i need your help for one thing and you decide today is the day you run off to london? my mom already suspects i'm lying, what am i supposed to say now? i just want to get them off my back, jackson."
his check comes and he loses thread of her side of the conversation while he makes small talk with the waitress and tries to talk her out of comping part of his meal when she hears he's deploying, and by the time he can look over at the redhead again she straights up, shakes her shoulders, and marches across the street and into a bar. he watches her through the window until she's lead away to a table, and then--without thinking too much about it--follows.
because walking up to her table and dropping into the seat next to her with a grin and a "hey, sweetheart," is probably one of the dumbest things he's ever done, but he figures it makes for a good story and if it's goes horribly, well--he'll be out of the country for the next two years anyway, so he may as well turn to the couple he assumes are her parents and add, "sorry i'm late, my c.o. had a bunch of pre-deployment stuff to go over. nice to meet you, i'm jordan."
her eyebrow raises, just the slightest bit of surprise, but then she's leaning in and he's wrapped up in her arms, her hair brushing against his cheek when she pulls out of the embrace and kisses him soundly. she keeps the conversation centered on him for most of the dinner, though once her dad starts asking about his military career it's not difficult to do. he doesn't even know her name until they're ordering dessert, and when they stand up to leave she tugs him back down for one more drink, watches her parents walk out the door and then turns towards him.
"you're insane," she says, "and i can't tell you how much i appreciate that. how much of what you just said was the truth?"
all of it, he tells her, except for the parts he'd made up that involved her. "it's my last night, might as well do something crazy," he explains, and grins at her when he adds, "and you're pretty, so i had to take a shot."
lydia asks him a few more questions--what sorts of things he likes (dive bars and shooting ranges, running trails in la jolla and getting fresh seafood) and what he doesn't (anything spicy--derek makes fun of him for it but jordan doesn't let it bother him), the things he's been able to see while he was stationed in san diego (a lot of baseball) and what he'd never gotten around to (sailing), then sends him up to the bar to get them another drink while she makes a phone call. when he returns with a whiskey sour and a gin and tonic she smiles widely at him and tells him to drink up. "i can do you one better than sailing," she says, "my best friend's dad owns a boat and she's calling the club and asking them to get it ready for us. ready for a sunset cruise?"
(it's not a boat, it's a frickin' yacht. the cruise also doesn't end at sunset; she kisses him just as the sun dips below the horizon and leads him to one of the bedrooms, and that's where they stay until it rises again the next morning.)
ask me for an unwritten fic daydream
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sodasback · 3 years
The Kegger - For You Series
JJ Maybank x Allie Routledge (John B’s younger sister)
 Allie was sitting on a log next to some tourist, a good looking guy, who was obviously not in high school. JJ turned to look at them when Allie let out an exaggerated giggle at something dumb the tourist said and then he watched while the stupid touron’s hand started to move from it’s spot on her knee and up her bare thigh. JJ didn’t know it but he was crushing his beer can and clenched his jaw so loud that Pope and Kie noticed. 
“WOW! You are so jealous!” Kie said teasingly to JJ. 
“What?” JJ said pulled from his trance of imagining breaking the nose of the touron that had his hands on Allie. “Pfft! No! She’s like my little sister! I’m just being protective.” JJ defended. 
“Really? ‘Cause her actual brother barely cares.” Pope nodded towards John B. talking to some friends at the keg, completely not concerned with Allison and the guy flirting with her. 
“Please J, we all know you’ve always had a thing for Allie.” Kie said. 
“I do not! It’s Allie. I’d never do that to John B.” JJ said reminding himself more than trying to convince Pope and Kie.
“So if she wasn’t John B.’s little sister, you’d admit you’re in love with her?” 
JJ glared at the two of them before groaning. “I’m not talking to you guys anymore. I’m not in love with Allie!” He emphasized as he walked away. 
Pope and Kie smiled at each other, “So he’s totally head over heels for her right?” Pope asked.
“Oh 1000%” Kie agreed.
Allie saw JJ approach and shot him a glare knowing he was about to interrupt her and try to cock block this tourist, but he didn’t even glance at her, just squeezed in between Allie and the tourist on the log. 
“Dude, what the fuck?” the tourist asked, obviously pissed off at the interruption. 
“Oh. hey man! Sorry, didn’t see you there.” JJ said sarcastically, putting his arm around Allie’s shoulders, “did I interrupt you hitting on my 17 year old baby sister? ...yeah, dude, I know she’s a minor, so I feel like-” 
“This is your brother?” The tourist interrupted. 
“No! He’s not.” Allie said sharply, looking at JJ and pushing his muscly arm off of her, “He’s just jealous, but trying to pretend he’s being protective instead.”
JJ looked at her and smirked as he drank from his solo cup, obviously proud of himself and amused as the tourist looked confused and then sighed, fed up with the drama this was turning into. “Whatever” he said walking away.
“What the fuck JJ?!” Allie yelled at him as she stood up to face him still seated on the log. 
“Ya know, I feel like people are always saying that to me!” he chuckled sarcastically, but Allison was not amused, “What Allie?! Are you seriously mad at me for saving you from a hugely disappointing 5 minutes that doesn’t end with you in an orgasm?” He raised his eyebrows as he sipped his beer again. 
She just gaped at his bold statement. 
“And you know what Allie? I’m not jealous! You’re like my litter sister!” he scoffed. And JJ didn’t miss the flash of disappointment cross Allie’s face, which she failed to hide fast enough. 
He cocked his head to the side while the grin on his face grew. “Wait a damn minute! Was that disappointment I just saw? You want me to be jealous, don’t you?” He asked standing up and getting excited while Allie crossed her arms and put on her best poker face. “You want me to look at you as something other than a little sister, don’t you?!” he teased further as he looked down at her, trying to break her. 
“I don’t know JJ, do guys practically break their necks trying to check out their ‘little sister’s’ ass in a bikini?” she asked indignantly, using air quotes. 
“I never-” JJ smiled and shook his head, but she interrupted and leaned in next to his ear, “Or get hard watching me eat a popsicle?” 
And she saw JJ’s jaw drop a little and she pulled away from him, “Yeah. I knew you were watching me dumbass ...you really think that’s how I would normally eat a popsicle?”
JJ just closed his mouth and rolled his lips into each other knowing he lost this battle. “Later ...bro” Allie said walking away from him.
Allie continued to get a little drunk, because even though she was annoyed at JJ for cock-blocking her with the tourist, the fact that JJ might be jealous gave her all kinds of satisfaction, which only reminded her that she liked JJ way more than her brother’s best friend. And she had a feeling JJ knew this too, and yet, there he was along with John B entertaining a whole group of girls. JJ caught Allie scowling at him and he just gave her a smirk and a wink before going back to making his new-found groupies giggle. Allie rolled her eyes and downed another screwdriver. Then she had an idea. As immature and petty as it was, she decided 2 could play at this game. 
Allie grabbed the bag of cut-up limes, the tequila and the salt. She stood on top of the one giant wooden table someone had built and left down here at Boneyard party years ago. "Who wants to do body shots?!" She yelled. Immediately, a dozen boys and some eager girls surrounded the table. She didn't even look over to see if JJ had heard. Allie helped a girl lay on the table and after a guy licked some salt off her stomach, took a shot of some tequila and then took the lime out of her mouth.
"Hey, when is it your turn?" one of the hot tourists asked Allie. She smiled and hopped up on the table to lay down.
What Allie didn't see was John B and JJ exchanging admonishing glances. JJ shook his head and walked over to the table indicating he would handle it.
"Allie, what are you doing?" JJ asked, annoyed as he reached the table. She sat up leaning back on her elbows and narrowed her eyes at him.
"Why do you care JJ? You jealous?" She cruelly teased with an edge to her voice. JJ just glared at her, before looking away and shaking his head yet again at her antics, "Or you just don't want your 'little sister' acting like a whore?" she asked taking off her tank top and throwing it at him, before she poured salt in the cleavage revealed by her bikini top.
The tourist slightly pushed JJ out of the way as he bent down to lick it off her, but JJ shoved him hard before he could touch Allie. Then JJ grabbed Allie's arm and pulled her off the table. "Come on!" He said dragging her through the party.
Allie chuckled darkly as she struggled to keep up, "This whole jealous toxic masculinity doesn't look good on you, just fyi." But JJ ignored her, pulling her to a secluded area. Allie had to admit though, this was her plan all along and even though it definitely was not a healthy way to get JJ’s attention, she couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t actually super turned on by what was happening.
"What JJ?! What?! You came in like the bad big brother and pulled me away! Now what?"
"What is wrong with you Allie?! Letting random guys do body shots off of you?! You were about to let that guy lick your tits?! What the fuck?! You think that's cool to get wasted and let guys just take advantage of you?"
"First of all, I'm not fucking wasted! Secondly, they aren't taking advantage if I'm consenting to it dumbass. And three, it's frickin harmless! It's not like I'm fucking random tourists every weekend!" She threw at him.
JJ stared at her angrily with a furrow in his brow for a minute. "Yeah?! What was that earlier tonight then, huh?! Were you not gonna go home with that fucking touron if I hadn't interrupted?"
"Okay, so my one time versus your dozens of girls?!" She threw her hands out as they continued yelling at each other.
"Why do you think I do that Allie?! Huh?! Why do you think I hookup with random girls?"
She looked at him confused. "What the fuck, JJ?" she muttered, "Because you're a fucking horny teenage fuckboy? How am I supposed to know?!"
"You ever think it's because I can’t be with the girl I want to be with ...because she’s my best friend’s little sister? And everyone on this island knows I’m no good for her?! So yeah, I sleep with random girls, smoke all day, get in fights and just, in general, be a fuck up, because I might as well live up to everyone’s expectations of me, right? ...If I can’t have the one girl I’ve been in love with since we were kids, then what’s the point of trying to be better?” He finished, shrugging and staring at her, furrow in his brow still present.
Allie stayed quiet for a second, as the tension in her face relaxed at the realization that JJ was actually admitting feelings for her and then returning as she heard what JJ thought of himself.
“Whatever, just forget it okay?” He muttered and started to walk past her. 
“JJ, wait!” She called after him.
He stopped, but didn’t turn around yet, just let out a sigh, “What Allie?” He asked tiredly and started to turn around. Allie walked up to him and crashed her lips on his. No softness or gentleness about it, just 11 years of pining after one another sparking a fire that ignited when their lips touched. JJ’s arms instantly around Allie’s waist, pulling her as close as possible. Her hands on his cheek and neck, fingers snaking through his hair. 
They pulled apart, breathing heavy, foreheads pressed together. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember JJ Maybank.” She whispered. He searched her face for a second making sure this was real before kissing her again. 
As much as Allie never wanted to stop kissing JJ, she also had something important to tell him, so she pulled away and held his face in her hands. “You might think you’re a fuck-up. But I think you’re charming and ...and fucking electric and insanely smart and fiercely loyal. You are the most amazing guy with the biggest heart and if you ever talk that way about my JJ again, I’ll have to kick your ass.”
“Oh, I’m your JJ now, huh?” he smirked.
“Damn straight ...always have been.” She smirked back before kissing again.
Taglist: @abbyj1822 @october-cameron @moonrisebeach @hernameisnoell @moniamaybank @railmerafe @phantompogues @jeyramarie @gabiatthedisco @baby-cakes-98 @lemur46 @lexieee304 @jjpogueprincess @imjustanothernerd 
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Mmm okay, I see you typically do [character] x reader headcanons, and I was wondering if you do others as well? Bc I have this hc where the main group of station house 4 (Murdoch, Julia, George, Brackenreid and Watts) are all slightly…. inhuman. They are still human, of course, but there’s something odd about them. Since he was a kid, for example, Murdoch would get these insanely accurate intuitions that go beyond just being observant, and when Julia tends to someone’s injury they seem to heal faster than they would with anyone else, and George has a way with words, both written and spoken, such that he can convince almost anyone of anything (no matter how unreasonable) if he really puts his mind to it. Bullets and knives leave Brackenreid slightly grazed when he probably ought to be dead, and Watts would never admit it out loud, but he’s sure he’s seen the restless ghosts of victims they’ve uncovered wandering around the bullpen.
Of course those are only my own thoughts about what “powers” they’d have. I’ve been mulling this idea over for a while and I’d be really interested in hearing your take on it!
oh my god, this is so frickin cool!!! yeah recently I've been writing more just general hcs so I'll totally give you my take on this:)
first of all, all of these sound so accurate and I really enjoyed reading this. I especially love the Watts one, because its something that once I read it and imagined it it just fit so well with Watts, if you get what I'm saying lol. K the Brackenreid one is also really cool because ya he almost died in that one ep, but nooooo he was okay thankfully. George and Julia's are super neat I think, because again like the Watts one just fits so well with their character. The Murdoch one hands down is soooo fitting and would be a cool plot for a show along with all the other characters.
I can just imagine them telling each other for the first time and they're like "you have a power too???".
I feel if Henry didn't have a power he'd feel left out/jealous, BUT his bro George would try and make him feel as included as he could.
You know I think everyone would be pretty chill about it in the station house, but idk if they'd like tell the public ya know, they might think they're a lil crazy.
Watts would somehow slip up and tell Milo, but he’s real chill about it and finds it fascinating. 
Overall this would be a real cool thing to have and would almost bring everyone together and closer:).
This was such a cool thing to think about!! Thank you so much for sending it in, If you have anymore hcs or want to add on more to this please send 'em in!!
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
hii! i saw you’re a new writer and your style is frickin awesome!! could you write a tanaka x black reader who’s also a cheerleader on a lvl 4 team and it’s his first time seeing her compete?!?! please and thank you!
Tanaka Seeing His All-Star Cheerleader GF Compete For The First Time! (Fluff)
A/N: Thank you for resending this🥺🤍🤍🤍 of COURSE! Let’s go on a trip to the should-have-happened 2020 Cheerleading Worlds:
“Babe!!! I’m so excited to see you!!!” Your boyfriend exclaimed into the phone. You had to hold the phone a few centimetres away from your ear because his voice was just so loud when he was excited.
“Me too, baby. We are about to start warming up soon. Did you find a spot to sit? You’re not too far back, are you? Because you can buy a pair of binoculars-“
“NO NEED! Second row, baby.”
You gasped, surprised. “What?? But you came a bit late, didn’t you? Those seats would have been taken for hours!”
“Are you questioning the powers of your boyfriend, Y/N?! All we had to do was make our way to the front audience and before you knew it two seats just opened up—“
We. Oh, right.
You remembered that Tanaka had brought his best friend Noya to Florida with him for the Cheerleading Worlds. Being well aware of how your bf and his friend are together , you immediately understood how they were able to find two seats in the front.
“Now I get it. Nishinoya bothered the other girls so much they relocated...” You had seen it first-hand at outdoor concerts with Nishi and Tanaka. Nishinoya has become even more girl crazy since his friend got off the market, he really wanted a girlfriend so he could go on double dates with you two instead of feeling like the perpetual third wheel.
“Huh? What matters is that we got a spot, Y/N!” Called a distant voice that you knew was Noya’s.
You rolled your eyes even though they couldn’t see it.
“Babe, I’m so glad you came, you know that right? Thank you so much!!” Your heart swelled every time you thought about the fact that your man literally booked a surprise trip to Florida from Japan to see you at the biggest competition in your entire life! You found out he was here last night—in a hotel far away because they were all booked up for worlds—But, he was here nonetheless. He didn’t want to shock you at the actual competition in case it altered your mind.
“I told you I’d be there!” He said.
“Yes but I didn’t believe you!! It’s a 15-hour flight!”
“That’s exactly why I brought my Noya with me! We had a blast on the flight. I just can’t wait to see you compete!” Your boyfriend quieted then, and you could hear the smile in voice when he said, “Plus, Noya wanted to be here for [YBF/N aka Your Best Friends Name].”
Noya shouted: ‘shut up, Tanaka!” in the distance and you laughed.
This is the first time that your cheer gym has ever qualified for Worlds and when your team had been given an invitation the lot of you cried for a week straight. Your boyfriend had sent you a singing telegram in celebration. It was hilarious and you loved him for it.
“That silly crush still going strong, huh Yuu?”
There were sounds of bustling in the phone then you heard Yuu loud and clear.
“It’s not silly Y/N. I’ll tell you that for the last time!”
“Tanaka told me you just asked out the hotel receptionist last night!!!”
“Because YBF/N-chan rejects me every day! I gotta make her jealous somehow!”
You heard rustling again and and an ‘Ow!’ from Noya before your boyfriends comforting voice entered the phone speaker again.
“Babe. Don’t let Noya drag you into their drama again. I need you to focus on your cheer comp. You kill it out there. Tell them if they drop you they’re gonna hear from me and blow me a kiss if you can.”
You blushed. You felt so insanely happy every time he encouraged you because he knew you so well and he was the best at it. You literally adored the man.
After speaking a little longer, your loving goodbyes and hanging up, Tanaka left to get snacks for himself and Noya while Noya held their seats
Ryu loved junk food and he loved his girlfriend so today was a perfect day
He knew It was a great idea to surprise you in Florida for the most important day of your life because he wanted you to know that nothing was more special to him than your happiness
On the way to Worlds from the hotel, Tanaka had annoyed Yuu to no end because he had tried to empty out the gift shop in search for an after-competition present for you
Noya swatted everything out of his hands, telling him that you were not on your death bed so the ‘get well soon’ teddybear was a no no & that he’d look lame with it
Not caring but kind of listening, Tanaka settled on picking up a bouquet of yellow roses for you because that was your uniform colour and he got your favourite candy.
Noya rolled his eyes but deep down he was so happy that his best friend had found the greatest love the two of them had ever seen
Seeing Y/N and Tanaka together made Yuu actually want to feel the kind of love his best friend felt for you and stop being such a player.
He had seen how much Tanaka had changed since meeting you, and it was incredible that his high-spirited best friend even had more notches to ascend
After retrieving the snacks, Tanaka returned to the stands and handed Nishinoya’s his order
They watched about 4 other teams perform before the announcer announced your team as next!!!
Tanaka cheered so loudly like a proud father
Nishinoya like a proud uncle
Your team ran on stage and you were holding hands with your best friend while waving to the audience
when you caught sight of your buzz cut baby in the crowd you pointed to him and blew him a big kiss
He pointed to his shirt with a huge smile and you could see that he was wearing a white t-shirt with your face on it in a cheer selfie
Omg lol
Honestly, Did you expect anything less?
Tanaka’s heart soared when you pointed him out, though he would never admit it, and his cheeks were hurting from smiling so wide!!!
He had never seen you perform not once before and he couldn’t wait to see you in your element!
When the lights shut off the libero and wing spiker started chanting your name in unison and whooping like they do while watching NFL.
Tanaka’s heart was beating through his chest because he was so nervous for you! Cheerleading was nothing like volleyball— while his volleyball team had 3 sets and over an hour to win a game, his beautiful girlfriend only had 2 minutes to leave everything on the floor that’s she and her team had been practicing months for and then it was all over.
Ryūnosuke watched as your team got into position.
His eyes glued themselves to you in a dance position to the far right
Since videotaping at the Cheerleading Worlds was strictly prohibited, he had practiced not blinking staring competitions with Noya last night so he wouldn’t miss a second of your performance!
He stood on his toes as to not let you out of his sight. He wanted to see your big ponytail all the way down to your toes. The whole nine yards.
Noya tried standing on the chair but he got hissed at so he jumped back down lol
Tanaka cheered one last time when he saw you take one last deep breath
In a beat, the up-beat loud music started and you were going.
Tanaka was in awe of you and the incredible sport
Everything went so fast he was sure if he tried he’d have a heart attack from working to hard
He saw you whip your body backwards in series of difficult flips
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He watched you jump into your bases hands and get tossed so high in the air that his heart stopped
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He watched you stand tall in the air with only one guy holding you up while holding your toes beside your ear flexibly (partner stunts)
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He watched the team move into a triangle and jump all at once hearing the crowd go:
“Hit! Hit! Hit! Hit! Pull!”
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Then, he watched your team make a human pyramid! But it was so much more elaborate than the 3-person one he’d seen on tv shows:
What Tanaka expected:
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Vs. What Tanaka saw:
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Finally, he got to watch you in his favourite part: the sassy high energy dance at the end
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Tanaka was flabbergasted because he never knew you were so much of an athlete (no offence meant, that’s what most people think before they witness competitive cheerleading)
When your team finished he cheered so loudly for you and so did Nishi
The energy in the crowd was unbelievable!!!
You looked out of breath and beautiful standing in your end position
To Tanaka, Cheerleading looked harder than volleyball!
And more dangerous.
It was like watching a Cirque de Soleil performance if it was on steroids and fast forwarded.....he loved it!!!
Tanaka wanted to run on stage when your team finished but he kept his cool and waited
After the comp and award ceremony (your team didn’t place) Tanaka was the first to run and pick you up into his arms in a big bear hug
He told you how proud he was of you and squeezed you and kissed your cheek
Even though you were sad, you couldn’t help but giggle in his embrace
All of your teammates were jealous of how cute you two were and how amazing your bf was to come all the way to America just to see you
Especially when Noya handed Tanaka who handed you the beautiful yellow roses and candy he bought for you
Everyone wished they had a boyfriend like yours as you took cute pictures together (some with Ryu kissing your cheek, giving you a piggy back, and the two of you kissing)
All pic credits go to Nishinoya who takes it way too seriously but you love him anyway
Tanaka explained to you how awesome you guys did and it literally made you forget about your loss and just smile
It was important you were happy because that meant you could enjoy the rest of the Florida trip with your best boy !!
Even Noya had a pretty great happily ever after on this trip because YBF/N was so impressed by the shirt he made with her face on it.
Go big or go home was definitely your bf’s best friend’s speciality and your best friend actually agreed to go on a date with him after seeing it
Ryu gave his Libero a thumbs up before leaning down to kiss you
He held you lovingly in his strong arms
All in all, you were ecstatic to have your man at your competition and Ryu was even happier than you to be there.
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thottyimagines · 5 years
I really love your ideas haha! Have drunk konoha 11 + sasuke been requested yet? If not I'd love to read that
thank you!! I feel like it has been but I can’t find it and have no desire to go digging for it so I’m gonna do it again
Gets all red when he drinks at all, let alone when he’s actually drunk. It’s so cute. 
He’s also one of those people who thinks he is even more invincible than usual when drunk. He’s off trying to challenge a sober Rock Lee to insane physical challenges if no one stops him. 
Talks a biiiig game shooting his shot and is super affectionate when drunk, but would chicken out if someone actually wanted to hook up. 
Occasionally tears up about friendship. Super embarrassing. Super cliche. 
Is soooo aggressive lmao she’s so fucking mean I love it. The only people who can match this level of rude are Neji and Sasuke. If the three ever banded together (which they won’t, because Neji and Sasuke would fight), their target would be done for. 
Desperately wants to arm wrestle. 
Loves taking drunk showers. It’s just a fun time for her. 
Gets kind of annoyed when people get weepy with her. She’s drunk to have fun, not to cry. If she wanted to get drunk and cry, she’d do it in her own home, by herself, as god intended. 
Is such a wanderer. Every now and then team 8 will have to go track him down because he’s basically  playing hide and seek without telling anyone. 
Always tries to smoke a cigarette when he’s drunk. Always coughs super embarrassingly and painfully. 
Again, Sasuke is sooo mean lmao he just sits there, wine glass in hand, critiquing everyone aloud! Drunk Sasuke immediately senses the thing you are sensitive about and comments on it. 
Let Ino pierce his ear once when they were all drunk. Actually kind of liked it, but he eventually took it out because it got infected and he didn’t know how to take care of it (and was too embarrassed to ask). 
Horny drunk for sure. Unlike Naruto, he’s down to hook up with whoever happens to returning his affections that night. Claims they actually fuck, but usually they just sloppy, ugly make out and then Kiba falls asleep and is ditched. 
If he drinks enough, Kiba is convinced he can communicate telepathically with Akamaru. No one can really disprove him.
Frickin loves to booty-pop to anything. My mans drops it low. 
Gets angry when people try to make him drink water. He’s literally like this vid of the dude spitting his drink at his friend like one of those bath toys.  
Level 1 Drunk consists of her getting even quieter and even redder than usual. She’s embarrassed to be drunk and thinks she’s being judged. Kiba and Shino know this, so they get her to Level 2 Drunk, which is when she’s too fucked up to care and can finally let loose a little. 
She’s kind of a wild card when she’s drunk enough to do abnormal things. Sometimes she confesses her weird secrets (such as definitely training herself to love ramen, even though her baseline is just that it’s ok, but a little salty); sometimes she gets uncomfortably deep; sometimes she just sits there with her Byakugan activated. 
Legit will sit with her eyes clothes, in her own world, swaying to music that may or may not be playing. 
Throws up often, but quietly and without drawing attention. 
Hates being drunk in big groups. He really won’t do it unless he’s at home or somewhere safe with Hinata and Kiba. Otherwise he gets all weird and twitchy. 
Shino is the kind of drunk who is very, very good at hiding the fact that he’s fucked up. Like, he’ll go all night with his team and the next day Kiba will bring up something Shino said and he’ll have zero recollection of that happening. 
Lowkey is a huge savage when he’s drunk. He voices all of those mean inner thoughts that he definitely (and, tbh, rightfully) has. 
Spills everywhere!! Mess!
Has a strong preference for whiskey. He drinks it on the rocks, and has always done this. It’s what his mom drinks, so he just copied her because it looked cool and now he has a taste for it. 
He’s relaxed enough to drop the totally disinterested facade. This sounds like an oxymoron, but he’s just comfortable enough to show that he gives a damn about whatever he’s talking about. 
I say whatever he’s talking about because drunk Shikamaru dominates conversations. Kiba, who never really inspected him closely enough to recognize he has brain cells, was genuinely surprised that Shikamaru knew so many words the first time they were drunk together. 
Doesn’t like to get deep when he’s drunk unless he’s with his team or with an s/o. 
Ugh little lush. I love her. And Ino loves to be drunk. 
I think she likes white wine the best and chooses to stick to it once she gets old enough to decide hard liquor just is not it for her. 
Ino thinks she’s the funniest person in the world when she’s drunk. She will frequently ask, “Why don’t we have a show, you guys?” 
She can also just flip a switch and go total mom friend, though. If someone seems to not be doing so well, she can suddenly function at a much higher level. Ino is always the one to notice if Hinata needs to have a nice little vomit. 
Gets sooo giggly. It’s adorable. He’s just happy to be here, coach, and happy to be drinking with his friends. 
He’s kind of a lightweight for his size lmao. Also, baby boy loves the fruity drinks. He’s very confident in himself and his masculinity; why would he drink something that tastes bad to prove something to Shikamaru, who was born liking straight whiskey? No, thanks. 
Drunk Choji agrees with Ino in that they should absolutely have a tv show. They’re obviously comedy gold. 
Volunteers waaaay too much information. He’s just…so, so honest…as soon as a drop of alcohol enters his system. That’s why all of the Konoha kids know how long he is a virgin; he informs them monthly on the status. 
The third and final true savage of the pack. He’s a straight-up animal. Remember the chunin exams? Thirteen-year-old, sober, angry Neji came up with all of that very accurate and somewhat hurtful shit. Drunk, jaded, older Neji can come up with much worse, especially because he’s gotten some more humor injected in there as well. It’s horribly accurate and then everyone will laugh at what he said. 
Picks fights with Sasuke sometimes. He’s just so fucking annoying, man. If Neji can be normal in mixed company, so can he, god damn it. 
Gets really, really competitive. Sometimes he’ll take Naruto up on challenges on behalf of Lee. 
Neji only eats junk food when he’s drunk. It is always a night of indulgence, meaning he doesn’t do it super often. Tenten usually has to bully him into joining her (and then she has to bully Lee). 
Just bodies shots like it’s nothing. She takes shots of the nastiest shit and her face doesn’t change. She started out like that in her quest to emulate Tsunade, then she just got a taste for it. 
Usually tries to do damage control with the dumbass “challenges” Naruto gets up to with her teammates. Sometimes, though, she’ll just join in herself to prove she can beat them all. And she can. 
Sings her fucking heart out. Take her to a karaoke bar. Please. 
Suuuuper supportive. If someone gets in their feelings too much, she’s there to help them out and bring the mood back up. She’s here for a good time!
Rock Lee
Rarely, rarely drinks. His body is a temple, for one thing. And for another thing, he can’t finish a whole drink and everyone roasts the shit out of him.
Genuinely tries to hold back with the drunken fist stuff, but Naruto won’t stop challenging him! He turns into an agent of chaos. 
Has written so, so many apology letters to different establishments and friends for destroying property. They are often tearstained and so sincere that he has never been asked to pay for damages. 
Makes a lot of drunk impulse purchases. And if all the stores are closed, he’ll end up just picking flowers from yards as he walks by. He never goes home empty-handed. 
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Thoughts on LUCIDS Part four
Once again, I took forever to post this, sorry. Spoilers for LUCIDS Part four under the cut.
1.  I love the little chimes when the apple pops up into view as he throws it. I just think the opening scene is really cool.  
2.Wait if they met in Elementary school, does that mean in this universe Benjamin could go and talk to a little Isabelle?
3. I definitely have to copy down his speech about everything constantly existing for theorizing purposes.
4. Benjamin writing his proposal speech is the sweetest thing I have ever scene, and I am absolutely in love with their relationship now. I desperately wish that there were more fanfiction writers in this fandom so that I could read so much fanfiction about it! Unfortunately, we have a grand total of like one person, so I guess I will have to suffer. 
5.Aghhh I love Isabelle's voice! 
6.Oh my god its the scene from the epilogue!
7.I LOVE THEIR INTERACTIONS SO MUCH! Oliver making for of Benjamin for being dramatic is quite possibly my favorite thing ever. I’ve probably mentioned this already, but Characters and relationship dynamics are always my favorite things in any series, and little things like that, and them knowing there is going to be a PowerPoint when Ms. Hills talks to them gives me so much joy.
8. Ms. Hills back at it again with the stellar memes! Also, the roasting of Benjamin’s jokes is so good.
9. Wait, its been at least 3 days, and neither of their parents have gotten at all suspicious that they haven’t seen their child? I’m slightly worried by this information. 
10. I know that I’ve been talking about like, every other line so far, but they’ve just been so good that it feels wrong for me not to comment on them. Anyway, the shot of Oliver calling dibs on Benjamin’s bed, Benjamin protesting, then it immediately cutting to Oliver sitting on Benjamin’s bed while joking with him is one of my favorite scenes in this whole series, and this episode has already managed to surpass part 2 as my favorite episode at only like 5 minutes in.
11. Oliver’s facial expressions when Benjamin is going on about the dreamscapes are so incredible, and I just- UGH! I can’t express how much I love this series. 
12.Ok, I already addressed how I’ve been talking about every single line and how redundant I am in this post, so I’m just going to say how much I love Benjamin and Oliver’s dynamic one more time, and then I’ll shut up about it for this episode. 
13. Ms. Hill’s facial expressions and mannerisms are one of my favorite things about this frickin series. Her little proud shift when she tells them that she made more “Dank memes” and her smirk at Oliver’s terrible joke are so good.
14. Ok, now we’ve caught up to the point where everything in Jasper, the Epilogue, and the Trailer have happened, so there is literally zero knowledge of what is going to happen going forward, and I am so excited for it!
15. Did Quinn not recognize Benjamin from the cult? Or was he just asking about Oliver?
16. I did say I wasn’t going to praise Benjamin and Oliver’s dynamic anymore, but I have to give some appreciation to Jasper and Quinn. Gosh it’s great. Like we only got one scene, but gushing about a show together is one of the best examples of friendship. Also, I’m so glad that Oliver got to hear people gush about his show like that. He deserves it. 
17. QUINN IS A LUCID! I lowkey expected that, but I didn’t expect him to be like... practiced at it. Also, my friend mentioned this when I rewatched it with her, but the swear filter is such a great detail.
18. Why was this scene cut into Jasper episode 6? Does time move that much quicker in Jasper’s dreamscape? Does this give an indication of how time works as far as dreamscapes go? Does time move quicker in some dreamscapes than others? Did he not actually see this when he was knocked out at that time, and that was just foreshadowing?
19. Hey, he referenced the discord! Cool!
20. Oliver getting winded after like 5 seconds of running is a mood. Like same dude, same. 
21. Time for your regularly scheduled loving the music in this series mention. It is so incredibly good! I’ve actually been paying more attention to it lately, and I am completely blown away. I don’t know if that is because this is like par for the course, and I haven’t really thought about the soundtrack for shows that much in the past, or because this series in particular is really good, but either way I enjoy it immensely. 
22.I do not talk enough about the cinematography in this thing. Once again, it might not be more than what most shows do, but this is all done by like one guy! It is amazing!
23. I just realized that Oliver and Benjamin probably just straight up passed out in the Whole Foods in the first episode of TAOBAO. 
24. I wonder if Jasper is going to address what Oliver told him with Quinn later, or if he’s just gonna be like, “oh well,” and keep on livin. 
25. It is moments like these where I wish the fandom was bigger. Normally, I would have been reading Oliver/Benjamin and Quinn/Jasper fanfiction this entire time, and then after this interaction I would have been able to enjoy the brand new flurry of Jasper/Oliver fanfiction, but once again, all I can do is suffer.
26. Wait, why didn’t Ms. Hills realize that Quinn was a Lucid before? Are there certain criteria you have to meet to technically be a Lucid?
27. Was weird time jumping shenanigans going on? Why did we get a clip of Benjamin waking up? Are we going to learn more about how LUCIDS do time stuff in the future?
28. The Ah! A tree! guy was funny enough on his own, but Nick later explained it on the livestream, and gosh, that was a layered joke. 
29. What the actual fuck Ms. Hills. God I have so many thoughts and feelings about this scene. First of all, I almost cried the first time I watched it. Second of all, how are Benjamin and Oliver going to handle this information? Oliver especially? Like that is brutal man. Third of all, who did Quinn meet? Did he find another Lucid who trained him? What happened? Fourth of all, does Arthur know about this? Also, this was an observation from someone in the Discord server who wasn’t me, but does this have any implications for Arthur leaving and then Ms. Hills telling Oliver that “he always comes back”? Holy shit man, this scene is so crazy.
30. Benjamin cheated on Isabelle!? When they had a daughter together!? That scene was like two punches to the face, finding out about what Ms. Hills did, and then what Benjamin did. I can’t believe that he would open with that 2 minute shot making me fall completely in love with their relationship, and then just rip out my heart and completely stomp on it like that. 
31.Before I go into my closing thoughts, I just have to mention how much I love that ending music. Its so sweet and calming and comforting, and I want to be able to listen to the full version as soon as possible. This episode took everything I loved about Part 2, and then ramped it up to a ten. The soundtrack felt even more impressive, the characterization was pure gold in every single line, the character dynamics felt so real and natural, the plot twists were so incredibly insane, and the ending music makes me feel even more like I’m going to cry than the one from Part 2 did, but like in a good, comforting way.
32. Every single character in this series has to have an angsty backstory and moral complexity, don’t they? Like I can’t think of a single main character that those things don’t apply to in at least some way. 
33. Apparently Isabelle is voiced by a fan called astronautdancer (I think that is right) on TikTok who made a spinoff series about Isabelle, which I’m really excited to watch! (Nick did say it probably wasn’t canonical though)
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mingisanshine · 5 years
Ateez As Boyfriends: Jeong Yunho Edition (M)
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(not my gif credit to creator)
(It is literally impossible to hate Yunho. Like if you aren’t at least somewhat whipped for this man then I’m concerned for your well being.)
Ateez Boyfriend List.
Ahhh Yunho
The most boyfriend member in ateez
I might have combusted a total of A MILLION TIMES
He’s just so perfect
When you two first met you found yourself infatuated with his humor
He just lit up the entire room with his smile
And when he laid eyes on you he immediately was whipped
Your laugh
Your smile
Your sense of humor
Yup you both were whipped for each other
Of course it was obvious, but Yunho
Being the sweetheart we all know he is
Would want to get to know you so much more
There would be constant hanging out
Hours spent just laughing with each other
And being completely infatuated
At one point it would seemed as if you two were already dating
Which is why he eventually had to ask you out
“Do you know if Y/N is seeing someone?”
Yunho almost choked on his water
“Why’d you ask Lucas?”
“I think she’s cute. I dunno.”
Yunho almost went on a rampage.
“Uh, no she isn’t seeing anyone.”
Why did he say that?
“Oh. Great! Do-”
“Maybe we should get back to dancing.”
Lucas nodded, smiling wide.
Causing Yunho to want to scream
It wasn’t uncommon for you to visit Yunho in the studio
You two had spent a lot of time in there and it kind of became a second hang out spot for the two of you
So seeing Yunho dancing wasn’t anything uncommon
But seeing him dance with this much passion made you want to pass the fuck out
His face was almost stern
his typical beagle like smile was no where to found
You shake your head only to met with Lucas’s eyes
“What are you doing here?”
You look over Yunho only to see him watching you two as he continued his movement
“I was here to see Yunho.”
You feel a shiver go down your spine when he squints his eyes in what seemed to be annoyance
“You’re not here to see me?” Lucas pouts
“She did just say she is for me.”
Yunho turned off the music and you here him sigh
“Yeah. I guess she did huh?”
“Hey Yunho. Think you can give us a minute?”
You stare at Lucas in confusion and then back Yunho
Who by the way was
“Sure. I’ll be outside.” He grumbled before walking out
“Lucas do you what’s wrong with Yunho? He never acts like this. I’m worried.”
“Did I do something?”
“What?” you jump at his tone.
“I’m trying to tell you something.”
“Is about Yunho?”
Lucas rolls his eyes and sighs
“From the way you talk about him you almost make it sound like you like him.”
You immediately blush
Looking away
“Holy shit. You like Yunho!?”
“Shut up!”
You blush harder and cover Lucas’s mouth
“Yes. Okay! I like him.”
“You like me?”
You whip around to see Yunho holding the door open and shocked look on his face
“You actually like me?”
“How much of that-”
“I’ve been ease dropping this entire time.”
“You like me?”
“Yes! But it’s not nic-”
You’re cut off when Yunho places his lips on yours
His hand gently pulling your face close to his
And the other resting on the small of your back
You hands are still in mid air
Before falling and grabbing onto Yunho’s bare arms
Only whimpering slightly when he pressed into you just a tad bit harder
Eventually you both had to break away for air
You just stare at each other in shock
“This is awkward.”
And you both are aware that Lucas was still in the room
You turn and blush harder if that was even possible
“Um sorry about that Lucas.”
“No big deal.”
He walked out and you raise eyebrow at his colder tone
“What’s h-”
You’re cut off again when Yunho kisses you again
You forget what you were going to say
when he pulls away
it’s like his normal smile
and you lose your breath for the second time in the last three minutes
“Y/N I like you too and I have for a really long time.”
Now it’s your turn to be like:
:) :) :) :) :)
“So would you like to be my girl?”
You almost snort at his cheesiness
but your blushing slightly at the thought of being his girl
You may or may not have squeaked that out
Dating Yunho is literally a dream come true
Like someone pinch me because this can’t be real
He is literally the definition of boyfriend material
Y’all would go on the cutest dates
Like ever
Amusement park dates: yup
Bowling date: yup
Art gallery: yup
Concerts: yup
especially if they’re ateez concerts
Going to the gas station at one in the morning to get a whole bunch of junk food because you two decided to binge watch the all the avengers movies and making a big ruckus: yup
You two would definitely be the absolute cutest couple ever
He would definitely teach you his dance routines
Finding it cute when you mimicked his moves
He liked the way you looked and also it gave him a good reason to touch you
Which always loved to do
But it was something about being in the practice room and having you in it that just amplified his own thoughts
“Yunho are going to keep staring at me or are you going to teach me the move?”
He shakes his head
You just looked really good in your tights
Ever since he had started teaching you moves your thighs had been starting to fill out and he just found himself wanting nothing then to..
“Right! Sorry.”
He cleared his throat trying to keep the blood from rushing any further south than it already was
“So you’re going to kick your leg out and-”
You followed his movements slowly
And Yunho found himself slowly becoming more turned on by the minute
“Was that good Yunho?”
“Yeah! Yeah-”
He shook his head and looked straight in the mirror
Trying to avoid looking at you at all cost
And sparing you from the sexual energy
But you already felt it
You roll your eyes deciding to slightly entertain his issue
“Want to run it fully?
Yunho nods and plays the music
And you give it your all
Everything on the dance floor
(i just got done watching flash dance)
Yunho found himself getting lost in your movements
Stopping completely when he met your eyes through the mirror
As the song ended your moves came to hault
And you never broke eye contact with Yunho
“You okay?”
Without out even thinking Yunho pushed against the mirror
Pressing into you from behind
“You’re such a fucking tease.”
You slightly smile against the cool mirror
Trying to turn around, your pressed straight into the mirror
“Yunho” you whine
“You’re gonna watch, just like you made me.”
Yunho has you tightly presses against the mirror
Causing the bump that his dick normally produced to press back into you and driving you insane
Your right leg is lifted, thigh in his hand
You’re entire body is in shock at Yunho’s ruthless pace
And you’re a blubbering mess
“Fuck! Yunho!”
“Look at me Y/N.” He practically growled
You open your eyes and you let out a loud moan
He looked like sin
His lips were swollen from biting them so much
Hair stuck to his glistening skin
His eyes looked almost three shades darker
And you felt a shiver go down your spin
You practically lurch forward when he thrust into you and hit that one spot
“Was that the spot baby?”
When you’re silent he hits again and you let out a yelp
“Y-yes, oh my god.”
You clench around him and Yunho slumps forward
“Fuck, baby-” He began his brutal assault once again
Not once breaking eye contact with you
“Yunho! I’m gonna- fuck. I’m gonna cum!”
“Then do it.” He mumbled in your ear
And you’re practically shaking when your orgasm hits
“Nnng-Y/N. Fuck!”
You open your eyes
And you see Yunho’s eyes rolled back
And jaw clenched in pleasure
You two stood there breathing heavily and enjoying the last few waves of the orgasm
“I didn’t think you had that in you?” You mumble against the mirror
And Yunho laughs pulling out of you
Causing you to almost trip from the lack of support
“Hey Hey. I got you.”
You’re baffled at his change
“And I’ve been wanting to fuck you in here for sometime now.” He said nonchalantly
Leaving your mouth hanging open
Tbh honest everything about Yunho is shocking
But what else can you expect from your amazingly perfect boyfriend
Seriously it’s almost like he was ripped from a fanfiction
The members get sick of how cuddly you two are
And how even in public he’s always holding you
Grabbing your hand
Giving you small kisses
Hugging you from behind
He’s just a PDA type of person
It’s not overly excessive
partly because it’s so normal
but because he doesn’t want to smuggle you
He does get a little jealous
but not like a Seonghwa jealous
but not like a Mingi jealous either
He’s mix between pouting and anger
He just loses his happy virus energy
And it’s really noticeable
The entire mood will shift into a borning one
“Mingi I really like your earrings.”
“Really? Thank. I was coming over to tell you I like your watch.”
Then you and Mingi proceeded too talk about clothes and fashion for the next half hour
Before you noticed how quiet it got
The rest of the boys looked extremely uncomfortable/bored
As Yunho sat there with the most non-Yunho expression
Then you realized why he must have been upset
“One sec Mingi.”
You flick his shoulder causing him to look up
Before he could even process anything you give him a small kiss
pulling away you see his face puzzled
“I love you. Now stop sulking you dork.”
And you kind of realized you may have accidentally said you loved him
but it cheered him up because he was smiling like a kid in a candy store
He’s immediately grabbing your hand and yelling out the door
Yelling I love you all the way out the door
Frickin weirdo
Overall y’all are just the softest couple ever
Like uwu (i hate that word sm istg..)
And Yunho is like the dream boyfriend
Always being gentle and listening
Being there to cheer you up
And to make you laugh
He’s just so perfect
You all better love Yunho or else I’ll break your kneecaps
He’s literally the dream guy
I just love him so much
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cosmicknives · 5 years
This is a bit of a sequel to something I posted like a year ago [link link]. Life has slowed to crawl and I’m trying to keep productive so, why not just edit more of that Gage x Gamma nonsense I still have on my computer? :D I still have a lot of fun writing these two, especially in the quieter moments between them, especially especially when it’s due to the sting of betrayal~! 
Synths, man, ruining all the good relationships in your life since 2229~.
Radiation sickness was never fun to deal with. It was even less fun when you had an insane Overboss. In the backroom of Fizztop, Gage slowly watched the RadAway do its damn job as he also desperately tried to ignore Gamma. 
"Seriously though, you want a new scope for your do-hicky?" It was a borderline impossible task. Looking over his shoulder, the tiny tyrant of an Overboss sat cross-legged at his weapons bench and Gage knew he was still out for his particular brand of blood. 
He had been real clear about that. A few members from the different gangs that had camped out by the entrance of Nuka-Town all but bombarded them with questions and hope as soon as they had returned from Safari Wild. Did they clean out the park yet? Fight anything fun? There's this odd rumor about a man in running around in loincloth too, did ya see him too!
It took every ounce of patience Gage had left not to scream at them all. Because, it wasn't his job to do scream. And it was Gamma’s. And just because he wanted to poke every wound Gage had just a bit more, Gamma had decided to be chatty with them. For the first time as Overboss, happily answering all their questions in wordy detail.
It was only when he feigned utter innocent, asking about Jackpot Royal's past though that Gage had put his foot down.
"Sorry, but we have business to attend to at Fizztop." He said curtly, tugging the short kid along with him.
"Yeah, that true. These injuries ain’t gonna heal themselves. Wait, did you know Gage give me this time?" Gamma dramatically exclaimed, poking out the bruised spot by his temple. "Me! His Overboss! God, Gage. We're really gonna haveta to work on your aim. Because not cool, not cool." He tsked, paying no mind as Gage pushed him on to the platform, harsh as could be.
Poor Jackpot Royal looked on hopeless, unable to tell if they should step in for their Overboss or if that would cost them their head. After a moment, they just waved goodbye and started to move back towards the Parlor. Smart kid.
After that, Gage just did his best to ignore Gamma, shuffling back towards his bed in the back room as he felt the radiation sickness finally start to settle into his body. It didn't take long to set up the RadAway, years of experience he'd never knock away, and he’d just let himself crash into his bed, hoping to sleep off the unpleasant he knew was going to come.
Gamma though had other plans.
After roughly five minutes of peace, he turned up in the back room himself despite having free-range of Fizztop. Instead of his typical mask, the kid had found a pair of over-sized road goggles and a rip-to-shreds puke green bandanna to cover his face instead.
"I'm gonna make some mods." He smiled in that same sweet and cold voice from earlier. “Have any requests?” Translation, I'm still pissed and fuck you if you think you're getting off scott-free.
"Some damn quiet and peace," Gage said though.
"Sorry, that's not on the menu today, friend." And that was that.
To his credit, Gamma wasn't really as noisy as modder as most raiders were. He worked fast and careful. And if he wanted to, Gage was almost certain he could work quiet too. But, that wasn't the case today. So instead, Gage gave up and just started to watch him from his cot. 
Gamma... He hadn’t been right earlier. Gage had had no clue about him being synth, being a tool of the Institute. If he were to guess, he would've just said the kid was a Vaultie because of a Pip-Boy but one who had been out in the Commonwealth longer than a Pip-Boy suggested. But, more importantly and more simply, he would've said that Gamma was basically like him: a fuck-up without a home just trying to survive as comfortably as possible. That was always the vibe he give out when they were up at Fizztop together, away from the other raiders down below.
"You know, tough shit, I made you a scope anyways. It's neon." He cackled a bit, turning to show off the piece.
And, Gage just replied. "Why are you even here?"
Toxic neon yellow scope in hand, Gamma paused along with the question, eyebrows arched in his own. It was weird seeing them do what exactly what Gage had always pictured them do, and a part of him was relieved. He could read this kid, at least a little bit. 
"I mean, here, in Nuka-World. What does the Institute want with us?" Because he wasn't stupid. He saw the endless possibility of this place, and he always knew others would see it too. That's why he recruited Colter. That's why he knew they needed an Overboss, someone to keep the rift-raft off their steps when they came trying to collect.
Over by his workstation, Gamma put down the scope and swiveled his chair around once and twice, until he was facing Gage again. “Not a damn thing, really." He said, shrugging slightly.
"Bullshit." Nuka-World had power, if nothing else.
"Not really," Gamma sighed again, spinning his chair around a little. "They're, ah, how would you put it." He tapped his bandanna playfully as he thought over his words. "Ah! Right! They're dead, so you know, Nuka-World? Not on their radar."
"Ah, yeah. You haven't heard the rumors? Like, shit, they were everywhere out around Boston when it went down." Gamma sighed again as he rested his head in his arms. "Basically, some fucker blew us up."
"Someone, just, blew up the Institute?" 
"Well, I wasn't there when shit went down so it's a bit hard to say," Gamma said, trying to play it off with his normal dramatic air. But Gage heard an unfamiliar hard edge enter into his voice. ‘Bothered by something now, are we?’ He thought, filing it away for another time. "But that's the jist I got. Plus, you know." He frowned again, looking briefly away.
"I don't know, what."
"Urgh.” Flopping forward, his arm reached out to catch himself before he hit the floor. It was a short hop to Gage’s bed from there, Gamma plopping himself right beneath him as he started to fiddle with his Pip-Boy. Gage took to the moment to again quickly take in his Overboss under the bright, artificial lights of Fizztop. 
He didn't look like a synth, honestly. That was kinda the point, no, but still, Gage always figured there had to be some kind of tell to them, something that read fake. Even Gamma, odd and loud as could be, sitting next to him with Gage knowing, looked as human as anyone else. Was the Institute just that good with their abominations of science, or were there more synths out there than Gage ever thought to consider?
Gamma interrupted that line of thinking though, shifting as he could show Gage whatever it was on his Pip-Boy easier. "Just listen." And Gage did, and he heard nothing but static.
"There’s, nothing?" He said, unsure. Maybe that was a synth thing, but he dismissed that idea as Gamma sunk back down to his ass.
"Exactly," he said, pushing back a few strands of purple that fall in front of his face as the radio station played back only static.
"What's supposed to be playing?" He asked, figuring he did owe something to Gamma for saving his life earlier. Maybe letting him... talk was an okay way to pay him back, and one that wouldn't cost him even one cap.
He didn’t say anything at first, tracing the dirt on the floor instead. And it was nice, quiet as the RadAway sunk deeper into his body and sleep pulled him closer. But after a few minutes, Gamma’s voice tugged him back into the conversation.
"It used to play classical music." Quietly, his attention was entirely on the measured static tick up and down on his screen. And strange as it was, Gage did remember that funny little station. The only thing it played were these old instrumental pieces, no voices, no commercials, no updates about why they were going to die today. His mother listened to it religiously, never missing a chance to glare at his father every time he tried to change it to Diamond City radio in her presence. Gage had loathed that station so much as a kid, even as an adult too. It was just so frickin' dull.
But, still, after a hard day, hell if his hands didn’t twist the dial until he found that station once again and let it play for a few songs. Just a reminder how nice it was to be alive.
Until, maybe a year ago, Gage tried to tune into it one day and just, found nothing. Another loss to the ravages of the Commonwealth. He wondered how his mother took that news.
"It was the Institute's station, you know," Gamma smiled sadly. "We did fucked up things with it, of course, but it was ours. If it stopped playing, you know..." Trailing off, he didn't bother finishing that line of thought. It didn't need to be finished. Gage got the jist.
If it stopped playing, it was dead. The Institute was no more.
They sat together for a moment, Gage trying to process that new bit of news and he guessed, Gamma was trying to process the same bit of news albeit in a different context. And Gage thought, maybe he wasn't so wrong actually.
Maybe Gamma was a fuck-up too, just like him, one without a home just trying to survive as comfortably as possible in the fucked-up death trap they knew as the Commonwealth, albeit in a slightly different context than Gage originally had thought.
"So," Gage started slowly, "Why are you here?"
It wasn't the only question still floating around in Gage's mind but, either because of the drugs, the exhaustion or something else, all the others had quieted down for the moment. The Institute was no more. Maybe it was a lie, it was kinda unbelievable, but Gamma never honestly struck Gage as a liar.
He made up stories and played games and loved to mock people endlessly, but he never outright lied to Gage, not in the way most people did. That's why ...this... whole mess stung worse than the Gatorclaw attack or the additional rad sickness. Gamma never lied to him, except about basically everything.
Below him, Gamma just halfheartedly shrugged his shoulders. "Caps are the rule of the land, Gage, you know that."
And honestly, Gage could let this go for the night with that. Betrayal still hummed under his skin like a parasite. He knew this wasn't over, not by a long shot. There still a thousand questions and concerns he had about this, about synths, about the goddamn Institute and about Gamma being Overboss too. But underneath that all, like with Connor and Colter before, his stupid rotten idiotic heart was still telling him to trust Gamma, that he wasn't lying, not about this.
And fuck if he didn't want to believe that.
"I'm gonna put that scope on your gun, okay?" Gamma said quietly, playfully poking Gage in the head as he laid his own head back on the bed.
"Do that and I'll throw you off Fizztop," Gage said back, closing his eyes. Exhaustion tugged him along towards the poppy-filled land of dreams he hated so much. But it wasn't before he saw Gamma’s eyes through his dark shades, the same intense look once again focused squarely on Gage. He had no idea why he found it comforting now, though it was easy to blame to the drugs.
Pulling himself back to his feet, Gamma pressed his ratty clothed mouth right above his ear in an utterly sarcastic feeling kiss. "Oh, Porter, I'd love to see you try."  And Gage could almost feel his lips move into a little grin before his Boss finally walked out of the back room, leaving him to a peace and quiet.
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iasipranked · 6 years
IASIP Episodes Ranked: #107 of 144 - The Gang Makes Paddy’s Great Again
dir. Todd Biermann, written by David Hornsby, aired September 5th, 2018, Season 13 Episode 1
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summary: the gang has a new member named cindy who is replacing dennis and leading the gang with smarter and well-thought-out schemes. it’s going well until a sex doll resembling dennis shows up and things go awry, the rest of the gang succumbing to dennis’ energy and not following cindy anymore. they end up genuinely having an orgy with the doll (dee just watches in horror but acceptance) and ‘play’ the doll’s asshole to get back at and humiliate dennis. dennis arrives out of nowhere and cindy goes off on him, but even after a close taste of success, the gang still choose dennis.
abby’s favourite line: ‘your look is played out, and so are you. you’re basic.’ -cindy
luce’s favourite line: ‘i requested that the doll feel as though it’s in mid-conversation’ -mac
the very start of the episode is a clever trick to the audience, being like “can you believe paddy’s has changed!”, but then it’s revealed that of course it’s all a scheme, returning to classic sunny. 
the concepts of liberal tears and conservative whine are funny, but it’s even funnier that mac feels the need to constantly explain it to himself and others even though everyone understands it already
mac trying to shoehorn his shirtlessness and new ripped body into literally anything is funny commentary on how men in various media are Always Shirtless and Always Jacked for no reason and no one seems to question it! rob becoming ripped for this one joke is insane and is really one of the defining points of the season
dennis leaving a phone number for a mental health line for mac, while i still am clinging on to that theory that dennis put himself in a mental institution instead of heading to nd, it kind of does make sense seeing as dennis obviously cares about mac and he wants him to reach out to someone if he’s upset, but won’t let himself get too close to him in fear of..everything and anything bc his repression is stronger now than ever.
mac resorting to the wild choice of getting a sex doll of dennis to cope is sooo tragic and like he probably has tried a lot of other things and nothing else worked to make him feel better...GOD he needs to get dicked down 
mindy kaling is such a cool and unique addition to this episode, and her character is pretty much the exact opposite to dennis, not just physically but her personality too. frank describes her well: “she’s an asshole but in all the right ways.” i wrote a post about this but basically, she tries to bring out the best in the gang, while dennis likes to pick on their failures. cindy would actually help them succeed, but dennis doesn’t care, even if their scheme doesn’t work, he can still pretend he led them in an effective way and maintained his superiority. this actually ties in really well with dennis’ whole plot line in s13, which is wanting everything to stay the same.
it’s kinda sad to realize that even with the tiniest bit of guidance and validation from a different perspective, the gang can actually muster up some confidence and work to their strengths and attempt to become better at their craft or simply how they handle themselves. this is also backed up by mac finds his pride, in which mac’s dancing partner helped him tremendously with coming out and brought out his heart and voice when he needed it most. 
the gang being incredibly affected by the dennis sex doll and feeling as though it’s actually talking to them and making them feel small, even though it’s literally not dennis (it represents him though and that’s enough), is such a good way to show how dennis has ultimately conditioned them to think bad about themselves, and do things in the way that he exactly would want them. they are constantly manipulated and they are semi-aware of this, but they’re not gonna do anything about it bc it’s familiar, it’s comfortable.
also the trump/america/dennis parallels are super interesting: dennis wants everything to stay the same and when he’s back “paddy’s is great again”, but is it really? yes in a way, because the gang is back together, but from our perspective no bc they’re now just gonna go backwards again and be stuck in their own hell they’ve made for themselves.
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this is another one in which we are gonna have to talk about the implications of dennis’ double life. the way that dennis comes back, while hilarious, makes no sense if he has been away for one and a half years! the gang’s reactions to him coming back are extremely odd and unemotional and the whole episode actually doesn’t make sense in terms of them still being focused on him. you would think that they’d reach the acceptance stage of dennis leaving after 1.5 YEARS...it’s the gang i guess and this episode showed they really can’t handle not having each other, but it could have been shown a bit differently?
seriously why isn’t anybody angry at him for leaving in the first place? mac should’ve punched him! also as the audience we’re mad at dennis for leaving so it sucks that we didn’t really get that satisfaction, doubled by never finding out what frickin happened to dennis all this time!!!
also this episode feels particularly wooden and this is mostly definitely on purpose - i.e. to indicate that the show’s flow is disrupted by glennis not being there, thus the gang is off without him - and while i do think this is a smart choice, it can possibly sacrifice the humour of the episode and make it weaker due to the unfamiliarity 
i love mindy khaling as much as the next person but her role in this episode although interesting in terms of gang dynamics really isn’t very funny - i don’t understand why they would have mindy khaling on the show but give her a really boring role
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tldr: the gang makes paddy’s great again is a brilliant look into the gang’s growing codependency and drives the message that however toxic they may become, they are each other’s fate.
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it’s been literal ages since i’ve actively DONE anything with this blog but i really wanna get back into developing this au since i love it a lot,, even if “developing” is more just. writing scattered drabbles and snippits instead of writing through it chronologically so...
if you have questions or prompt ideas or cool thoughts about any particular era, please do let me know, i love talking about this crossover! 
the 5 eras of this crossover:
Era 1: (August 1967- June 1968) Glass Shard Beach/Quartz Shard Cove Era 2: (1968-1982) Stan in Trollmarket/Ford’s research years Era 3: (1982-2012) Wilderness Years Era 4: (2012-2016) Summer 2012 and beyond Era 5: (Spring 2016~) The new trollhunters
(a ton more rando ideas under the cut)
Era 1: (August 1967- June 1968) Glass Shard Beach/Quartz Shard Cove
Big ideas: -Stan finds amulet, discovers underground civilization of trolls alongside Ford -Helps protect Quartz Shard Cove, the troll city below them, over the course of senior year -Major foes are Korsiva (a disgraced ex-general of Gunmar who’s been in hibernation for years) and an east coast branch of the Janus Order -Stan and Ford’s baby nephew (son of their big brother Shermie), Alexander, gets swapped out for a changeling. Chaos ensues. -Carla- Stan’s best friend- is brought into the fold/fights alongside the twins. -That time they recovered a single piece of the Killahead that was unguarded- they learn the changelings are trying to rebuilt it early in this AU. The piece is stowed away for safekeeping in Trollmarket, deep in the catacombs.  -Over time there’s found family themes with Alex the changeling, and he ends up defecting from the Janus Order entirely.. after experiencing all the horror of the Darklands, he just wants the chance to live a good and honest life. Through ancient magic, he finds a way to wipe the evidence of his existence from the Order. -Blinky and Aaarrrgghh pretty much slam adopt on all of these humans. -Stan and Ford’s relationship becomes more and more strained as the year goes on because Stan keeps pushing him away (thinking he’s protecting him by doing so)
Era 2: (1968-1982) Stan in Trollmarket/Ford’s research years
Big ideas: -After Stan is kicked out, he moves with Blinky and Aaarrrgghh back to Trollmarket. -Ford, to college. -Stan becomes really close with Draal during this time. -A lot of Stan’s work during this time is working to maintain peace in the troll world with the continuing threat of Killahead bridge being knowingly rebuilt, and trying to figure out WHERE the bridge pieces are being stored. (Currently it’s being hidden in a place far away from Arcadia.) -Ford still goes to Gravity Falls to research the strange and bizzare, and the Bill Cipher stuff still happens, except in this AU the Nightmare Realm and the Darklands are the same place, just this interdimensional dumping ground that Bill and Gunmar are both trapped within. They’re pretty much both competing to see who can get out first.  -Stan sent to go investigate the going-ons in Gravity Falls bc the trolls sensed an open portal to the Darklands there. He’s pissed and confused to realize it was his brother’s doing. -Ford gets sucked through the portal, along with Stan’s amulet.
Era 3: (1982-2012) Wilderness Years
Big ideas:  -The troll Tribunal forbids Stan from setting foot in any troll settlement in punishment for losing the amulet to Gunmar’s clutches. They’re essentially without a trollhunter for these 30 years. -Stan realizes the truth about Ford, that he was manipulated by an ancient eldritch being. Now feeling insanely guilty for leaving him to the whims of something like that, he begins to rebuild the thrashed portal. It may be ultimate treason to the trollkind he once swore to protect, but his family is forever more important to him than law. -Ford, meanwhile, discovers a shocking fact- the amulet calls his name too, and he can wield the armor and Daylight as well. He travels the multiverse for 30 years, learning more about the amulet and what it means to be a trollhunter along the way... crossing into dimensions where other trollhunters exist, gathering stones to use in it, gaining proficiency at fighting... -Alex- or as he comes to call himself, Lex- grows up, moves to California, falls in love with a human woman, and to his great surprise they’re able to have kids- twins. As far as he knows at that point, they’re essentially fully human- but they all know about his changeling nature. -They raise their kids in Arcadia. Occasionally, Lex does reconnaissance work for the trolls- Blinky and Vendel specifically.
Era 4: (2012-2016) Summer 2012 and beyond
Big ideas: -Lex sends his kids to GF for the summer for Stan to watch, paranoid that the Janus Order discovered what he did to their records and found him again  -Much of the summer is spent trying to uncover their Grunkle’s hidden past (he’s kept all the trollhunting stuff on the down low from family as a result of his disgrace from troll society. only lex knows the full story.) and what’s up with this mysterious journal in the woods. -The journal is p much the same except it has a toooon of troll stuff in it too. Ford’s a nerd. -Wendy is a changeling. Originally she was stationed in Gravity Falls to keep an eye on Stan and make sure he’s not up to no good, but she’s never actually gotten the chance to sneak into his basement to see what he’s working on. His security is too top-notch. When she’s finally a teen in human years she gets a job in the shack so she can get closer to him.  -Honestly I think she also flips. Just, all the changelings eventually flip when they see how great found family and friendships and anything that’s not Gunmar is, okay? XDD -Fiddleford isn’t actually entirely insane- but he’s still not all mentally there. Long story. He lives with his son and actually wears clothes most of the time. -Yknow I’m pretty sure Dipper and Mabel prob catch Wendy shifting between forms and that’s how they esp bond -Also let’s be real the two of them definitely end up exploring the troll civilization under Gravity Falls -the Wham moment where Ford walks out of the portal wearing the Armor of Daylight and everyone’s like :O OOO two trollhunters!!! ! -Weirdmageddon’s weirdness wave activates long dormant changeling genes for Dipper and Mabel, and they shift into troll forms. They’re a unique case of changeling because they are their own familiars. -Post 2012, the full story of what happened with the amulet becomes known to trollkind, and Stan’s ban from underground is lifted. He and Ford together continue trollhunting business, and they’re still a force to be reckoned with, even with their age. -In early 2016, the amulet leaves Stan and Ford, and stops responding to them both. The assumption made is that it senses the two of them are unable to carry out their duty anymore at their age, and has made the choice to move on. (normally a trollhunter just... would die long before they grew old enough for this to be a problem, so...)
Era 5: (Spring 2016~) The new trollhunters
-Dipper and Mabel are both 18, in senior year. They are fully able to shift between forms at whim by now. -Amulet picks Jim. A lot of broad canon strokes remain the same, but the trolls already are aware of the changelings still existing, and of the Killahead bridge’s threat- and have made the appropriate precautions. Tbh I still need to develop more logical divergences this new canon would make in what happens. -But I do know for sure that the changelings have to infiltrate Trollmarket to steal the stone Stan retrieved LOOONG ago in 1968 to even open the Killahead bridge at all.   -And I think Bular’s been out and about for some time trying to sniff out where this piece was being kept. His hunt has only recently brought him back to Arcadia. -Dipper and Mabel accidentally out themselves to Bular during the equivalent of the ep Young Atlas as they try to rescue Jim. This also outs the fact that ONE of their parents must be a changeling to the Janus Order.  -There is a Kidnapping that occurs,,, as Strickler is trying to pry info on where the last piece is from Lex, using Dip and Mab as collateral. Strickler gets the info he wants, sigh. -Through the battle of Killahead that eventually ensues, both Nomura AND Lex are sucked through into the Darklands. Not only does everyone want to rescue Claire’s baby brother, but they want to rescue Lex too. (There’s also some interesting ethics on whether or not they should rescue the REAL baby Alexander Pines afforded the opportunity, too. I’m still not sure if they do or not.) -When Jim goes into the Darklands, Stan and Ford return from their sailing expedition to keep the peace as best they can in Trollmarket/Arcadia. Sans amulet, of course, bc it won’t respond to them anymore but.. it’s something. -They’re there for the remainder of “S2-3.” -Ford ends up trying to defend Jim at the tribunal, but despite his eloquence still fails to convince them of anything. -When the Merlin quest happens, Dipper and Mabel are there as well. They can’t shift forms because of the magic ban, but their addition is enough to help fight off/kill Angor Rot and save Draal. -Ford knows from his journeys through the multiverse what Merlin aims to do (he’s met a future half-troll version of Jim, he Suspects) and is Against It. They fight alone at one point. -Battle stuff... Except the battle goes Fucking Wrong because of some key elements (no Angor Rot to blindside Morgana) and it ends up with the eternal night becoming permanent and some hellish frickin stuff, Morgana murders Merlin, she reconstitutes the shattered fragments of Bill Cipher within Stan’s mind (those two have History and that’s literally a whole nother Story please do ask me about it) and whisks him away in seconds to GF to go break Bill’s full essence free from his stone prison because she wants to p much steal his power for herself. -Ford found a sort of special amulet stone whilst in the multiverse that he’s been keeping all this time in case of emergencies... it allows the bearer to jump backwards in time, but only once. Only thing is, it’s also. in Gravity Falls. Kept safe in Fiddleford’s mansion. -Claire jumps them to GF via shadow staff. -Jim gets the stone and is able to use it like, just before they pretty much all die. He jumps back to RIGHT when Merlin wakes up in the tomb. -He realizes that the only real way he can stop all of this from going to hell completely is by making sure that all the shards of Bill in Stan’s mind are well and truly destroyed forever... and so they do just that. It’s a big dramatic mind demon eternal exorcism, a family/friends effort.
-there’s probably more but I’ve literally been rambling on like a noob. that’s pretty much the highlights. please do ask me questions about events/character relationships/places/timeline stuff/etc etc etc i would love to see them!
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