#this is just the body he had picked before being reborn
dogsrot · 4 months
the fact that like . . fenrir technically doesn’t exist ??
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renecdote · 6 months
Bi Buck cured my writers block, please have this short little episode coda for 7x04. [Read on AO3]
It’s after one a.m. when the light, bubbly excitement in his stomach sours, fear creeping in. Buck’s next breath sticks in his chest, his heart races, his fingers start tingling, and it’s so much like what kissing Tommy did to him, but for all the wrong reasons this time. His phone screen is suddenly too bright in the darkness, his search history a towering mess of questions, and Reddit threads, and quizzes he clicked into then out of before he could finish taking them.
The problem, he thinks, is that it felt so right. Tommy tilted his chin up and pressed their lips together and it felt like—himself, for the first time in… forever, maybe. Buck doesn’t know what he’s meant to do with that. Go out on Saturday night, maybe (hopefully) kiss Tommy again (and again and again and again), but then… But then?
He wants to call Eddie because he always wants to call Eddie. He wants to blurt out all the things he kept under his tongue when he apologised earlier. He wants to hear Eddie say his name, soft and warm and knowing, because if anyone can make him feel seen and heard and at home in his own skin, it’s Eddie. He wants so hard it’s almost painful.
But it’s the middle of the night, he can’t call Eddie.
He can’t call Maddie either. She would answer, he knows, and she’d have just the right words for the spiralling anxiety that’s sucking him in, but he’s not going to scare her with the phone ringing in the middle of the night. There have been too many calls like that that have only been bad news.
He won’t worry Hen or Bobby with a call like that either.
And as much as Buck wants to confide in them, wants to crack his chest open and show his family what has been inside the whole time, there’s another part of him that doesn’t want to share. Not yet. He feels like the newborn calves he saw at the ranch in Montana, young and fragile and unsteady as he tries to find his feet. The world suddenly feels bigger. Brighter. And it’s exciting, it’s freeing, but he can’t help feeling daunted, like he might get lost if he’s not careful.
“Bisexual,” he says aloud, just to hear himself say it, to taste the way it feels on his tongue not just as a word but as an identity. It feels like an exhalation, trembling at the edges but not just with fear, or excitement, but with relief. He thinks of that first breath of air when his head came above water in the tsunami, he thinks of being struck by lightning, he thinks of stepping into Station 118 for the first time, he thinks of catching the Jeep keys Maddie tossed him in the dark of a Hershey street all those years ago. Buck knows what it is like to be reborn, but he has never had a kiss make him feel like this before.
Did the first time you kissed a girl feel like this? he wants to ask Hen. Does it feel like this every time?
Is this the magic you were talking about when you first met Shannon? he wants to ask Eddie.
I figured it out, he wants to tell Bobby. I figured out what being at ease with myself feels like.
He has a shift in six and a half hours, but sleep feels as impossible as it did when he first climbed into bed. Buck lifts a hand to trace his lips in his dark, reliving the memory of Tommy there. He imagines Tommy everywhere else too, trailing his hand down his body, fitting Tommy into all the places a few dozen women have touched before. He feels like a teenager, giddy at just the thought of sex—of everything—and he exhales a laugh in the dark.
Buck opens his phone again and sends a text to the one person he knows is on shift and might already be awake: when you said you’d pick me up on Saturday, you meant in the chopper right?
Tommy replies instantly: those things are a bitch to park
And a second later: maybe on the third date
There it is again: breath stuttering, heart racing, fingers tingling. Buck wonders if this is what it feels like to get behind the controls and fly. He grins at his phone. He can’t wait to find out.
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Hi! If it's not too much trouble, can I request more yandere overlord, but different from Flower of Nazarick and Madame Butterfly?
Like, Reader was one of 41 members of the guild and was a close friend to Ainz (maybe like a childhood friend?). But unlike Ainz who got summoned to the New world, reader died and was reincarnated, but as a human (though they still have most of their abilities and skills for yggdrasil).
Reader hears rumors about a nation of monsters that sound an awful like Nazarick and decides to see if they truly are the same.
They run into Ainz dressed as Momon by accident and immediately recognizes Nabe as one of the six pleiades battle maid and accidentally calls her by her actual name.
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A Friend Reborn | Yandere Overlord
“Nabaral! It’s you!” 
Momon and the battle maid are on high alert
While it isn’t a huge deal that her real name is heard it’s alarming that someone even knew that
Ainz mentally begs Nabaral not to draw her sword on this random human running full-force
“Nabie! Oh stars it’s good to see a familiar face.”
“M-m-my Supreme Being!!?!” 
She’s not crying, you are
She will happily let you hug her as she basks in the pressure from your power
When you finally do look away from her after checking over her heavily blushing form
“So who is this gentleman?”
He quickly excuses himself from the public eye dragging you and a wobbly lovestruck Nabarel away 
Finally alone he picks you up
Now he remembers
It’s you!
Sweet and squishy you
He hugs you tightly but not too tight
“Uh, nice to meet you too stranger.”
He poofs off his helmet and opens his skeletal mouth in a mock smile
He doesn’t care that he’s using your real name either
He finally found someone
And perfectly its you
Since he’s woken up here he’s desperately been searching for his friends you
The only motivation for conquering the world with the forces of Nazarick
He’ll find that you can still do most of the things your player character used to do
But you hunger, you thirst, and you adorably get sleepy when you occasionally use your higher-level powers
And he just can’t let you leave now
Even if you promise you enjoy a farmers life
He waits for you to retire
Lifting your light and vulnerable body with his hands 
He immediately transports you to Nazarick
Tucking you in his bedroom before calling all the guardians to his side
He tells them the good news first
That another player has been found 
The entirety of Nazarick shakes with euphoria, desperately wanting to celebrate
But Ainz delivers the bad news too
That you are now human
Cursed with the lowest form of being in their hierarchy with 
your wisdom and power trapped inside such a fragile form
So depending on how Ainz screws up informing the guardians two lines of thought can be had
One: is that since you are human you need their protection more than ever and your safety and well being take precedence over everything
Or Two: That the disease of humanity has afflicted you and that they must do everything they can to cure it without injuring such a weak body
The second makes it harder for the guardians to respect you 
But both demand your safety 
Both demand your comfort
And both demand the interest of the guardians and workers of Nazarick who have been dying to adore you
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
I have seen requests were open! I have one, if it's okay-
Platonic yandere catnap/Theo x little(maybe trans if your comfortable) sis reader
Who he had gotten out before the hour of Joy all those years ago, but is back now trying to find him?
(Idk, I love sibling relationships and yanderes-)
Have a good day/night!^^
I'm just going to keep it general female pronouns as it just... doesn't change the story much? Here's more CatNap, this one is closer to canon than the normal AU I do.
You aren't actually related to Theo in this to make the plot work, but he sees you as his Little Sister... if that's okay? It doesn't change much plot-wise, I promise.
Yandere! CatNap with Little Sis! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Human experimentation, Violence, Death, Drugging (Poppy Gas), Kidnapping, Stalking, First portion of this Darling is a child, Second portion you and CatNap are adults due to the time skip, Violence, Murder, Blood, Religious themes, Forced companionship.
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A long time ago, you were raised in the Playcare Orphanage alongside Theo.
However, you weren't really one of the orphans.
Your parents were either scientists or perhaps even the founder of Playtime Co.
You were merely dropped off at Playcare to be watched, unaware of all the experiments going on.
Well... how could you be aware in the first place?
You were only five....
Theo was actually a playmate of yours, but you two acted like siblings.
Theo, the troublesome kid, saw you like a little sister.
You two were often seen playing with one another.
Scientists and your own parents originally were concerned when Theo grew attached to you.
The kid was a known troublemaker, often blaming his behavior on his "imaginary friend".
Supposedly he even spoke to you about his "friend", yet at your age you didn't entirely understand him.
You also saw Theo as a friend and sibling, even expressing despair when you learned Theo had gotten himself into a bad accident.
Truthfully, you never knew the real fate of Theo.
You were still often visiting Playcare when CatNap was introduced.
You were told Theo was "adopted" and "moved away".
In reality the kid became CatNap, reborn in a new body due to the Bigger Bodies project.
CatNap retained some memories that Theo had, but was essentially a new being.
He was the new guardian of Playcare, one meant to "protect and discipline" the orphans.
CatNap scared many of the kids or just... didn't get along with most.
However, with you?
Scientists noticed that CatNap was oddly attached to you.
The large cat hovered around you, acted playful and affectionate, and seemed to dislike you playing with other children and Smiling Critters.
The going theory was CatNap remembered you from when Theo was alive.
After all, CatNap often rambled about "The Prototype", it would make sense if he remembered his playmate.
Many STAFF were reluctant to pull you away from CatNap.
The large purple cat often picked you up, curling around you and purring.
STAFF were often met with hostility when they tried to take you away.
You had grown to adore CatNap, the large lavender smelling cat often putting you to sleep and watching over you.
You played with CatNap for years, perhaps four years after he was created.
You were around nine or ten before your parents wanted to stop you from going to Playcare.
They knew you were getting too old and CatNap (who would probably be around eleven or twelve) was getting too overprotective of his playmate.
CatNap still saw you as close to him, although the lines between sibling, friend, and playmate often blurred together.
You were taken out of Playcare before the Hour of Joy.
While you were sitting at home, no doubt with either your mother or father, CatNap was panicking when he couldn't find his best friend and sibling.
Poor you had no clue about the truth of Playtime Co.
Not until ten years later, where you return to the factory to learn the truth.
By this point you're just about in your 20s, which means CatNap would be too.
It's been years since you've entered this place.
You want to know the truth about Theo... only beginning to realize your mistake once you're trapped inside.
I imagine you follow a similar journey to the player character in Poppy Playtime.
You meet Poppy, you defeat Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Longlegs...
Eventually you return to Playcare... and memories come flooding back.
You know you need to escape, but you're also scanning your surroundings for answers.
All the while CatNap is hunting you... soon realizing just who you are.
It's been years and you have matured into a young woman.
CatNap feels a pang of envy deep within him.
Perhaps deep down he wishes he could've grown up alongside you.
CatNap doesn't hunt you for food or a sacrifice to The Prototype... he hunts you because you mean a lot to him.
Memories spark within him, times where you two would play and you'd even call him "brother".
It didn't matter if you were really related or not... you were bound together.
Even as the guardian of Playcare he cared for you.
He was devastated when you were gone.
But now you're here...!
Now you can play again!
CatNap would probably make his move eventually, stalking and watching you until the time is right...
Then, without warning, he'd use his Poppy Gas to knock you out.
If you had a gas mask, he'd break it before making you hallucinate.
When you eventually fall asleep... CatNap would pick you up by the back of your clothes and carry you down into the depths of Playcare.
Mini Smiling Critters scurry around in the dark but remain obedient when CatNap growls at them.
The large cat takes you deep into his territory before placing you down.
Like he did when you two were younger, he curls around you protectively.
You wake up eventually to the smell of blood and the faintest smell of lavender.
You're wrapped tightly in the tail of CatNap as the beast purrs and growls away in his sleep.
Upon your attempts to struggle against him, the cat shoots awake and glances at you.
You freeze when you see the beady white eyes stare back at you...
Only to hear and a loud purr as the cat nuzzles into you.
Nearby is CatNap's shrine to The Prototype, the cat silently happy that his prayers have been answered!
Now you two can play together... forever.
CatNap no doubt makes you, his little sister, worship The Prototype.
Mini Smiling Critters are docile towards you, mostly because CatNap would eat them if they weren't.
Speaking of eating... You often see CatNap hunt other toys and drag them to you.
The mix of toy and flesh is... nauseating to you.
However, you can't eat anything else.
Resulting in you trying to adapt.
Escape is near impossible without a Grab-Pack.
Even if you had one, CatNap never lets you out of his sight.
Despite you being an adult, CatNap still treats you like a little kid.
He never leaves your side and is incredibly protective of you.
If you tried to leave him, he'd have you gassed to drag you back.
In his own way... CatNap loves you.
He loves his little sister and playmate...
You two can now play in Playcare just like old times... even if it kills you in the end.
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Hey-O! So about that Varian Reborn au, hm ok for an au let’s call it, The Prince of Hell au. second you wanna do a storyline of it? I’ll go first
Pain, pain was all he felt as he laid there in his machine. Gasping for air as the black rock stayed through his middle. He didn’t know how it all went wrong, his plan was supposed to be simple. Well as simple as a plan is when you kidnap a ruler of the land. He wasn’t going to actually harm her though he was only meant to use her as a means to get the princess to agree to his terms. 
His father would be set free, Rapunzel would get her mom back, they both would leave, never set foot in Corona again and live out the rest of their lives as if this incident never happened. Obviously that did not happen, as he and Rapunzel battled a large black rock, got him from behind and impaled him right through his suit. Now as he laid there taking in as many breaths as he could before his final curtain call all he could feel in his heart was regret. Regret for how his plan went, regret for trapping his father, regret for ever even going near the rocks, but most importantly regret for ever putting his trust and friendship into the princess! That horrible, backstabbing princess! 
Slowly but surely his breath became more shallow and his vision started to black. As his eyelids became heavier he heard the door to his robot suit rip open and someone started to yell. He couldn’t make out much words but there was one word he did hear before he closed his eyes for the final time
Finally he was in complete darkness. 
He didn’t know how long he was there, it didn't feel too long but then again it was hard to keep track of time in a void of complete nothingness. 
However, eventually there was a light at the end, however small. Varian felt himself go nearer the light even though he had no feeling or movement in his body, he just felt it. So as he got closer and the light grew he heard a voice, or well voices, multiple of them. they weren’t clear but he could hear them like they were speaking underwater. Then suddenly and without warning, he felt as though he was being grabbed and surged forward into the light.
Adam screamed, fuck this hurt so bad. It never got any easier.
Doctor: You are almost there your majesty, just a couple more pushes and your baby will be here.
Lucifer: Our boy is almost here love.
Lucifer kissed his husband's forehead, this was going to be their sixth child and the royal family couldn't be happier. Apple, Lily, Lucas, Thomas, and Avery were with Charlie as the latest addition to the family came into the world.
Adam: Ow! It fucking hurts!
Adam gave one last final push before all the pain stopped and their baby was here. The new baby boy cried to indicate that he made it.
Doctor: He's here!
Adam: Fucking finally.
Adam was exhausted and slumped in the bed. He smiled when he was finally handed his baby.
Lucifer: He's perfect.
Adam: Yeah.
Doctor: Have you picked a name yet?
Adam and Lucifer shared a look with each other and nodded.
Adam: Varian Morningstar.
((I hope this is what you were going for))
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backmuscles21 · 7 months
Recoms x Reader
Summary: Being reborn in a Na'vi body allows you to be with your lovers again, but then you have to watch them leave you all over again.
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, angst, hurt/comfort, semi-public sex, size kink, canon violence, canon death, com/sub undertones, mentioned suicide
You were the last to wake up and when you did you were surrounded by people in full medical get up, the dust suits and the oxygen masks and everything. You looked around at them, your body not quite catching up with what was going on. You tried to look down but you couldn’t your head was being pinned back. Your whimpers alerted those in the room that you were awake and suddenly you saw multiple blue faces. It just made you more afraid, you couldn’t move and there were hostiles right above you.
Tears started to come out of your eyes, you couldn’t move, why couldn’t you move? Why were there humans and Na’vi in the same area, it didn’t add up.
You faintly heard a voice saying “go, go.” You couldn’t see but it was Prager shooing away the scientists. If there was an emergency Ja was here, he could help you.
“Baby, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“Yeah, baby it’s me.”
“What’s going on? Why are you all blue?”
“It’s Project Phoenix. Do you remember signing up for it? We’re in Na’vi bodies to beat the enemy.”
“Why can’t I move?”
“When they were taking us out of the tanks they grew the bodies in, you had some complications. They are trying to help you.”
“What is wrong with me.”
“Uh, I-“ he stopped for a moment, “Ja,” Prager called over one of your fellow teammates. “Can you tell her what the scientists said, I have no idea what they said. Too much medical mumbo jumbo.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ja nodded as he walked up to the side of your bed.
“They said that you aren’t developing as fast as the rest of us, your body is behind in development. Well the rest of us, our bodies are about 20 years old, yours is only about 17, 18 give or take. It’s a complicated thing but they are running some tests.”
“What will happen to me?”
“Nothing princess, absolutely nothing. They will take your body out of the restraints and you’ll be free to go.”
“Will I still be an active marine though?”
“Always thinking about the mission, princess. You’ll be okay, don’t worry,” Ja kissed your forehead.
“Colonel ‘s coming,” Prager said.
“Your favourite is coming.”
“I never picked favourites. I love you all the same.”
“Look who’s remembering now,” Prager smirked.
Miles, Lyle and Z dog walked in and saw you with Prager and Ja by your side.
“She up?” it was Miles’ voice, you recognized it.
Prager and Ja nodded.
Miles, Z, and Lyle came up to you, you felt the back of Lyle’s finger stroke your cheek.
“Buttercup why are you crying?” Lyle asked as he wiped away a tear on your cheek.
“I woke up and I didn’t know what was happening and I couldn’t move. I was scared, I was so scared. I couldn’t move and I thought they were Na’vi. I thought I was going to die.”
“Buttercup we did. That’s why we're reincarnated in these bodies to get the Na’vi. To get Jake Sully.”
You didn’t necessarily hate Jake, you liked him, and you were good friends, but you loved these guys and you couldn’t leave them. You could only assume that you went through with your plans, you weren’t going to fight for either side. You must’ve done what you planned to do, you hoped that it wasn’t one of them who found you when you killed yourself, if that’s what you did.
“Ja, when does she get out of this,” Miles asked.
“Soon, they want to run a few more tests then she’s free to go. She’s going to be shorter than us and not as built.”
“That’s okay, she’ll be just as badass.”
You giggled at Miles’ comment, he looked over at you with a smile.
“You were always smaller than us and you managed just fine, I have faith in you.”
“Z you stay with her, the doctors will finish. We’re gonna go tell everyone else.”
“On it.”
“Baby girl, you’re gonna be okay,” she kissed your cheek.
It was just before the scientists walked back in; your cover remained unblown. Z dog only moved when the scientists swarmed around you, she wanted nothing more than to hold your hand as they prodded at you with sharp objects.
It was around an hour later that you were finally let out and were able to sit up, the scientists started to run motor function tests on your body then a few mental tests to ensure you were brought up to speed. It was determined that your body was just slow to maturing so you were a few years behind the other guys in terms of your body. You were still quite tall just not for a Na’vi, you were more like 7’6 compared to everyone else being at least 8 feet or higher.
You stood up slowly and walked with Zdog out of the room until you were alone down a corridor and she picked you up like you were nothing. You felt like a small child, hugging her neck and wrapping your legs around her waist as she carried you to where the rest of the recoms were hanging out. She opened the door to the recom-only room which just happened to be where all your beds were, your lounge area, and the bathroom. It’s like you all shared a space together which just brought more domestic thoughts into your head.
“And look who it is, our corazón,” Lopez walked up to Zdog, “how are you dear?”
You snuggled into Zdog’s neck and she chuckled.
“Tired?” Lopez grinned as he stroked your hair and kissed your head.
“You’re so small babydoll, how are you ever going to take us?” Walker said as she stood next to Z taking one of your hands in hers.
“I’m just as badass as before, Miles said so.”
Everyone giggled at that.
“Is it just me or is her being smaller than us making her more subby?”
“I definitely am getting so much sub energy from her, it’s dripping off her,” Lyle spoke up.
Mansk stood up and took you from Zdog and sat down with you in his lap, he had you facing everyone with his arm around your waist. He was always one for cuddles and he was also known to be the strong but silent type. Liked your company and would cuddle you as such but wasn’t great with his words and he knew that.
“We should get you all cleaned up,” Miles said as he realized you were still in your hospital gown.
You nodded and stood from Mansk’s hold and as Miles stood you caught up with him and he opened the door to the gym and through there into the large bathroom. Miles picked you up and placed you on the counter and untied the bows at the back of the gown and removed it off you. He removed his clothes and picked you up by your underarms and brought you into the shower with him. You only came up to his pecs, your arms wrapped around his torso and your head rested against his chest.
You liked the warm water while being with your previous lovers again, you were glad to have them all back. After your body was thoroughly rinsed, Miles started to wash your body with some soap, you leaned onto him for support a few times. Miles was getting hard as he ran his hands over your butt cheeks and ran his hands up your stomach to your tits. You really did have such a nice body, even for a Na’vi.
You nodded with your eyebrows furrowed.
Miles’ hand slid down your side sides, one rested on your ribcage and the other stopped at your hip before he lifted it up and placed two fingers in your folds. He moved up slightly and caught your clit, as he saw you bite your lip he knew, he started to move his fingers in tight circles. Your head hit the shower wall as you gripped his forearms. They all love how responsive you got at any of their touches, he liked to see you moan for him.
He liked the feeling of your hand gripping his wrist as he fingered you, he liked watching your back arch and your body squirm. With his hand on your rib cage, he could feel your fast breathing and every small move your body made. He loved it even more that when you arched your back, he could very easily push you back. He pulled his fingers out and sucked his fingers before lifting you up by your hips and pinned you to the wall with his hips. Your eyebrows furrowed and you whimpered at him.
“Don’t worry Cupcake. I’ll take good care of you.”
Miles kissed you and slowly slid his hard cock into you, your nails scratched at the back of his biceps as your head tilted back and your toes curled. Your first moan was so loud, you knew the recoms outside could hear everything, not that they didn’t know this was going to happen. Miles couldn’t help himself; he just drilled your sweet pussy, it had been some time since he had gotten any, at least that’s what his memories could tell.
You were squeezing Miles, your body too small for their giant bodies, he knew you weren’t going to go forever and neither was he. The idea of being in the shower was to get you clean but Miles always had ulterior motives. He held onto your hips as he kept fucking up into you, he was going to cum he knew it was going to happen soon. His one hand left your hip and started to rub tight circles on your clit, he wanted you to cum first, he wanted to feel you cum around him.
He could feel you gripping him harder, he knew you were getting close, and he knew you were going to cum. He was grunting lowly in your ear trying to hold back his own orgasm until you came, your moans were getting louder, he knew it was any moment now.
You came, right as you did Miles let go as well, it was an overwhelming feeling. Miles pulled out and put you back onto your feet, he held onto your shoulders to keep you steady for a moment. Then he started to finish washing your body and hair, he then rinsed you both off and turned off the water. He dried you off and then himself and handed you some clothes and you both got dressed.
You both walked out to the other recoms smiling at you both, you knew they knew what went down. Walker came by and picked you up to sit on her lap on the couch, she moved your head to rest on her shoulder.
“Did you have fun, babydoll?” Walker asked while other recoms in the room snickered and laughed.
You felt her hand grip your hip and saw Lopez move to sit next to Walker and he took your legs and placed them in his lap. You only now realized how much you missed being with all of them, getting to be like you were before you all died.
Going out on your first mission together was kind of nerve-wracking, you wanted everyone to be safe, and you knew something could go wrong.
And something went wrong.
Holding those kids didn’t feel right but you did it anyway, you had no choice and on top of that your lovers wouldn’t have let you chicken out. You knew their parents would come at some point; it was stupid not to think that way. So, when the first arrow hit, your brain shut down, you were scared for the first time in your life, you were scared to lose one of your fellow soldiers.
Multiple people from your crew were dead, the only one you cared about.
She was dead.
You just woke up with her that morning.
You sobbed as you all ran off for cover from Jake and Neytiri, really everyone in your crew that was left was with you and Walker. The nine of you were together, and now there were eight. You knew this could happen and now that you’ve experienced it, you never wanted to ever again. You lost others in the recom crew but they weren’t a part of your little arrangement. As Mansk held you for a while as your body hurt from sadness, you all came across the boy from earlier, Spider.
You were back at base and you couldn’t stop thinking about Walker, how you had to just run off. You couldn’t ever look at her face again, you couldn’t hold her body one last time before you said goodbye. You had to just run off, you didn’t want to die or anyone else to but you missed her. Everyone could tell how much it affected you; you sat on the couch in the common room and just looked disconnected. Normally you were so cute and cuddly and loving to soak up how they treated you like a child but you were broken now.
All the recoms could see it, you were so disconnected from what was happening, they knew that they had to stay alive for you. They didn’t want you like this, they loved to see you happy and smiling and moaning their names. Lyle’s great idea at cheering you up was trying to fuck you but giving you every ounce of pleasure but you didn’t look like you’d ever move. You were in the RDA sweatpants and sweatshirt; you were just trying to hide. You didn’t want to eat or sleep or talk, you just wanted her back.
It made Quaritch think about calling off the arrangement but that will probably make things worse. You needed them at this point but the wound was so fresh, but you needed them to heal. They were all sad about Walker dying, she was a part of their crew, she was their friend, and she was also in on their smutty circle. They were upset, but no one was as bad as you.
Ja went over to you and sat next to you, he grabbed the hand you were currently scratching at and held it in his hand.
“Are you okay princess?”
You took a moment to respond before moving your eyes to look at him and you climbed into his lap, your arms tried to wrap around him and you placed your head on his shoulder.
“I don’t know.”
“I know this is a hard time. It’s hard for all of us, but princess you gotta eat.”
You shook your head.
Prager came up to you and squatted down in front of you, “please baby? Let’s get you something to eat then it’s nap time.”
“Can I nap with Mansk?” You liked to nap with him the most, he was warm and liked to have you on top of him and you always enjoyed that.
“Of course, baby, but you gotta eat first.”
“Can I eat in here?”
“Yeah, we can get you somethin’ what do you want?”
“I don’t know and honestly, I don’t care.”
“I know you do, luckily, I know what you like. I’ll be right back.”
Prager kissed your head before walking away and you relaxed back into Ja’s arms. The other recoms were in their rooms watching you and Ja, they were scared to take things too far and hurt you in such a fragile state. They hadn’t seen you this submissive since they had you hit subspace when they all fucked you at once. You just did whatever they wanted without the bratty attitude, which they loved to see but the circumstances made it upsetting.
Prager came back with food and after you ate, Mansk took you to lie down with him and you fell asleep pretty quick. Turns out that crying for hours will do that to your body, your body is exhausted. Mansk was a great cuddler, he kept his arms secure around your waist and held you close and he liked you laying on him. On top of that, he knew how to keep his hands to himself, sleeping with Lyle or Lopez usually meant they were groping you in some way. Not that it bothered you, it made you laugh really but right now you didn’t Lyle’s hand on a titty or Lopez’s hand squeezing your butt.
Every now and again one of the recoms would come in to check on you and Mansk, he stayed awake usually stroking your back or moving some hair from your face. Miles, Lyle, Ja, Lopez, Prager, or Zdog would come and just make sure you were still doing okay, the last thing they wanted was for you to wake up from a nightmare.
When you did eventually wake up about two hours later, Mansk was stroking your back soothingly.
“Hi honey, how was your nap,” Mansk said as he realized you were up and looking around.
“It was good, I was tired more than I realized I think.”
“I’m glad you’re awake,” Mansk kissed your hairline.
“Where is everyone else?”
“They are all at the gym.”
“You didn’t go with them?”
“Nah I figured being with you was better. Plus, someone's gotta keep you warm.”
You giggled at his comment.
“Do you want to go join everyone?”
You stayed quiet, Mansk stared at you for a moment till her felt your hand on his lower stomach. You reached beneath his pants to his already aching cock.
“When did this happen?”
“You were cute while you slept and your little noises. I got carried away.”
You smiled up at him before you started to slowly stroke his cock.
“Honey, you sure you want to get into this?”
“Why not? We’re the only ones here. Let’s take advantage of that.”
Mansk’s hand on your waist gripped harder as you sped up and gripped his dick harder, he hissed lowly and you smiled up at him.
“Honey, let me fuck you.”
You removed your hand and sat up, you took off your sweatshirt and your sweatpants. He looked at you with a smile before he did the same, you threw your leg over his torso and leaned down to kiss him. He grabbed your hips and held you onto his cock, you started to move not long after getting onto him. Your head tilted back as you started to pick up speed, your hips kept moving, and your hands gripped onto the sheets right beside Mansk’s torso.
“Keep going, keep going please.”
Mansk gripped your hips and started rutting up into you, he was making you move faster and hitting you deeper. Your cries were getting louder and as you came, Mansk hit you deep a few more times before he came too.
“Look who’s up and already at ‘em.”
You turned your head around to see Lyle and Lopez smirking at you.
“You have a good time corazón?”
You smiled at them and nodded.
They were glad that you had cheered up, that you seemed to forget about losing someone you loved. You didn’t forget, but you needed to move on, you wanted to be there for those you loved. You didn’t want to be lost, you didn’t want to never move on, you missed her but you needed them.
“Glad to see you’re awake,” Miles said as he walked up between Lopez and Lyle.
“Mansk is finally getting some,” Lopez laughs as he walks off to shower.
“Oh, shut up,” Mansk said as he threw a pillow in his direction hitting Lyle.
The next few days weren’t horrible, but you missed Walker, they could still see it. You were still trying to find Jake Sully, getting intel was hard, he was hidden and no technology liked to work out in the wild. Every time you went out, you felt anxiety crawling its way up your throat, you didn’t want it to be like last time. This time you got word on where Sully was, he was with some ocean clans.
Hijacking this dude's ship was always fun, watching Miles be bossy and in charge did something to you. you watched the boys turn to look at you and smirk at you, you knew they could smell how wet you were becoming. One by one their heads would turn to you and smirk before looking back at the man telling off Quaritch.
Trying to act tough and badass when you are a foot shorter than everyone else is weird, you felt so shy, you wanted to cuddle into the side of the closest recom. Luckily, Ja seemed to notice that and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. He smiled down at you and you looked up at him and smiled, he always knew what you needed.
All the people on the boat could see something was going on with you and the other military people. They also thought it was weird that you were so much smaller than the other Na’vi soldiers, you also knew they hated the team being there. They liked to look at you and whoever you were around, it had to be because you were so soft around each other.
The stares got worse when one of your lovers held you on their hip like a child and walked around. You were all still wearing tact vests and armed to the teeth, yet you were cuddling into them like a tired toddler. Zdog loved to stare them down when they would look at you in any wrong way.
She also loved the idea of having you alone in an empty hallway as she held you up against the wall. She held you up against the window of the left wing, and your butt rested on the railing attached to the windows. She ruthlessly ate you out, your head kept hitting the glass as she knelt on the ground. Her tongue was doing wonders to you, you missed her so much and her tongue was probably the best ever, better than any guy at least.
“You two really are fucking crazy.”
You opened your eyes and took your hand off your mouth, your eyes slowly blinked to focus on who stood there.
Lopez, that smug mother fucker.
“You’re ruining girl time,” Zdog pulled her face off enough to speak before digging right back in.
“I think I’d like to join in on girl time,” Lopez walked closer.
“You prepared for getting caught? After she cums she’s all yours.”
“What about you?” You said to Zdog between moans.
“I’ll be fine baby girl. It’s always about you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you whined lightly.
Her tongue went back into you, she instantly put more speed and pressure into her actions this time, she was eager to make you cum. You had a couple of close calls with people walking by or hearing people, but never enough to make her stop or make them check out what was happening. Once she made you cum, she moved away, showing Lopez your wet pussy.
“She’s all yours. Don’t say I never did nothing for ya. I did all the hard work.”
He winked at her, “I’ll return the favour later, Z.”
He grabbed your legs and unbuckled his pants.
“Just you wait, you’re in for a good time.”
Lopez took Zdog’s spot and held you up against the window, he stroked his dick a few times before pushing inside. You bit your lip and pressed your hand to your mouth to try to keep quiet, Lopez smirked down at you. You felt a tear roll down your cheek from overstimulation and just forcing yourself to stay as quiet as possible. You looked over Lopez’s shoulder to see Zdog standing there, leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed under her boobs smiling at you.
She pushed off the wall and stood next to you and kissed you, she was swallowing your moans. You took one hand off Lopez’s shoulder and wrapped it around her neck and pushed her further into you. Lopez kept a firm grip on your hips, he was pushing in so deep, he was making you cry out, luckily Zdog was there to keep you quiet.
“Please, please Lopez. I have to cum.”
“Come on, corazón. Give it to me.”
His last few thrusts were getting sloppy but still hard and deep, you clawed at Lopez’s shoulder and Zdog’s next as you were cumming.
“Fuck, that’s good baby. Squeezing me tighter than before.”
“Lopez, fuck.”
His hips stuttered as he came Zdog smirked at you and turned her head to snicker at Lopez. He pulled out and dressed himself again, he let you down to stand on your own. Zdog and Lopez helped you get dressed and you walked three started to walk back to the main hub. On your way, you joined up with Ja and Prager who stood in another hallway talking. Prager noticed you guys, his head turned and he smiled, Ja did the same thing.
“What are you guys up to?”
“Heading back,” Lopez said.
“You guys reek of each other,” Ja laughed.
“I blame Z, she started it,” you said pointing to her.
“I’m sure it was all Z,” Prager said sarcastically.
“Where did you guys even go?” Ja asked.
“Left-wing,” Zdog smirked.
“Just out in the open?” Prager said shocked.
“Yeah, I happened upon those two. Zdog’s got her pushed up against the glass, tongue fucking her, and I couldn’t just sit by and watch or leave knowing what’s going on,” Lopez said.
“Don’t blame ya, I’d be in the same boat,” Prager winked at you.
“Are you guys heading back to the colonel?”
“Yeah, things weren’t great in there earlier but you know Quaritch and Wainfleet, they love conflict,” Ja said starting to walk with the group. As you walked all headed into the main room, you smiled at Miles and Lyle once you made eye contact. You walked up to them and hugged Lyle first as he was the closest and then went to Miles, as you hugged him, he smirked.
“You smell like Lopez. What were you guys doing?”
“We were in the left wing. Zdog was eating me out then Lopez joined.”
He laughed at that, “good that you guys are here, we have a hit on Sully’s kids.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah, there on that tulkan over there.”
“They fell right into our hands. Who could’ve guessed.”
Hours later you sat on some island of rocks, you had been cut and scraped a few times. Blood was bleeding down the side of your face, having been cut on your forehead. Your body was exhausted, not only did you fight hard, then it was almost drowning and swimming. You laid back to try and let your body relax, let your muscles have a moment to regenerate.
You knew deep down you lost everyone; you no longer had a single one of your lovers. You watched them get stabbed or knocked out or squished but debris or drown, you couldn’t take it. This was like losing Walker all over again, but this time there were no support systems.
This is where you were going to die.
All alone.
Then you watched that human boy, Spider, drag a body up with him, you sat up and went to your knees. It was Quaritch, you saw the tattoo on his arm, it was him, he was alive, he was awake.
Suddenly, you weren’t alone.
You watched the human boy run off and then you crawled over to Miles’ side.
“Miles? Miles you’re okay.”
He looked at you, he looked just as tired as you did.
“I thought you died. I thought you went out with Lopez.”
“No, I left his side just before he, um,” your eyes pricked with tears
“I know, cupcake.”
“They’re all gone, Miles. All of them.”
“It’s okay. I’m still here. I’m here. We will be together.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you rested your forehead on his and just laid down next to him.
He placed his hand on your cheek and turned your head to look at him again, he brought you up to kiss him.
“I’m glad that you’re okay. I should’ve kept a closer eye on you.”
“You did great. You’re still an amazing colonel. We all had a lot to worry about.”
“We’re together now. Now we just gotta figure out what to do next.”
“Take a nap.”
He laughed for a moment before he coughed.
“I think we should check out your forehead,” he placed a finger by the cut on your forehead dripping blood.
“I’ll be fine, I’ll live. I just wanna be with you.”
“You’re with me now.”
Miles tore the bottom of his shirt and tied it around your head, the knot sitting on your cut.
“There now you’re somewhat dealt with.”
“Where do we go from here? Back to the RDA headquarters?”
“No, going back, they may kill us again. We’re on our own cupcake. They will think we died in this. better to keep it that way.”
“So, where should we go?”
“Fly around on our Ikrans for a while and find out.”
“Can we nap first?”
“Of course, Cupcake.”
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m00nlightgaze · 2 years
Give you what you want. (Jotaro Kujo.)
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☆Sy: Maybe you shouldn’t have teased your boyfriend...or maybe you should have.
☆18+ this is not safe for work material
☆Dom! Jotaro, Sub!Reader, Unprotected sex,semi rough sex, mirror sex, hair pulling, degradation, slight manhandled.
☆ a/n: my bestie is watching Jojo so I'm rewatching it with her and my love for this man has been reborn. So take this.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Maybe teasing your boyfriend after not seeing him for weeks was not the best option.
You had been busy with college, and with the both of you deciding to pursue your own careers, the time that you spent together was slim to none.
So the two of you planned a nice little outing between the two of you, going to the beach and enjoying each others company.
But of course you had other plans…
Your boyfriend, Jotaro Kujo, was a walking masterpiece. He looked like if he was sculpted by the damned greek gods themselves. He was attractive, stoic and cool, a total bad boy when the two of you were in highschool. Surprisingly he found as much as an interest in you that you had in him.
Who wouldn’t want to tease him until he snapped and treated you like the little slut that you truly were.
“Who told you to look away from the fucking mirror?”
You cried out as Jotaro forced your head back so you could stare into the body length mirror that was in front of you. His hips had set a brutal pace from the start and he was not letting up. He smirked as he watched your face morph and contort in pleasure.
“Look at how pathetic you fucking look baby..falling apart on my cock so easily..”
If Jotaro knew one thing very well, it was the fact that he knew his words were enough to set your body ablaze.
Jotaro was normally a quiet male, not much to leave him unless if was necessary.
But when you got in bed?
It was like a switch flipped and nothing but filth left his mouth.
“Such a needy little thing.. taking this fucking cock..”
“This is my fucking pussy…mine. Alllll fucking mine..”
Jotaro lets out a soft groan before he pushes your head into the plush mattress, making your hips raise up and your back to go into an unholy arch. The whole image made Jotaro smirk as he had you wrapped around his finger. He switched his pace from the hard punishing one to something slower yet hard.
“I could watch you get like this forever…I used to think you were an innocent little thing..”
He would punctuate his words by entangling one of his large hands into your hair and pulled,
“You’re just my mindless little slut? You were begging to be fucked my fat cock but look at you, can’t even get a few words out.”
You whined out at his words, your voice nearly gone as Jotaro had you here for nearly 30 minutes. When he said he was going to punish you for being a little brat down at the beach he meant it.
“F..fuck Jotaro..” You managed to get out only to earn a chuckle from the male as his hips suddenly picked up pace, his grip on your hips tightening enough that you knew for certain that was going to leave a bruise. “Hmm?...What is it my little slut..? You’re getting close?”
You nodded as you felt tears pricking at your eyes, it would be your 3rd orgasm of the night and Jotaro only seemed to be a fucking tease about it though.
He slowed his pace up only to earn a frustrated whine from you to which he shushed.
“Ah..ah. Remember you told me to use you as i pleased…or did you forget you fucking brat..”
You yelped as Jotaro flipped you over onto your back, his toned, sweaty body on display for you and a shit eating smirk on his face.
“I’m just giving you what you want…”
He then places your legs up on his shoulders as he realigned himself with your entrance before slamming back in.
“Now shut up and take what I fucking give you slut..”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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unpopularwriter25 · 2 months
*Barge in through the door quickly* I GOT A REQUEST! A CUTE ONE TOO!! AND I REALLY REALLY WANT IT 100% fluff!!!
OK, so I want a Michikatsu/Kokushibo x Reincarnated! Modern! Reader. So the plot is: Reader got Reincarnated in kny as Michikatsu's fiancée with kny memories n all, you can bet that she can and will tease Michikatsu with modern comebacks/slang words. Or maybe teach him some too!! Also this is pre-yoriichi one, basically one before Michikatsu become jealous of Yoriichi.
I want this into Angst... Kill Reader off in the middle of story!! LET MICHIKATSU BE SAD! AND HE TURNS TO DEMON!!!!! but here's the twist, since Reader's soul not in this world— She got Reincarnated again!! With all her memories!! And after like, years (200 years for Koku, and 17 years for Reader since she reborn again) the both meet each again~ cue Reader punch and lecture Kokushibo for choosing becoming a demon, of course they still get along well... bonus if Kokushibo ended up proposing Reader again (Boi needs happiness).
I kinda want an ending of where Reader and Koku ended up being Tanjiro + Nezuko 2.0. I MEAN, IMAGINE CHIBI KOKUSHIBO IN A BOX!!! That and Reader & Kokushibo ended up helping the demon slayer crops beating Muzan's ass!
Thank youuuuu!! Also the moment I got this idea, I just HAD to send it to you xD
Once again you're coming in with the 10/10 request! 😂 I hope you enjoy~!
Eternal Vows: The Rebirth of Love and War
Warnings: Mentions of death.
Summary: a modern soul reincarnates as the fiancée of Michikatsu in the world of 'Demon Slayer.' Despite their joy, tragedy strikes, leading to her death and Michikatsu's transformation into a demon. Two hundred years later, she reincarnates again, and they reunite, determined to fight Muzan together. Their enduring love and unique bond bring hope to the Demon Slayer Corps as they face the ultimate battle.
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The sun cast a warm glow over the peaceful countryside, the air filled with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds. In a quaint village nestled among rolling hills, Michikatsu and his fiancée walked hand in hand. The reader, a modern soul reincarnated into the world of 'Demon Slayer,' couldn't help but smile at the simplicity of this era, a stark contrast to her previous life.
"Michikatsu," she said, her voice playful, "have you ever heard the term 'YOLO'?"
Michikatsu glanced at her with a puzzled expression. "Yolo? What does that mean?"
She laughed, the sound light and carefree. "It means 'You Only Live Once.' It's a reminder to make the most out of life."
He smiled softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "You always have such peculiar sayings."
"Oh, just wait until you hear about 'selfies' and 'hashtags'," she teased, earning a chuckle from him.
The days passed in a blur of joy and contentment. Michikatsu's admiration for his fiancée grew with each passing moment. She brought a sense of wonder and excitement into his life, her modern slang and comebacks a constant source of amusement.
One evening, as they sat beneath a sakura tree, she began teaching him more about her world. "So, in my time, we had these things called memes. They're like... funny pictures with captions that people share."
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Show me how to create one."
Grinning, she picked up a stick and drew a crude image in the dirt. "There, that's the face. Now you add a funny caption. Like, 'When you realize the Demon Slayer Corps is after you.'"
Michikatsu laughed, the sound rich and full of life. "You have such a vivid imagination."
But fate can be cruel. One fateful night, the village was attacked by a powerful demon. Despite their efforts, Michikatsu and his fiancée were separated in the chaos. As Michikatsu fought valiantly, his fiancée was struck down, her lifeless body cradled in his arms.
"Why?" Michikatsu's voice broke with grief as he held her close. "Why did this happen?"
Her last breath was a whisper, "Remember... YOLO."
Her death shattered Michikatsu. Consumed by sorrow and rage, he turned to Muzan Kibutsuji, seeking the power to avenge her. In his anguish, he became a demon, losing himself to darkness.
Two hundred years later, in a bustling modern city, the reader was reborn. Her memories of Michikatsu and her previous life remained vivid. At seventeen, she felt an inexplicable pull towards the past.
One evening, as she walked through an old forest, she stumbled upon a familiar figure. Kokushibo, now a powerful demon, stood before her, his six eyes widening in shock.
"It's you," he whispered, his voice a mix of wonder and regret.
Without hesitation, she punched him in the arm. "What the hell were you thinking, becoming a demon? YOLO, remember?"
Kokushibo's expression softened, a sad smile playing on his lips. "I never forgot."
Despite the centuries that had passed, their bond remained unbroken. They spent hours talking, sharing stories of their lives apart. Slowly, Kokushibo began to heal, his love for her rekindled.
One night, under the same sakura tree, he knelt before her. "Will you marry me again?"
Tears filled her eyes as she nodded. "Yes, Michikatsu. Always."
Together, they joined forces with the Demon Slayer Corps, their unique bond and combined strength a powerful weapon against Muzan. Kokushibo, with his diminutive form and chibi-like appearance, often rode in a specially crafted box on her back, a sight that never failed to bring smiles to their comrades.
As they stood side by side, ready to face the ultimate battle, she looked at him and grinned. "Ready to kick some demon ass, my love?"
He nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "Together, always."
And so, Michikatsu and his fiancée, now united once more, became an unstoppable force, their love and strength paving the way for a brighter future.
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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When Molly arrived at the tattoo parlour - the first thing the tattoo artist had said was, "Are you sure about this? You don't look like our normal kind of customer."
He wasn't wrong. Molly had never had a tattoo before. She was short, plump and timid. Dressed in her baggy clothing and with her thick black glasses she didn't look like the kind of girl who would sport a tattoo. Getting one was completely out of character.
Not that she cared about the pain or anything. What was a little physical pain when your bullies had teased and tormented you all your life? She could take a little pain.
The buzzing stabbing pain of the needle was in fact quite soothing. She felt the artist carefully following the curves and whorls of the design she had given him. She felt the thrill as she realised there was no turning back now.
The intricate three circles being traced onto her lower back were of an unusual design. Ancient runes - she had spent hours translating ancient texts to find them. Her bullies had laughed and tormented her further as she looked over the books in the library.
There was no exact analogue for what they meant. They were evil magic runes used by the most corrupt of witches - but translated as closely as possible into the modern vernacular they had a simple - yet complex meaning.
If you were to translate the three runes her tattoo now had, they would say:
Mean, spoiled, popular.
There was more to it of course. The way the runes linked and locked together added more nuances and meanings than simple language could ever convey. It had taken her hours to carefully sketch the finished design. One mistake and everything could go wrong.
She gripped the table with tears in her eyes. The pain was exquisite now and it already felt like the tattoo was bleeding into her soul. It was pure evil and forbidden magic - but she couldn't stop now.
Mean, spoiled, popular.
If it worked - Molly would become like her bullies. The tattoo would corrupt and change her to be like them. It's wicked power would alter her body and warp her life. The runes would change her to match her darkest desires.
She knew her friends would hate what she was doing. They loved and accepted who she was. For years Molly had tried to be a good girl and accept the body and life she had. But even as her bullies had picked on her - she had found herself agreeing with them and worse - admiring and coveting what they had.
She wanted to be thin, pretty, rich and bitchy. She wanted to have the confidence to wear slutty acrylic nails and dress in tight revealing designer clothing. She wanted to bully and belittle her former friends and lord it over everyone.
She would lie in bed fingering her pussy and wishing she was the worst kind of mean girl imaginable. There was just something so hot about the thought of being bad. She hungered for it.
And now if this worked - she would have everything.
It took a few trips to the parlour to finish the tattoo and once it was complete a few days for the swelling and irritation to go down. All that time Molly was desperate to avoid anyone seeing her tattoo and she felt a range of emotions, including panic and regret.
But finally she was ready and there was only one part of the ritual left to complete.
Molly had timed her tattoo to coincide with a full moon. Tonight she would bathe her tattoo in the moonlight and it would activate. Tonight she would be reborn.
Molly was nervous as she lay naked on her bed with the skylight open. The tattoo on her back looked strange and out of place. Her heart beat as the moon began to wax and a soft light began to fill the room.
There was no cloud tonight, and soon the moonlight was streaming into the bedroom. The runes on her back began to glow.
Mean, spoiled, popular.
Molly gasped as her back itched and the evil runes absorbed power from the full moon. "Yesssss, make me into a fucking bitch," she gasped in pleasure as she felt the power flowing into her weak little body.
She felt the darkness oozing into her soul - she felt the tattoo's power begin to change her.
She wiggled and groaned in pleasure, her pussy wet as her bones popped and cracked. Weight sloughed away as her flat chest became more rounded and full.
"Ohhhhh fuck," groaned Molly as her legs cracked and lengthened. She grew taller and slimmer - curves developing as her dumpy nerdy body became strikingly feminine and athletic.
"Mmmmmmhhhh oh yessss!" hissed Molly as her ass swelled up to be firm and rounded, the tattoo on her tanned muscled back now looking like it belonged there.
Her lank hair grew longer and became blonde and bitchy, even as claw like nails sprang from her fingers and a mean, entitled face curved into a wicked smile - long lashes fluttering in pleasure as Molly became the embodiment of the girls she longed to emulate.
"You dumb fucking nerd," she giggled as she tossed back her hair. "You're a bullying bitch now and it feels so good!"
The mental changes were indeed intoxicating. Physically Molly now looked angelic and perfect - but inside she was completely evil. The tattoos were burning away all emotions except greed, cruelty and hunger for power.
The new Molly was mean and spoiled, just like she had wanted. She purred with pleasure at the thought of all the girls she would bully - all the boys she would seduce.
Nothing felt better than being a hot rich privileged slut. The parts of her that still felt reluctant about this transformation were overwhelmed and burned away as the tattoo took complete control.
"It's too late loser," groaned the new bitch as she played with her pussy and grabbed her now large firm tits. "You're me now and you fucking love it. I'm an Alpha girl at last and I LOVE IT."
Standing up in the moonlight - her tattoo turning back to normal now it's work was done - the new spoiled Princess laughed as she saw the room around her had also changed.
"Mmmmh this is more like it, a boudoir for a Goddess."
It was now the bedroom of a spoiled brat and swaying over to her wardrobe Molly grinned as she saw she now had a vast private collection of lingerie clothes and makeup.
"Haha - who needs a soul when you have all this?"
The evil tattoo had turned her into a mean, spoiled, popular bitch just as she had wanted.
Slipping on an expensive satin night gown Molly admired her new toned, perfect body in the moonlight and then stretched her arms over her head. She enjoyed the push and pull of her new muscles and the knowledge that now sat in her head of how to perform cheerleading moves or fuck a boy.
The runes had done everything she had wanted and more and the evil tattoo would always be a part of her.
Molly was a bitch now.
Mean, spoiled, popular.
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
hi can I request monkey king reborn sun wukong x fem artest reader where the the the reader was doing a sun wukong sketch on their Journal and the group were busy to notice it accept sun wukong that he was looking above the tree he was in and sun wukong grabbed the journal and started looking in the journal as sun wukong was teasing reader but he was blushing the rest I don't know but you can change it donI 't mind
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Female
TW/CW: None
Character(s): Monkey King-Sun Wukong
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After a long walk, the group had decided to take a long needed break. Sha Wujing was setting the camp up and Tang Sanzang was meditating, while Zhu Bajie and Wukong had gone to get food.
Meanwhile, you were tasked with getting some firewood, which you had just finished.
So now, you were sitting under the shade of a large tree, drawing the one and only Sun Wukong.
That grumpy monkey, always making you feel such strong emotions. From happiness, to anger, to sadness. He just seemed to become the center of your world.
He made you feel like you were the only girl that mattered in his life, and he never judged you for your appearance.
Maybe that's why you began to draw him so much?
To help alleviate and pour your feelings into something?
You knew that Wukong wasn't one to worry nor care about love, always calling it useless, unnecessary or even weak.
It hurt to hear him say it over and over again, but even so, you were happy to be by his side.
Maybe one day you'd be able to get over your feelings.
With a sad hum, you looked over the page, unaware of the newcomer.
"Drawing again, are we Princess?"
Your hands quickly pulled the sketchbook towards your chest, hoping that the being in question hadn't seen the drawing.
At that moment, you thanked your body for being more voluptuous, allowing the sketchbook to be more hidden.
You looked up, seeing Wukong rest comfortably on a branch right above you, munching away on an apple. He expected an answer, but you turned away, trying to hide your nervousness.
"It's my little secret."
You stood up, trying to get away, but before you knew it, your sketchbook was snatched away. Wukong took the book from his tail, now on a higher branch, and began looking through each page with curiousity.
Said monkey turned his attention to you, only for it to quickly go back to your sketchbook.
You shrieked when he began flipping through.
He had always been curious about what you drew, since you never showed anybody. You would always get embarrassed when someone asked to see it, always downplaying your skills. But looking at it all, he knew he was right.
It was all beautiful.
Everything was drawn so well, with details and shading making it look much more realistic.
Especially his portraits.
Seeing how much more detail went into his drawings made his ego shoot up.
Of course.
He WAS the best looking one of the group.
Who wouldn't want to draw him?
As he continued to look through the book, you were scrambling up the tree.
"I didn't realise I was such an inspiration for you. "
You picked up the pace, now cursing your plush and less athletic body.
You'd definitely have to improve on your tree climbing skills later.
"You sure do like drawing me alot~."
Finally reaching the top, you snatched the book, holding it to your chest. The hue of red that had washed over your face became much darker.
Just how much had he seen?
"Not bad at all."
You're a bit shocked at the comment, expecting something a bit more harsh-
"But you didn't capture my brilliance enough~."
You yelped, not expecting him to whisper so closely in your ear, and unconsciously turned around. The shit eating grin on his face made you stutter, and you proceeded to climb down before embarrassing yourself even further.
Wukong couldn't help the laugh that left him.
He'd never say it out loud, but he enjoyed teasing you, seeing that blush cover your face when you became embarrassed or listening to you stumble over your words.
It was cute.
You stormed off, mumbling under your breath, unaware of the small blush that covered Wukong's face.
It was there and then that he had decided.
He was definitely going to amp up his teasing.
You were the first woman to ever give him those type of nervous reactions, to ever catch his interest.
You're the first woman he's ever fallen in love with.
And hopefully, if those drawings meant what they did, you felt the same.
Maybe he could make you his wife?
Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors!
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xiv-wolfram · 7 months
WolfBahn Ship Summary - Part 1
I realized the comics are... a lot. So I decided to make a short summary of my Wolfram x Raubahn ship. As I started to write I realized it was also... a lot. So clearly WolfBahn is simply... a lot. Eh, this is still way less to read than the comics, enjoy.
Warnings - imperfect neurodivergent protagonist, voidsent, domestic argument that turned a teeny tiny bit physical
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Wolfram Vought and Raubahn Aldynn met 15 years before A Realm Reborn at ages 25/29 in Thanalan. Wolfram (A recently reformed bandit, Gyr Abanian refugee, and the future Warrior of Light) wanted gladiator training as he was accustomed to a rapier. Raubahn, a gladiator (for the guild, not a prisoner), just thought he was trying to pick him up after a tourney. They ended up talking and hit it off almost instantly, bonding over being from the same country, shared interests, and good ol' fashioned Garlean hatred. After hours of walking around Ul'dah conversing, Rau had given up on his assumption that Wolf was interested in him romantically but was happy to have a new friend. Demisexual Wolfram just needed a bit of time to get to know him and surprised Raubahn with a kiss after they had talked all night. Wolfram decided to stay in Ul'dah, but not as a gladiator. He became a cook at the Quicksand.
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They fell in love unnaturally quickly and lived together happily for 2 years. Raubahn appreciated Wolf's sincerity, sense of humor, and being non-judgemental and supportive. He even enjoyed his empathic abilities. Wolfram loved how the gladiator could keep him grounded, admired his heroic nature, that he helped him calm down during panic attacks, and generally made him feel safe (the dude has trauma™). They were great friends as well as partners. Wolfram taught Raubahn how to cook. Raubahn taught Wolfram more fighting techniques. They enjoyed sparring and fighting monsters. Exploring together. They’d a whole future planned out. Wolfram was going to propose they be eternally bonded, but couldn't in good conscience until he told Raubahn about his past. One night, after a horrible nightmare, he confessed. 
6 years prior, the Decurio who led the small group of Garleans occupying his village requested Wolfram’s young sister’s hand in marriage in exchange for going easier on the family’s inn. He overheard his parents considering the offer. Wolf had been secretly studying his grandmother’s tomes on void magic and in his anger summoned a hellhound. Something went wrong and the voidsent that arrived was far more powerful than he could control. It possessed him and forced him to watch as it transformed, using his body to not only kill the Garleans but his whole village, including his family. His Mhachi grandmother did a ritual to bind it before her death, saying it was still within him and he would have to control his emotions to keep it imprisoned. (He didn't mention to Rau that the voidsent often talked to him.) Wolf then fled to The Black Shroud and became a bandit while adjusting to his new reality.
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Raubahn was shocked but kept his poker face and asked for some details. Wolf admitted to killing several other bandits who he thought were a threat but insisted he only robbed rich travelers. After a few years, he had gotten control over the hellhound and wanted a more stable life, so he moved to Ul’dah. He said he was so glad when he met Raubahn because the gladiator was able to calm him down when the voidsent was causing him to panic and so clearly a good person that maybe he could help Wolf become good too.
Raubahn was horrified at his partner's actions and the fact that he'd lied and put him in danger for the entirety of their relationship, but even more so that Wolfram refused to accept responsibility for his own decisions and insisted on blaming the Garleans. As if all that wasn’t bad enough, he had robbed and murdered people he didn’t need to. Rau questioned if Wolf actually cared for him or if it was a selfish love born from wanting to be taught ‘goodness’. Wolfram seemed to have changed now - but could Raubahn ever be sure? Could he ever trust the man who would do those things and refuse to accept the guilt for them? The conversation got away from them both. Wolfram was defensive, panicked, and pushy. Raubahn was angry at Wolf’s insistence on his innocence, downplaying what he did. The gladiator tried to walk out, Wolf tried to stop him, Rau shoved him away then left, telling him if he ever saw him again he’d have him arrested. Raubahn quickly calmed down and returned to apologize but Wolf had already gone. They wouldn't speak for many years.
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The Shroud
Wolfram traveled back to the Black Shroud and quickly acknowledged to himself that Raubahn had been right about everything. He would have immediately apologized and accepted the guilt, but he was terrified of going to jail if Rau made good on his threat. In part, because it didn’t sound like a pleasant experience, but also because he could be made to fight in the Bloodsands and was worried about what would happen if he lost control of the hellhound in a crowded coliseum in the middle of a large city. After a month-long bender (in which he realized alcohol would quiet the voidsent’s voice) Wolfram decided to join the Conjurer's Guild to learn to heal and become a better person on his own. Raubahn was right about that too - it had been selfish to expect the love of someone to fix him. Besides, white magic would become useful for something he had to take care of if he ever made it back to Gyr Abania.
Red Magic
After 6 years Wolfram heard that Raubahn had bought the Coliseum, joined the Syndicate, and reformed the Immortal Flames. The conjurer gathered the courage to head to Thanalan to offer his services to the Flames - hopefully winning Raubahn's forgiveness. On the way, he ran into a fellow Gyr Abanian named X'Rhun Tia. The miqo'te had a unique fighting style that combined magic with a rapier. They got along well and X’Rhun offered to train Wolfram in red magic. Wolf couldn't pass up the opportunity, deciding he'd been a fool to believe he could return to Ul'dah anyway.
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For the next 3 years, Wolfram trained with X’Rhun, quickly mastering Red Magic and helping his friend find more apprentices to teach. Then came the 7th Umbral Calamity. Wolfram was away in Kugane at the time but once word reached that the Eorzean Alliance would be fighting Garleans at Carteneu he teleported himself to the South Shroud and rushed to make it to the battle in time. He was almost there when the moon cracked open. Wolf couldn’t help but watch as fire rained from the sky. Once it was over, he saw from afar that Raubahn had survived. He couldn’t bring himself to approach the General, but knowing he was safe was enough. Wolfram quickly started aiding the injured soldiers. He healed many before the Echo visions of the dying overwhelmed him.
The next 5 years were spent in well-masked anxiety - assuming that the voidsent had gained the ability to show Wolfram nightmares while he was awake. Something he didn’t tell a soul. Helping victims of the calamity as a member of the Adventurer’s Guild was a nice distraction. He didn’t make much gil but it was enough to buy a small apartment in Limsa Lominsa. In all that time Wolf kept tabs on Raubahn (easily, he was famous after all). Wolfram's love never faded, but he learned to live with the pain and focus on helping others as a way to make amends for his past. He was so resolved to not even date that it often worried his best friend and roommate Rhun. 
Raubahn had been busy in those 13 years, but everyone knows his story. He adopted his son Pipin. He became a wealthy politician and military commander. He did *try* dating, but didn't find anyone he could see a future with. As his political power rose so did the rumors. Simply dancing with his friend Merlwyb at an event had sparked gossip and accusations of collusion. He gave up on public relationships completely after joining the Syndicate for fear of what the Monetarists would do to any partner of his. The General did have a few casual lovers who respected his need for discretion but his focus was on leading the city he’d come to truly call home. Raubahn often found himself wondering if Wolfram was still alive but couldn't track the former bandit down due to his penchant for using an alias.
Part 2 - A Realm Reborn
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mixelation · 1 year
i wrote more reborn au help
“It’s five now,” Matron told them grimly.  
A week ago, there had been six shinobi clans in Sound Country. Matron didn’t describe what happened to the sixth one. She didn’t have to. Most of the orphans have already been sent out to see the war themselves. 
Tori picked at a thread on the hand-me-down yukata she’d been given. It was a mustard yellow that probably would have looked lovely on another child but just made her skin look oddly gray. They hadn’t made her do anything yet but help lug water out to the aftermath of a battle once. She was only four. 
“This is why it’s important you train hard,” Matron concluded, before dismissing them into the yard. 
It wasn’t fair, Tori thought as she plodded along at the back of the line, that she had to be reborn into this stupid universe and didn’t even get to be born into a cool family. She would have liked magic eyeballs, maybe, or being taught to read minds. This clan did have a kekkei genkai that involved screaming like a bat, but she wasn’t one of them. She’d been born to a civilian family that had been the tragic victims of the Third Shinobi War, and the clan had taken her along with any other orphan kid they found.
The poor shmuck in charge of orphan training today was a teenager who didn’t seem to have any real plan in mind. He instructed them to practice hitting each other with sticks, and Tori was handed a bamboo pole and paired off with another girl, a couple years older. 
Tori didn’t want to hit anyone with a stick, much less another little girl. She’d rather be taught how to fight alongside a dog partner, and Tori didn’t even like dogs. 
The other little girl was shaking. She was new, and like Tori’s new-timeline family she didn’t even remember, her parents had been farmers. The Matron promised them every morning that they were training to be shinobi just like everyone else in the clan, but the clan relied on parents or older siblings teaching their children individually or in small groups, and the orphans just got whoever was around and free on any given day. This girl had never had to fight anyone in her life. 
(There were barely any children over the age of eight, because eight was the age they decided it was okay to start sending people out into the battlefield.)
“You can come at me first,” Tori offered, squaring her shoulders and holding the pole in front of her the way she thought they’d told them to do it a month ago. 
It additionally wasn’t fair that Tori didn’t seem to be any more physically gifted than in her previous life. She seemed to have the exact same body as before, complete with a head of runaway curls that the Matron seemed confused by, and that meant physical activity didn’t come easily to her. 
The other girl hesitated a few moments, and then half-heartedly smacked her pole against Tori’s. She didn’t even aim for Tori herself. The teenager in charge of them was busily sharpening some kunai and not paying any attention to the hollow thwaps of incompetent children hitting things with bamboo poles. 
Really, really unfair, Tori thought. 
Medical supplies were perpetually low, and so the welts now across Tori’s knuckles would go unbandaged. They had soap, at least, and plenty of well water. Tori had even gotten to help an ancient kunoichi make the last batch of soap. 
Tori examined her hand as they waited in line for a lunch of plain rice porridge. She must be holding the pole wrong, for a seven year old to accidentally hit her knuckles like that. 
(This was one advantage Tori had over the other orphans: she didn’t mind getting hurt. She preferred not to be hurt, obviously, but she’d lost a lot of the natural human fear of pain.)
They were also short on most kitchen supplies, so Tori had to share her bowl with two boys. They’d just sat down on the edge of the main house’s engawa when a group of shinobi bounded into the yard in excitement. 
“We got one!” one of them cried, holding something over his head. “Where’s the Old Man? We found one!”
Whatever it was, a group was rapidly forming around the shinobi. The two boys Tori was to share with got up to go see themselves, and Tori pulled the bowl into her lap. Their loss. 
Tori ate as fast as she could while she watched the proceedings. The Clan leader eventually appeared, and the crowd parted for him. The shinobi knelt as he presented the leader with… some sort of kunai?
“We were scouting a battlefield of the Yellow Flash, as you commanded,” one of the shinobi reported. 
Ah, shit, Tori thought as horror dawned on her. 
“It has some sort of fuinjutsu on it,” the shinobi was saying as the Clan Leader carefully flipped the three-pronged kunai over in his hands. “If we study it, maybe he can learn one of his techniques.”
Tori set the bowl down on the engawa and hopped to her feet. 
“Excuse me,” she called, approaching the gaggle of people around the Clan Leader. “Excuse me, are you really sure that’s a good idea?”
The Clan Leader looked at her like she was some sort of insect. 
“Don’t speak unless spoken to, girl,” the Clan Leader responded.
Tori ignored the warning. “Doesn’t the Yellow Flash, like, teleport? Do you really want to risk him teleporting here?”
The teenager who’d been in charge of them that morning was commanded to take her to a back training ground and hit her ten times with one of the bamboo poles. He only hit her eight times, all on her back. 
“The next person won’t be as nice,” he warned her. 
Tori had to lay on her belly to sleep, crammed into a room with twelve other orphans. In the morning, she was excused from ninja practice and sent to help the ancient kunoichi who made soap with laundry. Tori considered this a bonus. The soap kunoichi was the only person she really liked. 
“This does need to be wrapped,” the kunoichi diagnosed her back, clicking her tongue. “Why did you speak up, you foolish child? Here, lie down and I’ll help.”
Tori laid down on her belly again, and she twitched only a little as the kunoichi pushed chakra into her back. 
“I was right,” Tori mumbled into her arms. “That kunai is dangerous.”
The kunoichi sighed. “Always too clever for your own good, girl. Of course it’s dangerous. Trust your elders to know how to contain dangerous techniques.”
Tori craned her neck, turning her head to look at the kunoichi. “Really?” she asked. “How?”
The kunoichi clicked her tongue again. “No technique a brat like you will understand.”
“I understood the soap,” Tori countered. “Didn’t you tell Matron once, that a failure of one person to explain isn’t a failure of another person to understand–”
“Oi!” the kunochi countered, moving her hand to pinch an unblemished part of Tori’s side sharply. “The mouth on you!”
She did explain, though. The clan possessed a special chest, which was adorned with a special seal the clan had spent generations developing. It made the chest unbreakable, and so the kunai was harmless as long as it was inside. 
Tori doubted this, but she also doubted Minato would have a reason to come attack this little clan specifically. Then again, what did she know? She knew the date this war had ended in another timeline, and she knew at some point before that date the five Sound Country shinobi clans would unite as one village, but she didn’t know if she could expect things to proceed as they had before. She didn’t know what she’d changed, if anything, just by being here. 
One problem at a time, Tori decided, getting to her feet to go find some clean rags for the kunoichi to dress her wounds.
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diazsdimples · 9 months
Several Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus @cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @wildlife4life @daffi-990 and @wikiangela thank you friends!!!
This snippet is still in the editing phases and is subject to change but have a tsunami! The timeline is jumping all over the show when I write this but I've been ITCHING to write the tsunami for so long so here goes! Snippet below the cut because she's a long one
Buck reaches the toy stall just as the wave breaches the front of the pier, engulfing the spot where they’d been sitting moments earlier. He all but throws Christopher and Lily into the stall and instructs them to hold tight to each other before turning to Carrie.
She’s fallen behind and he can see her chest heaving as she pants, her small body struggling to push itself the final few steps. There’s a loud roaring in his ears, from the approaching wave or from the insurmountable panic that’s threatening to overtake him as he watches his daughter try outrun a fucking tsunami, he's not sure.
“Carrie, run!!” Buck screams, reaching out his hand to her. He wants to run to her so badly, to scoop her into his arms and protect her forever but he can’t leave Lily and Christopher and she’s so close. Her little fingertips close around his hand and he yanks her towards him, depositing her on the floor next to her sister and Christopher. Buck vaults over the wall of the toy stall, capturing one final glimpse of the churning water rushing towards them. The wood of the pier splinters and cracks as it’s torn to shreds by the unrelenting current and Buck watches in horror as people, small enough to look like Lego figures, get consumed by the water.
“Daddy I’m scared!” Lily cries, reaching out and grasping onto Buck’s shirt as he tucks himself into the corner of the stall, back to the shelves. He draws all three children close, holding onto them for dear life. Carrie clings to Buck’s arm hard, her hold tight enough to leave a bruise. He hopes it does, it’ll be something to remind him of her if they don’t all make it out.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you, just hang on tight,” he reassures the kids, hoping he sounds a lot more confident than he feels. The rushing is getting louder and the floor beneath them is vibrating like mad. Buck kisses Lily’s head, then Carrie’s, the Christopher’s.
“It’s okay,” he repeats. “I’ve got you, I love you, it’s gonna be okay, we’re gonna be –“
All the air escapes Buck’s lungs as the wave slams into the stall, knocking into them like a freight train.
Everything around him is swirling, gloomy, water, the current tossing him from side to side. The only thing in his brain is “protect the kids, protect the kids” and he clings tight to the small bundles in his arms as he kicks madly, trying to reach the surface.
The water picks him up and tosses him against a solid object, a building maybe? His arms instinctively open as his back folds around the contours of the object and he whacks his head. Dazed and confused, Buck paddles hard, clawing and fighting his way to the shimmering light above him.
He’s focused purely on survival as his lungs scream at him that he needs air, now. There had been something so important he needed to do just before the wave hit but he can’t remember what it was. Had he been holding something? Everything is foggy. All he knows is if he doesn’t breathe now, he’s gonna pass out.
The first breath of oxygen as Buck’s head breaks the surface is like being reborn, the beautiful air flooding his lungs and he gasps it in over and over, like a starving man eating for the first time in years. He can dimly see a string of lights above him and he grabs onto them, gripping tightly as the water rushes around him, trying to pull him away. With each gasp of air, his brain slowly comes back online, synapses firing a million times a minute.
Buck tries to remember how he got here. The back of his head throbs hard and he realises he must have hit it, accounting for the sudden confusion. He wracks his brain, thinking back on the morning. Eddie had been at his house that morning, he can’t quite remember why, he remembers eating waffles for breakfast, and then he’d ended up here? It suddenly clicks. Lily had wanted to show Christopher the big stuffed bear she’d been wanting to win for ages, and it wasn’t until all 3 kids had turned to him, eyes big and pleading, that Buck had relented and driven the kids to the pier.
A thrill of fear shoots through Buck, his blood turning to ice, as he suddenly remembers. The kids. He looks around madly, trying to see anything through the white, bubbling foam of the water but it’s no use. He can’t see them.
They’re gone.
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @fionaswhvre @eddie---diaz @fruitandbubbles @nmcggg @watchyourbuck @rainbow-nerdss @callmenewbie @evanbegins @fortheloveofbuddie @spagheddiediaz @bucksbackwardcap @smilingbuckley @spotsandsocks @buckbuckgoose @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming
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quillandink333 · 6 months
The Other’s Choice • Pt. 2
Credit to @winterxisxcomingx for the beautiful banner ♡︎
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SPOILERS FOR HAZBIN HOTEL ~ Read ahead at your own risk!
Faced with the harsh reality of Heaven's steadfast opposition, the angel of joy is forced to make a drastic decision with gruesome consequences, but luckily she isn't alone for long.
WARNINGS: Abrahamic imagery (obviously), pseudocest, body dysphoria, malnourishment
Part I • Part II • Part III
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It seemed the young seraph had been in a bit over her head about her decision to run away from home. She’d left for the hotel with a burning drive to help in any way she could, but it didn’t take long for her to realise she lacked any sort of plan for her own self-preservation, much less a plan for how to help anyone. She of course knew it would be the hardest thing she’d probably ever do in her eternal life, but never could she have predicted how horrific a place Hell would be. After all, what frame of reference did she have?
Already she owed so much to the six-winged stranger for taking her in under the roof of his castle—the fact that her gracious host had turned out to be Lucifer Morningstar himself didn’t negate that. She could hardly imagine where she’d have ended up if he hadn’t caught her out of the sky the day before, regardless of the harrowing stories about him with which she’d grown up.
He’d stayed awake with her that whole first night following her fall, but he didn’t mind. He saw himself in her. He wouldn’t have been able to sleep even if he’d tried. Knocking softly on the door to the empty suite she was staying in, “Miss Emily? I made some tea if you’d like some,” he announced with a clearing of the throat, then cautiously cracked it open. He greeted her with the warmest smile he could offer, setting the tray on her nightstand as he perched himself on the edge of her bed and set to work pouring her a cup.
Word Count: 1.4k
The poor thing looked up at him with dread-filled eyes, which, to his horror, he noticed were already a tinge muddier compared to the bright azure they’d been the day before. Despite sleep continuing to elude her, she’d been bedridden since yesterday, suffering from severe fatigue and fever caused by devastating shock and anxiety. He knew from experience that she’d be like this for about another month at least while she underwent the excruciating bodily changes of being reborn as a fallen angel; the process was already underway from the looks of it. Besides the change in eye colour, emerging from the crown of her head were two blunt points that would inevitably grow into horns after breaking through the skin of her scalp. She would be able to mask most of her new demonic features later on, but teaching her to do this prematurely would only prolong her pain.
“Cream?” Lucifer offered, “and do you prefer sugar or honey?” as he conjured all three condiments in front of her with a wave of his cane.
“Oh, yes, and…honey, please,” croaked Emily with a weak smile but a smile nonetheless, which caused his own to redouble.
“I hope you like it.” He held out the cup to her on its saucer. The fine china vaguely reminded her of the set she and Sera had used to host their own little tea parties for two when she was small, the memories manifesting as another stab of pain in her chest as she reached for the saucer. “It’s hot, so careful.”
The cup was heavier than she was ready for. The handle dug harshly into the bones of her delicate fingers, making her wince and recoil.
He picked up on this just in time to catch the cup with magic before it could splash into her lap, then levitated it masterfully back onto the tea tray without a single drop spilt.
“Ahh, thank you…” She simpered through the shame as she raised a trembling hand in another feeble attempt to pick it up herself.
“Hey, it’s okay. Just rest, sweetie.” He put a hand on her shoulder in encouragement. “I got it.” Her face must have turned at least a dozen shades of yellow as he lifted it again, blew on it, then raised the rim to her lips. It was altogether too much for her to look anywhere near him, but she politely complied and took a cautious sip. “How is it?”
A lump had already formed in her throat by the time she swallowed. Somehow it tasted just as Heavenly as it smelled; a singular tear rolled helplessly down her cheek. “Perfect.”
It filled his heart up with happiness in the form of relief to have brought the damsel some semblance of enjoyment in this dark time, but he was caught off guard by the tears suddenly welling up in his own eyes. Surely he couldn’t be that happy…could he?
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“How’s she doing?” came Charlie’s voice through her father’s phone.
“Not good,” he admitted. “Better, but still… I’ve been trying to get her to eat more, and there’s been a bit of progress, but y’know. Not as much as I’d have hoped for by now.”
She frowned audibly. “Well, just make sure she knows that if she ever needs anything at all from us here at the hotel, we’re just one call away.”
“I will. Thanks, pumpkin.”
A couple of repetitive, trying weeks after her arrival in Hell, the symptoms of Emily’s slow and agonising transition were starting to become more bearable. The downside was that her mind was now free to wander. And wandering led to spiralling. What had she done? As a former denizen of Heaven she knew sinners would want her dead—or worse—the moment they learned of her presence down here. What if everything turned out to be for nothing? What if she wasn’t able to help at all? At this rate it seemed like she’d be stuck in this bed forever.
“No, you won’t.” Lucifer snapped her out of her anxious rant, holding her blackening fingertips as he sat perched on her bedside. “Smile for me?”
Cocking her head in confusion, “Okay…” She reluctantly spread her lips and flashed her canines at him.
“Judging by the shape of your teeth right now, I’d say you got about…a week left to go, if that.” His hand gave hers a gentle squeeze as he brought it to his lips in a solemn but sudden gesture that had her stomach doing somersaults. “You’re gonna make it through this, Em—I’ll make sure you do.”
She pulled taut the corners of her mouth in a strained smile. “But even if I do, what then?”
He sighed, “I’m not sure,” his gaze briefly falling to the duckling-themed quilt she was tucked in underneath: just a little something he’d thrown together for her the other day. “But I will do whatever I can to help you figure it out, alright?”
She could see it in his posture and in the way his fingers curled into a loose fist on his lap—the last thing he wanted was for her to have to face the future on her own, as he once had. It made sense to her for the most part why the fellow fallen angel would be so inextricably concerned for her, but understanding this didn’t do much to assuage the guilt gnawing away at her from the inside. Since as long ago as she could remember, her duties had occupied every bit of her time, thought, and effort. She wasn’t supposed to need things from people, she was supposed to be there for them when they needed her.
“Hey, here’s an idea!” Lucifer’s outburst derailed her train of thought. “Why don’t we take this as an opportunity to explore some potential hobbies for you?”
“Hobbies?” she echoed rather incredulously.
“Yeah! ’Cause from what I remember of my life in Heaven, we seraphim weren’t allowed much time for ourselves, right?” He wasn’t wrong, she supposed. Not that she’d ever given it much thought. “This could be the perfect time for you to learn a bit more about yourself and try some things you’ve always wanted to try but never got the chance to. And I’ll help you! Wha’daya say?”
She would have insistently declined if he’d only felt the need to suggest such a thing out of a feeling of obligation or whatever, but no. She didn’t even need her Heavenly gift of empathy to see his true intent. If he thought she was overreacting or getting hung up on personal issues that mattered less than the greater good she’d come here to serve, he wouldn’t have made such a kind, sensitive, and personal offer. This meant something to him—probably even more than it meant to her—and it was something she had more than the means to indulge him in.
“I guess…if it would make you happy, then okay,” she smiled softly. Because if there was anything she found comfort and fulfilment in, it was making others happy.
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suzuran777 · 1 year
Slow Damage: Clean Dishes Epilogue 2 Summary
It has been a while, but the Clean Dishes drama CD was finally released earlier this month! I really liked it, so I decided to play some more of the epilogues. This one focuses on the relationship between Ruu and Kimika. Be aware that it does spoil the game's good ending.
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This story takes place after the Hare’s Nest incident in which Kimika kidnapped Shiro and tried to use a bomb to kill both of them, believing that death was the only answer. Baku saved Shiro and Kimika was arrested. Shortly after this arrest, Ruu had trouble believing that the culprit was Kimika, but somewhere deep in his heart he knew it was really him. Even though Kimika usually smiled brightly, a tremendous darkness was hidden behind that smile.
"I wish I had realized sooner..."
The epilogue then skips to a flashback. Back then, Ruu worked for a car repair shop. While working there, he often came into contact with a man he absolutely despised, who would purposely torment the weak for his own entertainment. Because of his connections, he was never punished for his actions. One day when he witnessed one of his coworkers being harassed in the bathrooms, Ruu couldn’t handle it anymore and punched this man in the face. The man was not seriously injured, but as a result of this Ruu lost his job. He didn't regret punching the man, but he couldn't accept that he got fired for defending his coworker.
"At that time, I came across a recruitment ad online, from Sara-ya.”
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At first, Ruu was a bit confused what exactly they meant with 'cleaning a room a person died in'. The location of the company was also not ideal, Shinkoumi is a place notorious for being unsafe. Of course, he could have picked a different job, but for some reason he decided to send an email to them. The work at Sara-ya was exactly what he expected, and it took some time getting used to it. However, in terms of human relationships, everyone was friendly and comfortable with each other.
"After a long time, when I was no longer called a rookie, I decided to team up with Kimika."
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"I don't mean this in a strange way, but as a work partner and a human being, I liked Kimika."
Kimika was a cheerful, fun-loving person, who also had a serious side when they were working together. They would often meet up before and after work too, to talk and to eat together. Kimika used to be a hairdresser before he joined Sara-ya and mentioned that he enjoyed making people beautiful, almost as if a person is 'reborn' after getting a new haircut. Kimika mentioned that he wished he could be reborn too, but back then Ruu did not really understand the meaning of these words. Looking back at it now, Ruu realizes that there were so many hints that something was not right...
Some time after this, Kimika called him in the middle of the night. At first, Ruu thought someone called the wrong number, but after listening closely he realized it was Kimika's voice, wishing for his own death. After this, Ruu learned that Kimika was taken to the hospital after overdosing on sleeping pills. Ruu realizes that Kimika probably called him as a final cry for help.
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The story then switches to Kimika's perspective. A bright and cheerful person, that is how people would describe him, which was not wrong, because that is what he pretended to be. Of course, it was not all lies, Kimika truly wished he could be happy. He grew up with three older sisters who were all very beautiful and talented. Compared to them, Kimika was a very ordinary person. Because his sisters were always praised, they were never punished when they used Kimika as a slave or toy, even sexually assaulting him sometimes. Back then Kimika didn't know it was bad, he was just happy that they would spend any time with him.
When he was 11 years old, his oldest sister vanished. A month later, her body was found in the mountains. A suicide note was found near her body, apologizing for not being able to meet her parents' expectations. One year later, his second sister passed away after repeatedly overdosing on sleeping pills. Kimika's family stopped talking to each other, unable to deal with the situation. Shortly after this, the third sister also disappeared. The police eventually found her alive, however, she seemed like a completely different person after joining a religious group. She didn't talk to her parents and brother anymore and locked herself up in her room every day. One day, she texted Kimika to come to her room.
"When I entered the room, my sister was standing on a chair with a belt around her neck, tied to the curtain rod."
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She smiled and asked Kimika to remove the chair, explaining that she wanted to die so she could be reborn. Kimika, unable to deny her wish, did what his sister wanted. Kimika started wondering what would happen after death and if they would really be reborn. His sisters were very talented and had no other reason to die, so he assumed it must be true.
"Just like the other two, I wonder if death isn't something they fear, but something they yearn for. If possible, I want to be reborn too."
After graduating high school, he studied to become a hairdresser and eventually moved to Shinkoumi, mostly because he wanted to get away from his parents' house. Shinkoumi was a place where nobody would come after him. Even though he tried to distance himself from his past, he always felt like he couldn't truly be happy. Being alone made him very uncomfortable, so he would often stay with (sex) friends or even strangers. One day one of his friends half-jokingly sent him the Sara-ya recruitment ad, but Kimika, still obsessed with the concept of people taking their own lives, became interested in the job. This is where he met Ruu, and later Shiro and Baku. He was a bit excited to meet someone like Shiro who also wanted to die. Kimika also wanted to openly talk about death like Shiro did, so he decided to create a social media account. Before he knew it, he made many friends online who all shared the same mindset as him, agreeing death is the only way to escape from suffering. This is when Hare's Nest was created.
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Members of Hare’s Nest focused on overcoming their fear of death and would usually report their daily accomplishments. Kimika tried to do the same and was proud of his group members. Eventually, the first individuals in the group started taking their own lives. Until then, Hare's Nest was mostly a private group, but after the first two suicides it started attracting attention online. After that, the number of deaths gradually increased and the criticism from outside groups grew. At that time, Kimika thought death was the only way to end suffering and didn’t understand what he was doing wrong. He also realized that Shiro joined the group and was surprised when he openly shared these details with him. Kimika decided that it must be fate, finally he would be able to die together with someone.
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After that it switches back to Ruu's perspective. Shortly after the Hare's Nest incident, Kimika was sentenced to two years in prison. The sentence was shorter than expected because there was no evidence of intimidation or a detailed planning of the attack. Another reason for this was probably because Kimika's lawyer worked for the Takasato-gumi. It was Eiji who introduced them to each other. Ruu frequently visited Kimika in prison, but during the first visits Kimika did not look him in the eye and barely spoke to him. He didn't understand why Ruu kept visiting him, after all he was a criminal who encouraged people to take their lives and who almost killed one of their friends. He also didn’t understand why Ruu still cared about him, they were only work partners after all. To Ruu however, Kimika was never just a work partner, but someone he genuinely considered a friend. Ruu regrets not noticing Kimika's loneliness and still wants to be with Kimika after he gets released from prison. Kimika still has a hard time trusting others because of his childhood, but somewhere deep in his heart he wants to trust him. Ruu hopes that some day, him and Kimika will be able to laugh together again, just like they used to.
Some extra notes
The name of the group is simply called Hare’s Nest because Kimika has a pet rabbit.
His username online is Himalaya, referring to the Himalayan rabbit, said to be the oldest rabbit breed. His own rabbit is also a Himalayan rabbit.
Members of Hare’s Nest calls themselves ‘leveret’, a term used to describe a young hare. If you’ve read the Clean Dishes manga you probably also know it’s the name of the manga…!
The drama CD is a continuation of this, so definitely listen to that if you can! Especially if you like Ruu and Kimima as a pairing. ;)
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japhan2024 · 8 months
Thighs on his mind
"But you know, if Ian and I didn't make that video, we potentially wouldn't have any of this."
Anthony tries to play it cool, as always. But when he looks at what 'this' means - Ian sitting right next to him, their relationship reborn, being able to confide in Ian fully, finally… he is totally lost. And then he looks down. Ian isn't wearing pants. He wears neat shoes and socks, and a meme shirt for their Jacksfilms Flashback with Smosh.
If Anthony hadn't made the Pokémon theme song lip-synch video with Ian, he wouldn't be able to see Ian like this, this up-close. He'd probably have some stuffy tech job, and who knows if Ian would still be his friend.
"Risk reward, guys."
read on ao3
Jack tries to keep the bro-level high, but he too is picking up the vibes between Ian and Anthony. Anthony can hardly look away. And even when he looks at Jack, his focus is off, making him gravitate to his left, where his best friend sits, all dainty and daring him to jump his bones. What is Ian thinking anyway? They dressed like bananas the shoot before this, and while Anthony put his pants back on, Ian just put on that shirt and looked at him. Anthony had a giggling fit, but when they walked into the studio, he lagged behind, his eyes fixated on Ian's legs.
"And then I wouldn't be sitting here with this."
Anthony's pants get really tight as Ian opens his legs. Anthony tries to lean in and see everything. Oh,right, the cameras, he always forgets they are there.
"With his left ball."
He tries to break the tension, but his eyes keep creeping down, down…
That evening, Anthony sits on his bed. Ian's thighs on his mind. He closes his eyes, grabs a pillow, and squeezes. Would Ian's ass feel like this? He puts the pillow on his face. Falling on his back on the bed, he screams at the pillow.
"Fuck! Ian… why do you do this to me…"
Ian is irresistible enough as it is. His style so effortless. So different than Anthony's. Ian was right during the funeral roast. Anthony puts way too much into his looks. Why does he need rings? Or flaunt his body on Instagram? Ian is right, so right. Anthony undresses and puts on the outfit he stole from Ian's apartment. He has like ten pairs of pants like this anyway, he won't miss it. Putting a similar belt on to complete the look, Anthony walks up to the mirror.
Now, this is more like it. He looks more effortless and still hot. He notices the mirror has some smudges. No, don't clean it, don't try too hard! He takes a couple of selfies.
He resumes browsing social media for a while. He presses like on some pictures of hot girls. But those thighs, those open legs, they occupy his thoughts completely. He sits up, stands up from the bed. He grabs his own ass. Would Ian feel like this?
"I need to take a shower."
Anthony undresses again and walks into the shower. He looks in the mirror. His tattoos remind him: breathe in and out, you got this. But soon, the fog clouds the mirror, and he sees Ian again. Slowly, he lowers his right hand and shamefully does what he's done a lot lately.
"Hmm, wow, Ian, your hand is so soft," he roleplays with himself. He caresses his own thighs, slowly moving towards his crotch. "Oh, Ian, I didn't know you liked me like that, haha… Yeah, I guess if you really want to, you can do it…"
While beating himself off, he imagines Ian standing behind him, pumping with those soft hands, which had caressed his face, and then slapped him. Yeah, he was blindfolded but immediately knew it was him. Ian's touch is like magic, making every hair follicle of his skin do that thing where the hair stands up right.
To be caressed like that, had driven Anthony absolutely wild. Why does Ian keep riling him up like this? Doesn't he know that there is a limit to Anthony's defenses? One of these days, something will happen.
Anthony imagines Ian opening his cheeks and entering him. Warm, hot, he puts the water temperature painfully high. Pain often does it for Anthony. Just a few more strokes.
Just before he orgasms, he sees Ian's thighs open wide to reveal a fresh, cute dong, so suckable… he licks his lips.
The orgasm is underwhelming, reminding him it's his own hand after all. The hotness of the water suddenly scorching, he shuts the water off.
A towel.
He walks back into his bedroom without any clothes on and turns the lights off. Anthony doesn't want to think about it. He'll just keep playing it cool. He's gotten away with it this long, so. He hugs his pillow and soon falls asleep.
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