#but it’s to be inconspicuous roaming the earth
dogsrot · 4 months
the fact that like . . fenrir technically doesn’t exist ??
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floriianthefool · 1 year
the stars are eternal (and we were not)
Angry gaze, battle stance, and, curiously enough, a bejewelled staff worthy of an Archmage. This was his first impression of you.
He first met you when roaming the skies of the Endless Plains, streaky pink and peach marking the first blush of dawn. The green grass plains appeared to roll on for an eternity, as endless as the cosmos. With the sky above and land below, he felt free, unconstrained by his earthly shackles.
His peace was disturbed, screaming and yells of anger reaching him. Below, a group of miniatures were fighting against a sun mage, a wall of fire separating them from a fleeing group. Strange, sunfire elves in the Endless Plains, no less fighting other elves.
Smoothing a patient smile upon his face, he flew down, patting his moonbeast's flank. Eyes burning, he choked on arid smoke and burnt flesh, casting a simple spell to breathe clean air. Moondancer huffed, shaking her head, landing heavily. Dismounting, he surveyed the scene.
Flickering fire clawed at the sky, thick smoke heavy in the air. Earthblood elf corpses littered the ground, claret bleeding into the soil, the stench of death pressing in. And at the centre, a human mage, glimmering staff pointed at him.
"Tell me, elf, do you too hunger for death?"
You were beautiful.
"Tell me, why the sun arcanum? What drew you to sun magic?"
You grinned wryly, perched on the table in the run-down human bar you'd invited him to. In disguise of course. "I was waiting for you to ask me that." Candle-light flickered across the planes of your face, eyes dark and knowing. "I cannot say what drew me to the sun arcanum, only that I knew it called to me. Using it's magic, I felt so alive. I suppose that's how you feel about the star arcanum."
He adjusted the hood of his inky black cloak, a silvery sheen to the fabric that drew the eye, shifting on the hard wooden bench. "I feel that I am hardly inconspicuous, even in my elegant attire." Even facing away from the other patrons, he could feel their eyes burning against his back, ears straining for even a whisper of the mysterious conversation between a cloaked stranger and the human mage.
"They won't give you any trouble." You looked over his shoulder, gaze hardening. "They know you're with me, and that is all they need to know." You leant forward, smile gleaming, hand daringly placed upon his own. "Now tell me, how might I learn to access the earth arcanum?"
You were fascinating.
"You... care for me?"
"Is it so difficult to believe?" Head tilted, your fingers brushed over his own, before quickly darting away, movement jittery.
For once in his life, he was uncertain.
This confession had been unexpected. You and he had been collecting rare moonflowers (you hoped to cultivate them in your own garden), alone in the glade except for the moon lighting the land with her pearly glow. Once finished filling the basket, you had decided to stay, encouraging him to stargaze with you. You weren't an elf, you didn't know that this was how many star-touched elves confessed, revealed their love. And yet, and yet- somehow, some way, you knew. You knew and you had confessed and you had taken the time to learn more about his people and you cared and-
Apprehensive at his pause, you said, "It's okay if-"
"I care for you as well," he found himself saying. And he meant it. He adored you, cared for you, loved you, more than he imagined himself capable of. From the first moment he had met you, he found himself enamoured by your very presence, his heart the tides to your moon. If he loved you any less, he may have hated you for it. "Life is dull without you, my love. Without the sun of your presence, the land is dark and cold. My moon, my love, shall we gaze at the stars together for all eternity?"
You smiled coyly, hand twining with his own. "Lovely poetry, come up with it on your own?"
He smirked. "Yes, did you enjoy my elegant prose?"
You shifted closer, bringing your hand to his cheek, fingers tenderly cupping his face. "It was very romantic. Makes my confession seem bland in comparison."
"I quite enjoyed yours." He too moved closer, looping an arm around your waist. "It was so earnest, so honest. Very in character."
"Really?" you breathed. Your grin broadened, a mix between delighted and mischievous. Incredibly tempting, dare he say it.
He kissed you.
The market place bustled around him, air brimming with life and energy. Shiny bolts of fabric in every colour of the rainbow hung against burnt red clay walls, venders and shoppers alike chatted in a mix of languages all different from each other, creating a buzz that faded into the background. Wooden stalls on either side lined the streets, hosting every item imaginable, from children's toys to rare magical artifacts and intricate weapons crafted from magical metal. The sun burned overhead, light hazy as it pierced through silk sheets covering the air above the market, providing shade from its relentless heat. And the aromatic, delicious smell of fresh food straight off the fire, constant and pressing in causing his stomach to rumble.
All around him, humanity thrived, flourished. He had never seen so many humans, all so different from one another, different heights and colours, different tongues. But all content, all at peace. They were not the magicless monsters the elves had painted them as, he had yet to see any human undeserving of life.
And you, always you, leading him through the human market. You wanted to show him something, something important. Important enough for him to once again be in disguise, although he doubted it was incredibly helpful your fellow humans were stopping around him, staring and whispering. Unable to contain their surprise. He doubted they would be to happy to see an elf, a mage no less, intruding in their sanctuary. He hoped you weren't going to do something dangerous.
At last, you came to a pause, staring up at a two-story building that seemed almost out of place considering the thin winding streets you had led him through. People constantly came in and out of the building, placed at the intersection of five different streets, almost like a focal point the rest of the market had been built around.
You turned to him. "Okay, so, uh." He raised a brow. "Okay, you may be a bit surprised, since, well, what I'm about to show you is very - very strange. But, I think you'll think it's cool." You nervously laughed. "Amazing actually."
"I'm sure I'll be sufficiently amazed." He takes your hands in his own, squeezing. "You need not worry." He smiles at you reassuringly, and you return it, albeit with a hint of nerves.
"Okay, so, let's go." You grin widely, pulling him into the what he soon came to know as the library. His fellow elves would be in shock to know humans had libraries, let alone written language.
You soon showed him the surprise, and he was amazed. To think, all this time, you had been teaching your fellow humans primal magic, helping him to connect to the arcanums. Mixed with his wonder at your kindness and general awe at human tenacity, the thought that his kin would not be happy with this could not help but linger at the back of his mind. This would have far-reaching consequences, ones humanity and elven kind would not be prepared to face.
"You should heed my warning." Aaravos felt helpless, flustered (he'd never felt this way before). You ignored him, still barking out orders to your numerous apprentices. All around him, human mages swarmed the meeting space, all frantic, all hurried, urgently carrying out your orders, carting books, scrolls, tapestries, artifacts. "Flee to the west, beyond the setting sun. Leave Norvos, leave Xadia."
You frowned, irritated as you lug a large tome to the boxes piled in the centre of the room. "You know I cannot. I must stay here, be with my people. I cannot flee, run away with my tail between my legs." You turn to him, gaze harsh. "You know this."
He wanted to scream, to grab you by the shoulders, shake you until you saw sense. "Let go of your foolish human pride and go. The elves and dragons won't spare you, nor your people. Take them with you." He grabbed your hands, bringing them to him.
Your scowl deepened. "I cannot bring millions of people with me to the west. I can't just uproot them from their homes. Xadia is their home as well. You cannot ask this of me."
"The elves and dragons will not spare you. They will bring fire and raze all you love to the ground." His grip tightened, plea entering his voice. "Leave Xadia, come with me to the west. It'll be an adventure, just the two of us. Just like you always wanted."
"Aaravos, I-"
"They're going to kill you!"
The room grew quiet, all eyes turning to him, the lone elf in their midst.
"And what of it?" You pulled away, taking a step back. A chasm sprang between him and you, he felt the loss like a missing limb. "Do you think us helpless? Unable to defend ourselves from the 'higher beings'? If they wish to fight with fire, let them, they took will die in the flames. Humanity will persevere, endure."
The room cheered, fists up in salute.
"You will die, all of you! The dragons-"
"Get out." Your voice was cold, cold where it had always been warm. "Leave Aaravos, and come back when you change your attitude."
"Fine, die with your useless pride. It won't warm you in the grave." He stormed out, door slamming behind. You were a fool, a prideful fool who could never acknowledge when it was time to flee. But no matter, you would see sense soon. And he too would come back when he had calmed down. They still had time, time before they came. His kin would not march for another week.
He was wrong.
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siriuslychessi · 1 month
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05 Meeting in a Foreign country
The Blacks always did a summer trip abroad to expand their culture, their distaste for muggles and visit distant family, that Sirius absolutely loaded.
However, this time around the trip was not so bad. They were staying with Uncle Alphard, the most bearable person in that family aside from Andromeda. Uncle Alphard had a nice house in the French Riviera where they were a bit far from the city yet close enough to the muggles that the rest of the Blacks and Rosiers didn’t deem a place to visit so often. 
This allowed Sirius time to explore on his own, visit places that usually his mother wouldn’t like, and of course not having to endure the horrible afternoon teas with all the dreadful aunts and uncles that Sirius’ never cared to remember or entertain. 
On a lazy Tuesday afternoon he decided to go to the nearby market. Regulus had been sunburned from the beach the day before, and her mother didn’t want to discuss his Gryffindor affiliations all afternoon, leaving him to roam around. 
He decided ice cream would be the best solution to all his problems, the only issue was that the trip to town was longer than he anticipated and the sun was just getting higher and higher, heating the road. Making him wish he had his apparition permit already instead of having to walk to town. 
After a while of sweating and feeling defeated, he remembered something he had accomplished the last year. 
Sirius had become an animagus over the last year, something that not many 16 year olds could brag about, and his animagus form was inconspicuous enough that he could arrive to town faster and without raising alarms. Maybe he could try to see if his alternative form would endure the heat better?
It took him longer than an experienced wizard to get the shape to change, he hadn’t perfected it just yet, the back and forth, and he did not fancy getting stuck half man half beast; repeating ‘Amato Animo Animato Animagus’ under his breath just to make sure. But after a few minutes, where he stood now was a black dog. 
Sirius let himself adjust to Padfoot’s form, he could feel the hair on his skin and as he usually changed during colder times he could not know how Padfoot’s body reacted. He remembered that the coat of fur would isolate him somehow from the heat and cold, it was an odd sensation being all covered in fur and not feeling as hot as he did in human form. 
He felt himself panting, his body running on instinct more than brain, and he decided to start a spring towards the city, gauging how it would be to actually run all the way there, maybe he could make it. 
There was a breeze from the sea, and his paws felt a little bit damped, like they were sweating, which made more sense than sweating from the furry spots. Yet the breeze was cooling him down, and he felt almost as if he was on a broom, flying, letting the breeze run through his hair and enjoying every minute of it. 
In no time he made it to town, he was tired but elated. Padfoot was amazing and he loved that he made almost no time there. It didn’t hurt that he got attention from the people that noticed him go through the city calling him a cute boy and giving him pets and treats as he went by. 
Yet his mind was made, he needed water and then transform to properly get ice cream. 
Looking for a place to get back into human form he was stopped by a person with long legs who stopped his tracks. 
The smell was familiar, comforting even, and he couldn’t figure out why, until a blonde woman ducked down to his level. 
“You are such a cute dog.” Marlene smiled at Padfoot, letting him smell her hand as a greeting.
The smell hit him strongly, the familiar nicotine and lavender mix that always drove him insane, was just there and all he wanted was to talk to her, to ask her things, to know why on earth was she put in France so near to his family? And why didn’t he know anything?
Because you were a proper arse before the end of the year. He reminded himself as he sniffed and then licked Marlene’s hand. 
“Who’s your person? Are they around?” she asked him but was not exactly expecting to get an answer. Not finding anyone with the black dog (and Sirius knew she wouldn’t) she stayed and pet him, finding the spot behind his ear that made his back leg move uncontrollably and felt amazing like something he didn’t get to experience as a human. 
“So that’s what you like.” Sirius heard her tease, and all he could do was bark as a reply, earning him more pets.
Last time that they had interacted Sirius just had heard about his cousin marrying Rodolphus Lestrange, and he remembered the last conversation he had with Bellatrix where she was outspoken about wizard rights and how muggles and muggles-borns should be put in their place. His mother had agreed with Bellatrix and showed desire to get Sirius and Regulus involved with Bellatrix and her circle. Which of course made Sirius’ skin crawl and all the pent up frustration he had at his family had come out at Marlene, who was a bystander.
Ever since that day Sirius wanted to apologise, and now that they were in the same city he wanted nothing more than to apologise and go back to how things were before that fight, to let her know he didn’t consider Marlene a nuance or bothersome. But he couldn’t bloody transform back just there, this secret wasn’t just his, and after last time he was sure that she wouldn’t listen to him just now. Not another deceit.
Instead he decided that ice cream could wait.
Padfoot licked her face, making Marlene giggle, “You are such a good boy, I wish that I could take you back with me.” 
He barked again, wagging his tail, wanting to hear more of Marlene’s laugh, apologising internally for ever hurting her like that, and pressing his head for more scratches. Today she could make her laugh a bit more, later on they could have the awkward conversation that the apology will ensue.
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zprites · 5 months
Do You Ever Really Know? - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is now up! <3
Summary: After deciding to find a way to reverse the effects of the collider explosion, Jonathan Ohnn (now going by 'The Spot') had set out to find a dimension where there was no Spider-Person. However his plans get foiled almost immediately by someone who shouldn't even exist in that universe. Who was this 'Spider Lily', and why did she want to help him? And why can't he get her out of his head?
Only warnings are eventual smut in the final chapter and brief mentions of death and a destruction of a universe. Also fair warning, these two flirt, A LOT.
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Also Available on Ao3
Chapter 2 - Anamorphosis
There were some things about Earth-9210 that were different from his home dimension. As soon as Jonathan traveled through the portal almost two weeks ago, he was immediately aware that the sky here was a rich lavender rather than the blue he was accustomed to. 
There also seemed to be quite a few vigilantes roaming the streets, if the numerous conversations he happened to overhear were anything to go by. Like the group of teenage girls giggling as he passed by them inconspicuously, gushing about some guy in a red and black suit who saved a cat from a tree before proceeding to blow up a vehicle carrying a massive amount of drugs, killing everyone inside. 
And that didn't even scratch the surface. Apparently there was an alien symbiote who ate the heads off of murderers and rapists while whispers of mutant reptiles living in the sewers occasionally circulated the news.
Thankfully he hadn’t run into any of these so-called ‘vigilantes’ yet and he planned to keep it that way. 
Now heroes on the other hand, there was one that he was dying to see again. 
He didn’t quite know what it was about that Spider-Woman but with one conversation, she had managed to make a home for herself in his head. Maybe it was the way she was the only one who treated him like a normal person since the Super-Collider explosion. Maybe it was the fact that in such a short time, he felt deeply connected to her, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Or maybe it was because she reminded him so much of the woman he had a crush on thirteen years ago.
Last he saw on Facebook, she was happily married with a second kid on the way. Fragmented memories were all he had left — caramel brown hair that shined like fire in the sunlight, green eyes with golden rings that reminded him of summer, a light smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose and upper cheeks, her pinky linked in his as a promise was made.
A promise to keep in touch. 
A promise that turned out to be disingenuous, as the number she gave him was a random string of digits that belonged some middle-aged woman in Ohio. 
It wasn't that he was left heartbroken, it was just a bout of puppy love that ceased as soon as he disconnected the call. Then years later, by some twisted sense of fate, he saw her name pop up on his 'People You May Know' list and after a quick gander at her life, he promptly hit 'Remove'.
He scoffed out loud as he ambled along the barren sidewalks, the only source of light coming from the street lamps above. Just because both women partook in the most sacred of oaths didn’t mean that they were similar in any way.
“Well believe it or not, I do like you.”
Yeah, they were entirely different. 
He stopped in his tracks and stared up at the night sky. With all of the city lights it was almost impossible to make out the twinkling of stars yet he still searched for them, as if finding one would help him understand this feeling inside him. 
A small voice in the back of his mind told him that he knew exactly what this feeling was, he was just too scared to admit it.
With a sigh he focused his attention back to the concrete, intent on continuing on his path but stopped short when he caught a glimpse of something bright out of his periphery. He turned to look across the street at the mural decorating the brick of the building. 
Swirls of violets and pinks blended together seamlessly amidst a deep crimson. At the forefront was a near perfect illustration of this universe’s Spider-Woman, body frozen in a back flip as she shot out her webbing from fingerless gloves. 
Jonathan stood there for an unknown amount of time. A myriad of thoughts tormented him, all of them circulating back to one singular wish.
He wanted to see her again…
He wondered… Did she think about him too? If he went to that same rooftop, would she be there waiting for him? If she was, what would she do? 
There was still a small chance she meant none of what she said, that her proclamation of feeling drawn to him and flirting was all a lie. He didn't know anything about her after all. Hell, they only met a week ago. And yet...
Every fiber of his being told a different story.
“Like I said hun, I mean what I say.”
Before he could second guess himself, he opened up a portal in front of him and stepped through, destination clear in his mind. Jonathan allowed the portal to close behind him as he scanned the roof for any sign that she might be there. 
His heart did a somersault in his chest when his gaze landed on her. It felt as though the world around him stopped existing for a moment as something akin to hope sparked through him.
She was dressed in her spider suit, just like last time, sitting on the edge of the rooftop with her back to him. A halo of soft light originating from the adjacent windows where insomniacs thrived in the beauty of the night bathed her form, making her look like an angel. Her shoulders shook in time with the melody of her laughter that filled the stillness of the air, sending tingles along his unnatural skin. 
She was more like a siren than an angel, luring him in with an ease that would put even the most powerful of enchantresses to shame. 
“Aly, that man is more emotionally constipated than a sea sponge. He has no backbone either!"
At first he thought she was talking to him, but the confusion he felt turned into realization as he quickly understood she was on a phone call despite no device in sight. He surmised that she probably had some type of Bluetooth accessory set up inside her mask. 
"You're welcome.” She said with a hint of amusement. “But honestly, it's painfully obvious that you two like each other." 
 Jonathan shifted from one foot to the other, uncertain if he should make his presence known to her. It didn’t sound like an important conversation but he didn’t want to interrupt. He also didn’t want to leave so he stayed rooted in place.
"Want to make him proud? So you see him as a father figure? Damn, putting a whole new spin on ‘daddy’." She devolved into a fit of giggles. "I kid, I kid." 
She laid back onto the asphalt of the rooftop while her legs dangled off the edge. The black lenses of her mask widened when she noticed him standing there, giving him an enthusiastic wave that caused his cheeks to flush.
“There you are, handsome.” 
Her gentle voice echoed inside his head as he waved back dumbly.
“I’ll be done in a minute or two then you’ll have my undivided attention, okay?”
He nodded as she turned her focus back to the person on the other line.
"Sorry, thought I saw someone getting mugged. You were saying?"
He waited patiently, watching as she listened intently until she spoke up in a dismissive tone. 
"I'm not really the mission type, you know this… Plus I doubt Miguel needs, let alone wants my help for anything. Although it would give me a front row seat to the soap opera that is you and Miguel."
She didn’t give them a chance to respond before she hastily said her goodbyes. “I have to go, but just know that LYLA sends me a lot more than you realize. Buh-bye now!” 
He watched as she pressed a finger to her ear, confirming his theory that her mask had Bluetooth capabilities. She then patted the spot to her left without a word, an open invitation for him to sit beside her. With timid steps he made his way over while trying to calm his nerves before sitting down, his long legs hanging off the ledge next to hers. 
“I was wondering when you were going to show up.”
He looked down at her, doing his best to not gawk too much at the way her large breasts fell to the sides. "You’ve been waiting for me?”
“More like I found myself coming up here a lot this past week.” She clarified. “Although each time I was hoping to see you here too.”
“Why though? I mean, I'm just some guy that got caught in the middle of a failed robbery and you — you're Spider-Woman for crying out loud! I just... I don't get it...”
He fidgeted with his fingers, staring down at his lap as his anxiety grew by the second. Shame creeped into his bones the longer she stayed quiet. 
He shouldn’t have come here.
After what felt like hours, she broke the silence. “Do you remember what I said when you asked me what I saw when I looked at the spot on your face?”
He remembered. How could he not when her words occupied his waking thoughts, bleeding into his dreams to form a silhouette in her image, holding him close against the tides of doubt and dejection that wreaked havoc inside of him.
Gentle fingers came to rest atop his restless hands and he turned his gaze to her. She was sitting up once more, staring with an intensity that held nothing but a tenderness he felt undeserving of.
“You’re more than just ‘some guy’. You found a way to occupy every fraction of my mind without even trying. So of course I wanted to see you again. I meant it when I said I want to know everything about you. Hopefully you share that same sentiment.”
He cursed the feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing that continued to swirl in his stomach, battling against the surety of her words. Words that told him he was enough, he still had purpose in life, and he was deserving of love.
“I do.” He rasped breathily before he cleared his throat. “I— I mean, I want that too, to know you...”
Her smile reached the lenses of her mask which crinkled in response. "We can start small, like names. You called me 'Spider-Woman' earlier but I actually go by Spider Lily."
"Spider Lily." He repeated back with a touch of wonderment.
“Yep.” She pulled back the hand that rested atop his own. “But you can call me Lily.”
He was already missing her touch. “Is that your real name?”
“No, but there’s no harm in a little mystery, don't you think?”
What she said sounded surprisingly similar to…
“Wait, you play Baldur’s Gate 3?” He questioned excitedly, his feet doing a little dance in the suspended air. 
Lily chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Hell yes I do. I'm glad that some things stayed the same across our dimensions. Maybe we could play it together sometime once the full game is out in August.” 
“August? Man, where I’m from it wasn’t set to release until November. I'd love to play it with you!” He recalled countless hours he spent playing the early access of the game, trying out different classes with each new update and testing the limits of what each character could achieve.
However mundane it sounded, he missed playing video games.
“It’s a date then.” She declared lowly. “So does my co-op partner have a name?”
Her co-op partner… If that didn’t send a new round of warmth to blossom in his chest…
“Ah, yes. My name is Jonathan.”
He saw her body tense at his introduction and for a brief moment, a flash of dread pumped through his veins.
Did he say something wrong?
“Is everything okay...?”
His question pulled her out of her trance as she let out a deep breath. “Sorry. I just— I knew a Jonathan once, a long time ago but we drifted apart.”
She couldn't possibly mean... No. It was irrational to even think that she could have known another version of him. There were probably a few hundred thousand other people out there who shared his first name.
Still, he couldn't stop himself from wondering who this 'Jonathan' she used to know was, yet one glance at the way she hugged her arms to her chest and pointedly looked down at the street below had him holding back any further questions on the matter. 
“Well, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself.” He suggested, hoping to add a bit of levity to dispel the heavy topic that still filled the space between them. 
Thankfully she took the bait, turning her attention back to him. “What do you want to know?”
Instead he found himself asking the one of the first things he wondered about when they first met. 
“Why do you live in this universe?”
“What do you mean?” The lenses of her mask narrowed slightly.
“I told you that I came to this dimension because I thought it would be easier to steal enough money for my machine here. That's because I knew that this universe’s Spider-Man died three years ago.” He was suddenly reminded of the numerous Super-Collider tests and Olivia’s orders to document all possible universes, especially those without a Spider-Person. Just thinking about what she planned to do with that information had she survived the collider explosion sent a shiver up his spine. “So either you're from another dimension or a series of events similar to my own dimension happened here that caused another Spider-Person to be created, and something is telling me it's the former.”
She let out a huff and shook her head. “Should’ve known you’d figure it out sooner rather than later.”
Jonathan took note of the way she ran a manicured nail across her fingertips, most likely a nervous habit of hers. “I suppose I owe you a story, huh?”
In lieu of responding he stayed silent, allowing her some time to gather her thoughts and hopefully feel more at ease.
“You’re right, I’m not from this universe.” Lily finally spoke up. “I'm originally from Earth-728 which no longer exists.”
The spot on his face widened before scrunching in on itself to imitate a frown. “What happened?”
“About two years ago there was a hostage situation. My best friend, Jay, was one of the civilians involved.” Her words held an aura of melancholy that had him almost regretting asking in the first place. “We grew up in the same foster home. Although he was a couple years older than me and called me ‘annoying’ at every opportunity, he took me under his wing. He taught me sign language since I was practically nonverbal when I was placed and even beat up some bullies from school who were picking on me one day. I was a senior in high school when I was bitten by a radioactive spider and… he was the first and only person I told I was Spider Lily.” She exhaled shakily as she peered up at the dark sky above them. “Jay was a lot smarter than me when it came to building tech so when I brought up the design for my suit, he helped bring it to life and also made my web-shooters. He… he was the closest thing to a brother I ever had.” 
Before he could stop himself, Jonathan reached out and took one of her hands in his own. “You don’t have to tell me-”
“No.” She gently squeezed his hand. “I want to, it’s just a hard story to tell…”
Neither one of them pulled away, holding onto each other’s hand as she continued. 
“I didn’t know anything about the multiverse back then, so I thought it was going to be another simple rescue — save Jay alongside the rest of the hostages and apprehend whoever was behind it all. There was a man, someone who claimed to be from another dimension, who was demanding that MetroLife hand over some sort of prototype. He called himself Doctor Octopus.”
A pit settled in his stomach, a wave of nausea clashing against the chill that spread throughout his body at the mention of Olivia's alternate self.
“This 'Doc Ock' guy got the help of my universe's Prowler and together they took over Metro Tower, holding the hostages ransom on the top floor. After a long winded speech he ordered Prowler to keep me busy, so we fought.” Her hand tightened around his as she closed her eyes. 
“He... His mask got knocked off and... He should have told me he was the Prowler, it would have made things simpler... Maybe...” She trailed off and he closed the distance between them, scooching over so that their shoulders touched. 
“Hey, it's okay. Take your time.” He soothed.
Lily let out a shuddering breath while gently nudging her knee against his in a show of gratitude. 
“Or maybe things wouldn’t have been simpler since we were both hiding our secret identities from each other for nearly two years.” She let out an unamused scoff.
“You knew him?”
A drawn-out sigh escaped her. “Yeah, his name was David and we were dating at the time…”
He was a bit taken aback by that revelation but did his best to not let that show on his features, telling himself that she needed comfort right now, not any superfluous reactions. 
“I was upset so I tore off my mask, but looking back on it I don’t blame him for keeping his secret. Hell, I did the same thing. Thankfully he helped me fight Doc Ock but… We were too late… He had already killed Jay…”
His heart yearned to envelop her into his arms, to console her, to shield her from the somber memories of the past that still tormented her. 
“The two of us followed after him as he tried escaping from the roof.” She recounted. “I should have known that he had bombs planted on the lower floors. The remaining hostages got out just in time before they detonated, but David slipped as the floor began to collapse and fell... I— I jumped after him, tried to save him before he hit the ground but I wasn't fast enough... I relied too much on my webs and he... My webs didn't reach him in time...”
“I'm so sorry...” Three words that didn't do justice to the magnitude of what she had gone through. Not only did she lose her brother but her partner too, within minutes of each other. He couldn't even imagine what that was like. 
She gave a half shrug. “It's fine. I’ve had plenty of time to process it all.”
He still wished there was something he could do, something more than providing a sympathetic ear while holding her hand. 
“After that, shit hit the fan. The universe began crumbling, falling apart at the seams.” 
The hand in his began to slide against his palm, fingers coming to play with his digits. “I was able to make it out with the help of some other Spider-People who brought me to their HQ after they were able to capture Doc Ock. That was where I had the misfortune of meeting Miguel who runs everything.”
He watched the way her fingers danced along his with great fondness. “You really don't like the guy, huh?”
“That's a bit of an understatement. He's a stubborn hypocrite who expects everyone to fall in line, no questions asked. He's the byproduct of a wet blanket fornicating with a literal stick in the mud. If I had to choose between going on one of his 'missions' or being buried alive with a coffin filled with fire ants, I'd choose the latter. Japanese land snails are smarter than him!”
Jonathan laughed at her rant coupled with the distinct phrasing she used. “Okay dear, I get it. Hate is a more appropriate term.”
He heard her breath hitch in her throat as she stared at him, her hand ceasing its movements that he was beginning to grow used to. Her lenses crinkled and he could swear that he could feel the way her mouth was twisted in a smirk. 
“What?” He asked. 
“You called me 'dear', sweetie.” 
“Oh my god!” He spluttered while his body temperature rose several degrees. “You— I— It just came out! I'm sorry, I—”
It was her turn to giggle at the way he fumbled over his words as she intertwined their fingers together. “It's okay Jonathan. I liked it.”
His heart felt like it was about to soar out of his chest with how fast it was beating. 
“Duly noted.” He cleared his throat. “So after all of that, you came here?”
“Yep. I found a somewhat chill dimension where there wasn't a Spider-Person, moved into a modestly-sized penthouse, and surprisingly didn't destroy another universe in the process.”
The slight undertone of self-loathing was almost too meager for him to notice. Almost. 
Everything inside of him wanted to reach out to her and squash those feelings, cleanse her of all negativity while offering up hushed affirmations, trace hymns of vows unsaid onto every inch of her skin. The urge to allow her to consume him completely resurfaced again, a craving that felt almost second nature to him, a longing that surpassed all logic.
She may not have known it but in that moment, he knew that he was unconditionally hers, irrevocably under her spell. 
“So I'm curious about something.” Lily began, breaking him out of his reverie. “If you're trying to get money, why not find a job instead of robbing banks?”
"I can't exactly get a job with this whole situation." He gestured to himself, all paper white skin and undulating spots. "Believe it or not, people haven't really been too perceptive of my appearance… Besides you, that is."
"What about online jobs, like freelance programming?"
The thought had crossed his mind, however there was one glaring issue. 
"I would love to do something like that, but I have no computer."
She let out a hum as he stared at her, a puzzled expression clear on his face despite having no features. The familiar anxious feeling settled in his gut yet again as neither of them spoke — Lily deep in thought while Jonathan's nerves increased with each passing second. Finally she broke the silence, her mind made up.
"I wouldn't mind giving you my computer."
The spot on his face widened. "You would do that?"
She shrugged. "Yeah. I've been meaning to replace the motherboard and processor in it since they're a touch outdated but it still runs well. I really don't mind having to rebuild a new PC either, especially since a graphics card I've had my eye on finally went on sale but it's not compatible with the current motherboard." 
She babbled on about computer components as he struggled to register her words, bewildered that she even offered, let alone thought about giving him her computer. Anyways, he couldn’t accept her offer even if he wanted to. What could he do with it? He didn't have a home, not since he was evicted from his apartment a couple of months after the accident, and it wasn’t like he could use it out on the streets where it was ripe for the taking. Maybe if it was a laptop but that wasn't the case.
"But enough about that." The hand still in his squeezed gently, coaxing him out of his thoughts. "How about I give you my number? That way we can work out the logistics tomorrow."
"I don't have a phone either." A subtle hint of shame found its way into his voice. “And thank you, but I... I wouldn’t be able to use it anywhere…”
She frowned at him before letting out a soft “Oh...”, seemingly understanding the  predicament that he was in. 
He shouldn't have said anything. Now she knew who he really was: a lowlife, a bum, a hopeless case that felt undeserving of any kindness. A mixture of worry and helplessness swirled in his chest, playing tag with despondent pleas that echoed endlessly in a sickening loop. 
He didn’t want her to see him differently.
"Alright, how good is your memory?" She tilted her head a bit in time with her inquiry, not at all deterred by the insecurities plaguing the man beside her.
He scratched the back of his neck, unsure as to why she was asking. "Uh, I'd say it's pretty good." 
"Great! I live in Greenwich Village off of Washington and…" She rattled off her address, apartment number and all. 
Jonathan was perplexed. Here was this beautiful woman giving him her address, as if she didn't care he was homeless. As if he wasn’t anything less than human. As if she saw him for who he truly was. 
"Why are you giving me your address?" He interrupted her as she talked about her neighborhood and the cafe she liked to frequent on Hudson Street.
"I want to help you out." Lily stated simply, providing no further reasoning.
He was baffled at the intense earnestness in her tone. "You hardly know anything about me though."
"True, but I'd love to know more."
"And what makes you think I won't go to the news with this info?" He probed rather boldly. 
Her gaze bore into him, the intensity of it almost palpable. "Will you?"
She managed to see right through his meager bluff, the weak foundation it was created on already a crumbled heap before them. 
He rubbed his feet together abashedly. "Well… No…"
“Look.” She began. "When was the last time you slept in an actual bed?”
There was a pause as Jonathan combed through his memory, remembering the dirty, grubby mattress he found in an alleyway before coming to this dimension. The meager comfort it provided was short-lived since the fourth night he slept on it, his slumber was interrupted by a homeless woman shouting at him to get off her property. Her screaming only got louder once she had noticed his white skin and lack of facial features. He tried his best to explain his situation and calm her down, but he ended up absconding through a portal once she started hitting him with one of her overstuffed grocery bags.
He squashed that memory down and answered her, albeit reluctantly. “Four, maybe five weeks?”
“I don’t have a spare bed but I’m sure my couch is a lot more comfortable than sleeping on the streets.” 
For some strange reason, he almost felt disappointed that she was offering her couch and not her bed. He knew it was an absurd presumption but he would give anything to lay beside her, to hold her close as they slept peacefully, their legs tangled up in the sheets. 
Maybe he was reading everything wrong. All the pet names and flirtatious remarks… 
“Although my bed is much more comfortable, warmer too.” She knocked her knee against his in time with the wink she sent his way. 
“In all seriousness though, I’m not going to force you if you don’t want my help. However if you do decide to drop by, my door is always open to you Jonathan.” The sincerity in her voice made him want to break down. “Whatever you need: money, food, a computer, a place to stay. I’ll help you out the best I can for as long as you’ll let me.”
Neither one of them spoke as she turned to look up at the night sky. His stare stayed fixed on her for a few seconds until he too looked up. Amidst the darkened sea he could have sworn he could make out a glowing tail of space rock entering the atmosphere, burning up in the heat before it reached the ground.
He still made a wish.
They stayed that way for a while, simply enjoying each other’s presence. 
Sirens wailed in the distance, breaking through the serenity of the moment. With a sigh she squeezed his hand one last time before slowly sliding her fingers away. 
“I suppose I should do some more patrolling before calling it a night.” She stood up and brushed off any dirt that may have accumulated from her backside. He stopped himself from outright ogling and got to his feet as well, only allowing himself a peek which rewarded him with the sight of her asscheeks jiggling somewhat under her movements. 
Once she was satisfied with the lack of dirt, she reached out and took hold of his wrist, rubbing her thumb along the inside where his heartbeat could be felt, sending goosebumps up his arm. He tried his best to keep his erratic heart under control but he could tell his efforts were in vain since he heard it ring dully in his skull.
“No need to give me an answer right now, just think about it. Okay?” 
He nodded. “Okay.”
She let go of his wrist and shot out a web towards the adjacent building. “Until next time, sweetheart.”
Her feet dropped off the edge of the roof and she swung through the air, leaving him to wave after her retreating form. 
“Next time...” He echoed out loud to the now desolate rooftop. 
Lily… She really was something else.
When she first offered to help him, he was ready to decline, having already resigned himself to living on the streets for an undetermined amount of time. Of course he could easily just go to a different dimension and try robbing banks all over again, but he didn’t want to do that. He made a promise to her, one he had no intention of breaking. He wanted to stay here, where she was. And maybe, just maybe, she wanted him to stay in this universe just as much as he did.
Jonathan knew he would find himself at her doorstep soon, he just needed to build up the courage to do so. 
He opened up a portal and walked through, bringing himself back down to the ground below, in the alleyway; the same alleyway that Spider Lily caught him in a week ago. The sound of her laughter played in his mind, accompanied by the sincerity in her gaze and the softness in her voice as she spoke his name. 
It was almost as if he could hear her calling out his name now.
He whipped his head around and the spot on his face widened in shock as she came into view, twirling in the air with a grace that seemed effortless to her. Lily came to a halt before descending slowly, the web tethered to the bottom of the fire escape keeping her aloft. Finally she stopped once her face was level with his own, hanging upside down only a couple of inches away.
“Hi.” He said before he could stop himself, doing his best to not leer lasciviously at the way gravity pulled at her breasts. 
She tilted her head. “I want to try something.”
His breath caught in his throat as she reached for the edge of her mask, pulling it down slowly. He couldn’t do anything but take in the fairness of her skin, the plumpness of her lips, and the beginning of what appeared to be a decent amount of freckles on her nose and lower cheeks which disappeared under the rest of her mask. 
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” She spoke so quietly that he almost didn’t hear her. 
He could hardly believe that this was happening. She could have chosen anyone, yet here she was asking to kiss him of all people. It felt as though his nerves were on fire and she hadn’t even touched him. 
And he desperately wanted to feel her lips…
“Please.” He whispered breathlessly.
Without any hesitation she leaned in, kissing him where his lips would be. 
He was certain he had died and gone to heaven. 
The gentle press of her lips carried a sense of longing that made his knees weak. His skin buzzed as sparks danced through every cell of his body, igniting his very core. He felt like he was melting, like the spots that littered his calescent skin had become a liquid and were dripping onto the concrete where the puddle of dark matter threatened to swallow him whole.
All too soon she was pulling away, a small smile on her lips.
“Wow…” He murmured in astonishment.
“Yeah… I think you quite literally took my breath away.” 
Her words emboldened him. The fact that even though he was unable to properly reciprocate the kiss, he was still able to elicit that kind of reaction from her, and it caused his heart to swell with pride. 
"And that's without a mouth. Once I'm back to normal, you won't be able to breathe properly ever again.”
The sight of her smile squashed down any panic he may have felt over what he just said. Her singsong laughter held him hostage and he could do nothing but surrender into its sweet refrain.
“I’ll hold you to that.” She bit her lower lip in a sensual way that sent a shiver up his spine. 
Her hand came to pull her mask back up, securing it in place before reaching out to cup his cheek. “I hope to see you soon…”
“You will.” He found himself saying as he watched her fling out another web and weave through the air, disappearing into the night once more. 
Recalling the wish he made on the shooting star, Jonathan swore that nothing would prevent him from seeking her out soon.
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lire-casander · 1 year
#13 feeling more at ease when the other is by their side
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feeling more at ease when the other is by their side original prompt list here
It's evident that Carlos isn't comfortable right now. TK can tell from a mile away, and he can't fathom how on Earth the man speaking to his fiancé can't see it as well.
He dusts off the shoulder of his gala uniform in an attempt to seem inconspicuous as he glances over to where Carlos is currently trying to convince some bigwig to give away some money for the Fund for Retired Officers. What he spies makes his heart break, but he's unable to move toward Carlos right now.
He's stuck with Carlos’ captain; he doesn't think it would bode well for his fiancé or for him to cut Captain Morris mid-sentence.
"Do you feel okay, TK?" Captain Morris asks, looking at him with concern. "You seem distracted."
"No, uhm," he begins, but soon loses track of what he was saying when he sees Carlos nearly dropping his glass when the man he's talking to dares to place a hand on Carlos’ forearm. "I just—"
Captain Morris turns around slightly and sighs. "Go," she says with a soft smile when she faces him again. "Officer Reyes is never at ease at these things, is he?"
"Not really," TK confesses, worrying his lower lip. "But he really wants to help."
"I see. Go, go help him before that man puts him in an even more uncomfortable position!"
"Thanks, Captain. We will be back!"
"Sure you will," she laughs before turning to one of the donors of the night.
TK casually waltzes through the room, greeting some officers he knows — he even bumps fists with Mitchell's husband on his way — until he reaches Carlos. "Sorry to interrupt," he says as he stops beside his fiancé. "I thought I might come and say hello. My name is TK Strand and, on behalf of the Retired Officers Association, I'd like to thank you for your support."
He can see the man tensing up in front of him, but he couldn't care less when he feels Carlos visibly relaxing by his side — his frame suddenly at ease, the fingers holding the glass no longer white from effort.
"Oh," the man says slowly. "I didn't know the Association was run by younger people."
"I'm a volunteer," TK explains with ease. He leans forward before asking, "I surely hope to count on your help, Mr.—?"
"Call me Tom," the man replies. "And yeah, sure. Now I, uh, I think I'm needed elsewhere." And with that the man bolts away, disappearing into the crowd.
"Thanks," Carlos exhales. "How did you know—?"
"That you needed saving?" TK laughs. "Anyone with two eyes could have seen it."
"But only one could save me anytime." Carlos allows his fingers to roam over TK's arm, sending a thrill up TK's spine.
"Are you trying to seduce me, Officer?"
"It depends. Is it working?"
"As if you need some trick to have me, baby," TK whispers before leaning in and adding, "Later, at home."
"Is that a promise?"
TK laughs heartily and drops a kiss on Carlos’ cheek before grabbing his hand and leading him to another possible donor, facing them together this time.
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Listed: James and the Giants
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James and the Giants is the latest project from James Jackson Toth, who got his start in the freakiest edges of aughts folk as Wooden Wand, releasing a slew of albums under that and his own name. More recently, Toth has convened another band, James and the Giants, which shares personnel with Woods (Jarvis Tavernier, Kyle Forester and Jeremy Earl). In her review of their self-titled debut, Jennifer Kelly wrote, “Who’d have guessed from James Jackson Toth’s early forays into noisy, freak folk experiments that he’d shape up as such an elegant craftsman? This latest collection of songs attests to the artist formerly known as Wooden Wand’s deep connection to and understanding of foundational American popular music forms: blues, folk, gospel, R&B, Beatles-esque psych and Brill Building pop.”
Below is some music I really love. I have omitted music created by friends and people with whom I am acquainted in “real life.”
Oiro Pena
Studio overdubs are a bit of a rarity in jazz music; even less common is jazz created by a single musician overdubbing themselves. While recent Oiro Pena albums have expanded to include several other members, band founder Antti Vauhkonen’s earliest work under the name was created by Vauhkonen alone accompanying himself performing all of the instruments. The result is like a cross between the space exotica of Sun Ra’s Chicago period and the homespun psychedelic clatter of No Neck Blues Band. As much as I enjoy the band’s recent work, it is the early Oiro Pena records that I find most compelling, the composite parts of a single brain improvising with itself to create a beautiful illusion.
B-52s — “Ain’t It A Shame”
The B-52s’ 1986 album Bouncing Off The Satellites is what is often referred to in rock crit speak as a “transitional record.” It preceded a 3-year hiatus, after which the B-52s enjoyed a tremendously successful comeback with 1989’s 4x platinum Cosmic Thing, thanks in no small part to chart-topping singles “Love Shack” and “Roam.” Bouncing Off The Satellites found the increasingly fractious band moving away from their taut, artsy new wave origins and embracing the potential of nascent studio technology, namely the Fairlight CMI. Most crucially, the album was released less than a year after the AIDS-related death of founding member and guitar player Ricky Wilson, who was silently and secretly struggling with the virus during the recording of the album. As a result, the band did not promote nor tour in support of the album, which is really too bad, because it’s a great group of songs, the highlight of which being the melancholy “Ain’t It A Shame” (later covered by Sinead O’Connor). The song does not deal directly with Ricky’s illness—it was written before the diagnosis was revealed to anyone in the band—but seems to foreshadow some of the band’s personal difficulties in that prophetic way that songs often do. A gorgeous, flawless song.
Eyvind Kang — “Binah”
Tucked inconspicuously into the center of polymath / genius Eyvind Kang’s 2002 CD-only release, Live Low To The Earth, In The Iron Age, is this mesmeric masterpiece, somewhere between a post-rock Bill Frisell and a more pastoral Henry Flynt. Over 27 minutes, “Binah” slowly blossoms, changing almost imperceptibly. To an impatient listener, it will be like watching paint dry; to me it’s like watching a flower bloom. My wife Leah and I have listened to this album on a loop for hours, and I’m not typically a “listen to a song on a loop for hours” kinda guy.
Omar S
For over two decades, fiercely independent producer Omar S has been upholding the tradition of Detroit techno, his best music fusing the black sonic fantasias of Drexciya with the supple house-funk of Theo Parrish. On his own records and on his own label, FXHE, on which the vast majority of his 12”s and albums are released, the former Ford Motor Factory employee works exclusively with analog gear. Omar’s releases on FXHE are pressed in small quantities, often with crude, handwritten labels; if you order direct from FXHE, it’s very likely the box you receive will have been assembled and shipped by the man himself. While using techno and Chicago house as its base, the music Omar S produces is eclectic and unpredictable, untethered to any signature sound or approach; he’s just as likely to release an irresistible summer jam (see the Diana Ross-sampling “Day,” a track so infectious it makes Daft Punk sound like The New Blockaders) as darked-edged minimal house tracks like “Nite’s Over Compton,” on which Omar S masterfully evokes a mood using the barest essentials and tools.
Frank Zappa — “Chunga Basement”
I’ve given up trying to convert friends to the cult of Frank Zappa. I’m a big fan, especially of his guitar playing, but I sympathize with those who might have an aversion to Zappa’s prurient and mean-spirited sense of humor. In fact, if Frank Zappa’s particular sense of humor could be said to have an exact diametric opposite, it is my own. I love Zappa’s music in spite of — not because of — its scatological / puerile aspects. With that preamble in mind, I encourage all you private press-obsessed guitar loners to consider this embryonic, uncharacteristically laid-back version of future live staple “Chunga’s Revenge,” recorded during a casual jam session in early 1970 and featuring a rhythm section of Ian Underwood on keys, Max Bennett on bass, and Aynsley Dunbar on drums. “Chunga’s Revenge” was historically one of several signature vehicles for Zappa the Guitarist (as opposed to Zappa the Social Theorist, Zappa the Comedian-Provocateur, Zappa the Serious Composer, et al) and this early take finds our mustachioed man sounding uncharacteristically mellow and un-caffeinated, exploring the endless possibilities of his guitar in a way that isn’t remotely wacky or wanky.
Barre Phillips — Three Day Moon
There was a brief period in the mid-to-late 1970s when artists on ECM — my all-time favorite label after Three Lobed — were experimenting with synthesizers, approaching this relatively new technology with an omnivorous artistic fervor common to the ECM roster. Legendary bassist Barre Phillips’ pair of albums in the late 1970s are, to me, the distillation of this meeting of the earthy and the synthetic, locating in the process what might be considered ground zero for “ambient jazz.” While jazz groups incorporating elements of ambient and drone have become increasingly common as of late, there was little precedent in 1976 for the experimental marriage of saxes and circuitry. Mountainscapes (1976) and Three Day Moon (1978) both feature the mysterious and under-recorded synthesist Dieter Feichtner, about whom little is known — anyone know what became of him?
The Knife — Silent Shout
In 2006, I was in an electronic music rut. Everything being produced suddenly felt like a retread or a facsimile of things I already liked, a malady common to older, more established genres like rock and jazz, but not, as far as I was concerned, electronic music. My slump ended upon hearing Silent Shout, the third album by Swedish sibling duo The Knife. Though I avidly continue to keep up with the uniformly excellent solo projects of both members of The Knife — Karin Dreijer Andersson’s Fever Ray and Olof Dreijer’s Oni Ayhun — Silent Shout remains a pivotal record in my listening life. The album’s gothic austerity and phantasmal reimagining of dance music is clearly the work of visionary minds. Silent Shout is music of physicality, of intimacy and bodies, rendered icy and alien in part by the deployment of pitch-shifted vocals that suggest multiple menacing personas, giving the album the dissociative sense of having many different vocalists embodying different characters. Dreijer Andersson’s voice is an incredible instrument, capable of evoking dread, fear, loneliness, and antagonism. Incredible artist.
Ulver — Blood Inside
Ulver is predictable only in its unpredictability. The band radically reinvents its sound from album to album in a way that makes the Norwegian group’s music impossible to pigeonhole (see also: Boris, Circle). The group’s early albums are exciting, if fairly traditional black metal. But since then, Ulver has experimented with symphonic neo-classical, synth pop, art rock, trip hop, and folk music. 2005’s Blood Inside is their masterpiece — one of the most engrossing, relentless and overwhelming albums I’ve ever heard. Sometimes the album sounds like King Crimson covering The Cure’s Pornography, sometimes it sounds like Swans trying to evacuate a city being blasted by bombs. A grower if ever there was one, Blood Inside will worm its way into your psyche with its manic, brute ferocity and decadent maximalism. I’m loath to resort to the cliché of comparing a piece of music to an acid trip, so let’s instead call Blood Inside the sonic equivalent of an anxiety attack — inside a kaleidoscope.
Tolerance — Divin
The late music journalist Yuzuru Agi founded the Osaka-based Vanity label in 1978, releasing 11 LPs alongside a handful of 7” singles, flexis, compilations, and cassettes by mostly Japanese artists before dissolving the label in 1982. My favorite Vanity release is 1981’s Divin, the second album by the Osaka duo Tolerance. Led by the enigmatic and mysterious Junko Tange and aided by guitarist Masami Yoshikawa, Tolerance used drum machines and mixers alongside guitars and keyboards to create a different sort of early electronic music, one that was as far away from Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream as Captain Beefheart was from the Rolling Stones. As the album’s most enthusiastic boosters love to acknowledge, listening to Divin is like listening to the future: the mechanized cracked electronics of Wolf Eyes and Nautical Almanac can be heard here, no wave’s dissonant skronk and grave incantations, and certainly what is now referred to as “minimal wave.” But the record’s prescience as a precursor to techno may be a tad overstated; by 1981, we already had “Being Boiled,” Louis and Bebe Barron’s soundtrack for Forbidden Planet, and Throbbing Gristle’s “Hot On The Heels On Love” (the latter of which does sound like a clear precursor to Tolerance’s “Sacrifice”), to name a few. Whether or not the members of Tolerance were aware of any of these things is impossible to know, as no one has seen or heard from either band member since shortly after Divin’s release. I’d speculate that most if not all of these resemblances are purely coincidental and not an indication of any direct influence. The coincidences, however, are fascinating. “Misa (Gig’s Tapes in ‘C’), presented here backwards, sounds a bit like a dry run for My Bloody Valentine’s “Touched;” “Sound Round” could quite easily pass as a sixth-generation cassette dub of some lost Skam or Rephlex 12,” while “Bok Wa Zurui Robot (Stolen from Kad)” does indeed sound like a blueprint for Detroit techno. There is something beguiling and uncanny about the entire presentation of Tolerance in general and Divin in particular. Though it is unlikely that the future architects of electronic music as we know it were aware of this record upon its limited release in 1981, it is a testimony to the notion of collective unconscious that Divin unwittingly presages so much of what was to come while still sounding like nothing else.
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rendevousz · 4 years
little hacker
avengers x fem!teen!reader
characters: brief clint barton, tony stark, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, peter parker
summary: you hacked into tony's systems and he, along with the team, track you down.
warnings: mentions of death and a car crash, hacking written by someone who has no idea how it works
word count: 3241
note: hi um this is my first oneshot on tumblr i hope you like it!!
you were 14 when you first met the avengers. your family had gotten into a tragic car accident and you were the only one who made it out alive, leaving you in excessive guilt and burden; guilt because you were the only one granted a second chance at life and burden because you had to live your life, barely scraping by as you were dropped the responsibility of taking care of your sick grandmother.
at 11, where all that the kids your age had to worry about was whether their pocket money was enough to get themselves an after-school snack, you worried whether or not the money left to your name was enough to survive.
at 11, where girls worried about their changing bodies and asked their mothers about it, you had to figure it all out yourself and with the help of your trusty laptop, the only gadget you had, one that your dad had gifted to you after you had gotten 100s for all your tests at age 8. he thought you were his little prodigy and figured a laptop would treat you well. you took care of it well because while you didn't want to spend the last of your money left, —that was specifically set aside for your grandmother's hospital bills— you wanted to hold on to the laptop for as long as you could, as a reminder of your loving father, as well as the memories the item held, after you've watched movies with pretty much all of your passed family members on that laptop at different points in your life. that was why whenever the thing lagged due to how much you've been using it, you almost always figure out how to fix it until it was good as new.
at 12, while your classmates had their parents to protect them when they were out at night, you feared for your life whenever you were out past dark. which led you to learning self defence from youtube videos. you learned them pretty quickly and with your sharp-wittedness, you no longer feared to be out at night. you even had the honours of trying out your skills when some men thought they could get you just because you were smaller than them.
at 12, where kids your age were having fun, enjoying their childhood, you had no choice but to be mature and think for the good of yourself and your sick grandmother. you were forced to grow up and you were probably more mature and intelligent than the rest of your classmates combined.
and at 13, you realised that money wasn't going to grow on trees and the money you were left with wasn't going to last forever. it had to last until you were old enough to work. but with your grandmother's condition getting worse and worse, you were forced to drop out of school. you were upset because you loved it. you loved knowledge. but family came first and the only thing that your knowledge increased on was on computers.
which led to you being able to hack into tony stark's bank account at only 14. you had no other choice than to steal money and who better to steal it from than a guy whose pocket change could probably last you another five years or so? you knew who tony stark was, the whole world knows who he is. and you thought that maybe he would be too preoccupied with his alter ego saving the whole world, along with his group of earth's mightiest heroes that he wouldn't notice the tiny bit of money you'd stolen from him.
of course the billionaire had been alerted immediately by his AI when you'd accessed into his systems. "security breach?" he exclaimed, immediately dropping the tool he was tinkering his suit with in his lab.
he spent about 3 minutes, that was how long you took touring around in his systems, observing what you did in it. he watched as you did nothing about the highly confidential information he had and instead, stole....5 grand from his bank account? that was barely a scratch to his account. what was going on?
he had requested FRIDAY to track down the hacker, mainly because he was perplexed that someone had hacked into his well protected system just to steal a tiny bit of money but it seems that even FRIDAY couldn't track down where it came from.
he told the team and it was then that everyone worried how dangerous the hacker could possibly be.
"who steals just 5 grand after hacking into a billionaire's bank account?" clint frowned after tony had explained the whole situation. "i mean, if i managed to hack into your systems, i'd do way more than just steal a couple bucks."
"exactly. and who knows? they might just be waiting for the right moment to install dangerous malware into the system and until we find the culprit, they're roaming somewhere out there with all our confidential information right at the tip of their fingers. if they decide to use it against us..." tony trailed off, for once having a worried expression on his otherwise nonchalant face. he's never been this clueless about what to do with any sort of technical issues concerning the avengers or himself.
you on the other hand, after getting complacent that you weren't caught, kept doing so for the next couple months or so. you had no ill intentions, just trying to scrape by. the whole situation puzzled tony. he didn't care how much you've taken from him in total now, you were right; it was merely pocket change to him. but you were still considered a threat since you had free access to his systems and he didn't even know who you were or where you were.
that was until you made a tiny mistake, one that if tony wasn't spending every waking moment trying to track you down he wouldn't have noticed. and though it was a small mistake, it certainly was going to change how things ran from then on.
that afternoon, after having just gotten back from visiting your grandmother at the hospital, you were planning to get more money from the billionaire's bank account at the comfort of your own home. god, hospital bills were expensive. once you had had a little snack, you settled down on the couch and opened your laptop. but being the quick-witted person you were, before the screen in front of you lit up, you saw movement from behind you.
your heart raced. you could handle fighting people but those usually happened in alleys at nighttime. this was in your home, your safe place. you made sure to lock the doors and there weren't fire escapes outside your windows so how did the intruder get in?
you could tell they were trying to be inconspicuous to get to you and so you let them. you let the person think that they were going to get you without a fight but when they were right behind you, you swiftly turned your body around and jumped over the couch. the masked intruder let out a surprised yelp and the two of you fought for a bit. before you knew it, you had them pinned under you in just ten seconds.
"wha– how– what?" it sounded like a boy. you looked down at him and noticed his red and blue spandex suit. you frowned. wasn't this the friendly neighbourhood spiderman guy or something? why was a superhero breaking into your home?
he was coughing from your knee pressing down onto his chest and you lifted it slightly, enough for him to breathe but not enough to escape. he seemed grateful though because he muttered a seemingly embarrassed 'thanks'.
"get off the kid or i'll blast you off of him myself."
you look up and saw the iron man repulsor aimed right at you, and obviously iron man himself was standing right there in the middle of your small apartment. behind him stood a redhead, who you knew as the black widow, aiming a pistol at you, and a man with a shield, captain america. the spiderboy must've come in through the window and unlocked the door for them.
when you made eye contact with steve, he frowned in confusion. you looked way too young to be the culprit they had expected. he muttered a quiet 'wait, what?' before tony stark revealed himself, his iron man faceplate opening.
"um...kid? where are your parents? or guardian? we need to see them because there's been some highly illegal activity coming from this address." the man in the suit spoke. you stayed still, knee still pressing against the boy under you, frowning at the adults in the room. they noticed your apprehensiveness and slowly lowered their weapons. "we're not here to hurt you, you can release the boy now," steve told you gently.
you usually weren't one to trust easily but since these people were known superheroes, you reluctantly stood up, still anxious of the possibilities of what they could do to you. the spiderboy got up too and dusted his back, before going to stand next to steve. you were confused as to why these heroes were breaking in your home until you remembered what you had been up to for the past weeks. how could you forget when that was the only reason you were still surviving?
your eyes widened with fear when they met tony's soft ones. he looked at you with such care and worry that you were reminded of your late dad. the man in front of you wasn't the arrogant man you've watched on youtube. you felt bad for stealing from him now. you used to think that he deserved it, despite how little you took compared to how much he had. the man knelt down before you so he didn't appear so big in front of you, seeing your frightened expression. little did he know you were frightened for a totally different reason.
"anyone else living here, kid? because i tracked down this address and someone has been stealing money from me. i might need to have a little talk with them." he explained, looking around the house. you fiddled with the hem of your shirt nervously, scared of what would come once you came clean about your actions. you were scared you were going to be taken in for juvenile crime but you were also scared of the consequences of lying straight to their faces. so you took a deep breath before deciding to just tell the truth.
"t–that would be me, sir." you admitted in a small voice, avoiding eye contact with the billionaire you had been stealing from. a few shocked looks from the team and an incredulous 'what?' from tony had you biting the inside of your cheeks in fear.
"i'm truly sorry about that, sir. i..." you trailed off, debating whether or not to justify your actions because you thought that he might not even want to listen to it. "i had to pay off my grandmother's hospital bills because she is very sick. my family died a few years ago in a car crash and i was the only one who made it. i was left some money to my name but having to survive on that along with paying off nana's bills, it was bound to run out. i...i thought that since you were a billionaire, stealing a few thousands wouldn't matter to you...i'm so sorry, sir. i– i'll start working to pay you back.." you stuttered out, holding your hands together so it would minimise the shaking.
tony's mouth opened and closed, like fish out of water, not knowing what to say to you. he stood up and you were on the verge of breaking down right then and there, feeling as small as you did before he knelt before you. "p–please don't report me, sir. i– i don't know what would happen to my nana if you do.. i swear to you that i didn't mess with your other files. i only accessed the system for your bank account and that was it. i have no ill intentions, please don't report me.." you were now the one kneeling down in front of him, begging.
the team were flabbergasted at the scene unfolding before them and tony was quick to get you off your knees, which scared you even more because the death grip of his metal hands on your forearms had your mind running wild at the millions of possibilities of what he would do to you. was he going to kill you and leave you somewhere that people were never going to find your body? or was he going to dispose of you and use his power to remove you permanently from the system so no one came looking for you? he had the power to ruin your life and you feared that.
snapping you out of your mental breakdown, he spoke softly. "hey, it's okay." and that was when you realised the 'death grip' he had on your forearms had only been your paranoia getting the best of you. he was barely even touching you. your teary eyes looked up at his soft, brown ones in fear.
then he smiled at you.
"it's okay. i understand the reason why you did what you did. you're a good kid, your nana is so lucky to have you. what's your name?" he knelt down before you once again, knowing that him standing tall in his iron man suit terrified you. "y/n." you responded timidly.
"how old are you, y/n?" this time, it was steve who asked. you had forgotten that there were other people in the room, too consumed by your fear for your life a few moments ago. "i'm fourteen, mr america, sir." you whispered out, the sight of captain america in person intimidating you until you saw a kind smile on his face.
"you're pretty young to be doing what you've been doing, y/n. are you aware that you're the first person to be able to hack into my heavily protected, supposedly impenetrable network? many have tried to do so and failed, and they were really smart people too. have you been doing this for a while?" tony asked.
"um...my father gifted me this laptop when i was 8 because i did exceptionally well in school. he believed i was a child prodigy and let me have a laptop since he knew my studies wouldn't be affected by the distraction of entertainment. i used to only hack into games to cheat my way up the ranks but only recently i tried something else since i had nothing better to do and i've been out of school for a while now. i knew you were a billionaire so i tried just for the heck of it and surprised myself when i got in on the first try. and then i saw your bank account details and i really needed money so i stole some... again, i'm so sorry about that." you apologised, looking down at your feet.
he couldn't believe it. you were just messing around and you managed to get into his system? you, a mere fourteen year old who was out of school, managed to single handedly do what geniuses around the world had failed to do?
he was initially just going to have a talk with the hacker, and in case they were dangerous and had backup, he brought his own. but bringing steve, natasha and peter proved to be unnecessary when the culprit turned out to be you.
"where did you learn those moves?" natasha stepped closer towards you. you looked up at the redhead, noticing the glare she had on you when she aimed her pistols at you was replaced with curiosity.
you fiddled with the hem of your shirt even more, embarrassed to tell her that you learned to fight from a couple of youtube videos when she had gotten years of actual training. you were pathetic compared to her. "i, um, i learned them from some youtube videos."
her eyebrows raised in surprise at the revelation. you hadn't gotten professional training yet you moved like you had. peter had superhuman strength, agility and endurance yet you took him down in under ten seconds. sure it may have been a disadvantage to peter because he was caught off guard but he should've been able to take you down still.
now was tony going to let the chance of a lifetime slip by? no, of course he was immediately thinking of recruiting you. your dad had been right about you being a prodigy. you adapted to new skills quickly and you were perfect for recruitment.
"hey kid, wanna be an avenger?"
your eyes widened and your jaw dropped in shock. steve immediately turned to him, an incredulous look on his face as he glared dangerously at the billionaire. "stark, you wanna think about this for a minute?"
"thank about what, cap? you saw what she did to the spiderling. and she successfully hacked into my system on her first try and we took weeks to trace her. romanoff back me up here," he saw how impressed natasha was by you and he knew the redhead wasn't going to disagree. "stark's right, steve. she's only fourteen and she's capable of so much already. we need someone like her."
"exactly! she's only fourteen! this life is dangerous for her!" steve argued. peter then tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "hey, mr rogers, i'm a sixteen-year-old avenger and she took me down easily. not gonna lie, it hurt my pride, also my back when you flipped me over your shoulder," he turned to you but you didn't say anything because you couldn't see his facial expression. "but i think she's going to be okay, sir."
steve sighed before turning to you, the defeated expression on his face softening when you looked up at him with your doe eyes and a small smile. you didn't answer to tony just yet since it seemed that steve had a say in it as well but you were dying to say yes. not only were you not going to be reported for your crimes but to be recruited by iron man himself to be an avenger? who could say no to that? not you, at least, since you had nothing better to do with your life at the moment.
"well, what do you say, kid?"
your smile grew and you nodded happily. the team couldn't help but crack a smile at how happy you looked for the first time since they've encountered you.
"well, you should go pack your important stuff so we can go back to the tower. you're going to be moving in if you're an official member of the avengers." tony told you and you nodded, walking towards your room to start packing while the team sat on the couch to wait for you.
"wait, what's going to happen to my nana?" you turned back towards them, worry etched onto you face. "don't worry about it, kid. you can give me the details later and i'll settle it. she'll be in good hands." he assured. "okay." you mumbled in response.
you were actually going to be an avenger. "awesome.." you grinned to yourself as you packed.
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papermatisse · 2 years
Oasis || O.SH (II)
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♔ pairing: superhero!sehun x f!reader
♔ genre: fluff, angst, crack
♔ word count: 4.7k
♔ warnings: profanity, violence
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♔ synopsis: EXO: the nine member superhero gang protecting the city of Exodus. For years, they've done just that. A sudden turn of events leads them all stressed, confused, and paranoid beyond belief. A paranoia which could either lead them to answers or turn them against one another— turn them against their city.
♔ a/n: hello again! this is part 2, and actually a chapter unlike last time lol. pls enjoy 👏
series masterlist || main masterlist
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"I'm running low on arrows," Sehun updated, feeling the bag on his back lighten as he spitfires arrows one after the other at the creatures below him. Within a second, Jongin pops up beside him, dropping a new, fully loaded quiver before disappearing once more.
"Hang in there, guys," Junmyeon's voice echoed through Sehun's ear. "We're nearing the end of this fight."
"I hope you're right." Chanyeol responded. "This is the longest Necromancer battle we've had yet." From where he was perched, Sehun saw Chanyeol fire another ball of flames at the group of undead nearing him, disintegrating them where they once stood.
"I'm clear at the southern end of the bank." Kyungsoo heaved through laboring breaths.
"Me too, main street clear." Minseok added. "He should be showing up any time now."
The he that Minseok was referring to was none other than Necromancer–one of their most notorious villains. He had been one of the first to revolt against them upon the genesis of their heroic duties. A man who held the ability to bring back the dead. Aside from the mortifying experience of battling deranged, bloodthirsty corpses of those who once roamed the Earth, Necromancer himself was someone who once bewildered the group of heros, as he was their one and only villain who never hid his face. And even with the most highly advanced technologies in Junmyeon's possession, he could never find the identity of the sorcerer. Necromancer held no motives, no empathy, no compassion. He merely did what he did for the enjoyment he derived from it.
"I'm clear!" Baekhyun shouted, just as Sehun had also shot at the last body in his sight.
"Everyone gather at main street," Junmyeon directed. Sehun hopped off the building he resided, plummeting to the ground before cushioning his fall as usual. He jogged over to Junmyeon, shooting a few more zombies in his wake as he met up with their leader. The team huddled together, backs to one another whilst scanning the now desolate area. Corpses lined the street, mangled and decrepit after having to suffer two deaths at this point. It was disturbing, something Sehun loathed after every Necromancer fight. The lingering images of every one of his fights afterwards, plaguing him for what seemed like ages until another battle could wipe clean the slate of his mind. Sehun's eyes darted to and fro, scanning the area for the warlock, but he came up with nothing. He could hear the breaths of his team as they felt the foreboding tension flooding the air. It was silent, a silence which seemed to be deafening almost, penetrating into Sehun's being and wracking him to his core. The muscles in his arms trembled as he held the bow up, keeping his arrow in his line of sight in case something showed up.
Suddenly, a violet haze began rising from the ground, slow and almost inconspicuous at first, though gradually increasing in volume, its hue volatile as it morphed and intermingled with the rotted bodies scattered about. Curls of the wispy air beneath them wrapped around the bodies one by one, dragging them across the pavement, an almost sickening cacophony of scraping and snapping surrounding them as the dismembered carcasses slithered by them. Brittle bones cracking as they were tossed about the ground, limbs and joints snapping and tearing, dried and shriveling skin scraping against the destroyed cement, grating aggressively against it like nails on a chalkboard. The fog deepened as the corpses accumulated together at the end of the street, piling atop one another, the mound of the dead growing and growing until its height had reached to such a staggering point that it had casted a shadow over the bewildered group of heroes. With more of those revolting sounds resounding through the atmosphere, appendages began sprouting from the pile, extending to an extensive length before collapsing, lying limply against the expanding mass. More of these accumulated, stretching out into the horizon before its immense weight would release it once more along its bodice, before finally reaching the last one, dropping once more and allowing silence to settle in the area.
The monstrosity before them seemed to be staring right at the frightened bunch, though remaining faceless in its existence. The heroes stood frozen, in both a mixture of fear and anticipation, waiting for what the creature would do. Waiting for what it possibly had planned for the lot.
It felt like hours had passed in this sort of standoff, Sehun practically shaking with nerves where he stood, fingers aching as he held his bow down, preparing to raise it at any given moment. The silence once more held a palpable tension, one that completely paralyzed some of them. Sehun's body was standing so stiff that he hadn't realized violent tremors ate away at his sanity. His only sense of awareness in the situation resided upon one thing, that being the beast which remained in its position, mockingly still as if copying the boys below it. If it hadn't been for the violent thudding of the blood coursing through his ears, his breath fanning against his face beneath the mask, he'd have thought he'd had gone deaf at the moment, or even thought he had died mid battle, living in a personal Hell he hadn't realized he feared. A hell of anticipation, never knowing when the monster would strike. Only knowing that his time was waning, and at any moment would there be bloodshed. His throat seemed to constrict upon itself as one of the appendages began rising into the air, more cracks accompanying it as it shifted positions, undulating spastically as it rose continuously, before reaching its pinnacle point– right above them.
"Run." Junmyeon demanded, voice low as if cutting through a wall of cotton, just as the limb snapped towards them at an accelerated speed. Sehun just barely dove out of the way, rolling on his back before landing on his knees just as he heard the sickening crack of both cement and thousands of bones. He tossed the regular arrow aside, reaching back and pulling out an explosive one before tugging back his arrow and releasing, sending it right into the center of the mass and watching as it imploded in the body, a gaping emptiness soon being formed. The massive hole it left behind was quickly filled in once more by the surrounding carcasses, covering the once barren injury, as if Sehun’s efforts amounted to nothing at all.
"I'm out of commission," Sehun shouted, still reaching for another even though he knew he was useless in this fight. It was all he could offer in such a time.
"Me too," Jongin replied, distantly phasing to and fro as if scoping out an angle he could work with regarding the monster.
"Same," Yixing stood at the sidelines, sword still gripped desperately in his hand, eyes trained on the mass and its viciously swinging appendages.
"I'm going to try and disintegrate the bodies so they don't accumulate again." Chanyeol announced, attempting to run closer to the creature. As his darkened silhouette hurdled towards the beast, one of the colossal limbs shot out towards him, seemingly a blur of shadows with its speed.
"Look out!" Jongin shouted, suddenly appearing beside Chanyeol only to immediately tackle him out of the way as the arm crashed into the ground with another vicious crash into the demolished ground. "We need to get Chanyeol close to it."
“I think it has an arm for each one of us, so we can’t go at it all at once,” Kyungsoo pointed out. Upon closer inspection, one could see Kyungsoo was indeed correct. Nine tentacle-like appendages encircled the entire being, one hovering in the direction of each member, ready to strike if they so much as stepped near it. As if a dome surrounded it, extending to its wingspan, and if one person so much as entered the invisible fortress, they were perceived as a threat.
“Minseok, can you freeze its arms from here?” Junmyeon quickly asked, crouched on the outskirts as he focused on the arm pointed at him.
“They’re too far.” The man in question responded. “I’d have to get closer, too.”
“How would you feel about it getting closer to you?” Sehun asked, causing a few of the heads around him to turn in his direction. “You get closer like Chanyeol, and freeze the arms before they hit you.”
“That’s way too risky,” Yixing noted, an immense worry laced in his voice as he briefly glanced over to where Sehun resided.
“It’s worth a shot.” Minseok announced before taking off towards the creature without another word, shooting sheets of ice on the ground beneath him and gliding across them to reach the monster quicker. As predicted, another mortifying arm jerked up, lunging towards Minseok's nearing figure. He easily slid right around the impact as it connected with the street below, granting him an opportune moment to shine, turning and shooting ice at the end of the limb and successfully cementing it to the ground. The ice stretched its way higher and higher, caking the decay in a layer of frigidity, until the spread reached where the arm connected to the body. A bellowing rumble reverberated from the monster, jolting around frantically to free its tentacle, but failing tragically as Minseok reinforced the layers holding it down. It continued to emit an echoing roar into the air, practically shaking the earth with its cries. Minseok grimaced at the sound, having been the closest one to it, the raucous ringing through his ears, his vision darkening somewhat as he ceased his onslaught of ice unto the limb. Another arm rose up, swinging at the seemingly unsuspecting Minseok, who once more repeated his prior actions. He steadied his breathing, capturing the limb in ice once more, forcing himself to stay conscious through the staggering exhaustion creeping into his figure.
Jongin appeared at the top of the first frozen limb, taking out one of his blades and stabbing it into the ice. Kicking off the side of the limb, he descended along the base of the appendage, allowing his knife to slide down and slice the arm off of its torso. It collapsed on the ground, still frozen, though the bones trapped inside jostled furiously as if trying to break through the icy prison and rejoin its masses. Junmyeon came running forward, arms raising as he grew closer to the fight. The fire hydrant beside Sehun began shivering, evolving into a vicious tremor before popping off the ground entirely, erupting into a geyser of water endlessly pouring out and collecting itself midair above him. The translucent liquid flowed and contorted about, accumulating in size until it umbrellaed Sehun entirely, shifting lines of light reflecting on him and basking him in a hue of blue. Junmyeon swept his arms forward, the tranquil bubble morphing into an intemperate wave, shooting forward through his command with a near violent cry, similar to that of massive waterfall's. It collided with the remnants of the tentacle, sweeping it past the monster's clutches and into the bay beside the city.
It became a repetitive cycle, Minseok freezing a limb and moving on to the next, Jongin slicing them off the body and onto the ground, and Junmyeon expelling them from the scene. By the time half of them had been cleared, the creature having failed to regenerate them with its limited amount of mass, Chanyeol bolted to its vulnerability. He stood before it, spreading his legs apart and firmly on the ground whilst raising his arms up beside him. He jerked back as whirlwinds of flames erupted from his palms, burrowing into the amalgamation of rot. It screeched once more, the remaining tentacles flailing about and aimlessly shooting to and fro. Baekhyun hit each one with an energy beam, the concentrated rays of light serving as a sort of light cannon which burned and wounded each of the arms every time one of the heroes was about to be hit. Eventually, the limbs ceased as Junmyeon cleared the last remains, emptying them into the bay. Chanyeol's flames grew larger, creeping higher and higher up the monster who continuously bellowed into the atmosphere, a terrible dissonance of torment as it disintegrated before their eyes. It was soon entirely engulfed in fire, thrashing about and crumbling into blackened remains of ash and bits of bone. As it diminished, Junmyeon cleaned the last of its remains, dumping it into the bay once more.
"Is that good for the environment?" Kyungsoo whispered, causing the others to snort at his query.
"Probably not the ashes, but the bones are organic matter theoretically, right?" Chanyeol replied, worry laced in his voice.
"We'll discuss it in the disaster report so the town knows the bay also needs to be taken care of." Junmyeon assured. They nodded, about to move on until another round of purple haze floated around them.
"Damn it." Jongin muttered, pulling out his batons and looking around the area. Everyone followed suit, preparing for more of the undead until a body began phasing through the ground, climbing through the concrete like a zombie emerging from its grave.
The man chortled as he finally surfaced, back silently shaking as he knelt on the ground. He slowly stood up, his laughs building into a nefarious cackle as he tossed his head back, arms gripping his sides.
"Oh, EXO," He spat out between his supposed joy. "I enjoy our encounters so much. I look forward to seeing you all every time we play." He wiped at his eyes, smile still stretched across his face. "Did you like my little trick this time? It's new, I just developed it recently."
"Necromancer, stand down," Junmyeon warned, a thin film of water accumulating at their feet, inconspicuous to anyone around except them.
"Oh, don't worry, Leviathan." He tossed his hand dismissively. "That's all we had planned for this time. He wouldn't want me to deviate from his scheme." Sehun felt his breathing stutter for a moment, eyes shifting to determine Junmyeon's reaction without seeming worried– which he internally was.
"What scheme? And who is 'he?'" Necromancer pursed his lips into a thin line in a feeble attempt to hold back his amusement, but he once again broke out into another fit of raucous laughter. His face was red from his ministrations, the shade a near contrast to the green of his eyes.
"Goodbye, EXO!" He extended his arms out, leaning back and falling to the ground. The water beneath them shot forward to where Necromancer stood, attempting to catch him, but it was too late as Necromancer once more phased through the solid ground, plummeting away from the scene. Junmyeon cursed silently, dropping his control of the water and letting it roll about aimlessly to fill in the area as much as it could, as water so naturally does. Junmyeon was pissed, Sehun could very clearly see. He attempted to reach out to his old friend until the familiar sound of applause kicked in. So punctual, the city of Exodus.
"EXO, EXO, could we take a statement from you regarding this battle?"
"Leviathan, is Necromancer the one behind all of these fights?"
"Can we expect another major battle this month?"
Yixing stepped forward, already sensing Junmyeon's turmoil and leaving him in the care of the team.
"As of now, we'd like to keep any findings to ourselves until we can give the people a concrete explanation. I know it's hard to live this way, but we are working tirelessly to put an end to this, and we hope Exodus can be with us through these trying times. We are one." Yixing bowed his head in thanks to the crowd, turning back to the group as more cheers and questions were aimed at his retreating figure. "Let's go." They crowded Jongin, taking them back to their base a moment later.
The heroes separated once they were in safety, looking around at one another, both expectant and clueless to the predicament they've found themselves in. Sehun, although glancing at the others wearily, lingered his attention on Junmyeon, watching the elder's face contort through conflicting emotions. Anger. Worry. Dread. Fear. Emptiness.
"He's not alone." Minseok was the first to break through the tension of the room. "They're working together."
"All of our fights. Our villains." Baekhyun turned and looked at Junmyeon. "They're banding together."
"For what reason?" Chanyeol asked, frustration in his voice as he yanked off his helmet. "As far as I know, they each have different motives to hating us or the city. Why and how would they work together?"
"He said 'he.'" Jongdae pointed out. "They could be working under one person."
"Necromancer works under him." Minseok added. "But who?"
Junmyeon shook his head, hands scraping into his scalp angrily. He breathed a defeated sigh, ripping off his mask and turning on his heels.
"I don't know. We have to research more." Junmyeon began walking towards the control room, ready to sit in front of his monitors once more for another week. "We know Necromancer isn't the brains behind this. He probably wasn't even supposed to insinuate a partnership, but he's powerful. He got cocky. He slipped up." Though he grew further away, his voice still carried in the abysmal vastness of their headquarters. "Call local cemeteries, ask if there's any way they could… check their dead. Knowing where Necromancer got such a vast army of bodies can help us pinpoint where he or his partner could be located."
"Yes, captain." Minseok answered, going over to the other large monitor to begin reaching out. The others slowly dispersed, changing and relaxing as they cooled down from the battle. Sehun shakily took off his mask, breathing out slowly as the images of the day flashed before his eyes once more. Nightmare fuel. God, he hated Necromancer.
A tentative hand slid onto his shoulder, rubbing his back softly and drawing his attention over to the culprit. Yixing gave a tight lipped smile, knowing how daunting Necromancer battles could be, and knowing Sehun especially felt uncomfortable with them. Especially after a fight where he couldn't do much. It was always hard having to sit back and watch the others fight, but that's why they worked so well. What some couldn't do, others could. They balanced each other well. The youngest still struggled with this, refusing to move on when he's the one that has to tap out.
"Sehun, you did well," Yixing whispered, squeezing his shoulder. "You took out a lot of them today. We couldn't have gotten to that second phase had it not been for you." Sehun grinned, nodding at Yixing's words. His eyes still remained on the floor, doubts lingering in his mind nevertheless. It's true, he did do well during the beginning. He just wished he could have offered more, especially after seeing Minseok's body rocking back and forth, as if barely holding himself together at this point. He wished he could have given up his strength for the safety of his brothers. Glancing around the room, seeing everyone dispersed and distracted, Yixing leaned closer to the young man, raising his helmet to avoid the echo of the metal cavern shrouding him. "You saw what I saw in Necromancer, too, didn't you?" Sehun looked up at him, brows raising curiously at the implication, waiting for Yixing to elaborate. "He looked drained. Paler than usual, though not noticeably so. Thinner, too. His face was sunken, signs of exhaustion." Sehun blinked, taking in Yixing's diagnosis before he grew quiet for a second. "And his eyes were once brown."
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Sehun found himself walking down the familiar hall leading to his apartment, not really knowing how he got to this point. Yixing's words still rung in his head. It wasn't just him who noticed this. Noticed the sudden shift in color in his demented eyes. What could it mean? Why was it frustrating him so? It could very well be contacts, but something in Sehun said otherwise. There's more to it. There's a reason for Necromancer's state.
Sehun's hand landed on his doorknob, jiggling the hand before realizing his door is, understandably so, locked. He rolled his eyes in frustration, tapping at his pockets to find where his keys were, though coming up empty. He groaned aloud, knocking his head against the wood irritatingly. He thumped his forehead on the hard surface, grumbling about how idiotic he was. It wasn't that bad of a situation, as he could just easily go through the alley and fly up, but god was he tired. Drained from the fight earlier today and just wanting to sleep. Wanting to take advantage of the brief yet indispensable period of peace where he could recuperate, replenish his energy, calm his nerves.
He heard a voice softly clear behind him, causing him to pause his misery in response to the disturbance.
"I'm sorry to interrupt." A voice spoke behind him, smooth and gentle as it reached his ears. He slowly turned his head, peeking his eyes over at the door now cracked open behind him, his neighbor looking at him worryingly. "I heard knocking and thought I should check what was happening." Sehun grunted in acknowledgement, turning back and letting his face rest against the cold wood. "Did you forget your keys?" He grunted again, too tired to give her the time of day, something he'll probably beat himself for later, but for now he couldn't find it in himself to feel flustered over his pretty, doting neighbor. "Dang. I'm sorry to hear." She sounded so sweet, something he could listen to for hours on end and not grow tired. He felt weird for thinking her voice was so attractive. He felt weird for thinking she was so attractive. He's only met her once before, yet couldn't help but look around every time he left his apartment, hoping to catch another glimpse of her. "Would you like to step inside?"
He blinked in wonderment at her request. She was inviting him over. Why was she inviting him over? He wouldn't even bat an eye if he was in her shoes and saw the new neighbor having a meltdown for losing his keys, yet here she was, peeking into his peripheral vision after stepping out of her apartment to check on him.
"Are you okay?" She asked, hand hovering over his shoulder. He could feel her warmth radiating off of her in waves, causing the hairs on his skin to rise at her presence. Her brows furrowed, lip trapped between her teeth while taking in the drained state of Sehun. She finally pressed her hand to his shoulder, lightly pulling him away from the door. He swayed a bit, not realizing how exhausted he truly was until he almost collapsed right then and there had it not been for (y/n) looping her arms around his torso and supporting him. She let out a heavy heave as Sehun's weight leaned on her, legs shaking as she tried to adjust his stature into a position she could handle. "Okay, I'm taking you inside. Let's go." She huffed out, practically dragging him inside as he neared unconsciousness. It all felt like a blur to Sehun, reality drifting in and out. His vision shifted from being awake to going black, a new scene before him every time his eyes seemed to clear away the darkness. Just as he thought his exhaustion had claimed victory over him, he was suddenly jolted awake, cold water being spritzed into his face.
"What's going on? What's happening?" He found himself asking, looking around now fully alert. He was not home. He was on a couch. Not his own. Beside him was (y/n), seated a few inches away with a spray bottle in her hand. She nervously smiled, tucking the bottle away and out of sight.
"Sorry, I didn't know if you had a concussion so I didn't want you to go to sleep." She grinned, tucking her legs up and against her.
"Oh. Oh, I'm sorry." Sehun looked around again, realizing she brought him into her home. "I should go."
"Oh, it's okay!" She quickly answered, leaning forward and planting a hand on his shoulder to ensure he didn't stand, worried he may almost faint again. "You don't have your keys, and the landlord went home for the day a few hours ago. I don't want to leave you out there." Sehun felt his heart throb at her kindness, not remembering the last bit of human decency he experienced outside of EXO. "He'll be back tomorrow morning though! For now you can sleep here. My couch can turn into a bed." Sehun blinked, shocked at her sudden proposition, but found himself nodding anyway. She smiled at this, releasing her grip on him and standing up. "You're probably hungry, too. When was the last time you ate?"
Sehun paused, eyes staring forward as he thought. He didn't eat anything after the battle, cause he doesn't even remember leaving the base really. He didn't eat anything this morning, having rushed out to reach the group as soon as he got the alert of the Necromancer battle. He skipped dinner last night, falling asleep after Junmyeons debriefing. So the last thing he really ate was breakfast yesterday morning. His eyes shifted back up to her, who stood before him with her hands on her hips.
"If it takes you that long to remember, then you haven't eaten anything in a long time!" She exclaimed angrily, scoffing as she made her way to her kitchen, still ranting as she busied herself in the next room. "No wonder you're practically passing out in the middle of the hall. Forgetting your keys. You're not in your right mind! You need food!" Sehun found himself smiling, chuckling quietly to himself at (y/n)'s rambling. It felt so comforting, calming. It felt nice to talk to another human again. One outside of EXO, topics other than their superhero business. Holding concerns for his well-being outside of physical damage from fights.
Looking around, he saw the TV was on, paused on some movie from presumably when she went to check the noise outside her apartment. Her home was cozy. Small potted plants lining the windows. Books stacked on the coffee table in front of him. A fuzzy carpet beneath his feet. The plush, cream couch that felt like he could sink in and never return. She had a knitted blanket draped along its back, and Sehun could only assume she's someone who grows cold easily. The pillows around him were soft and cushioned, not rough like decorative pillows. It seemed like her entire intention in decorating was for comfort. It felt relieving. Open. Accepting. Sehun felt his worries dissipating within these walls lined with colorful portraits and photographs, his stresses melting at the soothing vanilla scent of the lit candle at the center of the table, his anxieties dissipating as he heard the soft patter of feet emerging from the kitchen. (y/n) balanced two plates of food precariously in her hands, placing them both on the table before plopping next to him again, curling her feet under her.
"Sorry it's just take out," She mumbled, fiddling with the strings of her hoodie. "I just got back from a business trip today, so I couldn't buy ingredients to make dinner."
"No need to apologize." Sehun leaned forward, grabbing both plates in his hands. "I'm the one who should be thanking you for your hospitality." He handed her the second plate, watching as she tentatively took it from his hands before giggling under her breath.
"Of course. We're neighbors now." He smiled at that. Neighbors.
Neighbors are usually people who just live in the same vicinity as you. You greet each other, you acknowledge the others presence, you give out sugar when needed. That's how it's always been. But he couldn't really argue that sitting here eating takeout, watching an unfunny comedy movie but laughing anyways because your banter alone is what's making it hilarious. This was probably his new favorite definition of neighbor.
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magicalsalamander · 4 years
Flowers that Speak Poetry
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Pairing: BTS Seokjin  ⇆ Reader
Genre: Fluff | Angst | Smut | Alien | Childhood friends | Tattoo artist |
Summary: Butterflies are one thing, but flowers and butterflies bring prosperity. The Butterfly, a servant to the Flower Inn, home to Anemonas of Anisum, was your home and it was all you knew. However, home for you lied across the yard into the next. In the shadows, Jin painted with needles on bodies, but for you, he painted with brushes butterflies on your skin. Like the butterflies, your heart fluttered when you were with him, but he always called you a child and treated you often as such. However, will your heart always be able to flutter when another offers to buy you from the Inn?
Warning: Rated Mature; explicit language, war imagery/mentions, species-ism(?)/racism(?) -alien vs humans, mentions of alcohol and consumption, slavery, prostitution, tattooing is illegal, trafficking, bullying, abandonment, insecurity in body image, death of minor charactors, it’s alien, dom/sub implications, possessive behavior, soulmates(ish), virgin reader, unprotected sex, fingering and riding.
Words: 25.6K
A/N: Story inspired by the story Mademoiselle Butterfly by Ogura Akane but with its own twist. I’ve read this story when I was younger, and it’s been a favorite for a long time, so I wanted to pay homage to it. I really recommend you read the story after you read this, please. I’m sorry for the delayed release AND GOING UP UNEDITED. Header image edited by me, but I don’t own the photo. Thank you for reading!
masterlist | moodboard
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Unceremoniously the wooden screen door slid open, rattling gently as you peered inside inconspicuously. You had heard shouts, even from within the Flower Inn, and felt the tickling need to check it out. Within the living room, the man lying, who had been making a hideous face in the light of pain, startled as he caught you suppressing a laugh. “HEY! Who are yo-ugh!” Grunting at the pain you giggled harder at his inability to complete his thoughts. “Brat, don’t laugh!” He finished that shout with a yowl as the needle pricked him deeper. You covered your mouth suffocating another chuckle.
Ironically the appearance of the customer was exactly as you predicted. He was burly, older, scared from civil battle, maybe not from the capital because of the slight tone in his scream. Human men were always the type to wail like a woman in labor while getting tattooed.
The tougher they are on the outside the weaker their inner heart is.
With a heavy sigh Jin pressed down on the man with his free hand harder, knee jerking to hold him but pausing. “Please don’t move.” The man whined grumbling unsavory words underneath his breath relaxing for a moment before Jin continued to poke the remaining ink of the needle into the outline.
You glanced at the tattoo as Jin turned and dipped his needle tipped stick back into black ink. “Don’t disturb me. I’m in the middle of work right now, Butterfly.” You already could imagine the lighthearted glare he wished he could’ve spared over his shoulder at you. You blatantly disregard the warning tone and carried on as if he hadn’t spoken. Lowering your white canvas apron, you had been using as a makeshift coat, you shook off the droplets of rain on the porch then slipped it back on knotting it in the front. You smoothed out your linen navy skirt, before you placed a docile hand over your chest and bowed forth dramatically. You softly apologized to the customer in your sweetest tone then you relaxed against the doorframe.
Heavy rain fell off the black clay tiles of the roof creating a sporadic cascade of water. The stone steps leading up to the porch were stained a dark grey as water pooled on their surface. The dark wood of Jin’s home appeared darker, but the white walls even brighter as the grey clouds looming over dispersed light. Borgo was archived by old buildings built from when the first humans settled on Anisa seven hundred years ago. You had heard that humans, your species, came from a planet called Earth. The planet itself was gone, but the few human languages spoken was the only true remainder of old Earth on Anise. Guerrian was quickly replacing the old tongue with the new regime’s customs.
Jin was a man of his work, requiring peace and quiet—then there was you. He was used to your shenanigans, they never phased him anymore; fourteen years of familiarity tends to create a tolerance for chaos. He raised a brow expectantly at you, but you held his gaze as you further relaxed against the doorframe, slumping into your spot in spite. You might even grow roots there if you so felt like it. Sighing heavily, he rolled his eyes, he returned to his work receiving a hiss as he began tattooing again. A small smile pulled at your lips in your small victory.
You took a deep breath in, falling into a natural rhythm you had with Jin. The crisp, autumn air was causing the tip of your nose to inflame in response to the chilled, wet air. It was refreshing compared to the air within the Inn. Something about this air was completely different from just over the fence. Even the way the rain hit his roof was different. You smiled at the tree that sat in Jin’s yard as most of the leaves had turned auburn. It was as if they had absorbed the molten heat from the previous summer and it left a scar in place of the once vibrant green. It was all we had to hold from the blistering summer as it had long past and it only reminded you that winter was quickly approaching. You wondered if Earth had similar seasons like you do on Anise.
Turning away from the yard you asked habitually. “Can I get one next Jin?”
“No.” Short and sharp.
You chuckled under your breath.
For now, you were content to sit and watch his wide shoulders that narrowed to his waist as he meticulously worked on the tattoo. Jin’s work was always incredible, to think it came from him poking a needle in and producing a masterpiece. A dragon, so Jin called it, curved around the man’s back with the face of the beast between his shoulder blades. You remember seeing the dragon piece in his sketchbook and having to ask him what that was. Apparently, it was an ancient Earth beast that used to roam. He had proven it with an old book he had that his grandpa had left him that had all types of creatures that used to live on Earth.
You changed your mind after that, you were glad you didn’t live on Earth or ever saw it.
It was when the man shifted his head, burying it in his elbow suppressing groans that you noticed his hair was cut short. It was a fresh cut. Would this man’s tattoo heal in time? Your chest squeezed at an even more churning though. Would Jin ever have to cut his hair short too? The large tattoo meant that he feared the red letter more than the needle. You knew it though, the fear was inevitable, weren’t all young men when they neared thirty? If they lived long enough to see it that is.
You brushed the thoughts away, physically dusting yourself off with shooing sounds to accompany it like you were warding off evil. It was no use worrying about that when there’s no letter in hand.
Jin finally spared a glance over his shoulder, the customer sighing in relief for a short break. “Butterfly.”
You froze, the look he gave you had your heart doing somersaults; his gaze wasn’t unique or uncharacteristic, it was simply him existing, but his cordial calmness gave him this ethereal command. Butterflies within your stomach fluttering to their content enticed by the honey tone of his voice. His black hair was parted but the strands curved and hung off his forehead outlining his honey skin. The long, lilac robe made that went to his knees if he stood was made of silk, the white collar that formed a V from the crossing of the lapels framed his neck. His black pants accompany the ensemble made of the same material of his robe. He told you his outfits were traditional. It was what his grandpa wore, so would he.
You couldn’t help the tinge of heat that rose to your cheeks as he called your name again and you met his raised brow.
For sure he had caught you staring.
“They’re calling you.”
“No, they did’n—.” Your lips formed a pout, although the motion didn’t clog your ears as you wish they had been.
From next door, the Flower Inn, Cherry was out in the yard shouting, “Butterfly! I can’t believe I’m standing in the rain for this girl! Butterfly!”
Your shoulders sunk.  
Cherry’s voice grew louder, “BUTTERFLY! I swear to the gods if you are at Kim’s and not doing YOUR CHORES—!” Her booming voice sent a shiver down your spine and you were at attention immediately not caring to hear the rest of what she had to say. There was only one Anemona you feared and that was Cherry… second to the Mistress, and if she found out you were here…
You shot up from your spot!
“I’ll be back later Jin!” You paused struggling to pull your apron back over your head. ”Bye Mister! Come back safe!”
The man receiving the tattoo found it upon himself to chuckle and waved at you as you scurried across the yard holding up your skirt to keep it from getting wet while still holding your apron over your head. You hopped over the fence with slightly struggle nearly tripping as your skirt caught on a branch of a bush. They could hear murmurs between you and Cherry as you shouted, “I’m okay! I’m good—no, I didn’t trip Cherry. All good! Ah, wait, Cherry! Stop pulling me, I’ll come willingly—!” Resounding giggles filtered through as you wiggled out of her grabbing your ear. You ran towards the Inn with Cherry shouting about you running off again.
The man rested his head on his forearm chuckling lightly. “She’s cute. Is she an Anemone?”
Dipping his needle in the viscous ink he let it drip off like his smile. “No, she’s a child.”
The customer laughed, “A child? She looks ripe to me.”
He winced, convulsed in pain, then shouted colorful profanities he couldn’t understand.
Jin finally moved his knee up and gently placing it on the man’s lower back only using only some strength. His black eyes evolved as his pupils bursted orange. “YAH, I said don’t move! How many times do I have to tell you. Don’t make me tell you again!” He dug his knee in a bit for emphasis.
The customer whimpered burying his face further into their elbow.
Fits of giggles were loud through the screen doors as loud grunts and boisterous drunk laughter followed. You dropped the serving tray back in the kitchen staring longingly outside the kitchen window. The cooks were busy with their backs turned and other servant girls were on route. You eyed the fresh pastries on the table and quickly slipped a few onto a napkin and tucked them away in your apron pocket. They were so warm as if you had put a warm stone in your pocket. The thought alone made you shimmy in place.
Quick on your feet you dashed out of the kitchen. You peered down the hall waiting for signs of stirring, but quickly you realized it was clear. The multicolored lanterns hanging from the ceiling were bathing the hall in warm light and flickered as you sped by. You crept down the hall down towards the servant’s quarters; your newest escape route after getting chewed out by Cherry. Your feet were light on the polished wooden floor that was so glossy it twinkled thanks to your handiwork. A small smile pulled your lips imaging the smile from Jin when he takes a bite. Should you have swiped more?
Eyes widening you plastered yourself in a crevice against the wall behind a dresser as an Anemona stumbled out of a hosting room with a customer. The customer’s cheeks were red and high in happiness as he drunkenly laughed. His pupils were dilated and red, all the same, but you missed it in his sudden movement. In a blink of an eye he had her pressed up against the wall on the other side of you. They shared a lasting kiss, sounds emanating from both of their throats and your cheeks would’ve flushed if it was the first time you had seen it; being twenty-three you had seen more than a pure eye could handle over the past decade and some. You waited for them to stumble down the hall towards her room. You sunk further into the shadows as the dresser jostled as he stumbled. In a husky laugh he pressed her up against the wall breathing hotly on her neck. Curiosity got the best of you as you leaned over gripping on the dresser as you peered over. Your eyes widen as big as saucers. You recognized her, one of the thirty Anemona that worked at the Inn, but what was her name? Was it, you scrunched your brows…Daisy? No. You wrestled through the countless names, but none felt right. You weren’t close to anyone though. Cherry was the only one you spoke to regularly. Well…spoke to was a loose term around these parts.
You slunk back as her eyes flickered about his face. He attempted to whisper but instead spoke loudly. “Let me buy you, Lily.”
She twirled the hair at the nape of his neck with well-manicured fingers, “What can you give me Sir?”
“I am a Guerra of ranking! I can give you anything. Get you out of this Inn, of Borgo, and into my palace.”
She giggled. “Palace? You live in the palace?” He hummed sinking into her neck and taking a loud sniff. She pets the back of his hair, “Buy me then. I want it all.”
He growled full of lust, “But first let me see you in your room.”
She giggled taking his hand as they raced by you, his figure appeared like a large shadow in his haste as they whisking away upstairs towards the second and third floor rooms. You couldn’t remember which one was hers. At some point so many women had passed through these walls that you didn’t bother learning their names. Especially when a man would moan it in ecstasy. You knew they were all going to be bought by someone. You sighed heavily when their footsteps disappeared. Third floor, they went to the third floor.
You may not have known her name, but you knew of her. Had seen her face countless times. You knew she was in love with the boy who worked in the kitchen, the one that made the pastries. You caught glimpses of them when they thought they weren’t being seen. After you leaned against the door one day, catching him with a dreamy expression after she left the kitchen. You struck a deal with him; he’d make extra pastries just for you as long as you kept his affair a secret. Suddenly the pastries in your pocket didn’t feel so warm. You couldn’t lift your gaze as you stared at the floor feeling almost paralyzed. In this world, your world, moments like these you’re reminded you have a debt to pay. There wasn’t room for choice. You had a debt to pay just as much as everyone else.
Anise was a planet you used to call home until it was torn apart. It was constantly at war as you had heard from the whispers of elders and retold stories of their parents. Years ago, your father never returned after he was forced to cut his hair short. His red letter on the table as his hair surrounded it. He joined the army to fight in the uprising against the Guerra, quietly leaving that night. It was your mother, two siblings and you until your town was affected by the war. Guerra were known as true warriors, a fearless and fierce race. No one knew of them; galaxies far and wide had never heard of them until they began integrating and conquering planets. Quickly they became the feared from the edge of the universe, but what was even more unnerving that they looked human like.
You remember in flashes the night when they came to Silva, of them in packs, tall, ominous shadows with red pupils, swords and fist a light as you huddled under the window with your family. You remember seeing the flames reflected in your mother’s eyes, before it felt too warm where you hid.
Your mother took you and your siblings and escaping Silva, but in the new town your mother grew a debt despite working herself to the bone trying to feed you and your siblings. You were the oldest. Clearly you can recall the warmth of her hand, the grey sky, and the damp soil as she walked you through the town of to the merchant. With tears streaming down her face as you pleaded with her, she promised to come back for you. She promised, but promises were never forever.
The merchant took you to Anisum, the capital overtaken from the humans by the Guerra a hundred years before you, even though you put up a fight. She was going to come back for you, but how was your mom supposed to find you if you were in Anisum? You don’t remember much besides the hunger pains, the cold nights in Winter as you sat in back of the horse drawn cart next to other young human girls and boys. The cart pulled up next to places across the capital and into nearly every district. The kids dismounted as the merchant bargained with the shop owners or people. You were the last in the cart. In the district of Borgo, the merchant pulled up an Inn, the Flower Inn, the building silhouetted in darkness from the twilight hours, but from the windows of the three floors emanated light. The entrance door clanked open as the heavy doors swung open and the Mistress stepped out onto the street. The merchant nodded and she quirked a brow. Your head was tipped back her index under your chin as she looked you over. She said nothing about your runny nose or tears slipping from your eyes. Her gaze was chilling as it was unreadable and stoic, yet you couldn’t stop crying. Quietly she turned and placed a few coins in the merchant’s hand, then the merchant shoved you out of the cart. You struggled to get up, your weak knees and limbs were tired. The wheels of the cart turned as the merchant left. The Mistress went inside and your elbow was yanked until you stood. You gazed at the person picking you up, although at the time you had no idea, it was Cherry, a human who just a few years older than you. “Come inside, it’s cold. There’s much work to do.”
You nodded wiping your face and you followed her inside Flower Inn.
Although at the time you were none the wiser, but you grew to realize where you were sold to. Borgo, the city of the forgotten, where the humans are of the servant class and the Guerra gain pleasure. It’s the only district between the divided land of humans and Guerra where both species roam freely. The Flower Inn was no stranger to pleasure, entertaining and catering to Guerra and wealthy human alike, as long as they had money they were welcomed.
The sound of giggles brought you from your memories. Your eyebrows knitted as you sighed at the reality of the rhythmic thumping coming from the ceiling. You’re going to have to do extensive laundry after the amount of council members that decided to visit tonight to celebrate something you couldn’t bother to remember. Emerging from the shadows you crept down the dimly light hall until you snuck into the shadows again and slipped outside. Chirping from nightcrawlers greeted you in symphony and the cold night air had you shivering instantly. You looked up to the night sky the two moons shining bright in the east and the third, just a small after image, in the western sky. Feeling a chilled breeze, you pulled your arms tighter around you uselessly. The night air always dropped towards freezing, temperature dropping dramatically as soon as the sunset. You worked fast across the yard as you made your way into the neighboring yard, breath near visible. The tree in his yard was your guide as the green leaves glowed golden softly. The midrib and veins of the leaves had a bioluminescence, coming to life at night from the stored solar energy during the day. It was the only tree in Borgo that did that, it was like it was alive. Like his tree, scattered warm light was visible from the frosted glass of his screen doors and windows. You instinctually smiled, he was still awake. You nearly jogged up to his porch, kicking your shoes off before you climbed up onto the porch leaving your shoes on the stone steps. You opened the never locked door without prompting finding Jin sitting in front of a table on the floor painting another sketch. Warmth instantly embraced you like you were sitting in front of a furnace.
“Jin, I’m home!” You teased.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working right now?”
You sighed slipping down next to him. “Thanks for the welcoming. It’s great to see you too Jin.” When he didn’t humor you, you continued on a small rant resting your chin on the table. “They’re already drunk. At this point those men are searching for something else besides alcohol. I could hear the coins dropping form their satchels with every fake giggle.” You rolled your eyes, “Tell me Jin, are men that simple that a single laugh can empty a man’s wallet?”
He laughed at that breaking his concentration, causing you to smile at the squeaky sound. You quickly fished out the goodies that were still steaming. “I brought you some Junq tarts.” You handed him one before you took one.
He grabbed your wrist faster than your eyes could process his movement as you brought the pastry to your lips. His hand was stained black from his ink. Your eyes flickered from the treat to his with your mouth still wide open. He glared at you, “Did you eat, or did you skip again?”
Your mouth clamped shut as you blushed. You tried ignoring his question by still attempted to bring the pastry so sweetly calling your name to your mouth. His grip on you tightened almost painfully as he plucked it out of your hand setting it away from you, including his. He’s learned from experience. You whined defeatedly rubbing your wrist dramatically. “Fine. No. It got too busy I didn’t have the time.” The Mistress had informed you and all other staff an hour before the arrival of the Guerrian government officials. To say you were busy was an understatement, and your stomach grumbled loudly against your will in convenient timing. A pastry wouldn’t kill you, but Jin always wanted you to eat properly. He laughed as he got up, adjusting his silk, blue robe taking the treats with him as he went to the kitchen to prepare you a meal. He grumbled, “Now I have to start a fire.” You longingly stretched out your hand as you watched him take the treats away.
You were nearly drooling when Jin had placed food in front of you. You looked to him with gleaming eyes and thanked him for the meal. That was another thing Jin was great at. He could cook a delicious meal out of the simplest ingredients. His meals were worthy of being served at a royals table. You moaned at the first bite of food as the bite of braised meat and rucke grain nearly melted in your mouth. He gazed at you with a smile before he picked up his brush and began painting again. You nearly shoveled the food in your mouth choking on how delicious it was. He patted your back, “Slow down, there’s more in the kitchen. No one is going to take your food.” Your cheeks flushed as you sipped on water clearing your throat. You nodded and began asking him about his day. You ate slower, keeping conversation with the background being accompanied by soft hum of distance music from the Inn.
After nearly licking your plates clean, not leaving a single grain of rucke, you rolled over onto your back snatching a cushion to rest your head on. You watched Jin as he carefully dragged his brush on the paper, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration. You felt content, you could fall asleep. Fighting off sleep you sat up, all be it slower because of your full stomach. Softly you called to him to gain his attention, “Jin~Jin, Jin-ie.” You held out your wrist and forearm for him. “Draw something for me.” He sighed taking your hand gently into his, the stains of ink only randomly on the tips of his fingers. His long, slim fingers grazing over your soft skin almost medically, but you brightened thinking how delicate he always was with you. His hands were always warm, but it was just something that was always true for him. Your heart was racing, and you tried your best to suppress it.
“The usual?” You nodded.
He dipped the brush and began carefully painting. It sent a small shivers down your spine as the cool ink touched your skin.
You had met Jin fourteen years ago when you were nine and he was thirteen. The house was originally owned by his grandfather, but he had passed six years ago. Jin took over the family business, continuing to practice although tattooing was considered illegal; In Borgo, anything went, as long as the officials who cared didn’t catch you. Customers still came.
The first week at the Inn, Cherry pushed you out the entrance tossing you a satchel of coins with a list of things to pick up from the market. Feeling lost you trudged your way towards the street following the makeshift map Cherry had drawn out for you. Confused at the simple line drawing, you paused when out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of movement coming from the house across the Inn. As you peered over the fence like a bandit, you saw a boy sitting on the porch hunched over a floor table. He looked to be very concentrated in what he was doing. You couldn’t help your curiosity as you wanted to see what he was doing, but you underestimated the strength of the fence. It collapsed forward into his yard and you screamed, faceplanting into grass and bushes. Startled he dropped his brush and rushed over to you helping you up, nearly fishing you out of the bushes. He laughed once he realized you were okay. You forgot about your pain as you were surprised by the sound of his laugh. It was unique and it reminded you of when you polished the floors. Your face had blade of grass and dirt stuck to it. He crouched down then brushed it off. You felt like a brief zap of static shock zip through you at his soft touch. When your eyes met his, your heart skipped a beat, his near black eyes were captivating. He was handsome and if your face wasn’t flushed before it was then. Immediately you wanted to run from embarrassment, but he introduced himself with a full smile. After a confession of why you were lurking at his fence, he showed you what he was working on. It was a sketch of a butterfly. Your eyes lit up and immediately. He watched you carefully as you turned to him holding the paper. “It’s beautiful.”
Butterfly…it all started with a butterfly.
After persuasion and consistent pestering, you wanted a picture for yourself. Instead of giving you a sketch Jin would practice painting butterflies on your arm. A simple design his grandfather gave him to do over and over again. His grandfather always emphasized the basics; a foundation was important. Over the years it became more intricate as Jin became more skilled, but it was always a butterfly for you. You would come back to the Inn and the other girls began calling you Butterfly. Your real name was to never be spoken at the Inn, it was to be forgotten, erased…except Jin knew of it. He was the only one that knew you were Y/N Y/L/N, Butterfly.
Just being by his side…you were happy.
Your forehead was nearly resting on his. His scent was surrounding you like a warm embrace, a mix of the smell of ink and something floral. He looked up and your faces were only inches apart. You held his gaze, his eyes full of unspoken adoration. Your eyes dipped to his lips as he licked them, wetting his lower lip with his tongue. You missed the rose gold color blooming in his pupils as he closed his eyes. He pulled away placing the paint brush back onto the holder. “There.”
You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath until you played it off by checking out his drawing. Had he thrown another log into the oven? It was two butterflies that were fluttering towards you. It was beautiful. You looked up and Jin was already watching you, eyes black but with glimmers of gold that must’ve reflected from the lantern on his table. Your eyes flickered to his lips again before you looked down at your wrist. Surely were imagining what you were feeling just now.
“Thank you Jin.”
He hummed, flicking his eyes low as he waited for all the emerging and existing color to drain before letting go.
A smirk bloomed on your face, “Now, about the Junq treats.”
He laughed, a devious expression setting on his features as he looked up. You knew that look. You saw it coming before his comment. “What do you think held me over in the kitchen while I cooked for you.”
Your jaw drop, “No. No you didn’t Jin! You didn’t! You didn’t eat them all.”
He stuck his tongue out at you.
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Muted sliver of silver and golden light peeked through the door as you cracked open one of the sliding doors. Jin was sound asleep on his floor futon mattress with a single arm strung out from his thick, pink comforter. Pink due to a mistake you had made, but that wasn’t for discussion. The back of his hand stained black from dried ink with splatters on his forearm. Like a serpent it slithers back into his comforter as he groaned in protest when you opened one door completely letting in the bright afternoon light into the once dark room. Particles of dust floated through light that illuminated him before you pushed both doors open. He flipped over on his futon away from you, covering his face back into his pillow and pulling his comforter over his head. Tussles of his hair was still poking out like weeds.  
“Kim Seokjin, it’s noon already! Get up.”
He groaned, voice husky from sleep. “Nooo.”
You left the doors purposefully open, letting in the cold air even though it was causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. The cold was one of the only way you found you could rouse him from sleep, Summers were always more difficult and you had to get creative then. He groaned tucking himself deeper into his comforter on the futon, weeds disappearing. Your nose scrunched at the strong smell of alcohol. You picked up dishes and empty bottles of alcohol before you dropped them off where they belonged. You knew he had his friends over the previous night. It was rare that all his friends could visit. When he had told you they were coming you were excited. As usually he rolled his eyes at you mumbling to himself. The six of them always treated you like a sister and brought souvenirs from their travels. You were too busy the previous night working. Correction. You attempted to sneak out but were caught red handed by Cherry. You were monitored for the rest of the night and had to help clean up all the hosting rooms as well as punishment.
You really needed a better method.
With your hands on your hips, you poked at his back with your foot nearly rocking him. “Yah! Get up. It’s noon! You have to get up.” He just wiggled with your shoving. Frustrated at the lack of progress you got on your knees attempting to yank the blanket off. “Jin, wake up! You have to start the day. Don’t you have customer’s today?”
Suddenly he rolled onto his back and grabbed you, wrapping his arm around your waist. With a late scream he dragged you down onto the futon next to him. His very warm breath tickled your face as he moaned. “Sleeeeep.”
Your face heated and your heart was beating fast. You swallowed as you tried pushing against his firm chest. That was something interesting about Jin you had never seen him exercise, yet from the glimpses you got of his arms during the summer, he was built and toned. He slowly began slumping over you holding you down. He was heavy. He nearly was laying on top of you as he held you within his embrace tighter. He didn’t budge as much as you tried. You felt like you were going to combust from your heart alone, but was he running a fever? You froze as he tucked his head into your neck. His lips were grazing your skin. He huffed hot air onto your neck. “Sleeeep, Butterfly, pleaasse.”
He lifted his head up from where it was tucked in your neck pouting. You couldn’t help the chuckle as you cupped his cheek stroking just under his eye. He made a sound that was akin to a purr. Even when he just woke up he was still handsome. He blinked sleepily at you and you saw a flash of yellow in his eyes. It happened so quick you nearly missed it, but you couldn’t second guess it.  
“JIN!” A booming voice interrupted as the door opened. The man gasped closing the door immediately, “Sorry! I didn’t know you had someone over!”
Jin inhaled deeply before he got up, mumbling angrily, “No one will let me sleep today.” You laid their blinking hand still in the position it was stroking his cheek. You hadn’t even realized you had cupped his cheek. “Jimin, it’s okay. It’s just Butterfly.” You winced. Your hands slowly curled and lowered to your chest. It shouldn’t have hurt; he always called you a child and treated you like one. You brought your knees to your chest before you sat up.
Jimin opened the door again and peeked inside his brown hair making an appearance first. His eyes formed half-moons with his short smile as he greeted you and you politely returned it. He was one of the six. Jin was an isolationist, but somehow, he had a close tight knit group of friends. Out of all of them, Jimin was the least you knew about. He was enigmatic only coming in and leaving as far as you were aware.
“Why are you here Jimin?”
“I have an appointment.”
Jin raised a brow, hair still a voluminous bird’s nest. “What?”
Jimin chuckled, eyes turning into halfmoons. “Ah, you’re finally showing your age if you can’t remember last night. Lay off the partying old man will ya.”
A playful growl bubbled in Jin as he yapped neck elongating to spit out a monologue. Jimin continued cutting him short, “I’m actually late, but I knew you’d still be asleep. You agreed last night that you would finish my tattoo.”
Jin grumbled, rubbing his face to dispel sleep, going along with it. “Alright, alright, let me get set up.” He looked over to you, “Butterfly, can you make some tea for us?”
You nodded and made your way over to the kitchen. You missed the glance that Jimin gave you as you walked past him.
You sighed as you brewed tea, his words echoing in your mind. The way he was looking at you earlier had your heart fluttering, but now it was flatlining. You were just a servant at an Anemone house none the less. Jin…was different, it was evident in his facial structure. He was gorgeous and he could have any woman he wanted. Of course, he wouldn’t want a, a—child like you.
When the water was boiling you dropped in tea leaves and watched them sink. Standing there for a moment you let it steep. Placing cups on a tray and the kettle you brought out the tea. With practiced ease you maneuvered like you always do at twilight hours. Jimin was already sitting in the cleared room at the floor table. You placed the tray on the table and began serving with both hands. Jimin stared at you as you poured him tea as well as an awaiting cup for Jin. He couldn’t help admiring your gentleness.
“Thank you Butterfly.” You looked up at him with a smile that didn’t reach your eyes that had him returning it.
“I’m taking my leave.” You gathered the skirt of your dress as you closed the porch door behind you without sparing a glance.
Jin came back in the room with jars of ink and tools. Jimin raised a brow as he sipped loudly at his tea. “Is she okay?”
Jin quirked a brow not catching on as he set up his inks and needle. His eyebrows scrunched in contemplation before settling, “Mhmm-yeah, why?”
Jimin shrugged, setting his tea down. “I guess it’s just been a while since I’ve seen her.”
It was quiet except for the ceramic clinking and the tapping of tools as Jin maneuvered.
“You know Hoseok has his eye on a girl in that house, but you know how his parents are. They’re trying to push a girl from the upper side, some sort of alliance thing.”
Jin hummed as if to say he was listening, but his head was still throbbing lightly from the hangover sitting in. He looked around and sighed in relief seeing the tea cup as he took a large gulp.
“—it’ll only be a matter of time before she becomes an Anemona.”
“What?” Jin questioned tuning in to Jimin’s chatter, setting down the empty cup.
“Butterfly. It’s only time before that Mistress makes her one too. Human women are now becoming a commodity. The human population is dwindling and the Uppers are seeing to it by buying them.”
Jimin shrugged, “That’s a shame—she’d earn a lot if she did. She’s grown up really well. Maybe I—.”
Jin glared at him, burgundy tinging within his pupil, “Don’t you dare. I know what you do with women.”
Jimin chuckled his nails clinking against the ceramic cup. “Why not? She’s grown and can decide for herself.”
Jin glared, opening his jars more intensely than necessarily. “She’s a child! she doesn’t need you and your playboy ways to taint her.”
Jimin laughed nearly falling over. “Child? When are you going to stop using that excuse. I mean Jin, do your eyes work properly? She’s far from being a child anymore.” Ignoring the glare sent his way, Jimin continued, but near mumbling it. ”Honestly, she’s prettier than any of those girls in that house, you know it. She could open her own Inn if she wanted.”
“Why don’t you buy her then?”
Silence answered Jimin back as he had expected. Jin curling his sleeves up to his elbows. “Alright, ready. Lay down.”
Jimin eagerly removed his jacket and shirt exposing the crane tattoo that was partially done on his back. Jimin settled down excited. Jin wondered for a moment how he wasn’t hungover, but then quickly he remembered Jimin’s tolerance level was unmatched. He can’t even remember what happened last night. Humans could always consume fermented drinks as if it was their job—especially Jimin.
After mapping out the rest in his head, Jin dipped the needle into black ink swirling it around for a moment. He moved over to Jimin, pressing down harder than necessary and stabbed into his skin. “OU-OW-OWOWOWCH—shhh---HHH!” Jimin cried out, teeth clenched and lower lips wiggling.
Jin shrugged, smacking his friend’s arm as if he hadn’t put extra force into the prick. “Don’t move.”
Jimin glared at him before yelping again. “JIN! THAT HURTS!”
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You hung up the last of the laundry as you hummed a tune Jin had been humming recently to keep yourself awake. You hadn’t slept well last night as nightmares had clouded your dreams with shadow men with red eyes and images of your mother being pulled away by them disturbed you. It all was in flashes and you can’t remember much of it, but each time you closed your eyes again it played again.
You hummed louder to yourself.  
Snowflakes fall down
And get farther away little by little
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
How long do I have to wait
And how many sleepless nights do I have to spend
To see you (to see you)
To meet you (to meet you)
You smirked at the thought of when you had caught him mindlessly singing it as he cooked dinner for the both of you the other day. Yoongi had been working on producing the piece and had come over to show it to Jin weeks before, you just happen to be there. You wiped the sweat from your brow, the sun was beaming down strong in the sky. All the ice had melted, and the flora and plants were anew—spring had arrived.
You paused as you picked up another clean piece of bedding then shaking it out. You felt their stares before you met their upturned chins as Anemonas walked by. You stared wistfully; they were gorgeous with dresses made of silk like fabric that you were sure was expensive and hair carefully done so that there wasn’t a stray strand. They looked like they’ve never cleaned or worked a day in their life. They walked with poise and grace that only high tiered Anemona could ever poise. It almost seemed like they were gliding across the floors. They were beautiful and your hands were calloused.
They smirked and near snorted when they caught you staring. You turned away continuing to adjust the fabric, but your ears were still alert. You barely picked up the whispers between them.
“That’s the one that bothers the artist? How pitiful.”
“Doesn’t she know her place?”
“You think he uses her?”
“Have you seen him? He’d never go for her. You’re more suited for him.” They giggled as they kept walking.
Your expression flattened but you worked to keep your face neutral as if you hadn’t heard their remarks. You had swallowed all those feelings, even Jin’s, and let things return to normal. You could swallow your feelings if it meant you could keep being around Jin. As they passed you turned back around and hung up another blanket.
As long as you could be next to Jin, you were happy. That’s all you need.
As you were about to place the remaining last clip you heard stomping coming from the hall. The Mistress was in her slip, it was rare to not see her fully dressed. You watched curiously as she nearly jogged down the hall, her face angry and for once you were glad it wasn’t you on the receiving end of that expression. You laughed at the thought. You turned back and hung up the rest of the laundry still carrying the melody.
Passing by the edge of the cold winter
Until the days of spring
Until the days of flower blossoms
Please stay, please stay there a little longer
An hour before sunset you were in the kitchen sorting and polishing cutlery. You were talking to pastry boy as he was sneaking small bits food to you. Lilly may not be here anymore, but he still gave you treats. As you popped in a treat savoring the sweet flavor, the kitchen door swung open. Clattering from other various staff sounded as everyone shook. You nearly choked as the Mistress gaze searched the kitchen instinct to run kicking in. Her fiery gaze landing on you. On reflex quickly you swallowed the treat as if your life depending on it. She strode up to you, small, slim figure cutting through the crowd like a knife. Her long black hair flowed wildly around her pale face, but the motion couldn’t compare to her wild gaze. “Come with me now!”
Just when you thought you had evaded her wrath for a day. You wiped off your shaky hands on your apron and bowed, “Yes, Mistress.”
She looked around the kitchen to wide eyed staff, “Get back to work.”
Silently you followed her to her office. She nearly collapsed into her wooden seat but still attempted to do it gracefully. On an exhale, “Butterfly.”
You stood in front of her desk kneading the dirty skirt of your dress. What had you messed up so bad that you were being called to her office? You quickly recalled all recent events. Was this about you stealing pastries? No, you do that all the time. Or was it when you accidently walking in on the couple? Look, you hadn’t eaten and you were a bit tired, they should’ve locked the door. On second thought, maybe this was about you–.
“You shall serve tonight.”
Her statements cleared your thoughts. Your head whipped up jaw slack. “Mistress? I-I believe you are mistaken. I’m not a—.”
Her nostrils flared, “Silence.”
You sealed your mouth.
“An honorable guest has requested you, and this is an offer I cannot refuse. I owe his father a great deal of a favor. You will serve.”
She stood up, face softening as she saw your eyes gloss over. “Butterfly, you are no longer a child.” Your hands scrunched in the skirt of your dress tighter. Those words clung to you like oil. So much was happening your mind was racing a million miles per hour. You’ve watched for years and could probably do it all blindfolded, but that doesn’t mean you wanted to. You didn’t want to.
She began to slowly step closer to you, speaking much softer than before. She played with a loose piece of hair as she tilted her head almost. “Oh Butterfly.” Your eyes lifted until you met hers until they lowered again. “Do you remember that night that I bought you?”
You nodded once.
“I saw something in you, and I only invest in potential. All my girls are of the highest standard. Now I expect to reap those investments back. I saved you, so now save me this favor.”
A knock at the door sounded with two older retired Anemonas coming in after. They were the ones who took care of the styling and dressing of the girls. With a wave of the hand the Mistress commanded, “Get her dressed and ready.”
With a minor bow they surrounded you grabbing your elbow. You felt defensive tightening up. “Come along dear.”
You wanted to argue, but what could you?
You had a debt to pay…just like everyone else.
You didn’t argue as they washed your body with luxurious soaps that made you smell as the others did. You didn’t argue as they twisted and pinned your hair in a specific way. It was as beautiful as you had seen on the others. Or how they painted your face to their liking, red lips being the point. You slipped on the tight slip, then into the silk burgundy skirt that had gold embroidery skillfully woven into it to appear as highlights when the fabric moved. Pulling it up you realized the skirt had two slits in the front just apex at the top of your thighs creating a panel in the front. The bodice was a halter that followed the design of the skirt as they laced you up from the back as you held the bodice up. Finally, with a last heave the dressed forced you to stand upright, they tied it off in a large bow. They finished it off by adoring you in golden bracelets, anklets and hoop earrings, which felt like shackles to you despite their statement of luxury.
As you sat at the vanity staring at your reflection the Mistress came in, she was similarly dressed in her own gown. From the vanity assorted hair pins were displayed. Humming under her breath in approval she picked up a gold pin with a ceramic multi petaled flower at the end. From the flower were string chains of pearls and a butterfly. With ease she slipped it in your hair then placed her hands on your shoulders softly. “You look beautiful, Butterfly.”
You couldn’t recognize the person in the mirror. It was you, but it wasn’t at the same time.
“You will serve Mr. Park tonight. He is the son of the Guerrian Collation Ambassador for Human government. Treat him well.”
Your stomach sunk even further. This person was so high ranking why would they want you? Your eyes slowly looked up to her, “Yes, Mistress.”
Anemonas came into the room and they paused nearly crashing into one another as they stared at you. You wanted to curl in upon yourself, but your dress didn’t allow you. One who you recognized from the when you were doing laundry earlier. Her eyes scanned you, what you didn’t realize was stunned in surprised before she quickly hid it. You hadn’t had the chance to learn their name, nor would you want to. Her voice was clipped, “Hurry girl, he is here now.”
Your legs feel like jelly, but somehow stiff as you walked. You had little practice in the stilted shoes they wore, but that wasn’t why your limbs were stiff. Walking down the hall brought a new feeling to you. A door slid open as Cherry stepped into the hall before pausing. Her eyes widened, “Butterfly?” You held her gaze before you looked back in front of you. She stepped out into the hall watching as you descended the stairs to the first floor. She clenched her fist and quickly turned down the hall.
The girls ushered you and hissed harshly at you. “You cannot mess this up! Do you realize who he is? You! Cannot! Mess! This! UP! Do you hear me?”
How had they known his face? Apparently, he had been here before, but why had he requested you? Had this person seen you serving drinks before? Why you? Why you! You tried to be as discrete as possible, a no name servant among the Flowers. So…why you?
As you had watched Cherry done before, you swallowed your nerves as you steeled your face. Passing the first host rooms the people within were already laughing as their shadows danced on the paper screen door. Night had settled comfortably in the sky, three moons just near peaking. You counted the seconds that passed with each clatter of coins falling from the adjacent room. The laughs being the refractory period between drops. The lanterns above didn’t feel bright enough to guide you forth suddenly and you were running on pure instinct. Pausing at the last room you waited in front of the screen door. Your hands were trembling as you assumed stance that you’ve seen a million times.
The girls opened the sliding doors in unison, and you took a stable step forward that even surprised yourself. “Thank you for having me tonight, I’m Butterfly.” Slowly you raised your head to increase the tension. Playing coy was always the game. At the other end of the table as they lower a ceramic shot glass from their thick lips, his eyes were brazened as his chin jutted out knowingly, the sharpness disrupted by his big smile. He was sitting alone in the room, the largest room available, with a buffet displayed before him. Your eyes widen as you realized who Mr. Park was.
Jimin…was a son of the ambassador? Your mind rattled through memories, although few, that you had spent with him. He had never acted mighty, never flaunted his wealth around you all. How come you never noticed before? It explained so much at the same time, the enigmatic nature especially. Snapping out of your stupor at this moment he was a customer, not Jimin. Softening your eyes into something you had seen the other girls play. “Good evening, Mr. Park.”
He laughed, eyes forming half-moons. When you still didn’t move, he saw the conflict in your eyes. He urged you closer to him with an open hand. “Please, Butterfly, call me Jimin—it’s just me.” With a smirk that revealed his white teeth there was a glint in his eye. “I don’t bite.”
“If that is what you wish.” His eyes roved over you as you strode over to him. The panel of your dress somehow remained perfectly in front of you, but you felt vulnerable with your legs and arms exposed. You shuffled over to him and sat down on a cushion next to him.
He chuckled again, completely amused by you. “You look like a doll dressed like this.”
Jimin was a handsome man, any girl would be lucky to be his suitor. However, he…he wasn’t Jin. You’ve never thought of him as anything more. You felt neutral towards him, this must be how the other Anemona felt. Remembering their words, you automatically put on a face hoping the hollowness was concealed. You giggled covering your mouth with your hand. He smiled lowering your hand from your mouth, “Don’t cover it. You’re beautiful.”
Your eyes widened, he was so close to you, faces nearly touching. Your mind flashes back to when Jin had his face this close to yours two moons ago; how your hand reached for his then, but your hand now remained trained at your side. He wasn’t warm enough.
You sat back, “Would you like me to play you a song Jimin?” His eyes lit up. You entertained, keep conversation, played an instrument, all be it not as well as he was when he took it from you. He blamed it on Yoongi for your lack of ability. It was odd, you felt comfortable but something in the back of your mind was niggling at you. He drank, but very little, when you asked why he confessed, “I want to remember my time with you. I want to remember it all. Does that bother you?”
You suppressed the flush and shook your head. He laughed as he had been all night. Yet, his eyes were sincere and full of adoration. He took your hand and held it gently in his as he looked down at the exposed skin of your forearm with a soft smile grazing his lips. “Did Jin draw that?”
You wanted to pull back realizing that your skin was still stained. You nodded. He grazed the faint butterfly with his finger.
“I always ask for a real one, but he refuses every time. He says I’m too young.”
Jimin huffed, forcing air from his nose to suppress the snort. “But we are the same age and I have one of his tattoos.” Your heart winced at that, it’s true. Another reminder of how Jin saw so little of you, how he didn’t see you the same. Jimin continued seeing your expression have fallen slightly, “A Butterfly shouldn’t be kept in this cage, when her wings are so beautiful.” It’s quiet as he carefully transverses the image. “I want to buy you, Butterfly.”
You tensed up under his delicate touch. He smiled at you dropping your hand to your lap, “Of course, I won’t force you. I never force my women; you must know that. I am man, no feral Guerrian.” He smirked at his own joke, but you sat there stunned, missing the insinuation. The wind had been knocked out of you. This was far from anything you had imagined would happen tonight. He tipped your chin with a crooked finger forcing you to look at him. His eyes were full of adore. “I’m serious, Butterfly. Think about it. I’ll be back tomorrow by noon for an answer.”
He got up and adjusted his clothing, “Thank you for tonight Butterfly, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He walked out of the room and you sat there dazed. Minutes must’ve passed before you got up but stumbled on your feet. You clutched the table, food nearly untouched as you focused on breathing through your nose. You kicked off the annoying stilted shoes. Never in your life did you think you were going to be bought. You got up, feeling better with your feet touching ground.
You flung open the screen door jostling Anemonas who had been lingered outside the room as you came out. They rushed up to you when they found their ground. “Butterfly! What happened? Why did he leave?”
“You didn’t make him happy did you? No man leaves happy without going upstairs at least once.”
Another asked, “Did you scare him away?”
Cherry pushed through the crowd coming up to you and instantly pulling you into an embrace. She held you tightly as your hands loosely reciprocated. She pulled away but still held you with shaky hands. You had never seen her upset, but you missed the look of concern. Your mind couldn’t focus. “I’m so sorry Butterfly. I tried to convince her to pull you out. She said he requested you. I tried even asking Hos-,” she sealed her lips cutting herself off. Her grip tightened again, “What happened Butterfly?”
You felt like the walls were closing in.
“Butterfly, answer me! Talk to me!”
Over the chaos you answered all their questions. “He wants to buy me.” You couldn’t motivate yourself to have an ounce of happiness in it.
Nameless girl of the hall was the first to speak, “Park Jimin? He wants to buy you? Yeah right.”
Cherry shot her a glare silencing her as the Anemona rolled her eyes. You nodded.
The other girls shrieked in excitement, “Congratulations Butterfly!”
No. No. No! This wasn’t what you wanted at all.
You pushed out of Cherry’s embrace and past the small crowd. Their excitement and happiness died out when they realized you weren’t excited like they were. “Butterfly! Butterfly!” Cherry took a few steps after you before she stopped. She sighed, she knew exactly where you were going, but this time she didn’t have the heart to stop you.
Your feet gained speed as you jogged faster and faster towards an exit. There’s only one place where you know to go.
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Your feet were freezing, but you didn’t mind the numbness as you ran across the yard and into another. Oddly you felt unclean, tainted and disloyal as you could still feel Jimin’s light touches on your skin and see his smile behind your eyes. Your feet were gaining traction, but the weight of the material of your dress weighed you down. It felt like you were running through water to get to him. Your hair restricted movement and the makeup made you feel stiff. The tree was faintly glowing, the recently fallen leaves in his yard still barely pulsed. You reached the familiar porch with the warm amber light flickering from inside.
You slid open the door and opened your mouth to speak but immediately clamped it closed. A woman was lounging across his floor completely nude from the waist up with her back to you. Her back was covered in a partial tattoo, art you recognized. She turned over to look at you, chest on full display and her face was just as gorgeous as her salacious body. A smile bloomed further solidifying her beauty. “Wait your turn, sweetheart.”
You blushed and suddenly the sliding door slammed closed nearly clipping your nose. Jin pressed in behind you hand still on the frame sealing the door shut. “Get out!” He was seething. “Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my house.”
You recoiled back at his tone and words. He had never yelled at you before. You turned around slowly. Her body clearly still in your mind as you came face to face with his chest. His robe was loose as he wasn’t wearing an undershirt, splatters of dry ink was on his collarbones. You swallowed as you looked off to the side.  
His eyes widened as far as they could stretch. He hadn’t realized it was you on his porch, he thought it was someone trying to sneak inside. It wouldn’t be the first time an Anemona from the Inn had tried to. “Butterfly?”
You hadn’t heard him call your name too engrossed in your thoughts. Gorgeous was the only word that came to mind and the tattoo that was on her back was eerily familiar. You couldn’t help to compare. She was a woman to him. Your lower lip began to tremble as tears were beginning to build in the corner of your eyes. You dipped your head. You couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. Your voice wasn’t as stable as you spoke. “I’m sorry for intruding.”
He heavily sighed removing his hand, but still standing close to you. “You know not go in when I have clients.”
When you hadn’t responded he called your name again, but you refused to look up. He knew something was off, he curled his finger and placed it under your chin. You slowly raised your head, eyes still downturned. He stepped closer nearly whispering your name full of concern. “Butterfly, look at me.” Taking a second you finally raised your eyes. His breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to look away until the hair pin poking from your hair caught his eye. A small golden butterfly was dangling amongst other jewels. A small smile was tickling at his lip before his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes traveled down to the dress you wore, your figure was on full display teasingly by the tight fabric. Your bare legs exposed; the slits dangerously high that almost your entire hip was out. It had him feeling some type of way as he felt his eyes warm as he devoured your being. Why? Why were you dressed up like this, like an Aneomona? A snarl in throat was barely audible at the thought of someone else besides him seeing you like this. Had someone? The threatening sound blooms as  his mouth opened to ask when a breathy voice inside called him. “Jin, Darling?”
The tears you’ve been holding back were threatening to break again. Of course, of course he had someone else. Held someone else. His words that he had always told you ring in your ears, those girls, as well as Jimin’s recent ones. The veil was pulled as you saw the landscape clearly. You were a child to him. He had never looked at you otherwise. You were mistaken all those times. It was only you who had been feeling this way towards him. You had been trying to hide how much it hurt you, but this was undeniable.
You bowed your head, not daring to look up as a tear slipped down. It stung, but you couldn’t bear to wipe it. “I’m sorry.” You raced past him your long dress caught under your feet as you stumbled and caught yourself on the tree. The fallen leaves pulsed brightly as you disturbed them before they looked like falling stars settling back down. Heaving you collected the skirt of your dress and disappearing into the shadow and the dark night as you ran off.
He jogged forward, bewildered as he stood at the edge of the porch as you disappeared. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Heaving a sigh, he hesitated, something pulling within him to go after you. He turned around grumbling under his breath in a different tongue. He opened the door and closed it behind him with a bit of force. The lantern hanging on the porch swayed on the closing of the door until the wax tipped and the light went out.
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Nauseum swirled in your empty stomach, but you couldn’t bear to eat. Jimin would be coming soon. Your mind was foggy yet chaotic with many incomplete thoughts. You felt torn mind and heart; your stupid heart wanted to see him while your mind told you not to. However, you weren’t one to listen to the latter. Standing up on sore feet you make your way through the halls, girls you passed in hall looked at you with envy. You didn’t pay them any mind as you let your feet carry you with the muscle memory. Your feet crunched in the grass as you walked. You paused, the ground under your feet cold, you swallowing thickly, what if she was still there? Would she still be there? You had never seen someone come out of his room before last night. Your stomach churned with all the maddening thoughts. You swallowed it again though. That was none of your business. You were going to respect it, even if you didn’t like it. He was still Jin.
As you entered Jin’s yard your eyes widen, the porch door was already open. Your eyebrows furrowed; he was never up this early. It was always your job to wake him up. You paced slowly with your hands folded in front of you as you peered inside. Jin was sitting at his table already sketching with a steam cup of tea. You crept closer and sat on the edge of his porch. You knew he knew you were there, but he said nothing to acknowledge it. She wasn’t there.
It changed nothing though.
Sitting alone with yourself last night you realized a lot of things. You were twenty-three and if you ever wanted anything for yourself you couldn’t depend on Jin for the rest of your life. You couldn’t watch him be with someone else. You couldn’t watch him smile at someone else. You couldn’t watch him…love someone that wasn’t you.
The Mistress was right and this is how you’ll pay her back.
You were going to leave your childish self behind, even if that meant leaving him behind.
You crawled up closer and sat against the door frame taking a deep breath, holding the feeling before it slipped away. You couldn’t be sad. You didn’t want tears to be the last thing he remembered you by. One last time you asked. “Will you give me a tattoo Jin?”
Without looking up from his paper, “No.”
You smiled, a genuine laugh bubbled and lasted until your stomach began to hurt. In a way that was an answer you wanted. Maybe you didn’t want a tattoo to remember him by, but those words that he’s always told you. Not treating you any differently.
He finally looked at you with an odd expression of concern. Why were you laughing? None the less it made him smile.
Catching your breath, you turned away from him and gazed out at the yard, the morning light flooding and the dew sparkle on the grass in the garden was quite beautiful. Rays of sunlight filtered through the leaves of his tree creating a beautiful distortion on the grass.
He bathed his brush in the ink as he stared at you. You were too quiet. You had been off since last night. It sets his spine straight as he remembers what you looked like last night. The way you looked had replayed in his mind all night as he worked on that woman’s tattoo, even after he kicked her out.  “Butterfly?”
Your eyes had become glassy without realizing it and you wiped at the tears that were forming. You smiled wide, “Ah. Sorry, just remembered something.” You recounted, “Remember when we first met and how I broke your fence? And somehow you let me still come around even after that?”
Placating his earlier feeling he chuckled recalling the memory. The image of your once smaller being coming into mind. He stared at you for a moment, then taking a sip of his tea. You were still you. That thought made his smile widen. Nothing had changed since then, that was still the routine.
Feeling brave you looked over your shoulder enticed by sound of his laugh like a butterfly attracted to a beautiful flower. You took in that moment where everything feels like it was going in slow motion and you could count the lashes on each of his eyes. He was ethereal, almost too good for this planet, as he is. His features handsome, golden in the morning light.
You turned away from him. “Jin, I—someone bought me.” The confession spilled from your mouth like vomit.
His brush stilled on the page, ink pooling as the paper soaked it up willingly as he stiffened. You looked over your shoulder, quietly waiting for him to say something. You both held each other gaze. His eyes narrowed before he began painting again. In a tone too casual, “Don’t joke around Butterfly.”
“I’m not. I’m leaving today.” You didn’t know how to handle it from here, truly not even having expected yourself to have the gull to come over.
“Butterfly,” Jimin was making his way over towards you crossing the yard. He was dressed smartly in clothing you had only seen worn by wealthy humans. He was showing his true colors now that you knew. Jin furrowed his brows at the appearance of one of his best friends. Normally he would be glad to see him, but something felt off at his appearance. He had no appointments. Jimin was all smile as he came to stop in front of you. His eyes near sparkled as he greeted you. “Good morning, Butterfly.” He then turned towards Jin who was just watching. “Morning Jin, you’re up early.”
Jin nearly tossed the brush at him, even making the gesture. Jimin flinched out of reflex before Jin put down his brush. Seeing Jimin wasn’t just stopping by he stood up and walked until he stood at the edge of his porch right next to you. “What are you doing here Jimin?”
Jimin’s smile bloomed further crinkling at the corners. “I’m here to hear Butterfly’s answer.”
His eyes narrowed at Jimin. Your heart was pounding hard in your chest. Jin questioned, a low undertone of a growl in his voice. “Answer?”
Jimin stepped closer to you, his polished shoes crunching under the grass as he shifted on his feet. He grabbed your hand gently. “What is your answer Butterfly?”
You paused purposefully waited for something, an objection, a scoff, a laugh, anything. It was silent. It was silent except for the thoughts within your head screaming for something yet, the silence from him was louder than any scream, any thought you had. You resisted looking at Jin. You already had your answer. You decided this. You wanted this. You wanted had to do this. You wanted—this. “Yes.”
Jimin pressed a quick kiss to your hand, his plush lips soft. Your face and body heated up to a near sizzle. That was something you had never expected.
Jin’s visage was rumbling beneath barely containing control at the simple gesture from Jimin. He looked up to Jin before meeting your eyes. “We should be on our way Butterfly.”
“Let’s go home Butterfly.” Nodding you took his hand and slipped off the porch.
You paused, “Goodbye Jin.”
He said nothing staring at you as you realized he wasn’t going to say anything. You turned expressionless, matching his. You let go of Jimin’s hand  going back towards the Inn.
Jimin and Jin stared at one another, a certain tension in the air. Jimin’s face suddenly softened as his smile returned as he bowed to his friend before he followed in your direction.
Jin watched as the wind blew by messing up his hair, wisp of his bangs covering his eyes that had turned red. His hands clasped behind his back speckled like they were stained with dry ink.  
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The steam from his cup was flowing freely from the cooling tea. He found himself glancing up at the clock on the wall. His fingers rhythmically drummed on the table. He looked up to the clock again and found the small hand had only moved a minute. He had even left the screen door open. He had finished all his clients for a day. His wrist was sore with how many clients he had been taking on. He debated if he should cancel all his clients for the following day.
He checked the clock again and realized yet only another half a minute had passed. He heaved a sigh.
What was keeping you? Where you busy? Had they finally scolded you for the last time? He knows that you found a new route as you recounted your story of it in full detail. His customer had to hear the story that day too, but somehow, they were engrossed in your story. He laughed brushing the hair out of his face. He pulled at the strands, when had his hair gotten so long? You would trim it for him. Maybe he would ask you to trim it for him ton—.
It hit him hard when the sound of the clock ticking drummed in his ears, the memory hitting him.
You were gone.
You had been gone for weeks.
He sighed heavily as he stood up and went to the kitchen grabbing liquor. On his way back he opened the porch door, his body running too hot even for his comfort. He gripped onto the doorframe as he stared at the tree in his yard. It no longer glowed, it had been fading and fading until tonight, it no longer glowed. It was spring it was supposed to be thriving. He placed his hand over his chest and rubbed it in a circle, eyes turning amber. He sat down opening the bottle as he set up his ink block and opened his sketchbook to a new page. He took big gulps of the fermented amber liquid as the rucke flavor covered his tongue.
He had seen you at the marketplace. He had seen you with Jimin as you were perusing the shops. He found himself watching disregarding the shop owner trying to bargain with him. You had nodded along to something Jimin had said. You chuckled as Jimin raised a hideous dress to you then holding it up to him with a brow raised. He had never seen his friend so friendly with a woman. Jimin normally never was seen out with a woman, especially during daylight. The distance between you two was too close for comfort. Speaking of clothes, you were wearing a new dress, not the normal blue canvas one you always wore. Your hair was shinny and were well taken care of, rather than your normal tied up and messy, carefree taming. You were almost unrecognizable, like that night you came to him when he was working. By your gait he knew it was you. He could pick you out of a crowd of a thousand if given. It was almost intrinsic, you. 
He took another gulp of the beer, feeling looser as the liquid cooled his being. His eyes grew similar in color to the liquor as it filled him. He dipped the brush in the ink letting the black ink drip into the block. The way Jimin placed a hand at the small of your back and leaning into you played over in his mind. Swirling his eyes grew darker taking on a red hue before it morphed into hot iron.
Violent strokes scrapped across the page as the hair of the brush made a resounding slap as it hit the scroll canvas. His hand working sloppier as his hand got in the ink of the canvas blending in with his changing hand. Stroking forward, gliding it around as if on autopilot he created. He hooked the brush on the stand as he blinked blearily at the sketch. The alcohol already running heavily through his system. Exhaustion took over him as the buzz was shutting him down. He slumped over hand holding the paper as he sleep overcome him. His lips smacked.
He had painted a butterfly.
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You stared at the starless sky having spent the evening watching the sky turn from your windowsill daybed. The three moons had all shifted into the east sky nearly overlapping one another You felt restless. You weren’t allowed to do much, if anything. Jimin insisted he had servants to do things. He was confusing, had he not bought you to do the same? You were having a hard time adapting to his way of life and expectations. His life was completely different from what went on in Borgo. Tall, pristine white buildings with black tiles filled every street in the heart of Anisum. The roads were paved with stones versus the dirt you were used to. People used their given names. You hadn’t realized Anisa, the whole world was…so large. The heart was different as people were more standoffish and selfish, but the same could often be said of Borgo. But there you knew people, there was a sense of community even though everyone was different. Even those who came in from neighboring planets held this air of stature. It was the first time you had seen others from different planets as they government didn’t allow them into Borgo. You saw starship stations, things you had only heard rumors of existing. Of course you had seen them in the sky, but they were so much larger in person and up close. Beings of all skin color, stature and shape filled Anisum.
There was so much, but it felt hollow. This wasn’t home.
There was an ache that comes and goes, always returning in quiet moments.
Knocks sounded at your door and you sat up straighter. “Come in.”
Jimin entered and shut the door behind him with a winning smile on his lips. You matched it in greeting. He strides over to where you were, hands clasped behind his back, a habit he had when he was in front of other officials, but this felt mischievous.
“Someone’s in a good mood.”
He sat next to you gazing out the window. “The moons are beautiful tonight, what’s not to be happy about?”
Quietly you nodded. You enjoyed Jimin, he had been nothing but hospitable. He was sweet to say the least. You found out you had a lot in common with him and found yourself build a friendship. Yet, you didn’t feel…
“Are you happy Butterfly?”
Your cheeks heated and you tried swallowing the truth. He had been watching you this entire time you were lost in your thoughts. “Yes, I’m quite happy here.”
He laughed, face contouring comically. That was something you appreciated was he never put up the same pretense around you he had with others here. “Butterfly. I can see your unhappy.”
Waving your hands, “No! No really I’m—!”
“Butterfly, Butterfly, calm down! It’s okay, it’s okay!”
You hung your head in shame. You couldn’t look at him. You felt guilty admitting it even to yourself. You should be happy. You have everything now. All…you…ever…wanted.
Jimin leaned forward elbows resting on his knees. “I want to do something for you. Will you let me?”
You quirked an eyebrow at him in confusion. You weren’t one to deny him feeling burdened by his kindness. You didn’t like the way the feeling from earlier intensified, he was up to something. “Okay.”
He smirked up at you with a sly smile. “You won’t regret it. I promise.”
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His chest was rising and falling slowly as he draped his arm across his face. He wanted to pull up his comforter but in his drunken stupor he had only managed to lay his futon down last night. He had slept with the porch door open his body was feeling overwhelmed by an odd fever. His body was tingling with restlessness setting his joints steely. It had made him snappy and alcohol had been a hasty solution to the agitation in his veins. The slight hangover was still drumming in his head and the unsettling feeling in his bones returned. He let out a heavy sigh.
A shadow casted over him and a laugh tickled like a clear bell in his ears. His arm that was draping over his eyes fell away. He let your voice soak in, your words, the way your eyes meet his and didn't turn away. You were smiling down at him, a halo of light behind you. “Jin, it’s noon.”
He kept staring at you. He blinked closing his eyes for a few moments before he opened them again. You pinched his cheek and his face scrunched. “Did you drink too much again? I warned you not to drink so much.”
“What are you doing here?” Were the first words out of his mouth.
You pouted your lips then it fell into a smile in your signature tease. “I want a tattoo.”
“No.” He grunted, rolling over.
You quirked a brow eager for the challenge. “Today, I’m a paying customer.”
You hummed nonchalantly, unaffected. “The ones you drew for me never lasted; I want this one to last.”
He sat up on his side and pushed off walking towards the kitchen. You grabbed his hand before he could get out of reach. “Jin. I want this.” You tugged, Please.”
He pulled his hand out of your grasp. “No! No matter how much money you give me I won’t. You…you, you’re a –.”
You finished for him, “Child?” Instantly you felt defensive.
He had the semblance to look embarrassed. “Yes...a child.”
You had been doing a lot of thinking in the past few weeks; amplified last night since Jimin implanted this idea in you of what you’d say to Jin when you first saw him, but this had been something you had been holding in, wanting, for a long time. A breeze blew by shivering the leaves of the tree in his yard and it carried hints of Jin’s scent. Floral but inky, yet the accompanying scent of alcohol was distasteful. You scoffed, frustration finally bubbling to the surface. “Over and over again you’ve called me a child and told me not to get involved! But you know better than anyone else that I was never allowed to act like a child.” Ironically you were feeling flushed as he kept eye contact. “So, don’t get involved, treat me like everyone else —a customer. I’m not the Butterfly of the Inn anymore.”  
Your chest was heaving slight as you released all your suppressed emotions. He sat there for a moment before he got up. His blue robe billowing about him as he walked away. The silence always hurt more. A pang of hurt filled your chest. This wasn’t how you wanted it to be when you saw him again. You wanted to him to see you differently. See that you had done things on your own. You sat there, hand hanging in the air. Footsteps returned back lightly thumping on the floor into the room as he stood in the threshold of his kitchen with his jars. Your brows furrowed then it struck you why he was there.
“What do you want?”
You smiled eyes lighting up. Your stomach was doing somersault in excitement. “You know what I want.”
He nodded setting down his supplies and sorting them out. “Where? On your arm like always?”
You shook your head taking in a deep breath. “On my back.”
His face was neutral, but his ears were a burning red. He cleared his throat. He took a moment before he nodded. Your fist clenched on your lap in excitement, it was finally happening.
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Your heart was beat so fast. Your pride suddenly was asking to be swallowed. You had never been nude in front of others despite seeing nudity your whole life. Especially in front of Jin. You hadn’t really thought of the real implications of what getting a tattoo on your back entailed. Your hands were feeling sweaty.
“Did you changing your mind?”
You bristled at his question. You weren’t going to change your mind! Taking a deep breath and in a single motion you pulled your robe down and let it pool at your hips, while still clutching your hands over your bare chest with your sleeves. You decided to forgo an undershirt today wearing a thicker robe coat to compensate, but you wore a skirt as the robe wasn’t long enough to be a dress.
His jaw clenched as he tried to not clear his throat at the sight of your bare skin. He closed his eyes for a moment allowing the color to diffuse.
“Lay down.”
You carefully maneuvered and you laid down on the futon. It was quite eye opening how vulnerable and nervous you were feeling. When you settled, he only then moved. You flinched at the unexpected feeling of his large warm hands on your bare back. You both lacked to comment on your reaction. With his index he started at the top of your next and with his thumb of the same hand marking the end point, he inched his fingers counting how many he stretched. It was a simple touch, but it had your shoulders moved closer together as his index and thumb met at the small of your back. “Relax Butterfly.”
You nodded resting your face on your forearm.
The ritual began as you heard him open up the ceramic jars. The scarping of his wooden wire whisk as he mixed the ink fast then slow lifting at the end as he checked the consistency of the ink as it dripped off. The sound of fabric crumpling as he rolled up his white sleeve of his undershirt forgoing his blue robe. The first prick had you hissing through your teeth. You finally understood his customers wholeheartedly. He chided you, “Stay still.” A sound akin between a whine and aggrievance answered him, surprisingly putting a small smile on his face at your reaction. Your hand clenched and fisted the futon underneath you. He found it oddly endearing. Eventually you fell into his rhythmic pricking and the pain dulled out and was tolerable. He was gentle with feather light touches and pricks. Hours passed as he quietly painted you.
His needle was set on the table closing the session. “Done.”
You felt immensely sore, but immensely content at the same time. Carefully sitting up you carefully held your robe over your front as you looked over your shoulder. He was already staring at the four butterflies that flew up towards your neck starting at your lower back in varying sizes. You realized that was the first time you were truly seeing him. No pretenses as you looked at one another. He looked different. His tan skin somehow darker although you were sure he sat inside all day. His eyes having this shade under them that wasn’t there before. He looked ill. While he was tattooing, he must’ve dropped ink on himself, his hands were stained heavily, fingers nearly completely stained black. He was normally a clean worker, never or rarely staining himself. His eyes looked different, almost as if they had a golden hue like the setting sun. He stared at you, but they remained there with noticeable difficulty. Before you could inquire on his wellbeing his gaze tore away from your spine as he moved to close the jars piling them on the tray. His voice was strangely thick, “Clean it well.”
You twisted around facing him fully. “I’ve missed this.” You scooched closer to him stopping just short of brushing your knees to his. “I’ve missed you.”
Proximity was vital to him now as the fever within him returned. A cramp settling in his stomach at the dulcet tone of your plea. “Butterfly—.” His voice had depended as pleaded with you. The fact that he didn’t pull away made you believe in your favor. You ignored distance, holding the front of your robe together with one hand as you reached forward, hand instinctually wanting to cup his cheek. It felt like you were imagining things as you thought Jin was leaning towards you as well. Your fingertips grazed his cheek and the feeling washing over him in local pleasure but his stomach swirled stronger in contrast.
The spell was broken as knocks sounded at the front door before followed by echoes of it sliding open. Jin’s whine were concealed. “Butterfly! Are you done?” Jimin’s voice echoed down the hall.
The feeling disappeared from the air as Jin turned away from you. You didn’t answer Jimin as you stared at Jin who collected his stuff. He got up and the air had dramatically cooled around you as he began walking away towards his storeroom. You pulled your robe back up feeling vulnerable again. His blue robe crumpled on the floor reflected the light beginning to illuminate softly from the leaves of his tree outside. Your words had him pausing. “I have no more excuses to see you anymore. I can’t pretend I miss the Inn. I can’t make detours to this street from the main market without it being more obvious. Or say I want to see Cherry without glancing over and hoping your door is open.”
The tree outside shivered as the wind passed by.
Night was coming soon.
His footsteps continued.
Tears fell from your eyes, but as quickly as they fell, they dried. You tied the knot of your robe tight around your waist. You pulled out the satchel of coins and dropped it on the cleared table not caring to count or ask how much. Slowly getting up on sore legs as you walked towards the front door. Familiar pain can still made you nauseous. As you turned down the corner of the hall Jimin was waiting for you at the front door, hand extended out to you.
Eyes rimmed red and with the saddest smile you walked towards him with your own hand extended.
He sees it all, especially the way you don’t pull away or recoil this time when he holds your hand. There’s no reluctance or hesitation and somehow it makes his hold much looser this time after he can see the dullness behind your eyes. This wasn’t the reaction he had expected. He had thought this would be the answer. “Are you happy now Butterfly.”
“Yes, thank you.”
Jin appeared at the door silently, you hadn’t noticed but Jimin had. Jimin glared at Jin upset at the outcome. He couldn’t believe he was standing there after so calmly when you were clearly upset. Why was his friend so stupid and blind. Jimin neutralized his expression and it turned coy. It was his last coup before he gave up trying. Jimin stepped closer to you, near face to face as he leaned in to whisper loudly into your ear. Daringly he placed a hand on your hip as he pulled you closer to him. “Will you let me see it later Beautiful?”
You nodded not hearing his request despite his proximity and touch. Your mind was elsewhere.
Eyes glinting, his hand was still on your hip. “Let’s go home Butterfly.”
Your feet felt planted as if they had been molded, but uprooted as Jimin gently pulled you alongside him going towards the tall gate. You took a breath then a step towards. Your head swam with regrets, why couldn’t it all turn back to how it was. Maybe you still were a child yearning for him even after such clarity. The ink in your skin didn’t make you a woman. You were still you and he still didn’t want you. They say once bitten, twice shy, but I think for it's more like forever shy. Tears built in the corner of your eyes again, you felt stupid.
You reached the gate Jimin pushing it open until you were jolted by a sudden tug and onset heat. Jin twisted you around pulling you out of Jimin’s touch vicariously pushing Jimin away. You were face to face, a breathtaking sight as his figure towered over you. His eyes were fiery red, pulsing, replacing his black irises. His face feral with something wild you had never seen his gentle feature morph into. He seethed, “Don’t.”
The subtle smirk that Jimin had sent you had been the last straw. He had been holding back, composing himself for so long. He allowed Jimin to mess around, even buy you from the Inn, telling himself you were better off—safer that way. The last thread holding his senses together snapped as unadulterated anger filled him. The tattoo he had just given you was so intimate—his—and it was only his to see. You…you were only his, and all of you was for his eyes only.
You stared wide eye at him. “Jin…your eyes.”
You saw his face shift into horror as he realized he had let himself slip. He dropped your hand like he had been burnt. He brought a shaky hand up to his face as he began to stumble backwards rapidly. His eyes flicked to yours petrified. You blubbered, “Seokjin, you—.” He turned on his heel and ran back into his home, stumbling before he disappearing down the dark hall.
Your mind raced completely bewildered by the situation, yet as a sense of familiarity settled in. Those eyes. Flashes of those eyes. You had seen them in him before, but you had brushed it off as a reflection of light, the sunset, anything but…what you think it is. Those eyes belong to only one thing, the same ones that were outside your childhood home, the ones in your nightmares. You had thought it was just that though, a figment of your childish imagination, anything but real. But they’re just human like…weren’t they?
Jimin got up from the ground and jogged over to you. A heavy sense of guilt in his stomach, Gods, this wasn’t how it wasn’t supposed to turn out.  “Butterfly.” He shook your shoulders when you didn’t answer him. You blinked and looked at him.
Jimin looked at the house then back to you, “Listen Butterfly. I’m sorry Butterfly I-I—I.” You scrunched your brows, did Jimin know? What was going on.  “I just didn’t expect it to happen like this.” He pointed towards the house. Frustrated he grunted and he ran his hand through his hair, really, he didn’t expect this nudging to come this far.
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Yoongi’s cup of rucke was sitting just out of reach next to him as his fingers pressed the keys of his lap piano. Jungkook and Taehyung had taken it upon themselves to freestyle a song with slurred lyrics that weren’t lingual. Alcohol being the influence had all seven of them giddy, giddy too after seeing eachother after a while. After the meeting they brushed away all the blueprints. They had gathered around the floor table that was filled with empty and partially filled bottles, glasses, and plates Jin had prepared. Jin only hosted gatherings because of his ability to cook and the other naturally decided on their own his home was the epicenter of their gatherings. Taehyung had brought new ink for Jin in his recent travels in the system. Namjoon had brought political gossip what was going on in the higher courts. Jin, along with everyone joked upon a cheer cutting Joon’s monologue short about the shortcomings of the government. He thought they had closed the meeting already. Jin held up his cup, “To the next King, Namjoon!” Simultaneously despite the others partially listening cheered along.
Namjoon blushed mouth gaping like a fish. “Guys-alright, alright, I’ll stop. I’ll stop! But don’t come complaining to me when you can’t fuckin’ keep up next meeting!” The man absolutely blushed nearly dropping his ceramic cup of alcohol from snorting and dismissing the cheer. Even Hoseok, who was calmly laying on the floor as the first few sips had already rendered him chill, suddenly sat up and clanged his glass along with everyone else. The cheer didn’t diminish just to taunt him. It enticed them to sip more. It had always been chaotic when all of them gathered.
The porch door was propped open letting in the breeze and aerate the room full of men alike. Over the music of Yoongi was playing there was a light under hum of music coming from the Inn. When the room quieted Jin smiled at the siren like call. His ears were red, skin had been crawling with patches of ink and from his chest a light glow emitted shining through his shirt, robe long ago discarded and Jungkook was wearing it. He had been partially shifting all night. “Butter~~fly”
Jimin rolled over, hearing the murmuring coming from Jin. As he listened closer, he could hear the name Jin was mumbling. The urge to tease overwhelming him as he propped on table next to him. Jin rarely drank, only when they came over, usually too busy to bother with it and the effects.
“Jin, where’s butterfly? Why isn’t she here?”
Jin blinked slowly as he huffed out an answer, “Cherry probably.”
Hoseok’s ears perked up at the mentioning of the name before he slumped back down onto the floor.
Scooching closer to Jin, he unnecessarily whispered. “Hey, hey Jin!”
“Hmmm?” Jin’s eyes had closed, his brain signaling slowing down as the alcohol flowed through his system.
“Did you tell her yet?”
A shout of howls around the room picked up as a betting game had picked up. The arguments of who and what were the rules always took up the most of the time before the game even started.
He hummed scrunching his face not hearing Jimin clearly. “What?”
Jimin spoke loudly, “Did you tell her about you—you know?”
Jin’s head shot up, eyes fiercely glared at Jimin, pupils turning ember and suddenly sober. “No!”
Jimin pouted, clearly tipsy as well, and senses not picking up on the change in Jin. He scoffed, annoyed. He had been watching Jin for the longest time. He had known him since they were young. It was painful watching the two of you run circles around one another. You were painfully obvious, but painfully oblivious to the obvious. Jimin was naturally whiny when he was sober, but alcohol tended to intensify it. “Why won’t you tell her, she’s going to find out soon enough?”
“No!” His fingers gripping hard and scratched the surface of the table. Anger bursted like a flame, but his focus was still fuzzy, as he racked his brain for the right response. “It’s too dangerous.”
“Oh come on Jin.” Like a candle sparked Jimin got up using the table as a stabilizer.  
He stumbling towards the porch, passing the others who were slapping down cards and calling out counts. Yoongi was still playing his piano, although the beat had slowed down significantly. The others payed him no mind. Jin kept his eyes on him. A coy smirk pulled at Jimin’s lips, a single brow arched in taunt. “If you won’t tell her because your too pussy to do it. I’ll do it. It’s easy. Watch.”
Jimin had pulled open the porch, “Butterfly, I hope you hear this, Jin’s a—.”
Jin was up within seconds as he dashed forward and spun Jimin around pinning him to the wall. The force was hard enough that the wall shook. Jin’s pupils were dilated and irises completely red. A black veined hand was wrapped around Jimin’s throat. “Don’t. You. Dare!” He seethed the command through his teeth.
The room had grown silent all of them staring before instantly sobering. Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook stood up, black veins and red eyes emerging in all three. All three gathered the strength to pull Jin off Jimin. Although Jimin never lost his smile through the ordeal, laughing. He had dangled the bait and Jin caught it willingly. Jungkook was the strongest of the group, but Jin’s strength rivaled his often. The other two supported by maneuvering them off Jimin safely. Barking but not biting immediately the alcohol his Jin’s system hard as he slumped into Jungkook’s arms mumbling like a child. Taehyung held onto Jimin as Namjoon ordered Jungkook to lay Jin down, “He’s had enough.”
Taehyung supported Jimin as he brought him back to the table checking on him. Jimin waved everyone off, he was fine, Jin would never actually hurt him. Jostle yes, but never hurt. Hoseok checked him over before rubbing a knuckle to his head, “Ai-gu, you know better than to tease him about Butterfly when he’s drunk.”
Jimin giggled drunkenly as he brought his liquor up to his lips. “Are you guys tired of it too?”
He looked around and all of them had the same hesitant expression. “I don’t like secrets.”
Yoongi grumbled as his playing picked up again. The tip of his fingers dark too, but they began receding into his usual pale skin color. “Children in men’s bodies, all of you.”
The lot of them laughed.
Jimin’s eyes shifted over to Jin who had been haphazardly laid on his mattress already fast asleep. An idea popped in his mind, the fun wasn’t over.
Jimin held up his shot glass, “Cheers!”
Glasses clanked, “Cheers.”
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Your mind was racing, all the denial, all the fears came to life. ”J-Jimin?”
“There’s a lot you don’t know, Butterfly.” Jimin was uncharacteristically unkept and bent out of shape as he raced to explain.
The stake felt like it had dug deeper in your chest hearing that. Fourteen years…fourteen years and you never noticed he…wasn’t quite human? Guerra were human though, right? The eyes made you believe different. The images you had seen in your youth made you feel that you had just seen the surface. You had never imagined that he was…one of them. How….how had…you not known?
Who was Jin really? What…what was he?
Jimin had expected Jin to stop him the day he bought you, but Jin did nothing, as usual complacent when it came to you. He didn’t mean for it to come to this confession, just—a confession. He ran his hand through his hair a few more times before running his tongue over his lips. He held your shoulders, pleading with you, “Butterfly, I’ve made a mistake that I shouldn’t have. I just…I just didn’t want to see you in that Inn anymore either. You belong here. Here with him. Not with me, not at the Inn, here you belong here. I could see it, always have, the look you both give eachother. He’s scared right now, more than you are and he needs you. You’ve always wanted answers, now it’s here in front of you.”
He spun you around until you were facing home. Jimin pushed you forward again. “Go.”
You regained traction before you face planted and with a step forward you walked back towards home. With a hand on the doorframe you glanced back and Jimin nodded assuring you. You were trembling you didn’t know what to expect. A loud inhuman groan that sounded like a growl echoed from within. You turned around ready to run but Jimin stopped you turning you back, “Don’t be afraid! He won’t hurt you. He’ll never hurt you.” Holding onto that you took it to heart. Jin had never hurt you. You took a shaky step forward before you found your feet walking you inside. For Jin, you could do this for Jin.
The atmosphere felt different as you carefully walked forward hands trembling. You had seen that color in his eyes before but ignored it. The time Jin had pulled you down with him coming to mind as you saw specks of gold and red in his eyes. Maybe you did on purpose, the truth was heavy. The dark wooden floor echoed the sound of your footsteps in the near empty hall, the tall white walls felt endless. Deep shadows had settled in, but you knew exactly where to go. Standing at the sliding door of the main living room you could hear the sounds rumbling from within. Your hand reached for the ajar door. You needed answers, you wanted answers despite your churning stomach. You pushed open the rest of his main room door and stepped inside. He was heaving in the far corner of his room, nearly engulfed in the shadows.
An unsettling growl erupted from his throat. “GET OUT!”
You swallowed the fear that coursed through you at the unfamiliar hostility, physically refraining from stepping back like you had wanted to. This was still Jin. He was still Jin. You weren’t going to run away now. You closed the door behind you. “Jin, please.”
He growled louder turning slightly exposing his face that was still partially obscured by the shadows. He began turning and exposing himself slowly from the shadows. His white shirt was soaked through in sweat despite the temperature dropping rapidly as he turned around. Black strands of hair were stuck to his exposed forehead as his head was tilted back exposing his neck, lips parted as he heaved. His eyes were feral, red and fully dilated, as his brows knitted, and you could assume from frustration. He didn’t want you to see him this way as it was difficult for him to maintain eye contact.
“Are you alright?” You struggled to keep your voice stable
“You need to go now!” He commanded. The room because of him felt smaller than you remember, despite being in here not long ago. It was as if his being was an extension of the shadows as it crept the whole width of the room. His jaw clenched trembling with restraint.
“No, I’m not leaving.” You stated with confidence you weren’t sure. “I can’t, I can’t keep turning away and taking no for an answer.” You swallowed the words almost stuck in your throat. “Who are you? Why…why didn’t you tell me? Is this…is this why you kept pushing me away?” Tears began pricking at the corner of your eye.
The coal in his eyes returned with a sense of vulnerability accompanied by a ring of gold before it dissolved. He was silent, but you weren’t going to allowed it. You were tired, tired of rejection and being left in the dark. You tried reaching for him, “Please, Jin.”
“STAY BACK! DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!” He tossed his head back with a vicious snarl. Moment by moment he began to look wilder and more deranged as he shivered backing further into the corner. “Leave!”
“Jin your scaring me.” You retracted your hand back holding it to chest as if it would protect yourself. Jimin said he wouldn’t hurt you. You knew Jin wouldn’t hurt you.
He heaved strenuous breathes, imploring you, “You should leave.”
He appeared to be in a lot of pain and it was concerning. Reason caught up to you. Should you get Jimin? Jimin would know what to do. But you didn’t want to leave, what if he collapsed. “No. Let me get Jimin, he can help.”
At that he faltered, and he let out a high-pitched whine. “NO! Don’t go near him!” He couldn’t control it anymore. It was taking over. He had been resisting it for so long, trying to hide this part of himself from the world—from you. But you-- were the trigger. His knees caved and buckled until he collapsed knees spread hands in front of him for support. “I can’t—I can’t control it any—!” He let out another high pitch whine that turned into another vicious snarl. His nails scratched at the floor scrapping and causing curls of wood to coil in its trail. He sat up with flinging his head back as his spine arched. His bones began cracking and snapping as they reformed and elongate. You watched in horror as his skin shifted and his physique grew and filled out. His shirt tore as his already wide shoulders and chest expanded; pieces were hanging by the thread. His pants ripped at the outer and inner seams but remained on in his kneeling position. The sound of cracking and snapping had stopped; his already tall height had increased by at least another foot. His muscles grew and shoulders were impossibly wider to accommodate for his shifting into a giant.
Moonlight illuminated his kneeling figure that poured in from the frosted panes as night finally settled in. His name sat on the tip of your tongue just when you thought it was over. Instantly his tan skin then erupted in dark spots like ink soaking into a canvas. This part seemed to not be painful as he made no sound of protest. It began at his fingertips until it simultaneously became one and replaced his skin color with a color akin to charcoal migrating up his hand and forearm; it paused at his elbow and through the tears and holes in his shirt you could see the dark color began to branch off like veins over his upper arm as it trailed up. It looked like armor but engrained in his flesh as it settled.
Hidden under his sleeves it reappeared, creeping up his neck like veins. The pigment crept up his neck and over his jaw and marked half his face in an uneven crawl of black pigmented veins. At the same time his chest glistened as his torn shirt billowed around him as the veins began to trail on his chest towards his heart. Over his heart under his skin a circular patch began to glow white hot as Jin let out a guttural groan. It morphed and looked like molten fire was underneath and the shadow veins began encasing around it connected the fire to the rest of his body. It pulsed alongside his heartbeat.
Jin’s jaw suddenly unhinged open in a silent scream. From the pulsing core in a single hard pulse the fire like molt spread the molten glow replacing main shadow veins that were adjacent to major veins. Large strips over his arms were filled until it ended at the tip of his middle finger on both arms. A similar fire vein began creeping up his neck next to his jugular, over his jaw and up over his eye until it stopped at his hairline. It appeared like a molten scar down his face.
He had fought off the shift so long, only allowing small episodes, but he hadn’t shifted fully in years. It was overcoming him in such a powerful wave he had never experienced before. His sweaty black hair hung in tendrils front of his eyes as he heaved. The shift was complete.
This…this was your answer. This…was what a Guerra truly is. This was Jin.
This whole time you thought you had imagined that, a child’s rendition of a Guerra, a monster. You had thought they were only human like, but in all truth you were unaware of what made them different. This being hiding under a sheep’s skin. It was simply an apartheid to you. A giant shadow with glowing red eyes. The fire, the heat, it all made sense. You had seen them before and it wasn’t your imagination. Jin was…the word slipped from your lips. “Guerra.”
His head lifted eerily slow until his eyes met yours. When he opened his eyes blearily one was glowing red and the other, the shadowed was gold like the vein.
“Are you afraid?” In a strained voice he asked. “Want to run now? Now that you see the monster that I am.”
You shook your head side to side hands clenched at your chest. In all truth you weren’t afraid, not like you were earlier. The imagination and unknown were more terrifying than the truth. You knew the history, what they had done to your family, but that…that wasn’t Jin. He was still Jin. “No.”
Parroting you, “No?”
You slowly walked towards him despite the soft growls he emitted with each breath. In this form his senses were heightened and he could hear your heart beating hard in your chest. His nostrils flared as he took in your scent. His senses heightened in this new form. It smelled so sweet and enticing. He remained still fighting his baser self. You slumped down onto your knees in front of him. From this close up he looked even more formidable as if he had manifested from the cracks of Anise. Sweat began beading at your hairline from the heat he was radiating. “I’m not going anywhere. I don’t care that you’re a Guerra. I just—you lied to me. You never told me about this. Why? Why did you hide this from me?”
He shook his head, growling under his breath in an attempt to scare and evade you.
Feeling bold you reached forward placing your hand over his.  The simple touch had him shivering as he attempted to control the feeling of power thrumming through him. The inky skin felt calloused at contact, but oddly smooth when your smaller hand twined over his hand. His growling ceased as your simple touch had him slumping slightly forward towards you and it eased the tension in his being; tamed in an instant by your simple touch. You had so much control over him and you didn’t even know it.
His voice was deeper than you were used to as he spoke. “I had to hide it from you Butterfly. I’m not the only one Tae, Kook and Namjoon are Guerra too. We all have to hide it because of me—because of my family.”
You controlled your expression regardless of how much that additional fact hurt as much. They had hid it from you too. You kept quiet waiting for him to continue. When he reopened his eyes after taking a moment of silence, they sought yours in an act of bravery; pain swirled with the burgundy and it gripped your heart.  
“The Guerra used to fight in wars against the Titans to protect the universe—even humans. We are peaceful people, it’s in our blood to be protectors. Papa had told me that we were until the new rule took over and our race became…murderers. Invading planets, colonizing and destroying isn’t how we were supposed to be.”
You sat back on your feet trying to take your hand back but he didn’t let you. He tightened his grip around your hand and you returned the feeling to assure him you weren’t going anywhere.
“My family were personal guards for the royals for generations, but when my father saw that humans were being killed senselessly he couldn’t support stand by the regime anymore. It wasn’t who we were, Guerra—we don’t hurt. We don’t hurt unless someone hurts us or our loved ones.” He voice shook hurrying his words and making them almost indescribable. His thumb was running over the back of your hand in an act of self-soothing. He licked his lips before he began, knowing what he was about to say would probably hurt you, “The war.”
Your hand squeezed his back at the mentioning like he expected. His hands itched pull you into him, protect you from the truth, but for now he had to be content holding you like this; because you may not want to much longer. His head tipped down and his long, black hair curtained over his face. “Our parents…started it.”
Your eyes widened impossibly. Panic settling within you as the painful grip his eyes wrapped around your heart squeezed. “Jin, what? What are you saying?”
He shook his head, strong voice pulling your attention back center, “Listen Butterfly, I know this is a lot, but I need you to listen. You wanted to hear it, and I’m telling the truth.”
“Tell me.”
“Kook’s dad was also a guard with my dad and they both worked together to gather evidence against the regime. His mom was a maid in the palace and would sneak letters to Joon’s dad who worked for the universal courts. They were building a case against the regime.”
“My father found out the regime had been planning a genocide. A full take over Anise to erase all the humans. My father had Kook’s human mother spread the word amongst other palace maids and it spread quickly outside the palace. Kook’s dad was a Guerrian guard too and called his friend, Joon’s dad, who was a member of the universal courts and told him of the conspiracy. They warned people, but it was too late, the war had started and they captured my father. They killed my father and Kook’s…my mother died sacrificing herself to save me and Papa. This house was my mom’s house before she was sold off to the palace to work. Tae’s family was upper Guerrian, an old friend of my parents, who were entrusted to help us escape the palace and come here.”
The face of your mother comes to mind. The face of your father you had lost to the red letter. Your siblings. The ones who came in for tattoos. So many people had been lost.
“After the war the courts made it illegal for Guerra to shift to protect the humans, but there was so much….destruction, so much pain left. It’s not how it’s supposed to be.” He slipped his hands from yours as he looked at his hands with detest. He clenched his fist and the core on his chest brightened. “The war may be over, but its not for me—for us. There’s another uprising soon and the regime plans to strike again. The regime still has plans and if they found out, that a Kim and the others involved in the coup had survived then they would come for me—and you if you were with me. I’d be killed on the spot.“
Tears flowed freely as you sobbed. It explained so much and filled so many gaps. Your heart ached immensely you had no idea he was holding in so much. There was so much you had no idea about, yet the underlying emotion of fear was present. You could lose him, there was another war on the horizon. You could lose him like you lost everyone else. You could only whimper his name.
He sighed and smiled as he wiped your tears. You were too kind with a heart that was too big. It was something he had always loved about you. His hot hands cupped the side of your face, they were so large it curled around the side of your head. “I did this to protect you. You are not safe with me, Butterfly.”
You leaned your head into his touch with your hand going over his and the other on his wrist to hold him to you. You hadn’t realized how much he was holding in and how painful it must’ve been. He had the others, but you know the loneliness he must’ve felt not having his parents and to suddenly carry such a heavy burden. You didn’t have words for how badly you felt for him, but you knew you felt so much. You felt brazen and nothing mattered anymore that everything was out now. “I love you Jin. I don’t want to be without you.”
Hearing the words he feared the most he pulled away from you. In the haste of his motions his torn shirt fell off him like scraps further exposing his shadowed body. Molten veins were pulsing faster along with his core mimicking his heartrate, but the most intense radiation came from the scar like vein that transverse his face. They were glowing at you as his expression scrunched. “You don’t get it! I can’t drag you into this. They’ll kill you too Butterfly. They’ll kill you!” He stood up and your face barely came up his knees. His torn pants were hanging loosely around his waist, and you could see more of the veins shadow and molten on his body through the rips. Shifting on his heels he began backing away from you. He felt the need to defend his one last secret he had been guarding carefully with his whole soul for years. His tone flat, “Leave. Leave and don’t come back.”
His words were like a catalyst causing you to stand up. There was much to fear in life, but you were exhausted letting it be the ultimate hurdle. You were afraid of the future, but a future without him was terrifying. He backed up with every step you took forward to maintain that vital proximity. “I don’t care!” You shouted over his rambling. Tears streamed down your face again. “Don’t, don’t make me leave again. I can’t do it again. None of this scare me, nothing scares me more than not being with you. I don’t care that you’re a Guerra, or that I could be in danger by being with you. None of that compares to the pain of being without you! I was miserable at Jimin’s. I couldn’t—can’t stop thinking about you. Everyone, everyone threw me away, even my own family, and the only time I’ve felt like someone cared was when I was with you. Don’t… leave me too…please. I love you.”
Each declaration chipped away as him like he was taking bullets. You could see his face soften as his resolve was crumbling. It was minute but you caught it, you knew him like the back of your hand. It was the same one before he always caved and did whatever you asked. You moved forward going on your tippy toes as you grabbed onto his shoulders and yanked him down to you forcefully. Your lips met skin, but it wasn’t his lips. You had missed his lips and had planted your lips against his chin. You pulled away sitting back on your heels but your hands were still on his shoulders. You head dropped as disappointment overwhelmed you. “Ha, I’m still a child after all.”
He tipped your chin back, his red eyes meeting yours with so many intense emotions love, sorrow, adoration, and fear. You were fearless, always doing whatever your heart desired. You were braver than he could ever be. He was afraid just as much as you were, but here you were jumping into his truth with no gripes. He held you there, held you in his eyes as if the world was within yours. With each second that passed, his feelings of guilt and remorse began to leave him. “No.”
He dipped down capturing your lips in a gentle press hoping to convey all his thoughts. All air left your lungs and it kicked your heart into overdrive. He gently moved his lips against yours and you could only describe his mouth against yours as a furnace. You were unsure of what do as you had never kissed before. Coming to your senses you began moving your lips against his plump lips softly and hesitantly. Skinship was casual between you too, but this level of intimacy was new to you. A low, drawn out groan that held a mix of relief, happiness escaped him as he felt you reciprocated. His hand that was under your chin shifted as he gently cupped your neck. Although you didn’t want to you pulled away for air overwhelmed and unprepared.
“Butterfly,” he whispered huskily against your lips. The air around you grew warmer if possible and heavier around you, and it felt familiar yet new with the desire that began to well within you.
He dipped down and picked you up as if you weighted nothing, his strong arms barely flexing in the motion. Earlier he had to strain and lean down and hunch over to meet your lips. You naturally wrapped your legs around his narrow waist. Jin’s body had always felt overheated to you, but it meant safe and security. It had your body heating up with arousal. He mumbled to himself almost, “You’re so small—so precious Butterfly.” You wanted to refute, you were quite average for a human, but he gave you no such chance.
“Jin—mpf!” He chased your lips this time with unrestrained desire and furiously that had you gasping and glad he was holding you securely to him. Your nails scratched unwittingly against his thick neck and tangling your fingers in his wet hair causing a long, low groan to rumble from deep in his throat. The vibrations sent desire thrumming through your veins. If this was what kissing was like you were upset, you hadn’t done this sooner. His tongue poked out and swept over your bottom lip before he took it between his teeth. It had you moaning tightening your grip in his hair that had him reciprocating the sound. He had greater lung capacity than you and it was evident in the way his voracious kissing never let up. Everything was happening so fast, but you were willingly falling in. You escaped his lips and when you pulled away there was a borderline animalistic growl he released. You couldn’t help the chuckle you released at his sound. You rested your forehead against his and holding his cheek. Teasing him back, “So precious.” He lightly tapped your thigh catching onto the gest. You pecked his lips as you giggled, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Your breathes mixed and he was staring at your puffy and bruised lips. Prideful that it was his doing. “Mine.” His hands tightened on your legs and slid up your tights trusting you to stay put. He gripped and kneaded your hips and you gasped at the possessive touch. A wave of heat went up your spine as you shivered, calling his name. A smirked pulled at his lips, he liked the way that sounded. His lips continued as he kissed the corner of your mouth moving to your jaw. His mouth trailed down until he pressed searing, sloppy kisses on your neck suckling and leaving marks behind. A needy whine that melted into a moan left your lips as he scrapped your hypersensitive flesh with his teeth.
He panted against your neck, unable to hold back his thoughts. “This is wrong.” Despite his protest his tongue poked out tasting your skin. He showed no signs of slowing down or stopping. Your hands squeezed his muscular shoulders holding onto him tighter. You felt small and vulnerable against this expansive figure. You whispered into his ear as you leaned forward. “If this is wrong then I don’t want what’s right.”
He pulled his face from your neck and met your eyes with a look you had seen customers give Anemonas—lust. You knew he saw the reciprocal want there. “Gods, you’re going to be the death of me Butterfly. Do you know what you’re doing to me, what you do to me?” He rested his forehead against yours pecking your lips, all for himself so he wouldn’t succumb to the ravenous urges. He had surrendered fully to you. He adjusted you in his arms pulling you closer. In the action your chest brushed up against his and your crotch pressed against his member that had been forming. You mewled tucking your face into his neck at the arousal it sent through you. He chuckled at the cute reaction. He knew you were a virgin. “We don’t have to do anything.”
You shook your head, “I want this. I’ve waited for you long enough. I want all of you.”
He was back on you. He kissed you deeply weaving one of his calloused, inky hands on the back of your neck so he could deepen the kiss further. Night had settled in encasing everything in darkness with the lanterns unlit in the dark room, but you both hadn’t noticed the change. He was radiating a bright copper light from his being. It was enough to cast a mood light as if he was a lantern burning. You didn’t realize he was moving too lost in the feeling of him. The futon was still laid out from your session. Carefully he sat down with you straddling his lap, the whole time he was aware of your back. The skirt you wore had ridden up so far it was exposing nearly all your lower half. He chuckled when you whined as he broke the kiss, the irony. He teased nosing around your temples then neck taking in your scent that was getting sweeter. “You couldn’t stay away could you, Butterfly? You couldn’t listen to me huh?” You mewled as he squeezed your hips. His hands trailed up falling in the dips and curves of your body.
When his hands began to caress your sides, you felt as if your heart was beating outside of your body. It drummed manically, alive only to the sensation of his touch. How long had your body craved for this? Imagining what it would feel like to have his hands on you like this? Even his touch above the material of your robe was enough to suffice and have you feeling manic internally. You felt him everywhere, his palms burning their way to the skin. Over your robe his hands cupped your breast, thumbs rubbing over your nipples. They hardened under the motion. Your thighs squeezed around his muscular ones as you moaned. Your arousal was building as you felt your core stirring.
“I’ve thought about this before.”
Something in your stomach flipped. “R-really?” You stuttered as his warm hands kneaded harder. He kept his eyes on you while he kneaded and pinched at your nipples watching your reactions.
He chuckled lightly, “There’s so much I want to do you.”
“I want to touch, kiss every inch and hold all of you and feel you bare against me.” You had never heard lewd words coming from his mouth before.
You wanted that too. You reached up and undid the knot of your robe and let it fall from your shoulders. You held your hands over your chest, what if your chest wasn’t too his liking?
As if he could hear your thoughts, “Your beautiful my little human.”
You flushed at the nickname and pulled your hands away from your chest, trusting him. You allowed the sleeves to completely fall off you, robe forgotten. He went for your waist instead of grabbing at your breast like you expected. It was always what the men at the Inn did. They always groped at them as if they were drowning, but Jin held your waist still so gently. The looked mesmerized as if he had never seen a more beautiful sight and it had your heart skipping a few beats. “Beautiful, Butterfly.” Your eyes met, and you felt no shame, only love.
“Touch me.”
His hands caressed your abdomen with featherlight touches, although the slight callous to his hands were a welcoming friction. His fingers cupped your breast fully spilling into his welcoming hands. He massaged lightly and pinched at your nipples. Light pleasure traveled into your lower half filling the reservoir. His mouth accompanied his hands. His tongue delicately brushed against your right nipple. Your back arched into the feeling. His tongue felt hot as he teased it around the nipple before his lips encompassed it and he suckled. He took his time tasting you as he moved to your other breast when he felt the other had been marked enough and nibbled to tenderness. He looked up to you and his blazing, wild eyes had you moaning, he looked like he wanted to devour you.
It didn’t sound real to his ears the soft sounds of your moans and mewling. It had him wanting it more, and louder. He released your breast with a soft pop and his mouth was lightly glistening with his own saliva. While holding your unfocused gazed in his he trailed one hand down your navel finding your center over your skirt as he cupped you. You gasped, “I want to see all of you.” He had his hands dipping into the waist band of your skirt and tearing it along with your underwear. It ripped like wet paper as he tossed them somewhere in the room. “Jin!”
You whimpered instantly surprised by his strength again. In that moment you were reminded you were with a Guerra. You tried closing your legs but because of your position it didn’t allow you too.
“Don’t care, need you.” He didn’t want to afford having you moving off him. He inhaled taking in the scent of your arousal and his eye color deepened from red to a blood orange. “Gods, you smell divine.” He whined, suddenly pleading with you, “Please, butterfly, let me touch you. Please.”
You couldn’t resist, as much as you felt shy you wanted to feel him. You wanted it too. You nodded. He shook his head, “Say it. I need you to say it.”
“Touch me Jin.” You got out breathily. He groaned, enjoying the sound of it coming from you.
One finger dipped between your legs and ran up and down your slit. His touch was hot and it didn’t take him long to switch to two fingers coating both of his hands in your slick. “So wet for me little human.” You flinched every time he ran his fingers over your clit. He was so Intune with you as he quickly picked up on your reactions and what had you mewling as he swirled his fingers over your clit in a circular motion. His other hand had trialed back up and was groping at one of your breasts in time with his other hand. His mouth latched onto your neglected breast biting softly at the nipple before he suckled it to soothe the ache. You were drowning in euphoria at his simple touches. “So sensitive.” He commented out loud unaware he was even speaking. You moaned as he played with your body expertly.  You had a moment of wonder. How did he know how to touch you so well. How did he know the female body so well when you hadn’t seen or heard of him having any partners? You pushed against his shoulders as your breast made a resounding pop out of his mouth. You combed his hair with your fingers, “Did you?”
He looked up, breathing hot air over your nipple unwilling to part with your body. You resisted the urge to flinch at the tingling feeling. Gulping, embarrassed by your insecure feelings. “Did you…with her, that woman that night?”
He was lost in the furrows of lust it took him a moment to register what you were asking. He laughed sitting up straight finding your eyes level with him. You hated that he was laughing, but he placated you quickly. “No.”
He spoke honestly, “I’ve laid with women before, but I never enjoyed it, not like this. Nothing will ever compare to this, to you. I never loved them. It was to rid myself of my urges for you. I never wanted to hurt you. I only want you.”
Oddly, you didn’t care that he had others, because right now you were here—and going to be forever. You froze in his lap, did he, did he just say he loved you?
Tears pricked at your eyes again, “You love me?”
He smiled, “I do.”
You didn’t know what to do with yourself, you were bubbling over with happiness as a stray tear fell. You pressed your lips to his and he returned the gesture eagerly laughing lightly at first at your excitement. Your bare chest pressed together and it felt so good feeling his bare skin. You felt like melting. His head tipped down exposing his thickened neck as he moaned. The veins on his neck looked like rivers of fire and deep canyons in where the shadow veins took place. You wanted to kiss it like he had yours. Your lips pressed gently over his and it had his eyes rolling back. The fire river like veins that trailed adjacent to his jugular were sensitive. His hips twitched rubbing against your bareness and it had you clutching at his shoulders tightly as you moaned louder than you had before. He made a similar nose under his breath. Egged on by the sound you kissed his neck generously until his skin was damp. You were surprised that despite the change his skin tasted like skin. Although there were hints of smokiness to him now along with his natural floral scent.
He allowed your hands to trail around his chest and large shoulders feeling his skin. His skin felt so soft until you reached the inked skin that felt slightly calloused. One thing that always had struck you odd was that Jin never had any tattoos, now you understood why. His bare torso was a sight to behold and the shadow and molt designs were predatorial. You let your hand trail down his chest and settle over his crotch. A strangled noise left him. He let you experiment and run your hands over the bulge. “Let me see you too. I want to see you Jin.” You were curious, you had seen human male client’s nude before on accident, you wondered if Guerrian anatomy were similar. You assumed as much since their non shifted form was human-like. Just from the outline you already had an idea he was large. “Please. I want to make you feel good too Jin.” You were too cute to resist.
From underneath you he used his hands and ripped his pants apart and tossed the flaps around. He wasn’t wearing undergarments. His length was standing erect against his navel. When you finally saw it you felt a mix of emotions thrill, anticipation and fear. The length and thickness was intimidating, but his large size must be normal for a Guerrian. Surely, he was much larger than the males you saw at the Inn, but that may have been down to your inexperience. His cock was just a bit darker than his natural skin color, but at the thick base the inky pigment ombred into his skin color. On the shaft smaller capillaries of fire ran up the shaft to the tip. Two, large, adjacent shadow and molten veins ran on the underside of his cock leading to the bulbous tip and disappearing into the slit. The tip was leaking thick fluid that was almost gelatinous.
Late at night when service was done sometimes the other servant girls would stay up and talk in your room. Some tips and trades were exchanged that weren’t recipes that they had gathered from Anemonas. Pulling from your bank you grabbed the base of his cock and your fingertips barely touched and it already felt heavy in your hands. It swelled slightly growing firmer in your touch.
“Ah-fuck, Butterfly!” You retracted your hand thinking you hurt him. His cock made a resounding slap against his stomach as you let go. He grasped your wrist, “No, don’t stop, it’s okay. It-it feels good.”
You nodded grasping him again and his expression scrunched. Your small hand felt great, even though your grip was loose. It was you touching him and that already had him on edge. He felt like he could cum any moment.  
“Is this good?”
He groaned, nodding, gods, you were so innocent and it made him wan to defile you even more.
You ran your hand up and down the shaft using the precum that had leaked over the tip to coat him in his own esscence. Out of curiosity, you brought up your fingers coated in his precum to your lips and wrapped your lips around his fingers. The salty, bitterness that greeted your taste buds was a harsh contrast to what you had imagined. The girls always in the throes of it had moaned how good they tasted. It wasn’t bad, just unexpected. You are swallowing every little drop of precum from your fingers.
He lost it as if awakening the feral Guerrian part within himself he had been controlling. He grabbed your hand as it reached for his cock again. He grunted, huffing through his teeth, “Next time.” You whined trying to reach for him again, his grip tightened on you. His eyes were blown out wide, “Butterfly. Next time.” He kissed your pouting lips. “Right now, I want to feel you.”  
You shifted over his crotch, but his hand found itself between your legs again. You looked at him questioning. “I need to prepare you to receive me.” You blushed at your eagerness then nodded in understanding. Switching back to one, his finger circling your entrance carefully. You could hear yourself, sticky as you coated the pad of his finger, and you fidgeted, wanting more but still feeling nervous. On cue, he slipped the digit inside you. Your velvet walls squeezed around the intrusion and you winced. His fingers were smaller than his cock, but way bigger than your own fingers. You whined, but he pressed kisses to your lips gently pulling you in a passionate make out. His finger began moving deeper within you and he swallowed each of your noises. “If you can’t take my fingers how are you supposed to take my cock, little human?” You panicked thinking he wasn’t going to put it in you. “No, Jin, I can take it. I can take you.”
He smirked, but underneath he was also a bit concnerned. You were so small compared to his current figure. If he was in his human form there was only a small difference, but he couldn’t shift back now. You grinded against his hand sending a wave of pleasure overriding the pain. The dulcet sound encouraged him, to continue prepping you. This time your walls accepted him sucking his finger in with a desperate need, locking him in placed. He explored you a little, dragging and rubbing inside you, trying to stretch you for what was to come.
“Let me add another finger.” You nodded as you felt him pull his digit out and press another finger up to your twitching entrance. He pressed in and the initial sting hurt as well as the push inside. He rubbed your hip with his other hand in soothing circles. Shifting his hand around he pressed at your clit with his thumb rubbing similar circles. You moaned into the touch as his fingers began to sink into your cunt. He began pumping his fingers into you and the reserve you had been building was soon becoming too much. You had no idea this could be so pleasurable. The woman at the Inn never bragged that sex was this great, always stating it was dull at most.
“Jin? Jin somethings happening, something’s coming.”
He captured your lips increasing the pumping of his fingers and circling around your clit. “Come for me Butterfly, come all over my fingers.”  
Your walls clenched around his fingers and suddenly you were bursting, creaming all over his fingers. He slowed his pace down a bit until you whined. Both of your eyes were blown out and unfocused already despite him still not having his cock in you. The pleasure was already so good. Your scent of arousal had flooded the room and it was making his brain hazy. He pulled his fingers out of you and popping them into his mouth. He groaned at the sweet taste of your essence. It was like junq and cream. It was just as sweet as the rest of you. “My fucking gods Butterfly you taste so good.”
You were panting body still twitching over him. Oddly you didn’t feel exhausted but you wanted more, you wanted more of him. As if he could sense it he captured your lips pressing you for a lasting kiss mixing your tongues. You could taste yourself on his tongue but you didn’t mind it. “Butterfly, I want to lay you down, kiss every inch of you. Taste every inch of you. But for right now, I want you to ride me.”
You nodded and with his help you hovered above his tip, letting him settle against your opening. He moved his cock against your slit collecting your previous cream. “Do you want my cock little human?” He asked still keeping a seductive tone, but he was worried, holding your hips in place.
“Yes, I want this.”
You took his cock from his hand and brought it up to your entrance. You were trembling slighty but you pressed down letting your hips fall. His fingers were definitely smaller than his cock, but you were glad he prepped you. He watched you letting you take him at your pace. The sting burned and you felt like you were going to rip as you kept taking in his tip. With the head in you paused chest heaving at the tight fit. You struggled, feeling a little foolish. He was strong as he was supporting your whole body weight with a single arm while he leaned back on the other to get a better look at you. He groaned at the way he watched your pussy suck in his cock and it disappeared in you. You paused with just the tip of him in. You were so tight holding him in a vice grip. He felt like a young Guerrian again, he felt like he could come at any second but he fought hard against it. With encouraging words to distract himself and to help you slowly you sunk fully onto him to the base. His cock was so hot, hotter than the rest of his body and it was throbbing within you. Unable to resist anymore he pressed his hips upwards sinking further into you until his whole cock was in you. You cried out loud back arching as you could feel him all the way in your stomach.
You felt heavenly. He pulled you closer to by the waist and encouraged you to wrap your arms around him. The slight motion had you whining but he hushed and assured you. His lips found yours, unable to resist, as his tongue and yours moved against one another.
“You don’t belong in anyone else’s arms but mine.”
You squeezed at his shoulders.
You nodded and with the help of his hands on your hips he dragged you up to the tip of his cock. On the drag down moans tumbled forth from your parted lips, mouth dropped open at the intense pleasure. His grip on your hips tightened as he helped you repeat the action and soon you were riding him. You were fucking him  He moaned your name. Hearing him use it in this context set your body alight. He proved to you just how much he liked what you were doing, no matter how inexperienced you were by being vocal. You hadn’t expected that from him as he was normally quiet and introverted.
“Turn over for me.”
Carefully you twisted in his lap and the noise his cock slipping out of you was sloppy enough with the mix of both of your juice it had a flush rising to your cheeks. You allowed him to move you so that your back was facing him. Gently his fingers moved over your freshly tattooed skin. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the center of your back, one for each butterfly. You were gorgeous in his eyes, nothing could compare to you. “My Butterfly.” He kept moving you until you were on all fours, ass up and bent just right for him. With his other hand he brought his cock back to your entrance and pressed inside you. It had you moaning at the new feeling and it felt he was going deeper inside you. Slowly he maneuvered so you could get used to it before he was pounding into you. You felt encompassed by his large being. Your elbows collapsed under you as your face was on the mattress. You turned around looking over your shoulder. He looked delirious as he pumped himself into you. It had your walls clamping down on his length. He grunted losing himself in the pleasure.
“Gonna cum Butterfly?” You nodded. He reached around your front fingers finding your clit. It had you mewling and squirming. He pressed down onto you nearly laying himself over you as he kissed your shoulder.
“My good little human. Mine. All mine.”
You couldn’t hold it anymore as you came. His cock swelled slightly, molten vein within you brightening as he neared his end. A high pitch whine escaped you as he increased his pace. “Jin! Oh my gods, Jin!” He thrusted harder and deeper inside you. He was lost in the pleasure. His pace was becoming sloppy as he came coating you walls in his thick cum. He twitched above you as he kept cumming, filling you fully with his seed.
You whined as you collapsed underneath him. His cock slipped out of you, but you both didn’t care about the mess. He fell next to you on the mattress, both of you were heaving. Turning you over carefully onto your side so you were face to face with him he brought you into his chest with his hand draped over your waist. You were beyond sweating and overheating, but you didn’t care. You wanted to be in his embrace. Your hands rested on his chest. He dipped his head down and your lips lazily worked against one another.
Pulling away, you blinked sleepily. His eyes were trained on you with a similar soft expression.
“I love you.” In a raspy voice that sounded heavy with sleep, he confessed.
You giggled pecking his lips. “I love you too.”  
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You blinked as light shined in from the porch resting the urge to tuck yourself back into the comforter. You turned over onto your side sitting up, pushing the hair back from your face. Inhaling deeply fresh air. You look towards the source of light that ultimately woke you up coming in from the porch. You promised yourself it was only going to be a short nap, but the sky outside was already darkening.
Jin’s wide shoulders were hunched over as you could see one of his arms moving. You crawled over towards him. He had set up station on the porch as the weather had gotten much warmer. When you reached him you wrapped your arms his waist plopping your chin over his shoulder. You peeked his cheek, “Hello.”
He hummed twisting his head around to peck your lips quickly. “I didn’t want to wake you, you were sleeping so good.”
You groaned but it was endearing to him. You planted your chin back on his shoulder. He held your hands tightly still. His black inked hands with the fire veins exposed freely as he worked.
“Something came for you.”
You perked up at that. He let go of one of your hands and dug into his robe coat pulling out a letter. He held it between his fingers. “It’s for you.”
You lit up at the sight of the letter. Had Cherry written you? You wondered if her and Hoseok had finally tied the knot since they moved from the city. You crawled around front and sat yourself in his lap and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You flipped it over a few times, it had your name on it but it was addressed from a place you didn’t recognize. For sure this letter wasn’t from Cherry.
“Who’s it from? Are you sure this is the right Y/n?”
He propped his head on your shoulder like you had earlier. “It’s right.”
You pulled at the side seal and dug your finger in ripping it open. You pulled out a letter and quietly read it over. He tightened his grip around your waist as you were the quietest you’ve ever been. Your eyes grew bleary and tears began to slip down your cheek. You turned around in Jin’s lap, hand shaking, “How? How did you?”
He smiled wiping your tears from your eyes. “I had to do a lot of research, but I found her. I sent her a our wedding picture. She sent her blessings and this letter for you.”
You were ugly sobbing as you pressed your face into his shoulder as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. Your mother hadn’t forgotten about you and was very proud of you as she wrote in her letter. She was proud of all you had done for humans and Guerrian alike. In the letter she said she had tried looking for you but wasn’t allowed into the capital all those years ago. She never stopped thinking about you. With the liberation and breaking of the apartheid after the two-year war a few years ago, she was finally free to come to the capital and she wanted to meet you. Your siblings are doing well. There was nothing about your father. But this letter, that’s more than you could’ve ever asked for.
He held you tightly in his arms. When your tears dried you leaned back and pecked his lips. “I-you’re—I-I love you so much.”
He smiled and captured your lips with his, “I love you too.”
You smiled clutching the letter closer to you. Shyly you pulled back holding out your forearm. “Paint one for me?”
He took your arm and pecked the skin, “Anything for you Butterfly.”
The ink was always cold, but his warm hand was enough to counter it. With a last stroke he painted a butterfly on you. You held your arm up to the sky that was painted in an array of colors welcoming the sunset.
Everything was alright.
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Copyright 2020 by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.
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tribbetherium · 4 years
The Late Therocene: 65 million years post-establishment
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Nosy Neighbors: Walkabies of the Late Therocene
While the boingos of Ecatoria, starting with the striding boingo, eventually mastered bipedal walking and gave rise to the giant, plodding drundles, their smaller cousins in Easaterra, the oingos, would also independently develop this upright means of locomotion, producing the walkabies: a group of small browsers that, like the striding boingo, would find pentapodal crutching an inefficient means of locomotion and thus become bipedal walkers. Eventually, these oingos would become obligate walkers and even runners, feeding mostly on bushes, low branches, fruits, seeds and the occasional insect.
Their browsing habits would favor the evolution of a prehensile upper lip for grasping and plucking food higher above the ground. With the split lip of rodents allowing for extra dexterity, they would eventually develop short, tapir-like trunks with a three-lobed tip: short, stubby and somewhat comical-looking, but well suited to grasp vegetation and pull it into their mouths, able to reach food that their much-shorter arms could not.
Some species have remained fairly basal and primitive, being low-ground browsers of the forest floor. One such species is the speckled walkaby (Ambuloingo variegata), which forages on the forest floor of Easaterra's temperate forests for leaves, fungi, lichens, mosses and even insects such as termites from time to time. Its somewhat taller cousin, the slender-footed birbaroo (Ornithoingo gracilipus) roams a similar range, but is instead a browser that feeds on bushes, shrubs and flowering fern-analogues.
But other walkabies have turned to another, more impactful diet: brightly-colored, low-growing fruit, of which they are important seed dispersers. With a fruit-eating diet came selective pressures for better color vision to find their food, and as the walkabies began to see their world in a different spectrum, soon came a more distinctive trait: brightly-colored display. A majority of mammals on Earth are colorblind, and thus are limited to dull browns, yellows and greys or at best black-and-white contrast to display and signal, but primates, with superior color vision, have more vibrant hues: the brilliant coloration of langurs and mandrills comes to mind, and here, the walkabies have done the same. Able to run from their predators and seeking refuge in groups, camouflage became less of a priority in some species and visual social communication more, such as the flame-faced lavaroo (Pyroingo magmae), whose orange, yellow and black facial fur help individuals in a group recognize friend from foe and provide a means of signaling without being too conspicuous to their color-blind predators.
Other species would use their dazzling colors to woo and impress mates, such as the brushtailed hamsturkey (Pavomys gallicoides), whose hairless head displays blue skin, a pigment accumulated from their diet of fruits and berries. Adult males of breeding age, however, further add to the striking look with bright red and pink dewlaps and snouts, as well as noisy calls to attract a mate. Their dewlap contains a pouch connected to their cheek pouches and can be inflated along with their nose to make whistling sounds, while their brilliant colors, obtained from the food they eat, signifies a strong and well-fed male, and is an honest indicator of their fitness.
But without a doubt one of the most bizarre of these species is the mossy snuffaroo (Rhinocheirus phytopilos). While most walkabies dwell in the temperate and tropical forests of Easaterra, and along the southern plateaus of Borealonodera as well as the continents collided, this unusual forager dwells on the broken-off continent of Fissor: and in isolation and with the lack of land predators, it has evolved to become very strange indeed. A slow-moving foraging omnivore on the forest floor, it probes for fruit, roots and small animals on and under the ground with the aid of its trunk, which has lengthened to elephantine proportions and developed three dexterous finger-like extensions from the triple lobes. Its fur gets an unusual green hue from algae that grow in its coarse, shaggy coat, which also grant it some camouflage, tucking down into an inconspicuous green lump when predatory ratbats soar overhead. A distinctive striped and tufted tail distinguishes a mature male, which waves the prominent appendage like a flag during courtship, and together with long rabbit-like ears that can swivel to listen for threats above, come together to form easily one of the planet's oddest-looking hamsters: morphed beyond recognition by millions of years of evolution.
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crashdevlin · 4 years
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One Night at a Time Masterlist
Author’s Note: Part seven of One Night at a Time series.
Summary: Y/n is trying to move on after Dean gets sent to Purgatory. She's hunting nonstop to outrun the questions in her head...what does she do when Dean shows up after more than a year?
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Benny x Reader (kinda)
Word count: 3575
Story Warnings:  mentions of harm to reader, mentions of scars, poor self-esteem, angst, Dean being Dean (a bit of a jerk),  18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, rough sex, creampie
I should have been there, closer, beside him when he stabbed Dick Roman and sent him back to Purgatory. I should have stopped Crowley from getting his hands on Kevin. I should have done something more than just stand there while everything fell apart.
And I tried, you know? I tried to find another way into Purgatory. I tried for months to get Dean back. But it was useless. I was useless. Useless to Dean and Kevin and Sam, but not useless on a hunt. I’ve always been at my best on a job.
So I go back to hunting. Vamps and ghosts and this shifter in Utah...a few demons here and there. I jump from job to job, catching a few that aren’t even monsters because as soon as I slow down, my brain goes to Dean. Missing him, yes. Missing him with everything in me, but also...he might have liked me, but...he never said he dreamed of me until after Castiel fixed my scars. He never got nervous about sleeping with me when I had the scars. He was a bit of an asshole to me, actually.
So I hunt. To avoid questions that plague me that don’t even matter anymore, I hunt.
I haven’t heard from Sam in over a year. He’s not on the radar. He’s not hunting. I guess that’s better, leaves more jobs for me.
I get wind of a vampire sighting in Clayton, Louisiana. No body drop, just someone saying they saw a fanger, but I check it out anyway. I have to do something to keep my mind busy.
I go the normal route, bars and nightclubs are generally the way you find a fang, but there’s not a lot in that area in Clayton. One bar full of blue collar boys and no nightclubs. Still no bodies. I head to a local park overlooking a lake and sit on a small wooden bench. There’s something interesting about cypress trees sticking out of the water, Spanish moss hanging from the branches. It’s not pretty, not in any conventional way, but it is at the same time.
“You not from aroun’ here, are you?” a man says, moving to sit next to me on the bench.
I turn to look at him. A blue-eyed man with a light beard and a hat. He’s not quite the swamp-dwelling men I found at the bar. “What makes you say that?”
“Just got a feelin’ about you. Says you’s a traveler. You got a nomad look,” he says, smiling brightly.
I smile and nod. “Yeah. You could say that. I’ve been pretty much everywhere.”
“I used to do a lotta sailin’, so I been around a few times. Sometimes, I think I can sense people with an envie to roam. Mus’ be what drew me ta you.” He smiles at me again and I chuckle.
“Are you sure it wasn’t the fact that I was a weirdo staring at the water? Didn’t come over here to check me into a mental hospital or something?” I ask, smirking.
“Nah. Pretty lady with her head lost in the cypress? Nothin’ wrong wit’ dat.”
I feel my cheeks heat up and look away toward the trees again. “Thank you.”
“No problem, cher. I’m Benny.”
“Y/n,” I respond, offering my hand. He takes it and kisses the knuckles. His lips are a bit cold, but it’s pretty cool for August.
“Well, iss real nice meetin’ you, Y/n. You gonna be around town a few days?” he asks. Is he flirting with me?
“Maybe. The ‘envie to roam’ might kick up real soon.” Might not be anything here and I have to find a job soon. I have to find a distraction.
“Well, if you don’t roam before tonight, I could buy you a drink?”
I lick my bottom lip between my teeth and nod. What better way to look inconspicuous on a vamp hunt than to have drinks with a handsome man? “That’d be nice, Benny. I’ll meet you at the bar at 7?”
“I’d like that.”
He’d like that. Why would he? Why did he even want to talk to me?
I go anyway. He buys us beers. He's charming and funny, down to earth but not simple. I don't know if it's the quaint Louisiana backwoods of him or what, but he seems like a man out of time. Which should have been the first clue, but my Spidey-sense doesn't go off until he walks me to my car and leans in to kiss me.
It's nice and he's an amazing kisser, but the fact that he's kissing me?
My mind goes to Marco.
I whisper 'Cristo' when he pulls away, but he doesn't flinch, just looks at me a bit odd. "I didn't think I was that good a kisser you gotta call for the Lord, cher."
I nod and smile tightly. "Right. Uh...I had a nice night, Benny. You've got my number. Text me sometime," I ramble out a bit before I slide into my driver's seat and peel out of the parking lot. He must be the fang I'm looking for. Only explanation. It's the only reason he'd flirt with me, kiss me, why his lips were cold. Trying to get me alone so he can drink me or turn me.
I'll set a trap, get some dead man's blood, confirm what he is...Benny's big so maybe I should have some backup but at the end of the day, he's just one vamp and I've taken down bigger.
I'm trying to figure out a way to get some dead man's blood in this nowhere town when there's a knock on my motel door. I grab my gun and approach, looking through the peephole. I almost drop my gun.
Dean Winchester, or something that looks like him, is standing at my door.
“Open the door, Y/n!” It knows my name. “And put the piece away. You can test me as soon as you open up.”
It can’t be him. It can’t but...if anyone could claw his way back…
I open the door and stare blankly at him for a minute. “You...can’t...be.”
He smiles and steps inside. “You got some borax, holy water, silver knife?” I just stare for another few moments. “Okay, well, I got the knife,” he says, pulling out a knife I recognize and slicing it across his arm.
“How are you here?” I whisper.
“Long story,” he says, wrapping a handkerchief around his arm. “Borax?”
I swallow and rush to my duffel bag. After I splash him with cleaner and holy water, I hand him a towel. “It’s really you?”
“Yeah. It’s really me.” He sets the towel aside and licks his lips, grimacing at the taste of the borax. “I was sad when Sammy told me he hadn’t seen you all year.”
I shrug and look away. “I was keepin’ busy...he wasn’t.”
“How busy?” he asks.
“Busy enough.” Had a lot on my mind.
“Sam retired. You hear about that?”
“I assumed. He dropped off the face of the earth and left all the good cases for me.” I sit on the edge of the bed and look at my feet.
“He was in Texas.” He moves to stand over me, looking down. “You been hunting by yourself again?”
“Nothing new, Dean.” I shake my head. “The only time I wasn’t hunting solo was the few months I was with you and Sam. I’m good without backup.”
“But Sam shouldn’t have abandoned you to go play house with some chick in-”
“Does it really matter?” I look up and sigh. “He deserved a break.”
“No, he didn’t! I was in Purgatory and he just quit. At least you kept fighting.”
“I didn’t really have a choice.” I clear my throat and bite my bottom lip. "So you got out."
"Yep. I did."
"How'd you find me?" I ask.
"Friend found you for me...not that he was really looking." He clicks his tongue against his teeth and clears his throat. "So Sam and I just got done doin’ a wolf case in Michigan...got a few days probably...unless you got something-”
“I’m on a fang. If you wanted to-”
“How many victims?” he asks, a little too quickly.
“Well, none but someone I trust saw the thing. Just because they haven’t killed anyone yet doesn’t mean-”
“Y/n.” He grabs my chin and tilts my face up to look at him. He’s still so beautiful but there’s something primal in his eyes. “No body means no monster. You don’t need to be here.”
“I’m s-sure there’s a...there was this guy, B-Benny, he-”
“No, babe.”
“Guys don’t give me attention unless they have a motive, Dean.” I pull away from him and his eyes narrow at me and a chill goes down my spine. Not a good one, though. I’m fucking scared...of Dean. That primal look in his eyes is terrifying and I’ve faced down a lot scarier shit than him.
“Motive? What’s that supposed to-” His jaw ticks as he steps close and crowds me a bit. “You’re back on your bullshit about people not liking you, aren’t you?”
“I don’t get attention, Dean. Benny is just Marco part two.”
“Marco was sent after you, Y/n. Benny just found you.”
“Or I found him! Maybe he’s the one I was here looking for and-”
Dean reaches out and grabs my hair, making me gasp. “Benny is not your concern. No one’s died. You’re after nothing,” he practically growls at me.
“Okay!” I squeak and it’s pathetic...but he’s scaring the fuck outta me. What the hell? What happened to him while he was gone? “There’s nothing here.”
He lets go of my hair and sighs. “Why don’t you pack up and we’ll go meet up with Sam?”
“Dean...I don’t-”
“Y/n.” There’s a warning in his tone and I look away from him.
“Fine. Can we stay here tonight? I’m kinda exhausted.” I don’t wanna go anywhere with him acting like this. Maybe he’ll be less scary in the morning. Unlikely.
He sighs again, obviously annoyed with me, but he nods and pulls his jacket off. He tosses it at the chair in the corner and flops down onto the bed, pulling out his phone. “I’ll call Sam. Let him know.”
I nod and move to the other side of the bed, lying down and turning onto my side away from him.
All the questions I was running from, working to hide from, they all come flooding back as Dean settles into the bed with me. The questions bring friends. Why is he here? Why would he come here? Who found me for him? Why did he want me found? And why’s he being an asshole again?
Not just an asshole, but a scary asshole. And I don’t think I want to hunt with him like this. I’m uncomfortable. I’m anxious. I’m confused. I’m...sneaking out of bed while he sleeps and getting out of Louisiana. I’ll call Sam when I get some miles between me and Dean. I just can’t do this right now.
I know he hates it when I leave without saying ‘goodbye’ so I leave a note.
Then I leave. I make it to a convenience store in Meridian, Mississippi before I have to stop. I get bad mileage in this old car. I set the pump and head inside, grabbing a case of beer and a hand basket full of snacks. I drop them in the backseat and go around to the restrooms, hoping for something clean-ish. I push open the door, but I haven’t stepped into the room when a hand covers my mouth and I get forced into the room.
“Don’t fuckin’ scream.” It’s Dean. Fuck. At least the bathroom’s clean, I’m not grossed out when he presses me into the wall with his body. “The fuck do you think you’re doin’?”
He pulls his hand away from my mouth and I take a deep breath. “You’re scaring me, Dean,” I whisper.
“Oh, I’m scaring you?” he snaps, grabbing my shoulder and twisting me around to face him. His eyes are wild and full of rage. “You know I hate it when you disappear on me. You didn’t even stick around an hour before you left this time! Ya know, you’re always worried about how people don’t like you, but you’re the one that’s not givin’ anyone a chance to get close.”
“Dean, you’re being a dick. Why would I stick around when you’re scaring me?” My voice is squeaky, my body almost shaking. I can face monsters any day of the week, but I’m shaking over this man.
His face softens, his eyes losing a bit of their edge, and I think he’s gonna step back from me for a moment, but he doesn’t. He steps closer, leans his head down, hovers his lips over mine. Suddenly, I’m feeling a tingling lust between my thighs on top of the fearful shaking in my limbs. “Wasn’t tryin’ to be a dick, baby,” he whispers, his breath warming my lips. “Just spent a year in Purgatory. Came back a little...intense.”
“That’s an understatement.” My head’s getting a little dizzy as my heart thuds in my chest.
“Spent all that time missin’ you, wanting you, dreaming of burying my cock in your tight little cunt.” I gasp as he grabs my waist with one hand and braces himself against the wall next to my head with the other. “Intense isn’t necessarily a bad thing, Y/n.”
"Dean," I whimper. I want him. I always want him, but hearing those words...that he was thinking of me… "Why would you miss me?"
He rolls his eyes, and it's this aggressive thing that chills me. "You gotta stop this shit. I spent all those months buildin' you up, showin' you how much I appreciate you and all that work I put in...it's just gone?"
"Why?" I whisper before I can stop myself. His eyebrows come together and I close my eyes. "I'm not...worth...any-"
'Shut it!" he growls and I jolt against him, eyes opening and finding his. "You are worth everything I could ever fuckin' give you. I put the effort in because you deserve it, because I need you, Y/n. The last year of my life has been death and destruction, and fear and adrenaline, and the only thing that kept me going was the thought of makin' it back here to you and my brother. You're like family.”
‘Family’. I’m like...needs me? He-
I lean forward and kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close. My brain’s not working right, I’m overwhelmed and confused, but my body knows what I want. He groans and presses me harder into the wall, pushing my shirt up and grabbing my breasts over the bra. He drops his hands to the front of my jeans, popping open the button and sliding his hand into my underwear to cup my mound.
I suck his tongue into my mouth as he starts fingering me. He’s going a little rougher than he used to. That scary primal energy is translating into something...so sexy. “Oh, god,” I whisper as he works two fingers against my inner walls. “Shit! Dean, fuck!”
“You make the prettiest fuckin’ noises.” His voice rumbles in my ear, makes me clench around his fingers. “You gonna cum on my fingers, baby?”
I whine and grind against his fingers. I’m so close. God, he’s so good at making me feel good. “I’m gonna--Dean, I’m gonna--Don’t stop!”
“I’m gonna make you cum ‘til you can’t fuckin’ stand it, Y/n,” he promises, pressing the heel of his palm into my clit. I squeal as my toes curl in my shoes and my orgasm crashes over me. I don’t even have a chance to get my wits about me before he’s spun me around and pushed me over the sink. He yanks my pants down to my boots, but he tears my panties off. I hold back the shriek that wants to bubble up as the cotton rips at the sides. He starts sucking at the skin of my neck, digging his teeth into my shoulder as he fumbles with his belt and jeans. He knocks my knees apart and leans over me, sliding his cock along my slit a few times before he slides in all at once.
He’s rough, fucks me hard, digs his fingertips into my waist, my boobs, my thighs. He bites into my shoulder through my shirt, punches air out of my lungs with each thrust. He moves a hand between my thighs to pluck at my clit and I scream as I cum again, but he’s not done. He’s making good on his promise to make me cum ‘til I can’t stand it, definitely ‘til I can’t stand, because my legs are shaking and weak, the sink is the only thing holding me up as he keeps going. How is he still going?
“Dean, please! I need--I need you--”
“What’d’you need?”
“Need to feel you fill me up,” I whimper. Oh, that’s stupid. I’m not on the pill. But why is it so hot?
He hisses and kisses my jaw and pinches my clit. “One more, Y/n. Gimme one more.”
“I can’t!”
“Yes, you can,” he demands. He sucks my earlobe into his mouth and nibbles on it, rolls my clit between his thumb and first finger. “Cum for me, one more time, cowgirl.” He moves faster, fucks me hard and plays with my clit more and I cum screaming into the mirror over the sink. “Good girl.” He moves his hand away from my clit and braces it against our reflection. He hammers into me, lasts another few thrusts before his breath catches as he cums, his cock twitching as he gasps in pulls of air. “Fuck. That was...so worth it.”
I don’t disagree. Fuck.
He pulls out, holds me up as he fixes his clothes, then moves to fix mine. He caresses my cheek and leans in to kiss me passionately. I’m a bit breathless when he pulls away. Intense. He’s definitely...intense.
“You changed,” I whisper. “Purgatory changed you.”
“Of course it did,” he responds, licking his lips. “But what are you, specifically, referring to?”
I look away. His eyes are too green, too hypnotic. “You were gentle before you left...almost awkward with me after Castiel made me kinda...pretty again?” I don’t know why that turned into a question.
“You were always pretty.” He bites his bottom lip and sighs. “Last time we were here, when you gave me your motel key...I was gentle then too, right? And that was way before Cas healed you. You’re right that I wasn’t awkward then, but I wasn’t tryin’ to build a relationship back then.”
My eyes go wide. “Relationship?” I squeak.
“Well, duh.” He seems amused by my shock. “What’d you think this was, Y/n? An extended one night stand?”
I shake my head. “I...I, um...relationship? What kind of-”
He shrugs and leans against the wall he originally pushed me into. “Why we gotta label it? It’s...I mean, I like you. You like me. We like bein’ around each other. We like fuckin’ each other.”
“Oh, for a second I thought you might be saying something real,” I snap. Thought he might want something like he had with...never mind. “You’re right. Why label what I mean to you?”
He rolls his eyes and sighs. “You comin’ with me or not?” he asks.
I swallow and bite the edge of my tongue. “Yeah. I guess. Since you chased me off from Clayton.”
He licks his lips. “Full disclosure, babe...there was a vamp in Clayton. Benny. Benny was a vamp, but he really approached you just because he thought you were hot and he’s not bad. Dude’s practically vegan.”
My eyes go wide. “I was right? And you know him?”
“It’s a long story,” he says again. “I met him in Purgatory. He helped me stay alive, helped me get free. Like I said, he’s a good guy and he hasn’t been a danger since before he got sent to Purgatory, okay?”
I blink at him a few times. “You…”
“Look, he’s the whole reason I knew where to find you, so you should be thankin’ him for callin’ me.”
“Wh--how’d he even know who I was?” I ask.
“Recognized you from my description.”
“You talked about me? To a...some fang?”
He steps close to me again. “I missed you. So I talked about you. So he recognized you and he called me.” He bites his bottom lip and reaches out to touch my cheek again. “Label or not...you’re important to me. Benny knows that.”
I lick my lips. “Okay...I guess?”
“I’ll tell Sam we’re comin’.” He starts to walk away but he stops at the bathroom door. “Don’t tell Sam about Benny. Please. Not yet. He’s not...we’re still gettin’ our footing. Please.”
I nod and push off from the sink. “Guess he doesn’t need to know yet.”
“Awesome. Let’s get out of here.” He reaches out and I take his hand and he pulls me out of the bathroom.
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth​ @flamencodiva​ @wasabiwitteks​ @rainbowkisses31​ @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661​ @officiallyunofficialperson​ @dolphincliffs​ @mrs-meghan-winchester​ @gayspacenerd​ @foxyjwls007​ @ilovefanfic86​ @marvelfansworld​ @f-yeahfandoms​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ @hhiggs​ @sev3nruby​  @hobby27​ @paintballkid711​ @divadinag​ @thewhiterabbit42​ @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @superfanficnatural​ @letsby​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @swinchester27​ @chalicia​ @sunnyroadtrips​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @death-unbecomes-you​ Hunter Tags - @atc74​ @sandlee44​ @spnbaby-67​ @kalesrebellion​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @hoboal87​ @stoneyggirl​ @kbl1313​ @cookiechipdough​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @holylulusworld​ @pretty-fortune​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits​ @imperiusimpala​ Gaga For Green Eyes Tags- @typicalweirdbookworm​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @jadesupernatural​ @stoneyggirl​ @4fareader​ @squirrelnotsam​ @lyarr24​ @akshi8278​ @pretty-fortune​ @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits​
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primordial-ember · 4 years
The Inconspicuous Rain of Stones
This story contains the following ideas:  -The Primordial Theory (written by myself) -The Android Trio (Oblivion, Criterion, Eon, written by myself) -Fireteam Starforce (written by @askredknight / @star-force-fortnite 
Any references I make are kept to a minimum, out of respect to their respective creators.  I’m not here to force words down anyone's throat nor change their stories to fit my plotline. Should I reference something of yours and you don’t want me to, please let me know so that I can correct and remove it.
The television played on the kitchen counter as a woman prepped a muffin tray. She lived in a simple home, one she had built up since she had moved to this island so long ago.  Ember stood in her kitchen, gently humming to herself as she started to clean the counter while the muffins were baking.  “-And in other news, another brawl between the hero Carbide and the Villain Omega took a turn as a new face entered the scene. It’s unknown who this female accomplice to Omega is, but the public have taken to calling her by the name ‘Oblivion’ While Carbide was able to successfully defeat the duo, he had suffered serious casualties. When our reporters asked for an interview, Star Force leader refused comment. Does this mean a new wave of villainy is rising? Or is this only another step in Omega’s Pla-” Ember turned the channel, frowning. She knew that she was supposed to stay out of mortal affairs, but that didn’t mean she had to agree with how the humans were living. All the more recently, Humans had been given a rise in violence among the islands. Where once peaceful communities stood, death games had been made by the mortals in an attempt to alleviate their boredom. What was even more concerning was the lack of fear they had towards the Storm king and his powers.  The storm king... Ember hadn’t thought of that in a long time.  “The humans deserve nothing from us!”  Vex shouted at Xev, the two always at perpetual odds. Threats of nuclear war were on the horizon as five of the eight stood at the table. Kevin, as the Lord of Order had recently gone by, sat and watched, his crystalline face devoid of emotion while Charon and Ember watched the twins continue to fight.  “If the humans want war, then they should fight on their own! We agreed to never interfere with inferior beings!”  Xev quickly shot back to his brother. “Then what would you have us do?! Watch idly as the humans destroy all that we have created? To see the world you helped make burn in radioactive fire!” 
Then it happened so quickly. The two attacked each other, falling to earth. Landing in Vindertech industries. The explosion... Let alone the screams as the twins died... Ember could still see the fear and pain on their faces.  By the time she had woken up, Kevin was no where to be seen and Charon simply stared at the being that now roamed the earth. Husks attacked everyone as storm creatures dragged humans away screaming in terror. Then she saw him. The Storm King. The ultimate embodiment of uncaring and uncompromising Malice.
She watched, as the world they had created fell to chaos and ruin. 
Ember was brought back to reality when she realized the small trickle of tears rolling down her cheek. She took a calming breath before looking to the television to see reports of strange meteors raining from the sky.  Ember watched, hoping to see one of her fellows, but with no such luck. She sighed, tired before switching the television off.  She sat in her home, quiet and empty; Alone.  It had all been for the greater good... Right?
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indiavolowetrust · 4 years
What if MC was the demon and the demons were humans? A mystery AU.
MC is a detective sent by the Devildom. They have been sent to place where many souls have been reported to have gone missing -- effectively skewing the soul trade in Hell -- and so they must solve the issue as soon as possible.
The details surrounding these reports are ... strange. MC is sent alone in order make them as inconspicuous as possible.
MC is sent to a dreary town by the sea, a place affectionately known as the home of hellish tides (fishermen are known to be knocked off their boats and drown in the turbulent waters). It is a fishing town that's damn near on the water itself, with half of it built on the docks. Old-fashioned diners with creaky seats, dark and seedy bars, and a plethora of secrets lurking just beneath the surface.
As it would turn out, MC isn't the only monster here.
Your local eccentric. His family is old money in this town, and so the large mansion in the cliff is mostly just for show. Or is it?
Known by the locals as a collector of strange and anomalous art, often leaving for weeks at a time to travel in pursuit of his hobby. His butler usually keeps the house tidy and composed until his return.
Diavolo meets MC at a local diner, pulling up a chair at their table when he doesn't recognize them straightaway. Where are you from? he asks. How long will you be here? Do you have any family and friends here? Much to his disappointment, MC lies and says they'll be here for quite some time on family business. Their mother is terribly I'll, you see.
Prone to inviting visitors and tourists of all kinds to his home for dinner. The sea is quite beautiful, after all, and his mansion surely has the best view. Despite whatever qualms they may have in regards to dining at the house of a stranger, his sonorous laugh and disarming smile usually convinces them.
Strangely, he has never invited any locals. And where exactly do those visitors of his go afterwards?
The quiet, unobtrusive, and ever-present butler of Diavolo. He is typically only ever seen in town on dark and rainy days, often on some errand or another. He is almost never seen without his pocket watch or umbrella.
Very little is known about him. Some say it was Diavolo's father who brought him up as a boy, that Barbatos was a mere orphan walking the streets. Some say that his father bought Barbatos in some terrible exchange of human life. Some say Barbatos simply showed up one day and never left. Either way, Barbatos takes no part in the rumors.
Barbatos meets MC in the street when MC nearly runs into them. MC is looking for their hotel in the downpour, which makes it difficult to see anything, and Barbatos helps lead them to their destination. Before MC can thank them, Barbatos has disappeared.
Barbatos almost always tends to be in the wrong place at the right time, tipping off MC about various wrongdoings and suspicious activity that happens in the area. Could this be a mere coincidence? Is he truly as innocent as he claims to be?
The irritable overseer of the town. No one really knows what he does for sure, actually, given that he's done what he's done for so long, but it appears to be working. Informally works for Diavolo as well, keeping tabs on local elections and other affairs.
A man who oozes pride. Despite his supposed origins in the town, Lucifer's presence takes up a room when he steps into it, commanding the attention of all. It's no wonder he was chosen for ... whatever it is that he does.
Lucifer is one of the first adversaries of MC. After a few days of poking around too much, MC is paid a personal visit by Lucifer regarding their activities in the town. The trouble they could stir up. Lucifer tells them to stay out of the town's business.
Lucifer always seems to be updated on MC's whereabouts and activities -- going so far as to go to the trouble of threatening them. What does he have to hide?
The greedy, scummy, money-grubbing banker of the town. Given that he is the only banker of the town, people are forced to go through him to deposit and withdraw their money. His thick orange sunglasses do well to hide his gaze.
Loud and generally obnoxious, it is almost impossible to miss Mammon out in the street. Known by the locals as an annoying but harmless miser. Can often be seen arguing with local shopkeepers over influxes in prices or the bartering of goods.
Mammon meets MC in the bar one night after MC accidentally spills their drink on the man, who had obviously been walking too fast. Mammon turns around and is about to yell at MC ... but immediately forgives them upon seeing them, his face going beet red. He apologizes profusely and offers to buy them another drink.
Mammon has other ... side projects, sure, but can that really explain why he was behind the docks that night? Can that really explain the conversation he had with the supposed fisherman? And what was in those boxes?
The charming yet irritable librarian. While his job is meant to concern only books, it sometimes appears that there are more cats roaming around the library than books. Satan knows the names of each and every one of them.
A little too charming. While known as quite the gentleman with a penchant for cats, MC can't help but feel wary around the supposedly kind librarian. There is something about his green-eyed gaze that seems off, even with the addition of his reading glasses.
When MC heads to the library to do research on the history of the town, it is Satan that greets them -- albeit emerging from one of the back rooms covered in kittens. After getting the squealing cats in order, he manages to direct MC to the correct section of the library.
MC comes in late one night to see the front desk empty and an almost miniscule trail of blood leading to the back of the library. If they weren't trained, they would have certainly missed it. If Satan is only a harmless librarian, then what was in the dumpster at the back of the library? Why did Satan lie to MC, even though he knew damned well MC knew he was lying? That smile never reached his eyes.
The awkward, bashful fisherman. Leviathan can typically be seen on the docks with a comic book when he isn't fishing, nose-deep into its pages. When he's not reading comics, he's watching cartoons. When he's not watching cartoons, he's writing fan letters. When he's not doing any of that, he's fishing.
Known by most of the fish mongers as that strange young man. Given his hobbies and general antisocial nature, Levi has no friends and often finds comfort in solitude. So that means he can't possibly be connected to anything, right?
MC meets Levi when they're looking for the fisherman at that docks -- to which they find, to their surprise, that Levi is that fisherman at the docks with the lead. MC startles Levi when they greet him, causing him to nearly drop his comic book into the water.
If he's a fisherman, then shouldn't he work with someone or at least have the same hours as the other fishermen? Where does he go at night? Is there something he's not telling MC?
The flamboyant shopkeeper of the town's finest -- and only -- boutique, specializing in hair cutting and hair treatment services. With his updated style and high sense of fashion, he looks rather out of place in this town.
Everyone and their mother has a had a wonderful experience at his boutique. A bleaching before the day of a wedding, a last-minute hairdo, fixing an at-home dye job, doing some late mother's hair for her funeral -- this man can truly do it all.
MC meets him when they accidentally wander into his shop, wanting to get out of the rain. Upon his insistence, they end up getting a quick trim for their split ends, with Asmo fussing over how much better they look now. Don't forget to come back in a few weeks!
Asmodeus, being the one and only hairdresser, knows all the gossip that there is in town. Quite open about it, actually. But when MC asks him even the vaguest hints of what they're here for, why does he clam up? Why is he suddenly so silent?
The ravenous, gluttonous cook of one of the best diners in town. Besides your typical diner food, Beel serves fish, fish, and more fish. As the cook of the diner, he has quite the loyal customer base.
People rant and rave about Beel's dishes from this town to the next one over. In fact, it's one of the things that brings tourists to this town. Everyone -- big or small, young or old -- has a hankering for Beel's famous fish fry.
MC meets him at the front counter of the diner when they first get into town, famished. Given that MC is new to town, Beel takes it upon himself to serve them up his famous fish fry, telling them that they don't have to pay for it if they don't like it. MC pays for it full price and tips him at least 30 percent.
Everyone knows that Beel's a rather hungry cook, considering his size ... But what on Earth was he eating that night? What vividly, horribly red thing was he tearing into on the counter?
The grumpy waiter of Beel's diner and also his fraternal twin. He seems to be neither a morning or afternoon person, with a tendency to answer with one word, gruff responses and a deadpan expression. Despite this, the diner is as popular as ever.
More than waiter, however, Belphegor seems to look over just about everything in the restaurant. From co-owner to cashier to inventory, Belphegor has quite the multitasking talent. It is perhaps this hardworking ethic -- despite his outward laziness -- that continues to draw people into the diner.
MC meets Belphegor when they walk into the diner, as Belphegor is the one who wordlessly gives them their menu and black coffee before attending to other customers. While he seems mostly stoic the whole time, MC sees the almost-smile on his mouth when they compliment Beel's food and leave such a hefty tip.
MC understands that Belphegor may have to be up at weird hours to do inventory, but for what reason does Belphegor have in regards to receiving a package in the dead of night? Why sneak into the diner, as if he wanted to make sure no one saw him? And what was that shadow in the diner?
Who is the culprit? What was their motive? How did they pull it off? You, as MC, must solve the mystery ... or die trying.
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Chapter 2
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Tags:  @pansexualwho​  imthedoctorlove
                                         Adventures In Time And Space.
You landed with a thud on the, seemingly, dirt ground. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you rolled over on to your hands and knees, pushing yourself off the ground and trying to catch your breath. It felt like your whole body was pulled through a vacuum, twisting and pushing at your insides. You glanced over at the Time-Lord, noticing that he had regained his composure moderately faster than you had.
You pushed yourself to your feet and looked around; the sky above you was a glowing midnight blue and purple, the stars and three full moons lit up your surroundings, allowing you to see that you were in what looked like a wasteland. Mountains upon mountains of dirt and rubbish were piled up until they almost reached the sky.
Feeling his presence beside you, you turned your body to face him, moving your hands to start hitting him, "What the hell did you do?" You yelled, pushing him back until he tripped and landed on his back. You stood over him, your feet on either side of his waist and your hands on your hips, "Where are we?" You asked.
The Master raised his hands in surrender, his eyes slightly wide and a grin on his face, "If you've already met me than you know that I wouldn't take you somewhere you would be in danger," You nudged him with your foot and moved away from him, looking around you.
"My TARDIS is here. Somewhere. I just have to find her," The Master stated simply, brushing the dirt off his black suit jacket and coming to stand once again beside you, "Let's check over there," He said, pointing over to a somewhat identical rubbish pile than all the rest.
You crossed your arms over your chest, blocking out the slight chill that had come over your body. You begrugedly followed behind the suited man, occasionally kicking up the dirt and looking at your surroundings. "So when we find the TARDIS, we're going back to Earth yeah?" You called out, pulling your jacket further around your body as goosebumps rose on your skin.
The Master swore lightly to himself and shook off his jacket, leaving him in his white dress shirt and bow tie. He turned around and walked back over to you, handing it out to you as if it was physically paining it to do so, "Here" He grumbled.
You rose an eyebrow, "What?"
He gave a sigh of annoyance, "Put this on. You're cold. I can feel it and it's annoying me,"  
You snatched it out of his hand, not even bothering to mutter a thank you, and slid it on. It smelled of cheap aftershave and a distinct musty scent that seemed to carry through his regeneration's. You looked up at him and saw his eyes darken slightly before he turned back around, shaking his head and quickly moving away from you, "And to answer your previous question," He called back to you, "No. We're not going back to Earth,"
"Wait, what? Nuh uh," You jogged lightly to catch up to him, "No way. I am not staying here on this god forsaken wasteland for all eternity with you," You stated simply, looking over at him.
The Master laughed, "Well isn't it lucky that we're not staying on this planet. We're finding the TARDIS and getting out of this galaxy. I have some unfinished business," He said, his voice taking on a darker tone.
You could feel his mood change through the bond, as if he had been kicked in the stomach. His anger and sadness was seeping to the surface and you could feel him try to keep it down, however his face remained completely neutral. "Great. Well while you do that unfinished business, could you swing by Earth and drop me off? Much appreciated," You commented lightly, trying to move the conversation away from whatever thoughts were surrounding his mind.
A growl erupted from his throat before he began stomping his feet, "No, no, no!" He yelled, making you take a step back, "Why can't you just stay with me? We're soulmates, we're stronger together," He stepped closer to you, grabbing your hand and stopping you from moving further away from him, "Can't you feel it? Through the bond? In our minds?," He stopped for a moment, letting go of your hand and moving away, placing his fingers on each side of his temple, "I've never seen anything this clear before. It's like I can see new realities, new versions of the universe," He stopped and turned to you, quickly rushing over and placing his fingers on either side of your face, "Can't you see it? Look, look, look," He closed his eyes and placed his forehead against your own.
You let out a gasp of surprise and tried to step back, but The Master's hands kept you in place. Flashes of a small child looking into a hole in a universe, the steady thump of two heartbeats, a madness that was only soothed by the mere thought of you, a man standing on the edge of the Time War watching as his planet was destroyed with tears falling down his cheeks before he turns and runs away. The everlasting loneliness that came from the depths of his soul.
The Master jumped back, his eyes looking over every bit of you, "How did you do that?" He accused, pointing a finger in your direction.
"Do what?" You asked, confusion lacing your voice.
"Whatever it was you just did. You didn't see what I wanted to show you, you saw...you saw," His voice drifted off and he started breathing heavily, as if he had just ran a marathon.
You cautiously took a step forward, "Who was that boy?"
His eyes slowly rose to look at you and it was as if you were facing a complete stranger. You had never seen that amount of vulnerability on The Master's face before, no matter what incarnation it was. Before you could mention it, he had turned around, storming off towards where he presumed the TARDIS would be.
"Are you sure the TARDIS is this way?" You called out, placing your hands in the jacket pockets and quickly chasing after him.
A loud scoff came from in front of you and the Time Lord came to a standstill, he waited for you to catch up before glancing around you, "I'm positive," He reassured.
You nodded to yourself, "How did it get out here anyway?" You kicked a broken can and watched as it bounced away.
"I sent it here so The Doctor couldn't find it," He explained, grabbing your hand and pulling you forward so you could keep up with him.
The pair of you continued to weave in and out of smaller piles of rubbish before you came face to face with the familiar run-down outback house.
"You're kidding me? I thought it would have been a bit more inconspicuous," You laughed as you followed The Master up to the front door.
He turned to face you, "You flew through time and space in a blue police box. Don't discuss inconspicuous with me. Plus, I thought this place would have fit in perfectly here," He pushed open the front door and waited patiently for you to enter before closing it again.
"Cuppa?" He smirked as you rolled your eyes at him before begrudgingly accepting the offer.
It was as if the mood between the two of you changed.
As soon as you had both stepped inside the TARDIS, the events of the Wasteland weren't spoken of again. There was no mention of the childlike tantrum he threw, and there was no mention of what you saw inside his mind. There were moments, however, when he would stop everything he was doing and tap out a simple beat.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
It was the same beat you heard in his head, the same beat you had heard The Master tap out on the Valiant. It would freeze him in place and a look of loss would cross over his face. An overwhelming sadness would overcome your body and you didn't know if it came from you or from him. Every part of your body wanted, no needed, to go over and comfort him. To hold his hand and let him know that he wasn't alone.
But you stayed seated on the worn couch, picking at the hole which showed the insides of the cushion. Needing to do something which stimulated your hands and kept them from reaching out to him.
The console room was a sunset orange. A color, he says, stimulates the mind. If you were completely honest you think he was trying to make the TARDIS seem less intimidating for you, less unwelcoming.
"Master," You spoke up form your seat, watching as he danced around the console. Flicking switches and mumbling to himself as he did so. His eyes moved to where you were now standing, making your way over to him and leaning your hip against the cold glass, "I need-" You swallowed the lump in your throat, "I need to go home. I need to make sure my friends are safe,"
The Master's eyes roamed over at you, you could see his jaw twitch and the anger swell in the bond, "Text them. Call them. You have a mobile," He moved away from you, returning to what he was previously doing.
You shook your head, "Who were those creatures you were working with? Why?" You continued to follow him around the console, noticing that he was trying to ignore your questions, "Master?!"
"What? Why can't you just be happy here? With me? Is it because I'm not your precious Doctor?" He began to stalk closer to you, forcing you to move backwards. Like an animal stalking their prey, "Is it because I don't fit your definition of good? You want to know why I've done the things I've done? For who I've done them for?" He forced you into the couch, "Everything I have ever done, was because of you. I've toppled worlds and burned millions to try and find you," His voice became dangerously low, "I've never wanted anything in this universe but you,"
You pushed yourself up to try and meet his eyes, to show that his idea of intimidation wasn't working on you. You became close to his face, you could see every imperfection on his skin, how his eyes had tiny flecks of gold in them. You could feel the burning heat through the bond but you ignored it, "You murdered people. You tried to murder my friends. How can you say any of that was for me?"
The Master swallowed deeply and, for a moment, you saw a flash of sadness cross his face before pushing himself up and taking a step back from you, "Well then, it's lucky we're going to have a long time together to figure that out isn't it?" He snarled before moving back to the console and flicking another switch before storming off up the stairs and into the corridors.
Leaving you to let out the deep breath you were holding.
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kimnjss · 5 years
[ being caught— ]
namjoon would come up with the idea to go for a swim. it had been hot.
although you wouldn’t really care for getting in the water, you were willing to sit outside while he swam.
you lay on one of the lawn chairs, soaking in sun as your boyfriend did breast strokes across the pool.
he’d look so hot— his tanned skin, a perfect contrast to his white shorts, his wet dirty blond hair.
that fucking dimpled smile each and every time he caught you drooling.
he’d pull himself out of to the sight of you biting your lip, an obvious lustful look in your eye.
without a word, namjoon would saunter over covering your mouth with his.
his hand would roam over your scarcely clothed body as his tongue dominated your mouth.
it would take no time before your kiss was turning sexual, his hands inching your shorts down.
your hands slipping down the front of his shorts. soft moans would die against his lips as the tips of his fingers brushed against your clit.
he’d hiss as you stroked him. wanting to see his face, you’d pull back from the kiss.
namjoon’s face would scrunch up in pleasure as you stroked him, his teasing fingers stilling.
just as his brows furrowed and the bite on his lip became harder, jimin’s ‘what the hell’ would force you two apart.
jimin would stare with a knowing smirk as you two scrambled to compose yourselves.
“is there something you need?” namjoon would feign normality as he stood, inconspicuously adjusting the boner between his legs.
“nope.” jimin would grin, keeping his eyes on the two of you.
with a huff, joon would reach down for your arm, lifting you up and back into the house — finishing what you started.
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watching jin work on his vocals is usually fun  — until the boredom would sink in.
you’d grow tired of scrolling through instagram and watching youtube videos and your mind would start to wander.
jin could sing, like really sing. and something about his passion just did it for you.
you watched as he harmonized with the track. headphones at the back of his head, eyes closed, plump lips sticky with your gloss.
just as the song faded to an end, jin would open his eyes. he’d find you watching him, grinning instantly.
“i think we got what we need.” the words would right through the room.
jin would quickly hang up his headphones, heading out the booth to where you sat.
he’d take your lips into one of his lingering kisses. that one that forced you to lean in for more.
there was something about kissing jin that made you forget where you were.
you’d kiss him again, this time keeping him from pulling away too early. your tongue would slip into his mouth — exploring.
he’d let you take charge, his hands roaming over your thighs, hips, stomach and inching their way higher. 
jin would let out a groan as your teeth would scrape against his lower lip, your hand falling into his lap.
just as you’d gently rub your thumb over the growing bulge his hands would clutch underneath your bra.
an over dramatic grasp would bring both of you back to earth, eyes landing on hobi’s shocked expression.
“ahh, y/n! no! you’re supposed to be my innocent, y/n.”
“shut up,” jin would reply as you’d laugh off the embarrassment, standing to adjust your clothing.
jin would stand, grabbing your hand in his as he led you toward the glass door.
hobi laughing behind you as he entered the booth for his session.
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yoongi facetime-d you every night. most nights would be spent talking — other nights not so much.
his expression would give it all away the minute the call would connect.
his stare lowering to the hint of cleavage disappearing below the screen.
“what are you wearing?” you’d tilt the camera to show him.
“where’s everyone else?” you had no idea why you were whispering — why you were out of breath.
“out.” his hand would disappear below the screen and you just knew.
yoongi’s deep voice and his dirty words easily making you wet. he’d encourage you to strip, greedy eyes watching every movement.
he’d move to lower his shorts. “i want to see,” you’d pout.
without hesitation he’d position the camera so you could, you doing the same.
his hands would only hold his cock steady as he spoke to you — painting a picture of all the things he had in store.
“touch yourself, baby go ahead, just like how i do it. does it feel good? i knot it does. fuck, you’re also so tight.”
yoongi would stroke himself to the rhythm of your fingering, his eyes becoming hooded as he strained to watch.
it wouldn’t be long before you were unraveling, wanton moans slipping as you began to squirm.
“wait, wait. i want to see your face.” he’d request and because he got whatever he wanted, you’d lift the camera.
his hand would move over himself quickly as he watched you cum. your final scream being drowned out by the voice behind him
“is that y/n-noona?” taehyung would ask behind yoongi, the other boys staring wide eyed at the screen.
yoongi would be quick with tucking himself away, flipping the phone face down. his already flushed cheeks turning brighter.
“get the fuck out.” he’d grumble, not even bothering to turn around. their heavy footsteps filling your ears.
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you were always so stubborn when you were pissed off. hobi was at the receiving side this time around.
jin was having everyone over for a movie night and you showed up, expecting to see hobi sitting on the couch with his arms crossed.
he’d shoot you a pout when you sunk down next to jimin — you’d ignore him.
the boys would try to keep the conversation light and about the movie on the screen. they knew all about your dispute and wanted to stay out of it.
that didn’t keep hoseok from making it known that something was off.
he’d try every moment to get your attention and each time you’d ignore him. now he was starting to get annoyed.
“you’re being so ridiculous, y/n, really. it was a week ago!”
his words would prompt a sharp comment from you and just like that you were arguing in front of everyone.
fed up, you’d storm off into the bathroom closing the door with a slam.
you’d only be sitting there a few minutes before the door was being twisted open. hoseok’s head of dark hair popping in.
“hey.” he’d step in, taking in the look on your face. his arms would easily wrap around you — making you melt.
“let’s not fight okay, i’m sorry.” he’d kiss your forehead between his words.
his lips would lower onto yours, loving quickly turning to lustful as his hands dropped lower.
“they’ll hear,” you warn, your hands moving toward his belt. hobi would shrug his shoulder, leaning back against the sink and allowing you to lower his jeans.
he’d capture your lips with his once more, tugging your body off of the floor and wrapping your legs around his waist.
“you know i love you, right?” he’d remind as his fingers hiked your skirt up, shoving your panties to the side.
you’d nod as he sunk into you with ease. it wouldn’t take long for you two to find a pace —short and rough thrusts.
you’d try to keep quiet but your moans would slip through.
“are you alright, y/n?” jin’s voice would break through, followed by a knock.
hoseok would smirk mischievously, his fingers moving down to rub your clit. your body jolted as you held back a moan.
“answer him,” he’d encourage you, angling his hips and forcing a moan from your lips. “answer, don’t be rude.”
“y-yes! we’re — i’m... shit. okay. i’m okay, jin thanks!” jin’s laughter was heard at the other side.
“hoseok?” he called, making your body freeze. hobi kept on with his thrusts, his grip tightening around your body.
“mhm, yeah?” you’d bury your head in his shoulder, trying to muffle your moans from jin’s knowing ears.
“clean up afterwards, yeah?” hobi let out a grunt in agreement, your body not relaxing until you heard jin’s footsteps fade.
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you’d lay on the bed with swollen lips as jimin scrambled around the room getting ready.
just moments ago, his lips had been devouring yours — his hands teasing you with each stroke.
then out of nowhere it was over. he was late for practice, but you were horny and not ready to share him yet.
“aren’t you going to kiss me before you go?” you’d speak as he made his way out the door.
jimin would turn around, grinning. he was wearing a bucket hat and a baggy t-shirt —fucking hot.
you’d moan against his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck.
easily, you slid your tongue into his mouth, the palms of your hands rubbing the back of his neck.
jimin would groan at the feeling of your teeth nibbling his lower lip, slowly pulling back from your mouth.
“i want you,” you’d pout, reaching up to push the hat from his head so you could touch his hair. he’d remind you of the time.
you’d use a hand to bring his lips back to yours, your other guiding his hand between your legs.
“but feel how wet you’re gonna leave me,” you’d whimper at the feeling of his fingers curling.
jimin would curse, lifting his body back onto the bed. he’d tug the zipper of your hoodie down, revealing your bare chest and lace panties.
he’d trail kisses down your body, pulling your panties down as he got down.
a needy moan would slip from your lips as his tongue made contact with your throbbing clit.
he’d have you squirming and cursing in minutes. neither of you hearing the sharp knock on the door.
“jimin, what--” namjoon’s voice would cut out as his body would freeze staring at the two of you.
you’d rush to cover yourself as jimin scrambled to his feet. ‘fuck, uh-- i’ll meet you downstairs.” he’d stutter, giving namjoon a gentle push toward the door.
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the word would mock you through the screen: LIBRARY 🍑. one word and a fucking emoji and you were putty.
tae would be lounging on one of the couches when you entered, his smirk forming when he saw you.
he’d lead you to his favorite corner, his lips instantly devouring yours as he pushed you back against the bookshelf.
his tongue would twist against yours as his hands worked on pushing your skirt out of the way.
“i’ve wanted you so bad.” he’d growl against your lips. your skirt bunched up around your waist. your body was on fire and he hardly done anything.
slowly he’d turn your body around, his body pressing against your back. you could feel how hard he was.
“god, i love this ass.” he’d palm your cheeks, pulling a whimper from your lips. you’d arch your back pressing your ass against him.
“hurry...” you’d plead, earning a chuckle from him.
he’d be quick with lining his hard cock with your entrance, pushing forward. a loud moan would slip and he’d be quick to cover your mouth.
“you’ve got to be quiet.” he’d remind. once you’d nod, he’d drop his hands onto your hips.
tae knew exactly what to do to make you tick and vice versa. he’d angel his hips to hit all of your spots as you clenched around him.
an unexpected rub against your g spot would have you moaning —a bit too loudly.
tae was too into your body to notice, his thrusts becoming rougher and a bit sloppy as he neared his peak.
“ahem,” a third voice would startle the two of you, bringing your bodies to a halt.
yoongi — the library assistant would stare over the brim of his glasses. “you guys can’t do that here,” he’d speak before turning and walking away.
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you’d sit at the top of jungkook’s bed, watching as he played video games. curse words leaving his lips as he shouted at his friends.
he had been on that game long enough for you to take a nap and pick up food for the two of you.
it was getting a little ridiculous — you were bored.
his thumb would hit pause on the game, only to reach for a greasy slice of pizza.
he wasn’t wearing a shirt, you being able to see his back muscles flex with each movement.
“go left, you fucking idiot!” he’d shout into the mic. the vein at the side of his neck prominent.
you’d move toward his end of the bed. your arms would wrap around his torso as you placed soft kisses against his shoulder.
jungkook would turn to plant a kiss to the top of your head. you’d grin, reaching a hand to ruffle his hair.
“i want a real one,” he’d oblige, covering your lips with his. there would be muffled shouts coming from his headphones.
“fuck. my bad guys!” he’d quickly turn his attention back to the screen.
you’d still want his attention, your hands skimming over his bare chest down toward his belly.
“baby...” you’d whine, tilting your head up to nibble on his earlobe. his breath would hitch.
your hand would drop down toward his lap, stroking your hand over his cock — feeling it stiffen.
“tell them you’ll be right back.” you’d coach into his ear, your tongue ghosting over the shell.
“i’ll be right back,” he repeated, tossing the headset before turning around to devour your mouth.
he’d push your body down on the bed, your hand slipping into the front of his shorts to stroke him.
articles of clothes would be lost as the two of you went kissing and groping.
you were so wet for him and he loved it. he’d fuck you into the bed, the sound of your moans being music to his ears.
you’d beg for him to go harder, faster, deeper —you just needed more of him.
your orgasm would hit you like a wave, your body arching as you cried out for him.
jungkook would finish moments later with a grunt. his lips would meet yours in an exhausted kiss.
he’d reach for his controller, resting his back against the headboard as he pulled you into his lap.
“i’m back guys, restart.” he’d nibble on your shoulder as you rested against his chest. all you could hear was the laughter coming from the other side of of his speaker.
“i’ve never though y/n would be that loud!” that was jimin.
“oh, jungkook— right there, so close!” hobi imitated you.
the embarrassment was written on your face. jungkook would kiss your head, “shut up, you’re just made you don’t have girlfriends.” he defended.
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hereliesbitches--me · 4 years
Gala is the first to stir from their shared slumber, announcing her awakening with a jaw-splitting yawn. She's usually a solitary beast when it comes to her napping, but she's becoming fond of having the big bear as a companion. Though his belly is the perfect spot for her head to rest, she's had enough for now. Lifting herself sluggishly, she shifts behind the Pangoro and begins to preen the fuzzy fur atop his head. Her clicking is akin to purring, rousing him gently from his sleep.
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The world as they know it is changing.
Whether it be for the better is all a matter of opinion.
 But for the pokemon?
Everything was fine and dandy. At least Pangoro thought so.
The warm tropics of his homeland coupled with the gentle ocean breeze were an ideal setting for a early morning snooze.
Things got easier now that their little wild Rose had found humans like herself to distract her, for the stress of keeping a keen attention to her safety was suddenly alleviated. If she were among her own kind, then he would not have Artemus or Orpheus yapping in his ear about distractions. With the change of environment, the last thing he expected was to be making new friendly company…
Trading out 4 bodies for 1 big one of his own size was the best decision of the century.
     Pangoro slept heavy when he found the time to sleep, an arm tucked behind his head while the other furled around the smooth armored carapace of the companion resting on his stocky stomach.  The breeze rippled gentle across the plush fur of his body, at even pace with his deep lumbering breaths, the chime of the trees rustling proved to be the natural lullaby that kept him in his sweet sweet dreams. From between black lips and thick teeth, the long bamboo stock bobbed, its leafy tip swaying with every vibration that surrounds him. An inconspicuous, but effective alert system. Not one he felt he needed now, with her in his arms.. but old habits die hard.
What ever could a pokemon dream of? A wonder few humans ever considered of their partners, when they still considered the ethics of the world.
Pango, despite his intimidating size and gruff demeanor, still dreamed of his days as a pacham. Somewhere deep in the depths of the mind, he walked the fields and roamed the forest with a nurturing paw in his own, scavenging berries and practicing his hunting on the bugs his mother allowed him to hunt. In a time before he knew what loss meant, he basked in the innocent peace of childhood, blissfully unaware of the way time began to blurr the details of his mother’s face and voice. There comes an edge to dreaming, as you reach the end of a cycle, when the dreamer slowly becomes aware of the flaws in their fantasy.. The grass was too green, the scents were shifting in ways that did not match the scene. The little bear, with his paws mucked by sticky sap and dirt, could smell the ocean when there should have only been the earthy smell of wet soil. The world begins to dim at its edges , fizzing, the soothing voice of his mother distorting as she groomed him.. For a split second, the ocean he smells is a wave of panic that sets an aching in his muscle. The fear he’s known as a cub grows, and he cant describe why it did. His dark eyes widen and watch helplessly, for his world burns and fades to black. In one last desperate attempt, his head whips back  to find answers in the mother that cradles him..
 But she was gone. Just like everything else.
She was gone and he still couldn't accept it.
The bamboo stock creaks between clenching teeth.
    Awareness is a slow trickle upon the senses as his muted world of black is penetrated by those ill-fitted smells that altered his dream state. As consciousness builds, Pangoro is aware of the weight of his own body, but also  the lack of what had once laid upon his stomach. Tingling pricks up in his scalp where his mother had been grooming ,  the haze he realizes now was no figment of his dream, for there was a warmth that affectionately brushed through the dense white fur.  Pangoro grimaced but stirred lightly as the numbness of sleep shook out of his limbs. He grumbled sluggishly,
“ You’re up early…”
 Earlier than himself, that is. As if the sun was not glaring above them at noon.  Resisting the need to open his eyes, the bear inhaled deeply through the nostrils, then yawned.
The ocean may have been far away, but the embodiment of the sea lay just behind him. Gala’s armored build may not have been the softest, yet he found comfort in the scent of sea salt that clung to her skin. A piece of home he could always have near, if only he buried his nose into her, or stuck his tongue out for a lick. Did she notice the way his body trembled when he woke? Did she notice how hardly he suddenly balled his fist?
All too aware of his unease, a part of him prays she wouldn't see as he forces the tension free and at last opens his sleep-crusted eyes. To sink down, away from her tongue, and look upon the angel that cradled him. His eyes, deep and warm like the alolan earth, radiated nothing short of loving admiration , as best as he could muster upon first waking. Pangoro shifted the bamboo to the corner of his teeth and grinned lazily,
“ Good Morning, Gala.” he purred. His massive paw rose from his chest and stroked a black claw tenderly down her jaw,
“ You smell real good. I ever tell you that? Like living by the sea..”
Pango mustered the strength just enough to roll onto his belly and lazily drape his arms around her middle,
“ Hope I didn’t wake you, did I?”
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