#he’s very big on scents as well and gets overstimulated when there’s too many in a room
dogsrot · 4 months
the fact that like . . fenrir technically doesn’t exist ??
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Perfume. | J.JH
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— Prologue: “I like the taste of your lips on mine.”
— Summary: Where you are a witch who makes potions and you get werewolf!Jaehyun obsessed with your perfume scent.
— Genre: Romance. Smut. Fantasy. Witch!y/n x Werewolf!jaehyun. Minors dni. Big Dick Jaehyun agenda. Vaginal penetration. Makeout sessions. Hickeys. ‘Markings’. Pinning. Biting. A little overstimulation play here. Massive breeding kink from Jaehyun in this fic.
— Notes: This is a long fic.
It all started with the city werewolves have moved into the local town outskirts the city which started the whole fantasy community to go on an uproar gossiping spree. You couldn’t really understand their motive as to why they were moving so suddenly from where they belong. As far as your knowledge extends (which is quite long and valuable) you remember the city of Seoul being the werewolf territory. But these werewolves have moved to a neutral zone where every living creature lives. Mostly humans surround this zone so you had to be awfully discreet about your race and who you actually are. Thank god for human disguised am i right?
You wouldn’t be able to spot out a werewolf normally you would have to take a really good look at them when the days are on their full moon cycle, then they are easier to spot out as if they were a stuck out thumb. For a vampire it’s harder now too. Vampires come to your shop for the same problems; blood bags, thirst suppressants drugs or a ring casted with sunlight protection so they can walk in the daylight when it’s sunny.
You make potions for a living and many humans would mistake your shop to be a Halloween costume store because of your awful stereotypical witch designs but everyone who knows who you truly are would come over speaking in a different tone. Today was a sunny day and it was peacefully pleasant. Your assistant Winwin comes out with a box of your new empty potion glasses.
“These should last you a month exactly Y/n.” Winwin says with a little laugh coming out and you look at the potion glasses inspecting them. Checking the size and the quantity they will provide. You like to be fair. You don’t like to cheat and make someone’s potion smaller and someone else have bigger amount.
You nod approving. “These ones are good. They are all equal.” Winwin was relieved to say the least you tend to be very picky and hard to impress. There is always something wrong in your eyes and you tend to overanalyse. This might be a witch thing but he certainly doesn’t have that trait. Winwin walks away with the box. “Put them in the back okay?” You shout at Winwin going to the back to put the potions there. Your head turns around when the shop’s bell rang on the front every time someone comes in.
It alerts your focus on the customer who walks in surprisedly you stay there a little stunned by how they walk in freely in such a view. The man your eyes were practically stuck on worshipping was a paler man with round eyes enough to pierce your soul and take it away. The blonde locks rest tightly flowing with the wind your fan provides in the corner. He wore this long cardigan and a plane white tank top with a pair of jeans that suit his muscular thighs well. He turns to you waving a hand in your face wondering what you’re zoning out for. “Hello? Miss? Are you going to reply?”
I lay there shaking my head readjusting my eyes before i glance up fumbling my words. “Oh right… what were you saying?”
Jaehyun chuckles seeing you become so flustered. He wasn’t expecting the local witch here to be kinda cute. “I am here for werewolf suppressants.” You watch him checking him up and down. ‘Oh he’s a werewolf.’ You weren’t expecting him to be a werewolf but you start to pity his kind. They have it rough. Rougher than vampires that’s for sure.
He saw you turning your back to him to go and check the potion bottles that have all sorts of different colourful liquids and shining by the reflection to the light. As he saw you checking for the werewolf suppressants it gave him enough time to look and wander around your shop. It gave him the creeps a little he wouldn’t lie; he never came to a witch shop before but something within his body was telling him go and grab those suppressants because last time… it didn’t go so well. Jaehyun rubs the back of his neck staring down at a mannequin. “Why does she have a mannequin here…” he mutters thinking.
Your ears perk up at his words in the far distance and you quote on quote tell out. “That Mannequin is alive! I don’t recommend touching it. It can get pretty offended easily.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widen as he pulls his hand away from touching its shoulders and as he was about to walk away the Mannequin twists the head around staring him down. He jumps away yelling out. “Holy fucking-shit it moved.” He moves away to the front as your attention leans on the man again when he comes forward. He breathes a little more heavy exhaling out the stressful fright he just had.
Your eyebrows rose up seeing him become shaken up. “I told you it was alive.” You seethe with a smile through and he turns to you. “Do you have any suppressants?” He’d ask and you turn away your gaze shaking your head. “I don’t seem to have any made because not many werewolves live here and they never come to ask me. You are a first.” You stated and Jaehyun’s eyes wonder to look at your face nodding slowly.
“But I can make you suppressants if you stay for a bit?” You offered seeing how the man looked doomed for his life. You weren’t expecting him to look thankful as if you saved his life right now. Jaehyun nods with a grin. “Please that would be life changing honestly.”
You couldn’t help but wonder if this was his first heat or if this was just something he was avoiding getting because there weren’t many local witches in the city? You could only wonder. Jaehyun follows you to the back room in your shop revealing a spacious working place with a brewing stand and a cauldron with nothing in it yet but only boiling water. He couldn’t help but admire your workplace it had every kind of Ingredients a witch can ask for you it was pretty impressive collection. You stop at the brew standing humming. “So how long do you want these suppressants to last for?” You would ask and the young werewolf glances to you. “Only twenty four hours will do.”
You nod. “Okay. So why are you suddenly here and not the city then? Just wondering because its pretty deprived here from your people. There’s a bunch of humans, a few vampires and a few witches only living here.”
You work as you spoke despite not watching him Jaehyun kept on watching you and something was soon pulling him closer as he took a deep inhale through his nostrils catching onto a very sweet scent like a perfume. He fidgets behind you approaching closer. “My pack wanted to get away from the city life. I had no choice but to follow. You know how it goes.” He paused. “Your perfume smells nice by the way.” It definitely caught you by surprise how well his words rang in your ear suddenly and you turn around noticing he was closing the space between you when you were not looking at him.
Your humane eyes widen as you felt your cheeks grow red and you look down at the brewing stand that was forming the solution so you can boil it inside the cauldron after. “Thanks. It’s a new… perfume i made to keep away bugs in the summer heat. I really hate bugs.” You murmur. You turn the conversation around quickly staring at him — your eyes were locked together if they were meant to be watching each other as if you were both longing for another.
Your voice became smaller than before and somehow all your confidence went down the bin where you couldn’t get it back. Everything about this man in front of you was pulling you away from things you didn’t know you were attracted to but here you are rediscovering how handsomely he was watching you. “I see. Your alpha orders can’t be broken. Is that why you are here I’m guessing?” You we’re kind of glad he came into your town. You’re sort of interested in Jaehyun now.
Jaehyun nods slowly watching you speak softly. “Yeah…my father can’t be here alone.” He chuckles a little. Your eyebrows rose up at him as he spoke revealing it was his father. “Oh- your father is an alpha? Does that mean you are…”
You pause stopping on your trailing tracks and he nods softly it was the most humble nod ever. You heard a few rumours that Alpha werewolves were the biggest dickheads but here you are chatting your life away with one and he was the most respectful so far — maybe they met the wrong alphas. However you met the right one. He was kind and respectful something you’d admit changed your perspective on werewolves.
“I hope this doesn’t intimidate you right?” Jaehyun asks you and you shake your head. “No of course not. You seem lovely.” Your eyes look down as the solution was done and you grab the solution into a small triangle glass and then walk to the cauldron in the middle. He slowly walks behind you watching you make these potions it was fascinating. He never encountered a witch so close where he can see their works being made — usually witches are very discreet and prefer working alone because their magic and potions were their only real source of protection for themselves. It was something far too important to show to other people.
But here you are making a suppressant for his upcoming heat that he felt very strongly good about because you decided to make it for him even if you had none for him to take. It was a kind offer he will forever keep to the heart. As the solution falls into the cauldron a few Latin mantras to the spell were said as your hands rub on the top cauldron moving it with the movement to your fingers, as if you were controlling it and mixing the solution with the water as one compound.
You’re using your power to change and make the formula. Jaehyun stays there with his heart beating fast when he saw a glimpse of it change colour and a new hope inside him becomes an inner peace to see the suppressant finally come to life. You take the liquid into small pieces in the air and turn them into pills. They fell into your hands and you push them into a container where he can keep them.
The suppressants levitate to his hands in the open and you pull your hands away watching Jaehyun smile looking at the suppressants and back to you. “Thank you… I didn’t ask your name earlier…”
You smile. “It’s Y/N. My name is Y/n.”
He could remember your smile for decades seeing you smile like that. “Nice to meet you Y/n. I am Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun.” And your hands quietly shake the other.
This was a start to something new, you had a feeling.
“Here is your four blood bags and please for god’s sake do not drink them all at once Taeyong! This should last you exactly a month before you can get another quadruple blood bags.” You lecture one of your local customers, Lee Taeyong. He was a vampire and a pretty good one at that because he can’t seem to control his freaking thirst levels at all. He was like the biggest gluttony you’ve ever met.
He frowns at your scolding. “Fine fine. I’ll try my best. I still have no idea how hyung can survive this hungry.” He was lucky he is cute because you would’ve smacked him right away for coming here everyday asking for his food resources. You’re surprised he hasn’t killed a single human in this town yet knowing how his controls lacking. You can’t even believe Moon Taeil sirened this poor guy into a vampire now he has to deal with him.
You see this community has laws for each species so it wouldn’t be an absolute war case on each other. If an elder vampire turns another (sirens) human into a vampire mistake or not mistake they have now legal rights to keep that vampire under their wing because newborns are true war criminals and havoc if they don’t have someone teaching them how to survive other wise the human population in this town would decrease. Another vampire law is that vampires can’t drink from a human unless it’s consensual relationship with them or, they are dying already not caused by you. Hence why many vampires drink from dead bodies here. It was kind of disgusting and disturbing but you can’t talk.
As for witch laws. You can’t hex someone because that is forbidden magic and the witch council will have every right to kill you. You can’t perform forbidden dark magic such as necromancy or more. And last law you can’t do magic until you are eighteen years old. (But of course in schools you can, but outside schools you cannot) Underage magic is a big deal because many young teenagers who have this power take advantage of it.
You weren’t aware of werewolf laws but you do know that an Alpha order cannot be mend or broken down or bent actually. They have a very strict hierarchy between their ranks; you know that the lowest ones are omegas and these have it hard in life. You almost pity them and thank you weren’t born a werewolf. You were wondering what kind of laws they have but you didn’t want to pry into their whole system. You just wondered ever since Jaehyun came to your shop last week it’s been a long wait.
You wanted to see him again you won’t lie. You liked his company and you were getting far too curious for your own good. But who says you can’t be friends with him?
Winwin comes out the back rooms whistling. “What’s that long face for Y/n?” He points at you dazing out again.
You’ve been absent minded for a while. You look back at the boy sighing. “What? I don’t have a long face on.” Winwin side eyes you as if you couldn’t be serious. “You were. What’s up? What’s on your mind.”
You sigh trailing. “I was hoping… he would come by and chat with me some more.”
Your assistant Winwin snickers at your words it was a surprise to hear because you never get interested into someone’s personal life or want to actively get to know someone specific yet Jaehyun was on your mind with every step overtaking your everything. Anywhere you walk it’s as if he was walking with you. Everywhere you go you smell his scent and that weird breathtaking perfume that made you addicted to smelling him. It’s so irritating because he is not here and you know it.
But you’re annoyed because he isn’t here with you. You weren’t sure what was happening to you. You were completely out of it. Winwin whistles. “You fall for a werewolf. You totally fell for him. Man I didn’t think you would fall for someone like him.”
You hiss at Winwin grabbing the nearest magazine and rolling it ready to throw and hit him for teasing you but lucky for him he was steps ahead far away from your throw distance.
“Shut up I did not!”
“Oh! You’re angry guessing by your reaction I am right.” Winwin runs off as you saw him leave the shop to do some more errands most likely. He was also running away from your anger and denial. You slant back into your seat feeling a sudden low energy.
You have the urge to meet him again. For some reason. You can’t put your hand on it.
‘Maybe I should go for a walk… that will clear my mind.’ You thought to yourself as you made your way outside. Winwin can handle the shop as you go and take a breather or two.
You therefore start to venture outside roaming the streets of your local town with nothing in sight unless it was a few cars driving on the road and you happen to see them as you walk past. Your gaze meets a neighbourhood where your house was located and a van moving in to the house opposite yours. You couldn’t help but run over to find out who was moving in there and then you were met with someone you would’ve never thought to be there standing with two other figures behind. Your eyes were fixated on the silhouette outline of his muscular build and you were so wrong for admiring him now.
It’s as if you were thrilled with overwhelming urge all this time that has been released off your shoulders now only because you saw him. You weren’t sure what this mild obsession with Jaehyun was and why you happen to be so excited to meet him again.
When he finally noticed you behind the scenes he walks over with a wide smile quite surprised just as much as you were. “Y/n! What are you doing round here?” He asked you and you couldn’t help but wonder the same to him. If anything you should be asking him what he was doing here.
You point your gaze at the house opposite to the other road. “I actually live in that house over there. What are you doing here?”
Jaehyun points to the moving van that his two friends behind him were pulling up the boxes helping them to move in. “I am moving in.” Your eyes move to the two men you don’t know.
One man had pale complexion and sharp piercing eyes reminding you of a hare while the other man had soft features but a friendly smile flashing out to you. Jaehyun saw how you were observing his friends and he laughs a little. “Oh right you must be wondering who these are.” He stops turning to them. “Doyoung and Jungwoo this is Y/n. She is the local witch that owns the store there.”
Doyoung was quick to put the box down lending you a hand out and you shake his hand softly. Jungwoo waves at you smiling. “Hi Y/n. Your suppressants have helped us a lot by the way.” He mentions and you couldn’t help but feel surprised by the sudden compliment.
You were glad your suppressants worked out well for them. You hum relieved a little. “Oh that’s good. I wasn’t sure if they were good enough for you guys.” You say and Jaehyun raised his eyebrows. “You looked like you knew what you were doing the other day though.”
You smirk. “Every witch pretends to know what they are doing with potions. Otherwise you wouldn’t have customers.” Doyoung laughs. “I like your humour. Why don’t you come inside we are just moving in right now?”
Without a doubt you were walking inside the house with your shoes taken off. The house was very spacious and layout well. The guys were moving in slowly and it seems like Jaehyun decided to live alone with two of his friends who happen to be also werewolves. You couldn’t lie but it was cute and endearing to see them have such a close relationship as if they were brothers despite not being blood related it made your heart melt to see Jaehyun and Jungwoo mess about as well as Doyoung calm them down too. You decide to help the boys out too.
Your help was needed inside the house with Doyoung where he puts the curtains on. You both plug the tv and set that up too and then you helped out with the carpet on the floor. Jungwoo and Jaehyun took care of the kitchen where they unpack the cutlery and plates as such putting them into the cupboards and cabinets. While you were done you decide to check out the upstairs where it seemingly was already done and ready to be used.
The house gave you a homey feel. It didn’t feel like a new open house with people moving in after it was finished and ready. Every room had its located items fitting in the perfect setting. You walk around Turing to joining the boys again but this time only Jaehyun was there standing inside his bedroom putting up the vinyls on the wall decorating them.
The vinyls were from a band called Cigarettes After Sex. He had plenty of bands and many more albums somewhere decorated and laying on the desk. The door was wide open so you couldn’t help but be nosey and sneak in taking a step forward but even though he couldn’t see you and his back was turned to you he could smell you from miles away. He could hear you coming before you were approaching. He could smell your distinctive perfume smell he so craves to bathe in it. He wants your scent so badly it could really make him go insane.
Your feet stop when Jaehyun’s head turns around looking ahead at you making you stop on your tracks. “Sorry the door was open wide so I just came in unannounced. I hope you don’t mind.” You said softly hoping he would go easy on you but judging by Jaehyun’s reaction he seems quite content to have you enter his bedroom.
It was intimate to be inside a bedroom with a guy you just met but you couldn’t help but feel an urging spark to just go and stay with him. Speak to him. Smell him. You were going crazy you felt like it definitely— even your thoughts were only shouting Jung Jaehyun on repeat.
He was gentle when speaking with you always. It was different when he would speak to his friends before because he was quite laid back but with you he was always very calm, aware of your feelings and understanding of you. It was something you were not expecting from someone you just met.
“You can come in whenever you please Y/n. You helped us a lot today thank you.” Jaehyun looks down chuckling. You look at him wondering why he was giggling quietly. “It seems like you always help me out. I owe you a lot.”
‘Oh he was laughing because he was shy’. You couldn’t help but smile going shy and feeling all soft and warm deep inside. God how bad his words effect you.
“You don’t owe me anything trust me. I’m glad to help you out when someone needs it. Your two friends from before were nice too are all werewolves this nice perhaps?”
Jaehyun smiles shaking his head as he turns to you softly tucking the hands in the front trousers. He wore a white shirt and over a beige sweater it made him look smart and comfortable definitely it was very loose clothing yet they fit round his body like he was chiselled down from the finest God’s. If only people like you existed more in this world, he swore he met a saint when you had met the first day at your shop.
“Hmm. How about just me? Those two dorks are just trying to get on your good side it seems. They aren’t always nice trust me.” He leans down whispering to your beautiful face watching him so intensely he could feel his stomach twist and turn with butterflies in them. How can you stare at him with such eyes? “Especially Jungwoo. Be careful he can be very mean.” He adds with an emphasis on the ‘Mean’.
You smirk not believing it one bit and your body moves by itself coming forward closer to the small gap closing between you guys that Jaehyun had left but now that you shut it down your bodies peek on each other like multiple books lining on a bookshelf at an abandoned library. Your voice came out as a withering Bligh. “I don’t think you are as kind as you say you are.” He saw your face so clear he could fall over by how your beauty was existing.
Jaehyun however did not back away. He didn’t run away from you something within him told him to stay with you and close more of your space between you and him. He wasn’t sure what this form of attachment was but he could take a guess when your touch accidentally fell on each other as your fingers managed to make a little touch by your pinkies. His eyes widen as he felt a warm sensation on his body and you couldn’t believe you felt it too with him.
And then something pulls you back into reality, another voice pokes out into the scenario coming his two friends walk in on you guys staring into each others eyes like it was never ending. Jungwoo’s voice comes out loud first. “Hey Y/n would you like to stay over for dinner!—“ it came out hushed at the end as Jaehyun was staring you down with his beating heart.
Both Doyoung and Jungwoo felt the rising tension and they stand in the doorway outside Jaehyun’s bedroom. You pull away shakily falling apart from the man in front standing there frozen as a statue.
What the fuck was that? You couldn’t answer it no matter how much magical knowledge you have you simply had no idea how to come to an conclusion answer to this weird sensation running your body with a touch you and Jaehyun shared. It wasn’t even a physical effect it broke you down quite literally. Mentally you felt worn out and terrified by this deep attachment your heart was breaking apart with and Jaehyun was staring you down with so much emotion he began to tear up yet they did not fall out of his eyes.
Just what was happening to you?
You were quickly to dismiss Jungwoo’s invitation walking past them and running down the stairs out of the house door and leaving. You can’t stay any longer because if you did your body would overheat. Why was your body so warm around Jaehyun? It was burning if anything. It wasn’t the good kind of warm either it was this burning scorching feeling that your body shared after a small touch.
Not only did it kind of hurt. It began to exchange your thoughts and smell as if he could read them and he could know you smell him from every corner of that house and it was a weird feeling and thing to happen. You never touched someone and you had this whole spiritual awakening before. Why him? Why Jaehyun? Why now and why then? You had so many why’s but not a lot of answers to them.
‘Just ignore it Y/n. Ignore him. Ignore this ever happened.’
“So you’re telling me you experienced a spiritual awakening after touching Jaehyun’s hand?” Repeated Winwin who was slanting over the shop cashier desk not believing what happened to you one bit. It was strange to say the least because it was completely random but there can be so many answers to why this happened.
Winwin couldn’t pin one answer down because there would be like fifteen more to your single question it was very difficult to figure out. But here you are trying to find answers with your best friend and another witch that hopefully will help you out but no it seems Winwin was as clueless as you.
You groan struggling to deal with this because even if you and Jaehyun haven’t met or crossed paths since that day it seems like you can feel him everywhere as if he was observing you. It literally felt like you were losing your mind the further you were away from Jaehyun but the closer you are the more scary it was accepting this weird bond you have formed.
He prattles off with the book about werewolves hoping to find the answer to your worries and such. So far nothing in these werewolves grimoires have been able to confirm or deny these claims. “I must say werewolves are difficult creatures. Every werewolf has a different way of making a bond with someone.” He continues. “Here in this book it’s saying it could be an imprint.”
You hawk your eyes at the boy. “You’re telling me a fucking werewolf imprinted on me? Knowing me only after two days?!”
Winwin shrugs. “Imprint doesn’t mean it’s romantic always. It could be platonic. Or he could feel the need to have a brotherly affection for you.”
You glare at him with a blank expression on your face as you grab the rolled up magazine book approaching him carefully. Winwin stops speaking sighing. “Or maybe not. I was just saying… god no need to result to violence. Afterall I’m not the one that bonded with a raging werewolf…”
You sit down hopelessly pondering at your life and how it’s coming to be formed because after knowing Jaehyun you’ve been having majority of it with conflicting feelings and emotions; you were happy knowing him but at what cost would you still be happy? You weren’t sure what’s happening to your body. You can barely sleep without longing to be next to him every single second of the day even now your body is wanting to move and run to his house to find him.
Winwin stops on a page suddenly turning to look at you from the book up front. “Hey Y/n what are your symptoms?” He’d ask and you sigh trailing into a wondering corner. “Everything feels like it goes from zero to a hundred. I have massive mood swings when I’m apart from him. I keep thinking about him constantly. My mind keeps screaming his name out. My heart is pondering fast when I’m near and away from him. God I feel like I’m going insane. My body wants to run away and find him like I’m a marathon runner.” You look back at Winwin.
The boy had an expression that was promising you’d have to say. “Do you ever feel fidgety?” You nod continually now walking up front grabbing the cashier table shaking him back and Winwin escapes back a little with the grimoire to his chest. You gasp. “Did you find a solution to this? Please tell me you did.” You we’re desperate to fix this and go back to normal or at least find an idea as to what is happening to you and Jaehyun.
The Chinese boy flatly turns to you wondering how to bring this news to you. The grimoire was sat on the table as he softly says…
You nod at him waiting for an answer but he seems to be hesitant not knowing how to tell you.
“I think you may be Jaehyun’s mate…”
“She is.”
A voice came to confirm belonging to Jungwoo and Doyoung who spoke out in unison as they entered the shop. You flinch as you saw Jaehyun’s friends coming over and Winwin stares them down wondering what they were doing here and as to why they came with such a serious expression.
Jungwoo walks forward but a hand stops them from coming closer to you. Winwin steps in the middle crossing the arms watching them suspiciously.
“You aren’t here to cause trouble am i right?” Winwin shot at them both. “If any of you hurt Y/n I won’t hold back lightly. I will make sure to send you to oblivion understood?” Winwin sucks in his breathe pointing with a wand pointing at them. Jungwoo nods multiple times and Doyoung wanted to roll his eyes out with these witch ass threats.
“We are here to talk to Y/n.” Doyoung spat. “Please we have some class. Do not think we are thugs or something.”
You shot your head to the side coming closer and your friend Winwin soon pulls away from the scene going behind to let you talk to them as much as you want to now. “About Jaehyun am i right?” Your voice was high pitch clearly you were worried about him and these two can explain what you can do to solve this but you knew this won’t be as simple as it would have seem to be. Doyoung nods at your words clarifying you were right.
They were here for Jaehyun.
Jungwoo smiles down at you before he spoke out cashing your eyes on to him away from the other werewolf with the black hair. “Come with us and you can speak to Jaehyun with what has happened. I promise, it will make sense if you just let Jaehyun speak and explain this to you.”
He paused seeing how your emotions flash in just a second by the way your eyebrows rest flat on your face. You look away contemplating if you should go and see him but at the same time you were filled with dead fear wondering what will happen after all of this? You didn’t know this would ever occur. Somehow you follow your innocent heart that wants to see him and you push away your logical heartless brain that would rather decline instead.
“Okay I will see Jaehyun.”
Doyoung and Jungwoo felt a sense of accomplishment to finally convincing you to come with them home. They were worried if you would say no there would be no hope for you guys.
The black hair man with a tall structure and a stare sent to you reassuringly puts his hand on your shoulder. “It will make a lot more sense when Jaehyun explains it okay?”
You hope it does.
To be back inside Jaehyun’s house you were given Jungwoo’s house keys and they told you to go inside alone and speak with him. Doyoung had a few sudden errands to attend to and Jungwoo didn’t want to be in the house and wanted to give you the space you guys needed. You weren’t sure what Jungwoo is up to now but he did say he will find something to do for the meanwhile.
You enter the house with the keys attach to the doorknob entering and then closing it shut. You take off your jacket slowly putting it on the cloak hanger in the corner. The house was vast silent and empty like it were isolated for centuries somehow this made your skin crawl and you couldn’t shove this horrific feeling away. Somehow the closer you go in the house you start to calm down by the lingering scent of someone’s cologne and your body remembers it with each step you take as if he was walking with you, next to you, talking to you.
And just like that you found yourself in front of Jaehyun it seems like the young man was twice as infatuated with your smell when you came inside the moment you did you were in his environment and his body was automatically searching for you like a radio station alert on every specific time table for you. His jawline clicks open trying to find the words what’s to say to you but your beauty stuns him overtime.
“You came, Y/n.” You heard Jaehyun retort as if he wasn’t expecting you to actually come to him but here you are standing in his very own house. You look around finding it too tense to think. “I want answers, Jaehyun.” You mutter straight to the point.
Ah yes the answers. Jaehyun was dreading explaining this essentially to a Witch it wasn’t easy news to make out the best. If only you were a werewolf it would be so much easier for you to understand how mating actually works and how it can really change your relationship and viewpoint of him . But since you are a Witch you will need to adjust to this weird bond you guys have formed unknowingly. It was love a first sight but this time a werewolf has simply… decided to do this.
You guys sit down together on the couch letting the living room rest with the conquering silence the house was in a state. Jaehyun sits there not facing you with his hands on his legs thinking deeply how to assign this to you. “What do you know about werewolves in general?” You couldn’t line when he asked you this you felt like a lost case. “Barely anything. Doyoung and Jungwoo mentioned something to do with mates? I have no idea what that is.” You shrug your shoulders feeling his eyes on you as you mentioned mates.
Jaehyun felt his ears perk up as you could see an opening for him to take and he will take it upon consideration. His sultry voice lingers like a soft melody you can listen to every single day without a complaint or a pause. “Werewolves mate with someone unwillingly. They don’t get to pick and it happens spontaneously. You also get only one mate in your life.”
You felt your brain hurt from hearing this meaning if you’re mates with Jaehyun it definitely was for life. It doesn’t sound fair neither on you or on him. I mean, you aren’t a werewolf surely there must be some judgement there? Are you even a good compatible match for him? How did you become a mate with him in the first place. You had plenty of questions.
“Wait so… I’m your mate? Is that it? I don’t get it why me out of everyone else.”
Jaehyun couldn’t stop you but his next following words left you stunned. “Because i love you unconditionally Y/n. It sounds crazy because we only met few times but you can’t deny that you feel the same way for me. Our bond is not normal.” His hands brush on top of yours making the skin grow warm and pinkies as if it were blushing by how confidently he grabbed your palms. “I… can feel… see you… even when you’re not around me. It’s driving me insane for these past few days when you are far away. I feel like I could go insane. Your emotions are my emotions. Your thoughts are my thoughts now.”
“But I’m a witch Jaehyun. I’m not a freaking werewolf.” You hiss back. You couldn’t accept this easily just because you are someone’s mate doesn’t make you responsible to take care about it. Jaehyun stares into your eyes sternly as he leans closer. “Witch or not you are my mate. I don’t see the problem in that so why do you?”
“We are too different. I won’t be able to… please you… to love you back the way you love me… heck I don’t even know anything about your kind. How can you expect me to love you back?”
“In this world I only breathe you. I only see and think of you and nobody can change that. I picked you for a reason and so did the universe grant me to you. You’re everything I’ve ever asked for believe me Y/n. So don’t worry and just… give yourself to me… okay?” He whispers as his hands crawl cupping your face you felt weak instantaneously falling in deeper to his arms like melted ice cream and as you did Jaehyun caressed your lips with the edge of the thumb looking down at them hungrily. Jaehyun speaks in a broken tone. “You’re comfortable with me right?”
As far as you’re aware you remember being comfortable and you gave a soft nod and a small hum escaped your lips when two pairs of lips crash on to yours heavily kissing you and you felt your whole body react to it by pushing Jaehyun into your body. The man on top grabbed your waist pulling you down and pinning you where you fight for dominance. Your bodies were a burning ember merging together as one it was a beautiful sensation running through your skin leaving markings of goosebumps. His mouth drifting down to your jawline brushing his teeth and werewolf fangs on your skin that leaves you irking for more and more; your eyes were closed shut but you allow your imagination take you to places. Jaehyun left bruises on your skin you couldn’t even tell when they got there — they were a purple ish and reddish colour on your complexion and small bites where landing.
With every tight groping on your body made you feel so small under his body you haven’t realised it how muscular and larger he was than you. If anything he was larger than life itself and you can’t wait to see what’s awaiting for you in the far future. Those clothes that physically annoyed Jaehyun staring at them were ripped off your bodies leaving your naked presence together resting on one another where his hands roam every trace with the fingertips. You shudder when the sight of his large girthy and thick erected cock stands still intimidatingly before reaching deep inside you.
The tip could barely fit and you couldn’t even think about this thing being so deep inside you it almost made you pass out by pretending it could. You shakily grab the nearest pillow on the couch as you were underneath him pinned like a prey while he was the dangerous predator losing his consciousness of the humane side left inside him. You could not notice it before but now that you were staring the werewolf down your eyes take a glimpse of bright yellow light in his eyes shining through as if this was a sign for you to take and run away but you couldn’t. You did not want to run away you wanted to stay. You wanted him to take you. You needed him. You wanted to be as one with him.
You whimper as his raging cock was taking it sweet time entering you slow and edging. He heard the noises taking it as a cute sign from you as well as your expressions he couldn’t stop thinking about mentally — it’s the way your lips part away to let out an incoming moan or the way your nostrils flare out at the burning sensation of you being stretched outwards on and on. “God Jaehyun you… you are so big I don’t think I can make it fit.” You stutter unable to think quick.
A hand cups your cheeks as he felt your sudden anxiety thump at your doorstep making you nervous. This whole thing is making you nervous and he couldn’t blame you. For non werewolves this whole thing must be a bunch of nerve wrecking stuff bothering your brain and heart. Worst thing is Jaehyun can feel it in his own body. Every emotion you’re experiencing he was getting it too. It made it easier for you both to emphasise and understand but at the same time it made it equally harder. Jaehyun wanted to calm you not stress you out more.
As his hands held your face he lovingly rests the forehead against yours closing his eyes and sighing. “It’s okay. Y/n. Listen to my heartbeat alright? I’m not going to hurt you. I will be slow. It will fit, believe me. You’re doing amazing so far.” He sighs out giving you a rose of confidence you did not have before and somewhere you felt calmer when he mentioned his own heart rate; somehow, it works. Listening to his heartbeat and nothing else makes a great distraction because within a minute seeing you calm down and relax your entrance becomes looser enough to let his large cock slide in much quicker but still a little slowly because he did not want to surprise you.
The thrusts where a peaceful road. It was sensual enough to leave you dotting around like a little doll just for Jaehyun laying down on the coach moving your hips up sometimes to synch with his movements to rock back and let him rut deep in you with his animalistic movements you weren’t even aware of until later on but how he was doing and able to restrain himself so little makes you wondering; we’re you something he couldn’t control around?
“You’re so right for me. You are made for me Y/n and you don’t even realise it how perfect you are. Not a single werewolf can compare to you.”
He has usually great control around people however Jaehyun is struggling around you massively and it’s as if you were the bane of his patience and existence. It’s just that something within gets triggered just as much as you trigger it knowingly. Your bodies were one just as were your souls.
He groans close to your ear out into the thin air letting the heavy smoke his body was produce to fill the room just as much as your loud moans were a fruitful to touch and to hear loud like a large echo in a hollow empty cave covering by darkness and nothing else but Jaehyun’s heat to overtake you. They were a melody to him and only him he could hear. The way his hands pinning you down on the couch never once loosen up and let you go they kept on stern contact as he kept pounding deep in you.
And a sudden painful surge runs through your shoulder where Jaehyun bit down on it with the remaining fangs that are out.
You choke out your gasps. “Fuck…! You’re biting so hard…” It felt awfully weird. It was a quick pain reaction but the more time it goes on your body starts adjusting to it. You were beginning to get addicted to it and like the feeling.
He gnawed forward putting his hands on your stomach holding it as he admires how flat it was and how small it was too. So many dirty thoughts were coming in to his brain just seeing how you sucked it in to inhale out and swallow the moan. He groans out arching deep inside you. He was at his limit you could tell.
“You’re so… small… fragile and dainty I keep guessing if I’m so rough with you i might break you in half. My lord…” his fingers push down on your abdomen where your orgasm was itching to let go. “I want to have you full of my children inside you. What do you say? Want to carry my babies around you? Do you want to be the mother of my kids?”
He trails forward as you were shocked by such words leaving his mouth it didn’t surprise one but now that he was so lost inside to the pleasure he was blabbering nonsense.
“You’d make a great mother I know you would.” Jaehyun pleads humming close to your chest burying his face into it where the little bit of blood draws out from the bite earlier.
You bite your bottom lip hissing out. “If it makes you happy my Alpha.”
Just one word and it made him feral he swore you knew what you were doing with your little playful smile knowing after what you had said would do the trick of making him go absolutely berserk on you and it did because the next minute he was filling you up full stuffing you that could be the biggest load you ever taken in. Jaehyun gave you such a long round but you wondered what that large amount of his warm fluids entering you he stayed inside taking the time.
He looks down at you with beads of sweat on his forehead and dangerous piercing eyes. “Call me that again.”
You stare at him innocently. “Alpha.” You repeated and you saw a flash of his eyes glowing yellow again. He leans down capturing a heavy kiss with you leaving your mouths to be swollen and hurt. The kiss was hard and fiery passionate.
When Jaehyun pulled away his voice went from little strings ghosting over your mouth with his eyes dimly closed but enough to see out of the fluttering long eyelashes.
He spoke like he was an addict. An addict on something called you.
“I like the taste of your lips on mine.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu!! Reblog and follow me from more it helps a girl out <3
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lilspacewolfie · 7 months
Papas Caring For Hospitalized Reader
Spawned from pure self-indulgence. I've been through more hospital visits these last four weeks than I have my entire life. I want someone to bundle me up and make my hand better. I hate hospitals and operations *sobs*. Enjoy nonetheless!
Content: 2k words, Papas x gn!reader, SFW, bullet-pointed format, mentions of hospitals, needles (only mentioned), mention of general anaesthetic, angst, hurt/comfort, anxiety, lots of sweetness, you're getting pampered, no beta we die like nihil!)
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This man will do everything in his power to make sure you’re looked after and relaxed. 
Tea for days! He will try different flavours until he finds the one you like.
Dives headfirst into deep research as to which herbs help your injury heal, as well as calm your nerves. He knows his plants well, but he wants to know more. You deserve the best of the best.
Insists on going with you for infirmary visits even when you tell him you’re fine (you’re not really, but you just don't want him to worry.)
He will anyway. 
Chronic worrier, especially given his age. 
He takes his health VERY seriously, yours too! The Ministry has the best medical care around. 
If you need a wound cleaned, stitches taken out, or other medicines, it's the place to get it. 
Primo will be with you as much as he’s able to, even if that means he’s sitting for a long time while you’re being treated. 
When you’re free and discharged—bandaged, bruised and probably feeling sore, he’ll take you back to his room for some TLC. 
Will have a bath or shower with you, (in his jungle of a washroom), depending on what you prefer and smother you with all your favourite scents.  
He’s a deeply caring individual and shows it openly. 
Will speak gently to you, whisper sweetly and ensure you’re not overstimulated more than you have been. 
“Shh, I know. I know amore. It’ll be over soon, just breathe for me.”
He knows how much you hate hospital/doctor visits. 
You can squeeze his hand if you want. 
If you need space for a bit after everything, he’ll gladly give it. 
If not, prepare to receive a lot of kisses, especially on your forehead (a lot of them, like… SO many.)
He will help you bathe if you’re unable to, running a foaming washcloth over your skin carefully. 
Let him wash your hair! It’s one of the things he adores doing for you!
Once you’re washed, warm and feeling more relaxed it’s time for more tea in bed with a snack if you want one!
He insists. Even if you don't feel like eating, try to drink something for him <3
“It will help you feel good and relax, Il mio fiore.” (My flower)
Fluids are important (wink-wonk).
Reminds you to take your meds like clockwork (always with tea and water)
You’re his petalo (petal) and he loves you dearly. 
Will wrap you up in the mountain of blankets and faux furs he has on his lush bed. He’s old, he feels the cold more than others. At least he has you to keep him warm.
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Secondo hates when you’re hurt/hurting in any capacity. 
Even if it's something minor, he’ll worry about it to the point where he loses sleep over it. 
He’s a big, brooding mother hen. 
The Emeritus curse of being a chronic worrier doesn’t stop at Primo.
This man wants you to be okay and it kills him when you’re not. 
Will also go with you to the infirmary and stay with you. 
The staff always find him a little intimidating, but they know he’s just worried sick. He’s kind to everyone, but honestly, he won't speak much unless spoken to. 
“Are you alright, mio tesoro?” Is what he mainly asks, his voice so low it's close to a rumble. 
Tries his best to make you feel relaxed. 
Will make really, god-awful dad jokes that are so bad you do laugh. 
He will quietly hold your hand the entire time, rubbing his bare fingers over our knuckles. 
You rarely see him remove his gloves in public, but he HAS to be touching you. He insists. 
He’s had enough knocks and breaks in his life to know how fragile the human body can be, but also how incredible it is at self-repair. 
That doesn’t mean he views you as a fragile thing that needs to be wrapped in wool, but he loves you so deeply he would if you let him. 
He admires your strength and resolve as you put up with being poked and prodded (by needles or with doctors.) 
Once you’re released from care, good luck getting him to be anywhere less than within touching distance. 
You’re getting a kiss. Lots of them. Mostly chaste and gentle. 
You can tell it's because he worries about hurting you. 
He relaxes a bit more when you kiss him HARD and bite at his bottom lip. 
Will also help you bathe and shower. Again, touching distance. Just let him be near you for his own sanity. 
Though he wouldn’t be upset if you need some space. He’s very understanding if you’re overstimulated. 
Will linger outside the door in case you need anything. 
Let him dry you off and dress you in comfortable clothes. He can see you that way. 
He can see you’re still with him and that you’re safe. 
He’ll touch you slowly, running his large hands over your skin. 
Will spoon you once you’re in bed or let you curl into him. 
He’ll bury his nose in your hair, breathe you in and say a wordless prayer to Lucifer that you recover quickly. 
“Ti amo.” You hear him whisper as he presses a kiss to your forehead and strokes your hair.
Only falls asleep once he’s sure you have, holding you close the entire night. 
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Terzo. Oh, Terzo. 
Emeritus curse of being a chronic worrier? Check. Turn it up to eleven. 
Unlike Secondo, Terzo is open with his worries. 
He’s a fair mix of his brothers, both gentle and occasionally stoic given the shape you’re in. 
If it's something minor, he’ll try to play it off with a bit of humour like he tends to do. He’ll make bad jokes (oh ho, you thought Secondo’s were bad just wait for this.) 
If it’s something you need an operation for, this man will be silently out of his mind. *insert any internally screaming gif here*
He takes pride in his appearance, but you’ll start to notice cracks—dishevelled hair, a button not done up or a smudge of his paint. 
It would worry you more if he didn’t have Omega or one of his brothers to make sure he’s drinking and eating regularly.
Tries to hide his stress. Fails. Rinse and repeat. 
He doesn’t want you to worry about him, you’re the one in pain, about to be put under and Lucifer… What's he going to do if something happens?
He loves you. Adores you. You’re his life.
He knows how much you hate being stuck in hospitals and it pains him to see you stressed. The last thing he wants to do is add to that, so he’ll play it cool. 
When you go in he’s pacing the halls.
Rest assured, the healthcare of the Ministry has you in safe hands. 
It puts Terzo at ease, but don't expect him to leave your side when everything is over. He will sit at your bedside, kiss your knuckles and stroke your hair. 
Let him touch you. Just let him. 
He’s been through so much heartache in his life. 
Will kiss each of your fingers and whisper sweet words to you. 
“You’ll be okay, vita mia. Cuore mio. I’m here. I’m with you.” (My life. My heart.)
Maybe he’ll hum some songs too. 
You’re his everything. 
Once you’re ready and well enough to leave, you’re getting pampered to hell and back. This man worships the ground you walk on. 
Whatever you want it's not too much. A bath? A shower? Just to get into bed and fall asleep? Terzo’s right there with you.
Dinner in his massive, plush bed with your favourite movie.
When you’re ready to sleep he’ll plaster himself to you. He would crawl inside your skin if he could. 
Fitful sleeper. Wakes up a few times just to make sure you’re ok. 
Eventually sleeps soundly once you kiss his worries away. 
Stroke his hair. He’s a sucker for that!
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*Copia is not Nihil’s son in my verses/AUs unless explicitly stated.*
He’s learned bad habits from the Papas it seems. 
Worrier. Yes, it's chronic. Seriously, are we sure this isn’t like the flu?
Paces a lot. 
Good luck getting him to sit still. 
If he's not pacing, he’s as close to you as physics will allow. 
Lots of touching. Will rest his head by your hip if he’s tired from all that pacing. 
Perfect opportunity to run your fingers through his hair.  
He’ll hold your hands and kiss your knuckles. 
All that stress tires him out. 
“Mi dispiace, amore. Non sto aiutando,” he’ll whisper brokenly. (I'm sorry, amore. I'm not helping.)
You two probably end up curled up on the bed of the infirmary together if you have been waiting a while. A nap won't hurt. 
You kiss slowly as you get comfortable, limbs tangled.
The angle is a bit awkward. 
The sleep helps but he’s still going to be stressed when he wakes up. 
Will get you anything you need. A drink or food, perhaps one of the really nice yogurts they do at the visitor's cantine. 
Will ask the nurses and doctors SO many questions. He likes to be informed. Gets stressed if anything is unclear. 
Maybe he should be in this infirmary bed and not you. 
Prepare to be coddled once you’re discharged. 
You’re both taking a long, hot bath or shower. 
He wants to wash you down so he can see you and make sure you’re ok. Lots of tender kisses to your skin. 
Ends up with you in his arms under the hot water just swaying together. 
You’re wearing his clothes. No, not just because he likes how they look on you but because they’re baggy and won't irritate your skin *cough*. Sure Copia. 
He’ll order your favourite food and you can watch a movie in his room together. 
Will mother hen you, constantly ask if you need anything, and make sure your water glass is full. 
He probably will cry. It’s just been so much. 
You can cry together if you want. You both understand. 
Also like clockwork when it comes to medication (if you’re taking any.) 
Curls up in bed with you. You both sleep like the dead after such a long, stressful day. 
Breakfast in bed when you wake up.
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*Copia is not Nihil’s son in my verses/AUs unless explicitly stated.*
Copia might not be of the Emeritus blood, but unholy shit does the curse of being a chronic worrier catch like wildfire. 
He’s Papa now he’s gotta be strong. 
Will put on a brave face. But underneath he’s still the cardinal he was years back. 
He’ll worry and fret and pace. There's no changing some things. 
While he’s outwardly less anxious, this poor man has so much weighing on his shoulders after he took over to front the band. 
Inwardly it's chaos. 
His hair is never quite as smoothed back as it normally is and his paint is a touch worn. 
There are some things you can't change about a man. Not really. 
Prepare to be coddled, again. The mother hen has never left the coop. 
He’s going to pamper you when he gets you back to his room. Of course, you’re staying with him, he’s not letting you go. 
So. Many. Kisses. 
This man loves kissing you. He adores you so. 
A bath in his spacious tub is just what the doctor ordered. You lay against him and relax in the dim with only the light of candles. 
Finally lets himself cry. 
You shush him, kiss him and remind him that you love him and that you’re ok. 
He loves you so much he can't even express it. The thought of losing you kills him. 
He tries to push your hands away when you take a cloth to his paint. You’re the one who's been hurt and poked at all day, he’s supposed to be caring for you!
Eventually relents because you both know you need this. 
More kisses and mutual washing. You love seeing how his skin pinkens across his cheek, arms and back. It brings out the pretty freckles all over his body. 
When you both get into bed, tangled up again, Copia will whisper how much he loves you until he’s too tired to talk anymore. 
You both sleep like the dead.
masterlist ⛧ Ao3
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SDV Bachelors guilty pleasures/kinks/fetishes in the bedroom? 🫦🥵💖💫
MDNI these aren’t the longest but I hope you like them! I had fun writing them lol
Listen, I’m not saying explicitly that he wants to play doctor in that light but I’m not denying it either
Obviously he keeps his work very professional but in his downtime for play? Naughty man
Also big on erotic massages both giving and receiving
Has so many different scented oils for any occasion or mood
Also likes to cum inside you, but understands if you don’t want that do to risk of pregnancy or other issues
But like if your afab he’s definitely got a little bit of a lactation fetish I think, mostly just how big and heavy your breasts get
But also very into cock and ball worship, giving and receivin
This man is a sub leaning switch, loves to have his partner take control
Will wear a collar if you ask him too, please ask him too he’s to shy to bring it up himself
Likes to be cuffed and overstimulated
Major praise kink, please tell him he’s your good boy
Loves seeing you in lingerie, lace is his favourite texture to feel against his bare thighs well you bounce on his cock
Pull his hair, gently though. Nothing to rough for him
Wax play is an absolute yes for this man
Along with food play, whipped cream and chocolate sauce? Yes please
Big on giving you praise and telling you how well you take him
Loves to leave little hickeys on your neck and chest
Also loves to hold hands while making love
Big into cock warming, tried it once when you were needy while he was writing and has never looked back, one of his favourite intimate activities
Also loves make out sessions, just lazy mornings in bed with you, tangled in each others arms, hands wondering each others body’s while your mouths mould together
Hear me out here okay?
He’s a soft dom, likes to be in control but doesn’t want to inflict much pain
Has a knife kink but has one of those prop knifes that’s really dull so that he doesn’t actually risk cutting you
Will overstimulate you to the point of tears because he loves to see them running down your pretty face
Loves to praise you on how well your doing and how your being such a good boy/girl/pet for him
Low key has a daddy kink I think
Also has handcuffs and leather restraints for you
This man is absolutely a dom and I cannot be convinced otherwise
Big sir kink, loves to be in a position of authority over you
Wants you to wear a collar, it’s more of a subtle necklace with a lock on the back that he holds the key to
Loves marking you up, bites, hickeys, bruises. He absolutely wants to see the aftermath of a session on you
Loves seeing you in lingerie for him, specially anything light blue
Loves to praise and degrade you equally
Has safe words in place and if your mouth is too full to speak you are to tap his thigh three times for stop, twice for slow down and once for all good when he checks in on you
Spanking is his favourite punishment
Overstimulation is a very close second, wants your brain to be mush by the time he’s done with you
Look, I know this might disappoint some but I personally think he’s pretty vanilla, which is totally fine!
Will rail you on his gym bench though
Also loves the way you look in workout gear
Loves to praise you and also likes being told how well he’s doing and how good he makes you feel
Will venture into erotic massages because they’re both good for you and killer stimulation
Loves when you swallow after going down on him, almost immediately back at half mast when you show him you’ve swallowed the whole load
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Champion of the World **^
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Part 2 of Music Producer! Harry blurb as requested in the notes by @totodiamond :) I just did a proper one shot for it.
Warnings: Oral (f receiving), fingering, sex, mentions of death and loss, cheating.
WC: 9k
LAST WARNING... If you haven't read the BLURB first you can do so here.
The reception of Y/N’s band’s new album was expected to be pretty promising. Granted, their music wasn’t “mainstream”, but Harry had insisted that they have 2 singles on the album to get them more on the radar and well, it had worked. Their second single had a more indie-pop feel and swept the nation thanks to a TikTok posted by their label. Because of it’s popularity it really helped hype up the anticipation for their album release and it was projected to do really well. They were also projecting that the second single would be the “song of the summer”. And well, they would start to tour in August so they would be busy from August until next May. 
The topic of tour seemed to be the most frequently asked question as she navigated through the room at the album’s launch party. This was their first headlining tour, they had opened on a few tours for several shows with their EP and first album, but this was the big one. Their self-titled album. Because this is how they made a name for themselves. It was a lot to take in and the more people asked the more overwhelmed Y/N felt. There were people everywhere and she was slowly starting to get anxious and she just needed a little break so she headed outside to catch some fresh air. When she got out there someone was smoking off to the side and the scent just called to her. She hadn’t smoked in years, but she was feeling nostalgic, so she went up to him and bummed a cigarette off of him before the man headed inside. She had just taken her first drag and it felt so familiar that she smiled to herself.
“Seriously?” She heard and immediately recognized the voice and turned to her right to see Harry walking over to her with a disbelieving smirk on his face. She was partially hidden behind a giant palm planter for this very reason, she didn’t want a scolding from anyone about her smoking. She knew cigarettes were gross and bad for you, but she was feeling nostalgic when the scent reached her nose and she gave in just this once.
“I know, I know…but I haven’t smoked in maybe 4 years, it’s just this once. Don’t narc me out to Richard.” She said to Harry of their manager as he stopped before her, still smirking.
“Gimme that.” He said extending his hand to her and she frowned.
“Fine. Just one more though.” She said to him and he laughed softly.
“Relax, I’m not gonna put it out. Nor will I narc you out.” He said to her lowly and she smiled at him as she passed it on over, “D’you mind?” He asked as he raised it to his mouth and she shook her head.
“Go for it.” She assured and he proceeded to put the filter between his lips and inhaled for a few seconds before letting the smoke flow out from between his slightly parted lips as he exhaled.
“Wow, I haven’t smoked in ages either.” He said to her with a smile, “It’s as awful and comforting as I remember.” He added and she chuckled.
“Yeah…” she agreed.
“I promised myself I’d never do that again…thanks.” He joked and she shrugged.
“I’m sorry for tempting you. I’ve heard that I tend to bring out the worst in people…” she apologized with a half smile on her face.
“No you don’t.” He shook his head, “You bring out the wild side in people, but it’s only because you’re so effortlessly cool and yourself. Like people want to impress you. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.” He said and she smiled.
“Is that what this was? You trying to impress me?” She teased him.
“No, I have some dignity.” He countered with a grin and she laughed loudly as he chuckled, “Nah, I saw you walk out in a bit of a rush and just wanted to make sure you were alright.” He explained, “So are you alright?”
“Yeah, it just got a little overstimulating in there. Too many lights and voices and questioned and smells…it was a lot.” She said and he hummed as he took another drag before handing the cigarette back and she immediately took a drag.
“Oh, the shitty parts of acquiring fame…”
“Yeah.” She giggled as the smoke billowed out of her mouth. He started at her lips for a few seconds as she glanced off somewhere else. Her lips were slightly swollen and looked so smooth and juicy from whatever product she had on them. He’d been dying to kiss her for months, but he didn’t want to start anything with her while they were actively involved in a professional relationship. 
“Are you excited for the tour?” He asked after a few beats of silence. And she wasn’t annoyed when he asked about it, but maybe it’s because it was him.
“Yeah, we already start rehearsals next week! I think we need to re-work the setlist though…but we’ll see once we run the full show through.”
“Are you guys rehearsing here?”
“Yeah, we’ll stay in LA.” She confirmed, “What’s next for you?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve got a couple offers on the table for different gigs, just not sure what to choose.” He confessed and she hummed.
“Well which one has you most excited?” She asked and he bit his lip pensively.
“Ummm…I’ve been approached to compose for an indie film…” he said and she gasped in surprise.
“Oh? That’s so cool, Harry!”
“Yeah.” He smiled, “I haven’t really done any original compositions since…maybe grad school?” He said with a questioning expression, “So it’s not out of my skillset, but I’m definitely out of my depth and out of practice. I’m sure I’m rusty, but it’s something different than what I’ve been doing the last few years, you know? So it seems the most exciting and challenging.”
“Yeah. That’s really sick. What’s the storyline? If I can ask.” She said and he nodded.
“Yeah, ummm, it’s one of those dystopian love stories…so like the world’s gonna end in a few weeks and we’re all gonna die and it’s about like making peace with yourself and living in the moment, finding the beauty in the tragedy…that kind of thing. I really liked the script, it’s so realistic and well written. I’ve even considered going for one of the lead roles.” He said to her and she smiled.
“Oh? Acting too?”
“Yeah.” He chuckled timidly.
“Well aren’t you multitalented!” She smiled as he smiled bashfully, “Well, it sounds really cool, definitely sounds like something I’d watch. If only to hear your compositions.” She said and he smiled.
“Hey, if I say yes maybe you can sing on a track.” He suggested and she smiled.
“Yeah, I’d be down.” She assured as she flicked the ash off of her cigarette before taking another drag and exhaling, “Do you want another?”
“Yeah, last one.” He said and she chuckled as she passed it over to him. Once he took his drag he held it out to her.
“I’m good. You can kill it or…kill it.” She said and he smiled as he stepped over to the little ashtray over the garbage bin and extinguished what was left of the cigarette before stepping back over to her.
“So, should I keep myself open for your next album or has the illusion of having me produce your albums died?” He asked with a grin and Y/N laughed aloud at his question before biting down on her lip to suppress a smile.
“Ummm, I’d say keep yourself open…I think I need to give you a fair shot.”
“Oh… OK.” He smiled contently, “Good. I’ve got some really great ideas for some of the songs we cut from this album that can help kind of establish your sound for the next one.” He said.
“Geez…already? Everything moves so fast here.”
“You’re definitely not in Kansas anymore…” he smiled at her and she rolled her eyes playfully, “Don’t roll your eyes, you know you want to laugh.” He said to her and she finally did but shook her head.
“I’m not even from Kansas! I just went to school there!”
“Yeah, but the rest of your band is, and it was formed there, so whether you like it or not, you’re now from Kansas - well according to Wikipedia you are - so the joke works.” He said smugly.
“You wikipedia-ed me?”
“Well, I wiki-ed the band before I agreed to work with you guys. You’ve seriously never googled anything about me?” He asked her incredulously.
“Eh, kind of…I mean, I googled narcissistic personality disorder, to see if you met the criteria for it…” she said and he laughed loudly and she smirked, “When I realized that I was reaching, I googled your birthday and discovered you’re an Aquarius, and well…that explained a lot. Like how you’re so great at your job but also a control freak and kind of a dick.” She teased and he shook his head.
“I see how it is…” he hummed in mock offense and she reached out for his arm, her hand rested against his bicep.
“I don’t think that of you anymore, just to clarify. It was before when I was still mad at you. I’m sorry. You’re perfectly normal according to the DSM-5.” She assured giving him a small, reassuring squeeze and he grinned.
“Yeah, thank you for stating the obvious.” He chuckled as her hand started to slip away from him and he grabbed it in his, which made her look up into his eyes. Her heart rate starting speeding up as her eyes met his own before he glanced down at her hand, “This is nice.” He said to her as his thumb grazed over the sunburst ring on her middle finger. She looked down as well and felt her tummy flutter at his innocent, but very intimate gesture.
“Thank you. My sister gave it to me.” She replied, her hand still in his. He hadn’t made a move to let go and she hadn’t made a move to pull her hand away from his either, so their eyes met again as their hands came down, still connected by their middle fingers being hooked together. The tension and electricity buzzing between them was extremely obvious.
“It’s gonna be weird not seeing you guys every day.” He said to her and she smiled.
“Yeah…everyone’ll miss you, if that’s any consolation.” She said with a small smile and he smiled down at the ground and asked his question before he could talk himself out of it.
“What about you? Are you gonna miss me too?” He inquired before looking back into her eyes and she smiled bashfully.
“Gee, I don’t know…what do you think?” She asked playfully and he chuckled.
“I mean can you blame me for asking? Your messages and feelings towards me are kind of hard to read.” He said and she hummed as she bit her lip pensively and then glanced up to his eyes before placing her hands on chest and tiptoeing to graze her lips over his. Her eyes flickered up to his.
“Does this clear things up for you?” She asked with a soft smile and he smirked.
“Ummm, it’s still a little murky.” He teased.
“Oh yeah?” she responded quietly and he hummed teasingly, “Let me make it clearer then.” She whispered before pressing her lips to his. His hands immediately found their place at her waist as hers slithered up to loop around his neck. Their soft and playful kisses soon turned into languid and hungrier kisses as the seconds passed them by in their dark little hiding place.
Harry now had Y/N up against the wall with one hand around the back of her neck and the other against the wall as he sank his teeth into her bottom lip before sliding his tongue in against her own. Her beautiful, breathy moan made his ears perk up and ring. It was such a beautiful and sensual sound, he wanted to put it on a track; layer it in somewhere and commemorate it as the beautiful and artistic sound it was. Her index fingers were hooked into his trouser’s belt loops, keeping him as physically close as she could. She wanted to disappear into the night with him and see where they ended up. The tension between them had been building for months and well, they hadn’t seen each other in a few weeks after they finished production on the album, so she assumed that the tension would dissipate with time. But she was discovering that hadn’t affected her longing for him, not even a little bit. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?” He asked her quietly, and admittedly with a smidge of uncertainty, as his nose skimmed down the length of hers in a delicate and playful gesture.
“Yeah.” She whispered and nodded her head in a double confirmation to him that she wanted to be alone with him.
“Alright.” He smiled against her mouth and she smiled as well before he grabbed her hand and pulled her around the building towards where he parked. He was given a spot right out back instead of having to valet, which would be a waste of precious time with her. So they hurried around to the back and they got inside and took off. He was in his classic, white Mercedes with the top down, so when they were leaving, they were inevitably papped. And as much as she tried to keep her head down to avoid being recognized as the woman in his car any comparison in outfit would easily prove that she had in fact left her own launch party with Harry, her producer.
“God, they’re everywhere!” Y/N griped as they finally got on the main street and were stopped at the traffic light.
“And there’s more.” He said to her as he cocked his head to the people who had followed them on the sidewalk up to the light and were snapping pictures of them in the car.
“Jesus.” She huffed.
“Wait, where’s your stuff?”
“Oh I didn’t bring anything with me, just myself.”
“Not even your wallet or phone?”
“No, I mean, food and drink were provided and every person that I would be texting was there tonight.”
“Richard forbid you from bringing your phone, didn’t he?” Harry asked with a smirk and she sighed.
“OK, yes, he did…he said something about me sulking in the corner all the time or whatever.”
“You do look very unapproachable when you’re on your phone. You’ve got this like…broody, angry face going on.” He said trying to mimic it and she laughed loudly before they took off as the light turned green.
“That’s not my angry face, if anyone should be familiar with my angry face it’s you.” She reminded and he chuckled, “S’my concentration face. Like sometimes I get ideas and I start writing them in my notes or other times I’m reading a book or an article and it’s like so loud that it takes extra willingness to concentrate.” She explained and he smiled at her.
“Well maybe don’t read at parties.” He suggested and she glanced at him incredulously.
“If I don’t read at parties how will I maintain my reputation as mysterious and elusive, Harry?” She asked jokingly and he grinned.
“You’re so annoying.” He muttered as she giggled beside him.
“So where are we going?” She finally asked and he turned to her.
“Ummm, wherever you want to go.” He shrugged and she hummed pensively.
“Take me to…a place that means a lot to you.” She said and he chuckled.
“Here?!” He asked and she nodded, “God...this is my home, tons of places mean a lot to me.” He chuckled as he thought about it, “OK, I’ve got it. Hang on!” He warned with a big smile as he sped up and just made it onto the 405-S ramp. 
Y/N’s hair was whipping back with the wind as they sped down the freeway. He was blasting Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac which made her feel like she was the main character because before he played it he said it was dedicated to her elusiveness and mysteriousness, which she appreciated. Soon he was signaling to get off on La Cienega and as they continued driving down the street she saw the giant Randy’s Donut donut and she gasped.
“You know, I’ve  never actually been here before! Is this where we’re going?” She asked happily and he chuckled.
“It’s not, but we can stop if you want?”
“It’s alright.”
“You sounded so excited, like you wanted to stop. So I’m gonna stop.” He said as he started to slow down as they approached the entrance and she smiled at him.
“Well, if you insist…” she hummed and he chuckled. They found a spot to park and walked over to the window. It was 10pm but there were still a few people in line waiting to be served.  “What do you get?” She asked him.
“Usually the maple raised, wheat and honey cake, or the red velvet one if I’m feeling particularly fancy.” He said to her and she smiled.
“That does sound good…” she said as she peeked around a few people to get a better look at the menu displayed on a big screen inside. “They have a fruity pebbles one.” She gasped.
“Such a child.” He joked.
“I didn’t say I was going to get it. Fruity pebbles are just super nostalgic and they smell amazing.” She defended.
“That’s true, they do smell divine…”
“Oh, they have blueberry…that’s it. That’s the one I want.”
“OK.” He chuckled. 
As they stood in line Harry couldn’t help but notice that a few guys in the other line were ogling her a bit too much for his liking. They were obviously young since they were being obnoxious and loud, trying to get her to turn around, but she didn’t seem to be taking the bait. He leaned in closer to her and grabbed her hand, which caught her by surprise and she glanced up to him and he smiled down at her. 
“Is this OK?” He asked her lowly and she nodded as she scooted a little closer to him as a light breeze blew over them and made her shiver. She was in a thin little party dress and her platform boots and the night was only getting colder, they were due for more rain over the weekend. He wasn’t even wearing a jacket he could offer her so he just pulled her in front of him and hugged around her waist. He couldn’t help but smile as her hands came up to his and she slotted her fingers in between his. She smiled as his warmth pressed into her back  and she just leaned her weight back on him. He leaned down a bit to reach her ear before he spoke, “That’s what I mean when I said people are always trying to impress you.” He said quietly and her body shook with a giggle.
“How is being obnoxious impressive?”
“I literally have no idea.” He chuckled as they moved up in the line.
“Hi, I’m so sorry to interrupt.” They heard from beside them and turned to see a younger girl and her friend standing a few feet away, “We really like your album.” One of the girls said with a nervous smile.
“Oh! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.” Y/N smiled happily, but she kept her voice down as Harry let her go so she could talk to the girls who started gushing about how pretty she looked. Which they were right, she looked beautiful. 
Well, to Harry she always did, but she did just a little bit more when she had events and things to do. Often times he felt that when people did themselves up for events they went so overboard that they barely even looked like themselves, but not Y/N. She had mastered this effortless look that proved that a little goes a long way; she was almost ethereal. He liked that she didn’t care to hire a glam team to turn her into another Hollywood starlet clone; she and the rest of the band did most of their looks themselves. He recalls that at the BRITS earlier in the year she was crammed between him and Kassie, smearing some eyeshadow onto her eyelids and getting on her mascara just minutes before they would have to walk the carpet. Witnessing that made him like her even more. That was what drew him to them in the first place, their authenticity, and well if anyone was a champion of unapologetically being your authentic self it was her. She made everyone feel good about exactly who they were and he loved that about her.
“Harry, would you mind taking a picture for us?” She asked him and he shook his head.
“Course not.” He smiled as one of the girls handed over her phone to him. He took several and then handed it back.
“Can we get one with both of you too? You’re like a total icon.” The girl said to Harry and he shook his head bashfully.
“Hardly.” He said to her humbly as Y/N asked the person ahead of them to take their picture. After they got a few pictures the girls said their goodbyes and got back into the line. As soon as she and Harry stepped up he boxed her in between his body and the counter. “Hi, can I get a blueberry cake, red velvet cake, and a…large? Crewneck?” He said to the woman at the window and she nodded.
“What color for the crewneck? We have gray and navy blue.” She said.
“What color?” He asked Y/N softly and she glanced between him and the cashier.
“Oh! For me?”
“Yeah, you’re shivering and I don’t have anything in my car.” He said to her and she smiled at him.
“Ummm, I’ll get the gray one.” She said to the woman who nodded and then gave them the total before rushing off to grab their stuff. “I’m paying you back.”
“Absolutely not. This is your first time here, so think of it as a commemoration gift.” He said to her and she shook her head. “And if you ever try to pay me back I will return it to you in pennies.” He said and she laughed as she shook her head.
“You’re something else.”
“I know, love. I know.” He hummed.
“Here you are!” The woman said as she returned with the sweater and a baggy with their donuts.
“Thank you!” He and Y/N said simultaneously before walking off to the side. “Gimme these.” Harry said grabbing the donuts from Y/N and he gripped the bag between his teeth as he helped pull the crewneck over her head as she got her arms into the sleeves. Yes, it was oversized on her, but crewnecks were meant to be baggy, they just were. It was a bit long as well, it was a bit shorter on her than the dress she was wearing and it made him wonder what she’d look like in his own clothes. He liked wearing oversized things just as much as everyone else, so he’d imagine that she’d look absolutely swallowed and adorable in his hoodies. They walked back to his car hand in hand before they each had to get into their own sides and as they sat down she turned to him.
“I have to tell you something.” She said and he looked a little bit concerned but nodded, indicating for her to go on. “I really, really love that you don’t open the car door for me.” He looked at her with narrowed eyes, “I swear I’m not being a smart ass or sarcastic. Like when guys do that it just…bothers me because like…. I have functioning arms, you know? Like I can do that myself, I don’t need help! And it’s not like one of those general polite things, like holding the door open for someone who’s behind you! Like that makes sense, because it’s more than one person coming through the door! But in the car only one person can get into the passenger side so why does someone else even think to touch my door?” She asked and he chuckled.
“I can see you’re very passionate about this.” He grinned and she sighed and nodded.
“Yes. Yes, I am…for some weird reason. It’s just relieving and it just might be by favorite thing about you.” She decided and he grinned.
“Seriously? My unwillingness to participate in benevolent sexism is your favorite thing about me?” He asked for clarification and she smiled.
“It can’t be anything else?” He asked and she rolled her eyes up as she hummed pensively.
“Mmmm… no. That’s it.” She confirmed and he chuckled.
“I’ll check again at the end of the night if that’s your favorite thing about me.” He said smugly and she turned to him with a grin.
“What’s that supposed to mean? What are you insinuating?” She questioned and he smirked.
“You’ll see…” he hummed as he started the car and they took off. They only drove a few more minutes before Y/N saw the Sizzler’s on her left and then the Forum right up ahead. “Oh…interesting.” She said and he smiled at her.
“Yeah.” He said to her and she hummed, really anxious now to see why this particular place meant a lot to him. They kept driving straight and went around the back of the lot and he wheeled to a stop. It was desolate tonight, which was rare. He put the car in park and she turned to him and he smiled.
“So when I was 14 we came here on a family vacation. Like my parents and sister and aunt and uncle cousins…I’m the baby of the family by the way.” He disclosed and she smiled as he shared this, “So…my oldest cousin discovered that Coldplay had a show and he’d missed their show in England and he wanted to go. My sister was also a fan and I mean, I was too.”
“Yeah, it’s Coldplay!” Y/N said and he chuckled.
“Exactly! So my cousin convinced the adults to let us get tickets, they didn’t want to bring me along because I was the youngest, but I wanted to go. Anyway, saw Coldplay, my first concert ever.” He said and she smiled, “And afterwards we were waiting to get picked up, but my stepdad got lost and ended up going another way so we were just hanging out, right over there because it was well lit.” He pointed to where the trailers and trucks were usually set up, “My cousin and sister went up to see the merch and I just waited there, with my other cousin like they told me to.” He recalled, “And then out of nowhere a couple girls started panicking and Chris and Will walk on over to say hello.”
“No way!” Y/N giggled with surprise and he nodded.
“Yeah! And he was so kind to everyone. I didn’t have anything with me to get a photo or an autograph. But I was the only child there so he gravitated my way, asked where I was from and he was happy to hear that we were from England. And me being the brazen kid I was, I told him I also sang and wanted to start a band with my friends from school, like they did. And he told me that he was rooting for me, to believe in my music, and to never give up on my music. And…so I never did.” He finished his story and she was smiling so brightly. His story was so wholesome it made her eyes well up, that was so beautiful! What an experience to have with someone.
“That’s so amazing, Harry. Like so fucking cool!” She said with excitement and he hummed and nodded.
“I got really lucky that night.” He said softly “And well, whenever I get stuck or feel insecure or like I’m losing my touch I come here and it reminds me to never give up on my music. To continue believing in myself…so that’s why this place means a lot to me.”
“And well, you’ve produced for Coldplay now. Did he remember you?” She asked and he chuckled.
“He kind of did, mostly because I was a British child at one of their LA shows.” He said as they laughed softly, “He didn’t remember what we had spoken about or anything specific. And I did tell him and thank him because, if he hadn’t said that to me I’d definitely be in a whole other world, you know? It was cool and so fucking unreal for someone like me to have that full circle moment that so many people never get.” He expressed and she nodded, “And you know, those of us that get to spend our lives drowning in our passion, making art, literally getting paid to live and experience the best life has to offer just so that we can commemorate it with our art…like we’re so fortunate and so fucking lucky. It’s hard to remember that sometimes with the dark sides of this industry or even just the fame. But this is the best thing that will ever happen to you, Y/N. And what you do now that you have this platform matters more than ever. And that’s why I like you and the band, you guys are so down to earth, you’re in it for the art, you’re in it to have fun, you’re all so genuine and yourselves…never change that. Because as long as you stay in tune with yourself, even when you get stuck or feel like giving up, you’ll find your way back.” He said with certainty. And as he looked back to her she was watching him intently and then nodded in understanding at what he’d just advised. “Sorry, that got super deep, super fast-”
“It’s alright. I mean, we were bound to get deep when I asked you to bring me someplace meaningful to you.” She said and he shrugged and smiled.
“And I know that I’ve got this like look about me that screams “I learn on my own” and “I don’t care what anyone says”, but it’s just that, a look. I promise that after the whole thing with Dr. Auclair I started taking in and listening and considering everything you’ve said to me. So I just want you to know that I listened to what you’ve just said to me, and thank you because after feeling so overwhelmed by everything tonight I just… I really needed to hear that. And I’m not going to forget it.” She shared and he smiled as he reached for her hand she smiled as he slotted their fingers together. “H, hand me the aux.” she said and he grabbed his phone and gave it over and she turned the phone away from him to type something out and then she locked it before grabbing his hand again and second later “Champion of the World” started to play over the car’s speaker and he smiled down at his lap before turning his head to look at her.
“Nice one.” He said softly and she smiled brightly at him. She was in love with the way he was looking at her in this moment. Her smile slowly started to fade as she just took him in intently. She was memorizing the details of his perfectly sculpted face, memorizing the indecipherable feeling he was emitting through his eyes. Whatever it was, it was undoubtedly a good feeling. She started to lean in and he joined her in the middle as their lips met with blazing passion as these big, beautiful emotions surged through and between them. “Do…” he paused as his lips smashed into hers once more, “d’you wanna…go back t’mine?” He rushed out with his exhale before their lips met again. He felt her nod ‘yes’ but he wanted to hear her say it. He need to, so that he knew for a fact that he wasn’t imaging that Y/N, this marvelous and radiant person, wanted him too. “Hmmm?” He insisted.
“Yeah.” She mumbled, “Take me home.” She said quietly. It was so hard to tear away from her after she said that to him.
It was just a 20 minute drive to his house in the hills and the whole time they held hands. Once they got there they wasted no time in getting inside and to his bedroom. They were undressing on the way there. It was giggly and clumsy because for some reason she was leading while Harry called out directions to her, but her unfamiliarity with his space was showing as she bumped into things along the way. When she finally got to his room he picked her up from behind and flung her onto his bed. She shrieked as she landed on the mattress with a muted thump. Harry soon climbed over her and kissed her through his smile.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” He hummed into her lips and she smiled. “I can’t get over it.” He exhaled before they started making out again. 
Y/N whimpered as his erection rubbed over her dribbling pussy. Well, over her panties, but she was so sensitive that he might as well have been rubbing himself bare through her folds. A wave of warmth pulsed through her body as his lips moved down her neck. She arched her back as he started to snake his hands under to get her bra unclasped. He did so quickly and dexterously before pulled it away from her body and sucked her nipple into his mouth. She hummed with pleasure as the other was fondled with intent. He wasn’t being delicate with her and she loved that. 
“Oh fuck…” she chuckled as he bit down on her nipple for a few seconds before sucking it hard. She was so wet for him that she was squirming as her cunt throbbed and pulse with need, “Harry. Harry, please.” She keened as she tried to find his hips with her own, “Need you inside. I need to feel you so bad.” She muttered into the dark as he sucked his mark on her breasts.
“Need me, baby?” He asked her before continuing to kiss down her body.
“Yes. Yes, I need you so bad…fuck.” She groaned as he kissed over her clothed cunt. He patted her thigh and she lifted her bum and he dragged her panties down her legs as he kissed right over her clit before licking through her slit and flicking her little bud a few times. “Harry, fuck that’s so good!” She whimpered. His licks started getting heavier and languid, sloppier even. She could feel his stubble and mustache tickling her already hypersensitive pussy as he moved his head from side to side with intent. Y/N tangled her fingers in his hair as she thrusted up to his mouth, grinding herself against him. She noticed that he grew more whiny and vocal as she used him and tugged at his hair and it made her even more aroused.
“You like when I use you to get off?” She asked and his lips turned up in a smile as his eyes fluttered up to hers, “I’ll take that as a yes.” She hummed before biting her lip and moaning, “Fuck, that’s perfect!” She praised him as he sucked her clit, brushing his tongue over it each time he’d suck it in, “Fuck…” She sighed with a smile, “y’suck my clit so good.” She panted as her tummy tightened deliciously with pleasure, “You’re gonna make me come!” She whimpered and he moaned against her, causing her toes to curl as her walls started to pulse hard and fast as she vibrated from the inside out. “Oh fuck!” She shrieked as Harry sunk two fingers into her without a warning and started to fuck her in time with his sucks on her clit. Not slowing down for a moment as she started to come.
Her hips wriggled around and her back arched as she trembled as he pulled yet another orgasm out of her without even letting her come down form the first one. Her ears were ringing and she was covered in goosebumps as the waves of pleasure rippled through her. Finally he started to slow down and then gently eased his fingers out of her.
“Taste so good, baby.” He hummed against her mound before kissing and crawling back up to her mouth. As soon as he was within reach she crashed her mouth onto his.
“That was the best head…holy fucking shit. That thing you did with the sucking and the tongue?!” She expressed with a bewildered smile.
“Enough to update your favorite thing about me?” He asked with a grin and she hummed pensively.
“I think not.” She said and he chuckled and shook his head.
“You’re such a turd.”
“Thank you.” She grinned and he chuckled. “Harry?”
“I like still want to have sex with you. Like really badly.” She said and his eyes widened as he chuckled.
“Yeah, ummm, sorry I was just giving you a little break.” 
“I don’t take breaks.” She hummed as he leaned over to grab a condom from his bedside table.
“Well, good to know.” He smirked as he knelt up to get it on himself as she repositioned herself against his pillows. Watching him roll down the condom with lustful eyes and a kiss-bitten lip held down beneath her teeth. He was so fucking perfect that it was almost physically painful. And well, Y/N could admit that he was also perfect inside, like where it counted. She pressed herself to sit up and pushed herself up to pull his head down to meet him in a deep and searing kiss. He let himself fall into it and continued his task blindly. When he shifted above her she laid back down as he guided his cock down to her entrance where he gently prodded at her leaking and tight little hole a handful of times before he surged into her. His thick cock pushed her walls apart as he glided in, in one fluid motion.
“Harry!” She gasped, back arched and body tense as he plunged in to the hilt with very little resistance, “Mmmmm you’re so deep!” She whimpered lowly.
“S’that where you wanted to feel me, baby? Are you getting what you wanted? What you need from me?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yes, Harry…” she sang breathily as he started to pulse his hips, his tip nudged into her g-spot over and over and over, her breath was hitching and her legs trembling.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing so hard…” he hummed in delight, “Come for me, baby. Cream on my cock.” He panted and she moaned loudly at his filthy words as she came undone. She was coming so hard, she’d never had an orgasm solely from having her g-spot stimulated, it was game changing. A pressure had formed inside of her that she had never felt before, but it was as he had said, that’s exactly where it ached for him and he was satiating that perfectly.
His thrusts slowed down as she settled from her orgasm, but he kept going, slow and deep, not really letting the entire feeling fade. Extending and milking the pleasure for her as far as humanly possible. And it was happening as he groaned and picked up his pace. When he started going he knocked his head back and grunted with each deep pump of his cock into her. She was so wet, the sounds of her arousal sopping her up for him were unreal, she’d never been that wet before. She was certain of it. 
“I’m so close. Getting so close.” He groaned lowly as his hips started to snap harder with each dip into her pussy. One of his hands slid up from her waist to her breast, kneading it and playing with it as he brought them both closer and closer to the final orgasm. She was a fucking goddess, he wanted to obsess over her until he had learned every single detail of who she was. “Fuck, rub your little clit. Want you to come with me.” He said and she immediately did as he said. Her orgasm started to build at double speed than before. She was quickly right on the edge with him, holding on just a little bit more, trying to get the most out of this moment together until their bodies demanded their climax. “Oh shit…oh…oh… fuuuuuck.” He grunted before he started to moan as his orgasm overcame him. His desperate thrusts and gorgeous sounds pushed her over the edge. The fact that he was vocal enhanced everything for her, it brought a feeling of pleasure to her that she’d never experienced. As they lay there in satisfaction, recovering from those incredible, earth shattering orgasms she spoke up.
“I like that you’re not shy with your sounds. It’s really attractive.” She hummed as she ran her finger nails down his arm that was draped over her body.
“You know, I usually am more of a heavy breathing kind of guy. But with you being how you are, I don’t know, I just felt like I didn’t have to hold anything I felt back.” He said and she smiled.
“Yeah…you can, do that with me, you know? For like anything you need…Not hold back I mean.” She added, “You can not “hold back” with me anytime and for anything.” She rephrased and he was just smirking as she tried to un-confuse herself. She only stopped when she felt his body shaking before he burst into laughter.
“I got what you meant the first time, baby.” He assured and she shook her head as she laughed. “And I want that for you too. To not hold back with me.”
“OK. I won’t.” She smiled as she confirmed this to him.
After that night everything between Y/N and Harry changed. Any rational human would think that falling in love after one night together was completely insane, but that’s exactly what had happened. The two spent time together every single day up until the day Y/N and her band left for tour. With his newfound time alone he decided to follow through with auditioning for that film he was asked to compose for and after a few nerve-racking weeks he’d found out he’d gotten the part. Obviously, Y/N was happy for him and they celebrated over FaceTime. But now that he had a new gig he needed to just take some time to get the compositions together. 
Harry worked diligently on the film score for three months. He only needed 4 pieces as there would be other songs weaved through out the film. And then it was off to filming. Filming was in Canada and that went on for 8 months. Y/N had been able to visit after the band’s tour ended, but it was just for two weeks as they were heading back into the studio soon. And just like that it had been a year apart. Because he was working on his film, he couldn’t produce their next album, though during their down time over the next holiday he did give it a listen and share some insights with her. And then the following March he got some bad news from back home about his father and he headed back for a few weeks. 
When he returned he was really upset about it, but he had solely come to break up with Y/N. His dad didn’t have very long apparently and he’d been away for so long that he decided that he needed to be there with him for as long as he could. He was going to look after him until the end. And well, Y/N completely understood why he wanted and needed to do that. It was sad, but amicable. And for the first few months they continued their routine of chatting regularly, but she soon discovered that it was just prolonging her pain. She wrote a song from it that she called “Good Grief”. It was about grieving the beautiful things, remembering them with love, and simultaneously talking about it being hard to let things like that go. That song launched them into an entirely new era and things took off for the band which ended up putting even more distance between the two. Harry also didn’t move back to LA, so they didn’t even have a chance to easily see each other and with each decision pulling them further apart they inevitably fell out of touch. 
It was three years after their break up now and the two were doing well. Y/N was about to be engaged. Well, she assumed she was. Her boyfriend, Riley had been extra odd all week and her friends and family were oddly unavailable so she was expecting it. Harry had just moved back to LA after all that time, he just needed a change of pace after looking after his dad for one year and then dealing with the aftermath of it all for the next few. He was excited to come back, reconnect with some old friends…and of course, talk to Y/N. He hadn’t moved on, he hadn’t loved anyone like he had loved her and he just wanted to be back in her life, in nay capacity. She was it for him, he knew that for certain.
It was a day like any other, except for one thing…she was craving a donut. But not just any donut, a red velvet donut from Randy’s. She knew it was completely ridiculous to be driving out to Inglewood at 4pm for a donut, but she was alone for the evening and had nothing better to do since apparently everyone in her life was mysteriously busy. She got in line for the drive thru and as she glanced out of her window absentmindedly she saw a very familiar face walking over to the back of the line. She smiled wide and her heart did flips and her stomach fluttered with butterflies at the sight of him. Of seeing him here of all places. Her mind went back to that night he brought her here. How perfectly wonderful that had been.
“Harry!” She shouted out the window and he glanced in her direction and his lips widened in a smile as he waved. “I’m gonna get out!” She shouted and he shot her a thumbs up and got out of the line to meet her where she parked. She rushed out of her car and straight into his arms. He hugged her tight and spun her around as they laughed and greeted each other with enthusiasm. “Wow! How insane to be running into you here!” 
“I know…” he shook his head.
“What brings you to LA?” She asked.
“I’m moving back actually. Just touched down and figured a little detour wouldn’t hurt.” He said and her eyebrows raised.
“Oh, that’s good. It’ll be nice to have you within reach.” She said with a smile and he nodded, “I’m sorry about everything with your dad. I wanted to call or something, but I didn’t know if I even had the right to since we haven’t talked in a long time.” She explained herself. 
“You always have a right, Y/N. Love of my life, remember?” He said and she smiled.
“Light of my life.” She said as she reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. 
They got their donuts and talked for a bit before they headed off. She waited a few days and this intense need to see him again didn’t go away. So she talked to the band about it, they knew each of them the best and well, they all agreed that maybe they needed a better form of closure. So she reached out to Harry and asked him if he wanted to go for lunch. And he accepted, which is what led them to their meet up at Seabird’s Kitchen.
“You look pretty.” He complimented her as he hugged her quickly.
“Thanks. I rushed over from a meeting I had this morning.”
“Ah, work attire.”
“Yeah.” She giggled, “So how are you settling in? Are you back at the old house?” She asked and he shook his head.
“Nah, got something smaller. Got rid of that place a few years back.” 
“Oh, I didn’t know.” She pouted, “So many amazing memories there.” She hummed and Harry nodded. 
“So what’s up?” He asked her and she sighed.
“Well…as you know, what we had together it was…magic. Literally heaven on earth.”
“We were pretty perfect weren’t we?” He smiled fondly and she nodded.
“Yeah…and ummmm, well I’ve never really been able to 100% move on because well…there were just a lot of things left unsaid because we kind of broke up and then you went back home. And I guess I just…didn’t want to talk to you about that when I knew that you were dealing with so much already.” She explained and he hummed. “I guess I just needed closure on a few things because…well, I ummm….” She swallowed thickly, she had no idea why she felt guilty saying this to him, but it just felt wrong to tell Harry this information, it didn’t make any sense, “I think I’m getting engaged really soon.” She said and his eyebrows shot up.
“Oh!” He said and quickly morphed his surprise into a smile instead of the frown that was clawing itself to the surface, “Congrats!” He smiled brightly. He knew that she had a boyfriend…but he doesn’t know why it never felt real to him. Maybe because he hadn’t heard it from her own two lips. Or perhaps because he was far away so it didn’t feel like a reality to him? Who knows, but reality hit him over the head with that one and he could feel his heart breaking over her once again.
“Thank you.” She forced her smile as best as she could. As she looked down at his hand she could very easily picture herself holding it in hers. She could see herself enjoying it and her heart warming as she pictured their fingers interlacing together. As if no time at all had ever passed. It made her feel afraid now as all of it started rushing back to her.
“Hey, are you alright?” Harry asked her and she nodded.
“Yeah, I just got distracted.” She shook her head, “Ummm, well anyway I just wanted to I guess give us the proper goodbye we deserved.” She said and he nodded with a broken heart but he stayed for 3 hours, catching up, joking around, talking, reminiscing until it was time to go. Harry was walking Y/N to her car since she had parked quite far down the street. And when they got to her car she had him hop in so that she could give him a ride back to his car. And they hummed to her music playing from her phone as they made the short drive over, and soon they were just saying their goodbyes. He was hugging her over the console, mentally saying a different kind of goodbye to her that was making his heart wilt in his chest. They were about to pull back when “Champion of the World” started to play and she smiled as she relaxed in his hold before pulling back a bit, their foreheads pressing together and it felt like no time had passed at all.
“We’ve been here before.” He whispered and she hummed in confirmation as her eyes fluttered shut to give herself a moment. This was hurting far more than she expected it to. It felt like they were breaking up all over again and this time it was her choice and he was complacent in her decision. It felt wrong to be saying goodbye to each other twice. “I don’t think I’m ever gonna fall out of love with you.” He said softly and her eyes fluttered open and she slightly frowned as she looked from his eyes to his lips a couple of times before just doing what her intrusive thoughts had been telling her to do since he’d shown up this afternoon. She surged forward and slotted her lips against his. 
Harry didn’t hesitate to kiss back. One deep kiss led them to a stolen peck, then another, and then a deeper kiss, and more and more. It felt like they were kissing to makeup for the three years they hadn’t been able to kiss. There was still so much love between them, Y/N supposes it had just been dormant this entire time he was gone. And she had indeed missed how it felt to be completely and undeniably gone for someone. There wasn’t another thought running through her mind in that moment, so as they pulled away she knew that she was still in love with him. She had been this whole time.
“Fuck…sorry.” He whispered and she shook her head.
“I kissed you, so it’s alright. I’m sorry, if I kissed you and you didn’t want to kiss me.” She apologized.
“I’d never not want to kiss you.” He chuckled and she smiled with a heat in her cheeks from his flirtations. “Do you regret it yet?” He asked teasingly and she shook her head, but she wasn’t smiling. She was completely serious.
“I can’t regret anything that happens between us. It’s just a proper goodbye, yeah?” She said sadly and he nodded wordlessly.
“Hey, you better invite me to the wedding. Just because it’s not me, it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be there or that I’m not happy for you. OK?”
“OK.” She smiled and with that he got out and they went their separate ways.
She cried the entire way home and she felt completely heart broken. Like she had lost him all over again and she couldn’t be getting married to someone when she was in love with someone who wasn’t the person she was supposed to marry.  She was so absolutely confused and it was affecting her work horribly. They were in the middle of some writing sessions for their next album and she was not being even a little bit helpful. Her mind was elsewhere. And it was like that for two whole weeks and everyone was fed up with her. 
“Dude what is wrong with you?” Kassie asked her and she groaned.
“I don’t know…I’m really distracted.” She fibbed and everyone sighed, “I just…can’t do this today. Sorry, guys.” She said before gathering her things and heading out. When she got to her apartment Riley was there  making dinner and it made her heart sad that it wasn’t Harry.
“Hey, love!” He smiled and the smile faded as soon as he saw her face.
“Ummm, he’s back. And I asked to see him.” She said to Riley who sighed. He had been there through the entire break up, between her and Harry. At the time he was a session musician who’d been hired to play on one of their songs. But he was so nice and thoughtful. But he also knew the love that she and Harry shared for each other. In a way he always expected their paths to cross again, but he’d just hoped that it wouldn’t affect her. But he still did, in every way apparently.
“When are you seeing him?”
“It was two weeks ago.” She said and he nodded. “I didn’t know how to tell you. I was just hoping to get some closure on some stuff. But then I…I realized that I’m still in love with him. And I kissed him.” She confessed everything, “I’m really sorry.”
“Jesus, Y/N.” Riley said with disappointment.
“I know…I should’ve told you right away but I was trying to figure out what I should do.”
“There’s only one thing to do, Y/N. You said you’re in love with him.” Riley shook his head, “You know, I always knew this would happen some day.” He said lowly, “I was stupid for thinking you’d pick me though.” He said as he made his way towards the couch and grabbed his sweater and he furiously slipped into his sneakers, “Please, don’t call me when this all blows up in your face.” He said with spite before he slammed the door hard on his way out. 
She frowned, obviously she deserved that, but he was a good guy. He hadn’t done anything wrong, he just….wasn’t the love of her life. Maybe she was foolish for thinking that things could start back up with Harry. Well, it’d been a few years, they’d been through plenty of things on their own, it was safe to say that they were pretty different people now. But the way things felt were exactly the same, it wasn’t just nostalgia. Being with him made her feel alive and in control and like everything would be alright. She was a bit stuck with her next step, as she weighed out her options. She sighed and decided to take a drive to the place that always helped her think.
The sun was setting as she placed her hands on the white rails of the Forum parking lot. After Harry left she’d made it her special place to come think. He had given this place a new meaning to her and it felt like the best place to decide on whether that goodbye they had was the final one or if she should give in to her desires and go after him. She stood there for a few minutes, just the sounds of the city around her.
“Why am I not surprised to see you here?” She heard and turned around to see Harry in his shorts and hoodie, smiling brightly and she smiled back.
“What brings you here?” She asked.
“Feeling a bit stuck…And you?”
“Same.” She responded. They were quiet for a little bit before she spoke up, “I think we’re feeling stuck over the same thing.” She said to him and he glanced to her, his eyes soft as he looked over to her.
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“Whether it’s too late for us or not.” She said softly and he hummed as he looked at her.
“Well what do you think?” He asked and she bit her lip.
“I told Riley we kissed…he told me not to call him.” She said and he frowned.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m not.” She said softly and he glanced up into her eyes with a gleam of hope, “I’ve been in love with you this whole time. Waiting for you. I want us back. I-if you’ll still have me.” She offered a hopeful smile and he grabbed her face and leaned in to kiss her.
“Course I’ll have you.” He hummed with a smile, “You’re the love of my life.” He said softly and she smiled against his lips.
“And you’re the light of my life.” 
As always, all feedback is appreciated!
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petracozbi · 5 months
Doing more Trolls (Branch-centric ‘cuz he’s my favorite) headcanons:
Branch speaks both Spanish and Korean, he learned from the K-pop Gang and Reggaeton Trolls
Kismet all have minor scars from either getting in a tussle with Branch, or saving him from trouble (taking on a big predator-critter on his own, one of his inventions almost exploding in his face, getting into confrontations with trolls bothering him (aka Creek and co.), etc.)
YK how we see how trolls can make their hair glow in the dark in ttbgo? Branch’s eyes glow in the dark. It’s pretty rare, since most trolls don’t roam in complete darkness, like he probably did for so many years to avoid detection from predators, so most trolls don’t even know they have that capability. It allows him to see in the dark, as well as scare the shit out of anyone that might catch a glance of him (Kismet, the bros, etc.)
A continuation of the hc that Branch needs glasses, from the post linked above: Since he stopped wearing glasses at such a young age, Branch struggled a lot with both reading and writing. This resulted in him having to label things in his ration-stock with very big letters, which were often also misspelled. No one, neither Kismet nor the Snackpack, thought to correct him, since they didn’t deem it too important, but Clay was genuinely saddened by the fact that Branch had had to struggle with this from such a young age. He offers to help Branch correct the mistakes and teach him how to read and write properly, which makes Branch extremely embarrassed at first, but he reluctantly obliges when he sees how nonjudgmental Clay is about it. Clay later discovers that the main reason Branch struggles so much, is bcs he needs glasses, and not just bcs he never got taught grammar past the age of like five (around the time Rosiepuff died). This has Clay silently cursing himself out, ‘cuz how could he forget in the first place that his baby brother needed glasses?? He makes it his objective to get Branch some new glasses, which Branch shows much reluctance to in the beginning, and it takes a lot of convincing from Clay, Poppy and everyone else to get him to try it. Cue Branch seeing clearly for the first time in 20 years, and the first -and almost only thing he can comment on, is how beautiful Poppy is. Cue Poppy getting emotional.
Bruce probably has the softest hair in the world, and gets pretty upset when he learns that Branch, whose hair used to be almost as soft as his, hasn’t done any haircare other than brushing it every few weeks for 20 years. That and just taking a break and relaxing overall. He takes it upon himself to try and get Branch to relax, and tries to treat him to a bro-spa-day, but ends up going way overboard with face masks, hair rollers, sauna, whale sounds, burning lavender-scented incense, etc. It’s all just way too overstimulating, and instead of relaxing, Branch is just put in a state of overwhelming, suffocating stress. Bruce his completely oblivious to this, until Brandy points out how Branch had already accidentally crushed five coconut-drinks in his hand, and maybe, he should try and sus out what’s bothering him instead of continually handing him drinks. This leads to Bruce pulling Branch away, where they have an heart-to-heart; Branch tries to apologize at first, since he was trying so hard to keep up and stay relaxed, as to not bring down the mood, and mentions how the trolls back in pop-village would always complain that he did that, back when he was gray. Bruce is heartbroken when hearing this; for one, the fact that Branch had to endure so much (frankly a little cruel) judgement from everyone around him, when he’d just been afraid, instead of anyone helping him or taking his feelings into consideration. And secondly, that he now felt he couldn’t speak up about what’s bothering him, with the fear he’d be rejected. Bruce ofc tells him he has nothing to apologize for, and that it should be him apologizing, since he never even noticed how uncomfortable Branch was; and they continue the rest of the bro-spa-day, doing something low key, but still relaxing.
Floyd partied hard during his solo-career days, and is horrified to see his baby brother with a candy sucker (I hc them as being like drugs for trolls)
Branch clings to others when he sleeps, but only sleeps when he feels secure enough, so there’s been many sleepless nights. Kismet tries to combat this by staying with him to ‘keep lookout’ while he naps. This is how they discovered the clinging, and it later evolved into all of Kismet taking regular naps together, in an almost sleep pile (think the Croods)
Branch is a silent observer and easily notices patterns and specific quirks with the ones he’s close with. This leads to him often being a step ahead; Ablaze likes his coffee a certain way at a specific time in the morning? Branch already has it ready for him when he walks in the kitchen. Hype has a tendency to bump into a specific spot on the table every time he walks past it? Branch is there, ready to hold a protective hand over the spot when he walks by. Poppy usually runs out of scrapbooking-material around the same time at the end of every week? Branch is already waiting at her door with another unrequested ‘delivery’. Branch always returning with specific things, snacks, etc, every time he return from a run in the village, because ‘he knew they (each individual member of Kismet) liked those things thing, snacks, etc.
Branch doesn’t show physical affection very often, so when he does, it’s automatic bragging-rights for whomever got shown affection (Kismet, Brozone, The Snackpack), plus it often puts them in an emotional state. (And yes, everyone (Kismet and Brozone) is very jealous of Poppy and how much more physical affection Branch shows her)
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Some more things on Johnny as a werewolf because my little good boy deserves more headcanons
Transforming isn't necessarily painful; But it's really uncomfortable. It feels like his skin is stretching out, his muscles feel like they're detaching from his bones, only to stick themselves back on again, his face doesn't bring him pain, bit it doesn't feel like his...
Once he's done going through the motions, which usually takes an hour, he has full consciousness, which is both a blessing and a curse.
On the one hand, his senses are heightened, meaning he just knows stuff he couldn't learn before. He sees little scars on people, details even the person themselves didn't know, he remembers their scent to a T, and just by being around someone, he knows exactly who they are. He hears things he couldn't before, so sneaking around him isn't an option.
But, on the other, now that his hearing is 10 times better, every noise makes him jumpy, and if he has to be subjected to high-pitched noise, he can't stand it. He can smell smells very well, which means that if an odour is only slightly unpleasant it's an acrid stench to him;
Another thing I think is that he doesn't succumb to instincts, BUT... he can't help himself when it comes to fetch. He knows what he's doing, and he can stop it, but he just wants to play with his friends and s/o! And what better way to do it, than a classic game? So, imagine: This huge, grown-ass, 12 feet tall werewolf that can rip apart cars with his bare hands (or paws?), Sat on his ass Infront of you, tail wagging wildly while you hold a ball, filled with little holes from his teeth, drowned in slobber. Then you throw it, the bestest boy on the world playing fetch with you. It's surreal, but come on. Johnny knows he technically shouldn't like this, but he does anyway. It's a little embarrassing for him.
His fur is also like a dense carpet, straight and medium length, a dark brown. So fluffy. Perfect to hug. He's like an oversized poodle when you hug him, just so much soft floof to hug, it's so...
But during missions, while Johnny is transformed, he's a big threat. Bullets don't do anything to him, and with his heightened senses, strength and agility he can easily clear a base all by himself. Nothing can stop him, even metal doors, he can just open them right up or rip them to shreds. He's truly unstoppable by anything that isn't capable of telekinesis, so that's why Simon works so well in tandem with him, to protect him from such weaknesses and magic.
-> I imagine that he gets overstimulated by his heightened senses sometimes. When he is safe, he tries to hide in a quiet, dark corner. Somewhere that won’t tear his eardrums apart, where he doesn’t want to vomit from so many smells. If he’s overstimulated on the field? He’s even worse—he’s borderline feral. He’s so desperate for all of the sensations, smells and noises to stop that he’s barely in control.
-> This man knows full well he will crush you by sitting in your lap, yet he still tries to, just like a lapdog would.
“Soap, jeSus, dude!— You’re heavy, get off..!”
-> Johnny throws himself to the floor and rolls onto his stomach often to show that’s he’s submitting and that he trusts you quite often; but that also means he’s shaking the floor, the whole damn building, even. Tongue out, panting, chest to the ceiling as he stares you down. He doesn’t want to admit it, but belly rubs feel good, too.
-> He loves when you pet him. Loves loves loves!!!
-> He can quite literally tear a human in half, yet he’ll let you examine his sharp canines if you wish to do so.
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issdisgrace · 7 months
WARNINGS: Nsfw duh
Tumblr media
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jon doesn’t really care about aftercare. But he definitely doesn’t mind when you treat him like a king. Also he’s the type that likes to have a cigarette after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jon’s favorite body part on himself is probably his ass. He knows it’s nice and that’s why he wears tight pants.
On the flip side his favorite body part on you is your hands. He loves how big and veiny they are. He also loves how they look when they’re wrapped around his cock.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
Jon ABSOLUTELY loves it when you cum on him. He feels so dirty. He feels like such a cheap hooker. It turns him on so fucking much. He also LOVES drinking cum. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
D = Dirty secret (self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Jon wants you to use either his or your blood as lube. He finds the idea so hot but is worried what you’ll think/say.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Jon has had his fair share of experiences. Was he drunk most of those times yes. But despite that he does he know his way around. He knows what he likes and what he doesn’t like but he is definitely willing to try things out.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Jon is a big fan of missionary and cowgirl.
G = Goofy (are they serious in the moment? are they humorous?)
Jon tends to be more serious in the moment, but he does have time where he isn't. Those times are very far and few inbetween.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
I feel like Jon doesn’t really care about keeping himself groomed but if you wanted him to he definitely would.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Jon doesn’t really know how to be romantic. He tries to but it’s a work and progress.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jon only really jerks off when you aren’t available to help him out and this only happens on rare occasions.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Blood kink, impact play, knife kink, scent kink, overstimulation, feminization, CNC, degradation, man handling, pain kink, and somnophilia.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Jon doesn’t care about location as long as your fucking him then he’s completely fine with any place. Public, semi public, private doesn’t matter.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
A major motivation is seeing you bloody or sweaty or both. It turns him on so much and in your line of work getting bloody and sweaty comes with the territory. So you guys have definitely fucked a lot back stage.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything to deal with piss and shit is an absolute no go.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill)
Jon prefers to give oral rather than receive. Giving you oral is a way to get out of his head and focus just on you. It also helps that he’s unfairly good at it too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
Jon prefers fast and rough. It’s the only way he finds he can enjoy sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often)
Jon loves quickies as sometimes you guys sometime don’t have enough time to fit in a normal session. Also sometimes Jon just wants to get off and doesn’t have any patience.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks?)
Jon’s career is full of risks. So he had no problem experimenting with things no matter how risky it is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Jon can normally last pretty long and can go for around 5 rounds. But when he’s really needy he doesn’t tend to last that long and can only go for around 2 or 3 rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Jon has never own his own toys before you but he is definitely interested in trying them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jon doesn’t like to tease or be teased he wants to get to the action not prolong it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Jon can be quiet if he wants or needs to but he prefers not to hold back so you can hear how good you’re making him feel.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves when you call him baby girl or princess but will never admit it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
5 inches soft, 7 inches hard, on the girth side.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Jon has a high sex drive but he can keep it in check in times that it’s inappropriate to get horny.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Jon doesn’t tend to fall asleep right after sex. He likes to have a cigarette and talk while cuddling.
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astroyongie · 5 months
Sukuna nsfw a to z plsssss
A To Z Analysis: NSFW
(based on 6urse chart)
A = Aftercare 
he is surprisingly good at aftercare but without speaking it out. he is organized and gets things ready before the session so after it he just has to do whatever it takes without having to listen to you demanding it
B = Body part 
both on himself and his partner he likes the same thing. for exemple a nice well taken hair is something he appreciates, pail skin, well done nails and just that softness on the skin. Sukuna is a simple man
C = Cum (
he is usually very simple and he doesnt like the mess of cum. however when he is really excited he loves to release on the smaller back on his partner
D = Dirty secret 
you dont understand how many pictures and videos of you he has stored on his phone. from semi nudes to nudes to full videos of you in the most vulnerable ways, the pride he has that he was there in all of those
E = Experience
he has quite some experience but they come from previous relationships as he isnt the type to have one night stands
F = Favorite position
doggy style and mattress press. anything with his partner being turned around and upon his mercy
G = Goofy 
this man is far from goofy. he is full business and seriousness during the need, there's no place for humor
H = Hair 
he is well groomed actually, he takes care of his body and of his applearence even down there. he doesnt care much for his partner but he would prefer them to have groomed hair. not bare neither too fussy
I = Intimacy 
he will never admit it but intimacy Is important as he wont sleep with anyone unless he has some feelings at least for the person
J = Jack off
he does it often mostly when he is under a lot of stress and pressure and he needs something to clear off his mind
K = Kink 
his kinks arent as sadistic as one can think but they still express dominance since he wont allow his partner to have any. overstimulation one day, orgasm denial the other. scent play and spanking are his favorite things ever
L = Location 
bedroom of course but also.. his working place
M = Motivation 
its not easy to turn him on, since he is well self controlled and he doesnt like to lose his composure. the best way to get him into it is by making him mad. so go against his word or defy him
N = No (
he will say no to anything that would permantely scar you or hurt you. anything that damages the body itself is a big no
O = Oral 
he is such a receiver. this man has talents when it comes to his mouth he is super skilled, but he wont give oral all times, its reserved in special occasions. however he wants his dick worshipped
P = Pace
he is a rough yet slow pacer.. he likes to feel it all
Q = Quickie
he aint into it. he likes the full session where he can have his full atention on his partner
R = Risk 
he will take risks and he will experiment but only after doing his own research. it might be hard to get him out of his comfort zone
S = Stamina 
this guy is a machine but a controlled one. he lasts for about 30 minutes averagely but he prolongs the session longer when he is into denying
T = Toys 
he is jealous of it to be honest and he probably has beef with some of his partner's toys
U = Unfair 
he is UNFAIR and awful when he truly gets on the edge. its either too much either not enough and the way you cry is melody to his ears
V = Volume 
he aint that loud, but he does curse and grunt a lot during the deed
W = Wild card
there's two here. the first is that surprisingly he is someone self conscious and prefers to do it on the dark unless he is half dressed or if he really wants to see you wrecked. also.. voyeurism
X = X-ray 
big boy, but more thick than long. quite veiny
Y = Yearning 
moderate sex drive
Z = Zzz
after the deed he likes to go back to his own business as he is unportable with the lovey dovey post sex bliss
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wishmemel · 11 months
OMGOMG SAFI congrats on 100 ml !! hihii im here to participate in your cute slumber party event ! (i even brought my fave pillow and totoro plushie)
okok soo yk i'm dria 🩵 black / caribbean, around 5'1 (i promise im so close to 5'2 don't @ me haters will hate i drink my milk and eat my veggies) i have huge hair!! like very big hair, too many curls!! it's alot! i love reading, i write plenty of poetry, which is what i use most of my time to do — i lovelove r&b and early 2000s rap music. however, if u open my spotify rn and shuffle my liked songs it would go in order of hip hop, rap, afrobeats, classical music bcus my taste is all over the place. (i also keep a folder of edit audios for my own maladaptive daydreaming purposes lmao)
im rlly a baby blue girlie, fave flowers are tulips (idk my brain js thinks they look yummy), fave season is autumn ofc bcus rainy weather and i have an excuse to stay inside under my blankets 😭 fave animal would beee a black panther or a tabby cat! (my bby bella is a tabby lmao) i love vintage shows (rlly old noir films of all types of genres) i love cinema and visual art it stimulates me sm (im autistic btw i forgot to say mb) i've watched almost every wes anderson film in existence i love soft color palettes in film so bad <3
i enjoy watching old cartoons to relive my childhood nostalgia, jewelry (esp rings i never go anywhere without one or two on), rainy days, late night car drives, baggy shirts, scented candles, afrobeats n anything astronomy related.
im very much a social science n humanities junkie - yearning to be a clinical psychiatrist or complete my dream of teaching literature / psychology. i cry very easily (im js a crybaby istg) - in general im just very very emotional and more often than not i forget common sense and instinct are a thing bcus wtv i feel i just go with it - though i am extremely introverted and freak out when overstimulated in huge crowds and whatnot.
for the event im picking toji bcus that man is the love of my life bye ☹️ the epitome of sunshine and sunshine protector - tiny human and big scary guard dog ! in terms of our compatibility, we're so opposite it's insane! but we balance each other out well. sometimes i have to serve as toji's brain bcus this man is spending money he does not have on all sorts of things for me js cause i looked twice (my sister hced that he'd go below bankrupt buying me sanrio plushies and rings) he works mostly off instinct where i go completely off emotion so we butt heads alot in terms of decision making but he does not know how to tell me no, all i do is sigh once and HES DONE FOR.
i stress this man out like hes my full time babysitter pls
we acc spend alot of time having deep talks about the world and life in general, (i told him ab the backrooms lore and it messed w his head for weeks) which is a side of him he rarely shows to anyone (also he listens to me rant abt daily pop culture developments bcus he lowkey loves the celebrity drama) he's rlly protective, and even moreso bcus of how my anxiety gets. in a crowd this man is standing in front of me and blocking my view of everyone (he also subconsciously pulls me into his side when we're walking in public bcus my autistic ass will see one thing and wander off never to be found again) im always talking like talk talk talking and he pretends he isn't listening but he's literally able to repeat today something i mentioned two weeks ago - he's attentive, shows his love through actions rather than words. if i even make a face that gives away that im uncomfortable being somewhere, or my social battery is dead, hes taking me home no questions asked not a care as to who says what.
im an affection junkie - physical touch is my thing ! and hes so big! so im always pouncing on him for bear hugs and he acts so unimpressed and cocky abt it like "oh you missed me? im not goin anywhere relax" but he acc melts bcus when was the last time someone gave him affection?? he prob thinks im a figment of his imagination lolol
days off / dates would mainly be : window shopping, grocery runs, sitting in the park at sunset, indoor ramen dates n movie marathons and cuddles !!
AHHH sorry if i ranted way too much omg i can't wait to see what you do safi, i'll love anything u write ily so baddd <33
note: hihi dria, thanks for bringing your fave pillow and your totoro plush to the slumber party.
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dria x toji — ꒰ tojria
“in this space right here that we have made for each other, you can say anything and i will not abandon you. unwrap the worst things you have done. watch me hold them up to the light and not even flinch.”
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height differences, cinnamoroll x badtz maru, protective touches, 3 am conversations about life, romantic picnics at sunset, shopping together, opposites attract, shy x protective, princess treatment, introvert x introvert, buckling your seatbelt for you, tired bf x hyper gf, teasing remarks, day x night, accidental eye contact, blushing, midnight walks, late night phone calls, giddiness, sunshine x sunshine protector, stealing his clothes, late night drives, deleted texts, holding hands under the table, "mean to everyone but her" bf, head pats, she fell first, he fell harder.
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being with toji is not always as seamless or easy as you make it look. He's gruff and protective and difficult and incredibly stubborn. like that time you two fought because he was ignoring what you were saying and he flat-out refused to acknowledge your demand when you called him out on it. to be fair, he'd come home after an eight-hour shift and you'd started talking his head off, but it wouldn't kill him to listen. he wasn't paying attention when you were talking about that new hello kitty cafe with the fun milkshakes and the mini donuts that you wanted to try. hell, he ended up falling asleep on your shoulder after brushing off your argument and as much as you wanted to remain angry at him, you'd softened immediately upon seeing his tired face, all eyebags and troubled frown. and he did make it up to you later by taking you to said cafe and proving that he had been listening, though when you brought it up to him, he pretended not to know what you were talking about. but deep down he cares for you and he's trying — you know he's trying and you don't want to make him feel bad for things he can't control. a lot of the concerns you should bring up to him, you don't — you want this relationship to be easy and safe. you want him to feel comfortable with you the same way that you feel comfortable with him. even if sometimes he comes home with a busted lip and bloody knuckles and sends your heart skidding against your ribcage. but what matters is that he comes to you first and he comes home to you. so you know that no matter what, no matter how he's feeling, if he thinks he can talk to you or not, he'll always come home to you. and even if you doubt his commitment sometimes, he knows that you're home to him and he'll do anything to keep it that way.
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the way i loved you, enchanted, daylight, afterglow, how you get the girl, treacherous, sparks fly, so it goes...
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join safi's perfect slumber party event — requests are open for everyone!
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merge-conflict · 4 months
not to be predictable but #18 for soft prompts :3
sdklfjsl god this is a good one, thank you. prompts are here
18- Write about how each member of your ship smells. 
I don't have a good in-character idea for this so I'm just going to get a little poetic in my answers:
Goro -> I don't think he has much of a natural smell anymore considering he's gotta be 70% chrome on the low-end, and is very fastidious with his grooming anyway. Personally, I think he'd mostly smell like... chrome and clean clothing? A bit of plastic and warm metal, not enough to be offputting or sterile, but definitely what you'd pick up if you were to say sniff his neck (I'm not judging). When I think about what his various grooming products might smell like or what he'd wear my nose pictures something with that clean-spicy smell, or something luxurious like sandalwood. Smells that if they were colors would be gold and red, if that helps.
Valentine -> Aside from the sort of lived-in funk one gets from too many overnighters at work, she's pretty well-groomed. She's a big fan of citrus and mint scent, nothing flowery or sweet. When she's fucking around with drone stuff she can get that solder and plastic smell, and sadly she often has coffee or energy-drink breath. Wearing scent is something she does off and on, depending on how overstimulated it makes her, but she likes woody, natural, "masculine" scents.
also for free I'm going to throw in:
Johnny -> I'm going to be honest with you I think most of the time he's got stank. Even if he's not in his bad mental health spirals, he's one of those guys that has a relaxed attitude to grooming. The sweat and stale cigarette smoke smell is kind of an acquired taste, unless you're into that (still not judging). I think he'd consider cologne to be masking his natural attraction, and that's a good thing because adding that to the mix would probably be Too Much.
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mothman-clarice · 2 years
I'm bored and having some brainrot so heres some more hcs.
While I understand clarice and hannibal have certain things that realistically would make their relationship difficult I use them as a comfort ship to cope. I hate conflict in almost all its forms so I tend to view their relationship in some different ways that I feel more comfortable with.
Hannibal has a very sensitive nose and gets easily overwhelmed by smells
This actually ties into another big hc I have which is that hannibal is autistic and clarice has ADHD along with autism spectrum disorder.
Both of them have some sensory disorders as do most autistic people
(For the record I myself have autism and ADHD)
Hannibal like I said has a sensitivity to smell as well as taste which is part of why hes such a foodie and a great cook
He has a collection of candles and always has at least one in every room of his house
He changes the scent of the candle every few days since he hates smelling the same thing for too long
You'll never catch him with BO since he keeps extremely clean and always uses some cologne or scented deodorant
As for clarice, she has a strong sensitivity to sound as well as a severe case of misophonia
She gets easily overwhelmed when there are many sounds around her or shes around some loud sounds for too long
She often wears noise cancelling headphones when she goes out even if shes not listening to anything just cus it reduces stimulation and makes her feel more secure
She doesnt really wear them if shes just going for a walk in the park or something but if shes going in a busy area like a store she absolutely will wear them
As for her misophonia her trigger noises are anything to do with the throat and nose. Sniffing, clearing your throat, coughing, sneezing, anything like that will cause her extreme stress. (I'm 100% projecting since this is the exact thing I struggle with but I dont care, I use this to cope)
She tries her best to calm herself if she hears her triggers but sometimes it's just too much
They have a signal system for when one of them is stressed, needs to leave an area or just needs to get the others attention
They have 3 separate signs. If they are close together and let's say one of them wants to move to different area they will lightly squeeze the other's hand. If they're too far away to do that they will just hold up a fist.
If one of them needs to find a quiet place to take a short breather they will tap the others hand or arm twice. If they're too far away they will hold up 2 fingers to their cheek
Finally if one of them is severely overstimulated or anxious or they feel theyre in some kind of emergency they will hold their open hand up to cover half of their face.
Why do they have such a specific safety system? Well they both have chronic ptsd and complications with autism that cause them to have triggers that can severely impact their emotional and mental wellbeing. Many of these triggers are unfortunately quite easy to come across in public places so they need to have a good safety net for the inevitable times when they run into their triggers.
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namgee · 4 years
cry baby | jjk (m)
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❥pairing: Jungkook x Reader (f) ❥genre: smut, pwp, fwb au, university au (barely lol), fluff, 18+ ❥word count: 16.7k  ❥summary:
Jeon Jungkook [Jeon Jeong-gug] noun
1. The friendly (and hot) employee at your local roller rink. 2. Your friend with benefits of 3 months. 3. Someone who’s currently pissed at you for not casting your decisive vote on him in the disco rollerskating contest at his workplace. 4. A vengeful man determined on using his best assets to make you cry.
❥warnings: alcohol, cunnilingus, blowjob, deep throating, slight dom jungkook (?), tattooed jk (that I didn’t mention enough tbh 😩), fingering, rough sex, some overstimulation, some slight edging some spanking, biting (this could have been written as a vampire au lol), light exhibitionism, sex in public places,  reader gives a lot of looks 👀 (let me know if I forgot something) ❥a/n: this story jumps time a bit at the start I actually got confused with the tense since I’m so used to writing in the present tense, hopefully it’s not too confusing and doesn’t mess with the flow of the story, i was trying two new things with this story : writing smut and exploring new story structure, sorry for any spelling mistakes 🥺. any feedback is appreciated ;)) btw the title was inspired by the movie cause jungkook’s looks for the dicon shoot fit it to the T. ❥taglist: @min-nicoleee​ @jeonsjiddies​ @ggukkieland​ 
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You really like fucking Jeon Jungkook. 
He is made of just the right ratio of hardness and softness. You can simultaneously take an impromptu seat on the set of hard thighs that made for an irresistible lap. Thighs that still manage to mold themselves into the perfect weapon to attack the ever growing heat in your center. It’s precisely because of how much you like being confined under his heaving torso in the darkness of the night or the crack of dawn that you loved to stir his competitive spirit. 
Jungkook has been working at Diane’s Rink since his sophomore year of high school. Now two years into college and very capable of finding a better paying job he still chooses to remain an employee. The boss, Diane Berry, knows very well about the positive impact his presence has on her business, so she decided long ago to give him some perks apart from the bonus that grows for every year he remained an employee.  
One of the perks is allowing him, as staff, to participate in events held by the rink. From there on Jungkook has won the annual disco roller skating championship “Disco Craze” for four years in a row! A fit that he deserves, he is a great skater after all. 
A year ago you had moved from out of town to attend college. During your minimal sightseeing you come across a poster for the rink and its annual championship at the town hall. It turned out a friend of your roommate, Kyra, was a frequent visitor and was going to participate. 
On a chilly autumn day, the three of you headed to the rink itching for any kind of entertainment. Upon entering, the atmosphere was bubbling, strobe lights colouring smiling faces, people were gathered around the rink already cheering even though the competition wasn’t supposed to start for another fifteen minutes.
However, the minute you caught sight of what they were all looking at, an understanding nod was all you could give. Right there in the middle of the rink, the body of a well-shaped man clad with snug flare jeans skated effortlessly around as he swept the floor. You watched for a while as he moved around sweeping the same area a total of three times. Wow, he must really love the attention.
The competition started soon after you managed to get some snacks. Everyone clapped as the contestants entered the rink and lined themselves up for presentation. You were close to the rink ready to see it all when the real snack took the stage. 
Your roommate’s friend happened to be good, so good he managed to make you snatch your prying eyes away from “Mr. Swipe the Floor” for a good amount of time. Your attention was however brought back by the matter at hand as the sight of the most perfectly shaped globes of rear meat wrapped in a thin coat of denim passed by your eyes and you felt the urge to tap in. 
His performance on the rink, as if he was born in skates, didn’t help the matter at hand. Just like that, as if you were a primal woman hunting for a suiting partner and he was unaware of performing a nuptial dance, you made your mind then and there to somehow before the time you finish your education have him sweep something else other than the skating floor.
Everyone needs something to motivate them to keep going. Unfortunately for you, after that momentary day there weren’t many opportunities for you to go to attack. You can’t lie, you felt slightly guilty going after an oblivious prey, not that he looked like a prey. However, unknowing to you, your catch would lead to a drastic shift in your roles.
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After a couple of months an opportunity finally presented itself. It was a Friday, the day after the fall midterm exam, and it was party time. Knowing fully well that his party royalty friends would drag him there, you figured you should go and try your luck. 
Somehow between finding out Kyra is a hardcore partygoer and getting lost in the enticing swing of the music you forgot about your primary mission. But a quick trip to the restroom, one which forced you to pass dozens of bodies plastered to the wall in pairs of two made sure to remind you of the night’s purpose. 
You searched around for him, a harder task than you had expected as people flocked around him and his friend group. You cursed yourself for the misfortune of having your eyes set on the popular boy with slick hair that’s otherwise hanging in loose waves, tucked behind his ears or in a bun. But it was too late then, you wanted something, someone and you were out to get it. 
In your moment of extreme strength and confidence, all of which were fuelled by Kyra’s weird and possibly slightly poisoning alcohol blend, you gave your best (and thankfully only) shot. Your eyes zeroed in on the man who you had come to know as Jungkook as he continued to socialise with his group of friends. 
The distance between the two of you wasn’t big (you had after all been creeping for most of the night) and no one was exactly looking at you, yet you put on your best stance and strutted confidently towards him. You had talked to Jungkook before for a grand total of two times, both of those instances were in class, so it technically didn’t count. As you approached the large group of people, shivers travelled up your spine at the sight of yet another snug pair of pants paired with a belt that accentuated his waist.
Just for a second you felt jealous and a bit insecure as you stared down at your own form. However, drunk you couldn’t keep her mind one thing for too long unless it was Jeon Jungkook (and some other miscellaneous but important things). The Jungkook that was looking at you as you lifted your head back up. 
You had imagined the first time you caught him looking at you to be very different. You were supposed to look confident, disinterested but still somehow soft. You thought that in some way, because women are amazing, you would have figured out how to make it all work.
Yet there you were looking back, gaze wavering to let yourself catch a breath. You were one hundred percent sure he was making you more intoxicated than whatever it was you drank. 
It was the forehead exposure, coupled with a sweet looking, curious puppy dog face that really made you realise you were fucked and you really wanted to get fucked. That day was your lucky day, maybe he had been  looking for a charity case. Jungkook’s eyes kept trailing past your tight fitting crop top to your fidgeting legs as you curved his group of friends and headed back the way you had come. The drink you had taken in the name of liquid courage had done absolutely nothing to help, but that time you didn’t mind, he had done exactly what you wanted without any prompting from your end. 
Your legs shuffled quickly away from them, crossing your fingers (in your mind of course), hoping his experience with the ladies made the message clear. You walked far enough to see Kyra’s reappearing form and still no sign of Jungkook anywhere near you. Maybe he wasn’t as intuitive as you had thought him to be. Or he was just playing with you the same way you would want to play with him, back and forth to see who would cave in first. 
Your chest deflated the closer you got to Kyra and you didn’t understand the enthusiastic smile she threw your way as she turned her back to you. Hmmm, okay, you guessed that was her way of cheering a friend up. You got near enough to whisper-yell at her about your debacle, but a smooth criminal wannabe named Jungkook got in between and you don’t think you had been any more happy in your life. 
“Thank god,” you whispered to yourself, pussy clenching right back up at the close up sight of his slick hair, the dizzying scent of his surprisingly sweet smelling perfume filling your nose as you attempted to discreetly inhale it all in, only to let out a loud sigh that bordered on a moan. 
“What’s your name?” He asked softly, eyes shifting to your feet to watch you take a small step back. You told yourself you moved to get a better look at him, to be able to be in control, enough to gauge the situation. You and him both knew it was a lie. You lost your footing at the sight of him and the creeping smirk on his lips which his teeth tried to fight away did more than just show his satisfaction.
But now that you were the tiniest bit farther away from him, you made the bold choice of looking up at him. He was still staring at you, everywhere. Face, cleavage, legs, the hands that toyed with the fabric of your pants. All you managed to catch, now that he was that much closer to you, closer than he had ever been and yet it didn’t feel close enough, was the glorious undercut on his head. If you didn’t want to fuck him before, now you definitely do.
He waved a hand in front of your face? Your eyes bulged. “What?” You sounded like a dumbass.
“Your name?” His head leaned closer into your space and your hand awkwardly traveled to swipe past your nose, hoping it was enough protection from his very conscious attack. 
“Hmm right… Y/N.” You gave him a strained smile. You were really straining after all, straining to keep yourself from jumping him in the middle of a room full with people. 
“I’ve seen you at Diane’s Rink before, do you skate?” 
Jungkook was making small talk with you and you never thought you would ever think this but it was weird. Though you couldn’t  control the way your heart skipped at the fact that he had noticed you before. 
“No. I don’t skate. I’m just there because my roommate's friend skates a lot, she introduced me to the place and you know, I thought why not. So like I end up going there whenever, I don’t have specific days or anything, yeah… I just think it’s a dope place to be at. Roller skating is fun and Diane’s Rink is just the right place to do that… yeah but as I said I don’t really skate…” If the amount of finger snaps, lip smacks, and shoulder shrugs inserted in between your reply wasn’t embarrassing enough, the weird skating motion you did with your body took the cake. 
But even through all of that, he chuckled. He chuckled loud enough for you to see his chest vibrate as the skin beside his eyes and nose scrunch up cutely. How? You swear you could have fried eggs on him just a minute ago (yes that’s how hot he was) and now this. Jungkook was already asking too much of your body  and you hadn’t even gotten in his pants yet. He let his soft chuckle die out, head hanging low along with his hair and decided it was time for you to die as he faced your gaze again, tattooed hand brushing through his hair as a full-blown smile adorned his mischievous expression.
Your Jungkook induced trance was broken for a second as you registered the quick floundering of someone’s hand behind him. Kyra’s hand. She made small hearts in front of her eyes only to make a cross with her arms. You gave her a pleading look. You guess it wasn’t enough for Jungkook to ask much of you but then your roommate wanted you to spare the little self control you had left to suppress your full blown heart eyes for a man and his skin tight leather pants.
You bit the inside of your cheek in hopes it would do something to bring your sanity back, anything. Jungkook’s right hand left his jacket pocket as he extended the tattooed hand your way, “You’re cute. By the way, I’m Jungkook.”
No. No. No! Wrong! He was lucky you already knew his name, how the heck did he expect someone to hear anything he says after he calls them cute, big gentle eyes looking at you. Also, have scientists yet to discover extra nerve endings on people’s hands because you’re sure a handshake wasn’t supposed to feel that good and warm. 
You stared at the way his hand surrounded your own. You were barely putting any strength into it (not that you had any). It was all too much for you and you snatched your hand away, shaking it as if you had just touched a hot pan. Now the whole of you had warmed up to an extra degree. 
“I’m going to get us some drinks. Would you like that?” You didn’t  give him any time to properly answer before you were  sprinting past his frame to grab onto Kyra’s arm as you pulled her to wherever the alcohol was. You turned a corner and found a safe place for the two of you to chat.
“Kyra it’s bad. Like really bad,” you whisper-yelled. “He’s all unaffected, making small talk for some weird reason and standing so close I almost, no I actually forget my own name. You know what, maybe I’m trying to catch a fish that’s just too big. I don’t think I’m ready to play with him yet. I should work my way up to the big boss, don’t you think? Maybe start with some hot dude from the sports department then someone from the arts department and then Jungkook from the science department. That’s a foolproof plan. What do you think?” You paced around her, sporting a convincing voice hoping that it was enough to fool your brain into downgrading its desires for a while cause your heart just wasn’t ready for him yet. 
“Hey!” Kyra slapped your arm. “It’s been what? 6, 7, 8 months of you thirsting after a man. Today it ends, my friend. I don’t care! You’re fucking Jeon Jungkook tonight. If that’s the only way for you to get it out of your system so you can notice all the other much better guys you could choose from if you want to have a meaningful and lasting relationship, then my sole mission today is to get his dick into your hole before this party ends.”
You gave her a side eye for her constant critique of your attraction to Jungkook. It is ninety percent physical but you had been around at the rink (only on the days he had a shift of course) to notice another side of him responsible for the growing ten percent of your attraction. But you would never tell that to Kyra. 
“Fine… but like, what do I do? Everything that comes out of my mouth is weird shit or tmi and I’m just flustered okay.” 
“Then don’t talk. Go back in there, give the drink you said you were getting–”
“You were eavesdropping on us?” Your incredulous voice didn’t  even faze her. She just gave you a ‘really?’ look and you put your hands up in surrender.
“Hmm where was I? Right!” She snapped her fingers, “Take him to the dance floor, back it up on him, get him hard, then move away from the crowd a bit and pounce!” She gave you her drink for prep,“From there everything should just progress naturally, maybe y’all will start with a couch make out sesh or just jump directly to the wall one and then find some cramped up place to bone it out, maybe if you’re lucky you will find an empty room.” 
You stared at her, chewing your lips.
“You can do this!” Kyra said, each hand on your respective arms as she gave you a hard stare. “Today, the thirsting ends. Okay, now go get the drinks” She shooed you away. 
“Right, right. I can do this” You pumped yourself up as if you were prepping for a boxing round and honestly it wasn’t too far from the truth with the way his whole presence was making your heart hammer against your chest. 
One drink in each hand you made it back to your spot, surprised and flattered that he stayed put but still nervous for what was to come. You reached out to give him a cup, the hand contact almost making you drop it.
“Hmm, sorry about earlier. I’m just you know, nervous.” You drank from your cup.
“Nervous, why?”
Kyra said no talking.
“Wanna dance?” You asked pointing to the crowd, completely ignoring his question. He shrugged his shoulder, taking a sip from his drink while squinting his eyes at you. He was feeling slightly confused by your behaviour. “Sure, why not?”
You chugged the remaining liquid in your cup, squirmed at the strength of the alcohol and made your first bold move by grabbing his open jacket and pulling him into the hot and sweaty crowd. You took a quick look at him before you did anything else and you were more than pleased to notice that he was patiently waiting for you to do something. 
The drink, the sight of him, the heat in the room and in your core. It was all getting to you and you really wanted to see the arms with which he swipes the rink clean. His muscles were always straining against the black polo shirt he wears during his shifts. But that day he was sporting a white tee under the jacket and you wanted to see and feel them. 
You turned around and lifted your hands to place them behind his shoulders, in his jacket and pushed it off, staring at the ground. “You know, if you’re going to undress me in public you could at least look me in the eye.” You took a deep breath and did just that, slipping the remainder of his jacket off his forearms . “That wasn’t so hard, now was it darling.” He gave you a looped-sided grin.
You were so turned on and yet you chuckled at the pet name. You didn’t hate it, but you didn’t quite like it, yet. It would have sounded much better coming from him in a gruff voice, with you placed under him taking all of him as an endless stream of moans fell out of your mouth. You needed to take another deep breath at the thought of that, hands clenching around the rough fabric of his jacket as your thighs rubbed together to get yourself under control.
“You good there darling. There’s shivers on your arms.” He pointed at you, tongue wetting his lips. 
Your head snapped down to see that he was right. You rubbed your arms as fast as you could. “Let me try,” his hands replaced yours. Safe to say it didn’t help as you shivered more under his touch wishing the floor would swallow you whole. The way you reacted to the absolute minimum when it came to him was getting embarrassing. “Okay, so maybe that didn’t help,” he said and it was time for you to give a side eye, to which he chuckled, again.
Instead he brought up the jacket in your hands and dressed you in his clothes. It was way too big, but it was warm and the smell of him warded off all the sweat odour from the dance floor. You slapped your thigh, you really needed to focus. The steps were: back it up → make him hard → make out session →  his dick in your hole. It was action time, baby!
You were then staring at the glory that was his chest, oscillating softly under the thin fabric of his tee and your hands ran down his arms, quick after you turned around pulling him closer unfortunately missing the sight of him shivering beneath your trailing fingers.
Your back was glued against the rigid surface of his chest as you went to town, swaying to the beat, your swiftness must have been impressive enough for him to emit a soft whistle. You did your best to suppress the proud smile forming on your lips. You kept at it, hand occasionally reaching back to rub at the back of his hair, only for him to huff and sigh in your ear prompting you to rub your hips further into his. 
It wasn’t long before he was looking for more. His flexed arms caged you, as his right hand ran down your stomach to grip at your thigh just as the other hand kept a tight hold of your hip. You whimpered at his touch, chest caving inwards as your thighs attempted to shut themselves even closer pushing your butt further into his crotch for you to feel it. Strong and prominent. Jungkook hunched over, out of courtesy you thought but you pulled back to continue your tempting ministrations. The shame was gone, all you wanted was for him to feel you up. 
You placed both hands behind his neck, caressing his skin and hair, rolling your hips against his even harder when the bass drops. “Ahhh,” Jungkook hissed into your neck before biting it, making you sight in response to the tightening of his grip. You could have remained pressed against him letting the heat of his chest radiate into you all day, all night frankly, but you wanted more. 
Reluctantly prying yourself off his hands you turned around to face him. His gaze was hooded, lips were parted, hair disheveled from your hands, chest oscillating faster than before and you thought you detected the smallest flush on his cheeks despite the darkness of the room. 
You pulled him back closer. He was really close now. Hard chest grazing hard nipples, anxious hands positioning themselves on his biceps as he rested his hands on your hips. You were really about to do it. Your hands travelled upwards to lock behind his head as he hunched down, hair falling in front of his eyes and his hands brought your chest closer. The way he tightened his hold around your torso, fingertips grazing your sides softly had you smiling into the kiss. 
It all felt too good, and if you hadn’t been sure before, you were then 100 percent convinced you’re not going to get over Jungkook’s lips anytime soon. That one night would definitely not be enough. You were so fucked!
Jungkook was hungry for more contact, hands travelling south to get a generous feel of your ass, he broke the kiss cutting off your soft moans to look into your eyes, a smirk on his lips, “Baby got back.” He slapped your right cheek, and you shrieked only to sink back into moaning as he rubbed the sting away. 
Before he gave it another try you pulled his head down, opening up your mouth to let him explore another part of you. The strong alcohol mix blended between your tongues, as your hands pulled the back of his t-shirt to somehow get him closer. Jungkook chuckled into your kiss and all you did was mumble a disfigured “What?!” 
“Nothing,” he whispered as he lifted you up and away from the dance floor. “I just think–” peck, “it’s time we find–” peck, “another place to continue this–” peck. The domesticity of it all, despite the environment, left you stunned, cheeks warming up considerably and all you could do was hide your face in the crook of his neck. You liked it, in fact you liked it a little bit too much. 
Jungkook might have wanted to give you the lovey-dovey scenario but the truth was you were at a college party, bumping with sweaty bodies on the way to find some privacy, half drunkenly tripping over littered staircases was what you needed to get through. Which you did with the help of a strong hand grabbing onto the hem of his t-shirt as you attempted to navigate the dimly lit apartment. 
“Hey, hey, slow down there,” Jungkook sounded behind you as he pointed to a room that just then became vacant when two ruffled figures pursued a silent retreat from it. Though the last thing you wanted to do was slow down. You shuffled back and into the space. 
The room was hot, smelled of sex and alcohol and the bed sheets were a mess. Jungkook threw a calculating eye towards the bed.
“Under the sheets?”
“Under the sheets,” you answered as you helped him discard the duvet. 
“You really want to take the risk?” He asked, pointing back at the door as he walked to your side of the bed. The right side.
You thought it through in your head. The worst thing that could happen was someone walking in while Jungkook’s is balls deep in you. The best thing that could happen was Jungkook being balls deep in you. Also maybe the worst thing wasn’t t that bad after all, you thought as the thought of someone seeing Jungkook fuck you shoot a shiver up your legs and into your pussy. 
“Uh huh,” you answered, breathless and squirming when his hands dove into the back of your crop top and his teeth nibbled at the exposed skin of your cleavage. “God..hmm, fuck,” he moaned into your skin making it even hotter as you ground your dripping center against his groin and your hands pulled his slick and soft hair to keep yourself from melting into a puddle.
“Please touch me.” 
Your voice was barely audible in between your whimpers. Jungkook’s hands slid down your back to sprawl his big palms on your ass as he controlled your grinding, looking into your eyes. You couldn’t keep them open, not that you needed them to decipher his eagerness. If the soft moans, the big hands and the biting weren’t enough to let you know exactly how he was feeling, his dick was more than glad to help as it grew stiffer by the minute, grazing harder and harder against your drenching heat. 
Did you love the way his hands glided over your heated skin, seemingly setting it on fire as he kneaded it every chance he got? Yes! But you wanted him to touch you elsewhere.
“Plea—ah, touch m—oh.”
Jungkook kept showing you that there were more ways to use his mouth. He had kissed and bit you but nothing could have prepared you for his sucking. Somehow while you were busy craving for his touch, he had undone your bra and discarded it somewhere and now he had his warm and wet mouth around your sensitive mound as his hand massaged the other. His hot tongue swept over the thin fabric covering your nipple, biting the erect tip only for you to whine and squirm at the loss of contact with his cock. 
He took his time, enough for sweat beads to form along your hairline. You whined, pushing yourself against any surface of him within your reach. You could have been vocal about wanting to feel him on you, skin burning against yours, to feel him in you, his strong appendage exploring your heat. Yet you kept your mouth shut for fear of the sound that might leave you
Jungkook gave your breast a particularly hard bite before your hand slid from your hair past your slippery chest to hold onto his slick locks. Your uncontrolled, whiny moans didn’t seem to do much to change Jungkook’s speed. Somehow, his exploration of your breasts became even more languid, lending enough time for your breaths to become synchronized. 
His tongue trailed its way back up to graze your slack jaw as your eager hands latched on the thin fabric of his t-shirt to push him down onto the bed. That seemed to bring him back to reality, glazed eyes staring right at you. Jungkook thought that you wanted it to be a two-way street, not just him pleasuring you but you him. However his jittery leg couldn't’’t help but show his eagerness to try out whatever it is that he had in mind.
“So….” He exhaled, breathing slowly going back to normal.
You started a bit longer at him, after all, this wasn’t about Jungkook getting his fill, it was about you getting yours. You were the one who had been fantasizing about this for an unhealthy amount of time. So truthfully, you weren’t looking for a two-way street. You wanted something else. “I want to use you.” At that his leg stopped bouncing. 
Maybe you knew a lot less about Jungkook that you thought. At the sight of his rippling muscles removing his t-shirt the “keep your mouth closed” rule you had imposed on yourself flew out of the window. Your shining eyes gained a chuckle. “You look like a kid in a candy story,” he said while he crossed his arms hoping his bulging biceps would divert your attention from another straining part of him. Jungkook deducted that you liked to watch as your teeth abused your lips, to let your eyes run past his tooth-rothening sweet expression to his broad shoulders that were slightly red from your previous eagerness, down his chest to his happy trail and equality happy dick. 
He was right, you liked watching, but not just watching anyone, watching him. You were finally getting front row, uncensored material to fill all the previous fantasies you had had of him at night, in the morning, in class, at the rink, anywhere really. 
You dropped to your knees, ass on your feet, as your hands ran down his thighs to feel them clench under your touch, “Don’t worry I’m not too much of a kid, I won’t take too much and leave you dry,” you said, floundering hands reaching for his zipper. Jungkook made it easier for you, spreading his legs to let you closer into his space. 
You couldn’t help but stare at the bulge in front of you only to shy away and stare at the floor, You took an apprehensive look at Jungkook whose lips were slightly parted, eyes soft, waiting for you. For someone who was just having a quick fling he was weirdly patient and understanding. “Sorry for staring,” you whispered, undoing the zipper and reaching behind as he lifted his hips from the bed for you to pull his pants and underwear down his ass. A soft grunt escaped his lips as your finger grazed the flesh of his toned ass.“As long as you’re not disgusted. If anything I’m flattered.” He smiled down at you.  
He spread his thighs wider, allowing you a full view of his veiny up-curved cock, rushing blood tainting the tip an angry red. Now he was showing off, to which you threw him a sly smile which he returned with a wink as you shook your head, hand reaching for the alluring throbbing length. At your touch you heard a sharp intake of air above you, you gave a tentative lick to his tip receiving a slight jolt. 
You had gotten so far, yet the prospect of having Jungkook staring at you as you blew him off had you shy. With a gentle hand to his hard chest you prompted him to lay down on the bed. “Stay down,” you breathed against his dick. “Unfai–ahhh” he didn’t get to finish his protest as you enveloped your warm mouth around his thick tip, swirling it around as the salty taste of precum coated your tongue and an involuntary hum of approval reverberated in your chest. Yeah this was worth it, you thought as you plunged more of him into your mouth to his approving groans. “Fuck, oh, you feel so good.” You didn’t think of yourself as having much of a praising kink, but the praise coming from him with a throaty voice in between his gasps, had your pride swelling along with his cock. 
Your head bobbed up and down his hard shaft, saliva coating the surface generously as your hand twists around his length. A particularly good suck of your mouth on his cock had Jungkook’s thighs clenching around your frame, a hand rooting itself on your hair. “Yeah, right there. Fuck.” You repeated the same movement whining at his tightening grip.”Sh–agh I’m gonna cum soon if yo– oh fuck you’re too go–” Your thighs were clenched tightly around your heated core, your other hand gripping onto one of Jungkook’s shivering thighs. You were really doing it. Feeling the weight of him on your tongue, pushing back and sucking him further down your throat. The rush of glee in your body was unavoidable.
You pulled through, opening your aching jaw further as you pumped more of him into your mouth, tongue fully stretched letting his mouth watering cock be embraced by the constricted walls of your throat. The instance he felt the effect of the depth of your throat, your nails plunging into the skin of his thighs for added intensity, Jungkook couldn’t keep himself down anymore. He heaved his clenching torso back up to a seated position at the sound of your gags. They resounded loud enough to drown his discombobulated mix of heavy sighs and groans, yet he wished he could swap the backdrop electronic music for the slippery and choked out sounds being emitted from your warm throat. 
“Hey hey hey, slow down or I’m gonna cum in your mouth,” he said in a rushed voice as you relentlessly continued your attack on him, keeping your promise of using him. 
When words didn’t seem to be getting to you, he attempted to yank your head back a bit but you stayed rooted, throat somehow engulfing him deeper as the strong command of his arm flattered against your ministrations and had him bucking his hips upwards. You choked on his length, landing a warning slap to his thigh which didn't seem to help other than encourage Jungkook’s inevitable descent into a whining mess. “Oh-h sh-it, fuck me.” His stuttering breaths along with the scent of him as your nose touched the base of his cock had you dizzy and dripping wet, nails scratching his skin meanwhile tears coated your hot cheeks. When you were done with him you were sure he would file an animal complaint report. You weren’t exactly trying very hard not to mark him.
Despite your aching throat and jaw, you resolved to take him deep one last time. But that seemed to be one last time too many as the hot exhale of Jungkook’s breaths further warmed your forehead and he buckled forward from the pleasure. His O-shaped mouth connected with the top of your head whilst he defiled your throat and mumbled curses through gritted teeth. 
Your worn out mouth retracted to give place for your arms to do the finishing work. Before you could pick up the speed, Jungkook’s mouth found your abused lips, tongue probing your entrance to lap up at the excess saliva, sighing softly into the kiss. The hand in your hair kept you rooted in the racking of his teeth against your lips and for a second you thought of letting him use you too. That was until you gave him a small bite of your own and felt him twitch in your hand. Your other hand wrapped around his wrist to remove his hold on you as you tore your lips off of his just to stare at his hooded eyes. 
“I’m supposed to be using you Jeon.” Your hands resumed their work on his cock, welcoming back the straining breaths of the godly man seated in front of you. He was leaning back on his arm as his other hand latched onto his sweaty hair, trying to anchor the sanity that threatened to leave him at the sight of you working on him so diligently. A sight that would remain ingrained in his mind for a very long time. You made sure of it. “Oh, I’m close,” he slurred.
You stuck your tongue out, “Woah really, you’re sure about it?” He might have sounded concerned but you could still manage to see the glint in his sweaty expression. He wanted it. So you played along, “Jungkook pleaseeee,” you whined head moving closer to his flushed cock. You left the rest to him, watching as his fingers fluttered around his length to form a strong hold as he pumped himself with your saliva past his edge. “A–A– Ahhh hmmm, oh fuck.” White warm stripes of salty cum landed on your tongue at the same time that you watched the satisfying decoration of tightly knitted brows, eyes shut tight and bottom lip caught between his teeth on his face following his hurried release. 
You pushed your ass off your feet to stand back up and Jungkook met you, standing tall, hands as eager as ever as they wrapped around your form. You shivered at the graze of your nipples against his taut chest. Jungkook went on to leave even more marks on your skin, teeth grazing and nipping your flesh between the wet trail of soft kisses he made sure to leave before his mouth reached the sensitive shell of your ear. “Thank you,”he whispered and you almost laughed out loud but managed to keep under control. “I wasn’t doing you a favour, Jeon. I’ve wanted to suck your dick for a while now. So really, I should be the one saying thank you.” 
Your hands traveled down his back as you placed your head in the crook of his neck to give him some of your own marks, except a lot less delicate which you could tell by the way he squeezed you tighter. 
You let your arm travel in between your bodies to wrap around his neck as your other arm took it upon itself to get him ready for another round. The most important one. Your fingers played with the strong raven strands on his head earning approving hums from his broad chest. With calm strokes to his member you felt him hardening. But Jungkook also wanted his fun so with two hands of his own he undid the measly buttons of your pants. It was either he was somehow good at undoing buttons while pressed against someone or he just had a lot of experience, but Jungkook did not tear his eyes away from yours. You stroked him harder, pulling soft, strained yet compelling reactions from him, his hot breath fanning your face in the time that you felt the weight of his forehead against yours. 
Addicted to the feeling of your hands on him, he let you fondle with him a bit longer instead choosing to play with the softness of your ass. His hands familiarised themselves with the strong curve of your cheeks and their strong jiggle potential when he grabbed a handful of your butt to pull you closer so he could grind on you. “Ohhh,” you sighed into yet another bite of his shoulder. 
Jungkook kept grinding and you kept whining and sighing. By then you were sure you had soaked through your panties and down your thighs, something he wished to witness as his fingers hooked around your pants and pulled them all the way down. You were raring to keep stroking him. Honestly, you could have held his dick forever if asked to. It was heavy and hot against your palm, velvety skin dragging up and down with each movement of your hand. And with every particularly good stroke on your end it would give you a little reward twitch.
But Jungkook had other plans. He stood back up, hands sliding behind your thighs to heave you up, legs around his waist as he climbed onto the bed. He knelt on the mattress with your form still clinging to him and arranged the few pillows to his satisfaction. He tapped your thigh for you to let go and lay splattered on the bed, wet and needy pussy on display for him. You still had on your flimsy crop top, which he all but ripped off you. 
“Hey!” You went in for a hit on his chest, which he blocked. “Not cool, this isn’t some sort of movie you know,” you pouted angrily at him to which he smiled back.  He wondered how he didn’t not notice you at the rink before? 
“I’ll buy you a new one.” He made small talk as he spread you further to stare at your dripping centre. “Who says we’re gonna meet again after this?”
Jungkook ran his fingers past your wet folds, coating himself in your want as he turned his eyes back at you to be met with the sight of your cheek. “All this juice says.” You heard a loud pop and tried to shield yourself but his thighs were in the way. “Oh, now you’re shy,” he huffed lightly as he held onto your ankles to push himself back enough to be at eye-level with the result of his alluring nature. 
“Is it okay if I eat you out?” you didn’t know if he had intended his question to come out as soft as it did, like he really believed that you didn’t want his face between your thighs. “Jeon just get to it.”you acted detached. He shook his head at your feigned annoyance and grabbed a handful of your thighs, rooting himself close enough to your gaping hole that your folds tickled from his shallow breaths. 
He bit his way past your clenched thigh and gave you one last squeeze, “What a pretty cunt.” One he dived right into, tongue lapping at the excess wetness with an excruciatingly slow lick . “Ahh, fuck.” You did your best to take a deep breath, one supposed to calm your jitters down but Jungkook wasn’t looking to give you mellow head. Harshly kneading the skin of your thighs, he buried his face deeper into your pussy, pointed tongue travelling past pooling juices to probe your entrance hard enough for your hands to bunch into fists hard that would leave crescent moons on your palms. 
“Oh–My–God.” You moaned between rhythmless breaths. You squeezed your eyes, back arching off the bed when he licked you in a particularly hungry away only to graze his teeth lightly against your sensitive flesh. “You good up there?” You could feel his smile against your inner thighs. You shoved your heel into his side in retaliation. “Oh, aggressive in bed? Sexy” You propped yourself up on your elbows to give him a dumbfounded look as you motioned to him to keep it going. “Awww, you’re so mean to me darling.” His shiny lips formed a pout and you did your best not to react to what he had just called you. “Please,” you muttered for good measure. But Jungkook seemed like an easy person to please and an even bigger people pleaser so he got back to the task at hand.
While he had kept quiet for most of the time he was devouring your pussy, now with some kind of newfound confidence he hummed soft words of praise at every little twitch of your legs and buck of your hips and every soft gasp that left your lips. His eagerness fed off of your whining and tossing and he grew harder for every squeeze of your thighs he felt against his broad frame. 
While Jungkook was satisfied with having you laid out for him, oozing your desires into his tongues for him to taste and praise, he wanted to see how far he could take you. Maybe it was just him and his competitive spirit or maybe it was his need to explore more of you, to add one more thing on his list of “who Y/N is” before you parted ways. Whatever it may have been, it made him bring his hand down to plunge a strong finger past your folds and into your welcoming heat. You yelped at the sensation, hands finally settling on Jungkook’s hair only for your hold to strengthen as he slipped the finger in and out. 
“You like that darling?” You chose not to answer, you didn’t want to inflate his ego anymore as if he wasn’t able to make out the answer for himself, which he did when a second finger made an entrance and you whined at the delicious feeling of the slight stretch. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” You flapped your foot against the mattress when he went back to attacking your centre with his tongue, flicking at your clit, landing fluttering kisses that have the knot in your stomach tighten further while his scissored you into a whining mess.
“I didn’t know I was about to fuck a fish.” He laughed as you felt the swipe of his tongue when he retracted from his kisses which set off the aim of your kick against his side. “Next time remind me to bring a tie or a few of them. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the reaction but I don’t like to be disturbed while I am ravaging such a delightful pussy.” You wanted to abandon the daze Jungkook had induced within you, just for a second, enough to refute his idea of a second time, but the rushed addition of a third finger inside your wet walls shut you up. Jungkook pressed his digits with determination, alternating speeds to make a mockery out of your need for oxygen. 
Things seemed to come in a duality for him. While he wished nothing more than to make a mess of you, and revel in the mix of gushing sounds from your cunt and pitched curses blessing his ears, he equally wanted to slide the softness of his cheeks against your thighs only to turn his head to cover you in ghostly kisses. He wanted you to feel everything, his fingers turning you into putty, his breaths fanning turning you even hotter, the dip of his other hand beyond your clenched stomach and past the valley of your chest as you held your breath long enough to exhale into the commanding squeeze of his tattooed fingers around your breast.
He went on, you screamed on. He fed himself off your cries and scratches on his scalp, slurping on the endless gush resulting from months’ worth of pent up horniness of your part. 
You slapped Jungkook’s shoulder, hoping to bring him out of this endless exploration with his tongue. You were close. “Jungkook~,” you whined, head tossing side to side. He hummed against you, grabbing a fistful of your ass, somehow bringing you closer than you already felt. You were beyond controlling yourself, legs trembling at the combined attack of his nose against your clit, tongue curving as he soaked you up. ”There you go, come for me darling.” 
He engulfed your bud around his lips and your hands retracted for your breasts, any semblance of normality and balance slipping from your fingers into Jungkook’s hair. “Jeo— oh god, fuc—yeah right...” You trailed off, words getting caught in your throat, back arching your feverish chest against the stale air of the room, hands clenching around his locks at the moment the compiled knot of your arousal snapped under Jungkook’s attentive care. 
You tried to control your quivering legs and if it weren’t for Jungkook’s slow and steady ascent from the place between your legs to your lips, you might have shrieked at an alarming volume. You still shrieked but the same coated lips that brought about your orgasm, were placed on yours to bring you back down to your usual composure. You tasted yourself on his tongue. And you couldn’t control the twitch of your torso when his hand went to caress your back, pulling scorching skin against each other. 
The light and docile dance of Jungkook’s fingers brought about a different demeanour in you. At least that was what you let yourself believe. You exhaled an amused deep breath in the crook of his neck as your high came to an end, “Fuck, you’re good at this.” 
“Again, thank you,” he said calmly, yet you felt the slight thumping of his heart against your breast. It must be from vigorous exercise. 
The both of you lay next to each other on your side for a moment, Jungkook’s arm draped over the dip of waist. 
“Honestly, we could end here and I would be happy,” you said closing your eyes, letting your neck rest as your head slumped against his chest. A small laugh erupted from him.
“It’s you saying shit like that, that will make sure we don’t end here, at least not if I can do something about it.” He ran his hand along his neck and you truly believed in your soul to be staring at a Michelangelo painting. You ogled the way his arm stretched sideways to reveal the small bed of air in his armpit as his biceps bulged (whether he’s showing off or that was just your perception didn’t matter and you frankly didn't care). 
His hairstyle was no longer present, hair completely out of his face and you imagined this was what he must look like when he wakes up, albeit less sweaty and red from all the scratches and marking. His face looked a lot softer, the fat on his cheek more prominent and the largeness of his eye more notable.
Maybe that was a bit harsh, but you would rather not have him text you during this specific weekend. You didn’t know what kind of texter he was, but if you based it off your only interaction, he seemed rather talkative.You just needed some time to let what just had happened and what would continue to happen sink in.
“Stop staring at me. It’s not helping your case for stopping here,” he said, blinking a couple of times to look past you. This Jungkook, who was in fact like all the versions of Jungkook you had seen during your pining months, had you feeling less intimidated enough for you to smile at his remark. The first proper smile he got to see. He wanted to comment on it but you spoke before.
“You wear glasses?” 
“How do you know?” He asked back.
“I didn’t. I just noticed you blinking a lot so I guessed.”
“I wear lenses for the most part, but my eyes are quite dry. It’s usually not a problem. But I wasn’t trying to miss any of your reactions,” he winked
You huffed giving him an incredulous look. You wondered what he looks like with glasses on? Does he look hotter or cuter? You were  about to continue building on your imagination when he decided that break time was over by pulling on your arm to have you laying on top of him where you could now feel his reenergized cock. You threw yet another look his way as if you weren’t mentally drooling at the thought of seeing him with glasses.
“I told you to stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re thinking about me. Thinking about me outside of this context.” 
You were too childish to admit, so you did the first thing that comes to mind at the sight of his chest. You bit it.
“Ouch! You really want me to make you cry again huh?”
Deeming him distracted enough from the previous path your conversation was taking. You stretched your neck to his pierced ear. “I want you to fuck me now, Jeon.” If the shift of his gaze wasn’t proof enough of the sudden change in atmosphere. Then the contraction of his hands against your frame, as your heart triumphed at the feel of his cock hardening further against the edge of your thigh, made it clear.
“Hmm such a potty mouth,” he gave you a serene kiss, hands travelling deeper into the valley of your back. “Not even a small please.” He got a very deliberate feel of your ass while nipping at your collarbone. 
Using both hands placed at the top of his V cut, you pushed yourself to a seated position on top of his hard dick, pulling an agitated groan from Jungkook’s lips. You ground your hips on top of him, wet pussy lips providing copious lubrication, “Please~," you moan, head hanging low. He bit his lip, hand colliding with your ass, “That’s more like it.”
The feel of him was more overwhelming than you had imagined and when Jungkook rooted his hands on your hips to guide you into a slower grind, your legs squeezed against him at the feel of his tip grazing your entrance. You threw him a side eye, fully aware of his teasing. But you didn’t mind it all too much, especially not when it felt so good. The kind of good that made you close eyes and munch on your bottom lip for fear of uttering something utterly stupid but very true like, “God, I could fuck you forever.” 
“Huh, whatcha say?” Your eyes shot open to look at Jungkook’s distorted eyebrows above the eyes that were staring at the conjunction between your groins, lip still caught in his teeth. “Nothing,” you dismissed your unintended statement easily, diverting his attention to the current moment.
The hand that was splattered against his sweaty chest traveled to wrap around his fully erect penis as Jungkook hissed at your touch. “Oh fuck, you’re really gonna ride me?” You couldn’t help the prideful swell of your chest at his enthusiasm. Jungkook might have seemed intimidating but he definitely knew how to praise. At the rate he was going, you were one hundred percent sure you would be boasting about fucking him for the rest of the academic year. 
You pushed against your knees, body relaxing thanks to the soft caresses Jungkook left on the sides of your thighs. Okay, you were really going to do it? Your heartbeat had skyrocketed, eight months of pining and imagining finally coming to an end. You were ready to sink onto his length.
“Wait! Condom.” He said pointing to the side of the bed where his discarded leather pants should be somewhere. 
“Right,” you shook your head, coming back to your senses as you shuffled quickly off him and the bed to grab his pants.
“Nice ass,” he emitted a subtle sound of approval making you roll your eyes as you bent back up, pants in your hand. “Back pocket,” he instructed. You found exactly one condom. “I see you didn’t have too many plans of your own for tonight,” you said in what was supposed to be a light tone, but it came off far more judgemental. You managed a smile for good measure, climbing back up on top of him.
You teared off the packaging, unrolling the condom onto his cock which was wet with your want. A soft “oh” came from underneath you when you reached the base of his dick. Jungkook’s look had somehow become even more intense, he stared as your fingers traveled to hold his shaft, positioning yourself above it. While you tried to make it subtle, he noticed the small breaths you took apprehensively before sinking his member into your wet warmth. 
You both sighed, you delighted by the thought-erasing stretch of Jungkook’s throbbing length as he ended up fully sheathed in you, and him simultaneously entranced by the tightness of your walls and the sight of you on top of him. Jungkook might not have known you before now, but he was sure he wouldn’t ever forget you. In fact, he doesn’t.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cockwarming but it would be a waste if I com—,” you shifted your hips a bit “before I got a good dicking in.” 
“Jeon, shut up. I need to adjust okay.” 
Jungkook was about to open his mouth to boast, you were sure of it so you slapped your palm down on his mouth. You thought you heard him mumble something along the lines of “kinky” as crinkles showed up besides his eyes.
You took yet another deep breath, moaning at the slow drag of his veiny cock against your pussy as you slid up, tip almost leaving your core only to slide back down, a small shriek emitting from your throat on the fast descent. Jungkook’s hands left your sides to remove your hands from his chest so he could lift his torso to a seated position. You gave him a quizzical look. “I just want to be able to kiss you,” he pushed the two of you closer to the headboard, back leaning lazily against the surface, “if I want to, which I will,” he felt the need to add.
So you plunged forward, smashing your lips against his, his head almost hitting the headboard. Arms coming around to rest behind his neck, you picked up the speed as the slapping sounds of your ass against his thighs filled your space. “Ohhhh god,” you sighed against his shoulder. The room was brimming with gushing sounds, Jungkook’s cock ramming into yours between never-ending gasps and groans, and ongoing praise from Jungkook’s end telling you how good your pussy felt, how good you were to him. “Fuck, do you hear how wet you’re for me?”
You stuttered, hands slipping against the headboard when his hips thrusted to meet yours, “Fu-ff-fuck.” You were unsure if you were gonna be able to formulate any coherent words until you came. Ever the ass man Jungkook’s hands spread over your rear flesh guiding you up and down his rigid shaft as he pleased, tethering on the edge between teasing and pleasuring you, further torturing you and himself. 
But he couldn’t  help it, not when you were whispering sweet nothings into his ears, biting his shoulders, scratching his back, mewling and squealing at the feel of him hitting your deepest spot. So Jungkook repeated it as many times as he saw fit, pulling himself out only to slam back into you, feeling your stature tense around his strong arms as you teeth latched on to the skin of his collarbone.
Jungkook kept bouncing you on his cock, mouth extending towards your neglecting mounds, as he placed his hot mouth against it, sending tingles down your spine which made you grind against him. He lapped at the skin, tongue toying with your nipples, further guiding you up and down his dick with his strong hands. You held onto his forearm for balance, crying out into the air. “Ahhh fuck, please Jeon, fuck me more.” 
You were actually not making sense. How exactly was he supposed to fuck you more? You didn’t know but Jungkook made it known that he was the man. He held you still and steady above him and began his assault on your sensitive cunt. He bucked into your hips with a relentless speed that had your breast bouncing in his face, to his delight. Your thighs were burning, knees ready to give up as you screamed shamelessly. 
Jungkook hissed as he felt your pussy tighten around him, milking the come out of him. He didn’t know how much longer he could last. You sighed deeper into his thrusts when he spanked your ass shooting pleasure straight to your tightening core as you did your best to restrain your oncoming orgasm. You wanted it to last forever. 
You decided to start moving again, meeting his thrusts halfway, intensifying the effect as Jungkook’s arms wrapped around you, a hand anchoring itself at the back of your neck as he stared into your fucked out expression. You were sweaty, eyelids down but squeezed, mouth open, jaw slack and Jungkook couldn’t stop himself from kissing you. He pulled you down by your neck, lips rubbing against each other. You managed to kiss for short bursts of time frequently separating, mouths agape to gasp and moan at the feeling of each other, feeling yourselves close to coming. 
Your hand moved to cup Jungkook’s cheek before you tilted his head back with a gentle hair grab, “Jungkook, make me come,” you said before kissing up his jaw. The fact that you had called him by his first name for the first time was not lost on him and he couldn't control the wide smile that spread on his lips. “Anything for you darling,” he kissed into your neck.
Suddenly, reenergized Jungkook jolted his hips forward, stronger than before, digging deep into your soaked core as he marked your shoulder. His thighs pushed against your own, spreading you wider, no barrier in sight as his hand found your clit, which he rubbed in quick circles as he continued to roll his hips into yours, dick straining against the increased tightness. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight.” 
It was when Jungkook started to piston into you that you felt your body slowly lose itself. The knot in your stomach coiling, ready to snap, thighs trembling from being held in place. “Jungkook, I’m gonna come,” you whimpered. 
He didn't think he would ever get tired of you calling his name. “Come for me darling. Cream on my cock,” he demanded, hand digging into your ass as he continued rubbing your clit. A few more thrusts came along before you choked, body rigid as the coil in you snapped, and you gushed on Jungkook’s dick to his big pleasure. Your entire body quivering under his soothing caresses. You stayed in place, moaning when Jungkook swiped his hand past your pussy lips so he could have a taste. He hummed, fingers in his mouth, “You’re delicious darling.” You smiled too tired to give him any ounce of attitude. 
But you were not done yet, so you pulled through letting your raw cunt sink back down on Jungkook’s cock. You started moving to his enjoyment. You were sensitive so you went slow, but that didn't seem to have any less of an effect on Jungkook who huffed in between breaths, trying to enjoy as much of you before he came. You leaned into him, lips biting and licking his earlobe, “Can you come for me baby?” 
Were you playing dirty? Yes. But honestly you didn't know how much longer Jungkook could hold and you were sensitive, so you played on his apparent weakness, he liked to please and you liked to be pleased. On top of that his pulsating dick made it known that he liked the term of endearment. “Ohh god, please call me baby again,” he grunted.
“Will you come then?”
“Fuck yeah.”
With a couple more strokes in the bag, a tensed Jungkook under you, you raked your fingernails down his back, kissing up his shoulder to the junction between his shoulder and neck where you placed a light bite before licking your way up to his ear. “Baby,” you kissed the contour of his ear, “Jungkook, come in me baby,” you mewled, dropping down onto his shaft.
You gasped at the strong grasp Jungkook had on your hips as he grunted, hips stuttering into you. His hot breath heated your chest while his strong arms abused your skin and he kept mumbling curses under his breath with his eyes screwed shut. “Oh shit, ugh, fuck ahhh,  you’re….” He trailed off, speech rolling into sighs as he ran a hand down his face.
“I am ?,” you inquired.
“The best I’ve ever had,” he said hugging you. He wanted to say something else, but he doubted either of you were ready to deal with what it could possibly entail.
You got off of his lap to lay on the bed, exhausted but fully satisfied. After all, the eight month long pining was worth it.. You couldn’t wait to scream to Kyra about this. You could genuinely go the remaining of the year being celibate, that’s how satiated you felt.
Jungkook poked your side, bringing you back from your thoughts, “About that offer, I am up for it if you are,” he probed in a weary tone.
“What offer?”
“I mean I didn’t hear you too clearly, but I’m pretty sure you said something about being able to fuck me forever.”
You stayed silent. After all you didn’t know what kind of offer that involves sex he was making. The committed or uncommitted kind?
“I just thought, ya know,  we’re pretty compatible so we could scratch each other’s back once in a while.”
“Are you talking about being friends with benefits?”
“Yeah! That.” He turned to his side to gauge your reaction, “ Only if you want of course! Otherwise forget I asked.” 
You thought back to what Kyra said. There’s more to the male species than Jeon Jungkook. But honestly after the fuck you had just had, you were quite content with deluding yourself for a couple of months, or however long the arrangement could last.
You satt up on the edge of the bed, “Yeah, sure. I don’t mind.” 
“Oh! Okay, uhm cool then,” he said, sounding both surprised and enthusiastic.
You were dirty but you still put your clothes back on, stealing Jungkook’s t-shirt. “I’m taking this cause you tore my top off.” It was too big for you, but it smelled nice, like him. Maybe it could cover up the sex stench you had on.
“I would say I’m sorry, but I’m not .” He scratched the back of his head. You flip him off which made him chuckle.
You were fully clothed, shoes on, ready to exit the room. Jungkook was sporting his outfit too without the t-shirt and he totally resembled an exotic male dancer. You tore your eyes off his body before you started thinking things, turning around and reaching for the door handle.
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Your phone number?”
“Monday at Ms Diane’s after your shift,” you blurted out before leaving the room in a rush.
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You kept your promise and stopped by at Diane’s Rink for a quick greeting and a recital of your phone number. You wanted to stay longer, and had you asked Jungkook if it was okay with him, he would have rolled past and around you with an affirming smirk. 
After that you turned your text notifications back on. What followed was three days of losing your composure at the slight sound of a bling coming from your phone. Maybe you had overestimated Jungkook’s forwardness. It wasn’t until you bumped into him and his friend at the university’s lunch space a couple of days later that you got to see him again. The two of you were in different departments so you rarely had class in the same buildings. 
You ate in silence, eyes focused on the word dense pages of Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road”, so much the words jumbled together and you slammed the book shut, sighing into yet another bite of your bland chicken sandwich. You snuck another look at his table and he looked fine. You hadn’t expected him to look any different really but you thought maybe he had noticed you too. Sure you looked a lot less eye-catching than what you did at the party but one would be able to recognise someone they fucked not so long ago. Worse of it all, he had asked you and you were the one losing your mind over it. 
Appetite gone, you picked up your belongings and your small pile of trash, throwing the waste in the bin not far from his table. You had chosen to act on the hurt and growing anger inside of you, pulling out your phone to text him a petty, “Nice to see you too asshole 🖕”. 
You hadn’t even cared that you were blowing your cover, revealing that you were in fact already in possession of his number, further adding to your desperation. You stood back for a few moments but out of sight just to see his reaction. Jungkook had retrieved his phone from his pocket, taking a quick look at his screen before hastily lifting his head to look at the table where you had been sitting. So he saw…. 
You could have left unnoticed but you were already on your dramatic streak so you chose to storm out of the hall, passing by his apprehensive eyes. If only you had turned around just for a split second, enough to decipher the pleased expression on his face, you would have in fact known that Jungkook was quite happy to know that wanted it just as much as him. He considered that a needed affirmation for him to move forward, speeding past the green light.
It wasn’t long Jungkook grabbed hold of you after your “Literary and Cultural Theory” class.
“Hey! Slow down, I’m about to drop my books,” you had alarmed him shuffling hastily behind his combat boots and he couldn’t have shown you that he gave any less of a shit when he instead quickened his stride. 
It wasn’t long before you were dragged into the cramped confinement of his car. Books, bags and clothes in the front seats while an eager Jungkook and a confused you took refuge in the back seat. You shivered against the cool fabric of the seat as Jungkook’s chest warmed you up from above as he huffed and puffed beside your ear for every pointed thrust he landed deep within your gushing core. You had tried and failed at keeping your voice down. You stared out of the window attempting to calm your breathing by synchronising it with the lazy fall of browned tree leafs. 
You had accomplished a couple of firsts in that moment, First time having car sex (which wasn’t as hot as you thought it would be but Jungkook made up for it), and dabbling in slight exhibitionism behind Jungkook’s tinted back seat windows (which surprisingly left you more horny than expected). 
“Ready to get started with this darling?” He asked, sweating skin leaving yours as his softening cock left your entrance earning a gasp from your side of the car.
“A head’s up would have been nice.” Your hand searched the front seat for your panties.
“But isn’t that the fun part?” He snapped his condom shut. “Plus it’s not like I, or even you can control when you feel like doing it.”
You were ready to refute his reasoning but he made a point and you held your tongue. 
“Fine, but don’t abuse your fuck n’ go rights or I’ll get stingy. I don’t have your stamina Jeon.” You tore your head to the side after putting on your t-shirt to look at him, eyes demanding him to say he’ll behave.
“Okay, okay, sure I’ll try.”
That was the first big lie he had told you.
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Since then, the thrill that came with getting regular dick in unexpected places never ceased and as you’re now watching Jungkook tear the rink apart with his calculated moves and pristine performance on shiny black roller skates, you know exactly how you would like your next appointment to be. 
Despite having been fuck buddies for over three months, the prospect of Jungkook roleplaying in his work uniform never had been a reality. You think it’s about time you change that. 
The air in the rink is fiery in spite of the cool winter air outside, people cram together at the edge of the rink to watch the contestants. After an unexpected turn of events, the annual “Disco Craze” roller skating contest had been short of one judge. Miss Diane hurried to find a replacement in the crowd. Of course you had jumped at the opportunity, after all you had arrived too late to the rink to get a good spot to watch the competition. Maybe it was your enthusiasm or your familiar face but to your delight you got picked.
This year’s contestants are far better than last year and both as a judge and a friend you’re fearing for Jungkook’s current winning streak. However, that’s a fear he doesn’t seem to share. Not with the way he glides smoothly to the beat of “I Don't Feel Like Dancin'” by Scissor Sisters. He soaks in the cheering crowd, spot rexing with a goofy smile on your face. 
This is probably the first time you really get to see Jungkook roller skate, you knew he was good, everyone had told you, just not that he was this good. 
His happiness while he scissors across the rink is contagious. He mouths the lyrics towards the crowd and unlike the song title, you see the soft sway of bodies moving to the beat. You’re left smiling before you know it, foot tapping along. He does a quick jump into a spin, before he speeds towards the judge’s table only to stop abruptly as he body rolls backwards. You shake your head, feeling more aware of the tactics Jungkook must have employed throughout the years to win. His number is over before you know it. 
There are a total of eleven contestants. But from what you’ve seen it’s between Jungkook and a girl who performed a great number to Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive”. During the intermission to allow the public to cast their vote, you shuffle away to buy some kit kats at the little snack shop beside the handoff counter for the roller skates. 
You finish one pack and buy a second which Jungkook snatches from your hands when he joins you. 
“Thank you,” he sticks out his tongue at you before ripping the red packaging and biting into your kit kat. 
“You’re gonna pay for that,” you sneer.
“Oooo I’m so scared.” He laughs a bit too loud, giving you a full view of his kit kat filled mouth. Sometimes you really want to hit him upside the head. “Sooo, what did you think?”
“About what?”
“My skating, duh! I’m pretty good, right?” He lifts an eyebrow cocking his head as he goes in for another aggressive bite of your kit kat.
“Meh, it was okay,” you say, walking away from the shop counter to sit by one of the benches near the rink. 
“Yeah, just okay Jeon, The girl, uhm, what’s her number?” You know her number. “You know, the one with the yellow skates, she could totally beat you.”
You’re partially trying to mess with him but you’re also being honest. Her performance really was that good. “Pfft, whatever. I know I have loyal fans.” He sits down besides you and leans against the wall. “Sure, you do,” you mumble.
With one bar of the kit kat left, he extends the package to you and says, “As long as you don’t vote for her I’ll forgive your hurtful words.”
You take it, because it’s a kit kat, you would never say no. “Bribing judges Jeon, huh? What other tricks apart from this and those body rolls do you have up your sleeve?” You munch on the bar.
“Tricks that will make you cry if you don’t vote for me darling,” he says loud enough for only you to hear. He brings his hand onto your thigh, running upwards close enough to where he could cup your cunt with his big palm making your breath hitch, but he just squeezes your thigh and lifts himself off the bench to return to the rink. You swallow the leftover chunks of kit kat in your mouth before you end up choking, throw the package in the bin and walk away, trying to act as unbothered as Jungkook.
Miss Diane’s voice booms through the speaker letting everyone know that the intermission is over and the votes have been counted. Having judges at this contest is more so for an official feel, for the most part the judges never needed to vote. The results from the public’s vote were usually quite decisive, even if a judge’s vote equalled ten times the single vote a person from the public got. 
As it looks now, it is 84-64 to the girl with yellow skates. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Jungkook so unhappy, not even after he had lost points for a minor mistake when calculating his error on an experiment for a chemistry paper. He looks at you once he feels your gaze, his eyes reinforcing the little chat you had earlier. 
It’s time for the judges to cast their vote. Mr. Ludwig, the owner of a café just a few blocks away, votes, to your surprise, for Jungkook. And as expected so does Miss Diane. It’s a tie.
Ten decisive points. 
Your points to give. 
Jungkook is staring at you, she isn’t. Jungkook likes to take your things from you, she doesn’t even know you. Jungkook threatens you, she has never even talked to you. But most importantly Jungkook is good at skating, he did really well but Miss “Yellow Skates” was better.
Mind set on who you’re voting for. Your arm lifts up her number. Number seven. 
Jungkook lowers his heads, chuckling lightly into his chest before he looks up and congratulates the winner, clapping along with the crowd. He skates off the rink to let her perform her winning number once again. You’re still seated by the judge’s table before thumping steps grow louder coming towards you. Just like the time he pulled you away for your first quickie in his car, he yanks you off the seat, gently enough not to bring about anyone’s attention but strong enough for you to feel the nature of your current predicament. 
“You’re so fucked,” he growls pushing in the direction of the staff room. 
“I know,” you can’t help but giggle. Ultimately this was the perfect opportunity. You fulfil your fantasy of fucking him in his embellished uniform and you also get to make sure someone who’s better than him wins. Two birds, one stone. You don’t think you’ve ever been this effective. 
Jungkook slams the door to the room shut, but doesn’t lock it. He drags you towards the door of the bathroom stalls. “Ehh, you sure about that Jeon?”
He pushes you along from behind, hand on your back, “Don’t worry, it’s clean,” he says softly before closing the door to the small stall to whisper into shoulder, “Unlike what you’re gonna be when I’m done with you.”
Jungkook’s naked arms wrap around your torso, hands landing on your hardened nipples over the fabric of your turtleneck as his mouth nips at the back of your neck. “I warned you darling.” You moan, ass rubbing against his groin enough to elicit a groan. “I won’t stop until you’re crying.” He wraps a hand around neck, right hand smoothly undoing your jeans as his hand dances on top of your skin, down your needy core and past your wet lips.
He does this as many times as he pleases. This isn’t about you. It’s about him using you. He follows the sway of your hips giving into your chase for his fingers, dipping into your heat, slowly. He starts with a finger, swirling it around, humming at the satisfying feel of you being so wet and ready for him. He squeezes your throat in approval. When he feels you clench at that he goes on to add a second finger. “Ugh, Jeon faster, please.”
Does he like how politely you’re being? Yes. But you know what else would have been polite? You voting for him. “Oh no, I don’t think so darling.” He adds a third finger and your back stutters against his broad chest, head thrown back against his shoulder. “You like that?” You nod your head, lips caught in between your teeth to repress your moans. “Then let me hear you darling.” You bite down harder on your lips. 
Now with three fingers deep in you, stretching your cunt as your juices slide down his digits he picks up his speed. He keeps his strokes irregular, he never wants you to know what's coming. In and out unlike your breaths. You have resorted to shallow breathing, head turning for you to bury your nose into Jungkook’s veiny neck, as he makes a mockery out of you. He gives you a momentary break, stuffing his mouth with his fingers, “Oh yeah, desperation is a good taste on you.” He hums reaching his fingers towards your mouth which you open to taste yourself, whining at the back of your throat. “My darling is such a good girl,” he says biting your earlobe. 
The hand that was on your throat, moves to roll your jeans past your thighs and past your knees. 
“Do you even have a condom?” You croak as a chill runs down your leg from the cold air. 
“What kind of question is that? When is that I’m never prepared?” He says, foot coming between yours to spread your legs. “I had planned for a sweet and gentle celebratory fuck after the competition, but you’re you and now we’re here.” You purr through your shivers when he runs his hands on the inside of your thighs, grazing your pussy before the pads of his fingers knead your ass. 
Frankly you’re a bit glad to have escaped his initial plan. Having sweet sex with Jungkook was never your forté, while he could switch easily between his rough and gentle personas, you were never able to act normal when faced with the dulcet tones of his praises and the soothing touches of his body against yours. With a clenched and curved back, feet planted against the mattress for leverage, he would ram slowly but firmly, head secured in the depth of your collarbones as his cock reached the depth of you, making you quaver beneath him. On occasions like that, you never stuck around for too long after you were done. Jungkook had a habit of asking if you had enjoyed the act as if he wasn’t the one on top of you appeasing your frantic high and kissing throaty moans away.
No, you preferred this, when he grabs your roughly by your rear, landing a few spanks that have your arms reaching for the walls of the stall to steady yourself as he grunts at how much wetter you’re becoming. Or at least you could deal with it better. 
“Bend over for me darling.” 
You bend over instantly when Jungkook’s arms leave your upper body, hands landing on the lid of the toilet to catch yourself. You had found yourself in this position before, and you had cried the most in all of those moments. But you had never been standing. Not to predict the future, but you’re sure Jungkook will have to carry you into an orgasm, unless he wants you to kneel on all four on the floor. 
Jungkook runs his drenched index down your spine, hand lifting back for another spank. “Ah!” And another to reprimand your scream, “Keep your voice down, unless you want us to be found out,” he smirks behind you, hand cupping your heat only to dip a finger into you without warning.
“Ohhh, shit,” you slur, fingers raking the surface of the lid. Jungkook shows no sign of being gentle, fingers abusing your pussy, driving in and out of you at an alarming speed. 
When his digits curl inside of you right before a slow exit you clamp your hand around your mouth for fear of being too loud. Despite that, your soft cries are still audible to him making him smile before he resumes his explosive fingering. “I don’t think I could ever get tired of this sound,” He says, bringing his other hand under your stomach to probe your swollen and neglected clit. 
While the hastened pace of his fingers continue within you making you clench around the protrusion, Jungkook adopts a mellow pace to his massaging of your clit. The dual attack leaves you conflicted, unsure which way to rock your hips. “Arghhh,” you bite in your upper arm, clenching again around his digits. “Aww, my darling wants to come,” he coos. You rock your hips back in response. 
“Oh, but then you should have voted for me, don’t you think?” You almost cry at the loss of contact, when your cunt is left empty and gapping. 
You see him take a small step back to lean against the door of the stall. You exhale, still bend over, legs buckling when your thighs meet in a futile effort to relieve some tension. “You good there?” You can hear the amusement in his voice, but you find this far from funny. 
“Jeon, please,” you say in a low, weak voice.
Ever since the first time he fucked you, Jungkook has always enjoyed toying with you, both outside and inside the bedroom. Whether it was borrowing (re: stealing) your favourite pens or taking a bite and in worse case scenario a whole portion of whatever it’s you’re eating. But nothing had ever topped this. Having you desperate to reach your orgasm and yet denying you that pleasure was a big favourite of his. He’s sure he could easily get himself off right now, ripping his condom off at the right moment just for him to decorate the smooth roundness of your ass with warm white stripes.
“Jeon.” He might have chosen to make you come had you called him Jungkook instead. But you’re you and he’s enjoying himself so he stays put.
“For old times sake, I think you should use me if you want to come so bad,” he says nonchalantly. 
“Really, Jeon?” 
“As real as you not voting for me, yes.” You shake your head. Jungkook’s competitive streak usually worked to your advantage. You enjoyed telling him how you doubt he could do something just to have him do it to you. It was just like asking, without the actual asking. You might have been able to pull something similar for his fingering skills but you’re both well aware of how many times the pounding from his rough digits has made you come.
Your hands push against the lid of the toilet, your frame wobbles a bit once you’re standing up straight and you can hear Jungkook’s giggly response. You turn around, slowly, to face his slightly red face and the very prominent bulge in his pants. He follows your eyes.
“Don’t worry about me,” he says readjusting his pants but only making the matter worse, “I can wait.” 
You lift your head, step closer to him so you can catch a hold of the wrist below his wet hand. “Three,” you say, eyes travelling down his face to his parted lips. Adjusting your stance, you guide his three flexed out digits towards your dripping entrance. “Kiss me.”
While he likes toying with you, Jungkook is rather obedient especially when it advantages him. So he drops his head, hair tickling your nose, before his lips settle on yours. In that moment, you drive his fingers past your drenched nether lips as you moan into his kiss. 
You’re convinced Jungkook’s dick is feeling a bit uncared for despite his reassurance. Doing your best to fuck yourself on his fingers, your hand gets occupied with palming his hard member. You’re totally only focusing on pleasuring yourself so much he cups the hand you have his cock and reinforces your grip and kneading. He hums into your kiss, satisfied and probably leaking in his boxers. 
You suddenly let go of his reddened lips when he spreads his digits inside of you, the pads of his fingers grazing your walls, making you whine into his neck. You slow down your pace, feeling how close you are, “Jun– oh fuck, yeah right there.” His pace quickens once he registers the tremors in your legs. Fingers plunging deeper into your leaking pussy. Both hands free, you engulf Jungkook’s stature, holding on as his other hand grabs a strong hold of your cheeks to plant a harsh kiss on your lips.
He spreads his fingers and jams them in and out of you, He whispers for you to come on him, to let him hear you exhale choked breaths for him to remember tonight when he’s jerking off to the thought of you. You do just that.
Your chest heaves, fingernails digging into his back, face hiding from Jungkook’s protruding eyes as the tension in your core ruptures and your legs go slack. “Oh god, fuck me.” 
“All in due time darling,” he answers back, hand running down your back.
“I meant to say fuck you, Jeon.” You manage to croak out once you’re sure you’ve reached the complete end of your orgasm.
Your hands loosen around his back and you step back, head turning down to stare at the slick on your inner thighs. “Surprised?” He inquires.
“No. Not exactly,” your head lift, “you’ve have probably ruined sex for me with other people for a while.”
Jungkook might have taken your statement as a compliment dick twitching in response, but you were in all honesty a bit horrified at the thought. How long is a while? This can’t last forever, can it ?
“Let’s take care of that since I’m feeling apologetic.” You point at his bulge. Your hands wrap around the neon green belt on his pants undoing it and slowly releasing his strained cock. It still looked as deliciously curved, bloodshot and veiny against his stomach as the last time you saw it, which was a mere two days ago at his dorm. 
You’re about to lower yourself onto unstable knees, “Uh-uh, some other time,” he says turning you around and bending you over again. What can he say? He really enjoyed the view of your ass, “Right now, I want to feel your pussy around me.”
When Jungkook hastily eases the throbbing length into your wet core without warning, you deduce that he’s still a bit angered about your vote. Anger that seems to dissipate once he’s fully rooted in you. “Oh this is the best  feeling in the world,” he moans from above you.
He isn’t looking for a sweet fuck today and directly resorts to slamming into you, making your hands slide against the lid off the toilet. You moan, tossing your head back when the hands on your ass knead the flesh and spread your cheeks for him to continue his eager ramming. When you’re already clenching, pulling jagged groans from Jungkook’s throat, you know you won’t last long.
“Hey, careful there,” he coos at you, lifting you up to place your hands on the tank of the toilet. “Wouldn’t want you to hit your head. That’s not how I want to make you cry.” He slows down his strokes enough to allow you to steady your grip on the tank and then resumes sinking down into you at his rushed speed.
The force with which he pistons into you is enough to have your legs hitting against the edge of the seat, as your fingers fumble to keep you stable accidentally flushing the toilet once in a while. Jungkook fucks and spanks you to his heart’s desire. “Look how good you’re to me,” he praises, hand pinching your nipple before constricting the movement of your breath. “Jungko–” He rams into you. He loves taking your breath away mid-moan. “Fuck, why are you so big?” You mewl, eyes watering as he repeatedly removes himself from your depths only to slam back in.
Jungkook feels your pussy clench around him, slowly milking him dry, getting him closer to his own orgasm. So he reaches down, arms wrapping around your torso, hands on your mounds as he pulls your back against his chest. “Can you spread your legs a little for me darling?” He asks softly and you comply. Whatever he chooses to ask right now you’re sure you will comply. You moan when you feel him deeper.
“You like the way my cock feels in you?”
“Yes,” you whimper. “You fill me up so good.”
Jungkook can’t help the chuckle that escapes him, “I don’t think you’ve ever complimented my dick this much.” He bites your shoulder, hips bucking harsly against yours, “My darling is that desperate?” You shake your head against his shoulder, biting into your bottom lip.
You might be chasing your own orgasm, but despite that you’re being truthful. Jungkook has the best dick you’ve ever ridden. He knows the places that make you lose it, and he can reach them. He takes care of you even when he’s toying with you. You’ve never been left unsatisfied or hurt. Honestly, he’s a great fuck buddy. Also he’s just Jungkook.
“What are you thinking about?” He asks through gritted teeth.
It slips out of you and you can’t take it back, not when you’re sure he heard it so clearly. Jungkook stills at the sound of your confession and you finally get to take a deep breath. 
Your eyes might be screwed shut but you’re certain of the look on Jungkook’s eyes as he peers down at your head thrown back above his shoulder. It’s the same look he has been giving you more and more often lately. A look you had been trying to avoid. It didn’t feel like he was just looking at you, but inside you. Or more so looking for something inside of you.
You manage a couple of breaths before Jungkook proceeds his strokes with an even greater ferocity than before. “Ah–a–ah,” you choke out as your hands cup his hands that are firmly planted around your breasts. The sound of Jungkook’s hips slapping against your ass fills the confined stall and you release a cry each time he gains leverage leaving your walls battered and full. 
He doesn’t stop. He keeps going murmuring the occasional “Mine” into the air with furrowed eyebrows as you clench harder around him. His throbbing member slides into you, fully sheathed within your warmth. Once, twice, thrice. Enough times to make you dizzy and lose count. And with each slap of ass against hips you offer a guttural moan, eyes tearing up, legs trembling. 
“Jeo– I’m cl–oh fuck, so close.”
Jungkook's warm finger caresses your pussy. “ I know darling.” His palm kneads into your clit, the overwhelming stimulation makes you choke down a sob. “Just let go, I’m here,” he whispers, nose buried against your cheek.
A few more calculated strokes from Jungkook’s hips has him buried deep in your seeping cunt, sloppy thumps surrounding your combined moans and groans. Maybe it’s the way Jungkook’s left hand caresses the breast over your heart, or the cushioned kisses he places against your jaw or the way he lets himself go right before you come. Or maybe it’s all of those things that make you cream on his cock, juices gushing down your thighs and onto him as he kisses you deeply, tongue wrapping around yours to catch your moans, teeth pulling on your lips the same way you pull at his heartstrings. Only when you’re gasping for air does his lips let go of yours.
“You good?”
“Yeah, all good” you sigh.
“Come on, look at me?” 
You do your best to remove any trace of tear streaks as fast as possible, removing your face from the crook of his neck. 
Jungkook still sees, “I am that good, huh?”
“Whatever,” you roll your eyes. 
“You’re such a cry baby,” he teases and you can’t refute, he gives your cheek a peck, “and I kinda love it.”
You’re really not a cry baby. Jungkook’s stroke game is just that good. No matter how diluted your conscience is you could never deny his claim. The state in which you’re left is proof enough. 
Jungkook slips out of you, soft cock against sensitive walls. He uses what’s at his disposal and rips off some toilet paper to clean the combined result of your yearning between your legs. It takes a couple of toilet strips to get the job done.
“Thanks,” you mumble when he’s done, flushing the used paper.
“No problem, darling.” He lifts your pants back up, reaching for your discarded top as well. “I can be the caring type you know.”
With a scoff leaving your chest you pluck your t-shirt off of his hands, “No need to convince me, Jeon.”
You really didn’t need convincing. Jeon Jungkook is a reasonable guy. He is a friend you can count on, ambitious when it comes to his studies, smart enough to do double majors (if he had made the choice), good-looking even in the most unflattering circumstances, a champ in bed and sometimes too sweet for his and your own good. 
You had gotten to know all these sides of him with time, some of which came to your knowledge involuntarily, like how he always has a packet of kit kats stashed away for you for whenever you come over to hang and occasionally study before you fuck. The same way you had found yourself reaching for a softer scented detergent after you found out from one of his roommates that he isn’t fond of strong fragrances. 
You had both picked up clues about each other, whether it was voluntary or involuntary. 
And, yes maybe he’s more than reasonable, he’s quite great actually. But Kyra thinks you deserve greater. You don’t know how much you agree with her. But you do acknowledge the fact that Jungkook has been the only one you’ve done whatever this is with. You don’t have much to compare him to, except for the occasional rendezvous you would have back home with men you met on tinder. Maybe you need to explore some more? 
“Ah, I think I still need to convince you some more,” he says to your back after ruffling back into his pants. 
You turn around to face that look you dread. “Whatever floats your boat.” You rush to open the stall’s door, hurried breath brushing against Jungkook’s neck as you storm out towards the sink. You wash your hands to keep yourself from looking at him where he stands against the door frame, styled hair grazing his still flushed cheeks.
Jungkook joins you to wash his own hands. You dry yourself, letting the hot air from the hand dryer drown out the silence. With one final look at the mirror you attempt to look presentable and composed. Jungkook flicks water at you. You throw him a warning look. He does it again.
“Jeon, stop it.” You take a paper towel to dab yourself dry. He does it again.
You exhale a slow breath, ”It’s really not funny and it’s a waste of water.” 
But in true Jungkook fashion he gives it another go. “Jungkook!” You shriek making him crack a scrunched up smile.
He keeps at it until you crack a smile of your own in defeat. “See, eventually you always come around,” he says and you’re confused. He has been throwing a lot of these weird statements at you lately. 
“Okay…. but for now I’m gonna leave before you start annoying me again.”
You walk towards the door, a cool hand touching the cool handle. “You know you can be in my boat too right?” Your step staggers. “It won’t sink or anything, we could both float in it.”
You chuckle, “Be patient Jeon”. Maybe Kyra isn’t right for once. You close your eyes into a stabilizing breath. “I planned on crying some more so I can be sure it will keep floating even with me on it,” you say to the door before walking out.
Jungkook might have lost the competition, but he won something far better. Your reassurance.
It’s with a triumphant smile and a bounce to his step that Jungkook exits the staff room and heads back to skate with part of the public that’s now in the rink. His eyes search for your whereabouts only to land on your hand closing around another kit kat. You’re always consistent with the things and people you like he thinks with a smirk on his face.
“That’s my cry baby.”
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thank you for reading my fic, i hope you enjoyed it 🥺 any feedback or comment is welcomed !!
all rights reserved namgee
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sillyman-inc · 2 years
Oh yes I do.
Yes I do.
*mischievous laughter*
I have a lot.
So buckle down for this.
Kwazii is trans (ftm), omnisexual (male pref) and catgender ! Also I hc he’s on the aroace spectrum as well (still can have attraction just rare basically). Since me too. And I kin this mf so. Self projection. Anyways goes by he/they/paw pronouns !
You’re gonna look at him and tell me he doesn’t have ADHD and dyslexia? /lh
I wanna say he’s like 5”5 and comes to shoulder height with Shellington and chest height with Barnacles.
Eye stuff:
He has heterochromea! The eye that’s always showing is a yellow and the one that’s covered up is a green :)
He has light sensitivity and sensory issues to his right eye (one that’s always covered) so he just keeps it covered and only takes it off when needed.
OH BUT ALSO. He sees this as somewhat of an advantage because in dark areas he’s able to see very well with that one eye and it doesn’t really hurt ! Actual pirates would wear eyepatches so they could see better at night so I hc he does this too (I stole this from my friend Miles, hi Miles if you’re seeing this)
Also cats cannot see very well. Like. At all. So I feel like he’d wear glasses or contacts.
I think he’s a medium fur haired cat. I don’t really think he’s a shorthair.
He is a tabby cat :)))
Broken humor.
He has insomnia and that’s why he falls asleep midst in missions so easily. Also he cannonically wakes up in the middle of the night to go do his thing while everyone’s sleeping. Like he sneaks out.
He smells like an ashy campfire with salt. Yeah.
I like to think his room smells like mint because mint scents actually help ward off spiders. Fun fact.
His uniform! I always draw him wearing an oversized one with the sleeves rolled up and there’s a reason for this and part of it is me self reflecting: he has sensory issues to tight fitting clothing, so he got a big shirt and he rolls up the sleeves just cause I feel like that fits him. Same goes for his pants.
He’s lost so much feeling in his tail. That tail has been smashed, stung, bitten, pulled, etc so many times. He’s just. Lost so much feeling in it.
Much like the barnacles headcannon: has a lot of scars but fur covers over a lot of it. Slightly different texture in areas though.
I like to think that the huge closet he has is also his de-stimulation room/area for when having overstimulation :)
He stims a lot. Like. A lot. Both verbal and physical.
Him and Tweak are best friends.
And Ik I said this in Barnacles one but him and Barnacles have a very much found brother relationship and have a little support system for mental health.
He’d be a really good dad. He’s canonically very good with kids and very protective around em
Actually has pretty low self esteem/confidence. He’s just loud. He reminds me of a very specific scene in LMK where wukong and MK are talking and Wukong goes “you need confidence” and MK just defends himself like “WHAT IVE GOT PLENTY CONFIDENCE!” And Wukong just goes “no you’re just loud.” And then MK just looks personally attacked and Wukong is trying to give him advice on how to get it and MK just replies with “fake it till I make it?” And Wukong just yells at him.
Anyways Kwazii reminds me of that scene in MK’s POV I don’t even know if that made sense but yeah.
So yk how earlier I talked abt eyes, ok so not exactly a Kwazii one but I like to think that the reason all the pirate stories are over exaggerated or close but off is cause once again: cats can’t see well. And all the pirates we’ve seen/have been referred to have been cats.
Is both a positive influence. And a chaotic one.
Mans would end up in the sick bay at like 4 AM.
They give me the vibes of someone who survives off of 2 hours of sleep, caffeine and pure chaos and the second he sits down he can and will crash.
Has really bad abandonment issues. Uh. Yeah.
Rejection dysphoria and anxiety. Cause me too.
Ok listen a lot of these are just me self projecting.
And now that I’m here I’m thinking I wanna add more to the barnacles one so. There should be more there if you guys wanna go see that. Yeah
Has probably bitten some of the crew.
He’s probably used very pirate-y terms to describe people and NO ONE on the crew know what he’s talking about so he has to translate. Like he’d say somethin like “He’s a Scrooge of the seven seas!” And the crew just looks confused and he just goes “he’s really violent.”
Speaking of pirate terms- I like to think he’s called inkling the quartermaster and Barnacles a coxswain :)
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I got these from dis website: https://www.pirateglossary.com/namecalling
Also some of these terms do point to suggestive topics so you’ve been warned prior to looking.
Anyways, he likes drawing and painting :) I say this cause he painted the gup B and. Yeah.
I like to think he knows how to flirt but it’s a very silly/dorky way. /pos I mean he CAN. Be smooth but. I like silly.
Angry catboy.
I definitely have more. But I am bombarding this post and I feel like most of you have stopped listening by now so uh. Yeah.
Anyways Here’s a doodle I made of him a bit ago :) he has a neck.
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Bye byeee
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jangofctts · 4 years
mama keida, your hungry bitches now humbly beg for your Thots© on these men and their eating out habits 🥵
oNCE again I have no CLUE which boys ya want but here, tiS under the cut
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boba: since I wrote about this I hope YALL WOULD UNDERSTAND thAt when this bitch eats you out he’s gonna EAT YOU OUT. Boba likes to tease a lot before actually putting his mouth on you and so expect a lot of “aw, princess, what's got you so worked up?” or like “I haven't even touched you, little one, and you’re already dripping.” maybe he’ll coat his fingers in your arousal and then suck it off while you just have to watch. SHIT LIKE THAT, HE’S A SMUG MF bc if he’s putting his mouth on you he’S GONNA DO IT HIS WAY. when he actually DOES taste you, he just sucks your clit until youre shaking or begging aND THEN puts his entire mouth over you, isn't afraid of it getting a little messy, esp when Boba wraps his arms around your thighs and just locks you in place so you cant wiggle away. he’s a bit of a biter, so he’ll nip your thighs and very lightly scrape his teeth over your clit. when he FINALLY gives you what you want and lets you cum he just smirks and doesn't stop. he’s a fan of overstimulation and just, pushing you over the edge as many times as it takes for you to start sobbing a bit or just incoherent babbles. once he’s satisfied, his lips and chin soaked with your arousal, he’ll flash you a cocky smile and drag you into a lONG, open mouthed kiss   
din: baby boy. angel man. sweetheart who can do no wrong. since he's a virgin or very inexperienced, he’s very CURIOUS. he’ll be laying between your legs, head resting on your thigh as he run his fingers through your folds. he asks what feels good, sees what makes you twitch/moan or grab at his hair (pssst he likes his hair PULLED). din is a quick learner and so he jumps right in, licks a long line from the base of your cunt all the way up to your clit and sucks for a little. he lOVES when you yank his head closer or arch your hips to get more of his tongue inside of you. din's not afraid of being loud and so, expect to hear little moans/curses/praise--whatever comes into his mind he just says it. imo I dont think he intentionally means to overstimulate you BUT he just cant get enOUGH--addicted to your taste when you cum on his tongue so he just doesn't stop. you have to force his head away and TELL him to stop or else yall gonna be there for hours ngl. he’s lived under armor for so long that every flavor, scent and touch is so fuckiN CRISP for din and so he wants to savor everything before he has to put the helmet back on. (also pLEase CaLL him a good boy--might bust a phat nut in his pants tho so wekejh)    
paz: a fuckin horndog. sit on his face--do IT, in fact he asKS YOU TO. he wants to drOWN in that wap. paz is an ass man and so he loves it when you let him eat you out from behind, or you ride his face reverse cowboy. if you’re into it he’ll stick a couple fingers in your ass while he sucks your clit or has his tongue buried in your cunt. his lips are very wARM and plush so it just feels like HEAVEN. he’s a talker too, wants to tell you how pretty you are or how well youre doing for him, yknow? he ALSO likes when you pull his hair or tell HIM how good he’s doing. paz is a big boy but he’s also a big teddy bear and he just wants to make you feel good. hoWEVER he does have a tendency to edge and or overstimulate you so watch out kekjhrekw  
rex: he jUST wants to treat his baBY--wants to show how good you make him feel by eating you out. I think rex is a bit reserved with telling people how he feels so he likes to show a lot of his love through action. he’ll sit you down on a couch and be on his knees for you while you stroke his face and maybe steal a kiss before Rex gets started. he definitely wants to hold your hand while he does it, scratch that HE NEEDS to hold your hand, needs to feel grounded and loved bc he adores you. it’s very slow and gentle--he’s worshiping every inch of skin his tongue laves over and savors each moan and gasp of his name. his favorite thing to do is suck/lick your clit while he fingers you--rex just likes to feel everything and give you his absolute best. since imo he’s a bit shy with these sorta things you need to encourage him and tell hm what he’s doing right and what you like, yknow? but after a couple times eating you out he’s AN EXPERT. he’s memorized you and uses it to his advantage. after you cum make sure to give him a sweet kiss, soft praise and ofc CUDDLES   
cody: lmfao gOOD LUCK YOU AINT WALKING STRAIGHT AFTER HE’s DONE WITH YOU. nine times outta ten cody will eat you out after he’s fucked you. he literally gives zero shits if his cum is all over you, he just wants his mouth on you IMMEDIATELY. it’s very sloppy and needy, lots of cursing on his part and rumbly groans. he’s a biter too, youre not leaving without his teethmarks or big ol hickeys over your thighs and hips. he you to remember for days (lmfao like you could forget). if you’re a Jedi/senator/whatever, and youre on a mission with him, he’ll 100% pull you into a supplies closet or behind a gunship and eat you out there. he doesn't care if you get caught, he actually thinks it’s funny if one of his brothers walks by and sees you cumming over his tongue and crying his name. he’s DEFINITELY a talker in bed and it mostly consists of him teasing you, that rumbly voice feels like heaven when hums around your clit or asks if you’ll be good for him and cum in his mouth. I also have nO doubt in my mind if you’re being a brat, cody will edge you for hours and then just fuckin leave. he likes to see you squirm..just a bit :)
wolffe: aGGRESSIVE--idk how to explain that other than aggressive but kjrkjehr wolffe bites and digs his nails into your thighs when he eats you out. I feel like he’s a blend between cody and boba with the teasing--he likes to edge you, maybe he’ll eat you out and then leave you at the brink of orgasm, leave for hours, and then come back and overstimulate the fuck outta you until you cry a bit. if you agree, he’ll want to definitely want to wake you up by putting his mouth on you with lazy licks and quiet groans. you should pull his hair too :) he Definitely wont Get Grumpy or Bite Your Thigh. I feel like wolffe could be a spitter, like he’ll spit on your pussy, rub it over your clit and then drag his tongue from the base of your cunt and then all the way up. yknow? he also likes it when you ride his face, doesn't care if he literally cant breath from how hard you’re grinding into him, all that matters is your taste on his tongue and you screaming his name. I feel like when he asks to eat you out it’s another way of showing how much he cares for you, bc like rex, he’s shy with feelings and so wolffe will do little acts of service like this or anything else you wanna try. but anyway, he likes to rip your panties off and just go ham    
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ff-imagines · 3 years
uhm this is embarrassing thing to request but,,,,,,, how bout u know,,,,,, nsfw alphabet/scenario/hcs with blobster. 👁️👄👁️. I'm sorry.
Boston lobster: nsfw alphabet
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Minors dni xoxo
A - aftercare
Admittedly kinda sloppy, it doesn’t occur to him that he should probably check up on you till he’s like “oh shit humans need water” and he suddenly shoots up to grab some and come back to you lmao
If you explicitly ask you get no back talk from him, he just carries you where you need to be and makes sure you’re feeling alright.
Will be endlessly prideful if u say you can’t walk, express your soreness at your sanities risk bc he’ll bring it up for ages
B- body parts
Oh he’s got no shame to tell you he loves your ass and thighs. The type to walk by you and give you a tap on the ass while smirking to himself. Doesn't matter how much or how little you've got he’ll still ask at least once if he can fuck your thighs lmao
Does his height count? He loves how he towers over most humans and food souls alike, chances are he’s probably taller than you, and he really likes that. Sulks a bit if you’re actually taller than him lmao.
They aren’t his favourite part of him but I gotta talk about the antennae. They’re weirdly sensitive, pulling him makes him squeak, which ends with him chasing you or with him chasing you, take your pick. When he catches you he makes it his goal to find a weirdly sensitive part of your body and to tease that spot endlessly. Tickle fight ensues but it’s more like you’re suffering while he’s maniacally laughing above you.
C - cum
It’s thick as fuck and very salty, rip lmao
He likes to cum inside or on your thighs, look they’re very squishy and nice ok he can’t help it </3
He’s also obsessed with not only making you cum, but just… your cum. Amab or afab readers, he will delight in making you watch him swallow. Would also bring his hand up to make you taste yourself, grinning the whole damn way.
D - dirty secret
He’s really affected by scents. If you have a signature perfume or cologne you wear all the time it can make him unbearably horny, since the smell lingers on his sheets and on his clothes long after you’re gone.
E - experience
A fair amount, out of curiosity. Not too many times as he’s spent a lot of years in total isolation. His curiosity is a more recent development, he finds he likes the feeling but something is just missing from his hookups. Then he meets you and is like “ohhhh a relationship is what it was, damn.” Once he realizes that, and even a little bit before when he first starts noticing his internal unease, the hookups stop so he can figure out how to swallow his pride and try and ask a human out lmao
F - favorite position
He loves doggy style because it’s just so so easy to control you that way. He loves to pull you back by your arms, spearing inside you at a punishing pace.
He also would love if you were flexible enough to push into a mating press, getting right next to your ear, whispering about how close he is.
G - goofy
Surprisingly, yea! He’s actually pretty good at making fun of himself, he just doesn’t do it often and doesn’t like it when someone he’s not close to does it. He gives little teases here and there, it eases tension quite a lot.
H- hair
He doesn’t shave for shit lmao. Intense happy trail, intense amount of body hair over all, he actually prefers it that way.
He keeps the same energy with your body hair and will come out and tell you he kinda likes it if you don’t shave. Ultimately he doesn’t think on it too hard, it doesn’t bother him in the end, whatever you want, he wants too!
I- intimacy
He’s not so good at being truly intimate, it’s just not something he’s used to being. If you ever, by some miracle, convince him to let you top him, he’s actually a lot softer and it’s easier to let his feelings speak for him. He also discovers he likes getting dommed a lot but he won’t tell you that lmao
J- jerk off
Not too often, he’s either super busy or he could just find you and solve the problem in an even more satisfying way.
If he ever can’t, expect him to grab one of your shirts to press to his nose as he fists his cock, the feeling of being surrounded by you is enough to help him finish when he desperately needs it.
K- Kinks
Well, the scent thing ofc.
He’s really into risky sex, a true exhibitionist. He’s hot, you’re hot, who wouldn’t want to see you both put on a show? If it gets it into their heads that no matter how bad they want you, you belong to him, your place is right here, getting split apart on his cock, he’ll make sure the message gets across.
Huge breeding kink. Hates the idea of kids but really likes the idea of claiming your insides. He’d love to push you into the mattress and release as deep as he can go.
He’s into humiliation as well, let him tease you while calling you his sweet little whore, he'll make it worth your while.
He’d love if you let him tie you up, he’d probably get into doing fancy designs that accentuates your body in the best way. A pretty rope to tie up and dick down a pretty s/o.
Also I can’t look at his skin where he’s got that suit on and not know he’s got a daddy kink, I just can’t. He doesn’t care for anything other than the title, it’s more about power than anything else. Call him daddy in public and watch how fast you get taken to a more private area. Or, maybe a less than private area, if you’d let him.
He’s got a thing for size difference as well, he loves to loom over you, even if he isn’t actually bigger than you.
L- location
Anywhere, anytime. He’s a prideful bastard, he’ll show off his ability to get you drunk off his cock any way he can. Not only isn’t there a spot in your house he hasn’t fucked you on, there probably isn’t a place on your street either.
M- motivation
What really gets him going is seeing you when you're at your most confident. If you come to him beaming about winning an award, wearing an outfit you feel great in, even if you just say something cocky, it just makes him so proud and eager to share that confidence with you. He doesn’t want to break you down, he wants to prop you up! Tell him about how good you feel, he’ll make you feel even better <3
N- no
As much as he likes to show you off, he doesn’t actually like the thought of a third party joining in. He might be swayed if it’s someone he really trusts. He also doesn't like receiving humiliation, he’s much too prideful lmao
O- oral
Please suck him off, he’ll be kinda rough with you but he’ll be nicer if you ask. He prefers to be mean though lmao. He likes ordering you around on what to do when you’ve got his dick in your mouth, his words get more incoherent the closer he is, though.
He’s just as eager to give you head too, he treats you like a whole 7 course meal. He loves biting around your thighs before ever touching where you're desperate for him to.
P- pace
Oh he’s punishingly hard. Loves to have a fast steady pace then stop as deep as he can and roll his hips a bit to make sure you feel just how deep his dick is inside you.
There are rare days when he’s feeling soft, those days he’s slow and methodical, gripping into your hips to make sure you can’t wiggle to increase your own pleasure, he wants you to savour the high he gives you.
Q- quickies
Well, why not! So what if you’re in an alleyway near a busy street, and anyone can walk by and see you getting pounded? You’re feeling heated aren’t you? Don't kid yourself, just turn around and let him take care of you.
R- risk
He lives for it. If you’d let him he’d bounce you on his cock in a plainly public place, like a subway car.
It’s a big fantasy of his for someone who absolutely pines for you to flirt just a little too hard, you coming to him and letting him fuck your right in front of them. It fuels his pride beyond belief to show you off.
S- stamina
His refractory time is fairly low. Even if he...can? doesn't really mean he wants to. He prefers either one drawn out, long round where you’ve both been edged to the point of desperation, or a few quick rounds throughout the day.
T- toys
At first they kinda hurt his pride but then he’s like “wait I can strap them on a vibrator and just sit back and watch” and then he’s totally on board lmao.
Forcing you to sit on a chair with a vibrator he had the remote to, keeping you on the edge and smirking while you beg and snivel, having no actual plans to give into your pleading.
U- unfair
Oh fuck yea, strap in babes.
He loves loves to edge the fuck out of you, he’d drag it out for hours if you’d let him. Even better if he can tie you down so you can’t squirm away from what he’s giving you.
Overstimulation is just as exciting to him, but he actually loves it more on himself. Sometimes he’ll overstimulate himself on purpose by still continuing to buck into you even after he’s already cum, determined to chase a second high no matter how painful it feels.
V- volume
Loud groans, and he won’t stop talking. Loves to ask you questions when you’re clearly way too blissed out to answer in any sort of coherent way.
He gets a lot louder near his release, he loves to bite into your shoulder to try and muffle himself. If he decides to be bold and let you hear him, he grabs your jaw and brings his face right next to your ear. What a show off.
W- wild card
He kidnaps small items that remind him of you, not just things that smell like you. That one earring you always wear, a glove, a necklace, picks flowers that remind him of you for whatever reason, he might even go out of his way to buy things that remind him of you, keep them to himself for a while, then give it to you when he’s sure it smells enough like him. He gives your stuff back… eventually.
X- X Ray
Oh please… he spits, sweats, and bleeds big dick energy. I refuse to believe his dick isn’t big enough to make you nervous. Would have you sit on his lap and track a finger up your stomach to measure how deep his cock can go.
Y- yearning
He’s pretty likely to mold to your sexual drive. However often you need him, he’s at your beck and call. He likes to keep it closer to 2-3 times a week if he can.
Z- zzz
He doesn’t sleep all that easily at all, but it gets a little easier when he’s got you in his arms. Prefers to be big spoon, and as much as he hates getting overheated, he just can’t will himself to let go of you. It’s ironically one of the most peaceful sleeps he’s ever had.
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