#this is late because i didn’t want to do it ✌️
higheldertala · 2 years
revolution of the daleks salt commentary
guess how many times they say the word dalek in this episode? (answer at the bottom)
funny how ch*bnall delegated the daleks as the holiday special villians and yet he still can’t get the ratings
this isn’t a specific ch*bnall problem, but i cannae stand the daleks sorry to be a fake fan :/ please can we put them away, seriously what more is there to say?
i hate how this episode was marketed as the doctor being out of the action and therefore the companions would be saving the day… but this is a ch*bnall episode so of course that didn’t happened. anyway on with the episode.
we don’t need to rip off star wars do we now? like why is this needed? nothing about this episode is based off or parodying star wars. you could just have a ‘previously’ or a ‘two years ago’ caption. thanks for reminding me how shit resolution was tho.
also to answer the question about whether i give a fuck about what happened to the reconnaissance dalek two years ago… no i don’t. tough shit for me i guess cause there’s 70 minutes of this :/
why is the text orange? choices were made here.
character work is when you have a side character say ‘i have a family’ then die.
also yeah this woman poisoning this guy is very contrived, like how would this woman know this guy would stop at this specific spot? also who does she work for? i assume robertson, but how does he know about the dalek and the transit? also when this guy goes missing when transporting an alien death machine wouldn’t that raise some alarm bells? god were only two minutes in and the plot is already falling apart, that must be a record.
you know how i complain about things happening off screen and the characters just saying the thing that happened offscreen, well for once i would actually prefer it they had done this this time instead of spending 10 whole minutes of this of characters i don’t give a shit about.
yay more social commentary being spelt out right in front of you(!)
also on my daleks are overused point, like it’s annoying how people just forget about the daleks in universe. not a ch*bnall specific problem but annoying nonetheless.
i’m sorry but it’s crazy that no one checked these dalek drones for secret guns they had.
i can’t believe how long the start of this goes on for without showing any of the main characters, but what’s pacing lol. a whole 8 minutes in til we see the doctor.
aside from the writing cliche of putting a character in prison when you don’t know what to do with them, this lasts all of a few minutes, god it’s pointless.
‘you can’t eat the cage. believe me, i’ve tried’ this is the funniest bit in the episode. even more funny the subtitles say ‘SIGHS’ from the pting.
these prison scenes are so dull. i presume that’s the point, but there’s so much more you could do with this concept.
on broadcast i thought the doctor was gonna recall a serial from classic who which would have been a much better decision. choices were made when ch*bnall decided to quote jk terfling.
first lense flare of the episode.
‘she was barely in here for a couple of minutes and yet she coded the entry lock to our dna’ and the point of this dialogue was….?
follow her? where? also she’s presumed dead. also going back to the timeless children, why the fuck would they let ko sharmus go out on his own and not one of them go out for the doctor. again no fucking loyalty but i digress.
also i wish at any point we were shown that yaz is the most desperate to travel and/or wants to be with the doctor.
‘what if she needs us?’ she doesn’t, you literally don’t do anything.
‘how many times has she saved us?’ i repeat myself from last episode, but like once lol.
how do they find robertson? is he conviently in sheffield? did they travel? i suppose it doesn’t matter and i don’t have the energy to care.
‘so we’re going to have to find another way’ so you mean sit around and wait for the doctor to come back. actually laughable that this is all the fam can achieve (nothing) without the doctor’s presence.
‘this is hard innit?’ YOU HAVE BEEN COMPANIONS FOR TWO SEASONS. literally the worst companions ever, please leave.
so with jack saving the doctor from prison, am i wrong in saying that the fam have never saved the doctor from any situation? lol. im pretty sure every companion has had at least one instance of saving the doctor during their tenure. or like at least 90%.
the prison scenes literally take up 5 minutes of screen time.
how does this tech guy know how to do successful alien cloning? like nah sorry im gonna need a bit more for this one.
lol another ‘i have a family then dies’ side character, does chibnall not know how to write any other way?
‘you don’t have a room, you’ve never had a room’ im sorry does she think jack slept on the fucking floor? i don’t believe this for a second, why does she say this???
i love how jack’s entire reaction to learning that the doctor went against his warning and gave ashad the cyberium is the single word: ‘what?’ and then this is never mentioned again during the entire episode.
‘i fixed it. eventually. just about. sort of’ no you didn’t, the cyber wars still happened and decimated the human population that ain’t fixing it :/
i guess it’s in character, but for the doctor to be really closed off even to an old friend like jack is so weird. like she doesn’t even mention running into the master or anything.
not my point, but ive seen someone make the point of that jack has also had memories taken from them from the time agency, essentially identical to the doctor’s situation and that this is literally never brought up in the episode.
honestly crazy that ch*bnall wrote for jack for two seasons and still he is reduced to background furniture. i swear he writes bad on purpose.
‘i was in prison for being me’ chr*s ch*bnall wrote this with his own two hands im crying.
more lense flares! also why is the camera at an angle. ive made a post about this, but the directing is so bad this episode and like most other episodes this era.
‘i was in space jail!’ she sure is Quirky™️ isn’t she?
yaz shoving the doctor is very funny. honestly where is that suppose to have come from.
i love the delivery of ‘10 months’ as super serious when so many other companions have waited years to see the doctor again, honestly it makes the fam come across as so wet.
chr*s ch*bnall literally wrote ‘oops’ (said by jack) as a response to that.
also the sad music as if someone’s died.
god this scene is awkward.
how did possessed leo get to osaka? did he just walk past customs with a squid on his back?
‘she’s good. yeah we all are’ …..um no comment.
‘yeah they killed me once, long time ago, no big deal…i can be killed but i come back to life pretty quick,’ why does he tell them this like that? it feels so unnatural.
‘partially her fault’ how is it partially the doctor’s fault? it’s a stretch to say that at the least.
‘partially a friend of hers on earth called rose but she’s trapped in a parallel universe now’ literally all of this is unprompted, why does he need to tell the fam any of this, especially since it would be a sensitive topic for the doctor surely? but hey it wouldn’t be a ch*bnall episode without our constant exposition dumps.
‘i saw the way you shoved her’ i hope ch*bnall never picks up a pen again.
i’m sorry i know this is Emotional Scene™️ and whatever but i don’t care about yaz as a character. none of this is earnt in any way, shape or form. i need the set up if you want me to satisfied with the payoff.
‘we lost each other’ either this is intentional from jack to soften it for yaz or chris ch*bnall doesn’t actually remember jack’s story. the doctor knowingly abandoned jack and jack knew this. yeah sure at the time jack didn’t know this and they moved past this but still weird choice.
also this is stupid because yaz does fuck all in two seasons so what the fuck is she missing. also rose’s speech in parting of the ways is 1000x better, here yaz is like ‘i miss it cant tell you why tho’ :/
‘the joy is worth the pain’ i guess this is a nice poetic line but this is my salt commentary so im gonna bitch about it :/ i think the conversion is a lot bigger then this and it’s a lot more complicated. like jack knows first hand what travelling with the doctor did to a.) himself and b.) to both rose and martha, was travelling ‘worth’ all the trauma they both suffered? idk saying ‘be happy even thought it might hurt’ is definitely one perspective i guess… idk where i was going with this. i think martha’s conversation with donna (and sarah jane’s to rose) is a lot more realistic. also yaz is like 21 here, i would of hoped jack would have had a more mature take on this situation, more than just ‘be lucky you’re going to be traumatised’.
‘are you feeling insecure? cos you seem to need a lot of praise’ literally no idea where ch*bnall pulled this line out of his ass from because im pretty sure insecurity has never been a key trait of jack’s. starting to think the chris ch*bnall who wrote torchwood was an entirely different person (aka i want to know how much of ch*bnall’s torchwood scripts were edited).
i hate the green lightning :/ why do they love doing this?
why the fuck are we letting robertson into the tardis??
‘this is about daleks. please stop using that word’ i second this motion. you know what im gonna count how many times they say dalek in this episode.
wait did they really put daleks on downing street cause that would be pretty funny. or aren’t tv shows allowed to film on downing street i don’t know.
‘you do love a beanie’ i know she’s suppose to be Socially Awkward™️ but god… the dialogue is always so awkward, i have never believed the doctor and fam as friends, let alone companions of two seasons.
‘four minutes til osaka’ it’s so funny ch*bnall takes time to signpost that we taking a four minute break from the plot to talk about feelings.
it’s quite funny tho because has the doctor and ryan ever had a one-to-one scene before?? honestly don’t think they have (correct me if im wrong). lol ch*bnall will never convince me these people are companions and not background furniture.
the awkwardness of this conversation makes it look like the doctor is in physical pain at having to make small talk to her so-called ‘friend’.
ch*bnall literally wrote ‘and how does that make you feel’ with his own two hands. i honestly don’t understand what people get out of defending this era.
‘if i’m not who i thought i was, then who am i?’ hey chibnall we did this last episode remember? you wrote it so you should.
‘you’re the doctor, same as before, same as always. right same doctor same ryan nothing’s changed’ weird how she’s perfectly okay with this advice from the fugitive doctor, but not with ryan.
nice advice/ consoling from ryan but again this is never earnt between the characters so ehh.
omg just thought ryan should had just said in response ‘i should say a reassuring thing now shouldn’t i? i’m still a bit socially awkward’.
‘thank you ryan for being my friend. thank you for being mine’ ….footage not found.
‘did you really have to bring him?’ again i second this motion.
this lighting has plot purpose but it’s still ugly as fuck.
‘you're feeding cloned dalek creatures liquidised humans’ this era never gets any less patronising to its viewers. also disappointing that doctor who veteran j*** b******** would accept such shit dialogue (or such basic characterisation for that matter).
‘there's something else that's bugging me’ umm… the quality of writing?
‘thanks yaz! missed you yaz!’ god this dialogue is so forced.
and now the dalek lights are red in case you didn’t know they’re now evil(!)
glad to see even jack now immediately backs down from conflict against the doctor. we hate it here.
this plan bad, as im sure you all know.
if they keep on saying the word dalek istg.
‘your bodies are too slow for daleks’ this is one of weirdest lines of dalek dialogue i’ve ever heard.
the extreme close up of the dalek, something something directing bad you know the drill.
‘yeah i can’t be spotted by the daleks!’ proceeds to park right in front of them.
‘maybe i can make a claim on insurance’, okay so that was a funny joke i admit.
bad guy of the episode goes to side with the bad guys, pretends to be shocked.
one of my favourite pieces of physical comedy is when the daleks rotate their heads to look at each other. i’m sure this probably isn’t even intentionally funny, i just find it hilarious and sassy of them.
‘you never forget your first death’ and jack is so hung up on this because…?
so is jack just carrying an abundance of bombs on his person or…?
‘no alien ship is safe from us two bad boys’ oh graham 😂
aw graham got left hanging, he didn’t deserve that 😔
if the daleks can locate the tardis now how come they didn’t before?
‘im captain jack harkness and im immortal’ imagine being happy with writing this dialogue, imagine being happy performing this dialogue. i have to ask. also why is ch*bnall obsessed with mentioning jack’s immortality when it bares no purpose to the plot. like yes ch*bnall i do remember jack is immortal you don’t need to keep telling me.
also like jack risks getting any one of them shot because he has to make Quippy Line™️???
ch*bnall loves solving the day by making the villian extremely dumb.
jack saying goodbye through ADR… hmm i want to know the tea.
i don’t know why the doctor frames ryan wanting to leave as ‘missed my time with you’ when ryan literally just gave his reasoning as it is because he has grown as a person and now know what he wants to do with life.
i mean ryan leaving does have its arc throughout the series so im not gonna say it’s not there but also im gonna not applaud a fish for swimming so.
‘she needs you’ there’s only so many times i can make the same joke… and im gonna keep making it, no she’s doesn’t lol (im sorry😅).
i will say that graham’s exit isn’t as good. not that that it’s unjustified, it’s perfectly fine but yeah less of an independent choice and more just following ryan.
nice leaving gift of psychic paper, just don’t tell them that others got a k9 😂
‘i could always use the tardis to go back arrive an hour after you guys, change the timeline. then we'd have more time together’ why is this doctor so bothered about companions leaving to this degree, she never even looked at them twice when they were on board. also the doctor has never reacted like this to any other companions and it’s not like the fam are that special lol.
also i noticed in the credits there’s a ch*bnall side character named after me lol. i think i’ll stick to my welsh biker girl thanks x
concluding thoughts: this episode definitely has some (2) nice emotional scenes in insolation, but 22 episodes in to start putting actual emotional development is just too little too late. jack ends up being almost a caricature of himself featuring all his Greatest Hits™️ of lines and quirks. nothing new is added to his character which is a shame. honestly the depth of emotion in torchwood s3 and s4 is so profound that seeing jack reduced to the gimmick of quirky sidekick is insulting to longtime viewers. aside from the start the doctor and jack barely interact which is also frustrating. the prison cliffhanger/ scenes are extremely pointless and add nothing to the plot or character as usual. the fam are the fam. not a big fan of dalek stories nowadays so i don’t really care much about it.
they say the word dalek(s) 91 times in this episode.
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
Can you do an Adam x angel reader (romantic) one shot where Adam is at a gig (cus he’s canonically in a band) and he takes notice of the reader in the crowd. Yk just kinda do what you want with it (maybe you could make it a little smutty😏) thx 💜💜
Fucking the Guitarist
A/N: Again, I wrote this high, so I’m sorry for any mistakes ✌️
Warnings: Semi-public sex
(Name) wouldn’t consider herself a groupie by any means, but she did make a point to go to every single performance that Adam’s band put on. She had a massive crush on him, but so did half the girls there. She didn’t feel like competing, so she had never met Adam before, seeing as he was always swarmed by girls as soon as the show ended.
It was another night spent watching Adam’s band, and they had just finished their final set. (Name) slipped out some side doors into an alley to have a smoke. She was lighting up when she heard the doors open again. She turned to see who her company was, and almost dropped her lighter when she saw Adam himself.
He glanced at her then did a double take. “Sup.”
Oh my god, he was talking to her.
“Hey.” (Name) tried to play it cool.
“I know you. You come to every show.”
(Name) was shitting herself. He had noticed her?
“How come you’ve never come up to say hi?” Adam asked, walking over and taking the lighter out of (Name)’s hand. He flicked it open and lit her cig for her.
“Because,” (Name) said after a long drag. “I’m not some groupie.”
Adam was looking at her with an expression she couldn’t quite place. “I know that,” he said, handing her back her lighter. (Name) eyed him, taking it and screaming internally when their fingers touched.
Adam held out a hand, and (Name) passed him the cig. He took a long drag from it before handing it back, making sure their hands touched again. “Did you enjoy the show?”
“I always do,” (Name) replied.
“What’s your name?”
They chatted for a while before Adam needed to get back to his band. “I’ll meet you here next time?” He phrased it as a question. (Name) was star struck. “Yeah. Okay.”
“Okay,” Adam smirked, backing up and making finger guns at her. “Next time, (Name).”
To (Name)’s surprise, he did meet her in that alley again after his next show. And the next show. And the next show. They kept meeting until (Name) would dare to call them friends.
It was after a show and they were talking in the back alley as they normally would. “How’d you get away from your adoring fans this time?” (Name) teased. Adam chuckled but didn’t answer. “I don’t know why you spend time with me instead of getting laid. You’ve got plenty of options.”
Adam smiled, looking away. “Yeah, it would be nice to get laid after my shows more often.” (Name)’s heart dropped. “But there’s only one person I’ve wanted to fuck lately.” He pointedly looked at her and she blushed.
He grinned, backing her against the brick wall. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered.”
“Who-” (Name) swallowed. “Who do you want to fuck?”
Adam rolled his eyes, caging her in with his arms on either side of her head. “You, bitch.”
(Name) floundered for words and Adam suddenly looked slightly unsure of himself. “If you want, I mean.”
Of course (Name) wanted it, she’d wanted this for months. Boldly, she reached up and grabbed his collar, dragging him down to her level. She pressed her lips to his. She could feel Adam smile against her mouth, pleased.
His hands traveled down her sides to her ass, which he lightly tapped to indicate what he wanted. (Name) got the signal and jumped, Adam picking her up, and (Name) locking her legs around his waist.
They made out passionately, (Name) holding onto his horns. When they pulled apart for air, (Name) dared to ask, “Can I see you without your mask?” The question threw Adam off.
“How about we go back to my penthouse?” he finally asked.
That was a big step, (Name) hadn’t been expecting, but they were taking a lot of big steps tonight. Adam set her down and offered her his hand, and together they flew off to Adam’s apartment building. They didn’t bother with the elevator, flying straight to Adam’s balcony.
As soon as they landed, Adam was on her, pushing her onto a couch, not even bothering to go inside. He nudged her legs apart with his knee and settled between her thighs, pressing his erection against her crotch.
They fervently reconnected their lips, teeth clashing and tongues rubbing against one another. When they separated for air again, (Name) reiterated her question. “Your mask?”
Adam hesitated.
“You’re about to be inside me,” (Name) pointed out. “I think that’s intimate enough for me to see your face.”
Adam hummed. “That’s a good point, sweetie.” He leaned back and grabbed the bottom of his mask, slowly pulling it up and off his face. (Name) stared at him starstruck. Adam looked unsure without his mask, so (Name) reached up to cup his face in her hands.
“You’re so handsome,” she whispered.
Adam smiled.
They kissed, and (Name) moaned at the sensation of his human lips. The noise spurred Adam on, who snuck his hand up her shirt to grope her breast. (Name) moaned again. Adam pulled back and ripped off her shirt. Shame, she had liked that shirt.
She didn’t have time to be annoyed about it though, as Adam was climbing off her and tugging down her pants. He pulled her up and (Name) went to question him before she was cut off by him bending her over the arm of the couch. He ripped her panties off too.
He knelt down next to the couch so he was looking at (Name)’s face as his hand massaged her ass before his fingers crept to where she wanted them most.
“You’re so wet~” Adam smirked, enjoying the expressions on (Name)’s face. He slid one finger inside of her, then two. When he was met with no resistance he added a third finger. He watched (Name)’s mouth fall open as she moaned again, burying her face in the couch.
“Ah ah,” Adam pulled his fingers out. (Name) whined at the loss. “Let me see your face.” (Name) turned her head, blushing. “Good girl~” Adam’s long fingers slid back into her and she sighed contentedly.
“Adam,” she whined. “What, baby?” Adam teased. “You want my cock? Can’t wait to get a taste of the original dick, huh?”
He thrust his fingers in and out, revelling in the facial expressions of pleasure (Name) made. “Please,” (Name) begged. “I want you.” Her words made Adam’s dick twitch, and he decided he’d had enough of teasing her.
He pulled his fingers out and stood, undoing his belt and pulling his pants and boxers down, kicking them off. He stood behind her and gripped her hips, fingers digging into her flesh. He lined himself up, and slowly pushed in.
(Name) let out an unabashed moan. “Adam~”
Adam couldn’t go slow for long, quickly bottoming out with a groan. “Fuck, (Name), you feel so fucking good.” (Name) clenched around him at his praise. After giving her a moment to adjust to his size, Adam began thrusting.
He started at a steady pace, but very quickly lost in, pounding into (Name) with no regards. Her ass jiggled as his pubic bone slammed against it everytime he thrust in deep. His grip on her hips was almost bruising.
(Name) was gripping the couch cushion for dear life as Adam fucked her. She realized, vaguely, that they were on his balcony, where anyone could possibly see them. The thought only made her more excited. Maybe she was a bit of a freak.
Adam reached a hand around her and down to her clit, circling it with one slender finger. (Name) cried out, the pleasure intensifying tenfold.
“I’m fucking close,” Adam grunted. His hips stuttered, his thrusts becoming sloppy. “(Name)!” he moaned her name as he came, bending over her to bite down on her shoulder as he unloaded his seed into her womb.
His fingers didn’t cease their minstrations, and (Name) came shortly after with a drawn out gasp.
They both panted, coming down from their highs. They were sticky with sweat, and (Name) was sticky with cum when Adam pulled out.
He slid an arm under her breasts and pulled her up, holding her steady by the waist.
She turned around in his hold and looked up at him, looking utterly fucked out. It was Adam’s new favorite sight.
“Let’s get inside,” he said, bending down to kiss her forehead. “I think we both need a shower.”
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Strictly Scandalous…
You first meet Hangman when he accidentally spills his drink on you at the Hard Deck turning your pretty white dress see through. Conscious of eyes on your chest he offers up his shirt to you and begins trying to learn more about you. Reader, turned on by his protective nature and sexy physical appearance, takes him outside with the intent of showing him how much she appreciated his kind gesture and charming personality only to end up receiving the best sex of her life…and possibly a date.
Listen this concept gave me literal life. I did however make a slight change and instead of sex, we went with the reader give Hangman head because that’s what my brain went to. ✌️
Warnings: This is strictly scandalous, smut ahead.
“I really am so unbelievably sorry—“ Jakes leaning over the booth to get closer to you on his elbows, his T-shirt slung over your now very see-through dress. “I just didn’t for the life of me see you standing there.” 
“It’s alright, really.” You mule as you take a sip of the Canadian Club Jake had brought you as a sorry for spilling not one, not two, but three draft beers all over your pretty little ensemble. “Besides, the view ain’t that bad from where I’m sitting, so I guess you can say we’re even Stevens.” 
Jake had ripped his own shirt off without a second thought, covering your exposed chest to the prying eyes of bar patrons who watched the dirty blonde, usually stable aviator stumble into you haphazardly as he momentarily lost his footing on the way over to the pool table. 
It left him exposed from the waist up, which he’d normally be okay with. But Penny had a strict no nips policy and Jake hated the fact Bradley Bradshaw's Hawaiian throw over had now become his saving grace. He’d never live it down, the shirt or the fact he’d dragged you down in the depths of embarrassment with him. Jake Seresin was on a roll tonight, clearly. 
“If it’s Hawaiian shirts you’re into you should be talking to Rooster—“ Jake mumbles under his breath as he watches you from across the booth twirl the little plastic straw around the vessel holding your drink of choice. 
“It's not the shirt.” You simply shake your head. “And I don't do mustaches.” 
“What is it that you do then?” Jake feels himself gaining some confidence back, he’s sending you one of his signature smirks and he knows just by the way you finish your drink and lean into the booth a little more to close the gap as much as you can that lingers between the two of you. 
“Dirty blondes who spill beer on unassuming contacts.”
It's that comment that led you to know, with the copious amounts of alcohol flooding your systems and inability to think all that rationally, not that you didn't want to be grown on your knees in the carpark of the Hard deck. Not that you didn't want Jake's hands wrapped in your hair, helping to guide you up and down his length. 
It's just that an all important question had been missed in the meet and greet part of your x-raked rendezvous. Why was Jake at a naval bar in the first place? And he certainly hadn't asked you that question either. But, it was far too late to ask now, consequences be damned you thought. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck–” Like a mantra, Jakes looking up into the heavens above as he bucks his hisp against your face, his cock disapearing and re-appearing moments after having being shoved down your warm tight throat. “Yess–ah fuck!” You've got his shirt on the ground, stopping the rocks from digging into your knees too deep as you work to work him over. 
It's damn near organsmic to hear Jake, the man who'd spilt three drinks on you earlier, moan the way he was. Needy, lustful, one hand twisted in your hair while the other cups your cheek. Guiding you as you take every inch he's willing to give you. You hadnt gone into this thinking youd end up sucking Jake off, but fuck it had been one of your better ideas of the night so far. 
“Fuugghh–!” Jakes flushed a red hume, it had started to creep its way up his neck from below the hawaiian button up, flushing his cheeks a pretty pink as his breathing laboured and got a little heavier with every passing second he relished in. “Feels so fucking good.” 
If Jake had known that all it would take to get such a pretty girl like you down on your knees before him, sucking him senseless in the car park of the Hard Deck, was to spill a few amber beverages across your chest he would have tapped the whole damn keg months ago. 
“Mmmhmm–” You simply aren't shy, moaning around Jake's cock as you look up through watery eyelashes to see him looking down at you with an open slack jaw. He has his back pressed against the side of his black F-150 and his jeans pulled down just past his hips, down enough that you could reach in and free him from the confines of his boxer briefs when you had pushed him up against the truck initially to make out. 
It had been a feverish, intense hook-up. So feverish and needy that when your hand grazed against Jake's clothed cock he was already hard and standing to attention, hoping that the situation unfolding would lead to something more.  
“Ah fuck, darlin, if you don’t sucking me off like that I’m gonna cum down that pretty little throat of yours.” Jakes close, he can feel his orgasm pooling at the base of his shaft. He can feel the all to familiar sensation of his balls tightening, his heart rate spiking, the need to just fuck deep into your throat overwhelming him as he let out groans and frustrated sighs, because he keeps forgetting how to fuckign breathe.
Popping your lips, you pull back and take Jake's sloppy length in your hand, pumping him as you chuckle and smile up at him. 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing?” Jakes taking that as the go ahead to rail your throat. Waiting till your lips are once again wrapped around his tip before he's taking over the pace, groaning as your nose hits his manscaped pubic hair. Holding you down as he twitches and leans over you. 
“OOhhhhhh fucking christ–” Tapping at his thigh, Jakes pulls your head back just to watch the tears fall freely down your cheeks as you gasp for air, only to do the same thing over and over again because it feels far too good to stop now when hes so close to cumming down your windpipe. “Baby, ahh Fuck I’m there, I’m there ohhhhh ffuugghhh–” 
It's an overwhelming sensation, to have Jake buried at the hilt down your throat as he's withering away above you. His vision blurred for a minute as he felt himself releasing into your warm, tight throat. The mixture of saliva and opake cum dripping down your tongue before you swallow. Neat and tidy. “Ahhhh oh my god–” 
Despite his inhibitions, Jake Seresin is a southern gentleman at heart. So when he comes down from the high you gave him, he's unlocking his truck, pulling you into it and down onto his lap. Kissing you just to taste himself on your tongue as he cups your cheeks, hot to the touch. 
There's no secret just by looks alone that you are by far much younger than Jake. He knows it's not a question you ask a lady either, so he goes about it rather strategically while he's sucking against the pulse point of your neck as you grind yourself down into his lap. 
“What do you do, pretty girl?” Jake's mumbling. “You know, when you aren't riding thighs in the backs of Ford trucks in car parks of bars?” And it's your answer that has Jake's voice hitching in the back of his throat. He's just gotten a new gig, as had most of the daggers–they were instructors, TopGun instructors. The newest class were starting Monday….. 
“Im a naval aviator–” You moaned, pulling back just so you could rip your dress up over your head, exposing yourself to the drunk in trouble man under you. “Start at Miramar on Monday, Lieutenant Y/n Mitchell at your service.”
Strictly Scandalous Jake ‘Hangman Seresin
Strictly Scandalous Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
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okanra · 7 months
So I’m migrating some of the (public version of) pre-production stuff I did in 2021-2023 for THE UNSPOKEN webcomic (back when it still had the old name “Trunks and Goten in High School AU”) here, since X/Twitter apparently annihilated the old Moment feature for real. These are mostly research stuff, some warm up doodles and inspiring sountrack playlists I did before a chapter or a story got made. I usually do a lot of research offline before working on any creative project, that’s why sometimes it feels like there’s so many information gets jammed into one chapter: it was mostly to make do for all the time that I didn’t get to, or wouldn’t be able to work on the comics.
Will add in the chapters along side the information paper for clearer understanding ✌️
1. The warm-up expression practice sheet (or doodles, in my case) of Son Goten and Trunks in my webcomic series (late 2022 or early 2023):
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Since the idea in mind for these two in the webcomic was to be more “mature, human-like” than the original manga version to fit with the narrative I want to tell and aim at the older demographic, practices are needed :p
2. The Martial Arts techniques research information papers - Chapter 2 and 3 aka “The Spar” 1 & “The Spar” 2 (2021-2022):
A. Goten’s techniques:
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B. Trunks’s techniques:
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This research about martial arts techniques was actually very fun to do due to martial arts and cultural aspects are being two of the things I enjoy the most in life. That’s probably parts of the reasons why I went back to Dragon Ball in 2020: motorbikes, martial arts and mixed races culture.
Back then I did plan on sharing my research to everyone in the form of little fun art lessons, so there were interesting tweets like this or this. Later I decided to share this somewhere else more private (like my Patreon community) since I realized pre-production researches (or something akin to visual developments) are not that well-liked for most online viewers even though it’s a very much needed process in a creative project 🤔
This martial art concept is one of the actual main themes throughout the whole webcomic series, not really the (super duper gay) b-romance relationship between Son Goten and Trunks, yes I’m very sorryyyyyyy I like them too but I like worldbuilding more lmaoooo :p
3. The brief character design sheet and Chinese-influenced culture research information papers - Chapter 4: “The Iron Woman” and Chapter 5: “Her Resolution, His Origin” (mid-2022 until now and will be continued):
A. Character Design brief sheet:
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B. Culture research stuff:
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The hilarious thing about researching for these chapters are: Back when “The Iron Woman” was being made, the research limited at reading articles and some books about Chinese cultures, and watching documentaries on Youtube. But when “Her Resolution, His Origin” was being made, the research tuned into a real life trip to China, to take real life reference photos and listening to real legends and stories.
This research for “Her Resolution, His Origin” will be posted to Patreon later, of course ✌️
4. The Original Comic introduction and comeback announcements in mid-2022:
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I must have eaten some edibles while drawing this because the boys look so good here. Goten looks so good, I even made him the profile picture for my Patreon account lmao.
5. Soundtrack playlists for inspirations (2021 - now): always the cherry on top. I listen to these playlists everytime I work on the series.
A. Duo playlist for chapters featuring both main characters: link
B. Character playlist for chapters focusing on single character, or anything related to that character: link
All in all, posts like this are for people who like to see what’s beneath the surface when working on a creative project. I completely guarantee you, what you’ve seen on this blog are just the tips of the ice berg 🤫
Def not a PR, but my Patreon has lots of this lmao. Half joking half serious, there’s even a “non-posted” comic up there too and many other things. I’m just stating facts.
That aside, I’m just really happy to be able to work on this webcomic. THE UNSPOKEN webcomic series has always been a long-term indie project, not a daily content so I hope the readers who like and follow this series would stay tuned for more ✌️
For easier reading, you can either follow the links that are included above, or just read this Tapas updated version.
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justmeinatree · 10 months
A Hard Man To Lose
Summary : part 2 to Teasing Louis Request … the smut.
TW : smut
Word Count : 2.4k
A/N : a day late, a buck short 😬 .. just realizing now that i was supposed to post this yesterday. stoner brain is real yall, and my memory SUCKS. enjoy ✌️
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niall walks up to you, slinging his arm around your shoulders, happy, drunken smile gracing his mouth, “coming back to mine tonight, right ?”
your eyebrows furrow, because you are absolutely, positively certain that you’d never spoken about staying over at his place. “uhh, i am ?”
“yeah, i figured,” niall shrugs, “we have breakfast with mam tomorrow, remember ? ya always spend the night.” 
he’s right. fuck. he is absolutely right. you always end up staying with your brother the night before meeting your mum, saving you the extra trip to and from the city.
“christ, ya don’t have to look so disappointed,” he laughs, “have other plans or something ?”
instinctively, you shake your head. you know how important it is to louis that niall not find out tonight. and it seems as though the universe wants to cockblock the hell out of you. “no, no, i just forgot is all. surprised me. i was expecting to go home, have a cozy night in after this,” you quickly lie, trying to hide the severe level of disappointment.
niall leaves a wet, smacking kiss on your cheek, “got me tonight instead,” he smiles playfully, patting your shoulder, before sauntering off to chat with someone you honestly didn’t recognize.
you use the opportunity to go find louis, slithering through the people, noting him by the bar. walking right up to him, your body pressed against his, arm resting against his shoulder, as he’s sat at the one of the stools.
his head snaps, not expecting anyone to lean into him, taking a big sigh of relief when he notices you, “fuckin hell, darling, scared me.”
“sorry,” you giggle, biting your lip, “m’not gonna be able to sneak off with you tonight. have to spend the night at my brother’s,” you groan.
louis’ eyebrows furrow for a moment, before standing, looking through the crowd to make sure niall’s nowhere near, his left arm wrapping around your back, hand landing on your hip, pulling you close, “don’t want to let this opportunity slip. m’gonna take care of this,” he murmurs against your ear.
your eyes flutter shut, senses invaded with louis. his fresh scent, masked with the lingering vodka from earlier. the firmness in his grip. the warm puffs of air as he speaks, hitting the delicate skin of your neck. the command he seems to already have over you, his towering height helping the allusion. “what are you going to do ?”
his other hand lands on the side of your neck, thumb stroking your jaw, making you look up at him, lips ghosting yours as he speaks, “promise me right now that you can be very fucking quiet tonight.”
you can almost feel your pupils dilating, breath leaving your lungs, hands gripping fistfuls of his shirt, as your teeth dart out to nibble into his bottom lip, “promise, fuck, i promise.”
“good girl,” louis coos, hand dropping from your neck to your upper chest, thumb and forefinger spread to cup the base of your throat, holding you in place as he takes a step away from you. “now, m’gonna go invite myself to your brother’s place,” he smirks, walking off in niall’s general direction, leaving you stunned and catching your breath, reaching for his unfinished beer, and polishing it off.
louis walks up to niall, smiling wide, too wide. niall knows something is coming as he hears, “can i crash at yours ?”
“what’s wrong with your place ?” niall asks, both of them knowing full well that louis would end up at niall’s regardless of whether or not he was properly invited. but niall still played the same game every time, not wanting it to be too easy for him.
“s’too far,” louis groans, “c’mon, please. s’not like you dont have the space. and we both know you love the company.”
niall rolls his eyes, not wanting to admit that it was true. simply because he would never live that down with louis. “gotta take the couch though. my sister’s got the spare room tonight.”
“fine by me,” louis smiles wide, “thanks mate.”
and that’s how louis’ ended up sneaking into the guest room of niall’s house, slithering his way into the bed with you, lips mingling with yours instantly.
you groan into his mouth, fingers gripping tightly in his hair, throwing your leg over his hip. you couldn’t help yourself, you’d been waiting at a shot with louis for over a decade, and now here he was, kissing you just as, if not more, eagerly. 
“louis,” you breathe against his lips, your heel pressing into his bum, trying to feel more of him, needing to feel more of him. he’d left you so incredibly horny back at the bar, you were fucking craving him, “want you, please.”
“impatient little thing, you,” louis chuckles breathily, rolling himself on top of you, your legs opening instinctively to allow him space. 
louis’ mouth trails open mouth kisses from your chin, down your jaw to your ear, nibbling on the shell, and taking tentative little licks. you could feel his hot panting breath, a shiver running down your spine, shooting straight for your pussy.
you were clenching, trying to buck your hips under his weight, needing to feel more of him. with the alcohol coursing through your veins, your brain already fuzzy with louis, louis, louis. a part of you was flabbergasted that this was even happening. that finally, fucking finally, your advances towards him were being reciprocated.
truth is, you would never have let yourself chase after a man for so long. but you knew he was interested, you could feel it radiating off of him. and now that you’re actually privy to the reason why, you’re happy that you hadn’t read the situation wrong, and he’s not completely disinterested in you. but also angry that your brother would stand in your way of potentially being with someone so right for you.
the feeling of his breath, warming your skin. the sound of his voice, breathy groans, and soft moans. the tickling wisps of his hair against your neck and chest. the weight of his body as it perfectly moulds with yours. the firmness of his grip, hands now roaming under your shirt, over your hips, up your sides, cupping your breasts.
a small whimper escapes your throat, his thumbs flicking over your nipples. your face presses into the top of louis’ head, buried in his hair, willing yourself to be as quiet as possible. 
the downside, however, being that you’re absolute shite at staying quiet. it was something you had a hard time controlling. it’s like if your brain shuts down, your body taking over and doing whatever it needs. loud moans being one of the things it seems to need.
“lets take this off, yeah ?” louis asks quietly, slipping your shirt as high as he can, helping you lift your body from the bed, to take it off completely. as soon as his eyes fall on your breasts, nipples pert from the attention they’d just gotten, a groan rumbles from his chest, eyes fluttering shut, mouth suctioning to your skin.
he was everywhere. from your nipple to the valley between your tits, to the swell of the underside. it’s like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to be. louis’ been so deeply in denial of his feelings towards you, not letting himself truly feel, in a way to avoid disappointment, and tonight felt like the dam finally breaking from all the pressure. he couldn’t focus, too preoccupied with touching, licking, nipping, at every single inch of your body, not wanting to leave any bit untouched.
your mind was reeling. it was so much louis, you didn’t know how to even begin focusing. your skin was tingling, prickling, fuck you felt like your entire body was about to burst like a firework. your heat was throbbing, clit aching, hips bucking into him, as you plead, “need more, louis, please. please give me more.”
louis’ forehead rests against your stomach, eyes closed, taking a calming breath. christ, he thinks he could cum in his pants just hearing you beg for him. the sheer desperation in your tone, hearing his name slip from your lips in such a sensual way. his nails dig into your skin, taking a moment to centre himself, to ground himself, because fuck, this was really happening and there was no way he was going to let himself cum too early.
“fuck, beautiful girl, say that again,” he breathes, needing to hear it all over, as his hands slip into the waist of your pants, shuffling them down your legs. 
“please, louis,” you whimper, legs trembling, your cunt clenching hard with the cool waft of air hitting your most sensitive parts, a dribble of arousal bubbling from your entrance.
louis’ eyes were locked on your centre, the sound of your voice hitting his ear drums, his mind turned to mush. his hands grip into your inner thighs, spreading your legs apart as far as they’ll comfortably go, tongue darting out to wet his lips, watching the glisten of your soaked pussy.
gaze stuck to you, louis’ fingers reach out, tentatively swirling through your folds, gathering some of your arousal, and spreading it all over your labia and clit. with another clench, and another drip of arousal, louis bites his lip, fingers twitching for more.
a tug of your hands on his shirt pulls him from his trance, eyes snapping up to meet yours as you mumble, “want you naked too, please.”
“so fuckin polite, how can i say no to you ?” he hums, shuffling himself out of his clothes, his shirt then his pants, his cock bobbing up against his stomach. instantly, you reach out, hand wrapping around his prick, giving a few slow but solid strokes. 
you notice his eyes flutter shut, a moan of relief echoing through the room, as you notice his shoulders relax, drips of precum accumulating at his tip.
your thumb flicks over the head, gathering the thick liquid, before your hand leaves him entirely, sucking your finger into your mouth.
louis watches as you hum around your thumb, your tongue poking out from between your lips as it swirls through your mouth, tasting him, “taste so good,” you groan, fingers reaching out for more.
he’s quick to grip your wrist however, a shiver running through his body, “m’so fuckin worked up, darling. m’not gonna last if you keep doing that,” he explains, all those years of pent up frustration rushing to the surface.
you nod, understanding, as you also feel like you’re about to fucking burst. as he lets go of your wrist, your hand grips onto louis’ hip, pulling him closer to you, and with a few swipes of his dick through your sopping folds, the tip was breaching your entrance.
in one fell swoop, his cock is entirely seethed inside you, a loud moan reverberated through the room. instantly, louis’ mouth is on yours, muffling any sounds that may threaten to escape.
“gotta be quiet, lovely,” he coos against your lips, cock unmoving inside you, as he takes a moment to calm his heart rate, feeling your walls spasm around him.
“please move,” you whimper, entire body trembling, nails digging into his skin, the sudden fullness fuzzing your brain.
with louis’ elbows rested against the mattress on either side of your head, fingertips playing soothingly in your hair, he takes a bite at your bottom lip, tugging on it, his hips rolling at a steady rhythm.
“christ, you feel so fucking good,” he groans, feeling your pussy suck him back in with every thrust.
you moan, attempting to stay quiet, your body completely overheated, orgasm already forming in the pit of your stomach, your inebriated brain unable to focus long enough to hold anything back.
louis notices. notices you losing your senses. notices the breathy whines getting more urgent. notices the fluttering in your tummy. notices the added slickness to his thrusts. notices the roll in your eyes. notices the sting of your nails in his skin. notices the clamping down of your cunt. 
and in one final greedy moment, one of his hands grips the underside of your knee, pressing it up to your chest. his cock instantly slides its way into you, impossibly deeper, a loud gasping moan, knocking the air straight out of your lungs, orgasm crashing over you.
“fuck,” louis groans, louder than he’d like, your cunt clamping down on his member in a vice grip. with his mouth on yours again, willing you to quiet down, his request falling on deaf ears, the ringing in your brain too loud to even hear him.
“shh, you’re okay darling,” he coos, as you seem to relax a bit, his cock still delving deep inside you.
“fuck, louis,” you whine, bottom lip trembling, “can’t stop, fuck, i can’t stop.”
and for a moment, he’s confused as to what you’re referring to. that is, until the clench of your cunt picks up momentum, “christ, are you cumming again ?”
you nod around a whimper, tucking your face in his neck, body wracking through another strong orgasm, louis joining you over the edge, not a minute later.
through a mess of breathy moans and pants, both of you staying as quiet as possible, you make your way down from your high, light sheen of sweat sticking your bodies together. louis gently peels himself from your body, leaving a series of pecking kisses over your nose, lips, and chin, as he pulls his cock out of you.
he smiles softly at you, leaning down to nibble on your lip, murmuring, “you’re fucking irresistible. can’t get enough of you.”
you hum, a shy smile gracing your lips, giggling quietly, “we can do that again sometime right ?”
“that, and much much more. do this again when we can take our sweet fuckin time,” he chuckles. “think nialler heard us ?” he asks.
“oh, he heard you,” you both hear muffled through the wall, eyes growing wide, strong blush taking over your cheeks, as you both burst out in an embarrassed laugh, slightly too blissed out at the moment to really care about the consequences of being caught.
tags : @gorlsinmultifandoms @cc-horan
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chuuyasheaven · 2 years
I don't know if you're still accepting requests for the event, but if you still do, Serve Kunikida some justice w/ 3, 6, 9, 11 (i dunno if 4 prompts are fine :') )
If you can also make the fem!reader a little bratty and making Kunikida Jealous by flirting with dazai😔✌️
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Prompt/Numbers; 3: “What? Cat caught your tongue?” / 6: “Brats don’t get to cum, darling.” / 9: “Beg for it, let me know you deserve it.” / 11: You’re mine and I’m yours, got it?”
Summary; You messed up Kunikida’s ideal schedule for today, so he’ll have to punish you! :D
Warnings; dom!Kunikida, sub!fem!Reader, bratty!Reader, edging, overstimulation, Petnames (slut/brat/darling/etc.), brat taming, mentions of Dazai, porn without plot, oral (fem!recieving), fingering, squirting, etc.
Notes (from me); I LIVE FOR THIS IDEA??? HELLO?? But you’re so right, I’m gonna serve Kunikida some justice! THE WAY THE SUMMARY IS ALWAYS SO INNOCENT AND SHIT BUT THE REST??? SKDVDJDB
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You messed up badly, didn’t you?
You probably did, or else-
You wouldn’t be here in this position.
What Position you may ask? Well..
“Not only did you mess up my daily schedule, you go flirt with my most annoying coworker too?”, Kunikida scolded you, while you sat in bed, totally listening.
“I don’t know why you’re making such a big fuss about your stupid ideal, Kuni. Also, i didn’t ‘flirt’ with Dazai, i just cleaned his face.”, you stated for yourself.
For a little context- (Song lyric intended lol)
Kunikida has been very into his ideals lately, barely giving you attention.
This was the reason you decided to force the attention out of him. So you decided to slightly rile him up for him to..punish you.
But since he ignored you messing up his schedule a bit, you improvised.
When Dazai had something little on the corner of his mouth, you got close to his face to rub your thumb over it.
Kunikida had enough of your behavior.
I mean, messing up his schedule is one thing, but flirting with Dazai was a whole ‘nother thing.
This is how you got here- but he was just scolding you, for now.
“I thought you were better than this, [Name].”, “Yeah, yeah. Me too. But we can’t have everything, can we? Can we just hurry this up? If you’re not gonna-”, Kunikida suddenly got in front of you, grabbing your chin to face him.
“Not gonna what, dear? What do you expect me to do?”, you looked into his eyes, when did he suddenly get so attractive?
“What? Cat caught your tongue? I asked you something, answer the question.”, it was like all the comebacks you had in store were robbed by his stare.
“Uhm, w-well-”, you stuttered, making Kunikida amused.
You felt the bed shifting. When you realized Kunikida got onto bed, his knee positioned between your thighs.
“You didn’t think I’ll let you go without a punishment, did you?”, He smirked at your dumbfounded face.
You should’ve actually think this through.
“You must me excited, hm? Because i feel you soak up my knee, darling.”
Kunikida kissed you, you kissed back.
Both of you let yourselves lay down on the bed, Kunikida was topping.
Separating from the kiss, Kunikida got off again, going down to face your damped panties.
“We barely started and you're already wet? Let’s take care of that, shall we?”
“P-please do..oh my..-”, he took your panties and threw them off somewhere on the floor, blowing a little breeze onto your cunt.
Kunikida started eating you out, making you moan with delight. His tongue hit all the right places, him also adding pressure to your bud, heaven.
When you felt your orgasm near, your thighs started shaking slightly.
Just when your high was approaching, he cut off all your pleasure, cutting off your orgasm.
“Brats don’t get to cum, darling. Especially by ruining my schedule.”, Kunikida scolded you once again.
“B-but- please, Kuni, i-i didn’t mean to!-”, he wasn’t buying that.
“No buts, princess. You don’t get to cum. Unless you, beg for it, let me know you deserve it, hm?”, no. You didn’t want to! But was he actually gonna edge you until you beg?
You let out a sharp moan when you felt his fingers enter.
“Hm? I’m waiting, slut.”, the sudden name change was getting you off too, besides of his skilled fingers.
“K-kuni, please..I’m sorry! I-i didn’t mean to get you m-mad..i just wanted your a-attention! Please..p-please fuck me..!”, Kunikida picked up on your pleas, pumping them even faster and rougher.
It was making you loose your mind, maybe him always writing in his ideal wasn’t too bad.
“You wanted attention? Why didn’t you just ask? Probably because you like being treated like a whore, yes?”, he was SO right.
You were getting closer again, but guess what?
Kunikida cut you off again.
“If you wanna cum, then it’ll be when you’re clenching around my cock, understood? Oh, besides, also for flirting with Dazai, i won’t forgive it so fast.”, Kunikida claimed as he stood up, taking off his undergarments.
Seeing his boner, you got wetter.
Kunikida just entered and didn’t even let you adjust.
This made you moan louder than ever. Which made Kunikida more amused.
“You're mine and I'm only yours, got it? I don't wanna see you flirting with that bastard again.”
How was he saying that so casually?
Anyway, you were getting close again, the knot inside your stomach ready to snap any second.
When it did, you did not just cum, you squirted.
Your squirted cum covering his cock.
Kunikida started to thrust more faster and rougher, yearning for his own.
Eventually, he did and he pulled out.
Both of you heavily breathing, when Kunikida gets down between your thighs.
“Kuni, w-what are you doing..?”
“Well i have to clean you up, remember? This is one of my best way to do it, dear.”
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Hope you enjoyed it!
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skyward-floored · 1 year
Whumptober Day 8: Outnumbered, (alt) Betrayal
I originally gave up on today’s prompts because they were annoying but after I’d written this whole fic I realized outnumbered kind of works actually so! Regular prompt and an alt were used today ✌️
Read on ao3
Warnings: oh boy. Uh, mildly suggestive, dehumanization sort of..? Kind of human-trafficking vibes, but it doesn’t exactly occur. There’s some alcohol. Also a bit of being drugged. And mistreatment of fairies. ...I think that’s it.
A faint pink glow guided Hyrule, Warriors, and Time’s steps through a town in the captain’s time, a jingling that Hyrule knew was born out of nervousness accompanying the light.
The fairy led them all through the town, further and further away from the center and towards the unlit stores and quiet docks. The night only seemed to grow darker, and Hyrule found himself keeping closer to the other’s sides, a feeling of apprehension he couldn’t ignore making his stomach clench.
Right as he was about to ask if the fairy really knew where she was leading them, she zipped down a side street, sparkles trailing behind her, and finally bobbed to a stop.
Hyrule looked up, and grimaced.
The fairy had led them to a building with its windows still lit despite the late hour, her dark pink light catching on a crude portrait of a great fairy holding an overflowing flagon of ale. Faint laughter filtered through the cracks in the door, and Hyrule thought he caught a whiff of alcohol.
Oh hooray, a tavern.
Hyrule gave the picture on the sign a look of distaste, but before he could say anything, the door abruptly swung open. Two men walked out, and the three heroes, ducked around a corner so as not to be seen. A hiccuping laugh came from the one man, and the other slapped him on the back as they stumbled away, neither walking straight.
“So this is where you saw the men take Proxi?” Warriors whispered as the revelers disappeared from sight. The fairy jingled an affirmative as she poked her head out from his scarf, practically shaking with fear.
“Mm-hm. Th-they put her in a tiny bag, one way too small!” she squeaked, sounding terrified. “And she’s not the only one, they had lots of other fairies! I followed them here, but I couldn’t find anywhere to get inside without being seen, and... and I didn’t want to get caught as well.”
She sniffled, and Warriors gave her a gentle smile from where she’d perched on his shoulder.
“It’s alright, we’ll get her and the others back,” he assured, but the fairy still seemed nervous, her wings fluttering anxiously.
“You should get somewhere safe, if these people want fairies you’ll be in danger here,” Time warned, and the fairy quivered in fear. “We don’t want anyone else getting caught. Who knows what they’re doing in there.”
He glanced at Hyrule as he spoke, and Hyrule sighed, knowing the older hero was wondering if he should stay back or not. Time and Warriors were both aware he had fairy blood, and Hyrule could see why they would be concerned, but he wasn’t going to stay back just because of that.
“They won’t know I have fairy blood, and I’m not planning on telling them,” Hyrule said quietly, and glared back at the sign. “And I’m not sitting this out.”
Time nodded with a sigh, and Hyrule thought he caught a flicker of worry in his eye before he turned back to the fairy.
“What’s your decision, little one?”
“I-I’ll stay hidden with you,” the fairy replied quickly, and Hyrule could tell she wasn’t keen on leaving the three of them. She obviously felt safer around the heroes, and Hyrule couldn’t blame her.
Fairies being kidnapped was never a sign of anything good.
“All right, well, looks like we’re going in,” Warriors sighed, and Time nodded, straightening.
“Looks like it. We may want to split up though, I believe we’ll attract less attention that way,” Time said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. “Perhaps I can go in, and you two can follow together?”
Hyrule and Warriors nodded. He didn’t really think it mattered much, but if Time thought that was best, then who was he to argue?
Warriors suddenly raised a hand and began to muss his hair up a bit, making it look more scruffy. Hyrule stared as the captain then kicked some dirt off his boots, running it through his hair and making his blond seem more of a sandy color. Then he tucked his scarf inside his bag, and pulled out a cloak instead, nicely made, but in a dark enough weave so as not to attract attention.
“I’m the local hero, Traveler,” he said at Hyrule’s confounded look, “I don’t exactly blend in.”
“Oh! Right,” Hyrule said sheepishly, feeling foolish for not realizing what the captain was doing. He thought he’d... well, he’d honestly had no clue what he was doing.
Time hid a smile as he left their hiding spot and casually strolled into the tavern. A small burst of sound leaked into the alley with the opening of the door, then was silent again.
“You should be fine,” Warriors directed at Hyrule as he made sure their fairy was tucked safely out of sight in his cloak. “I would be shocked if anyone recognized you or Time... but if you have a cloak you might want to put it on.”
Hyrule nodded as the captain finished off his disguising, and pulled his own cloak tight around himself, looking at the tavern with no small trepidation. It didn’t seem like the sort of place he wanted to hang around, especially based on the drunken laughter that occasionally filtered through the cracks in the door.
He’d had very few good experiences in bars, and had a funny feeling this one would be no different.
They waited a few minutes to distance themselves from Time a bit more, and then Warriors walked over to the door, Hyrule following resignedly.
“Well here we go,” he grumbled, and pushed open the door before Warriors could, the captain following him into the noisy place.
Hyrule tensed, half expecting all sorts of horrible things as they entered, but... nothing seemed out of place. There was a strong smell of alcohol, sweat, and water damage from the nearby docks. The seats were mostly filled despite the late hour, and barely a head turned when Warriors and Hyrule walked in. The large woman manning the bar did glance at them, but then went back to wiping her counter, glaring at a man who spilled a few drops of his drink.
It just seemed like... a normal bar.
“Are we sure this is the place?” Hyrule muttered, and Warriors shrugged, looking around.
“If they’re keeping fairies for some reason, they wouldn’t do it in the open,” he murmured back, then plastered a casual smile on his face. “Let’s see what we can find out.”
They shoved their way to a clear table, Warriors easily blending in with the atmosphere. Hyrule followed suit, and they weren’t bothered as they ordered some drinks and sat down. Hyrule spotted Time across the room from them at a different table, but Hyrule knew better then to stare at him too long and attract attention, and he kept his gaze away.
Instead he studied the atmosphere of the tavern, wincing a little whenever the general noisiness upturned for whatever reason. The place wasn’t as rowdy as some places Hyrule had ended up inside, but it certainly wasn’t quiet, and uneasiness was still churning in his stomach.
He wasn’t sure if it was merely worry over the captured fairies, or something else... but something about this place was making the hair on his neck prickle.
“The men at the table next to you,” their fairy friend suddenly spoke up, just loud enough for Warriors and Hyrule to hear, “they’re the ones who took Proxi, I recognize their faces!”
Warriors nodded, and casually looked around the room while Hyrule flicked his eyes over at the men the fairy had indicated. They were a group of four, with varying appearances, but all of them looked shifty to Hyrule, covered in scars with weapons at their hips.
They were discussing something in low voices, and Hyrule casually leaned over, straining his ears.
“...thing bit me,” one man was saying, looking mad as he rubbed his hand. Hyrule could see bandages peeking from under his sleeve. “And it smarts too, this better have been worth it.”
“It will be, she says the buyer pays extra for the blues. It was lucky we found that one earlier,” a thin man said in a calming voice. “Though even just the pinks we’ve got in the back’ll be enough to set us up for life.”
The others seated at the table grinned, and Hyrule glanced at Warriors, looking to see if he’d heard. By the grave expression on his face, it was clear he had.
“I wonder what the buyer does with them anyway,” the first man said as he sipped at his drink. “Who’d want a bunch of fairies?“
Hyrule felt a flicker of indignation.
“Sells ‘em to doctors or something probably, who cares?” another drawled, taking a large draught of his beverage. “‘S long as we get paid.”
“Ah, but have you ever taken a good look at some of them? If they were a bit bigger, I think I’d want a few,” a man with scars all over his arms said. He smirked. “I saw a Great once, and if the little ones are anything like that... well, sign me up.”
The table burst into laughter, and anger rose in Hyrule’s chest as they began arguing about what the most attractive feature they’d seen on a fairy was, growing more and more descriptive— and crude— as they went.
One of them said something particularly lewd, and they roared with drunken laughter, Hyrule’s face growing hot with fury.
He was about to leap to his feet, but Warriors put a hand on his arm, keeping him from getting up. Hyrule nearly threw him off as he heard another one of them laugh again, feeling himself begin to shake with rage.
How dare they?
“Traveler, fighting these men won’t help us figure out what’s going on,” Warriors said in a low voice, and pulled Hyrule back down. “We need to be patient.”
“I’m not going to sit here and let them talk about fairies like— like that,” Hyrule hissed, but Warriors didn’t move. “Captain let me up, don’t you care—”
“It won’t change anything to confront them. They obviously don’t have the fairies with them, and fighting them might wreck any chance we have of getting them back,” Warriors said firmly, something sharp in his voice.
Hyrule finally looked at Warriors’ face, and realized the captain was just as angry as he was, blue eyes cold with rage. Somehow knowing that Warriors was equally outraged by the discussion made his own anger cool a bit, and he stopped trying to pull out of his hold, slumping in his seat.
“Fine. Then what’s the plan?” he asked, hunching his shoulders when the men at the table next to them laughed again.
“I’ll try and get some more information from our... friends, here, while you see if you can get in there,” Warriors explained quietly, tilting his head towards a curtained off doorway. “They said they had the fairies in the back, I’d assume that’s where they meant.”
“I saw them through the window earlier, they definitely went back there,” their fairy peeped from Warriors’ cloak, sounding even more scared.
“Fine. Good luck,” Hyrule murmured, and slipped into the crowd before Warriors could reply.
He made his way over to a shadowy spot next to the door, jostled and bumped nearly the entire way. Squeezing past a particularly large man, Hyrule tucked himself in the corner and waited patiently for an opportunity to slip through the door. He glanced over at Time while he waited, and saw that he was chatting rather amiably with the woman at the bar, an easy-going smile on his face.
Well hopefully he’s doing something useful, Hyrule thought to himself, still angry at the conversation he’d overheard. He knew Warriors was right about not fighting yet, but listening to them discuss fairies like that had lit a rage in him that wouldn’t be going away any time soon.
It’s no wonder fairies tend to hide from Hylians.
A barmaid finally walked past him into the back room, and Hyrule silently followed her past the curtain, finding himself in a dark storage room.
It appeared to be mostly kitchen items, extra food and barrels of what Hyrule assumed was alcohol of some kind. There were no fairies in sight, and Hyrule frowned as the barmaid left, looking around the room. It seemed like every other storage-type room he’d seen of this kind; messy, somewhat dirty, and no sign of anything illegal.
Well... not obvious ones anyway.
Hyrule began combing the room, his heart thudding in his chest. The bad feeling he had was even more intense now, and it made it difficult to focus on finding anything out of the ordinary. He kept having to hide when the barmaid returned multiple times, but he continued to look, aware that the longer he was back here, the more likely it was he’d be caught.
He was nearly on the verge of leaving and seeing if Warriors had had better luck, when suddenly he realized the crates in the corner were stacked oddly, like nobody ever actually wanted what was inside them.
Hyrule quickly went over to the stack, and noticed the faint outline of a door behind the crates, so similar to the wall it was nearly impossible to see unless you knew it was there.
Hyrule pushed the crates aside as quietly as possible, wincing at the creaking they made, then carefully turned the knob and slipped inside.
And nearly fell to his knees.
The room had no windows, but it didn’t need them, the inside lit by the countless jars lining the walls, all crammed to the brim with fairies. Several of them had at least three in one jar, a few filled tight with even more, and Hyrule couldn’t do anything but stare at them all in horror for a moment.
Most of the fairies were fluttering around in the jars, some swirling in more panicked circles, but some were lying worryingly still at the bottoms, their glows faint. The distressed magic from all of them was enough to make Hyrule’s head spin, chimes ringing in his ears, and he nearly tripped when he finally stepped forward.
How could someone do this?
He turned around at the whisper, and saw Warriors slip inside behind him, looking grim.
“Those men didn’t have anything to say to me, they must have thought I just wanted in on the money. I don’t think... oh. Farore preserve us,” he whispered as he looked around, and Hyrule swallowed.
He felt sick to his stomach all of a sudden, and barely noticed as Warriors stepped fully into the room, looking around in horror. The fairies noticed their presences then, and the chiming in the room grew even louder, frantic and hopeful as they realized who they were.
”Is that Link?”
“No, it’s his friend! Brother!”
“It’s Link and his friend!”
“Brother! Fairy kin!”
“Are you here to get us out?!”
“Brother please save us!”
“Everybody quiet! Are you trying to bring the enemy in here?!”
At the bossy chime, the other fairies quieted down, and Hyrule looked around for the familiar voice that had spoken. One of the few blue glows in the room caught his eye, and Warriors perked up.
“Link!” she said with a happy jingle, and Hyrule smiled as Warriors reached up to gently take the bottle she was trapped in. “You’re here to save us?”
“We are,” Warriors assured, cradling the bottle. Hyrule swallowed back his nausea and joined his side, frowning at the sight. Three other fairies were pressed inside of the bottle with Proxi, and she herself was near the bottom, her blue glow dim.
“...Are you okay?” Hyrule asked in concern, and Proxi hesitated.
“She got hurt when they captured us,” another fairy said quietly.
“You’re hurt?” Warriors said sharply, and Proxi let out a dismissive jingle.
“Oh I’m fine, can you get us out?” Proxi asked a little impatiently, and Warriors sighed, then nodded, tugging at the cork.
It didn’t budge though, and no matter what Warriors did it refused to come out. Hyrule tried then, but he didn’t have any luck either, and they looked at each other in dismay.
They didn’t want to hurt the fairies, so they couldn’t try breaking the glass. Melting it or using anything heavy was out of the question as well, as were most methods Hyrule could think of, but how were they going to free all of the fairies if they couldn’t even open the jars?
“I think they must be magically sealed,” Hyrule said morosely after they’d tried everything they could think of. “There’s no way this cork is this strong without some help.”
“I don’t like what that means for this whole operation,” Warriors murmured, still carefully holding the bottle. “If they have enough resources to get so many magically sealed jars... this might be bigger than we thought.”
Hyrule swallowed, his stomach still unsettled.
“So what do we do?”
“Fetch Time, I suppose,” Warriors sighed. “See if he has any ideas. We need to tell him we found the fairies anyway, and I don’t see us figuring anything out any time soon.”
“He probably has an item or something that just opens bottles,” Hyrule said with a faint smile. “Or a mask.”
Warriors almost smiled back. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“Someone’s coming!” a fairy by the door suddenly squealed, her voice shrill with alarm. Warriors carefully set the jar containing Proxi and the other fairies back on the shelf, then dove behind a discarded crate with Hyrule, the both of them ducking down as much as possible as the door slid open.
“...saw someone by the storage room, and those guards were in earlier. We better start shipping out tonight,” a voice said, and footsteps tromped into the room. “...Ugh, this place always makes my head hurt when we’re full.”
Hyrule pressed tighter against Warriors’ side as the voice drew near, trying to make himself smaller. The crate really wasn’t a good hiding spot, but there was nothing else in the room big enough to shelter behind.
Multiple sets of footsteps moved over to their side of the room, right next to the crate they were behind, and Hyrule nearly stopped breathing, forcing himself to stay still. Warriors swallowed, and Hyrule could feel his heart thudding where his head had ended up on his chest.
“Well you won’t have to deal with it much longer,” a different voice drawled, and Hyrule recognized it as one of the men who’d been at the table. “Once we load these in the hold you’ll be fine.”
It was silent for a minute, and Hyrule found himself holding his breath.
“Besides, we have other business to take care of.”
The crate Warriors and Hyrule were tucked behind suddenly lit up like a flare, a pink so dark it was nearly red flashing above them.
Hyrule was nearly blinded by the light, but when he looked up in shock, he saw the fairy that had guided them to the tavern chiming and flashing a deafening alarm, showing exactly where they were hidden.
Before Hyrule could even reach for his sword, he and Warriors were yanked out from behind the crate and restrained, unable to escape. They both kicked out and struggled, Hyrule even trying to bite the men that had grabbed him, but they were grossly outnumbered, and quickly subdued.
Both were tied up and shoved against the wall, but Hyrule only had eyes for the fairy who had come to them in tears earlier because she’d seen Proxi be kidnapped. She was floating right next to one of the men who they’d overheard at the table earlier, and a sickening feeling rolled through Hyrule.
“How could you?” he asked, anger and disbelief warring inside of him. How could a fairy fall so far to betray her own kind like that?
The fairy’s glow dimmed.
“They said they would hurt my sister,” she whimpered, and Hyrule felt a brief stab of pity.
“If you’d told us the truth, we could have helped you,” Warriors cut in with a grave look, and the fairy turned away.
The other fairies on the walls had been chiming frantically throughout all of this, Proxi’s voice shouting the loudest of them all, and making a truly deafening racket that only grew when Hyrule and Warriors were tied up. The men were obviously growing sick of it, and the one with the scarred arms abruptly drew a knife and pressed it to Hyrule’s neck, then looked around at the fairies.
“Shut up now, or he loses his life.”
The fairies went dead quiet.
The scarred man waited a second, then withdrew his dagger, placing it back into a holder at his waist. “Thank you. I would’ve hated to get blood on the floor.”
“Have you no shame?” Warriors snapped. “What you’re doing here is cruel, you can’t put that many fairies in one bottle without endangering their lives!”
The men laughed, and one looked Warriors up and down.
“Great, a knight with morals. Do we kill him?”
“Nah, look at his face, he’s a handsome one,” someone else spoke up. “Bet we could get good money for him downriver.”
Warriors slightly paled, but his cold expression didn’t change.
“What about the kid?”
“I’m not a kid,” Hyrule said, and didn’t flinch from the scarred man’s gaze when he strode up to him. “And you’re going to regret every single thing you’ve done here today.”
The man chuckled. “The only thing I’m going to regret today is that I didn’t make more money then I’m already going to.”
He leaned right up into Hyrule’s face, and the traveler still glared at him despite how his heart was thumping. His eyes trailed across his face, pausing when they got to his eyes, and he studied them in silence for longer then was normal.
“...Take them both. We can figure out what to do with them after we’re on our way,” he said as he leaned back, a deceptively easy-going smile on his face. “I think there’s more to them then meets the eye.”
He looked directly at Hyrule when he spoke, and the traveler’s blood ran cold.
He knows.
Warriors gave him a wide-eyed look, but then cloths were shoved over both of their noses, a sickly smell coming off of them. Hyrule struggled not to breathe, knowing it would be bad if he did, but he hadn’t had a chance to take a deep breath.
Time had better notice we’re gone soon, he thought desperately, watching as Warriors began to slump next to him. Or we’re going to be in serious trouble.
Something struck his chest, and Hyrule gasped in spite of himself, breathing deeply of the sweet smell of the cloth. His head immediately began to swim, and he took in another breath without thinking. A voice said something above him, and Hyrule slumped against Warriors’ side as his senses began to leave him, one last flicker of desperation fighting to keep him awake.
He couldn’t let them do this he... he couldn’t...
Hyrule’s vision swirled into a black void, and he fell limp against Warriors’ shoulder, totally unconscious.
Time was their only hope now.
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Another part to the roller skater Willow/ student council Hunter AU fic because @turquoisespace35 made this and it inspired me
First part ✌️
Hunter had found the note after lunch in his locker
Come to the dance with me?
It waited for him tucked safely in a green envelope with a ticket for tonight’s dance. His heart spun as he reread the sentence. It was so simple, so straightforward, yet he could not seem to comprehend it.
Him? And Willow? At the dance? Together? He knew what it meant to go to a dance with someone, he knew plenty of people went as just friends but so say ‘with me’ meant something. She could have said ‘come to the dance’ but no, this meant she wanted them to go together, to be by his side all night. She wanted to be seen with him after school. She wanted to plan them spending time together. She wanted to be his date. This meant… so much more than he ever hoped for.
He hadn’t planned on going to the dance, he had a million reasons not to: it was too loud, too late, he was too busy, he had nothing to wear. The list went on and on, but even more than all that now, he had one wonderful reason to change his mind.
He didn’t have time to go home and change, and he didn’t think to bring a change of clothes with him.He realized this too late, as he had to stay late to help finish setting up for the event. He thought he would be leaving after, before the chaos started, but found himself anxious to see the transition. Luckily he kept a spare uniform jacket in the student council office so at least he would look pressed and pristine. Luckily, he had just enough time to prepare himself.
Well, on the surface level at least. He knew how he was supposed to look but he had no idea what he was meant to do.
Did he wait inside the gym? Outside the gym? Outside the school? He hadn’t seen her after finding the note so they had never established a meeting place or time. He hated the thought of her having to search for him because he didn’t know the way these things were typically done, thinking he was late or wasn’t excited to see her. He held the flowers so tight the stems were dented where his hands had been. He had somehow found the time to gather flowers for her, feeling like he should not show up empty handed.
His mind raced with different greetings, depending on if she said something first or where she found him. He had several explanations for his attire that he hoped she would find humorous enough to let slide. She was the only person who genuinely thought he could be funny. He would try to balance the humor with charm, and show her a different side of him. He listened to some of the songs he knew would be played so he could recognize them and give the appearance he did things like this all the time.
You like this song? Me too! How crazy we have so much in common! He’d say. Yeah, I remembered once you mention you play music for your flowers in the greenhouse, I can go request one of those songs if you want. I’m totally not nervous at all.
He wandered between every possible event entrance, trying to see where most pairs met up and stood near there. But it looked like Willow was running late.
I can make a joke about that, he thought. From last time, if she feels bad, mention how she said she’s never late and say you’ll write her up. She’ll think that’s funny.
But there came a time even when the latest students stopped wandering in. People were even starting to leave. It was clear Willow was not coming, and that she never was. He felt the crisp wind sting his eyes as he surrendered his hope to the muffled sounds of music and laughter. Who was he fooling? He was never meant to be a part of that. The flowers in his hands mocked him, transforming from a beacon of hope to tangible proof that he was a fool.
He saw what the halls were like come Monday morning, dynamics dramatically shifted for the worse more often than for the better from just one night. It was unavoidable, like the air held something demanding of change.
There was a reason he never went to dances, people often show their true colors and no one ever sees it coming.
“Hey Hunter,” came a bubbly voice heading towards him. He looked up and saw Willow skating towards him, smiling as she stopped in front of him. She was still wearing her uniform, like she was unaware of the event taking place. For once the sight of her did not lift his spirits. “What are you doing here?’ she asked with a smile.
Hunter scoffed. What a question to ask someone you left waiting all night, he thought. What a way to rub it in.
“Nice of you to show up,” he said, his voice stern in a way Willow had never seen directed at her before. He threw his wilted bouquet at her feet and she looked at him with concern and confusion as he refused to look at her.
“Hunter? What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Oh, really? You just wanna hear me say it, huh?” he spat. “You want me to admit I’m an idiot so you can rub it in more? You want to know what I was thinking, waiting here all night? That I was hurt? That I was worried something happened to you? T-that I couldn’t believe I ever thought-.”
“Hunter! Stop,” she said, her heart breaking as she saw the tears forming in his eyes. “What do you mean you were waiting for me? I wasn’t even gonna come tonight.”
“Was it some kind of joke I was supposed to just know?” he continued, his voice getting higher and more distraught. “Was this you trying to get back at me for something?”
He pulled her note from his breast pocket and tossed it down so it joined his bouquet at her feet. She picked it up to read it, but it only made her confusion grow.
“Hunter, what is- I didn’t write this,” she said.
“I don’t know what else you have planned but I’ve had a long day so if you could just drop the act I-,”
“Hunter, I’m serious,” she said. “I swear on my bees, I didn’t write you this note.”
“Please, do you really expect me to believe that someone would want me to think that you- oh,” Hunter knew exactly who would, and who had motive to. Boscha blamed Willow for Hunter’s impeachment of her from the student council, so it made sense he’d want to get back at both of them by causing a rift between them. He suddenly somehow felt even stupider. He sunk to the ground and buried his face in his hands and Willow knew his sorrow had been replaced by embarrassment. It wasn’t ideal, but it was better.
“Yeah,” she said softly, sharing his suspicion about who had planted the seed for their misunderstanding. “I was supposed to be at the Owl House, I didn’t even buy a ticket.”
“Oh,” was all Hunter could say. He remembered this, Amity had mentioned it. He already knew she wasn’t going to the dance when he got the note, he should’ve known all along that it was fake. How could he have been so stupid? Now that he once again knew she wasn’t cruel, he felt stupider for realizing he was stupid in front of her.
“I’m so sorry,” he sighed, hugging his knees to his chest. “I should’ve known it was something like that. Even if it wasn’t, I still shouldn’t speak to you like that. You’re a really nice person, and if you stood me up I’m sure you had a good reason.”
“Hunter, it’s understandable that you’d be upset,” she said, walking carefully up the steps to be beside him. “I should’ve known Boscha had something like this planned, she kept telling me to have a nice weekend and kept bringing you up. I’m sorry she’s roping you into her problem with me.”
“No, I should’ve known it wasn’t you because she didn’t dot her ‘i’s with flowers,” Hunter admitted as his regret grew. “Now that I say it out loud there were so many signs that the note couldn’t have been from you.”
Especially the idea of her liking me back, he thought to himself.
“Did you at least have a little fun at the dance?” she asked gently as she sat beside him on the steps.
“I was too nervous to go in by myself,” he admitted. “It’s probably for the best anyway, I don’t think anyone would have fun if I was there.”
“It does sound like they’re having fun,” she sighed. Hunter could tell she sounded envious, she clearly wanted to be inside. She belonged inside. “I think you’d find a way to have a good time if you tried.”
“Yeah well, there’s really nothing about dances that appeals to me,” he said. Willow would normally ask, ‘then why did you come?’ But the moment she opened her mouth her mind connected everything. That he thought she asked him on a date and he agreed and came to something he swore he never would just because she asked. He didn’t care about the dance, but he really cared about her.
“I’m sorry you had a crummy night,” she said sorrowfully. “Come Monday morning, I’m gonna teach Boscha a lesson.”
“No no, don’t do that,” he said. “We don’t have any proof it's her and even if we did, she didn’t technically break any rules, she just made me look dumb. But anyway, we shouldn’t stoop to her level.”
“Well maybe you can’t,” she said playfully, hoping to lift his spirits, but the disheartened look remained. He wanted to be here with her, and now he was, but he had lost any chance of her seeing him differently. “But if you didn’t go in, at least she didn’t get the satisfaction of seeing you worried.”
“Yeah, I guess,” he sighed, honestly he couldn’t care less about what Bocha thought of him. Willow hummed in response, picking up the song that was playing.
“So why aren’t you in there?” he asked. He was certain that plenty of people were dying to do with her, he imagined she’d be the life of any party. There was no way she hadn’t been asked by someone.
“Oh, well I was gonna go but the guy I wanted to ask said he doesn’t go to dances,” explained Willow. “So I offered to take Luz’s spot babysitting King so that she could go with Amity. Figured one of us deserved to have a romantic evening.”
“I see.”
“Yeah,” she said, stretching her legs in front of her. “But then Eda came home early so I rushed over to see if I could make the last few songs.”
Great, and she’s missing them to make sure I don’t feel bad about something that wasn’t even her fault, he thought.
“Well, I’m sorry he didn’t want to come,” said Hunter softly. “I’m sure if he knew you wanted to come with him he’d make an exception.”
“Ya know, I think he would too,” said Willow with a smug little smile. “He’s surprising like that.”
“So is he… popular?” Hunter asked carefully, scratching his face as he tried to seem nonchalant.
Willow bit her lip. “You probably know him,” she gave him a non answer.
“Is he… taller than me?” he asked the last part quieter, like he wasn’t sure if he wanted her to hear it or not. He looked up to the sky, hoping to be convincing that he was totally normal about this conversation.
Willow giggled and nodded her head as she leaned back to join him in viewing the night sky. “He’s really cute and sweet; he’s on student council.”
Hunter’s face looked like he had just drank curdled milk as he slowly turned his face to her in shock. “Matt Tholemule?” He cringed.
“Ew, no!” Willow laughed, playfully hitting his shoulder. “The other guy on student council.”
“But the only other guy on the student council is me, so who-,” his eyes widened as the dots connected as he quickly turned to face her. Her smile confirmed his realization and promptly turned his face bright red before he returned his focus to the ground. “Oh. Oh”
“Yeah,” she said, tapping the toes of her skates together. “I’ve kinda sorta had a crush on him for awhile now? But he’s pretty busy so the only way I get to talk to him is when I’m in trouble.”
Hunter gulped, she sure was in trouble alot.
“And uh, if he felt differently about dances you would’ve wanted to go with him?” he asked softly.
“Well, I wanted to go with him no matter what,” she said. “He’s kind of my favorite part of school to be honest.”
“Really? How?” he said, beginning to doubt that it was truly him she meant.
“He’s fun to be around,” she said. “He’s smart and witty and really nice once you get to know him. I wanted to see what he was like off duty.”
“Well if he’s on school property then he would technically still be on duty,” said Huter matter-of-factly, before catching himself as he realized he was referring to himself. “I mean uh, i-if he’s on student council, that is.”
“Huh, you’re right,” she said. “He probably wouldn’t want to be seen with a troublemaker like me anyway, might be bad for his rep.”
“Yes I would!” he said quickly and desperately, before once again trying to appear cool. “I mean, I-I think he would.”
“Hmm,” Willow smiled. “Well then, if I do ask him next time, I’ll be sure to do it in person.”
“What if uh… what would happen if you had asked him tonight?” Hunter managed to brave through to ask. “What would you be doing right now?”
“Well, probably dancing I guess,” she smiled, as she looked down at her skates. “I probably would’ve worn different shoes for that.”
“What if he didn’t know how to dance?” he asked timidly. “Would you have… left?”
“Hmm no,” she said, leaning forward to rest her elbow on her knees. “I’d probably offer to teach him or I’m sure we would’ve found something else to do.”
“Yeah,” she said. “I mean, ideally by now we’d be kissing so-.”
Her eyes darted to Hunter whose face lit up in shock as he felt like the temperature had suddenly skyrocketed. She shot him her signature mischievous smirk, but Hunter couldn’t tell if it was meant to confirm or playfully negate the sentence.
He chuckled nervously, his mind longing to entertain the notion. But he was too in his head at school, he was certain he never would’ve made it that far. He’d find a way to ruin it everytime.
“Well, technically kissing on the school grounds is against the rules,” he nervously half recited the academy’s outdated policy on PDA.
“Really?” she said, shifting closer to him. “Well, he knows how I feel about following rules.”
“Yeah, but he probably wouldn’t even try because he has to set an example and uphold policy,” he said regretfully, his eyes darting between her and the ground.
“Is that the only reason he wouldn’t try?” she asked bashfully, something hopeful shining behind her eyes.
He looked up at her in awe, unable to answer her. It wasn’t a simple yes or no or maybe. It was just unknowable. He’d want to, yes. He’d think about it and stress over it and kick himself for every passing moment and keep talking himself out of it and probably run and hide a few times. But he both could and could not imagine it, like it was something there but never ready. It was confusing.
She accepted his silence, sensing the answer held more than he could carry right now. If anything, now he had time to prepare.
“Hey, help me up?” she asked, pointing to her skates with her head. He leapt up, and offered her his hand as he guided her down the steps, watching the careful ways her wheels found balance before moving. When he reached the bottom step, she spun him around and placed her hand on his shoulders for him to face her.
“There,” she said, proudly as she held him in place. “You are officially off school property.”
“This sidewalk is public property, so where you stand now means you are not on school property and are therefore off duty.”
“Okaaay,” he chuckled. “But why does that matter?”
“So now you’ll know,” she said, able to look into his eyes as a combination of her skates and the step she stood on put them at equal height. “If that’s the only reason.”
His mind raced, trying to play every scenario simultaneously as he tried to remember how to tell if something was a dream. A part of him had still doubted she had been referring to him, but nothing in her eyes allowed him to doubt now. But he continued to sabotage himself.
“But uh you’re still technically on school grounds,” he said. “So it would still be breaking the rules.”
“Yeah, but only one of us would be.”
“Which one?”
“Weeell,” she said dreamily, adjusting her arms so they were draped around his neck. “I don’t think it matters; I have a feeling the head of the student council won’t be able to do much about it anyway.”
“Oh yeah?” he said, the calmness of her tone luring him in and putting him at ease. He leaned into her touch as their usual banter adopted a new form. “And why is that?”
“Because he’s off duty,” she said as she pulled him closer. The distance that remained between them felt impossible to maintain, like a magnet fighting its charge. “And besides, if he says anything, I know how to handle him.”
She brought her arms back to her, her fingers brushing his chest as she did. Her fingertips lingered on his lapel as though she was debating on whether or not she wanted to grab him and pull him to her. Like she just wanted an excuse to touch him.
“Is that so?” Hunter murmured, as his eyes followed her hands. Normally, he was very particular about his uniform, worried it would get wrinkled or stained at the slightest altercation. But Willow’s hands were gentle. His own hand felt empty knowing this, ever since the day she had guided him down the hill he dreamt about taking her hand again. Something about being close to her put him under a spell, a spell he wanted desperately to prolong. It made him shy and bold at the same time. “How do you-.”
When he looked up to deliver his clever quip, he was taken back by Willow’s stance. Her hands were clasped behind her back as she leaned forward ever so slightly, her eyes closed and her lips slightly puckered. She looked so peaceful and content. She was waiting.
She was waiting for him.
As much as his daydreams had strayed to the thought, Hunter had never planned on kissing Willow, he had a million reasons not to: it was too soon, too unprofessional, he had no experience, he wasn’t sure how his breath smelled right now. The list went on and on, but even more than all that now, he had one wonderful reason to change his mind.
She was waiting for him.
In one motion somehow both swift and slow, he placed his hands on the sides of her face as he bent down to press his lips to hers. He felt like his heart was spinning and exploding and melting on a rapid loop. It was lightning and safety, serene and loud, it was everything and anything but so exceedingly simple. But mostly it was soft. When he went to pull away, she chased him and put her hands over his to keep him there longer. He had only intended to stay a moment, certain he’d pass out instantly, but she intended to make up for lost time.
When they parted, his forehead rested against hers as she looked at him with stars in her eyes as his remained closed, as though he didn’t know how to leave the moment. She smiled as the astounded look on his face told her absolutely everything.
She brought their hands down between them as she inclocked their fingers, trying not to erupt into a fit of giggles as she waited for him to say something.
“Uh,” he breathed as his senses returned one by one. First the smell of pine and cinnamon tickled his nose, then the sound of faint music echoing from the gym opened his eyes and the sight of her smiling at him made everything fall into place as he felt her warm hands in his. His breath was shaky but it was like a sigh of relief. “So, uh…”
He sniffled and Willow let out a small gasp as she saw he was trying not to cry. She knew it was from the nerves, from the rollercoaster of a night he had, but she couldn't help but think it was adorable. He shook it off and smiled at her, when suddenly something she said caught up with him.
“Wait, if you didn’t buy a ticket how were you gonna get in?”
“Oh, I was just gonna sneak in,” she shrugged, as she swung his hands and added in a silly voice. “Imma sneaky sneakster.”
“Willow, that’s against school policy!” he said firmly, snapping back to business. “That’s more than a write up!”
“Well then, I guess you’re gonna have to walk me to detention on Monday,” she said sweetly. “Because if we hurry, we can dance to the last song together and I refuse to believe you’re a bad dancer until I see it for myself.”
“I never said I was a bad dancer, “ he mumbled. “But in skates- how many rules do you intend on breaking tonight?”
“Well there’s one I’d like to break again soon,” she said faintly, moving closer again. Hunter felt himself being pulled again as well. “And I have an extended curfew tonight so-
“Curfew!” he said, his eyes widening in panic as he pulled back. “Oh Titan, I’m late for my curfew!”
“Wait, what?”
“I forgot to tell Darius I was staying so my Uncle has no idea where I am, but if I’m late I’m gonna be in so much trouble!” He was on the verge of a panic attack. Despite his urgency to leave, he only held her hands tighter. “And if he found out it wasn’t even to study, he’ll-.”
“Hey hey hey,” said Willow. “You’re not gonna be late.”
“What? I-oh! Did you bring your extra roller skates?”
“Well, I didn’t bring my bag and I didn’t think I’d be seeing you tonight anyway,” she said, delighted that he had no trouble believing in her this time. “But I have a way to get you there quick.”
“Well, how do you-woah!” In a valiant swoop, Willow hopped off her step and scooped Hunter in her arms bridal style. His arm fell instinctively behind her neck as she adjusted the hold, his face turning a bright red as she looked at him with determination.
“Just hold on tight,” she instructed as she began to move. Hunter obliged and placed his other hand on her shoulder as his cheek rested against her bicep. Her loose braids flew wildly behind her in the night air, blending in with the dark sky so it looked like stars resided in her hair. He held him close that he swore he could hear her heartbeat or if it was just his. A part of him hoped they would never arrive, that the sidewalk would expand and endlessly wind just for them.
If he arrived to detention like this, he’d break every rule in the book.
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gococogo · 3 months
For your milestone can i order a sambucky heart fill confess with the prompts, another nightmare and can i kiss you.
I found your blog recently from the cyberpunk fics so to know you also write mcu stuff is rad. ✌️ you write excellently man.
Prompt 5 | SamBucky
Synopsis: Bucky wakes from a nightmare and Sam is there to help him through it.
Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: Trauma.
Notes: thank you so much. i haven't written Sambucky stuff in ages but i reckon i cooked up something fucking gawd.
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For once in Sam’s life, he was the only one up in the shared apartment. It’s quiet in the place but New York never sleeps as everyone says. Which is true. The hum of cars can be heard through the shutters and the thin walls. It’s small, but it’s comfortable. And cheap enough because hero work doesn’t really pay the best. Or at all.
It had taken a lot of convincing to make the former Winter Soldier move in with him. Bucky had been struggling with keeping his apartment. Rent in the great city of New York isn’t cheap. And being in between transfers with his veteran payments, he isn’t all too finically stable. It’s a lot of court cases to convince the Government that he isn’t going to go deadly assassin again after his time in Wakanda.
Sam nurses a two-litre bottle of orange juice, chugging down as much as he can. He knows for a fact that Bucky will want some of the stuff in the morning, but he couldn’t give too damns at the moment. The bastard ate his leftover muffins that Sarah had given him. So, this is pay back. Even though Bucky didn’t know Sam was keeping those aside for himself. Orange juice can be bought. Sarah’s muffins can’t be made.
At first, the muffled shout that hits Sam’s ears is soft enough that he thinks it’s some crack job outside. Shouting about random shit or that Thanos is upon them again. But when the next shout comes, Sam is quick to put down the juice.
He walks to Bucky’s door a little too urgently for his own good. No more noise comes, but he already has a feeling that Bucky has woken himself up. He hesitates to knock, his knuckles hovering over the wood.
He’s aware of Bucky’s nightmares. The ones that don’t seem to leave no matter how much he talks about them or opens up. Some things don’t leave. Especially with the shit that Bucky has gone through in his life. He can’t blame the man and he doesn’t judge him for it either. Sam finally knocks, softly as to not scare the century old man.
“Bucky?” Sam calls just loud enough to be heard through the door.
There’s shuffling on the other side before the door opens up a tad. The New York lights shine in through open windows, illuminating Bucky as a dark shadow peeping through a hand width crack. Even in the dark though, Sam can deep just how tired Bucky is. His short hair spikes up every which way and he only wears a bear of boxers.
“Why are you up?” Bucky asks with a furrowed expression.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Sam lies. “Another nightmare?”
The vet looks Sam up and down, but not in a threatened way. There’s so much going on his mind right now that Sam can almost hear his thoughts. He opens the door a little further, looking past Sam to try and figure out just why he’s up so late. It’s close to two in the morning.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Sam asks as he leans against the door frame.
This isn’t out of the norm. Getting stuff like this out of Bucky was almost like dealing with a child at first. But Sam had patience and it won over. He hasn’t done a group therapy with other soldiers dealing with their own ptsd in months. But he thinks he’s alright at the moment with helping Bucky. It makes him feel full. Despite how odd that sounds.
Bucky’s eyes flicker to the ground for a moment before he opens the door wider. He lets Sam in with a grumbled, “Come in then.” He doesn’t close the door fully, leaving it open a crack.
Sam makes himself at home by sitting on the edge of the bed and leaning over to turn on the lamp. Bucky throws on a random white shirt from the ground before sitting on the bed as well. He places his face in his palms, his Vibranium arm reflecting light from the bedside lamp. Sam doesn’t pay it any attention, the awe having worn off ages ago.
“Was it the train again?” Sam asks.
“No,” Bucky shakes his head.
Sam hesitates before asking the next question. He’s read over Bucky’s reports once. Once and never again. He knows from the reports on what experimentations Hydra had put the soldier through. But hearing the stories from Bucky’s lips is enough to make Sam feel nauseous.
“Do you remember the year?” Sam asks.
He’s realized that in asking so, it seems to help ground Bucky. His memories of going in and out of cryo are so jumbled and hazy that he didn’t realize just how many years he was losing.
“I-“ Bucky pauses, “I couldn’t tell you.”
“What happened this time round?”
The vet sits up straight but doesn’t dare make eye contact with Sam. He tries to smooth out his hair but it’s too no avail. It sticks up every which way, as if his hair is still not use to being so short.
“I’ve told you how I was used to train the other super soldiers. The ones that hydra made after me,” Bucky asks rhetorically before he continues on. “There was this one in particular, I forget his name now. Gone with everything else. But he wouldn’t listen. Didn’t understand that there was no way out of this.”
“You got out,” Sam interrupts.
Bucky’s icy eyes finally glance his way. “After how many years?”
Sam only hums at that, not sure how to answer. He waits for Bucky to continue, his gaze never leaving him.
“Then finally one training session,” Bucky endures as he hunches back over, twiddling his thumbs between his knees, “he snapped. He came at me with blood lust. And with everything that was pent up, and with me being worn down and just so damn tired from all the work… he easily overcame me. He beat me bloody. Beyond bloody even. I can still remember the pain, the bruises that didn’t leave for months afterwards. Even with the serum in me, my wounds didn’t heal for weeks,” Bucky voices cracks here and there as he tries to cover it up with clearing his throat.
But Sam can see the memory playing as freshly as if it’s happening now behind those pale blue eyes. A shiver runs down Bucky’s spine, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.
Sam frowns, exhaling slowly before reaching out and places a hand on the vet’s shoulder. Bucky doesn’t flinch away, instead looks to Sam like a hurt street pup.
“That pain is in the past,” Sam enquires softly. “Nothing can change that. But maybe you’re holding onto it because it’s familiar. Or because you thought you did something wrong. Maybe because you thought you could keep that man in line.”
Bucky exhales shakily, his gaze becoming long once again. “That’s the thing. I did set him in line at the end. They- They made me-” he clears his throat, looking back down at his twiddling thumbs. “They made me put him down like some dog, Sam.”
“So you think you didn’t do him just?” Sam asks, squeezing Bucky’s shoulder.
The soldier shrugs softly. “I’m not sure on that. Is it bad that I think it’s more just putting him down than allowing him to become Hydra’s little plaything?”
Sam is quiet for a heartbeat, not wanting to stay silent for too long. “No. But at the same time, I don’t think you should hold yourself accountable because you were both under Hydra’s thumb. Both being played a game you didn’t you head or tail of.”
“Doesn’t change the fact I did it,” Bucky grumbles.
“But it’s the fact that you’re trying to do better on top of that, Buck.”
Bucky glances at Sam, opening his mouth to snap at him for calling him that. But he stops himself, his gaze flickering off again. A taxi horn honks loudly outside, but neither of them pays it any attention.
“Look,” Sam squeezes Bucky’s shoulder again before sliding down and grabbing onto his forearm gently. “Those things you did. That person you were. Is all gone now. Wakanda made sure of that. There’s only Bucky.”
The vet looks to Sam’s hand on his arm, a sad look coming to his eyes. But he receives a soft, sweet smile that warms Sam’s heart. He’s won tonight. Even if it’s a little victory, he’s won.
“You’re too sweet on me, Sam,” Bucky mumbles.
It seems so out of character yet not at the same time. Sam raises a brow at him, waiting for him to continue on with what else is on his mind. A warm, metal hand is placed over his own instead and Sam can feel his heart skip a beat. But he collects himself quickly.
It’s hard though when Bucky looks at him like that. With a soft smile on his lips and his warm yet icy gaze looking directly at him. He’s always had a staring problem, but Sam’s never been truly bothered by it. The soldier that Sam always sees is gone in this moment. It’s just the Bucky he’s grown to know that’s under all the fucked up shit.
“I’m going to ask you something stupid right now,” Bucky says, his voice low and barely a whisper. But Sam hears it all the same in the night.
“Go right ahead,” Sam blurts out a little too quickly.
Bucky turns to Sam a little bit more, squeezing his hand in the process.
“This might be one sided but I’ve lived too long to care,” Bucky chuckles breathlessly to himself, as if what he’s just said his humorous. Sam can’t take his eyes off him, swallowing a thick lump in his throat. “Can I, kiss you?”
Sam short circuits, staring blankly at Bucky for a tad too long. He feels his heart skip a beat again, as if he’s about to have a heart attacked or something, blinking a few times a tad shocked. The vet sighs deeply, pulling away his hand from Sam’s.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky says as he looks down.
But Sam snaps out of it, grabbing onto his Vibranium arm to draw Bucky closer. He crashes their lips together a little too harshly, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t know what’s taken a hold of him, but having this, flag waving above their heads now saying it’s the all go is all Sam needed. The kiss is warm and everything Sam would have expected.
He’s seen the little flirts and flashes of who Bucky use to be in the 40’s. He’s heard Steve talk about him from before he got all jacked with super serum. And Bucky doesn’t disappoint.
Bucky pulls away first with a breathless chuckle. He holds onto Sam’s hand tightly, as if he’s afraid he’ll run away from him. But Sam is still as stiff as ice, frozen in place as he looks to Bucky as if this isn’t real. If it was this easy to shut Sam up at times he would have done this much, much sooner.
Hope your enjoyed this ;)
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levok · 2 years
Helloo!! sorry for bother you , did you see the one podcast itty bitty tittypodd that came out today of edvin?, if you wanted and could, you could tell us what he said edvin please?
I actually haven’t had the chance to listen to it until JUST now! But it did it for you anon 😙
Here’s a resume. I apologize if I missed something - I am after all just a humble Dane living a polyglot life.
The podcast is taped before they go to New York. Everything in () is my comments, not something said in the pod.
Edvin has been a bit stressed and they advise him to do some stress release in the hips. (never heard about that technique before, but I’m intrigued).
They talk about Lolla where they had a good time (music festival they attended this summer).
About New York:
Netflix pulled some strings Edvin assumes. He didn’t know about it, and Omar called him on the last day of filming Karusell. Edvin didn’t believe him because he bullshits him all the time. He saw his agent a few minutes later and they called Netflix to confirm it.
He doesn’t know what they are gonna talking about with Fallon yet, but doesn’t give a fuck as long as he gets to be there (that’s the energy haha)
He doesn’t know what he will wear yet, but tells he will get help from Timothee Chalamet’s stylist - a secret at this point. He is very excited about that, because he thinks she’s really creative. He wants to look nice and not like he’s wearing a costume.
His agent ensured him he was great at doing interviews in English.
One of the girls gave him some tip on NYC food.
Edvin has been in NYC once with his family in 2019
Omar brings a guy from his management, edvin goes alone.
About Christmas:
Edvin has a weird relationship with Christmas and has not always been the biggest fan because he has had a tendency to have too high expectations. He is more calm about it today, and thinks it nice/cozy but is not in a Christmas frenzy.
He is gonna spend it with his immediate family (parents, 3 sibling and Otis).
He likes to watch movies at Christmas. Not necessarily Christmas movies, but The Holiday is his fave Christmas movie.
They talk about how Edvin could have played the kid played by Thomas Brodie in Love Actually (I think).
He has a hard time coming up with Christmas wishes. This year he wishes for theater tickets to go with his parents. (That’s such a nice wish. But also relatable. But 19 is too soon to run out of Christmas wishes haha)
And then they talk a lot about Christmas dilemmas send in by listeners.
They give Edvin a book, which he reads from. He’s a great reader and would also love to do audiobooks (love that idea)
His advise to the listeners: Don’t stress about time. (A great advise from someone known for being late hahah… but true. Relax peeps ✌️)
That was it 🫶
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realizing your trans while Dating them(mtf edition)
(this takes place after you telling them around the same way reader does in the last chapter but pronoun change)
This one is a bit different because he is still very supportive of you but now he’s way more vocal about trans issues and says stuff like “My beautiful Girlfriend is a Transwoman and i wouldn’t change her for the world! How can anyone possibly hate her??”
Still obviously very supportive, anyone who dares to say shit like “trans women aren’t real your just confused” or “all trans women are predators trying to get into girls bathrooms!” will get a taste of Fire and Knives (what damien named his fists) he also threatens anyone who misgenders you
He’s around the same as damien but a lot less aggressive about it, gently corrects people in not subtle ways and always is there for you when you get a ride or transphobic comment. Plus he hacks into the persons bank account and donates to Trans rights foundations >:D
Super happy when you tell him, The first thing he does is ask if it’s okay to tell polly (you say yes ofc) and he busts into polly’s room to tell her
she is also over the moon
then you polly and scott spend the rest of the night doing each others makeup (Scott didn’t want to feel left out so you gave him a classic guy liner look)
Wowee another chapter, i’m feeling a fuck ton more motivated as of late so expect this to be a somewhat steady blog, i’ve got plenty more ideas coming up later 😗✌️
Seeya Nerds! ~ Ghosty
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renecdote · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Thank you @mellaithwen and @rewritetheending for tagging me 💛 I don't usually have time to do WIP Wednesday by the time I get tagged but I'm procrastinating getting ready for work today so ✌️
“I think Hollywood makes rain seem a lot more romantic than it actually is,” he says, shrugging the melancholy away.
“Yeah,” Buck agrees, something distant in his eyes like he’s remembering some awkward relationship moment of his own in the rain. “And snow. It’s like they forget how cold and unpleasant it gets.”
He shivers as he says it, some phantom memory attached to that too. Eddie thinks about asking, but Buck’s past is a patchwork of old bruises and anything he doesn’t willingly share is usually one he doesn’t want poked at. If they were at home, on the couch or in the kitchen, nursing a six pack between them—maybe then Eddie would poke anyway, ready to soothe any hurt it uncovered. Now he just nudges Buck with his elbow and says, “So, fall wedding. No rain, no snow, we won’t sweat through our tuxes before we get to the end of the aisle.”
He catches it a beat too late—we—and braces himself for rejection, for laughing it off, for fumbling through an explanation. His heart is torn, hoping Buck will think he just meant they’d both be in tuxes and walking down the aisle because he’d be Eddie’s best man, and half dreading that that’s all Buck will think when he pictures them at the altar together.
“We could have a destination wedding,” Buck suggests, his fingers idly pulling a loose thread on one of Eddie’s buttons. Eddie swats his hand away before he can unravel it completely.
“Destination weddings are expensive,” he counters. “We should just get married at the courthouse and save all our money for the honeymoon.”
Buck snorts. “You want to pull a Bobby?”
“I didn’t say we wouldn’t invite anyone.”
He wants to say all I need is you, me and Chris but everything this conversation has become already feels too dangerous. Too close to serious. They’ve always been good at blurring the line between friends and whatever else they could be, but this feels too blurry even for them. Eddie wonders if he should pinch himself, just to make sure he isn’t dreaming.
Tagging: @fcntasmas @nymika-arts @homerforsure @thekristen999 @like-the-rest-of-la @herodiazand @tawaifeddiediaz
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starship--aurora · 11 months
episode one liveblog (sort of) let’s go
jon sims you dramatic fucker. /aff
did not miss the four minutes of ads LMAO
you can HEAR the contempt in his voice as he talks about gertrude.
”i don’t count martin” giggling, i love asshole jon.
”tim, sasha, and. yes, i guess, martin.”
”recording by jonathan sims, head archivist of the magnus institute, london” DUDE. i don’t know why that took me so aback.
mike. like michael. goddamnit jonny sims, what’s it with mikes and michaels.
“can i have a cigarette?”
i love the background music so much.
i remember thinking how much he got into it, how much of a theatre kid he seemed to be.
”i looked at their feet, and saw that they weren’t quite touching the ground.”
torch. i always forget that torches are the same thing as flashlights.
“statement ends, this was fucking stupid”
sasha mention <3
”look at this drunk creeper, ell-oh-ell.” i hate how he says lol, i don’t know what it is about it LMAO.
episode two!
i remember one time while rambling to my mother about joshua, she kept thinking i was saying “lesbian” and not “gillespie”.
got bored this is being continued hours later.
joshua gillespie you absolute fucker, i love you and want to kiss you on the mouth.
oh no, what ever shall you do, waking up with the key.
”perhaps a bit elaborate” Joshy Boy Elaborate Is What You Need.
”it’s odd how fear can become as routine as hunger.”
yeah, my living room coffin is making weird noises, Music Time.
ooo, knock knock.
hi john. surprised to see you, shocked to see me.
smash smash on the ground.
breekon and hope, let’s go. i love.
joshua gillespie, the hero. we salute you.
”it’s always nice to hear my hometown isn’t always devoid of odd happenings”
giggle that was great.
episode three!!
tmagp ad, oh em gee (<- this loser listened to tmagp premier today and is very normal about it)
”she sleeps with other women” what is this ad, i want to listen to this podcast. /hj
”rusty quill presents… the magnus archives…” stop with your verbal ellipsis, dude. LMAO
”jonathan sims, head archivist of the magnus institute, london”
GRAHAM!!!!! I love Graham so much.
”hey man, i always see you writing, how’s your notes coming along?” “i. i don’t take notes?”
sexy graham rights.
the amount of times i’ve had to rewind because i didn’t process it.
“hey graham” “HOLY SHIT”
public transport is scary, no judgement there.
i honestly never understood the statement giver’s discomfort with graham. to the point you couldn’t even let him see which building.
yeowch graham what did you do. 😔
“apparently he was gay.”
weird hooks weird hooks weird hooks woo.
graham’s notebooks 🥰.
graham honestly sounds like an interesting guy, i think if i’d ever met him, i’d befriend him.
wait. wait wait wait. oh my god.
it is i think.
stalking your coworkers is Creepy. jon, please don’t take ideas. (jon then proceeds to take ideas)
driving through ohio at night is fun, ngl.
i saw him take one of his notebooks. he ate it.
wowza, all sexy gay people eat notebooks, do you eat notebooks?
“i even saw him freak out at the ice cream truck” that is honestly me. any loud sound? i panic like there’s no tomorrow
memorizing his pizza order <3
fuck capitalism. (“i had to drop out of the college course to work late nights”)
notthem notthem notthem wooohooo
okay i take it back, ohio backroads are NOT fun at night.
notthem <3
yeah i kinda. just stood there.
the background music slow rising!!
”from my months of watching” haha
imposter? like…… among…
i love the description so much.
aw man, bye notebooks ✌️
hey amy, i’m going to come to your house.
statement ends!
tim mention ❤️❤️❤️.
“i trust coworker testimony as far as i can burn it.”
ohio hills and sharp turns at night are not fun, my stomach is in my throat.
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jackiebrackettt · 2 years
Lets listen to music together and Can I draw on your arm?
With Dakota and Ashe possibly? I feel like that's their vibe
I’veee never written ashe before ahaha hope i did okay 💪💪 also I kinda forgot the timeline of events when they first meet him so. if I’m getting it wrong just pretend it works peace and love ✌️❤️ under readmore vvv
Edit: the last paragraph of this didn’t copy over but I added it now shrug
Ashe is still not entirely sure how he feels about the Prime Defenders. They’re in his house. And they seem… okay. Even if they’re pretty emotional right now, and apparently kind of don’t like his dad.
Dakota’s tense. He keeps wandering back into Ashe’s room - fists clenched - and sitting hunched over at the foot of his bed. He drums his hands to whatever he can hear through Ashe’s headphones until he seems calmer, and then goes back to the other two.
And then comes back. Tense again.
It’s the third loop of this when Ashe decides to say something.
“Do you, like… want to listen to music together?”
Dakota’s face immediately brightens. And then just as quickly, he’s frowning again.
“Hm… okay! What do you have? Something, like… loud and fast with drums, I hope.” He taps his head. “Clears my mind.”
“Okay. I can probably do that.”
Ashe fumbles around for a second pair of headphones and one of those headphone split things he doesn’t remember how he got but knows he has. He could just play it though his speakers, but it’s getting kind of late and he doesn’t want to bother the neighbours.
He passes Dakota the second - probably shittier pair - of headphones and plugs everything in. He puts on My Famed Disappearing Act and throws a hesitant thumbs up. Dakota’s already drumming along to the beat which is a good sign. And then he grins and returns Ashe’s thumbs up which is an even better sign.
Cool. Good. Now he just needs to keep playing songs until Dakota gets bored and leaves again.
He feels a tap on his hand, and sees Dakota saying something. He pauses the music.
“Can I draw on your arm?” Dakota repeats too loudly.
“Uh… sure.”
He offers his arm out. Dakota shuffles closer and grabs a pen sitting on his bedside table.
Ashe resumes the music and Dakota starts scribbling… something on his hand. Just random lines, it seems like.
It’s weirdly nice. The whole situation is. He’s kind of glad they showed up. Even if they’re strange, and tense, and kind of don’t like his dad (maybe a little because they don’t like his dad), he’s having fun. He hasn’t been able to do anything like this with anyone for a while now.
He missed it. He’s not sure why they would - since this seems to be a special arrangement that no one’s happy with - but he hopes they stick around. He hopes Dakota does, at least.
He’s not sure why they would - since this seems to be a special arrangement that no one’s happy with - but he hopes they stick around. He hopes Dakota does, at least.
He’s not sure why they would - since this seems to be a special arrangement that no one’s happy with - but he hopes they stick around. He hopes Dakota does, at least.
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Send 📱 for five texts my muse didn’t send yours, and one that they did (anthony and claud)
for: @ohwritewho: claudia dardashti muñoz & anthony muñoz. mentions of nathaniel ambrose. verse: remember the name (the future timeline where cloud and ant are married) notes: ✌️cloud likes to get even & she hates nate lol. triggers: idk. swearing?
Her mother would tell her that ‘stupider’ isn’t a word. Yet, in this moment, Cloud is certain her sister, Amya, would tell her that she was being stupider than usual by going after Anthony’s nemesis on her own. 
While she technically can still heal...lately, her healing abilities have been slower than ever due to that bastard fuck of a man people call a shadow poisoning her. She knows Anthony would agree with her sister, but the thing with Cloud is she’s always had a knack for getting even. And she’s never been the type who says ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’ because, well, Gandhi sucked as a person. So, an eye for an eye may as well be her mantra at this point. And one she’s not afraid to act on.  
[ 9:00pm ] — Don’t wait up for me. I’m visiting Amya and won’t be back until tomorrow. 
She scrunches her nose as the cold wind hits her skin. Though she should be more careful in the dark, since she has more than a few of her own enemies, and again, is taking forever to heal, she can’t help but to be a little reckless. 
But the recklessness in her does not think that lie will work on the private investigator, so she does not send the text. She tries again, walking along the sidewalk in her coat, her boots tapping against the pavement as her fingers type against keys. 
[ 9:10pm ] — Don’t worry about me. You know I’ll be fine. I’m fine.
'Fine' makes her crinkle her nose. It’s a liar’s word. The type of word that gives away that she’s not okay and doing something stupid. 
[ 9:15pm ] — How do people live their lives so cautiously? It’s irritating. 
A sigh from her. It’s too simple. Too indirect. 
[ 9:23pm ] — I don’t really care if I die for real this time. Someone needs to take the bastard down. 
She sighs. Now she’s coming off as too much. This sort of text will make him rush over to her somehow. Because he’ll find a way, he always does.
[ 9:30 pm ] — On n’est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même.
She sends that instead. The words basically translating to 'If you want something done right, do it yourself.' and since he's bad at French, it'll take him some time to get it.
And while It’s worse than the other texts. Cheesy, too - but who really cares - she’s already at the bar she knows Nate will be at. So, she closes her phone and marches right in, looking just about done with the world in that very moment, and ready to take it on, too.
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borathae · 1 year
Honestly I don’t blame OC at all for fucking Jimin. It wasn’t her fault at all that he took it too far and not only bit her, but fed her his blood. Even if she didn’t trust him 100%, how the hell would she have known that he didn’t have control over himself like that? The first few times he bit her, he thought that he and Tae had an agreement that she was only food to them. Now that it’s established that Tae loves her and that, Jimin made it obvious that he at least cares about her safety and trying to keep her from harm, so I understand why OC would just be like “fuck it” and give in.
Even the biting I would have let slide if he didn’t feed her the mf blood and emotionally manipulate her into an anxiety attack 😭 if he were a normal person and was just like “yeah the sex was crazy good but oops bitch I drank your blood 😫 I know I be lying but I’m so serious when I say that it was an accident 😢 lemme get tae in here right quick to fix it I apologize 😔” but I understand that Namjoon fucked him up and he has obvious abandonment issues, and I can see that he’s at least remorseful, but I do hope that OC kicks his ass. At least once. Like just beat the everloving shit out of him. And I want Tae to watch like “✌️good luck Charlie”
ALSO can I just say that I love how it’s established that both Jungkook and Jimin get bothered by the thought of Tae with strangers, and that the both of them are just baffled at how chill OC is about it? 😭 they’re both like “he better not be in there fucking 😡😡😡” and she’s the one in a committed relationship with him like “he’s not don’t worry. and if he is, whatever. he know where home is. i be fucking too” 😭😭😭 she’s so real. Maybe it’s because OC is more secure in their relationship?
(I’m sorry this ask is so long but I got more to say so bare with me.)
Also: is it just me or do I see Tae feeling a little insecure about MC and Yoongi? Just mainly in regards to who MC goes to when she’s at her lowest, because it seems like Yoongi is always there to catch her and it’s almost as if he doesn’t trust Tae to take care of/protect OC. I always end up feeling so bad because Tae is always like “I can take care of her too” and Yoongi is like “go to your room 😒” or maybe I’m just reading into it too much? I just can see that being a point of contention between OC and Tae, where he feels like she doesn’t trust him as much as she does Yoongi.
You guys 😩 do you want head too? I have a very fit tongue, I can go all night 👉🏻👈🏻 JAFDSFJ sorry I'm just so !!! I love you guys so much 💜
Honestly I don’t blame OC at all for fucking Jimin. It wasn’t her fault at all that he took it too far and not only bit her, but fed her his blood. Even if she didn’t trust him 100%, how the hell would she have known that he didn’t have control over himself like that? The first few times he bit her, he thought that he and Tae had an agreement that she was only food to them. Now that it’s established that Tae loves her and that, Jimin made it obvious that he at least cares about her safety and trying to keep her from harm, so I understand why OC would just be like “fuck it” and give in.
I LIKE THIS SO MUCH!! I honestly think that this is why OC "gave in". Whenever she interacted with him lately, Jimin protected her in some way or the other. He kept her safe from "the hunt" and get rid of the sexual predator and made sure she got some air. And then they shared this very nice moment on the seesaw. I think some level of base trust was established during those moments and also the fact that he is Tae's best friend kinda makes her trust him more than she maybe should have.
Even the biting I would have let slide if he didn’t feed her the mf blood and emotionally manipulate her into an anxiety attack 😭 if he were a normal person and was just like “yeah the sex was crazy good but oops bitch I drank your blood 😫 I know I be lying but I’m so serious when I say that it was an accident 😢 lemme get tae in here right quick to fix it I apologize 😔”
RIGHT?? The situation would have been so easy to resolve if only he stopped to think rationally for a moment gosh this stupid bean 😭 also jafjdsjfa OC kicking the living shit outta Jimin jafjdsjf please why would this end in them angry fucking while Tae jerks off? like help??
ALSO can I just say that I love how it’s established that both Jungkook and Jimin get bothered by the thought of Tae with strangers, and that the both of them are just baffled at how chill OC is about it? 😭 they’re both like “he better not be in there fucking 😡😡😡” and she’s the one in a committed relationship with him like “he’s not don’t worry. and if he is, whatever. he know where home is. i be fucking too” 😭😭😭 she’s so real. Maybe it’s because OC is more secure in their relationship?
Oooh this is such a nice view on this situation thank you for bringing this up!! There are two things which differentiate OC from Jikook. First of all, Jungkook was never in such an official relationship ever since he became a vampire and I think it's making him (understandably) possessive over the bond he has with Tae. While Jimin, as you said before, has major abandonment issues and also in a sense knows that Tae is his only real friend and therefore is even more scared of losing him. While OC feels very secure with Tae, especially after the conversaation she had with him a few chapters ago. She knows that Tae at his core has his little group of close people, which he would never abandon even if he "fucks around" and she knows that she, as well as Jikook are part of it too 🥺
Also never apolgise for long asks, they fuel me!! No joke I fucking love talking about my stories with you guys 💜💜
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