#this is lighthearted btw lol
lem0nn-juice · 1 year
I've seen people on tik tok say stuff like "if Gyutaro didn't have his birth marks he'd actually be handsome" and all I'm going to say is they're all cowards. His birth marks are part of his charm
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em-the-nem · 7 months
*me planning my setlist for open mic this week*:
"should I go for pain, tears, and then misery? Or should I just stick with tears and misery this time? I'm not sure I have the energy for pain."
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vioshortforviolence · 18 days
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Judging the post above
original image from @linkeduniverse
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alicornze7 · 2 months
AvM fandom is this accurate-
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(pls don't burn me at the stake)
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cha1cedony · 7 months
Yeah so I actually headcanon [insert character] as aromantic—
“Nooooo my ship 🥺🥺”
I don’t care 💞🧚
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fagbearentertainment · 5 months
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The tadc fandom would not survive if they saw the asshole characters I like
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angstywildcats · 7 months
they're calling 7 year old maprojects classic....................... ( slowly withering into dust) (/LH)
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mikazureart · 1 year
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hot hot summer
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mintjeru · 10 months
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my take on The orv webtoon panel 💥
open for better quality | no reposts
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honeycreammilkshake · 1 month
there will be cake.
i finally finished my first fic, and it's greenflame! it takes place between possession and skybound. i spent a few days on it and i'm still not satisfied... it still feels a bit ooc and amateur to me, but please let me know what you think. here it is...
Sitting down for dinner with the other ninja, Kai had no intention of talking about anything serious, let alone marriage, and especially not how he should go about proposing to Lloyd. But picking at his bowl of chili, he looked around to his friends, watching them talk about their day with animated expressions and exaggerated hand gestures, observing Cole and Jay arguing about every detail of their training so they could trade insults while blushing whenever anyone (mostly Zane) pointed out just how closely they'd have to be watching each other to know such minor things about their routines. And when Kai glanced over to his sister she was already glancing his way with an exasperated smirk at Cole and Jay's antics.
The only absent one was Lloyd. The Green Ninja was training late, as usual, pushing himself to his limits. The perfectionism was at first a little annoying for Kai, who tended to take any show of exertion as a competition against him, but overtime he'd learned to accommodate his boyfriend, who was typically late to dinner or outings with the rest of them. The pressure Lloyd must have felt, every single day, to not only lead the rest of them but to also make his pretty much godly ancestors proud of him had been grinding on him even more as of late, and Kai didn't want to add to their young leader's troubles. Still though… after their last battle, almost losing Lloyd to possession had made him keenly aware of how fragile the normalcy of all their lives were.
At any time, they could find themselves under attack once more. Ninajo had a reputation for attracting the most dark-hearted, vengeant, and power-hungry of villains, and Kai had to wonder if there was some kind of sign posted out for all the tyrants coming to seize this particular place. Something massive and neon was advertising how siegable and conquerable this entire land was somewhere, he was sure.
But as a ninja, bound and entangled with all the rest of his team (a fate he would never want reversed or changed in any way), he knew he would lay down his life for any one of his friends if it ever came down to it. And, naturally, he knew in his heart that no matter how much he teased or gave Lloyd trouble, he would stand behind that completely unhinged god-in-training no matter what. Wherever Lloyd led him, he would follow. And it was because of this that he knew he had to make their relationship even more official, even more sacred, so that when villains like Morro or Chen or the rest came knocking again, Kai would know there was still a chance at a normal life, even a small part of it, in their own lives. That he could say that Lloyd was his in more way than one and come back home to that small piece of stability.
Now, watching his friends continue to taunt and push each other, a warm feeling suddenly overtook Kai, not unlike the sensation he got whenever he drank a nice cup of Wu's tea. He felt it blossom inside of him, a hot and protective surge that came whenever he thought of the others, especially Lloyd. He knew he could trust them completely, he could ask anything of them and they wouldn't treat him any differently for it.
So it was without any filter that he found himself asking, "Guys, if I were to hypothetically propose to someone… someone who's very uhm… career-driven and practically all-powerful, how would I go about asking them to do something absolutely ordinary like marriage?"
A small silence briefly overtook the table as the others, except for Cole who was still digging into his plate without interest in anything else, glanced around towards each other. Nya, on Kai's left side, was completely still all of a sudden and opposite him Zane and Jay exchanged looks.
Just as the stillness was starting to become unnerving, Zane, always practical, broke in, "Logically the best way would be to—"
"Oh my gosh, you guys," Jay all but shrieked. "Kai and Lloyd are going to get married!"
"Wait what????" Kai burst out, feeling his cheeks start to heat up. "I didn't say anything about—"
"Oh please," Jay scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You're the fire ninja, Kai, so whatever you're trying to cover up, you still burn holes right through it." He was picking at his bowl of chili delicately, like most of its contents offended him, and by the way he had complained about every other dish Cole had prepared for them, you would think it was genuine. But Kai knew the Blue Ninja would sneak lots of extra helpings of Cole's meals whenever he thought they weren't looking. And seeing as how most of Cole's food was… to put it plainly… bad, Kai knew it was because Jay was simply (and not so secretly) completely crazy for the Earth Master.
"You guys thought it was such a secret, but we could all tell what you were up to," Jay continued, matter of fact, then smirked. "The walls here are really thin, you know."
Kai groaned and buried his face in hands. "Okay," he sighed out. "So what if it is Lloyd?"
"I knew it!" Zane exclaimed from Cole's side, face lighting up. When the others looked to him, he explained, "Pixal told me they have a 95% compatibility rate. Lloyd's sensitivity and high emotional intelligence counterbalances Kai's hotheadedness and temper—"
"Yeah yeah we get it," Kai huffed, feeling called out.
"My vitals monitors indicate that your heart-rate speeds up whenever Lloyd appears," Zane added helpfully. "My data also suggests that Lloyd's libido increases whenever he watches you training."
Beside him, Nya made a choking sound. "Oh my god," she gasped, wiping away dribbles of water from her lips. "Please never say libido again, Zane."
Despite the embarrassment at having his secret relationship exposed so quickly, Kai couldn't help the way that information stroked his ego. All the time that little brat had been claiming to watch so closely to point out errors in Kai's form (as he always did) he was secretly checking Kai out shamelessly. It made him flush with more than a little contentment, but he got a hold of himself quickly, and managed to grit out, "Okay guys, that's enough."
"Where would they even get married though?" Jay pushed on, ignoring Kai entirely.
"Somewhere big enough for all of us," Zane pointed out. "I can compile a list of popular wedding locations and analyze them for suitability."
"No no," Jay dismissed, whipping his spoon around passionately so that a bit of chili hit Kai in the face. He wiped it off with a grimace as Jay continued to lecture Zane. "It should be somewhere perfect for the both of them..." Jay bit down on the handle of his spoon and then grinned widely at Kai. "I know just the place—my parent's junkyard!"
Kai blinked, caught off-guard. "Jay, I'm not marrying Lloyd in a junkyard—"
Across the table, Cole's face finally unfused from his plate long enough for him to shout, "Will there be cake? I'll definitely come if there's cake!"
"Always thinking with your stomach, right Cole?" Jay snarked. But the Earth Master chose to ignore him, much to Jay's disappointment.
As the others continued to conspire Lloyd and Kai's wedding, loudly describing each lavish detail — "Lloyd should wear all red so Kai can wear all green... and there should be dragons!!!" Jay contributed while Zane added, "Kai should put Lloyd in his lap and ride in on one to the ceremony" and Cole piped in, "And there should be triple stacked cake afterwards!" — Kai's ears picked up shuffled movement in the hallway. He sat up straight. Wu and Misako were out getting "vital" supplies like flavored tea and herbal medicines — old people errands — and they weren't expecting anyone else to come calling. It could only be Lloyd.
Getting that sensation he got whenever he was about to be cornered, he felt himself start to panic. "Guys, if you don't shut up now, I swear I'll send every single one of you to the Cursed Realm," Kai hissed out. "I don't even care if we're on the same team — you will all be banished for your crimes. This conversation is over."
But, of course, cause everything and everyone hated Kai, this was the exact conversation Lloyd chose just that moment to walk in on.
With a short glance around to the other ninja, he came into the room and a crushing silence followed as they all tracked him with their eyes. He walked casually, carrying a bowl laden with an excessive amount of Cole's chili (which wasn't that bad but it also wasn't that good either, so Kai felt Lloyd had filled it to the brim subconsciously) and settled down in his usual spot to the right of Kai, slowly lifting his spoon to his lips…. Lips that were twisted up in an unmistakable smirk, the one Kai knew and adored so well, that he loved to bite on — but right now, seeing the way it melted away the usual prim and proper princely beauty of Lloyd's face into the wild rawness of the conceded brat he really was, all Kai could think was Lloyd knows…. He's been listening in on the whole thing!
"What's all this about cake?" Lloyd asked, oh so innocently, as if he didn't know already, and Kai kind of wanted to manhandle him right then and there for being such an unyielding brat.
But before Kai could say or do anything to grab at any sort of control over the conversation, Jay leaned in closer to Lloyd, conspiratorially settling his chin into his cupped hand like he was about to tell the world's greatest secret. With a hauntingly straight face he said, "Only that Kai can't keep his eyes off yours."
… And then everything kind of blew up in Kai's face.
Nya and Zane burst out laughing and Cole let out a bellowing huff before slapping Jay across the back so hard the Blue Ninja's face almost landed in his uneaten bowl of chili (Kai wished with his whole heart that it really had). Jay glared briefly at Cole but then the Master of Earth said, "I guess that's why they call you the Master of Shocks! That was a good one, Jay."
Pure pride swelled the Master of Shocks' chest, making him look just like a puffed up little blue jay — which he technically was… though Kai could barely register the humor of it as sticky hot embarrassment exploded inside of him.
"Oh wow you guys," Nya finally managed to gasp as she held her sides, like she could fall apart from the delicious humiliation of it all. She wiped at her eyes, choking out, "Look at Lloyd's cheeks — they look like cherries!"
Lloyd's mouth was pressed together tightly, and his cheeks were definitely a deep scarlet that Kai took some satisfaction in seeing, but he knew his own cheeks were probably just as red and burning twice as hot.
And of course Jay would point that out. "Guys, check out Kai's face — he's burning up!"
"Oh the irony," Nya giggled.
"Red ninja indeed!" Zane chimed in with a grin that practically spilled off his face. And in that moment, Kai had never been more certain in his life that he was surrounded by traitors. Enemies.
Kai ground his teeth together and finally managed to squeeze out some sort of response. "You're all banished."
The other ninja, minus a cherry-colored Lloyd, started laughing again as Kai sat there, gripping the edge of the table and plotting revenge. Only Cole made any kind of move towards redemption, leaning closer to both Lloyd and Kai to say, "You know we're just teasing you two… We're really happy to see you making things more official. And just so you know, I would love to be there for you, even if there no's cake for me."
"You do know the whole point is so that Kai gets to keep the cake just for himself, don't you?" Jay smirked.
Before Kai could set fire to either himself or Jay, Cole turned to the Blue Ninja and smiled. "Don't worry, sparky, I'll make sure to claim a cake for myself too," he said, and proceeded to reach over so he could grope Jay's ass as the smaller ninja let out a high-pitched squeak.
"Who's the Master of Shock now?" Zane grinned as Jay started choking.
Nya pursed her lips and said, "Really? Right in front of my chili?"
Kai moaned and buried his face in his hands as the entire table descended into chaos. But it died out quickly as Lloyd stood up, his face unreadable, that silken smirk of his erased from his lips. As Kai peeked up at him, he couldn't help but feel… reverent. Lloyd was strong, and fierce, and brave. And more than that… he was the magnet that kept them gravitating to him, to their destiny. Their fates were inexplicably tied to his for the rest of their lives. They all shared a bond deeper than mere friends: they were each other's counterparts and focal points and homes.
And nobody was more at home with Lloyd than Kai.
"Kai," Lloyd began, and Kai felt the air rush out him as soon as Lloyd turned those ember-bright eyes right on his face. "Do… do you really want to marry me?"
Kai's heart was pounding far too fast. It felt like the adrenaline spark right before a battle. "Of course," he managed.
The other ninja were finally fully silent, their eyes wide and watchful. Feeling bold, Kai pushed away from the table and stood right in front of his boyfriend. Then he sank to his knees, his eyes never leaving Lloyd's, and swallowed. "You know that all of us are bound to you, and all of us would protect you with our lives, just as you would do for us. But the bond I share with you runs even deeper. I promised you that I would protect you, and that I would follow where you lead me, that you could always rely on me, so I would like to ask you now… Will you let me follow you forever? Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, will you marry me?"
In all that time, Lloyd and Kai didn't look away from each other. The others remained blissfully quiet, but there was a current of anticipation coursing through the room.
It felt like an age before Lloyd cleared his throat and said, "Of course I will.... Someone has to keep my cake away from Cole, after all."
Kai groaned but found himself grinning anyways. "You're insufferable," he told Lloyd and pushed up from the floor.
"That only means you're even more perfect a match," Nya pointed out from Kai's side, but she hugged her brother tightly, patting him on the back. They both knew how much this meant to him...
Lloyd and Kai returned to their places at the table and tried to resume eating normally, but they kept glancing over to each other until Jay scoffed and said, "You two, honestly, go get a room."
"Quiet, sparky, you'll get yours soon," Cole winked and Jay started to protest.
"If you think I have any interest at all in a dusty piece of rock like you—"
"Yeah yeah," Cole waved him off. "Keep pretending, bluey."
Lloyd laughed and reached over to offer his hand for Kai to hold. Kai took it gently, and didn't miss the way everyone stared at their joined hands, their fingers twining together.
"No matter what comes in the future, we'll face it together," Lloyd promised Kai, and they felt each other's pulses jump at his words.
Kai nodded, soaking up the way the light hit the pale gold of Lloyd's hair, making it look just like a glowing halo. This boy would be the death of him, he just knew it. He couldn't help the smile spreading across his face. He raised a spoonful of chili towards Zane, Cole, and Jay and gave his best unhinged grin. "The future looks bright for you and me both, but right now I say we take these three down for being so obnoxious," he suggested and Lloyd grinned too, wild and full of fire, just like Kai.
"What?" Zane sputtered. "I didn't do anything!"
"Wait!" Jay cried out. "But we helped you propose to him, Kai!"
Lloyd snorted while Kai rolled his eyes. "Sure you did," the Master of Fire said, then launched the first spoonful at Jay's surprised face.
"Food fight!!!" Nya cried, pounding her fist on the table before she upended her entire plate on Kai's head.
Kai gasped, shaking sticky shrimp out of his hair. Reaching up, he felt the clingy, pasty sauce of the dish matting his once-immaculate spikes, and he shrieked, "GET HER, LLOYD!"
With a roar, the table fell into chaos again. As the ninja threw handfuls of food at each other — except for Cole who sat there lamenting the waste of it all — Lloyd and Kai looked at each other and smiled. Everything that they had ever done, all that they had ever faced and clawed their way through, had been worth it for moments just like this. With a laugh, Kai leaned in and kissed Lloyd in front of everyone, not even caring to keep anything concealed anymore.
He didn't even care when Nya shouted, "Gross!" and splashed the rest of her water on them. With a smirk, he pulled Lloyd closer and set a palm to the boy's back to dry out his clothes.
"You know," Zane said afterwards, as everyone settled down. "Someone has to clean all this up before Master Wu returns."
"Not me!" Jay was the first shout.
"We will," Lloyd said calmly, volunteering an unwilling Kai before he could protest. "We started this after all."
"They had it coming," Kai argued but stopped when Lloyd cast him a sharp look.
"You said you'd follow wherever I lead," Lloyd reminded Kai, then smirked his signature smirk when Kai let out yet another groan.
"Alright then," Kai sighed. "Lead me to the dishes."
"Get used to this," Jay said smugly. "This is going to be married life for you from now on."
Cole stood up from his seat and brought the rest of his plate down, shrimp-first, on Jay's head. "And this is going to be married life with me," he promised the Master of Lightning and walked away smiling.
"Welcome to the family," Nya said to Lloyd before standing up from the table.
"Can't be crazier than my family," Lloyd called after her, then turned to Lloyd. "Well, let's get cleaning."
Kai sighed melodramatically but didn't complain. He had promised to follow Lloyd wherever he lead him, even if it was just to another mess to clean up. So he smiled as he knelt down to pick up pieces of dinner from the floor with Lloyd. He wouldn't have traded it for anything else.
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liquidstar · 2 years
very controversial opinion that may stir some serious drama: people always call megamind goth but hes not- he listens to classic rock. its literally one of his defining character traits throughout the movie!!! the entire soundtrack is based on it (which is epic btw). like, that blue man listens almost exclusively to bands like led zepplin and ac/dc, so i think he would find goth music not heavy enough for his tastes. i still think he has mad respect for it for sure but its not his brand. his brand is back in black, not brand new death
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Yall here? ok. *taps mic*
So lately I've noticed that we've been taking YFM WAYYY too seriously. For example, people have been getting into some pretty tense debates about whether songs are good, and whether YFM's content will continue to deteriorate (Telescope being a prime example). Sure, the song absolutely could have been better, but just remember how experimental that video actually was. Ray said himself this isn't a permanent change, he's just seeing what can be done. The song itself wasn't bad at all.
Frankly, YFM has actually been doing very well with their revival. Date Myself and Gentleman's Ballad we're WILD, so take those as a reminder that they still are the way they are, they're just adjusting to what they can and can't do nowadays, especially with modern standards (Which in my opinion are stupid), as well as experimenting with new things they've never tried.
Remember, not all experiments go well! There's little point in getting so mad over an experiment that can easily be changed in the future.
NOT TO MENTION how serious we've been over a band that's... literally never been serious. THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE MARTIAN WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. The band that makes silly meme songs about balls and ridiculous situations and fantasies. It's kinda funny how we're treating a literal comedy joke act lol
Anyway... uh... all things considered, can we just be a little more chill pls
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screaming-oak · 2 years
the ellis debate has gone on for so long “hes not dumb hes just silly” “hes not silly hes just stupid” here is my take. hes just dedicated to The Bit above all else. hes a lil dumb but more than that he is just off the shits simply for the fun of it. my man is just here for a good time not a long time and puts all hes got into it🫡
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simmonsized · 4 months
about to make a poll that is titled "do you actually hate bro strider or do you dislike the version of him you have created in your own head" and there will be no I'm bald/show results option
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gracebethartacc · 1 year
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butchdykekondraki · 8 months
imagine unironically gatekeeping kinks. a robot is a robot no matter how humanoid it's designed to look. fucking it makes you a robotfucker. because it's a robot. and you're fucking it. it's not hard
people can be into the idea of fucking robots for reasons other than their physical form
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