#this is slightly older art I just touched up a bit
laamb-sauce · 4 months
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Sisters! ✨
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foldingfittedsheets · 7 months
The house we rent is older, and the heating is a mystic art that my betrothed cannot master. There’s 3 dials total to control the temperature of the downstairs and each room upstairs. I think of them more like tuning forks than dials, though.
There’s technically numbers on them, but they don’t correlate to any known measurement of temperature. The smallest tweak of even a millimeter can mean up to ten degrees change in temperature.
Additionally, the three rooms are a delicate ecosystem as the heat travels around the house. If one room is too cold it’s not as easy as just turning up that rooms dial, all three need minute adjustments to regulate the overall temperature.
Each spring I turn all the dials off as the weather warms up, and each fall I synchronize the finicky things into a cohesive livable temperature.
At no point in the year can I trust my betrothed to touch the dials. This arcane magic is baffling to them and their turns are always too far one way or another and require time consuming fixes. They try to listen for the system clicking on or off and get confused.
A couple weeks ago they asked me to turn it down because their room was too warm, and I’ve been finagling the balance between the two upstairs rooms since, with my room being slightly too chilly even with incremental adjustments.
Then tonight they mentioned that their room is a bit cold. The weather has dipped down after some warmth. They offered to adjust it but I just kissed them and got up. I am the master of the heaters. They do not obey my betrotheds attempts to meddle and they suffer me with contempt, but I will wrangle a habitable temperature from them yet.
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kaisacobra · 8 months
A Step Into the Future - Sam Carpenter
Summary: A cuddly morning with your girlfriend Sam turns into a conversation about your future.
Warnings: None, just pure fluff.
Word Count: 1.8k
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You were never particularly religious, but in moments like these, when everything was calm and you were in the arms of the person you loved most in the world, you truly felt like you were in heaven.
Soft snores reaching your ears and a warm, slow breath on your neck had become your favorite alarm clock. It was worth waking up earlier just to have the sight of your girlfriend peacefully sleeping beside you, in one of those rare moments when her expression wasn't burdened with worries and a sense of alertness.
Moving slowly to avoid waking her up, you raised your arm to her sculpted face and brushed some strands of hair aside, wanting to get a complete view of Sam's face. The way the sunlight seeped through a crack in the curtain illuminated Sam perfectly, giving you a breathtaking sight.
Samantha Carpenter was the greatest work of art you had ever seen. A face like a Botticelli painting, a body like a Michelangelo sculpture, a voice like a siren's song, and a heart kept like a precious jewel.
Your thoughts spoke louder, and you allowed yourself to gently slide a finger over the soft skin of the bridge of the woman's nose, finding it adorable when she involuntarily wrinkled her nose in response. You enjoyed being able to take pride in recognizing Sam's subtle signs, having carefully studied her reactions throughout the early stages of your relationship. This allowed you to notice certain things, like the change in the rhythm of her breathing, even if she pretended to still be asleep.
"Darling?" You whispered as softly as you could, just in case you had misread your analysis and your girlfriend was actually asleep.
But soon your theory was proven correct when Sam let out a husky grunt and hugged your torso with both arms, trapping you in a grip that honestly didn't bother you at all. She shifted in bed until she rested her head on your chest, releasing a sigh of contentment when satisfied with the proximity.
You gave a small smile and began playing with her hair without thinking too much. Some time ago, at the beginning of the relationship, you used to wonder if Sam would ever let you get close for real. Now, you knew that no one who knew her would believe you if you said the older Carpenter was like a cuddly kitten that complained if she wasn't touching you at every possible minute.
The peaceful silence was interrupted for a moment by a loud complaint from Sam's stomach, who quickly moved to bury her face in the crook of your neck. "No," she spoke firmly but with a voice laden with playfulness and drowsiness.
"No, what?" You laughed, letting her get more comfortable beside you, even if it meant she was two steps away from being on top of you.
Sam lifted her head just enough for her voice not to be muffled. You couldn't see her face clearly due to the position, but you could identify her still-closed eyes. "You were going to suggest getting up for breakfast. My answer is no."
"But, darling..." You laughed again, amused at how a just-awakened Sam was practically a stubborn child. "You're hungry, aren't you? I can go make a quick breakfast and come back to be with you."
Your girlfriend made a protesting noise and held you tighter in her arms, as if you were planning to escape at any moment. Of course, you weren't going to complain, after all, there was no more perfect place in the world than Sam's arms. She shook her head slightly. "You're forbidden to leave. We'll cook something later, together."
"Forbidden?" You chuckled. "By whom, exactly?"
"By me, your amazing girlfriend."
You laughed a bit more and decided to gently stroke Sam's scalp, feeling the woman slowly soften under your touch again. That had to be one of your greatest achievements—the fact that Sam trusted you so much to allow herself to be vulnerable, even if it didn't come naturally to her anymore.
She shifted a bit more, this time wrapping her legs around yours. "I could do this for the rest of my life, you know?"
Vulnerability and even a hint of embarrassment shone through Sam's voice, and although you couldn't see her face completely, you could see a part of her cheek starting to turn red. Adorable, you would say.
"Hold onto me like a koala?" You teased, feeling her lightly pinch your arm in retaliation. She muttered a curse in Spanish, and the warm breath from her mouth hit a sensitive area of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
Fortunately (or unfortunately), Sam seemed too sleepy to notice your reactions and tease you back. Instead, she spoke again slowly, as if sharing a huge secret. "No, idiot. This. Waking up with you by my side, every day."
"Oh." You responded with great eloquence, feeling your entire body heat up and butterflies flutter in your stomach as if you were the protagonist of a teenage romance. Sam wasn't one to express love with words much, but when she did, you could barely contain yourself from looking like a smitten fool. "I could do that forever too. Truly become your family."
Your trembling voice betrayed how much you had wanted to have this kind of conversation for a while, even if you were leaving the actual meaning implicit. Still, you knew Sam would understand what you were trying to say.
"You already are family. We don't need to get married for that." She spoke, but soon realizing how her words sounded a bit harsh, she moved back a bit and locked eyes with you, your faces just a few inches apart. "Not that I don't want to get married! I do. Someday. But you don't have to wait until then to feel like part of the family."
Once again, a small party seemed to settle inside you with Sam's words and the sight of her in front of you, her face flushed with shyness and the admission that she envisions a future with you. Taking advantage of the closeness, you cupped her face with one hand. "Thank you. It means a lot to me."
You're welcome. The words hung implicitly in the air as she turned her face just enough to kiss the palm of your hand. Sam's brown eyes were still small due to sleepiness, but they already sparkled like the most beautiful jewel you had ever seen. You felt very lucky.
Seizing the opportunity, you decided to delve a bit further into the subject. "Would you like to expand this family with me? In the future, of course."
Sam squirmed a bit, and you knew she was reluctant to think about that answer. You started to gently stroke her jaw with your thumb, trying to calm her and convey the message that you would be okay with whatever answer she gave.
"I kinda already have three kids, you know?" She said with humor, and you opened a smile in response. It was true that Sam was very protective of her sister, Tara, and the two twins, Mindy and Chad. You could see how much she cared for them and how hard she worked to make sure she could provide some of the things they liked.
"Oh yes, how could I forget?" You replied still humorously, and you were ready to let the subject drop there, not wanting to pressure your girlfriend into anything. However, Sam seemed not to have finished her train of thought.
She bit her lip, looking hesitant. "It's just that... I don't have the best history with my parents, as you know. And I don't have the best overall history, damn, I don't even have a degree, and..."
"Hey, hey. One step at a time, okay?" You reassured her, placing a kiss on her forehead that made her release a relieved sigh. "Firstly, you're not like your parents, no matter what you think. Secondly, it's not too late to start college if that's what you want."
"No, it's not possible." Sam shook her head, looking away to your collarbone with some shame. "I have to work to pay for the apartment rent and also support me and Tara. I don't have time for that."
You frowned and held the Carpenter's chin, making her look at you. Even embarrassed, Sam could still be intimidating enough, and her gaze gave you the same feeling of being struck by lightning, as if electricity ran through your veins every time your eyes met. "I could help you if you wanted."
"No. It's not your obli-"
"I'm not being forced to do anything." You cut her off, shaking your head and smiling to show that you were serious. "You know I have a well-paying internship. I could move here, share the bills and a room with you. It would be less burdensome, and you could work just one job and use the rest of the time to study. What do you think?"
Sam seemed to be in an internal battle, looking at you with admiration and trying to fight back the tears that were on the brink of her eyes. She reached out to caress your face. "You don't have to do this."
"I would like to." You reassured her, pulling her closer to envelop her waist in a hug. "Besides, I'd finally get rid of that small dorm and my weird roommate."
Sam scowled, her voice laden with jealousy. "You mean that flirt who's always hitting on you? You know, I'm starting to think it really is a good idea for you to move in, maybe now that bitch will understand that you're taken."
You laughed at Sam's indignation but didn't say anything to disagree. She was right, after all. At the end of the day, you were very well taken, and you were perfectly fine with that. The sunlight streaming into the room through the curtains seemed a bit brighter now, and although you didn't want to burst your bubble of happiness with Sam, you really needed to start preparing for the day ahead.
She seemed to read your mind, as she always did, given the connection between you two, and just nodded in agreement, a sign that she also agreed to get up and shake off the laziness.
In a last moment of calm, Sam approached you and spread small kisses over your chin, cheeks, and forehead, finally stopping at your mouth and kissing you with true love and affection, creating not only a physical connection but also a connection of souls. You embraced the contact, responding to the kiss with the same passion, forgetting about anything else but Sam's lips.
As she pulled away, Sam smiled contentedly. Her hair messy because of the bed, red puffy lips, and eyes with sleep residue didn't prevent you from seeing her as the most beautiful woman you had ever seen on Earth. "I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too." You whispered back, your voice laden with emotion.
You didn't know what to expect from the future, but one thing was certain. Whatever it was, you would have Sam Carpenter, and Sam Carpenter would have you.
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Rumour Part Three: Roles
Description: as you and Eddie establish your relationship, it seems like no one can get in the way of it. Or can they?
Warnings: NSFW minors DNI or I'll poke you with a sharp stick, a trifecta of angst, fluff and smut, male oral receiving, fingering, slight switch dom!older!pierced!eddie x slight switch sub!fem!reader, unprotected sex, slight pain kink
A/N: I'm so glad you lot are enjoying this as much as I enjoy writing it, makes me very happy to see all your comments and reblogs, thank you!! Also I apologise to anyone called Estelle or Matt ;)
❤ If you enjoy this, please reblog the hell out of it, pretty pretty please! ❤
5.6k words
Masterlist     Part 1  Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
Lying in bed with Eddie was everything. It was two in the afternoon, and neither of you wanted to get up just yet. A warm glowing bubble had settled over the both of you and you were loath to break it. Eddie's wearing a pair of black trunks, you're in an oversized t shirt and no pants, since Eddie had pulled them down three times last night and it seemed an exercise in futility to put them on again.
Your legs were tangled together comfortably, like a pair of puzzle pieces finding their perfect match. Stroking your hand over his chest, you were tracing the lines of his tattoos.
"How many do you have? Tattoos I mean," you clarify, circling a devils head and horns just by his mass of chest hair.
"Pass. I've no idea sweet thing. Dozens. A hundred? I dunno." His hand travels to yours, helping you trace around a scorpion on his abdomen, muscles flexing underneath your touch.
"Well, which ones the oldest?"
He shifts to show you his arm. "See these bats?"
You nod, fingers whispering over his skin to rub at the flock of faded bats on his forearm.
"Got them when I was 17. No real reason, just thought they looked metal." He snorted a little laugh at his past self.
You smile at the glimpse of the past he's allowed you to see. Gazing up at him, you ask "what's your favourite one?"
He grins and winks at you. "Oh that's easy. Shift over a little?"
You move backwards a bit whilst he switches positions to lay on his side away from you, displaying his completely tattooed back.
It's the only tattoo he has in colour. A full back piece of a monstrous dragon with five heads, wreathed in flame. The art is incredible, so intricate and beautiful. You run your hands over it, marvelling at the details.
"Its pretty awesome Eddie."
He rolls back over to face you, fingers fluttering over your figure.
"I love it. Its Tiamat, the five headed dragon Goddess, from Dungeons and Dragons."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You nerd."
He chuckles back. "Yup, 'fraid so."
Nuzzling his face into your side, you hear his muffled voice "what time is it?"
Nearly 2:15."
"Urgh, I need to be in the shop at 3:45." He sighs into your shirt, then sits up.
"I'm gonna take a shower." After pecking you on the cheek, he swings his muscular legs off the bed and makes his way to the bathroom.
You sigh in contentment at the empty room, then pad your way out to the kitchen area to make some coffee for the pair of you. Once the pot is done you pour one for yourself.
Busying yourself in the kitchen, seeing if there were enough ingredients to make pancakes, you hear Eddie's voice from the doorway.
"Oh you made coffee, thanks sweets."
"No problem baby- oh."
Well fuck me.
There he stood, completely naked, roughly rubbing a towel through his wet mane of hair. Body glistening, steam rolling off his skin, tattoos darker and gleaming wet. His muscles shone in the light, taunt frame perfectly on display. Damp chest hair dripped deliciously down to his happy trail. Your eyes were inevitably drawn to his impressive length hanging between his legs, slightly pink and heavy looking, piercing glinting, inviting you over.
Glistening in front of you, so effortlessly, he looked like some sort of heathen God. You'd happily get down on your knees and worship him forever.
"What you staring at? Something you like sweet thing?" Eddie tips his head at you, smug smile creeping across his face.
Your mouth is hanging open. Snapping it shut, cheeks glowing, you walk over to him.
"We had sex like, three times last night and you still blush at me naked? You're too cute." He chuckles at you.
He stops laughing when you reach him and drop to your knees, hands trailing up his thighs.
"Woah, pretty girl, what are you doing?"
You take his member into your hands, running your palms over his length, feeling it harden quickly from your soft touches.
"I wanna, I wanna give you head."
He smiles softly at you. "Sweets you don't need to do that."
You keep running your hands over him, one dipping to cup his balls, rolling them gently in your hand. He lets out a shaky breath.
"You always take care of me, you never let me." You frown. "But I want to. Please Eddie?"
He moans, eyes rolling back. "Always so fuckin' polite. Shit."
Running your tongue up the length of his fully hard cock, you cover it with open mouthed kisses, licking and gently sucking at his shaft. Eddie hisses; you hear the towel he was holding flump to the floor, large hand coming to rest on the back of your head, engulfing your hair.
Taking his tip into your mouth, you trace around each cold steel ball with your tongue, swirling around either end of the piercing, swallowing pre cum. Eddie groans loudly, thumb rubbing the back of your head with encouragement.
Rubbing your tongue back and forth over his slit, you use your hands to work his shaft, dribbling spit to help glide across him. His slippery hard length is pulsing in your hands.
"Holy shit, pretty girl, that's- fuck, that's really good."
You moan around him, humming at the praise, doubling your efforts. You need him to come. He makes you feel so good all the time and you need him to know.
Trying your hardest to please him, you take him into your throat as much as you can. Granted, it's only just over halfway down his dick, but from the noises he's making it's enough. You feel the strange bump of steel at the back of your throat. Using your hands for the rest, you stroke him firmly. Each movement conveying just how much he means, how much you want to worship him.
"Oh sweet thing, God that's- oh fuck, hmm." Eddie's lost the power of speech which you take as the highest compliment. He's listening to your prayers.
Releasing him from your mouth, you stroke him with your hand and gently take one of his balls in your mouth, suckling gently, running your tongue all over it. Eddie was clearly not expecting it; you feel his legs shudder and a high pitched whine expel from his mouth. You smirk, taking the other in your mouth for the same treatment whilst firmly stroking his dick, endeavouring to show him your devotion.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna- shit, please- let me cum in your mouth" he's breathless and twitching, flushed red, practically quivering at your reverence.
You take his cock back into his mouth and hollow your cheeks, bobbing up and down his length quickly, squeezing his balls in your hand.
"Oh fuck, I'm, fuck-" as he shoots his load into your mouth. You swallow and swallow around his length, not stopping until he's whimpering, empty, his fill of your worship well and truly taken.
Halting your movements you behold him through damp lashes.
"Was that ok?"
"Fuckin' hell sweet thing, it was a little bit more than ok. Jesus H. Christ, I've got to go to work. Fuck, how am I this lucky?"
You blush and stand up, placing a kiss to his full lips.
"You want your coffee now?"
"Yeah, and a cigarette, before I do anything else." He crumples onto the couch, grabbing the towel to hide his modesty.
You get his coffee, add sugar and creamer, and bring him his cigarettes. Beaming at you, he takes you into his lap.
"What's this all about? Being all sweet to me."
You hide your head in his chest, suddenly shy. No matter how much confidence you portray in the world, the minute you get a look from Eddie it dissolves.
"I dunno, I just, I wanna take care of you Eddie."
He flashes an soft grin and holds you close, planting a sweet kiss on your forehead. "You already have sweet thing."
Later that evening you're wiping down tables at the bar and collecting stray glasses.
"Hey, you may as well go, I'll finish up tonight, it's dead anyway." Your manager shouts over to you.
"Thanks!" You deposit the glasses in the dishwasher, hanging up your apron.
You check the time, 11pm. I wonder if he's still at the shop?
Eddie works late sometimes, he never wants to get up before noon so his client base tended to be night owls like him. Deciding to take the risk, you throw on your jacket and march into the chilly night air, walking the couple of blocks over to the tattoo shop.
Turning the corner, you see the shutters are down but the light is still on upstairs. You give it a minute, stopping to smoke a cigarette that Eddie had pre rolled for you. As you smoke, you hear voices, and a woman's laugh, clear as a bell.
Your stomach drops out from under you. Feeling your heart skipping a sick thud, then rushing blood, faster; faster than should be possible whilst standing still.
Ok calm the fuck down.
You take a breath, trying to calm the anticipated anger that's buzzing in your system and clouding your brain. It's stupid, you know, entirely unwarranted. It doesn't stop your mind leaping to the worst possible outcome.
Suddenly the door swings open and some Hollywoodian goddess swans out the door, all blonde mane, bust and teeth. Eddie walks out with her, giving her an embrace.
"Thanks Eds, you're the best!" She keens; shooting you what can only be described as a Look, then sways off on her too high heels.
"See you sweetheart!" He waves. The nickname forces an angry blush to the tips of your ears. Eddie turns to go back inside, then sees you and looks surprised.
"Hey pretty girl! What you doing here?" His grin is sugary and warm at your unexpected presence, settling the angry rolling feeling in your stomach. The rage is still there; no longer an explosive boil, but a simmer.
"Came to check, see if you were still working. I got off early."
"Come in then sweets, I gotta tidy up before I leave." He takes large strides back inside and you struggle to keep up with him.
Making his way back to his workstation, he's throwing away leftover bottles and paper towels covered in ink splotches, whilst you try and act as normal as possible.
"So, who was that?" Voice quivering ever so slightly as you take your coat off.
"Oh that's Estelle, finished her lower back piece today." He says, not even looking up, removing his gloves.
Ah, tramp stamp, I knew it.
"There's a band playing tomorrow night, at a bar not far from here, she said. Not too heavy, you should like it. What do you think sweet thing?" He looks up at you, eyebrows raised.
"Huh? Oh sure, whatever. Sure she's got great taste,"  Shrugging at him, you look around the walls of the shop at the various artworks hanging up.
"Woah, you being a bit judgy pretty girl?" He smirks.
"Why? She a librarian or something?" You bite back, eyes narrowing.
He laughs, "no she's a stripper."
"Oh course she fucking is," you mumble, cheeks burning.
He perches on the leather chair, arms out. "Hey, c'mere."
You huff, but move closer, allowing yourself to be hugged, arms pinned at your sides.
"What's up, sweetheart?" He brushes your cheek and you flinch, jaw clenching. Concern fills his eyes, brows heavy with confusion.
"Don't call me that. You just called her that."
You see realisation dawn on that stupidly handsome face of his, and his gaze grows softer.
"Oh, pretty girl, are you jealous?"
You look down at your own hands sandwiched between the two of you, unable to meet his eye. A firm grip holds your chin, pulling you to face him, smooth smile with a hint of smirk pervading his features.
"Listen, you have nothing to worry about. That woman's got more silicone in her than a Barbie doll. Not my thing." You giggle slightly, a small smile threatening to push your mouth corners upwards. "I call everyone sweetheart, it's nothing."
You pull away from him, eyes narrowing. "Yeah? Why call me sweetheart then?"
He holds his hand to his chest, miming being hit. "Ooft, you got me there. Force of habit."
He grabs your hand, kissing your knuckles.
"I don't call her sweet thing." He pulls you closer, "or pretty girl." His hands begin stroking up and down your sides. "Those are reserved for you." Slow, soft kisses are planted on your neck. "I don't call her my good girl. I don't call her my girlfriend."
He's not asked. And why would he, what are you, twelve?
"I'm your girlfriend?" You look at him with wide eyes and a wobbling lip.
"Well I fuckin' hope so, I've said you are to everyone I've seen today. I think Estelle was pissed at me for not shutting up about you to be honest."
You can't help but giggle triumphantly at that. Staring at him, you look at his neck, the side untouched by tattoos. Mischievous look adorning your features, you bend and kiss into his neck. Softly, at first, so he melts into your touch, then you grip him, and suck.
"Pretty girl, oh fuck, what are you doing?"
You release his neck with a wet suck, looking pleased with the purplish mark that's beginning to blossom.
"Marking my territory."
He puffs out a laugh "oh my little jealous girl," and strokes your head.
Somehow that's makes you madder. You're not a jealous girl. You're a woman.
You shove him a little. "Lie back."
He smirks at you, but he listens, lying fully in the reclined tattoo chair, eyes trying to work out your next move.
Clambering on top of him, you tug at the hem of his t shirt. He pulls it over his head, exposing his torso. You run your fingers down, finding spots to suck bruises into, taking small mouthfuls of whatever exposed, ink free skin you can find.
"What you doing sweet thing?" He chuckles.
"I'm trying to find blank bits to hickey!"
He laughs out loud at your frustrations. Until you sink your teeth into his soft flesh.
"Oh pretty- oh fuck!" He practically yelps, hips thrusting upwards.
You gaze down at him, taking in his flushed cheeks, round eyes and heaving chest.
"Wait, does that turn you on?" You raise your eyebrow at him, fingertips ghosting his sides. 
"Is it that much of a stretch to think I've got a thing for pain?" He says it confidently, gesturing to his inky body whilst cockily smirking; yet this appears masked, false. Looking in his eyes you can tell how much you've affected him
Not saying anything, you merely pinch one of his nipples and twist it lightly. Eddie's mouth falls open, pretty little moan escaping those full lips, eyebrows knitted.
Grinning deviously, you bend over him and take the other nipple into your mouth, rolling your tongue around it, before nipping at it and pulling with your teeth.
"Jesus H. Christ! Fuck."
You look up at him. Eddie's flushing the prettiest pink colour, mouth practically drooling, eyelids heavy with lust. You've never seen him like this before, losing control. Wait, that's not it. He's relinquishing control, giving himself to you.
You stand up and he huffs at the loss of contact, until you begin stripping off your clothes. He hurriedly pulls his jeans and boxers down, not even bothering to take them off, just bunching them at his ankles. His dick looks painfully hard, almost dribbling, angry red at the tip. Swinging your leg back over you straddle him, sliding your pussy over his length, back and forth. Your nails drag harder down his chest than you ever would have dared before, leaving scarlet paths joining up his inked frame. He bucks, shaking underneath. You continue to glide your sopping heat over him, grinding over the shaft, relishing the tingle of his piercing when it flits over your clit.
"Please, sweet thing." His whole demeanour has changed, begging you, pleading with you. An idea pops into your brain.
Leaning forward, you whisper low and quiet in his ear, "are you gonna be a good boy for me?" The low groan he releases resonates from his chest and into yours, firm hands coming to settle on your hips.
You take his hard length in your hands and guide him into you, slipping gently onto him inch by inch. No matter how many times, it still feels like the first time. Your face scrunches up, discomfort evident.
"You ok sweets?" Eddie's rubbing your hip in consolation.
"Yeah, just... really fuckin' big baby."
He smirks, as always. "Never get tired of hearing that."
Stroking your hands down his chest, you hold onto his sides firmly, possessively, rocking into him. Each movement, each flick of your hips produces a ripple of pleasure. You grind down, rocking hard, back and forth, building up the rhythm, the pressure in your stomach building, your throbbing want intensifying.
Once you start bouncing up and down Eddie's done for. You see his face, desperately trying to keep some measure of control whilst he stares at your tits bouncing right in front of him, at his dick being swallowed up by your hungry cunt.
The noise of squelching sex surrounds you, moans and whines adding to the pornographic soundtrack. You can tell Eddie's barely holding it together, as he quickly reaches for your clit, rubbing almost vicious circles, eager for you to come before he does.
The tell tale tingle grips hold of you, a buzzing through your core and up your spine. The shattering of nerves; a delivery of white hot light spills from his fingertips and into your being, filling you to the brim with his rapture.
You throw your head back at the intense feeling, letting out whimpers of devotion to him, rocking back and forth, willing the moment to continue. You're barely aware of his own release, only realising when you finally snap your eyes open to see his slam shut, tensing beneath you, letting go in a gun shot, tension ripped from his body by your gripping walls.
Leaning forward, hot panting breaths mingling with each others, you press your lips into a searing kiss.
In between pants, Eddie manages, "not that I mind, but fuck, what's gotten into you today, pretty girl?" He chuckles, stroking your cheek with a rough thumb pad.
"You're mine." You simply say, protective hand laid onto the middle of his chest, over his heart. He grips your hand in his, and smiles.
The next evening you're perching on a stool at a moderately busy bar, twisting a napkin in your hands. Nerves have you in their grip whilst you wait for Eddie to arrive, bubbling away in your tummy. It seems strange, but this is technically your second date, the first being when he took you to lunch. Eddie hadn't exactly courted you, he claimed you. If you were honest with yourself, you were his the first time he laid eyes on you.
Still wanting to impress him, you'd decided to dress up. Kitted out in a short black dress with a cute cherry pattern, lower cut than you would usually dare, fishnet hold ups and ankle boots, you were confident he would be pleased.
You had certainly attracted the attention of a few men dotted around the bar, lone sharks circling. Paying them no mind, you sipped your drink and waited on Eddie.
It was a pretty decent looking place, certainly nicer than the dive where you worked. The ceilings were high, with huge light fixtures hanging almost like art pieces, letting out twinkling light, bathing the crowd in spots of colour, sparkling on the red linoleum floor. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming band, people smiling, waving at friends, rushing back and forth to the bar to get drinks. You sat on a stool at the end of the bar, neatly tucked in a corner. The light was good here, and it was opposite the main entrance, perfect for spotting Eddie when he eventually got here.
Looking up to check the door again you lock eyes with another man. He smiles and starts walking over.
Well that's typical.
You roll your eyes, but as he gets closer, you breathe a sigh of relief. It's one of the regulars at your bar. At least you may not have to wait for Eddie alone.
"Hey Matt!" You smile as he walks over, giving you a brief hug.
"Hey darlin! Never see you in here, you're always working!" He grins at you. Matt always chatted to you when you were on shift, checking how you were doing. Objectively, he was a handsome guy. Broad shouldered, with a mop of messy ashen blonde hair and perfect teeth. He looked like he was around his mid twenties, and definitely a former jock judging by his physique.
You usually saw him with his girlfriend, an almost frightening replica of him in female form. In your head you'd nicknamed them the Cheer Clones since they reminded you so much of the cheerleaders in your high school.
"Where's-" don't say cheer clone, don't say cheer clone, shit what's her name-
"Jessie? We broke up." He frowns, looking down for a second, then waves at the bar tender.
"Oh, so sorry to hear that, you ok?" You pat his arm in consolation.
"I'll be ok, really. You want a drink?"
"Sure, bourbon and soda please."
He orders and pays for the round, sitting on the bar stool next to you.
"So, hot date?" He asks, waggling his eyebrows.
You giggle, hiding your face in your hands, "yeah how did you know?"
"Er, girl, you live in jeans! He must be pretty special." He grins at you.
You flush at the mere thought of Eddie. You can't deny, these past few weeks had been pretty spectacular.
"Wow, you've got it bad, huh? Pleased for you." He says, sipping his beer, looking just over your shoulder and flashing a small smile.
Before you can turn, an arm is thrown over your shoulder; rough stubble and soft lips touch your forehead.
"Sorry I'm late, sweet thing."
"Eddie!" You smile, looking up at him, but his stony glare is cemented on Matt.
"Baby, this is Matt, he comes to my bar. Matt this is Eddie, my boyfriend." You gesture between the two.
Matt sticks his hand out. Eddie looks at it briefly as if it offends him, before staring back at Matt's eyes.
"Pleasure to meet you." Matt puts his hand down but still flashes a winning smile at Eddie.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too Mike." And he motions his hand at the bar tender, immediately getting his attention and ordering a beer, arm never leaving your shoulders.
"Its Matt, actually-"
"Yeah, sure thing champ." Eddie says dismissively, slaps a note down to pay for the beer, and nearly drags you to your feet.
"Bands about to start, let's go my pretty girl."
You move, being pulled by the wrist, and mouth a 'sorry' at Matt. He just smiles and salutes you as you go past.
Eddie stops once you are free from Matt's gaze, stepping back to pull your arm in the air above you, making you turn for him so he can admire your outfit. You cannot help but admire his.
Eddie's dressed up for you. The first thing that grabs your attention and refuses to let go is the fact that your very sexy boyfriend is wearing eyeliner. That fact alone has you weak at the knees.
He's wearing a black button down, undone to the point of unholiness, exposing his chest tattoos and a thin silver chain just kissing the tops of his pecs. His black jeans are tight, hugging every muscle, leading down to chunky army boots. There's no other way to describe it; he exudes sex. It's as if every fibre of him was made to ooze this animalistic aura; you could nearly smell it in the air.
"You look really great Eddie."
Meeting his eyes, you see his pupils are blown, drinking in every ounce of your figure with blasphemous intention.
"Sweet thing, you look incredible." He pulls you close to wrap his arms around you. "Remind me never to let you wait for me inside a bar again." 
You laugh, love drunk eyes roaming his face, "you jealous Mr Munson?"
He kisses you full on the lips, a fiery kiss, hot and messy in its delivery, tongue chasing yours. When he breaks away, you lean forward in hope, missing the contact.
"Why should I be? I already have you." He winks, then pulls you so your back is flush to his chest, manoeuvring you both to face the band who have just come on stage.
The band are indeed decent, and pretty soon the heady atmosphere, the bourbon, and the warm glow of Eddie's arms around you have you grinning and swaying to the music. You're moving your hips, ass against Eddie, enjoying the moment.
Eddie's large hands never leave you. If he's not wrapping his arms around your neck, he's holding you protectively by the hips, keeping you close to him. If anyone in the crowd got too close or rowdy, he was there, keeping you safe.
The band takes a break and Eddie whips you around to face him, hands rubbing up and down your sides, predatory gaze fixed on you.
"If you're gonna keep dancing like that pretty girl, I may just have to take you home." He smiles, biting his lip.
"Hmm, I think you can wait a couple hours." You throw your arms around his neck and press a kiss to his lips.
"Ok, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," he fishes out a note from his pocket and hands it to you, "go grab us some drinks on me."
You take the money and peck him again, scooting your way back over to the busy bar.
The crowd has merged and flowed, making their way to the bar, dam about to burst with the influx of people wanting the same thing.
You queue, waiting for service, when you notice a friendly face next to you.
"Hey Matt, how's your evening going?" You say, touching his arm.
"Great thanks, the bands really good. Look, sorry if I upset your boyfriend there."
You giggle and roll your eyes "don't worry about it."
"Seriously, I didn't mean to offend him I just-"
Suddenly, Matt has disappeared and you are staring at Eddie's torso.
"Come here sweets. Say goodbye to Mark."
You here a small voice say "it's Matt, actually-"
"Whatever kid" Eddie growls, leading you away from the bar.
"Eddie, what are you doing I haven't even got drinks yet-"
"Just come with me."
You allow yourself to be lead, pulled helplessly by the wrist. Eddie snakes around the crowd, leading you past the backstage area and into a small bathroom. It's strange that he seems to know the layout of the place so well. You stop him in his tracks, annoyed by his behaviour.
"Eddie, seriously what's up with you? You know I'm not just gonna leave you right?" Soft eyes meet his.
"I know sweet thing," and he presses you against the wall so fast it makes your head spin.
"I just need everyone else to know that."
Without further warning his hand is stroking up your thigh, fingers grazing your clothed pussy. Given his urgency, his clear need for you, his touch is soft. His other hand snakes to the back of your neck, forcing eye contact. The eyeliner only focuses how intensely he looks at you, dark circles drawing you in.
"Can I make you feel good sweet thing?" Fingertips fondling your heat, hot breath asphyxiating. Eddie overwhelms you, exuding heat, passion making it difficult to breathe.
"Yeah" you manage breathily, devastated by his presence, trying to keep some semblance of self. It's so difficult to when Eddie tears you apart by simply being there, in your space.
Rough fingertips pull your underwear aside and massage across your slit, finding your clit immediately. Your breath catches in your throat, shock of delectation pervading your senses.
Eddie slides two thick fingers deep inside you making you gasp. He rocks them into you, setting a ruthless rhythm, eyes never leaving yours.
"Now, I'm going to make you come pretty girl, twice in a row, and you're gonna enjoy it, ok?"
You mumble some semblance of yes, ability to concentrate considerably lessened by the sure movements of his hand. He curls his digits into you, hitting the spot inside you that makes your toes curl inside your boots.
"Eddie, fuck, yes" you keen and writhe against the wall, eye contact stripping you of any modesty, any thought.
Eddie's relentless movements continue as he sucks bruises onto the tops of your breasts, purple colouring blossoming against your chest, a blooming floral display of blood soaked skin.
"Oh my God Eddie," you moan, his sure hands coaxing pure bliss from your core, sopping wet noise of your arousal echoing through the small space.
"That guy out there, your friend, what's his name?" Eddie's eyes bore into yours, hand not stopping.
You're pulled out of the pleasure pit he's thrown you into, visibly confused. "You- you mean Matt? He's just-"
Eddie doubles his efforts, curling his fingers into you harder, palm rubbing hard against your clit, reigniting the fire in your belly.
"Oh my God Eddie, fuck-" you grind yourself unabashedly against his thick fingers, immense feeling towering over you, threatening to topple at his very command.
"You gonna come pretty girl? My pretty girl?" He says, dark eyes piercing into your very soul, "come then, come on my fucking fingers."
His gravelly voice and confident manoeuvres are pushing you over that edge, emphasis on his swear word singing through your nerves and into your cunt. Unable to process such feeling, such unbridled ardour, you moan loudly into the air without a care of who could hear you.
Your release pushes through you with all the force of a natural disaster. Whipping through your soul like a hurricane of sensation, cunt throbbing with the complexity of feeling. It rips away any insecurities, making you moan as loud as your body needs without fear of repercussion.
But it doesn't stop, not yet. Eddie's not through with you. His movements continue, coaxing you through the orgasm and into the other side, relentless and unabating.
"Fuck Eddie, please, its too much-"
Eddie's free hand grips your chin, forcing you to make eye contact with him.
"Do you want me to stop." The question is real, but your commitment waivers, enjoying the relentless hold he has on your pussy.
"No, please-" you moan, your flower continuing to open to him, flesh yielding and soft as putty in his hands. A fuzz settles over your brain; you mind clouded, filled with Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Your eyes roll back, unable to control your gaze. Eddie shakes you lightly by the chin, forcing you back to reality.
"So what's that guy's name?"
You look at him through damp lashes, tears building in the corners of your eyes, utterly incapable of speech.
"I said, what's that guy's name?"
"Eddie, fuck I- wha?" Words a slur, body limp against the wall; the only thing keeping you upright is the burly hand firmly between your legs, fingers deep inside; your Eddie's marionette.
"Good girl. That's what I thought." Eddie smiles smugly, running his thumb over your clit in swift motions, fingers continually hitting that spot inside you.
Your second release feels even more powerful than the first, ripping a passionate whine from your throat. The noises you're making are incomprehensible as your whole body seizes up and your slick shoots out, coating Eddie's hand, your thighs, and even the floor.
"Jesus fucking Christ you are the devil." It comes out as a rush, almost one word.
Laughing deviantly, Eddie moves his hand and you nearly crumple to the floor. He catches you, pushing you against the wall with his body. Your eyes are drawn to the deep v in his shirt, to his inky muscled chest.
"Eddie?" You look at him and he stares back, faces impossibly close.
"Yes sweet thing?"
"You've ruined my underwear."
He laughs deeply. "What can I say, it's a talent. Can I take you home my little super soaker?"
You flush with embarrassment, hot cheeks aflame. "Eddie!"
Straightening your clothes and attempting to sort your hair out, you look down, taking in your love bitten chest for the first time. Purple red welts adorn the swell of your breasts in a low necklace of ownership. You'd be mad at him if it didn't make you throb inside.
He leads you back to the bar and towards the main entrance, attempting to get you home as quickly as possible to finish what he's started, when you're stopped in your tracks by cloud of perfume and blonde hair.
"Hey Eds!"
"Hey Estelle, you good? This is my girlfriend I told you about."
You smile at her dutifully, and spot a familiar face yet again, hovering by, his eyes trained on the marks on your chest.
"Estelle, nice to meet you! Hey, have you met Mark?" You gesture at him to move closer while Eddie snickers next to you.
He sticks his hand out to her "it's Matt actually."
Tag list part 1- rest will be in the comments
@angelsarecallin @cutiecusp @pxrxcxa @spencerinmydrawls @munsquinns @sillypurplemurple @tiannamortis @walleloveseve @sinczir @biblichornerd @frogers @lauraasiain @madiisixx @leftdonkeygothgoop-blog @rafestarkeysblog @kittykatvenom @southside-serpent-bae @psychedelicsandsunsalutations @biblichornerd @angelina16torres-blog
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captain-mj · 6 months
Bro you cannot just drop prep/jock soap and goth ghost and dip. We need you to give us your brain worms so we can analyze it like a science project
When you have time of course
I will put my worms in a petri dish for you
Soap was an artist! He liked sketching and painting and the act of making art. But he didn't like art essays. The explaining over and over again each detail. Breaking down everything until it felt like a bunch of paint strokes instead of art.
But part of an art degree is a ton of art essays. So Soap went to the museum to write what he needed. He preferred museums to finding art online. A big part of art for him was texture. His preference would've been to touch the art, to feel the paint underneath his fingers. But the assignment specified art from the Baroque period and therefore they had to be older and no museum was going to allow his grubby hands to touch the art.
Soap glanced down one of halls to see if there was anything interesting there when he faltered.
Oh lord.
The man was big. His shoulders. His height. The thighs he had that looked like tree trunks. It was all covered in tight black fabric and silver chains. A work of bloody art himself.
Soap had to hold himself back from wolf whistling.
Once he was done objectifying admiring the man's body, he looked higher up. There was a mask covering the bottom of his face, the only thing visible being his eyes which had heavy eyeliner on them. He could still see the locs of bleached blond hair that surrounded him like a halo.
Soap wanted to paint him.
"You gonna stare all day?" Someone snarked at him and he jumped, glancing at a slightly smaller blond man. He looked at him like he was gross and for a brief moment, he worried he might be about to be hate crimed. The man looked a lot the other one actually now that he was looking closer. Dressed the same way too.
"Aye, what's your fucking problem with it?"
The man's face scrunched. "Ew." He walked away, leaving Soap rather confused but now a bit determined to talk to mystery man.
Pretending to be looking through the paintings, he got closer to him.
Dark brown eyes quickly glanced over at him before glancing back at the paintings.
"Hey. My name is Soap."
Ooh, he's from Manchester and sticks with his aesthetic. Nice. He'd prefer a not British person, but as far as British people go, he could do worse than Manchester. He glanced at the painting Simon had been admiring.
The Raising of Lazarus by Rembrandt.
"It's a lovely painting." Soap put on his normal charm, acting suave and polite.
"Aye." Ghost gruffed and went quiet again, staring in simple contemplation. His arms were crossed, making already large arms flex.
Soap started to take notes for his assignment. Although he was definitely hoping to score well in more than one ways, he did need to take notes for his assignment.
Ghost glanced over at what he was writing quizzically and Soap answered the unasked question. "I'm doing a project."
"Fun." He huffed and looked back at the painting.
Soap looked down at his chest and licked his hips. "Yeah, it's a good one." He kept writing stuff. "You a college student?"
"What do you study?"
"Forensics. I'm assuming you're art?"
"Chemistry with a minor in art!" Right as Soap went to mention how funny it was that they didn't share any classes, Ghost interrupted him.
"Wait. Johnny? Johnny MacTavish? We share several classes."
Soap brightened. "Do you dress like this all the time?" There was zero chance he did or Soap would already know his name, address and dick size.
"We have morning classes together. I don't dress up for morning classes." Ghost said decisively. He stretched and shook his head.
How did he manage to not notice the shoulders though at least? The man was huge. He was also several inches taller than Soap and therefore the majority of the class. Maybe if he sat in the back and left later than everyone?
Soap nodded. "Understandable. You look nice."
"Nice huh?" Ghost smiled at him. He could tell cause his eyes scrunched slightly.
"Yeah. Nice." Soap said softly, his chest doing something weird.
They stared at the painting a while before Ghost pulled away to start exploring the rest of the exhibit.
Soap finished up the notes he needed to write his paper and then started to walk with him. He tried to find his opening during all of this.
Ghost stopped at a very specific painting.
The art was... stunning. The red, faded from time and wear, was still beautiful against the white of the blankets.
The women held him down and there was a movement to it that Soap wanted in his own work. His fingers trembled with the want to touch it. To feel the texture of the paint under his fingers. Ridges and bumps and smooth layers of the different strokes.
Ghost hummed. "I don't really get art. It's pretty but some people look at it and it... gives them something. An epiphany."
Soap hummed. "I find touching it helps."
Ghost looked at him, raking his eyes over him. "I see. Do you want to head out then?"
Soap frowned. "Why?"
"You're a piece of art and I'm looking for an epiphany."
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luminiscented · 10 months
could you make hcs for ninja [+ pixal, morro and harumi] and their ideas for their s/o? i love your work sm,<3
ninjago characters x their perfect gn! s/o
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Pairing: Ninjago characters x gn! Reader
Status: none
Summary: The perfect partners of each character (mentioned above)
Warnings: none
Type: headcanons
Note: I'm sorry if Harumi is a bit ooc!! I haven't really watched a lot after seasons 7 and 8!! Thank you for the request though!! IM VERY SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY!! IT'S EXAM SEASON AND I'VE BEEN HAVING SOME PERSONAL PROBLEMS!! :((
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♡ Lloyd has a very unstable life, so I'm sure at one point he'll crave a partner who's very down to earth, but still has that kid in them!!
♡ Despite him being a warrior and a leader, Lloyd is very fragile. He can take just that much stress and hurt so he'd need you to be his safe space.
♡ In my eyes he'd need someone careful and gentle, but still someone who could be a kid along with him,,, someone who's willing to stay despite everything and listen to him. Someone to take him in their arms and shush him sweetly whenever the pressure gets too much,,
♡ Kai is a very outgoing, confident, fiery person, but behind closed doors he lets himself be the exact opposite. I see him having a partner that is ready to accept both of his sides,,
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♡ I honestly see him dating a chill confident person who rolls their eyes at his pick up lines, but in the same time I see him having a s/o who's a bit nerdy and their eyes just light up whenever their favorite topic is brought up,, he's over there lovestruck while you gawk about your fixation,,,,
♡ Reassurment is constant with Kai - from both ends of the relationship and it means the world to him that for once he could get taken care of instead of always being the older brother, the caregiver, the parent
♡ A very simple, very very sweet guy, so I think an equally sweet s/o would definitely catch his attention!!
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♡ If you have a thing for cooking, you're already his biggest crush
♡ I see Cole as a touchy person and he would def love it if your love language was physical touch and acts of service
♡ He's used to being the muscle of the team, always doing the heavy lifting, so it would be a relief to get pampered and taken care of after a tough mission,, he would melt if you took the time to tend to every scar,,,,,
♡ A sweet chill s/o would definitely be the perfect pick, since I think he would value stability a lot in his life.
♡ Zane's perfect match would be someone very patient and gentle!!
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♡ He'd love a partner who's just as curious as him and someone who's willing to be patient with him,,,he doesn't have a very good grasp on all things romantic, but he's trying his best!!
♡ Zane really loves quality time over everything else!!
♡ Zane would be head over heels in love with someone who's very intelligent and interesting!! Bonus points if you're an artistic person,,,he tries his best to understand art and he enjoys it a lot!!
♡ He'd love a S/o who loves cooking or trying out new food, also one who loves to go out on small private romantic dates!! It's his type of thing, but he would be open to a slightly different type of outing if that's what you're into.
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♡ He'd love a very energetic s/o who's just like him!! If you're into tech and stuff he'll be over the moon!!!!!
♡ Jay loves a sweetheart who could comfort him and reassure him that he isn't too much and that he's doing a good job,,
♡ If his s/o is into poetry he'd be smitten,,,yes of course he wants to hear what you wrote,,,,,
♡ Jay is the type of guy to want a very dynamic relationship with a lot of fun and surprises and dates!! He's always thinking of ways to surprise you and make you feel appreciated!!
♡ Physical touch and gift giivng are his love language!! Prepare to be smothered in kisses on a daily basis and have a ton of handmade gifts!!
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♡ He is in denial to the very end.
♡ He isn't very vocal about his love, but he's like a puppy trust me,,
♡ Morro'd love a peaceful s/o,,, someone who could balance his temper out and keep him down to the ground. A calm partner would definitely be his best match. He would be very passionate in his love, just like Kai, so he'd appreciate a bit of spice as well.
♡ He's very into intelligence!! He is also head over heels for some confidence and cockiness.
♡ Morro pretends he's a very tough unlovable guy even after getting reformed, but the truth is that he's fragile. He's been that way ever since he was a kid, so he's not going to trust you with his emotions in the beginning. He needs constant reassurement even if he doesn't say a word about it. You need to pick up the subtle signs by yourself if you want to figure out what's with the change in his behavior.
♡ Make him his favorite dish, give him some cheek and chest kisses and some kind words and he's not going to leave your arms for the rest of the day. Make him feel appreciated and enough and it's going to be returned tenfold.
♡ This man will adore every single thing you do.
♡ Quiet dates are his thing, even if it's just laying in bed cuddling he's there and fully engaged. He'd love a fancy date tho,, you get a bit from both worlds.
♡ Quality time and physical touch are Morro's type of thing, his hand is always around you - rubbing your shoulder, holding your hand etc. His hand is on your waist outside and you're always getting kisses on the top of your head.
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♡ If Pix is in a relationship, she'd be fully invested, so she'd want a partner who's fully engaged as well.
♡ Her projects and work are very important to her, but you always come first.
♡ Pixal would be the type to fall for a person that takes interest into her own interests, or if it isn't their type of thing, pay attention to her, ask her questions, try to engage, show interest and she's going to appreciate you sm!!
♡ Her love language is gift giving and acts of service, but she's going to melt for some sweet words and reassurement!!! Sucker for pillow talk!!
♡ I feel like she'd love physical affection as well, especially cuddles!! Stroke her head and kiss her cheeks while letting her feel your body warmth and pixal will be so happy!!,,
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♡ She WILL treasure you and adore you every day!! Fresh flowers included!!
♡ She's pretentious and bratty and no one can truly please her you're perfect how are you doing this
♡ She's going to be protective of you, surely.
♡ She'd love to do things for you to express her love, since I think she isn't going to be the best with words - cleaning your room, doing your makeup, making you food, memorizing your medicine or your hair products etc etc.
♡ She'd be head over heels if you made her home cooked meals,,,,Harumi would love a partner who celebrates all her accomplishments with her and also one who looks after her even if she pretends she doesn't want to be,,, she's fussy, but painfully in love whenever you take care of her bruises or fix her makeup if it's smeared before she goes out,,,just little things like that make her day better,,<3
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magicalqueennightmare · 8 months
Little Witch (Pt 1/5)
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Klaus Mikaelson x reader
You've been with Klaus through a lot. Proving yourself through Hayley's pregnancy to not just be a common witch the hybrid falls for you. What happens when it appears you've betrayed him?
Warnings: cursing, mention of sex, cheating but not really?
You laughed as you tried unsuccessfully to squirm free of Klaus’ grip on your waist. You'd made the mistake of stepping into the room that had been turned into his art studio to let him know you'd be out for a few hours. That had somehow ended with you in his lap as his hands roamed your body, mouth savoring the soft flesh of your neck and the sounds he could elicit from you at even the simplest of touches.
“I've got to go Klaus” you tried but the moment you spoke he bit down on your pulse point which made a moan slip from your lips that was borderline pornographic. He pulled back to smirk at you, eyes dancing with amusement “Doesn't sound like you want to leave me love”
You shook your head with a laugh “Remember the faster I meet Elijah and we pick a gift out for his and Hayley's anniversary, the faster I get back here” you rolled your hips against his before adding “and the faster you can do as you wish to me”
He damn near growled at the promise in your words, leaving another kiss against your lips “Fine, leave me to spend the day with my brother” you crawled out of his lap and shook your head “Don't you dare make it sound like that. You know I love you Niklaus Mikaelson. Besides we're shopping for Hayley who happens to be Elijah's girlfriend, my best friend and the mother of your child”
He grinned as he stood up “A bit unorthodox when you phrase it like that isn't it?” You leaned up to brace your hands on his shoulders before catching his lips in a searing kiss “Almost as unorthodox as Klaus Mikaelson being with a witch yet here we are”
He nipped at your bottom lip “Go ahead and leave now little witch before you make it impossible for me to let you walk out of that door” you smiled slightly “I love you Klaus. I'll see you a little later” “I love you” he watched you walk out of the door and before it closed behind you the sound of his footsteps told you he was going back to the sketchbook he'd abandoned when you walked in.
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As you walked to meet Elijah your thoughts slipped to Klaus. The relationship that had spawned between the two of you hadn't exactly been a love at first sight thing. He was an original, the first hybrid and you a witch. He despised witches and you had known a healthy avoidance of anything that was older than you and as powerful as his family.
What had thrown you into the Mikaelson's world fully was when Hayley called you. She was pregnant by Klaus. It was a miracle baby, one that shouldn't exist and that some supernatural beings didn't want to exist. She needed help and you gladly offered yours.
You'd known Klaus and his siblings in passing. You weren't as old as they were but you didn't exactly have a human life span either. The day you walked into New Orleans you knew people would be after your head. The line in the sand had been drawn and you chose your side.
The new few months passed with fight after fight happening. You knew Klaus didn't trust you but his siblings started to and Hayley did fully. The day it seemed his feelings truly began to change was when you took on your former coven by yourself, standing between Hayley and them.
You'd been bruised and bloody after that fight but it had ended with Klaus acknowledging your strength.
The amusement Rebekah had shown from the sidelines as she watched Elijah and Hayley orbit towards each other while you and Klaus fought your attraction tooth and nail.
You didn't want to want him, nor he you. Yet when an option was given more and more the two of you chose each other. Hope was nearly ten months old when you and Klaus finally acknowledged there was something between the two of you.
The sex had been extraordinary from the start. Klaus brought new heights of passion to you and he swore loyalty to you, claiming no other lovers. For a while you assumed that was all it would be until Klaus asked if you'd like to move into the compound.
When you questioned his motives he'd smiled “My little wolf and my littlest wolf is safe under Elijah's watchful eye. I'd like to have my little witch close at hand also. Better to make sure you're safe, I know you can protect yourself but I'd much rather protect you”
The day Klaus told you he loved you was an ordinary day. Hope was with the two of you and you were sitting on the floor of his art studio with her. You and her were playing with finger paints, a canvas in front of you as you helped her smear the colors across. She'd learned your name alongside the usual mama and dada. Of course she'd also had Lijah down and Bek.
You sat with her in front of you, using your power to see the image flash through her mind of what she was trying to get the painting to look like and when it began to take shape she let out a giggle that brought a smile to your face “Look at that Hope! You're an artist just like your daddy” you cut your eyes up to see Klaus watching the two of you with a smile, you returned it with one of your own before turning your full attention back to Hope.
After you'd laid Hope down for her nap you'd found him in the courtyard. You'd noticed he'd been quiet since that smile you'd shared and wanted to make sure he was ok. The moment you approached him he turned and smiled, quickly crossing the space between the two of you. He pulled you into a kiss that made your head swim. When you shot him a questioning look he'd simply said “I love you”
You'd of course returned the sentiment, long since having accepted the feelings on your end but not wanting to push him away.
You shook your head to clear your thoughts considering you'd already made it to the coffee shop you'd told Elijah to meet you at.
You walked in and spotted him. He smiled when he noticed you, easing his way through the crowd and you saw a cup in his hand despite the fact that he normally didn't drink coffee. He followed your line of sight and held it out “I called Hayley to find out what to order you”
You took it with a smile “Such a gentleman, aren't you” he shook his head with a laugh “Where should we begin?” You grabbed his arm, looping yours through it “Just hold tight Mikaelson and have your wallet at ready”
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Hayley was beginning to worry, you and Elijah were supposed to meet her over an hour ago. She checked her phone again for texts as Rebekah and Klaus walked into the door of the place she shared with Elijah and Hope.
“What exactly is going on?” Rebekah asked first, eyes wandering around the room for her niece. Hayley motioned to the stairs “She's taking a nap” then looked at Klaus “They were supposed to be here over an hour ago. The plan was for them to go shopping for me then Elijah would come with Hope for us girls to go out for dinner”
Klaus nodded slowly and pulled his own phone out to see he hadn't received any texts or missed calls from either of you. “We'll go check the stores she frequents in the french quarter. Should anything have happened though we know those two can handle it”
Hayley nodded, her mind already drifting to what could have happened. Memories of you on your knees, enduring the spell meant to rip Hope out of her womb flashed through her mind. “I'll get a few wolves out looking for them too”
The french quarter had been exhausted. Your scent was picked up near one of the cemeteries then lost. Davina couldn't get a feel of your magic either. Klaus’ anger began to flare with every moment that passed without you in his arms. “If something happened to either of them..” Hayley finished his thought by saying “I'll help you tear this whole damn city down while your sister gets Hope out of it”
One last thought occurred to Klaus. If you were in danger and had the slightest opening you'd go home, in search of him or one of his siblings for help. “Let's circle back to the compound. Call your wolves in but tell them to stay ready”
Hayley nodded, feeling a pull herself to check the Mikaelson compound. Maybe it was just Klaus wanting to check or her hoping that you two were there? She loved Elijah but the thought of losing you broke her heart as well.
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Klaus walked in with Hayley behind him in case there was a danger she was better protected. Nothing looked out of place as the two of them headed for the stairs leading up to everyone's rooms.
They checked the bedroom you and Klaus shared, his art studio and Rebekah's room to no avail.
Klaus was headed for Kol's room when Hayley called his name. When he looked back at her she motioned across the walkway “Elijah's old room is open” that was unusual.
He nodded to her, moving in front of her as they approached the room. The sound that hit his ears was one he was all too familiar with. Your moan circled around him, encasing that beast that laid just beneath the surface of his skin.
Hayley fell away in that moment as did everything around him. He pushed the door open silently to see you on the bed, bare from the waist up save for the black lace bra adorning your breasts. Your jeans were unsnapped but still in place. Elijah was on top of you, his shirt discarded on the floor, your legs around his waist as he kissed your neck working the sensitive skin there as his hands roamed across what of your body was already bared to him.
“Elijah” a breathy moan fell from your lips which Elijah met with one of his own, a moan of your name.
Hayley and Klaus spoke at the same time, yours and Elijah's names falling from them.The heartbroken tone of Hayley's voice was plain to anyone listening while Klaus buried his beneath anger.
The two of you froze on the bed and looked at each other then at the door before falling away from each other.
“What the hell?” You spoke scrambling for anything to cover yourself with and Klaus laughed humorlessly “Sorry to interrupt love” your eyes found him and he could see them widen as you looked from him to Hayley then to the state of undress you and Elijah were both in.
You weren't sure what happened. One minute you and Elijah were walking out of an antique store and the next you were hearing Klaus call your name while Hayley called Elijah's.
The darkness burst around you and you felt a weight on your body. You looked up to see Elijah hovering over you, the confusion in his eyes matching what you felt as the two of you looked to see your lovers at the doorway and fell away from each other.
“What the hell” you whispered, pulling the sheet up to cover your chest and trying to snap your jeans. You heard a bitter laugh before Klaus said “Sorry to interrupt love”
You looked up and met his eyes, feeling your heart break at the pain you saw there. “Klaus this isn't..” “You having sex with my brother? That's indeed what it appears to have been leading to” He turned and walked away. You stumbled out of the bed looking around frantically for your shirt. Elijah held it out as he'd already found his own. He was careful to not meet your eyes or touch your flesh.
You slipped it over your head and paused long enough to say “I'm sorry Hayley” before running after Klaus.
You caught him in the courtyard and grabbed his arm. “Klaus please” he spun around to face you and a chill of fear went through you when you saw his eyes had changed. “Get your hand off me witch”
You dropped his arm as if it burnt you. He hadn't called you just witch in a long time. His little witch, yes but that was affection. The same line of him calling Hayley little wolf and Hope his littlest wolf. This time you knew he meant it as a curse. “Klaus you've got to know Elijah and I would ever hurt you”
He shook his head “Get out” “What?” He motioned to the door “GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK HERE” you'd never been afraid of Klaus until that moment. A thought of Elijah's wellbeing went through your head but he was old enough to take care of himself.
You nodded and walked to the door, pausing to snatch your purse and jacket off the floor. You didn't even remember how they got there.
You looked at Klaus but his back was to you. You'd lost the man you loved and your best friend in one moment and you weren't even sure why. You'd never looked at Elijah like that nor he you. You'd find answers one way or another. You walked through the door letting it slam behind you. Fear and sadness wouldn't serve you in that moment. You needed anger and revenge to be what flowed through your veins. That was the only way to get answers.
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shslbunnylover · 11 months
★★★𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚(𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙���𝙮 21: 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜)★★★
Character: Melissa Schemmenti
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Marking, vaginal fingering, bathroom sex, jealousy, Top Mel/Bottom reader,
Genre: Smut
Word count: 1.0k
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"M-Mel...!" You squeaked, feeling your body being pressed up against the bathroom wall of the single unisex bathroom the two of you had taken up space, your body shuddering under the tens of hickeys that were being littered across your skin. "You know we can't do this here...! We're with our co-workers for fucks sake!"
Melissa couldn't have cared less, slipping of the sleeves of your dress as she left blue and purple marks around your body.
"Color?" Was all she asked, flattening her tongue across the bruises she had created with just her mouth.
"Green...~ But Melissa...why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" You whimpered, knowing you shouldn't be doing it but sliding your dress further down for Melissa to litter more of her marks across your body.
"Did you not see how that fucking tool bag was flirting with you?" She growled, gripping your back with her nails as she dragged them across your flesh, leaving red marks in their wake.
"Yeah, I did but baby...he was just drunk!" You tried to reason with her, giving her a nod of consent as she took off your panties, rubbing circles around your clit as she focused her mouth on marking you as truly hers.
"I don't care...you're mine..." She mumbled into her kiss, her eyes slightly looking up at you before looking down once again to the work of art she had created with bruises and scratches on your otherwise [Insert skin color] skin.
You chuckled in reply, your soft laugh turning into a whimper as you felt her hand cupping your sex.
"Please...fuck..." You muttered under your breath before trying to speak once again. "I'm yours, okay? No one else's...nobody can fuck me like you can..." You reassured her, a slightly loud cry leaving your mouth as you felt two of her fingers slip into your wet cunt, curling perfectly at your most sensitive spots.
You buried your face in her shoulder, more moans and whines leaving your mouth as the feeling of alcohol, Melissa bruising you, and Melissa fucking you all made you dizzy.
"Yeah...all mine...your mine...say it..." The redhead demanded in an almost pleading tone, continuing to pump her fingers in and out of you, her thumb rubbing up against your clit.
"I'm all yours! Please~!! I belong to no one but you! I'm yours Mel~!" You cried out, your head burying itself deeper into the crook of her shoulder.
Your walls clenched tightly around her fingers, making it harder for her to continue fucking you like this, but Melissa still continued.
Her touch was addicting, you felt your body lighting on fire with each hickey she left on you, your eyes shutting from your incoming release.
"So easy..." Melissa chuckled, lifting your head up as she left a massive bruise on your jaw with a bite mark to top it off.
You could only whine, your mind not wanting to say anything as you enjoyed this moment, you knew it felt weird to call your girlfriend fucking you in a bar restroom "wholesome" but to you it was.
Being wanted this badly that you were forcibly marked by your partner just made you feel all sappy inside, just like how you felt the day you first met her.
But your thoughts were once knocked away from your head as you felt a sharp yet pleasurable pain streamline through your body as your girlfriend left a giant bit mark on your neck that was deep enough to even draw blood.
"M-Melissa~!!!" You pleaded, looking at her with tears in your eyes as your whole body pulsed with anticipation, hoping that she'd have some mercy on you tonight and let you have your release.
The older woman only smirked, leaving another large bite mark on your breast as she looked at you.
"You're all mine babe..." She mumbled, pulling her teeth away from the mark and replacing it once again with her tongue. "So cum for me baby, show me how I fuck you better than everyone here..."
You sighed in relief, the knot in your stomach snapping as your juices squirted out of your filled hole, your orgasm voice-overed by your moans.
"Fuck..." You muttered once you came down from your high, watching Melissa proudly lick the white fluid off her fingers as she onced you over.
"So...do you want to go back to the dance floor?" She asked with a smirk.
Your eyes widened at her non-chalant behavior.
"My neck is blue now! Why would I go out there!?" You squeak in embarrassment, to which your girlfriend only responded by whispering in your ear.
"So everyone can see how much you of a good girl you are for me..."
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Rid Drift x Fembot reader, both are Conjux, the Reader already knew Drift when they were ShadowRaker's students, but Drift escaped taking the Minicons and the reader, and when ShadowRaker arrives on earth, he takes the reader, since before Shadow Raker was in love with her, but the reader was not, but now he wants to force her to be his Conjux and treat Slipstream and Jetstorm as his Sparklings
Drift Saving His S/O From Shadow Raker
Character: Drift (Robots in Disguise 2015) Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: I literally had the episode up and kept pausing it to make sure the plot was going correctly, lmao. My fingers are practically dead after writing this long ass piece of art so I hope it's good! By the way, Y/N's speech is pink in here. I have no reasoning for it, I just wanted to do it here! Anyways, enjoy <3 ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of parents being missing (maybe abandonment), trauma, unwanted physical touch, fighting, self-doubt, kidnapping, assault, and objectifying the Reader (maybe some yandere-behavior from Shadow Raker??) ⚠️
Maybe my longest piece so far🤣
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╚═════ Drift ═════════════════════════════════╝
🏯 When you were a young-adult Cybertronian, your Sire and Carrier had disappeared early on in the war, leaving you an orphan with quite a bit of heavy lifting, as you were caring for your younger brother
🏯 As a couple weeks on Cybertron passed, you were taken in by a slightly older mech, one by the name of Shadow Raker. And you liked him, he was an excellent teacher, though you did disagree with a few things he did
🏯 While time passed, he picked up another student by the name of Dreadlock. At the time, you and him were at odds, as you were competing for Shadow Raker's praise, but you did eventually connect and begin hanging around with one another when training and when not
🏯 One cycle, Dreadlock had burst into the room you were in and taken your servo, saying how he saw Shadow Raker doing something beyond evil. You were shocked to hear everything, so, you grabbed your brother and two minicons that Shadow Raker had taken in and fled with the guys
🏯 It was many years later that you ended up teaming with the Bee Team on Earth in an effort to capture any rogue Decepticons that broke out of the Alchemor from some unknown force. And alongside your now sparkmate, Deadlock -now called Drift-, your two boys, Slipstream and Jetstorm, and your younger brother, Requiem, you were quite the power-team
🏯 As the team walked out of the Groundbridge, you saw a ship -one that was quite familiar to you and Drift- and your optics widened as Drift laid his servo on your shoulder to help ground you and your anxieties
"Drift. Any information you or Y/N have on the pilot, now's the time." Bee said.
🏯 Looking at you and back at Bee, Drift began to speak;
"His name is Shadow Raker. He trains wayward bots to steal for him in exchange for shelter and protection. He calls them his 'Shadows'. His pleasure in corrupting the innocent is matched only by his greed."
"No matter who or what stands in his way, he will go through any hoops, using any tactic he must, to obtain what he wants." You added.
"Charming." Bee said. "Ready for ambush team."
🏯 You all noticed that the door for Shadow Raker's ship opened, making you pull your guard up higher than it has been since you took in your brother
"Shadow Raker's strongest defenses will be at the entrance hatch. Come, I know another way in."
"Drift, any idea why he's on Earth?" Strongarm asked.
"I suspect for personal business."
"My long lost students." Shadow Raker said from behind.
🏯 Turning around while clutching your weapon, a longer-bladed version of Drift's own sword, you felt your spark pounding with fear, and you knew your brother, who was back at the Scrapyard with Fixit and the humans, could feel it as well
"I have come for the things you took from me. You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you, Deadlock."
"I no longer answer to Deadlock, and I have nothing that is yours!"
🏯 Watching as Drift attacked Shadow Raker, you were shocked to see his optics get covered with the same web-like material he would use when training you
🏯 You stepped in front of your sparkmate, who had fallen against a nearby wall from Shadow Raker's kick, and you held your blade up, just barely making it to his neck-cables
"Next time we meet, your new associates won't bail you out." The 'Con said as your team's pede-steps approached.
🏯 You watched as your former Sensei ran off and went through an elevator and you looked back to help Drift remove the substance from his face as he grunted in frustration
"Easy Drift, easy. Where's Shadow Raker?" Bee asked, standing next to you both.
"He escaped." You said.
"He knew we'd be waiting at this exit and was prepared for both of us to attack."
"How do you guys both know so much about Shadow Raker?" He asked.
🏯 Drift's arms hung down as you continued to attempt to gently get the covering off of him and you held his servo in your own while your other, more dominant, one tried to peel the edge off, like how you have seen Russell take of a band-aid
"We were both once two of his Shadows..." Drift admitted, "Before we found the proper path."
"It's okay. We all have times in our past we'd rather forget."
"No kidding." Grimlock butted in. "Once I was smashed in a spaceport and got my tail stuck in a plasma-converted. Woo! Did that smell."
🏯 You managed to get the stuff off of Drift when Strongarm held the opposite side, you then thanked her and began to notice that Sideswipe had joined up with you guys and Bee had communicated with Fixit
"Bingo! Let's go on a bug-hunt!"
🏯 You walked alongside Grimlock down the mountain while Drift stayed with Bee. It hurt that you were practically useless when fighting against your former master, but seeing how affected Drift was made it so much wore for you
"Hey, Y/N. You okay?" Grimlock asked, looking down at you from his dino-form.
"Yeah, I'm fine Grim. Don't worry." You said.
"Are you sure? You seemed pretty nervous back at the ship."
"Grimlock. I said I'm fine, alright?" You snapped, making the Dinobot flinch slightly at your tone.
"I'm sorry. It's just..."
"You'd rather not be focused on a topic like Shadow Raker?"
"Yeah, I guess. Seeing how much this has affected Drift in such a short period of time hurts... and I know that I can't do anything to really help him outside of something physical like fighting makes it even worse."
"Well... if you need to talk, you can come to me, yeah?"
"Yeah." You chuckled, "Thank you Grimlock, you're an amazing friend."
🏯 Grimlock smiled at you as you looked ahead, seeing how Drift summoned Slipstream and Jetstorm and told them to stay close to him. You saw just how the two happily accepted the order and ran to stay beside him and smiled, they were so innocent... thank Primus Drift got you out of there before they got tampered beyond repair with
🏯 Bee stopped and told us all to go separate ways. You ran off with Drift and the minicons while the others ran in different directions. Hopefully Shadow Raker wouldn't prove to be too much of an issue
🏯 Drift's swords were drawn as you walked next to the boys, your own sword in your better servo while your other stayed free in case of needing to shield yourself from one of Shadow Raker's web-attacks
"Pupils, stay close."
"You heard him, keep nearby us." You reinforced.
🏯 The boys nodded and stayed near your legs, and you could tell they were getting to the same level of nervousness you were at
"Enough games, Shadow Raker. Face me honorably, if you dare."
🏯 Hearing the sound of his alt-mode behind you, you spun around quickly and shielded the boys with your sword while Drift stood stiffer, his own weapons now held with the purpose of defense and not just to scare off the 'Con
"I seem to remember you were the one who abandoned me, Deadlock. Now how is that honorable?"
"My name is not Deadlock."
"And you stole these three from my tender care when you left. Honor dictates you return them to me and you all receive punishment for your betrayal."
"What do you know about honor? And tender care? You have your students, Cybertronians you should be caring for without anything to gain from except love, yet you treat them like pieces of a machine!" You said, making Slipstream and Jetstorm back up to stand closer to you and out of your former boss' reach.
"And Y/N, how could I forget about you? You were my best alumni; smart, strong, and above all else, wonderfully appealing to the optic~"
"Excuse me?"
"Of course Deadlock couldn't tell you why he wanted you to be taken away from my care." Shadow Raker continued.
🏯 You narrowed your optics as Drift's mood worsened, you felt it through your sparkbond. And, instead of trying to calm him down, you allowed his anger to grow
"Then do tell me, Shadow Raker. Why did Drift 'take' me from your influence. It must have been for a decent reason, no?"
"Well, to put it in simpler terms." The mech chuckled, "He knew just how much I admired you. The way you held yourself against many, large or small, you kept your stance despite any signs of the odds not being in your favor. It was admirable. And the way that my other Shadows treated you like a second master, it made me imagine... what if you were their second master? And you stood by my side, as my equal, my other half... what if you were mine?"
🏯 His? This had to be a joke.
"They are not property!" Drift yelled, attacking Shadow Raker with his swords head-first, little care for his safety.
🏯 Readying your own weapons to keep Slipstream and Jetstorm safe, you heard them yell for permission to assist Drift in the assault against your opponent. And you knew when he yelled for them to do as they were told that Shadow Raker was going to use this to his advantage as well
"I always taught you. Concern for others is folly. And often fatal. Y/N learned that when her Sire and Carrier went missing all those years ago."
🏯 Your optics widened as you remembered them. How your Sire would hold you on his shoulder while taking a walk around his work with the rest of the Cybertronian Council. How your Carrier would read you stories of times long past whenever your energy grew after fueling up
🏯 How dare he mentioned them in such a way!
"Don't look for your friends to help, Deadlock." He said, sending his word at Drift's helm, only for him to dodge and deal more deadly attacks.
"My name is Drift!"
"How can we aid our teacher when he won't permit us to fight?" Jetstorm asked as you looked down at him with concern.
"We will find another way." Slipstream answered as you nodded.
🏯 Seeing how Shadow Raker pinned Drift to a tree with his webs, you held your own weapon closer as he looked back and began to speak to you three as the orange-mech struggled to free himself
"He has held you close in fear of losing you the same way I did with him. Had I not, he'd still be at my side."
"Shadow Raker, we doubt it." Slipstream said, allowing Jetstorm to jump on his own weapon and launch himself at him, attempting an attack.
🏯 You were about to grab the minicons when Shadow Raker spewed his webbing once more, knocking the boys and you down and making Drift watch in shock and concern
"Do not touch them!"
"But I promised punishment for your betrayal. It's only honorable to deliver on one's promises."
🏯 Yelling as he tried picking you up, Shadow Raker growled and webbed your mouth, making your screams harder to hear. You then felt the boys hit your front as he swung them behind with you
"Well Deadlock, I've enjoyed our little reunion."
"There is nowhere you can go to escape me. You cannot run far enough where I cannot find you! My sparkmate and pupils will never be hidden in your grasp long enough for you to taint them once again!"
"Well I suppose we'll see, won't we?"
🏯 You sat restrained alongside your boys, trying to keep them calm while Shadow Raker stood at his control station, speaking about his shields and whatnot
🏯 He didn't seem shocked when Drift admitted to being in a sparkbond with you. Could he possibly have suspected it before? Was it obvious from the way he defended you before that when he yelled it, he wasn't surprised?
🏯 Was Drift and the rest of the team alright down on Earth?
"Thank the Primes you came for me, Shadow Raker. Drift forced me to serve him." Slipstream said, knocking you our of your daze.
"Slipstream!" Jetstorm yelled.
"Yes, you seemed quite conflicted when your friend, eh, tried to kick my head off."
"That was for Drift's benefit. I learned to obey him so he wouldn't punish me. I can prove I am loyal to you."
🏯 Now you understood...
"No! Do not tell him about the Shanix, Slipstream!"
🏯 So Jetstorm was in on it as well... you might as well have some fun as well
"Here, on Earth." You said, "And Sliptream has the knowledge on their whereabouts."
🏯 Shadow Raker looked at you and smirked before walking over and kneeling before you, holding your helm up in his servo while you outwardly stayed firm but internally hurled up the energon you had just a couple days prior
"So you were tricking Deadlock as well then, Y/N?" He asked.
"That you'd be correct. I knew that with a close relationship he wouldn't expect me to 'betray him'. Deceit is what you taught me to do well, Shadow."
"If deceit is what I taught you to do well, then how can I know you're not lying to me at this moment?"
"They speak the truth! We've spoken many times about leaving Drift, much to no avail. They know the real us, and they are a real one."
"Well then, prove this to be truthful, Y/N. Why don't you break off your sparkbond with Drift and bond with me?"
"I cannot do that without Drift's compliance. Such an unfortunate predicament I latched myself onto. But I swear that when we see him again, I shall leave this harmful bond and create a beautiful and dangerously honest one with you. I swear." You finished, optics boring into his own.
"Good. Now, how much Shanix are we speaking of being on this planet?"
"See Shadow Raker, just as we promised." Slipstream said as your small group walked through the halls and towards the Shanix. "And no Autobots."
"Yes. Slipstream I think this is the begin to a perfect partnership." He then grazed his servo against your side, "Perhaps even the beginning of a familial unit-bond. It's not to late for you to be a willing participant, Jetstorm."
🏯 Moving slightly away from him in the effort to make it seem as a natural reflex to light touches, you heard Jetstorm refuse while the 'Con picked up the Shanix, handed it to the boys, and walked out with you and the minicons in tow
"Keep it moving. The faster we get that Shanix to my ship, the faster we can get off this backward planet."
🏯 Watching as the Bee Team pulled up behind him, you smiled and pulled out your own weapon, hiding his behind your back as Shadow Raker questioned the arrival of them all
"We did not set this up. They did."
"You lie and betray as well as your teacher!"
"Who learned from you." Jetstorm said.
"Yes, you should be proud." Slipstream added.
🏯 The minicons picked up the box and slammed it onto Shadow Raker's pede, making him yip in pain before running off towards your sparkmate with you following when they reached him
"Oh no you don't!" Shadow Raker yelled, grabbing your neck and pulling you back to him, his sword pressed against said bodily part.
🏯 Everyone, especially your trio of mechs and brother, who had come as reinforcement when they left the Scrapyard earlier that night, readied their weapons as you glared at the mech behind you with resentment and not the forced lovesick-expression you had on earlier
"Shadow Raker, let Y/N go and be a good beetle by coming with us quietly. What'd you say?"
"I only have one thing to say."
🏯 Spitting out the webbing once again, Strongarm, Requiem, Grimlock and Bee were all taken down, leaving Drift, the minicons, and Sideswipe to attack while Shadow Raker transformed, still holding onto you with his alt-mode's legs, before wrapping the red-mech up in the same way. Narrowing the opponents down to three
🏯 Transforming once again, Shadow Raker kept a hold of you, directing his offense to keep himself rather than you safe and sound
🏯 Grunting as Shadow Raker nearly cut your midsection with his digits, you pushed your helm down before smashing it into his, making him let you go. You then got down and kicked him straight in the same area he held you, sending him flying into the ground and allowing Drift to attack him again
"You have lost, Shadow Raker. Both the Shanix and any remaining hold you have had on me and my sparkmate."
"You think me defeated? Hardly. Had you let me continue teaching you, you could've been my second-in-command. The legacy you might have had. You do not know what you have thrown away." Throwing his smaller sword at Drift, the latter sending it away with his own swords, whilst you stood beside him with a glare.
"Let me educate you, Shadow Raker." He began. "The only thing I ever threw away was your influence. For that is what you do with trash."
🏯 Transforming once more in an attempt to escape, you smirked and nodded for the boys to come in. Drift then sent Slipstream and Jetstorm after the mech, successfully knocking him down, but not completely unconscious. No, that was where you came in
"My students are my legacy. A worthy legacy. That ends my side of the lesson."
🏯 Stepping up to the 'Con, you motioned for the boys to join the others to get them out of their entrapment. You then looked down at the Decepticon, kneeling down in front of him before he became his bot-mode once again in an effort to preserve energy
"Remember what you said, Shadow. You always taught us. Concern for others is folly. And often fatal. After all, I did learn that when my Sire and Carrier went missing all of those years ago." You said, punching his helm, making him officially go into stasis.
🏯 As Shadow Raker's stasis pod was locked up, you heard your pupils kneel before you and Drift
"You allowed yourselves and Y/N to be captured in the first place?" Drift asked.
"We acted on our own, Master Drift. And though we stayed true to your teachings and loyal to you during our deception." Slipstream began.
"We did not seek your permission. We humbly beg forgiveness." Jetstorm finished.
"You acted wisely and bravely, students. Your independent actions led to victory. Though, I have told you in the past I trust you to act on your own, I have not put that into practice."
🏯 Smiling as you wrapped your arms around Drift's, you leaned your helm against his appendage, allowing him to relax slightly and continue
"It seems that I am still learning. Now, it is time for nightly patrol."
"We are ready to undeploy, teacher." Slipstream said as he and his fellow friend stood.
"Unnecessary. You may patrol alone, if you feel ready."
"We are most ready! Our patrolling will be thorough and diligent!"
"We will bring you both honor, Masters Drift and Y/N."
"We know."
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xo-rihanna · 2 years
Desperate Part 1 - Neteyam Sully
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Warnings - mild swearing, slightly sexual with mentions of sex and masturbation
A/N - Work is so draining so I hope this is alright🫶🏻
Neteyam was hardly around anymore. You found most of your days were spent joining Kiri and Mo’at in healing lessons or with Lo’ak and Spider in the forest, causing childish mayhem. Truth is, you were starting to feel like you didn’t even have a mate anymore. You understood the pressures of becoming Olo’eyktan and the responsibilities that come with it but you couldn’t recall that last day that you had with your mate, just the two of you.
You admired the effort Neteyam was putting into his duties but it was becoming ridiculous. He was gone before you even properly woke up and by the time he had come home you had passed out from the long wait for him to get home. You were starting to forget what a gentle kiss even felt like from him.
And god he hadn’t touched you in weeks. You were starting to go insane from the lack of touch and pleasure. Some nights you attempted to take matters into your own hands but your fingers were pathetic compared to what Neteyam could do to you. You whined and cried in your lonely tent just aching from the raw thirst of an orgasm.
Lo’ak had noticed that something was becoming off about you, he had noticed the distance between you and his brother but he didn’t think it was this bad. You walked solemnly behind his tall frame as he and spider charged through the undergrowth of the forest. They were indulging in useless conversation, bickering like a married couple but you couldn’t care less to stop them. You had mastered the art of tuning them out.
Lo’ak looked behind him, noticing you were not at his side as usual and his chest filled with concern to see you slowly, pathetically, walking behind him. Your ears were pinned to your head and your tail dragged against the floor as your eyes took in your surroundings.
“Spider, give us a minute bro.” He patted his friends shoulder. Spider followed his eye sight and took in the sight of your sad state and nodded. Lo’ak waited until Spider was well out of ear shot before sighing and slinging an arm over your shoulder.
You knew what he was trying to do straight away. You melted into him, happily being engulfed into his warmth. You needed a hug more then he knew. He wrapped his strong arms around you and let you appreciate the simple gesture. When you were ready you let go and Lo’ak waited patiently for you to start speaking.
You bit your bottom lip as it quivered and your eyes started to sting furiously with hot tears. “I just feel invisible, Lo’ak. Neteyam is hardly around anymore, I feel like I don’t even have a mate anymore.” You cried and Lo’ak looked at you sympathetically. He had always felt like a brother to you, so seeing you like this hurt just as much as seeing Kiri or Tuk upset.
He smacked his tongue in sympathy, feeling bad for the girl who was breaking down in front of him. “Don’t cry, Y/n. It’s okay. Everything will be okay in the end.” He soothed you. It wasn’t a lot but it was the kindest gesture you had received in weeks so it made you instantly feel better.
You nodded and gulped thickly, wiping your tear stained cheeks. “Thank you Lo’ak.” You said, reaching up to hug him one last time before you both continued on to catch up with Spider.
The hunt was successful and you brought back more then you could even carry but Lo’ak couldn’t get the poor image of his sister in law so upset out of his mind. Neteyam had some explaining and some apologising to do. You left to your tent almost immediately after returning and Lo’ak waited patiently for his older brother to return from whatever the fuck was more important then his wife.
Neteyam walked into the family tent not too long after, the sun was setting and the sky was dark. He was laughing with his dad about something that had happened during the day. They laughed and joked like high school boys in the changing rooms. Lo’ak was pissed as fuck. He hated seeing you upset especially when he thought his brother knew better than to treat you like that.
Neteyam attempted a joke with Lo’ak to which he just gave him a cold hard stare. Neteyam cleared his throat awkwardly, looking around the tent and just realising his mate was not there. “Where’s Y/n?” He asked. Lo’ak scoffed and shook his head, “You should know. You’re her mate.” Lo’ak was testing how far he could take it before Neteyam realised what he was talking about.
Neteyam frowned at him, catching on to the pissed off tone of his voice and the glare in his eyes. “What are you mad at me for?” Neteyam asked his little brother, scratching his head as he tried to recall anything that he had done that could have made his brother this angry.
“I’m not the one you should be concerned about bro,” Lo’ak started, “I had to wipe away tears that you caused today.”
Worry started to settle in Neteyam’s stomach, making him gulp thickly. “Is Y/n upset with me?” He asked idiotically. Lo’ak chuckled, “I’ve never seen her so damn depressed brother. She’s probably gone home to bed.” Lo’ak hinted for Neteyam to leave and make it right with you.
Neteyam nodded and left the family tent, confusion fogged his mind but guilt was stinging at his heart. He made the walk to his own tent slow, pondering at what could have made you so upset. He couldn’t remember the last time you had been upset with him, he hated seeing you like it. Now that he was thinking about it, he couldn’t remember the last time he was actually with you for more then a quick kiss on the cheek in the morning. That’s it. He had been so worked up and focused on making his Dad proud of him that he had completely neglected you.
Neteyam, now realising why you were so upset, picked up into a run hoping you weren’t already asleep when he got there. He’d hate to have to wake you.
He raced home with his heart pounding against his ribs. He got there and entered quietly and his heart ached to see you already curled up in bed asleep. Neteyam sighed and slipped into bed next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest. He listened to your soft breathing for a second, your warmth and scent radiated off of you.
Neteyam bit his lip, battling with his conscience on whether he should wake you. He decided he couldn’t sit there guilty all night and planted a soft kiss against your shoulder blade. You stirred lightly in your sleep, even unconscious you were surprised by the sudden touch. Neteyam smiled and kissed your shoulder blade again before moving up your shoulder and neck.
Your eyes slowly opened, your vision was fuzzy and your head slightly hurt from being woken up so early in your sleep. The warmth of Neteyam’s lips against your skin made you freeze. You had lacked his touch for so long that you didn’t know how to react to it.
“Teyam?” You found your voice. Neteyam hummed against your neck and you let a small breath out of your chest. “Yes my tíyawn?” He asked softly.
“What are you doing?” He continued to kiss you, putting every ounce of love he can into every kiss. Neteyam felt every goosebump on your skin and every rapid beat of your heart. “What I should be doing every day.” He nuzzled his head into the crook your neck, his braids falling around his head.
You took in his scent and sighed at the familiarity. It had been so long since he was so close to you. You enclosed your hand over his which was still around your waist. “I’m so sorry my darling. I’ve been such a fucking pathetic excuse for a mate lately. I’ve been so caught up on training and I—“ He choked up a little before regaining the strength in his voice back. “I’m just so sorry.” He mumbled in shame.
“Oh Teyam.” You cooed at your sweet mate.
Neteyam flipped you gently into your back, positioning himself between your legs with both arms on either side of your head so you were face to face. He took you in for a moment, appreciating every freckle, every dimple, every glint that flashed across your large eyes. You were beautiful. A completely flawless woman.
“Let me make it up to you. Please, Y/n.” He asked gentlemanly. You cocked your head up at him, biting your lower lip and placing both hands on his face and pulling him desperately into your kiss.
It was a slow, passionate kiss. Like a slow fire gradually building up. Your lips had been craving his, desperate to get their fill. You sighed into the kiss, loving every minute of it like it was your first all over again. Your tail flicked up to wrap around Neteyam’s leg and one of his strong hands found your hair which at this time was not in braids.
You had to pull away for air, smiling like an idiot. Neteyam’s eyes were hungry, craving more and more of your touch and you knew what that meant. “Is that a yes then, darling?” He smirked.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Another wholesome findom au where dream is hobs slightly older childhood best friend and hob had the most embarrassing puppy crush on him but dream never saw him as anything but a kid. They lost touch when dream went off to school and dont cross paths until hob is in uni about ready to burn out. He goes to the library late one night and sees dream working there, more beautiful than ever. Hob is proud that dream doesn't even recognize him until he tells him who he is, hes all grown into a man and he can see dream is highkey digging it. They go out and hob has the turning moment of "fuck i need MONEY" because theres so many lovely things he wants to get dream bc thats his king and god now. Dream is a bit amused but he shamelessly plays into it like "how are you going to provide for me if you dont study? Im sorry but im going to have to return that necklace you got me now :/" and hob wants to prove soso bad he can take care of dream and give him pretty things. He graduates with a good job already lined up and that night dream lets hob take him out to somewhere with an actual dress code. The day dream moves down to part time at work hob just about cums in his pants when he sees dream all relaxed in a little slip nightgown reading when he gets home from work knowing that dream has been doing nothing but online shopping for their new house and taking truly scandalous selfies to send to hob at work today. His ideal dream is one that wakes up at 10 and takes til 11 to kinda doze until hes good and ready. And wears all the fancy jewelry hob gets him.
Omg this is so HOT. The inherent sexiness of Dream motivating Hob to do his best and take care of his beloved... amazing.
Whenever Hob has a moment of self doubt or feels like he has nothing else to give? He daydreams about the life he's going to give his Dream. Couture outfits and jewellery, expensive interior design, fancy art supplies. A nice massage every week, pedicures and appointments at a very expensive hairdresser whenever he wants. And of course vacations all around the world where Hob will be able to admire his lover in the most exotic locations! That's truly the life that Hob wants to make for Dream. And Dream? Honestly, he'd never ask for any of those things, but he DOES know that it turns Hob on a looooot to spend money on him. And Dream loves the make Hob happy in any way that he can.
So he dresses in his cutest designer lingerie, makes sure that Hob can see his beautifully painted manicure, and he takes as many good pics of his butt as he possibly can. It's vital that he gives Hob something juicy to sink his teeth into, so he can work extra hard...
One day they'll be living their best life together and sleeping in til noon. Dream is looking forward to cuddles with his hard working HUSBAND. Because yes, Hob will eventually have a net worth that's high enough to let him propose, and pay for the wedding that Dream deserves!
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bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Objection! (Eddie x reader smut) 18+ only!
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Author's note and content warnings:
2.6k words of silly smut. minors DNI!
I thought that a meet cute between a court stenographer and defendant would be fun. Please keep in mind that I know nothing about the judicial system and my only point of references are Better Call Saul and Legally Blonde. (I also found out that the dancing inflatable tubeman wasn't invented until the mid-late 90s. Please forgive me for my ignorance.)
Fem!reader along with use of she/her pronouns. No use of Y/N, just honey, ma'am and sweetheart. Mechanic!Eddie (it isn't touched on much in the story but that is his job in this world) slightly sub!Eddie, vigilante!Eddie, Eddie has a little bit of a stocking fetish, Eddie is a thigh man in this fic, mentions of drugs, oral sex (f receiving) unprotected piv sex (don't do that IRL) strangers to lovers.
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider ❄️ not tagging anyone since this isn't my usual fluff 💗
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It's a gray, snowy morning as you step off the city bus and walk to Hawkins courthouse. You check your watch as you enter the building. The first case of the day is at 8am and you've got 45 minutes to get your coffee and set up your station.
Most days are pretty much the same with your work. Scribing every word spoken during a case, then later editing and finalizing the transcript. Every once in a while you speak when you need someone to repeat themselves or when you are called upon to read a portion of the transcripts. Other than those instances, your job is to turn off your brain and type as fast and accurately as you possibly can. It can be a monotonous, boring job but it works for you.
You hang up your coat, grab a paper cup of coffee and sit at your station as you wait for the first case of the day.
The prosecutor enters, you see it's Leonard Mitchell. He's one of the older DAs and he has a reputation for being stubborn and irritable.
Next to enter the room is the defendant accompanied by his attorney. The defendant is wearing a slightly wrinkled white button-up shirt, black jeans, and boots, and his long brown curls are tied back into a bun. He whispers something to his lawyer as they take a seat.
The defense attorney looks vaguely familiar to you, but you can't place his name. He's in his mid-forties and has the cadence of an overworked and under-resourced public defender.
The bailiff enters the room and announces,
All of you rise as the judge enters the room.
"Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Steward is presiding."
Judge Steward is one of your favorites. She's mastered the art of being patient yet firm and she's always been kind to you. You're scheduled to work beside her all day today.
"Good morning, everyone. Calling the case of the State of Indiana versus Edward Munson. The charge is petty theft. Mr. Munson, how do you plead?"
Eddie pleads not guilty and the proceedings begin.
The prosecutor starts his argument.
"On the evening of November 12th, an air dancer was stolen from Wheels and Deals car dealership. That air dancer was then seen at one of the defendants' rock shows."
Judge Steward interjects, "What is an "air dancer" exactly?"
"Your honor, an air dancer is an inflatable figure that, when attached to a fan, dances and flails around. They are mostly used for advertising, which was what Wheels and Deals Auto purchased this item for until it was stolen by Mr. Munson. The loss of potential profits from losing this item is substantial."
Eddie scoffs and his defense attorney rebuts with,
"They aren't exactly Superbowl commercials. They could bring in what, an extra sale or two?"
"Yes- of a car. Of which the average sale price for this establishment is for one single vehicle is $14,000."
Eddie's eyes go wide, he can't seriously be expected to pay 14 grand for a balloon, right?
The judge asks, "Mr. Mitchell, how much did Wheels & Deals purchase the air dancer for?"
The arguments continue for a while, once they are finalized, Judge Steward makes her ruling.
"On the charge of petty theft, I find Mr. Munson guilty. He is ordered to pay $20 in restitution and work 12 hours of community service. The court is now adjourned."
As everyone leaves the room, you're approached by Regina, Judge Steward's clerk.
"You're the court reporter today, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"You can go. Judge Steward had something come up so the rest of the cases today are being postponed."
You grab your coat and walk outside. The ground is covered in slushy snow and as you walk down the courthouse steps, you lose your footing and start to slip. Just as you do, a hand reaches out to hold your elbow and steady you.
You look up and see the balloon thief smiling down at you from a step above. Now he's added a hoodie, leather jacket, and a denim vest over his button-up.
"Careful there, sweetheart. You could've fallen and landed on your money makers." He nods to your hands as he says "money makers" which makes you laugh.
"That would have been awful. Thanks, Mr. Munson."
"No problem. Let's make sure you make it the rest of the way in one piece, 'kay?"
He holds onto you the rest of the way down the stairs. Once you're on the sidewalk, he lets go, you miss his touch instantly.
"Thanks again, Mr. Munson. Take care."
"You too, sweetheart."
He gives you a nod before walking to the parking garage. You wait at the bus stop and check the schedule. The next bus isn't due for another 15 minutes. You would normally head back inside to wait but you don't want to risk embarrassing yourself again with the stairs.
You're shivering and breathing into your hands as a beat-up van approaches. Eddie reaches over and rolls down his passenger window to talk to you.
"You're gonna freeze out here, y'know?"
"Oh, I'm fine Mr. Munson. Really, don't worry about it."
"C'mon, let me drive you home."
You take a moment before getting in the van. It smells like cigarettes and some type of woodsy air freshener or cologne.
You buckle your seatbelt and thank him.
"Of course. Can't leave a fair maiden such as yourself to freeze. Where to?"
You smile at him and give him your address.
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you as he drives.
You look over at him and say, "Can I ask you something?" He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
"Why did I steal the air dancer?"
"Why did you steal the air dancer?"
"I didn't, he just came to my show. Can't help it that he has great music taste. Nice guy, actually. Named him Ozzy.
You laugh and he then says,
"That dealership is the worst, scamming people into buying shitty used cars for well over what they're worth. I work at Thacher Tire and we have so many people come in after being scammed by that place. I just had enough."
God, he stole something so stupid for such a sweet reason.
"That makes sense. A little payback for the people."
He looks at you and smiles, a beautiful dimpled smile "Exactly."
"How do you feel about the verdict?"
"Well, I'm still disappointed that my original trial by combat request was denied."
Your laughter fills the van, delighting Eddie as he continues,
"I'm glad I only have to pay $20, wish it was $0 but it's much more ideal than 14k."
"Very true."
"And the community service is fine. I mean, I was doing service for the community by stealing the damn thing in the first place but whatever." You nod in agreement as he continues,
"I'll be honest, one of the reasons I stole Ozzy is that I thought he'd be fun for shows. And for business."
"At the tire shop?"
"No, I deal on the side."
"Deal… cars?"
He laughs, "No, uh, other stuff."
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline and scold him,
"Eddie! Don't tell someone you met at the courthouse that you're a drug dealer!"
"Aw, I'm not Mr. Munson anymore? I liked when you called me that." You roll your eyes as he pulls up to your home. You're disappointed the drive was so short.
"I'm mostly just sad that I had to give Ozzy back to those dickheads. He belongs on stage with the real Ozzy, y'know?"
Your heart hurts at his personification of the inflatable man. You place your hand on his arm and say,
"Maybe they sent him to a farm where he can dance to Black Sabbath all day with others just like him."
He looks at your hand and bites his lip as he smiles.
"That's the dream. What, uh, what do you have going on the rest of the day?"
"Well, they sent me home early so I have no plans. I'm all free."
"Yeah? I'm kind of a free man too, in a way. Avoided some serious prison time today."
"Yeah? What are you gonna do with your newly found freedom, Mr. Munson?"
He looks at you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. It's soft at first, your lips are barely touching as warm breath fans over you. He holds the back of your head with one hand and rubs your thigh with the other as he deepens the kiss. You give a tentative swipe at his lips with your tongue. He opens his mouth and repeats the action to you. You have your hands pressed against his chest as you lick into each other's mouths.
You pull back and invite him to come inside, he smiles a big toothy grin before jumping out of the van and sprinting (and sliding) to the passenger side to open your door. You giggle at him, he holds your waist as you walk up to your front door. You hesitate before opening it, realizing you should make sure he isn't some notorious drug kingpin.
"What do you deal?"
"Just weed. Sometimes other stuff but it's usually just weed."
"Other stuff? Like what?" Once the door is unlocked take off your shoes and he follows suit.
"Well, it's rare that anyone wants it, but every once in a while I sell ketamine."
"The horse tranquilizer?"
"What's a girl like you know about special k?" He asks.
You chuckle, "A girl like me spent 60 hours last week transcribing in drug court. Probably recording some of your clients, now that I think about it."
You lead him to your bedroom. Once you're inside, he slips off your coat and cardigan, then begins unbuttoning your shirt.
"Well with customer confidentiality I couldn't possibly say." He removes your shirt once it's unbuttoned and leans down to plant kisses along your breasts. You moan and tug at the many layers covering his torso, he takes the hint and removes them.
"Of course. You're a professional, after all." You kiss his neck and trace the tattoos that decorate his chest with your fingers.
"But, the next time one of my customers gets picked up, I may have to show up to their arraignment if it means I get to see you again."
You laugh and lay back on your bed before replying, "You think that would be good for their case? Their dealer showing up with a stolen air dancer?"
He climbs on top of you, a couple of loose curls hang by your face as he leans in.
"Who knows? I may just woo you into accidentally writing the transcript as not guilty."
You roll your eyes and kiss him.
He runs his hand up your stocking-covered leg. Once he reaches the top of your thigh where the fabric ends, he lets out a groan.
"Fuck, these don't go all the way up? You're killing me here. Let's get this skirt out of the way so I can get a better look."
He unzips your skirt and rolls it down your legs. Once it reaches your ankles, he stops and rests his head against your calf.
"Honey, you are something else." He kisses his way along your leg. He looks into your eyes as he lightly bites the fabric of your stockings and pulls. Your thighs go to close on instinct but he pulls them apart.
"Y-you tear those and you're buying me another pair."
"That's fine. Got a deal set up later today with Arod for some Ket."
"Arod? Legolas' horse in Lord of the Rings? He- y'know nevermind. It's not important right now. I'll tell you after."
You laugh at him and he returns his focus to kissing up your thigh. He lays smooches and licks in the area where your mound and thigh meet.
Your hips buck, he holds them down and says, "Woah, down girl."
"You're ridicu-"
He cuts you off by pressing his mouth to your clothed pussy.
You gasp and hold onto his hair.
He pulls back to slide off your panties and says, "Keep talking, sweetheart. Tell me how ridiculous I am while I lick you out." your face heats up as he uses his pointer and middle finger to spread your lips, inspecting you.
"Fuck. Isn't she pretty?"
He spits directly on your clit which makes you squirm. He licks a flat stripe up your folds before eagerly lapping at your clit. It sends little shocks through your whole body. His big hands keep your thighs spread as he devours you.
The slick, wet sounds combined with both of your moans is, quite frankly, obscene.
He moves down to your entrance and gives it a few licks before shoving his tongue in as far as it will go. You gasp and shudder as he presses in and out, fucking you with his tongue. He switches from keeping your thighs spread to squeezing them against his head. You're a bit worried about hurting him, but he's having the time of his life.
The vibration from the little pleasured noises he is making, the feeling of his tongue inside you, and his nose nudging against your clit has you nearly sobbing.
You feel his eyes bore into you and when you finally give in and look down at him, he's a mess. Red cheeks, ruffled hair, and a twinkle in his eyes as he watches you come undone.
He shakes his head back and forth desperately for a moment before moving up to focus on your clit. Having his pretty pink lips eagerly suck at your oversensitive clit is almost painful. As you feel the pressure in your belly build, you tug on his hair and whisper that you're close. He continues sucking, working for your orgasm like it's a prize to be won.
When your release hits, you're seeing stars. He doesn't stop sucking and lapping until you push him away, twitching and teary-eyed. He moves up your body and kisses you. He's more gentle with your mouth than he was with your cunt and the taste of him mixed with your own slick is mouthwatering.
You reach down and fumble with his belt. You tug down his pants and boxers just enough for his cock to spring out. It's a bit longer than average and thick with a reddened, leaky tip. You stroke it softly as he kisses your neck.
"Gotta be inside of you, honey. Please?" He practically whimpers.
"Mhmm, put in me."
You feel him smile against you before saying,
"Yes ma'am. Here, let me help." Reaching down, he covers your hand that's holding his cock with his own and guides your hands up and down your folds before prodding at your entrance.
He enters you slowly, inch by inch, until he's buried all the way in.
"Jesus Christ, I'm not gonna last long. She's squeezin' me so tight. I nearly creamed my pants from eating you out."
"It's okay, Eddie. Take your time."
He holds still for a moment before grinding into you. You moan and hold onto his shoulders. Once he has control over himself, he finds a rhythm. The patch of curly hair surrounding his cock tickles your clit with every thrust. He reaches down to grip your thighs as he fucks you. He lasts for a few moments before pulling back to look at you with a pained expression on his face.
"You okay?"
"Fuck, I'm so close. Where c-can I cum?"
"Wh-where do you want to cum?"
"Your thighs, fuck. Want to cum on your thighs so bad."
"Please, paint my stockings, Mr. Munson."
Your words send him over the edge, he curses and pulls out, covering your stocking and skin with his release. He lays down beside you and pulls you to his chest. You listen to his heartbeat while he takes a moment to catch his breath. Once he does, he says,
"So, as I was saying, Arod is Legolas' horse and-"
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jiminiecrickets · 11 months
Seven days a week couple meeting each others parents?
i'm only gonna do it for reader meeting jk's parents bc it's still a self insert and i don't want anyone feeling put-off or excluded because i don't write their family dynamics/culture :)
sfw. a tiny bit longer than usual bc i get carried away lol
"i'm going to explode."
"no, you're not. you're going to be confident and kind and let them know that our relationship makes you happy and that you expect a serious future with me, which is why this introduction is important."
"i do?" jungkook squeaks, huge eyes swivelling to you.
"unless you don't expect a serious future with me, and you've been lying every time i asked?"
"no, no," he rushes out, rubbing his temples. "but do i tell them that? what if they think i'm too young for something so serious? oh, god, what if they think you're too good for me? how are you not panicking right now?"
"i'm panicking as well. stop messing with your hair, it's making me anxious."
he hisses, "you're anxious? you look like you're going to make a cup of coffee!"
you reach out and grab his hands, holding them tightly. his eyes widen as the tremors shake him all the way to his marrow. "i've mastered the art of masking my fear. it's terribly helpful when my boss calls me into his office for no reason. still don't believe me?"
you take one of his hands and slip it under your suit jacket, pressing it firmly against your chest. beneath your skin, your heart rabbits like his own.
"if this whole nine-to-five thing doesn't work out," jungkook breathes, "you could be an actor."
you laugh. "sure, baby. i'll keep that in mind."
as the older one in the relationship, you have a particular weight on your shoulders to do everything correctly. jungkook had made himself a secret plan to make sure his parents would know just how well you treat him and try to take some of the pressure off – it included things like bending down to pick something up near a table edge and taking off his outer layers. you won't have to do anything out of the ordinary to play right into his plan, jungkook thought to himself giddily.
you don't notice anything different, politely chatting with his parents at the dinner table and only sparing him a glance when he bent over to fiddle vaguely with the end of his jeans. he smiles to himself when his father spots your hand over the corner and nods to his wife. jungkook collects your hand in his and holds it in his lap for the rest of dinner.
"i'm gonna go wash up, hyung," he murmurs, sliding out of his chair. you nod with a smile and hold out your hand as he slips off his many rings. you drop them into your pocket and smooth the opening down to make sure you won't lose them. jungkook's mother narrows her eyes at her husband and jungkook knows the look: why don't you do that for me?
on the way back from the bathroom, he chucks his jumper into his old bedroom and closes the door. he doesn't mention it until after the sun has gone down and he's pointing out all the plants in the backyard that are as old as he is, at which point he tucks himself into your chest and whispers innocently, "i'm cold, hyung."
"of course you are. you're not wearing nearly enough for this weather." you toss your jacket over his shoulders and he hums, snuggling into the warmth that remains.
after a moment, he says, "i'm still cold."
"then we should go inside. you can tell me about these asters some other time."
"yeah. that potted plant there." you point. "those are aster flowers."
he squints at it, crouching down near it and pushing the sleeves of your jacket up slightly as to not dirty them. he touches the green leaves. "are you sure? it just looks like a bush to me."
"i'm sure. the leaves are long and thin and the heads are shaped like tiny heads of lettuce. that's where the flower is."
he giggles, gazing up at you from his place next to the potted plant. "i didn't know you had a green thumb, baby."
"i don't, really. this one's just special to me." you kneel next to him, waving off his concerns about your fancy trousers. "the aster is september's flower."
"yeah. it's your flower." you hum, stroking the leaves of the plant. "would you like to come to the nursery with me tomorrow?"
his eyes grow wide; they sparkle. "you want to adopt with me, hyung?"
"i do."
"i'll come with you." he smiles. "i promise to water it every day and give it lots of sun!"
"or as much as it needs."
"or as much as it needs," he agrees. he punches your arm playfully. "you really looked up my birthday flower? you're such a nerd."
"i did, because for you, i'm a big sap. hah – get it? sap?"
"you have five seconds to run."
you scramble to your feet. "you're being a little unprofessional!" you call over your shoulder, playing peek-a-boo with the rotary clothes line between your bodies. you peek one way. "you don't appreciate my jokes nearly enough!" you peek the other way.
"unprofessional? i'm your boyfriend!" he shouts, laughing as he grabs your tie and tugs you into him. "jeez, old man, is your job your entire life? where's the room for me?"
while he talks, he wraps your tie around the clothes line's pole, holding it there to make sure you can't run away again. you lean against the pole, humming as he steps closer and presses a kiss to your lips. it's dark, and jungkook's parents had kicked you both out of the kitchen – you because you are their guest, and jungkook because he just gets in the way and stresses everyone out, watching his mother scrub the dishes with the drying towel ready in his hands to accept the next plate.
"who are you calling an old man, young man?" you tease, tugging the knot around your neck to loosen it. "you're choking me, love. i'm going to die in your parents' backyard without proper shoes on."
"maybe you deserve it," he retorts, letting your tie twist free. "i'm still cold."
"would you like me to take off my shirt, too, then? it's so thin. it wouldn't insulate you at all."
"your trousers are woollen, though."
you reach for your belt. he nearly jumps out of his skin, grabbing your wrists and pulling them to your sides. "what are you doing?"
"giving you my trousers," you reply innocently. "you said you wanted them."
"i wasn't being serious, stupid!" he huffs. "ass. let's go inside before my parents wonder what we're doing."
"yes, dear."
that response alone gives you their approval.
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wolftozier · 6 months
extremely niche field hockey losers club au taken entirely from my experience playing field hockey as a teen <3
Centre midfield
Right in the middle of the field, halfway
This is mostly due to the fact that as a kid when i played hockey, centre half was always the position of the team leader
Thats because they have to organize both defense and offense due to being in the centre. and the midfield
Surprisingly good at talking around his mouthguard
Sometimes forgets to even take his mouthguard OUT when coming in for half time so everyone just listens to him slur about the game for a couple minutes before he realises
Has a couple spare sticks in his bag always so if anyone forgets theirs he lets them borrow them
Probably the best overall player. You could stick him anywhere and he’d thrive
Except maybe eddie and bevs position, lol
When he was younger richie was definitely a really annoying winger (sometimes called forwards or strikers)
This is because he mastered the art of seagulling. essentially swooping in last second to flick a ball into the goal when not needed
However once he got older and taller he was way too gangly and awkward to shove up field
So he ended up as a fullback. a completely defensive position. which is in fact very different to playing an offensive position like winger
He's actually really good at defence surprisingly
Hes ALSO annoying here but for a different reason
He has such a good hit on him that its ridiculous. Even with a little bit of a windup and he can crack the ball from way deep in defense up to the offensive quarter
Takes his mouthguard out of his mouth to talk. And tucks it under his sock when not using it (REAL THING WE USED TO DO). to do so you have to buy slightly-too-large socks so they fold over at the top so if he doesnt fold them over his socks do go over his knees
Always wearing colourful inners (a type of sock we wear underneath our shinpads bc shinpads are extremely awkward and uncomfortable to wear)
Has to wear a facemask during shootouts and it fits so weirdly around his big head and big glasses
Wears a protective glove on his left hand only (the hand that touches the ground if you tackle)
Takes the original tape off his stick so he can replace it with more colourful tape
Eddie plays inner. and will always play inner. (position is also called sweeper, freeman)
This position is just essentially running up and down the field, relatively in line with the ball so you can always be an available pass
Which means eddie is constantly running. running up and down the field (about 90 meters or 300 feet long) for the entirety of the sixty minute game
Eddie also buys his socks large enough to have them fold over at the top but he will not tuck his mouthguard into them. he thinks thats fucking disgusting and yells at richie for it every game
He sucks ass at talking around his mouthguard though so if hes relatively free from other players hell quickly take his mouthguard OUT OF HIS MOUTH to yell for the ball
Wears protective gloves on both hands bc one time richie nailed him in the knuckles with a pass and it bruised so badly mrs k barely let him out of the house for three weeks
Wears defensive shinpads (you can get both defensive and offensive style shinpads) bc he thinks the offensive ones are way too small
I think he’s also a fullback with richie
Probably stays closer to the goal than richie does
Because i think he’s probably the best tackler
An actual brick wall when he’s tackling. low to the ground, knees bent, everything. and then he’ll flick the ball OVER your stick and pass to richie to get it out of the defensive quarter
Hes only played defensive positions so he has an eye for where players will run to to shoot
He’s the one that brings the snacks to the games. it isnt halftime without a bag of jelly beans. 
Whenever theyre having an offensive-heavy game and the ball isnt coming back to defence he’ll lean against his stick like it’s a cane and just watch the game (youre supposed to always stay prepared but its nice just watching the rest of the team deal with bullshit)
He’ll play kicking back if theres no goalie but he HATES it (kicking back is essentially a goalie without the uniform. you get a face mask and thats it. you do get to kick the ball without the ref calling it though)
Gets bits of artificial turf all over him and he isn’t even running like eddie is. somehow it just all splashes up onto him
Girls are allowed to play with the boys teams here occasionally (as long as you have less than eleven players- which is the maximum amount of players on the field)
When she plays with the boys i think she’d be an inner with eddie
Shes not the best at inner, she’s just fast
Worlds most annoying dribbler oh my god
Constantly flicking ahead of herself and just begging for people to try and steal from her
She’s really good at getting the ball past people’s sticks and through their feet (which is a dick move bc if it touches someone’s foot the ref calls for a penalty hit. the game stops and all opposing players have to move at least five metres away)
Plays super offensively even as an inner and bill is always calling for her to run back and help defence
Also de-tapes her stick to retape it fun colours
When she plays with the boys she also wears two protective gloves 
Also tucks her mouthguard in her sock during half time
However she will forget to put it back in and sometimes plays a couple minutes of a game before she realises shes not wearing it
Makes her own inners from fun fabrics
Ben as a kid i think always got put at fullback
They do this to fat kids its why i got put at fullback too
But as he grows into being a teenager i think he ends up a half back
Essentially like bill’s job except without the offensive. Calls out to people on his side to move up or down or left or right. Helps defensively, that sorta thing
Stays super low in defence even when he doesnt need to bc its what he’s used to
And if its a slow game he talks to mike and richie (he and richie like gossiping)
Also has a super good hit but rarely uses it because he’s worried he’ll hit someone with it
Probably the second best at talking around his mouthguard
He and eddie are the only ones that enjoy full-field warmups where you run around the outside of the field. everyone else likes the shorter sprints up and down the middle
He gets a part-time job at the stick-shop near the field and everyone badgers him for discounts
Pure offensive wing
Rarely comes back past the half-way line
Has the highest goal-count out of all of them because of this
This was not true as kids because richie used to seagull all his goals like the little asshole he was
stan still high fived him (begrudingly) at each of richies seagull goals though
De-tapes his stick because he uses a special kind of tape that’s a little more lightweight and cushiony
Definitely has a full stick bag with sections for every kind of gear. Has a separate section for his gloves. A separate section for where he puts his uniform. A separate section where his shinpads go.
Always the one bringing the ball bag onto the field bc everyone else forgets it
Also talks around his mouthguard
Not good at it but he’d rather die than put it in his sock
He’s the only one that will replace his mouthguard every two months like youre technically supposed to
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atropalugosi · 9 months
Made a sequel to this post for y'all 😌 was gunna actually write smut but backed out at the last second whoops. Hope y'all enjoy a tiny bit of spice with our lovely Donna 🖤
"Take a break," Donna commands rather than asks. Valeria complies easily, arching back in her seat and humming contently when her poor spine pops and cracks. After the... complete fucking fiasco beforehand, the two florists got right to work on dollmaking. Donna seemed very in her element here in the workshop, and over their last break she had confided in Valeria about her family business. It broke the younger woman's heart to hear about the tragedies of the Beneviento family, but she was happy to be there to comfort Donna.
And she had to admit, she was having a good time learning a new skill with Donna's help. She was a good teacher, giving concise instructions and genuinely helpful advice whenever Valeria appeared stuck or unsure. It made the redhead feel very good about her first attempt at working with porcelain. Her doll was absolutely novice, not nearly as detailed as she imagined Donna would be able to make, but for a first go at something new she was proud of herself.
"I suppose I could use a rest," Valeria sighs. Making a pillow with her arms she lays her head upon the crafting table, watching the older woman inspect her work intensely. She checks over the joints and looks for any blemishes that may lead to breaks down the road, but finding none, she gives a content little 'hm!' and sets it down gently.
"You're a quick learner," she offers kindly, making Valeria preen. The girl might be embarrassed at how easily she took to praise if she weren't in such a good mood.
"Thanks Donna, but honestly, I think you're just a really good instructor."
"Don't cut yourself short," Donna tuts. She looks deadly serious, gaze locked with her mentee, making the young woman swallow harshly. "I mean it, you have a real talent for the arts. An eye for beauty, I suppose."
"You're beautiful," Valeria responds breathlessly. The brunette furrows her brows, looking away stiffly and Valeria quickly sits up, worried she overstepped. "I-I'm sorry, I just, you were saying such nice things and you look so pretty and serene in your element and-"
"If you keep this up, I'll never be able to let you go," the dollmaker husks, bringing colour to Valeria's cheeks.
"What if... I don't want you to either?" She asks tentatively, leaning closer to her mentor. Donna looks back at her like she'd said something most outrageous, but Valeria simply offers a smile, setting her hand across the table for her to take. And she does, slender fingers intertwining with Valeria's as she steps closer to the girl until she's looking down on her.
"I do not think you understand just what you're offering," Donna huffs, a bit of a dark look in her eyes. It sends a thrilling chill down the redhead's spine. "I'd want to keep you all to myself, far from the leering eyes of my neices or anyone else that's tried to steal you away."
Valeria shakes her head slightly at that. Couldn't Donna see yet that she had no interest in anyone else? Least of all Cassandra Dimitrescu and her playboy persona. Pulling the other woman closer until their knees are touching, she keeps eye contact so Donna can really read her.
"I only have eyes for you anyway," she confesses with heated cheeks. "Professor Dimitrescu wasn't wrong calling me your pet, I'd follow you anywhere Donna."
And with that, the botanist is upon her, pulling Valeria to stand and feverishly kissing her. The girl squeals at the suddenness of the kiss, but quickly reciprocates, hands finding their way around Donna's strong shoulders. Donna responds in kind, taking hold of her hips and pushing her back into the workbench gently. After only a few moments the two seperate to catch their breath, Valeria smiling like a fool at the older woman's flushed face. She wouldn't in a million years have expected Donna to make the first move, but she absolutely was going to enjoy it and pray this confidence lasted.
Leaning in for another kiss garners unexpected but not unappealing results as Valeria finds herself lifted and sat upon the table, Donna standing pressed between her legs, and she can't help but squirm and bite her lip at the closeness. Donna plants her palms on the girl's thighs, squeezing them gently and looking delighted at the gasp it gets her.
"I would like you to refer to me the same way you did in front of Alcina. Can you do that for me?" she asks sweetly, looking at Valeria through her lashes.
"Sì mammina," she squeaks, fighting her embarrassment and losing. Donna pecks her on the nose though and suddenly her slip up from earlier isn't so mortifying.
"Brava bambola."
Valeria is pretty sure her entire brain short circuits at that. Fuck being her kitten, hello to a life of being Donna's personal doll to be toyed with whenever. Would she actually treat her like a precious porcelain doll? Dressing her in fancy clothes and touching her oh so gently so as not to break her? Or maybe she would joyfully destroy her knowing she has the expertise to piece her doll back together seamlessly? Or-
"You're lost in that pretty head again," Donna laughs lightly, bringing Valeria back to earth. "Is this okay, or? We can stop, I got a bit carried away."
"No! No, I- we," Valeria shakes her head clear and pulls Donna closer, wrapping her legs around her hips. "I want to keep going, really! Fammi tuo mammina."
Like a switch flipped within her, Donna pushes Valeria back until she's flush against the tabletop and crawls over the redhead, straddling her. She kisses her again, hands exploring the girl's torso like an expert craftsman inspecting a fine piece of art. She runs her palms over her ribs and stops teasingly just below her chest, thumbs brushing along the curves. Tentatively the dollmaker cups her love's breasts, carefully massaging happy little moans from the girl beneath her.
Valeria for her part is feeling up Donna's arms and back, relishing in the strength she finds there. Knowing that Donna could probably do whatever she wanted to her, but seeing how restrained and gentle she was being made her heart swell with warmth. This woman truly made her feel so safe and cared for and good god was she going to do everything in her power to make her feel the same. Donna's lips stray from hers, kissing a path from her cheek to her jaw to her neck, and the redhead sighs contently until-
"Ow!" Valeria hisses, being rudely interrupted from her sweet thoughts by a foreign feeling in her neck. "Did you just bite me?"
Donna doesn't look sorry in the slightest, kissing the offended patch of skin before teasingly nipping her again.
"You asked me to make you mine," she breathes against the girl's neck, eliciting goosebumps. "I'm just making sure everyone else knows it."
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moonlitcomet · 3 months
A lil bit of a mini story/rp with some characters we haven't touched in a while. With intermittent art by @sugarratio1
Gore and violence warning near the end!
"If you really want to make it up to me you'll bring him here so I can wring his neck myself."
"That fucker nearly killed my brother, hurt my mom for decades, hurt me my entire childhood. He got our pet killed. The only way I'd ever feel happy seeing him again is if it was in the context of killing him myself."
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"I still can't see him as anyone else other than as my son... but him seeing you as nothing is my fault.."
"I fought for what I believed in was right, but I never knew it would made me almost lose everything until I did"
"I'm sorry I couldn't be a great mother to your father. I'm unsure what is right to do anymore, as what I've done didn't make anything better than it was.."
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I didn't expect you to offer that as an option.
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"If you want to fight for him, this is your last chance."
"Your last chance." she says.
"Either you fight to try to save your son, and my abuser's, life, or I take it from you with no remorse. This is the only chance I will give you to pick what you think is the right path."
"Everytime I fight for something it is taken away a part of my life" Madiao responds.
"There is no right path that I've chosen all this time Samba."
"Yet all I ever wanted was a happy family, but I guess its my fault I have failed at that." She looks at the mechanical arm.
"My son's life is raised, fought for, and protected with that arm."
She pauses.
"This is what you're taking."
The stern look in Samba's gaze softens slightly as she listens to the plight of her grandmother. Sighing, she kneels down to be eye level with Madiao, and puts the mechanical arm back in Madiao's hand. After that, she puts her hands on her shoulders, staring her right in the eyes.
"I'm not heartless." She says softly.
"You won't want to have him leave you without a chance to say goodbye. If you care about him that much, go tell him that you love him."
Her teeth are grit slightly, feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the emotions of the older woman in front of her.
"Make it count. So you won't have anything you regret not telling him."
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She makes sure he feels every last ounce of pain that she and her family felt growing up.
Making sure he screams loud enough to be heard.
And that he screams long enough that he grows too tired to make any more sounds.
Gripping his heart within his chest until it cracks, beating his stomach until he coughs up blood.
Just sheer unfiltered brutality. And catharsis on her end as she finally does unto him what he did to her and her family.
Eventually when he's too weak to move, speak, cough, or even breathe, she slams him against the wall spine-first and stares into his eyes - for the first time in her life, full of fear. Full of terror at her. At what she's done to him.
And she grips his core, and slowly crushes it in her hand until it shatters to pieces. Black, inky tears dripping from her eyes, her teeth sharper than usual and her fur bristling like hackles on a bear. She can hear a distinct crunch from within his chest, and when she pulls her hand out it is covered in yellow shards, digging deep into her palms, her own blood dripping out from her skin and mixing with the blood of her father.
She drops him, having been holding him by his neck, and he remains limp on the ground. all life slowly fading from his body.
When she comes home, she comes home covered in her father's blood, her hand still dripping with fresh wounds. The first thing her mother does is rapidly come to her daughter's aid, wrapping what clean wounds she can find and cleaning off the blood encrusting her fur. As much as she cleans, it still leaves behind thick rusty stains on her white fur.
That can't be him. Can it? It's his color. It's his smell. His blood is staining her hands. My daughter killed the man who brought us so much suffering. And we have the shards of his heart to prove it. But why don't I feel happy? Why don't I feel relieved? I don't feel anything.
As she continues pulling out the shards, her expression doesn't change. Samba's eyes are dark, and she's not really looking at anything other than her hand.
I feel nothing.
She doesn't ask any questions. Everything is already answered just by how Samba looks. It's been so long since Klaver had been a pain in her life and holding her back, she had no idea her girl had so much malice toward him even still. And Samba didn't look entirely relieved either.
Was it really worth all of that?
They both wondered. But it's been done now. They just have to deal with what she's done.
Samba feels numb. She says nothing to her mother, only sitting as she lets Belote tend to her wounds. Eventually she calls for her boyfriend, messaging him that she wants to see him. He comes to visit, and he hugs her as Belote continues to tend to Samba's wounds.
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Samba is very quiet, appreciating the comfort from Gabo but not saying much. Belote eventually breaks the silence.
"...did you know she was going to do this?"
"Do... you know what sparked it?"
"I'm not actually sure..."
Samba barely jerks to attention as she puts her bloodstained hand on Gabo's back, rubbing the tips of her fingers over his mossy skin as a self-soothing gesture.
"she… I. I don't know. I went there to visit family but Madiao seemed really upset. I don't really remember anything that happened after that."
Her fingers twitch.
"Just anger. And pain. And screaming. And something crunching in my hand."
"And the next thing I knew he was dead."
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