#this is so vibrant and cute omg!!
arcanacards · 1 year
Watched The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady yesterday with Annie and oh my god. oh my god? oh my g
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ssahotchnerr · 9 months
Reader sending Aaron cute messages when he’s off on cases and him not realizing he’s kinda smiling when reading them? Or they just make him in a much better mood in general and the others let reader know when they’re officially introduced? Idk it sounded cute in my head LOL
all thanks to you
omg that's ADORABLE cw; FLUFF
"you!" you had merely crossed the threshold of dave's foyer, only to be attacked by a sudden, warm embrace.
"me?" you said within a laugh. you caught yourself before penelope's abrupt hug caused you to lose your footing, quick to reciprocate and the butterflies in your stomach somewhat lessening.
it was your very first night meeting the bau team, and you had been beside yourself with nerves for close to a week now - ever since aaron had first mentioned the get-together. as they were the next closest thing to aaron's family than jack, you equally wanted to make a perfect first impression.
you must've shown aaron at least five potential outfits before you had left his apartment, asking him over again if he were sure the time was right for you to meet them, and if he was even more sure they would take to you.
aaron had reassured you, that first, you would look stunning in whatever you wore. and second, they would adore you. he offered the comfort that he himself wasn't worried, because he knew them, and he knew you. "trust me," he had said, chuckling softly as he grabbed his car keys. "i'll be long forgotten once they get to know you."
likewise, aaron had already warned you - penelope was ecstatic to meet you and would not keep that hidden in the slightest. but if she were half of what aaron had already described, you knew the two of you were guaranteed to be instant friends. and her current show, was pure evidence of that.
"it's so nice to finally meet you. you have no idea how long i've been waiting." penelope grinned, buzzing from ear to ear. "like, once hotch opened a text from you while we were all sitting around, y'know, being productive. and boy, i knew he was a goner."
"are you kidding? okay," she takes a second, as if she's mentally preparing herself, ready to paint the picture. "we were sitting there, like i said. his phone goes off, and y'know that normal face he makes - eyebrows kinda pinched, mr mcpouty pants? - you know the one. he picks up his phone, reads it and he smiles. full-on smiles, right in front of us. he didn't think we noticed, but we did. didn't he smile?" her hand smacks out onto derek's arm, who happened to be passing by, resulting in a gentle slap.
"yeah babygirl." derek flashed a smile in your direction. "saw it with my own eyes."
"so," penelope's hand now flew onto your arm, resuming her energetic story. "when he realized he smiled, god forbid right - mr grumpy face returns, rather labored this time because again, the world will end if we witness anything otherwise. hotch simply puts down his phone as if it were nothing, but oh my god, he was blushing so hard i thought he was gonna explode. he was so so tickled."
"aww," you laughed, your lips curving into a smile and more love for aaron - if it were possible- swelling in the middle of your chest. "that's so sweet."
"oh honey, and that's one time out of, millions. dare i say, he got used to smiling and was generally in such a better mood all around." she lightly shakes your arm. "earlier nights, later morning starts, no more mr mcpouty pants - well, for the most part. all thanks to you!"
you felt a familiar presence still behind you, a hand finding your back. "you blush when i text you?" you turned your head up towards aaron, blush of your very own tinting your cheeks.
aaron shrugged reservedly, helping you slide your coat off your shoulders and folding it over his arm. "i did mainly at the beginning."
"sir, no." penelope shook her head, a pleased smirk vibrant on her face as her gaze switched between the two of you. "you were blushing today."
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hisui-dreamer · 3 months
omg omg !! HAPPY 2K RINNA <3 i’m so so proud of u and u deserve everything 💗 the event looks so fun hehe YOU ALRKEUADY JNIW WHI IN GONNANS ASK FOR
i really really love tulips so could i ask for lilia and tulips please? its meaning is perfect and deep love hehe CHEWS YOUR WALLS
good luck with your assignments and take all the time you need !! i love you and miss you mwahh
a crown befitting of you
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader
Synopsis: his feelings had grown so subtly, so steadily, that he had not realised at all
Tags: fluff, developing relationship, reader eats lilia's food omg
Word count: 783
Notes: mil mil my favourite person ever!!💕💕💕 thank you so much ill work hard on my assignments 🫡 i hope you enjoy lilia hehehe >∪<
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flower of choice: tulip
tulips are commonly asosciated with perfect and deep love.
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Looking back, Lilia vividly remembers the day you arrived in Twisted Wonderland. Amidst the grand spectacle of the entrance ceremony, particularly with Grim's frantic attempts to avoid being captured, there was something about you that captured his attention. Maybe it was the distinct curiosity shining in your eyes, navigating through an entirely foreign world with a blend of composure and uncertainty. Whatever it was, he found himself wanting to reach out and make you feel welcome.
He started looking out for you without even realizing it. He began with small gestures, like offering help with your studies when he found you hunched over a book in the library or popping down from the ceiling to help you find a classroom. He enjoyed seeing your smile brighten whenever you grasped a new concept or conquered a challenge. It felt good to be there for you, to share his experiences and insights.
As time went on, your interactions blossomed into a regular occurrence. Hours seemed to melt away as you engaged in conversations about anything and everything, exchanging stories of your homeland and experiences while he eagerly recounted his adventures from various countries. Among the students, you were the only one to actively praise his cooking, willingly joining him in the kitchen. These shared moments became cherished moments for Lilia, feeling a connection forming between you that he couldn't quite explain.
But it wasn't until much later that he realized the true depth of his feelings. They had silently amassed over time, creeping up on him when he least expected it. Suddenly, he found myself thinking about you all the time, wondering how you were and yearning to see your smile once more.
Just as his thoughts drifted to you, a familiar laughter dances through the air, drawing his attention. Turning towards its source, he finds himself captivated by the scene unfolding before him. The sun bathes the school courtyard in a radiant golden hue, casting a warm, inviting glow upon everything it touches. There you are, seated on the grass with legs crossed, skillfully weaving delicate tulip flowers into a crown.
Curiosity piqued, he approaches quietly, not wanting to interrupt your moment of concentration. As he draws nearer, you glance up, your eyes shimmering with delight and a mischievous grin playing upon your lips.
"Lilia!" you exclaim, a hint of surprise colouring your tone. "What perfect timing! I've made something for you."
With a graceful flourish, you hold up the tulip flower crown, presenting it as if it were a priceless gem. Each vibrant petal seems to shimmer and sway in the sunlight, casting a spell of enchantment over the surroundings. The delicate blooms, ranging in hues from deep crimson to soft pastel pink, are meticulously arranged in a circular formation, creating a majestic crown fit for royalty.
"You made this for me?" he asks, a wry grin on his face. He can't help but think it suits you far better.
"Of course!" You reply, your grin widening. "Don’t you think it’ll enhance your cuteness?"
A huff of laughter escapes him as you delicately place the crown upon his head, adjusting it until it sits just right. He can't help but feel a rush of affection towards you, grateful for your kindness and the undeniable warmth you bring into his life.
As you step back to admire your handiwork, your gaze meets his, and time seems to stand still. He finds himself entranced by the sparkle in your eyes, the way your smile reaches all the way to your soul.
It is then, with the sun kissing your skin and the scent of tulips filling the air, that he realises just how deeply he cares for you. In your laughter, in your playful gestures, he found a love he hadn't known existed, a love that filled him with a warmth unlike anything he'd ever felt before. And as he looks into your eyes, his own heart overflowing with emotion, he knows that he has fallen completely, utterly in love.
"Rather than me," he begins, lifting the flower crown from his head and gently placing it upon yours. "I believe it enhances your cuteness far more effectively."
He watches with rapt attention as a delicate flush blossoms across your cheeks, like the soft petals of a rose responding to the morning sun. The warmth of embarrassment paints your features with a gentle hue, adding a touch of ethereal beauty to your already captivating presence. In that moment, your eyes widen slightly, reflecting a mixture of surprise and affection, like sparkling jewels illuminated by a ray of sunlight.
Truly, the deepest of loves.
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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campbell-rose · 6 months
Alastor Redesign
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Omg there’s like over 70 people following me – guys I'm o///O flattered and flabbergasted. 
Anyway, onto today’s main event, Alastor. I hate Alastor’s og design, I hate his twig waist and his shoulder pads and the way you can’t see his antlers next to his ears, and his bow tie ugh viv please and his HAIR what even is that??? Not even mentioning that nothing about his design is really like a focal point. There’s no one thing that’s particularly interesting. At least before this he had that cathedral window looking cross on his undershirt that I found interesting. Nothing about his says he’s from the 1930’s other than dialogue. 
I wanted him to be in greyscale because that’s the coolest aesthetic, and colored photos weren’t a thing until way after the 30s. Recently I saw jjk, and Jogo’s teeth threw me because at some points I thought he was just straight up toothless. But then when I started this design, that colored tooth look spoke to me. Initially his teeth were yellow to look gross like he never brushes them, but then I was like ‘ayo wait, he’s literally a cannibal’, thus his vibrant red teeth to really pop against his greyscale. Initially his undershirt was white, but I feel like that was too much contrast and white is typically innocence, so by instead having a deep red it shows he’s just straight up bloodthirsty underneath his formal appearance. I also considered it being black, but then he looked like a pastor, and I wasn’t too much of a fan of it. The idea of the red on his design is that it leads your eye down his design to take it all in, with his face being the focus. I gave him glasses because I like the way it obscures his eyes a bit and I imagine they do the anime thing where they glow and hide his eyes. I liked Viv’s idea of sinners having marks where they died, and I slicked his hair back to show it off very prominently. His antlers are larger, I gave him cute lil deer ears. Also, under his suit he is lowkey buff. I feel like a serial killer should at least look physically capable of taking someone down not whatever the fuck viv’s nasty twig men can do. Like, in that comic with the cute sheep girl, when Alastor goes demon mode his body looks so snappable I just wanna like grab his waist in my hands and break it like a twig. I also tried to keep his design simple as if this were for animation, I know pinstripes are complicated and so are antlers but other than that I tried to keep his design basic. 
If I were to rewrite him based solely on the pilot, I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. Alastor is a decent character, his voice actor gives him life, the radio filter is cool, and nothing he did made me want to break my screen (ANGELDUST). The only thing I'd change would be his position in hell. Like, viv’s hell is so wack and I hate it, she’s got the princes, then the goetia and the overlords and then sinners and blah blah, it’s a lot to keep track of, not even mentioning the rings and circles thing. I think Alastor should have had dealings with hell as a human, maybe he routinely did sacrifices or something, and he made a deal with the archdemon Alastor and when he died like... uuhhhhhhh. Maybe through connections he’s gained more power? Idk, I just know I hate the idea of his dying and then having like the bestest most powerful demon powers despite not being hellborn. It’s got this mary sue stench. I’ll figure it out, maybe, who knows. 
I’m not gonna start rewriting since there’s nothing to go off of and alter yet, so that’s gonna have to wait until the show actually drops before anything concrete happens lol. 
Also the sheep girl is a sinner that reoccurs in the show now so sorry I don’t make the rules, you can’t give me a cute sheep girl and try to take her away, I’m gonna redesign her and shove her into the plot as someone looking for redemption at the hotel
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cloudedgalaxies · 5 days
Hi hey hello :333 may i request something? Since I saw from another post of yours that they were open :> I also am not sure if you wrote this before or not but can you please do MC/Yuu waking up malleus, jack, rook, and idia with nice soft kisses please? 🩵🩵
Thank you!! :D
Hi!! I haven't written that yet, it's so cute omg! I died a little while I was thinking of scenarios. My brain rotted in a good way, thanks so much anon <33
True Love's Kiss (Without the Curse)
Malleus Draconia, Jack Howl, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud x G/N Yuu <3
Word Count: 2.6k | ~650 per part
(Malleus' part lowkey is kinda angsty but nothing too bad, really hope they're all in character and if not I'm so sorry TwT)
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It was rare that Malleus ever slept. It was even rarer for Yuu to be witness to it, because after all their time together, the prince had become accustomed to watching over the prefect while they rested instead. But there were rare days where this was the opposite, and the human instead watched over the fae.
Fae were beautiful, Yuu found themself musing, as they took in Malleus’ sleeping face. He especially was extraordinary, with eyes that flickered and blazed and burned the most beautiful shade of green. It almost made their heart cry at how they couldn’t see his eyes then, when he rested and they had to be shut, but they supposed that was alright. They could still see his elegant horns that gave away his draconic heritage, and the pointed ears that hinted at his long, long lifespan. 
That was one of the reasons he rarely slept around them, Yuu knew. Malleus wanted to spend as many moments as possible with them. In the grand scheme of everything, they knew that what time they had to offer with him was naught but a drop in the sea of his life. Neither of them pretended that they didn’t know this, and yet,they never spoke of it. They countered it with little things, by taking walks together every night, or staying together even when one slept.
Yuu wondered what dreams he had. They wondered if he had dreams as vibrant as theirs, of histories that did not seem to be correct. They wondered if he could even dream, when he could govern everyone else’s to the point that they could become a reality he could shape. If Malleus could do that with others’ dreams, Yuu could not begin to imagine what he could do with his own.
And yet, they still wondered. Maybe he got lost in them too, like they did. Maybe when his eyes flickered underneath his eyelids, beautiful lashes fluttering, Malleus forgot that what worlds his mind constructed weren’t reality. Maybe they were nice dreams. Yuu hoped they were.
Just in case they weren’t, they stood from the place on the couch in his room they had been sitting on, making their way around his bed as quietly as they could. Just in case they weren’t, Yuu watched him for a moment longer, trying to study Malleus’ face in case they saw this again and could find the signs. Just in case they weren’t, they took his hand, ever-so-gently.
Softly, carefully, lovingly, Yuu leaned down, coming close enough so that they could hear the feather-soft breaths Malleus took. Like a timeless incantation, an ancient spell, they whispered his name. And then they pressed their lips against his, so terribly filled with adoration that they thought their heart might nearly burst.
It did not, thankfully. When Yuu pulled away, they watched as the fae’s eyes opened slowly. They saw the exact moment that Malleus saw them, making those beautiful rings of flame crackle and warm and blaze all at once. “Did you dream?” they asked, finding that their curiosity was getting the better of them.
Malleus smiled, and Yuu’s heart nearly burst a second time. His smile was the most ethereal thing they had ever seen. “I did,” he answered, finding that his hand was in theirs and holding it tighter. “I dreamt of you and I, in a field of flowers as the sun set.”
Yuu couldn’t help but smile back, when their heart didn’t break again to instead swell with warmth. “That sounds beautiful.”
He hummed, and the sound revealed how sleep still had the faintest of holds on him. “You are much more beautiful than any dream of you would be,” Malleus whispered, bringing their joint hands up to his lips to kiss. “Thank you for waking me so that I may behold the real you.”
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Jack worked hard. Everyone knew this, from how he woke up hours earlier than his dorm to train more even before they did as a whole. He didn’t slack on his studies either, much to his professors’ appreciation. And for all the effort he put in, he knew where his limits were. It was one of the reasons why Yuu admired him so much, even when they were long into knowing each other.
He woke up much earlier than Yuu, to the point that they almost had no hopes of waking up before him. However, rare were the nights that he went to bed after them, thanks to his equally early bedtime. It almost terrified Yuu sometimes, how he could stay so devoted and consistent to his schedule. With all the hectic things Night Raven College threw at them, the prefect had a less-than-stellar sleep routine more often than not. Jack, in a way that just made Yuu’s heart melt all over again, tried to help them as much as he could to fix it, but it too failed more often than not.
The one good part about it, Yuu supposed, was that it could lead to times like now. Jack had come over to Ramshackle to study with them, since they had a test coming up in their Defensive Magic class. Yuu couldn’t cast spells, but that didn’t stop them from having to do the same written test as the rest of the class. For the practical part of the exam, they had to rely on Grim and hope that he did well enough to pass the two of them. Jack, thankfully, was making sure that the direbeast didn’t leave that up to chance.
A few hours into their study session for the written test, however, Yuu had found that they were more amused by watching Jack gradually become sleepier and sleepier. It was a mixture of adorable and endearing, the way that he had to keep jerking his head back up the moment it started to fall to instead answer one of Yuu’s questions. Maybe they were being a little mean, the way that they were purposefully asking more than they had to in order to make it last for longer. 
Yuu had been smart enough to at least ask the more difficult questions in the beginning of their time together, so now they were more messing with Jack than anything at this point. They suppressed a giggle when they looked up from their textbook to see his eyes half-lidded and still rapidly drooping. “Flora’s weak against water-defensive spells, right?” they asked.
Jack hummed. Yuu couldn’t stop the breathy laugh that escaped them when his eyes finally closed, watching at how that made his ears swivel to focus on the sound. But he didn’t react to it any other way, as his head dipped to his chest. “Jack,” they called softly, when he didn’t lift it up again.
He’d finally fallen asleep, Yuu realized, when they said his name two more times with no response. Maybe that was for the best, if they were being nice. But Yuu wouldn’t be a Night Raven College student if they weren’t a little cruel, so instead, they leaned over. Jack was so tired that he almost didn’t react to when they kissed his cheek, which made them smile all the more.
“Jack,” they tried, one more time. “Don’t sleep like that.”
With two more kisses to his cheek, his eyes finally fluttered. One more to his forehead, and they opened, as he raised his chin back up with a small grunt. “Sorry.” It took almost all his strength to say just that one word, Yuu saw, and they couldn’t help but giggle.
“Let’s go to bed,” they offered, with one last brush of their lips against his temple. Jack hummed again.
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Yuu and Rook, in a way that would hopefully keep the latter from actually hunting the former, had come up with a strange little game the two of them would play. It had started so long ago that Yuu couldn’t even remember the exact day, and became such a habit that they didn’t want to stop, either.
Whenever one of the two of them found the other sleeping, they would try to wake them up in the way that all the timeless legends did: with the hero giving the rescued the gentlest of kisses. More often than not, Yuu was woken up by the soft brush of Rook’s lips against their brow, or their cheek, or even their hands. More often than not, Grim woke up shortly after Yuu to be scared into having a small heart attack at the sudden presence of the hunter.
At this point, Yuu couldn’t even begin to count how many times Rook had woken them up. On the other hand, they couldn’t even fill one listing the times that they had woken up Rook. Even when he spent the night at Ramshackle, or they had a sleepover at Pomefiore, they always fell asleep before he did and woke up to see him already awake. Yuu was beginning to think that he just didn’t sleep.
Until, one day, when they had been strolling through the forest, it happened.
Yuu didn’t know who or what was on their side, but everything had to have aligned perfectly for this to happen. They walked around a tree only to nearly jump when they caught a glimpse of his golden hair catching the sunlight on the other side, hat removed to better let him sleep.
He was beautiful asleep, just as he was when his emerald eyes were open. Yuu immediately tried to make every movement, every individual breath become as silent as possible, if only just to take in this rare sight before it disappeared once more. For all the time that Rook had spent praising their resting expression, Yuu had half a mind to do that to him, too. 
Carefully, they took another step closer. When that didn’t make so much as an eyelash quiver, Yuu took another, slowly but surely getting closer to the hunter. How funny it was, they thought, that their roles had finally been reversed. 
Somehow, they had gotten close enough to Rook to be able to touch him, and he had still not awoken. Yuu breathed a silent thanks to all of the Seven, alongside whatever deities and lucky stars they’d been blessed with as just as tentatively, they crouched next to him. Closer now, Yuu could see all the better just how stunning Rook was. For all the words he said admiring beauty, Yuu decided there and then that they would say the same number about Rook.
They leaned forward, softing pressing their lips against the apple of his cheek. And the moment they did, they felt the way that Rook had started to smile, unable to hold it back any longer. “Beautiful, Trickster. That was merveilleux.” His smile turned a little teasing, a little predatory as his eyes glinted. “It will take more than that to sneak up on me, however.”
“I knew it.” Yuu sighed, making Rook laugh as they unceremoniously plopped down next to him. “Do you have any tips?” they couldn’t help but ask, as one of Rook’s arms came to wrap around them.
“A hunter cannot reveal all his methods, mon coeur. You’ll simply have to practice.” Yuu didn’t know what to think, when they were met with another one of his beautiful smiles when they frowned up at him. At least they won a little, though. They won a little more when they kissed his cheek again, making a shade of pretty pink dust his face.
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It was almost impossible to find someone who took gaming any more seriously than Idia Shroud. That was why, at the same time, it was almost impossible to find someone who slept less than him, be they fae or human. Most times, Yuu would try to work with Ortho to make sure he actually took care of himself and actually slept instead of just chug energy drinks like they were water.
Tonight was not one of those nights, however, because they had been challenged to a bet. Idia, with the cocky smirk that almost seemed to be exclusively for them in the safe confines of his room, had gloated that there was no one who could beat his times in a racing game. Yuu, considering themself something of a rising gamer ever since becoming the Ignihyde housewarden’s go-to player two, thought that maybe it would be something if they beat him at his own game.
Yuu had known it was going to be hard, but not as hard as it was. The moment Idia had heard that, he’d held nothing back, getting a time even better than what was already stored on his console to nearly make Yuu just give up right then and there. But if nothing else, Yuu was resilient, and they went right to trying to getting the gold ranking and knocking Idia’s character down a peg.
Once they got going, Yuu had no idea how much time passed. It was long enough to make Idia drop out and go finish his dailies on all his other games before midnight passed, at the very least. After that, Yuu had thought that he would have joined them again, but they stayed the only player.
After their latest attempt ended in another failure—Idia was still faster by a whopping 3.20 seconds—Yuu let their hands drop into their lap, sighing as they let their head fall back to hit the mattress from where they’d been stationed on a bean bag on the floor. “Idia, where was that one glitch again?” they asked, finally getting the resolve to slide their eyes over to him to see the told-you-so grin he’d give them—
—only to be met with nothing but closed eyes and a peaceful expression, as his head rested on folded arms. He’d been laying on his stomach on his bed in order to still see the screen while he’d been using his phone, but now even that device was left discarded to the side, as he took soft, even breaths while the screen dimmed and finally shut off from inactivity.
Maybe it was a little too late, or maybe Yuu had spent a bit too much time gaming, but this felt like a scene straight out of one of the dating sims they’d played with him. Looking over to see that Idia’s face was so close to them, so close that they could kiss him if they just moved so much as another few centimeters. They could feel their heart skip a beat, as his hair flickered and waved and surrounded him like a halo.
Idia Shroud was gorgeous, Yuu found themself realizing again. It made them smile softly to see that he had fallen asleep, though it turned a little guilty at the way that they’d kept him up late enough to make him finally just shut down. In a way they hoped would be a good enough apology, they gently leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the bridge of his nose.
That made him flinch slightly, humming ever-so-softly as his brow furrowed. “Idia,” Yuu called gently, making him hum again. They brushed their lips against his forehead now, as his hair flickered when he finally cracked open an eye. “I can’t get it.”
It was because his hair didn’t immediately turn pink from their proximity did Yuu know that Idia was still barely awake. He shifted a little, nuzzling deeper into his arms as his eye threatened to close again. “‘Cause you need the cheat code,” he muttered, words half-slurred. “I’ll tell you it in a sec. Need to…restore mana…first.”
Yuu almost laughed. “Mood.” But then they yawned instead, and decided that maybe their bar was getting a little low, too. They could take a second to refill before they attempted another try.
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Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed <3
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whyanne4 · 10 months
Part: 1/?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Category: Social Media au
Summary: Follow the love story of a global pop icon and a monegasque F1 driver
Face claim: Taylor Swift (Singing) + others
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Liked by 128 037 people
The 21 year old pop icon has been spotted getting cozy with the new hot-shot Formula One rookie Charles Leclerc, driver for Sauber F1 Team. The pair was spotted at a night club in Monaco after Sundays Grand Prix.
L/N recently broke up with ex-boyfriend Neymar Jr. after rumors of the footballer cheating on her had been circling the internet. Do you think this new F1 driver could be Mr. Right or just a rebound?
view comments:
Ferrarigirlie: Con😭grat😭ula😭tions😭
y/nicon: I know I never had a chance with her but still…😔
Icemanfan: How in the world did bro manage to pull her?
- cuteasabutton: Ikr!!?? Like we all know that he has an angelic face but I did not think the whole awkward, slightly stupid flirting would work on THE y/n l/n
y/nschild: Awww I actually really ship this. Look at the way she is holding his face as she kisses him🥹 plus he seems like a nice guy, not like that N*ymar
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liked by blakelively, charles_leclerc and 8 582 194 others
Cats out of the bag I guess. Everyone meet my Lover, Charles.
Charles, stealing my heart was effortless for you. The moment I met you was was like seeing a rainbow at the end of a storm. Your presence has painted my life with the most vibrant and beautiful colors and I can't wait to explore them all. Thank you for making my life happier each day, my heart is forever entwined with yours.
Love y/n🤍
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charles_leclerc: je t'aime mon amour❤️
Ferrarigirlie: Stop I cannot handle this today!!😭😭
y/nchildrenunite: So this is our new dad? If he makes you this happy I approve mother🫶
futurewagfr: brb I'm just gonna take a bath with my toaster💀
- y/nsfavorite: just gonna go take a nap on the highway💀
leclercxxz: I want love like this one day😖
rorytheracingcar: me and who when?
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Liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 2 126 932 others
y/n, mon amour, amore mio, my love. I can speak 3 languages but there is still not a combination of words that can express just how much I love you.
You are my sun that I want to wake up to every morning and the moon that I want to fall asleep to every night. You are the waves that calms me down when life gets hard and the gravity that keeps me grounded. Without you I would forever float in a black void, looking for solid ground, looking for you, mon amour.
Je t'aime, Ti amo, I love you❤️
view comments:
pierregasly: Man you're down BAD
- charles_leclerc: Shut up, Pierre.
Icamanfan: wow he's in love LOVE
rbvettelsupremacy: where can I find myself one of these?🥹
papayanando: I'm actually crying rn.😭😭
y/nsfavorite: okay I approve of this relationship. This man is gonna treat her right.
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
prompt #6
toxic armin! nd reader are arguing nd when reader talks her shit armin gets turned on nd pulls his dick out nd tells her to “suck on it” making her forget all the shit he did(once again)
and I was JUST thinking about him omg 😫😫 y’all have no idea how much I love toxic!armin. He does sum to meee.
cw: oral, spit play, fingers in the mouth, reader threatening armin bc it’s all he deserves
frustrated. the one word that came to mind when trying to express your emotions right now. You couldn’t think straight, couldn’t articulate your words properly, let alone get your point across without becoming completely irate. That’s what happened when you dealt with the likes of armin artlert. A known playboy with a reputation that preceded him. But with all the information you heard from the streets about him dogging all his women, being a cheater and a dumbass, you decided to give him a chance. Under the premise that his ass was gone the second he acted the fool. Unfortunately, things weren’t so simple with him! You could never truly be free of him..whether physically from the fact that no man fucked you quite like he did. Or mentally because he’d blow your phone up and play mind games until you let him back in for a thousandth chance.
“Please…please give me one good reason why I shouldn’t bust you in your shit, Armin. Please give me one.”
“I already told you, angel. I don’t even know that girl…she probably has me confused with somebody else..”
another Saturday night wasted down the drain..where you could put partying with your girls, finding a man worth of a damn, it was being spent pacing the floor of your two bedroom apartment you shared together. Arguing and fussing about a potential side piece as he sat on the edge of the bed. Sprawled out shirtless with nothing but black sweats on. Shaggy blonde hair going everywhere and tattoos on his chest and forearm still vibrant from the lotion he applied after he showered. Despite how fine your man was, you were solely focused on ripping him apart. Pissed off that he had yet again embarrassed you. “So that bitch asked you to suck your dick and she got you confused with somebody else? Nah nigga, the only thing you and her both got..is me fucked up.”
ramping and raving like a mad woman as you poked his forehead with your long acrylics. Folded arms and puffed out jaws like a petulant child and all he could do was stare in adoration for how cute you were. He didn’t want to admit it but the sight of you putting him in his place really got Armin stirred up. Hearing you cuss him for everything he was worth..clapping your hands..he loved seeing you in this aggressive state. Even if it wasn’t healthy. “Playing in my motherfuckin’ face…I’m not one of these other bitches, Armin.” He heard you, loud and crystal clear but he couldn’t be vexed to care. He never did. He never gave a damn about his actions affected you or anyone else. But he’d pretend, so as long as he could get his own gratification..
“I know, baby..they’re nothing like you. That’s why I told you, I don’t even know her ass. You know how many of them are jealous of you? Seriously, who wouldn’t be? Look at you..”
his half assed attempt of mulling over the situation was bombing, until he resorted to desperate measures that is..leaning back, he’d open his legs a bit more and suck his teeth, flashing you a shit eating smirk. One that would undeniably get him his way! Extending an arm out, he’d grasp for your hand and pull you towards him, intertwining those fingers together and placing kisses on the knuckles.
“..shit, I mean…if I’m being honest, you got me thinking about you right now, baby. They can’t do any of the things you can. Can’t love me the way you can, not as beautiful as you are…and damn sure can’t fuck on me the way you do.”
you knew he was only trying to soften you up. Stop you from being angry and as always, that smooth charm and slick demeanor done its job. As he had your eyes adverted to his face, tugging you down gently to your knees for a kiss, his other hand was working to free his erection from its confines. Stiff and seeping with precum, he wanted nothing more than shove it between those pretty, gloss stained lips. But first, he’d shove two fingers between them, letting you suck them and coo to you as he always done. Swiping a finger across your cheek, he knew you were exactly where he wanted you. “Go ahead, baby..suck on it.”
prompting as he guided your head down into his lap. In a matter of seconds, he had those fingers wrapped around his shaft and that tip stuck in your mouth, sloppily sucking on it as you always did. Drumming up strings of saliva in the process and making you drool all over him.
“There you go…good girl. Only you can make me feel like this. Do what these bitches can’t.”
785 notes · View notes
astrologylunadream · 7 months
What They Want For This Connection🔮🌠(Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream again!!🌌🖤 This will be a reading of your person and what they want in this connection, so let's see~♡ hope you find your message😇
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person and your connection, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🖤
Pile 1🦋
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Pile 2💜
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Pile 3🐦
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Pile 4🎮
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🌌
Pile 1🦋
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Sign energy: Amusement park, Mind, Psychic, Structure, Children, 2nd house, Libra, Eros, 9th house 1st house, 😷🔪♊❌
🔮Your person's energy: Ohh we have some interesting energy for my pile 1's person. Your person has a bright and innocent approach to life, they tend to do things without thinking first. Their curiosity has no bounds, and they prefer to be free of restraints mentally and emotionally. They are very Intuitive aswell as spiritual, especially when it comes to love and partnerships. Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Aries energy especially Venus is coming through for them.💗 Your person has a childlike wonder for the things that peak their interest, and they love having fun.😁 Childish in a good way. I love their vibrant and lighthearted energy omgg They may speak their every thought or say what they are thinking often. Alsooo this person does not like communication all that much lol it's not for them. For some of you your person may really not like geminis😭😂😂😂 Oh my gosh maybe they had a bad experience with geminis or placements with that sign °•° They might be annoyed with people who can communicate so Intellectually or witty with a sharp mind as this person only rushes into things without thinking it through often. This person likes new things and prefers to learn as they go, they brush off mistakes and keep going.
🌌What they want for this connection: Perfectionist, 1st house, Under, Competition, Wild, Taurus, Cancer, Mars, 12th house, South node, ⚔🟪🎥🧍‍♂️ Omg my pile 1's there is some heavy Aries energy in this connection you guys could have a composite chart filled with this sign or over all mars energy.🔥 Definite yes on feelings from this person, they want to touch you, hold you and have you all to themselves. The chemistry is through the roof with this person! They want to put up a fight for this connection, just know that what you and them have is under their protection for real😍 They wanna keep this special connection between you both safe and cared for, they will push away any threats to this connection my pile 1's!! Now your person is a little needy when it comes to your energy, they want to control my pile 1's a little. Though they are very passionate and possessive they are also very particular in everything you do, like the way you dress or the activities you are into. Your person wants you both to be your best together and strive for perfection in eachother's eyes. They don't like not knowing what you're up to my pile 1's I'm getting that in order for this connection to work there can't be any hidden motives between you guys.😳 They want to have full awareness of what you are doing most of the time and your needs and wants for the connection as well. That's what they want my pile 1's!!
🔊 Messages from your person: I have fantasies about you, Hold on to me, I warned you, Would you let me? I wish I had you (Omg omg so cute my pile 1's☺🌠) Extra cards: Thighs, Together, Broken, Lies, Commitment, Lilith, Vertex, 3rd house, North node (They see a wild rollercoaster with you guys in the future, some crazy adventures for you both <3)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the butterfly emoji~🦋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Pile 2💜
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Sign energy: Audience, Year, Order, Chiron, Height, Air, Vertex, Sagittarius, Cancer, Venus, 👊🛎💡🆚️
🔮Your person's energy: Okaaay for this pile your person could be a Cancer venus!! Air venus is also likely, or any of those sign placements including Sagittarius! Your person attracts others easily like it just happens, they may have decided to live this year wild and adventurously unlike the past years. Your person may be taller in height or have a noticable height. This is someone who is healing emotionally, they have had to fend off others from damaging their feelings and harming their energy.🖤🩹 They may have noticable knuckles or hands, may make fists a lot out of frustration or defense. This person is very soothing and sweet when they aren't being provoked, for some of you they may be in a choir or conduct for a band (I just got that vibe) or service job like waiter/waitress, something higher end. They are very protective over others who are vulnerable emotionally and they hate when conflict arises without rationality.⚔
🌌What they want for this connection: Tease, Thighs, Present, Art, Luck, 11th house, Mars, Pluto, 4th house, Lilith, 🌠👀🧣🪓 Omg there is a lot of passion and understanding from this person, they hope for great things with this pile for sure.♡ I'm seeing comfort is a huge focus for them with you. They want to take care of you and this relationship, like I'm seeing them wrapping you up in a thick little scarf and hugging you tight🥺🧣😭💗 So cute wtf they just want to hold you so that no one can touch or hurt you. For some of you this person wants a married life with my pile 2!! They imagine waking up beside you, cooking together and teasing eachother in cute funny ways.🍳❤ This really is a sweet connection you guys have, and they know it by heart. They want you to be safe in the present right now as well as in the future, I'm also seeing that if some of you have toxic family members or close friends that your person wants you to cut them off if they are causing you pain. Your person can't stand seeing you get hurt, they won't have it without putting up a fight. Omg and your person really wants to give you little gifts and they see this connection as a gift itself from the universe.🥺💘🌠 They also have some hot fantasies about you in this connection omg seriously I won't go into too much detail but with mars and pluto they literally just wanna pull you by your thigh and make out with you this instant💋🤯🖤 They are obsessed with touch and emotional support within connection and that is all they want from you pile lovely pile 1 besides giving you everything💗
🔊 Messages from your person: My wounds won't heal, You're trying your best, Calm down, Things aren't going well, These days are meaningful (Aww they just want to tell you that you are slowly healing them and even when things are rough you shouldn't be worried because everything matters when they're with you.🥰) Extra cards: Tongue, Stress, Darling, Neck, Universe, Sagittarius, Virgo, Mars, North node, Venus (My god there is some heavy attraction for my pile 2's they wanna do some naughty things with you...🥵❗)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the purple heart emoji~💜 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Pile 3🐦
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Sign energy: Museum, Communication, Weapon, Danger, Text, Juno, 1st house, 11th house, 5th house, Water, 🗿🍦🎀🔦
🔮Your person's energy: Okk pile 3 your person is intellectual and online savvy for sure! I feel they enjoy discussing topics online and coming up with conflict resolutions. They are very perceptive and mature, there is definitely an older vibe even just mentally for this pile's person😁💫 Aquarius, Aries, Leo placements. They see technology as a source of power but also danger, it has many possibilities in their eyes. This could be someone who works in technical fields or even with artificial intelligence. For some of you this person could work for huge online companies like as google or twitter/x (OMG and this pile being the twitter bird symbol!! This is definitely a sign for my pile 3's). They are on their phone a lot, and for them, the most important factor in a partner is up front communication and emotional understanding. Now for a small amount in this pile I'm seeing someone who works a night shift, security guard possibly. They could work at a museum or have a job related to museums, I'm seeing someone very fascinated in historical objects and events. They may act cold or stoic on the surface, not showing much reaction. They probably think they are on a higher vibration than most lol, but they maybe right after all they are very smart and attractive mentally and physically.
🌌What they want for this connection: Prove, One and only, Cook, Moon, Pleasure, Lilith, Vertex, Gemini, 🌁🚺⚖🎰 Alright my pile 3's your person really wants a base for this connection, they wanna be sure where this is headed with you both and know exactly what will come of it. Your person does desire a feminine energy from this pile, they may feel drawn the idea of you being the "perfect housewife" for them. I don't think this person fantasizes about this connection a whole lot but what I do see is they definitely looking into the long term of this connection. Your person is considering this as a contract partnership, and they actually deep down believe in fate when it comes to this connection with you my pile 3's🥺💓 I just think they are really drawn to your feminine side like the thought of you cooking, nurturing and pleasing them they find that incredibly hard to resist. They may want to go over the pros and cons with this relationship to you, and they wanna make sure you guys are both on the same page.✔ But this person does want all the many possibilities for this connection such as emotional support, positive mental stimulation and supportive conversations, there's even some wants from you they try to resist the thought of💋😈 Let's just say they want some special pleasures from this connection aswell but only after stable committment and when the time is right.
🔊 Messages from your person: It's all chemical, What's wrong? You should smile more, You can't look me in the eye, I want your lips on mine (Omg😳) Extra cards: Destruction, In, Want, Night, South node, Air, Virgo, 4th house, 6th house, 8th house (Wtf your person has some hidden desires they wanna let out with you at night...🤯🥵)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the blue bird emoji~🐦 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Pile 4🎮
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Sign energy: 5th house, Sight, Entertainment, Song, First impression, Mars, Moon, 7th house, Venus, 5th house, 🔇🌁🧱🎪
🔮Your person's energy: I'm getting a soft masculine energy but also some very fun and daring vibes from this pile's person. So many signs coming out omg Aries, Scorpio or Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Leo energy. You may have met them at a concert or some place entertaining, festival, dance, karaoke, club, bar, ect. There may be a song that reminds you of this person, it could have played when you guys first met. There could be a period of no contact for some of you with this person. Youtuber/streamer vibes, they may play games for a living, or that may be how you met them through it🎮 I'm getting devine masculine energy from your person but they could be either genders that's the vibe I'm getting. Regardless they have a nice fusion of masculine and feminine qualities, you may have saw them as very aesthetically pleasing and pretty at first glance, lol this is so random but for some of you met this person as a carnival/circus🎪🎠🎡😂😂 Help- maybe it resonates for someone in this pile. This person is very physically pleasing to you even just in a platonic sense you just find them very pretty and pleasing to the eye. They are fun to be around and probably have a lot of friends I feel like they make a great friend. Oh for some of you they burned the bridge on this connection😥 You or them may have blocked the other for whatever reason.
🌌What they want for this connection: On, At last, Stomache, Target, Empty, Water, Cancer, Aquarius, 5th house, 9th house, 🏩🦄🔙🤍 Ohh wait a minute for some of you it's their goal to date you, like make you theirs. They just want emotional connection with you at the end of the day, I'm seeing them taking your hand and saying "don't go", maybe some of you left this connection or are drifting away from it. They may want to "take you back", maybe they thought you were once theirs at one point but then there were mixed signals. They want to be in contact with you still, they always loved you even if it wasn't in a romantic sense. Just pure admiration for my pile 4's.🥺💖 They may seem like the type to want a "casual" relationship but for this connection it means a lot more. I think they are worried there could be a target on your backs for this relationship, like I'm getting jealous friends who don't have someone to party with anymore all because you two are in a committed relationship. Omg your person may have had wild friends that engaged in parties or night life with them, for some of you they may have been a player/fboy/fgirl. And now that your person is loyal to someone their friends think it's taking away from their fun.😒😤 They desire a connection with you even at the most friendship because they just love being around you and connecting with you.💓💓💓 I think they realize what you two have is special, they may wish to go back to all the memories they had with you guys. They want to be around you, and this connection may have felt empty until they gained knowledge on the situation.💡 It's their mission to experience everything they can with you, just in case there's no other chances.
🔊 Messages from your person: I love you, You know the truth, I want to kiss you against the wall, They're against us, I told myself to quit (Yep there's bad people who don't like the thought of you guys committing to eachother but your person is like noo I want you😣💞) Extra cards: Waist, Practice, Walk, Twin flame, Yellow, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Venus, (This could be a twin flame connection for some of my pile 4's <3)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the controller emoji~🎮 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🎶
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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littlestardude · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞☆Dating Kyle HCs || Kyle Broflovski x Reader
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✰ - SFW & NSFW - ✰
Summary: Kyle Bf HCs!
Note: I'm so in love with Kyle it's unreal, he's so pookie, college kiddos :)) also sorry for being SO slow with reqs :(( I unfortunately lose motivation very quickly, so by the time I start it by then end I'm just.,. Trudging thru 😔 I HAVE SOME KENJORINE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET OUT! BUT ARGHHHH, also some Stan bf headcanons
TW: Smut at the end
Gender: AFAB Gen!Neutral
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✰ - SFW - ✰
I feel like sumtimes he'd be unintentionally possessive of you 😔
He can't help it, he feels like you're too perfect for him so he tries to keep you to himself
If you ever bring it up to him he'd feel rlly bad about it, and then tell you that
He's insecure, hold him :((
And when you do, tell him how pretty he is bcs
He's literally the prettiest boy ever I'm gonna fucking sob
His curls are so vibrant, and coily and long, I could get lost playing in his hair forever
We already know he hid it before
But you were talking to your friends and he was somewhere in the vicinity and you were just like,
"HIS HAIR IS SO PRETTY I COULD CRY, AND HE HIDES IT :,(( I just wanna play with it all the time but I don't wanna like... Accidentally make him self-conscious or something :((("
He stopped wearing his hat as much after that.
You noticed it too and you weren't sure if he heard you but you were happy his hair was free
Also his eyes are so pretty
He could be so pissed and ranting and u could just be. Staring into his eyes and he'd be like,
"What are you looking at. "
"Your eyes are so pretty, Ky :)) "
He calmed down pretty quickly after that.
The first time you used that nickname on him he. He melted. He turned so red like,
"W-what did you just call me"
He looked cute as hell tho :3
You started easing him into the nicknames and he got used to it, he even started using some nicknames for you too!!
He's so cute when he does to, because you can tell he's trying!
Sometimes when his temper gets really bad you just hold him to your chest and lay down and play with his hair, he calls down pretty quickly
And if you're in public you just bring him somewhere private and just hug him, and then you guys can walk around while you hold hands
He's not the biggest fan of PDA but likes holding your hand :))
But when he's in private he's all over you, just hugging and kissing you
He's not the best with words, at least words he says out loud bcs
He does poetry! Actual good poetry!
But he loves just hugging you, he likes you on top of him because the pressure feels nice
He's got autism! And he's got that unintentional autistic rizz, if yknow what I mean
Sometimes he'll just say something, you'll just stare at him and blush like crazy and he's just like,
"What'd I say"
You just stare bcs theres no words left...
Very unintentionally blunt as well
You two enjoy silent company a lot! esp Kyle
Sometimes his friends and family and school just get too overwhelming, so he'll just ask you to come over while he does his homework and sometimes you'll do yours and you guys just get to be close 🥰
There's been some times when... Yknow what I'll save it for the NSFW part :3
He's definitely a cat person and you guys would look forward to getting a cat together! Maybe 2 :)))
He really is a well intentioned person, he's just so sweet :((
I feel like this poor boy got SO nervous to meet your parents
Like, y'all went to a restaurant together and he dressed all fancy and was just. So awkward
He worries so much about what to say that he ends up speaking like a robot, and then would randomly follow it with awkward laughter 💀
He was so embarrassed 😭 but you cuddled him and told him it was fine
And you later got a text from your parents saying he was a good guy! Bcs he is!
He's so cat boy too like... When he just needs to recharge he just hobbles over to you and just. Flops.
Doesnt matter what you're doing, because now you're cuddling Kyle.
It's cute tho, because he's definitely learned how to recognize when he needs a break from college work
Bonus points if you play with his hair and kiss him all over 🥰
You guys used to, keyword, used to. Play games together, he would try so hard not to get competitive about it ,but let's just say you both said some things about each other's mothers, and it's just been awhile since you've played.
He likes sharing his music with you! And let's just say you were surprised to find out he was a The Cure fan, you just wouldn't expect it from his dorky self!
But they're one of the few artists he can freely stim to
You guys will listen to loud music together just to scream the lyrics bcs, MAN sometimes u just wanna scream, yknow?
He only likes to sing stuff he can scream, if it's something that requires vocal control he's outta there
But you heard him sing normally one time and he was so cute ☹️❤❤ he was cleaning around his dorm and had his headphones on and you arrive without him noticing and you just heard him singing his lil tune in his soft voice... Dead on the spot, there were no survivors.
Eventually learns that when partners complain about things he just has to listen, he's too logical and learnt the hard way that you just want to vent rather than actually solve the problem
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✰ - NSFW - ✰
So, "studying"?
The "both" of you were focusing on homework, just Kyle really. He was at his desk and he seemed to be focusing, he looked so intense. You found yourself staring at him for awhile, you just couldn't help it. You check the time on your phone.
"He has time." , you thought to yourself.
You closed the book you had stopped paying attention to 20 minutes ago and faced his turned back. You carefully tiptoed over and gave his back a tap, he turned around, still looking at his book and papers.
"Yeah, what's up? ", he said, not really paying attention.
You carefully grabbed his chin and turned his face toward you, giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Kyleeee, I'm bored, can't we do something else? " you whined.
"I'm sorry, y/n but I really have to finish these assignments..."
You pulled out your phone and showed him the time and date.
"But Kyleee, you still have a few days before you need to finish them, I know you like to finish them before they're due but can't you take a little break? For some fun at least? ", you speaking the last words in a suggestive tone made him turn red, he seemed to be contemplating it but he had already made up his mind.
"Alright then, come here, " he sat you down on his lap and began kissing you. The both of your lips meshing together, slowly becoming more filled with passion.
"Do you wanna stay here or move to your bed? "
"Anything beats sitting in this chair... ", he picked you up and set you on the bed, not before stretching his back and cracking it, " that felt so good... I hate that fucking chair, man, "
He laid back down on the bed and continued kissing you, you slowly positioned yourself on top of him. He was so distracted, he didn't even notice.
You were about to take off your shirt, but we're stopped.
"What's wrong, Ky? "
"C-Can you keep the shirt on? I like seeing you in my clothes... "
The shirt in question was an oversized shirt he let you borrow after sleeping over the night prior.
You kissed him and smiled softly, "Okay, Kyle... I'll keep it on, but if I can't take off anything else I'll go crazy... " you laughed a bit and he laughed with you.
"Don't worry, I won't stop you anymore... "
"Good, " even before you finished speaking you shifted both of your legs to the side of him to easily take off the boxers he'd also lent you. You moved back and began kissing him again, this time with more heat than before.
As the two of your lips clashed together you began to gently palm at his hardening member, and as you did he let out a shakey breath.
You positioned yourself right above and began grinding into him, the two of you softly moaning into each other's kisses. He slowly traced his hand over your thigh and gave it a squeeze, a squeeze that would get increasingly tighter the more you played with him.
You could tell he was getting antsy with the way he squeezed your thigh so you figured it was finally time to set him free. You moved you hand to the waistband of his sweats and pulled them down, his hard cock springing free. The cold air down there made him grimace, but was soon changed as you slowly parted yourself on it.
You both fell out of the kiss as you two moaned as you slid down, your already dripping pussy making it easy to. It took a few moments until you were down at his base; his size was always something you had to adjust to.
Just as you were about to start moving his eagerness got the better of him and grabbed now the both of your thighs and moved you up and down. You moaned loudly at the sudden friction and bounced along with his help.
The two of you were moaning messes, which only increased the faster you moved. You once again found his lips in a hungry kiss, the room becoming much quieter when you did as you muffled each other's moans.
"Y-Y/N, I'm.. Ngh... Close, " he moaned out, you were barely able to form words and just breathlessly told him you were too.
The speed increased and you were seeing stars, which you saw more of as he placed his thumb on your clit and started to rub it.
The two of you quickly finished after that.
Kyle's confidence during sex has improved MASSIVELY
The first time y'all did it, he had NO clue what to do
He was so scared about where to put his hands, or if he grabbed you in the wrong place, especially if he grabbed too tightly
It also took you guys awhile to eventually lead up to it, the second Kyle felt it getting too heated he'd gently pull you off
You actually started to worry that he didn't like you anymore the more he did it
You asked him why he always did it and he, as red as his hair, told you he was a virgin and was too scared, and that he wouldn't know what to do
You softened on him and told him that you didn't care he was a virgin and that you would lead him the whole way
You two did it soon after. :p
Once he eventually gets the hang of everything he's good. So fucking good.
Definitely a switch but leans more towards sub
You find his hands so fucking attractive because they're so perfect,,, and pale,, and long
You love him fingering you because he reaches SO far and you're just on the highway to heaven 😍
Also as shown before, he's VERY vocal and he's so cute when he moans and whimpers...
It's something he DEF tried to hide but you were not letting him get away with it
Has a bit of a mommy kink tbh
Sometime dabbles into a bit of a breeding kink... 😗
Kyle 🤝 Kenny
Having beautiful, milky thighs
The first time you sucked him off you were just mesmerized with his thighs... Can u tell I like men's thighs 😔
Pull his hair please!
You've probably pegged him once or twice ngl... :3
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hobiebrownismygod · 3 months
HAIII HELLOOO HOW ARE U DOING so i just had a random idea and i cant stop thinking about it. you can it ignore it i'm just asking
basically hobie x reader (can be fem or gender neautral idc) where reader is like a siren but isnt dangerous and likes swimming in the canal that hobie's boat is in and then like one night he spots reader in the water
idk if that makes sense words are not wording right now 😭 but yeah you can do whatever you like with the rest. thank yewwww 🙏🏾💞
wait omg I love this idea!! its so cute and I totally see why it's been stuck in your head lol I went kind of overboard with the lore for this one. I also made it femreader because that's easier for me to write and hopefully that's okay!! I hope you like how I wrote it <3
Humming under his breath, Hobie stood at the edge of his deck, staring out into the distance, mind overrun with quiet thoughts. The night was basically silent, no people nor animals in sight, just Hobie and his canal boat, slowly drifting along the soft waves.
He was still fairly close to shore, and could see some faint lights of alive homes, but it was growing very late, and everyone was going to sleep for the night.
But Hobie couldn't sleep. He was tired, of course, anyone would be after the day he'd had...but he just couldn't sleep.
It was difficult for him to sleep these days. So many scenarios littering his mind, making him think, fear, dream. Not a day went by where he wasn't suddenly awoken by a terrible nightmare, the screeching of civilians flooding his brain, images of horrific villains filling his dreams.
So staring out at the water, enjoying the silence, it was much more calming for him. It was also a way for him to avoid the sleepiness crawling up his spine, latching its gentle claws around his shoulders and pulling him into the soft, warm enclosure of his bed.
But he refused to give in to the temptation, to the tiredness. What he'd experience when he was asleep was too much to bear.
Besides, he couldn't have any nightmares if he was awake.
Suddenly, Hobie's expression perked up, and he leaned his head forward. He'd heard something, but he wasn't sure what. He stopped humming, the area around him falling completely silent as he strained his ears to listen for whatever might have been there.
He heard a faint hum.
His spider-sense began to tingle.
The song was beautiful, nothing like he'd heard before. It was quiet, soft, reminding him of the way a hug would feel, warmth and love, wrapping around one's body and holding them close. It was musical, vibrant, but just enough to make him feel even sleepier than before.
It was also strangely enchanting.
After a beat, Hobie began to hum along. He knew the tune. He wasn't sure how, but he did know it. A simple five or six notes, easy to remember, easy to memorize, easy to single along with.
And then he realized he was humming alone. The other voice had disappeared.
He furrowed his brows, confused as to where it could've gone.
A ripple passed by, just barely changing the surface of the dark, murky water below. He stumbled back slightly, immediately on defense mode as he peered over the edge, gaze hardening over the sight of a few bubbles, slowly rising to the surface.
"Hello?" He called out softly.
For a moment, he thought nothing would happen. That he'd just been imagining it. Hallucinating even, the little sleep he'd had finally getting to him.
But he watched as a pair of eyes appeared, the outline of luscious hair and a head parting the waters, peering up at him.
He stared, mouth opening in awe.
You were beautiful.
Your face was just barely illuminated by the moonlight, glistening down on the droplets dripping down your smooth skin, just your face and neck having protruded out of the water.
You cocked your head to the side slightly, as if curious, inspecting him as he put his hands on the railing separating him from the open waters. "Hello."
His breath hitched in his throat. "Who...are you?" He asked after a moment, struggling to find his voice.
You smiled, enjoying his reaction. Before you could respond you were interrupted by a loud blare. Another boat was approaching, one that looked similar to a police boat almost.
Hobie looked up too, caught off-guard, and his expression immediately hardened. When he noticed you about to submerge yourself in the water again, he quickly reached a hand out.
You looked back up at him nervously, eyes flitting between him and the slowly approaching vessel. The silence was thick enough to be sliced, his soft breaths and the ripples of the water both louder than the sound of the boat that was coming closer.
Your eyes stayed on each others, hundreds of thousands of words being exchanged in a single moment. It was like he could read your mind, and you could read his. An odd, yet welcomed, connection.
"What are you?" He asked softly. You smiled once again, eyes crinkling up slightly. When you opened your mouth to speak, Hobie was blown away.
What you spoke wasn't English, but it was like he could understand every word, your voice like a tune, another lovely song, sung by a perfect voice. He exhaled softly when you finished, nodding furiously.
"I-uh-" he stuttered, realizing the boat was only getting closer, the officers' voices growing louder and louder. "Do you speak English?" he asked quickly, praying under his breath that your answer would be-
He grinned, cocking his head to the side slightly as he stared down at you. "I-"
The horn of the police boat sounded again and you snapped your head to the side, pretty eyes widening before you looked back at Hobie. He opened his mouth, hoping to delay you just a moment longer, calling out, "Wait-!"
But you were already gone, having disappeared under the surface without a trace, lost to the pitch black, shallow waters of the canal. He stared back at the slight ripples still emanating from where you'd left before running over to motor and roughly turning it on.
He had to escape, as quickly as possible. If he got caught now, he'd be out of a home, and he'd grown quite used to this little boat he loved so much.
But those lovely eyes were still stuck in his head. He chuckled to himself as he turned the tiller, steering himself in the opposite direction of the officers chasing him. He hummed those same four notes to himself, your gorgeous melody turning into a tune he didn't think he'd ever quite forget.
He hoped...no he knew that wouldn't be the last time he saw you. Hobie Brown was never one to let an opportunity slip past him, and this little encounter seemed to be much more than that. The way you'd looked at him, spoke to him, smiled at him-
Could it be fate? Hobie didn't believe in fate.
But this just felt so real. So real that he couldn't help but hope that it was fate.
That he was meant to see you again.
Because he would, whether it was written in the stars or not.
He'd find the girl with a voice of gold.
No matter how long it took.
A/N: Might write a part 2 if enough people ask because I feel like turning this into a series might be really fun but I also don't want to spend time writing it if no one's interested because I have other requests to get to too 😭 lmk if you want another part anon!! I'd be glad to write it <3
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ellieswifie · 9 months
Icebreaker was literally so good omg I loved it
Is there any way you can do one with Matt and reader watching fireworks and they get too loud and reader just gets overwhelmed but Matt helps calm them down
Sorry if I explained that really badly
warnings: angst, panic attack, fluff, rushed, not proof read, etc.
authors note: yes!! thank you so much for this lovely request. i’m so happy you enjoyed my first matt sturniolo dabble and i hope you enjoy this one too. enjoy :)
˗ˋ.*✧·˚ ೃ࿔₊•
YOU WEREN’T THE BIGGEST FAN OF FIREWORKS. growing up in the small neighborhood town you lived in, there wasn’t much of any loud noises or fireworks period.
but when your amazing boyfriend and crazy fun brothers invited you to a firework show for the fourth, you had to give in and say yes. and as much as you hate to admit it, you had no other plans for the fourth of july.
you and matt had been walking hand in hand attempting to find a good place to place the blanket you had brought for the evening. it was nearly impossible considering how many people were seated around, taking majority of the fresh cut grass.
chris and nick were both sent off to grab different snacks/food presented at a food truck the four of you had noticed walking in. so it was just you and matt…
"i’ve never done one of these things before." you confessed, kicking grass as you and matt stared straight ahead. his head tilted slightly, but eyes remained forward, scanning for an open seat. his thumb brushed the back of your hand in a comforting gesture, as his eyes locked in an open path. "same, we usually do something small."
you simply nods your head removing your hand from his when he places the picnic blanket on the ground. a couple not far from you and matt are cuddled close, smiling cutely at each other.
it made your stomach fill with butterflies. you loved that your here with matt of all people. knowing that others around you feel loved made you so thankful just having someone like matt. it comforted you in the most incredible ways.
when you turn back to your boyfriend, he’s sitting on the blanket, hand waiting for you to grab. you place yours in his, kneeling to sit beside him.
his smile is precious and adorable. everything just feels enchanting.
"the fireworks are supposed to be starting soon." he muttered, eyeing his phone. "they must be running a little-"
but before you could translate the rest of matt’s words, his voice went mute and loud explosions echoed your ears. panic washed over your body as your hands rushed to cover your eyes and duck your head low. you felt as if something took over your body and you couldn’t move. couldn’t breathe. your eyes were looking at everything but matt.
matt quickly noticed your panic, and leveled his face with yours, holding your head in his hands. his breath was close to yours as you locked eyes with your worried boyfriend.
"fireworks…" he whispered, leaning toward you to wrap his large arms over your shoulders. your hands shook as you struggled to hold him. "it’s just fireworks…" matt assured, whispering your name softly.
your breathing is heavy as the loud noises echo your thoughts, shallowing matt’s words. you nudge your chin into his neck, looking at the sky. it’s absolutely beautiful. hundreds of different shades of colors fill the sky creating numerous patterns.
you can feel matt tilt his head up, catching the sky from his view. a vibrant coral purple covers the sky making your smile grow slightly. you find yourself holding onto matt as the loud fireworks sound grow fairly familiar.
matt rubs small circles on your back, trailing the patterns of fireworks he notices in the sky. "that color reminds me of you." he whispers, as a compassionate pink color flashes across the sky in several directions.
a soft giggle falls from your lips as you glance at the cheesy romance color. "how so?" you tease, trying to control your breathing smile inhaling matt’s sent.
"because it’s the color your cheeks make when you blush."
just as he says that, your cheeks quickly fluster up. but before you can say anything, you can here his younger brother start walking your guys way, making you and matt tear apart.
"we got snacks!" chris exclaimed, raising the sodas and popcorn in his hands. you look at the older triplet following behind, roll his blue eyes. "we got a bunch of junk food." he corrects, hiding his smile.
you couldn’t help but laugh, leaning into matt.
because even with the loud explosions crowded your thoughts, you couldn’t have felt more safe then with the people your with right now.
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why4anne · 7 months
Part: 1/?
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Category: Social Media au
Summary: Follow the love story of a global pop icon and a monegasque F1 driver
Face claim: Taylor Swift (Singing) + others
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Liked by 128 037 people
The 21 year old pop icon has been spotted getting cozy with the new hot-shot Formula One rookie Charles Leclerc, driver for Sauber F1 Team. The pair was spotted at a night club in Monaco after Sundays Grand Prix.
L/N recently broke up with ex-boyfriend Neymar Jr. after rumors of the footballer cheating on her had been circling the internet. Do you think this new F1 driver could be Mr. Right or just a rebound?
view comments:
Ferrarigirlie: Con😭grat😭ula😭tions😭
y/nicon: I know I never had a chance with her but still…😔
Icemanfan: How in the world did bro manage to pull her?
- cuteasabutton: Ikr!!?? Like we all know that he has an angelic face but I did not think the whole awkward, slightly stupid flirting would work on THE y/n l/n
y/nschild: Awww I actually really ship this. Look at the way she is holding his face as she kisses him🥹 plus he seems like a nice guy, not like that N*ymar
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liked by blakelively, charles_leclerc and 8 582 194 others
Cats out of the bag I guess. Everyone meet my Lover, Charles.
Charles, stealing my heart was effortless for you. The moment I met you was was like seeing a rainbow at the end of a storm. Your presence has painted my life with the most vibrant and beautiful colors and I can't wait to explore them all. Thank you for making my life happier each day, my heart is forever entwined with yours.
Love y/n🤍
view comments:
charles_leclerc: je t'aime mon amour❤️
Ferrarigirlie: Stop I cannot handle this today!!😭😭
y/nchildrenunite: So this is our new dad? If he makes you this happy I approve mother🫶
futurewagfr: brb I'm just gonna take a bath with my toaster💀
- y/nsfavorite: just gonna go take a nap on the highway💀
leclercxxz: I want love like this one day😖
rorytheracingcar: me and who when?
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Liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 2 126 932 others
y/n, mon amour, amore mio, my love. I can speak 3 languages but there is still not a combination of words that can express just how much I love you.
You are my sun that I want to wake up to every morning and the moon that I want to fall asleep to every night. You are the waves that calms me down when life gets hard and the gravity that keeps me grounded. Without you I would forever float in a black void, looking for solid ground, looking for you, mon amour.
Je t'aime, Ti amo, I love you❤️
view comments:
pierregasly: Man you're down BAD
- charles_leclerc: Shut up, Pierre.
Icamanfan: wow he's in love LOVE
rbvettelsupremacy: where can I find myself one of these?🥹
papayanando: I'm actually crying rn.😭😭
y/nsfavorite: okay I approve of this relationship. This man is gonna treat her right.
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stardewlily · 24 days
I've always liked Seb's eight heart event best of all. To me it sums up his personality more perfectly than any of the others.
I know he's *just* pixels but omg, I swear, this sweet boy is my one and only and will have my heart for all time <3
(Btw, if you want your Seb to look this cute then please download Verumew's Portraits because they're absolutely gorgeous!)
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I just want to hug him so tight at this point! Ah, my little pookie, I love you so much!!! <3
Other mods in use:
VPR-Inspired UI
Portrait Frame Variations
Visible Fish
Vibrant Pastoral Recolor
Vibrant Pastoral Recolor Temporary fix for 1.6
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murfpersonalblog · 22 days
IWTV S2 Ep1 Musings - LDPDL smdh
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My daughter Claudia is NOT. PLAYING. AROUND.
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I had to giggle here, cuz it just reminded me of what she said in S1:
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Claudia will drag Lestat AND Louis each and every chance she gets, bless! 😂
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Aaaaaaaand the racists. 😒 Eat ALL of these mofos, YAAAAAS~!
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I am SCREAMING at the cinematic poetry--Louis is talking about not burning Lestat, as Lou & Claud can't get warm enough at a fire where they're burning the dead Soviets they just ate.
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While Claudia sits there giving Lou the cold shoulder & the silent treatment, icing him out so Louis only talks to himself--I HOLLERED.
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My daughter KNOWS!!! DRAG HIM, CLAUDIA!! ^0^
But then I cried, cuz WAIT. If Louis is talking to himself, is this also factoring into why he's seeing DreamStat? Cuz Lou's also desperate for connection, which he can't get from Claudia anymore either! 😭
Louis said DreamStat "came by invitation," as a colorful & vibrant "distraction" (read: comfort) from the dull monochromatic grey Eastern European land. But Lestat is bloodsplattered & filthy just like everyone else.
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The question of his guilty conscience: what does Lestat feel/think about Louis? And what is Louis projecting?
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That's all Louis wants to hear--that Les misses him and forgives him.
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"I'm glad it was you...a la fin." We still need confirmation that Lou slit Les's throat, not Claudia. Cuz this will also point to how much Lou is lying to himself about how betrayed Lestat really felt--that his death would be better by Lou's hands than Claudia's. Is Lou making himself feel better by giving Les the coup de gras, and thinking Les is grateful to him for it?
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Cuz he's clearly scared to death that WHEN--not IF--they reunite, Les will be pissed and hate/kill him.
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Cuz Lestat's love was what kept Louis alive--Lestat loving Louis saved/damned Louis' life. (The Merrick of it all, istg.)
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So it's WILD that Louis thinks this. That the split second Louis finds happiness, the boogeyman Lestat will come and kill him, or take it from him--or just be there as a hallucination constantly reminding Louis of what he left behind.
As an aside:
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It was a BAT--that's cute! XD
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Louis in denial as he tells himself choosing Claudia over Lestat was worth it. And Dream!Stat chanting "I do" like frikkin wedding vows, then choking on the words/vows as a vampire bat claws out of his throat--I CANNOT with this show anymore.
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This is interesting--the 7000 people he killed in Eastern Europe were a necessary evil--Lou calls them "souls," when Les called them "the Meat" and Claudia called them "Kill Juice." And in Paris he only kills once every other day. They ALL feel like murder to Louis. But Louis KNOWS he never killed Lestat!
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He put Lestat in the dump the same way Grace put his name on that tombstone--it's the DISTANCE that's killing them.
It's separation & absence, which they HOPE will make the heart grow colder--when we all know that's not how the saying actually goes.
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So who are you REALLY fooling, Louis? Cuz it for sure ain't Claudia!
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She said "you slow us down!" 💀 But Louis warned you: "I can barely speak French and English. I'd just hold you back.... You don't need me. You think you do, but you don't. You're smarter now. You see trouble coming a mile away." If only they'd've BOTH remembered that bit once they got to PARIS. 💀💀💀
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This dude, I swear. No wonder he never joined the Theatre; he can't lie for ish! 😅
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And I OOP! 👀
By the end of the episode we get Louis' BEAUTIFUL "You and Me" monologue to Claudia, and she finally accepts his apology and promise that he won't kill himself like Draciana did.
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Which nearly made me cry when you finally see DREAM!LESTAT SITTING RIGHT THERE. 😭 Who is Louis REALLY talking to!?
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As he always does when in denial & running from his problems (all the way to effing Romania, ffs), alcoholic!Louis "runs to the bottle and to bad beds."
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Louis, if you don't stop right this moment ISTG! 😭😭
I love this effing show, omg what a great start to the season!
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cat-loves-music · 3 months
Hi Cat! I was wondering if I could request Mattheo Riddle x fem reader who gets migraines? And it would be her skipping class over getting a really bad one which is unusual and so he goes to check on her and he cuddles her, gives her head massages (and she has curly hair or it’s just not described as like easy to comb through so more of a scalp massage ig lol) and whatever else you want to add. Also they call each other like mi amor and cute stuff like that. If you don’t want to write this it’s totally fine! I love your work and hope you have a great day or night <3
Omg hi! So sorry this took so long. Finding motivation is a pain in the ass. 😅
I also am not really familiar with migraines, so I hope I do this justice. Anyways I hope you like it!
Warnings: migraines, fluff, House not specified, fem!reader, not proofread!, somewhat shitty writing, and if there are more plz let me know!
The sound of a switch and the sudden blinding light of my dorm room awakes me from my peaceful slumber.
"Come on, Y/n! You need to get up, you'll be late," my dormmate says before leaving.
I groan as I sit up in bed, my head throbbing with pain and the contents of my stomach swish around uncomfortably inside the organ. The lights reflecting off of the vibrant colors of the dorm room make my head spin so I begrudgingly stand up to turn the light back off.
"Not today," I whisper to myself as I chase my relief in the comfort of my own bed.
Mattheo's POV
"Hey Malfoy, have you seen Y/n today?" I asked him as we sat down in the Great Hall for lunch.
"Nah, mate. I would have thought you would have since you're the one dating her," he answers, shrugging.
I sigh as more of my friends come to the table.
"Have any of you guys seen Y/n by any chance?" I asked them.
"I didn't see her in class," Enzo replied, "she's almost never even late much less not show up."
"Yeah she wasn't in Defense or Charms," Pansy said, worry lacing her voice.
I get up from the table, my heart feeling like it's being squeezed. Something is wrong, I know it.
"I'll see you all later, I'm gonna go find her," I stated.
We bid our goodbyes before I head to her dorm. I arrive there and I knock on the door.
"Go away!" I hear her groan.
Twisting open the door knob, the lights are completely off and the curtains are drawn closed. Darkness envelopes the room, but I can still see Y/n's form buried underneath the covers.
"Mi amor," I whisper, "what's wrong?"
"I have a migraine," she speaks, her words slightly slurred.
I frown, "It must be a bad one because you never miss class, my love."
"Please stop yelling," she whines, "it hurts."
I walk over to beside her bed, take my shoes off and climb in next to her. Snaking my arms around her, I hold her close and she snuggles into my chest.
"Can I get a head massage please?" She requests, looking up at me with her tear stained cheeks.
"Of course, princess," I said, my heart squeezing once more.
I hate that she's in pain, sometimes I wish I could take it away from her so she'll never have to feel it again. I'd bear the burden so she doesn't have to, but unfortunately I can't so the next best thing would be helping her with a massage. My hands find their way to her head as I work my fingers into her temples and scalp. Y/n sighs in contentment as I do so.
"Thank you, love," she says, "that feels so much better."
I provide a kiss to the top of her head, "I'm glad."
For the rest of the day, we stay in bed with our bodies entwined in each other's arms.
Hi! I hope you liked it, but it’s been a hot minute since I've written an imagine so I'm sorry if it sucks. I tried my best to make it decent since I don't personally get migraines, but if you want me to add something, let me know!
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niki-phoria · 1 year
‧₊˚✩ chishiya, arisu and kuina reaction to their s/o doing their makeup
warnings: ooc chishiya, might edit and change kuina's later idk, this is just fluff there are no games or anything they're just cute
gn! reader (no pronouns used)
reblogs (with feedback) >>> likes
‧₊˚✩ chishiya
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(word count 230) look at how pretty he is omg
chishiya poorly stifles a chuckle as you brush the liquid against his eye, slightly pulling away from you. “stop moving,” you complain, hand holding his face in place. 
“it feels weird,” he says. “how do you do this everyday?” 
you shift from your position on his lap as you lean in a little closer. chishiya’s hands ghost against your hips, holding you in place. “the sooner you stop moving the sooner you can take it off.” you tilt his head to the side to get a better angle. “close your eyes.” 
despite his complaints, chishiya relents, lifting his head and letting you work. his skin is soft as you press your hand against his jaw. his eyes stay closed when you pull back. you take the time to admire him. his bangs are pushed back behind his ears, framing his face. his jacket is only partially zipped up, part of his chest and collarbones visible. 
you put the cap back on the eyeliner, setting it aside on your bed. chishiya’s eyes blink open as you hold his chin to turn his face from side to side. “done?” he asks.
“done.” chishiya smirks, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you down to sit fully on his lap. you laugh, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “you’re so pretty.” 
chishiya leans up to press his lips against yours. “you’re prettier.” 
‧₊˚✩ arisu
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(word count 298)
arisu laughs as you brush the power against the corner of his eye. you stifle a chuckle of your own, pulling the brush away from him. “stop laughing,” you whine. 
“i can’t help it!” he whines. “it tickles.” 
you shake your head and move to sit up on your knees. you nudge his knees apart, gently pushing him back to make room on his lap. your knees press into the mattress on either side of his hips as you lean over him. arisu looks up at you, blushing. “what are you doing?” 
“your makeup,” you say. arisu’s blush deepens, ears burning a fiery red and cheeks a light pink. you pretend to not see it and continue applying the eyeshadow to his face. 
you’re so focused on blending out the different shades of brown that you don’t notice arisu’s hands awkwardly resting on your waist. his hands are warm as they press against your body. his blush is still painfully visible as you set the brush aside, careful not to let the makeup touch your white sheets. 
you bring your hand up to his cheek, stroking your thumb against the skin. arisu opens his eyes, blinking up at you. you smile, leaning down a little. “do i make you nervous, arisu?” 
“n-no,” he stammers. you smirk, leaning down even further to press your forehead against his. 
“are you sure?” 
“y/n,” he whispers. 
“i like you, arisu.” his eyes widen as he stares up at you. his grip on your waist tightens a little. 
“i like you too.” 
“can i kiss you?” arisu’s blush deepens even more as he nods a little, closing his eyes before you gently press your lips against his. he smiles a little when you pull away, pressing another quick kiss against your cheek.
‧₊˚✩ kuina
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(word count 270)
kuina’s hands gently press against your thighs as you lean over her. the blue eyeshadow is vibrant against her skin as you buff the colour out. you lean back up on your knees as she blinks up at you. the moment feels more intimate than it should be. your knees are on either side of her hips, bare skin against hers. 
“does it look good?” she asks. you move off of her, making room so she can sit up. you lean over to grab your phone, unlocking it before handing it to her. kuina shifts to raise the phone up, closing her eyes and snapping a quick picture of the makeup. “oh wow, it looks beautiful!” she smiles. 
“you think so?” kuina nods before gasping. 
“we should add glitter!” you chuckle at her enthusiasm, letting her look through your various eyeshadow palettes. “ooh, this one is pretty.” she picks out a light blue glitter, looking over her shoulder at you. “what do you think?” 
you lean over her shoulder, glancing between the palette and her makeup. “it’s pretty,” you say. “let’s test it out.” 
kuina excitedly sits across from you as you carefully press the glitter against her eyelid, blending it into the rest of her makeup. when you pull away she eagerly pulls your phone out again, taking another picture to check how it looks. 
“it looks great!” she smiles, throwing her arms around you and pulling you into a hug. kuina presses a kiss to your cheek. “thank you!” 
you hope she doesn’t notice how flustered you are as you wrap your arms around her waist. “of course.”
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