#this is superhero au now
moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
i think that if ocean and noel lived in a bigger area (so this is an au i guess) they did ballet together and for years because it’s an extracurricular and exercise which helps you get into college and studios have aircon fields do not and eventually they were partnered up to do lifts and ocean was dying inside bc she does not trust noel at all and why couldn’t she be in one of the pairs that were two girls like wouldnt that break boundaries and flaunt the patriarchy? and noel noticed that she was scared and said “don’t worry i’m strong enough to lift you, i’ve been carrying the burden of your bullshit for the past five years” BEST ENEMIES
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moodlemcdoodle · 14 days
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After a year of doing art in secret (and forgetting to post anything… I’m sorry I will have my backlog queued up soon!) I have finally accumulated enough power… to revive my ancient human superhero Sonic AU and make it actually good! Here’s a bunch of my sketches, mainly of Sonic and Tails but also of a bit of lore… More to come later!
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funkyplantguy · 4 days
grian gets saved by hotguy and then pines over him <3
so this "au" (if you can even call it that when it exists exclusively in my brain and now in this ask) is mostly crack and comes from me joking around a couple days ago with some friends so...don't take it too seriously. that being said...
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areeongreenday: hey! so this is insane.
h0tguysnumber0n3fan: i guess i kind of understand where you're coming from with this - scar goodman and hotguy do share a similar sense of humor, and i sort of see what you're saying at 47:03 when you compared their voices (more specifically, the inflection they use on specific words) but...i guess i'm having a hard time imagining scar as a superhero. don't get me wrong - he's plenty cool, but...didn't he say that he's a full-time content creator now? i don't know that he'd really have the time to record, edit, and post videos on top of saving the city on a near-daily basis. interesting theory, though! admire the dedication.
scargoodman: ;)
and there it was, taunting him - that damn winky face, yet again, commented nearly instantaneously each time grian uploaded a new video about the man itself. scar goodman - known to many as the man who had risen to sudden fame in the video essayist community with his charming good looks and boisterous personality. scar goodman, whom grian suspected was secretly none other than the city's beloved superhero. after all, they'd both made their debuts within a week of each other and shared not only a similar path of success but a similar sense of humor, a similar speaking style, a similar body type, a similar laugh...sure, there were things that didn't quite line up, but...for the most part, they appeared to be the exact same person.
okay - maybe grian was a little obsessed. but what was he supposed to do, not point out the obvious?
what made matters worse was that nobody seemed to believe him. no matter how many videos he posted, no matter how much proof he gave...nobody was willing to hear him out.
nobody except scar goodman himself, who seemed intent to drive him absolutely insane.
grian grumbled something to himself, pocketing his phone and continuing down the long, narrow sidewalk to his apartment complex. he'd lost track of time at work yet again, and as a result, the sun had long set. this wasn't unusual for him - he often opted to remain late in the office to "finish up a few things" (ie take advantage of the functional wifi his workplace offered instead of trying to upload videos on his crummy home network), so he was...fairly comfortable tracing the path back to his apartment in the dark of night. the street lights in this part of town didn't work exceptionally well, but with the familiarity of it all and the dull light of the moon, grian typically fared well enough.
tonight, however...well, call him paranoid, but...something felt...off. something about the way all the buildings around him were dark, indicating that their inhabitants were either asleep or out (and entirely unreachable if grian were to call for help). something about the absence of the various stray cats that he often crossed paths with. something about how the complete and utter silence made his ears ring.
"aw, what's this? a cute guy? well, pretty boy, you've just entered the wrong part of town at the wrong time. unfortunately, loose lips sink ships, or...uh...however the saying goes, so...sorry, i can't let you leave this visit alive."
before grian could even register the words being spoken (where were they even coming from?? above him? below him? behind him? everywhere, all at once?), he felt hands gripping the back of his shirt. in another moment, he was on the ground, his breath clawing its way out of his chest. above him stood a figure, shrouded in darkness and the billowing, starry cape draped across their shoulders. in their hands was something glinting, something sharp, something deadly -- something that grian's frazzled, spinning mind was unable to put a name to. or maybe it refused to - refused to name the tool that would be his doom. maybe it was better that way, he mused idly, as the figure raised it high above their head. maybe it was best to not know.
"hey! there you are - what did i say about running off?"
and just as quickly as he'd accepted his death, the threat of it was gone, vanquished by the appearance of the tall, costumed man on the rooftop adjacent. grian felt his breath return to his chest in one fell swoop, filling his lungs and sending a wave of sensitivity to his throat. he coughed, hard, tears welling helplessly in his eyes, and the newcomer's attention snapped to him in an instant.
"oh - and you've made a friend! how nice. unfortunately, there are no plus ones in prison."
"hotguy," grian's would-be murderer snarled. "i thought i'd lost you."
"nah. i may have gotten lost, sure. but you didn't lose me. there's a difference."
"you'll wish that i'd lost you when i'm through with you."
"oh, that was lame!" the man cried, hopping over the low rooftop wall and landing neatly on the ground below (how he did it, even grian wasn't sure. by all intents and purposes, his legs shouldn't have that level of shock absorption, even if he had been fed some chemical cocktail by a mad scientist at a young age as he boasted). "listen - we've got to get you a better catchphrase."
hotguy strode forward, his eyes glinting behind his tinted visor. he glanced to grian out of the corner of his eye, then back to the villain - then back to grian again, his mouth going slack in surprise. grian met his gaze - took in his appearance - and let out a bark of laughter, one not missed by either scar goodman or the cloaked figure in front of him. scar returned his laughter, throwing his head back and planting his hands firmly on his hips.
"well, what a coincidence," he giggled, after a moment. "my new catchphrase just so happens to be "subscribe to my youtube channel."
"what?" their third demanded, glancing between the two. "what are you talking about?"
"oh my god. there's no way. there's no way. how - how am i the only one who knows? how am i the only one who suspects?? it's obvious - it's so obvious."
"what's obvious?"
"i know, right? i make it as obvious as possible, and still...still, nobody puts two and two together. well...nobody except for you, apparently. i guess that you're just...special."
"why don't you just come out and say it?" grian mused, propping himself up on his elbows and ignoring the sputtering from their newly acquired third wheel. "i feel like if you said it - either as scar goodman or hotguy - people would have to believe it, no?"
a strange look came over hotguy's face, but it vanished as quickly as it had arrived.
"ah...i don't think that would change anything. plus, i have this thing with this cute guy where he tries to tell everyone my identity and i egg him on to get him to make more silly videos. i would hate to give that up."
he winked, and grian felt warmth climb his cheeks. gone was the fear, gone was the panic, gone was the darkness and the creeping, crawling sense of unease - instead, there was only curiosity, burning brightly in his chest. he wanted to talk to scar - hotguy - for hours, wanted to pull the object of his obsession apart to see what made him tick, then put him back together again, just to see what would happen. he wanted to get to know who hotguy was underneath the suit - and who scar goodman was with the suit. he'd wanted (he'd wanted for so long) and it felt like maybe...just maybe...he'd get to have.
"hey! what the hell is going on?"
"oh, right," hotguy chuckled, turning his attention to the third member of their party. "sorry - didn't mean to ignore you. here - sit tight, for real this time. the police will be here soon."
"dude, i'm just going to leave again. do you really not have handcuffs or something?"
"who needs handcuffs when you have a cub to design fancy gadgets for you?"
"a...a what?" the figure asked, then yelped, startled, as something exploded out of the cuff on hotguy's wrist. a net, affixing itself neatly to their body, wrapping them up in a cocoon of their own folly. grian stared at it, humming in approval.
"thank you! it's new."
"i know."
"i bet you do," scar responded, and grian flushed further at the teasing edge his tone took on. "i bet you know almost everything about me, at this point. obsessed, much?"
"i could say the same," grian huffed back, pulling himself to his feet and brushing off his jeans (there was a rip in one leg, now, he noticed with a frown). "you recognized me, like, immediately. it's pretty dark out, too - sounds like you're the one obsessed."
"what can i say - you're pretty and smart. i happen to like my men pretty and smart."
grian sputtered incoherently in response, all confidence gone out the window. oh god - he was even more charismatic in person, even in costume. and god, was the costume more attractive in person, as well - baggy cargo pants and a tight, fitted top that exposed his tanned midriff. not the most tactical, sure - but damn was it hot.
"you can't say that," he moaned, covering his reddened cheeks with his hands. "oh my god. i hate you. i've known you for five minutes and i already hate you."
"sure you do," scar responded, grinning. "i - oh, hold on."
he raised his hand and tapped the earpiece affixed to the side of his head, concentrating. after a moment, he sighed - and for just a second, grian thought that his shoulders drooped in exhaustion. as quickly as they sagged, however, scar was straightening, turning back to grian with an easy smile.
"sorry, handsome, duty calls. are you alright to get back home on your own? i doubt this guy will be giving you any more trouble. those nets are pretty sturdy."
"wait!" grian sputtered, his heart hammering painfully in his chest (no, no, he couldn't let scar slip through his fingers, not now, not when he was finally so close). "don't go - i...can i see you again?"
scar's smile wobbled around the edges, and any panic grian felt was replaced with guilty - heavy and suffocating (though he wasn't sure why)
"ah...isn't it more fun, this way? don't you like the chase? isn't that exhilaration enough for your pretty little head?"
"i mean...it's a fun hobby, yeah, but -,"
"then we'll stick to the status quo. after all, i'd hate to rob you of your favorite hobby. goodnight, grian. can't wait for your next video."
and with a wink, he was gone, disappearing back into the shadows so quickly grian could have sworn he was made of them. and grian...well. he had an apartment to get home to, a cat to feed...and a chase to continue. and maybe, someday, if he was fast enough...he'd catch up.
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we've met our super heroes, but what about our super villains? time to meet two leaders from the evil syndicate, our heroes' greatest foe...
adélie valois, current heiress to the multimillion dollar tech and research corporation firehawk industries, appears in the public eye quite often. she's got big shoes to fill for a company so renowned...but she really doesn't seem fazed by it. either that, or she doesn't care. but what most don't know is that she's also got big shoes to fill as a supervillain. adélie is a sixth-generation psychic of a long line of supervillains, as well as the fifth to hold the family villain mantle, espritvoyant. it's...pretty clear she's only got a leadership position on the syndicate due to nepotism, given her rather nonexistent work ethic, but her powers are still a huge asset on stealth missions. although she usually just uses them to terrorize the heroes for the most part. her inherited powers have also just left her kind of numb to the thoughts and feelings of others. she readily expects how most people think and how they're going to act and gets bored easily because of it. her coworkers get pretty frustrated with her attitude, but it's not like it's her fault she's surrounded by such predictable individuals. revenge this, injustice that. she swears she's had her family motto engraved in the back of her eyelids at this point. (deep down, though, she resents her powers. she wishes for a little spontaneity in her life. she wishes she could get excited over stuff the way other people can. she wishes she wasn't like this). however, the sudden appearance of solarflare and kuiper have caught her eye as of late...especially the latter, who's surprisingly immune to her mind reading. maybe something worthwhile can come out of all of this...
and whenever she isn't just going at it solo, her partner is usually fellow syndicate leader blindside. he's often teamed with her on missions involving stealth, given his power of invisibility as well as his martial arts prowess provide the perfect balance of defense and offense. while esprit's purpose (or apathy) mostly revolves around just following her family's footsteps, blindside's motives are...a bit more murky. both the heroes and the syndicate are a bit confused about it. how did someone with such an otherwise gentle demeanor end up turning to evil? despite appearances, he doesn't seem to pull punches when it comes to heroes. why does he hate them so much? no one can seem to figure it out, given he just...doesn't talk. and while esprit is the only one he ever seems to hold conversation with given the inevitable nature of her mind reading, she hasn't pushed him on it (for which he is grateful). in the public eye, he goes by ichigo kato, an unassuming librarian with a pretty uneventful day job. well, except for that one nosy journalist who keeps coming in and giving him a near heart attack each time with the titles she keeps checking out...oh, and the fact that that one new hero, solarflare, kind of sort of knows his civilian identity now. there's that, too. he's not sure why she hasn't exposed him yet...but not like he's gonna say anything about it.
up next...we're not done with the syndicate just yet! what else does this organization have in store for our heroes...? stay tuned!
(need more context for this au? check out the other character sheets!
joy, sadness & anxiety // disgust & fear )
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angeart · 7 months
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a cuteguy design
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specter-star · 1 month
Grian - Watcher
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Description: Very little is known about him except that despite his detailed knowledge of both sides of the hero-villain divide, he has always refused to become involved. However, his power should not be underestimated.
Song: El Dorado by Stellar
Contract: when he was younger, he made a deal that granted him enhanced senses, among certain other abilities; he will have these abilities for as long as he upholds that contract
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
love love love still born au, I want to be your parent but I can’t parent the way you need Vlad and Bruce, Danny is the broken mirror for Damian Bruce and Vlad the RESONANCE bitesyoubitesyoubitesyoubitesyoubitesyou
ow ow owowowowOW IMMA BITE YOU BACK (affectionate) WATCH OUT. And aaaa i'm so glad you like the still born au!! Danny really is going thru it <\3 and you understood the dynamic I'm going for for Vlad and Danny perfectly raaaaah. And for Bruce too!! I'm not still not sure who discovers who first but the pure angst of Danny finding out first and due to his own poor self-esteem and negative experiences jumping to the conclusion that Bruce replaced him is extremely tempting. And even then, Bruce is so emotionally constipated that even his best efforts might just not be what someone like Danny -- who desperately wants to feel wanted -- needs.
and HHHHHh "he's a broken mirror for Damian, Bruce, and Vlad" YEAH. YEAH. Danyal's been a ghost since he was born and Talia told Bruce he was stillborn, that boy is haunting EVERYONE. He's bruce's unaware failure, Damian's 'could've been', and Vlad's mirror. This poor boy, someone needs to burrito him in a blanket and let him sob on their shoulder </33
the worst (best) dynamic imo here is danny and vlad's in the sense that they do earnestly want to be each other's family but their morals are diametrically opposed and so it cant work unless one of them changes. they're playing tug-o-war with the other's beliefs but can't seem to get the other to cross that line.
i am so mentally ill about these two in this au.
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dyinggirldied · 6 months
Undereage Superheroes On The Rise: A Morally and Ethically Cause of Concern?
It's supposed to be another clickbait news but it comes at the time when the existence of ghost was recently proved factual at a small town in Illinois along witha its dead teenage superhero, when the heroes of Paris and by large France accidentally revealed they weren't adults at all, not even close, when Spiderman was unmasked to be 16-year-old Peter Parker, when the Young Justice was wounded in a large scale attack.
Most of the people involved and not involved are not having fun.
(This is inspired by the Miraculous fanfic The Growing Pains of Child Soldiers by BloodWolf13, a fic which I recommend you read since it is very, very good. Hits all my whump and angst points)
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sourtomatola · 4 days
Cosmic Chaos 3 Parts 5-6
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Big brother gets to lead in a way he hasn't in years <3
Cosmic Chaos AU and character designs by @enigmaticcattic
Ice villain lunar and story by me
Parts1+2 | Parts3+4 | Next part
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mushtoons · 2 years
throws an au doodle at u and leaves
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tennessoui · 6 months
Anakin: I have a bad feeling in my stomach when I talk to this incredibly handsome man with pretty eyes and nice hair and a nice voice
Anakin: obviously he is a supervillain
superhero anakin is actually incredibly based for this i hate what having a crush does to me. all my crushes have been supervillains in disguise with the potential to be absolutely life-ruining
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featheredenby · 4 months
Mother Of The Spores
“Hello to you too, pretty boy,” Cuteguy greets him,”Now tell me what exactly are you doing in woods that are owned by a witch?”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Word Count: 2,222
Part Four of: Show Your Fangs
A Super Hero AU of Empires SMP/The Life Series/Hermitcraft
She has to be quick as she plants it, if anyone were to see her she would be done for. As the red clad figure makes her way through the forest she gathers the herbs and mushrooms that are needed to set the trap. She shoves them all into a small pouch that sits at her waist and goes over the list in her head, rosemary, belladonna, mandrake, and white lily along with inky cap mushrooms, fly agarics, and shiitakes. Using these she can do what The King has requested, and as she thinks this she reaches the desired location. It's a large cave in one of the forest’s many glades, and just inside she places the items needed for the spell, before beginning to cast. 
“ᓵ𝙹ᒲʖ╎リᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷᓭᒷ ╎ℸ ̣ ᒷᒲᓭ ᔑリ↸ ⊣╎⍊ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷᒲ ᔑ ꖎ╎⎓ᒷ ᔑᓭ ᔑリ ᒷリℸ ̣ ╎ℸ ̣ || 𝙹⎓ !¡𝙹∴ᒷ∷ ᔑリ↸ ᓵ𝙹リℸ ̣ ∷𝙹ꖎ, ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ ᔑ ᒲ𝙹リℸ ̣ ⍑ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ|| ∴╎ꖎꖎ ℸ ̣ ᔑꖌᒷ 𝙹⍊ᒷ∷ ╎リ ⍑𝙹!¡ᒷᓭ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓭ╎ꖎꖎ|| ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ ⍑ᒷ∷𝙹ᒷᓭ ∴╎ꖎꖎ ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ╎リ⍊ᒷᓭℸ ̣ ╎⊣ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ.”, and with that it’s done and she can return to the city.
It had been about five in the morning when Scar had gotten the call telling him to report to The GFHA headquarters at seven, and now it’s nine and he’s hiking through the local dark oak forest with Cub, one of The GFHA’s top scientists. As they walk he feels like there’s something watching him but that’s not what’s important at the moment, as according to the briefing there had been rumors of a strange fungus causing odd behavior in the local animal. Cub and him are almost there when a twig snaps behind them and Scar sends an arrow flying to the source of the sound only to find that nothing’s there as Scar goes to collect the arrow something or someone drops down from the trees behind him, Scar turns around to find a smirking Cuteguy in front of him.
“What the… Cuteguy? You almost gave me a heart attack.” Scar exclaims.
“Hello to you too, pretty boy,” Cuteguy greets him,”Now tell me what exactly are you doing in woods that are owned by a witch?”
“I didn’t know that this forest was owned by a witch.” He lies.
“Uh huh… in that case what are you doing here?”
Cub interjects,”That’s classified information.”
“Okay don’t tell me,” Cuteguy retorts,”But I’m still going to follow you.”
Grian doesn’t know what exactly possessed him to follow Hotguy into Shelby’s forest but something did and now he’s standing in a glade that’s covered in strange mushrooms and mycelium vines. He can’t see very far in front of him either because of the thick fog that engulfs the clearing and he turns to see Hotguy and the scientist putting on gas masks but he’s Cuteguy and he can’t afford that luxury, however it soon becomes evident that they’re useful as he starts to become dizzy and nauseous. He still tries to clear his head, and as he does he sees a small chicken now that was weird. Maybe he should try to talk to her and ask if it’s okay. “𐎧𐎤𐏀 𐏂𐎧𐎤𐎱𐎤, 𐎠𐎱𐎤 𐏀𐎮𐎸 𐎮𐎪𐎠𐏀”
“Uhm Cuteguy, what are you doing?” Hotguy asks.
Right Grian had forgotten that most people don’t know that he can talk to chickens, “I found a chicken,” he explained, “I can talk to chickens, I’m questioning it.”
“Okay I guess…”
Now the main question is if the chicken would respond as they aren’t the most talkative kind of bird, and it just dashes off which is just plain rude. In any case he could have sworn that there was something off about that chicken anyways. Grian just brushes it off however and continues to walk around dell until he finds a cave, he almost missed it too as most of its mouth is covered in mycelium tendrils and inky caps maybe? He would quite like to get into the cave but the layer of fungal growth is thick and he sadly only has two guns on him which won’t be very useful. Maybe he should try to kick it in, yes that’s a very good idea, much to Grian’s surprise the wall of shrooms breaks easily to reveal a cavern filled with bioluminescent fungi and lichens.
“Hotguy,” he calls,”you might want to see what I found.”
“Okay,” Hotguy calls back,”be there in just a second.”
So Grian waits in the mouth of the cave but it feels like something is calling him into it, so after a few minutes he gets impatient with Hotguy and goes further into it. The cave it turns out is surprisingly large if he had to guess Grian would say that he could fully extend his wings in it, but at the same time it makes him feel surprisingly claustrophobic but that’s probably just because the strange mist that they found outside is getting more heavily concentrated. Additionally as he goes further in the voice gets louder and he starts tripping on mycelium vines that are now about the size of tree roots. As Grian walks he examines the tendrils he’s looking at, a particularly large one as he walks into what he at first mistakes to be the end of the cave only to feel a shower of spores rain down upon him. The spores enter his lungs and he gasps for air while screaming for help before passing out.
Scar rifles through the undergrowth at the edge of the glade in an attempt to find a suitable specimen of the mushrooms to bring back to The GFHA’s lab in Hermitopia but based on his luck so far he probably won’t find any as it appears that the local animals have been eating the fungi. He wants to finish this quickly too, so that he can see what Cuteguy found as it sounded important, that’s when he hears a scream.
“What was that?!?” Scar yells.
“I’m not sure,” Cub replies,”but it came from that cave that Cuteguy found.”
“I’m going to go check what happened then,” Scar tells him,”I’ll be right back.”
As Scar walks over to the cave he nocks an arrow in his bow and turns on the dark vision in his glasses before stepping in. The inside walls of the cave, covered in lichen and mycelium, would have been quite interesting had he not known that someone was in danger. Scar’s quite glad that he turned on dark vision as the concentration of fog gets thicker and clouds his vision. He has to be very careful when making his way through the cave as there are thick roots growing out from the rock which could seriously damage his mechanical leg braces.Maybe when this whole thing is over he should ask for more durable ones or a cane or crutches or- Scar trips over the largest root yet and sees standing in front of him none other that Cuteguy except the fact that something is off, his eyes appear glossed over with a purple tint and there are various mushrooms sprouting from his head. Scar’s so focused on what happened to Cuteguy that he barely has time to move before a thread of mycelium can grab his leg, he rolls over hopping up and loosing an arrow from his bow at Cuteguy’s foot only for him to dodge. The next root hurdles at his stomach and Scar deflects it with his bow only to get his leg yanked out from under him.
 As Scar is hung upside down from his leg Cuteguy approaches him, “W̸e̶l̸l̴,̸ ̶w̸e̶l̴l̴,̵ ̷w̵e̷l̴l̸.,”he says in a voice that isn’t his,”̵L̶o̶o̶k̶s̸ ̴l̴i̶k̷e̷ ̴t̷h̴e̴ ̶p̷o̶o̵r̵ ̷f̵a̷e̶ ̸g̶o̷t̴ ̸s̶t̷u̸c̸k̷ ̶i̴n̶ ̷m̵y̸ ̴l̵i̷t̷t̴l̷e̶ ̷t̸r̷a̸p̷.”In fact the voice reminds him of someone who he fought about a month prior, she had joined in a fight with The Dogwarts Duo out of the blue and had summoned ghost wolves to attack Canary Call and him and introduced herself as “The Red Witch”.
“Wait what- You’re the red witch!?!” He exclaims.
“Y̷o̵u̵ ̵c̴o̶u̴l̶d̸ ̷s̴a̷y̷ ̶t̷h̴a̷t̷ ̸b̴u̶t̸ ̴n̵o̷,̴ ̵n̷o̶t̵ ̸q̶u̴i̸t̴e̵,” the thing in Cuteguy replies,”I̶ ̴a̴m̷ ̴m̶e̶r̶e̵l̷y̸ ̷o̶n̵e̴ ̸o̵f̴ ̶h̷e̴r̶ ̸c̶r̷e̸a̷t̴i̴o̴n̵s̸.̵”
“Okay so you aren’t her but what the heck do you want with Cuteguy?”
“O̵h̸.̵.̵.̴ ̶y̴o̴u̴ ̷m̵e̶a̶n̸ ̴m̶y̷ ̶n̸e̸w̴ ̷v̶e̷s̸s̷e̶l̴?̴,” it asks,”I̵ ̵j̴u̶s̷t̴ ̵n̴e̶e̷d̴e̸d̴ ̴h̸i̶m̴ ̵t̴o̶ ̶g̸e̷t̴ ̶t̶o̸ ̴y̴o̴u̶.̷”
“What do you mean to get to me?” Scar inquires.
“T̷h̶a̵t̸'̵s̷ ̴e̵n̴o̴u̶g̵h̸,̸” it snaps before covering his mouth with a vine,”t̴i̸m̷e̵ ̸t̷i̸m̵e̷ ̸t̷o̸ ̷d̶e̷a̶l̶ ̴w̶i̶t̵h̵ ̸t̸h̸a̷t̷ ̸l̵i̵t̷t̶l̵e̶ ̸s̴c̷i̸e̸n̴t̵i̸s̷t̵ ̶o̴f̵ ̴y̵o̸u̸r̶s̴.̵”
With that the thing possessing Cuteguy walks off, if Scar could just find a way down from where he’s hanging he could get out of the cave and find help. All of his arrows fell out of his quiver but he might be able to reach one, however the regular ones won’t be of any help unless he can use one to saw through the vine wrapped around his leg. So Scar reaches down until he feels an arrow in his fingers and as he pulls it up he sees that it has the black shaft that tells him it’s a normal one. He gets to work sawing through the vive with one hand while holding his bow in the other until it drops him when he gathers all of his arrows, not bothering to put them in the right compartments. At this moment the thing returns and Scar feels a slicing pain as a sharp rock hits him in the side, “O̵o̶p̶s̵,̶ ̴d̶i̵d̸ ̶t̴h̸a̵t̷ ̵h̵u̸r̵t̷?̵”
Scar reaches back and frantically grabs an explosive arrow before slowly walking toward Cuteguy, “Cuteguy,” he starts,”I know that you’re in there.”
“H̷a̷!̶ ̸Y̴o̶u̵ ̶s̷h̴o̷u̵l̶d̵ ̶k̷n̷o̷w̵ ̷a̵s̸ ̶g̵o̸o̸d̵ ̸a̸s̶ ̵a̵n̷y̵o̴n̵e̶ ̸t̴h̴a̸t̵ ̷h̶e̸'̷s̸ ̷n̷o̴t̶ ̷h̵e̴r̷e̶ ̷r̴i̷g̴h̵t̸ ̸n̸o̴w̴ ̸a̸-̵,” the thing is cut off,”Get out. Get the fuck 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣  𝙹⎓ ᒲ|| ⍑ᒷᔑ↸!” 
Cuteguy’s eyes glow bright purple as he… casts a spell? Scar didn’t know that he could do that, all of the mushrooms on Cuteguy get pushed away but soon after the mycelium tendrils start attacking him and Scar. 
“Run!” Scar screams at him and the two of them bolt out of the cave but despite their speed the vines are faster and as they reach the mouth Scar turns around loses an arrow from his bow and the cave explodes sending hunks of rock and mushroom flying and he’s knocked out.
He can’t believe what he’s done, to be fair Grian had no idea what was going to be in that cave but as he drags an unconscious Hotguy and a bleeding scientist to Shelby’s house the guilt is waying down on him. As he reaches the front door Grian hesitates as to bring them to Shelby means he has to tell her what happened but it’s better than explaining it to authorities so he knocks. A warm glow showers over him as she opens the door but her face can’t hide her shock.
“Oh my gods…” Shelby quietly exclaims,”Grian what happened?”
“It’s a long story, can we come inside?”
“⍑ᒷᔑꖎ !¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ, ⎓𝙹∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ꖎ𝙹⍊ᒷ 𝙹⎓ ⊣𝙹↸ᓭ. リJJリᒷ ╎ᓭ ↸||╎リ⊣ ╎リ ᒲ|| ⍑𝙹⚍ᓭᒷ リ𝙹ℸ ̣  ℸ ̣ 𝙹↸ᔑ||,” Shelby finishes the spell on Hotguy,”okay these two should be fine but do you want to explain what happened?”
“Well there was a cave in this forest with a lot of weird mushrooms in it and it was kind of an entity. I don’t really remember much but it possessed me and I hurt Hotguy and whatshisname over there.” Grian explains.
“Okay and?”
“I managed to get free but the thing started attacking me and Hotguy so we ran but it almost got us so he blew up the cave with an arrow. That of course caused him to get knocked out.”
“Wow. That’s a lot to take in.” Shelby says as she opens a book on possession.
“I just feel so guilty,” he continues,”I might stop being Cuteguy for a little bit at least until this whole mess blows over.”
“If that’s what you want.” She says absentmindedly as she flips through the book.
“I’m just dont- oh no.”
“What?” She asks while turning around,”You good?”
“I’m fine! But Hotguy’s waking up.”
“Okay then. Do you want to do it or should I?”
“Do what?”
“Um… Actually, never mind, I have to go grab something, keep an eye on him.” She says while leaving the room.
Oh no. No. No. No. No. This is not good. He almost killed both Hotguy and the scientist and now he has to be alone in a room with them? It’s fine he just has to act perfectly calm and collected and normal. Grian snaps out of it as he sees Hotguy try to get up only to lay back down on the couch. He turns to look at Grian. Shit.
“Wha- Cuteguy? What happened? The last thing I remember is blowing up that cave and-” Hotguy starts to look confused, and Grian realizes that he’s crying,”Are you okay.”
“I… I have to go.” And with that Grian leaves.
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joeytime · 4 months
Superhero au where Lewis can manipulate gravity, making things sink to the ground or float into the atmosphere. His childhood friend, Nico, is a flyer, soaring through the sky like a kite cut loose.
They're everything, friends, teammates, childhood buddies, rivals and perhaps lovers.
They become a hero duo, Lewis disorients enemies by floating them and Nico swoops in like a falcon to fight them high in the air where he is most comfortable. Then, Lewis slams enemies back onto the ground to defend Nico like a lion.
Nico, who loves the feeling of flying, loves the freedom it grants him from everyday life. He jokes that he was born lighter than air.
Lewis, who's only power drawback is that he can't use them on himself, he's permanently grounded on the earth, even Nico can't lift him. Lewis, who's forced to watch Nico soar in the sky but be forever tied to the ground. Lewis, who slowly yearns for freedom as Nico escapes into the sky from paparazzi, managers and enemies, leaving Lewis to handle everything by himself. Lewis, who slowly grows resentful, jealousy coursing through his dense bones.
Lewis who subconsciously uses his powers bit by bit, weighing Nico to the earth, to him. Nico struggling to fly, he thinks it's some mental block, he visits therapists, older heroes, he even goes on a month long vacation with Lewis in case it's the stress.
Until one day, a villain escapes and Nico wants to fly to catch them but he can't lift his feet off the ground, he falls, humiliated. Lewis is right beside him, asking him what's going on while tears stream down Nico's face. Nico thinks, I lost it.
Paparazzi surround and crowd them and Nico looks into Lewis' eyes. And, his eyes are faintly glowing, like he's using his powers.
Nico realises what had been happening, that Lewis has been sabotaging him. He's hit by emotion, he's not angry, he's not sad. Nico has been feeling so trapped recently and to find out that it was Lewis? He is hurt.
In front of all the paparazzi, Nico yells at Lewis, he screams at Lewis and cries and wails at him, he's so betrayed and upset he doesn't notice the tears in Lewis' dull eyes.
Nico, finally out Lewis' grasp, flies. He leaves Lewis surrounded by hungry reporters and paparazzi like he always does.
Lewis watches Nico fly further away from him, watches Nico retire to have a family and leave the superhero world while Lewis dodges phone calls from a desperate Toto Wolff, pleading for him to stay for the safety of the world.
Nico flies as high as he can and Lewis stays right on the earth.
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mechazushi · 4 months
Kaiju Number 8 AU ideas (Cuz' now I have several :-| ) [mostly KafHoshi flavored]
Genderbend AU: Kafka is a wholesome, supportive, big titty tomboy Blue collar girlfriend and Hoshina is a small titty, punk gf who runs a martial arts dojo and is a closeted manic pixie dream girl who need the emotional support to follow her dreams.
2. OOPS! All Kaiju!: Iharu (bright pink with wings), Aoi (navy blue with armor plating), Haruichi (sea foam green and spikes?/acid?/speedy? just double checked its definitely projectile spikes), and Kikoru (lemon yellow and blade creation/ manipulation) all undergo the same kaiju-ification process that Kafka went through and now he has to act as the Peter B. Parker of the group.
"Yes, you shed like a lizard does. It takes a month and it sucks the entire time. For the love of GOD, don't pick at it until it's ready otherwise you end up with rashes."
You could include Reno in there, I'm sure he'd have a badass design, but I didn't because I want to put him through the same mental downward spiral that I think Hoshina would go through when they realize they're into monsterf*cking.
Reno is just sitting there like "What is wrong with me?" and Hoshina is standing next to him with a blender bottle saying
"Bit of advice? Get over it soon because fighting the post nut clarity is not worth it."
To which Reno asks "How would you know?" as Hoshina's eyes pan over to Kafka who's teaching Iharu how to use his new kaiju tongue to eat out a pint sized ice cream container.
"O-oh...." Reno says as realization dawns on him.
"Yeah" Hoshina says as he smacks his lips, "That could be us right now."
"Hey, don't act like you weren't thinking it too."
3. Model AU: Mina runs a modeling agency and Hoshina is a talent scout. She sends him to find people that a modeling agency wouldn't typically consider for modeling in an attempt to showcase diversity in a positive light. Not knowing where to start, Hoshina heads to a bar and accidentally meets Kafka. The two talk and it comes up in conversation what Hoshina has been set out to do. As a joke, Kafka makes a bet that Hoshina can't make a garbage man be the next top model. (he's the garbage man in question.)
Kafka and Mina know each other. They fell out of contact when Mina made it into college and Kafka had to help support his grandparents through a rough time. Hoshina then hires Aoi (blasian) Haruichi (top surgery scars) and a delinquent brother-sister duo for the teen division (Iharu and Kikoru, who are orphans being raised by their successful gamer live-streamer older brother Narumi. I'm aware this part's a bit of a stretch, so just consider it a non-essential personal flair.) Reno was already a part of the modeling agency but had started to have problems dealing with body image, which Kafka helps correct and sets him on a healthier path. Iharu and Reno later become actors in a popular Power Rangers knock off show and become a canon couple on and off set.
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woah!! new guys for the superhero au?? meet our other two heroes!
dianne zelenov, more commonly known as miss morph, shapeshifter extraordinaire, is a much more well-established hero, having been in the business for years at this point. she prides her identity as a hero, embracing the celebrity that comes with it...and perhaps the most annoying part about it is that it's deserved. she's fought the syndicate multiple times over, and tends to dismiss and treat solarflare as a naive upstart. sol's idealism clashes a lot with morph's more tactical (and maybeee just a bit arrogant) approach to fighting crime, so they nearly always butt heads when they team up, and have formed a bit of a rivalry as a result. though, deep down, morph really does respect sol, and is secretly grateful that sol's there to counter and challenge her worldview: one that's largely become cynical due to all the years in the hero business. NOT that she'd ever admit it.
and you can't possibly mention morph without mentioning felix murphy, her, uh...sidekick? assistant? weird roommate? no one's really sure what to call him, but he's an old friend of morph's who provides help from behind the scenes with his handy-dandy D.R.E.A.M. console. he can provide intel by hacking into syndicate files, keep track of info received from morph's previous battles, contact other heroes if things get dicey for morph solo, and also provide completely unnecessary live commentary via holo-screen while morph fights crime. and, sure, maybe with his tech prowess he could go out and fight himself, but also, are you crazy? he doesn't have any powers! it's way safer for him to provide from the sidelines. he's been doing so for years...and especially so ever since the syndicate popped back up three years ago. with solarflare and kuiper on the scene now, too, will our heroes finally have the upper hand? and what would that even mean for them?
next up...who exactly are the supervillains in this infamous syndicate, and why have they come back after supposed defeat? only time will tell...
(check out context for joy, sadness, and anxiety in this au here!)
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kanerallels · 2 months
For @laughingphoenixleader, who requested Kanej in a superhero/villain au
(tw for vague mentions of drug deals and human trafficking, though there's nothing explicit)
The streets of Chicago were clogged with criminals. One couldn’t take a step without seeing a carjacking, a drug sale, a mugging. It was the perfect place for a criminal enterprise to begin and flourish.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone, then, when someone other than the corrupt law enforcement rose up to stop them.
The Wraith. No one had seen her face, but everyone knew the name. A figure in dark clothing, using knives and carrying out judgment against the traffickers and the dealers before disappearing into the shadows again. Those who used humans as a commodity seemed to be the biggest targets.
Which was lucky for the city’s latest big player.
“Kaz Brekker,” Inej murmured, studying the blurry image on the computer screen. He looked young, though how old she couldn’t tell with the quality of the photo. All that was really obvious was dark clothing and hair, a pale face, and the cane in his gloved hand. Both of which look…familiar.
“Why is he on our radar?” she asked Nina, who was slouched in the wheeled chair in front of the computer.
The young woman shrugged. “Possibly because he’s the main suspect in seventeen different robberies, but no one’s been able to prove it. Or because his right hand man shoots like no human being should be able to. There’s also the fact that he sprouted up out of nowhere overnight. Looks like he took control of Per Haskell’s gang, but he was there all along. We just didn’t see him until now.”
Inej frowned. “Why?”
Getting up from her chair, Nina headed towards the kitchenette in the corner of the basement room Inej used as her headquarters. “Probably because he didn’t want to be seen. And you’ve had other, bigger problems on your mind. Toaster waffle?”
Absently, Inej waved her off, mind spinning. Kaz Brekker. If his plan was to set himself up as the crime lord of the city, that could be a problem. Especially if he was as good as Nina said he was. “I might have to pay him a visit,” she muttered, more to herself than anyone else.
Nina answered anyway as she popped two waffles into the toaster. “Just do me a favor and don’t get stabbed. I have class tonight, and stitching you up doesn’t actually count as homework.”
Despite her cavalier words, Inej could hear the concern hiding behind them, and she smiled. “I’ll be careful, Nina. I promise.”
The other woman didn’t look overly comforted, but nodded all the same.
Later that night, after Nina had cajoled her into eating and resting, then swept off to her night class at Ravka University, Inej slipped out of her civilian clothes and into her suit. It wasn’t quite Superman quality, but the clothing was comfortable and good for sneaking and climbing. She checked to make sure her knives and gear were all secure, and set off into the night.
Brekker seemed to have set up shop at the Crow Club downtown. Inej knew of the place, but Per Haskell—the former owner—had never caused enough trouble for her to have risked the trip, not yet. She’d had bigger prey to track.
Slipping in was a simple matter. One of the windows was unlocked, and Inej eased through into what looked like an office. A desk lined with papers and books stood in the middle, with a cot pushed up against one wall. Does Brekker live here?
A key clicked in the lock, and Inej ghosted into a dark corner, keeping her steps quiet and smooth. A second later, the door swung open, and Kaz Brekker stepped inside, limp obvious, cane swinging.
She caught the barest glimpse of pale skin and high cheekbones before his back was to her, standing at the desk. His movements precise, he flipped through a file, gloved fingers tapping against the outside.
The tapping paused, and his head lifted a little. Then he spoke, his voice rasping and rough.
“The Wraith, I presume.”
How did he know I was here? Inej brushed aside the surprise. There was no use in pretending now. She moved out of the shadows, and Brekker turned to face her.
Inej’s heart skipped a beat. Not for any silly, romantic reasons—though the young man facing her was handsome enough, in a severe way. He was all sharp angles and dark shades, his dark brown eyes taking her in like she was a problem to be solved.
No, the reason her heart skipped a beat was because she knew him.
She hadn’t known his name at the time. But they’d met once, years ago. Before Inej became the Wraith, before she’d escaped the life that had driven her to take this path.
The police had found her. An undercover cop, Detective Nazyalensky, had made contact, and promised her that if she informed on Heleen and her entire organization, she would go free. Inej had been going to meet her the day of the bust when Heleen had summoned her into her office.
She’d known. Inej was sure of it, and if she went into that office, she would be beaten, or sold, or worse. Fear had threatened to choke her, and she’d wavered. Should she run? But she wouldn’t have made it, not if Heleen wasn’t distracted.
And then he’d walked in. He couldn’t have been more than sixteen, but carried himself like a full grown man. But he didn’t look at the girls as he came in, and that struck Inej as curious. The other customers ogled freely.
Maybe he wasn’t a customer. Perhaps he was one of the information dealers who came to Heleen for what the girl’s customers knew. In which case…
She moved toward him quietly, her feet brushing the floor. He was standing at the door of Heleen’s office, facing away from her when she said, “I can help you.”
He’d been startled when he turned to face her, though it faded quickly. He’d lifted an eyebrow, looking a little curious when Heleen’s voice had rung out from the office.
“Enough hiding, little lynx! I said I wanted to see you, and I want to do it now.”
Inej had flinched, unable to prevent the visions flooding her mind. The boy facing her frowned, just a little. Then, he’d spoken. Not to her, but to Heleen.
“You have an appointment to keep with me, Heleen. Haskell won’t wait forever.”
Grumbling, Heleen had appeared at the office door and waved for the boy to follow her in. Before he moved away, the boy had looked at her. “Don’t let them see your tell,” he’d said, voice too quiet to Heleen to make out. “And don’t look back.”
He’d entered the office, and Inej knew. It was time to run.
And so she did. She made it, and Heleen was locked up 24 hours later. Inej was free, and it was thanks to the actions of a stranger.
He had, whether he knew it or not, been the reason she’d gotten away, the reason she’d been able to tell the police everything.
His eyes narrowed a little as he looked at her, and for a second Inej thought, He knows. But then—no. He couldn’t. Her face was covered, and it had been close to four years since her escape.
“And you’re Kaz Brekker,” she said, keeping her voice cool. Business like. “The newest boss on the block.”
“Here to stop me?” Brekker asked, an eyebrow going up. “Bring me to justice like the Black Heretic? The Lantsov family?”
“The police took the Lantsov family,” Inej said, and Brekker snorted.
“The police in this town couldn’t solve their way out of a cardboard box. You handed them the arrest.”
He’s smart. “How do you know that?”
“I make it my business to know.” Folding his hands over his cane, he said, “So, what have I done to merit your attention? I thought I’d kept a fairly low profile.”
“You haven’t done anything. Yet,” Inej said, letting her hand rest on the knives at her waist. Brekker’s gaze followed the movement for only a heartbeat before locking back onto her masked face.
“Ah. Threatening me into submission. Interesting method. Unfortunately for you, I have plans that can’t be put on hold. And you don’t kill anyone unless what they’ve done meets your criteria.”
Inej wouldn’t show her surprise. “You’ve done your research.”
“It’s good to know who I’m dealing with. And to know how you intend to be rid of me.” Continuing, he said, “If you were going to kill me, I’d be dead. Everyone you don’t kill gets handed over to the police, and there’s nothing on me for the police.” The thinnest sliver of a smile appeared. “So, Wraith, your threats are to no avail.”
Oh, he could be dangerous. “Then consider this an appeal to your better nature,” Inej told him.
He laughed, sharp and bitter. “I don’t have one.”
“You have common sense. Don’t give me a reason to come after you, and I won’t.” Inej met his gaze, hoping he would see the intent in her eyes.
He was still for a moment, then inclined his head. “Then perhaps I will see you again, Wraith. Or perhaps not. We’ll see what your code dictates.”
Without another word, he turned back to his desk. Inej hesitated for a fraction of a second, then slipped out the window. Activating the ascension cable she wore strapped to her wrist, she fired it and swung out across the city. She needed to find somewhere to think before her nightly patrols began.
She had a feeling then that she would meet Kaz Brekker again. And she truly didn’t know if she hoped for it or dreaded it.
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