#this is the first time i've written a poem in AGES
contemplating numbness
Today I am dwelling,
I am lost in my thoughts
My thoughts are so many
I can’t sort them out
A feeling of sadness
Is plucked out from nowhere
As the thought trickles out
Now gone to thin air
And the feeling has no place
So I dismiss it, forgotten
Like the thought that had dropped it
To my heart, so unwanted
If I cannot solve it
Then the fleeting moment takes space
In the vast room of trinkets
I’ve collected in this safe place
I am floating inside
But I’m steady and focused
As I pinpoint a task
And lose emotion to drive
My thoughts are all neatly
Swept under the surface
I’m lost in endeavor
And work task commitment
At home I am light
I am laughing and playful
I am hiding my worries
I am escaping in stories
I am tired, I’m buzzing
My worries are endless
But endlessly trapped
In the depths of subconscious 
I am so good at hiding
That even dreams cannot find me
I am untouchable so much
That I evade even myself
The threat of loss cannot find me
Devastation does not touch me
My feelings are a time capsule
That I can no longer unlock
My mind is a showcase
I’m rose tinted glasses
Everyone may walk through
And see I’m wonderfully me
My world is maintained
It passes state inspection
And the people peering in
Say that I’m so kind and brave
But somewhere under floorboards
Or maybe encased in walls
Somewhere probably — hopefully
Is a me that can be found
The me that cries when they are scared
Or anguishes when they’re sad
A me that shouts when they are threatened
Or loves so fiercely that it’s too loud
Somewhere I am meant to flicker 
If only a draft of air could reach me
My fire is but dying embers
I’m smoke and ashes and lost decay
But I hold the match to light me up
Somewhere deep within the static
I am distraction — I am noise
And blurry wine nights on autopilot
Very far in the depths of my psyche
I am not gone. I am here.
But where is here and who am I?
I am waiting to be awakened
I am waiting on myself — 
Though I’m drowning myself in work
And in every silly endeavor
That makes me smile & delight
I am still just watching from afar
Am I too comfortable with that?
It is not a gift that I can laugh
When I’m scared I’ll never shed a tear
The good has been hoarded beyond belief
Reality damaged, lost, and broken
My balanced self was lost in the years
And now I can endure everything
(i fear i’ll never break
i am already broken)
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hedgehog-moss · 10 months
Loved your mentioning of learning poetry by heart: this is something I haven’t done since school! What are some of your favs that you’d suggest to ease my brain back into it?
(Française ici donc les options 🇫🇷 autant que anglais sont welcome :) merci!)
Hi :) You can look at the poem tag of my quote blog if you want—some of the ones I've learnt by heart (or excerpts from them) include this one by Sara Teasdale - Nanao Sakaki - Velimir Khlebnikov - Wallace Stevens - Rabindranath Tagore - Archibald Macleish - Howard Nemerov - and these paragraphs by Henri Peña-Ruiz which I consider prose poetry... My favourite French verses (from Corneille, Aragon, Anna de Noailles, Hugo, Valéry...) are all alexandrines and I find it to be the easiest type of verse to remember, as the structure is so rigorous and consistent. I sometimes translate English poems into alexandrines (like this one) to make them easier to learn in this more familiar form—I think even after all this time English prosody still feels foreign to me; the patterns of sound and rhythm in French are more deeply embedded in my brain so it can more easily predict what comes next...
Re: easing your brain into it, I guess that depends on your style of learning? For me the best way to learn a text is to spend time with it in written form, be it by translating it, or by writing it down by hand (slowly) and then (sometimes) keeping it for a while in a place where I often stand idle, like taped to my microwave so I re-read it as I wait 1 minute for something to heat up.
One thing I like about learning poems is that it's a costless, always-accessible way to get a sense of personal accomplishment. Beyond that, I've got three categories of poems I like to learn for different reasons—I'll go into some detail in case it can help you figure out what you're after :)
1. Classic poetry, because it's just fun to have little snippets of ancient tragedies or epic Victor Hugo poems living at the back of your mind and accompanying you through your own everyday tragedies—as an overdramatic person who tends to feel devastated or exasperated over tiny stuff, it helps me to take some distance from my feelings. Like if I spill a bucket of manure on my boots and my first reaction is rage and despair and my second thought is a couple of verses by Euripides where Iphigenia bemoans her relentless fate, it's a way to make fun of (and get over) myself.
My grandmother did this a lot, she knew so many poems by heart and often used them ironically. If I went whining to her when I was little she'd recite to me the last few verses of Alfred de Vigny's La Mort du Loup (it sounds better in the original but):
[...] With all your being you must strive To that highest degree of stoic pride [...] Weeping or praying—all this is in vain. You must instead shoulder your long and heavy task In the way that Destiny has seen fit to ask Then suffer and die without complaint.
(Let me tell you, that's just what a five-year-old wants to hear after scratching her knee at the park) But really I admired this treasury of poetry she carried within her, especially as she only went to school until age 14 and came upon most of it thanks to her own curiosity; as well as the way she used it playfully in everyday life, using dramatic classical verse to de-dramatise minor annoyances.
2. Nature poems are great in the opposite way, to magnify minor positive things :) Like seeing a fox and having a few lines by Mary Oliver come to mind, seeing a frog and thinking of that Basho haiku... I recently discovered Jean-Michel Maulpoix and I also love his nature poems, like 'The recovery of blue after a downpour', the way he describes snow melting in the spring, or golden-blue evenings:
[Snow] takes some time to leave, but delicately. She doesn’t insist, hardly persists, never roots… She gives way. No one else dies so merrily With such good humour Unmatched is her disdain for eternity…
L’azur, certains soirs, a des soins de vieil or. Le paysage est une icône. Il semble qu’au soleil couchant, le ciel qui se craquelle se reprenne un instant à croire à son bleu.
3. And then there are the poems that proudly serve no purpose. <3 I mean beyond distilling language in a beautiful way. No deep meaning—or no meaning at all, e.g. surrealist poetry. I learnt this passage from Les Champs magnétiques back in middle school:
La fenêtre creusée dans notre chair s'ouvre sur notre cœur. On y voit un immense lac où viennent se poser à midi des libellules mordorées et odorantes comme des pivoines. Quel est ce grand arbre où les animaux vont se regarder ? Il y a des siècles que nous lui versons à boire. . . Prisonniers des gouttes d'eau, nous ne sommes que des animaux perpétuels. . . Nous ne savons plus rien des astres morts ; nous regardons les visages. . . Quelquefois, le vent nous entoure de ses grandes mains froides et nous attache aux arbres découpés par le soleil.
—and I've often recited it to myself just to enjoy these gratuitously nice sentences that aren't here to deliver information. Like Kay Ryan said, "Poetry makes nothing happen. That's the relief of it." It's a nice break, a way to remember that communicating isn't all language is for; beyond the social dimension there's also an intimate one that relies on our own aesthetic sensitivity. Most of the time we look through language, to access ideas, meanwhile enjoying poetry means looking at language, for a change, appreciating it for itself.
I just realised I'm paraphrasing John Brehm here—in The Poetry of Impermanence he wrote something that can be read as an ode to learning things by heart:
When you read lines that seem especially lit up—that move or intrigue you in some way, or that are simply pleasing or even dazzling—don’t focus on being able to formulate a statement about what they might mean, as if you might be called upon to explain the poem, to yourself or to someone else. Just linger with those poems or passages that resonate with you. . . Rest your mind on them; let them live inside you.
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babybemydownfall · 22 days
things that shimmer in the dark Part IV: Rhys ( Part III ) There was no point denying it so I kissed her instead, hard and demanding. I wanted her tongue on mine, her body melting, opening for me; wanted to make love to her, to feel her surrender - to us, and everything we could be.  AKA An all night love-fest in the Archeron manor. Definitely NSFW. Read on AO3 or under the cut below. (Also, I only recently realised that my avatar, which comes from a poem by Iain S Thomas and which I've had for 10+ years, is Rhysand: There you are. I've been looking for you. How spooky.)
By the time we retired to bed after finalising our letter to the Queens, it was gone midnight. Feyre was tense and exhausted. I’d felt her all afternoon and evening, her shield weak, her emotions pouring out across our bond. She’d been anxious and angry; frustrated and forgiving. And whenever she looked at me, she burned.
I had worn a mask all my life, ingrained in me from a young age. And I had very rarely let it slip, despite times when I’d felt overwhelming rage or fear or despair. But it turned out that the most powerful distraction of all was lust. Whenever Feyre turned her beautiful blue-grey eyes on me, I struggled to stay composed, to keep my expression neutral and my breathing even. When her awful oldest sister questioned whether she was too good for human food anymore and Feyre replied that she could eat, drink, fuck and fight even better than before, my fork clanged to my plate as everything inside me went taut with desire. I wanted her so badly, so immediately, that it took every ounce of my willpower not to grab her and winnow us straight back to my house.
And later, as we wrote and rewrote the damned letter, the four of us arguing over each word and punctuation mark, her closeness was certainly a hindrance. When she leaned in to read what I’d written, I felt her long hair brushing my neck; the curve of her breast against my arm. The scent of her skin, of her arousal, was intoxicating. I would not let Cass and Azriel suspect a thing but whenever I was sure they weren’t looking, I touched her as much as I dared - my finger brushing hers on the page; my thigh shifting on my chair so it pressed against her knee. I loved the way her body reacted: a soft, short inhale; a pulse of longing down the bond.
I found myself thinking multiple times that I was so glad we had had each other in the kitchen earlier. I couldn’t imagine how difficult the rest of the day would have been without that release. And I had meant what I’d said to her there: this thing between us was a bad idea, but I just couldn’t stop myself. I had spent the previous day avoiding her, my mind constantly churning over what I should do. Getting drunk hadn’t helped - I only ended up sad and missing her. I had barely slept afterwards, thanks to the alcohol and my racing thoughts and the memories of our first morning together which left me with a very persistent erection.
When she found me in the kitchen, I still didn’t know what the right thing to do was. But as soon as I scented her, when I saw how fucking stunning she looked and how she went slack with longing for me, I realised there was no actual choice here. I couldn’t just bare myself to her - literally and emotionally - and simply walk away. She was my mate. This was bigger than both of us: it was what the Cauldron had destined; a bond more sacred and permanent than any other. It was inescapable. Undeniable. And Feyre didn’t know the truth, but I knew she felt it too: that we were something extraordinary.
And now, finally, we were alone together once again. She hadn’t reacted when I’d said we would share a room - a room I had immediately shielded, to keep loud sounds in and bad things out. But she did turn to me in surprise when I made my own bed appear and sat down on it.
“What are you doing?”
I looked up at her, still dressed in her stunning turquoise outfit. She wore it like she belonged in the Night Court. Or perhaps it wore her. It wanted her - just as I did.
“Being on my best behaviour,” I replied evenly. “We’re in your father’s house. I didn’t know if you’d want to…”
“I’ve spent all evening trying to keep my hands off you. And now you don’t want to touch me?”
She sounded like she was annoyed with me, which made me smile. “Oh, I do want to touch you, Feyre darling.” My voice was low. “Every single inch of you.”
There was a fire crackling in the hearth across the room and it shone in her dark eyes, in the golden waves of her hair. I leaned back on my outstretched arms and her gaze travelled down my body. I was still fully dressed but she knew what lay beneath now; and if I hadn’t been wearing black, she would have been able to see my cock rise in my pants.
“The last time I was in this house,” she said quietly, “I left to run after Tamlin. To go under the mountain and save him. And yet here I am, barely any time later… with you.” She tugged at her sleeve, looking around the room. “That’s wrong, isn’t it?”
I waited until her eyes met mine again. She seemed so vulnerable, so young all of a sudden. “I don’t think it is,” I told her honestly. “I don’t think time is what matters, in our case.”
“Then what does matter?”
I held out my hand. “Come here.”
Slowly she moved towards me and took it, standing between my legs. I may as well have been kneeling before her again, such was her position of power over me right now.
“What matters, Feyre, is how you feel. What makes you happy. What helps you heal. And I think I can speak to that, because you are all those things for me. Already.”
I felt her tremble in front of me. She was scared. And I knew why - but I couldn’t hide the depth of my feelings from her. I didn’t want to.
“Why does this seem so… inevitable?” she whispered.
Because I am your mate.
I could have told her then. No doubt it would have helped ease the guilt she still carried over Tamlin, the confusion she felt over us. But this was not the place: not in the human lands, in her family home; not when there was danger out there, lurking beyond my Court’s protection. And not when it meant I would have to face her rejection - because she wasn’t ready yet. Wasn’t healed, wasn’t strong enough. And neither was I, to have her push me away.
For now I would take whatever she was willing to give - her friendship, her smiles, her body - and not think too far into the future. As she had so wisely said: we might all die soon. And I would be a fool not to enjoy every moment with her, because I had known from the second I first saw her that she was the light in my eternal darkness.
Instead of saying any of that, I lifted my hands to her hips and guided her to straddle my lap. She did so without hesitation, settling halfway along my thighs - not near enough to feel how hard I was for her. Not yet. But having her this close, all to myself behind a locked door, I felt my soul sigh.
There you are. I’ve been looking for you.
“Perhaps it is inevitable,” I said softly. “The question is, what do you want to do about it? You are in charge here. I will follow your lead.”
I had never uttered those words before, outside of battle when I fell in line behind my commander. But I trusted Feyre with everything I was. I saw her, with all her broken pieces and her courageous human heart and the magic she contained which had nothing to do with her powers. I wanted it all.
And she wanted me too. It was in her beautiful eyes; written all over her face. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in and pressing a lingering kiss to the side of her neck. I felt her body melt in my arms, her head tilting back. My name rose from her lips to the ceiling, like a prayer.
I kissed her there again, the scent of her blood filling my senses; moved up to her ear where I breathed: “What do you want, darling?”
Her fingers slid into my hair, drawing me back so she could look at me. At the same time, I took hold of her hips and pulled her into me, connecting the heat of her core with the raging hardness of mine.
The air sparked around us and we both groaned.
“You,” Feyre murmured, her breath on my mouth, her gaze filled with nothing but lust - that most powerful of emotions, sweeping everything else aside. “I want you. All over me. All night long.”
A smile started to form on my lips but she kissed me before it got there. And from that moment on, we were lost. Our hands slipped beneath each other’s clothes onto warm, sensitive skin. I had never had the pleasure of physically undressing her before, of slowly revealing her exquisite body inch by inch. I followed the fabric of her top with my lips, from her navel to her ribcage to her bare breasts, so pert and full and ready for my attention. She moaned so headily when I circled my tongue over her nipples and I could smell her arousal as it flooded her underwear, as she ground herself against my length.
The top disappeared over her head and then we worked together to remove mine as well. As our mouths found each other again I slid my arm up along the column of her spine, my hand splayed between her shoulder blades, and drew her further into me so her bare chest pressed against mine. Her kisses were voracious, her moans constant as she rocked her hips and took her pleasure from me.
Untamed Feyre was the hottest thing I had ever encountered.
And then she suddenly pulled back to look at me, her eyes so dark with desire, her voice husky as she commanded: “Take me to bed, Rhys.”
I could not have refused her if my life depended on it.
I carried her there, drawing back the duvet and laying her down. I had already warmed the sheets and she looked surprised, grateful. But she didn’t speak - couldn’t, perhaps - as she grasped at my shoulders and pulled me onto her, reclaiming my mouth, touching every part of me within reach. I covered us again, burying down with her into the softness of the bed as we kissed on and on. I had never known how thoroughly arousing it was, to be half-bare and writhing around by the light of the fire, our sounds hushed and urgent. Despite my shield, we were both aware of my brothers just next door, of Feyre’s sisters down the hall - but that only added to the mood.
This was secret and sacred and ours.
I eventually trailed my lips down to her breasts again, and then further - kissing her centre through her trousers before kneeling between her legs and slipping them off entirely. She was wearing the same lacy white panties I’d watched her put back on in the kitchen, and they were wet through. I heard myself growl as I pulled them off too, the urge to taste her impossible to resist, but she stopped me from getting anywhere near her with her bare foot on my chest.
I stared at her, unable to fathom why she would deny me.
“I’m in charge, remember?” she said firmly. “Lie down.”
Giving up control was not natural for me - but Feyre was a goddess and I obeyed.
She made very quick work of my pants and underwear, and then slid all the way down the bed and wrapped her hot mouth around me. I had never known anything so good before: the sight of her there, the brush of her hair and her hands on my thighs and abdomen, the way she sucked and licked and bobbed up and down-
I reached for her after barely any time at all, tugging on her shoulders, groaning her name. But she ignored me and carried on. Her eyes met mine and I imprinted the image in my mind, of the lust and determination in her gaze, of my cock disappearing between her lips over and over again, her rhythm faultless, bringing me closer and closer to the edge.
“Feyre,” I gasped, “I’m-”
She scratched her fingernails all the way down my torso and I came, so hard I lost all of my senses for the longest, most ecstatic moment. I felt her fingers cover my mouth, to keep me quiet, but there was no fucking chance when her tongue was still swirling over me, when my hips were still bucking and I was still coming. It was unbearable and heavenly and I never, ever wanted it to end.
Eventually I did return to the present; felt Feyre retreat and opened my eyes to find her looking down at me with a very satisfied smirk. I was too dazed to speak, to tell her how fucking amazing she felt and what I wanted to do to her next - but it didn’t matter. She had let her fingers drift down onto my chest; I took her wrist and brought her palm back to my lips, licking the tattooed eye there in a single broad stroke. Her smirk disappeared as she felt me in her very core.
I tugged on her hips, pulling her up my body until she was kneeling over my face. She braced herself on the headboard and I inhaled her incredible scent, all her muscles trembling, her breathing shallow, ragged. And then I feasted on her, gorging myself on her softness and her taste, eating her gorgeous cunt until she was all over my face. I kneaded her ass, explored her thighs; slid two fingers inside her and fucked her like that while I sucked on her clit. She came in no time at all, with a muffled scream and a gush of wetness which I lapped up like I was dying of thirst.
When she collapsed onto me, I gently drew her back down into bed to lie by my side so we were facing one another, our limbs loosely entwined. I took half a second to clean my face with magic, but left her taste on my tongue. It would be sacrilege to erase that.
She smiled, gazing at me through heavily lidded eyes. “You are very good at that,” she said, and she shivered - an aftershock. It made my cock ache for her.
“You taste fucking divine, Feyre. I can’t get enough of you. And your mouth…” I outlined her lips with my thumb; they parted and I traced over her bottom teeth too. “So pretty, yet so wicked. I’ve never felt anything so phenomenal.”
I pressed my lower body into hers, letting her know I was ready for more. She looked straight at me and bit down on my nail, firm enough to hurt. Beneath the duvet I felt her hand wrap around my length. Flames roared to life in my blood once more and I hissed, like the wild beast I was.
“So eager,” she teased, licking the sensitive pad of my thumb.
There was no point denying it so I kissed her instead, hard and demanding. I wanted her tongue on mine, her body melting, opening for me; wanted to make love to her, to feel her surrender - to us, and everything we could be. Without thinking I reached for her down the bond, needing her closer, even though physically there was no space between us. As I felt her grip onto me, an embrace around my very soul, I rolled on top of her perfect body and thrust inside her: back where I belonged.
She cried out at being so full; hooked her legs around my waist, inviting me deeper, and I moved slowly at first, trying to be restrained until that became impossible. She felt so good, so right, that I just couldn’t contain myself. And she wanted it: I felt her desire envelop mine inside my mind, where we were intertwined; swallowed the words she gasped into my mouth - “Harder… More… Rhys! Fuck… Yes, more…”
I tilted her pelvis with my hand and reached new depths, and she broke away from my kiss to let out the most guttural sound as she clenched and shook and stretched around me. I dipped my head, sucking on her neck, her right breast, her nipple; kept rolling my hips, fucking her faster and harder than ever before. We were both grunting, moaning, sweat on our skin, her nails digging into my back - and then we were coming, together, a crescendo of movement and sound and rising, cresting pleasure that felt like it would never end.
It didn’t, for a long time. I might have drifted off to sleep briefly, for when I next opened my eyes I was lying on my front on the bed, the duvet over my lower body, feeling more relaxed than I had in decades.
I reached out for Feyre down the bond, checking she was okay; felt her in the adjoining bathroom and closed my eyes again, letting myself doze. Eventually I heard her footsteps on the carpet and then the bed shifted as she sat beside me. Her fingertips traced lightly down my spine and I groaned at how nice it felt.
“I didn’t know you had tattoos here,” she said softly. “And your wings…” She touched the strong muscles of my upper back. “I want to see you with them.”
My voice was so low it made my ribcage vibrate. “You have.”
“Naked,” she clarified.
I smiled. “One day. Not here.”
She leaned in, surrounding me with her scent, her hair; pressed gentle kisses to my ear, my cheek, the corner of my lips. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had touched me with so much tenderness. The last time anyone had cared about me like this. It made my throat hurt.
When I finally opened my eyes her face was all I could see, so close to mine, our every breath shared. She smiled and sat back up, and that’s when I realised she was wearing my shirt. It was unbuttoned, and she was still completely naked beneath. I had never seen anything so sexy.
My emotions were forgotten in an instant.
I rose up, kneeling in front of her, taking her in.
“I was cold,” she said, a little defensive, a little surprised by the strength of my reaction.
“You look…” I reached for her, pulling her against me. I had thought I was completely sated - I was wrong. “Let me warm you up.”
This insatiable need for each other, this wild passion - it felt endless. Frenzied. We fell to the bed and she straddled my waist, discarding the shirt to the floor. As she began to kiss me all over, the small part of my brain which remained functional wondered what would happen if she ever accepted the mating bond. How we would survive.
Then it gave in as Feyre washed over me, as I let myself drown in her once again.
When she rode me she held my hands, our fingers interlaced. I could do nothing but stare at her. The way the firelight danced over the planes of her body as she moved; the flush on her skin, the dark desire pouring from her eyes. I was no painter, but she was a piece of art.
“Feyre darling,” I breathed, grazing my palms along her thighs, feeling my climax building slowly, deliciously. “Will you touch yourself for me? I want to watch you.”
Her dream of me was only a night ago - it felt like a century.
She put her fingers in my mouth and I licked them, my desire rocketing at how fearless she was, how unembarrassed. If I had thought she’d be hesitant in bed or perhaps shied by our age gap, by her relative lack of experience, I was wrong. And yet she was not a sultry, confident vixen either. I could only conclude that she really did trust me, enough to be herself, to show herself to me - to be bare in every possible way.
And that made me more hopeful for our future together than anything else we’d said or done.
Now she circled her clit, her left hand holding her breast, pinching her nipple. Her tattoos were a stunning contrast to the rest of her pale skin. When the sensations became too much, her head tilted back and her spine arched, her long messy curls almost reaching her bottom. And still I watched, my hips now thrusting of their own accord, meeting her movements. I was already at the edge; could have let myself fall at any second. But I held on, waiting for her, completely awed by how fucking incredible she was.  
If things had been different, I would have told her I loved her. The words were on the tip of my tongue, filling my mind. I let the smallest trickle of that golden feeling travel down the bond to her. Even though she didn’t know its name, I knew she liked it - saw the smile on her lips, felt her clench and tighten as I pounded into her harder, faster, as she peaked and then shattered.
It was too much. I lifted her off me, turning her onto her front, pulling up her hips. She was weak, boneless; still in the throes of her pleasure. “You have to be quiet,” I rasped and then I thrust inside her again, deeper than ever before. Her hands fisted the duvet and she bit it, her screams subdued but still there, still heavenly to hear.
“Feyre,” I groaned, the sweetest sound in the world. “Fuck, Feyre. You feel- I’m so- ”
I spilled inside her with a roar, breaking my own rule but utterly unable to care. I felt her coming too, a continuation of her last orgasm. Endless, all-consuming fulfilment.
This time we were both thoroughly done. I fell to her side, bringing her body with me so I was spooned up behind her, quickly cleaning us up with half a thought. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to move again. I didn’t want to. I pressed my face into her neck, inhaling her, wishing I could disappear into her forever. If there was nothing else but this, I would die happy.
Our breathing gradually slowed. The fire had burned low, the moon now illuminating us through the uncovered window. I ran the fingers of my left hand along the ink on Feyre’s arm, watching as the soft blonde hairs stood on end in my wake. I knew the bond that tied us together wasn’t the bargain that had been written on her skin: it was the mating bond. That’s why we could communicate, why we could feel so much of each other. I wondered how it would change if we were ever truly mated. How much more of her I would feel, how deeply I would know her. I wanted her to be mine so badly it made my soul ache.
The bond was another secret I kept. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold it inside.
“What time is it?” she asked, her words merging into a yawn.
“Fuck knows.” I was tired and emotional, which always made me swear more. That and having sex with Feyre.
I pulled the covers over us and then looked outside. The air was still and crisp. There had been snowfall earlier, but it had stopped now. “Usually,” I said, voicing my thoughts aloud, “I can feel the night. The coming of the dawn. But the darkness is different on this side of the Wall. It’s not… mine.”
She turned her head towards me. The moonlight caught her eyes, making them shine. “I love your darkness,” she said quietly. “I feel it, under my skin. It soothes me. Of all the powers I was given, yours is my favourite.”
You were made for me, I wanted to tell her. Wanted to shout it, for the whole world to hear. It’s so obvious. Can’t you see?
And then she went on sleepily: “The nights feel longer here. I was born on the longest, actually. The Winter Solstice.”
I was stunned. Totally speechless. She must have mistaken my silence for fatigue, because she whispered goodnight and in less than a minute, she was asleep.
I held her, wide awake, heart hammering. I kissed the point of her ear and murmured, so softly it was almost inaudible: “You are my mate, Feyre Archeron. And I fucking love you.”
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floras-imagination · 6 months
Robbers, forever? 🖤 matty healy x reader
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series masterlist
summary: Y/n and Matty break each other's hearts multiple times over the years, yet they find themselves unable to stay away from each other... and this is the beginning of their love story 🖤 authors note: This story is inspired by some of my fondest memories shared with an ex (but I've made some changes to better align the story with Matty's character), and each chapter is accompanied by poems I've written about that relationship. I've posted them on my poetry blog, so just click on the links you'll find in the chapters:) Hope you enjoy it as much as I do 💘 (i think it's so cuuuute) word count: 2,6 k warning: y/n struggles with a restrictive ed in the first few chapters (but it's just kinda mentioned in the diary entry at the beginning)
August 2012
Dear Diary, I wish I were stronger. I wish I could beat this illness, but I just can't. Every time I try to recover, I fail. I've been doing so well in the last few months, but it's always the same. As soon as I'm doing better I mess it up again. Why do I keep lying to myself? "I'm in control." "Just one more day." "I can stop if I want to." But I never do. A day turns into a week, and suddenly weeks have passed, and I can't control it anymore.
Y/n sat in her living room, having some dinner while watching the news. As she glanced at her phone, she noticed an incoming call from an unknown number.
After considering it for a moment, Y/n became curious, so she decided to answer. "Hello?"
"Y/n?", a male, familiar voice asked.
"Matty?", she asked slightly confused, immediately recognizing the man on the phone.
"Uhm... yeah, kind of, I guess. Haven't heard anything from you in ages. How've you been?"
Matty and Y/N have known each other from school. After they graduated a few years ago, they sometimes still bumped into each other in town, enjoying a nice chat and updating each other about their busy, somewhat messy adult lives. Though their paths seemed to cross every once in a while, they never really tried to stay in touch.
"Great, actually," he answered. "George and I got a bit bored, so I was wondering if maybe you wanna hang out with us?"
"Hang out with you?"
"Yeah, we'd pick you up."
"Okay, let me get this straight," the girl stated. "You and George got bored..."
"and out of all the things you could do, you chose to ask me if I want to hang out with you?"
"Now what's wrong with that?" Matty asked, as if it was the most normal thing in the world, to call someone you have never called before, asking them to hang out on a casual Thursday.
"Well, I don't kn... Wait! Where did you get my number from?"
"Doesn't really matter, does it?"
"It does matter somehow."
Suddenly, the sound of a car horn made Y/N jump.
"Nah. We're here by the way. You're coming?"
"Matty! It's 9:30; I'm already in my pajamas!" she exclaimed.
Matty laughed. "I don't care what you're wearing."
"And who even gave you my address?"
"Just get your ass out here!" he snickered into the phone. "Now!"
"You're insufferable!"
"Yeah, I know," he shrugged it off with a smirk.
"Give me at least a sec to put some clothes on." Not waiting for an answer, she hung up. Despite her confusion about Matty's suspicious call, she changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, quickly grabbing her jacket and keys as she went downstairs to leave the house.
Matty sat on the passenger seat of George's car, his arm casually dangling out of the open window. "Hi, Y/n!" he greeted her with a big smile on his face, causing y/n's bewilderment to grow.
"Hi, Y/n!" George called from the drivers seat.
"Hi...", she hesitantly answered, shyly waving her hand toward his direction.
"Come on, get inside!" Matty said excitedly.
"Matty, I still don't kn..."
"Sshhh!" he cut her off, pressing his index finger on his lips. "It'll be fun. I promise."
Y/n opened the door and placed herself on the backseat, putting on her seatbelt as George started the engine, ready to drive off.
"How are you Y/n?" Matty asked.
"Uhm.. fine, I guess. Bit tired. I have work tomorrow."
"Are you still working as a nurse, Y/n?" George asked.
"Yes, I am. How's your music thing going?"
"Absolutely amazing", Matty answered immediately. "We're currently working on our first album. It's gonna be a fuckin' banger, isn't it George?"
"Oh, definitely!", George added.
"That's cool. I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to hear it," Y/n grinned.
"You're gonna be the first to hear it when it's done.", Matty beamed.
George shook his head, trying to hide a chuckle as he glanced over to the overly excited Matty. "What?" Matty reacted.
"Nevermind," George now laughed.
Matty shook his curls out of his face. "Idiot."
"Where are we driving?" Y/n asked as she slowly got more comfortable in the presence of her old classmates.
"I don't know," both Matty and George stated in unison, looking at each other as neither of them had a clue about their destination.
"Maybe we can park the car over there," Matty pointed towards and empty parking space he randomly saw.
After George parked the car, Matty quickly left the car to open the door for Y/N.
Their gaze locked for a moment, as she looked up at him from her seat "Uhm.. thank you," she chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're welcome," he waved it off. "Don't mention it."
George rolled his eyes at Matty's silly behaviour. "Ouch!" he squeaked, as Matty stabbed him with his elbow.
"Ah look! A church," Matty stated as the three of them were heading towards one of the city's churches. "Quite stunning, isn't it?"
"It's just a church, mate," George raised an eyebrow at his best friend.
"Shall we sit down on that bench over there? Hope I won't go up in flames. Wouldn't that be fun, huh?" Matty asked.
A slight chuckle left Y/n lips, as she realized that going outside with Matty and George wasn't as bad as she expected. She was actually glad that she picked up that call. A little bit of distraction from her mind and her self-destructive thoughts had been long overdue.
"Do you smoke, Y/n?"
"Nah, it's disgusting."
George threw his head back in heavy laughter before patting Matty's shoulder, who looked at him in his usual clumsy way.
"What is it with you today, George?" Matty asked, shaking his head. "You're acting kinda weird."
"Me? No idea what you're talking about," he kept on laughing.
Y/n was still standing in front on the bench, while only the two boys were sitting.
"Anyway," Matty looked away from George, turning his face toward Y/n. "You know you can actually sit down here beside me." Matty said as his curls were dangling in his eyes again. He pushed them aside with his hand as he continued, "We don't bite, you know?"
"Well, I certainly won't," George still couldn't get over whatever he was laughing about. "But I wouldn't be so sure about Matty."
Matty kicked his foot against George's. "I'm sorry about him. He's usually not like that."
"It's okay, I'd rather keep standing. I just wish I knew what he's laughing about, so I could join in," the blonde girl chuckled.
"No, I think it'd best if he kept it to himself", Matty said with a pointed look at George, his tone firm, implying he should refrain from sharing the source of his amusement. "... wouldn't it, George?"
"Ookayy... this is... weird," Y/n said while observing the two musicians, trying to figure out what was going on.
Matty knew why George was enjoying himself this much, but he didn't want anyone else to know, especially not Y/n. He instantly started to regret that he had told his long kept secret to his best friend earlier that day, since George was on his best way of ruining Matty's well-thought-out plan.
George cleared his throat as he finally pulled himself back together. "Mh, mh...," he hummed. After lighting his own fag he handed the lighter over to Matty so he could light his.
Y/N watched as he blew the smoke out, which slowly meandered all over his face before evaporating into the cold, dark night. As he slowly opened up his eyes, their glances met for a second but she looked down at her feet immediately, to avoid having any more eye contact.
"I kinda miss going to school with you guys," Matty informed them. "Do you miss it too sometimes?"
"Nah, certainly not," George answered, but Matty's eyes were fixed on Y/n.
"Yeah, I do," Y/n chuckled. "Do you know who I miss the most?"
"No, who?" Matty asked, before he quickly added "Ah, no, wait! I know it!"
Y/n raised her eyebrow, waiting for his answer.
"It's me!"
George and Y/n looked at each other before bursting out in laughter.
"Oh damn, Matty. I wish I had an ego as big as yours," Y/n snickered.
"Yeah, well... okay. Who is it then?", Matty shrugged.
"It's Mr. Miller. I kinda miss his bad jokes"
"Haha, yeah, he was such a pervert, though."
"Yeah, I know. That's what made it so funny," she answered.
"I mean, he was only that funny because his jokes were so bad. Ridiculous." George added, slightly chuckling under his breath.
"Wait... doesn't he live over there?" The girl turned around, pointing towards a house across the street from the church.
"Uhm..," Matty thought for a moment before he continued "Yes! He does! He told us about the annoying chimes of the bell tower right in front of his house, didn't he?"
"Yeah, he did. Wow, that's amazing. Come on, let's see if he's home," not even waiting for a response, she started to make her way across the street to Mr. Miller's house.
"Y/n!" Matty whisper-screamed, "Are you insane? It's half 10. He's probably in bed already, shagging his wife or something."
George laughed at Matty's words. "I'm in. This is fun. Come on Matty. Don't be such a wimp." He stood up from the bench they were sitting on, walking over to Y/n.
Matty was still sitting on the bench, his arms crossed in front of his chest like a little kid left behind by his parents.
"Matty!" Y/n turned around to call him once again. "Get your ass up!"
Matty rolled his eyes before he got up, slowly strolling over the street to where is friends stood.
"Who's gonna ring the doorbell?" George asked, looking at Matty, who immediately responded in denial. "Don't look at me like that! I won't do it."
"And you want to call yourself a man? Pathetic." Y/n snapped in annoyance.
Surprised but kind of impressed by her answer, the two boys looked at each other and shrugged.
"I'll do it then," y/n informed them before she rang the doorbell at Mr. Miller's front door.
After waiting for a few seconds with no answer, she decided to ring the bell again.
"I think no one's home.", George said.
"I told you he's under his wife!", Matty stated.
Y/n chuckled as she looked at Matty to respond "Yeah Matty, you might be right. Let's leave then."
"I'm always right. Don't know why no one's ever listening to me," he said as they walked back to their bench across the street.
Now it was only George who sat down again, while Y/n and Matty stood in front of the bench.
"Imagine..," y/n started as she turned around to face Matty "like what if they were really in there..."
"They were!" Matty interrupted her. "Believe me."
They both chuckled in unison at their silly and dirty imagination. As Matty sought eye contact again, she tried to cover up her mouth with her hand, feeling a bit insecure. This time, she didn't look away but locked her gaze with his, looking up at the curly-haired man. Suddenly, something seemed to click in her. The sound of his laughter touched her soul like rays of sunshine, covered in sweet melodies. Like the myelin sheath of axons, allowing them to reach her ears even faster than the speed of light. She didn't yet know that this exact moment would change her life forever. That this exact moment was the start of a series of memories she would never get rid of. She didn't yet know that if a magical creature offered her to relive one day of her life, she would unhesitatingly choose this one.
If she had known all this, she probably would have held onto this moment longer. Maybe her question would have been something like 'Can we stay a bit longer?' or 'Can we make this night last forever?'
But instead, she said "Can we go home now? I'm kinda freezing, and I have to get up very early tomorrow."
"Yeah, sure thing," Matty said. And even though he wanted this rather intimate moment between the two of them to last forever or at least a little bit longer, he slowly loosened his gaze from hers. "George? Come on, off we go."
George stood up, and they slowly walked back to the car, neither of them saying a word. It seemed as if something magical lingered in the air. George had noticed that something had happened between Y/N and his best friend — something that changed the entire atmosphere around them, adorning it with a sweet, metaphorical scent.
🖤[poem 1]🖤
As Matty was about to open the car door, Y/n stopped him. "Look! There's a firefly!"
"Where?" Matty asked, wildly looking around.
"Right there, in your hair," she pointed up to his messy curls. "Wait, don't move." She carefully reached out her finger to his hair, trying to let the little firefly crawl onto it.
"It's so cute, isn't it?" she asked, showing him the insect on her finger.
"It is. I've never actually seen one before. Have you?" he asked while admiring the glowing creature on Y/n's finger.
"No, I haven't."
"Look, there's another one," Matty stated as he pointed his finger in the air next to Y/n's face.
Just a few seconds later, they found themselves surrounded by hundreds of fireflies, their gentle glow illuminating the dark night around them.
George was already sitting in the car as he rolled down the window, curious why his friends were still standing outside of the car. "What's going on out there?" he asked.
Done admiring the fireflies, Y/n and Matty got in the car. "Man, you missed out on something. About a million fireflies were out there!" Matty exaggerated.
"Oh really? I see them all the time in my garden," George answered casually as he started driving.
"You must be kidding!" Matty stated in surprise.
"No, like literally almost every single night!" he laughed and kept on driving towards Y/n's house to drop her off.
🖤[poem 2]🖤
🖤[poem 3]🖤
When George stopped the car in front of Y/n's house, she unbuckled her seatbelt, getting ready to leave the car.
"So, uhm... it was nice to hang out with you, guys," Y/n said.
"Yeah..." Matty started before he was cut off by George.
"Yeah, Y/n. I'm pretty sure Matty liked it too," George teased, wriggling his eyebrows.
"Thank you, George," Matty rolled his eyes at him. "But I think I can speak for myself, can't I? I'm a big boy, I suppose." He turned around to face Y/n in the backseat. "So, yeah. I loved it. It was fun. Maybe we can hang out again at the weekend?"
"Yes, I'd love that," she shyly smiled in response.
"Okay. Well, goodnight then," she said, opening the door to get out of the car. "See ya, guys!"
"Bye, Y/n!" George waved.
"See ya!" Matty called out of the open window as she was already out of the car, opening her front door, waving goodbye with a smile on her face.
After she disappeared into the house, Matty immediately turned around, confronting George. "You fuckin' idiot!"
"What? What have I done now?" George laughed.
"George, I'm telling you...," Matty warned him. "If you ruin this..."
"I won't ruin anything, mate. I think you need to settle down a bit. Tonight went quite well, didn't it?"
"Yeah... Yeah, I think so," Matty looked outside the window, his tired head resting on his hand, his mind replaying the evening's events like scenes from a movie...
Let me know what you think xx
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soliblomst · 16 days
Wip snip --- Drarry
Thank you @smehur and @kk1smet for the tag! As I've just posted the first chapter of my new Drarry fic, I thought I'd share an excerpt from a later chapter 👀 When We Were Angels - Ch6
After the age of five, the guardians no longer gave presents for Christmas or birthdays but encouraged the children to handcraft something special for one another. This could be a drawing, a poem, a painting done in class, or any other creative gift. Unsurprisingly, Draco never received anything from the other children, nor did he bother to make any gifts himself. Then, over the years, he developed the habit of drawing something for Harry and would beg Harry not to reciprocate.
Instead, Harry opted to give him a compliment. Over time, as they learned to write, Harry replaced these compliments with little poems clumsily written on scraps of paper. His poems were objectively bad, sometimes even illegible due to Harry’s terrible handwriting and spelling mistakes. And, although they made him laugh a lot, Draco kept them all in the drawer of his bedside table, like treasures he would hold dear forever.
That Christmas morning, Draco gave him a drawing of the oak tree, which he had made using chalk stolen from the art room, while Father Virgil was too busy admiring Harry’s hideous painting. As for Harry, he gave him a new poem, this year much more legible than the one he wrote last Christmas.
“You’ve improved,” Draco commented as he finished reading the last verse, feeling a grin at the corner of his lips. 
“So have you.”
“My drawings have always been good.” 
Harry nudged his shoulder. “You’re so annoying.” 
Pleased with himself, but no less grateful for Harry’s lovely poem, Draco carefully placed it in his drawer with the others.
Read the first chapter here
I tag @pl0tty (yes yes, i want a snippet, u know what i mean), @faiell @tripably and @itsphantasmagoria ~~
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cilil · 7 months
Headcanons: The Day of Love
I felt spontaneously inspired to write down my headcanons (yes, I've thought of this before a few times) for Valentine's Day in Valinor, or, as it's known there, the Day of Love, featuring both Ainur and Elves. Enjoy!
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♡ The establishment of a dedicated holiday to celebrate couples and other forms of love and companionship was, as certain people (*cough* Melkor) would snidely remark in later ages, most likely inevitable due to Manwë being a hopeless romantic and Irmo's penchant for playing matchmaker (and subsequently winning bets he made with his wife and siblings).
♡ After Tulkas and Nessa were wed - within the circles of Arda, unlike the other Valar who espoused their partners earlier - Manwë was inspired to take action and create this holiday, as everyone had greatly enjoyed the festivities and many wished to have the opportunity to express their affection for their loved ones in a similar manner, without the pomp of a wedding.
♡ It was decided that the Day of Love would be in spring, as per Vána's suggestion. To this day, there's still some debate among the inhabitants of Valinor whether she simply thought the season was appropriate or whether she was making a thinly veiled mating season joke; the Ever-young, however, has declined to comment on this. It takes place in the month of Súlimë (March), much to the delight of Manwë, usually within the third week since this is (roughly) the beginning of the season, as determined by Yavanna and Vána.
♡ Over the ages, various traditions evolved. Among the first and most notable to this day is Manwë's poetry soirée, where everyone is invited to share their romantic poems and other writings - a special iteration of his regular writing group get-togethers that strives to be as inclusive and affirming as possible. Ever since the first Day of Love was celebrated, Manwë has written a new poem for his beloved queen every single year, and Varda shows her appreciation with breath-taking meteor showers. The event has naturally become important to the Vanyar in particular, especially those who are regulars among Manwë's fellow poetry enjoyers.
♡ Irmo and Estë take great pleasure in hosting a "casual tea time feast" (as described by the Lord of Lórien himself) that welcomes not only couples or friend groups, but also explicitly those who feel lonely on such a day and would like some easy company. While Estë and her Maiar serve herbal teas for health and good spirits and bake lots of delicious cakes and other treats, Irmo prepares his (in)famous punch which so far has never failed to get a party going and distributes special "love candy" that has also come under scrutiny a few times, but is still consumed with great delight by those who dare.
♡ Aside from (more or less) innocent tea party shenanigans, Irmo is wide awake on the Day of Love for different reasons as well, mutating into the kind of entity we know as Cupid. The use of arrows has been forbidden, but that does little to stop the Lord of Dreams and Desire from making his OTPs come true by providing a little bit of "assistance". He gleefully plants courage and inspiration into the hearts and minds of Ainur and Elves alike, so that they may finally confess those feelings they have been carrying around for too long. It has been alleged that he has attempted to play bingo with his brother in regards to these things coming to pass, yet nothing could be proven and Námo, as usual, was silent.
♡ Oromë, being in good spirits as hunting season is drawing near, likes to host a special hunting events where couples (and throuples and so on, naturally) can either compete against each other or team up to hunt and see if their love is strong enough to catch even the greatest prey. While it's all in good fun and the competitive side isn't taken seriously, Oromë and his people do hold the belief that the ability to work together and cooperate, as well as engaging in friendly, playful competitions without hostility or ill will, are important parts of a relationship of any kind and thus can be a good test for couples looking to get married in particular. It is also worth noting that the hunting duels of Aredhel and Celegorm have become particularly infamous and are to this day lauded as a great example.
♡ Tulkas, as always, is looking for a fun little fight and a good laugh, and those sharing his passion are welcome in his mansion for a special kind of celebration. Many Elves and Ainur alike seek to prove themselves in battle against their peers to win the affection and admiration of whoever they wish to court, as well as engage in friendly duels with their friends and loved ones. Making sure that everything is as fair as it can be, Tulkas presides over these fights with glowing pride and invites all participants to attend a great feast after.
♡ Said feast is usually coupled with a special performance by Nessa and her Maiar, as well as others who wish to join them, and afterwards everyone is invited to dance with their partners. It is not unusual for non-martially-inclined couples to spend their day elsewhere but attend Nessa's dance party in the evening, and oftentimes the lord and lady can also be seen on the dance floor together.
♡ For Yavanna and Vána, the Day of Love is yet another instance of their boundless generosity. The two Valier share their gifts and boons freely, providing flowers, fruits and materials for the crafting of presents; sometimes even advice to those who seek it. Year after year, their husbands show their gratitude - as well as vicariously for the rest of Valinor - by crafting and hunting special gifts for them, and it is said that the trees and flowers bloom even more beautifully on that day to celebrate their ladies' joy.
♡ Among the Elves, traditions are varied as well. Particularly famous is the pearl-diving of the Teleri, a test of both courage and skill where young and old lovers alike venture out into the sea and seek to find the most beautiful pearls to bring home to their partners. Ulmo gives his blessings freely to all who attempt such a feat and, together with his Maiar, makes sure that everyone returns home safely; over the years, many a daring Elf had to be fished out of more perilous waters. These pearls - and other treasures that were found - are particularly precious to the Teleri and objects crafted from or with them may even become family heirlooms.
♡ The Noldor, together with Aulë, Vairë and their Maiar, spend a lot of time before the Day of Love crafting wonderful gifts for their loved ones. These creations are a matter of great pride and may hold a lot of different, intricate meanings, often being a key component in courtship. Aside from all sorts of trinkets, couples are often seen exchanging promise jewelry. A particularly noteworthy occurrence over the years was the unveiling of a great Fëanor statue, made by none other than Nerdanel during their courtship, and to this day spectators claim that they have never seen Fëanor this speechless before or after.
♡ The Vanyar, aside from attending the festivities in Ilmarin, are also fond of music and love to sing or otherwise perform for their loved ones. Such performances are often done with special costumes and instruments, and the gifting of instruments is regarded as something especially intimate and meaningful. Those among the Maiar of Manwë and Varda who are not too fond of poetry like to join the Vanyar instead, offering their own songs and arts as entertainment. Eönwë and other avian Ainur are regularly asked for their feathers and even grow special plumage to accommodate these requests.
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Thanks for reading! Feel free to take inspiration from these (though as always a little shout-out is appreciated if you create your own stuff based on this post ♡).
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tikitsune · 4 months
🍉 a poem written by tikitsune
(Please don't copy or steal my works. And I would appreciate the reblogs. I can't provide much for the situation of current events so the least I can do is this. To make up for the fact that I haven't taken action until now.)
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War is stupid.
I once saw a piece of media that stated that war shouldn't exist.
And I agreed.
Land of the free my ass.
Home of the brave is wrong.
Everyone running our country is a coward.
There are people younger than you by 2 times maybe even three that are doing more than you.
You are just a bunch of immature people who hold some power.
But there is one thing you forget.
Without us, you are nothing.
Money can't buy you everything.
Even you don't have that much money.
I've seen people who compare the current times to the hunger games and, while I haven't seen the hunger games, it's starting to look like it.
What's next?
Who's to say?
When I first heard the ban on tiktok and allowing parents the ability to see everything their child does, I was angry.
But I believe in my parents, that they wouldn't do that to me.
I can't say the same for other people's parents.
I will say this one thing.
You have fucked up for the last time.
You are done for.
You are nothing without the people.
Celebrities don't deserve to be called celebrities.
I refuse to celebrate someone who doesn't stand up for what is right.
The ones who use money to go to some big event rather than donate to help families.
They don't deserve to be called celebrities.
They seem to forget that without us, they are nothing.
You can try and hide but as Macklemore sang, "You can ban Tiktok, take us out of the algorithm, but it's too late, we've seen the truth."
I am disgusted to live in a time where people kill other's just for materialistic wants.
From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.
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As for my thoughts on this, I simply ask that you no longer let the government hide this event for you. I ask that you take action. If not by donating, by supporting people who can, spread the word, spread the gofundme link. If you can't spend money to help, help in a different way. We live in the age of the internet. If you want to be educated, you have the resources. Listen to Hind's Hall, Black Butterfly, Ya Tal3een and any other songs that help raise money for the people who need it. Don't let the government cover this event. Don't let them hide what they don't want us to see. Remind them that without us, they are nothing. We can, in fact, overcome the 1%. There are power in numbers, make use of it.
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ninja-muse · 3 months
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I need to start walking past used bookstores instead of into them…
Anyway, June was an all right reading month. I read some really good books, and some kind of poor ones, which is fairly normal, but I also didn't read as much as usual. This is a combination of having a few slow reads (Steampunk, Navola) and writing up a storm, neither of which is a bad thing. I am so glad to have written as much as I have this month. The end of the latest WIP is in sight!
Navola, by the way, is really good and if I'd been organized enough to take a photo of the ARC before I unhauled it, it would have gotten a dedicated review here. Think Renaissance Italy, low magic, ruthless politics, a boy coming of age, an unwanted destiny he has no choice but to accept, the trapped soul of a dragon… It's complex and twisted and detailed and layered, the sort of book you have to pay attention to and which will surprise you anyway. Highly recommended if you like George R.R. Martin or Robin Hobb or grimdark that's less about blood and battles and more about everyone being flawed and kind of awful.
This was also a month of ebooks for me, accidentally. I had a few library holds come in (and delayed one until next month because time), and I received not one but two e-ARCs, the second of which I'm working on right now. I also had one of those moments mid-month where I had no idea what to read so went for something radically different—a thriller about a forensic artist, mostly because it had been on my TBR for a bit and was available on Libby the day I needed a book.
And I reread Drums Along the Congo! Which I last read over 25 years ago so it was basically a new book to me. There's a lot of stuff I either missed or forgot the first time, but I was a kid who was reading it for the living dinosaurs rather than an adult reading for the journey and historical moment. I can't imagine the details about Congo in the 1980s would've made much of an impression. If you're into travel writing, it's one I'd recommend.
The third book off my TBR, A Bouquet From France, is that pretty marbled cover. (I nabbed it off my dad's unhaul pile mostly for that.) More interesting than the poems are some of the 1920s-era translation choices and the fact that the book has actual handcut deckle edges, like you can see where the knife went in off-center to cut the signatures open. Also Victor Hugo is introduced as one of France's best poets, with no mention that he might have also written some major novels.
In terms of my book haul for the month: one out-of-print comic book my work got on sale; one memoir a coworker was unhauling; two travel books that the "I've adulted so now I get a treat" used bookstore had in stock. One is the sequel/follow-up to one I hauled last month, so it's nice to have both. The other is excerpted letters by an English diplomat's wife from Constantinople in the early 1700s.* I successfully delayed a trip to the other tempting used bookstore until next month, so stayed tuned for that.
*Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Awesome woman. Look her up.
And that's about it for this time around. I didn't do exciting cultural events or anything, just read and wrote a lot. How was your June?
Click through to see everything I read this month, in the rough order of how glad I was to have read them.
How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying - Django Wexler
Dani’s stuck in a time loop in a fantasy world. She’s supposed to be the Chosen One but that clearly not working. Time to switch sides for funsies…
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (bi woman), protagonist of colour
borrowed from work
Navola - Paolo Bacigalupi
Davico has always been aware of Navola’s politics and his banking family’s role in them, but also knows he’s unsuited to inherit that power. Unfortunately, in a city that breathes intrigue bowing out isn’t exactly an option. Out in July.
warning: violence, graphic injury, pseudo-incest
reading copy
A Bouquet From France - Wilfred Thorley, translator
A collection of French poetry from the 1100s to the 1920s.
off my TBR shelves
Steampunk - Ann and Jeff Vandermeer, editors
A collection of steampunk stories, old and new.
warning: misogyny, racism, eugenicists
off my TBR shelves
Running Close to the Wind - Alexandra Rowland
Avra, rubbish spy, finds himself on his ex’s pirate ship in possession of a deadly trade secret. Unfortunately, selling it to the highest bidder means working with a very sexy monk, and all manner of shenanigans.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (multisexual), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (ungendered, achillean), major character with prosthetic eye, largely brown-skinned cast, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: frequent discussions of sex, cursing, animal death
library ebook
Every Time We Say Goodbye - Natalie Jenner
Vivien moves to Rome in the 1950s to work as a script doctor and possibly learn the true fate of her soldier fiancé.
Black American secondary characters, 🇨🇦
library ebook
The Face of Deception - Iris Johansen
Eve Duncan, world-class forensic artist, is drawn into a dangerous web when she takes a commission from a tech billionaire.
warning: animal death, murder
library ebook
The Black Bird of Chernobyl - Ann McMan
Lilah’s happily misanthropic life preparing bodies at her funeral home is upset when her father hires perky Sparkle for community outreach. Then Lilah goes viral… Out in July.
🏳️‍🌈 main character (lesbian), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary characters (lesbian, sapphic), Black secondary character, 🏳️‍🌈 author
warning: death, grief
digital reading copy/won
Drums Along the Congo - Rory Nugent
A naturalist travels deep into the African jungle in search of a legendary living dinosaur—or tries to. A lovely portrait of a time and place.
predominantly (Black) African cast
warning: animal death, brief mentions of Congo’s colonial brutalities
off my TBR shelves
Currently reading
The Dishonest Miss Take - Faye Murphy
Desperate to clear her name after a murder she didn't commit, a superpowered former villain stumbles onto a mystery—and a curious assassin. Out in September.
🏳️‍🌈 protagonist (sapphic), 🏳️‍🌈 secondary character (sapphic)
digital reading copy/won
Music from the Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century - Richard Taruskin
A history of early written European music, in its social and political contexts. The Penguin Complete Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle
Victorian detective stories.
disabled POV character (limb injury), occasional Indian secondary characters
warning: racism, colonialism
Monthly total: 8 + 1 Yearly total: 59 Queer books: 3 Authors of colour: 0 Books by women: 3 Authors outside the binary: 1 Canadian authors: 1 Classics: 1 Off the TBR shelves: 3 Books hauled: 4 ARCs acquired: 3 ARCs unhauled: 2 DNFs: 0
January February March April May
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Writeblr Interview Tag
thank you, thank you to @sableglass for the tag, you can catch their original post here!
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels! Sometimes, I think the ideas i have are too large to stay as short stories or that i couldn't capture what's needed for poems.
What genre do you prefer reading?
I've found myself dabbling a bit more into psycho thrillers now a days, otherwise the toes are buried in sci-fi, romance and the occasional philosophy book.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Girls/Guys/Theys', I couldn't plan a thing and stick to it if my life depended on it. I try to do both, just for consistency sake, but I often go off line anyways, but the most important scenes are always written first.
It does make editing a bitch though.
What music do you listen to while writing?
I honestly write in silence (scary i know). Otherwise, Kitchen Nightmares or Hell's Kitchen reruns are on in the back. And unless, I've already curated a playlist for what's being written, there's nothing in these ears but air.
I guess the easy answer is it depends!
Favorite books/movies?
The Menu (2022)/Bottoms (2023)/EEAAO (2022)
Song of Achilles/ A Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires/ Act Your Age, Eve Brown.
Any current WIPs?
Cherries Under the Sun! A new branch of writing for me, I always kinda felt like I had to stick to romance and burnt myself out. So here, we have a exploration of relationships with God and life (in both destructive and favorable manners) and the horrors of which one would go to achieve what they believe to be a righteous way of living.
I don't know...religion makes people do some weird shit in the name of their god and that something I want to explore. Did I mention there are vampires?!
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
wide legged pants or leggings, oversized t-shirt and pair of crocs. although, a lot of the time; i'm winnie the poohin' it.
Create a character description of yourself: 
a fluorescent beige girl with copper sister locs, tortie glasses and a slew of patchwork tattoos with facial piercings. of average height, and my clothes probably have a layer of cat hair on them. i'm probably lifting weights or somethings.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Lol yes, but half of the time its not even on purpose. kid you not, in the first chapter of Where the River Bends, i've actually had a man say that to me; and that was after I wrote it. (might be a soothsayer yall) Quite the experience!
Are you kill happy with your characters?
I have yet to kill anyone, but its in the plans. ugh, its gonna be an old lady. i'm sorry in advance; but yall might not even like her so *shrugs*
Coffee or Tea while writing?
don't shoot me! but i think dr.pepper is the ultimate answer. someone should make a dr.pepper tea. 
it might be too country of me to ask for it to be cold with lots of crushed ice.
Slow or fast writer?
I'd say i have my spurts of fast writing, but i think the slower i write; the more I get out.
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
Real life, i think is the most agreeable answer at the moment. I like people watching or taking my own life experience and stories I've heard over the years and not replicating them but retelling them from my lense on life; which is very...dramatic and mystical to say the least.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
Oh, theres so many options for this...but a cook/pub/tavern owner would be the first thing. I love feeding people and making sure they have a place to get warm food, and it'd be pretty cheap too! Or, house staff to some hoity-toity family, maybe get their son or daughter to fall in love with me so I can get some inheritance...but daddy, i love them kind moment
Most fav book cliche:
nerdy girl gets the jock
Least favorite cliche:
misunderstandings/miscommunication; oh god shoot me now! or the "she's hotter without her glasses" move (9x/10 the glasses are what makes them hot!)
Favorite scene to write?
Lore dumping scenes! They may be long and a little tedious to get through but they give so much insight into the smaller behaviors that characters have.
why does character A pick their nose comfortably in public? cause once upon a time; their grammy said it was okay and it's better than having it hang in there all day with people noticing!
I think my favorite so far though, is Warren and Sabryna's talk after a disastrous dinner. It was something in that moment, that they both really needed. Tough conversations equals great rewards in this case.
Reason for writing?
Cause I can! I mean; I'd really come to hate myself if i didn't let these ideas meet the paper or the keyboard in this matter. I think its very freeing to create something of your own, just getting past what others may think is the hard part.
and yall i cant draw for shit besides doodles so i guess writing is it for me.
no pressure tags below! sorry if you were double tagged! @rumeysawrites @inadequatecowboy @lady-grace-pens @tito-sober @shepardsherd @dyrewrites @goldfinchwrites @caninecomplex
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becauseanders · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
ahhh hi thank you! (finally answering this!) 🖤
It Took the Night to Believe: chapterfic, complete, 100k. dragon age ii, anders/male hawke. pacific rim au. i am honestly really fucking proud of this fic, like i thought it was great even though it didn't do super well kudos-wise and i did notice that i definitely did lose readers as it went on. i truly have no idea why, this fic is fucking great. it's got angst, it's got comfort, it's got near death experiences, it's got fluff, it's got kaiju—what's not to love??
No Wound as Sharp as the Will of God: chapterfic, complete, 99k. dragon age ii, anders/female hawke. canonverse, post-da2. it took me seven years to post a second chapter of this and a total of eight years to finish it, and the whole time i was writing it after i picked it up again i was so unsure of it, but turns out i really like it. very heavy content, please do mind the tags. takes place while hawke is with the inquisition. anders positive, justice positive. a very intense, very deep, very affectionate friendship between anders and fenris is an extremely important part of the story. like, seriously, the platonic fenders is just as important as the romantic handers. a lot of angst, like so much angst, but the hurt/comfort is real. the b-plot pertains to my theory that justice cures anders of the taint. cole is there. the emotions are high and you can feel them strongly in the writing. again, be careful, but this is a good fic.
A Thing With Feathers Now, Elevate: one shot, 11k. dragon age: origins, alistair/female amell. canonverse, takes place over the course of da:o. this fic is a fucking masterpiece. another that didn't do well numbers-wise but this is easily one of the absolute best things i've ever written and is quite possibly one of the best fics on ao3. i am so fucking proud of this one. the prose, the metaphors, the handling of trauma, the found family—this one deserved way more love than it got. like, i'm serious, this fic is amazing.
It Means Tumult: chapterfic, wip, 349k (yes, you read that right). dragon age ii, anders/female hawke. modern au. okay, obviously i've got to mention this one. i have been working on this fic for eight years and i am very sorry to everyone who saw this go from updating multiple times a week and asking me how the fuck i write so fast to three years without a single update and then i think only one more in the past two years. i'm working on the penultimate chapter, i swear i am, i'm just super stuck right now. this fic is…this fic. i'm not going to lie, i don't really know if this is any longer some of my better writing, but the premise is fucking solid and i have been told more than once that it's clear this is a labor of love and that this is endearing. au where the obvious metaphors are made reality: the circles are psychiatric institutions and being mentally ill is a crime. a lot of angst, but a lot of love. pay no mind to how much better of a character and person aveline is when i write her. i also do admittedly use this fic to deal with my own demons frequently. an andrea gibson poem helped me write one chapter and i later got to tell them about it and they hugged me. this is also very heavily centered on music and has a lengthy soundtrack. please ignore the fact that when i first started writing this i used british english when i typed because i thought it looked better, as i had started doing as a teenager, which tbh i still kind of do but i also realized that's just fucking pretentious to do when you're american, and it was already so long by the time i stopped doing it that there was no way in hell i was going back to editing all of that (as i actually did do with nwasatwog). so that's just the way it is. but yeah, there's a lot of feelings happening here. also the only fic on this list that has an original title instead of song lyrics despite being the one with the most music involved, lol.
Through the Fall and the Feel: chapterfic, wip, 52k. dragon age ii, anders/male hawke. modern au. this is the one i'm working on most right because that's just where the brainworms are. hawke is a teddy bear doctor and anders goes to see him because instead of a pillow from his mother he has a stuffed cat, and she has seen much better days. this fic has a very wholesome premise but has gone into some pretty heavy angst already and i did not mean for eating disorders to be as important to the story as they have become, so be mindful of that. but this fic has a lot of heart and it's absolutely tanking, so if this piques your interest maybe go give it a look? this is also my second foray into m!handers and i am again having fun writing them. but yeah, i actually like this fic a lot and i do recommend it.
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
Dante and Vergil with their s/o giving them late Christmas presents
Pairing: Dante x Reader; Vergil x Reader
Summary: Interestingly enough, Christmas was a time of the year when demons decided to cause mayhem - giving the whole crew enough work for months to come. Because of that, you didn't have the chance to buy your dear devil a present... But that wouldn't stop you from showing you cared.
Age restriction: none, really. Dante's present you can interpret as NSFW only if you WANT to. It pleases all readers: you can read it as something very silly or kinda spicy - and BOTH go with our red devil. He is a seducing goof, really.
Author's notes: I'm not in a very jolly Christmas spirit this year and feeling quite meh about the Holidays, so maybe this can cheer up some people who are on the same vibe as me. Sometimes we're not on our best days and it's ok if we're not on the Holiday vibe - you're not broken. It's fine if you don't feel great.
ALSO IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: the poem on Vergil's part is a song lyrics I've written a long time ago and I went through my notes to find something I liked for this one. You're welcome to share if you like, but please credit me. It's my first time sharing this sort of work, so be nice about it ^^
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Oh, Christmas. Jolly time, beautiful time, snowflake insanity time and carols playing everywhere a human – or demonic – hearing could reach.
One thing everyone seemed to forget, was the high incidence of demons causing pure mayhem. You understood Halloween – based on Samhein and all that – but Christmas…? Maybe demons liked to follow the Wheel of the Year as well and wreaked havoc during Yule?
Well, you settled with that explanation. Demons were all about magic, solstices, equinoxes, and such, so Christmas should be one of those magic heavy times too.
It was a bummer that the Devil May Cry always got busier that time of the year.
After the family and the crew got together, Dante started celebrating and waiting eagerly for it every time December 1st arrived on the calendar. Prior to that, though, you knew your red devil wasn’t much of a celebration type of guy – for a long time, he had no one to celebrate it with; therefore, he allowed the date to die inside his heart.
Hunting was his – and yours, to be honest – way to stop thinking about it. If you were busy, you wouldn’t notice that loneliness that seemed to approach during the jolly time.
You sighed, while walking back home in the streets of Redgrave. With hands inside your coat’s pockets, your sword was carefully kept inside a guitar case you caried on your back – something you learned with Dante to be less obvious of your status as a devil hunter to other people. You were just another tired musician, coming back home after a tiring day at work.
And what a day. You received so many calls, the crew had to cancel Christmas and each one go to a job and clear one demon infestation at a time. That meant no Christmas food, no cozy drinks, no jolly songs on repeat and no presents.
With your feet marking your way in the snow, the snowflakes spiraled as you let out another sigh. You wanted to give Dante a present – to show him you cared and all that, even after he told you he didn’t want anything. But that was the thing about him: Dante never wanted anything and always thought he didn’t deserve it.
If you could only grab him by the shoulders and shake that stupid belief out of his head. It was funny even how many times that type of thought crossed your head – but it was a staple of living with Dante.
You could hear people celebrating inside their houses. It was very late and probably in the middle of the night – you didn’t carry a watch or something to tell the time since a demon blasted your cellphone in two during a job and it took you more than a year to scrape some money to get a new one. Nevertheless, you learnt to tell the time by the skies and, giving how late it was, Dante probably was coming back from his as well.
He would be tired – or at least sore from all the fighting – and certainly in need of a shower, just like you at the moment.
Crossing the heavy wooden doors of the Devil May Cry, you left the guitar case and dirty boots by the jukebox, noticing how Dante’s were missing – that meant he still wasn’t home.
As you went up the stairs, you still thought about his gift. You could give him a pizza for the night and Dante would be happy. One would think it would be great to have someone easy to please around, but it did make your life more difficult: you had no idea what to give him when you wanted something to be really special.
Everything was special for Dante.
Reaching your room, you finally smiled while searching for some clean pajamas. That little thought made you realize something – and search for a beautiful ribbon you could wrap a present with.
“Ei, babe! Still in the shower?”
“Hey, Dante! Just got out!” You answered while drying yourself with the towel. You could hear a little laugh in his voice as he walked around the room on the other side of the door.
“Damn, seems like I lost my chance for a nice shower with ya tonight!” His voice was a little muffled, making some effort with something. If you knew him well, Dante was finally taking his boots off and would remain sitting on the bed for a while to let his feet rest.
“Oh, I was desperately needing a shower.” You sighed, making him giggle a little. “How was your job today?”
“Eh, same as always… Nothin’ special, just a bunch of buffoons thinkin’ they’re gonna conquer the human world.” The sigh in his voice made you lough this time. You found it lovely how you always could hear his smile in the way he spoke back at you. “What…?”
“Not a usual thing hearing you say ‘buffoon’. You’re really Vergil’s brother, huh?” You couldn’t stop giggling as your fingers fumbled with the beautiful stripe of red cloth that would be a beautiful bow when you’d be done with it.
“What can I say, babe?” You already knew Dante so well, his shrug was in his voice, as well as his smugness. The cocky smile was beautifully plastered in your mind – and you’d hope you’d never forget it. “You start livin’ with the prince of darkness there, you get a few of his mannerisms.”
“Hmmm.” You tried to hold back a laugh, but the wheezing was recognizable even to Dante in the room. “Now I’m imagining good ol’ Verge dressed as Ozzy singing Paranoid like a crazy metal dad.”
You could swear Dante’s laugh could be heard through the whole shop – and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing alongside him. Moments like those were better than any presents you could give him.
“Ha! Now that would be a sight to see!” He coughed back. “But ya know, don’t mention this to Verge, but he used to like Black Sabbath and uncle Ozzy when we were kids.”
“Nooooo…! You’re joking!” As soon as your voice achieved the heights of disbelief, Dante just laughed in response. “Verge is a Sabbath guy?!”
“I’ll say two things: Mr. Crowley and War Pigs.” Dante’s voice disappeared for a few seconds before coming back again. “If ya sing one of these by his side, Vergil knows the lyrics by heart.”
“Man, I gotta do that one of these days…!” You giggled to yourself, hearing Dante falling on the bed. Probably sitting, waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. “What about you?”
“Oh, I love uncle Ozz and Sabbath! Who do ya think introduced metal at home?!” With a sigh, you knew he was stretching and finally starting to relax. “But yeah, I was more into AC/DC, and later bands like Mötley Crüe. Verge said it was all one hell of a noise and he couldn’t focus on readin’.”
“Huh. As if you can focus on Sabbath.”
“Touché. He knew some songs on drums too, he just liked complainin’…”
That was a good present for you. Having Dante remember things of his life and talk to you about mundane things, like music, was something that always warmed your heart – you loved everything about him, but spending time together and just getting to know each other more and more… That was something only his soul could gift you.
“Talkin’ ‘bout complainin’, is everything alright there, babe? Or did the toilet swallow you?”
“Oh, you know. Just a couple of sewer demons, I’ll be done with them in nooo time.” Your answer made both of you laugh – although, sewer demons were indeed an annoying breed of devils. “I’ll be out soon, red devil, chill out. I have a surprise for you.”
“What…? Surprise…?”
That suddenly kicked into his head: it was Christmas. Dante had completely forgotten about it. He was so used to not celebrating, that going about it like a normal day was just average to him. All the lights in the street, the snow, the songs, the smells of Christmas food… It was something he had learned to ignore.
“Oh, babe… You…”
But Dante’s mumbles were interrupted as soon as you emerged from the bathroom wrapped around the red ribbon; a perfect big bow resting on the top of your head as you opened your arms. You found him sitting on the bed, shirtless, stretching his legs after a tiring day of hunting – his dumbfounded sky-blue eyes staring at you in awe for the couple of seconds you took him by surprise.
“Merry Christmas, cowboy!” You giggled back, a wide smile on your lips. “I couldn’t buy you a present, so…” You signaled to yourself, opening your arms again right after.
“Damn. I love you, babe. Have I told you that already…?” Dante murmured with a beautiful big smile on his lips, taking your hand on his as you approached. “Merry Christmas, beautiful. Sorry I couldn’t get ya a present this year.”
“It’s ok. You’re already my present, big guy.”
Dante just kissed you in return as you sat on his lap. The only way for you to know how much your words meant to him, was by the rhythm of his heart, beating like fiery drums.
He wouldn’t mind receiving that Christmas gift every year.
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The last demon fell on the floor, slayed by your very own ghostly white Mirror Edge. Your hands were covered in blood, as well as the snow covering the ground in that Christmas night.
The moon was high in the sky, celebrations already starting to come to an end inside homes all over Redgrave. Vergil once told you there were times of the year, usually celebrated by witches and occultists in general, that held power – and Christmas time was one of them.
You had to take a different job than Vergil in order to keep demons at bay that night; returning home, then, was a lone path. Quietly walking in the streets, you kept your hands warm inside your pockets, watching as people went back home or just turned off the lights to go to sleep.
“I do recall Christmas at my family’s home…” Vergil said calmly, watching the snow falling outside while he kept his hands warm with the cup of fancy tea you brewed for the night. “It all seems like a distant memory. I…” He halted his words, furrowing his brows as Vergil carefully chose his words. He wasn’t one to speak without intention and, when it came to his feelings, he always struggled to find the right words. “…Spent too much time in Hell. Time itself is a concept forgotten on those lands.”
“Hmmm. Were you aware of the passage of years…?” You kept focusing on your painting; sitting in front of it, you let Vergil speak, paying attention to his words but being careful not to overwhelm him with attention. He raised his eyes to you, watching as your hands carefully painted the snow from the night outside – Vergil knew it required trust from you to allow him to watch you creating something.
“Sometimes…” He let out a deep, controlled sigh. There was a type of tug inside his chest every time he talked about those memories; as if something inside him was twisting and leaving him breathless. “Some minutes seemed like years… And some years seemed like seconds. I only realized how much time had passed when I saw Dante for the first time.”
“Huh. Makes sense…” You muttered, making him raise one eyebrow. You reached for something on your paint desk and Vergil gave you your teacup – he always feared you would accidentally take a sip of dirty paint water in your moment of being absorbed by your art. He had done that countless times while reading; it was something he wasn’t proud of. “I wouldn’t have wasted time trying to know what year it was if I was falling apart after crawling out of Hell. Makes sense you only noticed when V united with Urizen again.”
“Hmmm.” Vergil agreed with a subtle nod, brewing your words inside his mind. You seemed to be the only person he could openly talk with and not be judged – there was something of welcoming about it. “I… Forgot. How Christmas is like. I know the memories; I know the traditions. But I don’t know the feeling anymore… I see just a ritual that only has meaning if people believe in it. In Hell, no one believes in anything; the only thing keeping you alive is a small light of hope that one day you will make it out of there. The rest…” And Vergil did a vague gesture with his hand, preparing to take another sip of his tea. “Is frivolous.”
“Only survival matters.” As you added, he nodded alongside you.
“And keeping yourself. Not allowing your soul to die. If you lose that, not even your body can bring you back.”
That conversation with Vergil marked you. They were just a few words before he went back to reading and you focused again on your painting, singing a couple of songs ever time your heart felt like it. Surprisingly, it was something Vergil enjoyed while reading – as well as mindlessly massaging your feet and calves you usually rested on his lap while both of you were concentrated on something else.
Vergil was easing back on Christmas. It was a lot of work – he wasn’t specially loved by anyone but you and Dante in the crew, but everyone was warming up to the blue devil. Trish and Lady found it easier to welcome him given their history together, and Nero was working on his own feelings of having a father – and one who didn’t even know him, to top that. The first Christmas together was a miracle and the second Christmas, Vergil already showed he was a lot better at thinking of gifts than Dante – they usually didn’t remember people actually expected to receive something, but Vergil always knew each one’s preferences.
He never expected anything back, though. It had something to do with him atoning for his sins, but there was something else as well. If you didn’t get in the festive spirit, Vergil wouldn’t get into it as well. Time and important dates were a real struggle to the blue devil – as he said before, there wasn’t such a thing in Hell.
Vergil was completely tone deaf when it came to noticing the passage of time: it was common between you two a few reality checks. Vergil usually approached and you helped him make sure what he was living was real – not one of his many hallucinations when incarcerated – and when were you. “When” as in how many weeks had passed since an important event, how many months, how many hours. That way, you helped him with his time dissonance.
He probably didn’t even remember it was Christmas… It was your job to remind him, then.
As Vergil entered your room, he could hear the shower as your voice entangled around the notes of water in a song he didn’t recognize – not that he needed to, for Vergil loved hearing you sing.
Leaving his coat on the back of the chair, he sat on the bed to take off his boots. It was a relief, really. The moment the day ended, and he came back home – it had been a very long time Vergil didn’t really have a routine of winding down, changing to comfortable clothes and sleeping in a warm, comfortable bed. He always took some time to close his eyes and feel the ground under his feet, focusing on how grounding that was.
His heart seemed to go back to its own place – a forgotten place in his chest, filled with a warm sense of safety. He could only define it as the feeling of love and protection he longed during all his years of seemingly endless suffering.
There were days in Hell that indeed felt like an eternity. Sometimes, Vergil questioned if everything he was living with you was real – working in the Devil May Cry, talking to his brother again, getting to know his son. It was a dream, and dreams were prone to ending.
Shaking his head, Vergil took a deep breath before taking his boots and opening the closet to keep them safe and sound in their proper place. The next piece was his vest, carefully kept in a drawer.
Vergil calmly went back to the desk, in order to get his coat and hang it inside the closet – hearing while you turned off the shower and started to dry yourself, still humming your song of choice. It was one you had shown him before, that he could identify.
As soon as his fingers touched his coat, Vergil furrowed his eyebrows – his eyes meeting an envelope with his name atop of his read of that month. That was your handwriting; that he was certain.
Taking the envelope between his fingers, Vergil turned it around, finding the words “Merry Christmas”.
He had forgotten about Christmas.
Vergil stared at a lost spot on the wall for a while, internally complaining about his lack of awareness of important dates in a human world. Shaking his head once again, he finally opened the envelope, finding a simple piece of paper with your handwriting – a poem, by the way you framed it on the sheet of paper.
“When I believed life was concrete and coal
You made my heart rain gold
Dripping like honey over your chest and arms
I want to glimmer with you amid the stars
Your breath caught on my lips, kept in my soul
Your sparkle entangled in my hands, I will never let go
In the silence of the Universe, witnessed only by Venus and Mars
I give you, my love, my soul and my heart.”
Vergil didn’t know that poem.
He read those words again and again, breaking the meaning and feeling behind them. His silvery eyes had never seen them before, but there was something of different… Something that seemed to wrap around his heart and make his eyes threaten to feel more than he usually allowed them to feel.
Until he found the little note on the bottom of the paper.
I know it isn’t perfect, love, but I wrote this poem for you. It’s the sincerest thing I can give you this Christmas. I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it.
“Oh, you found it.” Vergil was lifted out of his storm of thoughts by your voice, recently emerged from the bathroom. He turned around, having a stern look on his face and his hands holding the single piece of paper for dear life. “Merry Christmas, my dear. I hope you like your present. I didn’t have time to buy anything, and I wanted to give you something meaningful.”
Without any words, Vergil approached you with the same resolution he did when he had an enemy in sight. You just looked at him, trying to understand his reactions – Vergil was always a box of surprises. He never reacted like everyone else did, but it was to be expected after all he had been through.
You were caught completely by surprise when he wrapped his arms around you, tightly holding you against his body – his face hidden in the curve of your neck. His heart was aligned with yours; and that made you smile.
It was the first time Vergil was the subject of a heartfelt poem – not just a heartless reader searching for some tenderness.
I blame Duff McKagan’s Tenderness for that last line and overall feeling of this ending part
This Tenderness. I love this man, I love this song, and it was Vergil written all over. It's also really comforting on trying times, give it a listen ;)
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senualothbrok · 4 months
Thinking of you and sending happy, hopeful, bright vibes over to you💕 (you can always message me if you want to chat)
How did you get into writing? You have such a beautiful style, I love to hear author's 'origin stories'.
What are some of your favourite books?
Aaaand what's something about you we may not know? 🌻♥️✨
💜🫂 Thank you lovely. I appreciate that so much. I am sending you the same, and the same offer obviously.
As for your juicy questions...
How did I get into writing?
I'm so honoured that you like my style. That is such high praise coming from a poet like yourself! 🥹 When I was a kid I loved reading and words and stories. My first "career ambition" was expressed at 9, I wanted to be an author! And when I was a teenager, I occasionally wrote stories, and I wrote loads of fanfic from 15-17 (it was a lifeline for me at that time too!). But I had really low self esteem so it was a struggle to maintain creativity alongside the self doubt and perfectionism, and trying to be A High Achiever and all the rest of it. So I lost the habit of writing. I did write some poems when I was in my early twenties, and blogged a fair bit, but didn't have the presence of mind to write stories. Life got in the way. I forgot that I have a writer's soul.
And then in 2021 I did a creative writing course, and started writing a novel on and off. I then got BG3 brainrot last year, the novel fell to the wayside (lol) because of fanfic, and now I'm here!
My novel is 2/3 of the way through, and I hope to one day finish it and get it published! I would like to be a full time writer eventually 💜
What are some of your favourite books?
Oh boy I love this question so much!!! This is a curated list.
* Circe by Madeline Miller
* The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
She is my greatest influence. I hope to write like her one day! Every word she writes is poetry. So much wisdom and pain and beauty, so much economy in her writing. Her books have transformed me. I just love her work so much.
* The Greenlanders by Jane Smiley
I love the Icelandic sagas and this book basically reads like a real saga from the Viking age. It's incredible. Like something unearthed from the ancient depths.
*The Hours by Michael Cunningham
When I first read this book I felt like it illuminated a fundamental universal truth and cracked my soul open. I need to re-read it...
Some book series:
* A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
* The Witcher by Andrzei Sapowski
* The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer
All amazing, immersive, meticulous, expertly written. The first two are well known and beloved in fandom. The Southern Reach Trilogy is super weird and fucks with your head - Lovecraftian.
I am also a big fan of Sylvia Plath's poetry.
I'm sure there are more works I'm forgetting but I could go on and on!
Something about me you may not know
Umm I lose track of what I've shared online and what I haven't 🤣 um I guess I used to be an avid kickboxer/boxer! That's probably something semi exciting!
Thank you again my dear for letting me talk about myself and what I love. I feel more "real" and seen. 🫂💜 I'm so grateful.
Hope you're having a good day xxx
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theslowpath · 3 months
i think (if i remember correctly) you have a shipcest big brother au with tenth, so may i know some more about that? when did the two of you realize you had feelings for each other? what was it like to realize that? how did you both go about exploring your feelings? were either of you reluctant to peruse your feelings or was it easy to just go for it?
- @freakkisser
Ooo this is one of my favorites! Surprisingly I haven't written any actual fics for my big brother tenth au, I've only roleplayed it with my friend. I'm planning on actually writing something soon, though.
(Long post)
Tumblr media
Okay so in this au, donna noble is our single mother. I'm in early high school and ten is in college. We were really close growing up, but since ten started attending college classes he was always too busy to spend time with me. This made me really sad because he was the only one who ever really kept me company, as I got bullied in school and had no friends.
He went to the same high school as me when he was younger and was fairly popular. He wasn't like a jock or anything but he got along well with everyone and everyone who knew him thought he was just a funny, smart, chill guy. No one ever suspected that he was gay, much less that he was attracted to his younger brother who was a small child at the time.
Ten had already been attracted to me for years by the time I started to develop a crush on him around fifth grade, but had no idea what these feelings meant or how to describe them so I just ignored it.
The day we finally confessed was when we were home alone. I had come home from school after an exhausting day and to my surprise he was there because classes had let out early that day unexpectedly. We talked and I ended up showing him some of my poems (hes the only person allowed to see my art + writing) and it led to us having a deeper heart-to-heart discussion.
I admitted to ten that I had been really lonely since he started classes and I missed spending time with him. He said he missed me too and decided to spend the whole night helping me study, since I was failing some classes and really needed it.
During our study sesh, I brought a bottle of wine to his room and we drank together. I wasn't expecting to get as drunk as I did. He got a little tipsy, but I ended up absolutely hammered. I ended up sitting on his lap and making out with him while we both confessed our feelings to each other. At first, he was absolutely panicking with shame and guilt but he ultimately went through with having sex with his younger brother, who was almost (but not quite) blackout drunk at this point.
A few hours later we had both sobered up and were cuddling in his bed. We had fallen in love ages ago and the cat was finally out of the bag. There was an overwhelming feeling of guilt and disgust for both of us but it was overshadowed by our mutual obsession toward each other.
We were officially boyfriends in secret now, and after a while the guilt was gone from both of us and all we cared about was being happy. It wasn't abnormal for me to sleep in his room and have "sleepovers" with him prior to this. We would stay up late playing video games and watching movies together and I'd end up falling asleep in there all the time. Donna had no reason to suspect anything, so she didnt.
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faejilly · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @shadoedseptmbr ages and ages ago
tagging uh... i have no fucking clue. anyone who writes! no pressure! please blame me! @fancytrinkets @la-muerta @leahazel @jadesabre301 & ?!?!?
1: How many works do you have on AO3?
178 fics, since this is a fic writer meme.
2: What's your total AO3 wordcount?
1,193,590, with the caveat that that includes a collab fic of 190,409 words of which I was primarily writing only one of three POV characters. (And also one other shorter collab and the minimal amount of words required to describe the podfic/fanmixes.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Shadowhunters (TV) atm, a lot of BioWare Games (especially Dragon Age 2) and then a truly random smattering of smaller games and tiny!fandom prompts back when askbox games were more common here plus Yuletide/Fic Exchange Matches On Unexpected Things. (I think I've broken 20 fandoms on AO3, depending on how one counts the various DA sub-fandoms.)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
These are all Shadowhunters and Malec fics. The first three are complete, the last two are WIPs.
two are halves of one
My only posted 5+1 fic, a series of outsider perspectives on Alec & Magnus & their very long day of denied cuddles/alone time. 😅
i cannot touch because they are too near
Parabatai Feels & Magic Lore! I wrote this for a Season 3B countdown event, and it's Magnus Being A Nerd and trying to figure out how this parabatai thing works. I snuck Jace and Michael Wayland feels in there kind of sideways too. I do think it's one of the most self-indulgent things I've ever written (epistolary! melancholy comfort! No Plot!) with many thanks to @rutherinahobbit because she helped me land the ending.
with an if in its soul
So I killed Alec off-screen right before the fic starts, and proceeded to keep poor Magnus very upset about it for the following 22k words. (It gets better! I promise! No one stays dead!) I got many angry and wailing comments, I have never been so proud. (This one suffered from very dramatic scope creep while I was trying to write it, which amused tumblr a lot, and this time I have to thank @poemsfromthealley for helping to make it work. And also the blurb, because I just could not figure out how to post it for ages.)
i am for you
Epistolary!Fluff Fic that was supposed to be a bit of a missed connection thing for @pameluke but Alec instead proposed to Magnus on first sight and I just kind of went with that instead. /I am not in charge of the voices in my head
It is the first fic I ever had really break containment and get a lot of engagement/comments/subs/etc. It has been out-kudosed now, obviously as it's #4 on this list, but that's only because I killed the momentum and never finished it. 😅😅😅 ISTFG I am going to finish it some day though!
if broken hearts were whole
From a soulmates/massage combined prompt meme thing ALSO for @pameluke. I got stuck on this one largely because I had three different prequel/s1 retellings in my head at the same time and I kind of tangled them all up too much to get any of them done. I will eventually figure this one out too, but I may have to finish one of the other things to sort of clean my brain out, and I haven't managed that either.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
In theory? I got hung up on a comment from an FTH bidder the year I failed to finish my FTH fic, and didn't want to reply to their comment 'til I wrote their fic?
which doesn't make much sense, but brains are weird, so there we are
someday I'll answer the backlong. it's only like two or three years at this point? 😅😭🤣
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
so about uh... five years ago? there was a really popular gifset format from an Elizabeth Hewer poem called in one timeline and I haven't the faintest idea how to gifset so I wrote a fic for Malec instead. [ao3]
I have written other things which Have Angst, but for me I tend to ease the ending... this is one of the few where I didn't.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Everything Else! (Almost)
I think, as an exercise in the true form of Happily Ever After, I'd have to go with Fine Feathers, which is an epilogue to a Georgette Heyer Regency Romance novel I did for Yuletide 2016.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not usually. I don't even get people yelling at me to update on my WIPs, which may be hateful but isn't the same thing 😅
/and I'm certainly not complaining about either of these things, but I wish I knew how I avoided The Discourse™️so I could do it on purpose
9. Do you write smut?
I used to pretty regularly. I was even known as a smut!fic writer when Dragon Age Fandom and I were mutually more active together. Not so much (on either the writing quantity or the requests for more smut) for Shadowhunters.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Mostly no? I did two very short ficlets for Bingo Squares. I do still believe that Leverage is the Fix-It Fandom that fits everywhere and thus only kind-of counts as a crossover, plus I wrote a Shadowhunters / Inception bit with Ariadne as a Warlock.
I do also enjoy a good fusion fic, aka using a different canon as an AU setting, rather than combining characters from two settings.
For example: Shadowhunters Characters as BAU Agents from Criminal Minds!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of? I've seen it happen to co-authors though, and other friends
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I am still stunned and amazed and delighted by this!
Batty_Blue translated several of my Shadowhunters fics into Russian:
a flower of always i cannot touch because they are too near trust your heart ashes of angels / ashes of roses
And Pomyluna translated 'First Choice' into Polish
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Only once successfully (aka one and done and finished and posted), and that was entirely thanks to my co-author Raph. 😅 (Against All Odds for @galedekarios back when I knew her as Chignon on an actual forum prior to tumblr. She's who got me onto tumblr, so if you met me here? That's her fault. 🥰)
I have started things with people a few times that never got posted, and there's a massive Mass Effect retelling on potentially permanent hiatus, though all three of us do hold out hope that someday our lives will align again. (Persephone Rising)
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Me & Sleep
(Sorry, can't do it, can't choose. Beware My Armada. With a couple ancient ship leviathans which can raise themselves from the deep with the slightest provocation.)
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Every thing I have ever posted (except for 12 Moons) is something that I do in fact hold out hope I will eventually finish.
Things I have not started posting are too numerous to count and/or list. Sometimes they come back. Sometimes they are fertilizer for other things that will be written later.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Dialogue and hopeful melancholy? I get a lot of compliments on emotion/mood, and I do feel like I am usually pleased with the, idk, vibes of most of what I write.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Plot & structure! What is? How do? What do you mean I have to have things happen rather than just reacting all the time?!?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done it with mixed success and there are definitely ways to do it more accessibly than I did. It can add a lot, but you do have to think about the execution.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Uh. I think Lois & Clark back when I was a teen!jilly. Either that or Sailormoon when I was a slightly older teen!jilly?
In terms of posting in public, it was Bioware something, either Mass Effect or Dragon Age: Origins back around when Thing 2 was born. And he's 14 now, so... 😅
Orion's Belt, I think? I didn't originally post it on AO3, and then I deleted myself off the internet for awhile, and then I re-uploaded everything, and I'm bad at time in the best of circumstances, which that clearly was not, so it might not have been that one specifically but it was close.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
As a formative event/process, I have a certain enduring fondness for Lost for Words, which was like the first fic I really wrote while in fandom... I was social about it and posted while I was writing and finished (eventually) and it is still the longest single story I have ever written. (Tho I am for you will beat it out when I finish that.)
It's not particuarly good from the perspective of who I am as a writer some dozen years later, but it's sincerely meant cotton candy, at least. 🤣
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alwayschasingrainbows · 10 months
I think that Lucy Maud Montgomery used the references from a poem "Rubaiyat" by Omar Khayyam, to build a love story between Emily Byrd Starr and Teddy Kent in Emily's Quest, by using the symbolism of a book, a rose and a wine.
"If I had a tail I'd lash it," groaned Ilse, casting herself on Emily's bed and hurling one of Emily's treasured volumes—a little old copy of the Rubaiyat Teddy had given her in high school days—across the room. The back came off and the leaves flew every which way for a Sunday. Emily was annoyed." (Emily's Quest).
First of all, we learn that it was Teddy who had given Emily this book, during their childhood. By saying so, Montgomery might imply that he understood (and perhaps, shared) Emily's love of poetry and beauty. While Perry Miller gives Emily more practical gifts (a hen, a typing machine), Teddy gives her "an old copy" of a poem - a gift Emily loves, even if others might not find it it worth-while. The gift is a symbol of their mutual understanding and similar approach to life.
It is important to point out that Emily cherished this book, partly because it was a gift from Teddy. Their friendship was strong at this point, slowly starting to blossom into something more.
Another moment in their relationship is symbolized by Ilse destroying the book. An act of throwing it across the room might refer to the way Ilse was casually throwing comments about Teddy, and in doing so, she shatted Emily's perfect image of Teddy. Perhaps the ruined book is a symbol of Teddy and Emily's failing relationship.
The quote "The back came off and the leaves flew every which way" might be a reference to noticing the side of Teddy Emily was not aware of.
On the day of her twenty-fourth birthday, Emily opens the letter to herself, written at the age of fourteen and finds old rose petals inside the envelope (another gift from Teddy):
"A whiff of old fragrance came with it. Folded in it were some dried rose-leaves—crisp brown things that crumbled to dust under her touch. Yes, she remembered that rose—Teddy had brought it to her one evening when they had been children together and he had been so proud of that first red rose that bloomed on a little house rose-bush." (Emily's Quest).
It might be read as a reference to these verses: "Each Morn a thousand Roses brings, you say: Yes, but where leaves the Rose of Yesterday?"
"Rose of Yesterday" might symbolize a love that once was, especially in connection with these verses from "Rubaiyat": "One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies; The Flower that once has blown for ever dies."
Similarly, the quote from Rubaiyat: "And look—a thousand Blossoms with the Day Woke/and a thousand scatter'd into Clay/ And this first Summer Month that brings the Rose/ Shall take Jamshyd and Kaikobad away."
might refer to Emily and Teddy's happy summer, after she broke her engagement with Dean:
"A wonderful month followed. A month of indescribable roses, exquisite hazes, silver perfection of moonlight, unforgettable amethystine dusks, march of rains, bugle-call of winds, blossoms of purple and star-dust, mystery, music, magic. A month of laughter and dance and joy, of enchantment infinite. Yet a month of restrained, hidden realization." (Emily's Quest).
Just like in the poem, after the happy month has passed, Emily and Teddy's relationship is strained again, after he leaves (seemingly) with no goodbye.
When Emily finds out about Ilse and Teddy's engagement, she says: "I've spilled my cup of life's wine on the ground—somehow. And she will give me no more. So I must go thirsty. (Emily's Quest)
It is, possibly, a reference to these verses of Rubayiat:
"Dreaming when Dawn's Left Hand was in the Sky I heard a Voice within the Tavern cry, "Awake, my Little ones, and fill the Cup Before Life's Liquor in its Cup be dry." (Rubaiyat).
"Wine" might refer to the joys of life and the contentment of the present time. It is Dean Priest who uses a "wine" as a symbol of life and happiness: "Emily, do you know I'm a little drunk to-night—on the wine of life. Don't wonder if I say crazy things." (Emily's Quest).
Similar meaning is to be found in the Rubaiyat: "Ah, fill the Cup:—what boots it to repeat How Time is slipping underneath our Feet: Unborn TO-MORROW and dead YESTERDAY, Why fret about them if TO-DAY be sweet!"
For Emily, at this point, her own "today" is unbereable. After learning about Ilse's plans to marry Teddy, Emily "did not feel either pain or surprise—one does not feel either, I am told, when a bullet strikes the heart." and "it seemed to her that she was suffering everything of death but its merciful dying" (Emily's Quest).
The message of Rubaiyat is a devastating one:
"Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn: And Lip to Lip it murmur'd—"While you live, Drink!—for once dead you never shall return."
By saying "So I must go thirsty" Emily might mean that - without the wine - her own life is going to be empty of all the hopes and dreams - that there is no return to who she used to be. Her biggest regret, though, is not the fact Teddy doesn't love her at this moment, but the fact he seemingly never had. When she learns about his letter, she feels like a changed person:
"Bitterness—humiliation—shame had vanished from her being. Teddy had loved her. The sweetness of the revelation blotted out, for the time at least, all other feelings. Anger—resentment—could find no place in her soul. She felt like a new creature." (Emily's Quest).
The references from the poem are seen through the last book. The poem Teddy had given Emily, seemingly shaped their entire journey together.
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garden-ghoul · 25 days
Happy Gushiwensday Shabbes! We have another Wang Anshi tonight, "Miscellaneous Poem #5."
The morning sun shines in--I slept wrapped around my book and dreamed about Bell Mountain. I'm all old feelings. I face old age with composure, though I've been dragged through the mud, and I think today I can do it again. I'll wash in the cold stream.
Notes and original text under the cut.
朝阳映屋拥书眠,梦想锺山一慨然。 投老安能长忍垢,会当归此濯寒泉。
This one we translated because we were unsatisfied with Hinton's translation that we looked at a while ago. I'm a big fan of this poem. Very contemplative and melancholy, a little esoteric. Here are some notes!
wrapped around my book --- or with books gathered around.
Bell Mountain --- Laurence tells me that this is the mountain where Wang Anshi's favorite monastery was; he was friends with the abbot and visited many times. We think that this poem was written after he retired (post the death of his son) to "Halfway House," which was pretty much in the shadow of this mountain, which makes it curious to say he dreamed about it. I wondered whether he wasn't dreaming of a version of it from the past, when his life was simpler.
all old feelings --- 一慨然 is a really fun phrase. 一 is here used as "entirely" or "thoroughly" and 慨然 is like, in a heartfelt sigh kind of way. I'm still not totally sure whether this describes the mountain or the narrator, but I lean toward the latter. I've also used "old" feelings rather than "deep" feelings because I felt like he was dreaming about the past.
I face old age --- 投 is a fantaaaastic character. It can mean to throw something, to surrender oneself, to cast a vote/glance/shadow (!!!), to throw oneself into something like a river, or even to seek refuge. Applying this to old age has such a richness.
dragged through the mud --- Literally "a long time enduring dirt/disgrace." Obviously the poet has used a word for disgrace that primarily evokes physical grime (at least from the binomes it's in) because the next line is about washing.
I think today... again --- Grammatically puzzling! 会当归此 might be literally translated as "I'm able to manage returning to this" or "I'm able to withstand it and return to this." The referent of 此 "this/that" is unclear---I've resolved it via line-to-line word parallelism. ie, assuming "return to this" is paralleled with "can be calm" in the previous line. According to Laurence's researches Wang Anshi is known for being quite meticulous with his word parallelism, and this poem has a few other potentially interesting parallels:
In the first couplet, maybe 映 shine and 锺 bell are being paralleled: one visual image and one sonic image. (Laurence's interpretation) I'm not entirely sure whether most bells had a shiny finish, but if so it could also evoke the shine of metal!
Also in the first couplet, 拥 could either read as gathered or embraced, and either way it has a nice resonance with 一 perfused or in totality.
Very obviously, in the second couplet, 垢 dirt contrasted with 泉 stream or spring. The dirt or disgrace is from his political career, so it also evokes the simplicity of life in retirement and a remove from the "material world."
In the second couplet, potentially something interesting is going on with 长 always, forever, or constantly and 濯 wash, a clear material action that happens once and changes your state.
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