#this is to say if you've left a 'siblings' comment on any of my fic we are holding hands understanding each other
milesandcorysupermacy · 6 months
can you do a fic we’re y/n is miles(doesn’t matter which one) little sister who can lowkey sing but denies it
HEEEEEY, POOKIE! So ik I took long to answer ur request but u inspired me to write again because I can actually relate to this 😭
1610!Miles x Younger-SISTER-Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Cursing, Reader is 13, Miles is 15, Me not knowing anthing about the music industry, Not spell checked bc im lazy, Reader recorded without her consent (it'll make sense, I promise 😭)
Songs that were used: 'In Your Hands' By Halle, and 'Hailey's Comet' By Billie Eilish
Summary: You've always thought you could sing well, but you never considered it was exceptionally well. When you're confronted with other people's opinions on your singing, you start to change your mind. Can you really sing?
You walked into your kitchen, humming the soft melodies of the Billie Eilish song playing in your shared airpod with your older brother, Miles.
"Hey, you wanna order tacos? Your treat, by the way."
You turn to him, confused from this comment since he usually pays. You hate to admit anything nice about him, but one thing you can say is...he's a gentleman.
"Why am I paying?"
"Oh, I dunno. Maybe this will jog your memory."
Your over-dramatic sibling says as he points to a scar on his left cheek. You sheepishly chuckle as you scratch the back of your neck, embarrassed. The scar he's referring to is from two days ago when you threw scissors at him.
"Oh, right. In my defense, I thought your spidey senses would make you catch it."
Miles gasped.
"HOW?!?!!? I was holding sketches! If you thought I would drop my precious babies for some scissors...you clearly don't know me, mother's other child."
He said, not referring to you by name anymore. You rolled your eyes as you threatened him with the worst thing of all...no food.
"Well, if you're not even referring to me by name anymore, I guess you don't want any tacos!"
Miles immediately frowned, gasping from your threat.
"No! I love you my most beautiful, sweet, elegant sister! I still want the tacos! Make mine carne asada, please!"
You rolled your eyes at his willingness to switch up so easily. You sighed, opening your Uber Eats app to find the closest taco place.
"What a drag to love you like I do, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh"
You sang quietly along to the infectious melodies of Billie Eilish's 'Hailey's Comet'. Miles just stared at you, stunned. He's never heard you sing unless you were joking around, but right now he could've sworn you were a Grammy-nominated artist. He let this keep going on until the song ended, still staring at you while you absent-mindedly look into your phone. Not noticing him staring daggers into the side of your face.
"Ok, I placed the orde-"
"You sounded really good just now, why didn't you tell anyone you could sing like that?"
You stared at him bug-eyed, not knowing how to respond to all this sudden attention on you. Being the younger sister of Miles Morales, you just kinda got used to flying under his radar. I mean, he's a *almost* Straight A student, exceptionally good at art, a superhero, and he's in one of the most prestigious schools in Brooklyn. How could you even compete with that?
You're just a 13 year old girl who passes all her classes to keep her and her parents sane, and pretty much nothing after that. You acknowledged this hidden talent, but immediately compared yourself to other singers and realized that you would get crushed in that audition room. You weren't some Beyonce waiting to happen, you were just a girl. A girl who has absolutely no idea what she's doing.
"Why? What do you mean why, Miles? Have you heard all the other singers out there? Dude, I would get fucking crushed the moment I let out the first note. Not just that, but you're so obviously mom and dad's favorite. I mean, every time I come home with a B I feel like an idiot compared to you. You're just better than me, and everyone knows it. I fly under your radar, Miles. Every time that you, mom, or dad introduce me to somebody, you guys always say Miles' little sister. Face it, dude. I can't compare to you."
Miles felt his heart shatter hearing your words. As a big brother, his job was to protect you. How could he do that when he was causing the problem himself? He never looked down on you, he was proud to have you as a sister and he couldn't believe that you felt this way about yourself. What made it even worse was the fact that you started crying, he immediately sprung into action when he saw the tears falling. He engulfed you in a hug, feeling extremely guilty.
"I'm so sorry, Mariposa. I never even realized that the family was downplaying you like this, you're incredible and deserve to be seen as such."
You felt a smirk coming onto your lips from the nickname that he called you, referring to your Halloween costume from 10 years ago. Small moments like this made you realize that you had a brother who loved you, and would talk to you about anything. That's all that matters, right? You and him against the world...well, maybe just him. (Give the man credit, he's literally spiderman.)
"It's fine, I'm sorry to drop all of this on you. I feel like I kinda overreacted."
You awkwardly chuckled as Miles look at you like you were a woman gone mad.
"Why are you sorry? I'm glad you brung it up, now I can be more aware whenever I see it happen again. The fact that you feel like you're always under my radar is even more of a reason to get yourself out there! Who knows, I mean maybe Mami and Dad could hire you a manager. We're in New York, this IS industry city."
You thought about the idea for a second and honestly, it sounded great at first. Then you started to realize that you were 13, about to graduate 8th grade, and have no experience in vocal training. The once great idea started to sound like a complete fail.
"While I appreciate your excitement, Miles. I'm barely a high schooler, and have no experience. If I were to make it in the industry, it be pure luck!"
You waved him off as he was walking around you in a circle, spewing ideas. Starting to become annoyed with how invested he truly is in your life, a blessing and a curse.
"Well maybe if we go to the mall and-"
"What? No, that's so idiotic."
"Well, if you can open for an artist's tour-"
"How am I gonna do that with my middle class, Afro-Hispanic family in Brooklyn, New York?"
"Well, I got a few piggy bank-"
Miles was thankfully interrupted by a notification from your phone saying that the tacos were downstairs at the front desk.
"Thank fuck."
You whispered as the notification saved you from hearing any more of Miles' idiotic ideas.
"Miles, you mind going to get it?"
"Yea, just gimme a sec."
He says as he puts his shoes on, but that's really just a cover for his plan. He decided to play one of your favorite songs right now, 'In Your Hands'. He did this since he knew you wouldn't be able to resist singing it, especially since nobody else is around. While he's downstairs, he left his phone recording in the apartment so that he could catch your angelic voice and show it to his parents. Great plan....well, at least he hopes so.
While you and Miles play Wii Bowling on the living room TV, (you were beating his ass btw) your parents walk in. You both greet them and help with groceries, you then decide that you wanted to take a shower and exit the room. This gives Miles time to execute his plan!
(We're gonna pan over to Miles' scene bc I'm not. writing about you taking a boring ass shower.)
"Ok, we have like 40 mins until she's done with her nightly routine."
Miles says very suspiciously which causes his parents to feel concerned about him.
"Miles, buddy. You alright? I hope you're not sick or anything."
Jeff says as he cautiously touches Miles' forehead. His mother begins to chime in with the concern too.
"Yeah, you do look kinda pale."
Rio says, also touching the poor boy's face.
"He does, doesn't he? I'm glad I wasn't the only one noticing-"
"I'm not pale, I'm very pigmented!"
Miles whisper shouts. His parents back off with their hands up in a surrendering motion.
"Anyway, I wanted to show you guys a video of Y/N that I took. I know it sounds weird, but it's a video of her singing. It sounds really nice and I want her to have a talent of her own since everyone compares us."
His parents smile with approval and appreciation of how nice your brother was being towards you right now.
"Well, show us whatcha got!"
Rio says, enthusiastically. Miles opens his camera app and plays the video, immediately smiling at your perfect voice as you sing the melodic notes of the song.
"In your Hands, in your hands.
You can't let go or you'll lose your chance.
'Cause after me, you'll never fall in love again, la-la-la."
You melodically sung along to the song ans your parents stared at the phone with shock. They listened to the whole 3 minute video and smiled the whole way through, stunned by your almost perfect vocals.
"Wow...I can't believe that's my baby girl singing!"
Rio said, bewildered.
After some time, you finally walk out the bathroom with your pajamas and a towel on your head. Your family just stared at you with shock as you walked toward the kitchen for water.
"What? Am I not supposed to drink this water or something?"
"Girl, where'd you learn to sing like that?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at your dad, believing he's truly lost it this time.
"What are you talking about?"
Miles smiled cheekily at you as he played the video of your singing. You immediately grew embarrassed as you felt your face heat up and eyes widen.
"Miles, I'll kill you!"
You shouted as you charged towards your older brother who hid behind his mom.
"Baby, this is great! We signed you up for vocal lessons and even got you a meeting with a manager tomorrow, that's...if you say yes, of course."
Your mom trailed off.
"You better say yes, this stuff wasn't cheap!"
Jeff complained as your mom shot him a glare.
"Fine, I'll do it."
You said as you smiled from your families interest in you and your interests. You and your family conversed on some logistics and commitments that you will have to make for this newfound hobby. With that, there was just one more question to ask...
"So, what will your artist name be? We need a name to put on the email to the record label."
You looked up at your older brother and smiled before saying...
The first post after my lil hiatus 🤧
Anyway, I hope yall liked it and thanks to the anon who sent this, ima answer the other request I got too!
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
I'm not sure if you check the comments on your AO3 stories or not anymore, but I wanted to share the content I left (both because I want to make sure you see it and know how much I like your writing, and also because I crave validation as well ❤️) so I'm basically just copy/pasting the comment here (with some added spelling corrections):
[Comment I left on 'i drink the honey (inside your hive)']
This is probably my 20th time reading this because it is so so good: not only is somnophilia my jam, I love how Dick keeps telling himself 'this is all I'm doing, no more!' and then keeps going anyway. Also, your dirty talk (in all your fics, not just this one) is always so hot - I find a lot of people have trouble managing to be explicit and sexy without ending up in 'this is so cringe it's ruining the mood' territory. Seriously, my favorite part is Dick moaning and telling Tim he has no other place to cum, and how he'll make it up to him and how good Timmy is being for him🤤... Yeah❤️❤️❤️.
Moving on: I see some comments trying to work Jason into this hot mess, but I'm more interested in Damian at the moment: you've already shown in Carnation Instant Bitch that he's totally the type of character who could get off (at least for a bit until he got lonely) on some good old fashioned somnophilia. So this is what I'm picturing:
Bruce and Dick are needed for League and Titan stuff, Jason is off with the Outlaws, and Alfred is out of the country visiting his daughter. And even though Damian is a mature, self-sufficient (former) assassin child, he's also only 13 and they cannot in good conscience leave him by himself for however long this mission takes. So Tim gets roped into batsitting duty (let's also say that they decide not to patrol until someone gets back, because they want to make sure there's backup if something goes wrong). Damian doesn't want to kill Tim Drake any more (at least no more than most siblings want to kill each other) but he's still a little shit sometimes. And he really wants to search Tim's room for ammunition to use against him, but when Tim is away he always secures his room at the manor so tightly even Bruce (or Selina) would have trouble getting in. But! He doesn't do that when he's actually sleeping in his own bed, because he trusts his vigilante instincts to protect him and/or wake him if someone comes in.
Luckily, Damian is aware of some sleeping medication Bruce has cooked up and keeps on hand: it's very useful for getting stubborn vigilantes to actually stay put and rest when they're injured (and he has seen Alfred use it against Bruce as well). So, some of that careful crushed up and hidden inside a teacup when Damian brings out some tea for them to share. Drake is far too smart to accept a drink from Damian he hasn't seen either prepaired in front of him or served from the same container - but of course he wouldn't think to check the cups before Damian serves them both.
Damian worries for a moment, when the drugs should start to kick in, that Drake is on to him: his eyebrows furrow for a moment and he looks over the top of his teacup to study Damian oddly. But then he just gives Damian a small smile, finishes his tea, thanks Damian again, and says he's heading off to bed because he's getting tired.
Damian waits about an hour before sneaking into Drake's room, double checking that all the traps on the door and entrance to the room are disabled. He's excited to finally have a chance to find something embarrassing or incriminating that he'll be able to use against Drake in the future. After searching the desk in the room (only unused stationary, no notes or anything that might be useful), Damian heads towards the closet, glancing at Drake to make sure he still asleep: yup, still asleep on his back, blankets tangled around one leg and sleep shirt bunched up around his waist, showing on his bare pussy. Damian freezes and does a double-take because What. Drake has a- a pussy?!?
(I like to think -because it's fucking hilarious- that no one bothered to mention that Tim is trans to Damian when he joined the family, and Damian spent most of the first year or so completely ignoring Tim when he wasn't trying to kill him and by the time Tim may have felt comfortable sharing this fact, or even just sharing the communal showers with Damian, Tim had already moved into his own Nest. So because of random happenstance, Damian just never realized that Tim was not a cisgendered guy.)
(It's after midnight now and I'm running out of steam, but I think the next bit is something something, Damian is too young/ his peers find him abrasive and off putting and so he's never real... Seen a pussy up close. And well, Drake is asleep and unlikely to wake up for the next 7 hours at least... So Damian start off just... Satiating his curiosity. Just looking, analyzing the structures and shape, which seems so different in person as opposed to an anatomical drawing in health class. Maybe he carefully moves the blanket and positions Tim's legs so he can have an unobstructed view. Maybe looking turns into some light touching - it's just simple scientific curiosity! It's not like he ever thought that Drake was pretty or paid much attention to when Grandfather would get that far away look on his eyes when talking about Drake and devolve into muttering about pretty, brilliant heirs (which actually made a lot more sense now that he knew what equipment Drake was packing)...
Damian probably doesn't get around to fucking Tim for another night or two, but it's fine because Drake is being strangely... Sweet and trusting, sharing tea with Damian every night and never seeming the question how he got sleepy immediately after.
OR Something like that😅😅😅. Just an idea that popped into my head!
answered out of order:
🥺🥺🥺🥺this is so sweet!!! i try to check my ao3 inbox but sometimes i get sidetracked and forget- i'm so happy you like my fics!!!!! especially the somnophilia ones, since it's one of my top favorite tropes that i love to write about<3333
and for 'drink the honey' i can absolutely see everyone in the family growing to 'take advantage' of tim, all of them thinking they're the first and only people to fuck tim meanwhile tim has known the entire time and revels in how all his brothers and dad all end up doing the same thing of drugging and fucking him <3, he really is so loved <3333
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Fanfics Coming Soon - 5/6/23
(Requests are closed for the time being)
I will be starting to work on the fics listed below, along with my Superman/Clark Kent X Reader Series.
The times of posts may vary. Also, Fanfic Fridays will have fewer fics, not as many as the usual four, but there will be consistent fics every Friday. The fics below will be posted on whatever Friday of the week that I've finished writing the said fic. (Ex. If I finished writing a fic on Wednesday, it'll be posted Friday, etc.)
Fics Coming Soon:
Superman Fic - Waiting For Superman - 1/10 or more chapters (possibly) - Slight angst/Fluff - Coming Soon
Erik Destler X GN Reader - Mini Angst/Mostly Fluff - Modern AU; A deep voice sings each night, a haunting song unlike any you've heard at the recording studio where you work the security nightshift. Each night, you listen and fall in love until one moonless night you seek its origin, finding a handsome ghost, Erik Destler, who wishes he had tasted true requited love before death stole him away.
Richard Grayson X GN Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff - Meeting The Family/Engaged; Newly engaged and beyond happy, your fiancé, Richard Grayson's preparing to bring you home for the holidays to meet his family for the very first time. So far, the two of you have had an idyllic relationship, but the true test will come when Bruce and the many, many siblings come into the picture and dredge up the past.
Pedro Pascal X Female Reader - Slight Angst/Fluff - Hades And Persephone AU; With the power of spring and flowers, you enjoy the wonders and beauty of nature. Wandering out of your home and beyond the borders of your kingdom, you stumble upon a dark wood, and curiosity got the best of you. You got lost, of course, having never been in the forbidden woods before. In the shadows, you spotted a figure, who walked out, dressed in dark clothing. He was tall, dark, mysterious, and incredibly charming. And when he offered you a pomegranate, you couldn't say no... After all, you were pretty hungry.
Jack Daniels X Female Reader - Slight Angst/Mostly Fluff - Royalty/maybe 1800s Regency period AU; As the youngest of seven sisters, you are told to wait your turn for marriage, but you can't help but fall for a handsome gentleman, Lord Jack Daniels, who comes to town on business. You decide to pursue him even though your mother has been eyeing him for sister, Adelaide, number five.
Harry Osborn X GN Reader - Mostly angst, Slight fluff - Vampire AU; You used to be in love with a vampire, Harry Osborn. But you were just eighteen, and your emotions were running high, and didn't really know any better; letting your admiration and love for him engulf you. You broke it off with him before you left for college. But, after a while, you noticed people were going missing, blood drained from bodies in alleyways on campus... And your new boyfriend had gone missing as well. You had a theory on what... Or who was causing all the havoc, and it was time to grab your wooden stake and end it once and for all... You just hoped you could resist his irresistible charm.
Johnny Storm X Female Reader - Slight Angst/Mostly Fluff - Single Mom AU; You're a single mom who works two full-time jobs to make ends meet. The new manager, Johnny Storm at your second job asks you out on a date. He's hot, kind, and perfect, but your son hates him and shows that in many humorous ways. Will love blossom or wither under your son's disapproving gaze?
Comment down below which you're excited for. ;)
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vilevampire · 1 year
Hey, you like Raimundo along with Jack, right? And you're Brazilian. Feel free not to answer this if you don't wanna okay. I just thought you'd be best suited. Like when you commented on the "Rai" nickname.
I'm wondering if you perhaps have any thoughts or headcanons on him, family, hobbies, his inner thoughts, cause I wanna flesh him out for my fic and stuff. I'll give you credit for the ideas of course
even though I'm not that active in the xs fandom currently you've surprisingly come to the right person bc I've rambled a bit about raimundo hcs before to my friends. I had to dig up some discord messages to find all my hcs
I hc raimundo to be white-passing and mixed race, which is like the majority of brazilian ppl tbh. side note: in brazil "race" is defined almost solely by skin color, so like if I left my country it's possible I'd be considered a person of color because of my features, but in brazil I'm considered white. raimundo would be in a similar situation
so in these discord messages past!lucas has said "the only mentions of his background is that he has 8 siblings with a lots of aunts and uncles" and "he mentions that the 'rough' part of rio is his 'element'". now, I, lucas of the present, barely rmr this bc it's been forever ago since I watched xs, but I'm trusting past!lucas on this I think he would never lie to me. based on that I'm a fan of the theory raimundo is an orphan and grew up as part of the lower class. I don't think I ever theorized what the fuck happened to his parents, but I like the idea of him acquiring abandonment issues because of it. since he grew up poor I think he'd also have a lot of survival skills, knowing how to make due with very little, etc.
I actually just thought abt this but it's very uncommon for latino people to only have two names. I myself have four, bc the family names just keep adding on top of each other when u marry instead of being absorbed into the husband's name. so realistically raimundo would probably has at least one other family name
not exactly a hc but something interesting to note about mundo is that he is a good example of something we call a "malandro" in brazil. a malandro is a brazilian concept of a cunning anti-hero who outsmarts, deceives and takes advantage of others, usually for personal gain. describing it like this makes it sound like a bad word, but it has a positive connotation. like culturally being malandro is considered a good thing. we even have a saying that goes like "every day a malandro (in this case a scammer) and a sucker (in this case the one who gets scammed) leave their houses.", implying that if you're not the one taking advantage of others, you're the one being taken advantage of. I don't think this was intentional on the xs writers' part to make raimundo embody these traits so perfectly that r culturally significant to brazil but and I find it interesting.
similar thing to above we also have something called "gambiarra", which is like achieving something through improvised means instead of the "correct" (and usually more expensive) way. also very important to brazilian culture and I think raimundo would be adept in it
#asks#lindendragon#this is all I have. hope that helps#there's a lot I could say about um. languages#like languages he speaks and the way he would speak them but. the thing abt that one is that it's such a complex subject#and it's so often misunderstood how it works by ppl who r monolingual#and it's Reeeeally hard if not outright impossible to accurately write a bilingual character if ur not bilingual urself#and even if you ARE bilingual u have to speak the same languages they do#bc the speech patterns from diff languages r different and they carry over to the newly acquired language but since they're specific#you can't just write them if you don't know what they are#example. in brazil it's really common to use religious expressions like 'oh my god'. like way more common than in other places#I didn't grow up religious AT ALL like I don't know a single prayer#but it's super normal for me to go 'may god hear you' or 'only god knows' or#'holy mary' to express surprise and stuff#english has similar expressions too of course everyone says 'oh my god' and 'holy shit' and 'jesus christ'#but we have MORE of them and we say them MORE often#so bc the way ideas r expressed is unique to every language. if you're not familiar with the language it's near impossible#to accurately write a bilingual character#books and fics where the character randomly speaks another language in the middle of their sentence for no reason#is a pet peeve of mine#bc ok that can happen sometimes but it's so much more complicated than that. there's a lot more things that happen#to the way you express yourself when you're speaking a language that is not your native one#one thing for sure for me who's been fluent in english for about 10 years now . I can say for sure that I fucking hate speaking this langua#I find it restricting. it's inflexible compared to portuguese and I can't express myself as freely as I would like#anw I didn't mean to ramble in the tags abt this HEAHIUWEHAI#thank you for the ask I love raimundo and feel free to ask me more stuff if you have questions#xs#raimundo#raimundo pedrosa#xiaolin showdown
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slightecho · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I got tagged by @daydreams-and-honeybees and @halcyonhue (it won’t let me tag you and idk why! 😭)
This is gonna be very interesting and silly bc I have written much and posted little!! 🤣
TAGGING: @silvvergears if you havent done this before and…… actually idk who among my fic writing friends has or hasn’t done this one bc I’ve seen it going around a few times, so if you are a fic writer and want to do it, i’m tagging you!! 😆
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
LMFAO only 4
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
481,043 words jfc 😨
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to dabble in writing voltron fic years ago, and that makes up the majority of works on my ao3 but currently writing for The Owl House and I’m hoping to outnumber the Voltron fics on my account with other fandoms 😎
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lmao uhhhh since I only have 4 published, I’m just gonna say the top two tbh 😅😅😅
Ashes takes the number one, with Crowd of Thousands as my second most kudos on a fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes!! I love responding to comments! I want to discuss things with people reading my fics and (especially in the case of Ashes), I wanna see what my readers theories are on what’s going to happen. It’s one of my favorite parts of having people who read what I write!!
If you’ve ever left me a comment and I haven’t responded, don’t be discouraged. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say beyond a giant thanks for reading. 😅 And sometimes I won’t reply if my last reply was a teaser
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh so if I had finished it, it WOULD have been the untitled Bungo Stray Dogs Heathers AU fic I got like 75% of the way done writing and then abandoned.
But other than that I don’t have any with an angsty ending—oh wait no ¡Viva La Gloria! is technically a published fic in my ao3 isn’t it?
Yeah it’s ¡Viva La Gloria! then lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Crowd of Thousands currently.
Ashes by the time it’s done.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven’t yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pls don’t send me hate I’ll cry
Criticism and critique are fine. Just don’t be mean to meeeee pls 😊
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have.
Nothing published anywhere.
I’m not very good at it
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really. I don’t really read them either tbh
I’m kind of the kid who doesn’t want their foods to touch on their plate when it comes to entire fandoms in fics it’s just not my thing
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not yet, or at least not to my knowledge.
Knocking on wood now
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The planned Elowyn piece I have is something my girlfriend and I came up with together. So I have co-authored concepts
The first two or three chapter of Ashes, besides the prologue, there was a LOT taken from the discord RP that I’d originally come up with the plot of Ashes for. I had permission from that friend to use them. And I heavily, HEAVILY took out and then rewrote their portions (namely the Raine parts of the chapters “Moving Day” and “Hexside” bc the rest at the time were my characters). Their original writing has been scrubbed and a lot of Raine’s character and story arc has transformed into something else entirely. Pretty much all that remains is that they were the one who came up with the idea that Raine was Manny’s sibling. If they read it, they could probably still see the bones of what they wrote if they squint. But by the time Luz hits Eda with the door in “Hexside,” they’d already moved on from the rp. So it was very easy to rewrite around their parts and just reuse the posts I that I had written for those chapters.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
That’s too hard a question how dare you
I like too many ships
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh jeez.
Either the untitled Bungo Stray Dogs Heathers AU that was never posted anywhere, or The First Golden Guard.
Pretty much The First Golden Guard i have just notes scribbled out of the plot, what I think the first chapter is, and some various bits of dialogue from different moments in the fic. But then I started writing Ashes and that took over my life, and now I really want to write The Caleb Files, and the bonus stuff that got cut from Ashes. Plus the Elowyn fic. so I just don’t know if it will ever get written now
16. What are your writing strengths?
Description and voice.
I really love getting a little flowery when describing action or setting while writing. And in the case of setting in particular, I think I have a more natural ability.
I also really strive to make sure each character’s own unique way of talking comes through in their dialogue. Maybe not always when the narration makes the reader privy to their thoughts and emotions, but at the very least, their dialogue does.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Bro just cannot stop yapping!!
I actually genuinely do believe my greatest weakness is my inability to shut up sometimes. I’m sure if I go back and reread Ashes from the beginning, I’ve said the same shit multiple times.
Also sometimes I just get repetitive!! And I use certain colloquialisms like “just,” “after all,” and “as if” FAR too often.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I am a latinx person who lived through the VLD fandom… I have a LOT of opinions… and I have seen some bad Spanish dialogue written by non-Spanish speakers… the kind of shit that stands out to even me, when I have little verbal fluency.
Here’s the thing: I am not AGAINST anyone writing another language of dialogue into their fics. I actually do think it’s a good thing.
If you are a person who only speaks one language—if you’re a person who kind of doesn’t know what I’m talking about when I say ‘code switching’ or only understands the basic definition of code switching—I am BEGGING you to try and have someone with more experience in that language than you to proofread those dialogue sections.
The amount of times I’ve seen weird moments where the code switching didn’t make logical or emotional sense for the character beyond the author’s “I want to include Spanish here” is innumerable. And that’s not to say code switching needs to have a deep, profound reason all the time—sometimes code switching happens bc there’s no word or phrase in one language that directly translates from the concept or emotion you know how to describe in another! But from what I’ve found, there are a lot of people who understand code switching in concept (and that it’s important for representation) but not in practice bc they simply have no firsthand experience with it. I don’t blame them, though! It’s a hard thing to understand on description alone! Unless you’ve experienced it before, I don’t think it’s something you can fully comprehend. And it can stand out. You can even think you’ve done it right on technicality, but it falls flat.
A tiktok in how to spot AI images I once saw said “AI understands that a mirror, or stairs, or chair legs have to be there there, but it doesn’t understand why it functionally exists or what purpose it serves” and therefore it makes mistakes by adding twelve stairs on the right and fourteen on the left, or five legs on two chairs that are somehow sharing them, or mirrors won’t show the correct items reflected back. I’ve seen many well-meaning fic writers (and published authors!!!) do the exact same thing with language switching. They understand that it should be there, but not functionally why.
Also a basic “don’t rely on google translate” here….. but also a less basic one: different cultures of a shared language are gonna have different turns of phrase and different slang. I’ve also seen a lot of fics that have Lance (a Cuban character) using Mexican slang or words. That’s always awkward.
There’s just a lot. I could go on about this forever but I think I pretty much covered it all.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever?! Lmfao Harry Potter when I was a young teen. I didn’t understand what I was doing at all and only did it because my older friend who knew I liked writing my original stories at the time said that I should try writing fic.
I didn’t even have a plot or anything. I just genuinely thiugh fanfic was writing your little self insert OCs and perpetually playing with them in a dollhouse made of your favorite thing 🤡🤡🤡
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Wholly and completely, without a shadow of a doubt
It’s genuinely the first fic I’ve ever written where I have actually wondered if I was better off writing it as an original story and going the publishing route. Unfortunately for future me and fortunately for you all, I’m way too attached to the characters as their original names and incarnations to do that 🤣
It’s also the first fic I’ve ever written where I went into it already knowing every piece of the puzzle and having all the clues laid out to perfectly set them up ahead of time. I’m very proud of that and I long for the day where someone rereads Ashes after it’s over and discovers the tiny things in the extremely early chapters that were hints towards the end.
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20 Questions for Fic Writers -tag game
I got tagged by @zyrafowe-sny, thank you for the tag! This was fun! I wrote the answers at like 5 am sorry if they're rambly and unhinged haha.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
13, but really 7, because all but one of them are Finnish and English language versions of the same stories sjdfnasdfj
WWAIT 14! one of them is anonymous jhfashdfj almost forgot about that one
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
24 448
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Well,,, the fandoms I’ve published fic for are Hetalia (kringelis krongelis i know) and The Owl House, but when you add WIPs there’s also the Mandalorian, Noragami, and BNHA, and there USED to be HTTYD and GNG as well. Yeah the last one is the old anime where dogs fight bears. What can I say it’s really popular in Finland, Hopeanuoli 4ever
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
hands, grasping (the one TOH fic so no surprise there), Six Sunflowers (which is the oldest), Traitor’s Glory, Two Boys, Two Moments in Time, and lastly December 30th, 1929. 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I mean I do try! When I leave comments it’s always nice to get answers, so I think it’s just nice to answer others. :) I do have some comments atm I’ve not answered but. Well. Just look at my url lmao
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
LMAO. I have no idea. I’m just going by the published ones here, but like: character seemingly falls to his death, character finds his mom’s dead on his 9th birthday and is left with his two other underage siblings to fend for themselves in the 1930s ussr, character resigns himself to the fact that his siblings probably hate him as he’s starving to death in a prison camp. Which one’s the angstiest? You choose!!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lmaooo well none of them are really _happy_, uh. I think Laid Down By Human Hands has probably the most neutral ending, whereas Six Sunflowers is more bittersweet, but like the sweet is there… And then Two Boys isn’t terrible either? Like it sucks a little cuz that kid’s living in WWII time Finland ya know, but it’s _fine_. I dunno! In truth it’s probably the fic on anon that’s the least terrible, but even that ending’s not a _happy_ one, it’s got unrequited pining in it lol.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! So far at least! I don’t think my fics are popular enough to get it haha.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! I’m almost strictly a gen writer, aside from like. 2 AUs and one TOH wip. I guess some of the WIPs could potentially and maybe should have some fade to black kinda scenes because they’re stories involving a fair amount of romance and in one of them it’s even kind of relevant to the plot. But yeah no. 
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
WELL, okay. You see, I actually started out writing via original fiction? I was like 12 when I made up a story based on a long-lasting play-pretend during recess thing I had going on with my dear friend, and it was. Written and plotted by a 12-year-old. But THEN I got really into the How To Train Your Dragon movies, and then I crossed over my story and HTTYD and then tried (still kinda low-key sorta in the process of) to separate it into my original story again, but this time with dragons! So that’s. Like the craziest journey ahfijsd my original as-of-yet unwritten fantasy story has a crossover sequel with HTTYD lmao. Also just occasionally I think about a potential giant crossover that’s got allllll my faves meeting and interacting, but that’s solely for daydreaming and “lmao wouldn’t it be funny if” -scenarios in my head. I’ve later also crossed the characters from my original story with other ones I’ve liked, in my head lol, but I don’t think I’ve written out any. Other than the TT x HTTYD hybrid. (TT is the WIP name for that original story. it doesn’t stand for anything anymore tho lmao it’s just tt)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! Not to my knowledge, at least! Again, my fics don’t get enough hits/are too niche for anyone to think about stealing them, I imagine. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! Almost all of them! By me. What can I say, I try to fight the good fight to keep my native language alive on the internet and also in my head. 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I did once talk about the possibility with a friend, but nothing ever came out of it. 
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Hhhh. This is very silly but I don’t really actively ship stuff, and rarely think of ships outside of when I’m watching or reading the source material or something. Thus the one I can feel confident in saying I ship is a…. oc x canon ship sshfskjfsidkfajksaf or maybe it’d be more accurate to say oc x mutated blorbo version of a canon character lmao. It’s mainly in. 2 AUs that have so little to do with the source material that they might as well be original fiction and probably by this point mostly are lol. 
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
GHHH I want to finish ALL of my big 5 main WIPs because I love them dearly and want to read them, but then again. I don’t know if I ever will because I can’t get myself to fuckin WRITE any of them. So I’m just gonna say all of my main WIPs. That is:
TT (original fantasy story thing)
home front fic (historical fic set in WWII Finland about the friendship between a kid and the soviet POW sent to work on his home farm)
Kingdom AU (girl from the country accidentally befriends the crown prince and there’s politics and they fall in love and some cool stuff and some less cool stuff happens. hard to summarize cuz i’ve never had to, target demographic is like. three people + me. here's the aesthetics and vibe blog it's got)
sad BNHA fic (what if. Eri got ofa. but how? i murder someone to haunt the narrative. easy. sad. sad bnha fd. naming skills on full display here) 
anddddd. hypothetical TOH fic (what if i came up with what happens after TTT before the two other eps of s3 came out and stayed on that path. what if the first thing i wrote about it was hunter falling off a cliff to his death. what then).
Kind of also TOH fic 3 (it’s about evelynnnnn) but that one is. Hopefully. Shorter and has the outline all written out so there’s a bigger likelihood of me finishing it someday. And to be fair the hypothetical TOH fic isn’t that long either, I could get it done, one day, but then the other ones have grown to massive size plotwise so I don’t know if I could ever get them done, actually. I hope so! But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
16. What are your writing strengths?
I guess my plots are sometimes kinda good? Sad BNHA fic and Kingdom AU are pretty cool on that side. I used to be pretty good at writing dialogue too, but that was back when I a) wrote regularly, b) read a lot, and c) socialized. So. But I used to be good! though back then my plots were real frickin weird lol. in my defense. i was 14 to 17.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing itself. That’s the only answer I’ve got because recently I haven’t written enough to know what I’d be bad at. So just. Writing. See I can plot without writing, that’s why I’m good at that lmao
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sure! Hell yeah! I’m gonna do that! I have done that! I love it, I love languages. Though translations are appreciated. Though I think it should be for emphasis, more so than just writing it in the language just for the hell of it (though like I had a wip where all the spoken dialogue was to be in Russian because there was so little of it and it was simple enough that I could do that, but i lost my notes for it). I think if it’s just normal dialogue and the pov character knows the language, it’s best to just add like, “they said in Finnish” to the dialogue tag, especially if there’s a lot of it. 
In my personal opinion, also when the character doesn’t know the language, I probably wouldn’t write it out? But then if a character knew the basics of the language and it was maybe one sentence I would write it in the language. Or if it was a really important line, like someone telling another character they love them in their native language, or a culturally significant thing, like, idk the adoption vow in mando'a in the Star Wars universe. But sometimes it’s also just fun to show off your own language skills! So overall, strongly encouraged. Just. Try not to use Google Translate (etc.) for it jfajfasjdn
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hhooo. Probably the Ginga-fandom, but that one was so brief it barely counts, so I’ll say HTTYD because of the crossover thing. If it’s just fanfic without crossing it over with my own original work lol then Hetalia. 
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
TRAITOR’S GLORY!!!!!! I got to talk about my rather niche but intense area of interest in it, which is Soviet POWs in Finland during the Continuation War 1941-1944. Well, that’s the finished one at least, there are some snippets of WIPs I’ve not posted nor finished that are also very good. Imo. But. Yeah. Most of the other favourite stuff I have, concerning my fics, hasn’t been written. So. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But Traitor’s Glory is pretty nice. :)  Thanks again for the tag! I guess I'll tag some people, though no pressure: @evevoli @cowboy-garfield @peach-oolong-tea @starcloud-nova @littlekysworld @slightlycrunchy uh. yeah. If you see this and wanna do it you can say I tagged you! :) And no pressure!
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Repressed anon from before! I was wondering, what specifically do you mean by the horror of love? The inherent vulnerability of it, the fact that someone has to die first, something else?
Dissecting complicated emotions and concepts is a passion of mine too, but I can’t do it through art very well yet so I have to do it with words haha
My family was pretty much polar opposite, but with a similar effect somehow. Instead of sterile, my family was nothing but dysfunction and mental illness incarnate. The only person to provide any semblance of normalcy was my super religious grandma lol.
Your art is like. Super aesthetically pleasing exposure therapy for me right now. Trying to get over my squeamishness one beautifully horrifying picture and fic at a time.
Also, as for the terror and regret that comes with opening up about yourself and your experiences— vulnerability is pure courage. Your art is deeply personal and anything that you choose to share about the creation and meaning of it is an honor to learn. Which sounds sappy as hell but it’s fuckin true!! It’s so easy to tear other people down, but it’s so hard to put yourself out there. Also, salient fact here: it’s your blog. If someone doesn’t like what you say on your own personal platform, then they can leave. This is your slice of the void to yell into. Let the zestyness flow through you 😈
And since we’re identifying ourselves using emojis,
- 🦡 anon
Yay, hello again, sweet! I'm loving the names for anons, really helps me keep conversations straight and organized! Welcome to the family, badger anon 🦡 !
And now, oh shit, you've asked me to explain the horror of love comment. It encompasses my life experiences, so it's very personal to me, and the reason why all my romance stories will probably be thrillers and psychological horror. So see I was like...trying to put the horror genre with the love category, and that's when I started using that phrase to describe my work.
Let me mention some factors of my childhood that give light to this phrase, since you shared about your family, too (and thank you for sharing!).
I grew up with a narcissist and an enabler for parents, parading around as the perfect couple. First horror of love: if you're in someone's care, you're also at their mercy.
Hopefully you see my trajectory with this beginning lol.
The love you grow up with is the one you learn to accept as the definition of love. You seek it out unconsciously for the rest of your miserable life. This isn't the case for everyone, of course, as some can break free of it, but it's been my own curse, thus far. I've only broken free for now because I'm staying away from anything deeper than casual dates.
I've talked about it in other asks before, but to me, love is terrifying. Not because of the vulnerability that comes with it or the chance that a partner might die before you, but because the only experiences I've had with that came from those whose true colors were mortifying. And all because parental love became my example. Love meant being ignored, being lonely, playing pretend. Love meant never having boundaries but respecting others' at all costs. Love meant doing everything in my power to please, or impress, or elicit positive emotions, only to learn that, in the end, nothing would ever be enough. No matter what I did or how I acted, there was always something to be fixed, and if my parents' stellar reputation wasn't polished to its finest, I was a sinner, somehow, and something had to be done.
So I basically grew up with zero personality, mirroring everyone else, to be frank. I had access to two whole emotions: fear and happiness. If me or any of my siblings felt anything else, it was "snap out of it" from the parents, no matter the circumstance. Pet dog died? That's okay, try to move on. Cry for one day and you're probably fine. God forbid you speculate that it's because your father abused it, even if it died because it got left too long on a yard chain. A chain it strangled itself in because it was wildly unsafe. Mother miscarried a child? Let's give the baby a funny name and make jokes about it hanging out in heaven on the same day we announce its death to the family.
And me, when I returned from the worst trauma of my life? Well, eventually I became part of the jokes, too, after telling them what I went through. My siblings even repeated a line my abuser said to me as the punchline, sometimes.
All this is to explain that I grew up numb. I was an artist, expressing myself was the biggest personality trait I had. But that passion was stepped on and boxed away, because I had to dress the way they said, draw the things they approved of. "Be yourself" was literally a phrase that they made fun of and said was bad, so I had no self that I knew of. I was them, or whoever I was supposed to become to make them stop hurting me. I was not capable of playing the same game that they did, however, in terms of religion and being affected by nothing. Eventually I imagined I'd lost the ability to feel at all, because I hid anything that did come out, and behind the scenes was in shock. Nothing affected me outwardly except the power of fear. I was never happy, but my family chronically and toxically was, so I had to mirror it to survive in that environment. Otherwise I became the joke, I was seen as moping, or I was told I was uncooperative.
This environment created a sort of trauma-bonded codependency on my siblings. We didn't realize it at the time, but we were cowering under a tyrant and his wife whom everyone told us were the greatest parents in the world. If they made us feel awful about ourselves or isolated us from interactions outside of their watchful eyes, it was just because that's how families worked, and the families who didn't were wrong. Sinful, even.
No public school, no sleepovers, no TV, no 'secular' media. No sex ed, no outside opinions, no movies with language, no looking at other peoples' phones. No books that weren't garbage christian authors who didn't know a thing about writing.
Everything was barbed wire, everything was rules.
So you can imagine how such a view of loving parents was only horror, and how that transferred right over into my first romantic partner. I ran away with that partner to escape that house, and lived in another house that was exactly the same, except without the play pretend, the bumper rails, or the emotional capacity needed to survive.
I won't go into that part, because a stupid story I wrote covers that bit just fine, lol. Sinner, my silly little fanfic about FyoZai. Sorry for the ad break, but that story is my life. If you'd like to learn about my feelings and certain complexities of how I see love, that's where it is in a better form than I could ever explain it, here.
I don't think you should've encouraged me to let the zestyness flow through. I unleashed the trauma dump, and I'm still holding back so much detail. 😂 I shouldn't be such an open book but hey, who reads Tumblr asks anyway except the asker? Maybe like ten out of the thousands that follow me. Although the rest just read Sinner, which is my professional trauma dump LMAO.
Anyway after all that, I had my villain arc and now I'm the one in charge. Mwahahah. I tried lots of stuff after that first relationship, made things worse, discovered new things, realized that I was a sadist, and that being a sadist didn't mean I had some demonic force to get rid of like my mother had thought when I told her as a kid.
A lot of people have "loved" me along the way. The way I felt about that love ranged from disgusted to afraid. For now, asexuality is the place where I'm safe, so that's where I stay, and I blue-ball anyone who asks for anything else. 😇 BDSM is a nice outlet for that bit, though, so I've had my fun with those who wanted me to do pain play on them, without the sexual aspect involved. I think it would be nice to have a dedicated partner someday who was an asexual masochist or something. LMAO.
IN CONCLUSION! Thanks for your beautiful descriptions of my artwork, and for praising my vulnerability on main! I hope I explained the little deal with the horror of love. I hope through my art and my fiction (if you get into that side of my work) will help you dissect all the things you feel, too.
Much love, my sweet! And sorry to anyone whose dashboard got bombarded with my little tragic drama tale.
(P.s. the TLDR for anyone who knows Sinner is that once upon a time I used to be Dazai and now I'm Fyodor [but the reformed Fyodor, without all the evil villain kidnapper rapist stuff LMAO])
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cuephrase · 4 months
ask game: 🏜️, 🍓, 🎨, and anything else you want to answer :))
🏜️⇢ what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
any comment that indicates enjoyment! i will say the aggressively positive ones crack me up, like never thought i would enjoy being cussed out but it's pretty fun lmao. ummmm oh, bc i write angst, i like when i get comments saying 'i cried' LMAO. i also love long comments, which i feel like i have to make it very clear that i don't dislike short comments!! when i super fall in love with a fic i tend to like word vomit in the comments tho, so like receiving that kind of comment makes me malfunction, bc like what do you mean my writing was worth all that kindness?? actually. pretty much every nice comment makes me feel that way 🥹😭🫶 if you've ever left me a comment, just know i can practically guarantee that i blushed, looked slightly insane for a second, and then had a massive grin for the rest of my day
🍓⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
omg fun question!!! so!! okay, i've been writing since i was in first grade bc i read obsessively so when my teacher was like "dolphins can't drink coffee" my smart ass was like "ummm they could if it was the right story" and she was like "well then write it prove me wrong" and i was like omg i can write my own stories?! mind blown. got extra credit for that story actually, horrible influence, taught me to argue with authority figures. jk. kind of. where was i? oh!!! fast forward to when i was eleven, i got super crazy into tmnt and would spend hours just like...reading about them, like fact articles, don't laugh at me, anyways, something mentioned fanfiction and i was like, what is that? googled it. mind blown AGAIN. i would spend hours daydreaming new episodes okay, and even though i wrote all the time i never considered writing down my ideas bc i thought i needed to like work for nickelodeon to do that lmao.
wasn't allowed to have an acc, even once i turned 13 (which would've been on ffnet actually, had no idea about ao3 then), and also wasn't allowed on a computer so i just wrote in spiral-bound notebooks and my siblings waited for each chapter the same way they did for new episodes.
can't remember how i discovered ao3, weird, but that was when i was around 15. all the fic i posted then was bnha, has since been orphaned, whoops, i anon what i don't love now. and then i kept writing fic just for myself but i posted a bnha one shot back in 2022. got into batfam in august 2023, did some whumptober for fun, and now i'm posting my first multi-chap fic!!
i write...a lot, but share very little bc i'm super, super self-conscious. i'm trying to be less shy!! it's just hard *buries head in hands*
🎨⇢ link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
asjfjkskj I CAN'T DO ONE. i gotta limit myself somehow tho crap. okay okay okay
first up, is this absolute gem from @/danidoodels, i mean LOOK AT HIM. the lil pout, and then the hair ruffles and his smile and the colors and the and the everything. just everything. EVERYTHING. patpatpatpatpatpat
then, @/ashrayus dick and jay art had been a recent and joyous discovery, but this one i'm going to highlight this one bc he's holding him like a naughty kitten lmaooooo. i'm obsessed with how like soft and warm this art makes me feel, i want to wrap up in it like a blanket and sob
next, @/malenjoyer's delightful art is always going to worm into my brain but this cat dami?! SOG. i want to squish him. just SQWUISH
finally, this timkon animatic @/oneswordstyle- i've probs thought about it every day since i first saw it. it's just so soft and cute and i adore them and they make me sick to do not try to cure me
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🫥⏳💔⚖️🔂 (i don't think this counts as spoilers, right? hehe)
tysm for the ask anon!! i hope you enjoyed the answers <3
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crimeronan · 2 years
despite my initial befuddlement over how toh fandom interprets luz and hunter's relationship, my experience so far has ended up largely positive. when i first finished the show and ventured into the tags i was "??????" about all the "siblings" content bc i did not get that at ALL from them & also they do not share genetics or a guardian or an upbringing in any way shape or form. then i discovered that the sibling content is pretty much all just qpr content packaged as a traditional familial dynamic & i was like "oh. OHHHHH OH. OH. OK. I CAN WORK WITH THIS"
catch me three months into hyperfixation now having written 50k of luz & hunter undefined-relationship fic where they're literally the clingiest most neurotic people alive and luz has repeatedly tried to get hunter to move into her room with her and hunter has had a complete nervous breakdown about how bad he wants to be able to sleep next to her all the time and luz has crawled on top of him to be a human weighted blanket and their respective guardians keep referring to the other kid as "my kid's boy" "my kid's human" and they're ride-or-die forever
in an ordinary fandom i'd have gotten at least SOME pushback by now from people accusing me of being a monogamous hetshipping psyop (ronanessy flashbacks) but instead here i've received literally NO comments interpreting their relationship as romantic, but Several interpreting them as siblings
and i'm like. this relationship could not be further from my experiences with my own actual siblings, hence my utter mystification, but. you know what?? yeah alright sure. the ability to write qpr affection that's automatically interpreted as a strong committed life partnership without needing to defend it to weirdo circlejerkers is like. Totally Worth all of my bemused "wait. do you guys like..... know..... that people.... often have lifelong relationships that aren't.... romantic.... OR Literal Blood Family????"
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darklyndivinely · 2 years
I'm okay, really!
Fandom(s) - Obey Me!
Pairing(s) - Mammon x gn!Diavolo's sibling!reader
Summary - When Mammon misses your date, you go to HOL to find him.
Warnings - Fluff, romance, a bit of angst. Reader calls Mammon 'baby.' I thirst for him a bit in this.
Wordcount - 1k+
A/N - This one's rather simple to be honest and is mostly fuelled by my anger about everyone's attitude towards Mammon's punishments. In other words, this is a 'protect Mammon at all costs' fic. Also, reader is related to Diavolo, though it's never exclusively mentioned, it's just implied. If you've got any ideas on what I should write next send in an ask. Also guys, Reblog! please! Tell me what you think.
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“Hey, Asmo!” you say when the door to the House of Lamentation spills open.
Asmo greets you back, stepping onto the porch to press a kiss to your cheek. You giggle, eyes drawing to his freshly painted nails. 
“Looking good,” you comment, stepping into the brightly lit entrance hall. 
“Always.” Asmo flicks his hair, shutting the doors with a wave of his hand. You smile, heading deeper into the common room where most of the brothers are lounging.
Beel is the first one to notice you and waves a hand full of cupcakes at you. You wave back at him, chuckling.
“Have you guys seen Mammon?” you ask, settling on one of the sofa’s arms. “He and I were supposed to go on a date tonight but he never showed up.”
“Mammon’s not at home,” Asmo replies quickly from behind you. “Do you wanna click a picture? It’s been so long, all of my fans would go crazy seeing us together in a single frame.”
Before you can answer, Asmo has already made his way to your side. Having no choice left in the matter, you stand and let Asmo loop his arm through yours and smile into the camera. You shake your head when he tries to convince you to strike a different pose.
“If Mammon isn’t here, then where is he? I thought he got caught up in some work, and that’s why he got late.”
“When he comes back, we’ll tell him you dropped by,” Satan says from his place by the fireplace, eyes unwavering from the novel clasped in his hand. 
You sigh; you had been really looking forward to the date. And you thought Mammon had been excited for it too, especially based on his reaction when you had told him that you had booked the whole restaurant for the outing. 
“Are you sure none of you know where he is?” you try for the last time, watching Asmo fiddle with his phone while returning to his seat beside Satan.
Your question is answered by a familiar voice as Lucifer strides into the common room, waistcoat flying behind him.
“Mammon is busy tonight. I sent him to do an errand for me. I’m sorry he missed your date.” 
“What errand? He didn’t tell me of any work you had assigned him.” 
“It was rather sudden,” Lucifer answers.
You hum, scanning his figure, eyes latching onto the stack of files in his hands.
“How’d your meeting with Dia go?” 
“It went well. The rule has been finalized. We shall be announcing it with a school assembly coming Monday.”
You nod, looking around at everyone. “I suppose there’s no use waiting for him then. Guess I’ll just drop off the gift in his room.” 
You turn, starting to walk towards the staircase that leads to the first floor. Heavy steps echo yours quickly, Lucifer stepping forward and blocking your way.
“You can give it to me, I shall hand it to him when he is back. It’s getting quite late after all.”
You shake your head, side-stepping him easily. “I don’t think so.” 
“I said I’ll give it to him.” He grabs onto you, firm fingers halting your movement.
You stare at his hand wrapped around your forearm, and then up into his eyes.
Lucifer returns your gaze with equal intensity as if challenging you to go against what he had said.
“Did something happen?” you mock, disappointment seeping into your voice.
“He stole one of the antique items of the house, and was going to sell it.”
“And you strung him up for that.”
Lucifer doesn’t reply, nose flaring. 
You shake your head, jerking your arm free, and move for the stairs again, steps loud with anger.
Mammon is hanging upside down in the hallway, with ropes twisting around his legs and torso in a deadly spiral. His eyes are closed, chest lifting lightly with shallow breaths.
You halt before him, feeling sadness envelop your heart at the sight of him. How many times had you found him like this now? Hung from the ceiling of his own home like a slaughtered chicken, fighting bare-handedly with the suffocating discomfort and yet trying his best to appear indifferent to the agony? It was difficult to recall.
“Mammon,” you whisper, “hey.” 
His marine eyes flicker open tiredly, surprise seeping into them when he catches sight of you.
“Hi,” he answers, voice hoarse with exhaustion.
“I’m gonna get you down, ok?” 
Mammon nods, eyes never straying from you.
You inch closer to him and reach out to his bindings. Warm energy transfers into them, making them unfurl delicately, not dissimilar to the blossoming of a flower.
You do not rush the process, watching the ropes slacken and twist to your command leisurely, though all you want is to feel his arms around you right this instant.
Mammon wobbles when the ropes set him on his legs. You stabilize him swiftly, gently maneuvering his body to support his weight better.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, breath coming a bit easier to his lungs. 
“I’m sorry I missed our date,” he mumbles.
A mirthless laugh pushes at your chest. “It’s alright, baby, we can always reschedule it.”
He hums, pulling away from you. He looks so much better. The color of his face has returned to normal, eyes no longer bloodshot. “Can we still go?” 
“I’m not so sure, Mammon. Are you feeling okay?”
He pauses, eyes flitting upwards and fixing behind you. “Yes. Would you like to?” 
You smile at him, sliding your hand against his jaw and gently coaxing his lips against yours. “Sure. Let’s go.”
You loop your arm through his and lead him downstairs, ignoring Lucifer’s piercing glare. You’ll deal with him later.
You take a stop by the kitchen on your way out and grab two cans of chilled soda from the fridge and hand one to Mammon. He knocks it back quickly, so you hand him the remaining half of yours too.
Ignoring the eyes of the rest of the brothers watching the scene unfold, you move swiftly past each of them. 
“Would you like to drive, baby?” you ask as the two of you reach your car. You knew Mammon loved it whenever you let him behind the wheel.
He ponders for a second, running his fingers along the body. “Not today.”
You nod, though you doubt he catches it, still lost in admiring the shiny coat on the bumper.
“Get in, then.”
You start the engine, the rumble of it familiar and comforting to your bones. 
Mammon is silent throughout the whole ride; you don’t prompt him even when you feel his eyes on you for extended periods. He only speaks up when you take the turn opposite the restaurant you had booked earlier that evening.
“We were supposed to go left, ya know?”
He didn’t seem too annoyed, so you decide to keep your little plan a secret for a bit longer.
“I know.”
He smiles, throwing his head back, the wind sliding against his warm skin pleasantly. You gaze at him, mesmerized by the sharp contrast of his ivory hair against the dark Devildom sky. 
“What? Why ya smilin’ like that?” Mammon questions, his own lips lifted in a grin.
“I love you,” you say and take in the subsequent reddening of his cheeks. It’s hard to believe someone could be such a balanced mixture of adorable and sexy. 
He tries to hide the widening of his grin behind his hand but you don’t mind. You’re more than used to his tsundere tendencies by now.
“I love you too.” 
Contrary to him, you don’t try to smother your happiness and flash him a toothy smile.
You reach your destination within a couple of minutes and shut the door behind you.
“What are we doing at Majolish?” Mammon questions while looking up at the bright pink store.
“Shopping, obviously.” 
You walk in, inhaling the cold air, and feel Mammon’s arm brush against yours as he comes to stand beside you. 
“Whatever you want, it’s on me.” Fishing out your debit card, you hold it up to his eye. “So how about that leather jacket you wanted, hmm?”
Mammon’s grin is slow to form and sharp to emerge. At least he is happy, you think. So while he takes off with your card and dives right into the leather section of Majolish, you pull out your phone and dial in.
“Barbatos, hey! Were you busy? I was wondering if you’d help me with something.”
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pianocat939 · 2 years
So I've seen that you've recently been taking yandere x dragon reader requests, and I wanted to do one of my own. Its a yandere knight cookie x dragon reader fic. The plot is basically that the dragon is trying to hide from knight around the hollyberry palace trying to not get caught by him and escape. Whatever happens to them in the end is up to you! (Hope this isn't too much to ask.)
Definitely not too much to ask! Although I only get done 2 requests a day. (My brain be slow)
This is the first time anyone has mentioned Knight cookie on this blog so hooray(?)!
Now getting on with the introduction, before Knight started to chase MC let’s say that some loud noise or unexpected thing happens and MC accidentally partially changes into dragon form. (It’s just easier to start with)
Tw: blood (strawberry jam), getting stabbed, being accused of being a criminal, MC gets terrified af, you’re being trapped in a dungeon
Criminal Savior
It was a loud and prosperous day in the Hollyberry kingdom, as always. The town square was bustling with cookies and pets. The shops were busy selling goods while the flowers almost seemed to sing as the wind swept past them.
Everything was fine. Until a loud noise resonated through the kingdom streets. A loud crash followed right after, which the knights went to investigate.
Princess cookie grabbed her bodyguard’s arm and pulled him to see what the commotion was. “Knight Cookie come on! We need to see what happened!” She urged, trying to get him to move.
Knight cookie tried his best to keep his ground. Replying, “Princess cookie, I cannot let you be in any danger. That is my duty as a knight of the Hollyberry kingdom.”
While the two bickered over the situation a terrified cookie ran from the scene, legs running towards the palace. Behind them, a few knights chased after: their swords unsheathed from the covering.
“I demand you halt dragon!” One of the pursuers yell, which only made the fugitive run faster.
The public then started to panic. A dragon in their lovely kingdom was a heart-stopping thought. The shops started to shut down, trying to secure their goods and merchandise. The cookies shut themselves into their homes, trying to usher the clueless children inside. The only cookies left were Princess and Knight.
“A dragon is in my house…Knight! We need to catch it and secure the kingdom from its harm!” Princess cookie exclaimed, realizing the only way to go home safely is to solve the issue.
Knight cookie almost passed out from horror. His duty won’t be fulfilled! “But Princess! You’re going to be putting yourself into danger’s path! You might get slain by that monstrous dragon!”
“That doesn’t matter, besides, I don’t think a dragon would dare change form inside the palace.”
You curled up in the corner of the curved ceiling; the darkness keeping you from being discovered. A few tears escaped from your eyes, terror making your body quiver uncontrollably.
Why had you made such a dumb mistake? If you had kept calm and stayed into your cookie form this never would have happened.
You were sitting by a fountain and enjoying the Sun when some juice barrels collapsed onto a nearby building. The loud sound startled you, and accidentally changed you into a smaller version of your dragon form. Of course, the Hollyberry citizens went on alert. Especially after the attack with Pitaya Dragon. Your life just had been ruined in a single moment.
Just then, some whispers came from the nearby corridor.
“I’m sure no one has checked here. These catacombs aren’t checked often.” A feminine voice stated, the door creaking as they walk in.
“Do dragons even like burial sites?” Another one commented, this time more masculine.
You pressed your back even closer to the sugar cube walls. If you get discovered now, it’ll be your end. Your life of freedom and glee will be over; and you doubt your siblings/family will visit your grave.
As they ventured deeper, you sigh in relief. They fortunately have passed you, and you can maybe now escape: or try to, at least without getting caught by the abundance of guards.
You slowly climbed down from the ledge of the ceiling. Then headed for the door, and when you were about to open it, a voice yells.
“Halt! You will cease movement immediately!” It was Knight cookie, the bodyguard of the next head royal. He charged, unsheathing his mint-colored sword.
In that moment your heart stopped beating. You could already feel the blade stabbing your torso and strawberry jam gushing out from the wound. Death was standing before you, and the only way out was to run, no matter how exhausting it is.
You fled, not sparing a single glance to the inhabitants of the palace. Your eyes burned from the wind, tears escaping. The shouts and orders from the cookies behind you ringed in your head. Get out. Leave. Never set foot to this kingdom again; were your only thoughts.
A small dagger was then thrown, your eyes barely seeing it by your peripheral vision. You evaded the attack, but a sharp pain invaded your other side. Looking down, you saw a similar looking dagger stabbed into your body. You continued to flee, but the pain was unbearable, causing you to slow down.
The palace gates were right in front of you. You gave one last push, but the strawberry jam loss was too great. The queasiness took over and you collapsed. Your world spun, and you could barely lift your body off the ground. You crawl, using your the last of your strength.
Knight Cookie devastatingly caught up to you, taking your body. You continued to fight, flailing your arms and trying to attack anywhere you could hit; but it was useless against the armor that encased him. I
“You won’t be leaving these walls anytime soon.” He mutters, returning to his fellow knights.
You were kept in a heavily guarded dungeon.
It had a lot of things for a “criminal” like you. There was a decent amount of furniture and things to do in your cramped cage. There was even a large window with thin but sturdy bars.
After hearing your incident, the Mother Queen herself would visit every week to inquire questions. They were very simple; things like “What was your purpose to be in the Hollyberry Kingdom?” or “Are you aware of the actions Pitaya Dragon committed?”. You answered truthfully to each and every one, hoping to be released.
But there was another cookie who visited. He visited almost everyday, rarely speaking to you and only watching you live life during isolation. You didn’t know his name, and only saw his turquoise eyes while the rest of his face was covered by a mask.
Today, you woke up and watched the city outside. Waiting for a message for you to leave or be confirmed innocent. Then around the unnamed cookie arrived, holding a decorated box of some sort. You went to your little receiving door.
“Hello there. What brings you here today?” You questioned, content with being able to talk to someone. He didn’t answer. He cautiously approached the opening and slid the box.
“I brought you a gift. It’s to keep you company.” He then sat on a nearby chair and watched.
You undo the wrapping in a clean manner, scared that he’ll get upset if you do it too rashly. Inside was a pendant-like item. There was emeralds and gold imbedded onto the outer part. “What am I supposed to do with this?”
Seeing your confusion he stands up and points to the big window on the other side. “Give it sunlight for the time of three full days. Once it’s finished, at noon it will reveal itself.” He then left, leaving your thoughts even more disoriented.
You watched the clock pass by, anxious to see what the accessory will change into. Ever since you woke up this morning you’ve been intensely keeping track of time. Watching the handles move as the future become the present.
The town bells rung, signifying that it is now noon. You grasped the item tightly, anticipating any sort of change.
“Ugh! That idiotic buffoon! Why did I even believe him!” You frustratedly shout, throwing the jewelry in fury. You then threw yourself onto the bed, screaming into the pillow.
“Dragon! I apologize for being late but you must give me the pendant now!” The male cookie from before bursts in, out stretching his hand. You huff in annoyance but hand him the pendant anyway. He pressed onto a knick on the side of the circle and the elliptic shape turns into an odd looking pair of scissors.
Before you could ask him anything, he takes the scissors and holds them up against the bars of your room. At first, it did nothing. Then a few minutes later the bars started to melt, leaving an opening big enough for you to escape.
“What are you doing?! You’ll make me guilty of escaping!” You whisper yell, trying not to draw attention.
He chuckles and continues on with his scheme. “That’s why l made sure all the guards are elsewhere or asleep.” You gasp, surprised a random cookie would do something as drastic as this for you. He grabs your arm and runs, taking you out the dungeon area and into the bright Sun.
You felt the grass gently prick your clothing, and you take in the fact that you’re free. “Oh thank you! Now, I can finally get away from these binds!” You gently take his hand and shake it, trying to show your gratitude.
“I never said you could leave…” He clutched onto your still attached hand and dragged you along. Shocked, you try to keep your ground but he was too strong.
“Hey, what? What are you going to do with me? I won’t let you do this!” You try to resist as much as you can but still this guy was strong enough to move you. Having enough with this nonsense, you hesitatingly did your final decision.
A ginormous dragon took your place, its body nearly taking place over the entire field. It spread its wings, preparing to fly from the Hollyberry kingdom to elsewhere, but a sword jabbed its wing. It screamed in pain, trying to stop the bleed but couldn’t due to its large size.
“I knew you were gonna do that Y/n. I’ve observed you long enough to know exactly how you’re life is.” He took out the sword and placed on the ground. Then he took a random rag from his pocket and put pressure on the wound. “You looked so enchanting that day of the incident, I just couldn’t wait any longer. So, I took one of the wheels off the wagon and made those juice barrels roll out.” You felt queasy again, just like the day of your capturing. “I was so excited when you kept in a dungeon. It meant I could talk and look at you everyday!” You changed back into your cookie form, on the verge of passing out once more. “Let’s go home now my Princess, no one will save you other than your knight.”
Your savior took of his mask, revealing knight cookie…But he’s a criminal.
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This took longer to post because I fell asleep halfway through lmao. It’s kinda messy but I think it’ll make do.
- Celina
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
hiiii I’ve been a lurker for a bit but ig it’s kind of my thing to leave long fic reactions in ask boxes in the fandoms I’m in soooo now it’s your turn (and this probably won’t be the last time you see me unless it’s too much and I will absolutely back off)
You loved the complete picture it painted, this one side of Peter's body telling the story of this intrepid little creature who journeyed from one end of his world to the other, departing his home to explore something beautiful and unique – the flower. I adore this, if peter had a tattoo I promise you this would be it. Stan Lee would approve I know he would
You just… you look like a muse right now. LADIES AND GENTS IF HE DOESNT CALL YOU A MUSE THEN WHAT IS IT ALL FOR
It was pure, the way poetry spilled from him as though the words were his, made to be repeated on the majesty of his lips. I would give both my kidneys to hear Peter Benjamin Parker recite poetry to me holy fuck
“I can’t hold it forever. I won’t. And you don’t want me to hold it tonight.”  I AM IN PAINNNNN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME IT WAS ALL GOING SO WELL no but fr Peter’s not Peter without the weight of Gwen’s death yk? And when fics gloss over her loss it makes me grrrr because it sounds horrible Peter needs that grief, it’s what makes TASM Peter Peter. And watching him deal with her death and try to cope with new feelings and the guilt of losing her is spectacular and I really love how you portrayed it here (even if I cried a little)
You were a giver by nature. But when it came time for any hint at reciprocation, the energy was just … never there.  Did someone say oldest sibling syndrome because i felt this in my bones
“Yeah, you know it’s bad when May swears. In Yiddish.” If nothing else, I am a slut for Jewish peter
THIS BOX OF BOOKS IS KILLING ME AAAHHHHHHHH no like I actually think I might cry because *this* is intimacy so yeah just a note for all my future s/os: I won’t be accepting flowers unless they come in book form please and thank you
“But, Peter,” you sighed. And there it was.  “It doesn’t fix everything, you know? You were… the other night… you were cruel. YES WE STAN INDEPENDENT WOMEN IN THIS HOUSEHOLD I AM SO GLAD SHES NOT JUST TAKING HIM BACK WITH WIDE OPEN ARMS
Peter took you in, his forever girl. HE DOES FOREVER NOW AUSJSUSJUSKSHS AAAHHHH
I LOVED THIS SO FREAKING MUCH. It’s got fluff, it’s got angst, it’s got smut, it’s got literary references. everything you could possibly want is right here.
okay so this is like one of my favorites now-
also your smut is *chef’s kiss* fantastic. i want to be buried with it.
My love, my darling, my sweet kind stranger -- I've been hanging onto this ask since you've sent it -- I selfishly want to keep it in my asks forever so I can look at it in my inbox whenever I need. But I'm going to post it because I want to make sure to reply to your extremely kind, thoughtful, unexpected, beautiful message you've left me.
First of all -- THANK YOU FOR READING. You are MORE than welcome to lurk, to comment, to send anons, whatever you'd like here -- you're always welcome. I TOTALLY love the idea of sending reviews via anon. So please feel free to send asks whenever you'd like (and if you'd ever like an emoji here, please let me know. But there's no pressure to do that.) I'm just so FLOORED to have received this at all. So all that is to say, it is NOT too much and there's no need to "back off." Lol. I just am sending you the BIGGEST HUG imaginable right now.
To say that STAN LEE would approve of Peter's spider/flower tattoo???? What an INSANE compliment. You are INSANE for this!! Thank you with my entire heart FOR THAT. I had so many tattoos I envisioned for Peter that I didn't get a chance to really mention or work into the story, and I didn't want to just LIST them. I wanted them to sort of unfurl. But if anyone is ever interested in the masterpost of all of Peter's ink for this AU, I am HAPPY to oblige.
I'm so glad you loved Jewish Peter! To me, Peter B. Parker is bi, Jewish, and a disaster. And I love him with all of my heart.
And GWEN -- the loss of Gwen! I wanted to be as vague about it as possible because we as the reader don't know whatever Peter isn't willing to share, and it's clear he's still in pain about the whole thing. Did Gwen die here? Or did they just break up? I leaned toward the former, but either way, Eden knew it was a sensitive subject.
And when they reunited, it was important to me that she at least STAND UP FOR HERSELF. No female character of mine is going to accept anything less than the best. And a man who takes artsy photos of you, brings you postcards inspired by your tattoo, and plans a picnic date is a pretty good man.
ALSO -- thank you for saying nice things about my smut????? I hate writing it because I think I sound awkward and stupid and like I've never known the touch of another?????? So, gracias por todo. Maybe one day I wont feel like such an awkward weirdo about it. (But I also firmly believe that Peter Parker would be chatty and vocal as hell.)
I think I would write more of Peter and Eden in this 'verse. I think I would just need to have the right prompt/idea. But I'm SO glad you read this. I'm so glad you loved this. You made my entire day! Reading things like this, receiving feedback like this, only makes me want to write more. You made this worth it for me. So, thank you for that gift.
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blastthatsadfm · 7 years
I just read your ask thing about Izaya and I'm super interested in what you had to say about Izaya in fanfiction! I'm not sure if you've written fanfic and if you have please point me to it, but if not do you have any how would you write him? Any ideas you're willing to share?
Oh, hey! That was really kind of you, to have an interest on that! First of all, no, I dont write fanfic. English is not my native language and I’m pretty awkward at it. =/
But I think you basically asked me if I had Izaya headcanons and how I would write him and here they go!
 - Izaya probably has read Russian literature, since he needed some use for that language other than to throw small provocations at Simon. He can probably talk really seriously about Russian Literature, the literary divergences that stems from it, the philosophy imbued on it. Its a heavy subject, full of contradictions and I can see Izaya having a fun time with it. Folks, Russian literature is The Real Shit, I know very little about it but its fun. (and depressing but ya know thats a whole other thing)
- I really, really love all of the potential that Izaya has with his little sisters, like??? It used to surprised me how little of it was explored on fandom and mostly on fanfics. I understand that everybody has their little headcanons about that, but I have no doubt those are siblings who deeply hurted each other and, yet, still profoundly love each other.
- Think about Orihara Twins sticking their noses on Shizuo/Izaya’s relationship. Think about them asking out loud Completely Innapropriate Questions, like “So did you guys had sex yet?? Kuru-nee and I were talking, right Kuru-nee?? And we got to the conclusion Shizuo-san definitely needs to get laid” and making Izaya Want To Jump from the window.
- LIke, my take is that he tries, but he cant mantain his composure At All in front of them and thats why I think they would have so much potential. I think this is why they lack scenes on canon; we inevitably learn too much about Izaya everytime the Orihara Siblings interact. Sad this isnt explored on fanfics, regardless of the plot.
- Its canon that he cares deeply about them and its canons he also cares about Shinra. And its not like this kind of thing isnt explored on fanfics, but??? Its always like “Izaya is so bitter and lonely, he’s trash hahahaha”, for once I would like to see or read some situation in which Shinra and Izaya would confront each other about the shitty friends they were for each other, and with the admission that Shinra is Absolute Trash too. And like, it doesnt have to be emotional. Just a step on their mutual character development.
- Guys I love Shinra but he is. He is Trash on Izaya’s level. Super weird this is never adressed too?? Narita himself indirectly addresses a bunch of times, but playing with the fact is Shinra’s relationship to Celty that makes him so likeable. But Shinra would be Just As Lonely if it wasnt for Celty (People werent on that hot pot because they were friends with thim, my buddy. LIke, how come??)
- And Izaya and Shinra would be, you know, rational about it?? And sarcastic little shits but they wouldnt get emotional over it. This is interesting too, their unspoken camaraderie.I really would like to read they being able to slowly rely on each other.
- People usually ignore the DRRR!! Characters background as, ya know, japanese people that live in Ikebukuro, and they forget they can talk about this?? Not talking about traditional aspects, of course. Just… 
- Is Izaya good at arcade games?? If Shizuo and Izaya are together, whos better at videogames and at getting prizes out of the claw crane machines?? (We see Chikage and his girlfriends having a scene close to one of those stores, at some point in the novels) Who get super competitive playing silly nintendo games?? (Both, its both of them). Which one of them reads mangas the most, and buys it every week?? Who are their favorite characters?? Do they have a favorite series, a favorite TV Show?? (We know Celty has fave tv shows, as an example) How come Ive never read a fanfic in which Kadota, Chikage, Shinra, Shizuo and Izaya embarass themselves at the Karaoke?? How would an Actual Date between Shizuo and Izaya be, in Ikebukuro?? Why must you people fail me like this??
- And since we’re at it, give me established domestic Shizaya; who does the laundry, who makes tea?? It doesnt have to be boring, with them it never is. Would they have a cat?? How would they name it?? Would they fight about having the cat and naming it?? The answer is yes. 
- I can see they slowly reaching a routine together, only just having small arguments over every step of the way and that’s where the potential for nice scenes lies, I think.
- Izaya has problems to go to sleep at the right time and Shizuo tries to find a way around fixing that. Shizuo is super shy when the Twins or Celty come to visit, Izaya teases him about it and tries to find a way to make him relax around others. There, we have little conflicts and ways to solve them! And it can be solved with snarky remarks, sarcastic answers, a little dose of sincerity and genuine care for the other, and look! We have a shizaya fanfic that its not a trainwreck.
- They really just need… good dialogue between them. Seriously, that’s all there is.
Second of all, I absolutely admit is very arrogant of me to criticize other people’s writing when I very much… Dont Write. I’m doing this right now since I got this ask, but as an artist I recognize the guts it takes to post your own work out there for the internet to see. Is very assholish of my part to just say I have a problem with it.
But well… I… do…. Its hard to say with which element I have a problem with cuz I honestly believe every plot can work, as long as well-written. 
But I think I have a prolem with the whole takes of either “Izaya is trash he sucks LMAO right??” or “Izaya has XXX disorder and his entire live is Pure Misery”.And when it comes to Shizuo is either “Hes brutal and hurtful and makes Izaya’s mental state worse, by never caring about him  or treating him right” which honestly  just fucking hurts. to read. Or he’s a uncaring friend or a uncaring boyfriend for plots sake in order to make Izaya hurt more like I’m tired, Canon!Shizuo is not an uncaring person, why cant I just have a fic in which they bake cookies with Akane or work out their issues or both!
But if it helps or makes any better I always make a point to leave comments and reviews to fics I like, I am a Good Citizen who leaves reviews! I just…. havent left reviews in a while because its been months Ive ever read any drrr fanfic. if you folks have recs, I’m really happy to hear about it. 
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 4 years
Hello. You said before that you wrote a supernatural fanfic that you lost? I was just wondering if you could say what it was about (if you want to, I don't want to be a bother)? I read some of your other fics and while I don't understand a lot because I'm not in those fandoms I feel like you would have a better end of Supernatural than whatever that was we just got (If you've heard about that). Sorry for long ask, thank you if you answer or if you don't!
Oh, I’ve heard about it, LMAO! 
I used to be deep in the SPN fandom on tumblr. Went to a con, met Jared, Jensen, Misha, Jim (got a photo with all 4 of them!), Kim, Rachel, Richard, Matt, and even met Genevieve in passing! Oh, and the guy who played Dick the Leviathan. I totally blank on his name. I think I bailed around season... 8 or 9? 
Kind of rage-quit after they killed off Kevin. At that point they’d just done too much of that crap in a single season and it was pretty obvious they’d lost any semblance of care for the writing, so I bailed.
I’m fine talking about the plot of my fic. When I’d had time to process the shock of losing more than 200 pages of writing *sobs* I posted a summary of how it was supposed to go for my readers. When I do that it’s my way of saying “I quit forever”.
I’ll put the main answer below the cut, since it’ll probably end up being long. My fic was in the form of an entire season of SPN, one 45-47 page chapter per “episode”, so it’s a bit to summarize...
The story took place at some indeterminate point after Season 6. It was written to be independent of the Leviathan Storyline, but really could fit in just about anywhere. I think I’d used details from the season where Sam Carter from SG1/SGA was an evil angel lady, but also it was heavily anchored in Seasons 1-6.
It started with mass destruction in this one town. In the middle of the crater something ragged and uncontrolled and evil appeared. Seriously- destruction was the core of it all. Pure, raw, uncontained power lashing out at everything.
And then the creature at the center of the swarm starts to walk away, leaving a path of destruction behind it.
After a chapter or two of monster-of-the-week type stuff, Sam and Dean started hearing whispers of this thing. Like it was circling them. Through Cas they find out that Heaven is on edge- something has escaped from the deepest, darkest corners of Heaven’s Prison (Dean makes a comment about how hell is supposed to be heaven’s prison, but Cas explains that there are some things too horrible to be sent to hell, away from the watchful guard of angels).
My favorite chapter of anything I’ve ever written opened with people shopping in a store in some small town, kind of a boutique store, and there is a sudden violent quake, everything goes pitch black, then kind of orange. They hear strange noises and long story short Hell is basically growing unstable, collapsing on itself, and this store just randomly fell into Hell. With all the dicking around on the surface with the apocalypse and Leviathans and whatever the fuck else, reality is essentially collapsing in on itself. Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and the mortal world are all colliding.
Sam and Dean are trying to figure out why this store just kind of vanished (the authorities say sinkhole but it’s basically a crater where this thing once stood) when Sam collapses.
Dean gets him to the hospital and is suddenly dizzy. He turns and finds himself trapped in his own mind, where the thing circling them appears. It needs something from Hell, Dean needs to save the humans, and neither can complete their goal without the other.
The woman (it is all in black and appears to have no face, but speaks with a female voice) has ripped a piece of Sam’s soul away. He is trapped in horrific agony and the woman will leave him there forever if Dean doesn’t help her.
She manages to open a path between this world and hell and Dean goes back to hell with her.
When they return (somewhat victorious but it’s very gory and a lot of people died), Dean has no idea what it is she’s taken. But also where there was once swirling black mist under the hood of her cloak, there is a face rotted, ripped, and destroyed.
Adventures, Adventures, Adventures
The boys cross paths with the woman again. She’s stronger now and her face is looking more human-esque. Castiel is also extremely agitated as he learns about this woman and all he’ll tell Dean is that he needs to kill her on sight. Castiel gives Dean one of the angelic blades for protection (Cas was with them for a lot of the story but I can’t remember what I had him doing). 
Dean comes across this thing again, it is standing over Sam as he screams and writhes and so he stabs it with the angelic blade- the thing that should kill anything.
It doesn’t do shit.
Adventure, drama and whatnot later (around what would be episode 19) the story comes out in fits and bursts:
Once upon a time, in the 1600s, Zachariah decided to make an apocalyptic safety net. He manipulated events to bring together a Campbell and Winchester line (implied Sam and Dean are descended from siblings of these two). The couple had two children- Elizabeth (older) and Matthew (younger).
Two powerful demon hunting families were outcasts in their village. They were forced to live far from the main settlement, and one day the villagers went all witch-hunt-ie and burned the parents alive. Elizabeth and Matthew (only a small child) were left alone.
One winter, as Matthew was dying and Elizabeth- barely alive herself- was hunting in the forest, she came across a young native American man. It was love at first sight. She collapses and he follows her tracks to carry her back to her hovel. When she comes to he’s built a fire, prepared some food (Elizabeth was a shit hunter, couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn from 3 feet away), and has also given Matthew some herbs that help break his fever.
Elizabeth and the young man (I can’t remember what name i gave him) fell deeper in love over that winter. But right when she starts to think things are getting better, the villagers are incensed. They attack, and make Elizabeth watch as they burn Matthew and her love. At this point Matthew is like 6, so, you know, truamatic.
Elizabeth is deemed a feeble-minded woman and kind of thrown aside. That night she goes on a rampage and murders a lot of the villagers in their beds before they catch her and hang her.
But that wasn’t the end of Elizabeth Winchester’s story. It was the beginning.
Elizabeth was a safety net for the apocalypse. Her soul should have gone to Hell for what she did, but instead Zachariah dragged her up into Heaven’s Prison. There, Zachariah tortured Elizabeth for 400 years (which is idk in heaven-time, there is a whole segment of the fandom who analyzes the time in heaven/hell vs on earth).
She became, essentially, a demon made by Heaven itself. They were trying to get her to say ‘yes’ to Michael. That way, if Dean proved to be a turd (spoiler alert: the biggest turd), heaven could resurrect Elizabeth and Michael has a backup. One of the main tortures Zachariah employed was literally strapping angelic grace to her. Demons on Earth are burned up when they catch a glimpse of Grace, but in Heaven she couldn’t even die, so it both drove her overwhelmingly insane and also made her incredibly powerful.
After Zachariah’s death she was forgotten, and left in her cage with that grace burning her soul for years.
Bobby, Jo, Ellen, etc. canonically wander through heaven at-will, evading angels when needed. They were the ones who found their way into the prison and brought her out, but too quickly lost control of her and she returned to the world of the living herself.
A demon with the grace of an archangel.
Bobby, Jo, Ellen, etc. made a pact with her- they let her go, she enters the Cage and destroys both Lucifer AND Michael.
What appeared to be Elizabeth torturing Sam (it kinda was- she’s half demon remember) was also a sort of act of kindness. Sam’s soul was still lashed to The Cage. It was covered in the markings of that place, and when he died it would suck his soul back in. Elizabeth was removing those marks- essentially skinning Sam’s soul and applying those pieces to herself to give her access to the Cage. Taking Dean with her to Hell was also so she could get something that would help her in the Cage.
As they are preparing for her to rip apart the rest of the marks on Sam’s soul (which may kill him), Heaven is trying to intervene to stop her (because Team Michael and they want the apocalypse back on track). They send an archangel to stop her--
The young man she’d fallen in love with back when she was human.
It turns out the man was an angel all along- he played her and arranged his own horrible end (and that of her brother) to push her over the edge. They needed a pure soul with a bit of demonic power to maybe give Elizabeth an edge as a vessel for Michael.
She rips the grace out of the angel. Zachariah’s torture- constantly strapping her to a grace and ripping it away taught her how. It is the most agonizing and horrific end to an angel possible, her act of vengeance.
Eventually Elizabeth would make it to Hell, rip Michael’s grace from Adam, and the Cage would seal behind her after she sent Adam back up. There was going to be a sequel (second season) in which Elizabeth returns.
Her relationship with Sam and Dean in “season 1″ was very contentious and kind of frenemy-esque (think Meg at times). “Season 2″ was going to be more about her just not knowing what to do now. She can’t trust heaven or hell, so she kind of ends up lost and following the Winchesters on their hunts without them noticing her at first or being able to speak to her (like she only shows up sometimes and then vanishes again).
“Season 2″ wasn’t really planned out, but by the end of it they’d have found out Chuck was God. As a sort of apology/ way to get them to stop constantly resurrecting people in the goddamn show/ reward Elizabeth’s soul was “healed” of it’s demonic edge, the Grace would fully anchor (making her an archangel), and she would be given a new realm of death to rule over- one for hunters or supernatural creatures who had been resurrected or in some way used by Heaven or Hell to spend their afterlife at peace.
No chance of resurrection, no matter the spell, and no interference even by other archangels. The hunters dicking around with the paths through heaven would be sent there too (for their protection, the angels in heaven were starting to hunt them in return).
I feel like I’m missing details, I somewhat repress my memories of this fic because losing it was that traumatic, but yeah. That was the general thrust of it.
0 notes