#this is very low effort because I just wanted to draw them really quick
spw-art · 1 month
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Wow I can’t believe there were so many unique named Magma grunts in Omega Ruby woww
(Bow, Annabelle, and Connor belong to @poicyss)
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hxltic · 1 year
imagine having an attitude w miguel o’hara
Even though he’s quick to anger, and very easily irritated, he’s never had that problem with you. You were his treatment in a way. You always dealt with people in a more kind manner, so he just lets you speak until you’ve given him permission, but today it seems as though the roles have reversed.
It’s even more angering with the fact that he just can’t seem to take you seriously, your cheeks bursting red with anger and fists unconsciously clenching, but he just leans against the wall, staring at you. Through you, almost. To be fair, whatever you were mad at you would probably get over later. But that wasn’t the point. You were angry and pissed off.
And you also hadn’t seen him in a relative amount of time; Spiderman work wasn’t easy. This was something you’d come to accept when you got with him, and you don’t mind being alone, but somehow it’s brought itself to matter in this very moment.
So how did you end up bent over as he plowed into you from behind? His brain pieced together that you just needed some dick. Whenever you two were intimate in any way, the next day he’d see you extra happy, beaming even, and the memories would flash in your head every now and then.
Of course, when he kissed you the first time, you pushed him off and said he was deflecting.
He doesn’t really run away from his problems, but this one could wait.
“You’re givin’ me the silent treatment, you can’t still be mad at me amor?”
Truth be told, you were quiet because you couldn’t speak. Your neck was upright, your throat dragging back and forth on the bed sheets, and your arms were forced back into his large, calloused hands. Your eyes fall closed when you grunt in response.
If he was being honest, this wasn’t even his favorite part. It was watching the scowl on your face dissipate into ecstasy and the irritated deep sighs transform into moans each time you came.
He rectifies his position by adjusting his foot placement and dropping his tight hold to your wrists, effectively finding a deeper way into you. It was messy and rough, the stickiness around where the two of you meet and the reddening skin pure evidence. Miguel bent his body over yours so your back was flush with his carved chest.
A muffled sound fell into the bed with every snap of his hips. His hair slightly stuck to his face when he forced his mouth into your right shoulder, digging his sharp canines past your skin. Not enough to draw blood, but it hurt and left a mark nonetheless. He sucked the skin and kissed it as if soothing. The senses were too much combined with your low pain tolerance, compelling tears to swell in buds.
He groans, “Not so upset now are you? If it was dick you wanted, you could’ve just said so.” He adds, “fuck, eres una belleza.”
You couldn’t even snap back. With this he flipped you over and spread your legs wide. Before you had the time to look down, his pink tongue was sliding through your folds eagerly.
“Miguel wait-“ you attempt breathlessly, but it was no good. He ate like he’s never eaten before: pushing his face between your thighs and wrapping the plush of them over his shoulders to press both palms on your abdomen. He shook his head sloppily, continuing regardless of your pleas.
The man wasn’t satisfied until the slick of you was dripping down his chin and coating his nose. Your back arched off the bed as you came, allowing those tears to fall in streams to your ears. Of course, he continued to slurp and suck and moan as you twist your hips in an escape to shake him off, but those muscles weren’t just for show. He only moved with you and gripped harder, almost taunting you, or giving you permission to try and escape from him. You couldn’t.
It wasn’t until you were pleading for him that he considered giving you mercy.
“MiguelMiguelMiguel- fuck! c-come off please,” you’d beg, accompanied by a futile effort to push his arms away. Like he was shaking his head no, he’d shake into you.
i don’t speak spanish spare me
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st-danger · 1 year
What about the ghouls' horns being an erogenous zone for the ghouls and one of the Papas not realising while giving them horn scritches?
Terzo and Copia? Both touchy in their own ways. But while Terzo was intentional, every brush of fingers a loaded gun, a promise, Copia is...not so aware.
Aether is, perhaps, a little nasty for taking advantage of that. For getting a little something out of Copia that he doesn't know he's giving. Perverted. Just a little headache, he'd told him when Copia had found him resting his head in his hands. Paracetamol and other drug store sundries never work well for ghouls, even when they're taking a more human form, and certainly the effort of holding a glamour up when aching does nothing to help. So when Copia offers Aether his bed, offers to let him rest in his lap so he can rub his temples, of course he's quick to say yes.
He's a little wrong for asking Copia to remove his gloves. And he's nasty for not stopping him when absently, his fingers stroke away from his temple to rub at the base of a horn. The shock of pleasure is instant, sharp and intense and- he gasps, stomach clenching and Copia immediately withdraws.
"Oh. Is it very painful there?"
Aether sucks in a breath, and feels momentarily guilty. This behavior, he could expect it from someone like Omega. Dew, maybe. Ifrit for sure.
"It's sore," Aether mumbles, lying through his pointed teeth. Even just that little touch makes his tail go stiff. And he's about to use him to get stiff in other places, too. Oh, he shouldn't. He really shouldn't. Bad. Wrong. Dirty. And yet... "Would probably helped if you rubbed there for a little bit."
"Certainly," Copia says, and begins a gentle caress. "As long as you'd like."
Aether shuts his eyes tight, and bites his tongue at the sensation, frissions of pleasure sparking down his spine to somewhere lower. More private.
"And how is that?"
Aether curls up, draws the knee of his outside leg up just enough to provide a little coverage of his lap. Afford him a little privacy because this is going to get him hard in no time at all, and he ought to be truly ashamed.
"S'good," he says. Feeling Copia's bare hand there, when usually there is leather in the way feels even more perverse. His fingertips trace the seam where his horn meets his head and his cock begins to tingle. True to his word, he just...rubs. Touches. Hums contentedly while he thinks he's helping Aether handle the worst of his headache, wickedly unaware that he's doing more to help get his short, thick cock all red and heavy than he is the headache.
He tries very hard to keep his breath steady. To hold the whines and the low moan that threatens to bubble up safe within. He should stop Copia. But then what? Stand up and try to leave the room with his back turned so Copia doesn't see his cock pressed against his pants, tenting?
"Do your horns ever hurt?" Copia asks, and the question pulls him out of his thoughts in an instant. "I've had toothaches. Is it like that?"
"I don't know," Aether says, "I've never had one."
"Well I suppose it isn't the tooth itself that hurts, is it?" Copia muses. "It's the nerves inside, really." Oh, he does not want to listen to Copia discuss teeth. "Do your horns have nerves inside?"
They do. He doesn't need to know how many, though.
"Could you try rubbing those too? Might help. Maybe." Like he doesn't know. Like he isn't aware of the effect it has, like he's never asked Dew to stroke them while he masturbates to send him hurtling over the edge.
Slow, careful fingers start to slide up and down one, and then the other, and he feels himself grow hot and fat in his pants.
"How is that?"
"Would it- I'm a little cold," Aether lies. "Would you hand me a blanket?"
"Oh, certainly," Copia says with zero hesitation, leaning away for a moment to snatch a throw, and peel it open from how it's been folded. Draping it over Aether. Covering. Privacy. Brings it up to his neck.
He tries to make it look like a casual adjustment in position, snuggling under and crossing his hands over his chest. He has to fight to hold the moan when Copia's hands return to his head, only this time, it's both hands, one on each horn.
He uses his thumbs to brush over his nipples, feel them peaked through his shirt. Brushing back and forth and getting them good and stiff. Copia can't see under the blanket. He can pleasure himself here and he won't be any the wiser.
His face his hot.
Nasty, he thinks. So bad. But he wants to be touched and made to feel good and-
"Okay?" Copia asks.
"Maybe a little faster?" Aether asks in a small voice. The guilt leaking through. Copia doesn't notice.
"Of course, my ghoul," he says.
Aether gives his nipples a surreptitious little tweak.
"Just relax, eh? No need to be so tense. Relax for your Papa."
"Okay," he manages.
He forces himself to draw a deep breath.
Under the blanket, his dick throbs.
"Once we get this sorted, I'll rub you there, too." Copia hums. Knowing. He sounds amused.
Aether whimpers, ashamed, face hot.
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aphidclan-clangen · 2 months
so what's your process for designing characters?
Man people keep asking me how do I design characters, how do I make characters, how do you pick characters genders, etc. and I feel SO bad because I!! There is no process!! Especially with designing AphidClan characters in particular, my process is EXTREMELY wild and intuitive and spontaneous and very “just wing it first try it’ll be fine. I totally won’t hate it 3 months later ((I will and I do))”
I. I don’t know how to explain it. Like. Alder for example, I knew Lilacpaw was this kind of pinkish purple with an orange gradient, so I wanted her dad to be pinkish purple and her mom to have the orange gradient, so when it came time to design him, I jus. made him purple. and that’s all he is there isn’t any thought put into this, this is a. Random, not professional at all, “I made a quick concept sketch as my first and only attempt, he came out purple, that’s all he is, just purple” and “I got it first try” bullshit, and everything else about his design happened because. it felt right, and I never questioned that, so now hes. alder. he exists now. “how did you make him?” i don’t know but he sure as hell is here now
That’s how I make literally all of my character designs and decisions, especially since this is just a Warrior cats blog that I do as a fun “low-effort” hobby. I had a single idea of “rainbow,,,” it felt right, I never questioned it, it happened, I made a single quick sketch of concept art as prep to solidify what already existed in my brain, and now it exists, and then 4 months and 10 updates later I become deeply unhappy with the design and I try all over again lol. It’s extremely extremely intuitive for me, it’s all just feeling. I don’t really follow any professional tips or legitimate art techniques, I don’t really make concept art, half of the time the characters first appearance in a moon update or ask response is literally the first time I’ve ever drawn them, as you can tell from the Fire/Gravel kids and their extensive “gradually redesign them piece by piece over each moon until I decide I hate all of it and start over entirely” process which is NOT something I’d recommend for a webcomic or any legitimate art project you want to take seriously or professionally!! I don’t really. have a process, I just start drawing the moon update and they appear lolol
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wren-of-the-woods · 11 months
True Slug's Kiss
When Geralt finds himself entangled in a magical mishap, Jaskier is prepared to save him as usual. What he is not prepared for is the sheer strangeness (and sliminess) of the situation— nor the feelings that it will force him to reveal. This is 2.3k of Geraskier shenanigans, rated T! Also on AO3.
If there was one thing Jaskier really should have learned over his years of traveling with Geralt, it was that he should never trust Geralt when he said everything would be fine. 
Here Jaskier was, picking his way through overgrown and vine-entangled elven ruins, all because he trusted Geralt to know what he was talking about. 
“Oh, it’ll be fine, he says,” Jaskier muttered to himself, doing his best Geralt impression as he clambered over what was probably once a stone pillar. “‘I’ll just do a quick sweep of the ruins for monsters. I’ll be back in a jiffy.’ Then, flash! Bang! Something loud and fucked up and probably magical has happened! And now I, a humble bard, and once again stuck cleaning up the messes of Geralt of Rivia.”
He climbed under the remnants of a door in a great stone wall that was now more of a great stone heap, wincing as water dripped into his hair. He was headed in what he hoped was the direction of the flash he had seen. He had stared at the ruins for long enough as he waited fruitlessly for Geralt to return that he was reasonably sure he knew the way. It shouldn’t be much further; or at least, he certainly hoped not, because he’d left Roach and most of their things on the top of the hill overlooking the ruins and he did not want to leave them there longer than necessary. 
Jaskier passed the tall beech he had noticed just behind where the flash had been. He picked his way through large, scattered blocks of stone strewn across a cobbled street.
“Geralt!” he called. There was no response. Taking a deep breath, he rounded a corner and looked into the courtyard where he thought the probably-magic had taken place.
The sight that greeted him was… not what he expected. 
For one thing, there was no particularly unusual wreckage or carnage. There was no sign of a fight. The courtyard, in fact, was completely unoccupied— except for a large, yellow something beside a heap of stones right in the center. 
Jaskier stood there cautiously for a moment, watching. The thing did not move. It was long and low and rather squishy-looking. It did not seem particularly threatening. 
Slowly, Jaskier approached. 
As he drew nearer, he began to make out more of the thing’s appearance. It was as long as Jaskier was tall, and perhaps three or four hands’ width at its widest point. It was yellow and gave off the overall effect of a rather slimy banana. It had antennae protruding from one end. It was, Jaskier realized as he began to draw near, some sort of exceptionally large slug. 
He kept a healthy distance between himself and the giant slug, mindful of the fact that this thing was probably involved in whatever had happened to Geralt. As he watched, he realized that it was moving. It was, very slowly, turning to head towards him. 
He took a step back. The slug continued to turn. 
“Nice slug,” he said placatingly, slowly starting to back away in earnest. “You are a very nice slug with no malicious or magical intentions toward any humble bards, I’m sure.”
The slug was still turning. Jaskier noticed that it had something around what passed for its neck. 
He paused, frowning. He watched as the slug turned to face him. When it finally came around, his jaw dropped.
Around the slug’s neck was a chain, and from the chain hung a very, very familiar medallion. 
“You’re Geralt,” said Jaskier, master of the seven liberal arts. “Fucking fuckity fuck.”
The less said about the next few hours, the better. Suffice to say that, with great effort, determination, ingenuity, and some slime, Jaskier managed to get the slug up to where Roach was waiting before nightfall. The slug was just as surly and stubborn as any white-haired witcher could be, and any lingering doubts Jaskier might have had about its identity were laid to rest when, the moment they were close enough, Roach trotted up to the slug, sniffed it, and whickered happily. 
“What am I going to do with you?” Jaskier asked slug-Geralt once he’d had a moment to breathe. The ex-witcher looked rather incongruous surrounded by their packs and Jaskier’s lute. 
Geralt-slug, predictably, said nothing.
“Is this a curse? It’s probably a curse. That pile of stones I found you by could have been an altar or some other object of magical fuckery, retrospectively. Shit. I’m going to have to find a mage, aren’t I?”
Geralt-slug said nothing. He looked, to Jaskier’s frazzled imagination, rather judgemental. 
Jaskier sighed, long and deep. “I suppose it’s Yennefer time.”
It was a long, long few days as Jaskier tried to get Geralt to Yennefer. 
He discovered very quickly that there was no way he could travel at Geralt’s pace without getting bored out of his mind, and try as he might, he could not figure out a feasible way to get the giant slug to ride Roach without Roach becoming incredibly unhappy, so he was eventually forced to spend a day constructing a makeshift sled out of logs and Geralt’s cloak and clothes so that Roach could drag him along behind her. Jaskier draped his own cloak over Geralt to keep him from drying out, and also to keep him from bewildering any unfortunate passers-by. 
The nights passed rather uncomfortably, too; Jaskier had to subsist off of their rations and what little he could find himself. He also tried to gather some nice leaves and greenery for Geralt to eat, because his size seemed to impede his ability to find his own without squashing them. 
The only upside to the whole situation, as far as Jaskier could tell, was that Geralt couldn’t complain when Jaskier sang incessantly. He could invent as many ditties about his irritation as he wanted without repercussion. He wasn’t entirely sure that Geralt could even hear him. 
If he had to go through this ordeal without anyone to listen to his complaints, he was damn well going to get a decent song out of it. After a several days of travel, he had something he was reasonably happy with. He sang it incessantly to stave off boredom. 
The witcher called his barker to save his sorry ass To find him after he got lost in ruins of cities past A strange yellow shape oozed forth to request a deft assist But the Witcher was still unseen, the story had a twist
The Golden Slug with the golden slime A wolf’s head medallion on its neck shined Far squishier than a day-old lime It covered me with grimeI’m all covered in grimeThere’s so much slime
The strange yellow slug turned to the bard with pleading in its eyes The bard realized the truth, he saw through the spell’s disguise He knew he had to help it, or else throw away his lute For it was a curséd witcher, not a giant slimy fruit
Oh, the Golden Slug with the golden slime A wolf’s head medallion on its neck shined Far squishier than a day-old limeIt covered me with grime I’m all covered in grime There’s so much slime
Eventually, he did manage to make it to the town where he had last heard of Yennefer being. The little party received several confused looks as they made their way through the streets. Jaskier eventually managed to get a (mildly frightened-looking) child to point him in the direction of the sorceress. 
He stood on Yennefer’s doorstep, feeling distinctly bedraggled and rather absurd. He was fully aware of the fact that he, or at least Geralt, had a decent chance of being lampooned if not laughed out of town altogether. 
He was not disappointed. 
Yennefer did not stop laughing for a solid quarter of an hour after Jaskier explained the situation. She broke down again when Jaskier brought Geralt into the alley behind her house for her to examine him. It was distinctly awkward to stand there as she looked at a against slug and giggled. He really hoped Geralt appreciated/would appreciate his sacrifice. 
Eventually, Yennefer completed her examination and vanished back inside to do some research. Jaskier deposited Geralt in the stables with Roach, hoping that it wouldn’t cause a disaster, and bullied Yennefer into letting him use her baths. It was heavenly to finally be clean of all that sweat and slime. 
“I believe he’s been turned into a giant version of something called a banana slug,” Yennefer told him over wine that evening, after having concluded her research. “They live mainly in the wet forests by the coast to the north. Normally, they’re only about six inches long.”
“That’s still unsettlingly large for a slug.”
Yennefer shrugged. “Anyway, it was probably caused by an old magic item he happened across in the ruins, one that had broken over the years to curse anyone who came near it.”
“Do you think you can undo it?”
“I can’t undo it directly. It’s too old. But I do know the cure.”
“What is it?” 
“It’s old, just as the magic is. It’s hardly used nowadays, but it’s effective.”
“Get to the point,” said Jaskier. He thought she looked like she was enjoying this far too much. It was suspicious.
“It’s true love’s kiss.”
Jaskier blinked. He stared at Yennefer, hoping that she would laugh and tell him it was all a joke. She did not, though her eyes were sparkling in what was undeniably amusement.
“Are you telling me that Geralt’s true love has to kiss him for him to become human again?”
“Yes,” said Yennefer. The expression on her face was approaching glee. Jaskier was afraid. 
“Where are we going to find Geralt’s true love? Does he have one?” Jaskier blinked. “Is it you? Do you have to kiss a giant slug?”
“No,” said Yennefer. Her expression clearly added the word ‘idiot’. “You have to kiss a giant slug.”
Jaskier blinked. “Me?”
“Of course.”
“But… doesn’t the love have to be reciprocated for true love’s kiss to work?”
“Yes. But it is. He loves you back.”
“How do you know?”
“It’s obvious.”
Jaskier narrowed his eyes. “Are you sure you aren’t just trying to get me to make a fool of myself?”
“That’s only a delightful side effect. It’ll work, I promise.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” Her grin grew. “Though you should know: banana slugs are that color because they’re mildly toxic. It’ll make your mouth go numb. Also, the slime expands in water.”
Jaskier resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. “Oh, joy.”
Jaskier looked at Geralt. Geralt (probably) looked at Jaskier. Yennefer watched them both. She was ostensibly there in case of any magical mishaps, but Jaskier thought she just wanted to watch the fun. 
“You’d better love me back,” Jaskier told the slug threateningly, doing his best not to feel like a fool, “Because if I have to kiss you like this, I’m going to be fucking mad if it’s for nothing.”
With that, he leaned down and planted a large kiss directly between the slug’s antennae.
It was wet. It was slimy. Jaskier stayed as long as he could bear before rearing back, spitting and spluttering. The slime stuck to the inside of his mouth, expanding. His mouth was indeed beginning to go numb. It was a deeply unnerving sensation. 
Jaskier was so wrapped up in his disgust that he didn’t notice anything else had changed until, from behind him, a very deep and familiar voice said, “Jaskier?”
Jaskier whirled around. There stood Geralt in all his witchery glory, his armor and swords on, not a drop of slime or a hint of yellow to be seen. 
“Geralt!” Jaskier tried to say. It came out as an indistinct mumble, since his mouth was numb and full of slime. He tried to spit again.
“I told you it’d work!” said Yennefer happily.
“What happened?” asked Geralt.
“True love’s kiss,” said Yennefer. She sounded entirely too pleased with herself, and also not nearly appreciative enough of Jaskier’s plight.
Geralt blinked. He turned to Jaskier. “But that means…”
“Mmmph,” said Jaskier emphatically.
Yennefer conjured a glass of water and handed it to him. Jaskier swished it in his mouth gratefully. 
“I love you,” he managed to say when he spit the water out. “I love you so much I kissed you as a slug.”
Geralt swallowed. He, at least, looked suitably touched. “I love you. I never thought you’d love me back.”
“I do. Idiot.”
Geralt smiled, pulled Jaskier towards him, and tugged him into a kiss. It was rather slimy, as first kisses went. Jaskier’s mouth was still numb. The whole affair was rather awkward. 
And yet, because it was true love — because it was Geralt — it was the best kiss he ever had.
“Do you have to keep singing that damn song?” Geralt grumbled. 
“Yes. It’s my payment for having gone through that ordeal.”
“I thought your payment was kisses.”
“That too. I went through a lot.”
“Oh, shut up. I know you love the song, deep down.”
Geralt said nothing, but his glare spoke volumes.
“I’ve written a proper ending, actually. Would you like to hear it?”
Without waiting for a response, Jaskier began to sing. 
The bard sought out a helper, a sorceress beauty She told him how to break the curse, unpleasant as it be The brave bard kissed the creature, though it covered him with slime And the slug became a witcher, for their love was for all time
Oh, the Golden Slug with the golden slime A wolf’s head medallion on its neck shined Far squishier than a day-old lime It covered me with grime I’m all covered in grime There’s so much slime So much slime
He let the last note fade and bowed dramatically, trying not to laugh at the exasperated expression on Geralt’s face. 
“Come on, give me a review. Three words or less.”
Geralt smirked. “Once, I would have said ‘shut up, bard.’ I know a much better way to keep you quiet now.”
Jaskier grinned. “Oh yeah?”
Geralt pulled him into a kiss that was long, emphatic, and not remotely, and the song was soon forgotten in the face of Jaskier’s joy. 
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newtthetranswriter · 5 months
How are you doing?
Can I request a matchup for Haikyuu!, Tokyo Revengers and JJK, please? (Male characters)
I'm an introvert and I prefer staying in my room to draw and listen to music. My hobbies are mostly in the domain of arts and crafts! I'd like to do something related to arts in the future. I'm good at analyzing texts and I enjoy writing. I also like doing improvisation because it requires quick thinking. Other than that I love rhythm games! I also pick up languages pretty quick.
I'm tall but I like wearing heels! Sometimes I have anxiety problems but overall I am confident in my abilities and looks. Not in an arrogant type of way, more like ''not taking unwanted opinions'' about my style or the art I make. Because of that I also like to encourage people around me to follow their own way of life (as long as it doesn't harm anyone!). I dislike when somebody is bossy and dictates how somebody else should live their life, it really doesn't affect the outsider that comments. I believe that unique styles are what makes the world prettier.
I have a short temper but I prefer ''forgiving and forgetting'' solely because:
I am too tired to argue, it takes too much effort to talk
I would rather not allow myself to yell because I really dislike that
I am sensitive to loud sounds and I might get a panic attack mid argument and that would be VERY embarrassing for me. I'd think about it for years.
I'm absolutely bad with expressing my emotions so I show love through giving gifts or writing what I feel. I get shy mid-sentence when I try telling someone I care for them, even if they are my family.
I like to learn! Trying out new things or food is very cool to me and recently I got into drawing whatever I can't draw so I can improve, I like challenges. I tend to push myself to test my limits. I also eat a lot. Which is bad.
I love seeing sunrises/sunsets, snow, flowers in bloom and I adore when it rains! Walking during rain helps me relax. I also like shiny things and all animals!
I am so sorry that it turned out this long!
I hope you'll have a great day 😊🧡
A/n: Hello, thank you so much for being patient. I hope you enjoy and have a great day. And as always remember to hydrate or diedrate
Haikyuu: Kenma Kozume
Dating Kenma is relaxing
Date nights can be going out to eat or just relaxing together with music playing while you draw and he games
He loves that you encourage him to do what he wants and don’t pressure him to put down his video games
He may be on the short side but he doesn't care if you want to go around in high heels, he thinks you’re beautiful no matter what
Kenma also isn’t a big fan of fights or loud noises so if you guys do get in a disagreement it’s going to be a day or two of silent treatment and then cuddles 
He will also try out rhythm games for you so you guys have another thing to do together
All around just a chill time with the beautiful gamer
Tokyo Revengers: Takashi Mitsuya
Takashi is supportive in what ever you want to do
Loves that you are confident and don’t focus on what others think of you
Enjoys having dates that are just the two of you being creative and enjoying each other’s presence
He definitely already plays rhythm games so if you want to do that with him, he’s more than happy to make it a date
Taka understands that even with your short temper you prefer to just move on, so in disagreements he tries to just talk it out and if it looks like talking isn’t working will suggest taking a step back
He doesn't like to leave things unresolved so if something he did upset you just let him know and he will work on it
Now if you get upset with a member of Toman, he will deal with them for you. Just tell him who and he will pull them away and have a chat, tries to keep it on the down low so it doesn’t cause a seen
He’s all about respect, so he will do whatever he can to make sure you feel respected and welcome
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Itadori
While Yuji is very outgoing and loud I feel that you guys would balance each other out
You encourage him to take breaks and relax, while he works to bring you out of your comfort zone
He loves Improve because it lets him just be him, so make that a date, go have fun being silly
Yuji will always be down for walks in the rain
He will bring you random little things he sees that makes him think of you, basically he also has crow brain so lots of ‘oooo shiny s/o would love that’
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View on Patreon (for freeeeee)
Finished my Knight of Pentacles card all quick-like (At least drawing-wise it took way too long for me to post this :') ). I've been trying to experiment more with some interesting angles/ foreshortening and that shit is fuckin difficult! Even with Clip Studio's 3D figures as a reference, I feel like the perspective doesn't really look foreshortened until I start shading and shit. It's kind of nerve wracking...
Now for card interpretations! As always this is gonna be under the cut since it's a bit of a read:
The Knight of Pentacles is defined primarily by their work. The knight in this case knows what they want and will work towards it with an almost ruthless efficiency. Day in and day out, they work, seemingly never losing steam or wavering in the pursuit of their goal.
While this type of routine is far from glamorous, the Knight of Pentacles has done the same tasks for so long that they've figured out every little trick to finish faster. They may not have a fancy title to go along with it, but their commitment has made them a master at their job.
While it's taken a long, long time to achieve what they desire, the Knight of Pentacles will get it in the end. With how much effort they've put in, they have to, right?
In terms of personality, the Knight of Pentacles is trustworthy and dependable. If they've aligned themselves to you, you can expect to have a loyal ally on your side.
Overall, the Knight of Pentacles represents a more low-key type of success. The kind of success that's built over a long period of time and through potentially boring or repetitive work. The Knight is earnest and kind, choosing to do what's right rather than what will benefit them the most in the short-term.
Reversed, the Knight of Pentacles has gotten lost in their work. With how long they've been doing the same thing every day, their initial reason for doing this in the first place has been forgotten.
Now, the knight is aimless and bored since every waking moment of their life is devoted to their work. They've neglected their needs in favor of 'doing what needed to be done' but were those 20 hours of unpaid overtime actually necessary?
There is a severe lack of balance when the Knight of Pentacles is reversed. Work has become the one and only priority and this situation is simply untenable. Something is going to break if things don't change.
When I choose a character for a certain card I like to make sure the reversed meaning fits with their character if I can and the Knight of Pentacles is no exception.
Majima in 0 is scarily good at his job, but boy does he fucking hate it! When working at The Grand, he barely has energy to do anything more than eat and sleep once he gets off work. It's soulsucking to manage that stupid Cabaret, but he does it because it's the only path he's been given to get back into the Tojo Clan. While this is very much indicative of the reversed Knight of Pentacles, we see plenty of the upright position as well!
When running Sunshine Majima's strengths absolutely shine (pun absolutely intended). He works his ass off to make the club successful and seems to derive as much joy as he can from it given his situation. Work is balanced with building friendships and doing things that are actually somewhat fulfilling to him personally.
I just found him so perfect for the Knight of Pentacles. It was fate or something, I swear.
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ase-trollplays · 11 months
Push, Push, Push
"Well, well, well~ Look what the cat unceremoniously hacked up this otherwise fine evening."
Thiomi looked up from her sketchbook to see Sonja now sitting across from her at her picnic table in the park. It was a dull, overcast night, so very few people were out and about. Only Thiomi, seemingly, would sit among the gloomy surroundings were it not for her former moirail and abuser. The free flowing raven hair along with the rudeness and sour attitude made it clear she was dealing with Comedy.
"... Oh," she replied simply. She knew better than to give him anything to needle and prod at her with. If anything, she should immediately get up and leave for her own safety. Then again, she was easily manipulated by his chucklevoodoo, and he could very easily stop any escape with minimal effort. A fight would be suicide.
Ironically, humoring him was the safer course of action. He was less of a threat if she did what he wanted. In this case, what he wanted was to bully her.
Sonja glared momentarily at her lack of a reaction before shrugging it off and stretching slightly before pulling out his phone.
"An avid conversationalist as always, aren't you. What, you think I'm going to hurt you? Maybe take you to my hive and lock you in the basement until you love me again?" he prodded at her lack of reaction to him. He reached across the table and snatched her sketchbook to flip through it. She didn't even have a chance to attempt stopping him, though she mentally sighed with relief that it was one of her safe sketchbooks. It was mostly full of sketches of animals, a few flowers, and a drawing of Varoll and Dantli she did the last time the three of them were together.
"If you wanted to s-see it, you could have asked," she said before having the book casually tossed back across the table at her. "What do you want?"
"I just thought you would like to know how wonderfully I'm doing ever since you stabbed me in the back and abandoned me," he responded cheerfully even with the added venom in the last part of his statement. She kept her gaze low and focused on the table to avoid the violence in his eyes that she could feel boring a hole into her.
"I'm glad you and Altrii are s-still happy toge--" she began only to be interrupted by his hand slamming on the table and causing her to jump.
"That miserable crow is gone! She was no better than you, only looking for a project to fix then taking her love away when I stopped being fun!" he spat with so much vitriol it sent a shiver down her spine. Her unease turned to fear, then guilt. The only reason he didn't do as he suggested earlier when she broke up with him was because he had Altrii right there to be an immediate backup. As far as Thiomi knew, Altrii didn't have that same luck.
If Altrii really had fallen out of love with him, then it's extremely likely that he... Oh God. He must have. Thiomi's face began to pale at the thought that because of her, Sonja--
"Ugghhh, get that look off your face. I didn't kill her, much as she would have deserved it. Personally I find it offensive you have such a low opinion of me," Sonja said, causing Thiomi to finally look back up at him. His eyes were a clearly irritated orange, though with a deep calming breath the color began to recede back to yellow. For a brief moment, she opened her mouth to apologize, but she was quick to shut it and say nothing.
"No, I have a new muse. Her name is Engela, and she's my starlight, my beloved, my newfound reason for existence~ she's even a highblood-- Tyrian, in fact. Unlike you two failures, she actually appreciates my loyalty and devotion."
Thiomi could feel irritation pricking under her skin, but she tried to ignore it and shove it deep down with her other problem emotions. She so badly wanted to call him out for how delusional he was. How his "loyalty and devotion" was obsession and a desire to possess and control. How her only failing was not enforcing boundaries when they were young instead of running to his every beck and call so he didn't expect it from everyone he met. How he's a selfish narcissist who refuses to take even a gram of accountability for his own actions!
Instead, she sighed and forced a smile on her face. "I'm glad you've found happiness."
"Really, because judging by that hint of orange in your eyes, you're jealous," he fired back with a snug grin. Thiomi's smile fell instantly as she once again looked away from him. She never did have a good pokerface, and with everything going on, she was having a hard time stuffing down her feelings.
"I'm not jealous," she said in what was meant to be monotone, but she couldn't hide her growing annoyance. Sonja's grin only widened at the sight of his former moirail getting upset. It was like drinking a fine vintage wine to him.
"Well~ you're awfully something. Tell me, how's your own love life going? Have you and that hillbilly barbarian pig finally called it quits? ... No, I still see his darker green in your hair."
"Don't talk about Dantli that way. He's--"
"Oh, that's right! That blueblood you took on as your next project! You know, the one you got killed because you're such a shitty pale? Tell me, do you still think about her? How you failed her so severely?"
"I-I didn't--"
"Yes, you did. You got her killed, the main thing a moirail is supposed to prevent. Hahaha, maybe I dodged a bullet when you abandoned me!"
"I'm not--"
"Now, now, no need to lie and try to justify yourself to me. We both know how much of a fuck up you are. I weep for whoever winds up in your sights next."
"S-stop it."
"And then there's that teal you couldn't keep, either. You really are a disaster and a half when it comes to your quadrants! But at least she wasn't let as a catastrophe in your wake. She saved herself from destruction."
"I s-said s-stop it."
"Or what, you gonna cry at me? God, just look at those red eyes. You're practically glowing now! If you have something to say, just--" 
"Shut up!!!"
Sonja gaped at her in shock at her outburst as every insult and jab immediately curled up and died in his throat. Thiomi slammed both hands on the table and stood up, her eyes flowing with frustrated furious tears.
"What do you want me to say!? Why did you even talk to me??! To rub it in how wonderful everything is for you, and how awful it is for me!? Did you just want to see if you could finally reach the end of my patience!!? Well, guess what! You've finally fucking done it!!! Everything is my entire life is going FUCKING wrong!"
Sonja stood up and opened his mouth to speak, but he was immediately silenced by Thiomi grabbing her sketchbook and throwing it directly at his head. He managed to dodge getting hit in the face, but the book knocked one of his horn prosthetics clean off his head and into the grass behind him.
"No! S-shut up!! Shut up, shut up, shut up!! Shut! UP!!!
“You’re right! Is that what you want to hear!? Fine! You’re right about everything!! I couldn’t keep S-shadah! I was a terrible kismesis, and s-she cheated on me for— For perigees! At least four! Before I finally managed to force it out of her, and then s-she left me for her mistress!! I wasn’t a challenge for her! I was a terrible rival!! I’d give anything to go back in time and convince myself to never ever date her if I could!! Because of her, I’m terrified to fill that quadrant now! All I can think is that I’m just going to be cheated on and abandoned again!! That I can never truly compete with other people because I just don’t have that in me!!”
Thiomi’s whole body was trembling and shaking with unrestrained anger. Her normally quiet and soft voice was all but booming, something that Sonja would never in his life believe possible were he not on the other end of it.
“And Mareth??? I failed her even worse!! At least S-shadah is s-still alive! I tried s-so hard with Mareth!! I tried s-so hard to keep her out of trouble! I tried even harder to get her to s-see s-she had a drinking problem, but I s-screwed that up, too!! I wasn’t patient enough! I wasn’t understanding enough!! I tried to force her to get help instead of working with her!! I got s-so s-sick of all the lies and the broken promises that— You know what I did!?
“I tampered with her alcohol! I poured it all out and replaced it with the non alcoholic variant! Like an idiot!!! Of course s-she was furious with me! The angriest I’ve ever s-seen her in my life! AND WHO WOULD BLAME HER!!? Not me! Or you! Or anyone else with functioning common s-sense because apparently I threw mine out the window!!!
“We had the mother grub of all arguments, and s-she tried to leave! And when I tried to s-stop her, s-she hit me in the s-stomach s-so hard I passed out! It was hours before I woke up, and by then it was too late!! When Corali and I found her, s-she’d been dead for at least two hours!! And it’s all my fault for being a goddamn idiot!! If we never had that fight, s-she wouldn’t have left!!
“But no!!! I had to do the most idiotic! Moronic! Insensitive thing ever!! I’m literally the worst person to have for a moirail!! I’m the worst who’s ever done it!!!”
He voice was hoarse and raw, and every word hurt to say, but she couldn’t stop herself anymore as sweeps of repressed emotions came violently flooding out of her. She began aggressively pacing back and forth as restless energy overtook her. It wasn’t enough to just stand there and yell; she had to move.
“S-speaking of being an awful moirail, guess what!! You’re one hundred percent right that I was awful for you!! We never s-should have been moirails! I turned you into a monster!!”
“Now you hold one one second!” Sonja interjected, finally finding his voice now that he was the one being called out. “I am not a—“
“Yes you are!!! You’re the s-single worst person I have ever known in my entire life!! But it’s not your fault! I made you that way! I never made you take any kind of responsibility! I constantly made excuses for you! I accepted being controlled and manipulated and treated like I owed you everything!! I never enforced any kind of boundaries and instead let you treat me however you wanted because you’re purple and I’m green, plus you’re a sweep older than me!! I was s-so s-stupid to let it go on for as long as I did!
“Now look at you!! You’re a s-selfish, s-sociopathic, narcissistic, bitter, petty, homicidal, violent prick!!! At least there’s hope for Tragedy, but you??? I ruined you beyond repair!! You’ll probably never be better, and it’s all my fault!!”
Thiomi punched the table over and over in frustration, and tears still poured down her face like twin waterfalls, but she still wasn’t done. Her throat was in so much pain from prolonged yelling and screaming that she could swear she tasted blood, but she still went on.
“Oh, and you’ll get a kick out of this!! One of my closest friends came to me for help, and I ruined that, too!! S-sure, it s-started out fine! I wanted to help her get better! I wanted to s-see her s-succeed and be happier and fix the relationship s-she ruined with her s-son!!
“That s-should have been enough, but no!!! I got s-selfish! S-she had s-so much in common with Mareth that I used her s-struggle with being s-sober like a s-second chance!! I wanted a win! For once, I just wanted a win!! And I was using her to get it! I failed Mareth the worst anyone’s ever failed s-someone, but now I have another chance!! I have a chance to fix my mistake and do it right this time!!
“Forget about Corali’s feelings! Forget about her being her own person who’s trying to be better for her own sake!! No, no, I made it about me!! And now s-she hates me!! S-she won’t take my calls, s-she won’t answer my messages, and I’m pretty s-sure if I went to her hive s-she’d break my horns off!!
“And you know what??!  I deserve that!! I deserve every bad thing in life!!! I’m the worst there ever was!! All I do is hurt people with my own stupid—“
Thiomi choked on her words as a sudden wave of calm rushed over her. Her anger, her frustration, her every negative emotion was now gone and replaced with a peaceful serenity she hadn’t felt in sweeps. She took a deep breath and sat back down at the table as her head gently spun from all the energy she exerted. She didn't even get to the little boy she temporarily adopted and how she failed him as well before she was forcibly relaxed.
Sonja, eyes glowing bright purple with a deep scowl on his face, waited a full two minutes before releasing her from his voodoo to be sure she wouldn’t immediately return to hysterics. As the effects receded, Thiomi held her head in her hands and turned to face him. She felt better now that so much of what she’d been repressing was forcibly launched out of her system, but there was still a deep cloud of self resentment and loathing hanging over her.
“Christ, you are fucking broken. I actually feel sad for you. You’re even more pathetic than I realized,” Sonja said with a sneer. He turned his back to her to retrieve her thrown sketchbook and his dislodged horn, then tossed the book onto the table. “Word of advice: Get some goddamn help. Fuck.”
Without another word, he reattached his prosthetic horn and stormed away in a huff. Thiomi watched him go before placing her head down on the table and sobbing.
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your-local-grubdog · 2 years
Startouched AU: Hocotate Pt. 1
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So a while back I made this post detailing some changes to Hocotate and Hocotations in my startouched AU (which may need renamed as the thing that gave this AU its name is no longer in the AU, oops?). Well, this is that post remade, as I've sense added and changed some information around! It'll have to be split into two parts though, because it'd be too long otherwise. I put maybe too much effort into this LMAO the pikmin brain rot is real.
Part two will be linked here when done! (it done now) Also, for those who don't want to read this whole massive thing and just want to see the art, I will be slowly posting the drawings as individual posts with less descriptive explanations.
Anyways, grab a drink and enjoy! ^^
A quick note!
Animals here are referred to by Earth animal names to provide the closet description for what the animal is. Think of it more like a translation than the actual words being used. Hocotation dogs, for example, resemble bulborbs far more than they do any Earth dog. But they're called "dogs'' to describe how they act and where they fit in the world. The same applies to whatever Earth plants Louie has mentioned - there are no avocados on Hocotate (at least, not before Koppaites were able to start exporting scaly custard), but there is an avocado-like plant. By and large, I will refer to animals and plants as being "[species]-like animal/plant".    
The Planet 
Hocotate as a planet is fairly small, and very cold. It lies just within the habitable zone of its red star, and has a thin atmosphere. Two moons orbit the planet, an icey blue moon and an iron-rich red moon (that is also still fairly icey despite appearances!) alongside some rings made mostly of dust and ice. Ships coming to and from the planet must take care not to fly through a ring, or they risk damage to their ship.
Hocotate's land masses are rather interesting as there are no true continents. Rather, a series of sub continents in the form of large islands are peppered across the planet's surface. Smaller islands are, of course, present as well. The largest sub continents take about 3-4 days of constant driving via car to cross, assuming traffic won't stop you (which it will). It generally takes only 2-3 days of constant motion by a modern boat to get between the various land masses.    
Being so cold, the polar circles on Hocotate are proportionally larger than those of Earth. The very ends of each pole are almost completely inhospitable due to low temperatures. The only lifeforms that live there don't quite count, as they're microscopic organisms at the bottom of the ocean eating funky chemical soup from underwater volcanoes that are considerably warmer than the ice caps far above them. 
The only real "temperate" zone of Hocotate is found at its equator. The hottest spots on Hocotate (aside from volcanic areas of course) don't get much hotter than 85°F/29.44°C during the summer. Winters are the mildest here, being about 40°F/4.44°C. 
The rest of the planet's habitable zones really only have two modes: summer and winter. There is an inbetween stage of course, but the springs and autumns move by very quickly. Summers in these zones are very cool, and on the hottest of days you could get away with a thinner long sleeve if you really wanted to. Think 60°F/15.55°C range. Their winters, however, are brutal. Temperatures will drop below freezing, and heavy snowfall will coat the land.  
Fresh liquid water tends to be rare to find, as most is either frozen or salt water, though modern technology has managed to negate that.  
Hocotations evolved from a predator-omnivore species that were adapted to some of the coldest reaches of their planet. While most of the traits from them are not as apparent, some still remain such as fur and a tail.
This is just a drawing of Olimar that shows off most physical traits of Hocotations. It may prove helpful to reference as you read.
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The first and most obvious to many is the fact they have a fur coat comparable to that of a short-haired house cat, which comes in a variety of shades of brown and cream colors. Patterns sometimes appear based on genetics, such as belly patches or fawn-like speckling. Flushing of the skin is still visible through the fur. It'll bristle and raise whenever a Hocotation is scared or angry. They’ll also fluff up (which looks softer than bristling) when cold or very happy. It keeps them quite warm on their planet, though fairly miserable in warmer temperatures.
Whether their fur is straight or curly depends on genetics, with both traits being equally dominant. Generally, if their fur is straight then their hair is straight; if their fur is curly their hair is curly. There are rare exceptions to this, though.
They will grow extra fur in the fall and shed it in the spring, with kids needing to be sat down and groomed to ensure a smooth shedding. Most kids do NOT like this. Shed fur was historically used in pillows and house insulation, but in modern times it is often just disposed of.
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(Left is Olimar, who has straight fur, and right is Pluto, who has curly fur)
Hocotation blood is bright blue, which helps keep their blood filled with whatever gas they need even in frigid temperatures. As a result, they blush a purple-blue color and their insides tend to range in blue to purple colors, including their mouths and tongues!
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(Olimar’s blush is warmer as I’ve always associated him with warmer colors. Blush colors are hereditary but ultimately mean little.)
Their eyes generally appear to be mostly pupils because of fresh liquid water once being rare! Pupils help filter light, and will expand/contract based on how much light is needed. Water (and ice, if they're desperate enough to boil some for water) is very shiny, and thus they can catch the glittering of it easier. This is why they love treasure and generally shiny things so much - they're subconsciously programmed to think shiny = will keep you alive. This is also why humans love shiny things so much! Though it is a little more extreme in Hocotations. 
Hocotations also have tandem lupin, allowing them to see well in the dark. Below is a comparison of what humans, Koppaites, and most pikmin species can see versus what Hocotations can see. Note how the saturation of color lowers when in low light situations. This happens only in the dark - when there’s enough light, they see colors in the same way we do.
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(left to right are a refrence for everything in the scene, what humans/Koppaites/pikmin would generally be able to see in low light, and what Hocotations can see in low light)
This tandem lupin also causes their eyes to glow when hit with light in dark areas, much in the same way cats' eyes do. What color their eyes “glow” depends on the color of their iris. In canon pikmin media few characters have colored eyes, but in this AU that has been changed to where all characters have colored eyes.
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Hocotations have a sharp sense of hearing, and their ears will twitch when they hear a sudden and/or loud noise. They also have a sharp sense of smell, able to identify a person by smell alone. These scents can linger in an area or on something if strong enough, however they’re not the best at determining the age of a smell. The helmets of their space suits will block their sense of smell.
Hocotations are omnivorous! Because vegetable crops tend to be their most popular export, a lot of other races tend to assume they're vegetarian. They have very sharp teeth, plus a few flatter molars. They can also rarely have a trait that gives them longer and pointer tongues, but it does no harm nor no good for them. Just kinda is.  
Staples of a Hocotation diet include tubular/root plants, fiber-rich mushrooms, squash (a zucchini-like plant in particular), wheat-like and rice-like grains, eggs and meat from a quail-like bird, milk and meat from a goat-like animal, and meat from an ox-like animal. They also have access to sugar for desserts and many spices to flavor their food.
Displaying Emotion
They have long pointed ears which will move about depending on what emotion they are currently feeling. They will perk up slightly when spooked or alert, droop down when angry or sad, and pin back slightly when annoyed. As babies and toddlers, the cartilage in their ears hasn't fully developed. So until around four or five years of age, their ears will be folded down and they'll be unable to emote with them. Starting at age three or four, they will be able to perk their ears up for short bursts of time to emote interest in something, but they will quickly flop back down. 
Repeating from an earlier section for organizational reasons, their fur will bristle and raise whenever they are scared or angry. They’ll also fluff up (which looks softer than bristling) when cold or very happy.
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Hocotations can involuntarily growl to show anger, but can also just growl whenever they please to express any number of emotions. They develop this ability at around 3 to 4 years of age. 
Hocotations can also chuff in a similar manner to tigers to display happiness. Here’s a link to a YouTube video that shows you what this sounds like if you are unfamiliar with it. This will often be written out as “mrf” as an onomatopoeia. They have this ability from birth. 
Lastly, Hocotations have small tails, a left over from the animal species they once were. It gives them no benefit but does no harm either, so it never went away; just shrunk a bit. This tail will wag when they are happy, and shake slightly when they are interested or spooked.
As mentioned previously, Hocotations have a natural eye for shiny things as fresh liquid water was once much rarer on their snowball of a planet, especially in the regions they initially evolved in. Note that this isn’t an instinct to be greedy, far from it, just a natural affinity for such objects. Again, humans work the same way! It’s just slightly more intense for them. 
In the winter, Hocotations will “slow down” considerably on a multitude of fronts. This is due to a sort of pseudo-hibernation. While their activity levels and metabolism do reduce by a significant amount, they do not lower to the same amount as most other hibernating organisms do. While Hocotations typically sleep 8-10 hours* a day, in this pseudo-hibernation state they will sleep for 13-14 hours*, or just over half of the day (because messing with the length of days on other planets, while more realistic, is scary and can be confusing to readers if not made super clear). They will also eat slightly less and will display aversion to foods that take a lot of energy to digest.
*How long they sleep for changes drastically depending on age: these are the averages for adult Hocotations. For babies to teens, please see the section on development. 
Hocotations do have some residual hunting instincts from when they were still predator animals. These quickly fade as they age, however that is caused more by society/culture than by biology. These instincts mainly revolve around chasing anything they perceive to be a small animal. Toddlers will be played with in ways that actually encourage such behavior as a way to manage their energy. Children as young as five or six will lose this instinct when properly taught a healthier out-put for this energy: exercise and sports. The need for this energy output fades with time, due to a mix of this energy instead being put into oft demanding work and the body naturally slowing with age. However, these instincts can reappear for short bursts of time as a part of a Hocotation’s fight-or-flight response (or when angry drunk). This can be further intensified if they are “hunting” with other organisms with similar instincts, such as (but not limited to) dogs and pikmin.
Babies will sleep for most of the day in the warm months, and during pseudo-hibernation they will wake only for food and diaper changes before falling asleep again. This is due to how much development babies (and toddlers!) go though in a relatively short amount of time. As previously mentioned, the cartilage in their ears has not hardened and so their ears will flop down. Otherwise, their development mirrors that of humans greatly. 
This is the stage where their hunter instincts will begin to develop. They will instinctively chase after anything they perceive to be a small animal, a “small animal” to a tot being anything smaller than a typical adult house cat that moves quickly. Smaller creatures will need to be kept away for the safety of both the toddler and the animal, as toddlers will stick anything in their mouths. As they cannot be reasoned with to not chase things and the instincts are too strong to reasonably be taught out with other methods, parents will instead give them various toys to chase and gnaw on. These toys must be specifically designed for this use for the safety of the toddler. Toddlers will bat these toys around much like cats, chasing them the best they can. Due to their fur they are prone to sliding across smooth surfaces, so parents must be careful as to where their tots play (though a few minor bumps are both inevitable and, well, minor). Toddlers also like to look out windows, specifically to watch the various birds and other creatures that dart around the lawn.
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Toddlers will sleep for fewer hours than babies, but will still sleep quite often. During pseudo-hibernation, they will wake only to be fed, changed (or to use the bathroom themself, if potty trained), and for two hour intervals of high energy play that happen once or twice a day, depending on the toddler’s age. These two hour intervals are affectionately referred to by caretakers as “the zoomies”. 
At this stage, the cartilage in their ears will slowly develop. They’ll go from being able to perk their ears up for short bursts to typical Hocotation ears by the end of this phase. They’ll also develop the ability to growl, though they cannot control it.
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Young Children 
As children age, they will slowly but surely need less sleep to function, though still a fair bit more than what adults need. This is the age where, now that they can talk and (kinda, sorta, not really) understand consequences, they are taught to instead put their hunting energy into other activities. Namely, exercise and sport. They’ll spend much of their time in the warmer months running around, though they thankfully lack this extra energy during pseudo-hibernation. By this age, they’ll also figure out how to growl on command and suppress instinctual growls. 
Older Children
This stage of life is characterized (and started by) the beginning of puberty, which largely goes about the same as it does for humans. This is also the age where the pre-established sleep pattern of “needing less sleep as they age” encounters a hiccup. Due to the toll puberty can take on the body, they will once again start sleeping for longer periods of time. During pseudo-hibernation, they are infamously impossible to wake up and will only rise from sleep on their own terms.
Post-puberty, teens will slowly revert back to needing less and less sleep, until eventually matching the patterns of an average adult at around age 20. Otherwise, this goes about the same as it does for humans, how fun!
And that's it for now!!! Still have three, four-ish drawings to make for the culture half of this. Not sure when I'll get to it, but it should hopefully be soonish.
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moneymindsonline · 11 months
EngageBay Review 2023: The best all-in-one CRM?
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EngageBay is an across the board CRM programming that accompanies advertising, deals, and client service items. It offers every one of the instruments a business needs to carry on with work online at an extraordinary cost.
EngageBay sent off in 2017 and has developed to serve north of 29,000 clients. The product is ideally suited for new businesses, little and medium size organisations in B2B and B2C. It's worked for getting and sustaining clients, yet will it meet your business needs?
In this Engagebay survey, I investigate the intricate details of the product and test it myself.
Ron’s Thoughts
EngageBay is an excellent All-in-One sales and marketing customer relationship management (CRM) tool. But what makes it stand out is its cost; you get a ton of features for a fraction of the price you’d pay elsewhere. On top of that, EngageBay has one of the highest storage capacities compared to competitors so you won’t be running into any storage space issues anytime soon. You can also send push notifications to your contacts in no time.
Biggest Pro: Very Cost-Effective All-in-One Marketing Platform
Biggest Con: Small Number of Landing Page Templates
Annual Discount: Yes - Up to 20% Off
Price: Starts at $14.99/Month
Promotion: Free Version Available
Is EngageBay Worth it?
EngageBay is planned in light of private ventures and new businesses and will assist you with obtaining, drawing in, and sustaining your web guests, offering you the ideal chance to change over them into cheerful and fulfilled clients.
On the stage, you'll find a scope of deals enablement devices you can use for preparing a deals force. Likewise, the stage consequently records all correspondences with clients whether through email or by means of telephone
In the wake of evaluating many CRM send email showcasing stages, I chose EngageBay for my business, and today I will impart my experience to you.
Right off the bat, this is a profoundly proficient and viable piece of programming. On the off chance that you're searching for a strong CRM framework to use for your lead age, showcasing, and deals, then, at that point, this is an extraordinary choice to consider.
EngageBay offers the most thorough answer for your business.
You get fantastic incentive for cash thanks to their blend of elements, client service, and serious valuing.
Because of this brought together programming, you can quit paying a great many dollars every year to various showcasing, deals, and client care devices that you actually need to battle to channel tape together.
You can do everything with EngageBay.
The stage will deal with every one of your necessities and assist you with arriving at your business goals by successfully supplanting all the fundamental business instruments and programming you really want to oversee and develop your business with one advantageous apparatus.
There is extraordinary help from the Connect with Inlet group, and you are guaranteed quick, accommodating, and cordial help at whatever point you really want it. Quick version, EngageBay is a great device for independent companies and beginning phase new businesses with a little showcasing spending plan.
A great deal of other CRMs just proposition deals capabilities at the more exorbitant cost places, without extra showcasing effort the board, yet EngageBay offers you this multitude of instruments and an exceptionally low cost. You get every one of the elements you really want in one, and they are totally associated flawlessly.
EngageBay Review: CRM, Marketing Automation, and Support Platform
EngageBay comes with 4 products. Or as they call them Bays. They are the Marketing Bay, CRM & Sales Bay, Service Bay, and the All-in-One Bay.  Let’s uncover what each has to offer. 
EngageBay CRM and Sales Automation Features
When you , you’ll first see the default dashboard. Go through the steps in the ‘Getting Started’ panel to quickly get familiar with EngageBay.
The dashboard is customizable. Delete a panel or add a new report by clicking on the ‘Add Reports’ button in the top right corner. EngageBay offers 26 reports. These include:
Sales performance stats
Team leaderboards
Deals forecast graphs
Productivity stats
Create and manage sales deals
In the Deals tab is a kanban board with your leads. Here you can see the progress of any deal in your sales pipeline.
Add new deals to your pipeline and order them by status. For example when a customer is won, just drag the card into the “Won” column. 
The deal cards hold all practical information like in your CRM. Contact/company info, the deal value, and set task deadlines to follow up and stay on top of your deals.
Usually, working in sales is teamwork. In Tasks, you can assign who needs to do what and coordinate sales deals.
Creating tasks works in the same way as deals. Update task status with the drag-and-drop kanban board. Each task falls under a deal and gets a score for importance and priority.
Sales automation features
As you’re dealing with a lot of contacts, tracking deals and tasks can get a bit messy. That’s where EngageBay’s sales automation comes in handy.
I created a prospecting automation sequence for this review to get an idea of how everything works and I was impressed.
It was quick and easy to set it up. My automation gets triggered when a salesperson moves a contact into the prospect column of our pipeline. This automation assigns a ‘Proposal’ tag. This helps me manage and filter my email lists.
Next, an automated email is sent to the sales team. And they’re assigned the task to plan a video call with the prospect.
Normally, this would’ve taken a lot of emails and coordination.  Now it is automated all from just dragging one card. Amazing!
The automation builder can create new events and notes, assign tags, send emails, and open and close tasks. Use conditions to check whether a contact has a certain tag, if someone is assigned to a task, if the contact has opened an email, etc. 
Using actions and conditions together is powerful.  Sales automation saves time and keeps the sales engine well-oiled.
The sales bay also comes with calendar management, workflows, email sequences, and SMS/call logs.
Sending emails with EngageBay
Email marketing is part of the Marketing Bay. In my opinion, Engagebay nailed all the critical email marketing functionality. Email broadcasts, the email editor, automations, and templates work really well.
Email Broadcasts
You’ll find three types of email broadcasts in Engagebay.
Regular broadcasts are perfect to share product updates, company news, newsletters, and such. 
A/B broadcast to test variations of your emails to find out which version performs better. For instance test subject lines, images, or different email copies. 
RSS to Email to share your blogs automatically as an email whenever a new article is published.
After choosing your broadcast type, the drag-and-drop email editor fires up to design and edit your content.
The email editor comes with 10 widgets to add buttons, videos, text, images, etc. 
Change the layout of your email by adding blocks and columns. 
From the ‘Body’ tab, edit universal settings like link colours, width, and fonts.
Personalise your emails with names, company names, the name of their personal account manager, or any data in your database. Add dynamic content based on subscriber behaviour like their last download or purchase. Include products, deals, calendar events, and more in your emails.
Personalising emails takes little effort. Click on any of your text blocks and choose fields.
Quickly shuffle through personalization fields with the drop-down. Add any field you have data for.
Once you’re satisfied with the content and design, review your email. Here EngageBay lets you quickly skim through your email and check if something is missing.
Send the email right away, schedule it for later, or send in batches. It can also be part of an automation based on opens or clicks. I loved this, it makes it easy to create follow-up sequences.
To track your email statistics performance, you’ll see:
Sent date
Emails delivered
Opens / Open rate
Clicks / Click rate and
These are the default options but you can change your column views to add more useful statistics.
By adding more columns you can check bounces, spam complaints, variant performance statistics for AB tests, and more. 
Finally, it’s quite easy to export reports to a CSV file. 
Email sequences
Engagebay has drip campaigns, these send emails as “drips” over time.
Add as many emails as you want. All these emails will be text-based, you can format them with bold and italics and such, but design HTML emails for sequences. 
You can personalise subject lines and email content with any information you’ve collected about recipients.
Set delays between emails down to the minute specific. You can exclude days when you don’t want your emails to go out. Like holidays, or not sending emails on “No email Monday”.
To stop email sequences when a contact replies to an email in a sequence, go to Automation. Create new automation and select your sequence as the trigger. Then add a condition “Has Subscriber Replied”. Finally, add a “Remove from Sequence” action and choose your sequence.
Email Marketing Templates in EngageBay
EngageBay offers over 70 email templates across 4 categories. These categories are:
Most of the email templates are in the eCommerce category. While you’ll only find 3 templates in the Events category.
The email templates look OK for the most part. They have formatted headlines, CTAs, placeholders for logos, and styled links. There isn’t a real “wow” factor. The templates look a bit outdated and could use a revamp. This shouldn’t be a problem if you use them as a starting point.
You can always create an email in the email editor and save it as a template. Or use an external email editor, copy its HTML code and save it in EngageBay. 
EngageBay Marketing Automation
EngageBay’s marketing automation comes with all the features you’d expect from an all-in-one marketing software. To create automations in Enagebay, start from scratch or choose from pre-built templates.
The automation templates are for:
Follow up emails
Follow up tagging
Lead qualification
Lead scoring
GDPR double opt-in compliance
For this EngageBay review, I tested out the ‘Add score on form submission’ template. 
You start with a bare-bones template. Here I added a few actions and conditions to spice it up.
Let’s build automation! This one I build to:
Add a score of 20 to contacts that submit the form.
Tag them ‘Interested’, and send a follow-up email after one day.
Add a contact to a different drip sequence if the score is above 30 (meaning they’ve interacted before).
Voila! Here you have a first, basic lead scoring flow. You can see how this works to qualify leads and follow-up emails. Build similar sequences to add leads to your sales pipeline, and add tags on interests. 
Automation building and editing is similar to sales automation. This is great, you only have to get used to 1 automation builder.
To analyse performance, get information on contacts, SMS, and email performance. Email reports include delivery rates, open rates, and click rates. SMS reports show recipients, messages sent, and failed. Further sales and revenue data are either in an integrated eCommerce platform or in the Sales Bay.
Lead Generation in EngageBay
EnageBay CRM software also comes with useful list-building tools. Namely:
Landing pages
Inline forms
Popup forms
Landing pages
To begin building landing pages, choose one of the 87 templates.
You can just browse through previews and select a template that works for you.
The landing page builder has 14 widgets. You’ll use these to add forms, carousels, buttons, images, videos, and custom HTML. These are pre-designed sections called block templates, you can drag and drop onto your landing page. Save any block for reuse later on. 
You want your pages to look great on all devices. There is a toggle for mobile and desktop previews. If you find something needs improvement in the mobile view, edit it directly in that view.
Once you’re satisfied with the design, head over to Settings.
Give your page a title, edit URL, favicons, and meta description. You write your thank you page messages here as well. Pick the double opt-in email setting to make sure newsletter subscriptions from your landing page are GDPR compliant.
Once your landing page is live, the stats show views, unique views, contacts, and conversions. Download your landing page HTML and add it to any page in your website CMS. Or if you have multiple Engagebay accounts, copy landing page templates between accounts. You can create A/B variants to test elements of your landing pages.
Forms & Popups
Inline forms in Engagebay come with 12 templates and the form editor is easy to use.
You start by choosing a template, then make adjustments to your text, images, padding, and colours. Add or remove fields to get the information you need. When you are done, manage settings for double opt-in, thank you messages, redirects, and team notification options.
EngageBay forms also have options to make sure your list will be healthy. Turn on ReCaptcha to block bots. You can block some email domains, exclude IP addresses, or disallow emails with free accounts like Gmail or Yahoo to sign up. You’ll click together a form in 5 minutes.  
Editing popups is similar except you start by picking the rules for showing your popups. Then you choose a call to action, a theme, and get designing.
Show your popups only on the pages you want. For instance only on your blog, and a different one on your pricing page. AND/OR conditions are a blessing to set it up quickly. Popups can be further tweaked to show after scrolling, at least X time spent or is about to leave.
Analytics show impressions, unique impressions, and conversion rates. There is no A/B testing yet.
Contact Management in EngageBay
EngageBay has powerful contact management. You start with one database, then can divide contacts with lists or under brands/companies. 
Dynamic lists group your contacts on common data points. They help you stay organised and target customers better. There are 2 list types: static lists and smart lists. Smart lists refresh with new contacts that match the filter criteria and remove contacts that don’t. While Static lists don’t update dynamically.
Make segments using AND/OR conditions for any field you have in your database. This can end up being super targeted. For instance, if you are using tags for interests. 
On import, there is handy built-in email validation. Make sure all the emails are correct and deliverable, you’ll need to buy credits for it though.
Merge duplicates to keep your list clean and software costs down.
On each individual contact profile, there is a timeline with essential information like deal status, email responses, call logs, and more. You can edit an individual contact, add notes, tickets, and scores to keep all your contact information up to date.
EngageBay pricing and plans
EngageBay has 4 pricing plans. You can get the whole stack with all the bays. Or you can choose any combo of Marketing, CRM & Sales Bay, and Service Bay. Let’s break down each of the plans:
Free plan: Includes email marketing and lead generation tools. Comes with CRM, a help desk, and live chat. You get  500 contacts and 1000 branded emails/month for free.
Basic at $14.99/month: Includes lead scoring, social suite, tag manager, SMS marketing, and the landing page builder. Comes with a 1000 contact cap and 3000 branded emails per month.
Growth at $39.99: Includes 10,000 contacts and 25000 branded emails per month. Gives access to push notifications, marketing automation, and custom domains.
Pro at $99.99/month: Includes role management, custom reporting, and a dedicated account manager. Includes unlimited contacts and 50,000 branded emails per month.
Marketing Bay
Free: Use email broadcasts, landing pages, and live chat. Includes 500 contacts and 1000 emails per month.
Basic at $12.99: Comes with SMS marketing, tag manager, and lead scoring. Includes 1000 contacts and 2500 branded emails per month.
Growth at $34.99: Comes with email A/B testing, custom domain, and marketing automation. Includes 10,000 contacts and 20,000 branded emails per month.
Pro at $69.99: Comes with web analytics, a dedicated account manager, and phone support. Includes 30,000 contact limit and 30,000 emails per month.
Sales CRM Bay
Free: Includes contact management, and basic sales functions like deals and tasks. Comes with 500 contacts and a 1000 email per month limit. 
Basic at $12.99: Comes with multiple deals, predictive lead scoring, and tag manager. Includes 1000 contacts and 2500 emails per month limit. 
Growth at $24.99: Comes with a 20,000 contact and 20,000 emails per month. Includes an email scheduler, multi-currency support, and sales automation.
Pro at $49.99: Get custom reporting, goals, and autodialer. Comes with a 30,000 contact limit and 30,000 emails per month.
Who is EngageBay Good For?
EngageBay is perfect for anyone who wants a cost-effective solution for all their marketing, sales, and lead generation needs. 
This one platform has a variety of tools that make it the number one choice of CRM systems for many individuals, small businesses, and startups.
Here are a few use cases to help you understand what this platform can do for you:
Identify New Opportunities: The platform lets you create your own views so you can identify new opportunities to satisfy your customers’ needs.
Convert Visitors: EngageBay lets you build optimised landing pages and forms to help you convert your visitors in effective ways.
Automate Sales: Easily set up workflows and automation so you save time, make sales on autopilot, and free up more of your time for other business tasks.
Get a Holistic Customer View: EngageBay gives you a holistic view of all your customer interactions. This allows you to build stronger customer relationships and gain deeper insights for cross-selling or upselling.
Deliver Customer Happiness: The platform lets you store unlimited contacts and keep track of customer details in one convenient place so you can build strong relationships.
EngageBay Pros and Cons
As with every other software tool in the market, EngageBay comes with its own set of pros and cons, including the following:
Smart, User-Friendly Interface: EngageBay’s dashboard is simple and easy to navigate. Even total beginners will find the intuitive interface a lot easier to use than most other CRM systems or marketing automation tools.
Highly Cost-Effective: This is an all-in-one platform with incredible functionality. It encompasses marketing, sales, lead management, etc. all at one affordable price.
High Storage Capacity: The platform has a great capacity to meet your needs for storing contacts, images, and other information. 
Push Notifications: The platform allows you to quickly and easily send engaging push notifications to your contacts. 
Limited Landing Page Templates: EngageBay doesn’t have as many landing page template options as you might expect from a tool of its calibre. However, the platform is continually making improvements to its offerings.
Product Support
We sifted through dozens of online reviews and the prevailing theme is that EngageBay provides extremely good customer support. 
Issues are resolved in a timely way and the support staff is knowledgeable and friendly. 
On the platform, you can get support in the following ways: 
Knowledge Base
Phone Support
24/7 Live Rep
You’ll also find a ton of training online, including helpful webinars, videos, and even live online and in-person training. 
Important Note: Support levels on EngageBay differ according to which plan you’re on.
On the Free and Basic plans, you get email support and chat support. 
Users on the Growth plan get email and chat support, free onboarding sessions, and a dedicated account manager. 
Those on the Pro plan get all of this, as well as phone support.
System Requirements
EngageBay is a cloud-based, web-based, SaaS (Software as a Service) platform. You can use it on Windows and Mac, as well as Mobile (Android, iPhone, and iPad). 
Is EngageBay Legit?
According to many of the platform’s reviews online, EngageBay is a no-brainer all-in-one marketing decision. 
This is not surprising when you consider that the platform comes with all the tools you need for marketing, sales, and support at an affordable price.
In fact, you can start using EngageBay for free, making it one of the best free all-in-one CRM tools out there. It also means the platform is perfect for small and growing businesses. 
Moreover, the software is extremely easy to use. with a modern, clean interface with intuitive features that make it perfect for users of all skill levels, even total beginners. 
You can set up helpful workflows and automation quickly and easily thanks to the platform’s many integrations and built-in tools, saving you lots of time, effort, and money.
Check out what this user had to say about the platform:
If you’re ready for a single solution for all your activities, sign up for a free trial right now.
What is EngageBay used for?
It specialises in marketing, sales, CRM, and customer service. Basically, it has all you need to capture leads, turn them into prospects, and nurture relationships with your clients. 
My EngageBay review covers everything in detail about the process.
Is EngageBay free?
Yep, EngageBay has a free plan. It also has a free Helpdesk bay with tools for engaging with your customers. 
Does EngageBay have a mobile app?
Yes, it has an app for Android and iOS. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been updated for a while. Users have complained about it in their EngageBay reviews.
How do I delete my EngageBay account?
Here’s how to delete your account:
Click your avatar in the top right corner of the dashboard
Select Billing
On the next page, scroll down and click on Delete Account.
0 notes
boyd-speaks · 2 years
Tumblr media
We've made it to the end of yet another year, and it was a busy one. January: As usual there's a slow start tot he year, usually I don't want to start anything big right after the chaos of December. Frederick here is a unique DnD character, who unfortunately never saw play. I still super love their design though. February: And then into February we start our first daily series of the year. All year long I had a goal to design and make a fishing game, and I thought a daily series would be a good way to get the ideas flowing. For Fish-ebruary I drew a fish every day, based on a list of, really just evocative terms, that I wrote with the intent of giving them a bit of a fantasy twist. March: Another DnD character, but this time they got to see play... for precisely one session. Not featured here is the start of an influx of drawings for my twitch channel. At the time I decided to start my streams with a drawing, so I quickly accumulated a lot of very quick, very cute doodles, such as this one. April: After one month off I was back doing dailies, but this time I wanted to focus on backgrounds. Specifically backgrounds that were incredibly low effort. I loved this series, it really showed me how interesting of a picture you can make, using only straight lines. Since that was the daily series I felt I needed to include it in the review, but here are a few others from that month I really liked, including the debut of Daisy! May: With no delay I went straight into another daily series, this time trying to make a daily one-panel-comic, that wasn't a comedy, with the help of my girlfriend doing the text. The full comic can be found here. I also drew this for one of my streams, which is one of my favourite drawings from the whole year. I also made this very silly video. June: After two in a row though, I had to take a break, and it shows. Very few images felt relevant to show in this review. This one however harkens back to the fishing game I wanted to make. I wanted larger, weirder creatures in the game that had aquatic elements but were clearly not fish, fantastic or otherwise. July: For July I didn't do a daily series. I instead held a 12 hour art stream, where I drew 45 fish in a single sitting. I drew another 44 fish over the next 3 once-a-week streams. August: After Fishermon ended, I selected 6 to be my Fishermon Team, and gave them the 'official pokemon art style' treatment, as best I could. I made a video for it here. September: I made this drawing for a very silly video. I'm not actually sure why this month was so slow. Maybe because I was doing art for my girlfriends card game? I'm not actually sure when those images were drawn since they didn't really end up online. You can find the game online here. and some art assets here. October: As usual for October, I did yet another daily series. This one was for designing Monster Hunters, which was a really fun idea my girlfriend had. Other than this series, I also made this art video that I'm very proud of. November: A weirdly empty month, but again, after a month of dailies a break is sometimes in order. This specific image is for, yet another rpg character, this time not DnD though. December: And here in December, barely over half-way through, we've got the last of the year. The full image includes a few doodles from November, but the rest are from an attempt at making me into a Water Gym Leader. While one of the images is more fully rendered, I actually prefer the doodley one. And that's the year. See you in the next one!
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Flinch [Poly Marauders]
A/N: I’ve been reading a lot of poly Marauders fics and I got inspired to write my own. It’s very different than what I’m used to, and I give 100% credit to @randomoutsiders for the inspiration; please go read their work, it’s so good!
Also, this fic tackles some trauma about domestic abuse, so if this is a trigger PLEASE DO NOT READ. If you are ever abused in a relationship, please remember it’s never your fault and there are so many ways to get help.
International woman’s house crisis hotline (770-413-5557). https://internationalwomenshouse.org/get-help
Pairing: Poly! Marauders X fem!reader
Words: 3.1k
Summary: poly Marauders. You aren’t a stranger to being spanked, but Sirius tries to slap you without talking it through first, him not knowing it brings back past trauma. You’re shocked, but the boys take it as you liking it, so you power through. But the next day you flinch under normal setting, alerting the boys to something being wrong.
Warnings: TW! Mention of past abuse!, NSFW 16+, vaginal sex, oral (male receiving), polyamorous relationship, spanking, face-slapping, mention of subsbace, Dom!Remus, Dom!Sirius, Soft-dom!James, Sub!reader, degradation, praise, mention of cum, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it).
NSFW starts just below the cut!
Tears were streaming down your face as you tried to take Sirius’ cock as far down your throat as possible. Your arms and legs were shaking with the effort of keeping yourself up on all fours, as Remus pounded into you from behind. James was sitting beside you stroking your back and fisting at his own cock trying to reach his own high by watching you get destroyed by his two boyfriends.
Remus landed a firm slap on your ass making you jolt forwards, making you gag around Sirius.
“Such a little cockslut, can’t even take my cock without gagging” Sirius taunts, making you whine around him.
That’s when Sirius decides to try something none of the boys had tried before, he landed a slap across your face, a sharp sting on your cheek, and a red mark starting to form. Your mind was fuzzy, but panic set in and distant memories made their way to the front of your mind.
Right as Sirius had slapped you, your walls clenched around Remus and your eyes widened with panic, but Sirius took this as a look of surprise and assumed you liked it and he was pulled deeper into that thought when Remus spoke “I think she liked that Pads, she’s squeezing me like a vice,” he landed another slap on your ass, “isn’t that right bunny?”
Your mind was so fuzzy with both pleasure and panic you couldn’t do anything but whimper around Sirius.
“Fuck, princess take it” Sirius groaned as he started to twitch in your mouth, his cum filling your mouth, which you swallowed dutifully.
Sirius moved aside and let James stand in front of you and slowly put his own member inside your mouth. He let out a low groan at the feeling of your warm mouth around him and he wasted no time as he started to fuck into your mouth.
Behind you, Remus was rutting faster into you, growing close to his own release.
James was stroking your hair, being the softest of the three doms and keeping you grounded.
Sirius snaked his hand underneath you and found your swollen clit and started drawing fast circles on it, making you moan loudly around James’ cock.
“There you go, cum for us,” Sirius said as he applied more pressure to the swollen nub.
Your whole body shook as you came, your arms almost failing you.
The feeling and sight of you cumming made Remus moan loudly and spill his seed into you. James reaching his own high seconds after. Both boys slowly pumped into you, riding out theirs and your high, and slowly pulled out. As soon as they were out, you collapsed on the bed, your legs twitching slightly as you tried to catch your breath.
James chuckled softly and got up from the bed to grab a washcloth to clean you up.
“Such a good girl, you did amazing for us,” Remus said as he slowly rubbed your back to calm you down. The fuzz in your brain slowly disappearing as James came back and started to clean you, trying to be as quick as possible to not make you uncomfortable because of the sensitivity.
As James was cleaning you, Sirius had gotten up and fetched the four of you some clothes to wear, and helped you put it on.
As the fuzz had completely lifted from your brain, it was replaced with slight panic again, you knew the boys wouldn’t hurt you, but what if they wanted to. You hadn’t discussed with them that they couldn’t slap or hit you, but you didn’t know you had to. The thoughts were swarming around your mind, but you tried to keep calm and collect yourself, you didn’t want them to be mad at you.
“Okay princess, do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?” Sirius asked, opening his arms for you.
“No,” you said way too fast, but quickly added, “I mean, it’s Jamie’s turn.”
Sirius let his arms drop and frowned, “fine, but then you owe me tomorrow night and the next time we nap,” he said.
You nodded and turned to crawl into James’ bed, but were interrupted by Remus clearing his throat.
“Aren’t you going to give us a goodnight kiss, bunny?” He asked with a lifted brow.
You quickly made your way over to the scarred boy and stood on your toes to reach his lips. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, “goodnight.”
Remus kissed you back and wrapped his arms around you, giving your body a squeeze.
“That’s okay, bunny... are you still a little fuzzy? Because we can’t go to bed yet if you are,” he asked, wanting to make sure you were completely back before you went to sleep.
You just shook your head, “I’m fine, I’m here.”
Remus nodded and let you go to Sirius.
Sirius leaned down and gave you a long kiss, you tried to reciprocate, but you stood awkwardly as the raven-haired boy kissed you.
“Goodnight, love you,” you said quietly and quickly.
“Love you too, princess,” Sirius said but was slightly confused as to why you seemed so off.
You quickly made your way back to James, who was now lying under his blanket waiting for you.
As you got under the covers you snuggled close to him and he draped his arm over your waist.
“Goodnight, darling,” James whispered.
“Goodnight, Jamsie,” you whispered back, your voice almost nonexistent due to fatigue.
You made your way towards the common room after your last class of the day. You had woken up that morning still a bit weird in the head, the panicked state not quite leaving because of you being constantly afraid. You knew that they wouldn’t hurt you, of course, you knew that... but that’s what you thought about him as well, but you had been wrong before.
The last class of the day you had had without any of your boyfriends, so you were now making your way back on your own.
You walked through the portrait hole and made your way up the stairs towards the dorms. Normally you would be heading towards the boy’s dorms, your room basically being with your three boys, but tonight you decided to head towards your own dorm.
Your dorm room was empty, and you were grateful for the opportunity to be alone for a while. You decided to skip dinner and instead opting to grabbing a book and reading it whilst lounging on your bed.
You were so engrossed in your book you hadn’t noticed the time and suddenly the door opened, making you look up from your book for the first time in what felt like forever.
Lily and Marlene walked through the door but following them were the three boys you had avoided (not intentionally).
“Hi,” you said, your voice small.
“Hi bunny, why weren’t you at dinner and why are you in here?” Remus asked, the three boys making their way over to you and sitting beside you on the bed.
“I was reading and forgot about the time, I wasn’t really hungry,” you said as you started to fiddle with your fingers.
“Okay, you know we don’t like it when you don’t eat, but it’s fine... let’s just go to our room,” Sirius said. You couldn’t make out the tone of his voice and it made you nervous, so you just nodded and got off of the bed.
You said bye and goodnight to the girls and followed the boys to their dorm.
You stood in the middle of the room and your heart jumped a little when the door closed.
You started to fiddle with your hands again, a nervous habit of yours.
Sirius stood in front of you with a concerned frown, but you mistook it as an angry frown and dipped your head in submission.
“Princess, you know not to fiddle, and please look me in the eyes when I’m speaking to you, it’s rude not to,” Sirius said.
You lifted your head and looked at his face, you then looked between him and the two boys sitting on Remus’ bed, both looking at the situation unfold.
“I’m sorry,” you said, your voice small.
Sirius just shook his head and lifted his hand to run it through his hair, but you didn’t get to see his hand reach his hair before panic surged through your body, and your flinched, turning your head to the side and closing your eyes waiting for the impact.
You whimpered and a quiet “no” left your mouth.
Both Remus and James stood from the bed, both completely taken aback by what just happened.
Sirius’ hand halted and he dropped it again, his heart dropping to the floor watching your figure crumble in front of him.
You backed away a little, eyes still closed. You had forgotten that you weren’t allowed to flinch remembering it would only be worse when you did.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you repeated, your whole body trembling.
The three boys looked at each other, none of them knowing how to approach this, not wanting to frighten you more than they had.
Sirius was the first to do anything as the guilt took over and controlled his actions before his brain could tell him to stop.
He took a step towards you and wrapped his arms around you, making you jump again and let out a frightened gasp.
“I’m so sorry baby, I wasn’t going to do anything, I would never, please, I’m so sorry,” Sirius spoke, panic clear in his voice.
You collapsed against him, tears streaming down your face as you sobbed into his chest.
Remus and James quickly made their way over to you and wrapped their arms around both you and Sirius, holding you up.
You just kept mumbling almost silent ‘I’m sorries’.
“Shhh shhh, don’t be sorry, what happened bunny?” Remus asked, slowly caressing your back in hopes of calming you down, but you couldn’t answer him just yet.
After a while, your sobs slowly died down and the only sounds to be heard were your soft sniffles.
You lifted your head slowly and looked into Sirius’ eyes, his eyes already staring at your face trying to decipher what had happened.
You didn’t know what to say, the panic you felt before slowly evaporating, instead, you wrapped your arms around Sirius’ waist and squeezed him.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Stop apologizing, my love, you have nothing to apologize for,” Sirius said quietly, still afraid that he would frighten you again.
“Can we sit down?” You asked, your legs starting to ache from trying to keep yourself up, even if most of your weight was being carried by your three boys.
“Of course, baby,” James answered, and they led you to Remus’ bed where you all sat. Remus sat with his back against the headboard and led you to sit between his legs with your back to his chest. James took a seat beside you with his body turned towards you and took one of your hands. Lastly, Sirius sat crossed-legged in front of you and took your other hand and intertwined your fingers with his, to both comfort you, but also himself as guilt still surged through him.
You caressed Sirius’ hand with your thumb and squeezed his hand, knowing that you scared him with your reaction.
“You don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to, but we want to listen if you do want to tell us. We just want to help you and we’re not at all angry, we love you and just want you to feel safe with us, we never want you to be scared of us,” Remus started, his arms making their way around your middle to feel as close to you as possible and show you that he’s there.
You let out a long breath, trying to calm down because you did trust your boys and you wanted them to know that they did nothing wrong.
“So,” you started and cursed yourself for the shakiness of your voice, “you know that before I was with you three, I was with Thomas, you know before he moved to America?”
The three boys nodded but didn’t say anything, waiting for you to continue.
“Well.. uhm... we were together for a while, as you know, but he had slight issues with anger,” you continued, your breath still shaking and your voice breaking a couple of times.
Sirius, who was no stranger to people with anger issues, already had an inkling about where you were going. He could feel the anger start to fill his body but tried to keep his cool as you continued.
“He used to... h.h..hit me and he didn’t like it when I would flinch because he said he wouldn’t hurt me, b..but...” you were trying your hardest to get through your story, but your voice was breaking and fresh tears were weighing down your eyes.
“... he did, a lot and I know you guys never would, but it’s just always in the back of my mind.”
Sirius, James, and Remus were all shocked, they had all been friends with Thomas, not good friends, but friendly.
James was speechless, Remus's eyes filled with tears. Sirius was silently fuming with anger over anyone ever laying a hand on you and that’s when he realized he himself did, albeit during sex, but he still did. The anger was quickly replaced with guilt and sadness and all your weird behavior, especially towards him,
now made sense.
Before he had a chance to say anything the tears spilled from his eyes, catching the attention of yourself, James, and Remus.
“I’m so sorry, I would never have done it if I had known, I was so stupid, I should have talked to you about it first,” Sirius cried.
“No, you couldn’t have known! It was my fault for not telling you tha..” you tried to tell Sirius, but you were swiftly interrupted by the man himself. He grabbed your face in his hands and looked you in the eyes, “it was not your fault, never was, it was my fault for not asking you if it was alright before I did it and not even realizing that you weren’t enjoying it,” Sirius stated, making sure that his point came across.
You just nodded and leaned your head further into his touch, making Sirius’ heart skip a beat and he let out a shaky breath of relief.
“Thank you so much for telling us, our darling girl,” James said, stroking your cheek with his free hand.
Remus grabbed your waist and lifted you up, so you were situated on his lap, your side towards him. He kissed your temple and proceeded to say, “please tell us if we ever do anything to make you the least bit uncomfortable and we will stop immediately, we never want to hurt you or make you feel like you can’t talk to us or tell us when something is wrong.”
Sirius continued on from Remus, “we love you so much beautiful girl and again I’m so sorry for scaring you and laying a hand on you.”
“I forgive you; I know you didn’t do it with vicious intent, you only thought I would enjoy it and you couldn’t have known that I wouldn’t. I love you all so much, I’m so happy to have you all in my life,” you said as you leaned your head on Remus’ shoulder, your eyes growing heavy as fatigue took over your body because of all the emotions you felt in such a small amount of time.
“We’re the lucky ones, and lucky for you, you’re stuck with us forever,” James said with a huge grin, causing you all to let out a laugh, knowing that what he said was true. You couldn’t imagine yourself being with anyone else.
“You want to go to sleep, Bunny?” Remus asked, stroking your hair slowly, lulling you into a sleepy state, causing you to yawn.
“Mmhm,” you let out a sound of agreement.
“Okay let’s get ready for bed then,” James said as he got up to look for a shirt of theirs you could wear to sleep.
After having Remus help you get ready for bed and returning from the bathroom back into the room you stopped in the middle of the room, having to choose who to cuddle with that night.
Sirius didn’t want to push you, in your somewhat fragile state, but still very much in need of your comfort and reassurement.
You timidly made your way towards where Sirius was sitting shirtless on his bed and stood between his open legs, his hands instinctively finding placement on your hips.
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” You asked, not knowing why you had gone all shy.
“Of course, you can, our sweet girl, you don’t ever have to ask,” Sirius said and gave your hips a squeeze. His stomach leaping with excitement and relief.
You leaned down and kissed his forehead and left his grasp to kiss both Remus and James goodnight.
Sirius was waiting for you to finish before making his own way over to the two boys to also say his goodnights.
“Don’t worry Sirius, she’s not mad or scared, she was just shocked,” Remus Whispered for only Sirius to hear before he made his way back to the bed where you were waiting for him.
Sirius got under the covers first and opened them so you could slip in.
You laid facing Sirius, his arms around you holding you as close to his body as possible, legs intertwined, one of your hands resting on his chest and the other resting on his cheek.
“I love you so much, I can’t even explain it. If I ever see that horrible excuse for a man I will hex him into oblivion,” Sirius whispered, the first part sweetly, but his whisper got more aggressive as the sentence progressed.
His statement made you giggle; you knew he was being serious (pun intended) and you felt your heart swell with love at how safe you felt with them.
“I love you; I hope we never do see him, but I know I can always count on you, I feel so safe with you.”
Sirius’ eyes filled with tears (again) at your words, it was all he ever wanted.
He gave your body a squeeze and pulled you even closer if that was even possible, and you buried your face in the crook of his neck breathing in his masculine scent.
Sirius’ soft breathing and steady heartbeat lulled you to sleep, and you knew you always would be safe with not only him, but all three of your boys.
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v-hope · 4 years
Tiger Lily
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Fluff, slight angst, smut, established relationship, College!AU
Word Count: 11.3k
Summary: After finding out your boyfriend was the one to secretly leave flowers in your seat every week back in high school, you have many questions he’s willing to answer. And after finding out the reason the two of you had not gotten together back then was because of your ex best friend, the two of you decided that, first, you were never letting anyone else get in between you, and, second, you were making the most out of your time together from now on.
—Alternarively, the one in which you and your boyfriend finally get your place all to your own and he decides he’s not letting his nonexistent sexual experience stop him from having his way with you anymore.
Warnings: Virgin!JK (a.k.a. male virginity loss), fingering, cunnilingus, handjob (kinda), penetrative sex, protected sex, very slight (male) overstimulation, shy and confident guk keep switching places (when do they not), just very lovey dovey, very intimate.
A/N: Helloo, this is part 33 of my Social Media AU Tiger Flower, but you can still read it if you don’t follow the story. I’m actually shocked by how long this turned out to be but wbk I’m soft as hell for this couple 🥺 so please give it lots of love because I put a lot of effort in this ksñaks. I hope you guys enjoy! Oh, and also, I’m bolding the first and last sentence of the smut part, so if you don’t wanna read it just skip what’s in between the bolded words lol.
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“I’ll get it” Yoongi announced when someone called on the door, leaving you and Jimin alone on the sofa as he rushed up to get it.
As soon as he opened it and Jeongguk stepped inside your shared place, bowing politely to your friends before his stare fell on you, you felt your heart race. Saying nothing, you gave him a closed mouth smile, having him do the same at the sight of yours. Although it hadn’t been longer than a week, it had been the longest you had gone without seeing each other ever since you became friends, and, even though you weren’t really showing it right then —as for some reason you were nervous as hell to see each other again—, it was unbelievable how happy you were at the mere sight of one another.
“We were just leaving” Yoongi informed, catching up on what was going on. After all, you had told both him and Jimin that your boyfriend would be coming over to talk things out.
“We were?” Jimin asked with furrowed eyebrows. “I just got home”.
“Let’s give them some privacy” he tilted his head towards the opened door so Jimin would tag along.
“I can go to my room for that”.
“Yah! We all know your nosy ass will eavesdrop everything that way” Yoongi called him out, and you didn’t miss the way Jeongguk had to lower his head not to show his amused smile, being already used to your roommates’ endless bickering antics by now. “Come on, let’s go see Jin hyung at his pub”.
Simple as that, Jimin left your side in a heartbeat to go to the door. “Well, I won’t say no to drinking” he admitted, stopping right in front of Jeongguk and pointing an accusing finger at him. “Take care of my baby”.
“My baby” Guk corrected him, mumbling his words low enough for you not to hear.
Although, unlike you, Jimin did hear —for that had been your boyfriend’s intention—, he said nothing, instead glaring at him the way he always did whenever that discussion over you took place at least twice a week, and walking out of the apartment for once and for all. Yoongi, on the other hand, gave the two of you a small thumbs up before following behind his friend.
And just like that, with the sound of the door closing, silence was quick to take over the room.
This was probably the first time ever since you met that neither of you knew what to say. Fuck, this was probably the first time in your life you didn’t know how to start a conversation. And it wasn’t like you could go over there and kiss him like you were dying to, could you? You had not completely made up yet. That’s what he was here for after all. To talk, not to make out. Although you weren’t really against that idea, and he most definitely was not either — the way his eyes fixed on your lips even all the way over from the door was enough to tell you so.
It had been a good couple of days since you had last seen each other after all.
“You, uh…” your voice came out quite unsteady as you stood up, fixing the plain t-shirt and cotton pyjama pants you were wearing. “Are you hungry?” you asked, walking towards the kitchen and having him quietly follow right behind as you entered it. “Wanna eat something? Drink something?”
He shook his head no when you turned around to look at him, resting your hands on the counter as you leaned against it. “Just wanna clear up your questions”.
You nodded, for that was what he was here for after all, to clear everything up so the two of you could go back to normal. So you could go back to being the happy couple you both loved so much.
“So what are they?” he pushed it when you stood there with no signs of wanting to speak any time soon.
“I just…” you shrugged, making yourself comfortable by sitting at the edge of the counter. “Why didn’t you tell me before that you were the one sending me flowers back then?”
He pouted in confusion as he came closer to you. “When?”
“When we were friends…”
“It would’ve been out of place back then, petal” he explained. “We were just friends and you were into someone else. It would’ve been awkward for us and I really didn’t wanna lose you as my friend” his voice couldn’t help but come out rather bitterly at that, remembering all the thoughts that had invaded his mind when he first saw his chance to let you know it had been him all along, all the thoughts that kept him back from telling you.
“And when we started dating?” you tilted your head. “You had so many chances to tell me, Guk…”
“When we started dating I just didn’t think it mattered anymore” he confessed, unconsciously resting his hands on your knees. “I had you, I really didn’t care about it anymore”.
“You could’ve still told me…”
“And how was I supposed to bring it up? It’s not something I can just say out of nowhere” he pointed out, having you nodding understandingly. “And what was I supposed to say anyway? Hey there, I’m your flower boy?”
A light laugh escaped his mouth when you playfully shoved him away at his words, mocking what you had once told him was the confession you had been expecting from your secret admirer. Holding your hands, he pulled you closer to the edge of the counter, and hence, closer to him. Taking advantage of that, you intertwined your fingers, enjoying the familiar warmth of his hands as you admired the way he softly swayed them together.
“This is so surreal” you sighed.
“In a good or a bad way?”
You shook your head, not being able to give him a proper answer. “I just… I always wanted it to be you so bad, and for a good while I was sure it was you, but it made sense that you were into Sooyeon instead”.
Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows, the mere thought of ever feeling something for her making him want to gawk. “How could that have ever made sense?”
“She was more like you” you pointed out, rushing to make your point before he could snap at you for comparing the two of them. “Like, yes, she was popular and had lots of friends, but she was the most quiet out of all of us. Believe it or not, she was really shy back then, an—”
“And why would I have wanted more of the same?”
“Huh?” you were taken aback by his question.
“You’re saying she was like me, then I don’t understand why would I have wanted to be with her” he said as if it was obvious.  “If I barely ever speak and so did she… I mean, how would that have even worked out?”
You shrugged, not being able to help the small smile that had started curving up your lips. “Is that why you fall for loud asses like me? So someone else will make up for your lack of talking?”
He chuckled at the teasing tone in your voice, allowing his hands to travel up to your thighs and tenderly drawing circles on them with his thumbs. “Not really” your eyebrows knitted together at his words. “There were a lot of loud girls who would not shut up to save their lives in our class and I didn’t really like them. If anything, they annoyed the hell out of me”.
“Why’d you even want to be with me then?” you wondered, being genuinely curious as to what about your loud, chatty antics, made you different to the rest of your loud classmates.
“You really don’t know why I’ve always liked you?”
You shook your head no. “Why is it?”
Taking in a deep breath, he took a step back so he could collect his thoughts before answering your question. “I don’t think you even remember when I just transferred to our high school in the second year, let alone my first day there. Mrs. Kang made me sit on the empty table next to yours and then proceeded to pass around a surprise test, and me being me, of course I forgot my pencil case at home that day,” he huffed, causing you to chuckle under your breath. “So I just sat there internally freaking out because I couldn’t bring myself to ask anyone for a pen, like I couldn’t move and my voice literally wouldn’t come out no matter how hard I tried” a breathy laugh abandoned his lips. “And I was accepting the idea of turning in a blank paper when suddenly a pen was placed on my table. So my eyes followed your hand back to your table and there you were with your eyes stuck to the test, solving the math problems like you had not just saved me from failing on my very first day as the new kid,” you laughed at his dramatism, however, you managed to remember about that moment. “And then as soon as the class ended you were surrounded by people and you were all talking nonstop and I didn’t know how to give you your pen back, so I tried to slide it into your table but you caught me and told me I could keep it, that it was a ‘welcome present’, and then you smiled at me and honestly that was it for me, Y/N”.
“It was?” you wondered in awe, eyes shining when he nodded.
“I didn’t like loud and popular people up until then, which is kinda weird considering Tae’s my best friend” a throaty laugh escaped your lips at his remark. “But although you were those things, you always got me. You just… understood, in a way. Like, you didn’t pressure me to talk or made me feel bad for not doing so, like the rest of the popular kids did. If anything, you would try to make me feel like I wasn’t all on my own whilst leaving me alone like I wanted” he tilted his head, wondering if what he just said had made any sense, knowing you understood his point when you smiled ever so sweetly. “Like when you added me to your group project one time and let me send my part instead of having to go hang out with you and your friends for an entire afternoon, or when you would invite me to your birthdays along with the rest of the class and then proceeded to tell me not to feel pressured to go if I didn’t feel like it. And even now, ever since the beginning you made me feel good about not really being into partying and barely ever talking”.
“You’ve been more talkative with me lately, though” you pointed out as you mindlessly played with the hair at the back of his head. “Although this is the most I’ve ever heard you talk”.
He chuckled, playfully pinching your thighs. “Don’t get used to it”.
“I won’t, I won’t” you chuckled, planting a chaste kiss to his chest. “Anyway, you said I get you but I didn’t let you do your part of the project on your own this year, though” you reminded him with a feigned pout that he couldn’t help but find the cutest. “And I force you to spend time with me pretty much everyday now. Will you forgive me?”
Jeongguk let out a throaty laugh, leaning in just enough for his lips to press to your cheek. “I got to date you now thanks to that, so you’re forgiven” he planted another kiss to the curved up corner of your smiling mouth. “And funny how you think you’re forcing me when half the time it’s me asking to hang out”.
You giggled. “We love a 50/50 relationship”.
Tilting your head ever so slightly to take a better look at him after hearing him chuckle, you were greatly surprised by his lips pressing down on yours.
Although you had jokingly said that last sentence, it was not far from the truth at all. It wasn’t just you chasing after him and wanting to be with him all the time, but him wanting the exact same all the same. So you could tell by the way he was kissing you right then. It was slow, painfully slow, yet the way his hands were firmly cupping your face to keep you from moving away as he deepened the kiss, could not fail to tell you just how much he had missed you, needed you, those past few days you were apart.
Pressing one small peck to his mouth, you tugged at the fabric of his sweatshirt to pull him closer to your body, later wrapping your arms tightly around his waist and resting your face on his chest — a content sigh escaping your mouth when his arms did the same with you and his lips kissed the crown of your head.
“It really never would’ve crossed my mind that you liked me way before the whole flowers thing...”
“Not even when that one summer we would keep running into each other at the park and you would catch me staring from time to time?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
The heat didn’t wait to reach your cheeks at that. You remembered that very well, for it was the summer you caught feelings for him as well, the one right before you entered your last year of high school. You would go out for walks on your own just for the sake of doing something other than staying in texting your friends all day long, and would run into him most of the time while he walked his dog, the one you now knew was named Gold.
Although you had talked in class more than once —or well, you had talked to him more than once—, you were not friends, and hence, neither of you got the guts to come close to one another to try and start small talk. However, that didn’t stop either of you from staring at each other when you were not looking. Sometimes you would catch each other staring, though, and you couldn’t stop an amused smile from curving up your lips when you remembered one particular time he had choked on air when you smiled at him after catching his eyes being fixed on you, just like he had choked earlier this year when you had asked him if you could sit next to him in class. It seemed to be a habit of his by now, at least when it came to you.
“I thought you were just judging me over the way I was always sniffing the flowers and taking pictures of them…” you admitted, for although a part of you did want to believe he was into you back then, you couldn’t really bring yourself to fully believe it.
He pulled you back by your shoulders so he could give you a questioning look. “Judging you with heart eyes?”
“Yah!” you called him out, feeling your cheeks burn.
Jeongguk laughed, shaking his head in amusement. “I really just couldn’t take my eyes away from you, you looked so hypnotized by them and it was the cutest to me”.
“Is that why you thought about secretly giving me flowers?” you couldn’t help but ask.
He nodded, lowering his head. “I know it would’ve been easier to just talk to you, but I really couldn’t bring myself to do it. Fuck, I even was a nervous wreck this year when you first talked to me,” a breathy laugh escaped his mouth. “So I just… thought I could do that for a while until I got the guts to confess. Although I guess a part of me really wanted you to find out, because whilst looking for different kinds flowers I came across tiger lilies and, apart from finding out they were my birth flower, their meaning just fit so well with what I wanted to do and I just—”
“What do they mean?” you asked.
“It’s cheesy” he let you know with pleading eyes, silently asking you not to make him say it out loud. “Like, really cheesy”.
“Come on,” you begged with pouty lips, getting a hold of his hands. “I’ll look it up on the internet either way if you don’t tell me”.
He shook his head in both amusement and embarrassment altogether, knowing well enough you would do just that if he did not comply right then. So, biting down on his bottom lip, he said: “Please, love me”.
Your eyebrows furrowed in clear confusion. “Huh?”
“They mean ‘please, love me’” he clarified at the sight of your puzzled face, and your heart skipped a beat as you froze in your place. “I told you it was cheesy”.
“No, no, it’s not that. I just… is that what…” you pressed your lips together as you tried to compose yourself. “Did you… do you mean that?” it was now his turn to look confused, tilting his head to the side because of it. “You want me to love you?”
And although to you it seemed like a complicated question to answer, to him, on the other hand, it wasn’t. So, nodding his head immediately, he let you know that was exactly what he wanted.
“Back then, even when we were teenagers and barely ever talked, and I knew nothing about love, I was convinced I was in love with you… even if I knew it was one sided. And now that I got to be your friend and then your boyfriend, I…” he took in a deep breath, staring down to your hands in his before his eyes went back to yours. “I know more than ever that I love you. I love you so much, Y/N. And I know loving someone takes time, and I don’t want to push you or rush you at all, but if you could just try and find it in you to love me back someday, I—”
The small chuckle that abandoned your lips caused his mouth to shut close in an instant, not understanding what was so funny about his words and for a split second there feeling uneasy. However, all his worries went away when you cupped his face in your hands, staring at his lips for a brief second before your eyes went up to fix on his.
“I already love you, you dummy”.
Not giving him time to process your truthful words, if anything, knowing it would take him a while to do so, you leaned in to steal a small kiss from his lips, pecking them ever so tenderly a couple of times until he smiled, finally understanding the meaning of your words and placing his hands on the back of your neck to keep you from pulling away as he sucked on your bottom lip.
“Say it again?” he pleaded in between kisses, not being able to erase the huge smile on his face.
You chuckled teasingly. “Nope”.
“Yah,” he let go fully of your mouth. “You’re always speaking nonstop and now that I for once ask you to say something, you won’t?”
“Exactly” you smiled brightly, giggling when he squinted his eyes at you and leaning in to peck his mouth a couple more times. “I love you, bun” you cooed, being done with your teasing way earlier than you had planned to.
And it was the way you loved him back, along with the way you had gone back to call him that pet name he was the softest about, what had him giving you one of those bunny smiles of his that made you come up with that name to begin with.
“You won’t say it back?” you wondered, batting your lashes for him to take a hint.
Nevertheless, he shook his head no. “I already said it twice, we’re even”.
“Yah!” you lightly shoved him off, only to have him standing right back in between your legs like he had been during your entire conversation. “Jeongguk-ah~”
“Yes, baby?” he played innocent.
“Tell me you love me” you pouted, crossing your arms over your chest.
Letting out a light laugh, he cupped your face and gave your mouth a chaste kiss. “I love you, petal”.
You smiled sweetly, allowing him to plant a few more kisses on your mouth before you pressed your lips to the spot under his jawline, resting your face on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you once more.
“You should’ve confessed back then” you lamented, looking up to his face yet only being met by the sight of his chin. “Why didn’t you?”
He sighed, resting his chin on the top of your head and tightening the hold of his arms around your waist.
There it was, the most important question out of them all. The one he had came here to talk about, yet he had completely forgotten about as he had gotten caught up on making up with you instead. And now that things were finally good between you two, he couldn’t help but fear bringing up said person and what she had done would make things worse all over again.
“I was going to” he let you know. “That was the plan all along”.
Your eyebrows knitted together, sitting up so you could fix your questioning eyes on his troubled expression. “Then why didn’t you?” you repeated your previous question.
He sighed heavily, causing your body to tense up, as you knew right then you wouldn’t like what he was about to tell you. “Sooyeon…”
“What?” you pushed it when he stopped right after mentioning her name. “What did she do?!”
He bit the inside of his cheek. Although he had found out about everything a few days ago and had gotten some time to come to terms with it, it still hurt just as much. All the lost time and what it could have been, all the possibilities that could’ve come with having been with you as a couple ever since your last year of high school, still made his blood boil.
“She found out I was your flower boy one morning and she told me I was wasting my time…”
“What?!” your loud tone was a mix of both worry and anger. “Jeongguk, what did she tell you?”
He shrugged, a weak smile curving up his lips. “Does it matter anymore?”
“Of course it does” you argued. “It does to me”.
Letting out another sigh, knowing well enough he could not avoid this anymore, as you deserved to know the whole story just like he did, he grabbed your hands and gently held them in his — partially wanting to let you know it was alright, partially wanting to feel like it was alright. “She said you had told her you hoped it wasn’t me because you would have to give me a chance out of pity,” the look in your eyes right then made his heart hurt. “Because I was not popular, and I barely ever talked, so you would always be bored around me yet would have to pretend like you were not…”
“Bun, I never said that. I neve—”
“I know” he cut you off before you could freak out completely. “Petal, I know that now”.
“No, but she lied!” you raised your voice for him to hear you out. “I’m never bored around you, you know that, right? And the few times we got to talk back then I was never bored either, I…”
“Baby, I know…” he soothed you, cupping your face and pressing his forehead on yours. “I know. It’s okay”.
“Guk, I had feelings for you back then” you confessed, feeling your voice break.
He took in a shaky breath. Somehow, hearing that coming from you had hurt more than finding out from someone else like he had a few days ago. “It’s okay”.
And it was. It really was. You were together now. Somehow, you had managed to find your way back to each other years later and didn’t have to know what your lives were like without each other. However, the fact that it was alright, it didn’t mean it did not hurt. Because it did hurt. Thinking you could’ve been together ever since three years ago. How you wouldn’t have dated that asshole who broke your heart, and how he wouldn’t have gone three years of his life believing he was not enough. All of that, was not something the two of you could easily let go of.
“So all this time... you really believed I had said that about you? Even when we were friends, when we became a couple…” your voice sounded more broken by the second. “You let me back into your life even when I had supposedly said all those things back then?”
“Call me delusional, but I still really wanted to be close to you” he sheepishly admitted. That’s how he knew he would always have a soft spot for you, no matter what. “And anyway, baby, in my mind that was the high school you. You didn’t seem like the person who said those things back then at all when I got to actually meet you” he reassured you, then bitterly adding: “Now I can see why”.
You breathed uneasily. “You’re too good to me…”
“Yah, Y/N” he called you out immediately. “I told you, we’re not doing this”.
“But I really don’t deserve y—”
Your words were cut off by his lips softly pressing down on yours. Just like you would always call him out whenever he thought less of himself, hating it when he did that, he, too, hated hearing you say stuff like that about yourself.
“It doesn’t matter anymore” he whispered against your lips.
“Yes, it does…” you pouted. “She lied to both of us and we believed her. We could’ve been together ever since...”
“I know…”
“Three years, Guk. We lost three fucking years” you reminded him. “What if I hadn’t asked you to be my partner in the project this year, I mean, I wouldn’t even have you in my life and all because of her”.
“I know” he couldn’t hide the bitterness in his words this time. Because he knew very well what you were feeling, for he had felt the exact same a few days ago. “But can we just… forget about it?”  
“No, I want to beat the shit out of her” your determined, poisonous tone, could do no other than earn a loud giggle from him.
“Do that later?” he pressed his lips to the crook of your neck. “She already took enough time away from us, let’s not let her get in between us anymore. We’re making up now, it’s just us two...”
It was now your turn to giggle, relaxing under his loving touch and nodding your head in agreement before you leaned in to briefly press your mouth to his jaw. “We’ll just have to catch up on all those lost years then”.
He laughed under his breath, cupping your face once more as he leaned in just enough for his lips to faintly brush yours. “I guess we’ll just have to do that”.
Enjoying the sound of that, you puckered your lips up right as his soft ones came in contact with them, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck so you could deepen the kiss. Humming contentedly when his tongue made its way inside your mouth, you felt his hands let go of your face and wander down your back, holding onto your hips to bring you even closer to the edge of the kitchen counter, at which you reacted by wrapping your legs around his hips to help him create the friction between your bodies he was asking for.
You found yourself letting go of his neck to dig your hands inside his sweatshirt instead, smiling coyly at the way you felt goosebumps form on his skin. You had discovered not long ago he was quite ticklish on his sides, and you absolutely loved faintly running your hands along them just to get that reaction out of him.
He breathed heavily when your fingertips made their way up his abs, letting his hands go down lower from their current spot on your back and placing them on your ass instead, giving it a light squeeze as he took advantage on said action to grind his hips against your center.
“Mm…” you let out quietly, finding out just then how much you had missed feeling him close like that.
“You think they’ll be home soon?” he asked, referring to your two chaotic friends, as he peppered a trail of kisses down to your neck.
“They must be just getting started on drinking” you let him know, a smile curving up your lips at the sensation of his wet ones sucking on your skin. “Why? You got something in mind?”
The chuckle that left his mouth tickled your skin, feeling one last kiss being placed on it before his lips were briefly back on yours. “Only if you’re up for it”.
Your lips parted in a bright smile, without another word, shoving him lightly out of the way so you could place your feet on the ground — gently taking his hand in yours and having his adoring eyes stuck to you as you guided him over to your room.
Once inside, and as you let go of his hold so you could turn around to lock the door just in case your friends decided to come home earlier than expected, his eyes fell on the multiple tiger lilies he had left on your seat over the last two days, along with the bouquet of flowers he had sent over to your place earlier that day, all of them carefully lying on your desk by one side of the bed. Smiling at the fact that you had kept them all —as he had been worried you would’ve thrown them away when he first sent them—, he turned around towards you right as you were done with the door, cupping your face immediately and bringing his lips to meet yours in a quite needy kiss.
Walking you backwards towards the bed as he refused to break the hot contact between your mouths, he helped you lie down on it as he crawled over your figure, parting your legs open with his knee so he could lie in between them — a light laugh of his resonating against your mouth when your hands were back into his sweatshirt and the trace of your fingertips tickled his sides.
Wanting more of you as well, he found himself digging his hands inside your t-shirt just like he had grown fond of ever since that one time in his room, letting them make their way up to your breasts so he could tease them a little bit. Only, this time, he was met not by the thin fabric of your bra, but with your soft skin instead — feeling your nipples instantly harden at his sudden touch as a small hum abandoned your lips.
Not being able to hide his —very pleasant— surprise, he withdrew his lips from yours; wide eyes staring at you before they travelled down to your still covered breasts.
At his quite cute reaction, you couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “I’m wearing pyjamas, is it really that surprising?”
It shouldn’t be. He knew that very well, considering you had not once worn a bra whenever you slept over at each other’s. However, being so caught up in the moment, he had seemed to forget about that altogether.
Deciding to say nothing, he leaned down instead to trap your bottom lip in between his again, sucking lightly on it as his hands squeezed your breasts in such a way that left you wanting more in a heartbeat.
“Mm… fuck” you moaned ever so quietly when one of his thumbs teased your nipple.
Smiling at your reaction, he moved his kisses all the way down from your mouth to your collarbone, feeling your chest heavily move up and down when his mouth came close to it. Firmly placing his hands on the curve under your breasts, he lifted your body up with ease to adjust you up enough on the mattress so that your still covered breasts were now right under his face.
Not giving you a second to process what had just happened, he lowered his face to your chest, pressing open mouth kisses on the fabric that was still covering it, and getting another moan out of you when his hand went back to teasing one of your breasts under your t-shirt, while his hot mouth sucked on your other one over it.
“Guk, fuck” you gasped, feeling goosebumps form on your skin when his lips travelled down to your bellybutton and his hands abandoned your chest to tug at the end of your top instead.
Biting down on his lip, he glanced up to you before doing anything else. “Is it okay if I?”
Although his question had been left incomplete, you answered him with an eager nod of your head, wanting nothing but to feel his wet mouth on your sensitive buds already.
Tongue wetting his lips in anticipation, he lifted your t-shirt over your chest — leaving it still on yet completely exposing you to his eyes. And it was the way his eyes fixed on your naked chest like the world had just stopped, what managed to make you nervous enough to bring your arms up to cover them.
“I would’ve worn something hotter for you to look at if I had known this was going to happen” you couldn’t help but joke your way out of it.
Jeongguk laughed lightly, leaning down to peck your neck a couple of times, trying to ease your sudden nervousness. “I don’t think anything could ever top this”.
Because although he was sure getting to see you in lingerie would be one hell of a sight, he loved this view the most. He loved looking at you, with absolutely nothing on the way of your body and his eyes.
And just like that, his teasing yet genuine words were the last push you needed to relax under both his touch and stare, allowing him to gently grab your wrists and remove your arms from off your chest. Receiving a small nod from you when his questioning eyes fixed on yours for a second, he planted two short kisses to your mouth before they were back on your chest.
Your back curved up with the first lap of his tongue on one of your nipples, feeling your breathing become heavier when his lips wrapped around it without any kind of warning.
“Jeongguk…” you moaned in what sounded like a plea.
Wanting to hear more of his name coming out as one of your pretty moans, he swirled his tongue harder around your bud, right as his thumb teased the one he had left unattended until then - not many seconds going by before he moved his mouth over to it so he could tease it as well.
“Fuck,” you gasped when his mouth sucked on your skin. “Jeongguk”.
Catching on the way you had pushed your hips slightly up to try and get some friction out of his already hardened length, he found himself giving you one slow thrust that had you both moaning whilst wanting more. Instead of grinding on you again, however, he let go of your breast and let his hand wander down to your pants instead, palming your already wet core through them before he fidgeted with their waistband.
“Please,” you begged.
“Hm?” he hummed against your jaw, as he placed a sweet kiss to it before going to your lips.
“Your fingers” you managed to blurt out, feeling like you were losing your mind over the way his long fingers were now teasingly digging inside your pants. “Jeongguk, please”.
Although he found out right then that he  loved hearing you beg, he wanted the most to make you feel good, which is why he was quick to comply with your wishes. Palming you now over your damp panties, he felt your body shake at the contact — a gasp escaping your mouth when his fingers made the fabric aside and they started rubbing circle motions on your folds.
You felt warmer and way more wet than he had expected, and he felt the sudden urge to run his tongue along your folds to get a taste of your arousal. However, right then, he knew what you wanted, what you needed, were his fingers inside of you. So, he did just that.
“Ah, fuck” you threw your head harder against the mattress when one of his fingers made its way into you.
“You’re so tight...” he breathed out in amazement, feeling himself get harder at the thought of what it would be like to feel your walls tightening around his cock instead.
Slowly shifting his finger inside your responsive walls, he focused on taking in your facial expressions to try and figure out what pace you liked the most — sticking with a faster one after one particular moan had escaped your lips right after he speeded up his pistoning motions.
“Like that?” he asked nevertheless, planting a lingering kiss to your chest.
“Yes” you managed to blurt out, grinding your hips against his finger, being desperate for more.
Catching up on that, he added another digit, hissing at the way your walls had seemed to tighten even more around them. Opening and closing his fingers in scissoring motions as he tried to stretch you out so he could move around with ease, he felt your breathing become heavier by the second, letting out a choked moan when he experimented by curling his digits against your walls.
“Oh, fuck” you whimpered when he curled them once more, managing to hit with them that one spot that could make you come undone in a matter of minutes.
“Feels good?” he asked, admiring your factions as you were too immersed in your own pleasure to remember how to speak.
“Mhm…” you answered with a simple sound instead, mewling when his motions sped up their pace. “So good”.
“Fuck,” he blurted when he felt your juices running down your slit. “Baby, you’re dripping”.
“Jeongguk, don’t stop” you begged when you felt his fingers no longer moving inside of you, desperately grabbing his wrist when you felt them start to pull out. “Don’t stop”.
He reassured you with an intoxicating kiss that made you dizzy. “I wanna eat you out”.
Your breath hitched at his low words, feeling your walls tighten when you opened your eyes to meet his hungry ones. And you didn’t have to even think before you were nodding your head. You needed him, that was all you knew. No matter if it were his fingers, his mouth or his cock, you were desperate for him right then, and would let him have you however he wanted.
Kissing your lips one more time, he felt you whimper against his mouth when his fingers pulled out of you, causing you to close your legs as you tried to replace the way they felt with the friction your thighs could provide you with. It didn’t last long, though, for Jeongguk was quick to pull them open once more so he could remove your pyjama pants along with your panties, licking his lips in anticipation at the perfect sight he got of your dripping folds.
“Fuck, you’re so hot” he rasped, causing your cheeks to burn and another whimper escape your mouth when his thumb brushed faintly over your clit.
“Jeongguk, please” begging seemed to be your only way of communication that night, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying the hell out of it.
Pulling you closer to him, he placed your thighs over his shoulders before he finally brought his face up to your heat. Worrying for a split second there, as he was not entirely sure as to what was the right way to do this, he decided to go with his instinct —just like he had done seconds ago when his fingers were inside of you— and begin by slowly sliding his tongue through your folds. The way your body had trembled and a moan of yours had reached his ears as soon as he did, let him know he was doing well.
Delving his tongue in your slit, you instinctively reacted by pulling your hips slightly away from him at the pleasure his ministrations were giving you, and Jeongguk didn’t hesitate before grabbing your thighs and pulling you closer to his mouth once more, sucking on your wet heat before he pushed his tongue inside.
“Oh, God” you whimpered when he started fucking you with his tongue. “J-Jeongguk, yes”.
Moaning loudly when he pushed a finger back into you, you grabbed onto one of your breasts with one hand, as your other one travelled down to entangle your fingers in his already messy hair, earning a muffled moan from him when you pulled lightly at it.
Curling his finger inside you the way he had found out drove you crazy, his mouth let go of your heat, planting a small kiss on it before he licked his way up your folds and stopped by your clit. Although he was not experienced in all this at all, he did know stimulating that small button of yours could work wonders, and he was willing to give it a try. The second he swirled his tongue around it and you cried out in pleasure, he knew it wouldn’t take much longer before you reached your climax if he kept applying pressure on that particular spot.
Tightening his hold on one of your thighs to keep you from moving away as your body writhed beneath him, he added a second finger inside you, sucking on your clit before his tongue came in contact with it again.
“Mm—ah, Jeongguk. Fuck” you cried incoherently, curling your toes as you felt your climax getting closer. “Fuck, d-don’t stop”.
Feeling your walls tighten around his fingers, he could tell as well that you were close. Pushing his digits deeper into you, he managed to hit once more that one spot you needed him the most.
“Right there” you let him know, curving your back when he followed your words and his fingers brushed over it once more. “Oh, righ—fuck!” you whimpered.
“Let go, baby” he rasped, replacing his mouth on your clit with his thumb and pressing down on it in circle motions. “Cum for me”.
The mere sound of that, along with the way his mouth had came in contact with your folds as his fingers kept fucking into you, were all you needed to finally come undone under his touch, crying out his name one last time as his fingers helped you ride out your orgasm.
Closing your eyes and letting the aftershocks take over your body, you moaned lightly at the feel of your boyfriend’s tongue running along your slit, tasting the juices that were dripping down on it and licking you clean before he made his way back next to you, hovering over your figure and kissing you hungrily yet somehow gently. One of his thumbs caressed your hip as his other one came in contact with your chin, drawing circular motions on your skin as you kissed him back — eyes still closed as you felt your body finally steadying.
“Was that alright?” he asked, planting a lingering kiss to your mouth.
Opening your eyes, you looked at him with disbelief written all over them. “It was amazing” you reassured him with a smile nevertheless, allowing his mouth to come in contact with yours once more.
Pulling him closer by wrapping one arm around his neck, you felt something hard poke one of your sides, causing you to undo the kiss and stare down to the outline of his hardened member against the loose fabric of his pants.
“Want me to help you with that again?” you teasingly raised one of your eyebrows, earning a small lip bite from him at the memories of how good you had made him feel not too long ago.
Although it took him a second, he nodded his head. A smile curved up the corners of your lips at that, only for it to be replaced with a frown when his hand stopped you from reaching for his cock.
“Not like that” he shook his head.
You pouted in confusion. “Then how…”
Wetting his lips with his tongue, he leaned down to brush his mouth with yours. “I want to fuck you”.
You felt a wave of heat hit your body at his words, for although he had just seen and touched pretty much all of you, and you had just offered to suck him off, you had thought that would be as far as you’d get, just like that one time in his room when it had led to nothing else.
“W-What?” your voice betrayed you by stuttering a bit.
“I want to fuck you” he repeated, sounding just as determined as he had before. “You don’t want to?”
“No, I want to!” you were quick to clarify. Fuck, you wanted to. “It’s just… You sure you want this? With me?”
“I’ve wanted to have you like this for so long, Y/N. I could not be any more sure” his words sent shivers up your spine. “Besides, sorry to remind you, petal, but you are my girlfriend, so…”
“That I am, huh?” you played along, pulling him down by the neck of his sweatshirt so your lips could meet his. “Then I guess I’ll be good to you tonight and let you have your way with me”.
Smiling contentedly at your words, he wasted no time in crashing his mouth on yours, burying one of his hands under your t-shirt to give one of your breasts a tight squeeze before he tugged at the end of the fabric — eyebrows furrowing slightly and puzzled eyes opening when you held your top down by pressing your arms to your sides, not allowing him to pull it up so he could take it off.
“It’s unfair you’re about to leave me naked while you’re still fully dressed, don’t you think?” you pointed out with pouty lips.
Rolling his eyes in amusement, he sat up on the mattress so he could take his sweatshirt off, being followed by you right after, as you helped him get rid of it with a smile on your face. Now, you had seen him shirtless once, when you were having food in his room one evening and he stained his t-shirt with soda, proceeding to change into another one right in front of you, but you had seen little to nothing of his torso, as he had turned almost fully around as he did so. And hence now, you could not hide the hungry look on your face as you stared at his toned chest.
“My eyes are up here” he teased you with an amused smile, causing you to send a playful glare his way.
“You didn’t exactly look into my eyes either when you pulled my t-shirt up, so…”
He chuckled at your snarky remark, leaning in to connect his mouth with yours and then tugging once more at the end of your top, just like he had done a minute before. This time, however, you pulled your arms up, letting go of his mouth so he could get rid of that one last piece of clothing of yours that was bothering him so much.
Not wasting any more time, you helped him out of the rest of his clothes as well, giggling against his lips when they needingly crashed on yours once more, with one swift movement lying you down on the mattress as your curious, wandering hands became familiar with each other’s bodies.
A raspy moan escaped Jeongguk’s throat when your hand stroked his member, being followed by a choked one when you tightly wrapped your hand around it, gently moving it up and down his length.
“Fuck, Y/N” he breathed heavily, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he unconsciously thrusted into your hand. “I need you”.
You smiled at the sound of his begging words, leaving a small kiss on his naked shoulder before you released his member from your hold and pushed him on his back, letting him adjust into a more comfortable position as he rested his back against the headboard, before you sunk your knees down on the mattress on each side of his lap — his hands immediately resting on the curve of your waist and a shaky breath coming out of his mouth at the feel of your wet core rubbing ever so faintly against his cock.
“You sure you want this?” you asked.
He eagerly nodded his head, pulling you back to meet his swollen lips. “I want you so bad”.
Feeling a wave of heat rushing through your body at that, you nodded your head, pecking his lips one more time before you reached for your nightstand, opening its small drawer and taking a condom out of it. Going back to your boyfriend, you were met with his rather taken aback expression.
“You knew this was going to happen or…” he questioned with a raised brow and a teasing smile.
You shook your head as a shy smile curved up your lips. “The two idiots I live with filled my drawer with them when we started staying over at each other’s regularly” you explained with a roll of eyes. “They also left a box full of them in my closet”.
Jeongguk laughed wholeheartedly at that. “Well, that’s good to hear. They will come in handy”.
Laughing along with him at his joyful remark, you opened the small envelope in your hands, pulling slightly back so you were no longer hovering over his member and could slide the condom on it with ease — feeling Jeongguk’s breath hitch at both the unfamiliar feel of the thin latex around his length, and the familiar one of your hands on it. Staring back at him once you were done, you stole a sweet kiss from his lips, hearing him moan against your mouth when your hand was once more wrapped around his cock, pumping it a couple more times as you aligned it with your entrance.
And then, locking eyes with him for a second, you kissed him slowly. As slowly as you had started to sink down on him.
Letting go of the kiss as he involuntarily tilted his head back, Jeongguk let out a loud moan, immediately getting lost into what was without a doubt the most pleasure he had ever felt. And he knew right away that your warm, wet walls wrapping tightly around his member, was something he could easily become addicted to.
Staring lovingly at the way his eyes remained closed and his mouth slightly open, you couldn’t help but moan as well as you pushed down lower on him, feeling your walls stretching as you tried to take his entire length.
“Fuck” he rasped when he was completely inside of you.
Tightening his hold on your hips, he pulled you slightly closer to him on his lap, not being able to hold back a blissful chuckle at the way the friction he had just created made him feel.
“What is it?” you wondered with a smile of your own when he leaned in to rest his forehead on your shoulder.
“It feels so good” he let you know with another chuckle.
Joining him on his sudden outburst of joy, you let out a light laugh just as he pressed an open mouth kiss to your shoulder, loving to be the one who got to share this moment with him — to be the one he wanted to share this moment with. Pressing a small kiss to the top of his head, you placed two fingers under his chin to push it up and have him look at you. Once he did, you leaned in to steal a lingering kiss.
“I love you” you said for the third time that night.
He smiled brightly, bringing his lips up to yours and locking them in a slow kiss. “I love you more”.
Opening your mouth to fight him on that, what came out of it instead was a choked moan after he pulled your hips down on his cock.
“Jeongguk, fuck” you let your forehead fall to his shoulder when he pushed his hips up to yours.
Slowly rolling your hips, you met him right as he thrusted up on you once more, causing a small moan to make its way out of his mouth. “Mm… baby…”
With his hands firmly grabbing your hips, you let him guide the pace as you rode him, loosely wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your forehead on his as the two of you grew used to the rhythm he was leading. Closing your eyes, you let your heavy breathings mix as they were now, along with a few moans here and there, the only sound filling your silent bedroom.
“O-Oh, fuck” you gasped when he pulled you down harder on him, somehow managing to push deeper inside of you.
You leaned slightly back when he repeated said action, tilting your head back as well and then humming quietly when you felt his warm lips wrap around one of your breasts, slowly sucking on your nipple, as you had just given him the perfect opportunity to do just that, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and pulling you closer to him as you kept rolling your hips at the same pace he had created for you before.
“Mh—ah! Fuck” he moaned when you pushed your legs up, enough for only half of his cock to be inside of you, to later take it all in again. “Y/N…”
Doing it again, you couldn’t stop the whimper that had just abandoned your mouth as his length had managed to reach that soft spot of yours. Needing more of him, you sped up the pace of your grinding against his hips, feeling him finally let go of your sensitive bud to let his sweaty forehead rest in the crook of your neck as his moans became louder by the second.
“Wait, wait” he demanded breathily, placing his hands on your hips and firmly holding them down so you would stop moving. “Stop”.
“What’s wrong?” you worried, doing as told in a heartbeat.
He shook his head no, quietly letting you know nothing was really wrong, as he buried his face deeper in the crook of your neck and closed his eyes while he tried his best to catch his breath. “Feels too good” he admitted in a raspy voice. “Don’t wanna cum yet”.
You giggled under your breath, finding silent joy on the fact that he hadn’t asked you to stop because he wasn’t enjoying what you were doing, but because he was liking it too much.
Lowering your head to his shoulder, you planted a small kiss on it. “You can cum if you want” you let him know, pressing another soothing kiss to the crook of his neck. “I understand”.
He shook his head no, letting out a heavy sigh as his thumbs drew tender circles on your skin. Maybe it was his ego, or just the fact that he really wanted to make you feel good too, maybe both, what made him refuse to let himself go right then, no matter how bad he wanted to. No matter how hard it was not to.
Smiling sweetly at him, you brought one of your hands up to his damp hair while your other one caressed his back, entangling your fingers in his dark locks as you waited for him to come down from the high he had been about to reach. Letting out a sigh when he felt like he could finally breathe again, he placed his hands on your back to pull you closer — lips looking for yours when your naked chest pressed on his.
Kissing him hard, you opened your mouth for his tongue to meet yours after it had traced your bottom lip, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck and trying your best not to roll your hips like you were dying to. Although you didn’t have to hold back for much longer, for with one last kiss and with his warm hands still holding you down on his cock, he pushed it deeper inside of you.
“Fuck” you gasped at the sudden stimulation, taking it as your cue to start moving as well.
“F—Y/N” he moaned when your hips met his in the middle, as they pushed into you once more.
Helping you lead the pace once again, he held you by the waist, digging his fingers into your hot skin and deciding right there, as you moaned his name and your walls tightened around his cock, that he wanted to take over from then on. So, with a swift movement, you were now under him as he laid your back on the mattress — a light moan escaping your lips when he pulled out of you to make you more comfortable on the bed, immediately becoming whiny as you missed his whole length inside of you.
“No, don’t stop fucking me” you pouted, breath hitching when he grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer to where he was sitting down on the mattress. “Jeongguk, please”.
He smiled at both the sound and sight of you right then, really enjoying them one hell of a lot. It was your messy hair, swollen lips and naked chest that moved up and down as you breathed heavily, along with the neediness in your voice as you were begging for him once more, what made it easy for him to decide he liked being in control.
Catching your bottom lip in his mouth as he adjusted himself in between your legs, he heard you beg one more time against his lips. However, just as you did, he felt one of your hands desperately go down to your center so you could feel something inside of you. Only you didn’t get to, for his hand grabbed your wrist right before your fingers could find their way inside, managing to grab your other one as well and pin them over your head as he pushed his hips down enough for the head of his cock to align with your wet center.
“I’m the one fucking you tonight, petal”.
You moaned at the sound of his words being murmured against your neck — the way such sweet pet name had been said with such a lustful tone right then, making you somehow even more needy for him.
“Please,” you breathed out, overwhelmed by the way his mouth teased the sensitive skin of your neck and he rubbed his cock against your core, not quite pushing into you yet. “Jeongguk, please. I need you”.
“What was that?” he wondered teasingly.
“I need you” you repeated. “Jeongguk, please. Please fuck m—ah!” your head was thrown back in pleasure when he slammed his entire length into you, just the way you were so badly begging for.
Hungrily kissing your mouth, he muffled the moans that came out of it with each thrust of his hips — letting go of your lips as a low groan made its way out of his throat when your walls wrapped tighter than he had felt them do that evening, as you were getting closer to reach your high.
Letting his forehead fall to your shoulder, he muffled a cry against your skin as you wrapped your legs around his waist and your walls tightened once more against his cock, knowing right then he wouldn’t be able to last much longer.
“Harder” you pleaded breathily, arching your back as he wasted no time in complying. “F-Fuck, Jeongguk. Ah!”
“Y/N” he rasped your name, feeling his inevitable release about to hit. “Fuck, I’m g-gonna cum”.
Not being able to form any kind of coherent sentence right then, you settled for an eager nod of your head to let him know it was okay. Digging your nails on the wet skin of his back, you scratched your way down on it when he once again managed to find that one soft spot of yours that had you crying out in a second.
“Right there,” you desperately let him know, feeling your legs start to give up when he kept hitting it with each of his thrusts. “Fuck, right there”.
“A-Ah, Y/N, I’m—” he stumbled upon his own words, not being able to hold on anymore given how much tighter you were getting now around him. “Mm… I’m gon—ah!”
Groaning one last time, he let himself go like he had fought so hard not to — your pulsating walls around his cock finally driving him over the edge.
Although overwhelmed by the intense wave of pleasure running through his body, beginning to feel dizzy even, he did not slump down on you to catch his breath like he so badly needed to. Instead, he kept riding his own orgasm — his thrusts becoming sloppier yet rougher as he greedily tried to drive you over the edge, too.
And it was only a matter of seconds before you did.
“J-Jeongguk, I’m—ahh!” you cried out one last time, feeling your shaky legs give up as you came undone beneath him.
Helping you ride out your orgasm as well, Jeongguk whimpered at the overstimulation, finally letting his body slump down on yours and burying his face on your neck, as he felt his body tremble with each spasm of your walls around him. Feeling his hot, heavy breath hit your sweaty neck as the two of you desperately tried to catch your breath, you entangled once more your fingers on the hair at the back of his head — fingertips ever so tenderly moving in circular motions in a soothing way.
Closing your eyes for a couple of seconds, you felt his thumb caress one of your sides, later having you opening your eyes when he pressed two brief kisses to the crook of your neck and a breathy laugh of his was soon to follow right after.
“What’s so amusing?” you wondered, feeling the corners of your mouth curve up when another chuckle of his reached your ears.
“That was amazing” he confessed, causing your face to burn as your smile grew wider. Pressing one of his arms down on the mattress, he held his body up so he could lock his eyes with yours. “Was it okay for you?”
You bit your bottom lip, shyly looking away for a split second before your eyes focused back on his. “Jeon Jeongguk,” you called his name in a serious tone.
“You made me cum twice” you reminded him, loving the sight of his already flushed cheeks turning even more pink than they already were. “I think that speaks for itself”.
He let out a shy laugh, tilting your chin up as he brought his lips down to yours and kissing you sweetly for a good couple of seconds, later moving his lips over to press an open mouth kiss to your cheek before he finally pulled out of you. Removing the condom from his member, he crawled to the edge of the bed and reached for the small bin you kept under your desk next to your bed, bringing it closer to him and throwing the used latex into it before he went back to lie on his stomach next to you — blissfully letting you kiss his lips once more like you had just reached up to.
“I’ll get better at it” he promised, earning a quiet giggle from you.
“Well, we do have three years to make up for, so I guess we’ll both get a lot of practice” you pointed out coyly.
“And we don’t have to worry about running out of condoms anytime soon” he reminded you, amusement clear in his voice.
Throwing your head back on the mattress, you allowed a throaty laugh to escape your mouth, later looking back at him and bringing your hand up to cup one of his cheeks. Gently caressing it a couple of times, you puckered your lips up for him to come closer and cut the space between your mouth — smiling softly when he complied in a heartbeat, slowly sucking on your bottom lip.
“I love you” he mumbled on your lips, loving the way he was finally able to say it freely, knowing you felt the same, like he had been aching you to all along.
“I love you more” you repeated his previous answer with a smile.
Kissing your lips chastely, he shook his head no, tilting his head towards the flowers that were taking over your desk. “Those are proof that I love you more”.
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Those are proof that you’ve loved me for longer, it’s got nothing to do with the amount of it”.
“Mhm…” he nodded his head, letting you know with both the tone of his voice and the look on his eyes that you were not convincing him. “Whatever works for you, petal” his lips turned into a smile as he let his back slump down on the bed.
“Yah,” you gently shoved him off, feeling your heart skip a beat when you heard him laugh.
Pulling you to his chest by wrapping an arm around you, he planted a kiss to your forehead. Although you had sighed contentedly after resting your face on his chest, he didn’t miss the way your mind was quite absent right then.
“What’s wrong?” his eyebrows knitted together, growing somewhat more confused after following with his eyes to where yours were staring at and having them fall on the flowers.
“Nothing” you smiled, unconsciously running your fingers along his chest. “I just wish these particular ones would last forever”.
Smiling as he adoringly stared at you, he hugged you closer to his body. “I can get you all the flowers you want”.
At that, your head snapped up so you could lock eyes with him. The mischievous smile that had just formed on your mouth as you cockily raised one of your eyebrows, letting him know right away he was about to regret what he had just said. “You’ll be like my flower daddy then?”
Yup, there it was, the regret.
“Anddd, you ruined it” he lamented.
Letting his head fall back down on the mattress, he closed his eyes as he tried his best to fight the smile that was threatening with taking over his face, knowing he would fail miserably at it when he heard you chuckle next to him — finally giving in to it and laughing as well as you peppered open mouth kisses around his face.
Although popular, loud, chaotic, bubbly, impulsive as hell, and just the complete opposite to what he was, he could not be any happier it was you the one his heart had chosen to fall irretrievably in love with.
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thimbil · 3 years
Having some thoughts about the references and inspirations used for the Bad Batch’s designs.
So Boba Fett is my absolute favorite character and Temeura Morrison was perfect casting. I went to see the 2008 TCW movie in theaters because I was so excited to see him again, even if he was animated. You can imagine my disappointment. Whoever was on screen was not Temeura Morrison. You could sort of see a resemblance if you squinted and didn’t think too hard about it. They replaced Temeura with Racially Ambiguous G.I. Joe. If I didn’t know better and someone told me the animated clones are space Italians from the moon of New Jersey I would buy it. One Million Brothers Pizzeria and Italian Bistro. Not that there’s something wrong with being space Italian, I just don’t think it’s the right choice for the Fetts. The design got slightly improved by season 7 but it still bugs the hell out of me.
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I did eventually get into the show later and (of course) got invested in the clones. Unfortunately, they were largely sidelined by the Jedi storylines. Out of the two new main characters created for TCW, Ahsoka definitely got more development and focus than Rex. When they announced The Bad Batch, I was excited to see a show specifically devoted to the clones… at least that’s what it said on the tin. We have all seen what lurks beneath those stylish helmets.
Jango Fett, you are NOT the father.
So who is?
Based on interviews with Filoni, it sounds like the Bad Batch was a George Lucas idea. And like all his ideas, it’s super derivative. The original trilogy directly lifted elements from sci fi serials, westerns, and samurai movies, more specifically Kurosawa films like The Hidden Fortress. For The Bad Batch character designs, the influence is obviously American action and adventure movies.
Now let’s get specific. Bad Batch, who’s your daddy?
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Sylvester Stallone as Rambo in First Blood 1982. That bandana has become an integral part of the iconic action hero look. You see a character wearing one and it’s a visual shorthand for either “this character is a tough guy” like Billy played by Sonny Landham in Predator 1987, or “this character thinks he is/wants to be a tough guy” like Brand played by Josh Brolin in The Goonies 1985 or Edward Frog played by Corey Feldman in The Lost Boys 1987.
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Hunter’s model is closest to the original clone base. If you look closely you will see the eyebrows are straighter with a much lower angle to the arch. His nose is also not the same shape as a standard clone like Rex, including a narrower bridge. It’s certainly not Temeura Morrison’s nose. Remember what I said about space Italians? It didn’t take much to push the existing clone design to resemble an specific Italian man instead of a specific Māori man. The 23&Me came back, and Hunter inherited more than the bandana from Sylvester.
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The long narrow nose, the sharp cheekbones, the scowl. That’s no clone, that’s just animated Clint Eastwood. Not even Young and Hot Clint Eastwood from Rawhide 1959-1965. With that hair, I’m talking Gran Torino 2008. The man of few words schtick and family friendly toothpick in lieu of cigar are pure Eastwood as The Man With No Name from Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns A Fist Full of Dollars 1964, For a Few Dollars More 1965, and The Good the Bad and the Ugly 1966.
In a way, this is full circle because the actor Jeremy Bulloch took inspiration from Clint Eastwood for his performance as Boba Fett in ESB.
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In an interview Filoni lists the Hulk as an (obvious) inspiration for Wrecker. Ever seen the old Hulk tv show from 1978? Well take a look at the actor who played him, Lou Ferrigno. Would you look at that. Even has his papa’s nose.
You could make the argument that Wrecker was influenced by The Rock, an appropriately buff ‘n bald Polynesian (Samoan, not Maori) man. But look at him next his Fast and Furious costar Vin Diesel and tell me which one resembles Wrecker’s character model more.
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Tech is a little trickier for me to place. If he has a more direct inspiration it must be something I haven’t seen. That said, his hairline is very Bruce Willis as John McClane in Die Hard 1988. His quippiness and large glasses remind me of Shane Black as Hawkins from Predator 1987. In terms of his face, he looks a but like the result of McClane and Hawkins deciding to settle down and start a family. Although, Tech’s biggest contributors are probably just everyone on TV Trope’s list for Smart People Wear Glasses.
And finally,
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Oh Echo. Considering he wasn’t created for the Bad Batch, he probably wasn’t based on a particular character or movie. But if I had to guess, his situation and appearance remind me a lot of Alex Murphy played by Peter Weller in Robocop 1987. However, Robocop explored the Man or Machine Identity Crisis with more nuance, depth, and dignity. Yikes.
The exact tropes and references used in The Bad Batch have been done successfully with characters who aren’t even human. Gizmo from Gremlins 2: The New Batch 1990 had a brief stint with the Rambo bandana. I could have picked any number of characters for Defining Feature Is Glasses but here is the most cursed version of Simon of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Suffer as I have. Marc Antony with his beloved Pussyfoot from Looney Tunes has the same tough guy with a soft center vibe as Wrecker and his Lula (also a kind of cat). Hell, in the same show we have Cad Bane sharing Cowboy Clint Eastwood with Crosshair. I actually think Bane makes a better Eastwood which is wild considering Crosshair has Eastwood’s entire face and Bane is blue.
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So we’ve established you don’t need your characters to look exactly like their inspirations to match their vibe. So why go through the trouble and cost of creating completely new character designs instead of recycling and altering assets they already had on hand? Just slap on a bandana, toothpick, goggles, and make Wrecker bigger than the others while he does a Hulk pose and you’re done. Based on the general reaction to Howzer it would have been a low effort slam dunk crowd pleaser.
But they didn’t do that.
So here’s the thing. I like the tropes used in The Bad Batch. I am a fan of action adventure movies from the 80s-90s, the sillier the better. I am part of the Bad Batch’s target audience. Considering what I know about Disney and Lucasfilm, I went in with low expectations. I genuinely don’t hate the idea of seeing references to these actors and media in The Bad Batch. I don’t think basing these characters on tropes was a bad idea. If anything it’s a solid starting point for building the characters.
The trouble is nothing got built on the foundation. The plot is directionless, the pacing is wacky, and the characters have nearly no emotional depth or defining character arcs. They just sort of exist without reacting much while the story happens around them. But I can excuse all of that. You don’t stay a fan of Star Wars as long as I have not being able to cherrypick and fill in the gaps. This show has a deeper issue that shouldn’t be ignored.
Why do the animated clones bear at best only a passing resemblance to their live action actor? In interviews, Filoni wouldn’t shut up but the technological advancements in the animation for season 7. So if they are updating things, why not try to make the clones a closer match to their source material? Why did they have to look like completely different people in The Bad Batch to be “unique”? Looking like Temeura Morrison would have no bearing on their special abilities and TCW proved you can have identical looking characters and still have them be distinct. In fact, that’s a powerful theme and the source of tragedy for the clones’ narrative overall.
Here’s Filoni’s early concept art of Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter. (Interesting but irrelevant: Wrecker seems to have a cog tattoo similar to Jesse’s instead of a scar. Wouldn’t it have been funny if they kept that so when they met in season 7 one if them could say something like “Hey we’re twins!” That’s a little clone humor. Just for you guys 😘)
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None of these drawings look like the clones in TCW, much less Temeura Morrison. Let’s be generous. Maybe Filoni struggles with drawing a real person’s likeness, as many people do. But he had to hand this off to other artists down the line whose job specifically involves making a stylized character resemble their actor. Yet the final designs missed the mark almost as much as this initial concept. Starting to seem as if the clones looking more like Temeura Morrison was never even on the table. It wasn’t a lack of creativity, skill or technical limitations on the part of the creative team. I don’t think there is an innocent explanation. They went out of their way to make the final product exactly how we got it.
This goes beyond homage. They could have made the same pop culture references and character tropes without completely stripping Temeura Morrison from the role he originated. It was a very purposeful choice to replace him with more immediately familiar actors from established franchises and films. It wouldn’t shock me if Filoni, Lucas, and anyone else calling the shots didn’t even think hard or care enough about the decision to immediately recognize a problem. And I don’t think they believed anyone else would either. At least no one whose opinion they cared about. Those faces are comfortingly familiar and proven bankable. They are what we’re all used to seeing after all. They’re white.
Lack of imagination, bad intentions, or simple ignorance doesn’t really matter in the end. The result is the same. Call it what it is. They replaced a man of color with a bunch of white guys. That’s by the book garden variety run of the mill whitewashing. There’s no debate worth having about it. For a fanbase that loves to nitpick things like whether or not it’s in character for Han to shoot first or Jeans Guy in the Mandalorian, we sure are quick to find excuses for clones who look nothing like their template. Why is that? If you don’t see the problem, congratulations. Your ass is showing. Pull your jeans up.
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doubledgesword-2 · 3 years
Hello lovely! How pe you’re having a nice weekend!💕
I saw that your requests are open and I was wondering if I could request a head cannon or Drabble of adult trip with a blind darling??
Hope you have a nice day!💕✨
Aww yeeesh! I did have a lovely day and a nice weekend, thank you so much! Here's your nice cup of Rose tea hon, enjoy it!
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Whether you were born like this or you had an accident that took your sight, it doesn't matter; Chrollo would do everything for you.
And when I say everything, I mean every little thing, from guiding you around the room to bathing you or showering with you to help. 
"Chrollo, I can do it; you don't have to worry" you chuckle nervously as his hand gently scrub your arm; you feel his fingers gently rub the soap on your shoulder, and you're hoping he can't see you blush. 
"Hush, dear, and let me love you" he kisses your shoulder, and you shudder at the feeling of his warm lips against your skin. 
When you casually ask how the clouds look like or what color is the ocean, or what color are the trees this time of the year, his eyes tear up a bit. He looks at you with a drunk love look and a warm smile.
 You're so perfect for him, because him being a romantic, this is the perfect time to be poetic. 
He will find an object that's very soft and very fluffy in texture; his hand will take yours and slowly drag it through the material so you can feel every single fiber of it. 
"That's how clouds are like, love. This time of year, the trees are red, and that's like cinnamon, and the ocean is blue, and aqua and those are like salty blueberries." 
"Ewww!" You laughed, and he chuckled, still holding your hand in his. This moment was a real treasure for him.  
"May I see how You look like?" He immediately tears up. This boi is low key the most sentimental in situations like these ones. He can't help but be overwhelmed. Sure he's a thief, but he's a humble one, albeit unfair on occasions but never with you. 
Chrollo takes your hands and places them on his cheek. Your fingers feel so soft on his skin, almost like you're afraid to damage him. They glide over his nose, feeling how it arches, over his eyebrows and his eyelids. 
Then they pass over the cross on his forehead into his hair, caressing it until your arms are looped around his neck and you hug him close, your ear on his chest listening to his racing heartbeat. 
"You have a strong heart" You can't see how his cheeks are tinted pink or how his breathing has picked up because, dammit, you're amazing at getting these kinds of reactions out of him. 
He will read to you, even though you have learned Braille. He wants you to be drunk on his voice and the passionate way he makes the story's impressions. 
No one, and I mean no one, is allowed to begin a demeaning sentence towards you or some comment about your blindness that makes you uncomfortable. He will shut them up with one look and the flare of his aura.  
When you guys go out, he insists on guiding you even though sometimes you have held him back before a car could run him over because he was too focused on taking care of you. He didn't see the vehicle coming. Ironic. 
"That was a close one, don't you think?" He kissed the crown of your head, holding you close as the two of you kept walking to your destination. "Now, do you believe I can take care of myself?"
"We'll see," he chuckles. 
Your encounter with Illumi is always a tale to tell. 
You see, you were at a coffee shop, drinking your favorite drink and eating a nice treat/pastry when he passed you by dropping one of his pins in the process. He had been so tired and beat that he didn't even notice. First one right there. 
"Excuse me, sir," You bend over and felt for the big round top of the pin until your fingers grasped it and held it tight, minding the other pointy side. "You dropped this" Illumi doesn't say anything in acknowledgment. He simply extends his hand to you. 
But you are not giving him the pin, and this annoys him so much. Then his eyes look up to yours. They are blueish but glazed over and almost white. You're blind. Illumi reaches for your hand, startling you for a quick second, but he picks the pin and lets go. 
"Is this seat taken?" He asks suddenly, and you smile towards his voice.
"Go right ahead." 
That day Illumi was so intrigued by you that he couldn't help but stalk you a bit, you know, for research purposes in case he ever finds an opponent like you. 
But it turns into so much more.
 He meets you every day he can, no matter where he goes with you. He makes no effort to help you, though, and don't expect him to do so. He appreciates you too much, and in his mind, you're like a wild cardinal, and if he were to help you, it's like putting you in a cage. Once he lets you free again, you won't know how to survive on your own. 
He wants you free. He loves you free. 
But that doesn't mean he won't be there for you or step in when circumstances are far too grave for you to handle. 
"Llumi, how does the sky look today?" 
"Gray. It's going to rain" his response makes you chuckle; you have never seen gray, but his honesty makes you smile. You outgrew your frustrations about this situation a long time ago. 
"Can we stay to feel the rain? I want to smell the petrichor once it's over" Illumi looks at you with the same expression he gives everyone. He knows you might catch a cold standing in the rain; he doesn't understand why all you said would be relevant. But then he reminds himself, he has taken for granted all of these things because he can see them. 
"Only a couple of minutes once its starts. If it gets bad, we'll go inside. You can smell the petrichor afterward" he holds your hand, and you two sit there on the park bench. 
Illumi doesn't get cuddly or lovey-dovey with you. Still, he will allow himself moments where he can't help but admire you and be grateful for having you in his life. He will never say that. Ever. But he'll think it.
One time he entered your apartment and found you sitting on the rug in the living room, reading Braile. 
"Illumi is so nice to hear you today. How was your day?" He's always impressed by your ability to sense him. When he asked once how you could recognize him if he was so quiet, you said you could feel his presence in the room since it was calming to you even when he tried to conceal himself. This melted his heart. 
"What are you reading" He came to sit on the sofa, his legs brushing your arms like a loving gesture. Your hand grabbed his leg, squeezing him in recognition, and then went back to the book. 
"Would you like me to read it to you?"
"Yes," It was a lovely evening that day. 
Just like Chrollo, he's very protective of you since his line work makes him kind of famous, some people are bound to have seen you and try to get to you to get to him, and this is where Illumi draws the line. 
Rest assured, no one will touch a single hair on your head if he has his way. The beginning of his bloodlust alone is enough to make everyone panic and turn away.
"Illumi, hon is alright, I'm here, I'm right here. Look at me" you would open the curtain of his luscious hair to hold his face and make him look at you. "I'm fine, see?" 
"They are not worth it," he says after holding you close to him. He'll kill them later. 
This little shit will always be a little shit, in this case, a loving and understanding one, but still, the point remains. 
You bumped into him on the streets, and the minute it happened, it annoyed him so much. He was in the process of turning and giving you your dues when he noticed you had actually stopped and been grabbing his wrist. 
"I apologize, I'm so sorry" you're not looking at him, and that annoys him even further. 
That's until he notices your vacant look and your body language. You may not be looking at him, but your whole body is poised to listen. Listen to him. 
"Are you blind?" He blurts out but not really; his smirk says it was intentional.
"All my life, sir," you chuckle, letting his wrist go and leaning a bit on your white cane. 
This makes him giggle, and he invites you for a coffee if you're available.
The rest after that marks your relationship. 
Hisoka behaves like a child whenever he's around you. He hides his presence to try and scare you, but you can always sense him. You can even imagine him pouting as you find him and poke him with your cane. 
"Not fair, little fruit." 
"You smell like bubble gum, hon," you chuckle, bringing him down to kiss his cheek. 
He holds you close and loves when you let yourself go and depend on him a little.
 Lke him cooking for you, doing some chores around the house (He doesn't have to, and you tell him that, but he just says you'll have to reward him later), and the two of you baking together—with him covering you in flour as much as he can without you noticing.
"Soka, I know my cheeks and forehead are white; you are a terrible boyfriend, love."
"Mmmmm, so mean, (Y/N)-chan" He kissed you as he puts more flour on your nose. 
Hisoka knows he has to leave for extended periods since he can't stay put in one place plus his job. But will always call you and answer your phone calls no matter if he's fighting with someone at the moment.
 "My precious darling, I *grunts* I'm in the middle of breaking someone's arm at the moment *huffs* can I call you later, love?" You cringe at the sound of the bone-breaking over the phone but chuckle slightly at his antics.
"Yes, you can, Be safe" oh, oh, oh he loves your concern for him. It just makes him moan obscenely in the middle of the fight, making his opponent disgruntled and allowing him to finish them off.
"On second thought, dear, we can talk right now. I'm currently free." 
He will bring you stuff from his travels and jobs, all with different textures and pleasant smells so you can experience them. 
Now this, this is the moment of truth. While you're distracted touching everything he brought, he takes away his texture surprise. Suddenly he lifts your hand to touch his hair, then his face and arms. 
"How does this one feels, mmm?" He hides the fact that he's nervous by being playful, but you can feel him being stiff. 
"It feels soft," then your fingers gingerly brush a big scar over his chest "it feels like no matter what, I love you. Like you can trust me with each one of these" 
He won't admit it, but it's nice that you can't tease him for his blushing cheeks and aghast expression. But he chuckles to alleviate the lump in his throat as he takes your hands in his and pulls you in for a hug. 
When the two of you go out, he's always holding your hand, or you're holding his arm. He has convinced you to not use your white cane while walking with him. He'll be your eyes. 
The moment someone bumps into you…
"Hey, watch where you're going, woman!" 
"Oh, so, so sorry, sir," you apologize, and Hisoka is smiling at the man. 
"Yeah, you better be" 
"Little fruit, do you want to know how fluttering butterflies feel?" As he says so, your face is tickled by a lot of fluttering little wings, and the experience mutes the man's screaming as he Hisoka gently drags you away. 
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sugako · 3 years
day off
kageyama x f!reader sum: you try to dom kageyama one day after work, but it doesn’t go as planned cw: 18+ minors do not interact i am begging you DO NOT, nsfw, smut, kinda pwp, some fluff, some (failed) femdom, D/s dynamics, some mocking/degradation, daddy kink, ‘sweetheart’ nickname used, slight choking (?hand around throat but no real *choking*), pussy slaps, nipple play, size kink, creampie, a sprinkle of aftercare wc: 2.65k  a/n: wheww i uhhh, idk this is long but i just couldn’t get this idea out of my head anyway pls enjoy
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The train couldn’t arrive at your stop any sooner. Today was one of the rare days that Kageyama had off and would be waiting for you at home. He still went out for his obnoxiously early morning run, but you got to see him a bit before heading off to your job across the city. Other than just being excited to get home to him, you had some other plans in mind. 
When you burst through the door, slightly out of breath, tore off your shoes, and ran straight to him, he was a little more than confused. Before he could stand, you had swung your legs over his lap and pressed a long kiss against him. For a moment he tensed, but then settled his hands on your hips and held you tightly against him. 
You pulled back with a small pant and eased into him, pressing your already aching center against his lap. He wordlessly cocked an eyebrow. 
“Just missed you.” You smiled. “Wish I could’ve taken the day off with you.” You pressed harder against him and kissed a trail around his neck. 
“Mhmm,” he swallowed hard, half-helping your hips grind against him. His cock quickly rose and hardened under you, squeezing against the taught fabric of your pants between your thighs. 
“Did you miss me, baby? Feels like it,” you taunt, not giving him a chance to answer. Letting yourself relax, you sit back hard in his lap until he groans from the pressure. His fingers dig into your hips at the motion and comment. 
After watching him struggle to hold back a moan for a moment, you stand back up, fisting up the front of his t-shirt. You ghost your nose over his as if you would kiss him, never quite touching. The want that clouds his eyes is palpable. 
“Beg for me.” You whisper, hot breath fanning across his cheeks. For a second, his mouth gapes open like he’s going to answer, eyebrows sadly knitting together. Then it all breaks. 
“Beg?” His expression drops into a serious smirk. Now he just looks mildly amused and perplexed. “Excuse you?” He shakes his head and rises up to his full height. You can’t help but shrink a little bit as he stares down at you, desperately trying to keep up even a loosely dominant aura. 
“I-I… uh-”
“I-I-I,” he mocks, crouching just enough to wrap his arms around your knees and lift you over his shoulder, “...spit it out.” 
You weakly strike his back as he makes his way to the bedroom. There was no going back now,  you didn’t have any say. 
“Tobio, put me down!” You can barely squirm, stomach uncomfortable from being squished against his muscled shoulder. “I just wanted to be in charge.” You whine just as he heaves you onto the bed. 
The frame squeaks when you’re thrown against it, mattress molding to your body. He straddled your thighs and quickly ripped away every piece of clothing you had until you were bare under him. When you made a small effort to cover your chest, he snorted and ripped your wrists away. 
“What did you expect? You could just order me around, make me call you mommy or something and I would just be your good, little boy.” He wrapped his fingers around the top of your neck so you had to look at him. 
“I’ve never even called you daddy, why would you call me that?” You sigh in defeat, missing the actual point of his comment. 
He wants to call you on that fact, wants to taunt you more, but not with such a great opportunity before himself. “You could.” He says simply. 
“Could what?” You ask, genuinely oblivious. 
“Call me daddy. It’s not a question.” 
“Uh...ah, okay.” You’re not opposed, and it’s not like you haven’t thought of it before, it’s just so new and he’s looming over you and it’s all very overwhelming. 
“Okay…?” He draws out until you realize your mistake. 
“Okay, daddy.” The softness in your tone makes him go pink, but he maintains that intense look in his eyes. He sits back, taking his hand off your throat so he can strip himself. 
The rise and fall of your bare chest hastens when he first lifts his shirt away. He’s been in shape since you met him but recently increased training had really filled him out. Just the sight of his defined shoulders and the sharp slope of his waist were enough to excite you. He knew it too. 
For a moment, he got off of you just to peel his shorts and boxers off. His heavy cock struggling to lift to his stomach. He admired your expression as the pretty image of his fat tip leaking pre-cum was burned into your mind. 
“Heh,” he let out a low, single scoff, unable to wipe the smirk from his face while he straddled your legs again. On instinct, you planted your feet on the bed and spread your knees without a word. “What are you doing? I haven’t told you what I want, sweetheart.” 
“Sorry, daddy.” You whimpered, moving to close your legs. He stopped you with a hand firmly planted over your left knee, pushing them open again. The bed dipped around you as he shifted up to sit beside you with his back against the headboard. He dragged you partially into his lap, making sure his thigh was securely between yours. 
“Might as well keep them open. I mean, you were thinking about me all day, which is very sweet.” He hummed. “But, you were also pretty naughty, trying to be in charge and telling me what to do.” 
Obediently, you kept your quivering legs parted, craning your head back to look behind at him. His hand on your knee crept up the inside of your thigh and pushed your leg as spread as it could go. You relaxed your neck to watched his hand, focused only on the way his soft fingertips felt against your sensitive skin. 
“Because of all that, you need to be punished.” His voice, barely above a whisper, moaned into your ear while he palmed over your soaked cunt. Using his fingers he spread your folds wide open. The cool air against your heat made you shiver against him and he wrapped his forearm just above your chest to keep you in place.
“N-no, daddy, please,” you clawed at his arm, needing something to grip while he roughly pressed his palm against your swollen clit. Little whines and cries would only make him punish you more, you knew, but it didn’t stop you. “What are you gonna do?” You sniffle out.
“Not enough, probably.” He grumbled. It’s fun watching you shake and whimper, nervous for what’s to come, but he can’t let you writhe over nothing all evening as enticing at that is. 
As soon as his hand lifts just a little, you know what’s to come and you brace for it. With eyes shut tight, you keep clinging to his muscled forearm, but then… nothing happens. Slowly, you peek an eye open and start to relax. “Daddy, wha-!” The second half of whatever you were going to say turns into a moaned scream when his palm sharply lands against your clit. Your pussy throbbed and clenched, body confused by the pain and arousal. 
“You’re too easy.” He moves his arm that’s wrapped around you down to cup one of your breasts. Your nipple perks up in seconds as he gently rolls it between his fingers and you slowly relax again even though you know it’s a trap. Another sting jolts you into tension and his gentle fingers forcefully pinch around your nipple. 
A small, strangled moan echoes out of your throat. His palm remains pressed against you this time, and he softly kneads it along your aching clit. You can feel the tension between your legs growing tighter and tighter until he pulls away. Unable to stop yourself, you arch against him while he massages your flexed thigh. 
“One more, sweetheart, and try not cum. I know how much you like this, you slut.” 
Your brain processed his words slowly, and when you finally understand, his hand is coming down on you again. Thighs clench together, barely held open by his leg that he has you seated on. It takes all your focus and measured breathing to hold back from cumming. 
“Good girl,” he muses, sounding a little surprised. With his soaked hand, he grabs your chin and forces you to look back at him while he leans up to press a tight kiss against your panting mouth.
“P-please, daddy.” You disentangle your hand from around his arm that’s still clutched to you and palm around for his cock without looking. 
“If you want my cock, you gotta say so, sweetheart.” He kisses you again, just a little sweeter this time. 
Nodding hastily, you perk up. “Yes, yes, want your cock, please daddy. Want you inside of me. Want you to fuck me, daddy, please.” The mess of quick words comes spilling out of your mouth like a bursting pipe. 
With a small grunt, he flips you so you’re straddling his hips, cock brushing against your soaking mess. “Since you were so ready to take what was yours earlier, go ahead.” He smirked and crossed his arms behind his head. Pouting, you sat down against his cock, pressing it between himself and your cunt. 
“Tob-...daddy, you know I need help.” Slowly, you dragged your nails down his front with a featherlight touch. Even though he was staying cool, the way his skin twitched under your touch betrayed his demeanor. Still, it wasn’t enough to sway him. 
“Then I guess you don’t get my cock, sweetheart.” He sighed. 
Grimacing with the same silly pout still on your face you slowly ground against him, slick making a mess all over your laps. “But I really want you…” you whined. He simply raised an eyebrow, waiting expectantly. Realizing nothing would change his mind, and that this was just another part of your punishment you let out a long sigh and a small “...okay.” 
You kneeled as high as you could, taking his length into your hand and carefully lining him up. Kageyama watched your hand, fingers barely able to wrap around him. He had to hold back the sharp laugh in the back of his throat when you had to shift your legs so his tip could fit, standing between your warm folds. If he wasn’t so hell-bent on making you do this, he knew he would be balls deep in your right now. 
Whining and moaning above over him, you slowly lowered yourself over the fat head of his cock. The stretch was more than enough to make you clench and cream around him. Your knees buckled at the feeling and you slipped down a little more than you would have liked. Almost immediately, you made a move to slide back out, the girth filling you up a bit too much. 
His hands came out from behind his head and held you there. He didn’t move you a centimeter up or down, simply keeping you in place. “Don’t be a big baby,” he growled.
“Jus...just so big, daddy. S’hard to do.” You slur out, slinking down as much more as you can take. This is the worst part, you know, right before his base the thickest part of his length always makes you feel as though you’re being split in two. 
“Hmm, you seemed so sure earlier. So cute, wanted me to beg for you. Besides, wouldn’t make you do it if I thought you couldn’t.”
That tiny speckle of praise was enough to push you through as you bottomed out. Your knees clamped down around his hip bones, shaking while you panted. Already, your body wanted so much to give you, to just lie down against him and let him fuck up into you, but that wasn’t an option now. With sloppy, short thrusts you lifted yourself up and down on his cock. You kept your hands pressed against his abdomen to steady yourself, leaning forward just enough to be able to take more of him in and out. 
“That’s it…” he sighed, “Good job, baby. Such a good girl for daddy.” His hands were still wrapped firmly around your hips, just barely guiding you now as you fucked yourself quicker against him. 
Thighs burning, you took a short break, lazily grinding your hips with him fully sheathed inside of you. Trying to hide your small pants, you leaned down the rest of the way and pressed your lips against his. He sighed into your embrace, pulling you closer. 
The way your taught nipples and soft chest squished against his along with everything else - your tight cunt drooling around him, the shake of your tired legs, your lips against his - disintegrated his resolve to make you suffer even a little. His mind was devoid of everything except the thought of you. 
Slowly, his hands moved up from your hips to wrap around the back of your head and pulled your face against the crook of his neck. You gave out a contented sigh, nuzzling your nose against his skin, still lazily grinding. His cock had molded so comfortably within you now it felt as though he were a part of you. For a long moment, you relished in your warm relief until you felt his knees move under you. 
Before his legs were propped up all the way, you snapped out of your stupor, unable to move away from Kageyama with how tight his grip around your head and mid-section were. With his feet firmly planted on the mattress, he began thrusting up. 
“Daddy!” You cried into his ear, the slow comfort you had gotten so easily used to replaced by pounding pleasure. Your legs wrapped under his to keep you better in place. With how much cream your pretty pussy had leaked, it was nearly impossible for him to stay in place.
“Go ahead, touch yourself, want you to cum around my cock.” His muffled and strained groan came out between the loud slaps of his thighs hitting against your ass. Whimpering quietly, you wriggled a hand between your close bodies between your legs. Fingers easily found your swollen, spread clit, accidentally grazing against where he was impaling you. 
The earlier pressure was back in moments and you were squirming against him with your hips twitching out of pace. That thinning string of tension broke with another sloppy pass of your fingertips and you came undone around him. Your already tightly gushing cunt fluttered and clamped around him while your hips and body spasmed against him, only held a little still by his grip. 
He could feel himself close behind. The way you swallowed him whole, sucking him in, and those sweet, sweet walls that kept him right in place sent him over the edge. His hips stuttered up into you, shooting his cum high up into your little cunt, but he kept going until he was dry. You shivered, the aftershock of your high making you clench around his twitching cock while he emptied himself inside of you. 
His legs collapsed and you stayed around him, just barely rutting against him until he pulled your face back to look at you. Relaxed, he gave you a small, but genuine smile, lightly rubbing your cheek. 
“You okay? How was that?” He asked in earnest. You lightly pecked his forehead and settled back down against his chest. 
“Really good,” you sighed with a tiny chuckle, “maybe I should try to boss you around again. Or call you ‘daddy’. Can we just lay like this for a little bit and then take a shower? That’s what I want.” 
He hummed, soothing the muscles in your back with his hands. “Sounds good, sweetheart.” 
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